User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-k
Kaastrup {prop} | :: surname |
kabelfærge {noun} | :: cable ferry |
kadaver {noun} | :: corpse |
kadmium {noun} | :: alternative spelling of cadmium |
kæbe {noun} | :: jaw |
kæde {noun} | :: chain |
kæde {noun} | :: line |
kæde {v} | :: kæde sammen – connect, link up |
kædebrev {noun} | :: chain letter |
kædereaktion {c} | :: a chain reaction |
kæderyge {v} | :: chain-smoke |
kæderyger {noun} | :: chain-smoker |
kædesav {noun} | :: a chainsaw |
kædet {v} | :: past participle of kæde |
kæft {noun} [vulgar] | :: mouth |
kæft {interj} [colloquial] | :: Expression of emotion |
kæfte op {phrase} | :: talk |
kæk {adj} | :: brave, bold |
kæk {adj} | :: spirited |
kæk {adj} | :: cheerful |
kælder {v} | :: cellar, basement |
kæle {v} | :: to pet |
kæle {v} | :: to cuddle |
kæledyr {noun} | :: pet |
kæledyr {noun} | :: stuffed animal |
kælenavn {noun} | :: pet name |
kælet {v} | :: past participle of kæle |
kælling {noun} [offensive, vulgar] | :: bitch (spiteful woman) |
kælling {noun} [archaic] | :: an old woman |
kæmme {v} | :: to comb with a comb or a fine-tooth comb |
kæmme {v} [by extension] | :: to investigate exhaustively and meticulously to find all instances of something (as though delousing) |
kæmpe {adj} | :: gigantic, colossal |
kæmpe {adj} | :: giant |
kæmpe {noun} | :: giant |
kæmpe {noun} [archaic] | :: warrior |
kæmpe {noun} | :: plantain (Plantago major) |
kæmpe {v} | :: fight, struggle, battle |
kæmpehagl {noun} | :: hail of very large size |
kæmpemæssig {adj} | :: giant, huge |
kæmpet {v} | :: past participle of kæmpe |
kænguru {noun} | :: kangaroo |
kæp {noun} | :: stick |
kæp {noun} | :: switch |
kæp {noun} | :: penis |
kæphest {noun} | :: hobby horse (child's toy) |
kæphest {noun} [figuratively] | :: hobby horse (topic about which someone loves to talk), fad |
kær {noun} | :: pond, pool |
kær {noun} | :: marsh, fen |
kær {adj} | :: dear |
kære {v} [legal] | :: appeal |
kæreste {noun} | :: boyfriend or girlfriend |
kæreste {noun} | :: significant other |
kærestekedelig {adj} | :: who, after getting a boyfriend or girlfriend, spends less time with their friends |
kærestepar {noun} | :: an unmarried couple |
kærlig {adj} | :: loving, affectionate |
kærlighed {noun} | :: love, affection |
kærlighedserklæring {noun} | :: declaration of love |
kærlig hilsen {phrase} | :: Somewhat intimate way of ending an e-mail, letter or similar; yours truly |
kærne {noun} | :: churn |
kærne {v} | :: to churn |
kærnemælk {noun} | :: buttermilk [low-fat milk left over after the production of butter] |
kært barn har mange navne {proverb} [idiom] | :: loved ones have many names |
kærte {noun} | :: candle (light source consisting of a wick embedded in a solid, flammable substance such as wax, tallow, or paraffin) |
kærte {noun} | :: taper (slender wax candle) |
kærtegne {v} | :: to caress, to touch gently and lovingly |
kætter {noun} | :: heretic |
kaffe {noun} | :: coffee |
kaffebønne {noun} | :: coffee bean |
kaffekande {noun} | :: coffee pot |
kaffekop {noun} | :: coffee cup |
kaffemik {noun} | :: in Greenland, an informal get-together with coffee and such |
kage {noun} | :: cake |
kagle {v} | :: to cackle |
Kai {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Kaj |
Kairo {prop} | :: Kairo (capital city) |
kaj {noun} | :: pier, dock |
Kaj {prop} | :: given name |
kajak {v} | :: kayak |
kakao {noun} | :: cocoa |
kakao {noun} | :: cacao |
kakaosmør {n} | :: cocoa butter |
kakerlak {noun} | :: cockroach |
kakofoni {noun} | :: cacophony (mix of discordant sounds; dissonance) |
kaktus {noun} | :: cactus |
kål {noun} | :: cabbage, kale |
kalcium {noun} | :: alternative spelling of calcium |
kald {noun} | :: vocation, calling; an inclination to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career |
kalde {v} | :: to call, to refer to |
kalde på {v} | :: to call for, to summon by shouting |
Kaleb {prop} | :: Caleb [biblical character] |
Kaleb {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
kalejdoskop {noun} | :: kaleidoscope |
kalender {noun} | :: calendar |
Kalifornien {prop} | :: alternative form of Californien |
Kaliforniens {prop} | :: genitive of Kalifornien |
kalium {noun} | :: potassium |
kalium sorbat {noun} | :: common misspelling for kaliumsorbat |
kalk {noun} [mineral] | :: lime |
kalk {noun} | :: chalice |
kalksten {noun} | :: limestone |
kalkulere {v} | :: to calculate |
kalkun {noun} | :: turkey (bird) |
kalorius {noun} | :: penis |
Kaltoft {prop} | :: surname |
kalv {noun} | :: calf [young cow or bull, also used of some other large animals, e.g. deer, whale, elephant, rhinoceros] |
kalv {noun} [uncountable] | :: [veal] |
kalv {noun} | :: a small island neighbouring a bigger island |
kamæleon {noun} | :: chameleon |
kamel {noun} | :: camel |
kamerahold {noun} [film] | :: camera crew |
kameramand {noun} | :: cameraman (of either gender) |
Kamilla {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Camilla |
kamille {noun} | :: camomile |
kamin {noun} | :: fireplace, hearth (in an open recess in the wall of a room) |
Kamma {prop} | :: given name, a blend of Karen and Margrethe |
kammer {noun} | :: room |
kammer {noun} | :: chamber |
kammer {noun} | :: lock (segment of a canal) |
kammerat {noun} | :: mate (e.g. schoolmate) |
kammerat {noun} | :: comrade (socialism) |
kammerjunk {noun} | :: misconstruction of kammerjunker |
kammerjunker {noun} | :: a sort of small biscuit or cake, especially eaten with koldskål |
kamp {noun} | :: battle, struggle (violent) |
kamp {noun} | :: endeavour, struggle (non-violent) |
kamp {noun} | :: game, match (of e.g. ball games) |
kampsport {noun} | :: combat sport |
kampvogn {c} | :: a tank (military fighting vehicle) |
kanadisk {adj} | :: Canadian (of or pertaining to Canada) |
kanal {c} | :: canal (artificial waterway) |
kanal {c} | :: duct (in the body etc.) |
kanal {c} | :: channel (radio / TV frequency) |
kanal {c} | :: channel (method of communication) |
kanal {c} | :: channel (narrow body of water) |
kanalisere {v} | :: to channel [something] |
kanalisere {v} | :: to canalise, channelise |
kanalje {noun} | :: mean person, villain |
kanalje {noun} [collectively, obsolete] | :: rabble, people of the lower classes |
kanapé {noun} | :: canapé (a bite size slice open-faced sandwich; elegent sofa) |
kanariefugl {noun} | :: canary (bird from Canary Islands) |
kande {noun} | :: jug (large serving vessel, amount a jug can hold) |
kande {noun} | :: pitcher (wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids) |
kande {noun} | :: pot (coffee or teapot) |
kande {noun} | :: ewer (kind of widemouthed pitcher or jug) |
kande {noun} | :: can (watering can, oilcan) |
kandestøber {noun} | :: tinker, pewterer |
kandestøber {noun} | :: armchair politician |
kandidat {noun} | :: candidate |
kandisere {v} | :: to candy, to crystallize |
kandstøber {c} | :: obsolete spelling of kandestøber |
kanel {c} {n} | :: cinnamon |
kanelsnegl {noun} | :: cinnamon roll |
kanin {noun} | :: rabbit |
kanon {noun} | :: cannon (weapon) |
kanon {noun} | :: canon (group of literary works) |
kanonføde {noun} | :: cannon fodder |
kanonisere {v} | :: to canonize |
kanonkugle {noun} [military] | :: cannonball |
Kansas' {prop} | :: genitive of Kansas |
Kansas {prop} | :: Kansas (state) |
kanske {adv} [archaic or humorous] | :: maybe |
kant {noun} | :: edge, border |
kantet {adj} | :: angular |
kantet {adj} | :: edged |
kantsten {c} | :: kerb (UK), curb (US) |
kanyle {noun} | :: A hypodermic needle |
kaos {noun} | :: chaos |
kap {noun} [geography] | :: cape |
kapacitans {noun} [physics] | :: capacitance |
kapacitor {noun} [electronics] | :: capacitor |
kapel {noun} | :: chapel |
kapere {v} | :: understand |
kapere {v} | :: overview; supervise |
kapere {v} | :: accept |
kapers {noun} | :: caper |
kapitalisme {c} | :: capitalism (socio-economic system based on private property rights) |
kapitel {n} | :: chapter |
kappe {noun} | :: cloak |
kappe {noun} | :: coat, greatcoat |
kappe {v} | :: cut |
kappe {v} | :: lop, pollard, head |
kappeklædt {adj} | :: caped, wearing a cape |
kappet {v} | :: past participle of kappe |
kapring {noun} | :: hijacking |
kapsel {noun} [pharmacy] | :: capsule |
kaptajn {noun} | :: captain |
kaput {adj} | :: broken, dysfunctional |
Kap Verde {prop} | :: Kap Verde (archipelago/and/country) |
kar {noun} | :: vessel |
kar {noun} | :: trough |
kår {np} | :: circumstances, conditions |
karaffel {c} | :: carafe |
karaffel {c} | :: The quantity of liquid that can be held in a carafe |
karakal {noun} | :: caracal |
karakter {noun} | :: character (distinguishing feature) |
karakter {noun} | :: mark (a score for finding the correct answer, or other academic achievement) |
karakter {noun} | :: grade (rating) |
karakterisere {v} | :: to characterise (UK) or characterize (something) |
