User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-k
Kaaba {prop} /ˈkɑːəbə/ (cubical stone building in Mecca) | :: Kaaba {f} |
Kabardino-Balkariya {prop} (Kabardino-Balkariya, Russia) | :: Kabardia-Balkaria, Kabardino-Balkaria, República de Kabardia-Balkaria, República de Kabardino-Balkaria |
Kabballah {prop} (body of teachings) | :: cábala {f} |
Kabul {prop} /ˈkɑːbəl/ (capital of Afghanistan) | :: Kabul {m} |
Kabyle {prop} /kəˈbaɪl/ (language) | :: cabilio {m} |
Kabylia {prop} /kəˈbɪlɪə/ | :: Cabilia {f} |
kaddish {n} /ˈkɑdɪʃ/ (Jewish prayer) | :: kadish {m} |
Kafkaesque {adj} /ˌkɑfkəˈɛsk/ (marked by menacing complexity) | :: kafkiano {m}, kafkiana {f} |
kaftan {n} /ˈkæf.tæn/ (long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean) | :: caftán {m} |
kaftan {n} (similar long tunic) | :: caftán {m} |
Kagoshima {prop} (city) | :: Kagoshima |
Kagoshima {prop} (prefecture) | :: Kagoshima |
Kahlúa {prop} /kəˈluə/ (liqueur) | :: Kahlúa |
kainic {adj} (of or pertaining to kainic acid) | :: kaínico |
Kaiser {n} /ˈkaɪzɚ/ (German Emperor) | :: káiser {m} |
kakistocracy {n} /kakɪsˈtɒkɹəsɪ/ (government by the worst citizens) | :: cacocracia {f}, caquistocracia {f} |
kakke {n} (beriberi) SEE: beriberi | :: |
kala namak {n} /ˈkɑːlə nʌmək/ (variety of salt) | :: sal negra |
Kalash {n} (Kalash (people)) | :: Kalash Kalās Kalasha |
kale {n} /keɪl/ (edible plant: Brassica oleracea acephala) | :: col rizada {f} |
kaleidoscope {n} /kəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊp/ (tube of mirrors rotated to produce symmetrical designs) | :: caleidoscopio {m} |
kaleidoscope {n} (constantly changing set) | :: caleidoscopio |
kalemia {n} (presence of potassium in the blood) | :: potasemia {f} |
Kali {prop} /ˈkɑːli/ (goddess) | :: Kali |
Kaliningrad {prop} /kəˈlɪnɪnɡɹæd/ (Kaliningrad, see also: Königsberg) | :: Kaliningrado {m} |
kallikrein {n} /ˌkæl.əˈkɹiː.ɪn/ (a protease) | :: calicreína |
Kalmyk {adj} (of, or pertaining to, Kalmykia) | :: calmuco |
Kalmyk {n} (person) | :: calmuco {m}, calmuca {f} |
Kalmyk {prop} (language) | :: idioma calmuco {m} |
Kalmykia {prop} (Kalmykia, Russia) | :: Kalmukia {f} |
Kaluga {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Kaluga |
kamacite {n} (mineral) | :: kamacita {f} |
Kamchatka {prop} (peninsula in the Russian Far East) | :: Kamchatka {f} |
Kamchatka {prop} (krai of Russia, see also: Kamchatka Krai) | :: Kamchatka {m} |
kamikaze {n} /ˌkæmɪˈkɑːzi/ (suicidal attack) | :: kamikaze {m} {f} |
kamikaze {n} (suicidal attacker) | :: kamikaze {m} |
Kampala {prop} /kæmˈpɑːlə/ (capital of Uganda) | :: Kampala |
kana {n} /ˈkɑːnə/ (Japanese syllabaries) | :: kana {m} |
Kanagawa {prop} (Kanagawa, Japan) | :: Kanagawa |
kanamycin {n} (antibiotic) | :: kanamicina {f} |
kangaroo {n} /kaŋ.ɡə.ˈɹuː/ (marsupial) | :: canguro {m} |
kanji {n} /ˈkændʒi/ (Chinese characters in Japanese context) | :: kanji {m} |
Kanji {prop} (kanji) SEE: kanji | :: |
Kannada {n} /ˈkɑːnədə/ (language) | :: idioma canarés |
Kansas {prop} /ˈkæn.zəs/ (US state) | :: Kansas {m} |
Kansas City {prop} /ˌkænzəˈsɪti/ (a large city straddling the border between Kansas and Missouri, USA) | :: Kansas City |
Kantian {adj} (of, pertaining to, or resembling the philosophical views of Immanuel Kant) | :: kantiano |
Kantian {n} (person who subscribes to philosophical views associated with Immanuel Kant) | :: kantiano {m} |
Kao-hsiung {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung | :: |
Kaohsiung {prop} /ˈkaʊ ˈʃjʊŋ/ (a large city in Taiwan) | :: Kaohsiung |
kaolin {n} /ˈkeɪ.ə.lɪn/ (clay) | :: caolín {m} |
kaolinite {n} (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) | :: caolinita {f} |
Kapampangan {prop} (language) | :: pampango {m} |
kapok {n} /ˈkeɪpɒk/ (silky fiber from the silk-cotton tree) | :: capoc {m} |
kappa {n} /ˈkæpə/ (Greek letter) | :: kappa {f} |
Kaqchikel {prop} (Mayan language) | :: kakchikel {m}, kaqchikel {m}, cakchiquel {m} |
Karachi {prop} (the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan) | :: Karachi |
Karafuto {prop} (Sakhalin) SEE: Sakhalin | :: |
Karaj {prop} (city) | :: Karaj |
Karakalpak {prop} /ˌkæɹəˈkælpæk/ (Karakalpak language) | :: karakalpako {m} |
karaoke {n} /ˌkæ.ɹiˈoʊ.ki/ (a form of entertainment) | :: karaoke {m} |
karaoke machine {n} (machine) | :: máquina de karaoke {f} |
karateka {n} (practitioner of karate) | :: karateka |
Karelia {prop} /kəˈɹiːlɪə/ (region in Russia and Finland) | :: Carelia {f}, Karelia {f} |
Karelia {prop} (autonomous republic of Russia) | :: República de Carelia {f}, Carelia {f} |
Karelian {prop} (the language) | :: carelio {m} |
Karkin {prop} (division of Ohlone people) | :: los carquines |
Karkin {prop} (spoken language) | :: el carquines |
Karl {prop} (cognates) SEE: Charles | :: |
karma {n} /ˈkɑɹ.mə/ (the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence) | :: karma {m} |
karma {n} (destiny, fate) | :: karma {m} |
karma {n} | :: karma {m} |
karmic {adj} /ˈkɑɹmɪk/ (of or pertaining to karma) | :: kármico |
Karnataka {prop} /kəɹˈnɑːtəkə/ (state in southern India) | :: Karnataka |
karst {n} /kɑɹst/ (type of land formation) | :: karst {m}, malpaís {m} |
Kartvelian {n} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian | :: |
Kartvelian {prop} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian | :: |
Kartvelian {adj} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian | :: |
karyogram {n} (a graphical representation of a karyotype) | :: cariograma {f} |
Kashgar {prop} (prefecture, city) | :: Kashgar {m}, Kashi {m} |
Kashi {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar | :: |
Kashmir {prop} /ˈkæʃ.miɹ/ (region) | :: Cachemira {f} |
Kashmiri {n} /kæʃˈmiɹi/ (person) | :: cachemir {m}, cachemiro {m} |
Kashmiri {prop} (language) | :: cachemir {m}, cachemiro {m} |
Kashmiri {adj} (related to Kashmir) | :: cachemir, cachemiro |
Kashub {prop} (language) SEE: Kashubian | :: |
Kashubian {adj} /kəˈʃuːbɪən/ (of the Kashubian people and their language) | :: casubio |
Kashubian {prop} (Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland) | :: casubio |
Kasimovian {prop} (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) | :: Kasimoviense |
kasseri {n} (cheese) | :: kasseri |
katabasis {n} /kəˈtæbəsɪs/ (journey downwards) | :: catábasis {f} |
katana {n} /kəˈtɑnə/ (type of Japanese longsword) | :: catana {f}, catán {m}, katana {f} |
Katharevousa {prop} /ˌkɑθəˈɹɛvusɑ/ (purist variant of Modern Greek) | :: katharévousa {f}, kazarévusa {f}, cazarévusa {f} |
Kathleen {prop} (Catherine) SEE: Catherine | :: |
Kathmandu {prop} /ˌkatmanˈduː/ (Kathmandu) | :: Katmandú {m} |
Katowice {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Katowice |
Kaunas {prop} (city) | :: Kaunas {m} |
Kavala {prop} (city) | :: Kavala, Kavalla, Kavála |
kawaii {adj} /kəˈwaɪ.i/ (cute, in the context of Japanese culture) | :: kawaii |
