- This module sandbox lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
local export = {}
This module contains data shared between [[Module:place/data]] and [[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places]].
You must load this module using require(), not using mw.loadData().
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local en_utilities_module = "Module:en-utilities"
local topic_cat_utilities_module = "Module:category tree/topic cat/utilities"
local dump = mw.dumpObject
--[==[ intro:
This module contains lists of all the toponyms (continents, countries, country subdivisions such as states and
provinces, and cities) and their properties, along with some information about placetypes (the remainder is found in
[[Module:place/data]]). See [[Module:place]] for a general introduction to the terminology associated with places along
with a list of all the relevant modules, and the description below for more specific information on types of toponyms
and placetypes and how their categorization works.
The objects for which categories exist are as follows:
# Toponyms (named entities for specific regions of the earth). These consist of:
## Continents and continent-level regions. At the top-level below `Earth` is `America`, `Eurasia`, `Africa`, `Oceania`
and `Antartica`, where `America` is further broken down into `North America` (in turn containing `Central America`)
and `South America`; `Eurasia` is further broken down into `Europe` and `Asia`; and `Oceania` is further broken down
into `Melanesia`, `Micronesia` and `Polynesia`, with `Australia` directly under `Oceania`. Under these divisions are
countries. Some countries are placed in more than one continent or continent-level region, either because they
actually span two continents etc. (e.g. Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Egypt) or because they are politically considered
to belong to a continent different from the one they are geographically in (Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia, etc.).
## Top-level polities. This includes:
### Countries, with a fairly liberal definition, notably including all UN-recognized countries plus some others that are
commonly considered countries, even if not all other countries recognize them as such or consider them completely
independent (notably, Kosovo, Palestine, Taiwan, Western Sahara, Niue and the Cook Islands).
### Pseudo-countries, which include areas calling themselves countries that are de-facto not under the control of the
country that they are internationally considered part of (e.g. Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria);
dependent/external/etc. territories of countries (e.g. American Samoa [US], Bermuda [UK], Christmas Island
[Australia], Easter Island [Chile]); constituent countries, autonomous territories and the like (Aruba, Curaçao and
Sint Maarten of the Netherlands; Greenland and the Faroe Islands of Denmark; etc.; but notably not including
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, which are treated as regular countries); and a grab bag of other
entities that have a semi-independent existence, such as Hong Kong, Macau, Guadeloupe, Martinique and the like.
Currently, the actual distinction in treatment between "countries" and "pseudo-countries" is minimal, but in the
future we might restrict the sorts of subcategories of pseudo-countries more than non-pseudo-countries.
### Former countries, e.g. the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, West Germany and the Roman Empire. These are much more limited
in the sorts of subcategories allowed, because generally toponyms, especially cities, should be described from the
perspective of where they are currently located ("an ancient Roman town in modern Lebanon, etc.") and categorized
as such.
## Subpolities. Generally we only list top-level administrative divisions of countries, and even then we limit both the
set of countries that get such lists and in some cases (e.g. England) the types of top-level administrative divisions
that get listed.
## Cities. Only major cities get categories, with the definition of "major" varying by country but often including
those where the city population itself (sometimes the metro area) is >= 1,000,000 people.
# Placetypes. This includes:
## Political subdivisions (states, provinces, counties, etc.).
## Non-political or "miscellaneous" subdivisions (such as divisions used for census purposes which are considered
important enough to categorize).
## "Generic" placetypes that are likely to exist in every polity (cities, towns, villages, rivers, etc.).
## Meta-placetypes, specifically "place", which exists in every polity and is treated like a generic placetype.
# Types of toponyms, such as "polity" and "political subdivision".
There are two main types of categories:
# Categories for toponyms, divided into:
## Top-level polity categories (e.g. [[:Category:United States]], [[:Category:Taiwan]], [[:Category:South Ossetia]],
[[:Category:Bermuda]], [[:Category:Soviet Union]], [[:Category:West Germany]]).
## Subpolity categories ([[:Category:Arizona, USA]], [[:Category:Hunan]], [[:Category:Kagoshima Prefecture]],
[[:Category:Cluj County, Romania]]). For historical reasons, different formats are used for the subpolities of
different polities. Increasingly, we are moving towards always including the polity name in the subpolity category,
but whether the subpolity type is included and where it is included (cf. [[:Category:Cluj County, Romania]] vs.
[[:Category:County Cork, Ireland]] is still inconsistent and will probably remain that way, based on how the
subpolity is normally referred to.
## City categories ([[:Category:Tokyo]], [[:Category:New York City]], [[:Category:Jaipur]]). Normally these do not
include the containing subpolity, but may do so in order to disambiguate.
# Categories for placetypes, divided into:
## "Immediate" political and miscellaneous division categories ([[:Category:States of the United States]],
[[:Category:Municipalities of Tocantins, Brazil]], [[:Category:Ghost towns in Arizona, USA]]). These are name
categories, whose purpose is to contain toponyms of the specified type. "Immediate" here refers to the fact that
the toponym in the category name is the immediately-containing polity. Usually these categories use the preposition
"of", but sometimes "in". (Specifically, "of" typically implies that the placetype in question has an official or
semi-official status, whereas "in" implies there is no such official status, but common usage may override this.)
The form of the toponym appearing in these categories is always the same as that of the corresponding toponym
category except that the word "the" may appear (e.g. [[:Category:States of the United States]]), whereas it doesn't
appear in the toponym category itself ([[:Category:United States]], no "the").
## "Skip-polity" categories for second-level political and miscellaneous divisions of a country or other top-level
polity (e.g. [[:Category:Counties of the United States]], [[:Category:Municipalities of Brazil]] and
[[:Category:Subprefectures of Japan]]). These have several purposes:
* They group the immediate division categories mentioned previously.
* They categorize "straggler" topoynms that (often improperly) fail to mention the subpolity they belong to, but
only the top-level polity.
* If categories do not exist for the first-level divisions of a country (and sometimes even when they do), they group
all toponyms of the specified type for the specified country. For example, Lithuania is divided into first-level
counties and second-level municipalities, but since we don't currently have categories for Lithuanian counties,
all municipalities go under [[:Category:Municipalities of Lithuania]] rather than under a category for a specific
county. In addition, even though we do have categories for Japanese prefectures (a first-level division), all
subprefectures (a second-level division) go under [[:Categories:Subprefectures of Japan]] because there aren't very
many of them (see below).
## "Generic placetype" categories, both of the immediate and skip-polity type (immediate
[[:Category:Cities in California, USA]] and [[:Category:Neighborhoods of the Bronx]]; skip-polity
[[:Category:Villages in Ivory Coast]], [[:Category:Geographic areas of England]], [[:Category:Rivers in Egypt]] and
[[:Category:Places in the Philippines]]). As mentioned above, "generic" placetypes occur in every polity (although
the set of generic placetypes allowed for cities is a subset of those allowed for top-level polities and
subpolities). Usually these categories use the preposition "in", but sometimes "of". As above, skip-polity categories
group immediate categories, and in addition there are various reasons a toponym entry is categorized into a
skip-polity category. (For example, as a general rule, geographic areas only categorize at the country level, not
the subpolity level, both because there often aren't very many in a given country and because they often span
multiple subpolities.)
The parent categories of a given category depend on its type. Generally, toponym categories have placetype categories
as their first parent, and vice-versa. Specifically:
# Top-level country categories have as their parent e.g. [[:Category:Countries of Europe]],
[[:Category:Countries of Central America]] or [[:Category:Countries of Polynesia]], using the most specific
continental-level region the country is contained in.
# Pseudo-countries are under [[:Category:Country-like entities]] as a neutral designation. There aren't enough of them
to subcategorize under continent-level regions.
# Former countries are under [[:Category:Former countries]].
# Subpolity categories are usually under a placetype category whose placetype is the canonical (first-listed) divtype of
the subpolity and whose toponym is the immediately containing polity, but there are exceptions. Specifically,
sometimes if a polity has multiple types of subpolities, they are combined (e.g. [[:Category:States and territories of
Australia]], [[:Category:Federal subjects of Russia]]). In addition, sometimes a less specific but more identifiable
divtype is used instead of the canonical one (e.g. [[:Category:Regions of France]] when the canonical divtype is
"administrative region"). The same rules and exceptions generally apply when categorizing subpolities themselves; e.g.
both the Australian state of Queensland and territory of Northern Territory go under
[[:Category:en:States and territories of Australia]] rather than separately under [[:Category:en:States of Australia]]
and [[:Category:en:Territories of Australia]]. In addition, sometimes subpolities may "skip a level" if there aren't
very many. For example, there are only 26 subprefectures of Japan (14 under Hokkaido and 12 more scattered under five
other prefectures). Rather than have e.g. [[:Category:en:Subprefectures of Kagoshima Prefecture]] containing at most
two entries and [[:Category:en:Subprefectures of Miyazaki Prefecture]] containing at most one, they are all grouped
under the so-called "skip-subpolity category" [[:Category:en:Subprefectures of Japan]].
# City categories are always under e.g. [[:Category:Cities of the United States]] (e.g. [[:Category:New York City]] is
so-placed, even though [[:Category:Cities of New York, USA]] exists). However, they may have a second, more-specific
parent (e.g. [[:Category:Cities of New York, USA]] in the case of New York City). The city entries themselves will
go under the more specific parent if it exists.
# Immediate placetype categories for second-level divisions of a country generally have, respectively, a
"toponym parent" that is the toponym mentioned in the category and a "skip-polity parent" that groups all subpolity
placetype categories of a specific type and containing polity. For example, [[:Category:Counties of Arizona, USA]] has
toponym parent [[:Category:en:Arizona, USA]] and skip-polity parent [[:Category:en:Counties of the United States]].
Sometimes the default skip-polity parent is overridden or disabled entirely. For example, in the US, most states are
divided into counties but Louisiana is divided into parishes and Alaska into boroughs. It would make no sense to put
[[:Category:Parishes of Louisiana, USA]] under [[:Category:Parishes of the United States]] (which would only have one
subcategory), so we include them under [[:Category:Counties of the United States]]. An alternative would be to name
the skip-polity category to explicitly include parishes and boroughs; this would get awkward here but is done in some
cases. Similarly, [[:Category:Regional county municipalities of Quebec]] is placed under
[[:Category:Regional municipalities of Canada]] since that name is used in other provinces. Meanwhile,
[[:Category:Regional districts of British Columbia]] disables its skip-polity category since no other province or
territory of Canada has regional districts or comparable subpolities under a different name (an alternative would be
to place them under [[:Category:Counties of Canada]], since they are sort of comparable to counties).
# Placetype categories for first-level divisions of a country similarly (e.g. [[:Category:States of the United States]])
have a toponym parent (in this case [[:Category:United States]]), but in place of the skip-polity parent they have two
other parents: a "bare placetype" parent (in this case [[:Category:States]]) and the "generic" parent
[[:Category:Political subdivisions of specific countries]]. (There is also a bare [[:Category:Political divisions]]
that groups "bare placetype" categories.) Skip-polity placetype categories for second-level divisions of a country
(e.g. [[:Category:Counties of the United States]]) work the same. Placetype categories for countries work likewise
except they are missing the generic parent.
-- Helper functions --
-- Format a description that can have the special value of 'true' or 'nil' (use link_label() in
-- [[Module:category tree/topic cat]]) or "w" (use link_label(..., "wikify")). Any other value is returned as-is.
function export.format_description(desc, label)
-- TODO: this function is the reason a bunch of place terms are linked by every category. link_label uses,
-- which counts as a link. format_description is then called by [[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places]].
-- this is not ideal.
if desc == nil then
desc = true
if desc == true then
desc = require(topic_cat_utilities_module).link_label(label)
elseif desc == "w" then
desc = require(topic_cat_utilities_module).link_label(label, nil, "wikify")
return desc
function export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(key, display_form)
local bare_key = key:match("^the (.*)$")
local linked_prefix
if bare_key then
linked_prefix = "the "
bare_key = key
linked_prefix = ""
local linked_key = display_form and bare_key ~= display_form and ("[[%s|%s]]"):format(bare_key, display_form) or
linked_key = linked_prefix .. linked_key
return bare_key, linked_key
local function simple_polity_bare_label_setter(overriding_parents)
return function(labels, group, key, value)
local bare_key, linked_key = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(key)
-- wp= defaults to true (Wikipedia article matches bare key = label)
local wp = value.wp
if wp == nil then
wp = true
-- wpcat= defaults to wp= (if Wikipedia article has its own name, Wikipedia category and Commons category generally follow)
local wpcat = value.wpcat
if wpcat == nil then
wpcat = wp
-- commonscat= defaults to wpcat= (if Wikipedia category has its own name, Commons category generally follows)
local commonscat = value.commonscat
if commonscat == nil then
commonscat = wpcat
local parents = overriding_parents
if not parents then
parents = {}
local value_parents = value.parents
if not value_parents then
error(("key '%s' must have `parents` set"):format(key))
if type(value_parents) ~= "table" then
value_parents = {value_parents}
for _, parent in ipairs(value_parents) do
if type(parent) ~= "table" then
parent = {name = parent}
if parent.bare then
table.insert(parents, "countries in " ..
table.insert(parents, "countries")
labels[bare_key] = {
type = "topic",
description = value.bare_category_desc or "{{{langname}}} terms related to the people, culture, or territory of "
.. (value.keydesc or linked_key) .. ".",
parents = parents,
wp = wp,
wpcat = wpcat,
commonscat = commonscat,
-- Construct the description of a subpolity key, for use in the description of a category.
local function subpolity_keydesc(group, key, value, containing_polity, default_divtype)
local divtype = value.divtype or default_divtype
divtype = type(divtype) == "table" and divtype[1] or divtype
-- FIXME: This is a huge hack. To fix this properly, we need to separate out the non-category placetype data from
-- `cat_data` in [[Module:place/data]] and move it here, because we don't have access to the data in
-- [[Module:place/data]], and that data indicates the correct article for placetypes like "union territory".
if divtype == "union territory" then
divtype = "a " .. divtype
divtype = require(en_utilities_module).add_indefinite_article(divtype)
-- Fetch the full and elliptical_placenames. If they are the same, just link to the placename directly. Otherwise,
-- check if the full placename exists (minus any preceding "the"); if so link to it. Otherwise, if the elliptical
-- placename exists, link to it but display it as the full placename. Finally, if neither full placename nor
-- elliptical placename exists, fall back to linking to the full placename. That way, we prefer full placenames to
-- elliptical placenames if both or neither exist as Wiktionary entries, but if only one exists, we link to that one
-- rather than have a red link.
local full_placename, elliptical_placename = export.call_key_to_placename(group, key)
local bare_full_placename, linked_full_placename = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(full_placename)
local linked_placename
if elliptical_placename ~= full_placename then
local full_placename_title =
if full_placename_title and full_placename_title.exists then
linked_placename = linked_full_placename
local bare_elliptical_placename, linked_elliptical_placename =
export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(elliptical_placename, bare_full_placename)
local elliptical_placename_title =
if elliptical_placename_title and elliptical_placename_title.exists then
linked_placename = linked_elliptical_placename
linked_placename = linked_placename or linked_full_placename
local bare_containing_polity, linked_containing_polity = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(containing_polity)
return linked_placename .. ", " .. divtype .. " of " .. linked_containing_polity
-- Call the polity group's key_to_placename function if it exists (see the description of the `key_to_placename`
-- function in the long comment just below the heading "Polities"). If there is no such function (i.e. for this group,
-- keys and placenames are the same), the key is returned unchanged as both the full and elliptical placename. Otherwise
-- two values are returned, the full and elliptical placenames (e.g. full "County Durham" vs. elliptical "Durham").
function export.call_key_to_placename(group, key)
if group.key_to_placename then
local full_placename, elliptical_placename = group.key_to_placename(key)
if type(full_placename) ~= "string" then
error(("Internal error: key '%s' returned a non-string full placename: %s"):format(key, dump(full_placename)))
if type(elliptical_placename) ~= "string" then
error(("Internal error: key '%s' returned a non-string elliptical placename: %s"):format(key, dump(elliptical_placename)))
return full_placename, elliptical_placename
return key, key
-- Return whether `list_or_element` (a list of strings, or a single string) "contains" `item` (a string). If
-- `list_or_element` is a list, this returns true if `item` is in the list; otherwise it returns true if `item`
-- equals `list_or_element`.
local function list_or_element_contains(list_or_element, item)
if type(list_or_element) == "table" then
return m_table.contains(list_or_element, item) and true or false
return list_or_element == item
local function subpolity_bare_label_setter(containing_polity)
return function(labels, group, key, value)
local bare_key, linked_key = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(key)
local bare_containing_polity, linked_containing_polity = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(containing_polity)
local div_parent_type = value.div_parent_type or group.default_div_parent_type
if not div_parent_type then
local divtype = value.divtype or group.default_divtype
divtype = type(divtype) == "table" and divtype[1] or divtype
if not divtype then
error(("Ended up with nil divtype for key=%s, value=%s"):format(dump(key), dump(value)))
div_parent_type = require(en_utilities_module).pluralize(divtype)
labels[bare_key] = {
type = "topic",
description = function()
if value.bare_category_desc then
return value.bare_category_desc
local keydesc = subpolity_keydesc(group, key, value, containing_polity, group.default_divtype)
return "{{{langname}}} terms related to the people, culture, or territory of " .. keydesc .. "."
parents = {div_parent_type .. " of " .. containing_polity},
local function subpolity_value_transformer(containing_polity)
local containing_polity_type = "country"
if type(containing_polity) == "table" then
containing_polity_type, containing_polity = containing_polity[1], containing_polity[2]
return function(group, key, value)
value.keydesc = value.keydesc or function() return subpolity_keydesc(group, key, value, containing_polity, group.default_divtype) end
value.containing_polity = containing_polity
value.containing_polity_type = containing_polity_type
value.poldiv = value.poldiv or group.default_poldiv
value.miscdiv = value.miscdiv or group.default_miscdiv
value.british_spelling = value.british_spelling or group.british_spelling
value.no_containing_polity_cat = value.no_containing_polity_cat or group.no_containing_polity_cat
return value
-- See the documentation for `place_cat_handler` above the definition of `export.polities` below.
function export.default_place_cat_handler(group, placetypes, placename)
if group.placename_to_key then
placename = group.placename_to_key(placename)
local spec =[placename]
local article = ""
local bare_placename = placename
if not spec then
placename = "the " .. placename
spec =[placename]
if not spec then
return nil
local divtype = spec.divtype or group.default_divtype
if type(divtype) == "table" then
for _, dt in ipairs(divtype) do
if list_or_element_contains(placetypes, dt) then
return placename, bare_placename
return nil
elseif list_or_element_contains(placetypes, divtype) then
return placename, bare_placename
return nil
-- This is typically used to define key_to_placename. It generates a function that chops off
-- part of a string using the regex TO_CHOP. To chop at the end, add $ at the end of the regex;
-- to chop at the beginning, add ^ at the beginning. It is normally used for subpolities (e.g.