karakteristik {noun} | :: characteristic |
karakteristikum {noun} | :: characteristic, trait |
karamel {noun} | :: caramel |
karamel {noun} | :: toffee |
karantæne {noun} | :: quarantine |
karate {noun} | :: karate |
karavane {noun} | :: caravan |
karbon {noun} [chemistry, rare] | :: alternative spelling of carbon |
Karbon {prop} [geology] | :: Carboniferous |
karcinogen {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
karcinogen {noun} | :: carcinogen |
kardinalitet {noun} [set theory] | :: cardinality |
kardinaltal {noun} [grammar] | :: cardinal numeral |
kardiogram {noun} | :: cardiogram |
kardioide {noun} [geometry] | :: cardioid |
kardon {noun} | :: cardoon |
Karelen {prop} {n} | :: Karelia (region) |
Karen {prop} | :: given name |
karikatur {noun} | :: caricature |
karikaturtegning {noun} | :: caricature in the form of a drawing |
karikere {v} | :: caricature |
Karin {prop} | :: given name |
Karina {prop} | :: given name derived from Katharina ( =Catherine) |
karisma {noun} | :: charisma (personal charm or magnetism) |
karisma {noun} [Christianity] | :: charisma (extraordinary power granted by the Holy Spirit) |
karl {noun} | :: farmhand [a man working at at farm] |
karl {noun} | :: groom, ostler [a man looking after horses] |
karl {noun} [colloquial] | :: bloke, chap, guy |
Karl {prop} | :: given name |
Karla {prop} | :: given name |
Karlsen {prop} | :: surname |
karnap {noun} | :: bay window |
Karoline {prop} | :: given name |
karotin {noun} | :: carotene |
karpe {noun} | :: carp [Cyprinus carpio] |
karry {noun} | :: curry powder (a mixture of spices, usually including turmeric, commonly used in Asian cooking) |
Karsten {prop} | :: given name |
kartager {noun} | :: Carthaginian |
kartagisk {adj} | :: Carthaginian |
kartesisk {adj} | :: Cartesian, of or pertaining to Descartes |
kartesisk {adj} [math] | :: Cartesian |
kartoffel {noun} | :: potato |
kartoffel {noun} [slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: whitey (A derogatory word used about ethnic Danes, mostly used by Middle Eastern people.) |
kartoffelmos {noun} | :: mashed potatoes |
Karybdis {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Charybdis |
kasino {n} | :: a casino |
kasjuber {noun} | :: Kashubian (person) |
kasjubisk {adj} | :: Kashubian [of or pertaining to Kashubia or the Kashubian people] |
kaskade {noun} | :: large amounts of water streaming out |
kaskelothval {noun} | :: sperm whale |
kasket {noun} | :: cap (head covering with a brim) |
kasket {noun} | :: hat (symbolic reference to a particular role or capacity) |
kaskjet {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of kasket |
Kasper {prop} | :: given name |
kasse {noun} | :: box |
kasse {noun} [geometry] | :: a rectangular cuboid |
kasseapparat {noun} | :: cash register, till |
kasserolle {noun} | :: saucepan (deep cooking vessel with a handle) |
kassevogn {m} | :: van (a (covered) vehicle used for carrying goods) |
kast {noun} | :: throw |
kastanje {noun} | :: chestnut (nut of the chestnut tree) |
kastanje {noun} | :: chestnut, chestnut tree, Castanea |
kastanje {noun} | :: horse-chestnut (seed) |
kastanje {noun} | :: horse-chestnut (tree), Aesculus |
kastanjebrun {adj} | :: auburn, chestnut (of a reddish-brown colour) |
kaste {noun} | :: caste |
kaste {v} | :: to throw, to chuck |
kaste {v} | :: to drop |
kaste {v} | :: to cast |
kaste håndklædet i ringen {v} | :: throw in the towel |
kastel {noun} | :: citadel |
kaste op {v} | :: throw up, vomit, hurl, chuck up |
kaste perler for svin {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: cast pearls before swine |
kaster {noun} | :: thrower (someone who throws, something that throws) |
kastestjerne {c} | :: shuriken |
kastet {v} | :: past participle of kaste |
kast ikke med sten hvis du selv bor i et glashus {proverb} | :: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones |
kastiliansk {adj} [unofficial] | :: alternative spelling of castiliansk |
kastiliansk {noun} [unofficial] | :: alternative spelling of castiliansk |
kasus {noun} [grammar] | :: grammatical case |
kat {noun} | :: cat |
kat {noun} | :: khat |
katakombe {noun} | :: catacomb |
katalog {noun} | :: catalog, catalogue |
katalysator {noun} [chemistry] | :: catalyst |
katalyse {noun} [chemistry] | :: catalysis |
katalytisk {adj} [chemistry] | :: catalytic |
katastrofe {noun} | :: catastrophe |
katastrofe {noun} | :: disaster |
katastrofeteori {noun} [mathematics] | :: catastrophe theory |
katastrofeteori {noun} [countable] | :: a theory about catastrophe |
Kate {prop} | :: given name |
kateder {noun} | :: a desk in a classroom for the use of teachers |
kateder {noun} [now rare] | :: alternative spelling of kateter |
kategori {noun} | :: category |
katete {noun} [geometry] | :: cathetus |
kateter {noun} | :: catheter, body-tube |
Katharina {prop} | :: given name |
Kathrine {prop} | :: given name |
Katja {prop} | :: given name |
Katrine {prop} | :: given name |
kattebestand {noun} | :: cat population |
kattedyr {noun} | :: felid |
kattejammer {noun} | :: bad, disharmonious or noisy music |
kattejammer {noun} [rare] | :: caterwaul, caterwauling |
kattejammer {noun} [archaic] | :: katzenjammer |
katteklo {noun} | :: cat claw; claw of a cat |
kattelem {noun} | :: cat flap |
kattelem {noun} [idiomatic, law] | :: create a possibility to exit from or change something gracefully later on |
kattemad {noun} | :: cat food |
kaudervælsk {n} | :: gibberish |
kaution {noun} | :: caution, security, guaranty |
kaution {noun} | :: caution, bail |
kavaleri {noun} [military] | :: cavalry |
kavalerist {noun} [military] | :: a cavalryman |
kaviar {noun} | :: caviar (roe of the sturgeon or other large fish) |
KBH {prop} | :: initialism of København |
kbm {noun} | :: abbreviation of kubikmeter Symbol m³ |
KDM {noun} [nautical, military] | :: Kongelige Danske Marine - HDMS - ship prefix of the Royal Danish Navy (Søværnet) |
ked {adj} | :: tired (of), sorry (about) |
kede {vr} | :: to be bored |
kede {vt} | :: to bore someone |
kedel {noun} | :: kettle |
kedel {noun} | :: boiler |
kedelig {adj} | :: boring |
kedelig {adj} | :: unfortunate, lamentable |
kejser {noun} | :: emperor (ruler of an empire) |
kejserinde {noun} | :: empress |
kejserpingvin {noun} | :: emperor penguin |
kejserrige {noun} | :: empire (super-state ruled by an emperor) |
kejsersnit {noun} | :: Caesarean section (incision in the womb) |
kejthåndet {adj} [now, uncommon] | :: left-handed (preferring the left hand over the right) |
kel {noun} | :: hollow moulding, cavetto |
kel {noun} | :: valley |
Keld {prop} | :: given name, borne by a twelfth century Danish saint, Sankt Keld (da)Sankt Keld |
kemiker {noun} | :: chemist |
Ken {prop} | :: given name of English origin |
kende {v} | :: know [be acquainted or familiar with] |
kende {adv} | :: a little bit |
kende {noun} [obsolete] | :: characteristic, feature |
kendeord {noun} [grammar] | :: article [a part of speech indicating that a noun phrase is definite or indefinite] |
kender {noun} | :: connoisseur |
kender {noun} | :: expert |
kendetegn {noun} | :: characteristic |
kendetegne {v} | :: to characterize, to be characteristic of |
kendetegne {v} | :: to characterize, to describe, to depict (as) |
kendskab {noun} | :: knowledge (awareness) |
kendt {adj} | :: known |
kendt {adj} | :: famous |
Kenneth {prop} | :: given name |
kenning {noun} [poetry] | :: kenning |
kenotaf {noun} | :: cenotaph (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere) |
Kent {prop} | :: given name, interpreted as a short form of Kenneth |
kentaur {noun} | :: centaur |
Kentucky {prop} | :: Kentucky (state) |
Kentuckys {prop} | :: genitive of Kentucky |
keramik {noun} | :: ceramic |
kere {vt} [obsolete] | :: to turn |
kere {vr} | :: to care about |
kermesbær {noun} | :: pokeberry, pokeweed, Phytolacca americana (plant) |
kermesbær {noun} | :: pokeberry (fruit) |
kerne {noun} | :: core, central thing |
kerne {noun} | :: seed |
kernefamilie {noun} | :: nuclear family |
kernefysik {c} | :: nuclear physics |
kernefysiker {noun} | :: nuclear physicist, person occupied with nuclear physics |
kernekraft {noun} | :: nuclear power |
kernekraft {noun} [physics] | :: nuclear force [two of the four fundamental forces] |
kernekraftværk {noun} | :: nuclear power plant [facility producing energy from the heat generated in nuclear reactions] |
kernevåben {n} | :: nuclear weapon |
kerte {noun} | :: candle (light source consisting of a wick embedded in a solid, flammable substance such as wax, tallow, or paraffin) |
kerte {noun} | :: taper (slender wax candle) |
ketchup {noun} [uncountable] | :: ketchup [a tomate sauce with vinegar] |
ketchup {noun} [countable] | :: ketchup [a particular brand or type of ketchup] |
ketogan {noun} | :: ketobemidone |
keton {noun} [organic chemistry] | :: ketone |
