User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-r
r. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of rok yr |
r. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of rodzaj g. |
raban {m inan} [colloquial] | :: ruckus; noise |
raban {m inan} [colloquial] | :: commotion |
rabarbar {m inan} | :: rhubarb (any plant of the genus Rheum) |
rabarbarowy {adj} [relational] | :: rhubarb |
rabat {m inan} | :: discount, rebate (reduction in price) |
rabata {f} | :: flowerbed |
rabatka {f} | :: diminutive of rabata |
rabin {m pers} | :: rabbi |
rabować {v impf} | :: to plunder (to steal during wartime) |
rabować {v impf} | :: to rob, to hold up, to heist |
rabunek {m inan} | :: robbery |
rabuś {m pers} | :: robber |
raca {f} | :: flare |
raca {f} | :: firework |
rachityczny {adj} | :: frail, sickly |
rachityczny {adj} | :: rickety |
rachować {vt impf} [dated] | :: to count (determine the total number of) |
rachować {vit impf} | :: to calculate (determine mathematically) |
rachować {vi impf} | :: to cipher (do arithmetic) |
rachunek {m inan} | :: bill, check |
rachunek {m inan} [dated] | :: calculation, reckoning |
rachunek {m inan} [mathematics, chiefly in compounds] | :: calculus (formal mathematical theory) |
rachunek prawdopodobieństwa {m} [mathematics] | :: probability theory |
rachunek różniczkowy {m} [calculus] | :: differential calculus |
rachunek zdań {m inan} [logic] | :: propositional calculus |
rachunkowość {f} | :: accountancy |
Racibor {prop} {m pers} {f} [archaic] | :: given name |
raciborski {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Racibórz |
Racibórz {prop} {m} | :: City in southern Poland |
racica {f} | :: cloven hoof |
racja {f} | :: truth |
racja {f} | :: point (opinion which adds to the discussion) |
racja {f} | :: ration (portion allocated) |
racja {interj} | :: right |
racjonalizm {m inan} | :: rationalism |
racjonalny {adj} | :: rational (logically sound) |
racjonalny {adj} | :: rational (exhibiting reasonableness) |
Racław {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: given name |
Racław {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: A toponym |
racuch {m inan} [baking] | :: crumpet, pikelet |
racuszek {m inan} | :: diminutive of racuch |
raczej {conj} | :: rather |
raczej nie {adv} | :: rather not, used as a polite refusal |
raczek {m anim} | :: diminutive of rak |
raczyć {v impf} [often, sarcastic] | :: to wish to do something; to be so kind to do something; to deign |
raczyć {v impf} | :: to provide food or drink; to regale, to treat |
rad {adj} [dated] | :: glad |
rad {m inan} [chemical element] | :: radium |
rad {m inan} | :: rad (unit of absorbed radiation dose) |
rad {noun} | :: abbreviation of radian |
rada {f} | :: advice, counsel |
rada {f} | :: council |
rada {f} | :: board |
radca {m pers} | :: counselor, minister (official responsible for a certain department) |
radca {m pers} | :: counselor, attorney |
Radek {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: given name |
radełkowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of radełkować; knurling |
radian {m inan} | :: radian |
radio {n} | :: radio (a device that can receive the signal sent over radio waves) |
radio {n} | :: radio station |
radioaktywnie {adv} | :: in a radioactive manner |
radioaktywność {f} | :: radioactivity (emission of ionizing radiation) |
radioaktywny {adj} | :: radioactive |
radioamator {m pers} | :: radio amateur |
radioastronomia {f} | :: radio astronomy |
radiobusola {f} | :: radio compass |
radiochemia {f} | :: radio chemistry |
radioelektryka {f} | :: radio-electric engineering |
radiofoniczny {adj} | :: radiophonic |
radiografia {f} | :: radiography |
radioizotop {m inan} | :: radioisotope |
radiokompas {m inan} | :: radio compass |
radiokomunikacja {f} | :: radio communication |
radiolatarnia {f} | :: radio beacon |
radiolog {mf} | :: radiologist |
radiologia {f} | :: radiology |
radiolokacja {f} | :: radiolocation |
radioluminescencja {f} [physics] | :: radioluminescence |
radiomonter {m pers} | :: radio technician |
radiowóz {m inan} | :: police car |
radiowy {adj} | :: radio |
radlica {f} | :: coulter, colter |
radło {n} | :: ard, lister |
radna {f} | :: councilwoman |
radny {m pers} | :: councilman |
radocha {f} [colloquial] | :: joy |
Radom {prop} {m} | :: City in central Poland in the Masovian Voivodeship |
radomski {adj} | :: Radom (of, from or pertaining to Radom in Poland) |
radon {m inan} | :: radon (chemical element, Rn, atomic number 86) |
Radosław {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
radosny {adj} | :: joyful; cheerful |
radość {f} | :: joy; pleasure |
radośnie {adv} | :: joyfully; cheerfully |
rady {adj} | :: obsolete form of rad |
radykalizm {m inan} | :: radicalism |
radykalizować {vt impf} | :: to radicalize (make radical) [+ accusative] |
radykalizować {vr impf} [with się] | :: to radicalize (become radical; adopt a radical political stance) |
radzić {vi impf} | :: to advise, suggest |
radzić {vr impf} | :: to consult |
radzić sobie {vi impf} | :: to cope |
radziecki {adj} | :: Soviet |
Radzim {prop} {m pers} {f} [archaic] | :: given name |
Radzisław {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: given name |
radża {m pers} | :: rajah (Hindu prince or ruler in India) |
rafa {f} | :: reef (rocks at or near surface of the water) |
Rafał {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
rafandynka {f} [nonce] | :: ship in a bottle |
raj {m inan} | :: paradise |
raj {m inan} | :: heaven |
raj podatkowy {m inan} | :: tax haven |
rajd {m inan} [motor racing] | :: rally (motorsport event) |
rajd {m inan} [Scouting] | :: field competition in scouting |
rajdowiec {m pers} [colloquial] | :: rally driver |
rajfur {m pers} [archaic] | :: pimp, procurer |
rajfurka {f} [archaic] | :: female pimp, procurer |
rajfurstwo {n} [archaic] | :: pimping, procurement |
rajski {adj} | :: paradisiac, paradisaical, heavenly |
rajsko {adv} | :: paradisaically, heavenlily |
rajstopy {p} | :: tights, pantyhose |
rajtuzy {p} | :: baby's tights |
rak {m anim} | :: cancer (disease) |
rak {m anim} | :: crayfish (term also used for certain other crustaceans) |
rak {m anim} | :: crampon (spike on a boot used for ice climbing) |
Rak {prop} {m pers} {f} [zodiac constellations] | :: Cancer, a constellation |
Rak {prop} {m pers} {f} [astrology] | :: Cancer, an astrological sign |
rakieta {f} | :: rocket, missile |
rakieta {f} [sports] | :: racket |
rakieta śnieżna {f} | :: snowshoe |
rakotwórczy {adj} | :: carcinogenic, cancer-causing, cancer-producing |
Raków {prop} {m inan} | :: one of several villages in Poland |
Raków {prop} {m inan} | :: a Polish commune (gmina) near Kielce |
Raków {prop} {m inan} | :: a district (dzielnica) of Częstochowa |
Raków {prop} {m inan} | :: a neighbourhood (osiedle) of Warsaw, in the district of Włochy |
Raków {prop} {m inan} | :: Polish name of Ракаў, an agro-town in Belarus |
rama {f} | :: frame |
rama {f} | :: crossbar (tube of a bicycle frame) |
ramadan {m inan} [Islam] | :: Ramadan |
ramiączko {n} | :: shoulder strap |
ramienica {f} | :: Any charophyte of the genus Chara |
ramienny {adj} [relational] | :: shoulder, (upper) arm, brachial |
ramię {n} [anatomy] | :: upper arm |
ramię {n} [anatomy] | :: shoulder |
ramię {n} [colloquial] | :: arm (entire upper limb) |
ramię {n} | :: arm (part of an object extending from the main part or centre) |
ramionko {n} | :: diminutive of ramię |
ramka {f} | :: diminutive of rama |
ramka {f} [slang] | :: a pack of cigarettes |
ramol {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative, humorous] | :: fogey; old fart |
rana {f} | :: wound |
rancho {n} | :: alternative spelling of ranczo |
ranczo {n} | :: ranch (small farm that cultivates vegetables or livestock) |
randka {f} | :: date, tryst (romantic meeting) |
ranek {m inan} | :: morning (usually early in the morning, at the very daybreak) |
ranga {f} [military] | :: rank |
ranga {f} | :: weight, importance |
ranić {vt impf} | :: to wound, to injure |
ranienie {n} | :: verbal noun of ranić |
ranking {m inan} | :: ranking |
rankingowy {adj} [relational] | :: ranking |
ranny {adj} | :: wounded, injured |
ranny {adj} | :: morning |
ranny ptaszek {m} [idiomatic] | :: early bird |
rano {n} | :: morning |
rano {adv} | :: in the morning |
rany {interj} | :: jeez! damn! crap! (relatively mild expletive) |
rap {m inan} | :: rap music |
rap {m inan} [ichthyology] | :: asp |
rapa {m anim} | :: asp (species of fish, Aspius aspius, syn. Leuciscus aspius) |
raper {m pers} [music] | :: rapper |
raperka {f} [music] | :: female rapper |
raperski {adj} [music] | :: of or pertaining to rap |
raport {m inan} | :: report |
rapować {vi impf} [music] | :: to rap (speak lyrics in the style of rap music) |
rapowy {adj} [music] | :: of or pertaining to rap |
rapsod {m inan} [poetry] | :: rhapsody (ancient Greek epic poem) |
rapsod {m pers} [literature] | :: rhapsode, rhapsodist |
rapsodia {f} [music] | :: rhapsody (instrumental composition of irregular form often incorporating improvisation) |
raptownie {adv} | :: unexpectedly |
raptownie {adv} | :: abruptly |
raptowny {adj} | :: unexpected |
raptowny {adj} | :: abrupt |
raróg {m anim} | :: saker falcon (Falco cherrug) |
raróg {m anim} | :: Raróg, a fire demon in Slavic mythology |
rarytas {m inan} | :: rarity (rare object) |
rarytas {m inan} | :: delicacy |
rasa {f} | :: race (group of people) |
rasa {f} | :: breed, race; group of animals with well-defined inherited characteristics |
rasikoń {m inan} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of rosikoń |
rasista {m pers} | :: racist |
rasistka {f} | :: female racist |
rasistowski {adj} | :: racist |
rasistowsko {adv} | :: racistly; in a racist manner |
rasizm {m inan} | :: racism |
raszka {f} | :: robin (Erithacus rubecula) |
raszpla {f} | :: rasp (coarse file) |
raszpla {f} | :: angel shark |
raszpla {f} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: bag (ugly woman) |
rata {f} | :: installment |
rataj {m pers} [historical] | :: farmer (earner working for a landowner) |
ratować {v impf} | :: to rescue, to save |
ratowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of ratować |
ratowniczka {f} | :: female lifeguard |
ratowniczka {f} | :: female rescuer, life saver |
ratowniczka {f} | :: female paramedic |
ratownik {m pers} | :: lifeguard |
ratownik {m pers} | :: rescuer, life saver |
ratownik {m pers} | :: paramedic |
ratownik medyczny {m pers} | :: paramedic |
ratrak {m inan} | :: snow groomer |
ratunek {m inan} | :: rescue |
ratunek {m inan} | :: salvation |
ratunek {m inan} | :: help, succour |
ratusz {m inan} | :: town hall, city hall |
ratusz {m inan} [metonym] | :: the government of a city |
ratuszowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a town hall |
ratyfikacja {f} | :: ratification (act of ratifying) |
raz {m inan} | :: time |
raz {m inan} | :: case |
raz {m inan} [dated] | :: hit, blow |
raz {m} [colloquial] | :: one |
raz na ruski rok {adv} [colloquial, idiom, humorous] | :: once in a blue moon, very rarely |
raz na wozie, raz pod wozem {proverb} | :: what goes up must come down |
razem {adv} | :: together, all together, in tandem |
razić {v impf} [dated] | :: to strike; to smite |
razić {v impf} | :: to dazzle; to glare |
razić {v impf} [pejorative] | :: to stand out; to strike; to offend aesthetically |
razy {conj} [mathematics] | :: times |
rąb {m inan} [forestry] | :: tree felling |
rąb {m inan} [obsolete] | :: edge (boundary line) |
rąb {m inan} [obsolete] | :: edge (cutting side of the blade of a weapon) |
rąb {m inan} [of a hammer] | :: peen |
rąbać {vt impf} | :: to chop, to hew |
rąbanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rąbać |
rąbek {m inan} | :: edge, periphery |
rąbek {m inan} [botany] | :: peristome |
rąbek {m inan} [anatomy] | :: lunula (crescent-shaped pale area at the base of the fingernail or toenail) |
