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User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-z

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Z. {f} :: abbreviation of Zeile
Z {letter} :: The twenty-sixth and last letter of the German alphabet
Zabel {m} [obsolete] :: chessboard
Zabel {prop} :: surname
Zabrze {prop} {n} :: Zabrze (city in Silesia, now Poland, formerly Prussia; called Zabrze during most of the Prussian era, but renamed to Hindenburg in 1915)
Zacharias {prop} {m} :: Zacharias [biblical character]
Zacharias {prop} {m} :: given name
Zacke {f} :: jag, pointed edge
zacken {v} :: to provide with a jagged edge, to shape or trim that way
Zacken {m} :: alternative form of Zacke
zackenförmig {adj} :: serrated
zackern {v} [Southern Germany, dialectal] :: to plow
zackig {adj} :: jagged
Zaddik {m} :: tsaddik (A very righteous person, especially a Hassidic spiritual leader)
ZAG {noun} :: initialism of Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften
Zagel {m} [regional] :: tail (tail of animal)
Zagel {m} [regional] :: whip
Zagel {m} [regional] :: willy; nob (penis)
zagen {v} :: to hesitate, to be apprehensive
Zagersdorf {prop} {n} :: Zagersdorf (municipality)
zaghaft {adj} :: timid, cautious
Zagreb {prop} {n} :: Zagreb (capital city)
zäh {adj} :: not easily yielding, resilient
zäh {adj} [of beings] :: tough, tenacious, dogged
zäh {adj} [of food] :: chewy, stringy
zäh {adj} [of liquids] :: viscous, thick
zähe {adj} [dated] :: alternative form of zäh
zähfließend {adj} :: viscous, tough-flowing
zähfließend {adj} [traffic] :: slow-moving
zähflüssig {adj} :: viscous
zähflüssig {adj} :: thick, gooey
zähflüssig {adj} [traffic] :: slow-moving
zähflüssiger {adj} :: comparative of zähflüssig
Zähflüssigkeit {f} :: viscosity
zähflüssigsten {adj} :: superlative of zähflüssig
Zähigkeit {f} :: tenacity, doggedness
Zähigkeit {f} :: toughness
Zähigkeit {f} :: hardiness
Zähigkeit {f} :: viscosity
Zahl {f} :: number, numeral, figure
Zahl {f} :: tails (side of a coin)
zählbar {adj} :: countable
zahlen {v} :: to pay (for something)
zahlen {v} :: to pay for, to atone for
zählen {v} [archaic] :: to tell, to recount [now erzählen]
zählen {v} :: to reckon, to consider, to deem [later used in the active voice with a passive meaning]
zählen {v} :: to be of significance, to matter, to count
zählen {v} :: to count (to determine the number of objects in a group), to tell
zählen {v} :: to count (to enumerate the digits of one's numeral system)
zählen {v} :: To have the quantity specified by the grammatical object as the total amount of the subject, synonym of haben
zahlend {adj} [attributive] :: paying
Zahlenkörper {m} [mathematics, algebra] :: algebraic number field
Zahlenspiel {n} :: numbers game
Zahlensystem {n} :: numeral system
Zahlenwert {m} :: numerical value
Zahler {m} :: agent noun of zahlen
Zähler {m} :: agent noun of zählen; counter
Zähler {m} [arithmetic] :: numerator
Zähler {m} [sports] :: point
zahllos {adj} :: countless, innumerable
zahllos {adj} :: uncountable
zahlreich {adj} :: numerous
Zahltag {m} :: payday
Zahlung {f} :: payment
Zählung {f} :: count (the process and the result of establishing the number or quantity of items); census; metering, reckoning
Zahlungsart {f} :: method of payment
zahlungsfähig {adj} :: payable; ready to pay; solvent
Zahlungsmittel {n} :: means of payment
Zahlungsunfähigkeit {f} [finance] :: insolvency
Zahlwort {n} [grammar] :: numeral (number)
Zahlwort {n} :: strict sense: either a cardinal numeral (cardinal number, cardinal) or a ordinal numeral (ordinal number, ordinal)
Zahlwort {n} :: broad sense (younger): every word which represents a number
Zahlzeichen {n} :: numeral
zahm {adj} :: tame
zähmen {vt} :: to tame
Zähmung {f} :: taming
Zahn {m} :: tooth
Zahn {m} :: fang
Zahn {m} :: tusk
Zahn {m} :: cog, tine
Zahnarzt {m} :: dentist
Zahnarzthelferin {f} {m} :: dental assistant (female)
Zahnärztin {f} :: female dentist
zahnärztlich {adj} :: dental (of or concerning dentistry)
Zahnarztpraxis {f} :: dentist's practice
Zahnbelag {m} :: dental plaque
Zahnbrücke {f} [dentistry] :: bridge
Zahnbrücke {f} [dentistry] :: pontic
Zahnbürste {f} :: toothbrush
Zähnchen {n} :: diminutive of Zahn; little tooth
Zahncreme {f} :: toothpaste
Zahndamm {m} [anatomy] :: alveolar ridge
Zahndammlaut {m} [phonetics] :: alveolar
zahnen {vi} :: to teethe (to grow teeth)
Zahnentwicklung {f} :: dentification
Zahnentwicklung {f} :: odontogenesis
Zahnersatz {m} :: denture
Zahnfach {n} [anatomy] :: tooth socket, dental alveolus
Zahnfäule {f} :: caries
Zahnfee {f} :: tooth fairy
Zahnfleisch {n} :: gums (flesh around the bases of the teeth)
Zahnfleischentzündung {f} [pathology] :: gingivitis
Zahnformel {f} :: dental notation
Zahnfüllung {f} [dentistry] :: filling
Zahngold {n} :: dental gold (for fillings)
Zahnheilkunde {f} [surgery] :: dentistry; odontology
Zahnimplantat {n} :: dental implant
Zahnkaries {f} :: dental caries, tooth decay
Zahnkrone {f} :: dental crown
Zahnlaut {m} [phonetics] :: dental
Zähnlein {n} :: diminutive of Zahn; little tooth
zahnlos {adj} :: toothless (lacking teeth)
zahnlos {adj} [figuratively] :: toothless (weak or ineffective)
Zahnlücke {f} :: gap in one's teeth
Zahnmedizin {f} :: dentistry
zahnmedizinisch {adj} :: dental
Zahnpasta {f} :: toothpaste
Zahnrad {n} :: gearwheel, cogwheel
Zahnradbahn {f} :: rack railway, cog railway
Zahnschmelz {m} :: dental enamel
Zahnschmerz {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: toothache
Zahnseide {f} :: dental floss
Zahnspange {f} :: braces (for correcting teeth)
Zahnstein {m} [dentistry] :: calculus, dental calculus, tartar, odontolith
Zahnstocher {m} :: a toothpick
Zahntechnik {f} :: dental technology
Zahnwal {m} :: toothed whale, a member of the Odontoceti suborder
Zahnwale {prop} {p} :: toothed whales, the Odontoceti suborder
Zahnweh {n} :: toothache (ache in a tooth)
Zahnwurzel {f} :: root of a tooth
Zähre {f} [poetic, archaic to obsolete] :: tear (of the eyes)
Zain {m} :: A metal rod / blank that will be forged
Zaine {f} [Upper German dialects] :: basket
Zamak {n} :: zamak
Zams {prop} {n} :: Zams (municipality)
Zander {m} :: zander
Zange {f} :: a pair of pincers, pliers, tongs, forceps
zänggeln {v} [rare, Switzerland] :: to taunt, provoke
Zank {m} :: row, argument, quarrel
Zankapfel {m} :: bone of contention
Zankapfel {m} :: apple of discord
zanken {vt} :: To dispute
zanken {vt} [regional] :: To scold
Zanksucht {f} :: quarrelsomeness
Zäpfchen {n} :: uvula
Zäpfchen {n} :: suppository
Zapfe {m} :: alternative form of Zapfen
zapfen {v} [to draw off liquid from a vessel] :: to tap, to draw, to dispense
Zapfen {m} :: plug, bung, pin, tap, spigot
Zapfen {m} :: pivot
Zapfen {m} :: cone (such as of a fir)
Zapfenstreich {m} [military] :: curfew
Zapfenstreich {m} :: military tattoo
Zapfhahn {m} :: tap (device to obtain liquids), spigot (plug of a faucet or cock)
Zapfsäule {f} :: gas pump
zappelig {adj} :: fidgety or wriggly
zappeln {v} :: to wriggle
Zappelphilipp {m} :: a restless, fidgety, hyperactive child
zappen {v} :: to zap (change tv channels repeatedly)
Zappen {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] :: alternative form of Zapfen
zappenduster {adj} [colloquial] :: completely dark, pitch-black (night)
Zar {m} :: tsar, czar (Russian monarch)
Zarathustrismus {m} :: Zoroastrianism
Zarenreich {n} :: empire ruled by a tsar; tsardom
Zarenzeit {f} :: czar era
Zarge {f} :: frame, border
Zarin {f} :: tsarina, czarina
zart {adj} :: tender
zart {adj} :: delicate
zart {adj} :: fragile
zarter {adj} :: comparative of zart
zartesten {adj} :: superlative of zart
Zartgefühl {n} :: sensibility, sensitivity
zärtlich {adj} :: tender (fond, loving, gentle, sweet)
zärtlich {adv} :: tenderly
zärtlicher {adj} :: comparative of zärtlich
Zärtlichkeit {f} :: tenderness
Zärtlichkeit {f} :: endearment
Zärtlichkeit {f} :: caress
Zärtlichkeit {f} :: solicitousness
zärtlichsten {adj} :: superlative of zärtlich
Zaster {m} [slang] :: money
Zäsur {f} [literary] :: turning point [in history, or in a person's life]
Zäsur {f} [metrics, poetry, music] :: caesura
Zauber {m} :: magic
Zauber {m} :: spell
Zauberballett {n} :: fairy ballet
Zauberei {f} :: wizardry, witchcraft
Zauberer {m} :: (male) magician, wizard, warlock, sorcerer
zauberhaft {adj} :: enchanting, wonderful, beautiful, pleasing
zauberhaft {adj} [rare, emotional] :: As fascinating as a spell has been cast upon
zauberhafter {adj} :: comparative of zauberhaft
zauberhaftesten {adj} :: superlative of zauberhaft
Zauberin {f} :: sorceress, magician, enchantress
zauberisch {adj} [dated] :: magical, enchanting
Zauberkraft {f} [poetic] :: magical power, magic power
Zauberkunst {f} :: magic
Zauberkünstler {m} [artist] :: magician
Zauberkunststück {n} :: magic trick
Zauberkunststückchen {n} :: diminutive of Zauberkunststück
Zaubermacht {f} [poetic] :: magical power
zaubern {v} :: to conjure, to perform magic
Zauberoper {f} :: fairy opera
Zauberpilz {m} :: magic mushroom
Zauberspruch {m} :: magic spell
Zauberstab {m} :: magic wand
Zauberwürfel {m} :: Rubik's cube
Zaubrer {m} :: rare form of Zauberer
Zaubrerin {f} :: rare form of Zauberin
Zauderer {m} :: procrastinator
zaudern {v} :: to hesitate; dilly-dally
Zaum {m} :: bridle
zäumen {v} :: to bridle
Zaun {m} :: fence
Zaungast {m} [colloquial] :: onlooker
Zaunkönig {m} :: wren
Zaunlatte {f} :: picket
zausen {v} :: to ruffle
Zäzilia {prop} :: given name
Zäzilie {prop} :: given name
z. B. {adv} :: abbreviation of zum Beispiel
ZDF {prop} {n} :: initialism of Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (TV station)
ze- {prefix} :: obsolete form of zer-
Zebaoth {m} :: Sabaoth
Zebibyte {n} [computing] :: zebibyte (270 bytes)
Zebra {n} :: zebra
Zebraameisenwürger {m} :: fasciated antshrike
Zebrabarbe {f} :: zebrafish, Danio rerio
Zebrafink {m} :: zebra finch
Zebrahai {m} :: zebra shark
Zebramanguste {f} :: banded mongoose, Zebra mongoose, Mungos mungo
Zebrastreifen {m} :: zebra crossing
Zebu {m} {n} :: zebu
Zeche {f} :: mine, pit
Zeche {f} :: bill
zechen {v} [dated, slang] :: To drink alcohol to excess; to booze
Zechenschließung {f} [mining] :: closure of a coalmine
Zechensiedlung {f} [mining] :: colliery settlement
Zecher {m} :: agent noun of zechen; drinker, drunkard
Zechine {f} [historical] :: sequin (small gold coins minted in Italy and Turkey)
Zecke {f} :: tick (animal)
Zecke {f} [slang, derogatory] :: punk (with leftist background)
zecken {v} [archaic] :: to touch, to hit slightly
zecken {v} [archaic or regional] :: to tease
Zeckenbiss {m} [healthcare, colloquial] :: tick bite
Zeckenlarve {f} :: tick larva
Zeckennymphe {f} :: tick nymph
Zeckenstich {m} [healthcare] :: tick bite
Zeder {f} :: cedar (tree)
Zederhaus {prop} {n} :: Zederhaus (municipality)
Zedernholz {n} :: cedar, cedar wood (The wood and timber of the cedar.)