-- states of the US or counties of England) when the placename of the polity as found in
-- categories includes the larger containing polity in it (e.g. "Georgia, USA" or
-- "Hampshire, England"). Typical usage is like this:
-- ...
-- key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", England$"),
-- ...
-- or
-- ...
-- key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", South Korea$", " County$")
-- ...
local function make_key_to_placename(polity_patterns, poldiv_patterns)
if type(polity_patterns) == "string" then
polity_patterns = {polity_patterns}
if type(poldiv_patterns) == "string" then
poldiv_patterns = {poldiv_patterns}
return function(key)
local full_placename = key
if polity_patterns then
for _, polity_pattern in ipairs(polity_patterns) do
local nsubs
full_placename, nsubs = full_placename:gsub(polity_pattern, "")
if nsubs > 0 then
local elliptical_placename = full_placename
if poldiv_patterns then
for _, poldiv_pattern in ipairs(poldiv_patterns) do
local nsubs
elliptical_placename, nsubs = elliptical_placename:gsub(poldiv_pattern, "")
if nsubs > 0 then
return full_placename, elliptical_placename
-- This is typically used to define placename_to_key. It generates a function that appends a
-- string to the end of a given string. It does the opposite operation of make_key_to_placename() and is used
-- along with that function. It is normally used for subpolities (e.g. states of the US or
-- counties of England) when the placename of the polity as found in categories includes the
-- larger containing polity in it (e.g. "Georgia, USA" or "Hampshire, England"). Typical usage
-- is like this:
-- ...
-- placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", England"),
-- ...
-- or
-- ...
-- placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", South Korea", " County"),
-- ...
local function make_placename_to_key(polity_suffix, poldiv_suffix)
return function(placename)
local key = placename
if poldiv_suffix then
if not key:find(poldiv_suffix .. "$") then
key = key .. poldiv_suffix
if polity_suffix then
key = key .. polity_suffix
return key
function export.get_city_containing_polities(group, key, value)
local containing_polities = group.containing_polities
if type(containing_polities[1]) == "string" then
containing_polities = {containing_polities}
elseif value[1] then
containing_polities = m_table.shallowCopy(containing_polities)
local this_containing_polities = value
if type(value[1]) == "string" then
this_containing_polities = {this_containing_polities}
for n, polity in ipairs(this_containing_polities) do
table.insert(containing_polities, n, polity)
return containing_polities
-- Given a containing polity of a city, possibly with preceding "the" removed,
-- find the group and key in 'export.polities'.
function export.city_containing_polity_to_group_and_key(polity)
for _, polity_group in ipairs(export.polities) do
local key_polity = polity
if polity_group.placename_to_key then
key_polity = polity_group.placename_to_key(key_polity)
if[key_polity] then
return polity_group, key_polity
key_polity = "the " .. key_polity
if[key_polity] then
return polity_group, key_polity
return nil
-- Placetype Tables --
-- Recognized political and misc. (sub)divisions. The key is the plural division and the value is the equivalent
-- description, with links. A value of true means to use the default linking algorithm in link_label() in
-- [[Module:category tree/topic cat]]. A value of "w" is similar but links to Wikipedia.
export.political_divisions = {
["administrative atolls"] = true,
["administrative regions"] = true,
["areas"] = true,
["arrondissements"] = true,
["atolls"] = true,
["autonomous cities"] = "w",
["autonomous communities"] = "w",
["autonomous islands"] = true,
["autonomous oblasts"] = true,
["autonomous okrugs"] = true,
["autonomous regions"] = true,
["autonomous republics"] = "w",
["boroughs"] = true,
["borough seats"] = true,
["cantons"] = true,
["census divisions"] = "w",
["cercles"] = true,
["civil parishes"] = true,
["collectivities"] = true,
["communes"] = true,
["communities"] = true,
["constituencies"] = true,
["constituent countries"] = true,
-- the following needed to support Jerusalem, whose first parent is Asia, a continent
["continents"] = true,
["council areas"] = true,
["counties"] = true,
["county boroughs"] = true,
["county seats"] = true,
["countries"] = true,
["delegations"] = true,
["departments"] = true,
["dependent territories"] = "w",
["districts"] = true,
["districts and autonomous regions"] = "[[district]]s and [[autonomous region]]s",
["divisions"] = true,
["emirates"] = true,
["entities"] = true,
["ethnographic regions"] = true,
["federal cities"] = true,
["federal subjects"] = true,
["federal territories"] = true,
["gewogs"] = true,
["governorates"] = true,
["krais"] = true,
["local councils"] = "w",
["local government areas"] = "w",
["metropolitan cities"] = true,
["mukims"] = true,
["municipal districts"] = "w",
["municipalities"] = true,
["oblasts"] = true,
["parishes"] = true,
["parish seats"] = true,
["prefectures"] = true,
["provinces"] = true,
["provinces and territories"] = "[[province]]s and [[territory|territories]]",
["quarters"] = true,
["raions"] = true,
["regencies"] = true,
["regional county municipalities"] = "w",
["regional districts"] = "w",
["regional municipalities"] = "w",
["regions"] = true,
["regional units"] = true,
["republics"] = true,
["rural municipalities"] = "w",
["self-administered divisions"] = "w",
["self-administered zones"] = "w",
["special administrative regions"] = "[[w:Special administrative regions of China|special administrative regions]]",
["special municipality"] = "[[w:Special municipality (Taiwan)|special municipality]]",
["special wards"] = true,
["states"] = true,
["states and territories"] = "[[state]]s and [[territory|territories]]",
["subdistricts"] = true,
["subprefectures"] = true,
["subregions"] = true,
["territorial authorities"] = "w",
["territories"] = true,
["townships"] = true,
["traditional counties"] = "w",
["traditional regions"] = "w",
["unincorporated areas"] = "w",
["union territories"] = true,
["voivodeships"] = true,
["zones"] = true,
-- Place types for which categories can be constructed for all the places listed below other than cities. The key should
-- be the plural place type and the value should be either a string (the description) or an object containing a field
-- `desc` (the description) and `prep` (the preposition following the place type as it occurs in categories, defaulting
-- to "in").
export.generic_placetypes = {
["cities"] = "cities",
["ghost towns"] = "[[ghost town]]s",
["towns"] = "towns",
["communes"] = "[[commune]]s",
["villages"] = "villages, hamlets, and other small communities and settlements",
["neighborhoods"] = "[[neighborhood]]s, [[district]]s and other subportions of cities",
["neighbourhoods"] = "[[neighbourhood]]s, [[district]]s and other subportions of cities",
["suburbs"] = "[[suburb]]s",
["rivers"] = "rivers",
["census-designated places"] = "[[census-designated place]]s",
["unincorporated communities"] = "[[w:unincorporated community|unincorporated communities]]",
["places"] = "places of all sorts",
["geographic areas"] = {desc = "[[geographic]] [[area]]s", prep = "of"},
-- Place types for which categories can be constructed for cities listed below. The key should be the plural place type
-- and the value should be either a string (the description) or an object containing a field `desc` (the description)
-- and `prep` (the preposition following the place type as it occurs in categories, defaulting to "of").
export.generic_placetypes_for_cities = {
["neighborhoods"] = "[[neighborhood]]s, [[district]]s and other subportions of cities",
["neighbourhoods"] = "[[neighbourhood]]s, [[district]]s and other subportions of cities",
["suburbs"] = "[[suburb]]s",
["places"] = {desc = "places of all sorts", prep = "in"},
export.placetype_to_capital_cat = {
["autonomous community"] = "autonomous community capitals",
["canton"] = "cantonal capitals",
["country"] = "national capitals",
["department"] = "departmental capitals",
["district"] = "district capitals",
["division"] = "division capitals",
["emirate"] = "emirate capitals",
["prefecture"] = "prefectural capitals",
["province"] = "provincial capitals",
["region"] = "regional capitals",
["republic"] = "republic capitals",
["state"] = "state capitals",
["territory"] = "territorial capitals",
["voivodeship"] = "voivodeship capitals",
export.capital_cat_to_placetype = {}
for placetype, capital_cat in pairs(export.placetype_to_capital_cat) do
export.capital_cat_to_placetype[capital_cat] = placetype
-- Placename Tables --
-- FIXME: The following documentation is out of date.
Each of the following tables specifies a group of polities with common properties (e.g. the states of the US). Each
table is associated with a polity "group" (an entry in `export.polities`), which contains handlers specifying how to
process the data tables and also a pointer to the relevant table. The data is used as follows:
1. To generate the text of the bare topical categories directly associated with each polity, such as
[[:Category:Netherlands]], [[:Category:Alabama, USA]] or [[:Category:Amazonas, Brazil]], and per-language
variants such as [[:Category:de:Netherlands]], [[:Category:es:Alabama, USA]] or [[:Category:pt:Amazonas, Brazil]].
These categories (and all placename categories) are found in the ''topic cat subsystem'' of the category system;
see [[Module:category tree/topic cat/data]] for more information.
2. To generate the text of topical categories for cities/towns/rivers/etc. in a given polity, e.g.
[[:Category:Cities in Alabama, USA]] for cities in Alabama, and per-language variants such as
[[:Category:fr:Cities in Alabama, USA]] for French terms for cities in Alabama.
3. To generate the text of topical categories for political subdivisions of a given polity, e.g.
[[:Category:Provinces of the Netherlands]], [[:Category:Counties of Alabama]] or
[[:Category:Municipalities of Amazonas, Brazil]], along with per-language variants such as
[[:Category:de:Provinces of the Netherlands]], [[:Category:es:Counties of Alabama]] or
[[:Category:pt:Municipalities of Amazonas, Brazil]].
4. To add pages to all the above types of categories when a call to {{place}} on that page
references the polity, such as by a template call {{place|en|city|state/Alabama}} (which will
add the page to [[:Category:en:Cities in Alabama, USA]]).
Uses #1, #2 and #3 are controlled by [[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places]].
Use #4 is controlled by [[Module:place/data]].
The keys of each table are the polity names in the form they will appear in a category like
[[:Category:de:Provinces of the Netherlands]] or [[:Category:fr:Cities in Alabama, USA]] (hence, they should include
prefixes such as "the" and suffixes such as ", USA"). Transforming these keys to the form that appears in the bare
topical category (e.g. [[:Category:de:Netherlands]]), in category parents and/or in descriptions can be done using the
`bare_label_setter` and `value_transformer` keys (see `export.polities` below).
The value of an item in each table is itself a table. This table contains properties describing the polity in question.
Note that before being used (e.g. to generate the contents of a category page like [[:Category:en:Cities in Ireland]]
or [[:Category:de:Provinces of the Netherlands]] of to specify how to add the relevant categories to a page with a call
to {{place}}), the table is passed through the associated polity group's `value_transformer` function (see
`export.polities`). That function generally augments the property table with additional properties that are common to
the group or derivable from group-specific properties. The following are the properties most commonly specified
(additional properties are sometimes attached to entries in specific groups):
- `divtype`: String specifying the type of polity or subpolity (e.g. "country", "state", province"). This can also be a
table of such types; in this case, the first listed type is the canonical type that will be used in descriptions, but
the polity will be recognized (e.g. in {{place}} arguments) when tagged with any of the specified types. This value
overrides the group-level `default_divtype` value, and only needs to be specified if it disagrees with that value.
- `poldiv`: List of recognized political subdivisions; e.g. for the Netherlands, a specification of the form
'poldiv = {"provinces", "municipalities"}' will allow categories such as [[:Category:de:Provinces of the Netherlands]]
and [[:Category:pt:Municipalities of the Netherlands]] to be created. These categories have a primary parent
[[:Category:LANGCODE:Political subdivisions]] (i.e. this is the parent that appears in the breadcrumbs at the top of
the category page), and have the containing polity, if any (see `containing_polity` below) as an additional parent.
Any political subdivision that appears here must also be listed in the `political_divisions` list, which tells how
to convert the pluralized political subdivision into the equivalent linked description. (If not listed, an error
- `miscdiv`: List of recognized historical/popular subdivisions; e.g. for Ireland, a specification of the form
'miscdiv = {"provinces"}' will allow categories such as [[:Category:pl:Provinces of Ireland]] to be created. These
categories differ from political subdivision categories in that their primary parent is the country name rather than
[[:Category:LANGCODE:Political subdivisions]].
- `is_city`: If 'true', don't recognize or generate categories such as [[:Category:en:Cities in Monaco]] (specifically,
for place types in `generic_placetypes` but not in `generic_placetypes_for_cities`).
- `is_former_place`: If 'true', don't recognize or generate categories such as
[[:Category:fr:Rivers in the Soviet Union]] (specifically, for any place type in `generic_placetypes` other than
"places"). NOTE: This key may be added automatically by the `value_transformer` function.
- `keydesc`: String directly specifying a description of the polity, for use in generating the contents of category
pages related to the polity. descriptions. This property is only rarely present, and is normally generated
automatically by the `value_transformer` function from the key and (for subpolities) the value of `divtype`.
- `parents`: List of parents of the bare topical category. For example, if 'parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}' is specified
for "Turkey", bare topical categories such as [[:Category:en:Turkey]] will have parent categories
[[:Category:en:Europe]] and [[:Category:en:Asia]]. The first listed category is used for the primary parent (i.e. this
is the parent that appears in the breadcrumbs at the top of the category page). In this case, for example, "Europe"
(not "Asia") is used as the breadcrumb. This property only needs to be specified for top-level polities (countries and
such), not for subpolities (states, provinces, etc.), which use the value of `containing_polity` (see below) as the
- `bare_category_desc`: String specifying the description used in the bare topical category. If not given, a default
description is constructed by the `bare_label_setter` function.
- `containing_polity`: This property does not need to be specified explicitly. It is automatically added by the
`value_transformer` function for subpolities, and left off for top-level polities. It specifies the larger polity in
which the subpolity is contained, and is used to construct the primary parent of 'Cities in ...', 'Rivers in ...' and
similar categories. For example, the subpolity Guangdong (a province of China) will have "China" as the
`containing_polity`, so that a category of the form [[:Category:en:Cities in Guangdong]] will have its primary parent
(i.e. the parent that appears in the breadcrumbs at the top of the category page) as [[:Category:en:Cities in China]].
If `containing_polity` is omitted, as in top-level polities, the primary parent will simply be e.g.
[[:Category:en:Cities]] (or "Towns", "Rivers", etc. as appropriate).
-- Polity Group Tables --
-- FIXME: The following documentation is out of date.
