Hi, thanks for the work so far - it's great to have someone who knows lots about some of the more exotic languages - could I pleae ask that you put {{pedia}} on them, so that it is easier to find more information? I've attached the standard welcome template, if you have more questions feel free to ask me on my talk page. Yours Conrad.Irwin17:56, 2 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
If you are unfamiliar with wiki-editing, take a look at Help:How to edit a page. It is a concise list of technical guidelines to the wiki format we use here: how to, for example, make text boldfaced or create hyperlinks. Feel free to practice in the sandbox. If you would like a slower introduction we have a short tutorial.
These links may help you familiarize yourself with Wiktionary:
Entry layout (EL) is a detailed policy on Wiktionary's page formatting; all entries must conform to it. The easiest way to start off is to copy the contents of an existing same-language entry, and then adapt it to fit the entry you are creating.
Check out Language considerations to find out more about how to edit for a particular language.
Our Criteria for Inclusion (CFI) defines exactly which words can be added to Wiktionary; the most important part is that Wiktionary only accepts words that have been in somewhat widespread use over the course of at least a year, and citations that demonstrate usage can be asked for when there is doubt.
Latest comment: 16 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Please use the spelling Uyghur, as that is the one used for all our categories. Although more than one spelling is possible in English, we must use a single spelling consistently for the categories. --EncycloPetey06:41, 30 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 years ago7 comments2 people in discussion
You seem to be making a lot of edits in languages that are not listed on your user page. If you do not speak these languages, then what is your source for adding the information? In the past, we have had users edit for languages they do not speak, usually with disastrous results, so that is now frowned upon here. --EncycloPetey00:03, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
If you know that much Ughyur, then it ought to be listed as a "1" on your User page. The listings are useful for new users looking for help in their primary language. --EncycloPetey00:11, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
It's not like I can even construct one sentence in Uyghur, though. Adding these words is really something everyone could do if they spent some time searching and checking the meanings (much easier than you might think at first). -- Prince Kassad00:23, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Not really. There are many possible pitfalls with shades of meaning. If you are that uncertain in the language, then it's best not to be adding translations. --EncycloPetey00:50, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Let me give you a simple example: Suppose you find out the the Navajo word for year is nááhai and create an entry for it. Would you guess the correct part of speech? Probably not, since the Navajo word for year is a verb, and not a noun like in most languages. There are many subtle and surprising problems like this that arise when you work in a language that you don't actually know. --EncycloPetey01:04, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
1. It depends on the language, really. Of course, a Native American language such as Navajo is much harder due to complicated forms and word forms unusual to the English speaker (like your example shows). These would not be good for someone who does not speak the language to add words about. Compared to that, Uyghur is relatively easy, at least in the aspect of nouns - it lacks articles and genders, has relatively easy word structure and many words in common with Turkish and Russian which makes verifying meanings so much easier. 2. While we're talking about that, veryifying is really the most important part. One cannot assume every word one runs over to be written correctly, but one needs to consult other dictionaries and internet resources to verify everything before actually adding entries to Wiktionary. There are some words I intentionally left out because I was not able to verify the meaning. -- Prince Kassad09:58, 1 August 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Thanks for your additions to the translation section of water. It's more efficient on storage if you make all edits at once. For each edit the entire entry is stored in history tables in a separate database. It makes me wonder where you get them. I read the rest of your discussion page and I just wanted to mention that if you're not entirely certain about a translation it's also possible to add it to a {{Translations to checked}} section. Of course, the question is if somebody is ever going to pass by to take care of them. For exotic languages it's hard to find somebody to check them and for more common languages the number of ttbc quickly becomes overwhelming. --Polyglot14:58, 30 November 2008 (UTC)Reply
I did multiple edits because I verified each translation. Some translations found at other Wiktionaries are questionable if not outright wrong, so I check them first. -- Prince Kassad15:02, 30 November 2008 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hi Prince,
I already did some work on User:Polyglot/sandbox2, so you can see what's involved (by looking at the page history (last)). The ones that remain unresolved (with }} after the language name), were moved to { {checktrans}} once again. There is no immediate need to look them up, but you can do that if you like, of course.
Once this working copy is ready, it can be moved to sun. The intermediate edits are too messy to save them at the entry of sun. This gives you the opportunity to save when you want to take a break.
When you move them to sun, you can use something like checked against WP interwiki links or something similar.