kawaii {n} (cuteness, in the context of Japanese culture) SEE: kawaiiness | :: |
kawaiiness {n} (cuteness, in the context of Japanese culture) | :: kawaidad {f} |
Kaxgar {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar | :: |
kay {n} (name of the letter K, k) | :: ka {f} |
kayak {n} /ˈkaɪˌæk/ (a type of small boat) | :: kayak {m}, kayac {m}, cayac {m} |
Kazakh {n} /ˈkæzæk/ (a person of Kazakh descent) | :: kazajo {m} |
Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) | :: kazajo |
Kazakhstan {prop} /ˈkɑzəkˌstæn/ (country in Central Asia) | :: Kazajistán {m}, Kazajstán |
Kazakhstani {n} (person of Kazakh origin) SEE: Kazakh | :: |
Kazakhstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) SEE: Kazakh | :: |
Kazan {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Kazán {m} |
kazoo {n} /kə.ˈzuː/ (a simple musical instrument consisting of a pipe with a hole in it) | :: mirlitón {m}, kazoo {m} |
Kōchi {prop} (Kochi) SEE: Kochi | :: |
K-drama {n} (Korean TV drama) | :: drama coreano {m} |
kebab {n} /kɪˈbɑb/ (kebab) | :: kebab {m} |
Kebnekaise {prop} /ˈkɛbnəˌkaisə/ (Sweden's highest mountain) | :: Kebnekaise |
keel {n} /kiːl/ (beam along the underside of a ship’s hull) | :: quilla {f} |
keel {n} (rigid flat piece of material giving a ship greater control and stability) | :: quilla {f} |
keeled {adj} (furnished with a keel) | :: quillado |
keel over {v} /ˈkiːl ˈəʊvə(ɹ)/ (of a vessel: to roll so far on its side that it cannot recover, see also: capsize) | :: zozobrar, volcar |
keel over {v} (to die) SEE: die | :: |
keelson {n} (keel beam) | :: sobrequilla {f} |
keen {adj} /kiːn/ (showing a quick and ardent responsiveness or willingness) | :: entusiasta {m}, ardoroso {m}, fijo |
keen {adj} (fierce, intense, vehement) | :: vehemente {m} {f}, voraz |
keen {adj} (of cold, wind, etc.: cutting, penetrating) | :: cortante |
keep {v} /kiːp/ (to maintain possession of) | :: guardar |
keep {v} (to maintain the condition of; to preserve) | :: guardar, mantener |
keep {v} (to remain in, to be confined to) | :: permanecer |
keep {v} (to continue) | :: seguir, continuar |
keep {v} (of livestock: to raise; to care for) | :: criar |
keep {v} (supply with necessities and financially support a person) | :: mantener |
keep {n} (main tower) | :: torre del homenaje {f}, torreón {m} |
keep an eye on {v} (to watch and pay attention to) | :: vigilar, estar pendiente |
keep-away {n} (game) | :: rondo {m} |
keep back {v} (restrict or restrain) | :: retener |
keep company {v} (court) SEE: court | :: |
keeper {n} /ˈkiːpɚ/ (person who keeps something) | :: guardián {m} |
keeper {n} (guard, custodian) | :: guardián, custodio {m} |
keep in mind {v} (to remember; to be mindful of or pay attention) SEE: bear in mind | :: |
keep it together {v} (maintain composure) | :: mantener el tipo |
keep mum {v} (to keep silent) | :: hacer mutis [colloquial] |
keep on {v} (persist or continue) | :: seguir |
keep on {v} (remain in position) | :: quedar, quedarse |
keep one's cards close to one's chest {v} | :: no soltar prenda |
keep one's lips sealed {v} (keep quiet) | :: no soltar prenda |
keep pace {v} (keep up) SEE: keep up | :: |
keep quiet {v} (remain silent) | :: callar |
keepsake {n} /ˈkiːp.seɪk/ (object retained in memory of something or someone) | :: recuerdo {m} |
keep someone in the dark {v} (to keep someone uninformed) | :: ocultar |
keep someone posted {v} (inform of latest developments) | :: mantener informado |
keep the change {phrase} (instruction to keep the change) | :: quédese con el cambio |
keep track {v} (monitor) | :: llevar un registro |
keep up {v} (maintain, preserve) | :: mantener, conservar |
keep up {v} (continue with) | :: continuar |
keep up {v} (To stay even or ahead) | :: seguir, mantener el ritmo, ir al paso |
keep up appearances {v} (pretend to be all right) | :: mantener las apariencias |
keep up with {v} (manage to remain beside or just behind) | :: seguir, ir al paso |
keffiyeh {n} (Arabian headdress) | :: kufiyya {f}, palestina {f}, pañuelo palestino {m} |
kefir {n} /kəˈfɪə(ɹ)/ (fermented milk) | :: kéfir {m} |
keg {n} /kɛɡ/ (round wooden container that has a flat top and bottom) | :: barril {m} |
Keijō {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul | :: |
kelp {n} /kɛlp/ (large seaweed of order Laminariales) | :: quelpo {m} |
kelp gull {n} | :: gaviota dominicana {f}, gaviota cocinera {f} |
kelpie {n} (sheepdog) | :: kelpie australiano {m} |
kelt {n} (recently spawned Atlantic salmon) | :: salmón zancado {m} |
kelvin {n} /ˈkɛlvən/ (SI temperature unit) | :: kelvin {m} |
Kemalism {prop} (Kemalist ideology) | :: kemalismo {m} |
Kemerovo {prop} (city in Siberia) | :: Kémerovo {m} |
ken {v} /kɛn/ (to know, perceive or understand) | :: conocer |
kennel {n} /ˈkɛnəl/ (shelter) | :: perrera {f} |
Kent {prop} /kɛnt/ (the English maritime county) | :: Kent {m} |
Kentucky {prop} /kənˈtʌki/ (US state) | :: Kentucky {m} |
Kentucky coffeetree {n} (tree) | :: raigón del Canadá |
Kenya {prop} /ˈkɛn.jə/ (country in Eastern Africa) | :: Kenia {f} |
Kenyan {n} (A person from Kenya or of Kenyan descent) | :: keniano {m} |
Kenyan {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Kenya or the Kenyan people) | :: keniano {m} |
kepi {n} /ˈkɛpi/ (cap with a flat circular top) | :: quepis {m}, quepí {m} [Peru] |
kept woman {n} (woman supported financially by a lover) | :: mantenida {f} |
Kerala {prop} /ˈkɛɹələ/ (state in southern India) | :: Kerala |
keratin {n} /ˈkɛr.ə.tᵊn/ (protein that hair and nails are made of) | :: queratina {f} |
keratinization {n} /kəˌɹætɪnaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (the process in which cells are converted to hair and nails) | :: queratinización {f} |
keratitis {n} (inflammation of the cornea) | :: queratitis {f} |
keratoconus {n} (A degenerative disorder of the eye) | :: queratocono {m} |
kerb {n} /kɝb/ (edge between pavement and roadway) | :: bordillo {m} |
Kerch {prop} (city) | :: Kerch {f} |
Kerch Strait {prop} (Strait of Kerch) SEE: Strait of Kerch | :: |
kerf {n} /kɜːf/ (distance between diverging saw teeth) | :: traba {f} |
kerfuffle {n} /kɚˈfʌfəl/ (disorderly outburst) | :: disturbio, descalzaperros {m} |
kermes {n} (the insect or the dye, see also: carmine) | :: quermes {m} |
kermes oak {n} (oak) | :: coscoja {f}, chaparro {f}, carrasquilla {f}, carrasquizo {f} |
kernel {n} /ˈkɝnəl/ (core or essence of an object or system) | :: núcleo {m} |
kernel {n} (central part of a nut) | :: almendra {f}, núcleo {m} |
kernel {n} (single seed of corn or wheat) | :: grano {m} |
kernel {n} ((US) stone of certain fruits, such as peaches or plums) | :: hueso {m}, núcleo {m} |
kernel {n} ((computing) central part of many computer operating systems) | :: núcleo {m}, granelo {m} |
kernel {n} ((mathematics, algebra) set of elements mapped to zero) | :: núcleo {m} |
