User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-p
pablum {n} (nourishment) SEE: nourishment | :: |
pace {n} (step: step) | :: [Bokmål] steg {n}, skritt {n}; [Nynorsk] steg {n} |
pace {n} (way of stepping: gait of a horse) | :: pass |
pace {n} (speed) | :: [Bokmål] takt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] takt {m} {f} |
pace {v} (to measure by walking) | :: [Bokmål] skritte opp; [Nynorsk] stege opp |
pacification {n} (the process of pacifying) | :: passivisering {c} |
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water) | :: [Bokmål] Stillehavet {n}; [Nynorsk] Stillehavet {n} |
pacifier {n} (for a baby) | :: [Bokmål] smokk {m}; [Nynorsk] smokk {m} |
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence) | :: [Bokmål] pasifisme {m}; [Nynorsk] pasifisme {m} |
pack {n} (full set of playing cards) | :: [Bokmål] stokk {m}, kortstokk {m}, kortleik {m}; [Nynorsk] stokk {m}, kortstokk {m}, kortleik {m} |
pack {n} (group of dogs) | :: [Bokmål] flokk; [Nynorsk] flokk {m} |
package {n} (something which is packed) | :: [Bokmål] pakke {m} |
package store {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store | :: |
packaging {n} (the act of packing something) | :: innpakking {m} {f}, pakketering {m} {f} |
pack animal {n} (animal used to carry heavy items) SEE: beast of burden | :: |
packed lunch {n} (picnic meal) | :: [Bokmål] matpakke; [Nynorsk] matpakke |
packet {n} (small pack) | :: pakke {m} |
packet {n} (small fragment of data) | :: pakke |
pack horse {n} (horse used for carrying luggage) | :: [Bokmål] pakkhest {m}; [Nynorsk] pakkhest {m} |
packhorse {n} (packhorse) SEE: pack horse | :: |
pack ice {n} (large consolidated mass of floating sea ice) | :: [Bokmål] pakkis {m}; [Nynorsk] pakkis {m} |
packing needle {n} (large needle) | :: pakknål, sekkenål |
pact {n} (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant) | :: [Bokmål] pakt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pakt {f} |
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff | :: |
pad {n} (flattened mass of anything soft) | :: pute {m} {f} |
pad {n} (soft or small cushion) | :: pute {m} {f} |
pad {n} (block of paper) | :: blokk {m} {f} |
pad {n} (colloquial: place of residence) | :: hjem {n} |
padawan {n} (any apprentice or student) SEE: apprentice | :: |
padded {adj} (having padding) | :: [Bokmål] polstret |
paddle {n} (two-handed, single-bladed oar) | :: [Bokmål] padleåre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] padleåre {f} |
paddle {n} (double-bladed oar used for kayaking) | :: [Bokmål] padleåre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] padleåre {f} |
paddle steamer {n} (steam-powered vessel propelled by paddle wheel(s)) | :: [Bokmål] hjuldamper {m} |
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows) | :: rismark {m} |
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy | :: |
paddy wagon {n} (a police van for transporting prisoners) | :: marja {m} |
padlock {n} (type of lock) | :: [Bokmål] hengelås {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] hengelås {m} {n}, hengjelås {m} {n} |
paean {n} (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph) | :: [Bokmål] paean |
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion) | :: [Bokmål] hedning {m}; [Nynorsk] heidning {m} |
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy | :: |
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book) | :: [Bokmål] side {f}, {m}; [Nynorsk] side, sida {f} |
pager {n} (device) | :: personsøker {m} |
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) | :: pagode |
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket | :: |
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering) | :: [Bokmål] smerte {m}; [Nynorsk] smerte {f} |
pain {n} (suffering or anguish, especially mental) | :: pine; [Nynorsk] pinsla |
pain {v} (to hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish) | :: såre |
pain {v} (to render uneasy in mind, to grieve) | :: smerte |
pain-free {adj} (without pain) | :: [Bokmål] smertefri; [Nynorsk] smertefri |
painful {adj} (causing pain) | :: [Bokmål] smertefull; [Nynorsk] smertefull |
painless {adj} (without pain or trouble) | :: [Bokmål] smertefri; [Nynorsk] smertefri |
painlessly {adv} (in a painless manner) | :: [Bokmål] smertefritt; [Nynorsk] smertefritt |
pain-relieving {adj} (relieving pain) | :: [Bokmål] smertestillende; [Nynorsk] smertestillande |
painstakingly {adv} (in a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully) | :: med pinlig nøyaktighet |
paint {n} (substance) | :: maling, lakk |
paint {v} (apply paint to) | :: male, lakkere |
paintbrush {n} (thin brush) | :: [Bokmål] pensel {m}; [Nynorsk] pensel {m} |
painter {n} (artist) | :: [Bokmål] maler {m} |
painter {n} (one who paints surfaces using a paintbrush) | :: [Bokmål] maler {m} |
painting {n} (an illustration or artwork using paint) | :: [Bokmål] maleri {n}, bilde {n}; [Nynorsk] måleri {n} |
painting {n} (the action of applying paint) | :: maleri |
painting {n} (artistic application of paint) | :: [Bokmål] malerkunst {m}; [Nynorsk] målarkunst {m} |
paint oneself into a corner {v} (to create a predicament or problem for oneself) | :: [Bokmål] male seg inn i et hjørne; [Nynorsk] måle seg inn i eit hjørne |
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set | :: |
pair {n} (two similar or identical things) | :: [Bokmål] par {n} |
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars | :: |
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles) | :: passer {m} |
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of goggles {n} (goggles) SEE: goggles | :: |
pair of pincers {n} (pincers) SEE: pincers | :: |
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors | :: |
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers | :: |
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) | :: pysjamas {m} |
Paki {n} (a Pakistani) | :: [Bokmål] pakkis {m}; [Nynorsk] pakkis {m} |
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia) | :: [Bokmål] Pakistan; [Nynorsk] Pakistan |
Pakistani {n} (A person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent) | :: [Bokmål] pakistaner {m}; [Nynorsk] pakistanar {m} |
Pakistani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Pakistan, or its people) | :: [Bokmål] pakistansk; [Nynorsk] pakistansk |
palace {n} (large, lavish residence) | :: [Bokmål] palass {n}; [Nynorsk] palass {n} |
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords) | :: Palace of Westminster |
palaeoclimatology {n} (science) | :: paleoklimatologi {f} |
palatal {adj} ((phonetics) articulated at the hard palate) | :: [Bokmål] palatal; [Nynorsk] palatal |
Palau {prop} (Republic of Palau) | :: [Bokmål] Palau; [Nynorsk] Palau |
Palauan {prop} (language) | :: [Bokmål] palauisk {m}; [Nynorsk] palauisk {m} |
Palauan {n} (someone from Palau) | :: [Bokmål] palauer {m}; [Nynorsk] palauar {m} |
Palauan {adj} (from Palau) | :: [Bokmål] palauisk; [Nynorsk] palauisk |
pale {adj} (light in color) | :: blek, bleik |
pale {v} (to become pale) | :: blekne |
pale {n} (wooden stake) | :: påle {m}, pæl {m} |
pale {n} (heraldry: vertical band) | :: stolpe |
pale {n} | :: påle {m} |
paleoclimatology {n} (palaeoclimatology) SEE: palaeoclimatology | :: |
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing) | :: paleografi |
paleontological {adj} (of or pertaining to paleontology) | :: paleontologisk |
paleontology {n} (study of prehistoric forms of life) | :: [Bokmål] paleontologi {m}; [Nynorsk] paleontologi {m} |
Palestine {prop} (geographic region) | :: [Bokmål] Palestina; [Nynorsk] Palestina |
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively) | :: [Bokmål] Palestina; [Nynorsk] Palestina |
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people) | :: [Bokmål] palestinsk; [Nynorsk] palestinsk |
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent) | :: [Bokmål] palestiner {m}; [Nynorsk] palestinar {m} |
paletot {n} (A loose outer jacket, overcoat) | :: frakk {m} |
palette {n} (board) | :: [Bokmål] palett {m}; [Nynorsk] palett {m} |
palimpsest {n} (manuscript scraped clean for reuse) | :: palimpsest {m} |
palindrome {n} (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards) | :: [Bokmål] palindrom {n}; [Nynorsk] palindrom {n} |
palladium {n} (chemical element) | :: [Bokmål] palladium {n}; [Nynorsk] palladium {n} |
Pallas's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus) | :: steppemåke; [Nynorsk] steppemåse |
pallet {n} (a portable platform) | :: [Bokmål] pall {m}; [Nynorsk] pall {m} |
pallet jack {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) | :: [Bokmål] jekketralle {m} {f} |
pallet truck {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) SEE: pallet jack | :: |
pallium {n} (cerebral cortex) SEE: cerebral cortex | :: |
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand) | :: [Bokmål] håndflate {m} {f}, handflate {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] handflate {f} |
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree | :: |
palmistry {n} (telling fortunes from the lines on the palms of the hand) | :: håndlesning |
palm oil {n} (edible plant oil) | :: palmeolje {m} |
Palm Sunday {n} (Sunday before Easter) | :: [Bokmål] palmesøndag {m}; [Nynorsk] palmesundag {m}, palmesøndag {m} |
palm tree {n} (tropical tree) | :: [Bokmål] palme {m}, palmetre {n}; [Nynorsk] palme {m}, palmetre {n} |
palpitation {n} (abnormal beating of the heart) | :: [Bokmål] palpitasjon {m}, hjertebank {m}; [Nynorsk] palpitasjon {m}, hjartebank {m} {n} |
palsy {n} (complete or partial muscle paralysis of a body part) | :: paralyse {m} [literally] |
pamper {v} (to treat with excessive care, to indulge) | :: dulle med |
pamphlet {n} (booklet) SEE: booklet | :: |
pan- {prefix} (a combining form meaning "all") | :: [Bokmål] pan-; [Nynorsk] pan- |
pan {n} (flat vessel used for cooking, see also: frying pan) | :: panne {m} and {f} |
pan {v} (to criticise severely) | :: slakte |
pan {v} (to turn horizontally) | :: panorere |
Panama {prop} (country) | :: Panama |
Panama Canal {prop} (Canal) | :: Panamakanalen {m} |
Panamanian {n} (person from Panama) | :: [Bokmål] panamaner {m}; [Nynorsk] panaman {m}, panamanar {m} |
Panamanian {adj} (pertaining to Panama) | :: [Bokmål] panamansk; [Nynorsk] panamansk |
pan-Arabism {n} (movement) | :: panarabisme |
panarchism {n} | :: panarkisme |
pancake {n} (thin batter cake) | :: [Bokmål] pannekake {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pannekake {f} |
Pancake Day {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday | :: |
pancake ice {n} (the ice that forms on water covered in slush) | :: [Bokmål] pannekakeis {m} |
Pancake Tuesday {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday | :: |
Panchen Lama {n} (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism) | :: Panchen Lama |
pancreas {n} (gland near the stomach) | :: [Bokmål] bukspyttkjertel {m}; [Nynorsk] bukspyttkjertel {m} |
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda) | :: panda {m}, pandabjørn, kjempepanda |
panda {n} (police car) SEE: police car | :: |
panda {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda | :: |
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda | :: |
pandeism {n} (belief in a god both pantheistic and deistic) | :: pandeisme |
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general | :: |
pandemic {adj} (epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion of the population) | :: [Bokmål] pandemisk; [Nynorsk] pandemisk |
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) | :: [Bokmål] pandemi {m}; [Nynorsk] pandemi {m} |
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp | :: |
Pandora {prop} (Character in Greek mythology) | :: Pandora |
panegyric {n} (formal speech or opus publicly praising someone or something) | :: lovprising {m}, lovtale {m} |
panegyrical {adj} (lavish with praise) | :: panegyrisk |
panel {n} (rectangular section of a surface) | :: [Bokmål] panel {n}; [Nynorsk] panel {n} |
panel {n} (group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc) | :: [Bokmål] panel {n}; [Nynorsk] panel {n} |
panentheism {n} | :: panenteisme |
pangolin {n} (mammal) | :: [Bokmål] skjelldyr {n}, pangolin {m}; [Nynorsk] skjeldyr {n} |
panhandler {n} (one who panhandles) | :: [Bokmål] betler {m}, betlerske {m} {f} |
panic {n} (overpowering fright) | :: panikk {m} |
panic {v} (to feel overwhelming fear) | :: få panikk |
pannier {n} (large basket or bag fastened to the back of a bicycle or pack animal) | :: [Bokmål] sideveske {m} {f} [general sense], sadelveske {m} {f} [saddle bag], sykkelveske {m} {f} [bicycle or motorcycle bag] |
panorama {n} (unbroken view of an entire surrounding area) | :: [Bokmål] panorama {n}; [Nynorsk] panorama {n} |
panorama {n} (picture representing a continuous scene) | :: [Bokmål] panorama {n}, panoramabilde {n}; [Nynorsk] panorama {n}, panoramabilde {n}, panoramabilete {n} |
pansexual {n} (someone who is attracted to all genders) | :: panseksuell |
pansexuality {n} (sexual orientation) | :: panfili |
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants | :: |
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine) | :: [Bokmål] panteisme {m}; [Nynorsk] panteisme {m} |
pantheon {n} (a temple dedicated to all the gods) | :: panteon {n}; [Nynorsk] panteon {n} |
panther {n} (big cat with black fur) | :: [Bokmål] panter {m}; [Nynorsk] panter {m} |
panther {n} (big cat of genus Panthera) | :: [Bokmål] panter {m}; [Nynorsk] panter {m} |
pantograph {n} | :: pantograf |
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) | :: bukse {m} {f}, brok; [Nynorsk] bukse {f} |
pantyhose {n} | :: [Bokmål] strømpebukse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] strømpebukse {f} |
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge | :: |
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad | :: |
papal {adj} (related to the pope or papacy) | :: [Bokmål] pavelig; [Nynorsk] paveleg |
papaya {n} (fruit) | :: papaya |
paper {n} (sheet material) | :: papir, ark |
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book) | :: artikkel {m} |
paper {adj} (made of paper) | :: papir |
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper | :: |
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper | :: |
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document | :: |
paper aeroplane {n} (toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper) | :: [Bokmål] papirfly {n}; [Nynorsk] papirfly {n} |
paper airplane {n} (paper aeroplane) SEE: paper aeroplane | :: |
paper clip {n} (paper clip) | :: binders |
paperless {adj} (using information without paper) | :: [Bokmål] papirløs, papirlaus; [Nynorsk] papirlaus |
paperless {adj} (without documentation of identity) | :: [Bokmål] papirløs, papirlaus; [Nynorsk] papirlaus |
paper mill {n} (factory) | :: [Bokmål] papirfabrikk {m}; [Nynorsk] papirfabrikk {m} |
paper towel {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) | :: [Bokmål] kjøkkenrull {m} [kitchen roll], papirhåndkle {n}; [Nynorsk] kjøkkenrull {m} |
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object) | :: [Bokmål] brevpresse, papirvekt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] papirvekt {f} |
paperwork {n} (work involving written documents) | :: [Bokmål] papirarbeid {n}; [Nynorsk] papirarbeid {n} |
papier-mâché {n} (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object) | :: pappmasjé {m} |
pappardelle {n} (broad form of fettuccine) | :: pappardelle |
paprika {n} (ground spice) | :: [Bokmål] paprika {m}; [Nynorsk] paprika {m} |
Papuan {adj} (pertaining to Papua or Papua New Guinea) | :: [Bokmål] papuansk; [Nynorsk] papuansk |
Papuan {n} (Someone from Papua or Papua New Guinea) | :: [Bokmål] papuaner {m}; [Nynorsk] papuan {m}, papuanar {m} |
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania) | :: Papua Ny-Guinea |
papyrology {n} (the study of ancient texts written on papyrus) | :: [Bokmål] papyrologi {m}; [Nynorsk] papyrologi {m} |
parable {n} (short story illustrating a lesson) | :: [Bokmål] lignelse {m}, liknelse {m}, parabel {m}; [Nynorsk] likning {f}, parabel {m} |
parabola {n} (a conic section) | :: [Bokmål] parabel {m}; [Nynorsk] parabel {m} |
parabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a parabola or paraboloid) | :: [Bokmål] parabolsk; [Nynorsk] parabolsk |
parabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a parable) | :: [Bokmål] parabolsk; [Nynorsk] parabolsk |
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object) | :: [Bokmål] fallskjerm {m} |
parade {n} (organized procession) | :: [Bokmål] parade |
paradigm {n} (way of viewing reality) | :: [Bokmål] paradigme {n}, paradigma {n}; [Nynorsk] paradigme {n}, paradigma {n} |
paradigm {n} (linguistics: all forms which contain a common element) | :: [Bokmål] paradigme {n}, paradigma {n}; [Nynorsk] paradigme {n}, paradigma {n} |
paradigm shift {n} (change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new one, necessitated by scientific discoveries) | :: [Bokmål] paradigmeskifte {n}; [Nynorsk] paradigmeskifte {n} |
paradisaic {adj} (relating to paradise) | :: [Bokmål] paradisisk; [Nynorsk] paradisisk |
paradisaical {adj} (paradisaic) SEE: paradisaic | :: |
paradise {n} (heaven) | :: [Bokmål] paradis {n}; [Nynorsk] paradis {n} |
paradise {n} (very pleasant place) | :: [Bokmål] paradis {n}; [Nynorsk] paradis {n} |
paradisiac {adj} (of or like Paradise) | :: [Bokmål] paradisisk; [Nynorsk] paradisisk |
paradisiacal {adj} (resembling paradise) | :: [Bokmål] paradisisk; [Nynorsk] paradisisk |
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true) | :: paradoks |
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene | :: |
paragliding {n} (the sport of gliding with a paraglider) | :: paragliding |
paragraph {n} (passage in text) | :: avsnitt |
Paraguay {prop} (country in South America) | :: [Bokmål] Paraguay; [Nynorsk] Paraguay |
Paraguayan {n} (person from Paraguay) | :: [Bokmål] paraguayaner {m}; [Nynorsk] paraguayan {m}, paraguayanar {m} |
Paraguayan {adj} (pertaining to Paraguay) | :: [Bokmål] paraguayansk; [Nynorsk] paraguayansk |
parakeet {n} (various species of small parrots) | :: [Bokmål] parakitt {m}; [Nynorsk] parakitt {m} |
parallax {n} | :: parallakse |
parallel {adj} (equally distant from one another at all points) | :: parallell |
parallel {adj} (having the same overall direction) | :: parallell |
parallel {adj} (computing: processing multipe tasks at the same time) | :: parallell |
parallel {adv} (with a parallel relationship) | :: parallelt |
parallel {n} (one of a set of parallel lines) | :: parallell {m} |
parallel {n} (line of latitude) | :: [Bokmål] breddegrad {m}, breddegradssirkel {m}, breddesirkel {m}; [Nynorsk] breiddegrad {m}, breidegradssirkel {m} |
paralympic {adj} (paralympic) SEE: Paralympic | :: |
Paralympic {adj} (relating to the Paralympics) | :: [Bokmål] paralympisk; [Nynorsk] paralympisk |
paralysis {n} (loss of muscle control) | :: [Bokmål] lammelse {m} |
parameter {n} (variable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar) | :: [Bokmål] parameter {m}; [Nynorsk] parameter {m} |
parameter {n} (name in a function or subroutine definition) | :: [Bokmål] parameter {m}; [Nynorsk] parameter {m} |
paramilitary {adj} (relating to a paramilitary) | :: [Bokmål] paramilitær; [Nynorsk] paramilitær |
paranoia {n} (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution) | :: paranoia |
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions) | :: [Bokmål] paranoid schizofreni {m}; [Nynorsk] paranoid schizofreni {m} |
parapsychology {n} (study of that which cannot yet be explained) | :: parapsykologi |
parasite {n} (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back) | :: parasitt {m} |
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism) | :: [Bokmål] parasitt {m}; [Nynorsk] parasitt {m} |
parasitic {adj} (pertaining to a biological or symbolic parasite) | :: [Bokmål] parasittær, parasittisk; [Nynorsk] parasittær, parasittisk |
parasitical {adj} (parasitic) SEE: parasitic | :: |
parataxis {n} (in grammar) | :: paratakse {m}, sideordning {m} {f} |
paratrooper {n} (soldier that parachutes from aircraft) | :: [Bokmål] fallskjermsoldat {m}; [Nynorsk] fallskjermsoldat {m} |
paratyphoid fever {n} (acute infectious intestinal disease) | :: [Bokmål] paratyfus {m}, paratyfoidfeber {m}; [Nynorsk] paratyfus {m}, paratyfoidfeber {m} |
parcel {n} (package wrapped for shipment) | :: [Bokmål] pakke {m} {f} |
parcel {n} (division of land bought and sold as a unit) | :: [Bokmål] parsell {m}; [Nynorsk] parsell {m} |
parchment paper {n} (paper used in baking) | :: [Bokmål] bakepapir {n}; [Nynorsk] bakepapir {n} |
pardon {n} (forgiveness for an offence) | :: tilgivelse |
pardon {n} (releasing order) | :: benådning |
pardon {v} (to forgive) | :: tilgi |
pardon {v} (to grant an official pardon) | :: benåde |
pardon me {phrase} (sorry, as an apology) | :: unnskyld meg, om forlatelse |
pardon my French {v} (please excuse my swearing or bad language (idiomatic)) | :: unnskyld språket mitt |
parenchyma {n} (functional part of an organ, as opposed to supporting tissue) | :: parenkym |
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended) | :: [Bokmål] forelder {m}; [Nynorsk] forelder {m} |
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( )) | :: [Bokmål] parentes {m} |
parent-in-law {n} (mother-in-law or father-in-law) | :: svigerforeldre {p} |
parentless {adj} (having no parent) | :: [Bokmål] foreldreløs, foreldrelaus; [Nynorsk] foreldrelaus |
parentlessness {n} (state or condition of being parentless) | :: [Nynorsk] foreldreløyse {f} |
parents {n} (one's parents) | :: foreldre {p} |
parietal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum) | :: [Bokmål] isselapp {m}; [Nynorsk] isselapp {m} |
Paris {prop} (capital of France) | :: [Bokmål] Paris; [Nynorsk] Paris |
parish {n} (part of a diocese) | :: [Bokmål] sogn {n}, sokn {n}; [Nynorsk] sokn {n} |
parish church {n} (church that serves as the religious centre of a parish) | :: [Bokmål] sognekirke {m} {f}, soknekirke {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] soknekyrkje {f} |
park {n} (ground for recreation) | :: [Bokmål] park {m}; [Nynorsk] park {m} |
parking {n} (action) | :: [Bokmål] parkering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] parkering {f} |
parking garage {n} (building) | :: parkeringshus {n} |
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use) | :: parkeringsplass |
parking space {n} (space in which a vehicle can be parked) | :: [Bokmål] parkeringsplass {m}; [Nynorsk] parkeringsplass {m} |
parking ticket {n} (legal summons for parking incorrectly) | :: [Bokmål] parkeringsbot {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] parkeringsbot {f} |
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease) | :: [Bokmål] Parkinsons sykdom {m}; [Nynorsk] Parkinsons sjukdom {m} |
parkland {n} (land suitable for being a park) | :: parkområde, parkanlegg |
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members) | :: ting, parlament |
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament | :: |
parliamentarism {n} (parliamentary system of government) | :: [Bokmål] parlamentarisme {m}; [Nynorsk] parlamentarisme {m} |
parlor {n} (drawing room) | :: dagligstue {m} {f}, dagstue {m} {f}, stue {m} {f} |
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous | :: |
parmesan {n} (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma) | :: [Bokmål] parmesan {m}; [Nynorsk] parmesan {m} |
Parmesan {n} (parmesan) SEE: parmesan | :: |
parody {n} (expression making fun of something else) | :: [Bokmål] parodi {m}; [Nynorsk] parodi {m} |
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb | :: |
parquet {n} (the part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle) SEE: stall | :: |
parquet {n} (a wooden floor made of parquetry) | :: [Bokmål] parkett {m} |
parrot {n} (kind of bird) | :: papegøye {m} |
parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
parry {v} (avoid, deflect, or ward off) | :: parere |
parry {n} (a defensive or deflective action; an act of parrying) | :: finte {c}, parering {c} |
parse {v} (to examine closely) SEE: scrutinize | :: |
parseltongue {prop} (language of snakes in Harry Potter) | :: ormtunge {c} |
Parsi {n} (Parsi (noun)) | :: [Bokmål] parser {m}; [Nynorsk] parsar {m} |
Parsi {adj} (Parsi (adjective)) | :: [Bokmål] parsisk; [Nynorsk] parsisk |
parsimonious {adj} (Exhibiting parsimony) | :: sparsom, økonomisk, gnien, beskjeden |
parsimony {n} (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily) | :: [Bokmål] sparsommelighet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sparsemd {f} |
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum) | :: [Bokmål] persille {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] persille {m} {f} |
parsnip {n} (the plant Pastinaca sativa) | :: pastinakk |
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa) | :: pastinakk |
part {n} (math: factor) SEE: factor | :: |
part {n} (fraction of a whole) | :: del {m} |
part {n} (group inside a larger group) | :: del {m} |
part {n} (section of a document) | :: del {m} |
part {n} (position or role, especially in a play) | :: rolle {m} |
part {v} (to leave the company of) | :: forlate, dra |
part {v} (to divide in two) | :: dele |
part {v} (to become divided in two or separated) | :: dele |
