User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-z
Z. {f} | :: abbreviation of Zeile |
Z {letter} | :: The twenty-sixth and last letter of the German alphabet |
Zabel {m} [obsolete] | :: chessboard |
Zabel {prop} | :: surname |
Zabrze {prop} {n} | :: Zabrze (city in Silesia, now Poland, formerly Prussia; called Zabrze during most of the Prussian era, but renamed to Hindenburg in 1915) |
Zacharias {prop} {m} | :: Zacharias [biblical character] |
Zacharias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Zacke {f} | :: jag, pointed edge |
zacken {v} | :: to provide with a jagged edge, to shape or trim that way |
Zacken {m} | :: alternative form of Zacke |
zackenförmig {adj} | :: serrated |
zackern {v} [Southern Germany, dialectal] | :: to plow |
zackig {adj} | :: jagged |
Zaddik {m} | :: tsaddik (A very righteous person, especially a Hassidic spiritual leader) |
ZAG {noun} | :: initialism of Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften |
Zagel {m} [regional] | :: tail (tail of animal) |
Zagel {m} [regional] | :: whip |
Zagel {m} [regional] | :: willy; nob (penis) |
zagen {v} | :: to hesitate, to be apprehensive |
Zagersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Zagersdorf (municipality) |
zaghaft {adj} | :: timid, cautious |
Zagreb {prop} {n} | :: Zagreb (capital city) |
zäh {adj} | :: not easily yielding, resilient |
zäh {adj} [of beings] | :: tough, tenacious, dogged |
zäh {adj} [of food] | :: chewy, stringy |
zäh {adj} [of liquids] | :: viscous, thick |
zähe {adj} [dated] | :: alternative form of zäh |
zähfließend {adj} | :: viscous, tough-flowing |
zähfließend {adj} [traffic] | :: slow-moving |
zähflüssig {adj} | :: viscous |
zähflüssig {adj} | :: thick, gooey |
zähflüssig {adj} [traffic] | :: slow-moving |
zähflüssiger {adj} | :: comparative of zähflüssig |
Zähflüssigkeit {f} | :: viscosity |
zähflüssigsten {adj} | :: superlative of zähflüssig |
Zähigkeit {f} | :: tenacity, doggedness |
Zähigkeit {f} | :: toughness |
Zähigkeit {f} | :: hardiness |
Zähigkeit {f} | :: viscosity |
Zahl {f} | :: number, numeral, figure |
Zahl {f} | :: tails (side of a coin) |
zählbar {adj} | :: countable |
zahlen {v} | :: to pay (for something) |
zahlen {v} | :: to pay for, to atone for |
zählen {v} [archaic] | :: to tell, to recount [now erzählen] |
zählen {v} | :: to reckon, to consider, to deem [later used in the active voice with a passive meaning] |
zählen {v} | :: to be of significance, to matter, to count |
zählen {v} | :: to count (to determine the number of objects in a group), to tell |
zählen {v} | :: to count (to enumerate the digits of one's numeral system) |
zählen {v} | :: To have the quantity specified by the grammatical object as the total amount of the subject, synonym of haben |
zahlend {adj} [attributive] | :: paying |
Zahlenkörper {m} [mathematics, algebra] | :: algebraic number field |
Zahlenspiel {n} | :: numbers game |
Zahlensystem {n} | :: numeral system |
Zahlenwert {m} | :: numerical value |
Zahler {m} | :: agent noun of zahlen |
Zähler {m} | :: agent noun of zählen; counter |
Zähler {m} [arithmetic] | :: numerator |
Zähler {m} [sports] | :: point |
zahllos {adj} | :: countless, innumerable |
zahllos {adj} | :: uncountable |
zahlreich {adj} | :: numerous |
Zahltag {m} | :: payday |
Zahlung {f} | :: payment |
Zählung {f} | :: count (the process and the result of establishing the number or quantity of items); census; metering, reckoning |
Zahlungsart {f} | :: method of payment |
zahlungsfähig {adj} | :: payable; ready to pay; solvent |
Zahlungsmittel {n} | :: means of payment |
Zahlungsunfähigkeit {f} [finance] | :: insolvency |
Zahlwort {n} [grammar] | :: numeral (number) |
Zahlwort {n} | :: strict sense: either a cardinal numeral (cardinal number, cardinal) or a ordinal numeral (ordinal number, ordinal) |
Zahlwort {n} | :: broad sense (younger): every word which represents a number |
Zahlzeichen {n} | :: numeral |
zahm {adj} | :: tame |
zähmen {vt} | :: to tame |
Zähmung {f} | :: taming |
Zahn {m} | :: tooth |
Zahn {m} | :: fang |
Zahn {m} | :: tusk |
Zahn {m} | :: cog, tine |
Zahnarzt {m} | :: dentist |
Zahnarzthelferin {f} {m} | :: dental assistant (female) |
Zahnärztin {f} | :: female dentist |
zahnärztlich {adj} | :: dental (of or concerning dentistry) |
Zahnarztpraxis {f} | :: dentist's practice |
Zahnbelag {m} | :: dental plaque |
Zahnbrücke {f} [dentistry] | :: bridge |
Zahnbrücke {f} [dentistry] | :: pontic |
Zahnbürste {f} | :: toothbrush |
Zähnchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zahn; little tooth |
Zahncreme {f} | :: toothpaste |
Zahndamm {m} [anatomy] | :: alveolar ridge |
Zahndammlaut {m} [phonetics] | :: alveolar |
zahnen {vi} | :: to teethe (to grow teeth) |
Zahnentwicklung {f} | :: dentification |
Zahnentwicklung {f} | :: odontogenesis |
Zahnersatz {m} | :: denture |
Zahnfach {n} [anatomy] | :: tooth socket, dental alveolus |
Zahnfäule {f} | :: caries |
Zahnfee {f} | :: tooth fairy |
Zahnfleisch {n} | :: gums (flesh around the bases of the teeth) |
Zahnfleischentzündung {f} [pathology] | :: gingivitis |
Zahnformel {f} | :: dental notation |
Zahnfüllung {f} [dentistry] | :: filling |
Zahngold {n} | :: dental gold (for fillings) |
Zahnheilkunde {f} [surgery] | :: dentistry; odontology |
Zahnimplantat {n} | :: dental implant |
Zahnkaries {f} | :: dental caries, tooth decay |
Zahnkrone {f} | :: dental crown |
Zahnlaut {m} [phonetics] | :: dental |
Zähnlein {n} | :: diminutive of Zahn; little tooth |
zahnlos {adj} | :: toothless (lacking teeth) |
zahnlos {adj} [figuratively] | :: toothless (weak or ineffective) |
Zahnlücke {f} | :: gap in one's teeth |
Zahnmedizin {f} | :: dentistry |
zahnmedizinisch {adj} | :: dental |
Zahnpasta {f} | :: toothpaste |
Zahnrad {n} | :: gearwheel, cogwheel |
Zahnradbahn {f} | :: rack railway, cog railway |
Zahnschmelz {m} | :: dental enamel |
Zahnschmerz {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: toothache |
Zahnseide {f} | :: dental floss |
Zahnspange {f} | :: braces (for correcting teeth) |
Zahnstein {m} [dentistry] | :: calculus, dental calculus, tartar, odontolith |
Zahnstocher {m} | :: a toothpick |
Zahntechnik {f} | :: dental technology |
Zahnwal {m} | :: toothed whale, a member of the Odontoceti suborder |
Zahnwale {prop} {p} | :: toothed whales, the Odontoceti suborder |
Zahnweh {n} | :: toothache (ache in a tooth) |
Zahnwurzel {f} | :: root of a tooth |
Zähre {f} [poetic, archaic to obsolete] | :: tear (of the eyes) |
Zain {m} | :: A metal rod / blank that will be forged |
Zaine {f} [Upper German dialects] | :: basket |
Zamak {n} | :: zamak |
Zams {prop} {n} | :: Zams (municipality) |
Zander {m} | :: zander |
Zange {f} | :: a pair of pincers, pliers, tongs, forceps |
zänggeln {v} [rare, Switzerland] | :: to taunt, provoke |
Zank {m} | :: row, argument, quarrel |
Zankapfel {m} | :: bone of contention |
Zankapfel {m} | :: apple of discord |
zanken {vt} | :: To dispute |
zanken {vt} [regional] | :: To scold |
Zanksucht {f} | :: quarrelsomeness |
Zäpfchen {n} | :: uvula |
Zäpfchen {n} | :: suppository |
Zapfe {m} | :: alternative form of Zapfen |
zapfen {v} [to draw off liquid from a vessel] | :: to tap, to draw, to dispense |
Zapfen {m} | :: plug, bung, pin, tap, spigot |
Zapfen {m} | :: pivot |
Zapfen {m} | :: cone (such as of a fir) |
Zapfenstreich {m} [military] | :: curfew |
Zapfenstreich {m} | :: military tattoo |
Zapfhahn {m} | :: tap (device to obtain liquids), spigot (plug of a faucet or cock) |
Zapfsäule {f} | :: gas pump |
zappelig {adj} | :: fidgety or wriggly |
zappeln {v} | :: to wriggle |
Zappelphilipp {m} | :: a restless, fidgety, hyperactive child |
zappen {v} | :: to zap (change tv channels repeatedly) |
Zappen {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of Zapfen |
zappenduster {adj} [colloquial] | :: completely dark, pitch-black (night) |
Zar {m} | :: tsar, czar (Russian monarch) |
Zarathustrismus {m} | :: Zoroastrianism |
Zarenreich {n} | :: empire ruled by a tsar; tsardom |
Zarenzeit {f} | :: czar era |
Zarge {f} | :: frame, border |
Zarin {f} | :: tsarina, czarina |
zart {adj} | :: tender |
zart {adj} | :: delicate |
zart {adj} | :: fragile |
zarter {adj} | :: comparative of zart |
zartesten {adj} | :: superlative of zart |
Zartgefühl {n} | :: sensibility, sensitivity |
zärtlich {adj} | :: tender (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) |
zärtlich {adv} | :: tenderly |
zärtlicher {adj} | :: comparative of zärtlich |
Zärtlichkeit {f} | :: tenderness |
Zärtlichkeit {f} | :: endearment |
Zärtlichkeit {f} | :: caress |
Zärtlichkeit {f} | :: solicitousness |
zärtlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of zärtlich |
Zaster {m} [slang] | :: money |
Zäsur {f} [literary] | :: turning point [in history, or in a person's life] |
Zäsur {f} [metrics, poetry, music] | :: caesura |
Zauber {m} | :: magic |
Zauber {m} | :: spell |
Zauberballett {n} | :: fairy ballet |
Zauberei {f} | :: wizardry, witchcraft |
Zauberer {m} | :: (male) magician, wizard, warlock, sorcerer |
zauberhaft {adj} | :: enchanting, wonderful, beautiful, pleasing |
zauberhaft {adj} [rare, emotional] | :: As fascinating as a spell has been cast upon |
zauberhafter {adj} | :: comparative of zauberhaft |
zauberhaftesten {adj} | :: superlative of zauberhaft |
Zauberin {f} | :: sorceress, magician, enchantress |
zauberisch {adj} [dated] | :: magical, enchanting |
Zauberkraft {f} [poetic] | :: magical power, magic power |
Zauberkunst {f} | :: magic |
Zauberkünstler {m} [artist] | :: magician |
Zauberkunststück {n} | :: magic trick |
Zauberkunststückchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zauberkunststück |
Zaubermacht {f} [poetic] | :: magical power |
zaubern {v} | :: to conjure, to perform magic |
Zauberoper {f} | :: fairy opera |
Zauberpilz {m} | :: magic mushroom |
Zauberspruch {m} | :: magic spell |
Zauberstab {m} | :: magic wand |
Zauberwürfel {m} | :: Rubik's cube |
Zaubrer {m} | :: rare form of Zauberer |
Zaubrerin {f} | :: rare form of Zauberin |
Zauderer {m} | :: procrastinator |
zaudern {v} | :: to hesitate; dilly-dally |
Zaum {m} | :: bridle |
zäumen {v} | :: to bridle |
Zaun {m} | :: fence |
Zaungast {m} [colloquial] | :: onlooker |
Zaunkönig {m} | :: wren |
Zaunlatte {f} | :: picket |
zausen {v} | :: to ruffle |
Zäzilia {prop} | :: given name |
Zäzilie {prop} | :: given name |
z. B. {adv} | :: abbreviation of zum Beispiel |
ZDF {prop} {n} | :: initialism of Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (TV station) |
ze- {prefix} | :: obsolete form of zer- |
Zebaoth {m} | :: Sabaoth |
Zebibyte {n} [computing] | :: zebibyte (270 bytes) |
Zebra {n} | :: zebra |
Zebraameisenwürger {m} | :: fasciated antshrike |
Zebrabarbe {f} | :: zebrafish, Danio rerio |
Zebrafink {m} | :: zebra finch |
Zebrahai {m} | :: zebra shark |
Zebramanguste {f} | :: banded mongoose, Zebra mongoose, Mungos mungo |
Zebrastreifen {m} | :: zebra crossing |
Zebu {m} {n} | :: zebu |
Zeche {f} | :: mine, pit |
Zeche {f} | :: bill |
zechen {v} [dated, slang] | :: To drink alcohol to excess; to booze |
Zechenschließung {f} [mining] | :: closure of a coalmine |
Zechensiedlung {f} [mining] | :: colliery settlement |
Zecher {m} | :: agent noun of zechen; drinker, drunkard |
Zechine {f} [historical] | :: sequin (small gold coins minted in Italy and Turkey) |
Zecke {f} | :: tick (animal) |
Zecke {f} [slang, derogatory] | :: punk (with leftist background) |
zecken {v} [archaic] | :: to touch, to hit slightly |
zecken {v} [archaic or regional] | :: to tease |
Zeckenbiss {m} [healthcare, colloquial] | :: tick bite |
Zeckenlarve {f} | :: tick larva |
Zeckennymphe {f} | :: tick nymph |
Zeckenstich {m} [healthcare] | :: tick bite |
Zeder {f} | :: cedar (tree) |
Zederhaus {prop} {n} | :: Zederhaus (municipality) |
Zedernholz {n} | :: cedar, cedar wood (The wood and timber of the cedar.) |
Zeh {m} | :: toe |
Zehe {f} | :: clove (of garlic and similar plants) |
Zehe {f} [regional] | :: alternative form of Zeh |
Zehengänger {m} | :: digitigrade |
Zehennagel {m} | :: toenail |
Zehenring {m} | :: toe ring |
Zehenspitze {f} | :: tiptoe |
zehn {num} | :: ten (numerical value represented in Arabic numerals as 10) |
Zehn {f} | :: ten (number) |
Zehn {f} | :: ten (playing card) |
Zehnagel {m} | :: alternative form of Zehennagel |
Zehneck {n} | :: decagon |
zehneckig {adj} | :: decagonal |
Zehneckpyramide {f} | :: decagonal pyramid |
Zehneck-Pyramide {f} | :: alternative spelling of Zehneckpyramide |
Zehner {m} | :: ten (the number, or something having a value of ten) |
Zehnerpotenz {f} [maths] | :: decimal power (power of ten) |
zehnfach {adj} | :: tenfold |
Zehnflächner {m} [geometry] | :: decahedron |
zehnjährig {adj} | :: ten-year |
zehnjährig {adj} | :: ten-year-old |
Zehnkampf {m} | :: decathlon |
Zehnkämpfer {m} | :: decathlete |
zehnköpfig {adj} | :: ten-headed |
zehnköpfig {adj} | :: of ten (people) |
zehnmal {adv} | :: ten times |
zehnmal {adv} | :: very often, many times |
zehnmalig {adj} | :: ten-time |
zehnminütig {adj} | :: ten-minute |
zehnmonatig {adj} | :: ten-month; lasting ten months (attributive) |
zehnprozentig {adj} | :: ten-percent |
zehnseitig {adj} | :: ten-page |
zehnseitig {adj} | :: having ten sides and ten angles, decagonal |
zehnstellig {adj} | :: ten-digit |
zehnstündig {adj} | :: ten-hour |
Zehnt {m} [historical] | :: tithe (a tenthpart of the increase) |
zehntägig {adj} | :: ten-day, lasting ten days |
zehntausend {num} | :: ten thousand |
Zehntausende {noun} | :: tens of thousands |
zehntausendste {adj} | :: ten-thousandth |
Zehntausendstel {n} | :: ten-thousandth |
zehnte {ordinal num} | :: tenth |
zehnteilig {adj} | :: ten-part, ten-piece, decapartite (consisting of ten parts) |
Zehntel {n} {m} | :: tenth (fraction, part) |
Zehntscheuer {f} | :: tithe barn |
Zehntscheune {f} | :: tithe barn |
zehnwöchig {adj} | :: ten-week |
zehnzeilig {adj} | :: ten-line |
zehren {v} | :: to live on, to feed on [de, +von] |
zehren {v} [+an] | :: to undermine, to wear out |
Zehrung {f} | :: Provisions, especially for the road |
Zehrung {f} | :: loss through shrinkage |
Zehrung {f} [glaciology] | :: glacier wastage |
Zehrung {f} [Austria] | :: funeral feast |
Zeichen {n} | :: characters, marks, sign |
Zeichen {n} | :: token |
Zeichenfolge {f} [computing] | :: string, character string |
Zeichenkette {f} [computing] | :: string |
Zeichenkunst {f} | :: draughtsmanship |
Zeichensatz {m} [computing] | :: charset, character set, character encoding, character map, codepage |
Zeichensetzung {f} | :: punctuation |
Zeichensprache {f} | :: sign language |
Zeichentrickfilm {m} | :: cartoon film |
zeichnen {v} | :: to draw |
Zeichner {m} | :: drawer (one who draws something) |
Zeichnung {f} | :: drawing |
Zeichnung {f} | :: subscription |
Zeidler {m} [obsolete] | :: honey hunter |
Zeigefinger {m} | :: forefinger, index finger |
zeigen {v} | :: to point at |
zeigen {v} | :: to demonstrate, show, to go to show |
zeigen {vr} | :: to appear, become apparent, come out, turn out, show up, to be manifested |
Zeiger {m} | :: pointer, locator |
Zeiger {m} | :: hand (of a clock or watch) |
Zeiger {m} [programming] | :: pointer |
Zeiger {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
zeihen {vt} [elevated, becoming dated] | :: to accuse, to blame |
Zeiland {m} | :: obsolete form of Seidelbast |
Zeilchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zeile |
Zeile {f} | :: line, row |
Zeilenabstand {m} | :: leading (the space between baselines) |