Latest comment: 16 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
We use ISO 639-1/3 language codes here and "azr" has been retired (specifically split into Adzera [adz] (new identifier), Sukurum [zsu] and Sarasira [zsa]). I'm going to delete (again) "azr" and change your translation on water to use the code "adz" (though change it if the word is actually Sukurum or Sarasira). --Bequw → ¢ • τ09:27, 6 January 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
OK. I give up. I take it that there is no Unicode. You should mention the situation to Robert Ullman, one of whose bots kicks this out as something that defeats its ability to sort translations by language name. I think the bot assumes one line-one language. Maybe you and he can work out a kludge, er, solution. DCDuringTALK19:45, 19 January 2009 (UTC)Reply
Maybe they were made before we had infl or something. Anyway, infl is good to use for languages that aren't spoken by massive amounts of people. — [ ric ] opiaterein — 16:03, 17 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Sorry for throwing you in the middle of this meta-policy debate. Of course you are completely and thoroughly correct. I am confident that everyone will realize this soon enough, and hopefully formulate a more sensible policy from it. I absolutely support changes as the one you've made, and I would never come close to even considering blocking you for it. By reverting you I was carrying out the policy as we've recently decided it, one that is obviously flawed in my view. Please don't take it personally, and accept my apologies for not stating my intentions to you more clearly. DAVilla05:02, 13 May 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Hi, since anything involving code that I have done on Wiktionary has been done through a copy, paste, adapt approach I don't understand this and would like you to tell me how I can tell when I am violating this. thanks, 50 Xylophone Playerstalk18:19, 28 May 2009 (UTC)Reply
When you're editing the wanted entries, after the closing </small> tag remove the HTML comment (<!--) and click preview. A new box will show up and tell you how much width is allowed. Don't forget to re-insert the HTML comment before saving. -- Prince Kassad21:19, 28 May 2009 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, funnily enough I just remembered this now even though at the moment I don't feel like sharking up more entries for RC from all those ancient (in terms of Wiktionary anyway) pages. 50 Xylophone Playerstalk20:19, 17 July 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hey man, remind me the next time you see me to add a function to the template to allow the auxiliary verb to be displayed by just putting in the first letter, like 3=h for haben, 3=s for sein, you know. I'd do it now, but this laptop isn't comfy. — [ R·I·C ] opiaterein — 15:39, 5 July 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Thanks for correcting. I speak German but I was surprised that the German Wikipedia had Kaxgar, not Kaschgar. I think that's the attempt make German toponyms be in line with the original (which one?) spelling. Kaxgar is the official (or one of the official) spelling in China: "offizielle Schreibweise (VRCh): Kaxgar". I am going to add Kaxgar as a German variant anyway. Anatoli01:24, 30 July 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
Hallo, ich möchte dich nach der Häufigkeit dieses Wortes fragen und ob es ein Synonym von einst (wie ich aus dem Kontext erschließe) ist. Ich habe es im folgenden Satz von Heidegger getroffen: Wir nennen jetzt und in der Folge dasjenige, was stets, weil einsther und allem voraus, zu bedenken bleibt: das Bedenklichste., aber google gibt nur 115 Ergebnisse, DW hat keinen Artikel... Ich interessiere mich stark für veraltete Wörter in den Fremdsprachen, die ich lerne (darunter Deutsch und Englisch) und möchte die entsprechenden Artikel mit Beispieln versehen. Glaubst du, daß Sätze aus Heideggers Werken gegen keine Urheberrechte verstoßen und das sie im allgemeinen angemessen wären? Für Citations:einsther? The uſerhight Bogormconverſation16:55, 5 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
einsther taucht in keinen Wörterbüchern auf, scheint aber in mehreren literarischen Werken verzeichnet zu sein. Seine Bedeutung würde ich jetzt erraten als "von einst, bis jetzt", also ähnlich wie die Paare seit - seither, bis - bisher, usw. Ich denke, dass es OK ist, Zitate auch aus neueren Werken zu verwenden, weil 1. machen das alle anderen auch, und 2. fällt das höchstwahrscheinlich unter fair use. -- Prince Kassad17:08, 5 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Would you describe what this is for on the template's docs page? Thanks. —MichaelZ. 2009-08-09 17:56 z
By the way, is BabelStone Tibetan sMar-chen a single font? The font names in the CSS style attribute must be separated by commas. —MichaelZ. 2009-08-09 17:57 z
This template is intended to be used for Zhang-Zhung script, which we will handle as a variant of Tibetan script. And yes, BabelStone Tibetan sMar-chen is a single font. -- Prince Kassad18:00, 9 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago4 comments2 people in discussion
You mentioned adding {{countpage}} to the bot script. Could you please give an example, where should I add this template? I don't think it is necessary, because there is another bot, that usually adds such a template, but I am happy to implement it into my bot script. --Rising Sun10:29, 18 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
OK, I guess I can do that. And if a page doesn't need this template, then it doesn't do any harm, does it? It is invisible, right? --Rising Sun10:59, 18 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago6 comments2 people in discussion
Like that, they are useless. I thought the point of showing the other tenses would be to... show them. Not to show how to make them. Lol...I can't imagine people complaining that the compound tenses aren't there, but not complaining that... they aren't actually there. — [ R·I·C ] opiaterein — 22:19, 22 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
It's already crowded. I think it'd be better to have a "how to" appendix, rather than repeating the rather vague information in innumerable entries. See my point now? — [ R·I·C ] opiaterein — 23:46, 22 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
You mean like an Appendix:German verb conjugation? Yeah, that would be a great idea. -- Prince Kassad23:54, 22 August 2009 (UTC) addendum: someone with a German textbook should probably write down how German verb conjugation is taught (i. e. what classes, what example verbs, etc.). I'm not quite up-to-date about that.Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
I would really appreciate it if you would pounce on me in #Wiktionary when you have time. I was directed to speak to you about Tibetan. BTW I snaffled some of ur Babble Boxes. I appreciate that it is somewhat frowned upon to add terms if you are not a native or accomplished speaker, but I really value establishing a Tibetan presence in Wiktionary.I would also appreciate your view on a Devanagari Unicode input challenge I am encountering with Wikimedia Projects.
