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Norwegian Bokmål




inne +‎ ha, from German innehaben



inneha (imperative inneha, present tense innehar, passive innehas, simple past innehadde, past participle innehatt, present participle innehaende)

  1. to hold, own, possess, have in one's possession







inne +‎ ha



inneha (present innehar, preterite innehade, supine innehaft, imperative inneha)

  1. to hold, to keep (whether owned or not), to possess

Usage notes

  • Having a gun requires a license, regardless of whether it is owned, borrowed, found or stolen. The verb inneha is used for this legal sense of possession.


Conjugation of inneha (weak)
active passive
infinitive inneha innehas
supine innehaft innehafts
imperative inneha
imper. plural1 innehan
present past present past
indicative innehar innehade innehas innehades
ind. plural1 inneha innehade innehas innehades
subjunctive2 inneha innehade innehas innehades
present participle innehavande
past participle innehavd

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

Conjugation of innehava (weak, dated)
active passive
infinitive innehava innehavas
supine innehaft innehafts
imperative innehav
imper. plural1 innehaven
present past present past
indicative innehaver innehade innehavs, innehaves innehades
ind. plural1 innehava innehade innehavas innehades
subjunctive2 innehave innehade innehaves innehades
present participle innehavande
past participle innehavd

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


