User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 5

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ἄφρων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:ἄφρων]]        [[el:ἄφρων]]

quadringentesimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:quadringentesimus]]  [[ko:quadringentesimus]]

διδάσκω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1321}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|1321}}

interceptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:interceptio]]  * {{R:NLW}}

Παλλάς: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1003}}  * {{R:Slater}}
<references/>           * {{R:Woodhouse|1003}}
[[fr:Παλλάς]]           <references/>

vocula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|vōcŭla}}  * {{R:L&S|vōcŭla}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

υἱός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5207}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|5207}}

χθαμαλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[pl:χθαμαλός]]     [[el:χθαμαλός]]

mutilo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Λούκη: No change.


aedificium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ast:aedificium]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:aedificium]]   [[ast:aedificium]]
[[de:aedificium]]   [[cs:aedificium]]
[[es:aedificium]]   [[co:aedificium]]
[[eu:aedificium]]   [[de:aedificium]]
[[fr:aedificium]]   [[es:aedificium]]
[[ko:aedificium]]   [[eu:aedificium]]
[[la:aedificium]]   [[fr:aedificium]]
[[hu:aedificium]]   [[ko:aedificium]]
[[mg:aedificium]]   [[la:aedificium]]
[[fj:aedificium]]   [[hu:aedificium]]
[[nl:aedificium]]   [[mg:aedificium]]
[[pl:aedificium]]   [[fj:aedificium]]
[[ru:aedificium]]   [[nl:aedificium]]
[[scn:aedificium]]  [[pl:aedificium]]
[[fi:aedificium]]   [[ru:aedificium]]
[[chr:aedificium]]  [[scn:aedificium]]

Πάρνης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}

obreptus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|obrēpt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|obrēpt}}
[[fr:obreptus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}

adverto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:adverto]]    [[el:adverto]]
[[fr:adverto]]    [[es:adverto]]
[[ko:adverto]]    [[fr:adverto]]
[[ky:adverto]]    [[ko:adverto]]
[[la:adverto]]    [[ky:adverto]]
[[pl:adverto]]    [[la:adverto]]

Mantus: No change.


lenimen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

διακοιρανέοντα: No change.


cornipes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:cornipes]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

veteratus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|veterāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|veterāt}}
                         * {{R:L&S}}

hrafn: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                      ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                 {{top2}}
* Danish: [[ravn]] {{g|c}}                                                               * Danish: [[ravn]] {{g|c}}
* Faroese: [[ravnur]] {{g|m}}                                                            * Faroese: [[ravnur]] {{g|m}}
* Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|hrafn]] {{g|m}}                                                * Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|hrafn]] {{g|m}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                 {{mid2}}
* Norwegian (bokmål): [[ravn]] {{g|m}}                                                   * Norwegian (bokmål): [[ravn]] {{g|m}}
* Norwegian (nynorsk): [[ramn]] {{g|m}}                                                  * Norwegian (nynorsk): [[ramn]] {{g|m}}
* Swedish: [[ramn]] {{g|c}} (''obsolete except in dialects and as a part of toponyms'')  * Swedish: [[ramn]] {{g|c}} (''obsolete except in dialects and as a part of toponyms'')
{{bottom}}                                                                               {{bottom}}
[[Category:non:Birds]]                                                                   ===References===
                                                                                         * {{R:Zoega}}
[[de:hrafn]]                                                                             [[Category:non:Birds]]
[[gl:hrafn]]                                                                             [[da:hrafn]]
[[is:hrafn]]                                                                             [[de:hrafn]]
[[lt:hrafn]]                                                                             [[fr:hrafn]]
[[li:hrafn]]                                                                             [[gl:hrafn]]
[[hu:hrafn]]                                                                             [[is:hrafn]]
[[mg:hrafn]]                                                                             [[lt:hrafn]]
[[nl:hrafn]]                                                                             [[li:hrafn]]
[[oc:hrafn]]                                                                             [[hu:hrafn]]
[[pl:hrafn]]                                                                             [[mg:hrafn]]
[[pt:hrafn]]                                                                             [[nl:hrafn]]
[[ru:hrafn]]                                                                             [[oc:hrafn]]
[[sv:hrafn]]                                                                             [[pl:hrafn]]
[[chr:hrafn]]                                                                            [[pt:hrafn]]
[[tr:hrafn]]                                                                             [[ru:hrafn]]

centenarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

clanculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:clanculum]]  [[es:clanculum]]
[[ru:clanculum]]  [[pl:clanculum]]

curator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:curator]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:curator]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ko:curator]]    [[de:curator]]
[[hy:curator]]    [[et:curator]]
[[io:curator]]    [[fr:curator]]
[[id:curator]]    [[ko:curator]]
[[kn:curator]]    [[hy:curator]]
[[ku:curator]]    [[io:curator]]
[[la:curator]]    [[id:curator]]
[[hu:curator]]    [[kn:curator]]
[[mg:curator]]    [[ku:curator]]
[[ml:curator]]    [[la:curator]]
[[my:curator]]    [[hu:curator]]
[[nl:curator]]    [[mg:curator]]
[[ja:curator]]    [[ml:curator]]
[[pl:curator]]    [[my:curator]]
[[ro:curator]]    [[nl:curator]]
[[ru:curator]]    [[ja:curator]]
[[fi:curator]]    [[pl:curator]]
[[ta:curator]]    [[ro:curator]]
[[te:curator]]    [[ru:curator]]
[[vi:curator]]    [[fi:curator]]
[[zh:curator]]    [[ta:curator]]

dilacero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:dilacero]]   [[es:dilacero]]
[[it:dilacero]]   [[ko:dilacero]]
[[no:dilacero]]   [[it:dilacero]]
[[pt:dilacero]]   [[no:dilacero]]
[[ru:dilacero]]   [[pt:dilacero]]

φράτηρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * {{R:Bailly}}
[[fr:φράτηρ]]       [[el:φράτηρ]]
[[ko:φράτηρ]]       [[fr:φράτηρ]]

abrogo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

borea: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|boreā}}                     {{la-noun-form|boreā}}
# {{inflection of|boreās||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|boreās||abl|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|boreās||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|boreās||voc|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:borea]]                               ===References===
[[el:borea]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:borea]]                               [[cs:borea]]
[[it:borea]]                               [[el:borea]]
[[mg:borea]]                               [[ko:borea]]
[[pl:borea]]                               [[io:borea]]
[[pt:borea]]                               [[it:borea]]
[[wa:borea]]                               [[mg:borea]]

subterduco: No change.


grossum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|grossum}}                       {{la-adj-form|grossum}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:grossum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

flaturalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:flaturalis]]  [[fr:flaturalis]]

pubescentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pūbēscentia}}                    {{la-part-form|pūbēscentia}}
# {{inflection of|pūbēscēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūbēscēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūbēscēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūbēscēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūbēscēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūbēscēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

stupens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-1E|stupēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-1E|stupēns}}
----                        ===References===
                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

oblatrator: No change.


supputatio: No change.


sarabara: No change.


oppleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:oppleo]]     [[fr:oppleo]]
[[mg:oppleo]]     [[ko:oppleo]]
[[ru:oppleo]]     [[mg:oppleo]]

Constantinopolis: No change.


Seres: No change.


adlocutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|adlocūtiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|adlocūtiō}}
[[fr:adlocutio]]           ===References===
                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                           * {{R:Peck}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

animadversio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:animadversio]]   [[fr:animadversio]]
[[nl:animadversio]]   [[mg:animadversio]]
[[ru:animadversio]]   [[nl:animadversio]]
[[chr:animadversio]]  [[ru:animadversio]]

calda: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:calda]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:calda]]      [[de:calda]]
[[gl:calda]]      [[es:calda]]
[[ko:calda]]      [[fr:calda]]
[[it:calda]]      [[gl:calda]]
[[mg:calda]]      [[ko:calda]]
[[pt:calda]]      [[it:calda]]
[[fi:calda]]      [[mg:calda]]
[[vec:calda]]     [[pt:calda]]
[[zh:calda]]      [[fi:calda]]

ellipsis: No change.


strepor: No change.


andes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                        ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun|g=p}} {{attention|la|inflection}}  {{head|la|noun|g=p}} {{attention|la|inflection}}
# {{lb|la|New Latin}} [[Andes]] mountains.        # {{lb|la|New Latin}} [[Andes]] mountains.
----                                              ===References===
                                                  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

tributarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:tributarius]]  [[fr:tributarius]]

spectatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:spectatus]]  [[fr:spectatus]]

amen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Ecclesiastical Latin]]  
[[Category:la:Christianity]]       [[Category:Ecclesiastical Latin]]

teliger: No change.


φυλάσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                                                             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5442}}                                                                                                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                                               * {{R:Slater}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:Strong's|G|5442}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

agnitor: No change.


mittentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                    ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|mittentēs}}                          {{la-part-form|mittentēs}}
# {{inflection of|mittēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mittēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mittēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mittēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mittēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mittēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ja:mittentes]]                                    ===References===
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

haedillus: No change.


ingigno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:ingigno]]    [[fr:ingigno]]
[[mg:ingigno]]    [[ko:ingigno]]
[[ru:ingigno]]    [[mg:ingigno]]

diffidentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:diffidentia]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:diffidentia]]  [[cs:diffidentia]]
[[ru:diffidentia]]  [[mg:diffidentia]]

rogito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:rogito]]     [[ko:rogito]]
[[ru:rogito]]     [[it:rogito]]

sugillo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S|sūgillo|sugillo}}        * {{R:L&S|sūgillo|sugillo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|sūgillo|p=1,510/2}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|sūgill-|1,864/1}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|sūgillo|p=1,510/2}}
                                   * {{R:OLD|1|sūgill-|1,864/1}}
[[mg:sugillo]]                     [[fr:sugillo]]
[[ru:sugillo]]                     [[mg:sugillo]]

φθορά: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:φθορά]]       [[el:φθορά]]
[[it:φθορά]]       [[fr:φθορά]]
[[mg:φθορά]]       [[it:φθορά]]

mulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Mammals]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                     [[Category:la:Mammals]]

arbitratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:arbitratus]]  * {{R:M&A}}

poenitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

angulatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|angulāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|angulāt}}
[[fr:angulatus]]         ===References===
[[mg:angulatus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

extentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:extentus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abruptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:abruptus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:abruptus]]   [[el:abruptus]]
[[ru:abruptus]]   [[fr:abruptus]]

devio: No change.


basilicola: No change.


versipellis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

praeparatorium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                      ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|praeparātōrium}}                       {{la-adj-form|praeparātōrium}}
# {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeparātōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

cynoglossos: No change.


tignum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:tignum]]                                                                                                              * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

ἄριστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                                                                                       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                                                                                                                      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:LBG}}
* [ Joseph Harold Greenberg, Indo-European and its closest relatives. 2. Lexicon. p.23]  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                                                                                                                       * [ Joseph Harold Greenberg, Indo-European and its closest relatives. 2. Lexicon. p.23]
[[fr:ἄριστος]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[el:ἄριστος]]
[[it:ἄριστος]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[fr:ἄριστος]]
[[mg:ἄριστος]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[it:ἄριστος]]
[[ru:ἄριστος]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[mg:ἄριστος]]

Cimmerii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|Cimmeriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|Cimmeriī}}
# {{inflection of|Cimmerius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Cimmerius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Cimmerius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Cimmerius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Cimmerius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Cimmerius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Cimmerius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Cimmerius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:Cimmerii]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}

Ὄσσα: No change.


praerupta: No change.


hexas: No change.


glanis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* [[w:Charlton Thomas Lewis|Charlton Thomas Lewis]], [[w:Charles Short|Charles Short]]: [[w:A Latin Dictionary|A Latin Dictionary]] []  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
* [[w:Hjalmar Frisk|Hjalmar Frisk]]: Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, 1, 310.                                                                                                                                                        * [[w:Charlton Thomas Lewis|Charlton Thomas Lewis]], [[w:Charles Short|Charles Short]]: [[w:A Latin Dictionary|A Latin Dictionary]] []
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * [[w:Hjalmar Frisk|Hjalmar Frisk]]: Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, 1, 310.
[[mg:glanis]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [[fr:glanis]]

zema: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}

circumaro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:circumaro]]  [[fr:circumaro]]
[[ru:circumaro]]  [[ko:circumaro]]

sandaresus: No change.


enarrate: No change.


medicator: No change.


Ἀντίλοχος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1001}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1001}}

infinite: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:infinite]]   [[cy:infinite]]
[[el:infinite]]   [[et:infinite]]
[[es:infinite]]   [[el:infinite]]
[[fr:infinite]]   [[es:infinite]]
[[ko:infinite]]   [[fr:infinite]]
[[hy:infinite]]   [[ko:infinite]]
[[io:infinite]]   [[hy:infinite]]
[[it:infinite]]   [[io:infinite]]
[[kn:infinite]]   [[it:infinite]]
[[ku:infinite]]   [[kn:infinite]]
[[li:infinite]]   [[ku:infinite]]
[[hu:infinite]]   [[li:infinite]]
[[mg:infinite]]   [[hu:infinite]]
[[ml:infinite]]   [[mg:infinite]]
[[my:infinite]]   [[ml:infinite]]
[[ja:infinite]]   [[my:infinite]]
[[km:infinite]]   [[ja:infinite]]
[[pl:infinite]]   [[km:infinite]]
[[ru:infinite]]   [[pl:infinite]]
[[si:infinite]]   [[ru:infinite]]
[[fi:infinite]]   [[si:infinite]]
[[sv:infinite]]   [[fi:infinite]]
[[ta:infinite]]   [[sv:infinite]]
[[te:infinite]]   [[ta:infinite]]
[[chr:infinite]]  [[te:infinite]]
[[vi:infinite]]   [[chr:infinite]]
[[zh:infinite]]   [[vi:infinite]]

φωνομαχία: No change.


palpor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|palpor}}                                {{la-verb-form|palpor}}
# {{inflection of|palpō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palpō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

purpureus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:purpureus]]        [[de:purpureus]]
[[it:purpureus]]        [[fr:purpureus]]
[[mg:purpureus]]        [[it:purpureus]]
[[pl:purpureus]]        [[mg:purpureus]]
[[sv:purpureus]]        [[pl:purpureus]]
[[tr:purpureus]]        [[sv:purpureus]]

anxie: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ie:anxie]]      [[fr:anxie]]
[[pl:anxie]]      [[ie:anxie]]
[[ru:anxie]]      [[pl:anxie]]

suffusum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|suffūsum}}                      {{la-part-form|suffūsum}}
# {{inflection of|suffūsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suffūsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

reconciliator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:reconciliator]]  [[fr:reconciliator]]
[[mg:reconciliator]]  [[ko:reconciliator]]

utrasque: No change.


desiderans: No change.


sollicite: No change.


praeconium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:praeconium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:praeconium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

afflictor: No change.


fida: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fīda}}                        {{la-adj-form|fīda}}
# {{inflection of|fīdus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīdus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīdus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīdus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīdus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|fīdā}}                        {{la-adj-form|fīdā}}
# {{inflection of|fīdus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

χρηστομάθεια: No change.


occulte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:occulte]]    [[el:occulte]]
[[ko:occulte]]    [[fr:occulte]]
[[io:occulte]]    [[ko:occulte]]
[[it:occulte]]    [[io:occulte]]
[[hu:occulte]]    [[it:occulte]]
[[mg:occulte]]    [[hu:occulte]]
[[nl:occulte]]    [[mg:occulte]]
[[pl:occulte]]    [[nl:occulte]]
[[ru:occulte]]    [[pl:occulte]]
[[vi:occulte]]    [[ru:occulte]]

tjaldr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                  ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|tjeld|g=c}}         * Danish: {{l|da|tjeld|g=c}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|tjaldur|g=n}}      * Faroese: {{l|fo|tjaldur|g=n}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|tjaldur|g=m}}    * Icelandic: {{l|is|tjaldur|g=m}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|tjeld|g=m}}      * Norwegian: {{l|no|tjeld|g=m}}
* Orcadian Scots: {{l|sco|chalder}}  * Orcadian Scots: {{l|sco|chalder}}
[[Category:non:Birds]]               ===References===
                                     * {{R:Zoega}}

arboretum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:arboretum]]       [[cs:arboretum]]
[[et:arboretum]]       [[de:arboretum]]
[[fr:arboretum]]       [[et:arboretum]]
[[ko:arboretum]]       [[fr:arboretum]]
[[id:arboretum]]       [[ko:arboretum]]
[[ku:arboretum]]       [[id:arboretum]]
[[hu:arboretum]]       [[ku:arboretum]]
[[mg:arboretum]]       [[hu:arboretum]]
[[my:arboretum]]       [[mg:arboretum]]
[[pl:arboretum]]       [[my:arboretum]]
[[ro:arboretum]]       [[pl:arboretum]]
[[ru:arboretum]]       [[ro:arboretum]]
[[sl:arboretum]]       [[ru:arboretum]]
[[sh:arboretum]]       [[sl:arboretum]]
[[fi:arboretum]]       [[sh:arboretum]]
[[ta:arboretum]]       [[fi:arboretum]]
[[tr:arboretum]]       [[ta:arboretum]]
[[vi:arboretum]]       [[tr:arboretum]]
[[zh:arboretum]]       [[vi:arboretum]]

haeres: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:haeres]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

benevolens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin nouns]]  
                          [[Category:Latin nouns]]
[[mg:benevolens]]         [[fr:benevolens]]
[[ja:benevolens]]         [[mg:benevolens]]
[[sv:benevolens]]         [[ja:benevolens]]

hirri: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|hirrī}}                                 {{la-verb-form|hirrī}}
# {{conjugation of|hirriō||2|s|pres|act|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|hirriō||2|s|pres|act|imp|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

iuventas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ca:iuventas]]   * {{R:Peck}}

Αἰθίοψ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====         ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|128}}     * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}               * {{R:Slater}}
                           * {{R:Strong's|G|128}}
[[hu:Αἰθίοψ]]              [[el:Αἰθίοψ]]
[[pl:Αἰθίοψ]]              [[hu:Αἰθίοψ]]

descensorius: No change.


commoveo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:commoveo]]   [[fr:commoveo]]
[[lt:commoveo]]   [[ko:commoveo]]
[[mg:commoveo]]   [[lt:commoveo]]
[[chr:commoveo]]  [[mg:commoveo]]

oppidatim: No change.


plagella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Hanno: No change.


praescriptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:praescriptus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vivaciter: No change.


συντειχίζω: No change.


ζώννυμι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|zw/nnumi}}  * {{R:LSJ|zw/nnumi}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}           * {{R:Strong's}}
                      * {{R:LBG}}

λύχνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
<references/>       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:λύχνος]]       [[de:λύχνος]]
[[lt:λύχνος]]       [[el:λύχνος]]
[[hu:λύχνος]]       [[lt:λύχνος]]

Cremona: No change.


Νεοπτόλεμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1018}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1018}}

λειμώνιον: No change.


blanditia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:blanditia]]  * {{R:M&A}}

occisus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

jactatrix: No change.


calcatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|calcāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|calcāt}}
[[es:calcatus]]         ===References===
[[fr:calcatus]]         * {{R:L&S}}
[[li:calcatus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

cincta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cincta}}                       {{la-part-form|cincta}}
# {{inflection of|cinctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cinctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cinctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cinctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cinctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|cinctā}}                       {{la-part-form|cinctā}}
# {{inflection of|cinctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:cincta]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

Μαντίνεια: No change.


recaleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

november: LATIN: References added.

===See also===                  ===See also===
* {{pedialite|Roman calendar}}  * {{pedialite|Roman calendar}}
[[Category:la:Months]]          ===References===
                                * {{R:Peck}}

contrarietas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:contrarietas]]  [[es:contrarietas]]

dilucide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

betri: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                             ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|bedre}}                                        * Danish: {{l|da|bedre}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|betri}}                                       * Faroese: {{l|fo|betri}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|betri}}                                     * Icelandic: {{l|is|betri}}
* Norwegian: {{l|nb|bedre}} (Bokmål), {{l|nn|betre}} (Nynorsk)  * Norwegian: {{l|nb|bedre}} (Bokmål), {{l|nn|betre}} (Nynorsk)
* Swedish: {{l|sv|bättre}}                                      * Swedish: {{l|sv|bättre}}
----                                                            ===References===
                                                                * {{R:Zoega}}

erga: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S|ergā}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:L&S|ergā}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|ergā|p=598/1}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
* Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 380/1], “erga”  * {{R:Gaffiot|ergā|p=598/1}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:M&A}}
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 380/1], “erga”

nutriti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|nūtrītī}}                       {{la-part-form|nūtrītī}}
# {{inflection of|nūtrītus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūtrītus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nūtrītus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūtrītus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nūtrītus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūtrītus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nūtrītus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūtrītus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:nutriti]]                                 ===References===
[[it:nutriti]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

nasutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nodator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|nōdātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|nōdātor}}
# {{inflection of|nōdō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōdō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nōdō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōdō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

latibulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[zh:latibulum]]  [[ru:latibulum]]

firmiter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

intercapedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:intercapedo]]  [[de:intercapedo]]

negotiatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:negotiatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:negotiatio]]  [[es:negotiatio]]
[[ru:negotiatio]]  [[fr:negotiatio]]

fulti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fultī}}                       {{la-part-form|fultī}}
# {{inflection of|fultus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fultus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fultus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fultus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fultus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fultus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fultus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fultus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

perflo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:perflo]]     [[ko:perflo]]

ἀσπίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                               ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                    * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                               * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                                 * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                    * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                              * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                                                               * {{R:Strong's}}
* Index in Eustathii commentarios in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam By Matthaeus Devarius Page 71  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                               * Index in Eustathii commentarios in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam By Matthaeus Devarius Page 71
[[Category:grc:Military]]                                                                      [[Category:grc:Armor]]
[[Category:grc:Snakes]]                                                                        [[Category:grc:Military]]
[[el:ἀσπίς]]                                                                                   [[de:ἀσπίς]]
[[fr:ἀσπίς]]                                                                                   [[el:ἀσπίς]]
[[ko:ἀσπίς]]                                                                                   [[fr:ἀσπίς]]
[[lt:ἀσπίς]]                                                                                   [[ko:ἀσπίς]]
[[mg:ἀσπίς]]                                                                                   [[lt:ἀσπίς]]
[[ru:ἀσπίς]]                                                                                   [[mg:ἀσπίς]]

commolitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|commolit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|commolit}}
                          * {{R:L&S}}

meliuscule: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

venator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fy:venator]]    [[fr:venator]]
[[hu:venator]]    [[fy:venator]]
[[mg:venator]]    [[hu:venator]]
[[pl:venator]]    [[mg:venator]]
[[ru:venator]]    [[pl:venator]]
[[chr:venator]]   [[ru:venator]]

apprecor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

oecumenicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}

rufesco: No change.


Verona: No change.


publicatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|pūblicāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|pūblicāt}}
[[es:publicatus]]         ===References===
[[fr:publicatus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

latitabundus: No change.


demetior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

extimesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin words suffixed with -esco]]  
                                              [[Category:Latin words suffixed with -esco]]

lotus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Flowers]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}

germino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

immuto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:immuto]]     [[ca:immuto]]
[[ko:immuto]]     [[de:immuto]]
[[ku:immuto]]     [[ko:immuto]]
[[mg:immuto]]     [[ku:immuto]]
[[ru:immuto]]     [[mg:immuto]]
[[chr:immuto]]    [[ru:immuto]]

θέλημα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|qe/lhma}}                                        * {{R:LSJ|qe/lhma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2307}}                                    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                               * {{R:BDAG}}
                                                           * {{R:Strong's|G|2307}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|θελημα]]  
                                                           [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|θελημα]]
[[el:θέλημα]]                                              [[cs:θέλημα]]
[[fr:θέλημα]]                                              [[el:θέλημα]]
[[ko:θέλημα]]                                              [[fr:θέλημα]]
[[hu:θέλημα]]                                              [[ko:θέλημα]]
[[mg:θέλημα]]                                              [[hu:θέλημα]]
[[chr:θέλημα]]                                             [[mg:θέλημα]]

χίλιοι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                                                        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5507}}                                                                                                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                                             * {{R:Strong's|G|5507}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[de:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[da:χίλιοι]]
[[el:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[de:χίλιοι]]
[[fr:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[el:χίλιοι]]
[[ko:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[fr:χίλιοι]]
[[hy:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[ko:χίλιοι]]
[[lt:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[hy:χίλιοι]]
[[li:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[lt:χίλιοι]]
[[mg:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[li:χίλιοι]]
[[nl:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[mg:χίλιοι]]
[[pl:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[nl:χίλιοι]]
[[fi:χίλιοι]]                                                                                                            [[pl:χίλιοι]]

Ἰταλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1014}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:LBG}}             * {{R:LBG}}
<references/>           * {{R:Woodhouse|1014}}
[[ko:Ἰταλός]]           [[fr:Ἰταλός]]

caldus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:caldus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[mg:caldus]]     [[el:caldus]]
[[pl:caldus]]     [[fr:caldus]]

baubor: No change.


lubricus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:lubricus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:lubricus]]   [[es:lubricus]]
[[ru:lubricus]]   [[fr:lubricus]]

labro: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lābrō}}                     {{la-noun-form|lābrō}}
# {{inflection of|lābrum||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lābrum||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lābrum||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lābrum||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

flecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* de Vaan, Michiel, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, vol. 7, of Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Alexander Lubotsky ed., Leiden: Brill, 2008.  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                   * de Vaan, Michiel, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, vol. 7, of Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Alexander Lubotsky ed., Leiden: Brill, 2008.
[[fr:flecto]]                                                                                                                                                                                      [[es:flecto]]
[[ko:flecto]]                                                                                                                                                                                      [[fr:flecto]]
[[pt:flecto]]                                                                                                                                                                                      [[ko:flecto]]
[[ru:flecto]]                                                                                                                                                                                      [[pt:flecto]]
[[fi:flecto]]                                                                                                                                                                                      [[ru:flecto]]

hamata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|hāmāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|hāmāta}}
# {{inflection of|hāmātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hāmātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hāmātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hāmātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hāmātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hāmātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hāmātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hāmātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hāmātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hāmātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|hāmātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|hāmātā}}
# {{inflection of|hāmātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hāmātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

iulias: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|iūliās}}                       {{la-adj-form|iūliās}}
# {{inflection of|iūlius||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūlius||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}

naturus: No change.


Ἀμφίπολις: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}                        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1001}}             * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                   * {{R:Woodhouse|1001}}
[[Category:grc:Cities|Αμφιπολις]]  [[Category:grc:Cities|Αμφιπολις]]
[[el:Ἀμφίπολις]]                   [[el:Ἀμφίπολις]]
[[fr:Ἀμφίπολις]]                   [[fr:Ἀμφίπολις]]

oculatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:oculatus]]   [[fr:oculatus]]

enn: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                   {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|end}}     * Danish: {{l|da|end}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|enn}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|enn}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|enn}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|enn}}
{{mid2}}                   {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|enn}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|enn}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|än}}     * Swedish: {{l|sv|än}}
{{bottom}}                 {{bottom}}
----                       ===References===
                           * {{R:Zoega}}

praejudicatum: No change.


gratulabundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀκέφαλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

spurius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:spurius]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

adlaturus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|adlātūr}}  {{la-decl-1&2|adlātūr}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

conspurcatus: No change.


φωσφόρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5459}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5459}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

discolus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|discol}}  {{la-decl-1&2|discol}}
[[mg:discolus]]         ===References===
[[pl:discolus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

grandifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

publicani: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pūblicānī}}                     {{la-noun-form|pūblicānī}}
# {{inflection of|pūblicānus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūblicānus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūblicānus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūblicānus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūblicānus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūblicānus||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

exacta: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|exācta}}                        {{la-adj-form|exācta}}
# {{inflection of|exāctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exāctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exāctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exāctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exāctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exāctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exāctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exāctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exāctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exāctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|exāctā}}                        {{la-adj-form|exāctā}}
# {{inflection of|exāctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exāctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

Τρῳάς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:BDAG}}      * {{R:BDAG}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}

accommodate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:M&A}}
[[be:accommodate]]      [[ar:accommodate]]
[[ca:accommodate]]      [[be:accommodate]]
[[et:accommodate]]      [[ca:accommodate]]
[[el:accommodate]]      [[et:accommodate]]
[[fa:accommodate]]      [[el:accommodate]]
[[fr:accommodate]]      [[fa:accommodate]]
[[gl:accommodate]]      [[fr:accommodate]]
[[ko:accommodate]]      [[gl:accommodate]]
[[hy:accommodate]]      [[ko:accommodate]]
[[hi:accommodate]]      [[hy:accommodate]]
[[io:accommodate]]      [[hi:accommodate]]
[[id:accommodate]]      [[io:accommodate]]
[[it:accommodate]]      [[id:accommodate]]
[[kn:accommodate]]      [[it:accommodate]]
[[ku:accommodate]]      [[kn:accommodate]]
[[lt:accommodate]]      [[ku:accommodate]]
[[hu:accommodate]]      [[lt:accommodate]]
[[mg:accommodate]]      [[hu:accommodate]]
[[ml:accommodate]]      [[mg:accommodate]]
[[my:accommodate]]      [[ml:accommodate]]
[[nl:accommodate]]      [[my:accommodate]]
[[ja:accommodate]]      [[nl:accommodate]]
[[no:accommodate]]      [[ja:accommodate]]
[[ps:accommodate]]      [[no:accommodate]]
[[pl:accommodate]]      [[ps:accommodate]]
[[pt:accommodate]]      [[pl:accommodate]]
[[ru:accommodate]]      [[pt:accommodate]]
[[sa:accommodate]]      [[ru:accommodate]]
[[simple:accommodate]]  [[sa:accommodate]]
[[fi:accommodate]]      [[simple:accommodate]]
[[sv:accommodate]]      [[fi:accommodate]]
[[ta:accommodate]]      [[sv:accommodate]]
[[te:accommodate]]      [[ta:accommodate]]
[[th:accommodate]]      [[te:accommodate]]
[[chr:accommodate]]     [[th:accommodate]]
[[tr:accommodate]]      [[chr:accommodate]]
[[vi:accommodate]]      [[tr:accommodate]]
[[zh:accommodate]]      [[vi:accommodate]]

Ὠστία: No change.


iuvenior: LATIN: References added.

===Related terms===  ===Related terms===
{{rel-top3}}         {{rel-top3}}
* {{l|la|iunior}}    * {{l|la|iunior}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}

exstinctor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fremens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-1E|fremēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-1E|fremēns}}
[[fr:fremens]]              ===References===
                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

pharanitis: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|phāranītis|phāranītid}}  {{la-decl-3rd|phāranītis|phāranītid}}
[[Category:la:Gems]]                   ===References===
                                       * {{R:L&S}}

expetendus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|expetend}}  {{la-decl-1&2|expetend}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Λονδίνη: No change.


insulsitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

compertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:compertus]]  [[es:compertus]]

auctumnalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}

ovinus: No change.


Servius: No change.


adips: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|adipe}}                     * Italian: {{l|it|adipe}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|ádipe}}, {{l|pt|ádipo}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|ádipe}}, {{l|pt|ádipo}}
[[mg:adips]]                                  ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

invisus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:invisus]]    * {{R:M&A}}

incuso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:incuso]]     [[el:incuso]]
[[fr:incuso]]     [[es:incuso]]
[[ko:incuso]]     [[fr:incuso]]
[[mg:incuso]]     [[ko:incuso]]
[[ru:incuso]]     [[mg:incuso]]

collina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:collina]]    [[ay:collina]]
[[cs:collina]]    [[az:collina]]
[[de:collina]]    [[cs:collina]]
[[el:collina]]    [[de:collina]]
[[fr:collina]]    [[el:collina]]
[[ko:collina]]    [[fr:collina]]
[[io:collina]]    [[ko:collina]]
[[it:collina]]    [[io:collina]]
[[sw:collina]]    [[it:collina]]
[[lt:collina]]    [[sw:collina]]
[[hu:collina]]    [[lt:collina]]
[[mg:collina]]    [[hu:collina]]
[[pl:collina]]    [[mg:collina]]
[[ru:collina]]    [[pl:collina]]
[[sm:collina]]    [[ru:collina]]
[[chr:collina]]   [[sm:collina]]
[[tr:collina]]    [[chr:collina]]
[[zh:collina]]    [[tr:collina]]

insidiatus: No change.


jactura: No change.


accido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:accido]]     [[el:accido]]
[[ko:accido]]     [[fr:accido]]
[[la:accido]]     [[ko:accido]]
[[mg:accido]]     [[la:accido]]
[[fj:accido]]     [[mg:accido]]
[[nl:accido]]     [[fj:accido]]
[[pl:accido]]     [[nl:accido]]
[[ru:accido]]     [[pl:accido]]
[[chr:accido]]    [[ru:accido]]

eremitis: No change.


clarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|clārius}}                       {{la-adj-form|clārius}}
# {{inflection of|clārior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clārior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clārior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clārior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clārior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clārior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

contracto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nisi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                      * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin conjunctions]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:nisi]]                      [[Category:Latin conjunctions]]
[[fr:nisi]]                      [[cs:nisi]]
[[ko:nisi]]                      [[et:nisi]]
[[it:nisi]]                      [[fr:nisi]]
[[kn:nisi]]                      [[ko:nisi]]
[[ku:nisi]]                      [[it:nisi]]
[[la:nisi]]                      [[kn:nisi]]
[[mg:nisi]]                      [[ku:nisi]]
[[nl:nisi]]                      [[la:nisi]]
[[ja:nisi]]                      [[mg:nisi]]
[[pl:nisi]]                      [[nl:nisi]]
[[sq:nisi]]                      [[ja:nisi]]
[[ta:nisi]]                      [[pl:nisi]]
[[chr:nisi]]                     [[sq:nisi]]
[[vi:nisi]]                      [[ta:nisi]]
[[zh:nisi]]                      [[chr:nisi]]

declamatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:declamatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:declamatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

sambuca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:sambuca]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:sambuca]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[lt:sambuca]]    [[es:sambuca]]
[[mg:sambuca]]    [[fr:sambuca]]

iris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|īrīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|īrīs}}
# {{inflection of|īra||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īra||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īra||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īra||abl|p|lang=la}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                        * {{R:Peck}}
                                        * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

πύξος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pu%2Fcos}}  * {{R:LSJ|pu%2Fcos}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                      * {{R:Bailly}}
[[ko:πύξος]]          [[el:πύξος]]

adjumentum: No change.


Ἄραρ: No change.


mica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Minerals]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                      [[Category:la:Minerals]]

formaticum: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                          ====Descendants====
{{top3}}                                                                                     {{top3}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|formayu}}                                                                * Asturian: {{l|ast|formayu}}
* Breton: {{l|br|formaj}}                                                                    * Breton: {{l|br|formaj}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|formatge}}                                                                 * Catalan: {{l|ca|formatge}}
* Corsican: {{l|co|furmagliu}}                                                               * Corsican: {{l|co|furmagliu}}
* Emilian: {{l|egl|furmài}}, {{l|egl|furmàj}}, {{l|egl|furmâj}}                              * Emilian: {{l|egl|furmài}}, {{l|egl|furmàj}}, {{l|egl|furmâj}}
* Esperanto: {{l|eo|fromaĝo}}                                                                * Esperanto: {{l|eo|fromaĝo}}
* Franco-Provençal: {{l|frp|fromâjo}}                                                        * Franco-Provençal: {{l|frp|fromâjo}}
* French: {{l|fr|fromage}}                                                                   * French: {{l|fr|fromage}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|formadi}}                                                                * Friulian: {{l|fur|formadi}}
* Gallo: {{l|roa-gal|fórmaij}}                                                               * Gallo: {{l|roa-gal|fórmaij}}
* Haitian Creole: {{l|ht|fromaj}}                                                            * Haitian Creole: {{l|ht|fromaj}}
* Ido: {{l|io|fromajo}}                                                                      * Ido: {{l|io|fromajo}}
* Istriot: {{l|ist|furmajo}}                                                                 * Istriot: {{l|ist|furmajo}}
* Italian: {{l|it|formaggio}}                                                                * Italian: {{l|it|formaggio}}
{{mid3}}                                                                                     {{mid3}}
* Khmer: {{l|km|ហ្វ្រូម៉ាហ្ស}}                                                               * Khmer: {{l|km|ហ្វ្រូម៉ាហ្ស}}
* Ladin: {{l|lld|formai}}                                                                    * Ladin: {{l|lld|formai}}
* Ligurian: {{l|lij|formaggio}}                                                              * Ligurian: {{l|lij|formaggio}}
* Lombard: {{l|lmo|furmai}}, {{l|lmo|furmàcc}}                                               * Lombard: {{l|lmo|furmai}}, {{l|lmo|furmàcc}}
* Malagasy: {{l|mg|foromazy}}, {{l|mg|frômazy}}                                              * Malagasy: {{l|mg|foromazy}}, {{l|mg|frômazy}}
* Middle French: {{l|frm|formage}}, {{l|frm|froumaige}}                                      * Middle French: {{l|frm|formage}}, {{l|frm|froumaige}}
* Moroccan Arabic: {{l|ary|فروماج}}                                                          * Moroccan Arabic: {{l|ary|فروماج}}
* Neapolitan: {{l|nap|furmaggio}}                                                            * Neapolitan: {{l|nap|furmaggio}}
* Norman: {{l|nrf|fronmage}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}, {{l|nrf|fromage}} {{qualifier|Guernsey}}  * Norman: {{l|nrf|fronmage}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}, {{l|nrf|fromage}} {{qualifier|Guernsey}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|formatge}}                                                                 * Occitan: {{l|oc|formatge}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|fromage}}, {{l|fro|furmage}}                                           * Old French: {{l|fro|fromage}}, {{l|fro|furmage}}
* Piedmontese: {{l|pms|formagg}}, {{l|pms|furmagg}}                                          * Piedmontese: {{l|pms|formagg}}, {{l|pms|furmagg}}
{{mid3}}                                                                                     {{mid3}}
* Romagnol: {{l|rgn|furmài}}, {{l|rgn|furmàj}}, {{l|rgn|furmâj}}                             * Romagnol: {{l|rgn|furmài}}, {{l|rgn|furmàj}}, {{l|rgn|furmâj}}
* Rwanda-Rundi: {{l|rw|ifromaje}} {{q|Rwanda}}, {{l|rw|iforomaji}} {{q|Rundi}}               * Rwanda-Rundi: {{l|rw|ifromaje}} {{q|Rwanda}}, {{l|rw|iforomaji}} {{q|Rundi}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|frumaggiu}}, {{l|scn|frummaggiu}}, {{l|scn|furmaggiu}}                   * Sicilian: {{l|scn|frumaggiu}}, {{l|scn|frummaggiu}}, {{l|scn|furmaggiu}}
* Somali: {{l|so|farmaajo}}                                                                  * Somali: {{l|so|farmaajo}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|formaje}}, {{l|es|hormajo}}                                                * Spanish: {{l|es|formaje}}, {{l|es|hormajo}}
* Tarantino: {{l|roa-tar|frummàgge}}                                                         * Tarantino: {{l|roa-tar|frummàgge}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|formai}}, {{l|vec|formajo}}                                              * Venetian: {{l|vec|formai}}, {{l|vec|formajo}}
* Vietnamese: {{l|vi|phô ma}}, {{l|vi|phô mai}}, {{l|vi|pho mát}}, {{l|vi|phó mát}}          * Vietnamese: {{l|vi|phô ma}}, {{l|vi|phô mai}}, {{l|vi|pho mát}}, {{l|vi|phó mát}}
* Volapük: {{l|vo|fromad}}                                                                   * Volapük: {{l|vo|fromad}}
* Walloon: {{l|wa|froumadje}}                                                                * Walloon: {{l|wa|froumadje}}
* Wolof: {{l|wo|foromaas}}                                                                   * Wolof: {{l|wo|foromaas}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                   {{bottom}}
[[ca:formaticum]]                                                                            ===References===
[[ky:formaticum]]                                                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:formaticum]]                                                                            [[ca:formaticum]]
[[mg:formaticum]]                                                                            [[ky:formaticum]]
[[fj:formaticum]]                                                                            [[lt:formaticum]]
[[ja:formaticum]]                                                                            [[hu:formaticum]]
[[pl:formaticum]]                                                                            [[mg:formaticum]]
[[tg:formaticum]]                                                                            [[fj:formaticum]]
[[chr:formaticum]]                                                                           [[ja:formaticum]]

posteo: No change.


mitra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|mītr}}      {{la-decl-1st|mītr}}
[[Category:la:Headgear]]  ===References===
                          * {{R:L&S}}
----                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:PersEnc}}
                          * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

datio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:datio]]      [[fr:datio]]

egregius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:egregius]]   [[fr:egregius]]
[[mg:egregius]]   [[ko:egregius]]
[[pl:egregius]]   [[mg:egregius]]

salinae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:salinae]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:salinae]]    * {{R:Platner}}
[[mg:salinae]]    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                  * {{R:Stillwell}}

palpus: No change.


suscito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ἰνάρως: No change.


timoratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

τιθέναι: No change.


farto: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fartō}}                        {{la-adj-form|fartō}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

ambitiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:ambitiosus]]   [[fr:ambitiosus]]
[[mg:ambitiosus]]   [[hu:ambitiosus]]
[[chr:ambitiosus]]  [[mg:ambitiosus]]

fascinator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|fascinātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|fascinātor}}
# {{inflection of|fascinō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fascinō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fascinō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fascinō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[fr:fascinator]]                                        ===References===
[[io:fascinator]]                                        * {{R:L&S}}
[[ku:fascinator]]                                        * {{R:NLW}}
[[ro:fascinator]]                                        [[fr:fascinator]]
[[sv:fascinator]]                                        [[io:fascinator]]
[[chr:fascinator]]                                       [[ku:fascinator]]
[[vi:fascinator]]                                        [[mg:fascinator]]
[[zh:fascinator]]                                        [[ro:fascinator]]

πομπός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

salutaris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:salutaris]]  [[fr:salutaris]]
[[li:salutaris]]  [[ku:salutaris]]
[[mg:salutaris]]  [[li:salutaris]]
[[ru:salutaris]]  [[mg:salutaris]]

Τύρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1029}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5184}}                 * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Strong's|G|5184}}
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * {{R:Woodhouse|1029}}
                                        * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
[[hu:Τύρος]]                            [[el:Τύρος]]

Iesus: No change.


contrarium: LATIN: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:contrarium]]  [[fr:contrarium]]

peregrinor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:peregrinor]]                  [[fr:peregrinor]]

clamatus: No change.


coleres: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|colerēs}}                              {{la-verb-form|colerēs}}
# {{inflection of|colō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[mg:coleres]]                                        ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

μυζάω: No change.


hesternus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:hesternus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:hesternus]]   [[fr:hesternus]]
[[lt:hesternus]]   [[ko:hesternus]]
[[hu:hesternus]]   [[hr:hesternus]]
[[mg:hesternus]]   [[lt:hesternus]]
[[fj:hesternus]]   [[hu:hesternus]]
[[pl:hesternus]]   [[mg:hesternus]]
[[pt:hesternus]]   [[fj:hesternus]]
[[sh:hesternus]]   [[pl:hesternus]]
[[chr:hesternus]]  [[pt:hesternus]]

phiala: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

hirritus: No change.


exposco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

κάστανα: No change.