ketsjer {noun} | :: racket, or racquet (a bat for playing tennis, badminton or squash) |
ketsjer {noun} | :: butterfly net, hand net |
Ketty {prop} | :: given name derived from Kitty, the English pet form of Katherine |
Kevin {prop} | :: given name recently borrowed from English |
keynesianisme {noun} [economics] | :: Keynesianism |
keynesiansk {adj} [economics] | :: Keynesian |
kgl. {adj} | :: abbreviation of kongelig |
Kharybdis {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Charybdis |
kierkegaardiansk {adj} | :: alternative spelling of kierkegaardsk |
kierkegaardsk {adj} [philosophy] | :: Kierkegaardian |
kierkegårdsk {adj} | :: alternative spelling of kierkegaardsk |
Kiev {prop} | :: Kiev (capital city) |
Kiev {prop} | :: Kiev (oblast) |
kigge {v} | :: to look |
kigge {v} | :: to glance |
kigge {v} | :: to peek, peep |
kigge {v} | :: to peer |
kigge {v} | :: to gaze |
kighoste {noun} [pathology] | :: whooping cough, pertussis |
kikke {v} | :: alternative form of kigge |
kikkert {noun} | :: binoculars |
kiks {noun} | :: a cracker; a hard, crisp baked good which is usually not sweet |
kikse {v} [colloquial] | :: To fail |
kikser {noun} [colloquial] | :: A blooper, a blunder; an error; a failure |
kilde {noun} | :: spring, fountain, source [a place where water emerges from the ground] |
kilde {noun} [metaphorically] | :: source, fountain, fount [a person or a thing from which something comes] |
kilde {v} | :: to tickle |
kildekode {noun} | :: source code |
kilden {adj} | :: ticklish |
kilden {adj} | :: delicate, awkward |
kilder {noun} [anatomy] | :: clitoris |
kildesprog {noun} [translation studies, linguistics] | :: source language |
kildet {v} | :: past participle of kilde |
kile {noun} | :: wedge |
kile {noun} | :: gusset |
kile {v} | :: wedge |
kileskrift {noun} | :: cuneiform [ancient writing systems in the Middle East] |
kileskrift {noun} | :: a text written in cuneiform |
kilet {v} | :: past participle of kile |
killing {noun} | :: kitten [young cat] |
killing {noun} | :: leveret [young hare] |
kilo- {prefix} | :: kilo- |
kilogram {noun} | :: kilogram |
kilomet {noun} | :: misconstruction of kilometer |
kilometer {noun} | :: kilometre, or kilometer (US) (SI unit of length) |
kim {c} {n} | :: germ |
kim {c} {n} | :: seeds {p} |
Kim {prop} | :: given name |
kime {v} | :: chime |
kimono {noun} | :: kimono |
Kina {prop} | :: China (the country) |
kind {noun} | :: cheek |
kineser {noun} | :: Chinese (person born in China) |
kineser {noun} | :: firecracker |
kinesisk {noun} | :: Chinese language |
kinesisk {noun} | :: Chinese food |
kinesisk {adj} | :: Chinese |
kinetisk energi {noun} [physics] | :: kinetic energy |
kiosk {noun} | :: kiosk (tiny shop) |
kirke {noun} [Christianity] | :: church [a house of worship] |
kirke {noun} [Christianity] | :: church [a religious community] |
kirkegaardsk {adj} | :: alternative spelling of kierkegaardsk |
kirkegård {noun} | :: cemetery, graveyard |
kirkeklokke {noun} | :: church bell |
kirkelig {adj} | :: ecclesiastical, relating to the church |
kirsebær {n} | :: a cherry (fruit) |
kirsebær {c} | :: a cherry tree |
kirsebærtærte {noun} | :: cherry pie |
Kirsten {prop} | :: given name |
Kirstine {prop} | :: given name |
kirtel {c} [anatomy] | :: gland |
kirurg {noun} | :: surgeon |
kirurgi {noun} | :: surgery |
kirurgisk {adj} | :: surgical |
kis {noun} | :: sulfide mineral |
KISS {noun} | :: KISS principle |
kiste {noun} | :: chest |
kiste {noun} | :: coffin, casket |
kit {noun} | :: putty |
kit {noun} | :: kit |
kittel {c} | :: white coat (as worn during work in a laboratory or medical work) |
kives {v} | :: to quarrel |
kiwi {noun} | :: kiwi (bird) |
kiwi {noun} | :: kiwi, kiwi fruit |
Kjær {prop} | :: surname |
Kjærgaard {prop} | :: surname |
Kjeld {prop} | :: given name |
Kjeldahl {prop} | :: surname |
Kjeldahl {prop} | :: Johan Kjeldahl |
Kjeldsen {prop} | :: surname |
kjöd {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of kød |
kjole {noun} | :: dress, gown |
kjove {noun} | :: skua |
kl. {particle} | :: abbreviation of klokken |
kladde {noun} | :: draft (an early version of a written work or drawing; a preliminary sketch or outline) |
klæbehjerne {noun} | :: a brain that remembers much |
klæde {noun} | :: cloth |
klæde {noun} | :: cloths [only in the plural] |
klæde {v} | :: suit, become; be befitting for |
klæde {v} | :: to dress, to equip clothes |
klæde af {v} | :: undress |
klæde om {v} | :: to change clothes; to take off clothes and put on others |
klæde på {vt} | :: to dress |
klæde på {vri} | :: to dress |
klæde ud {vt} | :: to dress up |
klæde ud {vri} | :: to dress up |
klædt {v} | :: past participle of klæde |
klage {noun} | :: complaint |
klage {v} | :: to complain |
klam {adj} | :: uncomfortably damp and cold |
klam {adj} [figurative, colloquial] | :: unpleasant, repulsive |
klammeren {adj} [slang] | :: disgusting |
klampt {adj} | :: misspelling of klamt |
klan {noun} | :: clan |
klap lige hesten {phrase} | :: take it easy, calm down |
klappe {vi} | :: to clap, to applaud |
klappe {vt} | :: to pat |
klapperslange {noun} | :: rattlesnake |
klap-sammen-mad {c} [colloquial] | :: Two pieces of rye bread around some other food |
klapvogn {noun} | :: stroller (seat on wheels) |
klar {adj} | :: clear |
klar {adj} | :: bright |
klar {adj} | :: plain |
klar {adj} | :: distinct |
klar {adj} | :: lucid |
klar {adj} | :: conscious |
klar {adj} | :: ready |
klar {adj} | :: willing |
Klara {prop} | :: given name |
klare {v} | :: to manage, to handle, to cope |
klarinet {noun} | :: clarinet |
klar i spyttet {adv} | :: clear |
klar, parat, start {interj} | :: on your mark, get set, go! |
klasse {noun} | :: class (a group of students in a school) |
klasse {noun} | :: class (general classification unit) |
klasse {noun} | :: class (group of people with a common socio-economic status) |
klasse {noun} | :: class (division of public transport) |
klasse {noun} [uncountable] | :: class (high quality, sophistication) |
klasse {noun} [taxonomy] | :: class |
klassekamp {noun} | :: class struggle |
klasselokale {noun} | :: classroom |
klasseværelse {noun} | :: classroom |
klassifikation {noun} | :: classification |
klassifikationsalgoritme {noun} | :: classification algorithm |
klassiker {noun} | :: A classic |
klassiker {noun} | :: A very typical or normal situation |
klassiker {noun} | :: A secondary school student involved in a classic language program |
klassisk {adj} | :: classic, exemplary, simple, harmonious |
klassisk {adj} | :: classical, belonging to Greco-Roman antiquity |
klassisk {adj} [physics] | :: classical |
klassisk {adj} [music] | :: classical |
Klaus {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Claus |
Klausen {prop} | :: surname |
klausul {noun} [law] | :: clause |
klausul {noun} | :: term |
klaver {noun} | :: piano (a keyboard musical instrument) |
klaviatur {noun} | :: keyboard (a component of many instruments) |
klejn {adj} | :: tiny, delicate [of a person] |
klejne {noun} | :: a cake of sugar, flour, butter, eggs and milk fried in oil or copha; associated with Christmas |
klemme {noun} | :: clothespin |
klemme {v} | :: to squeeze |
klemme {v} | :: to jam |
klemme {v} | :: to crush |
klemme {v} | :: to pinch |
klient {noun} | :: client, customer |
klientel {noun} | :: clientele |
klima {noun} | :: climate |
klimaændring {noun} | :: climate change |
klimaforandring {noun} | :: climate change |
klinke {noun} | :: clinker (brick) |
klinke {noun} | :: latch (closing mechanism) |
klinke {v} | :: to repair pottery, porcelain and the like using glue or metal braces |
klinke {v} | :: to strike one's bottle or glass at another person's |
klip {noun} | :: a cut (with scissors) |
klip {noun} | :: a clip (e.g. video, audio) |
klippe {v} | :: to cut with scissors |
klipse {v} | :: to clip (to fasten with a clip) |
klit {c} | :: dune |
klitoris {noun} [anatomy] | :: clitoris |
klo {noun} | :: claw |
kloakdyr {noun} | :: monotreme |
klode {noun} | :: globe |
klodset {adj} | :: clumsy |
kløftehammer {noun} | :: claw hammer |
klog {adj} | :: sensible |
klog {adj} | :: wise |
klog {adj} | :: intelligent |
klog {adj} | :: sagacious |
klog {adj} | :: prudent |
klokke {noun} | :: bell [a percussive instrument] |
klokke {noun} | :: bell [something shaped like the instrument, i.e. as an inverted] |
klokke {noun} | :: bell [an instrument giving a signal, e.g. a doorbell or a bell in a school] |
klokke {noun} | :: time, hour, o'clock [the hours and minuts] |
klokke {noun} [rare] | :: watch |
klokker {noun} | :: bell ringer (in a church) |
klokkeren {adj} | :: as clear as a bell |
klokkeren {adj} | :: absolutely clear |
klokkeslæt {noun} | :: time, hour |
klokketårn {n} | :: a bell tower |
klor {n} {c} | :: chlorine |
klør {noun} | :: clubs |
klorid {noun} [chemistry] | :: chloride |
klosaks {noun} | :: pincer; a claw on e.g. a crab or a lobster used for grabbing/pinching |