Zeh {m} :: toe
Zehe {f} :: clove (of garlic and similar plants)
Zehe {f} [regional] :: alternative form of Zeh
Zehengänger {m} :: digitigrade
Zehennagel {m} :: toenail
Zehenring {m} :: toe ring
Zehenspitze {f} :: tiptoe
zehn {num} :: ten (numerical value represented in Arabic numerals as 10)
Zehn {f} :: ten (number)
Zehn {f} :: ten (playing card)
Zehnagel {m} :: alternative form of Zehennagel
Zehneck {n} :: decagon
zehneckig {adj} :: decagonal
Zehneckpyramide {f} :: decagonal pyramid
Zehneck-Pyramide {f} :: alternative spelling of Zehneckpyramide
Zehner {m} :: ten (the number, or something having a value of ten)
Zehnerpotenz {f} [maths] :: decimal power (power of ten)
zehnfach {adj} :: tenfold
Zehnflächner {m} [geometry] :: decahedron
zehnjährig {adj} :: ten-year
zehnjährig {adj} :: ten-year-old
Zehnkampf {m} :: decathlon
Zehnkämpfer {m} :: decathlete
zehnköpfig {adj} :: ten-headed
zehnköpfig {adj} :: of ten (people)
zehnmal {adv} :: ten times
zehnmal {adv} :: very often, many times
zehnmalig {adj} :: ten-time
zehnminütig {adj} :: ten-minute
zehnmonatig {adj} :: ten-month; lasting ten months (attributive)
zehnprozentig {adj} :: ten-percent
zehnseitig {adj} :: ten-page
zehnseitig {adj} :: having ten sides and ten angles, decagonal
zehnstellig {adj} :: ten-digit
zehnstündig {adj} :: ten-hour
Zehnt {m} [historical] :: tithe (a tenthpart of the increase)
zehntägig {adj} :: ten-day, lasting ten days
zehntausend {num} :: ten thousand
Zehntausende {noun} :: tens of thousands
zehntausendste {adj} :: ten-thousandth
Zehntausendstel {n} :: ten-thousandth
zehnte {ordinal num} :: tenth
zehnteilig {adj} :: ten-part, ten-piece, decapartite (consisting of ten parts)
Zehntel {n} {m} :: tenth (fraction, part)
Zehntscheuer {f} :: tithe barn
Zehntscheune {f} :: tithe barn
zehnwöchig {adj} :: ten-week
zehnzeilig {adj} :: ten-line
zehren {v} :: to live on, to feed on [de, +von]
zehren {v} [+an] :: to undermine, to wear out
Zehrung {f} :: Provisions, especially for the road
Zehrung {f} :: loss through shrinkage
Zehrung {f} [glaciology] :: glacier wastage
Zehrung {f} [Austria] :: funeral feast
Zeichen {n} :: characters, marks, sign
Zeichen {n} :: token
Zeichenfolge {f} [computing] :: string, character string
Zeichenkette {f} [computing] :: string
Zeichenkunst {f} :: draughtsmanship
Zeichensatz {m} [computing] :: charset, character set, character encoding, character map, codepage
Zeichensetzung {f} :: punctuation
Zeichensprache {f} :: sign language
Zeichentrickfilm {m} :: cartoon film
zeichnen {v} :: to draw
Zeichner {m} :: drawer (one who draws something)
Zeichnung {f} :: drawing
Zeichnung {f} :: subscription
Zeidler {m} [obsolete] :: honey hunter
Zeigefinger {m} :: forefinger, index finger
zeigen {v} :: to point at
zeigen {v} :: to demonstrate, show, to go to show
zeigen {vr} :: to appear, become apparent, come out, turn out, show up, to be manifested
Zeiger {m} :: pointer, locator
Zeiger {m} :: hand (of a clock or watch)
Zeiger {m} [programming] :: pointer
Zeiger {prop} {mf} :: surname
zeihen {vt} [elevated, becoming dated] :: to accuse, to blame
Zeiland {m} :: obsolete form of Seidelbast
Zeilchen {n} :: diminutive of Zeile
Zeile {f} :: line, row
Zeilenabstand {m} :: leading (the space between baselines)
Zeilennummer {f} [computing] :: line number
Zeilensprung {m} [poetry] :: enjambment
Zeilenumbruch {n} :: line break
Zeilenvorschub {m} [computing] :: line feed
Zeillern {prop} {n} :: Zeillern (municipality)
zeisen {v} [Bavaria] :: to pick apart
Zeit {f} :: time (as a concept)
Zeit {f} :: time of day (clipping of Uhrzeit)
Zeit {f} :: period, era (time in the past)
Zeit {f} :: stint (e.g. in the army)
Zeit {f} [grammar] :: tense
Zeit {prop} {mf} :: surname
Zeitabschnitt {m} :: interval of time
Zeitalter {n} :: age; era (historic period of time)
zeitaufwändig {adj} :: alternative spelling of zeitaufwendig
zeitaufwendig {adj} :: time-consuming
Zeitausgleich {m} :: bonus time, comp time, compensatory time
Zeitbeschränkung {f} [communication] :: timeout (the time allowed to end for a process)
Zeitbombe {f} :: time bomb
Zeitdiagnose {f} :: critical analysis of current times
zeitdiagnostisch {adj} :: analyzing the current times
Zeitdilatation {f} :: time dilation
Zeitenwende {f} :: transition from BC to AD
Zeiterfassung {f} [economy, employment] :: time tracking
Zeitfenster {n} :: time frame, time limit
Zeitgeist {m} :: spirit of the age; zeitgeist
zeitgemäß {adj} :: timely
Zeitgenosse {m} :: contemporary
zeitgenössisch {adj} :: contemporary (of the same age as something)
zeitgenössisch {adj} :: contemporary (of the present age)
zeitgerecht {adj} :: timely (appropriate for the time; at the right time)
zeitgerecht {adj} [Austria] :: punctual
Zeitgeschichte {f} :: contemporary history
zeitgleich {adv} :: at the same time
Zeitgleichung {f} :: equation of time
zeitherig {adj} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of seitherig
Zeithorizont {m} :: time horizon
zeitig {adj} :: early-morning
zeitigen {v} :: to bring about
zeitigen {v} [Austria] :: to ripen
Zeit ist Geld {proverb} :: time is money
Zeitkapsel {f} :: time capsule
Zeitlang {f} :: while
zeitlebens {adv} [chiefly literary] :: all of one’s life; throughout one’s life (usually referring to a deceased person)
zeitlich {adj} [also grammar] :: temporal (defined by time)
zeitlich {adj} :: chronological (ordered by time)
zeitlich {adj} [also, religion, Christianity] :: temporal; not eternal
zeitlos {adj} :: timeless; atemporal
Zeitlupe {f} :: slow motion
Zeitmaschine {f} :: time machine
zeitnah {adj} :: soon
Zeitnormal {n} :: time standard
Zeitnot {f} [chess] :: time trouble, time pressure, zeitnot
Zeitplan {m} :: timetable, schedule
Zeitpunkt {m} :: moment (instant of time), point in time, a timepoint
Zeitraffer {m} :: time-lapse
Zeitrahmen {m} :: time frame
zeitraubend {adj} :: time-consuming
Zeitraum {m} :: period (of time)
Zeitrechnung {f} :: reckoning of time
Zeitreise {f} :: time travel
Zeitscheibe {f} [computing] :: time slice
Zeitschlitz {m} [computing] :: time slot
Zeitschrift {f} :: magazine (published in regular intervals)
Zeitschrift {f} :: periodical
Zeitsoldat {m} [military, especially in the German Bundeswehr] :: temporary soldier, non-career soldier
Zeitsoldatin {f} :: feminine noun of Zeitsoldat
Zeitspanne {f} :: interval, span (of time), a while
zeitsparend {adj} :: time-saving
Zeitstempel {m} :: timestamp
Zeitstempelchen {n} :: diminutive of Zeitstempel
Zeitüberschreitung {f} [communication] :: timeout (the event of timeout)
Zeitumstellung {f} :: clock change at the beginning or end of daylight savings time
Zeitumstellung {f} :: physiological adaption to a new time zone after a long-distance air travel
Zeitung {f} :: newspaper
Zeitung {f} [archaic] :: tidings, news
Zeitungsausträgerin {f} :: newsgirl, newspaper deliverer [female]
Zeitungsente {f} [journalism, in this form restricted to newspapers] :: canard (false or misleading report)
Zeitungsredakteur {m} [Germany, Austria] :: newspaper editor (male or of unspecified sex)
Zeitungsredakteurin {f} :: newspaper editor [female]
Zeitungsredaktor {m} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] :: newspaper editor (male or of unspecified sex)
Zeitungsredaktorin {f} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] :: newspaper editor [female]
Zeitungsverkäuferin {f} :: newspaper vendor (a female person who sells newspapers)
Zeitungsverlag {m} :: newspaper publisher
Zeitvergeudung {f} :: waste of time
Zeitverschwendung {f} :: waste of time (meaningless or fruitless activity)
Zeitvertreib {m} :: pastime
zeitweilig {adj} :: temporary
zeitweise {adv} :: at times
zeitweise {adv} :: for a time
Zeitwort {n} [grammar] :: verb
Zeitz {prop} {n} :: Zeitz (town)
Zeitzeuge {m} [partly history] :: contemporary witness
Zeitzone {f} :: time zone
zelebrier {v} :: past participle of zelebrieren
zelebrieren {v} :: to celebrate (extol or honour in a solemn manner)
zelebrieren {v} [religion] :: to celebrate (hold a ceremony)
Zellberg {prop} {n} :: Zellberg (municipality)
Zelldifferenzierung {f} [biology] :: cell differentiation
Zelle {f} :: cell (room in a prison)
Zelle {f} :: cell (room in a monastery)
Zelle {f} :: cell (component of a battery)
Zelle {f} :: cell (small group of people)
Zelle {f} [cytology] :: cell
Zelle {prop} {mf} :: surname
Zellerndorf {prop} {n} :: Zellerndorf (municipality)
Zellgift {n} :: cytotoxin
Zellkern {m} :: nucleus (of a cell)
Zellmembran {f} [biology] :: cell membrane
Zellplasma {n} [biology] :: cytoplasm
Zellspannung {f} [physics, chemistry] :: cell voltage
Zellstoff {m} :: cellulose
Zellstruktur {f} [biology] :: cell structure
Zellteilung {f} :: cell division
Zelltod {m} :: cell death
zellular {adj} :: cellular
zellulär {adj} :: cellular
Zelluloid {n} :: celluloid
Zellulose {f} :: cellulose
Zellwachstum {n} [biology] :: cell growth
Zellwand {f} :: cell wall
Zelot {m} :: zealot (male or of unspecified sex) (zealous person)
Zelot {m} :: zealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea)
Zelt {n} :: tent, marquee
Zeltdachspinne {f} :: any spider of the family Urocteidae
zelten {v} :: to camp, tent (to stay in the outdoors in a tent)
Zelter {m} [historical] :: palfrey (a horse with a smooth, ambling gait, popular in the Middle Ages with nobles and women)
Zelter {m} :: camper (person who camps)
Zelthering {m} :: tent peg
Zeltlager {n} :: tent camp
Zeltplatz {m} :: campsite, campground
Zeltweg {prop} {n} :: Zeltweg (municipality)
Zement {m} :: cement
Zementation {f} :: cementation
zementieren {v} :: to cement (to affix with cement; to make permanent)
Zementit {m} :: cementite
Zementkupfer {n} :: cement copper
Zen {m} [Buddhism] :: zen (denomination of Buddhism)
Zenbuddhismus {m} :: Zen Buddhism
Zendisch {n} :: Zend [language]
Zener {prop} :: A variant of the surname Zeiner
Zenit {m} :: zenith
zensieren {v} :: to censor
zensieren {v} [school] :: to mark, to grade
Zensor {m} :: censor
Zensur {f} :: censorship
Zensur {f} [education] :: mark, grade
zensurieren {v} [Austria, Switzerland] :: to censor (a printed work, etc.)
zensurieren {v} [Austria, education] :: to grade, give a grade
Zensus {m} :: census (official count of members of a population)
Zentaur {m} :: centaur
Zentaur {m} [constellation] :: Centaurus
zenti- {prefix} :: centi-
Zentiliter {noun} :: centiliter
Zentimeter {m} :: centimetre
Zentner {m} [Germany] :: hundredweight (50 kilograms or 100 lbs)
Zentner {m} [Austria, Switzerland] :: quintal (100 kilograms or 200 lbs)
zentral {adj} :: central
zentral {adv} :: centrally
zentralafrikanisch {adj} :: Central African (Of, from, or pertaining to Central Africa, the Central African people or the Central African language)
zentralafrikanisch {adj} :: Central African (Of, from, or pertaining to the Central African Republic)
Zentralafrikanische Republik {prop} {f} :: Zentralafrikanische Republik (country)
Zentralamerika {prop} {n} :: Central America
Zentralanatolien {prop} {n} :: Central Anatolia
Zentralasien {prop} {n} :: Zentralasien (small area)
Zentralbank {f} :: central bank
Zentralchina {prop} {n} :: central China
Zentrale {f} :: central office, headquarters
Zentraleuropa {prop} {n} :: Central Europe
zentraleuropäisch {adj} :: Central European
Zentralheizung {f} :: central heating
Zentralkomitee {n} :: central committee
Zentralnervensystem {n} [neuroanatomy] :: central nervous system
Zentralvokal {m} [grammar] :: central vowel
zentrieren {v} :: to center
Zentrierschlüssel {m} :: spoke wrench
zentrifugal {adj} :: centrifugal
Zentrifugalkraft {f} :: centrifugal force
Zentrifuge {f} :: centrifuge (device for separation of substances)
zentrifugieren {v} :: To centrifuge
zentrifugiert {v} :: past participle of zentrifugieren
zentripetal {adj} :: centripetal
-zentrisch {suffix} :: -centric
Zentriwinkel {m} :: central angle
Zentromer {n} :: centromere
Zentrum {n} :: center, centre; central point
Zentrum {n} [politics] :: the centre, the moderate political parties
Zentrum {n} [politics] :: the Centre Party, a Catholic political party in pre-war Germany
Zentrum {n} [mathematics] :: the centre of a group, ring, Lie algebra, etc
Zentrum {n} [chess] :: the spaces d4, d5, e4, e5 on a chessboard
Zentrumsbauer {m} [chess] :: central pawn
Zenturie {f} :: century (roman army type unit)
Zeolith {m} :: zeolite
Zeppelin {m} :: zeppelin
Zepter {m} {n} :: scepter
Zeptosekunde {f} :: zeptosecond
zer- {prefix} :: [inseparable verbal prefix] asunder, to pieces, to bits
zer- {prefix} :: [inseparable verbal prefix] to spoil by
zerbeißen {vt} :: to bite apart
zerbersten {vi} :: to burst
zerbrechen {v} :: to break; break down, destroy
zerbrechen {v} :: to shatter; smash
zerbrechen {v} :: to fracture, snap
zerbrechlich {adj} :: breakable, fragile
zerbrechlicher {adj} :: comparative of zerbrechlich
Zerbrechlichkeit {f} :: fragility
zerbrechlichsten {adj} :: superlative of zerbrechlich
zerbröckeln {vit} :: to crumble [into pieces]
zerbröseln {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to crumble, to render into crumbs
zerbröseln {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to crumble, to fall apart, to disintegrate
zerdeppern {v} [colloquial] :: to smash; to break (dishes, etc.)
