User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-i
i {n} /aɪ/ (name of the letter I, i) | :: i |
I {pron} (personal pronoun) | :: mi |
I am {interj} (I'm) SEE: I'm | :: |
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind | :: |
I am English {phrase} (I am English) | :: Mi estas anglano |
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry | :: |
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty | :: |
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired | :: |
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old | :: |
IANAL {phrase} (I am not a lawyer) | :: mnej |
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) | :: Iberio |
Iberian Sea {prop} (Balearic Sea) SEE: Balearic Sea | :: |
ibex {n} /ˈaɪbɛks/ (type of wild mountain goat) | :: ibekso, alpa kapro |
Ibiza {prop} /ɪˈbiːθə/ (island) | :: Ibizo |
-ible {suffix} (able to be done) | :: -ebla |
-ible {suffix} (expressing capacity or worthiness in a passive sense) | :: -ebla |
Iblis {prop} /ibˈliːs/ ((Islam) Satan; the Devil) | :: ibliso |
-ic {suffix} (Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic) | :: -a |
I came, I saw, I conquered {phrase} (used to indicate a total swift victory) | :: mi alvenis, mi rigardis, mi venkis |
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond | :: |
ice {n} (water in frozen form) | :: glacio |
ice {n} (frozen dessert) | :: glaciaĵo |
ice age {n} (period of extensive glaciation (glacial period)) | :: glaciepoko |
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear | :: |
iceberg {n} /ˈaɪsbɜːɡ/ (huge mass of floating ice) | :: glacimonto |
iceberg lettuce {n} (vegetable) | :: glacilaktuko |
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator | :: |
icebreaker {n} /ˈaɪsˌbɹeɪkəɹ/ (ship designed to break through ice) | :: glacirompilo |
icebreaker {n} (game, anecdote, or other activity to help introduce people) | :: interkono |
ice circle {n} | :: glacia disko |
ice cream {n} /ˌaɪsˈkɹiːm/ (dessert) | :: glaciaĵo |
Iceland {prop} /ˈaɪs.lənd/ (country in Europe) | :: Islando |
Icelander {n} (person from Iceland or of Icelandic descent) | :: islandano, islandanino [female] |
Iceland gull {n} (Larus glaucoides) | :: blankflugila mevo |
Icelandic {n} /aɪsˈlændɪk/ (language) | :: la islanda |
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to the Icelandic language) | :: islanda |
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Iceland) | :: islandana |
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland) | :: islanda |
Icelandic {n} (Icelander) SEE: Icelander | :: |
Icelandicize {v} /aɪsˈlændɪˌsaɪz/ (to make (more) Icelandic) | :: islandigi |
Icelandic Sheepdog {n} (Icelandic Sheepdog) | :: islanda ŝafhundo |
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic | :: |
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic | :: |
Icheon {prop} (a city in South Korea) | :: Iĉono |
icicle {n} /ˈʌɪsəkəl/ (a spear-shape of ice) | :: pendglacio |
icing {n} /ˈaɪsɪŋ/ (sweet glaze used for baked goods) | :: glaceo |
icing sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
icon {n} /ˈaɪ.kɑːn/ (image) | :: piktogramo |
icon {n} (religious painting) | :: ikono |
icon {n} (small picture, computer icon) | :: piktogramo |
iconoclasm {n} (belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons) | :: ikonoklasmo |
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons) | :: ikonostazo |
icosahedron {n} /ˌaɪkoʊsəˈhiːdɹən/ (a polyhedron) | :: dudekedro |
icosidodecadodecahedron {n} (polyhedron) | :: dudek-dekdu-dekduedro |
icositetrachoron {n} /aɪkoʊsɨtɛtɹəˈkoʊɹɔn/ (four-dimensional object) | :: dudekkvarĉelo |
-ics {suffix} (fields of knowledge or practice) | :: -iko, -scienco |
icy {adj} /ˈaɪsi/ (pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in ice) | :: glacia |
icy {adj} (covered with ice) | :: glacia |
id {n} /ɪd/ (id) | :: ĝio |
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card | :: |
Idaho {prop} /ˈaɪdəhəʊ/ (state of the United States) | :: Idaho |
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) | :: identigilo, identiga karto |
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of related compounds) | :: -ido |
-ide {suffix} (binary compound of a nonmetal) | :: -ido |
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of several elements) | :: -oido |
idea {n} /aɪˈdɪɹ/ (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory) | :: ideo |
ideal {adj} /aɪˈdɪəl/ (being optimal) | :: ideala |
ideal {adj} (being perfect) | :: ideala |
ideal {adj} (conceptual) | :: ideala |
ideal {adj} | :: perfekta |
ideal {n} (perfect standard of beauty, intellect etc.) | :: ideala, perfekta |
ideal gas {n} (hypothetical gas) | :: ideala gaso |
idealism {n} (an approach to philosophical enquiry) | :: ideismo |
idealistic {adj} (of or pertaining to an idealist or to idealism) | :: idealisma |
idealization {n} (act or process of idealizing) | :: idealigo |
idealize {v} (transitive: to regard something as ideal) | :: idealigi |
idempotent {adj} /aɪ.dəmˈpoʊ.tənt/ (mathematics: an action which, when performed multiple time, has no further effect on its subject after the first time it is performed) | :: idempotento |
idempotent {adj} (mathematics: Said of an element of an algebraic structure with a binary operation: that when the element operates on itself, the result is equal to itself) | :: idempotento |
identical {adj} /ɪˈdɛntɪkl̩/ (bearing full likeness) | :: egala, identa, ekzakte la sama |
identical {adj} (of twins, such that they share the same genetic code) | :: unuovola |
identical {adj} (mathematics: exactly equivalent) | :: identa |
identical twin {n} (sibling) | :: unuovola ĝemelo |
identify {v} /aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ (to establish the identity of someone or something) | :: identigi |
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card | :: |
identity politics {n} (politics focusing on the self-interest and perspectives of people in various groupings) | :: identeca politiko, identec-politiko, politiko de identeco |
ideology {n} /aɪ.di.ˈɑl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (doctrine, body of ideas) | :: idearo |
idiocy {n} /ˈɪdi.əsi/ (state of being an idiot) | :: idioteco |
idiom {n} /ˈɪdɪəm/ (idiomatic expression) | :: idiotismo |
idiot {n} /ˈɪd.i.(j)ɪt/ (person of low general intelligence) | :: idioto |
idiot {adj} (idiotic) SEE: idiotic | :: |
idiotic {adj} /ɪd.iˈɑt.ɪk/ (pertaining to or resembling an idiot) | :: idiota |
idiotic {adj} (having the quality of idiocy) | :: idiota |
idiotically {adv} (in an idiotic manner) | :: idiote |
Idist {n} (Ido speaker) | :: idisto |
Ido {prop} /ˈidoʊ/ (artificial language reformed from Esperanto) | :: Ido |
idolater {n} /ˌaɪˈdɑlətəɹ/ (one who worships idols) | :: idolano |
idolator {n} (idolater) SEE: idolater | :: |
I don't eat beef {phrase} (I don't eat beef) | :: mi ne manĝas bovaĵon |
I don't eat meat {phrase} (I don't eat meat) | :: mi ne manĝas viandon |
I don't eat pork {phrase} (I don't eat pork) | :: mi ne manĝas porkaĵon |
I don't know {phrase} /ɑɪ̯ ɾoʊ̯(ʔ)t̚ noʊ̯/ (I don’t know) | :: mi ne scias |
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English)) | :: mi ne parolas la anglan |
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) | :: mi ne parolas Esperanton |
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand) | :: mi ne komprenas |
i.e. {adv} /ˌaɪˈiː/ (that is) | :: t.e. |
if {conj} /ɪf/ (supposing that) | :: se |
if {n} (a theoretical condition) | :: se |
if and only if {conj} (implies and is implied by) | :: se kaj nur se |
if not {adv} | :: se ne |
if the mountain won't come to Muhammad {proverb} (if one cannot get one's own way) | :: se la monto ne venas al Mohamedo, Mohamedo devas iri al monto |
igloo {n} /ˈɪɡluː/ (Inuit snow house) | :: iglo |
Ignatius {prop} /ɪɡˈneɪʃəs/ (male given name) | :: Ignaco |
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: magmaj petroj |
ignis fatuus {n} (will o' the wisp) SEE: will o' the wisp | :: |
ignite {v} /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ (to set fire to, to light) | :: fajrigi, ekbruligi |
