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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
mañana {adv} (Sometime in the future) :: ooit
Maastricht {prop} (capital of the province of Limburg in The Netherlands) :: Maastricht {n}
Maastricht Formation {prop} :: Formatie van Maastricht
macabre {adj} (representing or personifying death) :: macaber
macadamia {n} (tree) :: macadamia
macadamia {n} (macadamia nut) SEE: macadamia nut ::
macadamia nut {n} (edible seed of the macadamia tree) :: macadamianoot {m} {f}
macaque {n} (any monkey of the genus Macaca) :: makaak
macaron {n} (pastry) :: makaron {m}
macaroni {n} (type of pasta) :: macaroni
macaroni penguin {n} (Eudyptes chrysolophus) :: macaronipinguïn {m}
macaroon {n} (soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough) :: bitterkoekje, kokoskoekje, makron {m}
macaw {n} (various parrots) :: ara
MacBook {n} (device) :: MacBook {c}
mace {n} (weapon) :: strijdknots {f}
mace {n} (a spice) :: foelie
Macedonia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Macedonië {n}
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) :: Macedonië {n}
Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) :: Macedonië {n}
Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia or its people or language) :: Macedonisch
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) :: Macedoniër
Macedonian {n} (Slavic language of Macedonia) :: Macedonisch
Macedonian {n} (language of antiquity) :: Oudmacedonisch
Macedo-Romanian {prop} (Aromanian) SEE: Aromanian ::
macerate {v} (to soften or separate by immersion in a liquid) :: weken
Mach {n} (ratio, see also: Mach number) :: mach {m} {f}
machete {n} (a sword-like tool) :: kapmes {n}
machicolation {n} (opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building) :: mezenkooi {f}, mezekouw {n}
machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: machine {f}, apparaat
machine {n} (archaic: vehicle, automobile) :: automobiel {m}
machine {n} (a person who is very proficient) :: machine {f}
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language ::
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: mitrailleur {m}
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) :: machinetaal {f}
machinery {n} (machines constituting a production apparatus) :: machinery {f}, machinepark {n}
machinery {n} (working parts of a machine as a group) :: machinerie {f}, mechaniek
machinery {n} (collective parts of something which allow it to function) :: machinerie {f}
machine tool {n} (tool used for machining) :: werktuigmachine {f}
machine translation {n} (act of translating something by means of a machine) :: machinevertaling {f}, computervertaling {f}
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator ::
machinist {n} (constructor of machines and engines) :: werktuigbouwkundige {m}
machinist {n} (one skilled in the use of machine tools) :: bankwerker {m}
machinist {n} (person employed to shift scenery in a theater) :: machinist {m}
Mach number {n} (ratio, see also: Mach) :: machgetal {n}
macho {adj} (manly, tough) :: macho {m}
mackerel {n} (edible fish) :: makreel {m}
mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat ::
macramé {n} (textile) :: macramé {n}
macrocephaly {n} (a condition in which the head is abnormally large) :: macrocefalie {f}
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
macrocosm {n} (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures) :: macrokosmos {m}
macroeconomics {n} (study of the entire economy) :: macro-economie {f}
macron {n} (short, straight, horizontal diacritical mark) :: macron {c}
macrophage {n} (type of white blood cell) :: macrofaag {m}
macula {n} (anatomy: yellow spot near the center of retina) :: gele vlek {m} {f}, macula {f}
mad {adj} (insane (adj.)) :: waanzinnig, gek, zot
mad {adj} (angry) :: boos, kwaad
Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Madagaskar
Madagascar buzzard {n} (Buteo brachypterus) :: madagaskarbuizerd
madam {n} (polite term of address to a woman) :: mevrouw {f}
mad as a hatter {adj} (demented or crazy) :: stapelgek
mad cow disease {n} (informal: bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: gekke-koeienziekte
madder {n} (plant) :: meekrap {f}
made in China {adj} (manufactured in the PRC) :: geproduceerd in China, vervaardigd in China, gemaakt in China
Madhya Pradesh {prop} (Madhya Pradesh, India) :: Madhya Pradesh
madman {n} (An insane man) :: dolleman {m}, gek {f}, krankzinnige {f}, waanzinnige {f}
Madonna {prop} (Virgin Mary) SEE: Virgin Mary ::
Madras {prop} (city) :: Madras
Madrid {prop} (capital of Spain) :: Madrid {n}
madrigal {n} (either musical sense) :: madrigaal {n}
Madrilenian {adj} (of Madrid) :: Madrileens
Madrilenian {n} (Someone from Madrid) :: Madrileen {m}, Madrileense {f}
Madrileño {adj} (of Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian ::
Madrileño {n} (Someone from Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian ::
madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
Maduro diet {prop} :: Maduro-dieet
madwoman {n} (a woman who is insane) :: gekkin {f}, zottin {f}
maelstrom {n} (large whirlpool) :: maalstroom, moskstraumen, moskenstraumen
maelstrom {n} (any violent or turbulent situation) :: maalstroom
maenad {n} (follower of Dionysus) :: maenade
mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: maffia {m}
magazine {n} (periodical) :: tijdschrift {n}, magazine {n}
magazine {n} (ammunition storehouse) :: magazijn {n}
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) :: magazijn {n}
Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene ::
Magdeburg {prop} (city) :: Maagdenburg
Magellanic penguin {n} (Penguin) :: magelhaenpinguïn {m}
magenta {n} (colour) :: magenta
Maggie {prop} (female given name) :: Greet {f}, Greetje {n}, Griet {f}
maggot {n} (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) :: made {f}
maggot {n} (worthless person) :: made {f}, worm {m}
maggot {n} (whimsy or fancy) :: gril, kuur, luim
maggoty {adj} (infested with and/or partially eaten by maggots) :: wormstekig
Maghreb {prop} (region in Africa) :: Maghreb {m}
Magi {prop} (the wise men who gave gifts to Jesus) :: wijzen uit het oosten {p}, drie koningen {p}
magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: toverij, toverkracht, toverkunst {f}, magie {f}
magic {n} (ritual associated with supernatural magic or mysticism) :: tovenarij, toverkunst {f}, magie {f}
magic {n} (illusion performed to give the appearance of magic or the supernatural) :: goochelkunst {f}, illusionisme {n}
magic {n} (something spectacular or wonderful) :: toverij {f}, magie {f}
magic {adj} (having supernatural talents, properties or qualities) :: magisch, betoverd, tover-
magic {adj} (Producing extraordinary results; wonderful, amazing) :: magisch, betoverend, feeëriek
magic {adj} (featuring illusions that are usually performed for entertainment) :: magisch, goochel-
magic {v} (to produce something, as if by magic) :: (tevoorschjn) toveren
magical {adj} (relating to magic) :: magisch
magical {adj} (enchanting) :: betoverend, magisch
magic carpet {n} (a carpet capable of magical flight) :: vliegend tapijt {c}
magic carpet {n} (a skier/snowboarder conveyor) :: sleeplift {m}
magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: tovenaar {m}, magiër {m}
magician {n} (performer of tricks) :: goochelaar {m}, illusionist {m}, magiër {m}
magician {n} (amazingly talented craftsman or scientist) :: tovenaar {m}
magician {n} (person who astounds, is an enigma) :: goochelaar {m}, tovenaar {m}, magiër {m}
magic lantern {n} (early light projector) :: toverlantaarn {f}
magic mushroom {n} (mushroom-like fungus that has psychedelic effects) :: paddo {m}
magic wand {n} (wand used to perform magic) :: toverstaf {m}, toverstokje {n}, toverstok {m}
magic word {n} (word with magical effect) :: toverwoord {n}
magma {n} (molten matter) :: magma {n}
Magna Carta {prop} (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) :: Magna Carta {f}
magna cum laude {adv} (with great praise) :: met grote onderscheiding
Magna Graecia {prop} (Ancient Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily) :: Magna Graecia, Groot-Griekenland
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle ::
magnanimity {n} (The quality of being magnanimous; greatness of mind; elevation or dignity of soul) :: grootmoedigheid {f}
magnanimous {adj} (noble and generous in spirit) :: grootmoedig
magnate {n} (Powerful industrialist; captain of industry.) :: magnaat {m} {f}
magnesite {n} (a form of magnesium carbonate, O3, occurring as dolomite (with calcite) but rarely found in the pure state) :: magnesiet {n}
magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: magnesium {n}
magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: magneet {f}
magnetic {adj} (of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism) :: magnetisch
magnetic {adj} (having the properties a magnet) :: magnetisch
magnetic {adj} (determined by earth's magnetic fields) :: magnetisch
magnetic field {n} (a field of magnetic force) :: magneetveld {n}, magnetisch veld {n}
magnetism {n} (the property of being magnetic) :: magnetisme {n}
magnetite {n} (a mineral) :: magnetiet
magnetization {n} (The act of magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized) :: magnetisatie {f}
magnetoencephalography {n} (technique) :: magneto-encefalografie {f}
magnetotail {n} (the long, trailing part of a magnetosphere) :: magnetostaart {m}
magnificent {adj} (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) :: prachtig
magnify {v} (to make larger) :: vergroten
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: vergrootglas {n}, loep {f}
magnitude {n} (size, etc.) :: grootte {f}
magnolia {n} (tree) :: magnolia {f}
magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: ekster {m}
magpie {n} (Australian bird, Gymnorhina tibicen) :: zwartrugfluitvogel {m}
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
maharaja {n} (a Hindu prince ranking above a raja) :: maharadja {m}
maharajadhiraja {n} (title) :: maharajadhiraja {m}
Maharashtra {prop} (state in western India) :: Maharashtra
Maharastra {prop} (Maharashtra) SEE: Maharashtra ::
mahleb {n} (aromatic spice made from cherry stones) :: weichselboom {m}
mahogany {n} (tropical tree) :: mahonie
mahogany {n} (wood) :: mahonie
maid {n} (young female) :: meisje {n}, meid {f}
maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) :: kamermeisje {n}
maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: juffrouw {f}, [poetic] maagd {m} {f}, meisje {m}, jongedame, vrijster
maiden {n} (female virgin) :: maagd {m} {f}
maiden {adj} (without offspring) :: kinderloos
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
maidenhead {n} (virginity) :: maagdelijkheid {f}
maidenhead {n} (hymen) :: maagdenvlies {n}
maidenhood {n} (condition of being maiden) :: maagdelijkheid
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: meisjesnaam {m}
Maiden's Tower {prop} (a tower located in the Bosphorus) :: Meisjestoren, Leandertoren
maieutics {n} (Socratic method) SEE: Socratic method ::
mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: post {f}
mailing list {n} (collection of names and addresses) :: nieuwslijst {m} {f}, adressenlijst {m} {f}
mailman {n} (post office employee) :: postbode {m}, brievenbesteller {m}, postbesteller
mail-order bride {n} (a woman in a catalogue for marriage) :: importbruid {f}
mail slot {n} (slot for mail delivery) :: brievengleuf
maim {v} (to cause permanent loss of a part of the body) :: verminken
main {adj} (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) :: hoofd-, voornaamste, belangrijkste
main {n} (mainland) SEE: mainland ::
main building {n} (most important building of a group of buildings (e.g. in a school/university)) :: hoofdgebouw {n}
main clause {n} (grammar: clause that can stand alone syntactically) :: hoofdzin {m}
main course {n} (main dish of a meal) :: hoofdgerecht {n}
mainland {n} (the main landmass of a country or continent) :: vasteland {n}
mainland China {prop} (area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) :: Chinese vasteland {n}, continentaal China {n}
mainly {adv} (chiefly; for the most part) :: voornamelijk
mainmast {n} (mainmast) :: grote mast {m}
main road {n} (major road in a town, village etc.) :: hoofdweg {m}
mainstay {n} (chief support) :: hoofdpijler, steunpilaar
mainstay {n} (nautical: stabilizing rope) :: grootstag {n}
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold ::
maintain {v} (to keep up) :: handhaven
maintenance {n} (keeping a machine or system in service) :: onderhoud {n}, handhaving {f}
maintenance {n} (legal: payment made to a spouse after a divorce) SEE: alimony ::
main verb {n} (verb in a clause with the highest semantic content) :: hoofdwerkwoord {n}
Mainz {prop} (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) :: Mainz {n}
maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: mais {m}, Turkse tarwe {m}, Spaanse tarwe {f}
majestic {adj} (having splendor or royalty) :: majestueus, majesteitisch
majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
majesty {n} (the quality of being impressive and great) :: majesteit {f}
Majesty {pron} (term of address for royalty and imperiality) :: majesteit
major {n} (military rank) :: majoor {m}
major {adj} (of full legal age; having attained majority) :: meerderjarig
major {adj} :: belangrijk
major {n} (the main area of study) :: hoofdvak {n}
major {n} (person of legal age) :: meerderjarige {m} {f}
major arcana {n} (Tarot cards) :: grote arcana
Majorca {prop} (island) :: Majorca
majority {n} (more than half) :: meerderheid {f}, merendeel {n}
majuscule {n} (upper-case letter) SEE: capital letter ::
make {v} (to construct) :: maken
make {v} (to create) :: maken
make {v} (to constitute) :: vormen
make {v} (to interpret) :: maken, denken, interpreteren
make {v} (to bring into success) :: maken
make {v} (to cause to be) :: maken
make {v} (to cause to do) :: doen, ertoe brengen
make {v} (to force to do) :: doen, ertoe brengen
make {v} (to indicate or suggest to be) :: maken
make {n} (brand) :: merk {n}
make a living {v} (earn enough income) :: zich in zijn levensonderhoud voorzien
make a mountain out of a molehill {v} (to treat a problem as greater than it is) :: van een mug een olifant maken (to make an elephant out of a mosquito), [Flanders] van een muis een olifant maken
make an exhibition of oneself {v} (to embarrass oneself in public) :: zichzelf voor gek zetten
make a show of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) :: een belachelijk figuur slaan
make a spectacle of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) :: een belachelijk figuur slaan
make do {v} (to get by (with)) :: genoegen nemen
make ends meet {v} (get by financially) :: rondkomen
make friends {v} (to create friendships) :: bevriend raken
make hay while the sun shines {v} (act while an opportunity exists) :: het ijzer smeden als het heet is
make it {v} (to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, or getting there on time) :: het halen
makeless {adj} (matchless) :: onvergelijkelijk
makeless {adj} (widowed) :: geweeuwd [archaic]
make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse, see also: copulate) :: de liefde bedrijven, vrijen
make out {v} :: zoenen, vrijen
make peace {v} (to end hostilities) :: vrede sluiten
maker {n} (one who makes) :: maker {m}
make sense {v} (be coherent) :: kloppen, zinvol zijn, betekenisvol zijn
make sense {v} (decipher, understand) :: ontcijferen, verstaan, snappen
makeshift {n} (temporary substitution) :: provisorisch, noodoplossing
makeshift {adj} (made to work or suffice) :: provisorisch
make sure {v} (to verify; to recheck; to use extra care or caution) :: zorgen, opletten
make the bed {v} (arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly) :: het bed opmaken
make up {v} (to invent, imagine, or concoct) :: verzinnen, bedenken
makeup {n} (cosmetics) :: schmink {m}, make-up {m}
make-up artist {n} (artist who applies makeup for theatrical, television, or film productions) :: grimeur {m}, grimeuse {f}
make use {v} (make use of something) SEE: take advantage ::
make use {v} (to use) :: gebruikmaken van
make yourself at home {phrase} :: doe alsof je thuis bent
Malachi {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Maleachi {m}
Malachi {prop} (minor prophet) :: Maleachi {m}
Malachi {prop} (male given name) :: Maleachi {m}
malacology {n} (study of molluscs) :: malacologie
maladroit {adj} (not adroit; clumsy) :: onhandig, onbeholpen
Malagasy {n} (the language of the Malagasy, when considered one language) :: Malgasy
malaise {n} (bodily feeling) :: ongesteldheid {f}
malaise {n} (ambiguous feeling of mental or moral depression) :: teneergeslagenheid {f}
malapropism {n} (the blundering use of a similar-sounding expression) :: verhaspeling {f}
malar {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
malar bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
malaria {n} (disease) :: malaria
Malawi {prop} (Republic of Malawi) :: Malawi
Malay {adj} (of the Malay people) :: Maleis, Maleisich
Malay {adj} (of or pertaining to Malaysia) :: Maleisisch
Malay {adj} (in, of or otherwise pertaining to the Malay language) :: Maleis
Malay {n} (Malay person) :: Maleier {m}
Malay {n} (the Malay language) :: Maleis {n}
Malayalam {n} (language) :: Malayalam {n}
Malayo-Polynesian {prop} :: Malayo-Polynesisch
Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Maleisië
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
Malaysian {n} (a native of Malaysia) :: Maleisiër {m}, Maleisische {f}
Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Maladiven
Maldivian {n} (language) SEE: Dhivehi ::
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine ::
male {adj} (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) :: mannelijk, man-, mannen-, mannetjes-, masculien
male {adj} (having an external plug) :: mannelijk
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: mannetje {n}, man {m}, jongen {m}
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: mannetje {n}, mannetjesdier
male {n} (plant of masculine sex) :: mannetje {n}, mannetjesplant
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
male member {n} (euphemistic: penis, see also: penis) :: mannelijk lid {m}
malevolence {n} (hostile feeling and attitude) :: kwaadwil {m}, moedwil {m}, misgunst {m}, malevolentie {f}
malevolent {adj} (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) :: kwaadwillend
malfunction {n} (faulty functioning) :: slechte werking {f}
malfunction {n} (failure to function) :: stuk zijn {n}, storing {f}
Mali {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Mali
malice {n} (intention to harm) :: kwaadaardigheid
malicious {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) :: boos, kwaad, kwaadaardig
maliciousness {n} (maliciousness) SEE: malevolence ::
malignant {adj} (harmful, malevolent, injurious) :: kwaadaardig
malignant {adj} (tending to produce death) :: kwaadaardig
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) :: winkelcentrum {n}
mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: wilde eend {f}
malleability {n} (the quality or state of being malleable) :: smeedbaarheid, buigzaamheid, wendbaarheid
malleable {adj} (able to be hammered into thin sheets) :: hamerbaar, smeedbaar
malleable {adj} (liable to change) :: kneedbaar
malleate {v} (to beat into shape with a hammer) :: uithameren, behameren, hameren, smeden
mallow {n} (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) :: kaasjeskruid {n}
malnourished {adj} (suffering from malnutrition) :: ondervoed
malnutrition {n} (lack of adequate nourishment) :: ondervoeding
malodorous {adj} (having a bad odor) :: malodorant, stinkend, onwelriekend
malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: mout {m} {n}
malt {v} (to convert grain into malt) :: mouten
Malta {prop} (republic) :: Malta
Malta {prop} (island) :: Malta
Maltese {n} (Maltese people collectively: plural) :: Maltezen {p}
Maltese {n} (inhabitant of Malta) :: Maltees {m}, Maltese {f}
Maltese {n} (language of Malta) :: Maltees {n}
Maltese {adj} (pertaining to Malta or its language) :: Maltees
malthouse {n} (plant) :: mouterij {n}
maltose {n} (the disaccharide C12H22O11) :: maltose {c}, moutsuiker {m}
maltreat {v} (treat badly) :: mishandelen
malware {n} (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) :: malware {m}, schadelijke software {m}
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mama bear {n} (female bear with cubs) :: moederbeer {m}, moederberen {p}, berenmoeder {f}, berenmoeders {p}