kloster {n} | :: a monastery |
kloster {n} | :: a convent |
kløve {v} | :: cleave, split |
kløver {noun} [plant] | :: clover (Trifolium) |
klovn {noun} | :: clown |
klovne {v} | :: to clown |
klub {c} | :: a club (organisation) |
klud {noun} | :: rag |
klud {noun} | :: cloth |
kludder {noun} | :: mess, muddle |
kludder {noun} | :: bungling (an act or acts of incompetence) |
kludre {v} | :: to bungle |
klunse {v} | :: to scavenge; to seek valuable items in refuse |
klusil {noun} [phonetics] | :: stop, occlusive, plosive |
klynge {noun} | :: cluster (group or bunch of something), knot |
klynge {noun} | :: clump, group (e.g. of trees) |
klynge {v} | :: only used in the expressions |
klynget {v} | :: past participle of klynge |
knæ {noun} [anatomy] | :: knee |
knægt {noun} | :: boy, lad |
knægt {noun} | :: jack, knave (playing card) |
knæhøj karse {noun} [dated or ironic, often interjectionally] | :: something cool |
knække {vt} | :: to break [make a thing fall apart] |
knække {vt} | :: to break [break down a person mentally or economically] |
knække {vt} | :: to suffer a fracture in |
knække {vt} | :: to solve [a problem, a code] |
knække {vi} | :: to crack, break [fall apart] |
knække {vi} | :: to crack, break [shift suddenly] |
knække {vi} | :: to give up |
knag {noun} | :: creak |
knag {noun} | :: dab, dab hand |
knage {noun} | :: A peg |
knage {noun} [nautical] | :: The spoke of a ship's wheel |
knage {vi} | :: To creak, groan or crack |
knagebræt {noun} [rare] | :: A coat or hat rack |
knagen {c} | :: creak (sound produced by anything that creaks) |
knagende {v} | :: present participle of knage |
knagende {adv} | :: awfully, jolly, terribly (very, extremely) |
knagerække {noun} | :: A coat or hat rack |
knaget {v} | :: past participle of knage |
knagfryse {vi} | :: To freeze hard |
knald- {prefix} [colloquial] | :: very |
knald {noun} | :: bang, explosion |
knald {noun} | :: knock |
knald {noun} [vulgar] | :: a fuck, either a sexual partner or a sexual encounter |
knalddygtig {adj} [colloquial] | :: very skilled |
knalde {v} | :: to bang, pop |
knalde {v} | :: to explode |
knalde {v} | :: to knock, slam |
knalde {v} | :: to swipe |
knalde {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
knaldflot {adj} [colloquial] | :: very attractive |
knaldgod {adj} [colloquial] | :: very good |
knaldhård {adj} [colloquial] | :: very hard, very tough |
knald i låget {adj} | :: synonym of kuk i låget |
knald i låget {noun} | :: synonym of kuk i låget |
knap {adj} | :: scant, scarce |
knap {adj} | :: brief, concise |
knap {adv} | :: hardly, scarcely |
knap {adv} | :: just under |
knap {adv} | :: barely |
knap {noun} | :: button (in clothes etc.) |
knap {noun} | :: button (in machines) |
knar {noun} [dated] | :: alternative form of knarr |
knarr {noun} | :: knorr |
knase {v} | :: to crunch (especially with the teeth) |
knase {v} | :: the sound of something crunching |
knastør {adj} | :: completely dry |
kneb {noun} | :: trick |
knepbar {adj} [vulgar] | :: fuckable |
knepning {c} | :: a fuck |
kneppe {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck (see Thesaurus:copulate) |
kneppet {v} | :: past participle of kneppe |
knibe {noun} | :: pinch, predicament, tight spot, difficulties |
knibe {v} | :: to pinch, to nib |
knibe {v} | :: to squeeze |
knibe {v} [card games] | :: to finesse |
knibe {v} [idiomatic] | :: something being difficult |
kniv {noun} | :: knife |
knivspids {noun} | :: the pointy end of a knife |
knivspids {noun} [cooking] | :: the amount of powder or granulated substance that fits on the tip of a knife |
kno {noun} | :: knuckle (joint of the finger) |
knob {n} {c} | :: knot (speed on water) |
knob {n} {c} | :: knot (looping of a rope) |
knofedt {noun} [uncountable] | :: elbow grease |
knogle {noun} [anatomy] | :: bone (component of a skeleton) |
knokle {v} | :: to work hard |
knop {c} [botany] | :: bud (of a plant) |
knor {noun} [dated] | :: alternative form of knarr |
knsp. {noun} [cooking] | :: abbreviation of knivspids |
knsp {noun} | :: alternative form of knsp. |
Knud {prop} | :: given name |
knude {noun} | :: knot |
knude {noun} [graph theory] | :: node |
Knudsen {prop} | :: surname |
knuge {v} | :: to squeeze |
knurhår {noun} | :: whisker (long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat) |
knurre {v} | :: growl |
knurre {v} | :: rumble |
knurre {v} | :: grumble |
knus {noun} | :: hug |
knuse {v} | :: to hug |
knuse {v} | :: to crush |
knusende {adj} | :: crushing, devastating, smashing |
knusende {adj} | :: tremendous |
knusende {v} | :: present participle of knuse |
knust {v} | :: past participle of knuse |
ko {noun} | :: cow |
kø {noun} | :: queue (line of people) |
koagulere {v} | :: to coagulate |
koaguleret {v} | :: past participle of koagulere |
koaksialkabel {noun} | :: coaxial cable |
koala {noun} | :: koala |
køb {noun} | :: purchase |
køb {noun} | :: buying |
køb {noun} | :: bargain |
kobalt {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of cobalt |
kobber {noun} [uncountable] | :: copper |
kobber {noun} | :: copperplate |
kobberbryllup {noun} | :: twelve-and-a-half-year anniversary of marriage |
kobberrør {noun} | :: copper pipe |
købe {v} | :: buy |
købe {v} | :: purchase |
købe {v} | :: bribe |
købedygtig {adj} | :: having purchasing power; being able to buy goods |
koben {noun} | :: crowbar |
København {prop} | :: København (capital city) |
københavner {noun} | :: Copenhagener |
københavnersnude {noun} [pejorative] | :: a stuck-up Copenhagener |
Københavns {prop} | :: genitive singular of København |
køber {noun} | :: buyer |
kobling {noun} | :: coupling |
kobling {noun} | :: mental association |
kobling {noun} [mechanics] | :: clutch |
købmand {noun} | :: merchant |
købmand {noun} | :: grocer |
købmand {noun} | :: grocery store, grocer's |
kobolt {noun} | :: alternative form of cobalt |
købstad {noun} [dated] | :: market town [until 1970 with certain privileges] |
købt {v} | :: past participle of købe |
kød {noun} | :: meat |
kød {noun} | :: flesh |
kødæder {noun} | :: carnivore |
kødfløjte {noun} [slang] | :: penis |
kødspiser {noun} | :: A person who eats meat, as opposed to a vegetarian |
koefficient {c} | :: coefficient |
koffein {n} {c} | :: caffeine |
koge {vti} | :: to boil |
koge {vt} [dated] | :: to cook |
koger {noun} | :: boiler [transportable apparatus for boiling water] |
koger {noun} [slang] | :: a pipe of marijuana |
kogger {noun} | :: quiver [container for arrows] |
kogt {v} | :: past participle of koge |
kok {noun} | :: cook, chef |
kok {noun} | :: cock (male gallinaceous bird; dialectal, except when speaking about pheasants) |
køkken {n} | :: a kitchen |
køkken {n} | :: cuisine (style or method of cooking) |
køkken {n} | :: a galley (kitchen on an aircraft) |
køkkenaffald {noun} | :: kitchen trash; trash from or in a kitchen |
køkkenvægt {noun} | :: a weight for cooking |
køkkenvask {noun} | :: kitchen sink |
kokkepige {noun} [now rare] | :: A young, female cook |
kokon {noun} | :: cocoon |
kokosnød {noun} | :: coconut (fruit or seed of the coconut palm) |
kokosolie {noun} | :: coconut oil |
køl {noun} | :: keel |
kold {adj} | :: cold (having a low temperature) |
kold {adj} | :: cold (unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling) |
koldblodet {adj} | :: cold-blooded, ectothermic; having an unregulated body temperature |
koldblodig {adj} | :: cold-blooded; having no emotion or remorse |
koldblodighed {noun} | :: sangfroid, composure, self-possession |
koldbrand {noun} | :: gangrene (the necrosis or rotting of flesh) |
koldhæve {vi} [of dough] | :: to rise slowly in cold conditions |
Kolding {prop} | :: Kolding (port town/and/municipality) |
koldskål {noun} | :: A dessert made from a base of buttermilk with e.g. lemon juice, eggs and sugar, typically served with kammerjunkere and consumed in the summer |
kold tyrker {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: cold turkey (the sudden and complete withdrawal of a dependent substance) |
køle {vt} | :: to cool |
kolerisk {adj} | :: choleric (easily becoming angry) |
køleskab {noun} | :: refrigerator |
kolesterol {noun} | :: cholesterol |
kolibri {noun} | :: hummingbird (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae) |
kølle {noun} | :: club |
kollega {noun} | :: colleague |
kolli {noun} [transport] | :: A piece of luggage or freight |
Köln {prop} | :: Köln (largest city) |
koloenorm {adj} [colloquial] | :: ginormous (see Thesaurus:gigantic) |
kolon {noun} | :: a colon (punctuation mark) |
koloni {noun} | :: colony |
kolonial {adj} | :: colonial |
kolonial {c} | :: groceries |
kolonial {c} | :: grocery store |
kolonialforretning {noun} | :: A grocery store |
kolonialisme {noun} | :: Colonialism |
kolonisere {v} | :: To colonise |
kolonisere {v} [zoology] | :: For an animal to migrate or spread to a new area |