Zeilennummer {f} [computing] | :: line number |
Zeilensprung {m} [poetry] | :: enjambment |
Zeilenumbruch {n} | :: line break |
Zeilenvorschub {m} [computing] | :: line feed |
Zeillern {prop} {n} | :: Zeillern (municipality) |
zeisen {v} [Bavaria] | :: to pick apart |
Zeit {f} | :: time (as a concept) |
Zeit {f} | :: time of day (clipping of Uhrzeit) |
Zeit {f} | :: period, era (time in the past) |
Zeit {f} | :: stint (e.g. in the army) |
Zeit {f} [grammar] | :: tense |
Zeit {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Zeitabschnitt {m} | :: interval of time |
Zeitalter {n} | :: age; era (historic period of time) |
zeitaufwändig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of zeitaufwendig |
zeitaufwendig {adj} | :: time-consuming |
Zeitausgleich {m} | :: bonus time, comp time, compensatory time |
Zeitbeschränkung {f} [communication] | :: timeout (the time allowed to end for a process) |
Zeitbombe {f} | :: time bomb |
Zeitdiagnose {f} | :: critical analysis of current times |
zeitdiagnostisch {adj} | :: analyzing the current times |
Zeitdilatation {f} | :: time dilation |
Zeitenwende {f} | :: transition from BC to AD |
Zeiterfassung {f} [economy, employment] | :: time tracking |
Zeitfenster {n} | :: time frame, time limit |
Zeitgeist {m} | :: spirit of the age; zeitgeist |
zeitgemäß {adj} | :: timely |
Zeitgenosse {m} | :: contemporary |
zeitgenössisch {adj} | :: contemporary (of the same age as something) |
zeitgenössisch {adj} | :: contemporary (of the present age) |
zeitgerecht {adj} | :: timely (appropriate for the time; at the right time) |
zeitgerecht {adj} [Austria] | :: punctual |
Zeitgeschichte {f} | :: contemporary history |
zeitgleich {adv} | :: at the same time |
Zeitgleichung {f} | :: equation of time |
zeitherig {adj} [archaic] | :: alternative spelling of seitherig |
Zeithorizont {m} | :: time horizon |
zeitig {adj} | :: early-morning |
zeitigen {v} | :: to bring about |
zeitigen {v} [Austria] | :: to ripen |
Zeit ist Geld {proverb} | :: time is money |
Zeitkapsel {f} | :: time capsule |
Zeitlang {f} | :: while |
zeitlebens {adv} [chiefly literary] | :: all of one’s life; throughout one’s life (usually referring to a deceased person) |
zeitlich {adj} [also grammar] | :: temporal (defined by time) |
zeitlich {adj} | :: chronological (ordered by time) |
zeitlich {adj} [also, religion, Christianity] | :: temporal; not eternal |
zeitlos {adj} | :: timeless; atemporal |
Zeitlupe {f} | :: slow motion |
Zeitmaschine {f} | :: time machine |
zeitnah {adj} | :: soon |
Zeitnormal {n} | :: time standard |
Zeitnot {f} [chess] | :: time trouble, time pressure, zeitnot |
Zeitplan {m} | :: timetable, schedule |
Zeitpunkt {m} | :: moment (instant of time), point in time, a timepoint |
Zeitraffer {m} | :: time-lapse |
Zeitrahmen {m} | :: time frame |
zeitraubend {adj} | :: time-consuming |
Zeitraum {m} | :: period (of time) |
Zeitrechnung {f} | :: reckoning of time |
Zeitreise {f} | :: time travel |
Zeitscheibe {f} [computing] | :: time slice |
Zeitschlitz {m} [computing] | :: time slot |
Zeitschrift {f} | :: magazine (published in regular intervals) |
Zeitschrift {f} | :: periodical |
Zeitsoldat {m} [military, especially in the German Bundeswehr] | :: temporary soldier, non-career soldier |
Zeitsoldatin {f} | :: feminine noun of Zeitsoldat |
Zeitspanne {f} | :: interval, span (of time), a while |
zeitsparend {adj} | :: time-saving |
Zeitstempel {m} | :: timestamp |
Zeitstempelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zeitstempel |
Zeitüberschreitung {f} [communication] | :: timeout (the event of timeout) |
Zeitumstellung {f} | :: clock change at the beginning or end of daylight savings time |
Zeitumstellung {f} | :: physiological adaption to a new time zone after a long-distance air travel |
Zeitung {f} | :: newspaper |
Zeitung {f} [archaic] | :: tidings, news |
Zeitungsausträgerin {f} | :: newsgirl, newspaper deliverer [female] |
Zeitungsente {f} [journalism, in this form restricted to newspapers] | :: canard (false or misleading report) |
Zeitungsredakteur {m} [Germany, Austria] | :: newspaper editor (male or of unspecified sex) |
Zeitungsredakteurin {f} | :: newspaper editor [female] |
Zeitungsredaktor {m} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] | :: newspaper editor (male or of unspecified sex) |
Zeitungsredaktorin {f} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] | :: newspaper editor [female] |
Zeitungsverkäuferin {f} | :: newspaper vendor (a female person who sells newspapers) |
Zeitungsverlag {m} | :: newspaper publisher |
Zeitvergeudung {f} | :: waste of time |
Zeitverschwendung {f} | :: waste of time (meaningless or fruitless activity) |
Zeitvertreib {m} | :: pastime |
zeitweilig {adj} | :: temporary |
zeitweise {adv} | :: at times |
zeitweise {adv} | :: for a time |
Zeitwort {n} [grammar] | :: verb |
Zeitz {prop} {n} | :: Zeitz (town) |
Zeitzeuge {m} [partly history] | :: contemporary witness |
Zeitzone {f} | :: time zone |
zelebrier {v} | :: past participle of zelebrieren |
zelebrieren {v} | :: to celebrate (extol or honour in a solemn manner) |
zelebrieren {v} [religion] | :: to celebrate (hold a ceremony) |
Zellberg {prop} {n} | :: Zellberg (municipality) |
Zelldifferenzierung {f} [biology] | :: cell differentiation |
Zelle {f} | :: cell (room in a prison) |
Zelle {f} | :: cell (room in a monastery) |
Zelle {f} | :: cell (component of a battery) |
Zelle {f} | :: cell (small group of people) |
Zelle {f} [cytology] | :: cell |
Zelle {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Zellerndorf {prop} {n} | :: Zellerndorf (municipality) |
Zellgift {n} | :: cytotoxin |
Zellkern {m} | :: nucleus (of a cell) |
Zellmembran {f} [biology] | :: cell membrane |
Zellplasma {n} [biology] | :: cytoplasm |
Zellspannung {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: cell voltage |
Zellstoff {m} | :: cellulose |
Zellstruktur {f} [biology] | :: cell structure |
Zellteilung {f} | :: cell division |
Zelltod {m} | :: cell death |
zellular {adj} | :: cellular |
zellulär {adj} | :: cellular |
Zelluloid {n} | :: celluloid |
Zellulose {f} | :: cellulose |
Zellwachstum {n} [biology] | :: cell growth |
Zellwand {f} | :: cell wall |
Zelot {m} | :: zealot (male or of unspecified sex) (zealous person) |
Zelot {m} | :: zealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea) |
Zelt {n} | :: tent, marquee |
Zeltdachspinne {f} | :: any spider of the family Urocteidae |
zelten {v} | :: to camp, tent (to stay in the outdoors in a tent) |
Zelter {m} [historical] | :: palfrey (a horse with a smooth, ambling gait, popular in the Middle Ages with nobles and women) |
Zelter {m} | :: camper (person who camps) |
Zelthering {m} | :: tent peg |
Zeltlager {n} | :: tent camp |
Zeltplatz {m} | :: campsite, campground |
Zeltweg {prop} {n} | :: Zeltweg (municipality) |
Zement {m} | :: cement |
Zementation {f} | :: cementation |
zementieren {v} | :: to cement (to affix with cement; to make permanent) |
Zementit {m} | :: cementite |
Zementkupfer {n} | :: cement copper |
Zen {m} [Buddhism] | :: zen (denomination of Buddhism) |
Zenbuddhismus {m} | :: Zen Buddhism |
Zendisch {n} | :: Zend [language] |
Zener {prop} | :: A variant of the surname Zeiner |
Zenit {m} | :: zenith |
zensieren {v} | :: to censor |
zensieren {v} [school] | :: to mark, to grade |
Zensor {m} | :: censor |
Zensur {f} | :: censorship |
Zensur {f} [education] | :: mark, grade |
zensurieren {v} [Austria, Switzerland] | :: to censor (a printed work, etc.) |
zensurieren {v} [Austria, education] | :: to grade, give a grade |
Zensus {m} | :: census (official count of members of a population) |
Zentaur {m} | :: centaur |
Zentaur {m} [constellation] | :: Centaurus |
zenti- {prefix} | :: centi- |
Zentiliter {noun} | :: centiliter |
Zentimeter {m} | :: centimetre |
Zentner {m} [Germany] | :: hundredweight (50 kilograms or 100 lbs) |
Zentner {m} [Austria, Switzerland] | :: quintal (100 kilograms or 200 lbs) |
zentral {adj} | :: central |
zentral {adv} | :: centrally |
zentralafrikanisch {adj} | :: Central African (Of, from, or pertaining to Central Africa, the Central African people or the Central African language) |
zentralafrikanisch {adj} | :: Central African (Of, from, or pertaining to the Central African Republic) |
Zentralafrikanische Republik {prop} {f} | :: Zentralafrikanische Republik (country) |
Zentralamerika {prop} {n} | :: Central America |
Zentralanatolien {prop} {n} | :: Central Anatolia |
Zentralasien {prop} {n} | :: Zentralasien (small area) |
Zentralbank {f} | :: central bank |
Zentralchina {prop} {n} | :: central China |
Zentrale {f} | :: central office, headquarters |
Zentraleuropa {prop} {n} | :: Central Europe |
zentraleuropäisch {adj} | :: Central European |
Zentralheizung {f} | :: central heating |
Zentralkomitee {n} | :: central committee |
Zentralnervensystem {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: central nervous system |
Zentralvokal {m} [grammar] | :: central vowel |
zentrieren {v} | :: to center |
Zentrierschlüssel {m} | :: spoke wrench |
zentrifugal {adj} | :: centrifugal |
Zentrifugalkraft {f} | :: centrifugal force |
Zentrifuge {f} | :: centrifuge (device for separation of substances) |
zentrifugieren {v} | :: To centrifuge |
zentrifugiert {v} | :: past participle of zentrifugieren |
zentripetal {adj} | :: centripetal |
-zentrisch {suffix} | :: -centric |
Zentriwinkel {m} | :: central angle |
Zentromer {n} | :: centromere |
Zentrum {n} | :: center, centre; central point |
Zentrum {n} [politics] | :: the centre, the moderate political parties |
Zentrum {n} [politics] | :: the Centre Party, a Catholic political party in pre-war Germany |
Zentrum {n} [mathematics] | :: the centre of a group, ring, Lie algebra, etc |
Zentrum {n} [chess] | :: the spaces d4, d5, e4, e5 on a chessboard |
Zentrumsbauer {m} [chess] | :: central pawn |
Zenturie {f} | :: century (roman army type unit) |
Zeolith {m} | :: zeolite |
Zeppelin {m} | :: zeppelin |
Zepter {m} {n} | :: scepter |
Zeptosekunde {f} | :: zeptosecond |
zer- {prefix} | :: [inseparable verbal prefix] asunder, to pieces, to bits |
zer- {prefix} | :: [inseparable verbal prefix] to spoil by |
zerbeißen {vt} | :: to bite apart |
zerbersten {vi} | :: to burst |
zerbrechen {v} | :: to break; break down, destroy |
zerbrechen {v} | :: to shatter; smash |
zerbrechen {v} | :: to fracture, snap |
zerbrechlich {adj} | :: breakable, fragile |
zerbrechlicher {adj} | :: comparative of zerbrechlich |
Zerbrechlichkeit {f} | :: fragility |
zerbrechlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of zerbrechlich |
zerbröckeln {vit} | :: to crumble [into pieces] |
zerbröseln {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to crumble, to render into crumbs |
zerbröseln {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to crumble, to fall apart, to disintegrate |
zerdeppern {v} [colloquial] | :: to smash; to break (dishes, etc.) |
zerdeppert {v} | :: past participle of zerdeppern |
zerebral {adj} | :: cerebral (of, or relating to the brain) |
zerebral {adj} [linguistics] | :: cerebral |
Zerebralparese {f} [pathology] | :: cerebral palsy |
Zeremonie {f} | :: ceremony |
Zerfall {m} | :: disintegration |
Zerfall {m} | :: decay |
Zerfall {m} [physics] | :: decay |
zerfallen {v} | :: to disintegrate |
zerfallen {v} [physics] | :: to decay |
zerfallend {adj} | :: disintegrating |
zerfallend {adj} | :: mouldering |
Zerfallsenergie {f} [physics] | :: (radioactive) decay energy |
Zerfallsprodukt {n} [physics] | :: (radioactive) decay product |
Zerfallsreihe {f} [physics] | :: decay chain / decay series |
zerfasern {vt} | :: to fray out, to unravel |
zerfasern {v} [figuratively] | :: to unravel |
zerfasert {v} | :: past participle of zerfasern |
zerfetzen {v} | :: to tear apart, lacerate, shred |
zerfetzt {v} | :: past participle of zerfetzen |
zerfleddern {v} | :: to damage something delicate, chiefly a book or piece of paper, by handling it uncarefully; to tatter |
zerfleischen {v} | :: [of prey] to maul |
zerfließen {v} | :: to melt |
zerflossen {v} | :: past participle of zerfließen |
zerfransen {vit} | :: to fray out |
zerfressen {vt} | :: to eat away |
zergehen {v} | :: to melt, to dissolve |
zergen {v} [archaic or regional] | :: to tease, to provoke |
zergliedern {v} | :: to dismember |
zergliedern {v} | :: to parse |
zerhauen {v} | :: to beat into pieces |
zerhauen {v} | :: to break by beating |
zerkauen {v} | :: to chew up |
zerkleinern {v} | :: to chop, grind, mince |
zerkleinern {v} | :: to crush |
zerkleinert {v} | :: past participle of zerkleinern |
zerkleinert {adj} | :: bruised |
zerkleinert {adj} | :: crushed |
Zerkleinerung {f} | :: crushing, grinding, milling |
Zerkleinerung {f} | :: shredding |
Zerkleinerung {f} | :: comminution |
zerklüften {v} [geology] | :: to fracture or fissure, to score |
zerklüften {v} [figurative] | :: to make rough or rugged |
zerknirschen {v} | :: to crush, to destroy |
zerknirscht {adj} | :: contrite |
zerknirscht {v} | :: past participle of zerknirschen |
zerknittern {v} | :: to crinkle, to rumple |
zerknittert {adj} | :: crinkled, rumpled |
zerknüllen {v} | :: to crumple up |
zerkratzen {v} | :: to scratch |
zerkratzt {v} | :: past participle of zerkratzen |
zerkreuzen {vt} [obsolete, proscribed, offensive] | :: To contaminate a people; to ruin through interbreeding |
zerlaufen {v} | :: to lose form due to melting |
zerlaufen {v} | :: to ruin shoes by using them |
zerleben {v} | :: to dilapidate by living |
zerlegen {v} | :: to dismantle, disassemble |
zerlegen {v} | :: to decompose |
zerlegen {v} | :: to dismember, dissect |
zerlegen {v} | :: to analyze/analyse |
zerlegt {v} | :: past participle of zerlegen |
zerlegt {adj} | :: disassembled |
zerlegt {adj} | :: fragmented |
zerlegt {adj} | :: analyzed / analysed |
zerlegt {adj} | :: decomposed |
Zerlegung {f} | :: decomposition, separation, segmentation |
Zerlegung {f} [mathematics] | :: partition |
Zerlegung {f} | :: dismantling |
zerlesen {vt} | :: to wear out a book |
zerlumpt {adj} | :: ragged |
zermahlen {v} | :: To grind |
zermahlen {adj} | :: ground, triturated |
zermalmen {v} | :: to crush |
zermartern {v} | :: to torture |
zermatschen {v} | :: to squash, squish |
zermatscht {v} | :: past participle of zermatschen |
zermürben {v} | :: to demoralize |
zermürben {v} | :: to wear down |
zermürbend {adj} | :: gruelling, attritional |
zernagen {v} | :: to chew to pieces |
Zerobond {m} | :: zero coupon bond |
zerplatzen {v} | :: to burst |
zerquetschen {v} | :: to crush |
zerquetscht {v} | :: past participle of zerquetschen |
Zerrbild {n} | :: distorted picture |
Zerrbild {n} | :: travesty, caricature |
zerreden {v} | :: to discuss [a subject] to death |
zerreiben {vt} | :: to grind down, triturate |
zerreissen {v} | :: alternative spelling of zerreißen |
zerreißen {v} | :: to rip, rip up |
Zerreißprobe {f} [technical] | :: tear strength test |
Zerreißprobe {f} [figuratively] | :: ordeal |
zerren {v} | :: to tug |
zerren {v} | :: to drag |
zerrinnen {v} | :: to melt away |
zerrinnen {v} [figuratively] | :: to disappear, to come to nothing |
zerrissen {adj} | :: torn, ripped (up) |
zerritzen {vr} | :: to cut oneself |
zerronnen {v} | :: past participle of zerrinnen |
zerrupfen {v} | :: to tear apart |
zerrütten {v} | :: to ruin, to disrupt |
zerrüttet {v} | :: past participle of zerrütten |
zersägen {v} | :: to saw up |
zerschellen {vi} | :: to break into pieces |
zerschlagen {vt} | :: to smash |