rąbek {m inan} [historical] | :: kerchief |
rąbież {f} [dialectal] | :: border |
rączka {f} | :: diminutive of ręka |
rączka {f} | :: handle (part of an object which is held in the hand) |
rączka {f} [topology] | :: handle |
rącznik pospolity {m inan} | :: castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) |
rdest {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Polygonum – knotweed |
rdest {m inan} | :: Any of certain species belonging to genera Bistorta or Persicaria – smartweed, bistort |
rdestnica {f} | :: pondweed of the genus Potamogeton |
rdestnica {f} | :: pondweed of the genus Stuckenia |
rdestniczka {f} | :: opposite-leaved pondweed (plant of the genus Groenlandia) |
rdestowiec {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Reynoutria |
rdestówka {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Fallopia |
rdza {f} | :: rust (result of oxidation of steel or iron) |
rdza {f} | :: rust (fungal plant disease) |
rdzawiec {m anim} | :: Atlantic pollock, European pollock (Pollachius pollachius) |
rdzawy {adj} | :: rusty |
rdzawy {adj} | :: rufous, russet |
rdzawy {adj} | :: ferruginous |
rdzeniomózgowie {n} | :: myelencephalon, afterbrain |
rdzenny {adj} | :: native, indigenous, autochthonous |
rdzenny {adj} | :: core |
rdzeń {m inan} | :: core, heart |
rdzeń {m inan} | :: core (one of several parts in a computer processor) |
rdzeń {m inan} [linguistics] | :: stem, root |
rdzeń {m inan} [anatomy] | :: medulla |
rdzeń kręgowy {f} | :: spinal cord |
rdzewieć {vi impf} [of metals] | :: to rust, oxidize |
reagent {m inan} | :: reactant |
reagent {m inan} | :: reagent |
reagować {vi impf} | :: to react |
reakcja {f} | :: reaction (action in response to an event) |
reakcja {f} [chemistry] | :: reaction |
reakcyjny {adj} | :: reactionary |
reaktor {m inan} | :: reactor (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat) |
realia {f} | :: realia (objects from real life or from the real world, as opposed to theoretical constructs or fabricated examples) |
realia {f} [literature, film] | :: backstory, background |
realista {m pers} | :: realist |
realistyczniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of realistyczny |
realistyczny {adj} | :: realistic |
realizm {m inan} | :: realism |
realizować {vt impf} | :: to realize (to make real) |
realizowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of realizować |
reanimacja {f} [medicine] | :: resuscitation |
reasumować {vt impf} | :: to recapitulate, summarise, sum up |
rebelia {f} | :: rebellion, uprising, insurrection |
rebus {m inan} | :: rebus |
recenzja {f} [film, music, literature] | :: review |
recepcja {f} | :: front desk, reception |
recepta {f} [medicine] | :: prescription |
recepta {f} | :: recipe, prescription (a plan or procedure to obtain a given end result) |
rechot {m inan} | :: croak (cry of a frog or toad) |
rechot {m inan} | :: belly laugh, guffaw, cackle |
rechotać {v impf} | :: to croak (to make frog sounds) |
rechotać {vr impf} [often, colloquial] | :: to guffaw, to laugh |
recital {m inan} [music] | :: recital (vocal, instrumental or visual performance by a soloist) |
recitalowy {adj} [relational] | :: recital |
Recław {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: given name |
Recław {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: Recław (village) |
recydywa {f} [law] | :: reoffending, recidivism (committing new offenses after being punished for a crime) |
recydywa {f} [medicine] | :: relapse, reoccurrence |
recydywa {f} [colloquial] | :: A group of recidivists or lags |
recydywa {f} | :: recidivism (returning to a negative behavior after having stopped it for a period of time) |
recydywista {m pers} [law] | :: recidivist, lag |
recydywistka {f} [law] | :: female recidivist, lag |
reda {f} [nautical] | :: roadstead (a partly-sheltered anchorage outside a harbour) |
redagować {v impf} | :: to edit (to change text) |
redakcja {f} | :: staff of a periodical publication |
redakcja {f} | :: newsroom, an office where a periodical publication is prepared |
redakcja {f} | :: editing, the process of improving written works |
redlica {f} | :: alternative form of radlica |
redlina {f} | :: alternative form of radlina |
redło {n} | :: alternative form of radło |
reelekcja {f} | :: reelection |
refektarz {m inan} [architecture] | :: refectory |
referencje {p} | :: letter of recommendation, letter of reference, credentials, testimonial |
referendum {n} [politics] | :: referendum |
reforma {f} | :: reform, legal overhaul |
reformator {m pers} | :: reformer (one who reforms) |
refować {v impf} [sailing] | :: to reef |
refowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of refować |
refren {m inan} | :: chorus, refrain |
regał {m inan} | :: shelf, rack, bookcase |
region {m inan} | :: region, area, district |
regulacja {f} [law] | :: regulation, rule |
regulacja {f} | :: adjustment, regulation, setting |
regulaminowy czas {m inan} | :: normal time |
regularnie {adv} | :: regularly |
regularniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of regularny |
regularny {adj} | :: regular |
regulować {vt impf} | :: to regulate, to control |
regulować {vt impf} | :: to adjust, to modulate, to set |
reguła {f} | :: rule |
reguła przekory {f} [chemistry] | :: Le Chatelier's principle |
reizm {m inan} [philosophy] | :: reism |
reja {f} | :: yard, a crossways-mast on a ship |
rejestr {m inan} | :: register (formal recording of names, events, transactions etc.) |
rejestr {m inan} [computing] | :: register |
rejestracja {f} | :: registration |
rejestracja {f} [slang] | :: license plate, number plate |
rejestrować {vt impf} | :: to register, to enregister |
rejestrować {vt impf} | :: to record, to log |
rejestrować {vt impf} | :: to record (make an audio or video recording), to tape |
rejestrować {vr impf} | :: to sign up |
Rejkiawik {prop} {m} | :: Rejkiawik (capital city) |
rejon {m inan} | :: area, district, region |
rejon {m inan} | :: raion |
rejonowy {adj} | :: regional, district |
rejs {m inan} | :: cruise, sailing |
rekin {m anim} | :: shark (fish) |
rekin {m anim} | :: shark (relentless and resolute person or group) |
rekin wielorybi {noun} | :: whale shark |
rekinek {m anim} | :: small-spotted catshark |
rekini {adj} [relational] | :: shark (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of sharks) |
reklama {f} | :: commercial (advertisement in a common media format) |
reklama {f} | :: advertising, publicity |
reklamacja {f} [law] | :: consumer complaint |
reklamować {vt impf} | :: to advertise |
reklamować {vt impf} | :: to return; to bring defective merchandise back to the seller |
reklamowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of reklamować |
reklamowy {adj} | :: pertaining to advertising or advertisements |
rekolekcje {p} [Roman Catholicism] | :: retreat (spiritual retreat, especially one that is short) |
rekonstrukcja {f} | :: reconstruction |
rekonstruować {vt impf} | :: to reconstruct, to recreate |
rekonwalescencja {f} | :: convalescence, recuperation |
rekord {m inan} | :: record (most extreme known value of some achievement) |
rekord {m inan} [computing] | :: record (set of data relating to a single individual or item) |
rektor {m pers} | :: rector |
rekurencja {f} [mathematics] | :: recursion |
relacja {f} | :: relation (a manner of association between two things) |
relacja {f} | :: relation (one's version of a story) |
relatywizm {m inan} | :: relativism |
relief {m inan} | :: relief |
religia {f} | :: religion |
religijny {adj} | :: religious |
relikwiarz {m inan} | :: reliquary |
remake {m inan} [film] | :: remake (new version of film) |
remedium {n} [medicine] | :: medicine |
remedium {n} | :: remedy, cure (something that corrects or counteracts) |
Remigiusz {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
remiks {m inan} [music] | :: remix (rearrangement of an older piece of music) |
remis {m inan} | :: tie, draw (tie score) |
remisować {v impf} | :: to draw, tie |
remont {m inan} | :: renovation, refurbishment |
remontować {vt impf} | :: to renovate, to refurbish |
remontować {vt impf} | :: to repair |
remontowy {adj} [relational] | :: renovation, refurbishment |
ren {m anim} | :: reindeer |
ren {m inan} | :: rhenium |
Ren {prop} {m inan} | :: Rhine (European river) |
Renata {prop} {f} | :: given name |
rendez-vous {n} | :: date (meeting with a lover or potential lover) |
renegat {m pers} | :: renegade |
renesansowy {adj} | :: Renaissance (relating to the Renaissance) |
renifer {m anim} | :: reindeer (an Arctic and Subarctic-dwelling deer) |
renoma {f} | :: renown |
renowacja {f} | :: renovation, refurbishment |
renta {f} | :: disability benefit |
renta {f} | :: benefit of certain other kinds, e.g. for a disabled child |
renta {f} [rare] | :: rent; profit made from one's capital or wealth |
rentgen {m inan} | :: X-ray scan |
rentgen {m inan} | :: röntgen (unit of radiation exposure) |
rentgen {m inan} | :: roentgenium |
rentgenoluminescencja {f} [physics] | :: luminescence produced by exposition to the X-rays |
rentowny {adj} | :: profitable, economic, viable |
reperkusja {f} | :: repercussion (negative consequence, result of action) |
replika {f} | :: replica (an exact copy) |
repolonizacja {f} | :: re-Polonization; the act of Polonization after being de-Polonized |
repolonizacyjny {adj} | :: re-Polonizing |
reportaż {m inan} | :: reportage |
reporter {m pers} | :: reporter |
reporterka {f} | :: female reporter |
repozytorium {n} [computing] | :: repository |
reprezentant {m pers} | :: representative (one who speaks for another) |
reprezentatywny {adj} | :: representative, typical |
reprodukcja {f} | :: reproduction |
reprymenda {f} | :: rebuke, reprimand |
republika {f} | :: republic |
Republika Adygei {prop} {f} | :: Republika Adygei (republic) |
republika bananowa {f} | :: banana republic |
Republika Baszkortostanu {prop} {f} | :: Republika Baszkortostanu (republic) |
Republika Czeska {prop} {f} | :: Czech Republic |
Republika Francuska {prop} {f inan} | :: French Republic |
Republika Korei {prop} {f} | :: Republic of Korea |
Republika Mari El {prop} {f} | :: Republika Mari El (republic) |
Republika Mari Eł {prop} {f} | :: Republika Mari Eł (republic) |
Republika Południowej Afryki {prop} {f} | :: Republic of South Africa |
Republika Portugalska {prop} {f inan} | :: Portuguese Republic |
Republika Słowacka {prop} {f inan} | :: Slovak Republic |
Republika Słowenii {prop} {f inan} | :: Republic of Slovenia |
Republika Środkowoafrykańska {prop} {f} | :: Central African Republic |
Republika Włoska {prop} {f inan} | :: Italian Republic |
Republika Zielonego Przylądka {prop} {f} | :: Republika Zielonego Przylądka (archipelago/and/country) |
reputacja {f} | :: name (reputation) |
reset {m inan} [computing] | :: reset (device, such as a button or switch, for resetting a computer) |
resetować {vt impf} [computing] | :: to reset a computer |
resor {m inan} | :: leaf spring |
resorek {m inan} | :: diminutive of resor |
respekt {m inan} | :: respect (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) |
restart {m inan} [computing] | :: restart (act of restarting a computer) |
restartować {vt impf} [computing] | :: to restart (to reboot a computer) |
restauracja {f} | :: restaurant (eating establishment in which diners are served food) |
restauracja {f} | :: renovation, reconstruction, restoration (process of bringing something back to its original state) |
restrykcja {f} | :: restriction (regulation or limitation) |
restrykcja {f} | :: export restriction; import restriction |
resublimacja {f} [chemistry] | :: deposition (phase transition) |
resuscytacja {f} [medicine] | :: cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
reszka {f} | :: tails, the side of a coin bearing the monetary value instead of a picture |
reszta {f} | :: rest (remainder) |