koloniserende {v} | :: present participle of kolonisere |
koloniseret {v} | :: past participle of kolonisere |
kolonist {noun} | :: colonist |
kolonorm {adj} | :: alternative form of koloenorm |
kolos {noun} | :: colossus |
kolossal {adj} | :: colossal |
kølsvin {noun} | :: keelson |
kølvand {noun} | :: wake (disturbed water behind a ship) |
kølvand {noun} | :: wake, (period immediately after some turbulent event) |
koma {c} | :: coma (deep sleep) |
koma {noun} [astronomy] | :: coma (a cloud of dust surrounding the nucleus of a comet) |
kø'mand {noun} | :: pronunciation spelling of købmand |
kombinatorik {c} [mathematics] | :: combinatorics |
kombinatorisk {adj} [mathematics] | :: combinatoric; combinatorial |
kombinere {v} | :: combine |
kombineret {v} | :: past participle of kombinere |
komedie {c} [drama] | :: comedy |
komedie {c} | :: farce, bad behaviour |
komiker {noun} | :: A comedian |
komiker {noun} | :: plural of komik |
komikerduo {noun} | :: A comedy duo |
Komintern {prop} | :: Comintern |
komisk {adj} | :: comical, amusing, funny, causing laughter |
komisk {adj} [drama] | :: comical, concerning comedy as a dramatic or literary genre |
komma {noun} | :: a comma (punctuation mark) |
kommandør {noun} | :: commander |
komme {v c} | :: to come |
komme {v c} | :: to get |
komme {vi c} | :: To appear, to manifest itself; come |
komme {v c} | :: to arrive |
komme {v c} | :: to put |
komme {v c} | :: to reach orgasm; to come |
komme i hu {v} [dated] | :: to remember, think of |
komme i klemme {v} | :: get squeezed |
kommen {noun} | :: cumin, caraway |
kommentar {noun} | :: comment (spoken remark) |
kommentar {noun} | :: note, annotation |
kommentar {noun} | :: commentary |
kommentar {noun} | :: narration |
kommentere {v} | :: to comment |
kommer tid, kommer råd {proverb} | :: in time, a solution will present itself |
komme sammen {v} | :: be together, be a couple, be an item |
kommet {v} | :: past participle of komme |
komme til kort {v} | :: to meet a problem which one cannot solve |
komme ud af skabet {v} | :: come out of the closet (to tell others about a secret belief or preference) |
kommissær {noun} | :: commissioner [member of a commission] |
kommissær {noun} | :: superintendent [police rank] |
kommissær {noun} | :: commissar |
kommode {noun} | :: commode, chest of drawers |
kommunal {adj} | :: of or pertaining to municipalities (kommuner) |
kommune {noun} | :: municipality |
kommunikation {noun} | :: communication |
kommunisme {noun} | :: communism |
kommunist {noun} | :: communist |
kommunister i lysthuset {noun} [slang] | :: period, menstruation |
kommutativ {adj} [math] | :: commutative |
kommutativitet {noun} [math] | :: commutativity |
kommutere {v} | :: to commute |
komodovaran {noun} | :: Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) |
kompagnon {noun} | :: partner (a member of a business or law partnership (1.1)) |
kompakt {adj} | :: compact |
komparativ {adj} | :: comparative |
kompensere {v} | :: to compensate |
kompetent {adj} | :: competent |
kompleks {noun} | :: complex totality |
kompleks {noun} | :: group of buildings |
kompleks {noun} | :: feeling of inferiority |
kompleks {noun} [psychology] | :: complex [a mental condition conditioned by repressed emotions] |
kompleks {adj} | :: complex [made up of multiple parts] |
kompleks {adj} | :: difficult, complicated |
komplekst tal {noun} [math] | :: complex number |
komplement {noun} | :: complement |
komplet {adj} | :: complete |
komplet {adj} | :: absolute |
komplet {adj} | :: utter |
komplet {adj} [adverbial] | :: absolutely, completely, utterly |
komplet graf {noun} [graph theory] | :: complete graph |
kompliment {b} | :: compliment |
komplimentere {v} | :: to compliment |
komponent {c} | :: a component |
komponere {v} | :: to compose |
komponist {noun} | :: composer (music) |
komposition {noun} | :: composition |
kompost {noun} | :: compost |
kompot {noun} | :: compote |
kompres {noun} | :: compress |
kompression {noun} | :: compression [act of compressing] |
kompression {noun} [automotive] | :: compression |
kompressionsforhold {noun} [automotive] | :: compression ratio |
kompressor {noun} | :: compressor |
komprimere {v} | :: to compress |
komprimering {noun} | :: compression |
kompromis {noun} | :: compromise |
kompromisløs {adj} | :: uncompromising, inflexible |
kompromisløs {adj} | :: uncompromising, principled |
kompromisse {v} | :: to compromise |
komtesse {noun} | :: an unmarried daughter of a count |
køn {noun} | :: sex (the biological division in male and female individuals) |
køn {noun} | :: gender (the social identity of male, female or other) |
køn {noun} [grammar] | :: gender (division of nouns and adjectives etc. into classes) |
køn {noun} | :: private parts, genitals |
køn {adj} | :: pretty |
køn {adj} | :: good-looking |
køn {adj} | :: [ironic] nice, fine |
koncentrat {noun} | :: concentrate |
koncentration {noun} | :: concentration, focus |
koncentration {noun} [chemistry] | :: concentration (usually molarity) |
koncept {b} | :: concept (something understood and retained in the mind) |
koncept {b} | :: draft (preliminary sketch) |
koncert {noun} | :: concert |
koncert {noun} | :: recital |
koncert {noun} | :: concerto |
koncertina {noun} | :: concertina |
kondolere {v} | :: to condole |
kondom {noun} | :: condom (flexible sleeve) |
konduktion {noun} [thermodynamics] | :: conduction |
kone {noun} | :: wife (married woman) |
kone {noun} [dated] | :: woman (frequent in compounds) |
konebåd {noun} | :: umiak |
konference {noun} | :: conference |
konfirmation {noun} | :: confirmation (Christianity) |
konfirmeret {adj} | :: confirmed (Christianity) |
konfiskere {v} | :: to confiscate |
konfiture {noun} | :: confiture |
konflikt {noun} | :: conflict (clash or disagreement) |
konfrontation {noun} | :: a confrontation |
kong {noun} | :: king [used as a title before the name of a king] |
konge {noun} | :: king [male monarch] |
konge {noun} [metaphorically] | :: king [a person who is leading in a certain area] |
konge {noun} [chess] | :: king |
konge {noun} [cards] | :: king |
kongeblå {adj} | :: royal blue |
kongeblå {adj} | :: [as a noun] royal blue (colour) |
kongeboa {noun} | :: boa constrictor |
kongedømme {noun} | :: kingdom |
kongehus {noun} | :: royal family |
kongehus {noun} | :: royal household |
kongepingvin {noun} | :: king penguin |
kongerige {noun} | :: A nation having as supreme ruler, a kingdom |
Kongeriget Danmark {prop} {n} | :: The Kingdom of Denmark |
Kongernes Dal {prop} {c} | :: Valley of the Kings (Egyptian valley known for its tombs) |
kongruens {noun} | :: congruity |
kongruens {noun} [geometry] | :: congruence (being roughly the same size and shape) |
kongruens {noun} [grammar] | :: concord (agreement of words with one another) |
konisk {adj} | :: conical (shaped like a cone) |
konjunktion {noun} | :: conjunction (grammar: word used to join words or phrases) |
konjunktion {noun} | :: conjunction (astronomy: alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth) |
konkludere {v} | :: to conclude |
konkluderende {v} | :: present participle of konkludere |
konklusion {noun} | :: conclusion (a decision reached after careful thought) |
Konkordie {prop} | :: given name |
konkret {adj} | :: concrete |
konkret {noun} | :: concrete noun |
konkurrence {noun} | :: competition (action of competing) |
konkurrencedygtig {adj} [of e.g. a firm] | :: competitive, able to compete |
konkurs {adj} | :: bankrupt |
konkurs {adj} | :: insolvent |
konkurs {noun} | :: failure |
konkurs {noun} | :: bankruptcy |
konkurs {noun} | :: liquidation |
kønnet {adj} | :: gendered |
konning {noun} | :: archaic spelling of konge |
konsekutiv tolkning {noun} | :: consecutive interpretation |
konsekvens {noun} | :: consequence (that which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause) |
konsekvens {noun} | :: consistency (reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent) |
konsensus {noun} | :: consensus (general agreement) |
konservativ {adj} | :: conservative |
konservator {noun} | :: conservator (professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects) |
konservatorie {noun} [sometimes, proscribed] | :: alternative form of konservatorium |
konservatorium {noun} | :: A conservatory, a conservatoire, a school of music or drama |
konserveringsmiddel {noun} | :: preservative |
kønsforsker {noun} | :: gender researcher; someone who researches gender; someone who does research on the topic of gender studies |
kønsforskning {noun} | :: gender studies |
kønsidentitet {noun} [gender] | :: gender identity |
kønskamp {noun} | :: battle of the sexes |
kønskorrigerende {adj} | :: gender-corrective |
kønskrig {noun} | :: battle of the sexes |
kønslem {noun} | :: penis |
kønsmæssig {adj} | :: relating to gender |
kønsneutral {adj} | :: gender-neutral |