participant {n} (one who participates) | :: [Bokmål] deltaker {m}, deltager {m}; [Nynorsk] deltakar {m} |
participate {v} (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself) | :: delta |
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle | :: |
participle {n} (verb form) | :: [Bokmål] partisipp {n}; [Nynorsk] partisipp {n} |
particle {n} (body with very small size) | :: partikkel {m} |
particle {n} (elementary particle or subatomic particle) | :: partikkel {m} |
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) | :: partikkel {m} |
particle accelerator {n} (a device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds) | :: [Bokmål] partikkelakselerator {m}; [Nynorsk] partikkelakselerator {m} |
particle board {n} (structural material manufactured from wood particles) | :: [Bokmål] sponplate {m} {f} |
particle physics {n} (particle physics) | :: partikkelfysikk |
particular {adj} (specific; discrete; concrete) | :: bestemt |
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential | :: |
particularly {adv} (especially) | :: [Bokmål] i særdeleshet |
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla | :: |
partition {n} (vertical structure that divides a room) | :: [Bokmål] skillevegg {m}; [Nynorsk] skiljevegg {m} |
partiture {n} (score (music)) SEE: score | :: |
partner {n} (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) | :: [Bokmål] partner {m}; [Nynorsk] partnar {m} |
partner {n} (a member of a business or law partnership) | :: [Bokmål] partner {m}; [Nynorsk] partnar {m} |
partner {n} (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner) | :: [Bokmål] partner {m}, samboer {m} [conmon-law spouse]; [Nynorsk] partnar {m} |
partner {n} (dancing partner) | :: [Bokmål] partner {m}; [Nynorsk] partnar {m} |
partner {n} (either member of a pair in a card game or sports team (1.4)) | :: [Bokmål] partner {m}; [Nynorsk] partnar {m} |
partnership {n} (state of being associated with a partner) | :: [Bokmål] partnerskap {n}; [Nynorsk] partnarskap {m} {n} |
partnership {n} (association of two or more people to conduct a business) | :: [Bokmål] partnerskap {n}; [Nynorsk] partnarskap {m} {n} |
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs) | :: ordklasse |
partridge {n} (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris) | :: [Bokmål] rapphøne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] rapphøne {f} |
partridgeberry {n} (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry | :: |
part-time {adj} (involving less than the normal time) | :: [Bokmål] deltid {m} {f}, deltids-; [Nynorsk] deltid {f}, deltids- |
party {n} (social gathering) | :: [Bokmål] fest {m}, party {n}; [Nynorsk] fest {m}, party {n} |
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party | :: |
party animal {n} (person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties) | :: selskapsløve {m} |
party leader {n} (person who leads a political party) | :: [Bokmål] partileder {m}; [Nynorsk] partileiar {m} |
party member {n} (member of a political party) | :: [Bokmål] partimedlem {n}; [Nynorsk] partimedlem {m} |
party political {adj} (relating to party politics) | :: [Bokmål] partipolitisk; [Nynorsk] partipolitisk |
party pooper {n} (one who dampens the fun of a group activity) SEE: spoilsport | :: |
par value {n} (face value) SEE: face value | :: |
pass {v} (move or be moved from one place to another) | :: passere |
pass {n} (password) SEE: password | :: |
passable {adj} (That may be passed or traversed) | :: [Bokmål] farbar; [Nynorsk] farbar |
passage {n} (section of text or music) | :: [Bokmål] passasje {m}, passus {m} (text); [Nynorsk] passasje {m}, passus {m} (text) |
passageway {n} (covered walkway) | :: passasje {m} |
passageway {n} (any way for passing in, out or through something) | :: passasje {m} |
pass away {v} (to die (euphemistic)) | :: gå bort |
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle) | :: [Bokmål] passasjer {m}; [Nynorsk] passasjer {m} |
passenger car {n} (A road vehicle that carries passengers) | :: [Bokmål] personbil {m}; [Nynorsk] personbil {m} |
passenger pigeon {n} (an extinct bird of the species Ectopistes migratorius) | :: [Bokmål] vandredue |
passenger ship {n} (type of ship) | :: [Bokmål] passasjerskip {n}; [Nynorsk] passasjerskip {n} |
passenger train {n} (type of train) | :: [Bokmål] passasjertog {n}, persontog {n}; [Nynorsk] passasjertog {n}, persontog {n} |
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by) | :: [Bokmål] forbipasserende {m}; [Nynorsk] forbipasserande |
passerine {n} (any bird of the order Passeriformes) | :: [Bokmål] spurvefugl {m} {f} |
passing {adj} (going past) | :: [Bokmål] forbipasserende; [Nynorsk] forbipasserande |
passing loop {n} (place where two trains can pass each other) | :: [Bokmål] kryssingsspor {n}, krysningsspor {n}; [Nynorsk] kryssingsspor {n} |
passing place {n} (place where vehicles can pass each other) | :: [Bokmål] møteplass {m}; [Nynorsk] møteplass {m} |
passion {n} (any great emotion) | :: [Bokmål] lidenskap {m}, pasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] lidenskap {m}, pasjon {m} |
passion {n} (object of passionate love or strong interest) | :: [Bokmål] pasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] pasjon {m} |
passion {n} (suffering of Jesus) | :: [Bokmål] pasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] pasjon {m} |
passion {n} (commemoration of the suffering of Jesus) | :: [Bokmål] pasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] pasjon {m} |
passionflower {n} (plant of the genus Passiflora) | :: [Bokmål] pasjonsblomst {m} |
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit) | :: [Bokmål] pasjonsfrukt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pasjonsfrukt {f} |
Passion Sunday {n} (fifth Sunday in Lent) | :: [Nynorsk] 5. søndag i faste |
passive {n} (passive voice) SEE: passive voice | :: |
passive {adj} (taking no action) | :: passiv |
passive {adj} (grammar: being in the passive voice) | :: passiv |
passively {adv} (in a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action) | :: passivt |
passive smoking {n} (inhalation of smoke from somebody else's tobacco) | :: passiv røyking {m} {f} |
passive voice {n} (grammatical term) | :: passiv |
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die | :: |
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival) | :: [Bokmål] påske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] påske {m} {f} |
passport {n} (official document) | :: [Bokmål] pass {n} |
password {n} (word used to gain admittance) | :: [Bokmål] passord {n}; [Nynorsk] passord {n} |
password {n} (computing: string of characters known only to a user) | :: [Bokmål] passord {n}; [Nynorsk] passord {n} |
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago | :: |
past {n} (period of time that has already happened) | :: fortid |
past {n} ((grammar) past tense) | :: preteritum |
past {prep} (beyond in place) | :: forbi, bortenfor |
pasta {n} (dough) | :: pasta |
pasteurisation {n} (treatment of perishable food) | :: [Bokmål] pasteurisering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pasteurisering {f} |
pastiche {n} (work that imitates the work of a previous artist) | :: pastisj {m} |
pastille {n} (soft flavoured candy) | :: [Bokmål] pastill {m}; [Nynorsk] pastill {m} |
pastille {n} (medicinal pill) | :: [Bokmål] pastill {m}; [Nynorsk] pastill {m} |
pastime {n} (that which amuses) | :: tidsfordriv {n} |
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd | :: |
pastor {n} | :: [Bokmål] pastor {m}; [Nynorsk] pastor {m} |
past participle {n} (past participle) | :: [Bokmål] perfektum partisipp {n}; [Nynorsk] perfektum partisipp {n} |
past perfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense | :: |
pastry {n} (food group) | :: [Bokmål] bakverk {n} |
pastry {n} (type of dough) | :: [Bokmål] butterdeig {m} |
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze | :: |
pasture {n} (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding) | :: [Bokmål] beite {n}, beitemark {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] beite {n}, beitemark {f} |
pastureland {n} (land for grazing) | :: [Bokmål] beiteland {n}, beitemark {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] beiteland {n}, beitemark {f} |
patch {n} (figuratively: fit) SEE: fit | :: |
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool | :: |
patchwork quilt {n} (decorative quilt) | :: [Bokmål] lappeteppe {n}; [Nynorsk] lappeteppe {n} |
patellar reflex {n} (a reflex extension of the lower leg) | :: knerefleks {m}, patellarefleks {m} |
patent {n} (patent leather) SEE: patent leather | :: |
patented {adj} (for which a patent has been granted) | :: [Bokmål] patentert |
patent leather {n} (glossy leather) | :: [Bokmål] lakklær {n}; [Nynorsk] lakklêr {n} |
paternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's father) | :: tante {m} {f}, faster {m} {f} |
paternal grandfather {n} (one's father's father) | :: farfar |
paternal grandmother {n} (one's father's mother) | :: [Bokmål] farmor {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] farmor {f} |
paternity {n} (fatherhood) SEE: fatherhood | :: |
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary | :: |
path {n} | :: sti {m} |
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt) | :: [Bokmål] patetisk; [Nynorsk] patetisk |
pathetic {adj} | :: patetisk, ynkelig |
pathogen {n} (an organism or substance that causes disease) | :: [Bokmål] patogen {n}; [Nynorsk] patogen {n} |
pathologist {n} (expert in pathology) | :: [Bokmål] patolog {m}; [Nynorsk] patolog {m} |
pathology {n} (branch of medicine) | :: [Bokmål] patologi {m}; [Nynorsk] patologi {m} |
patience {n} (quality of being patient) | :: [Bokmål] tålmodighet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tolmod {n} |
patience {n} (game that can be played by one person) | :: kabal |
patience is a virtue {proverb} (it is better to be patient than impatient) | :: tålmodighet er en dyd |
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting) | :: [Bokmål] tålmodig |
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) | :: pasient {m} |
Patras {prop} (city of Greece) | :: Pátra |
patriarch {n} (male leader) | :: [Bokmål] patriark {m}; [Nynorsk] patriark {m} |
patriarchal {adj} (relating to patriarchy) | :: [Bokmål] patriarkal, patriarkalsk; [Nynorsk] patriarkal, patriarkalsk |
Patricia {prop} (female given name) | :: Patricia |
Patrick {prop} (given name) | :: Patrik |
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country) | :: [Bokmål] patriot {m}; [Nynorsk] patriot {m} |
patriotic {adj} (inspired by patriotism) | :: [Bokmål] patriotisk; [Nynorsk] patriotisk |
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country) | :: [Bokmål] patriotisme {m} |
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending | :: |
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending | :: |
patterned {adj} (with a pattern) | :: [Bokmål] mønstret, mønstrete; [Nynorsk] mønstra, mønstrete |
paucity {n} (smallness in size or amount) | :: [Bokmål] knapphet |
Paul {prop} (the Apostle) | :: Paulus |
Paul {prop} (male given name) | :: Pål, Paul |
Paula {prop} (female given name) | :: Paula |
Paulson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Paul") | :: Poulsen |
pauper {n} (one who is extremely poor) | :: [Bokmål] fattiglem {n} |
pause {n} (temporary stop or rest) | :: pause {f} |
pave {v} ((North American) to cover with stones, asphalt, etc) | :: asfaltere |
pavement {n} (footpath) | :: [Bokmål] fortau {n}; [Nynorsk] fortau {n} |
pavement {n} (surface of road) | :: brulegging |
pave the way {v} (to make future development easier) | :: [Bokmål] bane vei; [Nynorsk] bane veg |
pavilion {n} (ornate tent) | :: [Bokmål] paviljong {m}; [Nynorsk] paviljong {m} |
pavilion {n} (light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place) | :: [Bokmål] paviljong {m}; [Nynorsk] paviljong {m} |
pavilion {n} (structure erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc) | :: [Bokmål] paviljong {m}; [Nynorsk] paviljong {m} |
pavilion {n} (detached / semi-detached building in a building complex) | :: [Bokmål] paviljong {m}; [Nynorsk] paviljong {m} |
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna | :: |
paving stone {n} (stone used for paving) | :: [Bokmål] belegningsstein {m} |
paving tile {adj} (floor tile) SEE: floor tile | :: |
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal) | :: [Bokmål] pote |
pawn {n} (chess piece) | :: bonde {m} |
pawn {n} (someone who is being manipulated) | :: brikke {m} |
pawn {n} (item sold to a pawn shop) | :: pant {n} |
pawn {n} ((rare) type of shop) | :: [Bokmål] pantelåner {m} |
pawn {v} (give as security for loan) | :: pantsette |
pawnbroker {n} (person who makes monetary loans at interest, taking personal property as security) | :: [Bokmål] pantelåner {m} |
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services) | :: [Bokmål] betale |
pay {v} (to be profitable) | :: [Bokmål] lønne seg ; [Nynorsk] løne seg , lønne seg |
pay {v} | :: betale |
pay attention {v} (to be attentive) | :: [Bokmål] følge med |
pay day {n} (the day of the week/month etc. when wages are received) | :: lønningsdag {m} |
payee {n} (One to whom money is paid) | :: [Bokmål] betalingsmottaker {m}, betalingsmottager {m}; [Nynorsk] betalingsmottakar {m} |
payer {n} (one who pays) | :: [Bokmål] betaler {m}; [Nynorsk] betalar {m} |
payload {n} (That part of a cargo that produces revenue) | :: [Bokmål] nyttelast {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] nyttelast {m} {f} |
payload {n} (The total weight of passengers, crew, equipment and cargo carried by an aircraft or spacecraft) | :: nyttelast {m} |
payload {n} (That part of a rocket, missile or torpedo that is not concerned with propulsion or guidance) | :: nyttelast {m} {f} |
payload {n} (The functional part of a computer virus rather than the part that spreads it) | :: skadelast {m} |
payload {n} (The actual data in a data stream) | :: datalast {m} |
paywall {n} (a feature of a website that only allows access to paying subscribers) | :: betalingsmur {m} |
pea {n} (plant) | :: ert |
pea {n} (edible seed) | :: ert |
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence) | :: [Bokmål] fred {m}, stillhet {m} {f}, ro {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] fred {m}, stillheit {f}, ro {f} |
peace {n} (state of being free from war) | :: [Bokmål] fred {m}; [Nynorsk] fred {m} |
peaceable {adj} (in favour of peace) | :: fredsommelig, fredsæl |
peaceable {adj} (characterized by peace) | :: fredsommelig |
peace and quiet {n} (tranquility) | :: [Bokmål] fred og ro; [Nynorsk] fred og ro |
peaceful {adj} (inclined to peace; peaceable) | :: [Bokmål] fredelig |
peacekeeping {n} (peacekeeping as a noun modifier) | :: [Bokmål] fredsbevarende; [Nynorsk] fredsbevarande |
peace of mind {n} (absence of mental stress) | :: ro i sinnet {m} |
peace pipe {n} (pipe) | :: fredspipe {f} |
peacetime {n} (period of peace) | :: [Bokmål] fredstid {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] fredstid {f} |
peach {n} (tree) | :: [Bokmål] fersken {m}, ferskentre {n} |
peach {n} (fruit) | :: fersken {m} |
peach {n} (colour) | :: fersken {m} |
peach {n} (pleasing person/thing) | :: [Bokmål] perle {m} {f} |
peach blossom {n} (moth) | :: flekket halvspinner {m} |
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach | :: |
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo) | :: [Bokmål] påfugl {m}; [Nynorsk] påfugl {m} |
peafowl {n} (pheasant of the genera Pavo or Afropavo) | :: [Bokmål] påfugl {m}; [Nynorsk] påfugl {m} |
peak hour {n} (rush hour) SEE: rush hour | :: |
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut) | :: peanøtt {f}, jordnøtt {f} |
peanut butter {n} (spread made from ground peanuts) | :: [Bokmål] peanøttsmør {n}; [Nynorsk] peanøttsmør {n} |
peanuts {n} (insignificant amount of money) | :: [Bokmål] en slikk og ingenting, peanuts {p} |
pear {n} (fruit) | :: [Bokmål] pære {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pære {f} |
pear {n} (tree) | :: [Bokmål] pæretre {n}; [Nynorsk] pæretre {n} |
pearl {n} (light-colored tern) SEE: tern | :: |
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl | :: |
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) | :: perle {c} |
pearl {n} (fringe or border) SEE: fringe | :: |
pearl {n} (brill) SEE: brill | :: |
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher | :: |
pearl necklace {n} (necklace made of pearls) | :: [Bokmål] perlekjede {n}; [Nynorsk] perlekjede {n} |
pear-shaped {adj} (shaped like a pear) | :: [Bokmål] pæreformet |
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class) | :: [Bokmål] bonde {m}; [Nynorsk] bonde {m} |
pea soup {n} (soup made from peas) | :: [Bokmål] ertesuppe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] ertesuppe {f} |
peat {n} (soil) | :: [Bokmål] torv {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] torv {f} {n} |
peat bog {n} (bog composed of peat) | :: [Bokmål] torvmyr {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] torvmyr {f} |
pebble {n} (stone) | :: [Bokmål] småstein {m}, småsten {m}; [Nynorsk] småstein {m} |
pebble {n} (rock fragment between 4 and 64 millimetres in diameter) | :: grus {m}, pukk |
pebble {v} (To pave with pebbles) | :: gruslegge |
pecan {n} (nut) | :: pecannøtt {m} {f} |
Pechenga {prop} (town in Russia) | :: [Bokmål] Petsjenga |
peck {v} (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar) | :: [Bokmål] pikke |
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick | :: |
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker | :: |
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage | :: |
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker | :: |
peckish {adj} | :: fysen |
pectin {n} (substance) | :: pektin |
pectoral sandpiper {n} (Calidris melanotos) | :: alaskasnipe |
peculiar {adj} (out of the ordinary) | :: [Bokmål] merkverdig, selsom, spesiell, uvanlig |
peculiar {adj} (common or usual for a particular place or circumstance) | :: [Bokmål] spesifikk, karakteristisk, typisk |
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian | :: |
pedagogic {adj} (pedagogical) SEE: pedagogical | :: |
pedagogical {adj} (of, or relating to pedagogy) | :: pedagogisk |
pedagogue {n} (a slave) | :: [Bokmål] pedagog {m}; [Nynorsk] pedagog {m} |
pedagogy {n} (profession of teaching) | :: [Bokmål] pedagogikk {m}; [Nynorsk] pedagogikk {m} |
pedagogy {n} (activities of educating, teaching or instructing) | :: [Bokmål] pedagogikk {m}; [Nynorsk] pedagogikk {m} |
pedal {n} (lever operated by one's foot) | :: [Bokmål] pedal {m}; [Nynorsk] pedal {m} |
pedal car {n} (toy car with pedals) | :: [Bokmål] tråbil {m}; [Nynorsk] tråbil {m}, trøbil {m} |
pedant {n} (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning) | :: [Bokmål] pedant {m}; [Nynorsk] pedant {m} |
peddler {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer | :: |
pederasty {n} (pederasty) | :: [Bokmål] pederasti |
pederasty {n} (archaic: homosexual anal sex) SEE: sodomy | :: |
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) | :: pidestall {m} |
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) | :: [Bokmål] fotgjenger {m}; [Nynorsk] fotgjengar {m} |
pedestrian crossing {n} (place for pedestrians to cross a street) | :: sebrastripe; [Bokmål] fotgjengerfelt {n}, fotgjengerovergang {m}, gangfelt {n}; [Nynorsk] gangfelt {n} |
pedicure {n} (superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails) | :: [Bokmål] pedikyr {m}, fotpleie {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pedikyr {m}, fotpleie {f} |
pedigree {n} (chart of ancestors) | :: [Bokmål] stamtavle {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] stamtavle {f} |
pedophile {n} (an adult who is sexually attracted to children) | :: pedofili |
pee {n} | :: tiss {n} |
pee {v} | :: tisse, pisse, urinere, late vannet |
peel {v} (to remove skin) | :: skrelle |
peel {n} (skin of a fruit) | :: skall {n} |
peeled {adj} (with outer layer removed) | :: [Bokmål] skrellet |
pee one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself | :: |
peep {v} (to look) | :: titte |
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee | :: |
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee | :: |
peephole {n} (hole) | :: [Bokmål] tittehull {n} |
peer {v} (to look with difficulty or as if searching) | :: [Bokmål] kikke |
peer {n} (someone or something of equal level) | :: [Bokmål] jevnaldrende {m} [age-mate, mostly used as an adjective] |
peerage {n} (book listing peers and their families) | :: adelskalender {m} |
peer review {n} (scholarly process) | :: [Bokmål] fagfellevurdering {m} {f} |
pegasus {n} (winged horse) | :: pegasus {c} |
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing | :: |
pejorative {adj} (disparaging, belittling or derogatory) | :: [Bokmål] nedsettende; [Nynorsk] nedsetjande |
pejorative {n} (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression) | :: pejorativ {n} |
Pekin duck {n} (breed of domestic duck) | :: [Bokmål] pekinand {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pekinand {f} |
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing | :: |
Peking duck {n} (dish consisting of duck and pancake) | :: [Bokmål] pekingand {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pekingand {f} |
pelargonium {n} (flower of the genus Pelargonium) | :: [Bokmål] pelargonia {m}; [Nynorsk] pelargonia {m} |
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) | :: pelikan {m} |
Peloponnese {prop} (region of Greece) | :: [Bokmål] Peloponnes; [Nynorsk] Peloponnes |
pelvis {n} (bone) | :: [Bokmål] bekken {n}; [Nynorsk] bekken {n} |
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing | :: |
pen {n} (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals) | :: [Bokmål] innhegning {m} {f}, inngjerding {m} {f}, kve {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] innhegning {f}, inngjerding {f}, kve {f} |
pen {v} (to enclose) | :: [Bokmål] innhegne; [Nynorsk] innhegne |
pen {n} (writing tool) | :: [Bokmål] penn {m}; [Nynorsk] penn {m} |
pen {v} (to write) | :: skrive, føre i pennen |
pen {n} (female swan) | :: [Bokmål] hunnsvane {f} {m}; [Nynorsk] hosvane {f} |
penal code {n} (penal code) SEE: criminal code | :: |
penal colony {n} (colonial territory) | :: [Bokmål] straffekoloni {m}; [Nynorsk] straffekoloni {m} |
penalize {v} (to subject to a penalty) | :: straffe |
penalty {n} (legal sentence) | :: straff {m} {f} |
penalty {n} (punishment for violating rules of procedure) | :: [Bokmål] straff {m}; [Nynorsk] straff {f} |
penalty {n} (penalty kick) SEE: penalty kick | :: |
penalty kick {n} ((soccer) a form of direct free kick) | :: straffe {m} {f}, straffespark {n} |
penalty shootout {n} (a series of penalty kicks) | :: [Bokmål] straffesparkkonkurranse {m}; [Nynorsk] straffesparkkonkurranse {m} |
penalty spot {n} (spot from where penalty kicks are taken) | :: [Bokmål] straffemerke {n}; [Nynorsk] straffemerke {n} |
penance {n} (voluntary self-imposed punishment) | :: bot |
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument) | :: blyant |
pencil crayon {n} (pencil crayon) SEE: colored pencil | :: |
pencil pusher {n} (one who does office work) | :: kontorrotte {m} {f} (office rat) |
pencil sharpener {n} (device used to sharpen pencils) | :: blyantspisser {m} |
penduline tit {n} (bird) | :: [Nynorsk] pungmeiser |
pendulum {n} (body suspended from a fixed support) | :: pendel {m} |
penetrate {v} (enter into) | :: trenge inn |
penfriend {n} (person with whom one exchanges letters) SEE: pen pal | :: |
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird) | :: pingvin {m} |
penicillin {n} (penicillin) | :: [Bokmål] penicillin {n}; [Nynorsk] penicillin {n} |
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water) | :: [Bokmål] halvøy {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] halvøy {f} |
penis {n} | :: [Bokmål] penis {m}, pikk {m}, kuk {m}, kukk {m}; [Nynorsk] penis {m}, pikk {m}, kuk {m}, kukk {m} |
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member | :: |
penis {n} (penis of an animal) SEE: pizzle | :: |
penitentiary {n} (prison) | :: fengsel {n}, kasjott {m} [dated] |
penitentiary {adj} (of or relating to prison) | :: fengsels- (affix construction) |
penmanship {n} (art of good handwriting) | :: [Bokmål] skrivekunst {m}; [Nynorsk] skrivekunst {m} {f} |
penniless {adj} (utterly without money) | :: pengelens |
pennon {n} (a thin triangular flag or streamer) | :: vimpel {m}, banner {n} |
Pennsylvania Dutch {n} (People of Pennsylvania German origin) | :: [Bokmål] pennsylvaniatyskere; [Nynorsk] pennsylvaniatyskarar |
Pennsylvania Dutch {n} (language) | :: [Bokmål] pennsylvaniatysk {m}; [Nynorsk] pennsylvaniatysk {m} |
Pennsylvania German {n} (person) SEE: Pennsylvania Dutch | :: |
Pennsylvania German {n} (language) SEE: Pennsylvania Dutch | :: |
Pennsylvania German {adj} (Pennsylvania Dutch) SEE: Pennsylvania Dutch | :: |
penny bun {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
penny farthing {n} (bicycle) | :: [Bokmål] veltepetter {m}, velosiped {m} |
pen pal {n} (friend with whom one communicates using letters) | :: brevvenn |
pen-pusher {n} (person who performs routine office work) SEE: pencil pusher | :: |
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services) | :: pensjon {m} |
pension {n} (boarding house) | :: pensjonat {n} |
pension {v} (to grant a pension) | :: [Bokmål] pensjonere; [Nynorsk] pensjonere |
