User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-n
n00b {n} (beginner) SEE: newbie | :: |
n/a {adj} (not applicable) | :: ei käytössä |
n/a {adj} (not available) | :: ei saatavilla |
naan {n} (flat bread) | :: naan-leipä, naan |
Naberezhnye Chelny {prop} (city in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) | :: Naberežnyje Tšelny |
nabla {n} (instrument) | :: nabla |
nabla {n} (symbol) | :: nabla |
nacelle {n} /nəˈsɛl/ (a separate streamlined enclosure mounted on an aircraft to house an engine, cargo, or crew) | :: naselli |
NaCl {n} (sodium chloride) SEE: sodium chloride | :: |
NaCl {n} (table salt) SEE: table salt | :: |
nacre {n} (pearly substance on the interior of shells) SEE: mother-of-pearl | :: |
nada {pron} (nothing) SEE: nothing | :: |
Nadia {prop} (female given name) | :: Nadja |
nadir {n} /ˈneɪ.dɪɹ/ (point of the sky) | :: nadiiri |
nadir {n} (figuratively the lowest point) | :: aallonpohja |
naevus {n} (abnormal area on skin) SEE: mole | :: |
NAFLD {n} (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) | :: ei-alkoholiperäinen rasvamaksa |
NAFTA {prop} (North American Free Trade Agreement) | :: NAFTA |
nag {n} /ˈnæɡ/ (small horse) | :: poni |
nag {n} (old useless horse) | :: kaakki |
nag {v} (complain about insignificant matters) | :: nalkuttaa, jäkättää, motkottaa |
nag {n} (one who nags) | :: nalkuttaja |
Nagaland {prop} (state) | :: Nagaland |
nagana {n} (disease of vertebrates) | :: nagana |
Nagasaki {prop} (Japanese port) | :: Nagasaki |
nagger {n} /ˈnæɡɚ/ (one who nags) | :: nalkuttaja, motkottaja |
nagging {n} (the action of continually chipping away at somebody's perceived faults) | :: nalkutus |
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} /nəˌɡɔːnəʊ kɑːɹəˈbɑːk/ (region in South Caucasus) | :: Vuoristo-Karabah |
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic {prop} /nəˌɡɔːnəʊ kɑːɹəˈbɑːk ɹɪˌpʌblɪk/ (country in South Caucasus) | :: Vuoristo-Karabahin tasavalta |
Nagorny Karabakh {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh | :: |
Nagykanizsa {prop} (town in Hungary) | :: Nagykanizsa |
Nahua {n} (person) | :: nahua |
Nahua {adj} (pertaining to the Nahuas) | :: nahua-, nahuoiden (genitive plural of the noun) |
Nahuatl {prop} /ˈnɑːwɑːt(ə)l/ (language) | :: nahuatl |
Nahum {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Nahum {m} |
nail {n} /neɪl/ (on fingers and toes) | :: kynsi |
nail {n} (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials) | :: naula |
nail {v} (employ a nail as a fastener) | :: naulata, naulita |
nailbrush {n} /ˈneɪl.bɹʌʃ/ (a small brush to clean the fingernails) | :: kynsiharja |
nail clipper {n} (nail trimmer) | :: kynsileikkuri |
nail cutter {n} (nail clipper) SEE: nail clipper | :: |
nail file {n} (A file for shaping one's fingernails and toenails) | :: kynsiviila |
nail gun {n} (gun which drives nails) | :: naulain, naulapyssy [informal] |
nailhead {n} (the head of a nail) | :: naulan kanta |
nail house {n} (house whose owner refuses to move to clear way for new real estate developments) | :: naulatalo [rare, only in reference to the Chinese phenomenon] |
nail polish {n} (cosmetic lacquer) | :: kynsilakka |
nail polish remover {n} (solvent used to remove nail polish) | :: kynsilakanpoistoaine |
nail scissors {n} (small scissors) | :: kynsisakset |
nailtail wallaby {n} (macropod of the genus Onychogalea) | :: kannushäntäkenguru, piikkihäntäkenguru |
nail trimmer {n} (nail clipper) SEE: nail clipper | :: |
Nairobi {prop} /naɪˈɹoʊbi/ (capital of Kenya) | :: Nairobi |
Naissaar {prop} (island in northern Estonia) | :: Naissaari |
naive {adj} /naɪˈiːv/ (lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement) | :: naiivi |
naive {adj} ((art) simple, childlike style) | :: naivistinen |
naively {adv} /naɪˈivli/ (in a naive manner) | :: naiivisti |
naivety {n} (naïveté) SEE: naïveté | :: |
naked {adj} /ˈneɪkɪd/ (not wearing any clothes) | :: alaston, alasti, kelteisillään |
naked {adj} (glib, without decoration, put bluntly) | :: puhdas, raaka |
naked {adj} (unprotected) | :: paljas, avoin, avo- |
naked {adj} (uncomfortable) | :: alaston |
naked as a jaybird {adj} (naked) | :: syntymäpuvussaan, ilman rihman kiertämää |
naked as the day one was born {adj} (completely naked) | :: syntymäpuvussaan |
naked eye {n} (unaided eyesight) | :: paljas silmä |
nakedhood {n} (nakedness) SEE: nakedness | :: |
naked lady {n} (Euphorbia tirucalli) | :: käärmetyräkki |
nakedness {n} (state of being naked) | :: alastomuus |
naker {n} /ˈneɪkə/ (type of drum) | :: naqqara |
Nakhodka {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Nahodka |
Nalchik {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Naltšik |
naled {n} /ˈneɪ.lɛd/ (ice) | :: paanne |
nalidixic acid {n} (drug) | :: nalidiksiinihappo |
namaste {n} /ˈnʌməsteɪ/ (a greeting) | :: namaste |
namaz {n} (prayer) SEE: prayer | :: |
namaz {n} (salat) SEE: salat | :: |
name {n} /neɪm/ (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing) | :: nimi [especially a person], nimitys [object] |
name {n} (reputation, see also: reputation) | :: nimi, maine |
name {n} (abusive or insulting epithet) | :: pilkkanimi [rare]; see also nimitellä [to call names] |
name {n} (person or legal person) | :: nimi |
name {n} (computing: unique identifier) | :: nimi |
name {n} (investor in Lloyds of London) | :: nimi |
name {n} (authority, see also: authority) | :: nimi |
name {v} (to give a name to) | :: nimetä, antaa nimi; [to Christen] ristiä; [to baptize] kastaa |
name {v} (to mention, specify) | :: nimetä |
name {v} (to identify, define, specify) | :: nimetä, tunnistaa |
name {v} (to publicly implicate) | :: nimittää, nimitellä |
name {v} (to designate for a role) | :: nimittää |
name after {v} (to give someone the same name) | :: nimetä jonkun mukaan [after a person], nimetä jonkin mukaan |
name and shame {v} (publish name) | :: julkaista nimi |
name brand {n} (trademark) | :: tavaramerkkinimi, tavaramerkki |
name brand {n} (product) | :: merkkituote |
name-calling {n} (abusive or insulting language) | :: nimittely |
name card {n} (business card) SEE: business card | :: |
named {adj} /ˈneɪmd/ (having a name) | :: nimetty |
name day {n} (feast day of a saint) | :: nimipäivä |
named pipe {n} (extension to the anonymous pipe) | :: nimetty putki |
nameless {adj} (having no name) | :: nimetön |
namelessness {n} (The state or quality of being nameless) | :: nimettömyys |
namely {adv} /ˈneɪmli/ (specifically) | :: nimittäin |
name names {v} (identify specific people) | :: nimetä |
name of the game {n} (essential element or objective) | :: pelin henki |
nameplate {n} (A plate or plaque inscribed with a name) | :: nimikilpi, nimikyltti |
namesake {n} /ˈneɪmseɪk/ (person, place or thing named after another person, place or thing) | :: (jonkun) mukaan nimetty [named after (something)] |
namesake {n} (person with the same name as another) | :: kaima |
name server {n} (server that maps human-readable names to computer addresses) | :: nimipalvelin |
namespace {n} /ˈneɪmspeɪs/ (conceptual space) | :: nimiavaruus |
nametag {n} (tag with one's name on it) | :: nimilappu |
Namibia {prop} /nəˈmɪbi.ə/ (Republic of Namibia) | :: Namibia |
Namibian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Namibia) | :: namibialainen |
Namibian {n} (a person from Namibia or of Namibian descent) | :: namibialainen |
naming {n} /ˈneɪmɪŋ/ (process) | :: nimeäminen |
naming {n} (ritual or ceremony) | :: nimenanto |
naming rights {n} (rights of naming a piece of property) | :: nimenanto-oikeus |
na-na na-na boo-boo {phrase} /ˈnæːnəˌnæːnə ˈbuːˌbuː/ (taunt tune) | :: lällä lällä lieru |
nancy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) SEE: fairy | :: |
NAND {n} (binary operator) | :: EI-JA |
NAND gate {n} (a physical Boolean device) | :: NAND-portti, JA-EI-portti |
nandina {n} (Nandina domestica) | :: nandina |
Nanling Mountains {prop} (Nan Mountains) SEE: Nan Mountains | :: |
Nan Mountains {prop} (mountain ranges in South China running through Guangxi, Guangdong and Hunan) | :: Eteläinen vuorijono |
nanny {n} /ˈnæni/ (child's nurse) | :: lastenhoitaja |
nanny {n} (female goat) SEE: nanny goat | :: |
nanny goat {n} (female goat) | :: kuttu |
nano- {prefix} /ˈnænoʊ/ (10-9) | :: nano- |
nano- {prefix} (nanotechnology industry) | :: nano- |
nanoantenna {n} (nanoscale antenna) | :: nanoantenni |
nanochemistry {n} | :: nanokemia |
nanofabrication {n} | :: nanovalmistus |
nanomaterial {n} | :: nanomateriaali |
nanometer {n} (nanometre) SEE: nanometre | :: |
nanometre {n} (subunit of length) | :: nanometri |
nano-ohm {n} (unit of electrical resistance) | :: nano-ohmi |
nanopatterning {n} (fabrication of a nanoscale pattern) | :: nanokuviointi |
nanoscale {n} (scale of nanotechnology) | :: nanomittakaava |
nanosecond {n} (measure of time) | :: nanosekunti |
nanotechnology {n} (science and technology of creating nanoparticles) | :: nanoteknologia |
Naomi {prop} /neɪˈoʊmi/ (Biblical character) | :: Noomi |
nap {n} /næp/ | :: nokoset {p}, nokkaunet {p}, tirsat {p} [colloquial], torkut {p} [colloquial], päiväunet |
nap {v} (to have a nap) | :: ottaa nokoset |
nap {n} (a soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather) | :: nukka |
nap {n} (card game) | :: nap, napoleon |
napa cabbage {n} (type of Chinese cabbage) | :: kiinankaali |
napalm {n} /ˈneɪ.pɑːm/ (inflammable substance) | :: napalm |
nape {n} /neɪp/ (back part of the neck) | :: niska |
napha water {n} (perfume) | :: appelsiininkukkavesi |
naphtha {n} /ˈnæfθə/ (naturally occurring liquid petroleum) | :: nafta |
naphtha {n} (liquid distilled from petroleum) | :: öljyjae, jae |
naphthalene {n} (white crystalline hydrocarbon) | :: naftaleeni |
naphthene {n} (cycloalkane) | :: nafteeni |
napiform {adj} /ˈneɪ.pɪ.fɔɹm/ (shaped like a turnip) | :: naurismainen |
napkin {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper | :: |
napkin {n} (sanitary napkin) SEE: sanitary napkin | :: |
napkin {n} /ˈnæp.kɪn/ (serviette) | :: lautasliina, servetti |
napkin {n} (scarf) | :: huivi |
Naples {prop} /ˈneɪ.pəlz/ (province in Italy) | :: Napoli |
Naples {prop} (city in Italy) | :: Napoli |
Napoleon {prop} (Napoleon Bonaparte) | :: Napoleon |
nappy {adj} /ˈnæpi/ (tightly curled or twisted) | :: kähärä, käkkäräinen |
nappy {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper | :: |
nappy rash {n} (rashes in the diaper area) | :: vaippaihottuma |
narcissism {n} /ˈnɑɹsəˌsɪzm/ (excessive love of oneself) | :: narsismi |
narcissist {n} (one who shows extreme love for themselves) | :: narsisti |
narcissist {n} (person full of egoism) | :: narsisti |
narcissistic {adj} /ˌnɑɹ.sɨˈsɪs.tɪk/ (having an inflated idea of one's own importance) | :: narsistinen |
narcissistic {adj} (obsessed with one's image and ego) | :: narsistinen |
narcissus {n} /nɑɹˈsɪsəs/ (any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus) | :: narsissi |
narcolepsy {n} (sleeping disorder) | :: narkolepsia, nukahtelusairaus |
narcoleptic {n} (one who suffers from narcolepsy) | :: narkoleptikko |
narcoleptic {adj} (pertaining to narcolepsy) | :: narkoleptinen |
narcology {n} (study of drug abuse) | :: narkologia |
narcotic {n} (class of drugs) | :: unilääke |
narcotic {n} (numbing drug) | :: huumausaine |
narcotize {v} /ˈnɑɹ.kəˌtaɪz/ (to use a narcotic to induce narcosis in) | :: huumata, tainnuttaa, nukuttaa |
narcotize {v} (to dull the senses of) | :: huumata |
narcotize {v} (to make into a narcotic) | :: valmistaa huumetta |
narghile {n} (tobacoo pipe) SEE: hookah | :: |
Narnia {prop} /ˈnɑː(ɹ).ni.ə/ (a fictional land) | :: Narnia |
narrate {v} /ˈnæɹeɪt/ (to relate a story) | :: kertoa |
narrate {v} (to give an account) | :: kertoa |
narration {n} /ˌnɛɚˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act of recounting or relating) | :: kertomus, kuvaus |
narration {n} (orderly recital of the particulars of a transaction or event) | :: kerronta [orderly recital of a story] |
narrative {adj} /ˈnæɹətɪv/ (telling a story) | :: kertova |
narrative {adj} (overly talkative) | :: vuolassanainen |
narrative {n} (systematic recitation of an event) | :: kertomus, selostus |
narratology {n} (the study of narrative structure) | :: narratologia |
narrator {n} /ˈnæɹeɪtəɹ/ (in story) | :: kertoja |
narrow {adj} /ˈnæɹoʊ/ (having small width) | :: kapea |
narrow {adj} (of little extent; very limited; circumscribed) | :: kapea-alainen, ahdas, kapea, rajoittunut |
narrow {adj} (restrictive; without flexibility or latitude) | :: ahdas |
narrow {adj} (contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted.) | :: ahdas, kapeakatseinen |
narrow {adj} (having a small margin or degree) | :: niukka, täpärä |
narrow {adj} (limited as to means; straitened; pinching) | :: niukka, puutteellinen |
narrow {adj} (parsimonious; niggardly) | :: pihi |
narrow {adj} (scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact) | :: tarkka |
narrow {adj} (phonetics: formed (as a vowel) by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate) | :: suppea |
narrow {v} (to reduce in width or extent) | :: kaventaa |
narrow {v} (to get narrower) | :: kaventua |
narrow gauge {n} (a railway gauge that is less than the standard gauge) | :: kapearaiteinen |
narrowly {adv} (by a narrow margin; closely) | :: täpärästi, juuri |
narrow-minded {adj} (having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas) | :: ahdasmielinen, ahdashenkinen |
narrow-minded {adj} (intolerant, bigoted or prejudiced) | :: ahdaskatseinen |
narrow-mindedness {n} (the state of being narrow-minded) | :: ahdasmielisyys |
narrowness {n} (state of being narrow) | :: kapeus, ahtaus, täpäryys |
narrows {n} (narrow part of a navigable waterway) | :: kapeikko, salmi |
narrow squeak {n} (close shave) SEE: close shave | :: |
narthex {n} /ˈnɑɹθɛks/ (vestibule leading to the nave) | :: eteishalli, narthex |
Narva {prop} (City in Estonia) | :: Narva |
narwhal {n} /ˈnɑɹʍəl/ (Arctic cetacean) | :: sarvivalas |
nasal {adj} /ˈneɪzəl/ (pertaining to the nose) | :: nenä-, nenän |
nasal {adj} (having a quality imparted by means of the nose) | :: nasaalinen, nasaali- |
nasal {n} (medicine that operates through the nose) | :: intranasaalinen lääke |
nasal {n} (vowel or consonant articulated with air flowing through the nose) | :: nenä-äänne, nasaali |
nasal {n} (part of a helmet protecting the nose) | :: nenäsuoja, nasaali |
nasal {n} (anatomy: one of the nasal bones) | :: nenän luu |
nasal bone {n} (either of two small oblong bones which form "the bridge" of the nose) | :: nenäluu |
nasal cavity {n} (air-filled space behind nose) | :: nenäontelo |
nasal concha {n} (bony plate in the nasal cavity) | :: nenäkuorikko |
nasal irrigation {n} (personal hygiene practice) | :: nenähuuhtelu |
nasalization {n} (articulation such that air flows through the nose and mouth) | :: nasalisaatio |
nasal polyp {n} (growth in the nose) | :: nenäpolyyppi |
nasal septum {n} (septum in the nose) | :: nenän väliseinä |
nascent {adj} /ˈneɪ.sənt/ (emerging; just coming into existence) | :: aluillaan oleva, nuori |
nasopharyngeal carcinoma {n} (cancer) | :: nenänielukarsinooma |
nasopharyngitis {n} (inflammation of the nasal passages and upper pharynx) | :: nenän ja nielun tulehdus |
Nassau {prop} /ˈnæsɔː/ (capital of the Bahamas) | :: Nassau |
nastic {adj} (relating to the response of a plant to a stimulus) | :: nastinen; nastia [nastic response] |
nasturtium {n} /nasˈtɜːʃəm/ (plant of the genus Tropaeolum) | :: koristekrassi |
nasturtium {n} (plant of the genus Nasturtium) | :: vesikrassi |
nasturtium {n} (Tropaeolum majus) SEE: Indian cress | :: |
nasty {adj} /ˈnæs.ti/ (dirty, filthy) | :: likainen, sottainen |
nasty {adj} (contemptible of a person) | :: halveksittava |
nasty {adj} (indecent or offensive; obscene, lewd) | :: törkeä, säädytön |
nata de coco {n} (jelly made by coconut water) | :: kookoshyytelö |
natal {adj} (Of or relating to birth) | :: syntymä- |
natality {n} (ratio of live births to population) | :: syntyvyys |
Nathanael {prop} (biblical Apostle) | :: Natanael |
Nathaniel {prop} (cognate of the name) SEE: Nathanael | :: |
nation {n} /ˈneɪ.ʃən/ (community of people) | :: kansa |
nation {n} (sovereign state) | :: kansakunta, valtio, kansa |
nation {n} (association of students) | :: osakunta |
national {adj} /ˈnæʃ(ə)nəl/ (of or having to do with a nation) | :: kansallinen, kansallis-, kansan, valtakunnan- |
national {n} (subject) | :: kansalainen |
national {n} (tournament) | :: kansallinen kilpailu |
national academy {n} (coordinator of research on a national level) | :: tiedeakatemia, akatemia |
national airline {n} (national airline) | :: kansallinen lentoyhtiö |
national anthem {n} (official song of a nation or country) | :: kansallislaulu, kansallishymni |
national archive {n} (place for storing materials relating to the history of a nation) | :: kansallisarkisto |
national assembly {n} (National Assembly) SEE: National Assembly | :: |
National Assembly {prop} (national legislature) | :: kansalliskokous |
National Assembly {prop} (provincial legislature of Quebec) | :: parlamentti |
national average {n} (term used in comparisons) | :: valtakunnallinen keskiarvo |
national bourgeoisie {n} (section of an indigenous entrepreneurial class) | :: kansallinen porvaristo |
national convention {n} (meeting to outline party platform) | :: puoluekokous |
national costume {n} (clothing of a particular style and colours worn to represent a country) | :: kansallispuku |
national court {n} (type of court) | :: valtakunnanoikeus |
national day {n} (day marking a country's establishment) | :: kansallispäivä |
national debt {n} (money owed by the government of a nation) | :: valtionvelka |
national emblem {n} (official emblem of a nation or country) | :: vaakuna [coat of arms]; valtion tunnus [covers all sorts of emblems] |
national epic {n} (epic poem) | :: kansalliseepos |
national grid {n} (network) | :: valtakunnanverkko |
national holiday {n} (statutory holiday enacted by a country to commemorate the country itself) | :: kansallispäivä |
national holiday {n} (public holiday) | :: kansallinen vapaapäivä |
national insurance {n} (system of tax-financed insurance) | :: sosiaalivakuutus |
national interest {n} (goal) | :: kansallinen intressi, kansallinen etu |
nationalism {n} /ˈnæʃənəlɪzəm/ (idea of supporting one's country and culture) | :: isänmaallisuus, kansallismielisyys, nationalismi |
nationalism {n} (support for the creation of a new sovereign nation) | :: nationalismi |
nationalism {n} (support for the unification of Ireland) | :: nationalismi |
nationalism {n} (support of one nation's interests to the exclusion of others) SEE: jingoism | :: |
nationalist {adj} (of or relating to nationalism) | :: kansallismielinen, nationalistinen |
nationalist {n} (advocate of nationalism) | :: nationalisti |
nationalistic {adj} (of, relating to, or advocating nationalism) SEE: nationalist | :: |
nationality {n} /ˌnæ.ʃəˈnæl.ɪ.ti/ (membership of a nation or state) | :: kansallisuus |
nationality {n} (national character or identity) | :: kansallisuus |
nationality {n} (people belonging to a nation or state) | :: kansa, kansakunta |
nationality {n} (political existence as a national entity) | :: kansallinen olemassaolo |
nationality {n} (nationalism) SEE: nationalism | :: |
nationality sign {n} (sign on an automobile) | :: kansallisuustunnus |
nationalize {v} /ˈnæʃənəlaɪz/ (to make a private asset public) | :: kansallistaa |
nationally {adv} (in a way relating to the whole nation) | :: kansallisesti |
national park {n} (national park) | :: kansallispuisto |
national revival {n} (period of romantic nationalism) | :: kansallinen herääminen, kansallisromantiikka |
national security {n} (safety of a country) | :: kansallinen turvallisuus |
national service {n} (compulsory service in the armed forces) | :: asevelvollisuus |
National Socialism {n} (ideology of Adolf Hitler's NSDAP) | :: kansallissosialismi |
National Socialist {n} (Adherent of National Socialism) | :: kansallissosialisti |
national sports team {n} (national sports team) | :: maajoukkue |
national treasure {n} (something deemed to be of value to an entire nation) | :: kansallisaarre, kansallisomaisuus |
nationhood {n} (quality of being a nation) | :: itsenäisyys |
nationhood {n} (act of achieving independence) | :: itsenäistyminen |
nation of laws {n} (nation-state subject to rule of law) | :: oikeusvaltio |
nation-state {n} (nation state or nation-state) | :: kansallisvaltio |
nationwide {adj} /ˌneɪ.ʃənˈwaɪd/ (nationwide) | :: valtakunnallinen |
native {adj} /ˈneɪtɪv/ (belonging to one by birth) | :: syntyperäinen |
native {adj} (characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning) | :: alkuperäinen |
native {adj} (characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin) | :: paikallinen, alueellinen |
native {adj} (biology: which occurs of its own accord in a given locality) | :: autoktoninen, kotoperäinen |
native {n} (person who is native to a place) | :: paikallinen asukas, alkuasukas [pejorative] |
native {n} (person of aboriginal stock) | :: alkuasukas |
native {n} (native speaker) SEE: native speaker | :: |
Native American {adj} (of the American Indians) SEE: Indian | :: |
native companion {n} (brolga) SEE: brolga | :: |
native language {n} (one's first language learned in childhood) SEE: mother tongue | :: |
native speaker {n} (person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue) | :: syntyperäinen puhuja |
native title {n} (legal doctrine that recognises Aboriginal people as rightful owners of land) | :: alkuperäiskansan omistus- ja hallintaoikeus |
nativism {n} | :: nativismi |
nativity scene {n} (nativity scene) | :: jouluseimi, seimi |
NATO {prop} /ˈneɪ.toʊ/ (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) | :: NATO |
