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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-g

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
gabardine {n} (type of woolen cloth) :: gabardine {c} {n}
Gabon {prop} (Gabonese Republic) :: Gabon
Gabonese {n} (A person from Gabon or of Gabonese descent) :: gaboneser {c}
Gabonese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gabon or the Gabonese people) :: gabonesisk
Gaborone {prop} (capital of Botswana) :: Gaborone
Gabriel {prop} (male given name) :: Gabriel
Gabriel {prop} (archangel) :: Gabriel
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Oestridae) SEE: botfly ::
gadfly {n} (one who upsets the status quo) :: provokatør {c}, urostifter {c}
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly ::
gadget {n} (any device or machine) :: gadget
gadolinium {n} (chemical element) :: gadolinium
gadwall {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck) :: knarand {c}
Gaea {prop} (earth goddess) :: Gaia
Gaelic {adj} (relating to the Gaels or their language) :: gælisk
Gaelic {prop} (Goidelic) SEE: Goidelic ::
gaff {n} (minor error or faux pas) SEE: gaffe ::
gaffe {n} (a foolish error, especially one made in public) :: fejltagelse
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
gaffer {n} :: lysmand
gaffer {n} (old man) :: gammel mand
gaffer {n} (foreman) :: formand
gag {n} (device to restrain speech) :: knebel {c}
gag {n} (joke or prank) :: gag {c} {n}
gag {n} (convulsion) :: opstød {n}
gag {v} (To experience the vomiting reflex) :: gylpe
gag {v} (To restrain someone's speech) :: kneble
gaiety {n} (state of being happy) :: munterhed {c}
gain {n} (what one gains (profit)) :: gevinst
gainsay {v} (to contradict something said) :: modsige, bestride, fornægte, benægte
gainword {n} (a word a language has borrowed from another language) SEE: loanword ::
gait {n} (manner of walking) :: gang {c}, gangart {c}
gaiter {n} (covering for the ankle and instep) :: gamache
galactic {adj} (relating to a/the galaxy) :: galaktisk
galactose {n} (the monosaccharide) :: galaktose
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
Galatians {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Galaterbrevet {n} [definite form]
galaxy {n} (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc) :: galakse
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way ::
gale {n} (meteorology: a very strong wind) :: kuling
gale {n} (Myrica gale) :: pors
galena {n} (mineral) :: blyglans {c}
galeophobia {n} (fear of cats and felines) SEE: ailurophobia ::
Galicia {prop} (Iberian kingdom, region of Spain) :: Galicien
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe) :: Galizien
Galician {adj} (pertaining to Galicia in Iberia) :: galicisk
Galician {adj} (pertaining to the people of Galicia in Iberia) :: galicisk
Galician {adj} (pertaining to the Galician language) :: galicisk
Galician {n} (Romance language spoken in Galicia) :: galicisk
Galician {adj} (pertaining to Galicia in Central Europe) :: galicisk
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel) :: Galilæa
gall {n} (bile) SEE: bile ::
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder ::
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile) :: galdeblære {c}
Gallegan {prop} (the Galician language) SEE: Galician ::
galleon {n} (large sailing ship) :: galeon
gallery {n} (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art) :: galleri {n}
galley {n} (cooking room or kitchen and cooking apparatus of a vessel or aircraft) :: [aircraft] køkken {n}, [ship] kabys {c}
galliard {n} (9-point type) SEE: bourgeois ::
Gallic {adj} (of or relating to Gaul or France) :: gallisk
gallicize {v} (to make French as the culture, customs, pronunciation, or style) :: forfranske
gallicize {v} (to translate into French) :: oversætte til fransk
gallium {n} (chemical element) :: gallium {n}
gallop {n} (fastest gait of a horse) :: galop {c}
gallop {v} (to ride at a galloping pace) :: galopere
gallows {n} (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging) :: galge {c}
gallows humor {n} (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a perfectly hopeless situation) :: galgenhumor {c}
gallstone {n} (small, hard object, that sometimes forms in the gall bladder) :: galdesten {c}
galore {adj} (in abundance) :: til overflod, til overmål
galosh {n} (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow) :: galoche {c}
galoshe {n} (overshoe worn in wet weather) :: galoche {c}
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend ::
galvanised {adj} (coated with zinc) :: galvaniseret
galvanize {v} (to coat with rust-resistant zinc) :: forzinke, galvanisere
galvanize {v} (to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means) :: galvanisere
Galway Bay {prop} (bay off the west coast of Ireland) :: Galway Bay, Galway Bugt {c}
Gambia {prop} (The Republic of The Gambia) :: Gambia
Gambian {adj} (of Gambia) :: gambisk
Gambian {n} (person from Gambia) :: gambier {c}
gambit {n} (chess move) :: gambit {c}
gambling {n} (activity characterised by a balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance) :: hasard
game {n} (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime) :: spil {n}
game {n} (wild animals hunted for food) :: vildt {n}
game console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage ::
gamer {n} (person who plays video games) :: gamer {c}
games console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gamete {n} (reproductive cell) :: kønscelle {c}
game theory {n} (mathematical study of strategic situations) :: spilteori
gaming console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gaming machine {n} (machine for gambling) :: spilleautomat {c}, spillemaskine {c}
gaming machine {n} (machine for video games) :: spilleautomat {c}
gamma radiation {n} (type of radiation) :: gammastråling {c}
gander {n} (a male goose) :: gase {c}, hangås {c}
Ganesha {prop} (Hindu god) :: Ganesha
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection) :: bande {c}
gang bang {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy ::
gang bang {n} (gang rape) SEE: gang rape ::
gangbang {n} (sexual intercourse involving more than two persons) :: gangbang {n}
gangbang {v} (to participate in a gangbang) :: gangbange
Ganges {prop} (the river) :: Ganges
gangly {adj} (tall and thin, especially so as to cause physical awkwardness) :: ranglet
Gang of Four {prop} (leftist political faction) :: Firebanden {c}
gangplank {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside) :: landgang {c}
gang rape {n} (rape by a number of people) :: gruppevoldtægt {c}, massevoldtægt {c}
gangrene {n} (the necrosis or rotting of flesh) :: koldbrand {c}, gangræn {c} {n}
gangster {n} (street gang member) :: gangster {c}, bandemedlem {n}
gangway {n} (passageway) :: gang {c}, passage {c}
gangway {n} (temporary plank bridge, path, or passageway) :: gangbræt {n}
gangway {n} (nautical: passage through the side of a ship) :: landgang {c}
Ganja {prop} (city) :: Gandja
gantlope {n} (gauntlet) SEE: gauntlet ::
Ganymede {prop} (in Greek mythology) :: Ganymedes
gaol {v} (jail) SEE: jail ::
gap {n} (opening made by breaking or parting) :: ridse
gape {v} (to open the mouth wide) :: gabe
gap year {n} (yearlong break from study) :: sabbatår {n}, fjumreår {n}
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar ::
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station ::
garage {n} (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.) :: garage {c}
garbage {n} (waste material) :: affald {n}
garbage bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) :: affaldspose {c}
garbage can {n} (waste receptacle) :: skraldespand {c}
garbage truck {n} (waste collection vehicle) :: skraldebil {c}, renovationsvogn {c}
garden {n} (piece of land outside with flowers and plants) :: have {c}
garden {n} (gardens with public access) :: have {c}, park {c}, anlæg {n}
garden {n} (grounds at the front or back of a house) :: have {c}
garden {v} (grow plants) :: lave havearbejde
gardener {n} (one who gardens) :: gartner
garden gnome {n} (a small statue of a gnome used as a garden ornament) :: havenisse {c}
garden hose {n} (type of hose) :: haveslange {c}
garden hose {n} (length of hose) :: haveslange {c}
gardening {n} (the care of a garden) :: havearbejde
Garden of Eden {prop} (place where Adam and Eve first lived) :: Eden {n}, Edens Have {c}, Paradisets Have {c}
garden party {n} (garden party) :: havefest {c}
garden path {n} (path in a garden) :: havegang {c}, havesti {c}
garganey {n} (duck) :: atlingand {c}
gargantuan {adj} (huge) :: gigantisk , enorm
garlic {n} (plant) :: hvidløg {n}
garlic bread {n} (bread topped with garlic) :: hvidløgsbrød {n}
garlic mustard {n} (Alliaria petiolata) :: løgkarse
garlic press {n} (ustensil) :: hvidløgspresser {c}
garner {n} (granary) :: kornkammer {n}, magasin {n}
garner {v} (to reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary) :: indhøste, indsamle
garrison {n} (post) :: garnison