The following tables specify the known polities and their properties, where a polity is either a top-level political
division (e.g. a country) or a subpolity (political subdivision of a top-level polity). Polities are gathered into
''groups'', each of which contains several items (places) that are handled similarly. Each group contains a list of all
the places contained in that group along with their properties, as well as group-specific handlers that specify common
properties of all items in the group. These items are used to construct the category description objects (i.e. the
objects that describe how to format the display of a category page, as documented in
[[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/documentation]]) for the following types of categories:
1. A bare topical category, e.g. [[:Category:en:Netherlands]]. Category description objects for these are created by the
`bare_label_setter` handler of a given group. (The term "label" is used here because the category system internally
refers to the category name, without any language prefix, as a "label", and the corresponding per-label category
description objects are stored in the `labels` table in a `topic cat` submodule, notably
[[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places]].)
2. Normally, several categories of the form [[:Category:fr:Cities in the Netherlands]],
[[:Category:es:Rivers in New Mexico, USA]], etc., for the place types listed above in `generic_placetypes`.
There is a top-level handler that will automatically create category description objects for such categories. It can
be disabled for all place types in `generic_placetypes` that aren't in `generic_placetypes_for_cities` by
specifying `is_city = true` in the data for a given item. (This is used for city-states such as Monaco and
Vatican City.) It can also be disabled for all place types in `generic_placetypes` other than "places" by specifying
`is_former_place = true` in the data for a given item. (The group below for former countries and empires has a
handler that specifies `is_former_place = true` for all items in the group. The reason for this is that former states
such as Persia, East Germany, the Soviet Union and the Roman Empire should have their cities, towns, rivers and such
listed under the current entities occupying the same area.)
3. Optionally, one or more categories of the form [[:Category:de:Provinces of the Netherlands]],
[[:Category:pt:Counties of Wales]], etc. These are for political subdivisions, and for historic/popular subdivisions
that have no current political significance (e.g. [[:Category:nl:Provinces of Ireland]],
[[:Category:zh:Regions of the United States]]). These are controlled by the `poldiv` (for political subdivisions) and
`miscdiv` (for historic/popular subdivisions) keys in the data for a given item.
NOTE: Second-level political subdivisions (e.g. counties of states of the US) could be handled here but normally aren't.
Instead, there are special handlers below for US counties and Brazilian and Philippine municipalities, and
manually-created labels for certain other countries (e.g. Canadian counties). The reason for this is that all political
and historic/popular subdivisions handled here have a category like [[:Category:en:Political subdivisions]] as their
primary parent, whereas we often want a different primary parent for second-level political subdivisions, such as
[[:Category:en:Counties of the United States]] for US counties. FIXME: We should allow the parents to be specified for
political subdivisions. This will probably necessitate another type of group-specific handler, similar to
`value_transformer` and `bare_label_setter` (see below).
NOTE: Some of the above categories are added automatically to pages that use the {{place}} template with the appropriate
values. Currently, whether or not such categories are added is controlled by [[Module:place/data]], which is independent
of the data here but in many ways duplicates it. FIXME: The two should be merged.
NOTE: There is also some duplication in [[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Earth]], particularly for continents and
supranational regions (e.g. "the British Isles"). FIXME: Consolidate the data there into here.
Each group consists of a table with the following keys:
* `data`: This is a table listing the polities in the group. The keys are polities in the form that they appear in a
category like [[:Category:de:Provinces of the Netherlands]] or [[:Category:fr:Cities in Alabama, USA]] (hence, they
should include prefixes such as "the" and suffixes such as ", USA"). The value of a key is a property table. Its
format is described above under "Placename Tables". Note that the property table is transformed using the group's
`value_transformer` handler before being used.
* `key_to_placename`: A function to transform a key (as it appears in categories, e.g. "Phuket Province, Thailand" or
"the Riau Islands, Indonesia") to the placename as it appears in category descriptions and (modulo a preceding "the")
in holonym and Wiktionary entries (e.g. "Phuket", which appears in category descriptions as "[[Phuket]]", in holonyms
as "p/Phuket" and as an entry under [[Phuket]], and "the Riau Islands", which appears in category descriptions as
"the [[Riau Islands]]", in holonyms as "p/Riau Islands" and as an entry under [[Riau Islands]]). Most commonly, this
uses the `chop` function to chop off some portion of the key. The return value is either a string (the placename) or a
two-item list consisting of (respectively) the "full" placename and "elliptical" placename. The distinction between
full and elliptical placenames is only used for certain sorts of polities such as counties in Ireland and Northern
Ireland, which traditionally have the word "County" before them (e.g. "County Durham") and appear as entries in
Wiktionary in this form. When there is both a full form and an elliptical form, the full form will be used in the
category description, while both types of forms will be recognized in holonyms for categorization purposes. If the
key contains the word "the" at the beginning, it will be passed as such to `key_to_placename`, and the full (or only)
placename should include "the" in it, as the value is used in category descriptions. If there is an elliptical
placename, it currently doesn't matter whether it is preceded by "the" as any occurrence will be removed before
constructing the entry in `cat_data` against which a holonym is compared; but it is probably best not to include it.
For example, the Indonesian province key "the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia" returns a full placename of
"the Special Region of Yogyakarta" and an elliptical placename of "Yogyakarta"; the effect is that categories
referencing this province will contain the text "the [[Special Region of Yogyakarta]]" while both holonyms
"p/Special Region of Yogyakarta" and "p/Yogyakarta" will be recognized for categorization purposes.
* `placename_to_key`: This is the opposite of `key_to_placename`, converting placenames to keys (see the description
above for `key_to_placename` for what the difference is). If a placename comes in both full and elliptical versions
(e.g. full "County Durham" and elliptical "Durham"), both should be recognized and appropriately converted to the
corresponding key. It should be noted that `key_to_placename` and `placename_to_key` are non-parallel in their
handling of keys and placenames beginning with "the". The placenames passed into `placename_to_key` will not include
"the" in them, and the returned keys should likewise not include "the". Calling code will check for actual keys that
are either identical to the returned keys or match once "the" is prepended.
* `value_transformer`: This function is used to transform the value of an item in `data` (an object containing
properties of a place; see above) to the final form used by the handlers in
[[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places]] that handle city-type and political-subdivision-type categories. It is
passed three arguments (the group and the key and value of the data item). Its normal purpose is to add extra
properties to the data item value, such as `containing_polity` (see above) and `keydesc` (the appropriate description
of the place, which often includes the type of division and the country). Some groups (in particular, the one for
former polities, such as Persia and the Roman Empire) also add `is_former_place = true`. The reason these extra
properties are added by a function like this instead of included directly is that they are typically the same or
similar for all items in a group, and including them directly would be duplicative. Note that there is a
preconstructed function subpolity_bare_label_setter() (for subpolities of top-level polities) to help.
* `bare_label_setter`: This function adds an entry in the `labels` table for
[[Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places]] for bare topical categories such as [[:Category:en:Netherlands]],
[[:Category:fr:Alabama, USA]] or [[:Category:ru:Republic of Tatarstan]]. It is passed four arguments (the `labels`
table, the group and the key and value of the data item). There are preconstructed functions to help here, such as
simple_polity_bare_label_setter() (for top-level polities) and subpolity_bare_label_setter() (for subpolities of
top-level polities). This function often makes use of the `parents` and/or `description` keys in the data item's
value (see above).
* `place_cat_handler`: Used in conjunction with {{place}} to properly categorize placenames. It is passed three
arguments: GROUP, the spec for a given group; PLACETYPES, the placetype of a place or a list of such placetypes;
and PLACENAME, the corresponding placename as found in a holonym, i.e. without any preceding "the". If a place
matching PLACENAME is found in GROUP, and the place's placetype is compatible with PLACETYPE, return two arguments:
the form of PLACENAME to be used in categories that include a preceding article (usually "the"), and the bare form
of PLACENAME, without a preceding article. Otherwise, return nil. Here, "compatible" means that any of the
placetypes in PLACETYPES is equal to any of the known placetypes of PLACENAME. (Most placenames in most groups have
a single associated placetype, but some have more than one, e.g. Wales, which is associated with both
"constituent country" and "country", and will be recognized for categorization purposes if either placetype is used.)
For example, given the placename "Bashkortostan", placetype "republic", and group data associated with Russian
federal subjects, the first return value will be "the Republic of Bashkortostan" and the second return value will be
"Republic of Bashkortostan". Note that the first value is always equal to the key in `` that describes the
placename. (Both return values are needed because some categories contain the article, e.g. [[:Category:Places in the
Republic of Bashkortostan]], and some don't, in particular the bare topical category
[[:Category:Republic of Bashkortostan]].) If omitted, the function default_place_cat_handler() is used.
* `default_divtype`: The default entity type for entities in this group, if not overidden at the entity level. See
`divtype` above under "Placename Tables".
-- Country and Country-Like Tables --
export.countries = {
["Afghanistan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, miscdiv = {"regions"}},
["Albania"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "counties", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Algeria"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "communes", "districts", "municipalities"}},
["Andorra"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Angola"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "municipalities"}},
["Antigua and Barbuda"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}, british_spelling = true},
["Argentina"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "departments", "municipalities"}},
["Armenia"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
-- Both a country and continent
["Australia"] = {parents = {"Oceania"}, poldiv = {"states", "territories", "local government areas"},
addl_poldiv_for_categorization = {"states and territories"}, british_spelling = true},
["Austria"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"states", "districts", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Azerbaijan"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"districts", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["the Bahamas"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true, wp = "The Bahamas"},
["Bahrain"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates"}},
["Bangladesh"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"divisions", "districts", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Barbados"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Belarus"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Belgium"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "provinces", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Belize"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Benin"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"departments", "communes"}},
["Bhutan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"districts", "gewogs"}},
["Bolivia"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "departments", "municipalities"}},
["Bosnia and Herzegovina"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"entities", "cantons", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Botswana"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts", "subdistricts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Brazil"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"states", "municipalities"}, miscdiv = {"regions"}},
["Brunei"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"districts", "mukims"}, british_spelling = true},
["Bulgaria"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Burkina Faso"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "departments", "provinces"}},
["Burundi"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "communes"}},
["Cambodia"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Cameroon"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "departments"}},
["Canada"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "territories", "counties", "districts", "municipalities"},
miscdiv = {"regions", "census divisions", {type = "townships", prep = "in"}},
addl_poldiv_for_categorization = {"provinces and territories"},
british_spelling = true},
["Cape Verde"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"municipalities", "parishes"}},
["the Central African Republic"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"prefectures", "subprefectures"}},
["Chad"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "departments"}},
["Chile"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"regions", "provinces", "communes"}},
["China"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "autonomous regions",
"special administrative regions", "prefectures", "counties", "districts", "municipalities"},
miscdiv = {"regions"}, addl_poldiv_for_categorization = {"provinces and autonomous regions"}},
["Colombia"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "municipalities"}},
["the Comoros"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"autonomous islands"}},
["Costa Rica"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "cantons"}},
["Croatia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"counties", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Cuba"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "municipalities"}},
["Cyprus"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["the Czech Republic"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["the Democratic Republic of the Congo"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "territories"}},
["Denmark"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "municipalities", "dependent territories"}, british_spelling = true},
["Djibouti"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Dominica"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["the Dominican Republic"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "municipalities"},
keydesc = "the [[Dominican Republic]], the country that shares the [[Caribbean]] island of [[Hispaniola]] with [[Haiti]]"},
["East Timor"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
["Ecuador"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "cantons"}},
["Egypt"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "regions"}},
["El Salvador"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "municipalities"}},
["Equatorial Guinea"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}},
["Eritrea"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "subregions"}},
["Estonia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"counties", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Eswatini"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, british_spelling = true},
["Ethiopia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "zones"}},
["the Federated States of Micronesia"] = {parents = {"Micronesia"}, poldiv = {"states"}},
["Fiji"] = {parents = {"Melanesia"}, poldiv = {"divisions", "provinces"}, british_spelling = true},
["Finland"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["France"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"administrative regions", "cantons", "collectivities", "communes", "departments",
"municipalities", "dependent territories", "territories"}, miscdiv = {"provinces", "regions"}, british_spelling = true},
["Gabon"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "departments"}},
["the Gambia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"divisions", "districts"}, british_spelling = true, wp = "The Gambia"},
["Georgia"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"},
keydesc = "the country of [[Georgia]], in [[Eurasia]]", british_spelling = true},
["Germany"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"states", "municipalities", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Ghana"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Greece"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "regional units", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Grenada"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Guatemala"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "municipalities"}},
["Guinea"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "prefectures"}},
["Guinea-Bissau"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions"}},
["Guyana"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"regions"}, british_spelling = true},
["Haiti"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "arrondissements"}},
["Honduras"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "municipalities"}},
["Hungary"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"counties", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Iceland"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"administrative regions", "municipalities", "counties"}, british_spelling = true},
["India"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"states", "union territories", "divisions", "districts", "municipalities"},
addl_poldiv_for_categorization = {"states and union territories"}, british_spelling = true},
["Indonesia"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"regencies", "provinces"}},
["Iran"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "counties"}},
["Iraq"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "districts"}},
["Ireland"] = {parents = {"Europe", {name = "British Isles", bare = true}}, poldiv = {"counties", "districts"}, miscdiv = {"provinces"}, british_spelling = true},
["Israel"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"districts"}},
["Italy"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"administrative regions", "provinces", "metropolitan cities", "municipalities"},
miscdiv = {"regions"}, british_spelling = true},
["Ivory Coast"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts", "regions"}},
["Jamaica"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Japan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"prefectures", "subprefectures", "municipalities"}},
["Jordan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates"}},
["Kazakhstan"] = {parents = {"Asia", "Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Kenya"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"counties"}, british_spelling = true},
["Kiribati"] = {parents = {"Micronesia"}, british_spelling = true},
["Kosovo"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, british_spelling = true},
["Kuwait"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "areas"}},
["Kyrgyzstan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Laos"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Latvia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}, miscdiv = {"regions"}, british_spelling = true},
["Lebanon"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "districts"}},
["Lesotho"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Liberia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"counties", "districts"}},
["Libya"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts", "municipalities"}},
["Liechtenstein"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Lithuania"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"counties", "municipalities"},
miscdiv = {"ethnographic regions"}, british_spelling = true},
["Luxembourg"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"cantons"}, miscdiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Madagascar"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Malawi"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Malaysia"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"states", "federal territories", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["the Maldives"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "administrative atolls"}, british_spelling = true},
["Mali"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "cercles"}},
["Malta"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "local councils"}, british_spelling = true},
["the Marshall Islands"] = {parents = {"Micronesia"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
["Mauritania"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "departments"}},
["Mauritius"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Mexico"] = {parents = {"North America", "Central America"}, poldiv = {"states", "municipalities"}},
["Moldova"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"districts", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Monaco"] = {divtype = {"city-state", "country"}, parents = {"Europe"}, is_city = true, british_spelling = true},
["Mongolia"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Montenegro"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
["Morocco"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "prefectures", "provinces"}},
["Mozambique"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Myanmar"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "states", "union territories", "self-administered zones", "self-administered divisions", "districts"}},
["Namibia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "constituencies"}, british_spelling = true},
["Nauru"] = {parents = {"Micronesia"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Nepal"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["the Netherlands"] = {divtype = {"constituent country", "country"}, parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "municipalities", "dependent territories"}, british_spelling = true},
["New Zealand"] = {parents = {"Polynesia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "dependent territories", "territorial authorities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Nicaragua"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "municipalities"}},
["Niger"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "departments"}},
["Nigeria"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"states", "local government areas"}, british_spelling = true},
["North Korea"] = {parents = {"Asia", "Korea"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "counties"}},
["North Macedonia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Norway"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"counties", "municipalities", "dependent territories"},
miscdiv = {"districts", "unincorporated areas"}, british_spelling = true},
["Oman"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "provinces"}},
["Pakistan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Palestine"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates"}},
["Palau"] = {parents = {"Micronesia"}, poldiv = {"states"}},
["Panama"] = {parents = {"Central America"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Papua New Guinea"] = {parents = {"Melanesia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Paraguay"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "districts"}},
["Peru"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"regions", "provinces", "districts"}},
["the Philippines"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "provinces", "districts", "municipalities"}},
["Poland"] = {poldiv = {"voivodeships", "counties"}, parents = {"Europe"}, british_spelling = true},
["Portugal"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"districts and autonomous regions", "provinces", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Qatar"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"municipalities", "zones"}},
["the Republic of the Congo"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"departments", "districts"}},
["Romania"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "counties", "communes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Russia"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"federal subjects", "republics", "autonomous oblasts", "autonomous okrugs", "oblasts", "krais", "federal cities", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Rwanda"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Saint Kitts and Nevis"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Saint Lucia"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"quarters"}, british_spelling = true},
["Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"parishes"}, british_spelling = true},
["Samoa"] = {parents = {"Polynesia"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["San Marino"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["São Tomé and Príncipe"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts"}},
["Saudi Arabia"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "governorates"}},
["Senegal"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "departments"}},
["Serbia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"districts", "municipalities"}},
["Seychelles"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Sierra Leone"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Singapore"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Slovakia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Slovenia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}, miscdiv = {"traditional regions"}, british_spelling = true},
-- Note: the official name does not include "the" at the beginning, but it sounds strange in
-- English to leave it out and it's commonly included, so we include it.