mama bear {n} (protective woman) :: helikoptermoeder {f}, helikoptermoeders {p}, moederkloek {f}, moederkloeken {p}, curlingmoeder {f}, curlingmoeders {p}
mamba {n} (venomous snake) :: mamba {m}
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: zoogdier {n}
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
mammary gland {n} (milk-secreting gland) :: melkklier {f}
mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: mammoet {m}
mammothrept {n} (spoilt child) :: verwend nest {n}
mamoncillo {n} (Meliococcus bijugatus) :: knippa
man {n} (adult male human) :: man {m}, heer {m}
man {n} (human) :: mens {m}
man {n} (piece in board games) :: pion {m}, speelstuk {n}
man {v} (to supply with staff or crew) :: bemannen
man {v} (to take up position in order to operate something) :: bemannen
Man {prop} (genus Homo) :: de mens {m}
manacle {n} (fetter, restriction) SEE: fetter ::
manacle {n} (shackle for the wrist) :: handboeien
manage {v} (to direct or be in charge) :: beheren, leiden, managen
manage {v} (to succeed at an attempt) :: erin slagen, lukken
manageable {adj} (capable of being managed) :: beheerbaar, beheersbaar, behapbaar
management {n} (administration; the process or practice of managing) :: management, administratie {f}, beheer {n}, bestuur {n}, directie {f}
management {n} (the executives of an organisation) :: management {n}, bestuur {n}
manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something) :: directeur {m}, manager {m}
man and wife {n} (opposite-sex married couple) SEE: husband and wife ::
manatee {n} (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) :: zeekoe {f}, lamantijn {m}
Manchu {n} (member of the people) :: Mantsjoe
Manchu {prop} (language) :: Mantsjoe, Mantsjoerijs
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people) :: Mantjoe-, Mantsjoerijns
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu language) :: Mantjoe-
Manchuria {prop} (historical region in Northeast Asia) :: Mantsjoerije
mandarin {n} (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) :: mandarijn {m}
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (mandarin duck) SEE: mandarin duck ::
Mandarin {n} (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) :: Mandarijns {n}
mandarin duck {n} (bird) :: mandarijneend
mandarin orange {n} (tree) :: mandarijnenboom {m}
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: mandarijn {m}
mandate {n} (official command) :: mandaat
mandate {n} (the authority to do something or to act) :: mandaat
mandatory {adj} (obligatory) :: verplicht, nodig
man-day {n} (one person's working time) :: mandag {m}
mandible {n} (lower jaw) :: onderkaak {f}
mandible {n} (mouthpart of an arthropod) :: kaak {f}
mandocello {n} (string instrument) :: mandoloncello
mandola {n} (musical instrument) :: mandola
mandrake {n} (botany) :: mandragora
mandrill {n} (Mandrillus sphinx) :: mandril {m}
mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: maan {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: maan {f}
manes {n} (spirits of the dead) :: manen {p}
maneuver {n} (a movement, often one performed with difficulty) :: manoeuvre {m} {f}
maneuver {n} (a large training exercise of military troops) :: manoeuvre {m} {f}, (veld)oefening
maneuver {v} (to move carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position) :: manoeuvreren, laveren
maneuver {v} ((intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme) :: manoeuvreren, intrigeren
maneuverable {adj} (able to be maneuvered) :: wendbaar
manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: manga
manga {n} (comic done in Japanese style) :: manga
Mangalore {prop} (city in western India) :: Mangalore
manganese {n} (chemical element) :: mangaan {n}, manganium {n}
mange {n} (skin disease) :: schurft
manger {n} (trough for animals to eat from) :: kribbe
mangle {v} (to wring laundry) :: mangelen
mango {n} (tropical fruit tree Mangifera indica) :: mangoboom {m}
mango {n} (fruit) :: mango {m}, manja
mango juice {n} (juice) :: mangosap {n}
mangonel {n} (type of military engine) :: mangeneel {n}, mangonel {m}
mangosteen {n} (fruit) :: mangistan {m}
manhole {n} (a hole in the ground used to access the sewers or other underground vaults and installations) :: mangat {n}
man-hour {n} (amount of work) :: manuur {n}
manhunt {n} (organized search) :: klopjacht {f}
mania {n} (violent derangement) :: manie {f}
mania {n} (excessive desire) :: manie {f}
maniac {n} (insane person) :: maniak, waanzinnige, dolleman
maniac {n} (fanatic, obsessive) :: maniak {m}
manifest {n} (list of passengers or goods) :: manifest {f}, vrachtbrief {m}, vrachtlijst {f}
manifest {n} (obsolete: public declaration) :: manifest {n}
manifest {v} (to show plainly; to make to appear distinctly) :: manifesteren
manifestation {n} (the act or process of becoming manifest) :: manifestatie
manifesto {n} (public declaration) :: manifest {n}
manifold {adj} (various in kind or quality) :: veelvuldig, talrijk, veelvoudig, divers
manifold {n} (locally Euclidean space) :: variëteit {f}
manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Manila {prop} (capital of the Philippines) :: Manilla
Manila hemp {n} (the fibre of the abaca) :: manillahennep {m}
maniple {n} (division of the Roman army) :: manipel {m}
maniple {n} (part of a priest's vestments) :: manipel {m}
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible ::
manipulate {v} (move with the hands) :: manipuleren
manipulate {v} (influence or manage) :: beïnvloeden, manipuleren
manipulate {v} :: manipuleren, beïnvloeden
manipulation {n} (practice of manipulating) :: manipulatie {f}, gebruik {n}
manipulation {n} (skillful use of the hands) :: manipulatie {f}
manipulation {n} (devious management) :: manipulatie {f}, misbruik {n}
Manipur {prop} (Manipur, India) :: Manipur
Manitoba {prop} (Province in western Canada) :: Manitoba {n}
mankind {n} (human race) :: mensheid {f}
manliness {n} (similarity to man) :: mannelijkheid {f}
manly {adj} (having the characteristics of a man) :: mannelijk
man-made {adj} (created by a human) :: door mensenhanden gemaakt
manna ash {n} (Fraxinus ornis) :: pluimes, mannaes, bloemes
mannequin {n} (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) :: mannequin, paspop {m} {f}
manner {n} (way of performing or effecting; method or style) :: manier {f}, wijze {f}
manner {n} (characteristic mode of acting or behaving; bearing) :: gedrag {n}
Mannerism {n} (style of art) :: maniërisme {n}
manners {n} (etiquette) :: omgangsvormen {p}
man of few words {n} (man who doesn't speak much) :: geen man van veel woorden {m}
man of letters {n} (a literary man) :: literaat {m}
man-of-war {n} (cnidarian) SEE: Portuguese man-of-war ::
manometer {n} (instrument to measure pressure) :: manometer
manor {n} (landed estate) :: landhuis {n}
manor {n} (feudal district) :: heerlijkheid {f}
man overboard {interj} (cry indicating someone has fallen over the side) :: man overboord
man proposes, God disposes {proverb} (things don't always work out as they were planned) :: de mens wikt, God beschikt
mansion {n} (large house or building) :: landhuis {n}
manslaughter {n} (act of killing unlawfully) :: doodslag {m}
mantel {n} (shelf above a fireplace) :: schouw
mantelpiece {n} (shelf) :: schoorsteenmantel {m}, schouwmantel {m}
mantis shrimp {n} (stomatopod) :: bidsprinkhaankreeft {f}, mantisgarnaal {m}
mantle {n} (fireplace shelf) SEE: mantel ::
mantle {n} (incandescent gauze in a gas lamp) :: gloeikous {f}
mantle {n} (geology: layer of the Earth) :: aardmantel, mantel
mantling {n} (heraldry: drapery behind and around a coat of arms) :: dekkleed {n}
manual {n} (handbook or booklet that instructs) :: handleiding {f}, handboek {n}
manual {n} (musical keyboard) :: manuaal {n}
manual {n} (manual transmission) :: handbak {m}
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) :: handmatig, met de hand, manueel
manually {adv} (by hand) :: manueel, met de hand, handmatig
manufacture {v} (to make things) :: vervaardigen
manufacture {v} (to produce goods) :: fabriceren
manufacturer {n} (one who manufactures) :: fabrikant
manul {n} (Otocolobus manul) :: manoel, pallaskat
manumission {n} (release from slavery, freedom, the act of manumitting) :: vrijlating
manure {v} (to cultivate by manual labor) :: cultiveren
manure {v} (to apply manure) :: bemesten
manure {n} (excrement) :: mest {m}
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
manuscript {adj} (handwritten, or by extension typewritten) :: handgeschreven, geschreven
manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) :: manuscript {n}, handschrift {n}
manuscript {n} (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) :: manuscript {n}, kopij {f}
Manx {n} (the Manx cat breed) :: manx
Manx {n} (language) SEE: Manx Gaelic ::
Manx cat {n} (mammal) :: manxkat
Manx Gaelic {n} (a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man) :: Manx {n}, Manx-Gaelisch {n}
many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: veel, vele, menig
many {pron} (an indefinite large number of people or things) :: velen, veel
many {n} (a collective mass of people) :: menigte
many a mickle makes a muckle {proverb} (lot of small amounts together become a large amount) :: vele kleintjes maken een grote
many hands make light work {proverb} (a large number of people cooperating can perform tasks easily) :: vele handen maken licht werk
manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
many thanks {interj} (many thanks) :: heel erg bedankt
Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: maoïsme
Maoist {adj} (of Maoism) :: maoïstisch
Maoist {n} (Maoist advocate) :: maoïst {m} {f}
Maori {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Māori) :: Maori
Maori {n} (indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand) :: Maori {p}
Maori {n} (member of the Maori people of New Zealand) :: Maori {m} {f}
Maori {n} (language of the Māori) :: Maori {n}
map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: kaart {f}, landkaart {f}, plan {n}, plattegrond {m}
map {v} (to create a visual representation of a territory) :: afbeelden, in kaart brengen
maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: esdoorn {m}
maple syrup {n} (syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple) :: ahornsiroop {m}
mapping {n} (function that maps every element of a given set to a unique element of another set) :: afbeelding {f}
mar {v} (to spoil, to damage) :: verpesten, verknoeien, beschadigen
marabou {n} (large wading bird native to Africa) :: maraboe {m}
marathon {n} (road race) :: marathon {m}
maraud {v} (intransitive: to move about in roving fashion looking for plunder) :: roven
maraud {v} (transitive: to raid and pillage) :: plunderen
marauder {n} (one who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder) :: stroper {m}
marauder {n} (band of outlaws who raid and pillage) :: roversbende {m} {f}
marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: marmer {n}
marble {n} (spherical ball) :: knikker {m}
marbles {n} (game) :: knikkers {p}
marcassin {n} (young wild boar) :: everjong {n}, frisling {m}
march {n} (formal, rhythmic way of walking) :: mars {m}
march {n} (political rally or parade) :: mars {m}
march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) :: mars {m}
march {v} (walk with long, regular strides) :: marcheren
march {v} (go to war; make military advances) :: ten strijde trekken
march {n} (border region) :: grensmark
march {n} (region at a frontier governed by a marquess) :: mark {n}
March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: maart
marching band {n} (group of instrumental musicians) :: dweilorkest {n}, blaaskapel {c}
mare {n} (female horse) :: merrie {f}
mare's milk {n} (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a mare) :: paardenmelk {m}
Margaret {prop} (female given name) :: Margreet, Margriet
margarine {n} (spread) :: margarine {m}
margay {n} (Leopardus wiedii) :: margay
margin {n} (edge of the paper that remains blank) :: kantlijn {c}, marge {c}
marginal {adj} :: marginaal
marginal benefit {n} (marginal utility) SEE: marginal utility ::
marginal sea {n} (part of ocean) :: randzee {f}
marginal utility {n} (the additional utility to a consumer from an additional unit of an economic good) :: marginaal nut {n}
margin of error {n} (expression of the lack of precision) :: foutmarge
margrave {n} (military officer in charge of German border area) :: markgraaf {m}
margrave {n} (hereditary prince) :: markgraaf {m}, markies {m}
marguerite {n} (oxeye daisy) SEE: oxeye daisy ::
Mariana Trench {prop} (trench in the North Pacific Ocean) :: Marianentrog
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
marigold {n} (Calendula) :: goudsbloem
marigold {n} (Tagetes) :: afrikaantje
marijuana {n} (the drug) :: marihuana
marimba {n} (musical instrument) :: marimba {m}
marina {n} (harbour) :: jachthaven
marinade {v} (marinate) SEE: marinate ::
marinade {n} (liquid mixture) :: marinade {f}
marinate {v} (soak in marinade) :: marineren
marine {adj} (of or pertaining to the sea) :: marien, maritiem
marine {n} (member of a marine corps) :: marinier {m}
marine biology {n} (branch of biology) :: mariene biologie
marine climate {n} (mild climate near water) :: zeeklimaat {n}
marine corps {n} (military organization of marines who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships) :: marinier {m}
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass ::
marionette {n} (string puppet) :: marionet {f}
marital rape {n} (rape by an intimate partner) ::  : verkrachting binnen het huwelijk
marital status {n} (term describing relationship) :: burgerlijke staat {m}
maritime earwig {n} (Anisolabis maritima) :: maritieme oorworm {m}
marjoram {n} (culinary herb) :: marjolein
mark {n} (indication for reference or measurement) :: markering {f}, aanduiding {f}, teken {n}
mark {n} (academic score) :: punt {n}, score {f}
mark {n} (sporting score) :: punt {n}, score {f}
mark {n} (visible impression, blemish, stain) :: blaam {m}
mark {v} (indicate) :: markeren, aanduiden, optekenen
mark {v} (take note of) :: noteren, opschrijven, neerpennen, nota nemen
mark {v} (blemish) :: bevlekken
mark {v} (correct) :: verbeteren
mark {n} (unit of currency) :: mark {m}
mark {n} (coin) :: mark {m}
Mark {prop} (male given name) :: Mark {m}
Mark {prop} (the Evangelist) :: Mark {m}
Mark {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Evangelie naar Marcus
marker {n} (A gene or DNA sequence with a known location) :: merker
marker {n} (marker pen) SEE: marker pen ::
marker pen {n} (pen) :: fiche {m}
market {n} (gathering for trading) :: markt {m}
market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: markt {m}, marktplein {n}
market {n} (group of potential customers) :: markt {m}, afzetmarkt {m}
market {n} (geographical area where a commercial demand exists) :: markt {m}, afzetmarkt {m}, afzetgebied {n}
market {n} (formally organized system of trading in specified goods or effects) :: markt {m}, beurs
market {n} (used attributively) :: markt-
market {n} :: markt {c}, marktplein {n}
market {v} (to make available and promote) :: op de markt brengen, commercialiseren, vermarkten
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
market failure {n} (a situation in which the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient) :: marktfalen {n}
market garden {n} (a garden in which vegetables are raised for sale at a market) :: tuinderij {f}
market share {n} (percentage of some market) :: marktaandeel {n}
market square {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) :: marktplein {n}
markhor {n} (Capra falconeri) :: schroefhoorngeit
marking gauge {n} :: kruishout
marksman {n} (a man skilled in shooting at a target) :: schutter {m}
markup {n} (notation used to indicate how text should be displayed) :: opmaak {m}
markup {n} (percentage or amount added to buy-in price) :: marge {f}, verkoopsmarge {f}
markup {n} (increase in price) :: prijsstijging {f}
markup language {n} (computer language using markups) :: opmaaktaal
marl {n} (a mixed earthy substance) :: mergel {m}
marlin {n} (game fish) :: zwaardvis {m}
marmalade {n} (jam) :: marmelade {f}, jam {f}, confituur {f}
marmot {n} (rodent of the genera Marmota) :: marmot {f}
maroon {n} (runaway slave) :: marron {m}, bosneger {m}, bosnegerin {f}, boslandcreool {m}, boslandcreoolse {f}
maroon {n} (castaway) :: uitgestotene {c}, verstotene {c}
maroon {adj} (associated with Maroon culture, communities or peoples) :: marron-, boslandcreools
maroon {v} (to abandon) :: achterlaten, verlaten
maroon {adj} (color) :: bordeauxrood
marquess {n} (title of nobility) :: markies {m}
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess ::
marquisate {n} (territory held by a marquis, margrave or marchioness) :: markgraafschap {f}
Marrakech {prop} (city in Morocco) :: Marrakesh
marriage {n} (state of being married) :: huwelijk {f}, echt {m}
marriage {n} (union of two people) :: huwelijk {f}
marriage {n} (wedding) :: bruiloft {m} {f}
marriageable {adj} (suitable for marriage) :: huwbaar
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband) :: getrouwd
marrow {n} (substance inside bones) :: merg {n}
marrow {n} (kind of vegetable) :: courgette {?}
marrowbone {n} (bone with edible marrow) :: mergbeen {n}
marry {v} (to take a husband or wife) :: trouwen, huwen
marry {v} (to be joined in marriage) :: trouwen, huwen, zich in de echt verbinden
marry {v} (to unite in wedlock) :: trouwen, huwen, in de echt verbinden
marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a woman (the shortest form)) :: trouw met mij
marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a man (the shortest form)) :: trouw met mij
marry off {v} (successfully arrange the marriage of someone) :: uithuwelijken
marry up {v} (join) SEE: join ::
Mars {prop} (planet) :: Mars {n}
Mars {prop} (god of war) :: Mars {m}
Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) :: Mars {m}
Marseilles {prop} (city in France) :: Marseille {n}
Marseille soap {n} (kind of hard soap) :: Marseille zeep {f}
marsh {n} (area of low, wet land) :: moeras {n}, broek {n}, moer {n}
marshal {n} (military officer of the highest rank) :: maarschalk {m}
Marshallese {n} (language) :: Marshallees
marshalling yard {n} :: rangeerterrein {n}
Marshall Islands {prop} (Republic of the Marshall Islands) :: Marshalleilanden
marsh buck {n} (Tragelaphus spekii) :: moerasantilope, langhoefantilope, sitatoenga
marsh deer {n} (Blastocerus dichotomus) :: moerashert {n}
marsh mallow {n} (Althaea officinalis) :: heemst
marshmallow {n} (confectionery) :: marshmallow
marshmallow {n} (plant) SEE: marsh mallow ::
marshrutka {n} (share taxi) :: marsjroetka {f}
marsh sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) :: poelruiter
marsh tit {n} (bird) :: glanskop
Mars Rover {n} (vehicle) :: marsverkenner {m}
marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: buideldier {n}
marten {n} (mammal) :: marter {m}
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier ::
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian ::
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian ::
Martial {prop} (male given name) :: Martialis, Martial
Martial {prop} (Roman poet) :: Martialis
martial art {n} (fighting style) :: gevechtskunst {f}, gevechtssport {f}, krijgskunst {f}
martial law {n} (rule by military authorities) :: krijgswet, staat van beleg
Martian {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) :: Mars-, van Mars [literally: of Mars], Martiaans
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) :: marsmannetje {n}
Martin {prop} (given name) :: Martijn {m}, Maarten {m}, Martinus {m}
martini {n} (cocktail) :: martini {m}
Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) :: Martinique
martlet {n} (depiction of a mythological bird) :: merlet {f}
martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion) :: martelaar {m}, martelares {f}
martyr {n} (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) :: martelaar {m}
martyr {n} (one who suffers greatly, even involuntarily) :: martelaar {m}
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
martyr {v} (persecute) SEE: persecute ::
martyrology {n} (list of martyred Christian saints) :: martyrologie {f}, martyrologium {n}
martyry {n} (a shrine in honor of a martyr) :: martelaarsschrijn {n}, martyrium {n}
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder ::
marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous ::
marvelous {adj} (exciting wonder or surprise) :: wonderbaar