ignoble {adj} /ɪɡˈnəʊbəl/ (not honorable) | :: malnobla |
ignorance {n} /ˈɪɡnəɹəns/ (condition of being uninformed or uneducated) | :: nescio |
ignorance is bliss {proverb} (Ignorance is bliss) | :: senscio estas beato |
ignore {v} /ɪɡˈnɔɹ/ (to deliberately pay no attention to) | :: ignori |
iguana {n} /ɪˈɡwɑnə/ (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae) | :: igvano |
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike) | :: mi malamas vin |
I have a headache {phrase} (I have a headache) | :: mi havas kapdoloron |
I have AIDS {phrase} (I have AIDS) | :: mi havas aidoson |
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question) | :: mi havas demandon |
I have cancer {phrase} (I have cancer) | :: mi havas kanceron |
I have no money {phrase} (I have no money) | :: mi ne havas monon |
Iliad {prop} /ˈɪliˌæd/ (ancient Greek epic poem about the Trojan War) | :: Iliado |
I like you {phrase} (I like you) | :: mi ametas vin |
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city)) | :: mi loĝas en Melburno |
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad | :: |
ill {adj} /ɪl/ (in poor health, suffering from a disease) | :: malsana |
illegal {adj} /ɪˈli.ɡəl/ (contrary to or forbidden by law) | :: kontraŭleĝa |
illegal immigrant {n} (immigrant who has entered a country illegally) | :: senpasportulo, senpasportulino |
illegitimate {adj} /ɪlɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ (against the law) | :: malrajta |
illegitimate {adj} (born to unmarried parents) | :: nelegitima |
ill humor {n} (bad temper) | :: spleno |
-illiard {suffix} (106n+3) | :: -iliardo |
Illinois {prop} /ˌɪləˈnɔɪ/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Ilinojo |
ill-intentioned {adj} (malevolent) SEE: malevolent | :: |
-illion {suffix} (suffix forming names of powers of a million or of a thousand greater than 1,000,000) | :: -iliono |
illiteracy {n} /ɪˈlɪtəɹəsi/ (inability to read and write) | :: analfabeteco |
illiterate {adj} /ɪˈlɪtəɹət/ (unable to read and write) | :: analfabeta |
illiterate {n} (an illiterate person) | :: analfabeto |
illness {n} /ˈɪl.nəs/ (an instance of a disease or poor health) | :: afekcio, malsano |
illness {n} | :: malsano |
illogical {adj} (contrary to logic; lacking sense or sound reasoning) | :: nelogika |
illuminate {v} /ɪlˈl(j)umɪneɪt/ (to shine light on something) | :: ilumini |
illuminate {v} | :: lumigi |
illumination {n} (the act of illuminating, or supplying with light; the state of being illuminated) | :: iluminado |
illusion {n} /ɪˈl(j)uːʒ(ə)n/ (anything that seems to be something that it is not) | :: iluzio |
illustrate {v} /ˈɪləstɹeɪt/ (to add explanatory or decoratory features) | :: ilustri |
illustration {n} /ˌɪləˈstɹeɪʃən/ (picture designed to decorate) | :: ilustraĵo |
Illyria {prop} (region in the Balkan Peninsula) | :: Ilirio |
I lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) | :: mi perdis miajn ŝlosilojn |
I love you {phrase} /aɪ ˈlʌv juː/ (affirmation of affection or deep caring) | :: mi amas vin |
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling) | :: mi amas vin |
I love you {phrase} (platonic expression of inclination or liking) | :: mi amas vin |
I'm {contraction} /aɪm/ (I am) | :: mi estas |
I'm a Buddhist {phrase} (I'm a Buddhist) | :: mi estas budhano |
I'm a Catholic {phrase} (I'm a Catholic) | :: mi estas katoliko |
I'm a Christian {phrase} (I'm a Christian) | :: mi estas kristano |
image {n} /ˈɪmɪd͡ʒ/ (graphical representation) | :: bildo |
imaginable {adj} /ɪˈmadʒɪnəbəl/ (able to be imagined; conceivable) | :: imagebla |
imagination {n} /ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən/ (image-making power of the mind) | :: imago |
imaginative {adj} /ɪˈmæd͡ʒɪnətɪv/ (having a lively imagination) | :: imagema |
imaginative {adj} (tending to be fanciful) | :: imagema |
imagine {v} /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪn/ ((transitive) to form a mental image of something) | :: imagi |
imagine {v} ((transitive) to believe) | :: imagi, bildigi |
imagine {v} ((transitive) to conjecture) | :: antaŭvidi |
I'm agnostic {phrase} (I'm agnostic) | :: mi estas agnostika |
imam {n} /ˈiːmɑːm/ (Muslim leader) | :: imamo |
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim) | :: mi estas islamano |
I'm an atheist {phrase} (I'm an atheist) | :: mi estas ateisto |
I'm ashamed {phrase} (I'm ashamed) | :: mi hontas |
I'm a vegan {phrase} (I'm vegan) | :: mi estas vegano |
I'm a vegetarian {phrase} (I'm a vegetarian) | :: mi estas vegetarano |
I'm bisexual {phrase} (I'm bisexual) | :: mi estas ambaŭseksema |
I'm blind {phrase} /aɪm ˈblaɪnd/ (I'm blind) | :: mi estas blinda |
Imbolc {prop} /ˈɪmbɒlk/ (Gaelic and Wiccan festival which marks the beginning of spring) | :: Imbolko |
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save | :: |
imburse {v} (to pay back money that is owed) SEE: refund | :: |
I'm cold {phrase} (I'm cold) | :: mi malvarmas |
I'm deaf {phrase} /aɪm ˈdɛf/ (I'm deaf) | :: mi estas surda |
I'm dying {phrase} (I'm dying) | :: mi mortas |
I'm fine, thank you {phrase} (expected, polite response to How are you?) | :: mi fartas bone, dankon |
I'm full {phrase} (I'm full) | :: mi estas sata |
I'm gay {phrase} (I'm gay) | :: mi estas samseksema, mi estas geja |
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) | :: mi malsatas, mi estas malsata |
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (ethnic)) | :: mi estas judo {m} {f}, mi estas judino {f} |
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (religious)) | :: mi estas judo {m} {f}, mi estas judino {f} |
I'm looking for a grocery store {phrase} (I'm looking for a grocery store) | :: mi serĉas manĝaĵvendejon |
immediate {adj} /ɪˈmi.di.ɪt/ (without delay) | :: tuja |
immediately {adv} /ɪˈmiːdi.ətli/ (in an immediate manner) | :: tuj |
immigration {n} /ˌɪmɪˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (the act of immigrating) | :: enmigrado |
immobile {adj} (not mobile) | :: senmova |
immortal {adj} /ɪˈmɔɹtəl/ (not susceptible to death) | :: senmorta |
immortal {n} (one that is not susceptible to death) | :: senmortulo |
immortality {n} /ˌɪmɔːɹˈtæləti/ (condition of not being susceptible to death) | :: senmorteco |
immovable {adj} /ɪˈmuːvəb(ə)l/ (incapable of being physically moved) | :: nemovebla |
immune system {n} (system that protects the body from foreign material and organisms) | :: imuna sistemo |
immunization {n} (process of immunization) | :: imunigo |
immunization {n} (an instance of immunization) | :: imunigo |
imp {n} /ɪmp/ (demonic creature) | :: diableto |
impact crater {n} (crater formed from an impact) | :: alfrapa kratero, meteorita kratero |
impala {n} /ɪmˈpɑːlə/ (African antelope) | :: impalo |
impalement {n} (act of torturing) | :: palisumo |
impatience {n} /ɪmˈpeɪʃəns/ (quality of being impatient) | :: malpacienco |
impatient {adj} /ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/ (restless and intolerant of delays) | :: malpacienca, senpacienca |
impatiently {adv} /ɪmˈpeɪʃəntli/ (without patience) | :: senpacience |
impeach {v} /ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ (to bring legal proceeding against public official) | :: akuzi |
impeach {v} (to charge with impropriety) | :: akuzi |
impeachment {n} /ɪmˈpiːtʃmənt/ (act of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct) | :: elpostenigo |
impediment {n} /ɪmˈpɛdɪmənt/ (hindrance; that which impedes progress) | :: malhelpo |
impel {v} /ɪmˈpɛl/ (To urge a person; to press on; to incite to action or motion via intrinsic motivation) | :: motivigi |
impel {v} (To drive forward; to propel an object) | :: antauxenigi |
impending {adj} /ɪmˈpɛndɪŋ/ (about to happen) | :: antaŭstaranta |
imperial {adj} /ɪmˈpɪ.ɹi.əl/ (related to an empire) | :: imperia |
imperialistic {adj} /ɪmˌpɪɹi.əˈlɪstɪk/ (of or pertaining to imperialism) | :: imperialisma |
impermissible {adj} /ˌɪmpɝˈmɪsɪbl/ (not to be permitted or allowed) | :: malpermesebla |
impertinent {adj} /ɪm.ˈpɝ.tɨ.nənt/ (insolent, ill-mannered) | :: malrespekta |
impious {adj} /ˈɪmpi.əs/ (not pious) | :: malpia |