zerdeppert {v} :: past participle of zerdeppern
zerebral {adj} :: cerebral (of, or relating to the brain)
zerebral {adj} [linguistics] :: cerebral
Zerebralparese {f} [pathology] :: cerebral palsy
Zeremonie {f} :: ceremony
Zerfall {m} :: disintegration
Zerfall {m} :: decay
Zerfall {m} [physics] :: decay
zerfallen {v} :: to disintegrate
zerfallen {v} [physics] :: to decay
zerfallend {adj} :: disintegrating
zerfallend {adj} :: mouldering
Zerfallsenergie {f} [physics] :: (radioactive) decay energy
Zerfallsprodukt {n} [physics] :: (radioactive) decay product
Zerfallsreihe {f} [physics] :: decay chain / decay series
zerfasern {vt} :: to fray out, to unravel
zerfasern {v} [figuratively] :: to unravel
zerfasert {v} :: past participle of zerfasern
zerfetzen {v} :: to tear apart, lacerate, shred
zerfetzt {v} :: past participle of zerfetzen
zerfleddern {v} :: to damage something delicate, chiefly a book or piece of paper, by handling it uncarefully; to tatter
zerfleischen {v} :: [of prey] to maul
zerfließen {v} :: to melt
zerflossen {v} :: past participle of zerfließen
zerfransen {vit} :: to fray out
zerfressen {vt} :: to eat away
zergehen {v} :: to melt, to dissolve
zergen {v} [archaic or regional] :: to tease, to provoke
zergliedern {v} :: to dismember
zergliedern {v} :: to parse
zerhauen {v} :: to beat into pieces
zerhauen {v} :: to break by beating
zerkauen {v} :: to chew up
zerkleinern {v} :: to chop, grind, mince
zerkleinern {v} :: to crush
zerkleinert {v} :: past participle of zerkleinern
zerkleinert {adj} :: bruised
zerkleinert {adj} :: crushed
Zerkleinerung {f} :: crushing, grinding, milling
Zerkleinerung {f} :: shredding
Zerkleinerung {f} :: comminution
zerklüften {v} [geology] :: to fracture or fissure, to score
zerklüften {v} [figurative] :: to make rough or rugged
zerknirschen {v} :: to crush, to destroy
zerknirscht {adj} :: contrite
zerknirscht {v} :: past participle of zerknirschen
zerknittern {v} :: to crinkle, to rumple
zerknittert {adj} :: crinkled, rumpled
zerknüllen {v} :: to crumple up
zerkratzen {v} :: to scratch
zerkratzt {v} :: past participle of zerkratzen
zerkreuzen {vt} [obsolete, proscribed, offensive] :: To contaminate a people; to ruin through interbreeding
zerlaufen {v} :: to lose form due to melting
zerlaufen {v} :: to ruin shoes by using them
zerleben {v} :: to dilapidate by living
zerlegen {v} :: to dismantle, disassemble
zerlegen {v} :: to decompose
zerlegen {v} :: to dismember, dissect
zerlegen {v} :: to analyze/analyse
zerlegt {v} :: past participle of zerlegen
zerlegt {adj} :: disassembled
zerlegt {adj} :: fragmented
zerlegt {adj} :: analyzed / analysed
zerlegt {adj} :: decomposed
Zerlegung {f} :: decomposition, separation, segmentation
Zerlegung {f} [mathematics] :: partition
Zerlegung {f} :: dismantling
zerlesen {vt} :: to wear out a book
zerlumpt {adj} :: ragged
zermahlen {v} :: To grind
zermahlen {adj} :: ground, triturated
zermalmen {v} :: to crush
zermartern {v} :: to torture
zermatschen {v} :: to squash, squish
zermatscht {v} :: past participle of zermatschen
zermürben {v} :: to demoralize
zermürben {v} :: to wear down
zermürbend {adj} :: gruelling, attritional
zernagen {v} :: to chew to pieces
Zerobond {m} :: zero coupon bond
zerplatzen {v} :: to burst
zerquetschen {v} :: to crush
zerquetscht {v} :: past participle of zerquetschen
Zerrbild {n} :: distorted picture
Zerrbild {n} :: travesty, caricature
zerreden {v} :: to discuss [a subject] to death
zerreiben {vt} :: to grind down, triturate
zerreissen {v} :: alternative spelling of zerreißen
zerreißen {v} :: to rip, rip up
Zerreißprobe {f} [technical] :: tear strength test
Zerreißprobe {f} [figuratively] :: ordeal
zerren {v} :: to tug
zerren {v} :: to drag
zerrinnen {v} :: to melt away
zerrinnen {v} [figuratively] :: to disappear, to come to nothing
zerrissen {adj} :: torn, ripped (up)
zerritzen {vr} :: to cut oneself
zerronnen {v} :: past participle of zerrinnen
zerrupfen {v} :: to tear apart
zerrütten {v} :: to ruin, to disrupt
zerrüttet {v} :: past participle of zerrütten
zersägen {v} :: to saw up
zerschellen {vi} :: to break into pieces
zerschlagen {vt} :: to smash
zerschlagen {vt} :: to neutralise [an enemy]
zerschlagen {vt} :: to break up, to divide
zerschlagen {vr} :: to fail
zerschmeißen {v} :: to break by throwing
zerschmelzen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to fully melt
zerschmelzen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to fully melt
zerschmettern {v} :: to smash; to smash up
zerschneiden {vt} :: to cut up; to cut to pieces
zerschrammen {v} :: to damage by scratching
zerschrammen {v} :: to bruise
zersetzen {v} :: To corrode, decompose
zersetzen {v} :: To subvert, undermine
zersetzt {v} :: past participle of zersetzen
zersetzt {adj} :: decomposed
zersetzt {adj} :: demoralized
zersetzt {adj} :: corroded
Zersetzung {f} :: decomposition
Zersetzung {f} [historical] :: A form of psychological warfare used by the Stasi; see Zersetzung
zersingen {vt} :: to break through singing [e.g. glass]
Zerspanung {f} :: machining
zersplittern {v} :: to splinter, to smash, to shatter
zersplittern {v} :: to break up, to balkanize
Zersplitterung {f} :: fragmentation
zersprengen {v} :: to scatter, disperse
zerstampfen {v} :: to pound, crush
zerstampfen {v} :: to trample on
zerstäuben {v} :: To spray (to project a liquid in a disperse manner)
zerstäubt {v} :: past participle of zerstäuben
zerstieben {v} [formal] :: to disperse
zerstörbar {adj} :: destructible
zerstören {v} :: to destroy, demolish, devastate, eliminate
zerstören {v} :: to dispel
Zerstörer {m} :: agent noun of zerstören
Zerstörer {m} [military, nautical] :: destroyer (that who/which destroys)
Zerstörer {m} [military, aviation] :: heavy fighter (a type of fighter-aircraft)
zerstörerisch {adj} :: destructive
Zerstörung {f} :: destruction, demolition
Zerstörung {f} :: overthrow, ruin
zerstörungsfrei {adj} :: nondestructive
Zerstörungswut {f} :: vandalism
zerstoßen {v} :: to , grind, crush
zerstreuen {v} :: to scatter
zerstreuen {v} :: to cause (e.g. a crowd) to scatter or break up
zerstreut {v} :: past participle of zerstreuen
Zerstreuung {f} :: dispersal, scattering
Zerstreuung {f} :: pastime
zerstücken {v} :: to break into pieces
zerteilen {vt} :: to divide, split up
zerteilen {vr} :: to disperse, split up
Zertifikat {n} :: certificate
zertifizieren {v} :: to certify
Zertifizierung {f} :: certification
zertrampeln {v} :: to trample
zertrampelt {v} :: past participle of zertrampeln
zertreiben {v} :: to drive apart
zertrennen {v} :: to sever, disjoint
zertreten {v} :: to crush (underfoot), to trample
zerwerfen {v} :: to break by throwing
zerwerfen {v} :: to fall out
Zerwürfnis {n} :: rift
Zerwürfnis {n} :: discord
Zerwürfnis {n} :: disagreement
Zerwürfnis {n} :: dispute
Zerwürfnis {n} :: quarrel
Zerwürfnis {n} :: falling out
zerzausen {v} :: to ruffle
Zeta {n} :: zeta (Greek letter)
Zetergeschrei {n} :: clamor
zetern {v} [pejorative] :: to express dissatisfaction; to nag; to scold
Zeter und Mordio {phrase} [colloquial, dated] :: hue and cry (loud and persistent public clamour)
Zett {n} :: zee [US], zed [Commonwealth] (the letter Z)
Zettabyte {n} :: zettabyte (1021 bytes)
Zettel {m} :: a small or loose piece of paper, slip
Zettel {m} :: note, message, letter
Zettel {m} :: poster, placard, public notice
Zettel {m} :: [weaving] warp
Zettelkasten {m} :: slip box
zetteln {v} :: to strew, to scatter
zetteln {v} :: to spread out, to separate, to arrange
zetteln {v} [agriculture] :: to spread out cut grass or manure
zetteln {v} [weaving] :: to warp a loom
Zeug {n} :: stuff, gear, equipment
Zeug {n} :: material
Zeug {n} :: fabric, clothing, clothes
Zeuge {m} :: witness, wit (slang), deponent, attestor (attester), voucher (male or of unspecified sex)
Zeuge Jehovas {m} :: Jehovah's Witness
zeugen {v} :: To beget, father, procreate
zeugen {v} :: To testify, bear witness, declare
Zeugeneinschüchterung {f} :: Witness intimidation
Zeugenschaft {f} :: witness, witnessing, testimony, evidence
Zeugenschutz {m} :: witness protection
Zeugenschutzprogramm {n} :: witness protection program
Zeughaus {n} :: armoury
Zeughäuschen {n} [uncommon] :: diminutive of Zeughaus
Zeugin {f} :: witness (female)
Zeugma {n} [rhetoric] :: zeugma
Zeugnis {n} :: testimony, witness declaration
Zeugnis {n} :: certificate, affidavit, report card
Zeugs {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: stuff, junk (regarded as worthless or annoying)
Zeugung {f} :: conception, begetting, procreation
Zeus {prop} {m} :: Zeus
ZH {noun} [apartment listing] :: Abbreviation of Zentralheizung
ZH {noun} :: Canton of Zurich
Zi. {noun} :: abbreviation of Zimmer
Zibarte {f} :: alternative form of Ziparte
Zibbe {f} [regional] :: ewe (female sheep or goat)
Zibbe {f} [regional] :: female hare or rabbit
Zibbe {f} [dialectal or archaic] :: female dog; bitch
Zibebe {f} [Austria, dialectally also in southern Germany] :: raisin
Ziborium {n} :: ciborium
Zicke {f} :: she-goat, nanny goat
Zicke {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: a touchy, fractious or difficult person (usually, but not necessarily, female)
Zickefoose {prop} :: surname
zickig {adj} :: bitchy
Zicklein {n} :: diminutive of Zicke
zickzack {adv} :: zigzag
Zickzack {m} :: zigzag
-zid {suffix} :: -cide
-zid {suffix} :: -cide
Zider {m} :: rare form of Cidre
Ziege {f} :: goat
Ziegel {m} :: brick
Ziegel {f} :: roofing tile
Ziegelbauw. {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of Ziegelbauweise
Ziegelbauweise {f} :: brick construction method
Ziegelstein {m} :: a brick used in masonry
Ziegenbart {m} :: a goatee, especially when relatively thin and long (otherwise Kinnbart is preferred)
Ziegenbock {m} :: he-goat, billygoat, male goat
Ziegenficker {m} [pejorative, offensive] :: goatfucker (term of abuse principally used for people from North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia)
Ziegenmelker {m} :: nightjar (nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae)
Ziegenmilch {f} :: goat milk
Ziegler {prop} :: surname
ziehen {vti} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to pull (e.g., a door handle); to drag
ziehen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to draw (e.g. a weapon); to extract; to puff
ziehen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to draw (a conclusion, lesson, etc.)
ziehen {vi} [impersonal] :: to be drafty
ziehen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to move; to migrate
ziehen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to roam; to head
ziehen {vr} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to stretch; to warp
Ziehharmonika {f} :: squeezebox
Ziehmutter {f} [Austria, otherwise rural] :: foster mother
Ziehmutter {f} [rare] :: (female) mentor
Ziehsohn {m} [Austria, otherwise rural] :: foster son
Ziehsohn {m} :: protégé
Ziehtochter {f} [Austria, otherwise rural] :: foster daughter
Ziehtochter {f} :: (female) protégé
Ziehung {f} :: draw (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined)
Ziehvater {m} [Austria] :: foster father
Ziehvater {m} :: mentor
Ziel {n} :: target
Ziel {n} :: goal (not in football, see Tor)
Ziel {n} :: aim
Ziel {n} :: purpose
zielen {vi} :: to aim at a physical target
zielen {v} [figuratively] :: to aim at a goal
Zielgruppe {f} :: target [customers, audience, etc.]
Ziellinie {f} :: finish line
ziellos {adj} :: aimless
Zielscheibe {f} :: target
Zielsprache {f} [translation studies] :: target language
ziemen {v} :: to beseem, to be appropriate, to befit
ziemlich {adv} :: pretty, quite, rather, fairly, kind of
ziemlich {adv} :: pretty much, quite a bit
Zier {f} [archaic] :: ornament; decoration
Zierbuchstabe {m} [typography] :: ornamental letter, swash letter
Zierde {f} :: ornament; adornment
zieren {v} :: to decorate
zieren {vr} :: to make a fuss
Zierfisch {m} :: an ornamental fish
Ziergegenstand {m} :: decorative object
zierlich {adj} :: delicate; petite (of bodies or objects: gracefully thin or fragile)
zierlich {adj} [archaic] :: decorative; pleasing; pretty
zierlicher {adj} :: comparative of zierlich
Zierlichkeit {f} :: daintiness, petiteness
zierlichsten {adj} :: superlative of zierlich
Zierpflanze {f} :: ornamental plant
Ziersdorf {prop} {n} :: Ziersdorf (municipality)
Ziffer {f} :: digit, numeral
Ziffer {f} [law] :: a numbered division unit written alongside the text
Zifferblatt {n} :: clock face
Ziffernblatt {n} :: clock face
zig {num} :: umpteen, tens of, dozens of (an unspecified number, usually between 10 and 100)
Zigarette {f} :: cigarette
Zigarettenstummel {m} :: cigarette butt
Zigarillo {f} :: cigarillo (thin cigar)
Zigarre {f} :: cigar
Zigeuner {m} [sometimes, offensive] :: Gypsy, member of the Roma, Romani person
Zigeuner {m} [sometimes, offensive] :: member of any of several other nomadic minorities
Zigeuner {m} [offensive] :: disorderly, lazy or dodgy person
Zigeuner {m} [offensive] :: bohemian; unconventional or nonconformist artist or writer
Ziggurat {f} [rare] :: alternative form of Zikkurat
zigmal {adv} :: umpteen times, often, regularly
zigtausend {num} :: many thousand
Zikade {f} :: cicada
Zikkurat {f} :: ziggurat
Zikkurrat {f} :: alternative form of Zikkurat
Zilch {prop} :: surname
Zilizien {prop} {n} :: Cilicia
Zille {f} [east Central German, Austria] :: river barge
Zille {f} [Austria] :: small, flat boat controlled by a rudder
Zillingdorf {prop} {n} :: Zillingdorf (municipality)
Zillingtal {prop} {n} :: Zillingtal (municipality)
Zilpzalp {m} :: common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
Zimbal {n} [music] :: cimbalom
Zimbel {f} :: cymbal
Zimbrisch {prop} {n} :: the Cimbrian language
Zimmer {n} :: room (separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling)
Zimmerdecke {f} :: ceiling
Zimmerfrau {f} :: chambermaid
Zimmerfrau {f} [Austria] :: (female) room renter
Zimmermädchen {n} :: chambermaid, parlourmaid
Zimmermann {m} :: carpenter (worker skilled at handling timber for the construction of houses)
Zimmermann {m} [Switzerland] :: harvestman (order Opiliones)
Zimmermann {prop} :: surname
Zimmermeister {m} :: master carpenter (male or of unspecified sex)
Zimmermeisterin {f} :: master carpenter (female)
zimmern {vt} :: to build something from wood
zimmern {v} [with eine + dative, colloquial] :: to hit; to slap
zimmern {vt} [colloquial, sports, especially, football] :: to shoot the ball hard
Zimmernummer {f} :: room number
Zimmerpflanze {f} :: houseplant, indoor plant
Zimmerschlüssel {m} :: room key
Zimmerservice {m} {n} :: room service
Zimmertemperatur {f} :: room temperature
Zimmt {m} :: obsolete spelling of Zimt
Zimpel {prop} :: surname
zimperlich {adj} :: squeamish
zimperlich {adj} :: prissy
Zimperlichkeit {f} :: squeamishness
Zimperliese {f} :: sissy
Zimt {m} {n} [uncountable] :: cinnamon
Zimt {m} {n} [countable] :: a particular kind of cinnamon
Zimt {m} {n} [uncountable] :: the brownish colour of cinnamon
Zimt {m} :: something worthless or dumb
Zimtbürzel-Blattspäher {m} :: cinnamon-rumped foliage-gleaner (Philydor pyrrhodes)
Zimtschnecke {f} :: a cinnamon roll; a rolled yeast pastry that is filled with cinnamon and sugar
Zimtstern {m} :: cinnamon star (christmas cookie)
Zimtzicke {f} :: snotty bitch
Zimtzucker {m} :: cinnamon sugar
Zingel {m} :: curtain wall
Zink {n} {m} :: zinc
Zink {m} :: cornetto (a trumpet-like wind instrument used in European music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods)
Zinkacetat {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc acetate
Zinkat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: zincate
Zinkblende {f} [mineral] :: sphalerite, zincblende
Zinkcarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc carbonate
Zinkchlorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc chloride
Zinke {f} :: prong
Zinke {f} :: tine
Zinke {f} :: tenon
zinken {adj} [attributive] :: zinc (made of zinc)
zinken {v} [card games] :: mark
zinken {v} [slang] :: mark (something, someone) by giving a sign/signal/hint/tip-off and thus give away (sb. or sth. to sb.)