Marxism {n} (philosophy) :: marxisme {n}
Marxism {n} (ideology) :: marxisme {n}
Marxism-Leninism {prop} (communist ideological stream) :: marxisme-leninisme {n}
Marxist {adj} (following Marxism) :: marxistisch
Marxist-Leninist {adj} (of or pertaining to Marxism-Leninism) :: marxistisch-leninistisch
Marxist-Leninist {n} (adherent of Marxism-Leninism) :: marxist-leninist {m}
Mary {prop} (female given name) :: Maria
Mary Magdalene {prop} (female disciple of Jesus) :: Maria Magdalena {f}
marzipan {n} (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) :: marsepein {m}
mascara {n} (eyelash cosmetic) :: mascara {m} {f}
mascot {n} (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group) :: mascotte {m} {f}
masculine {adj} (of the male sex; biologically male, not female; manly) :: mannelijk
masculine {adj} (belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males) :: mannelijk
masculine {adj} (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate) :: mannelijk
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: mannelijk
masculinism {n} (masculism) SEE: masculism ::
masculinity {n} (degree or property of being masculine) :: mannelijkheid {f}, masculiniteit {f}
masculism {n} (a social theory or political movement) :: masculinisme {n}
masdar {n} (verbal noun) SEE: verbal noun ::
mash {n} (mashed potatoes) SEE: mashed potatoes ::
mashed potatoes {n} (dish) :: aardappelpuree {f}
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque ::
mask {n} (cover for the face) :: masker {m}
mask {v} (to cover, as the face, by way of concealment or defense against injury) :: maskeren
masked lapwing {n} (Vanellus miles) :: maskerkievit
masking tape {n} (tape made of a thin paper) :: schildersplakband {n}
masochism {n} (the enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation) :: masochisme {n}
masochist {n} (someone who enjoys pain or humiliation) :: masochist {m}
masochistic {adj} (deriving pleasure from abuse, being punished, or dominated) :: masochistisch
mason {n} (one who builds with stone or brick) :: metselaar {m}, [Flemish] metser {m}
mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise ::
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
mass {n} (quantity of matter cohering together to make one body) :: massa {f}
mass {n} (large quantity; sum) :: massa {f}, hoeveelheid {f}
mass {n} (bulk; magnitude; body; size) :: massa {f}, hoeveelheid {f}
mass {n} (principal part) :: meerderheid {f}, massa {f}
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: massa {f}
mass {n} (pharmacy: medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump) :: massa {f}
mass {n} (medicine: palpable or visible abnormal globular structure) :: massa {f}
mass {n} (large body of individuals) :: massa {f}
mass {v} (form or collect into a mass) :: samennemen, samenhopen, ophopen
mass {adj} (involving a mass of things) :: massa-
mass {adj} (involving a mass of people) :: massa-
mass {n} (religion: Eucharist) :: mis {f}
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) :: mis {f}
mass {n} (religion: sacrament of the Eucharist) :: mis {f}
mass {n} (musical setting of parts of the mass) :: mis {f}
mass {v} (celebrate Mass) :: vieren, misvieren
Mass {n} (Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service) :: dienst {m}, gebedsdienst {m}, mis {m} {f}, misdienst {f}
Massachusetts {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Massachusetts
massacre {n} (intentional mass killing) :: bloedbad
massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: massage {f}
massage {v} (to perform a massage on somebody) :: masseren
massage {v} (to manipulate data or a document) :: manipuleren
massage {v} (to falsify data or accounts) :: vervalsen
masseur {n} (a person who performs massage) :: masseur {m}, masseuse {f}
masseuse {n} (a female masseur) :: masseuse {f}
mass grave {n} (a grave containing many corpses) :: massagraf {n}, verzamelgraf {n}
massif {n} (principal mountain mass) :: massief {n}, bergmassief {n}
massive {adj} (of great size, significance or import; overwhelming) :: massief
mass murder {n} (successive killing of many people) :: massamoord {m}
mass noun {n} (noun describing something that cannot be counted) :: niet-telbaar zelfstandig naamwoord {n}, niet-telbaar substantief {n}
mass production {n} (process of manufacturing products on a large scale) :: massaproductie {f}
mast {n} (support of a sail) :: mast {m}
mast {n} (the fruit of forest-trees) :: mast {m}
mastaba {n} (rectangular structure with a flat top and slightly sloping sides) :: mastaba {f}
mast cell {n} (cell) :: mestcel {f} {m}, mastocyt {m}
master {n} (expert at something) :: meester {m}
master {v} (to control) :: controleren
master {v} (to learn to a high degree) :: beheersen
master key {n} (a key that opens a set of several locks) :: moedersleutel {m}, loper {m}
master of ceremonies {n} (host at a formal event) :: ceremoniemeester {m}
masterpiece {n} (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) :: meesterwerk {n}
master's {n} (master's degree) SEE: master's degree ::
master's degree {n} (postgraduate degree) :: master {m}
mastership {n} :: meesterschap {n}
master's thesis {n} (thesis) :: masterscriptie {f}, masterthesis {m}, masterthese {m}
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece ::
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone ::
mastery {n} :: meesterschap {n}
mastic {n} (the shrub or tree Pistacia lentiscus) :: mastiekboom {m}, mastaka
mastic {n} (the tree's resin) :: mastiek, mastaka
mastic {n} (the flexible, waterproof filler) :: mastiek
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew ::
mastiff {n} (mastiff) :: mastiff
masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: masturberen
masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: zelfbevrediging {f}, masturbatie {f}
masturbatory {adj} (pertaining to masturbation) :: masturbatorisch
masu {n} (square wooden box) :: masu {m}
Masuria {prop} (an area in northeastern Poland) :: Mazurië
mat {n} (foot wiping device or floor covering) :: mat {c}, deurmat {c}
mat {n} (protector) :: mat {c}, onderlegger {m}, placemat {c}
mat {n} (athletics: protective pad) :: mat {c}, turnmat {c}
matador {n} (bullfighter) :: stierenvechter
match {n} (sporting event) :: wedstrijd {f}, match {f}
match {n} (attribute equaling or exceeding) :: evenknie {m} {f}, gelijke
match {v} (to agree; to equal) :: overeenstemmen
match {v} (make a successful pairing) :: overeenkomen met
match {v} (equal or exceed in achievement) :: evenaren
match {n} (device to make fire) :: lucifer {m}, zwavelstokje {n} (rare)
matchbook {n} (a small folded sheet of cardboard containing rows of cardboard matches) :: luciferboekje
matchbox {n} (small cardboard box in which matches are kept) :: luciferdoosje {n}
match fixing {n} (the act of losing, or playing to a pre-determined result) :: matchfixing {m} {n}, wedstrijdvervalsing {f}
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
mate {n} (of breeding animal: sexual partner) :: gezel {m}, partner {m} {f}, paringsgezel {m}
mate {n} (nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel) :: maat {m}, scheepsmaat {m}
mate {n} (trade assistant) :: gast {m}, maat {m}
mate {n} (friend, see also: friend) :: maat(je) {m} {n}, kameraad {m}, makker {m}, gabber {m}
mate {v} (copulate) :: paren
mate {v} (pair in order to raise offspring) :: paren
mate {v} (arrange in matched pairs) :: koppelen, paren
mate {v} (to put an opponent in checkmate) :: schaakmat spelen
material {adj} (related to matter) :: materieel, materiële
material {adj} (worldly) :: materieel, materiële, wereldlijk, wereldlijke
material {n} (matter) :: materiaal {n}, grondstof {f}
material {n} (text) :: materiaal {n}
material {n} (cloth) :: materiaal {n}, naaigoed {n}
materialist {n} (someone who is materialistic) :: materialist {m}
materialist {n} (follower of philosophical materialism) :: materialist {m}
materialist {adj} (having features typical of philosophical materialism) :: materialistisch
maternal {adj} (of or pertaining to a mother) :: moederlijk
maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) :: langs moeders kant
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister) :: tante {f}
maternal death {n} (death of a woman that occurs directly related to the procreative process) :: zwangerschapsdood
maternal grandfather {n} (one's mother's father) :: grootvader van moederszijde {m}
maternal grandmother {n} (The mother of one's mother) :: grootmoeder van moederszijde {f}
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) :: oom {m}, [Flemish] nonkel {m}
maternity {n} (state of being a mother; motherhood) :: materniteit {f}, moederschap {n}
maternity leave {n} (leave of absence) :: zwangerschapsverlof, moederschapsrust {m} {f} [Belgium]
math {n} (short form of mathematics) :: wiskunde
mathematical {adj} (of, or relating to mathematics) :: wiskundig
mathematical {adj} (possible but highly improbable) :: theoretisch
mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: wiskundige {m}, mathematicus {m}
mathematics {n} (field of study) :: wiskunde {f}, mathematiek [rare], mathematica [rare], mathesis [rare]
mathematics {n} (person's ability to use mathematics) :: rekenvaardigheid {f}, wiskunde {f}
Mathewson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Matthew") :: Matthijs, Mathijsen
maths {n} (short form of mathematics) :: wiskunde {f}
Mato Grosso do Sul {prop} (state in south-western Brazil) :: Mato Grosso do Sul
matriarch {n} (a female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group) :: aartsmoeder {f}, matriarch {f}
matriarchal {adj} (governed by a matriarch) :: matriarchaal
matriarchy {n} :: matriarchaat {n}
matriculation {n} (enrollment in a college or university) :: inschrijving
matriculation {n} (A pass in some university examinations) :: toelatingsexamen
matrimony vine {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry ::
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
matrix {n} (math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms) :: matrix {f}
matrix {n} (two-dimensional array) :: matrix {m}
matron {n} (mature or elderly woman) :: matrone
matron {n} (housekeeper) :: directrice, hoofdverpleegster
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
matte {adj} (not reflective of light) :: mat
matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: materie {f}
matter {n} (kind of substance) :: stof {c}
matter {n} :: materie {f}
matter {v} (to be important) :: belangrijk zijn, er toe doen
matter of life and death {n} (Something whose outcome could result in either someone's survival or their death) :: kwestie van leven of dood {f}
Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: Matthijs {m}, Thijs {m}, Matteüs {m}
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: Matteüs
Matthew {prop} (gospel of Matthew) :: evangelie naar Matteüs
matting {n} (surface used for surrounding pictures) SEE: matte ::
mattock {n} (agricultural tool) :: hak {f}
mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: matras {m}
mature {adj} :: volwassen
mature {v} (to become mature; to ripen) :: rijpen, volwassen worden
mature {v} (to reach the date when payment is due) :: vervallen
maturity {n} (state of being mature, ready or ripe) :: maturiteit, rijpheid
maturity {n} (when bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin) :: maturiteit, geslachtsrijpheid, volwassenheid, wasdom {m}
maturity {n} (ready for execution or coming due) :: vervaldag, betaaldatum
maudlin {adj} (extravagantly or excessively sentimental; self-pitying) :: sentimenteel, schreierig, melodramatisch
maugre {prep} (in spite of) SEE: in spite of ::
maul {n} (heavy, long-handled hammer) :: kloofbijl {f}
maul {v} (savage) :: toetakelen
maunch {n} (heraldry: a long stylised sleeve) :: mouw
maunderer {n} (babbler) :: babbelaar {m}, babbelkous {f}
maundy {n} (ceremony of washing the feet of poor persons or inferiors) :: voetwassing {f}
Maundy Thursday {prop} (Thursday before Easter) :: Witte Donderdag {m}
Maurice {prop} (male given name) :: Maurits
Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: Mauretanië {n}
Mauritius {prop} (country) :: Mauritius
Mauser {n} (firearm) :: Mauser {m}
mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: mausoleum {n}
mauve {n} (colour) :: mauve {n}, paars {n}
mauve {adj} (colour) :: mauve, paars
maven {n} (expert in a given field) :: zelf-benoemde expert {m}, zelf-benoemde specialist {m}
maverick {adj} (showing independence in thoughts or actions) :: eigenwijs
maverick {n} (one who is unconventional or does not abide by rules) :: individualist {c}, nonconformist {m}
maw {n} (stomach) :: pens, maag
maxilla {n} (bone of upper jaw) :: kaakbeen {n}
maximal {adj} (Largest, greatest, highest, most) :: maximaal
Maximilian {prop} (male given name) :: Maximiliaan
maximize {v} (to make as large as possible) :: maximaliseren
may {v} (have permission to) :: mogen
may {v} (possibly, but not certainly) :: misschien
may {v} (subjunctive) :: mogen
May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: mei, bloeimaand {m} [archaic]
maybe {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: misschien, wellicht, mogelijk, mogelijkerwijs
maybe {adv} (as a pro-sentence) :: misschien, het zou kunnen, mogelijk
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer ::
mayfly {n} (insect of order Ephemeroptera) :: eendagsvlieg {m} {f}, haft {n}
mayhem {n} (chaos) :: chaos {m}, wanorde
mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: mayonaise {m}
mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: burgemeester {m}
mayor {n} (royal steward) :: hofmeier {m}
mayoress {n} (female mayor) :: burgemeesteres {f}
Mayotte {prop} (Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte) :: Mayotte
maypole {n} (pole, garlanded with streamers held by people who dance around it to celebrate May Day) :: meiboom
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) :: moge de Kracht met u zijn; Ripuarian: maag de Maat mit diech zieë
Maytide {prop} (spring month of May) :: meimaand, meitijd
Maytime {n} (Maytide) SEE: Maytide ::
Mazanderani {adj} (pertaining to Mazandaran) :: Masanderanisch
mazel tov {interj} ((Hebrew/Yiddish) congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings) :: [Yiddish] mazzel tov, mazzeltof, mazzeltow, [Hebrew] mazal tov, [Sephardi Hebrew] mazaal tob
mazut {n} (low-quality fuel oil) :: mazout {m}, stookolie {m} {f}
Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip ::
Möbius group {n} (PGL(2,C)) :: Möbius-groep {m} {f}
Möbius strip {n} (one-sided surface) :: Möbiusband {m}
Möbius transformation {n} (transformation of the complex plane) :: Möbius-transformatie {f}
MC {v} (rap) SEE: rap ::
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: McDonald's, [slang] Maccie
mâche {n} (Valerianella locusta) :: veldsla
me {determiner} (my, see also: ) :: mijn, m'n [informal]
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself ::
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) :: me, mij
me {pron} (object of a preposition) :: mijn, me
me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) :: mij, me
me {pron} (subject of a verb without “and”) :: ik
mea culpa {n} (my fault, due to my error) :: mijn schuld
mead {n} (alcoholic drink) :: mede {f}
meadery {n} (place where mead is made) :: mederij {f}
meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: weide {f}
meadow pipit {n} (bird) :: Graspieper
meager {adj} (lean) :: mager
meager {adj} (poor, deficient or inferior) :: mager, schamel
meagre {n} (Argyrosomus regius) :: ombervis
meagre {adj} :: mager, karig, schraal
meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: maaltijd {m}
meal {n} (coarse-ground edible part of various grains) :: meel {n}
mealtime {n} (time at which a meal is eaten) :: etenstijd {m}
mealworm beetle {n} (mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor) :: meeltor {f} {m}
mealybug {n} :: wolluis
mealy-mouthed {adj} (not forthright) :: huichelachtig
mean {v} (to intend; plan on doing) :: willen, van plan zijn
mean {v} (to have intentions of some kind) :: bedoelen, menen
mean {v} (to intend (something) for a given purpose or fate) :: bedoelen
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) :: betekenen, willen zeggen, bedoelen
mean {v} (to signify) :: bedoelen, willen zeggen, betekenen
mean {v} (to have conviction in what one says) :: menen
mean {v} (to result in; bring about) :: betekenen
mean {v} (to be important) :: betekenen
mean {adj} (intending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise) :: gemeen, boosaardig
mean {adj} (low-minded; acting without consideration of others) :: gemeen
mean {adj} (powerful; fierce; harsh; damaging) :: gemeen
mean {adj} (low in quality; inferior) :: minderwaardig
mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) :: gemiddeld, gemiddelde
mean {n} (method by which something is done) :: middel {n}
mean {n} (intermediate value) :: gemiddelde {n}
meanie {n} (unkind person) :: gemenerik {m} {f}
meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: waarde {f}, betekenis {m}
meaning {n} (significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life") :: zin {m}
meaning {n} (definition or connotation of a word) :: betekenis {m}
meaningful {adj} (having meaning, significant) :: zinvol
meaningless {adj} (lacking meaning) :: zinloos, betekenisloos
meaning of life {n} (hypothetical answer to life's ultimate questions) :: zin van het leven {m}
means {n} (instrument or condition for attaining a purpose) :: middel {n}
means {n} (resources) :: middelen {n-p}
means of transport {n} (mode of transport) SEE: mode of transport ::
meantime {n} :: ondertussen
meanwhile {adv} (during the time) :: intussen, ondertussen
meanwhile {adv} (at the same time but elsewhere) :: ondertussen, intussen, in de tussentijd
measle {n} (a leper) :: lepralijder {m}
measles {n} (acute highly contagious viral disease) :: mazelen {p}, morbilli
measurable {adj} (able to be measured) :: meetbaar
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody ::
measure {n} (unspecified portion or quantity) :: maat {m} {f}, hoeveelheid {f}
measure {n} (act or result of measuring) :: meten {n}, meting {f}
measure {n} (standard against which something can be judged, criterion) :: maat {m} {f}, maatstaf {m}
measure {n} (size ascertained by measuring) :: maat {m} {f}
measure {n} (something to take measurements) :: regel {m}, meetlat {f}, lat {f}, lineaal {n}
measure {n} (mathematical function) :: maat {m} {f}
measure {n} (musical designation) :: maat {m} {f}
measure {n} (action to achieve some purpose) :: maatregel {m}
measure {n} :: afstand {m}
measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) :: meten
measure {v} (estimate the unit size) :: meten, schatten
measure {v} (obtain or set apart) :: afmeten
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance ::
measure {n} (math: number which is contained in a given number without remainder) SEE: divisor ::
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed ::
measurement {n} (act of measuring) :: meting {f}
measurement {n} (magnitude determined by measuring) :: meting {f}
measure word {n} (measure word, classifier) :: maatwoord {n}
measuring cup {n} (utensil to measure the volume) :: maatbeker {m}
measuring jug {n} (jug for measuring liquids) SEE: measuring cup ::
measuring tape {n} (tape measure) SEE: tape measure ::
meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: vlees {n}
meat {n} (type of meat) :: vleessoort
meat {n} (any sort of flesh) :: vlees {n}
meat {n} (solid edible part of a plant) :: vruchtvlees {n}
meat {n} (substance, solid part) :: substantie, vlees op de botten
meat {n} (meathead) :: hansworst, lulvent {m}
meat {n} (totem) SEE: totem ::
meatball {n} (meatball) :: gehaktbal {f}
meatgrinder {n} (device for cutting meat) :: gehaktmolen {m}
meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic ::
meatloaf {n} (mixture of ground meat) :: gehaktbrood {n}
Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Mekka
mechanic {n} (skilled worker on machinery) :: mecanicien {m}, werktuigkundige {m}
mechanical {adj} (physics: related to mechanics) :: mechanisch
mechanical pencil {n} (pencil with a retractable lead) :: vulpotlood {n}
mechanics {n} (a branch of physics) :: mechanica
mechanism {n} (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) :: mechanisme {n}
Mechelen {prop} (city) :: Mechelen {n}
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania {prop} (one of the component states of Germany) :: Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren
medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: medaille {m} {f}, erepenning {f}
medal table {n} :: medaillespiegel
meddle {v} (to interfere in affairs) :: zich moeien, tussenkomen, bemoeien
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex ::
meddler {n} (one who meddles or interferes) :: bemoeial {m}
meddlesome {adj} (inclined to meddle or interfere) :: bemoeizuchtig
mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval ::
median {n} (statistics: measure of central tendency) :: mediaan
median {n} (area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic) :: middenberm
median {adj} (having the median as its value) :: mediaan
media studies {n} (academic discipline) :: mediastudies
mediate {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate ::
mediation {n} :: bemiddeling {f}
mediator {n} (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) :: bemiddelaar {m}, tussenpersoon {m}
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
medical {adj} (of the practice of medicine) :: medisch
medical ethics {n} (Translations) :: medische ethiek {f}
medicate {v} (administer medication) :: medicineren
medication {n} (one or all the medicines regularly taken by a patient) :: medicatie
medicinal {adj} (tending to cure disease) :: geneeskrachtig
medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: medicijn {n}, geneesmiddel {n}
medicine {n} (field of study) :: geneeskunde {f}, [archaic] artsenij {f}
medicine {n} (profession) :: geneeskunde, [archaic] artsenij {f}
medicine {n} (ritual Native American magic) :: medicijn {n}
medicine man {n} (shamanistic healer) :: medicijnman {m}
medicine woman {n} (shamanistic healer) :: medicijnvrouw {f}
medieval {adj} (of or relating to the Middle Ages) :: middeleeuws, [mediaevaal] mediëvaal
medieval {adj} (having characteristics associated with the Middle Ages) :: middeleeuws, [mediaevaal] mediëvaal
medieval {n} (a medieval thing) :: middeleeuws
medieval {n} (someone living in the Middle Ages) :: middeleeuwer {m}
medieval {adj} (brutal) SEE: brutal ::
medievalist {n} (one who studies culture and history in the Middle Ages) :: mediëvist {m}
Medieval Latin {prop} (language) :: middeleeuws Latijn {n}
mediocre {adj} (having no peculiar or outstanding features) :: middelmatig
mediocrity {n} (condition of being mediocre) :: middelmatigheid {f}
meditate {v} (rest) :: mediteren
meditation {n} (devotional contemplation) :: meditatie {f}
meditation {n} (contemplative discourse) :: meditatie {f}, overpeinzing {f}
Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: mediterraan
Mediterranean {prop} (region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea) :: Middellandse Zee {n}
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
Mediterranean gull {n} (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) :: zwartkopmeeuw {f}
mediterranean sea {n} (mostly enclosed sea) :: binnenzee {f}, middellandse zee {f}, middelzee {f}
Mediterranean Sea {prop} (sea between Europe and Africa) :: Middellandse Zee {f}
medium {n} (material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass) :: medium {n}
medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) :: medium
mediumwave {adj} :: middengolf {f}
medlar {n} (tree) :: mispelboom, mispelaar
medlar {n} (fruit) :: mispel
medulla oblongata {n} (lower portion of the brainstem) :: medulla oblongata {f}, verlengde merg {n}
Medusa {prop} (one of the Gorgons) :: Medusa {f}
meek {adj} (humble, modest, or self-effacing) :: gedwee, zachtmoedig
meerkat {n} (small carnivorous mammal) :: stokstaartje {n}
meet {v} (encounter by accident) :: ontmoeten, treffen
meet {v} (see through arrangement) :: afspreken, treffen
meet {v} (to get acquainted) :: ontmoeten, leren kennen
meet {v} (converge and touch) :: raken
meet {v} (comply with) :: overeenstemmen met, beantwoorden aan, vervullen
meet {v} (come together in conflict) :: elkander ontmoeten
meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: bijeenkomst {f}, beraad {n}, overleg {n}, ontmoeting, samenkomst, vergadering {f}, zitting {f}, treffen {n}
meeting {n} (people at such a gathering) :: vergadering {f}
meeting {n} (encounter between people) :: ontmoeting {f}
meeting {n} (place or instance of junction or intersection) :: samenkomst {f}, ontmoetingsplaats {f}, raakpunt {n}, raakvlak {n}
meeting {n} :: afspraak; vergadering {f}
mega- {prefix} (very large, great) :: mega-
mega- {prefix} (multiplication factor one million) :: mega-
megabat {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) :: vliegende hond {m}, vleerhond {m}
megacalorie {n} :: megacalorie {f}
megagram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) :: megagram {m}
megalith {n} (construction) :: megaliet {m}
megalomania {n} (psychopathological condition) :: grootheidswaanzin {m}, megalomanie {f}, grootheidswaan {m}
megalomania {n} (obsession) :: grootheidswaanzin {m}
megalomaniac {n} (one affected with or exhibiting megalomania) :: grootheidswaanzinnig, megalomaan
megaphone {n} (portable device used to amplify a person's voice) :: megafoon {m}
megasecond {n} (1,000,000 seconds) :: megaseconde {m}
megawatt {n} (one million watts) :: megawatt
Megleno-Romanian {prop} (language) :: Megleno-Roemeens
meiosis {n} (cell division) :: meiose {f}
meitnerium {n} (chemical element) :: meitnerium {n}
melamine {n} (substance) :: melamine {f}
melancholic {adj} (filled with or affected by melancholy) :: melancholisch, droevig
melancholy {n} (Sadness or depression) :: melancholie, weemoed {m}
melancholy {adj} (affected with sadness or depression) SEE: melancholic ::
Melanesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: Melanesië
melanism {n} (congenital excess of melanin pigmentation) :: melanisme {n}
melanoma {n} (type of skin tumor) :: melanoom
melatonin {n} (hormone) :: melatonine
Melba toast {n} (toast) :: Melba toast, Melbatoast
Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: Melbourne
meld {v} (to combine multiple similar objects into one) :: samensmelten, versmelten
mellifluous {adj} (flowing like honey) :: stroperig
mellifluous {adj} (sweet and smooth (tone, voice...)) :: honingzoet
melodic {adj} (of, relating to, or having melody) :: melodisch
melodious {adj} (having a pleasant melody) :: melodieus
melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: melodie {f}
melomaniac {n} (one with an abnormal fondness of music; person who loves music) :: melomaan {m}
melomel {n} (A mead that contains fruit) :: vruchten mede, mede met fruit
melon {n} (fruit) :: meloen {m} {f}
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
melt {v} (intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid) :: smelten
melt {v} (transitive: to change something from a solid to a liquid) :: smelten
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
meltdown {n} (severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor) :: kernsmelting {f}
melting point {n} (temperature at which solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium) :: smeltpunt {n}
melting pot {n} (crucible or similar pot) :: smeltkroes {m}
melting pot {n} (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized) :: smeltkroes {m}
member {n} (part of a discourse, period, sentence, or verse) SEE: clause ::
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: lid {n}
member {n} (organ, limb) :: lid {n}, ledemaat {m}
member {n} (logic: one of the propositions making up a syllogism) SEE: premise ::
Member of Parliament {n} (representative) :: parlementslid
member organisation {n} (organisation connected to an umbrella organisation) :: lidorganisatie {f}
member's bill {n} (private member's bill) SEE: private member's bill ::
membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: lidmaatschap {n}
member state {n} (state that is a member of a confederation) :: lidstaat {m}
membrane {n} (enclosing or separating tissue) :: membraan {n}
membrane {n} (mechanical part that can deform or vibrate when excited by an external force) :: membraan {n}
meme {n} (unit of cultural information) :: meme, meem {m}
meme {n} (something copied and circulated online) :: meme
memento mori {n} (memento mori) :: gedenk te sterven
memorability {n} (the quality or state of being memorable) :: gedenkwaardigheid
memorable {adj} (worthy of being remembered) :: memorabel, gedenkwaardig
memorial {n} (structure) :: herdenkingsplaats {m}
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
memorize {v} (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) :: memoriseren, uit het hoofd leren
memory {n} (ability to recall) :: geheugen {n}
memory {n} (stored record) :: herinnering {f}
memory {n} (RAM or ROM) :: geheugen {n}
memory card {n} (storage format) SEE: flashcard ::
memory stick {n} (memory card, flash card) :: Memory Stick {m}
men {n} (human people) :: mensen {m-p}, men (collective singular)
mend {v} (to repair) :: repareren, herstellen
mend {v} (to alter for the better; to set right; to reform; hence, to quicken) :: verbeteren, herstellen
mendacious {adj} (false) SEE: false ::
mendacious {adj} (lying, untruthful or dishonest) :: leugenachtig, oneerlijk, liegend
mendaciousness {n} (mendacity) SEE: mendacity ::
mendacity {n} (fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonesty) :: leugenachtigheid, oneerlijkheid
mendacity {n} (a deceit, falsehood, or lie) :: leugen, bedrog
mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: mendelevium {n}
me neither {phrase} (me neither) :: ik ook niet
menhir {n} (standing stone as a monument) :: menhir {m}
menial {n} (domestic servant) :: dienaar {m}, dienares {f}, bediende {c}, meid {f}, knecht {m}
meningitis {n} (inflammation of the meninges) :: hersenvliesontsteking {f}, meningitis {f}, nekkramp [colloquial]
meninx {n} (membrane) :: Hersenvlies
menopause {n} (ending of menstruation) :: overgang {m}, menopauze {f}
menorah {n} (seven-branch candelabrum) :: menora
menses {n} (menstrual flow) :: menstruatie {f}
men's room {n} (other rooms intended for men) :: herenkamer
menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: menstruatie, ongesteldheid {f}
mental {adj} (relating to the mind) :: geestelijk, mentaal
mental aberration {n} (mental deviation) :: geestelijke stoornis {m}
mental breakdown {n} (nervous breakdown) SEE: nervous breakdown ::
mental health {n} (emotional well-being) :: geestelijke gezondheid {f}, mentale gezondheid {f}
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) :: psychiatrische instelling {f}, psychiatrisch ziekenhuis {n}
mental hygiene {n} (concern and care for clean state of mind) :: geesteshygiëne, mentale hygiëne
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
mentality {n} (mindset) :: mentaliteit {f}
mentally ill {adj} (having psychological disorder) :: geestesziek, gestoord
menticide {n} (brain-washing) :: menticide {f}
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover ::
mention {n} (a speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner) :: vermelding {f}
mention {v} (make a short reference to something) :: vermelden
mentor {n} (A wise and trusted counselor or teacher) :: mentor {m}, leidsman {m}
menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: menukaart {f}, menu {n}
menu {n} (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed) :: menu {n}
menu bar {n} (rectangular region of a graphical user interface where computer menus are housed) :: menubalk {m}
meow {interj} (cry of a cat) :: miauw
meow {n} (cry of a cat) :: miauw, gemiauw {n}
meow {v} (of a cat, to make its cry) :: miauwen
mercantile {adj} (related to the exchange of goods for profit) :: handels-
mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: huurling {m}
mercenary {adj} (motivated by private gain) :: hebzuchtig, geldbelust
merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: koopman {m}, koopvrouw {f}
merchant {n} (trading vessel) SEE: cargo ship ::
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant ::
merchantman {n} (cargo ship) SEE: cargo ship ::
merchant marine {n} :: koopvaardijvloot, koopvaarders {m-p}, burgerlijk zeeman {m}
merchant navy {n} (civilian naval fleet) :: handelsvloot {f} {m}
merchant ship {n} (marine cargo vessel) SEE: cargo ship ::
merciful {adj} (showing mercy) :: barmhartig, genadig
merciless {adj} (showing no mercy; cruel and pitiless) :: genadeloos
mercilessness {n} (the property of being merciless) :: genadeloosheid {f}
mercurial {adj} (containing the element mercury) :: kwikhoudend
mercury {n} (element) :: kwikzilver {n}, kwik {n}
mercury {n} (ambient temperature) :: thermometer, het kwik
Mercury {prop} (planet) :: Mercurius {f}
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: Mercurius {m}
mercy {n} (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) :: barmhartigheid, genade
mercy {n} (forgiveness or compassion) :: genade {f}, erbarmen {n}, vergeving {f}, vergiffenis {f}
mercy {n} (tendency toward forgiveness) :: barmhartigheid {f}
mercy {n} :: barmhartigheid {f}, genade {f}
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia ::
mere {adj} (the smallest amount) :: schamel, luttel
merely {adv} (only, just, and nothing more) :: alleen, louter
mere mortal {n} (ordinary person) :: gewone sterveling
mereology {n} (logic: theory dealing with parts in relation to wholes) :: mereologie {f}
meretricious {adj} (Tastelessly gaudy) :: schoonschijnend,wansmakelijk
meretricious {adj} (of, or relating to prostitutes) :: opzichtig,hoerachtig
merganser {n} (diving duck) :: zaagbek
merge {v} ((transitive) to combine into a whole) :: samenvoegen, fuseren, fusioneren [Belgium]
merge {v} ((intransitive) to combine into a whole) :: samenkomen, samenvloeien [liquids], fusioneren, samengaan
merge {v} (to blend gradually into something else) :: samenvloeien [liquids], overgaan in
merge {v} :: fuseren
merge {n} (joining of multiple sources) :: samenvloeiing {f}, kruising {f}
merger {n} (the act or process of merging) :: samensmelting {f}, versmelting, fusie {f}
merger {n} (an absorption into one estate, contract etc.) :: opslorping, amalgamatie {f}
merger {n} (the legal union of two or more corporations) :: fusie {f}
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
meridian {n} (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) :: meridiaan {m}
meristem {n} (zone of active cell division) :: meristeem {n}
merit {n} (claim to commendation or a reward) :: verdienste {f}
merit {n} (something deserving or worthy of positive recognition or reward) :: verdienste {f}
meritorious {adj} (deserving of merit or commendation; deserving reward) :: verdienstelijk
merkin {n} (pubic wig) :: schaampruik {f}
Merlin {prop} (Wizard in Arthurian legend) :: Merlijn {m}
merlon {n} (any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement) :: kanteel {m}, tinne {f} {n}
mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: zeemeermin {f}, meermin {f}
merman {n} :: meerman {m}
merriment {n} (playful fun) :: jolijt {f}
merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: vrolijk
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown ::
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: vrolijk kerstfeest, prettig kerstfeest
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) :: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: draaimolen {m}, carrousel {m}
mesencephalon {n} (midbrain) SEE: midbrain ::
mesenchymal {adj} (of or pertaining to the mesenchyme) :: mesenchymaal
mesentery {n} (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) :: darmvlies {n}
mesh {n} (structure) :: net {n}
mesh {n} (opening) :: maas {f}
meshugge {adj} (crazy, mad, senseless, insane) :: mesjogge, mesjokke
mesmerize {v} (to exercise mesmerism on) :: betoveren, hypnotiseren
mesne {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate ::
mesocarp {n} :: mesocarp {n}
Mesolithic {n} (Mesolithic period) :: Mesolithicum {m}
meson {n} (elementary particle) :: meson {n}
Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: Mesopotamië {n}, Tweestromenland {n}
Mesopotamian {adj} (of or pertaining to Mesopotamia) :: Mesopotamisch
mesosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) :: mesosfeer {m}
Mesozoic {adj} (of era from 230 to 65 milion years ago) :: mesozoïsch
Mesozoic {prop} (Mesozoic era) :: Mesozoïcum {n}
mess {n} (confusion of things) :: puinhoop {m}, zootje {n}
mess {n} (church service) SEE: Mass ::
message {n} (communication, concept or information conveyed) :: bericht {n}, boodschap {f}
message {n} (underlying theme) :: boodschap {f}
messenger {n} (one who brings messages) :: boodschapper {m}
messiah {n} (ordained to lead the people of Israel) :: Messias {m}
messiah {n} (an extremely powerful divine figure) :: messias {m}
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) :: Messias
Messidor {prop} (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: messidor {m}, oogstmaand {f}
Messinian {prop} :: Messinien
mess up {v} (to make a mess of) :: klieder, kliederen
messy {adj} (in a disorderly state; causing mess or confusion; chaotic; disorderly) :: wanordelijk, chaotisch, rommelig, warrig
meta-analysis {n} (statistics) :: meta-analyse {f}
metabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to metabolism) :: metabool
metabolism {n} (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) :: stofwisseling {m}, metabolisme {n}
metadata {n} (data that describes data) :: metagegevens {p}, metadata {p}
metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: metaal {n}
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) :: metal
metal detector {n} (a hand-held device) :: metaaldetector {m}
metal detector {n} (a structure, similar to a doorway) :: metaaldetector {m}
metallurgy {n} (science of metals) :: metallurgie {f}
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: metamorf gesteente {n}
metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: metafoor, beeldspraak, vergelijking
metaphor {n} (countable: word or phrase used in metaphor) :: metafoor {m}
metaphorical {adj} (pertaining to a metaphor) :: metaforisch
metaphysical {adj} (of or pertaining to metaphysics) :: metafysisch
metaphysics {n} (branch of philosophy that studies first principles) :: metafysica
metastasis {n} (transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) :: uitzaaiing {f}, metastase {f}
metastasize {v} (to spread to other sites in the body) :: metastaseren, uitzaaien
metathesis {n} (the transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word) :: metathesis {f}, metathese {f}, letteromzetting {f}
metempsychosis {n} (Transmigration of the soul) :: metempsychose {f}
meteor {n} (streak of light) :: meteoriet, vallende ster {m}
meteoric {adj} :: meteorisch
meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: meteoriet {m}
meteorologic {adj} (meteorological) SEE: meteorological ::
meteorological {adj} (relating to meteorology) :: meteorologisch, meteorologische, weerkundig, weerkundige
meteorologist {n} (person who studies meteorology) :: weerkundige {m}, meteoroloog
meteorologist {n} (weather forecaster) :: weerpresentator {m}, weerman {m}, weervrouw {f}, weerkundige {m}, meteoroloog
meteorology {n} (science) :: weerkunde {f}
meter {n} (measuring instrument) :: meter {m}, teller {m}
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
-meter {suffix} (used to form a measuring device) :: -meter
methacrolein {n} (clear, colorless, flammable liquid) :: methacroleïne
methanal {n} (formaldehyde) SEE: formaldehyde ::
methane {n} (the compound CH4) :: methaan {n}
methinks {contraction} (it seems to me) :: me dunkt
methionine {n} (amino acid) :: methionine
method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: methode {f}
Methodism {n} (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) :: methodisme {n}
methyl- {prefix} (prefix used to form terms describing the attachment of a methyl group) :: methyl-
methylated spirit {n} (ethyl alcohol used as a fuel and a solvent) :: spiritus {m}, brandspiritus {m}
metic {n} (resident alien in ancient Greece) :: metoik
meticulous {adj} (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) :: angstvallig, scrupuleus, meticuleus, acribisch
Metis {prop} (in Greek mythology) :: Metis
Metis {prop} (satellite of Jupiter) :: Metis
metonym {n} (word that names an object from a single characteristic of it) :: metoniem
metonymic {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym ::
metonymy {n} (figure of speech) :: metonymia {f}
metonymy {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym ::
me too {phrase} (I agree) :: ik ook (I also want to participate), ik ben het er mee eens (I agree), ik stem ermee in (I agree).