:~D B9hummingbirdhoverin'æ•ω•ॐ17:01, 7 September 2009 (UTC)Reply
Someone created an entry on this word on German Wiktionary but without a definition. When a user asked me about the word, I told him to look here, soon later I noticed we were still missing this word. Since it's an English word we didn't have, I considered it pretty important. -- Prince Kassad08:57, 27 September 2009 (UTC)Reply
Except fot one use on Blech as a context template, which I changed to use {{music}}, it's trying to set fonts for the musical characters in the Unicode musical symbols set U+1D100 to U+1D1FF. Regardless of whether we consider musical notation to be a script, for the purposes we use script templates, it's quacking enough like a duck to warrant be considered one. However, the name needs to be changed to avoid accidental use as context template. Perhaps {{Musi}} to use the usual format for script template names? — Carolina wrendiscussió19:05, 12 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Unlikely, as the only reason ISO 15924 uses four letters is to avoid confusion with two letter country codes and three letter language codes. Still, we could use the existing Zsym (Symbols) or a private use code in the range Qaaa-Qbzz if that is a worry. (If musical notation does get its own official script code, then based on existing codes, I'd wager it would be likely to be Zmus. — Carolina wrendiscussió17:38, 13 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
HI there. I've fixed the problem with Darkicebot and want to get him back to adding the inflected forms of Esperanto words, so could you please unblock him? Thanks, Razorflame21:44, 20 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
I believe this needs broader discussion (on the BP, for the example) since it affects multiple languages. While this is the form used on the Internet, the Internet is not a valid source in terms of WT:CFI. -- Prince Kassad19:48, 5 December 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago7 comments2 people in discussion
I'm reading a grammar of Khwarshi now and have stumbled upon this entry (the only entry for it on Wiktionary apparently). My source says that the language has no written tradition, and I was wondering where did you get this Cyrillic-script spelling?! Also for numerous other NEC languages listed here.
Many of the Caucasian languages which have no written tradition on their own are transitionally written using a Cyrillic alphabet based loosely on Avar alphabet. This alphabet is not uncommon and can be found in many words, my source for this one was Bokarev's "Цезские (дидойские) языки Дагестана" although it also occurs in other works (including the well-known "Языки народов СССР"). Language names of the Caucasian languages are usually direct transliterations of the Russian names, thus "хваршинский" becomes "Khvarshi". I see no need to differ in this case. -- Prince Kassad17:48, 3 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
To your knowledge, are there any English-language works that use Cyrillic script for unwritten Caucasian languages that way? Is that particular scheme for K standardized in any work, or it's devised ad-hoc by linguists such as Bokarev (or any Khwarshi speaker that happens to write it)? In other words: Is it used consistently, or is there some kind of variance in it? --Ivan Štambuk18:03, 3 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
The IDS uses that script for their wordlists. Also, this website lists Caucasian phoneme inventories together with their Cyrillic script equivalents (there are some mistakes but generally they're accurate). -- Prince Kassad18:15, 3 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Hmm, TITUS tables seem to be missing nasalised vowels, as well as pharyngealised and labialized series.. Does Bokarev write these? And the IDS page list seems to be a mix of several dialects (which can vary considerably). Thanks anyway, these will be very handy. BTW, do you perhaps have Цезские (дидойские) языки Дагестана as an e-book? Could you upload the Cyrillic alphabet for K from it as an image somewhere? It would be most appreciated :) If it's not much of a problem of course..
How would you suggest that Wiktionary treated languages such as these? To me the best solution appears to be to focus on scholarly transcription (IPA, or whatever the tradition uses), adding other non-Latin scripts as alternative spellings, however they are attested. --Ivan Štambuk18:46, 3 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Nasalized vowels are the only part (to my knowledge) where the writing differs. Bokarev uses a combining tilde to indicate nasalization. Another way, used by IDS and others, is appending a superscript Cyrillic н character (ᵸ). Labialization is indicated with an appended в letter after the consonant, pharyngealization is represented by the palochka character after the consonant. I sadly do not happen to have that book, otherwise I would have provided you the alphabet. The question on how to treat these languages is an interesting one. Latin script has the problem that it employs a variety of diacritics and might not be well typable for everyone (not to mention it's not standardized), whereas the Cyrillic script does not use special characters other than the palochka and the nasalization mark. -- Prince Kassad19:31, 3 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
OK, thanks for the valuable info. We should settle this issue of orthography sometime in the future. As well as the more tricky issue of treatment of "Khvarshi dialects" (Inkhokvari, Kvantlada, Santlada) which Starostin & Nikolaev pretty justifiably treat as a different languages altogether (all being dialects of Inkhokvari). Cheers. --Ivan Štambuk20:46, 3 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Take a break from finding translations for water and maybe add some entries for the languages themselves, since I've never heard of 90% of the languages on there :p — [ R·I·C ] opiaterein — 16:40, 4 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
I uploaded the font here. It's fully compatible with Unicode, but there appear to be slight incompatibilities with Wiktionary (I believe the encoding changed somewhere in-between). -- Prince Kassad22:01, 20 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hi PK. You added a Lushootseed translation to water. SIL retired "Lushootseed" [code:lut] since it was a group name and the individual languages were already identified/code: Southern Puget Sound Salish [slh], Skagit [ska], and Snohomish [sno]. Would you be able to be more specific then in your translation? Thanks. --Bequw → ¢ • τ20:58, 21 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
The WT:TOP40 list of the standard linking format for language names should be in sync with the language codes. WT:TOP40 is the control file for AF, so it's counter productive to have the template default not be the same. Per [1], why do the "languages code templates need to be changed manually"? --Bequw → ¢ • τ23:04, 23 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Whether the language code templates link or not is merely dependent on the existence of double brackets in their code. They do not, and can not, change according to the TOP40 page. -- Prince Kassad11:25, 24 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