pension {v} (to force to retire) | :: [Bokmål] pensjonere; [Nynorsk] pensjonere |
pensioner {n} (someone who lives on a pension) | :: [Bokmål] pensjonist {m}, alderspensjonist {m}; [Nynorsk] pensjonist {m}, alderspensjonist {m} |
pension fund {n} (pool of assets) | :: [Bokmål] pensjonsfond {n}; [Nynorsk] pensjonsfond {n} |
pensive {adj} (having the appearance of thinking) | :: tankefull, ettertenksom |
pensive {adj} (looking thoughtful or sad) | :: tankefull, ettertenksom |
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles) | :: [Bokmål] femkant {m}, pentagon {m}; [Nynorsk] femkant {m}, pentagon {m} |
pentagonal {adj} (of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon) | :: [Bokmål] femkantet |
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star) | :: [Bokmål] pentagram {n}; [Nynorsk] pentagram {n} |
pentalogy {n} (series of five related works of art) | :: [Bokmål] pentalogi {m}; [Nynorsk] pentalogi {m} |
pentane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C5H12) | :: [Bokmål] pentan {n}; [Nynorsk] pentan {n} |
pentathlon {n} (modern pentathlon) | :: [Bokmål] femkamp {m}; [Nynorsk] femkamp {m} |
Pentecost {prop} (Jewish festival) | :: [Bokmål] pinse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pins {m} {f}, pinse {m} {f} |
Pentecost {prop} (Christian festival) | :: [Bokmål] pinse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pins {m} {f}, pinse {m} {f} |
Pentecostal {n} (a member of a Pentecostal church) | :: pinsevenn |
penultimate {adj} (next-to-last in a sequence) | :: [Bokmål] nest sist |
penultimate {n} (something right before the last one) | :: [Bokmål] nest siste |
penumbra {n} (region around a sunspot) | :: [Bokmål] penumbra {m}; [Nynorsk] penumbra {m} |
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons) | :: folk {p}, lyd {m}, mennesker {n-p} |
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.) | :: folk {n} |
people {n} (a group of persons regarded as being employees etc.) | :: folk |
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family) | :: slekt {m} |
people {n} (the mass of community as distinguished from a special class) | :: folk {n} |
people {v} (to fill with people) | :: [Bokmål] befolke |
people {v} (to become populous) | :: [Bokmål] befolkes [passive form] |
people {v} (to inhabit, to occupy) | :: [Bokmål] befolke |
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria) | :: [Bokmål] Den demokratiske folkerepublikk Algerie {m} |
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments) | :: [Bokmål] folkerepublikk {m}; [Nynorsk] folkerepublikk {m} |
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China) | :: Folkerepublikken Kina {m} |
pepper {n} (spice) | :: pepper {n} |
pepper mill {n} (a small handheld grinder) | :: [Bokmål] pepperkvern {m} {f} |
peppermint {n} (herb) | :: [Bokmål] peppermynte {m}; [Nynorsk] peparmynte {m} |
peppermint {n} (confection) | :: [Bokmål] peppermynte {m}; [Nynorsk] peparmynte {m} |
peppermint oil {n} (oil from the peppermint plant) | :: Bokmal: peppermynteolje {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] peparmynteolje {m} {f} |
pepperoni {n} (sausage) | :: pepperoni {m} |
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent) | :: pepperspray |
peptic ulcer {n} (ulcer) | :: [Bokmål] magesår {n}; [Nynorsk] magesår {n} |
per {prep} (for each) | :: [Bokmål] per; [Nynorsk] per |
per {prep} | :: per (abbreviated pr.) |
perambulator {n} (pram) SEE: pram | :: |
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred) | :: [Bokmål] prosent {m} |
percentage point {n} (unit of the difference of two percentages) | :: prosentpoeng {n} |
percentual {adj} (expressed as a percentage) | :: [Bokmål] prosentvis; [Nynorsk] prosentvis |
perceptual {adj} (relating to perception) | :: [Bokmål] perseptuell; [Nynorsk] perseptuell |
perch {n} (fish of the genus Perca) | :: [Bokmål] abbor; [Nynorsk] åbor |
percussion {n} (medicine: tapping of the body) | :: [Bokmål] perkusjon {m}; [Nynorsk] perkusjon {m} |
percussion {n} (music: section of percussion instruments) | :: [Bokmål] slagverk {n}, perkusjon {m}; [Nynorsk] slagverk {n}, perkusjon {m} |
percussion instrument {n} (type of instrument) | :: slagverkinstrument |
percussionist {n} (musician) | :: [Bokmål] slagverker {m} |
peregrine falcon {n} (Falco peregrinus) | :: [Bokmål] vandrefalk {m}; [Nynorsk] vandrefalk {m} |
perennial {adj} ((of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years) | :: [Bokmål] flerårig; [Nynorsk] fleirårig |
perestroika {prop} (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) | :: perestrojka |
perfect {adj} (fitting its definition precisely) | :: perfekt |
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection) | :: [Bokmål] perfeksjonism {m}; [Nynorsk] perfeksjonism {m} |
perfectionist {n} (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect) | :: [Bokmål] perfeksjonist {m}; [Nynorsk] perfeksjonist {m} |
perfectionistic {adj} (perfectionist) SEE: perfectionist | :: |
perfectly {adv} (with perfection) | :: perfekt |
perfect number {n} (a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself) | :: perfekt tall |
perfect tense {n} (verb form indicating that an action has been completed) | :: perfektum {m}, andre futurum |
perforator {n} (hole punch) SEE: hole punch | :: |
performance anxiety {n} (anxiety about performing in front of an audience) SEE: stage fright | :: |
perfume {n} (pleasant smell) | :: duft, aroma, godlukt |
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell) | :: [Bokmål] parfyme {m}; [Nynorsk] parfyme {m} |
perfumed {adj} (scented) | :: [Bokmål] parfymert; [Nynorsk] parfymert |
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) | :: kanskje, muligens |
Pericles {prop} (Greek politician) | :: Perikles {m} |
perilous {adj} (dangerous, full of peril) | :: [Bokmål] farlig, farefull; [Nynorsk] farefull |
perineum {n} (anatomical term) | :: perineum; [Bokmål] mellomkjøtt {n} |
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity) | :: periode, æra |
period {n} (punctation mark “.”) | :: punktum {n} |
period {n} (length of time during which something repeats) | :: periode {m} |
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation | :: |
periodic {adj} (occurring at regular intervals) | :: [Bokmål] periodisk; [Nynorsk] periodisk |
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements) | :: [Bokmål] periodesystem {n}; [Nynorsk] periodesystem {n} |
peripatetic {n} (Aristotelian) SEE: Aristotelian | :: |
peripheral {adj} (on the periphery or boundary) | :: [Bokmål] perifer; [Nynorsk] perifer |
peripheral {adj} (beside the point) | :: perifer |
peripheral {adj} (unimportant) | :: perifer |
peripheral {adj} (auxiliary) | :: perifer |
peripheral {n} (computing device) SEE: peripheral device | :: |
peripheral device {n} (device that is outside the computer's system unit) | :: [Bokmål] periferenhet {m} |
peripheral vision {n} | :: [Bokmål] sidesyn {n}; [Nynorsk] sidesyn {n} |
periscope {n} (viewing device) | :: [Bokmål] periskop {n}; [Nynorsk] periskop {n} |
perishable {adj} (liable to perish) | :: lettbedervelig |
peritoneum {n} (serous membrane in mammals) | :: [Bokmål] bukhinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bukhinne {f} |
peritonitis {n} (inflammation of the peritoneum) | :: [Bokmål] bukhinnebetennelse {m}; [Nynorsk] bukhinnebetennelse {m} |
perjurer {n} (Someone who has lied under oath) | :: løftebryter |
perjury {n} (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath) | :: falsk forklaring {c}, mened {c} |
perky {adj} (lively or enthusiastic) | :: [Bokmål] livlig |
perky {adj} (standing upright; firm) | :: [Bokmål] rank, strunk |
permafrost {n} (permanently frozen ground) | :: [Bokmål] permafrost {m}; [Nynorsk] permafrost {m} |
permanent {adj} (lasting for an indefinitely long time) | :: [Bokmål] permanent, fast; [Nynorsk] permanent, fast |
permanently {adv} (in a permanent manner) | :: permanent, for alltid |
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent | :: |
permission {n} (authorisation) | :: tillatelse {m} |
permissive {adj} (lenient) | :: tolerant |
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen) | :: [Bokmål] tillate |
permutation {n} (ordering of a set of distinct elements) | :: [Bokmål] permutasjon |
peroxide {n} (hydrogen peroxide) SEE: hydrogen peroxide | :: |
perpendicular {adj} (at or forming a right angle to) | :: loddrett |
perpetrator {n} (one who perpetrates) | :: gjerningsmann {m} |
perpetual {adj} (lasting forever) | :: [Bokmål] evigvarende |
per se {adv} (by itself) | :: [Bokmål] i seg selv, som sådan |
persecute {v} (to pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict) | :: [Bokmål] forfølge |
persecution {n} (the act of persecuting) | :: [Bokmål] forfølgelse {m} |
persecution {n} (a program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people) | :: [Bokmål] forfølgelse {m} |
Persephone {prop} (Greek goddess) | :: Persephone |
perseverance {n} (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence) | :: [Bokmål] utholdenhet {m} {f} |
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran | :: |
Persia {prop} (region of ancient Iran) | :: [Bokmål] Persia |
Persian {n} (the Persian language) | :: [Bokmål] persisk {m}, farsi {m}; [Nynorsk] persisk {m}, farsi {m} |
Persian {n} (person from Persia) | :: [Bokmål] perser {m}; [Nynorsk] persar |
Persian {n} (Persian cat) | :: [Bokmål] perser {m} |
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia) | :: persisk |
Persian {adj} | :: persisk |
Persian Empire {prop} (empire ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty) | :: [Bokmål] Perserriket; [Nynorsk] Persarriket |
Persian Empire {prop} (empire ruled by the Sassanid dynasty) | :: [Bokmål] Perserriket; [Nynorsk] Persarriket |
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula) | :: [Bokmål] Persiabukten; [Nynorsk] Persiabukta |
persimmon {n} (fruit) | :: kaki, kakiplomme, kakifrukt, persimon |
person {n} (individual) | :: [Bokmål] person {m}, menneske {n}; [Nynorsk] person {m}, menneske {n} |
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man) | :: [Bokmål] person {m}; [Nynorsk] person {m} |
person {n} (the physical body seen as distinct from the mind) | :: [Bokmål] person {m}; [Nynorsk] person {m} |
person {n} (any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts) | :: [Bokmål] person {m}; [Nynorsk] person {m} |
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category) | :: [Bokmål] person {m}; [Nynorsk] person {m} |
personage {n} (a famous or important person) | :: personasje {m} |
personal {adj} (pertaining to human beings) | :: [Bokmål] personrelatert, menneskelig |
personal {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular person) | :: [Bokmål] personlig; [Nynorsk] personleg |
personal {adj} (pertaining to the external or bodily appearance) | :: [Bokmål] personlig |
personal {adj} (done in person) | :: [Bokmål] personlig |
personal {adj} (relating to an individual in an invidious and offensive manner) | :: [Bokmål] personlig |
personal {adj} (grammar: denoting person) | :: [Bokmål] personlig |
personal {n} (advertisement) | :: [Bokmål] personligannonse {m} |
personal {n} (movable) | :: [Bokmål] løsøre {n} |
personal data {n} | :: [Bokmål] persondata {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] persondata {n} |
personal injury {n} (injury to the body) | :: [Bokmål] personskade {m}; [Nynorsk] personskade {m} |
personality {n} (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people) | :: [Bokmål] personlighet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] personlegdom {m} |
personality {n} (celebrity) | :: [Bokmål] personlighet {m} {f} |
personally {adv} (concerning oneself) | :: [Bokmål] personlig; [Nynorsk] personleg |
personal pronoun {n} (part of speech) | :: [Bokmål] personlig pronomen {n}; [Nynorsk] personleg pronomen {n} |
persona non grata {n} (a person who is not welcome) | :: [Bokmål] persona non grata |
personification {n} (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea) | :: [Bokmål] personifikasjon {m}, personifisering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] personifikasjon {m}, personifisering {f} |
personification {n} (artistic representation of an abstract quality as a human) | :: [Bokmål] personifikasjon {m}, personifisering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] personifikasjon {m}, personifisering {f} |
personnel {n} (employees, office staff) | :: personell |
perspicacious {adj} (showing keen insight) | :: skarpsindig; [Nynorsk] skarpsindig |
perspicacious {adj} (Able to physically see clearly) | :: klarsynt; [Nynorsk] klarsynt, klårsynt |
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
perspiration {n} (process of perspiring) | :: [Bokmål] transpirasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] transpirasjon {m} |
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
persuade {v} (convince) | :: overtale |
pertain {v} (to relate, to refer) | :: gjelde |
perturb {v} (to disturb; to bother or unsettle) | :: forurolige, vekke uro {m}, gjøre forstyrret, skake (opp), ryste |
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough | :: |
Peru {prop} (country in South America) | :: Peru |
Peruvian {n} (person from Peru) | :: [Bokmål] peruaner {m}; [Nynorsk] peruan {m}, peruanar {m} |
Peruvian {adj} (pertaining to Peru) | :: [Bokmål] peruansk; [Nynorsk] peruansk |
pervasive {adj} (manifested throughout) | :: gjennomtrengende |
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover | :: |
pesky {adj} (annoying, troublesome, irritating) | :: plagsom |
pessimist {n} (someone who habitually expects the worst outcome) | :: [Bokmål] pessimist {m}; [Nynorsk] pessimist {m} |
pessimistic {adj} (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness) | :: pessimistisk |
pessimistic {adj} (always expecting the worst) | :: pessimistisk |
pest {n} (destructive insect) | :: [Bokmål] skadedyr {n}; [Nynorsk] skadedyr {n} |
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion) | :: [Bokmål] kjæledyr {n}; [Nynorsk] kjæledyr {n} |
pet {n} | :: kjæledyr {n} |
pet {v} (fondle (an animal)) | :: kjæle |
pet {v} (fondle (another person) amorously) | :: kjæle, kose med, kjærtegne |
PET {n} (positron emission tomography) SEE: positron emission tomography | :: |
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower) | :: [Bokmål] kronblad {n}; [Nynorsk] kronblad {n} |
petasus {n} (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans) | :: petasos |
Peter {prop} (male given name) | :: Peder, Peter, Petter |
Peter {prop} (the Apostle) | :: Peter |
Peter {prop} (one of the epistles of Peter) | :: Peter, Peters, Pet |
Peterson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Peter") | :: Pedersen, Petersen |
pet name {n} (name of endearment) | :: [Bokmål] kallenavn, kjælenavn |
Petrarchan sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) | :: Petrarca-sonett {m}, italiensk sonett {m} |
Petri dish {n} (dish used to culture bacteria) | :: [Bokmål] petriskål {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] petriskål {f} |
petrochemical {adj} (of or pertaining to the such compounds, or the industry that produces them) | :: [Bokmål] petrokjemisk; [Nynorsk] petrokjemisk |
petrochemistry {n} (the branch of chemistry that deals with petroleum) | :: [Bokmål] petrokjemi {m}; [Nynorsk] petrokjemi {m} |
petroglyph {n} (a rock carving, especially one made in prehistoric times) | :: helleristning |
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline | :: |
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil | :: |
petrology {n} (the study of rock) | :: petrologi {m} |
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station | :: |
petrol tank {n} (petrol tank) SEE: gas tank | :: |
pettifogger {n} (Someone who quibbles) | :: [Bokmål] ordkløyver {m} |
pettifogger {n} (An unscrupulous lawyer) | :: [Bokmål] vinkelskriver {m} |
petty {adj} (small-minded) | :: [Bokmål] smålig |
petty officer {n} (non-commissioned officer) | :: [Bokmål] underoffiser {m}; [Nynorsk] underoffiser {m} |
petulant {adj} (easily irritated or annoyed) | :: [Bokmål] amper, hårsår, lunefull, pirrelig; [Nynorsk] amper, hårsår, lunefull, pirrelig |
petunia {n} (flower) | :: [Bokmål] petunia {m}; [Nynorsk] petunia {m} |
pew {n} (long bench in a church) | :: [Bokmål] kirkebenk {m}; [Nynorsk] kyrkjebenk {m} |
phaleristics {n} (the study of orders, fraternity, and award items) | :: faleristikk |
phallic {adj} (having to do with the penis) | :: fallisk |
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
phallus {n} (the penis or its representation) | :: [Bokmål] fallos {m}; [Nynorsk] fallos {m} |
phantom {n} (something having no physical reality) | :: fantom {c}, fantomet |
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) | :: farao {m} |
pharmaceutical {adj} (of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists) | :: [Bokmål] farmasøytisk; [Nynorsk] farmasøytisk |
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs) | :: [Bokmål] farmasøyt {m}, apoteker {m}; [Nynorsk] apotekar {m}, farmasøyt {m} |
pharmacologic {adj} (pharmacological) SEE: pharmacological | :: |
pharmacological {adj} (of or having to do with pharmacology) | :: [Bokmål] farmakologisk; [Nynorsk] farmakologisk |
pharmacology {n} (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals) | :: [Bokmål] farmakologi {m}; [Nynorsk] farmakologi {m} |
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) | :: apotek {n} |
pharmacy {n} (science of medicinal substances) | :: [Bokmål] farmasi {m}; [Nynorsk] farmasi {m} |
pharynx {n} (part of alimentary canal) | :: [Bokmål] svelg {n}; [Nynorsk] svelg {n} |
phase {n} (distinguishable part of a sequence) | :: [Bokmål] fase {m} |
pheasant {n} (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food) | :: [Bokmål] fasan; [Nynorsk] fasan |
phenomenology {n} (philosophy based on intuitive experience of phenomena) | :: [Bokmål] fenomenologi {m}; [Nynorsk] fenomenologi {m} |
phenomenon {n} (observable fact or occurrence) | :: [Bokmål] fenomen {n}; [Nynorsk] fenomen {n} |
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event) | :: [Bokmål] fenomen {n}; [Nynorsk] fenomen {n} |
phenylketonuria {n} (metabolic disorder) | :: [Nynorsk] fenylketonuri {m}, Føllings sjukdom |
pheromone {n} (chemical) | :: [Bokmål] feromon {n}; [Nynorsk] feromon {n} |
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover | :: |
philanthropic {adj} (of or pertaining to philanthropy; characterized by philanthropy) | :: [Bokmål] filantropisk; [Nynorsk] filantropisk |
philanthropy {n} (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind) | :: [Bokmål] filantropi {m}; [Nynorsk] filantropi {m} |
philatelic {adj} (relating to stamp collecting) | :: [Bokmål] filatelistisk; [Nynorsk] filatelistisk |
philatelist {n} (a person who studies or collects stamps) | :: [Bokmål] filatelist {m}; [Nynorsk] filatelist {m} |
philately {n} (stamp collecting) | :: [Bokmål] frimerkesamling {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] frimerkesamling {f} |
philately {n} (the study of postage stamps, postal routes, postal history, etc.) | :: [Bokmål] filateli {m}; [Nynorsk] filateli {m} |
-phile {suffix} (Forming nouns and adjectives denoting "friend") | :: [Bokmål] -fil; [Nynorsk] -fil |
Philemon {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Filemon |
Philemon {prop} (male given name) | :: Filemon |
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra | :: |
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra | :: |
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship | :: |
Philip {prop} (biblical persons) | :: Filip |
Philip {prop} (male given name) | :: Filip |
Philippians {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Filipperne |
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino | :: |
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines) | :: filippinsk apeørn |
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines) | :: [Bokmål] Filippinene; [Nynorsk] Filippinane |
Philippine Sea {prop} (sea) | :: [Bokmål] Filippinerhavet; [Nynorsk] Filippinarhavet |
philistine {n} (Philistine) SEE: Philistine | :: |
philistine {adj} (lacking in appreciation for art or culture) | :: filistrøs |
Philistine {n} (person from Philistia) | :: [Bokmål] filister {m}; [Nynorsk] filistar {m} |
Philistine {n} (person lacking appreciation of culture) | :: [Bokmål] filister {m}; [Nynorsk] filistar {m} |
Philistine {adj} (philistine) SEE: philistine | :: |
philology {n} (historical linguistics) | :: [Bokmål] filologi {m} |
philosopheme {n} (a philosophical statement, theorem or axiom) | :: [Bokmål] filosofem {n} |
philosopher {n} (person devoted to studying philosophy) | :: [Bokmål] filosof {m}; [Nynorsk] filosof {m} |
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone) | :: de vises stein |
philosophy {n} (academic discipline) | :: [Bokmål] filosofi {m}; [Nynorsk] filosofi {m} |
philtrum {n} (shallow groove running down the centre of the outer surface of the upper lip) | :: philtrum {m} |
Phineas {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Phinehas | :: |
Phinehas {prop} (biblical character) | :: Pinhas |
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) | :: [Bokmål] slim {n}; [Nynorsk] slim {n} |
phlogiston {n} (hypothetical fiery principle) | :: [Bokmål] flogiston; [Nynorsk] flogiston |
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox) | :: [Bokmål] floks {m}; [Nynorsk] floks {m} |
-phobia {suffix} | :: -fobi |
phobia {n} (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety) | :: fobi {m} |
phobophobia {n} (fear of fear) | :: fobofobi {m} |
Phoenician {adj} (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia) | :: [Bokmål] fønikisk; [Nynorsk] fønikisk |
Phoenician {n} (inhabitant of Phoenicia) | :: [Bokmål] føniker {m}; [Nynorsk] fønikar {m} |
phoenix {n} (mythological bird) | :: [Bokmål] føniks {m}; [Nynorsk] føniks {m} |
phoenix {n} (anything reborn after apparently being destroyed) | :: [Bokmål] føniks {m}; [Nynorsk] føniks {m} |
Phoenix {prop} (mythical firebird) | :: føniks {m} |
Phoenix {prop} (capital city of Arizona, United States) | :: Phoenix |
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone | :: |
-phone {suffix} (type of sound) | :: [Bokmål] -fon; [Nynorsk] -fon |
-phone {suffix} (device that makes a sound) | :: [Bokmål] -fon; [Nynorsk] -fon |
phone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
phonebook {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
phone call {n} (telephone call) SEE: telephone call | :: |
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number | :: |
phonetic {adj} (relating to sounds of spoken language) | :: [Bokmål] fonetisk; [Nynorsk] fonetisk |
phonetic {adj} (linguistics: relating to phones) | :: [Bokmål] fonetisk; [Nynorsk] fonetisk |
phonetics {n} (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols) | :: [Bokmål] fonetikk {m} |
phonics {n} (phonetics) SEE: phonetics | :: |
phono- {prefix} (relating to sound) | :: [Bokmål] fono-; [Nynorsk] fono- |
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record | :: |
phonology {n} (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages) | :: [Bokmål] fonologi {m} |
phosphate {n} (any salt or ester of phosphoric acid) | :: [Bokmål] fosfat {n}; [Nynorsk] fosfat {n} |
phosphide {n} (binary compound of phosphorus) | :: [Bokmål] fosfid {n}; [Nynorsk] fosfid {n} |
phosphorescence {n} (emission of light without heat) | :: [Bokmål] fosforescens {m}; [Nynorsk] fosforescens {m} |
phosphoric acid {n} (the colourless liquid; H3PO4) | :: [Bokmål] fosforsyre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] fosforsyre {f} |
phosphorus {n} (element) | :: [Bokmål] fosfor {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] fosfor {m} {n} |
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph | :: |
photo- {prefix} (light) | :: [Bokmål] foto-; [Nynorsk] foto- |
photograph {n} (picture) | :: [Bokmål] fotografi {m} |
photograph {v} (to take a photograph) | :: fotografere |
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs) | :: [Bokmål] fotograf {m}; [Nynorsk] fotograf {m} |
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photographs) | :: [Bokmål] fotografisk; [Nynorsk] fotografisk |
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photography) | :: [Bokmål] fotografisk; [Nynorsk] fotografisk |
photographic paper {n} (paper with a light sensitive layer) | :: [Bokmål] fotopapir {n}; [Nynorsk] fotopapir {n} |
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces) | :: [Bokmål] fotografi {m}; [Nynorsk] fotografi {m} |
photomontage {n} (composite image) | :: [Bokmål] fotomontasje {m}; [Nynorsk] fotomontasje {m} |
photon {n} (quantum of light) | :: foton {n}, lyskvant; [Bokmål] lyskvant, foton {n}; [Nynorsk] lyskvant, foton {n} |
photophobia {n} (excessive sensitivity to light) | :: lysømfintlighet |
photosphere {n} (A visible surface layer of a star) | :: [Bokmål] fotosfære {m}; [Nynorsk] fotosfære {m} |
photosynthesis {n} (biological process) | :: [Bokmål] fotosyntese {m}; [Nynorsk] fotosyntese {m} |
photovoltaic {adj} (producing a voltage when exposed to light) | :: [Bokmål] fotovoltaisk; [Nynorsk] fotovoltaisk |
phrase {n} (short written or spoken expression) | :: [Bokmål] frase {m}; [Nynorsk] frase {m} |
phrase {n} (grammar: group of two or more words that express an idea but do not form a complete sentence) | :: [Bokmål] frase {m}; [Nynorsk] frase {m} |