garter belt {n} (suspender belt) SEE: suspender belt ::
gas {n} ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter) :: gas {n}
gasbag {n} (gasbag) SEE: windbag ::
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas) :: gaskammer {n}
gas constant {n} (universal constant R) :: gaskonstant {c}
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
gasholder {n} :: gasbeholder {c}
gas-liquid chromatography {n} (form of chromatography) :: gaskromatografi {c}
gas mask {n} (a covering for the face with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas) :: gasmaske {c}
gasoline {n} (motor fuel) :: benzin {c}
gasometer {n} (gasholder) SEE: gasholder ::
gas pedal {n} (accelerator) SEE: accelerator ::
gas plant {n} (Dictamnus albus) :: hvid diktam
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car) :: tankstation {c}, tank {c}
gastralgia {n} (stomachache) SEE: stomachache ::
gastric {adj} (Of or relating to the stomach) :: mave-
gastric acid {n} (acidic secretion of the stomach) :: mavesaft {c}
gastric juice {n} (secretion of the stomach) SEE: gastric acid ::
gastrique {n} (Syrupy reduction of vinegar and sugar) :: gastrik {c}
gastroenterologist {n} (physician who specializes in gastroenterology) :: gastroenterolog {c}
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system) :: gastroenterologi {c}
gas turbine {n} (gas turbine) :: gasturbine {c}
gasworks {n} (factory) :: gasværk {n}
gate {n} (door-like structure outside) :: port {c} [large], låge {c}
gate {n} (doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall) :: port {c}, sluse {c} [one-way accessway, e.g. used for security inspection of passengers]
gated community {n} (a residential area with restricted access, such as by a locked gate or guard post) :: gated community {n}
gather {v} (to bring together; to collect) :: samle
gatherer {n} (person who gathers things) :: samler {c}
Gaul {prop} (region) :: Gallien {n}
Gaul {n} (person) :: galler {c}
Gaulish {adj} (of or pertaining to Gaul) :: gallisk
Gaulish {prop} (Celtic language of Gaul) :: gallisk
gauntlet {n} (two parallel rows of attackers who strike at a criminal) :: spidsrod
Gaussian {adj} (Gaussian) :: gaussisk
gawk {v} (to stare or gape stupidly) :: glane, glo, måbe
gawp {v} (gawk) SEE: gawk ::
gay {adj} (sexually promiscuous) SEE: promiscuous ::
gay {adj} (happy, joyful and lively) :: glad, livlig
gay {adj} (festive, bright, colorful) :: sjov, farverig
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian) :: bøsse [men], lesbisk [women], homoseksuel
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger) :: bøsse, homo [slang]
gay-ass {adj} (gay-ass) :: bøsserøv
gay bar {n} (nightclub whose primary clientele are LGBT people) :: bøssebar {c}
gaydar {n} (ability to detect if a person is gay) :: bøsseradar, gaydar {c}
gay marriage {n} (marriage between two people of the same sex) :: homoægteskab {n}
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip ::
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip) :: Gazastriben
gazebo {n} (roofed structure) :: lysthus {n}
gazelle {n} (antelope) :: gazelle {c}
gcd {n} (initialism for greatest common divisor) :: sfd
G clef {n} (treble clef) :: diskantnøgle {c}, g-nøgle {c}
Gdańsk {prop} (city of Poland) :: Gdansk, Danzig [pre-1945 period]
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product) :: BNP
GDPR {prop} (2018 EU regulation concerning personal data) :: persondataforordning {c}, GDPR, databeskyttelsesforordning {c} [formal]
GDR {prop} (German Democratic Republic) :: DDR
gear {n} (equipment or paraphernalia) :: udstyr {n}
gear {n} (a wheel with grooves) :: tandhjul {n}
gear {n} (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears) :: gear {n}
gear {n} (motor car transmission) :: gear {n}
gearbox {n} (train of gears) :: gearkasse {c}
gedankenexperiment {n} (thought experiment) SEE: thought experiment ::
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look ::
geek {n} (expert in a technical field, particularly to do with computers) :: geek {c}, nørd {c}
geek {n} (person intensely interested in a particular field or hobby) :: geek {c}, nørd {c}
geek {n} (unfashionable or socially undesirable person) :: geek {c}, nørd {c}
geezer {n} (device for boiling water) SEE: geyser ::
gegenschein {n} :: gegenschein
Geiger counter {n} (device) :: geigertæller {c}
gel {n} (suspension of solid in liquid) :: gel
geld {n} (money) SEE: money ::
geld {v} (castrate) SEE: castrate ::
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch ::
gem {n} (precious stone) :: ædelsten {c}
gem {n} (precious or highly valued thing or person) :: perle {c}
Gemini {prop} (constellation) :: Tvillingerne {c-p}
Gemini {prop} (astrological sign) :: Tvillingerne {c-p}
Gemini {n} (Someone with a Gemini star sign) :: tvilling {c}
gemstone {n} (a gem) :: ædelsten {c}
gemütlich {adj} (cozy) :: hyggelig
Gemütlichkeit {n} (coziness) :: hygge, gemytlighed {c}
gendarmerie {n} (military body charged with police duties) :: gendarm
gender {n} (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns) :: køn {n}
gender {n} (biological sex) :: køn {n}
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice ::
gender dysphoria {n} (profound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people) :: kønsdysfori
gender identity {n} (person's sense of self as a member of a particular gender) :: kønsidentitet {c}
gender-neutral {adj} (applicable to all genders) :: kønsneutral
gender-neutral {adj} (applicable to those of any or no gender) :: kønsneutral
gender studies {n} (academic field) :: kønsforskning {c}
gene {n} (unit of heredity) :: gen {n}
genealogist {n} (person who studies or practises genealogy, expert in genealogy) :: genealog {c}, slægtsforsker {c}, slægtshistoriker {c}
genealogy {n} (descent of a person, family or group from ancestors) :: slægtsforskning {n}
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents) :: genealogi {c}
general {adj} (involving every part or member, not specific or particular) :: generel, almindelig
general {adj} (not limited in application; applicable to a whole class or category) :: almen, generel
general {n} (military rank) :: general {c}
General Assembly {prop} (United Nations General Assembly) SEE: United Nations General Assembly ::
generalisation {n} (formulation of general concepts) :: generalisering {c}
generalisation {n} (inductive reasoning) :: generalisering {c}
generalization {n} (formulation of general concepts) :: generalisering {c}
generalization {n} (inductive reasoning) :: generalisering {c}
general ledger {n} (central accounting record) :: hovedbog {c}
general practitioner {n} (physician who provides primary care; family doctor) :: praktiserende læge {c}
general relativity {n} (theory in physics) :: almen relativitet {c}
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent) :: generation, slægtled {n}
generosity {n} (the trait of being willing to donate) :: generøsitet {c}, storsind {n}, storladenhed {c}
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly) :: generøs
Genesis {prop} (the book of the Bible) :: Første Mosebog
genetically modified {adj} (produced by genetic modification) :: genmodificeret {c}
genetic engineer {n} (scientist or engineer) :: genforsker {c}
genetic engineering {n} (practice or science of genetic modification) :: genforskning {c}
genetic engineering {n} (genetic modification) SEE: genetic modification ::
genetic modification {n} (deliberate modification of genetic structure) :: genmodificering {c}
genetics {n} (branch of biology) :: genetik {c}
Geneva {prop} (city) :: Geneve
Geneva {prop} (canton) :: Genève
Geneva {prop} (lake) :: Genevesøen, Genfersøen
Geneva Convention {prop} (international treaty) :: Geneve-konventionen
Genghis Khan {prop} (Genghis Khan) :: Djengis Khan
genial {adj} (marked by genius) :: genial
genitalia {n} (genitals or sex organs) :: kønsorgan {n}
genitality {n} (genitality) :: genitalitet {m}
genitals {n} (genitalia) SEE: genitalia ::
genital wart {n} (sexually transmitted infection) :: kondylom {n}, kønsvorte {c}
genitive {adj} (of or pertaining to the case of possession) :: genitiv
genitive {n} (inflection pattern) :: ejefald
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive ::
genius {n} (extraordinary mental capacity) :: geni {?}
Genoa {prop} (Italian city) :: Genova
genocide {n} (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people) :: folkemord {n}, folkedrab {n}
Genoese {n} (an inhabitant or resident of Genoa) :: genovesisk
genome {n} (complete genetic information of an organism) :: genom {n}
genotype {n} (DNA sequence which determines a specific characteristic) :: genotype
Genovese {adj} (Genoese) SEE: Genoese ::
genre {n} (kind; type; sort) :: genre
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide ::
gentrification {n} (process of renewal accompanying an influx of relatively affluent people) :: gentrificering {c}
genuflect {v} (to bend the knee, as in servitude or worship) :: bøje knæ
genuine {adj} (real, authentic) :: ægte, original