natrolite {n} (mineral) | :: natroliitti |
natter {v} /ˈnætɚ/ (to talk idly) | :: pulista, jutella |
Natterer's slaty antshrike {n} (bird) | :: lyijypuumuura |
natto {n} (Japanese food product) | :: natto |
natty {adj} /ˈnæti/ (Smart and fashionable) | :: siisti, tyylikäs, näppärä, kätevä |
natural {adj} /ˈnætʃəɹəl/ (relating to nature) | :: luonnollinen, luonnonmukainen |
natural {adj} (without additives) | :: luonnollinen, luontainen |
natural {adj} (as expected) | :: normaali, tavallinen, tavanomainen, luonnollinen, luonteva |
natural {adj} (colour: almost white) | :: luonnonvalkoinen |
natural {adj} (colour: not adjusted) | :: luonnonvärinen, luonnollinen |
natural {adj} (musically not sharp or flat) | :: luonnollinen, palautettu |
natural {adj} (without adjustment) | :: luonnollinen |
natural {n} (someone with innate ability) | :: luonnonlahjakkuus |
natural child {n} (child born to unmarried parents) | :: avioton lapsi, lehtolapsi |
natural disaster {n} (natural phenomenon) | :: luonnonmullistus |
natural disaster {n} (emergency situation) | :: luonnonkatastrofi |
natural economy {n} (economy in which money is not used) | :: luonnontalous |
natural fiber {n} (fiber which is obtained naturally) | :: luonnonkuitu |
natural gas {n} (mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits) | :: maakaasu |
natural history {n} (study of the origins and evolution of all living things) | :: luonnonhistoria |
natural history {n} (study of all natural phenomena) | :: luonnontiede |
natural history {n} (treatise) | :: luonnonhistoria |
natural history {n} (progression of a medical condition) | :: luonnollinen kulku |
naturalism {n} (a state of nature; conformity to nature) | :: naturalismi |
naturalist {n} (person who studies nature or natural history) | :: luonnontieteilijä |
naturalist {n} (person who advocates philosophical naturalism) | :: naturalisti |
naturalistic {adj} (having the appearance of nature, lifelike, realistic) | :: realistinen |
naturalistic {adj} (of or relating to naturalism) | :: naturalistinen |
naturalization {n} (act of granting (or getting granted) citizenship) | :: kansalaisuuden myöntäminen |
naturalize {v} (to acclimatize an animal or plant) SEE: acclimatize | :: |
naturalize {v} /ˈnætʃəɹəˌlaɪz/ (to grant citizenship) | :: myöntää kansalaisuus, naturalisoida |
naturalize {v} (to make to natural) | :: luonnollistaa |
naturalize {v} (to limit explanations of a phenomenon to naturalistic ones) | :: selittää luonnollisella tavalla |
naturalize {v} (linguistics: to make a natural part of a language) | :: naturalisoida |
natural join {n} (join) | :: luonnollinen liitos |
natural language {n} (human language developed naturally) | :: luonnollinen kieli |
natural language processing {n} (field concerning interaction with computers using natural languages) | :: luonnollisen kielen käsittely |
natural language understanding {n} (natural language understanding) | :: luonnollisen kielen ymmärtäminen |
natural law {n} (An ethical theory) | :: luonnonoikeus |
natural law {n} (A generally accepted concept of the philosophical system of legal and moral principles) | :: luonnonoikeus |
natural log {n} (natural logarithm) SEE: natural logarithm | :: |
natural logarithm {n} (logarithm in base e) | :: luonnollinen logaritmi |
naturally {adv} /ˈnætʃ(ə)ɹəli/ (in a natural manner) | :: luonnollisesti |
naturally {adv} (inherently or by nature) | :: luonnostaan |
naturally {adv} (surely) | :: luonnollisesti |
natural monopoly {n} (type of monopoly) | :: luonnollinen monopoli |
naturalness {n} (state or quality of being natural) | :: luonnollisuus |
naturalness {n} (likeness to original) | :: luonnollisuus, näköisyys |
natural number {n} (positive integer or non-negative integer) | :: luonnollinen luku |
natural number {n} ((only) positive integer) | :: positiivinen kokonaisluku |
natural number {n} ((only) non-negative integer) | :: ei-negatiivinen kokonaisluku |
natural numbers {n} (number theory) | :: luonnolliset luvut, luonnollisten lukujen joukko |
natural person {n} (human being) | :: luonnollinen henkilö |
natural preserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
natural product {n} (compound produced naturally by a living organism) | :: luontaistuote |
natural reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
natural resource {n} (source of wealth that occurs naturally) | :: luonnonvara, luonnonrikkaus |
natural science {n} (science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world) | :: luonnontiede |
natural scientist {n} (scientist dedicated to natural science) | :: luonnontieteilijä |
natural selection {n} (natural selection) | :: luonnonvalinta |
nature {n} /ˈneɪtʃɚ/ (the natural world) | :: luonto, ympäristö |
nature {n} (essential characteristics) | :: luonne, luonto |
nature {n} (primitive state of being) | :: luonto |
nature {n} (everything related to biological and geographical states) | :: luonto |
nature calls {phrase} (the speaker feels a need to urinate or defecate) | :: luonto kutsuu |
natured {adj} (having specific disposition or temperament) | :: luonteinen, luontoinen |
nature preserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
nature reserve {n} (area managed to conserve natural features) | :: suojelualue, luonnonsuojelualue, luonnonpuisto |
nature's scythe {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
naturism {n} /ˈneɪ.tʃəɹˌɪz.əm/ (the belief in or practice of going nude or unclad) | :: nudismi, naturismi |
naturism {n} (the belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent) | :: naturismi |
naturist {n} (one who prefers to live without clothes, often for reasons of health) | :: naturisti |
naturopath {n} (practitioner of naturopathy) | :: luonnonparantaja, naturopaatti |
naturopathy {n} (system of therapy) | :: luonnonlääketiede |
naughtily {adv} (in a naughty manner) | :: tuhmasti |
naughty {adj} /ˈnɔti/ (bad; tending to misbehave or act badly) | :: tuhma, ilkeä |
naughty {adj} (risqué, sexually suggestive) | :: tuhma |
naumannite {n} (mineral form of silver selenide) | :: naumanniitti |
Naumann's thrush {n} (Turdus naumanni) | :: ruosterastas |
Nauru {prop} /nɑːˈuː.ɹuː/ (Republic of Nauru) | :: Nauru |
Nauruan {n} /nɑːˈuː.ɹuːn̩/ (person from Nauru) | :: naurulainen |
Nauruan {adj} (pertaining to Nauru) | :: naurulainen |
Nauruan {prop} (language of Nauru) | :: nauru |
nausea {n} /ˈnɔzi.ə/ (feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit) | :: pahoinvointi |
nausea {n} (strong dislike or disgust) | :: etominen |
nausea {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness | :: |
nauseated {adj} /ˈnɔːziˌeɪtɪd/ (having a feeling of nausea) | :: pahoinvoiva |
nauseating {adj} (causing disgust, revulsion or loathing) | :: ällöttävä, kuvottava, oksettava |
nauseating {adj} (causing nausea) | :: etova, oksettava |
nauseous {adj} /ˈnɔːʃəs/ (causing nausea) | :: etova, kuvottava |
nauseous {adj} (afflicted with nausea) | :: pahoinvoiva |
-naut {suffix} (forms nouns meaning a voyager, farer or tripper) | :: -nautti |
nautical {adj} /ˈnɔːtɪkl̩/ (relating to ships, shipping, navigation, and seamen) | :: merenkulullinen, meri-, merenkulku-, nauttinen [rare] |
nautical mile {n} (nautical: a unit of measure equal to 1852 metres) | :: meripeninkulma, merimaili [slang] |
nautical twilight {n} (period in which the sun is 6°–12° below the horizon) | :: nauttinen hämärä |
nautilus {n} /ˈnɔː.tɪ.ləs/ (marine mollusc of the family Nautilidae) | :: helmivene |
Navajo {n} /ˈnæv.ə.həʊ/ (person) | :: navajo |
Navajo {prop} (language) | :: navajo |
Navajo white {n} (orangish white colour) | :: vaalea oranssi [what people would probably say]; Navajo white [color corresponding to RGB code FFDEAD] |
Navajo white {adj} (of an orangish white colour) | :: vaaleanoranssi |
naval {adj} /ˈneɪvəl/ (of or relating to a navy) | :: laivasto-, merivoimien |
naval {adj} (of or relating to ships) | :: laiva- |
naval architect {n} (person who designs ships) | :: laivasuunnittelija |
naval base {n} (naval installation) | :: laivastotukikohta, laivastoasema |
navalism {n} (naval militarism) | :: laivastomilitarismi |
naval mine {n} (anti-ship weapon) | :: merimiina |
Navarre {prop} /nəˈvɑː(ɹ)/ (autonomous community of Spain) | :: Navarra |
navbar {n} (The bar at the top of a webpage to help users navigate) | :: navigointipalkki |
nave {n} /neɪv/ (the middle or body of a church) | :: laiva, päälaiva |
nave {n} (hub of a wheel) | :: napa |
navel {n} /ˈneɪvəl/ (remnant of umbilical cord) | :: napa |
navel-gazing {n} /ˈneɪvəlˌɡeɪzɪŋ/ (excessive focus on oneself) | :: omaan napaan tuijottaminen [idiomatic] |
naïveté {n} /nɑˌiːvˈteɪ/ (lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness; artlessness; gullibility; credulity) | :: sinisilmäisyys, naiivius |
navicular bone {n} (bone) | :: veneluu |
navigable {adj} /ˈnævɪɡəbəl/ (for a body of water: sea, river etc.) | :: purjehduskelpoinen |
navigable {adj} (for a boat) | :: merikelpoinen |
navigatable {adj} (navigable) SEE: navigable | :: |
navigate {v} /ˈnæv.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (plan, control) | :: ohjata |
navigate {v} (travel over water) | :: purjehtia, navigoida |
navigate {v} (move on the internet) | :: siirtyä, navigoida |
navigation {n} (canal) SEE: canal | :: |
navigational chart {n} (map of a maritime area) | :: merikartta |
navigation light {n} (one of the lights on a ship or aircraft) | :: kulkuvalo [ship], lentovalo [aircraft] |
navigator {n} (officer who navigates) | :: navigoija |
navigator {n} (sea explorer) | :: merenkulkija |
navy {n} /ˈneɪvi/ (sea force) | :: laivasto |
navy {n} (department) | :: laivasto |
navy {n} (navy blue colour) | :: laivastonsininen |
navy {adj} (having a navy (dark blue) colour, see also: light blue; blue) | :: laivastonsininen, tummansininen |
navy {adj} (belonging to the navy) | :: laivasto- |
navy blue {n} (a dark blue color) | :: laivastonsininen |
Naypyidaw {prop} /ˈneɪpjɪˌdɔː/ (capital of Burma) | :: Naypyidaw, Nay Pyi Taw |
Nay Pyi Taw {prop} (Naypyidaw) SEE: Naypyidaw | :: |
naysayer {n} /ˈneɪ.ˌseɪ.ɚ/ (consistent critic) | :: vastarannan kiiski; änkyrä [aggressive] |
Nazarbayev {prop} (surname) | :: Nazarbajev |
Nazarene {adj} (Of or pertaining to Nazareth or its people) | :: nasaretilainen |
Nazarene {n} (A person from Nazareth) | :: nasaretilainen |
Nazareth {prop} /ˈnæzəɹəθ/ (a city in northern Israel) | :: Nasaret |
nazi {adj} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi | :: |
nazi {n} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi | :: |
Nazi {n} /ˈnɑːtsi/ (member of the Nazi party) | :: natsi |
Nazi Germany {prop} (Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party) | :: natsi-Saksa |
Nazism {prop} /ˈnɑːtsɪzəm/ (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP) | :: natsismi |
NB {phrase} (nota bene) | :: HUOM, Huom |
N-bomb {n} (neutron bomb) SEE: neutron bomb | :: |
n-dimensional {adj} (having arbitrary number of dimensions) | :: n-ulotteinen |
N'Djamena {prop} /əndʒɑːˈmeɪnɑː/ (capital city of Chad) | :: N'Djamena |
née {adj} /neɪ/ (used to indicate maiden name of a woman) | :: omaa sukua, o.s.; syntyään, syntyjään, synt. |
née {adj} (used to indicate a former name) | :: syntyään, syntyjään, synt. |
neap {adj} /niːp/ (designating type of tide) | :: vajaa- |
Neapolitan {adj} /ˌniːəˈpɒlɪtən/ (pertaining to Naples) | :: napolilainen |
Neapolitan {adj} (ice cream) | :: trio- |
Neapolitan {n} (inhabitant or resident of Naples) | :: napolilainen |
Neapolitan {prop} (language of Naples, Italy) | :: napoli |
neap tide {n} (tide which occurs when the moon is in its first or third quarter) | :: vajaavuoksi |
near {adj} /nɪɹ/ (physically close) | :: läheinen, lähellä oleva; lähellä [adverb] |
near {adj} (close in time) | :: lähellä [adverb] |
near {adj} (closely connected or related) | :: läheinen, lähi- |
near {adj} (close to one's interests, affection, etc.) | :: läheinen |
near {adj} (close to anything followed or imitated) | :: lähellä [adverb] |
near {adj} (so as barely to avoid or pass injury or loss) | :: täpärä |
near {adj} (almost) | :: lähes, melkein [adverbs] |
near {adj} (on the side nearest to the kerb) | :: matkustajan puoleinen |
near {adj} (next to the driver, when he is on foot) | :: ajajan viereinen |
near {adv} (at or towards a position close in space or time) | :: lähellä, lähettyvillä |
near {prep} (in close proximity to) | :: lähellä [+ partitive case] |
near {prep} (close to in time) | :: lähellä |
near {prep} (close to in nature or degree) | :: lähellä |
near {v} (come closer to) | :: lähestyä, lähentyä |
near {adj} (stingy) SEE: stingy | :: |
near {adv} (nearly) SEE: nearly | :: |
nearby {adj} (adjacent) | :: lähellä |
nearby {adv} (close to) | :: lähellä, lähistöllä |
Nearctic {prop} (ecozone covering most of the North American continent) | :: nearktinen |
Nearctic {adj} (relating to the Neartcic ecozone) | :: nearktinen |
Near East {prop} (region in Asia) | :: Lähi-itä |
nearly {adv} /ˈnɪɹli/ (almost, but not quite) | :: lähes, melkein, miltei, liki |
nearness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity | :: |
near point {n} (eye can focus) | :: lähipiste |
nearside {n} (face of the Moon) | :: etupuoli |
nearsightedness {n} (property of being nearsighted) | :: likinäköisyys, likitaittoisuus |
near-synonym {n} (term which has a similar meaning) | :: lähes synonyymi, osittainen synonyymi |
near thing {n} (close call) SEE: close call | :: |
neat {n} (cattle) SEE: cattle | :: |
neat {adj} /niːt/ (tidy, free from dirt) | :: siisti, puhdas |
neat {adj} (undiluted, particularly of alcoholic drinks) | :: raaka |
neat {adj} (chemistry: with no solvent or cosolvent) | :: puhdas |
neat {adj} (archaic: with all deductions or allowances made) | :: puhdas |
neat {adj} (having a simple elegance or style; clean, trim, tidy, tasteful) | :: tyylikäs |
neat {adj} (well-executed or delivered; clever, skilful, precise) | :: taitava, etevä |
neat {adj} (colloquial: good, excellent, desirable) | :: siisti |
neat {n} (cow, bovine) | :: nauta |
neat freak {n} (person obsessed with tidiness or cleanliness) | :: puhtausintoilija |
Nebraska {prop} /nəˈbɹæskə/ (US state) | :: Nebraska |
nebula {n} /ˈnɛbjʊlə/ (a space cloud) | :: kaasusumu, tähtisumu, nebula |
nebulalike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a nebula) | :: sumumainen |
nebulous {adj} /ˈnɛbjʊləs/ (in the form of a cloud) | :: sumumainen |
nebulous {adj} (ill-defined) | :: epämääräinen |
nebulously {adv} /ˈnɛb.jʊ.lə (in a manner like that of a cloud or haze) | :: utuna (essive of the noun "haze") |
nebulously {adv} (as if viewed through a cloud or haze) | :: utuisesti |
nebulously {adv} (vaguely) | :: epämääräisesti |
necessarily {adv} /ˌnɛsəˈsɛɹəli/ (of necessity) | :: välttämättä, [colloquial] välttis |
necessary {adj} /ˈnɛsəˌsɛɹi/ (needed, required) | :: tarpeellinen, tähdellinen, tärkeä, tarvittava |
necessary {adj} (such as must be) | :: välttämätön |
necessary condition {n} (logical statement) | :: välttämätön ehto |
necessary evil {n} (unfavorable thing that must be done or accepted) | :: välttämätön paha |
necessitate {v} /nɪˈsɛsɪteɪt/ (to make necessary; require something to be brought about) | :: vaatia, edellyttää |
necessity {n} /nɪˈsɛsəti/ (quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite) | :: tarpeellisuus, välttämättömyys, korvaamattomuus, tarve |
necessity {n} (condition of being needy or necessitous) | :: tarve, puute, puutteenalaisuus, puutteellisuus |
necessity {n} (that which is necessary) | :: tarve, tarvike, tarvekalu, välttämättömyystarvike |
necessity {n} (that which makes an act or an event unavoidable) | :: välttämättömyys, väistämättömyys, kohtalo |
necessity {n} (negation of freedom in voluntary action) | :: välttämättömyys, väistämättömyys, pakko |
necessity is the mother of innovation {proverb} (necessity is the mother of invention) SEE: necessity is the mother of invention | :: |
necessity is the mother of invention {proverb} (a person in need will find a way) | :: hätä keinot keksii |
necessity knows no law {proverb} (a person who is in great need of something will find a way to get it, and break the law if needed) | :: hätä ei lue lakia |
neck {n} /nɛk/ (part of body connecting the head and the trunk) | :: kaula |
neck {n} (corresponding part in some other anatomical contexts) | :: kaula |
neck {n} (part of a shirt, dress etc.) | :: kaulus |
neck {n} (tapered part of a bottle) | :: kaula |
neck {n} (botany: slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium) | :: kaula |
neck {n} (extension of stringed instrument) | :: kaula |
neck {n} (long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts) | :: niemi [projection]; kannas [connection] |
neck {n} (engineering: reduction in size near the end of an object) | :: kaulus |
neck {n} (constriction between the root and crown of a tooth) | :: kaula |
neck {n} (figurative: person's life) | :: henki |
neck {n} (folklore: shapeshifting water spirit) SEE: nix | :: |
neck and neck {adj} (very close in progress) | :: rinta rinnan |
neckbrace {n} (orthopedic device used to support the neck) | :: kaulatuki |
necked {adj} /nɛkt/ (having a certain type of neck) | :: -kaulainen |
neckerchief {n} (type of scarf) | :: kaulahuivi, huivi |
necklace {n} /ˈnɛkləs/ (jewelry) | :: kaulakoru, kaulanauha, kaulaketju |
necklace {n} (figurative: anything resembling a necklace in shape) | :: helminauha |
necklet {n} (necklace) SEE: necklace | :: |
neckline {n} /ˈnɛkˌlaɪn/ (line) | :: kaula-aukko |
necktie {n} /ˈnɛk.taɪ/ (strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front) | :: solmio, kravatti |
neckwarmer {n} (piece of clothing) | :: kauluri |
neckweed {n} (Veronica peregrina) | :: muukalaistädyke |
necro- {prefix} /ˈnɛkɹəʊ/ (related to death) | :: nekro- |
necrocracy {n} /nɛˈkɹɒkɹəsi/ (government that still operates under the rules of a former, dead leader) | :: nekrokratia |
necrology {n} /nɛˈkɹɒlədʒi/ (listing of people who have died) | :: nekrologi |
necromancer {n} /ˈnekɹə(ʊ)ˌmænsə/ (person who practices necromancy) | :: nekromantikko |
necromancy {n} /ˈnɛkɹəˌmænsi/ (divination involving the dead) | :: nekromantia |
necrophage {n} (organism) | :: raadonsyöjä |
necrophagia {n} (all senses) | :: nekrofagia |
necrophagous {adj} /nɛˈkɹɑ.fə.ɡəs/ (that eats dead or decaying flesh) | :: raatoja syövä |
necrophagy {n} /nɛˈkɹɒfəd͡ʒi/ (eating of dead or decaying animal flesh) | :: raadonsyönti |
necrophile {n} /ˈnɛkɹəʊ̆faɪl/ (one who is subject to necrophilia) | :: nekrofiili |
necrophilia {n} /nɛkɹoʊˈfɪli.ə/ (pathological attraction to dead bodies) | :: nekrofilia |
necrophilia {n} (pathological fascination with death) | :: nekrofilia |
necrophobia {n} (fear of death or corpses) | :: nekrofobia |
necropolis {n} /nɛˈkɹɒpəlɪs/ (cemetery) | :: nekropolis, nekropoli |
necropsy {n} /ˈnɛkɹɒpsi/ (pathological dissection of a corpse) | :: nekropsia, ruumiinavaus |
necrosis {n} (localized death of cells or tissue) | :: nekroosi, kuolio |
necrotic {adj} (of or pertaining to necrosis) | :: nekroottinen |
nectar {n} /ˈnɛk.təɹ/ (drink of the gods) | :: nektari |
nectar {n} (sweet liquid secreted by flowers) | :: mesi |
nectar {n} (any delicious drink) | :: nektari, linnunmaito, mehu |
nectarine {n} /ˈnɛk.tə.ɹin/ (fruit) | :: nektariini |
nectarless {adj} (without nectar) | :: medetön |
neddicky {n} (Cisticola fulvicapilla) | :: ritinäherttu |
need {n} /niːd/ (something required) | :: tarve |
need {n} (lack of means of subsistence) | :: puute, köyhyys |
need {v} (to have an absolute requirement for) | :: tarvita, vaatia |
need {v} (to want strongly) | :: tarvita, olla pakko |
need {v} (to be obliged to) | :: täytyä, pitää, tarvita |
need {v} (to be required or necessary) | :: täytyä, pitää |
neediness {n} (characteristic of being needy) | :: vähävaraisuus |
needle {n} /ˈniː.dl/ (implement for sewing etc.) | :: neula |
needle {n} (indicating device) | :: neula |
needle {n} (sensor phonograph stylus) | :: neula |
needle {n} (leaf of conifer) | :: neulanen |
needle {v} (to tease in order to provoke) | :: piikitellä, kiusoitella, härnätä |
needle bearing {n} (type of bearing) | :: neulalaakeri |
needle-clawed bushbaby {n} (primate of the genus Euoticus) | :: kynsigalago, neulakynsigalago |
needle furze {n} (Genista anglica) | :: oraväriherne |
needle gun {n} (a firearm that has a needle-like firing pin) | :: neula-ase, neulapyssy |
needle in a haystack {n} (idiomatic) | :: neula heinäsuovassa |
needle lace {n} (form of lace) | :: neulapitsi |
needlepoint {n} (craft) | :: kanavakirjonta |
needlepoint {n} (object) | :: kanavakirjonta |
needle-shaped {adj} (shaped like a needle) | :: neulamainen |
needless {adj} /ˈniːdləs/ (not needed) | :: tarpeeton |
needless to say {adv} (obviously) | :: sanomattakin selvästi, silminnähden, ilmiselvästi |
needle valve {n} (valve type) | :: neulaventtiili |
needlework {n} (process of working with a needle) | :: koristeompelu, koruompelu, kirjonta |
needlework {n} (product of working with a needle) | :: koruommel |
needlework {n} (occupation of a person skilled in working with a needle) | :: koristeompelija, koruompelija |
needs {adv} (necessarily) SEE: necessarily | :: |
needs must when the devil drives {proverb} (there is sometimes no choice but to do something) | :: hätä ei lue lakia |
needy {adj} /ˈniːdi/ (in need, poor) | :: puutteenalainen, vähävarainen, köyhä |
neem {n} /niːm/ (Azadirachta indica) | :: neempuu |
neep {n} (swede) | :: lanttu |
ne'er-do-well {n} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing | :: |
nefandous {adj} /nəˈfændəs/ (unspeakable, appalling) | :: vastenmielinen, kuvottava; sanoinkuvaamaton |