["the Solomon Islands"] = {parents = {"Melanesia"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}, british_spelling = true},
["Somalia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["South Africa"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["South Korea"] = {parents = {"Asia", "Korea"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "counties", "districts"}},
["South Sudan"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"regions", "states", "counties"}, british_spelling = true},
["Spain"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"autonomous communities", "provinces", "municipalities", "autonomous cities"},
british_spelling = true},
["Sri Lanka"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Sudan"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"states", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Suriname"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"districts"}},
["Sweden"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "counties", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Switzerland"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"cantons", "municipalities", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Syria"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "districts"}},
["Taiwan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"counties", "districts"}},
["Tajikistan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}, miscdiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Tanzania"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Thailand"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts", "subdistricts"}},
["Togo"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "prefectures"}},
["Tonga"] = {parents = {"Polynesia"}, poldiv = {"divisions"}, british_spelling = true},
["Trinidad and Tobago"] = {parents = {"North America"}, poldiv = {"regions", "municipalities"}, british_spelling = true},
["Tunisia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "delegations"}},
["Turkey"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}},
["Turkmenistan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Tuvalu"] = {parents = {"Polynesia"}, poldiv = {"atolls"}, british_spelling = true},
["Uganda"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"districts", "counties"}, british_spelling = true},
["Ukraine"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"oblasts", "municipalities", "raions"}, british_spelling = true},
["the United Arab Emirates"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"emirates"}},
["the United Kingdom"] = {parents = {"Europe", {name = "British Isles", bare = true}},
poldiv = {"constituent countries", "counties", "districts", "boroughs", "territories", "dependent territories"},
miscdiv = {"regions", "traditional counties"},
keydesc = "the [[United Kingdom]] of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", british_spelling = true},
["the United States"] = {parents = {"North America"},
poldiv = {"counties", "county seats", "states", "territories", "dependent territories",
{type = "boroughs", prep = "in"}, -- exist in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
"municipalities", -- these exist politically at least in Colorado and Connecticut
}, miscdiv = {"regions"}},
["Uruguay"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"departments", "municipalities"}},
["Uzbekistan"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"regions", "districts"}},
["Vanuatu"] = {parents = {"Melanesia"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}, british_spelling = true},
["Vatican City"] = {divtype = {"city-state", "country"}, parents = {"Europe", "Rome"}, is_city = true, british_spelling = true},
["Venezuela"] = {parents = {"South America"}, poldiv = {"states", "municipalities"}},
["Vietnam"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts", "municipalities"}},
["Western Sahara"] = {divtype = {"territory"}, parents = {"Africa"}},
["Yemen"] = {parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"governorates", "districts"}},
["Zambia"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
["Zimbabwe"] = {parents = {"Africa"}, poldiv = {"provinces", "districts"}, british_spelling = true},
export.pseudo_countries = {
-- British Overseas Territory
["Akrotiri and Dhekelia"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Cyprus", "Europe", "United Kingdom"}, british_spelling = true},
-- unincorporated territory of the United States
["American Samoa"] = {divtype = {"unincorporated territory", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Polynesia", "United States"}},
["the United States Minor Outlying Islands"] = {divtype = {"unincorporated territory", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Islands", "Micronesia", "Polynesia", "United States"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Anguilla"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"North America", "United Kingdom"}, british_spelling = true},
-- de-facto independent state, internationally recognized as part of Georgia
["Abkhazia"] = {divtype = {"unrecognized state", "country"}, parents = {"Georgia", "Europe", "Asia"},
poldiv = {"districts"},
keydesc = "the de-facto independent state of [[Abkhazia]], internationally recognized as part of the country of [[Georgia]]"},
-- de-facto independent state of Armenian ethnicity, internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan
-- (also known as Nagorno-Karabakh)
-- NOTE: Formerly listed Armenia as a parent; this seems politically non-neutral
-- so I've taken it out.
["Artsakh"] = {divtype = {"unrecognized state", "country"}, parents = {"Azerbaijan", "Europe", "Asia"},
keydesc = "the former de-facto independent state of [[Artsakh]], internationally recognized as part of [[Azerbaijan]]", british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Ascension Island"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "Atlantic Ocean"}, british_spelling = true},
-- constituent country of the Netherlands
["Aruba"] = {divtype = {"constituent country", "country"}, parents = {"Netherlands", "North America"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Bermuda"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the British Indian Ocean Territory"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the British Virgin Islands"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the Cayman Islands"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- Australian external territory
["Christmas Island"] = {divtype = {"external territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Australia", "Asia"}, british_spelling = true},
-- Australian external territory; also called the Keeling Islands or (officially) the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
["the Cocos Islands"] = {divtype = {"external territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Australia", "Asia"}, british_spelling = true,
wp = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" },
-- self-governing but in free association with New Zealand
["the Cook Islands"] = {divtype = {"country"}, parents = {"Polynesia", "New Zealand"}, british_spelling = true},
-- constituent country of the Netherlands
["Curaçao"] = {divtype = {"constituent country", "country"}, parents = {"Netherlands", "North America"}},
-- special territory of Chile
["Easter Island"] = {divtype = {"special territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Chile", "Polynesia"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the Falkland Islands"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "South America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- autonomous territory of Denmark
["the Faroe Islands"] = {divtype = {"autonomous territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Denmark", "Europe"}},
-- overseas department of France
["French Guiana"] = {divtype = {"overseas department", "department"}, parents = {"France", "South America"}},
-- overseas collectivity of France
["French Polynesia"] = {divtype = {"overseas collectivity", "collectivity"}, parents = {"France", "Polynesia"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Gibraltar"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- autonomous territory of Denmark
["Greenland"] = {divtype = {"autonomous territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Netherlands", "North America"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
-- overseas department of France
["Guadeloupe"] = {divtype = {"overseas department", "department"}, parents = {"France", "North America"}},
-- unincorporated territory of the United States
["Guam"] = {divtype = {"unincorporated territory", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United States", "Micronesia"}},
-- self-governing British Crown dependency; technically called the Bailiwick of Guernsey
["Guernsey"] = {divtype = {"crown dependency", "dependency", "dependent territory", "bailiwick", "territory"}, parents = {"British Isles", "Europe"}, british_spelling = true},
-- special administrative region of China
["Hong Kong"] = {divtype = "special administrative region", parents = {"China"}},
-- self-governing British Crown dependency
["the Isle of Man"] = {divtype = {"crown dependency", "dependency", "dependent territory", "territory"}, parents = {"British Isles", "Europe"}, british_spelling = true},
-- self-governing British Crown dependency; technically called the Bailiwick of Jersey
["Jersey"] = {divtype = {"crown dependency", "dependency", "dependent territory", "bailiwick", "territory"}, parents = {"British Isles", "Europe"}, british_spelling = true},
-- special administrative region of China
["Macau"] = {divtype = "special administrative region", parents = {"China"}},
-- overseas department of France
["Martinique"] = {divtype = {"overseas department", "department"}, parents = {"France", "North America"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Montserrat"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- special collectivity of France
["New Caledonia"] = {divtype = {"special collectivity", "collectivity"}, parents = {"France", "Melanesia"}},
-- self-governing but in free association with New Zealand
["Niue"] = {divtype = {"country"}, parents = {"Polynesia", "New Zealand"}, british_spelling = true},
-- Australian external territory
["Norfolk Island"] = {divtype = {"external territory", "territory"}, parents = {"Australia", "Polynesia"}, british_spelling = true},
-- commonwealth, unincorporated territory of the United States
["the Northern Mariana Islands"] = {divtype = {"commonwealth", "unincorporated territory", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United States", "Micronesia"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the Pitcairn Islands"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "Polynesia"}, british_spelling = true},
-- commonwealth of the United States
["Puerto Rico"] = {divtype = {"commonwealth", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United States", "North America"}, poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
-- overseas collectivity of France
["Saint Barthélemy"] = {divtype = {"overseas collectivity", "collectivity"}, parents = {"France", "North America"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Saint Helena"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "Atlantic Ocean"}, british_spelling = true},
-- overseas collectivity of France
["Saint Martin"] = {divtype = {"overseas collectivity", "collectivity"}, parents = {"France", "North America"}},
-- overseas collectivity of France
["Saint Pierre and Miquelon"] = {divtype = {"overseas collectivity", "collectivity"}, parents = {"France", "North America"}},
-- de-facto independent state, internationally recognized as part of Georgia
["South Ossetia"] = {divtype = {"unrecognized state", "country"}, parents = {"Georgia", "Europe", "Asia"},
keydesc = "the de-facto independent state of [[South Ossetia]], internationally recognized as part of the country of [[Georgia]]", british_spelling = true},
-- constituent country of the Netherlands
["Sint Maarten"] = {divtype = {"constituent country", "country"}, parents = {"Netherlands", "North America"}},
-- British Overseas Territory
["South Georgia"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "Atlantic Ocean"}, british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the South Sandwich Islands"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "Atlantic Ocean"}, british_spelling = true,
wp = true, wpcat = "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
-- dependent territory of New Zealnd
["Tokelau"] = {divtype = {"dependent territory", "territory"}, parents = {"New Zealand", "Polynesia"}, british_spelling = true},
-- de-facto independent state, internationally recognized as part of Moldova
["Transnistria"] = {divtype = {"unrecognized state", "country"}, parents = {"Moldova", "Europe"},
keydesc = "the de-facto independent state of [[Transnistria]], internationally recognized as part of [[Moldova]]", british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["Tristan da Cunha"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "Atlantic Ocean"}, british_spelling = true},
-- British Overseas Territory
["the Turks and Caicos Islands"] = {divtype = {"overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United Kingdom", "North America"}, british_spelling = true},
-- unincorporated territory of the United States
["the United States Virgin Islands"] = {divtype = {"unincorporated territory", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United States", "North America"}},
-- unincorporated territory of the United States
["Wake Island"] = {divtype = {"unincorporated territory", "overseas territory", "territory"}, parents = {"United States", "North America"}},
-- overseas collectivity of France
["Wallis and Futuna"] = {divtype = {"overseas collectivity", "collectivity"}, parents = {"France", "Polynesia"}},
export.former_countries = {
["Czechoslovakia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, british_spelling = true},
["East Germany"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Germany"}, british_spelling = true},
["North Vietnam"] = {parents = {"Asia", "Vietnam"}},
["Persia"] = {divtype = {"empire", "country"}, parents = {"Asia"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}},
["the Roman Empire"] = {divtype = {"empire", "country"}, parents = {"Europe", "Africa", "Asia", "Rome"}, poldiv = {"provinces"}},
["South Vietnam"] = {parents = {"Asia", "Vietnam"}},
["the Soviet Union"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Asia"}, poldiv = {"republics", "autonomous republics"}, british_spelling = true},
["West Germany"] = {parents = {"Europe", "Germany"}, british_spelling = true},
["Yugoslavia"] = {parents = {"Europe"}, poldiv = {"districts"},
keydesc = "the former [[Kingdom of Yugoslavia]] (1918–1943) or the former [[Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia]] (1943–1992)", british_spelling = true},
-- countries
export.country_group = {
bare_label_setter = simple_polity_bare_label_setter(),
value_transformer = function(group, key, value)
value.british_spelling = value.british_spelling or group.british_spelling
return value
default_divtype = "country",
data = export.countries,
-- pseudo-countries: typically overseas territories or de-facto independent countries, which in both cases
-- are not internationally recognized as sovereign nations but which we treat similarly to countries.
export.pseudo_country_group = {
bare_label_setter = simple_polity_bare_label_setter({"Country-like entities"}),
value_transformer = function(group, key, value)
value.british_spelling = value.british_spelling or group.british_spelling
return value
default_divtype = "country",
data = export.pseudo_countries,
-- former countries and such; we don't create "Cities in ..." categories because they don't exist anymore
export.former_country_group = {
bare_label_setter = simple_polity_bare_label_setter({"Former countries and country-like entities"}),
value_transformer = function(group, key, value)
value.british_spelling = value.british_spelling or group.british_spelling
value.is_former_place = true
return value
default_divtype = "country",
data = export.former_countries,
-- First-Level Subpolity Tables --
export.australia_states_and_territories = {
["the Australian Capital Territory"] = {divtype = "territory"},
["New South Wales"] = {},
["the Northern Territory"] = {divtype = "territory"},
["Queensland"] = {},
["South Australia"] = {},
["Tasmania"] = {},
["Victoria"] = {},
["Western Australia"] = {},
-- states and territories of Australia
export.australia_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Australia"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Australia"),
default_divtype = "state",
default_div_parent_type = "states and territories",
default_miscdiv = {{type = "ghost towns", prep = "in"}},
british_spelling = true,
data = export.australia_states_and_territories,
export.austria_states = {
["Vienna, Austria"] = {},
["Lower Austria, Austria"] = {},
["Upper Austria, Austria"] = {},
["Styria, Austria"] = {},
["Tyrol, Austria"] = {},
["Carinthia, Austria"] = {},
["Salzburg, Austria"] = {},
["Vorarlberg, Austria"] = {},
["Burgenland, Austria"] = {},
-- states of Austria
export.austria_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Austria$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Austria"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Austria"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Austria"),
default_divtype = "state",
british_spelling = true,
default_poldiv = "municipalities",
data = export.austria_states,
export.bangladesh_divisions = {
["Barisal Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Chittagong Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Dhaka Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Khulna Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Mymensingh Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Rangpur Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
["Sylhet Division, Bangladesh"] = {},
-- divisions of Bangladesh
export.bangladesh_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Bangladesh$", " Division$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Bangladesh", " Division"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Bangladesh"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Bangladesh"),
default_divtype = "division",
british_spelling = true,
default_poldiv = "districts",
data = export.bangladesh_divisions,
export.brazil_states = {
["Acre, Brazil"] = {},
["Alagoas, Brazil"] = {},
["Amapá, Brazil"] = {},
["Amazonas, Brazil"] = {},
["Bahia, Brazil"] = {},
["Ceará, Brazil"] = {},
["Distrito Federal, Brazil"] = {},
["Espírito Santo, Brazil"] = {},
["Goiás, Brazil"] = {},
["Maranhão, Brazil"] = {},
["Mato Grosso, Brazil"] = {},
["Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil"] = {},
["Minas Gerais, Brazil"] = {},
["Pará, Brazil"] = {},
["Paraíba, Brazil"] = {},
["Paraná, Brazil"] = {},
["Pernambuco, Brazil"] = {},
["Piauí, Brazil"] = {},
["Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"] = {},
["Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil"] = {},
["Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil"] = {},
["Rondônia, Brazil"] = {},
["Roraima, Brazil"] = {},
["Santa Catarina, Brazil"] = {},
["São Paulo, Brazil"] = {},
["Sergipe, Brazil"] = {},
["Tocantins, Brazil"] = {},
-- states of Brazil
export.brazil_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Brazil$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Brazil"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Brazil"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Brazil"),
default_divtype = "state",
default_poldiv = "municipalities",
data = export.brazil_states,
export.canada_provinces_and_territories = {
["Alberta"] = {poldiv =
{type = "municipal districts", skip_polity_parent_type = "rural municipalities"},
["British Columbia"] = {poldiv =
{type = "regional districts", skip_polity_parent_type = false},
"regional municipalities",
["Manitoba"] = {poldiv = {"rural municipalities"}},
["New Brunswick"] = {poldiv = {"counties"}},
["Newfoundland and Labrador"] = {},
["the Northwest Territories"] = {divtype = "territory"},
["Nova Scotia"] = {poldiv = {"counties", "regional municipalities"}},
["Nunavut"] = {divtype = "territory"},
["Ontario"] = {poldiv = {"counties", "regional municipalities", {type = "townships", prep = "in"}}},
["Prince Edward Island"] = {poldiv = {"counties", "rural municipalities"}},
["Saskatchewan"] = {poldiv = {"rural municipalities"}},
["Quebec"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "regional county municipalities", skip_polity_parent_type = "regional municipalities"},
{type = "townships", prep = "in"},
["Yukon"] = {divtype = "territory"},
-- provinces and territories of Canada
export.canada_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Canada"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Canada"),
default_divtype = "province",
default_div_parent_type = "provinces and territories",
default_miscdiv = {{type = "ghost towns", prep = "in"}},
british_spelling = true,
data = export.canada_provinces_and_territories,
-- table of provinces and autonomous regions of China; interpolated into the main 'places' table, but also needed
-- separately
export.china_provinces_and_autonomous_regions = {
["Anhui"] = {},
["Fujian"] = {},
["Gansu"] = {},
["Guangdong"] = {},
["Guangxi"] = {divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Guizhou"] = {},
["Hainan"] = {},
["Hebei"] = {},
["Heilongjiang"] = {},
["Henan"] = {},
["Hubei"] = {},
["Hunan"] = {},
["Inner Mongolia"] = {divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Jiangsu"] = {},
["Jiangxi"] = {},
["Jilin"] = {},
["Liaoning"] = {},
["Ningxia"] = {divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Qinghai"] = {},
["Shaanxi"] = {},
["Shandong"] = {},
["Shanxi"] = {},
["Sichuan"] = {},
["Tibet"] = {divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Xinjiang"] = {divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Yunnan"] = {},
["Zhejiang"] = {},
-- provinces and autonomous regions of China
export.china_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("China"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("China"),
default_divtype = "province",
default_div_parent_type = "provinces and autonomous regions",
data = export.china_provinces_and_autonomous_regions,
export.finland_regions = {
["Lapland, Finland"] = {},
["North Ostrobothnia, Finland"] = {},
["Kainuu, Finland"] = {},
["North Karelia, Finland"] = {},
["Northern Savonia, Finland"] = {},
["Southern Savonia, Finland"] = {},
["South Karelia, Finland"] = {},
["Central Finland, Finland"] = {},
["South Ostrobothnia, Finland"] = {},
["Ostrobothnia, Finland"] = {},
["Central Ostrobothnia, Finland"] = {},
["Pirkanmaa, Finland"] = {},
["Satakunta, Finland"] = {},
["Päijänne Tavastia, Finland"] = {},
["Tavastia Proper, Finland"] = {},
["Kymenlaakso, Finland"] = {},
["Uusimaa, Finland"] = {},
["Southwest Finland, Finland"] = {},
["the Åland Islands, Finland"] = {},
-- regions of Finland
export.finland_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Finland$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Finland"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Finland"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Finland"),
default_divtype = "region",
default_poldiv = "municipalities",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.finland_regions,
export.france_administrative_regions = {
["Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes"] = {},
["Bourgogne-Franche-Comté"] = {},
["Brittany"] = {},
["Centre-Val de Loire"] = {},
["Corsica"] = {},
["French Guiana"] = {},
["Grand Est"] = {},
["Guadeloupe"] = {},
["Hauts-de-France"] = {},
["Île-de-France"] = {},
["Martinique"] = {},
["Mayotte"] = {},
["Normandy"] = {},
["Nouvelle-Aquitaine"] = {},
["Occitanie"] = {},
["Pays de la Loire"] = {},
["Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur"] = {},
["Réunion"] = {},
-- administrative regions of France
export.france_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("France"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("France"),
-- Canonically these are 'administrative regions' but also categorize if identified as a 'region'.