Zinkerz {n} :: zinc ore
Zinkfingerprotein {n} [protein] :: zinc finger
Zinkgruppe {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: zinc group
zinkhaltig {adj} :: zinciferous (zinc-bearing)
Zinkion {n} :: zinc ion
Zinkit {n} [mineral] :: zincite
Zinklegierung {f} :: zinc alloy
Zinkmineral {n} [mineralogy] :: zinc mineral
Zinkorganyle {f} [organic chemistry] :: organozinc compound
Zinkoxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc oxide
Zinkpulver {n} :: zinc powder
Zink-Pyrithion {n} :: zinc pyrithione
Zinkselenid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc selenide
Zinkspat {n} [mineral] :: smithsonite
Zinkstearat {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc stearate
Zinksulfat {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc sulfate
Zinksulfid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zinc sulfide
Zinn {n} :: tin
Zinn {prop} {mf} :: surname
Zinnabbau {m} :: tin mining
Zinnblech {n} :: tinplate
Zinndioxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: tin dioxide
Zinne {f} :: merlon
Zinne {f} [Swiss] :: roof terrace
zinnen {adj} :: tin, tinnen (made of tin)
Zinnerz {n} :: tin ore
zinnfarben {adj} :: A silvery-white color, like the color of tin
zinnfarbig {adj} [uncommon] :: A silvery-white color, like the color of tin
Zinnfigur {f} :: tin (sometimes pewter, or lead) figure / figurine
Zinngeschrei {n} :: tin cry
Zinngießer {m} :: pewterer, whitesmith, tinsmith
Zinngießerwerkstatt {f} :: tinsmithy (workshop of a whitesmith etc)
Zinnkraut {n} :: horsetail
Zinnlegierung {f} :: tin alloy
Zinnmineral {n} [mineralogy] :: tin mineral
Zinnober {m} [mineral] :: cinnabar
Zinnober {m} [colloquial, somewhat, dated] :: piece of junk (something worthless)
zinnoberrot {adj} :: cinnabar
zinnorganisch {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organotin
Zinnorganyle {f} [organic chemistry] :: organotin compound or radical
Zinnoxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: tin oxide
Zinnpest {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: tin pest
Zinnsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: tin salt
Zinnsoldat {m} :: tin soldier
Zinnstein {m} [mineral] :: cassiterite
Zinnverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: tin compound
Zinnwaldit {m} [mineral] :: zinnwaldite
Zins {m} [finance] :: interest
Zins {m} [dated] :: tribute
zinsbar {adj} :: interest-bearing
zinsbar {adj} :: tributary
Zinsberechnungsmethode {f} [finance] :: day count convention
Zinseszins {m} [banking, finance] :: compound interest
zinsfrei {adj} [finance] :: interest-free
zinsfrei {adj} [Austria] :: rent-free
Zinsfuß {m} :: interest rate
zinslos {adj} :: interest-free
Zinssatz {m} [finance] :: interest rate
Zinsswap {m} [finance] :: interest rate swap
Zintl {prop} :: surname
Zion {prop} {m} :: Zion (a hill ("mount" in Israel)
Zionismus {m} :: Zionism
Zionist {m} :: Zionist (male or of unspecified sex)
Zionistin {f} :: Zionist (female)
zionistisch {adj} :: zionist
Ziparte {f} :: an archaic plum, Prunus domestica ssp. prisca or a variety of Prunus domestica subsp. insititia (the taxon is debated)
Zipf {m} [Bavaria, Austria] :: tip, peak, corner
Zipf {m} [Austria, obsolete] :: bore (boring person)
Zipf {prop} {mf} :: surname
Zipf {m} [Central Germany, Southern Germany] :: pip (respiratory disease of birds)
Zipfel {m} :: corner or peak
Zipfel {m} [regional] :: penis, cock, willy, peter
Zipfel {m} :: panhandle [cartography, US]
Zipfelmütze {f} :: peaked cap, pointed cap
Zippel {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] :: alternative form of Zipfel
zippen {v} [computing] :: to zip (to compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.)
Zipphose {f} [clothing] :: zipp trousers
Zipser {m} :: a Zipser
Ziqqurat {f} [rare] :: alternative form of Zikkurat
Ziqqurrat {f} :: alternative form of Zikkurat
Zirbel {f} :: arolla pine, stone pine, Swiss pine
Zirbel {f} [dated] :: fir-cone
Zirbeldrüse {f} :: pineal gland
Zirbelkiefer {f} :: arolla pine, stone pine
Zircaloy {n} :: zircaloy
Zirconium {n} :: alternative form of Zirkonium
Zirconiumcarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium carbonate
Zirconiumchlorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium chloride
Zirconiumdioxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium dioxide
Zirconiumhalogenid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: zirconium halide
zirconiumhaltig {adj} [mineralogy] :: Bearing zirconium
Zirconiumhydroxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium hydroxide
Zirconiumkomplex {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: zirconium complex
Zirconiumlegierung {f} :: zirconium alloy
Zirconiummetall {n} :: zirconium metal
Zirconiummineral {n} [mineralogy] :: zirconium mineral
Zirconiumnitrid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium nitride
Zirconiumoxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium oxide
Zirconiumsilicat {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium silicate
Zirconiumtetrachlorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium tetrachloride
Zirconiumtetraiodid {n} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium tetraiodide
Zirconiumverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: zirconium compound
zirka {adv} :: circa
Zirkel {m} :: compass (device to draw circles)
Zirkel {m} [rare] :: circle (more common is Kreis)
Zirkelbeweis {m} :: circular argument (a type of argument)
Zirkelschluss {m} :: circular argument (a type of argument)
Zirkon {m} :: zircon
Zirkonat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: zirconate
Zirkonia {m} :: zirconia
Zirkonium {n} :: zirconium
zirkoniumhaltig {adj} [mineralogy] :: Bearing zirconium
Zirkoniumsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: zirconium salt
Zirkonkristall {m} :: zircon crystal
Zirkulator {m} :: circulator
zirkulieren {v} :: to circulate
Zirkumfix {n} :: circumfix
Zirkumflex {m} :: circumflex
Zirkumposition {f} :: circumposition
Zirkus {m} [historical] :: circus (arena in Antiquity)
Zirkus {m} :: circus (kind of entertainment show)
Zirkus {m} [colloquial] :: exaggerated and annoying ado; airs; fuss, e.g. of a child, at an event, etc.; dog and pony show
Zirkus {m} [colloquial, by extension] :: something complicated and annoying; rigmarole; chore
Zirkusschule {f} :: circus school (organization where circus skills are taught)
Zirkusvorstellung {f} :: circus performance
Zirmet {m} :: hartwort, Tordylium spp. (or related plants of the family which were hard to distinguish)
zirpen {v} :: to chirp, to chirr, to chirrup (sound of a cricket)
Zirrhose {f} [pathology] :: cirrhosis (chronic disease of the liver)
zisalpin {adj} :: cisalpine
zischen {v} :: to hiss, to sizzle, to whiz
Zischlaut {m} [phonetics] :: sibilant
Zissoide {f} :: cissoid
Zisterne {f} :: cistern
Zistersdorf {prop} {n} :: Zistersdorf (municipality)
Zitadelle {f} :: citadel
Zitat {n} :: quotation
Zitatwort {n} [linguistics] :: foreign word, used to designate foreign objects or concepts
Zitatwort {n} [linguistics] :: foreign word, whose spelling, flexion, pronunciation, etc. is unadapted to the target language
Zither {f} :: zither
Zitherspiel {n} :: zither playing
Zitherspieler {m} :: zither player (male or of unspecified sex)
Zitherspielerin {f} [music] :: zither player (female)
zitieren {v} :: to cite, to quote
zitierfähig {adj} :: quotable
Zitronat {n} :: candied lemon peel; succade
Zitrone {f} :: lemon (fruit)
Zitrone {f} :: lemonade (still beverage)
Zitronenabrieb {m} :: grated lemon zest
Zitronenfalter {m} :: a brimstone, a butterfly of the species Gonepteryx rhamni
zitronengelb {adj} :: lemon-yellow
Zitronenhai {m} :: lemon shark
Zitronenpresse {f} :: lemon squeezer
Zitronensaft {m} :: lemon juice
Zitronensäure {f} :: citric acid
Zitronensäurezyklus {m} [biochemistry] :: citric acid cycle
Zitronenschale {f} :: lemon peel
Zitronenstrauch {m} :: lemon verbena (shrub)
Zitronschale {f} [dated] :: lemon peel
Zitteraal {m} :: electric eel, Electrophorus electricus
Zitterer {m} :: shiverer
Zitterlaut {m} [phonetics] :: trill
zittern {v} :: to shiver, to tremble, to vibrate
Zittern {n} :: trembling
Zitterpappel {f} :: aspen, trembling poplar
Zitterspinne {f} :: daddy long-legs spider
Zitze {f} :: teat, tit
zivil {adj} :: civil, civilian
Zivil {n} :: plain clothes
Zivildienst {m} :: civilian service in lieu of military service
Zivilehe {f} :: civil marriage
ziviler Ungehorsam {m} :: civil disobedience
Zivilisation {f} :: civilisation
zivilisationsmüde {adj} :: tired of civilisation
zivilisieren {v} :: to civilise
Zivilist {m} :: civilian
Zivilrecht {n} :: civil law
Zivilverteidigung {f} :: civil defense
ZKB {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of Zimmer, Küche, Bad
Zmorgen {m} {n} [Switzerland] :: breakfast
Zobel {m} :: sable (Martes zibellina)
Zöbern {prop} {n} :: Zöbern (municipality)
Zöblen {prop} {n} :: Zöblen (municipality)
Zoch {m} [regional, Rhineland] :: carnival parade
zocken {v} :: to gamble
zocken {v} :: to play video games
Zocker {m} :: gambler
Zocker {m} [slang] :: gamer (i.e. video and computer games)
Zodiakallicht {n} :: zodiacal light
Zoe {prop} :: given name
Zofe {f} [dated] :: lady's maid, handmaid
Zoff {m} [colloquial] :: trouble, beef, fight
zoffen {vr} [colloquial] :: to bicker
Zögerer {m} :: agent noun of zögern; procrastinator
Zögerin {f} :: (female) procrastinator
zögerlich {adj} :: hesitant (tending to hesitate)
zögerlicher {adj} :: comparative of zögerlich
Zögerlichkeit {f} :: hesitance, hesitation
zögerlichsten {adj} :: superlative of zögerlich
zögern {v} :: to hesitate
Zögling {m} :: pupil
Zölestin {m} :: obsolete spelling of Coelestin
Zöliakie {f} :: celiac disease [US], coeliac disease [UK]
Zölibat {m} {n} :: celibacy (sexual abstinence)
Zoll {m} :: custom (duty collected at the borders)
Zoll {m} :: customs (authority collecting that duty)
Zoll {n} :: unit of length (if used nowadays it equals an inch)
Zollamt {n} :: customs office
Zollbeamter {m} :: customs officer
zollen {v} :: to pay [e.g. tribute, respect, etc.]
zollfrei {adj} :: duty-free
Zollhaus {n} :: custom house
Zollhäuschen {n} :: diminutive of Zollhaus; a small customs house
Zollkriminalamt {n} :: customs investigation bureau
Zöllner {m} :: customs officer
Zöllner {m} [biblical] :: publican
Zöllnerin {f} :: female customs officer
Zollstock {m} :: rule; folding rule; yardstick; meter stick (strip of wood or other hard material, typically foldable, for measuring length, regardless of the measure system used)
Zollstock {prop} {n} :: Zollstock, a district of Cologne
Zollunion {f} :: customs union
Zollverein {m} :: customs union, tariff union
Zombie {m} :: zombie
zonal {adj} :: zonal
Zone {f} :: zone
Zone {prop} {f} [historical, chiefly colloquial, often derogatory] :: the German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Zonengrenze {f} :: a border between zones
Zonengrenze {f} [historical] :: a border between the occupied zones of Germany after the World War II
Zonengrenze {f} [in particular, somewhat colloquial] :: the border of the German Democratic Republic
Zonengrenze {f} [transportation] :: the border between specific local mass transit sectors inside which a single set fare applies
Zonenschmelzen {n} :: zone melting
Zonenschmelzverfahren {n} :: zone melting
Zoni {m} [historical, colloquial] :: a citizen of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Zoo {m} :: zoo
Zoologe {m} :: zoologist
Zoologie {f} :: zoology
Zoologin {f} :: female zoologist (a woman who studies zoology)
zoologisch {adj} :: zoological
zoologischer Garten {m} [formal] :: zoological garden
Zoom {m} [photography, film] :: zoom, augmentation of a view as with a camera lens
zoomen {v} :: to zoom
Zoomobjektiv {n} :: zoom lens
Zoonose {f} :: zoonosis
Zoophilie {f} :: zoophilia
Zoophobie {f} :: zoophobia (unusual fear of animals)
Zooplankton {n} :: zooplankton
Zootomie {f} :: zootomy
Zopf {m} :: plait; pigtail; ponytail (any long bundle of hair, braided or not)
Zopf {m} [baking] :: A plait-shaped bread made from white flour, milk, eggs, butter and yeast
Zorn {m} [somewhat, formal] :: anger; wrath
Zornhau {noun} [fencing] :: Zornhau
zornig {adj} [somewhat, formal] :: angry; mad [US]; wrathful; irate
Zoroastrismus {m} :: Zoroastrianism
zottelig {adj} :: hairy, scruffy, hirsute
zottelig {adv} :: shaggily
zotteliger {adj} :: comparative of zottelig
zotteligsten {adj} :: superlative of zottelig
z. T. {adv} :: abbreviation of zum Teil
Ztrhzg. {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of Zentralheizung
Ztr.-Hzg. {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of Zentralheizung
-zu- {interfix} :: zu; marks the zu-infinitive of separable verbs in verb-final contexts
zu- {prefix} :: Prefix meaning to, to-, at, on, by
zu- {prefix} :: obsolete form of zer-
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: to, towards (indicates directionality)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: with respect to; regarding
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: along with; with (accompanying (the main thing in question))
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: at, on (indicates location)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: at [indicates time]
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: by, in, on, at (indicates mode (of transportation, speech, etc.))