kerning {n} /ˈkɝnɪŋ/ (adjustment of the horizontal space between selected pairs of glyphs) | :: cranaje, interletraje |
kerosene {n} /ˈkɛɹəsiːn/ (thin, colorless fuel) | :: queroseno {m} |
kerygma {n} /kəˈɹɪɡ.mə/ (apostolic proclamation) | :: kerigma {f} |
kestrel {n} /ˈkɛstɹəl/ (any small falcon of genus Falco) | :: cernícalo {m} |
kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) | :: cernícalo común {m} |
Ket {prop} (language) | :: ket {m} |
ketamine {n} /ˈkɛtəmiːn/ (pain-killing drug) | :: ketamina {f} |
ketch {n} /kɛtʃ/ (sailing vessel) | :: queche {m} |
ketchup {n} /ˈkɛtʃ.əp/ (tomato-vinegar based sauce) | :: kétchup {m}, ketchup {m} |
ketene {n} (of a class of unsaturated ketones) | :: queteno |
ketohexose {n} (any hexose containing a ketone group) | :: cetohexosa {f} |
ketone {n} (organic chemicals with the >CO functional group) | :: cetona {f}, quetona {f} |
ketose {n} (saccharide containing a ketone functional group) | :: cetosa {f} |
ketotic {adj} (of or pertaining to ketosis) | :: cetótico |
kettle {n} /ˈkɛ.təl/ (vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food) | :: caldera {f}, calentador {f} |
kettle {n} (teakettle) SEE: teakettle | :: |
kettle {n} (kettledrum) SEE: kettledrum | :: |
kettle {n} (pothole) SEE: pothole | :: |
kettle {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive | :: |
kettle {n} (kettle hole) SEE: kettle hole | :: |
kettlebell {n} (a kind of weight) | :: pesa rusa {f} |
kettledrum {n} (percussion instrument) | :: tímpano {m}, tímpanos {m-p} |
kettle hole {n} (depression in the ground) | :: kettle, marmita de gigante |
kettle of fish {n} (predicament) SEE: predicament | :: |
Kevin {prop} /ˈkɛvən/ (male given name) | :: Kevin |
key {n} /kiː/ (device designed to open and close a lock) | :: llave {f} |
key {n} (object used to maintain the orientation between two others) | :: cuña {f} |
key {n} (crucial step) | :: clave {f} |
key {n} (small guide explaining symbols or terminology) | :: clave {f} |
key {n} (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard) | :: tecla {f} |
key {n} (part of a piano or musical keyboard) | :: tecla {f} |
key {n} (scale of musical notes) | :: clave {f} |
key {n} (cryptography: piece of information used to encode or decode) | :: clave {f} |
key {n} (computing: field of a database constrained to be unique) | :: clave {f} |
key {n} (computing: field in a record used as a search argument) | :: clave {f} |
key {adj} (indispensable) | :: clave |
key {v} (computing: enter (information)) | :: teclear |
key {n} (small island) | :: cayo {m} |
key binding {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut | :: |
keyboard {n} /ˈkibɔɹd/ (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.) | :: teclado {m} |
keyboard {n} (component of many instruments) | :: teclado {m} |
keyboard {n} (electronic device with keys of a musical keyboard) | :: teclado {m} |
keyboard {v} (to type in) | :: teclear |
keyboarder {n} (keyboardist) SEE: keyboardist | :: |
keyboardist {n} (musician who plays the keyboard) | :: tecladista {m} |
keyboard shortcut {n} (key or a combination of keys) | :: atajo {m}, atajo de teclado {m} |
keycard {n} (plastic card) | :: tarjeta de acceso {f} |
keychain {n} (chain or ring) | :: llavero {m} |
key exchange {n} (exchange of peers' keys) | :: intercambio de claves {m} |
keyholder {n} (one who holds the key to a building) | :: llavero {m}, llavera {f} |
keyhole {n} (a hole to lock/unlock with a key) | :: ojo {m} |
keyhole surgery {n} (laparoscopy) SEE: laparoscopy | :: |
Key Largo {prop} (island in the Florida Keys, Florida, USA) | :: Cayo Largo {m}, Cayo Largo del Norte {m} |
Keynesian {adj} (pertaining to an economic theory based on the ideas of Keynes) | :: keynesiano {m}, keynesiana {f} |
keynote {n} (tonic) SEE: tonic | :: |
keypad {n} /ˈkiːpæd/ (small board with keys) | :: teclado numérico {m} |
key performance indicator {n} (metric used to measure progress towards organizational goals) | :: indicador clave de rendimiento {m} |
keyring {n} (ring for holding keys) | :: llavero {m} |
key signature {n} (indication of the key of a composition) | :: armadura de clave {f}, armadura de tonalidad {f} |
keystone {n} /ˈkiː.stəʊn/ (the top stone of an arch) | :: clave {f} |
Key West {prop} (island in the Florida Keys, Florida, USA) | :: Cayo Hueso |
keyword {n} (word used as a key to a code) | :: palabra clave {f}, clave {f} |
KGB {prop} ((historical) The former Soviet State Security Committee) | :: KGB {m} |
Khabarovsk {prop} /ˈkɑːbəɹɒfsk/ (city in Russia) | :: Jabárovsk {m} |
khachapuri {n} /hɑːtʃəˈpuːɹi/ (cheese pastry from Georgia) | :: khachapuri, jachapuri |
khachkar {n} /χɑt͡ʃʰˈkʰɑɾ/ (Armenian carved memorial stone) | :: jachkar |
khagan {n} (title of imperial rank) | :: jaghan, gran jan |
khaki {n} /ˈkæ.ki/ (yellowish-brown colour) | :: caqui {m} |
khaki {n} (strong cloth of wool or cotton) | :: caqui {m} |
khan {n} /kɑːn/ (a ruler over various Turkic, Tatar and Mongol peoples in the Middle Ages) | :: kan {m} |
khanate {n} /ˈkɑːneɪt/ (place ruled by a khan) | :: kanato {m} |
khanjar {n} /ˈkand͡ʒə/ (Arabian dagger) | :: janyar {m} |
Khanty-Mansiysk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Janti-Mansisk {m} |
Kharkiv {prop} (city) | :: Járkov {m} |
Kharkov {prop} (Kharkiv) SEE: Kharkiv | :: |
Khartoum {prop} /kɑː(ɹ)ˈtuːm/ (capital of Sudan) | :: Jartum {m} |
Khazar {n} /kəˈzɑːɹ/ (member of a semi-nomadic Turkic tribe) | :: jázaro {m}, jazar {m} |
Khazarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Khazaria) SEE: Khazar | :: |
Khazarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Khazars) SEE: Khazar | :: |
Khazarian {n} (an inhabitant of Khazaria) SEE: Khazar | :: |
khedive {n} /kəˈdiːv/ (monarch of Egypt) | :: jedive {m} |
Khmer {n} /kəˈmɛə(ɹ)/ (language) | :: jemer {m}, camboyano {m} |
Khmer Rouge {prop} /ˈkmɛəɹ ˈɹuːʒ/ (Cambodian communist guerrilla force) | :: Jemeres rojos {m} |
khorovod {n} (a Slavic dance) | :: jorovod {m} |
Khotanese {prop} /kəʊtəˈniːz/ (Eastern Iranian language) | :: jotanés {m} |
Khrushchev {prop} /ˈkrʊʃ.t͡ʃɒf/ (surname) | :: Jrushchov {m} |
khutor {n} /ˈxuːtɔː(ɹ)/ (a single-homestead rural settlement of Eastern Europe) | :: jútor {m} |
kibbutz {n} /kɪˈbʊts/ (a community) | :: kibutz {m} |
kibitz {v} /ˈkɪbɪts/ (chit-chat) | :: parlotear, cotorrear |
kibitz {v} (give unwanted advice) | :: meter la nariz |
K'iche' {n} (Mayan people of Guatemala) | :: quiché {m} |
K'iche' {prop} (language) | :: quiché {m} |
K'iche' {prop} (department of Guatemala) | :: Quiché {m} |
kick {v} /kɪk/ (strike with or raise the foot or leg) | :: dar una patada, dar un puntapié, patear |
kick {n} (hit or strike with the leg or foot) | :: patada {f}, puntapié {m}, coz {f} |
kickabout {n} | :: pachanga {f} |
kick-ass {adj} (excellent) SEE: badass | :: |
kickback {n} (a form of negotiated bribery) | :: soborno {m} |
kick-off {n} (opening kick in football) | :: saque inicial {m} |