phrase {n} (music: small section of music in a larger piece) | :: [Bokmål] frase {m}; [Nynorsk] frase {m} |
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary) | :: parlør |
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book | :: |
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book | :: |
phraseology {n} | :: fraseologi {m} |
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward) | :: [Bokmål] frygisk lue {m}, frihetslue {m}, jakobinerlue {m}; [Nynorsk] frygisk hue {f} |
phycology {n} (study of algae) | :: [Bokmål] fykologi {m}; [Nynorsk] fykologi {m} |
phyllite {n} (type of rock) | :: [Bokmål] fyllitt {m}; [Nynorsk] fyllitt {m} |
physical {adj} (having to do with the material world; tangible) | :: fysisk |
physical {adj} (having to do with physics) | :: [Bokmål] fysikalsk; [Nynorsk] fysikalsk |
physical {adj} (having to do with the body; corporeal) | :: fysisk |
physical {adj} (involving bodily force; vigorous) | :: fysisk |
physical education {n} (curriculum component) | :: [Bokmål] kroppsøving {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kroppsøving {f} |
physician {n} (medical doctor) | :: [Bokmål] lege {m}, doktor {m}; [Nynorsk] lege {m}, lækjar {m}, doktor {m}, dokter {m} |
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics) | :: [Bokmål] fysiker {m}; [Nynorsk] fysikar {m} |
physics {n} (branch of science) | :: [Bokmål] fysikk {m}; [Nynorsk] fysikk {m} |
physiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to physiology) SEE: physiological | :: |
physiological {adj} (of, or relating to physiology) | :: [Bokmål] fysiologisk; [Nynorsk] fysiologisk |
physiology {n} (branch of biology) | :: [Bokmål] fysiologi {m}; [Nynorsk] fysiologi {m} |
physique {n} (physical structure of a person) | :: [Bokmål] fysikk {m}; [Nynorsk] fysikk {m} |
pianist {n} (piano player) | :: [Bokmål] pianist {m}; [Nynorsk] pianist {m} |
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument) | :: piano {n} |
picaresque {n} (picaresque novel) | :: pikaresk roman {m} |
picayune {n} (Something of very little value) SEE: trifle | :: |
piccolo {n} (musical instrument) | :: [Bokmål] pikkolofløyte; [Nynorsk] pikkolofløyte |
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose | :: |
pick {n} (pickaxe) | :: hakke |
pick {n} (tool to open a lock) | :: dirk {m} |
pick {n} (choice) | :: valg {n} |
pick {v} (to grasp and pull with fingers) | :: pilke |
pick {v} (to remove a fruit or plant for consumption) | :: plukke |
pick {v} (to decide between options) | :: velge |
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum | :: |
pickaxe {n} (heavy iron tool) | :: [Bokmål] hakke {m} {f} |
picket {n} (stake driven into the ground) | :: staur {m} |
picket fence {n} (a wooden fence made of spaced uprights connected by horizontal rails) | :: stakitt {n}; [Nynorsk] stakitt {n} |
pickle {n} (preserved cucumber) | :: sylteagurk {m} |
picklock {n} (device designed to pick locks) | :: dirk {m} |
pick one's nose {v} (insert a finger into one's nostril) | :: plukke nesen |
pickpocket {n} (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby) | :: [Bokmål] lommetyv {m}, lommetjuv {m}; [Nynorsk] lommetjuv {m} |
pick up {v} (to collect a passenger) | :: hente (noen) |
picky {adj} (fussy, particular) | :: pirkete; [Bokmål] overnøyaktig, pedantisk |
picnic {n} (a meal eaten outdoors) | :: [Bokmål] piknik {m}; [Nynorsk] piknik {m} |
pictogram {n} (picture that represents a word or an idea) | :: [Bokmål] piktogram {n}; [Nynorsk] piktogram {n} |
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) | :: bilde {n}; [Nynorsk] bilete |
picture {n} (informal: cinema) | :: kino {m} |
picture {v} (to take a picture of) | :: fotografere |
picture {v} (to imagine or envision) | :: forestille seg |
picture {v} (to depict or describe vividly) SEE: depict | :: |
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting | :: |
picture book {n} (a book for young children with illustrations) | :: billedbok {c} {f} |
picture dictionary {n} (dictionary with pictures) | :: bildeordbok, biletordbok |
picture-in-picture {n} (Simultaneous display of full TV screen and inset window) | :: [Bokmål] bilde-i-bilde |
picturesque {adj} (resembling a picture or painting) | :: [Bokmål] pittoresk, malerisk, naturskjønn; [Nynorsk] pittoresk, naturskjønn |
Pi Day {prop} (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi)) | :: [Nynorsk] Pi-dagen {m} |
pidgin {n} (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers) | :: [Bokmål] pidgin {m} {n}, pidginspråk {n}; [Nynorsk] pidgin {m}, pidginspråk {n} |
pie {n} (type of pastry) | :: [Bokmål] pai {m}; [Nynorsk] pai {m} |
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza | :: |
piece {n} (part of a larger whole) | :: [Bokmål] stykke {n}; [Nynorsk] stykke {n} |
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance | :: |
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle | :: |
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
piece of cake {n} (simple or easy job) | :: barnemat |
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment | :: |
piece of furniture {n} (item of furniture) | :: [Bokmål] møbel {n}; [Nynorsk] møbel {n} |
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
piece of meat {n} (an actual piece of meat) | :: [Bokmål] kjøttstykke {n}; [Nynorsk] kjøtstykke {n}, kjøttstykke {n} |
Piedmontese {adj} (of, from, or relating to Piedmont) | :: piemontesisk |
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk | :: |
Piemontese {prop} (language) SEE: Piedmontese | :: |
piemontite {n} (mineral) | :: piemontitt |
pier {n} (raised platform built from the shore out over water) | :: [Bokmål] brygge {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] brygge {f}, bryggje {f} |
pier {n} (structure supporting the junction between two spans of a bridge) | :: brupilar |
pierce {v} (puncture) | :: punktere, trenge gjennom, perforere |
pierce {v} (create a hole for jewelry) | :: ta hull |
Pieria {prop} (Greek prefecture) | :: [Bokmål] Pieria; [Nynorsk] Piería |
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus) | :: svin {n}, gris {m} |
pig {n} (someone who overeats or eats rapidly) | :: storeter {m} |
pig {n} (derogatory slang for police officer) | :: purk {m}, snut {m} |
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet | :: |
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork | :: |
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae) | :: [Bokmål] due {f} {m}, hanndue {f} {m} [male], duestegg {m} [male], hunndue {f} {m} [female]; [Nynorsk] due {f}, dua {f} [variant form], hanndue {f} [male], duestegg {m} [male], hodue {f} [female] |
pigeon racing {n} (pigeon racing, the sport of racing pigeons) | :: [Bokmål] duesport {m}, brevduesport {m}; [Nynorsk] duesport {m}, brevduesport {m} |
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in) | :: [Bokmål] sparegris {m}; [Nynorsk] sparegris {m} |
pig in a poke {n} (something whose true value is concealed or unknown) | :: katten i sekken |
piglet {n} (young pig) | :: grisunge {m}, pattegris {m} |
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet | :: |
pigment {n} (any color in plant or animal cells) | :: [Bokmål] pigment {n}; [Nynorsk] pigment {n} |
pigment {n} (dry colorant) | :: [Bokmål] pigment {n}; [Nynorsk] pigment {n} |
pigmentation {n} (coloration of tissue) | :: [Bokmål] pigmentering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pigmentering {f} |
pigskin {n} (leather made from the skin of a pig) | :: [Bokmål] svinelær {n} |
pike {n} (turnpike) SEE: turnpike | :: |
pike {n} (long spear) | :: pik {m} |
pike {n} (fish of the genus Esox) | :: gjedde {f} |
pike-perch {n} (zander) SEE: zander | :: |
pilaf {n} (dish) | :: [Bokmål] pilaff {m}; [Nynorsk] pilaff {m} |
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
pilcrow {n} (a paragraph mark) | :: avsnittstegn {m} |
pile {n} (heap) | :: haug {m}, stabel {m} |
pile {n} (galvanic pile) | :: batteri {n} |
pile {v} (to lay or throw into a pile) | :: [Bokmål] stable, samle; [Nynorsk] stable, samle |
pile {n} (stake of pointed timber, steel etc., driven into the earth) | :: [Bokmål] påle {m}, pel {m}; [Nynorsk] påle {m} |
pile {n} (hemorrhoid) SEE: hemorrhoid | :: |
pile driver {n} (machine for forcing a pile into the ground) | :: påledriver; [Nynorsk] påledrivar |
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy | :: |
piles {n} (plural of pile) SEE: pile | :: |
piles {n} (informal: a large amount) | :: [Bokmål] haugevis; [Nynorsk] haugevis |
pilgarlic {n} (bald-headed person) SEE: egghead | :: |
pilgrim {n} (traveler, especially to religious sites) | :: pilegrim {m} |
pilgrimage {n} (religious journey, or one to a sacred place) | :: valfart {m}; [Bokmål] pilegrimsreise {m} {f}, pilegrimsferd {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pilegrimsferd {f} |
pill {n} (small object for swallowing) | :: [Bokmål] pille {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pille {f} |
pillar {n} (large post, often used as supporting architecture) | :: [Bokmål] søyle {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] søyle {f} |
pillory {n} (framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation) | :: gapestokk {m} |
pillory {v} (put someone in a pillory) | :: sette i gapestokken |
pillory {v} (subject someone to humiliation, scorn, ridicule or abuse) | :: sette i gapestokken |
pillory {v} (criticize harshly) | :: hudflette |
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed) | :: pute {c} |
pillowcase {n} (sheet for covering a pillow) | :: [Bokmål] putetrekk {n}, putevar {n}; [Nynorsk] putetrekk {n}, putevar {n} |
pillow fight {n} (a play fight that involves hitting others with pillows) | :: putekrig |
pillow talk {n} (conversation shared by bedmates) | :: [Bokmål] intim betroelse {m} {f} |
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft) | :: [Bokmål] pilot {m}, flyger {m}; [Nynorsk] pilot {m} |
pilot {n} (person who helps navigate the harbor or coast) | :: [Bokmål] los {m}; [Nynorsk] los {m} |
pilot project {n} (prototype, proof of concept) | :: [Bokmål] pilotprosjekt {n}; [Nynorsk] pilotprosjekt {n} |
pilot whale {n} (either of two species of whale) | :: [Bokmål] grindhval {m}; [Nynorsk] grindkval {m} |
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor) | :: hallik {m} |
pimping {n} (practise of procuring prostitutes) | :: [Bokmål] rufferi {n}, kobleri {n}, alfonseri {n}, hallikvirksomhet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kopleri {n}, alfonseri {n}, hallikverksemd {f} |
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin) | :: kvise {c} |
pin {n} (needle without an eye, used for fastening) | :: knappenål |
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch | :: |
pinata {n} (candy-filled container that is hit with a stick) | :: [Bokmål] piñata {f} |
pincers {n} (gripping tool) | :: [Bokmål] tang {m} {f}, knipetang {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tong {f}, knipetong {f} |
pincers {n} (front claws) | :: [Bokmål] klo {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] klo {f} |
pinch of salt {n} (small amount of salt) | :: [Bokmål] klype {m} {f} salt; [Nynorsk] klype {f} salt |
pinch of salt {n} (taken with caution) | :: [Bokmål] klype {m} {f} salt; [Nynorsk] klype {f} salt |
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus) | :: [Bokmål] furu {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] furu {f} |
pine {v} (to inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict) | :: pine |
pineal gland {n} (small endocrine gland) | :: [Bokmål] konglekjertel {m}, epifyse {m}; [Nynorsk] epifyse {m} |
pineapple {n} (plant) | :: [Bokmål] ananas {m}; [Nynorsk] ananas {m} |
pineapple {n} (fruit) | :: [Bokmål] ananas {m}; [Nynorsk] ananas {m} |
pineapple {n} (slang: hairstyle) | :: [Bokmål] grorudpalme {m} |
pine marten {n} (Martes martes) | :: [Bokmål] mår {m}, skogsmår {m}; [Nynorsk] mår {m}, skogmår {m} |
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine | :: |
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis | :: |
pinion {n} (gear in a gear drive train) | :: [Bokmål] tanndrev {n}, tannhjulsdrev {n}, spisshjul {n} |
pink {n} (flower) | :: [Bokmål] nellik {m}; [Nynorsk] nellik {m} |
pink {n} (pale red colour) | :: [Bokmål] rosa; [Nynorsk] rosa |
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white) | :: [Bokmål] rosa, lyserød, lysrød; [Nynorsk] rosa |
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger | :: |
pink jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Giro d'Italia) | :: [Bokmål] rosa trøye {f} {m} |
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger | :: |
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear) | :: ytterør {n}, pinna |
pinstripe {n} (thin stripe on fabric) | :: [Nynorsk] nålestripe {f} |
pinto {adj} (pied, mottled) | :: [Bokmål] flekket; [Nynorsk] flekka |
pioneering {adj} (involving new ideas or methods) | :: [Bokmål] banebrytende |
pioneer species {n} (pioneer species) | :: [Bokmål] pionerplante {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pionerplante {m} {f} |
pious {adj} (of or pertaining to piety) | :: from |
pipe {n} (rigid tube) | :: [Bokmål] rør {n} |
pipe cleaner {n} (wire which is used to clean small crevices) | :: [Bokmål] piperenser {m}; [Nynorsk] piperensar {m} |
pipe dream {n} (near impossibility) | :: luftslott {n}, ønskedrøm {m} |
pipeline {n} (conduit made of pipes) | :: [Bokmål] ledning {m} {f}, rørledning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] røyrleidning {m} {f} |
piper {n} (bagpiper) SEE: bagpiper | :: |
pipette {n} (small glass tube used for transferring liquid) | :: [Bokmål] pipette {m}; [Nynorsk] pipette {m} |
pipe wrench {n} (adjustable wrench) | :: [Bokmål] rørtang {m} {f} |
pipit {n} (passerine bird from the genus Anthus) | :: piplerke {m} |
piracy {n} (hijacking) | :: kapring |
piranha {n} (South American fish) | :: piraya; [Bokmål] piraja {m}; [Nynorsk] piraja {m} |
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea) | :: pirat {m}; [Bokmål] sjørøver {m}, pirat {m}; [Nynorsk] sjørøvar {m}, pirat {m} |
pirate {n} (one who breaks intellectual property laws) | :: [Bokmål] pirat {m}; [Nynorsk] pirat {m} |
pirate {v} (make and/or sell an illegal copy) | :: piratkopiere |
pirate {adj} (illegal imitated or reproduced) | :: piratkopiert |
pirouette {n} (whirling or turning on the toes) | :: [Bokmål] piruett {m}; [Nynorsk] piruett {m} |
pirouette {n} (the whirling about of a horse) | :: [Bokmål] piruett {m}; [Nynorsk] piruett {m} |
Pisces {prop} (constellation) | :: [Bokmål] Fiskene {m-p}; [Nynorsk] Fiskane {m-p} |
Pisces {prop} (astrological sign) | :: [Bokmål] Fiskene {m-p}; [Nynorsk] Fiskane {m-p} |
Pisces {n} (Someone with a Pisces star sign) | :: fisk {m} |
Piscis Austrinus {prop} (constellation) | :: [Bokmål] Den sørlige fisken; [Nynorsk] Den sørlege fisken |
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant | :: |
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
piss off {v} (to leave, to go away) | :: stikk av |
piss one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself | :: |
pistachio {n} (tree) | :: [Bokmål] pistasj {m}, pistasie {m}; [Nynorsk] pistasj {m}, pistasie {m} |
pistachio {n} (fruit) | :: [Bokmål] pistasj {m}, pistasie {m}; [Nynorsk] pistasj {m}, pistasie {m} |
pistol {n} (handgun) | :: [Bokmål] pistol {m}; [Nynorsk] pistol {m} |
piston {n} (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder) | :: [Bokmål] stempel {n}; [Nynorsk] stempel {n} |
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine | :: |
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit | :: |
Pitcairn Islands {prop} (British territory) | :: [Bokmål] Pitcairnøyene; [Nynorsk] Pitcairnøyane, Pitcairnøyene |
pitch {n} (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar) | :: bek {n} |
pitch-black {adj} (of the blackest black) | :: [Bokmål] kullsvart, beksvart, bekmørk; [Nynorsk] kolsvart, beksvart |
pitchfork {n} (farm tool with tines) | :: fork {m}, høygaffel {m} |
Pite Sami {prop} (language) | :: pitesamisk {c} |
pitfall {n} (potential problem, hazard, or danger) | :: [Bokmål] fallgruve {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] fallgruve {f} |
pith {n} (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees) | :: marg {m} |
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord | :: |
pithy {adj} | :: [Bokmål] fyndig, margfull; [Nynorsk] fyndig, mergfull |
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland) | :: [Bokmål] hypofyse {m}; [Nynorsk] hypofyse {m} |
pixel {n} (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) | :: [Bokmål] piksel {m}; [Nynorsk] piksel {m} |
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish) | :: [Bokmål] pizza {m}; [Nynorsk] pizza {m} |
pizza {n} (a single instance of that dish) | :: [Bokmål] pizza {m}; [Nynorsk] pizza {m} |
pizza cutter {n} (wheel-bladed knife) | :: [Bokmål] pizzaskjærer {m} |
pizza pie {n} (a pizza) | :: pizzapai {m} |
pizzle {n} (penis of an animal) | :: [Nynorsk] red {n} [esp. a horse] |
placard {n} (a sheet of paper or cardboard) | :: [Bokmål] plakat {m}; [Nynorsk] plakat {m} |
placard {v} (to affix a placard to) | :: plakatklistring (noun/present participle) |
place {n} (location, position) | :: sted {n} |
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square) | :: plass {m} |
place {n} (group of houses) | :: sted {n} |
place {n} (region of a land) | :: sted {n} |
place {n} (somewhere to sit) | :: plass {m} |
place {n} (frame of mind) | :: ståsted {n} |
place {n} (informal: house or home) | :: sted {n} |
place {n} (a role or purpose, a station) | :: rolle {m} |
place {n} (numeric: the column counting a certain quantity) | :: posisjon {m} |
place {n} (the position of a contestant in a competition) | :: plass {m} |
place {n} (the position as a member of a team) | :: plass {m}, posisjon {m} |
place {v} (to put in a specific location) | :: plassere |
place {v} (to earn a given spot in a competition) | :: plassere seg |
place {v} (to remember where and when something or someone was previously encountered) | :: plassere |
place {v} (passive: to achieve (a certain position)) | :: plassere seg |
place {v} (to sing (a note) with the correct pitch) | :: treffe |
place {v} (to arrange for, make (a bet)) | :: sette |
placebo {n} (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment) | :: placebo |
placeholder {n} (that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later) | :: plassholder {m} |
place mat {n} (protective table mat) | :: [Bokmål] spisebrikke {m} {f} |
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta) | :: [Bokmål] morkake {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] morkake {f} |
place of worship {n} (place where people can practise their faith) | :: [Bokmål] gudshus {n}; [Nynorsk] gudshus {n} |
plagiarism {n} (copying of someone's ideas) | :: plagiat {n} |
plagiarism {n} (act of plagiarizing or something plagiarized) | :: plagiat {n} |
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague") | :: [Bokmål] pest {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pest {m} {f} |
plague {n} (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence) | :: [Bokmål] pest {m} {f}, pestepidemi {m}; [Nynorsk] pest {m} {f}, pestepidemi {m} |
plain {adj} (of just one colour) | :: [Bokmål] ensfarget, ensfarga; [Nynorsk] einsfarga |
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) | :: [Bokmål] slette {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] slette {f}, slett {f} |
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid | :: |
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid | :: |
plait {v} (to double in narrow folds) SEE: pleat | :: |
plan {n} (set of intended actions) | :: [Bokmål] plan {m} |
plan {v} (to create a plan for) | :: planlegge |
plan B {n} (alternative solution) | :: [Bokmål] plan B {m}, reserveplan {m} |
Planck's constant {n} (constant) | :: Plancks konstant |
plane {adj} (of a surface: flat or level.) | :: plan |
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) | :: plan {n} |
plane {n} (level of existence) | :: plan {n} |
plane {n} (a tool) | :: høvel {m} |
plane {v} (to smooth with a plane) | :: høvle |
plane {n} (airplane) | :: fly {n} |
plane {v} (to move in a way that lifts the bow of a boat out of the water) | :: plane |
plane {n} (deciduous tree) | :: [Bokmål] platan {m}; [Nynorsk] platan {m} |
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) | :: [Bokmål] planet {m}, klode {m}; [Nynorsk] planet {m}, klode {m} |
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun) | :: [Bokmål] planet {m}; [Nynorsk] planet {m} |
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star) | :: [Bokmål] planet {m}; [Nynorsk] planet {m} |
planetarium {n} (museum which displays images of space) | :: [Bokmål] planetarium {n}; [Nynorsk] planetarium {n} |
planetary {adj} (of or relating to planets) | :: [Bokmål] planetarisk; [Nynorsk] planetarisk |
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity) | :: [Bokmål] planetarisk tåke; [Nynorsk] planetarisk tåke |
planetary science {n} (branch of astronomy) | :: [Bokmål] planetologi {m}; [Nynorsk] planetologi {m} |
planetology {n} (the study of planets) | :: [Bokmål] planetologi {m}; [Nynorsk] planetologi {m} |
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane | :: |
plank {n} (long, broad and thick piece of timber) | :: [Bokmål] planke {m}; [Nynorsk] planke {m} |
plankton {n} (generic term for all the organisms that float in the sea) | :: plankton {n} |
planned {adj} (at the planning stage) | :: [Bokmål] planlagt |
planning {n} (action of the verb to plan) | :: [Bokmål] planlegging {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] planlegging {f} |
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory | :: |
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis) | :: [Bokmål] plante {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] plante {m} {f} |
plantain {n} (small plant) | :: [Bokmål] kjempe {f} {m}; [Nynorsk] kjempe {f} |
plant community {n} (group of plants that coexist) | :: [Bokmål] plantesamfunn {n}; [Nynorsk] plantesamfunn {n} |
plaque {n} (piece of flat metal with writing on it to remind people of a person or event) | :: [Bokmål] plakett {m}; [Nynorsk] plakett {m} |
plaque {n} (accumulation of biofilm, or bacteria, on teeth) | :: [Bokmål] plakk {n}; [Nynorsk] plakk {n} |
plasma {n} (high energy state of matter) | :: plasma {n} |
plasma {n} (component of blood) | :: plasma {n} |
plasma membrane {n} (cell membrane) SEE: cell membrane | :: |
plasmid {n} (loop of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes) | :: [Bokmål] plasmid {m}; [Nynorsk] plasmid {m} |
plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid | :: |
plaster {n} (plaster of Paris) SEE: plaster of Paris | :: |
plaster cast {n} (healing aid) | :: [Bokmål] gipsbandasje {m}; [Nynorsk] gipsbandasje {m} |
plaster of Paris {n} (hemihydrate of calcium sulfate) | :: [Bokmål] gips {m}; [Nynorsk] gips {m} |
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer) | :: [Bokmål] plast {m} |
plastic {adj} (capable of being moulded; malleable, flexible, pliant) | :: plastikk |
plastic bag {n} (type of packaging) | :: [Bokmål] plastpose {m}; [Nynorsk] plastpose {m} |
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid | :: |
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid | :: |
plat {n} (plot of land) SEE: lot | :: |
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot | :: |
plate {n} (flat dish) | :: [Bokmål] tallerken {m}, asjett {m} |
plate {n} (course at a meal) | :: rett {m} |
plate {n} (flat metallic object) | :: plate {m} {f} |
plate {n} (item coated with silver) | :: brett {n} |
plate {n} (printing: engraved surface used to transfer an image to paper) | :: trykkplate {m} {f} |
plate {v} (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material) | :: plettere |
plate {v} (put meal on a plate) | :: legge opp |
plate {n} (prize given to the winner in a contest) SEE: prize | :: |
plate {n} (geology: tectonic plate) SEE: tectonic plate | :: |
plateau {n} (level expanse) | :: [Bokmål] platå {n}, høyslette {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] platå {n}, høgslette {f} |
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers) | :: [Bokmål] perrong {m}; [Nynorsk] perrong {m} |
platform game {n} (A video game characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles) | :: [Bokmål] plattformspil; [Nynorsk] plattformspel |
platinum {n} (metal) | :: [Bokmål] platina {n}; [Nynorsk] platina {n} |
platitude {n} (often-quoted saying) | :: [Bokmål] platthet {m} {f}, alminnenlighet {m} {f} |
Plato {prop} (Greek philosopher) | :: [Bokmål] Platon; [Nynorsk] Platon |
Platonic {adj} (related to Plato) | :: [Bokmål] platonsk; [Nynorsk] platonsk |
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) | :: [Bokmål] nebbdyr {n}; [Nynorsk] nebbdyr {n} |
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun) | :: leke |
play {n} (playful activity) | :: [Bokmål] spill {n}; [Nynorsk] spel {n} |
play {n} (literary composition intended to be represented) | :: skuespill {n}, teaterstykke {n}; [Nynorsk] skodespel {n} |
play {n} (theatrical performance) | :: [Bokmål] skuespill {n}; [Nynorsk] skodespel {n} |
playboy {n} (man who devotes himself to pleasure) | :: levemann {m} |
play dead {v} (to act as though defeated) | :: spille død |