genus {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species) :: slægt {c}, genus {n}
genus {n} (taxon at this rank) :: slægt {c}, genus {n}
genus {n} (topological invariant) :: genus
genu varum {n} (bowleg) SEE: bowleg ::
geochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry) :: geokemi {c}
geodesy {n} (scientific discipline) :: geodæsi {c}
geoglyph {n} (large-scale drawing on the ground) :: geoglyf
geographer {n} (a specialist in geography) :: geograf {c}
geographic {adj} (pertaining to geography) :: geografisk
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic ::
geographic information system {n} (an electronic system) :: GIS
geography {n} (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth) :: geografi {c}
geoid {n} (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation) :: geoide
geologic {adj} (relating to geology) :: geologisk
geological {adj} (geologic) SEE: geologic ::
geologist {n} (person skilled at geology) :: geolog {c}
geology {n} (the study of the earth) :: geologi {c}
geomancy {n} (type of divination) :: geomanti
geometric progression {n} (sequence) :: kvotientrække {c}
geometry {n} (branch of mathematics) :: geometri {c}
geometry {n} (type of geometry) :: geometri {c}
geometry {n} (spatial attributes) :: geometri {c}
geomorphology {n} (the study of landforms) :: geomorfologi {c}
geophysics {n} (branch of earth science) :: geofysik {c}
geopolitics {n} (the study of the effects of geography on international politics) :: geopolitik {c}
George {prop} (male given name) :: Jørgen, Georg
Georgeson {prop} (surname meaning "son of George") :: Jørgensen
Georgetown {prop} (capital of Guyana) :: Georgetown
Georgia {prop} (country) :: Georgien
Georgia {prop} (state of the USA) :: Georgia
Georgian {n} (language of the country Georgia) :: georgisk
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia) :: georgier
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia) :: georgisk
Georgian SSR {prop} (Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic) :: Georgiske SSR {c}, Georgiske Socialistiske Sovjetrepublik {c}
Georgina {prop} (female given name) :: Jørgine
geoscience {n} (earth science) SEE: earth science ::
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt ::
Gerald {prop} (male given name) :: Gervold
geranium {n} (cranesbill) :: storkenæb, geranium
geranium {n} (common name for Pelargoniums) :: pelargonie {c}, geranium
Gerard {prop} (male given name) :: Gerhard
gerbil {n} (small rodent) :: ørkenrotte
German {n} (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality) :: tysker {c}, tyskere {p}
German {prop} (the German language) :: tysk {n}
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany) :: tysk
German Bight {prop} (bay in the North Sea) :: tyske bugt
German Democratic Republic {prop} (East Germany from 1949-1990) :: Tyske Demokratiske Republik {c}
germane {adj} (related to the topic being discussed) :: relevant, relevante {p}
German Empire {prop} (Germany between 1871 and 1918) :: Tyske Rige {n} [German Realm], Tyske kejserrige {n} [Imperial Germany]
Germania {prop} (historical region) :: Germanien {?}
Germanic {prop} (group of Indo-European languages) :: germansk
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples) :: germansk
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic) :: germansk
Germanic {adj} (having German characteristics) :: tysk
Germanification {n} (Germanification) :: fortyskning {c}
Germanism {n} (a word or idiom of the German language) :: fortyskning {c}, germanisme {c}
germanium {n} (chemical element) :: germanium {n}
germanium tetrahydride {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
Germanize {v} (make more German) :: fortyske, germanisere
German measles {n} (the disease rubella) SEE: rubella ::
germanomethane {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
Germanophone {adj} (German-speaking) :: tysksproget
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog) :: schæferhund {c}
German sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow ::
Germany {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: Tyskland {n}
germophobia {n} (pathological fear of germs) SEE: bacillophobia ::
gerontology {n} (branch of science) :: gerontologi
gerontophobia {n} (fear of the elderly) :: gerontofobi {c}
gerontophobia {n} (fear of aging) :: gerontofobi {c}
Gertrude {prop} (female given name) :: Gertrud
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as a verbal noun) :: gerundium {n}
gestalt {n} (collection of entities that creates a unified concept) :: gestalt {c}
gesticulate {v} (to make gestures) :: gestikulere
gesticulate {v} (to express through gestures) :: gestikulere
gesundheit {interj} (said to someone who has just sneezed) SEE: bless you ::
get {v} (to obtain) :: få fat i
get {v} (to receive) :: , modtage
get {v} (to become) :: blive
get {v} (colloquial: to understand) :: forstå
get {v} (to beget) SEE: beget ::
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access ::
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack ::
get at {v} ((slang) to contact someone) SEE: contact ::
get down {v} (go down (intransitive)) SEE: go down ::
get drunk {v} (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol) :: blive fuld
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex ::
get laid {v} (to have sex) :: få noget på den dumme
get married {v} (become married to someone) :: gifte sig
get married {v} (become married to each other) :: giftes, blive gift
get off one's chest {v} (to relieve oneself by talking to someone) :: lette sit hjerte
get one's money's worth {v} (receive good value in a transaction) :: få valuta for pengene
get one's money's worth {v} (derive satisfaction) :: få valuta for pengene
get on someone's nerves {v} (annoy or irritate) :: gå nogen på nerverne
get out at Haymarket {v} (to practise coitus interruptus, the withdrawal method of contraception) :: stå af i Roskilde
get out of town {interj} (expression of incredulity) :: den må du længere ud på landet med
gettable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable ::
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed) :: stå op
get up {v} (sport: to go towards attacking goal) :: angribe
get well soon {phrase} (expressing hope that someone recovers soon) :: god bedring
get wind of {v} (To hear about; to learn of, especially especially with respect to facts intended to have been confidential) :: få nys om
geyser {n} (boiling spring) :: gejser
GFY {phrase} (Go fuck yourself) :: knep dig selv
Ghana {prop} (The Republic of Ghana) :: Ghana
Ghanaian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people) :: ghanesisk
Ghanaian {n} (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent) :: ghaneser {c}
Ghanan {adj} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian ::
Ghanan {n} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian ::
Ghent {prop} (capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium) :: Gent
gherkin {n} (small cucumber) :: asie {c}
ghetto bird {n} (police helicopter) :: politihelikopter {c}
Ghibelline {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the German emperors) :: ghibellin {c}
ghost {n} (spirit appearing after death) :: spøgelse {n}, genganger {c}, genfærd {n}, gespenst, ånd {c}, draug, sjæl
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul ::
ghost {n} (ghostwriter) SEE: ghostwriter ::
ghost driver {n} (wrong-way driver) SEE: wrong-way driver ::
ghost town {n} (town which has become deserted) :: spøgelsesby {c}
ghostwriter {n} (professional writer for another person) :: neger {c}
giant {n} (mythical human) :: kæmpe {c}
giant anteater {n} (species) :: stor myresluger {c}
giant panda {n} (mammal) :: panda {m}
gibberish {n} (unintelligible speech or writing) :: vrøvl {n}, volapyk {n}, kaudervælsk {n}, nonsens {n}
gibbous {adj} (humpbacked) SEE: humpbacked ::
Gibraltar {prop} (British overseas territory) :: Gibraltar
Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) SEE: Strait of Gibraltar ::
giddiness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness ::
gift {n} (something given to another voluntarily, without charge) :: gave {c}
gift certificate {n} (voucher entitling the bearer to free products or services) :: gavekort {n}
gifted {adj} :: begavet
gift voucher {n} (voucher given as a present) SEE: gift certificate ::
gigantic {adj} (very large) :: gigantisk
giggle {v} (laugh) :: fnise
giggle {n} (laugh) :: fnis {n}
gild {v} (to cover with a thin layer of gold) :: forgylde
gild the lily {v} (to improve unnecessarily) :: overbrodere
gild the lily {v} (to add superfluous attributes) :: overbrodere
gill {n} (breathing organ of fish) :: gælle {c}
gilt {n} (A young female pig, at or nearing the age of first breeding.) :: gylt
Gim {prop} (Korean surname) SEE: Kim ::
gimmick {n} (trick or a device) :: gimmick {c}, kneb {n}
gimmick {n} (clever ploy or strategy) :: gimmick {c}
ginger {n} (plant) :: ingefær {c}
ginger {n} (spice) :: ingefær {c}
