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User:Chuck Entz/Memory/R:Perseus combined tables/A

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Term Templates Notes
ab (R:L&S)
Abacaenum (R:SmGeo)
abactor (R:L&S)
abactores (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abactus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abaculus (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abacus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt)
Abaddon (R:L&S)
Abae (R:SmGeo)
abaestuo (R:L&S)
abagmentum (R:L&S)
abalienatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abalieno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aballaba (R:SmGeo)
abambulantes (R:L&S)
abambulo (R:L&S)
abamita (R:L&S)
abante (R:L&S)
Abanteus (R:ELewis)
Abantiades (R:ELewis)
Abantius (R:L&S)
abarcet (R:L&S)
Abas (R:L&S)
abascantus (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Abasci (R:SmPers)
Abascus (R:SmGeo)
Abatos (R:L&S)
abavia (R:L&S)
abavunculus (R:L&S)
abavus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abax (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
abba (R:L&S)
abbas (R:L&S)
abbatissa (R:L&S)
abbindi (R:Zoega)
abbreviatio (R:L&S)
abbrevio (R:L&S)
Abdera (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Abderus (R:SmPers)
abdicatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abdicative (R:L&S)
abdicativus (R:L&S)
abdicatrix (R:L&S)
abdico (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abdite (R:L&S)
abditivus (R:L&S)
abditus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abdo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abdomen (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abduco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abductio (R:L&S)
abductus (R:L&S)
abecedarius (R:L&S)
Abella (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Abellinum (R:SmGeo)
abeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abequito (R:L&S)
aberam (R:ELewis)
abercet (R:L&S)
aberratio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aberro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abfore (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abhibeo (R:L&S)
abhinc (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abhorrens (R:ELewis)
abhorreo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abhorresco (R:L&S)
abhorride (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
Abia (R:SmGeo)
abicio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abiecte (R:ELewis)
abiectio (R:ELewis)
abiectus (R:ELewis)
abiegnus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abiens (R:L&S)
abies (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abietarius (R:L&S)
abiga (R:L&S)
abigeator (R:L&S)
abigeatores (R:Peck)
abigeatus (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
abigei (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abigeus (R:L&S)
abigo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Abila (R:SmGeo)
abitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abito (R:L&S)
abitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abiudico (R:ELewis)
abiungo (R:ELewis)
abiuro (R:ELewis)
abjecte (R:L&S)
abjectio (R:L&S)
abjectus (R:L&S)
abjicio (R:L&S)
abjudicativus (R:L&S)
abjudico (R:L&S)
abjugo (R:L&S)
abjunctus (R:L&S)
abjungo (R:L&S)
abjuratio (R:L&S)
abjurgo (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
ablactatio (R:L&S)
ablacto (R:L&S)
ablaqueatio (R:L&S)
ablaqueo (R:L&S)
ablatio (R:L&S)
ablativus (R:L&S)
ablator (R:L&S)
ablatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ablegatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ablego (R:ELewis)
ablego (R:L&S)
ablepsia (R:L&S)
abligurrio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abligurritio (R:L&S)
abligurritor (R:L&S)
abloco (R:L&S)
abludo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abluo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ablutio (R:L&S)
ablutor (R:L&S)
ablutus (R:L&S)
abluvium (R:L&S)
abmatertera (R:L&S)
abnato (R:L&S)
abnegatio (R:L&S)
abnegativus (R:L&S)
abnegator (R:L&S)
abnego (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abnepos (R:L&S)
abneptis (R:L&S)
abnocto (R:L&S)
abnodo (R:L&S)
abnormis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abnueo (R:L&S)
abnuitio (R:L&S)
abnuiturus (R:L&S)
abnumero (R:L&S)
abnuo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abnutivus (R:L&S)
abnuto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
Abodiacum (R:SmGeo)
abolefacio (R:L&S)
aboleo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abolesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abolitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abolitor (R:L&S)
abolla (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmGeo)
abominabilis (R:L&S)
abominamentum (R:L&S)
abominandus (R:L&S)
abominatio (R:L&S)
abomino (R:L&S)
abominor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abominosus (R:L&S)
aborigines (R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
aborigineus (R:L&S)
aborior (R:L&S)
aboriscor (R:L&S)
aborsus (R:L&S)
abortio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abortium (R:L&S)
abortivus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aborto (R:L&S)
abortum (R:L&S)
abortus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abpatruus (R:L&S)
abrado (R:ELewis)
abrado (R:L&S)
Abraham (R:L&S)
abrasus (R:L&S)
abrelictus (R:L&S)
abrenuntio (R:L&S)
abreptus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Abrincatui (R:SmGeo)
abripio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Abrocomes (R:SmPers)
abrodo (R:L&S)
abrogatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
abrogo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abrosus (R:L&S)
abrotonum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
abrumpo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abrupte (R:L&S)
abruptio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abruptus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
abscedo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscessio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscessus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscidi (R:ELewis)
abscido (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscindo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscise (R:L&S)
abscissio (R:L&S)
abscissus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscisus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abscondite (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absconditor (R:L&S)
absconditus (R:ELewis)
abscondo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absens (R:ELewis)
absens (R:L&S)
absentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absentivus (R:L&S)
absento (R:L&S)
absidatus (R:L&S)
absilio (R:L&S)
absimilis (R:ELewis)
absimilis (R:L&S)
absinthiatus (R:L&S)
absinthites (R:L&S)
absinthium (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
absis (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
absisto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absitus (R:L&S)
absocer (R:L&S)
absolute (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absolutio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
absolutorius (R:L&S)
absolutus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absolvo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absone (R:L&S)
absonus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absorbeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absorptio (R:L&S)
abspello (R:L&S)
absque (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstantia (R:L&S)
abstemius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstentus (R:L&S)
abstergeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absterreo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstersus (R:L&S)
abstinax (R:L&S)
abstinens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstinenter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstinentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstineo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstractio (R:L&S)
abstractus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstraho (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstrudo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstruse (R:L&S)
abstrusio (R:L&S)
abstrusus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abstuli (R:ELewis)
absum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absumedo (R:L&S)
absumo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absumptio (R:L&S)
absumptus (R:L&S)
absurde (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
absurditas (R:L&S)
absurdus (R:ELewis)
absurdus (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
abundans (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abundanter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abundantia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abundatio (R:L&S)
abunde (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abundo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abundus (R:L&S)
Abusina (R:SmGeo)
abusio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
abusive (R:L&S)
abusivus (R:L&S)
abusor (R:L&S)
abusus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
abutor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Abydus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Abyla (R:SmGeo)
abyssus (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
ac (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
AC (R:L&S)
Acacesium (R:SmGeo)
acacia (R:L&S)
academia (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
academica (R:Peck)
academicus (R:L&S)
Acalandrus (R:SmGeo)
acalephe (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Acampsis (R:SmGeo)
acanthillis (R:L&S)
acanthinus (R:L&S)
acanthis (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
acanthus (R:ELewis),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
acanthyllis (R:L&S)
Acarnania (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acatium (R:L&S)
acatus (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
acaustus (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
accano (R:L&S)
accanto (R:L&S)
accantus (R:L&S)
accedenter (R:L&S)
accedo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acceleratio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accelero (R:L&S)
accendium (R:L&S)
accendo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accenseo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accensi (R:ELewis),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
accensibilis (R:L&S)
accensus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accentor (R:L&S)
accentus (R:L&S)
accepta (R:L&S)
acceptabilis (R:L&S)
acceptator (R:L&S)
acceptilatio (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
acceptio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accepto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acceptor (R:L&S)
acceptrix (R:L&S)
acceptum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acceptus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accerso (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accessa (R:L&S)
accessibilis (R:L&S)
accessio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
accessito (R:L&S)
accessus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Acci (R:SmGeo)
accidens (R:L&S)
accidentia (R:L&S)
accido (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
accieo (R:L&S)
accinctus (R:L&S)
accingo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accino (R:L&S)
accio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accipio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accipiter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accipiter (R:Peck)
accipitrina (R:L&S)
accipitro (R:L&S)
accisus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Accius (R:L&S)
acclamatio (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
acclamo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acclaro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acclinatus (R:ELewis)
acclinis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acclino (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acclivis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acclivitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accola (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Accoleius (R:SmPers)
accolo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accommodate (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accommodatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accommodatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accommodo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accorporo (R:L&S)
accresco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accretio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Accua (R:SmGeo)
accubitalia (R:L&S)
accubitatio (R:L&S)
accubitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
accubito (R:L&S)
accubitum (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
accubitus (R:L&S)
accubo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accumbo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accumulate (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accumulatio (R:L&S)
accumulator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accumulo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accurate (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accuratus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accuro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accurro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accursus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accusabilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accusatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
accusativus (R:L&S)
accusator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accusatorie (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accusatorius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
accusatrix (R:L&S)
accusito (R:L&S)
accuso (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
acedior (R:L&S)
Acelum (R:SmGeo)
aceo (R:L&S)
acephalus (R:L&S)
acer (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aceratus (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
acerbe (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acerbitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acerbitudo (R:L&S)
acerbo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acerbus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acernia (R:L&S)
acernus (R:L&S)
acerosus (R:L&S)
acerra (R:L&S)
Acerrae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acerrime (R:ELewis)
acerus (R:L&S)
acervalis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acervatim (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acervatio (R:L&S)
acervo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acervus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Acesines (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Acesinus (R:L&S)
acetabulum (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
acetaria (R:L&S)
aceto (R:L&S)
acetum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
achaemenis (R:L&S)
Achaia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Acharnae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acharne (R:L&S)
Achates (R:SmGeo)
Achelous (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Acheron (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acheronteus (R:L&S)
Acheruns (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acheta (R:L&S)
achilleis (R:Peck)
achilleos (R:L&S)
Achilles (R:L&S)
Acholla (R:SmGeo)
achor (R:L&S)
acia (R:L&S)
acicula (R:L&S)
acide (R:L&S)
aciditas (R:L&S)
acidulus (R:L&S)
acidus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acies (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Acilius (R:L&S)
Acimincum (R:SmGeo)
acinaces (R:L&S)
Acinasis (R:SmGeo)
Acinippo (R:SmGeo)
acinos (R:L&S)
acinosus (R:L&S)
acinum (R:ELewis)
acinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acipenser (R:L&S)
Aciris (R:SmGeo)
Acis (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
aclys (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmAnt)
Acmonia (R:SmGeo)
acnua (R:L&S)
acoetis (R:L&S)
aconae (R:L&S)
aconiti (R:L&S)
aconitum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Acontius (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acontizo (R:L&S)
acopos (R:L&S)
acor (R:L&S)
Acoris (R:SmGeo)
acoros (R:L&S)
acorum (R:L&S)
acorus (R:L&S)
acquiesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acquiro (R:L&S)
acquisitio (R:L&S),(R:Peck)