konsonant {noun} [phonetics] | :: consonant |
konsonant {noun} | :: a letter which is part of a subdivision of an alphabet conventionally regarded as denoting consonant sounds (although in practice this correlation may be less than strict) |
konsonantklynge {noun} [phonetics] | :: consonant cluster |
kønsord {noun} [archaic, grammar] | :: article |
kønsorgan {noun} | :: genital |
konspiration {noun} | :: conspiracy |
konspirationsteoretiker {noun} | :: conspiracy theorist |
konspirationsteori {c} | :: conspiracy theory |
kønsrollemæssig {adj} | :: relating to gender roles |
kønsspecifik {adj} | :: gender-specific |
konst {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of kunst |
konstant {adj} | :: constant, unchanging |
konstant {noun} | :: constant |
Konstantin {prop} | :: given name |
Konstantinopel {prop} | :: Constantinople [the city now named Istanbul] |
konstruktion {noun} | :: construction |
konstruktion {noun} | :: design |
konstruktion {noun} | :: structure |
konstruktion {noun} | :: construct |
konsul {noun} | :: consul |
konsulat {noun} | :: consulate |
konsulent {noun} | :: consultant |
kontakt {noun} [communication] | :: A contact person (someone with whom one is in communication) |
kontakt {noun} [communication] | :: Contact (the act of touching physically) |
kontakt {noun} [technology, electricity] | :: A socket, power outlet |
kontakte {v} [communication] | :: to contact |
kontaktinformation {noun} [communication] | :: Contact informaton, information that individuals can use to contact |
kontaktlinse {noun} | :: contact lens |
kontaktperson {noun} [communication] | :: a contact person, a person whom one contacts for questions, advice and such |
kontinent {noun} | :: continent |
kontinental {adj} | :: continental |
kontinuitet {noun} | :: continuity |
konto {noun} | :: account |
kontor {noun} | :: office |
kontra- {prefix} | :: counter- |
kontraintuitiv {adj} | :: counterintuitive |
kontrol {c} | :: control |
kontrol {c} [computing] | :: controller |
kontrovers {noun} | :: controversy |
konvektion {noun} [thermodynamics] | :: convection |
konvoj {noun} | :: convoy |
koordinat {n} | :: coordinate |
koordinator {noun} | :: coordinator |
koordinator {noun} [as a job title] | :: director, usually a person with the overall responsibility for something |
koordinatsystem {noun} [math] | :: coordinate system |
kop {noun} | :: A cup; A concave vessel for holding liquid, generally adorned with either a handle or a stem (confer goblet, glass.) |
koparret {adj} | :: pockmarked |
kopi {noun} | :: copy |
kopiere {v} | :: to copy |
kopierende {v} | :: present participle of kopiere |
kopieret {v} | :: past participle of kopiere |
kopimaskine {noun} | :: photocopier |
kopist {noun} [largely historical] | :: a professional copier of texts |
kopist {noun} [pejorative] | :: copycat, plagiarizer, someone who copies the work of others without creating anything of value |
Koppel {prop} | :: surname |
kopper {cp} | :: smallpox |
kopra {noun} | :: copra |
koptisk {adj} | :: Coptic [relating to the Copts, the Coptic Church and the ancient Coptic language] |
kopulere {v} [formal] | :: copulate (to engage in sexual intercourse) |
kopulere {v} | :: [of animals] breed, mate |
kor {noun} | :: choir (singing group) |
kor {noun} | :: chancel, choir (part of church housing the altar) |
korde {noun} [geometry] | :: chord; straight line connecting points in a circle's circumference, sometimes excluding the diameter |
køre {vt} | :: to drive [to be the driver of a vehicle or to convey somebody in a vehicle] |
køre {vi} | :: to drive [to go somewhere in a vehicle] |
køre {vi} | :: to run [of a machine] |
køre {noun} [obsolete] | :: drive |
koreansk {adj} | :: Korean (of or relating to the Asian Peninsula comprising North Korea and South Korea) |
kørekort {noun} | :: driving licence, driver's license |
køre på skinner {v} | :: to proceed in an unproblematic manner |
kører {noun} | :: driver |
køresyg {adj} | :: carsick |
køresyge {noun} | :: carsickness |
køretøj {noun} | :: vehicle (a conveyance) |
kork {noun} | :: cork (material derived from the bark of the cork oak) |
korkeg {noun} | :: cork oak (Quercus suber) |
korn {noun} | :: corn, cereal |
korn {noun} | :: grain (e.g. sandkorn (grain of sand)) |
kornet {adj} | :: grainy, granular |
kornet {noun} | :: cornet |
korps {noun} | :: corps, body |
korrekt {adj} | :: correct |
korridor {noun} | :: corridor |
korrigere {v} | :: to correct, to rectify |
korrigere {v} | :: to adjust |
kors {noun} | :: cross |
kørsel {c} | :: driving (act of driving) |
korset {noun} | :: corset |
korset {v} | :: past participle of korse |
Korsika {prop} | :: Corsica |
kors i røven {interj} [swear word] | :: Expression of strong emotion |
Korskilde {noun} | :: A name of several Danish springs |
korstog {noun} [historical] | :: crusade |
korstog {noun} [figuratively] | :: grand concerted effort against something purportedly immoral |
kort {adj} | :: short |
kort {adj} | :: brief |
kort {adv} | :: briefly |
kort {adv} | :: curtly |
kort {adv} | :: shortly |
kort {noun} | :: card |
kort {noun} | :: map |
kort {noun} | :: plan |
kort {noun} | :: chart |
kort tillægsform {noun} [grammar] | :: past participle |
kørvel {noun} | :: chervil |
korvet {noun} | :: corvette |
kosmologi {noun} | :: cosmology |
kost {noun} | :: food (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life) |
kost {noun} | :: diet (food a person or animal consumes, habitual consumption) |
kost {noun} | :: board (regular meals or the amount paid for them in a place of lodging) |
kost {noun} | :: broom, besom |
kost {noun} | :: brush |
kosteffektiv {adj} | :: cost-effective |
kostume {noun} | :: a costume |
køter {c} [derogatory] | :: dog, pooch |
kovalent binding {noun} [chemistry] | :: covalent bond |
kovs {noun} [nautical] | :: thimble (rings used in a ship's rigging) |
kr. {noun} | :: abbreviation of krone |
krabbe {noun} | :: crab |
krabbe {v} | :: to move awkwardly; to stumble, lumber |
krabbe {v} | :: to move like a crab |
krabbefest {noun} | :: crab festival; crab party; a party or festival somehow related to crabs |
krabbefest {noun} | :: crab feast |
krabbeklo {noun} | :: crab claw; claw of a crab |
krabbekød {noun} | :: crabmeat |
kradse {v} | :: to scratch |
kradse {v} | :: to scrape |
kradse {v} | :: to be scratchy |
kradse {v} | :: to bite |
kradse af {v} [vulgar] | :: die |
kradset {v} | :: past participle of kradse |
kræft {noun} | :: cancer (disease) |
kræftædemig {adv} | :: alternative form of kraftedeme |
kræftfremkaldende {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
kræftpatient {noun} | :: cancer patient; a patient who has some form of cancer |
kræftpind {noun} [slang] | :: cigarette |
kræmmer {noun} | :: salesman |
krænke {v} | :: offend |
krænke {v} | :: violate |
krænke {v} | :: abuse sexually |
krænket {v} | :: past participle of krænke |
kræs {noun} | :: delicacies |
kræse {v} | :: to serve something delicious, to give a treat |
kræse {v} | :: to go the extra mile, to give special treatment |
kræsen {adj} | :: particular (about food), choosy, picky |
kræset {v} | :: past participle of kræse |
kræve {v} | :: to demand |
kræve {v} | :: to require |
kræve {v} | :: to claim (e.g. a life) |
kraft {noun} | :: strength |
kraft {noun} [physics] | :: force |
kraft æde mig {adv} | :: alternative form of kraftedeme |
kraftædemig {adv} | :: alternative form of kraftedeme |
kraftedeme {adv} [swear word] | :: Emphasizes an assurance, a conviction or something similar |
kraftfelt {noun} | :: force field |
kraftidiot {c} [strongly, pejorative] | :: huge idiot, moron |
kraftmoment {noun} [mechanics] | :: torque |
kraftværk {noun} | :: power plant [facility at which energy is brought into electrical form and sent to customers] |
krage {noun} | :: crow, especially carrion crow and hooded crow |
kram {noun} | :: hug |
kram {noun} | :: stuff, things, goods |
kramme {v} | :: hug, embrace |
krammer {noun} [colloquial] | :: hug |
krammet {v} | :: past participle of kramme |
krampeseng {noun} [archaic, psychiatry] | :: special bed for restraining people with cramps |
kranium {noun} [anatomy] | :: cranium (skull) |
krans {noun} | :: wreath |
krans {noun} | :: garland |
krans {noun} | :: sprocket |
kranse {v} | :: to encircle |
kransekage {noun} | :: kransekage |
kranset {v} | :: past participle of kranse |
krater {n} | :: a crater |
-krati {suffix} | :: -cracy |
krav {noun} | :: a requirement |
krav {noun} | :: a demand |
krave {noun} | :: collar |
kraveben {noun} [skeleton] | :: collarbone, clavicle |
kravle {v} | :: crawl |
kravle {v} | :: climb |
kravlegård {noun} | :: playpen |
kravlet {v} | :: past participle of kravle |
krebs {noun} | :: crayfish |
krebs {noun} | :: Cancer (someone with a Cancer star sign) |
krebseklo {noun} | :: crawfish claw |