θλῖψις: No change.


patefio: No change.


superimpendens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                   ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|superimpendēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|superimpendēns}}
                                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

γέρρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}   * LSJ 7th edition
                   * {{grc-Beekes}}

dissonantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dissonantia}}                    {{la-part-form|dissonantia}}
# {{inflection of|dissonāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissonāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissonāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissonāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissonāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissonāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[ru:dissonantia]]                              ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}

Ἐπίδαμνος: No change.


proicio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:proicio]]    [[ca:proicio]]
[[ko:proicio]]    [[fr:proicio]]

νίφα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[li:νίφα]]       [[ko:νίφα]]
[[pl:νίφα]]       [[li:νίφα]]

plagiator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:plagiator]]  [[id:plagiator]]
[[mg:plagiator]]  [[hu:plagiator]]
[[nl:plagiator]]  [[mg:plagiator]]
[[uz:plagiator]]  [[nl:plagiator]]
[[pl:plagiator]]  [[uz:plagiator]]
[[ro:plagiator]]  [[pl:plagiator]]
[[ru:plagiator]]  [[ro:plagiator]]
[[sv:plagiator]]  [[ru:plagiator]]

sacoma: No change.


mascula: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mascula}}                        {{la-adj-form|mascula}}
# {{inflection of|masculus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|masculus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|masculus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|masculus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|masculus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|masculus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|masculus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|masculus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|masculus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|masculus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|masculā}}                        {{la-adj-form|masculā}}
# {{inflection of|masculus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|masculus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:mascula]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:Stillwell}}

superemineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ὑποστρέφω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|u(postre/fw}}  * {{R:LSJ|u(postre/fw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                         * {{R:Strong's}}

implicatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ja:implicatus]]  [[fr:implicatus]]

civis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:civis]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:civis]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:civis]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:civis]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:civis]]      [[ca:civis]]
[[fy:civis]]      [[cs:civis]]
[[ko:civis]]      [[de:civis]]
[[hr:civis]]      [[el:civis]]
[[it:civis]]      [[eu:civis]]
[[la:civis]]      [[fr:civis]]
[[mg:civis]]      [[fy:civis]]
[[nl:civis]]      [[ko:civis]]
[[ja:civis]]      [[hr:civis]]
[[pl:civis]]      [[it:civis]]
[[pt:civis]]      [[la:civis]]
[[ru:civis]]      [[mg:civis]]
[[sh:civis]]      [[nl:civis]]
[[fi:civis]]      [[ja:civis]]
[[chr:civis]]     [[pl:civis]]

Μάρθα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
[[el:Μάρθα]]      [[el:Μάρθα]]
[[hu:Μάρθα]]      [[hu:Μάρθα]]

oscines: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S|oscĭnes}}  * {{R:L&S|oscĭnes}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:oscines]]       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ἐπιρρέπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* LSJ 7th edition   * {{R:LBG}}
                    * LSJ 7th edition

subjecto: No change.


fraternitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:fraternitas]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:fraternitas]]  [[fr:fraternitas]]
[[pl:fraternitas]]  [[id:fraternitas]]
[[ro:fraternitas]]  [[mg:fraternitas]]

costale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|costale}}                        {{la-adj-form|costale}}
# {{inflection of|costalis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|costalis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|costalis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|costalis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|costalis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|costalis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:costale]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:costale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:costale]]                                 [[es:costale]]

grumulus: No change.


galdr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* [[gala]]             * [[gala]]
* [[seiðr]]            * [[seiðr]]
                       * {{R:Zoega}}

invetero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:invetero]]   [[es:invetero]]
[[ru:invetero]]   [[ko:invetero]]

artemon: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[sh:artemon]]    [[fr:artemon]]

iustus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S|justus|justus}}  * {{R:L&S|justus|justus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:iustus]]              * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:iustus]]              * {{R:Peck}}
[[hr:iustus]]              [[cs:iustus]]
[[la:iustus]]              [[fr:iustus]]
[[hu:iustus]]              [[ko:iustus]]
[[mg:iustus]]              [[hr:iustus]]
[[fj:iustus]]              [[la:iustus]]
[[ja:iustus]]              [[hu:iustus]]
[[pl:iustus]]              [[mg:iustus]]
[[fi:iustus]]              [[fj:iustus]]
[[sv:iustus]]              [[ja:iustus]]
[[chr:iustus]]             [[pl:iustus]]

vibex: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|vībex}}  {{la-decl-3rd|vībex}}
[[fr:vibex]]           ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}

pappa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

halares: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|hālārēs}}                              {{la-verb-form|hālārēs}}
# {{inflection of|hālō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hālō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐπίληψις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

jentaculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[pt:jentaculum]]  [[fr:jentaculum]]
[[ru:jentaculum]]  [[pt:jentaculum]]
[[fi:jentaculum]]  [[ru:jentaculum]]
[[sv:jentaculum]]  [[fi:jentaculum]]

summissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

conductus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:conductus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[hu:conductus]]   [[ca:conductus]]
[[mg:conductus]]   [[fr:conductus]]
[[ja:conductus]]   [[hu:conductus]]
[[sh:conductus]]   [[mg:conductus]]
[[chr:conductus]]  [[ja:conductus]]

contradico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:contradico]]   [[fr:contradico]]
[[mg:contradico]]   [[ko:contradico]]
[[chr:contradico]]  [[mg:contradico]]

laquearius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Peck}}

octo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[co:octo]]       [[az:octo]]
[[da:octo]]       [[co:octo]]
[[de:octo]]       [[da:octo]]
[[et:octo]]       [[de:octo]]
[[el:octo]]       [[et:octo]]
[[es:octo]]       [[el:octo]]
[[fr:octo]]       [[es:octo]]
[[gl:octo]]       [[fr:octo]]
[[ko:octo]]       [[gl:octo]]
[[hr:octo]]       [[ko:octo]]
[[io:octo]]       [[hr:octo]]
[[is:octo]]       [[io:octo]]
[[it:octo]]       [[is:octo]]
[[ku:octo]]       [[it:octo]]
[[ky:octo]]       [[ku:octo]]
[[la:octo]]       [[ky:octo]]
[[lt:octo]]       [[la:octo]]
[[hu:octo]]       [[lt:octo]]
[[mg:octo]]       [[hu:octo]]
[[nl:octo]]       [[mg:octo]]
[[ja:octo]]       [[nl:octo]]
[[no:octo]]       [[ja:octo]]
[[uz:octo]]       [[no:octo]]
[[pl:octo]]       [[uz:octo]]
[[pt:octo]]       [[pl:octo]]
[[ru:octo]]       [[pt:octo]]
[[sr:octo]]       [[ru:octo]]
[[fi:octo]]       [[sr:octo]]
[[sv:octo]]       [[fi:octo]]
[[tt:octo]]       [[sv:octo]]
[[th:octo]]       [[tt:octo]]
[[chr:octo]]      [[th:octo]]
[[uk:octo]]       [[chr:octo]]

retendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

remoratio: No change.


perstringo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}

fustuarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:fustuarium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

efformo: No change.


somniger: No change.



abannatio: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

absitas: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|absitās}}                       {{la-adj-form|absitās}}
# {{inflection of|absitus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absitus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:absitas]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

orthodoxus: No change.


triviale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|triviāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|triviāle}}
# {{inflection of|triviālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triviālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triviālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triviālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triviālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triviālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:triviale]]                                 ===References===
[[de:triviale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:triviale]]                                 [[ca:triviale]]
[[ko:triviale]]                                 [[de:triviale]]
[[it:triviale]]                                 [[el:triviale]]
[[mg:triviale]]                                 [[fr:triviale]]
[[nl:triviale]]                                 [[ko:triviale]]
[[ja:triviale]]                                 [[it:triviale]]
[[ru:triviale]]                                 [[mg:triviale]]
[[sv:triviale]]                                 [[nl:triviale]]
[[chr:triviale]]                                [[ja:triviale]]
[[zh:triviale]]                                 [[ru:triviale]]

verpa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praecido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:praecido]]   [[fr:praecido]]
[[mg:praecido]]   [[ko:praecido]]

πέμπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3992}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3992}}
[[fr:πέμπω]]             [[el:πέμπω]]
[[it:πέμπω]]             [[fr:πέμπω]]
[[lt:πέμπω]]             [[it:πέμπω]]
[[mg:πέμπω]]             [[lt:πέμπω]]
[[pt:πέμπω]]             [[mg:πέμπω]]

cooperatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|cooperāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|cooperāt}}
[[fr:cooperatus]]         ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

virginitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:virginitas]]  [[es:virginitas]]
[[mg:virginitas]]  [[fr:virginitas]]


vomis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

elisimus: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ēlīsimus}}                              {{la-verb-form|ēlīsimus}}
# {{inflection of|ēlīdō||1|p|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēlīdō||1|p|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:elisimus]]                                        ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

aggregatio: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====               ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|aggregation}}   * English: {{l|en|aggregation}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|agregação}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|agregação}}
[[fr:aggregatio]]                 ===References===
                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

millena: LATIN: References added.

===Numeral===                                 ===Numeral===
{{la-num-form|mīllena}}                       {{la-num-form|mīllena}}
# {{inflection of|mīllenī||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mīllenī||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mīllenī||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mīllenī||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mīllenī||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mīllenī||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[pl:millena]]                                ===References===
[[ru:millena]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

subrectus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|subrect}}  {{la-decl-1&2|subrect}}
[[fr:subrectus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

subintroductae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                     ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|subintrōductae}}                      {{la-part-form|subintrōductae}}
# {{inflection of|subintrōductus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subintrōductus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subintrōductus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subintrōductus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subintrōductus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subintrōductus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subintrōductus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subintrōductus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

unicornis: No change.


quotienscumque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

condemnatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:condemnatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:condemnatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:condemnatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

sejunctim: No change.


virgae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|virgae}}                   {{la-noun-form|virgae}}
# {{inflection of|virga||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virga||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virga||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virga||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virga||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virga||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virga||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virga||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:virgae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:virgae]]                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

pelicanus: No change.


Καῦνος: No change.


argestes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vilior: No change.


διασκευάζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{LSJ}}           * {{R:LSJ}}
                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[el:διασκευάζω]]   * {{LSJ}}
[[mg:διασκευάζω]]   [[el:διασκευάζω]]

loretum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Platner}}

excreo: No change.


amice: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ψωλή: No change.


abdicta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|abdīcta}}                       {{la-part-form|abdīcta}}
# {{inflection of|abdīctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdīctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abdīctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdīctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abdīctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdīctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abdīctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdīctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abdīctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdīctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|abdīctā}}                       {{la-part-form|abdīctā}}
# {{inflection of|abdīctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdīctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[li:abdicta]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

metatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|mētāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|mētāt}}
[[fr:metatus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ruptura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

colla: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|colla}}                     {{la-noun-form|colla}}
# {{inflection of|collum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

πικρόχολος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                   * {{R:Bailly}}
[[mg:πικρόχολος]]  [[el:πικρόχολος]]

tibia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}
* de Vaan, Michiel, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, vol. 7, of Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Alexander Lubotsky ed., Leiden: Brill, 2008.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                   * {{R:M&A}}
----                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                   * de Vaan, Michiel, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, vol. 7, of Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Alexander Lubotsky ed., Leiden: Brill, 2008.

frictura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|frīctūra}}                       {{la-part-form|frīctūra}}
# {{inflection of|frīctūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frīctūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frīctūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frīctūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frīctūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frīctūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frīctūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frīctūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frīctūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frīctūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|frīctūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|frīctūrā}}
# {{inflection of|frīctūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frīctūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:L&S}}


converto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

eminentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:eminentia]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:eminentia]]  [[ca:eminentia]]
[[uz:eminentia]]  [[cs:eminentia]]
[[ta:eminentia]]  [[fr:eminentia]]
[[tg:eminentia]]  [[uz:eminentia]]

fagus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                            [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]
[[an:fagus]]                                                [[Category:la:Trees]]
[[de:fagus]]                                                [[an:fagus]]
[[fr:fagus]]                                                [[cs:fagus]]
[[it:fagus]]                                                [[de:fagus]]
[[la:fagus]]                                                [[fr:fagus]]
[[mg:fagus]]                                                [[it:fagus]]
[[pl:fagus]]                                                [[la:fagus]]
[[ro:fagus]]                                                [[mg:fagus]]
[[ru:fagus]]                                                [[pl:fagus]]
[[sv:fagus]]                                                [[ro:fagus]]

convinco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:convinco]]   [[fr:convinco]]
[[mg:convinco]]   [[ko:convinco]]
[[ja:convinco]]   [[mg:convinco]]

anaglyptus: No change.


ἡμεῖς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)gw/|w=ἐγώ}}                                                                                                    * {{R:LSJ|e)gw/|w=ἐγώ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{R:Smyth|325}}, [ 325 D]   * {{R:Smyth|325}}, [ 325 D]
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
[[de:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[de:ἡμεῖς]]
[[el:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[el:ἡμεῖς]]
[[fr:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[fr:ἡμεῖς]]
[[ko:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[ko:ἡμεῖς]]
[[it:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[it:ἡμεῖς]]
[[lt:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[lt:ἡμεῖς]]
[[mg:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[mg:ἡμεῖς]]
[[nl:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[nl:ἡμεῖς]]
[[pt:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[pt:ἡμεῖς]]
[[ru:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[ru:ἡμεῖς]]
[[tr:ἡμεῖς]]                                                                                                               [[tr:ἡμεῖς]]

concutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:concutio]]   [[el:concutio]]
[[ko:concutio]]   [[fr:concutio]]
[[mg:concutio]]   [[ko:concutio]]

velificatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:velificatio]]  [[mg:velificatio]]

anarrhinon: No change.


Ἀλεξανδρῖνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|222}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|222}}

ambesura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ambēsūra}}                       {{la-part-form|ambēsūra}}
# {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|ambēsūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|ambēsūrā}}
# {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambēsūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:NLW}}

liberator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:liberator]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[gl:liberator]]  [[et:liberator]]
[[ko:liberator]]  [[fr:liberator]]
[[hy:liberator]]  [[gl:liberator]]
[[io:liberator]]  [[ko:liberator]]
[[id:liberator]]  [[hy:liberator]]
[[it:liberator]]  [[io:liberator]]
[[ku:liberator]]  [[id:liberator]]
[[li:liberator]]  [[it:liberator]]
[[hu:liberator]]  [[ku:liberator]]
[[ml:liberator]]  [[li:liberator]]
[[ja:liberator]]  [[hu:liberator]]
[[pl:liberator]]  [[ml:liberator]]
[[pt:liberator]]  [[ja:liberator]]
[[ro:liberator]]  [[pl:liberator]]
[[ru:liberator]]  [[pt:liberator]]
[[sd:liberator]]  [[ro:liberator]]
[[sh:liberator]]  [[ru:liberator]]
[[te:liberator]]  [[sd:liberator]]
[[vi:liberator]]  [[sh:liberator]]
[[zh:liberator]]  [[te:liberator]]

peniti: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|penitī}}                        {{la-adj-form|penitī}}
# {{inflection of|penitus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|penitus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|penitus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|penitus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|penitus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|penitus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|penitus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|penitus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

rabide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:rabide]]     [[it:rabide]]
[[ru:rabide]]     [[pl:rabide]]

circumfundo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}

campester: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:campester]]  [[de:campester]]
[[mg:campester]]  [[fr:campester]]

minima: No change.


Syrinx: No change.


plasmator: No change.


persevero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

deuteronomium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cadmia: No change.


detestor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:detestor]]   [[fr:detestor]]
[[ru:detestor]]   [[ko:detestor]]
[[zh:detestor]]   [[ru:detestor]]

fallax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:fallax]]     [[fr:fallax]]
[[pl:fallax]]     [[hr:fallax]]

alburnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:alburnus]]       [[fr:alburnus]]
[[ru:alburnus]]       [[mg:alburnus]]

nemus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Lewis & Short, [^mus A Latin Dictionary]  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                                                                                                                                                                 * Lewis & Short, [^mus A Latin Dictionary]

guttur: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:guttur]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:guttur]]     [[fr:guttur]]
[[ru:guttur]]     [[ko:guttur]]
[[chr:guttur]]    [[mg:guttur]]
[[zh:guttur]]     [[ru:guttur]]

fetor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fetor]]      [[et:fetor]]
[[id:fetor]]      [[fr:fetor]]
[[ku:fetor]]      [[id:fetor]]
[[hu:fetor]]      [[ku:fetor]]
[[mg:fetor]]      [[hu:fetor]]
[[pl:fetor]]      [[mg:fetor]]
[[sh:fetor]]      [[pl:fetor]]
[[ta:fetor]]      [[sh:fetor]]
[[vi:fetor]]      [[ta:fetor]]
[[zh:fetor]]      [[vi:fetor]]

volgator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|volgātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|volgātor}}
# {{inflection of|volgō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|volgō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|volgō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|volgō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

arcessite: No change.


iteratio: No change.


latusculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

precarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:precarium]]  [[fr:precarium]]

latrocinium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[la:latrocinium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:latrocinium]]  <references/>

ἠριγένεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                                                                                          * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                                                                                                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                                                                                                       * {{R:Bailly}}
* «[ {{lang|grc|ἠρι-γένεια}}]» in Georg Autenrieth’s ''Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges'' (1891)  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                     * «[ {{lang|grc|ἠρι-γένεια}}]» in Georg Autenrieth’s ''Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges'' (1891)
[[ru:ἠριγένεια]]                                                                                                                                                                                     [[ko:ἠριγένεια]]

prosapia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[eo:prosapia]]   [[ca:prosapia]]
[[fr:prosapia]]   [[eo:prosapia]]
[[it:prosapia]]   [[fr:prosapia]]
[[mg:prosapia]]   [[it:prosapia]]
[[pl:prosapia]]   [[mg:prosapia]]
[[zh:prosapia]]   [[pl:prosapia]]

natata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|natāta}}                       {{la-part-form|natāta}}
# {{inflection of|natātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|natātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|natātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|natātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|natātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|natātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|natātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|natātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|natātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|natātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|natātā}}                       {{la-part-form|natātā}}
# {{inflection of|natātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|natātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:natata]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

reptabundus: No change.


Aenea: No change.


bestiarii: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
'''bēstiāriī''' {{g|m}}                        '''bēstiāriī''' {{g|m}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                  ===References===
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:bestiarii]]                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

πεῖσις: No change.


ὑπογράφω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

punicum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pūnicum}}                       {{la-adj-form|pūnicum}}
# {{inflection of|pūnicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūnicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūnicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūnicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūnicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūnicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pūnicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pūnicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

στυλοβάτης: No change.


caniformis: No change.


Σατάν: No change.


vitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vitia}}                     {{la-noun-form|vitia}}
# {{inflection of|vitium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vitium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vitium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vitium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vitium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vitium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:vitia]]                               ===References===
[[cs:vitia]]                               * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

capsula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                      ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                 {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|capsule}}              * English: {{l|en|capsule}}
* French: {{l|fr|capsule}}               * French: {{l|fr|capsule}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|cápsula}}             * Galician: {{l|gl|cápsula}}
* Italian: {{l|it|capsula}}              * Italian: {{l|it|capsula}}
{{mid2}}                                 {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|cápsula}}           * Portuguese: {{l|pt|cápsula}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|capsulă}}             * Romanian: {{l|ro|capsulă}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|ка́псула|tr=kápsula}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|ка́псула|tr=kápsula}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|cápsula}}              * Spanish: {{l|es|cápsula}}
{{bottom}}                               {{bottom}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:L&S}}
                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
                                         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ancillatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ancillāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ancillāt}}
                          * {{R:L&S}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Ταυρομένιον: No change.


frugi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[cs:frugi]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[mg:frugi]]      [[cs:frugi]]
[[ru:frugi]]      [[fr:frugi]]

Μαρσύας: No change.


Olipor: No change.


vagus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:vagus]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:vagus]]      <references/>
[[fr:vagus]]      [[et:vagus]]
[[mg:vagus]]      [[el:vagus]]
[[pl:vagus]]      [[fa:vagus]]
[[sh:vagus]]      [[fr:vagus]]
[[ta:vagus]]      [[mg:vagus]]
[[vi:vagus]]      [[pl:vagus]]
[[zh:vagus]]      [[sh:vagus]]

Τράλλεις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1028}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse|1028}}

fide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ludibunda: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lūdibundā}}                        {{la-adj-form|lūdibundā}}
# {{inflection of|lūdibundus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūdibundus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

palatio: No change.


appretio: No change.


subsistentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:subsistentia]]  [[es:subsistentia]]
[[pl:subsistentia]]  [[mg:subsistentia]]
[[ru:subsistentia]]  [[pl:subsistentia]]

obstructus: No change.


exhorresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ischias: No change.


junceus: No change.


temera: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|temerā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|temerā}}
# {{inflection of|temerō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|temerō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                    ===References===
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

Θερμώδων: No change.


reversum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|reversum}}                      {{la-part-form|reversum}}
# {{inflection of|reversus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reversus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reversus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reversus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reversus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reversus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reversus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reversus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:reversum]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

iudex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:iudex]]                   [[Category:Latin root words]]
[[eu:iudex]]                   [[cs:iudex]]
[[fr:iudex]]                   [[de:iudex]]
[[ko:iudex]]                   [[el:iudex]]
[[hr:iudex]]                   [[eu:iudex]]
[[it:iudex]]                   [[fr:iudex]]
[[la:iudex]]                   [[ko:iudex]]
[[hu:iudex]]                   [[hr:iudex]]
[[mg:iudex]]                   [[it:iudex]]
[[pl:iudex]]                   [[la:iudex]]
[[ru:iudex]]                   [[hu:iudex]]
[[fi:iudex]]                   [[mg:iudex]]
[[chr:iudex]]                  [[pl:iudex]]

hospitatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|hospitātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|hospitātūra}}
# {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|hospitātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|hospitātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

inferi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

macro: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|macrō}}                       {{la-adj-form|macrō}}
# {{inflection of|macer||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macer||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|macer||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macer||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|macer||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macer||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|macer||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macer||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:Peck}}

fele: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fēle}}                     {{la-noun-form|fēle}}
# {{inflection of|fēlēs||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fēlēs||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

frendor: No change.


febricitas: No change.


treceni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

portarium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|portārium}}                    {{la-noun-form|portārium}}
# {{inflection of|portārius||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|portārius||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

crispus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:crispus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:crispus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ru:crispus]]    [[fr:crispus]]

successive: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|successīve}}                        {{la-adj-form|successīve}}
# {{inflection of|successīvus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|successīvus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                              ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

sandaliarius: No change.


damio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dāmiō}}                     {{la-noun-form|dāmiō}}
# {{inflection of|dāmium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dāmium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dāmium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dāmium||abl|s|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

pruina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:pruina]]                  [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[it:pruina]]                  [[es:pruina]]
[[hu:pruina]]                  [[fr:pruina]]
[[mg:pruina]]                  [[it:pruina]]
[[ja:pruina]]                  [[hu:pruina]]
[[pl:pruina]]                  [[mg:pruina]]
[[ru:pruina]]                  [[ja:pruina]]
[[chr:pruina]]                 [[pl:pruina]]

cordo: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cordō}}                        {{la-adj-form|cordō}}
# {{inflection of|cordus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:cordo]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:cordo]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

hac: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

palladium: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|palladi}}          {{la-decl-2nd-N|palladi}}
[[Category:la:Chemical elements]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:PersEnc}}
----                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                   [[Category:la:Chemical elements]]

Χαλκίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}

metallum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:metallum]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:metallum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:metallum]]   * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[it:metallum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[lt:metallum]]   [[cs:metallum]]
[[hu:metallum]]   [[fr:metallum]]
[[mg:metallum]]   [[ko:metallum]]
[[ja:metallum]]   [[it:metallum]]
[[pl:metallum]]   [[la:metallum]]
[[ru:metallum]]   [[lt:metallum]]
[[sv:metallum]]   [[hu:metallum]]
[[chr:metallum]]  [[mg:metallum]]

epoto: No change.


coniventia: No change.



langr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                      {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|lang}}       * Danish: {{l|da|lang}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|langur}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|langur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|langur}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|langur}}
{{mid2}}                      {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|lang}}    * Norwegian: {{l|no|lang}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|lång}}      * Swedish: {{l|sv|lång}}
{{bottom}}                    {{bottom}}
[[pl:langr]]                  ===References===
[[sv:langr]]                  * {{R:Zoega}}

minis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|minīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|minīs}}
# {{inflection of|mina||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mina||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mina||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mina||abl|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:PersEnc}}

optandus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|optand}}  {{la-decl-1&2|optand}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

complosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

interfluo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

καινός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2537}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2537}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[el:καινός]]            [[de:καινός]]
[[fr:καινός]]            [[el:καινός]]
[[lt:καινός]]            [[fr:καινός]]
[[hu:καινός]]            [[lt:καινός]]
[[mg:καινός]]            [[hu:καινός]]
[[pl:καινός]]            [[mg:καινός]]
[[ru:καινός]]            [[pl:καινός]]

glauce: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|glauce}}                        {{la-adj-form|glauce}}
# {{inflection of|glaucus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|glaucus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:glauce]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:glauce]]                                 * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

contortus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fi:contortus]]  [[fr:contortus]]

ἄσπρις: No change.


scamna: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|scamna}}                     {{la-noun-form|scamna}}
# {{inflection of|scamnum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scamnum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scamnum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scamnum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scamnum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scamnum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:scamna]]                               ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

petesso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====                        ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|petess|petessīv|petessit}}  {{la-conj-3rd|petess|petessīv|petessit}}
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

pampinatio: No change.


frustra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]  * {{R:M&A}}
----                        [[Category:Latin adverbs]]

levans: LATIN: References added.

=====Inflection=====         =====Inflection=====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|lēvāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|lēvāns}}
[[fr:levans]]                ===References===
[[mg:levans]]                * {{R:du Cange}}

stabilitor: No change.


adhortatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

profectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:profectio]]  [[ja:profectio]]

oddr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====      ====Descendants====
* Swedish: {{l|sv|udd}}  * Swedish: {{l|sv|udd}}
[[da:oddr]]              ===References===
[[sv:oddr]]              * {{R:Zoega}}

carius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cārius}}                       {{la-adj-form|cārius}}
# {{inflection of|cārior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cārior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cārior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cārior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cārior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cārior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[la:carius]]                                ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

molesto: No change.


squamata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|squamāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|squamāta}}
# {{inflection of|squamātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|squamātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|squamātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|squamātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|squamātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|squamātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|squamātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|squamātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|squamātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|squamātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|squamātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|squamātā}}
# {{inflection of|squamātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|squamātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[it:squamata]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

Σύρτις: No change.


emetior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

zizanium: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====           ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd-N-ium|zizan}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N-ium|zizan}}
                             * {{R:du Cange}}

paedidus: No change.


lapideus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:lapideus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:lapideus]]   [[fr:lapideus]]
[[ru:lapideus]]   [[mg:lapideus]]

μονογενής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3439}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|3439}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:μονογενής]]         [[el:μονογενής]]
[[hu:μονογενής]]         [[fr:μονογενής]]

eureos: No change.


fenum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:fenum]]                 [[an:fenum]]
[[es:fenum]]                 [[de:fenum]]
[[fr:fenum]]                 [[es:fenum]]
[[mg:fenum]]                 [[fr:fenum]]
[[ru:fenum]]                 [[mg:fenum]]

maculatio: No change.


simulac: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

opilio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:opilio]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:opilio]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:opilio]]     [[fr:opilio]]

deprecatiuncula: No change.


erutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fi:erutus]]     [[mg:erutus]]

apogeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

transmontanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:transmontanus]]  [[de:transmontanus]]

ἀκαλήφη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

sicubi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

repulsa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

reprobator: No change.


pusillanimitas: No change.


transitorius: No change.


patrimonium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:patrimonium]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:patrimonium]]  [[fr:patrimonium]]
[[nl:patrimonium]]  [[id:patrimonium]]
[[ru:patrimonium]]  [[mg:patrimonium]]

io: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

amasio: No change.


Ἀσκληπιάδης: No change.


becco: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|beccō}}                     {{la-noun-form|beccō}}
# {{inflection of|beccus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|beccus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|beccus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|beccus||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[an:becco]]                               ===References===
[[az:becco]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:becco]]                               [[an:becco]]
[[ko:becco]]                               [[az:becco]]
[[io:becco]]                               [[co:becco]]
[[it:becco]]                               [[fr:becco]]
[[lt:becco]]                               [[ko:becco]]
[[hu:becco]]                               [[io:becco]]
[[mg:becco]]                               [[it:becco]]
[[fj:becco]]                               [[lt:becco]]
[[pl:becco]]                               [[hu:becco]]
[[ru:becco]]                               [[mg:becco]]
[[tl:becco]]                               [[fj:becco]]
[[th:becco]]                               [[pl:becco]]
[[chr:becco]]                              [[ru:becco]]
[[zh:becco]]                               [[tl:becco]]

σώφρων: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4998}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4998}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:σώφρων]]            [[el:σώφρων]]
[[fr:σώφρων]]            [[fr:σώφρων]]
[[lt:σώφρων]]            [[lt:σώφρων]]

napaeae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|napaeae}}                       {{la-adj-form|napaeae}}
# {{inflection of|napaeus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|napaeus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|napaeus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|napaeus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|napaeus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|napaeus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|napaeus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|napaeus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

ampulla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Containers]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ca:ampulla]]                 [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[cs:ampulla]]                 [[Category:la:Containers]]
[[et:ampulla]]                 [[ca:ampulla]]
[[fr:ampulla]]                 [[cs:ampulla]]
[[ko:ampulla]]                 [[de:ampulla]]
[[io:ampulla]]                 [[et:ampulla]]
[[id:ampulla]]                 [[fr:ampulla]]
[[ku:ampulla]]                 [[ko:ampulla]]
[[hu:ampulla]]                 [[io:ampulla]]
[[mg:ampulla]]                 [[id:ampulla]]
[[pl:ampulla]]                 [[ku:ampulla]]
[[ru:ampulla]]                 [[hu:ampulla]]
[[fi:ampulla]]                 [[mg:ampulla]]
[[ta:ampulla]]                 [[pl:ampulla]]
[[te:ampulla]]                 [[ru:ampulla]]
[[vi:ampulla]]                 [[fi:ampulla]]
[[zh:ampulla]]                 [[ta:ampulla]]

spiculo: No change.


inquietas: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|inquiētās}}                                {{la-verb-form|inquiētās}}
# {{inflection of|inquieto||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inquieto||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                      ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Beelzebub: No change.


Μυκαλησσός: No change.


aleatorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[sv:aleatorius]]  [[fr:aleatorius]]

quinto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

sampsa: No change.


inficior: No change.


discordator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|discordātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|discordātor}}
# {{inflection of|discordō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|discordō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|discordō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|discordō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:discordator]]                                        ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

solitum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|solitum}}                      {{la-part-form|solitum}}
# {{inflection of|solitus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|solitus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|solitus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|solitus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|solitus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|solitus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|solitus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|solitus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:solitum]]                                ===References===
[[ru:solitum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

adaucto: No change.


celox: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|celox}}  {{la-decl-3rd|celox}}
[[de:celox]]           ===References===
[[fr:celox]]           * {{R:L&S}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

competo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

rebellio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:rebellio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:rebellio]]   [[de:rebellio]]
[[pl:rebellio]]   [[fr:rebellio]]
[[ru:rebellio]]   [[mg:rebellio]]

reputantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|reputantēs}}                    {{la-part-form|reputantēs}}
# {{inflection of|reputāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reputāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reputāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reputāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reputāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reputāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reputāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reputāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reputāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reputāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reputāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reputāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

adfluo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                   ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|adflu|adflux|adflux}}  {{la-conj-3rd|adflu|adflux|adflux}}
[[fr:adfluo]]                        ===References===
[[ko:adfluo]]                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:adfluo]]                        [[fr:adfluo]]
[[ru:adfluo]]                        [[ko:adfluo]]

affinitas: No change.


inconfusibilis: No change.


vitalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:vitalis]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:vitalis]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[chr:vitalis]]   [[de:vitalis]]

sappa: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                       {{top2}}
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|sapã}}    * Aromanian: {{l|rup|sapã}}
* English: {{l|en|sap}}        * English: {{l|en|sap}}
* French: {{l|fr|sape}}        * French: {{l|fr|sape}}
* Friulan: {{l|fur|sape}}      * Friulan: {{l|fur|sape}}
* Italian: {{l|it|zappa}}      * Italian: {{l|it|zappa}}
{{mid2}}                       {{mid2}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|sappe}}  * Old French: {{l|fro|sappe}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|sapă}}      * Romanian: {{l|ro|sapă}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|zapa}}       * Spanish: {{l|es|zapa}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|sapa}}     * Venetian: {{l|vec|sapa}}
{{bottom}}                     {{bottom}}
[[de:sappa]]                   ===References===
[[fr:sappa]]                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:sappa]]                   [[de:sappa]]

sardina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

alligatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:alligatio]]  [[mg:alligatio]]

accubitor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|accubitor}}                                {{la-verb-form|accubitor}}
# {{conjugation of|accubitō||1|s|pres|pass|ind|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|accubitō||1|s|pres|pass|ind|lang=la}}
[[fr:accubitor]]                                          ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                          * {{R:NLW}}


ἔκτμημα: No change.


ὕστριξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[fr:ὕστριξ]]     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ru:ὕστριξ]]     [[fr:ὕστριξ]]

recoctum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|recoctum}}                      {{la-part-form|recoctum}}
# {{inflection of|recoctus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recoctus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recoctus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recoctus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recoctus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recoctus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recoctus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recoctus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

modico: No change.


pretiosa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pretiōsa}}                        {{la-adj-form|pretiōsa}}
# {{inflection of|pretiōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pretiōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pretiōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pretiōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pretiōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pretiōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pretiōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pretiōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pretiōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pretiōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|pretiōsā}}                        {{la-adj-form|pretiōsā}}
# {{inflection of|pretiōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pretiōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:pretiosa]]                                 ===References===
[[pt:pretiosa]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

conventiculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:conventiculum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adveho: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:adveho]]     [[fr:adveho]]
[[mg:adveho]]     [[ko:adveho]]

expolitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ulysses: No change.


fornicarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sucula: No change.


immobilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hr:immobilis]]   [[fr:immobilis]]
[[la:immobilis]]   [[hr:immobilis]]
[[mg:immobilis]]   [[la:immobilis]]
[[chr:immobilis]]  [[mg:immobilis]]

testaceus: No change.


δόμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:δόμος]]        [[el:δόμος]]
[[ko:δόμος]]        [[fr:δόμος]]
[[ru:δόμος]]        [[ko:δόμος]]

propurgo: No change.


crocodilus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:crocodilus]]         [[es:crocodilus]]
[[la:crocodilus]]         [[fr:crocodilus]]
[[hu:crocodilus]]         [[la:crocodilus]]
[[mg:crocodilus]]         [[hu:crocodilus]]
[[nl:crocodilus]]         [[mg:crocodilus]]
[[pl:crocodilus]]         [[nl:crocodilus]]
[[ro:crocodilus]]         [[pl:crocodilus]]
[[ru:crocodilus]]         [[ro:crocodilus]]
[[sv:crocodilus]]         [[ru:crocodilus]]

nymphe: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st-Greek|nymph}}  {{la-decl-1st-Greek|nymph}}
[[el:nymphe]]                ===References===
[[fr:nymphe]]                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[io:nymphe]]                [[el:nymphe]]
[[hu:nymphe]]                [[fr:nymphe]]
[[mg:nymphe]]                [[ko:nymphe]]
[[pl:nymphe]]                [[io:nymphe]]
[[ru:nymphe]]                [[hu:nymphe]]
[[fi:nymphe]]                [[mg:nymphe]]
[[sv:nymphe]]                [[pl:nymphe]]
[[tr:nymphe]]                [[ru:nymphe]]
[[vi:nymphe]]                [[fi:nymphe]]

parasceve: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:parasceve]]  [[fr:parasceve]]
[[mg:parasceve]]  [[it:parasceve]]
[[pt:parasceve]]  [[mg:parasceve]]

coti: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cōtī}}                   {{la-noun-form|cōtī}}
# {{inflection of|cōs||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōs||dat|s|lang=la}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

frictiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|frictiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|frictiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|frictio||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frictio||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frictio||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frictio||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frictio||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frictio||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:frictiones]]                           ===References===
[[la:frictiones]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}

γῆ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1093}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1093}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:γῆ]]                [[da:γῆ]]
[[fr:γῆ]]                [[el:γῆ]]
[[ko:γῆ]]                [[fr:γῆ]]
[[lt:γῆ]]                [[ko:γῆ]]
[[hu:γῆ]]                [[lt:γῆ]]
[[mg:γῆ]]                [[hu:γῆ]]
[[nl:γῆ]]                [[mg:γῆ]]
[[pt:γῆ]]                [[nl:γῆ]]
[[ru:γῆ]]                [[pt:γῆ]]

ἑξηκοντάκις: No change.


af: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====               ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                          {{top2}}
* Danish: [[#Danish|af]]          * Danish: [[#Danish|af]]
* Faroese: [[av#Faroese|av]]      * Faroese: [[av#Faroese|av]]
* Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|af]]    * Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|af]]
{{mid2}}                          {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: [[av#Norwegian|av]]  * Norwegian: [[av#Norwegian|av]]
* Swedish: [[av#Swedish|av]]      * Swedish: [[av#Swedish|av]]
{{bottom}}                        {{bottom}}
----                              ===References===
                                  * {{R:Zoega}}

flava: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|flāva}}                        {{la-adj-form|flāva}}
# {{inflection of|flāvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|flāvā}}                        {{la-adj-form|flāvā}}
# {{inflection of|flāvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:flava]]                                 ===References===
[[de:flava]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:flava]]                                 [[cs:flava]]
[[eo:flava]]                                 [[de:flava]]
[[fr:flava]]                                 [[el:flava]]
[[ko:flava]]                                 [[es:flava]]
[[hy:flava]]                                 [[eo:flava]]
[[io:flava]]                                 [[fr:flava]]
[[it:flava]]                                 [[ko:flava]]
[[lt:flava]]                                 [[hy:flava]]
[[hu:flava]]                                 [[io:flava]]
[[mg:flava]]                                 [[it:flava]]
[[fj:flava]]                                 [[lt:flava]]
[[nl:flava]]                                 [[hu:flava]]
[[ja:flava]]                                 [[mg:flava]]
[[no:flava]]                                 [[fj:flava]]
[[pl:flava]]                                 [[nl:flava]]
[[pt:flava]]                                 [[ja:flava]]
[[ru:flava]]                                 [[no:flava]]
[[fi:flava]]                                 [[pl:flava]]
[[sv:flava]]                                 [[pt:flava]]
[[chr:flava]]                                [[ru:flava]]
[[tr:flava]]                                 [[fi:flava]]
[[vi:flava]]                                 [[sv:flava]]
[[vo:flava]]                                 [[chr:flava]]
[[zh:flava]]                                 [[tr:flava]]

vegrandis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

noctiluca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* "[ Noctĭlūca]", in {{w|Charles Anthon}}, ''A Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary, for the use of schools'', New York: Harper & Brothers, 1852 (1853 printing), p. 586. {{OCLC|463933035}}.                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
* "[ noctĭlūca]" in James Robert Vernam Marchant, Joseph F. Charles, eds., ''Cassell's Latin dictionary'' (in English and Latin), New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953 printing, p. 366. {{OCLC|569568855}}.                                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* "[ Noctilūca]", in George R. Crooks, Alexander J. Schem, eds., ''A new Latin-English school lexicon : on the basis of the Latin-German lexicon of Dr. C. F. Ingerslev'', Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1867, p. 610. {{OCLC|680803499}}.  * {{R:Peck}}
* "[$b649645?urlappend=%3Bseq=580 nōctĭlūcă]", in Frederick Percival Leverett, ed., ''A new and copious lexicon of the Latin language'', new ed., Boston: Bazin & Ellsworth, 1850, v. 1, p. 570. {{OCLC|870807716}}.                                                             * "[ Noctĭlūca]", in {{w|Charles Anthon}}, ''A Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary, for the use of schools'', New York: Harper & Brothers, 1852 (1853 printing), p. 586. {{OCLC|463933035}}.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * "[ noctĭlūca]" in James Robert Vernam Marchant, Joseph F. Charles, eds., ''Cassell's Latin dictionary'' (in English and Latin), New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953 printing, p. 366. {{OCLC|569568855}}.
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * "[ Noctilūca]", in George R. Crooks, Alexander J. Schem, eds., ''A new Latin-English school lexicon : on the basis of the Latin-German lexicon of Dr. C. F. Ingerslev'', Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1867, p. 610. {{OCLC|680803499}}.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * "[$b649645?urlappend=%3Bseq=580 nōctĭlūcă]", in Frederick Percival Leverett, ed., ''A new and copious lexicon of the Latin language'', new ed., Boston: Bazin & Ellsworth, 1850, v. 1, p. 570. {{OCLC|870807716}}.

γαῖα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:γαῖα]]         [[el:γαῖα]]
[[hu:γαῖα]]         [[fr:γαῖα]]
[[oc:γαῖα]]         [[hu:γαῖα]]
[[pt:γαῖα]]         [[oc:γαῖα]]
[[ru:γαῖα]]         [[pt:γαῖα]]

veredus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Animals]]  [[Category:la:Horses]]
[[fr:veredus]]           [[de:veredus]]
[[mg:veredus]]           [[fr:veredus]]
[[ro:veredus]]           [[mg:veredus]]

officina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              * {{R:NLW}}

inflecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:inflecto]]   [[fr:inflecto]]

cassi: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cassī}}                        {{la-adj-form|cassī}}
# {{inflection of|cassus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cassus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cassus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cassus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cassus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cassus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cassus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cassus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cassi]]                                 ===References===
[[it:cassi]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

coenobita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:coenobita]]  [[fr:coenobita]]
[[zh:coenobita]]  [[mg:coenobita]]

emano: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

elephantia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:elephantia]]  [[fr:elephantia]]

elaphoboscon: No change.


recisum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|recīsum}}                      {{la-part-form|recīsum}}
# {{inflection of|recīsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recīsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recīsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recīsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recīsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recīsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recīsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recīsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:recisum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

accelero: No change.


Eridanus: No change.


ininvestigabilis: No change.


fugitivus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:fugitivus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:fugitivus]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[chr:fugitivus]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

accusatrix: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====              ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|accusatrix}}   * English: {{l|en|accusatrix}}
* Italian: {{l|it|accusatrice}}  * Italian: {{l|it|accusatrice}}
                                 * {{R:L&S}}

carentia: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[es:carentia]]   [[cs:carentia]]
[[fr:carentia]]   [[es:carentia]]
[[pl:carentia]]   [[fr:carentia]]
[[ru:carentia]]   [[pl:carentia]]

ἀπευθής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}

musae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mūsae}}                   {{la-noun-form|mūsae}}
# {{inflection of|mūsa||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūsa||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūsa||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūsa||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūsa||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūsa||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūsa||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūsa||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                         * {{R:Peck}}
                                         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Πελοπόννησος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}

passa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|passa}}                       {{la-part-form|passa}}
# {{inflection of|passus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|passus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|passus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|passus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|passus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|passā}}                       {{la-part-form|passā}}
# {{inflection of|passus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

mammalis: No change.


comparticeps: No change.


toto: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tōtō}}                        {{la-adj-form|tōtō}}
# {{inflection of|tōtus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tōtus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tōtus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tōtus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

consimiles: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|consimilēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|consimilēs}}
# {{inflection of|consimilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consimilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consimilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consimilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consimilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consimilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consimilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consimilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consimilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consimilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consimilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consimilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

poculentum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pōculentum}}                       {{la-adj-form|pōculentum}}
# {{inflection of|pōculentus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōculentus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pōculentus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōculentus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pōculentus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōculentus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pōculentus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōculentus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

inluminate: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|inlūmināte}}                               {{la-verb-form|inlūmināte}}
# {{inflection of|inlūminō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inlūminō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:inluminate]]                                         ===References===
                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

inflexus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

extraordinarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:extraordinarius]]  [[de:extraordinarius]]
[[mg:extraordinarius]]  [[fr:extraordinarius]]

νῆμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|nh%3Dma}}                                      * {{R:LSJ|nh%3Dma}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                              * {{R:LBG}}
                                                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|νημα]]  
                                                         [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|νημα]]
[[ko:νῆμα]]                                              [[fr:νῆμα]]
[[mg:νῆμα]]                                              [[ko:νῆμα]]

βιβλιοθήκη: No change.


penetratio: No change.


intercipio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:M&A}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:intercipio]]  [[fr:intercipio]]

Adam: No change.


abjuges: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|abjugēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|abjugēs}}
# {{inflection of|abjugō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abjugō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

sapphirinus: No change.