player {n} (one who plays any game or sport) | :: [Bokmål] spiller {m} |
player {n} (dramatic actor) | :: [Bokmål] skuespiller {m} |
player {n} (one who plays a musical instrument) | :: [Bokmål] spiller {m}, musiker {m} |
player {n} (electronic device) | :: [Bokmål] spiller {m} |
playful {adj} | :: leken |
playground {n} (large open space to play on, usually for children) | :: [Bokmål] lekeplass {m}, leikeplass {m}; [Nynorsk] leikeplass {m} |
playground {n} (open-air space on a school campus where the children can play) | :: skolegård {m} |
playground {n} (small area for children) | :: lekeplass {m} |
play hooky {v} (to stay away from school, work, etc. without suitable permission or excuse) | :: skulke |
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater | :: |
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) | :: [Bokmål] spillkort {n}, spellkort {n}; [Nynorsk] spelkort {n} |
playlist {n} (record) | :: [Bokmål] spilleliste {m} {f} |
playlist {n} (computing) | :: spilleliste |
playmate {n} (companion to play with) | :: [Bokmål] lekekamerat {m} |
playpen {n} (enclosure for children to play in) | :: [Bokmål] lekegrind {m} {f}, leikegrind {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] leikegrind {f} |
play second fiddle {v} (idiomatic) | :: [Bokmål] spille annenfiolin |
plaything {n} (something intended for playing with) | :: [Bokmål] leketøy {n}, leiketøy {n}; [Nynorsk] leiketøy {n} |
play with fire {v} (put oneself in a precarious situation) | :: leke med ild |
playwright {n} (writer of plays for the theatre) | :: [Bokmål] dramatiker {m} |
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright | :: |
plaza {n} (a towns' public square) | :: [Bokmål] torg {n}, plass {m}; [Nynorsk] torg {n}, plass {m} |
please {v} (to make happy or satisfy) | :: behage, være til lags, tiltale (?) |
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request) | :: vær så snill; [Bokmål] vennligst |
please {adv} (expression of annoyance or impatience) | :: vær så snill |
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody) | :: [Bokmål] hyggelig å møte deg |
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt) | :: vær snill og rekk mig saltet |
please turn left {phrase} (please turn left) | :: vennligst snu venstre |
please turn right {phrase} (please turn right) | :: vennligst snu høyre |
pleasing fungus beetle {n} (beetle of the family Erotylidae) | :: [Bokmål] kjukebiller |
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased) | :: fornøyelse {m} |
pleasure {n} (sexual enjoyment) | :: vellyst {f} |
pleasure boat {n} (pleasure boat) SEE: pleasure craft | :: |
pleasure craft {n} (boat used for recreation) | :: [Bokmål] fritidsbåt {m}, lystbåt {m}; [Nynorsk] fritidsbåt {m}, lystbåt {m} |
pleat {n} (fold in a fabric of a garment) | :: [Bokmål] fold {m}, legg {n}, plissé {m} |
plectrum {n} (music: small piece for plucking strings) | :: [Bokmål] plekter {n}; [Nynorsk] plekter {n} |
Pleiades {prop} (Greek mythology) | :: Pleiadene |
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy) | :: Pleiadene |
pleiochasium {n} (inflorescence with several buds) | :: skjermkvast |
plenipotentiary {n} | :: fullmektig |
plentiful {adj} (existing in large number) | :: [Bokmål] rikelig; [Nynorsk] rikeleg |
plenty {adj} (plentiful) SEE: plentiful | :: |
plenum {n} (a legislative meeting (especially of the Communist Party) in which all members are present) | :: [Bokmål] plenum {n}; [Nynorsk] plenum {n} |
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant | :: |
plethora {n} (excess, abundance) | :: [Bokmål] overflod {m}; [Nynorsk] overflod |
pleurisy {n} (inflammation of lung pleura) | :: pleuritt |
pliers {n} (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand) | :: [Bokmål] tang {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] tong {f} |
plight {n} (unfortunate situation) | :: knipe {c}, kinkig, situasjon |
Plimsoll line {n} (International Load Line) | :: [Bokmål] lastelinjemerke {n}; [Nynorsk] lastelinjemerke {n} |
Pliny {prop} (Roman praenomen) | :: Plinius |
plot {n} (course of a story) | :: [Bokmål] intrige {m}, plott {n}, handling {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] intrige {m}, plott {n}, handling {f} |
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground) | :: plog {m} |
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting) | :: pløye |
plough {v} (to use a plough) | :: pløye |
Plough {prop} (brightest seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major) SEE: Big Dipper | :: |
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough | :: |
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough | :: |
plowshare {n} (cutting edge of a plow) | :: [Bokmål] plogskjær {n}; [Nynorsk] plogskjer {n} |
pluck {v} (to pull something sharply; to pull something out) | :: plukke, røske |
pluck {v} (music: to gently play a single string) | :: plukke |
pluck {v} (to remove feathers from a bird) | :: plukke, ribbe |
pluck {v} (to rob, steal forcibly) | :: loppe |
plucky {adj} (having or showing pluck) | :: [Bokmål] modig, djerv |
plug {n} (electric connecting device) | :: plugg {m} (signal), støpsel {n} (power) |
plug {n} (hole filler) | :: [Bokmål] plugg {m}, propp {m}; [Nynorsk] plugg {m}, propp {m} |
plug-in {n} (computer add-on) | :: [Bokmål] programvareutvidelse {m} |
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica) | :: [Bokmål] plomme {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] plomme {f} |
plum {n} | :: plomme |
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin | :: |
plumage {n} (collection of feathers covering a bird’s body) | :: [Bokmål] fjærdrakt {m} {f}, fjørdrakt {m} {f}, fjærham {m}, fjørham {m}; [Nynorsk] fjørdrakt {f}, fjørham {m} |
plumber {n} (one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage) | :: [Bokmål] rørlegger {m}; [Nynorsk] røyrleggjar {m} |
plumber's helper {n} (plunger) SEE: plunger | :: |
plumber's snake {n} (flexible rotating tool used to unclog a pipe) | :: stakefjær |
plumb line {n} (plummet) SEE: plummet | :: |
plummet {n} (lead on a line, plumb bob, plummet line) | :: lodd |
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum | :: |
plunder {v} (to take all the goods of, by force (as in war) (transitive)) | :: [Bokmål] plyndre; [Nynorsk] plyndre |
plunder {v} (to take by force or wrongfully) | :: [Bokmål] plyndre; [Nynorsk] plyndre |
plunder {v} (to commit robbery or looting (intransitive)) | :: [Bokmål] plyndre; [Nynorsk] plyndre |
plunder {n} (instance of plundering) | :: [Bokmål] plyndring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] plyndring {f} |
plunder {n} (loot attained by plundering) | :: [Bokmål] bytte {n}; [Nynorsk] bytte {n} |
plunger {n} (device for removing blockages by suction) | :: [Bokmål] slukåpner {m} |
plunger {n} (one who plunges) | :: [Bokmål] dykker {m} |
pluperfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense | :: |
pluperfect tense {n} (tense) | :: pluskvamperfektum {m} |
plural {n} (word in plural form) | :: [Bokmål] flertall {n} |
plus {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign | :: |
plus {prep} (arithmetic: sum) | :: og, pluss |
plush {n} (toy) SEE: plush toy | :: |
plush toy {n} (soft toy with a plush covering) | :: [Bokmål] kosedyr {n}; [Nynorsk] kosedyr {n} |
plus sign {n} (mathematical symbol) | :: [Bokmål] plusstegn {n}; [Nynorsk] plussteikn {n} |
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy) | :: [Bokmål] plutokrati {n}, rikmannsstyre {n}; [Nynorsk] plutokrati {n}, rikmannsstyre {n} |
plutoid {n} (trans-Neptunian dwarf planet) | :: [Bokmål] plutoide |
plutonium {n} (chemical element) | :: [Bokmål] plutonium {n}; [Nynorsk] plutonium {n} |
plywood {n} (construction material) | :: kryssfiner {m} |
pneumatic {n} (person focused on spiritual reality) | :: pneumatiker {m} |
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer | :: |
pneumonia {n} (inflammation of the lungs) | :: [Bokmål] lungebetennelse {m} |
poacher {n} (a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally) | :: [Bokmål] krypskytter {m}; [Nynorsk] krypskyttar {m} |
PO box {n} (box hired as a collection point for mail) SEE: post office box | :: |
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing) | :: [Bokmål] lomme {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] lomme {f} |
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook | :: |
pocketbook {n} (one's personal budget) | :: pocketbok |
pocket flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) SEE: hip flask | :: |
pocket gopher {n} (rodent of the family Geomyidae) | :: [Bokmål] kinnposerotte {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kinnposerotte {f} |
pocketknife {n} (small knife whose blades or tools can fold in its handle) | :: [Bokmål] lommekniv {m}; [Nynorsk] lommekniv {m} |
pocket money {n} (money given to a child) | :: [Bokmål] lommepenger {m-p}; [Nynorsk] lommepengar {m-p} |
pod {n} (seed case) | :: [Bokmål] belg {m}, skolm {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] belg {m}, skolm {m} {f} |
pod {n} (small vehicle) | :: kapsel {m} |
podcast {n} (podcast) | :: podcast {m}, podkast {m} |
Podgorica {prop} (capital city of Montenegro) | :: Podgorica |
podium {n} (sports: steepled platform) | :: [Bokmål] pall {m}; [Nynorsk] pall {m} |
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse) | :: dikt, episk dikt |
poem {n} (piece of writing in the tradition of poetry) | :: dikt |
poem {n} (piece of poetic writing) | :: dikt |
poet {n} (person who writes poems) | :: [Bokmål] poet {m}, dikter {m}; Nynorak: poet {m}, diktar {m} |
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse) | :: [Bokmål] dikt, poesi; [Nynorsk] poesi |
point {n} (location or place) | :: punkt {n} |
point {n} (arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.)) | :: komma |
point {n} (sharp tip) | :: [Bokmål] spiss {m} |
point {n} (peninsula) | :: [Bokmål] odde {m}; [Nynorsk] odde {m} |
point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket | :: |
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice | :: |
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor | :: |
pointillism {n} (painting technique) | :: [Bokmål] pointillisme {m}; [Nynorsk] pointillisme {m} |
point of inflection {n} (point on a curve) | :: [Bokmål] vendepunkt {n}; [Nynorsk] vendepunkt {n} |
point of view {n} (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) | :: [Bokmål] synspunkt {n}, synsvinkel {m}; [Nynorsk] synspunkt {n}, synsvinkel {m} |
points {n} (moveable rails used to switch a train from one track to another) | :: [Bokmål] sporveksel {m}; [Nynorsk] sporveksel {m} |
poised {adj} (Ready,prepared) | :: tilbøyelig |
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism) | :: gift {m} {f} |
poison {n} (something that harms) | :: gift |
poisoned chalice {n} (something initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful) | :: [Bokmål] bjørnetjeneste {m}; [Nynorsk] bjørneteneste |
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock | :: |
poisonous {adj} (containing sufficient poison to be dangerous) | :: giftig, skadelig |
poke {v} (to jab with an object such as a finger or a stick) | :: pirke, stikke |
poke {v} (to poke a fire to remove ash or promote burning) | :: nøre |
poke {v} (to stick out the tongue) | :: geipe |
poke {v} (rummage) SEE: rummage | :: |
Poland {prop} (European country) | :: [Bokmål] Polen; [Nynorsk] Polen |
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus) | :: isbjørn {m} |
polar circle {n} (either of the two parallels of the Earth) | :: [Bokmål] polarsirkel {m}; [Nynorsk] polarsirkel {m} |
polar fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox | :: |
Polaris {prop} (star) | :: [Bokmål] Polarstjernen |
polar night {n} (period of darkness) | :: mørketid, polarnatt |
polar willow {n} (Salix polaris) | :: polarvier |
pole {n} (long and slender object for construction or support) | :: stav {m}, stokk {m}; [Bokmål] stolpe {m}; [Nynorsk] stolpe {m} |
pole {n} (type of fishing rod) | :: trøe {f} |
pole {n} (extreme of an axis) | :: pol |
pole {n} (magnetic point) | :: pol |
Pole {n} (person from Poland) | :: [Bokmål] polakk {m}; [Nynorsk] polakk {m} |
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius) | :: [Bokmål] ilder {m}; [Nynorsk] ilder {m} |
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk | :: |
polemic {n} (argument or controversy) | :: [Bokmål] polemikk {m}; [Nynorsk] polemikk {m} |
polemic {adj} (having the characteristics of a polemic) | :: [Bokmål] polemisk; [Nynorsk] polemisk |
polemicist {n} (person who writes polemics) | :: [Bokmål] polemiker {m}; [Nynorsk] polemikar {m} |
polemicist {n} (person who puts forward controversial views) | :: [Bokmål] polemiker {m}; [Nynorsk] polemikar {m} |
polemics {n} (art or practice of making arguments or controversies) | :: [Bokmål] polemikk {m}; [Nynorsk] polemikk {m} |
polemics {n} (refutation of errors in theological doctrine) | :: [Bokmål] polemikk {m}; [Nynorsk] polemikk {m} |
pole vault {n} (jumping event where an athlete vaults over a high bar with the aid of a pole) | :: [Bokmål] stavsprang {n}; [Nynorsk] stavsprang {n} |
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law) | :: [Bokmål] politi {n}; [Nynorsk] politi {n} |
police car {n} (automobile used by a police officer) | :: [Bokmål] politibil {m}; [Nynorsk] politibil {m} |
police department {n} (local branch of a national police force) | :: politi |
police dog {n} (trained dog for police work) | :: politihund; [Bokmål] politihund {m}; [Nynorsk] politihund {m} |
police force {n} (police organization, constabulary) | :: [Bokmål] politistyrke {m}, polititropp {m}; [Nynorsk] politistyrke {m}, polititropp {m} |
policeman {n} (a member of a police force) | :: [Bokmål] politimann {m}; [Nynorsk] politimann {m} |
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency) | :: [Bokmål] politibetjent {m}, politimann {m}; [Nynorsk] politibetjent {m}, politimann {m} |
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police) | :: [Bokmål] politistat {m}; [Nynorsk] politistat {m} |
police station {n} (building of police force) | :: [Bokmål] politikammer {n}, politistasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] politikammer {n}, politistasjon {m} |
policewoman {n} (a female police officer) | :: [Bokmål] politikvinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] politikvinne {f} |
policy {n} (principle of conduct) | :: [Bokmål] politikk {m}; [Nynorsk] politikk {m} |
policy {n} (law: insurance document) | :: [Bokmål] polise {m}; [Nynorsk] polise {m} |
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance | :: |
polish {v} (make a surface smooth or shiny) | :: [Bokmål] polere, pusse |
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language) | :: [Bokmål] polsk; [Nynorsk] polsk |
Polish {n} (the language of Poland) | :: [Bokmål] polsk; [Nynorsk] polsk |
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth {prop} (confederation of Poland and Lithuania) | :: [Bokmål] Det polsk-litauiske samvelde {n}; [Nynorsk] Det polsk-litauiske samveldet {n} |
polite {adj} (well-mannered) | :: høflig |
politeness {n} (act of being polite) | :: Høflighet {m} |
political {adj} (concerning or relating to politics) | :: [Bokmål] politisk; [Nynorsk] politisk |
political asylum {n} (protection by a sovereign state) | :: [Bokmål] politisk asyl {n}; [Nynorsk] politisk asyl {n} |
political correctness {n} (being politically correct) | :: [Bokmål] politisk korrekthet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] politisk korrektheit {f} |
politically correct {adj} (avoiding offense, selectively) | :: politisk korrekt, P.K. |
political party {n} (political organization) | :: parti {n} |
political prisoner {n} (person) | :: [Bokmål] politisk fange {m}; [Nynorsk] politisk fange {m} |
political science {n} (study of politics) | :: statsvitenskap {m} |
political scientist {n} (political science expert) | :: statsviter {m} |
politician {n} (one engaged in politics) | :: [Bokmål] politiker {m}; [Nynorsk] politikar {m} |
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government) | :: [Bokmål] politikk {m}; [Nynorsk] politikk {m} |
politology {n} (political science) SEE: political science | :: |
polka {n} (dance) | :: [Bokmål] polka {m}; [Nynorsk] polka {m} |
polka {n} (music for this dance) | :: [Bokmål] polka {m}; [Nynorsk] polka {m} |
pollen {n} (fine granular substance produced in flowers) | :: [Bokmål] pollen {n}; [Nynorsk] pollen {n} |
polling day {n} (election day) | :: [Bokmål] valgdag {m} |
pollock {n} (food fish related to cod) | :: sei [P. virens], lyr {m} [P. pollachius] |
polluted {adj} (defiled) | :: [Nynorsk] forureina |
pollution {n} | :: forurensning |
polo {n} (ball game) | :: [Bokmål] polo {m}; [Nynorsk] polo {m} |
polonium {n} (chemical element) | :: [Bokmål] polonium {n}; [Nynorsk] polonium {n} |
poltergeist {n} (a disruptive ghost) | :: poltergeist, bankeånd |
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly | :: |
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene | :: |
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene) | :: polyeten {n}, polyetylen {n} |
polygamy {n} | :: flergifte {n}, flerkoneri {n}, polygami {n} |
polygon {n} (plane figure bounded by straight edges) | :: polygon |
polyhedron {n} (geometry: solid figure) | :: [Bokmål] polyeder {n}; [Nynorsk] polyeder {n} |
polymer {n} (molecule) | :: [Bokmål] polymer {m}; [Nynorsk] polymer {m} |
polymeride {n} (polymer) SEE: polymer | :: |
Polynesia {prop} (part of Oceania) | :: [Bokmål] Polynesia; [Nynorsk] Polynesia |
Polynesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia) | :: [Bokmål] polynesisk; [Nynorsk] polynesisk |
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia) | :: [Bokmål] polynesier {m}; [Nynorsk] polynesiar {m} |
polynomial {n} (algebraic expression) | :: polynom {n} |
polynya {n} (area of open water surrounded by sea ice) | :: [Bokmål] polynja {m}; [Nynorsk] polynja {m} |
polysemantic {adj} (having multiple meanings) | :: polysemantisk, flertydig, mangetydig |
polysemy {n} (ability to have multiple meanings) | :: [Bokmål] polysemi {m}; [Nynorsk] polysemi {m} |
polysynthetic {adj} (polysynthetic) | :: polysyntetisk |
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene | :: |
polyunsaturated {adj} (relating to long chain organic compounds) | :: [Bokmål] flerumettet |
polyurethane {n} (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links) | :: [Bokmål] polyuretan {n}; [Nynorsk] polyuretan {n} |
pomarine skua {n} (Stercorarius pomarinus) | :: polarjo {c} |
pomegranate {n} (shrub/tree) | :: granateple {n} |
pomegranate {n} (fruit) | :: [Bokmål] granateple {n}; [Nynorsk] granateple {n} |
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit | :: |
pomelo {n} (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis) | :: pomelo |
Pomeranian {prop} (Kashubian) SEE: Kashubian | :: |
pommel horse {n} (gymnastic apparatus) | :: [Bokmål] bøylehest {m}; [Nynorsk] bøylehest {m} |
pommel horse {n} (athletic event) | :: [Bokmål] bøylehest {m}; [Nynorsk] bøylehest {m} |
pomp {n} (show of magnificence) | :: [Bokmål] pomp {m}, prakt {m} |
pompous {adj} (affectedly grand) | :: [Bokmål] pompøs, høyttravende; [Nynorsk] pompøs |
poncy {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate | :: |
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay | :: |
pond {n} (small lake) | :: [Bokmål] tjern {n}, dam {m}; [Nynorsk] tjern {f}, tjørn {f}, dam {m} |
pond {n} (the Atlantic Ocean) | :: dammen |
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense | :: |
pond-skater {n} (any of various predatory insects) SEE: water strider | :: |
poniard {n} (dagger) | :: dolk(er) {m} |
pons {n} (part of the brain) | :: [Bokmål] hjernebro {m} {f}, hjernebru {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] hjernebru {f} |
pontoon {n} (support for a temporary bridge) | :: [Bokmål] pongtong {m}; [Nynorsk] pongtong {m} |
pontoon {n} (floating structure supporting a bridge or dock) | :: [Bokmål] pongtong {m}, [landing stage] flytebrygge {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pongtong {m}, [landing stage] flytebrygge {f}, flytebryggje {f} |
pontoon {n} (float of a seaplane) | :: [Bokmål] pongtong {m}; [Nynorsk] pongtong {m} |
pony {n} (small horse) | :: [Bokmål] ponni {m}; [Nynorsk] ponni {m} |
ponytail {n} (hairstyle) | :: [Bokmål] hestehale {m}; [Nynorsk] hestehale {m} |
poo {n} | :: bæsj {m} |
poo {v} | :: bæsje |
poodle {n} (any of various breeds of poodle) | :: [Bokmål] puddel {m}; [Nynorsk] puddel {m} |
poof {n} (A male homosexual.) | :: skrulle {m} {f}, fjolle {m} {f} |
Poohsticks {prop} (game) | :: pinneleken |
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool | :: |
poop {v} (to poop) SEE: poo | :: |
poop {n} (feces) SEE: poo | :: |
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern | :: |
poop deck {n} (stern deck on top of the cabin(s)) | :: [Bokmål] poopdekk {n} |
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money) | :: fattig, blakk [colloquial] |
poor {adj} (of low quality) | :: dårlig, elendig |
poor {adj} (used to express pity) | :: stakkars |
poor {n} | :: de fattige |
poor as a church mouse {adj} (very poor) | :: [Bokmål] blakk som en kirkerotte |
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill | :: |
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit | :: |
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate | :: |
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating) | :: [Bokmål] popkorn {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] popkorn {n} |
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church) | :: pave {m} |
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) | :: [Bokmål] popemobile |
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker | :: |
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot | :: |
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus) | :: [Bokmål] poppel {m}; [Nynorsk] poppel {m} |
poplit {n} (fossa at the back of the knee joint) | :: [Bokmål] knehase {m}; [Nynorsk] knehase {m} |
popliteal fossa {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit | :: |
pop music {n} (music intended for or accepted by a wide audience) | :: [Bokmål] popmusikk {m}; [Nynorsk] popmusikk {m} |
poppy {n} (plant) | :: [Bokmål] valmue {m}; [Nynorsk] valmue {m} |
poppyseed {n} (the seed of the poppy) | :: [Bokmål] valmuefrø {n}; [Nynorsk] valmuefrø {n} |
pop star {n} (successful pop musician) | :: [Bokmål] popstjerne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] popstjerne {f} |
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population | :: |
popular {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people) | :: [Bokmål] folkelig; [Nynorsk] folkeleg |
popular {adj} (liked by many people) | :: [Bokmål] populær; [Nynorsk] populær |
popularise {v} (to make popular) | :: [Bokmål] popularisere; [Nynorsk] popularisere |
popularity {n} (the quality or state of being popular) | :: [Bokmål] popularitet {m}; [Nynorsk] popularitet {m} |
popular music {n} (genre that has wide appeal amongst the general public) | :: [Bokmål] populærmusikk {m}; [Nynorsk] populærmusikk {m} |
popular opinion {n} (public opinion) SEE: public opinion | :: |
populated {adj} (with inhabitants) | :: [Bokmål] befolket |
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary) | :: [Bokmål] befolkning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] befolkning {f}, folkesetnad {m} |
population {n} (biology: collection of organisms) | :: [Bokmål] bestand {m}, populasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] bestand {m}, populasjon {m} |
population {n} (number of residents in a given area) | :: [Bokmål] folketall {n}, innbyggertall {n}, befolkningstall {n}; [Nynorsk] folketal {n} |
population density {n} (average number of people per area) | :: [Bokmål] befolkningstetthet {m} {f}, folketetthet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] folketettleik {m} |
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy) | :: [Bokmål] populisme {m}; [Nynorsk] populisme {m} |
populous {adj} (having a large population) | :: [Bokmål] folkerik, befolkningsrik; [Nynorsk] folkerik |
pop-up {n} (advertisement that pops up when one accesses an Internet page) | :: pop-up {m}; [Bokmål] pop-upvindu {n}, sprettoppvindu {n}; [Nynorsk] pop-upvindauge {n}, sprettoppvindauge {n} |
porbeagle {n} (a pelagic shark) | :: håbrann {m} |
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic) | :: [Bokmål] porselen {n}; [Nynorsk] porselen {n} |
porcelain {n} (items (esp. dishware or objets d'art) made of porcelain) | :: [Bokmål] porselen {n}; [Nynorsk] porselen {n} |
porcini {n} (mushroom, Boletus edulis) | :: steinsopp {c} |
porcupine {n} (large rodent) | :: hulepinnsvin; [Bokmål] hulepiggsvin {n}, hulepinnsvin {n}, trepiggsvin {n}, trepinnsvin {n}; [Nynorsk] holepiggsvin {n}, trepiggsvin {n} |
pore {n} (a tiny opening in the skin) | :: [Bokmål] pore {m}, pore {f}; [Nynorsk] pore {f} |
Pori {prop} (city in Finland) | :: Björneborg |
pork {n} (meat of a pig) | :: [Bokmål] grisekjøtt {n}, flesk {n}, svinekjøtt {n}; [Nynorsk] grisekjøt {n}, grisekjøtt {n}, flesk {n}, svinekjøt {n}, svinekjøtt {n} |
porky {adj} (rather fat) | :: [Bokmål] småfet, trivelig [euphemism], stutttjukk |
porn {n} (pornography) | :: [Bokmål] porno {m}; [Nynorsk] porno {m} |
porn {n} (pornographic work) | :: pornofilm |
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography | :: |