krebseklo {noun} | :: a water soldier (Stratiotes aloides, plant) |
Krebsen {prop} | :: Cancer (constellation; astrological sign) |
kreditor {noun} | :: creditor |
kreds {noun} | :: circle, ring (group of people) |
kreds {noun} | :: constituency, district, ward |
kredse {v} | :: circle [travel in circles] |
kredset {v} | :: past participle of kredse |
kredsløb {noun} | :: A circuit, a loop; a system in which something is passed through a cycle |
kredsløb {noun} [astronomy, specifically] | :: orbit |
krejert {noun} [nautical] | :: A crayer, a 2- or 3-masted sailing vessel formerly used for cargo in the Baltic Sea |
krematorie {noun} | :: crematorium, or crematory (US) |
krematorium {n} | :: a crematorium, or crematory (US) |
kremere {v} | :: to cremate |
kremering {noun} | :: cremation |
krepere {v} [colloquial] | :: die unpleasantly |
kres {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of kreds |
Kresten {prop} | :: given name |
Krestine {prop} | :: given name |
Kreta {prop} | :: Crete |
krig {noun} | :: war (conflict involving organized use of arms) |
kriger {noun} | :: warrior |
krigserklæring {noun} | :: declaration of war |
krigsforbrydelse {noun} | :: war crime |
krigsgal {adj} | :: A bellicist, a warmonger |
krigshandling {noun} | :: act of war |
krigshelt {noun} | :: war hero [a person who has shown great courage in war] |
krigskunst {noun} | :: art of war |
krigsliderlig {adj} [pejorative, colloquial] | :: bellicist |
krigsliderlighed {noun} | :: warmongering, bellicism |
krigsmaskine {noun} | :: war machine |
krigsmaskineri {noun} | :: war machine |
krigstid {noun} | :: wartime |
krigstogt {noun} | :: war expedition |
Krim {prop} | :: Crimea |
kriminel {adj} | :: criminal |
kriminologi {noun} | :: criminology |
krise {noun} | :: crisis |
Krista {prop} | :: given name |
kristen {adj} [Christianity] | :: Christian |
Kristen {prop} | :: given name |
kristendom {noun} | :: Christianity [Christian religion] |
kristenhed {noun} | :: Christiandom [all Christians] |
kristenhed {noun} [rare] | :: Christian faith |
Kristensen {prop} | :: surname |
Kristian {prop} | :: given name |
Kristiane {prop} | :: given name |
Kristiania {prop} | :: Former name of Oslo, the capital of Norway |
Kristiansen {prop} | :: surname |
Kristina {prop} | :: given name |
Kristine {prop} | :: given name |
kristne {v} | :: to convert to Christianity; Christianize |
kristne {v} [obsolete or dialectal] | :: to baptize |
kristne {v} | :: to adapt or make to conform to Christianity or a Christian society; Christianize |
Kristoffer {prop} | :: given name |
Kristoffersen {prop} | :: surname |
Kristus {prop} [Christianity] | :: The Christ |
kriterium {noun} | :: criterion |
kro {noun} | :: inn |
Kroatien {prop} | :: Croatia |
kroatisk {adj} | :: Croatian (of or pertaining to Croatia) |
krog {noun} | :: hook |
krog {noun} | :: catch |
krog {noun} | :: corner, nook |
kroge {v} | :: to bend |
kroge {v} | :: to curve |
kroget {adj} | :: crooked |
kroget {adj} | :: bent |
kroget {adj} | :: gnarled |
kroget {v} | :: past participle of kroge |
Krogh {prop} | :: surname |
krokodille {noun} | :: crocodile |
krokodilletåre {noun} | :: crocodile tear |
krølle {noun} | :: curl |
krølle {v} | :: to curl |
krøllet {adj} | :: curly |
krom {n} | :: alternative spelling of chrom |
kromatografi {noun} [chemistry] | :: chromatography |
kromatografisk {adj} [chemistry] | :: chromatographic |
kromosom {noun} [cytology, genetics] | :: chromosome |
kronblad {noun} [botany] | :: petal, one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower |
krone {noun} | :: crown [royal hairdress, and in a wider sense: the royal power] |
krone {noun} | :: krone, crown [the currency of Denmark, Norway or Sweden, divided into 100 øre] |
krone {noun} | :: heads [side of coin] |
krone {noun} [botany] | :: top [tree top] |
krone {noun} [botany] | :: corolla |
krone {noun} [anatomy] | :: crown [of a tooth] |
krone {v} | :: to crown |
kronen på værket {adv} [idiomatic] | :: (fantastic) finish of a task or work |
kronet {v} | :: past participle of krone |
krønike {noun} [historical] | :: a chronicle |
kronologi {noun} | :: chronology; list of events ordered by time |
kronologisk {adj} | :: chronological |
kronprins {noun} | :: crown prince |
kronprinsesse {noun} | :: crown princess [the female heir of a ruling king or queen] |
kronprinsesse {noun} | :: crown princess [the wife of the heir of a ruling king or queen] |
krop {noun} | :: body |
krop {noun} | :: trunk, torso |
krop {noun} | :: carcass, carcase |
krop {noun} | :: fuselage |
kropsbillede {noun} | :: body image |
krøsus {noun} | :: Croesus (a rich person) |
krudt {noun} | :: gunpowder, powder |
krudt {noun} | :: pep, go [energy] |
krudt i røven {phrase} | :: to be highly energetic |
krukke {noun} | :: jar |
krukke {noun} | :: jug |
krus {noun} | :: mug, tankard |
krus {noun} | :: frizzle |
kruse {v} | :: frizz, frizzle |
kruse {v} | :: ripple |
kruse {v} | :: ruffle |
kruse {v} | :: curl |
Kruse {prop} | :: surname |
kruset {adj} | :: frizzy |
kruset {adj} | :: rippled |
kruset {adj} | :: ruffled |
kruset {v} | :: past participle of kruse |
kryb {noun} | :: creepy-crawly |
kryb {noun} | :: vermin |
krybdyr {noun} | :: reptile [cold-blooded vertebrate] |
krybe {v} | :: to crawl, creep [to move slowly or carefully] |
krybe {v} | :: to grovel, cringe [to be humble or fearful in the face of somebody] |
krybe {v} | :: to climb [to get up and down on a ladder on a scale] |
krybe {v} | :: to shrink [to get smaller] |
krybskytte {noun} | :: poacher [person that hunts illegally] |
kryddernellike {noun} | :: clove (spice) |
krydre røv {v} [slang] | :: procrastinate, slack off |
kryds {noun} | :: cross [two crossing lines] |
kryds {noun} | :: crossroads, intersection [crossing roads] |
kryds {noun} [zoology] | :: croup [the part of an animal's body around the sacrum, the upper part of the hind legs] |
kryds {noun} [anatomy] | :: loin [the back of a human around the sacrum] |
kryds {noun} [music] | :: sharp [a note one semitone higher, ♯] |
kryds {noun} [slang] | :: crossword (clipping of krydsogtværs) |
kryds {noun} [rare] | :: cruise |
krydse {v} | :: cross |
krydse {v} | :: cross-breed |
krydse {v} | :: thwart |
krydse {v} | :: beat |
krydse {v} | :: cruise |
krydsermissil {noun} | :: cruise missile (a winged missile) |
krydset {v} | :: past participle of krydse |
krydsfiner {noun} | :: alternative spelling of krydsfinér |
krydsfinér {noun} | :: plywood |
krydsild {noun} [also figuratively] | :: crossfire |
krydsprodukt {noun} | :: vector product, cross product |
krypton {noun} | :: krypton |
krystalklar {adj} | :: crystal clear |
krystalklar {adj} | :: clear as crystal |
krystalklar {adj} | :: clear as a bell |
krystalklar {adj} | :: crystalline (resembling crystal in being clear and transparent) |
krystallisere {v} | :: to crystallize |
kryster {noun} | :: coward |
Ks {symbol} [chemistry] | :: Ka (acid dissociation constant) |
KS {symbol} [chemistry] | :: Ka |
kubikmeter {noun} | :: cubic metre, or cubic meter (US), symbol m3, abbreviation kbm |
Kudsk {prop} | :: surname |
kue {v} | :: to cow (to intimidate) |
kue {v} | :: to subdue |
kue {v} | :: to stunt (to check or hinder the growth or development) |
kuet {v} | :: past participle of kue |
kuffert {noun} | :: suitcase |
kugle {noun} | :: ball |
kugle {noun} | :: pellet |
kugle {noun} | :: marble |
kugle {noun} | :: bullet (for firearms) |
kugle {noun} [geometry] | :: sphere |
kugle {noun} [colloquial, chiefly plural] | :: testicle |
kuglepen {noun} | :: ballpoint pen |
kugleramme {noun} | :: abacus (calculating frame) |
kujon {noun} | :: coward |
kuk i låget {adj} [colloquial] | :: insane, crazy |
kuk i låget {noun} [colloquial] | :: insanity, craziness |
kul {noun} | :: coal |
kulbrinte {noun} [chemistry] | :: hydrocarbon |
kuld {noun} | :: litter (animals born in one birth) |
kulde {noun} | :: cold |
kulde {noun} | :: coldness |
kulde {noun} | :: frigidity |
kuldegysning {noun} | :: shiver (the reaction when the body goes into the early stages of hypothermia) |
kuldioxid {b} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon dioxide |
kuldkaste {v} | :: frustrate (to hinder) |
kuldkaste {v} | :: upset (disturb, disrupt, unfavorably alter) |
kuldkastet {v} | :: past participle of kuldkaste |
kule {noun} | :: pit |
kule {v} | :: pit |
kulet {v} | :: past participle of kule |
kulhydrat {noun} [chemistry] | :: carbohydrate |
kulilte {noun} [inorganic compound, dated] | :: carbon monoxide |
kuller {noun} | :: haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) |
kuller {noun} | :: tantrum |
kulør {noun} | :: color, colour |
kulør {noun} | :: suit (each of the sets of a pack of cards distinguished by color and/or specific emblems) |
kulør {noun} | :: complexion |
kulørt {adj} | :: colored, coloured (colorfull, colourful) |