zerschlagen {vt} | :: to neutralise [an enemy] |
zerschlagen {vt} | :: to break up, to divide |
zerschlagen {vr} | :: to fail |
zerschmeißen {v} | :: to break by throwing |
zerschmelzen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to fully melt |
zerschmelzen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to fully melt |
zerschmettern {v} | :: to smash; to smash up |
zerschneiden {vt} | :: to cut up; to cut to pieces |
zerschrammen {v} | :: to damage by scratching |
zerschrammen {v} | :: to bruise |
zersetzen {v} | :: To corrode, decompose |
zersetzen {v} | :: To subvert, undermine |
zersetzt {v} | :: past participle of zersetzen |
zersetzt {adj} | :: decomposed |
zersetzt {adj} | :: demoralized |
zersetzt {adj} | :: corroded |
Zersetzung {f} | :: decomposition |
Zersetzung {f} [historical] | :: A form of psychological warfare used by the Stasi; see Zersetzung |
zersingen {vt} | :: to break through singing [e.g. glass] |
Zerspanung {f} | :: machining |
zersplittern {v} | :: to splinter, to smash, to shatter |
zersplittern {v} | :: to break up, to balkanize |
Zersplitterung {f} | :: fragmentation |
zersprengen {v} | :: to scatter, disperse |
zerstampfen {v} | :: to pound, crush |
zerstampfen {v} | :: to trample on |
zerstäuben {v} | :: To spray (to project a liquid in a disperse manner) |
zerstäubt {v} | :: past participle of zerstäuben |
zerstieben {v} [formal] | :: to disperse |
zerstörbar {adj} | :: destructible |
zerstören {v} | :: to destroy, demolish, devastate, eliminate |
zerstören {v} | :: to dispel |
Zerstörer {m} | :: agent noun of zerstören |
Zerstörer {m} [military, nautical] | :: destroyer (that who/which destroys) |
Zerstörer {m} [military, aviation] | :: heavy fighter (a type of fighter-aircraft) |
zerstörerisch {adj} | :: destructive |
Zerstörung {f} | :: destruction, demolition |
Zerstörung {f} | :: overthrow, ruin |
zerstörungsfrei {adj} | :: nondestructive |
Zerstörungswut {f} | :: vandalism |
zerstoßen {v} | :: to , grind, crush |
zerstreuen {v} | :: to scatter |
zerstreuen {v} | :: to cause (e.g. a crowd) to scatter or break up |
zerstreut {v} | :: past participle of zerstreuen |
Zerstreuung {f} | :: dispersal, scattering |
Zerstreuung {f} | :: pastime |
zerstücken {v} | :: to break into pieces |
zerteilen {vt} | :: to divide, split up |
zerteilen {vr} | :: to disperse, split up |
Zertifikat {n} | :: certificate |
zertifizieren {v} | :: to certify |
Zertifizierung {f} | :: certification |
zertrampeln {v} | :: to trample |
zertrampelt {v} | :: past participle of zertrampeln |
zertreiben {v} | :: to drive apart |
zertrennen {v} | :: to sever, disjoint |
zertreten {v} | :: to crush (underfoot), to trample |
zerwerfen {v} | :: to break by throwing |
zerwerfen {v} | :: to fall out |
Zerwürfnis {n} | :: rift |
Zerwürfnis {n} | :: discord |
Zerwürfnis {n} | :: disagreement |
Zerwürfnis {n} | :: dispute |
Zerwürfnis {n} | :: quarrel |
Zerwürfnis {n} | :: falling out |
zerzausen {v} | :: to ruffle |
Zeta {n} | :: zeta (Greek letter) |
Zetergeschrei {n} | :: clamor |
zetern {v} [pejorative] | :: to express dissatisfaction; to nag; to scold |
Zeter und Mordio {phrase} [colloquial, dated] | :: hue and cry (loud and persistent public clamour) |
Zett {n} | :: zee [US], zed [Commonwealth] (the letter Z) |
Zettabyte {n} | :: zettabyte (1021 bytes) |
Zettel {m} | :: a small or loose piece of paper, slip |
Zettel {m} | :: note, message, letter |
Zettel {m} | :: poster, placard, public notice |
Zettel {m} | :: [weaving] warp |
Zettelkasten {m} | :: slip box |
zetteln {v} | :: to strew, to scatter |
zetteln {v} | :: to spread out, to separate, to arrange |
zetteln {v} [agriculture] | :: to spread out cut grass or manure |
zetteln {v} [weaving] | :: to warp a loom |
Zeug {n} | :: stuff, gear, equipment |
Zeug {n} | :: material |
Zeug {n} | :: fabric, clothing, clothes |
Zeuge {m} | :: witness, wit (slang), deponent, attestor (attester), voucher (male or of unspecified sex) |
Zeuge Jehovas {m} | :: Jehovah's Witness |
zeugen {v} | :: To beget, father, procreate |
zeugen {v} | :: To testify, bear witness, declare |
Zeugeneinschüchterung {f} | :: Witness intimidation |
Zeugenschaft {f} | :: witness, witnessing, testimony, evidence |
Zeugenschutz {m} | :: witness protection |
Zeugenschutzprogramm {n} | :: witness protection program |
Zeughaus {n} | :: armoury |
Zeughäuschen {n} [uncommon] | :: diminutive of Zeughaus |
Zeugin {f} | :: witness (female) |
Zeugma {n} [rhetoric] | :: zeugma |
Zeugnis {n} | :: testimony, witness declaration |
Zeugnis {n} | :: certificate, affidavit, report card |
Zeugs {n} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: stuff, junk (regarded as worthless or annoying) |
Zeugung {f} | :: conception, begetting, procreation |
Zeus {prop} {m} | :: Zeus |
ZH {noun} [apartment listing] | :: Abbreviation of Zentralheizung |
ZH {noun} | :: Canton of Zurich |
Zi. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Zimmer |
Zibarte {f} | :: alternative form of Ziparte |
Zibbe {f} [regional] | :: ewe (female sheep or goat) |
Zibbe {f} [regional] | :: female hare or rabbit |
Zibbe {f} [dialectal or archaic] | :: female dog; bitch |
Zibebe {f} [Austria, dialectally also in southern Germany] | :: raisin |
Ziborium {n} | :: ciborium |
Zicke {f} | :: she-goat, nanny goat |
Zicke {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: a touchy, fractious or difficult person (usually, but not necessarily, female) |
Zickefoose {prop} | :: surname |
zickig {adj} | :: bitchy |
Zicklein {n} | :: diminutive of Zicke |
zickzack {adv} | :: zigzag |
Zickzack {m} | :: zigzag |
-zid {suffix} | :: -cide |
-zid {suffix} | :: -cide |
Zider {m} | :: rare form of Cidre |
Ziege {f} | :: goat |
Ziegel {m} | :: brick |
Ziegel {f} | :: roofing tile |
Ziegelbauw. {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Ziegelbauweise |
Ziegelbauweise {f} | :: brick construction method |
Ziegelstein {m} | :: a brick used in masonry |
Ziegenbart {m} | :: a goatee, especially when relatively thin and long (otherwise Kinnbart is preferred) |
Ziegenbock {m} | :: he-goat, billygoat, male goat |
Ziegenficker {m} [pejorative, offensive] | :: goatfucker (term of abuse principally used for people from North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia) |
Ziegenmelker {m} | :: nightjar (nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae) |
Ziegenmilch {f} | :: goat milk |
Ziegler {prop} | :: surname |
ziehen {vti} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to pull (e.g., a door handle); to drag |
ziehen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to draw (e.g. a weapon); to extract; to puff |
ziehen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to draw (a conclusion, lesson, etc.) |
ziehen {vi} [impersonal] | :: to be drafty |
ziehen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to move; to migrate |
ziehen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to roam; to head |
ziehen {vr} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to stretch; to warp |
Ziehharmonika {f} | :: squeezebox |
Ziehmutter {f} [Austria, otherwise rural] | :: foster mother |
Ziehmutter {f} [rare] | :: (female) mentor |
Ziehsohn {m} [Austria, otherwise rural] | :: foster son |
Ziehsohn {m} | :: protégé |
Ziehtochter {f} [Austria, otherwise rural] | :: foster daughter |
Ziehtochter {f} | :: (female) protégé |
Ziehung {f} | :: draw (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined) |
Ziehvater {m} [Austria] | :: foster father |
Ziehvater {m} | :: mentor |
Ziel {n} | :: target |
Ziel {n} | :: goal (not in football, see Tor) |
Ziel {n} | :: aim |
Ziel {n} | :: purpose |
zielen {vi} | :: to aim at a physical target |
zielen {v} [figuratively] | :: to aim at a goal |
Zielgruppe {f} | :: target [customers, audience, etc.] |
Ziellinie {f} | :: finish line |
ziellos {adj} | :: aimless |
Zielscheibe {f} | :: target |
Zielsprache {f} [translation studies] | :: target language |
ziemen {v} | :: to beseem, to be appropriate, to befit |
ziemlich {adv} | :: pretty, quite, rather, fairly, kind of |
ziemlich {adv} | :: pretty much, quite a bit |
Zier {f} [archaic] | :: ornament; decoration |
Zierbuchstabe {m} [typography] | :: ornamental letter, swash letter |
Zierde {f} | :: ornament; adornment |
zieren {v} | :: to decorate |
zieren {vr} | :: to make a fuss |
Zierfisch {m} | :: an ornamental fish |
Ziergegenstand {m} | :: decorative object |
zierlich {adj} | :: delicate; petite (of bodies or objects: gracefully thin or fragile) |
zierlich {adj} [archaic] | :: decorative; pleasing; pretty |
zierlicher {adj} | :: comparative of zierlich |
Zierlichkeit {f} | :: daintiness, petiteness |
zierlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of zierlich |
Zierpflanze {f} | :: ornamental plant |
Ziersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Ziersdorf (municipality) |
Ziffer {f} | :: digit, numeral |
Ziffer {f} [law] | :: a numbered division unit written alongside the text |
Zifferblatt {n} | :: clock face |
Ziffernblatt {n} | :: clock face |
zig {num} | :: umpteen, tens of, dozens of (an unspecified number, usually between 10 and 100) |
Zigarette {f} | :: cigarette |
Zigarettenstummel {m} | :: cigarette butt |
Zigarillo {f} | :: cigarillo (thin cigar) |
Zigarre {f} | :: cigar |
Zigeuner {m} [sometimes, offensive] | :: Gypsy, member of the Roma, Romani person |
Zigeuner {m} [sometimes, offensive] | :: member of any of several other nomadic minorities |
Zigeuner {m} [offensive] | :: disorderly, lazy or dodgy person |
Zigeuner {m} [offensive] | :: bohemian; unconventional or nonconformist artist or writer |
Ziggurat {f} [rare] | :: alternative form of Zikkurat |
zigmal {adv} | :: umpteen times, often, regularly |
zigtausend {num} | :: many thousand |
Zikade {f} | :: cicada |
Zikkurat {f} | :: ziggurat |
Zikkurrat {f} | :: alternative form of Zikkurat |
Zilch {prop} | :: surname |
Zilizien {prop} {n} | :: Cilicia |
Zille {f} [east Central German, Austria] | :: river barge |
Zille {f} [Austria] | :: small, flat boat controlled by a rudder |
Zillingdorf {prop} {n} | :: Zillingdorf (municipality) |
Zillingtal {prop} {n} | :: Zillingtal (municipality) |
Zilpzalp {m} | :: common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) |
Zimbal {n} [music] | :: cimbalom |
Zimbel {f} | :: cymbal |
Zimbrisch {prop} {n} | :: the Cimbrian language |
Zimmer {n} | :: room (separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling) |
Zimmerdecke {f} | :: ceiling |
Zimmerfrau {f} | :: chambermaid |
Zimmerfrau {f} [Austria] | :: (female) room renter |
Zimmermädchen {n} | :: chambermaid, parlourmaid |
Zimmermann {m} | :: carpenter (worker skilled at handling timber for the construction of houses) |
Zimmermann {m} [Switzerland] | :: harvestman (order Opiliones) |
Zimmermann {prop} | :: surname |
Zimmermeister {m} | :: master carpenter (male or of unspecified sex) |
Zimmermeisterin {f} | :: master carpenter (female) |
zimmern {vt} | :: to build something from wood |
zimmern {v} [with eine + dative, colloquial] | :: to hit; to slap |
zimmern {vt} [colloquial, sports, especially, football] | :: to shoot the ball hard |
Zimmernummer {f} | :: room number |
Zimmerpflanze {f} | :: houseplant, indoor plant |
Zimmerschlüssel {m} | :: room key |
Zimmerservice {m} {n} | :: room service |
Zimmertemperatur {f} | :: room temperature |
Zimmt {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Zimt |
Zimpel {prop} | :: surname |
zimperlich {adj} | :: squeamish |
zimperlich {adj} | :: prissy |
Zimperlichkeit {f} | :: squeamishness |
Zimperliese {f} | :: sissy |
Zimt {m} {n} [uncountable] | :: cinnamon |
Zimt {m} {n} [countable] | :: a particular kind of cinnamon |
Zimt {m} {n} [uncountable] | :: the brownish colour of cinnamon |
Zimt {m} | :: something worthless or dumb |
Zimtbürzel-Blattspäher {m} | :: cinnamon-rumped foliage-gleaner (Philydor pyrrhodes) |
Zimtschnecke {f} | :: a cinnamon roll; a rolled yeast pastry that is filled with cinnamon and sugar |
Zimtstern {m} | :: cinnamon star (christmas cookie) |
Zimtzicke {f} | :: snotty bitch |
Zimtzucker {m} | :: cinnamon sugar |
Zingel {m} | :: curtain wall |
Zink {n} {m} | :: zinc |
Zink {m} | :: cornetto (a trumpet-like wind instrument used in European music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods) |
Zinkacetat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc acetate |
Zinkat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zincate |
Zinkblende {f} [mineral] | :: sphalerite, zincblende |
Zinkcarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc carbonate |
Zinkchlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc chloride |
Zinke {f} | :: prong |
Zinke {f} | :: tine |
Zinke {f} | :: tenon |
zinken {adj} [attributive] | :: zinc (made of zinc) |
zinken {v} [card games] | :: mark |
zinken {v} [slang] | :: mark (something, someone) by giving a sign/signal/hint/tip-off and thus give away (sb. or sth. to sb.) |
Zinkerz {n} | :: zinc ore |
Zinkfingerprotein {n} [protein] | :: zinc finger |
Zinkgruppe {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zinc group |
zinkhaltig {adj} | :: zinciferous (zinc-bearing) |
Zinkion {n} | :: zinc ion |
Zinkit {n} [mineral] | :: zincite |
Zinklegierung {f} | :: zinc alloy |
Zinkmineral {n} [mineralogy] | :: zinc mineral |
Zinkorganyle {f} [organic chemistry] | :: organozinc compound |
Zinkoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc oxide |
Zinkpulver {n} | :: zinc powder |
Zink-Pyrithion {n} | :: zinc pyrithione |
Zinkselenid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc selenide |
Zinkspat {n} [mineral] | :: smithsonite |
Zinkstearat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc stearate |
Zinksulfat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc sulfate |
Zinksulfid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zinc sulfide |
Zinn {n} | :: tin |
Zinn {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Zinnabbau {m} | :: tin mining |
Zinnblech {n} | :: tinplate |
Zinndioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: tin dioxide |
Zinne {f} | :: merlon |
Zinne {f} [Swiss] | :: roof terrace |
zinnen {adj} | :: tin, tinnen (made of tin) |
Zinnerz {n} | :: tin ore |
zinnfarben {adj} | :: A silvery-white color, like the color of tin |
zinnfarbig {adj} [uncommon] | :: A silvery-white color, like the color of tin |
Zinnfigur {f} | :: tin (sometimes pewter, or lead) figure / figurine |
Zinngeschrei {n} | :: tin cry |
Zinngießer {m} | :: pewterer, whitesmith, tinsmith |
Zinngießerwerkstatt {f} | :: tinsmithy (workshop of a whitesmith etc) |
Zinnkraut {n} | :: horsetail |
Zinnlegierung {f} | :: tin alloy |
Zinnmineral {n} [mineralogy] | :: tin mineral |
Zinnober {m} [mineral] | :: cinnabar |
Zinnober {m} [colloquial, somewhat, dated] | :: piece of junk (something worthless) |
zinnoberrot {adj} | :: cinnabar |
zinnorganisch {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: organotin |
Zinnorganyle {f} [organic chemistry] | :: organotin compound or radical |
Zinnoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: tin oxide |
Zinnpest {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tin pest |
Zinnsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tin salt |
Zinnsoldat {m} | :: tin soldier |
Zinnstein {m} [mineral] | :: cassiterite |
Zinnverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tin compound |
Zinnwaldit {m} [mineral] | :: zinnwaldite |
Zins {m} [finance] | :: interest |
Zins {m} [dated] | :: tribute |