pornocracy {n} (government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons) | :: pornokrati {n}, skjøgevelde {n} |
pornographer {n} (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography) | :: pornograf {m} |
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity) | :: pornografisk |
pornography {n} (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent) | :: [Bokmål] pornografi {m}; [Nynorsk] pornografi {m} |
porn star {n} (actor or actress famous for appearing in pornographic films) | :: pornostjerne {m} {f} |
porosity {n} (state of being porous) | :: porøsitet |
porous {adj} (full of tiny pores) | :: [Bokmål] porøs; [Nynorsk] porøs |
porpoise {n} (cetacean) | :: nise {f} |
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal) | :: grøt {m} |
port {n} (dock or harbour) | :: [Bokmål] port, havn {m} {f} |
port {v} (computing: to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform) | :: porte |
port {n} (computing: program adapted to work on a different platform; act of adapting) | :: porting {m} |
port {n} (fortified wine) | :: portvin {m}, [slang] port {m} |
port {n} (port city) SEE: port city | :: |
portable {adj} (able to be carried or moved) | :: [Bokmål] bærbar, flyttbar, portabel; [Nynorsk] flyttbar, portabel |
portable {adj} (running on multiple systems) | :: portabel |
portable {n} (portable toilet; self-contained outhouse) | :: bæsj-and-carry {m} |
portable {n} (temporary building that is portable, especially one located at a school) | :: brakke {c} |
portage {n} (route used for portage) | :: [Bokmål] båtdrag {n} |
portal vein {n} (particular vein) | :: [Bokmål] portvenen |
port city {n} (city built around a port) | :: havneby {m}; [Nynorsk] hamneby {m} |
porter {n} (person who carries luggage) | :: bærer {m} |
portfolio {n} (case) | :: portefølje {m} |
portfolio {n} (collection) | :: portefølje {m} |
portfolio {n} (post) | :: portefølje {m} |
portfolio {n} (investments) | :: portefølje {m} |
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry | :: |
portmanteau {n} (case) | :: koffert {m}; [Bokmål] koffert {m}; [Nynorsk] koffert {m} |
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word | :: |
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words) | :: [Bokmål] sammentrukket ord {n}, teleskopord {n}, portmanteau-ord {n}, portemanteau {n}; [Nynorsk] samantrekt ord {n}, portmanteau-ord {n}, teleskopord {n} |
port of call {n} (any port being visited by a ship) | :: [Bokmål] anløpshavn {m} {f} |
portrait {n} (painting of a person) | :: [Bokmål] portrett {n}, portrettmaleri {n}; [Nynorsk] portrett {n} |
Portugal {prop} (country) | :: [Bokmål] Portugal; [Nynorsk] Portugal |
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal) | :: [Bokmål] portugisisk; [Nynorsk] portugisisk |
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the people of Portugal) | :: [Bokmål] portugisisk; [Nynorsk] portugisisk |
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal) | :: [Bokmål] portugiser {m}; [Nynorsk] portugisar {m} |
Portuguese {n} (the language) | :: [Bokmål] portugisisk {m}; [Nynorsk] portugisisk {m} |
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal) | :: [Bokmål] Republikken Portugal {m}; [Nynorsk] Republikken Portugal {m} |
Portuguese Water Dog {n} (Portuguese Water Dog) | :: portugisisk vannhund, Cäo de Aqua |
port wine {n} (A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal) | :: portvin {m}, [slang] port {m} |
pose {v} (set in place, arrange) | :: stille, anbringe |
pose {v} (ask, set (a test or quiz)) | :: stille |
pose {v} (assume or maintain a pose) | :: posere |
pose {v} (constitute) | :: representere |
poser {n} (poseur) SEE: poseur | :: |
poseur {n} (one who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others) | :: posør {m} |
position {n} (place, location) | :: posisjon {m}, plassering {n} |
position {n} (status or rank) | :: posisjon {m} |
position {v} (to put into place) | :: posisjonere, plassere |
positive {adj} (grammar: describing the primary sense) | :: [Bokmål] positiv |
positron {n} (positron) | :: positron; [Bokmål] positron; [Nynorsk] positron |
positron emission tomography {n} (a medical imaging technique) | :: positronemisjonstomografi |
possess {v} (to have; to have ownership of) | :: [Bokmål] besitte, inneha, eie |
possess {v} | :: inneha |
possession {n} (something that is owned) | :: [Bokmål] eiendom {m} |
possession {n} (ownership; taking, holding, keeping something as one's own) | :: [Bokmål] eierskap {n} |
possession {n} (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon) | :: [Bokmål] besittelse {m} |
possibility {n} (quality of being possible) | :: mulighet {c} |
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps | :: |
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum | :: |
post {n} (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground) | :: [Bokmål] stolpe {m}; [Nynorsk] stolpe {m} |
post {n} (method of delivering mail) | :: [Bokmål] post {m}; [Nynorsk] post {m} |
post {v} ((Internet) to publish a message) | :: legge ut |
postage {n} (charge) | :: [Bokmål] porto {m}; [Nynorsk] porto {m} |
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) | :: [Bokmål] frimerke {n}, merke {n}; [Nynorsk] frimerke {n}, merke {n} |
postal address {n} (the address to which mail is delivered) | :: postadresse {m} {f} |
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode | :: |
postalveolar {adj} (articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge) | :: [Bokmål] postalveolar; [Nynorsk] postalveolar |
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox | :: |
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope) | :: brevkort; [Bokmål] postkort {n}; [Nynorsk] postkort {n} |
postcode {n} (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) | :: [Bokmål] postnummer {n}; [Nynorsk] postnummer {n} |
poster {n} (picture intended to be attached to a wall) | :: [Bokmål] plakat {m}; [Nynorsk] plakat {m} |
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard) | :: [Bokmål] plakat {m}; [Nynorsk] plakat {m} |
poster {n} (shot that hits a goalpost) | :: stangskudd {n} |
post horn {n} (horn formerly used by postmen) | :: [Bokmål] posthorn {n}; [Nynorsk] posthorn {n} |
post-it {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note | :: |
post-it note {n} (a small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side) | :: post-it |
post lady {n} (woman who delivers the post or mail) | :: [Bokmål] (kvinnelig) postbud {n} |
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman | :: |
postmodernism {n} (a style of art, literature, etc) | :: [Bokmål] postmodernisme {m}; [Nynorsk] postmodernisme {m} |
post office {n} (place) | :: postkontor {n}, posthus {n} |
post office box {n} (box hired as collection point for mail) | :: [Bokmål] postboks {m}; [Nynorsk] postboks {m} |
postpone {v} (to delay or put off an event) | :: [Bokmål] utsette; [Nynorsk] utsetje, utsette |
postscript {n} (addendum to a letter) | :: [Bokmål] etterskrift {m} {f}, postskriptum {n}; [Nynorsk] etterskrift {f}, postskriptum {n} |
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation) | :: [Bokmål] posttraumatisk stresslidelse {m}; [Nynorsk] posttraumatisk stressliding {f} |
postulate {n} (something assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted) | :: postulat {n} |
postulate {n} (fundamental element; basic principle) | :: postulat {n} |
postulate {v} (to assume as a premise) | :: postulere |
postwoman {n} (woman who delivers the post or mail) | :: [Bokmål] (kvinnelig) postbud {n} |
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.) | :: [Bokmål] potte {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] potte {f} |
pot {n} (coffee pot, teapot) | :: [Bokmål] kanne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kanne {f} |
pot {n} (plaster cast) SEE: plaster cast | :: |
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage | :: |
potash {n} (pot ash) | :: [Bokmål] pottaske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pottoske {f} |
potash {n} (potassium carbonate etc) | :: [Bokmål] pottaske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pottoske {f} |
potassium {n} (the chemical element) | :: [Bokmål] kalium {n}; [Nynorsk] kalium {n} |
potassium carbonate {n} (alkaline salt) | :: [Bokmål] kaliumkarbonat {n}; [Nynorsk] kaliumkarbonat {n} |
potassium hydroxide {n} (potassium hydroxide) | :: [Bokmål] kaliumhydroksid {n}; [Nynorsk] kaliumhydroksid {n} |
potassium nitrate {n} (potassium nitrate) | :: [Bokmål] salpeter {m}; [Nynorsk] salpeter {m} |
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable) | :: [Bokmål] potet {m}; [Nynorsk] potet {m} {f}, jordeple {n} |
potato blight {n} (Phytophthora infestans, disease of potatoes) | :: [Bokmål] potetpest {m} |
pot calling the kettle black {n} (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser) | :: [Bokmål] kaste sten i glasshus (throw stones in a glass house) |
potentate {n} (a powerful leader) | :: potentat {m} |
potential energy {n} (energy possessed by an object because of its position) | :: potensiell energi {m} |
potentially {adv} (in a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way) | :: [Bokmål] potensielt |
pot plant {n} (plant growing in a flowerpot) | :: [Bokmål] potteplante {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] potteplante {m} {f} |
potter's wheel {n} (machine used by a potter) | :: [Bokmål] dreieskive {m} |
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom | :: |
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
potty {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
potty {n} (children's chamberpot) | :: [Bokmål] potte {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] potte {f} |
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
potty-mouthed {adj} (foul-mouthed) SEE: foul-mouthed | :: |
pouch {n} (small bag) | :: pung {m} |
pouch {n} (pocket in which a marsupial carries its young) | :: pung {m} |
poultice {n} (A poultice or plaster) | :: grøtomslag {n} |
poultry {n} (domestic fowl) | :: [Bokmål] fjærfe {n}, fjørfe {n}; [Nynorsk] fjørfe {n} |
pound {n} (unit of mass (16 ounces avoirdupois)) | :: pund {n} |
pound {n} (unit of currency) | :: [Bokmål] pund {n}; [Nynorsk] pund {n} |
pound sterling {n} (currency of the UK) | :: [Bokmål] britisk pund, pund |
pour gasoline on the fire {v} (add fuel to the fire) SEE: add fuel to the fire | :: |
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy) | :: [Bokmål] Posletten {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] Posletta {f}, Podalen {m} |
poverty {n} (quality or state of being poor) | :: [Bokmål] fattigdom {m}; [Nynorsk] fattigdom {m} |
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance) | :: [Bokmål] pudder {n}, pulver {n}; [Nynorsk] pudder {n}, pulver {n} |
powder {n} (cosmetic product) | :: [Bokmål] pudder {n}; [Nynorsk] pudder {n} |
powder {v} (to reduce to fine particles) | :: pulverisere, knuse |
powder {v} (to sprinkle with powder) | :: pudre |
powder {v} (to use powder on the hair or skin) | :: pudre |
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder | :: |
powder {n} (type of snow) SEE: powder snow | :: |
powdered milk {n} (dairy product) SEE: milk powder | :: |
powdered sugar {n} (very finely ground sugar used in icings, etc) | :: melis |
powder horn {n} (horn for gunpowder) | :: [Bokmål] krutthorn {n}; [Nynorsk] kruthorn {n} |
powder mill {n} (mill for making gunpowder) | :: [Bokmål] kruttmølle {m} {f} |
powder snow {n} (uncompacted snow) | :: [Bokmål] puddersnø {m}; [Nynorsk] puddersnø {m} |
power {n} (capability or influence) | :: makt, innflytelse |
power {n} (influential nation, company etc.) | :: makt {m} |
power {n} (physical force or strength) | :: kraft {m} |
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply) | :: kraft {m} |
power {n} (physics: measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy) | :: kraft, effekt |
power {n} (physics: rate to magnify an optical image) | :: forsterkning |
power {n} (maths: product of equal factors) | :: [Bokmål] potens {m}; [Nynorsk] potens {m} |
power {n} (set theory: cardinality) SEE: cardinality | :: |
power cable {n} (electrical cable) | :: [Bokmål] kraftkabel {m}, strømkabel {m}, strømledning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kraftkabel {m} |
power cut {n} (interruption in the supply of power) | :: [Bokmål] strømbrudd {n} |
power failure {n} (power failure, see also: power cut; outage; blackout) | :: [Bokmål] strømbrudd {n} |
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) | :: [Bokmål] kraftfull, mektig; [Nynorsk] kraftfull, mektig |
power lead {n} (power lead) SEE: power cable | :: |
powerless {adj} (lacking sufficient power or strength) | :: maktesløs |
powerless {adj} (lacking legal authority) | :: maktesløs |
power line {n} (electrical wire) | :: [Bokmål] strømledning {m} {f} |
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station | :: |
power point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket | :: |
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) | :: [Bokmål] kraftverk {n}, kraftstasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] kraftverk {n}, kraftstasjon {n} |
power steering {n} (System in a vehicle) | :: servostyring {f} |
power structure {n} (system) | :: [Bokmål] maktstruktur {m}; [Nynorsk] maktstruktur {m} |
power struggle {n} (a fight to gain dominance) | :: [Bokmål] maktkamp {m}; [Nynorsk] maktkamp {m} |
power supply {n} (part of apparatus) | :: strømforsyning; [Bokmål] strømtilførsel {m}; [Nynorsk] energiforsyningsmodul |
power vacuum {n} (lack of political authority) | :: [Bokmål] maktvakuum {n}; [Nynorsk] maktvakuum {n} |
pox {n} (syphilis) SEE: syphilis | :: |
practical {adj} (having skills or knowledge that are practical) | :: [Bokmål] praktisk; [Nynorsk] praktisk |
practically {adv} (almost completely) | :: [Bokmål] praktisk talt; [Nynorsk] praktisk talt |
practice {n} (repetition of an activity to improve skill) | :: [Bokmål] øvelse {m}, øving {m} {f}, trening {m} {f}, praksis {m}; [Nynorsk] øving {f}, trening {f} |
practice {n} (customary action, habit, or behaviour) | :: [Bokmål] praksis {m}; [Nynorsk] praksis {m} |
practice makes perfect {proverb} (if one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it) | :: [Bokmål] øvelse gjør mester; [Nynorsk] øving gjer meister |
practician {n} (practitioner) SEE: practitioner | :: |
practise {v} (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill) | :: [Bokmål] øve, trene; [Nynorsk] øve, trene |
practitioner {n} (person who practices a profession or art) | :: [Bokmål] utøver {m} |
pragmatic {adj} (practical) | :: [Bokmål] pragmatisk; [Nynorsk] pragmatisk |
pragmatics {n} (study of the use of the language in a social context) | :: pragmatikk {m} |
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic) | :: Praha, Prag |
prairie {n} (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland) | :: [Bokmål] prærie {m}; [Nynorsk] prærie {m} |
praise {v} (to give praise to) | :: rose |
pram {n} (perambulator) | :: [Bokmål] barnevogn {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] barnevogn {f} |
prance {v} (to strut) | :: sprade |
prank {n} (practical joke or mischievous trick) | :: [Bokmål] ablegøyer {m-p}; [Nynorsk] ablegøyer {f-p} |
praseodymium {n} (chemical element) | :: praseodym |
prattle {n} (babble) | :: bable |
prawn {n} (large shrimp) | :: [Bokmål] reke {m} {f} |
pray {v} (to petition a higher being) | :: [Bokmål] be; [Nynorsk] be |
pray {v} (to talk to God) | :: be |
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God) | :: [Bokmål] bønn {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bønn {f} |
prayer {n} (the act of praying) | :: [Bokmål] bønn {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bønn {f} |
prayer {n} (the specific words or methods used for praying) | :: [Bokmål] bønn {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bønn {f} |
prayer {n} (a meeting held for the express purpose of praying) | :: bønnemøte {n} |
prayer {n} (a request; a petition) | :: [Bokmål] bønn {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bønn {f} |
prayer mat {n} (prayer rug) SEE: prayer rug | :: |
prayer meeting {n} (meeting where prayers are offered) | :: [Bokmål] bønnemøte {n}; [Nynorsk] bønemøte {n}, bønnemøte |
prayer rug {n} (small rug on which Muslims kneel to pray) | :: [Bokmål] bedeteppe {n}, bønneteppe {n}; [Nynorsk] bedeteppe {n}, bøneteppe {n}, bønneteppe {n} |
pre- {prefix} (before) | :: [Bokmål] pre-; [Nynorsk] pre- |
preach {v} (give a sermon) | :: [Bokmål] preke; [Nynorsk] preika |
preacher {n} (one who preaches) | :: predikant |
preach to the choir {v} (speaking to those that already believe) | :: [Bokmål] slå inn åpne dører |
preach to the converted {v} (preach to the choir) SEE: preach to the choir | :: |
preantepenultimate {adj} (three before the end; fourth to last) | :: fjerd sist |
Precambrian {adj} (before the Phanerozoic) | :: [Bokmål] prekambrisk; [Nynorsk] prekambrisk |
Precambrian {prop} (eon before the Phanerozoic) | :: [Bokmål] prekambrium {n}; [Nynorsk] prekambrium {n} |
precarious {adj} (dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous) | :: [Bokmål] prekær; [Nynorsk] prekær |
precaution {n} (Previous caution or care) | :: sikkerhetsforanstaltning |
precaution {n} (A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success) | :: [Bokmål] forholdsregel {m}, sikkerhetsforanstaltning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] forholdsregel {m} |
precedent {n} (past act used as example) | :: [Bokmål] presedens {m}; [Nynorsk] presedens {m} |
precedent {n} (leading case which is cited to justify a judgment) | :: [Bokmål] prejudikat {n}; [Nynorsk] prejudikat {n} |
preceding {adj} (foregoing; occurring before or in front of something else) | :: [Bokmål] foregående, forrige, forutgående; [Nynorsk] føregåande, førre, tidlegare |
precession {n} (physics term) | :: presesjon {m} |
pre-Christian {adj} (before the arrival of Christianity) | :: [Bokmål] førkristen; [Nynorsk] førkristen |
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very | :: |
precious {adj} (of high value or worth) | :: [Bokmål] dyrebar |
precious stone {n} (gem) | :: [Bokmål] edelstein {m}, edelsten {m}; [Nynorsk] edelstein {m} |
precipitation {n} (weather: water falling from the atmosphere) | :: [Bokmål] nedbør {m}, presipitasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] nedbør {m} |
precipitation {n} (chemistry: chemical reaction forming solid in liquid) | :: utfelling {m} {f}, presipitasjon {m} |
precise {adj} (exact) | :: [Bokmål] presis, nøyaktig |
precisely {adv} (in a precise manner) | :: [Bokmål] presist, nøyaktig; [Nynorsk] presist |
precision {n} (the state of being precise or exact; exactness) | :: [Bokmål] presisjon {m}; [Nynorsk] presisjon {m} |
precocious {adj} (characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity) | :: bråmoden, tidlig moden |
precocious {adj} (exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age) | :: bråmoden, tidlig moden |
precognition {n} (knowledge of something that is to occur in the future) | :: prekognisjon |
preconception {n} (prejudice) SEE: prejudice | :: |
predator {n} (animal or organism that hunts) | :: [Bokmål] rovdyr {n}; [Nynorsk] rovdyr {n} |
predefine {v} | :: foregi, gi videre, rekke fram |
predestination {n} (religious doctrine) | :: [Bokmål] predestinasjon {m}, forutbestemmelse {m}; [Nynorsk] predestinasjon {m}, forutbestemming {f} |
predestiny {n} (predestination) SEE: predestination | :: |
predicative {adj} (used after a verb) | :: predikativ |
predict {v} (to state, or make something known in advance) | :: [Bokmål] spå |
predictable {adj} (able to be predicted) | :: [Bokmål] forutsigbar; [Nynorsk] føreseieleg |
prediction {n} (a statement about the future) | :: [Bokmål] spådom {m}; [Nynorsk] spådom {m} |
predominant {adj} (common or widespread; prevalent) | :: [Bokmål] fremherskende |
predominantly {adv} (in a predominant manner) | :: [Bokmål] overveiende |
predominate {adj} (predominant) SEE: predominant | :: |
prefabricated {adj} (manufactured in advance) | :: [Bokmål] prefabrikkert; [Nynorsk] prefabrikkert |
prefecture {n} (The office of a prefect) | :: [Bokmål] prefektur {n}; [Nynorsk] prefektur {n} |
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect) | :: [Bokmål] prefektur {n}; [Nynorsk] prefektur {n} |
prefer {v} (to favor) | :: [Bokmål] foretrekke |
preferably {adv} (in preference) | :: [Bokmål] fortrinnsvis; [Nynorsk] fortrinnsvis |
preferred {adj} (favoured) | :: [Bokmål] foretrukken, foretrukket |
prefix {n} (morpheme at the beginning of a word) | :: [Bokmål] prefiks {n}, forstavelse {m}, forstaving {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] prefiks {n}, førefeste {n}, forled {m}, førelekk {m}, forstaving {f}, førestaving {f} |
pregnancy {n} (condition) | :: svangerskap, graviditet |
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile | :: |
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body) | :: med barn; [Bokmål] gravid, svanger [of humans], drektig [of animals]; [heavily pregnant] høygravid, høggravid; [Nynorsk] gravid, [heavily pregnant] høggravid |
preheated {adj} (heated beforehand) | :: [Bokmål] forvarmet |
prehistoric {adj} (of relating to the epoch before written record) | :: [Bokmål] forhistorisk; [Nynorsk] forhistorisk |
prehistory {n} (study of events and conditions before written records) | :: [Bokmål] forhistorie {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] forhistorie {f} |
prehistory {n} (history of events leaving up to something) | :: [Bokmål] forhistorie {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] forhistorie {f} |
prejudice {n} (adverse judgement formed beforehand) | :: fordom {m} |
prejudice {n} (any preconceived opinion) | :: fordom {m} |
prejudiced {adj} (having prejudices) | :: fordomsfull |
prelate {n} (clergyman) | :: [Bokmål] prelatas {m} |
preliminary {adj} (in preparation for the main matter) | :: [Bokmål] preliminær, foreløpig; [Nynorsk] preliminær, foreløpig |
prelude {n} (short piece of music) | :: [Bokmål] preludium {n}; [Nynorsk] preludium {n} |
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister | :: |
premiere {n} (first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment) | :: [Bokmål] premiere {m}; [Nynorsk] premiere {m} |
première {n} (premiere) SEE: premiere | :: |
premises {n} (land, and all the built structures on it, considered as a single place) | :: eiendom {m} |
premium {n} (a prize or award) | :: [Bokmål] pris {m}, utmerkelse {m} |
premium {n} (something offered at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else) | :: [Bokmål] bonus {m} |
premium {n} (a bonus paid in addition to normal payments) | :: [Bokmål] bonus {m}, tillegg {n}, tillegg {n} |
premium {n} (the amount to be paid for an insurance policy) | :: [Bokmål] premie {m} |
premonition {n} (clairvoyant or clairaudient experience) | :: [Bokmål] syn {n}, varsel {n} |
premonition {n} (strong intuition) | :: [Bokmål] forutanelse {m} |
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework | :: |
prep {n} (preparation) SEE: preparation | :: |
preparation {n} (act) | :: [Bokmål] forarbeid {n}, forberedelse {m}, tilberedning {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] forarbeid {n}, førearbeid {n} |
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose) | :: [Bokmål] forberede |
prepare {v} (to make ready for eating or drinking) | :: [Bokmål] tilberede |
prepared {adj} (ready, willing) | :: [Bokmål] klar |
preparty {n} (party before main event) | :: [Bokmål] vorspiel, forfest |
prepayment {n} (payment in advance) | :: [Bokmål] forhåndsbetaling {m} {f} |
preponderance {n} (state of being preponderant) | :: [Bokmål] overvekt {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] overvekt {f} |
prepone {v} (to reschedule to an earlier time) | :: [Bokmål] fremskynde, framskynde |
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by") | :: preposisjon {m} |
prepositional {n} (the prepositional case) SEE: prepositional case | :: |
prepositional case {n} (case serving as object of a preposition) | :: lokativ |
preposterous {adj} (absurd, or contrary to common sense) | :: [Bokmål] meningsløs, bakvendt |
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin | :: |
prerequisite {n} (Something that must be gained in order to gain something else) | :: forutsetning {m} {f} |
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right | :: |
Presbyterian {n} (person belonging to the Presbyterian Church) | :: [Bokmål] presbyterianer {m}; [Nynorsk] presbyterianar {m} |
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism) | :: presbyterianisme {m} |
presbytery {n} (chancel) SEE: chancel | :: |
preschool {n} (nursery school) SEE: nursery school | :: |
prescience {n} (Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight; foreknowledge) | :: klarsyn {n}, framsyn |
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine) | :: resept {m} |
prescription {n} (formal description of the lens geometry) | :: brilleseddel {m} |
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift | :: |
present {adj} (pertaining to the current time) | :: [Bokmål] nåværende; [Nynorsk] noverande |
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity) | :: til stede |
presentation {n} (act of presenting) | :: [Bokmål] overrekkelse {m} |
present historic {n} (tense) SEE: historical present | :: |