OK. I thought you meant that a separate discussion would have to be done for the templates as well. I've manually changed the template codes so that they are in sync with the list. I've put a better note at WT:TOP40. Cleanup if the distinction is still not clear. --Bequw → ¢ • τ22:26, 24 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago11 comments5 people in discussion
Please explain what you meant by "He would be quite worthy of an infinite block and deletion of all contributions point blank." Are you out of your mind?! I have plenty of experience with dictionaries, some of them professional. Your suggestion that I be blocked is woefully pathetic and I urge you to remove your head from between your legs! Seriously, knock it off!!!!!!!!!! You don't see me complaining about other peoples entries if/when they make a mistake.--Strabismus07:40, 16 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Surely if it was one or two mistakes it would be OK. But since the error rate here goes in the hundreds or even thousands, my attitude changes ever so slightly. -- Prince Kassad10:32, 16 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Public domain dictionaries are nice to have. However, they should never be used as the primary source. In many cases, they contain errors (like spelling errors or incorrect definitions) due to the poor understanding of the language at the time, and in many cases they're written in an obsolete orthography which is not in use today. Since knowledge of phonology was bad back then, the obsolete orthography might not even be fully phonemic, making conversion to current orthography rather difficult. This is an issue which affects many of your entries, and obviously such entries are undesirable in a dictionary like ours. -- Prince Kassad22:18, 16 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Actually there is no reason why not to have any of the obsolete/archaic spellings if there is evidence of them being in use, at least enough to pass our rather loose CFI. We are not prejudiced exclusively for modern and up-to-date orthography, although that is the most desirable form of the entries. I'm certain that Strabismus will be modern than happy to terminate any form of problematic activity regarding his contributions in obscure languages on the basis of out-of-date dictionaries if he were to be properly advised of troublesome entries. Lots of Wiktionary contributors utilize it as a language learning device, and native and expert-level proficiency is not a requirement for contributing. --Ivan Štambuk22:35, 16 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thank you, Ivan. Prince Kassad, I'm afraid you are begging the question. Which Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille entries are erroneous and why? You have yet to provide evidence that any of them is even incorrect. Are you suggesting that I made them up? I certainly did not! Furthermore, if the spellings are eventually found to be obsolete then the VERY LEAST we should do is to update them to the current orthography.--Strabismus23:44, 17 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thanks...about erpadu...I was struggling to decide between ta and pa because they both looked so similar. As for kodu, I figured out why it wasn't a long o....still just getting a symbol mixed up here and there...Razorflame23:36, 6 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
If you're getting symbols mixed up and need to ask people to verify, I don't think you have a "near-native understanding of Kannada" (Knda-4). — [ R·I·C ] opiaterein — 18:41, 7 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hallo, Prince Kassad. Würdest du die drei neulich von mir eingefügten deutschen Abschnitte in Strauß, kund und Labe überprüfen. Für die Bewertung der Kontextbezeichnungen als archaic, dated oder literary wäre das Einschreiten eines Muttersprachlers schicklich bzw. tunlich. Bald kommen vielleicht auch andere, auf jeden Fall in den Requæsted entries:German, wenn nicht als eigene Abschnitte. The uſerhight Bogormconverſation17:13, 9 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
Zumindest kund wird noch heute verwendet, man braucht sich nur die Suchergebnisse auf Google Nachrichten anzuschauen. Dementsprechend gehört da kein {{dated}} hin. -- Prince Kassad17:22, 9 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
angam should almost certainly be deleted. For abagadugu, it should be alright to simply move the page to the spelling I noted on the RfV page. The other contributions by the IP look OK, but I believe there are some more spelling mistakes in there. -- Prince Kassad05:34, 22 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
May I ask that you always have a second session open on Recent Changes whenever you are editing Wiktionary. You may mark good edits as "patrolled", revert vandalism and stupidity by either deleting new entries or by using the "rollback" function. You may block vandals at your own discretion.
Note: As there are times when no sysop is active, it would be useful if you start your patrolling from the time you last left the system.
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Can you take a look at this word please? I found the definition in another site that I work on, and after looking around some other sites, I believe that I found enough evidence to support this being the correct translation for cubiform, but I would still appreciate someone taking a look at it :) Razorflame20:52, 10 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Seeing as you volunteered so nicely :D. This is a list made by the indexer of entries using a # in the wrong place (it's reserved solely for definitions). Index:Bashkir, Index:Ewe. If you can't be bothered, I'll get round to them at some point (I'm never sure what to do with some of the dubious headings, I've removed some already). Conrad.Irwin22:33, 11 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
According to the description of your recent edit to poscatboiler, you expect to make "numbers" and "numerals" fit into the same category tree to avoid edit wars. I think this is not a good idea, then I'd like to discuss it or simply revert it, given my reasons: before your edit, {{poscatboiler}} contained only numerals as numerical words and {{symbcatboiler}} contained only numbers as numerical symbols. Currently, in addition to those duties, your edit made poscatboiler also contain numbers in both the title and the description but numerals as a supercategory, so the overall effect is very confusing. --Daniel.00:55, 2 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
They can still be distinguished though, by the presence of the words "cardinal" and "ordinal" which differentiate one and first from 1. So this shouldn't be too much of a problem, and people can use whatever term they prefer. -- Prince Kassad08:29, 2 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
The presence of "cardinal" or "ordinal" in their titles is not an inherent reference to words, because ordinal and cardinal symbols exist. AFAIK, one example is αʹ (first), βʹ (second) and γʹ (third) in Modern Greek, which could be members of a category Greek ordinal numbers. --Daniel.23:32, 3 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I see