nefarious {adj} /nɛˈfɛəɹi.əs/ (sinful, villainous, criminal, or wicked, especially when noteworthy or notorious for such characteristics) | :: paheellinen |
negative {adj} /ˈnɛɡətɪv/ (not positive or neutral) | :: negatiivinen, kielteinen |
negative {adj} (of electrical charge) | :: negatiivinen |
negative {adj} (mathematics: less than zero) | :: negatiivinen |
negative {adj} (linguistics: denying a proposition) | :: kielteinen, kieltävä |
negative {adj} (inherently damaging) | :: vahingollinen, negatiivinen |
negative {adj} (pessimistic) | :: kielteinen, negatiivinen, pessimistinen |
negative {adj} (of or relating to a photographic image in which the colours and relations are reversed) | :: negatiivinen |
negative {adj} (chemistry: metalloidal; nonmetallic) | :: negatiivinen |
negative {adj} (New Age jargon) | :: negatiivinen |
negative {n} (refusal or withholding of assent; veto, prohibition) | :: vastustus, veto, kielto |
negative {n} (legal: right of veto) | :: veto-oikeus |
negative {n} (photography) | :: negatiivi, nega [colloquial] |
negative {n} (grammar: word that indicates negation) | :: kieltosana |
negative {n} (mathematics: negative quantity) | :: negatiivinen suure, negatiivinen luku |
negative gearing {n} (leveraged speculation) | :: velkarahalla sijoittaminen |
negative growth {n} (opposite of economic growth) | :: negatiivinen kasvu |
negatively {adv} (in a negative manner) | :: kielteisesti, negatiivisesti |
negative Nancy {n} (person who is considered excessively pessimistic) | :: negatiivinen niilo [rare] |
negativeness {n} (negativity) SEE: negativity | :: |
negative number {n} (negative number) | :: negatiivinen luku |
negative verb {n} (auxiliary verb used for negation) | :: kieltoverbi |
negative zero {n} (computing: representation of zero) | :: negatiivinen nolla |
negativity {n} (characteristic of having a negative charge) | :: negatiivisuus |
negativity {n} (characteristic of being pessimistic) | :: kielteisyys, negatiivisuus |
negawatt {n} /ˈnɛɡ.ə.wɑt/ ("negative watt") | :: negawatti |
neglect {v} /nɪˈɡlɛkt/ (disregard) | :: sivuuttaa |
neglect {v} (fail to care for) | :: lyödä laimin |
neglect {v} (failure due to carelessness) | :: lyödä laimin |
neglect {n} (act of neglecting) | :: laiminlyönti, välinpitämättömyys; heitteillejättö (in Criminal code) |
neglect {n} (habitual lack of care) | :: välinpitämättömyys |
neglected {adj} /nɪˈɡlɛktɪd/ (suffering from neglect) | :: laiminlyöty |
neglectful {adj} (tending to neglect) | :: piittaamaton, leväperäinen, löyhäkätinen |
negligence {n} (failure to exercise a standard of care (law)) | :: huolimattomuus [general carelessness], heitteillejättö [neglect of a person] |
negligent {adj} (careless) SEE: careless | :: |
negligent {adj} /ˈnɛɡ.lɪ.dʒənt/ (culpable due to negligence) | :: piittaamaton |
negligently {adv} (in a negligent manner) | :: piittaamattomasti |
negligible {adj} (able to be ignored or excluded) | :: merkityksetön, vähäpätöinen, mitätön, yhdentekevä |
negotiable {adj} /nɪˈɡoʊʃi.əbəl/ (able to be traversed) | :: kulkukelpoinen |
negotiable {adj} (able to be transferred to another person, with or without endorsement) | :: siirtokelpoinen |
negotiable {adj} (open to negotiation or bargaining) | :: neuvoteltava, neuvoteltavissa oleva |
negotiate {v} /nəˈɡoʊ.ʃi.eɪt/ (arrange a mutual agreement (transitive)) | :: neuvotella |
negotiating table {n} (place for negotiations) | :: neuvottelupöytä |
negotiation {n} /nɪˌɡoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ (process of achieving agreement) | :: neuvottelu |
negotiator {n} /nɪˈɡoʊ.ʃi.eɪ.tɚ/ (One who negotiates) | :: sovittelija |
negotiator {n} (A diplomat, moderator) | :: sovittelija |
negress {n} /ˈniːɡɹɪs/ (A black female) | :: neekerinainen |
negro {adj} /ˈniɡɹoʊ/ (offensive: relating to the black ethnicity) | :: neekeri- |
negro {n} (Negro) SEE: Negro | :: |
Negro {n} /ˈniːɡɹoʊ/ (person with dark skin) | :: neekeri |
negroid {n} (a person with negroid characteristics) | :: negridi |
Nehemiah {prop} /ˌniː(h)əˈmaɪə/ (book of the Bible) | :: Nehemia |
Nehemiah {prop} (male given name) | :: Nehemia {m} |
Nehru jacket {n} /ˈneɪ.ɹu ˈdʒæk.ɪt/ (type of jacket) | :: Nehru-takki, nehrutakki |
Neiden {prop} (village in Norway) | :: Näätämö |
neigh {n} /neɪ/ (the cry of a horse) | :: hirnahdus, hirnunta |
neigh {v} ((of a horse) to make its cry) | :: hirnua |
neigh {v} (to make a sound similar to a horses' cry) | :: hirnua |
neighborhood {n} /ˈneɪbɚˌhʊd/ (largely obsolete: quality of being a neighbor) | :: naapuruus |
neighborhood {n} (nearby area) | :: naapurusto, lähiseutu, lähistö, kulmakunta, alue, lähiympäristö, ympäristö |
neighborhood {n} (inhabitants of a residential area) | :: naapurusto, naapurit {p} |
neighborhood {n} (division of a municipality or region) | :: kaupunginosa, alue, kulmakunta |
neighborhood {n} (approximate amount) | :: suunnilleen [adverb] |
neighborhood {n} (quality of physical proximity) | :: läheisyys, naapuruus |
neighborhood {n} (neighborly kindness or good will) | :: naapurisopu |
neighborhood {n} (topology: set containing an open subset containing some specified point) | :: ympäristö |
neighborhood {n} (topology: set of all points that may be reached directly from a given point) | :: lähiympäristö |
neighboring {adj} /ˈneɪbəɹɪŋ/ (Situated or living nearby or adjacent to) | :: naapuri- |
neighbour {n} /ˈneɪbɚ/ (a person living on adjacent or nearby land) | :: naapuri |
neighbour {n} (fellow human) | :: lähimmäinen |
neighbourly {adj} (friendly) | :: naapurillinen |
Nei Mongol {prop} (Inner Mongolia) SEE: Inner Mongolia | :: |
neither {determiner} /ˈnaɪð.ə(ɹ)/ (not one of two; not either) | :: ei kumpikaan |
neither {pron} (not either one) | :: ei kumpikaan |
neither {conj} (not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y) | :: ei X eikä Y |
neither {conj} | :: -kaan |
neither {adv} (similarly not) | :: eikä, -kaan |
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring {phrase} (unsuitable for anything or anybody) | :: ei lintu eikä kala |
neither fish nor fowl {n} (something or someone not easily categorized; something that does not fit in a group or situation) | :: ei lintu eikä kala, outolintu |
neither here nor there {adj} (not relevant) | :: epäolennainen |
neither … nor {conj} (used for showing that something is not true of two or more people, things, actions, qualities, or ideas) | :: ei … eikä |
nekton {n} (organisms in the ocean) | :: nektoni |
Nellim {prop} (village) | :: Nellim, Nellimö |
nematic {adj} | :: nemaattinen |
nematode {n} /ˈnɛm.ət.əʊd/ (small invertebrate animal) | :: sukkulamato |
nemesis {n} (archenemy) SEE: archenemy | :: |
nemesis {n} /ˈnɛməsɪs/ (punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided) | :: kohtalo |
nemesis {n} (polar opposite of a character) | :: nemesis |
nemesis {n} (righteous infliction of retribution) | :: hyvitys |
Nemesis {prop} /ˈnɛməsɪs/ (Greek goddess of retribution) | :: Nemesis |
nene {n} /ˈneɪneɪ/ (Branta sandvicensis) | :: havaijinhanhi |
Nenets {prop} (language) | :: nenetsin kieli |
neo- {prefix} /ˈnioʊ/ (new) | :: neo- |
Neoarchean {adj} (of a geologic era from 2,800 to 2,500 million years ago) | :: myöhäisarkeeinen |
Neoarchean {prop} (era 2,800-2,500 Ma) | :: myöhäisarkeeinen maailmankausi |
neoclassical {n} (of a style of architecture) | :: uusklassinen |
neoclassicism {n} (movement) | :: uusklassismi |
neocolonialism {n} (colonial linguistic expression) | :: uuskolonialismi |
Neo-Confucianism {prop} (Chinese philosophy) | :: uuskungfutselaisuus |
neodymium {n} /ˌniː.oʊˈdɪmiəm/ (chemical element) | :: neodyymi |
neofascism {n} (right-wing political movement) | :: uusfasismi |
neofascist {adj} (of or pertaining to neofascism) | :: uusfasistinen |
neofascist {n} (a follower of neofascism) | :: uusfasisti |
Neogene {adj} (of a period from 26 million years ago to present) | :: neogeenikautinen |
Neogene {prop} (Neogene period) | :: neogeenikausi |
Neogrammarian {n} (member or follower of the Neogrammarian school) | :: nuorgrammaatikko |
Neogrammarian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Neogrammarian school) | :: nuorgrammaattinen |
Neo Latin {prop} (New Latin) SEE: New Latin | :: |
Neo-Latin {n} (New Latin) SEE: New Latin | :: |
neoliberal {adj} (in accordance with neoliberalism) | :: uusliberalistinen |
neoliberal {n} (person who subscribes to neoliberalism) | :: uusliberalisti |
neoliberalism {n} (political ideology) | :: neoliberalismi, uusliberalismi |
neolithic {adj} (hopelessly outdated) | :: kivikautinen |
Neolithic {adj} /ˌni.oʊˈlɪθ.ɪk/ (of or relating to the New Stone Age) | :: neoliittinen |
Neolithic {prop} (the New Stone Age) | :: neoliittinen kausi, nuorempi kivikausi |
Neolithic Revolution {prop} (discovery of agriculture) | :: neoliittinen vallankumous |
neologically {adv} (in a neological manner) | :: neologisesti |
neologism {n} /niːˈɒlədʒɪzəm/ (recently coined word) | :: uudismuodoste, uudissana |
neon {n} /ˈni.ɒn/ (element) | :: neon |
neonatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the time immediately birth) | :: neonataalinen |
neonate {n} (newborn infant) SEE: newborn | :: |
neonatology {n} /ˌniːəʊnəˈtɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine that deals with newborn infants) | :: neonatologia |
neo-Nazi {n} /ˌnioʊˈnɑːtsi/ (person who believes in a Nazi ideology) | :: uusnatsi |
neo-Nazi {n} (insult: person with right-wing views) | :: natsi |
neo-Nazism {n} (the ideology held by neo-Nazis) | :: uusnatsismi |
neon lamp {n} (small gas discharge lamp) | :: hohtolamppu |
neon sign {n} (an illuminated sign constructed from fluorescent lights) | :: valomainos |
neon tetra {n} (Hyphessobrycon innesi) | :: neontetra |
neontology {n} (the study of organisms living in the current era) | :: neontologia |
neo-pagan {adj} (of or relating neo-paganism) | :: uuspakanallinen |
neo-pagan {n} (adherent of neo-paganism) | :: uuspakana |
neopaganism {n} (modern or revived form of paganism) | :: uuspakanuus |
neophilia {n} /niːəˈfɪ.li.ə/ (love of new things) | :: neofilia |
neophyte {n} /ˈni.əˌfaɪt/ (beginner) | :: aloittelija |
neophyte {n} (novice (recent convert)) | :: vastakastettu, uusi käännynnäinen, noviisi |
neophyte {n} (early Christian convert) | :: neofyytti |
neophyte {n} (recently introduced plant species) | :: uustulokas, neofyytti |
Neoplatonism {prop} (school of philosophy) | :: uusplatonismi |
neoprene {n} /ˈniɵpɹin/ (synthetic rubber, a polymer of chloroprene, used in various consumer products) | :: neopreeni |
neorealism {n} (movement in art) | :: uusrealismi |
neotenic {adj} (exhibiting neoteny) | :: neoteeninen |
neotenous {adj} /niˈɑːtənəs/ (exhibiting juvenile characteristics) | :: nuorekas |
neoteny {n} /niˈɑːtəni/ (retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult) | :: neotenia, vajaa yksilönkehitys |
neo-testamentary {adj} | :: uusitestamentillinen, Uuden testamentin |
neo-Thomism {n} | :: uustomismi |
Nepal {prop} /nəˈpɔːl/ (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal) | :: Nepal |
Nepalese {adj} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali | :: |
Nepalese {n} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali | :: |
Nepalese {prop} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali | :: |
Nepali {adj} /nəˈpɔːli/ (pertaining to Nepal) | :: nepalilainen |
Nepali {n} (person) | :: nepalilainen |
Nepali {prop} (language) | :: nepali |
nepeta {n} (plant of the genus Nepeta) | :: kissanminttu |
nepheline {n} (feldspathoid mineral) | :: nefeliini |
nephelinite {n} (rock) | :: nefeliniitti |
nephew {n} /ˈnɛf.ju/ (fraternal or sororal nephew, see also: fraternal nephew; sororal nephew) | :: [fraternal] veljenpoika, [sororal] sisarenpoika |
nephology {n} /nɪˈfɒlədʒi/ (branch of meteorology) | :: nefologia |
nephric {adj} /ˈnɛf.ɹɪk/ (relating to or connected with a kidney) | :: renaalinen, munuais-, munuaisiin liittyvä |
nephrite {n} (semi-precious stone) | :: nefriitti |
nephritis {n} (inflammation of the kidney) | :: nefriitti |
nephro- {prefix} (of or relating to the kidneys) | :: nefro- |
nephrolith {n} (kidney stone) SEE: kidney stone | :: |
nephrolithiasis {n} (calculi in kidneys) | :: munuaiskivitauti |
nephrolithotomy {n} (type of surgery) | :: nefrolitotomia |
nephrology {n} (branch of medicine that deals with the kidneys) | :: nefrologia |
nephron {n} (basic structural and functional unit of the kidney) | :: nefroni |
nephronophthisis {n} (genetic disorder of the kidneys) | :: nefronoftiisi |
nephrosclerosis {n} (ateriosclerosis) | :: nefroskleroosi |
nephrosis {n} (disease) | :: nefroosi |
nephrotoxic {adj} (poisonous to kidney tissue) | :: nefrotoksinen |
nepotism {n} /ˈnɛp.ə.tɪ.zəm/ (favoring of relatives or personal friends) | :: nepotismi |
Neptune {prop} /ˈnɛptuːn/ (eighth planet of the solar system) | :: Neptunus |
Neptune {prop} (Roman god of the ocean) | :: Neptunus |
neptunite {n} (mineral) | :: neptuniitti |
neptunium {n} /nɛpˈtuːniəm/ (chemical element) | :: neptunium |
ner {interj} /nɜː/ (an interjection) | :: lälläs lää |
nerd {n} /nɝːd/ (intellectual, skillful person, generally introverted) | :: nörtti |
nerdy {adj} /nɜː(ɹ)di/ (Of or like a nerd) | :: nörttimäinen |
nerve {n} /nɝv/ (bundle of neurons) | :: hermo |
nerve {n} ((colloquial) neuron) | :: hermo |
nerve {n} (courage) | :: hermo, rohkeus |
nerve {n} (patience) | :: hermo, kärsivällisyys |
nerve {n} (stamina) | :: hermo, sisu |
nerve {n} (audacity) | :: röyhkeys, otsa [familiar] |
nerve {n} (agitation caused by a negative emotion) | :: väristys |
nerve {v} (strengthen) SEE: strengthen | :: |
nerve {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage | :: |
nerve agent {n} (weapon of mass destruction) SEE: nerve gas | :: |
nerve cell {n} (cell of the nervous system) | :: hermosolu |
nerve center {n} (anatomy: a point at which nerves come together for the processing of signals) | :: hermokeskus |
nerve center {n} (of business, organization, or agency) | :: hermokeskus |
nerve fibre {n} (axon) SEE: axon | :: |
nerve gas {n} (weapon of mass destruction) | :: hermokaasu |
nerve impulse {n} (signal transmitted along a nerve fibre) | :: hermoimpulssi |
nerve net {n} (biology: type of nervous system) | :: verkkomainen hermosto |
nervosity {n} (nervousness) SEE: nervousness | :: |
nervous {adj} /ˈnɜːvəs/ (easily agitated or alarmed) | :: hermostunut |
nervous {adj} (apprehensive, anxious) | :: hermostunut |
nervous {adj} (relating to the nerves) | :: hermo- |
nervous breakdown {n} (disabling attack of a psychological disorder) | :: hermoromahdus |
nervously {adv} (in a nervous manner) | :: hermostuneesti |
nervousness {n} (state or quality of being nervous) | :: hermostuneisuus |
nervous system {n} (system which coordinates the activity of the body) | :: hermosto {n} |
nervous wreck {n} (very stressed person) | :: hermoraunio |
nesonym {n} (toponym of an island) | :: saarennimi |
-ness {suffix} /nəs/ (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...") | :: -us, -ys |
ness {n} /nɛs/ (a promontory; a cape or headland) | :: niemi, nokka |
nest {n} /nɛst/ (bird-built structure) | :: pesä |
nest {n} (place for depositing eggs) | :: pesä, kolo |
nest {n} (snug residence) | :: pesä |
nest {n} (retreat) | :: pesä, kotipesä |
nest {n} (hideout) | :: pesäpaikka, pesä |
nest {n} (parental home) | :: pesä |
nest {n} (military: fortified position for a weapon) | :: pesäke |
nest {v} (to build or settle into a nest) | :: pesiä, pesiytyä |
nest {v} (to settle into a home) | :: kotiutua, käydä taloksi |
nest {v} (to successively neatly fit) | :: sopia sisäkkäin |
nest {v} (to place in a nest) | :: laittaa pesään |
nest {v} (to successively place inside another) | :: laittaa sisäkkäin |
nest box {n} (birdhouse) SEE: birdhouse | :: |
nested {adj} (embedded) SEE: embedded | :: |
nested {adj} (successively fitted one inside another) | :: kerrosteinen |
nest egg {n} (egg placed in a bird's nest) | :: pesämuna, munitusmuna |
nest egg {n} (savings) | :: pesämuna |
nestle {v} /ˈnɛsəl/ (to settle oneself comfortably and snugly) | :: käpertyä |
nestle {v} (to press oneself against another affectionately) | :: painautua mukavasti jotakin vasten |
nestling {n} /ˈnɛstlɪŋ/ (small, young bird that is still confined to the nest) | :: linnunpoikanen |
Nestorian {adj} (related to the teachings of Nestorius) | :: nestorilainen |
Nestorian {n} (A member of a "Nestorian" church) | :: nestorilainen |
Nestorianism {n} (The religious beliefs of the followers of Nestorius) | :: nestoriolaisuus |
net {n} /nɛt/ (mesh of string, cord or rope) | :: verkko |
net {n} (device for catching fish, butterflies etc.) | :: verkko, haavi [specific type, see entry] |
net {n} (device for trapping something) | :: verkko, haavi |
net {n} (anything that has the appearance of a net) | :: verkko |
net {n} (figurative: trap) | :: verkko |
net {n} (geometry: set of joined polygons) | :: verkko |
net {n} (interconnecting system) | :: verkko |
net {n} (sports: mesh-backed framework as goal) | :: verkot {p} |
net {n} (sports: mesh stretched to divide the court) | :: verkko |
net {v} (catch by means of a net) | :: kalastaa verkoilla, pyytää verkolla, pyydystää verkolla; haavia |
net {v} (figurative: to catch in a trap) | :: pyydystää verkkoon, saada verkkoon |
net {adj} (remaining after expenses or deductions) | :: [in compounds] netto-, puhdas |
net {adj} (final) | :: lopullinen, loppu- |
net {n} (The amount remaining after expenses are deducted, profit) | :: netto |
net {v} (receive as profit) | :: netota, voittaa |
netball {n} /ˈnɛtbɔːl/ (team sport derived from basketball) | :: verkkopallo |
netball {n} (ball used in the sport) | :: verkkopallo |
net blotch {n} (plant disease) | :: verkkolaikku; ohranverkkolaikku [of barley] |
net curtain {n} (thin curtain) | :: valoverho |
net earnings {n} (earnings of a person) | :: nettoansio, nettopalkka, nettotulo, puhdas ansiotulo (legal term) |
net earnings {n} (earnings of a company) | :: nettovoitto, nettotulos |
nether {adj} /nɛð.ɚ/ (lower) | :: ala-, alempi |
nether {adj} (beneath the earth's surface) | :: maanalainen |
Netherlandic {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch | :: |
Netherlandish {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch | :: |
Netherlands {prop} /ˈnɛðələndz/ (country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland) | :: Alankomaat {p}, Hollanti |
Netherlands {adj} (pertaining to the Netherlands) | :: hollantilainen, alankomaalainen |
Netherlands Antilles {prop} (former autonomous territory) | :: Alankomaiden Antillit |
netherworld {pron} (the spirit world) | :: tuoni |
net income {n} (gross profit minus operating expenses and taxes) | :: nettotulo, nettoansio (of a person), nettovoitto (of a company) |
net income {n} (income after tax) | :: nettotulo |
netiquette {n} (appropriate conduct online) | :: netiketti |
netizen {n} (member of Internet community) | :: nettikansalainen |
netlike {adj} (having openings like a net) | :: verkkomainen |
net minder {n} ((ice hockey) goalkeeper) | :: maalivahti |
net operating loss {n} (amount) | :: nettotappio |
net register ton {n} (measure) | :: nettorekisteritonni |
net sales {n} (total sales minus customers' discounts etc.) | :: nettomyynti |
nettle {n} /ˈnɛt(ə)l/ (stinging herb of genus Urtica) | :: nokkonen |
nettle {v} (of the nettle plant etc., to sting causing a rash) | :: polttaa |
nettle {v} (to pique, irritate, vex or provoke someone) | :: piikitellä |
nettle {n} (deadnettle) SEE: deadnettle | :: |
nettle-rash {n} (itchy areas of the skin) SEE: urticaria | :: |
nettles {n} (reefing cord) | :: reiviside |
net weight {n} (weight of a product) | :: nettopaino |
net weight {n} (weight of a vehicle) | :: tyhjäpaino |
network {n} /nɛtwɝk/ (fabric or structure of fibrous elements) | :: verkko |
network {n} (interconnected group or system) | :: verkko |
network {n} (directory of people) | :: verkosto |
network {n} (multiple computers and other devices connected together) | :: verkko |
network {v} (interact socially) | :: verkottua, verkostoitua |
network {v} (to connect two or more computers or other computerized devices) | :: verkottaa |
network {v} (to interconnect a group or system) | :: verkottaa |
network card {n} (computer card) | :: verkkokortti |
network interface card {n} (computer hardware component) | :: verkkosovitin, verkkokortti |
network neutrality {n} (principle for user-access networks) | :: nettineutraliteetti |
network subsystem {n} (subsystem in a GSM network) | :: keskusjärjestelmä |
net worth {n} (assets minus liabilities) | :: substanssiarvo |
neumatic {adj} (written using neumes) | :: neumaattinen |
neume {n} /n(j)um/ (sign used in early musical notation) | :: neumi |
neural {adj} /ˈnʊɹəl/ (of or relating to the nerves) | :: hermostollinen, neuraalinen, neuro- |
neural {adj} (modelled on the arrangement of neurons) | :: neuraalinen, neuro- |
neuralgia {n} (nerve pain) | :: hermosärky, neuralgia |
neuralgic {adj} (pertaining to or affected by neuralgia) | :: neuralginen |
neural network {n} (in artificial intelligence) | :: neuroverkko |
neural network {n} (in anatomy) | :: hermoverkko |
neural tube {n} (hollow dorsal tube) | :: hermostoputki |
neurasthenia {n} /ˌnjʊəɹəsˈθiːniə/ (ill-defined medical condition) | :: neurastenia, väsymysoireyhtymä |
neurasthenic {adj} /ˌnʊɹəsˈθɛnɪk/ (pertaining to neurasthenia) | :: neurasteeninen |
neurasthenic {n} (person who has neurasthenia) | :: neurasteenikko |
neuritis {n} (inflammation of nerves) | :: hermotulehdus, neuriitti, neuritis |
neuro- {prefix} /ˈn(j)ʊɹoʊ/ (relating to nerves or the nervous system) | :: neuro- |
neuroanatomy {n} /njʊəɹəʊəˈnatəmi/ (the anatomy of the nervous system) | :: neuroanatomia |
neurobiology {n} (scientific study of nerve and brain fuction) | :: neurobiologia |
neuroblastoma {n} (form of cancer) | :: neuroblastooma |