impish {adj} /ˈɪmpɪʃ/ (mischievous) | :: petolema |
implement {v} /ˈɪmpləmɛnt/ (bring about) | :: efektivigi |
implication {n} /ˌɪmpləˈkeɪʃən/ (logical connective) | :: implikacio |
import {v} /ˈɪm.pɔɹt/ (to bring in from a foreign country) | :: importi |
import {v} (to load files into a computer from another source) | :: importi |
import {v} (to be important) | :: gravi |
importance {n} /ɪmˈpɔɹtəns/ (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note) | :: graveco |
important {adj} /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ (having relevant and crucial value) | :: grava |
importantness {n} (importance) SEE: importance | :: |
impose {v} /ɪmˈpoʊz/ (to establish or apply by authority) | :: imponi |
imposing {adj} /ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ/ (magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, stateliness or dignity) | :: impona |
impossibility {n} /ɪmˌpɒsɪˈbɪliti/ (Something that is impossible) | :: neeblaĵo |
impossibility {n} (The quality of being impossible) | :: neebleco, neeblo |
impossible {adj} /ɪmˈpɒsɪbəl/ (not able to be done) | :: neebla |
impossibly {adv} (in an impossible manner) | :: neeble |
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor | :: |
impracticable {adj} /ɪmˈpɹaktɪkəb(ə)l/ (not practicable) | :: nefarebla |
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant) | :: mi estas graveda |
impregnate {v} /ɪmˈpɹɛɡneɪt/ (to cause to become pregnant) | :: gravedigi |
impregnate {v} (to add nutrients) SEE: fertilize | :: |
impresario {n} (a manager or producer in the entertainment industry) | :: impresario |
impression {n} /ɪmˈpɹɛʃən/ | :: impreso |
imprison {v} /ɪmˈpɹɪzən/ (put in prison) | :: enprizonigi, malliberigi |
improve {v} /ɪmˈpɹuːv/ (to make something better) | :: plibonigi |
improvement {n} /ɪmˈpɹuːvmənt/ (act of improving) | :: plibonigo |
improvisation {n} (act or art of composing and rendering music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously) | :: improvizado |
imprudent {adj} /ɪmˈpɹudənt/ (not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper) | :: malprudenta |
impudently {adv} (shamelessly) SEE: shamelessly | :: |
impulse {n} /ˈɪmpʌls/ (sudden force that impels) | :: impulso |
impulsive {adj} /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ (actuated by impulse or by transient feelings) | :: facilanima |
impulsive {adj} (highly reactive; inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration) | :: impulsiĝema |
impulsivity {n} (impulsivity) | :: impulseco |
impure {adj} (impure) | :: malpura |
impurely {adv} (in an impure manner) | :: malpure |
I'm straight {phrase} (I'm straight) | :: mi estas aliseksema |
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink) | :: mi soifas |
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep)) | :: mi estas laca |
I must go {phrase} (I must go) | :: mi devas iri |
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old) | :: mi aĝas ..., mi estas ...-jara, mi havas ... jarojn, mi aĝas ... jarojn |
in- {prefix} (reversal of meaning) | :: mal- |
in {prep} (contained by) | :: en |
in {prep} (surrounded by) | :: en |
in {prep} (during) | :: en |
in {prep} (after a period of time) | :: post |
in {prep} (into) | :: en |
in {prep} | :: en |
inability {n} /ˌɪnəˈbɪlɪti/ (lack of the ability to do something; incapability) | :: nekapableco |
inability {n} (lack of the option to do something; powerlessness) | :: senpoveco |
inacceptable {adj} (unacceptable) SEE: unacceptable | :: |
inaction {n} /ɪnˈækʃən/ (want of action or activity) | :: senagado |
in addition {adv} (also; as well) | :: krome, aldone |
in advance {prep} (in advance) SEE: beforehand | :: |
inadvertently {adv} (unintentionally) | :: senvole, senintence |
in any case {adv} (at any rate) | :: ĉiaokaze |
inappropriate {adj} /ˌɪnəˈpɹoʊpɹi.ət/ (not appropriate or suitable) | :: malkonvena |
inattentive {adj} /ˌɪn.ə.ˈtɛn.tɪv/ (not paying attention) | :: senatenta |
inaudible {adj} (unable to be heard) | :: neaŭdebla |
inaudibly {adv} (in context of not being heard) | :: neaŭdeble |
inaugurate {v} /ɪˈnɔːɡjʊɹeɪt/ (to induct into office) | :: enoficigi |
in bed {prep} (lying on one's bed) | :: en lito |
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb | :: |
incarnate {adj} (flesh-colored) SEE: crimson | :: |
incarnate {v} /ˈɪnkɑːneɪt/ (to embody in flesh) | :: enkarniĝi |
incense {n} /ˈɪnsɛns/ (A perfume often used in the rites of various religions) | :: incenso |
incentive {n} /ɪnˈsɛntɪv/ (something that motivates) | :: stimulo, igilo, motivigo, konvinkilo |
inception {n} /ɪnˈsɛpʃən/ (the creation or beginning of something) | :: eko |
incessantly {adv} /ɪnˈsɛs.ə (in a manner without pause or stop) | :: senĉese |
incest {n} /ˈɪnsɛst/ (sexual relations between close relatives) | :: sangadulto, incesto |
inch {n} /ɪntʃ/ (unit of length) | :: colo |
Incheon {prop} (a city in South Korea) | :: Inĉono |
incidence {n} (The striking of radiation or a projectile upon a surface) | :: alfalo |
incident {n} /ˈɪn.sɪ.dənt/ (event or occurrence) | :: okazo |
incidentally {adv} (by the way) | :: parenteze |
incite {v} /ɪnˈsaɪt/ (to rouse, stir up or excite) | :: inciti |
inclination {n} /ɪn.klɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (mental tendency) | :: emo, inklino |
include {v} /ɪnˈkluːd/ (to bring into as a part or member) | :: ampleksi |
include {v} (to contain, as part of a whole) | :: ampleksi |
include {v} | :: inkluzivi, enhavi |
including {prep} /ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ/ (Such as, among which) | :: inkluzivida |
in cold blood {prep} (in a ruthless and unfeeling manner) | :: malvarmsange |
income {n} /ˈɪnˌkʌm/ (money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others) | :: enspezo |
incompatibility {n} /ˌɪnkəmˌpætɪˈbɪlɪti/ (the quality or state of being incompatible) | :: malakordo |
incompetent {adj} (unskilled, lacking normally expected degree of ability) | :: malkompetenta, nekompetenta |
incomplete {adj} /ɪn.kəm.ˈpliːt/ (not complete) | :: nekompleta, malkompleta |
incongruous {adj} /ɪŋˈkɑŋ.ɡɹu.əs/ (not matching) | :: malakorda, miskongrua |
inconsistency {n} /ˌɪnkənˈsɪst(ə)nsi/ (state of being inconsistent) | :: malakordo |
inconsistent {adj} /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ (not consistent) | :: malakorda |
incorrect {adj} /ˌɪnkəˈɹɛkt/ (erroneous) | :: malĝusta |
incorrigible {adj} /ɪnˈkɒɹɨdʒɨb(ə)l/ (incurably depraved) | :: nekorektebla |
incorrigible {adj} (unmanageable) SEE: unmanageable | :: |
increase {v} /ɪnˈkɹiːs/ (become larger) | :: pliiĝi |
increase {v} (make larger) | :: pliigi, plialtigi |
increase {n} (increased amount) | :: plimultiĝo |
incredible {adj} /ɪŋˈkɹɛdəbəl/ (too implausible to be credible) | :: nekredebla |
incredibly {adv} /ɪŋˈkɹɛdɪbli/ (In an incredible manner) | :: nekredeble |
incredibly {adv} (To a great extent; extremely) | :: nekredeble |
incredibly {adv} (used to indicate surprising nature of a true statement) | :: nekredeble; unbelievably, incredibly |
incruental {adj} (bloodless) SEE: bloodless | :: |
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil | :: |
indeed {interj} /ɪnˈdiːd/ | :: fakte |
indefinite article {n} (word preceding a noun to indicate any member of the class of objects) | :: artikolo nedefinida, nedefinida artikolo |
indefinite pronoun {n} (Pronoun not specifying the identity of its referent) | :: nedifina pronomo |
independence {n} /ɪndɪˈpɛndəns/ (state or quality of being independent) | :: sendependeco |
independence {n} (state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood) | :: memstareco, sendependenco |
independent {adj} /ɪndɪˈpɛndənt/ (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free) | :: memstara, sendependa |
independent {adj} (not aligned with any political party) | :: senpartia |
independently {adv} /ɪndɪˈpɛndəntli/ (in an independent manner) | :: sendepende |
indescribable {adj} /ɪndɪˈskɹaɪbəbl̩/ (impossible, or very difficult to describe) | :: nepriskribebla |
indescribably {adv} (in an indescribable manner) | :: nepriskribeble |
indestructible {adj} (not destructible) | :: nedetruebla |