zinsbar {adj} | :: interest-bearing |
zinsbar {adj} | :: tributary |
Zinsberechnungsmethode {f} [finance] | :: day count convention |
Zinseszins {m} [banking, finance] | :: compound interest |
zinsfrei {adj} [finance] | :: interest-free |
zinsfrei {adj} [Austria] | :: rent-free |
Zinsfuß {m} | :: interest rate |
zinslos {adj} | :: interest-free |
Zinssatz {m} [finance] | :: interest rate |
Zinsswap {m} [finance] | :: interest rate swap |
Zintl {prop} | :: surname |
Zion {prop} {m} | :: Zion (a hill ("mount" in Israel) |
Zionismus {m} | :: Zionism |
Zionist {m} | :: Zionist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Zionistin {f} | :: Zionist (female) |
zionistisch {adj} | :: zionist |
Ziparte {f} | :: an archaic plum, Prunus domestica ssp. prisca or a variety of Prunus domestica subsp. insititia (the taxon is debated) |
Zipf {m} [Bavaria, Austria] | :: tip, peak, corner |
Zipf {m} [Austria, obsolete] | :: bore (boring person) |
Zipf {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Zipf {m} [Central Germany, Southern Germany] | :: pip (respiratory disease of birds) |
Zipfel {m} | :: corner or peak |
Zipfel {m} [regional] | :: penis, cock, willy, peter |
Zipfel {m} | :: panhandle [cartography, US] |
Zipfelmütze {f} | :: peaked cap, pointed cap |
Zippel {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of Zipfel |
zippen {v} [computing] | :: to zip (to compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.) |
Zipphose {f} [clothing] | :: zipp trousers |
Zipser {m} | :: a Zipser |
Ziqqurat {f} [rare] | :: alternative form of Zikkurat |
Ziqqurrat {f} | :: alternative form of Zikkurat |
Zirbel {f} | :: arolla pine, stone pine, Swiss pine |
Zirbel {f} [dated] | :: fir-cone |
Zirbeldrüse {f} | :: pineal gland |
Zirbelkiefer {f} | :: arolla pine, stone pine |
Zircaloy {n} | :: zircaloy |
Zirconium {n} | :: alternative form of Zirkonium |
Zirconiumcarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium carbonate |
Zirconiumchlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium chloride |
Zirconiumdioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium dioxide |
Zirconiumhalogenid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zirconium halide |
zirconiumhaltig {adj} [mineralogy] | :: Bearing zirconium |
Zirconiumhydroxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium hydroxide |
Zirconiumkomplex {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zirconium complex |
Zirconiumlegierung {f} | :: zirconium alloy |
Zirconiummetall {n} | :: zirconium metal |
Zirconiummineral {n} [mineralogy] | :: zirconium mineral |
Zirconiumnitrid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium nitride |
Zirconiumoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium oxide |
Zirconiumsilicat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium silicate |
Zirconiumtetrachlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium tetrachloride |
Zirconiumtetraiodid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: zirconium tetraiodide |
Zirconiumverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zirconium compound |
zirka {adv} | :: circa |
Zirkel {m} | :: compass (device to draw circles) |
Zirkel {m} [rare] | :: circle (more common is Kreis) |
Zirkelbeweis {m} | :: circular argument (a type of argument) |
Zirkelschluss {m} | :: circular argument (a type of argument) |
Zirkon {m} | :: zircon |
Zirkonat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zirconate |
Zirkonia {m} | :: zirconia |
Zirkonium {n} | :: zirconium |
zirkoniumhaltig {adj} [mineralogy] | :: Bearing zirconium |
Zirkoniumsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: zirconium salt |
Zirkonkristall {m} | :: zircon crystal |
Zirkulator {m} | :: circulator |
zirkulieren {v} | :: to circulate |
Zirkumfix {n} | :: circumfix |
Zirkumflex {m} | :: circumflex |
Zirkumposition {f} | :: circumposition |
Zirkus {m} [historical] | :: circus (arena in Antiquity) |
Zirkus {m} | :: circus (kind of entertainment show) |
Zirkus {m} [colloquial] | :: exaggerated and annoying ado; airs; fuss, e.g. of a child, at an event, etc.; dog and pony show |
Zirkus {m} [colloquial, by extension] | :: something complicated and annoying; rigmarole; chore |
Zirkusschule {f} | :: circus school (organization where circus skills are taught) |
Zirkusvorstellung {f} | :: circus performance |
Zirmet {m} | :: hartwort, Tordylium spp. (or related plants of the family which were hard to distinguish) |
zirpen {v} | :: to chirp, to chirr, to chirrup (sound of a cricket) |
Zirrhose {f} [pathology] | :: cirrhosis (chronic disease of the liver) |
zisalpin {adj} | :: cisalpine |
zischen {v} | :: to hiss, to sizzle, to whiz |
Zischlaut {m} [phonetics] | :: sibilant |
Zissoide {f} | :: cissoid |
Zisterne {f} | :: cistern |
Zistersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Zistersdorf (municipality) |
Zitadelle {f} | :: citadel |
Zitat {n} | :: quotation |
Zitatwort {n} [linguistics] | :: foreign word, used to designate foreign objects or concepts |
Zitatwort {n} [linguistics] | :: foreign word, whose spelling, flexion, pronunciation, etc. is unadapted to the target language |
Zither {f} | :: zither |
Zitherspiel {n} | :: zither playing |
Zitherspieler {m} | :: zither player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Zitherspielerin {f} [music] | :: zither player (female) |
zitieren {v} | :: to cite, to quote |
zitierfähig {adj} | :: quotable |
Zitronat {n} | :: candied lemon peel; succade |
Zitrone {f} | :: lemon (fruit) |
Zitrone {f} | :: lemonade (still beverage) |
Zitronenabrieb {m} | :: grated lemon zest |
Zitronenfalter {m} | :: a brimstone, a butterfly of the species Gonepteryx rhamni |
zitronengelb {adj} | :: lemon-yellow |
Zitronenhai {m} | :: lemon shark |
Zitronenpresse {f} | :: lemon squeezer |
Zitronensaft {m} | :: lemon juice |
Zitronensäure {f} | :: citric acid |
Zitronensäurezyklus {m} [biochemistry] | :: citric acid cycle |
Zitronenschale {f} | :: lemon peel |
Zitronenstrauch {m} | :: lemon verbena (shrub) |
Zitronschale {f} [dated] | :: lemon peel |
Zitteraal {m} | :: electric eel, Electrophorus electricus |
Zitterer {m} | :: shiverer |
Zitterlaut {m} [phonetics] | :: trill |
zittern {v} | :: to shiver, to tremble, to vibrate |
Zittern {n} | :: trembling |
Zitterpappel {f} | :: aspen, trembling poplar |
Zitterspinne {f} | :: daddy long-legs spider |
Zitze {f} | :: teat, tit |
zivil {adj} | :: civil, civilian |
Zivil {n} | :: plain clothes |
Zivildienst {m} | :: civilian service in lieu of military service |
Zivilehe {f} | :: civil marriage |
ziviler Ungehorsam {m} | :: civil disobedience |
Zivilisation {f} | :: civilisation |
zivilisationsmüde {adj} | :: tired of civilisation |
zivilisieren {v} | :: to civilise |
Zivilist {m} | :: civilian |
Zivilrecht {n} | :: civil law |
Zivilverteidigung {f} | :: civil defense |
ZKB {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Zimmer, Küche, Bad |
Zmorgen {m} {n} [Switzerland] | :: breakfast |
Zobel {m} | :: sable (Martes zibellina) |
Zöbern {prop} {n} | :: Zöbern (municipality) |
Zöblen {prop} {n} | :: Zöblen (municipality) |
Zoch {m} [regional, Rhineland] | :: carnival parade |
zocken {v} | :: to gamble |
zocken {v} | :: to play video games |
Zocker {m} | :: gambler |
Zocker {m} [slang] | :: gamer (i.e. video and computer games) |
Zodiakallicht {n} | :: zodiacal light |
Zoe {prop} | :: given name |
Zofe {f} [dated] | :: lady's maid, handmaid |
Zoff {m} [colloquial] | :: trouble, beef, fight |
zoffen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to bicker |
Zögerer {m} | :: agent noun of zögern; procrastinator |
Zögerin {f} | :: (female) procrastinator |
zögerlich {adj} | :: hesitant (tending to hesitate) |
zögerlicher {adj} | :: comparative of zögerlich |
Zögerlichkeit {f} | :: hesitance, hesitation |
zögerlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of zögerlich |
zögern {v} | :: to hesitate |
Zögling {m} | :: pupil |
Zölestin {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Coelestin |
Zöliakie {f} | :: celiac disease [US], coeliac disease [UK] |
Zölibat {m} {n} | :: celibacy (sexual abstinence) |
Zoll {m} | :: custom (duty collected at the borders) |
Zoll {m} | :: customs (authority collecting that duty) |
Zoll {n} | :: unit of length (if used nowadays it equals an inch) |
Zollamt {n} | :: customs office |
Zollbeamter {m} | :: customs officer |
zollen {v} | :: to pay [e.g. tribute, respect, etc.] |
zollfrei {adj} | :: duty-free |
Zollhaus {n} | :: custom house |
Zollhäuschen {n} | :: diminutive of Zollhaus; a small customs house |
Zollkriminalamt {n} | :: customs investigation bureau |
Zöllner {m} | :: customs officer |
Zöllner {m} [biblical] | :: publican |
Zöllnerin {f} | :: female customs officer |
Zollstock {m} | :: rule; folding rule; yardstick; meter stick (strip of wood or other hard material, typically foldable, for measuring length, regardless of the measure system used) |
Zollstock {prop} {n} | :: Zollstock, a district of Cologne |
Zollunion {f} | :: customs union |
Zollverein {m} | :: customs union, tariff union |
Zombie {m} | :: zombie |
zonal {adj} | :: zonal |
Zone {f} | :: zone |
Zone {prop} {f} [historical, chiefly colloquial, often derogatory] | :: the German Democratic Republic (GDR) |
Zonengrenze {f} | :: a border between zones |
Zonengrenze {f} [historical] | :: a border between the occupied zones of Germany after the World War II |
Zonengrenze {f} [in particular, somewhat colloquial] | :: the border of the German Democratic Republic |
Zonengrenze {f} [transportation] | :: the border between specific local mass transit sectors inside which a single set fare applies |
Zonenschmelzen {n} | :: zone melting |
Zonenschmelzverfahren {n} | :: zone melting |
Zoni {m} [historical, colloquial] | :: a citizen of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) |
Zoo {m} | :: zoo |
Zoologe {m} | :: zoologist |
Zoologie {f} | :: zoology |
Zoologin {f} | :: female zoologist (a woman who studies zoology) |
zoologisch {adj} | :: zoological |
zoologischer Garten {m} [formal] | :: zoological garden |
Zoom {m} [photography, film] | :: zoom, augmentation of a view as with a camera lens |
zoomen {v} | :: to zoom |
Zoomobjektiv {n} | :: zoom lens |
Zoonose {f} | :: zoonosis |
Zoophilie {f} | :: zoophilia |
Zoophobie {f} | :: zoophobia (unusual fear of animals) |
Zooplankton {n} | :: zooplankton |
Zootomie {f} | :: zootomy |
Zopf {m} | :: plait; pigtail; ponytail (any long bundle of hair, braided or not) |
Zopf {m} [baking] | :: A plait-shaped bread made from white flour, milk, eggs, butter and yeast |
Zorn {m} [somewhat, formal] | :: anger; wrath |
Zornhau {noun} [fencing] | :: Zornhau |
zornig {adj} [somewhat, formal] | :: angry; mad [US]; wrathful; irate |
Zoroastrismus {m} | :: Zoroastrianism |
zottelig {adj} | :: hairy, scruffy, hirsute |
zottelig {adv} | :: shaggily |
zotteliger {adj} | :: comparative of zottelig |
zotteligsten {adj} | :: superlative of zottelig |
z. T. {adv} | :: abbreviation of zum Teil |
Ztrhzg. {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Zentralheizung |
Ztr.-Hzg. {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Zentralheizung |
-zu- {interfix} | :: zu; marks the zu-infinitive of separable verbs in verb-final contexts |
zu- {prefix} | :: Prefix meaning to, to-, at, on, by |
zu- {prefix} | :: obsolete form of zer- |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: to, towards (indicates directionality) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: with respect to; regarding |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: along with; with (accompanying (the main thing in question)) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: at, on (indicates location) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: at [indicates time] |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: by, in, on, at (indicates mode (of transportation, speech, etc.)) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: [with a verb] for; [with a noun] as, by way of (for the purpose of) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: for (in honor of, or directed towards the celebration or event of) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: into (indicates transition into another form or substance) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: as, for, to be (to take on the role of) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: to (used to indicate ratios) |
zu {prep} [+ dative] | :: at (denotes a price or rate) |
zu {particle} [with infinitives of verbs] | :: to |
zu {adv} [with adjectives and adverbs] | :: too (excessively) |
zu {adv} | :: towards; at |
zu {adv} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: shut; closed; locked |
zu {adv} | :: ahead, on (along, forwards (continuing an action)) |
zu {adj} | :: shut, closed (made inaccessible or impassable; not open) |
zu {adj} | :: closed (not operating or conducting trade) |
zu {adj} | :: done up (fastened) |
zu {adj} [slang] | :: hammered; very drunk |
zu Abend essen {v} [Austria] | :: to have dinner |
zu allem Ja und Amen sagen {v} [idiom] | :: to be a yes man |
Zubehandelnde {n} | :: a subject or topic, which shall be discussed or treated |
Zubehör {n} {m} | :: accessory |
zubeißen {vi} | :: to bite |
Zuber {m} [dated] | :: tub |
Zuber {prop} | :: surname |
zubereiten {v} [cooking] | :: to prepare |
Zubereitung {f} | :: preparation |
Zubereitung {f} | :: concoction, confection |
Zubettgehen {n} | :: (the act of) going to bed |
zubleiben {v} | :: to stay closed |
zubringen {vt} | :: to bring |
zubringen {vt} | :: to spend [time somewhere] |
zubringen {vt} | :: to be able to close |
Zubrot {n} | :: extra income |
Zubrötchen {n} [South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal: Paulpietersburg] | :: sandwich (two slices of bread) |
zu Bruch gehen {v} | :: to break |
zu Buche schlagen {v} [idiom] | :: to cost, to account for, to be accounted for, to be added to an account |
Zucchetti {f} [Switzerland] | :: synonym of Zucchini |
Zucchini {f} | :: courgette, zucchini |
Zucchino {m} [rare, literary, sometimes humorous] | :: alternative form of Zucchini |
Zucht {f} [uncountable] | :: breeding (act of growing plants or animals) |
Zucht {f} [countable] | :: breed (lineage or subspecies of plants or animals) |
Zucht {f} [countable] | :: animal farm; farm where animals are bred |
Zucht {f} [uncountable, literary or slightly dated] | :: discipline; education; manners |
züchten {v} | :: to breed |
züchten {v} | :: to cultivate |
züchten {v} [plants] | :: to grow |
züchten {v} [bees] | :: to keep |
Zuchtfisch {m} | :: farmed fish |
Zuchthaus {n} [historic] | :: an aggravated form of prison with harsher conditions of detention |
Zuchthaus {n} [dated, colloquial, loosely] | :: prison |
züchtig {adj} | :: chaste, virtuous |
züchtigen {v} | :: to corporally punish |
Züchtigung {f} | :: corporal punishment |
Zuchtlachs {m} | :: farmed salmon |
zuchtlos {adj} [dated] | :: undisciplined |
Zuchtperle {f} | :: cultured pearl |
Züchtung {f} | :: breeding |
zucken {v} | :: to jerk |
zücken {v} | :: to draw [i.e. a weapon] |
Zucker {m} [usually, uncountable] | :: sugar |
Zucker {m} [uncountable, slightly, colloquial] | :: diabetes |
Zuckerbäcker {m} | :: confectioner (male or of unspecified gender) |
Zuckerbäckerin {f} | :: confectioner (female) |
Zuckerbrot {n} | :: sweet pastry |
Zuckerbrot und Peitsche {noun} [idiomatic] | :: carrot and stick |