ginger ale {n} (ginger beer) SEE: ginger beer ::
ginger beer {n} (drink flavoured with ginger) :: sodavand med ingefærsmag, ingefærøl {n} {c}
gingerbread man {n} (cookie in the shape of a person, flavoured with ginger) :: peberkagemand {c}
gingerly {adv} (gently) :: varsomt, forsigtigt
gingersnap {n} (type of biscuit seasoned with ginger) :: pebernød {c}, peberkage {c}
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum ::
gingival {adj} (alveolar) SEE: alveolar ::
ginseng {n} (any of several plants, of the genus Panax) :: ginseng {c}
ginseng {n} (root of such a plant, or the extract) :: ginseng {c}, ginsengrod {c}
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian ::
gippo {n} (Gypsy) SEE: Gypsy ::
giraffe {n} (mammal) :: giraf {c}
girdle {n} (zodiac) SEE: zodiac ::
girdle {n} (belt) :: hofteholder {c}, strømpeholder {c}
girl {n} (young female person) :: pige {c}
girl {n} (woman) :: pige {c}
girlfriend {n} (a female partner in a romantic relationship) :: kæreste
girlfriend {n} (a female friend) :: veninde
girly girl {n} (feminine woman) :: tøsetøs {c}
gist {n} (the most essential part) :: essens {c} kvintessens {c}
give {v} (transfer the possession of something to someone else) :: give
give {v} (bend slightly when a force is applied) :: give efter
give a damn {v} (to be concerned about) SEE: give a shit ::
give a fig {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a fuck {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a hoot {v} (to care about) SEE: give a shit ::
give a light {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime {proverb} (more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them) :: Giv en mand en fisk, og han har mad for en dag. Lær en mand at fiske, og han har mad for livet
give a monkey's {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a shit {v} (to (not) care) :: pisseligeglad, skideligeglad
give a tinker's cuss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a tinker's damn {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a toss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give birth {v} (produce new life) :: føde
give head {v} (slang: to perform oral sex on another person) :: sutte af
give me {v} (expression of preference) :: vil de give mig, gi' mig
given name {n} (name chosen for a child by its parents) :: fornavn
give off {v} (to emit) :: afgive
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest ::
give the finger {v} (make an obscene gesture) :: gi' fingeren
give them an inch and they'll take a mile {proverb} :: ræk nogen en lillefinger, og han tager hele armen (give someone a little finger and they take the whole arm)
give two hoots {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give up {v} (surrender) :: give op, opgive
give up {v} (stop, quit, desist) :: overgive, afslutte
give up {v} (lose hope) :: give op
give up {v} (abandon) :: overgive
give up {v} (admit defeat) :: kapitulere
give what for {v} (scold) SEE: scold ::
gizzard {n} (portion of the esophagus with ingested grit) :: kråse
glacial erratic {n} (rock) :: vandreblok {c}
glacier {n} (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill) :: gletsjer {c}, jøkel {c}, bræ {c}
glaciology {n} (study of ice and its effect on the landscape) :: glaciologi
glad {adj} (pleased, happy, satisfied) :: glad
gladiator {n} ((in ancient Rome) a person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat with another, or with a wild animal) :: gladiator {c}
gland {n} (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance) :: kirtel {c}
gland {n} :: kirtel {c}, glandel {c}
glandular fever {n} (glandular fever) SEE: mononucleosis ::
glans {n} (pessary) SEE: pessary ::
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis ::
glans penis {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) :: agernet
glare {n} (light) :: blændende lys
glare {n} (brilliance) :: skin
glare {n} (angry or fierce stare) :: gennemborende blik {n}
glare {v} (to stare angrily) :: stirre, glo
glare {v} (to shine brightly) :: skinne, blænde
Glarus {prop} (a canton of Switzerland) :: Glarus
Glarus {prop} (a town in Switzerland) :: Glarus
Glasgow kiss {n} (headbutt) SEE: headbutt ::
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union) :: glasnost
glass {n} (hourglass) SEE: hourglass ::
glass {n} (substance) :: glas
glass {n} (drinking vessel) :: glas
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
glass cutter {n} (glazier) SEE: glazier ::
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass ::
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
glass eye {n} (artificial eye) :: glasøje {n}
glass harmonica {n} (a musical instrument) :: glasharmonika
glassworks {n} (a factory that produces glass) :: glasværk
glazier {n} (craftsman who works with glass, fitting windows, etc) :: glarmester {c}
glide {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel ::
glide {v} (To move softly, smoothly, or effortlessly) :: glide
glide {v} (To fly unpowered, as of an aircraft) :: svæve
glide {n} (The act of gliding) :: glide
glider {n} (aircraft) :: svævefly {n}
glisten {v} (to reflect light with a glittering luster) :: glinse
glitter {v} (to sparkle with light) :: glitre
global {adj} (spherical) :: kuglerund, kugleformet, sfærisk
global {adj} (concerning all parts of the world) :: global, verdensomspændende
globalisation {n} (process of becoming a more interconnected world) :: globalisering {c}
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change) :: global opvarmning
globe {n} (planet Earth) :: klode {c}, jordklode {c}
globe {n} (model of Earth) :: globus {c}
globefish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
globus cruciger {n} (royal symbol of power) :: rigsæble {n}
glockenspiel {n} (musical instrument) :: klokkespil
glogg {n} (Scandinavian version of mulled wine) :: gløgg {c}
glory {n} (great beauty or splendour) :: pragt {c}
gloss {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary ::
glossary {n} (list of words with their definitions) :: glosar, glossar, glosarium, glossarium, glosebog, ordliste, termliste, gloseliste, glossehæfte,
glossolalia {n} (speaking in tongues) :: tungetale {c}
glove {n} (item of clothing) :: handske {c}, [mitten] vante {c}
glove box {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment ::
glove compartment {n} (compartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard) :: handskerum {n}
glow {v} (to give off light from heat or to emit light as if heated) :: gløde
glucosamine {n} (an amino derivative of glucose) :: glukosamin {c} {n}
glucose {n} (simple monosaccharide sugar) :: glukose, druesukker
glue {n} (sticky adhesive substance) :: lim {c}
gluhwein {n} (type of mulled wine) :: gløgg
gluon {n} (massless gauge boson) :: gluon {c}
glutamic acid {n} (the nonessential amino acid (α-amino-glutaric acid)) :: glutaminsyre
glutton {n} (wolverine) SEE: wolverine ::
gluttony {n} (the vice of eating to excess) :: fråseri {n}
glycemia {n} (presence of an unusual amount of glucose in the blood) :: glykæmi
glycine {n} (amino acid) :: glycin
gnat {n} (any small insect of the order Diptera) :: myg
gnaw {v} (to bite something persistently) :: gnave
gnawer {n} (rodent or other animal that gnaws) :: gnaver {c}
gneiss {n} (common and widely-distributed metamorphic rock) :: gnejs
Gnosticism {n} (Gnosticism) :: gnosticisme {c}
GNP {n} (gross national product) :: BNP
gnu {n} (large antelope of the genus Connochaetes) :: gnu {c}
go {v} (to move through space (especially from one place to another)) ::
go {v} (to become) :: blive
go {v} (to fit) :: passe
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave ::
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack ::
go {v} (change) SEE: change ::
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk ::
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate ::
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive ::
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead ::
go {v} (die) SEE: die ::
Goa {prop} (state in western India) :: Goa
goad {n} (stimulus) SEE: stimulus ::
goal {n} (result one is attempting to achieve) :: mål
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object) :: mål
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal) :: mål
goal {n} (point(s) scored) :: mål
goalball {n} (ball game) :: goalball
goal difference {n} (difference between the number of goals scored and the number of goals conceded) :: målforskel {c}, måldifference {c}
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal) :: målmand {c}, målvogter {c}
goal line {n} (in soccer) :: mållinje
goalscorer {n} (person who scores a goal) :: målscorer {c}, målskytte {c}
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper ::
go astray {v} (develop bad habits; behave improperly or illegally) :: komme langt ud, gå ned af bakke
goat {n} (animal) :: ged {c}
goat {n} (lecherous man) :: buk
goatee {n} (beard at the center of the chin) :: fipskæg {n}
goatmilk {n} (product) :: gedemælk {c}
go away {interj} :: forsvind!