in detail {adv} (with all particulars) | :: detale |
index {n} /ˈɪndɛks/ (alphabetical listing of items) | :: indekso |
index {n} (programming: key indicating location of data) | :: indekso |
index {n} (data structure) | :: indekso |
index {v} (to arrange an index) | :: indeksi |
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
index {v} (to take stock) SEE: inventory | :: |
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
India {prop} /ˈɪndi.ə/ (the country) | :: Barato, Hindio [dated], Hindujo [dated] |
India {prop} (Bharat) SEE: Bharat | :: |
Indian {adj} /ˈɪndɪən/ (of or pertaining to India) | :: barata |
Indian {n} (a person from India) | :: baratano, baratanino [female], hindiano, hindianino [female] |
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) | :: indiano, indianino [female] |
Indiana {prop} /ˌɪndiˈænə/ (US state) | :: Indianao |
Indianapolis {prop} /ɪndiəˈnæpəlɪs/ (capital of the State of Indiana, USA) | :: Indianapolis |
Indianize {v} (to make Indian) | :: baratigi |
Indian myna {n} | :: ordinara minao |
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica) | :: Hinda Oceano |
indicate {v} /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ (to point out; to discover; to direct to a knowledge of; to show; to make known) | :: montri |
indicate {v} (to show or manifest by symptoms) | :: indiki |
indifference {n} /ɪnˈdɪf.ɹəns/ (the state of being indifferent) | :: indiferento, malzorgo, neglekto |
indifferently {adv} (in an indifferent manner) | :: indiferente |
indigenous {adj} /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ (born or engendered in, native to a land or region) | :: indiĝena |
indigestion {n} (condition caused by eating too quickly) | :: dispepsio, misdigesto |
indigo {n} /ˈɪndɪˌɡoʊ/ (colour) | :: indigo |
indigo {adj} (colour) | :: indiga |
indirect {adj} /ˌɪndaɪˈɹɛkt/ (not direct) | :: nerekta |
indirectly {adv} /ˌɪndɪˈɹɛktli/ (in an indirect manner) | :: nerekte |
indium {n} /ˈɪndi.əm/ (metallic chemical element) | :: indio |
individual {n} /ˌɪndɪˈvɪd͡ʒu.əl/ (person considered alone) | :: unuopulo |
individualism {n} (tendency for a person to act without reference to others) | :: unuopulismo |
individualism {n} (moral stance) | :: individuismo |
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person | :: |
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach | :: |
Indo-European {adj} /ˌɪndəʊˌjʊəɹəˈpiːən/ (of or relating to hypothetical parent language of Indo-European language family, see also: Proto-Indo-European) | :: hindeŭropa |
Indo-European {adj} (of or relating to hypothetical group of peoples having spread Indo-European languages) | :: hindeŭropa |
Indonesia {prop} /ˌɪndə(ʊ)ˈniːʒə/ (country) | :: Indonezio |
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia) | :: indonezia |
Indonesian {n} (person) | :: indoneziano |
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion | :: |
indulge {v} /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ (to yield to a temptation) | :: indulgi, dorloti |
indulge {v} (to satisfy the wishes or whims of) | :: cedi al |
Indus {prop} /ˈɪndəs/ (the river) | :: Induso |
industrial {adj} /ɪnˈdʌstɹɪəl/ (of or relating to industry) | :: industria |
industrial espionage {n} (use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage) | :: industria spionado |
industrialization {n} (process of social and economic change) | :: industriiĝo |
Indus Valley Civilization {prop} /ˈɪn.dəs ˈvæl.i ˌsɪ.vɪ.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (ancient civilization) | :: Induso-civilizo {m} |
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant | :: |
inebriation {n} (state or characteristic of drunkenness) | :: ebriiĝo |
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something)) | :: mi bezonas ...n |
inelegant {adj} /ɪnˈɛlɪɡənt/ (not elegant) | :: nedelikata |
inequality {n} /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒlɪti/ (unfair, not equal, state) | :: malegaleco |
inequation {n} (a statement that two expressions are not the same) SEE: inequality | :: |
inert gas {n} (noble gas) SEE: noble gas | :: |
inertia {n} /ɪnˈɝ.ʃə/ (in physics) | :: inerteco, inerteca forto, inertforto |
in essence {prep} (essentially) SEE: essentially | :: |
inevitable {adj} /ɪnˈɛvɪtəbəl/ (impossible to avoid or prevent) | :: neevitebla |
inevitably {adv} /ɪˈnɛvɪtəbli/ (in a manner that this impossible to avoid) | :: neeviteble |
inevitably {adv} (as usual) | :: neeviteble |
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent | :: |
inexplicable {adj} /ˌɪn.ɪkˈsplɪ.kə.bl̩/ (impossible to explain) | :: neklarigebla |
inexplicably {adv} (in an inexplicable manner) | :: neklarigeble |
inexpressible {adj} (unable to be expressed) | :: nedirebla |
in fact {prep} (actually, in truth) | :: fakte |
infamous {adj} /ˈɪnfəməs/ (having a bad reputation) | :: fifama |
infamy {n} /ˈɪnfəmi/ (the state of being infamous) | :: fifamo |
infant {n} /ˈɪn.fənt/ (very young human being) | :: infano, [used attributively] infana, infaneto |
infanticide {n} /ɪnˈfæntɪsaɪd/ (the murder of one's child) | :: infanmurdo |
infantilize {v} /ɪn.ˈfæn.tɪ.laɪz/ (to treat like a child) | :: infanigi |
infantry {n} /ˈɪnfəntɹi/ (soldiers who fight on foot) | :: infanterio |
infeasible {adj} (not feasible) | :: nefarebla |
infect {v} /ɪnˈfɛkt/ (to bring into contact with a substance that causes illness) | :: infekti |
infection {n} /ɪnˈfɛkʃən/ (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host) | :: infekto |
inferior {adj} /ɪnˈfɪ(ə)ɹiɚ/ (of lower rank) | :: malsupra |
inferior {adj} | :: malsupera |
inferiority {n} (quality of being inferior) | :: malsupereco |
inferiority complex {n} (a sense of inferiority) | :: minuskomplekso |
infertile {adj} (not fertile) | :: malfekunda, sterila |
infestation {n} /ɪnfɛsˈteɪʃən/ (presence of a large number of pest organisms in an area) | :: infesto |
infidel {n} /ˈɪn.fə.dl̩/ (non-believer) | :: malkredulo |
infiltrate {v} /ˈɪnfəltɹeɪt/ (to surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access) | :: infiltri |
infinite {adj} /ˈɪnfɪnɪt/ (boundless, endless) | :: senfina |
infinitesimal calculus {n} (Differential calculus and integral calculus considered together as a single subject) | :: infinitezima kalkulo |
infinitive {n} /ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪv/ (a mood or mode of verbs) | :: infinitivo |
infinitive {n} (uninflected verb form) | :: infinitivo |
infix {n} /ˈɪnfɪks/ (morpheme inserted into word) | :: enafikso |
inflame {v} /ɪnˈfleɪm/ (to put in a state of inflammation) | :: inflamigi |
inflame {v} (to grow morbidly hot, congested, or painful) | :: inflami |
inflammatory {adj} (tending to inflame or provoke) | :: flamiga |
inflation {n} /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ (expansion or increase in size) | :: inflacio |
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living) | :: inflacio |
influence {n} /ˈɪn.flu.əns/ (power to affect, control or manipulate) | :: influo |
influence {v} (transitive: to exert an influence upon) | :: influi |
influenza {n} /ˌɪn.flu.ˈɛn.zə/ (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs) | :: gripo |
inform {v} (instruct) SEE: instruct | :: |
informal {adj} /ɪnˈfɔɹm(ə)l/ (not formal or ceremonious) | :: neformala |
informatic {adj} (of or pertaining to information science) | :: informa |
information {n} /ˌɪnfəɹˈmeɪʃən/ (communicable knowledge) | :: informo |
infringe {v} /ɪnˈfɹɪndʒ/ (to break or violate a treaty, a law, a right etc.) | :: kontraŭi, malobei, malobservi |
in front {prep} (in the position ahead) | :: antaŭe |
in front of {prep} (at or near the front part of) | :: antaŭ |
infuse {v} /ɪnˈfjuz/ (to insert or fill) | :: infuzi |
in general {adv} (generally) SEE: generally | :: |
ingenious {adj} /ɪnˈdʒiːnjəs/ (characterized by genius; cleverly done or contrived) | :: genia |
ingenuous {adj} /ɪnˈdʒɛn.ju.əs/ (childlike, simple) | :: simplanima |
ingredient {n} /ɪnˈɡɹiːdi.ənt/ (substance present in a mixture) | :: ingredienco |
Ingushetia {prop} /ɪŋɡʊˈʃɛtiə/ (federal subject of Russia) | :: Inguŝujo, Inguŝio |