Zuckercouleur {f} | :: caramel coloring, E 150 |
Zuckergast {m} [archaic or dialectal] | :: silverfish (insect) |
Zuckerguss {m} [cooking] | :: frosting, icing |
Zuckerguß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Zuckerguss |
zuckerhaltig {adj} | :: saccharated, sugary; sweet |
Zuckerhut {m} | :: sugar-loaf (a block of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone) |
Zuckerhut {prop} {m} | :: Sugarloaf Mountain |
zuckerkrank {adj} | :: diabetic |
Zuckerkrankheit {f} | :: diabetes |
Zuckerkulör {f} | :: alternative spelling of Zuckercouleur |
Zuckerl {n} [Austria] | :: sweet, candy |
Zuckerlöffel {m} | :: sugar spoon |
Zuckerlöffelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zuckerlöffel |
zuckern {v} | :: to sugar |
Zuckerphosphat {n} [organic chemistry] | :: sugar phosphate |
Zuckerpille {f} | :: sugar pill |
Zuckerrohr {n} | :: sugarcane |
Zuckerrübe {f} | :: sugar beet |
Zuckerrübensirup {m} | :: sugar beet syrup |
Zuckerschälchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zuckerschale |
Zuckerschale {f} | :: sugar bowl |
Zuckerschote {f} | :: snow pea; mangetout |
Zuckersteuer {f} | :: sugar tax |
zuckersüß {adj} | :: sugar-sweet |
Zuckerware {f} | :: confectionary |
Zuckerwatte {f} | :: cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss |
Zuckerwerk {n} | :: sweets |
Zuckerwürfel {m} | :: sugar cube |
Zuckmücke {f} | :: A non-biting midge belonging to family Chironomidae |
Zuckung {f} | :: twitch, jerk |
zudem {adv} [formal] | :: moreover, furthermore |
zudrehen {v} | :: to screw closed |
zudrehen {v} | :: to turn off |
zu dritt {adv} | :: in a group (or in groups) of three |
zudröhnen {vp} [colloquial] | :: to get high |
zudrücken {vt} | :: to push closed |
Zueignung {f} | :: dedication |
zueinander {adv} | :: together |
zueinander {adv} | :: to each other, to one another |
zu Ende {adj} | :: finished, through |
zuerst {adv} | :: first, firstly |
zuerst {adv} | :: at first |
zu etwas kommen wie die Jungfrau zum Kind {v} [idiom] | :: to fall into one's lap |
Zufahrt {f} | :: a driveway to a property or building |
Zufall {m} | :: chance, coincidence, randomness |
zufällig {adj} | :: random, by chance or stochastic |
zufällig {adj} | :: accidental or coincidental |
zufällig {adv} | :: accidentally |
zufälligerweise {adv} | :: accidentally, coincidentally |
Zufälligkeit {f} | :: randomness |
Zufälligkeit {f} | :: coincidence, chance |
zufallsabhängig {adj} | :: depending on chance |
Zufallsgrösse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Zufallsgröße |
Zufallsgröße {f} | :: random variable |
Zufallstreffer {m} | :: serendipity |
Zufallsvariable {f} | :: random variable |
Zufallszahl {f} | :: random number |
zufließen {vt} | :: to accrue to |
Zuflucht {f} | :: refuge |
Zufluchtsort {m} | :: a shelter |
Zufluss {m} | :: inflow, influx |
Zufluss {m} [geology, water stream] | :: tributary |
zuflüstern {vt} | :: to whisper |
zufolge {postp} | :: according to |
zufrieden {adj} | :: content, satisfied |
zufriedengeben {vr} | :: to content oneself |
zufriedengestellt {v} | :: past participle of zufriedenstellen |
Zufriedenheit {f} | :: contentment, satisfaction |
zufriedenstellen {v} | :: to satisfy (meet needs, fulfill) |
zufriedenstellen {v} | :: to content, please |
zufriedenstellend {adj} | :: satisfying, satisfactory |
Zufriedenstellung {f} | :: satisfaction |
zufrieren {v} | :: to freeze over |
zufügen {vtr} | :: to cause (grief, pain); to inflict (damage) |
zufügen {vt} | :: to add |
zufügen {vt} | :: to enclose |
Zufuhr {f} | :: supply |
Zufuhr {f} | :: influx, intake |
Zufuhr {f} | :: feed |
zuführen {v} | :: To feed, supply, procure |
Zuführung {f} | :: feed, feeding |
zu Fuß {adv} | :: on foot |
Zug {m} | :: train (multiple vehicles one behind the other, particularly travelling on rails) |
Zug {m} | :: pull (force that pulls in a specific direction) |
Zug {m} | :: draught (of air) |
Zug {m} | :: traction |
Zug {m} | :: course |
Zug {m} [from a cigarette, etc.] | :: draught |
Zug {m} [from a drink] | :: draught, gulp |
Zug {m} | :: stroke |
Zug {m} | :: feature, trait |
Zug {m} [military] | :: platoon |
Zug {m} [turn based games] | :: move, play |
Zugabe {f} | :: bonus, add-on, extra |
Zugabe {f} [music or theater] | :: encore |
Zugabe {interj} | :: Encore! |
Zugang {m} | :: access |
Zugang {m} | :: admission, intake |
Zugang {m} | :: entrance |
zugängig {adj} | :: amenable |
zugänglich {adj} | :: accessible, open, able to be factually or legally reached or accessed |
zugänglich {adj} | :: [figuratively, of a person] amenable, open |
Zugbrücke {f} | :: drawbridge |
zugeben {v} | :: to add |
zugeben {v} | :: to admit, confess |
zugefügt {v} | :: past participle of zufügen |
zugeführt {v} | :: past participle of zuführen |
zugegeben {adj} | :: admitted, granted |
zugegebenermaßen {adv} | :: admittedly (by admission) |
zugegen {adj} | :: present (in attendance) |
zugehen {v} | :: to shut |
zugehen {v} | :: to approach |
zugehen {v} | :: to take place |
Zugehör {n} {f} [Austria, Swiss] | :: alternative form of Zubehör |
zugehören {v} | :: to belong to [+ dative] |
zugehörig {adj} | :: related, associated |
zugehörig {adj} | :: appropriate |
zugehörig {adj} | :: dedicated |
Zugehörigkeit {f} | :: belonging, affiliation, membership |
Zugehörigkeitsgefühl {n} | :: sense of belonging, feeling of belonging, sense of identity |
zugeklebt {v} | :: past participle of zukleben |
zugeknöpft {v} | :: past participle of zuknöpfen |
zugeknöpft {adj} [colloquial] | :: reserved |
zugekommen {v} | :: past participle of zukommen |
Zügel {m} | :: rein |
zugelegt {v} | :: past participle of zulegen |
zügellos {adj} | :: self-indulgent, unbridled, unrestrained |
zügelloser {adj} | :: comparative of zügellos |
zügellosesten {adj} | :: superlative of zügellos |
Zügellosigkeit {f} [no plural] | :: lawlessness |
zügeln {vt} | :: to rein in (a horse) |
zügeln {v} [figuratively] | :: to curb |
zügeln {vi} [Switzerland] | :: to move house, relocate |
Zügelpinguin {m} | :: chinstrap penguin |
zugemischt {v} | :: past participle of zumischen - admixed |
zugemutet {v} | :: past participle of zumuten |
zugeordnet {adj} | :: assigned |
zugerechnet {v} | :: past participle of zurechnen |
zugerechnet {adj} | :: ascribed, attributed (to) |
Zugereister {mf} [literally] | :: "Someone who has traveled here [and stayed]" |
Zugereister {mf} | :: Someone who has moved to a different region and settled there for good, and who speaks German as their first language, but is recognized in the new region by their accent and regarded as "not one of us" |
zugesagt {v} | :: past participle of zusagen |
zugesetzt {v} | :: past participle of zusetzen |
zugespitzt {adj} | :: acute, pointed, sharpened, intensified |
zugespitzt {adj} | :: worsened, exacerbated, escalating, deepening |
zugespitzt {adj} | :: exaggerated, overstated |
zugespitzt {v} | :: past participle of zuspitzen |
Zugespitztheit {f} | :: exaggeratedness (quality of being exaggerated) |
Zugeständnis {n} | :: concessions |
zugestehen {vt} | :: to concede |
zugetan {v} | :: past participle of zutun |
zugetan {adj} | :: affectionate |
Zugfahrt {f} | :: train ride, train trip |
Zugfestigkeit {f} | :: tensile strength |
zugig {adj} | :: drafty |
zügig {adj} | :: quick, swift |
zügig {adj} [Swiss] | :: appealing, attractive |
zügiger {adj} | :: comparative of zügig |
zügigsten {adj} | :: superlative of zügig |
zugleich {adv} | :: at the same time |
Zugluft {f} [current of air, usually coming into a room or vehicle] | :: draft |
zugreifen {v} | :: to grab, to seize, to snap |
zugreifen {v} | :: to serve oneself, to help oneself |
zugreifen {v} [computing] | :: to access |
Zugriff {m} | :: access |
Zugriff {m} | :: grasp |
Zugriffsmodifikator {m} [software, object-oriented] | :: access modifier |
zugrunde {adv} | :: [in zugrunde richten, zugrunde gehen] to destruction |
zugrunde {adv} | :: [in zugrunde liegen, zugrunde legen] as basis |
zugrundeliegend {adj} | :: underlying |
zugrunde richten {v} | :: to ruin |
zugrunderichten {v} | :: obsolete spelling of zugrunde richten |
Zugspitze {prop} {f} | :: Zugspitze (mountain) |
Zugtier {n} | :: draught animal, beast of burden |
Zugunruhe {f} [ornithology, zoology] | :: zugunruhe (anxious behaviour in migratory animals, especially in birds, experienced at the beginning of the migration period) |
zugunsten {prep} | :: in support of, in favour of |
zu Gunsten {prep} | :: alternative spelling of zugunsten |
zugute {adv} | :: indicates something is for the benefit of the dative object of the verb |
zu guter Letzt {prep} | :: finally, last but not least |
Zugversuch {m} | :: tensile strength test |
Zugvogel {m} | :: migrant, migratory bird |
Zugzwang {m} [chess] | :: zugzwang (situation in which a player is forced to make a disadvantageous move) |
Zugzwang {m} [by extension] | :: situation where somebody is forced to act, but would prefer to remain passive |
zu haben {v} [formal] | :: must, have to |
zu haben {v} | :: be closed |
zu haben {adj} | :: available |
zuhaben {v} | :: to keep closed |
Zuhälter {m} | :: agent noun of zuhalten; pimp (prostitution solicitor) |
zu Händen von {prep} | :: for the attention of |
zuhauf {adv} | :: in large numbers; in droves |
zuhaus {adv} | :: alternative spelling of zu Hause |
zu Haus {adv} | :: alternative spelling of zu Hause |
zuhause {adv} | :: alternative spelling of zu Hause |
zu Hause {adv} | :: home, at home (stationary, non-goal-oriented) |
Zuhause {n} | :: One’s living premises, home |
zu Herzen {adv} | :: to (the) heart; affecting someone’s heart, mind, soul |
zu Herzen nehmen {v} [idiom] | :: take to heart |
zuhören {v} | :: to listen ( [+ dative = to someone or something]) |
Zuhörer {m} | :: agent noun of zuhören; listener |
Zuhörer {m} [in plural] | :: audience |
zujubeln {vt} | :: to cheer to |
zukehren {v} [auxiliary "haben"] | :: to turn (rotate) something |
zukehren {v} [auxiliary "sein", Austria] | :: to stop for a bite to eat on the way |
zukehren {v} [auxiliary "sein", Austria] | :: to visit briefly |
zuklappen {v} | :: to flip shut |
zuklappen {v} [computing] | :: to collapse |
zukleben {vt} [with accusative] | :: to seal |
zuknallen {vit} | :: to slam shut |
zuknöpfen {vt} | :: to button up |
zukommen {v} [with auf] | :: to come towards, come up to; to approach |
zukommen {v} | :: to become, befit |
Zukunft {f} | :: future or futurity |
Zukunft {f} [grammar] | :: the future tense |
zukünftig {adj} | :: future |
zukünftig {adj} | :: prospective |
zukünftig {adv} | :: in the future |
Zukunftsangst {f} | :: angst about the future |
Zukunftserwartung {f} [religion, chiefly uncountable] | :: eschatological expectation(s) or beliefs, apocalyptic beliefs, (imminent) expectation of the end times |
Zukunftserwartung {f} | :: expectation regarding the future |
Zukunftsforscher {m} | :: futurologist |
Zukunftsmusik {f} | :: vision, aspiration (dreams of the future) |
Zukunftsroman {m} | :: science fiction novel |
zu kurz kommen {v} [idiom] | :: to be neglected, to fall short |
Zuladung {f} | :: payload |
Zulage {f} | :: allowance, bonus, extra pay |
zulangen {v} | :: to help oneself |
zulänglich {adj} [formal] | :: adequate, sufficient |
zulassen {v} | :: to allow |
zulassen {v} [car] | :: to license |
zulässig {adj} | :: admissible, permissible |
Zulassung {f} | :: admission |
Zulassung {f} | :: approval, authorization, permission |
Zulassung {f} | :: registration, certification |
zulaufen {v} | :: to walk to [+ auf (object)] |
zulegen {v} | :: To gain, add |
zulegen {v} | :: To put on weight |
zulegiert {adj} | :: alloyed |
zuleide {adv} | :: harm, harmful |
zuletzt {adv} | :: finally; lastly; in the end |
zuletzt {adv} | :: recently; the other day |
zuliebe {postp} | :: for the sake of |
zuliefern {v} | :: to supply |
zum {contraction} | :: to or for the (contraction of zu + dem) |
zum {contraction} | :: to or for a (contraction of zu + einem) |
zumachen {v} | :: to close; to shut |
zumachen {v} [loosely also] | :: to lock |
zumachen {v} [colloquial, regional] | :: to hurry, to make haste |
zumal {conj} | :: especially since (giving a reason which justifies the expectation of a certain behaviour or quality) |
zumal {adv} | :: especially |
zum Ausdruck kommen {v} [composite verb] | :: to be expressed |
zum Beispiel {adv} | :: for example, for instance |
zum einen Ohr hinein- und zum anderen wieder hinausgehen {v} [idiomatic] | :: go in one ear and out the other |
zumeist {adv} | :: mostly |
zum Glück {adv} | :: fortunately, luckily |
zumindest {adv} | :: at least |
zumindestens {adv} [colloquial] | :: at least |
Zumischung {f} | :: admixture |
zu Mittag essen {v} [Austria] | :: to have lunch |
zum Ritter schlagen {v} | :: knight (to confer a knighthood upon) |
zum Schluss kommen {v} | :: to conclude |
zum Teil {adv} | :: partly, in part |
zum Tragen kommen {v} [idiom] | :: to have an effect |
zumüllen {v} | :: to litter |
zumüllen {v} | :: to spam |
zumutbar {adj} | :: reasonable |
zumuten {v} | :: to demand |
zumuten {v} | :: to put through (cause to endure) |
Zumutung {f} | :: imposition, impertinence |
zum Verkauf anbieten {v} | :: to put on the block |
zum Wohl {interj} [formal] | :: cheers (toast when drinking) |
zum Wohl {interj} | :: Bless you (a response to someone sneezing) |
zum Zuge kommen {v} [idiom] | :: to (be able to) come into play, be involved |
zun {contraction} [, obsolete or dialectal] | :: to or for the (contraction of zu + den) |
zunächst {adv} | :: first of all, in the first place |
zunächst {adv} | :: initially |
zunächst {adv} | :: to begin with |
Zunahme {f} | :: increase |
Zunahme {f} | :: short for Gewichtszunahme |
Zunahmi {m} [colloquial, jocular] | :: a sudden and large weight gain |
Zuname {m} | :: surname |
zündeln {vt} | :: to play with fire |
zünden {v} | :: to kindle |
zünden {v} | :: to ignite a fire or any comparable combustion |
Zunder {m} | :: tinder |
Zünder {m} | :: fuse in an explosive, pyrotechnic device or military munition |
Zünder {m} [Austria, plural only] | :: matchsticks |
Zündfunke {m} | :: ignition spark |
Zündholz {n} | :: match (device to make fire) |
Zündhölzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zündholz |
Zündhölzlein {n} | :: diminutive of Zündholz |
Zündkerze {f} | :: spark plug (device that forms a high-voltage spark for fuel ignition) |
Zündmasse {f} | :: tinder, kindling |
Zündpunkt {m} | :: ignition point |
Zündquelle {f} | :: ignition source |
Zündschlüssel {m} | :: ignition key, car key |
Zündschnur {f} | :: fuse [explosives ignition mechanism] |
Zündstrick {m} | :: fuse |
Zündtemperatur {f} | :: ignition temperature |
Zündung {f} | :: ignition |
zunehmen {v} | :: to increase |
zunehmen {v} | :: to gain weight |
zunehmend {adj} | :: increasing, growing, mounting |
Zuneigung {f} | :: affection, attachment |
Zunft {f} | :: guild of craftsmen |
Zunft {f} | :: craft |
Zunft {f} | :: brotherhood |
zünftig {adj} | :: belonging to a guild |
zünftig {adj} | :: incorporated |
zünftig {adj} | :: expert, professional, skilled, competent |
zünftig {adj} [colloquial] | :: proper, thorough |
Zunge {f} | :: tongue (organ in the mouth) |
Zunge {f} | :: tongue (flap in a shoe) |
Zungenbein {n} | :: hyoid bone |
Zungenblüte {f} | :: ray flower, ray floret |
Zungenbrecher {m} | :: tongue twister |
Zungenkuss {m} | :: French kiss |
Zungenlaut {m} [phonetics] | :: lingual |
Zungenreden {n} | :: glossolalia (speaking in tongues) |
Zungenspitze {f} | :: tip of the tongue |