neurochemistry {n} (branch of neuroscience) | :: neurokemia |
neurodiversity {n} (the variety of configurations of the brain) | :: neurokirjo |
neurofibroma {n} (benign tumor composed of Schwann cells) | :: neurofibrooma |
neurogenic {adj} (originating in, or caused by, the nervous system) | :: neurogeeninen |
neuroimaging {n} /ˌnjʊəɹəʊˈɪmɪdʒɪŋ/ (generation of images of brain) | :: aivokuvaus |
neuroleptic {n} (pharmacology: an antipsychotic drug) | :: neurolepti |
neuroleptic {adj} (pharmacology: having antipsychotic properties) | :: neuroleptinen |
neurolinguistics {n} (science) | :: neurolingvistiikka |
neurological {adj} (dealing with the study of the brain) | :: neurologinen |
neurologist {n} (doctor or scientist who practices or specializes in neurology) | :: neurologi, hermolääkäri |
neurology {n} /n(j)uˈɹɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its disorders) | :: neurologia, hermotautioppi |
neuromyotonia {n} (spontaneous muscular activity) | :: neuromyotonia |
neuron {n} /ˈn(j)ʊɹɑn/ (a cell of the nervous system) | :: neuroni, hermosolu |
neuronal {adj} (of, or relating to a neuron) | :: neuronaalinen, neuroni- |
neuropathy {n} (disease of the nervous system) | :: hermosairaus, neuropatia |
neuropeptide {n} (peptide that function as a neurotransmitter) | :: neuropeptidi |
neurophysiology {n} (branch of physiology that deals with the nervous system) | :: neurofysiologia |
neuroplasticity {n} (quality of being neuroplastic) | :: neuroplastisuus |
neuropsychology {n} (branch of neurology) | :: neuropsykologia |
neuropteran {n} (insect of the order Neuroptera) | :: verkkosiipinen |
neuroscience {n} (scientific study of the nervous system) | :: neurotiede |
neurosis {n} (mental disorder) | :: neuroosi |
neurosurgeon {n} (brain surgeon) | :: neurokirurgi |
neurosurgery {n} (surgical discipline focused on treating the nervous systems) | :: hermokirurgia |
neurosurgery {n} (surgery of the brain) | :: neurokirurgia |
neurosyphilis {n} (syphilis infection affecting the nervous system) | :: neurosyfilis |
neurotic {adj} /njʊəˈɹɒtɪk/ (overanxious) | :: neuroottinen |
neurotic {n} (person who has a neurosis) | :: neurootikko |
neuroticism {n} (the quality or state of being neurotic) | :: neuroottisuus |
neurotoxin {n} (type of toxin) | :: hermomyrkky, neurotoksiini |
neurotransmitter {n} (substance responsible for sending nerve signals across a synapse between two neurons) | :: aivojen välittäjäaine, hermoston välittäjäaine, hermovälittäjäaine |
neurotypical {adj} (having normal way of processing information) | :: neurotyypillinen |
neurulation {n} (nervous system formation) | :: neurulaatio |
neuter {adj} /ˈn(j)uːtɚ/ (neutral, neither one thing nor another) | :: puolueeton, neutraali |
neuter {adj} (grammar: having a form which is not masculine nor feminine) | :: neutrinen, neutrisukuinen |
neuter {adj} (having no generative organs, or imperfectly developed ones) | :: sukupuoleton |
neuter {n} (biology: organism which at its maturity has no generative organs) | :: neutri |
neuter {n} (person who takes no part in a contest) | :: puolueeton taho |
neuter {n} (the neuter gender (grammar)) | :: neutri |
neuter {n} (grammar: noun of the neuter gender) | :: neutri |
neuter {v} (to remove sex organs from an animal) | :: kuohita, kuohia, kastroida, leikata, steriloida |
neutral {adj} /ˈnjuːtɹəl/ (not taking sides in a conflict) | :: puolueeton; liittoutumaton [nonaligned] |
neutral {adj} (favouring neither the supporting nor opposing viewpoint of a topic of debate) | :: puolueeton |
neutral {adj} (grammar: neither positive nor negative) | :: neutraali |
neutral {adj} (neither beneficial nor harmful) | :: neutraali, yhdentekevä |
neutral {adj} (biology: having no sex) | :: sukupuoleton |
neutral {adj} (having no obvious colour) | :: neutraali, neutraalin värinen |
neutral {adj} (physics: possessing no charge) | :: sähkövaraukseton, neutraali |
neutral {adj} (chemistry: neither acidic nor alkaline) | :: neutraali |
neutral {n} (nonaligned state) | :: puolueeton valtio |
neutral {n} (person who takes no side in a dispute) | :: puolueeton |
neutral {n} (neutral hue) | :: neutraali sävy |
neutral {n} (position of gears) | :: vapaa |
neutral {n} (electrical terminal) | :: nolla, nollajohdin |
neutralino {n} (hypothetical particle) | :: neutraliino |
neutralisation {n} (neutralisation) SEE: neutralization | :: |
neutrality {n} /nuˈtɹæləti/ (state of being neutral; taking no part on either side) | :: puolueettomuus |
neutrality {n} (indifference in quality) | :: samanlaatuisuus, tasalaatuisuus |
neutrality {n} (chemistry: quality or state of being neutral) | :: neutraalius |
neutrality {n} (international law: condition of a nation or government) | :: puolueettomuus, neutraliteetti |
neutrality {n} (those who are neutral) | :: puolueettomat {p} |
neutralization {n} (neutralization) | :: neutralisaatio |
neutralize {v} (to make even, inactive or ineffective) | :: neutraloida, neutralisoida |
neutral zone {n} (ice hockey: zone between the two blue lines) | :: keskialue |
neutrino {n} /njuːˈtɹiːnoʊ/ (en elementary particle with extremely small mass and no electric charge) | :: neutriino |
neutron {n} /ˈn(j)uːtɹɒn/ (subatomic particle) | :: neutroni |
neutron bomb {n} (atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons) | :: neutronipommi |
neutron flux {n} (the number) | :: neutronivuo |
neutron number {n} (number of neutrons in the nucleus) | :: neutroniluku |
neutron radiation {n} (form of non-ionizing radiation) | :: neutronisäteily |
neutron star {n} (star composed of neutrons) | :: neutronitähti |
Nevada {prop} /nɪˈvædə/ (US state) | :: Nevada |
never {adv} /ˈnɛ.vɚ/ (at no time) | :: ei koskaan, ei ikinä, ei milloinkaan |
never again {adv} (at no time in the future) | :: milloinkaan |
neverending {adj} (having no end) | :: loputon |
neverendingly {adv} (in a neverending manner) | :: loputtomiin, loputtomasti |
never ever {adv} (emphatic never) | :: ei ikimaailmassa, ei ikinä |
never in a million years {adv} (idiomatic expressions meaning "absolutely not") | :: ei ikimaailmassa |
never in a month of Sundays {adv} (at no time) | :: ei kuuna päivänä |
never mind {v} (it is not important) | :: ei se mitään, ei sillä ole väliä |
never mind {v} (do not be concerned (about someone or something, or about doing something)) | :: antaa olla, anti olla, ei tarvitse [...about doing something] |
never mind {v} (I was wrong; I withdraw my previous statement) | :: ei mitään |
never mind {v} (let alone; much less) SEE: let alone | :: |
nevermore {adv} (never again) SEE: never again | :: |
never say die {interj} (do not despair) | :: älä anna periksi |
never-say-die {adj} (not giving up) | :: peräänantamaton |
never say never {phrase} (never say never) | :: älä koskaan sano ei koskaan |
nevertheless {adv} /ˈnɛvɚðəlɛs/ (in spite of what preceded) | :: siitä huolimatta, kuitenkin, joka tapauksessa, kumminkin, , silti, yhtä kaikki |
nevus {n} (benign lesion on skin) SEE: mole | :: |
nevus flammeus nuchae {n} (malformation) | :: haikaran purema |
new {adj} (recently made or created) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (additional, recently discovered) | :: uusi, tuore |
new {adj} (current or later) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (distinguishing something established more recently) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (in original condition, pristine) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (refreshed, reinvigorated) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (newborn) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (of recent origin) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (strange, unfamiliar) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (recently arrived or appeared) | :: uusi |
new {adj} (inexperienced, unaccustomed) | :: uusi |
Newari {prop} (Newari language) | :: newari |
newb {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie | :: |
newbie {n} /ˈnjuːbi/ (new (inexperienced) user or participant) | :: aloittelija, keltanokka, vasta-alkaja, mopo, nyyppä |
newborn {adj} (reborn) SEE: reborn | :: |
newborn {adj} (recently born) | :: vastasyntynyt |
newborn {n} (recently born baby) | :: vastasyntynyt |
new broom {n} (new leader or management) | :: uusi luuta |
New Brunswick {prop} /njuː ˈbɹʌnz.wɪk/ (province in eastern Canada) | :: New Brunswick |
New Caledonia {prop} /ˈnu ˌkæl.ɪˈdoʊ.ni.ə/ (overseas territory of France) | :: Uusi-Kaledonia |
New Caledonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to New Caledonia) | :: uusikaledonialainen |
New Caledonian {n} (person from New Caledonia) | :: uusikaledonialainen |
newcomer {n} /ˈn(j)uˌkʌmɚ/ (one who has recently arrived in a community) | :: noviisi, aloittelija, vasta-alkaja, tulokas |
newcomer {n} (new participant in some activity) | :: noviisi, aloittelija, vasta-alkaja, tulokas |
New Deal {prop} (series of domestic programs) | :: New Deal |
New Delhi {prop} /n(j)uː ˈdɛli/ (capital of India) | :: New Delhi |
newel {n} /ˈnu.əl/ (central pillar of staircase) | :: keskipilari |
New England {prop} (six states of the United States) | :: Uusi-Englanti |
New English {prop} (form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift, completed in roughly 1550) | :: nykyenglanti |
newer {adj} /ˈn(j)uɚ/ (More recent) | :: uudempi |
newfangled {adj} /ˌnuˈfæŋ.ɡəld/ (modern, unfamiliar or different) | :: uusi hieno |
Newfoundland {prop} /ˈn(j)uˌfaʊnd.lənd/ (Island off the coast of Eastern Canada) | :: Newfoundland |
Newfoundland {n} (dog) | :: newfoundlandinkoira |
Newfoundland and Labrador {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) | :: Newfoundland ja Labrador |
New Guinea {prop} (large island) | :: Uusi-Guinea |
New Hampshire {prop} /nuːˈhæmpʃɚ/ (US state) | :: New Hampshire |
New Jersey {prop} /nuːˈdʒɝzi/ (a northeast state of the United States of America) | :: New Jersey |
New Latin {prop} (Latin after the Middle Ages) | :: uuslatina |
newly {adv} /ˈnuli/ (Very recently) | :: vasta, vastikään |
newlywed {n} (a recently married person) | :: vastanainut |
newlywed {adj} (recently married) | :: vastanainut |
New Mexico {prop} /nu ˈmɛʊ/ (US State) | :: New Mexico |
new moon {n} (phase of moon when in conjunction with sun) | :: uusikuu, uusi kuu |
new moon {n} (the moon when in conjunction with sun) | :: uusikuu |
new moon {n} (phase of moon when it is waxing) | :: kasvava puolikuu |
new moon {n} (the moon when it is waxing) | :: kasvava puolikuu |
newness {n} /ˈn(j)uːnəs/ (novelty) | :: uutuus |
new normal {n} (changed circumstances) | :: uusi normaali |
New Objectivity {prop} (artistic movement) | :: uusasiallisuus |
New Orleans {prop} /ˈn(j)uː ɔɹˈliːnz/ (city) | :: New Orleans |
new religious movement {n} (religious community or spiritual group) | :: uusi uskonnollinen liike |
news {n} /njuːz/ (new information of interest) | :: uutinen |
news {n} (reports of current events) | :: uutiset {p} |
news agency {n} (organisation that gathers and distributes news) | :: uutistoimisto |
newsagent {n} (retail business) | :: paperikauppa |
newsagent {n} (person) | :: paperikauppias |
news anchor {n} (presenter of news broadcasts) | :: uutistenlukija, uutisankkuri |
newscast {n} (broadcast of news) | :: uutislähetys, uutiset |
newscaster {n} (one who delivers the news) | :: uutistenlukija |
news channel {n} (a television channel dedicated to news) | :: uutiskanava |
news conference {n} (press conference) SEE: press conference | :: |
news cycle {n} (reporting of a particular media story from the first instance to the last) | :: uutiskierto |
news cycle {n} (rise and fall of news stories) | :: uutiskierto |
news cycle {n} (average length of stories in the media) | :: uutiskierto |
newsgroup {n} (repository for posting messages on a computer network) | :: uutisryhmä |
newsletter {n} /ˈn(j)uzˌlɛtɚ/ (publication) | :: uutiskirje |
news media {n} (various forms of news) | :: uutisvälineet {p} |
New South Wales {prop} (one state of Australia) | :: Uusi-Etelä-Wales |
New Spain {prop} (historical colony) | :: Uusi-Espanja |
newspaper {n} /ˈn(j)uzˌpeɪpɚ/ (publication) | :: sanomalehti, lehti |
newspaper {n} (paper on which newspapers are printed) | :: sanomalehtipaperi |
newspeak {n} (use of ambiguous words to deceive listeners) | :: uuskieli |
Newspeak {prop} (fictional language) | :: uuskieli |
Newspeak {n} (newspeak) SEE: newspeak | :: |
newsprint {n} (inexpensive paper used in newspapers) | :: sanomalehtipaperi |
newsreader {n} (news anchor) SEE: news anchor | :: |
newsreel {n} (a short film containing news or current affairs; especially one of several shown in sequence) | :: uutisfilmi |
newsroom {n} /ˈnjuːzɹuːm/ (the office of a news organisation) | :: uutistoimitus |
newsstand {n} (open stall where newspapers and magazines are on sale) | :: lehtikioski, lehtikoju |
New Stone Age {prop} (Neolithic) SEE: Neolithic | :: |
newt {n} /ˈn(j)ut/ (type of salamander) | :: vesilisko |
New Taiwan dollar {n} (currency of Taiwan) | :: uusi Taiwanin dollari |
New Territories {prop} (region of Hong Kong) | :: Uudet territoriot |
New Testament {prop} (second half of the Christian Bible) | :: Uusi testamentti |
newton {n} (derived unit of force) | :: newton |
Newton's first law {prop} (observation) | :: Newtonin ensimmäinen laki |
Newton's second law {prop} (Newton's observation) | :: Newtonin toinen laki |
Newton's third law {prop} (Newton's observation) | :: Newtonin kolmas laki |
New World {prop} (the Americas and Oceania) | :: Uusi Maailma |
New World monkey {n} (families of primates found in Central and South America) | :: kierteishäntäapina |
New World Order {prop} (vision for the world) | :: uusi maailmanjärjestys |
New World vulture {n} (bird of the family Cathartidae) | :: kondori |
new year {n} (year following the current year) | :: uusi vuosi |
New Year {n} (the first few days of a calendar year) | :: uusivuosi |
New Year {n} (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following) | :: uusivuosi |
New Year's Day {n} (holiday occurring on January 1st) | :: uudenvuodenpäivä |
New Year's Eve {prop} (holiday on December 31st) | :: [day] uudenvuodenaatto, [celebration] uusivuosi |
New Year's resolution {n} /ˈnjuː jɪəz ˌɹɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (vow one makes for the coming year) | :: uudenvuodenlupaus |
New York {prop} /nu ˈjɔɹk/ (state) | :: New York, New Yorkin osavaltio |
New York {prop} (city) SEE: New York City | :: |
New York City {prop} (large city in the USA) | :: New York |
New Yorker {n} (a native or resident of New York City) | :: newyorkilainen |
New Yorker {n} (a native or resident of the state of New York) | :: newyorkilainen |
New York State {prop} (The State of New York) | :: New Yorkin osavaltio |
New Zealand {prop} /nju ˈziː.lənd/ (country in Oceania) | :: Uusi-Seelanti |
New Zealand dollar {n} (official currency of New Zealand) | :: Uuden-Seelannin dollari |
New Zealander {n} (a person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent) | :: uusiseelantilainen |
New Zealand falcon {n} (Falco novaeseelandiae) | :: uudenseelanninhaukka |
New Zealand spinach {n} (Plant) | :: uudenseelanninpinaatti, lamopinaatti |
next {adj} /nɛkst/ (following in a sequence) | :: seuraava |
next {adj} (being closer to the present location than all other items) | :: seuraava |
next {adj} (nearest date, time, space or order) | :: seuraava |
next {adv} (In a time, place or sequence closest or following) | :: seuraavaksi |
next {adv} (On the first subsequent occasion) | :: ensi kerralla, seuraavalla kerralla, seuraavan kerran |
next {prep} (on the side of) | :: vieressä, vierellä |
next {prep} (next to) SEE: next to | :: |
next door {adv} (in the adjacent home or place) | :: naapurissa |
next door {adj} (that is in the adjacent place) | :: naapuri-, lähi-, viereinen |
nextly {adv} (next) SEE: next | :: |
next of kin {n} (closest blood relative, often heir to inheritance) | :: lähiomainen |
next of kin {n} (spouse, close friend, close relative) | :: lähiomainen, läheinen, omainen |
next to {prep} (beside; alongside) | :: ...-n vieressä, ...-n vierellä |
next to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate | :: |
next to nothing {pron} (very little) | :: melkein ilmaiseksi [of money, "almost free"], yhtä tyhjän kanssa |
next year {adv} (year after this one) | :: ensi vuonna |
nexus {n} /ˈnɛk.səs/ (connection) | :: yhteys |
nexus {n} (connected group) | :: ryhmä |
nexus {n} (centre of something) | :: keskus |
Nganasan {prop} (people) | :: nganasanit |
Nganasan {prop} (language) | :: nganasani |
négligée {n} /ˈnɛɡlɪʒeɪ/ (nightgown) | :: neglige |
NGO {n} (non-governmental organization) | :: n.a. |
n-heptane {n} (hydrocarbon CH3(CH2)5CH3) | :: n-heptaani, heptaani |
niacin {n} (water-soluble vitamin) | :: niasiini |
Niagara Falls {prop} (waterfalls) | :: Niagaran putoukset {p} |
Niagara River {prop} (river in North America) | :: Niagara, Niagara-joki |
Niamey {prop} /njɑːˈmeɪ/ (capital of Niger) | :: Niamey |
nib {n} /nɪb/ (tip of a pen) | :: kynänkärki |
nib {n} (bill of a bird) | :: nokka |
nibble {n} /ˈnɪbəl/ (a small, quick bite taken with the front teeth) | :: näykkäisy |
nibble {n} (small snacks) | :: naksut |
nibble {v} (eat with small bites) | :: näykkiä |
nibble {v} (bite lightly) | :: näykkäistä |
nibble {n} ((computing) A unit of memory equal to half a byte, or four bits) | :: puolitavu |
nib pen {n} (dip pen) SEE: dip pen | :: |
Nicaea {prop} /naɪˈsiːə/ (ancient city) | :: Nikea |
Nicaragua {prop} /ˌnɪk.əˈɹɑ.ɡwə/ (a country in Central America) | :: Nicaragua |
Nicaraguan {adj} (pertaining to Nicaragua) | :: nicaragualainen |
Nicaraguan {n} (person from Nicaragua) | :: nicaragualainen |
nice {adj} /naɪs/ (pleasant) | :: kiva, mukava, sympaattinen |
nice {adj} (attractive) | :: nätti, viehättävä, mukava, kiva |
nice {adj} (having a pleasant taste or aroma) | :: maukas [tasty], hyvä, herkullinen |
nice {adj} (showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment) | :: hienovarainen, tarkkuutta vaativa |
nice {interj} | :: hyvin tehty, kiva |
Nice {prop} /niːs/ (city in France) | :: Nizza |
nice-looking {adj} (attractive) SEE: attractive | :: |
nicely {adv} /ˈnʌɪsli/ (pleasantly) | :: ystävällisesti |
Nicene Creed {prop} (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith) | :: Nikean uskontunnustus |
nice to meet you {phrase} (pleased to meet you) SEE: pleased to meet you | :: |
nice try {interj} | :: hyvä yritys |
niche {n} /nɪt͡ʃ/ (cavity, hollow, or recess) | :: syvennys, rako |
niche {n} (ecological function of an organism) | :: ekologinen lokero |
niche {n} (position of opportunity) | :: markkinarako |
niche market {n} (relatively small and specialist market, product differentiated in small segment of consumers.) | :: markkinarako |
Nicholas {prop} /ˈnɪk.ə.ləs/ (male given name) | :: Niilo, Niko |
nick {n} /nɪk/ (small cut in a surface) | :: naarmu |
nick {n} (exact point or critical moment) | :: käännekohta |
nick {n} ((cricket) small deflection of the ball) | :: näpy, näpäys |
nick {n} (condition) | :: kondis |
nick {n} ((slang) police station or prison) | :: naarmu |
nick {v} (to make a nick or notch in) | :: raapaista, naarmuttaa |
nick {v} ((cricket) to hit the ball with the edge of a bat) | :: näpäyttää, näpätä |
nick {v} ((slang) to steal) | :: pölliä, nyysiä, vohkia |
nick {v} ((slang) to arrest) | :: napata |
nickel {n} /ˈnɪk.əl/ (element) | :: nikkeli |
nickel {n} (coin) | :: viisisenttinen |
nickel {v} (to plate with nickel) | :: nikkelöidä, niklata |
nickeline {n} (a mineral, nickel arsenide) | :: nikkoliitti, nikkeliini |
nickel silver {n} (alloy) | :: alpakka, uushopea |
nickname {n} /ˈnɪkneɪm/ (familiar, invented given name) | :: lempinimi |
nickname {n} (byname) | :: liikanimi, lisänimi |
nickname {v} (to give a nickname to) | :: antaa lempinimi, liikanimi, lisänimi, nimetä |
Nicobar Islands {prop} (archipelago) | :: Nikobaarit {p} |
Nicodemus {prop} (male given name) | :: Teemu |
Nicosia {prop} /ˌnɪkəˈsiːə/ (capital of Cyprus) | :: Nikosia |
nicotine {n} /ˈnɪkətiːn/ (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco) | :: nikotiini |
nicotine gum {n} (form of chewing gum that slowly releases nicotine into the body) | :: nikotiinipurukumi |
nicotine patch {n} (adhesive patch) | :: nikotiinilaastari |
nictate {v} /nɪkˈteɪt/ (to wink or blink) | :: räpyttää, (momentane) räpäyttää, (frequentative) räpytellä |
nictitating membrane {n} (transparent protective fold of skin) | :: vilkkuluomi |
nidify {v} /ˈnɪd.əˌfaɪ/ (to make a nest) | :: pesiä, rakentaa pesä |
niece {n} /niːs/ (fraternal or sororal niece, see also: fraternal niece; sororal niece) | :: veljentytär [fraternal], sisarentytär [sororal] |
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's husband) SEE: niece | :: |
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's wife) SEE: niece | :: |
nief {n} (fist) SEE: fist | :: |
niello {n} /niˈɛloʊ/ (any of various black metal alloys) | :: niello |
Nietzsche {prop} /ˈnitʃə/ (surname) | :: Nietzsche |
Nietzschean {adj} /ˈni.t͡ʃi.ən/ (pertaining to Nietzsche or his writings) | :: nietzscheläinen |
Nietzschean {n} (a supporter of Nietzsche's ideas) | :: nietzscheläinen |
nifty {adj} /ˈnɪfti/ (good, useful) | :: näppärä |
nigella {n} /naɪˈd͡ʒɛlə/ (plant of the genus Nigella) | :: neito |
nigella {n} (spice) SEE: black caraway | :: |
Niger {prop} /ˈnaɪ.dʒə(ɹ)/ (country) | :: Niger |
Niger-Congo {prop} (the language family) | :: niger-kongolaiset kielet {p} |
Nigeria {prop} /naɪˈdʒɪə.ɹɪə/ (a country in Western Africa) | :: Nigeria |
Nigerian {n} /naɪˌdʒɪəɹɪən/ (person) | :: nigerialainen |
Nigerian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Nigeria, the Nigerian people or culture) | :: nigerialainen |