metre {n} (unit of length) :: meter {m}
metric {adj} (relating to metric system) :: metriek
metrical foot {n} (basic unit of verse) :: versvoet {m}
metric space {n} (space (mathematics)) :: metrische ruimte {f}
metric ton {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) :: ton {m}
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metronome {n} (a device used in music) :: metronoom {m}
metropole {n} (city) SEE: metropolis ::
metropolis {n} (colony’s mother city) :: metropolis, metropool {m}, moederstad
metropolis {n} (large, busy city) :: metropool {m}, grootstad, wereldstad
metropolis {n} (metropolitan archbishop) SEE: archbishopric ::
metrosexual {n} (man concerned with personal appearance) :: metroseksueel
metro station {n} (railway station for a rapid transit system) :: metrostation {n}
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
mettle {n} (a quality of endurance and courage) :: moed
mettle {n} (good temperament and character) :: temperament, karakter
Meuse {prop} (river) :: Maas
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow ::
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow ::
Mexican {n} (person from Mexico or of Mexican descent) :: Mexicaan {m}, Mexicaanse {f}
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Mexico) :: Mexicaans
Mexican {n} (Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
Mexican {n} (Mexican dialect of Spanish) SEE: Mexican Spanish ::
Mexican duck {n} (Anas diazi) :: Mexicaanse eend {f}
Mexicanness {n} (quality of being Mexican) :: mexicaansheid {f}
Mexican Spanish {prop} (Mexican dialect of Spanish) :: Mexicaans-Spaans
Mexican wolf {n} (rare subspecies of grey wolf) :: Mexicaanse wolf
Mexico {prop} (country) :: Mexico
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City ::
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) :: Mexico, Mexico-stad
mezereon {n} (shrub) :: rood peperboompje {n}
mezuzah {n} (piece of parchment attached to the doorpost of a house) :: mezoeza {m} {f}
mezzaluna {n} (crescent-shaped steel blade) :: wiegemes {n}
mi. {n} (abbreviation of mile) :: mi
Miami {prop} (city in Florida, United States) :: Miami
miasma {n} (noxious atmosphere or influence) :: miasma {n}, miasme {n}, verpeste atmosfeer
miasma {n} (noxious emanation originates from swamps and causes disease) :: miasma {n}, miasme {n}, moerasdamp {m}
mica {n} (hydrous aluminosilicate minerals) :: mica {n}, glimmer {n} [uncountable] {m} [countable]
Micah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Micha {m}
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: minor prophet and author) :: Micha
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: Ephraimite featured in Judges 17–18) :: Micha {m}
Micah {prop} (male given name) :: Micha {m}
micellar {adj} :: micellair
micellar water {n} :: micellair water
Michael {prop} (male given name) :: Michiel, Michaël, Michel, Maikel
Michaela {prop} (feminine form of Michael) :: Michelle
Michelle {prop} (female given name) SEE: Michaela ::
Mickey D's {prop} :: Mac
Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) :: Mickey Mouse
microbe {n} (microorganism) :: microbe {m} {f}
microbial {adj} (relating to microbes) :: microbieel
microbiology {n} (branch of biology dealing with microorganisms) :: microbiologie
microcephaly {n} (neurological disorder) :: microcefalie {f}
microcontroller {n} (microcomputer on a single chip) :: microcontroller
microdot {n} (image that has been reduced in size to that of a dot) :: microdot
microfossil {n} (microscopic fossil) :: microfossiel {n}
micrometer {n} (one millionth of a meter) :: micrometer {m}
micrometer {n} (instrument) :: micrometer {m}
micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer ::
micronation {n} (entity that resembles a nation or a state) :: micronatie {f}
Micronesia {prop} (country) :: Micronesia
Micronesian {n} (A person from Micronesia or of Micronesian descent) :: Micronesiër {m}, Micronesische {f}
Micronesian {adj} (Of, from or pertaining to Micronesia or the Micronesian people) :: Micronesisch
micro-ohm {n} (unit of electrical resistance) :: micro-ohm {m} {n}
micropaleontology {n} (the study of microfossils) :: micropaleontologie {f}
microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: microfoon {m}
microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: microscoop {m}
microscopic {adj} (so small that it can only be seen using a microscope) :: microscopisch
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope ::
microsecond {n} (unit of time equal to 10−6 seconds) :: microseconde {m}
microseism {n} (tremor) :: aardschok
Microsoft tax {n} (fee for pre-installed Microsoft Windows) :: Microsoftbelasting {f}
microstate {n} (a very small country) :: dwergstaat, ministaat
microstate {n} (microscopic configuration) :: microtoestand {m}
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
microwave {n} (electromagnetic wave) :: microgolf {m}
microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: magnetron {m} [Netherlands], magnetronoven {m} [Netherlands], microgolf {m} [Flanders], microgolfoven {m} [Flanders]
micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
mid {prep} (denoting the middle part) :: midden
mid {prep} (occupying a middle position; middle) :: midden, middel
mid {prep} (in linguistics, made with a somewhat elevated position of some part of the tongue relative to the palate) :: te midden van
mid {prep} (amid) :: midden
midbrain {n} (part of brain) :: mesencephalon, middenhersen
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: midden {n}, centrum {n}
middle {n} (part between beginning and end) :: midden {n}
middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) :: midden
Middle Ages {prop} (historical period) :: middeleeuwen {p}
middle class {n} (social and economic class) :: middenklasse {f}
Middle Dutch {prop} (the Middle Dutch language) :: Middelnederlands {n}, Diets {n}
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: Midden-Oosten {n}
Middle English {prop} (Middle English) :: Middelengels {n}
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: middelvinger {m}
middle ground {n} (a compromise position between extremes) :: middenweg {m}, compromis {n}
Middle High German {adj} (Middle High German) :: Middelhoogduits
Middle High German {prop} (Middle High German) :: Middelhoogduits {n}
Middle Low German {prop} (language) :: Middelnederduits {n}
middleman {n} (intermediate dealer between manufacturer and the retailer or customer) :: tussenhandelaar {m}
middleman {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary ::
middlemost {adj} (nearest to the exact middle) :: middenst
middle of nowhere {n} (remote place) :: niemandsland {n}, rimboe {m}, Verweggistan {n}
Middle Saxon {prop} (Middle Low German) SEE: Middle Low German ::
middle school {n} (school contain both primary and secondary students) :: middenschool {f}
middling {adj} (of intermediate or average quality) :: middelmatig
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
midge {n} (fly of family Chironomidae or Ceratopogonidae) :: mug
midget {n} (person of small stature of adult height less than 4'10") :: dwerg
midget {n} (derogatory: any short person) :: dwerg {m}
midget {n} (attributively: that is the small version of something) :: dwerg-, mini-
midhusband {n} (accoucheur) SEE: accoucheur ::
mid-life crisis {n} (emotional period of doubt) :: midlifecrisis {f}
midmost {adj} (middlemost) SEE: middlemost ::
midnight {n} (12 o'clock) :: middernacht {m}
midnight sun {n} (phenomenon occurring when Sun does not set) :: middernachtzon {f}
midriff {n} (mid section of the human torso) :: middenrif {n}
midshipman {n} (officer of the lowest rank) :: adelborst {m}
midsummer {n} (The middle of summer) :: midzomer {m}
midsummer {n} (Midsummer Day) :: midzomerdag {m}
midway {adv} (halfway) SEE: halfway ::
midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: verloskundige {m} {f}, vroedvrouw {f}
midwifery {n} (the practice and science of being a midwife) :: verloskunde {f}
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
miff {v} (to offend slightly) :: verontwaardigen
miff {v} (to become slightly offended) :: zich gekrenkt voelen
miffed {adj} (somewhat indignant, irritated, angry, put out or annoyed) :: geïrriteerd, op de tenen getrapt
might {n} (personal power) :: macht {f}
might {n} (physical strength) :: kracht, macht {f}
might {n} (ability) :: vermogen
might {v} (indicator of conditional or possible actions) :: zou kunnen
mighty {adj} (very strong, possessing might) :: machtig
mignonette {n} (the plant Reseda odorata) :: reseda
migraine {n} (headache usually affecting only one side of the head) :: migraine {f}
migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker ::
mikado {n} (emperor of Japan) :: Japanse keizer {m}, mikado {m}
mikado {n} (a game of skill) :: mikado {m}
Milan {prop} (province) :: Milaan {n}
Milan {prop} (city and capital) :: Milaan {n}
Milanese {adj} (pertaining to Milan) :: Milanees
Milanese {n} (native or inhabitant of Milan) :: Milanees {m}, Milanese {f}
milch cow {n} (cash cow) SEE: cash cow ::
milch cow {n} (cow kept for milking) SEE: dairy cow ::
mild {adj} (gentle; pleasant; kind; soft) :: mild, zacht
mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: schimmel {m}, meeldauw {m}
mildew {v} (to taint with mildew) :: met meeldauw bedekken
mildew {v} (to become tainted with mildew) :: beschimmelen
mile {n} (measure of length) :: mijl {m}
Mileikowsky {prop} (surname) :: Mileikowski
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) :: mijlpaal {m}, mijlsteen
milestone {n} (important event) :: mijlpaal {m}, keerpunt {n}
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium ::
milieu {n} (person’s social setting or environment) :: milieu {n}
militarism {n} (militarism) :: militarisme {n}
military {adj} (characteristic of members of the armed forces) :: militair
military {adj} ((North America) relating to armed forces such as the army, marines, navy and air force) :: militair
military {adj} (relating to war) :: militair, oorlogs-, krijgs-
military {adj} (relating to armies or ground forces) :: militair
military {adj} :: militair
military {n} (armed forces) :: leger {n}
military attaché {n} (a diplomatic attaché for military affairs) :: militair attaché {m}
military exercise {n} (war game) :: militaire oefening
military order {n} (order of knighthood) :: militaire orde, militaire ridderorde {m}
military police {n} (police unit of a military organization) :: marechaussee
militia {n} (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) :: militie
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police ::
militsia {n} (militia) SEE: militia ::
milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: melken
milk {v} (to take advantage of situation) :: uitmelken
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen ::
milk {n} (liquid) :: melk {f}
milk chocolate {n} (Chocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients) :: melkchocolade
milk cow {n} (dairy cow) SEE: dairy cow ::
milkfish {n} (Chanos chanos) :: bandeng {m}
milkmaid {n} (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) :: melkmeid {f}, melkmeisje {f}
milkman {n} (man who delivers milk early in the morning) :: melkboer {m}
milk powder {n} (pulverized milk solids) :: melkpoeder
milk snake {n} (Lampropeltis triangulum) :: melkslang
milksop {n} (weak, easily frightened or ineffectual person) :: bangerik, kluns,
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) :: melktand {m}
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: Melkweg
mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: molen {m}
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) :: molen
mill {n} (manufacturing plant) :: fabriek {f} [general], papierfabriek {f} [for paper], staalfabriek {f} [for steel], textielfabriek {f} [for textiles]
mill {n} (building housing a manufacturing plant) :: fabriek {f} [general], papierfabriek {f} [for paper], staalfabriek {f} [for steel], textielfabriek {f} [for textiles]
mill {n} (establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely) :: papiermolen
mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) :: malen
mill {v} (shape, polish, etc, using a machine) :: slijpen
mill {v} (engrave groove around the edge of) :: graveren
mill {n} (milling cutter) SEE: milling cutter ::
mille-feuille {n} (a type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry) :: tompoes {m}
millennial {n} (member of the millennial generation) :: millennial
millennium {n} (thousand-year period) :: millennium
miller {n} (person) :: molenaar {m}, molenaarster {f}
Miller {prop} (surname meaning "a miller") :: Molenaar
millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: gierst {m} {f}
milli- {prefix} (prefix) :: milli-
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion ::
milliliter {n} (milliliter) SEE: millilitre ::
millilitre {n} (a unit of volume) :: milliliter
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) :: millimeter
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter ::
milling cutter {n} (rotary cutting tool) :: frees
million {n} (cardinal number) :: miljoen {n}
millionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) :: miljonair {m}
million-dollar question {n} :: hamvraag {f}
millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: miljoenpoot {m}
millisecond {n} (one one-thousandth of a second) :: milliseconde {m}
millstone {n} (large round stone used for grinding grain) :: molensteen {m}
milquetoast {adj} (meek, timid) SEE: meek ::
milt {n} (fish semen) :: kuit {m}
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
Miltiades {prop} (given name) :: Miltiades
mimeograph {n} (machine for making copies) :: mimeograaf, stencilmachine
mimeograph {v} (to make mimeographs) :: stencilen
mimic {n} (imitation) SEE: imitation ::
Minangkabau {prop} (Malayo-Polynesian language) :: Minangkabaus {n}
minarchism {n} (government with the least necessary power over its citizens) :: minarchisme {n}
minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: minaret
Min Bei {prop} (Chinese language) :: Minbei {n}
mince {n} (finely chopped meat) :: gehakt {n}
mince {v} (chop fine) :: hakken
mincer {n} (a kitchen utensil used for mincing meat) SEE: meatgrinder ::
mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: verstand, geest, psyche, denkvermogen, rede {c}
mind {n} (ability to remember things) :: geheugen
mind {v} (to pay attention to, take note of) :: letten op, aandacht schenken aan
mind {v} (to dislike, object to, have a contrary opinion toward) :: erg vinden, iets op tegen hebben, uitmaken
mind {v} (to look after, take care of) :: passen op
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember ::
mind-boggling {adj} (that causes the mind to boggle) :: verbijsterend
mindfulness {n} (awareness) SEE: awareness ::
mind-numbing {adj} (excessively boring) :: geestdodend
mind one's own business {v} (to concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others) :: met zijn eigen zaken bemoeien
mindset {n} (a way of thinking) :: mentaliteit {f}
mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: de mijne, het mijne
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) :: mijn {f}, groeve {f}
mine {n} (military: exploding device) :: mijn {f}
mine {v} (to remove ore from the ground) :: ontginnen
mine {v} (to sow mines in) :: mijnen leggen
mine {v} (to pick one's nose) SEE: pick one's nose ::
minelayer {n} (ship capable of laying mines) :: mijnenlegger {m}
miner {n} (person who works in a mine) :: mijnwerker {m}
miner {n} (operator of mines and other explosives) :: mineur {m}, mijnenlegger {m}, ontmijner {m}
mineral {n} (in geology) :: delfstof {c}, mineraal {n}
mineral {n} (as opposed to animal and vegetable) :: mineraal {n}
mineral {n} (in nutrition) :: mineraal {n}
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
mineral lick {n} (salt lick) SEE: salt lick ::
mineralogist {n} (expert in mineralogy) :: mineraloog {m}
mineralogy {n} (the study or science of minerals) :: mineralogie {f}
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: mineraalwater {n}
mineshaft {n} (mineshaft) :: mijnschacht {c}
minestrone {n} (thick Italian vegetable soup) :: minestronesoep {m} {f}, minestrone {m} {f}
mingle {v} (To mix; to intermix; to combine or join) :: vermengen
mingle-mangle {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge ::
miniature {n} (manuscript illustration) :: miniatuur {f}
Miniature Pinscher {n} (Miniature Pinscher) :: dwergpinscher
minibar {n} (small refrigerator in a hotel room) :: minibar {m}, minibar
minibus {n} (a small bus) :: busje {n}
minidress {n} (woman's short dress) :: mini-jurk, mini-jurkje
minikin {n} (3-point type) SEE: excelsior ::
minimal {adj} (The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree) :: minimaal
minimal {adj} ((art) characterised by the use of simple form or structures) :: minimalistische
minimal {adj} ((music) characterised by the repetition and gradual alteration of short phrases) :: minimalistisch
minimalist {adj} (believing in or seeking a minimal state) :: minimalistisch
minimal pair {n} (Pair of words) :: minimaal paar {n}
minimart {n} (convenience store) SEE: convenience store ::
minimization {n} (act of lowering something to its smallest value or extent) :: minimaliseren
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger ::
minion {n} (loyal servant of another more powerful being) :: ondergeschikte
minion {n} (sycophantic follower) :: slaafs volgeling, hielenlikker
minion {n} (7-point type) :: kolonel
minionette {n} (6½-point text) :: insertio
minipig {n} (small pig) :: minivarken {n}
miniskirt {n} (skirt) :: minirok, minirokje
minister {n} (person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church) :: dominee {m}
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: minister {m} {f}
minister {n} (someone who serves others) :: dienaar
ministerial {adj} (related to a governmental minister or ministry) :: ministerieel
ministerial {n} (unfree noble) :: ministeriaal {m}, dienstman {m}
ministry {n} (government department) :: ministerie {n}, departement {n}
ministry {n} (complete body of government ministers) :: ministerie {n}, kabinet {n}, regering, gouvernement {n}
ministry {n} (practice and education of the minister of a particular religion) :: bediening van de eredienst
minivet {n} (bird of Pericrocotus) :: menievogel {m}
mink {n} (mammal) :: nerts {m}, visotter {m}
mink {n} :: nerts
minnow {n} (a small freshwater fish) :: witvis
minnow {n} (any small fish) :: ondermaatse vis
Minoan {adj} (Of or relating to the civilization that developed in Crete from the neolithic period to the Bronze Age) :: Minoïsch
minor {adj} (of little importance) :: onbelangrijk
minor {n} (someone below the legal age) :: minderjarige {m} {f}
minor {n} (subject of secondary concentration) :: bijvak {n}
Minorca {prop} (An island of Spain) :: Minorca
minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: minderheid {f}
minority {n} :: minderheid
minority cabinet {n} (minority government) SEE: minority government ::
minority government {n} (government backed by less than half of votes in parliament) :: minderheidsregering {f}, minderheidskabinet {n}
minority language {n} (language spoken by a minority) :: minderheidstaal
minotaur {n} (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) :: minotaurus
Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: Minsk {n}
minstrel {n} (medieval traveling entertainer) :: speelman {m}, minstreel {m}
minstrel show {n} (A variety show performed by white people in blackface) :: negerzanger
mint {n} (money-producing building or institution) :: munt {m}
mint {n} (large amount of money) :: fortuin {n}
mint {v} (to reproduce coins) :: munten
mint {adj} (of condition, as new) :: piekfijn, piekfijne, ongeschonden
mint {adj} (numismatics: near-perfect) :: uitmuntend, uitmuntende
mint {n} (plant) :: munt {m}
mint {n} (herb flavouring) :: munt {m}
mint {n} (colour) :: mintgroen {n}, mint {n}
mint {adj} (colour) :: mintgroen, mint
minuend {n} (number from which another is subtracted) :: aftrekgetal
minuet {n} (dance) :: menuet {n}
minuet {n} (music accompanying the dance) :: menuet {n}
minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign ::
minus {prep} (mathematics: less) :: min
minus {adj} (negative) :: min, negatief, negatieve
minus {adj} (on the negative part of a scale) :: min, onder nul (after the noun)
minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) :: minteken {n}
minute {n} (unit of time) :: minuut {c}
minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) :: minuutje {n}, secondje {n}, moment {n}
minute {n} (unit of angular measure) :: minuut
minute {n} (record of meeting) :: notulen {p}
minute {v} (to write the minutes of) :: notuleren
minute {adj} (very small) :: minuscuul, minuscule, onbeduidend, onbeduidende, nietig, nietige
minutes {n} (the official notes kept during a meeting) :: notulen
miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: wonder {n}, mirakel {n}
miracle play {n} (miracle play) :: mirakelspel {n}
miraculous {adj} (by supernatural or uncommon causes) :: miraculeus, verwonderlijk, wonderbaarlijk
mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: luchtweerspiegeling {f}
mirage {n} (illusion) SEE: illusion ::
Mirandese {prop} (Romance language) :: mirandees
mire {n} (deep mud) :: moeras {n}
Miriam {prop} (sister of Moses and Aaron) :: Mirjam
Miriam {prop} (female given name) :: Miriam, Mirjam, Myriam
mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: spiegel
mirror image {n} (reversed image) :: spiegelbeeld {n}, wederbeeld {n}
mirror punishment {n} (punishment) :: spiegelstraf
mirth {n} (merriment) :: vrolijkheid
mis- {prefix} (bad or wrong; badly or wrongly) :: mis-
misandry {n} (hatred of or prejudice against men) :: misandrie {f}
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) :: misantropie {f}
misappropriate {v} (to embezzle) SEE: embezzle ::
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
misbegotten {adj} (of a person: born out of wedlock) SEE: illegitimate ::
misbehavior {n} (conduct that is inappropriate) :: wangedrag {n}
miscalculation {n} :: rekenfout {f}
miscarriage {n} (termination of pregnancy) :: miskraam {f}, misdracht {f}, misgeboorte {f}
miscarry {v} (to abort a foetus) :: een miskraam hebben, een miskraam krijgen
miscarry {v} (to fail to achieve) :: mislukken
miscegenation {n} (the mixing or blending of race) :: rassenvermening, verbastering
miscellaneous {adj} (consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts) :: gemengd
miscellaneous {adj} (having diverse characteristics) :: veelzijdig
miscellaneous {adj} :: gemengd
mischief {n} (conduct that playfully causes petty annoyance) :: kattenkwaad {n}
mischief {n} (harm or trouble caused by an agent or brought about by a particular cause) :: onheil {n}
mischief {n} (one who causes mischief) :: plaaggeest
mischievous {adj} (causing mischief) :: kwetsend, beledigend
mischievous {adj} (naughty) :: gemeen, stout
miscomprehend {v} (misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
misconduct {n} (bad behavior) SEE: misbehavior ::
misconstrue {v} (to interpret erroneously) :: misverstaan, verkeerd interpreteren
misdeed {n} (something wrong done) :: misdaad {f}, vergrijp {n}, wandaad {f}
misdemeanor {n} (small crime) :: overtreding {f}, wanbedrijf {n} [Belgium]
miser {n} (skinflint or scrooge) :: gierigaard {m}, vrek {m}, krent {f}
misericord {n} (ledge) :: misericorde {f}
misery {n} (great unhappiness) :: ellende {f}
misery loves company {proverb} (misery is easier when one is not the only one) :: ellende houdt van gezelschap
misfit {n} (a badly adjusted person) :: onaangepaste {m} {f}
misfortune {n} (bad luck) :: ongeluk {n}, pech {m}
misfortune {n} (an undesirable event such as an accident) :: tegenslag {m}
misfortunes never come singly {proverb} (bad things come in groups) SEE: it never rains but it pours ::
mishap {n} (accident, mistake, or problem) :: ongeluk {n}, vergissing {f}, probleem {n}, pech {m}
mishear {v} (to hear wrongly) :: misverstaan, verkeerd verstaan , slecht horen
mishear {v} (to understand wrongly) :: slecht begrijpen , verkeerd begrijpen
misheard {v} (Past participle of mishear) :: misverstaan
mishmash {n} (a collection of miscellany) :: mikmak {m}
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation ::
mislay {v} (to leave something in the wrong place and then forget where one put it) SEE: misplace ::
mislead {v} (lead in a false direction) :: misleiden; misleiden, bedotten, bedriegen; verleiden, verlokken
misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) :: misleidend
misnomer {n} (use of term that is misleading) :: verkeerde naam
misnomer {n} :: slecht gekozen term de
misogynist {n} (hater of women) :: vrouwenhater {m}, misogyn {m}
misogynist {adj} (misogynistic) SEE: misogynistic ::
misogynistic {adj} (of, relating to, or exhibiting misogyny) :: vrouwenhatend {m}, misogyn {m}
misogyny {n} (hatred or contempt for women) :: misogynie
misplace {v} (to put something somewhere and then forget its location) :: misleggen (Belgian Dutch)
miss {v} (to fail to hit) :: missen
miss {v} (to avoid; to escape) :: ontwijken, missen
miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of) :: missen
miss {v} (to fail to understand) :: niet snappen, ergens overheen kijken [also figuratively: to ignore], ergens overheen lezen [when reading]
miss {v} (to fail to attend) :: missen
miss {v} (to be late for something) :: missen
miss {n} (a failure to hit) :: misser {m}
miss {n} (a failure to obtain or accomplish) :: mislukking {f}
miss {n} (unmarried woman) :: juffrouw {f}
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
Miss {n} (title) :: mejuffrouw {f} (mej.), juffrouw {f} (juffr.)