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: [with a verb] for; [with a noun] as, by way of (for the purpose of)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: for (in honor of, or directed towards the celebration or event of)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: into (indicates transition into another form or substance)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: as, for, to be (to take on the role of)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: to (used to indicate ratios)
zu {prep} [+ dative] :: at (denotes a price or rate)
zu {particle} [with infinitives of verbs] :: to
zu {adv} [with adjectives and adverbs] :: too (excessively)
zu {adv} :: towards; at
zu {adv} [somewhat, colloquial] :: shut; closed; locked
zu {adv} :: ahead, on (along, forwards (continuing an action))
zu {adj} :: shut, closed (made inaccessible or impassable; not open)
zu {adj} :: closed (not operating or conducting trade)
zu {adj} :: done up (fastened)
zu {adj} [slang] :: hammered; very drunk
zu Abend essen {v} [Austria] :: to have dinner
zu allem Ja und Amen sagen {v} [idiom] :: to be a yes man
Zubehandelnde {n} :: a subject or topic, which shall be discussed or treated
Zubehör {n} {m} :: accessory
zubeißen {vi} :: to bite
Zuber {m} [dated] :: tub
Zuber {prop} :: surname
zubereiten {v} [cooking] :: to prepare
Zubereitung {f} :: preparation
Zubereitung {f} :: concoction, confection
Zubettgehen {n} :: (the act of) going to bed
zubleiben {v} :: to stay closed
zubringen {vt} :: to bring
zubringen {vt} :: to spend [time somewhere]
zubringen {vt} :: to be able to close
Zubrot {n} :: extra income
Zubrötchen {n} [South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal: Paulpietersburg] :: sandwich (two slices of bread)
zu Bruch gehen {v} :: to break
zu Buche schlagen {v} [idiom] :: to cost, to account for, to be accounted for, to be added to an account
Zucchetti {f} [Switzerland] :: synonym of Zucchini
Zucchini {f} :: courgette, zucchini
Zucchino {m} [rare, literary, sometimes humorous] :: alternative form of Zucchini
Zucht {f} [uncountable] :: breeding (act of growing plants or animals)
Zucht {f} [countable] :: breed (lineage or subspecies of plants or animals)
Zucht {f} [countable] :: animal farm; farm where animals are bred
Zucht {f} [uncountable, literary or slightly dated] :: discipline; education; manners
züchten {v} :: to breed
züchten {v} :: to cultivate
züchten {v} [plants] :: to grow
züchten {v} [bees] :: to keep
Zuchtfisch {m} :: farmed fish
Zuchthaus {n} [historic] :: an aggravated form of prison with harsher conditions of detention
Zuchthaus {n} [dated, colloquial, loosely] :: prison
züchtig {adj} :: chaste, virtuous
züchtigen {v} :: to corporally punish
Züchtigung {f} :: corporal punishment
Zuchtlachs {m} :: farmed salmon
zuchtlos {adj} [dated] :: undisciplined
Zuchtperle {f} :: cultured pearl
Züchtung {f} :: breeding
zucken {v} :: to jerk
zücken {v} :: to draw [i.e. a weapon]
Zucker {m} [usually, uncountable] :: sugar
Zucker {m} [uncountable, slightly, colloquial] :: diabetes
Zuckerbäcker {m} :: confectioner (male or of unspecified gender)
Zuckerbäckerin {f} :: confectioner (female)
Zuckerbrot {n} :: sweet pastry
Zuckerbrot und Peitsche {noun} [idiomatic] :: carrot and stick
Zuckercouleur {f} :: caramel coloring, E 150
Zuckergast {m} [archaic or dialectal] :: silverfish (insect)
Zuckerguss {m} [cooking] :: frosting, icing
Zuckerguß {m} :: alternative spelling of Zuckerguss
zuckerhaltig {adj} :: saccharated, sugary; sweet
Zuckerhut {m} :: sugar-loaf (a block of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone)
Zuckerhut {prop} {m} :: Sugarloaf Mountain
zuckerkrank {adj} :: diabetic
Zuckerkrankheit {f} :: diabetes
Zuckerkulör {f} :: alternative spelling of Zuckercouleur
Zuckerl {n} [Austria] :: sweet, candy
Zuckerlöffel {m} :: sugar spoon
Zuckerlöffelchen {n} :: diminutive of Zuckerlöffel
zuckern {v} :: to sugar
Zuckerphosphat {n} [organic chemistry] :: sugar phosphate
Zuckerpille {f} :: sugar pill
Zuckerrohr {n} :: sugarcane
Zuckerrübe {f} :: sugar beet
Zuckerrübensirup {m} :: sugar beet syrup
Zuckerschälchen {n} :: diminutive of Zuckerschale
Zuckerschale {f} :: sugar bowl
Zuckerschote {f} :: snow pea; mangetout
Zuckersteuer {f} :: sugar tax
zuckersüß {adj} :: sugar-sweet
Zuckerware {f} :: confectionary
Zuckerwatte {f} :: cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss
Zuckerwerk {n} :: sweets
Zuckerwürfel {m} :: sugar cube
Zuckmücke {f} :: A non-biting midge belonging to family Chironomidae
Zuckung {f} :: twitch, jerk
zudem {adv} [formal] :: moreover, furthermore
zudrehen {v} :: to screw closed
zudrehen {v} :: to turn off
zu dritt {adv} :: in a group (or in groups) of three
zudröhnen {vp} [colloquial] :: to get high
zudrücken {vt} :: to push closed
Zueignung {f} :: dedication
zueinander {adv} :: together
zueinander {adv} :: to each other, to one another
zu Ende {adj} :: finished, through
zuerst {adv} :: first, firstly
zuerst {adv} :: at first
zu etwas kommen wie die Jungfrau zum Kind {v} [idiom] :: to fall into one's lap
Zufahrt {f} :: a driveway to a property or building
Zufall {m} :: chance, coincidence, randomness
zufällig {adj} :: random, by chance or stochastic
zufällig {adj} :: accidental or coincidental
zufällig {adv} :: accidentally
zufälligerweise {adv} :: accidentally, coincidentally
Zufälligkeit {f} :: randomness
Zufälligkeit {f} :: coincidence, chance
zufallsabhängig {adj} :: depending on chance
Zufallsgrösse {f} :: alternative spelling of Zufallsgröße
Zufallsgröße {f} :: random variable
Zufallstreffer {m} :: serendipity
Zufallsvariable {f} :: random variable
Zufallszahl {f} :: random number
zufließen {vt} :: to accrue to
Zuflucht {f} :: refuge
Zufluchtsort {m} :: a shelter
Zufluss {m} :: inflow, influx
Zufluss {m} [geology, water stream] :: tributary
zuflüstern {vt} :: to whisper
zufolge {postp} :: according to
zufrieden {adj} :: content, satisfied
zufriedengeben {vr} :: to content oneself
zufriedengestellt {v} :: past participle of zufriedenstellen
Zufriedenheit {f} :: contentment, satisfaction
zufriedenstellen {v} :: to satisfy (meet needs, fulfill)
zufriedenstellen {v} :: to content, please
zufriedenstellend {adj} :: satisfying, satisfactory
Zufriedenstellung {f} :: satisfaction
zufrieren {v} :: to freeze over
zufügen {vtr} :: to cause (grief, pain); to inflict (damage)
zufügen {vt} :: to add
zufügen {vt} :: to enclose
Zufuhr {f} :: supply
Zufuhr {f} :: influx, intake
Zufuhr {f} :: feed
zuführen {v} :: To feed, supply, procure
Zuführung {f} :: feed, feeding
zu Fuß {adv} :: on foot
Zug {m} :: train (multiple vehicles one behind the other, particularly travelling on rails)
Zug {m} :: pull (force that pulls in a specific direction)
Zug {m} :: draught (of air)
Zug {m} :: traction
Zug {m} :: course
Zug {m} [from a cigarette, etc.] :: draught
Zug {m} [from a drink] :: draught, gulp
Zug {m} :: stroke
Zug {m} :: feature, trait
Zug {m} [military] :: platoon
Zug {m} [turn based games] :: move, play
Zugabe {f} :: bonus, add-on, extra
Zugabe {f} [music or theater] :: encore
Zugabe {interj} :: Encore!
Zugang {m} :: access
Zugang {m} :: admission, intake
Zugang {m} :: entrance
zugängig {adj} :: amenable
zugänglich {adj} :: accessible, open, able to be factually or legally reached or accessed
zugänglich {adj} :: [figuratively, of a person] amenable, open
Zugbrücke {f} :: drawbridge
zugeben {v} :: to add
zugeben {v} :: to admit, confess
zugefügt {v} :: past participle of zufügen
zugeführt {v} :: past participle of zuführen
zugegeben {adj} :: admitted, granted
zugegebenermaßen {adv} :: admittedly (by admission)
zugegen {adj} :: present (in attendance)
zugehen {v} :: to shut
zugehen {v} :: to approach
zugehen {v} :: to take place
Zugehör {n} {f} [Austria, Swiss] :: alternative form of Zubehör
zugehören {v} :: to belong to [+ dative]
zugehörig {adj} :: related, associated
zugehörig {adj} :: appropriate
zugehörig {adj} :: dedicated
Zugehörigkeit {f} :: belonging, affiliation, membership
Zugehörigkeitsgefühl {n} :: sense of belonging, feeling of belonging, sense of identity
zugeklebt {v} :: past participle of zukleben
zugeknöpft {v} :: past participle of zuknöpfen
zugeknöpft {adj} [colloquial] :: reserved
zugekommen {v} :: past participle of zukommen
Zügel {m} :: rein
zugelegt {v} :: past participle of zulegen
zügellos {adj} :: self-indulgent, unbridled, unrestrained
zügelloser {adj} :: comparative of zügellos
zügellosesten {adj} :: superlative of zügellos
Zügellosigkeit {f} [no plural] :: lawlessness
zügeln {vt} :: to rein in (a horse)
zügeln {v} [figuratively] :: to curb
zügeln {vi} [Switzerland] :: to move house, relocate
Zügelpinguin {m} :: chinstrap penguin
zugemischt {v} :: past participle of zumischen - admixed
zugemutet {v} :: past participle of zumuten
zugeordnet {adj} :: assigned
zugerechnet {v} :: past participle of zurechnen
zugerechnet {adj} :: ascribed, attributed (to)
Zugereister {mf} [literally] :: "Someone who has traveled here [and stayed]"
Zugereister {mf} :: Someone who has moved to a different region and settled there for good, and who speaks German as their first language, but is recognized in the new region by their accent and regarded as "not one of us"
zugesagt {v} :: past participle of zusagen
zugesetzt {v} :: past participle of zusetzen
zugespitzt {adj} :: acute, pointed, sharpened, intensified
zugespitzt {adj} :: worsened, exacerbated, escalating, deepening
zugespitzt {adj} :: exaggerated, overstated
zugespitzt {v} :: past participle of zuspitzen
Zugespitztheit {f} :: exaggeratedness (quality of being exaggerated)
Zugeständnis {n} :: concessions
zugestehen {vt} :: to concede
zugetan {v} :: past participle of zutun
zugetan {adj} :: affectionate
Zugfahrt {f} :: train ride, train trip
Zugfestigkeit {f} :: tensile strength
zugig {adj} :: drafty
zügig {adj} :: quick, swift
zügig {adj} [Swiss] :: appealing, attractive
zügiger {adj} :: comparative of zügig
zügigsten {adj} :: superlative of zügig
zugleich {adv} :: at the same time
Zugluft {f} [current of air, usually coming into a room or vehicle] :: draft
zugreifen {v} :: to grab, to seize, to snap
zugreifen {v} :: to serve oneself, to help oneself
zugreifen {v} [computing] :: to access
Zugriff {m} :: access
Zugriff {m} :: grasp
Zugriffsmodifikator {m} [software, object-oriented] :: access modifier
zugrunde {adv} :: [in zugrunde richten, zugrunde gehen] to destruction
zugrunde {adv} :: [in zugrunde liegen, zugrunde legen] as basis
zugrundeliegend {adj} :: underlying
zugrunde richten {v} :: to ruin
zugrunderichten {v} :: obsolete spelling of zugrunde richten
Zugspitze {prop} {f} :: Zugspitze (mountain)
Zugtier {n} :: draught animal, beast of burden
Zugunruhe {f} [ornithology, zoology] :: zugunruhe (anxious behaviour in migratory animals, especially in birds, experienced at the beginning of the migration period)
zugunsten {prep} :: in support of, in favour of
zu Gunsten {prep} :: alternative spelling of zugunsten
zugute {adv} :: indicates something is for the benefit of the dative object of the verb
zu guter Letzt {prep} :: finally, last but not least
Zugversuch {m} :: tensile strength test
Zugvogel {m} :: migrant, migratory bird
Zugzwang {m} [chess] :: zugzwang (situation in which a player is forced to make a disadvantageous move)
Zugzwang {m} [by extension] :: situation where somebody is forced to act, but would prefer to remain passive
zu haben {v} [formal] :: must, have to
zu haben {v} :: be closed
zu haben {adj} :: available
zuhaben {v} :: to keep closed
Zuhälter {m} :: agent noun of zuhalten; pimp (prostitution solicitor)
zu Händen von {prep} :: for the attention of
zuhauf {adv} :: in large numbers; in droves
zuhaus {adv} :: alternative spelling of zu Hause
zu Haus {adv} :: alternative spelling of zu Hause
zuhause {adv} :: alternative spelling of zu Hause
zu Hause {adv} :: home, at home (stationary, non-goal-oriented)
Zuhause {n} :: One’s living premises, home
zu Herzen {adv} :: to (the) heart; affecting someone’s heart, mind, soul
zu Herzen nehmen {v} [idiom] :: take to heart
zuhören {v} :: to listen ( [+ dative = to someone or something])
Zuhörer {m} :: agent noun of zuhören; listener
Zuhörer {m} [in plural] :: audience
zujubeln {vt} :: to cheer to
zukehren {v} [auxiliary "haben"] :: to turn (rotate) something
zukehren {v} [auxiliary "sein", Austria] :: to stop for a bite to eat on the way
zukehren {v} [auxiliary "sein", Austria] :: to visit briefly
zuklappen {v} :: to flip shut
zuklappen {v} [computing] :: to collapse
zukleben {vt} [with accusative] :: to seal
zuknallen {vit} :: to slam shut
zuknöpfen {vt} :: to button up
zukommen {v} [with auf] :: to come towards, come up to; to approach
zukommen {v} :: to become, befit
Zukunft {f} :: future or futurity
Zukunft {f} [grammar] :: the future tense
zukünftig {adj} :: future
zukünftig {adj} :: prospective
zukünftig {adv} :: in the future
Zukunftsangst {f} :: angst about the future
Zukunftserwartung {f} [religion, chiefly uncountable] :: eschatological expectation(s) or beliefs, apocalyptic beliefs, (imminent) expectation of the end times
Zukunftserwartung {f} :: expectation regarding the future
Zukunftsforscher {m} :: futurologist
Zukunftsmusik {f} :: vision, aspiration (dreams of the future)
Zukunftsroman {m} :: science fiction novel
zu kurz kommen {v} [idiom] :: to be neglected, to fall short
Zuladung {f} :: payload
Zulage {f} :: allowance, bonus, extra pay
zulangen {v} :: to help oneself
zulänglich {adj} [formal] :: adequate, sufficient
zulassen {v} :: to allow
zulassen {v} [car] :: to license
zulässig {adj} :: admissible, permissible
Zulassung {f} :: admission
Zulassung {f} :: approval, authorization, permission
Zulassung {f} :: registration, certification
zulaufen {v} :: to walk to [+ auf (object)]
zulegen {v} :: To gain, add
zulegen {v} :: To put on weight
zulegiert {adj} :: alloyed
zuleide {adv} :: harm, harmful
zuletzt {adv} :: finally; lastly; in the end
zuletzt {adv} :: recently; the other day
zuliebe {postp} :: for the sake of
zuliefern {v} :: to supply
zum {contraction} :: to or for the (contraction of zu + dem)
zum {contraction} :: to or for a (contraction of zu + einem)
zumachen {v} :: to close; to shut
zumachen {v} [loosely also] :: to lock
zumachen {v} [colloquial, regional] :: to hurry, to make haste
zumal {conj} :: especially since (giving a reason which justifies the expectation of a certain behaviour or quality)
zumal {adv} :: especially
zum Ausdruck kommen {v} [composite verb] :: to be expressed
zum Beispiel {adv} :: for example, for instance
zum einen Ohr hinein- und zum anderen wieder hinausgehen {v} [idiomatic] :: go in one ear and out the other
zumeist {adv} :: mostly
zum Glück {adv} :: fortunately, luckily
zumindest {adv} :: at least
zumindestens {adv} [colloquial] :: at least
Zumischung {f} :: admixture
zu Mittag essen {v} [Austria] :: to have lunch
zum Ritter schlagen {v} :: knight (to confer a knighthood upon)
zum Schluss kommen {v} :: to conclude
zum Teil {adv} :: partly, in part
zum Tragen kommen {v} [idiom] :: to have an effect
zumüllen {v} :: to litter
zumüllen {v} :: to spam
zumutbar {adj} :: reasonable
zumuten {v} :: to demand
zumuten {v} :: to put through (cause to endure)
Zumutung {f} :: imposition, impertinence
zum Verkauf anbieten {v} :: to put on the block
zum Wohl {interj} [formal] :: cheers (toast when drinking)
zum Wohl {interj} :: Bless you (a response to someone sneezing)
zum Zuge kommen {v} [idiom] :: to (be able to) come into play, be involved
zun {contraction} [, obsolete or dialectal] :: to or for the (contraction of zu + den)
zunächst {adv} :: first of all, in the first place
zunächst {adv} :: initially
zunächst {adv} :: to begin with
Zunahme {f} :: increase
Zunahme {f} :: short for Gewichtszunahme
Zunahmi {m} [colloquial, jocular] :: a sudden and large weight gain
Zuname {m} :: surname
zündeln {vt} :: to play with fire
zünden {v} :: to kindle
zünden {v} :: to ignite a fire or any comparable combustion
Zunder {m} :: tinder
Zünder {m} :: fuse in an explosive, pyrotechnic device or military munition
Zünder {m} [Austria, plural only] :: matchsticks
Zündfunke {m} :: ignition spark
Zündholz {n} :: match (device to make fire)
Zündhölzchen {n} :: diminutive of Zündholz
Zündhölzlein {n} :: diminutive of Zündholz
Zündkerze {f} :: spark plug (device that forms a high-voltage spark for fuel ignition)
Zündmasse {f} :: tinder, kindling
Zündpunkt {m} :: ignition point
Zündquelle {f} :: ignition source
Zündschlüssel {m} :: ignition key, car key
Zündschnur {f} :: fuse [explosives ignition mechanism]
Zündstrick {m} :: fuse
Zündtemperatur {f} :: ignition temperature
Zündung {f} :: ignition
zunehmen {v} :: to increase
zunehmen {v} :: to gain weight
zunehmend {adj} :: increasing, growing, mounting
Zuneigung {f} :: affection, attachment
Zunft {f} :: guild of craftsmen
Zunft {f} :: craft
Zunft {f} :: brotherhood
zünftig {adj} :: belonging to a guild
zünftig {adj} :: incorporated
zünftig {adj} :: expert, professional, skilled, competent
zünftig {adj} [colloquial] :: proper, thorough
Zunge {f} :: tongue (organ in the mouth)
Zunge {f} :: tongue (flap in a shoe)
Zungenbein {n} :: hyoid bone
Zungenblüte {f} :: ray flower, ray floret
Zungenbrecher {m} :: tongue twister
Zungenkuss {m} :: French kiss
Zungenlaut {m} [phonetics] :: lingual
Zungenreden {n} :: glossolalia (speaking in tongues)
Zungenspitze {f} :: tip of the tongue
zunichtemachen {v} :: to ruin, to dash, to defeat
zunicken {v} :: to nod (to/at)
zunutze {adv} :: For the purpose or benefit (of)
zunutze machen {vr} :: to make use of, to take advantage of
zuordenbar {adj} [with dative] :: assignable; capable of being assigned to
zuordnen {v} :: to assign
Zuordnung {f} :: assignment, classification
zupacken {v} :: to grab
zupacken {v} :: to knuckle down
zupasskommen {v} [formal] :: to be appropriate for
zupfen {v} :: to pluck
Zupfinstrument {n} [music] :: plucked string instrument
Zupfinstrumentenbauer {m} :: plucked string instrument maker (a luthier specialized in the production of string instruments that are plucked or strummed, such as guitars, lutes, mandolins, harps, etc.)