presentiment {n} (a premonition; a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen) | :: [Bokmål] forutanelse {m} |
presently {adv} (at the present time; currently) | :: [Bokmål] nå for tiden, nå, i våre dager |
present perfect {n} (tense that expresses action in the past with consequences in the present time) | :: perfektum |
preservation {n} (the act of preserving) | :: [Bokmål] bevaring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] bevaring {f} |
preservative {n} (any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve) | :: [Bokmål] konserveringsmiddel {n}; [Nynorsk] konserveringsmiddel {n} |
presidency {n} (office or role of president) | :: formannskap {n}, presidentembete |
presidency {n} (time during which one is president) | :: presidentperiode |
president {n} (the head of state of a republic) | :: [Bokmål] president {m}; [Nynorsk] president {m} |
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House | :: |
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear | :: |
press {n} (weightlifting exercise) | :: [Bokmål] press {n}; [Nynorsk] press {n} |
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher | :: |
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) | :: [Bokmål] pressekonferanse {m}; [Nynorsk] pressekonferanse {m} |
press release {n} (official written media statement) | :: [Bokmål] presseskriv {n}, pressemelding {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pressemelding {f} |
pressure {n} (a contrasting force or impulse of any kind) | :: [Bokmål] påtrykk {n}; [Nynorsk] påtrykk {n} |
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area) | :: [Bokmål] trykk {n}; [Nynorsk] trykk {n} |
pressure cooker {n} (cooking vessel) | :: [Bokmål] trykkoker {m}, trykk-koker {m}; [Nynorsk] trykkokar {m}, trykk-kokar {m} |
pressure gauge {n} (gauge for measuring pressure) | :: [Bokmål] trykkmåler {m}; [Nynorsk] trykkmålar {m} |
pressure ulcer {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore | :: |
pretender {n} | :: tronpretendent {m} |
pretentious {adj} (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) | :: [Bokmål] pretensiøs; [Nynorsk] pretensiøs |
pretentious {adj} (intended to impress others) | :: [Bokmål] pretensiøs |
preterite {n} (preterite tense; simple past) | :: [Bokmål] preteritum {n}; [Nynorsk] preteritum {n} |
pretext {n} (false, contrived or assumed purpose) | :: [Bokmål] påskudd {n}, påskott {n}; [Nynorsk] påskott {n}, påskot {n} |
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive) | :: pen, vakker |
pretty much {adv} (almost completely; very nearly; mostly) | :: mer eller mindre |
prevailing {adj} (predominant) | :: [Bokmål] fremherskende |
prevalent {adj} (widespread, preferred) | :: [Bokmål] utbredt, rådende, herskende |
prevalent {adj} (Superior in frequency or dominant) | :: [Bokmål] rådende, fremherskende |
prevarication {n} (deceit, evasiveness) | :: utflukt {m} |
prevent {v} (to keep from happening) | :: [Bokmål] forebygge |
preventive {adj} (preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to) | :: [Bokmål] forebyggende; [Nynorsk] førebyggjande |
preview {n} (computing facility) | :: [Bokmål] forhåndsvisning {m} {f} |
previous {adj} (prior) | :: [Bokmål] forrige, foregående; [Nynorsk] førre, føregåande |
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals) | :: [Bokmål] byttedyr {n}; [Nynorsk] byttedyr {n} |
priapism {n} (medical condition) | :: [Bokmål] priapisme |
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something) | :: pris {m} |
price {n} (cost of an action or deed) | :: pris |
price-conscious {adj} (aware of how much things cost) | :: [Bokmål] prisbevisst; [Nynorsk] prisbevisst |
price index {n} (statistical estimate) | :: [Bokmål] prisindeks {m}; [Nynorsk] prisindeks {m} |
priceless {adj} (so precious as not to be sold at any price) | :: [Bokmål] uvurderlig; [Nynorsk] uvurderleg |
price list {n} (list of items with prices) | :: [Bokmål] prisliste {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] prisliste {f} |
price tag {n} (the tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price) | :: [Bokmål] prislapp {m}; [Nynorsk] prislapp {m} |
price war {n} (repeated undercutting of prices) | :: [Bokmål] priskrig {m}; [Nynorsk] priskrig {m} |
prick {n} ((slang) a penis) | :: pikk |
prickteaser {n} (Showstopper, see also: cocktease) | :: luremus {m} {f}, narrefitte {m} {f} |
pride {n} (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.) | :: stolthet {m} |
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one) | :: stolthet {m} |
pride {n} (proud or disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing and conduct) | :: stolthet {m} |
pride {n} (that of which one is proud; that which excites boasting or self-gratulation; the occasion or ground of self-esteem) | :: stolthet {m} |
pride {n} (consciousness of power; fullness of animal spirits; mettle; wantonness) | :: selvbevissthet {m} |
pride {n} (lust; sexual desire; especially, an excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast) | :: brunst {m} |
pride {n} (company of lions) | :: flokk {m} |
pride comes before a fall {proverb} (Translations) | :: [Bokmål] hovmod står for fall |
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) | :: [Bokmål] prest {m}; [Nynorsk] prest {m} |
priest {n} (tool for killing fish) | :: [Bokmål] prest {m}; [Nynorsk] prest {m} |
priestess {n} (woman with religious duties) | :: [Bokmål] prestinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] prestinne {f} |
primal scene {n} (in Freudian theory, the first time a child witnesses (and understands) its parents copulating) | :: primalscene {m} |
primarily {adv} (of a primary or central nature) | :: [Bokmål] primært; [Nynorsk] primært |
primary {adj} (that which is placed ahead of others) | :: [Bokmål] primær; [Nynorsk] primær |
primary industry {n} (industry providing raw materials) | :: [Bokmål] primærnæring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] primærnæring {f} |
primary production {n} (primary production) | :: [Bokmål] primærproduksjon {m}; [Nynorsk] primærproduksjon {m} |
primary school {n} (first formal, obligatory school) | :: [Bokmål] barneskole {m}; [Nynorsk] barneskole {m}, barneskule {m} |
primary sector {n} | :: [Bokmål] primærnæring {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] primærnæring {f} |
primary source {n} (original work) | :: [Bokmål] primærkilde {m} |
primary source {n} (document) | :: [Bokmål] primærkilde {m} |
primate {n} (mammal) | :: [Bokmål] primat {m}; [Nynorsk] primat {m} |
prime {v} | :: prim |
prime factor {n} (factor) | :: primfaktor {m} |
prime gap {n} | :: [Bokmål] primtallsørken {m} |
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) | :: [Bokmål] statsminister {m}; [Nynorsk] statsminister {m} |
prime number {n} (natural number) | :: [Bokmål] primtall {n}; [Nynorsk] primtal {n} |
primeval forest {n} (large forest unaffected by humans) | :: [Bokmål] urskog {m}, urskau {m}; [Nynorsk] urskog {m} |
primrose {n} (plant of the genus Primula) | :: [Bokmål] nøkleblom {m}, nøkleblomst {m}, primula {m}; [Nynorsk] nøkleblom {m}, nøkleblome {m}, primula {m} |
primrose {n} (Primula acaulis) | :: [Bokmål] kusymre {c}; [Nynorsk] kusymre {f} |
primrose {n} (flower of a primrose) | :: [Bokmål] nøkleblom {m}, nøkleblomst {m}, primula {m}; [Nynorsk] nøkleblom {m}, nøkleblome {m}, primula {m} |
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality) | :: [Bokmål] fyrste {m}, fyrst [as a title]; [Nynorsk] fyrste {m}, fyrst [as a title] |
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch) | :: [Bokmål] prins {m}; [Nynorsk] prins {m} |
prince bishop {n} (bishop who also holds a secular princely rank) | :: fyrstbiskop {m} |
Prince Charles Foreland {prop} (island) | :: Prins Karls Forland |
Prince Charming {n} (the fictional character) | :: drømmeprins |
Prince Charming {n} (romantically ideal man) | :: eventyrprinsen {m} |
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title) | :: [Bokmål] prins av Wales {m}; [Nynorsk] prins av Wales {m} |
prince regent {n} (prince acting as regent) | :: [Bokmål] prinsregent {m}; [Nynorsk] prinsregent {m} |
princess {n} (female member of royal family) | :: [Bokmål] prinsesse {f} |
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle | :: |
principality {n} (region) | :: fyrstedømme {n} |
principality {n} (in angelology) | :: fyrstedømme {n} |
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality | :: |
principle {n} (fundamental assumption) | :: [Bokmål] prinsipp {n} |
principle {n} (rule to solve a problem) | :: [Bokmål] prinsipp {n}; [Nynorsk] prinsipp {n} |
principle {n} (moral rule or aspect) | :: [Bokmål] prinsipp {n}; [Nynorsk] prinsipp {n} |
principle {n} (rule of nature) | :: [Bokmål] prinsipp {n}; [Nynorsk] prinsipp {n} |
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine) | :: trykke |
print {n} (visible impression on a surface) | :: avtrykk {n} |
print {n} | :: trykk {n} |
print {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint | :: |
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint | :: |
printed matter {n} (printed material) | :: [Bokmål] trykksak {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] trykksak {f} |
printer {n} (operator of a printing press) | :: [Bokmål] trykker {m} |
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images) | :: skriver {m} |
printer-friendly {adj} (that can be printed out) | :: [Bokmål] utskriftsvennlig |
printing {n} (all the copies of a publication that have been printed in one batch) | :: opplag |
printing press {n} (machine for printing) | :: [Bokmål] trykkpresse {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] trykkpresse {f} |
printout {n} (A hard copy) | :: [Bokmål] utskrift {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] utskrift {f} |
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former | :: |
prior {n} (a high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than an abbot) | :: prior {m} |
prioress {n} (a nun in charge of a priory) | :: [Bokmål] priorinne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] priorinne {f} |
priority {n} (item's relative importance) | :: [Bokmål] prioritet {m}; [Nynorsk] prioritet {m} |
priority {n} (goal of a person or an organisation) | :: [Bokmål] prioritet {m}; [Nynorsk] prioritet {m} |
priory {n} (monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress) | :: priorat {n}, kloster {n} |
prise {n} (prize) SEE: prize | :: |
prism {n} (geometry: polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape) | :: [Bokmål] prisme {n}; [Nynorsk] prisme {n} |
prism {n} (block used to split or reflect light) | :: [Bokmål] prisme {n}; [Nynorsk] prisme {n} |
prismatic {adj} (of or pertaining to a prism) | :: [Bokmål] prismatisk; [Nynorsk] prismatisk |
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) | :: fengsel {n} |
prison {n} (confinement in a prison) | :: fengsel {n} |
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
prison camp {n} (camp for prisoners) | :: [Bokmål] fangeleir {m}; [Nynorsk] fangeleir {m} |
prison cell {n} (room to which a prisoner is confined) | :: [Bokmål] fengselscelle {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] fengselscelle {f} |
prisoner {n} (person incarcerated in a prison) | :: [Bokmål] fange {m} |
prisoner {n} | :: fange |
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy) | :: [Bokmål] krigsfange {m}; [Nynorsk] krigsfange {m} |
pristine {adj} (unspoiled) | :: [Bokmål] urørt, ufordervet, jomfruelig |
pristine {adj} (pertaining to the earliest state of something) | :: [Bokmål] opprinnelig, opphavelig |
privacy policy {n} (statement detailing policies that an organization uses to collect information about users) | :: [Bokmål] personvernerklæring {m} {f} |
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) | :: [Bokmål] privat |
private {adj} (not accessible by the public) | :: [Bokmål] privat; [Nynorsk] privat |
private {adj} | :: [Bokmål] privat ; [Nynorsk] privat |
private {n} (soldier) | :: [Bokmål] menig {m}; [Nynorsk] menig {m} |
private candidate {n} (person taking exams without being enrolled as a student) | :: privatist |
private car {n} (privately owned car) | :: [Bokmål] personbil {m}; [Nynorsk] personbil {m} |
private life {n} (aspect of one's life that are personal) | :: [Bokmål] privatliv {n}; [Nynorsk] privatliv {n} |
private school {n} (fee-charging school) | :: [Bokmål] privatskole {m}; [Nynorsk] privatskole {m}, privatskule {m} |
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
privy {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
prize {n} (that which may be won by chance) | :: [Bokmål] gevinst {m}; [Nynorsk] gevinst {m} |
prize {v} (to consider something highly valuable) | :: [Bokmål] pris {m} |
prizewinning {adj} (Having won at least one prize) | :: [Bokmål] prisvinnende |
Pärnu {prop} (city in Estonia) | :: Pärnu |
pro {n} (a professional sportsman) | :: proff {m} |
pro {n} (someone who is very good at something) | :: proff {m} |
proactive {adj} (acting in advance) | :: [Bokmål] proaktiv; [Nynorsk] proaktiv |
probability {n} (mathematical probability) | :: [Bokmål] sannsynlighet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sannsyn {f} {n} |
probable {adj} (likely to be true) | :: [Bokmål] sannsynlig; [Nynorsk] sannsynleg |
probable {adj} (likely to happen) | :: [Bokmål] sannsynlig; [Nynorsk] sannsynleg |
probably {adv} (in all likelihood) | :: [Bokmål] antakeligvis, trolig, sannsynlig |
probe {n} (sciences: electrode or other small device) | :: sonde {m} |
probe {v} (to explore, investigate, or question) | :: undersøke, utforske |
probity {n} (integrity) | :: [Bokmål] redelighet {m} {f} |
problem {n} (difficulty) | :: [Bokmål] problem {n}; [Nynorsk] problem {n} |
problem {n} (schoolwork exercise) | :: oppgave {m} |
problem {n} (puzzling circumstance) | :: utfordring {m} |
problem child {n} (difficult child) | :: [Bokmål] problembarn {n}; [Nynorsk] problembarn {n} |
proboscis {n} (elongated tube) | :: [Bokmål] snabel {m}; [Nynorsk] snabel {m} |
procedure {n} (method for performing a task) | :: [Bokmål] fremgangsmåte {m}, prosedyre {m}; [Nynorsk] prosedyre {m} |
procedure mask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask | :: |
process {n} (series of events to produce a result) | :: [Bokmål] prosess {m}; [Nynorsk] prosess {m} |
process {n} (path of succession of states through which a system passes) | :: [Bokmål] prosess {m}; [Nynorsk] prosess {m} |
processing {n} (action of the verb to process) | :: [Bokmål] bearbeidelse {m} |
processing {n} (act of taking something through a set of prescribed procedures) | :: [Bokmål] prosessering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] prosessering {f} |
procession {n} (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner) | :: [Bokmål] prosesjon {m}; [Nynorsk] prosesjon {m} |
processor {n} (microprocessor) | :: [Bokmål] prosessor {m}; [Nynorsk] prosessor {m} |
proclaim {v} (to announce or declare) | :: [Bokmål] proklamere, kunngjøre; [Nynorsk] proklamere, kunngjere, kunngjøre |
proclamation {n} (a statement which is proclaimed) | :: [Bokmål] proklamasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] proklamasjon {m} |
proclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the following word) | :: [Bokmål] proklitikon {n}; [Nynorsk] proklitikon {n} |
proclivity {n} (A predisposition or natural inclination, propensity, or a predilection) | :: tendens {m} |
procrastinate {v} (put off; to delay taking action) | :: somle |
procrastinate {v} (put off; delay something) | :: utsette |
procrastination {n} (act of postponing, delaying or putting off) | :: [Bokmål] prokrastinering {m} |
Procrustes {prop} (legendary highwayman of Attica) | :: [Bokmål] Prokrustes {m} |
procurement {n} (act of procuring or obtaining) | :: [Bokmål] anskaffelse {m} |
prod {v} (to poke) | :: stikke |
prodigy {n} (extremely talented person, especially a child) | :: vidunderbarn {n} |
produce {n} (offspring) SEE: offspring | :: |
product {n} (commodity for sale) | :: [Bokmål] produkt {n}; [Nynorsk] produkt, vare |
product {n} (amount created by a process) | :: produkt {m}, frambringelse |
production {n} (the act of producing) | :: [Bokmål] produksjon {m}; [Nynorsk] produksjon {m} |
production {n} (the act of being produced) | :: [Bokmål] produksjon {m} |
production {n} (the total amount produced) | :: [Bokmål] produksjon {m} |
production {n} (the presentation of a theatrical work) | :: [Bokmål] oppsetning {m} {f}, teateroppsetning {m} {f} |
production line {n} (set of operations) | :: [Bokmål] produksjonslinje {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] produksjonsline {f}, produksjonslinje {f} |
productive {adj} (capable of producing something) | :: [Bokmål] produktiv; [Nynorsk] produktiv |
productive {adj} (yielding good or useful results; constructive) | :: [Bokmål] produktiv; [Nynorsk] produktiv |
productive {adj} (of, or relating to the creation of goods or services) | :: [Bokmål] produktiv; [Nynorsk] produktiv |
productive {adj} (linguistics: consistently applicable to any of an open set of words) | :: [Bokmål] produktiv; [Nynorsk] produktiv |
productivity {n} (state of being productive) | :: [Bokmål] produktivitet {m}; [Nynorsk] produktivitet {m} |
product placement {n} (a form of advertising) | :: produktplassering |
profession {n} (occupation) | :: [Bokmål] yrke {n} |
professional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession) | :: [Bokmål] profesjonell, faglig, yrkesmessig; [Nynorsk] profesjonell, fagleg, yrkesmessig |
professional {adj} (that is carried out as a livelihood) | :: [Bokmål] profesjonell; [Nynorsk] profesjonell |
professional {adj} (expert) | :: [Bokmål] profesjonell; [Nynorsk] profesjonell |
professorship {n} (the office of a professor) | :: [Bokmål] professorat {n}; [Nynorsk] professorat {n} |
proficient {adj} (skilled) | :: flink |
profile {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation | :: |
profit {n} (total income or cash flow minus expenditures) | :: [Bokmål] gevinst {m}; [Nynorsk] gevinst {m} |
profitable {adj} (producing profit) | :: [Bokmål] lønnsom; [Nynorsk] lønsam, lønnsam |
progenitor {n} (founder) SEE: founder | :: |
progenitor {n} (any of a person's direct ancestors) | :: [Bokmål] stamfar {m}; [Nynorsk] stamfar {m} |
progeny {n} (offspring) | :: [Bokmål] avkom {n}; [Nynorsk] avkom {n} |
prognosis {n} (forecast of the future course of a disease) | :: [Bokmål] prognose {m}; [Nynorsk] prognose {m} |
prognosis {n} (forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation) | :: [Bokmål] prognose {m}; [Nynorsk] prognose {m} |
program {n} (set of structured activities) | :: program {n} |
program {n} (software application) | :: [Bokmål] program {n} |
programmable {adj} (capable of being programmed) | :: [Bokmål] programmerbar; [Nynorsk] programmerbar |
programmable logic controller {n} (programmable electronic device) | :: Programmerbar logisk styring {m} {f} |
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program | :: |
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs) | :: [Bokmål] programmerer {m} |
programming {n} (act of writing a computer program) | :: [Bokmål] programmering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] programmering {f} |
programming {n} (brain-washing) SEE: brain-washing | :: |
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols) | :: programmeringsspråk {n} |
progress {n} (advancement to a more developed state) | :: [Bokmål] framgang {m} |
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous | :: |
progressive {adj} (advancing in severity) | :: [Bokmål] progredierende; [Nynorsk] progredierande |
progressivism {n} (political ideology) | :: [Bokmål] progressivisme {m}; [Nynorsk] progressivisme {m} |
prohibit {v} (to proscribe officially) | :: [Bokmål] forby; [Nynorsk] forby, forbyde |
prohibition {n} (act of prohibiting) | :: [Bokmål] forbud {n} |
prohibition {n} (law that prohibits something) | :: [Bokmål] forbud {n}, [of alcohol] alkoholforbud {n} |
project {n} (planned endeavor) | :: [Bokmål] prosjekt {n}; [Nynorsk] prosjekt {n} |
projecting {adj} (sticking out) | :: [Bokmål] framspringende |
projection {n} (display of an image by a projector) | :: [Bokmål] projeksjon {m}; [Nynorsk] projeksjon {m} |
projection {n} (geometry: image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions) | :: [Bokmål] projeksjon {m}; [Nynorsk] projeksjon {m} |
projection {n} (cartography: system of representing surface of the earth on a flat surface) | :: [Bokmål] projeksjon {m}; [Nynorsk] projeksjon {m} |
project manager {n} (one who manages projects) | :: prosjektleder {m} |
pro-Jew {n} (pro-Jew) | :: [Bokmål] jødevenn {m}, jødevenninne {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] jødeven {m}, jødevenn {m}, jødeveninne {f}, jødevenninne {f} |
proletariat {n} (working class or lower class) | :: [Bokmål] proletariat |
prolific {adj} (Similarly producing results or works in abundance) | :: suksessrik |
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long | :: |
prolog {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue | :: |
prologue {n} (speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel) | :: [Bokmål] prolog {m} |
promenade {v} (to walk) | :: gå tur, spasere, promenere |
Prometheus {prop} (Greek mythological figure) | :: Prometeus |
promethium {n} (chemical element) | :: promethium |
prominence {n} (being prominent) | :: prominens {m}; [Bokmål] framstående (person); [Nynorsk] framståande (person) |
prominence {n} (relative height) | :: primærfaktor {m} |
prominent {adj} (eminent, distinguished above others) | :: [Bokmål] framtredende |
promise {n} (vow) | :: løfte {n} |
promise {v} (to commit to something) | :: love |
promising {adj} (showing promise, and likely to develop in a desirable fashion) | :: [Bokmål] lovende |
promontory {n} (a high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff) | :: [Bokmål] odde {m}, landtunge {m} {f}, nes {n}, tange {m} |
prompt {adj} (quick) | :: prompt, prompte |
prompt {adj} (on time) | :: prompt, prompte |
promptly {adv} (in a prompt manner) | :: prompt, prompte |
prone {adj} (lying face downward; prostrate) | :: legge seg flat |
prone {adj} (inclined, sloped) | :: prone |
prong {n} (thin, pointed, projecting part) | :: [Bokmål] tind {m}; [Nynorsk] tind {m} |
pronghorn {n} (North American mammal) | :: [Bokmål] gaffelbukk {m}, prærieantilope {m}, gaffelantilope {m}; [Nynorsk] gaffelbukk {m}, prærieantilope {f}, gaffelantilope {f} |
pronoun {n} (type of noun) | :: [Bokmål] pronomen; [Nynorsk] pronomen |
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say | :: |
pronounce {v} (to declare officially) | :: erklære |
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate) | :: uttale |
pronounce {v} (to read aloud) | :: uttale |
pronouncing dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) SEE: pronunciation dictionary | :: |
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word) | :: uttale {m} |
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced) | :: uttale {m} |
pronunciation dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) | :: [Bokmål] uttaleordbok {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] uttaleordbok {f} |
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth) | :: [Bokmål] bevis |
proof {n} (a proof sheet) | :: [Bokmål] korrektur {m}; [Nynorsk] korrektur {m} |
proofreader {n} (person who proofreads) | :: [Bokmål] korrekturleser {m}; [Nynorsk] korrekturlesar {m} |
proofreader {n} (person whose occupation is to proofread) | :: [Bokmål] korrekturleser {m}; [Nynorsk] korrekturlesar {m} |
proofreading {n} (act or process by which a document is proofread) | :: [Bokmål] korrekturlesning {m} {f} |
propaganda {n} (concerted set of messages) | :: [Bokmål] propaganda {m}; [Nynorsk] propaganda {m} |
propane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8) | :: [Bokmål] propan {m} {n}; [Nynorsk] propan {m} {n} |
propellant {n} (anything that propels) | :: [Bokmål] drivstoff {n}; [Nynorsk] drivstoff {n} |
propellant {n} (compressed gas used to expel the content from a pressurised container) | :: [Bokmål] drivgass {m}; [Nynorsk] drivgass {m} |
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel) | :: propell |
propeller shaft {n} (shaft in a vehicle) | :: [Bokmål] mellomaksel {m}, mellomaksling {m}; [Nynorsk] mellomaksel {m}, mellomaksling {m} |
propensity {n} (tendency) | :: tilbøyelighet |
proper {adj} (fit, suitable) | :: passende, høvelig |
proper {adj} (following the established standards of behavior or manners) | :: ordentlig, veloppdragent, høvisk |
proper {adj} (in the very strictest sense of the word) | :: egentlig |
proper {adj} (grammar: designating a particular person, place or thing) | :: riktig, korrekt |
proper {adj} (belonging to oneself or itself, own) | :: egen |
proper {adj} (complete, thorough) | :: skikkelig, ordentlig |
proper {adj} (entitled to its name, true) | :: sann |
proper {adj} | :: riktig, korrekt |
proper fraction {n} (arithmetic: a vulgar fraction) | :: ekte brøk {m} |
properly {adv} (in a proper manner) | :: [Bokmål] ordentlig |
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity) | :: [Bokmål] egennavn {n}; [Nynorsk] eigennamn {n} |
property {n} (something owned) | :: [Bokmål] eiendom {m}, løsøre {n}; [Nynorsk] eigedom {m}, lausøyre {m} |
property {n} (piece of real estate) | :: tomt {f}; [Bokmål] eiendom {m}; [Nynorsk] eigedom {m} |