inhabitable {adj} /ɪnˈhæbɪtəbəl/ (fit to live in) | :: enloĝebla |
inhabitant {n} /ɪnˈhæ.bɪ.tənt/ (someone or thing who lives in a place) | :: loĝanto, enloĝanto |
inhale {v} /ɪnˈheɪl/ (to draw air into the lungs) | :: inhali |
inherent {adj} /ɪnˈhɪəɹənt/ (natural part or consequence) | :: propre |
inherit {v} /ɪnˈhɛɹɪt/ (to receive property or a title by legal succession etc.) | :: heredi |
inherit {v} (to receive a characteristic by genetic transmission) | :: heredi |
inheritance {n} /ɪnˈhɛɹətəns/ (that which a person is entitled to inherit) | :: heredo |
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir | :: |
inhuman {adj} /ɪnˈhjuːmən/ (of or pertaining to inhumanity) | :: nehoma |
inhumanly {adv} /ɪnˈhjuːmənli/ (in an inhuman manner) | :: nehome |
inimical {adj} /ɪˈnɪmɪkəl/ (hostile) | :: malamika |
inimitable {adj} /ɪnˈɪmɪtəbl̩/ (beyond imitation) | :: neimitebla |
initial {adj} /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ | :: komenca |
initial {n} (first letter of a word) | :: ĉeflitero |
initial {n} (first letters of a person's name as a unit) | :: inicialo, inicialoj {p}, ĉeflitero |
initial {n} (calligraphy: distinguished initial letter) | :: ĉeflitero |
initially {adv} /ɪˈnɪʃəli/ (at the beginning) | :: komence |
initiate {v} /ɪˈnɪʃ.ɪ.eɪt/ | :: ekestigi, iniciati |
initiation {n} /ɪ.nɪ.ʃi.ˈeɪ.ʃən/ (act of initiating) | :: iniciato |
inject {v} /ɪnˈdʒɛkt/ | :: injekti |
injection {n} /ɪn.ˈdʒɛk.ʃən/ (act of injecting, or something injected) | :: injekto |
injurious {adj} /ɪnˈdʒʊəɹɪəs/ (causing injury) | :: vunda |
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound | :: |
injury {n} /ˈɪn.dʒə.ɹi/ (damage or violation) | :: vundo |
ink {n} /ɪŋk/ (coloured fluid used for writing) | :: inko |
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell | :: |
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire | :: |
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell | :: |
inkwell {n} (container for ink) | :: inkujo |
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law | :: |
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law | :: |
-in-law {suffix} (related through marriage) | :: bo- |
in layman's terms {prep} (phrased simply) | :: en la terminoj de laico |
in lieu {adv} /ɪn.luː/ (instead (of); in place (of)) | :: anstataŭ |
in-line skate {n} (roller skate with all wheels aligned) SEE: rollerblade | :: |
in love {prep} (of a person or persons: enamored) | :: amanta |
inmate {n} (one confined to institution, such as a prison) | :: enfermito, kaptito, malliberulo, prizonulo |
in my opinion {prep} (according to me) | :: miaopinie |
inn {n} /ɪn/ (lodging) | :: gastejo |
inn {n} (tavern) SEE: tavern | :: |
inner {adj} /ˈɪnɚ/ (being or occurring inside) | :: ena |
inner {adj} (relating to the mind or spirit) | :: anima |
inner core {n} (innermost part of the Earth) | :: interna terkerno |
inner ear {n} (anatomy) | :: interna orelo |
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China) | :: Interna Mongolio |
inner tube {n} (inflatable rubber tube) | :: aertubo |
innocence {n} /ˈɪnəsn̩s/ (absence of responsibility for a crime) | :: senkulpeco |
innocent {adj} /ˈɪnəsn̩t/ (pure, free from sin, untainted) | :: senkulpa |
innocent {adj} | :: senkulpa |
innocently {adv} /ˈɪnəsəntli/ (in an innocent manner) | :: senkulpe, senpeke |
innumerable {adj} (not capable of being counted) SEE: countless | :: |
inoculate {v} /ɪˈnɑːkjuleɪt/ (to provide immunity) | :: inokuli |
inoperable {adj} (incapable of function) | :: nefunkcianta, nefunkciantaj {p} |
inoperative {adj} (not working or functioning) | :: nefunkcianta, nefunkciantaj {p} |
in order {adv} (for the purpose of) SEE: in order to | :: |
in order to {phrase} (as a means of achieving the specified aim) | :: por |
inorganic {adj} (relating to a compound that does not contain carbon) | :: neorganika |
inorganic chemistry {n} (chemistry of elements and non-carbon containing compounds) | :: neorganika kemio |
in other words {prep} (stated or interpreted another way) | :: alivorte |
in person {prep} (actually present) | :: persone |
in practice {prep} (really, in effect) | :: praktike |
in principle {prep} | :: principe |
inquest {n} (investigation into the cause of a death) | :: enketo |
inquire {v} /ɪnˈkwaɪɹ/ (to ask about something) | :: demandi |
inquisitive {adj} /ɪŋˈkwɪzətɪv/ (eager to acquire knowledge) | :: scivola |
inquisitively {adv} (In an inquisitive manner) | :: scivoleme |
insane {adj} /ɪnˈseɪn/ (exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind) | :: freneza |
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
insanity {n} /ɪnˈsænɪti/ (state of being insane) | :: frenezeco |
insatiable {adj} (not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased) | :: nesatigebla |
insatiate {adj} (that is not satiated) SEE: insatiable | :: |
inscription {n} /ɪnˈskɹɪpʃən/ (carved text) | :: surskribo |
in secret {prep} (secretly) SEE: secretly | :: |
insect {n} /ˈɪnsɛkt/ (arthropod of class Insecta) | :: insekto |
insectivore {n} /ɪnˈsɛktəˌvɔɹ/ (insect eating animal) | :: insektomanĝulo, insektovorulo |
inseminate {v} (to disperse or plant seds) SEE: sow | :: |
inseminate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate | :: |
inseparable {adj} /in.ˈsɛ.p(ə).ɹə.bl/ (unable to be separated) | :: nedisigebla |
insert {v} /ɪnˈsɜːt/ (put in between or into) | :: enmeti |
inside {prep} /ˈɪnsaɪd/ (within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference) | :: interne de |
inside out {adv} /ˌɪnsaɪdˈaʊt/ (with the inside turned to be on the outside) | :: inversigita, reversita |
inside out {adv} (of knowledge: thoroughly) | :: funde, de interne kaj de ekstere |
insight {n} /ˈɪnsaɪt/ (sight of the interior; deep view; introspections) | :: enrigardo |
insight {n} (intuitive apprehension of the inner nature of things) | :: enrigardo, intuicio |
insightful {adj} /ɪnˈsaɪt.f(ə)l/ (possessing insight) | :: akrasenta |
insightfully {adv} (in an insightful manner) | :: enrigardece |
insincere {adj} (not sincere) | :: malsincera |
insincerely {adv} (in an insincere manner) | :: malsincere |
insincerity {n} (property of being insincere) | :: malsincereco |
insist {v} /ɪnˈsɪst/ (to hold up a claim emphatically) | :: insisti |
insolation {n} (medicine: sunstroke) SEE: sunstroke | :: |
insole {n} /ˈɪnsoʊl/ (inside sole of footwear) | :: alplandaĵo |
insolvency {n} /ɪnˈsɒlvn̩si/ (the condition of being insolvent) | :: nesolventeco |
insomnia {n} /ɪnˈsɒmniə/ (sleeping disorder) | :: sendormeco |
inspection {n} /ɪnˈspɛkʃən/ (the act of examining something, often closely) | :: inspekto |
inspire {v} (to inhale) SEE: inhale | :: |
in spite of {prep} (despite) | :: malgraŭ |
Instagram {prop} /ˈɪnstəɡɹæm/ (online photo-sharing service) | :: Instagramo |
install {v} /ɪnˈstɔːl/ (set something up for use) | :: instali |
installer {n} (program that installs software and prepares it for use) | :: instalilo |
instant {n} /ˈɪnstənt/ (period of time) | :: momento |
instant {n} (point in time) | :: momento |
instantly {adv} /ˈɪnstəntli/ (at once) | :: tuj |
instant messaging {n} (form of realtime communication) | :: tujmesaĝilo |
instead {adv} /ɪnˈstɛd/ (in the place of (it)) | :: anstataŭe |
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than) | :: anstataŭ |
institution {n} /ˌɪnstɪˈtuːʃən/ (established organisation) | :: institucio |
institutional {adj} (rudimentary) SEE: rudimentary | :: |
instruct {v} /ˌɪnˈstɹʌkt/ (teach, give instruction) | :: instrui |
instruct {v} (order, direct) | :: instrukcii |
instruction {n} /ɪnˈstɹʌkʃən/ (act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge; information) | :: instruado |
instruction {n} | :: instruo |
instructress {n} /ɪnˈstɹʌktɹɪs/ (female instructor) | :: instruistino |
instructrix {n} (female instructor) | :: instruistino |
instrument {n} /ˈɪnstɹəmənt/ (musical device) | :: instrumento |
instrumental {n} (instrumental case) SEE: instrumental case | :: |
instrumental case {n} (case to express agency or means) | :: instrumentalo, ila kazo |
insular {adj} /ˈɪnsəlɚ/ (of, pertaining to, or resembling an island or islands) | :: insula |