Zupfinstrumentenhersteller {m} [music] :: manufacturer of plucked string instruments
zu Potte kommen {v} [colloquial] :: to start to work with reasonable efficiency towards the end
zuppen {v} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] :: alternative form of zupfen
zuprosten {vt} :: to toast to
zur- {prefix} :: obsolete form of zer-
zur {contraction} :: to the (contraction of zu + der)
zur Abwechslung {adv} :: for a change
Zürbelbaum {m} :: synonym of Zürbel
Zürcher {prop} {mf} :: surname deriving from the noun (someone from Zürich).
Zürcher {m} :: someone from Zürich
zurechnen {v} :: to account for, to classify as
zurecht- {prefix} :: Adverbial and separable verbal prefix indicating an improvement or a correction
zurecht- {prefix} :: Adverbial and separable verbal prefix indicating putting something into desired place or shape
zu Recht {adv} :: rightly, justly
zurechtkommen {v} [with preposition mit + dative] :: to cope (deal effectively with something)
zurechtkommen {v} :: to get on, get along with someone (have a good relationship)
zurechtkommen {vi} :: to get along (do or manage well enough)
zurechtmachen {v} :: to groom
zurechtmachen {v} :: to prepare [for use]
zurechtweisen {v} :: to reprimand, to rebuke
zurechtweisen {v} [dated] :: to show the right way
Zurechtweisung {f} :: rebuke, reprimand
zurechtzimmern {v} [colloquial] :: to jury-rig, to MacGyver
zureichend {adj} :: adequate, sufficient
Zürgel {f} :: hackberry, nettle tree (Celtis gen. et spp.)
Zürgelbaum {m} :: synonym of Zürgel
zur Genüge {adv} [dated] :: enough, a sufficient amount
zur Genüge {adv} [idiomatic] :: more than enough; more than one can bear; too long a time
Zürich {prop} {n} :: Zürich (capital city)
Zürich {prop} {n} :: Zürich (canton)
Züricher {m} :: Zuricher
zurichten {v} :: to hurt
zurichten {v} :: to finish
zur Kasse bitten {v} [idiomatic] :: to charge [literally: to ask to the cash desk]
Zurndorf {prop} {n} :: Zurndorf (municipality)
zürnen {v} :: [dative object] to be angry with
zurren {v} [nautical] :: to fasten freight with ropes
zurren {v} [rare as a simplex, but common in compounds] :: to tie a cord so as to fasten something (e.g. bathing trunks)
zurren {v} [colloquial, regional, perhaps dated] :: to pull; to drag (in general)
zur Salzsäule erstarren {v} [idiomatic] :: to become immobilized with fear
zur Schau stellen {v} :: to show, to display
Zurschaustellen {n} :: display, exhibition
Zur-Schau-Stellen {n} :: alternative form of Zurschaustellen
Zurschaustellung {f} :: display, exhibition
zur Seite {adv} :: aside; to the side
zur Sprache kommen {v} [idiom] :: to come up for discussion
zurück- {prefix} :: back (adverb)
zurück {adv} :: back, backwards, to the rear
zurück {interj} :: stand back!
zurückbekommen {v} :: to get back (to retrieve, to have an item returned)
zurückbilden {vr} :: to regress
zurückbleiben {v} :: to remain, to stay behind
zurückblicken {v} :: to look back
zurückbringen {v} :: to bring back, recall, restore
zurückdenken {v} :: to think back
zurückdrängen {vt} :: to push back, to repel
zurückfahren {vi} :: to go back
zurückfahren {vt} :: to drive back
zurückfallen {v} :: to fall back; to fall backwards
zurückfallen {v} :: to fall behind; to drop behind
zurückfallen {v} [with in + accusative] :: to fall back into; to relapse
zurückfallen {v} [with auf + accusative] :: to be allotted to (someone) after others proved unable or declined
zurückfallen {v} [with auf + accusative] :: to redound to; to harm (someone) who is only indirectly involved, especially in terms of their reputation
zurückfordern {vt} :: to demand back
zurückführen {v} :: To restore or return
zurückführen {v} :: To repatriate
zurückführen {v} :: To ascribe
zurückgeben {v} :: to give back, return
zurückgeführt {v} :: past participle of zurückführen
zurückgeführt {adj} :: recycled
zurückgegangen {v} :: past participle of zurückgehen
zurückgegriffen {v} :: past participle of zurückgreifen
zurückgehen {v} :: To go back, return (to a place)
zurückgehen {v} :: To decline, abate
zurückgelassen {v} :: past participle of zurücklassen
zurückgenommen {v} :: past participle of zurücknehmen
zurückgewandt {v} :: past participle of zurückwenden
zurückgewendet {v} :: past participle of zurückwenden
zurückgreifen {v} :: To fall back (on)
zurückgreifen {v} :: To go back (to)
zurückgreifen {v} :: To resort (to)
zurückgreifen {v} :: To revert (to)
zurückhalten {vt} :: to hold back
zurückhalten {vr} :: to hold back
zurückhalten {vr} :: to hold onto oneself
Zurückhaltung {f} :: restraint; reservation, reservedness
Zurückhaltung {f} :: retention
zurückholen {vt} :: to retrieve, to get back
zurückkaufen {vt} :: to buy back
zurückkehren {v} :: to return
zurückkommen {v} :: to return (to come back)
Zurückkommen {n} :: return
zurücklassen {v} :: to leave behind
zurücklassen {v} :: to let return
zurücklegen {vt} :: to put back
zurücklegen {vt} :: to put aside
zurücklegen {vr} :: to recline
zurücklegen {vt} :: to cover, travel [a distance]
zurückliegen {v} :: to trail, to lag behind
zurückliegen {v} :: to have taken place [in the past]
zurückliegend {adj} :: supine
zurückliegend {adj} :: ago (gone by)
zurückmachen {vr} :: to go back, to return
zurückmelden {vr} :: to report back
zurücknehmen {v} :: To withdraw, retract
zurücknehmen {v} :: To redeem
zurücknehmen {v} :: To recant
zurücknehmen {v} :: To revoke
zurückrufen {v} [telephone] :: to call back, to ring back
zurückschicken {vt} :: to send back, to return
zurückschlagen {v} :: to retaliate
zurückschrecken {v} :: to recoil
zurückschreiben {v} [computing] :: to write back (data)
Zurückschreiben {n} [computing] :: writeback
zurücksetzen {v} :: to reset
zurückspulen {vt} :: to rewind, to wind back
zurückstehen {vt} :: to stand back
zurücktreten {v} :: to step back
zurücktreten {v} [from an office] :: to resign, to step down
zurücktreten {v} [from a contract] :: to rescind, to cancel
zurückverfolgen {v} :: to trace back
zurückversetzen {v} :: to set back
zurückversetzen {v} :: to demote
zurückversetzen {v} :: to relegate
zurückweisen {v} :: to reject [an accusation, a statement, etc.]
Zurückweisung {f} :: rejection, repudiation, rebuttal
Zurückweisung {f} :: refusal, rebuff
zurückwenden {v} :: to turn back
zurückwollen {vi} :: to want to go back
zurückwollen {vt} :: to want to have back
zurückzahlen {v} [finance or figuratively] :: to pay back
Zurückzahlung {f} [finance] :: payback
zurückziehen {vt} :: to pull back, to withdraw
zurückziehen {vr} :: to retreat
zurückzucken {v} :: to recoil
zur Verfügung stellen {v} :: to supply; to provide; to allocate; to make available (for use)
zurzeit {adv} :: currently
zur Zeit {adv} :: at the time
zur Zeit {adv} [dated] :: currently, at the moment
Zusage {f} :: covenant (binding agreement)
zusagen {v} [of an invitation] :: to accept, to promise to come
zusagen {v} [with dative] :: to please; to appeal to
zusagen {v} :: to pledge, to promise
zusammen- {prefix} :: A prefix; together
zusammen {adv} :: together, jointly
Zusammenarbeit {f} :: collaboration, cooperation, teamwork
zusammenarbeiten {v} :: to work together, to cooperate
zusammenbinden {v} :: To attach or fasten things by string or the like
zusammenbrauen {v} [colloquial] :: to brew, to concoct (sometimes suggesting contempt or lack of skill)
zusammenbrauen {vr} :: to brew (to be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, or gathering)
zusammenbrechen {v} :: to break down, collapse
Zusammenbruch {m} :: collapse
Zusammenbruch {m} :: crash
Zusammenbruch {m} :: breakdown
zusammendrängen {vt} :: to condense
zusammendrängen {vt} :: to crowd together
zusammendrücken {v} :: To compress; press together
Zusammenfall {m} :: collapse
Zusammenfall {m} :: merger
zusammenfallen {v} :: to collapse
zusammenfallen {v} :: to merge; to fall together; to coincide
zusammenfalten {vt} :: to fold up
zusammenfassen {v} :: to summarize, to sum up
zusammenfassen {v} :: to consolidate
zusammenfassend {adj} :: summarizing
Zusammenfassung {f} :: summary, compilation, summing up, recapitulation
Zusammenfassung {f} :: abstract, synopsis
Zusammenfassung {f} :: résumé
Zusammenfassung {f} :: précis
Zusammenfluss {m} :: confluence
zusammenfügen {v} :: to join together, to connect, to assemble
Zusammenfügung {f} :: joining, junction
zusammenführen {v} :: to combine, to merge
zusammenführen {v} :: to bring together
zusammenführen {v} :: to reunite
zusammenführen {v} [Austria, colloquial, of people, animals] :: to run over, knock over
Zusammenführung {f} :: merging, aggregation
zusammengebacken {v} :: past participle of zusammenbacken - caked
zusammengebracht {v} :: past participle of zusammenbringen - brought together
zusammengedrückt {v} :: past participle of zusammendrücken
zusammengefallen {v} :: past participle of zusammenfallen
zusammengefaßt {v} :: obsolete spelling of zusammengefasst
zusammengefügt {v} :: past participle of zusammenfügen
zusammengehalten {v} :: past participle of zusammenhalten
zusammengehören {v} :: to belong together
zusammengehörig {adj} :: related
zusammengehörig {adj} :: belonging together
Zusammengehörigkeit {f} :: togetherness
Zusammengehörigkeit {f} :: solidarity
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl {n} :: [feeling of] belonging, solidarity
zusammengekommen {v} :: past participle of zusammenkommen
zusammengenommen {v} :: past participle of zusammennehmen
zusammengescharrt {v} :: past participle of zusammenscharren
zusammengesetzt {adj} :: composite, compound
zusammengestrebt {v} :: past participle of zusammenstreben
zusammengestürzt {v} :: past participle of zusammenstürzen
zusammengewachsen {v} :: past participle of zusammenwachsen
zusammengewachsen {adj} :: intergrown
zusammengewachsen {adj} :: close-knit
Zusammenhalt {m} :: cohesion; solidarity
zusammenhalten {v} :: to hold together, to keep together
Zusammenhang {m} :: coherence, cohesion
Zusammenhang {m} :: interrelation, connection, connectivity, relation, nexus, link
Zusammenhang {m} :: context
zusammenhängen {v} :: to interrelate, connect
zusammenhängend {adj} :: coherent
zusammenhängend {adj} :: cohesive
zusammenhängend {adj} :: related, connected, interrelated
zusammenhängend {adj} :: contiguous, continuous
zusammenhängend {adj} [math] :: connected
zusammenkehren {vt} [chiefly Southern Germany, Austria] :: to pile up
zusammenkehren {vt} [Austria] :: to sweep up
Zusammenklang {m} :: "sounding together", a pitch simultaneity, sonority, or a chord in the sense of independent entities sounding together
zusammenkleben {vt} :: to glue (together)
zusammenkleben {vi} :: to stick (together)
zusammenkneifen {vt} :: to pinch together, squeeze together
zusammenkommen {v} :: to come/get together
Zusammenkunft {f} :: meeting (gathering for a purpose)
zusammenleben {vi} :: To live together
zusammenleben {vr} :: To adapt to each other
Zusammenleben {n} :: living together
zusammenleimen {vt} :: to glue together
zusammenlügen {v} :: to boldly lie
zusammennehmen {v} :: To add up, total
zusammennehmen {v} :: To sum up
zusammennehmen {v} :: To summon, summon up, muster, muster up
zusammennehmen {vr} :: To pull together, compose
zusammenpassen {v} :: to fit together
zusammenpassend {adj} :: matching
zusammenpassender {adj} :: comparative of zusammenpassend
zusammenpassendsten {adj} :: superlative of zusammenpassend
zusammenraffen {v} :: to gather together
Zusammenrechnung {f} :: aggregation
zusammenreimen {vr} :: to figure out
zusammenreißen {vr} :: to pull oneself together
zusammenrollen {vt} :: to roll up
zusammenrollen {vr} :: to curl up, to roll up (into a ball)
zusammenrücken {v} :: to move together, push together
Zusammenrückung {f} [linguistics] :: univerbation
zusammenscharren {v} :: to scrape up, scrape together
zusammenscharren {v} :: to gather
zusammenschließen {vr} :: to unite, to merge
Zusammenschluss {m} :: union, federation, merger, amalgamation, alliance
Zusammenschluß {noun} :: alternative form of Zusammenschluss
zusammenschrumpfen {v} :: to shrivel (up), to shrink
zusammenschweißen {vt} :: to weld together
zusammensetzen {v} :: To assemble, compose (put together)
zusammensetzt {v} :: past participle of zusammensetzen
Zusammensetzung {f} [grammar] :: composition
Zusammensetzung {f} [grammar] :: compound (word)
Zusammensetzung {f} [chemistry] :: composition (of a substance, of matter)
zusammensparen {v} :: to save up
Zusammenspiel {n} :: interaction, interplay, cooperation, teamwork
zusammenstellen {v} :: to compose, to compile
Zusammenstellung {f} :: composition
Zusammenstoß {m} :: collision
zusammenstoßen {v} :: to collide
zusammenstreben {v} :: to converge
zusammenstürzen {v} :: to collapse
zusammentun {v} :: to combine
zusammentun {vr} :: to join forces
zusammenzählen {vt} :: to add up, to add together, to sum up
Zusammenzählung {f} :: adding, addition, aggregation, accumulation, sum (act or process of adding; the arithmetic operation of adding; quantity obtained by addition or aggregation)
zusammenziehen {v} :: To shorten, to contract
zusammenziehen {v} :: To move in together; to shack up
Zusammenziehung {f} [also, linguistics] :: contraction
Zusammenziehung {f} :: concentration, gathering; constriction
Zusammenziehungszeichen {n} [typography] :: contraction mark
Zusatz {m} :: addition, additive
Zusatzartikel {m} :: amendment
zusätzlich {adj} :: additional, in addition
zusätzlich {adj} :: ancillary
Zusatzstoff {m} :: additive
zuscharren {vt} :: to cover [i.e. by scraping stuff onto it]
zu schätzen wissen {v} :: to appreciate (be grateful for; view as valuable)
zuschauen {v} :: to look on
zuschauen {v} :: to watch
Zuschauer {m} :: agent noun of zuschauen
Zuschauer {m} :: spectator
Zuschauer {m} :: viewer
Zuschauer {m} [in plural] :: audience
zuschieben {vt} :: to push shut
zuschieben {vt} :: to push [to someone]
zuschießen {v} [sports] :: to pass
Zuschlag {m} :: surcharge, additional charge, extra fee
Zuschlag {m} :: extra pay, bonus, premium, compensation, supplement (for example for weekend or holiday work)
Zuschlag {m} :: ("den Zuschlag erhalten") to be knocked down, to go to someone, to declare (something) sold with a blow from the gavel (at an auction)
Zuschlag {m} :: ("den Zuschlag erhalten") to be awarded the contract (in contract bidding, tendering)
zuschlagen {vi} :: to avail oneself of one’s muscular power and direct it to a striking face
zuschlagen {vi} :: to take one’s chance, to commence to act provided the sudden opportunity
zuschlagen {vt} :: to slam, to whack in such a fashion that it is afterwards closed
zuschlagen {vt} :: by continuous strikes or blows with an instrument achieve that a thing is afterwards sealed or locked
zuschlagen {v} [ditransitive] :: to give the knock on to, to distribute to, to whack, to pronounce to belong to, to add to how much someone or somebody is worth
zuschlagen {v} [ditransitive] :: by smacking achieve that a thing instantaneously moves somewhither, to hit and thus pass to
Zuschlagstoff {m} :: aggregate
zuschneiden {vt} :: to tailor
Zuschnitt {m} :: cutting, cut
Zuschnitt {m} :: tailoring
Zuschnitt {m} [figurative] :: shape, profile
Zuschnitt {m} :: layout [of an area]
Zuschnitt {m} :: format
zuschreiben {v} :: to credit, impute, refer (attribute or ascribe a cause or feature to someone or something)
Zuschuss {m} :: allowance, benefit, subsidy, grant
Zuschuß {noun} :: alternative spelling of Zuschuss
zusehen {v} [+ dative or + subclause with wie] :: to watch
zusehen {v} [+ subclause, usually with dass] :: to see; to make sure (that something happens)
zusehends {adv} :: noticeably, visibly
zusehends {adv} :: rapidly
zusenden {v} :: to submit, to send
zusetzen {vt} [+ dative] :: to add a substance to another
zusetzen {vt} :: to give or expend something from one’s reserves
zusetzen {vr} :: to become clogged
zusetzen {vi} [+ dative] :: to badger, to afflict (with words or physically)
zusetzen {v} [colloquial, especially, northern and western Germany] :: alternative form of dazusetzen
zusichern {v} :: to pledge
zu sich kommen {v} :: to come to; to regain consciousness or calm after fainting, shock, rage, etc
Zuspiel {n} [sports] :: pass
zuspielen {v} [sport] :: to pass
zuspitzen {v} :: to sharpen, to point
zuspitzen {v} [figurative] :: to sharpen, to narrow down, to aggravate, to exaggerate
zuspitzen {vr} :: to taper
zuspitzen {vr} [figurative] :: to get worse, to escalate, to come to a head
Zuspitzung {f} :: tapering
Zuspitzung {f} [figuratively] :: worsening, deterioration, intensification, escalation, culmination
zusprechen {vt} :: to grant
zusprechen {vt} :: to comfort
Zuspruch {m} :: encouragement
Zuspruch {m} :: popularity
Zustand {m} :: condition; state
Zustand {m} [software, design] :: The state pattern
zustande kommen {v} :: to come about
zuständig {adj} :: competent, cognizant (having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue or question)
zuständig {adj} :: responsible, in charge (having the responsibility of leading or overseeing)
zuständig {adj} :: in charge, entrusted, authorized (having been entrusted or authorized to do a certain task)
Zuständigkeit {f} [legal] :: responsibility
Zuständigkeitsbereich {m} [law] :: field of responsibility, area of competence; jurisdiction
Zuständigkeitskette {f} [computing] :: chain-of-responsibility pattern
zustandlos {adj} [computer] :: stateless
zustandsorientiert {adj} [computer] :: stateful
zustecken {v} :: to slip [covertly pass something to someone]
zustecken {v} :: to pin shut
zustehen {v} :: to be entitled
zustehen {v} [obsolete] :: to occur
zustellen {vt} :: to block (fill up with items, making it impossible to pass)
zustellen {vt} :: to deliver (a letter, parcel etc.)