zunichtemachen {v} | :: to ruin, to dash, to defeat |
zunicken {v} | :: to nod (to/at) |
zunutze {adv} | :: For the purpose or benefit (of) |
zunutze machen {vr} | :: to make use of, to take advantage of |
zuordenbar {adj} [with dative] | :: assignable; capable of being assigned to |
zuordnen {v} | :: to assign |
Zuordnung {f} | :: assignment, classification |
zupacken {v} | :: to grab |
zupacken {v} | :: to knuckle down |
zupasskommen {v} [formal] | :: to be appropriate for |
zupfen {v} | :: to pluck |
Zupfinstrument {n} [music] | :: plucked string instrument |
Zupfinstrumentenbauer {m} | :: plucked string instrument maker (a luthier specialized in the production of string instruments that are plucked or strummed, such as guitars, lutes, mandolins, harps, etc.) |
Zupfinstrumentenhersteller {m} [music] | :: manufacturer of plucked string instruments |
zu Potte kommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to start to work with reasonable efficiency towards the end |
zuppen {v} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of zupfen |
zuprosten {vt} | :: to toast to |
zur- {prefix} | :: obsolete form of zer- |
zur {contraction} | :: to the (contraction of zu + der) |
zur Abwechslung {adv} | :: for a change |
Zürbelbaum {m} | :: synonym of Zürbel |
Zürcher {prop} {mf} | :: surname deriving from the noun (someone from Zürich). |
Zürcher {m} | :: someone from Zürich |
zurechnen {v} | :: to account for, to classify as |
zurecht- {prefix} | :: Adverbial and separable verbal prefix indicating an improvement or a correction |
zurecht- {prefix} | :: Adverbial and separable verbal prefix indicating putting something into desired place or shape |
zu Recht {adv} | :: rightly, justly |
zurechtkommen {v} [with preposition mit + dative] | :: to cope (deal effectively with something) |
zurechtkommen {v} | :: to get on, get along with someone (have a good relationship) |
zurechtkommen {vi} | :: to get along (do or manage well enough) |
zurechtmachen {v} | :: to groom |
zurechtmachen {v} | :: to prepare [for use] |
zurechtweisen {v} | :: to reprimand, to rebuke |
zurechtweisen {v} [dated] | :: to show the right way |
Zurechtweisung {f} | :: rebuke, reprimand |
zurechtzimmern {v} [colloquial] | :: to jury-rig, to MacGyver |
zureichend {adj} | :: adequate, sufficient |
Zürgel {f} | :: hackberry, nettle tree (Celtis gen. et spp.) |
Zürgelbaum {m} | :: synonym of Zürgel |
zur Genüge {adv} [dated] | :: enough, a sufficient amount |
zur Genüge {adv} [idiomatic] | :: more than enough; more than one can bear; too long a time |
Zürich {prop} {n} | :: Zürich (capital city) |
Zürich {prop} {n} | :: Zürich (canton) |
Züricher {m} | :: Zuricher |
zurichten {v} | :: to hurt |
zurichten {v} | :: to finish |
zur Kasse bitten {v} [idiomatic] | :: to charge [literally: to ask to the cash desk] |
Zurndorf {prop} {n} | :: Zurndorf (municipality) |
zürnen {v} | :: [dative object] to be angry with |
zurren {v} [nautical] | :: to fasten freight with ropes |
zurren {v} [rare as a simplex, but common in compounds] | :: to tie a cord so as to fasten something (e.g. bathing trunks) |
zurren {v} [colloquial, regional, perhaps dated] | :: to pull; to drag (in general) |
zur Salzsäule erstarren {v} [idiomatic] | :: to become immobilized with fear |
zur Schau stellen {v} | :: to show, to display |
Zurschaustellen {n} | :: display, exhibition |
Zur-Schau-Stellen {n} | :: alternative form of Zurschaustellen |
Zurschaustellung {f} | :: display, exhibition |
zur Seite {adv} | :: aside; to the side |
zur Sprache kommen {v} [idiom] | :: to come up for discussion |
zurück- {prefix} | :: back (adverb) |
zurück {adv} | :: back, backwards, to the rear |
zurück {interj} | :: stand back! |
zurückbekommen {v} | :: to get back (to retrieve, to have an item returned) |
zurückbilden {vr} | :: to regress |
zurückbleiben {v} | :: to remain, to stay behind |
zurückblicken {v} | :: to look back |
zurückbringen {v} | :: to bring back, recall, restore |
zurückdenken {v} | :: to think back |
zurückdrängen {vt} | :: to push back, to repel |
zurückfahren {vi} | :: to go back |
zurückfahren {vt} | :: to drive back |
zurückfallen {v} | :: to fall back; to fall backwards |
zurückfallen {v} | :: to fall behind; to drop behind |
zurückfallen {v} [with in + accusative] | :: to fall back into; to relapse |
zurückfallen {v} [with auf + accusative] | :: to be allotted to (someone) after others proved unable or declined |
zurückfallen {v} [with auf + accusative] | :: to redound to; to harm (someone) who is only indirectly involved, especially in terms of their reputation |
zurückfordern {vt} | :: to demand back |
zurückführen {v} | :: To restore or return |
zurückführen {v} | :: To repatriate |
zurückführen {v} | :: To ascribe |
zurückgeben {v} | :: to give back, return |
zurückgeführt {v} | :: past participle of zurückführen |
zurückgeführt {adj} | :: recycled |
zurückgegangen {v} | :: past participle of zurückgehen |
zurückgegriffen {v} | :: past participle of zurückgreifen |
zurückgehen {v} | :: To go back, return (to a place) |
zurückgehen {v} | :: To decline, abate |
zurückgelassen {v} | :: past participle of zurücklassen |
zurückgenommen {v} | :: past participle of zurücknehmen |
zurückgewandt {v} | :: past participle of zurückwenden |
zurückgewendet {v} | :: past participle of zurückwenden |
zurückgreifen {v} | :: To fall back (on) |
zurückgreifen {v} | :: To go back (to) |
zurückgreifen {v} | :: To resort (to) |
zurückgreifen {v} | :: To revert (to) |
zurückhalten {vt} | :: to hold back |
zurückhalten {vr} | :: to hold back |
zurückhalten {vr} | :: to hold onto oneself |
Zurückhaltung {f} | :: restraint; reservation, reservedness |
Zurückhaltung {f} | :: retention |
zurückholen {vt} | :: to retrieve, to get back |
zurückkaufen {vt} | :: to buy back |
zurückkehren {v} | :: to return |
zurückkommen {v} | :: to return (to come back) |
Zurückkommen {n} | :: return |
zurücklassen {v} | :: to leave behind |
zurücklassen {v} | :: to let return |
zurücklegen {vt} | :: to put back |
zurücklegen {vt} | :: to put aside |
zurücklegen {vr} | :: to recline |
zurücklegen {vt} | :: to cover, travel [a distance] |
zurückliegen {v} | :: to trail, to lag behind |
zurückliegen {v} | :: to have taken place [in the past] |
zurückliegend {adj} | :: supine |
zurückliegend {adj} | :: ago (gone by) |
zurückmachen {vr} | :: to go back, to return |
zurückmelden {vr} | :: to report back |
zurücknehmen {v} | :: To withdraw, retract |
zurücknehmen {v} | :: To redeem |
zurücknehmen {v} | :: To recant |
zurücknehmen {v} | :: To revoke |
zurückrufen {v} [telephone] | :: to call back, to ring back |
zurückschicken {vt} | :: to send back, to return |
zurückschlagen {v} | :: to retaliate |
zurückschrecken {v} | :: to recoil |
zurückschreiben {v} [computing] | :: to write back (data) |
Zurückschreiben {n} [computing] | :: writeback |
zurücksetzen {v} | :: to reset |
zurückspulen {vt} | :: to rewind, to wind back |
zurückstehen {vt} | :: to stand back |
zurücktreten {v} | :: to step back |
zurücktreten {v} [from an office] | :: to resign, to step down |
zurücktreten {v} [from a contract] | :: to rescind, to cancel |
zurückverfolgen {v} | :: to trace back |
zurückversetzen {v} | :: to set back |
zurückversetzen {v} | :: to demote |
zurückversetzen {v} | :: to relegate |
zurückweisen {v} | :: to reject [an accusation, a statement, etc.] |
Zurückweisung {f} | :: rejection, repudiation, rebuttal |
Zurückweisung {f} | :: refusal, rebuff |
zurückwenden {v} | :: to turn back |
zurückwollen {vi} | :: to want to go back |
zurückwollen {vt} | :: to want to have back |
zurückzahlen {v} [finance or figuratively] | :: to pay back |
Zurückzahlung {f} [finance] | :: payback |
zurückziehen {vt} | :: to pull back, to withdraw |
zurückziehen {vr} | :: to retreat |
zurückzucken {v} | :: to recoil |
zur Verfügung stellen {v} | :: to supply; to provide; to allocate; to make available (for use) |
zurzeit {adv} | :: currently |
zur Zeit {adv} | :: at the time |
zur Zeit {adv} [dated] | :: currently, at the moment |
Zusage {f} | :: covenant (binding agreement) |
zusagen {v} [of an invitation] | :: to accept, to promise to come |
zusagen {v} [with dative] | :: to please; to appeal to |
zusagen {v} | :: to pledge, to promise |
zusammen- {prefix} | :: A prefix; together |
zusammen {adv} | :: together, jointly |
Zusammenarbeit {f} | :: collaboration, cooperation, teamwork |
zusammenarbeiten {v} | :: to work together, to cooperate |
zusammenbinden {v} | :: To attach or fasten things by string or the like |
zusammenbrauen {v} [colloquial] | :: to brew, to concoct (sometimes suggesting contempt or lack of skill) |
zusammenbrauen {vr} | :: to brew (to be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, or gathering) |
zusammenbrechen {v} | :: to break down, collapse |
Zusammenbruch {m} | :: collapse |
Zusammenbruch {m} | :: crash |
Zusammenbruch {m} | :: breakdown |
zusammendrängen {vt} | :: to condense |
zusammendrängen {vt} | :: to crowd together |
zusammendrücken {v} | :: To compress; press together |
Zusammenfall {m} | :: collapse |
Zusammenfall {m} | :: merger |
zusammenfallen {v} | :: to collapse |
zusammenfallen {v} | :: to merge; to fall together; to coincide |
zusammenfalten {vt} | :: to fold up |
zusammenfassen {v} | :: to summarize, to sum up |
zusammenfassen {v} | :: to consolidate |
zusammenfassend {adj} | :: summarizing |
Zusammenfassung {f} | :: summary, compilation, summing up, recapitulation |
Zusammenfassung {f} | :: abstract, synopsis |
Zusammenfassung {f} | :: résumé |
Zusammenfassung {f} | :: précis |
Zusammenfluss {m} | :: confluence |
zusammenfügen {v} | :: to join together, to connect, to assemble |
Zusammenfügung {f} | :: joining, junction |
zusammenführen {v} | :: to combine, to merge |
zusammenführen {v} | :: to bring together |
zusammenführen {v} | :: to reunite |
zusammenführen {v} [Austria, colloquial, of people, animals] | :: to run over, knock over |
Zusammenführung {f} | :: merging, aggregation |
zusammengebacken {v} | :: past participle of zusammenbacken - caked |
zusammengebracht {v} | :: past participle of zusammenbringen - brought together |
zusammengedrückt {v} | :: past participle of zusammendrücken |
zusammengefallen {v} | :: past participle of zusammenfallen |
zusammengefaßt {v} | :: obsolete spelling of zusammengefasst |
zusammengefügt {v} | :: past participle of zusammenfügen |
zusammengehalten {v} | :: past participle of zusammenhalten |
zusammengehören {v} | :: to belong together |
zusammengehörig {adj} | :: related |
zusammengehörig {adj} | :: belonging together |
Zusammengehörigkeit {f} | :: togetherness |
Zusammengehörigkeit {f} | :: solidarity |
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl {n} | :: [feeling of] belonging, solidarity |
zusammengekommen {v} | :: past participle of zusammenkommen |
zusammengenommen {v} | :: past participle of zusammennehmen |
zusammengescharrt {v} | :: past participle of zusammenscharren |
zusammengesetzt {adj} | :: composite, compound |
zusammengestrebt {v} | :: past participle of zusammenstreben |
zusammengestürzt {v} | :: past participle of zusammenstürzen |
zusammengewachsen {v} | :: past participle of zusammenwachsen |
zusammengewachsen {adj} | :: intergrown |
zusammengewachsen {adj} | :: close-knit |
Zusammenhalt {m} | :: cohesion; solidarity |
zusammenhalten {v} | :: to hold together, to keep together |
Zusammenhang {m} | :: coherence, cohesion |
Zusammenhang {m} | :: interrelation, connection, connectivity, relation, nexus, link |
Zusammenhang {m} | :: context |
zusammenhängen {v} | :: to interrelate, connect |
zusammenhängend {adj} | :: coherent |
zusammenhängend {adj} | :: cohesive |
zusammenhängend {adj} | :: related, connected, interrelated |
zusammenhängend {adj} | :: contiguous, continuous |
zusammenhängend {adj} [math] | :: connected |
zusammenkehren {vt} [chiefly Southern Germany, Austria] | :: to pile up |
zusammenkehren {vt} [Austria] | :: to sweep up |
Zusammenklang {m} | :: "sounding together", a pitch simultaneity, sonority, or a chord in the sense of independent entities sounding together |
zusammenkleben {vt} | :: to glue (together) |
zusammenkleben {vi} | :: to stick (together) |
zusammenkneifen {vt} | :: to pinch together, squeeze together |
zusammenkommen {v} | :: to come/get together |
Zusammenkunft {f} | :: meeting (gathering for a purpose) |
zusammenleben {vi} | :: To live together |
zusammenleben {vr} | :: To adapt to each other |
Zusammenleben {n} | :: living together |
zusammenleimen {vt} | :: to glue together |
zusammenlügen {v} | :: to boldly lie |
zusammennehmen {v} | :: To add up, total |
zusammennehmen {v} | :: To sum up |
zusammennehmen {v} | :: To summon, summon up, muster, muster up |
zusammennehmen {vr} | :: To pull together, compose |
zusammenpassen {v} | :: to fit together |
zusammenpassend {adj} | :: matching |
zusammenpassender {adj} | :: comparative of zusammenpassend |
zusammenpassendsten {adj} | :: superlative of zusammenpassend |
zusammenraffen {v} | :: to gather together |
Zusammenrechnung {f} | :: aggregation |
zusammenreimen {vr} | :: to figure out |
zusammenreißen {vr} | :: to pull oneself together |
zusammenrollen {vt} | :: to roll up |
zusammenrollen {vr} | :: to curl up, to roll up (into a ball) |
zusammenrücken {v} | :: to move together, push together |
Zusammenrückung {f} [linguistics] | :: univerbation |
zusammenscharren {v} | :: to scrape up, scrape together |
zusammenscharren {v} | :: to gather |
zusammenschließen {vr} | :: to unite, to merge |
Zusammenschluss {m} | :: union, federation, merger, amalgamation, alliance |
Zusammenschluß {noun} | :: alternative form of Zusammenschluss |
zusammenschrumpfen {v} | :: to shrivel (up), to shrink |
zusammenschweißen {vt} | :: to weld together |
zusammensetzen {v} | :: To assemble, compose (put together) |
zusammensetzt {v} | :: past participle of zusammensetzen |
Zusammensetzung {f} [grammar] | :: composition |
Zusammensetzung {f} [grammar] | :: compound (word) |
Zusammensetzung {f} [chemistry] | :: composition (of a substance, of matter) |
zusammensparen {v} | :: to save up |
Zusammenspiel {n} | :: interaction, interplay, cooperation, teamwork |
zusammenstellen {v} | :: to compose, to compile |
Zusammenstellung {f} | :: composition |
Zusammenstoß {m} | :: collision |
zusammenstoßen {v} | :: to collide |
zusammenstreben {v} | :: to converge |
zusammenstürzen {v} | :: to collapse |
zusammentun {v} | :: to combine |
zusammentun {vr} | :: to join forces |
zusammenzählen {vt} | :: to add up, to add together, to sum up |
Zusammenzählung {f} | :: adding, addition, aggregation, accumulation, sum (act or process of adding; the arithmetic operation of adding; quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) |
zusammenziehen {v} | :: To shorten, to contract |
zusammenziehen {v} | :: To move in together; to shack up |
Zusammenziehung {f} [also, linguistics] | :: contraction |
Zusammenziehung {f} | :: concentration, gathering; constriction |
Zusammenziehungszeichen {n} [typography] | :: contraction mark |
Zusatz {m} | :: addition, additive |
Zusatzartikel {m} | :: amendment |
zusätzlich {adj} | :: additional, in addition |
zusätzlich {adj} | :: ancillary |
Zusatzstoff {m} | :: additive |
zuscharren {vt} | :: to cover [i.e. by scraping stuff onto it] |
zu schätzen wissen {v} | :: to appreciate (be grateful for; view as valuable) |
zuschauen {v} | :: to look on |
zuschauen {v} | :: to watch |
Zuschauer {m} | :: agent noun of zuschauen |