Term Templates Notes
Acrae (R:SmGeo)
Acraephia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acre (R:L&S),(R:Stillwell)
acredula (R:L&S)
acridium (R:L&S)
Acrillae (R:SmGeo)
acrimonia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Acrisius (R:SmPers)
acritas (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
Acritas (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acriter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acritudo (R:L&S)
acro (R:L&S)
acroama (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
acroasis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Acroceraunia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
acrocorium (R:L&S)
acrozymus (R:L&S)
acta (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
actaea (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
acte (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
Acte (R:SmGeo)
actio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
actis (R:Peck)
actito (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Actium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
active (R:L&S)
activus (R:L&S)
actor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmPers)
actrix (R:L&S)
actualis (R:L&S)
actuaria (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
actuarii (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
actuariola (R:ELewis)
actuariolum (R:L&S)
actuarium (R:L&S)
actuarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
actum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
actuose (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
actuosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
actus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
actutum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acuarius (R:L&S)
acula (R:L&S)
aculeatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aculeolus (R:L&S)
aculeus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acumen (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acumino (R:L&S)
acuo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acupedius (R:L&S)
acus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acus (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
acutalis (R:L&S)
acutatus (R:L&S)
acute (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acutum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
acutus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
ad (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ad infinitum (R:L&S)
ad tempus (R:ELewis)
ad unguem (R:L&S)
adactus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Adada (R:SmGeo)
adaequatio (R:L&S)
adaeque (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adaequo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adaero (R:L&S)
adaestuo (R:L&S)
adaggero (R:L&S)
adagio (R:L&S)
adagium (R:L&S)
adalligo (R:L&S)
Adam (R:L&S)
adamantinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adamantis (R:L&S)
adamas (R:Peck)
adamator (R:L&S)
adambulo (R:L&S)
adamo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adampliatus (R:L&S)
adamplio (R:L&S)
Adana (R:SmGeo)
adaperio (R:ELewis)
adaperio (R:L&S)
adapertio (R:L&S)
adapertus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adaptatus (R:L&S)
adapto (R:L&S)
adaquo (R:L&S)
adaquor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adarca (R:L&S)
adaro (R:L&S)
adasia (R:L&S)
adaucto (R:L&S)
adauctor (R:L&S)
adauctus (R:L&S)
adaugeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adbello (R:L&S)
adbibo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adbito (R:L&S)
addax (R:L&S)
addecet (R:L&S)
addecimo (R:L&S)
addenseo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
addenso (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
addico (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
addicti (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
addictio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
addictus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
addisco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
additamentum (R:L&S)
additio (R:L&S)
additus (R:L&S)
addo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
addoceo (R:ELewis)
addoceo (R:L&S)
addormio (R:L&S)
addormisco (R:L&S)
addubito (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adduco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adducte (R:ELewis)
adductor (R:L&S)
adductus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
adedo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adelphis (R:L&S)
ademptio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
ademptus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Adeona (R:L&S)
adeps (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adeptio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adeptus (R:L&S)
adequito (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aderro (R:L&S)
adesco (R:L&S)
adesurio (R:L&S)
adesus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adfabilis (R:L&S)
adfabre (R:ELewis)
adfatim (R:ELewis),(R:ELewis)
adfectatio (R:ELewis)
adfecte (R:L&S)
adfectio (R:ELewis)
adfectiosus (R:L&S)
adfecto (R:ELewis)
adfector (R:L&S)
adfectuosus (R:L&S)
adfectus (R:ELewis)
adfero (R:ELewis)
adficio (R:ELewis)
adfigo (R:ELewis)
adfingo (R:ELewis)
adfinis (R:ELewis)
adfinitas (R:ELewis)
adfirmans (R:ELewis)
adfirmate (R:ELewis)
adfirmatio (R:ELewis)
adfirmo (R:ELewis)
adfixus (R:ELewis)
adflatus (R:ELewis)
adflicto (R:ELewis)
adflictor (R:ELewis)
adflictus (R:ELewis)
adfligo (R:ELewis)
adflo (R:ELewis)
adfluens (R:ELewis)
adfluenter (R:ELewis)
adfluentia (R:ELewis)
adfluo (R:ELewis)
adfor (R:ELewis)
adfulgeo (R:ELewis)
adfundo (R:ELewis)
adfuturus (R:ELewis)
adgnati (R:Peck)
adgnati (R:SmAnt)


Term Templates Notes
adhaereo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhaeresco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhaesio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhalo (R:L&S)
adhamo (R:L&S)
Adherbal (R:L&S)
adhibeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhibitus (R:L&S)
adhinnio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhortatio (R:ELewis)
adhortatio (R:L&S)
adhortator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhortatus (R:L&S)
adhortor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adhospito (R:L&S)
adhuc (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Adiabene (R:SmGeo)
adiaceo (R:ELewis)
adiantum (R:L&S)
adiaphoros (R:L&S)
adicio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adiectio (R:ELewis)
adiectivus (R:L&S)
Adienus (R:SmGeo)
adigo (R:ELewis)
adigo (R:L&S),(R:ELewis)
adimo (R:L&S)
adimpleo (R:L&S)
adimpletio (R:L&S)
adimpletor (R:L&S)
adincresco (R:L&S)
adinvenio (R:L&S)
adinventio (R:L&S)
adinventum (R:L&S)
adipatum (R:L&S)
adipatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adipiscor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adipsos (R:L&S)
adis (R:SmGeo)
adito (R:L&S)
aditus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adiudicatio (R:Peck)
adiudico (R:ELewis)
adiuero (R:ELewis)
adiugo (R:L&S)
adiumentum (R:ELewis)
adiunctio (R:ELewis)
adiunctor (R:ELewis)
adiunctus (R:ELewis)
adiungo (R:ELewis)
adiuro (R:ELewis)
adiuto (R:ELewis)
adiutor (R:ELewis)
adiutrix (R:ELewis)
adiutus (R:ELewis)
adiuvo (R:ELewis)


Term Templates Notes
adjacentia (R:L&S)
adjaceo (R:L&S)
adjaculatus (R:L&S)
adjecticius (R:L&S)
adjectio (R:L&S)
adjecto (R:L&S)
adjectus (R:L&S)
adjicio (R:L&S)
adjudicatio (R:L&S)
adjudicatio (R:SmAnt)
adjuero (R:L&S)
adjugo (R:L&S)
adjumentum (R:L&S)
adjunctio (R:L&S)
adjunctivus (R:L&S)
adjunctor (R:L&S)
adjungo (R:L&S)
adjuramentum (R:L&S)
adjuratio (R:L&S)
adjurator (R:L&S)
adjuratorius (R:L&S)
adjutabilis (R:L&S)
adjuto (R:L&S)
adjutor (R:L&S)
adjutorium (R:L&S)
adjutus (R:L&S)
adjuvo (R:L&S)
adlaboro (R:ELewis)
adlatro (R:ELewis)
adlaturus (R:ELewis)
adlecti (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adlecto (R:ELewis)
adlector (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adlegatio (R:ELewis)
adlego (R:ELewis)
adlevamentum (R:ELewis)
adlevo (R:ELewis)
adlicio (R:ELewis)
adlido (R:ELewis)
adligo (R:ELewis)
adlino (R:ELewis)
adlisus (R:ELewis)
adlocutio (R:ELewis),(R:Peck)
adlocutio (R:SmAnt)
adlocutus (R:ELewis)
adloquor (R:ELewis)
adludo (R:ELewis)
adluo (R:ELewis)
adluvio (R:ELewis)


Term Templates Notes
admaturo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admensus (R:L&S)
admeo (R:L&S)
admetior (R:ELewis)
admetior (R:L&S)
Admetus (R:SmPers)
admigro (R:L&S)
adminiculabundus (R:L&S)
adminiculator (R:L&S)
adminiculo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adminiculor (R:L&S)
adminiculum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
administer (R:L&S)
administra (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
administratio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
administrator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
administratorius (R:L&S)
administro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admirabilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admirabilitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admirabiliter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admirandus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admiratio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admirator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admiror (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admisceo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admissarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admissio (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
admissor (R:L&S)
admissum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admissura (R:L&S)
admissus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admistio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admistus (R:L&S)
admitto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admixtio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admixtus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admoderate (R:L&S)
admoderor (R:L&S)
admodulor (R:L&S)
admodum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admoneo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admonitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admonitorium (R:L&S)
admonitum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admonitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admordeo (R:L&S)
admorsus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admotio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admotus (R:L&S)
admoveo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admurmuratio (R:ELewis)
admurmuratio (R:L&S)
admurmuro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
admurmuror (R:L&S)
admutilo (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
adnato (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adnavigo (R:L&S)
adnecto (R:ELewis)
adnecto (R:L&S)
adnexus (R:ELewis)
adnicto (R:L&S)
adnisus (R:ELewis)
adnitor (R:ELewis)
adno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adnodo (R:L&S)
adnoto (R:ELewis)
adnubilo (R:L&S)
adnumero (R:ELewis)
adnumero (R:L&S)
adnuntio (R:ELewis)
adnuntio (R:L&S)
adnuo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adnuto (R:L&S)
Adolenda (R:L&S)
adoleo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adolescens (R:SmAnt)
adolesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adonia (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adonidium (R:L&S)
Adonis (R:L&S)
adonium (R:L&S)
adoperio (R:L&S)
adopertum (R:L&S)
adopinor (R:L&S)
adoptatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adoptator (R:L&S)
adoptio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adoptivus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adopto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ador (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adoratio (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adorator (R:L&S)
adordino (R:L&S)
adorea (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adoreus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
adorior (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adornate (R:L&S)
adorno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adoro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adortus (R:L&S)
adosculor (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
adpetenter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adpetentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adpetibilis (R:L&S)
adpetisso (R:L&S)
adpetitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adpetitor (R:L&S)
adpetitus (R:L&S)
adquiesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adquiro (R:ELewis)
Adramyttium (R:SmGeo)
Adrana (R:SmGeo)
Adranum (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
adremigo (R:L&S)
adrepo (R:ELewis)
adrideo (R:ELewis)
adripio (R:ELewis)
adrogans (R:ELewis)
adroganter (R:ELewis)
adrogantia (R:ELewis)
adrogo (R:ELewis)
Adrumetum (R:L&S)
adscendo (R:L&S)
adsignatio (R:Peck)
adsignatio (R:SmAnt)
adstipulator (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adsuesco (R:L&S)
adsuetus (R:ELewis)
adsulto (R:ELewis)
adsum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adsumo (R:ELewis)
adsumptio (R:ELewis)
adsumptivus (R:ELewis)
adsuo (R:ELewis)
adsurgo (R:ELewis)