kulstof {noun} | :: carbon |
kulstofkredsløb {noun} | :: carbon cycle |
kulsyre {noun} | :: carbonic acid |
kultfilm {noun} | :: A cult film, a film that has acquired a cult following |
kultivere {v} | :: to cultivate |
kultstatus {noun} | :: cult status |
kultur {noun} | :: culture |
kulturchok {noun} | :: culture shock |
kulturimperialisme {noun} | :: cultural imperialism |
kulturrevolution {noun} | :: cultural revolution |
kulturskat {noun} | :: cultural treasure |
kultveilte {noun} [inorganic compound, dated] | :: carbon dioxide |
kun {adv} | :: only |
kunde {noun} | :: customer |
kunde {noun} | :: shopper, client, patron |
kunde {v} | :: obsolete spelling of kunne |
kundskab {noun} | :: scholarly knowledge, knowledge gained through study |
kunne {v} [auxiliary] | :: to be able, can [with an infinitive] |
kunne {v} [auxiliary] | :: to be allowed, may [with an infinitive] |
kunne {v} [auxiliary, in the past tense] | :: could, would, might [with an infinitive, expressing potential mood] |
kunne {vt} | :: to know [with an object, e.g. a language] |
kunne lide {v} | :: to like |
kunne ligge på et lille sted {v} | :: be small |
kunnen {c} | :: ability, competence |
kunnet {v} | :: past participle of kunne |
kuns {adv} | :: obsolete form of kun |
kunst- {prefix} | :: artificial |
kunst {noun} | :: art |
kunst {noun} | :: artistry |
kunst {noun} | :: skill |
kunst {noun} | :: trick |
kunsteventyr {noun} [literature] | :: literary fairy tale; fairy tale written by a single author |
kunstgalleri {noun} | :: art gallery |
kunsthistoriker {noun} | :: art historian |
kunstig {adj} | :: artificial |
kunstig intelligens {c} | :: artificial intelligence |
kunstlæder {noun} | :: artificial leather |
kunstner {noun} | :: An artist |
kunstnernavn {noun} | :: An alternative name for an artist, a stage name |
kunststof {noun} | :: any synthetic material |
kunstværk {noun} [countable] | :: piece of art |
kup {noun} | :: coup |
kupon {noun} | :: coupon |
kur {noun} | :: treatment |
kur {noun} | :: cure, remedy |
kure {v} | :: to slide, to slither |
kurer {noun} | :: courier, messenger |
kurere {v} | :: to cure, to heal |
kuret {v} | :: past participle of kure |
kuriøs {adj} | :: curious (unusual) |
kuriøs {adj} | :: quaint (interestingly strange) |
kuriøsk {adj} [obsolete] | :: curious, strange |
kurs {noun} | :: course |
kurs {noun} | :: price, quotation, exchange rate |
kursist {noun} | :: a participant in a course |
kursivere {v} | :: italicize |
kursus {noun} | :: course (learning programme) |
Kurt {prop} | :: given name |
kurv {noun} | :: basket |
kurve {noun} | :: curve |
kurve {v} | :: to curve |
kurvet {v} | :: past participle of kurve |
kusine {noun} | :: female cousin |
kusk {noun} | :: driver, coachman |
kusse {noun} [colloquial] | :: pussy (female genitalia) |
kusselæbe {noun} [anatomy] | :: labia |
kustode {noun} | :: attendant in a museum |
kustode {noun} [figuratively] | :: traditionalist, someone opposed to change |
kustode {noun} [historical] | :: a word printed both at the end of one page and the beginning of the next |
kutte {noun} | :: cowl (robe for a monk) |
kutteklædt {adj} | :: cowled, wearing a cowl |
kutter {noun} [watercraft] | :: cutter (a type of small, single-masted ship) |
kutter {noun} [nautical] | :: trawler (a type of small fishing trawler) |
kutyme {noun} | :: custom, practice |
kuvert {noun} | :: envelope |
Kuwait {prop} | :: Kuwait (country) |
kuwaiter {noun} | :: Kuwaiti |
kvad {noun} | :: lay, song |
kvadrat {noun} | :: square (four-sided regular polygon) |
kvadratisk {adj} | :: square (shaped like a square) |
kvadratkilometer {c} | :: a square kilometre, or square kilometer (US) (SI unit of area measurement) |
kvadratmeter {noun} | :: square metre, or square meter (US) (SI unit of area measurement) |
kvadratrod {noun} [mathematics] | :: square root (with the same ambiguity as the English term) |
kvæde {noun} | :: quince [the tree Cydonia oblonga] |
kvæde {noun} | :: quince [the fruits from the tree Cydonia oblonga] |
kvæde {v} [dated] | :: to chant, sing |
kvæg {noun} [collective] | :: cattle |
kvægbestand {noun} | :: cattle population |
kvæge {vr} [dated] | :: to refresh |
kvægsølv {noun} | :: obsolete form of kviksølv |
kvæk {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: croak, ribbit |
kvækerfinke {noun} | :: brambling, the bird Fringilla montifringilla |
kvæker | :: Quaker |
kvække {v} | :: croak, ribbit |
kvækket {v} | :: past participle of kvække |
kvæksølv {noun} | :: obsolete form of kviksølv |
kvæld {noun} [dated] | :: evening |
kvæle {v} | :: to choke, strangle, suffocate |
kvæle {v} | :: to stifle, suppress, smother |
kvæler {noun} | :: strangler, choker, suffocator |
kvæler {noun} | :: stifler, smotherer, suppressor |
kvælerhalsbånd {noun} | :: choke collar |
kvælerslange {noun} | :: snake in the family Boidae |
kvælning {noun} | :: suffocation, choking, asphyxiation, strangulation |
kvælningsanfald {noun} [medicine] | :: suffocation attack, asphyxia attack |
kvælstof {n} [uncountable, chemistry] | :: nitrogen |
kvælstof {n} [countable] | :: compounds containing nitrogen |
kvælstoffikserende {adj} | :: nitrogen-fixing |
kværke {v} | :: to throttle (strangle or choke someone) |
kværket {v} | :: past participle of kværke |
kvaj {noun} | :: fool |
kvaje {vr} | :: to make a fool of oneself |
kvajebajer {noun} | :: beer given by someone who has messed up in some manner |
kvalificeret flertal | :: qualified majority, supermajority |
kvalitativ {adj} | :: qualitative |
kvalitet {noun} | :: quality (level of excellence) |
kvalitet {noun} | :: a quality, a property |
kvalitetsmæssig {adj} | :: relating to quality, i.e. level of excellence |
kvalme {noun} | :: nausea |
kvalme {v} | :: to nauseate |
kvalmet {v} | :: past participle of kvalme |
kvan {c} | :: garden angelica, wild celery, Norwegian angelica; Angelica archangelica |
kvantefysik {noun} | :: quantum mechanics, quantum physics |
kvantemekanik {noun} | :: quantum mechanics |
kvantemekanisk {adj} [physics] | :: quantum mechanical |
kvantespring {noun} | :: quantum leap |
kvantetal {noun} [physics] | :: quantum number |
kvantificere {v} | :: to quantify |
kvantitativ {adj} | :: quantitative |
kvark {noun} | :: quark (soft creamy cheese) |
kvark {noun} [particle physics] | :: quark |
kvart {adj} | :: a quarter of, quarter- |
kvart {noun} | :: quarter (one of four equal parts) |
kvart {noun} | :: fourth (music interval) |
kvart {noun} | :: quarto (book size, paper size) |
kvart {noun} [fencing] | :: quarte |
kvartal {noun} | :: a quarter [of a year, three months] |
kvartalsvis {adj} | :: quarterly [occurring once every three months] |
kvartalsvis {adv} | :: quarterly [once every three months] |
kvarter {n} | :: quarter, neighbourhood [district of a city] |
kvarter {n} | :: quarter-hour [fifteen minutes] |
kvartet {noun} | :: a quartet |
kvarts {noun} | :: quartz |
kvasi- {prefix} | :: quasi- |
kvasiintellektuel {adj} [pejorative] | :: quasi-intellectual |
kvast {noun} | :: tassel |
kvast {noun} [botany] | :: cyme |
kvast {v} | :: past participle of kvase |
kvik {adj} | :: lively |
kvik {adj} | :: clever, quick-witted |
kvik {adj} | :: fast |
kviksølv {noun} | :: mercury |
kvindagtig {adj} [pejorative, of males] | :: effeminate |
kvinde {noun} | :: A woman |
kvindeforsker {noun} | :: someone who researches women; someone who studies women's studies |
kvindeforskning {noun} | :: women's studies |
kvindehader {c} | :: misogynist |
kvindelig {adj} | :: female (of humans) |
kvindelig {noun} | :: the corpse of a woman |
kvindfolk {n} | :: womenfolk |
Kvist {prop} | :: surname |
kvit {adj} | :: free from debt |
kvit {adj} | :: unencumbered |
kvm. {noun} | :: abbreviation of kvadratmeter |
kvotient {noun} | :: quotient |
kvotientrække {noun} [analysis] | :: geometric progression |
kykkeliky {n} | :: cock-a-doodle-doo (the cry of the rooster) |
kykkeliky {interj} | :: cock-a-doodle-doo (the cry of the rooster) |
kyklop {noun} [Greek mythology] | :: Cyclops [one-eyed giant] |
kylling {noun} | :: chicken |
kyniker {noun} | :: cynic |
kynisk {adj} | :: cynical |
kynisk {adj} | :: [adverbial] cynically |
kynisme {noun} | :: cynicism |
kyno- {prefix} | :: cyno-, relating to dogs |
kynofobi {noun} | :: cynophobia |
kynologi {noun} | :: cynology |
kynologisk {adj} | :: cynological |
kys {noun} | :: kiss (a touch with the lips) |
kyse {v} | :: to frighten, especially in a deterring way |
kyse {noun} | :: bonnet (kind of hat) |
kysk {adj} | :: chaste |
kyskhedsbælte {noun} | :: chastity belt |
kysse {v} | :: to kiss (to touch with the lips) |
kyssesår {noun} [rare] | :: cold sore |
kysset {v} | :: past participle of kysse |
kyst {noun} | :: coast (shoreline) |
kystbanesocialist {noun} [derogatory] | :: champagne socialist |
kystlinje {noun} | :: coastline (the shape, outline, or boundary of a coast) |