default_divtype = {"administrative region", "region"},
default_div_parent_type = "regions",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.france_administrative_regions,
export.germany_states = {
["Baden-Württemberg"] = {},
["Bavaria"] = {},
-- Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg are effectively city-states and don't have districts ([[Kreise]]), so override
-- the default_poldiv setting.
["Berlin"] = {poldiv = {}},
["Brandenburg"] = {},
["Bremen"] = {poldiv = {}},
["Hamburg"] = {poldiv = {}},
["Hesse"] = {},
["Lower Saxony"] = {},
["Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"] = {},
["North Rhine-Westphalia"] = {},
["Rhineland-Palatinate"] = {},
["Saarland"] = {},
["Saxony"] = {},
["Saxony-Anhalt"] = {},
["Schleswig-Holstein"] = {},
["Thuringia"] = {},
-- states of Germany
export.germany_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Germany"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Germany"),
default_divtype = "state",
default_poldiv = "districts",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.germany_states,
local india_polity_with_divisions = {"divisions", "districts"}
local india_polity_without_divisions = {"districts"}
-- States and union territories of India. Only some of them are divided into divisions.
export.india_states_and_union_territories = {
["the Andaman and Nicobar Islands"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Andhra Pradesh"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Arunachal Pradesh"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Assam"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Bihar"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Chandigarh"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Chhattisgarh"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Delhi"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Goa"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Gujarat"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Haryana"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Himachal Pradesh"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Jammu and Kashmir"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Jharkhand"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Karnataka"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Kerala"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Ladakh"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Lakshadweep"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Madhya Pradesh"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Maharashtra"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Manipur"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Meghalaya"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Mizoram"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Nagaland"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Odisha"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Puducherry"] = {divtype = "union territory", poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Punjab"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Rajasthan"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Sikkim"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Tamil Nadu"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Telangana"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Tripura"] = {poldiv = india_polity_without_divisions},
["Uttar Pradesh"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["Uttarakhand"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
["West Bengal"] = {poldiv = india_polity_with_divisions},
-- states and union territories of India
export.india_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("India"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("India"),
default_divtype = "state",
default_div_parent_type = "states and union territories",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.india_states_and_union_territories,
export.indonesia_provinces = {
["Aceh, Indonesia"] = {},
["Bali, Indonesia"] = {},
["the Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia"] = {},
["Banten, Indonesia"] = {},
["Bengkulu, Indonesia"] = {},
["Central Java, Indonesia"] = {},
["Central Kalimantan, Indonesia"] = {},
["Central Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["Central Sulawesi, Indonesia"] = {},
["East Java, Indonesia"] = {},
["East Kalimantan, Indonesia"] = {},
["East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia"] = {},
["Gorontalo, Indonesia"] = {},
["Highland Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia"] = {},
["Jambi, Indonesia"] = {},
["Lampung, Indonesia"] = {},
["Maluku, Indonesia"] = {},
["North Kalimantan, Indonesia"] = {},
["North Maluku, Indonesia"] = {},
["North Sulawesi, Indonesia"] = {},
["North Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["North Sumatra, Indonesia"] = {},
["Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["Riau, Indonesia"] = {},
["the Riau Islands, Indonesia"] = {},
["Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia"] = {},
["South Kalimantan, Indonesia"] = {},
["South Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["South Sulawesi, Indonesia"] = {},
["South Sumatra, Indonesia"] = {},
["Southwest Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["West Java, Indonesia"] = {},
["West Kalimantan, Indonesia"] = {},
["West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia"] = {},
["West Papua, Indonesia"] = {},
["West Sulawesi, Indonesia"] = {},
["West Sumatra, Indonesia"] = {},
["the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia"] = {},
local function indonesia_key_to_placename(key)
-- See description of `key_to_placename()`; passed-in placenames *will* have "the" prepended, and the returned
-- placenames should also, except for the elliptical variants when they exist (as in the case of Jakarta and
-- Yogyakarta).
key = key:gsub(", Indonesia$", "")
local special_region_city = key:match("^the Special.* of (.*)$")
if special_region_city then
return key, special_region_city
return key, key
local function indonesia_placename_to_key(placename)
-- See description of `placename_to_key()`; passed-in placenames will *not* have "the" prepended, and the returned
-- keys should not, either.
if placename == "Yogyakarta" then
placename = "Special Region of Yogyakarta"
elseif placename == "Jakarta" then
placename = "Special Capital Region of Jakarta"
return placename .. ", Indonesia"
-- provinces of Indonesia
export.indonesia_group = {
key_to_placename = indonesia_key_to_placename,
placename_to_key = indonesia_placename_to_key,
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Indonesia"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Indonesia"),
default_divtype = "province",
-- per, Indonesia tends to use American
-- spellings.
data = export.indonesia_provinces,
export.ireland_counties = {
["County Carlow, Ireland"] = {},
["County Cavan, Ireland"] = {},
["County Clare, Ireland"] = {},
["County Cork, Ireland"] = {},
["County Donegal, Ireland"] = {},
["County Dublin, Ireland"] = {},
["County Galway, Ireland"] = {},
["County Kerry, Ireland"] = {},
["County Kildare, Ireland"] = {},
["County Kilkenny, Ireland"] = {},
["County Laois, Ireland"] = {},
["County Leitrim, Ireland"] = {},
["County Limerick, Ireland"] = {},
["County Longford, Ireland"] = {},
["County Louth, Ireland"] = {},
["County Mayo, Ireland"] = {},
["County Meath, Ireland"] = {},
["County Monaghan, Ireland"] = {},
["County Offaly, Ireland"] = {},
["County Roscommon, Ireland"] = {},
["County Sligo, Ireland"] = {},
["County Tipperary, Ireland"] = {},
["County Waterford, Ireland"] = {},
["County Westmeath, Ireland"] = {},
["County Wexford, Ireland"] = {},
["County Wicklow, Ireland"] = {},
local function make_irish_type_key_to_placename(polity_pattern)
return function(key)
key = key:gsub(polity_pattern, "")
local elliptical_key = key:gsub("^County ", "")
return key, elliptical_key
local function make_irish_type_placename_to_key(polity_suffix)
return function(placename)
if not placename:find("^County ") and not placename:find("^City ") then
placename = "County " .. placename
return placename .. polity_suffix
-- counties of Ireland
export.ireland_group = {
key_to_placename = make_irish_type_key_to_placename(", Ireland$"),
placename_to_key = make_irish_type_placename_to_key(", Ireland"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Ireland"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Ireland"),
default_divtype = "county",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.ireland_counties,
export.italy_administrative_regions = {
["Abruzzo"] = {},
["Aosta Valley"] = {divtype = {"autonomous region", "administrative region", "region"}},
["Apulia"] = {},
["Basilicata"] = {},
["Calabria"] = {},
["Campania"] = {},
["Emilia-Romagna"] = {},
["Friuli-Venezia Giulia"] = {divtype = {"autonomous region", "administrative region", "region"}},
["Lazio"] = {},
["Liguria"] = {},
["Lombardy"] = {},
["Marche"] = {},
["Molise"] = {},
["Piedmont"] = {},
["Sardinia"] = {divtype = {"autonomous region", "administrative region", "region"}},
["Sicily"] = {divtype = {"autonomous region", "administrative region", "region"}},
["Trentino-Alto Adige"] = {divtype = {"autonomous region", "administrative region", "region"}},
["Tuscany"] = {},
["Umbria"] = {},
["Veneto"] = {},
-- administrative regions of Italy
export.italy_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Italy"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Italy"),
default_divtype = {"administrative region", "region"},
default_div_parent_type = "regions",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.italy_administrative_regions,
-- table of Japanese prefectures; interpolated into the main 'places' table, but also needed separately
export.japan_prefectures = {
["Aichi Prefecture"] = {},
["Akita Prefecture"] = {},
["Aomori Prefecture"] = {},
["Chiba Prefecture"] = {},
["Ehime Prefecture"] = {},
["Fukui Prefecture"] = {},
["Fukuoka Prefecture"] = {},
["Fukushima Prefecture"] = {},
["Gifu Prefecture"] = {},
["Gunma Prefecture"] = {},
["Hiroshima Prefecture"] = {},
["Hokkaido"] = {poldiv = "subprefectures"}, -- just "Hokkaido" not "Hokkaido Prefecture"
["Hyōgo Prefecture"] = {},
["Ibaraki Prefecture"] = {},
["Ishikawa Prefecture"] = {},
["Iwate Prefecture"] = {},
["Kagawa Prefecture"] = {},
["Kagoshima Prefecture"] = {},
["Kanagawa Prefecture"] = {},
["Kōchi Prefecture"] = {},
["Kumamoto Prefecture"] = {},
["Kyoto Prefecture"] = {},
["Mie Prefecture"] = {},
["Miyagi Prefecture"] = {},
["Miyazaki Prefecture"] = {},
["Nagano Prefecture"] = {},
["Nagasaki Prefecture"] = {},
["Nara Prefecture"] = {},
["Niigata Prefecture"] = {},
["Ōita Prefecture"] = {},
["Okayama Prefecture"] = {},
["Okinawa Prefecture"] = {},
["Osaka Prefecture"] = {},
["Saga Prefecture"] = {},
["Saitama Prefecture"] = {},
["Shiga Prefecture"] = {},
["Shimane Prefecture"] = {},
["Shizuoka Prefecture"] = {},
["Tochigi Prefecture"] = {},
["Tokushima Prefecture"] = {},
-- just "Tokyo" not "Tokyo Prefecture" or "Tokyo Metropolis"; don't list subprefectures here so they don't get
-- categorized into [[Category:Subprefectures of Tokyo]] (but rather [[Category:Subprefectures of Japan]]) since
-- there are only 4 of them.
["Tokyo"] = {keydesc = "[[Tokyo]] Metropolis", poldiv = {"special wards"}},
["Tottori Prefecture"] = {},
["Toyama Prefecture"] = {},
["Wakayama Prefecture"] = {},
["Yamagata Prefecture"] = {},
["Yamaguchi Prefecture"] = {},
["Yamanashi Prefecture"] = {},
local function japan_placename_to_key(placename)
if placename == "Hokkaido" or placename == "Tokyo" or placename:find(" Prefecture$") then
return placename
return placename .. " Prefecture"
-- prefectures of Japan
export.japan_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(nil, " Prefecture$"),
placename_to_key = japan_placename_to_key,
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Japan"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Japan"),
default_divtype = "prefecture",
data = export.japan_prefectures,
export.north_korea_provinces = {
["Chagang Province, North Korea"] = {},
["North Hamgyong Province, North Korea"] = {},
["South Hamgyong Province, North Korea"] = {},
["North Hwanghae Province, North Korea"] = {},
["South Hwanghae Province, North Korea"] = {},
["Kangwon Province, North Korea"] = {},
["North Pyongan Province, North Korea"] = {},
["South Pyongan Province, North Korea"] = {},
["Ryanggang Province, North Korea"] = {},
-- provinces of North Korea
export.north_korea_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", North Korea$", " Province$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", North Korea", " Province"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("North Korea"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("North Korea"),
default_divtype = "province",
data = export.north_korea_provinces,
export.south_korea_provinces = {
["North Chungcheong Province, South Korea"] = {},
["South Chungcheong Province, South Korea"] = {},
["Gangwon Province, South Korea"] = {},
["Gyeonggi Province, South Korea"] = {},
["North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea"] = {},
["South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea"] = {},
["North Jeolla Province, South Korea"] = {},
["South Jeolla Province, South Korea"] = {},
["Jeju Province, South Korea"] = {},
-- provinces of South Korea
export.south_korea_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", South Korea$", " Province$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", South Korea", " Province"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("South Korea"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("South Korea"),
default_divtype = "province",
data = export.south_korea_provinces,
export.laos_provinces = {
["Attapeu Province, Laos"] = {},
["Bokeo Province, Laos"] = {},
["Bolikhamxai Province, Laos"] = {},
["Champasak Province, Laos"] = {},
["Houaphanh Province, Laos"] = {},
["Khammouane Province, Laos"] = {},
["Luang Namtha Province, Laos"] = {},
["Luang Prabang Province, Laos"] = {},
["Oudomxay Province, Laos"] = {},
["Phongsaly Province, Laos"] = {},
["Salavan Province, Laos"] = {},
["Savannakhet Province, Laos"] = {},
["Vientiane Province, Laos"] = {},
["Vientiane Prefecture, Laos"] = {divtype = "prefecture"},
["Sainyabuli Province, Laos"] = {},
["Sekong Province, Laos"] = {},
["Xaisomboun Province, Laos"] = {},
["Xiangkhouang Province, Laos"] = {},
local function laos_placename_to_key(placename)
if placename == "Vientiane Prefecture" then
return placename .. ", Laos"
if placename:find(" Province$") then
return placename .. ", Laos"
return placename .. " Province, Laos"
-- provinces of Laos
export.laos_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Laos$", {" Province$", " Prefecture$"}),
placename_to_key = laos_placename_to_key,
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Laos"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Laos"),
default_divtype = "province",
data = export.laos_provinces,
export.lebanon_governorates = {
["Akkar Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["Baalbek-Hermel Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["Beirut Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["Beqaa Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["Keserwan-Jbeil Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["Nabatieh Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["North Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
["South Governorate, Lebanon"] = {},
-- governorates of Lebanon
export.lebanon_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Lebanon$", " Governorate$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Lebanon", " Governorate"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Lebanon"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Lebanon"),
default_divtype = "governorate",
-- The governorates are too generic in name. For example, "North Governorate" exists elsewhere.