"# Wiktionary:Sandbox; 16:56 . . Prince Kassad (Talk | contribs | block) posted a reply to "yes" (Say hello to LiquidThreads. It has been installed now, as I already announced on the BP. Yes, it will be the new way to leave messages, and you will have to live with it.)" in Recent Changes, but.. how do I get to the thread? Conrad.Irwin17:00, 17 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hi, can you tell me how to block and I would have done it earlier but had no idea how. Please leave me a message on my talk page. Cheers. ---> Tooironic22:57, 18 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
At WT:GP#na:k, you promised on the 3rd of May to fix the "invisible crap" (to quote Robert Ullmann) "tomorrow" (to quote you) you introduced. However, over a fortnight later it appears that you still haven't done so and entries like water are still broken. Please clean up your mess. Thryduulf (talk) 11:06, 20 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago7 comments2 people in discussion
Hi. Why did you simply remove the settings for these scripts and others? If you didn't like something, it doesn't mean it was "bad" and you have to rollback everything? I see Arabic is still 125% and Cyrillic has no percentage. What problem did Hani, Jpan, Taml and others cause? --Anatoli21:16, 8 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
Defining fonts for CJK is usually unneeded, because browsers can select good fonts on their own. That however was not the main problem, the font choices you made were rather poor. Some fonts on that list are from 1993 (seventeen years ago) and are more than obsolete, others (Meiryo) are abysmal fonts for a wiki like this one. -- Prince Kassad21:23, 8 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
That was my first try. I haven't overwritten anybody's Japanese settings, have I? You could've simply removed or replaced the old fonts. Anyway, in my opinion, the Chinese character based fonts should be increased to make deciphering strokes easier and some browsers use MS Unicode Arial as default, which is not the best choice but better than nothing else is available. As Michael said, it's Wiki. I am planning to do more with some scripts but will seek testing and confirmations. --Anatoli21:51, 8 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
Common.css will overwrite the font settings you set in your browser, unless you use the font-family /**/:inherit hack. (However, your personal CSS will in turn override Common.css.) I dunno if the font size for Han Ideographic is sufficient, you should compare with Chinese Wikipedia since they have some expertise with this. If you define fonts for these, keep in mind the default Windows fonts which are widely available (PMingLiU for Hant, SimSun for Hans, MS PGothic for Jpan and Gulim for Kore). -- Prince Kassad22:01, 8 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. I have just changed. Please check. We use Hani more often than other codes for Chinese - both simplified and traditional. There is no difference in settings for Chinese translations, anyway - just adds Hani automatically. Bots change Kore to Hang, so I added both for Korean. I put 110% - it may not be enough but I'll leave to see if anyone disagrees. I actually don't see any difference at the moment - except for Korean (after clearing the cache). --Anatoli00:22, 10 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
Sorry, I do see the difference for Chinese and Japanese and I like what I see. Please confirm there is no problem. --Anatoli00:36, 10 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
There are differences between simplified and traditional Chinese which warrants having them separated. I created a file a while ago for Wikipedia which shows these difference for a sample glyph. -- Prince Kassad08:52, 10 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
"only people who have a penis may create this entry. sorry, but try again next time"
Latest comment: 14 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Thank you for blocking the IP vandal a few moments ago. Could you also look at some of the nonsense pages he's created and perhaps delete them? I've tagged some for speedy deletion. Cheers, Tempodivalse[talk]12:59, 17 June 2010 (UTC)Reply
The biggest issue with this is how to transcribe it in Latin letters. This issue is shared across all sign languages (it has also prevented me from adding translations in German and French Sign Language), and I'm not familiar with the system we (or, more accurately, User:Rodasmith) use. -- Prince Kassad16:49, 6 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Have you been able to make this Ahuramzda work in any browser? It works in Word but shows up as boxes in Firefox and Opera and as blank spaces in IE 8. --Vahagn Petrosyan11:50, 9 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
This edit would make it see like you want to unify [acf] and [gcf] (as w:Antillean Creole does). Is that true? Not that I have a problem with that, but do you have any other reasons for wanting to unify them aside from Wikipedia? Cheers. --Bequw→τ01:03, 25 July 2010 (UTC)Reply
Chechen. Stephen does everything to prevent the use of palochkas in Chechen entries. Instead he prefers Latin I, even though it is incorrect and causes major sorting issues (Latin I sorts before all Cyrillic letters). -- Prince Kassad19:38, 29 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Hmmm, he has some good points; however, can he not be persuaded by the sorting/alphabetising issue? We could have redirects from the forms written with 1 / I / l… — Raifʻhār Doremítzwr ~ (U · T · C) ~ 20:21, 29 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Trust me, I've tried that before. (I think there was an RFD/RFV/BP/TR/ID/whatever discussion about the same topic, but I don't have a link handy). He insists that the lemma form be written with I due to the display issues, and I have not managed to change his opinion. -- Prince Kassad20:24, 29 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
Why not just pipe the display of the Latin character using the head= parameter, like we do for typographic apostrophes? — Raifʻhār Doremítzwr ~ (U · T · C) ~ 20:27, 29 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
To me, it seems like needless bureaucracy, for administrators at least. If someome abuses it, it will be found soon enough anyway (and one has to ask how that person got sysop rights in the first place). -- Prince Kassad06:16, 6 September 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
I was trying to distinguish the names of {{fak}} and {{fan}}. Since [fan] was more common, I changed [fak] to "Fang (Cameroon)" (not sure if that's best though). The only real use of [fak] is your addition to water. Are you sure it was [fak] and not [fan]? --Bequw→τ04:12, 2 October 2010 (UTC)Reply
You should really do anything other than using parentheses, because they then require creating an entry of the language at Fang (Cameroon) which is probably not a good entry name. I'd rather change {{fan}} to one of the alternate names such as Pahouin (or the anglicized Pahuin). Also, I have translations for both Fang languages (fak: ndziam, fan: mendzim), I just cannot add the other because of the problem that they both have the same name. -- Prince Kassad08:49, 2 October 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hi Prince Kassad,
Could you add translations to these quotations?