κείρειν: No change.


gap: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ===References===
* [ gap] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].  * {{R:Zoega}}
* [ gap] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].                    * [ gap] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * [ gap] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].

multiangulum: No change.


naturalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:naturalis]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[id:naturalis]]   [[fr:naturalis]]
[[pl:naturalis]]   [[ko:naturalis]]
[[chr:naturalis]]  [[id:naturalis]]

trecenties: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

paniceus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

surruo: No change.


hecatombe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}


gallicae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gallicae}}                       {{la-adj-form|gallicae}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

disjungo: No change.


triticum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:triticum]]         [[cs:triticum]]
[[es:triticum]]         [[de:triticum]]
[[fr:triticum]]         [[es:triticum]]
[[ku:triticum]]         [[fr:triticum]]
[[lo:triticum]]         [[ku:triticum]]
[[li:triticum]]         [[lo:triticum]]
[[mg:triticum]]         [[li:triticum]]
[[pl:triticum]]         [[mg:triticum]]
[[ru:triticum]]         [[pl:triticum]]
[[chr:triticum]]        [[ru:triticum]]
[[zh:triticum]]         [[chr:triticum]]

scutellata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|scutellāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|scutellāta}}
# {{inflection of|scutellātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scutellātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scutellātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scutellātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scutellātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scutellātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scutellātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scutellātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scutellātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scutellātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|scutellātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|scutellātā}}
# {{inflection of|scutellātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scutellātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

Judaea: No change.


flabellum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:flabellum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:flabellum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ku:flabellum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:flabellum]]   [[et:flabellum]]
[[pl:flabellum]]   [[fr:flabellum]]
[[ru:flabellum]]   [[ku:flabellum]]
[[ta:flabellum]]   [[hu:flabellum]]
[[chr:flabellum]]  [[mg:flabellum]]
[[vi:flabellum]]   [[pl:flabellum]]
[[zh:flabellum]]   [[ru:flabellum]]

zonaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|zōnāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|zōnāria}}
# {{inflection of|zōnārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zōnārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zōnārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zōnārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zōnārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zōnārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|zōnāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|zōnāriā}}
# {{inflection of|zōnārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zōnārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ludicrum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lūdicrum}}                       {{la-adj-form|lūdicrum}}
# {{inflection of|lūdicrus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūdicrus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūdicrus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūdicrus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūdicrus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūdicrus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūdicrus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūdicrus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:ludicrum]]                                ===References===
[[ru:ludicrum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

inolesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

catena: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[az:catena]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:catena]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:catena]]     <references/>
[[es:catena]]     [[az:catena]]
[[eu:catena]]     [[ca:catena]]
[[fa:catena]]     [[cs:catena]]
[[fr:catena]]     [[de:catena]]
[[gl:catena]]     [[es:catena]]
[[ko:catena]]     [[eu:catena]]
[[io:catena]]     [[fa:catena]]
[[it:catena]]     [[fr:catena]]
[[ku:catena]]     [[gl:catena]]
[[hu:catena]]     [[ko:catena]]
[[mg:catena]]     [[io:catena]]
[[oc:catena]]     [[it:catena]]
[[pl:catena]]     [[ku:catena]]
[[ro:catena]]     [[hu:catena]]
[[ru:catena]]     [[mg:catena]]
[[fi:catena]]     [[oc:catena]]
[[tl:catena]]     [[pl:catena]]
[[ta:catena]]     [[ro:catena]]
[[th:catena]]     [[ru:catena]]
[[chr:catena]]    [[fi:catena]]
[[tr:catena]]     [[tl:catena]]
[[vi:catena]]     [[ta:catena]]
[[zh:catena]]     [[th:catena]]

expetens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Σοφαίνετος: No change.


minitor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:minitor]]    * {{R:M&A}}

κερατία: No change.


morum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:morum]]            [[cs:morum]]
[[fr:morum]]            [[de:morum]]
[[la:morum]]            [[fr:morum]]
[[mg:morum]]            [[la:morum]]
[[nl:morum]]            [[mg:morum]]
[[pl:morum]]            [[nl:morum]]
[[ro:morum]]            [[pl:morum]]
[[ru:morum]]            [[ro:morum]]
[[chr:morum]]           [[ru:morum]]
[[tr:morum]]            [[chr:morum]]

farcio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                     * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=110}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=110}}
[[fr:farcio]]                   [[es:farcio]]
[[ko:farcio]]                   [[fr:farcio]]
[[mg:farcio]]                   [[ko:farcio]]
[[pt:farcio]]                   [[mg:farcio]]
[[ru:farcio]]                   [[pt:farcio]]

nanciscor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:nanciscor]]                   [[fr:nanciscor]]
[[hu:nanciscor]]                   [[ko:nanciscor]]
[[mg:nanciscor]]                   [[hu:nanciscor]]
[[fj:nanciscor]]                   [[mg:nanciscor]]
[[chr:nanciscor]]                  [[fj:nanciscor]]

dono: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

acerba: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|acerba}}                        {{la-adj-form|acerba}}
# {{inflection of|acerbus||f|s|nom|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acerbus||f|s|nom|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acerbus||f|s|voc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acerbus||f|s|voc|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acerbus||n|p|nom|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acerbus||n|p|nom|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acerbus||n|p|acc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acerbus||n|p|acc|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acerbus||n|p|voc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acerbus||n|p|voc|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|acerbā}}                        {{la-adj-form|acerbā}}
# {{inflection of|acerbus||f|s|abl|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acerbus||f|s|abl|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

lautus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:lautus]]     * {{R:M&A}}

κύκλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

aratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:aratus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

tante: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tante}}                        {{la-adj-form|tante}}
# {{inflection of|tantus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tantus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

salvificus: No change.


Vestalis: LATIN: References added.

===Related terms===           ===Related terms===
* {{l|la|Vesta}}              * {{l|la|Vesta}}
* {{l|la|Vestalia|Vestālia}}  * {{l|la|Vestalia|Vestālia}}
[[fr:Vestalis]]               ===References===
[[ru:Vestalis]]               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

consecrator: No change.


svalr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                      {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|sval}}       * Danish: {{l|da|sval}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|svalur}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|svalur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|svalur}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|svalur}}
{{mid2}}                      {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|sval}}    * Norwegian: {{l|no|sval}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|sval}}      * Swedish: {{l|sv|sval}}
{{bottom}}                    {{bottom}}
[[sv:svalr]]                  ===References===
                              * {{R:Zoega}}

interpellatus: No change.


ordinate: No change.


judico: No change.


belligerator: No change.


lacerti: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lacertī}}                     {{la-noun-form|lacertī}}
# {{inflection of|lacertus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lacertus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lacertus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lacertus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lacertus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lacertus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[el:lacerti]]                               ===References===
[[fr:lacerti]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

cuius: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|cui}}      * Italian: {{l|it|cui}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|cujo}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|cujo}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|cuyo}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|cuyo}}
[[de:cuius]]                 ===References===
[[fr:cuius]]                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[la:cuius]]                 [[de:cuius]]
[[ru:cuius]]                 [[fr:cuius]]
[[fi:cuius]]                 [[ko:cuius]]
[[chr:cuius]]                [[la:cuius]]

aborigines: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aboriginēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|aboriginēs}}
# {{inflection of|aborigō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aborigō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aborigō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aborigō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aborigō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aborigō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[am:aborigines]]                           ===References===
[[ar:aborigines]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:aborigines]]                           * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:aborigines]]                           * {{R:Peck}}
[[ku:aborigines]]                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:aborigines]]                           [[am:aborigines]]
[[ml:aborigines]]                           [[ar:aborigines]]
[[ms:aborigines]]                           [[et:aborigines]]
[[my:aborigines]]                           [[fr:aborigines]]
[[ps:aborigines]]                           [[ku:aborigines]]
[[ru:aborigines]]                           [[hu:aborigines]]
[[simple:aborigines]]                       [[mg:aborigines]]
[[sk:aborigines]]                           [[ml:aborigines]]
[[fi:aborigines]]                           [[ms:aborigines]]
[[ta:aborigines]]                           [[my:aborigines]]
[[te:aborigines]]                           [[ps:aborigines]]
[[th:aborigines]]                           [[ru:aborigines]]
[[vi:aborigines]]                           [[simple:aborigines]]

contrarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Century 1911|contrary}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:contrarius]]              * {{R:Century 1911|contrary}}
[[el:contrarius]]              [[co:contrarius]]
[[fr:contrarius]]              [[de:contrarius]]
[[mg:contrarius]]              [[el:contrarius]]

agrestia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|agrestia}}                       {{la-adj-form|agrestia}}
# {{inflection of|agrestis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agrestis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agrestis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agrestis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agrestis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agrestis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:agrestia]]                                ===References===
[[pt:agrestia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

infidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:infidus]]    [[fr:infidus]]

ornatura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ornatura]]   [[fr:ornatura]]

assidue: No change.


augustas: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|augustās}}                                {{la-verb-form|augustās}}
# {{inflection of|augustō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|augustō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[fr:augustas]]                                          ===References===
[[mg:augustas]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

δραπέτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|drape/ths}}  * {{R:LSJ|drape/ths}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}

admodum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:admodum]]    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:admodum]]    [[de:admodum]]
[[pl:admodum]]    [[fr:admodum]]

palatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

gracilium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gracilium}}                      {{la-adj-form|gracilium}}
# {{inflection of|gracilis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gracilis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gracilis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gracilis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gracilis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gracilis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:gracilium]]                               ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

enarratio: No change.


cultus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:cultus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:cultus]]     [[cs:cultus]]
[[hr:cultus]]     [[es:cultus]]
[[la:cultus]]     [[fr:cultus]]
[[li:cultus]]     [[hr:cultus]]
[[mg:cultus]]     [[la:cultus]]
[[nl:cultus]]     [[li:cultus]]
[[pl:cultus]]     [[mg:cultus]]
[[ru:cultus]]     [[nl:cultus]]
[[sk:cultus]]     [[pl:cultus]]
[[fi:cultus]]     [[ru:cultus]]
[[ta:cultus]]     [[sk:cultus]]
[[vi:cultus]]     [[fi:cultus]]
[[zh:cultus]]     [[ta:cultus]]

status: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

=====Derived terms=====  =====Derived terms=====
* {{l|la|statuō}}        * {{l|la|statuō}}
----                     ===References===
                         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:M&A}}

mellarius: No change.


decretorius: No change.


Χαιρώνεια: No change.


annonarius: No change.


sabanum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sabanum]]    [[fr:sabanum]]
[[ru:sabanum]]    [[mg:sabanum]]

raptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[chr:raptio]]    [[ru:raptio]]

πιττάκιον: No change.


balineum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:balineum]]   [[de:balineum]]
[[fr:balineum]]   [[el:balineum]]
[[mg:balineum]]   [[fr:balineum]]
[[ru:balineum]]   [[mg:balineum]]
[[sv:balineum]]   [[ru:balineum]]

parricida: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
----              <references/>

aestuose: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aestuōse}}                        {{la-adj-form|aestuōse}}
# {{inflection of|aestuōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aestuōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

concresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:concresco]]  [[fr:concresco]]
[[ru:concresco]]  [[ko:concresco]]

Ἀρτάβαζος: No change.


laboratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:laboratio]]  [[fr:laboratio]]
[[ru:laboratio]]  [[mg:laboratio]]
[[sv:laboratio]]  [[ru:laboratio]]

quadrigamus: No change.


sternutatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sternutatio]]  [[fr:sternutatio]]
[[ru:sternutatio]]  [[mg:sternutatio]]

antehac: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:antehac]]    [[es:antehac]]
[[mg:antehac]]    [[fr:antehac]]

classicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:classicus]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:classicus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:classicus]]  [[de:classicus]]

regnatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|rēgnāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|rēgnāt}}
[[fr:regnatus]]         ===References===
[[li:regnatus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}


humanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                                                                              * {{R:M&A}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:NLW}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[de:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[cs:humanus]]
[[el:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[de:humanus]]
[[fr:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[el:humanus]]
[[ko:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[fr:humanus]]
[[la:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[ko:humanus]]
[[lt:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[la:humanus]]
[[hu:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[lt:humanus]]
[[mg:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[hu:humanus]]
[[pl:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[mg:humanus]]
[[ru:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[pl:humanus]]
[[sv:humanus]]                                                                                                           [[ru:humanus]]
[[chr:humanus]]                                                                                                          [[sv:humanus]]

sanctuarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:sanctuarium]]  [[da:sanctuarium]]
[[fr:sanctuarium]]  [[de:sanctuarium]]
[[lo:sanctuarium]]  [[fr:sanctuarium]]
[[nl:sanctuarium]]  [[lo:sanctuarium]]
[[ru:sanctuarium]]  [[nl:sanctuarium]]

consiti: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|consitī}}                        {{la-adj-form|consitī}}
# {{inflection of|consitus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consitus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consitus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consitus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consitus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consitus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consitus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consitus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:consiti]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

granarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:granarium]]   [[de:granarium]]
[[mg:granarium]]   [[fr:granarium]]
[[pl:granarium]]   [[mg:granarium]]
[[chr:granarium]]  [[pl:granarium]]

clerico: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|clēricō}}                     {{la-noun-form|clēricō}}
# {{inflection of|clēricus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clēricus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clēricus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clēricus||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:clerico]]                               ===References===
[[pl:clerico]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἐλέα: No change.


griseus: LATIN: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:griseus]]          [[co:griseus]]
[[mg:griseus]]          [[ko:griseus]]
[[mt:griseus]]          [[mg:griseus]]
[[sv:griseus]]          [[mt:griseus]]

felinus: No change.


vaste: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adjective forms]]  * {{R:Stillwell}}
----                                [[Category:Latin adjective forms]]

cretaceus: No change.


πρόξενος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

consules: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun form|head=cōnsulēs}}        {{head|la|noun form|head=cōnsulēs}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsul||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsul||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsul||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsul||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsul||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsul||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:consules]]                            ===References===
[[fr:consules]]                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[la:consules]]                            [[cs:consules]]
[[mg:consules]]                            [[fr:consules]]

capillatius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|capillātius}}                       {{la-adj-form|capillātius}}
# {{inflection of|capillātior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capillātior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capillātior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capillātior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capillātior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capillātior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἰουδαϊκός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2451}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|2451}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}

perequito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:perequito]]  [[ko:perequito]]

encardia: No change.


alveus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                     ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                {{top2}}
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|alghinã}}          * Aromanian: {{l|rup|alghinã}}
* French: {{l|fr|auge}}                 * French: {{l|fr|auge}}
* Italian: {{l|it|alveo}}               * Italian: {{l|it|alveo}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|álveo}}            * Portuguese: {{l|pt|álveo}}
{{mid2}}                                {{mid2}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|albie}}, [[albină]]  * Romanian: {{l|ro|albie}}, [[albină]]
* Spanish: {{l|es|álveo}}               * Spanish: {{l|es|álveo}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|albio}}             * Venetian: {{l|vec|albio}}
{{bottom}}                              {{bottom}}
[[el:alveus]]                           ===References===
[[fr:alveus]]                           * {{R:L&S}}
[[mg:alveus]]                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:alveus]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[tg:alveus]]                           [[el:alveus]]
[[chr:alveus]]                          [[fr:alveus]]

ἀπόστολος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|652}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|652}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἀπόστολος]]        [[fr:ἀπόστολος]]
[[it:ἀπόστολος]]        [[ko:ἀπόστολος]]
[[mg:ἀπόστολος]]        [[it:ἀπόστολος]]
[[pl:ἀπόστολος]]        [[mg:ἀπόστολος]]
[[ru:ἀπόστολος]]        [[pl:ἀπόστολος]]

alumen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:alumen]]     [[ca:alumen]]
[[ja:alumen]]     [[fr:alumen]]
[[zh:alumen]]     [[ja:alumen]]

Κωνσταντινουπολίτης: No change.


perplexe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:perplexe]]   [[de:perplexe]]
[[fr:perplexe]]   [[el:perplexe]]
[[ko:perplexe]]   [[fr:perplexe]]
[[io:perplexe]]   [[ko:perplexe]]
[[hu:perplexe]]   [[io:perplexe]]
[[mg:perplexe]]   [[hu:perplexe]]
[[pl:perplexe]]   [[mg:perplexe]]
[[ru:perplexe]]   [[pl:perplexe]]
[[fi:perplexe]]   [[ru:perplexe]]
[[sv:perplexe]]   [[fi:perplexe]]
[[vi:perplexe]]   [[sv:perplexe]]

extorrens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|extorrēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|extorrēns}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

posteriores: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|posteriōrēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|posteriōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|posterior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|posterior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|posterior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|posterior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|posterior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|posterior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|posterior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|posterior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|posterior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|posterior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|posterior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|posterior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀφεδρών: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                  * {{R:LBG}}

Βέλγαι: No change.


molis: LATIN: References added.

====Noun====                              ====Noun====
{{la-noun-form|mōlis|g=f}}                {{la-noun-form|mōlis|g=f}}
# {{inflection of|mōles||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōles||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:molis]]                              ===References===
[[gl:molis]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:molis]]                              [[fr:molis]]
[[ja:molis]]                              [[gl:molis]]
[[pl:molis]]                              [[ko:molis]]
[[ru:molis]]                              [[mg:molis]]
[[sq:molis]]                              [[ja:molis]]

manufactus: No change.


mater: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====See also====        ====See also====
* {{l|la|mamma}}        * {{l|la|mamma}}
* {{l|la|pater}}        * {{l|la|pater}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
----                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:M&A}}

desuetudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐνθήκη: No change.


recuperator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|recuperātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|recuperātor}}
# {{inflection of|recuperō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recuperō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recuperō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recuperō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:recuperator]]                                        ===References===
[[nl:recuperator]]                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ro:recuperator]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ta:recuperator]]                                        [[mg:recuperator]]
[[vi:recuperator]]                                        [[nl:recuperator]]

tacitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:tacitus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:tacitus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:tacitus]]    [[cs:tacitus]]
[[pl:tacitus]]    [[es:tacitus]]
[[pt:tacitus]]    [[fr:tacitus]]

permereo: No change.


illepidus: No change.


ἔκταξις: No change.


ἐπιτήδειος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

throne: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|throne}}                     {{la-noun-form|throne}}
# {{inflection of|thronus||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|thronus||voc|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:PersEnc}}

imbuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

turgeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:turgeo]]     [[fr:turgeo]]

cachinnatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:cachinnatio]]  [[de:cachinnatio]]

πλοῦτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4149}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|4149}}
[[de:πλοῦτος]]           * {{R:LBG}}
[[el:πλοῦτος]]           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:πλοῦτος]]           [[de:πλοῦτος]]
[[lt:πλοῦτος]]           [[el:πλοῦτος]]
[[hu:πλοῦτος]]           [[fr:πλοῦτος]]
[[mg:πλοῦτος]]           [[ko:πλοῦτος]]

juvenculus: No change.


repagula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

quando: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                            * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin interrogative adverbs]]    <references/>
[[Category:Italian interrogative adverbs]]  
                                            [[Category:Latin interrogative adverbs]]
----                                        [[Category:Italian interrogative adverbs]]

renuntio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:renuntio]]   [[el:renuntio]]
[[ko:renuntio]]   [[fr:renuntio]]
[[ru:renuntio]]   [[ko:renuntio]]

Κάδμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1004}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1004}}

Ἄναπος: No change.


exesus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

opis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

jus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-N|jūs|jūr}}  {{la-decl-3rd-N|jūs|jūr}}
----                       ===References===
                           * {{R:L&S}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

profligo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:profligo]]   [[el:profligo]]
[[ko:profligo]]   [[fr:profligo]]
[[mg:profligo]]   [[ko:profligo]]
[[ru:profligo]]   [[mg:profligo]]

bjarg: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Declension====            ====Declension====
{{non-decl-m-a|bjarg|bjǫrg}}  {{non-decl-m-a|bjarg|bjǫrg}}
[[da:bjarg]]                  ===References===
[[de:bjarg]]                  * {{R:Zoega}}
[[is:bjarg]]                  [[da:bjarg]]
[[li:bjarg]]                  [[de:bjarg]]
[[mg:bjarg]]                  [[fo:bjarg]]

communicarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

gentilitus: No change.


copulatrix: No change.


tarditudo: No change.


examen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

σωρίτης: No change.


gestio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:gestio]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:gestio]]     [[ca:gestio]]
[[ru:gestio]]     [[fr:gestio]]

Δαυίδ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1138}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1138}}
[[el:Δαυίδ]]             [[el:Δαυίδ]]
[[pl:Δαυίδ]]             [[pl:Δαυίδ]]
[[pt:Δαυίδ]]             [[pt:Δαυίδ]]

obliquus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references />    * {{R:M&A}}
                  <references />
[[ko:obliquus]]   [[fr:obliquus]]
[[mg:obliquus]]   [[ko:obliquus]]
[[ru:obliquus]]   [[mg:obliquus]]

verr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                   {{top2}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|ver-}}   * Faroese: {{l|fo|ver-}}
{{mid2}}                   {{mid2}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|ver}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|ver}}
{{bottom2}}                {{bottom2}}
[[pl:verr]]                ===References===
[[sq:verr]]                * {{R:Zoega}}

gustum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:gustum]]     [[fr:gustum]]

cervisia: No change.


potentissimum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|potentissimum}}                       {{la-adj-form|potentissimum}}
# {{inflection of|potentissimus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potentissimus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potentissimus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potentissimus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potentissimus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potentissimus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potentissimus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potentissimus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:potentissimum]]                                ===References===
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

nummarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:nummarius]]  [[fr:nummarius]]

impresso: No change.


scala: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                 * {{R:M&A}}
* {{R:Century 1911|scala}}  * {{R:NLW}}
                            * {{R:Century 1911|scala}}


κύτισος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

Remus: No change.


perrarus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

removeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:removeo]]    [[el:removeo]]
[[ko:removeo]]    [[fr:removeo]]
[[la:removeo]]    [[ko:removeo]]
[[mg:removeo]]    [[la:removeo]]
[[ru:removeo]]    [[mg:removeo]]
[[chr:removeo]]   [[ru:removeo]]

donum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:donum]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:donum]]      [[az:donum]]
[[el:donum]]      [[cs:donum]]
[[es:donum]]      [[de:donum]]
[[fr:donum]]      [[el:donum]]
[[fy:donum]]      [[es:donum]]
[[ko:donum]]      [[fr:donum]]
[[ku:donum]]      [[fy:donum]]
[[la:donum]]      [[ko:donum]]
[[hu:donum]]      [[ku:donum]]
[[mg:donum]]      [[la:donum]]
[[nl:donum]]      [[hu:donum]]
[[ja:donum]]      [[mg:donum]]
[[pl:donum]]      [[nl:donum]]
[[ru:donum]]      [[ja:donum]]
[[fi:donum]]      [[pl:donum]]
[[sv:donum]]      [[ru:donum]]
[[chr:donum]]     [[fi:donum]]

libratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:libratus]]   [[fr:libratus]]

rigorosus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|rigoros}}  {{la-decl-1&2|rigoros}}
[[fr:rigorosus]]         ===References===
[[mg:rigorosus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

voluto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:voluto]]     [[de:voluto]]
[[ko:voluto]]     [[fr:voluto]]
[[io:voluto]]     [[ko:voluto]]
[[mg:voluto]]     [[io:voluto]]
[[ja:voluto]]     [[mg:voluto]]
[[ru:voluto]]     [[ja:voluto]]

contemerator: No change.


nea: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nea}}                     {{la-noun-form|nea}}
# {{inflection of|neon||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|neon||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|neon||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|neon||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|neon||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|neon||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:PersEnc}}

valva: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

radula: No change.


turbatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:turbatio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀγγαρεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|29}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}           * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Strong's|G|29}}

noster: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                             * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin pronouns]]  
                             [[Category:Latin pronouns]]
[[cs:noster]]                [[ca:noster]]
[[de:noster]]                [[cs:noster]]
[[el:noster]]                [[de:noster]]
[[es:noster]]                [[el:noster]]
[[fr:noster]]                [[es:noster]]
[[ko:noster]]                [[fr:noster]]
[[la:noster]]                [[ko:noster]]
[[lt:noster]]                [[la:noster]]
[[mg:noster]]                [[lt:noster]]
[[ja:noster]]                [[mg:noster]]
[[pl:noster]]                [[ja:noster]]
[[pt:noster]]                [[pl:noster]]
[[ru:noster]]                [[pt:noster]]
[[fi:noster]]                [[ru:noster]]
[[chr:noster]]               [[fi:noster]]

dente: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dente}}                   {{la-noun-form|dente}}
# {{inflection of|dēns||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēns||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

conludo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                         ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|type=nopass|conlūd|conlūs}}  {{la-conj-3rd|type=nopass|conlūd|conlūs}}
                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

tiro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Romanus: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                            ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-1&2|Rōmānus|Rōmāna|Rōmānum}}      {{la-adj-1&2|Rōmānus|Rōmāna|Rōmānum}}
# {{alternative form of|romanus|lang=la}}  # {{alternative form of|romanus|lang=la}}
[[cs:Romanus]]                             ===References===
[[de:Romanus]]                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:Romanus]]                             [[cs:Romanus]]
[[ko:Romanus]]                             [[de:Romanus]]
[[it:Romanus]]                             [[es:Romanus]]
[[la:Romanus]]                             [[fr:Romanus]]
[[hu:Romanus]]                             [[ko:Romanus]]
[[pl:Romanus]]                             [[it:Romanus]]
[[sk:Romanus]]                             [[la:Romanus]]
[[sv:Romanus]]                             [[hu:Romanus]]

aliquando: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:aliquando]]   [[cs:aliquando]]
[[fr:aliquando]]   [[es:aliquando]]
[[ko:aliquando]]   [[fr:aliquando]]
[[io:aliquando]]   [[ko:aliquando]]
[[la:aliquando]]   [[io:aliquando]]
[[mg:aliquando]]   [[la:aliquando]]
[[nl:aliquando]]   [[mg:aliquando]]
[[no:aliquando]]   [[nl:aliquando]]
[[pl:aliquando]]   [[no:aliquando]]
[[ru:aliquando]]   [[pl:aliquando]]
[[chr:aliquando]]  [[ru:aliquando]]

junior: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-comp|jūn}}  {{la-decl-3rd-comp|jūn}}
[[az:junior]]             ===References===
[[cs:junior]]             * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:junior]]             [[az:junior]]
[[el:junior]]             [[cs:junior]]
[[es:junior]]             [[de:junior]]
[[eo:junior]]             [[et:junior]]
[[fa:junior]]             [[el:junior]]
[[fr:junior]]             [[es:junior]]
[[gl:junior]]             [[eo:junior]]
[[ko:junior]]             [[fa:junior]]
[[hy:junior]]             [[fr:junior]]
[[hr:junior]]             [[gl:junior]]
[[io:junior]]             [[ko:junior]]
[[id:junior]]             [[hy:junior]]
[[it:junior]]             [[hr:junior]]
[[kn:junior]]             [[io:junior]]
[[kk:junior]]             [[id:junior]]
[[ku:junior]]             [[it:junior]]
[[hu:junior]]             [[kn:junior]]
[[mg:junior]]             [[kk:junior]]
[[ml:junior]]             [[ku:junior]]
[[my:junior]]             [[hu:junior]]
[[nl:junior]]             [[mg:junior]]
[[ja:junior]]             [[ml:junior]]
[[no:junior]]             [[my:junior]]
[[pl:junior]]             [[nl:junior]]
[[pt:junior]]             [[ja:junior]]
[[ro:junior]]             [[no:junior]]
[[ru:junior]]             [[pl:junior]]
[[simple:junior]]         [[pt:junior]]
[[sh:junior]]             [[ro:junior]]
[[fi:junior]]             [[ru:junior]]
[[sv:junior]]             [[simple:junior]]
[[ta:junior]]             [[sh:junior]]
[[te:junior]]             [[fi:junior]]
[[tg:junior]]             [[sv:junior]]
[[chr:junior]]            [[ta:junior]]
[[tr:junior]]             [[te:junior]]
[[uk:junior]]             [[tg:junior]]
[[vi:junior]]             [[chr:junior]]
[[zh:junior]]             [[tr:junior]]

φαιδρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
{{R:LSJ|faidro/s}}  {{R:LSJ|faidro/s}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[mg:φαιδρός]]      [[el:φαιδρός]]
[[ru:φαιδρός]]      [[mg:φαιδρός]]
[[chr:φαιδρός]]     [[ru:φαιδρός]]

Stadia: No change.


ablutus: No change.


Samaria: No change.


explicatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:explicatus]]  [[fr:explicatus]]

exortus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:exortus]]    [[fr:exortus]]

marina: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|marīna}}                        {{la-adj-form|marīna}}
# {{inflection of|marīnus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marīnus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marīnus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marīnus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marīnus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marīnus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marīnus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marīnus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marīnus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marīnus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|marīnā}}                        {{la-adj-form|marīnā}}
# {{inflection of|marīnus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marīnus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

desiderata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dēsīderāta}}                       {{la-part-form|dēsīderāta}}
# {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|dēsīderātā}}                       {{la-part-form|dēsīderātā}}
# {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēsīderātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[et:desiderata]]                                 ===References===
[[el:desiderata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:desiderata]]                                 [[et:desiderata]]
[[ko:desiderata]]                                 [[el:desiderata]]
[[it:desiderata]]                                 [[es:desiderata]]
[[ka:desiderata]]                                 [[fr:desiderata]]
[[ku:desiderata]]                                 [[ko:desiderata]]
[[nl:desiderata]]                                 [[it:desiderata]]
[[pl:desiderata]]                                 [[ka:desiderata]]
[[sh:desiderata]]                                 [[ku:desiderata]]
[[th:desiderata]]                                 [[nl:desiderata]]
[[vi:desiderata]]                                 [[pl:desiderata]]

suspiciose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:suspiciose]]  [[pl:suspiciose]]

ὄχλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3793}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3793}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:ὄχλος]]             [[el:ὄχλος]]
[[ko:ὄχλος]]             [[fr:ὄχλος]]
[[ka:ὄχλος]]             [[ko:ὄχλος]]
[[ru:ὄχλος]]             [[ka:ὄχλος]]

Luceria: No change.


votive: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vōtīve}}                        {{la-adj-form|vōtīve}}
# {{inflection of|vōtīvus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vōtīvus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[el:votive]]                                 ===References===
[[fa:votive]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:votive]]                                 * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[it:votive]]                                 [[el:votive]]
[[ku:votive]]                                 [[fa:votive]]
[[hu:votive]]                                 [[fr:votive]]
[[ml:votive]]                                 [[io:votive]]
[[pl:votive]]                                 [[it:votive]]
[[ru:votive]]                                 [[ku:votive]]
[[fi:votive]]                                 [[hu:votive]]
[[te:votive]]                                 [[ml:votive]]
[[vi:votive]]                                 [[pl:votive]]
[[zh:votive]]                                 [[ru:votive]]

mansuete: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:mansuete]]   [[it:mansuete]]
[[ru:mansuete]]   [[pl:mansuete]]

auster: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|austru}}  * Aromanian: {{l|rup|austru}}
* Italian: {{l|it|ostro}}      * Italian: {{l|it|ostro}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|ostre}}  * Old French: {{l|fro|ostre}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|austru}}    * Romanian: {{l|ro|austru}}
[[fr:auster]]                  ===References===
[[fy:auster]]                  * {{R:L&S}}
[[ko:auster]]                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[io:auster]]                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:auster]]                  [[fr:auster]]
[[ml:auster]]                  [[fy:auster]]
[[my:auster]]                  [[ko:auster]]
[[ja:auster]]                  [[io:auster]]
[[pl:auster]]                  [[la:auster]]
[[pt:auster]]                  [[mg:auster]]
[[ro:auster]]                  [[ml:auster]]
[[ru:auster]]                  [[my:auster]]
[[fi:auster]]                  [[ja:auster]]
[[ta:auster]]                  [[pl:auster]]

effutuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ponticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|pontic}}  {{la-decl-1&2|pontic}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

conditivus: No change.


applicitus: No change.


magicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:magicus]]    [[el:magicus]]
[[mg:magicus]]    [[fr:magicus]]
[[pl:magicus]]    [[mg:magicus]]
[[fi:magicus]]    [[pl:magicus]]
[[sv:magicus]]    [[fi:magicus]]
[[chr:magicus]]   [[sv:magicus]]

adoperio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:adoperio]]   [[ko:adoperio]]

potiono: No change.


bellifer: No change.


joculator: No change.


ἑός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}

affingo: No change.


tunicatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

racemor: No change.


tardius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tardius}}                       {{la-adj-form|tardius}}
# {{inflection of|tardior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tardior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tardior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tardior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tardior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tardior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

sudator: No change.


incontradicibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}

infrenis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

acceptrix: No change.


ἀνώμαλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀνώμαλος]]    [[el:ἀνώμαλος]]
[[ru:ἀνώμαλος]]    [[fr:ἀνώμαλος]]

immemoratio: No change.


invidendus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|invidend}}  {{la-decl-1&2|invidend}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

illecebrosus: No change.


Παρύσατις: No change.


involumentum: No change.


pertusura: No change.


incogitabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

retracto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

σκάριφος: No change.


cimussa: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

eo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                       ===References===
* ''(verb)'' {{R:L&S|eo|eo1}}          * ''(verb)'' {{R:L&S|eo|eo1}}
* ''(adverb)'' {{R:L&S|eo|eo2}}        * ''(adverb)'' {{R:L&S|eo|eo2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                       * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin intransitive verbs]]  
[[Category:Latin root words]]          [[Category:Latin intransitive verbs]]
                                       [[Category:Latin root words]]

στόμαχος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4751}}                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                               * {{R:Strong's|G|4751}}
* {{R:xcl:HAB|ստամոքս|vol=IV|page=269ab}}  * {{R:xcl:HAB|ստամոքս|vol=IV|page=269ab}}
----                                       ----

νυχθήμερον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|nuxqh/meron}}  * {{R:LSJ|nuxqh/meron}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3574}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3574}}
[[fr:νυχθήμερον]]        [[el:νυχθήμερον]]
[[ko:νυχθήμερον]]        [[fr:νυχθήμερον]]

retae: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|num=pl|rēt}}  {{la-decl-1st|num=pl|rēt}}
[[fr:retae]]                ===References===
                            * {{R:L&S}}

λαγώπους: No change.


inscrutabilis: No change.


inhorresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abjectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:abjectio]]   [[fr:abjectio]]

lenitor: No change.


excisum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|excīsum}}                      {{la-part-form|excīsum}}
# {{inflection of|excīsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excīsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excīsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excīsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excīsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excīsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excīsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excīsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:excisum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

fissum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fissum]]     [[es:fissum]]
[[ru:fissum]]     [[fr:fissum]]

perforo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


exigentia: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|exigenti}}  {{la-decl-1st|exigenti}}
[[cs:exigentia]]          ===References===
[[pl:exigentia]]          * {{R:du Cange}}

controversiae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                       ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|contrōversiae}}                   {{la-noun-form|contrōversiae}}
# {{inflection of|contrōversia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contrōversia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contrōversia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contrōversia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contrōversia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contrōversia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contrōversia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contrōversia||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:controversiae]]                             ===References===
[[cs:controversiae]]                             * {{R:Peck}}

humeo: No change.


suffigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:suffigo]]    [[el:suffigo]]
[[ru:suffigo]]    [[fr:suffigo]]

teter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sexangulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====   ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
{{R:Traupman 2007}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     {{R:Traupman 2007}}
[[pl:sexangulus]]    [[fr:sexangulus]]

pyrale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pyrale}}                        {{la-adj-form|pyrale}}
# {{inflection of|pyralis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pyralis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pyralis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pyralis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pyralis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pyralis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:pyrale]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:pyrale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Ζεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1029}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Strong's|G|2203}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2203}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1029}}
* {{R:Smyth|285}}        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{R:Smyth|285}}
[[el:Ζεύς]]              [[cs:Ζεύς]]
[[fr:Ζεύς]]              [[el:Ζεύς]]
[[it:Ζεύς]]              [[fr:Ζεύς]]
[[hu:Ζεύς]]              [[it:Ζεύς]]
[[pl:Ζεύς]]              [[hu:Ζεύς]]
[[pt:Ζεύς]]              [[pl:Ζεύς]]
[[ru:Ζεύς]]              [[pt:Ζεύς]]
[[tr:Ζεύς]]              [[ru:Ζεύς]]

thesaurus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

instimulator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

aedificator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:aedificator]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:aedificator]]  [[de:aedificator]]

interjectus: No change.


heili: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Faroese: {{l|fo|heili}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|heili}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|heili}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|heili}}
[[Category:non:Anatomy]]     ===References===
                             * {{R:Zoega}}
[[el:heili]]                 [[Category:non:Anatomy]]
[[eu:heili]]                 [[da:heili]]
[[fr:heili]]                 [[el:heili]]
[[ko:heili]]                 [[es:heili]]
[[hr:heili]]                 [[eu:heili]]
[[is:heili]]                 [[fr:heili]]
[[lo:heili]]                 [[ko:heili]]
[[li:heili]]                 [[hr:heili]]
[[hu:heili]]                 [[is:heili]]
[[mg:heili]]                 [[lo:heili]]
[[nl:heili]]                 [[li:heili]]
[[pl:heili]]                 [[hu:heili]]
[[pt:heili]]                 [[mg:heili]]
[[ro:heili]]                 [[nl:heili]]
[[ru:heili]]                 [[pl:heili]]
[[fi:heili]]                 [[pt:heili]]
[[sv:heili]]                 [[ro:heili]]
[[chr:heili]]                [[ru:heili]]

Εὐθύφρων: No change.


apes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|apēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|apēs}}
# {{inflection of|apis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|apis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apis||voc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|apis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apis||acc|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

captiva: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:captiva]]    [[cs:captiva]]
[[fr:captiva]]    [[es:captiva]]
[[mg:captiva]]    [[fr:captiva]]
[[ro:captiva]]    [[mg:captiva]]

novellum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|novellum}}                       {{la-adj-form|novellum}}
# {{inflection of|novellus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|novellus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:novellum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:novellum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

triforium: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|trifori}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|trifori}}
[[ca:triforium]]           ===References===
[[fr:triforium]]           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:triforium]]           [[ca:triforium]]
[[vi:triforium]]           [[fr:triforium]]

pigneror: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Tacitus: No change.


σταυρόω: No change.


Νῖσος: No change.


mutatorius: No change.


hibernus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|vol=II|page=1620}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                                     * {{R:grc:Beekes|vol=II|page=1620}}
[[ko:hibernus]]                      [[fr:hibernus]]
[[hr:hibernus]]                      [[ko:hibernus]]
[[la:hibernus]]                      [[hr:hibernus]]
[[lt:hibernus]]                      [[la:hibernus]]
[[hu:hibernus]]                      [[lt:hibernus]]
[[mg:hibernus]]                      [[hu:hibernus]]
[[ja:hibernus]]                      [[mg:hibernus]]
[[pl:hibernus]]                      [[ja:hibernus]]
[[ro:hibernus]]                      [[pl:hibernus]]
[[chr:hibernus]]                     [[ro:hibernus]]

prosto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

proles: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|prolific}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                           * {{R:Century 1911|prolific}}

πωλέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4453}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|4453}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:πωλέω]]             [[el:πωλέω]]
[[mg:πωλέω]]             [[fr:πωλέω]]
[[ru:πωλέω]]             [[mg:πωλέω]]

illatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|illātum}}                      {{la-part-form|illātum}}
# {{inflection of|illātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|illātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:illatum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:illatum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

adauctor: No change.


angele: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|angele}}                     {{la-noun-form|angele}}
# {{inflection of|angelus||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|angelus||voc|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

continuum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|continuum}}                       {{la-adj-form|continuum}}
# {{inflection of|continuus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|continuus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|continuus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|continuus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|continuus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|continuus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|continuus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|continuus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

mentes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mentēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|mentēs}}
# {{inflection of|mēns||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mēns||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mēns||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mēns||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mēns||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mēns||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

tritavus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

contero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:contero]]    [[fr:contero]]
[[ru:contero]]    [[ko:contero]]

rationabile: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ratiōnābile}}                        {{la-adj-form|ratiōnābile}}
# {{inflection of|ratiōnābilis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratiōnābilis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ratiōnābilis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratiōnābilis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ratiōnābilis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratiōnābilis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[pl:rationabile]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:rationabile]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

ἡστικός: No change.


judicatus: No change.


temporivus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
* Aromanian: [[timpuriu]]      * Aromanian: [[timpuriu]]
* Romanian: {{l|ro|timpuriu}}  * Romanian: {{l|ro|timpuriu}}
[[mg:temporivus]]              ===References===
                               * {{R:du Cange}}

pilatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pilātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|pilātūra}}
# {{inflection of|pilātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pilātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pilātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pilātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pilātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pilātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pilātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pilātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pilātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pilātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|pilātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|pilātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|pilātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pilātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[it:pilatura]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

quadra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|quadrate}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                           * {{R:Peck}}
                               * {{R:Century 1911|quadrate}}

bibula: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bibula}}                        {{la-adj-form|bibula}}
# {{inflection of|bibulus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bibulus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bibulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bibulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bibulus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bibulus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bibulus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bibulus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bibulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bibulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|bibulā}}                        {{la-adj-form|bibulā}}
# {{inflection of|bibulus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bibulus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

delatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:delatio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:delatio]]    [[fr:delatio]]

superbia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:superbia]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:superbia]]   [[cs:superbia]]
[[fr:superbia]]   [[de:superbia]]
[[ko:superbia]]   [[es:superbia]]
[[it:superbia]]   [[fr:superbia]]
[[mg:superbia]]   [[ko:superbia]]
[[pl:superbia]]   [[it:superbia]]
[[pt:superbia]]   [[mg:superbia]]
[[ro:superbia]]   [[pl:superbia]]
[[ru:superbia]]   [[pt:superbia]]
[[sk:superbia]]   [[ro:superbia]]
[[chr:superbia]]  [[ru:superbia]]
[[zh:superbia]]   [[sk:superbia]]

citra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pectinatus: No change.


diligentium: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dīligentium}}                   {{la-part-form|dīligentium}}
# {{inflection of|dīligēns||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīligēns||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dīligēns||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīligēns||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dīligēns||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīligēns||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[ja:diligentium]]                             ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

panarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

iulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

citatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:citatim]]    [[es:citatim]]
[[mg:citatim]]    [[fr:citatim]]
[[ru:citatim]]    [[mg:citatim]]

umbratus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|umbrāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|umbrāt}}
[[fr:umbratus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Ὑστάσπης: No change.


effugia: No change.


intenta: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|intenta}}                        {{la-adj-form|intenta}}
# {{inflection of|intentus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intentus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intentus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intentus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intentus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intentus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intentus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intentus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intentus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intentus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|intentā}}                        {{la-adj-form|intentā}}
# {{inflection of|intentus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intentus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

collegiati: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                      ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|collēgiātī}}                     {{la-noun-form|collēgiātī}}
# {{inflection of|collēgiātus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collēgiātus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collēgiātus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collēgiātus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collēgiātus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collēgiātus||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

τέρπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[el:τέρπω]]       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[it:τέρπω]]       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[chr:τέρπω]]      [[el:τέρπω]]

agaris: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|agāris}}                              {{la-verb-form|agāris}}
# {{inflection of|agō||2|s|pres|pasv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agō||2|s|pres|pasv|subj|lang=la}}
[[la:agaris]]                                        ===References===
[[mg:agaris]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

italicus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====           ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Italia|Ītalia}}        * {{l|la|Italia|Ītalia}}
* {{l|la|italianus|ītaliānus}}  * {{l|la|italianus|ītaliānus}}
* {{l|la|italis|ītalis}}        * {{l|la|italis|ītalis}}
* {{l|la|italus|ītalus}}        * {{l|la|italus|ītalus}}
[[mg:italicus]]                 ===References===
[[pl:italicus]]                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

enim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S|ĕnim}}                 * {{R:L&S|ĕnim}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|ĕnim|p=589}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:du Cange}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:OLD|1|enim|pp=607–608}}    * {{R:Gaffiot|ĕnim|p=589}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|enim|375/1}}     * {{R:OLD|1|enim|pp=607–608}}
                                 * {{R:Niermeyer|enim|375/1}}
[[Category:Latin conjunctions]]  
                                 [[Category:Latin conjunctions]]

intermissus: No change.


typus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                     ===References===
* {{R:L&S|typus}}                    * {{R:L&S|typus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|ty̆pus|p=1,618/3}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW|typus|2/001974|13.08.04}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Century 1911|type}}            * {{R:Gaffiot|ty̆pus|p=1,618/3}}
* {{R:OLD|1|typus (typos)|1,998/3}}  * {{R:NLW|typus|2/001974|13.08.04}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|1. typus|1,028/2}}   * {{R:Century 1911|type}}
                                     * {{R:OLD|1|typus (typos)|1,998/3}}
[[de:typus]]                         * {{R:Niermeyer|1. typus|1,028/2}}
[[mg:typus]]                         [[de:typus]]

inolitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|inolit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|inolit}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

paulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

πυνθάνομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4441}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
{{C|grc|Thinking}}       * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|4441}}
[[el:πυνθάνομαι]]        * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]
[[it:πυνθάνομαι]]        {{C|grc|Thinking}}
[[ru:πυνθάνομαι]]        [[el:πυνθάνομαι]]

colonaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|colōnāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|colōnāria}}
# {{inflection of|colōnārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colōnārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colōnārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colōnārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colōnārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colōnārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colōnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|colōnāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|colōnāriā}}
# {{inflection of|colōnārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colōnārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

madefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:madefacio]]  [[fr:madefacio]]
[[mg:madefacio]]  [[ko:madefacio]]

prudenter: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:prudenter]]  [[de:prudenter]]
[[ja:prudenter]]  [[fr:prudenter]]
[[pl:prudenter]]  [[ja:prudenter]]
[[ru:prudenter]]  [[pl:prudenter]]

cinyras: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cinyrās}}                   {{la-noun-form|cinyrās}}
# {{inflection of|cinyra||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinyra||acc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                           * {{R:Peck}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

occasus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:occasus]]    [[cs:occasus]]
[[mg:occasus]]    [[fr:occasus]]
[[pl:occasus]]    [[mg:occasus]]
[[uk:occasus]]    [[pl:occasus]]

προφητεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition

modulor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:modulor]]    [[fr:modulor]]
[[mg:modulor]]    [[ko:modulor]]
[[vi:modulor]]    [[mg:modulor]]

paeniteo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[ko:paeniteo]]                                                                                                          [[el:paeniteo]]
[[pl:paeniteo]]                                                                                                          [[ko:paeniteo]]

nasi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nāsī}}                     {{la-noun-form|nāsī}}
# {{inflection of|nāsus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāsus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nāsus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāsus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nāsus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāsus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

nitide: No change.


zizania: No change.


meritorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:meritorius]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Τιτυός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1028}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1028}}

faeces: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|faecēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|faecēs}}
# {{inflection of|faex||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faex||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faex||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faex||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faex||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faex||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[et:faeces]]                            ===References===
[[es:faeces]]                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ko:faeces]]                            [[et:faeces]]
[[io:faeces]]                            [[es:faeces]]
[[it:faeces]]                            [[fr:faeces]]
[[kn:faeces]]                            [[ko:faeces]]
[[sw:faeces]]                            [[io:faeces]]
[[ku:faeces]]                            [[it:faeces]]
[[ky:faeces]]                            [[kn:faeces]]
[[hu:faeces]]                            [[sw:faeces]]
[[ml:faeces]]                            [[ku:faeces]]
[[my:faeces]]                            [[ky:faeces]]
[[nl:faeces]]                            [[hu:faeces]]
[[pl:faeces]]                            [[ml:faeces]]
[[sm:faeces]]                            [[my:faeces]]
[[fi:faeces]]                            [[nl:faeces]]
[[sv:faeces]]                            [[pl:faeces]]
[[ta:faeces]]                            [[sm:faeces]]
[[chr:faeces]]                           [[fi:faeces]]
[[vi:faeces]]                            [[sv:faeces]]
[[zh:faeces]]                            [[ta:faeces]]

attrectator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|attrectātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|attrectātor}}
# {{inflection of|attrectō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attrectō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attrectō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attrectō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:attrectator]]                                        ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

hrosshvalr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:non:Zoega}}           * {{R:Zoega}}
                            * {{R:non:Zoega}}
[[pl:hrosshvalr]]           [[lt:hrosshvalr]]

βαθύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* [[w:LSJ|LSJ]]         * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|901}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
----                    * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Strong's|G|901}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                        * [[w:LSJ|LSJ]]
                        * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]

pergravis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

μονόφθογγος: No change.


ferio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:ferio]]      [[de:ferio]]
[[es:ferio]]      [[el:ferio]]
[[eo:ferio]]      [[es:ferio]]
[[fr:ferio]]      [[eo:ferio]]
[[ko:ferio]]      [[fr:ferio]]
[[io:ferio]]      [[ko:ferio]]
[[mg:ferio]]      [[io:ferio]]
[[ja:ferio]]      [[mg:ferio]]
[[no:ferio]]      [[ja:ferio]]
[[pl:ferio]]      [[no:ferio]]
[[pt:ferio]]      [[pl:ferio]]
[[ru:ferio]]      [[pt:ferio]]
[[fi:ferio]]      [[ru:ferio]]
[[zh:ferio]]      [[fi:ferio]]

lentitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:lentitudo]]  [[mg:lentitudo]]

diffamator: No change.


utor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                     * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
[[de:utor]]          [[cs:utor]]
[[el:utor]]          [[de:utor]]
[[es:utor]]          [[el:utor]]
[[fr:utor]]          [[es:utor]]
[[ko:utor]]          [[fr:utor]]
[[hr:utor]]          [[ko:utor]]
[[ku:utor]]          [[hr:utor]]
[[la:utor]]          [[ku:utor]]
[[mg:utor]]          [[la:utor]]
[[ja:utor]]          [[mg:utor]]
[[pl:utor]]          [[ja:utor]]
[[pt:utor]]          [[pl:utor]]
[[ru:utor]]          [[pt:utor]]
[[sl:utor]]          [[ru:utor]]
[[sh:utor]]          [[sl:utor]]
[[fi:utor]]          [[sh:utor]]
[[zh:utor]]          [[fi:utor]]

cerosus: No change.


prostibulum: No change.


ἀγνοέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|50}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}           * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Strong's|G|50}}
[[lt:ἀγνοέω]]          [[el:ἀγνοέω]]

dissimilaris: No change.


auriger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

suasa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|suāsa}}                       {{la-part-form|suāsa}}
# {{inflection of|suāsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suāsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suāsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suāsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suāsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suāsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suāsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suāsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suāsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suāsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|suāsā}}                       {{la-part-form|suāsā}}
# {{inflection of|suāsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suāsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[id:suasa]]                                 ===References===
[[ms:suasa]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[zh:suasa]]                                 * {{R:Stillwell}}

ὀξύτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

cephalote: No change.


exculcatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|exculcāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|exculcāt}}
                          * {{R:L&S}}

recumbo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

δωδέκατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|dwde/katos}}  * {{R:LSJ|dwde/katos}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Ἡράκλεια: No change.


baetica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|baetica}}                        {{la-adj-form|baetica}}
# {{inflection of|baeticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baeticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|baeticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baeticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|baeticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baeticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|baeticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baeticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|baeticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baeticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|baeticā}}                        {{la-adj-form|baeticā}}
# {{inflection of|baeticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baeticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

experti: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|expertī}}                        {{la-adj-form|expertī}}
# {{inflection of|expers||dat|m|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|expers||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expers||dat|f|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|expers||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expers||dat|n|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|expers||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expers||abl|m|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|expers||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expers||abl|f|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|expers||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expers||abl|n|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|expers||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expertus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expertus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expertus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expertus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expertus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expertus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expertus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expertus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[el:experti]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:experti]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

litigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

salsilago: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S|salsĭlāgo}}  * {{R:L&S|salsĭlāgo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

placeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:placeo]]     [[el:placeo]]
[[fr:placeo]]     [[es:placeo]]
[[ko:placeo]]     [[fr:placeo]]
[[la:placeo]]     [[ko:placeo]]
[[pl:placeo]]     [[la:placeo]]
[[pt:placeo]]     [[pl:placeo]]
[[ru:placeo]]     [[pt:placeo]]

κύων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2965}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2965}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:κύων]]              [[el:κύων]]
[[ko:κύων]]              [[fr:κύων]]
[[it:κύων]]              [[ko:κύων]]
[[ku:κύων]]              [[it:κύων]]
[[lt:κύων]]              [[ku:κύων]]
[[li:κύων]]              [[lt:κύων]]
[[hu:κύων]]              [[li:κύων]]
[[mg:κύων]]              [[hu:κύων]]
[[fj:κύων]]              [[mg:κύων]]
[[pl:κύων]]              [[fj:κύων]]
[[pt:κύων]]              [[pl:κύων]]
[[ru:κύων]]              [[pt:κύων]]
[[sm:κύων]]              [[ru:κύων]]
[[tl:κύων]]              [[sm:κύων]]
[[tr:κύων]]              [[tl:κύων]]

Στωϊκός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1026}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1026}}

fullo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[af:fullo]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fr:fullo]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

recludo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:recludo]]    [[fr:recludo]]
[[it:recludo]]    [[ko:recludo]]

exercitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:exercitatio]]   [[de:exercitatio]]
[[fr:exercitatio]]   [[el:exercitatio]]
[[mg:exercitatio]]   [[fr:exercitatio]]
[[nl:exercitatio]]   [[mg:exercitatio]]
[[pl:exercitatio]]   [[nl:exercitatio]]
[[ru:exercitatio]]   [[pl:exercitatio]]
[[chr:exercitatio]]  [[ru:exercitatio]]

tertiator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|tertiātor}}                             {{la-verb-form|tertiātor}}
# {{conjugation of|tertiō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|tertiō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|tertiō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|tertiō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

versor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
[[Category:Latin verbs]]           [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
                                   [[Category:Latin verbs]]

bullatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

septemplex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

decoro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

miliarium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                       ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun}}                 {{head|la|noun}}
# Variant of ''[[milliarium]]''  # Variant of ''[[milliarium]]''
[[ru:miliarium]]                 ===References===
                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

ineleganter: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

probata: No change.


δένδρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1186}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1186}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:δένδρον]]           [[da:δένδρον]]
[[el:δένδρον]]           [[de:δένδρον]]
[[fr:δένδρον]]           [[el:δένδρον]]
[[ko:δένδρον]]           [[fr:δένδρον]]
[[it:δένδρον]]           [[ko:δένδρον]]
[[lt:δένδρον]]           [[it:δένδρον]]
[[li:δένδρον]]           [[lt:δένδρον]]
[[mg:δένδρον]]           [[li:δένδρον]]
[[nl:δένδρον]]           [[mg:δένδρον]]
[[pl:δένδρον]]           [[nl:δένδρον]]
[[pt:δένδρον]]           [[pl:δένδρον]]
[[ru:δένδρον]]           [[pt:δένδρον]]
[[tr:δένδρον]]           [[ru:δένδρον]]

Θίσβαι: No change.


crustum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Foods]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:crustum]]         [[Category:la:Foods]]
[[ru:crustum]]         [[fr:crustum]]

gelis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gelīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|gelīs}}
# {{inflection of|gelum||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gelum||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gelum||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gelum||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:gelis]]                              ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

φορά: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

deses: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

triumvir: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:triumvir]]   [[el:triumvir]]
[[io:triumvir]]   [[fr:triumvir]]
[[ku:triumvir]]   [[io:triumvir]]
[[pl:triumvir]]   [[ku:triumvir]]
[[ro:triumvir]]   [[pl:triumvir]]
[[ru:triumvir]]   [[ro:triumvir]]
[[fi:triumvir]]   [[ru:triumvir]]
[[vi:triumvir]]   [[fi:triumvir]]

prodinunt: No change.


concentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:concentus]]   [[hu:concentus]]
[[sh:concentus]]   [[mg:concentus]]
[[chr:concentus]]  [[sh:concentus]]

siccus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:siccus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:siccus]]     [[cs:siccus]]
[[fr:siccus]]     [[de:siccus]]
[[ko:siccus]]     [[el:siccus]]
[[it:siccus]]     [[fr:siccus]]
[[ky:siccus]]     [[ko:siccus]]
[[hu:siccus]]     [[it:siccus]]
[[mg:siccus]]     [[ky:siccus]]
[[fj:siccus]]     [[hu:siccus]]
[[ja:siccus]]     [[mg:siccus]]
[[pl:siccus]]     [[fj:siccus]]
[[fi:siccus]]     [[ja:siccus]]
[[chr:siccus]]    [[pl:siccus]]
[[tr:siccus]]     [[fi:siccus]]
[[zh:siccus]]     [[chr:siccus]]

crepida: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:crepida]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:crepida]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[hu:crepida]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fj:crepida]]    [[cs:crepida]]

blandiens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|blandiēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|blandiēns}}
                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

inguen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:inguen]]     [[ca:inguen]]
[[fr:inguen]]     [[es:inguen]]
[[ta:inguen]]     [[fr:inguen]]

aequinoctium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:aequinoctium]]  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:aequinoctium]]  * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[pl:aequinoctium]]  [[de:aequinoctium]]
[[ru:aequinoctium]]  [[fr:aequinoctium]]

dares: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                          ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|darēs}}                              {{la-verb-form|darēs}}
# {{inflection of|dō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                ===References===
                                                    * {{R:Peck}}
                                                    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

nauclerius: No change.


jugator: No change.


quantopere: No change.


Saguntum: No change.


dimenso: No change.


Ἑκάτη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1012}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1012}}
                        * {{grc-Beekes}}

abscisa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|abscīsa}}                        {{la-adj-form|abscīsa}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|abscīsā}}                        {{la-adj-form|abscīsā}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

σῶμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4983}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4983}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[cs:σῶμα]]              [[cs:σῶμα]]
[[da:σῶμα]]              [[da:σῶμα]]
[[de:σῶμα]]              [[de:σῶμα]]
[[el:σῶμα]]              [[el:σῶμα]]
[[fr:σῶμα]]              [[fr:σῶμα]]
[[ko:σῶμα]]              [[ko:σῶμα]]
[[it:σῶμα]]              [[it:σῶμα]]
[[lt:σῶμα]]              [[lt:σῶμα]]
[[li:σῶμα]]              [[li:σῶμα]]
[[mg:σῶμα]]              [[mg:σῶμα]]
[[pl:σῶμα]]              [[pl:σῶμα]]
[[ru:σῶμα]]              [[ru:σῶμα]]
[[tr:σῶμα]]              [[tr:σῶμα]]

solatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

εὐνή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:εὐνή]]         [[el:εὐνή]]
[[ko:εὐνή]]         [[fr:εὐνή]]
[[lb:εὐνή]]         [[ko:εὐνή]]
[[mg:εὐνή]]         [[lb:εὐνή]]
[[nl:εὐνή]]         [[mg:εὐνή]]
[[ru:εὐνή]]         [[nl:εὐνή]]

mango: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

sejungo: No change.


adsuo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|adsu|adsu|adsut}}  {{la-conj-3rd|adsu|adsu|adsut}}
[[fr:adsuo]]                     ===References===
[[ko:adsuo]]                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

praeterfluo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

malefactura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|malefactūra}}                       {{la-part-form|malefactūra}}
# {{inflection of|malefactūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malefactūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malefactūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malefactūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malefactūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malefactūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malefactūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malefactūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malefactūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malefactūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|malefactūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|malefactūrā}}
# {{inflection of|malefactūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malefactūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

apprime: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἄθεος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|112}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Strong's|G|112}}
[[el:ἄθεος]]            * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[it:ἄθεος]]            [[el:ἄθεος]]
[[pl:ἄθεος]]            [[es:ἄθεος]]
[[pt:ἄθεος]]            [[it:ἄθεος]]
[[tr:ἄθεος]]            [[pl:ἄθεος]]

inambulo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:inambulo]]   [[fr:inambulo]]
[[ru:inambulo]]   [[ko:inambulo]]
[[chr:inambulo]]  [[ru:inambulo]]

veprecula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[sk:veprecula]]  [[cs:veprecula]]

Πελληνεύς: No change.


dust: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                        ===Noun===
{{non-noun|n}}                    {{non-noun|n}}
# [[dust#English|dust]] particle  # [[dust#English|dust]] particle
----                              ===References===
                                  * {{R:Zoega}}

paterna: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|paterna}}                        {{la-adj-form|paterna}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|paternā}}                        {{la-adj-form|paternā}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

discussus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

codon: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                                                       ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun}}                                                                 {{head|la|noun}}
# [[codon#English|codon]]: a [[handbell]] [[use]]d for [[summon]]ing [[monk]]s.  # [[codon#English|codon]]: a [[handbell]] [[use]]d for [[summon]]ing [[monk]]s.
[[et:codon]]                                                                     ===References===
[[el:codon]]                                                                     * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:codon]]                                                                     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ko:codon]]                                                                     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[hu:codon]]                                                                     [[et:codon]]
[[mg:codon]]                                                                     [[el:codon]]
[[pl:codon]]                                                                     [[fr:codon]]
[[ta:codon]]                                                                     [[ko:codon]]
[[vi:codon]]                                                                     [[id:codon]]
[[zh:codon]]                                                                     [[hu:codon]]

repleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:repleo]]     [[el:repleo]]
[[ko:repleo]]     [[fr:repleo]]
[[mg:repleo]]     [[ko:repleo]]

Sutrinus: No change.


ingemo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


seditiose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:seditiose]]  [[cs:seditiose]]
[[ru:seditiose]]  [[pl:seditiose]]

scelerator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

interpretator: No change.


placenta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}

molybdaena: No change.


lactosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cremo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

captivo: No change.


ingratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ingratus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:ingratus]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:ingratus]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

moabitae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mōabitae}}                    {{la-noun-form|mōabitae}}
# {{inflection of|mōabitēs||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōabitēs||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōabitēs||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōabitēs||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōabitēs||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōabitēs||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōabitēs||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōabitēs||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

Πυθαγορικός: No change.


Iconium: No change.


clodis: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|clōdīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|clōdīs}}
# {{inflection of|clōdus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clōdus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clōdus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clōdus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clōdus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clōdus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clōdus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clōdus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clōdus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clōdus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clōdus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clōdus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:clodis]]                                ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

ἔλυτρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)/lutron}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)/lutron}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἔλυτρον]]         [[fr:ἔλυτρον]]
[[mg:ἔλυτρον]]         [[ko:ἔλυτρον]]

nectar: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|nectar}}                                {{la-verb-form|nectar}}
# {{inflection of|nectō||1|s|futr|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nectō||1|s|futr|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[ar:nectar]]                                          ===References===
[[de:nectar]]                                          * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:nectar]]                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[el:nectar]]                                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[eo:nectar]]                                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ko:nectar]]                                          [[ar:nectar]]
[[hy:nectar]]                                          [[de:nectar]]
[[io:nectar]]                                          [[et:nectar]]
[[it:nectar]]                                          [[el:nectar]]
[[kn:nectar]]                                          [[eo:nectar]]
[[ku:nectar]]                                          [[fr:nectar]]
[[hu:nectar]]                                          [[ko:nectar]]
[[mg:nectar]]                                          [[hy:nectar]]
[[ml:nectar]]                                          [[io:nectar]]
[[my:nectar]]                                          [[it:nectar]]
[[nl:nectar]]                                          [[kn:nectar]]
[[pl:nectar]]                                          [[ku:nectar]]
[[ro:nectar]]                                          [[hu:nectar]]
[[ru:nectar]]                                          [[mg:nectar]]
[[fi:nectar]]                                          [[ml:nectar]]
[[ta:nectar]]                                          [[my:nectar]]
[[te:nectar]]                                          [[nl:nectar]]
[[th:nectar]]                                          [[pl:nectar]]
[[tr:nectar]]                                          [[ro:nectar]]
[[vi:nectar]]                                          [[ru:nectar]]
[[zh:nectar]]                                          [[fi:nectar]]

σκόρδον: No change.


ὕμνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5215}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5215}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ὕμνος]]             [[fr:ὕμνος]]
[[mg:ὕμνος]]             [[ko:ὕμνος]]
[[ru:ὕμνος]]             [[mg:ὕμνος]]

Θεσσαλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1027}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1027}}
                        * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[ko:Θεσσαλός]]         [[el:Θεσσαλός]]

explorator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:explorator]]  [[fr:explorator]]
[[nl:explorator]]  [[mg:explorator]]
[[pl:explorator]]  [[nl:explorator]]
[[ro:explorator]]  [[pl:explorator]]
[[ru:explorator]]  [[ro:explorator]]
[[zh:explorator]]  [[ru:explorator]]

populariter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

neuroides: No change.


ἀνθυπατεία: No change.


infractura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|īnfractūra}}                       {{la-part-form|īnfractūra}}
# {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|īnfractūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|īnfractūrā}}
# {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfractūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

coadunator: No change.


fabricatorius: No change.


lauro: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|laurō}}                     {{la-noun-form|laurō}}
# {{inflection of|laurus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laurus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laurus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laurus||abl|s|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:Stillwell}}

praepondero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:praepondero]]  [[ko:praepondero]]

ramulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[zh:ramulus]]    [[id:ramulus]]

τότε: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|to/te1}}  * {{R:LSJ|to/te1}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
----                * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

captivus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:captivus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:captivus]]   [[cs:captivus]]
[[ko:captivus]]   [[co:captivus]]
[[ka:captivus]]   [[fr:captivus]]
[[mg:captivus]]   [[ko:captivus]]
[[nl:captivus]]   [[ka:captivus]]
[[pl:captivus]]   [[mg:captivus]]
[[ru:captivus]]   [[nl:captivus]]

συμφωνία: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4858}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4858}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                     ----

insidiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:insidiosus]]  [[de:insidiosus]]
[[mg:insidiosus]]  [[fr:insidiosus]]

κοντούρα: No change.


consilio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cōnsiliō}}                     {{la-noun-form|cōnsiliō}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsilium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsilium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsilium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsilium||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:consilio]]                               ===References===
[[fr:consilio]]                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:consilio]]                               [[cs:consilio]]
[[nl:consilio]]                               [[fr:consilio]]
[[pl:consilio]]                               [[io:consilio]]
[[ru:consilio]]                               [[mg:consilio]]
[[sk:consilio]]                               [[nl:consilio]]

antiquatio: No change.


luscus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:luscus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:luscus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

metuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Morwood, James. ''A Latin Grammar''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                               * Morwood, James. ''A Latin Grammar''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[[ko:metuo]]                                                                   [[fr:metuo]]
[[mg:metuo]]                                                                   [[ko:metuo]]
[[pt:metuo]]                                                                   [[mg:metuo]]
[[ru:metuo]]                                                                   [[pt:metuo]]
[[chr:metuo]]                                                                  [[ru:metuo]]

succendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

antecursor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obloquor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:obloquor]]                    [[fr:obloquor]]
[[mg:obloquor]]                    [[ko:obloquor]]
[[chr:obloquor]]                   [[mg:obloquor]]

libator: No change.


saburra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:saburra]]    [[fr:saburra]]
[[mg:saburra]]    [[ku:saburra]]
[[pl:saburra]]    [[mg:saburra]]
[[ta:saburra]]    [[pl:saburra]]

πέλας: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                        ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                            * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                         * {{R:Slater}}
                                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek adverbs|πελας]]  
                                          [[Category:Ancient Greek adverbs|πελας]]

nosocomium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:nosocomium]]   [[de:nosocomium]]
[[ku:nosocomium]]   [[el:nosocomium]]
[[la:nosocomium]]   [[ku:nosocomium]]
[[hu:nosocomium]]   [[la:nosocomium]]
[[mg:nosocomium]]   [[hu:nosocomium]]
[[pl:nosocomium]]   [[mg:nosocomium]]
[[ru:nosocomium]]   [[pl:nosocomium]]
[[chr:nosocomium]]  [[ru:nosocomium]]

περισσεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|perisseu/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|perisseu/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}

sospes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />    * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sospes]]     <references />
[[pt:sospes]]     [[fr:sospes]]

florus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />    * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:florus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[eo:florus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fr:florus]]     <references />

bulbus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:bulbus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:bulbus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ka:bulbus]]     [[ca:bulbus]]
[[mg:bulbus]]     [[fr:bulbus]]
[[pl:bulbus]]     [[ko:bulbus]]
[[sm:bulbus]]     [[ka:bulbus]]
[[sh:bulbus]]     [[mg:bulbus]]
[[ta:bulbus]]     [[pl:bulbus]]
[[zh:bulbus]]     [[sm:bulbus]]

krakligr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                            ===References===
* Entry [ "''krakligr''"] on page 249 in: Geir T. Zoëga "''A Concise Dictionary of Old Islandic''", Oxford at the Claredon Press (1910).  * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                            * Entry [ "''krakligr''"] on page 249 in: Geir T. Zoëga "''A Concise Dictionary of Old Islandic''", Oxford at the Claredon Press (1910).

vectans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|vectāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|vectāns}}
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

repromitto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

noxius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:noxius]]     [[fr:noxius]]
[[ru:noxius]]     [[ko:noxius]]

calathus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:calathus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:calathus]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ku:calathus]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[te:calathus]]   [[ca:calathus]]

decurrentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dēcurrentēs}}                    {{la-part-form|dēcurrentēs}}
# {{inflection of|dēcurrens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcurrens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcurrens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcurrens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcurrens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcurrens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcurrens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcurrens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcurrens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcurrens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcurrens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcurrens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[es:decurrentes]]                              ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

βλέπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}

statuarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

contaminata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|contāmināta}}                       {{la-part-form|contāmināta}}
# {{inflection of|contāminātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contāminātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contāminātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contāminātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contāminātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|contāminātā}}                       {{la-part-form|contāminātā}}
# {{inflection of|contāminātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:contaminata]]                                 ===References===
[[it:contaminata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

abnepos: No change.


imbecillius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|imbēcillius}}                       {{la-adj-form|imbēcillius}}
# {{inflection of|imbēcillior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|imbēcillior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|imbēcillior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|imbēcillior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|imbēcillior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|imbēcillior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Πακτωλός: No change.


dispicio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:dispicio]]   [[es:dispicio]]
[[ko:dispicio]]   [[fr:dispicio]]
[[mg:dispicio]]   [[ko:dispicio]]

labia: No change.


agminalis: No change.


bruta: LATIN: References added.

====Adjective====                            ====Adjective====
{{la-adj-form|brūtā}}                        {{la-adj-form|brūtā}}
# {{inflection of|brūtus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|brūtus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

perdo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:perdo]]      [[ca:perdo]]
[[fr:perdo]]      [[es:perdo]]
[[ko:perdo]]      [[fr:perdo]]
[[io:perdo]]      [[ko:perdo]]
[[it:perdo]]      [[io:perdo]]
[[mg:perdo]]      [[it:perdo]]
[[pl:perdo]]      [[mg:perdo]]
[[ru:perdo]]      [[pl:perdo]]
[[sr:perdo]]      [[ru:perdo]]
[[sh:perdo]]      [[sr:perdo]]
[[chr:perdo]]     [[sh:perdo]]

quaestiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|quaestiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|quaestiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|quaestiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaestiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quaestiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaestiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quaestiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaestiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:quaestiones]]                           ===References===
[[fr:quaestiones]]                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[my:quaestiones]]                           [[ar:quaestiones]]

porrectura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|porrectūra}}                       {{la-part-form|porrectūra}}
# {{inflection of|porrectūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|porrectūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|porrectūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|porrectūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|porrectūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|porrectūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|porrectūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|porrectūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|porrectūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|porrectūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|porrectūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|porrectūrā}}
# {{inflection of|porrectūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|porrectūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

περιπατεῖν: No change.


calcarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

supergredi: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|supergredī}}                              {{la-verb-form|supergredī}}
# {{inflection of|supergredior||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supergredior||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

ministrantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ministrantia}}                    {{la-part-form|ministrantia}}
# {{inflection of|ministrāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ministrāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ministrāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ministrāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ministrāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ministrāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

messes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|messēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|messēs}}
# {{inflection of|messis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|messis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|messis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|messis||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|messis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|messis||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:messes]]                              ===References===
[[de:messes]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:messes]]                              [[ar:messes]]
[[ku:messes]]                              [[de:messes]]
[[mg:messes]]                              [[el:messes]]
[[my:messes]]                              [[fr:messes]]
[[nl:messes]]                              [[ku:messes]]
[[simple:messes]]                          [[mg:messes]]
[[ta:messes]]                              [[my:messes]]
[[vi:messes]]                              [[nl:messes]]

commadeo: No change.


spiritaliter: No change.


crucifigo: No change.


praeferentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|praeferentia}}                    {{la-part-form|praeferentia}}
# {{inflection of|praeferēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeferēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praeferēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeferēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praeferēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praeferēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

scientia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:scientia]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:scientia]]   [[cs:scientia]]
[[et:scientia]]   [[da:scientia]]
[[el:scientia]]   [[de:scientia]]
[[es:scientia]]   [[et:scientia]]
[[eu:scientia]]   [[el:scientia]]
[[fr:scientia]]   [[es:scientia]]
[[ko:scientia]]   [[eu:scientia]]
[[hi:scientia]]   [[fr:scientia]]
[[io:scientia]]   [[ko:scientia]]
[[ku:scientia]]   [[hi:scientia]]
[[ky:scientia]]   [[io:scientia]]
[[lo:scientia]]   [[ku:scientia]]
[[la:scientia]]   [[ky:scientia]]
[[lt:scientia]]   [[lo:scientia]]
[[hu:scientia]]   [[la:scientia]]
[[mg:scientia]]   [[lt:scientia]]
[[fj:scientia]]   [[hu:scientia]]
[[nl:scientia]]   [[mg:scientia]]
[[ja:scientia]]   [[fj:scientia]]
[[pl:scientia]]   [[nl:scientia]]
[[ru:scientia]]   [[ja:scientia]]
[[fi:scientia]]   [[pl:scientia]]
[[sv:scientia]]   [[ru:scientia]]
[[chr:scientia]]  [[fi:scientia]]
[[tr:scientia]]   [[sv:scientia]]

pulsatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pulsātum}}                      {{la-part-form|pulsātum}}
# {{inflection of|pulsātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:pulsatum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:pulsatum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

depeculor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Περικλύμενος: No change.


finnskr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                   ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                              {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|finsk}}              * Danish: {{l|da|finsk}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|finskur}}           * Faroese: {{l|fo|finskur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|finnskur}}        * Icelandic: {{l|is|finnskur}}
{{mid2}}                              {{mid2}}
* Norwegian:                          * Norwegian:
** Norwegian Bokmål: {{l|nb|finsk}}   ** Norwegian Bokmål: {{l|nb|finsk}}
** Norwegian Nynorsk: {{l|nn|finsk}}  ** Norwegian Nynorsk: {{l|nn|finsk}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|finsk}}             * Swedish: {{l|sv|finsk}}
{{bottom2}}                           {{bottom2}}
                                      * {{R:Zoega}}

clinice: No change.


salmone: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|salmōne}}                  {{la-noun-form|salmōne}}
# {{inflection of|salmō||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salmō||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:salmone]]                            ===References===
[[cs:salmone]]                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[el:salmone]]                            [[ca:salmone]]
[[eu:salmone]]                            [[cs:salmone]]
[[fr:salmone]]                            [[de:salmone]]
[[gl:salmone]]                            [[el:salmone]]
[[io:salmone]]                            [[eu:salmone]]
[[ia:salmone]]                            [[fr:salmone]]
[[it:salmone]]                            [[gl:salmone]]
[[lb:salmone]]                            [[io:salmone]]
[[lt:salmone]]                            [[ia:salmone]]
[[hu:salmone]]                            [[it:salmone]]
[[mk:salmone]]                            [[lb:salmone]]
[[nl:salmone]]                            [[lt:salmone]]
[[oc:salmone]]                            [[hu:salmone]]
[[pl:salmone]]                            [[mk:salmone]]
[[ru:salmone]]                            [[nl:salmone]]
[[fi:salmone]]                            [[oc:salmone]]
[[chr:salmone]]                           [[pl:salmone]]
[[tr:salmone]]                            [[ru:salmone]]
[[zh:salmone]]                            [[fi:salmone]]

fultura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

expuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ligneus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:ligneus]]    [[ca:ligneus]]
[[fr:ligneus]]    [[cs:ligneus]]
[[hr:ligneus]]    [[fr:ligneus]]
[[la:ligneus]]    [[hr:ligneus]]
[[mg:ligneus]]    [[la:ligneus]]
[[pl:ligneus]]    [[mg:ligneus]]
[[ru:ligneus]]    [[pl:ligneus]]

quadriennium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:quadriennium]]  [[fr:quadriennium]]
[[ru:quadriennium]]  [[mg:quadriennium]]

decorus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:decorus]]    [[fr:decorus]]
[[hr:decorus]]    [[ko:decorus]]
[[ru:decorus]]    [[hr:decorus]]

comitantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|comitantia}}                    {{la-part-form|comitantia}}
# {{inflection of|comitāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|comitāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|comitāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|comitāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|comitāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|comitāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

chordis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|chordīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|chordīs}}
# {{inflection of|chorda||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chorda||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|chorda||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chorda||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:chordis]]                             ===References===
[[fr:chordis]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

merendo: No change.


vivacitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πεύκη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

decrementum: No change.


exitor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|exītor}}                              {{la-verb-form|exītor}}
# {{conjugation of|exeō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|exeō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|exeō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|exeō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

Ξανθίας: No change.


deifico: No change.


rependo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                    ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|rēpendō}}                      {{la-verb-form|rēpendō}}
# {{inflection of|rēpō||dat|gerund|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rēpō||dat|gerund|lang=la}}
[[fr:rependo]]                                ===References===
[[nl:rependo]]                                * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:rependo]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

usurarius: No change.


καταμειδιάω: No change.


semihians: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

puteus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[an:puteus]]                                                                                                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:puteus]]                                                                                                            * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[la:puteus]]                                                                                                            [[an:puteus]]
[[hu:puteus]]                                                                                                            [[es:puteus]]
[[mg:puteus]]                                                                                                            [[fr:puteus]]
[[pl:puteus]]                                                                                                            [[la:puteus]]
[[ru:puteus]]                                                                                                            [[hu:puteus]]
[[fi:puteus]]                                                                                                            [[mg:puteus]]
[[chr:puteus]]                                                                                                           [[pl:puteus]]

schola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ar:schola]]       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:schola]]       [[ar:schola]]
[[co:schola]]       [[roa-rup:schola]]
[[de:schola]]       [[cs:schola]]
[[es:schola]]       [[co:schola]]
[[fr:schola]]       [[de:schola]]
[[ko:schola]]       [[es:schola]]
[[io:schola]]       [[fr:schola]]
[[it:schola]]       [[ko:schola]]
[[ku:schola]]       [[io:schola]]
[[ky:schola]]       [[it:schola]]
[[lo:schola]]       [[ku:schola]]
[[lt:schola]]       [[ky:schola]]
[[li:schola]]       [[lo:schola]]
[[hu:schola]]       [[lt:schola]]
[[mg:schola]]       [[li:schola]]
[[mt:schola]]       [[hu:schola]]
[[fj:schola]]       [[mg:schola]]
[[ja:schola]]       [[mt:schola]]
[[pl:schola]]       [[fj:schola]]
[[ru:schola]]       [[ja:schola]]
[[sk:schola]]       [[pl:schola]]
[[sv:schola]]       [[ru:schola]]
[[chr:schola]]      [[sk:schola]]
[[zh:schola]]       [[sv:schola]]

fornicator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fornicator]]  [[et:fornicator]]
[[sw:fornicator]]  [[fr:fornicator]]
[[my:fornicator]]  [[sw:fornicator]]
[[pl:fornicator]]  [[my:fornicator]]
[[ru:fornicator]]  [[pl:fornicator]]
[[ta:fornicator]]  [[ru:fornicator]]
[[te:fornicator]]  [[ta:fornicator]]
[[vi:fornicator]]  [[te:fornicator]]
[[zh:fornicator]]  [[vi:fornicator]]

Ἀτραμύττιον: No change.


assestrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

triturator: No change.


magnanimitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:magnanimitas]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:magnanimitas]]  [[de:magnanimitas]]

consternatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:consternatio]]  [[fr:consternatio]]
[[ru:consternatio]]  [[mg:consternatio]]

concomitor: No change.


decisus: No change.


discidium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:discidium]]  [[mg:discidium]]
[[ru:discidium]]  [[ja:discidium]]

ἐχέτλη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

perducto: No change.


redempto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:redempto]]   [[el:redempto]]
[[ru:redempto]]   [[la:redempto]]

velitor: No change.


salitor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|salītor}}                               {{la-verb-form|salītor}}
# {{inflection of|saliō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saliō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saliō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saliō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

oblectator: No change.


opna: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                  ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                             {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|åbne}}                              * Danish: {{l|da|åbne}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|opna}}                             * Faroese: {{l|fo|opna}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|opna}}                           * Icelandic: {{l|is|opna}}
{{mid2}}                                             {{mid2}}
* Norwegian (Bokmål): {{l|nb|åpne}}                  * Norwegian (Bokmål): {{l|nb|åpne}}
* Norwegian (Nynorsk): {{l|nn|opna}}, {{l|nn|opne}}  * Norwegian (Nynorsk): {{l|nn|opna}}, {{l|nn|opne}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|öppna}}                            * Swedish: {{l|sv|öppna}}
{{bottom}}                                           {{bottom}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:Zoega}}

φύσις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5449}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5449}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:φύσις]]             [[da:φύσις]]
[[fr:φύσις]]             [[el:φύσις]]
[[gl:φύσις]]             [[fr:φύσις]]
[[ko:φύσις]]             [[gl:φύσις]]
[[it:φύσις]]             [[ko:φύσις]]
[[lt:φύσις]]             [[it:φύσις]]
[[mg:φύσις]]             [[lt:φύσις]]
[[uz:φύσις]]             [[mg:φύσις]]
[[pt:φύσις]]             [[uz:φύσις]]
[[ru:φύσις]]             [[pt:φύσις]]
[[tr:φύσις]]             [[ru:φύσις]]

redit: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|redit}}                                 {{la-verb-form|redit}}
# {{inflection of|redeō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|redeō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[fr:redit]]                                           ===References===
[[mg:redit]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

metropolis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Derived terms====      ====Derived terms====
* {{l|la|mētropolītānus}}  * {{l|la|mētropolītānus}}
----                       ===References===
                           * {{R:L&S}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                           * {{R:Peck}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                           * {{R:Stillwell}}

florentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|flōrentia}}                     {{la-adj-form|flōrentia}}
# {{inflection of|flōrens||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flōrens||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flōrens||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flōrens||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flōrens||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flōrens||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[ru:florentia]]                              ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

rapa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

epotus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἔξειμι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|e)/ceimi2|w=ἔξειμι (B)}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)/ceimi2|w=ἔξειμι (B)}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                    * {{R:Strong's}}
====See also====                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                    ====See also====

Τραπεζούντιος: No change.


pupus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Noviomagus: No change.


vage: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

molarium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|molārium}}                   {{la-noun-form|molārium}}
# {{inflection of|molāris||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|molāris||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:molarium]]                             ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

iudicialis: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|judicial}}  * English: {{l|en|judicial}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|judicial}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|judicial}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

cornuti: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cornūtī}}                        {{la-adj-form|cornūtī}}
# {{inflection of|cornūtus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornūtus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornūtus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornūtus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornūtus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornūtus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornūtus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornūtus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[de:cornuti]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:cornuti]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:cornuti]]                                 [[de:cornuti]]

velamentum: No change.


ψαλτήριον: No change.


glottis: No change.


defatigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:defatigo]]   [[el:defatigo]]
[[ko:defatigo]]   [[fr:defatigo]]
[[ru:defatigo]]   [[ko:defatigo]]

nominatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:nominatus]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:nominatus]]  [[fr:nominatus]]

africus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:africus]]    [[la:africus]]
[[ru:africus]]    [[pl:africus]]

curvatura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|curvātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|curvātūra}}
# {{inflection of|curvātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curvātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|curvātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curvātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|curvātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curvātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|curvātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curvātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|curvātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curvātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|curvātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|curvātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|curvātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curvātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
                                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

scandalum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:scandalum]]  [[de:scandalum]]
[[mg:scandalum]]  [[fr:scandalum]]
[[ru:scandalum]]  [[mg:scandalum]]

hippodrome: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                      ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hippodrome}}                     {{la-noun-form|hippodrome}}
# {{inflection of|hippodromos||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hippodromos||voc|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:hippodrome]]                               ===References===
[[et:hippodrome]]                               * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[eo:hippodrome]]                               [[ca:hippodrome]]
[[fr:hippodrome]]                               [[et:hippodrome]]
[[hy:hippodrome]]                               [[el:hippodrome]]
[[io:hippodrome]]                               [[eo:hippodrome]]
[[it:hippodrome]]                               [[fr:hippodrome]]
[[ku:hippodrome]]                               [[hy:hippodrome]]
[[hu:hippodrome]]                               [[io:hippodrome]]
[[no:hippodrome]]                               [[it:hippodrome]]
[[pl:hippodrome]]                               [[ku:hippodrome]]
[[ru:hippodrome]]                               [[hu:hippodrome]]
[[fi:hippodrome]]                               [[no:hippodrome]]
[[vi:hippodrome]]                               [[pl:hippodrome]]
[[zh:hippodrome]]                               [[ru:hippodrome]]

quaque: No change.


moderator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abstinentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:abstinentia]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:abstinentia]]  [[cs:abstinentia]]
[[hu:abstinentia]]  [[fr:abstinentia]]
[[mg:abstinentia]]  [[io:abstinentia]]
[[pl:abstinentia]]  [[hu:abstinentia]]
[[ru:abstinentia]]  [[mg:abstinentia]]

gabba: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|non|gabb}}       * {{l|non|gabb}}
[[ko:gabba]]           ===References===
[[it:gabba]]           * {{R:Zoega}}
[[fi:gabba]]           [[ko:gabba]]

furia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

indutia: No change.


opulentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:opulentia]]  [[fr:opulentia]]

obstupefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

regredior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[fr:regredior]]                   [[el:regredior]]
[[ko:regredior]]                   [[fr:regredior]]
[[mg:regredior]]                   [[ko:regredior]]
[[fj:regredior]]                   [[mg:regredior]]
[[chr:regredior]]                  [[fj:regredior]]

respectator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|respectātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|respectātor}}
# {{inflection of|respectō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|respectō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|respectō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|respectō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

nefandus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

στραγγαλόομαι: No change.


transpicio: No change.


ἐμπειρικός: No change.


acinosus: No change.


gith: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                             ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun|g=n|invariable}}        {{head|la|noun|g=n|invariable}}
# {{alternative form of|git|lang=la}}  # {{alternative form of|git|lang=la}}
[[fr:gith]]                            ===References===
                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

scateo: No change.


judicium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:judicium]]   [[fr:judicium]]

baccaris: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|baccāris}}                               {{la-verb-form|baccāris}}
# {{inflection of|baccor||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baccor||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[cs:baccaris]]                                         ===References===
[[de:baccaris]]                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:baccaris]]                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:baccaris]]                                         [[cs:baccaris]]

causor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:causor]]     [[fr:causor]]
[[ru:causor]]     [[ko:causor]]

melimeli: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|melimēlī}}                     {{la-noun-form|melimēlī}}
# {{inflection of|melimēlum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melimēlum||gen|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:L&S}}

χρῆμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xrh%3Dma}}                                * {{R:LSJ|xrh%3Dma}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                    * {{R:Strong's}}
                                                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα]]  
                                                    [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα]]
[[fr:χρῆμα]]                                        [[el:χρῆμα]]
[[lt:χρῆμα]]                                        [[fr:χρῆμα]]

neutrones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|neutrōnēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|neutrōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|neutron||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|neutron||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|neutron||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|neutron||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|neutron||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|neutron||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

fenestratus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|fenestra}}    * {{l|la|fenestra}}
[[it:fenestratus]]     ===References===
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

Καλυψώ: No change.


Appuleius: No change.


dimidius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:dimidius]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:dimidius]]   [[es:dimidius]]
[[mg:dimidius]]   [[fr:dimidius]]

peculium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:peculium]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:peculium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[pt:peculium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[vi:peculium]]   [[fr:peculium]]

punctatus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|punctum}}     * {{l|la|punctum}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

tritio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|tritiō}}                     {{la-noun-form|tritiō}}
# {{inflection of|tritium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tritium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tritium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tritium||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

ζηλωτής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|zhlwth%2Fs}}  * {{R:LSJ|zhlwth%2Fs}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[pl:ζηλωτής]]          [[el:ζηλωτής]]

ἀνθολογία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}
[[ru:ἀνθολογία]]  [[fr:ἀνθολογία]]

Στέντωρ: No change.


conciliatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

repressus: No change.