kick-off {n} (opening sequence of an event) | :: secuencia de apertura de un evento {m} |
kick out {v} (eject, throw out, or forcefully remove) | :: echar, poner de patitas en la calle [colloquial] |
kick scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) SEE: scooter | :: |
kicksled {n} (type of small sled) | :: trineo |
kick someone when they are down {v} (make things worse for someone) | :: hacer leña del árbol caído |
kickstand {n} (levered bar) | :: soporte {m}, caballete {m} |
kick start {n} (metal bar on motorcycle) | :: pedal de arranque {m} |
kick the bucket {v} /ˈkɪk ðə ˈbʌkɪt/ (to die) | :: estirar la pata (stretch the leg), colgar los guayos (hang the football shoes), irse al otro barrio |
kick the can down the road {v} | :: huir hacia delante |
kick wheel {n} (A wheel or disc used to throw pots, turned by kicking or pushing a heavy stone or concrete base with the foot) | :: torno alfarero {m} |
kid {n} /kɪd/ (young goat) | :: cabrito {m}, chivo {m} |
kid {n} (child (colloq.)) | :: niño {m}, buqui {m} [Northwestern Mexico], chamaco {m} [Mexican standard usage], chamo {m} [Venezuela], chango {m} [Bolivia, Northwestern Argentina], chino {m} [Colombia], churumbel [Spain], cipote {m} [El Salvador, Honduras], crío {f} [Spain], güila {f} [Costa Rica], huerco {m} [Northeastern Mexico], nene {m} [Argentina, Puerto Rico], patojo {m} [Guatemala], chiquillo, zagal, chaval |
kid {n} (young person (colloq.)) | :: chico {m}, muchacho {m}, cabro {m} [Chile], chango {m} [Bolivia], chaval {m} [Spain], chavalo {m} [Nicaragua], chavo {m} [Mexico], chibolo {m} [Peru], chiquillo {m} [Chile], lolo {m} [Chile], pelado {m} [Colombia], pibe {m} [Argentina] |
kid {v} (make a fool of) | :: tomar el pelo |
kiddo {n} /ˈkɪdoʊ/ (close friend) | :: muchacho {m}, muchacha {f} |
kiddo {n} (child) | :: muchacho {m}, muchacha {f} |
kidnap {v} (to seize and detain a person unlawfully) | :: secuestrar, raptar (with sexual connotation) |
kidnap {n} (an instance of kidnapping) | :: secuestro, rapto |
kidnapper {n} /ˈkɪdnæpɚ/ (one who performs kidnap) | :: secuestrador {m}, raptor {m}, captor {m} |
kidnapping {n} (the crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom) | :: secuestro {m} |
kidney {n} /ˈkɪdni/ (an organ in the body) | :: riñón {m} |
kidney bean {n} (variety of common bean) | :: alubias rojas {f-p}, habichuelas rojas {f-p}, porotos rojos {m-p} [Argentina, Uruguay], porotos colorados {m-p} [Argentina, Uruguay] |
kidney stone {n} (calculus in the kidney) | :: cálculo renal {m} |
Kienbock's disease {n} (disease of the wrist) | :: enfermedad de Kienböck {f}, lunatomalacia {f} |
Kiev {prop} /ˈkiːɛv/ (Ukrainian city) | :: Kiev {m} |
Kiev {prop} (Medieval principality) SEE: Kievan Rus | :: |
Kievan Rus {prop} (medieval principality) | :: Rus de Kiev {f} |
kif {n} /kiːf/ (Kind of cannabis) | :: quife {m} |
Kigali {prop} (capital of Rwanda) | :: Kigali |
Kihnu {prop} (island) | :: Kihnu |
kike {n} (contemptible person, especially one who is stingy) | :: mano de guagua {f} [Chile] |
kikimora {n} (a female house spirit) | :: kikimora {f} |
Kilimanjaro {prop} /ˌkɪlɪmənˈdʒɑːɹəʊ/ (volcano) | :: Kilimanjaro {m} |
kill {v} /kɪl/ (to put to death) | :: matar, dar matarile [colloquial] |
killdeer {n} /ˈkɪldɪɹ/ (plover) | :: chorlo {m} |
killer {n} /ˈkɪlɚ/ (person who kills) | :: matador {m}, asesino {m}, victimario |
killer {n} (murderer) | :: asesino {m}, asesina {f}, victimario |
killer {n} (something that causes death) | :: mortífero {m}, mortal |
killer {n} | :: asesino {m} |
killer whale {n} (A sea mammal, Orcinus orca) | :: orca {f} |
killing {adj} /ˈkɪl.ɪŋ/ (lethal, deadly, fatal) | :: mortal |
killing {n} (instance of someone being killed) | :: asesinato {m} |
killjoy {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) SEE: spoilsport | :: |
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs {v} (to seek short term gain at the sacrifice of long term profit) | :: matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro |
kill time {v} (make time seem to pass more quickly by doing nothing important) | :: matar el tiempo |
kill two birds with one stone {v} (solve two problems at once) | :: matar dos pájaros de un tiro (to kill two birds with one shot) |
kiln {n} /kɪl(n)/ (oven, furnace or heated chamber) | :: horno {m} |
kilo {n} /ˈkiloʊ/ (short form of kilogram) | :: kilo, quilo |
kilo- {prefix} (prefix) | :: kilo-, quilo- |
kilobyte {n} (1024 bytes) | :: kilobyte {m} |
kilocalorie {n} (unit of measure) | :: kilocaloría {f}, quilocaloría {m} |
kilogram {n} /ˈkɪləɡɹæm/ (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) | :: kilogramo {m}, quilogramo {m} |
kilogram-meter {n} (unit of work) | :: kilográmetro {m} |
kilojoule {n} (an SI unit of energy) | :: kilojulio {m}, quilojulio {m} |
kilolitre {n} (unit of measure) | :: kilolitro {m}, quilolitro {m} |
kilometrage {n} (kilometrage) | :: kilometraje {m} |
kilometre {n} /kəˈlɑmɪtəɹ/ (unit of measure) | :: kilómetro {m}, quilómetro {m} |
kilometric {adj} (measured in kilometres) | :: kilométrico {m} |
kilo-watt {n} (kilowatt) SEE: kilowatt | :: |
kilowatt {n} (one thousand watts) | :: kilovatio {m}, kilowatt {m} |
kilowatt-hour {n} (unit of energy) | :: kilovatio-hora {m} |
kilt {n} /kɪlt/ (traditional Scottish garment) | :: falda escocesa {f} |
Kim {prop} /kɪm/ (Korean surname) | :: Kim |
Kimbanguism {prop} | :: kimbanguismo {m} |
kimchi {n} (Korean dish) | :: kimchi {m} |
Kimmeridgian {prop} (subdivision of the Jurassic period) | :: Kimmeridgiense |
kimono {n} /kəˈmoʊnoʊ/ (traditional Japanese clothing) | :: kimono {m}, quimono {m} |
kin {n} (relative) SEE: relative | :: |
kinase {n} /ˈkɪneɪz/ (enzyme that transfers phosphate groups) | :: cinasa, quinasa, kinasa {f} |
kind {n} /kaɪnd/ (type, race, category) | :: género {m}, tipo {m}, forma, clase |
kind {n} | :: tipo {m}, género {m}, clase {f} |
kind {adj} (affectionate, nice) | :: amable, bondadoso, gentil, cariñoso |
kindergarten {n} /ˈkɪndəɹˌɡɑːɹt(ə)n/ (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6) | :: parvulario {m} jardín de infancia {m}, jardín infantil {m}, [Latin America] kínder {m} |
kindergarten {n} (the elementary school grade before first grade) | :: kínder {m} [Latin America], preescolar {m} |
kindhearted {adj} (having an innately kind disposition or character) | :: de buen corazón |
kindle {v} /ˈkɪndl/ (to start (a fire)) | :: encender |
kindliness {n} (the state of feeling kindly towards someone or something) | :: amabilidad |
kindling {n} /ˈkɪndlɪŋ/ (pieces of wood and twigs used to start a fire) | :: astillas {f-p} |
kindly {adj} /ˈkaɪndli/ (having a kind personality) | :: agradable, bondadoso |
kindly {adv} (in a kind manner) | :: bondadosamente |
kindness {n} /ˈkaɪndnɪs/ (being kind) | :: amabilidad {f}, bondad {f} |
kind of {adv} (somewhat) | :: algo, algo así, algo así como, más o menos |