DAVilla (talk • contribs) says that the quotations don't support all parts of the entry. Currently, for all I can tell, they don't support any part of the entry. :-P
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
Do you know which BP discussion he means in this edit comment? I'm not aware of any such discussion, but then I haven't been very active for the past few months. --EncycloPetey15:04, 7 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hello Prince Kassad,
In this edit for labom there is an extra space between the definition line and count page tag. The way AutoFormat used to do it was that it would put the count page in the line immediately under the last line of the article, otherwise an undesired empty space shows up in the rendered entry page (compare, e.g., [4] with [5]). AugPi13:23, 13 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Hmm, I see. When I'm back home I'll try to figure out what's wrong. In the code it is simply told to insert into a new line, apparently it then adds another empty line as well... -- Prince Kassad13:26, 13 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Well, you seem to be willing to run the risk that the vote fails after some more people vote oppose. I am highlighting the actual effect of your vote. If you are okay with that effect, so be it. It seemed to me that you actually agreed that there should be no pages like Appendix:Harry_Potter/Parselmouth. Anyway. --Dan Polansky16:19, 17 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
I was surprised by this edit. I often analyze database dumps for template parameters, and finding brackets there makes this harder than necessary. Is this really the wise way to add a link? I think sv.wiktionary uses <!-- [[ --> at the bottom of the article. --LA222:53, 20 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
AutoFormat always uses this way if it's possible, which should keep all uses of the template consistent. Only for templates where it's not possible will it add {{count page}} at the bottom of the page. -- Prince Kassad23:09, 20 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
So maybe it's an established tradition, but it's still an abuse of template design. It requires these templates to handle parameters that are either linked or not linked, and it makes my analysis more complicated too. And for what gain? Only to make the link count right? Why don't we just fix the link count? I submitted a bug report for this. --LA202:44, 21 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
It doesn't yet do this because I found out during the initial run that sometimes the expected forms are not actually valid (it seems to affect mostly verbs with their stem ending in -g). As I have no mechanism for this yet, I decided to stop generation completely until the issue is resolved, whenever that may be -- Prince Kassad09:46, 22 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
There are a number of bots which used to be run from Devtionary.org, but I do not have way of restarting the scripts which are stored there. I'm unfamiliar with pywikipediabot, on which most seem to be based. I've been unable to get in touch with the bot operator, who I know has been experiencing ill health. Do you have any suggestions as to how to restore the functionality? - Amgine/talk21:15, 27 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
I can run AutoFormat on my own bot account, and this is what I've been doing for the past few days. Interwicket is a problem since it needs accounts on all the Wiktionaries. I have not yet experimented with Tbot, it is probably lowest priority (might be in fact easier to just get rid of t+/t-). -- Prince Kassad01:50, 28 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
And w:Yevanic links to [7], which links to a sample text that seems to give the Yevanic ({{yej}}) for "water" as Lua error in Module:parameters at line 610: Parameter "sc" must be a valid script code; the value "Latinx" is not valid. See WT:LOS. (last word in verse two; cf. Greek Lua error in Module:parameters at line 610: Parameter "sc" must be a valid script code; the value "Latinx" is not valid. See WT:LOS. and Lua error in Module:parameters at line 610: Parameter "sc" must be a valid script code; the value "Latinx" is not valid. See WT:LOS.), but I (of course) know no Yevanic, so am not sure of this at all: I could be choosing the wrong word in the verse, I could be reading it wrong, or, most likely of all AFAICT, it could be an inflected form. (And, maybe, other problems with it I haven't thought of.) Hope this helps anyway ;-) .—msh210℠ (talk) 08:17, 19 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Hey! When it looks through entries, does KassadBot fix double punctuation? If so, fantastic! If not, would it be feasible to add code to detect and remove "." from after any of the templates that include punctuation within themselves? — Beobach20:34, 30 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
You have voiced your opinion in some of the polls about renaming of categories for what was previously called "inflection templates", templates that are planned to be newly called "headword templates" or "headword-line templates" in the name of their category. I would like to hear your preference in the poll number 3, whatever your preference is, if you would be so kind: WT:BP#Poll: Inflection to inflection-line 3. Thank you for your input and attention. --Dan Polansky10:08, 9 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for getting it. I have already sought out all of the instances of "phrase" in its user contributions over the last month or so (c. 6) and made appropriate changes. DCDuringTALK22:15, 13 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Obsolete symbols are ɷ, ʗ, ʇ, ʖ, ʚ, ʞ, ɼ, ʆ, ʓ and ɩ (though the last may appear as a letter in certain languages). Then there's the IPA ligatures which are technically obsolete as well, but still widely used. There are also some more obsolete symbols outside of the IPA block but they're rather obscure and, to my knowledge, do not appear in entries here. -- Prince Kassad16:05, 20 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Please make KassadBot avoid edits that result in "category Japanese fiction moved to Japanese section", such as this.
