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Alternative forms




From ab- (from, away) +‎ (go).





abeō (present infinitive abīre, perfect active abiī or abīvī, supine abitum); irregular conjugation, impersonal in the passive

  1. to depart, go away, go off, exit
    Synonyms: dīgredior, dēcēdō, facessō, dēficiō, discēdō, cēdō, ēgredior, exeō, ēvādō, eiciō
    Antonyms: adeō, ingredior, aggredior, adorior, prōcēdō, prōdeō, ineo, intrō, introeō, accēdō, immigrō
    • c. 270 BCEc. 201 BCE, Gnaeus Naevius, Bellum Punicum 5–7:
      Ambōrum uxōrēs
      noctū Troiād exībant capitibus opertīs,
      flentēs ambae abeuntēs lacrimīs cum multīs.
      The wives of both
      were leaving Troy at night with covered heads,
      both weeping while departing with many tears.
    • c. 190 BCE – 185 BCE, Plautus, Amphitryon 1.3.45–46:
      MERCURIUS. Eāmus, Amphitruō. Lūcēscit hoc iam. IUPPITER. Abī prae, Sōsiā;
      iam egō sequar.
      MERCURY. Let's go, Amphitryo. Day's breaking already. JUPITER. Go ahead, Sosia;
      I'll follow in a moment.
    • 353 CE – 431 CE, Paulinus of Nola, Poems 13.1 in Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (volume 30), Wilhelm von Hartel (editor), Vienna 1866, page 67:
      Tempora temporibus subeunt, abit et venit aetās.
      Times give way to times, age comes and goes.
    1. (with qualifiers) to pass away
      • c. 45 BCE, Cicero, Tusculan Disputations 1.30.74:
        Catō autem sīc abiit ē vītā, ut causam moriendī nactum sē esse gaudēret.
        But Cato did pass away such that he was happy to have found a reason to die.
    2. to retire from office
      • c. 177 CE, Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 7.7.4:
        Praeterea sī quadrāgintā annōs nāta sacerdōtiō abīre ac nūbere voluisset, iūs eī potestāsque exaugurandī atque nūbendī facta est mūnificentiae et beneficiī grātiā, quod campum Tiberīnum sīve Mārtium populō condōnāsset.
        Then, if at the age of forty she wishes to retire from the [‌Vestal] priesthood and marry, the right and power to withdraw is given to her for the sake of the kindness and service of presenting the Campus Tiberinus or Campus Martius to the people.
    3. (astronomy) to set
      • 4 CE, Germanicus (translator), Phaenomena 667-668 (original author: Aratus):
        Illa abit Ōceanō, tōtīus serta Corōnae
        in caelum redeunt, []
        She (Cassiopeia) sets in the Ocean, the wreaths of the entire Corona
        return to the heavens, []
  2. (with in) to change one's nature
    • 59 BC–AD 17, Titus Livius, Ab urbe condita libri 1.32.2:
      Inde et cīvibus ōtiī cupidīs et fīnītimīs cīvitātibus facta spēs in avī mōrēs atque īnstitūta rēgem abitūrum.
      Hence to the citizens eager for peace and to the neighbouring cities came hope that the king may change to the character and institutions of his grandfather.
    1. (poetic) to be transformed, metamorphosed
  3. (Late Latin, Grecism) Synonym of [c. 230 CE]
    • c. 250 CE, Commodian, Carmen Apologeticum 1053–1055 in Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (volume 15), Bernhard Dombard (editor), Vienna 1887, page 187:
      Et sī nōn crēdiderint, in umbrā mortis abībunt.
      And should they not believe, they shall walk in the shadow of death.
    • 4th C. CE, Saint Jerome, Vulgate, Psalms 1:1:
      Beātus vir quī nōn abiit in cōnsiliō impiōrum, et in viā peccātōrum nōn stetit, et in cathedrā pestilentiae nōn sēdit.
      Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence.



Irregular conjugation, but similar to fourth conjugation. The third principal part is, unlike other derivates of , never found as **abīvī. In forms where the letter I appears consecutively, the syllable is often contracted to a long Ī in every period of the Latin language.

Derived terms



  • abeo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • abeo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • abeo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • they disperse in different directions: in diversas partes or simply diversi abeunt, discedunt
    • to fly aloft; to be carried into the sky: sublimem or sublime (not in sublime or sublimiter) ferri, abire
    • to go out of sight, disappear: abire ex oculis, e conspectu alicuius
    • to depart this life: (ex) vita excedere, ex vita abire
    • to be a subject for gossip: in ora vulgi abire
    • the recollection of a thing has been entirely lost: memoria alicuius rei excidit, abiit, abolevit
    • to go into exile: exsulatum ire or abire
    • to give up, lay down office (usually at the end of one's term of office): abire magistratu