reszta {f} | :: change (money given back when a customer hands over more than the exact price) |
reszta {f} [arithmetic] | :: remainder (amount left after repeatedly subtracting divisor) |
resztka {f} | :: leftover |
reszty nie trzeba {phrase} | :: keep the change |
retorta {f} [chemistry] | :: retort |
retorycznie {adv} [linguistics] | :: rhetorically; in a rhetorical manner |
retoryczność {f} [linguistics] | :: rhetoric |
retoryczny {adj} [linguistics] | :: of or pertaining to rhetoric; rhetorical |
retoryka {f} [linguistics] | :: rhetoric (art of using language for persuasion) |
retoryka {f} | :: rhetoric (meaningless language) |
reumatycznie {adv} | :: rheumatically; in an rheumatic manner |
reumatyczny {adj} | :: rheumatic |
reumatyzm {m inan} | :: rheumatism |
Reunion {prop} {m inan} | :: Reunion (overseas department) |
rewanż {m inan} | :: revanche |
rewanż {m inan} [sports] | :: rematch |
rewers {m inan} | :: reverse (tails side of a coin) |
rewia {f} | :: revue (form of theatrical entertainment featuring skits, dances, and songs) |
rewia {f} | :: fashion show |
rewia {f} [military] | :: parade |
rewiowy {adj} [relational] | :: revue |
rewizja osobista {f} | :: frisking, patdown |
rewizjonizm {m inan} | :: revisionism |
rewolta {f} | :: rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny (armed resistance to an established government or ruler) |
rewolta {f} | :: resistance, protest (opposition to social norms) |
rewolucja {f} | :: revolution (political upheaval) |
rewolucyjny {adj} | :: revolutionary |
rewolwer {m inan} | :: revolver |
reykjavícki {adj} | :: Reykjavikian (of, from or pertaining to Reykjavik in Iceland) |
Reykjavik {prop} {m} | :: Reykjavik (capital city) |
Reykjavík {prop} {m inan} | :: Reykjavík (capital city) |
rez. {noun} | :: abbreviation of rezjański |
rezerwować {v impf} | :: to reserve, to book (to make a booking) |
rezerwowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rezerwować |
rezjański {adj} | :: Resian |
rezultat {m inan} | :: result |
rezun {m pers} [archaic] | :: murderer |
rezun {m pers} [pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: Ukrainian person |
rezus {m anim} | :: rhesus macaque |
rezygnacja {f} | :: resignation (act of resigning) |
rezygnacja {f} | :: resignation, despondence, apathy |
rezygnować {vi impf} | :: to resign, to give up, to forswear [+ z (object) = genitive = from something] |
rezystor {m inan} | :: resistor (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) |
reż {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: rye |
reżim {m inan} | :: regime (form of government) |
reżim {m inan} | :: regime (mode of rule or management) |
reżyser {mf} | :: director |
rębacz {m pers} | :: A miner extracting coal at the mine face |
rębacz {m pers} [archaic] | :: One skilled with a sabre and fond of fighting |
rębacz {m pers} [obsolete] | :: A lumberjack |
rębacz {m anim} | :: Any longhorn beetle belonging to the genus Rhagium |
rębak {m inan} | :: woodchipper (machine for reducing wood to woodchips) |
rębnia {f} [forestry] | :: felling, thinning |
ręczniczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of ręcznik; a small towel |
ręcznie {adv} | :: manually, by hand |
ręcznik {m inan} | :: towel |
ręczny {adj} | :: manual |
rędzina {f} | :: rendzina |
ręka {f} | :: hand (part of the body) |
ręka {f} | :: arm (part of the body) |
rękaw {m inan} | :: sleeve (part of a garment that covers the arm) |
rękawica {f} | :: glove |
rękawica {f} | :: mitten |
rękawica {f} | :: gauntlet |
rękawiczka {f} | :: diminutive of rękawica |
rękoczyny {mp} | :: fisticuffs; fight; brawl |
rękodzieło {n} | :: handicraft; arts and crafts |
rękojeść {f} | :: handle (part of an object which is held in the hand) |
rękojmia {f} | :: warranty, guarantee |
rękojmia {f} | :: pledge |
rękopis {m inan} | :: manuscript (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) |
rękopis {m inan} | :: manuscript (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) |
Rhode Island {prop} {m inan} | :: Rhode Island (state) |
ricotta {f} | :: ricotta (Italian whey cheese) |
Rijad {prop} {m inan} | :: Rijad (capital city) |
riksza {f} | :: rickshaw (two-wheeled carriage pulled along by a person) |
riposta {f} | :: retort (sharp or witty reply) |
ripostować {v impf} | :: to retort (to say something sharp or witty in answer) |
ripostowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of ripostować |
risotto {n} | :: risotto |
roaming {m inan} [computing, telecommunications] | :: roaming (using a cell phone outside of its original registering zone) |
robaczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of robak; small worm |
robaczy {adj} [relational] | :: worm (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of worms); vermian; wormy |
robaczyca {f} [disease] | :: helminthiasis (worm infection) |
robaczyca {f} | :: ammocoete (lamprey larva) |
robak {m anim} [zoology] | :: worm |
robak {m anim} [anatomy] | :: cerebellar vermis |
robak {m anim} [colloquial] | :: insect, invertebrate, especially oval-shaped and soft-bodied |
robak {m anim} [computing] | :: computer worm |
robak {m anim} [by extension] | :: trouble, problem |
robal {m anim} | :: augmentative of robak |
Robert {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
robić {vt impf} | :: to make |
robić {vt impf} | :: to do |
robić {vi impf} | :: to act, to work |
robić loda {v impf} [slang] | :: to fellate, give head to a man |
robić z igły widły {v impf} | :: to make a mountain out of a molehill |
robienie {n} | :: verbal noun of robić |
robigrosz {m pers} [derogatory] | :: moneygrubber |
robinia {f} | :: any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Robinia in the pea family; false acacia |
robiwo {n} | :: material, raw material |
robocizna {f} | :: A work (service) or repair being paid for |
robocizna {f} | :: The pay for such work |
roboczy {adj} | :: work, working (of or relating to employment) |
roboczy {adj} | :: working (suffices but requires additional work) |
robol {m pers} [derogatory] | :: worker, workman, laborer |
robot {m inan} | :: robot |
robota {f} [plural only] | :: construction, construction work |
robota {f} [colloquial] | :: workplace |
robota {f} [colloquial] | :: work |
robotnica {f} | :: female worker, workwoman (someone doing physical work) |
robotnica {f} | :: worker bee |
robotnik {m pers} | :: worker, workman (someone doing physical work) |
robotyka {f} | :: robotics |
robótka {f} | :: diminutive of robota |
robótka {f} | :: handicraft (artifact) |
rock {m inan} | :: rock (style of music) |
rockowy {adj} [music] | :: rock; related to, playing, or having the characteristics of rock music |
roczeń {m anim} [archaic] | :: yearling (one-year-old animal) |
roczniak {m anim} | :: yearling (one-year-old animal) |
rocznica {f} | :: anniversary |
roczny {adj} | :: annual |
roczny {adj} | :: one-year-old |
rod {m inan} | :: rhodium (chemical element, Rh, atomic number 45) |
rodak {m pers} | :: compatriot, countryman (somebody from one's own country) |
Rodan {prop} {m} | :: Rhone (river in France and Switzerland) |
rodeo {n} [sports] | :: rodeo |
rodeo {n} | :: rodeo (gathering of cattle to be branded) |
rodnia {f} | :: archegonium |
rodny {adj} [of land, soil, etc., dated] | :: fertile, fecund |
rodny {adj} [of organs] | :: reproductive |
rodowity {adj} | :: native; born in a given country, city, or district |
rodowód {m inan} | :: lineage, pedigree |
rodzaj {m inan} | :: kind |
rodzaj {m inan} [taxonomy] | :: genus |
rodzaj {m inan} [grammar] | :: gender |
rodzaj męski {noun} [grammar] | :: masculine |
rodzaj nijaki {noun} [grammar] | :: neuter |
rodzaj żeński {noun} [grammar] | :: feminine |
rodzajnik {m inan} [grammar] | :: article, especially one specifying gender |
rodzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rodzić |
rodzeństwo {n} | :: siblings, brothers and sisters |
rodzic {m pers} | :: parent |
rodzic {m pers} [archaic] | :: father |
rodziciel {m pers} [archaic] | :: father |
rodzicielka {f} | :: mother, especially the woman who gave birth |
rodzić {v impf} | :: to give birth |
rodzić {v impf} | :: to yield, to give a crop |
rodzić {vr impf} | :: to be born |
rodzima użytkowniczka języka {f} | :: feminine noun of rodzimy użytkownik języka |
rodzimowierstwo {prop} {n} | :: Rodnovery, Slavic Native Faith |
rodzimowierstwo {n} | :: any neopagan religion referring to pre-Christian culture of an ethnicity, usually polytheistic |
rodzimy {adj} | :: native |
rodzimy użytkownik języka {m pers} | :: native speaker |
rodzina {f} | :: family |
rodzina {f} [taxonomy] | :: family |
rodzinny {adj} | :: family- |
rodzinny {adj} | :: family-oriented |
rodzynek {m inan} | :: raisin |
rodzynek {m pers} [colloquial] | :: someone or something which stands out; especially a man in a predominantly female group |
rodzynka {f} | :: raisin |
roentgen {m inan} | :: roentgenium (chemical element) |
rogacizna {f} | :: horned livestock |
rogacz {m pers} | :: cuckold (man married to an unfaithful wife) |
rogacz {m anim} | :: animal with antlers |
rogal {m inan} | :: crescent roll |
rogalik {m inan} | :: diminutive of rogal |
rogalik {m inan} | :: a croissant |
rogatka {f} | :: tollhouse |
rogatka {f} | :: boom barrier, boom gate, tollbar |
rogato {adv} | :: defiantly, impudently |
rogaty {adj} | :: horned (having horns) |
rogaty {adj} | :: cuckolded |
rogaty {adj} | :: defiant, impudent, stubborn |
rogatywka {f} | :: rogatywka |
rogonos {m anim} | :: leaf-nosed bat of the genus Rhinonicteris |
rogowiec {m inan} [rock] | :: chert |
rogowiec {m inan} | :: keratoderma |
rogowiec {m anim} | :: A mollusc of the genus Macoma |
rogoząb {m anim} | :: Australian lungfish, barramunda (Neoceratodus forsteri) |
rogoża {f} [colloquial] | :: broadleaf cattail, common bulrush, great reedmace (Typha latifolia) |
rogówka {f} [anatomy] | :: cornea |
rojalizm {m inan} | :: royalism |
rojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of roić |
rojnik {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Sempervivum – houseleek, liveforever, sempervivum |
rojnik {m anim} | :: Heteropterus |
rok {m inan} | :: year |
rok {m inan} [Upper Silesia] | :: skirt (article of clothing) |
rok {m inan} [obsolete] | :: court case |
rok {m inan} [obsolete] | :: engagement, betrothal |
rok przestępny {m inan} | :: leap year |
rok świetlny {m} | :: light year |
rokita {f} | :: creeping willow (Salix repens), particularly the subspecies rosmarinifolia |
Rokita {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: Rokita (a devil from Polish folklore) |
rokitniczka {f} | :: sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) |
rokoko {n} [historical, art] | :: rococo |
rokrocznie {adv} | :: every year, annually |
Roksana {prop} {f} | :: given name |
rola {f} [singular only] | :: arable land, ploughland |
rola {f} | :: role (function, position or expected behaviour of something) |
rola {f} | :: role; part (in a play, movie or other theatrical medium) |
rola {f} | :: augmentative of rolka |
roleta {f} | :: roller blind, shade |
rolnictwo {n} | :: agriculture |
rolniczy {adj} | :: agricultural |
rolnik {m pers} | :: farmer |
rolny {adj} | :: agricultural, agrarian |
rom. {noun} | :: abbreviation of romański |
Rom {m pers} | :: A male Romani |
Roman {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
romans {m inan} | :: amour, love affair, romance, liaison |
romans {m inan} [literature] | :: romance novel (story or novel dealing with idealized love, usually with little artistic value) |
romans {m inan} [literature, historical] | :: Ancient Greek novel, romaunt |
romans {m inan} [music] | :: romance (sentimental ballad) |
romans rycerski {m pers} [literature] | :: chivalric romance |
romansidło {n} [derogatory, literature] | :: pulp romance (romance novel with little artistic value) |
romansz {m inan} | :: Romansch (language) |