kind of like {adv} (similarly) | :: algo así como, un poco como |
kindred {n} /ˈkɪndɹɪd/ (people of same ethnic descent) | :: etnia {f} |
kind regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) | :: saludos cariñosos |
kinematic {adj} /kɪn.əˈmæt.ɪk/ (of or relating to motion or to kinematics) | :: cinemático |
kinesia {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness | :: |
kinesic {adj} (of or pertaining to nonverbal behaviour related to movement) | :: kinésico |
kinesiology {n} /kəˌni.ziˈɔ.lə.dʒɪ/ (study of body movement) | :: kinesiología {f} |
kinesiology {n} (application of such principles) | :: kinesiología {f} |
kinesthesia {n} /ˌkɪnɪsˈθiʒə/ (sensation or perception of motion) | :: cinestesia {f}, kinestesia {f} |
kinesthetic {adj} /ˌkɪnɪsˈθɛtɪk/ (of or relating to kinesthesia) | :: kinestético {m} |
kinesthetics {n} (proprioception) SEE: proprioception | :: |
kinetic {adj} /kɪˈnɛtɪk/ (relating to motion) | :: cinético, kinético |
kinetically {adv} (in a kinetic manner) | :: cinéticamente |
kinetic energy {n} (energy from motion) | :: energía cinética {f} |
kinetosis {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness | :: |
king {v} /kiŋ/ (in checkers) | :: coronar |
king {n} (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation) | :: rey {m} |
king {n} (a playing piece in chess) | :: rey {m} |
king {n} (a playing card with the image of a king in it) | :: rey {m} |
King Arthur {prop} (legendary king of Britain) | :: Rey Arturo {m} |
king cake {n} /kɪŋ keɪk/ (cake eaten on Epiphany) | :: roscón de Reyes {m}, rosca de Reyes {f} |
king cobra {n} (Ophiophagus hannah) | :: cobra real {f} |
kingcup {n} (marsh marigold) SEE: marsh marigold | :: |
kingdom {n} /ˈkɪŋdəm/ (realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen) | :: reino {m} |
Kingdom Hall {n} (place where Jehovah's Witnesses meet) | :: Salón de Reino {m}, Salón del Reino de los Testigos de Jehová {m} |
Kingdom of Belgium {prop} (official name of Belgium) | :: Reino de Bélgica {m} |
Kingdom of Cambodia {prop} (official name of Cambodia) | :: Reino de Camboya {m} |
Kingdom of Denmark {prop} (official name of Denmark) | :: Reino de Dinamarca {m} |
Kingdom of England {prop} (Kingdom of England) | :: Reino de Inglaterra {m} |
Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} | :: Reino de Gran Bretaña {m} |
Kingdom of Heaven {prop} (Christian concept) | :: Reino de los Cielos {m} |
Kingdom of Morocco {prop} (official name of Morocco) | :: Reino de Marruecos {m} |
Kingdom of Norway {prop} (official name of Norway) | :: Reino de Noruega {m} |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia {prop} (official name of Saudi Arabia) | :: Reino de Arabia Saudita {m} |
Kingdom of Scotland {prop} (Kingdom of Scotland) | :: Reino de Escocia {m} |
Kingdom of Spain {prop} (official name of Spain) | :: Reino de España {m} |
Kingdom of Sweden {prop} (official name of Sweden) | :: Reino de Suecia {m} |
Kingdom of Thailand {prop} (official name of Thailand) | :: Reino de Tailandia {m} |
Kingdom of the Netherlands {prop} (monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries) | :: Reino de los Países Bajos {m} |
kingfisher {n} /ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃə/ (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) | :: martín pescador {m} |
kinglet {n} (a petty king) | :: régulo {m} |
kingly {adv} (in a royal manner) | :: majestuosamente |
king of beasts {n} /ˈkɪŋ əv ˈbiːsts/ (the lion) | :: rey de la selva {m} |
king of clubs {n} (playing card) | :: rey de tréboles {m} |
king of diamonds {n} (playing card) | :: rey de diamantes {m}, rey de oros {m} |
king of hearts {n} (playing card) | :: rey de corazones {m} |
king of spades {n} /kɪŋɡ.əv.speɪdz/ (playing card) | :: rey de picos {m} |
king penguin {n} (Aptenodytes patagonicus) | :: pingüino rey |
kingpin {n} /ˈkɪŋ.pɪn/ (most important person) | :: jefazo, mandamás |
Kings {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Reyes {m} |
kingship {n} (state of being a king) | :: realeza {f}, reinado {m} |
kingslayer {n} (one who kills a king) SEE: regicide | :: |
king's man {n} (customs officer) SEE: customs officer | :: |
Kingston {prop} /ˈkɪŋstən/ (capital of Jamaica) | :: Kingston |
Kingstown {prop} (capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) | :: Kingstown |
king tide {n} (spring tide) SEE: spring tide | :: |
king vulture {n} /kɪŋ ˈvʌltʃəɹ/ (Sarcoramphus papa) | :: zopilote rey {m} |
kink {n} /kɪŋk/ (tight curl, twist, or bend) | :: arruga {f}, pliegue {m}, doblez |
kink {n} (difficulty or flaw that impedes operation) | :: problema {m}, impedimento {m}, pero {m}, inconveniente {m} |
kink {n} (peculiarity in sexual behaviour or taste) | :: desviación {f}, rareza {f}, desvarío {m}, excentricidad {f} |
kink {v} (to form a kink or twist) | :: arrugar, doblar |
kinkajou {n} /ˈkɪŋkəˌdʒuː/ (Potos flavus) | :: chosna {f} [Peru], cuchicuchi {m} [Venezuela], cusumbí {m} [Panama], cusumbo {m} [Ecuador], martilla {f} [Costa Rica], martucha {f} [Mexico], mico de noche {m} [Nicaragua], mico león {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras], mono michi {m} [Bolivia], perro de monte {m} [Colombia] |
kinky {adj} /ˈkɪŋ.ki/ (marked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior) | :: pervertido |
kinky {adj} (queer, eccentric) | :: extraño, excéntrico {m} |
Kinshasa {prop} /kɪnˈʃɑːsə/ (the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) | :: Kinsasa, Kinshasa |
kinship {n} (relation or connection by blood, marriage or adoption) | :: parentesco {m} |
kiosk {n} /ˈkiˌɑsk/ (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc are sold) | :: quiosco {m}, kiosco {m} |
kiosk {n} (unattended stand) | :: quiosco {m} |
kip {n} /kɪp/ (informal: nap) | :: siesta {f} |
kipfel {n} (croissant) SEE: croissant | :: |
kippah {n} (skullcap) | :: kipá {f} |
Kiribati {prop} /ˈkiː.ɹɨ.bæs/ (Republic of Kiribati) | :: Kiribati |
Kiribatian {n} (a person from Kiribati or of Kiribatian descent) | :: kiribatí, kiribatiano |
Kiribatian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kiribati) | :: kiribatí {m}, de Kiribati |
kirmess {n} (an outdoor festival and fair) | :: kermés {f} |
Kirov {prop} (Russian surname) | :: Kírov {m} |
Kirov {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Kírov {m} |
kirsch {n} (clear brandy) | :: kirsch {m} |
kirschwasser {n} (spirit) SEE: kirsch | :: |
kiskadee {n} (species of bird in the tyrant flycatcher family) | :: bienteveo {m} |
kismet {n} /ˈkɪz.mɛt/ (fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny) | :: hado {m}, destino {m}, sino {m} |
kiss {v} /kɪs/ (to touch with the lips) | :: besar |
kiss {v} (to touch each other’s lips) | :: besarse |
kiss {n} (touch with the lips) | :: beso {m}, ósculo {m} |
kiss ass {v} (to flatter excessively) | :: lamer los huevos, lamer los zapatos |