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: raket {m} {f}
missiology {n} (the area of practical theology) :: missiologie {f}
mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: missie {f}
mission {n} (religious evangelism) :: missie {f}, zending {f}
missionary {n} (person traveling to spread a religion) :: (Roman Catholic) missionaris {m}, (Protestant in a non-Christian environment) zendeling {m}, (Protestant in a Christian environment) evangelist {m}
missionary {n} (missionary position) SEE: missionary position ::
missionary position {n} (position for sexual intercourse) :: missionarishouding
Mississippi {n} (state) :: Mississippi
Mississippi {n} (river) :: Mississippi
Missouri {prop} (US state) :: Missouri
Missouri {prop} (river) :: Missouri
misspeak {v} (to fail to pronounce, utter, or speak correctly) :: verspreken, misspreken
misspell {v} (to spell incorrectly) :: misspellen, verkeerd spellen
misspelling {n} (misspelt word) :: spelfout
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
mist {n} (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) :: mist, nevel, damp
mist {n} (A layer of fine droplets or particles) :: waas
mistake {v} (to take one thing for another) :: misverstaan, verwisselen
mistake {v} (To make an error) :: een fout maken, in de fout gaan
mistake {n} (an error) :: fout {f}, misverstand {n}, blunder {m}, vergissing {f}, onjuistheid {f}
mistaken {adj} ((with a copula verb, often with about) having an incorrect belief) SEE: be wrong ::
mister {n} (title of adult male) :: meneer
Mister Right {n} (perfect, ideal or suitable male mate or husband) :: ware Jakob {m}
mistle thrush {n} (Turdus viscivorus) :: grote lijster
mistletoe {n} (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) :: maretak {m}, mistel {m}, vogellijm {m}
mistreat {v} (treat someone or something roughly or badly) :: mishandelen
mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: mevrouw {f}, meesteres {f}
mistress {n} (female teacher) :: juf {f}
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: minnares {f}, buitenvrouw {f}
mistress {n} (dominatrix) :: meesteres {f}
misty {adj} (with mist; foggy) :: mistig
misty {adj} (with tears in the eyes) :: waterig
misunderstand {v} (to understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly) :: misverstaan
misunderstanding {n} (mistake) :: misverstand {n}
mite {n} (arachnid) :: mijt {f}
mite {n} (lepton) SEE: lepton ::
mither {v} (transitive to mither) :: lastigvallen
mitigate {v} (to reduce, lessen, or decrease) :: mitigeren, verzachten
mitigation {n} (reduction of something harmful) :: opluchting {f}, verlichting
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) :: mitochondrium {n}, mitochondrion {n}
mitosis {n} (division of a cell nucleus) :: mitose {f}, mitosis {f}
mitre {n} (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) :: mijter {m}
mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten ::
mitten {n} (type of glove) :: want {f}
mix {v} (stir two or more substances together) :: mengen
mix {v} (combine items from two or more sources normally kept separate) :: vermengen
mix {v} (use a mixer on) :: mixen
mix {v} (music: combine several tracks) :: mixen
mix {v} (music: produce a finished version of a recording) :: afmixen
mixed {adj} (having two or more separate aspects) :: gemengd
mixed {adj} (not completely pure, tainted or adulterated) :: onzuiver, verdeeld
mixed {adj} (including both males and females) :: gemengd
mixed {adj} (Stemming from two or more races or breeds) :: gemengdbloedig, onzuiver
mixed economy {n} (market economy with government provision) :: gemengde economie
mixed martial arts {n} (Style of combat sport) :: mixed martial arts
mixed reaction {n} (state of diverse reception) :: geassorteerde reacties
mixer {n} (blender) :: mengar {n}
mixture {n} :: mengsel
mizzen {n} (mizzenmast) SEE: mizzenmast ::
mizzenmast {n} (nautical: aftmost mast) :: bezaansmast {m}
mizzle {v} (to rain in fine drops) :: miezeren
mnemonic {adj} (related to mnemonics) :: mnemotechnisch, mnemonisch, ezelsbruggetje {n}
mnemonic {n} (Anything (especially something in verbal form) used to help remember something) :: ezelsbruggetje {n}, geheugensteuntje, mnemotechniek
mnemonics {n} (study of techniques for improving memory) :: mnemoniek
Münster {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Munster, Münster
moa {n} (extinct bird) :: moa
Moab {prop} :: Moab {n}
moan {n} (a low cry of pain) :: kreun
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) :: kreunen
moan {v} (to complain) :: klagen
moaning dove {n} (Columbina passerina) :: musduif {f}
moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: slotgracht {m}, gracht {m}
mob {n} (unruly group of people) :: menigte {f}, massa {c}
mob {n} (group of animals) :: kudde {c}
mob {n} (the lower classes of a community) :: gepeupel
mob {v} (to crowd around a person) :: omgeven
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
mobile {adj} (capable of being moved) :: beweeglijk, mobiel
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobile elevating work platform {n} (aerial work platform) SEE: aerial work platform ::
mobile library {n} (library in a van) :: bibliobus {m}
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) :: mobiele telefoon, GSM, [colloquial, diminutive] mobieltje
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobiliary art {n} (portable art) SEE: portable art ::
mobilise {v} (to assemble troops and their equipment in a coordinated fashion so as to be ready for war) :: mobiliseren
mobilise {v} (to arrange or organise people or resources to achieve a particular purpose) :: mobiliseren
mobilize {v} (mobilise) SEE: mobilise ::
mobocracy {n} (rule of the mob) :: ochlocratie {f}
mocha {n} (coffee with chocolate) :: mokka {f}
mocha {n} (coffee/chocolate flavour) :: mokka {f}
mocha {n} (colour) :: mokka {f}
mocha {n} (strong Arabian coffee) :: mokka {f}, Arabische koffie {m} {f}
mocha {adj} (of a brown colour) :: mokka
mock {n} (imitation) :: namaak {m}, afgietsel {n}, imitatie {f}
mock {v} (to mimic) :: imiteren, naäpen, nadoen
mock {v} (to taunt) :: spotten met, bespotten
mock {adj} (imitation, not genuine) :: namaak-
mockingbird {n} (songbird of the family Mimidae) :: spotlijster {m} {f}
modal {n} (modal verb) SEE: modal verb ::
modal {adj} (of or relating to a mode or modus) :: modaal, modus-
modal {adj} (of, relating to, or describing the mood of a clause) :: modaal
modal {adj} (music: of, relating to, or composed in the musical modi by which an octave is divided) :: modaal, modus-
modal {adj} (logic: of or relating to the modality between prepositions) :: modaal
modal {adj} (relating to the statistical mode) :: modaal, modus-
modal {adj} (requiring immediate computer user interaction) :: modaal
modal {n} (modal proposition) :: modale propositie
modal {n} (modal form, notably a modal auxiliary) :: modale vorm
modal verb {n} (a kind of verb) :: modaal werkwoord {n}
mode {n} (in music) :: wijs {f}
mode {n} (means of accomplishing something) :: wijze {f}
mode {n} (in computing) :: modus {m}
mode {n} (style or fashion) :: mode {f}, trend {m}
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
model {n} (person) :: model {n}, mannequin {m}
model {n} (miniature) :: model {n}
model {n} (simplified representation) :: model {n}
model {n} (style) :: model {n}
model {n} (structural design) :: model {n}
model {adj} (worthy of being a model) :: model-
model {adj} :: model-
model {v} (display) :: tonen, model staan
model {v} (use as a model) :: modelleren
model {v} (make a miniature model) :: modelleren
model {v} (create from a substance) :: modelleren
model {v} (be a model) :: model staan
model building {n} (activity of making models) SEE: modelbuilding ::
modelbuilding {n} (activity of making models) :: modelbouw {m}
Model T {prop} (first car made by Ford Motor Co. on an assembly line) :: T-Ford
modem {n} (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) :: modem {m} {n}
mode of transport {n} (vehicle or system used to transport people or goods) :: vervoermiddel {n}
moderate {adj} (not excessive) :: gematigd, matig
moderate {adj} (mediocre) :: middelmatig, matig, doorsnee
moderate {adj} (having an intermediate position in politics) :: gematigd
moderate {n} (one who holds an intermediate position) :: gematigde {m}
moderate {v} (to reduce the excessiveness) :: matigen, milderen, temperen
moderate {v} (to become less excessive) :: zich matigen
moderate {v} (to preside over as a moderator) :: modereren
moderate {v} (to act as a moderator) :: modereren, bemiddelen
modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: modern, eigentijds, hedendaags, nieuwerwets
Modern English {prop} (English spoken since the Great Vowel Shift) SEE: New English ::
Modern Greek {n} (Modern Greek) :: Nieuwgrieks {n}
modernist {adj} (relating to modernism) :: modernistisch
modernity {n} (quality of being modern) :: moderniteit {f}
modernization {n} (process of modernizing) :: modernisering {f}
modernize {v} (bring something up to date) :: moderniseren
Modern Monetary Theory {prop} (Economic model) :: Modern Monetary Theory
modest {adj} (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) :: bescheiden, ingetogen
modest {adj} (small) :: bescheiden
modest {adj} (intending to avoid the encouraging of sexual attraction in others) :: kuis, fatsoenlijk, eerbaar, ingetogen, zedig
modestly {adv} (in a modest manner) :: bescheiden
modesty {n} (the quality of being modest) :: bescheidenheid
modesty {n} (moderate behaviour; reserve) :: gereserveerdheid, schroom
modicum {n} (modest, small, or trifling amount) :: beetje {n}, weinigje {n}
modification {n} (act or result of modifying or condition of being modified) :: modificatie {f}
modification {n} (alteration or adjustment) :: modificatie {f}
modification {n} (change to an organism) :: modificatie {f}
modifier {n} (grammar: qualifying word, clause or phrase) :: modificeerder {m}
modify {v} (to change part of) :: modificeren, veranderen
modulate {v} (to vary the amplitude etc.) :: moduleren
module {n} (self-contained component of a system) :: module {m}
module {n} (abelian group) SEE: abelian group ::
Moebius syndrome {n} (disorder) :: syndroom van Möbius {n}, congenitale faciale diplegie, congenitale oculofaciale paralyse
Mogadishu {prop} (capital city) :: Mogadishu
mogul {n} (a rich or powerful person) :: magnaat {m}
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohawk {prop} (Iroquoian language) :: Mohawk {n}
Mohawk {n} (hairstyle) :: hanenkam {m}
Mohican {n} (hairstyle) SEE: Mohawk ::
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half ::
moiety {n} (specific segment of a molecule) :: groep, functionele groep
moist {adj} (slightly wet) :: vochtig, nattig
moist {adj} (of eyes: tearful) :: betraand, vochtig
moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: vochtigheid {f}, vocht {n}
moisturize {v} (to make more moist) :: bevochtigen
moisturize {v} (to make more humid) :: natmaken
Moksha {prop} (language) :: Moksha {n}
molality {n} (concentration of a substance in solution) :: molaliteit {f}
molar {n} (back tooth) :: kies {m}, maaltand {m}
molarity {n} (moles per litre of a solution) :: molariteit
molasses {n} (thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar) :: melasse {f}
mold {n} (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance) :: vorm, gietvorm, mal {m}
mold {v} (To shape in or on a mold) :: vormen
mold {v} (To form into a particular shape; to give shape to) :: vormgeven
mold {v} (To be shaped in or as if in a mold) :: de vorm aannemen van
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: schimmel {m}, meeldauw {m}
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
molding {n} (anything cast in a mold) :: gietstuk {n}
molding {n} (architecture: narrow decorative surface) :: sierlijst {m}
Moldova {prop} (country) :: Moldavië
moldy {adj} (mouldy) SEE: mouldy ::
mole {n} (dark spot on the skin) :: moedervlek {f}
mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: mol {m}
mole {n} (internal spy) :: mol {m}
mole {n} (unit of amount) :: mol {m}
mole cricket {n} (insect of Gryllotalpidae) :: veenmol {m}
molecular genetics {n} (a field of biology) :: moleculaire genetica
molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: molecuul {n}
molehill {n} (A small mound of earth) :: molshoop {m}
molinology {n} (study of mills) :: molinologie {f}, molenkunde {f}
moll {adj} (minor) SEE: minor ::
mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail ::
mollusc {n} (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) :: weekdier {n}, mollusk
molluscicide {n} (substance that kills molluscs) :: slakkenbestrijdingsmiddel
mollycoddle {n} (person who is pampered and overprotected) :: wekeling, moederskindje
mollycoddle {v} (to be overprotective and indulgent toward) :: vertroetelen, bemoederen, pamperen
Molotov cocktail {n} (simple incendiary bomb) :: molotovcocktail {m}
molten {adj} (melted) :: gesmolten
molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: molybdeen {n}
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum ::
moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: ogenblik {n}, moment {n}, oogwenk {m}, tijdstip {f}, tel {m}
moment {n} (moment in time) :: moment {n}, wijl {f}, wijle {f}, tijdstip {n}, stond {m}
moment {n} (moment of force) :: moment {m}, krachtmoment {n}
momentarily {adv} (In a momentary manner) :: even
momentarily {adv} (In a moment or very soon) :: zo
moment of force {n} (moment of force) :: krachtmoment {n}, moment {n}
moment of truth {n} (deciding instant) :: moment van waarheid {m}, uur van waarheid {n}
momentum {n} (product of mass and velocity) :: impuls {m}
momentum {n} (impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events) :: vaart {m} {f}
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
momo {n} (type of dumpling) :: momo
Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: Monaco
monarch {n} (ruler) :: monarch {m}
monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: monarchie {f}
monastery {n} (building for monks) :: klooster {n}
Monastir {prop} (former name of Bitola in Macedonia) :: Bitola
Monday {n} (day of the week) :: maandag {m}
Monday {adv} (on Monday) :: 's maandags
monetary {adj} (of or relating to money) :: monetair
money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: geld {n}
moneybags {n} (wealthy person) :: rijkaard {m}
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank ::
money changer {n} (person who will exchange currency) :: geldwisselaar {m}, wisselaar {m}
money crop {n} (cash crop) SEE: cash crop ::
money doesn't grow on trees {proverb} (you must work in order to have money) :: het geld groeit me niet op de rug (lit. money isn't growing on my back)
money laundering {n} (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally) :: witwassen {n}
money order {n} (a type of cheque) :: postwissel {m}
money plant {n} (Lunaria annua) SEE: honesty ::
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
Mongol {n} (member of the nomadic people) :: Mongool {m}, Mongoolse {f}
Mongol {n} (someone with Down's syndrome) :: mongool {m}
Mongolia {prop} (East Asian country) :: Mongolië
Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: Mongools
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) :: Mongool
Mongolian {n} (language of Mongolia) :: Mongools
Mongolian {adj} (designating or affected with Down syndrome) SEE: Mongol ::
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia ::
Mongolian spot {n} (congenital birthmark in lower back) :: archipelvlek {m} {f}
Mongolic {adj} (language family) :: Mongools
mongoloid {n} (person with Down syndrome) SEE: Mongol ::
mongoose {n} (a small carnivore of the family Herpestidae) :: mangoeste {c}
mongrel {n} (someone of mixed kind) :: bastaard {m}
Monica {prop} (female given name) :: Monique
Monika {prop} (female given name) SEE: Monica ::
moniker {n} (personal name or nickname) :: bijnaam {m}
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
monitor {n} (someone who watches over something) :: toezichthouder {m}
monitor {n} (computer display) :: monitor, beeldscherm
monitor {v} (watch over, guard) :: controleren, surveilleren, toezicht houden
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
monitor {n} (ironclad) SEE: ironclad ::
monitoring {n} (Surveillance or continuous or regular observation) :: controleren, toezicht houden, volgen
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: varaan {m}
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: monnik
monk {n} (slang: loner) SEE: loner ::
monkey {n} (primate) :: aap {m}, apin {f}
monkey {n} (mischievous child) :: apenjong, brutale aap
monkey bars {n} (jungle gym) SEE: jungle gym ::
monkey-eating eagle {n} (Philippine eagle) SEE: Philippine eagle ::
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
monkey wrench {n} (adjustable wrench) :: Engelse sleutel {m}
monkey wrench {n} (problem) :: probleem, een spaak in het wiel steken
monkshood {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
monocle {n} (a single lens) :: monocle {m}
monocoque {n} (structure design) :: zelfdragende carrosserie {n}, monocoque {m} {f}
monocotyledon {n} (Plant belonging to Monocotyledones or Liliopsida) :: eenzaadlobbigen
monocracy {n} (autocracy) SEE: autocracy ::
monocyte {n} (type of blood leukocyte) :: monocyt {m}
monogermane {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
monogram {n} (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) :: monogram {n}
monolingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) :: eentalig
monolith {n} (large, single block of stone) :: monoliet {m}
monomania {n} (an excessive interest with a singal subject) :: monomanie
monophthong {n} (vowel that has same sound throughout its pronunciation) :: monoftong {m} {f}
monophyletic {adj} :: monofyletisch
monoplane {n} (airplane that has a single pair of wings) :: eendekker {m}
monopolistic {adj} (In the manner of a monopoly) :: monopolistisch
monopolize {v} (have a monopoly) :: monopoliseren
monopolize {v} (dominate) :: opkopen
monopoly {n} (situation of exclusive supply) :: monopolie {n}
monopoly {n} (exclusive possession) :: monopolie {n}, alleenbezit {n}
monopoly {n} (privilege granting such control) :: monopolie {n}, alleenrecht {n}
monopoly {n} (market thus controled) :: monopolie {n}
monopoly {n} (holder of such control) :: monopolist {m}
monopsony {n} (market situation in which there is only buyer for a product) :: monopsonie {f}
monorail {n} (a railroad system where the trains run on one rail) :: monorail {m}
monosyllabic {adj} (consisting of one syllable) :: eenlettergrepig
monotheism {n} (belief in one God) :: monotheïsme {n}
monotheistic {adj} (believing in a single god) :: monotheïstisch
monotonic {adj} :: eentonig, eentonige, monotoon, monotone
monotonous {adj} (having an unvarying tone or pitch) :: monotoon, eentonig
monotonous {adj} (tedious, repetitious or lacking in variety) :: monotoon, eentonig, saai
monotony {n} :: eentonigheid {f}
monotreme {n} (egg-laying mammal) :: cloacadier {n}, snaveldier {n}, monotreem {m}
monoxide {n} (oxide containing a single oxygen atom) :: monoxide {n}
monozygotic {adj} (of an identical twin) SEE: identical ::
mons {n} (mons pubis) SEE: mons pubis ::
Mons {prop} (city) :: Bergen {n}
Monsignor {n} (ecclesiastic title bestowed on some Roman Catholic clerics by the Pope) :: monseigneur {m}
monsoon {n} (tropical rainy season, see also: monsoon season) :: moesson {m}
mons pubis {n} (fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones) :: venusheuvel {m}, schaamheuvel {m}, schaamberg {m}
monster {n} (terrifying dangerous creature) :: monster {n}
monster {n} (bizarre or whimsical creature) :: gedrocht {n}, monster
monster {n} (badly behaved child) :: monstertje {n}
monster {adj} (very large) :: monsterachtig, monstrueus
monstrosity {n} (Monstrous thing, person or act) :: wangedrocht
monstrosity {n} (State of being monstrous) :: monstruositeit {m}, misvorming {m}, wanstaltigheid {m}
monstrous {adj} :: monsterlijk
montage {n} (composite work created by assembling other elements) :: montage, beeldmontage
montage {v} (to combine into, or depict as, a montage) :: monteren
Montagu's harrier {n} (bird of prey) :: grauwe kiekendief {m}
Montenegrin {adj} (relating to Montenegro) :: Montenegrijns
Montenegrin {n} (person from Montenegro) :: Montenegrijn {m}, Montenegrijnse {f}
month {n} (period into which a year is divided) :: maand {f}
monthly {adv} (Occurring every month) :: maandelijks
Montserrat {prop} (island) :: Montserrat
monument {n} (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) :: monument {n}
monumental {adj} :: monumentaal
moo {n} (characteristic sound made by a cow or bull) :: boe
moo {v} (to make a lowing sound) :: loeien
moo {interj} (sound made by a cow or bull) :: boe, moe
mood {n} (mental state) :: humeur {n}, stemming {f}, gemoedstoestand {m}