Term Templates Notes
Aduatuca (R:L&S)
Aduatuca (R:SmGeo)
adulans (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adulator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulatrix (R:L&S)
adulescens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
adulescentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulescentior (R:L&S)
adulescentula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulescentulus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adulterator (R:L&S)
adulteratrix (R:L&S)
adulterinus (R:ELewis)
adulterinus (R:L&S)
adulterio (R:L&S)
adulterium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adultero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adultus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adumbratio (R:ELewis)
adumbratio (R:L&S)
adumbratus (R:ELewis)
adumbro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adunatio (R:L&S)
adunatus (R:L&S)
aduncus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aduno (R:L&S)
adurgeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aduro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adusque (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adustio (R:L&S)
adustus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adutor (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
advectio (R:L&S)
advecto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advectus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adveho (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advelo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advena (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adveneror (R:L&S)
advenientia (R:L&S)
advenio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adventicius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advento (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adventus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adverbero (R:L&S)
adverbialis (R:L&S)
adverbialiter (R:L&S)
adverbium (R:L&S)
adversaria (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adversarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adversator (R:L&S)
adversatrix (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adversatus (R:L&S)
adverse (R:L&S)
adversio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adversitas (R:L&S)
adverso (R:L&S)
adversor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adversum (R:ELewis)
adversus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
adverto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advesperascit (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advigilo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advivo (R:L&S)
advocamentum (R:L&S)
advocata (R:ELewis)
advocatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advocator (R:L&S)
advocatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
advoco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advolatus (R:ELewis)
advolatus (R:L&S)
advolo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
advolvo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Adyrmachidae (R:SmGeo)
adytum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
adzelor (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
ae (R:L&S)
Aeaces (R:SmPers)
Aebutius (R:L&S)
Aecae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aeculanum (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aedepsus (R:SmGeo)
aedes (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aedicula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aedifex (R:L&S)
aedificatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aedificator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aedificium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aedifico (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aediles (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aedilicius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aedilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aedilitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aedis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeditua (R:L&S)
aeditualis (R:L&S)
aedituens (R:L&S)
aeditui (R:SmAnt)
aeditumor (R:L&S)
aedituus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
aedon (R:L&S)
Aedui (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aegae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aegaea (R:Peck)
Aegates (R:SmGeo)
aeger (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aegiae (R:SmGeo)
Aegialus (R:SmGeo)
Aegida (R:SmGeo)
aegides (R:Peck)
aegilops (R:L&S)
Aegimurus (R:SmGeo)
Aegina (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aeginium (R:SmGeo)
Aegipius (R:SmGeo)
Aegira (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aegis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt)
aegithus (R:L&S)
Aegitium (R:SmGeo)
Aegium (R:L&S)
aegocephalos (R:L&S)
aegolios (R:L&S)
aegre (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aegreo (R:L&S)
aegresco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aegritudo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aegror (R:L&S)
aegrotaticius (R:L&S)
aegrotatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aegroto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aegrotus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aegusa (R:SmGeo)
Aegyptiacus (R:L&S)
aegyptilla (R:L&S)
Aegyptus (R:L&S)
aelinos (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aelius (R:L&S)
Aello (R:L&S)
Aemilius (R:L&S)
aemula (R:L&S)
aemulatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aemulator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aemulatrix (R:L&S)
aemulatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aemulo (R:L&S)
aemulor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aemulus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
Aenaria (R:SmGeo)
Aenea (R:PersEnc)
Aeneas (R:L&S)
aeneator (R:L&S)
aeneatores (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aeneus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aenigma (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aenigmaticus (R:L&S)
aenitologium (R:L&S)
Aenobarbus (R:L&S)
aenum (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aenus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
Aenus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aeoliae (R:SmGeo)
aeon (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
aequabilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequabilitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequabiliter (R:ELewis)
aequabiliter (R:L&S)
aequalis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequalitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequaliter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequanimis (R:L&S)
aequanimitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequanimus (R:L&S)
aequatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeque (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aequi (R:L&S)
aequi (R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
aequidistans (R:L&S)
aequiformis (R:L&S)
aequilavium (R:L&S)
aequilibris (R:L&S)
aequilibritas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequilibrium (R:L&S)
aequinoctialis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequinoctium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
aequiparantia (R:L&S)
aequiparo (R:L&S),(R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequipollens (R:L&S)
aequipondium (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aequitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequiter (R:L&S)
aequivaleo (R:L&S)
aequivocus (R:L&S)
aequo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aequoreus (R:ELewis)
aequoreus (R:L&S)
aequum (R:ELewis),(R:Stillwell)
aequus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
aer (R:L&S)
aera (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aeramen (R:L&S)
aeramentum (R:L&S)
aeraria (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
aerarii (R:SmAnt)
aerarium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aerarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeratus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aereus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aerinus (R:L&S)
aerius (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
aerizusa (R:L&S)
aero (R:L&S)
aeromantia (R:L&S)
Aeropus (R:SmPers)
aerosus (R:L&S)
aeruca (R:L&S)
aerugino (R:L&S)
aeruginosus (R:L&S)
aerugo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
aerumna (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aerumnosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeruscator (R:L&S)
aeruscatores (R:Peck)
aerusco (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
aes (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Aeschines (R:SmPers)
Aeschrion (R:SmPers)
Aeschylus (R:L&S)
aesculetum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Platner)
Aesculetum (R:L&S)
aesculus (R:ELewis)
aesculus (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Aesepus (R:SmGeo)
Aesernia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aesis (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aesopicus (R:L&S)
aestas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestimabilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestimatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestimator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestimatus (R:L&S)
aestimo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestiva (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestive (R:L&S)
aestivo (R:L&S)
aestivus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestuabundus (R:L&S)
aestuans (R:L&S)
aestuarium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestuo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestuose (R:ELewis)
aestuosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aestus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aetas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aetatula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeternalis (R:L&S),(R:ELewis)
aeternitas (R:L&S)
aeterno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeternum (R:ELewis)
aeternus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aethalus (R:L&S)
aether (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
aetherius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aethiopia (R:L&S)
aethiopis (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Aethiops (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aethlius (R:SmPers)
aethra (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
aetitis (R:L&S)
Aetna (R:L&S)
Aetolia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aevitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aeviternus (R:L&S)
aevum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aezari (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
af (R:Zoega)
afar (R:Zoega)
afarkostalaust (R:Zoega)
afarkostr (R:Zoega)
afarmenni (R:Zoega)
Afer (R:ELewis)
Afer (R:L&S)
affabilis (R:L&S)
affabilitas (R:L&S)
affabiliter (R:L&S)
affabre (R:L&S)
affamen (R:L&S)
affaradagr (R:Zoega)
affarakveld (R:Zoega)
affatim (R:L&S)
affatus (R:L&S)
affectatio (R:L&S)
affectator (R:L&S)
affectatrix (R:L&S)
affectatus (R:L&S)
affecte (R:L&S)
affectio (R:L&S)
affectiosus (R:L&S)
affecto (R:L&S)
affector (R:L&S)
affectuosus (R:L&S)
affectus (R:L&S)
affero (R:L&S)
afficio (R:L&S)
affictus (R:L&S)
affigo (R:L&S)
affiguro (R:L&S)
Affilae (R:SmGeo)
affines (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
affingo (R:L&S)
affinis (R:L&S)
affinitas (R:L&S)
affirmatio (R:L&S)
affirmativus (R:L&S)
affirmator (R:L&S)
affirmo (R:L&S)
affixus (R:L&S)
afflator (R:L&S)
afflatus (R:L&S)
afflecto (R:L&S)
affleo (R:L&S)
afflictator (R:L&S)
afflictio (R:L&S)
afflicto (R:L&S)
afflictor (R:L&S)
afflictus (R:L&S)
affligo (R:L&S)
afflo (R:L&S)
affluens (R:L&S)
affluenter (R:L&S)
affluentia (R:L&S)
affluo (R:L&S)
affodio (R:L&S)
affor (R:L&S)
affore (R:L&S)
afformido (R:L&S)
affremo (R:L&S)
affrico (R:L&S)
affrictus (R:L&S)
affrio (R:L&S)
affulgeo (R:L&S)
affundo (R:L&S)
afganga (R:Zoega)
afgangr (R:Zoega)
afhendr (R:Zoega)
afi (R:Zoega)
afl (R:Zoega)
aflagliga (R:Zoega)
afleggja (R:Zoega)
afr (R:Zoega)
Afranius (R:L&S)
Afri (R:L&S)
Africa (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
africa (R:SmGeo)
africanus (R:Peck)
africanus (R:SmPers)
africus (R:Peck)
afui (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
aga (R:Zoega)
agamus (R:L&S)
agape (R:L&S)
agaricum (R:L&S)
Agasias (R:SmPers)
agaso (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agaso (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Agassae (R:SmGeo)
Agathocles (R:L&S)
Agathyrna (R:L&S)
Agathyrna (R:SmGeo)
Agathyrsi (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
agea (R:L&S)
Ageladas (R:SmPers)
agellus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Agendicum (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
agens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ager (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Agesilaus (R:L&S)
aggaudeo (R:L&S)
aggenero (R:L&S)
aggeniculor (R:L&S)
agger (R:Peck),(R:Platner),|(R:SmAnt)
aggero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aggestus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agglomero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agglutino (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aggravo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aggredior (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aggrego (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aggressor (R:L&S)
aggressura (R:L&S)
aggressus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agguberno (R:L&S)
agi (R:Zoega)
agilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agilitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agiliter (R:L&S)
agina (R:L&S)
Aginnum (R:SmGeo)
agitatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agitator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agitatores (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
agitatrix (R:L&S)
agitatus (R:L&S)
agite (R:ELewis)
agito (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agmen (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
agminalis (R:L&S)
agminatim (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
agn (R:Zoega)
agna (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agnascor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agnati (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
agnatio (R:L&S)
agnatus (R:ELewis)
agnellus (R:L&S)
agnina (R:ELewis)
agninus (R:L&S)
agnitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agnitor (R:L&S)
agnitus (R:L&S)
agnomen (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
agnomentum (R:L&S)
agnominatio (R:L&S)
agnos (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
agnosco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agnus (R:L&S)
ago (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
agolum (R:L&S)
agon (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Agonalia (R:L&S)
agones (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
agonium (R:L&S)
agora (R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmGeo)
agraria (R:ELewis)
agrarii (R:ELewis)
agrarius (R:L&S)
agrestis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Agrianes (R:SmGeo)
agricola (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
agricolaris (R:L&S)
agricolor (R:L&S)
agricultio (R:ELewis)
agricultio (R:L&S)
agricultor (R:L&S)
agricultura (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Agrigentum (R:L&S)
agrimensor (R:L&S)
agrimensores (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
agrimonia (R:L&S)
agripeta (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Agrippina (R:L&S)
Agrius (R:SmPers)
agrostis (R:L&S)
agrosus (R:L&S)
Aguranis (R:SmGeo)
Agyrium (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
ah (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ahala (R:L&S)
Aharna (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aheneus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ai (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aiax (R:L&S)
aiens (R:ELewis)
aiens (R:L&S)
aientia (R:L&S)
aio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ajax (R:L&S)
aka (R:Zoega)
ákafleikr (R:Zoega)
akarn (R:Zoega)
akkeri (R:Zoega)
akr (R:Zoega)