go away {v} (to depart or leave a place) :: gå bort
go bananas {v} (get angry) :: gå agurk
gobbledygook {n} (Nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language.) :: kaudervælsk {n}
goblin {n} (hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature) :: nisse {c}, trold {c}
god {n} :: gud {c}
god {n} (idol) :: afgud {c}, idol {n}
god {n} (person in high position of authority) :: gud {c}
God {prop} :: Gud
God {n} (an omnipotent being) :: Gud
God bless you {interj} (said as a short prayer for the recipient) :: Gud velsigne dig
God bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: prosit
godchild {n} (a child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent) :: gudbarn {n}
goddamn {interj} (an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration) :: for fanden, satans, for helvede, fuck
goddamn {adj} (intensifier) :: satans, helvedes
goddaughter {n} (A female child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.) :: guddatter
goddess {n} (female deity) :: gudinde {c}
Goddess {prop} (single goddess of monotheism) :: Gudinde {f}
godfather {n} (man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) :: fadder {c} [male or female], gudfar {c}, gudfader {c} [archaic]
godfearing {adj} (obedient to a deity) :: gudfrygtig
godfearing {adj} (religiously devout) :: gudfrygtig
God forbid {interj} (Don't let it be) :: gud forbyde
Godfrey {prop} (male given name) :: Gotfred
God-given {adj} (given or sent by God or appearing so) :: gudgiven
godhead {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God ::
godhead {n} (divinity, godhood) SEE: divinity ::
godhood {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God knows {phrase} (Only known to God; only known to the gods) :: det må guderne vide
godless {adj} (not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god) :: gudløs
godlike {adj} (having characteristics of a god) :: gudelig
godmother {n} (woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) :: gudmor, gudmoder
go down {v} (happen) :: ske
godparent {n} (person who stood for a child during a naming ceremony or baptism) :: fadder
godship {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church ::
God's house {n} (place of worship) SEE: place of worship ::
godson {n} (Male child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.) :: gudsøn
God the Father {prop} (aspect of the Trinity) :: Gud Fader {c}, Fadern {c}
God the Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Trinity) :: Helligånden {c}
God the Holy Spirit {prop} (God the Holy Ghost) SEE: God the Holy Ghost ::
God the Son {prop} (the aspect of the Trinity corresponding to Jesus Christ) :: Gud Sønnen {c}
godwit {n} (Bird) :: kobbersneppe {c}
God works in mysterious ways {proverb} (a situation may be beneficial later) :: Herrens veje er uransagelige
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot ::
gofer {n} (worker) :: stik i rend dreng, fidibus [slang]
Go Fish {prop} (a card game for children) :: fisk
go fuck oneself {v} (a variant of fuck you) :: knep dig selv
go-getter {n} (one who is motivated or inclined to excel) :: stræber {c}
go hand in hand {v} (to walk while holding somebody's hand) :: gå hånd i hånd
Goidelic {n} (division of the Celtic languages) :: gælisk
goji berry {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry ::
Golan Heights {prop} (plateau) :: Golanhøjderne {c-p}
gold {adj} (made of gold, golden) :: [compound] guld {n}
gold {adj} (having the colour of gold) :: gylden
gold {n} (element) :: guld {n}
gold {n} (coin) :: guldmønt {c}
gold {n} (colour) :: gylden farve {c}
gold {n} (bullseye) :: centrum {n}
gold {n} (gold medal) :: guld {c}, guldmedalje {c}
gold {n} (anything or anyone considered to be very valuable) :: guld {n}, rigdom {c}
gold coin {n} (coin made of gold) :: guldmønt {c}
gold digger {n} (someone who digs or mines for gold) :: guldgraver {c}
gold digger {n} (person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain money and/or material goods, power) :: golddigger {c}
golden {adj} (made of, or relating to, gold) :: gylden
golden {adj} (having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold) :: gylden, gylden
golden {adj} (marked by prosperity, creativity, etc.) :: gylden
golden {adj} (advantageous or very favourable) :: gylden
golden age {n} (time of progress and achievement) :: guldalder {c}
goldenberry {n} (cape gooseberry) SEE: cape gooseberry ::
golden eagle {n} (large bird of prey) :: kongeørn
goldeneye {n} (duck) :: hvinand {c}
Golden Fleece {prop} (in mythology) :: gyldne skind {n}
Golden Fleece {prop} (order of chivalry in Burgundy, Spain and Austria) :: gyldne vlies {c}
Golden Gate {prop} (Golden Gate Bridge) SEE: Golden Gate Bridge ::
Golden Gate Bridge {prop} (suspension bridge in California) :: Golden Gate-broen {c}
Golden Horn {prop} (inlet) :: Det Gyldne Horn {n}
golden jackal {n} (Canis aureus) :: guldsjakal
golden parachute {n} (agreement on benefits) :: gyldent håndtryk {n}
golden ratio {n} (irrational number) :: gyldne snit {n}, guddommelige forhold {n}
Golden Retriever {n} (breed of dog) :: golden retriever {c}
golden rule {n} (idiomatic) :: gylden regel {c}
golden rule {n} (ethics) :: gylden regel {c}
golden wedding {n} (anniversary celebration) :: guldbryllup {n}
goldfinch {n} (any of several passerine birds) :: stillids {c}, stillits {c}
goldfish {n} (fish) :: guldfisk {c}
Goldilocks {prop} (fairy tale character) :: Guldlok
gold mine {n} (mine for gold) :: guldmine {c}
goldsmith {n} (person who makes things out of gold) :: guldsmed {c}
gold standard {n} (monetary system) :: guldstandard, guldfod
golf {n} (ball game) :: golf {c}
golf ball {n} (small ball used in golf) :: golfbold {c}
golf club {n} (the implement) :: golfkølle {c}
golf club {n} (a club or organization) :: golfklub {c}
golf course {n} (the land where one plays golf) :: golfbane {c}
golfer {n} (someone who plays golf) :: golfer {c}, golfspiller {c}
gonad {n} (sex gland) :: gonade
gondola {n} (narrow boat, especially in Venice) :: gondol {c}
Gondwana {prop} (southern supercontinent) :: Gondwanaland
Gondwanaland {prop} (Gondwana) SEE: Gondwana ::
gong {n} (percussion instrument) :: gongong
gonorrhea {n} (STD) :: gonoré
good {adj} (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions) :: god {m}, godt {n}
good {adj} (useful for a particular purpose) :: god {m}, godt {n}
good {adj} (of food, edible; not stale or rotten) :: god {m}, godt {n}
good {adj} (of food, having a particularly pleasant taste) :: god {m}, godt {n}
good {adj} (healthful) :: sund
good {adj} (pleasant; enjoyable) :: god, fin
good {adj} (of people, competent or talented) :: god, dygtig
good {adj} (effective) :: god
good {adj} (favourable) :: god
good {adj} (beneficial; worthwhile) :: god
good {n} (the forces of good) :: godhed
good {n} (good result) :: gode
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon) :: god dag, god eftermiddag [rare]
goodbye {interj} (farewell, see also: bye) :: farvel
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset) :: goddag
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening ::
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening) :: godaften
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck ::
Good Friday {prop} (The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified) :: langfredag {c}
goodhearted {adj} (kind, generous and altruistic) :: godhjertet
goodheartedness {n} (quality of being goodhearted) :: godhjertethed {c}
good-looking {adj} (attractive) :: smuk
good luck {interj} (wish of fortune or encouragement) :: held og lykke
good luck {n} (positive fortune) :: held {n}
good morning {interj} (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning) :: godmorgen
good night {phrase} (a farewell) :: godnat
goods {n} (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold) :: gods {n}, vare {c}
Good Samaritan {n} (subject of the parable) :: barmhjertige samaritaner {c}
good sense {n} (common sense) SEE: common sense ::
goods train {n} (train used for transportation of goods) :: godstog {n}
good things come to those who wait {proverb} (patience is a virtue) :: alt godt kommer til den der venter
goof {n} (a foolish person) :: tumpe
Goofy {prop} (Disney character) :: Fedtmule
google {v} (to search for on the Internet) :: google
Google {v} (to search the internet using the Google search engine) SEE: google ::
googolplex {num} (ten to the power of a googol) :: googolplex
goombah {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
go on {v} (continue) :: fortsætte
go on {v} (happen) :: ske
goosander {n} (diving duck) :: stor skallesluger {c}
goose {n} (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) :: gås {c}
gooseberry {n} (fruit) :: stikkelsbær {n}
goose-step {n} (a style of marching) :: strækmarch
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname) :: Gorbatjov
Gordian knot {n} (mythical knot) :: gordisk knude {c}
Gordian knot {n} (intricate problem) :: gordisk knude {c}
gorge {v} (to stuff the gorge or gullet with food; to eat greedily) :: æde
Gorky {prop} (former name of Nizhny Novgorod) :: Gorkij
Gorky {prop} (Russian surname) :: Gorkij
gory {adj} (covered with blood, very bloody) :: blodig
goshawk {n} (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter) :: duehøg
gospel {n} (first section of New Testament) :: evangelium {n}
gospel {n} (account of the life, death, and teachings of Jesus) :: evangelium {n}
gossip {n} (person) :: sladrehank {c}
gossip {n} (idle talk) :: sladder {n-p}
gossip {v} (to talk about someone else's private or personal business) :: sladre, bagtale, snage
gossip {v} (to talk idly) :: småsnakke
gossiper {n} (one who gossips) :: sladrehank {c}
Gothenburg {prop} (city on the west coast of Sweden) :: Gøteborg {n}
Gothic {prop} (extinct Germanic language) :: gotisk
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the Goths) :: gotisk
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the architectural style) :: gotisk
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to a style of fictional writing) :: gotisk
Gothic {adj} (of the type formerly used for printing German) :: gotisk