mood {n} (bad mood) :: humeur, bui
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
moo-moo {n} ((childish) cow) :: koetje {n}, koebeest {n}, koetje-boe {n}
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) :: maan {f} {m}
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) :: maan {m} {f}
moon {n} (month) :: maan {m} {f} [poetic], maand {f}
moon {v} (to display one's buttocks to) :: moonen, het naakte achterwerk tonen
moon {v} (to fuss over adoringly) :: aanbidden
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) :: maan {f}, Maan {f}
moonbeam {n} (moonlight generally) SEE: moonlight ::
moon-blind {adj} (night-blind) SEE: night-blind ::
moon-blind {adj} (moon blindness) SEE: moon blindness ::
moon blindness {n} (night blindness) SEE: night blindness ::
moon blindness {n} (chronic, equine inflammatory eye disease) :: maanoog {n}, maanblind
moonbounce {n} (bouncing castle) SEE: bouncing castle ::
moonfish {n} (any of various flat, oval marine fish species) :: maanvis {m}
moon landing {n} (arrival of a spacecraft on the moon) :: maanlanding {f}
moonlight {n} (light reflected from the moon) :: maanlicht {n}, maneschijn {m}
moonlight {v} (to work at a secondary job) :: zwartwerken
moonlighter {n} (person who works a second job) :: zwartwerker {m}
moonlit {adj} (lit by moonlight) :: [poetic] maanverlicht, verlicht door de maan
moonquake {n} (lunar seismic event) :: maanbeving {f}
moonrise {n} (The time of day or night when the moon begins to rise over the horizon) :: maansopgang {m}, maansopkomst {f}
moonset {n} (the setting of the moon below the horizon) :: ondergang van de maan {m}, maansondergang
moonshine {n} (shine of the moon) SEE: moonlight ::
moonsickle {n} (thin crescent of the moon) :: maansikkel {f}
moonstone {n} (translucent gemstone) :: maansteen {m}
moonwalk {n} (dance style) :: moonwalk {m}
moonwalk {v} (to moonwalk dance) :: moonwalken
moor {n} (region with poor, marshy soil, peat and heath) :: veen {n}
moor {v} (to cast anchor or become fastened) :: aanmeren, aanleggen
moor {v} (to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains) :: meren
moor {v} (to secure or fix firmly) :: verankeren
Moor {n} (a member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people) :: Moor
Moor {n} (a member of a this race that formerly occupied Spain) :: Moor
moorhen {n} (water birds of the genus Gallinula) :: waterhoen {n}
moorland {n} (land covered with heather or bracken) :: heide {f}, veen {f}
moose {n} (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) :: eland {m}
moot {n} (debate) SEE: debate ::
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
moot {adj} (subject to discussion) :: hypothetisch
moot {adj} (having no practical importance) :: hypothetisch, irrelevant
moot {n} (to bring up as a subject for debate, to propose) :: ter discussie stellen, ter tafel brengen, ter sprake brengen
mop {n} (implement for washing floors) :: zwabber, dekzwabber {m}, mop {m}
moped {n} (two-wheeled vehicle) :: brommer {m}, bromfiets {f}
moraine {n} (accumulation of rocks and debris) :: morene {f}
moral {adj} (relating to principles of right and wrong) :: moreel
moral {adj} (conforming to a standard of right behavior) :: zedelijk
moral {adj} (positively affecting the mind, confidence or will) :: moreel
moral {n} (the moral significance or practical lesson) :: moraal {f}
moral {n} (moral practices or teachings) :: moraal {f}
morale {n} (capacity) :: moreel {n}
moral hazard {n} (prospect that a party insulated from risk may behave differently from the way it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk) :: moreel wangedrag, moreel risico
morality {n} :: ethiek
moralize {v} :: moraliseren
moral panic {n} (mass movement, public outcry) :: morele paniek
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics ::
morass {n} (tract of soft, wet ground) :: moeras
Moravia {prop} (historical region) :: Moravië
morbid {adj} (of or relating to disease) :: morbide, ongezond, ziek, ziekelijk
morbid {adj} (unhealthy or unwholesome, especially psychologically) :: morbide, ongezond, ziekelijk
morbid {adj} (suggesting the horror of death) :: morbide, macaber
morbid {adj} (grisly, gruesome) :: morbide, akelig, gruwelijk, macaber
morbidity {n} (The quality of being unhealthful, morbid; morbidness) :: morbiditeit, ziekelijkheid
morbidity {n} (The incidence of a disease as a rate) :: morbiditeit, ziektecijfer
morbidity {n} (An occurrence of illness or disease, or a single symptom of that illness) :: morbiditeit, ziekte, ziekelijkheid
mordacious {adj} (corrosive) SEE: corrosive ::
mordacious {adj} (biting, causing a bite or sting) :: bijtend, scherp
mordacious {adj} (biting, sharp or caustic in style or tone) :: bijtend, scherp
mordacious {adj} (prone to biting) :: bijtend, bijtgraag
mordacious {adj} (sharp in intent, sarcastic) :: bijtend, bitter, sarcastisch, scherp
Mordovia {prop} (republic of Russia) :: Mordovië
Mordvinia {prop} (republic of Russia) SEE: Mordovia ::
more {adv} :: [1,2] meer, [2] verder
more and more {adv} (progressively more) :: meer en meer
more Catholic than the Pope {adj} (adhering more stringently to Roman Catholic practice than is required) :: roomser dan de paus
more often than not {adv} (more likely to be the case than not) :: veelal, vaker wel dan niet
more or less {adv} (approximately) :: min of meer
moreover {adv} (in addition to what has been said) :: bovendien, daarnaast, verder, daar komt bij
morepork {n} (Ninox novaeseelandiae) :: Nieuw-Zeelandse boeboekuil
Morgan le Fay {prop} (half sister of King Arthur) :: Morgana {f}
morgue {n} (place for dead people) :: lijkenhuis,mortuarium
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance ::
morion {n} (type of helmet) :: morion
Mormon {prop} (ancient prophet) :: Mormon {m}, Mormoon {m}
Mormon {n} (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: mormoon {m}
Mormon {adj} (pertaining to the faith established by Joseph Smith, Jr) :: mormoons
morna {n} (a genre of Cape Verdean music) :: morna
morning {n} (part of the day between dawn and midday) :: ochtend {m}, morgen {m}, voormiddag
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) :: ochtend, morgen
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover ::
morning gift {n} (gift given by husband to wife upon first morning of marriage) :: morgengave {f}
morning person {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
morning star {n} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) :: morgenster {f}
morning star {n} (spiked weapon on staff) :: morgenster {f}
Morning Star {prop} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) :: morgenster {f}
Moroccan {n} (person from Morocco) :: Marokkaan, Marokkaanse
Moroccan {adj} (pertaining to Morocco) :: Marokkaans
Morocco {prop} (country) :: Marokko
moron {n} (person of borderline intelligence) :: debiel
moron {n} (person who makes uncool attempts to impress others) :: mogool, mongol
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
morose {adj} (sullen, gloomy; showing a brooding ill humour) :: nors, mismoedig
morph {n} (allomorph) SEE: allomorph ::
morpheme {n} (smallest linguistic unit) :: morfeem {n}, woorddeel {n}
Morpheus {prop} (Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams) :: Morpheus
morphism {n} (map) :: morfisme {n}
morphological {adj} (relating to morphology) :: morfologisch
morphology {n} (a scientific study of form and structure) :: morfologie {f}, vormleer
morphology {n} (the form and structure of something) :: morfologie {f}
morphology {n} (a description of the form and structure of something) :: morfologie {f}
morphology {n} (biological study of the form and structure) :: morfologie {f}, vormleer
morphology {n} (geological study of the form and structure) :: morfologie {f}, vormleer
morphology {n} (linguistic study of the form and structure) :: morfologie {f}, vormleer
Morris column {n} (pillar for advertisements) :: peperbus {f}, reclamezuil {f}, infozuil {f}, kiosk {m} [Belgium]
Morse code {prop} (character code) :: morsecode {m}, morsealfabet {n}
morsel {n} (small fragment) :: brok, hap, stuk
mortal {adj} (susceptible to death) :: sterfelijk
mortal {adj} (causing death; deadly; fatal; killing) :: dodelijk
mortal {n} (human; someone susceptible to death) :: sterveling {m}
mortality {n} (condition of being susceptible to death) :: sterfelijkheid {f}, mortaliteit {f}
mortal sin {n} (grave sin) :: doodzonde {m} {f}
mortar {n} (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) :: specie {f}, mortel {m}
mortar {n} (short large-bore cannon) :: mortier {m} {n}
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) :: vijzel {m}, mortier {m} {n}
mortar and pestle {n} (device used for crushing and grinding ingredients into a fine paste or powder) :: vijzel {m}
mortgage {n} (special form of secured loan) :: hypotheek {m}
mortgage {v} (to borrow against a property) :: hypothekeren, lijfrente afsluiten, verpanden
mortgagee {n} (one who provides a loan secured upon the borrowers' property) :: hypotheekhouder
mortgager {n} (one who uses property they own as security for a loan) :: hypotheekgever
mortician {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker ::
mortise-and-tenon joint {n} (joint) :: pen en gat
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue ::
mosaic {n} (artwork) :: mozaïek {n}
mosaic {n} (genetically diverse individual) :: mozaïek {n}
mosaic {n} (viral disease) :: mozaïekvirus
mosaic {n} (composite picture) :: collage {f}
Mosaic {adj} (Of or relating to Moses) :: mozaïsch
mosaicist {n} (person who designs or builds mosaics) :: mozaïekkunstenaar
Moscow {prop} (capital city of Russia) :: Moskou {n}
Moscow salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad ::
Moselle {prop} (river) :: Moezel {f}
Moses {prop} (the biblical patriarch) :: Mozes
mosh {v} (wild, jumping dancing) :: pogoën
mosh pit {n} (mosh dance floor) :: pogokring {m}
mosque {n} (a place of worship for Muslims) :: moskee {f}
mosque-goer {n} (one who (regularly) attends a mosque) :: moskeeganger {m}
mosquito {n} (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) :: steekmug {f}, muskiet {m}
mosquito net {n} (fine net used to protect against mosquitos) :: klamboe {m}, muskietennet {n}
moss {n} (bog) SEE: bog ::
moss {n} (plants of the division Bryophyta) :: mos {n}
moss {n} (a kind or species of such plants) :: mos {n}
moss animal {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan ::
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old ::
mossy {n} (covered in or overgrown with moss) :: mossig
most {determiner} (majority of) :: meeste
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost ::
mostly {adv} (for the most part) :: [1] meestal, overwegend, voornamelijk
most of all {adv} (to a greater extent than anything else) :: meest van alles
Mosul {prop} (city) :: Mosoel
mote {n} (A small particle; a speck) :: stofdeeltje {n}, vuiltje {n}
motel {n} (type of hotel) :: motel {n}
moth {n} (insect similar to a butterfly) :: mot {f}, nachtvlinder {m}
mothball {n} (small ball) :: mottenbal {m}
mothball {v} (to store something no longer used) :: in de mottenballen leggen
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker ::
mother {v} (to treat as a mother would be expected to) :: bemoederen, koesteren
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) :: moeder {f}
mother {n} (one’s female parent) :: moeder {f}
motherboard {n} (primary circuit board of a computer) :: moederbord {n}
Mother Earth {prop} (personification of Earth) :: Moeder Aarde {f}
motherfucker {n} (generic term of abuse) :: moederneuker [never used except to be funny], kankerlijer, mogool [more common], klootzak, kelerelijer, klerelijer, teringlij(d)er, tyfuslij(d)er
mother goddess {n} (goddess who serves as a fertility deity) :: moedergodin {f}
mother hen {n} (overprotective woman) :: moederkloek {f}
motherhood {n} (state of being a mother) :: moederschap {n}
motherhouse {n} (religious monastery from which the other houses were founded) :: moederhuis {n}
mother-in-law {n} (spouse’s mother) :: schoonmoeder {f}
motherland {n} (the country of one's ancestors) :: vaderland {n}
motherland {n} (the country of one's birth) :: geboorteland {n}
motherland {n} (country of origin) :: land van oorsprong {n}
motherland {n} (mother country in contrast to its colonies) :: moederland
motherless {adj} (without a living mother) :: moederloos
mother lode {n} (large or rich vein of precious mineral) :: hoofdader {m}
Mother Nature {prop} (the personification of Nature and the Earth's biosphere as a woman) :: Moeder Natuur {f}
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) :: parelmoer {n}
Mother's Day {n} (a day in honor of one's mother or all mothers, on whichever day) :: moederdag {m}
mother ship {n} (vessel that serves a smaller vessel) :: moederschip {n}
mother's milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk ::
mother tongue {n} (one's native tongue) :: moedertaal {c}, moerstaal {c} [colloquial]
motif {n} (recurring or dominant element; a theme) :: motief {n}
motion {n} (state of progression from one place to another) :: beweging {f}
motion {n} (parliamentary proposal) :: motie {f}
motionless {adj} (at rest, not moving) :: bewegingsloos
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
motion sickness {n} (nausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle) :: reisziekte {f}; zeeziek [seasickness]
motivate {v} (to encourage) :: motiveren
motivation {n} (willingness of action especially in behavior) :: motivatie {f}
motive {n} (a cause to commit a crime) :: motief {n}, beweegreden {f}, motivatie
motive {n} (music: theme or subject) :: motief {n}, onderwerp {f}
motive {n} (arts: motif) :: motief {n}
motive {v} (to prompt or incite) :: motiveren, aanzetten tot
motive {adj} (causing motion) :: bewegend
motive {adj} (Relating to motion and/or to its cause) :: bewegings-, motioneel
motley {adj} (comprising greatly varied elements) :: bont, samengeraapt
motley {adj} (having many colours; variegated) :: bont, geschakeerd
motley {n} (an incongruous mixture) :: mengelmoes {m} {f} {n}
motmot {n} (Bird in the taxonomic family Momotidae) :: motmot
motor {n} (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) :: motor {m}
motor {n} (colloquial: motor car, see also: automobile) :: motorrijtuig {n}
motorbiker {n} (motorcyclist) SEE: motorcyclist ::
motorboat {n} (boat driven by an engine) :: motorboot {m} {f}
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile ::
motorcycle {n} (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) :: motorfiets {f}
motorcycle sport {n} (The sport of racing with motorcycles) :: motorsport
motorcyclist {n} (someone who rides a motorcycle) :: motorrijder {m}, motorrijdster {f}
motorist {n} (one who drives a motor vehicle) :: automobilist {m}
motorway {n} (broad highway) :: snelweg, autoweg
mottled {adj} (spotted) :: gevlekt
motto {n} (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) :: motto {n}, wapenspreuk {m}, [personal] lijfspreuk {m}
motto {n} (suggestive sentence, phrase or word) :: motto {n}
mouflon {n} (sheep) :: moeflon {m}
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
mouldy {adj} (neglected) SEE: neglected ::
mouldy {adj} (covered with mould) :: beschimmeld
moulin {n} (cylindrical, vertical shaft that extends through a glacier) :: gletsjermolen {m}
moult {n} (process) :: rui {m}
moult {v} (to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal) :: ruien (feathers), muiten (falcons), vervellen (skin), verharen (fur)
mound {n} (artificial elevation of earth) :: terp {m}
mound {n} (natural elevation) :: heuvel
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain ::
mount {n} (horse) :: rijpaard {n}
mount {n} (rider in cavalry) :: ruiter {m}
mount {v} (to place oneself on a horse, bicycle etc. to ride) :: beklimmen
mount {v} (to attach an object to a support) :: monteren, bevestigen
mount {v} (to get on top of an animal to mate) :: bestijgen
mountain {n} (large mass of earth and rock) :: berg {m}
mountain {n} (large amount) :: berg
mountain ash {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
mountain bike {n} (bicycle especially designed for off-road riding) :: BMX {m}
mountain buzzard {n} (Buteo oreophilus) :: bergbuizerd
mountain hare {n} (mountain hare) :: sneeuwhaas {m}
mountain lion {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar ::
mountainous {adj} (having many mountains) :: bergachtig
mountain range {n} (line of mountains) :: gebergte {n}
mountain range {n} (series of mountain lines) :: bergketen {c}
mountaintop {n} (the summit of a mountain) :: bergtop
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) :: Mount Everest {m}
Mount of Olives {prop} (mountain ridge) :: Olijfberg {m}
mourn {v} (express sadness for, grieve over) :: treuren, rouwen
mourning {n} (expressing sorrow over death) :: rouw
mourning {n} :: rouw
mourning dove {n} (Zenaida macroura) :: treurduif {f}
mouse {n} (rodent of the genus Mus) :: muis {f}
mouse {n} (shy person) :: muisje {n}
mouse {n} (computing: input device) :: muis {f}, computermuis {f}
mouse {v} (to mouse around) :: muizen
mouse {v} (to catch mice) :: muizen vangen
mousebird {n} (bird of Coliiformes) :: muisvogel {m}
mouse-colored antshrike {n} (bird) :: grijze mierklauwier
mouse mat {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad ::
mouse pad {n} (mouse pad) :: muismat {f}
mousepad {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad ::
mousetrap {n} (device for killing mice) :: muizenval {m}
mouse wheel {n} (disc used for scrolling) :: muiswieltje {n}, scrollwieltje {n}
moussaka {n} (baked dish) :: moussaka {m}
moustache {n} (hair on upper lip) :: snor {f}
mouth {n} (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) :: mond {m}, [of animals] bek {m}, muil {m}
mouth {n} (the end of a river out of which water flows) :: monding {f}, riviermond {m}, muide {f}
mouthbrooder {n} (animal that cares of its offspring by holding them in its mouth) :: muilbroeder {m}
mouthfeel {n} (texture perceived by mouth) :: mondgevoel
mouthful {n} (amount that will fit in a mouth) :: mondvol, mondjevol
mouthguard {n} (device) :: mondbeschermer
mouthly {adj} (oral) SEE: oral ::
mouth organ {n} (mouth organ) SEE: harmonica ::
mouth ulcer {n} (aphthous ulcer) SEE: aphthous ulcer ::
mouthwash {n} (liquid used to clean one's mouth) :: mondwater {n}
movable {adj} (capable of being moved) :: beweegbaar
movable property {n} (personal property) SEE: personal property ::
move {v} (to change place or posture; to go) :: bewegen, zich bewegen, zich verplaatsen
move {v} (to act; to take action) :: stappen ondernemen, maatregelen treffen
move {v} (to change residence) :: verhuizen
move {v} (to change the place of a piece) :: zetten, een zet doen
move {v} (to cause to change place or posture; to set in motion) :: (doen) bewegen, verroeren, roeren
move {v} (to transfer from one space or position to another) :: verzetten, verplaatsen
move {v} (to excite to action) :: drijven, aanzetten, aansporen, bewegen
move {v} (to arouse the feelings or passions of) :: ontroeren, roeren, bewegen, aangrijpen, ontzetten
move {v} (to propose; to recommend) :: voorstellen
move {n} (an act for the attainment of an object or purpose) :: stap {m}, maatregel {m}
move {n} (the event of changing one's residence) :: verhuizing {f}
move {n} (the act of moving a token on a gameboard) :: zet {m}
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement ::
moveable feast {n} (a holy day whose date is not fixed) :: roerende feestdag {m}
move house {v} (change place of residence) :: verhuizen
movement {n} (physical motion) :: beweging {f}, verroering {f}
movement {n} (impression of motion) :: beweging {f}
movement {n} (trend in various fields or social categories) :: beweging {f}
movement {n} (music: division of a larger musical composition) :: deel {n}
movie {n} (motion picture) :: film {m}
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviemaker {n} (a person who makes movies as a profession) SEE: filmmaker ::
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moving {adj} (that moves or move) :: bewegend, bewegende
moving {adj} (that causes someone to feel emotion) :: ontroerend, ontroerende
moving box {n} (transport box used during relocation) :: verhuisdoos {f}
moving spirit {n} (provider of significant impetus or guidance) :: drijfveer {f}, drijvende kracht {f}
moving truck {n} (moving truck) :: verhuiswagen {m}
mow {v} (to cut down) :: maaien
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
moxie {n} :: vastberadenheid, doortastenheid
Mozambican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Mozambique, or the Mozambican people) :: Mozambikaans
Mozambique {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Mozambique
mozzarella {n} (soft Italian cheese) :: mozzarella {m}
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. ::
Mr. {n} (abbreviation of mister) :: dhr.