Term Templates Notes
ala (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt),(R:Zoega)
Alabanda (R:SmGeo)
alabaster (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
alabastrum (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Alabis (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
alacer (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alacritas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Alaesa (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Alamanni (R:L&S)
Alander (R:SmGeo)
Alani (R:SmGeo)
Alanus (R:L&S)
alapa (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alarii (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
alaris (R:ELewis)
alarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alaternus (R:L&S)
Alatheus (R:SmPers)
alatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alauda (R:L&S)
alauda (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Alauna (R:SmGeo)
alausa (R:L&S)
Alazon (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Alba Longa (R:Stillwell)
Alba Pompeia (R:SmGeo)
alba (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Alba (R:L&S)
albamentum (R:L&S)
albana (R:SmGeo)
Albani (R:L&S)
Albania (R:L&S)
albanum (R:SmGeo)
Albanus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
albanus (R:SmGeo)
albaris (R:L&S)
albarius (R:L&S)
albatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
albedo (R:L&S)
albens (R:ELewis)
albeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
albesco (R:L&S)
albi (R:Stillwell)
albiceris (R:L&S)
albico (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
albidus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Albingaunum (R:SmGeo)
Albinia (R:SmGeo)
Albinus (R:L&S)
Albis (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
albitudo (R:L&S)
Albius (R:L&S)
albo (R:L&S)
albor (R:L&S)
albucus (R:L&S)
albuelis (R:L&S)
albugo (R:L&S)
Albula (R:SmGeo)
albulus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Album Intimilium (R:SmGeo)
album (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
albumen (R:L&S)
alburnum (R:L&S)
alburnus (R:L&S)
albus (R:ELewis)
albus (R:L&S),(R:L&S)
alcedo (R:L&S)
alces (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
Alcibiades (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Alcmena (R:L&S)
alcyon (R:L&S)
Alcyone (R:L&S)
aldr (R:Zoega)
aldri (R:Zoega)
aldrigi (R:Zoega)
alea (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
alearis (R:L&S)
alearius (R:L&S)
aleator (R:ELewis)
aleator (R:L&S)
aleatorius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alebria (R:L&S)
alec (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alectoria (R:L&S)
Alemanni (R:L&S)
aleo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aleria (R:L&S)
ales (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
alesco (R:L&S)
Alesia (R:L&S)
Alesiaeum (R:SmGeo)
Aletium (R:SmGeo)
Aletrinas (R:L&S)
Aletrinates (R:L&S)
Aletrinensis (R:L&S)
Aletrium (R:L&S)
aletudo (R:L&S)
Alexander (R:L&S)
Alexandrea (R:L&S)
alexipharmacon (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
algensis (R:L&S)
algeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
algesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
algidus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
algificus (R:L&S)
algor (R:L&S)
algosus (R:L&S)
algus (R:L&S)
alia (R:L&S)
alias (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alibi (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alibilis (R:L&S)
alica (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
alicastrum (R:L&S)
alicubi (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alicula (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
alicunde (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alid (R:L&S)
alienatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alienatus (R:ELewis)
alienigena (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alienigenus (R:L&S)
alieniloquium (R:L&S)
alieno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alienum (R:ELewis)
alienus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliger (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alimentum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alimonia (R:L&S)
alimonium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alin (R:Zoega)
Alinda (R:SmGeo)
alio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alioqui (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliorsum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aliphera (R:SmGeo)
aliqua (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquam (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquamdiu (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquando (R:ELewis)
aliquando (R:L&S)
aliquantisper (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquanto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquantulum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquantulus (R:L&S)
aliquantum (R:ELewis)
aliquantus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquatenus (R:L&S)
aliqui (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquid (R:ELewis)
aliquis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquot (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquotiens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliquovorsum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alisma (R:L&S)
aliter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alitura (R:L&S)
alitus (R:L&S)
alium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aliunde (R:ELewis)
aliunde (R:L&S)
alius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aliuta (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
allabor (R:L&S)
allaboro (R:L&S)
allacrimo (R:L&S)
allapsus (R:L&S)
allatro (R:L&S)
allatus (R:L&S)
allaudo (R:L&S)
allec (R:ELewis)
allectatio (R:L&S)
allecto (R:L&S)
allector (R:L&S)
allectura (R:L&S)
allectus (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Alledius (R:SmPers)
allegatio (R:L&S)
allegatus (R:L&S)
allego (R:L&S)
allegoria (R:L&S)
allegoricus (R:L&S)
allegorizo (R:L&S)
allevamentum (R:L&S)
allevator (R:L&S)
allevio (R:L&S)
allevo (R:L&S)
allex (R:L&S)
Allia (R:L&S)
allia (R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
alliatum (R:L&S)
allicefacio (R:L&S)
allicio (R:L&S)
allido (R:L&S)
Allifae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
alligatio (R:L&S)
alligator (R:L&S)
alligatura (R:L&S)
alligo (R:L&S)
allino (R:L&S)
allisio (R:L&S)
allisus (R:L&S)
allium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Allobroges (R:SmGeo)
allocutio (R:L&S)
allocutus (R:L&S)
alloquium (R:L&S)
alloquor (R:L&S)
allr (R:Zoega)
allraheilagramessa (R:Zoega)
allraheilagramessudagr (R:Zoega)
alls (R:Zoega)
allubentia (R:L&S)
alluceo (R:L&S)
alluctor (R:L&S)
alludio (R:L&S)
alludo (R:L&S)
alluo (R:L&S)
allusio (R:L&S)
alluvio (R:L&S),(R:SmAnt)
alluvius (R:L&S)
allvaldr (R:Zoega)
allvaldskonungr (R:Zoega)


Term Templates Notes
alma (R:SmGeo)
almities (R:L&S)
Almo (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
almo (R:Peck),(R:Platner),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
Almopes (R:SmGeo)
almr (R:Zoega)
almus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
alnus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aloe (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alogia (R:L&S)
Alope (R:SmGeo)
Alopeconnesus (R:SmGeo)
alopecuros (R:L&S)
Alorus (R:SmGeo)
alosa (R:L&S)
Alpes (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
alpha (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alphabetum (R:L&S)
Alpheus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Alpinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Alpis (R:L&S)
alr (R:Zoega)
Alsa (R:SmGeo)
alsine (R:L&S)
altar (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
altare (R:Peck)
altaria (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
altarium (R:L&S)
alte spiro (R:L&S)
alte (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
altellus (R:L&S)
alter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
altercatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
altercator (R:L&S)
altercor (R:ELewis)m,(R:L&S)
alterculum (R:L&S)
alternatim (R:L&S)
alternatio (R:L&S)
alterne (R:L&S)
alternis (R:ELewis)
alterno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alternus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alteruter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
althaea (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
altilia (R:Stillwell)
altilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Altinum (R:SmGeo)
altisonus (R:L&S)
altitonans (R:L&S)
altitonus (R:L&S)
altitudo (R:L&S)
altiuscule (R:L&S)
altiusculus (R:L&S)
alto (R:L&S)
altor (R:L&S)
altrinsecus (R:L&S)
altrix (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
altum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
altus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
alucinator (R:L&S)
alucinor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alucita (R:L&S)
alum (R:L&S)
alumen (R:L&S)
alumna (R:ELewis)
alumna (R:L&S)
alumno (R:L&S)
alumnor (R:L&S)
alumnus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aluntium (R:SmGeo)
aluta (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Aluta (R:SmGeo)
alutae (R:Peck)
alvarium (R:ELewis)
alvearium (R:L&S)
alveolus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
alveus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Alvona (R:SmGeo)
alvus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Alyattes (R:L&S)
alypon (R:L&S)
alysson (R:L&S)
Alyzia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)




Term Templates Notes
amabilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amabilitas (R:L&S)
amabiliter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amadoci (R:SmGeo)
Amadocus (R:SmPers)
amandatio (R:ELewis)
amandatio (R:L&S)
amando (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amandus (R:ELewis),(R:SmPers)
amans (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amanter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amantia (R:L&S)
amanuensis (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
amaracus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
amarantus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Amardi (R:SmGeo)
Amardus (R:SmGeo)
amare (R:L&S)
amaresco (R:L&S)
amarico (R:L&S)
amaritas (R:L&S)
amarities (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amaritudo (R:L&S)
amaror (R:L&S)
amarulentus (R:L&S)
amarus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amasenus (R:SmGeo)
Amasia (R:L&S)
amasia (R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
amasio (R:L&S)
Amasis (R:SmPers)
amasius (R:L&S)
Amastris (R:SmGeo)
amata (R:ELewis),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
Amata (R:L&S)
Amathus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
amator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amatorie (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amatorius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amatrix (R:L&S)
amatus (R:ELewis)
Amazon (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amazonis (R:ELewis)
ambacti (R:SmAnt)
ambactus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambages (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ambarri (R:SmGeo)
ambedo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambestrix (R:L&S)
ambesus (R:L&S)
ambi (R:L&S)
Ambiani (R:SmGeo)
ambigo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambigue (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambiguitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambiguus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ambiorix (R:L&S)
ambitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambitiose (R:ELewis)
ambitiosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambitor (R:L&S)
ambitudo (R:L&S)
ambitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Ambivius (R:L&S)
ambo (R:L&S)
Ambracia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
ambrosia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt)
ambrosiacus (R:L&S)
ambrosius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
Ambrosius (R:L&S)
Ambrysus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
ambulacrum (R:L&S)
ambulatilis (R:L&S)
ambulatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambulatiuncula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambulator (R:L&S)
ambulatorius (R:L&S)
ambulatrix (R:L&S)
ambulatura (R:L&S)
ambulatus (R:L&S)
ambulo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amburbiales (R:L&S)
amburbialis (R:L&S)
amburbium (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
amburo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ambustio (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
amellus (R:L&S)
amen (R:L&S)
Amenanus (R:SmGeo)
amens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amentatus (R:ELewis)
amentatus (R:L&S)
amentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amento (R:L&S)
amentum (R:L&S)
Ameria (R:L&S)
amerimnon (R:L&S)
ames (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amestris (R:SmPers)
amethystinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amethystizon (R:L&S)
amethystos (R:ELewis)
amethystus (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
ametor (R:L&S)
amia (R:L&S),(R:ELewis)
amica (R:L&S)
amicabilis (R:L&S)
amicalis (R:L&S)
amice (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amicinus (R:L&S)
amicio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amicitia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amico (R:L&S)
amictus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
amicula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amiculum (R:ELewis)
amiculum (R:L&S)
amicus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amilcar (R:L&S)
Amilus (R:SmGeo)
Amisia (R:L&S)
Amisia (R:SmGeo)
amissio (R:ELewis)
amissio (R:L&S)
amissum (R:ELewis)
amissus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amisus (R:SmGeo)
amita (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amiternum (R:L&S)
amitinus (R:L&S)
amitto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amma (R:Zoega)
Ammon (R:L&S)
ammoneo (R:L&S)
amnestia (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
amnicola (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amniculus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amnis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Amnisus (R:SmGeo)
amnium (R:Peck)