romantycznie {adv} | :: romantically; in a romantic manner |
romantyczniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of romantyczny |
romantyczny {adj} | :: romantic |
romantyzm {m inan} | :: Romanticism |
romański {adj} | :: Romance |
romański {adj} | :: Romanesque |
romb {m inan} | :: rhombus |
romboedr {m inan} | :: rhombohedron |
rombościan {m inan} | :: rhombohedron |
Romek {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
Romka {f} | :: A female Romani |
romski {adj} | :: Romani |
romski {m inan} | :: Romani (language) |
rondel {m inan} | :: pan, saucepan |
rondel {m inan} [historical, architecture] | :: barbican |
rondelek {m inan} | :: diminutive of rondel |
rondo {n} | :: roundabout, traffic circle |
rondo {n} | :: brim of a hat |
rondo {n} [music] | :: rondo |
rondo {n} [poetry] | :: rondeau |
ronić {vt impf} | :: to shed |
ronić {vt impf} | :: to moult, to slough |
ronić {v impf} | :: to miscarry |
ropa {f} | :: pus |
ropa {f} [colloquial] | :: sleepy dust |
ropa {f} | :: crude oil; petroleum |
ropa {f} [colloquial] | :: diesel oil |
ropa {f} [colloquial] | :: an unattractive woman |
ropa naftowa {f} | :: crude oil, petroleum |
ropień {m inan} [pathology] | :: abscess |
ropniak {m inan} [medicine] | :: empyema |
ropniak {m inan} [colloquial] | :: diesel car |
ropniak {m inan} [colloquial] | :: diesel locomotive |
ropniak {m inan} [colloquial] | :: diesel engine |
ropociąg {m inan} | :: oil pipeline |
ropociąg {m inan} | :: drain (surgical instrument) |
ropotok {m inan} [symptom] | :: pyorrhea (discharge of pus) |
ropowica {f} [pathology] | :: phlegmon |
ropuch {m anim} [colloquial] | :: male toad |
ropucha {f} | :: toad |
ropucha olbrzymia {f} | :: cane toad |
ropucha szara {f} | :: European toad |
ropuszka {f} | :: diminutive of ropucha |
ropuszy {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a toad; toadish, toadly, toadlike |
rosa {f} | :: dew |
rosiczka {f} | :: sundew, any plant of the genus Drosera |
rosięga {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Cupania |
rosikoń {m inan} [dialectal] | :: clover (Trifolium) |
Rosja {prop} {f} | :: Russia |
Rosjanin {m pers} | :: Russian (a person from Russia) |
Rosjanka {f} | :: Russian (a female person from Russia) |
rosły {adj} | :: tall |
rosły {adj} | :: strapping; having a well-built physique |
rosnąć {v impf} | :: to grow |
rosocha {f} | :: antler |
rosocha {f} | :: tree fork |
rosołek {m inan} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of rosół |
rosołek {m inan} [colloquial] | :: bouillon cube, stock cube |
rosomak {m anim} | :: wolverine (Gulo gulo) |
rosół {m inan} | :: broth (soup made from broth) |
rost {m inan} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of wzrost |
rosyjski {adj} | :: Russian |
rosyjski {m inan} | :: Russian (language) |
rosyjskojęzyczny {adj} | :: Russian-speaking |
rosyjskojęzyczny {adj} | :: written, spoken or created in the Russian language |
roszada {f} [chess] | :: castling |
roszada {f} [figuratively] | :: to reorganize or rearrange something, reshuffle |
roszczenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rościć |
roszpunka {f} | :: corn salad; plant in the genus Valerianella |
rościć {vt impf} | :: to arrogate, claim |
roślina {f} | :: plant (living organism) |
roślina dwuletnia {f} | :: biennial plant |
roślina wieloletnia {f} | :: perennial plant |
roślina zielna {f} | :: herbaceous plant |
rośliniarka {f} | :: sawfly (insect of the suborder Symphyta) |
roślinka {f} | :: diminutive of roślina |
roślinność {f} | :: vegetation |
roślinny {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of plants |
roślinożerca {m anim} | :: A herbivore (animal that feeds chiefly on plants) |
roślinożerca {m pers} [jocular] | :: A vegetarian (person who does not eat animal flesh) |
roślinożerca {m pers} [jocular] | :: A vegan (person who consumes no animal products) |
roślinożerny {adj} | :: herbivorous |
rośliny naczyniowe {fp} | :: vascular plants, tracheophytes |
rota {f} | :: oath |
rota {f} | :: rote (musical instrument) |
rota {f} [military] | :: rota (formation) |
rotmistrz {m pers} | :: cavalry officer |
rotor {m inan} | :: rotor (the rotating part of a mechanical device) |
router {m inan} [Internet] | :: router (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) |
rowek {m inan} | :: diminutive of rów |
rowek {m inan} | :: groove, furrow, sulcus |
rower {m inan} | :: bicycle, bike |
rowerzysta {m pers} | :: cyclist |
rowerzystka {f} | :: female cyclist |
roz- {prefix} | :: Indicates movement apart, dissolution or undoing a process |
roz- {prefix} | :: Indicates acceleration or an increase in intensity |
rozbicie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozbić |
rozbicie {n} | :: spallation (fragmentation due to stress or impact) |
rozbić {v pf} | :: to break, to shatter |
rozbić {v pf} | :: to pitch (to assemble a tent or make a camp) |
rozbić {v pf} [military] | :: to rout, to decisively beat enemy forces |
rozbić {v pf} | :: to break (make the first shot in a cue sport game) |
rozbieg {m inan} [aviation] | :: takeoff run |
rozbieg {m inan} [sports] | :: run-up |
rozbieg {m inan} [ski jumping] | :: inrun |
rozbierać {vt impf} | :: to undress (remove clothes) |
rozbierać {vt impf} | :: to dismantle, to take apart |
rozbieranie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozbierać |
rozbieżność {f} | :: mismatch, discrepancy |
rozbieżność {f} [mathematics] | :: divergence |
rozbieżny {adj} | :: divergent |
rozbijać {vt impf} | :: to break, to smash, to fragment |
rozbijać {vt impf} | :: to pitch, to erect |
rozbijać {vi impf} | :: to break (make the first shot in a cue sport game) |
rozbijanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozbijać |
rozbiór {m inan} | :: partition; annexation of a country's territory by two or more of its neighbors cooperating with each other |
rozbiór {m inan} [grammar] | :: analysis; the identification of syntactic components in a sentence |
rozbitek {m pers} | :: castaway |
rozbój {m inan} | :: armed robbery, robbery, mugging |
rozbój {m inan} | :: brigandage |
rozbój w biały dzień {m inan} [humorous, idiom] | :: price gouging, daylight robbery |
rozbój w biały dzień {m inan} | :: scam, fraud |
rozbójnik {m pers} | :: bandit, highwayman, robber |
rozbrojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozbroić |
rozbudzać {vt impf} | :: to arouse, to awaken (e.g. an instinct or emotion) |
rozbudzić {vt pf} | :: to arouse, to awaken (e.g. an instinct or emotion) |
rozchełstany {adj} [of a person] | :: dressed sloppily, dressed untidily |
rozchodniak {m anim} [colloquial] | :: a final toast made before leaving a social gathering |
rozchodnik {m inan} | :: sedum, stonecrop (any plant of the genus Sedum) |
rozchodnikowiec {m inan} | :: Any flowering plant of the genus Hylotelephium; upright stonecrop |
rozchodzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozchodzić |
rozchylać {vt impf} | :: to open, to open up |
rozchylać {vr impf} | :: to open up, to gape |
rozchylenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozchylić |
rozchylić {vt pf} | :: to open, to open up |
rozchylić {vr pf} | :: to open up, to gape |
rozciągać {vt impf} | :: to stretch, to elongate |
rozciągać {vt impf} | :: to spread |
rozciągać {vr impf} | :: to stretch out, to become stretched |
rozciągać {vr impf} | :: to sprawl, to extend, to roll |
rozciągać {vr impf} | :: to stretch one's muscles |
rozciągnąć {vt pf} | :: to stretch, to elongate |
rozciągnąć {vt pf} | :: to spread |
rozciągnąć {vr pf} | :: to stretch out, to become stretched |
rozciągnąć {vr pf} | :: to sprawl, to extend, to roll |
rozciągnąć {vr pf} | :: to stretch one's muscles |
rozczarować {v pf} | :: to disappoint (to displease); to underwhelm |
rozczarowanie {n} | :: disappointment |
rozczepiać {vt impf} | :: to unhook, to detach |
rozczepiać {vr impf} | :: to become unhooked, to become detached |
rozczepić {vt pf} | :: to unhook, to detach |
rozczepić {vr pf} | :: to become unhooked, to become detached |
rozczochranie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozczochrać |
rozczochraniec {m pers} [colloquial] | :: A boy or man with unkempt hair |
rozczochrany {adj} | :: unkempt, dishevelled |
rozdarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozedrzeć |
rozdawać {vt impf} | :: to hand out, distribute, dish out |
rozdawać {vt impf} | :: to give away |
rozdrabniacz {m inan} | :: chopper, chipper, shredder |
rozdrabniać {vtr impf} | :: to crumble, to break up |
rozdrabniać {vr impf} [figuratively] | :: to get bogged down, to get waylaid |
rozdrobnić {vtr pf} | :: to crumble, to break up |
rozdrobnić {vr pf} [figuratively] | :: to get bogged down, to get waylaid |
rozdział {m inan} | :: chapter |
rozdział {m inan} | :: distribution, allotment |
rozdzielać {vt impf} | :: to divide up, to distribute, to dole out |
rozdzielać {vt impf} | :: to split, to separate, to keep apart |
rozdzielać {vr impf} | :: to split up, to go separate ways |
rozdzielić {vt pf} | :: to divide up, to distribute, to dole out |
rozdzielić {vt pf} | :: to split, to separate, to keep apart |
rozdzielić {vr pf} | :: to split up, to go separate ways |
rozdzierać {vt impf} | :: to tear, to rip |
rozdzieranie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozdzierać |
rozedrzeć {vt pf} | :: to tear, to rip |
rozejm {m inan} | :: truce, ceasefire, armistice |
rozejrzeć {vr pf} | :: to look around |
rozeta {f} | :: rosette (ornamental imitation of a rose) |
rozeta {f} [architecture] | :: rosette (architectural ornament) |
rozeta {f} [botany] | :: rosette (one or more whorls of leaves) |
rozgałęźnik {m inan} | :: adapter; device that allows to attach more than one plug to a single socket |
rozgardiasz {m inan} | :: chaos, ruckus |
rozgarnięty {adj} | :: sharp-witted, quick-witted |
rozgięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozgiąć |
rozglądać {vr impf} | :: to look around |
rozglądanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozglądać |
rozgłaszać {vt impf} | :: to broadcast, to make known, to publicise |
rozgłos {m inan} | :: publicity |
rozgłosić {vt pf} | :: to broadcast, to make known, to publicise |
rozgorzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozgorzeć |
rozgorzenie {n} | :: flashover (near-simultaneous ignition of all combustible material in an enclosed area) |
rozgryzienie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozgryźć |
rozgrzać {vt pf} | :: to heat, to warm |
rozgrzać {vt pf} | :: to warm up (e.g. a muscle) |
rozgrzać {vt pf} | :: to arouse, to excite |
rozgrzać {vr pf} | :: to heat up, to become hotter |
rozgrzać {vr pf} | :: to warm up, to limber up (prepare the body for more vigorous exercise) |
rozgrzeszać {v impf} [Christianity] | :: to pardon sins |
rozgrzeszać {v impf} [by extension, figuratively] | :: to absolve of blame |
rozgrzeszenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozgrzeszyć |
rozgrzeszenie {n} | :: absolution |
rozgrzeszyć {v pf} [Christianity] | :: to pardon sins |
rozgrzeszyć {v pf} [by extension, figurative] | :: to absolve of blame |
rozgrzewać {vt impf} | :: to heat, to warm |
rozgrzewać {vt impf} | :: to warm up (e.g. a muscle) |
rozgrzewać {vt impf} | :: to arouse, to excite |
rozgrzewać {vr impf} | :: to heat up, to become hotter |
rozgrzewać {vr impf} | :: to warm up, to limber up (prepare the body for more vigorous exercise) |
rozgrzewka {f} | :: warm-up (a period or act of preparation for a game) |
rozgwiazda {f} | :: starfish |
rozhowor {m inan} | :: talk, conversation |
rozjarzony {adj} | :: ablaze |
rozjarzony {adj} | :: glowing |
rozjarzony {adj} | :: bright |
rozjarzony {adj} | :: blazing |
rozjaśniać {vt impf} | :: to lighten, to brighten, to make lighter |
rozjaśniać {vt impf} | :: to elucidate, to clarify, to illuminate |
rozjaśniać {vr impf} | :: to lighten, to become lighter |
rozjaśnić {vt pf} | :: to lighten, to brighten, to make lighter |