In other words, please make "Japanese fiction" be treated like "Japanese derivations", being kept in the English section. Similarly, "fr:Japanese fiction" and "fr:Japanese derivations" are kept in the French section. --Daniel.23:23, 28 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
I added an exception for the word "fiction". If there's other topical categories like this (that match language names), you'll need to propose exceptions for these as well. -- Prince Kassad00:19, 29 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago6 comments2 people in discussion
Hello, I am impressed about water translations you added into water page. Which source did you use to add this awesome collection? I would like to add this translation in French wiktionary but before I would like to check if these are exact. Thanks. Pamputt10:18, 5 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
I did not use a single source for these. Rather, I collected each of them from individual language dictionaries or other books and added them to this page. -- Prince Kassad10:32, 5 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
I do not know if you kept some sources about these translations but if it is, I would be very interested to know which sources (exact) did you use for this work? Pamputt16:20, 5 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
No I did not keep an exact list, but main sources included:
Well for that matter, 12° is not Translingual either (consider languages that use different numerals). But it is used in multiple languages, so it's translingual enough to get the Translingual L2 header, I suppose. -- Prince Kassad17:51, 6 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
(after edit conflict) In French 12° ought to be invariable. That said, translingual doesn't mean "all languages", strictly it means "multiple languages" (hence mul). Mglovesfun (talk) 17:52, 6 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
You may be right but that doesn't seem very good to me. How would the reader know which languages? And doesn't this make terms like cinéma vérité eligible for Translingual, because they have been borrowed into English? Equinox◑17:54, 6 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Wow. I have no idea how it managed to guess "Postposition" from that. It uses some magic guesswork which *usually* works fine, but not in this case obviously. -- Prince Kassad23:06, 6 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
This is a different suggestion/request, but this heading seems the most appropriate. :) This edit seems to be adding in a template that doesn't exist -- {{ja-attention}} was apparently deleted because it wasn't used, with Mglovesfun suggesting that folks use {{attention|ja}} instead. Moreover, while the request to add verb inflections is reasonable enough, nouns in Japanese do not inflect, so the bot's addition of {{infl|ja|proper noun}}{{ja-attention|needs inflection template}} under the Proper noun heading really doesn't make sense. (For that matter, I'm baffled by the decision to use a Japanese noun in the examples on the {{infl}} page...) Anyway, just FYI as I work through my watchlist. :) -- Cheers, Eiríkr Útlendi | Tala við mig20:55, 16 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I fixed it so it no longer uses the deleted templates. As for the inflection requests, the bot actually *always* adds it when there is no inflection line, it does not check the part of speech at all. I think it was meant with verbs in mind, but even then adding the attention template is useful so others can check and spot other errors in the entry. -- Prince Kassad21:01, 16 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for fixing the template issue. Follow-up question about inflection, then -- if I or someone else later removes the inflection line, will the bot add it back in? Again, Japanese nouns don't inflect, so having this line doesn't make sense. -- Eiríkr Útlendi | Tala við mig21:14, 16 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
The inflection line should be on all entries, per our WT:ELE. For a language that does not inflect, it should only show the headword. In case of Japanese, it may also be useful to show romanization in the inflection line if that is not handled by other templates. -- Prince Kassad21:16, 16 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for that, useful reference. I'm about to shift gears to get other work done, but I'll add the appropriate line to the Proper noun heading shortly, and figure out the best way of dealing with the verbs later. -- Cheers, Eiríkr Útlendi | Tala við mig
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments2 people in discussion
Re: your comment in IRC, please don't move my pages to what I intended unless I made a //truly// obvious error. My actual error was that the entry should have been ཀ་ཏ་ཀི in the first place, rather than ཀ་ཊ་ཀི. The two might look very similar but the ཏ and ཊ characters are actually different. the one I meant is ta rather than tta. additionally, moving a page makes it a lot harder to fix afterwards. I know I'm bad about responding to messages in IRC, but I take a lot of care when I am editing in a language I don't entirely know, and appreciate people understanding that before correcting what may appear to be a mistake. ཀ་ཏ་ཀི was the word I happened to be copying out of the dictionary, and I double-checked that I got each of the characters right the first time. Danke schoen. --Neskaya … gawonisgv?09:20, 23 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
I was assuming it to be an obvious thing, as my dictionary does not have ཀ་ཏ་ཀི but only ཀ་ཊ་ཀི. You must quite obviously be using a different dictionary than I do. -- Prince Kassad15:07, 23 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Do you oppose the move? If not, I think we could move it and have done with it. There's a chance that someone could one day move the words into Italic script. Mglovesfun (talk) 17:30, 26 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
The problem is that letter entries (unlike nouns, verbs or adjectives) are supposed to have a uniform design, and the old system would require us to create templates for every language. We also have {{Latn-def}} for use on the definition line. -- Prince Kassad22:14, 1 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Why would the average user assume that {{infl-letter}} exists? It doesn't follow any sort of pattern at all. (Nouns use code-noun, verbs, code-verb, adjectives, code-adj, letters, ... infl-letter|code?) --Yair rand (talk) 22:26, 1 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Oh I can tell you. Since Mglovesfun went through with his bot, the trreq template uses the language code instead of the language name. And since the language code is lowercase, and AutoFormat is case sensitive, they're all moved to the end of the table. -- Prince Kassad19:43, 3 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
I set the Recent Changes to show 500 pages (it shows the current pagecount which is very convenient). Then, I copy the list to a text editor and remove all edits that don't involve creating a new page. That way, I can easily find out the milestone entry by looking at the line count. -- Prince Kassad17:32, 8 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago3 comments3 people in discussion