Zustellung {f} :: delivery
zustimmen {v} :: to agree
Zustimmung {f} :: agreement (expression or indication that an agreement has been reached)
Zustimmung {f} :: approval
Zustimmung {f} :: consent
zustopfen {vt} :: to plug
zustopfen {vt} :: to mend [i.e. a hole]
zustoßen {v} :: to happen to (especially something bad)
zustoßen {v} :: to push quickly and forcefully
zustreben {v} :: to head to, make for
zustürmen {v} :: to rush (auf up to)
zutage {adv} :: obviously, visibly, freely
zu Tage {adv} :: alternative form of zutage
Zutat {f} :: ingredient (one of the parts of a whole)
zuteilen {v} :: to assign
zuteilwerden {v} [formal, with dative] :: to be granted
zutiefst {adv} :: deeply
zu Tode kommen {v} [formal, idiom] :: to lose one's life
zutragen {v} :: to carry (something to someone)
zutragen {v} :: to report, inform (someone of something)
zutragen {v} :: to take place; to transpire
zuträglich {adj} :: beneficial
zutrauen {vt} :: to give (someone) credit for (something); to think (someone) is capable of (something)
zutrauen {vr} [dative, _] :: to dare
zutreffen {v} [with preposition: auf] :: to apply to, be applicable to
zutreffend {adj} :: applicable
zutreffend {adj} :: correct, appropriate, proper
zutreiben {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to drive towards
zutreiben {vt} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to drift towards
zutreten {vt} [with haben] :: to kick
zutreten {vt} [with sein] :: to step up to
Zutritt {m} :: access, admittance
Zutritt {m} :: entrance, entry
zutun {v} :: to close
zutun {v} :: clipping of dazutun [to add]
Zutun {n} :: assistance
zu Urkund dessen {phrase} [officialese] :: in faith hereof/thereof/whereof, in testimony hereof/thereof/whereof, in witness hereof/thereof/whereof
zuverlässig {adj} :: reliable, dependable, trustworthy
zuverlässig {adv} :: steadily, staunchly
zuverlässiger {adj} :: comparative of zuverlässig
Zuverlässigkeit {f} :: reliability, steadiness, trustworthiness
zuverlässigsten {adj} :: superlative of zuverlässig
Zuversicht {f} :: confidence
zuversichtlich {adj} :: confident
zu viel {adv} :: too much
zuviel {adv} :: alternative spelling of zu viel
Zuviel {n} :: excess
zuviel des Guten {phrase} :: too much of a good thing
zu viert {adv} :: in a group (or in groups) of four
zuvor {adv} :: before, previously
zuvorkommen {v} :: to pre-empt, to anticipate
zuvorkommend {adj} :: courteous
zuvorsagen {v} [obsolete] :: to predict
zuvortun {v} [with dative] :: to outdo [+ an (object) = etwas = at]
Zuwachs {m} :: growth, increase, increment
Zuwachs {m} :: children
Zuwachsrate {f} :: increment
Zuwachsrate {f} :: rate of growth
Zuwanderer {m} :: newcomer (male or of unspecified sex) (new resident from a different area in the same country)
Zuwanderer {m} :: immigrant (male or of unspecified sex)
zuwandern {v} :: to immigrate
Zuwanderung {f} :: immigration
zuweilen {adv} [formal] :: sometimes, occasionally, from time to time
zuweisen {v} :: to assign
zuweisen {v} [programming] :: to assign
Zuweisung {f} :: assignment
Zuweisung {f} :: allocation
zuwenden {vr} [with dative] :: to turn to; to devote oneself to
zuwenden {vt} [with dative] :: to turn something to something or toward something
Zuwendung {f} :: friendly and kind attention; loving care; love and care
Zuwendung {f} :: financial support, financial contribution, donation
zuwenig {adv} :: too little
zuwerfen {v} :: to throw [to someone]
zuwider {adj} :: abhorrent
zuwider {postp} :: contrary to
zuwiderhandeln {v} :: to contravene
Zuwiderhandlung {f} :: contravention
zuwinken {vt} :: to wave at, beckon
zu Wort kommen {v} :: to get a chance to speak
Zuzahlung {f} :: additional payment, copayment
zuziehen {vi} :: to move here; to come to a place (from the perspective of those already living there)
zuziehen {vt} :: to draw (together); to shut by pulling
zuziehen {vt} [with reflexive dative] :: to sustain, contract, incur, pick up
zuziehen {vr} [often, impersonal] :: to become cloudy; to cloud over
Zuzug {m} :: influx
Zuzug {m} :: immigration
Zuzug {m} :: moving in
zuzüglich {prep} :: plus [+ genitive]
zuzüglich {prep} :: excluding
zu zweit {adv} :: in a group (or in groups) of two; as a pair (or as pairs); by twos
zw. {prep} :: abbreviation of zwischen
zwacken {v} :: to pinch
zwaintzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
zwainzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
Zwang {m} :: compulsion, obligation
zwängen {v} :: to force, cram
zwanghaft {adj} :: compulsive
zwanglos {adj} :: casual, relaxed
Zwanglosigkeit {f} :: casualness, nonchalance, insouciance
Zwangsarbeit {f} :: forced labor
Zwangsarbeiter {m} :: forced laborer
Zwangsarbeiterin {f} :: feminine noun of Zwangsarbeiter
Zwangsehe {f} :: forced marriage
zwangseinweisen {v} :: to section (to subject a patient, usually a mental patient, to compulsory treatment in a clinic)
zwangsernähren {v} :: to force-feed
zwangsernährt {v} :: past participle of zwangsernähren
Zwangsernährung {f} :: force-feeding
Zwangsheirat {f} :: forced marriage
Zwangsjacke {f} :: straitjacket
Zwangslage {f} :: predicament
zwangsläufig {adj} :: compulsory, inevitable
Zwangsläufigkeit {f} :: inevitability, coerciveness
Zwangsstörung {f} :: obsessive-compulsive disorder
Zwangsurlaub {m} :: compulsory leave
Zwangsvorstellung {f} :: obsession
zwangsweise {adv} :: compulsorily
Zwanni {m} [colloquial] :: a twenty-currency note
zwantzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
zwäntzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
zwanzig {num} :: twenty
Zwanzig {f} :: twenty (number)
Zwanzigeck {n} :: icosagon
zwanzigeckig {adj} :: icosagonal
Zwanziger {m} :: Anything defined by the number twenty, especially:
Zwanziger {m} :: twenty (bill/note)
Zwanziger {m} :: A bus, train, etc. with that number
Zwanziger {m} :: A player, candidate, etc. with that number
Zwanziger {m} [in the plural] :: The twenties of a given century
Zwanziger {m} [in the plural] :: The twenties of a given life
Zwanziger {m} [chiefly in context] :: A person in their twenties
zwanzigfach {adj} :: twentyfold
Zwanzigflächner {m} [geometry] :: icosahedron
zwanzigjährig {adj} :: twenty-year
zwanzigjährig {adj} :: twenty-year-old
zwanzigköpfig {adj} :: twenty-headed
zwanzigköpfig {adj} :: of twenty (people)
zwanzigmal {adv} :: twenty times
zwanzigminütig {adj} :: twenty-minute
zwanzigmonatig {adj} :: 20-month; lasting 20 months (attributive)
zwanzigprozentig {adj} :: twenty-percent
zwanzigseitig {adj} :: twenty-page
zwanzigseitig {adj} :: twenty-sided, having twenty faces or edges; icosagonal
zwanzigste {ordinal num} :: twentieth
Zwanzigstel {n} {m} :: twentieth (fraction, part)
zwanzigstündig {adj} :: twenty-hour
zwanzigtägig {adj} :: twenty-day, lasting twenty days
zwanzigteilig {adj} :: twenty-part, twenty-piece, decapartite (consisting of twenty parts)
zwanzigwöchig {adj} :: twenty-week
zwar {adv} :: namely; only when used in und zwar
zwar {adv} :: Signals a following contrary clause, which is usually introduced with aber (but). Functions like einerseits (on the one hand) but does not require an andererseits (on the other hand). Approximately although; even though; now ..., but; indeed..., but, admittedly. Often rendered in English merely with tone of voice. Equivalent to Danish ganske vist, godt nok or Ancient Greek μέν
zwayntzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
Zweck {m} :: purpose, cause
Zweck {m} :: point
Zwecke {f} :: thumbtack
zweckentfremden {vt} :: to repurpose [for non-intended purposes]
zwecklos {adj} :: useless
Zwecklosigkeit {f} :: futility, uselessness
zweckmässig {adj} :: alternative spelling of zweckmäßig
zweckmäßig {adj} :: advisable
zweckmäßig {adj} :: practical
zweckmäßiger {adj} :: comparative of zweckmäßig
zweckmäßigerweise {adv} :: expediently
zweckmäßigerweise {adv} :: advantageously
Zweckmäßigkeit {f} :: expediency, appropriateness
zweckmäßigsten {adj} :: superlative of zweckmäßig
Zweckoptimismus {m} :: calculated optimism
Zweckpessimismus {m} :: calculated pessimism
Zweckrationalität {f} :: instrumental rationality
zwecks {prep} :: for the purpose of [followed by a noun in the genitive case]
zwei {num} :: two (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 2; or describing a set with two components)
Zwei {f} :: two (digit or figure)
Zwei {f} [Germany] :: An academic grade indicating "good", corresponding roughly to a B in English-speaking countries
zweiachsig {adj} :: biaxial
zweiatomig {adj} :: diatomic
zweibeinig {adj} :: bipedal, two-legged (having two legs)
Zweibrücken {prop} {n} :: Zweibrücken (independent city)
zweideutig {adj} :: ambiguous
zweidimensional {adj} :: two-dimensional
zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke {proverb} :: great minds think alike/fools seldom differ (literally: two fools, one thought)
zweieinhalb {num} :: two and a half
Zweier {m} [colloquial] :: two-cent coin, two-euro coin
Zweier {m} [rowing] :: double; pair
Zweier {m} [regional] :: two (digit, figure)
Zweier {m} [golf] :: a game between two single players
Zweier {m} [Swiss] :: two deciliters of a liquid
zweierlei {adv} :: In two manners, in a double sense
Zweierlogarithmus {m} :: binary logarithm
zweifach {adj} :: twofold, double
zweifach {adj} :: dual
zweifach {adj} :: duplicate
zweifach {adv} :: twofold, twice
Zweifamilienhaus {n} :: duplex, two-family house
Zweifamilienwohnhaus {n} :: duplex, two-family house
Zweifel {m} :: doubt
zweifelhaft {adj} :: doubtful, dubious, questionable
zweifelhafter {adj} :: comparative of zweifelhaft
zweifelhaftesten {adj} :: superlative of zweifelhaft
zweifellos {adv} :: undoubtedly, doubtless
zweifeln {v} :: to doubt, to be doubtful (an etwas = of something)
Zweifelsfall {m} :: case of doubt
zweifelsohne {adv} :: undoubtedly
zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen {v} [idiomatic] :: kill two birds with one stone
zweifüssig {adj} :: alternative spelling of zweifüßig
zweifüßig {adj} :: two-footed
Zweifüssigkeit {f} :: alternative spelling of Zweifüßigkeit
Zweifüßigkeit {f} :: bipedalism, bipedality
Zweig {m} :: branch, twig
Zweig {m} [figurative] :: branch; section
Zweigeschlecht {n} [rare] :: hermaphrodite
zweigeschlechtig {adj} [botany] :: bisexual (having both male and female organs)
Zweihänder {m} :: A 14th century two-handed sword
zweihundert {num} :: two hundred
zweihundertjährig {adj} :: two-hundred-year
zweihundertjährig {adj} :: two-hundred-year-old
zweihundertste {ordinal num} :: two-hundredth
zweijährig {adj} :: biennial
Zweikampf {m} :: duel (combat between two persons)
Zweikampf {m} :: biathlon
Zweiklang {m} [music] :: A dyad
zweimal {adv} :: twice
zweimal hinsehen müssen {v} :: to do a double take
zweimalig {adj} :: two-time
zweiminütig {adj} :: two-minute
zweimonatig {adj} :: two-month (attributive)
zweimonatlich {adj} :: bimonthly (once every two months)
zweintzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
zweinzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
zweiprozentig {adj} :: two-percent
Zweisamkeit {f} [slightly colloquial] :: togetherness, intimacy between two persons, most often romantic; tête-à-tête
zweischneidig {adj} [literally and figuratively] :: double-edged, two-edged
zweiseitig {adj} :: two-page
zweisilbig {adj} :: disyllabic
Zweisitzer {m} :: two-seater
zweisprachig {adj} :: bilingual
zweisprachig {adj} [of a book, etc.] :: containing text in two languages
zweisprachig {adj} [of a person] :: able to communicate in two languages
Zweisprachigkeit {f} :: bilingualism
Zweistromland {prop} {n} :: Mesopotamia (region between Euphrates and Tigris)
zweistündig {adj} :: two-hour (attributive)
zweit {particle} :: only used in zu zweit
zweitägig {adj} :: two-day (attributive)
Zweitaktmotor {m} :: two-stroke engine
zweite {ordinal num} :: second
Zweite {f} :: female runner-up
zweiteilen {v} :: To split in two, to bisect, to halve
zweite Lautverschiebung {prop} {f} :: High German consonant shift
zweitens {adv} :: secondly
Zweiter {m} :: runner-up
Zweiter Golfkrieg {prop} {m} :: the Gulf War of 1990/91
Zweiter Weltkrieg {prop} {m} :: the Second World War, World War II
Zweites Reich {prop} {n} :: Second Reich
zweite Wahl {f} [literally] :: A second choice
zweite Wahl {f} [figuratively] :: Something of inferior quality, e.g. manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards
Zweite Welt {prop} {f} :: Second World
Zweitfrau {f} :: second wife
zweitgrößte {adj} :: second largest, biggest
zweithäufigste {adj} :: second most common
zweithöchst {adj} :: second highest
zweitklassig {adj} :: second-class, second-rate
zweitleichtest {adj} :: second-lightest
Zweitor {n} :: quadripole, two-port network
zweitrangig {adj} :: secondary, second rate, second class
Zweitrangigkeit {f} :: secondariness
Zweitsprache {f} [education] :: A learned second language
Zweitspracherwerb {m} [linguistics] :: second language acquisition
Zweitwohnung {f} :: pied-à-terre; second home (a secondary place to live, e.g. for someone who works far away from their family home)
zweiundachtzig {num} :: eighty-two (82)
zweiundachtzigste {ordinal num} :: eighty-second
zweiunddreissig {num} :: alternative spelling of zweiunddreißig
Zweiunddreissig {f} :: alternative spelling of Zweiunddreißig
zweiunddreißig {num} :: thirty-two (32)
Zweiunddreißig {f} :: thirty-two (number)
Zweiunddreissigeck {n} :: alternative spelling of Zweiunddreißigeck
Zweiunddreißigeck {n} :: triacontadigon: a thirty-two sided polygon, a polygon with 32 vertices
zweiunddreißigste {ordinal num} :: thirty-second
Zweiunddreissigstel {m} {n} :: alternative spelling of Zweiunddreißigstel
Zweiunddreißigstel {n} {m} :: thirty-second (fraction, part)
zweiundfünfzig {num} :: fifty-two (52)
zweiundfünfzigste {ordinal num} :: fifty-second
zweiundneunzig {num} :: ninety-two (92)
zweiundneunzigste {ordinal num} :: ninety-second
zweiundsechzig {num} :: sixty-two (62)
zweiundsechzigste {ordinal num} :: sixty-second
zweiundsiebzig {num} :: seventy-two (72)
zweiundsiebzigste {ordinal num} :: seventy-second
zweiundvierzig {num} :: forty-two
zweiundvierzigste {ordinal num} :: forty-second
zweiundzwanzig {num} :: twenty-two
zweiundzwanzigfach {adj} :: twenty-two-fold
zweiundzwanzigjährig {adj} :: twenty-two-year-old
zweiundzwanzigmal {adv} :: twenty-two times
zweiundzwanzigste {ordinal num} :: twenty-second
zweiundzwanzigstündig {adj} :: twenty-two-hour
zweiwertig {adj} :: bivalent, divalent
zweiwöchentlich {adj} :: fortnightly; occurring every two weeks
zweiwöchig {adj} :: lasting two weeks, two weeks old
Zweizahl {f} [grammar] :: dual, dual number
Zwerchfell {n} [anatomy] :: diaphragm
Zwerchfell {n} [anatomy] :: midriff
Zwerchhaus {n} :: dormer
Zwerg {m} :: dwarf, midget
Zwerg {m} [mythology] :: gnome
Zwergchen {n} :: diminutive of Zwerg
Zwergenwerfen {n} :: dwarf tossing, midget tossing
Zwergin {f} :: dwarfess, female midget
Zwergkolibri {m} :: The vervain hummingbird, Mellisuga minima
Zwerglein {n} :: diminutive of Zwerg
Zwergohreule {f} :: scops owl
Zwergpinguin {m} :: little penguin
Zwergpinscher {m} :: Miniature Pinscher
Zwergplanet {m} :: dwarf planet
Zwergpudel {m} :: a miniature poodle between 28 and 34 cm
Zwergschimpanse {m} :: a pygmy chimpanzee
Zwergschnäpper {m} :: the red-breasted flycatcher (a bird in the flycatcher family, Ficedula parva)
Zwergschwan {m} :: Bewick's swan
Zwergspitz {m} :: Dwarf-Spitz, Pomeranian dog
Zwergstrandläufer {m} [ornithology] :: the little stint (bird of the species Calidris minuta)
Zwetsche {f} [regional, chiefly Northern Germany] :: alternative form of Zwetschge
Zwetschge {f} :: freestone damson (Prunus domestica subsp. domestica)
Zwetschgendatschi {m} [Austria] :: plum sheetcake
Zwetschke {f} [Austria] :: alternative form of Zwetschge
zwey {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwei
zweyntzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
zweynzig {num} :: obsolete spelling of zwanzig
Zwick {m} :: pinch
Zwickau {prop} {n} :: Zwickau (city)
Zwickelbier {n} :: A kind of German beer, a weaker and less hoppy variant of Kellerbier
Zwickelhahn {m} :: A siphon used by a brewmaster to extract a small amount of beer from the barrel
zwicken {v} :: to pinch
Zwicker {m} :: pince-nez
Zwickmühle {f} [nine men's morris] :: double mill
Zwickmühle {f} [figurative] :: dilemma; Catch-22; quagmire; predicament; quandary (position in which one will suffer great disadvantage however one reacts)
zwie- {prefix} :: twi-
Zwieback {m} :: zwieback (toasted sweetened bread)
Zwiebel {f} :: onion (typically Allium cepa, the plant or its bulb)
Zwiebel {f} :: bulb (of a plant)
Zwiebelfisch {m} [printing] :: A character that is by mistake printed in a font different from the rest
Zwiebelfisch {m} :: misprint
Zwiebelkuchen {m} :: onion pie, onion cake, onion tart
Zwiebelmett {noun} :: Mett (seasoned minced meat) prepared with chopped onion
Zwiebelring {m} :: onion ring
Zwiebelsuppe {f} [food] :: onion soup
Zwiebelturm {m} [architecture] :: onion dome (onion-shaped dome)
zwiefach {adj} [dated] :: alternative form of zweifach
zwiefältig {adj} :: double
Zwielaut {m} :: diphthong
Zwielicht {n} :: twilight
zwielichtig {adj} :: dubious, shady
Zwiespalt {m} :: conflict, dissension, discord, dilemma
Zwiespalt {m} :: at odds with itself
Zwiespalt {m} [geography] :: gulf
zwiespältig {adj} :: ambivalent (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings)
zwiespältiger {adj} :: comparative of zwiespältig
zwiespältigsten {adj} :: superlative of zwiespältig
Zwiesprache {f} :: dialogue
Zwietracht {f} [formal] :: discord (dissension)
Zwille {f} :: slingshot
Zwille {f} [regional] :: alternative form of Zwiesel
Zwilling {m} :: twin (male or female; the feminine form Zwillingin is rare)
Zwilling {m} [in compounds] :: twin (used as a component in numerous compound words such as Zwillingstürme (Twin Towers) and Zwillingstriebwerksdüsenjet (twin-engine jet aircraft), with (one or more hyphens) or without hyphens depending on the word's length and the taste of the writer)
Zwillinge {prop} {p} [zodiac constellations, astrology] :: Gemini
Zwillingsbruder {m} :: twin brother
Zwillingsschwester {f} :: twin sister
Zwingburg {f} :: stronghold built for the purpose of suppressing the local population
zwingen {vtr} :: to force; to compel; to make (someone do something)
zwingen {vi} [with "zu ..."] :: to necessitate; to call for
Zwinger {m} :: courtyard
Zwinger {m} :: kennel
Zwingherr {m} [chiefly historical] :: tyrant, despot
zwinkern {v} :: to blink
zwinkern {v} :: to wink
Zwinkern {n} [of the eyes] :: blink, wink
Zwirn {m} :: thread; string
Zwirn {m} :: yarn; twisted fabric
zwirnen {vt} :: To twine
zwirnen {adj} [attributive] :: (made of) thread
zwischen- {prefix} :: A prefix;
zwischen {prep} :: between
zwischen {prep} :: among, amongst
Zwischenablage {f} [computing] :: clipboard
Zwischenbilanz {f} :: interim result
zwischenblenden {v} [film, TV] :: to transition [i.e. between slides, scenes, etc.]
zwischen den Jahren {adv} :: the time around Christmas and New Year, with different precise understandings:
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [strictest] :: between Christmas and New Year: December 27 to 31
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [most usual] :: from Christmas Eve through New Year: December 24 to January 1
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [broader] :: from Christmas Eve through Epiphany: December 24 to January 6
zwischen den Jahren {adv} [broadest] :: during the Christmas vacation: maximally December 21 to January 8 (depending on the year and jurisdiction)
zwischen den Zeilen lesen {v} :: to read between the lines
zwischendurch {adv} :: in between times; (in the) meantime
zwischendurch {adv} :: on the side
zwischendurch {adv} :: in between (two places etc.)
Zwischenfall {m} :: incident
Zwischenhoch {n} [meteorology] :: ridge of high pressure
Zwischenhoch {n} [by extension] :: interim high
Zwischenkriegszeit {f} :: interbellum, interwar period (time between two wars)
Zwischenkriegszeit {f} [historical] :: the period between World War I and World War II (1918 to 1939)
Zwischenlager {n} :: intermediate storage
zwischenlagern {v} :: to temporarily store
Zwischenlösung {f} :: interim solution, temporary solution
Zwischenmahlzeit {m} :: snack
zwischenmenschlich {adj} :: interpersonal
Zwischennutzung {f} :: temporary, interim usage
Zwischenprodukt {n} :: intermediate (product)
Zwischenraum {m} :: gap
Zwischenschicht {f} :: interlayer
zwischen Skylla und Charybdis sein {v} [idiom] :: to be between Scylla and Charybdis
Zwischenspeicher {m} [computing] :: cache
zwischenspeichern {v} [computing] :: to cache
Zwischenspiel {n} :: interlude; intermezzo
Zwischenstadt {f} :: A city outside on the outskirts of a major urban centre
Zwischenstufe {f} :: intermediate stage
Zwischenton {m} [colour] :: shade
Zwischenton {m} :: nuance
zwischen Tür und Angel {adv} [idiomatic] :: while standing; while in a hurry; in passing; in a situation where one does not have or take the time to do something properly
Zwischenwasser {prop} {n} :: Zwischenwasser (municipality)
Zwischenzeit {f} :: meantime, interim (period), intervening period, (First, Second, and Third) Intermediate Period (of Ancient Egypt), interval
zwischenzeitlich {adj} :: interim
zwischenzeitlich {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime
Zwischenzeugnis {n} :: mid-term report card
Zwist {m} :: discordance
zwistig {adj} [dated] :: quarrelling, in discord
Zwistigkeit {f} :: quarrel, dispute
zwitschern {v} :: to chirp, to tweet, to chatter, to twitter (make the sound of a bird)
zwitschern {v} :: to tell (somebody something) by hearsay or clandestinely
zwitschern {v} [chiefly either jocular or to avoid repitition] :: to tweet (post to Twitter)
Zwitter {m} :: hermaphrodite (individual or organism having both male and female gonads)
Zwitter {m} [figuratively, chiefly in compounds] :: hybrid (something of mixed components)
Zwitter {m} [obsolete] :: a child born of a relation considered illicit or incongruous (born out of wedlock, of different social classes, and/or of different races); a bastard; a mongrel
zwo {num} :: two
zwölf {num} :: twelve
Zwölf {f} :: twelve, a dozen
Zwölfaxing {prop} {n} :: Zwölfaxing (municipality)
Zwölfeck {n} :: dodecagon
zwölfeckig {adj} :: dodecagonal
Zwölfeckpyramide {f} :: dodecagonal pyramid
Zwölfeck-Pyramide {f} :: alternative spelling of Zwölfeckpyramide
Zwölfer {m} :: something with a number, value or size of twelve
zwölffach {adj} :: twelvefold
Zwölffingerdarm {m} :: duodenum
Zwölfflächner {m} [geometry] :: dodecahedron
zwölfhundert {num} :: twelve hundred
zwölfjährig {adj} :: twelve-year-old
zwölfköpfig {adj} :: twelve-headed
zwölfköpfig {adj} :: of twelve (people)
zwölfmal {adv} :: twelve times
zwölfminütig {adj} :: twelve-minute
zwölfmonatig {adj} :: twelve-month; lasting twelve months (attributive)
zwölfseitig {adj} :: twelve-page
zwölfseitig {adj} :: having twelve sides and twelve angles; dodecagonal
zwölfstündig {adj} :: twelve-hour; twelve-hour-long; lasting twelve hours (attributive)
zwölftägig {adj} :: twelve-day, lasting twelve days
zwölfte {ordinal num} :: twelfth
Zwölftel {n} {m} :: twelfth (fraction, part)
zwölfwöchig {adj} :: twelve-week
Zw.-Whg. {noun} :: abbreviation of Zweitwohnung
Zw.-Whgn. {noun} :: abbreviation of Zweitwohnungen
Zyanid {n} :: cyanide
Zyankali {n} :: potassium cyanide
Zyanose {f} [pathology] :: cyanosis
zygomorph {adj} [biology] :: zygomorphic
Zygote {f} :: zygote (fertilised egg cell)
zyklisch {adj} :: cyclic (characterized by, or moving in cycles)
Zyklon {m} :: cyclone
Zyklop {m} :: cyclops (giant of mythology)
Zyklus {m} :: cycle
Zylinder {m} :: cylinder
Zylinder {m} :: top hat
zylindrisch {adj} :: cylindrical
zylindrisch {adv} :: cylindrically
Zyniker {m} :: cynic
zynisch {adj} :: cynical
zynischer {adj} :: comparative of zynisch
zynischsten {adj} :: superlative of zynisch
Zynismus {m} :: cynicism
Zypern {prop} {n} :: Cyprus
Zyprer {m} :: Cypriot (A person from Cyprus or of Cypriotic descent)
Zyprerin {f} :: Cypriot (A female person from Cyprus or of Cypriotic descent)
Zypresse {f} :: cypress (tree)
Zypriot {m} :: Cypriot
zypriotisch {adj} :: Cypriot
zyprisch {adj} :: related to Cyprus; Cypriot
Zyste {f} :: cyst
Zystitis {f} :: cystitis
Zytochrom {n} :: cytochrome
Zytologie {f} :: cytology
Zytoplasma {n} :: cytoplasm
Zytose {f} :: cytosis
Zytosol {n} :: cytosol
Zytostatikum {n} :: cytostatic (drug)
zytostatisch {adj} :: cytostatic (tending to inhibit cell growth and multiplication)
Zytotoxin {n} :: cytotoxin
zz. {adv} :: abbreviation of zurzeit
zzgl. {prep} :: abbreviation of zuzüglich
zzt. {adv} :: abbreviation of zurzeit