Mérida {prop} (Spanish city) :: Mérida
Mrs {n} (title before woman's name) :: mevr., mw., mevrouw {f}
métier {n} (calling) :: beroep {m}
mu {n} (Greek letter) :: mu {m} {f}
Muay Thai {n} (the martial art/sport) :: Muay Thai, Thaiboksen
much {determiner} (a large amount of) :: veel
much {adv} (to a great extent) :: veel
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you ::
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful ::
much of a muchness {phrase} (little difference between multiple things) :: lood om oud ijzer
mucilage {n} (thick gluey substance produced by many plants) :: gom, slijmstof
mucky {adj} (covered in muck) :: smoezelig
mucosa {n} (mucous membrane) SEE: mucous membrane ::
mucous membrane {n} (membrane which secretes mucus) :: slijmvlies {n}
mucus {n} (slippery secretion) :: slijm {m}
mud {n} (mixture of soil and water) :: modder {m}, slijk {n}, smurrie
mud {n} (wilful remarks or claims) :: modder {m}
mud {v} (to make muddy) :: beslijken, verslijken, besmeuren
muddle {v} (mix together, to mix up; to confuse) :: verwarren, door mekaar mengen
muddle {n} (a mixture; a confusion; a garble) :: wirwar {m}, warboel {m}
muddled {adj} :: troebel
muddle-headed {adj} (thinking in a muddled way) :: warhoofdig, in de war, verward
mud fight {n} (physical fight in dirt) :: moddergevecht {n}
mud fight {n} (dirty verbal duel) :: moddergevecht {n}, moddergooien {n}
mudflap {n} (A rectangular flap mounted near the wheel of a truck to prevent mud from being thrown up onto the vehicle) :: spatlap {m}
mudflat {n} (flat expanse of mud, esp. tidal flat) :: wad {n}
mudra {n} (symbolic hand postures of India) :: mudra
mudslide {n} (geological disaster in which a large amount of mud gathers and moves rapidly down a hill or slope) :: aardverschuiving {f}, grondverschuiving {f}, modderstroom
muesli {n} (breakfast dish) :: muesli {m} {f}
muezzin {n} (person who issues call to prayer) :: muezzin {m}
muff {n} (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) :: mof {f}
muff diving {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus ::
muffin {n} (individual cake) :: muffin
muffle {v} (To mute or deaden) :: dempen
muffler {n} (part of exhaust pipe) :: knalpot {m}, demper {m}, knalpijp {f}
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf ::
mufti {n} (Muslim scholar) :: moefti {m}
mufti {n} (civilian dress) :: burgertenue {n}
mug {n} (large cup) :: beker {m}, mok {f}
mug {n} ((slang) the face) :: smoelwerk {n}, tronie {f}, smoel
mug {n} ((colloquial) a person who is easily fooled) :: achterlijke {m}, idioot {m}, goedgelovige
mug {v} (to assault for the purpose of robbery) :: overvallen, beroven
mug {v} (to exaggerate a facial expression) :: bekken trekken, grimassen
mugger {n} (a street robber) :: straatrover {m}
mugger {n} (the large crocodile Crocodilus palustris) :: moeraskrokodil {m} {f}
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur ::
Muggle {n} (person who has no magical abilities) :: dreuzel {m}
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) :: Mohammed
Muhu {prop} (island) :: Muhu
mujahid {n} (a Muslim engaging in jihad) :: moedjahedien {m} {f}
mujahideen {n} (mujahid) SEE: mujahid ::
mulatto {n} (person of mixed black and white descent) :: mulat {m}, mulattin {f}, halfbloed {m} {f}, dubbelbloed {m} {f}
mulberry {n} (the tree) :: moerbeiboom {m}
mulberry {n} (the fruit) :: moerbei {f}
mulch {n} (shredded matter for covering the soil) :: mulch, muls, bodembedekking
mulch {v} (to apply mulch) :: mulchen
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine ::
mule {n} (offspring of male donkey and female horse) :: muildier {n}
muleta {n} ((bullfighting) red flag) :: muleta {m} {f}
mull {v} (to work over mentally) :: overwegen, overdenken
mullein {n} (plants of the genus Verbascum) :: koningskaars {m} {f}
mullet {n} (fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets)) :: harder {m}
mullet {n} (hairstyle) :: matje {n} [Netherlands], nektapijt {n} [Belgium]
mullion {n} (vertical bar between the casements of a window) :: middenstijl {m}
mull over {v} (ponder) :: overdenken, beschouwen
multicellular {adj} (having many cells) :: meercellig
multicolor {adj} (multicolored) SEE: multicolored ::
multicolored {adj} (having multiple colors) :: bont, bonte, veelkleurig, veelkleurige, meerkleurig
multicultural {adj} (relating to several different cultures) :: multicultureel, multiculturele
multiculturalism {n} (societal idea) :: multiculturalisme {n}
multifaceted {adj} (having many aspects) :: veelzijdig
multifarious {adj} (having multiplicity) :: veelvoudig, divers
multilateral {adj} (having many sides or points of view) :: multilateraal
multilateral {adj} (involving three or more parties) :: multilateraal
multilayered {adj} (having more than one layer) :: meerlagig
multilingual {adj} (pertaining to multiple languages) :: meertalig
multilingualism {n} (ability to speak several languages) :: meertaligheid
multilogue {n} (many-to-many conversation) :: multiloog {m}
multinational {n} (multinational company) :: multinational {m}
multiple {adj} (having more than one element, part, component or function) :: meerdere
multiple {n} (a number that may be divided by another number with no remainder) :: veelvoud {n}
multiplication {n} (process) :: vermenigvuldigen {n}
multiplication {n} (calculation) :: vermenigvuldiging {f}
multiplication sign {n} (symbol denoting multiplication) :: maalteken {n}
multiply {v} (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) :: vermenigvuldigen
multi-storey {n} (a car park or parking garage with more than one storey) SEE: parking garage ::
multisyllabic {adj} (polysyllabic) SEE: polysyllabic ::
multiverse {n} (hypothetical group of all possible universes) :: multiversum {n}
mum {n} (mother (informal, familiar)) :: mama {f}
mumble {v} (to speak unintelligibly) :: mompelen
mummer {n} (actor in a pantomime) :: pantomimespeler {m}
mummification {n} (the making of a dead body into a mummy to preserve it) :: mummificatie {f}, mummificering {f}
mummify {v} (transitive: to mummify) :: mummificeren
mummy {n} (embalmed corpse) :: mummie
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) :: mama {f}
mumps {n} (contagious disease) :: bof
mum's the word {phrase} (indicates that something is a secret) :: mondje dicht
munchies {n} (craving for food as a result of use of cannabis) :: boefkik {m}
mundane {adj} (worldly) :: aards
mundane {adj} (ordinary) :: gewoon, alledaags
mundane {adj} (tedious) :: afgezaagd
mung bean {n} (seed of Vigna radiata) :: mungboon {f} {m}
Munich {prop} (capital of Bavaria) :: München
municipal {adj} (pertaining to city) :: gemeentelijk
municipality {n} (a district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts) :: gemeente
municipality {n} (the governing body of such a district) :: gemeente
munificence {n} (the quality of being munificent; generosity) :: gulheid {f}, vrijgevigheid {f}, goedgeefsheid {f}, generositeit {f}, munificentie {f}
munificent {adj} ((of a person or group) very liberal in giving or bestowing) :: vrijgevig, goedgeefs, gul, munificent, genereus
Muntenia {prop} (region of Romania) :: Muntenië {n}
muntjac {n} (deer of the genus Muntiacus) :: muntjak {m}
muon {n} (an unstable elementary particle in the lepton family) :: muon {n}
muon neutrino {n} (elementary particle) :: muonneutrino {n}
Murad {prop} (male given name) :: Murad
mural {n} (painting on wall) :: muurschildering {f}
murder {n} (an act of deliberate killing) :: moord {f}, doodslag {m}
murder {n} (the crime of deliberate killing) :: moord {f}
murder {n} (terrible to endure) :: moord {f}
murder {v} (deliberately kill) :: vermoorden [transitive], moorden [intransitive]
murder {v} (defeat decisively) :: de grond in boren
murder {v} (express one’s anger at) :: vermoorden
murder {v} (devour) :: vermoorden
murderer {n} (person who commits murder) :: moordenaar {m}
murderess {n} (woman who commits murder) :: moordenares {f}, moordenaarster {f}
murderous {adj} (likely to commit murder, see also: homicidal) :: moordzuchitg
murky {adj} (hard to see through) :: troebel, troebele
murky {adj} (dark, dim, gloomy) SEE: gloomy ::
murky {adj} (cloudy, indistinct, obscure) SEE: obscure ::
Murmansk {prop} (city) :: Moermansk
Murphy bed {n} (bed that folds up into the wall) :: opklapbed {n}
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry ::
murrey {n} (red colour) :: murrey
musalla {n} (oratory) SEE: oratory ::
Muscat {prop} (capital city) :: Maskate
muscle {n} (contractile tissue) :: spier {f}
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
Muscovian {adj} (relating to Muscovy) :: Moskovisch
Muscovian {n} (descendant of the people of Muscovy) :: Moskoviër {m}
Muscovite {n} (resident of Moscow) :: Moskoviet {m}
Muscovite {adj} (Relating to Moscow) :: Moskovitisch
Muscovy {prop} (Grand Duchy of Moscow) :: Moskovië {n}
Muscovy duck {n} (duck) :: muskuseend {f}, barbarieeend {f}
muscular {adj} (of or relating to muscles) :: musculair, spier-
muscular {adj} (having strength) :: gespierd
muscular {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) :: gespierd
muscularity {n} :: gespierdheid
muse {n} (a source of inspiration) :: Muze
muse {v} (to become lost in thought) :: mijmeren, nadenken
muse {v} (to think on; to meditate on) :: stilstaan bij
Muse {n} (one of the nine Ancient Greek deities of the arts) :: muse, Nadenken
museum {n} (building or institution) :: museum {n}
mush {n} (A food comprising cracked or rolled grains cooked in water or milk, porridge) :: pap {f}
mush {n} (slang: the face) :: tronie {f}
mushroom {n} (fruiting body of a fungus) :: paddenstoel {m}, zwam {m}
mushroom {n} (one who rises suddenly from a low condition in life) SEE: upstart ::
mushroom {n} (champignon) SEE: champignon ::
mushroom cloud {n} (mushroom shaped cloud) :: paddenstoelwolk {f}
music {n} (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) :: muziek {f}
music {n} (any pleasing or interesting sounds) :: muziek {f}
music {n} (sheet music) :: bladmuziek {f}, partituur {f}
musical {adj} (of or relating to music) :: muzikaal
musical {n} (stage performance, show or film) :: musical {m}
musical box {n} (music box) SEE: music box ::
musical chairs {n} (game) :: stoelendans {m}
musical chairs {n} (figuratively: activity of shuffling people) :: stoelendans {m}
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) :: muziekinstrument {n}
musical notation {n} (writing system) :: notenschrift {n}
music box {n} (box that generates or plays music) :: speeldoos {f}, muziekdoos {f}
music box {n} :: speelklok
music chart {n} (ranking of music) :: Hitparade
musician {n} (person who performs or writes music) :: muzikant {m}, muzikante {f}, musicus {m} {f}
music notation {n} (system which represents aurally perceived music) SEE: musical notation ::
music of the spheres {n} (music produced by celestial bodies) :: harmonie der sferen {f}, muziek der sferen {f}, wereldmuziek {f}
musicologist {n} (one who studies musicology) :: musicoloog {m}
musicology {n} (study of music) :: musicologie {f}
music school {n} (school of music) :: muziekschool
music stand {n} (stand for holding sheet music) :: muziekstandaard {m}, muziekstatief {n}, notenstandaard {m}
music theory {n} (field of study dealing with how music works) :: muziektheorie {f}
music to someone's ears {n} (good news; pleasing sound or expression) :: als muziek in de oren klinken
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) :: videoclip {m}
musk {n} (greasy secretion with powerful odour) :: muskus {f}
musk duck {n} (Biziura lobata) :: Australische muskuseend {f}
musket {n} (firearm) :: musket {n}
musk mallow {n} (Abelmoschus moschatus) SEE: abelmosk ::
musk ox {n} (an arctic mammal) :: muskusos {m}
muskrat {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) :: muskusrat {f}
Muslim {n} (believer of Islam) :: moslim {m}, moslima {f}
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) :: moslims
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric ::
muslin {n} (thin cotton cloth) :: mousseline
musophobia {n} :: musofobie
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat ::
muss {n} (mess) SEE: mess ::
mussel {n} (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) :: mossel {f}
must {v} (be required to) :: moeten
must {n} (something mandatory) :: moetje {n}
must {n} (fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes) :: most {m}
mustard {n} (plant) :: mosterd {m}, mosterdplant {m}
mustard {n} (condiment) :: mosterd {m}
mustard gas {n} (vesicant gas) :: mosterdgas {n}, yperiet {n}
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show ::
muster {n} (show; display) :: tonen, vertonen
mutagen {n} (agent or substance that can cause genetic mutation) :: mutageen {n}
mutant {n} (something that has mutated) :: mutant
mutation {n} (mutant) SEE: mutant ::
mutation {n} (any alteration or change) :: mutatie {f}
mutation {n} (heritable change in genetic material) :: mutatie {f}
mutatis mutandis {adv} (having changed what needs to be changed) :: mutatis mutandis
mute {adj} (not having the power of speech) :: stom
mute {adj} (silent, not making a sound) :: stil, gedempt
mute {n} (person unable to speak) :: stomme {m} {f}
mute swan {n} (Cygnus olor) :: knobbelzwaan {m}
mutilate {v} (To physically harm as to impair use) :: verminken
mutilate {v} (To destroy beyond recognition) :: verminken, verhakkelen
mutilate {v} (To render imperfect or defective) :: verminken
mutilation {n} (act of mutilating or the state of being mutilated) :: verminking {f}
mutineer {n} (someone who participates in mutiny) :: muiter {m}
mutiny {n} (organized rebellion) :: muiterij {f}
mutiny {v} (commit mutiny) :: muiten
mutism {n} (psychological disorder) :: mutisme {n}
mutt {n} (a mongrel dog) :: bastaard {?}
mutt {n} (a term of abuse) :: halve gare {?}, idioot {?}, domkop {?}
mutter {n} (instance of muttering) :: gemompel, geroezemoes
mutter {v} (speak under one's breath) :: mompelen
mutton {n} (the flesh of sheep used as food) :: schapenvlees {n}, schaap {n}
mutton dressed as lamb {n} (middle-aged or elderly woman dressed in a style more suited to a young woman) :: van achteren lyceum, van voren museum (from behind like grammar school, from the front like museum)
mutual {adj} (having the same relationship, each to each other) :: wederzijds
muzzle {n} (part of animal's head) :: snuit {m} {f}
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) :: muilband
muzzle {v} (to apply a muzzle) :: muilkorven
muzzle {v} (to restrain from speaking or acting) :: muilkorven
my {determiner} (belonging to me) :: mijn
Myanmar {prop} (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) :: Myanmar
my blood type is ... {phrase} (my blood type is …) :: mijn bloedgroep is ...
my car has broken down {phrase} (my car has broken down) :: mijn auto is kapot
Mycenaean {adj} (relating to Mycenae) :: Myceens
mycologist {n} (a person who studies, professes or practices mycology) :: mycoloog {m}
mycology {n} (study of fungi) :: mycologie {f}
my condom broke {phrase} :: mijn condoom ging kapot
mycorrhiza {n} (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant) :: zwamwortel
mycosis {n} (an infection caused by a fungus) :: schimmelinfectie {f}
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) :: ik heet..., mijn naam is...
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack ::
myopia {n} (lack of imagination, discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning) :: kortzichtigheid {f}
myopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness ::
myopic {adj} (unable to see distant objects unaided) :: bijziend
my pleasure {interj} (a polite reaction to receiving thanks) :: graag gedaan
myriad {n} (ten thousand, see also: ten thousand) :: myriade {f}
myriad {n} (vast diversity or number) :: een groot aantal, myriade {f}
myroblyte {n} (saint whose relics or place of burial produce or are said to have produced the Oil of Saints or the odour of sanctity) :: myrobliet {m}
myrrh {n} (dried sap of the myrrha tree) :: mirre {m}
myrtle {n} (evergreen shrub) :: mirte {c}
myself {pron} (me, reflexive form of me) :: me, mijzelf, mezelf
mysterious {adj} (of unknown origin) :: geheimzinnig, mysterieus
mysterious {adj} (having unknown qualities) :: geheimzinnig, raadselachtig, mysterieus
mysteriousness {n} (the quality of being mysterious) :: raadselachtigheid {f}
mystery {n} (something secret or unexplainable) :: mysterie {n}
mystery guest {n} :: mysteryguest
mystery shopper {n} (mystery shopper) :: mysteryshopper
mystic {adj} (of, or relating to mystics, mysticism or occult mysteries) :: mystiek
mystic {adj} (mysterious and strange) :: mysterieus, enigmatisch, raadselachtig, geheimzinnig, duister
myth {n} (divine story) :: mythe {f} {m}
myth {n} (commonly-held but false belief) :: mythe {f} {m}
mythology {n} (myths of a people) :: mythologie {f}
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) :: mythologie {f}
myxomatosis {n} (rabbit disease) :: myxomatose {f}