Term Templates Notes
amo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amodo (R:L&S)
amoebaea (R:Peck)
amoebaeus (R:L&S)
amoene (R:L&S)
amoenitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amoeno (R:L&S)
amoenus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amolior (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amolitus (R:L&S)
amomis (R:L&S)
amomum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amor (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
amor (R:SmPers)
amorabundus (R:L&S)
amores (R:Peck)
Amorgos (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
amosio (R:L&S)
amotio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amotus (R:L&S)
amoveo (R:ELewis)
amoveo (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
ampelos (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Ampelusia (R:SmGeo)
Ampheia (R:SmGeo)
amphemerinos (R:L&S)
Amphiaraus (R:SmPers)
amphibolus (R:L&S)
amphibrachys (R:L&S)
Amphicaea (R:SmGeo)
Amphilochia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Amphimalla (R:SmGeo)
amphiprostylos (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Amphissa (R:SmGeo)
amphitheatrum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:Platner),(R:SmAnt)
amphora (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt)
Amphrysus (R:SmGeo)
ample (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplector (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplexo (R:ELewis)
amplexor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplexus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ampliatio (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
amplificatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplificator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplifice (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplifico (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplio (R:L&S)
amplitudo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amplo (R:L&S)
amplus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ampsaga (R:SmGeo)
ampulla (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
ampullor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amputo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amtruo (R:L&S)
amuletum (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Amulius (R:SmPers)
amurca (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amussis (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
amussium (R:L&S)
Amutria (R:SmGeo)
Amyclae (R:SmGeo)
amycticus (R:L&S)
amygdala (R:L&S)
amygdalinus (R:L&S)
amygdalum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
amygdalus (R:L&S)
amylo (R:L&S)
amylum (R:L&S)
Amymone (R:SmGeo)
Amyntas (R:SmPers)
Amyrtaeus (R:SmPers)
Amystis (R:SmGeo)
Amytis (R:SmPers)
Amyzon (R:SmGeo)




Term Templates Notes
an (R:L&S)
anabasis (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
anabathra (R:ELewis)
anabathrum (R:L&S)
anachoreta (R:L&S)
Anacreon (R:L&S)
anagallis (R:L&S)
anaglypha (R:SmAnt)
anaglypta (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
anaglyptus (R:L&S)
Anagnia (R:L&S)
anagnostae (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
anagnostes (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Anagombri (R:SmGeo)
anagyros (R:L&S)
analecta (R:L&S)
analogia (R:L&S)
anancitis (R:L&S)
anapaestus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Anaphas (R:SmPers)
Anaphe (R:SmGeo)
Anaphlystus (R:SmGeo)
anaphoricus (R:L&S)
Anapus (R:SmGeo)
Anariaci (R:SmGeo)
anarrhinon (R:L&S)
Anartes (R:SmGeo)
anas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
Anas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
anathema (R:L&S)
anathemata (R:SmAnt)
anathematizo (R:L&S)
anaticula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anatinus (R:L&S)
anatomia (R:L&S)
Anaurus (R:SmGeo)
Anaxander (R:SmGeo)
Anaxum (R:L&S)
Anazarbus (R:SmGeo)
ancala (R:L&S)
anceps (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ancharius (R:L&S)
Anchiale (R:SmGeo)
Anchialus (R:SmGeo)
Anchises (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anchora (R:L&S)
ancile (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
ancilla (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
ancillaris (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ancillatus (R:L&S)
ancillor (R:L&S)
ancillula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anclabris (R:L&S)
ancon (R:L&S)
Ancon (R:L&S)
ancora (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
ancula (R:L&S)
anculo (R:L&S)
anculus (R:L&S)
ancus (R:L&S)
Ancyra (R:L&S)
anda (R:Zoega)
andabata (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
andabatae (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Andania (R:L&S)
Andania (R:SmGeo)
Andecavi (R:L&S)
Andematunnum (R:SmGeo)
Anderitum (R:SmGeo)
Andetrium (R:SmGeo)
andi (R:Zoega)
Andizetes (R:SmGeo)
andlit (R:Zoega)
Andocides (R:SmPers)
Andomatis (R:SmGeo)
andrachne (R:L&S)
Andriaca (R:SmGeo)
Andrius (R:SmGeo)
androdamas (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
androgyne (R:L&S)
androgynus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
andron (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmPers)
Andropolis (R:SmGeo)
Andros (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
androsaces (R:L&S)
andsvar (R:Zoega)
andvitni (R:Zoega)


Term Templates Notes
anellus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anemone (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Anemoria (R:SmGeo)
Anemurium (R:SmGeo)
Aneritae (R:SmGeo)
anethum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anfractus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ang (R:Zoega)
anga (R:Zoega)
angan (R:Zoega)
angari (R:Peck)
angaria (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
angario (R:L&S)
angarius (R:L&S)
angelicus (R:L&S)
angelus (R:L&S)
Angerona (R:L&S)
angi (R:Zoega)
angiportus (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
angist (R:Zoega)
Angites (R:SmGeo)
Angli (R:L&S)
Anglia (R:L&S)
ango (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
angor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
angr (R:Zoega)
angra (R:Zoega)
angran (R:Zoega)
Angrus (R:SmGeo)
anguilla (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anguilla (R:Peck)
anguilla (R:SmAnt)
anguipes (R:L&S)
anguis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
angularis (R:L&S)
angularius (R:L&S)
angulatus (R:ELewis)
angulo (R:L&S)
angulosus (R:L&S)
angulus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Angulus (R:SmGeo)
anguste (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
angustia (R:ELewis),(R:Stillwell)
angustiae (R:L&S)
angusticlavius (R:L&S)
angustio (R:L&S)
angusto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
angustum (R:ELewis)
angustus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
anhelator (R:L&S)
anhelitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anhelo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Anicetus (R:SmPers)
anicula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anicularis (R:L&S)
Anigrus (R:SmGeo)
anilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anilitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aniliter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anima (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animadversio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animadverto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animaequus (R:L&S)
animal (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animalis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animans (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animator (R:L&S)
animatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animicida (R:L&S)
animo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animose (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animositas (R:L&S)
animosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
animus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Anio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
anisum (R:L&S)
Anisus (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
anna (R:SmPers),(R:Zoega)
Annaeus (R:L&S)
annales (R:Peck)
annalis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annalis (R:SmPers)
annarligr (R:Zoega)
annarr hvárr (R:Zoega)
annarr (R:Zoega)
annars (R:Zoega)
annarsligr (R:Zoega)
annato (R:L&S)
annavigo (R:L&S)
anne (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annecto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annellus (R:L&S)
annexus (R:L&S)
Annibi (R:SmGeo)
Anniceris (R:SmPers)
annicto (R:L&S)
anniculus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annihilo (R:L&S)
annitor (R:ELewis)
annitor (R:L&S)
Annius (R:L&S)
anniversarie (R:L&S)
anniversarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annixus (R:L&S)
anno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annodo (R:L&S)
annon (R:PersEnc)
annona (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
annonarius (R:L&S)
annonor (R:L&S)
annositas (R:L&S)
annosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annotatio (R:L&S)
annotator (R:L&S)
annotatus (R:L&S)
annotinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annoto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
annsamligr (R:Zoega)
annualis (R:L&S)
annubilo (R:L&S)
annullo (R:L&S)
annulus (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
annumero (R:L&S)
annuntiatio (R:L&S)
annuntiator (R:L&S)
annuntio (R:L&S)
annuo (R:L&S)
annus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
annuto (R:L&S)
annutrio (R:L&S)
annuum (R:L&S)
annuus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anodynos (R:L&S)
anomalos (R:L&S)
anonymos (R:L&S)
anquina (R:L&S)
ansa (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
anser (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
Anser (R:L&S)
anserinus (R:L&S)
Ansibarii (R:SmGeo)
ansula (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
antae (R:L&S)
Antaeopolis (R:SmGeo)
Antandrus (R:SmGeo)
antarcticus (R:L&S)
ante (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antea (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anteactus (R:L&S)
antecapio (R:ELewis)
antecapio (R:L&S)
antecedens (R:ELewis)
antecedo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antecello (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anteceptus (R:ELewis)
anteceptus (R:L&S)
antecessor (R:L&S)
antecessores (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
antecessus (R:L&S)
antecurro (R:L&S)
antecursor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antedico (R:L&S)
anteeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antefero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antegredior (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antehabeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antehac (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antelatus (R:L&S)
anteloquium (R:L&S)
antelucanus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antemna (R:ELewis)
Antemnae (R:SmGeo)
antemurale (R:L&S)
antenna (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Antenor (R:L&S)
antepaenultimus (R:L&S)
antepagmenta (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
antepagmentum (R:L&S)
antepolleo (R:L&S)
antepono (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antequam (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anterior (R:L&S)
antes (R:L&S)
antescholanus (R:L&S)
antescolarius (R:L&S)
antesignani (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
antesignanus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antestari (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
antesto (R:ELewis)
antesto (R:L&S)
antestor (R:L&S)
antevenio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anteversio (R:L&S)
anteverto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antevio (R:L&S)
antevolo (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
anthalium (R:L&S)
Anthedon (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
anthedon (R:L&S)
Anthemus (R:SmGeo)
Anthemusia (R:SmGeo)
anthera (R:L&S)
anthracinus (R:L&S)
anthrax (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
anthropophagi (R:Peck),(R:L&S)
anthus (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
antiae (R:L&S)
anticipatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anticipo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
anticus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Anticyra (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
antidea (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Antigonea (R:SmGeo)
Antinum (R:SmGeo)
antipagmentum (R:L&S)
Antipater (R:L&S)
antipathia (R:L&S)
Antipatrea (R:SmGeo)
Antiphellus (R:SmGeo)
Antipolis (R:L&S)
antiquaria (R:ELewis),(R:SmGeo)
antiquarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antiquatio (R:L&S)
antique (R:L&S)
antiquitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antiquitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antiquo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antiquus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antirrhinon (R:L&S)
antisagoge (R:L&S)
Antissa (R:SmGeo)
antistes (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antistita (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antisto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antitheton (R:L&S)
Antium (R:SmGeo)
antlia (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Antonius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
antonomasia (R:L&S)
Antron (R:SmGeo)
antrum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
anularis (R:L&S)
anularius (R:L&S)
anulatus (R:L&S)
anulus (R:ELewis)(R:L&S)(R:Peck)(R:SmAnt)
Anurogrammi (R:SmGeo)
anus (R:ELewis)(R:L&S)
Anxanum (R:SmGeo)
anxie (R:ELewis)(R:L&S)
anxietas (R:ELewis)(R:L&S)
anxietudo (R:L&S)
anxio (R:L&S)
anxitudo (R:ELewis)
anxitudo (R:L&S)
anxius (R:ELewis)(R:L&S)
Anxur (R:L&S)
anza (R:Zoega)


