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Alternative forms

  • ārdus (less common, contracted form)



From āreō (I am dry, I am parched) +‎ -idus.





āridus (feminine ārida, neuter āridum, superlative āridissimus); first/second-declension adjective

  1. dry, parched, withered, arid
    Montes aridi sterilesque.
    Parched and barren mountains.
    Arida ligna.
    Dry wood.
    Terra arida et sicca.
    An arid and dry ground.
  2. (of things) dry, lean, meagre, shrivelled; withered (e.g. from disease)
    Uvis aridior puella passis.[1]
    A damsel drier than the raisin'd grape.
    Vita horrida atque arida.
    Rough and meagre life.
  3. (rhetorical style, orators) uninspired, jejune, spiritless
    Aridi magistri.
    Uninspired teachers.
    Sicci omnino atque aridi pueri.
    Sapless lads, altogether, and dry.
  4. (slang) avaricious, someone greedy or stingy (confer the tongue-in-cheek term Argentiexterebronides (the name of one who is skilled in extorting money; a sponger))

Usage notes

  • Sometimes used of thirst; sitis arida guttor urit (thirst unquenched still burns all his throat) and os aridum habens (having a dry mouth)
  • Of a fever meaning to "cause thirst"; used with febris (fever) and morbus (sickness, illness)
  • Of color; arbor folio convoluto, arido colore.
  • Also used of cracking or snapping sound, as when dry wood is broken; aridus sonus and aridus fragor both refer to a dry, grating, half-crackling sound, as in aridus altis Montibus incipit audiri fragor (a dry crackling noise begins to be heard in the high mountain forest)



First/second-declension adjective.

singular plural
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
nominative āridus ārida āridum āridī āridae ārida
genitive āridī āridae āridī āridōrum āridārum āridōrum
dative āridō āridae āridō āridīs
accusative āridum āridam āridum āridōs āridās ārida
ablative āridō āridā āridō āridīs
vocative āride ārida āridum āridī āridae ārida

Derived terms



  • Catalan: àrreu
  • Catalan: àrid
  • English: arid
  • French: aride
  • Galician: árido
  • Italian: arido
  • Portuguese: árido
  • Spanish: árido


  • aridus”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • aridus”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • aridus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[2], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • the dry, lifeless style: oratio exilis, ieiuna, arida, exsanguis
    • to haul up a boat: navem subducere (in aridum)