ἱπποκρατία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:LBG}}

Paeligni: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====                    ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd|loc=1|num=pl|Paelign}}  {{la-decl-2nd|loc=1|num=pl|Paelign}}
[[Category:la:Tribes]]                ===References===
                                      * {{R:L&S}}

initiator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[eo:initiator]]      [[et:initiator]]
[[fr:initiator]]      [[eo:initiator]]
[[id:initiator]]      [[fr:initiator]]
[[ku:initiator]]      [[id:initiator]]
[[mg:initiator]]      [[ku:initiator]]
[[ml:initiator]]      [[mg:initiator]]
[[my:initiator]]      [[ml:initiator]]
[[nl:initiator]]      [[my:initiator]]
[[pl:initiator]]      [[nl:initiator]]
[[ru:initiator]]      [[pl:initiator]]
[[simple:initiator]]  [[ru:initiator]]
[[fi:initiator]]      [[simple:initiator]]
[[ta:initiator]]      [[fi:initiator]]
[[tr:initiator]]      [[ta:initiator]]
[[vi:initiator]]      [[tr:initiator]]
[[zh:initiator]]      [[vi:initiator]]

naccinus: No change.


tritium: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|triti}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|triti}}
[[de:tritium]]           ===References===
[[et:tritium]]           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:tritium]]           [[de:tritium]]
[[io:tritium]]           [[et:tritium]]
[[ku:tritium]]           [[eu:tritium]]
[[hu:tritium]]           [[fr:tritium]]
[[nl:tritium]]           [[io:tritium]]
[[no:tritium]]           [[ku:tritium]]
[[pl:tritium]]           [[hu:tritium]]
[[ru:tritium]]           [[nl:tritium]]
[[fi:tritium]]           [[no:tritium]]
[[sv:tritium]]           [[pl:tritium]]
[[ta:tritium]]           [[ru:tritium]]
[[vi:tritium]]           [[fi:tritium]]
[[zh:tritium]]           [[sv:tritium]]

harenifodina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἵλημι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}

putresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

oblitero: No change.


discussio: No change.


suburgeo: No change.


βρέμω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:βρέμω]]        [[el:βρέμω]]
[[mg:βρέμω]]        [[fr:βρέμω]]
[[ru:βρέμω]]        [[mg:βρέμω]]

exitum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|exitum}}                    {{la-noun-form|exitum}}
# {{inflection of|exitus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exitus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:exitum]]                              ===References===
[[es:exitum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:exitum]]                              [[ca:exitum]]

Ciceroniane: No change.


ilia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ar:ilia]]       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:ilia]]       * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:ilia]]       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[io:ilia]]       [[ar:ilia]]
[[mg:ilia]]       [[ca:ilia]]
[[my:ilia]]       [[el:ilia]]
[[ja:ilia]]       [[fr:ilia]]
[[pl:ilia]]       [[io:ilia]]
[[sh:ilia]]       [[mg:ilia]]
[[sv:ilia]]       [[my:ilia]]
[[vi:ilia]]       [[ja:ilia]]

honorarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[et:honorarium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ko:honorarium]]   [[et:honorarium]]
[[hy:honorarium]]   [[fr:honorarium]]
[[io:honorarium]]   [[ko:honorarium]]
[[id:honorarium]]   [[hy:honorarium]]
[[it:honorarium]]   [[io:honorarium]]
[[kn:honorarium]]   [[id:honorarium]]
[[sw:honorarium]]   [[it:honorarium]]
[[mg:honorarium]]   [[kn:honorarium]]
[[ml:honorarium]]   [[sw:honorarium]]
[[my:honorarium]]   [[mg:honorarium]]
[[nl:honorarium]]   [[ml:honorarium]]
[[pl:honorarium]]   [[my:honorarium]]
[[ru:honorarium]]   [[nl:honorarium]]
[[fi:honorarium]]   [[pl:honorarium]]
[[sv:honorarium]]   [[ru:honorarium]]
[[ta:honorarium]]   [[fi:honorarium]]
[[chr:honorarium]]  [[sv:honorarium]]
[[vi:honorarium]]   [[ta:honorarium]]
[[zh:honorarium]]   [[chr:honorarium]]

γρύξ: No change.


Σαυρομάτης: No change.


sponsum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sponsum]]    [[cs:sponsum]]
[[ru:sponsum]]    [[fr:sponsum]]

iugerum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:iugerum]]    * {{R:Peck}}

callum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:callum]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:callum]]     [[fr:callum]]

masculine: No change.


μαχανά: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Slater}}
[[el:μαχανά]]     [[el:μαχανά]]
[[ko:μαχανά]]     [[ko:μαχανά]]

γλεῦκος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|1=gleu=kos|w=γλεῦκος}}  * {{R:LSJ|1=gleu=kos|w=γλεῦκος}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}                       * {{R:Strong's}}
                                  * {{R:LBG}}
[[ru:γλεῦκος]]                    [[el:γλεῦκος]]

lapidicida: No change.


λάζομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|la/zomai}}  * {{R:LSJ|la/zomai}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}

intibus: No change.


effuse: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:effuse]]     [[et:effuse]]
[[kn:effuse]]     [[fr:effuse]]
[[ku:effuse]]     [[kn:effuse]]
[[ml:effuse]]     [[ku:effuse]]
[[my:effuse]]     [[ml:effuse]]
[[ru:effuse]]     [[my:effuse]]
[[ta:effuse]]     [[ru:effuse]]
[[vi:effuse]]     [[ta:effuse]]
[[zh:effuse]]     [[vi:effuse]]

inebriatio: No change.


admutilo: No change.


θύμος: No change.


compresso: No change.


μεγάλος: No change.


αὖθι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                         * {{R:DGE}}
                                                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -θι]]  
                                                    [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -θι]]

βύας: No change.


individuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:individuus]]  [[de:individuus]]
[[mg:individuus]]  [[fr:individuus]]

primiformis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ingruo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

helcium: LATIN: References added.

===Descendants===           ===Descendants===
* English: {{l|en|hawser}}  * English: {{l|en|hawser}}
* Italian: {{l|it|alzaia}}  * Italian: {{l|it|alzaia}}
[[fr:helcium]]              ===References===
[[ru:helcium]]              * {{R:L&S}}

adminiculabundus: No change.


roro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:roro]]       [[de:roro]]
[[fr:roro]]       [[es:roro]]
[[ko:roro]]       [[fr:roro]]
[[jv:roro]]       [[ko:roro]]
[[hu:roro]]       [[jv:roro]]
[[mg:roro]]       [[hu:roro]]
[[pt:roro]]       [[mg:roro]]
[[ru:roro]]       [[pt:roro]]
[[vi:roro]]       [[ru:roro]]

olfactus: No change.


Ἀλεξανδρεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====         ====References====
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|221}}     * {{R:Strong's|G|221}}
* {{R:BDAG}}               * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:grc:Demonyms]]  [[Category:grc:Demonyms]]

lances: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lancēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|lancēs}}
# {{inflection of|lanx||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lanx||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lanx||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lanx||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lanx||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lanx||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:L&S}}
                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Γόρδιον: No change.


ὀκτώ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3638}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3638}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:ὀκτώ]]              [[da:ὀκτώ]]
[[el:ὀκτώ]]              [[de:ὀκτώ]]
[[fr:ὀκτώ]]              [[el:ὀκτώ]]
[[ko:ὀκτώ]]              [[fr:ὀκτώ]]
[[is:ὀκτώ]]              [[ko:ὀκτώ]]
[[it:ὀκτώ]]              [[is:ὀκτώ]]
[[lt:ὀκτώ]]              [[it:ὀκτώ]]
[[hu:ὀκτώ]]              [[lt:ὀκτώ]]
[[mg:ὀκτώ]]              [[hu:ὀκτώ]]
[[nl:ὀκτώ]]              [[mg:ὀκτώ]]
[[ja:ὀκτώ]]              [[nl:ὀκτώ]]
[[pl:ὀκτώ]]              [[ja:ὀκτώ]]
[[ru:ὀκτώ]]              [[pl:ὀκτώ]]
[[tr:ὀκτώ]]              [[ru:ὀκτώ]]

propugnaculi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                        ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|prōpugnāculī}}                     {{la-noun-form|prōpugnāculī}}
# {{inflection of|prōpugnāculum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpugnāculum||gen|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

readunatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ustio: No change.


scopos: No change.


pollinctor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|pollinctor}}  {{la-decl-3rd|pollinctor}}
[[ru:pollinctor]]           ===References===
                            * {{R:L&S}}
                            * {{R:Peck}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

centiceps: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

perambulatio: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====           ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|perambulo|perambulō}}  * {{l|la|perambulo|perambulō}}
[[mg:perambulatio]]             ===References===
                                * {{R:du Cange}}


violaceus: No change.


tabidulus: No change.


vora: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|vorā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|vorā}}
# {{inflection of|vorō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vorō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

pelles: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pellēs|f}}                  {{la-noun-form|pellēs|f}}
# {{inflection of|pellis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pellis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pellis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pellis||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pellis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pellis||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:pelles]]                              ===References===
[[el:pelles]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:pelles]]                              [[ar:pelles]]
[[no:pelles]]                              [[el:pelles]]

obortus: No change.


for: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====              ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|fābulor}}                 * {{l|la|fābulor}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:L&S}}
----                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:du Cange}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

beatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[da:beatus]]     [[cs:beatus]]
[[de:beatus]]     [[da:beatus]]
[[et:beatus]]     [[de:beatus]]
[[el:beatus]]     [[et:beatus]]
[[fr:beatus]]     [[el:beatus]]
[[ko:beatus]]     [[fr:beatus]]
[[hr:beatus]]     [[ko:beatus]]
[[li:beatus]]     [[hr:beatus]]
[[mg:beatus]]     [[li:beatus]]
[[ja:beatus]]     [[mg:beatus]]
[[pl:beatus]]     [[ja:beatus]]
[[ru:beatus]]     [[pl:beatus]]
[[fi:beatus]]     [[ru:beatus]]
[[sv:beatus]]     [[fi:beatus]]

circumtergeo: No change.


nove: No change.


Θαμύρας: No change.


Λικιννία: No change.


clipeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[az:clipeus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:clipeus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:clipeus]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[it:clipeus]]    [[az:clipeus]]
[[hu:clipeus]]    [[es:clipeus]]
[[mg:clipeus]]    [[fr:clipeus]]
[[ru:clipeus]]    [[ko:clipeus]]

suspicor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:suspicor]]   [[ko:suspicor]]

persona: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                 ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
===Etymology 2===                                                  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                   * Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber
                                                                   ===Etymology 2===

perfunctorie: No change.


pernix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:pernix]]     [[fr:pernix]]

carinae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|carīnae}}                   {{la-noun-form|carīnae}}
# {{inflection of|carīna||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|carīna||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|carīna||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|carīna||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|carīna||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|carīna||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|carīna||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|carīna||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:carinae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:carinae]]                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[zh:carinae]]                             * {{R:Platner}}

amarius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|amārius}}                       {{la-adj-form|amārius}}
# {{inflection of|amārior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amārior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amārior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amārior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amārior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amārior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

intercise: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:intercise]]  [[it:intercise]]

praerogativatius: No change.


Γαλάτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1011}}     * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}           * {{R:Woodhouse|1011}}
[[Category:grc:Demonyms]]  [[Category:grc:Demonyms]]
[[fr:Γαλάτης]]             [[fr:Γαλάτης]]

phoenicis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|phoenīcis}}                  {{la-noun-form|phoenīcis}}
# {{inflection of|phoenīx||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|phoenīx||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:phoenicis]]                            ===References===
                                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

sympathia: No change.


desuper: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fictus]]     * {{R:M&A}}

pugna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

admirabiliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bibliopola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|biblĭŏpōla}}              * {{R:L&S|biblĭŏpōla}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|biblĭŏpōla|p=216/2}}  * {{R:Gaffiot|biblĭŏpōla|p=216/2}}
* {{R:NLW}}                         * {{R:Peck}}
                                    * {{R:NLW}}
----                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

reddite: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|reddite}}                               {{la-verb-form|reddite}}
# {{inflection of|reddō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reddō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:reddite]]                                         ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

comesus: No change.


Ἐλισάβετ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1665}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1665}}
[[fr:Ἐλισάβετ]]          [[fr:Ἐλισάβετ]]
[[hu:Ἐλισάβετ]]          [[hu:Ἐλισάβετ]]
[[pl:Ἐλισάβετ]]          [[pl:Ἐλισάβετ]]

crines: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|crīnēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|crīnēs}}
# {{inflection of|crīnis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crīnis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnis||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crīnis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnis||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

palatia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|palātia}}                     {{la-noun-form|palātia}}
# {{inflection of|palātium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palātium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palātium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palātium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palātium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palātium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:palatia]]                               ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Stillwell}}

ficula: No change.


intrans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|intrāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|intrāns}}
[[fr:intrans]]                ===References===
[[mg:intrans]]                * {{R:du Cange}}

competa: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|competa}}                     {{la-noun-form|competa}}
# {{inflection of|competum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

Ὤλενος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}

ambulo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                         * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]                                                                                            * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
----                                                                                                                     [[Category:Latin root words]]

expresse: No change.


expositio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:expositio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:expositio]]  [[mg:expositio]]

concreatus: No change.


clavi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|clāvī}}                      {{la-noun-form|clāvī}}
# {{inflection of|clāvis||dat|s|lang=la}}.  # {{inflection of|clāvis||dat|s|lang=la}}.
# {{inflection of|clāvis||abl|s|lang=la}}.  # {{inflection of|clāvis||abl|s|lang=la}}.
# {{inflection of|clāvus||gen|s|lang=la}}.  # {{inflection of|clāvus||gen|s|lang=la}}.
# {{inflection of|clāvus||nom|p|lang=la}}   # {{inflection of|clāvus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clāvus||voc|p|lang=la}}   # {{inflection of|clāvus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:clavi]]                                ===References===
[[cs:clavi]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

rubens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:rubens]]     [[ca:rubens]]
[[hr:rubens]]     [[fr:rubens]]
[[pt:rubens]]     [[hr:rubens]]
[[zh:rubens]]     [[pt:rubens]]

mensuro: No change.


barbata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|barbata}}                        {{la-adj-form|barbata}}
# {{inflection of|barbatus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|barbatus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|barbatus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|barbatus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|barbatus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|barbatus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|barbatus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|barbatus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|barbatus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|barbatus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|barbatā}}                        {{la-adj-form|barbatā}}
# {{inflection of|barbatus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|barbatus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:barbata]]                                 ===References===
[[ku:barbata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[tr:barbata]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

multitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:multitudo]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:multitudo]]   [[cs:multitudo]]
[[la:multitudo]]   [[fr:multitudo]]
[[mg:multitudo]]   [[ko:multitudo]]
[[ja:multitudo]]   [[la:multitudo]]
[[pl:multitudo]]   [[mg:multitudo]]
[[ru:multitudo]]   [[ja:multitudo]]
[[chr:multitudo]]  [[pl:multitudo]]

Τριτογένεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1028}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1028}}
===External links===    
                        ===External links===

indiscussibilis: No change.


sollicito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:sollicito]]  [[fr:sollicito]]
[[ru:sollicito]]  [[ko:sollicito]]
[[sv:sollicito]]  [[ru:sollicito]]

raptor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pectina: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|pectinā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|pectinā}}
# {{inflection of|pectinō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pectinō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                     ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

redactus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:redactus]]   [[fr:redactus]]

vitalia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vītālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|vītālia}}
# {{inflection of|vītālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vītālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vītālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vītālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vītālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vītālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:vitalia]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

centunculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

hera: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}


extracta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|extracta}}                     {{la-noun-form|extracta}}
# {{inflection of|extractum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extractum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|extractum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extractum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|extractum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extractum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

descriptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

edoceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

βινέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|bine/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|bine/w}}
                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[fr:βινέω]]        [[el:βινέω]]

quadrivium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:quadrivium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:quadrivium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ku:quadrivium]]  [[de:quadrivium]]
[[pt:quadrivium]]  [[et:quadrivium]]
[[ro:quadrivium]]  [[fr:quadrivium]]
[[ru:quadrivium]]  [[ku:quadrivium]]
[[fi:quadrivium]]  [[pt:quadrivium]]
[[ta:quadrivium]]  [[ro:quadrivium]]
[[vi:quadrivium]]  [[ru:quadrivium]]
[[zh:quadrivium]]  [[fi:quadrivium]]

dulcifico: No change.


ignicomans: No change.


arceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:arceo]]      [[fr:arceo]]
[[li:arceo]]      [[ko:arceo]]
[[pl:arceo]]      [[li:arceo]]
[[pt:arceo]]      [[pl:arceo]]
[[ru:arceo]]      [[pt:arceo]]

ἄγειν: No change.


redivivus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:redivivus]]                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ka:redivivus]]                             [[et:redivivus]]
[[ku:redivivus]]                             [[fr:redivivus]]
[[pl:redivivus]]                             [[ka:redivivus]]
[[zh:redivivus]]                             [[ku:redivivus]]
[[Category:Latin words suffixed with -vus]]  [[pl:redivivus]]
                                             [[Category:Latin words suffixed with -vus]]

ῥέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4482}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|4482}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:ῥέω]]               [[el:ῥέω]]
[[it:ῥέω]]               [[fr:ῥέω]]
[[lt:ῥέω]]               [[it:ῥέω]]
[[ru:ῥέω]]               [[lt:ῥέω]]

colo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

cubile: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Furniture]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cy:cubile]]              [[Category:la:Furniture]]
[[fr:cubile]]              [[cy:cubile]]
[[ko:cubile]]              [[es:cubile]]
[[ka:cubile]]              [[fr:cubile]]
[[lt:cubile]]              [[ko:cubile]]
[[mg:cubile]]              [[ka:cubile]]
[[fj:cubile]]              [[lt:cubile]]
[[pl:cubile]]              [[mg:cubile]]
[[fi:cubile]]              [[fj:cubile]]
[[chr:cubile]]             [[pl:cubile]]

perferentia: No change.


θειάζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

Εὐρυπτόλεμος: No change.


contenebresco: No change.


scissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:scissus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀθήρωμα: No change.


livido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:livido]]     [[ca:livido]]
[[gl:livido]]     [[fr:livido]]
[[ko:livido]]     [[gl:livido]]
[[io:livido]]     [[ko:livido]]
[[mg:livido]]     [[io:livido]]
[[fj:livido]]     [[mg:livido]]
[[pl:livido]]     [[fj:livido]]
[[tl:livido]]     [[pl:livido]]
[[chr:livido]]    [[tl:livido]]
[[zh:livido]]     [[chr:livido]]

contionabundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

saucia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|saucia}}                        {{la-adj-form|saucia}}
# {{inflection of|saucius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saucius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saucius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saucius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saucius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saucius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saucius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saucius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saucius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saucius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|sauciā}}                        {{la-adj-form|sauciā}}
# {{inflection of|saucius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saucius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:saucia]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

excolo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fy:excolo]]     [[fr:excolo]]
[[ko:excolo]]     [[fy:excolo]]
[[nl:excolo]]     [[ko:excolo]]
[[ru:excolo]]     [[nl:excolo]]

massarum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|massārum}}                 {{la-noun-form|massārum}}
# {{inflection of|massa||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|massa||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:massarum]]                           ===References===
[[fr:massarum]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}

prophetes: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|prophētēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|prophētēs}}
# {{inflection of|prophētō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prophētō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[mg:prophetes]]                                          ===References===
[[pl:prophetes]]                                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

seniores: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|seniōrēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|seniōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|senior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|senior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|senior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|senior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|senior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|senior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|senior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|senior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|senior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|senior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|senior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|senior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ko:seniores]]                              ===References===
[[it:seniores]]                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ψευδής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5281}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5281}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

διασκευαστής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===     ===References===
* {{LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
                     * {{LSJ}}
[[fr:διασκευαστής]]  [[el:διασκευαστής]]

bombus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:bombus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:bombus]]     [[de:bombus]]
[[mg:bombus]]     [[fr:bombus]]
[[ru:bombus]]     [[ko:bombus]]
[[tr:bombus]]     [[mg:bombus]]

maceratura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|mācerātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|mācerātūra}}
# {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|mācerātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|mācerātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mācerātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

transfodio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:transfodio]]   [[el:transfodio]]
[[mg:transfodio]]   [[ko:transfodio]]
[[chr:transfodio]]  [[mg:transfodio]]

exclusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ἀχελῷος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|999}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse|999}}
[[fr:Ἀχελῷος]]         [[el:Ἀχελῷος]]

creatores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|creātōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|creātōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|creātor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|creātor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|creātor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|creātor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|creātor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|creātor||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:creatores]]                            ===References===
[[ja:creatores]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}

tacito: No change.


opertorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:opertorium]]  [[mg:opertorium]]

Ἀλκαῖος: No change.


placo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:placo]]      [[br:placo]]
[[el:placo]]      [[ca:placo]]
[[es:placo]]      [[el:placo]]
[[eu:placo]]      [[es:placo]]
[[fr:placo]]      [[eu:placo]]
[[ko:placo]]      [[fr:placo]]
[[io:placo]]      [[ko:placo]]
[[it:placo]]      [[io:placo]]
[[lt:placo]]      [[it:placo]]
[[mg:placo]]      [[lt:placo]]
[[ja:placo]]      [[mg:placo]]
[[no:placo]]      [[ja:placo]]
[[pl:placo]]      [[no:placo]]
[[pt:placo]]      [[pl:placo]]
[[ru:placo]]      [[pt:placo]]
[[fi:placo]]      [[ru:placo]]
[[chr:placo]]     [[fi:placo]]

adnuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[la:adnuo]]      [[ko:adnuo]]

perlongum: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

deditus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:deditus]]    * {{R:M&A}}

διπλοῦς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{grc-adj-1&2|διπλῆ|διπλοῦν}}                  {{grc-adj-1&2|διπλῆ|διπλοῦν}}
# {{alt form of|from=Attic|διπλόος|lang=grc}}  # {{alt form of|from=Attic|διπλόος|lang=grc}}
[[fr:διπλοῦς]]                                 ===References===
[[mg:διπλοῦς]]                                 * {{R:Strong's}}
[[pl:διπλοῦς]]                                 * {{R:LBG}}
                                               * {{R:Woodhouse}}

pueriliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κτείνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
{{C|grc|War|Violence}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:κτείνω]]           * {{R:Slater}}
[[it:κτείνω]]           {{C|grc|War|Violence}}
[[ru:κτείνω]]           [[el:κτείνω]]

iugalitas: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|iugālitās}}  {{la-decl-3rd|iugālitās}}
[[mg:iugalitas]]           ===References===
                           * {{R:du Cange}}

Quintipor: No change.


recolloco: No change.


instructus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:instructus]]  * {{R:M&A}}

ophiomachus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


Ἕβρος: No change.


paciscor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:paciscor]]   [[ca:paciscor]]
[[fr:paciscor]]   [[es:paciscor]]

aquatica: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aquātica}}                        {{la-adj-form|aquātica}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|aquāticā}}                        {{la-adj-form|aquāticā}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:aquatica]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:aquatica]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

pancratium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Plants]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:pancratium]]       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:pancratium]]       [[Category:la:Plants]]
[[vi:pancratium]]       [[fr:pancratium]]
[[zh:pancratium]]       [[io:pancratium]]

πράττω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===Verb===                                     ===Verb===
{{head|grc|verb|head=πρᾱ́ττω}}                 {{head|grc|verb|head=πρᾱ́ττω}}
# {{alt form of|πρᾱ́σσω|from=Attic|lang=grc}}  # {{alt form of|πρᾱ́σσω|from=Attic|lang=grc}}
[[el:πράττω]]                                  ===References===
[[fr:πράττω]]                                  * {{R:LSJ}}
[[lt:πράττω]]                                  [[el:πράττω]]
[[mg:πράττω]]                                  [[fr:πράττω]]
[[chr:πράττω]]                                 [[it:πράττω]]

textrinus: No change.


morans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|morāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|morāns}}
[[my:morans]]                ===References===
[[sv:morans]]                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

lucesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin defective verbs]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin defective verbs]]
[[ko:lucesco]]                      [[fr:lucesco]]
[[hu:lucesco]]                      [[ko:lucesco]]
[[chr:lucesco]]                     [[hu:lucesco]]

procere: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:procere]]    [[cs:procere]]

nucetum: No change.


praesta: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|praestā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|praestā}}
# {{inflection of|praestō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praestō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[ca:praesta]]                                           ===References===
[[mg:praesta]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}


praefatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:praefatio]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:praefatio]]  [[cs:praefatio]]
[[ru:praefatio]]  [[fr:praefatio]]

puellaris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

perflabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

conlaudantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|conlaudantēs}}                    {{la-part-form|conlaudantēs}}
# {{inflection of|conlaudāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlaudāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlaudāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlaudāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlaudāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlaudāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlaudāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlaudāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlaudāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlaudāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlaudāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlaudāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

εἰκάς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}       * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:LBG}}

Θεράπναι: No change.


asporto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:asporto]]    [[fr:asporto]]
[[it:asporto]]    [[ko:asporto]]
[[ku:asporto]]    [[it:asporto]]
[[mg:asporto]]    [[ku:asporto]]
[[ru:asporto]]    [[mg:asporto]]
[[chr:asporto]]   [[ru:asporto]]

simo: No change.


primulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:primulum]]   * {{R:NLW}}

impotentes: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|impotentēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|impotentēs}}
# {{inflection of|impotēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impotēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impotēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impotēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impotēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impotēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impotēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impotēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impotēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impotēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impotēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impotēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

nuda: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{head|la|adjective form|head=nūdā}}        {{head|la|adjective form|head=nūdā}}
# {{inflection of|nūdus||f|abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūdus||f|abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

vigilans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:vigilans]]   [[fr:vigilans]]
[[sv:vigilans]]   [[ja:vigilans]]

celsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:celsus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:celsus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

aleator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ka:aleator]]    [[fr:aleator]]
[[la:aleator]]    [[ka:aleator]]
[[pl:aleator]]    [[la:aleator]]
[[ro:aleator]]    [[pl:aleator]]
[[sv:aleator]]    [[ro:aleator]]

mundivagus: No change.


septuagesima: LATIN: References added.

===Numeral===                                       ===Numeral===
{{la-num-form|septuāgēsima}}                        {{la-num-form|septuāgēsima}}
# {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-num-form|septuāgēsimā}}                        {{la-num-form|septuāgēsimā}}
# {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|septuāgēsimus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[io:septuagesima]]                                 ===References===
[[sh:septuagesima]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

obaerarius: No change.


otus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|ot}}     {{la-decl-2nd|ot}}
[[Category:la:Birds]]  ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}
[[el:otus]]            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:otus]]            * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[io:otus]]            * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:otus]]            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fi:otus]]            [[Category:la:Birds]]

tenebellae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sanctio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sanctio]]    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[pl:sanctio]]    [[fr:sanctio]]
[[ru:sanctio]]    [[mg:sanctio]]

consalutatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tramitto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exhaurio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:exhaurio]]   [[fr:exhaurio]]
[[mg:exhaurio]]   [[ko:exhaurio]]
[[pl:exhaurio]]   [[mg:exhaurio]]
[[ru:exhaurio]]   [[pl:exhaurio]]

πρέπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* LSJ 8th edition   * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * LSJ 8th edition
[[fr:πρέπω]]        [[el:πρέπω]]
[[lt:πρέπω]]        [[fr:πρέπω]]
[[pt:πρέπω]]        [[lt:πρέπω]]

erro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  
                               [[Category:Latin root words]]

maturator: No change.


monens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|monēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|monēns}}
[[li:monens]]                ===References===
[[fi:monens]]                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

αἱρέσια: No change.


vulnifico: No change.


incendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:incendo]]    [[fr:incendo]]
[[fi:incendo]]    [[ko:incendo]]
[[chr:incendo]]   [[fi:incendo]]

marra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* French: {{l|fr|marre}}   * French: {{l|fr|marre}}
* Italian: {{l|it|marra}}  * Italian: {{l|it|marra}}
----                       ===References===
                           * {{R:L&S}}
                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                           * {{R:Peck}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

caelifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exstirpator: No change.


eucharis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:eucharis]]   [[de:eucharis]]
[[vi:eucharis]]   [[ta:eucharis]]

buccinate: No change.


praetensus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|praetens}}  {{la-decl-1&2|praetens}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἀρέθουσα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}            * {{R:DGE}}
                                  * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}

luci: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

redhibeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:redhibeo]]   [[fr:redhibeo]]
[[mg:redhibeo]]   [[ko:redhibeo]]
[[fj:redhibeo]]   [[mg:redhibeo]]
[[chr:redhibeo]]  [[fj:redhibeo]]

ἐπικλώθω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                   * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
{{catlangname|grc|control verbs}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                   {{catlangname|grc|control verbs}}

βαπτιστής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|910}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Strong's|G|910}}
[[el:βαπτιστής]]        [[de:βαπτιστής]]
[[ko:βαπτιστής]]        [[el:βαπτιστής]]
[[ru:βαπτιστής]]        [[ko:βαπτιστής]]

ambulator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:ambulator]]  [[fr:ambulator]]
[[mg:ambulator]]  [[li:ambulator]]
[[sq:ambulator]]  [[mg:ambulator]]

edormio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

galerum: No change.


epularis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

peripsema: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

codex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                             ====Descendants====
{{top4}}                                                        {{top4}}
* Afrikaans: {{l|af|kode}}, {{l|af|kodeks}}                     * Afrikaans: {{l|af|kode}}, {{l|af|kodeks}}
* Albanian: {{l|sq|kod}}, {{l|sq|kodik}}                        * Albanian: {{l|sq|kod}}, {{l|sq|kodik}}
* Basque: {{l|eu|kode}}                                         * Basque: {{l|eu|kode}}
* Bulgarian: {{l|bg|код}}, {{l|bg|кодекс}}                      * Bulgarian: {{l|bg|код}}, {{l|bg|кодекс}}
* Czech: {{l|cs|kód}}, {{l|cs|kodex}}                           * Czech: {{l|cs|kód}}, {{l|cs|kodex}}
* Danish: {{l|da|kode}}, {{l|da|kodeks}}                        * Danish: {{l|da|kode}}, {{l|da|kodeks}}
* Dutch: {{l|nl|code}}, {{l|nl|codex}}                          * Dutch: {{l|nl|code}}, {{l|nl|codex}}
* English: {{l|en|code}}, {{l|en|codex}}                        * English: {{l|en|code}}, {{l|en|codex}}
{{mid4}}                                                        {{mid4}}
* Esperanto: {{l|eo|kodo}}, {{l|eo|kodekso}}                    * Esperanto: {{l|eo|kodo}}, {{l|eo|kodekso}}
* Estonian: {{l|et|kood}}, {{l|et|koodeks}}                     * Estonian: {{l|et|kood}}, {{l|et|koodeks}}
* Finnish: {{l|fi|koodi}}, {{l|fi|koodeksi}}                    * Finnish: {{l|fi|koodi}}, {{l|fi|koodeksi}}
* French: {{l|fr|code}}, {{l|fr|codex}}                         * French: {{l|fr|code}}, {{l|fr|codex}}
* German: {{l|de|Kode}}, {{l|de|Kodex}}                         * German: {{l|de|Kode}}, {{l|de|Kodex}}
* Hungarian: {{l|hu|kód}}, {{l|hu|kódex}}                       * Hungarian: {{l|hu|kód}}, {{l|hu|kódex}}
* Ido: {{l|io|kodo}}, {{l|io|kodexo}}                           * Ido: {{l|io|kodo}}, {{l|io|kodexo}}
{{mid4}}                                                        {{mid4}}
* Italian: {{l|it|codice}}                                      * Italian: {{l|it|codice}}
* Lithuanian: {{l|lt|kodas}}, {{l|lt|kodeksas}}                 * Lithuanian: {{l|lt|kodas}}, {{l|lt|kodeksas}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|kode}}, {{l|no|kodeks}}                     * Norwegian: {{l|no|kode}}, {{l|no|kodeks}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|còdi}}, {{l|oc|codèx}}                        * Occitan: {{l|oc|còdi}}, {{l|oc|codèx}}
* Polish: {{l|pl|kod}}, {{l|pl|kodeks}}                         * Polish: {{l|pl|kod}}, {{l|pl|kodeks}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|código}}, {{l|pt|códex}}, {{l|pt|códice}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|código}}, {{l|pt|códex}}, {{l|pt|códice}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|cod}}, {{l|ro|codex}}, {{l|ro|codice}}       * Romanian: {{l|ro|cod}}, {{l|ro|codex}}, {{l|ro|codice}}
{{mid4}}                                                        {{mid4}}
* Romansch: {{l|rm|cudesch}}                                    * Romansch: {{l|rm|cudesch}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|код}}, {{l|ru|ко́декс}}                       * Russian: {{l|ru|код}}, {{l|ru|ко́декс}}
* Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|код}}, {{l|sh|кодекс}}                 * Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|код}}, {{l|sh|кодекс}}
* Slovak: {{l|sk|kód}}, {{l|sk|kódex}}                          * Slovak: {{l|sk|kód}}, {{l|sk|kódex}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|código}}, {{l|es|códice}}                     * Spanish: {{l|es|código}}, {{l|es|códice}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|kod}}, {{l|sv|kodex}}                         * Swedish: {{l|sv|kod}}, {{l|sv|kodex}}
* Ukrainian: {{l|uk|код}}, {{l|uk|кодекс}}                      * Ukrainian: {{l|uk|код}}, {{l|uk|кодекс}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|codexe}}                                    * Venetian: {{l|vec|codexe}}
{{bottom}}                                                      {{bottom}}
[[ar:codex]]                                                    ===References===
[[zh-min-nan:codex]]                                            * {{R:L&S}}
[[ca:codex]]                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[de:codex]]                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:codex]]                                                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:codex]]                                                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:codex]]                                                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:codex]]                                                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[hy:codex]]                                                    [[ar:codex]]
[[io:codex]]                                                    [[zh-min-nan:codex]]
[[ka:codex]]                                                    [[ca:codex]]
[[ku:codex]]                                                    [[de:codex]]
[[lt:codex]]                                                    [[et:codex]]
[[hu:codex]]                                                    [[el:codex]]
[[mg:codex]]                                                    [[es:codex]]
[[my:codex]]                                                    [[fr:codex]]
[[fj:codex]]                                                    [[ko:codex]]
[[nl:codex]]                                                    [[hy:codex]]
[[pl:codex]]                                                    [[io:codex]]
[[pt:codex]]                                                    [[ka:codex]]
[[ro:codex]]                                                    [[ku:codex]]
[[ru:codex]]                                                    [[lt:codex]]
[[sv:codex]]                                                    [[hu:codex]]
[[ta:codex]]                                                    [[mg:codex]]
[[chr:codex]]                                                   [[my:codex]]
[[vi:codex]]                                                    [[fj:codex]]
[[zh:codex]]                                                    [[nl:codex]]

functus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:functus]]    [[fr:functus]]
[[ja:functus]]    [[mg:functus]]
[[fi:functus]]    [[ja:functus]]

sepulturarius: No change.


jugulum: No change.


Saturio: No change.


Januarius: No change.


collaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|collāria}}                       {{la-adj-form|collāria}}
# {{inflection of|collāris||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collāris||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collāris||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collāris||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collāris||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collāris||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐπιχώριος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition

memorium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|memorium}}                    {{la-adj-form|memorium}}
# {{inflection of|memor||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memor||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memor||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memor||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memor||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memor||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:memorium]]                             ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

patrimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nigrum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{head|la|adjective form}}                  {{head|la|adjective form}}
# {{inflection of|niger||m|acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|niger||m|acc|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|niger||n|nom|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|niger||n|nom|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|niger||n|acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|niger||n|acc|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|niger||n|voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|niger||n|voc|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

ἔπειτα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:ἔπειτα]]       [[el:ἔπειτα]]

obsecro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:obsecro]]    [[el:obsecro]]
[[ko:obsecro]]    [[fr:obsecro]]
[[mg:obsecro]]    [[ko:obsecro]]
[[ru:obsecro]]    [[mg:obsecro]]

allusio: No change.


retiaculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

iocose: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|iocōse}}                        {{la-adj-form|iocōse}}
# {{inflection of|iocōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iocōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ja:iocose]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

acceptae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|acceptae}}                      {{la-part-form|acceptae}}
# {{inflection of|acceptus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acceptus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acceptus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acceptus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acceptus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acceptus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acceptus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acceptus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:acceptae]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

convomo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πεντεκαιδέκατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pentekaide/katos|w=πεντεκαιδέκᾰτος}}  * {{R:LSJ|pentekaide/katos|w=πεντεκαιδέκᾰτος}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                * {{R:Strong's}}
                                                * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Ἰεφθάε: No change.


senilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:senilis]]    [[de:senilis]]
[[ru:senilis]]    [[fr:senilis]]

Ἀταλάντη: No change.


pacifero: No change.


sero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
----                  * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}

ἡμᾶς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:ἡμᾶς]]        [[de:ἡμᾶς]]
[[el:ἡμᾶς]]        [[el:ἡμᾶς]]
[[fr:ἡμᾶς]]        [[fr:ἡμᾶς]]
[[ko:ἡμᾶς]]        [[ko:ἡμᾶς]]
[[nl:ἡμᾶς]]        [[nl:ἡμᾶς]]
[[pt:ἡμᾶς]]        [[pt:ἡμᾶς]]

castanea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S|castănĕa}}              * {{R:L&S|castănĕa}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|castănĕa|p=271/2}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|castanea|281/3}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|castănĕa|p=271/2}}
                                  * {{R:OLD|1|castanea|281/3}}
[[Category:la:Nuts]]              [[Category:la:Trees]]
[[co:castanea]]                   [[cs:castanea]]
[[de:castanea]]                   [[co:castanea]]
[[fr:castanea]]                   [[de:castanea]]
[[hu:castanea]]                   [[fr:castanea]]
[[fj:castanea]]                   [[hu:castanea]]
[[ja:castanea]]                   [[fj:castanea]]
[[pl:castanea]]                   [[ja:castanea]]
[[ro:castanea]]                   [[pl:castanea]]
[[sv:castanea]]                   [[ro:castanea]]
[[chr:castanea]]                  [[sv:castanea]]
[[tr:castanea]]                   [[chr:castanea]]
[[zh:castanea]]                   [[tr:castanea]]

lacunaris: No change.


βύρσα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition
[[fr:βύρσα]]       [[el:βύρσα]]
[[lt:βύρσα]]       [[fr:βύρσα]]
[[mg:βύρσα]]       [[lt:βύρσα]]
[[ru:βύρσα]]       [[mg:βύρσα]]

κοῖος: No change.


optumus: No change.


iubeo: No change.


abstinenter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[pl:abstinenter]]                                                                                           [[la:abstinenter]]
[[ru:abstinenter]]                                                                                           [[pl:abstinenter]]

adordino: No change.


Octavius: No change.


Κελαιναί: No change.


alapis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|alapīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|alapīs}}
# {{inflection of|alapa||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|alapa||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|alapa||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|alapa||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:alapis]]                             ===References===
[[de:alapis]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

nubificus: No change.


tolerandus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|tolerand}}  {{la-decl-1&2|tolerand}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

canaliculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Peck}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[et:canaliculus]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ta:canaliculus]]  [[et:canaliculus]]
[[te:canaliculus]]  [[id:canaliculus]]
[[vi:canaliculus]]  [[ta:canaliculus]]
[[zh:canaliculus]]  [[te:canaliculus]]

sapitor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sapitor}}                               {{la-verb-form|sapitor}}
# {{inflection of|sapiō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sapiō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sapiō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sapiō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

olivae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|olīvae}}                   {{la-noun-form|olīvae}}
# {{inflection of|olīva||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|olīva||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|olīva||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|olīva||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|olīva||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|olīva||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|olīva||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|olīva||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:olivae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:olivae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

oblimo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

liber: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|līber, ''adj.''|liber1}}  * {{R:L&S|līber, ''adj.''|liber1}}
* {{R:L&S|līber, ''n.''|liber4}}    * {{R:L&S|līber, ''n.''|liber4}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>                       * {{R:M&A}}
                                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]       * {{R:Platner}}
[[Category:Latin heteronyms]]       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
----                                <references/>
                                    [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
                                    [[Category:Latin heteronyms]]

evigilo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:evigilo]]    [[ko:evigilo]]

planto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

juventas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

vehiculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Vehicles]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:vehiculum]]          [[Category:la:Vehicles]]
[[fr:vehiculum]]          [[de:vehiculum]]
[[lo:vehiculum]]          [[el:vehiculum]]
[[la:vehiculum]]          [[es:vehiculum]]
[[mg:vehiculum]]          [[fr:vehiculum]]
[[nl:vehiculum]]          [[lo:vehiculum]]
[[pl:vehiculum]]          [[la:vehiculum]]
[[ru:vehiculum]]          [[mg:vehiculum]]

pulse: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pulse}}                       {{la-part-form|pulse}}
# {{inflection of|pulsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:PersEnc}}

σύμπτωμα: No change.


vestimentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:vestimentum]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ja:vestimentum]]   [[fr:vestimentum]]
[[pl:vestimentum]]   [[mg:vestimentum]]
[[ru:vestimentum]]   [[ja:vestimentum]]
[[chr:vestimentum]]  [[pl:vestimentum]]

cateno: No change.


Vesevus: No change.


distributus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pulsantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pulsantēs}}                    {{la-part-form|pulsantēs}}
# {{inflection of|pulsāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulsāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulsāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[es:pulsantes]]                              ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

hiatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

imbecillus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[fr:imbecillus]]                                                                                                        [[de:imbecillus]]
[[mg:imbecillus]]                                                                                                        [[fr:imbecillus]]
[[pl:imbecillus]]                                                                                                        [[mg:imbecillus]]

unguentarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

archia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|archia}}                     {{la-noun-form|archia}}
# {{inflection of|archium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|archium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|archium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|archium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|archium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|archium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

domestice: No change.


Πρίαπος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

propitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:propitio]]   [[fr:propitio]]
[[ru:propitio]]   [[ko:propitio]]

ἀκροάομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}

augur: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|augur}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>               * {{R:Peck}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
----                        * {{R:Century 1911|augur}}

sagittaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sagittāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|sagittāria}}
# {{inflection of|sagittārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagittārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagittārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagittārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagittārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagittārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagittārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagittārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagittārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagittārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|sagittāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|sagittāriā}}
# {{inflection of|sagittārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagittārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[io:sagittaria]]                                 ===References===
[[vi:sagittaria]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

inaequatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|inaequāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|inaequāt}}
[[fr:inaequatus]]         ===References===
[[mg:inaequatus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

tumidosus: No change.


focis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|focīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|focīs}}
# {{inflection of|focus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|focus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|focus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|focus||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:focis]]                              ===References===
[[fr:focis]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

decoratio: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
* Russian: {{l|ru|декора́ция|tr=dekorácija}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|декора́ция|tr=dekorácija}}
[[fr:decoratio]]                              ===References===
[[mg:decoratio]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

drappus: LATIN: References added.

====References====   ====References====
<references/>        * {{R:du Cange}}

ostensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:ostensio]]   [[fr:ostensio]]

plane: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

submitto: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                      ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|submitt|submīs|submiss}}  {{la-conj-3rd|submitt|submīs|submiss}}
[[fr:submitto]]                         ===References===
[[ko:submitto]]                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[chr:submitto]]                        [[fr:submitto]]

Διονυσοκόλακες: No change.


decretorii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|dēcrētōriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|dēcrētōriī}}
# {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcrētōrius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:decretorii]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

callo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|callō}}                     {{la-noun-form|callō}}
# {{inflection of|callum||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|callum||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|callum||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|callum||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

flagranter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bee: LATIN: References added.

===Interjection===             ===Interjection===
{{la-interj}}                  {{la-interj}}
# [[baa]] (sound of a sheep)   # [[baa]] (sound of a sheep)
[[Category:la:Animal sounds]]  ===References===
                               * {{R:L&S}}
                               [[Category:la:Animal sounds]]

ineluctabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ineluctabilis]]  [[cs:ineluctabilis]]
[[ru:ineluctabilis]]  [[fr:ineluctabilis]]

Iber: No change.


constuprator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:NLW}}

oberro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:oberro]]     [[ko:oberro]]

audiendus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

alcea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}

acetabulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[de:acetabulum]]              [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[ko:acetabulum]]              [[ca:acetabulum]]
[[io:acetabulum]]              [[de:acetabulum]]
[[kn:acetabulum]]              [[fr:acetabulum]]
[[ku:acetabulum]]              [[ko:acetabulum]]
[[hu:acetabulum]]              [[io:acetabulum]]
[[pl:acetabulum]]              [[kn:acetabulum]]
[[ru:acetabulum]]              [[ku:acetabulum]]
[[ta:acetabulum]]              [[hu:acetabulum]]
[[te:acetabulum]]              [[pl:acetabulum]]
[[vi:acetabulum]]              [[ru:acetabulum]]
[[zh:acetabulum]]              [[ta:acetabulum]]

recordativus: No change.


colluctator: No change.


creatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:creatio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[oc:creatio]]    [[fr:creatio]]
[[ru:creatio]]    [[ja:creatio]]

venefica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:venefica]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[sk:venefica]]   [[cs:venefica]]
[[chr:venefica]]  [[ru:venefica]]

conscriptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:conscriptus]]  [[fr:conscriptus]]
[[pl:conscriptus]]  [[la:conscriptus]]

generatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

formos: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|formōs}}                       {{la-adj-form|formōs}}
# {{inflection of|formus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|formus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

aucto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:aucto]]      [[fr:aucto]]
[[la:aucto]]      [[ko:aucto]]
[[mg:aucto]]      [[la:aucto]]
[[ru:aucto]]      [[mg:aucto]]

suffrago: No change.


γάμμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                               ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                    * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                    * {{R:DGE}}
                                               * {{R:LBG}}
[[Category:grc:Greek letter names]]            
[[Category:Ancient Greek indeclinable nouns]]  [[Category:grc:Greek letter names]]
                                               [[Category:Ancient Greek indeclinable nouns]]

τατικός: No change.


expansio: No change.


conditio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:conditio]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:conditio]]   [[fr:conditio]]
[[chr:conditio]]  [[mg:conditio]]

faenum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:faenum]]     [[de:faenum]]
[[fr:faenum]]     [[es:faenum]]
[[it:faenum]]     [[fr:faenum]]
[[hu:faenum]]     [[it:faenum]]
[[mg:faenum]]     [[hu:faenum]]
[[chr:faenum]]    [[mg:faenum]]

profestum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|profestum}}                       {{la-adj-form|profestum}}
# {{inflection of|profestus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|profestus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|profestus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|profestus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|profestus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|profestus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|profestus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|profestus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

praecipitium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:praecipitium]]  [[fr:praecipitium]]
[[ru:praecipitium]]  [[mg:praecipitium]]

lupanaris: No change.


lamentatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:lamentatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:lamentatio]]  [[fr:lamentatio]]
[[ru:lamentatio]]  [[mg:lamentatio]]
[[fi:lamentatio]]  [[ja:lamentatio]]

emunio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:emunio]]     [[ko:emunio]]

βάρβαρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                        ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|ba/rbaros|w=βάρβᾰρος}}          * {{R:LSJ|ba/rbaros|w=βάρβᾰρος}}
* {{R:Slater}}                            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                               * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|915}}                    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                              * {{R:Strong's|G|915}}
* {{R:LBG}}                               * {{R:LBG}}
                                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek onomatopoeias]]  
                                          [[Category:Ancient Greek onomatopoeias]]

amatrix: No change.


demensus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

specio: No change.


infitior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[chr:infitior]]  [[ko:infitior]]

paterno: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|paternō}}                        {{la-adj-form|paternō}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paternus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paternus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:Stillwell}}

sacratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sacratus]]   [[es:sacratus]]
[[ku:sacratus]]   [[fr:sacratus]]
[[mg:sacratus]]   [[ku:sacratus]]

tumide: No change.


contamino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

sexageni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:sexageni]]   [[fr:sexageni]]

ponderosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:ponderosus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abstemius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin words suffixed with -ius]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:abstemius]]                             [[Category:Latin words suffixed with -ius]]
[[ja:abstemius]]                             [[fr:abstemius]]
[[ru:abstemius]]                             [[mg:abstemius]]

apertum: No change.


jubilatio: No change.


σῴζω: No change.


aper: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Mammals]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

senecio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:senecio]]    [[fr:senecio]]
[[ru:senecio]]    [[io:senecio]]

importunitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:importunitas]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praemature: No change.


illapsus: No change.


abdicator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|abdicātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|abdicātor}}
# {{inflection of|abdicō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdicō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abdicō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abdicō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[et:abdicator]]                                        ===References===
[[mg:abdicator]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[my:abdicator]]                                        * {{R:NLW}}
[[simple:abdicator]]                                    [[et:abdicator]]
[[th:abdicator]]                                        [[mg:abdicator]]
[[vi:abdicator]]                                        [[my:abdicator]]
[[zh:abdicator]]                                        [[ru:abdicator]]

pone: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}

abbas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  
                               [[Category:Latin root words]]
[[de:abbas]]                   [[cs:abbas]]
[[et:abbas]]                   [[de:abbas]]
[[fr:abbas]]                   [[et:abbas]]
[[gl:abbas]]                   [[fr:abbas]]
[[it:abbas]]                   [[gl:abbas]]
[[lt:abbas]]                   [[it:abbas]]
[[hu:abbas]]                   [[lt:abbas]]
[[mg:abbas]]                   [[hu:abbas]]
[[my:abbas]]                   [[mg:abbas]]
[[pl:abbas]]                   [[my:abbas]]
[[ru:abbas]]                   [[pl:abbas]]
[[fi:abbas]]                   [[ru:abbas]]

ἆρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
{{R:LSJ}}           {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[el:ἆρα]]          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:ἆρα]]          [[el:ἆρα]]

reverbero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

acus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the fourth declension]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[az:acus]]                                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[co:acus]]                                                 [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the fourth declension]]
[[eu:acus]]                                                 [[az:acus]]
[[fr:acus]]                                                 [[cs:acus]]
[[it:acus]]                                                 [[co:acus]]
[[ku:acus]]                                                 [[es:acus]]
[[la:acus]]                                                 [[eu:acus]]
[[lt:acus]]                                                 [[fr:acus]]
[[hu:acus]]                                                 [[it:acus]]
[[mg:acus]]                                                 [[ku:acus]]
[[fj:acus]]                                                 [[la:acus]]
[[ja:acus]]                                                 [[lt:acus]]
[[pl:acus]]                                                 [[hu:acus]]
[[pt:acus]]                                                 [[mg:acus]]
[[ru:acus]]                                                 [[fj:acus]]
[[fi:acus]]                                                 [[ja:acus]]
[[ta:acus]]                                                 [[pl:acus]]
[[chr:acus]]                                                [[pt:acus]]
[[tr:acus]]                                                 [[ru:acus]]

responsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|respōns}}  {{la-decl-1&2|respōns}}
[[fr:responsus]]         ===References===
[[tr:responsus]]         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:M&A}}
                         * {{R:NLW}}

compactum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                        ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|compactum}}                        {{la-verb-form|compactum}}
# {{inflection of|compaciscor||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|compaciscor||acc|sup|lang=la}}
[[fr:compactum]]                                  ===References===
[[ru:compactum]]                                  * {{R:L&S}}
                                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

cunnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cunnus]]     [[es:cunnus]]
[[it:cunnus]]     [[fr:cunnus]]
[[la:cunnus]]     [[it:cunnus]]
[[mg:cunnus]]     [[la:cunnus]]
[[ja:cunnus]]     [[mg:cunnus]]
[[fi:cunnus]]     [[ja:cunnus]]

ζωή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|zwh/}}         * {{R:LSJ|zwh/}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2222}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2222}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

cachinnosa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cachinnosa}}                        {{la-adj-form|cachinnosa}}
# {{inflection of|cachinnosus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cachinnosus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cachinnosus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cachinnosus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cachinnosus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cachinnosus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cachinnosus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cachinnosus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cachinnosus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cachinnosus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|cachinnosā}}                        {{la-adj-form|cachinnosā}}
# {{inflection of|cachinnosus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cachinnosus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

inaedifico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:inaedifico]]  [[ko:inaedifico]]

quantuscumque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

superstruo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sturnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pisciculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐλάχεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:DGE}}

graece: No change.


Ὀρχομενός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}

Σκηπίων: No change.


ἐπιρρεπής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

dicax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:dicax]]      [[fr:dicax]]

ponto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}

προσκεφάλαιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4344}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4344}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:προσκεφάλαιον]]     [[el:προσκεφάλαιον]]
[[hu:προσκεφάλαιον]]     [[ko:προσκεφάλαιον]]
[[pl:προσκεφάλαιον]]     [[hu:προσκεφάλαιον]]

inopinato: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|inopīnātō}}                        {{la-adj-form|inopīnātō}}
# {{inflection of|inopīnātus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inopīnātus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inopīnātus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inopīnātus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inopīnātus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inopīnātus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inopīnātus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inopīnātus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[it:inopinato]]                                 ===References===
[[pl:inopinato]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

adamas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

εὐάγγελος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|eu)a/ggelos}}       * {{R:LSJ|eu)a/ggelos}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Century 1911|evangel}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                              * {{R:Century 1911|evangel}}

bipedalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:bipedalis]]  [[ca:bipedalis]]

quum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:quum]]       [[es:quum]]
[[la:quum]]       [[fr:quum]]
[[ru:quum]]       [[la:quum]]

agitator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|agitātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|agitātor}}
# {{inflection of|agitō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agitō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agitō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agitō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:L&S}}
                                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

reductus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:reductus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nisus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:nisus]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:nisus]]      * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[ru:nisus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[sv:nisus]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[vi:nisus]]      [[et:nisus]]
[[zh:nisus]]      [[fr:nisus]]

buxetum: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S|buxētum}}              * {{R:L&S|buxētum}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|buxētum|p=233/1}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:du Cange}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot|buxētum|p=233/1}}
* {{R:OLD|1|buxētum|246/1}}      * {{R:OLD|1|buxētum|246/1}}
[[de:buxetum]]                   [[de:buxetum]]
[[fr:buxetum]]                   [[fr:buxetum]]
[[ru:buxetum]]                   [[ru:buxetum]]

concelebro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:concelebro]]  [[es:concelebro]]
[[it:concelebro]]  [[ko:concelebro]]
[[ru:concelebro]]  [[it:concelebro]]

tineo: No change.


clipeo: No change.


bonuscula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐπιτιμάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)pitima/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)pitima/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}

Ioannes: No change.


convenienter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

leggr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====               ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                          {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|læg|g=c}}        * Danish: {{l|da|læg|g=c}}
* English: {{l|en|leg}}           * English: {{l|en|leg}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|leggur|g=m}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|leggur|g=m}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|leggur|g=m}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|leggur|g=m}}
{{mid2}}                          {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|legg|g=m}}    * Norwegian: {{l|no|legg|g=m}}
* Scots: {{l|sco|leg}}            * Scots: {{l|sco|leg}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|lägg|g=c}}      * Swedish: {{l|sv|lägg|g=c}}
{{bottom}}                        {{bottom}}
[[Category:non:Anatomy]]          ===References===
                                  * {{R:Zoega}}
[[ja:leggr]]                      [[Category:non:Anatomy]]
[[sv:leggr]]                      [[gl:leggr]]

fabataria: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fabātāria}}                     {{la-noun-form|fabātāria}}
# {{inflection of|fabātārium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabātārium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fabātārium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabātārium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fabātārium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabātārium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

jactabilis: No change.


pote: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pōte}}                       {{la-part-form|pōte}}
# {{inflection of|pōtus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōtus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:L&S}}
                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

adsectator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|adsectātor}}                               {{la-verb-form|adsectātor}}
# {{inflection of|adsector||2|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsector||2|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsector||3|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsector||3|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:adsectator]]                                         ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Κόνων: No change.


contracta: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:contracta]]  [[fr:contracta]]
[[ro:contracta]]  [[mg:contracta]]

Φιλοποίμην: No change.


halo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aegror: No change.


laudis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|laudis}}                  {{la-noun-form|laudis}}
# {{inflection of|laus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laus||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:laudis]]                            ===References===
[[de:laudis]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:laudis]]                            [[cs:laudis]]

navium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nāvium}}                   {{la-noun-form|nāvium}}
# {{inflection of|nāvis||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāvis||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:navium]]                             ===References===
[[de:navium]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[la:navium]]                             [[cs:navium]]
[[ja:navium]]                             [[de:navium]]

dumeta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dumeta}}                     {{la-noun-form|dumeta}}
# {{inflection of|dumetum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dumetum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dumetum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dumetum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dumetum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dumetum||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

lanio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S|lănĭo|lanio1}}  * {{R:L&S|lănĭo|lanio1}}
* {{R:L&S|lănĭo|lanio2}}  * {{R:L&S|lănĭo|lanio2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|1 lănĭo}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|2 lănĭo}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot|1 lănĭo}}
[[de:lanio]]              * {{R:Gaffiot|2 lănĭo}}
[[fr:lanio]]              [[de:lanio]]
[[ko:lanio]]              [[es:lanio]]
[[io:lanio]]              [[fr:lanio]]
[[mg:lanio]]              [[ko:lanio]]
[[ru:lanio]]              [[io:lanio]]

ninguis: No change.


ausum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:ausum]]      [[fr:ausum]]
[[ru:ausum]]      [[li:ausum]]

prospero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Αὐγέας: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Slater}}

constanter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}

internuntius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sacrifica: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sacrificā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|sacrificā}}
# {{inflection of|sacrificō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrificō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                       ===References===
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

decas: No change.


pedalium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pedālium}}                      {{la-adj-form|pedālium}}
# {{inflection of|pedālis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedālis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedālis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedālis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedālis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedālis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:pedalium]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

pulsator: No change.


κάμμαρος: No change.


subvectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:subvectio]]  [[fr:subvectio]]
[[ru:subvectio]]  [[mg:subvectio]]

ἀσθένεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|769}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|769}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀσθένεια]]         [[af:ἀσθένεια]]
[[ko:ἀσθένεια]]         [[fr:ἀσθένεια]]
[[mg:ἀσθένεια]]         [[ko:ἀσθένεια]]

prime: No change.


innocentiae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
'''innocentiae''' {{g|f}}                      '''innocentiae''' {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|innocentia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|innocentia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|innocentia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|innocentia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|innocentia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|innocentia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|innocentia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|innocentia||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                  ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

μέλω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}

ventriculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ventriculus]]  [[hu:ventriculus]]
[[ja:ventriculus]]  [[mg:ventriculus]]
[[vi:ventriculus]]  [[ja:ventriculus]]
[[zh:ventriculus]]  [[vi:ventriculus]]

exacerbo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

σχῆμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|sxh%3Dma}}     * {{R:LSJ|sxh%3Dma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4976}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4976}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[cs:σχῆμα]]             [[cs:σχῆμα]]
[[de:σχῆμα]]             [[de:σχῆμα]]
[[el:σχῆμα]]             [[el:σχῆμα]]
[[fr:σχῆμα]]             [[fr:σχῆμα]]
[[ko:σχῆμα]]             [[ko:σχῆμα]]
[[lt:σχῆμα]]             [[lt:σχῆμα]]

lares: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Derived terms====  ====Derived terms====
* {{l|la|Lares}}       * {{l|la|Lares}}
----                   ===References===
                       * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                       * {{R:Stillwell}}

fidius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fīdius}}                       {{la-adj-form|fīdius}}
# {{inflection of|fīdior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīdior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīdior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīdior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

dissuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:dissuo]]     [[es:dissuo]]
[[ko:dissuo]]     [[fr:dissuo]]

animatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:animatus]]   [[fr:animatus]]

veteretum: No change.


peraeque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

februo: No change.


diffissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

apicatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

possideo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:possideo]]   [[el:possideo]]
[[ko:possideo]]   [[fr:possideo]]
[[mg:possideo]]   [[ko:possideo]]
[[pl:possideo]]   [[mg:possideo]]
[[ru:possideo]]   [[pl:possideo]]
[[chr:possideo]]  [[ru:possideo]]

dolose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[vi:dolose]]     [[de:dolose]]

cerio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|ceriō}}                     {{la-noun-form|ceriō}}
# {{inflection of|cerium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cerium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cerium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cerium||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

πρόταξις: No change.


arvina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:arvina]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:arvina]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

indomitas: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|indomitās}}                       {{la-adj-form|indomitās}}
# {{inflection of|indomitus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|indomitus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}


digestivus: No change.


psallentium: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|psallentium}}                   {{la-part-form|psallentium}}
# {{inflection of|psallens||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psallens||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|psallens||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psallens||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|psallens||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psallens||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

injuratus: No change.


συναφή: No change.


innuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:innuo]]      [[fr:innuo]]

variabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:variabilis]]  [[ca:variabilis]]
[[fr:variabilis]]  [[el:variabilis]]
[[ku:variabilis]]  [[fr:variabilis]]
[[mg:variabilis]]  [[ku:variabilis]]

platea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

lolium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:lolium]]           [[fr:lolium]]
[[mg:lolium]]           [[io:lolium]]
[[pl:lolium]]           [[mg:lolium]]
[[ru:lolium]]           [[pl:lolium]]

sepulchro: No change.


indages: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abreptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

albucus: LATIN: References added.

===Inflection===       ===Inflection===
{{la-decl-2nd|albūc}}  {{la-decl-2nd|albūc}}
[[ru:albucus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}

relatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:relatio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:relatio]]    * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ut: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>     * {{R:M&A}}

lotaster: No change.


Ἰσθμός: No change.


primigenius: No change.


assertio: No change.


corrupte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:corrupte]]   [[ca:corrupte]]
[[nl:corrupte]]   [[fr:corrupte]]
[[pl:corrupte]]   [[nl:corrupte]]
[[ru:corrupte]]   [[pl:corrupte]]
[[chr:corrupte]]  [[ru:corrupte]]

formatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|fōrmāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|fōrmāt}}
[[fr:formatus]]         ===References===
[[li:formatus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

intexo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:intexo]]     [[fr:intexo]]
[[mg:intexo]]     [[ko:intexo]]

secundarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:secundarius]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:secundarius]]  [[es:secundarius]]

uranologia: No change.


accubitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:accubitio]]  * {{R:Peck}}

ζεύγνυμι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}  * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[cs:ζεύγνυμι]]   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:ζεύγνυμι]]   * {{R:Slater}}
[[it:ζεύγνυμι]]   [[cs:ζεύγνυμι]]
[[lt:ζεύγνυμι]]   [[el:ζεύγνυμι]]
[[mg:ζεύγνυμι]]   [[fr:ζεύγνυμι]]

proripio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:proripio]]   [[fr:proripio]]

scalprum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:scalprum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:scalprum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

sector: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* ''Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary''  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                                         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                             * ''Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary''

aequiformis: No change.


internecive: No change.


fusior: No change.


plectrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Musical instruments]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                     * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:plectrum]]                      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[io:plectrum]]                      [[Category:la:Musical instruments]]
[[ku:plectrum]]                      [[et:plectrum]]
[[mg:plectrum]]                      [[fr:plectrum]]
[[ml:plectrum]]                      [[io:plectrum]]
[[my:plectrum]]                      [[it:plectrum]]
[[nl:plectrum]]                      [[ku:plectrum]]
[[pl:plectrum]]                      [[mg:plectrum]]
[[ru:plectrum]]                      [[ml:plectrum]]
[[fi:plectrum]]                      [[my:plectrum]]
[[ta:plectrum]]                      [[nl:plectrum]]
[[vi:plectrum]]                      [[pl:plectrum]]
[[zh:plectrum]]                      [[ru:plectrum]]

nexus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[et:nexus]]      [[ca:nexus]]
[[el:nexus]]      [[et:nexus]]
[[es:nexus]]      [[el:nexus]]
[[fr:nexus]]      [[es:nexus]]
[[hy:nexus]]      [[fr:nexus]]
[[io:nexus]]      [[hy:nexus]]
[[kn:nexus]]      [[io:nexus]]
[[ku:nexus]]      [[kn:nexus]]
[[la:nexus]]      [[ku:nexus]]
[[hu:nexus]]      [[la:nexus]]
[[mg:nexus]]      [[hu:nexus]]
[[ml:nexus]]      [[mg:nexus]]
[[my:nexus]]      [[ml:nexus]]
[[pl:nexus]]      [[my:nexus]]
[[pt:nexus]]      [[pl:nexus]]
[[fi:nexus]]      [[pt:nexus]]
[[sv:nexus]]      [[fi:nexus]]
[[ta:nexus]]      [[sv:nexus]]
[[chr:nexus]]     [[ta:nexus]]
[[vi:nexus]]      [[chr:nexus]]
[[zh:nexus]]      [[vi:nexus]]

εὔχομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:εὔχομαι]]      [[fr:εὔχομαι]]

praefloreo: No change.


scoria: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                      {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|scoria}}                    * English: {{l|en|scoria}}
* French: {{l|fr|scorie}}                     * French: {{l|fr|scorie}}
* Italian: {{l|it|scoria}}                    * Italian: {{l|it|scoria}}
{{mid2}}                                      {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|escória}}                * Portuguese: {{l|pt|escória}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|scoare}}, {{l|ro|scorie}}  * Romanian: {{l|ro|scoare}}, {{l|ro|scorie}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|escoria}}                   * Spanish: {{l|es|escoria}}
{{bottom}}                                    {{bottom}}
[[ca:scoria]]                                 ===References===
[[et:scoria]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[es:scoria]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:scoria]]                                 [[ca:scoria]]
[[id:scoria]]                                 [[et:scoria]]
[[it:scoria]]                                 [[es:scoria]]
[[ku:scoria]]                                 [[fr:scoria]]
[[hu:scoria]]                                 [[io:scoria]]
[[mg:scoria]]                                 [[id:scoria]]
[[ml:scoria]]                                 [[it:scoria]]
[[my:scoria]]                                 [[ku:scoria]]
[[pl:scoria]]                                 [[hu:scoria]]
[[ru:scoria]]                                 [[mg:scoria]]
[[ta:scoria]]                                 [[ml:scoria]]
[[te:scoria]]                                 [[my:scoria]]
[[vi:scoria]]                                 [[pl:scoria]]
[[zh:scoria]]                                 [[ru:scoria]]

leones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|leōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|leōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|leō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leō||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

turbate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:turbate]]    [[es:turbate]]

extirpator: No change.


aeternus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:aeternus]]       [[az:aeternus]]
[[es:aeternus]]       [[cs:aeternus]]
[[fr:aeternus]]       [[es:aeternus]]
[[ko:aeternus]]       [[fr:aeternus]]
[[it:aeternus]]       [[ko:aeternus]]
[[ku:aeternus]]       [[it:aeternus]]
[[la:aeternus]]       [[ku:aeternus]]
[[lt:aeternus]]       [[la:aeternus]]
[[mg:aeternus]]       [[lt:aeternus]]
[[nl:aeternus]]       [[mg:aeternus]]
[[ja:aeternus]]       [[nl:aeternus]]
[[pl:aeternus]]       [[ja:aeternus]]
[[pt:aeternus]]       [[pl:aeternus]]
[[ru:aeternus]]       [[pt:aeternus]]
[[fi:aeternus]]       [[ru:aeternus]]
[[chr:aeternus]]      [[fi:aeternus]]

circumvagus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

terreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:terreo]]     [[ca:terreo]]
[[es:terreo]]     [[el:terreo]]
[[fr:terreo]]     [[es:terreo]]
[[gl:terreo]]     [[fr:terreo]]
[[ko:terreo]]     [[gl:terreo]]
[[it:terreo]]     [[ko:terreo]]
[[li:terreo]]     [[it:terreo]]
[[mg:terreo]]     [[li:terreo]]
[[pt:terreo]]     [[mg:terreo]]
[[ru:terreo]]     [[pt:terreo]]
[[fi:terreo]]     [[ru:terreo]]
[[chr:terreo]]    [[fi:terreo]]

ἔθω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1486}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:DGE}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|1486}}
[[fr:ἔθω]]               [[el:ἔθω]]
[[lt:ἔθω]]               [[fr:ἔθω]]
[[ru:ἔθω]]               [[lt:ἔθω]]

negatum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|negātum}}                  {{la-verb-form|negātum}}
# {{inflection of|negō||supine|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negō||supine|lang=la}}
[[es:negatum]]                            ===References===
[[fr:negatum]]                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

reportator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|reportātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|reportātor}}
# {{inflection of|reportō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reportō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reportō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reportō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[pl:reportator]]                                        ===References===
[[ru:reportator]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

apologeticus: No change.


cavamen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

actitata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|āctitāta}}                       {{la-part-form|āctitāta}}
# {{inflection of|āctitātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctitātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctitātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctitātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctitātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctitātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctitātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctitātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctitātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctitātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|āctitātā}}                       {{la-part-form|āctitātā}}
# {{inflection of|āctitātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctitātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

profligator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

chirographarius: No change.


principissa: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|prīncipiss}}  {{la-decl-1st|prīncipiss}}
[[mg:principissa]]          ===References===
                            * {{R:du Cange}}

squales: No change.


torques: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====                     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|torques|torqu}}  {{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|torques|torqu}}
[[ca:torques]]                         ===References===
[[de:torques]]                         * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:torques]]                         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Σύλλας: No change.


cotum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cōtum}}                  {{la-noun-form|cōtum}}
# {{inflection of|cōs||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōs||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cotum]]                            ===References===
[[ru:cotum]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}

scriptorium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|scriptōrium}}                       {{la-adj-form|scriptōrium}}
# {{inflection of|scriptōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scriptōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scriptōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scriptōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scriptōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scriptōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scriptōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scriptōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[el:scriptorium]]                                ===References===
[[fr:scriptorium]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ku:scriptorium]]                                [[el:scriptorium]]
[[mg:scriptorium]]                                [[fr:scriptorium]]
[[nl:scriptorium]]                                [[ko:scriptorium]]
[[ru:scriptorium]]                                [[ku:scriptorium]]
[[sv:scriptorium]]                                [[mg:scriptorium]]
[[ta:scriptorium]]                                [[nl:scriptorium]]
[[chr:scriptorium]]                               [[ru:scriptorium]]
[[vi:scriptorium]]                                [[sv:scriptorium]]

volt: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|volt}}                                 {{la-verb-form|volt}}
# {{inflection of|volō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|volō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:L&S}}
                                                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

musta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|musta}}                     {{la-noun-form|musta}}
# {{inflection of|mustum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mustum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mustum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mustum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mustum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mustum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

πτωτικός: No change.


ὀμφή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

mane: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
===Noun===        * {{R:NLW}}

Κῶς: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                   * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}                * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}              * {{R:Strong's}}
[[Category:grc:Islands|Κως]]  * {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}

kirkja: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                                ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                           {{top2}}
* Danish: [[kirke]] {{g|c}}                                        * Danish: [[kirke]] {{g|c}}
* Estonian: [[kirko]]                                              * Estonian: [[kirko]]
* Faroese: [[#Faroese|kirkja]] {{g|f}}                             * Faroese: [[#Faroese|kirkja]] {{g|f}}
* Finnish: [[kirkko]]                                              * Finnish: [[kirkko]]
* French: [[crique]] (in city names only)                          * French: [[crique]] (in city names only)
{{mid2}}                                                           {{mid2}}
* Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|kirkja]] {{g|f}}                         * Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|kirkja]] {{g|f}}
* Norwegian (''bokmål''): [[kirke]] {{g|f}}                        * Norwegian (''bokmål''): [[kirke]] {{g|f}}
** Nynorsk: [[kyrkje]], [[kyrkja]] {{g|f}}                         ** Nynorsk: [[kyrkje]], [[kyrkja]] {{g|f}}
* Swedish: [[kyrka]] {{g|f}} (Old Swedish [[kyrkia]], [[kirkia]])  * Swedish: [[kyrka]] {{g|f}} (Old Swedish [[kyrkia]], [[kirkia]])
* Scots: [[kirk]]                                                  * Scots: [[kirk]]
{{bottom}}                                                         {{bottom}}
[[Category:non:Christianity]]                                      ===References===
                                                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
[[bs:kirkja]]                                                      [[Category:non:Christianity]]
[[de:kirkja]]                                                      [[af:kirkja]]
[[et:kirkja]]                                                      [[bs:kirkja]]
[[fo:kirkja]]                                                      [[da:kirkja]]
[[fr:kirkja]]                                                      [[de:kirkja]]
[[is:kirkja]]                                                      [[et:kirkja]]
[[lt:kirkja]]                                                      [[fo:kirkja]]
[[li:kirkja]]                                                      [[fr:kirkja]]
[[hu:kirkja]]                                                      [[is:kirkja]]
[[mg:kirkja]]                                                      [[lt:kirkja]]
[[nl:kirkja]]                                                      [[li:kirkja]]
[[ja:kirkja]]                                                      [[hu:kirkja]]
[[oc:kirkja]]                                                      [[mg:kirkja]]
[[pl:kirkja]]                                                      [[nl:kirkja]]
[[pt:kirkja]]                                                      [[ja:kirkja]]
[[ru:kirkja]]                                                      [[oc:kirkja]]
[[sm:kirkja]]                                                      [[pl:kirkja]]
[[sh:kirkja]]                                                      [[pt:kirkja]]
[[fi:kirkja]]                                                      [[ru:kirkja]]
[[sv:kirkja]]                                                      [[sm:kirkja]]
[[chr:kirkja]]                                                     [[sh:kirkja]]

suppressio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:suppressio]]  [[fr:suppressio]]
[[ru:suppressio]]  [[mg:suppressio]]

gestiens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|gestiēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|gestiēns}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

famulor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ὄνειον: No change.


perquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sensibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sensibilis]]  [[de:sensibilis]]
[[mg:sensibilis]]  [[fr:sensibilis]]

λείπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3007}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3007}}

grassor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:grassor]]    [[fr:grassor]]

orbatus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

dimico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:dimico]]     [[el:dimico]]
[[ko:dimico]]     [[es:dimico]]
[[pt:dimico]]     [[ko:dimico]]
[[ru:dimico]]     [[pt:dimico]]

lusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:lusus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:lusus]]      [[es:lusus]]

calatum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|calātum}}                   {{la-verb-form|calātum}}
# {{inflection of|calō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
[[es:calatum]]                             ===References===
[[fr:calatum]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[li:calatum]]                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

detestatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:detestatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

relevatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|relevātum}}                      {{la-part-form|relevātum}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:relevatum]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

inconsideratus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====                     ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|inconsideratio|inconsīderātio}}  * {{l|la|inconsideratio|inconsīderātio}}
[[fr:inconsideratus]]                     ===References===
[[mg:inconsideratus]]                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

refreno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

tremula: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tremula}}                        {{la-adj-form|tremula}}
# {{inflection of|tremulus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tremulus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tremulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tremulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tremulus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tremulus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tremulus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tremulus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tremulus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tremulus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|tremulā}}                        {{la-adj-form|tremulā}}
# {{inflection of|tremulus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tremulus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

viscus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  <references />
[[io:viscus]]     [[fr:viscus]]
[[ku:viscus]]     [[io:viscus]]
[[pl:viscus]]     [[ku:viscus]]
[[ru:viscus]]     [[pl:viscus]]
[[fi:viscus]]     [[ru:viscus]]
[[sv:viscus]]     [[fi:viscus]]
[[ta:viscus]]     [[sv:viscus]]
[[vi:viscus]]     [[ta:viscus]]
[[zh:viscus]]     [[vi:viscus]]

framr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                              ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|da|fremri}} (only comparative)  * Icelandic: {{l|da|fremri}} (only comparative)
                                                 * {{R:Zoega}}

certe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:certe]]      [[cs:certe]]
[[el:certe]]      [[de:certe]]
[[fr:certe]]      [[el:certe]]
[[ko:certe]]      [[fr:certe]]
[[io:certe]]      [[ko:certe]]
[[it:certe]]      [[io:certe]]
[[mg:certe]]      [[it:certe]]
[[nl:certe]]      [[mg:certe]]
[[ja:certe]]      [[nl:certe]]
[[pl:certe]]      [[ja:certe]]
[[ru:certe]]      [[pl:certe]]
[[fi:certe]]      [[ru:certe]]
[[chr:certe]]     [[fi:certe]]
[[zh:certe]]      [[chr:certe]]

glaebulentus: No change.


aerumnosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

laureola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:laureola]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

manda: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|mandā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|mandā}}
# {{inflection of|mandō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mandō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

interrogo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

picis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|picis}}                    {{la-noun-form|picis}}
# {{inflection of|pix||gen|s|lang=la}}    # {{inflection of|pix||gen|s|lang=la}}
{{la-noun-form|pīcīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|pīcīs}}
# {{inflection of|pīcus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīcus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pīcus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīcus||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:picis]]                              ===References===
[[cs:picis]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:picis]]                              [[ca:picis]]
[[id:picis]]                              [[cs:picis]]

παρίστημι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3936}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3936}}

incantator: No change.


privatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:privatus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:privatus]]   [[cs:privatus]]
[[ko:privatus]]   [[co:privatus]]
[[lt:privatus]]   [[fr:privatus]]
[[mg:privatus]]   [[ko:privatus]]
[[pt:privatus]]   [[lt:privatus]]
[[sv:privatus]]   [[mg:privatus]]
[[chr:privatus]]  [[pt:privatus]]

affabre: No change.


defore: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ligamen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:ligamen]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[id:ligamen]]    [[es:ligamen]]
[[mg:ligamen]]    [[fr:ligamen]]
[[fi:ligamen]]    [[id:ligamen]]

curis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:curis]]      [[cs:curis]]
[[fr:curis]]      [[de:curis]]


pilamalleus: No change.


stylus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[da:stylus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:stylus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:stylus]]     [[da:stylus]]
[[ko:stylus]]     [[de:stylus]]
[[io:stylus]]     [[et:stylus]]
[[kn:stylus]]     [[fr:stylus]]
[[ku:stylus]]     [[ko:stylus]]
[[hu:stylus]]     [[io:stylus]]
[[pl:stylus]]     [[kn:stylus]]
[[fi:stylus]]     [[ku:stylus]]
[[ta:stylus]]     [[hu:stylus]]
[[vi:stylus]]     [[pl:stylus]]
[[zh:stylus]]     [[fi:stylus]]

ψάρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[ru:ψάρ]]          [[fr:ψάρ]]

τροπικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|tropiko/s}}        * {{R:LSJ|tropiko/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Century 1911|tropic}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                             * {{R:Century 1911|tropic}}

revinco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:revinco]]    [[ko:revinco]]


Δαυλίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1008}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1008}}


fimbriatum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fimbriātum}}                       {{la-adj-form|fimbriātum}}
# {{inflection of|fimbriātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fimbriātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fimbriātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fimbriātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fimbriātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fimbriātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fimbriātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fimbriātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

conscribo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:conscribo]]   [[ca:conscribo]]
[[fr:conscribo]]   [[el:conscribo]]
[[ko:conscribo]]   [[fr:conscribo]]
[[pl:conscribo]]   [[ko:conscribo]]
[[chr:conscribo]]  [[pl:conscribo]]

fractae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fractae}}                      {{la-part-form|fractae}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:fractae]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

inquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:inquam]]     [[fr:inquam]]
[[la:inquam]]     [[ko:inquam]]
[[mg:inquam]]     [[la:inquam]]
[[pl:inquam]]     [[mg:inquam]]
[[chr:inquam]]    [[pl:inquam]]

byggja: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Conjugation====                                   ====Conjugation====
{{non-conj-weak1-long|bygg|1j=byggj|bygð|bygð|bygð}}  {{non-conj-weak1-long|bygg|1j=byggj|bygð|bygð|bygð}}
[[da:byggja]]                                         ===References===
[[de:byggja]]                                         * {{R:Zoega}}
[[ko:byggja]]                                         [[da:byggja]]
[[is:byggja]]                                         [[de:byggja]]
[[li:byggja]]                                         [[fr:byggja]]
[[hu:byggja]]                                         [[ko:byggja]]
[[mg:byggja]]                                         [[is:byggja]]
[[nl:byggja]]                                         [[li:byggja]]
[[pl:byggja]]                                         [[hu:byggja]]
[[ru:byggja]]                                         [[mg:byggja]]
[[sv:byggja]]                                         [[nl:byggja]]
[[chr:byggja]]                                        [[pl:byggja]]

ambulatae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ambulātae}}                      {{la-part-form|ambulātae}}
# {{inflection of|ambulātus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambulātus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambulātus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambulātus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambulātus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambulātus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambulātus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambulātus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:ambulatae]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

puditus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|pudit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|pudit}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

ministratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ministratio]]  [[de:ministratio]]
[[ru:ministratio]]  [[mg:ministratio]]

sessilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Eurydice: No change.


enervatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ēnervāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ēnervāt}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ascriptor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

refectorium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun|g=n|second declension}}  {{head|la|noun|g=n|second declension}}
{{attention|la|add inflected forms}}    {{attention|la|add inflected forms}}
# {{lb|la|Late Latin}} [[refectory]]    # {{lb|la|Late Latin}} [[refectory]]
[[fr:refectorium]]                      ===References===
[[nl:refectorium]]                      * {{R:du Cange}}

eduli: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|edūlī}}                        {{la-adj-form|edūlī}}
# {{inflection of|edūlis||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|edūlis||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|edūlis||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|edūlis||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|edūlis||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|edūlis||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|edūlis||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|edūlis||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|edūlis||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|edūlis||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|edūlis||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|edūlis||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[it:eduli]]                                 ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

Πρωταγόρας: No change.


publicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:publicus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:publicus]]   [[cs:publicus]]
[[fr:publicus]]   [[de:publicus]]
[[ko:publicus]]   [[es:publicus]]
[[hr:publicus]]   [[fr:publicus]]
[[io:publicus]]   [[ko:publicus]]
[[la:publicus]]   [[hr:publicus]]
[[mg:publicus]]   [[io:publicus]]
[[ja:publicus]]   [[la:publicus]]
[[pl:publicus]]   [[mg:publicus]]
[[ru:publicus]]   [[ja:publicus]]

εὐθύνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[mg:εὐθύνω]]       [[fr:εὐθύνω]]

jus gentium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                      ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun|head=[[jus]] [[gentium]]}}       {{head|la|noun|head=[[jus]] [[gentium]]}}
# {{medieval spelling of|ius gentium|lang=la}}  # {{medieval spelling of|ius gentium|lang=la}}
[[es:jus gentium]]                              ===References===
[[ku:jus gentium]]                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                [[es:jus gentium]]
                                                [[ku:jus gentium]]

οἰκουμενικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                                        * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                                   * {{R:LBG}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -ικός|οικουμενικος]]  
                                                                   [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -ικός|οικουμενικος]]

mellaria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mellāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|mellāria}}
# {{inflection of|mellārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mellārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mellārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mellārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mellārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|mellāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|mellāriā}}
# {{inflection of|mellārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

jurisconsultus: No change.


ascopa: LATIN: References added.

====Synonyms====              ====Synonyms====
* {{l|la|ascopera|ascopēra}}  * {{l|la|ascopera|ascopēra}}
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

cala: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|calā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|calā}}
# {{inflection of|calō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:L&S}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

illicio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:illicio]]    [[fr:illicio]]
[[ru:illicio]]    [[ko:illicio]]

bellule: No change.


inhumanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:inhumanus]]   [[mg:inhumanus]]
[[chr:inhumanus]]  [[ru:inhumanus]]

σχίσις: No change.


crepitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:crepitus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[vi:crepitus]]   [[fr:crepitus]]

diuturne: No change.


credendus: LATIN: References added.

====Derived terms====               ====Derived terms====
* {{l|la|incredendus|incrēdendus}}  * {{l|la|incredendus|incrēdendus}}
[[ja:credendus]]                    ===References===
[[fi:credendus]]                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

humo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}

alisma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:alisma]]           [[es:alisma]]
[[nl:alisma]]           [[fr:alisma]]

utique: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:utique]]     * {{R:Stillwell}}

tabularius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}

adsurgo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                                     ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|type=nopass|adsurg|adsurrex|adsurrect}}  {{la-conj-3rd|type=nopass|adsurg|adsurrex|adsurrect}}
[[ko:adsurgo]]                                         ===References===
                                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Βενιαμίν: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                          ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                               * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                                                                                          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{w|Strong's Concordance}} number: [ G958]  * {{w|Strong's Concordance}} number: [ G958]
----                                                                                                                      ----

effluvium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[eo:effluvium]]  [[et:effluvium]]
[[fr:effluvium]]  [[eo:effluvium]]
[[ko:effluvium]]  [[fr:effluvium]]
[[io:effluvium]]  [[ko:effluvium]]
[[is:effluvium]]  [[io:effluvium]]
[[ku:effluvium]]  [[is:effluvium]]
[[mg:effluvium]]  [[ku:effluvium]]
[[my:effluvium]]  [[mg:effluvium]]
[[pl:effluvium]]  [[my:effluvium]]
[[ru:effluvium]]  [[pl:effluvium]]
[[ta:effluvium]]  [[ru:effluvium]]
[[te:effluvium]]  [[ta:effluvium]]
[[vi:effluvium]]  [[te:effluvium]]
[[zh:effluvium]]  [[vi:effluvium]]

benefacio: No change.


assuefacio: No change.


Syracusae: No change.


formum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|formum}}                       {{la-adj-form|formum}}
# {{inflection of|formus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|formus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:formum]]                                ===References===
[[ja:formum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

chrysocalis: No change.


admissura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

circumscripte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:circumscripte]]  [[pl:circumscripte]]

mirabundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sollemne: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sollemne}}                        {{la-adj-form|sollemne}}
# {{inflection of|sollemnis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sollemnis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sollemnis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sollemnis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sollemnis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sollemnis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:sollemne]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:sollemne]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

coactus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:coactus]]    [[cs:coactus]]
[[mg:coactus]]    [[fr:coactus]]
[[fi:coactus]]    [[mg:coactus]]

χιλιοστός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xiliosto/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|xiliosto/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

detergeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:detergeo]]   [[ca:detergeo]]
[[ko:detergeo]]   [[fr:detergeo]]
[[zh:detergeo]]   [[ko:detergeo]]

laros: No change.


obstinatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:obstinatio]]  [[de:obstinatio]]

extollentia: No change.


hydraulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:hydraulus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

gari: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|garī}}                     {{la-noun-form|garī}}
# {{inflection of|garum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|garum||gen|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

cofinus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|cofin}}  {{la-decl-2nd|cofin}}
[[mg:cofinus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

ophicardelos: No change.


clarior: No change.


pammachum: No change.


fratricidium: No change.


urso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun form|g=m}}                 {{head|la|noun form|g=m}}
# {{inflection of|ursus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ursus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ursus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ursus||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]             ===References===
                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
----                                      * {{R:Stillwell}}
                                          [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

alumnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>           * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  <references/>
[[ca:alumnus]]          [[Category:la:Family]]
[[et:alumnus]]          [[ca:alumnus]]
[[fr:alumnus]]          [[cs:alumnus]]
[[ko:alumnus]]          [[et:alumnus]]
[[hy:alumnus]]          [[fr:alumnus]]
[[io:alumnus]]          [[ko:alumnus]]
[[id:alumnus]]          [[hy:alumnus]]
[[kn:alumnus]]          [[io:alumnus]]
[[ku:alumnus]]          [[id:alumnus]]
[[mg:alumnus]]          [[kn:alumnus]]
[[my:alumnus]]          [[ku:alumnus]]
[[ps:alumnus]]          [[mg:alumnus]]
[[pl:alumnus]]          [[my:alumnus]]
[[pt:alumnus]]          [[ps:alumnus]]
[[ru:alumnus]]          [[pl:alumnus]]
[[simple:alumnus]]      [[pt:alumnus]]
[[sv:alumnus]]          [[ru:alumnus]]
[[ta:alumnus]]          [[simple:alumnus]]
[[tg:alumnus]]          [[sv:alumnus]]
[[tr:alumnus]]          [[ta:alumnus]]
[[vi:alumnus]]          [[tg:alumnus]]
[[zh:alumnus]]          [[tr:alumnus]]

fosse: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fosse}}                       {{la-part-form|fosse}}
# {{inflection of|fossus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fossus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

retergeo: No change.


σιγμοειδής: No change.


neophytus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:neophytus]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

lucri: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lucrī}}                     {{la-noun-form|lucrī}}
# {{inflection of|lucrum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lucrum||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:lucri]]                               ===References===
[[it:lucri]]                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ja:lucri]]                               [[fr:lucri]]

miseritus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:miseritus]]  [[de:miseritus]]

lutosus: No change.


exsolvo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

superans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

propello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:propello]]   [[el:propello]]
[[ko:propello]]   [[fr:propello]]

centoculus: No change.


ager: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

rubricatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:rubricatus]]  [[de:rubricatus]]

remus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:remus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:remus]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fr:remus]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:remus]]      [[el:remus]]
[[ja:remus]]      [[es:remus]]
[[pl:remus]]      [[fr:remus]]
[[ru:remus]]      [[la:remus]]
[[chr:remus]]     [[mg:remus]]

pedica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:pedica]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:pedica]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:pedica]]     [[el:pedica]]

parturio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:parturio]]   [[fr:parturio]]
[[mg:parturio]]   [[ko:parturio]]
[[ru:parturio]]   [[mg:parturio]]

subveniens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|subveniēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|subveniēns}}
                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

enitesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

saties: No change.


vice: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

occidentalis: No change.


mussitator: No change.


σάρξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====                                                                     ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                         * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4561}}                                                                * {{R:Strong's|G|4561}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* [ The PIE root *tu̯erk̑-.]  * [ The PIE root *tu̯erk̑-.]
[[da:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[da:σάρξ]]
[[el:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[el:σάρξ]]
[[es:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[es:σάρξ]]
[[fr:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[fr:σάρξ]]
[[ko:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[ko:σάρξ]]
[[hu:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[hu:σάρξ]]
[[mg:σάρξ]]                                                                            [[mg:σάρξ]]

γαμέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1060}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|1060}}
[[fr:γαμέω]]             [[el:γαμέω]]
[[it:γαμέω]]             [[fr:γαμέω]]
[[lt:γαμέω]]             [[it:γαμέω]]
[[ru:γαμέω]]             [[lt:γαμέω]]

commemoratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:commemoratio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Afer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:Afer]]       [[af:Afer]]
[[es:Afer]]       [[de:Afer]]
[[fr:Afer]]       [[es:Afer]]
[[hu:Afer]]       [[fr:Afer]]
[[ru:Afer]]       [[hu:Afer]]

gladius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Weapons]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:gladius]]           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[et:gladius]]           [[Category:la:Weapons]]
[[eu:gladius]]           [[cs:gladius]]
[[fr:gladius]]           [[de:gladius]]
[[fy:gladius]]           [[et:gladius]]
[[ko:gladius]]           [[el:gladius]]
[[io:gladius]]           [[eu:gladius]]
[[kn:gladius]]           [[fr:gladius]]
[[lo:gladius]]           [[fy:gladius]]
[[la:gladius]]           [[ko:gladius]]
[[hu:gladius]]           [[io:gladius]]
[[mg:gladius]]           [[kn:gladius]]
[[ja:gladius]]           [[lo:gladius]]
[[pl:gladius]]           [[la:gladius]]
[[ru:gladius]]           [[hu:gladius]]
[[sr:gladius]]           [[mg:gladius]]
[[sv:gladius]]           [[ja:gladius]]
[[chr:gladius]]          [[pl:gladius]]
[[tr:gladius]]           [[ru:gladius]]

largitiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|largītiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|largītiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|largītiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|largītiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|largītiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|largītiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|largītiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|largītiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

snjallr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                              ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|snjallur}}, {{l|is|snjall}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|snjallur}}, {{l|is|snjall}}
*Faroese: {{l|is|snjallur}}                      *Faroese: {{l|is|snjallur}}
*Norwegian: {{l|is|snill}}                       *Norwegian: {{l|is|snill}}
*Old Swedish: {{l|is|sniælder, snælder}}         *Old Swedish: {{l|is|sniælder, snælder}}
**Swedish: {{l|is|snäll}}                        **Swedish: {{l|is|snäll}}
*Danish: {{l|is|snild}}                          *Danish: {{l|is|snild}}
[[sv:snjallr]]                                   ===References===
                                                 * {{R:Zoega}}

glabresco: No change.


mellitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* [ Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid] from Kevin Cawley at the University of Notre Dame Archives.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                                                                     * [ Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid] from Kevin Cawley at the University of Notre Dame Archives.

permadefacio: No change.


aspello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:aspello]]    [[fr:aspello]]


conscissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

hoedus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

carabus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|carab}}  {{la-decl-2nd|carab}}
[[fr:carabus]]         ===References===
[[io:carabus]]         * {{R:L&S}}
[[mg:carabus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

cameraria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|camerāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|camerāria}}
# {{inflection of|camerārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camerārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|camerārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camerārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|camerārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camerārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|camerārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camerārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|camerārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camerārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|camerāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|camerāriā}}
# {{inflection of|camerārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camerārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:cameraria]]                                 ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἰουστινιανός: No change.


mammona: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|mammōn}}  {{la-decl-1st|mammōn}}
[[fr:mammona]]          ===References===
[[io:mammona]]          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fi:mammona]]          [[fr:mammona]]

discubitus: No change.


farinarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

perlonge: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tablinum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Rooms]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ca:tablinum]]        [[Category:la:Rooms]]
[[mg:tablinum]]        [[ca:tablinum]]
[[ru:tablinum]]        [[fr:tablinum]]
[[sh:tablinum]]        [[mg:tablinum]]
[[ta:tablinum]]        [[ru:tablinum]]
[[chr:tablinum]]       [[sh:tablinum]]

trames: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

modestus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:modestus]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:modestus]]   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

celeriuscule: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

ὑπόστρωμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                              ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|u(po/strwma}}                                       * {{R:LSJ|u(po/strwma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                                              * {{R:Bailly}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|υποστρωμα]]  
[[ko:ὑπόστρωμα]]                                              [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|υποστρωμα]]

commenta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|commenta}}                     {{la-noun-form|commenta}}
# {{inflection of|commentum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commentum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|commentum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commentum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|commentum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commentum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:commenta]]                               ===References===
[[it:commenta]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

leria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

prodictus: No change.


hisce: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|hīsce}}                                 {{la-verb-form|hīsce}}
# {{inflection of|hīscō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hīscō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:hisce]]                                           ===References===
                                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

incincta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|incīncta}}                       {{la-part-form|incīncta}}
# {{inflection of|incīnctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incīnctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incīnctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incīnctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incīnctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incīnctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incīnctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incīnctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incīnctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incīnctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|incīnctā}}                       {{la-part-form|incīnctā}}
# {{inflection of|incīnctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incīnctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:incincta]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

furtim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[sh:furtim]]     [[fr:furtim]]

discribo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

increbresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}

enumero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lucifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:lucifer]]    * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[eu:lucifer]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:lucifer]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[kn:lucifer]]    [[da:lucifer]]
[[ku:lucifer]]    [[eu:lucifer]]
[[hu:lucifer]]    [[fr:lucifer]]
[[mg:lucifer]]    [[io:lucifer]]
[[ml:lucifer]]    [[kn:lucifer]]
[[nl:lucifer]]    [[ku:lucifer]]
[[pl:lucifer]]    [[hu:lucifer]]
[[pt:lucifer]]    [[mg:lucifer]]
[[ru:lucifer]]    [[ml:lucifer]]
[[sm:lucifer]]    [[nl:lucifer]]
[[sl:lucifer]]    [[pl:lucifer]]
[[sr:lucifer]]    [[pt:lucifer]]
[[sh:lucifer]]    [[ru:lucifer]]
[[ta:lucifer]]    [[sm:lucifer]]
[[te:lucifer]]    [[sl:lucifer]]
[[chr:lucifer]]   [[sr:lucifer]]
[[vi:lucifer]]    [[sh:lucifer]]
[[zh:lucifer]]    [[ta:lucifer]]

crassae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|crassae}}                       {{la-adj-form|crassae}}
# {{inflection of|crassus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crassus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crassus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crassus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crassus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crassus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crassus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crassus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:crassae]]                                ===References===
[[ja:crassae]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

faldr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                    ===Noun===
{{non-noun|m}}                {{non-noun|m}}
# [[seam]]                    # [[seam]]
[[Category:Old Norse nouns]]  ===References===
                              * {{R:Zoega}}
                              [[Category:Old Norse nouns]]

armarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Furniture]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                           * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:armarium]]            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:armarium]]            [[Category:la:Furniture]]
[[sv:armarium]]            [[de:armarium]]

iurisconsultus: No change.


castigator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:castigator]]  [[fr:castigator]]
[[pl:castigator]]  [[mg:castigator]]
[[ru:castigator]]  [[pl:castigator]]
[[ta:castigator]]  [[ru:castigator]]
[[vi:castigator]]  [[ta:castigator]]

anatinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ἀρχίλοχος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}

rotunda: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rotunda}}                        {{la-adj-form|rotunda}}
# {{inflection of|rotundus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotundus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotundus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotundus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotundus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotundus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotundus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotundus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|rotundā}}                        {{la-adj-form|rotundā}}
# {{inflection of|rotundus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotundus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

suppuratio: No change.


perpulsus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|perpuls}}  {{la-decl-1&2|perpuls}}
                         * {{R:L&S}}

memoro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                       * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:memoro]]          [[zh-min-nan:memoro]]
[[es:memoro]]          [[el:memoro]]
[[fr:memoro]]          [[es:memoro]]
[[ko:memoro]]          [[fr:memoro]]
[[io:memoro]]          [[ko:memoro]]
[[kn:memoro]]          [[io:memoro]]
[[lo:memoro]]          [[kn:memoro]]
[[hu:memoro]]          [[lo:memoro]]
[[mg:memoro]]          [[hu:memoro]]
[[ja:memoro]]          [[mg:memoro]]
[[pl:memoro]]          [[ja:memoro]]
[[pt:memoro]]          [[pl:memoro]]
[[ru:memoro]]          [[pt:memoro]]
[[chr:memoro]]         [[ru:memoro]]
[[tr:memoro]]          [[chr:memoro]]

acanthis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:acanthis]]                [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[mg:acanthis]]                [[de:acanthis]]
[[sv:acanthis]]                [[fr:acanthis]]

ἀναγκαιότης: No change.


aethalus: No change.


apponendum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                      ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|appōnendum}}                     {{la-verb-form|appōnendum}}
# {{inflection of|appōnō||acc|gerund|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|appōnō||acc|gerund|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

amethystizon: No change.


angustiatio: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

agitatrix: No change.


ἀγαθοεργέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:ἀγαθοεργέω]]  [[el:ἀγαθοεργέω]]

habitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

=====Descendants=====                                       =====Descendants=====
{{top3}}                                                    {{top3}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|hàbit}}                                   * Catalan: {{l|ca|hàbit}}
* English: {{l|en|habit}}                                   * English: {{l|en|habit}}
* French: {{l|fr|habit}}                                    * French: {{l|fr|habit}}
* Irish: {{l|ga|aibíd}}                                     * Irish: {{l|ga|aibíd}}
{{mid3}}                                                    {{mid3}}
* Italian: {{l|it|abito}}                                   * Italian: {{l|it|abito}}
* Lombard: {{l|lmo|abet}}                                   * Lombard: {{l|lmo|abet}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|abit}}, {{l|fro|habit}}               * Old French: {{l|fro|abit}}, {{l|fro|habit}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|hábito}}                               * Portuguese: {{l|pt|hábito}}
{{mid3}}                                                    {{mid3}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|габитус}}                                 * Russian: {{l|ru|габитус}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|àpidu}}, {{l|sc|àpitu}}, {{l|sc|àpiu}}  * Sardinian: {{l|sc|àpidu}}, {{l|sc|àpitu}}, {{l|sc|àpiu}}
* Scottish Gaelic: {{l|gd|abaid}}                           * Scottish Gaelic: {{l|gd|abaid}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|hábito}}                                  * Spanish: {{l|es|hábito}}
{{bottom}}                                                  {{bottom}}
[[co:habitus]]                                              ===References===
[[el:habitus]]                                              * {{R:L&S}}
[[es:habitus]]                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:habitus]]                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[id:habitus]]                                              * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:habitus]]                                              [[co:habitus]]
[[my:habitus]]                                              [[el:habitus]]
[[ja:habitus]]                                              [[es:habitus]]
[[ro:habitus]]                                              [[fr:habitus]]
[[ru:habitus]]                                              [[id:habitus]]
[[sh:habitus]]                                              [[hu:habitus]]
[[fi:habitus]]                                              [[mg:habitus]]
[[sv:habitus]]                                              [[my:habitus]]
[[ta:habitus]]                                              [[ja:habitus]]
[[tr:habitus]]                                              [[ro:habitus]]
[[vi:habitus]]                                              [[ru:habitus]]
[[zh:habitus]]                                              [[sh:habitus]]

apprimus: No change.


pinguedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

festum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S|festum|festus1}}  * {{R:L&S|festum|festus1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:festum]]               * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:festum]]               [[da:festum]]
[[hu:festum]]               [[de:festum]]
[[mg:festum]]               [[fr:festum]]
[[ja:festum]]               [[hu:festum]]
[[pl:festum]]               [[mg:festum]]
[[ru:festum]]               [[ja:festum]]
[[sh:festum]]               [[pl:festum]]
[[sv:festum]]               [[ru:festum]]
[[chr:festum]]              [[sh:festum]]
[[zh:festum]]               [[sv:festum]]

flagrans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exarsus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|exars}}  {{la-decl-1&2|exars}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐνωμοτάρχης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

proxume: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

annalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:annalis]]    * {{R:NLW}}
[[cs:annalis]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ko:annalis]]    [[ca:annalis]]
[[hr:annalis]]    [[cs:annalis]]
[[la:annalis]]    [[fr:annalis]]

ἄσφαλτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[el:ἄσφαλτος]]     * {{R:LBG}}
[[fr:ἄσφαλτος]]     * {{R:Woodhouse}}

ἀσφοδελός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}  * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}

audens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obsceno: No change.


renuntia: No change.


cado: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                             * {{R:M&A}}
                                        * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]  
                                        [[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]
[[el:cado]]                             [[de:cado]]
[[es:cado]]                             [[el:cado]]
[[fr:cado]]                             [[es:cado]]
[[ko:cado]]                             [[fr:cado]]
[[id:cado]]                             [[ko:cado]]
[[la:cado]]                             [[id:cado]]
[[lt:cado]]                             [[la:cado]]
[[hu:cado]]                             [[lt:cado]]
[[mg:cado]]                             [[hu:cado]]
[[fj:cado]]                             [[mg:cado]]
[[pl:cado]]                             [[fj:cado]]
[[pt:cado]]                             [[pl:cado]]
[[ru:cado]]                             [[pt:cado]]
[[chr:cado]]                            [[ru:cado]]
[[wa:cado]]                             [[chr:cado]]

Κέκροψ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}

lecte: No change.


imbrifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

competitrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

esses: LATIN: References added.

=====Synonyms=====   =====Synonyms=====
* [[ederes|ederēs]]  * [[ederes|ederēs]]
----                 ===References===
                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

mollitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

inconstanter: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====             ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|inconstans|incōnstāns}}  * {{l|la|inconstans|incōnstāns}}
[[fr:inconstanter]]               ===References===
                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

nuces: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nucēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|nucēs}}
# {{inflection of|nux||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nux||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nux||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nux||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nux||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nux||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:nuces]]                            ===References===
[[mg:nuces]]                            * {{R:Peck}}
                                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Ἐπαμεινώνδας: No change.


adfectatio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|adfectātiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|adfectātiō}}
[[fr:adfectatio]]           ===References===
                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

fraternis: No change.


formicans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|formīcāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|formīcāns}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

undeviginti: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[co:undeviginti]]   [[az:undeviginti]]
[[de:undeviginti]]   [[co:undeviginti]]
[[et:undeviginti]]   [[de:undeviginti]]
[[es:undeviginti]]   [[et:undeviginti]]
[[fr:undeviginti]]   [[es:undeviginti]]
[[ko:undeviginti]]   [[fr:undeviginti]]
[[is:undeviginti]]   [[ko:undeviginti]]
[[it:undeviginti]]   [[is:undeviginti]]
[[la:undeviginti]]   [[it:undeviginti]]
[[lt:undeviginti]]   [[la:undeviginti]]
[[hu:undeviginti]]   [[lt:undeviginti]]
[[nl:undeviginti]]   [[hu:undeviginti]]
[[pl:undeviginti]]   [[nl:undeviginti]]
[[pt:undeviginti]]   [[pl:undeviginti]]
[[ro:undeviginti]]   [[pt:undeviginti]]
[[ru:undeviginti]]   [[ro:undeviginti]]
[[sv:undeviginti]]   [[ru:undeviginti]]
[[th:undeviginti]]   [[sv:undeviginti]]
[[tg:undeviginti]]   [[th:undeviginti]]
[[chr:undeviginti]]  [[tg:undeviginti]]
[[uk:undeviginti]]   [[chr:undeviginti]]

corniculatus: No change.


cacus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:cacus]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

assertor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:assertor]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ta:assertor]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

indisciplinate: No change.


incolatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:incolatus]]  [[fr:incolatus]]

necatrix: No change.


austrinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

rose: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|rōse}}                       {{la-part-form|rōse}}
# {{inflection of|rōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:PersEnc}}

Εὐριπίδης: No change.


θυμός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                  * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2372}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
{{C|grc|Emotions|Thinking}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                             * {{R:Strong's|G|2372}}
----                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                             * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]

praeposita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}

sudarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:sudarium]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sudarium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:sudarium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[hu:sudarium]]   [[el:sudarium]]
[[mg:sudarium]]   [[fr:sudarium]]
[[ru:sudarium]]   [[io:sudarium]]
[[ta:sudarium]]   [[it:sudarium]]

sitibundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praecantor: No change.


πρᾶγμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                          * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                           * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Century 1911|pragmatic}}                             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                           * {{R:Century 1911|pragmatic}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|πραγμα]]  
                                                           [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|πραγμα]]
[[de:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[cs:πρᾶγμα]]
[[el:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[de:πρᾶγμα]]
[[fr:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[el:πρᾶγμα]]
[[ko:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[fr:πρᾶγμα]]
[[lt:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[ko:πρᾶγμα]]
[[hu:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[lt:πρᾶγμα]]
[[mg:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[hu:πρᾶγμα]]
[[pt:πρᾶγμα]]                                              [[mg:πρᾶγμα]]

agnos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|agnōs}}                    {{la-noun-form|agnōs}}
# {{inflection of|agnus||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agnus||acc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                          * {{R:PersEnc}}

ἀπαθής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

πυρέσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4445}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|4445}}
[[fr:πυρέσσω]]           [[el:πυρέσσω]]
[[hu:πυρέσσω]]           [[fr:πυρέσσω]]

tenebrosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:tenebrosus]]  [[fr:tenebrosus]]
[[pl:tenebrosus]]  [[mg:tenebrosus]]

repetendus: No change.


largitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praecursor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[chr:praecursor]]  [[fr:praecursor]]

torqueo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:torqueo]]    [[ca:torqueo]]
[[ko:torqueo]]    [[fr:torqueo]]
[[mg:torqueo]]    [[ko:torqueo]]
[[ja:torqueo]]    [[mg:torqueo]]
[[ru:torqueo]]    [[ja:torqueo]]
[[chr:torqueo]]   [[ru:torqueo]]

antiquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[es:antiquo]]    [[cs:antiquo]]
[[fr:antiquo]]    [[es:antiquo]]
[[ko:antiquo]]    [[fr:antiquo]]
[[io:antiquo]]    [[ko:antiquo]]
[[ja:antiquo]]    [[io:antiquo]]
[[pl:antiquo]]    [[ja:antiquo]]
[[ru:antiquo]]    [[pl:antiquo]]

acutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:acutus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:acutus]]     [[az:acutus]]
[[fr:acutus]]     [[cs:acutus]]
[[ko:acutus]]     [[de:acutus]]
[[it:acutus]]     [[fr:acutus]]
[[la:acutus]]     [[ko:acutus]]
[[mg:acutus]]     [[it:acutus]]
[[fj:acutus]]     [[la:acutus]]
[[nl:acutus]]     [[mg:acutus]]
[[pl:acutus]]     [[fj:acutus]]
[[pt:acutus]]     [[nl:acutus]]
[[ru:acutus]]     [[pl:acutus]]
[[chr:acutus]]    [[pt:acutus]]

provisor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:provisor]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ioculator: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====    ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|ioculor}}       * {{l|la|ioculor}}
* {{l|la|ioculātōrius}}  * {{l|la|ioculātōrius}}
* {{l|la|iocus}}         * {{l|la|iocus}}
[[de:ioculator]]         ===References===
[[fr:ioculator]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

adulescentulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:adulescentulus]]  [[mg:adulescentulus]]

πιστός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

πώγων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:πώγων]]       [[el:πώγων]]
[[ko:πώγων]]       [[fr:πώγων]]
[[ru:πώγων]]       [[ko:πώγων]]
[[tr:πώγων]]       [[ru:πώγων]]

apo: No change.


orbe: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|orbium}}                   {{la-noun-form|orbium}}
# {{inflection of|orbis||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|orbis||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:Stillwell}}

Gymnasium: No change.


salutatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:salutatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:salutatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:salutatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ἀρκτικός: No change.


proconsul: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:proconsul]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:proconsul]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:proconsul]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[pl:proconsul]]  [[ca:proconsul]]
[[ro:proconsul]]  [[fr:proconsul]]
[[ru:proconsul]]  [[io:proconsul]]
[[te:proconsul]]  [[ku:proconsul]]
[[vi:proconsul]]  [[pl:proconsul]]
[[zh:proconsul]]  [[ro:proconsul]]

receptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:receptus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fi:receptus]]   [[el:receptus]]

praealtus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vericulum: No change.


angulum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|angulum}}                    {{la-noun-form|angulum}}
# {{inflection of|angulus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|angulus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:angulum]]                              ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

stipulatus: No change.


balanx: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====      ====Declension====
{{la-decl-3rd|balanx}}  {{la-decl-3rd|balanx}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

immolatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:immolatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:immolatio]]  [[fr:immolatio]]

Ἀκταίων: No change.


Albis: No change.


Canopus: No change.


diuturna: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|diūturna}}                        {{la-adj-form|diūturna}}
# {{inflection of|diūturnus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diūturnus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diūturnus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diūturnus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diūturnus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diūturnus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diūturnus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diūturnus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diūturnus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diūturnus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|diūturnā}}                        {{la-adj-form|diūturnā}}
# {{inflection of|diūturnus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diūturnus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:diuturna]]                                 ===References===
[[it:diuturna]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

iniucunditas: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|iniūcunditās}}  {{la-decl-3rd|iniūcunditās}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

elaboro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

precativus: No change.


Parca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dispensator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ro:dispensator]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:dispensator]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

obsonator: No change.


gladiolus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                  ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|giaggiolo}}                        * Italian: {{l|it|giaggiolo}}
* French: {{l|fr|glaïeul}}                           * French: {{l|fr|glaïeul}}
* Norwegian: {{l-nb|gladiolus}}, {{l-nn|gladiolus}}  * Norwegian: {{l-nb|gladiolus}}, {{l-nn|gladiolus}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|glaujòl}}                          * Occitan: {{l|oc|glaujòl}}
[[Category:la:Flowers]]                              ===References===
[[Category:en:Iris family plants]]                   * {{R:L&S}}
----                                                 [[Category:la:Flowers]]
                                                     [[Category:en:Iris family plants]]

bercaria: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
<references />    * {{R:du Cange}}
                  <references />

deservio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:deservio]]   [[ko:deservio]]
[[zh:deservio]]   [[ru:deservio]]

Chersonesus: No change.


versiculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pelvis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

quadragenarius: No change.


vastitudo: No change.


amplector: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[chr:amplector]]  [[ko:amplector]]

astrapoplectus: No change.


librata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|lībrāta}}                       {{la-part-form|lībrāta}}
# {{inflection of|lībrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lībrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lībrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lībrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lībrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|lībrātā}}                       {{la-part-form|lībrātā}}
# {{inflection of|lībrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:librata]]                                 ===References===
[[it:librata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

quantusvis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:L&S|quantusvīs}}                * {{R:L&S|quantusvīs}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|quantusvīs|p=1,293/3}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                      * {{R:Gaffiot|quantusvīs|p=1,293/3}}

academia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                             ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|academia}}, {{l|en|academy}}  * English: {{l|en|academia}}, {{l|en|academy}}
* Italian: {{l|it|accademia}}                   * Italian: {{l|it|accademia}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|academia}}                 * Portuguese: {{l|pt|academia}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|academia}}                    * Spanish: {{l|es|academia}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:NLW}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

rixa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

madesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:madesco]]    [[es:madesco]]
[[ru:madesco]]    [[fr:madesco]]

solempne: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sōlempne}}                        {{la-adj-form|sōlempne}}
# {{inflection of|sōlempnis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlempnis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sōlempnis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlempnis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sōlempnis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlempnis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

bracae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Clothing]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:bracae]]             [[Category:la:Clothing]]
[[ru:bracae]]             [[fr:bracae]]
[[sm:bracae]]             [[ku:bracae]]

bifera: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bifera}}                      {{la-adj-form|bifera}}
# {{inflection of|bifer||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bifer||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bifer||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bifer||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bifer||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bifer||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bifer||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bifer||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bifer||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bifer||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|biferā}}                      {{la-adj-form|biferā}}
# {{inflection of|bifer||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bifer||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

modulum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|modulum}}                    {{la-noun-form|modulum}}
# {{inflection of|modulus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|modulus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

Aegyptus: No change.



corsa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S|corsae|corsae}}  * {{R:L&S|corsae|corsae}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:du Cange}}
                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:corsa]]               [[az:corsa]]
[[cs:corsa]]               [[ca:corsa]]
[[co:corsa]]               [[cs:corsa]]
[[de:corsa]]               [[co:corsa]]
[[fr:corsa]]               [[de:corsa]]
[[it:corsa]]               [[fr:corsa]]
[[hu:corsa]]               [[it:corsa]]
[[mg:corsa]]               [[hu:corsa]]
[[ml:corsa]]               [[mg:corsa]]
[[fj:corsa]]               [[ml:corsa]]
[[pl:corsa]]               [[fj:corsa]]
[[pt:corsa]]               [[pl:corsa]]
[[ru:corsa]]               [[pt:corsa]]
[[scn:corsa]]              [[ru:corsa]]
[[fi:corsa]]               [[scn:corsa]]
[[chr:corsa]]              [[fi:corsa]]
[[zh:corsa]]               [[chr:corsa]]

cornix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Birds]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:cornix]]            [[Category:la:Corvids]]
[[ko:cornix]]            [[az:cornix]]
[[hr:cornix]]            [[fr:cornix]]
[[ky:cornix]]            [[ko:cornix]]
[[la:cornix]]            [[hr:cornix]]
[[mg:cornix]]            [[ky:cornix]]
[[pl:cornix]]            [[la:cornix]]
[[ru:cornix]]            [[mg:cornix]]
[[tr:cornix]]            [[pl:cornix]]

damnatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:damnatus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

devius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:devius]]     [[el:devius]]
[[mg:devius]]     [[fr:devius]]
[[nl:devius]]     [[mg:devius]]

oratrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[vi:oratrix]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

letales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lētālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|lētālēs}}
# {{inflection of|lētālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lētālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lētālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lētālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lētālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lētālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lētālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lētālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lētālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lētālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lētālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lētālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

arvalis: No change.


aristas: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aristās}}                   {{la-noun-form|aristās}}
# {{inflection of|arista||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arista||acc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:PersEnc}}

ἐπιθυμία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1939}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|1939}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
{{C|grc|Emotions}}       * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]
[[fr:ἐπιθυμία]]          {{C|grc|Emotions}}
[[lt:ἐπιθυμία]]          [[fr:ἐπιθυμία]]
[[mg:ἐπιθυμία]]          [[ko:ἐπιθυμία]]
[[pl:ἐπιθυμία]]          [[lt:ἐπιθυμία]]

cohabito: No change.


orestion: No change.


αὐλή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                 * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}              * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}                 * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|833}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|833}}
                            * {{R:LBG}}
[[Category:grc:Buildings]]  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:αὐλή]]                 [[Category:grc:Buildings]]
[[hu:αὐλή]]                 [[fr:αὐλή]]
[[ru:αὐλή]]                 [[ko:αὐλή]]

περιτρέχω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}

aures: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aurēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|aurēs}}
# {{inflection of|auris||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auris||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|auris||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auris||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|auris||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auris||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:aures]]                              ===References===
[[cs:aures]]                              * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:aures]]                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:aures]]                              [[ca:aures]]
[[ja:aures]]                              [[cs:aures]]

helluor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[pt:helluor]]      [[fr:helluor]]
[[chr:helluor]]     [[pt:helluor]]

fragilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fragilis]]   [[el:fragilis]]
[[mg:fragilis]]   [[fr:fragilis]]

levitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

finium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fīnium}}                   {{la-noun-form|fīnium}}
# {{inflection of|fīnis||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīnis||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:finium]]                             ===References===
[[fr:finium]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ja:finium]]                             [[cs:finium]]
[[fi:finium]]                             [[fr:finium]]

majusculus: No change.


credentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                    ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|crēdentēs}}                          {{la-part-form|crēdentēs}}
# {{inflection of|crēdēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:credentes]]                                    ===References===
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

auroreus: No change.


tenaculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:tenaculum]]  [[fr:tenaculum]]
[[mg:tenaculum]]  [[ku:tenaculum]]
[[ta:tenaculum]]  [[mg:tenaculum]]

increpito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:increpito]]  [[fr:increpito]]
[[ru:increpito]]  [[ko:increpito]]

decertator: No change.


corruptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:corruptus]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:corruptus]]  [[fr:corruptus]]

brynja: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                       ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|brynja}}                              * Icelandic: {{l|is|brynja}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|brynja}}                                * Faroese: {{l|fo|brynja}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|brynje}}                              * Norwegian: {{l|no|brynje}}
* Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|brynia}}, {{l|gmq-osw|brønia}}  * Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|brynia}}, {{l|gmq-osw|brønia}}
** Swedish: {{l|sv|brynja}}                               ** Swedish: {{l|sv|brynja}}
* Danish: {{l|da|brynje}}                                 * Danish: {{l|da|brynje}}
[[Category:non:Armor]]                                    ===References===
                                                          * {{R:Zoega}}

transpositus: No change.


ἔντερα: No change.


ima: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                            ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|īma}}                        {{la-adj-form|īma}}
# {{inflection of|īmus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īmus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īmus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īmus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īmus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īmus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īmus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īmus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īmus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īmus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|īmā}}                        {{la-adj-form|īmā}}
# {{inflection of|īmus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īmus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

miseria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

pavimentator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|pavimentātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|pavimentātor}}
# {{inflection of|pavimentō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pavimentō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pavimentō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pavimentō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[li:pavimentator]]                                        ===References===
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

supervivo: No change.


phycitis: No change.


messorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

inter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[am:inter]]      * {{R:NLW}}
[[ca:inter]]      [[am:inter]]
[[cs:inter]]      [[br:inter]]
[[cy:inter]]      [[ca:inter]]
[[de:inter]]      [[cs:inter]]
[[et:inter]]      [[cy:inter]]
[[el:inter]]      [[de:inter]]
[[es:inter]]      [[et:inter]]
[[eo:inter]]      [[el:inter]]
[[fa:inter]]      [[es:inter]]
[[fr:inter]]      [[eo:inter]]
[[ko:inter]]      [[fa:inter]]
[[hy:inter]]      [[fr:inter]]
[[hr:inter]]      [[ko:inter]]
[[io:inter]]      [[hy:inter]]
[[it:inter]]      [[hr:inter]]
[[kn:inter]]      [[io:inter]]
[[kk:inter]]      [[it:inter]]
[[ku:inter]]      [[kn:inter]]
[[la:inter]]      [[kk:inter]]
[[lt:inter]]      [[ku:inter]]
[[hu:inter]]      [[la:inter]]
[[mg:inter]]      [[lt:inter]]
[[ml:inter]]      [[hu:inter]]
[[my:inter]]      [[mg:inter]]
[[fj:inter]]      [[ml:inter]]
[[nl:inter]]      [[my:inter]]
[[ja:inter]]      [[fj:inter]]
[[no:inter]]      [[nl:inter]]
[[pl:inter]]      [[ja:inter]]
[[pt:inter]]      [[no:inter]]
[[ro:inter]]      [[pl:inter]]
[[ru:inter]]      [[pt:inter]]
[[simple:inter]]  [[ro:inter]]
[[sk:inter]]      [[ru:inter]]
[[fi:inter]]      [[simple:inter]]
[[ta:inter]]      [[sk:inter]]
[[te:inter]]      [[fi:inter]]
[[chr:inter]]     [[ta:inter]]
[[vi:inter]]      [[te:inter]]
[[zh:inter]]      [[chr:inter]]

inludo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|inlūd|inlūs|inlūs}}  {{la-conj-3rd|inlūd|inlūs|inlūs}}
[[ko:inludo]]                      ===References===
                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

tenuiter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

alibi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

moderans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|moderāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|moderāns}}
[[fr:moderans]]                ===References===
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

elephans: No change.


vorator: No change.


teutonica: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|teutonica}}                        {{la-adj-form|teutonica}}
# {{inflection of|teutonicus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|teutonicus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|teutonicus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|teutonicus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|teutonicus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|teutonicus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|teutonicus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|teutonicus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|teutonicus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|teutonicus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|teutonicā}}                        {{la-adj-form|teutonicā}}
# {{inflection of|teutonicus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|teutonicus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

additamentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:additamentum]]  [[fr:additamentum]]
[[pl:additamentum]]  [[mg:additamentum]]
[[ru:additamentum]]  [[pl:additamentum]]

tenebrico: No change.


vacue: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vacue}}                        {{la-adj-form|vacue}}
# {{inflection of|vacuus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vacuus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:vacue]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:vacue]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[io:vacue]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:vacue]]                                 [[cs:vacue]]
[[ru:vacue]]                                 [[fr:vacue]]

πτέρνα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

mancipo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:mancipo]]    [[ca:mancipo]]
[[fr:mancipo]]    [[es:mancipo]]
[[ko:mancipo]]    [[fr:mancipo]]
[[pt:mancipo]]    [[ko:mancipo]]
[[ru:mancipo]]    [[pt:mancipo]]

rallum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:rallum]]     [[fr:rallum]]

ignigenus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[la:ignigenus]]  [[fr:ignigenus]]

pollice verso: LATIN: References added.

===See also===                                                    ===See also===
* [[w:Gladiator#Misconceptions|Misconceptions about gladiators]]  * [[w:Gladiator#Misconceptions|Misconceptions about gladiators]]
[[ru:pollice verso]]                                              ===References===
                                                                  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                  [[ru:pollice verso]]

καλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|kalo/s2|w=καλός, ή, όν}}  * {{R:LSJ|kalo/s2|w=καλός, ή, όν}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                   * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}                         * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                    * {{R:LBG}}
                                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                                * {{grc-Beekes}}

μάλα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:μάλα]]         [[el:μάλα]]
[[ko:μάλα]]         [[fr:μάλα]]
[[it:μάλα]]         [[ko:μάλα]]
[[mg:μάλα]]         [[it:μάλα]]

dissoluti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dissolutī}}                       {{la-part-form|dissolutī}}
# {{inflection of|dissolutus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissolutus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissolutus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissolutus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissolutus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissolutus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissolutus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissolutus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

λάγηνος: No change.


incineratio: LATIN: References added.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}

vociferatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:vociferatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:vociferatio]]  [[fr:vociferatio]]

afis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|afīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|afīs}}
# {{inflection of|afa||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|afa||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|afa||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|afa||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[tr:afis]]                             ===References===
                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

gelide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)

κακοθυμία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|kakoqumi/a}}  * {{R:LSJ|kakoqumi/a}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Bailly}}

solennis: No change.


interstellaris: No change.


laborantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                     ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|labōrantēs}}                          {{la-part-form|labōrantēs}}
# {{inflection of|labōrāns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrāns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|labōrāns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrāns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|labōrāns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrāns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
[[es:laborantes]]                                    ===References===
[[nl:laborantes]]                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

pravus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pravus]]     [[de:pravus]]
[[mg:pravus]]     [[fr:pravus]]
[[ru:pravus]]     [[mg:pravus]]
[[fi:pravus]]     [[ru:pravus]]

subterseco: No change.


credulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:credulus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:credulus]]   [[fr:credulus]]

pactus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:pactus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:pactus]]     [[ca:pactus]]
[[fi:pactus]]     [[es:pactus]]

προάγω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[mg:προάγω]]     [[el:προάγω]]
[[chr:προάγω]]    [[mg:προάγω]]

munerabundus: No change.


quadricornium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quadricornium}}                      {{la-adj-form|quadricornium}}
# {{inflection of|quadricornis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quadricornis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quadricornis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quadricornis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quadricornis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quadricornis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

mustela: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Carnivores]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[eo:mustela]]              [[Category:la:Carnivores]]
[[hu:mustela]]              [[eo:mustela]]
[[mg:mustela]]              [[fr:mustela]]
[[pl:mustela]]              [[hu:mustela]]
[[ro:mustela]]              [[mg:mustela]]


sublectus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|sublēct}}  {{la-decl-1&2|sublēct}}
[[fr:sublectus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:L&S}}

aduro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

δόξα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|do/ca^}}       * {{R:LSJ|do/ca^}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1391}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1391}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

quaerito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:quaerito]]   [[mg:quaerito]]

Tiberis: No change.


Ἑρμιόνη: No change.


Τυνδάρεως: No change.


destitutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:destitutus]]  [[fr:destitutus]]

iugalis: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
* English: [[jugal]]          * English: [[jugal]]
* French: {{l|fr|jugal}}      * French: {{l|fr|jugal}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|jugal}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|jugal}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|giuale}}  * Sardinian: {{l|sc|giuale}}
[[fr:iugalis]]                ===References===
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

discissura: No change.


supplicantia: No change.


percurso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|percursō}}                       {{la-part-form|percursō}}
# {{inflection of|percursus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|percursus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|percursus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|percursus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|percursus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|percursus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|percursus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|percursus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}
                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

cella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
----              * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

lenius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lēnius}}                       {{la-adj-form|lēnius}}
# {{inflection of|lēnior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lēnior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lēnior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lēnior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lēnior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lēnior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

lassitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:lassitudo]]  [[fr:lassitudo]]
[[nl:lassitudo]]  [[mg:lassitudo]]
[[ru:lassitudo]]  [[nl:lassitudo]]

paupertas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:paupertas]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[hu:paupertas]]   [[fr:paupertas]]
[[mg:paupertas]]   [[lo:paupertas]]
[[pl:paupertas]]   [[hu:paupertas]]
[[ru:paupertas]]   [[mg:paupertas]]
[[chr:paupertas]]  [[pl:paupertas]]

annavigo: No change.


Σθενόβοια: No change.


defluvium: No change.


peramanter: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|peramans}}    * {{l|la|peramans}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

festinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tranquillo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

munificus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

autem: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:autem]]      [[cs:autem]]
[[el:autem]]      [[de:autem]]
[[es:autem]]      [[el:autem]]
[[fr:autem]]      [[es:autem]]
[[ko:autem]]      [[fr:autem]]
[[la:autem]]      [[ko:autem]]
[[mg:autem]]      [[la:autem]]
[[nl:autem]]      [[mg:autem]]
[[ja:autem]]      [[nl:autem]]
[[pl:autem]]      [[ja:autem]]
[[sk:autem]]      [[pl:autem]]
[[chr:autem]]     [[sk:autem]]

throni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|thronī}}                     {{la-noun-form|thronī}}
# {{inflection of|thronus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|thronus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|thronus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|thronus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|thronus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|thronus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:throni]]                               ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

stella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

nixor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

normatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|normāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|normāt}}
[[fr:normatus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}

finitimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:finitimus]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[pl:finitimus]]  [[cs:finitimus]]

quadratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:quadratus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:quadratus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:quadratus]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[mg:quadratus]]  [[cs:quadratus]]
[[pl:quadratus]]  [[fr:quadratus]]
[[fi:quadratus]]  [[ko:quadratus]]
[[ta:quadratus]]  [[li:quadratus]]
[[vi:quadratus]]  [[mg:quadratus]]
[[zh:quadratus]]  [[pl:quadratus]]

συμπίπτω: No change.


exaspero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Μαντινεύς: No change.


virtuosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:virtuosus]]  [[hu:virtuosus]]

aedicula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Rooms]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Religion]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:aedicula]]           [[Category:la:Rooms]]
[[de:aedicula]]           [[Category:la:Religion]]
[[ku:aedicula]]           [[cs:aedicula]]
[[la:aedicula]]           [[de:aedicula]]
[[hu:aedicula]]           [[fr:aedicula]]
[[mg:aedicula]]           [[ku:aedicula]]
[[pl:aedicula]]           [[la:aedicula]]
[[ru:aedicula]]           [[hu:aedicula]]
[[chr:aedicula]]          [[mg:aedicula]]

gremium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:gremium]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:gremium]]    [[ca:gremium]]
[[io:gremium]]    [[fr:gremium]]
[[lo:gremium]]    [[ko:gremium]]
[[mg:gremium]]    [[io:gremium]]
[[nl:gremium]]    [[lo:gremium]]
[[pl:gremium]]    [[mg:gremium]]
[[ru:gremium]]    [[nl:gremium]]

danskr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Adjective===                    ===Adjective===
{{non-adj}}                        {{non-adj}}
# [[Danish]]                       # [[Danish]]
[[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
[[sv:danskr]]                      [[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]

defenso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:defenso]]    [[ca:defenso]]
[[ko:defenso]]    [[fr:defenso]]
[[io:defenso]]    [[ko:defenso]]
[[ku:defenso]]    [[io:defenso]]
[[mg:defenso]]    [[ku:defenso]]
[[ru:defenso]]    [[mg:defenso]]
[[fi:defenso]]    [[ru:defenso]]

sermunculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

humiliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)

amplexor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[nl:amplexor]]                    [[ko:amplexor]]

μάρμαρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3139}}                   * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:LBG}}                               * {{R:Strong's|G|3139}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                          * {{R:LBG}}
* {{R:xcl:HAB|մարմար|vol=III|page=387a}}  * {{grc-Beekes}}
* {{R:grc:Boisacq|page=611}}              * {{R:xcl:HAB|մարմար|vol=III|page=387a}}
                                          * {{R:grc:Boisacq|page=611}}
[[fr:μάρμαρος]]                           [[de:μάρμαρος]]
[[ko:μάρμαρος]]                           [[fr:μάρμαρος]]
[[li:μάρμαρος]]                           [[ko:μάρμαρος]]
[[pl:μάρμαρος]]                           [[li:μάρμαρος]]
[[ru:μάρμαρος]]                           [[pl:μάρμαρος]]

festiviter: No change.


prurigo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|prūrigō|prūrigin}}  {{la-decl-3rd|prūrigō|prūrigin}}
[[ca:prurigo]]                    ===References===
[[fr:prurigo]]                    * {{R:L&S}}
[[ku:prurigo]]                    [[ca:prurigo]]
[[mg:prurigo]]                    [[fr:prurigo]]
[[ro:prurigo]]                    [[id:prurigo]]
[[ru:prurigo]]                    [[ku:prurigo]]
[[sh:prurigo]]                    [[mg:prurigo]]
[[ta:prurigo]]                    [[ro:prurigo]]
[[vi:prurigo]]                    [[ru:prurigo]]
[[zh:prurigo]]                    [[sh:prurigo]]

insidiator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:insidiator]]  [[fr:insidiator]]

lurco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S|lurcō, ''v.''|lurco1}}  * {{R:L&S|lurcō, ''v.''|lurco1}}
* {{R:L&S|lurcō, ''n.''|lurco2}}  * {{R:L&S|lurcō, ''n.''|lurco2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:lurco]]                      [[fr:lurco]]
[[ru:lurco]]                      [[mg:lurco]]

subamarus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adlicio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                     ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd-IO|adlic|adlex|adlect}}  {{la-conj-3rd-IO|adlic|adlex|adlect}}
[[ko:adlicio]]                         ===References===
                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

impulsa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|impulsa}}                       {{la-part-form|impulsa}}
# {{inflection of|impulsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impulsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impulsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impulsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impulsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impulsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impulsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impulsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impulsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impulsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|impulsā}}                       {{la-part-form|impulsā}}
# {{inflection of|impulsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impulsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

dissimulatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:dissimulatio]]  [[fr:dissimulatio]]
[[ru:dissimulatio]]  [[mg:dissimulatio]]

Σοῦσα: No change.


tabidosus: No change.


insertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:insertus]]   [[fr:insertus]]

vagitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:vagitus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:vagitus]]    [[es:vagitus]]
[[ru:vagitus]]    [[mg:vagitus]]
[[ta:vagitus]]    [[pl:vagitus]]

Σεμεΐ: No change.