Term Templates Notes
Aorsi (R:SmPers)
Aous (R:SmGeo)




Term Templates Notes
apage (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apaldr (R:Zoega)
Apama (R:SmPers)
Apamea (R:L&S)
Apanestae (R:SmGeo)
aparctias (R:L&S)
aparine (R:L&S)
apathia (R:L&S)
ape (R:L&S)
apeliotes (R:L&S)
Apella (R:L&S)
Apello (R:L&S)
aper (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
Aperantia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aperio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aperlae (R:SmGeo)
aperte (R:ELewis)
apertio (R:L&S)
aperto (R:L&S)
apertor (R:L&S)
apertum (R:L&S)
apertura (R:L&S),(R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apex (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aphaca (R:L&S)
Aphesas (R:L&S)
Aphetae (R:SmGeo)
Aphidnae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aphractus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aphrodes (R:L&S)
Aphroditopolis (R:SmGeo)
aphronitrum (R:L&S)
aphya (R:L&S)
apia (R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
Apia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
apianus (R:L&S)
apiarius (R:L&S)
apiastra (R:L&S)
apiastrum (R:L&S)
apica (R:L&S)
apicatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Apicius (R:L&S)
apicula (R:L&S)
Apidanus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Apilas (R:SmGeo)
apio (R:L&S)
Apiolae (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
apis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
Apis (R:SmGeo)
apiscor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
apli (R:Zoega)
apluda (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
apo (R:L&S)
apocalypsis (R:L&S)
apocolocyntosis (R:L&S)
apocryphus (R:L&S)
apocynon (R:L&S)
apodes (R:L&S)
apodicticus (R:L&S)
apodyterium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
apogeus (R:L&S)
apolactizo (R:L&S)
Apollinopolis (R:SmGeo)
Apollo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
Apolloniates (R:L&S)
apologeticum (R:Peck)
apologeticus (R:L&S)
apologia (R:L&S)
apologo (R:L&S)
apologus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apophasis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apoplecticus (R:L&S)
apor (R:L&S)
aporior (R:L&S)
aposplenos (R:L&S)
apostata (R:L&S)
apostato (R:L&S)
apostatrix (R:L&S)
apostolatus (R:L&S)
apostolicus (R:L&S)
apostolus (R:L&S)
apotheca (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
apothecarius (R:L&S)
apotheco (R:L&S)
apotheosis (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
apozema (R:L&S)
apozymo (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
apparamentum (R:L&S)
apparate (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apparatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apparator (R:L&S)
apparatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apparens (R:ELewis)
apparentia (R:L&S)
appareo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apparesco (R:L&S)
apparitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apparitor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apparitores (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
apparitura (R:L&S)
apparo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appellatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
appellativus (R:L&S)
appellator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appellito (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appello (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appendicium (R:L&S)
appendicula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appendix (R:ELewis)
appendix (R:L&S)
appendo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appensus (R:L&S)
appertineo (R:L&S)
appetens (R:ELewis)
appetens (R:L&S),(R:ELewis)
appetenter (R:L&S)
appetentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appetibilis (R:L&S)
appetisso (R:L&S)
appetitio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appetitor (R:L&S)
appetitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appeto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Appius (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
applaudo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
applausus (R:L&S)
applicatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
applicatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:L&S)
applico (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apploro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
applosus (R:L&S)
applumbo (R:L&S)
appono (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apporto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apposite (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appositio (R:L&S)
appositum (R:L&S)
appositus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appostulo (R:L&S)
apprecor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apprehendo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apprehensio (R:L&S)
apprendo (R:L&S)
apprenso (R:L&S)
appretio (R:L&S)
apprime (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apprimo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apprimus (R:L&S)
approbatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
approbator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
approbo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appromitto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
approno (R:L&S)
appropero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appropinquo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
appropriatio (R:L&S)
approprio (R:L&S)
approximo (R:L&S)
appugno (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Appuleius (R:L&S)
appulsus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
aprico (R:L&S)
apricor (R:L&S)
apricus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aprilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Apronius (R:L&S)
apruco (R:L&S)
Aprusa (R:L&S)
Aprusa (R:SmGeo)
Aprustum (R:SmGeo)
Apsarus (R:SmGeo)
Apsilae (R:SmGeo)
apsinthites (R:L&S)
apsinthium (R:L&S)
Apsorus (R:L&S)
Apsus (R:SmGeo)
apsyctos (R:L&S)
Apta Julia (R:SmGeo)
aptann (R:Zoega)
aptari (R:Zoega)
aptatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apte (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
apto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aptr (R:Zoega)
aptus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Apuani (R:SmGeo)
apud (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Apuleius (R:L&S)
Apulia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Apulum (R:SmGeo)
apus (R:L&S)
aput (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
aqua (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Aquae Statiellae (R:SmGeo)
aquae (R:Peck),(R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
aquaeductus (R:L&S),(R:SmAnt)
aqualis (R:L&S)
aquarii (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aquarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aquate (R:L&S)
aquaticus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aquatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aquator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aquatus (R:L&S)
aquifolius (R:L&S)
aquigenus (R:L&S)
aquila (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmPers)
Aquila (R:L&S)
Aquileia (R:L&S)
aquilentus (R:L&S)
aquilifer (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aquilinus (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Aquilius (R:L&S)
aquilo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aquilonia (R:L&S)
aquilus (R:L&S)
aquiminale (R:L&S)
Aquincum (R:SmGeo)
Aquinius (R:SmPers),(R:SmGeo)
aquitani (R:Peck)
Aquitania (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aquor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aquosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
Arabia (R:L&S)
Arabia Felix (R:SmGeo)
arabilis (R:L&S)
Arabis (R:SmGeo)
Arabriga (R:SmGeo)
Arabs (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Arachne (R:L&S)
Arachosia (R:SmGeo)
Arachotus (R:SmGeo)
Arachthus (R:SmGeo)
Aracynthus (R:SmGeo)
Aradus (R:SmGeo)
Aragus (R:SmGeo)
Arandis (R:SmGeo)
aranea (R:ELewis)
aranea (R:L&S)
araneola (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
araneolus (R:L&S)
araneosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
araneum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
araneus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arantia (R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
Arar (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aras (R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
Araspes (R:SmPers)
aratio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aratiuncula (R:L&S)
arator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aratro (R:L&S)
aratrum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aratus (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
Aratus (R:L&S)
Arauris (R:SmGeo)
Arausio (R:SmGeo)
Araxa (R:SmGeo)
Araxes (R:SmGeo)
Araxus (R:SmGeo)
Arba (R:SmGeo)
Arbaces (R:SmPers)
arbiter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
arbitra (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbitrario (R:L&S)
arbitrarius (R:L&S)
arbitrator (R:L&S)
arbitratus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbitrium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbitro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbitror (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arboresco (R:L&S)
arboretum (R:L&S)
arboreus (R:L&S)
arbos (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbuscula (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
arbustivus (R:L&S)
arbusto (R:L&S)
arbustum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbustus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arbutum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
arbutus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)


Term Templates Notes
arca (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmGeo)
Arca (R:SmGeo)
Arcadia (R:SmGeo)
arcano (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcanum (R:SmGeo)
arcanus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcarius (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Arcas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcatura (R:L&S)
arce (R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
arcella (R:L&S)
arceo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcera (R:L&S)
arcessitor (R:L&S)
arcessitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcesso (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arceuthinus (R:L&S)
Archabis (R:SmGeo)
archangelus (R:L&S)
archetypum (R:L&S)
archetypus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Archias (R:L&S)
archiater (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
archiepiscopus (R:L&S)
Archigenes (R:SmPers)
Archilochus (R:SmPers)
archimandrita (R:L&S)
archipirata (R:ELewis)
archipirata (R:L&S)
archisynagogus (R:L&S)
architecta (R:L&S)
architector (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
architectura (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
architectus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
architriclinus (R:L&S)
archium (R:L&S)
archon (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmPers)
arcirma (R:L&S)
Arcobriga (R:SmGeo)
arcte (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcticus (R:L&S)
arcto (R:L&S)
arctos (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Arctos (R:ELewis)
Arctos (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
arctus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcuarius (R:L&S)
arcuatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arcula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
arcuo (R:L&S)
arcus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)


Term Templates Notes
ardea (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
Ardea (R:SmGeo)
ardens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ardenter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ardeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ardesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ardor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arduitas (R:L&S)
ardus (R:L&S)
arduum (R:ELewis)
arduus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
are (R:L&S)
area (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
arealis (R:L&S)
arefacio (R:L&S)
Arelate (R:SmGeo)
arena (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
arenaceus (R:L&S)
arenarii (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
arenarius (R:L&S)
arenatus (R:L&S)
Arene (R:SmGeo)
arenifodina (R:L&S)
arenivagus (R:L&S)
Arennius (R:SmPers)
arenosus (R:L&S)
arens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
areo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
areola (R:L&S)
ares (R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
aresco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aretalogi (R:SmAnt)
aretalogus (R:L&S)
Aretas (R:SmPers)
Arethon (R:L&S)
Arethusa (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Areva (R:SmGeo)
Arevaci (R:SmGeo)
arfa (R:Zoega)
arfkaup (R:Zoega)
arfr (R:Zoega)
arfsal (R:Zoega)
arfskipti (R:Zoega)
arfskot (R:Zoega)
arftaka (R:Zoega)
arftakari (R:Zoega)
arftaki (R:Zoega)