rozjaśnić {vt pf} | :: to elucidate, to clarify, to illuminate |
rozjaśnić {vr pf} | :: to lighten, to become lighter |
rozjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to destroy, to bust up, to kill |
rozjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to throw around |
rozjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to place around |
rozjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to defeat |
rozjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to depress, to devastate (mentally) |
rozjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to blow somebody's mind |
rozjechać {vt pf} | :: to run over (drive over, causing injury or death) |
rozjemca {m pers} | :: mediator, arbitrator, peacemaker |
rozjuszony {adj} | :: furious, raging, agitated |
rozkaz {m inan} | :: order, command |
rozkaźnik {m inan} [grammar] | :: imperative mood |
rozkaźnik {m inan} [grammar] | :: imperative (verb in imperative mood) |
rozkład {m inan} | :: schedule, timetable |
rozkład {m inan} | :: decomposition |
rozkład {m inan} [chemistry] | :: decay |
rozkład {m inan} [mathematics] | :: factorization, decomposition |
rozkład {m inan} [statistics] | :: distribution |
rozkład normalny {m inan} [statistics] | :: normal distribution |
rozkładać {vt impf} | :: to spread out, to unfold, to unfurl, to lay out |
rozkładać {vt impf} | :: to spread, to distribute, to divide |
rozkładać {vt impf} | :: to take apart, to strip |
rozkładać {vr impf} | :: to spread out, to sprawl |
rozkładać {vr impf} | :: to decompose, to decay, to putrefy |
rozkładać ręce {v impf} [idiom] | :: to throw up one's hands; to communicate that one is unable to do anything about a given matter |
rozkosz {f} | :: delight, intense pleasure |
rozkręcać {vt impf} | :: to untwist, to uncoil |
rozkręcać {vt impf} [colloquial] | :: to get something going |
rozkręcić {vt pf} | :: to untwist, to uncoil |
rozkręcić {vt pf} [colloquial] | :: to get something going |
rozkrojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozkroić |
rozkwit {m inan} [botany] | :: florescence, bloom |
rozkwit {m inan} [figuratively] | :: bloom |
rozlać {vt pf} | :: to spill, to slop (to pour accidentally) |
rozlać {vt pf} | :: to apportion by pouring, to decant |
rozlać {vr pf} | :: to spill, to spill over, to overflow, to leak |
rozlanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozlać |
rozległy {adj} | :: vast; covering a large area |
rozległy {adj} | :: extensive; big in scope |
rozlewać {vt impf} | :: to spill, to slop (to pour accidentally) |
rozlewać {vt impf} | :: to apportion by pouring, to decant |
rozlewać {vr impf} | :: to spill, to spill over, to overflow |
rozlewanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozlewać |
rozłożyć {vt pf} | :: to spread out, to unfold, to unfurl, to lay out |
rozłożyć {vt pf} | :: to spread, to distribute, to divide |
rozłożyć {vt pf} | :: to take apart, to strip |
rozłożyć {vr pf} | :: to spread out, to sprawl |
rozłożyć {vr pf} | :: to decompose, to decay, to putrefy |
rozłożyć ręce {v pf} [idiom] | :: to throw up one's hands; to communicate that one is unable to do anything about a given matter |
rozłóg {m inan} [botany] | :: stolon |
rozłóg {m inan} [geography] | :: basin |
rozłóg {m inan} | :: plain (expanse of land) |
rozłupek {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Schistidium |
rozłupka {f} [botany] | :: mericarp |
rozłupnia {f} [botany] | :: schizocarp |
rozmach {m inan} | :: momentum (impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events) |
rozmach {m inan} | :: panache, élan (flamboyant style or action) |
rozmaitość {f} | :: multitude |
rozmaitość {f} | :: diversity |
rozmaitość {f} | :: miscellany |
rozmaitość {f} [mathematics] | :: manifold |
rozmaryn {m inan} | :: rosemary |
rozmarznięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozmarznąć |
rozmawiać {v impf} | :: to talk, to speak, to converse, to chat |
rozmawianie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozmawiać |
rozmiar {m inan} | :: size (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) |
rozmieszczać {vt impf} | :: to deploy |
rozmieszczać {vt impf} | :: to garrison, to quarter |
rozmieszczać {vt impf} | :: to arrange, to dispose, to collocate |
rozmnażać {vt impf} | :: to propagate |
rozmnażać {vr impf} | :: to breed, to multiply |
rozmnażanie {n} | :: reproduction |
rozmnożyć {vt pf} | :: to propagate |
rozmnożyć {vr pf} | :: to breed, to multiply |
rozmokły {adj} | :: waterlogged |
rozmowa {f} | :: conversation |
rozmowny {adj} | :: talkative (tending to talk or speak freely or often) |
rozmówca {m pers} | :: interlocutor |
rozmówczyni {f} | :: female interlocutor |
rozmyć {v pf} | :: to blur |
rozmyślać {vi impf} | :: to ponder; to dwell on; to deliberate |
rozmyślić {vr pf} | :: to change one's mind |
rozmywać {v impf} | :: to blur |
rozniecać {vt impf} | :: to light, to kindle |
rozniecić {vt pf} | :: to light, to kindle |
rozpacz {f} | :: despair, distress |
rozpaczać {v impf} | :: to despair |
rozpaczanie {n} [humorous] | :: lament, distress |
rozpaczanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozpaczać |
rozpad {m inan} | :: disintegration |
rozpad {m inan} | :: decay |
rozpad {m inan} | :: dissolution |
rozpadać {vr impf} | :: to fall apart, to disintegrate |
rozpadanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozpadać |
rozpadlina {f} [geology] | :: A wide fissure |
rozpadlina {f} [medicine] | :: rhagade |
rozpalać {vt impf} | :: to kindle, to inflame |
rozpalać {vt impf} [figurative] | :: to kindle, to arouse |
rozpalać {vr impf} [of a fire] | :: to catch, to take hold |
rozpalić {vt pf} | :: to kindle, to inflame |
rozpalić {vt pf} [figurative] | :: to kindle, to arouse |
rozpalić {vr pf} [of a fire] | :: to catch, to take hold |
rozpałka {f} | :: kindling, tinder |
rozpaść {vr pf} | :: to fall apart, to disintegrate |
rozpędzać {vt impf} | :: to disperse, to scatter, to break up |
rozpędzać {vr impf} | :: to speed up, to accelerate |
rozpędzić {vt pf} | :: to disperse, to scatter, to break up |
rozpędzić {vr pf} | :: to speed up, to accelerate |
rozpętać {vt pf} | :: to unfetter, to untether, to unleash |
rozpętać {vr pf} [of a storm] | :: to break, to begin |
rozpętywać {vt impf} | :: to unfetter, to untether, to unleash |
rozpętywać {vr impf} [of a storm] | :: to break, to begin |
rozpiąć {vt pf} | :: to unfasten, to undo, to unbutton, to unzip |
rozpierducha {f} [vulgar] | :: bloodbath, destruction |
rozpierducha {f} [vulgar] | :: complete chaos, clusterfuck, dumpster fire |
rozpieszczony {adj} | :: spoiled (overly pampered) |
rozpinać {vt impf} | :: to unfasten, to undo, to unzip, to unfasten |
rozpiór {m anim} | :: zope, blue bream (Ballerus ballerus) |
rozplątanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozplątać |
rozpłoch {m inan} | :: Any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum |
rozpocząć {vt pf} | :: to start, to begin, to launch, to initiate, to kick off |
rozpocząć {vr pf} | :: to begin, to commence, to get going |
rozpoczęcie meczu {n} | :: [soccer] kick-off |
rozpoczęcie spotkania {n} | :: [soccer] kick-off |
rozpoczęcie spotkania {n} | :: Beginning of a meeting |
rozpoczynać {vt impf} | :: to start, to begin, to launch, to initiate, to kick off |
rozpoczynać {vr impf} | :: to begin, to commence, to get going |
rozpora {f} [construction] | :: strut |
rozporek {m inan} | :: fly (strip that hides the opening of pants) |
rozporządzać {vt impf} | :: to order, to ordain, to decree |
rozporządzać {vt impf} | :: to have at one's disposal, to manage |
rozporządzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozporządzić |
rozporządzenie {n} | :: regulation, ordinance, edict |
rozporządzić {vt pf} | :: to order, to ordain, to decree |
rozpostrzeć {vt pf} | :: to extend, to outstretch, to spread out |
rozpościerać {vt impf} | :: to extend, to outstretch, to spread out |
rozpowszechniony {adj} | :: widespread, prevalent, rife |
rozpoznać {v pf} | :: to identify, examine, determine |
rozpoznać {vr pf} | :: to recognise |
rozpoznać {vr pf} | :: to get to know |
rozpoznawać {vt impf} | :: to identify, to pick out |
rozpoznawać {vt impf} | :: to recognise |
rozpoznawalność {f} | :: recognisability |
rozpoznawalny {adj} | :: recognisable |
rozpracować {vt pf} | :: to work out, to figure out, to suss out |
rozpracowywać {vt impf} | :: to work out, to figure out, to suss out |
rozpraszać {v impf} | :: to distract [+ acc = someone], to prevent someone from focusing |
rozpraszać {v impf} | :: to distribute, to scatter, to disperse |
rozpraszać {v impf} [physics] | :: to scatter |
rozpraszać {v impf} [computing] | :: to distribute |
rozprawa {f} | :: trial (appearance at judicial court) |
rozprostować {vt pf} | :: to straighten out, to uncurl |
rozprostować {vr pf} | :: to straighten (oneself) out, to uncurl (oneself) |
rozprostowywać {vt impf} | :: to straighten out, to uncurl |
rozprostowywać {vr impf} | :: to straighten (oneself) out, to uncurl (oneself) |
rozproszyć {v pf} | :: to distract [+ acc = someone], to prevent someone from focusing |
rozproszyć {v pf} | :: to distribute, to scatter, to disperse |
rozproszyć {v pf} [physics] | :: to scatter |
rozproszyć {v pf} [computing] | :: to distribute |
rozprucie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozpruć |
rozpruwacz {m inan} | :: ripper |
rozprzestrzeniać {vt impf} | :: to spread, disseminate, propagate |
rozpusta {f} | :: debauchery, indulgence |
rozpusta {f} | :: fornication |
rozpustnik {m pers} | :: libertine, debauchee |
rozpustny {adj} | :: debauched, dissolute, licentious |
rozpuszczać {vt impf} | :: to dissolve, to make into a solution |
rozpuszczać {vt impf} | :: of hair: to untie, to undo |
rozpuszczać {vt impf} | :: to overindulge, to spoil |
rozpuszczalnik {m inan} | :: solvent (liquid) |
rozpuszczalny {adj} | :: soluble (able to be dissolved) |
rozpuszczony {adj} | :: dissolved |
rozpuszczony {adj} [of hair] | :: down, loose |
rozpuszczony {adj} [colloquial] | :: spoiled (of a child); overindulged |
rozpuszczony jak dziadowski bicz {adj} [simile] | :: spoiled like a princess, spoiled like a Siamese cat |
rozpuścić {v pf} | :: to dissolve, to turn into a solution |
rozpuścić {v pf} | :: of hair: to untie, to undo |
rozpuścić {v pf} | :: to spoil, to overindulge |
rozrabiaka {m pers} | :: brawler, troublemaker |
rozrabianie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozrabiać |
rozrąbać {v pf} | :: to hack, to chop into pieces (i.e. wood) using an axe |
rozrobienie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozrobić |
rozrost {m inan} | :: hyperplasia |
rozród {m inan} | :: The biological process of reproduction, including actions before and after breeding, e.g. courtship, nesting, and parental care |
rozróżniać {v impf} | :: to discern, to distinguish, to discriminate |
rozróżnić {v pf} | :: to discern, to distinguish, to discriminate |
rozruch {m inan} | :: startup (process of starting a machine) |
rozruch {m inan} [computing] | :: booting, bootstrapping |
rozrusznik {m inan} | :: starter motor |
rozrusznik {m inan} | :: pacemaker (medical device) |
rozrywka {f} | :: entertainment |
rozrywkowy {adj} [relational] | :: entertainment |
rozrząd {m inan} | :: valvetrain |
rozrzucać {vt impf} | :: to scatter, to disperse, to strew |
rozrzucić {vt pf} | :: to scatter, to disperse, to strew |
rozrzutka {f} | :: woodsia (any fern of the genus Woodsia) |
rozrzutnik {m pers} | :: spendthrift (someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully) |
rozrzutnik {m inan} | :: manure spreader (agricultural machine) |
rozsadzać {v impf} | :: to burst |
rozsadzać {v impf} [agriculture, gardening] | :: to replant seedlings further apart after a period of growth |
rozsadzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozsadzać |
rozsądek {m inan} | :: reason (capacity of thinking) |