insulate {v} (to separate or detach) | :: izoli |
insulation {n} /ˌɪnsəˈleɪʃən/ (The act of insulating) | :: izolado |
insulin {n} /ˈɪnsəlɪn/ (polypeptide hormone) | :: insulino |
insult {v} /ɪnˈsʌlt/ (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone)) | :: insulti |
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude) | :: insulto |
insuperable {adj} /ɪnˈsup(ə)ɹəb(ə)l/ | :: nesuperebla |
insurance {n} /ɪn.ˈʃʊɹ.əns/ (indemnity) | :: asekuro |
insure {v} /ɪnˈʃʊɚ/ (to provide for compensation if some risk occurs) | :: asekuri |
intact {adj} /ɪnˈtækt/ (untouched) | :: intakta |
intangible cultural heritage {n} (traditions recognized by UNESCO) | :: Nemateria kultura heredaĵo |
integer {n} /ˈɪn.tɪ.d͡ʒə(ɹ)/ (a number that is not a fraction) | :: entjero |
integral {adj} /ˈɪntəɡɹəl/ (constituting a whole together with other parts or factors; not omittable or removable) | :: integra |
integral {n} (limit of sums) | :: integralo, integro |
integral {n} (antiderivative) SEE: antiderivative | :: |
integrate {v} /ˈɪntəɡɹeɪt/ (to subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of) | :: integri |
integration {n} /ɪntəˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (in mathematics) | :: integrado |
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence | :: |
intellectual {adj} (spiritual) SEE: spiritual | :: |
intelligence {n} /ɪnˈtɛl.ɪ.d͡ʒəns/ (capacity of mind) | :: inteligenteco |
intelligence {n} (entity that has such capacities) | :: inteligento |
intelligent {adj} /ɪnˈtɛlɪd͡ʒənt/ (of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright) | :: inteligenta |
intelligent {adj} | :: inteligenta |
intelligent design {prop} (intelligent design / Intelligent Design) | :: inteligenta dezajno |
intend {v} /ɪnˈtɛnd/ (to fix the mind upon a goal) | :: intenci |
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé | :: |
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée | :: |
intensify {v} (to render more intense) | :: akrigi |
intent {n} /ɪnˈtɛnt/ (a purpose; something that is intended) | :: celo |
intention {v} (intend) SEE: intend | :: |
intention {n} /ɪnˈtɛnʃən/ (course intended to follow) | :: intenco |
intentional {adj} (intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily) | :: intenca |
intentionally {adv} (intentional manner, on purpose) | :: intence |
inter {v} /ɪnˈtɝ/ (bury in a grave) | :: enterigi |
interact {v} /ɪntəɹˈækt/ (act upon each other) | :: interagi |
interaction {n} /ˌɪntəɹˈækʃən/ (situation or occurrence in which two or more objects or events act upon one another) | :: interagado, interago |
interactive {adj} /ɪntɚˈæktɪv/ (responding to the user) | :: interreagema |
inter alia {adv} (among other things) | :: inter aliaj |
intercom {n} (an electronic communication system) | :: pordotelefono |
intercourse {n} /ˈɪn.tɚˌkɔɹs/ (sexual intercourse) | :: koito, sekskuniĝo |
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition | :: |
interdimensional {adj} (between dimensions) | :: interdimensia |
interest {n} /ˈɪntəɹɪst/ (finance: price of credit) | :: interezo |
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone) | :: intereso |
interest {n} (attention that is given to or received from someone or something) | :: intereso |
interest {n} | :: intereso, interesulo |
interest {v} (to attract attention or concern) | :: interesi |
interesting {adj} /ˈɪntəɹəstɪŋ/ (arousing or holding the attention) | :: interesa |
interestingly {adv} (in an interesting way) | :: interese |
interestingness {n} (state of being interesting) | :: interesanteco |
interface {n} /ˈɪntɚˌfeɪs/ (point of interconnection between entities) | :: interfaco |
interface {n} (chemistry, physics: thin layer or boundary between different substances, or phases of a single substance) | :: limfaco |
intergalactic {adj} (occurring between galaxies) | :: intergalaksia |
intergovernmental {adj} (of, relating to, or involving two or more governments) | :: interregistara |
interior {adj} /ɪnˈtɪɹiɚ/ (having to do with the inner part of something) | :: ena |
interjection {n} /ˌɪn.tɚˈdʒɛk.ʃən/ (exclamation or filled pause in grammar) | :: interjekcio |
interlanguage {n} (creole) SEE: creole | :: |
interlanguage {n} (pidgin) SEE: pidgin | :: |
Interlingua {prop} /ˈɪntə(ɹ)ˌlɪŋɡwə/ (interlanguage based on Romance languages) | :: Interlingvao |
Interlingue {prop} (Occidental) SEE: Occidental | :: |
interlude {n} (entertainment between the acts of a play) | :: interakto |
interlude {n} (short piece put between the parts of a longer composition) | :: interakto |
intermediary {n} (an agent acting as a mediator between sides that may disagree) | :: peranto |
intermission {n} /ɪntɚˈmɪʃən/ (break between performances or sessions) | :: interakto |
intern {n} /ˈɪntɝn/ (student or recent graduate who works in order to gain experience in their chosen field) | :: staĝanto |
internal {adj} /ɪnˈtɝnəl/ (inside of something) | :: interna, ena |
internal {adj} (within the body) | :: interna |
internal {adj} (concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state etc.) | :: interna |
internal {adj} (concerned with the non-public affairs of a company or other organisation) | :: interna |
internal combustion engine {n} (a piston or a rotary heat engine) | :: eksplodmotoro |
international {adj} /ˌɪntɚˈnæʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations) | :: internacia |
international auxiliary language {n} (language) | :: internacia helplingvo, internacia planlingvo |
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court) | :: Internacia Kortumo |
Internationale {prop} /ˌɪn.tɚˌnæ.ʃənˈæl/ (proletarian song) | :: La Internacio |
internationally {adv} (in an international manner) | :: internacie |
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} /ˌɪntɚˈnæʃ(ə)n(ə)l fəˈnɛtɪk ˈælfəˌbɛt/ (standardized symbols for speech) | :: Internacia Fonetika Alfabeto |
international waters {n} (ocean not belonging to any country) | :: internacia maro |
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet | :: |
Internet {prop} /ˈɪntɚˌnɛt/ (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers) | :: Interreto, [attributive] interreta, reto |
Internet address {n} (Any address used to identify a place or resource on the Internet) | :: retadreso |
Internet cafe {n} (place where one can use a computer with Internet) | :: interreta kafejo |
interplanetary {adj} (existing or occurring between between planets) | :: interplaneda |
interpret {v} /ɪnˈtɝ.pɹɪt/ (to explain or tell the meaning of) | :: interpreti |
interpreter {n} /ɪnˈtɜːpɹɪtə/ (one who interprets speech) | :: interpretisto |
interpreter {n} (computer program) | :: interpretilo |
interrobang {n} /ɪnˈtɛ.ɹəʊˌbæŋ/ (the punctuation mark ‽) | :: kridemandosigno |
interrogate {v} (to question or quiz) | :: pridemandi |
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark | :: |
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark | :: |
interrogative pronoun {n} (pronoun used in a question) | :: demanda pronomo |
interrupt {v} /ˌɪntəˈɹʌpt/ (to disturb or halt an ongoing process or action) | :: interrompi |
interruption {n} /ˌɪntəˈɹʌpʃən/ (the act of interrupting, or the state of being interrupted) | :: interrompo |
intersection {n} /ˈɪntəɹˌsɛkʃən/ (junction of two or more paths, etc) | :: kruciĝo |
intersection {n} (in set theory) | :: komunaĵo |
intersectionality {n} /ɪntəˌsɛkʃəˈnælɪti/ (sociological methodology) | :: intersekca teorio, pluraneco |
intersex {n} (condition) SEE: intersexuality | :: |
intersex {n} /ˈɪntɚsɛks/ (individual) | :: interseksulo, ambaŭseksulo |
intersex {adj} (having an intersex condition) | :: interseksa, ambaŭseksa |
intersexual {adj} (biology: having both male and female characteristics) | :: interseksa, ambaŭseksa |
intersexuality {n} (the state of having physical features of both sexes) | :: intersekseco |
Interslavic {adj} /ˌɪntɚˈslɑːvɪk/ (between Slavs or Slavic nations) | :: interslava |
Interslavic {prop} (auxiliary Slavic language) | :: Interslava lingvo |
interspersed {adj} (placed at intervals amongst other things) | :: intermetitaj {p} |