this edit is not right. It puts {{trreq}} to the end of the list. The requests should be in alphabetical order like the rest. When the assisted translations are added later, they become out of order. (Note: I will be away for a few days.) --Anatoli13:00, 10 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
This is an unexpected biproduct of MglovesfunBot (talk • contribs) replacing language names with codes. Since unicode lists Latin lowercase letters after the uppercase letters, the bot is 'correct' in a sense. Though, a solution other than going back to language names would be nice. Mglovesfun (talk) 13:06, 10 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
In the entry you linked to, {{fi-adj}} is prefixed with a hyphen (which is unnecessary, since the hyphen is in the pagename anyway), therefore KassadBot was unable to find it. As for the category, I changed fi-noun accordingly. -- Prince Kassad11:04, 11 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago5 comments2 people in discussion
Any chance KassadBot could label entries without "language categories" (categories that start with the name of the language) in them, perhaps having the maintenance category itself beginning with the language name? It seems like something that would be within the "autoformatting" scope... --Yair rand (talk) 10:54, 14 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Maybe. But it needs completely new code and it needs a way of guessing whether a parameter is supposed to be a name or a code. Until this is solved, fixing the bug will be hard. -- Prince Kassad11:41, 23 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
It seems KassadBot continues to move {{trreq}} to the end of the translation tables, where it does not belong. One thing you could do is disable the part of the code that does this until the bug is resolved. This would fit the principle that a bot should not run if it makes maledits. It would suffice that you disable only that part of the bot that sorts translation tables. --Dan Polansky16:54, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
If you read again what I have written, you will see that the following summary that you gave is inaccurate: "16:56, 28 February 2011 Prince Kassad (Talk | contribs) blocked KassadBot (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled) (because User:Dan Polansky said so)". --Dan Polansky17:03, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
thought that was a bit childish of you, Prince Kassad. Better just ignore him, unless other people think that one 'bug' (which could be construed as non-damaging btw) think that that is a reason to shut down all bot functions. Mglovesfun (talk) 17:10, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
You are responsible for your actions. I cannot even block anyone; I am not an admin. I have merely pointed out that you could comment out part of the code, using the hypothetical "could", in the hope that this would be construed as a polite request. I am sorry that I have angered you with this. --Dan Polansky17:28, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
It's not a 'bug' per se, it's working exactly as it is meant to. Just so happens that in unicode 'a' comes after 'Z'. It's also not breaking any rules. {{trreq}}s aren't translations per se, they are requests. It seems quite logical to me to have them last - that way all the translations precede the requests. KassadBot isn't do anything wrong. Find something that says it is. Mglovesfun (talk) 19:35, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Bots are supposed to implement consensus. The burden isn't on Dan Polansky to demonstrate that there's consensus against these moves, but on Prince Kassad to demonstrate that there's consensus in favor of them. —RuakhTALK18:18, 1 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
(Unindent) Yair rand, you know of Wiktionary:Votes/2010-09/Language codes in templates, a vote that ended in no consensus with 5.5:5 in favor of the proposal, right? I recall I felt annoyed when I saw MG replacing the English names in ttbc with language codes, but I did not have the energy to try to stop him. I do realize that the problem discussed in this thread (if it is seen as a problem) was caused by an "unbureaucratic" (:p) action of MG. I am aware that I asked Prince Kassad to fix a problem that he did not originate himself. --Dan Polansky19:24, 1 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Odd. {{en-proper noun}} did not appear in What-links-here... Anyway, I have removed the template call from en-proper noun, and redeleted the template. Hopefully, there shouldn't be any problems this time. -- Prince Kassad17:24, 1 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. There are numerous templates and some entries that contain the text {{PAGENAME}}, apparently by transclusion from common templates. Are those variable names in the template, or do they invoke a magic word, or what? I haven't seen any bad consequences from such text being there. DCDuringTALK17:57, 1 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Never mind about the few entry pages that still have the word pagename in them anyway. Mostly they are instances of "pagename" not even the magic word. DCDuringTALK19:10, 1 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 14 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
There is the vote Wiktionary:Votes/pl-2011-02/Deprecating less-than symbol in etymologies, which would benefit from your participation, even if only in the role of an abstainer. Right now, the results of the vote do not quite mirror the results of the poll that has preceded the vote. There is a chance that the vote will not pass. The vote, which I thought would be a mere formality, has turned out to be a real issue. You have taken part on the poll that preceded the vote, which is why I have sent you this notification. --Dan Polansky08:27, 10 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 13 years ago5 comments2 people in discussion
Please, don't remove Malory quotations from English sections. I have spent many hours putting them in. They are a crucial record of that period of English which is on the cusp – some people call it late Middle English and others call it early modern. In fact by Wikipedia's definition, ‘The language of England as used after 1470 and up to 1650 is known as Early Modern English’ and Malory certainly fits into that. If you want to duplicate them in a Middle English section then do so, but don't remove good information from the English sections. Thanks Ƿidsiþ19:41, 14 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Didn't we have some kind of 15?? rule? I can't remember the details of it, but we considered anything before 1500 part of Middle English, and thus as a language similar, but distinct to the Modern English language. Or has that changed? -- Prince Kassad19:43, 14 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, seems like that page sets the boundary slightly differently (who wrote that?). It doesn't matter – there is no real boundary, it's arbitrary, and we should use discretion for material around those edges. Personally I am not very interested in Middle English as a separate language; I am interested in modern English and its development and so early quotes are important to me. Ƿidsiþ20:22, 14 March 2011 (UTC)Reply