no_containing_polity_cat = true,
data = export.lebanon_governorates,
export.malaysia_states = {
["Johor, Malaysia"] = {},
["Kedah, Malaysia"] = {},
["Kelantan, Malaysia"] = {},
["Malacca, Malaysia"] = {},
["Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia"] = {},
["Pahang, Malaysia"] = {},
["Penang, Malaysia"] = {},
["Perak, Malaysia"] = {},
["Perlis, Malaysia"] = {},
["Sabah, Malaysia"] = {},
["Sarawak, Malaysia"] = {},
["Selangor, Malaysia"] = {},
["Terengganu, Malaysia"] = {},
-- states of Malaysia
export.malaysia_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Malaysia$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Malaysia"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Malaysia"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Malaysia"),
default_divtype = "state",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.malaysia_states,
export.malta_regions = {
["Eastern Region, Malta"] = {},
["Gozo Region, Malta"] = {},
["Northern Region, Malta"] = {},
["Port Region, Malta"] = {},
["Southern Region, Malta"] = {},
["Western Region, Malta"] = {},
-- regions of Malta
export.malta_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Malta$", " Region"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Malta", " Region"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Malta"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Malta"),
default_divtype = "region",
british_spelling = true,
-- The regions are too generic in name. For example, "Central Region" exists elsewhere, e.g. in South Africa.
no_containing_polity_cat = true,
data = export.malta_regions,
export.mexico_states = {
["Aguascalientes"] = {},
["Baja California"] = {},
["Baja California Sur"] = {},
["Campeche"] = {},
["Chiapas"] = {},
["Mexico City"] = {},
["Chihuahua"] = {},
["Coahuila"] = {},
["Colima"] = {},
["Durango"] = {},
["Guanajuato"] = {},
["Guerrero"] = {},
["Hidalgo"] = {},
["Jalisco"] = {},
["the State of Mexico"] = {},
["Michoacán"] = {},
["Morelos"] = {},
["Nayarit"] = {},
["Nuevo León"] = {},
["Oaxaca"] = {},
["Puebla"] = {},
["Querétaro"] = {},
["Quintana Roo"] = {},
["San Luis Potosí"] = {},
["Sinaloa"] = {},
["Sonora"] = {},
["Tabasco"] = {},
["Tamaulipas"] = {},
["Tlaxcala"] = {},
["Veracruz"] = {},
["Yucatán"] = {},
["Zacatecas"] = {},
-- Mexican states
export.mexico_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Mexico"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Mexico"),
default_divtype = "state",
data = export.mexico_states,
export.morocco_regions = {
["Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima"] = {},
["Oriental"] = {},
["Fez-Meknes"] = {},
["Rabat-Sale-Kenitra"] = {},
["Beni Mellal-Khenifra"] = {},
["Casablanca-Settat"] = {},
["Marrakesh-Safi"] = {},
["Draa-Tafilalet"] = {},
["Souss-Massa"] = {},
["Guelmim-Oued Noun"] = {},
["Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra"] = {},
["Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab"] = {},
-- regions of Morocco
export.morocco_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Morocco"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Morocco"),
default_divtype = "region",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.morocco_regions,
export.netherlands_provinces = {
["Drenthe, Netherlands"] = {},
["Flevoland, Netherlands"] = {},
["Friesland, Netherlands"] = {},
["Gelderland, Netherlands"] = {},
["Groningen, Netherlands"] = {},
["Limburg, Netherlands"] = {},
["North Brabant, Netherlands"] = {},
["North Holland, Netherlands"] = {},
["Overijssel, Netherlands"] = {},
["South Holland, Netherlands"] = {},
["Utrecht, Netherlands"] = {},
["Zeeland, Netherlands"] = {},
-- provinces of the Netherlands
export.netherlands_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Netherlands$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Netherlands"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("the Netherlands"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("the Netherlands"),
default_divtype = "province",
default_poldiv = "municipalities",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.netherlands_provinces,
export.nigeria_states = {
["Abia State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Adamawa State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Anambra State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Bauchi State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Bayelsa State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Benue State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Borno State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Cross River State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Delta State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Ebonyi State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Edo State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Ekiti State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Enugu State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Gombe State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Imo State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Jigawa State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Kaduna State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Kano State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Katsina State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Kebbi State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Kogi State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Kwara State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Lagos State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Nasarawa State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Niger State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Ogun State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Ondo State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Osun State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Oyo State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Plateau State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Rivers State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Sokoto State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Taraba State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Yobe State, Nigeria"] = {},
["Zamfara State, Nigeria"] = {},
-- states of Nigeria
export.nigeria_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Nigeria$", " State$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Nigeria", " State"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Nigeria"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Nigeria"),
default_divtype = "state",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.nigeria_states,
export.norwegian_counties = {
["Oslo, Norway"] = {},
["Rogaland, Norway"] = {},
["Møre og Romsdal, Norway"] = {},
["Nordland, Norway"] = {},
["Østfold, Norway"] = {},
["Akershus, Norway"] = {},
["Buskerud, Norway"] = {},
-- the following two were merged into Innlandet
-- ["Hedmark, Norway"] = {},
-- ["Oppland, Norway"] = {},
["Innlandet, Norway"] = {},
["Vestfold, Norway"] = {},
["Telemark, Norway"] = {},
-- the following two were merged into Agder
-- ["Aust-Agder, Norway"] = {},
-- ["Vest-Agder, Norway"] = {},
["Agder, Norway"] = {},
-- the following two were merged into Vestland
-- ["Hordaland, Norway"] = {},
-- ["Sogn og Fjordane, Norway"] = {},
["Vestland, Norway"] = {},
["Trøndelag, Norway"] = {},
["Troms, Norway"] = {},
["Finnmark, Norway"] = {},
-- counties of Norway
export.norway_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Norway$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Norway"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Norway"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Norway"),
default_divtype = "county",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.norwegian_counties,
export.philippines_provinces = {
["Abra, Philippines"] = {},
["Agusan del Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Agusan del Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Aklan, Philippines"] = {},
["Albay, Philippines"] = {},
["Antique, Philippines"] = {},
["Apayao, Philippines"] = {},
["Aurora, Philippines"] = {},
["Basilan, Philippines"] = {},
["Bataan, Philippines"] = {},
["Batanes, Philippines"] = {},
["Batangas, Philippines"] = {},
["Benguet, Philippines"] = {},
["Biliran, Philippines"] = {},
["Bohol, Philippines"] = {},
["Bukidnon, Philippines"] = {},
["Bulacan, Philippines"] = {},
["Cagayan, Philippines"] = {},
["Camarines Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Camarines Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Camiguin, Philippines"] = {},
["Capiz, Philippines"] = {},
["Catanduanes, Philippines"] = {},
["Cavite, Philippines"] = {},
["Cebu, Philippines"] = {},
["Cotabato, Philippines"] = {},
["Davao de Oro, Philippines"] = {},
["Davao del Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Davao del Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Davao Occidental, Philippines"] = {},
["Davao Oriental, Philippines"] = {},
["the Dinagat Islands, Philippines"] = {},
["Eastern Samar, Philippines"] = {},
["Guimaras, Philippines"] = {},
["Ifugao, Philippines"] = {},
["Ilocos Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Ilocos Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Iloilo, Philippines"] = {},
["Isabela, Philippines"] = {},
["Kalinga, Philippines"] = {},
["La Union, Philippines"] = {},
["Laguna, Philippines"] = {},
["Lanao del Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Lanao del Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Leyte, Philippines"] = {},
["Maguindanao del Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Maguindanao del Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Marinduque, Philippines"] = {},
["Masbate, Philippines"] = {},
["Misamis Occidental, Philippines"] = {},
["Misamis Oriental, Philippines"] = {},
["Mountain Province, Philippines"] = {},
["Negros Occidental, Philippines"] = {},
["Negros Oriental, Philippines"] = {},
["Northern Samar, Philippines"] = {},
["Nueva Ecija, Philippines"] = {},
["Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines"] = {},
["Occidental Mindoro, Philippines"] = {},
["Oriental Mindoro, Philippines"] = {},
["Palawan, Philippines"] = {},
["Pampanga, Philippines"] = {},
["Pangasinan, Philippines"] = {},
["Quezon, Philippines"] = {},
["Quirino, Philippines"] = {},
["Rizal, Philippines"] = {},
["Romblon, Philippines"] = {},
["Samar, Philippines"] = {},
["Sarangani, Philippines"] = {},
["Siquijor, Philippines"] = {},
["Sorsogon, Philippines"] = {},
["South Cotabato, Philippines"] = {},
["Southern Leyte, Philippines"] = {},
["Sultan Kudarat, Philippines"] = {},
["Sulu, Philippines"] = {},
["Surigao del Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Surigao del Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Tarlac, Philippines"] = {},
["Tawi-Tawi, Philippines"] = {},
["Zambales, Philippines"] = {},
["Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines"] = {},
["Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines"] = {},
["Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines"] = {},
--not a province but treated as one
["Metro Manila, Philippines"] = {divtype = "region"},
-- provinces of the Philippines
export.philippines_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Philippines$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Philippines"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("the Philippines"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("the Philippines"),
default_divtype = "province",
default_poldiv = "municipalities",
data = export.philippines_provinces,
export.romania_counties = {
["Alba County, Romania"] = {},
["Arad County, Romania"] = {},
["Argeș County, Romania"] = {},
["Bacău County, Romania"] = {},
["Bihor County, Romania"] = {},
["Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania"] = {},
["Botoșani County, Romania"] = {},
["Brașov County, Romania"] = {},
["Brăila County, Romania"] = {},
["Buzău County, Romania"] = {},
["Caraș-Severin County, Romania"] = {},
["Cluj County, Romania"] = {},
["Constanța County, Romania"] = {},
["Covasna County, Romania"] = {},
["Călărași County, Romania"] = {},
["Dolj County, Romania"] = {},
["Dâmbovița County, Romania"] = {},
["Galați County, Romania"] = {},
["Giurgiu County, Romania"] = {},
["Gorj County, Romania"] = {},
["Harghita County, Romania"] = {},
["Hunedoara County, Romania"] = {},
["Ialomița County, Romania"] = {},
["Iași County, Romania"] = {},
["Ilfov County, Romania"] = {},
["Maramureș County, Romania"] = {},
["Mehedinți County, Romania"] = {},
["Mureș County, Romania"] = {},
["Neamț County, Romania"] = {},
["Olt County, Romania"] = {},
["Prahova County, Romania"] = {},
["Satu Mare County, Romania"] = {},
["Sibiu County, Romania"] = {},
["Suceava County, Romania"] = {},
["Sălaj County, Romania"] = {},
["Teleorman County, Romania"] = {},
["Timiș County, Romania"] = {},
["Tulcea County, Romania"] = {},
["Vaslui County, Romania"] = {},
["Vrancea County, Romania"] = {},
["Vâlcea County, Romania"] = {},
-- counties of Romania
export.romania_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Romania$", " County$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Romania", " County"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Romania"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Romania"),
default_divtype = "county",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.romania_counties,
local function make_russia_federal_subject_spec(spectype)
return {divtype = spectype, div_parent_type = {"federal subjects", spectype .. "s"}}
local russia_autonomous_okrug = make_russia_federal_subject_spec("autonomous okrug")
local russia_krai = make_russia_federal_subject_spec("krai")
local russia_oblast = make_russia_federal_subject_spec("oblast")
local russia_republic = make_russia_federal_subject_spec("republic")
export.russia_federal_subjects = {
-- autonomous oblasts
["the Jewish Autonomous Oblast"] = make_russia_federal_subject_spec("autonomous oblast"),
-- autonomous okrugs
["Chukotka Autonomous Okrug"] = russia_autonomous_okrug,
["Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug"] = russia_autonomous_okrug,
["Nenets Autonomous Okrug"] = russia_autonomous_okrug,
["Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug"] = russia_autonomous_okrug,
-- krais
["Altai Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Kamchatka Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Khabarovsk Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Krasnodar Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Krasnoyarsk Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Perm Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Primorsky Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Stavropol Krai"] = russia_krai,
["Zabaykalsky Krai"] = russia_krai,
-- oblasts
["Amur Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Arkhangelsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Astrakhan Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Belgorod Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Bryansk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Chelyabinsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Irkutsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Ivanovo Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kaliningrad Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kaluga Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kemerovo Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kirov Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kostroma Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kurgan Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Kursk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Leningrad Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Lipetsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Magadan Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Moscow Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Murmansk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Nizhny Novgorod Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Novgorod Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Novosibirsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Omsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Orenburg Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Oryol Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Penza Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Pskov Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Rostov Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Ryazan Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Sakhalin Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Samara Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Saratov Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Smolensk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Sverdlovsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Tambov Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Tomsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Tula Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Tver Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Tyumen Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Ulyanovsk Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Vladimir Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Volgograd Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Vologda Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Voronezh Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
["Yaroslavl Oblast"] = russia_oblast,
-- republics
["the Republic of Adygea"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Bashkortostan"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Buryatia"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Dagestan"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Ingushetia"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Kalmykia"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Karelia"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Khakassia"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Mordovia"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania"] = russia_republic,
["the Republic of Tatarstan"] = russia_republic,
["the Altai Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Chechen Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Chuvash Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Kabardino-Balkar Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Karachay-Cherkess Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Komi Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Mari El Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Sakha Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Tuva Republic"] = russia_republic,
["the Udmurt Republic"] = russia_republic,
-- Not sure what to do about this one from a neutrality perspective
-- ["the Republic of Crimea"] = russia_republic,
-- There are also federal cities (not included because they're cities):
-- Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sevastopol (not sure what to do about the
-- last one if we were to include federal cities, see "Republic of Crimea"
-- above)
local function russia_placename_to_key(placename)
-- We allow the user to say e.g. "obl/Samara" and "rep/Tatarstan" in place of
-- "obl/Samara Oblast" and "rep/Republic of Tatarstan".
if export.russia_federal_subjects[placename] or export.russia_federal_subjects["the " .. placename] then
return placename
for _, suffix in ipairs({"Autonomous Okrug", "Krai", "Oblast"}) do
local suffixed_placename = placename .. " " .. suffix
if export.russia_federal_subjects[suffixed_placename] then
return suffixed_placename
local republic_placename = "Republic of " .. placename
if export.russia_federal_subjects["the " .. republic_placename] then
return republic_placename
local republic_placename = placename .. " Republic"
if export.russia_federal_subjects["the " .. republic_placename] then
return republic_placename
return placename
local function construct_russia_federal_subject_keydesc(linked_key, divtype)
if divtype == "oblast" then
-- Hack: Oblasts generally don't have entries under "Foo Oblast"
-- but just under "Foo", so fix the linked key appropriately;
-- doesn't apply to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
linked_key = linked_key:gsub(" Oblast%]%]", "%]%] Oblast")
return linked_key .. ", a federal subject ([[" .. divtype .. "]]) of [[Russia]]"
-- federal subjects of Russia
export.russia_group = {
-- No current need for key_to_placename because it's only used in subpolity_bare_label_setter and
-- subpolity_value_transformer, and we override both handlers. (FIXME: No longer true; we also use
-- key_to_placename in the category augmentation code at the bottom of [[Module:place/data]], so we should
-- define a key_to_placename appropriately.)
placename_to_key = russia_placename_to_key,
bare_label_setter = function(labels, group, key, value)
local divtype = value.divtype or group.default_divtype
if type(divtype) == "table" then
divtype = divtype[1]
local bare_key, linked_key = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(key)
labels[bare_key] = {
type = "topic",
description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to " .. construct_russia_federal_subject_keydesc(linked_key, divtype) .. ".",
parents = {"federal subjects of Russia", require(en_utilities_module).pluralize(divtype) .. " of Russia"},
value_transformer = function(group, key, value)
value.containing_polity = "Russia"
local divtype = value.divtype or group.default_divtype
if type(divtype) == "table" then
divtype = divtype[1]
local bare_key, linked_key = export.construct_bare_and_linked_version(key)
value.keydesc = construct_russia_federal_subject_keydesc(linked_key, divtype)
return value
british_spelling = true,
data = export.russia_federal_subjects,
export.saudi_arabia_provinces = {
["Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Mecca Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Medina Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Aseer Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Qassim Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Tabuk Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Hail Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Al-Jouf Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Najran Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Northern Borders Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
["Al-Bahah Province, Saudi Arabia"] = {},
-- provinces of Saudi Arabia
export.saudi_arabia_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Saudi Arabia$", " Province$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Saudi Arabia", " Province"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Saudi Arabia"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Saudi Arabia"),
default_divtype = "province",
-- The regions are too generic in name. For example, "Eastern Region" exists elsewhere.