interstate {adv} /ˈɪntɚˌsteɪt/ (of, or relating to two or more states) | :: interŝtata |
interstellar {adj} (between stars) | :: interstela |
interstellar {adj} (among stars) | :: interstela |
interstice {n} /ɪnˈtɚ.stɪs/ (small opening or space) | :: interspaco |
interval {n} (intermission) SEE: intermission | :: |
interview {n} /ˈɪntɚvjuː/ (conversation with journalist etc.) | :: intervjuo |
interview {n} (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant) | :: intervjuo |
interview {v} (to have an interview) | :: intervjui |
interviewer {n} /ˈɪntɚvjuɚ/ (one who interviews) | :: intervjuisto |
intervocalic {adj} /ˌɪntəɹvoʊˈkælɪk/ (between vowels) | :: intervokala |
interweave {v} /ɪntəɹˈwiːv/ (to combine through weaving) | :: interplekti, kunplekti |
intestine {n} /ɪnˈtɛstɪn/ (alimentary canal) | :: intesto |
intestine {n} (subdivision of the alimentary canal) | :: intesto |
in that case {adv} | :: tiuokaze |
in the blink of an eye {prep} (immediately, instantaneously) | :: en palpebruma daŭro |
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if | :: |
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king {proverb} (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king) | :: inter blinduloj, reĝas strabuloj |
in the least {prep} (at all) SEE: at all | :: |
in the twinkling of an eye {prep} (immediately, instantaneously) SEE: in the blink of an eye | :: |
in the wink of an eye {adv} (in the blink of an eye) SEE: in the blink of an eye | :: |
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement | :: |
intimacy {n} /ˈɪn.tɪ.mə.si/ (feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) | :: kuneco, intimeco |
intimate {adj} /ˈɪn.tɪ.mət/ (closely acquainted; familiar) | :: intima |
intimate {adj} (personal, private) | :: intima |
intimate {v} (To suggest or disclose discreetly) | :: intimi |
in time {prep} (at or before the time assigned) | :: ĝustatempe |
in time {prep} (sufficiently early (for something)) | :: ĝustatempe |
into {prep} /ˈɪn.tu/ (going inside) | :: en [+ accusative] |
into {prep} | :: en [+ accusative] |
intolerable {adj} /ɪnˈtɑləɹəbl̩/ (not tolerable) | :: netolerebla |
intolerably {adv} (in an intolerable manner) | :: netolereble |
intolerant {adj} (unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear) | :: netolerema |
intransitive {adj} /ɪnˈtɹænsətɪv/ (of a verb, not taking a direct object) | :: netransitiva |
intransitive verb {n} /ɪnˌtɹænsətɪv ˈvɜːb/ (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter) | :: netransitiva verbo |
intrepid {adj} /ɪnˈtɹɛpɪd/ (fearless) | :: maltima |
intrigue {v} /ˈɪntɹiːɡ/ (to plan) | :: intrigi |
introduce {v} /ˌɪntɹəˈdus/ (to cause someone to be acquainted) | :: prezenti |
introduce {v} (to add something to a system, a mixture, or a container) | :: enplekti |
introit {n} /ˈɪntɹɔɪt/ (part of a psalm or other portion of the Bible read or sung at Mass immediately after the priest ascends to the altar) | :: introitus |
introspection {n} /ɪntɹəˈspɛkʃən/ (the act or process of self-examination) | :: introspekto |
intrusion {n} /ɪnˈtɹuːʒən/ (forcible entry) | :: trudo |
Inuit {n} /ˈɪnjuːɪt/ (the people) | :: inuitoj |
Inuktitut {prop} /ɪˈnʊktɪtʊt/ (language) | :: inuktituto |
invade {v} /ɪnˈveɪd/ (to enter by force in order to conquer) | :: invadi |
in vain {adv} (without success) | :: sensolve, vane |
invasion {n} /ɪnˈveɪʒən/ (military action) | :: invado |
invent {v} /ɪnˈvɛnt/ (design a new process or mechanism) | :: inventi |
invention {n} /ɪnˈvɛnʃən/ (something invented) | :: invento |
inventor {n} /ɪnˈvɛntɚ/ (one who invents) | :: [♂♀] inventisto, [♀] inventistino |
inventorize {v} (to make an inventory of) SEE: inventory | :: |
inventory {n} /ˈɪn.vənˌtɔ.ɹi/ (stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business) | :: inventaro |
inventory {n} (detailed list of all of the items on hand) | :: inventaro |
inventory {n} (process of producing or updating such a list) | :: inventarado |
inverse {adj} /ɪnˈvɝs/ | :: inversa |
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual | :: |
invertebrate {n} (animal without backbone) | :: malvertebrulo, senvertebrulo |
invest {v} /ɪnˈvɛst/ (to commit resources in the hope of financial gain) | :: investi |
invest {v} (to spend money, time, effort into sthg) | :: investi |
invest {v} (to clothe or wrap with garments) SEE: clothe | :: |
investigate {v} /ɪn.ˈves.tɪ.ɡeɪ̯t/ (to examine) | :: enketi |
invincible {adj} /ɪnˈvɪns.ɪbl̩/ (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill) | :: nevenkebla |
invisibility {n} (the state of being invisible) | :: nevidebleco |
invisible {adj} /ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l/ (unable to be seen) | :: nevidebla |
Invisible Pink Unicorn {prop} (unicorn goddess) | :: nevidebla rozkolora unukornulo |
invisibly {adv} (in a way that can not be seen) | :: nevideble |
invite {v} /ɪnˈvaɪt/ (ask for the presence or participation of someone) | :: inviti |
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage | :: |
invocation {n} (call or summons, especially a judicial call, demand, or order) | :: alvoko |
invoice {n} /ˈɪnˌvɔɪs/ (bill) | :: fakturo |
invoice {v} (to bill) | :: fakturi |
invoke {v} /ɪnˈvoʊk/ (call upon someone for help etc.) | :: elvoki |
invoke {v} (conjure up by incantation) | :: elvoki |
involuntarily {adv} /ɪnˌvɑlənˈtɛɹɪli/ (in an involuntary manner) | :: nevole |
involved {adj} (complicated) SEE: complicated | :: |
involved {adj} /ɪnˈvɑlvd/ (associated with others, be or be made a participant) | :: implikita, envolvita, anigita, implikiĝinta, envolviĝinta, aniĝinta |
invulnerable {adj} (incapable of being wounded) | :: nevundebla |
inward {adj} /ˈɪnwəd/ (on inside) | :: internen |
inwards {adv} /ˈɪnwɚdz/ (towards the inside) | :: ene |
iodine {n} /ˈaɪ.əˌdaɪn, -dɪn, -diːn/ (element) | :: jodo, iodo |
iodoform {n} (chemistry: a halogenated hydrocarbon, CHI3) | :: jodoformo |
ion {n} /ˈaɪ.ɑn/ (atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge) | :: jono |
ionize {v} /ˈaɪ.ə.naɪz/ (to dissociate atoms or molecules into electrically charged species) | :: jonigi |
ionizing radiation {n} (high-energy radiation that is capable of causing ionization in substances) | :: joniga radiado |
ionosphere {n} (part of Earth's atmosphere) | :: jonosfero |
iota {n} /aɪˈoʊtə/ (Greek letter) | :: joto |
Iowa {prop} /ˈaɪəwə/ (A state in Midwestern US) | :: Iovao |
IPA {prop} /ˌaɪ.piːˈeɪ/ (International Phonetic Alphabet) | :: IFA |
IP address {n} (number assigned to each computer's network interface) | :: IP-adreso |
IQ {n} (abbreviation of intelligence quotient) | :: IK |
Iran {prop} /ɪˈɹɑːn/ (country in Western Asia) | :: Irano |
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia | :: |
Iranianize {v} (to make Iranian) | :: iranigi |
Iraq {prop} /ɪˈɹæk/ (country) | :: Irako |
ire {n} /aɪɹ/ (great anger) | :: kolero |
Ireland {prop} /ˈäɪɚɫɪ̈nd/ (island) | :: Irlando |
iridium {n} /ɪˈɹɪdiəm/ (chemical element) | :: iridio |
iris {n} /ˈaɪɹɪs/ (part of the eye) | :: iriso |
Irish {n} /ˈaɪɹɪʃ/ (the language) | :: irlanda lingvo |
Irish {n} | :: irlandanoj |
Irish {adj} (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people) | :: irlanda |
Irish {adj} (pertaining to the language) | :: irlandlingva |
Irishize {v} (to make Irish) | :: irlandigi |
Irish Sea {prop} (a sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland) | :: Irlanda Maro |
Irish wolfhound {n} (sighthound) | :: irlanda lupohundo |
Irishwoman {n} (woman from Ireland) | :: irlandanino |
iron {v} /ˈaɪən/ (to pass an iron over clothing) | :: gladi |
iron {n} (shackles) SEE: shackles | :: |
iron {n} (chemical element Fe) | :: fero |
iron {n} (for pressing clothes) | :: gladilo |
Iron Age {prop} /ˈʌɪən eɪdʒ/ | :: ferepoko |
Iron Curtain {prop} (the dividing line between western Europe and the Soviet controlled regions) | :: fera kurteno |
ironic {adj} /aɪˈɹɒn.ɪk/ (characterized by irony) | :: ironia |
iron meteorite {n} | :: ferometeorito |
iron ore {n} (ore containing iron) | :: ferŝtono |
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith | :: |
ironstone {n} (ore of iron) | :: ferŝtono |