Zuschauer {m} | :: spectator |
Zuschauer {m} | :: viewer |
Zuschauer {m} [in plural] | :: audience |
zuschieben {vt} | :: to push shut |
zuschieben {vt} | :: to push [to someone] |
zuschießen {v} [sports] | :: to pass |
Zuschlag {m} | :: surcharge, additional charge, extra fee |
Zuschlag {m} | :: extra pay, bonus, premium, compensation, supplement (for example for weekend or holiday work) |
Zuschlag {m} | :: ("den Zuschlag erhalten") to be knocked down, to go to someone, to declare (something) sold with a blow from the gavel (at an auction) |
Zuschlag {m} | :: ("den Zuschlag erhalten") to be awarded the contract (in contract bidding, tendering) |
zuschlagen {vi} | :: to avail oneself of one’s muscular power and direct it to a striking face |
zuschlagen {vi} | :: to take one’s chance, to commence to act provided the sudden opportunity |
zuschlagen {vt} | :: to slam, to whack in such a fashion that it is afterwards closed |
zuschlagen {vt} | :: by continuous strikes or blows with an instrument achieve that a thing is afterwards sealed or locked |
zuschlagen {v} [ditransitive] | :: to give the knock on to, to distribute to, to whack, to pronounce to belong to, to add to how much someone or somebody is worth |
zuschlagen {v} [ditransitive] | :: by smacking achieve that a thing instantaneously moves somewhither, to hit and thus pass to |
Zuschlagstoff {m} | :: aggregate |
zuschneiden {vt} | :: to tailor |
Zuschnitt {m} | :: cutting, cut |
Zuschnitt {m} | :: tailoring |
Zuschnitt {m} [figurative] | :: shape, profile |
Zuschnitt {m} | :: layout [of an area] |
Zuschnitt {m} | :: format |
zuschreiben {v} | :: to credit, impute, refer (attribute or ascribe a cause or feature to someone or something) |
Zuschuss {m} | :: allowance, benefit, subsidy, grant |
Zuschuß {noun} | :: alternative spelling of Zuschuss |
zusehen {v} [+ dative or + subclause with wie] | :: to watch |
zusehen {v} [+ subclause, usually with dass] | :: to see; to make sure (that something happens) |
zusehends {adv} | :: noticeably, visibly |
zusehends {adv} | :: rapidly |
zusenden {v} | :: to submit, to send |
zusetzen {vt} [+ dative] | :: to add a substance to another |
zusetzen {vt} | :: to give or expend something from one’s reserves |
zusetzen {vr} | :: to become clogged |
zusetzen {vi} [+ dative] | :: to badger, to afflict (with words or physically) |
zusetzen {v} [colloquial, especially, northern and western Germany] | :: alternative form of dazusetzen |
zusichern {v} | :: to pledge |
zu sich kommen {v} | :: to come to; to regain consciousness or calm after fainting, shock, rage, etc |
Zuspiel {n} [sports] | :: pass |
zuspielen {v} [sport] | :: to pass |
zuspitzen {v} | :: to sharpen, to point |
zuspitzen {v} [figurative] | :: to sharpen, to narrow down, to aggravate, to exaggerate |
zuspitzen {vr} | :: to taper |
zuspitzen {vr} [figurative] | :: to get worse, to escalate, to come to a head |
Zuspitzung {f} | :: tapering |
Zuspitzung {f} [figuratively] | :: worsening, deterioration, intensification, escalation, culmination |
zusprechen {vt} | :: to grant |
zusprechen {vt} | :: to comfort |
Zuspruch {m} | :: encouragement |
Zuspruch {m} | :: popularity |
Zustand {m} | :: condition; state |
Zustand {m} [software, design] | :: The state pattern |
zustande kommen {v} | :: to come about |
zuständig {adj} | :: competent, cognizant (having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue or question) |
zuständig {adj} | :: responsible, in charge (having the responsibility of leading or overseeing) |
zuständig {adj} | :: in charge, entrusted, authorized (having been entrusted or authorized to do a certain task) |
Zuständigkeit {f} [legal] | :: responsibility |
Zuständigkeitsbereich {m} [law] | :: field of responsibility, area of competence; jurisdiction |
Zuständigkeitskette {f} [computing] | :: chain-of-responsibility pattern |
zustandlos {adj} [computer] | :: stateless |
zustandsorientiert {adj} [computer] | :: stateful |
zustecken {v} | :: to slip [covertly pass something to someone] |
zustecken {v} | :: to pin shut |
zustehen {v} | :: to be entitled |
zustehen {v} [obsolete] | :: to occur |
zustellen {vt} | :: to block (fill up with items, making it impossible to pass) |
zustellen {vt} | :: to deliver (a letter, parcel etc.) |
Zustellung {f} | :: delivery |
zustimmen {v} | :: to agree |
Zustimmung {f} | :: agreement (expression or indication that an agreement has been reached) |
Zustimmung {f} | :: approval |
Zustimmung {f} | :: consent |
zustopfen {vt} | :: to plug |
zustopfen {vt} | :: to mend [i.e. a hole] |
zustoßen {v} | :: to happen to (especially something bad) |
zustoßen {v} | :: to push quickly and forcefully |
zustreben {v} | :: to head to, make for |
zustürmen {v} | :: to rush (auf up to) |
zutage {adv} | :: obviously, visibly, freely |
zu Tage {adv} | :: alternative form of zutage |
Zutat {f} | :: ingredient (one of the parts of a whole) |
zuteilen {v} | :: to assign |
zuteilwerden {v} [formal, with dative] | :: to be granted |
zutiefst {adv} | :: deeply |
zu Tode kommen {v} [formal, idiom] | :: to lose one's life |
zutragen {v} | :: to carry (something to someone) |
zutragen {v} | :: to report, inform (someone of something) |
zutragen {v} | :: to take place; to transpire |
zuträglich {adj} | :: beneficial |
zutrauen {vt} | :: to give (someone) credit for (something); to think (someone) is capable of (something) |
zutrauen {vr} [dative, _] | :: to dare |
zutreffen {v} [with preposition: auf] | :: to apply to, be applicable to |
zutreffend {adj} | :: applicable |
zutreffend {adj} | :: correct, appropriate, proper |
zutreiben {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to drive towards |
zutreiben {vt} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to drift towards |
zutreten {vt} [with haben] | :: to kick |
zutreten {vt} [with sein] | :: to step up to |
Zutritt {m} | :: access, admittance |
Zutritt {m} | :: entrance, entry |
zutun {v} | :: to close |
zutun {v} | :: clipping of dazutun [to add] |
Zutun {n} | :: assistance |
zu Urkund dessen {phrase} [officialese] | :: in faith hereof/thereof/whereof, in testimony hereof/thereof/whereof, in witness hereof/thereof/whereof |
zuverlässig {adj} | :: reliable, dependable, trustworthy |
zuverlässig {adv} | :: steadily, staunchly |
zuverlässiger {adj} | :: comparative of zuverlässig |
Zuverlässigkeit {f} | :: reliability, steadiness, trustworthiness |
zuverlässigsten {adj} | :: superlative of zuverlässig |
Zuversicht {f} | :: confidence |
zuversichtlich {adj} | :: confident |
zu viel {adv} | :: too much |
zuviel {adv} | :: alternative spelling of zu viel |
Zuviel {n} | :: excess |
zuviel des Guten {phrase} | :: too much of a good thing |
zu viert {adv} | :: in a group (or in groups) of four |
zuvor {adv} | :: before, previously |
zuvorkommen {v} | :: to pre-empt, to anticipate |
zuvorkommend {adj} | :: courteous |
zuvorsagen {v} [obsolete] | :: to predict |
zuvortun {v} [with dative] | :: to outdo [+ an (object) = etwas = at] |
Zuwachs {m} | :: growth, increase, increment |
Zuwachs {m} | :: children |
Zuwachsrate {f} | :: increment |
Zuwachsrate {f} | :: rate of growth |
Zuwanderer {m} | :: newcomer (male or of unspecified sex) (new resident from a different area in the same country) |
Zuwanderer {m} | :: immigrant (male or of unspecified sex) |
zuwandern {v} | :: to immigrate |
Zuwanderung {f} | :: immigration |
zuweilen {adv} [formal] | :: sometimes, occasionally, from time to time |
zuweisen {v} | :: to assign |
zuweisen {v} [programming] | :: to assign |
Zuweisung {f} | :: assignment |
Zuweisung {f} | :: allocation |
zuwenden {vr} [with dative] | :: to turn to; to devote oneself to |
zuwenden {vt} [with dative] | :: to turn something to something or toward something |
Zuwendung {f} | :: friendly and kind attention; loving care; love and care |
Zuwendung {f} | :: financial support, financial contribution, donation |
zuwenig {adv} | :: too little |
zuwerfen {v} | :: to throw [to someone] |
zuwider {adj} | :: abhorrent |
zuwider {postp} | :: contrary to |
zuwiderhandeln {v} | :: to contravene |
Zuwiderhandlung {f} | :: contravention |
zuwinken {vt} | :: to wave at, beckon |
zu Wort kommen {v} | :: to get a chance to speak |
Zuzahlung {f} | :: additional payment, copayment |
zuziehen {vi} | :: to move here; to come to a place (from the perspective of those already living there) |
zuziehen {vt} | :: to draw (together); to shut by pulling |
zuziehen {vt} [with reflexive dative] | :: to sustain, contract, incur, pick up |
zuziehen {vr} [often, impersonal] | :: to become cloudy; to cloud over |
Zuzug {m} | :: influx |
Zuzug {m} | :: immigration |
Zuzug {m} | :: moving in |
zuzüglich {prep} | :: plus [+ genitive] |
zuzüglich {prep} | :: excluding |
zu zweit {adv} | :: in a group (or in groups) of two; as a pair (or as pairs); by twos |
zw. {prep} | :: abbreviation of zwischen |
zwacken {v} | :: to pinch |
zwaintzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
zwainzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
Zwang {m} | :: compulsion, obligation |
zwängen {v} | :: to force, cram |
zwanghaft {adj} | :: compulsive |
zwanglos {adj} | :: casual, relaxed |
Zwanglosigkeit {f} | :: casualness, nonchalance, insouciance |
Zwangsarbeit {f} | :: forced labor |
Zwangsarbeiter {m} | :: forced laborer |
Zwangsarbeiterin {f} | :: feminine noun of Zwangsarbeiter |
Zwangsehe {f} | :: forced marriage |
zwangseinweisen {v} | :: to section (to subject a patient, usually a mental patient, to compulsory treatment in a clinic) |
zwangsernähren {v} | :: to force-feed |
zwangsernährt {v} | :: past participle of zwangsernähren |
Zwangsernährung {f} | :: force-feeding |
Zwangsheirat {f} | :: forced marriage |
Zwangsjacke {f} | :: straitjacket |
Zwangslage {f} | :: predicament |
zwangsläufig {adj} | :: compulsory, inevitable |
Zwangsläufigkeit {f} | :: inevitability, coerciveness |
Zwangsstörung {f} | :: obsessive-compulsive disorder |
Zwangsurlaub {m} | :: compulsory leave |
Zwangsvorstellung {f} | :: obsession |
zwangsweise {adv} | :: compulsorily |
Zwanni {m} [colloquial] | :: a twenty-currency note |
zwantzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
zwäntzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
zwanzig {num} | :: twenty |
Zwanzig {f} | :: twenty (number) |
Zwanzigeck {n} | :: icosagon |
zwanzigeckig {adj} | :: icosagonal |
Zwanziger {m} | :: Anything defined by the number twenty, especially: |
Zwanziger {m} | :: twenty (bill/note) |
Zwanziger {m} | :: A bus, train, etc. with that number |
Zwanziger {m} | :: A player, candidate, etc. with that number |
Zwanziger {m} [in the plural] | :: The twenties of a given century |
Zwanziger {m} [in the plural] | :: The twenties of a given life |
Zwanziger {m} [chiefly in context] | :: A person in their twenties |
zwanzigfach {adj} | :: twentyfold |
Zwanzigflächner {m} [geometry] | :: icosahedron |
zwanzigjährig {adj} | :: twenty-year |
zwanzigjährig {adj} | :: twenty-year-old |
zwanzigköpfig {adj} | :: twenty-headed |
zwanzigköpfig {adj} | :: of twenty (people) |
zwanzigmal {adv} | :: twenty times |
zwanzigminütig {adj} | :: twenty-minute |
zwanzigmonatig {adj} | :: 20-month; lasting 20 months (attributive) |
zwanzigprozentig {adj} | :: twenty-percent |
zwanzigseitig {adj} | :: twenty-page |
zwanzigseitig {adj} | :: twenty-sided, having twenty faces or edges; icosagonal |
zwanzigste {ordinal num} | :: twentieth |
Zwanzigstel {n} {m} | :: twentieth (fraction, part) |
zwanzigstündig {adj} | :: twenty-hour |
zwanzigtägig {adj} | :: twenty-day, lasting twenty days |
zwanzigteilig {adj} | :: twenty-part, twenty-piece, decapartite (consisting of twenty parts) |
zwanzigwöchig {adj} | :: twenty-week |
zwar {adv} | :: namely; only when used in und zwar |
zwar {adv} | :: Signals a following contrary clause, which is usually introduced with aber (but). Functions like einerseits (on the one hand) but does not require an andererseits (on the other hand). Approximately although; even though; now ..., but; indeed..., but, admittedly. Often rendered in English merely with tone of voice. Equivalent to Danish ganske vist, godt nok or Ancient Greek μέν |
zwayntzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
Zweck {m} | :: purpose, cause |
Zweck {m} | :: point |
Zwecke {f} | :: thumbtack |
zweckentfremden {vt} | :: to repurpose [for non-intended purposes] |
zwecklos {adj} | :: useless |
Zwecklosigkeit {f} | :: futility, uselessness |
zweckmässig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of zweckmäßig |
zweckmäßig {adj} | :: advisable |
zweckmäßig {adj} | :: practical |
zweckmäßiger {adj} | :: comparative of zweckmäßig |
zweckmäßigerweise {adv} | :: expediently |
zweckmäßigerweise {adv} | :: advantageously |
Zweckmäßigkeit {f} | :: expediency, appropriateness |
zweckmäßigsten {adj} | :: superlative of zweckmäßig |
Zweckoptimismus {m} | :: calculated optimism |
Zweckpessimismus {m} | :: calculated pessimism |
Zweckrationalität {f} | :: instrumental rationality |
zwecks {prep} | :: for the purpose of [followed by a noun in the genitive case] |
zwei {num} | :: two (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 2; or describing a set with two components) |
Zwei {f} | :: two (digit or figure) |
Zwei {f} [Germany] | :: An academic grade indicating "good", corresponding roughly to a B in English-speaking countries |
zweiachsig {adj} | :: biaxial |
zweiatomig {adj} | :: diatomic |
zweibeinig {adj} | :: bipedal, two-legged (having two legs) |
Zweibrücken {prop} {n} | :: Zweibrücken (independent city) |
zweideutig {adj} | :: ambiguous |
zweidimensional {adj} | :: two-dimensional |
zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke {proverb} | :: great minds think alike/fools seldom differ (literally: two fools, one thought) |
zweieinhalb {num} | :: two and a half |
Zweier {m} [colloquial] | :: two-cent coin, two-euro coin |
Zweier {m} [rowing] | :: double; pair |
Zweier {m} [regional] | :: two (digit, figure) |
Zweier {m} [golf] | :: a game between two single players |
Zweier {m} [Swiss] | :: two deciliters of a liquid |
zweierlei {adv} | :: In two manners, in a double sense |
Zweierlogarithmus {m} | :: binary logarithm |
zweifach {adj} | :: twofold, double |
zweifach {adj} | :: dual |
zweifach {adj} | :: duplicate |
zweifach {adv} | :: twofold, twice |
Zweifamilienhaus {n} | :: duplex, two-family house |
Zweifamilienwohnhaus {n} | :: duplex, two-family house |
Zweifel {m} | :: doubt |
zweifelhaft {adj} | :: doubtful, dubious, questionable |
zweifelhafter {adj} | :: comparative of zweifelhaft |
zweifelhaftesten {adj} | :: superlative of zweifelhaft |
zweifellos {adv} | :: undoubtedly, doubtless |
zweifeln {v} | :: to doubt, to be doubtful (an etwas = of something) |
Zweifelsfall {m} | :: case of doubt |
zweifelsohne {adv} | :: undoubtedly |
zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen {v} [idiomatic] | :: kill two birds with one stone |
zweifüssig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of zweifüßig |
zweifüßig {adj} | :: two-footed |
Zweifüssigkeit {f} | :: alternative spelling of Zweifüßigkeit |
Zweifüßigkeit {f} | :: bipedalism, bipedality |
Zweig {m} | :: branch, twig |
Zweig {m} [figurative] | :: branch; section |
Zweigeschlecht {n} [rare] | :: hermaphrodite |
zweigeschlechtig {adj} [botany] | :: bisexual (having both male and female organs) |
Zweihänder {m} | :: A 14th century two-handed sword |
zweihundert {num} | :: two hundred |