no_containing_polity_cat = true,
data = export.saudi_arabia_provinces,
export.spain_autonomous_communities = {
["Andalusia"] = {},
["Aragon"] = {},
["Asturias"] = {},
["the Balearic Islands"] = {},
["the Basque Country"] = {},
["the Canary Islands"] = {},
["Cantabria"] = {},
["Castile and León"] = {},
["Castilla-La Mancha"] = {},
["Catalonia"] = {},
["the Community of Madrid"] = {},
["Extremadura"] = {},
["Galicia"] = {},
["La Rioja"] = {},
["Murcia"] = {},
["Navarre"] = {},
["Valencia"] = {},
-- autonomous communities of Spain
export.spain_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Spain"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Spain"),
default_divtype = "autonomous community",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.spain_autonomous_communities,
export.taiwan_counties = {
["Changhua County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Chiayi County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Hsinchu County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Hualien County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Kinmen County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Lienchiang County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Miaoli County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Nantou County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Penghu County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Pingtung County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Taitung County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Yilan County, Taiwan"] = {},
["Yunlin County, Taiwan"] = {},
-- counties of Taiwan
export.taiwan_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Taiwan$", " County$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Taiwan", " County"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Taiwan"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Taiwan"),
default_divtype = "county",
data = export.taiwan_counties,
export.thailand_provinces = {
["Amnat Charoen Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Ang Thong Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Bueng Kan Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Buriram Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chachoengsao Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chai Nat Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chaiyaphum Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chanthaburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chiang Mai Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chiang Rai Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chonburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Chumphon Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Kalasin Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Kamphaeng Phet Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Khon Kaen Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Krabi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Lampang Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Lamphun Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Loei Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Lopburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Mukdahan Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nakhon Sawon Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nan Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Narathiwat Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nong Bua Lamphu Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nong Khai Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Nonthaburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Pathum Thani Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Pattani Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phang Nga Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phatthalung Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phayao Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phetchabun Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phetchaburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phichit Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phitsanulok Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phrae Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Phuket Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Prachinburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Ranong Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Ratchaburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Rayong Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Roi Et Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Samut Prakan Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Samut Songkhram Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Saraburi Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Satun Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Sing Buri Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Sisaket Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Songkhla Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Sukhothai Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Suphan Buri Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Surat Thani Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Surin Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Tak Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Trang Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Trat Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Udon Thani Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Uthai Thani Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Uttaradit Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Yala Province, Thailand"] = {},
["Yasothon Province, Thailand"] = {},
-- provinces of Thailand
export.thailand_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Thailand$", " Province$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Thailand", " Province"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Thailand"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("Thailand"),
default_divtype = "province",
default_poldiv = "districts",
data = export.thailand_provinces,
export.uk_constituent_countries = {
["England"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "local government districts", cat_as = "districts"},
type = "local government districts with borough status",
sgdiv = "local government district with borough status",
cat_as = {"districts", "boroughs"},
{type = "boroughs", cat_as = {"districts", "boroughs"}},
{type = "civil parishes", skip_polity_parent_type = false},
}, miscdiv = {"regions", "traditional counties"}},
["Northern Ireland"] = {
divtype = {"province", "constituent country", "country"},
div_parent_type = "constituent countries",
poldiv = {"counties", "districts"},
["Scotland"] = {poldiv = {"council areas"}, miscdiv = {"regions", "districts", "traditional counties"}},
["Wales"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "county boroughs", skip_polity_parent_type = false},
{type = "communities", skip_polity_parent_type = false},
-- constituent countries and provinces of the United Kingdom
export.uk_group = {
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("the United Kingdom"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("the United Kingdom"),
default_divtype = {"constituent country", "country"},
british_spelling = true,
-- Don't create categories like 'Category:en:Towns in the United Kingdom'
-- or 'Category:en:Places in the United Kingdom'.
no_containing_polity_cat = true,
data = export.uk_constituent_countries,
-- table of US states; interpolated into the main 'places' table, but also needed separately
export.us_states = {
["Alabama, USA"] = {},
["Alaska, USA"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "boroughs", skip_polity_parent_type = "counties"},
{type = "borough seats", skip_polity_parent_type = "county seats"},
["Arizona, USA"] = {},
["Arkansas, USA"] = {},
["California, USA"] = {},
["Colorado, USA"] = {poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
["Connecticut, USA"] = {poldiv = {"municipalities"}},
["Delaware, USA"] = {},
["Florida, USA"] = {},
["Georgia, USA"] = {},
["Hawaii, USA"] = {},
["Idaho, USA"] = {},
["Illinois, USA"] = {},
["Indiana, USA"] = {},
["Iowa, USA"] = {},
["Kansas, USA"] = {},
["Kentucky, USA"] = {},
["Louisiana, USA"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "parishes", skip_polity_parent_type = "counties"},
{type = "parish seats", skip_polity_parent_type = "county seats"},
["Maine, USA"] = {},
["Maryland, USA"] = {},
["Massachusetts, USA"] = {},
["Michigan, USA"] = {},
["Minnesota, USA"] = {},
["Mississippi, USA"] = {},
["Missouri, USA"] = {},
["Montana, USA"] = {},
["Nebraska, USA"] = {},
["Nevada, USA"] = {},
["New Hampshire, USA"] = {},
["New Jersey, USA"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "boroughs", prep = "in"},
["New Mexico, USA"] = {},
["New York, USA"] = {},
["North Carolina, USA"] = {},
["North Dakota, USA"] = {},
["Ohio, USA"] = {},
["Oklahoma, USA"] = {},
["Oregon, USA"] = {},
["Pennsylvania, USA"] = {poldiv = {
{type = "boroughs", prep = "in"},
["Rhode Island, USA"] = {},
["South Carolina, USA"] = {},
["South Dakota, USA"] = {},
["Tennessee, USA"] = {},
["Texas, USA"] = {},
["Utah, USA"] = {},
["Vermont, USA"] = {},
["Virginia, USA"] = {},
["Washington, USA"] = {},
["West Virginia, USA"] = {},
["Wisconsin, USA"] = {},
["Wyoming, USA"] = {},
-- states of the United States
export.us_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", USA$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", USA"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("the United States"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer("the United States"),
default_divtype = "state",
default_poldiv = {
"county seats",
default_miscdiv = {
{type = "census-designated places", prep = "in"},
{type = "ghost towns", prep = "in"},
data = export.us_states,
-- Second-Level Subpolity Tables --
export.england_counties = {
-- ["Avon, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Bedfordshire, England"] = {},
["Berkshire, England"] = {},
-- ["Brighton and Hove, England"] = {}, -- city
-- ["Bristol, England"] = {}, -- city
["Buckinghamshire, England"] = {},
["Cambridgeshire, England"] = {},
-- ["Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Cheshire, England"] = {},
-- ["Cleveland, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Cornwall, England"] = {},
-- ["Cumberland, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Cumbria, England"] = {},
["Derbyshire, England"] = {},
["Devon, England"] = {},
["Dorset, England"] = {},
["County Durham, England"] = {},
-- ["East Suffolk, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["East Sussex, England"] = {},
["Essex, England"] = {},
["Gloucestershire, England"] = {},
["Greater London, England"] = {},
["Greater Manchester, England"] = {},
["Hampshire, England"] = {},
-- ["Hereford and Worcester, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Herefordshire, England"] = {},
["Hertfordshire, England"] = {},
-- ["Humberside, England"] = {}, -- no longer
-- ["Huntingdon and Peterborough, England"] = {}, -- no longer
-- ["Huntingdonshire, England"] = {}, -- no longer
-- ["the Isle of Ely, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["the Isle of Wight, England"] = {},
["Kent, England"] = {},
["Lancashire, England"] = {},
["Leicestershire, England"] = {},
["Lincolnshire, England"] = {},
-- ["the County of London, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Merseyside, England"] = {},
-- ["Middlesex, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Norfolk, England"] = {},
["Northamptonshire, England"] = {},
["Northumberland, England"] = {},
-- ["North Humberside, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["North Yorkshire, England"] = {},
["Nottinghamshire, England"] = {},
["Oxfordshire, England"] = {},
-- ["the Soke of Peterborough, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Rutland, England"] = {},
["Shropshire, England"] = {},
["Somerset, England"] = {},
["South Humberside, England"] = {},
["South Yorkshire, England"] = {},
["Staffordshire, England"] = {},
["Suffolk, England"] = {},
["Surrey, England"] = {},
-- ["Sussex, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["Tyne and Wear, England"] = {},
["Warwickshire, England"] = {},
["the West Midlands, England"] = {},
-- ["Westmorland, England"] = {}, -- no longer
-- ["West Suffolk, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["West Sussex, England"] = {},
["West Yorkshire, England"] = {},
["Wiltshire, England"] = {},
["Worcestershire, England"] = {},
-- ["Yorkshire, England"] = {}, -- no longer
["the East Riding of Yorkshire, England"] = {},
-- ["the North Riding of Yorkshire, England"] = {}, -- no longer
-- ["the West Riding of Yorkshire, England"] = {}, -- no longer
-- counties of England
export.england_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", England$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", England"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("England"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer({"constituent country", "England"}),
default_divtype = "county",
default_poldiv = {
{type = "local government districts", cat_as = "districts"},
type = "local government districts with borough status",
sgdiv = "local government district with borough status",
cat_as = {"districts", "boroughs"},
{type = "boroughs", cat_as = {"districts", "boroughs"}},
"civil parishes",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.england_counties,
export.northern_ireland_counties = {
["County Antrim, Northern Ireland"] = {},
["County Armagh, Northern Ireland"] = {},
["the City of Belfast, Northern Ireland"] = {is_city = true},
["County Down, Northern Ireland"] = {},
["County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland"] = {},
["County Londonderry, Northern Ireland"] = {},
["the City of Derry, Northern Ireland"] = {is_city = true},
["County Tyrone, Northern Ireland"] = {},
-- counties of Northern Ireland
export.northern_ireland_group = {
key_to_placename = make_irish_type_key_to_placename(", Northern Ireland$"),
placename_to_key = make_irish_type_placename_to_key(", Northern Ireland"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Northern Ireland"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer({"constituent country", "Northern Ireland"}),
default_divtype = "county",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.northern_ireland_counties,
export.scotland_council_areas = {
["the City of Glasgow, Scotland"] = {},
["the City of Edinburgh, Scotland"] = {},
["Fife, Scotland"] = {},
["North Lanarkshire, Scotland"] = {},
["South Lanarkshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Aberdeenshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Highland, Scotland"] = {},
["the City of Aberdeen, Scotland"] = {},
["West Lothian, Scotland"] = {},
["Renfrewshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Falkirk, Scotland"] = {},
["Perth and Kinross, Scotland"] = {},
["Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland"] = {},
["the City of Dundee, Scotland"] = {},
["North Ayrshire, Scotland"] = {},
["East Ayrshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Angus, Scotland"] = {},
["the Scottish Borders, Scotland"] = {},
["South Ayrshire, Scotland"] = {},
["East Dunbartonshire, Scotland"] = {},
["East Lothian, Scotland"] = {},
["Moray, Scotland"] = {},
["East Renfrewshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Stirling, Scotland"] = {},
["Midlothian, Scotland"] = {},
["West Dunbartonshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Argyll and Bute, Scotland"] = {},
["Inverclyde, Scotland"] = {},
["Clackmannanshire, Scotland"] = {},
["Na h-Eileanan Siar, Scotland"] = {},
["the Shetland Islands, Scotland"] = {},
["the Orkney Islands, Scotland"] = {},
-- council areas of Scotland
export.scotland_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Scotland$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Scotland"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Scotland"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer({"constituent country", "Scotland"}),
default_divtype = "council area",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.scotland_council_areas,
export.wales_principal_areas = {
["Blaenau Gwent, Wales"] = {},
["Bridgend, Wales"] = {},
["Caerphilly, Wales"] = {},
-- ["Cardiff, Wales"] = {divtype = "city"},
["Carmarthenshire, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Ceredigion, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Conwy, Wales"] = {},
["Denbighshire, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Flintshire, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Gwynedd, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["the Isle of Anglesey, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Merthyr Tydfil, Wales"] = {},
["Monmouthshire, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Neath Port Talbot, Wales"] = {},
-- ["Newport, Wales"] = {divtype = "city"},
["Pembrokeshire, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Powys, Wales"] = {divtype = "county"},
["Rhondda Cynon Taf, Wales"] = {},
-- ["Swansea, Wales"] = {divtype = "city"},
["Torfaen, Wales"] = {},
["the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales"] = {},
["Wrexham, Wales"] = {},
-- principal areas (cities, counties and county boroughs) of Wales
export.wales_group = {
key_to_placename = make_key_to_placename(", Wales$"),
placename_to_key = make_placename_to_key(", Wales"),
bare_label_setter = subpolity_bare_label_setter("Wales"),
value_transformer = subpolity_value_transformer({"constituent country", "Wales"}),
default_divtype = "county borough",
british_spelling = true,
data = export.wales_principal_areas,
-- City Tables --
export.new_york_boroughs = {
["Bronx"] = true,
["Brooklyn"] = true,
["Manhattan"] = true,
["Queens"] = true,
["Staten Island"] = true,
export.cities = {
default_divtype = "state",
containing_polities = {"Australia", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["Adelaide"] = {"South Australia"},
["Brisbane"] = {"Queensland"},
["Canberra"] = {"the Australian Capital Territory", divtype = "territory"},
["Melbourne"] = {"Victoria"},
["Newcastle, New South Wales"] = {"New South Wales"},
["Newcastle"] = {alias_of="Newcastle, New South Wales"},
["Perth"] = {"Western Australia"},
["Sydney"] = {"New South Wales"},
default_divtype = "state",
containing_polities = {"Brazil", divtype = "country"},
data = {
-- This only lists cities, not metro areas, over 1,000,000 inhabitants.
["São Paulo"] = {"São Paulo"},
["Rio de Janeiro"] = {"Rio de Janeiro"},
["Brasília"] = {"Distrito Federal"},
["Brasilia"] = {alias_of="Brasília"},
["Salvador"] = {"Bahia", wp="%c, %d", commonscat="%c (%d)"},
["Fortaleza"] = {"Ceará"},
["Belo Horizonte"] = {"Minas Gerais"},
["Manaus"] = {"Amazonas"},
["Curitiba"] = {"Paraná"},
["Recife"] = {"Pernambuco"},
["Goiânia"] = {"Goiás"},
["Goiania"] = {alias_of="Goiânia"},
["Belém"] = {"Pará"},
["Belem"] = {alias_of="Belém"},
["Porto Alegre"] = {"Rio Grande do Sul"},
["Guarulhos"] = {"São Paulo"},
["Campinas"] = {"São Paulo"},
default_divtype = "province",
containing_polities = {"Canada", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["Toronto"] = {"Ontario"},
["Montreal"] = {"Quebec"},
["Vancouver"] = {"British Columbia"},
["Calgary"] = {"Alberta"},
["Edmonton"] = {"Alberta"},
["Ottawa"] = {"Ontario"},
["Winnipeg"] = {"Manitoba"},
["Quebec City"] = {"Quebec"},
["Hamilton"] = {"Ontario", wp="%c, %d"},
["Kitchener"] = {"Ontario", wp="%c, %d"},
default_divtype = "province",
containing_polities = {"China", divtype = "country"},
data = {
-- This only lists the top 50. Per [[w:List of cities in China by population]], there
-- are 102 cities over 1,000,000 inhabitants, not to mention metro areas. Our coverage
-- of China is fairly sparse; when it increases, add to this list.
["Shanghai"] = {},
["Beijing"] = {},
["Guangzhou"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Shenzhen"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Tianjin"] = {},
["Wuhan"] = {"Hubei"},
["Dongguan"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Chengdu"] = {"Sichuan"},
["Foshan"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Chongqing"] = {},
["Nanjing"] = {"Jiangsu"},
["Shenyang"] = {"Liaoning"},
["Hangzhou"] = {"Zhejiang"},
["Xi'an"] = {"Shaanxi"},
["Harbin"] = {"Heilongjiang"},
["Suzhou"] = {"Jiangsu"},
["Qingdao"] = {"Shandong"},
["Dalian"] = {"Liaoning"},
["Zhengzhou"] = {"Henan"},
["Shantou"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Jinan"] = {"Shandong"},
["Changchun"] = {"Jilin"},
["Kunming"] = {"Yunnan"},
["Changsha"] = {"Hunan"},
["Taiyuan"] = {"Shanxi"},
["Xiamen"] = {"Fujian"},
["Hefei"] = {"Anhui"},
["Shijiazhuang"] = {"Hebei"},
["Ürümqi"] = {"Xinjiang", divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Urumqi"] = {alias_of="Ürümqi"},
["Fuzhou"] = {"Fujian"},
["Wuxi"] = {"Jiangsu"},
["Zhongshan"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Wenzhou"] = {"Zhejiang"},
["Nanning"] = {"Guangxi", divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Nanchang"] = {"Jiangxi"},
["Ningbo"] = {"Zhejiang"},
["Guiyang"] = {"Guizhou"},
["Lanzhou"] = {"Gansu"},
["Zibo"] = {"Shandong"},
["Changzhou"] = {"Jiangsu"},
["Xuzhou"] = {"Jiangsu"},
["Tangshan"] = {"Hebei"},
["Baotou"] = {"Inner Mongolia", divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Huizhou"] = {"Guangdong"},
["Yantai"] = {"Shandong"},
["Shaoxing"] = {"Zhejiang"},
["Liuzhou"] = {"Guangxi", divtype = "autonomous region"},
["Nantong"] = {"Jiangsu"},
["Luoyang"] = {"Henan"},
["Yangzhou"] = {"Jiangsu"},
default_divtype = "administrative region",
containing_polities = {"France", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["Paris"] = {"Île-de-France"},
["Lyon"] = {"Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes"},
["Lyons"] = {alias_of="Lyon"},
["Marseille"] = {"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur"},
["Marseilles"] = {alias_of="Marseille"},
["Toulouse"] = {"Occitanie"},
["Lille"] = {"Hauts-de-France"},
["Bordeaux"] = {"Nouvelle-Aquitaine"},
["Nice"] = {"Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur"},
["Nantes"] = {"Pays de la Loire"},
["Strasbourg"] = {"Grand Est"},
["Rennes"] = {"Brittany"},
default_divtype = "state",
containing_polities = {"Germany", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["Berlin"] = {},
["Dortmund"] = {"North Rhine-Westphalia"},
["Essen"] = {"North Rhine-Westphalia"},
["Duisberg"] = {"North Rhine-Westphalia"},
["Hamburg"] = {},
["Munich"] = {"Bavaria"},
["Stuttgart"] = {"Baden-Württemberg"},
["Frankfurt"] = {"Hesse"},
["Cologne"] = {"North Rhine-Westphalia"},
["Düsseldorf"] = {"North Rhine-Westphalia"},
["Dusseldorf"] = {alias_of="Düsseldorf"},
["Nuremberg"] = {"Bavaria"},
["Bremen"] = {},
default_divtype = "state",
containing_polities = {"India", divtype = "country"},
data = {
-- This only lists the top 20. Per [[w:List of cities in India by population]], there
-- are 46 cities over 1,000,000 inhabitants, not to mention metro areas. Our coverage
-- of India is fairly sparse; when it increases, add to this list.