kiss me {phrase} (kiss me) | :: bésame [informal] |
kiss my arse {interj} (go away) SEE: kiss my ass | :: |
kiss my ass {interj} (go away) | :: bésame el culo |
kiss someone's ass {v} (to flatter someone) SEE: brownnose | :: |
Kiswahili {prop} (Swahili) SEE: Swahili | :: |
kit {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing | :: |
kit {n} /kɪt/ | :: juego {m}, kit {m}, ensello {m}, equipo {m} |
kit {n} (drum kit) SEE: drum kit | :: |
kitchen {n} /ˈkɪt͡ʃən/ (room) | :: cocina {f} |
kitchen garden {n} (a garden used for growing fruits, vegetables for use in the kitchen) SEE: vegetable garden | :: |
kitchen hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood | :: |
kitchen roll {n} (paper towel) SEE: paper towel | :: |
kitchen towel {n} (sheet of kitchen paper) SEE: paper towel | :: |
kitchenware {n} (Instruments and utensils found in a kitchen) | :: artículo de cocina {m}, vaisella {f}, menaje |
kite {n} /kaɪt/ (bird of prey of the family Accipitridae) | :: aguililla {f}, milano {m} |
kite {n} (lightweight toy) | :: cometa {f} [especially Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Uruguay], barrilete {m} [Argentina, Guatemala, Nicaragua], cachirulo {m} [Eastern Central Spain], chichigua {f} [Dominican Republic], chiringa {f} [Puerto Rico], lechuza {f} [Nicaragua], pandero {m} [Southern Spain], pandorga {f} [Southern Spain, Paraguay, Northeastern and Northern Central Argentina, Western Uruguay], papagayo {m} [Venezuela, Southeastern Mexico], papalote {m} [Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico], papelote {m} [Honduras], petaca {f} [Northwestern Venezuela], piscucha {f} [El Salvador], volador {m} [Bolivia, Eastern Venezuela], volantín {m} [Chile, Cuba, Central and Eastern Bolivia, Western Central and Northwestern Argentina, Northwestern Venezuela, Western Puerto Rico] |
kite {n} (quadrilateral) | :: deltoide {m} |
kite {v} (to move rapidly) SEE: rush | :: |
kiteboard {n} (wakeboard used for kiteboarding) | :: table de kitesurf |
kiteboarder {n} (person who participates in kiteboarding) | :: cometabordero {m}, cometatablista {m} |
kiteboarding {n} | :: tablaje cometa {m}, cometabordaje {m} |
kitesurf {v} (take part in kitesurfing) | :: hacer kitesurf, kitesurfear {m} |
kitesurfer {n} | :: kiteboarder |
kitesurfing {v} (water sport) | :: kitesurf {m} |
kith and kin {n} (both friends and family) | :: parientes y amigos, allegados {m-p} |
kitsch {n} /kɪtʃ/ (kitsch) | :: kitsch {m} |
kitsch {adj} (of questionable aesthetic value) | :: kitsch |
kitten {n} /ˈkɪtən/ (a young cat) | :: gatito {m}, minino {m}, gatita {f} |
Kittsian {adj} (Of, or pertaining to, Saint Kitts) | :: sancristobaleño {m} |
Kittsian {n} (Somebody from Saint Kitts or of Kittsian descent) | :: sancristobaleño {m} |
kitty {n} /ˈkɪti/ (kitten, small cat) | :: gatito, minino {m} |
kitty {n} (pool of money) | :: pozo {m}, vaquita {f}, bote {m} |
kitty litter {n} /ˈkʰɪɾi ˈlɪɾɚ/ (mixture to provide a soiling area for cats) | :: arena para gato {f}, arena para gatos {f} |
kiwi {n} /ˈkiːwi/ (bird) | :: kiwi {m} |
kiwi {n} (kiwi fruit) SEE: kiwi fruit | :: |
kiwi fruit {n} (fruit) | :: kiwi {m} |
klaxon {n} /ˈklæks(ə)n/ (loud electric horn or alarm) | :: claxon {m}, bocina {f} |
kleenex {n} /ˈkli.nɛks/ (generic term for a disposable tissue) | :: kleenex {m}, clínex {m} |
Klein bottle {n} (closed surface) | :: botella de Klein {f} |
kleptarchy {n} (kleptocracy) SEE: kleptocracy | :: |
kleptocracy {n} (corrupt and dishonest government) | :: cleptocracia {f} |
kleptomania {n} /ˌklɛptəˈmeɪni.ə/ (disorder that causes an uncontrollable obsessions with stealing) | :: cleptomanía {f} |
kleptomaniac {n} /ˌklɛptəˈmeɪniæk/ (One who steals compulsively) | :: cleptómano {m} |
klepton {n} /ˈklɛptɒn/ (species that needs input from another taxon to reproduce) | :: cleptón {m} |
Klingon {prop} /ˈklɪŋɑn/ (the language) | :: klingon {m} |
klipspringer {n} /ˈklɪpˌsprɪŋər/ (Oreotragus oreotragus) | :: saltarrocas {m} |
kludge {n} /klʌdʒ/ (construction designed to solve a problem temporarily) | :: truco {m}, chapuza {f}, ñapa |
KN95 {n} (standard) | :: KN95 |
knack {n} /næk/ (A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity) | :: aptitud {f} |
knack {n} (A petty contrivance; a toy; a plaything; a knickknack) | :: chisme {m} |
knack {n} (Something performed, or to be done, requiring aptness and dexterity; a trick; a device) | :: truco {m} |
knacker {n} /ˈnakə/ (one who separates animals for reuse, see also: flayer) | :: descuartizador {m} |
knacker {v} (to tire out) | :: reventar |
knackered {adj} /ˈnæk.əd/ (extremely tired or exhausted) | :: agotado, reventado, harto, para el arrastre |
knackered {adj} (broken, inoperative) | :: roto, gastado, estropeado, averiado, jodido, para el arrastre, hecho unos zorros |
knapsack {n} | :: morral {m} |
knave {n} /neɪv/ (archaic: boy; especially, boy servant) | :: paje {m} |
knave {n} (archaic: any male servant) | :: mozo {m} |
knave {n} (deceitful fellow) | :: bellaco {m}, villano {m} |
knave {n} (playing card) | :: sota {f} |
knead {v} /niːd/ (to work and press into a mass) | :: amasar |
kneading {n} /ˈniːdɪŋ/ (the process of kneading) | :: amasado {m} |
kneading trough {n} (trough in which dough is kneaded) | :: artesa {f}, amasadera {f} |
knee {n} /ni/ (joint in the middle of the leg and area around it) | :: rodilla {f}, hinojo {m} |
knee {n} (blow made with the knee) SEE: kneeing | :: |
kneecap {n} /ˈniːˌkæp/ (bone) | :: rótula {f} |
kneeing {n} (blow) | :: rodillazo {m} |
knee-jerk {n} (reflex extension of the lower leg due to tap below knee) | :: reflejo rotuliano {m} |
kneel {v} /niːl/ (to stoop down and rest on the knee) | :: arrodillarse |
kneel down {v} (to kneel) | :: arrodillarse, hincarse |
knee pad {n} (protection for a knee) | :: rodillera {f} |
kneepan {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap | :: |
knee pit {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit | :: |
knelt {v} /nɛlt/ (simple past tense and past participle of kneel) | :: arrodillado |
knickers {n} (panties) SEE: panties | :: |
knife {n} /naɪf/ (utensil or tool designed for cutting) | :: cuchillo {m} |
knife {n} (weapon) | :: cuchillo {m}, puñal {m} |
knife {n} (any blade-like part designed for cutting) | :: cuchillo {m} |
knife {v} (to use a knife to injure or kill) | :: acuchillar |
knife pleat {n} (a type of sharply pressed pleating) | :: pliegue llano {m} |
knifesmith {n} (cutler who makes knives) SEE: cutler | :: |
knifing {n} (stabbing) SEE: stabbing | :: |
knight {n} /naɪt/ (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) | :: caballero {m}, caballera {f} |
knight {n} (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred) | :: caballero {m}, caballera {f} |
knight {n} (chess piece) | :: caballo {m} |
knight-errant {n} (knight) | :: caballero andante {m} |