rozsądnie {adv} | :: judiciously, reasonably, sensibly, logically |
rozsądniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of rozsądny |
rozsądny {adj} | :: judicious, rational, sensible |
rozsądny {adj} | :: reasonable (inexpensive) |
rozsierdzony {adj} | :: enraged, roused |
rozsocha {f} | :: obsolete form of rosocha |
rozsocha {f} | :: Any of various stoneworts of the genus Tolypella |
rozstaj {m inan} [usually, in plural] | :: fork in the road |
rozstęp {m inan} | :: stretch mark |
rozstrajać {vt impf} | :: to unsettle, to unnerve |
rozstrajać {vt impf} | :: to detune (e.g. a musical instrument) |
rozstrajać {vr impf} | :: to go out of tune, to go flat |
rozstroić {vt pf} | :: to unsettle, to unnerve |
rozstroić {vt pf} | :: to detune (e.g. a musical instrument) |
rozstroić {vr pf} | :: to go out of tune, to go flat |
rozstrój {m inan} | :: disorder, upset, derangement |
rozsunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozsunąć |
rozsuwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozsuwać |
rozsychanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozsychać |
rozsypać {vt pf} | :: to spill (something solid) |
rozsypać {vr pf} | :: to spill, to become scattered |
rozsypać {vr pf} | :: to disperse, to scatter |
rozsypywać {vt impf} | :: to spill (something solid) |
rozsypywać {vr impf} | :: to spill, to become scattered |
rozsypywać {vr impf} | :: to disperse, to scatter |
rozszczep {m inan} [medicine] | :: cleft |
rozszczepiać {vt impf} | :: to split (to break into smaller parts) |
rozszczepić {vt pf} | :: to split (break down into smaller parts) |
rozszczepienie {n} | :: fission |
rozszczepienie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozszczepić |
rozszerzać {vt impf} | :: to broaden, to widen, to expand |
rozszerzać {vr impf} | :: to expand, to dilate |
rozszerzyć {vt pf} | :: to broaden, to widen, to expand |
rozszerzyć {vr pf} | :: to expand, to dilate |
rozświetlać {vt impf} | :: to light up, to illuminate |
rozświetlać {vt impf} | :: to lighten, to make lighter |
rozświetlić {vt pf} | :: to light up, to illuminate |
rozświetlić {vt pf} | :: to lighten, to make lighter |
roztaczać {vt impf} | :: to unroll, to unfurl, to unfold |
roztaczać {vt impf} | :: to give forth, to emanate, to ooze |
roztaczać {vr impf} | :: to unfurl, to unroll |
roztarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozetrzeć |
roztargnienie {n} | :: absent-mindedness |
roztargniony {adj} | :: absent-minded |
rozterka {f} | :: indecision |
rozterka {f} | :: irresolution |
rozterka {f} | :: perplexity |
roztocz {m anim} | :: mite (arachnid) |
roztocze {n} [biology] | :: saprophyte |
roztoczowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a mite |
roztoczowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a saprophyte |
roztoczyć {vt pf} | :: to unroll, to unfurl, to unfold |
roztoczyć {vt pf} | :: to give forth, to emanate, to ooze |
roztoczyć {vr pf} | :: to unfold, to unfurl |
roztopienie {n} | :: verbal noun of roztopić |
roztropność {f} | :: prudence |
roztropny {adj} | :: prudent |
roztropny {adj} | :: judicious |
roztrzepać {v pf} | :: to whisk, to whip (eggs) |
roztrzepany {adj} [colloquial] | :: absent-minded, disorganized |
roztrzeplin {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Koelreuteria |
roztwór {m inan} | :: solution (liquid mixture) |
rozum {m inan} | :: reason (faculty of capacity of the human mind) |
rozumieć {vt impf} | :: to understand |
rozumniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of rozumny |
rozumny {adj} | :: rational, reasonable |
rozumny {adj} | :: sapient, sentient |
rozwaga {f} | :: consideration, deliberation |
rozwalenie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozwalić |
rozwalić {v pf} | :: to strike, to blow, to assault |
rozwalić {v pf} | :: to smash, to crash |
rozwartokątny {adj} [geometry] | :: obtuse-angled |
rozważać {v impf} | :: to consider (to think about seriously) |
rozważanie {n} | :: thought, consideration; the act of exploring an idea |
rozważanie {n} | :: thought, musing, discussion; written record of a thought process |
rozważanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozważać |
rozważny {adj} | :: prudent, judicious, careful, heedful |
rozważyć {v pf} | :: to consider (to think about seriously) |
rozwiązać {v pf} | :: to untie, to unbind |
rozwiązać {v pf} | :: to solve |
rozwiązać {v pf} | :: to dissolve |
rozwiązanie {n} | :: solution (answer to a problem) |
rozwiązanie {n} | :: dissolution (termination of an organised body) |
rozwiązły {adj} | :: dissolute, licentious, promiscuous |
rozwidlenie {n} | :: fork (intersection in a road or path where one road is split into two) |
rozwidlenie {n} | :: crotch (area where something forks or branches, where a ramification takes place) |
rozwiercanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozwiercać |
rozwijać {vt impf} | :: to unroll (unfurl) |
rozwijać {vt impf} | :: to unwrap (remove covering) |
rozwijać {vt impf} | :: to develop (as in a subject, topic, or conversation) |
rozwijać {vt impf} | :: to expand |
rozwijać {vir impf} | :: to uncoil (oneself) |
rozwijać {vir impf} | :: to grow |
rozwijać {vir impf} | :: to improve (oneself) |
rozwijać {vir impf} | :: to develop (oneself) |
rozwikłanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozwikłać |
rozwinięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozwinąć |
rozwodnik {m pers} | :: divorcé (divorced man) |
rozwolnienie {n} | :: verbal noun of rozwolnić |
rozwolnienie {n} [colloquial] | :: diarrhea |
rozwora {f} [construction] | :: A horizontal beam |
rozwora {f} [colloquial] | :: A very stout person |
rozwód {m inan} | :: divorce (legal dissolution of a marriage) |
rozwódka {f} | :: divorcée (divorced woman) |
rozwój {m inan} | :: development |
rozżarzać {vt impf} | :: to cause to glow (cause to emit light due to heat) |
rozżarzać {vr impf} | :: to glow strongly |
rozżarzyć {vt pf} | :: to cause to glow (cause to emit light by heating) |
rozżarzyć {vr pf} | :: to glow strongly |
rożek {m inan} | :: diminutive of róg |
rożek {m inan} | :: small horn (growth on the heads of certain animals) |
rożek {m inan} | :: ice cream cone |
rożek {m inan} [regional] | :: croissant |
rożek angielski {m inan} | :: cor anglais; English horn |
rożen {m inan} | :: spit (rod used for roasting) |
rożen {m inan} [obsolete, humorous] | :: rapier (sword) |
rożenek {m inan} | :: diminutive of rożen |
rożeniec {m anim} | :: northern pintail, Anas acuta |
rożny {adj} [soccer] | :: corner |
ród {m inan} | :: bloodline |
ród {m inan} | :: family |
ród {m inan} | :: house |
ród {m inan} [obsolete] | :: birth |
róg {m inan} | :: horn |
róg {m inan} | :: corner |
róg alpejski {m} | :: alphorn |
róg obfitości {m} | :: cornucopia (mythical horn endlessly overflowing with food and drink) |
rój {m inan} | :: swarm |
rójka {f} | :: swarming (honey bee behavior) |
róść {vi impf} [obsolete, dialectal] | :: to grow |
rów {m inan} | :: trench, ditch |
rów {m anim} [colloquial] | :: butt crack |
rówieśnik {m pers} | :: age-mate, peer |
równać {vt impf} | :: to level, to flatten |
równać {vr impf} | :: to equal, to make, to be equal to |
równanie {n} | :: equation |
równanie {n} | :: verbal noun of równać |
Równe {prop} {n} | :: Równe (city) |
równiacha {m pers} [colloquial] | :: An amiable person; a good friend |
równiacha {f} [colloquial] | :: An amiable person; a good friend |
równie {adv} | :: equally |
równiejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of równy |
również {particle} | :: also |
równik {m inan} | :: equator |
równina {f} | :: plain (expanse of land with relatively low relief) |
równinny {adj} [relational] | :: plain (expanse of land with relatively low relief) |
równo {adv} | :: equally |
równo {adv} | :: flat |
równoboczny {adj} [geometry] | :: equilateral |
równociągły {adj} [mathematics] | :: equicontinuous |
równoczesny {adj} | :: simultaneous, coincidental |
równocześnie {adv} | :: simultaneously |
równolegle {adv} | :: parallel |
równoległobok {m inan} | :: parallelogram |
równoległościan {m inan} | :: parallelepiped |
równoległy {adj} [geometry] | :: parallel |
równoleżnik {m inan} | :: parallel, circle of latitude |
równonoc {f} | :: equinox |
równonóg {m anim} | :: isopod (any crustacean of the taxonomic order Isopoda) |
równoramienny {adj} [geometry] | :: isosceles |
równorzędność {f} | :: equivalence |
równorzędny {adj} | :: equivalent |
równość {f} [sociology] | :: equality |
równość {f} [mathematics] | :: equation |
równowaga {f} | :: balance, equilibrium |
równoważnik {m inan} | :: equivalent |
równoważnik zdania {m inan} [linguistics] | :: An utterance which instead of a verb (like in a sentence) contains a verbal noun in the role of the predicate |
równoważny {adj} | :: equivalent (similar or identical in value) |
równy {adj} [comparable] | :: even, level, flat |
równy {adj} [not comparable] | :: even (in proportion, quantity, size etc.) |
równy {adj} [not comparable, except, ironically] | :: equal |
równy {adj} [grammar, not comparable] | :: positive (not inflected for degree of comparison) |
rózga {f} | :: rod (twig without leaves) |
rózga {f} | :: whipping with bound twigs |
róż {m inan} | :: pink (color) |
róża {f} | :: rose; any shrub from the genus Rosa or its flower |
róża {f} [heraldry] | :: rose |
róża {f} [disease] | :: erysipelas |
Róża {prop} {f} | :: given name |
różaniec {m inan} | :: rosary |
różdżka {f} | :: diminutive of rózga |
różdżka {f} | :: magic wand |
różdżka {f} | :: water wand |
różdżyca {f} | :: Any fern of the genus Ceratopteris |
różek {m inan} | :: diminutive of róg |
różek {m inan} | :: small horn (growth on the heads of certain animals) |
różnica {f} | :: difference (distinguishing property) |
różnica {f} [arithmetic] | :: difference |
różniczka {f} | :: differential (infinitesimal change) |
różniczkowalny {adj} [mathematics] | :: differentiable |
różniczkowanie {n} [analysis] | :: differentiation |
różniczkowy {adj} | :: differential (related to differentiation) |
różnić {vt impf} | :: to distinguish, to make different |
różnić {vr impf} | :: to differ, to be different |
różnie {adv} | :: variously (in various ways) |
różnobarwny {adj} | :: multicoloured |
różnoboczny {adj} [geometry] | :: scalene |
różnorodnie {adv} | :: diversely |
różnorodność {f} | :: diversity, variety |
różnorodny {adj} | :: diverse |
różnowartościowy {adj} [mathematics] | :: one-to-one, injective |
różnoząb {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Cynodontium |
różny {adj} | :: various |
różny {adj} | :: different (not the same) |
różowawy {adj} | :: pinkish |
różowy {adj} | :: pink |
różyczka {f} | :: diminutive of róża |
różyczka {f} [disease, singular only] | :: rubella |
RP {prop} | :: initialism of Rzeczpospolita Polska |
rtęcica {f} | :: mercury poisoning |
rtęciowy {adj} | :: mercuric, mercurial (of, or relating to, the element mercury) |
rtęć {f} | :: mercury, quicksilver |
Ruanda {prop} {f} | :: Ruanda (country) |
rubasznica {f} | :: crassula (any plant of the genus Crassula) |
rubasznie {adv} | :: heartily, broadly |
rubaszność {f} | :: heartiness, broadness |
rubaszny {adj} | :: hearty, broad |
rubel {m inan} | :: ruble |
rubelek {m inan} | :: diminutive of rubel |
rubid {m inan} | :: rubidium (chemical element, Rb, atomic number 37) |
rubież {f} | :: border, boundary, borderline, frontier |
rubin {m inan} | :: ruby (gemstone) |
rubinowy {adj} | :: Of or relating to ruby |
rubinowy {adj} | :: ruby colour |
rubryczka {f} | :: diminutive of rubryka |
ruch {m inan} | :: movement |
ruch {m inan} | :: motion |
ruch {m inan} | :: move |
ruch {m inan} | :: traffic |
ruchable {adj} [slang, vulgar] | :: fuckable |
ruchać {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck (have sexual intercourse) |
ruchać {v impf} [vulgar, chiefly perfective] | :: to fuck over; to exploit |