zweihundertjährig {adj} | :: two-hundred-year |
zweihundertjährig {adj} | :: two-hundred-year-old |
zweihundertste {ordinal num} | :: two-hundredth |
zweijährig {adj} | :: biennial |
Zweikampf {m} | :: duel (combat between two persons) |
Zweikampf {m} | :: biathlon |
Zweiklang {m} [music] | :: A dyad |
zweimal {adv} | :: twice |
zweimal hinsehen müssen {v} | :: to do a double take |
zweimalig {adj} | :: two-time |
zweiminütig {adj} | :: two-minute |
zweimonatig {adj} | :: two-month (attributive) |
zweimonatlich {adj} | :: bimonthly (once every two months) |
zweintzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
zweinzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
zweiprozentig {adj} | :: two-percent |
Zweisamkeit {f} [slightly colloquial] | :: togetherness, intimacy between two persons, most often romantic; tête-à-tête |
zweischneidig {adj} [literally and figuratively] | :: double-edged, two-edged |
zweiseitig {adj} | :: two-page |
zweisilbig {adj} | :: disyllabic |
Zweisitzer {m} | :: two-seater |
zweisprachig {adj} | :: bilingual |
zweisprachig {adj} [of a book, etc.] | :: containing text in two languages |
zweisprachig {adj} [of a person] | :: able to communicate in two languages |
Zweisprachigkeit {f} | :: bilingualism |
Zweistromland {prop} {n} | :: Mesopotamia (region between Euphrates and Tigris) |
zweistündig {adj} | :: two-hour (attributive) |
zweit {particle} | :: only used in zu zweit |
zweitägig {adj} | :: two-day (attributive) |
Zweitaktmotor {m} | :: two-stroke engine |
zweite {ordinal num} | :: second |
Zweite {f} | :: female runner-up |
zweiteilen {v} | :: To split in two, to bisect, to halve |
zweite Lautverschiebung {prop} {f} | :: High German consonant shift |
zweitens {adv} | :: secondly |
Zweiter {m} | :: runner-up |
Zweiter Golfkrieg {prop} {m} | :: the Gulf War of 1990/91 |
Zweiter Weltkrieg {prop} {m} | :: the Second World War, World War II |
Zweites Reich {prop} {n} | :: Second Reich |
zweite Wahl {f} [literally] | :: A second choice |
zweite Wahl {f} [figuratively] | :: Something of inferior quality, e.g. manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards |
Zweite Welt {prop} {f} | :: Second World |
Zweitfrau {f} | :: second wife |
zweitgrößte {adj} | :: second largest, biggest |
zweithäufigste {adj} | :: second most common |
zweithöchst {adj} | :: second highest |
zweitklassig {adj} | :: second-class, second-rate |
zweitleichtest {adj} | :: second-lightest |
Zweitor {n} | :: quadripole, two-port network |
zweitrangig {adj} | :: secondary, second rate, second class |
Zweitrangigkeit {f} | :: secondariness |
Zweitsprache {f} [education] | :: A learned second language |
Zweitspracherwerb {m} [linguistics] | :: second language acquisition |
Zweitwohnung {f} | :: pied-à-terre; second home (a secondary place to live, e.g. for someone who works far away from their family home) |
zweiundachtzig {num} | :: eighty-two (82) |
zweiundachtzigste {ordinal num} | :: eighty-second |
zweiunddreissig {num} | :: alternative spelling of zweiunddreißig |
Zweiunddreissig {f} | :: alternative spelling of Zweiunddreißig |
zweiunddreißig {num} | :: thirty-two (32) |
Zweiunddreißig {f} | :: thirty-two (number) |
Zweiunddreissigeck {n} | :: alternative spelling of Zweiunddreißigeck |
Zweiunddreißigeck {n} | :: triacontadigon: a thirty-two sided polygon, a polygon with 32 vertices |
zweiunddreißigste {ordinal num} | :: thirty-second |
Zweiunddreissigstel {m} {n} | :: alternative spelling of Zweiunddreißigstel |
Zweiunddreißigstel {n} {m} | :: thirty-second (fraction, part) |
zweiundfünfzig {num} | :: fifty-two (52) |
zweiundfünfzigste {ordinal num} | :: fifty-second |
zweiundneunzig {num} | :: ninety-two (92) |
zweiundneunzigste {ordinal num} | :: ninety-second |
zweiundsechzig {num} | :: sixty-two (62) |
zweiundsechzigste {ordinal num} | :: sixty-second |
zweiundsiebzig {num} | :: seventy-two (72) |
zweiundsiebzigste {ordinal num} | :: seventy-second |
zweiundvierzig {num} | :: forty-two |
zweiundvierzigste {ordinal num} | :: forty-second |
zweiundzwanzig {num} | :: twenty-two |
zweiundzwanzigfach {adj} | :: twenty-two-fold |
zweiundzwanzigjährig {adj} | :: twenty-two-year-old |
zweiundzwanzigmal {adv} | :: twenty-two times |
zweiundzwanzigste {ordinal num} | :: twenty-second |
zweiundzwanzigstündig {adj} | :: twenty-two-hour |
zweiwertig {adj} | :: bivalent, divalent |
zweiwöchentlich {adj} | :: fortnightly; occurring every two weeks |
zweiwöchig {adj} | :: lasting two weeks, two weeks old |
Zweizahl {f} [grammar] | :: dual, dual number |
Zwerchfell {n} [anatomy] | :: diaphragm |
Zwerchfell {n} [anatomy] | :: midriff |
Zwerchhaus {n} | :: dormer |
Zwerg {m} | :: dwarf, midget |
Zwerg {m} [mythology] | :: gnome |
Zwergchen {n} | :: diminutive of Zwerg |
Zwergenwerfen {n} | :: dwarf tossing, midget tossing |
Zwergin {f} | :: dwarfess, female midget |
Zwergkolibri {m} | :: The vervain hummingbird, Mellisuga minima |
Zwerglein {n} | :: diminutive of Zwerg |
Zwergohreule {f} | :: scops owl |
Zwergpinguin {m} | :: little penguin |
Zwergpinscher {m} | :: Miniature Pinscher |
Zwergplanet {m} | :: dwarf planet |
Zwergpudel {m} | :: a miniature poodle between 28 and 34 cm |
Zwergschimpanse {m} | :: a pygmy chimpanzee |
Zwergschnäpper {m} | :: the red-breasted flycatcher (a bird in the flycatcher family, Ficedula parva) |
Zwergschwan {m} | :: Bewick's swan |
Zwergspitz {m} | :: Dwarf-Spitz, Pomeranian dog |
Zwergstrandläufer {m} [ornithology] | :: the little stint (bird of the species Calidris minuta) |
Zwetsche {f} [regional, chiefly Northern Germany] | :: alternative form of Zwetschge |
Zwetschge {f} | :: freestone damson (Prunus domestica subsp. domestica) |
Zwetschgendatschi {m} [Austria] | :: plum sheetcake |
Zwetschke {f} [Austria] | :: alternative form of Zwetschge |
zwey {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwei |
zweyntzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
zweynzig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig |
Zwick {m} | :: pinch |
Zwickau {prop} {n} | :: Zwickau (city) |
Zwickelbier {n} | :: A kind of German beer, a weaker and less hoppy variant of Kellerbier |
Zwickelhahn {m} | :: A siphon used by a brewmaster to extract a small amount of beer from the barrel |
zwicken {v} | :: to pinch |
Zwicker {m} | :: pince-nez |
Zwickmühle {f} [nine men's morris] | :: double mill |
Zwickmühle {f} [figurative] | :: dilemma; Catch-22; quagmire; predicament; quandary (position in which one will suffer great disadvantage however one reacts) |
zwie- {prefix} | :: twi- |
Zwieback {m} | :: zwieback (toasted sweetened bread) |
Zwiebel {f} | :: onion (typically Allium cepa, the plant or its bulb) |
Zwiebel {f} | :: bulb (of a plant) |
Zwiebelfisch {m} [printing] | :: A character that is by mistake printed in a font different from the rest |
Zwiebelfisch {m} | :: misprint |
Zwiebelkuchen {m} | :: onion pie, onion cake, onion tart |
Zwiebelmett {noun} | :: Mett (seasoned minced meat) prepared with chopped onion |
Zwiebelring {m} | :: onion ring |
Zwiebelsuppe {f} [food] | :: onion soup |
Zwiebelturm {m} [architecture] | :: onion dome (onion-shaped dome) |
zwiefach {adj} [dated] | :: alternative form of zweifach |
zwiefältig {adj} | :: double |
Zwielaut {m} | :: diphthong |
Zwielicht {n} | :: twilight |
zwielichtig {adj} | :: dubious, shady |
Zwiespalt {m} | :: conflict, dissension, discord, dilemma |
Zwiespalt {m} | :: at odds with itself |
Zwiespalt {m} [geography] | :: gulf |
zwiespältig {adj} | :: ambivalent (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings) |
zwiespältiger {adj} | :: comparative of zwiespältig |
zwiespältigsten {adj} | :: superlative of zwiespältig |
Zwiesprache {f} | :: dialogue |
Zwietracht {f} [formal] | :: discord (dissension) |
Zwille {f} | :: slingshot |
Zwille {f} [regional] | :: alternative form of Zwiesel |
Zwilling {m} | :: twin (male or female; the feminine form Zwillingin is rare) |
Zwilling {m} [in compounds] | :: twin (used as a component in numerous compound words such as Zwillingstürme (Twin Towers) and Zwillingstriebwerksdüsenjet (twin-engine jet aircraft), with (one or more hyphens) or without hyphens depending on the word's length and the taste of the writer) |
Zwillinge {prop} {p} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Gemini |
Zwillingsbruder {m} | :: twin brother |
Zwillingsschwester {f} | :: twin sister |
Zwingburg {f} | :: stronghold built for the purpose of suppressing the local population |
zwingen {vtr} | :: to force; to compel; to make (someone do something) |
zwingen {vi} [with "zu ..."] | :: to necessitate; to call for |
Zwinger {m} | :: courtyard |
Zwinger {m} | :: kennel |
Zwingherr {m} [chiefly historical] | :: tyrant, despot |
zwinkern {v} | :: to blink |
zwinkern {v} | :: to wink |
Zwinkern {n} [of the eyes] | :: blink, wink |
Zwirn {m} | :: thread; string |
Zwirn {m} | :: yarn; twisted fabric |
zwirnen {vt} | :: To twine |
zwirnen {adj} [attributive] | :: (made of) thread |
zwischen- {prefix} | :: A prefix; |
zwischen {prep} | :: between |
zwischen {prep} | :: among, amongst |
Zwischenablage {f} [computing] | :: clipboard |
Zwischenbilanz {f} | :: interim result |
zwischenblenden {v} [film, TV] | :: to transition [i.e. between slides, scenes, etc.] |
zwischen den Jahren {adv} | :: the time around Christmas and New Year, with different precise understandings: |
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [strictest] | :: between Christmas and New Year: December 27 to 31 |
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [most usual] | :: from Christmas Eve through New Year: December 24 to January 1 |
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [broader] | :: from Christmas Eve through Epiphany: December 24 to January 6 |
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [broadest] | :: during the Christmas vacation: maximally December 21 to January 8 (depending on the year and jurisdiction) |
zwischen den Zeilen lesen {v} | :: to read between the lines |
zwischendurch {adv} | :: in between times; (in the) meantime |
zwischendurch {adv} | :: on the side |
zwischendurch {adv} | :: in between (two places etc.) |
Zwischenfall {m} | :: incident |
Zwischenhoch {n} [meteorology] | :: ridge of high pressure |
Zwischenhoch {n} [by extension] | :: interim high |
Zwischenkriegszeit {f} | :: interbellum, interwar period (time between two wars) |
Zwischenkriegszeit {f} [historical] | :: the period between World War I and World War II (1918 to 1939) |
Zwischenlager {n} | :: intermediate storage |
zwischenlagern {v} | :: to temporarily store |
Zwischenlösung {f} | :: interim solution, temporary solution |
Zwischenmahlzeit {m} | :: snack |
zwischenmenschlich {adj} | :: interpersonal |
Zwischennutzung {f} | :: temporary, interim usage |
Zwischenprodukt {n} | :: intermediate (product) |
Zwischenraum {m} | :: gap |
Zwischenschicht {f} | :: interlayer |
zwischen Skylla und Charybdis sein {v} [idiom] | :: to be between Scylla and Charybdis |
Zwischenspeicher {m} [computing] | :: cache |
zwischenspeichern {v} [computing] | :: to cache |
Zwischenspiel {n} | :: interlude; intermezzo |
Zwischenstadt {f} | :: A city outside on the outskirts of a major urban centre |
Zwischenstufe {f} | :: intermediate stage |
Zwischenton {m} [colour] | :: shade |
Zwischenton {m} | :: nuance |
zwischen Tür und Angel {adv} [idiomatic] | :: while standing; while in a hurry; in passing; in a situation where one does not have or take the time to do something properly |
Zwischenwasser {prop} {n} | :: Zwischenwasser (municipality) |
Zwischenzeit {f} | :: meantime, interim (period), intervening period, (First, Second, and Third) Intermediate Period (of Ancient Egypt), interval |
zwischenzeitlich {adj} | :: interim |
zwischenzeitlich {adv} | :: meanwhile, in the meantime |
Zwischenzeugnis {n} | :: mid-term report card |
Zwist {m} | :: discordance |
zwistig {adj} [dated] | :: quarrelling, in discord |
Zwistigkeit {f} | :: quarrel, dispute |
zwitschern {v} | :: to chirp, to tweet, to chatter, to twitter (make the sound of a bird) |
zwitschern {v} | :: to tell (somebody something) by hearsay or clandestinely |
zwitschern {v} [chiefly either jocular or to avoid repitition] | :: to tweet (post to Twitter) |
Zwitter {m} | :: hermaphrodite (individual or organism having both male and female gonads) |
Zwitter {m} [figuratively, chiefly in compounds] | :: hybrid (something of mixed components) |
Zwitter {m} [obsolete] | :: a child born of a relation considered illicit or incongruous (born out of wedlock, of different social classes, and/or of different races); a bastard; a mongrel |
zwo {num} | :: two |
zwölf {num} | :: twelve |
Zwölf {f} | :: twelve, a dozen |
Zwölfaxing {prop} {n} | :: Zwölfaxing (municipality) |
Zwölfeck {n} | :: dodecagon |
zwölfeckig {adj} | :: dodecagonal |
Zwölfeckpyramide {f} | :: dodecagonal pyramid |
Zwölfeck-Pyramide {f} | :: alternative spelling of Zwölfeckpyramide |
Zwölfer {m} | :: something with a number, value or size of twelve |
zwölffach {adj} | :: twelvefold |
Zwölffingerdarm {m} | :: duodenum |
Zwölfflächner {m} [geometry] | :: dodecahedron |
zwölfhundert {num} | :: twelve hundred |
zwölfjährig {adj} | :: twelve-year-old |
zwölfköpfig {adj} | :: twelve-headed |
zwölfköpfig {adj} | :: of twelve (people) |
zwölfmal {adv} | :: twelve times |
zwölfminütig {adj} | :: twelve-minute |
zwölfmonatig {adj} | :: twelve-month; lasting twelve months (attributive) |
zwölfseitig {adj} | :: twelve-page |
zwölfseitig {adj} | :: having twelve sides and twelve angles; dodecagonal |
zwölfstündig {adj} | :: twelve-hour; twelve-hour-long; lasting twelve hours (attributive) |
zwölftägig {adj} | :: twelve-day, lasting twelve days |
zwölfte {ordinal num} | :: twelfth |
Zwölftel {n} {m} | :: twelfth (fraction, part) |
zwölfwöchig {adj} | :: twelve-week |
Zw.-Whg. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Zweitwohnung |
Zw.-Whgn. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Zweitwohnungen |
Zyanid {n} | :: cyanide |
Zyankali {n} | :: potassium cyanide |
Zyanose {f} [pathology] | :: cyanosis |
zygomorph {adj} [biology] | :: zygomorphic |
Zygote {f} | :: zygote (fertilised egg cell) |
zyklisch {adj} | :: cyclic (characterized by, or moving in cycles) |
Zyklon {m} | :: cyclone |
Zyklop {m} | :: cyclops (giant of mythology) |
Zyklus {m} | :: cycle |
Zylinder {m} | :: cylinder |
Zylinder {m} | :: top hat |
zylindrisch {adj} | :: cylindrical |
zylindrisch {adv} | :: cylindrically |
Zyniker {m} | :: cynic |
zynisch {adj} | :: cynical |
zynischer {adj} | :: comparative of zynisch |
zynischsten {adj} | :: superlative of zynisch |
Zynismus {m} | :: cynicism |
Zypern {prop} {n} | :: Cyprus |
Zyprer {m} | :: Cypriot (A person from Cyprus or of Cypriotic descent) |
Zyprerin {f} | :: Cypriot (A female person from Cyprus or of Cypriotic descent) |
Zypresse {f} | :: cypress (tree) |
Zypriot {m} | :: Cypriot |
zypriotisch {adj} | :: Cypriot |
zyprisch {adj} | :: related to Cyprus; Cypriot |
Zyste {f} | :: cyst |
Zystitis {f} | :: cystitis |
Zytochrom {n} | :: cytochrome |
Zytologie {f} | :: cytology |
Zytoplasma {n} | :: cytoplasm |
Zytose {f} | :: cytosis |
Zytosol {n} | :: cytosol |
Zytostatikum {n} | :: cytostatic (drug) |
zytostatisch {adj} | :: cytostatic (tending to inhibit cell growth and multiplication) |
Zytotoxin {n} | :: cytotoxin |
zz. {adv} | :: abbreviation of zurzeit |
zzgl. {prep} | :: abbreviation of zuzüglich |
zzt. {adv} | :: abbreviation of zurzeit |