Königsberg {prop} /ˈkɜnɪɡzˌbɝɡ/ (the former capital of East Prussia, see also: Kaliningrad) | :: Königsberg {m} |
knit {v} /ˈnɪt/ (to make fabric from thread or yarn) | :: hacer punto, tricotar, tejer |
knit {v} (intransitive: to become closely joined) | :: soldarse |
knit {v} | :: tejer, tricotar |
knit cap {n} (soft cap) SEE: beanie | :: |
knit one's brows {v} (to scowl, indicating anger, worry, or puzzlement) | :: fruncir las cejas, arquear las cejas, enarcar las cejas |
knitting {n} /ˈnɪtɪŋ/ (activity and process of knitting) | :: punto |
knitting {n} (knitted fabric) | :: labor de punto |
knitting needle {n} (thin rod used to knit yarn) | :: aguja de punto {f}, [Latin America] aguja de tejer {f} |
knob {n} /nɑb/ (rounded protuberance, handle, or control switch) | :: perilla {f}, asa {f} |
knobbly {adj} (having a covering of small knobs) | :: nudoso |
knock {n} /nɒk/ (abrupt rapping sound) | :: golpe {m} |
knock {n} | :: golpe |
knock {v} (to rap one's knuckles against something) | :: (door) llamar a; golpear |
knock back {v} (reject) SEE: reject | :: |
knock back {v} (stun, surprise) | :: desconcertar |
knock back {v} (press dough to remove air bubbles) | :: desgasificar [Tech.], romper [cooking] |
knock down {v} (hit or knock (something) so that it falls) | :: derribar |
knock down {v} (demolish) SEE: demolish | :: |
knocker {n} (device for knocking on a door) SEE: doorknocker | :: |
knock-kneed {adj} (having knees abnormally close together) | :: zambo |
knock-kneed {adj} (suffering from genu valgum) | :: befo, zambo |
knockoff {n} (imitation of something) | :: imitación {f} |
knock-on effect {n} (secondary, indirect effect) | :: efecto secundario {m}, efecto llamada |
knock oneself out {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts | :: |
knock on wood {v} /ˌnɑk ɑn ˈwʊd/ (to take a customary action to ward off misfortune) | :: tocar madera (to touch wood) |
knock on wood {interj} (hopefully; used when undertaking such a customary action) | :: toca madera (touch wood) |
knock out {v} (render someone unconscious) | :: noquear |
knockout {adj} /ˈnɒkaʊt/ (Stunning; amazing; gorgeous) | :: despampanante |
knock over {v} (To bump or strike something in such a way as to tip it) | :: derribar |
knock up {v} /nɒk ʌp/ (To impregnate, especially out of wedlock) | :: hacer un bombo |
knoll {n} /noʊl/ (small mound) | :: otero {m} |
knot {n} /nɒt/ (looping) | :: nudo {m} |
knot {n} (tangled clump) | :: nudo {m} |
knot {n} (whorl in wood left by branch) | :: nudo {m} |
knot {n} (nautical unit of speed) | :: nudo {m} |
knot {v} (form into a knot; tie with knot(s)) | :: anudar |
knot {n} (variety of wading bird) | :: correlimos {m}, playero {m} |
knotgrass {n} (annual plant) | :: polígono {m}, palero {m}, correquetepillo {m} |
knot theory {n} (branch of topology) | :: teoría de nudos {f} |
knotty {adj} (Full of knots) | :: nudoso |
know {v} /noʊ/ (be certain or sure about (something)) | :: saber |
know {v} (be acquainted or familiar with) | :: conocer |
know {v} (have knowledge of) | :: saber |
know {v} (understand (a subject)) | :: conocer, entender de, saber de |
know {v} (have sexual relations with) | :: conocer |
know {v} (be informed about) | :: estar informado |
knowable {adj} /ˈnoʊəbl̩/ (capable of being known, understood or comprehended) | :: conocible, cognoscible |
know-all {n} (someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable on a subject) SEE: know-it-all | :: |
know beans about {v} (to know nothing, or almost nothing, about) | :: no saber de la misa la media, estar pez [colloquial] |
know-how {n} /ˈnoʊ.haʊ/ (the knowledge and skill to be able to do something correctly) | :: know-how {m}, saber hacer {m} |
knowingly {adv} (knowingly) | :: sabiamente, a sabiendas, conscientemente, con conocimiento de causa |
know-it-all {n} (someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable on a subject) | :: sabelotodo, sabiondo {m}, todólogo, cuñado {m} [Spain] |
knowledge {n} /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) | :: conocimiento {m} |
knowledge {n} (awareness, state of having been informed) | :: conocimiento {m} |
knowledge {n} (familiarity with particular skill, discipline) | :: conocimientos {m-p} |
knowledge {n} (total of what is known, product of learning) | :: conocimiento {m} |
knowledge {n} | :: sabiduría {f}, conocimiento {m} |
knowledgeable {adj} /ˈnɑl.ɪd͡ʒ.ə.bəl/ (having knowledge, especially of a particular subject) | :: erudito, sabio, instruido, entendido |
knowledge is power {proverb} (knowledge is power) | :: el conocimiento es poder |
know like the back of one's hand {v} (be intimately knowledgable about) | :: conocer algo como la palma de su mano |
known {adj} /nəʊn/ (that whom other people know, renowned, famous) | :: conocido |
know one's ass from a hole in the ground {v} | :: estar más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje, estar más perdido que un calamar en un pajar, confundir la velocidad con el tocino |
know the score {v} | :: quedarse con la copla, conocer el percal |
know thyself {proverb} (be aware of both your strengths and limitations) | :: conócete a ti mismo |
knuckle {n} /ˈnʌkəl/ (joint of the finger) | :: nudillo {m} |
knuckleball {n} (A pitch thrown with the ball gripped on the fingertips and released with no rotation) | :: lanzamiento de nudillos {m} |
knuckle duster {n} (weapon worn around the knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles | :: |
knucks {n} (brass knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles | :: |
koala {n} /koʊ.ˈɑː.lə/ (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear) | :: koala {m} |
koan {n} /ˈkoʊ.ɑn/ (riddle without solution) | :: aporía |
Kochi {prop} (Kōchi, Japan) | :: Kōchi |
Kodiak bear {n} (large species of brown bear) | :: oso Kodiak {m} |
kodkod {n} (Leopardus guigna) | :: güiña {f}, huiña {f}, gato colorado {m} |
kofta {n} /ˈkɑːftə/ (meatball or meatloaf dish) | :: kofta {f} |
kohlrabi {n} /koʊlˈɹɑb.i/ (cabbage variety) | :: colirrábano {m} |
koilocyte {n} | :: coilocito {m} |
koilocytosis {n} | :: coilocitosis |
Koine {prop} /kɔɪˈneɪ/ (common Greek language) | :: koiné {f}, coiné {f} |
kola {n} (tree) | :: cola {f} |
Kolkata {prop} /koʊlˈkɑtə/ (city) | :: Calcuta |
kolkhoz {n} /kəlˈkɒz/ (farming collective) | :: koljós {m} |
Kolmogorov space {n} (a topological space...) | :: espacio de Kolmogórov {m} |
Kolyma {prop} /kəlɨˈma/ (area) | :: Kolymá |
Kolyma {prop} (river) | :: río Kolymá {m} |
kombu {n} /ˈkɒmbuː/ (edible kelp used in East Asian cuisine) | :: kombu |
kombucha {n} (fermentation of sweetened tea) | :: kombucha {f} |
Komi {prop} /ˈkoʊmi/ (language) | :: komi |
Komodo dragon {n} /kəˈmoʊdoʊ ˈdɹæɡən/ (large monitor lizard) | :: dragón de Komodo {m} |
Komondor {n} (breed of dog) | :: komondor {m} |
Komotini {prop} (city) | :: Komotini |
Komsomol {prop} (Young Communist League in the USSR) | :: Komsomol {m} |