["Mumbai"] = {"Maharashtra"},
["Delhi"] = {},
["Bangalore"] = {"Karnataka"},
["Hyderabad"] = {"Telangana"},
["Ahmedabad"] = {"Gujarat"},
["Chennai"] = {"Tamil Nadu"},
["Kolkata"] = {"West Bengal"},
["Surat"] = {"Gujarat"},
["Pune"] = {"Maharashtra"},
["Jaipur"] = {"Rajasthan"},
["Lucknow"] = {"Uttar Pradesh"},
["Kanpur"] = {"Uttar Pradesh"},
["Nagpur"] = {"Maharashtra"},
["Indore"] = {"Madhya Pradesh"},
["Thane"] = {"Maharashtra"},
["Bhopal"] = {"Madhya Pradesh"},
["Visakhapatnam"] = {"Andhra Pradesh"},
["Pimpri-Chinchwad"] = {"Maharashtra"},
["Patna"] = {"Bihar"},
["Vadodara"] = {"Gujarat"},
default_divtype = "prefecture",
containing_polities = {"Japan", divtype = "country"},
data = {
-- Population figures from [[w:List of cities in Japan]]. Metro areas from
-- [[w:List of metropolitan areas in Japan]].
["Tokyo"] = {}, -- no single figure given for Tokyo as a whole.
["Yokohama"] = {"Kanagawa"}, -- 3,697,894
["Osaka"] = {"Osaka"}, -- 2,668,586
["Nagoya"] = {"Aichi"}, -- 2,283,289
-- FIXME, Hokkaido is handled specially.
["Sapporo"] = {}, -- {"Hokkaido"}, -- 1,918,096
["Fukuoka"] = {"Fukuoka"}, -- 1,581,527
["Kobe"] = {"Hyōgo"}, -- 1,530,847
["Kyoto"] = {"Kyoto"}, -- 1,474,570
["Kawasaki"] = {"Kanagawa", wp="%c, %d"}, -- 1,373,630
["Saitama"] = {"Saitama", wp="%c (city)", commonscat="%c, %d"}, -- 1,192,418
["Hiroshima"] = {"Hiroshima"}, -- 1,163,806
["Sendai"] = {"Miyagi"}, -- 1,029,552
-- the remaining cities are considered "central cities" in a 1,000,000+ metro area
-- (sometimes there is more than one central city in the area).
["Kitakyushu"] = {"Fukuoka"}, -- 986,998
["Chiba"] = {"Chiba", wp="%c (city)", commonscat="%c, %d"}, -- 938,695
["Sakai"] = {"Osaka"}, -- 835,333
["Niigata"] = {"Niigata", wp="%c (city)", commonscat="%c, %d"}, -- 813,053
["Hamamatsu"] = {"Shizuoka"}, -- 811,431
["Shizuoka"] = {"Shizuoka", wp="%c (city)", commonscat="%c, %d"}, -- 710,944
["Sagamihara"] = {"Kanagawa"}, -- 706,342
["Okayama"] = {"Okayama"}, -- 701,293
["Kumamoto"] = {"Kumamoto"}, -- 670,348
["Kagoshima"] = {"Kagoshima"}, -- 605,196
-- skipped 6 cities (Funabashi, Hachiōji, Kawaguchi, Himeji, Matsuyama, Higashiōsaka)
-- with population in the range 509k - 587k because not central cities in any
-- 1,000,000+ metro area.
["Utsunomiya"] = {"Tochigi"}, -- 507,833
default_divtype = "province",
containing_polities = {"South Korea", divtype = "country"},
data = {
-- all cities listed are not associated with any province.
["Seoul"] = {},
["Busan"] = {},
["Incheon"] = {},
["Daegu"] = {},
["Daejeon"] = {},
["Gwangju"] = {},
["Ulsan"] = {},
default_divtype = "province",
containing_polities = {"the Philippines", divtype = "country"},
data = {
--some cities listed independent from any province. province listed is for geographical purposes only.
--skipped some cities in Metro Manila (Taguig, Pasig) which don't have districts.
--other cities outside Metro Manila skipped as not central city in their urban area.
["Quezon City"] = {"Metro Manila", divtype = "region"},
["Manila"] = {"Metro Manila", divtype = "region"},
["Davao City"] = {"Davao del Sur"},
["Caloocan"] = {"Metro Manila", divtype = "region"},
["Zamboanga City"] = {"Zamboanga del Sur"},
["Cebu City"] = {"Cebu"},
["Antipolo"] = {"Rizal"},
["Cagayan de Oro"] = {"Misamis Oriental"},
["Dasmariñas"] = {"Cavite"},
["General Santos"] = {"South Cotabato"},
["San Jose del Monte"] = {"Bulacan"},
["Bacolod"] = {"Negros Occidental"},
["Calamba"] = {"Laguna"},
["Angeles"] = {"Pampanga"},
["Iloilo City"] = {"Iloilo"},
default_divtype = "oblast",
containing_polities = {"Russia", divtype = "country"},
data = {
-- This only lists cities, not metro areas, over 1,000,000 inhabitants.
["Moscow"] = {},
["Saint Petersburg"] = {},
["Novosibirsk"] = {"Novosibirsk Oblast"},
["Yekaterinburg"] = {"Sverdlovsk Oblast"},
["Nizhny Novgorod"] = {"Nizhny Novgorod Oblast"},
["Kazan"] = {"the Republic of Tatarstan", divtype = "republic"},
["Chelyabinsk"] = {"Chelyabinsk Oblast"},
["Omsk"] = {"Omsk Oblast"},
["Samara"] = {"Samara Oblast"},
["Ufa"] = {"the Republic of Bashkortostan", divtype = "republic"},
["Rostov-on-Don"] = {"Rostov Oblast"},
["Rostov-na-Donu"] = {alias_of="Rostov-on-Don"},
["Krasnoyarsk"] = {"Krasnoyarsk Krai", divtype = "krai"},
["Voronezh"] = {"Voronezh Oblast"},
["Perm"] = {"Perm Krai", divtype = "krai", wp="Perm, Russia"},
["Volgograd"] = {"Volgograd Oblast"},
["Krasnodar"] = {"Krasnodar Krai", divtype = "krai"},
default_divtype = "autonomous community",
containing_polities = {"Spain", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["Madrid"] = {"the Community of Madrid"},
["Barcelona"] = {"Catalonia"},
-- this causes recursion errors.
-- ["Valencia"] = {"Valencia"},
["Seville"] = {"Andalusia"},
["Bilbao"] = {"the Basque Country"},
default_divtype = "county",
containing_polities = {"Taiwan", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["New Taipei"] = {},
["Taichung"] = {},
["Kaohsiung"] = {wp="%c, Taiwan"},
["Taipei"] = {},
["Taoyuan"] = {},
["Tainan"] = {},
["Chiayi"] = {},
["Hsinchu"] = {},
["Keelung"] = {},
default_divtype = "county",
containing_polities = {"the United Kingdom", divtype = "country"},
data = {
["London"] = {{"Greater London"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Manchester"] = {{"Greater Manchester"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Birmingham"] = {{"the West Midlands"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Liverpool"] = {{"Merseyside"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Glasgow"] = {{"the City of Glasgow", divtype = "council area"}, {"Scotland", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Leeds"] = {{"West Yorkshire"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Newcastle upon Tyne"] = {{"Tyne and Wear"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Newcastle"] = {alias_of="Newcastle upon Tyne"},
["Bristol"] = {{"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Cardiff"] = {{"Wales", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Portsmouth"] = {{"Hampshire"}, {"England", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Edinburgh"] = {{"the City of Edinburgh", divtype = "council area"}, {"Scotland", divtype = "constituent country"}},
-- under 1,000,000 people but principal areas of Wales; requested by [[User:Donnanz]]
["Swansea"] = {{"Wales", divtype = "constituent country"}},
["Newport"] = {{"Wales", divtype = "constituent country"}, wp="Newport, Wales"},
-- cities in the US
default_divtype = "state",
containing_polities = {"the United States", divtype = "country"},
wp = "%c, %d",
data = {
-- top 50 CSA's by population, with the top and sometimes 2nd or 3rd city listed
["New York City"] = {"New York", wp="%c"},
["Newark"] = {"New Jersey"},
["Los Angeles"] = {"California", wp="%c"},
["Long Beach"] = {"California"},
["Riverside"] = {"California"},
["Chicago"] = {"Illinois", wp="%c"},
["Washington, D.C."] = {wp="%c"},
["Baltimore"] = {"Maryland", wp="%c"},
["San Jose"] = {"California"},
["San Francisco"] = {"California", wp="%c"},
["Oakland"] = {"California"},
["Boston"] = {"Massachusetts", wp="%c"},
["Providence"] = {"Rhode Island"},
["Dallas"] = {"Texas", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Fort Worth"] = {"Texas"},
["Philadelphia"] = {"Pennsylvania", wp="%c"},
["Houston"] = {"Texas", wp="%c"},
["Miami"] = {"Florida", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Atlanta"] = {"Georgia", wp="%c"},
["Detroit"] = {"Michigan", wp="%c"},
["Phoenix"] = {"Arizona", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Mesa"] = {"Arizona"},
["Seattle"] = {"Washington", wp="%c"},
["Orlando"] = {"Florida"},
["Minneapolis"] = {"Minnesota", wp="%c"},
["Cleveland"] = {"Ohio", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Denver"] = {"Colorado", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["San Diego"] = {"California", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Portland"] = {"Oregon"},
["Tampa"] = {"Florida"},
["St. Louis"] = {"Missouri", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Charlotte"] = {"North Carolina"},
["Sacramento"] = {"California"},
["Pittsburgh"] = {"Pennsylvania", wp="%c"},
["Salt Lake City"] = {"Utah", wp="%c"},
["San Antonio"] = {"Texas", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Columbus"] = {"Ohio"},
["Kansas City"] = {"Missouri", wp="%c metropolitan area", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Indianapolis"] = {"Indiana", wp="%c"},
["Las Vegas"] = {"Nevada", wp="%c"},
["Cincinnati"] = {"Ohio", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Austin"] = {"Texas"},
["Milwaukee"] = {"Wisconsin", wp="%c", commonscat="%c, %d"},
["Raleigh"] = {"North Carolina"},
["Nashville"] = {"Tennessee"},
["Virginia Beach"] = {"Virginia"},
["Norfolk"] = {"Virginia"},
["Greensboro"] = {"North Carolina"},
["Winston-Salem"] = {"North Carolina"},
["Jacksonville"] = {"Florida"},
["New Orleans"] = {"Louisiana", wp="%c"},
["Louisville"] = {"Kentucky"},
["Greenville"] = {"South Carolina"},
["Hartford"] = {"Connecticut"},
["Oklahoma City"] = {"Oklahoma", wp="%c"},
["Grand Rapids"] = {"Michigan"},
["Memphis"] = {"Tennessee"},
["Birmingham"] = {"Alabama"},
["Fresno"] = {"California"},
["Richmond"] = {"Virginia"},
["Harrisburg"] = {"Pennsylvania"},
-- any major city of top 50 MSA's that's missed by previous
["Buffalo"] = {"New York"},
-- any of the top 50 city by city population that's missed by previous
["El Paso"] = {"Texas"},
["Albuquerque"] = {"New Mexico"},
["Tucson"] = {"Arizona"},
["Colorado Springs"] = {"Colorado"},
["Omaha"] = {"Nebraska"},
["Tulsa"] = {"Oklahoma"},
-- skip Arlington, Texas; too obscure and likely to be interpreted as Arlington, Virginia
default_divtype = "country",
containing_polities = {},
data = {
["Yerevan"] = {"Armenia"},
["Vienna"] = {"Austria"},
["Minsk"] = {"Belarus"},
["Brussels"] = {"Belgium"},
["Antwerp"] = {"Belgium"},
["Sofia"] = {"Bulgaria"},
["Zagreb"] = {"Croatia"},
["Prague"] = {"the Czech Republic"},
["Olomouc"] = {"the Czech Republic"},
["Copenhagen"] = {"Denmark"},
["Helsinki"] = {{"Uusimaa", divtype = "region"}, {"Finland"}},
["Athens"] = {"Greece"},
["Thessaloniki"] = {"Greece"},
["Budapest"] = {"Hungary"},
["Jakarta"] = {"Indonesia"},
-- FIXME, per Wikipedia "County Dublin" is now the "Dublin Region"
["Dublin"] = {{"Dublin", divtype = "county"}, {"Ireland"}},
-- Jerusalem is not recognized internationally as part of either Israel or Palestine, so put the first parent as "Asia"
-- grrr; additional support needed to allow "Asia" as a parent
-- ["Jerusalem"] = {{"Asia", divtype = "continent"}, "Israel", "Palestine"},
["Tel Aviv"] = {"Israel"},
["Venice"] = {{"Veneto", divtype = "administrative region"}, {"Italy"}},
["Rome"] = {{"Lazio", divtype = "administrative region"}, {"Italy"}},
["Milan"] = {{"Lombardy", divtype = "administrative region"}, {"Italy"}},
["Naples"] = {{"Campania", divtype = "administrative region"}, {"Italy"}},
["Turin"] = {{"Piedmont", divtype = "administrative region"}, {"Italy"}},
["Riga"] = {"Latvia"},
["Amsterdam"] = {"the Netherlands"},
["Rotterdam"] = {"the Netherlands"},
["The Hague"] = {"the Netherlands"},
["Oslo"] = {"Norway"},
["Warsaw"] = {"Poland"},
["Katowice"] = {"Poland"},
["Kraków"] = {"Poland"},
["Krakow"] = {alias_of="Kraków"},
["Gdańsk"] = {"Poland"},
["Gdansk"] = {alias_of="Gdańsk"},
["Poznań"] = {"Poland"},
["Poznan"] = {alias_of="Poznań"},
["Łódź"] = {"Poland"},
["Lodz"] = {alias_of="Łódź"},
["Lisbon"] = {"Portugal"},
["Porto"] = {"Portugal"},
["Bucharest"] = {"Romania"},
["Belgrade"] = {"Serbia"},
["Stockholm"] = {"Sweden"},
["Zürich"] = {"Switzerland"},
["Zurich"] = {alias_of="Zürich"},
["Istanbul"] = {"Turkey"},
["Kyiv"] = {"Ukraine"},
["Kiev"] = {alias_of="Kyiv"},
["Kharkiv"] = {"Ukraine"},
["Odessa"] = {"Ukraine", wp="Odesa"},
["Odesa"] = {alias_of="Odessa"},
-- List of all top-level polities and their subpolities. The first three groups list the properties of top-level
-- polities: countries, "pseudo-countries" (de-facto/unrecognized/etc. countries) and former countries. The remainder
-- list the first-level subpolities (administrative divisions) of several, mostly large, countries, and their
-- country-specific and subpolity-specific properties. Each group is broken out into its own variable so they can be
-- accessed individually by category handlers and such in [[Module:place/data]].
export.polities = {
return export