Term Templates Notes
Argenomesci (R:SmGeo)
argentaria (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
argentarii (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
argentarium (R:L&S)
argentarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argentatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argenteolus (R:L&S)
argenteus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
argenti fodina (R:L&S)
argentifodina (R:L&S)
Argentomagus (R:SmGeo)
argentosus (R:L&S)
argentum vivum (R:L&S)
argentum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Argenus (R:SmGeo)
argestes (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argi (R:Peck)
argilla (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
argillaceus (R:L&S)
argillosus (R:L&S)
Argilus (R:SmGeo)
Argippaei (R:SmGeo)
Argithea (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Argivus (R:L&S)
Argo (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Argolis (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Argous Portus (R:SmGeo)
Argous (R:L&S)
argr (R:Zoega)
argumentatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argumentator (R:L&S)
argumentor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argumentosus (R:L&S)
argumentum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arguo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Argura (R:SmGeo)
Argus (R:L&S)
argus (R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmPers)
argutator (R:L&S)
argute (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argutia (R:L&S)
arguto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argutor (R:L&S)
argutus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
argyranche (R:L&S)
Argyrippus (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
ari (R:Zoega)
Ariabignes (R:SmPers)
Arialdunum (R:SmGeo)
Ariamnes (R:SmPers)
arianis (R:L&S)
Ariarathes (R:SmPers)
Ariassus (R:SmGeo)
Aricia (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
ariditas (R:L&S)
aridus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ariena (R:L&S)
aries (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
arietatio (R:L&S)
arietinus (R:L&S)
arieto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arillator (R:L&S)
Arimaspi (R:SmGeo)
Ariminum (R:L&S)
Ariminus (R:SmGeo)
arinca (R:L&S)
arinn (R:Zoega)
Ariobarzanes (R:SmPers)
Ariola (R:SmGeo)
Ariomardus (R:SmPers)
Ariovistus (R:SmPers)
aris (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
Arisba (R:SmGeo)
arista (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aristatus (R:L&S)
Aristerae (R:SmGeo)
Aristides (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
aristiger (R:L&S)
Aristippus (R:L&S)
Aristius (R:L&S)
aristolochia (R:L&S)
Aristoneus (R:L&S)
Aristophanes (R:L&S)
Aristophaneus (R:L&S)
Aristoteles (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
arithmetica (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
arithmeticus (R:L&S)
aritudo (R:L&S)
Arius (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
arma (R:L&S),(R:Zoega)
armamaxa (R:L&S)
armamenta (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
armamentarium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:Platner),(R:SmAnt)
armarium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
armatura (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
armatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Armenia (R:L&S)
armenta (R:L&S)
armentarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
armentum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
armifer (R:L&S)
armiger (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
armigera (R:ELewis)
armilla (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
armillatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
armingi (R:Zoega)
Arminius (R:SmPers)
armisonus (R:L&S)
armita (R:L&S)
armligr (R:Zoega)
armo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
armoracia (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
armr (R:Zoega)
armus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Arna (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Arnae (R:SmGeo)
Arne (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Arnissa (R:SmGeo)
Arnus (R:L&S)
Arnus (R:Peck)
Arnus (R:SmGeo)
aro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aroanius (R:SmGeo)
aroma (R:L&S)
aromaticus (R:L&S)
aromatizo (R:L&S)
Arosapes (R:SmGeo)
Arosis (R:SmGeo)
Arpi (R:SmGeo)
Arpineius (R:SmPers)
Arpinum (R:L&S)
Arpinum (R:SmGeo)
arquatus (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
arrabo (R:ELewis),(R:SmGeo)
Arrabo (R:SmGeo)
Arrechi (R:SmGeo)
arrectus (R:L&S)
arrenicum (R:L&S)
arrepo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arrepticius (R:L&S)
arrepto (R:L&S)
arreptus (R:L&S)
Arretium (R:SmGeo)
arrha (R:L&S)
arrhabo (R:L&S)
arrideo (R:L&S)
arrigo (R:L&S)
arripio (R:L&S)
arrisio (R:L&S)
arrogans (R:L&S)
arroganter (R:L&S)
arrogantia (R:L&S)
arrogatio (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
arrogator (R:L&S)
arrogo (R:L&S)
Arrotrebae (R:SmGeo)
arrugia (R:L&S)
Arruns (R:L&S)
Arruntius (R:L&S)
ars (R:L&S),(R:Zoega)
Arsames (R:SmPers)
Arsamosata (R:SmGeo)
Arsanias (R:SmGeo)
Arsenaria (R:SmGeo)
arsenicum (R:L&S)
Arsia (R:SmGeo)
arsineum (R:L&S)
Arsinoe (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
arsis (R:L&S)
arsus (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
arta (R:Zoega)
artaba (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Artabanus (R:SmPers)
Artace (R:SmGeo)
Artacoana (R:SmGeo)
Artanes (R:SmGeo)
Artaphernes (R:SmPers)
artatus (R:L&S)
Artavasdes (R:SmPers)
Artaxata (R:SmGeo)
arte (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Artemisia (R:L&S)
Artemisium (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
artemon (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Artena (R:SmGeo)
arteria (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arteriotomia (R:L&S)
arthriticus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
articularis (R:L&S)
articulate (R:L&S)
articulatim (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
articulatio (R:L&S)
articulatus (R:L&S)
articulo (R:L&S)
articulus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
artifex (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
artifices (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
artificialis (R:L&S)
artificiose (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
artificiosus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
artificium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Artigi (R:SmGeo)
Artiscus (R:SmGeo)
artius (R:ELewis)
artius (R:L&S)
arto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
artolaganus (R:L&S)
artus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Artynia (R:SmGeo)
Artystone (R:SmPers)
Aruci (R:SmGeo)
arula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arum (R:L&S)
Arunda (R:SmGeo)
arundifer (R:L&S)
arundinetum (R:L&S)
arundo (R:Peck)
Arupium (R:SmGeo)
arura (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aruspex (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Arutela (R:SmGeo)
arva (R:SmGeo)
Arva (R:SmGeo)
arvalis (R:L&S)
Arverni (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Arvii (R:SmGeo)
arvina (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
arvinula (R:L&S)
arvix (R:L&S)
arvum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arvus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
arx (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:Platner),(R:SmAnt)
Arycanda (R:SmGeo)
Aryenis (R:SmPers)




Term Templates Notes
asa (R:L&S)
Asama (R:SmGeo)
Asander (R:SmGeo)
asarum (R:L&S)
Asbolus (R:SmPers)
Asbystae (R:SmGeo)
Ascalaphus (R:SmPers)
Ascalo (R:L&S)
Ascanius (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
ascendens (R:L&S)
ascendo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascensio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascensor (R:L&S)
ascensus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
ascio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascisco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascius (R:L&S)
asclepion (R:L&S)
Asconius (R:L&S)
ascopera (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
Ascordus (R:SmGeo)
Ascra (R:L&S)
ascribo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascriptio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascriptor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ascriptus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Ascrivium (R:SmGeo)
Asculum (R:L&S)
Ascurus (R:SmGeo)
ascyron (R:L&S)
Asea (R:SmGeo)
asella (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
Asia (R:L&S)
Asiarcha (R:L&S)
Asidius (R:SmPers)
Asido (R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
asilus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck)
asina (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
asinaria (R:Peck)
asinarius (R:L&S)
Asine (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
asininus (R:L&S)
Asinius (R:L&S)
asinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
asio (R:L&S)
Asisium (R:SmGeo)
aska (R:Zoega)
askr (R:Zoega)


Term Templates Notes
Asmiraei (R:SmGeo)
asna (R:Zoega)
asnakjalki (R:Zoega)
asni (R:Zoega)
Asopus (R:SmGeo)
asotia (R:L&S)
asotus (R:ELewis)
asotus (R:L&S)
asparagus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspargo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aspathines (R:SmPers)
Aspavia (R:SmGeo)
aspectabilis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspecto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspectus (R:L&S)
aspello (R:L&S)
Aspendus (R:SmGeo)
asper (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
asperatus (R:L&S)
aspere (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspergo (R:L&S)
asperitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspernatio (R:L&S)
aspernator (R:L&S)
aspernor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspersio (R:ELewis)
aspersio (R:L&S)
aspersus (R:ELewis)
aspersus (R:L&S)
asperum (R:L&S)
asphodelus (R:L&S)
aspicio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspilates (R:L&S)
aspiramen (R:L&S)
aspiratio (R:ELewis)
aspiratio (R:L&S)
aspiro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
Aspledon (R:SmGeo)
asportatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
asporto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aspreta (R:ELewis)
aspretum (R:L&S)
aspritudo (R:L&S)
aspuo (R:L&S)
Aspurgiani (R:SmGeo)




Term Templates Notes
assa (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)
assatura (R:L&S)
assecla (R:L&S)
assectatio (R:L&S)
assectator (R:L&S)
assector (R:L&S)
assellor (R:L&S)
assenesco (R:L&S)
assensio (R:L&S)
assensus (R:L&S)
assentatio (R:L&S)
assentator (R:L&S)
assentatorie (R:L&S)
assentatrix (R:L&S)
assentio (R:L&S)
assentior (R:L&S)
assentor (R:L&S)
assequor (R:L&S)
asser (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
assero (R:L&S)
assertio (R:L&S)
assertor (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
assertor (R:SmAnt)
assertum (R:L&S)
assertus (R:L&S)
asservio (R:L&S)
asservo (R:L&S)
assessura (R:L&S)
assessus (R:L&S)
assestrix (R:L&S)
Assesus (R:SmGeo)
asseveranter (R:L&S)
asseveratio (R:L&S)
assevero (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
assi (R:ELewis)
assibilo (R:L&S)
assicco (R:L&S)
assideo (R:L&S)
assidue (R:L&S)
assidui (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
assiduitas (R:L&S)
assiduo (R:L&S)
assiduus (R:L&S)
assignatio (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
assignator (R:L&S)
assignifico (R:L&S)
assigno (R:L&S)
assilio (R:L&S)
assimilatio (R:L&S)
assimilis (R:L&S)
assimulatio (R:L&S)
assimulo (R:L&S)
assis (R:L&S)
assisto (R:L&S)
assitus (R:L&S)
asso (R:L&S)
associo (R:L&S)
assoleo (R:L&S)
assolo (R:L&S)
assono (R:L&S)
Assorus (R:SmGeo)
assuefacio (R:L&S)
assuesco (R:L&S)
assuetudo (R:L&S)
assuetus (R:L&S)
assula (R:L&S)
assulatim (R:L&S)
assulto (R:L&S)
assultus (R:L&S)
assum (R:L&S)
assumentum (R:L&S)
assumo (R:L&S)
assumptio (R:L&S)
assumptivus (R:L&S)
assumptus (R:L&S)
assuo (R:L&S)
Assurae (R:SmGeo)
assurgo (R:L&S)
assus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
Assus (R:SmGeo)
Assyria (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
ast (R:ELewis)
ast (R:L&S),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmGeo)
Asta (R:SmGeo)
asta (R:Stillwell)
astacus (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
Astacus (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Astapa (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Astarte (R:L&S)
Astelephus (R:SmGeo)
aster (R:L&S),(R:PersEnc)
asteria (R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmGeo),(R:SmPers)
asteriscus (R:L&S)
asterno (R:ELewis)
asterno (R:L&S)
asticus (R:L&S)
Astigi (R:SmGeo)
astipulatio (R:L&S)
astipulator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astipulatus (R:L&S)
astipulor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astiti (R:ELewis)
asto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astrangulo (R:L&S)
astrapoplectus (R:L&S)
astricte (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astrictio (R:L&S)
astrictus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astrifico (R:L&S)
astriger (R:L&S)
astriloquus (R:L&S)
astringo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astroites (R:L&S)
astrologia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
astrologus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astronomia (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
astronomicus (R:L&S)
astronomus (R:L&S)
astrum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
astruo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astu (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astupeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astur (R:L&S)
Astura (R:SmGeo)
Asturica (R:SmGeo)
astus (R:ELewis)
astus (R:L&S)
astute (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astutia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
astutus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Astyages (R:SmPers)
Astypalaea (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Astyra (R:SmGeo)
asyla (R:L&S)
asylum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:Platner),(R:SmAnt)
asyndeton (R:L&S)