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia) | :: Komsomolsk del Amur {m} |
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk, towns and rural localities in Russia and Ukraine) | :: Komsomolsk {m} |
Konstanz {prop} (city) | :: Constanza {f} |
kook {n} /kuːk/ (eccentric, strange or crazy person) | :: chiflado |
kookaburra {n} /ˈkʊkəˌbʌɹə/ (kingfishers) | :: cucaburra {f} |
kopek {n} (one-hundredth of a ruble) | :: copeca {f}, cópec {f}, kópek {f} |
kopi luwak {n} (coffee made from eaten berries) | :: kopi luwak {m}, café de civeta {m} |
koppa {n} (Ancient Greek letter) | :: qoppa {f} |
Koran {prop} (the Islamic holy book) SEE: Qur'an | :: |
Korea {prop} (South Korea) SEE: South Korea | :: |
Korea {prop} (North Korea) SEE: North Korea | :: |
Korea {prop} /kəˈɹi.ə/ (ancient country or both Koreas as a whole) | :: Corea {f} |
Korean {adj} /kəˈɹɪən/ (relating to the Korean Peninsula) | :: coreano |
Korean {n} (language) | :: coreano {m} |
Korean {n} (person) | :: coreano {m}, coreana {f} |
Korean melon {n} /kəˈɹiː.ən ˈmɛl.ən/ (fruit) | :: melón coreano {m} |
Koreanology {n} (the study of Korea) | :: coreanología {f} |
Korean studies {n} (academic discipline) | :: coreanología {f} |
Korean War {prop} (war lasting from 1950 to 1953) | :: Guerra de Corea {f} |
Koschei {prop} (Koschei the Immortal) | :: Koschéi {m} |
kosher {adj} /ˈkəʊʃə/ (in accordance with Jewish law) | :: kosher |
K'o-shih {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar | :: |
Kosovan {adj} (related to Kosovo) | :: kosovar |
Kosovan {n} (person from Kosovo) | :: kosovar |
Kosovar {adj} (Kosovan) SEE: Kosovan | :: |
Kosovar {n} (Kosovan) SEE: Kosovan | :: |
Kosovo {prop} /ˈkɔsəˌvoʊ/ (disputed region in the Balkans) | :: Kosovo {m} |
Kostroma {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Kostromá {m} |
koumiss {n} /ˈkuːmɪs/ (fermented drink) | :: kumis {m} |
kowtow {v} /ˈkaʊˌtaʊ/ (kneel such that forehead touches ground) | :: postrarse, prosternarse |
K-pop {n} (Korean pop music) | :: K-Pop {m}, pop coreano {m} |
Kraftwerkian {adj} | :: kraftwerkiano |
krait {n} /kɹaɪt/ (snake) | :: búngaro {m} |
Kraken {prop} /ˈkɹɑːkən/ (Sea monster) | :: kraken {m} |
Krasnodar {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Krasnodar {m} |
Krasnoyarsk {prop} (city) | :: Krasnoyarsk {m} |
Kraut {n} (German) SEE: German | :: |
Krebs cycle {n} (series of enzymatic reactions, see also: citric acid cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle) | :: ciclo de Krebs {m} |
Kremlin {prop} /ˈkɹemlɪn/ (the Moscow Kremlin) | :: Kremlin {m} |
krill {n} /kɹɪl/ (small marine crustacean) | :: kril {m} |
Krishna {prop} /ˈkɹɪʃnə/ (avatar) | :: Krishna {m} |
Kris Kringle {prop} (synonym of Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Kris Kringle {n} (synonym of secret Santa) SEE: secret Santa | :: |
krone {n} (currency) | :: corona {f} |
Krung Thep {prop} (Bangkok) SEE: Bangkok | :: |
Krym {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea | :: |
krypton {n} /ˈkɹɪptɒn/ (a chemical element) | :: criptón {m} |
kryptonite {n} /ˈkɹɪptənaɪt/ (weakness) | :: kryptonita |
kshatriya {n} /ˈkʃat.ɹi.ə/ (a member of warrior caste) | :: kshatriya {m} |
Kuala Lumpur {prop} /ˈkuala ˈlumpʊr/ (capital of Malaysia) | :: Kuala Lumpur {m} |
Kuang-chou {prop} (Guangzhou) SEE: Guangzhou | :: |
Kuban {prop} /kuːˈbɑːn/ (the Kuban river) | :: Kubán {m} |
kudos {n} /ˈkuː.doʊz/ (praise, accolades) | :: elogio {m} |
kudu {n} /ˈkuːduː/ (Tragelaphus imberbis or Tragelaphus strepsiceros) | :: kudú |
Kufic {adj} (Relating to original Arabic script) | :: cúfico |
Kufic {prop} (Original Arabic script) | :: cúfico |
Kuiper belt {prop} /ˈkaɪ.pɚ.bɛlt/ (region of space in the Solar System) | :: cinturón de Kuiper {m} |
Kuiper belt object {n} /ˈkaɪpəɹ/ (minor planet with an orbit in the Kuiper belt) | :: objeto del cinturón de Kuiper {m} |
Ku Klux Klan {prop} /ˌkuː klʌks ˈklæn/ (Ku Klux Klan) | :: Ku Klux Klan {m} |
kulak {n} /ˈkulæk/ (prosperous peasant) | :: kulak {m} |
Kumiko {prop} (Japanese female given name) | :: Kumiko {f} |
kumquat {n} /ˈkʌmkwɑt/ (small orange fruit) | :: kumquat {m}, quinoto {m} |
kuna {n} (currency of Croatia) | :: kuna {f} |
kung fu {n} /ˈkʌŋ ˈfuː/ (martial art) | :: kung-fu {m} |
Kungurian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian period) | :: Kunguriense |
K'un-ming {prop} (Kunming) SEE: Kunming | :: |
Kunming {prop} /kʊnˈmɪŋ/ (a prefecture-level city in southwestern China) | :: Kunming {m} |
Kuomintang {prop} /kuːəʊmɪnˈtaŋ/ (a nationalist political party in pre-Communist China and Taiwan) | :: Kuomintang |
Kurd {n} /kɜː(ɹ)d/ (a member of the people inhabiting Kurdistan) | :: kurdo {m}, kurda {f} |
Kurdish {adj} /ˈkɜː(ɹ)dɪʃ/ (of, from, or pertaining to Kurdistan, the Kurdish people or the Kurdish language) | :: curdo, kurdo |
Kurdish {n} (language of Kurdistan) | :: kurdo {m}, curdo {m} |
Kurdistan {prop} (a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds) | :: Kurdistán {m} |
Kurgan {prop} (city) | :: Kurgán {m} |
Kuril Islands {prop} (group of islands) | :: Islas Kuriles {p} |
Kursk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Kursk {m} |
kurta {n} (Indian shirt) | :: kurta |
kurtosis {n} (measure of "tail heaviness") | :: curtosis {f} |
Kutenai {n} /ˈkuːtəneɪ/ (an indigenous people of North America) | :: kutenai {m} |
Kutenai {prop} (language isolate) | :: kutenai {m} |
Kuwait {prop} /kuːˈweɪt/ (country in the Middle East) | :: Kuwait {m} |
Kuwaiti {n} (A person from Kuwait or of Kuwaiti descent) | :: kuwaití |
Kuwaiti {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kuwait or the Kuwaiti people) | :: kuwaití |
Kuybyshev {prop} (former name of Samara) | :: Kúibyshev |
kvass {n} /kvɑːs/ (traditional Slavic drink) | :: kvas {m} |
kvetch {n} /kvɛt͡ʃ/ (person who endlessly whines or complains) | :: gruñón |
kyanite {n} (blue neosilicate mineral) | :: cianita {f} |
kyat {n} /kiːˈɑːt/ (unit of currency) | :: kyat {m} |
kyūjitai {n} (traditional form of Japanese kanji) | :: kyūjitai {m} |
Kyoto {prop} /ˈkjoʊtoʊ/ (Kyōto, Japan) | :: Kioto {m} |
kyphosis {n} (abnormal curvature of the spine) | :: cifosis {f} |
Kyrgyz {n} /ˈkɪɹɡɪz/ (member of a Turkic people) | :: kirguiso |
Kyrgyz {prop} (language) | :: kirguiso {m} |
Kyrgyz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people or the Kyrgyz language) | :: kirguiso |
Kyrgyzstan {prop} /ˈkɪəɹ.ɡɪˌstɑːn/ (country in Central Asia) | :: Kirguizistán, Kirguistán |
Kyrgyzstani {n} (person of Kyrgyz origin) SEE: Kyrgyz | :: |
Kyrgyzstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kyrgyz language) SEE: Kyrgyz | :: |
kyriarchy {n} /ˈkaɪɹɪˌɑːki/ (system of ruling and oppression) | :: kiriarcado |
Kyōto {prop} (Kyoto) SEE: Kyoto | :: |
Kyushu {prop} (the third largest of Japan's islands) | :: Kyūshū {m} |
Kyzyl {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Kyzyl |