Nigerian scam {n} (attempt to defraud) | :: nigerialaiskirje |
Nigerien {n} /niːˈʒɛəɹi.ən/ (person) | :: nigeriläinen |
Nigerien {adj} (pertaining to Niger) | :: nigeriläinen |
nigga {n} /ˈnɪɡə/ (ethnic slur) | :: nekru |
niggard {v} (a miser or stingy person) SEE: skinflint | :: |
niggardly {adj} /ˈnɪɡɚdli/ (withholding) | :: pihi, nuuka, saita, itara |
niggardly {adv} (in a parsimonious way) SEE: stingily | :: |
nigger {n} /ˈnɪɡə(ɹ)/ (Negro person, black person (pejorative)) | :: neekeri, nekru, lakupekka |
nigger in the woodpile {n} | :: koira haudattuna, jotain mätää |
niggle {v} /ˈnɪɡəl/ (to dwell too much on minor points) | :: niuhottaa |
nigh {adj} /naɪ/ (near, close by) | :: lähellä |
nigh {v} (to approach) | :: lähestyä |
nigh {adv} (almost; nearly) | :: lähes |
nigh {prep} (near, close to) | :: lähellä |
night {n} /naɪt/ (period between sunset and sunrise) | :: yö |
night {n} (evening or night spent at a particular activity) | :: ilta, yö |
night {n} (night spent away from home) | :: yö, yöpyminen |
night {n} (quality of sleep obtained during a night) | :: yöuni, yö |
night {n} (nightfall) | :: ilta |
night {n} (darkness) | :: pimeys, pimeä, yö |
night {interj} (Short for good night) | :: öitä! |
night and day {adv} (day and night) SEE: day and night | :: |
night and day {adv} (opposite) | :: yö ja päivä |
night-blind {adj} (unable to see clearly in low light; suffering from night blindness) | :: hämäräsokea |
night blindness {n} (nyctalopia; the inability to see clearly in faint light) | :: hämäräsokeus |
nightcap {n} /ˈnaɪtˌkæp/ (warm cap worn at night) | :: yömyssy |
nightcap {n} (beverage) | :: yömyssy |
nightclothes {n} (clothing worn while sleeping) | :: yöpuku, yöasu |
nightclub {n} (establishment that is open late at night) | :: yökerho |
nightcrawler {n} (Lumbricus terrestris) | :: kasteliero, kastemato |
nightcrawler {n} (large earthworm used as bait) | :: onkimato, onkiliero |
nightdress {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown | :: |
night emission {n} (nocturnal emission) SEE: nocturnal emission | :: |
nightfall {n} /ˈnaɪtfɔːl/ (the close of the day; the coming of night) | :: iltahämärä, illansuu |
night glass {n} (binoculars for night use) | :: yökiikari |
nightgown {n} /ˈnaɪtˌɡaʊn/ (sleeping garment worn by women) | :: yöpaita |
nighthawk {n} (night owl) SEE: night owl | :: |
nighthawk {n} /ˈnaɪthɑk/ (Caprimulgus europaeus) | :: kehrääjä |
nighthawk {n} (New World nightjar) | :: haukkakehrääjä [bird of the genus Chordeiles]; isohaukkakehrääjä [Chordeiles minor] |
nightie {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown | :: |
nightingale {n} /ˈnaɪtɪŋɡeɪl/ (bird) | :: satakieli, etelänsatakieli |
nightjar {n} /ˈnaɪtdʒɑː/ (nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae) | :: kehrääjä |
nightless {adj} /ˈnʌɪtləs/ (without night) | :: yötön |
nightlife {n} /ˈnaɪtˌlaɪf/ (Selection of nocturnal activities) | :: yöelämä |
nightlight {n} (a small, dim light or lamp left on overnight) | :: yölamppu |
nightly {adj} /ˈnaɪtli/ (happening in the night) | :: yöllinen |
nightly {adj} (occurring every night) | :: jokaöinen, jokailtainen |
nightly {adv} (every night) | :: joka yö, joka ilta |
nightmare {n} /naɪt.mɛəɹ/ (demon) | :: painajainen, mara |
nightmare {n} (dream) | :: painajainen |
nightmare {n} (experience) | :: painajainen |
nightmarish {adj} (resembling a nightmare) | :: painajaismainen |
night owl {n} /ˈnaɪt aʊl/ (nocturnal owl) | :: yöpöllö |
night owl {n} (one who is awake at night) | :: iltavirkku, yöihminen, yökyöpeli |
night person {n} (night-active person) | :: iltaihminen, yöihminen |
night safe {n} | :: yösäilö |
night school {n} (A school with classes held predominantly in the evening) | :: iltakoulu |
nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade) SEE: deadly nightshade | :: |
nightshade {n} /ˈnaɪtʃeɪd/ (plant of genus Solanum) | :: koiso |
night shift {n} (period) | :: yövuoro |
night shift {n} (group of workers) | :: yövuoro |
nightshirt {n} (shirt-like garment) SEE: nightgown | :: |
night sky {n} (sky seen at night) | :: yötaivas |
night soil {n} (human faeces) | :: uloste |
nightstand {n} (small table placed at the head side of a bed) | :: yöpöytä |
night start {n} (hypnic jerk) SEE: hypnic jerk | :: |
nightstick {n} (club) | :: pamppu |
night terror {n} (sleeping disorder) | :: unikauhuhäiriö |
nighttime {n} /ˈnaɪtˌtaɪm/ (hours of darkness) | :: yö, yöaika |
night vision {n} (ability to see in the dark) | :: hämäränäkö, pimeänäkö |
night watch {n} (watch kept during the night) | :: yövartio |
night watch {n} (guards on such a watch) | :: yövartio |
night watchman {n} (a person appointed by a town or city to walk the streets at night and guard the burghers from felons and robbers) | :: yövartija |
night watchman {n} (person who guards at night) | :: yövartija |
nightwear {n} (nightclothes) SEE: nightclothes | :: |
nightwork {n} /ˈnʌɪtwəːk/ (work carried out at night) | :: yötyö |
nihilism {n} /ˈnaɪ.(h)ɪ.lɪ.z(ə)m/ (rejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, moral principles, legal rules, etc.) | :: nihilismi |
nihilism {n} (doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life) | :: nihilismi |
nihilist {n} /ˈnaɪɪlɪst/ (person who accepts nihilism) | :: nihilisti |
nihilistic {adj} (of or relating to nihilism) | :: nihilistinen |
nihilistically {adv} (in a nihilistic manner) | :: nihilistisesti |
Nihongo {n} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese | :: |
nihonium {n} /nɪˈhoʊ.ni.əm/ | :: nihonium |
Nike {prop} /ˈnaɪki/ (Greek goddess of victory) | :: Nike {f} |
Nikolayevsk-on-Amur {prop} (city) | :: Nikolajevsk-na-Amure |
nikud {n} (system of diacritics for Hebrew) | :: nikkud |
nil {n} /nɪl/ (nothing) | :: nolla |
nilas {n} (thin sheets of sea ice) | :: sinijää |
Nile {prop} /naɪl/ (river) | :: Niili |
nilgai {n} (large antelope of northern India) | :: nilgau |
nilpotent {adj} ({algebra)) | :: nilpotentti |
nimble {adj} /ˈnɪmbl̩/ (quick and light in movement or action) | :: ketterä, vikkelä |
nimble {adj} (quick-witted and alert) | :: nopeaälyinen, valpas |
nimbostratus {n} (cloud type) | :: laaja sadepilvi, sadepilvi |
nimbus {n} /ˈnɪmbəs/ (circle of light; halo) | :: sädekehä |
nimbus {n} (rain cloud) | :: sadepilvi, nimbus |
Nina {prop} /ˈniːnə/ (female given name) | :: Niina, Nina |
nincompoop {n} /ˈnɪŋkəmpuːp/ (foolish or silly person) | :: tohelo, tollo, tolvana |
nine {num} /naɪn/ (cardinal number) | :: yhdeksän |
nine {n} (the digit or figure 9) | :: yhdeksikkö, ysi [slang] |
nine {n} (card with nine pips) | :: yhdeksikkö, ysi [slang] |
nine-banded armadillo {n} (Dasypus novemcinctus) | :: yhdeksänvyövyötiäinen |
nine hundred {num} /ˈnaɪn ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 900) | :: yhdeksänsataa |
nine men's morris {n} (board game) | :: mylly |
nine o'clock {n} (the start of the tenth hour) | :: yhdeksän (see also kello) |
nines {n} (pair of nines) | :: ysipari |
nineteen {num} /ˈnaɪn.tiːn/ (cardinal number) | :: yhdeksäntoista |
nineteenth {adj} /ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ/ (the ordinal form of the number nineteen, see also: 19th) | :: yhdeksästoista |
nineteenth {n} (person or thing in the nineteenth position) | :: yhdeksästoista |
nineteenth {n} (one of nineteen equal parts of a whole) | :: yhdeksästoistaosa |
nine thousand {num} (9000) | :: yhdeksäntuhatta |
nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine {num} (cardinal number 9,999) | :: yhdeksäntuhatta yhdeksänsataayhdeksänkymmentäyhdeksän |
nineties {n} (the decade of the 1990s) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäluku |
ninetieth {adj} /ˈnaɪn.ti.əθ/ (ordinal form of ninety) | :: yhdeksäskymmenes |
ninetieth {n} (person or thing in the ninetieth position) | :: yhdeksäskymmenes |
ninetieth {n} (one of ninety equal parts of a whole) | :: yhdeksäskymmenesosa |
nine to five {n} (typical working day) | :: yhdeksästä viiteen |
ninety {num} /ˈnaɪn.ti/ (90) | :: yhdeksänkymmentä |
ninety-eight {num} (98) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäkahdeksan |
ninety-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-eight) | :: yhdeksäskymmeneskahdeksas |
ninety-fifth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-five) | :: yhdeksäskymmenesviides |
ninety-first {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-one) | :: yhdeksäskymmenesensimmäinen, yhdeksäskymmenesyhdes |
ninety-five {num} (95) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäviisi |
ninety-four {num} (94) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäneljä |
ninety-fourth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-four) | :: yhdeksäskymmenesneljäs |
ninety-nine {num} (cardinal number 99) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäyhdeksän |
ninety-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-nine) | :: yhdeksäskymmenesyhdeksäs |
ninety-one {num} (cardinal number ninety-one) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäyksi |
ninety-second {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-two) | :: yhdeksäskymmenestoinen, yhdeksäskymmeneskahdes |
ninety-seven {num} (97) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäseitsemän |
ninety-seventh {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-seven) | :: yhdeksäskymmenesseitsemäs |
ninety-six {num} (96) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäkuusi |
ninety-sixth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-six) | :: yhdeksäskymmeneskuudes |
ninetysomething {n} (nonagenarian) SEE: nonagenarian | :: |
ninety-third {adj} (ordinal form of ninety-three) | :: yhdeksäskymmeneskolmas |
ninety-three {num} (93) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäkolme |
ninety-two {num} (92) | :: yhdeksänkymmentäkaksi |
Nineveh {prop} /ˈnɪnɪvə/ (capital of Assyria) | :: Ninive |
Ningbo {prop} (a city of China) | :: Ningbo |
Ningxia {prop} /nɪŋˈʃjɑː/ (autonomous region of China) | :: Ningxia |
ninja {n} /ˈnɪndʒə/ (person trained in ninjutsu) | :: ninja |
ninny {n} /ˈnɪni/ (a silly or foolish person) | :: nynny, nysverö |
Nintendo {n} /nɪnˈtɛndəʊ/ (Nintendo Entertainment System, or other video game system made by Nintendo) | :: Nintendo |
ninth {adj} /naɪnθ/ (ordinal form of nine, see also: 9th) | :: yhdeksäs |
ninth {n} (something in the ninth position) | :: yhdeksäs |
ninth {n} (one of nine equal parts of a whole) | :: yhdeksäsosa, yhdeksännes |
ninthly {adv} (in the ninth place) | :: yhdeksänneksi |
niobium {n} /naɪˈoʊbiəm/ (chemical element) | :: niobi, niobium |
nip {n} /nɪp/ (playful bite) | :: näykkäisy |
nip {n} (cold weather) | :: pakkanen |
Nip {n} (offensive: a Japanese person) SEE: Jap | :: |
nip in the bud {v} /ˈnɪp.ɪn.ðəˈbʌd/ (to prevent at an early stage) | :: kitkeä |
nipple {n} /ˈnɪp(ə)l/ (projection of mammary gland) | :: nänni, nisä |
nipple {n} (artificial nipple for bottle feeding) | :: tutti |
nipple cactus {n} (Mammillaria) | :: syyläkaktus |
nipplewort {n} (Lapsana communis) | :: linnunkaali |
Nippo- {prefix} (relating to Japan or Japanese) | :: japanilainen-, japanilais- |
Nippon {prop} (a country in East Asia) SEE: Japan | :: |
Nipponese {adj} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese | :: |
Nipponese {prop} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese | :: |
nipponize {v} (to make or become more Japanese) | :: [transitive] japanisoida, [intransitive] japanisoitua |
nipponize {v} (to translate into Japanese) | :: japanintaa |
niqqud {n} (nikud) SEE: nikud | :: |
nirvana {n} /nɪɹˈvɑnə/ (Buddhism: cessation of suffering) | :: onni, autuus |
nirvana {n} (state of bliss) | :: nirvana |
nisin {n} (polycyclic peptide) | :: nisiini |
nisoldipine {n} (drug) | :: nisoldipiini |
nisoxetine {n} (drug) | :: nisoksetiini |
nit {n} /nɪt/ (egg of a louse) | :: saivare, saivar |
nit {n} (slang: fool, nitwit) | :: dille |
nithing {n} (coward, dastard) SEE: coward | :: |
nithing {adj} (cowardly, dastardly) SEE: cowardly | :: |
nitisol {n} (soil type) | :: hohtosavimaannos |
nitpick {v} /ˈnɪt.pɪk/ (to correct minutiae or find fault) | :: nipottaa, saivarrella |
nitpick {v} (to pick nits) | :: nyppiä loisia, saivarrella |
nitpicker {n} /ˈnɪt.pɪk.ə(ɹ)/ (one who nitpicks) | :: pilkunviilaaja |
nitpicking {n} (any process of finding or pointing out tiny details or errors) | :: niuhotus, niuhottaminen |
nitpicky {adj} (overly critical) | :: pikkumainen |
nitrate {n} /ˈnaɪˌtɹeɪt/ (any salt or ester of nitric acid) | :: nitraatti |
nitrene {n} (organic compound) | :: nitreeni |
Nitrian {adj} (pertaining to the Wadi El-Natrun) | :: nitrialainen |
nitric acid {n} (HNO3) | :: typpihappo |
nitric oxide {n} (binary compound of nitrogen and oxygen) | :: typpioksidi |
nitride {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹaɪd/ (compound of nitrogen) | :: nitridi |
nitrification {n} (act of nitrifying) | :: nitrifikaatio |
nitrile {n} /ˈnaɪtɹaɪl/ (class of organic compounds) | :: nitriili |
nitrite {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹaɪt/ (salt or ester of nitrous acid) | :: nitraatti |
nitrite {n} (-NO2 and NO2-) | :: nitraatti |
nitro {n} /ˈnaɪtɹəʊ/ (NO2) | :: nitriitti |
nitro {n} (nitroglycerin as medication) | :: nitro |
nitro- {prefix} (nitrate, nitrogen) | :: nitro-, typpi- |
nitrobacterium {n} (species) | :: typpibakteeri |
nitrobenzene {n} (nitro derivative of benzene) | :: nitrobentseeni |
nitrocellulose {n} (the chemical nitrocellulose) | :: selluloosanitraatti, nitroselluloosa |
nitrogen {n} /ˈnaɪ.tɹə.dʒən/ (chemical element) | :: typpi |
nitrogen dioxide {n} (the binary compound NO2) | :: typpidioksidi |
nitrogen fixation {n} (the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen) | :: typensidonta |
nitrogen fixer {n} (nitrogen-fixing organism) | :: typensitoja |
nitrogenic {adj} (nitrogenous) SEE: nitrogenous | :: |
nitrogen monoxide {n} (nitric oxide) SEE: nitric oxide | :: |
nitrogenous {adj} (of nitrogen) | :: typekäs |
nitroglycerine {n} (the compound glyceryl-tri-nitrate) | :: nitroglyseriini |
nitro-hydrochloric acid {n} (aqua regia) SEE: aqua regia | :: |
nitrous oxide {n} (nitrous oxide) | :: typpioksiduuli, dityppioksidi |
nitrox {n} /ˈnaɪtɹɒks/ (mixture of nitrogen and oxygen used as a breathing gas) | :: nitroksi |
nitty {adj} (foolish, inane) SEE: foolish | :: |
nitty {adj} (fastidious, fussy, nit-picky) SEE: fastidious | :: |
nitty {adj} (shining; elegant) SEE: shining | :: |
nitty {adj} ((excessively) detailed, specific) SEE: detailed | :: |
nitty {n} (dope fiend, druggie) SEE: drug addict | :: |
Niue {prop} /ˈnjuːeɪ/ (island of Niue) | :: Niue |
Niuean {n} /ˈnjuːeɪən/ (person) | :: niuelainen |
Niuean {prop} (language) | :: niue |
Niuean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Niue) | :: niuelainen |
Nivkh {prop} /nɪvk/ (language) | :: nivhi |
Nivôse {prop} /niˈvoʊz/ (the fourth month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: nivôse |
nix {n} /nɪks/ (colloquial: nothing) | :: niks |
nix {v} (to reject or cancel) | :: torpata |
nix {v} (to destroy) | :: niitata |
nix {n} (water spirit) | :: näkki |
nixie {n} (water spirit) SEE: nix | :: |
nixtamalization {n} | :: nixtamalisointi |
Nizhny Novgorod {prop} (large city in Russia) | :: Nižni Novgorod |
Nizhny Tagil {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Nižni Tagil |
no {determiner} (not any) | :: ei yhtään, ei mitään, ei yksikään |
no {determiner} (used to show an activity is forbidden) | :: (a prohibition) kielletty [preceded by a verbal noun], (generally) ei (saa, voi) [followed by an infinitive] |
no {determiner} (not; not properly) | :: ei mikään |
no {particle} (used to show disagreement or negation) | :: ei |
no {particle} (used to show agreement with a negative question (in some languages this response is the usual word for "yes")) | :: ei [usually receives a possessive suffix and often followed by a verb:] en, et, ei, emme, ette, eivät |
no {n} (a negating expression) | :: ei |
no {n} (a vote not in favor) | :: ei, ei-ääni |
No. {n} (abbreviation of "number") | :: nro |
Noah {prop} /ˈnoʊə/ (biblical character) | :: Nooa |
Noah {prop} (male given name) | :: Nooa |
Noah's ark {prop} (the vessel built by Noah under God's instructions, as described in Genesis) | :: Nooan arkki |
nob {n} /nɑb/ (slang: head) | :: nuppi, päänuppi |
nob {n} (slang: glans penis) | :: mutteri |
nob {n} (a wealthy or influential person; a toff) | :: iso kiho, kiho, isokenkäinen |
nobelium {n} /noʊˈbiːliəm/ (chemical element) | :: nobelium |
Nobel Prize {n} /ˈnoʊˌbɛl ˈpɹaɪz/ (international prize) | :: Nobel-palkinto |
no biggie {phrase} (not a big deal) | :: ei iso juttu, ei se ole/oo niin justiinsa |
nobility {n} /noʊˈbɪlɪti/ (noble or privileged social class) | :: aateli |
nobility {n} (the quality of being noble) | :: aateluus |
noble {n} /ˈnoʊbəl/ (aristocrat) | :: aristokraatti |
noble {adj} (having honorable qualities) | :: aatelinen, jalo, ylväs |
noble {adj} (of or relating to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth) | :: aatelinen, aatelis- |
noble gas {n} (element of group 18 of the periodic table) | :: jalokaasu |
nobleman {n} /ˈnoʊbl̩mən/ (man of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat) | :: aatelismies |
noble metal {n} (metal resistant to corrosion) | :: jalometalli |
nobleness {n} (the quality or state of being noble; nobility or grandeur) | :: aatelisuus, aateluus, jalous |
noble rot {n} (fungus) | :: jalohome |
noble savage {n} | :: jalo villi |
noblesse oblige {n} /noʊˌblɛs əˈbliʒ/ (the honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank) | :: aateluus velvoittaa |
noblewoman {n} (a woman of noble rank) | :: aatelisnainen |
nobody {pron} (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) SEE: no one | :: |
nobody {n} /ˈnoʊ.bə.di/ (unimportant person) | :: tuntematon |
nobody's {determiner} (belonging to nobody (possessive form of nobody)) | :: ei kenenkään |
nobody's perfect {phrase} (phrase to remind that we all fail at times) | :: kukaan ei ole täydellinen |
no-brainer {n} (an easy or obvious conclusion, decision, solution, task (idiomatic)) | :: itsestäänselvyys |
nocebo {n} /nəʊˈsiː.bəʊ/ (pharmacologically inactive substance experienced as harmful) | :: nosebo |
nocebo effect {n} (deleterious placebo effect) | :: nosebovaikutus |
nociception {n} (physiological process underlying the sensation of pain) | :: kipuaisti |
no comment {phrase} ("official" refusal to relay any further information) | :: en kommentoi |
no comment {phrase} (refusal to say the obvious impolite retort) | :: en kommentoi |
noctuid {n} (moth of the family Noctuidae) SEE: owlet moth | :: |
noctule {n} /ˈnɑktʃul/ (bat of the genus Nyctalus) | :: isolepakko |
noctuoid {n} (moth of the superfamily Noctuoidea) | :: yökkösmäinen |
nocturia {n} (frequent need to arise during the night in order to urinate) | :: nokturia |
nocturnal {adj} /nɑkˈtɚnəl/ (primarily active during the night) | :: yö- [former part of compound], yöllinen, öinen, nokturnaalinen [scientific] |
nocturnal emission {n} (ejaculation or orgasm while asleep) | :: yöllinen siemensyöksy |
nocturne {n} /ˈnɒktɜːn/ (a dreamlike or pensive composition) | :: nokturno |
nod {v} /nɒd/ (incline the head up and down) | :: nyökätä, nyökäyttää, nyökyttää |
nod {v} (gradually fall asleep) | :: nuokkua |
nod {n} (instance of moving one's head) | :: nyökkäys |
noddy {n} (stupid or silly person) | :: tomppeli, tollo |
noddy {n} (bird of the genus Anous or Procelsterna) | :: ruskotiira [Anous]; tuhkatiira [Procelsterna] |
node {n} (knot, knob, protuberance or swelling) | :: patti, kyhmy |
node {n} (astronomy: where the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic) | :: solmu |
node {n} (joint of a plant stem) | :: solmu |
node {n} (computer attached to a network) | :: solmu, noodi |
node {n} (engineering: point at which the lines of a funicular meet) | :: kohtaamispaikka |
node {n} (geometry: point at which a curve crosses itself) | :: duaalipiste |
node {n} (vertex of a graph of a network) | :: solmu |
node {n} (medicine: concretion or incrustation upon bones) | :: patti, kyhmy |
node {n} (physics: point along a standing wave) | :: solmukohta |
node {n} (knot, intrigue, or plot of a dramatic work) | :: solmu |
node {n} (technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundial) | :: reikä |
node {n} (linguistics: word of interest in a KWIC) | :: noodi, solmu |
nod off {v} (fall asleep) | :: nuokahtaa |
no doubt {adv} (without a doubt) | :: epäilemättä, varmasti |
nodularin {n} (type of hepatotoxin) | :: nodulariini |
nodule {n} /ˈnɑːd͡ʒuːl/ (rounded mass) | :: noduuli |
no entry {phrase} (entry is forbidden) | :: pääsy kielletty |
noetic {adj} /noʊˈɛt.ɪk/ (of or pertaining to the mind or intellect) | :: ymmärryksellinen |
noetic {adj} (originating in or apprehended by reason) | :: ymmärryksellinen |
no fear {interj} (no way) SEE: no way | :: |
no fear {interj} (no worries) SEE: no worries | :: |
no-fly list {n} (list containing the names of people who are not permitted to board an aircraft) | :: lentokieltoluettelo |
no-fly zone {n} (an airspace in which aircraft, especially military aircraft, are forbidden to fly) | :: lentokieltoalue |
Nogai {prop} /noʊˈɡaɪ/ (language) | :: nogai, nogain kieli |
Nogai {n} (person) | :: nogai |
no good deed goes unpunished {proverb} (beneficial actions often go unappreciated or are met with outright hostility; if they are appreciated, they often lead to additional requests) | :: yksikään hyvä työ ei jää rankaisematta |
no hard feelings {phrase} (no resentment) | :: ei mitään hampaankolossa |
noise {n} /nɔɪz/ (various sounds, usually unwanted) | :: melu |
noise {n} (sound or signal generated by random fluctuations) | :: kohina |
noise {n} (technical: unwanted part of a signal) | :: kohina |