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing) | :: [Bokmål] eiendomsrett {m}; [Nynorsk] eigedomsrett {m} |
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept) | :: [Bokmål] egenskap {m}; [Nynorsk] eigenskap {m} |
property tax {n} (tax based on the value of property) | :: [Bokmål] eiendomsskatt {m}; [Nynorsk] eigedomsskatt {m} |
prophecy {n} (prediction) | :: [Bokmål] profeti {m}, spådom {m}; [Nynorsk] spådom {m} |
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration) | :: [Bokmål] profet {m}, profetinne {f}; [Nynorsk] profet {m}, profetinne {f} |
prophet {n} (one who foretells the future) | :: [Bokmål] profet {m}, profetinne {f}, spåmann {m}, spåkvinne {f}; [Nynorsk] profet {m}, profetinne {f}, spåmann {m}, spåkvinne {f} |
prophetess {n} (female prophet) | :: [Bokmål] profetinne {f}; [Nynorsk] profetinne {m} |
prophetic {adj} (of, or relating to a prophecy or a prophet) | :: [Bokmål] profetisk; [Nynorsk] profetisk |
prophylactic {adj} (Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect, especially disease) | :: profylaktisk |
proponency {n} (advocacy) SEE: advocacy | :: |
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size | :: |
proposal {n} (that which is proposed) | :: [Bokmål] forslag {n} |
propose {v} (to suggest a plan or course of action) | :: foreslå |
propose {v} (to ask for one's hand in marriage) | :: fri |
proposition {n} (uncountable: act of offering for consideration) | :: [Bokmål] forslag |
propound {v} (to put forward; to offer for discussion or debate) | :: framlegge, framsette |
proprietary {adj} (created or manufactured exclusively by the IPR owner) | :: [Bokmål] proprietær; [Nynorsk] proprietær |
proprietary {n} (a proprietor or owner) SEE: proprietor | :: |
proprietor {n} (owner) | :: [Bokmål] innehaver {m}, eier {m}; [Nynorsk] innehavar {m}, eigar {m} |
proprietously {adv} (properly) SEE: properly | :: |
proprioception {n} (sense of the position of parts of the body) | :: propriosepsjon {m} |
prop shaft {n} (propshaft) SEE: propeller shaft | :: |
proscribe {v} (forbid or prohibit) | :: [Bokmål] forby |
proscribe {v} (denounce) | :: [Bokmål] fraråde, forby |
proscribe {v} (banish or exclude) | :: [Bokmål] bannlyse, forbanne, utestenge |
proscribe {v} | :: Å forby |
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry) | :: [Bokmål] prosa {m} |
proselytize {v} (convert to one’s own faith) | :: misjonere |
prosopagnosia {n} (disorder of face perception) | :: prosopagnosi |
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships) | :: prosopografi |
prospect {n} (position affording a fine view) SEE: lookout | :: |
prospector {n} (person) | :: [Bokmål] skjerper {m} |
prospectus {n} (document which describes an institution, publication or business) | :: [Bokmål] prospekt {n}; [Nynorsk] prospekt {n} |
prostate {n} (prostate gland) | :: [Bokmål] prostata {m}; [Nynorsk] prostata {m} |
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate | :: |
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part) | :: [Bokmål] protese {m}; [Nynorsk] protese {m} |
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis | :: |
prostitute {v} (reflexive: to perform sexual activity for money) | :: prostituere |
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit) | :: prostituert {m} |
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore | :: |
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit) | :: [Bokmål] prostitusjon {m}; [Nynorsk] prostitusjon {m} |
prostrate {adj} (lying flat, facedown) | :: prostrert |
prostrate {v} (to lie flat or face-down) | :: prostrere |
protactinium {n} (chemical element) | :: protactinium |
protagonist {n} (main character) | :: hovedperson {m}, protagonist {m} |
protagonist {n} (advocate) | :: protagonist {m} |
protect {v} (to keep safe) | :: beskytte, verne, sikre, dekke, gardere |
protected {adj} (defended) | :: [Bokmål] beskyttet |
protection {n} (process of keeping sthg safe) | :: [Bokmål] beskyttelse {m} |
protectionism {n} (A policy of protecting the domestic producers of a product by imposing tariffs, quotas or other barriers on imports) | :: [Bokmål] proteksjonisme {m}; [Nynorsk] proteksjonisme {m} |
protectorate {n} (government by a protector) | :: [Bokmål] protektorat {n}; [Nynorsk] protektorat {n} |
protectorate {n} (a protected autonomous state) | :: [Bokmål] protektorat {n}; [Nynorsk] protektorat {n} |
protest {v} (to make a strong objection) | :: protestere |
protest {v} (mostly US: to object to) | :: protestere |
Protestant {n} (someone who is a member of such a denomination) | :: [Bokmål] protestant {m}; [Nynorsk] protestant {m} |
Protestant {adj} (pertaining to these denominatons) | :: [Bokmål] protestantisk; [Nynorsk] protestantisk |
Protestantism {n} (faith) | :: [Bokmål] protestantisme {m}; [Nynorsk] protestantisme {m} |
Proto-Germanic {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language) | :: urgermansk {m} |
Proto-Indo-European {prop} (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages) | :: protoindoeuropeisk; [Bokmål] urindoeuropeisk; [Nynorsk] urindoeuropeisk |
Proto-Indo-European {adj} (pertaining to the Proto-Indo-European language, or the people who spoke it, see also: Indo-European) | :: [Bokmål] urindoeuropeisk; [Nynorsk] urindoeuropeisk |
Proto-Indo-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Indo-European) SEE: Proto-Indo-European | :: |
Proto-Mayan {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language) | :: Urmaya |
proton {n} (positively charged nucleon) | :: [Bokmål] proton {n}; [Nynorsk] proton {n} |
protoplanet {n} (astronomical object) | :: protoplanet |
prototype {n} (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects) | :: [Bokmål] prototyp {m}, prototype {m}; [Nynorsk] prototyp {m}, prototype {m} |
protractor {n} (a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles) | :: vinkelmåler |
proud {adj} (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied) | :: stolt |
proud {adj} (having a too high opinion of oneself; arrogant, supercilious) | :: stolt |
Provence {prop} (region in France) | :: [Bokmål] Provence {n}; [Nynorsk] Provence {n} |
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth) | :: ordtak |
Proverbs {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Salomos Ordtøke {n-p}, Ordspråkene {m-p} |
provide {v} (to give what is needed or desired) | :: [Bokmål] forsørge; [Nynorsk] forsyte |
provider {n} (provider) | :: [Bokmål] tilbyder {m}, leverandør {m}, forsørger {m} |
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) | :: provins {m} |
provision {n} (item of goods or supplies obtained for future use) | :: [Bokmål] skaffe, fremskaffelse {m} |
provision {n} (act of providing) | :: [Bokmål] levering {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] levering {f} |
proviso {n} (conditional provision to an agreement) | :: forbehold {n} |
provocative {adj} (tending to provoke strong negative feeling) | :: [Bokmål] provoserende; [Nynorsk] provoserande |
provoke {v} (to cause to become angry) | :: provosere |
proxenetism {n} (procuring) SEE: pimping | :: |
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately | :: |
proxy {n} (agent or substitute authorized to act for another person) | :: [Bokmål] stedfortreder {m}, fullmektig; [Nynorsk] avløysar, varamann, vikar, fullmektig |
proxy {n} (authority to act for another, especially when written) | :: [Bokmål] fullmakt {c}; [Nynorsk] fullmakt {f} |
proxy {n} ((software) An interface for a service) | :: [Bokmål] mellomtjener {m}, proxy {m}, proxytjener {m}; [Nynorsk] mellomtenar {m}, proxy {m} |
proxy war {n} (war where two powers use third parties) | :: [Bokmål] stedfortrederkrig {m}, stedfortrederkonflikt {m} [where outright war is not the case] |
prudent {adj} (sagacious in adapting means to ends) | :: [Bokmål] aktsom |
prudish {adj} (exaggeratedly proper) | :: prippen, snerpete, fisefin |
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum | :: |
prune {v} (dried plum) | :: [Bokmål] sviske {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] sviske {f} |
prune {v} (trim a tree or shrub) | :: kviste; [Bokmål] beskjære |
prune {v} ((figuratively) cut down or shorten) | :: [Bokmål] beskjære |
pruning {n} (action of pruning) | :: [Bokmål] beskjæring {m} {f} |
prurient {adj} (uneasy with desire; lustful) | :: lysten |
prurient {adj} (arousing sexual desire) | :: lysten |
Prussia {prop} (geographical area) | :: [Bokmål] Preussen; [Nynorsk] Preussen |
Prussia {prop} (former Baltic country) | :: [Bokmål] Preussen; [Nynorsk] Preussen |
Prussia {prop} (former German province) | :: Preussen; [Bokmål] Preussen; [Nynorsk] Preussen |
Prussian {adj} (of Prussia) | :: [Bokmål] prøyssisk; [Nynorsk] prøyssisk |
Prussian {n} (citizen of German state of Prussia) | :: [Bokmål] prøysser {m}; [Nynorsk] prøyssar {m} |
prussic acid {n} (hydrocyanic acid) | :: [Bokmål] blåsyre {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] blåsyre {f} |
psalm {n} (sacred song) | :: [Bokmål] salme {m}; [Nynorsk] salme {m} |
psalm {n} (a hymn collected into one book of the Old Testament) | :: [Bokmål] salme {m}; [Nynorsk] salme {m} |
Psalms {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Salmene {m-p} |
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
pseudo- {prefix} (not genuine) | :: [Bokmål] pseudo-, psevdo-, falsk-; [Nynorsk] pseudo-, psevdo-, falsk- |
pseudoephedrine {n} (sympathomimetic alkaloid) | :: pseudoefedrin |
pseudograph {n} (Graph that contains loops as well as multiple edges between vertices) | :: pseudograf {m} |
pseudonym {n} (fictitious name) | :: [Bokmål] pseudonym {n}, psevdonym {n}; [Nynorsk] pseudonym {n}, psevdonym {n} |
pseudoscience {n} (purported science) | :: [Bokmål] pseudovitenskap {m}; [Nynorsk] pseudovitskap {m} |
pseudoscientific {adj} (of, relating to, or employing pseudoscience) | :: [Bokmål] pseudovitenskapelig; [Nynorsk] pseudovitskapeleg, pseudovitskapleg |
psychedelic {adj} (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.) | :: [Bokmål] psykedelisk; [Nynorsk] psykedelisk |
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
psychiatrist {n} (doctor specializing in psychiatry) | :: [Bokmål] psykiater {m}; [Nynorsk] psykiater {m} |
psychiatry {n} (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders) | :: [Bokmål] psykiatri {m}; [Nynorsk] psykiatri {m} |
psychic {n} (a person who contacts the dead) | :: medium {n} |
psychic {n} (person focused on intellectual reality) | :: psykiker {m} |
psychoanalysis {n} (family of psychological theories) | :: [Bokmål] psykoanalyse {m}; [Nynorsk] psykoanalyse {m} |
psychoanalyst {n} (practitioner) | :: [Bokmål] psykoanalytiker {m}; [Nynorsk] psykoanalytikar {m} |
psychology {n} (study of the human mind) | :: [Bokmål] psykologi {m}; [Nynorsk] psykologi {m} |
psychology {n} (the study of the human behavior) | :: psykologi |
psychology {n} (the study of animal behavior) | :: psykologi {m} |
psychology {n} (the mental characteristics of a particular individual) | :: psykologi {m} |
psychopath {n} (person with a personality disorder) | :: [Bokmål] psykopat {m}; [Nynorsk] psykopat {m} |
psychopathy {n} (personality disorder) | :: [Bokmål] psykopati {m}; [Nynorsk] psykopati {m} |
psychopomp {n} (entity who assists souls) | :: [Bokmål] psykopomp {m}; [Nynorsk] psykopomp {m} |
psychosis {n} (mental disorder) | :: [Bokmål] psykose {m}; [Nynorsk] psykose {m} |
psychosomatic {adj} (of physical effects with mental causes) | :: psykosomatisk |
psychotic {adj} (of, related to, or suffering from psychosis) | :: [Bokmål] psykotisk; [Nynorsk] psykotisk |
ptarmigan {n} (a small grouse, Lagopus) | :: [Bokmål] [Lagopus] rype {f} {m}; [Nynorsk] [Lagopus] rype {f} |
pâté de foie gras {n} (the lowest grade preparation of foie gras) | :: gåseleverpostei {m} |
PTSD {n} (initialism: post-traumatic stress disorder) | :: [Bokmål] PTSD; [Nynorsk] PTSD |
pub {n} (public house) | :: [Bokmål] kro, pub {m}; [Nynorsk] pub {m} |
puberty {n} (age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction) | :: [Bokmål] pubertet {m}; [Nynorsk] pubertet {m} |
pubic hair {n} (collectively) | :: bellehår; [Bokmål] kjønnshår {n}; [Nynorsk] kjønnshår {n} |
pubic louse {n} (crab louse) SEE: crab louse | :: |
pubis {n} (the pubic bone) | :: skamben {n}, kjønnsben {n}, venusben {n} |
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole) | :: offentlig, allmenn, allmennt |
public {n} (people in general) | :: [Bokmål] allmennhet {m} {f} |
publication {n} (an issue of printed or other matter) | :: [Bokmål] publikasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] publikasjon {m} |
public enemy {n} (public enemy) | :: [Bokmål] folkefiende {m}; [Nynorsk] folkefiende {m} |
public holiday {n} (national or regional holiday from work on a specific day) | :: [Bokmål] fridag {m}; [Nynorsk] fridag {m} |
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub | :: |
publicist {n} (a journalist who focusses on politics) | :: [Bokmål] publisist {m}; [Nynorsk] publisist {m} |
publicity {n} (advertising or other activity designed to rouse public interest in something) | :: [Bokmål] publisitet {m}; [Nynorsk] publisitet {m} |
public law {n} (law) | :: [Bokmål] offentlig rett; [Nynorsk] Öffentliches Recht |
public opinion {n} (opinion of the public) | :: [Bokmål] folkeopinion {m}, folkemening {m} {f}, folkemeining {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] folkeopinion {m}, folkemeining {f} |
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict | :: |
public servant {n} (civil servant) SEE: civil servant | :: |
public transit {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
public transport {n} (form of transport) | :: [Bokmål] kollektivtrafikk {m}; [Nynorsk] kollektivtransport {m} |
public transportation {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
publish {v} (to issue a medium (e.g. publication)) | :: publisere |
publisher {n} (One who publishes, especially books) | :: [Bokmål] forlegger {m}, forlag {n} |
publishing house {n} (company that produces books) | :: [Bokmål] forlag {n}; [Nynorsk] forlag {n} |
puce {n} (colour) | :: dypt rødt {n}, ildrødt {n}, loppefarge {m}, mørkt purpurrødt {n}, rødbrunt {n} |
puce {adj} (colour) | :: dyp rød, ildrød, loppefarget, mørk purpurrød, rødbrun |
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck | :: |
pudding {n} (sausage made primarily from blood) | :: blodpudding |
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert | :: |
puddle {n} (a small pool of water) | :: sølepytt {m} |
Puerto Rican {n} (person from Puerto Rico) | :: [Bokmål] puertoricaner {m}, puertorikaner {m}; [Nynorsk] puertorican {m}, puertoricanar {m}, puertorikan {m}, puertorikanar {m} |
Puerto Rican {adj} (pertaining to Puerto Rico) | :: [Bokmål] puertoricansk, puertorikansk; [Nynorsk] puertoricansk, puertorikansk |
Puerto Rico {prop} (Caribbean Commonwealth) | :: [Bokmål] Puerto Rico; [Nynorsk] Puerto Rico |
puff {n} (homosexual) SEE: poof | :: |
puffball {n} (fungi) | :: [Bokmål] røyksopp {m}; [Nynorsk] røyksopp {m} |
puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) | :: [Bokmål] lunde |
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry) | :: [Bokmål] butterdeig {m}; [Nynorsk] butterdeig {m} |
puke {v} (to vomit) | :: spy, kaste opp, elge, mate fiskene |
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf | :: |
pull {v} (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one) | :: trekke, dra |
pull {v} (remove (something) from circulation) | :: trekke, trekke tilbake |
pull {v} (do, perform) | :: gjennomføre |
pull an all-nighter {v} (work throughout the night) | :: [Bokmål] døgne; [Nynorsk] døgne |
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken | :: |
pulling power {n} (power in a physical pull) | :: [Bokmål] trekkraft {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] trekkraft {f} |
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs) | :: lunge- |
pulmonary circulation {n} (part of blood circulation) | :: [Bokmål] lille kretsløp {n}, lungekretsløpet {n} |
pulp {n} (center of a fruit) | :: fruktkjøtt |
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church) | :: prekestol {m} |
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit | :: |
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star) | :: pulsar {m} |
pulse {n} (regular beat caused by the heart) | :: [Bokmål] puls {m}; [Nynorsk] puls {m} |
pumice {n} (pumice) | :: pimpstein |
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas) | :: [Bokmål] pumpe {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] pumpe {f} |
pumping station {n} (building housing pumps) | :: [Bokmål] pumpestasjon {m}; [Nynorsk] pumpestasjon {m} |
pumpkin {n} (plant) | :: [Bokmål] gresskar {n}; [Nynorsk] graskar {n} |
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant) | :: [Bokmål] gresskar {n}; [Nynorsk] graskar {n} |
pumpkin pie {n} (pie made from the flesh of pumpkins) | :: [Bokmål] gresskarpai {m}; [Nynorsk] graskarpai {m} |
pump truck {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) SEE: pallet jack | :: |
pun {n} (joke or type of wordplay) | :: [Bokmål] ordspill {n}; [Nynorsk] ordspel {n} |
punch {n} (beverage) | :: [Bokmål] punsj {m}; [Nynorsk] punsj {m} |
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd | :: |
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching) | :: boksesekk |
punctuality {n} (state of being punctual) | :: [Bokmål] punktlighet {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] punktlegskap {m} |
punctuate {v} (emphasize, stress) SEE: emphasize | :: |
punctuation {n} (set of symbols) | :: [Bokmål] tegnsetting |
punctuation mark {n} (symbol used in writing) | :: [Bokmål] skilletegn {n} |
puncture {v} (puncture) SEE: pierce | :: |
Punic {adj} (Carthaginian) SEE: Carthaginian | :: |
punish {v} (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct) | :: straffe |
punish {v} | :: skade |
punishment {n} (the act of punishing) | :: [Bokmål] straff {m} |
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
punk {n} (petty criminal) | :: pønk {m}, punk {m} |
punk {n} (punk rocker) | :: pønker {m}, punker {m} |
punk rocker {n} (punk) SEE: punk | :: |
puny {adj} (of inferior size) | :: ynkelig |
pup {n} (young dog, etc.) | :: [Bokmål] valp {m}; [seal] selunge {m}; [Nynorsk] kvalp {m}, kvelp {m}; selunge {m} |
pupa {n} (insect) | :: [Bokmål] puppe |
pupil {n} (learner) | :: [Bokmål] elev {m}, skoleelev {m}; [Nynorsk] elev {m}, skoleelev {m}, skuleelev {m} |
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) | :: pupill {m} |
puppet {n} (movable model of a person or animal) | :: marionett {m}; [Bokmål] hånddukke {m} {f} [in glove form] |
puppet {n} (person or country controlled by another) | :: marionett {m}; [Bokmål] nikkedukke {m} {f} [literally "nodding doll"] |
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll | :: |
Puppis {prop} (constellation) | :: [Bokmål] Akterstavnen; [Nynorsk] Akterstemnen |
puppy {n} (young dog) | :: [Bokmål] valp {m}; [Nynorsk] kvalp {m}, kvelp {m} |
puppy fat {n} (natural fat on the body of a child) | :: [Bokmål] valpefett {n}; [Nynorsk] kvalpefeitt {n}, kvelpefeitt {n} |
purchase {n} (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something for money) | :: kjøp {n}, anskaffelse {m} |
purchase {n} (that which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent) | :: kjøp {n}, anskaffelse {m} |
purchase {n} (acquisition of lands or tenements by other means than descent or inheritance) | :: overdragelse {m}, ervervelse {m} |
purchase {v} (to obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price) | :: kjøpe, anskaffe, erverve |
purchase {v} (to pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain or acquire) | :: erverve |
purchase {v} (to obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger or sacrifice) | :: sikre seg, erverve, kjøpe seg |
purchasing power {n} (amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a unit of currency) | :: [Bokmål] kjøpekraft {m} {f}; [Nynorsk] kjøpekraft {f} |
pure {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections) | :: pur, ren |
pure {adj} (free of foreign material or pollutants) | :: [Bokmål] ren, rein, ublandet; [Nynorsk] rein, ublanda |
puree {n} (food that has been ground into a thick liquid) | :: [Bokmål] puré {m}; [Nynorsk] puré {m} |
pure mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) | :: ren matematikk {m} |
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory | :: |
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death) | :: skjærsilden, purgatoriet |
purge {n} (the act of purging) | :: [Bokmål] utrensking {m} {f}, utrenskning {m} {f} |
purge {n} (forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc.) | :: [Bokmål] utrenskning {m} {f} |
purge {v} (to clean thoroughly; to cleanse; to rid of impurities) | :: rense |
purge {v} (to free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds) | :: rense |
purge {v} (to void or evacuate; to defecate or vomit) | :: [defecate] tømme tarmen, [reflexive] brekke seg, kaste opp |
purge {v} (to clear of a charge, suspicion, or imputation) | :: renvaske |
purist {adj} (pertaining to purism) | :: puristisk |
puristic {adj} (purist) SEE: purist | :: |
purity {n} (the state of being pure) | :: [Bokmål] renhet {m} |
purple {n} (colour) | :: lilla, fiolett |
purple sandpiper {n} (Calidris maritima) | :: fjæreplytt |
purple swamphen {n} (Porphyrio porphyrio) | :: sultanhøne |
purpose {n} (target) | :: mål {n} |
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose | :: |
purr {v} (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat) | :: male |
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money) | :: pung, pengepung |
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection) | :: [Bokmål] puss {m} {n}, verk {m}; [Nynorsk] puss {m} {n}, verk {m} |
push {v} (to apply a force to something so that it moves away) | :: dytte, skubbe |
pushchair {n} (stroller) SEE: stroller | :: |
push in {v} (jump the queue) SEE: jump the queue | :: |
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter | :: |
pussy {n} (informal: affectionate term for a cat) | :: pus {m}, kattepus {m}, pusekatt {m} |
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia) | :: fitte {c}, kuse {c}, mus {c} |
pussy {n} (informal: coward) | :: pyse {c}, kylling {m}, jente {f} |
pussy {adj} (containing pus) | :: pussfylt |
pussy-cat {n} (affectionate term for a cat) | :: [Bokmål] kattepus {m}, pusekatt {m}; [Nynorsk] kattepus {m}, pusekatt {m} |
pussyfoot {v} (to act timidly) | :: [figuratively] gå på gummisåler |
pussyfoot {v} (to use euphemistic language) | :: [figuratively] gå på gummisåler, skjønnmale |
pussywhipped {adj} (submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner) | :: [Bokmål] kjerringstyrt |
put {v} (to place something somewhere) | :: sette |
put {v} (to express something in a certain manner) | :: ordlegge |
putative {adj} (commonly believed or deemed to be the case) | :: antatt, formentlig, formodet |
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill | :: |
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison | :: |
put off {v} (to delay) | :: [Bokmål] utsette; [Nynorsk] utsetje, utsette |
put out {adj} (taking offense) | :: satt ut |
put out {v} (place outside or eject) | :: sette ut, slippe ut |
put out {v} (produce) | :: lage, produsere |
put out {v} (extinguish) | :: slokke, slukke |
putting green {n} (area on a golf course) | :: [Bokmål] green {m}; [Nynorsk] green {m} |
put to death {v} (to kill as punishment) SEE: execute | :: |
put two and two together {v} (figure out) | :: [Bokmål] legge to og to sammen; [Nynorsk] leggje to og to saman |
putty {n} (a form of cement) | :: [Bokmål] kitt {n}; [Nynorsk] kitt {n} |
put up {v} (to put up with) SEE: put up with | :: |
put up with {v} | :: [Bokmål] avfinne seg med, tåle, tolerere |
puukko {n} (type of sharp, pointed knife of Nordic heritage) | :: [Bokmål] tollekniv {m} |
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword | :: |
puzzle {n} (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) | :: [Bokmål] gåte {m} {f} |
puzzle {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle | :: |
puzzling {adj} (difficult to understand or explain; enigmatic or confusing; perplexing) | :: forunderlig |
pygmy {n} (a member of various African peoples) | :: pygmé {m}, pygme {m} |
pylon {n} (a gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple) | :: [Bokmål] pylon {m} |
pyometra {n} (pyometra) | :: pyometra, livmorinfeksjon |
Pyongyang {prop} (capital of North Korea) | :: Pyongyang |
pyramid {n} (ancient construction) | :: [Bokmål] pyramide {m} |
pyramid {n} (pyramid scheme) SEE: pyramid scheme | :: |
pyramidology {n} (study of pyramids, but from a supernatural or new-age perspective) | :: pyramidologi {m} |
pyramid scheme {n} (illicit money-making scheme) | :: pyramidespill {n} |
Pyrenees {prop} (the mountain range separating Spain from France) | :: [Bokmål] Pyreneene; [Nynorsk] Pyreneane |
pyrite {n} (mineral iron disulfide) | :: [Bokmål] svovelkis {m}; [Nynorsk] svovelkis {m} |
pyroclastic flow {n} (pyroclastic flow) | :: pyroklastisk strøm |
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework | :: |
pyrotechnics {n} (art and technology of fireworks) | :: pyroteknikk |
Pyrrhic victory {n} (a costly victory) | :: [Bokmål] pyrrhosseier {m}; [Nynorsk] pyrrhossiger {m} |
Pythagoras {prop} (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) | :: Pythagoras |