ruchliwość {f} | :: mobility, activeness |
ruchliwy {adj} | :: active, mobile, moving |
ruchliwy {adj} | :: busy |
ruchomy {adj} | :: mobile |
ruczaj {m inan} [dated or literary] | :: stream; brook |
ruda {f} | :: ore |
ruda {f} [colloquial] | :: redhead; ginger; redhaired woman or girl |
Ruda Śląska {prop} {f} | :: Ruda Śląska (city) |
rudawiec {m inan} [soil science] | :: hardpan (distinct layer of soil that is largely impervious to water) |
rudera {f} [colloquial] | :: shanty, hovel |
ruderka {f} | :: diminutive of rudera |
rudnia {f} | :: place for mining bog iron ore (ruda darniowa) |
rudo {adv} | :: rufously |
rudowęglowiec {m inan} | :: A bulk carrier designed to transport coal and ore |
rudy {adj} | :: Rust (color)-coloured |
rudy {adj} | :: having red hair or fur |
rudy {m pers} [colloquial] | :: redhead; ginger; redhaired man or boy |
rudzik {m anim} | :: robin (Erithacus rubecula) |
rufa {f} | :: stern (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) |
ruga {f} [colloquial] | :: scolding, slating (criticism) |
rugać {vt impf} | :: to scold |
rugby {n} | :: rugby (sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) |
Rugia {prop} {f} | :: Rugia (island) |
ruina {f} | :: ruin |
ruja {f} | :: heat; oestrus; state of a female animal that is ready for mating |
ruletka {f} | :: roulette (game of chance) |
rulon {m inan} | :: roll (that which is rolled up) |
rulon {m inan} | :: rouleau (roll of coins put up in paper) |
rulonik {m inan} | :: diminutive of rulon |
rum. {adj} | :: abbreviation of rumuński |
rum {m inan} | :: rum (distilled spirit) |
rum {m inan} | :: rum (serving) |
rumak {m anim} [literary] | :: steed |
rumba {f} | :: rumba |
rumianek {m inan} | :: camomile (Matricaria chamomillia) |
rumianek {m inan} | :: herbal tea made from the plant |
rumiankowy {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of camomile |
rumiany {adj} | :: ruddy |
rumiany {adj} | :: rubicund |
rumiany {adj} | :: erubescent |
rumieniec {m inan} | :: blush (reddening of a person's face) |
rumień {m inan} | :: erythema |
rumowisko {n} | :: scree, rubble, debris |
rumowy {adj} [relational] | :: rum (distilled spirit) |
rumowy {adj} | :: rummy (tasting of rum) |
rumowy {adj} | :: Containing rum |
rumpel {m inan} [nautical] | :: tiller |
Rumun {m pers} | :: Romanian (person) |
Rumunia {prop} {f} | :: Romania |
Rumunka {f} | :: Romanian (native of Romania) |
rumuński {adj} | :: Romanian (of, or relating to Romania or its people) |
rumuński {m inan} | :: Romanian (language) |
runa {f} | :: rune |
runąć {vi pf} | :: to collapse |
runąć {vi pf} | :: to swoop |
runąć {vi pf} | :: to plummet |
runda {f} | :: round (one part of a game or competition) |
runiczny {adj} | :: runic |
runo {n} | :: fleece |
runo {n} | :: undergrowth (in a forest) |
ruń {f} | :: short, dense vegetation |
rupieć {m inan} [colloquial] | :: Something decrepit and useless |
rupieć {m inan} [colloquial] | :: A junker (beat-up automobile) |
rupieć {m pers} [derogatory] | :: An old, feeble person |
rupnik {m inan} | :: santonica, wormseed (Seriphidium cinum, syn. Artemisia cina) |
rura {f} | :: pipe, tube |
rurka {f} | :: diminutive of rura; small tube, small pipe |
rurki {fp} [colloquial] | :: slim-fit pants, skinny jeans |
rurkonos {m anim} | :: Any tube-nosed fruit bat of the genus Nyctimene |
rurkonos {m anim} | :: procellariiform, tubenose (seabird) |
rurociąg {m inan} | :: pipeline (a conduit made of pipes used to convey water, gas or petroleum etc) |
rus. {adj} | :: abbreviation of ruski |
rusałka {f} | :: a neck, mermaid luring people to kill them by drowning |
Rusek {m pers} [colloquial] | :: Russki |
rusiński {adj} | :: Rusyn |
ruski {adj} | :: Ruthenian |
ruski {adj} [colloquial] | :: Russki, Russian |
rusy {adj} [dated, regional] | :: fair (of hair) |
rusycystyka {f} | :: Russian studies |
rusycyzm {m inan} [linguistics] | :: Russianism |
ruszać {v impf} | :: to move, to make a move |
ruszać {v impf} | :: to dislodge |
ruszczyk {m inan} | :: butcher's broom (any plant of the genus Ruscus) |
rusznica {f} | :: hand cannon (early firearm) |
ruszt {m inan} | :: grid, grate |
ruszt {m inan} | :: gridiron |
ruszt {m inan} | :: barbeque |
ruszt {m inan} | :: grillage |
rusztować {vt impf} | :: to scaffold |
rusztowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rusztować |
rusztowanie {n} | :: scaffolding |
ruszyć {vt pf} | :: to move |
ruszyć {vt pf} | :: to stir |
ruszyć {vt pf} | :: to touch |
ruszyć {vi pf} | :: to start |
ruśnica {f} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of rusznica; hand cannon |
ruta {f} | :: rue (plant) |
ruten {m inan} | :: ruthenium |
rutenizm {m inan} [linguistics] | :: any word or phrase borrowed from any of the East Slavic languages, especially Ukrainian |
ruter {m inan} [Internet] | :: alternative spelling of router |
rutherford {m inan} | :: rutherfordium |
rutherford {m inan} | :: rutherford (unit) |
rutozyd {m inan} [biochemistry] | :: rutin, rutoside |
rutyna {f} | :: routine |
rutyna {f} | :: tedium, monotony |
rutyna {f} [biochemistry] | :: rutin, rutoside |
rwa {f} | :: acute nerve pain |
rwa kulszowa {f} [neurology, pathology] | :: sciatica |
rwać {v impf} | :: to tear, to rend |
rwać {v impf} | :: to yank, to jerk, to pull sharply |
rwać {v impf} | :: to pick, to collect fruit |
rwać {v impf} [colloquial, dated] | :: to hurt; used for pain of unknown origin |
rwać {v impf} [slang] | :: to pick up, to court, especially in an unsubtle way |
rwać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to move fast |
Rwanda {prop} {f} | :: Rwanda (country) |
rwandyjski {adj} | :: Rwandan |
rwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rwać |
rwanie {n} [weightlifting] | :: snatch |
rwetes {m inan} [colloquial] | :: hullabaloo, hustle |
ryba {f} | :: fish |
rybacki {adj} [relational] | :: fishing |
rybak {m pers} | :: fisherman, fisher |
rybałt {m pers} [historical] | :: A medieval church singer |
rybałt {m pers} [historical] | :: A medieval traveling actor or musician |
rybeczka {f} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of rybka |
rybeńka {f} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of ryba |
rybi {adj} [relational] | :: fish (of, from, pertaining to, or similar to fish) |
rybik cukrowy {m anim} | :: silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) |
rybitwa {f} | :: tern (any bird of the subfamily Sterninae) |
rybka {f} | :: diminutive of ryba |
rybka {f} [soccer] | :: nutmeg (the playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent) |
rybka {f} [affectionate] | :: sweetie |
rybnicki {adj} | :: Rybnik (of, from or pertaining to Rybnik in Poland) |
rybnik {m inan} [archaic or Upper Silesia] | :: fishpond |
Rybnik {prop} {m} | :: Rybnik (city) |
rybny {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fish |
rybojad {m pers} [archaic, derogatory] | :: piscivore, fish eater |
rybojeż {m inan} | :: spot-fin porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix) |
rybołowca {m pers} [archaic] | :: alternative form of rybołówca |
rybołów {m anim} | :: osprey, pandionid (bird of prey) |
rybołów {m pers} [obsolete] | :: fisherman |
rybołówca {m pers} [archaic] | :: fisherman |
rybołówka {f} | :: Any noddy (tern) belonging to the genus Anous |
ryboza {f} | :: ribose |
rybożerny {adj} | :: piscivorous, fish-eating |
rybsko {n} | :: augmentative of ryba |
Ryby {prop} {p} [zodiac constellations] | :: Pisces, a constellation |
Ryby {prop} {p} [astrology] | :: Pisces, an astrological sign |
rycerski {adj} | :: knightly |
rycerski {adj} | :: chivalrous, gallant |
rycersko {adv} | :: in a knightly manner |
rycersko {adv} | :: gallantly |
rycerskość {f} | :: chivalry |
rycerskość {f} | :: gallantry |
rycerstwo {n} | :: knighthood |
rycerz {m pers} | :: knight (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) |
rycerzyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of rycerz |
rycerzyk {m inan} [colloquial] | :: someone brave, valiant |
rychlej {adj} | :: comparative of rychło |
rychlejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of rychły |
rychło {adv} | :: In a short time; promptly; soon |
rychło w czas {phrase} | :: too little too late; an action undertaken too late to be effective |
rychły {adj} | :: Which occurs after a short time; prompt; soon |
rycie {n} | :: verbal noun of ryć |
rycina {f} [dated] | :: engraving, illustration in a printed text |
ryczałt {m inan} | :: flat rate, lump sum |
ryczeć {vi impf} | :: to roar |
ryczeć {vi impf} | :: to bellow, to low |
ryczeć {vi impf} | :: to cry, to scream, to yell |
ryć {vt impf} | :: to dig, to burrow |
ryć {vt impf} | :: to engrave, to etch |
rydel {m inan} | :: spade, spud |
rydelek {m inan} | :: diminutive of rydel |
rydwan {m inan} | :: chariot |
rydz {m anim} | :: saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus) |
rydz {m anim} [colloquial] | :: camelina, gold-of-pleasure, false flax (Camelina sativa) |
Ryga {prop} {f} | :: Ryga (capital city) |
rygor {m inan} | :: rigour, discipline |
ryj {m inan} | :: snout (long, projecting nose, mouth and jaw of a beast) |
ryj {m inan} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: face |
ryjec {m anim} [rare] | :: A digging or burrowing animal |
ryjek {m inan} | :: diminutive of ryj |
ryjkołaz {m anim} | :: marsupial shrew (any marsupial of the genus Phascolosorex) |
ryjkonos {m anim} | :: elephant shrew, sengi of the genus Macroscelides |
ryjkonos {m anim} [usually plural] | :: elephant shrew, sengi, macroscelid (mammal belonging to the order Macroscelidea) |
ryjkonos {m anim} | :: hog-nosed bat of the genus Craseonycteris |
ryjonos {m anim} | :: ferret-badger (mustelid of the genus Melogale) |
ryjówka {f} | :: shrew |
ryk {m inan} | :: roar, bellow, bray |
rykoszet {m inan} | :: ricochet (instance of ricocheting) |
rykowisko {n} | :: rut or rutting season of cervids |
rykowisko {n} | :: A place where cervids gather during mating season |
rylec {m inan} | :: stylus (writing implement) |
rylec {m inan} | :: burin, graver (tool used in engraving) |
rylec {m inan} | :: burin (lithic flake) |
rylec {m inan} | :: drypoint |
ryło {n} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: mug (face) |
rym {m inan} | :: rhyme (rhyming verse (poetic form)) |
rym częstochowski {m inan} [idiom, pejorative] | :: A cheap, trite or uncreative rhyme; especially one formed by identically inflected words |
rymarz {m pers} | :: A saddler; any leatherworker (not including bootmakers) |
rymarz {m pers} [archaic] | :: A poetaster |
rymować {vr impf} | :: to rhyme |
rymować {vt impf} | :: to create a rhyme |
rynek {m inan} | :: market |
rynek {m inan} | :: marketplace |
rynna {f} | :: leader (pipe to conduct water from the roof) |
rynna {f} | :: trough (a gutter under the eaves of a building) |
rynna {f} | :: gutter (duct or channel beneath the eaves) |
rynsztok {m inan} | :: sewer, street gutter (prepared channel in a surface) |
rynsztok {m inan} [figuratively] | :: the gutter (low, vulgar state) |
rynsztokowy {adj} [relational] | :: gutter (prepared channel in a surface) |
rynsztokowy {adj} [relational] | :: the gutter (low, vulgar state) |
rynsztunek {m inan} | :: kit (collection of items needed for a specific purpose) |
rynsztunek {m inan} [military] | :: baggage (army's portable equipment) |
rynsztunek {m inan} [archaic] | :: kit (equipment of a soldier) |
rypanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rypać |
rys {m inan} | :: hallmark (distinct characteristic) |
rys {m inan} | :: lineament |
rys {m inan} | :: summary, recapitulation, synopsis, abstract |
rysa {f} | :: scratch (on the surface of something) |
rysa {f} | :: crack (on the wall, rock etc.) |
rysa {f} | :: deap crease |
rysa {f} | :: small but significant character flaw or any other imperfection of phenomena, processes etc |
rysi {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a lynx |