irony {n} /ˈaɪ.ɹə.ni/ (statement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally) | :: ironio |
irony {n} | :: ironio |
irrational {adj} /ɪˈɹæʃ.(ə.)nəl/ (unfounded or nonsensical) | :: malracia |
irrational {adj} (mathematics: of a number) | :: neracionala |
irrationally {adv} (in an irrational manner) | :: malracie |
irrational number {n} (real number that is not rational) | :: neracionala nombro |
Irrawaddy {prop} /ˈɪɹəˌwɑdi/ (river that flows through Burma) | :: Iravadio |
irredentism {n} /ɪɹɪˈdɛntɪzəm/ (an annexation doctrine) | :: iredentismo |
irrefutable {adj} /ˌɪɹɪˈfjuːtəbl/ (undeniable, unable to be disproved) | :: nerefutebla |
irregular {adj} /ɪˈɹɛɡjəlɚ/ (non-standard) | :: neregulara |
irregular galaxy {n} (galaxy which has no spiral and is not elliptical) | :: malregula galaksio |
irrelevant {adj} (not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected) | :: nekoncerna, neatentinda, nerilata, malgrava |
irreplaceable {adj} (that cannot be replaced) | :: neanstataŭigebla |
irreproachable {adj} (free from blame) | :: senmanka |
irreverence {n} (The state or quality of being irreverent.) | :: malriverenco |
irreversibly {adv} (In an irreversible manner) | :: senrevene |
irrevocable {adj} /ɪˈɹɛvəkəb(ə)l/ (unable to be retracted or reversed) | :: nerevokebla |
irrigate {v} /ˈɪɹəˌɡeɪt/ (to supply farmland with water) | :: akvumi |
irrigate {v} (to clean a wound with a fluid) | :: akvumi |
irrigation {n} /ˌɪɹəˈɡeɪʃən/ (The act or process of irrigating) | :: irigacio, akvumado, akvado |
irritable {adj} /ˈɪɹɪtəbl/ (capable of being irritated) | :: incitebla, incitiĝema |
irritant {n} (a source of irritation) | :: agacaĵo, malagrablaĵo |
irritate {v} /ˈɪɹɪteɪt/ (to cause or induce displeasure or irritation) | :: agaci, malamuzi |
irritation {n} /ˌɪɹɪˈteɪʃən/ (the act of irritating) | :: agaco |
Isaiah {prop} /aɪ.ˈzeɪ.ə/ (book of the Bible) | :: Jesaja, Jesajo |
Iseult {prop} (female given name) | :: Izolda |
isinglass {n} /ˈaɪzɪŋɡlɑːs/ (gelatine obtained from fish) | :: iĥtiokolo |
is it going to rain {phrase} (is it going to rain) | :: ĉu pluvos? |
Islam {prop} /ɪsˈlɑːm/ (religion) | :: islamo |
Islamabad {prop} /ɪzˈlɑːməˌbɑːd/ (the capital of Pakistan) | :: Islamabado |
Islamic {adj} /ɪsˈlɑːmɪk/ (Adjectival form of Islam) | :: islama |
Islamic fundamentalism {n} (movement towards Islamic conservatism) | :: islama fundamentismo |
Islamicize {v} (Islamize) SEE: Islamize | :: |
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) | :: Islama Respubliko de Pakistano |
Islamize {v} (convert to Islam) | :: islamigi |
Islamize {v} (make conform to Islamic law) | :: islamigi |
island {n} /ˈaɪ̯lənd/ (area of land completely surrounded by water) | :: insulo |
islander {n} /ˈaɪləndɚ/ (person who lives on an island) | :: insulano, insulanino [female] |
island state {n} (state consisting of one or more islands) | :: landinsulo, insula lando |
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island | :: |
Isle of Man {prop} /ˌaɪl ə(v) ˈmæn/ (island) | :: Manksinsulo |
islet {n} /ˈaɪ.lət/ (small island) | :: insuleto |
-ism {suffix} /ɪzəm/ (a principle, belief or movement) | :: -o, -ismo |
ism {n} /ˈɪz.əm/ (a form of discrimination) | :: ismo |
isn't it so {phrase} (isn't it so?) | :: ĉu ne? |
isobar {n} (A line on a map connecting places of equal pressures) | :: izobaro |
isolate {v} /ˈaɪsəleɪt/ (transitive: to set apart or cut off from others) | :: izoli |
isolated {adj} /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ (in isolation) | :: izola |
isolation {n} /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/ (state of being isolated) | :: izoliteco |
isolation {n} | :: izolado, izoliteco, izoleco |
isoleucine {n} /ˌaɪ.səˈluː.siːn/ (essential amino acid; C6H13NO2) | :: izoleŭcino |
isomer {n} /ˈaɪ.sə.mɚ/ (chemistry: compounds) | :: izomero |
isomorphism {n} (bidirectionally structure-preserving bijection) | :: izomorfio |
isosceles trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with two parallel sides and separate pair of congruent sides that are not parallel) | :: izocela trapezo |
isotherm {n} /ˈaɪ.səʊˌθɜː(ɹ)m/ (line representing equal temperature) | :: izotermo |
isothermal {n} (isotherm) SEE: isotherm | :: |
isothermal {adj} (of or relating to an isotherm) | :: izoterma |
isothermic {adj} | :: izoterma |
isotope {n} /ˈaɪ.sə.toʊp/ (atoms of the same element having a different number of neutrons) | :: izotopo |
isotropic {adj} (having properties which are equivalent in all directions) | :: izotropa |
Israel {prop} /ˈɪzɹeɪəl/ (the state) | :: Israelo |
Israel {prop} (Biblical: name given to Jacob) | :: Izrael, Izraelo |
Israeli {n} /ɪzˈɹeɪli/ (person from Israel or of Israeli descent) | :: israelano |
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people) | :: israela |
Israelite {n} /ˈɪzɹi.əlˌaɪt/ (descendant of Jacob) | :: Izraelido |
Israelize {v} (to make Israeli) | :: israeligi |
issue {n} /ˈɪsjuː/ (problem or concern) | :: afero |
-ist {suffix} /-ɪst/ (One who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory) | :: -isto |
-ista {suffix} (follower) SEE: -ist | :: |
Istanbul {prop} (largest city of Turkey and last capital of Ottoman Empire) | :: Istanbulo |
is that so {phrase} (really) | :: ĉu vere? |
isthmus {n} /ˈɪs.məs/ (narrow strip of land) | :: terkolo |
it {pron} /ɪt/ (subject — inanimate thing) | :: ĝi |
it {pron} (object) | :: ĝin |
Italian {adj} /ɪˈtæljən/ (of or pertaining to Italy) | :: itala |
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to Italians) | :: itala |
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Italian language) | :: itala, itallingva |
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy) | :: italo, {f} italino |
Italian {n} (language) | :: Itala |
Italianize {v} /ɪˈtæljəˌnaɪz/ (transitive) | :: italigi |
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy) | :: Itala Respubliko |
Italy {prop} /ˈɪtəli/ (European country) | :: Italio, Italujo |
itch {n} /ɪt͡ʃ/ (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch) | :: juko |
itch {v} (to feel the need to scratch) | :: juki |
itch {v} (to want or desire) | :: (la manoj) juki sin |
itchy {adj} /ˈɪtʃi/ (having or creating an itch) | :: jukema |
it doesn't matter {phrase} (it doesn't matter) | :: ne gravas |
-ite {suffix} /-aɪt/ (used to form names of minerals and rocks) | :: -ito |
item of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment | :: |
I think so {phrase} (I think so) | :: mi pensas tiel |
I think therefore I am {phrase} (philosophical proof of existence) | :: mi pensas tial mi estas |
-itis {suffix} /-ˈaɪtɪs/ (suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation) | :: -ito |
it never rains but it pours {proverb} (unfortunate events occur in quantity) | :: malfeliĉo malofte venas sole (a misfortune seldom comes alone) |
its {determiner} /ɪts/ (belonging to it) | :: ĝia, ties |
its {pron} (that which belongs to it) | :: ĝia |
it's all Greek to me {phrase} /ɪts ˌɔːl ˈɡɹiːk tə ˌmiː/ (I don't understand any of this) | :: ĝi estas por mi volapukaĵo |
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
itself {pron} /ɪtˈsɛlf/ ((emphatic) it) | :: mem |
itself {pron} | :: si, mem |
Ivan {prop} /ˈaɪ.vən/ (male given name) | :: Ivano |
Ivanovich {prop} /ɪˈvɑːnəvɪt͡ʃ/ (patronymic) | :: Ivanoviĉ |
I've been raped {phrase} (I've been raped) | :: mi estas seksatencita |
I've lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) SEE: I lost my keys | :: |
Ivo {prop} (male given name) | :: Ivo |
ivory {n} /ˈaɪvəɹi/ (material) | :: eburo |
ivory {adj} | :: ebura |
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire | :: |
ivory tower {n} /ˈaɪvəɹi ˈtaʊɚ/ (overly-academic perspective) | :: eburturo |
ivy {n} /ˈaɪvi/ (plant) | :: hedero |
I want to know {phrase} (I want to know) | :: mi volas scii |
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (year)) | :: mi naskiĝis en ... |
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (place name)) | :: mi naskiĝis en ... |
Ixion {prop} /ɪkˈsaɪ.ən/ (king of Lapiths) | :: Iksiono |
Ixion {prop} (a Kuiper Belt object) | :: Iksiono |