noise {n} (level of variation in gene expression) | :: kohina |
noiseless {adj} (silent) | :: meluton |
noiselessly {adv} (in a quiet manner) | :: meluttomasti |
noise pollution {n} (excessive noise) | :: melusaaste |
noisette {n} (slice of meat) | :: noisetti |
noisily {adv} (in a noisy manner) | :: äänekkäästi, meluisasti |
noisome {adj} /ˈnɔɪ.səm/ (morally hurtful or noxious) | :: vahingollinen |
noisome {adj} (hurtful or noxious to health) | :: haitallinen |
noisome {adj} (offensive to the senses) | :: pahanhajuinen |
noisy {adj} /ˈnɔɪzi/ (making a noise) | :: äänekäs |
noisy {adj} (full of noise) | :: meluisa |
noisy miner {n} (grey bird) | :: sotilasmesikko |
Nokia {prop} /ˈnoʊki.ə/ (a town in Finland) | :: Nokia |
no kidding {interj} (exclamation of amazement) | :: ihanko totta, ei kai |
no kidding {interj} (response to obvious statement) | :: ihanko totta, ei kai |
no laughing matter {n} | :: ei mikään naurun asia |
nolens volens {adv} (willing or unwilling) SEE: willy-nilly | :: |
no less {adv} (furthermore, not to mention) | :: jopa, vieläpä |
no longer {adv} (not any more) | :: ei enää |
nom {interj} /nɒm/ (interjection to denote enjoyment of eating) | :: nam |
nomad {n} /ˈnoʊmæd/ (a member of society or class who wander with their herds) | :: nomadi, paimentolainen |
nomad {n} (a wanderer) SEE: wanderer | :: |
nomadic {adj} /nəʊˈmæd.ɪk/ (of or relating to itinerant herdsmen) | :: paimentolais- |
nomadic {adj} (of or relating to any habitually wandering person) | :: kiertelevä, liikkuva |
nomadism {n} (way of life of a nomad) | :: paimentolaisuus |
no man is an island {proverb} (all people are dependent on other people) | :: yksikään ihminen ei ole saari |
no man's land {n} /ˈnoʊˌmænzˌlænd/ (place where no one can or should be) | :: ei-kenenkään-maa |
no man's land {n} (stretch of land between the border posts of two contiguous sovereign states) | :: ei-kenenkään-maa |
no matter what {prep} (whatever) | :: mitä tahansa, ihan sama mitä |
no matter what {prep} (under any circumstances) | :: kaikesta huolimatta, mikä ikinä tapahtuukaan, mikä tahansa tapahtuukaan |
nombril point {n} (heraldry: point midway between bottom and centre of the shield) | :: tyvipiste, kilven napa, napa |
nom de guerre {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym | :: |
nom de plume {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym | :: |
nom de Web {n} /nɒm də ˈwɛb/ (pseudonym used on the World Wide Web) | :: verkkonimimerkki |
nomen agentis {n} (agent noun) SEE: agent noun | :: |
nomenclature {n} /ˈnoʊmənˌkleɪtʃəɹ/ (set of names or terms) | :: nimistö |
nomenklatura {n} /nɒˌmɛnkləˈtjʊəɹə/ (list of posts in Soviet Union) | :: nomenklatuura |
nominal {adj} /ˈnɑm.ɪnl̩/ (of or relating to a name or names) | :: nimi- |
nominal {adj} (of or relating to the presumed or approximate value) | :: nimellinen |
nominal {adj} (of or relating to a noun) | :: substantiivi-, substantiivinen |
nominal {adj} (economics: without adjustment to remove the effects of inflation) | :: nimellinen |
nominal {adj} (statistics: having values whose order is insignificant) | :: luokitteluasteikollinen |
nominal {n} (part of speech that shares features with nouns and adjectives) | :: nomini |
nominalism {n} (doctrine) | :: nominalismi |
nominalist {n} (adherent of nominalism) | :: nominalisti |
nominal variable {n} (nominal variable) | :: luokitteluasteikollinen muuttuja |
nominate {v} /ˈnɑm.ɪ.neɪt/ (to name someone for a particular role or position) | :: asettaa ehdolle |
nomination {n} (An act or instance of nominating) | :: ehdollepano, nimeäminen |
nominative {n} (the nominative case) SEE: nominative case | :: |
nominative {adj} /ˈnɒmɪnətɪv/ (being in the nominative case) | :: nominatiivi-, nominatiivinen |
nominative {n} (noun in the nominative case) | :: nominatiivi, nimentö |
nominative absolute {n} (element of a sentence) | :: absoluuttinen nominatiivi |
nominative case {n} (case used to indicate the subject) | :: nominatiivi, nimentö |
nominee {n} /ˌnɒmɪˈniː/ (a person named or designated to any office, duty or position) | :: ehdokas |
nomism {n} (idea of the chief aspect of religiousness) | :: nomismi |
nomocracy {n} (political system under the sovereignty rational laws and civic rights) | :: nomokratia |
-nomy {suffix} (system of rules, laws, or knowledge about a particular field) | :: -nomia |
non- {prefix} /ˈnɒn/ (not) | :: ei-, epä- |
nonagenarian {n} /ˌnɒnæd͡ʒɛˈnɛːɹɪən/ (one who is between the ages of 90 and 99) | :: yhdeksänkymmenvuotias |
nonagon {n} /ˈnɑn.ə.ɡɑn/ (A polygon with nine sides and nine angles) | :: yhdeksänkulmio |
nonalcoholic {adj} (containing at most trace amounts of alcohol) | :: alkoholiton |
nonaligned {adj} (not allied) | :: puolueeton, sitoutumaton |
nonallied {adj} (not allied) | :: liittoutumaton |
nonasyllabic {adj} (having nine syllables) | :: yhdeksäntavuinen |
non-binary {adj} /ˌnɑnˈbaɪ.nɛɹ.i/ (outside the gender binary, see also: genderqueer) | :: muunsukupuolinen |
non-breaking space {n} (a variant of the space character) | :: sitova välilyönti, yhdistävä välilyönti |
noncarbonated {adj} (not carbonated) | :: hiilihapoton |
nonce {n} (a stupid or worthless person) SEE: goof | :: |
nonce {n} (a nonce word) SEE: nonce word | :: |
nonce {n} /nɑn(t)s/ (the one or single occasion; the present reason or purpose) | :: kerta, hetki |
nonce {n} (value constructed so as to be unique to a particular message in a stream) | :: kertakäyttöluku, nonssi |
nonce word {n} (word invented for the occasion) | :: tilapäismuodoste, keksitty sana |
nonchalance {n} /ˌnɑːnʃəˈlɑːns/ (indifference; carelessness; coolness) | :: yliolkaisuus |
nonchalant {adj} /ˌnɑn.ʃəˈlɑnt/ (casually calm and relaxed) | :: huoleton |
nonchalant {adj} (indifferent; unconcerned; behaving as if detached) | :: välinpitämätön, piittaamaton |
noncitizen {n} (someone who is not a citizen of the country in question) | :: ulkomaan kansalainen |
noncommercial {adj} (not engaged in commerce) | :: ei-kaupallinen |
noncommissioned officer {n} (non-commissioned officer) SEE: non-commissioned officer | :: |
non-commissioned officer {n} (person of authority in the military who has not received a commission) | :: aliupseeri |
non-compete {adj} (describing contractual clause) | :: kilpailukielto- |
non-compete {n} (contractual clause) | :: kilpailukieltolauseke |
nonconformist {n} (someone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices) | :: toisinajattelija |
nonconformist {adj} (not conforming to established customs etc) | :: epäsovinnainen |
nonconformity {n} (rejection of or the failure to conform, especially to standards, rules, or laws) | :: epäsovinnaisuus, sopeutumattomuus |
nondeductible {adj} (that cannot be deducted for tax purposes) | :: vähennyskelvoton |
nondescript {adj} /nɑndəsˈkɹɪpt/ (biology: not described) | :: tunnistamaton |
nondescript {adj} (without distinguishing qualities) | :: mitäänsanomaton |
non-deterministic {adj} (non-deterministic) SEE: nondeterministic | :: |
nondeterministic {adj} (involving choices) | :: epädeterministinen |
nondrying {adj} (not drying) | :: kuivumaton |
none {pron} /nʌn/ (not any person) | :: ei kukaan |
none {pron} (not any thing) | :: ei mikään |
non-Englishness {n} (state of not being English) | :: epäenglantilaisuus |
none of someone's business {n} (matter that someone is not entitled to be involved in) | :: ei kuulua jollekin |
none of your beeswax {phrase} (A riposte to badgering questioning) | :: ei kuulu sinulle (it doesn't concern you) |
none other than {phrase} ((used to qualify a person whose eminence may be more than one would expect)) | :: kuka muukaan kuin |
nones {n} (midday) SEE: noon | :: |
nones {n} (midday meal) SEE: lunch | :: |
nonessential {adj} (not essential) | :: ei-välttämätön |
nonessential amino acid {n} (amino acid that the human body can synthesize) | :: ei-välttämätön aminohappo |
nonet {n} (composition) | :: nonetti |
nonetheless {adv} /ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs/ (nevertheless) | :: silti, kuitenkin |
non-Euclidean {adj} (pertaining to non-Euclidean geometry) | :: epäeuklidinen |
non-Euclidean geometry {n} (Any system of geometry not based on the set of axioms of Euclidean geometry) | :: epäeuklidinen geometria |
no news is good news {proverb} (lack of information suggests nothing bad) | :: ei uutisia on hyvä uutinen |
nonexistent {adj} (not existent) | :: olematon |
nonexperimental {adj} (not experimental) | :: ei-kokeellinen |
nonfiction {n} (written works intended to give facts) | :: tietokirjallisuus |
non-finite verb {n} (verb form that lacks a subject) | :: infiniittiverbi |
non-flammable {adj} (non-flammable) SEE: nonflammable | :: |
nonflammable {adj} (not combustible) | :: palamaton |
nonfoaming {adj} (not producing foam) | :: vaahtoamaton |
nonfree {adj} (not free of charge) | :: maksullinen |
nonfree {adj} (with copyright restrictions that prevent unrestricted distribution or reuse) | :: ei-vapaa |
non-governmental {adj} (not belonging to a particular government) | :: yksityinen, kansalais- |
non-governmental organization {n} (organization with no government participation) | :: kansalaisjärjestö |
nonguilty {adj} (not guilty) | :: syytön, viaton |
nonillion {num} (1030, see also: quintillion) | :: kvintiljoona |
nonillion {num} (1054, see also: septendecillion) | :: noniljoona |
nonillion {n} (unspecified very large number) | :: tsiljoona |
nonindependence {n} (lack of independence) | :: epäitsenäisyys |
noninterference {n} (policy of not interfering in the domestic policies of another) | :: puuttumattomuus |
non-iron {adj} (not needing to be ironed) | :: itsesiliävä |
non-issue {n} (matter of no concern) | :: ei merkitse mitään [is of no concern] |
nonius {n} /ˈnəʊnɪəs/ (device for adjusting the accuracy of mathematical instruments) | :: noonio |
nonkilling {n} (A precept or worldview) | :: tappamattomuus |
nonlawful {adj} (unlawful) SEE: unlawful | :: |
nonlinear {adj} (of a set of points: not lying on a straight line) | :: epälineaarinen |
nonlinear {adj} (of a system: whose output is not directly proportional to its input) | :: epälineaarinen |
nonmagnetic {adj} (not magnetic) | :: epämagneettinen, ei-magneettinen |
nonmarketable {adj} (not marketable) | :: epäkurantti |
nonmetal {n} (element that does not have the properties of a metal) | :: epämetalli |
non-military service {n} (alternative for military service) | :: siviilipalvelus |
nonmodern {adj} (having characteristics of past times) | :: epämoderni, vanhanaikainen |
non-native {adj} (not indigenous) | :: ei-syntyperäinen, muukalainen |
non-native speaker {n} (someone who has another native tongue then the language being used) | :: ei-syntyperäinen puhuja |
non-negative {adj} | :: ei-negatiivinen |
nonnuclear {adj} (not having nuclear weapons) | :: ydinaseeton |
non-official cover {n} (assumption of a covert role in an organization which does not have ties to the government) | :: epävirallinen peiterooli |
nonparametric {adj} (mathematics: having a flexible]number or nature of parameter) | :: ei-parametrinen |
nonparametric {adj} (statistics: free of assumptions about the frequency distributions) | :: ei-parametrinen |
nonpareil {n} /nɑnpəˈɹɛl/ (that has no equal) | :: ylivertainen [adjective] |
nonpareil {n} (sprinkles) SEE: sprinkles | :: |
nonparliamentary {adj} (not parliamentary) | :: epäparlamentaarinen |
nonperson {n} /ˈnɒnpɜː(ɹ)sən/ (not a real person; a subhuman) | :: epähenkilö |
non-player character {n} (character in a role-playing game or computer game) | :: NPC, ei-pelaaja-hahmo, ei-pelaajahahmo |
nonplus {v} /nɒnˈplʌs/ (To perplex) | :: hämmentää, saattaa ymmälle, askarruttaa |
nonplussed {adj} /nɒnˈplʌst/ (bewildered) | :: ymmällään, hämmentynyt |
nonpolitical {adj} (not political) | :: epäpoliittinen |
nonpolluting {adj} (not polluting) | :: saasteeton |
nonprofessional {adj} (not professional) | :: harrastelijamainen, harrastelija-, amatööri- |
nonprofit {adj} (not seeking to produce a profit) | :: voittoa tavoittelematon |
nonprofit {n} (nonprofit organization) | :: voittoa tavoittelematon yhteisö |
nonrecurring {adj} (occurring only once) | :: kertaluonteinen |
non-regulated {adj} (not regulated) | :: sääntelemätön, säännöstelemätön |
nonreligious {adj} (not religious; secular) | :: epäuskonnollinen |
nonrepudiation {n} (assurance of digital sending or receipt) | :: kiistämättömyys |
nonscaly {adj} (not scaly) | :: suomuton |
nonsense {n} /ˈnɑnsɛns/ (meaningless words) | :: hölynpöly |
nonsense {n} (untrue statement) | :: hölynpöly |
nonsense {n} (type of poetry) | :: nonsense, nonsense-runous |
nonsense {n} (damaged DNA sequence) | :: nonsense-jakso |
nonsense {adj} (nonsensical) SEE: nonsensical | :: |
nonsense mutation {n} (genetics: inproductive mutation) | :: nonsense-mutaatio |
nonsense word {n} (type of word) | :: pseudosana |
nonsensical {adj} (without sense) | :: järjetön, tolkuton, mieletön |
non sequitur {n} /ˌnɑːnˈsɛk.wɪ.tɚ/ (invalid argument) | :: väärä johtopäätös |
nonskilled {adj} (Not skilled.) | :: taitamaton, (workers and such) kouluttamaton |
non-smoker {n} (somebody who does not smoke tobacco) | :: tupakoimaton |
non-smoking {adj} (having restrictions on smoking) | :: savuton |
non-smoking {adj} (not using tobacco) | :: savuton, tupakoimaton |
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug {n} (group of drugs) | :: tulehduskipulääke |
nonstop {adj} (without stopping) | :: tauoton; välilaskuton [of flight] |
nonstop {adv} (without stopping) | :: yhteen menoon, tauotta, putkeen, yhtä soittoa |
nonstrategic {adj} (not strategic) | :: ei-strateginen |
nonswimmer {n} (one who is not a swimmer) | :: uimatadoton |
nonsymmetric {adj} (asymmetrical) SEE: asymmetrical | :: |
non-terminal {adj} (not terminal) | :: nonterminaali |
non-terminal {n} (non-terminal symbol) | :: nonterminaali |
nontraditional {adj} (not traditional) | :: epäperinteinen |
nontraditional {adj} (innovative, new, daring) | :: uudenlainen, epäperinteinen |
nontrinitarian {n} (person) | :: kolminaisuusopin vastustaja |
nontrinitarian {adj} (rejecting the doctrine of the Holy Trinity) | :: ei-kolminaisuusopillinen |
nontrivial {adj} /ˌnɒnˈtɹɪ.vi.əl/ (not trivial) | :: vaikea, hankala |
nontrivial {adj} (mathematics: not obvious or easy to prove) | :: ei-triviaali |
nonuniform {adj} (not uniform) | :: epäyhtenäinen, epäyhdenmukainen |
nonuniform {adj} (of flow: not having same velocity all over) | :: epäyhtenäinen |
non-verbal {adj} /ˌnɑn.ˈvɜ˞.bəɫ/ (other than written or spoken words) | :: sanaton |
nonverbal communication {n} (communication in a form other than written or spoken words) | :: sanaton viestintä |
nonviolence {n} (philosophy that rejects violence) | :: väkivallattomuus |
nonviolent {adj} (not violent) | :: väkivallaton |
non-violent {adj} (without violence) | :: rauhanomainen |
nonvolatile {adj} (not readily evaporated) | :: haihtumaton |
nonvolatile {adj} (not explosive) | :: räjähtämätön |
nonvolatile {adj} (of a price, not variable or erratic) | :: vakaa |
nonvolatile {adj} (of a person, not quick to become angry or violent) | :: rauhallinen |
nonvolatile {adj} (not fickle) | :: vakaa |
nonvolatile {adj} (not temporary or ephemeral) | :: pysyvä |
nonvolatile {adj} (of a situation, not potentially violent) | :: rauhallinen |
nonvoting {adj} (lacking the right to vote) | :: äänivallaton |
nonwashable {adj} (unwashable) SEE: unwashable | :: |
nonwashable {n} (unwashable) SEE: unwashable | :: |
nonwoven {n} (nonwoven fabric) | :: kuitukangas |
noob {n} /n(j)uːb/ (newbie) | :: nyyppä, nobo, aloittelija, nuupi, peelo |
noodle {n} (fool) SEE: fool | :: |
noodle {n} /nuːdl̩/ (string or strip of pasta) | :: nuudeli |
noodle {n} (the brain, the head) | :: lanttu |
no offense {phrase} (no offense) | :: ei millään pahalla, en halua loukata ketään, ei pahalla |
noogie {n} (knuckle rub on head) | :: kolipottu |
nook {n} /nʊk/ (small corner formed by two walls) | :: kolo, sopukka; alkovi |
nook {n} (hidden or secluded spot) | :: kolo, sopukka |
nookie {n} (sexual intercourse) | :: muhinointi [informal], seksi, rakastelu |
noology {n} (noology) | :: noologia |
noon {n} (midnight) SEE: midnight | :: |
noon {n} /nuːn/ (midday) | :: keskipäivä, puolipäivä |
no one {pron} /ˈnəʊ wʌn/ (not even a single person) | :: ei kukaan |
no one is born a master {proverb} (no one is born a master) | :: kukaan ei ole seppä syntyessään |
noose {n} /nuːs/ (adjustable loop or rope) | :: juoksusilmukka |
no pain, no gain {proverb} (discomfort is necessary to achieve goals) | :: vaikeuksien kautta voittoon [through difficulties to the victory], yrittänyttä ei laiteta [who doesn't try doesn't set] |
no parking {phrase} (no parking) | :: pysäköinti kielletty |
nope {particle} /noʊp/ (informal "no") | :: ei |
nope {n} (informal "no") | :: ei |
no problem {n} (easy) | :: helppoa, ei mikään ongelma |
no problem {interj} (it does not pose a problem) | :: ilman muuta |
no problem {interj} (no thanks or apology is necessary) | :: eipä mitään; eipä kestä [for thanks only]; ei se mitään [mostly for apology] |
nor {conj} /nɔːɹ/ (nor) | :: -kä |
NOR {n} (NOT OR) | :: EI-TAI |
noradrenaline {n} /nɔːɹəˈdɹɛnəlɪn/ (the compound norepinephrine) | :: noradrenaliini |
nordic {adj} (Nordic) SEE: Nordic | :: |
nordic {adj} /ˈnɔː(ɹ).dɪk/ (of or relating to cross-country skiing) | :: maasto-, maastohiihto- |
Nordic {adj} /ˈnɔː(ɹ).dɪk/ (of or relating to the Nordic countries) | :: pohjoismainen |
Nordic {adj} (of or relating to the external features of Nordic peoples) | :: pohjoismainen |
Nordic {adj} (of or relating to the family of North Germanic languages) | :: pohjoismainen |
Nordic {n} (person of Nordic descent) | :: pohjoismaalainen |
Nordic {adj} (of or relating to cross-country skiing) SEE: nordic | :: |
Nordic combined {n} (cross-country skiing and ski jumping) | :: yhdistetty |
Nordic countries {n} (the Nordic countries collectively) | :: Pohjoismaat {p}, Pohjola |
Nordic walking {n} (sport) | :: sauvakävely |
norepinephrine {n} (norepinephrine) | :: norepinefriini, noradrenaliini |
no rest for the wicked {proverb} (people who are wicked must work harder) | :: jumalattomilla ei ole rauhaa |
Norfolk Island {prop} /ˈnɔɹ.fɔk ˈaɪ.lənd/ (external territory of Australia) | :: Norfolkinsaari |
Norfolk Island pine {n} (conifer endemic to Norfolk Island) | :: norfolkinaraukaria, huonekuusi |
NOR gate {n} (a physical Boolean device) | :: NOR-portti, TAI-EI-portti |
nori {n} (a type of seaweed used in the preparation of sushi) | :: nori |
norm {n} /nɔːm/ (that which is normal) | :: normi |
norm {n} (rule that is enforced by members of a community) | :: normi |
norm {n} (math: function that maps vectors to non-negative scalars) | :: normi |
normal {adj} /ˈnɔɹməl/ (according to norms or rules) | :: säännönmukainen |
normal {adj} (usual, ordinary) | :: säännöllinen |
normal {adj} (healthy; not sick or ill) | :: normaali |
normal {n} (mathematics: a line perpendicular to another) | :: normaali |
normalcy {n} /ˈnɔɹməlsi/ (state of being normal) | :: normaalius, normaalitila |
normal distribution {n} (probability distribution) | :: normaalijakauma |
normal form {n} (math: standard way of presenting an object) SEE: canonical form | :: |
normal form {n} (databases: form of a relational database) | :: normaalimuoto |
normal form {n} (game theory: matrix of possible outcomes) | :: normaalimuoto |
normality {n} (state of being normal) | :: tavallisuus, tavanomaisuus, normaalius |
normality {n} ((chemistry) concentration of a solution) | :: normaalisuus |
normality {n} ((mathematics) measure) | :: normaalisuus, normaalijakautuneisuus |
normalization {n} (any process that makes something more normal or regular) | :: normalisointi, normitus |
normalize {v} /ˈnɔː(ɹ).mə.laɪz/ (to make normal) | :: normalisoida |
normalize {v} (statistics: to reduce variations) | :: normaalistaa |
normalize {v} (rail transport, transitive: to return to the normal position) | :: palauttaa |
normalize {v} (rail transport, intransitive: to return to the normal position) | :: palautua |
normally {adv} (under normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time) | :: normaalisti, yleensä |
normally {adv} (in the expected or customary manner) | :: normaalisti, tavalliseen tapaan |
normal saline {n} (solution) | :: keittosuolaliuos |
normal school {n} (school for training teachers) | :: normaalikoulu |
normal subgroup {n} (subgroup that is invariant under conjugation) | :: normaali aliryhmä |
normal time {n} (standard period of play) | :: varsinainen peliaika |
Norman {n} /ˈnɔɹmən/ (a person from Normandy) | :: normandialainen |
Norman {n} (a Northman) | :: normanni |
Norman {prop} (the Norman language) | :: normanni |
Norman {adj} (of or pertaining to Normandy and its inhabitants) | :: normandialainen |
Normandy {prop} (region of France) | :: Normandia |
normative {adj} /ˈnɔɹmətɪv/ (of, pertaining to, or using a norm or standard) | :: normatiivinen |
normative economics {n} (economic theory) | :: normatiivinen taloustiede |
normativity {n} (state of being normative) | :: normatiivisuus |
normed vector space {n} (vector space with norm) | :: normiavaruus |
normothermia {n} (condition of having normal body temperature) | :: normaalilämpöisyys |
normothermic {adj} /nɔɹmoʊˈθɝmɪk/ (having normal body temperature) | :: normaalilämpöinen |
Norn {prop} (language) | :: norni |
norovirus {n} /ˈnɒɹə(ʊ)vaɪɹəs/ (genus of Norwalk virus) | :: norovirus |
Norse {prop} /nɔɹs/ (The ancient language spoken by Vikings) | :: muinaisnorja |
north {n} /nɔːθ/ (compass point) | :: pohjoinen |
north {n} (north pole of a magnet) | :: pohjoisnapa |
north {adj} (of or pertaining to the north) | :: pohjoinen, pohjois- |
north {adj} (toward the north) | :: pohjoiseen |