Term Templates Notes
at (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Zoega)
Atagis (R:SmGeo)
atall (R:Zoega)
atanuvium (R:L&S)
Atargatis (R:L&S)
Atarneus (R:SmGeo)
atavia (R:L&S)
atavus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Atax (R:SmGeo)
ateggjan (R:Zoega)
Ateius (R:L&S)
Atella (R:SmGeo)
ater (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aternus (R:L&S)
Ateste (R:SmGeo)
atgeirr (R:Zoega)
atgengiligr (R:Zoega)
Athamania (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Athanagia (R:SmGeo)
Athenae (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
atheos (R:L&S)
athera (R:L&S)
Athesis (R:SmGeo)
athleta (R:L&S)
athletae (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
athletice (R:L&S)
athleticus (R:L&S)
Athos (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Athribis (R:SmGeo)
athugasamliga (R:Zoega)
athugasamligr (R:Zoega)
athugasamr (R:Zoega)
athugi (R:Zoega)
athyggja (R:Zoega)
Athyras (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
Atilius (R:L&S)
Atina (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Atinius (R:L&S)
Atius (R:SmPers)
atkeri (R:Zoega)
Atlas (R:L&S)
atomus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Atossa (R:SmPers)
atque (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
atqui (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
atramentarium (R:L&S)
atramentum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
atratus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Atratus (R:L&S)
Atrax (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Atrebates (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Atreus (R:SmPers)
atria (R:Stillwell)
atriensis (R:Peck)
atriolum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
atriplex (R:L&S)
atrium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Atrius (R:L&S)
atrocitas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
atrociter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Atropatene (R:L&S)
atrophia (R:L&S)
atrophus (R:L&S)
atrox (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
atrusca (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
Atta (R:L&S)
atta (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
attactus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:L&S)
attagen (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Attalia (R:SmGeo)
attamen (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attamino (R:L&S)
attat (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attegia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Attegua (R:SmGeo)
Attelebusa (R:SmGeo)
attemperate (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attempero (R:L&S)
attendo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attente (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attentio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attento (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attentus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attenuatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attenuatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attenuo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attermino (R:L&S)
attero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attestatio (R:L&S)
attestor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attexo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Attica (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Atticitus (R:SmGeo)
Attidium (R:SmGeo)
attigo (R:L&S)
attilus (R:L&S)
attinae (R:L&S)
attineo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attingo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attitulo (R:L&S)
attolero (R:L&S)
attollo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attondeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attonite (R:L&S)
attonitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attono (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attonsus (R:L&S)
attorqueo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attorreo (R:L&S)
attractio (R:L&S)
attractus (R:L&S)
attraho (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attrectatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attrecto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attribulo (R:L&S)
attribuo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attributio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
attributum (R:ELewis)
attributus (R:L&S)
attritio (R:L&S)
attritus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aturus (R:SmGeo)




Term Templates Notes
auceps (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Auchetae (R:L&S)
aucte (R:ELewis)
auctifico (R:L&S)
auctio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auctionarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auctionor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auctito (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auctius (R:ELewis)
aucto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auctor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auctoritas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auctoro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auctoror (R:L&S)
auctrix (R:L&S)
auctumnalis (R:L&S)
auctumno (R:L&S)
auctumnus (R:L&S)
auctus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aucupabundus (R:L&S)
aucupatus (R:L&S)
aucupium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aucupor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audacia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audaciter (R:L&S)
audacter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audax (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audenter (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audentia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audeo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audiendus (R:ELewis)
audiens (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audientia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
audio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auditio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auditiuncula (R:L&S)
auditor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auditorialis (R:L&S)
auditorium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt)
auditorius (R:L&S)
auditus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Audus (R:SmGeo)
Aufeius (R:L&S)
aufero (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aufidena (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aufidius (R:L&S)
Aufidus (R:L&S)
Aufina (R:SmGeo)
aufugio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
augasteinn (R:Zoega)
augeo (R:L&S)
augesco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
augifico (R:L&S)
augites (R:L&S),(R:Peck)
augmento (R:L&S)
augmentum (R:L&S)
augnalag (R:Zoega)
augnamein (R:Zoega)
augur (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
augura (R:L&S)
auguratio (R:L&S)
augurato (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auguratrix (R:L&S)
auguratus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Augurinus (R:L&S)
augurium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auguro (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auguror (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Augusta (R:L&S)
Augusta Emerita (R:SmGeo)
Augusta Praetoria (R:L&S)
Augusta Praetoria (R:SmGeo)
Augusta Suessionum (R:SmGeo)
Augusta Vagiennorum (R:SmGeo)
Augusta Veromanduorum (R:SmGeo)
augusta (R:Peck),(R:SmGeo),(R:Stillwell)
augustatus (R:L&S)
auguste (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Augustinus (R:L&S)
augusto (R:L&S)
Augustobona (R:SmGeo)
Augustobriga (R:SmGeo)
Augustonemetum (R:SmGeo)
Augustoritum (R:SmGeo)
augustus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:PersEnc),(R:SmAnt),(R:SmPers)
Augustus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aulaeum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aulax (R:L&S)
Aulerci (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
aulicus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aulis (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aulocrene (R:SmGeo)
auloedus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aulon (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Aulus (R:L&S)
aumatium (R:L&S)
aumingi (R:Zoega)
aumleikr (R:Zoega)
aumligleikr (R:Zoega)


Term Templates Notes
aura (R:L&S)
auradagr (R:Zoega)
auralag (R:Zoega)
auralykt (R:Zoega)
auraria (R:ELewis)
aurarius (R:L&S)
auraskortr (R:Zoega)
aurata (R:L&S)
aurataka (R:Zoega)
auratilis (R:L&S)
aurator (R:L&S)
auratura (R:L&S)
auratus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aurea (R:L&S)
aureatus (R:L&S)
Aurelius (R:L&S)
aureolus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
aures (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auresco (R:L&S)
aureus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aurichalcum (R:L&S)
auricilla (R:L&S)
auricoctor (R:L&S)
auricolor (R:L&S)
auricomans (R:L&S)
auricomus (R:L&S)
auricula (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aurifer (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aurifex (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aurifluus (R:L&S)
aurifodina (R:L&S)
auriga (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
aurigans (R:L&S)
aurigator (R:L&S)
aurigena (R:ELewis)
auriger (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aurigineus (R:L&S)
auriginosus (R:L&S)
aurigo (R:L&S)
aurigor (R:L&S)
aurilegulus (R:L&S)
auripigmentum (R:L&S)
auris (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auritus (R:ELewis)
auritus (R:L&S)
auro (R:L&S)
aurora (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmPers)
aurosus (R:L&S)
aurr (R:Zoega)
aurugineus (R:L&S)
aurugino (R:L&S)
auruginosus (R:L&S)
aurugo (R:L&S)
aurulentus (R:L&S)
aurum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Aurunci (R:SmGeo)
Aurunculeius (R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
ausa (R:Zoega)
Auschisae (R:SmGeo)
Ausci (R:SmGeo)
auscultatio (R:L&S)
auscultator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auscultatus (R:L&S)
ausculto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Auser (R:SmGeo)
ausim (R:ELewis)
ausim (R:L&S)
Ausones (R:SmGeo)
Ausonius (R:L&S)
auspex (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auspicato (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auspicatus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auspicium (R:ELewis),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auspicor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
austan (R:Zoega)
auster (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auster (R:Peck)
austere (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
austeritas (R:L&S)
austerus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
austr (R:Zoega)
australis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
austrinus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
austro (R:L&S)
ausum (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
ausus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)


Term Templates Notes
aut (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Autaritus (R:SmPers)
autem (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Autesiodurum (R:SmGeo)
authentica (R:SmAnt)
authenticum (R:Peck)
authenticus (R:L&S)
authepsa (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
author (R:L&S)
Autocles (R:SmPers)
autographus (R:L&S)
Autololes (R:SmGeo)
automatarius (R:L&S)
automaton (R:L&S)
Automula (R:SmGeo)
Autricum (R:SmGeo)
Autrigones (R:SmGeo)
autumnalis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
autumno (R:L&S)
autumnus (R:ELewis)
autumo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Auxacii (R:SmGeo)
auxiliabundus (R:L&S)
auxiliares (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
auxiliaris (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auxiliarius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auxiliator (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auxiliatrix (R:L&S)
auxiliatus (R:L&S)
auxilio (R:L&S)
auxilior (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
auxilium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Auximum (R:SmGeo)
Auzia (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
ava (R:L&S)
Avara (R:SmGeo)
avare (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Avaricum (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
avariter (R:L&S)
avaritia (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avarities (R:L&S)
avarus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aveho (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Aveia (R:SmGeo)
avello (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avena (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Avenio (R:SmGeo)
avens (R:L&S)
aventer (R:L&S)
Aventia (R:SmGeo)
Aventicum (R:SmGeo)
aveo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Avernus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
averrunco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
Averruncus (R:SmPers)
aversatrix (R:L&S)
aversio (R:L&S)
aversor (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aversus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
averta (R:L&S)
avertarius (R:L&S)
averto (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aveto (R:ELewis)
aviarium (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmAnt)
aviarius (R:L&S)
avicella (R:L&S)
avicula (R:L&S)
avicularius (R:L&S)
avide (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aviditas (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
aviditer (R:L&S)
avidus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avipes (R:L&S)
avis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avite (R:L&S)
avitus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avius (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avocamentum (R:L&S)
avocatio (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avocator (R:L&S)
avoco (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avolo (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avulsus (R:L&S)
avunculus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S)
avus (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Avus (R:SmGeo)


Term Templates Notes
ax (R:Zoega)
axamenta (R:L&S)
Axatis (R:SmGeo)
Axiaces (R:SmGeo)
axicia (R:L&S)
axilla (R:L&S),(R:SmPers)
axinomantia (R:L&S)
axioma (R:L&S)
Axiopolis (R:SmGeo)
axis (R:ELewis),(R:L&S),(R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
Axius (R:L&S)
axo (R:L&S)
axon (R:L&S),(R:SmGeo)
Axon (R:SmGeo)
Axona (R:SmGeo)
axones (R:Peck),(R:SmAnt)
axungia (R:L&S)
Aza (R:SmGeo)
Azali (R:SmGeo)
Azetium (R:SmGeo)
Aziris (R:SmGeo)
Azotus (R:L&S)
azymus (R:L&S)