Rysia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
rysiątko {n} | :: diminutive of rysię; lynx cub |
rysica {f} | :: female lynx |
rysię {n} [rare] | :: lynx cub |
rysik {m inan} | :: stylus, pen for writing on touch-sensitive screens |
ryska {f} | :: diminutive of rysa |
ryski {adj} [relational] | :: Riga (of, from or pertaining to Riga in Latvia) |
rysopis {m inan} | :: A description of a person's physical features |
rysować {v impf} | :: to draw, to sketch |
rysowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rysować |
rysunek {m inan} | :: drawing, picture |
rysunek {m inan} | :: outline, shape |
Rysy {prop} {p} | :: Rysy, a mountain in the crest of the High Tatras, lying on the border between Poland and Slovakia |
Ryszard {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
Ryszarda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
ryś {m anim} | :: lynx |
Ryś {prop} {m anim} [astronomy] | :: Lynx (constellation) |
Ryś {prop} {m inan} | :: Ryś (Polish szlachta coat of arms) |
Ryś {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
ryt {m inan} | :: engraving (incising a design onto a hard surface by cutting grooves into it) |
ryt {m inan} | :: engraving (something engraved onto a hard surface) |
ryt {m inan} | :: engraving (print produced from an engraving) |
ryt {m inan} | :: rite (established, ceremonial act) |
rytm {m inan} | :: rhythm |
rytualnie {adj} | :: ritually |
rytualny {adj} | :: ritual |
rytuał {m inan} | :: ritual |
rywal {m pers} | :: A male rival, competitor |
rywalizacja {f} | :: rivalry, competition (the action of competing) |
rywalka {f} | :: A female rival, competitor |
ryza {f} | :: ream, 500 pages of paper |
ryzyko {n} | :: risk |
ryż {m inan} | :: rice |
ryża {f} [colloquial] | :: redhead; ginger; redhaired woman or girl |
ryżojad {m anim} | :: bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) |
ryżowy {adj} | :: rice (made from or related to rice) |
ryży {adj} [colloquial] | :: Having red hair or fur; redheaded; redhaired |
ryży {m pers} [colloquial] | :: redhead; ginger; redhaired man or boy |
rzadki {adj} | :: rare, uncommon |
rzadki {adj} | :: thin, runny, smooth (of a liquid) |
rzadki {adj} | :: sparse |
rzadki {adj} [mathematics] | :: sparse |
rzadko {adv} | :: rarely, seldom |
rzadkość {f} | :: rarity, scarcity |
rzadszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of rzadki |
rzadziej {adv} | :: comparative of rzadko |
rząd {m inan} | :: row |
rząd {m inan} | :: tack (equipment and accessories worn by horses) |
rząd {m inan} [taxonomy] | :: order |
rząd {m inan} [algebra, logic] | :: order |
rząd {m inan} [linear algebra] | :: rank |
rząd {m inan} [chess] | :: rank |
rząd {m inan} [chiefly archaic] | :: government, management, economy |
rząd {m inan} | :: government as an organ |
rząd {m inan} [politics, colloquial] | :: cabinet, executive branch |
rząd {m inan} [in the plural] | :: reign, leadership |
rządca {m pers} | :: ruler (person who rules) |
rządca {m pers} | :: governor, administrator |
rządowy {adj} | :: governmental (pertaining to the government) |
rządowy {adj} | :: pertaining to the executive branch |
rządzić {v impf} | :: to rule |
rządzić {v impf} | :: to govern |
rząp {m inan} [mining] | :: sump |
rząpie {n} [mining] | :: alternative form of rząp |
rzec {v pf} [dated, literary] | :: to say |
rzec {v impf} [dated, literary] | :: to say |
rzecz {f} | :: thing |
rzecz {f} [obsolete] | :: matter |
rzecz {f} [obsolete] | :: speech, conversation |
rzeczka {f} | :: diminutive of rzeka |
rzecznictwo {n} | :: advocacy (speaking on someone's behalf) |
rzeczniczka {f} | :: female spokesperson; spokeswoman |
rzecznik {m pers} | :: spokesman |
rzecznik {m pers} | :: ombudsman |
rzeczny {adj} [relational] | :: river, fluvial |
rzeczownik {m inan} [grammar] | :: noun |
rzeczowy {adj} | :: relating to things |
rzeczowy {adj} [of a gift or payment] | :: concrete, material, substantial, in-kind |
rzeczowy {adj} | :: businesslike, matter-of-fact |
rzeczoznawca {m pers} | :: appraiser |
rzeczoznawstwo {n} | :: appraisal |
rzeczpospolita {f} [archaic] | :: republic or commonwealth |
Rzeczpospolita {f} [formal] | :: the Polish state |
Rzeczpospolita {f} | :: Rzeczpospolita, daily nationwide newspaper in Poland |
Rzeczpospolita Polska {prop} {f} | :: Republic of Poland (official name of Poland) |
rzeczywistość {f} | :: reality |
rzeczywisty {adj} | :: real |
rzeczywiście {adv} | :: actually, really |
rzeka {f} | :: river |
Rzeka Żółta {prop} {f} | :: Huang He |
rzekomo {adv} | :: allegedly, reportedly |
rzekomy {adj} | :: alleged, supposed |
rzekomy {adj} | :: ostensible |
rzekomy {adj} [medicine] | :: false, phantom |
rzemienny {adj} | :: leather (made of leather) |
rzemień {m inan} | :: strap, thong, sling |
rzemieślniczka {f} | :: female artisan |
rzemieślniczy {adj} | :: artisanal (of or pertaining to artisans) |
rzemieślniczy {adj} | :: artisanal (involving skilled work that is not very mechanised) |
rzemieślnik {m pers} | :: artisan |
rzemiosło {n} | :: craft (skilled practice) |
rzemlik {m anim} | :: Any longhorn beetle belonging to the genus Saperda |
rzep {m inan} | :: bur (a prickly seed case or flower head that clings to animals and clothes) |
rzep {m inan} | :: Velcro (a fastener for clothes) |
rzepa {f} | :: turnip |
rzepak {m inan} | :: rapeseed (Brassica napus) |
rzepicha {f} | :: yellowcress (any plant in the genus Rorippa) |
rzepień {m inan} | :: cocklebur (plant of the genus Xanthium) |
rzepik {m inan} | :: agrimony, plant of the genus Agrimonia |
rzepik {m inan} | :: Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera |
rzepka {f} | :: diminutive of rzepa |
rzepka {f} [anatomy] | :: patella, kneecap |
rzepnica {f} | :: Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard) |
rzepołuch {m anim} | :: twite (Linaria flavirostris) |
rzesza {f} | :: crowd, multitude, throng |
rzesza {f} | :: Reich |
rzeszoto {n} | :: riddle (sieve with coarse meshes) |
rzeszowski {adj} | :: Rzeszów (of, from or pertaining to Rzeszów in Poland) |
Rzeszów {prop} {m} | :: Rzeszów (city), capital of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship |
rzetelniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of rzetelny |
rzetelny {adj} | :: reliable, honest, fair |
rzetelny {adj} | :: solid (lacking errors or inconsistencies) |
rzewień {m inan} | :: rhubarb (any plant of the genus Rheum) |
rzewnia {f} | :: casuarina |
rzewnie {adv} | :: dolefully, sorrowfully |
rzewnie {adv} | :: tenderly |
rzewny {adj} | :: maudlin |
rzewny {adj} | :: mawkish |
rzewny {adj} | :: tender |
rzewny {adj} | :: mournful |
rzezać {vt impf} [archaic] | :: to cut |
rzezać {vt impf} [archaic] | :: to carve, to sculpt |
rzezimieszek {m pers} [dated] | :: thug, bandit, robber |
rzeź {f} [dated or literary] | :: slaughter, killing an animal to harvest its meat |
rzeź {f} | :: massacre, mass killing |
rzeź niewiniątek {f} [biblical] | :: Massacre of the Innocents |
rzeź niewiniątek {f} [idiom, humorous] | :: an extremely hard exam or test that most takers fail |
rzeźba {f} | :: sculpture (a work of art created by sculpting) |
rzeźba {f} | :: shape, outline |
rzeźbiarka {f} | :: sculptress |
rzeźbiarstwo {n} | :: sculpture (art of sculpting) |
rzeźbiarz {m pers} | :: sculptor |
rzeźbić {vt impf} | :: to sculpt, to carve |
rzeźnia {f} | :: slaughterhouse |
rzeźnia {f} [figuratively] | :: slaughterhouse (scene of a massacre) |
rzeźnik {m pers} | :: butcher (a person who prepares and sells meat) |
rzeźwy {adj} | :: refreshing |
rzeźwy {adj} | :: energetic, brisk |
rzeżączka {f} | :: gonorrhoea |
rzeżucha {f} | :: bittercress (Cardamine) |
rzeżucha {f} [colloquial] | :: garden cress (Lepidium sativum) |
rzeżucha zimowa {f} | :: bittercress (Barbarea vulgaris) |
rzęch {m anim} [colloquial] | :: A junker (beat-up automobile) |
rzęch {m anim} [colloquial] | :: Any old, worn out device |
rzępolić {v impf} [colloquial, humorous] | :: to play a string instrument badly; to rasp |
rzęsa {f} | :: eyelash |
rzęsa {f} | :: Any duckweed of the genus Lemna |
rzęsiak {m inan} | :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Ptilidium |
rzęsienica {f} | :: Any liverwort belonging to the genus Trichocolea |
rzęsistek {m anim} | :: Any trichomonad of the genus Trichomonas |
rzęsistkowica {f} [disease] | :: trichomoniasis |
rzęsistkowy {adj} [relational] | :: Trichomonas |
rzęsistszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of rzęsisty |
rzęsisty {adj} | :: very intensive; [of rain] torrential |
rzęska {f} | :: diminutive of rzęsa |
rzęska {f} [cytology] | :: cilium |
rzęst {m inan} | :: Epacris, certain heaths of Australia and New Zealand |
rzęśl {f} | :: water-starwort (any plant of the genus Callitriche) |
rzęzić {vi impf} | :: to wheeze, to rattle, to splutter |
rzodkiew {f} | :: radish, any plant of the genus Raphanus |
rzodkiew świrzepa {f} | :: wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) |
rzodkiewka {f} | :: radish |
rzucać {vt impf} | :: to throw, to pitch |
rzucać {vt impf} | :: to toss |
rzucać mięsem {v impf} [colloquial, idiom] | :: to swear; to hurl insults |
rzucać perły przed wieprze {v impf} | :: cast pearls before swine |
rzucić {vt pf} | :: to throw, to pitch |
rzucić {vt pf} | :: to toss |
rzucić {vt pf} [colloquial] | :: to dump (end a relationship) |
rzucić {vt pf} | :: to cast (a spell) |
rzucić {vt pf} | :: to say, to speak (something very quick) |
rzucić okiem {v pf} [idiom] | :: to have a look, to glance [+ na (object) = acc = at something] |
rzut {m inan} | :: toss, throw |
rzut {m inan} [mathematics] | :: projection |
rzut {m inan} [architecture] | :: floor plan |
rzut beretem {m inan} | :: See: pl rzut beret |
rzut beretem {m inan} [humorous] | :: stone's throw (short distance) |
rzut karny {m inan} [sports] | :: penalty kick |
rzut rożny {m inan} [soccer] | :: corner kick |
rzutek {m inan} [dated] | :: alternative form of rzucik |
rzutka {f} [sailing] | :: heaving line |
rzutka {f} [colloquial] | :: dart |
rzutki {adj} | :: energetic, go-ahead, go-getting, enterprising |
rzutki {fp} [games, sports] | :: darts |
rzutnik {m inan} | :: projector (optical device) |
rzutować {v impf} | :: to reflect on, to affect [+ na (object) = acc = something] |
rzutować {v impf} [mathematics] | :: to project |
rzutować {v impf} [programming] | :: to typecast |
rzutowanie {n} | :: projection |
rzutowanie {n} [programming] | :: cast, typecast |
rzutowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of rzutować |
rzyć {f} [dated, dialectal] | :: buttocks, ass |
rzyg {m inan} [colloquial, usually plural] | :: vomit |
rzyg {m inan} [Internet slang, derogatory] | :: rant; hateful or otherwise offensive expression of opinion |
rzygacz {m anim} | :: gargoyle |
rzygacz {m pers} [colloquial] | :: vomiter, puker (someone who vomits or pukes) |
rzygać {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to vomit, to puke |
rzyganie {n} | :: verbal noun of rzygać |
rzygi {p} [colloquial] | :: vomit, vomitus |
rzygowiny {p} | :: vomit, vomitus |
Rzym {prop} {m inan} | :: Rzym (capital city) |
Rzym {prop} {m inan} | :: Rzym (ancient empire) |
Rzymianin {m pers} | :: Roman (a native or inhabitant of the Roman Empire) |
rzymski {adj} | :: Roman (of, from or pertaining to Rome in Italy) |
rzymski {adj} | :: Roman (of, from or pertaining to the Roman Empire) |
rzymskokatolicki {adj} | :: Roman Catholic |
rżeć {v impf} | :: to neigh |
rżeć {v impf} [colloquial, sometimes, pejorative] | :: to guffaw; to laugh loudly |
rżnąć {v impf} | :: to saw; to cut wood |
rżnąć {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck; to have sex, especially in an energetic or violent way |
rżnąć {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to piss |
rżnąć głupa {v impf} [colloquial, idiom] | :: to play stupid; to pretend to be ignorant, especially in order to avoid responsibility |