north {adj} (meteorology: of wind, from the north) | :: pohjoinen, pohjois-, pohja- |
north {adj} (part of a corridor used by northbound traffic) | :: pohjoinen |
North Aegean {prop} (one of the 13 peripheries of Greece) | :: Pohjois-Egean saaret |
North Africa {prop} (the northern part of Africa) | :: Pohjois-Afrikka |
North America {prop} /ˌnɔː(ɹ)θ əˈmɛɹɪkə/ (continent) | :: Pohjois-Amerikka |
North American {adj} (relating to North America) | :: pohjoisamerikkalainen |
North American {n} (North American person) | :: pohjoisamerikkalainen |
North Atlantic {prop} (north portion of Atlantic Ocean) | :: Pohjois-Atlantti |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) | :: Pohjois-Atlantin liitto |
North Carolina {prop} /ˌnɔɹθ kɛɹəˈlaɪnə/ (state of the United States) | :: Pohjois-Carolina |
North Dakota {prop} /ˈnɔɹθ dəˈkoʊ.tə/ (state of the United States of America) | :: Pohjois-Dakota |
northeast {n} (compass point) | :: koillinen |
Northeast Caucasian {prop} (a language family spoken in Northeast Caucasus) | :: koilliskaukasialaiset kielet {p} |
Northeast China Plain {prop} (plain located in Northeast China) | :: Mantšurian tasanko |
northeastern {adj} (of, related to, located in, or from the northeast) | :: koillinen |
northerly {n} /ˈnɔɹðɚli/ (wind blowing from the north) | :: pohjoistuuli |
northerly {adj} (from/to the north) | :: pohjoisenpuoleinen, pohjoinen |
northern {adj} /ˈnɔɹðɚn/ (facing, situated in or related to the north) | :: pohjois- |
northern {adj} (of wind) | :: pohjoinen, pohjois- |
northern {adj} (characteristic of North of England) | :: pohjoisenglantilainen |
northern bilberry {n} (shrub and berry) SEE: bog bilberry | :: |
northern birch mouse {n} (Sicista betulina) | :: koivuhiiri |
Northern Cyprus {prop} (a de-facto state) | :: Pohjois-Kypros |
Northern Dvina {prop} (river in Russia) | :: Vienanjoki |
Northern Europe {prop} (sociopolitical region of Europe) | :: Pohjois-Eurooppa |
Northern European {adj} (Northern European) | :: pohjoiseurooppalainen |
northern firmoss {n} (Huperzia selago) | :: ketunlieko |
northern fulmar {n} (Fulmar glacialis) | :: myrskylintu |
northern fur seal {n} (Callorhinus ursinus) | :: pohjanmerikarhu |
northern gannet {n} (Morus bassanus) | :: suula |
northern goshawk {n} (Accipiter gentilis) | :: kanahaukka |
northern greater galago {n} (Otolemur garnettii) | :: lyhytkorvagalago |
northern hawk owl {n} (Surnia ulula) | :: hiiripöllö |
Northern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the north of its equator) | :: pohjoinen pallonpuolisko |
northern house martin {n} (common house martin) SEE: common house martin | :: |
Northern Ireland {prop} /ˈnɔː(ɹ)ðə(ɹ)n ˈaiə(ɹ)lənd/ (Northern Ireland) | :: Pohjois-Irlanti |
northern lapwing {n} (Vanellus vanellus) | :: töyhtöhyyppä |
northern lights {n} (the aurora of the northern hemisphere) | :: revontulet |
Northern Macedonia {prop} (country) SEE: North Macedonia | :: |
Northern Marianas {prop} (Northern Marianas) | :: Pohjois-Mariaanit |
northern pike {n} /ˈnɔɹðɚn paɪk/ (Esox lucius) | :: hauki |
northern pintail {n} (Anas acuta) | :: jouhisorsa |
northern raccoon {n} (Procyon lotor) SEE: raccoon | :: |
northern raven {n} (common raven) SEE: common raven | :: |
northern red-backed vole {n} (Myodes rutilus) | :: punamyyrä |
Northern Sami {prop} (most widely spoken Sami language) | :: pohjoissaame |
Northern Sea Route {prop} (a shipping lane in the Arctic Ocean) | :: koillisväylä, pohjoinen meritie |
northern shrike {n} (Lanius borealis) | :: taigaisolepinkäinen |
Northern Territory {prop} /ˈnɔːðən ˈtɛɹɪt(ə)ɹi/ (Territory in northern Australia) | :: Pohjoisterritorio |
Northern Thai {prop} /ˈnɔɹðəɹn taɪ/ (language) | :: lanna |
northern tree shrew {n} (Tupaia belangerii) | :: belangerintupaija |
northern wheatear {n} (Oenanthe oenanthe) | :: kivitasku |
northern wild rice {n} (Zizania palustris) | :: intiaaniriisi |
North Frisian {prop} (Frisian language) | :: pohjoisfriisi |
North Frisian {n} (person belonging to the North Frisian people) | :: pohjoisfriisi |
North Frisian {adj} (pertaining to the North Frisians) | :: pohjoisfriisiläinen |
North Frisian Islands {prop} (islands in the Wadden Sea) | :: Pohjois-Friisein saaret |
North Germanic {prop} (branch of Germanic language family) | :: pohjoisgermaaniset kielet {p} |
North India {prop} (northern region of India) | :: Pohjois-Intia |
North Island {prop} (one of the two major islands making up New Zealand) | :: Pohjoissaari |
North Korea {prop} /ˌnɔː(ɹ)θ kəˈɹiːə/ (North Korea) | :: Pohjois-Korea |
North Korean {n} (person from North Korea) | :: pohjoiskorealainen |
North Korean {adj} (pertaining to North Korea) | :: pohjoiskorealainen |
North Macedonia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Pohjois-Makedonia |
North Macedonian {adj} (of, or relating to North Macedonia) | :: pohjoismakedonialainen |
North Macedonian {n} (a native or inhabitant of North Macedonia) | :: pohjoismakedonialainen |
north-northeast {n} (compass point) | :: pohjoiskoillinen |
north-northwest {n} (compass point) | :: pohjoisluode |
North Ossetia {prop} (North Ossetia-Alania) SEE: North Ossetia-Alania | :: |
North Ossetia-Alania {prop} (a federal subject of Russia) | :: Pohjois-Ossetia |
north pole {n} /ˌnɔːθ ˈpəʊl/ (northernmost point on celestial bodies) | :: pohjoisnapa |
north pole {n} (positive pole of a magnetic dipole) | :: pohjoisnapa |
North Pole {prop} (northernmost point on Earth) | :: pohjoisnapa |
North Rhine-Westphalia {prop} (state) | :: Nordrhein-Westfalen |
North Sea {prop} (a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France) | :: Pohjanmeri |
northside {n} (the northern side of a building, street, area, etc.) | :: pohjoispuoli, pohjoissivu |
North Star {prop} (Pole Star) SEE: Pole Star | :: |
north temperate zone {n} (the temperate zone) | :: pohjoinen lauhkea vyöhyke |
Northumberland {prop} /ˈnɔː(ɹ).θʌm.bə(ɹ).lənd/ (most northerly county of England) | :: Northumberland |
North Vietnam {prop} | :: Pohjois-Vietnam |
northwest {n} (compass point) | :: luode |
North West {prop} (region of England) | :: Luoteis-Englanti |
North West {prop} (province of South Africa) | :: Luoteismaakunta |
northwester {n} (a strong Foehn wind from the northwest in New Zealand.) | :: luoteistuuli |
Northwest Passage {prop} (Sea route connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean) | :: Luoteisväylä |
Northwest Territories {prop} (Territory in northern Canada) | :: Luoteisterritoriot {p} |
north wind {n} (wind blowing from the north) | :: pohjoistuuli |
North Yemen {prop} (country) | :: Pohjois-Jemen |
nortropane {n} (bicyclic heterocycle) | :: nortropaani |
Norway {prop} /ˈnɔɹ.weɪ/ (Scandinavian country) | :: Norja |
Norway lemming {n} (Norway lemming) | :: tunturisopuli |
Norway lobster {n} (Nephrops norvegicus) | :: merirapu |
Norway maple {n} (Acer platanoides) | :: vaahtera, metsävaahtera |
Norway pine {n} (Pinus resinosa) SEE: red pine | :: |
Norway spruce {n} (Picea abies) | :: metsäkuusi, euroopankuusi [subsp. apies] |
Norwegian {n} /nɔɹ.ˈwiː.dʒən/ (native of Norway) | :: norjalainen |
Norwegian {n} (language of Norway) | :: norja, norjan kieli |
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norway) | :: norjalainen |
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norwegians) | :: norjalainen |
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Norwegian language) | :: norjalainen |
Norwegian Bokmål {n} (Bokmål) SEE: Bokmål | :: |
Norwegian forest cat {n} (domestic cat breed) | :: norjalainen metsäkissa |
Norwegianness {n} (quality) | :: norjalaisuus |
Norwegian Nynorsk {n} (Nynorsk) SEE: Nynorsk | :: |
Norwegian Sea {prop} (part of the Atlantic) | :: Norjanmeri |
nose {v} /nəʊz/ (to move cautiously) | :: tunnustella, liikkua varovaisesti |
nose {v} (to snoop) | :: nuuskia |
nose {v} (to detect) | :: haistaa |
nose {v} (to push with the nose) | :: nuuhkia |
nose {v} (to win by a narrow margin) | :: voittaa hiuksenhienosti |
nose {n} (protuberance on the face) | :: nenä |
nose {n} (snout, nose of an animal) | :: kuono, turpa, kärsä |
nose {n} (tip of an object) | :: nokka |
nose {n} (bulge on the side of a piece of a jigsaw puzzle) | :: nystyrä |
nose {n} (length of a horse’s nose) | :: turvanmitta |
nose {n} (bouquet) | :: tuoksu |
nose {n} (skill in recognising bouquet) | :: hajuaisti |
nose {n} (skill at finding information) | :: vainu |
noseband {n} (part of a bridle or halter) | :: turpahihna, turparemmi |
nosebleed {n} /ˈnoʊzˌblid/ (haemorrhage from the nose) | :: nenäverenvuoto |
noseclip {n} (device that holds a person's nostrils closed) | :: nenäklipsi |
nosegay {n} /ˈnəʊzɡeɪ/ (small bunch of fragrant flowers or herbs) | :: kukkakimppu |
nosegay {n} (aroma, scent) SEE: aroma | :: |
nose guard {n} (item of protection) | :: nenäsuojus, nenäsuoja |
nose guard {n} (football: middle guard) | :: noussi |
nose leather {n} (rhinarium) SEE: rhinarium | :: |
noseless {adj} (lacking a nose) | :: nenätön |
noselessness {n} (state of lacking a nose) | :: nenättömyys |
nose-picking {n} (insertion of a finger into one's nostril, especially to remove mucus.) | :: nenän kaivaminen |
nose ring {n} (ring affixed to the snout of cattle) | :: nenärengas |
nose ring {n} (ring worn as jewellery on the nose) | :: nenärengas |
nose to the grindstone {n} | :: (paiskia töitä, painaa töitä, raataa) niska limassa, herkeämättä , hartiavoimin |
nosh {n} (blowjob) SEE: blowjob | :: |
nosh {v} (to perform fellatio (on)) SEE: blow | :: |
nosh {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub | :: |
nosh {n} (snack) SEE: snack | :: |
nosh {v} (snack) SEE: snack | :: |
no shit {interj} (vulgar: exclamation of amazement or disbelief) | :: ei helvetti, mitä helvettiä |
no shit {interj} (vulgar: response to obvious statement) | :: älä hitossa |
no shit, Sherlock {interj} (a riposte to someone who has just said something obvious) | :: ihanko totta |
no-show {n} /ˈnoʊ ˌʃoʊ/ (a failure to make a scheduled appearance) | :: poissaolo |
no-show {n} (somebody who does not show up) | :: haamuasiakas [customer]; poissaoleva |
no smoke without fire {proverb} (gossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact) | :: ei savua ilman tulta |
no smoking {phrase} (phrase used in notices indicating that the smoking of cigarettes is not permitted) | :: tupakointi kielletty |
no sooner said than done {phrase} (no sooner than something is said it will be done) | :: sanottu ja tehty |
no spring chicken {n} (person who is no longer particularly young) | :: ei mikään poikanen [male]; ei mikään tyttönen [female] |
nostalgia {n} /nɑˈstældʒə/ (bittersweet yearning for the things of the past) | :: nostalgia, haikeus, kaiho |
nostalgia {n} (reminiscence of the speaker's childhood or younger years) | :: lapsuusmuisto |
nostalgia {n} (longing for home or familiar surroundings) SEE: homesickness | :: |
nostalgic {adj} (pertaining to nostalgia) | :: nostalginen |
nostalgic {n} (person who displays nostalgia) | :: nostalgikko |
nostalgize {v} (to revel in nostalgia) | :: nostalgisoida |
nostoc {n} (genus of cyanobacteria) | :: nostoc |
Nostratic {prop} /nɑːˈstɹætɪk/ (language grouping) | :: nostraattinen |
nostrificate {v} (nostrify) SEE: nostrify | :: |
nostrify {v} /ˈnɑs.tɹə.faɪ/ (to grant recognition to a foreign degree) | :: tunnustaa |
nostrify {v} (to adopt, accept, or include as part of one's own culture) | :: omaksua |
nostril {n} /ˈnɒstɹɪl/ (either of the two orifices located on the nose) | :: sierain |
nostrum {n} /ˈnɒs.tɹəm/ (medicine or remedy which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effects) | :: patenttilääke |
nosy {adj} /ˈnoʊzi/ (prying, inquisitive or curious in other’s affairs; tending to snoop or meddle) | :: uteleva, utelias |
nosy {adj} (having a large nose) | :: isonenäinen |
not {adv} /nɒt/ (negates meaning of verb) | :: ei |
not {conj} (And not) | :: ei |
not {n} (unary negation function) | :: EI |
notable {adj} /ˈnəʊtəbl̩/ (worthy of notice; remarkable) | :: huomionarvoinen, merkittävä |
notable {n} (person or thing of distinction) | :: merkkihenkilö [person] |
notably {adv} (in a notable manner) | :: eritoten, varsinkin, etenkin |
not anymore {adv} (no longer) SEE: no longer | :: |
notarize {v} (witness of the authenticity of a document) | :: notarisoida |
notary {n} (notary public) | :: notaari |
notary public {n} /ˈnəʊtəɹi ˈpʌblɪk/ (officer who can administer oaths and statutory declarations) | :: julkinen notaari |
not at all {adv} /nɑʔ.æʔ.ɔl/ (not) | :: ei lainkaan, ei yhtään |
not at all {interj} (conventional reply to expression of gratitude) | :: ei lainkaan, eipä kestä |
notate {v} (to mark with spots or lines) | :: merkitä |
notate {v} (to add notes) | :: kommentoida |
notate {v} (to create notation) | :: nuotittaa |
notation {n} /noʊˈteɪʃən/ (act or process of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures or characters) | :: notaatio |
notation {n} (system of characters, symbols or abbreviated expressions used to express technical facts or quantities) | :: notaatio |
notation {n} (specific note or piece of information written in such a notation) | :: notaatio |
not bad {adj} (reasonably good) | :: ihan hyvä |
notch {n} /nɒtʃ/ (V-shaped cut) | :: lovi |
notch {n} (such a cut, used for keeping a record) | :: lovi |
notch {n} (indentation) | :: kolo |
notch {n} (mountain pass) | :: sola |
notch {n} (level or degree) | :: aste, luokka |
notch {v} (to cut a notch) | :: [a V-shaped cut] loveta; [an indentation] kaivertaa |
notch {v} (to record by notches) | :: loveta |
notch {v} (to join by means of notches) | :: salvoa |
notch {v} (to achieve) | :: saavuttaa, kirjata |
notchy {adj} (having notches) | :: koloinen |
not dog {n} (imitation sausage or sandwich) SEE: veggie dog | :: |
note {n} /nəʊt/ (visible sign) | :: merkki |
note {n} (mark, or sign, made to call attention) | :: merkki |
note {n} (marginal comment or explanation) | :: huomio, kommentaari |
note {n} (memorandum) | :: muistiinpano, muistilappu, muistutus |
note {n} (short informal letter) | :: viesti |
note {n} (diplomatic missive or written communication) | :: nootti |
note {n} (written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment) | :: velkakirja |
note {n} (character indicating the length and pitch of a tone) | :: nuotti |
note {n} (musical sound) | :: nuotti, sävel |
note {n} (key of the piano or organ) | :: kosketin |
note {n} (observation) | :: huomio, havainto |
note {n} (reputation; distinction) | :: maine |
note {v} (to notice with care) | :: panna merkille, huomata, noteerata |
note {v} (to record in writing) | :: merkitä muistiin, kirjoittaa ylös |
note {v} (to denote, designate) | :: merkitä, tarkoittaa, nimittää, valita, määrittää, osoittaa |
note {v} (to annotate) | :: kommentoida, huomauttaa |
note {v} (to set down in musical characters) | :: nuotittaa |
note {n} (banknote) SEE: banknote | :: |
notebook {n} /ˈnoʊtˌbʊk/ (empty book able to be used for notes) | :: vihko, muistikirja, taskumuistio |
notepad {n} (bound pad of paper) | :: muistilehtiö |
notetaking {n} /ˈnoʊt.teɪkɪŋ/ (writing pieces of information) | :: muistiinpanojen tekeminen |
note to self {n} (self-reminder) | :: muistutus itselle |
not even {interj} (used to express strong disappointment) | :: ei kai |
not for nothing {phrase} (for an extremely good reason) | :: ei turhaan |
not for nothing {phrase} (used to soften the impact of what is said next) | :: ei millään pahalla |
not for nothing {phrase} (literally: not for nothing) | :: ei turhaan |
not-for-profit {adj} (not aiming for profit) SEE: nonprofit | :: |
NOT gate {n} (logic gate) | :: NOT-portti, Ei-portti |
not give much for someone's chances {v} | :: uskoa mahdollisuuksiin |
not guilty {n} (plea of non-culpability) | :: syyttömyys |
not guilty {n} (verdict of non-culpability) | :: vapauttava päätös |
not guilty {adj} (legally innocent of a crime of which one has been accused in a court of law) | :: syytön |
no, thanks {interj} (no, thanks) | :: ei kiitos |
no thank you {interj} (polite way of saying no) | :: ei kiitos |
not have a pot to piss in {v} | :: olla persaukinen |
nothing {pron} /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ (not any thing) | :: ei mikään, ei mitään |
nothing {pron} (something trifling) | :: ei mitään |
nothing {n} (a nobody, a person of no consequence) | :: ei mitään |
nothing but {adv} (nothing but) | :: vain, pelkästään |
nothingness {n} (state of nonexistence; the condition of being nothing) | :: olemattomuus |
nothingness {n} (void; emptiness) | :: tyhjyys |
nothingness {n} (quality of inconsequentiality; lacking in significance) | :: merkityksettömyys, mitättömyys |
nothing to sneeze at {n} (something decent or acceptable) | :: ei olla mitään valittamista [+ inessive] |
nothing to write home about {pron} (not exceptional) | :: ei kovin kaksinen |
nothing ventured, nothing gained {proverb} (if one takes no risks, one will not gain any benefits) SEE: no pain, no gain | :: |
no through road {n} (cul-de-sac) SEE: cul-de-sac | :: |
notice {n} /ˈnoʊtɪs/ (act of observing) | :: huomio, havainto |
notice {n} (written or printed announcement) | :: ilmoitus |
notice {n} (formal notification or warning) | :: ilmoitus, huomautus, tiedonanto, varoitus |
notice {n} (published critical review) | :: arvostelu |
notice {v} (to remark upon) | :: huomata, panna merkille |
notice {v} (to become aware of) | :: huomata |
noticeable {adj} /ˈnoʊtɪsəbl̩/ (worthy of note; significant) | :: huomattava |
noticeable {adj} (capable of being seen or noticed) | :: havaittava |
noticeably {adv} (to a detectable degree) | :: havaittavasti, näkyvästi, huomattavasti |
notice board {n} (bulletin board) SEE: bulletin board | :: |
notification {n} /ˌnoʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of notifying) | :: tiedoksianto |
notification {n} (a specific piece of information serving to notify) | :: tiedonanto |
notify {v} /ˈnoʊtɪfaɪ/ ((transitive) to give (someone) notice of (something)) | :: ilmoittaa |
not in the least {adv} (not at all) | :: ei lainkaan, ei ollenkaan, ei vähimmässäkään määrin |
not in the slightest {adv} (not in the least) SEE: not in the least | :: |
notion {n} /ˈnoʊʃən/ (mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception) | :: käsite, käsitys |
notion {n} (sentiment; an opinion) | :: käsitys |
notion {n} (inclination; intention; disposition) | :: aikomus |
notional {adj} /ˈnəʊʃənəl/ (of, containing, or being a notion) | :: kuvitteellinen |
notional {adj} (speculative, theoretical) | :: kuvitteellinen |
notional {adj} (linguistics: having descriptive value) | :: kuvaileva |
notional {adj} (finance: estimated or reference) | :: viite- |
not know which end is up {v} (to have no common sense) | :: olla ihan pihalla |
not know which way to turn {v} | :: ei tietää mitä tehdä, ei tietää kenen puoleen kääntyä |
not least {adv} (especially; particularly) | :: ei vähiten |
not much to look at {adj} | :: ei kummoisen näköinen, ei kovin kummoisen näköinen |
notochord {n} | :: selkäjänne |
not one's first rodeo {phrase} (not the first time one has been in a situation) | :: ei ole ensimmäinen kerta |
not only … but also {conj} | :: ei vain … mutta myös |
not on your life {adv} (an emphatic negative) | :: ei missään nimessä, ei tule kuuloonkaan |
notoriety {n} /noʊ.tɚ.aɪ.ə.ti/ (condition of being infamous) | :: pahamaineisuus |
notorious {adj} /nəˈtɔɹiəs/ (known widely and infamously) | :: pahamaineinen |
notoriously {adv} /nəˈtɔːɹɪəsli/ (In a notorious or notable manner) | :: pahamaineisesti |
no trespassing {phrase} (phrase forbidding access to a place) | :: läpikulku kielletty, pääsy kielletty |
not that I know of {interj} | :: ei tietääkseni |
not the end of the world {n} (it's not the end of the world) | :: se ei ole maailmanloppu |
not to mention {conj} (much less) | :: puhumattakaan, saati |
notwithstanding {adv} (never the less) SEE: nevertheless | :: |
notwithstanding {conj} /ˌnɑtwɪθˈstændɪŋ/ (although) | :: vaikka |
notwithstanding {prep} (in spite of) | :: huolimatta |
not yet {adv} (not for the moment, though expected later) | :: ei vielä |
Nouakchott {prop} /nwɑːkˈʃɒt/ (capital of Mauritania) | :: Nouakchott |
nougat {n} /ˈnuɡət/ (a confection of honey and roasted nuts) | :: nougat, nugaa |
nought {n} /nɔːt/ (zero) | :: nolla |
noughts and crosses {n} (game) SEE: tic-tac-toe | :: |
noumenon {n} /ˈnuːmənɒn/ (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: thing-in-itself) | :: noumeeni |
noun {n} /naʊn/ (grammatical category (narrow sense)) | :: substantiivi, nimisana |
noun {n} (grammatical category (broad sense)) | :: nomini |
noun adjunct {n} (noun adjunct) SEE: attributive noun | :: |
noun phrase {n} (phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb) | :: substantiivilauseke, nominilauseke |
nounship {n} (quality of a noun) | :: substantiivius |
noun substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun | :: |
nourish {v} /ˈnʌɹ.ɪʃ/ (to feed and cause to grow) | :: ravita |
nourishing {adj} (that provides nourishment) | :: nutritiivinen, tanakka [of a meal] |
nourishment {n} /ˈnʌɹɪʃmənt/ (the act of nourishing or the state of being nourished) | :: ravitseminen, ravituksi tuleminen |
nourishment {n} (something that nourishes; food) | :: ravinto |
no use {n} (pointless; useless) | :: hyödytön |
nouveau riche {n} /ˌnu.voʊ ˈɹiʃ/ (new money: wealthy persons whose fortunes are newly acquired, and who are therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy) | :: uusrikkaat {p} |
nova {n} /ˈnoʊ.və/ (sudden brightening of a star) | :: nova |
Nova Scotia {prop} /ˌnoʊ.və ˈskoʊ.ʃə/ (province in eastern Canada) | :: Nova Scotia |
novation {n} /noʊˈveɪʃən/ (replacement contract) | :: novaatio |
novation {n} (new contract) | :: novaatio |