Gothic {adj} (of a sans serif typeface) :: gotisk
go through {v} (to execute; carry out) SEE: execute ::
Gotland {prop} (island of Sweden) :: Gotland, Gulland [historiographic]
go to {v} (to attend an event or a sight) :: gå på
go to {v} (to attend classes at a school) :: gå i, gå på
go to bed {v} (to lie down to sleep) :: gå i seng
go to hell {v} (to be ruined, become useless) :: gå ad helvede til
go to hell {v} (interjection) :: gå ad helvede til, gå ad Pommern til
go to sleep {v} (fall asleep) SEE: fall asleep ::
go towards {v} (to contribute to) :: bidrage til
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work ::
go to work {v} (commute) SEE: commute ::
gouge {v} (to cheat or impose upon) SEE: cheat ::
goulash {n} (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream) :: gullasch {c}
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep ::
go up in smoke {v} (catch fire) :: gå op i røg
go up in smoke {v} (be ruined) :: gå op i røg
gout {n} (arthritic disease) :: gigt {c}
goutweed {n} (ground elder) SEE: ground elder ::
goutwort {n} (ground elder) SEE: ground elder ::
govern {v} (to exercise sovereign authority in) :: regere over, beherske
govern {v} (to control the actions of) :: styre
govern {v} (to exercise a determining influence on) :: bestemme
govern {v} (to control the speed or magnitude of) :: styre, lede
govern {v} ((intr.) to exercise political authority) :: regere, styre
govern {v} ((intr.) to have a determining influence) :: herske
government {n} (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws) :: regering {c}
government {n} (state and its administration) :: øvrighed {c}
government {n} (management or control of a system) :: styring {c}
government {n} (tenure of a chief of state) :: regering {c}
governor {n} (leader of a region or state) :: guvernør {c}
gown {n} (dressing gown) SEE: dressing gown ::
goy {n} (non-Jew) :: ikke-jøde {c}
GPS {n} (Global Positioning System) :: GPS {c}
grade {n} (performance expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol) :: karakter {c}
grade crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
grade school {n} (elementary or primary school) SEE: primary school ::
gradually {adv} (in gradual manner) :: gradvis
graduate {n} (from a university) :: akademiker
graffiti {n} (drawings on a surface) :: graffiti {c}
grain {n} (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops) :: korn {n}
gram {n} (unit of mass) :: gram {n}
-gram {suffix} (something written) :: -gram {n}
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic ::
grammar {n} (rules for speaking and writing a language) :: grammatik {c}
grammarian {n} (person who studies grammar) :: grammatiker {c}
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar ::
grammatical {adj} (acceptable as determined by the rules of the grammar) :: grammatisk, grammatikalsk
grammatical {adj} (of or pertaining to grammar) :: grammatisk, grammatikalsk
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word) :: fald, kasus
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship) :: modus {n}
grammatician {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian ::
grammaticist {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian ::
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
gramophone {n} (record player) :: grammofon, pladespiller {c}
gramps {n} (grandfather) :: bessefar {c}
gramps {n} (old man) :: bessefar {c}
grampus {n} (killer whale) SEE: orca ::
granary {n} (storage facility) :: lade {c}
grand {n} (grand piano) SEE: grand piano ::
grandchild {n} (child of someone’s child) :: barnebarn {n}
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child) :: sønnedatter {c} [son's daughter], datterdatter {c} [daughter's daughter]
grand duchess {n} (grand duke’s consort) :: storhertuginde {c} [Luxembourg, German states and Western Europe], storfyrstinde {c} [Lithuania, Moscow and tsarist Finland]
grand duchess {n} ((grand)daughter of a Russian czar or emperor) :: storfyrstinde {c}
grand duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a grand duke or grand duchess) :: storhertugdømme {n} [Luxembourg, German states and Western Europe], storfyrstendømme {n} [Lithuania, Moscow and tsarist Finland]
Grand Duchy of Lithuania {prop} (former European state) :: Storfyrstendømmet Litauen {n} [definite form. The indefinite form is not used.]
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg) :: Storhertugdømmet Luxembourg {n}
grand duke {n} (ruler or monarch of a grand duchy) :: storhertug {c} [Luxembourg, German states and Western Europe], storfyrste {c} [Lithuania, Moscow and tsarist Finland]
grand duke {n} (son or grandson of a czar) :: storfyrste {c}
grandfather {n} (grandfather (from either side)) :: bedstefar {c}, bedstefader {c}
grandfather {n} (male forefather) :: forfader {c}
grandfather clock {n} (pendulum clock) :: bornholmerur {n} [generic term or from Bornholm], standur {n}, diernæsklokke {c} [from Diernæs, Funen] [rare]
grandiose {adj} (large and impressive, in size, scope or extent) :: grandios, storslået, svulstig, storladen, opsigtsvækkende, flot
grandmother {n} (mother of someone's parent) :: bedstemor {c}, bedste {c} [informal]
grandpa {n} (grandfather (informal)) :: bessefar {c}, bedstefar {c}
grand piano {n} (type of piano) :: flygel {n}
grand prince {n} (ruler's title) :: storfyrste {c}
grandson {n} (son of one's child) :: sønnesøn {c} [son's son], dattersøn {c} [daughter's son]
granite {n} (type of rock) :: granit {c}
granny knot {n} (knot) :: kællingeknude {c}
grantedly {adv} (by admission) :: ganske vist
grape {n} (fruit) :: drue {c}, vindrue {c}
grapefruit {n} (fruit) :: grapefrugt, grape
grapevine {n} (the plant on which grapes grow) :: vinstok {c}
graph {n} (mathematical diagram) :: graf {c}
graph {n} (ordered pair in graph theory) :: graf {c}
-graph {suffix} (something related to writing etc.) :: -graf {c}
graphene {n} (large-scale, one-atom thick layer of graphite) :: grafen
-grapher {suffix} (someone who writes about a specified subject) :: -graf {c}
graphical user interface {n} (type of user interface) :: grafisk brugerflade
graphic artist {n} (graphic designer) SEE: graphic designer ::
graphic designer {n} (artist) :: grafiker {c}, grafisk designer {c}
graphite {n} (form of carbon) :: grafit {c}
graph theory {n} (study of networks of nodes and vertices) :: grafteori {c}
-graphy {suffix} (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject) :: -grafi {c} {n}
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold ::
grasp {v} (to grip) :: gribe
grasp {v} (to understand) :: begribe, fatte
grass {n} (ground cover plant) :: græs {n}
grass {n} (lawn) :: græsplæne {c},plæne {n} [qoloquial]
grass {n} (marijuana) :: græs
grass {n} (informer) :: stikker {c}
grasshopper {n} (an insect of the order Orthoptera) :: græshoppe {c}
grass roots {n} (local (most basic) level) :: græsrødder {p}
grass snake {n} (Natrix natrix) :: snog {c}
grass widow {n} (woman whose husband is away) :: græsenke {c}
grass widower {n} (a married man whose wife is away) :: græsenkemand {c}
grate {v} (cooking: to shred by rubbing) :: rive
grate {v} :: gnide
grateful {adj} (showing gratitude) :: taknemmelig {c}, taknemlig
grater {n} (a tool with which one grates) :: rivejern
gratin {n} (dish) :: gratin {c}
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free ::
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge ::
gratitude {n} :: taknemmelighed {c}
gratuitous {adj} (not called for by the circumstances) :: unødvendig
grave {n} (excavation for burial) :: grav
grave {v} (to carve letters or similar) :: gravere
grave {v} (to carve to give a shape) :: skulptere
grave {v} (to impress on the mind) :: etse
grave {adj} (having a sense of seriousness) :: alvorlig
grave {adj} (low in pitch, tone) :: dunkel
grave {adj} (serious in a negative sense) :: frygtindgydende
gravedigger {n} (a person employed to dig graves) :: graver {c}
grave goods {n} (objects buried with a body) :: gravgods {n}, gravgave {c} [single item]
gravel {n} (small fragments of rock) :: grus {n}, ral {n} {c}
gravestone {n} (stone slab set at the head of a grave) SEE: tombstone ::
graveyard {n} (tract of land in which the dead are buried) :: kirkegård {c} [Christian], gravplads {c} [mainly non-Christian]
graveyard {n} (final storage place for collections of things no longer used) :: kirkegård {c}
gravitational field {n} (the field produced by the gravitational force of mass) :: tyngdefelt {n}
gravitational wave {n} (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light) :: gravitationsbølge {c}
gravity {n} (graveness, the condition or state of being grave) :: alvorlighed
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface) :: gravitation {c}, tyngdekraft {c}
gravlax {n} (appetizer of dry-cured salmon) :: gravad laks {c}
gravy {n} (sauce) :: sovs {c}
gray {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: grå
gray {v} (to become gray) :: gråne
gray {n} (colour) :: grå
greaseball {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
greased lightning {n} (Something incredibly fast) :: smurt lyn {n}
grease gun {n} (device for forcing grease into machinery) :: fedtpistol {c}
great {adj} (important) SEE: important ::
great {adj} :: fed
great {interj} (great!) :: fedt, super, nice
great- {prefix} (removal of one generation) :: tip-
Great Assassin {n} :: morderen på tronen {c}
great black-backed gull {n} (Larus marinus) :: svartbag {c}
Great Britain {prop} (island) :: Storbritannien
Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom, see also: United Kingdom; Kingdom of Great Britain) :: Storbritannien
Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (Great Britain and Ireland) :: Storbritannien og Irland
great-circle arc {n} (segment of great circle) :: storcirkelbue {c}
great crested grebe {n} (freshwater bird) :: toppet lappedykker {c}
Great Dane {n} (mastiff) :: granddanois {c}
Great Depression {prop} (economic collapse) :: Depressionen {c} [definite form], Store Depression {c}, depressionen i trediverne [lit. the depression in the [19]30s].
greater {adj} (area with surrounding region) :: Stor- [cities]
greater {adj} (greater) SEE: bigger ::
greater argentine {n} (Argentina silus) :: almindelig guldlaks {c}
Greater London {prop} (administrative area) :: Greater London
Greater Poland {prop} (region of Poland) :: Storpolen
greater scaup {n} (Aythya marila) :: bjergand {c}
greater spotted eagle {n} (Clanga clanga) :: stor skrigeørn {c}
greater yellowlegs {n} (Tringa melanoleuca) :: stor gulben {c}
greatest common divisor {n} (largest positive integer or polynomial) :: største fælles divisor
great-grandchild {n} (The child (son or daughter) of one's grandchild) :: oldebarn {n}
great-grandfather {n} (father of grandparent) :: oldefar {c}
great-grandmother {n} (mother of one's grandparent) :: oldemor {c}, oldemoder {c}
great-great-grandchild {n} (the child of one's great-grandchild) :: tipoldebarn {n}
great-great-grandfather {n} (The father of someone's great-grandparent) :: tipoldefar {c}, tipoldefader {c}
great-great-grandmother {n} (The mother of someone’s great-grandparent) :: tipoldemor {c}, tipoldemoder {c}
great haste makes great waste {proverb} (haste makes waste) SEE: haste makes waste ::
Great Lakes {prop} (a group of five lakes on the United States-Canada border) :: Store søer
greatness {n} (The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc) :: storhed {c}
great northern diver {n} (large member of the diver family, Gavia immer) :: islom
great northern loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver ::
great power {n} (powerful state) :: stormagt {c}
Great Pyramid at Giza {prop} (Great Pyramid of Giza) SEE: Great Pyramid of Giza ::
Great Pyramid of Giza {prop} (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids) :: Keopspyramiden
Great Russian {prop} (Russian language, when considered mutually intelligble with Ukrainian and Belarusian) :: storrussisk {n}
great snipe {n} (Gallinago media) :: tredækker
great spotted woodpecker {n} (species of woodpecker) :: stor flagspætte
great tit {n} (bird) :: musvit {c}
Great Wall of China {prop} (Chinese fortification) :: Den Kinesiske Mur {c} [definite form]
greaves {n} (residue from animal fat) :: Fedtegrever
grebe {n} (any of several waterbirds in the family Podicipedidae) :: lappedykker {c}
Greece {prop} (country in Southeastern Europe) :: Grækenland {n}
greedy {adj} (having greed; consumed by selfish desires) :: grådig
Greek {prop} (language of the Greek people) :: græsk
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece) :: græker {c}
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country) :: græsk
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance) :: græsk ild {c}
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church) :: Græsk-ortodokse kirke {c}
green {n} (putting green) SEE: putting green ::
green {adj} (having green as its colour) :: grøn
green {n} (colour) :: grøn
green card {n} (US work permit) :: green card {n}
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
green fingers {n} (natural gardening ability) :: grønne fingre {c-p}
green gram {n} (Bean from the seed of Vigna radiata) SEE: mung bean ::
greenhouse {n} (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside) :: drivhus {n}
greenhouse effect {n} (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere) :: drivhuseffekt {c}
greenhouse gas {n} (any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect) :: drivhusgas {c}
greenish {adj} (somewhat green) :: grønlig
greenish warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochiloides) :: lundsanger {c}
Greenland {prop} (a large self-governing island in North America) :: Grønland
Greenlander {n} (a person from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent) :: grønlænder {c}
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandicness {n} (Greenlandicness) :: grønlandskhed
Greenlandish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) :: grønlandsk
Greenlandish {n} (language) :: grønlandsk
green line {n} (demarcation line) :: grøn linje {c}
green pepper {n} (green sweet bell pepper) :: grøn peberfrugt {c}
green pepper {n} (green peppercorn) :: madagaskarpeber {n}, grøn peber {n}
green sandpiper {n} (Tringa ochropus) :: svaleklire
green tea {n} (drink) :: grøn te
greenwash {n} (misleading picture of environmental friendliness) :: grønvaskning {c}
greenwash {v} (to disseminate such information) :: grønvaske
green wave {n} (way of timing traffic lights) :: grøn bølge {c}
green with envy {adj} (consumed by envy) :: grøn af misundelse
green woodpecker {n} (Picus viridis) :: grønspætte {c}
greet {v} (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes) :: hilse
greeting {n} (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival) :: hilsen {c}
gregarious {adj} (of a person who enjoys being in crowds) :: selskabelig {c}, selskabeligt {n}, selskabelige {c-p} {n-p}
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar) :: den gregorianske kalender {c}
Gregory {prop} (male given name) :: Gregers
Grenada {prop} (Caribbean country) :: Grenada
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate ::
grenade {n} (small explosive device) :: granat
grey {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: grå
grey {v} (to become grey) :: gråne
grey {n} (colour) :: grå
grey area {n} (area intermediate between two fuzzily-distinguished categories) :: gråt område {n}, gråzone {c}
grey crested tit {n} (Lophophanes dichrous) :: gråstrubet topmejse
grey crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
grey-haired {adj} (having grey hair) :: gråhåret
grey-headed chickadee {n} (Poecile cinctus) :: lapmejse
grey heron {n} (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family) :: fiskehejre
greylag {n} (large European goose) SEE: greylag goose ::
greylag goose {n} (Anser anser) :: grågås
grey partridge {n} (Perdix perdix) :: agerhøne {c}
grey seal {n} (Halichoerus grypus) :: gråsæl
grey-tailed tattler {n} (Tringa brevipes) :: sibirisk gråklire
griffin {n} (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle) :: grif {c}
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin ::
griffon vulture {n} (Gyps fulvus) :: gåsegrib {c}
grill {n} (grating, grid) :: rist {c}
grim {adj} (ghastly or sinister) :: dyster
grimace {n} (a distortion of the face) :: grimasse {c}
grimace {v} (to make grimaces) :: grimassere
Grim Reaper {prop} (personification of Death) :: manden med leen
grind {v} (to reduce to smaller pieces) :: raspe, rive, male, kværne
grind {v} (to remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface) :: raspe, skrabe
grind {v} (to oppress, hold down or weaken) :: nedtrykke
grind {v} (slang: to rotate the hips erotically) :: vrikke på hofterne
grind {v} (slang: to eat) :: fråde, kaste i sig
grip {v} (to grip) SEE: grasp ::
grip {n} (grip) SEE: grasp ::
grip {n} (A handle or other place to grip) :: greb {n}
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin ::
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu ::
grisly {adj} (horrifyingly repellent; terrifying, gruesome) :: grusom
gristle {n} (cartilage) :: brusk {c}
groan {n} :: støn {n}
groan {v} (to make a groan) :: stønne
groat {n} (hulled grain) :: gryn {n}
grocer {n} (person selling foodstuffs and household items) :: købmand {c}
grocery list {n} (list of grocery items to be bought) :: indkøbsliste {c}
Grodno {prop} (city) :: Grodno, Hrodna
groin {n} (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs) :: lyske {c}, skridt {n}
grook {n} (grook) :: gruk {n}
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom ::
groom {n} (person who cares for horses) :: staldkarl {c}
groom {v} (to care for animals) :: pleje, strigle
groove fricative {n} (phonetics: hissing sound) SEE: sibilant ::
gross {adj} (whole amount, total) :: brutto
gross {n} (total earnings or amount) :: bruttopris {c}
gross domestic product {n} (economic production of a particular territory) :: BNI per indbygger
grotesque {adj} (distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous) :: grotesk
grotto {n} (small cave) :: grotte {c}
grotto {n} (artificial cavern-like retreat) :: grotte {c}
ground {n} (surface of the Earth) :: grund {c}
ground {v} (to run aground) SEE: run aground ::
ground beetle {n} (any carabid beetle) :: løbebille {c}
ground cover {n} (something that overlays land) :: bunddække
ground elder {n} (Aegopodium podagraria) :: skvalderkål {c}
ground ivy {n} (Glechoma hederacea) :: korsknap
group {n} (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other) :: gruppe {c}
group {n} (in group theory) :: gruppe
group {n} (functional entity consisting of certain atoms whose presence provides a certain property to a molecule) SEE: functional group ::
group marriage {n} (type of marriage) :: gruppeægteskab
group sex {n} (sexual practice) :: gruppesex {c}
grove {n} (small forest) :: lund {c}
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard ::