Novaya Zemlya {prop} (archipelago in Russia) | :: Novaja Zemlja, Novaja Zemlja |
novel {adj} /ˈnɑvəl/ (new, original, especially in an interesting way) | :: uusi, uudenlainen |
novel {n} (work of prose fiction) | :: romaani |
novelist {n} /ˈnɑvəlɪst/ (author of novels) | :: romaanikirjailija |
novella {n} (short novel) | :: novelli, lyhytromaani |
novelty {n} /ˈnɑvəlti/ (state of being new) | :: uutuus |
novelty {n} (new product) | :: uutuus |
November {prop} /noʊˈvɛmbəɹ/ (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: marraskuu |
Novgorod {prop} /ˈnɒvɡəɹɒd/ (city) | :: Novgorod |
Novial {prop} (an international auxiliary language) | :: novial |
novice {n} /ˈnɑːvɪs/ (beginner) | :: noviisi, aloittelija, vasta-alkaja |
Novi Sad {prop} (largest city of the Serbian province of Vojvodina) | :: Novi Sad |
novity {n} (novity) SEE: novelty | :: |
Novorossiysk {prop} (city) | :: Novorossijsk |
Novosibirsk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Novosibirsk |
novuss {n} (humiliating initiation practices) | :: korona |
now {adv} /naʊ/ (at the present time) | :: nyt |
now {conj} (since, because) | :: nyt |
nowadays {adv} /ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/ (at the present time) | :: nykyisin, nykyään |
nowadays {adv} (in the current era) | :: nykyisin, nykyään, nykyaikana |
now and again {adv} (now and then) SEE: now and then | :: |
now and then {adv} /ˌnaʊ ən(d) ˈðɛn/ ((idiomatic) sometimes; occasionally; intermittently) | :: silloin tällöin, joskus |
no way {interj} (absolutely not) | :: ei käy, ei ikinä, ei ikimaailmassa, ei ikipäivänä |
no way {interj} (indicates astonished disbelief) | :: ei voi olla totta, älä viitsi |
nowhere {adv} /ˈnoʊ.(h)wɛɹ/ (in no place) | :: ei missään |
nowhere {adv} (to no place) | :: ei minnekään, ei mihinkään |
nowhere else {adv} (in no other place) | :: ei missään muualla |
nowheres {adv} (nowhere) SEE: nowhere | :: |
nowhither {adv} (to no place) SEE: nowhere | :: |
no win, no fee {phrase} (condition for legal service) | :: tulosperusteinen |
nowise {adv} /ˈnoʊwaɪz/ (in no manner) | :: ei millään tavalla, ei mitenkään |
now, now {interj} (reproach) | :: noh, noh, so so |
now, now {interj} (reassurance) | :: noh, noh |
no wonder {n} (small wonder) SEE: small wonder | :: |
no worries {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
no worries {interj} (it does not bother me) | :: ei haittaa |
no worries {interj} (do not worry, I will do it) | :: ei hätää |
Nowruz {prop} /noʊ̯ˈɹuz/ (Iranian New Year) | :: iranilainen uusi vuosi, Noruz |
now that {conj} (since) | :: nyt kun |
now you mention it {adv} (now that I think about it) SEE: come to think of it | :: |
now you're talking {phrase} (A phrase indicating agreement with a previously stated suggestion to change a course of action) | :: puhut asiaa |
noxious {adj} /ˈnɒkʃəs/ (harmful) | :: vahingollinen, haitallinen, myrkyllinen |
nozzle {n} /ˈnɒzəl/ (short tube) | :: suulake |
nozzle {n} (inlet or outlet pipe) | :: suulake |
NP-complete {adj} (both NP and NP-hard) | :: NP-täydellinen |
NP-hard {adj} (hard) | :: NP-kova, NP-vaikea |
n-propanol {n} (1-propanol) SEE: 1-propanol | :: |
nth {adj} /ɛnθ/ (occurring at position n) | :: n:s, ännäs |
nth {n} (the item at position n) | :: n:s, ännäs |
NT scan {n} (nuchal scan) SEE: nuchal scan | :: |
n-tuple {n} (-tuple) SEE: -tuple | :: |
nu {n} /njuː/ (name for the letter of the Greek alphabet: Ν and ν) | :: nyy |
nuance {n} /ˈnuː.ɑːns/ (subtlety or fine detail) | :: nyanssi, vivahde |
nuanced {adj} (having nuances) | :: vivahteikas |
nubile {adj} /ˈnubaɪl/ (marriageable) | :: naimaikäinen |
nucellus {n} (tissue which surrounds and protects the embryo) | :: siemenaiheen sydän |
nuchal cord {n} (umbilical cord that has become wrapped around the neck of a foetus) | :: kiertynyt napanuora |
nuchal scan {n} (ultrasound performed on a pregnant woman) | :: ultraäänikuvaus |
nuchal translucency scan {n} (nuchal scan) SEE: nuchal scan | :: |
nuclear {adj} /ˈn(j)ukliɚ/ (pertaining to the nucleus of a cell) | :: tuma- |
nuclear {adj} (pertaining to a centre; central, pivotal) | :: keskeinen |
nuclear {adj} (pertaining to the atomic nucleus) | :: ydin-, ytimeen liittyvä |
nuclear {adj} (involving nuclear energy) | :: ydin-, ydinvoima- |
nuclear {adj} (of a weapon: deriving its force from nuclear energy) | :: ydin-, ydinase- |
nuclear age {n} (age when nuclear technology was developed) | :: ydinaikakausi |
nuclear bomb {n} (nuclear bomb) | :: ydinpommi |
nuclear charge {n} (electric charge of a nucleus) | :: ydinvaraus |
nuclear chemistry {n} (application of chemical techniques to the solution of problems in nuclear physics) | :: radiokemia |
nuclear deterrent {n} (Nuclear weapons viewed as a deterrent to an enemy from attacking) | :: ydinpelote |
nuclear energy {n} (energy released by a nuclear reaction) | :: ydinenergia |
nuclear family {n} (a family unit consisting of a father, mother and children) | :: ydinperhe |
nuclear fission {n} (atom-splitting nuclear reaction) | :: ydinfissio, fissio |
nuclear force {n} (physics: force that binds protons and neutrons into nucleus) | :: ydinvoima |
nuclear-free {adj} (free of nuclear technology) | :: ydinaseeton (free of n-weapons) |
nuclear-free zone {n} (area in which authorities have banned nuclear weapons and power stations) | :: ydinaseeton vyöhyke |
nuclear fuel {n} (radioactive fuel) | :: ydinpolttoaine |
nuclear fusion {n} (the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones) | :: ydinfuusio |
nuclear magnetic resonance {n} (absorption of electromagnetic radiation by an atomic nucleus placed in a strong magnetic field) | :: ydinmagneettinen resonanssi |
nuclear matrix {n} (framework of fibers in cell nucleus) | :: tumamatriisi |
nuclear Overhauser effect {n} (effect) | :: NOE-efekti |
nuclear physicist {n} | :: ydinfyysikko |
nuclear physics {n} (branch of physics) | :: ydinfysiikka |
nuclear power {n} (power from nuclear reactions) | :: ydinvoima, ydinsähkö |
nuclear power {n} (nation with nuclear weapons) | :: ydinasevalta, ydinvalta |
nuclear power plant {n} (type of power plant) | :: ydinvoimala |
nuclear power station {n} (type of power station) SEE: nuclear power plant | :: |
nuclear reaction {n} (process) | :: ydinreaktio |
nuclear reactor {n} (device) | :: ydinreaktori |
nuclear summer {n} (warm period) | :: ydinkesä |
nuclear testing {n} (testing of nuclear weapon) | :: ydinkoe [individual test], ydinaseiden testaus (activity), ydinkoeohjelma [program] |
nuclear war {n} (war fought using nuclear weapons) | :: ydinsota |
nuclear warfare {n} (use of nuclear weapons) | :: ydinsota |
nuclear waste {n} (type of waste) SEE: radioactive waste | :: |
nuclear weapon {n} (explosive device) | :: ydinase |
nuclear winter {n} (predicted drop in global temperature following a nuclear war) | :: ydintalvi |
nucleation {n} (first stage of a phase transition in a small region) | :: nukleaatio, ydintyminen |
nucleation {n} (formation of cell nuclei) | :: ydintyminen, nukleaatio |
nucleic acid {n} /nuˈkleɪ.ɪk ˈæsɪd/ (acidic chainlike biological macromolecule) | :: nukleiinihappo, tumahappo |
nucleic acid test {n} (technique) | :: nukleiinihappotesti |
nucleolus {n} (part of nucleus of a cell) | :: tumajyvänen, nukleoli |
nucleon {n} (a proton or a neutron) | :: nukleoni, ydinhiukkanen |
nucleoside {n} (organic molecule) | :: nukleosidi |
nucleosynthesis {n} (process that leads to synthesis in stars) | :: nukleosynteesi |
nucleotide {n} / ˈn(j)u(ː)kliəˌtʰaɪd/ (monomer constituting DNA or RNA) | :: nukleotidi |
nucleus {n} /ˈnuːkli.əs/ (core, central part of something) | :: ydin |
nucleus {n} (initial part which will receive additions) | :: ydin |
nucleus {n} (physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom) | :: ydin |
nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) | :: tuma |
nucleus {n} (linguistics: centre of a syllable) | :: ydin |
nuclide {n} /ˈn(j)uːklaɪd/ (nucleus specified by its atomic number and atomic mass) | :: nuklidi |
nude {adj} /n(j)uːd/ (without clothing or other covering) | :: alaston, paljas |
nude {adj} (of color of bare skin) | :: ihonvärinen |
nude {n} (image depicting a human in a state of undress) | :: alastonkuva |
nude run {n} (prank of running in public without wearing clothing) | :: viuhahdus |
nudge {n} /nʌdʒ/ (a gentle push) | :: tönäisy, työntö |
nudge {v} (To push against gently, especially in order to gain attention or give a signal) | :: tönäistä |
nudge {v} (To near or come close to something) | :: lähestyä |
nudibranch {n} /ˈnjuːdɪˌbɹæŋk/ (any sea slug) | :: vapaakiduskotilo |
nudism {n} /njuː.dɪzəm/ (the belief in or practice of social, non-sexual nudity) | :: nudismi |
nudist {n} /ˈnudɪst/ (person who practices nudism) | :: nudisti, naturisti |
nudist {adj} (relating to nudists and nudism) | :: nudisti-, naturisti-, nudistinen, naturistinen |
nudist beach {n} (beach where nudity is allowed) | :: nudistiranta, nakuranta |
nudity {n} /ˈnudɪti/ (the state of being without clothing on the body) | :: alastomuus |
nudiustertian {adj} /n(j)ʊdi.əsˈtɜʃɪən/ (Of or relating to the day before yesterday) | :: toissapäiväinen |
nugget {n} /ˈnʌɡət/ (small chunk or clump) | :: hippu |
nugget {n} (tidbit) | :: tiedonmuru |
nuisance {n} /ˈn(j)uːsəns/ (minor annoyance or inconvenience) | :: harmi, kiusa, riesa |
nuisance {n} (person or thing causing annoyance of inconvenience) | :: kiusankappale, riesa, maanvaiva |
nuisance tax {n} (sales tax) SEE: sales tax | :: |
nuke {n} /njuːk/ ((colloquial) microwave oven) | :: mikro |
nuke {v} ((colloquial) to destroy or erase completely) | :: tuhota |
nuke {v} ((colloquial) to cook in a microwave oven) | :: lämmittää mikrossa/mikroaaltouunissa |
null {n} /nʌl/ (a non-existent or empty value or set of values) | :: tyhjä |
null and void {adj} (invalid, cancelled, unenforceable) | :: mitätön, pätemätön |
null hypothesis {n} (hypothesis) | :: nollahypoteesi |
nullification {n} (the act of nullifying something) | :: mitätöinti, nullifikaatio |
nullify {v} /ˈnʌlɪfaɪ/ (to make legally invalid) | :: mitätöidä |
nullify {v} (to prevent from happening) | :: estää, ehkäistä |
null pointer {n} (pointer that does not point to any data object) | :: nollaosoitin, tyhjä osoitin |
null set {n} (empty set) SEE: empty set | :: |
null set {n} (negligible set) | :: nollajoukko |
numb {adj} /nʌm/ (physically unable to feel) | :: puutunut, tunnoton, turta |
numb {adj} (emotionally unable to feel) | :: lamaantunut, turta |
numb {v} (to cause to become numb) | :: puuduttaa, turruttaa; lamauttaa [emotionally]; kohmettaa [by cold] |
numb {v} (to cause (a feeling) to be less intense) | :: puuduttaa, turruttaa, tukahduttaa |
numb {v} (to cause the mind or senses to be less acute) | :: turruttaa |
numb {v} (to become numb physically) | :: puutua, turtua; kohmettua [due to cold] |
numbat {n} (small marsupial) | :: pussimuurahaiskarhu, numbatti |
number {n} /ˈnʌmbə/ (abstract entity) | :: luku |
number {n} (numeral) | :: numero [number]; lukusana [word] |
number {n} (mathematics: number) | :: luku |
number {n} (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence) | :: numero |
number {n} (quantity) | :: lukumäärä, määrä |
number {n} (sequence of digits and letters used to register people, automobiles, etc.) | :: numero |
number {n} (informal: telephone number) | :: numero |
number {n} (grammar: state of being singular, dual or plural) | :: luku |
number {n} (poetic metres; verses, rhymes.) | :: säkeet {p} |
number {n} (performance) | :: numero, ohjelmanumero |
number {n} (informal: person) | :: pakkaus |
number {n} (informal: item of clothing, particularly a stylish one) | :: luomus |
number {n} (slang: marijuana cigarette, or quantity of marijuana) | :: jointti [cigarette] |
number {n} (issue of a periodical publication) | :: numero |
number {v} (label with numbers; assign numbers to) | :: numeroida |
number {v} (to total; to amount to) | :: olla, nousta |
numberful {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous | :: |
numbering {n} (the action of creating such a sequence) | :: numerointi |
number line {n} (line that graphically represents the real numbers) | :: lukusuora |
number one {adj} (first, foremost, best) | :: tärkein, suurin, ykkös-; numero yksi [only after headword] |
number one {n} (urine or urination euphemism) | :: pieni hätä |
number plate {n} (license plate) SEE: license plate | :: |
Numbers {prop} (fourth book of the Bible) | :: 4. Mooseksen kirja |
number sign {n} (hash) SEE: hash | :: |
numbersome {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous | :: |
numbers station {n} (shortwave radio station) | :: numeroasema |
number system {n} (set of numerals) | :: lukujärjestelmä |
number theory {n} (branch of pure mathematics) | :: lukuteoria |
number two {n} | :: iso hätä |
numbness {n} (absent or reduced sensitivity to cutaneous stimulation) | :: tunnottomuus; tutrtumus; kohme [due to cold] |
numbness {n} (reduced ability to experience emotion) | :: tunteettomuus [inability]; turtumus, turtuneisuus [reduced ability] |
numerable {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous | :: |
numerable {adj} (in one to one correspondence with the set of natural integers) | :: numeroituva |
numeracy {n} (numerical skill) | :: laskutaito |
numeral {n} /ˈnuməɹəl/ (non-word symbol that represents a number) | :: numero |
numeral {n} (word or symbol representing a number, see also: noun numeral) | :: numero [symbol], numeraali [word] |
numerate {v} /ˈnuːməɹeɪt/ (count) | :: laskea |
numerate {adj} (having the ability to understand numbers and perform arithmetic) | :: laskutaitoinen |
numerator {n} (number or expression written above the line in a fraction) | :: osoittaja |
numeric {adj} (of, or relating to numbers) SEE: numerical | :: |
numerical {adj} /n(j)uˈmɛɹɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to numbers) | :: numeerinen, lukumääräinen |
numerical analysis {n} (study of algorithms) | :: numeerinen analyysi |
numerically {adv} (numerically) | :: numeerisesti |
numeric complement {n} (math: number obtained by changing the numeric sign) | :: vastaluku |
numericize {v} (represent using numbers) | :: numeeristaa |
numerology {n} (study) | :: numerologia |
numerous {adj} /ˈnuməɹəs/ (Indefinitely large numerically) | :: lukuisa |
numismatic {adj} (of or pertaining to a coin, coins, currency) | :: numismaattinen |
numismatic {adj} (of or pertaining to numismatics) | :: numismaattinen |
numismatics {n} /ˌnuː.məzˈmæ.tɪks/ (study of coins) | :: numismatiikka, rahatiede |
numismatist {n} /njuːˈmɪzmətɪst/ (one who collects coins and/or currencies) | :: numismaatikko |
Num Lock {n} (a key that toggles the function of the numeric keypad) | :: num lock, numerolukitusnäppäin |
nummular {adj} (numismatic) SEE: numismatic | :: |
nun {n} /nʌn/ (member of a Christian religious community of women) | :: nunna |
nun {n} /nuːn/ (Semitic letter) | :: nun |
nunatak {n} /ˈnʌnətæk/ (mountaintop surrounded by glacial ice) | :: nunatak |
Nunavut {prop} /ˈn(j)uːnəˌvuːt/ (territory in northern Canada) | :: Nunavut |
nunchaku {n} /nənˈtʃɑːkuː/ (weapon) | :: nunchaku |
nuncio {n} (one who bears a message) SEE: messenger | :: |
nuncio {n} /ˈnʌnʃiˌoʊ/ (title used for Catholic clerics) | :: nuntius |
nunnery {n} (residence for nuns) | :: nunnaluostari |
nunnery {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel | :: |
nuptial {adj} /ˈnʌp.ʃəl/ (pertaining to wedding and marriage) | :: avioliitto- |
nuptials {n} /ˈnʌpʃ(ə)ls/ (wedding ceremony, see also: wedding) | :: häät |
Nuremberg {prop} /ˈnjʊəɹəmbəɡ/ (city in Germany) | :: Nürnberg |
Nurmes {prop} (municipality) | :: Nurmes |
nurse {n} /nɝs/ (person who takes care of other people's young) | :: lastenhoitaja |
nurse {n} (person trained to provide care for the sick) | :: sairaanhoitaja, hoitaja, hoitajatar {f}, sairaanhoitajatar {f} |
nurse {v} (to breast feed) | :: imettää |
nurse {v} (to care for the sick) | :: hoitaa |
nurse {v} (to treat kindly and with extra care) | :: hoitaa, hoivata |
nurse {n} (wet nurse) SEE: wet nurse | :: |
nursery {n} /ˈnɜːsəɹi/ (place where the pre-school children of working parents are supervised during the day, see also: crèche) | :: esikoulu, lastentarha, päiväkoti |
nursery {n} (place where young plants are cultivated for transplanting) | :: taimitarha, taimisto |
nursery rhyme {n} (short poem or song for children) | :: lasten loru |
nursery school {n} (a school for pre-school children) | :: päiväkoti (1 to 5 yrs), esikoulu (6 yrs), eskari [colloquial] |
nursing {adj} /ˈnɝsɪŋ/ (lactating) | :: imettävä |
nursing {adj} (referring to nurses) | :: sairaanhoito-, hoitava |
nursing {n} (caring for patients) | :: sairaanhoitoala, sairaanhoito |
nursing {n} (breastfeeding) SEE: breastfeeding | :: |
nursing bra {n} (bra specifically designed for breastfeeding mothers) | :: imetysliivit {p}, äitiysliivit {p} |
nursing home {n} (place of residence) | :: hoitokoti |
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana | :: |
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Almaty) SEE: Almaty | :: |
nurture {n} /ˈnɜːɹ.tʃəɹ/ (act of nourishing or nursing; tender care; education; training) | :: hoito, kasvatus |
nurture {n} (that which nourishes; food; diet) | :: ravinto |
nurture {v} (to nourish or nurse) | :: hoitaa, kasvattaa |
Nusayri {n} (mystical religious group) | :: alaviitti |
nut {n} /nʌt/ (hard-shelled fruit) | :: pähkinä |
nut {n} (that fits on a bolt) | :: mutteri |
nut {n} (slang: insane person) | :: hullu, kahjo, pöljä, pöpi |
nut {n} (slang: the head) | :: kaali, nuppi |
nut {n} (slang: testicle) | :: palli, kulkunen |
nut {n} (slang: ejaculate) | :: mälli |
nut {n} (amount of money necessary to set up some) | :: perustamiskustannukset {p} [standard language term] |
nut {n} (slang: stash of money) | :: pesämuna |
nut {n} (musical instruments: small piece that holds the strings at the proper spacing) | :: yläsatula |
nut {n} (extreme enthusiast) | :: -hullu |
nut {n} (climbing: shaped piece of metal used to protect a climb) | :: kiila |
nutbag {n} (odd, eccentric person) | :: hullu |
nutbag {n} (vulgar slang: scrotum) | :: munapussit {p}, pussit {p}, kassit |
nut butter {n} (spread) | :: pähkinävoi |
nutcase {n} /ˈnʌtkeɪs/ (an eccentric or odd person) | :: outolintu |
nutcase {n} (slang: someone who is insane) | :: hullu, sekopää, kaistapää, seko |
nutcracker {n} (implement for cracking nuts) | :: pähkinänsärkijä |
nutcracker {n} (bird of the genus Nucifraga) | :: pähkinähakki |
Nutella {prop} /nuːˈtɛlə/ (hazelnut spread) | :: Nutella |
nutfarm {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse | :: |
nuthatch {n} (passerine bird from the family Sittidae) | :: nakkeli |
nuthouse {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse | :: |
nutmeg {n} /ˈnʌt.mɛɡ/ (tree) | :: muskottipuu |
nutmeg {n} (seed) | :: muskotti |
nutria {n} (coypu) SEE: coypu | :: |
nutrient {n} /ˈnjuː.tɹi.ənt/ (substance that provides nourishment) | :: ravinne, ravintoaine |
nutrient {adj} (providing nourishment) | :: ravitseva |
nutrigenomics {n} (the field of study that examines how the interaction between genetics and nutrition affects human health) | :: nutrigenomiikka |
nutrition {n} /nuˈtɹɪ.ʃən/ (nutrition) | :: ravitsemus |
nutritional {adj} (pertaining to nutrition) | :: ravitsemuksellinen [of, pertaining to], ravitseva [providing] |
nutritional yeast {n} (preparation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae) | :: ravintohiiva |
nutritionist {n} | :: ravitsemusasiantuntija |
nutritious {adj} /nuːˈtɹɪʃəs/ (providing nutrients) | :: ravitseva |
nutritive {adj} /ˈnjuːtɹətɪv/ (nourishing, nutritional) | :: nutritiivinen |
nuts {n} (nut) SEE: nut | :: |
nutshell {n} /ˈnʌtʃel/ (the shell that surrounds the kernel of a nut) | :: pähkinänkuori |
nutter {n} /nʌtə/ (an eccentric, insane, crazy or reckless person) | :: kaheli, kahjo |
nutty {adj} /ˈnʌti/ (containing nuts) | :: pähkinä-, pähkinäinen |
nutty {adj} (reminiscent of nuts) | :: pähkinäinen |
nutty {adj} (barmy, crazy, mad) | :: kaheli, pöpi |
Nuuk {prop} (capital of Greenland) | :: Nuuk |
nux vomica {n} (strychnine tree) | :: strykniinipuu |
nux vomica {n} (fruit of the strychnine tree) | :: strykniinipuun hedelmä |
nuzzle {v} /nʌzəl/ (touch with the nose) | :: koskettaa (nenällä/turvalla/kuonolla/nokalla) |
n-word {n} (euphemism for "nigger") | :: n-sana |
nyala {n} (southern African antelope) | :: njala |
nychthemeron {n} /nɪkˈθi.mə.ɹɑn/ (one day and one night) | :: vuorokausi |
nyctalopia {n} (night blindness) SEE: night blindness | :: |
nyctophobia {n} (fear of the night) | :: pimeänpelko |
nylon {n} /ˈnaɪlɑn/ (substance) | :: nailon |
nylon {n} (sheer stocking) | :: nailonit {p}, nailonsukka |
-nym {suffix} (type of word or name) | :: -nyymi |
nymph {n} /ˈnɪmf/ (insect larva) | :: nymfi |
nymph {n} (mythology: water, forest or mountain spirit) | :: nymfi |
nymph {n} (young girl who may inspire lust) | :: lolita |
nymphaeid {n} (plant with leaves on the water surface) | :: nymfeidi, kelluslehtinen kasvi |
nymphet {n} (A sexually attractive girl or young woman) | :: nymfetti |
nympho {n} (informal: nymphomaniac) | :: nymfo |
nymphomania {n} /nɪmfəˈmeɪnɪə/ (excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women) | :: nymfomania |
nymphomaniac {n} /ˈnɪɱfoʊ ˈmeɪniæk/ (woman with excessive sexual desire) | :: nymfomaani |
nymphomaniac {adj} (of woman: having excessive sexual desire) | :: nymfomaaninen |
nymphomaniacal {adj} (nymphomaniac) SEE: nymphomaniac | :: |
Nynorsk {n} /ˈnjuːnɔːsk/ (one of the two major Norwegian (written) languages) | :: uusnorja |
nystagmus {n} /nɪˈstæɡməs/ (rapid involuntary eye movement) | :: silmävärve, värve |
Nyx {prop} (the primordial goddess of night) | :: Nyks |