grow {v} ((intransitive) to become bigger) :: vokse, udvikle sig
grow {v} ((intransitive) to appear or sprout) :: vokse, gro, udvikle sig
grow {v} ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger) :: dyrke
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult ::
grown-up {adj} (adult, fully grown) :: voksen
growth {n} (increase in size) :: vækst {c}
groyne {n} (structure to prevent erosion) :: høfde {c}
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia) :: Grosnij
grudge {n} (deep seated animosity) :: nag, uvilje
grudge {v} (to be unwilling to give) :: ikke unde, misunde
grudging {adj} (unwilling or with reluctance) :: modstræbende, modvillig
gruel {n} (thin watery porridge) :: vælling {c}
gruesome {adj} (repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly) :: makaber, uhyggelig
grunt {n} (short, snorting sound) :: fnys {n}
grunt {n} (cry of a pig) :: grynt {n}
grunt {n} ((United States Army and Marine Corps slang) an infantry soldier) :: fodtusse {c}
grunt {v} (of a person: to make a grunt or grunts) :: fnyse
grunt {v} (of a pig: to make a grunt or grunts) :: grynte
gruntle {v} (grunt) SEE: grunt ::
G-string {n} (on a stringed musical instrument, the string that produces G) :: G-streng {c}
G-string {n} (a scanty piece of underwear or lingerie) :: g-streng {c}, g-streng {c}
Guadalcanal {prop} (Pacific island) :: Guadalcanal {c}
Guadeloupe {prop} (overseas department of France) :: Guadeloupe
Guam {prop} (Territory of Guam) :: Guam
guarantee {n} (anything that assures a certain outcome) :: garanti
guarantee {n} (written declaration) :: garanti
guarantee {n} (person who gives such a guarantee) :: garant
guarantee {v} (to give an assurance that something will be done right) :: garantere
guarantee {v} (to assume responsibility for a debt) :: garantere, kautionere
guarantee {v} (to make something certain) :: garantere, sikre
guarantor {n} (person or company that provides a guarantee) :: garant, kautionist
guard {n} (person who or thing that protects something) :: vagt, livvagt
guard {n} (part of machine blocking dangerous parts) :: skærm, afskærmning
guard {v} (to protect from some offence) :: bevogte, holde vagt
guard dog {n} (dog used to protect a property or its owner) :: vagthund {c}
guardian angel {n} (spirit) :: skytsengel
Guatemala {prop} (country in Central America) :: Guatemala
Guatemala City {prop} (capital of Guatemala) :: Guatemala By
Guatemalan {n} (person) :: guatemalaner
guava {n} (fruit) :: guava
Guelph {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the Pope) :: guelf {c}, welf {c}
guess {n} (prediction about the outcome of something) :: gæt {n}
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host ::
guest {n} (recipient of hospitality) :: gæst {c}
guest {n} (patron, customer) :: gæst {c}
guest {n} (invited performer) :: gæst {c}
guest {v} (to appear as a guest) :: gæste
guest book {n} (ledger for visitors to leave comments about an establishment) :: gæstebog {c}
guest book {n} (website feature functioning like a physical guest book) :: gæstebog {c}
guest ranch {n} (type of ranch oriented towards tourism) :: gæsteranch {c}
guest worker {n} (guest worker) :: gæstearbejder {c}, fremmedarbejder {c}
guide {n} (someone who guides) :: guide {c}
guide {n} (document, book) :: guide {c}, vejledning {c}
guide {n} (sign) :: vejviser {c}
guide dog {n} (dog that is trained to be of assistance to a blind person) :: førerhund {c}
guideline {n} (non-specific rule or principle) :: retningslinje {c}
guido {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
guild {n} (association of tradespeople) :: lav
guilder {n} (unit of currency) :: gylden {c}
Guillain-Barré syndrome {n} (rapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function) :: Guillain-Barrés syndrom {n}
guillemot {n} (seabird) :: lomvie {c}, lomvi {c}
guillotine {n} (machine used for capital punishment) :: guillotine {c}
guillotining {n} :: guillotinering {c}
guilt {n} (responsibility for wrongdoing) :: skyld
guilty {adj} (responsible for a dishonest act) :: skyldig
guilty {adj} (judged to have committed a crime) :: skyldig
guinea {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
Guinea {prop} (short form of the Republic of Guinea) :: Guinea
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) :: Guinea-Bissau
guinea fowl {n} (bird) :: perlehøne {c}
Guinean {n} (someone from Guinea or of Guinean descent) :: guineansk
guinea pig {n} (rodent) :: marsvin {n}
guinea pig {n} (experimental subject) :: forsøgskanin {c}
Guinevere {prop} (wife of King Arthur) :: Guenevere {c}
guitar {n} (musical instrument) :: guitar {c}
guitarist {n} (person playing or performing on the guitar) :: guitarist {c}
gulag {v} (Soviet labour camp) :: gulaglejr {c}
Guldborgsund {prop} (strait) :: Guldborgsund
gules {n} (blazoning term for red) :: rød
gules {adj} (heraldry, of the colour red) :: rød
gulf {n} (geography) :: bugt
Gulf of Bothnia {prop} (arm of the Baltic) :: Den Botniske Bugt {c}
Gulf of California {prop} (body of water) :: Cortezhavet, Californiske Golf, Californiske Bugt
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea) :: Den Finske Bugt {c}
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean) :: Guineabugten {c}
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico) :: den Mexicanske Golf
Gulf of Riga {prop} (inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia) :: Rigabugten
Gulf of Thailand {prop} (body of water) :: Thailandbugten, Siambugten
Gulf Stream {prop} (warm ocean current) :: Golfstrømmen {c}
gull {n} (seabird) :: måge
Gullah {prop} (the language) :: gullah {n}
gull-billed tern {n} (Gelochelidon nilotica) :: Sandterne
Gullinbursti {prop} (a mechanical male boar in Norse mythology) :: Gyldenbørste
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum ::
gum {n} (flesh around teeth) :: tandkød {n}, gumme {c}
gum {n} (sticky substance exuded by certain plants) :: gummi {n}
gum {n} (sticky substance resembling that exuded by certain plants) :: syntetgummi {n}
gum {n} (single piece of chewing gum) :: tyggegummi {n}
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees) :: gummi arabikum
gummy bear {n} (candy) :: vingummibamse {c}
gun {n} (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use) :: pistol {c}, håndvåben {n}
gun {n} (a less portable, long weapon) :: gevær {n}
gun {n} ((military) A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity) :: kanon {c}
gun {n} ((military) a cannon with tube length 30 calibers or more) :: skyts {n}, haubits {c}
gun {n} (an expert) :: ekspert {c}
gun {v} (shoot someone or something) :: skyde
gunboat {n} (small armed vessel) :: kanonbåd {c}
gunboat diplomacy {n} (the pursuit of foreign policy objectives by display of military power) :: kanonbådsdiplomati {n}
gunfire {n} (gunshots) :: geværild {c}
gunpowder {n} (explosive mixture) :: krudt {n}
gunstick {n} (stick to ram down the charge) SEE: ramrod ::
Gunter {prop} (male given name) :: Gunnar
Guoyu {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin ::
Gustav {prop} (given name) :: Gustav
Gustave {prop} (Gustav) SEE: Gustav ::
Gustavus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Gustav ::
gut {v} (To eviscerate) :: gælle
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine ::
gut feeling {n} (an instinct or intuition) :: mavefornemmelse {c}
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel ::
gutter {n} (prepared channel in a surface) :: kanal {c}
gutter {n} (ditch along the side of road) :: grøft {c}
gutter {n} (duct or channel beneath the eaves) :: tagrende {c}
gutter {n} (space between columns in text) :: spalteafstand
Guyana {prop} (country) :: Guyana
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium ::
gymnasial {adj} (pertaining to a gymnasium) :: gymnasial
gymnasiast {n} (gymnasium student) :: gymnasieelev {c}
gymnasium {n} (type of school) :: gymnasium {n}
gymnastics {n} (a sport) :: gymnastik
gynaecologist {n} (specialist in diseases of the female reproductive system) :: gynækolog {c}
gynandromorph {n} (a person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
gynecologist {n} (gynaecologist) SEE: gynaecologist ::
gynecology {n} (branch of medicine specializing in the problems of women) :: gynækologi {c}
gypsum {n} (mineral) :: gips {c}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom ::
gypsy {n} (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft) :: sigøjner {c}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Gypsy ::
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom ::
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group) :: sigøjner {c}
Gypsy {prop} (the language of the Romani people) SEE: Romani ::
Gypsy {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) SEE: Romani ::
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon ::
gyrfalcon {n} (Falco rusticolus) :: jagtfalk {c}
gyro {n} (gyroscope) SEE: gyroscope ::
gyroscope {n} (apparatus) :: gyroskop {c}