ἐπίλογος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Woodhouse}}

perae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pērae}}                   {{la-noun-form|pērae}}
# {{inflection of|pēra||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pēra||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pēra||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pēra||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pēra||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pēra||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pēra||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pēra||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:perae]]                             ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

τείνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}

Φαίδων: No change.


forma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                   * {{R:Peck}}
----                                                               * {{R:NLW}}
                                                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                   * Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber

horitor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|horitor}}                              {{la-verb-form|horitor}}
# {{conjugation of|horior||2|s|fut|act|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|horior||2|s|fut|act|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|horior||3|s|fut|act|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|horior||3|s|fut|act|imp|lang=la}}
[[ro:horitor]]                                        ===References===
                                                      * {{R:L&S}}

temeratum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|temerātum}}                      {{la-part-form|temerātum}}
# {{inflection of|temerātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|temerātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|temerātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|temerātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|temerātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|temerātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|temerātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|temerātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:temeratum]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

sorex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Rodents]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sorex]]             [[Category:la:Rodents]]
[[mg:sorex]]             [[fr:sorex]]
[[ro:sorex]]             [[lt:sorex]]
[[ta:sorex]]             [[mg:sorex]]

laenas: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|laenās}}                   {{la-noun-form|laenās}}
# {{inflection of|laena||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laena||acc|p|lang=la}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

moenia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:moenia]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:moenia]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ko:moenia]]     [[cs:moenia]]
[[pl:moenia]]     [[es:moenia]]

ταὐτός: No change.


requies: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:requies]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:requies]]    [[el:requies]]
[[mg:requies]]    [[fr:requies]]
[[pl:requies]]    [[ko:requies]]
[[ru:requies]]    [[mg:requies]]

ἀορτή: No change.


Σωσίας: No change.


conforio: No change.


admiror: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[el:admiror]]                     [[az:admiror]]
[[es:admiror]]                     [[el:admiror]]
[[fr:admiror]]                     [[es:admiror]]
[[ko:admiror]]                     [[fr:admiror]]
[[la:admiror]]                     [[ko:admiror]]
[[nl:admiror]]                     [[la:admiror]]
[[fi:admiror]]                     [[nl:admiror]]

hiato: No change.


thronus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:thronus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:thronus]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[nl:thronus]]    [[de:thronus]]
[[pl:thronus]]    [[fr:thronus]]

celeripes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:celeripes]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

saliunca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Plants]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adelphi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|adelphī}}                     {{la-noun-form|adelphī}}
# {{inflection of|adelphis||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adelphis||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adelphis||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adelphis||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[ta:adelphi]]                               ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

concordium: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

honorate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:honorate]]   [[pl:honorate]]

δυάς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

scintillo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:scintillo]]  [[fr:scintillo]]
[[it:scintillo]]  [[ko:scintillo]]
[[pl:scintillo]]  [[it:scintillo]]
[[ru:scintillo]]  [[pl:scintillo]]

saltura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|saltūra}}                       {{la-part-form|saltūra}}
# {{inflection of|saltūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saltūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saltūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saltūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saltūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saltūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saltūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saltūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|saltūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saltūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|saltūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|saltūrā}}
# {{inflection of|saltūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|saltūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

dubiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:dubiosus]]   [[de:dubiosus]]

capillatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ploratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ploratus]]   [[es:ploratus]]
[[mg:ploratus]]   [[fr:ploratus]]
[[chr:ploratus]]  [[mg:ploratus]]

adstipulatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|adstipulāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|adstipulāt}}
                            * {{R:du Cange}}

assessura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|assessūra}}                       {{la-part-form|assessūra}}
# {{inflection of|assessūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assessūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|assessūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assessūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|assessūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assessūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|assessūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assessūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|assessūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assessūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|assessūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|assessūrā}}
# {{inflection of|assessūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assessūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:L&S}}

confisco: No change.


vehemens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|vehement}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:Century 1911|vehement}}
[[ko:vehemens]]                [[fr:vehemens]]

salvo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Century 1911|save}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                           * {{R:Century 1911|save}}

subrogo: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
{{top3}}               {{top3}}
* {{l|la|abrogō}}      * {{l|la|abrogō}}
* {{l|la|arrogō}}      * {{l|la|arrogō}}
* {{l|la|corrogō}}     * {{l|la|corrogō}}
* {{l|la|dērogō}}      * {{l|la|dērogō}}
{{mid3}}               {{mid3}}
* {{l|la|ērogō}}       * {{l|la|ērogō}}
* {{l|la|interrogō}}   * {{l|la|interrogō}}
* {{l|la|irrogō}}      * {{l|la|irrogō}}
* {{l|la|obrogō}}      * {{l|la|obrogō}}
{{mid3}}               {{mid3}}
* {{l|la|perrogō}}     * {{l|la|perrogō}}
* {{l|la|praerogō}}    * {{l|la|praerogō}}
* {{l|la|prōrogō}}     * {{l|la|prōrogō}}
* {{l|la|rogō}}        * {{l|la|rogō}}
{{bottom}}             {{bottom}}
----                   ===References===
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

νήπιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

blandulus: No change.


delegatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-4th|dēlēgāt}}  {{la-decl-4th|dēlēgāt}}
[[fr:delegatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

deargento: No change.


triginta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:triginta]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:triginta]]   [[et:triginta]]
[[fr:triginta]]   [[el:triginta]]
[[ko:triginta]]   [[es:triginta]]
[[is:triginta]]   [[fr:triginta]]
[[it:triginta]]   [[ko:triginta]]
[[lt:triginta]]   [[is:triginta]]
[[hu:triginta]]   [[it:triginta]]
[[mg:triginta]]   [[lt:triginta]]
[[nl:triginta]]   [[hu:triginta]]
[[pl:triginta]]   [[mg:triginta]]
[[pt:triginta]]   [[nl:triginta]]
[[ru:triginta]]   [[pl:triginta]]
[[tt:triginta]]   [[pt:triginta]]
[[tg:triginta]]   [[ru:triginta]]
[[chr:triginta]]  [[tt:triginta]]
[[uk:triginta]]   [[tg:triginta]]

reprobe: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|reprobe}}                        {{la-adj-form|reprobe}}
# {{inflection of|reprobus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reprobus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[it:reprobe]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

conquisite: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

postulatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:postulatus]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:postulatus]]  [[es:postulatus]]
[[ru:postulatus]]  [[fr:postulatus]]

ἀγγεῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|30}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}           * {{R:Strong's|G|30}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀγγεῖον]]         [[es:ἀγγεῖον]]
[[ko:ἀγγεῖον]]         [[fr:ἀγγεῖον]]
[[it:ἀγγεῖον]]         [[ko:ἀγγεῖον]]
[[pl:ἀγγεῖον]]         [[it:ἀγγεῖον]]

bajulo: No change.


πόνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====    ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|po%2Fnos}}  * {{R:LSJ|po%2Fnos}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}     * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}

concepte: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|concepte}}                       {{la-part-form|concepte}}
# {{inflection of|conceptus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conceptus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:concepte]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:concepte]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:concepte]]                                 [[ca:concepte]]
[[pl:concepte]]                                 [[fr:concepte]]
[[chr:concepte]]                                [[lo:concepte]]

tentorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:tentorium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:tentorium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:tentorium]]  [[ca:tentorium]]
[[ku:tentorium]]  [[et:tentorium]]
[[mg:tentorium]]  [[fr:tentorium]]
[[pl:tentorium]]  [[ko:tentorium]]
[[ru:tentorium]]  [[ku:tentorium]]
[[sk:tentorium]]  [[mg:tentorium]]
[[ta:tentorium]]  [[pl:tentorium]]
[[zh:tentorium]]  [[ru:tentorium]]

revolutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:revolutio]]   [[fr:revolutio]]
[[la:revolutio]]   [[it:revolutio]]
[[mg:revolutio]]   [[la:revolutio]]
[[pl:revolutio]]   [[mg:revolutio]]
[[pt:revolutio]]   [[pl:revolutio]]
[[ru:revolutio]]   [[pt:revolutio]]
[[chr:revolutio]]  [[ru:revolutio]]

dogmatizo: No change.


devenio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:devenio]]    [[fr:devenio]]
[[mg:devenio]]    [[ko:devenio]]
[[fj:devenio]]    [[mg:devenio]]
[[ru:devenio]]    [[fj:devenio]]
[[chr:devenio]]   [[ru:devenio]]

perfluo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:perfluo]]    [[fr:perfluo]]
[[mg:perfluo]]    [[ko:perfluo]]

infusio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[eu:infusio]]    [[de:infusio]]
[[fr:infusio]]    [[eu:infusio]]
[[gl:infusio]]    [[fr:infusio]]
[[mg:infusio]]    [[gl:infusio]]
[[pl:infusio]]    [[mg:infusio]]
[[ru:infusio]]    [[pl:infusio]]

burggravius: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====            ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd-ius|burggrāv}}  {{la-decl-2nd-ius|burggrāv}}
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

subjugo: No change.


sors: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

moderantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|moderāntia}}                    {{la-part-form|moderāntia}}
# {{inflection of|moderāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|moderāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|moderāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|moderāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|moderāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|moderāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

Παφλαγών: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}

λαύρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Ἰαλυσός: No change.


Claudius: No change.


talus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:talus]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:talus]]      * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[de:talus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:talus]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:talus]]      [[ca:talus]]
[[gl:talus]]      [[co:talus]]
[[ko:talus]]      [[de:talus]]
[[io:talus]]      [[et:talus]]
[[ku:talus]]      [[el:talus]]
[[hu:talus]]      [[fr:talus]]
[[mg:talus]]      [[gl:talus]]
[[ja:talus]]      [[ko:talus]]
[[pl:talus]]      [[io:talus]]
[[pt:talus]]      [[ku:talus]]
[[ro:talus]]      [[hu:talus]]
[[ru:talus]]      [[mg:talus]]
[[simple:talus]]  [[ja:talus]]
[[sh:talus]]      [[pl:talus]]
[[fi:talus]]      [[pt:talus]]
[[ta:talus]]      [[ro:talus]]
[[chr:talus]]     [[ru:talus]]
[[tr:talus]]      [[simple:talus]]
[[vi:talus]]      [[sh:talus]]
[[wa:talus]]      [[fi:talus]]
[[zh:talus]]      [[ta:talus]]

diabolicum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|diabolicum}}                       {{la-adj-form|diabolicum}}
# {{inflection of|diabolicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diabolicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diabolicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diabolicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diabolicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diabolicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diabolicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diabolicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

κάρη: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====                                                ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|ka%2Fra1}}<!-- do not remove manual transliteration-->  * {{R:LSJ|ka%2Fra1}}<!-- do not remove manual transliteration-->
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:κάρη]]                                                       [[el:κάρη]]
[[fr:κάρη]]                                                       [[fr:κάρη]]
[[ko:κάρη]]                                                       [[ko:κάρη]]

cis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

belligero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:belligero]]   [[es:belligero]]
[[ko:belligero]]   [[fr:belligero]]
[[mg:belligero]]   [[ko:belligero]]
[[ru:belligero]]   [[mg:belligero]]
[[chr:belligero]]  [[ru:belligero]]

epistrophe: No change.


adfulgeo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                         ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-2nd|type=nopass|adfulg|adfuls}}  {{la-conj-2nd|type=nopass|adfulg|adfuls}}
[[ko:adfulgeo]]                            ===References===
                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

pondera: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pondera}}                   {{la-noun-form|pondera}}
# {{inflection of|pondus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pondus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pondus||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pondus||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pondus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pondus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                                           * {{R:Peck}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

vio: No change.


deletus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:deletus]]    [[es:deletus]]
[[li:deletus]]    [[fr:deletus]]
[[pt:deletus]]    [[li:deletus]]
[[fi:deletus]]    [[pt:deletus]]

repeto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:repeto]]     [[el:repeto]]
[[ko:repeto]]     [[fr:repeto]]
[[io:repeto]]     [[ko:repeto]]
[[mg:repeto]]     [[io:repeto]]
[[pl:repeto]]     [[mg:repeto]]
[[ru:repeto]]     [[pl:repeto]]
[[chr:repeto]]    [[ru:repeto]]

venta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|venta}}                       {{la-part-form|venta}}
# {{inflection of|ventus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|ventā}}                       {{la-part-form|ventā}}
# {{inflection of|ventus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

oeconomicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obambulator: No change.


nummatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exulceratorius: No change.


subruo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                  ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|subru|subru|subrut}}  {{la-conj-3rd|subru|subru|subrut}}
[[el:subruo]]                       ===References===
[[ko:subruo]]                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

apporto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:apporto]]    [[de:apporto]]
[[es:apporto]]    [[el:apporto]]
[[fr:apporto]]    [[es:apporto]]
[[ko:apporto]]    [[fr:apporto]]
[[it:apporto]]    [[ko:apporto]]
[[ku:apporto]]    [[it:apporto]]
[[li:apporto]]    [[ku:apporto]]
[[hu:apporto]]    [[li:apporto]]
[[mg:apporto]]    [[hu:apporto]]
[[fj:apporto]]    [[mg:apporto]]
[[pl:apporto]]    [[fj:apporto]]
[[ru:apporto]]    [[pl:apporto]]
[[chr:apporto]]   [[ru:apporto]]

legalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:legalis]]    [[fr:legalis]]
[[ru:legalis]]    [[mg:legalis]]
[[chr:legalis]]   [[ru:legalis]]

augmentatum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                     ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|augmentātum}}                   {{la-verb-form|augmentātum}}
# {{inflection of|augmentō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|augmentō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

latine: No change.


κυβερνισμός: No change.


inferentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|īnferentia}}                    {{la-part-form|īnferentia}}
# {{inflection of|īnferēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnferēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnferēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnferēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnferēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnferēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[pl:inferentia]]                              ===References===
[[ru:inferentia]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

averta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:averta]]     [[fr:averta]]

sonans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

malevolus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

serotinus: No change.


apologus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:apologus]]   [[fr:apologus]]
[[ru:apologus]]   [[mg:apologus]]

undosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἕτοιμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[pl:ἕτοιμος]]     [[pl:ἕτοιμος]]

Libentina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                      * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin proper nouns]]  
                                 [[Category:Latin proper nouns]]

perterreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:perterreo]]  [[el:perterreo]]

edocte: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ēdocte}}                       {{la-part-form|ēdocte}}
# {{inflection of|ēdoctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdoctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

vinearium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vīneārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|vīneārium}}
# {{inflection of|vīneārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vīneārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vīneārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vīneārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vīneārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vīneārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vīneārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vīneārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

scirpea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|scirpeus}}    * {{l|la|scirpeus}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

praedium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:praedium]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:praedium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[pt:praedium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

rivulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

arbitrarius: No change.


παχύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Πάχυνος: No change.


cacemphaton: No change.


δέρω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|de/rw}}           * {{R:LSJ|de/rw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}            * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}            * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Century 1911|derma}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
                            * {{R:Century 1911|derma}}
[[el:δέρω]]                 [[de:δέρω]]
[[fr:δέρω]]                 [[el:δέρω]]
[[it:δέρω]]                 [[fr:δέρω]]
[[lt:δέρω]]                 [[it:δέρω]]
[[ru:δέρω]]                 [[lt:δέρω]]

spumo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:spumo]]      [[fr:spumo]]
[[io:spumo]]      [[ko:spumo]]
[[it:spumo]]      [[io:spumo]]
[[mg:spumo]]      [[it:spumo]]
[[pl:spumo]]      [[mg:spumo]]
[[ru:spumo]]      [[pl:spumo]]
[[fi:spumo]]      [[ru:spumo]]
[[chr:spumo]]     [[fi:spumo]]

classium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|classium}}                   {{la-noun-form|classium}}
# {{inflection of|classis||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|classis||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:classium]]                             ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

Pompejus: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====                           ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd|num=sg|Pompēj|voc_sg=Pompēī}}  {{la-decl-2nd|num=sg|Pompēj|voc_sg=Pompēī}}
[[de:Pompejus]]                              ===References===
                                             * {{R:L&S}}

inhio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:inhio]]      [[ko:inhio]]

demulceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Esaias: No change.


stelliger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

priscus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:priscus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[la:priscus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fj:priscus]]    [[fr:priscus]]
[[ru:priscus]]    [[la:priscus]]
[[chr:priscus]]   [[mg:priscus]]

contemplator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:contemplator]]  [[mg:contemplator]]
[[ro:contemplator]]  [[pl:contemplator]]
[[ru:contemplator]]  [[ro:contemplator]]
[[si:contemplator]]  [[ru:contemplator]]
[[vi:contemplator]]  [[si:contemplator]]
[[zh:contemplator]]  [[vi:contemplator]]

torquatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[sv:torquatus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

vigoro: No change.


virgulta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|virgulta}}                     {{la-noun-form|virgulta}}
# {{inflection of|virgultum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virgultum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virgultum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virgultum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virgultum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virgultum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:virgulta]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

explosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

exerceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:exerceo]]    [[fr:exerceo]]
[[hu:exerceo]]    [[ko:exerceo]]
[[mg:exerceo]]    [[hu:exerceo]]
[[pl:exerceo]]    [[mg:exerceo]]

quaesitor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:quaesitor]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

acte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ācte}}                       {{la-part-form|ācte}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:L&S}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                                            * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                            * {{R:Peck}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

collocator: No change.


obtinentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

indago: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

triumviratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tacte: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|tācte}}                       {{la-part-form|tācte}}
# {{inflection of|tāctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tāctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:tacte]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:tacte]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

pons: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                           * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|pages=479-480}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[az:pons]]                           * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:pons]]                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:pons]]                           * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|pages=479-480}}
[[de:pons]]                           [[az:pons]]
[[el:pons]]                           [[ca:pons]]
[[eu:pons]]                           [[cs:pons]]
[[fr:pons]]                           [[da:pons]]
[[ko:pons]]                           [[de:pons]]
[[hr:pons]]                           [[el:pons]]
[[io:pons]]                           [[eu:pons]]
[[id:pons]]                           [[fr:pons]]
[[lo:pons]]                           [[ko:pons]]
[[la:pons]]                           [[hr:pons]]
[[lt:pons]]                           [[io:pons]]
[[hu:pons]]                           [[id:pons]]
[[mg:pons]]                           [[lo:pons]]
[[fj:pons]]                           [[la:pons]]
[[nl:pons]]                           [[lt:pons]]
[[pl:pons]]                           [[hu:pons]]
[[ru:pons]]                           [[mg:pons]]
[[fi:pons]]                           [[fj:pons]]
[[sv:pons]]                           [[nl:pons]]
[[ta:pons]]                           [[pl:pons]]
[[chr:pons]]                          [[ru:pons]]
[[vi:pons]]                           [[fi:pons]]
[[zh:pons]]                           [[sv:pons]]

contributio: No change.


consociatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aggredior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:aggredior]]                   [[fr:aggredior]]
[[hr:aggredior]]                   [[ko:aggredior]]
[[la:aggredior]]                   [[hr:aggredior]]
[[mg:aggredior]]                   [[la:aggredior]]
[[ru:aggredior]]                   [[mg:aggredior]]

complecto: No change.


interminor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cristatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[sv:cristatus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fundatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fundātum}}                      {{la-part-form|fundātum}}
# {{inflection of|fundātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fundātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fundātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fundātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:fundatum]]                                ===References===
[[mg:fundatum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

iacto: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:iacto]]      [[fr:iacto]]
[[hr:iacto]]      [[ko:iacto]]
[[la:iacto]]      [[hr:iacto]]
[[hu:iacto]]      [[la:iacto]]
[[mg:iacto]]      [[hu:iacto]]
[[fj:iacto]]      [[mg:iacto]]
[[ja:iacto]]      [[fj:iacto]]
[[pl:iacto]]      [[ja:iacto]]
[[ru:iacto]]      [[pl:iacto]]
[[chr:iacto]]     [[ru:iacto]]

ἐπιχαιρεκακία: No change.


munimentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:munimentum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:munimentum]]  [[cs:munimentum]]

locatum: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:locatum]]    [[ca:locatum]]
[[li:locatum]]    [[fr:locatum]]

expiator: No change.


renuto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|renutō}}                       {{la-part-form|renutō}}
# {{inflection of|renutus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renutus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|renutus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renutus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|renutus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renutus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|renutus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renutus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:renuto]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}

elixo: No change.


dilanio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:dilanio]]    [[es:dilanio]]
[[it:dilanio]]    [[ko:dilanio]]
[[ru:dilanio]]    [[it:dilanio]]

ventito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:ventito]]    [[el:ventito]]
[[ro:ventito]]    [[ko:ventito]]
[[ru:ventito]]    [[ro:ventito]]

na: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                        ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|nā}}                               {{la-verb-form|nā}}
# {{inflection of|nō||imp|s|lang=la}}, [[swim]]!  # {{inflection of|nō||imp|s|lang=la}}, [[swim]]!
----                                              ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

meditatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:meditatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:meditatio]]  [[fr:meditatio]]
[[ru:meditatio]]  [[ko:meditatio]]

nobilitatus: No change.


turbulentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:turbulentus]]  [[fr:turbulentus]]
[[hr:turbulentus]]  [[ko:turbulentus]]
[[mg:turbulentus]]  [[hr:turbulentus]]
[[ru:turbulentus]]  [[mg:turbulentus]]

rusticitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:rusticitas]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fabulatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:fabulatio]]   [[de:fabulatio]]
[[mg:fabulatio]]   [[fr:fabulatio]]
[[ja:fabulatio]]   [[mg:fabulatio]]
[[ru:fabulatio]]   [[ja:fabulatio]]
[[chr:fabulatio]]  [[ru:fabulatio]]

fortitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:fortitudo]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:fortitudo]]   [[de:fortitudo]]
[[lt:fortitudo]]   [[fr:fortitudo]]
[[mg:fortitudo]]   [[la:fortitudo]]
[[ja:fortitudo]]   [[lt:fortitudo]]
[[pl:fortitudo]]   [[mg:fortitudo]]
[[ru:fortitudo]]   [[ja:fortitudo]]
[[tg:fortitudo]]   [[pl:fortitudo]]
[[chr:fortitudo]]  [[ru:fortitudo]]

albi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|albī}}                        {{la-adj-form|albī}}
# {{inflection of|albus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                                            * {{R:Stillwell}}

triennium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:triennium]]  [[fr:triennium]]
[[ru:triennium]]  [[ku:triennium]]
[[vi:triennium]]  [[ru:triennium]]

labrusca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:labrusca]]   [[es:labrusca]]

cippo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cippō}}                     {{la-noun-form|cippō}}
# {{inflection of|cippus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cippus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cippus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cippus||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:cippo]]                               ===References===
[[mg:cippo]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

adumbro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:adumbro]]    [[es:adumbro]]
[[mg:adumbro]]    [[ko:adumbro]]
[[ru:adumbro]]    [[mg:adumbro]]

surrepo: No change.


contiguitas: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====             ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|contiguity}}  * English: {{l|en|contiguity}}
[[mg:contiguitas]]              ===References===
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

coeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|comes}}       * {{l|la|comes}}
[[ca:coeo]]            ===References===
[[de:coeo]]            * {{R:L&S}}
[[es:coeo]]            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ko:coeo]]            [[ca:coeo]]
[[mg:coeo]]            [[de:coeo]]
[[nl:coeo]]            [[es:coeo]]
[[pt:coeo]]            [[fr:coeo]]
[[ru:coeo]]            [[ko:coeo]]
[[chr:coeo]]           [[mg:coeo]]

arteria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

filialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:filialis]]   [[de:filialis]]
[[mg:filialis]]   [[fr:filialis]]

atqui: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

combinatio: No change.


sex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.  OLD NORSE: References added. References sorted.

====See also====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ====See also====
* {{l|la|Appendix:Latin cardinal numerals}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * {{l|la|Appendix:Latin cardinal numerals}}
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ===References===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:L&S}}
==Norwegian Bokmål==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:Zoega}}
===Noun===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
{{head|nb|noun|g=m|definite singular|sexen}} {{lb|nb|uncountable}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
# {{l|en|sex}} (''sexual intercourse'')                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ==Norwegian Bokmål==
==Norwegian Nynorsk==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          {{head|nb|noun|g=m|definite singular|sexen}} {{lb|nb|uncountable}}
===Noun===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     # {{l|en|sex}} (''sexual intercourse'')
{{head|nn|noun|g=m|definite singular|sexen}} {{lb|nn|uncountable}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
# {{l|en|sex}} (''sexual intercourse'')                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ==Norwegian Nynorsk==
==Old Frisian==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                {{head|nn|noun|g=m|definite singular|sexen}} {{lb|nn|uncountable}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               # {{l|en|sex}} (''sexual intercourse'')
From {{inh|ofs|gem-pro|*sehs}}.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ----
===Numeral===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ==Old Frisian==
{{head|ofs|numeral|head=sex}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  {{cardinalbox|ofs|5|6|7|fīf|siūgun}}
# {{lb|ofs|cardinal}} {{l|en|six}}.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ===Etymology===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               From {{inh|ofs|gem-pro|*sehs}}.
* North Frisian:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ===Numeral===
*: Föhr-Amrum and Mooring: {{l|frr|seeks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     {{head|ofs|numeral|head=sex}}
*: Helgoland: {{l|frr|sös}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
*: Sylt: {{l|frr|soks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        # {{lb|ofs|cardinal}} {{l|en|six}}.
* Saterland Frisian: {{l|stq|säks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
* West Frisian: {{l|fy|seis}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ====Descendants====
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * North Frisian:
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *: Föhr-Amrum and Mooring: {{l|frr|seeks}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *: Helgoland: {{l|frr|sös}}
==Old Norse==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *: Sylt: {{l|frr|soks}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * Saterland Frisian: {{l|stq|säks}}
===Etymology===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * West Frisian: {{l|fy|seis}}
From {{inh|non|gem-pro|*sehs}}, whence also {{cog|ang|siex}} ({{cog|en|six}}), {{cog|ofs|sex}}, {{cog|osx|sehs}}, {{cog|dum|sesse}} ({{cog|nl|zes}}), {{cog|goh|sehs}} ({{cog|de|sechs}}), {{cog|got|𐍃𐌰𐌹𐌷𐍃}}. Ultimately from {{etyl|ine-pro|non}} {{m|ine-pro|*swéḱs}}, cognate with {{cog|sa|षष्|tr=ṣaṣ}}, {{cog|xcl|վեց}}, {{cog|grc|ἕξ}}.  
{{head|non|numeral}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ==Old Norse==
# [[six]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ===Etymology===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               From {{inh|non|gem-pro|*sehs}}, whence also {{cog|ang|siex}} ({{cog|en|six}}), {{cog|ofs|sex}}, {{cog|osx|sehs}}, {{cog|dum|sesse}} ({{cog|nl|zes}}), {{cog|goh|sehs}} ({{cog|de|sechs}}), {{cog|got|𐍃𐌰𐌹𐌷𐍃}}. Ultimately from {{etyl|ine-pro|non}} {{m|ine-pro|*swéḱs}}, cognate with {{cog|sa|षष्|tr=ṣaṣ}}, {{cog|xcl|վեց}}, {{cog|grc|ἕξ}}.
{{top2}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ===Numeral===
* Danish: {{l|da|seks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        {{head|non|numeral}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|seks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
* Icelandic: {{l|is|sex}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      # [[six]]
* Norwegian: {{l-nb|seks}}, {{l-nn|seks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ====Descendants====
* Swedish: {{l|sv|sex}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        {{top2}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * Danish: {{l|da|seks}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * Faroese: {{l|fo|seks}}
[[Category:Old Norse cardinal numbers]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * Icelandic: {{l|is|sex}}
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * Norwegian: {{l-nb|seks}}, {{l-nn|seks}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * Swedish: {{l|sv|sex}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [[Category:Old Norse cardinal numbers]]

οὖν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3767}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3767}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:οὖν]]               [[el:οὖν]]
[[it:οὖν]]               [[fr:οὖν]]
[[lt:οὖν]]               [[it:οὖν]]
[[pl:οὖν]]               [[lt:οὖν]]

medullula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ζήν: No change.


cuba: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cubā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|cubā}}
# {{inflection of|cubō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                      * {{R:Peck}}

parietinae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|parietinae}}                   {{la-noun-form|parietinae}}
# {{inflection of|parietina||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parietina||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|parietina||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parietina||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|parietina||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parietina||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|parietina||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parietina||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

intermortuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

auspicato: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[it:auspicato]]  [[fr:auspicato]]
[[mg:auspicato]]  [[it:auspicato]]
[[ru:auspicato]]  [[mg:auspicato]]

perfidiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

elusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

στραγγός: No change.


agrarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:agrarius]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:agrarius]]   [[cs:agrarius]]
[[pl:agrarius]]   [[es:agrarius]]

deprecor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[pl:deprecor]]                    [[ko:deprecor]]

Τραπεζοῦς: No change.


participatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:participatio]]  [[fr:participatio]]
[[pl:participatio]]  [[mg:participatio]]
[[ru:participatio]]  [[pl:participatio]]
[[zh:participatio]]  [[ru:participatio]]

inquiete: No change.


πιθανός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

actuarium: No change.


pudendus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


repraesento: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:repraesento]]  [[el:repraesento]]
[[ko:repraesento]]  [[fr:repraesento]]
[[ru:repraesento]]  [[ko:repraesento]]

persector: No change.


adhalo: No change.


obicio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:obicio]]     [[fr:obicio]]

suada: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|suāda}}                        {{la-adj-form|suāda}}
# {{inflection of|suādus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suādus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suādus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suādus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suādus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suādus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suādus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suādus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suādus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suādus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|suādā}}                        {{la-adj-form|suādā}}
# {{inflection of|suādus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suādus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

metrocomia: No change.


claudeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

catechesis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:catechesis]]  [[fr:catechesis]]
[[mg:catechesis]]  [[io:catechesis]]
[[pl:catechesis]]  [[mg:catechesis]]
[[vi:catechesis]]  [[pl:catechesis]]

Ῥοδῶπις: No change.


Εὐρυσάκης: No change.


relegatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:relegatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:relegatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

πλήν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|plh/n}}   * {{R:LSJ|plh/n}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[lt:πλήν]]         [[el:πλήν]]

apostata: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

confio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

caelus: No change.


luctuosa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|luctuōsa}}                        {{la-adj-form|luctuōsa}}
# {{inflection of|luctuōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luctuōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|luctuōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luctuōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|luctuōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luctuōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|luctuōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luctuōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|luctuōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luctuōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|luctuōsā}}                        {{la-adj-form|luctuōsā}}
# {{inflection of|luctuōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luctuōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[es:luctuosa]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

battualia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fosso: No change.


cognoscens: No change.


εἰκός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition

ararat: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ararat}}                              {{la-verb-form|ararat}}
# {{inflection of|arō||3|s|plup|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arō||3|s|plup|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[ku:ararat]]                                        ===References===
[[la:ararat]]                                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

praegusto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:praegusto]]  [[ko:praegusto]]

glandis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|glāndis}}                  {{la-noun-form|glāndis}}
# {{inflection of|glāns||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|glāns||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[de:glandis]]                            ===References===
[[fr:glandis]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}

pecuarii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pecuāriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|pecuāriī}}
# {{inflection of|pecuārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pecuārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pecuārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pecuārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pecuārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pecuārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pecuārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pecuārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}


Palatium: No change.


surridicule: No change.


ἄημι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                          * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                             * {{R:DGE}}
* Encyclopedia Papyrus-Larousse (1963)  * {{R:Slater}}
                                        * Encyclopedia Papyrus-Larousse (1963)
[[fr:ἄημι]]                             [[el:ἄημι]]
[[lt:ἄημι]]                             [[fr:ἄημι]]
[[ru:ἄημι]]                             [[lt:ἄημι]]

Μέροψ: No change.


subintroeo: No change.


sculptilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:sculptilis]]  [[mg:sculptilis]]

caudex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:caudex]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:caudex]]     <references/>
[[mg:caudex]]     [[et:caudex]]
[[ja:caudex]]     [[es:caudex]]
[[pl:caudex]]     [[fr:caudex]]
[[ru:caudex]]     [[mg:caudex]]
[[ta:caudex]]     [[ja:caudex]]
[[vi:caudex]]     [[pl:caudex]]

triangulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:triangulus]]  [[el:triangulus]]

latr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|is|lad}}       * Danish: {{l|is|lad}}
* Faroese: {{l|is|latur}}    * Faroese: {{l|is|latur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|latur}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|latur}}
* Norwegian: {{l|is|lat}}    * Norwegian: {{l|is|lat}}
* Swedish: {{l|is|lat}}      * Swedish: {{l|is|lat}}
[[lt:latr]]                  ===References===
                             * {{R:Zoega}}

dissertatio: No change.


asilus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|assillo}}  * Italian: {{l|it|assillo}}
[[Category:la:Insects]]      ===References===
                             * {{R:L&S}}
[[af:asilus]]                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:asilus]]                * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:asilus]]                [[Category:la:Insects]]

lugentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|lūgentēs}}                    {{la-part-form|lūgentēs}}
# {{inflection of|lūgens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūgens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūgens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūgens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūgens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūgens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūgens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūgens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūgens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūgens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūgens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūgens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

deligo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:deligo]]     [[ca:deligo]]
[[fr:deligo]]     [[el:deligo]]
[[ko:deligo]]     [[fr:deligo]]
[[mg:deligo]]     [[ko:deligo]]
[[ru:deligo]]     [[mg:deligo]]

testa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Priene: No change.


λύειν: No change.


Γαδαρηνός: No change.


infremo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πήγνυμι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4078}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|4078}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:πήγνυμι]]           [[el:πήγνυμι]]
[[it:πήγνυμι]]           [[fr:πήγνυμι]]
[[lt:πήγνυμι]]           [[it:πήγνυμι]]

marga: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====    ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|marg}}  {{la-decl-1st|marg}}
----                  ===References===
                      * {{R:L&S}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}

anas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

=====Related terms=====  =====Related terms=====
* {{l|la|anus}}          * {{l|la|anus}}
[[Category:la:Birds]]    ===References===
[[Category:la:Poultry]]  * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
----                     * {{R:Peck}}
                         * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

σταδιεύς: No change.


circumambulo: No change.


reinvito: No change.


praestolatio: No change.


Λῖνος: No change.


ἑτερογενής: No change.


vaticinator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:vaticinator]]  [[ar:vaticinator]]
[[pt:vaticinator]]  [[ku:vaticinator]]
[[vi:vaticinator]]  [[pt:vaticinator]]
[[zh:vaticinator]]  [[vi:vaticinator]]

acto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|āctō}}                       {{la-part-form|āctō}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

nodabilis: No change.


ἄρακος: No change.


renovo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

abiecto: No change.


citretum: No change.


varos: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vārōs}}                       {{la-adj-form|vārōs}}
# {{inflection of|vārus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vārus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:varos]]                                ===References===
[[es:varos]]                                * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[mg:varos]]                                [[ca:varos]]

Βάκχειος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition

privata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|prīvāta}}                       {{la-part-form|prīvāta}}
# {{inflection of|prīvātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīvātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīvātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīvātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīvātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīvātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīvātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīvātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīvātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīvātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|prīvātā}}                       {{la-part-form|prīvātā}}
# {{inflection of|prīvātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīvātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

fructum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fructum}}                    {{la-noun-form|fructum}}
# {{inflection of|fructus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fructus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:fructum]]                              ===References===
[[mg:fructum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

vindemialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

affore: No change.


Λύστρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|3082}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3082}}

berum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                                           ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bērum}}                                                     {{la-adj-form|bērum}}
# {{inflection of|bērus||nom|n|s|;|acc|m|s|;|acc|n|s|;|voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bērus||nom|n|s|;|acc|m|s|;|acc|n|s|;|voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

κεραμίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|kerami/s|w=κερᾰμίς}}  * {{R:LSJ|kerami/s|w=κερᾰμίς}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:κεραμίς]]                  [[el:κεραμίς]]
[[ko:κεραμίς]]                  [[fr:κεραμίς]]
[[mg:κεραμίς]]                  [[ko:κεραμίς]]

tegimentum: No change.


cupitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:cupitus]]    [[es:cupitus]]

locum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|locum}}                    {{la-noun-form|locum}}
# {{inflection of|locus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|locus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:locum]]                              ===References===
[[cs:locum]]                              * {{R:M&A}}
[[et:locum]]                              * {{R:NLW}}
[[hy:locum]]                              [[ca:locum]]
[[ka:locum]]                              [[cs:locum]]
[[la:locum]]                              [[et:locum]]
[[mg:locum]]                              [[fr:locum]]
[[my:locum]]                              [[hy:locum]]
[[pl:locum]]                              [[ka:locum]]
[[ru:locum]]                              [[la:locum]]
[[ta:locum]]                              [[mg:locum]]
[[vi:locum]]                              [[my:locum]]
[[zh:locum]]                              [[pl:locum]]

interminatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἰσχυρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|i)sxuro/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|i)sxuro/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ἰσχυρός]]         [[de:ἰσχυρός]]
[[lt:ἰσχυρός]]         [[el:ἰσχυρός]]
[[pt:ἰσχυρός]]         [[lt:ἰσχυρός]]

voluntarii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|voluntāriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|voluntāriī}}
# {{inflection of|voluntārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|voluntārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|voluntārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|voluntārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|voluntārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|voluntārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|voluntārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|voluntārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:voluntarii]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

demorior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Aegium: No change.


obdensatio: No change.


palliata: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|palliāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|palliāta}}
# {{inflection of|palliātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palliātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palliātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palliātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palliātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palliātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palliātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palliātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palliātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palliātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|palliātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|palliātā}}
# {{inflection of|palliātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palliātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}

Delos: No change.


villicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:villicus]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

rheuma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:rheuma]]     [[fr:rheuma]]
[[pl:rheuma]]     [[mg:rheuma]]
[[ru:rheuma]]     [[pl:rheuma]]

balani: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|balanī}}                     {{la-noun-form|balanī}}
# {{inflection of|balanus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|balanus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|balanus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|balanus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|balanus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|balanus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:balani]]                               ===References===
[[mg:balani]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

necesse: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:necesse]]    [[fr:necesse]]
[[mg:necesse]]    [[ko:necesse]]
[[pl:necesse]]    [[mg:necesse]]

interjectura: No change.


membraneo: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|membrāneō}}                        {{la-adj-form|membrāneō}}
# {{inflection of|membrāneus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|membrāneus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|membrāneus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|membrāneus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|membrāneus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|membrāneus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|membrāneus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|membrāneus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

inclinatum: No change.


tabanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:tabanus]]           [[fr:tabanus]]
[[ta:tabanus]]           [[mg:tabanus]]

Φίλιπποι: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1021}}                  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5375}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|5375}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Woodhouse|1021}}
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
[[el:Φίλιπποι]]                         [[el:Φίλιπποι]]
[[hu:Φίλιπποι]]                         [[hu:Φίλιπποι]]

colliquescit: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                   ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|colliquēscit}}                                {{la-verb-form|colliquēscit}}
# {{inflection of|colliquēscō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colliquēscō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:colliquescit]]                                          ===References===
                                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

charrus: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 {{head|la|noun}}
# {{alternative form of|carrus|lang=la}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         # {{alternative form of|carrus|lang=la}}
#* '''1866''', James Edwin Thorold Rogers, ''A History of Agriculture and Prices in England'', Vol. 1, p. 168:                                                                                                                                                                         #* '''1866''', James Edwin Thorold Rogers, ''A History of Agriculture and Prices in England'', Vol. 1, p. 168:
#*: Another element of weight is the '''charrus''', carecta, or plaustrata of lead. This quantity contained thrity fontinelli, fotmael, pedes, or pigs. Each pes contained five petrae of fourteen pounds each, and therefore the pes was 70 avoirdupois pounds and the '''charrus''' 2100 lbs.  #*: Another element of weight is the '''charrus''', carecta, or plaustrata of lead. This quantity contained thrity fontinelli, fotmael, pedes, or pigs. Each pes contained five petrae of fourteen pounds each, and therefore the pes was 70 avoirdupois pounds and the '''charrus''' 2100 lbs.
[[Category:la:Units of measure]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ===References===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [[Category:la:Units of measure]]

πνεῖν: No change.


πλουτοκρατία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====              ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
                                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}

iugo: LATIN: References added.

===References===                              ===References===
* {{R:Century 1911|conjugate}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Merriam Webster Online|conjugate}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Online Etymology Dictionary|conjugal}}  * {{R:Century 1911|conjugate}}
                                              * {{R:Merriam Webster Online|conjugate}}
[[fr:iugo]]                                   * {{R:Online Etymology Dictionary|conjugal}}
[[pl:iugo]]                                   [[fr:iugo]]

saltem: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
===Etymology 2===   * {{R:NLW}}
                    ===Etymology 2===

grando: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:grando]]            [[de:grando]]
[[eu:grando]]            [[el:grando]]
[[fr:grando]]            [[eu:grando]]
[[ko:grando]]            [[fr:grando]]
[[lo:grando]]            [[ko:grando]]
[[la:grando]]            [[lo:grando]]
[[mg:grando]]            [[la:grando]]
[[ja:grando]]            [[mg:grando]]
[[ru:grando]]            [[ja:grando]]
[[chr:grando]]           [[ru:grando]]
[[vec:grando]]           [[chr:grando]]

aceta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|acēta}}                     {{la-noun-form|acēta}}
# {{inflection of|acētum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acētum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acētum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acētum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acētum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acētum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:aceta]]                               ===References===
[[es:aceta]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pt:aceta]]                               [[cs:aceta]]
[[ru:aceta]]                               [[es:aceta]]

sinuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:sinuo]]      [[fr:sinuo]]
[[io:sinuo]]      [[ko:sinuo]]
[[mg:sinuo]]      [[io:sinuo]]
[[ru:sinuo]]      [[mg:sinuo]]
[[chr:sinuo]]     [[ru:sinuo]]

defaecatus: No change.


carptura: No change.


gluma: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|glume}}  * English: {{l|en|glume}}
[[eo:gluma]]               ===References===
[[fr:gluma]]               * {{R:L&S}}
[[it:gluma]]               [[eo:gluma]]
[[mg:gluma]]               [[fr:gluma]]
[[sr:gluma]]               [[io:gluma]]
[[sh:gluma]]               [[it:gluma]]

συναφής: No change.


natatura: No change.


ingruens: No change.


obsolefio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-irreg|fio|obsole}}  {{la-conj-irreg|fio|obsole}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

φυτόν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}        * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:φυτόν]]        [[da:φυτόν]]
[[et:φυτόν]]        [[de:φυτόν]]
[[el:φυτόν]]        [[et:φυτόν]]
[[es:φυτόν]]        [[el:φυτόν]]
[[fr:φυτόν]]        [[es:φυτόν]]
[[ko:φυτόν]]        [[fr:φυτόν]]
[[lt:φυτόν]]        [[ko:φυτόν]]
[[mg:φυτόν]]        [[lt:φυτόν]]
[[pl:φυτόν]]        [[mg:φυτόν]]
[[ru:φυτόν]]        [[pl:φυτόν]]
[[th:φυτόν]]        [[ru:φυτόν]]

exoratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:exoratio]]   [[fr:exoratio]]
[[ru:exoratio]]   [[mg:exoratio]]

auctoritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:auctoritas]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:auctoritas]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:auctoritas]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[pl:auctoritas]]  [[cs:auctoritas]]

Ἀκάμας: No change.


σαύρα: No change.


inofficiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ===References===
* {{R:L&S|ĭnoffĭcĭōsus}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:L&S|ĭnoffĭcĭōsus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|ĭnoffĭcĭōsus|p=824/3}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 540/2], “inofficiosus”  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * {{R:Gaffiot|ĭnoffĭcĭōsus|p=824/3}}
[[mg:inofficiosus]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             * Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 540/2], “inofficiosus”

inartificiosus: No change.


stuttr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
* Faroese: {{l|fo|stuttur}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|stuttur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|stuttur}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|stuttur}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|stutt}}    * Norwegian: {{l|no|stutt}}
[[lt:stuttr]]                  ===References===
[[pl:stuttr]]                  * {{R:Zoega}}

pituitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pītuītās}}                   {{la-noun-form|pītuītās}}
# {{inflection of|pītuīta||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pītuīta||acc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:pituitas]]                             ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                                            * {{R:NLW}}

transgressus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

regale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rēgāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|rēgāle}}
# {{inflection of|rēgālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rēgālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rēgālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rēgālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rēgālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rēgālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

bonas: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|bonās}}                   {{la-noun-form|bonās}}
# {{inflection of|bona||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bona||acc|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

et: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adverb===                                       ===Adverb===
{{la-adv|et||-}}                                   {{la-adv|et||-}}
# [[also]], [[too]], [[besides]], or [[likewise]]  # [[also]], [[too]], [[besides]], or [[likewise]]
----                                               ===References===
                                                   * {{R:L&S}}
                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                   * {{R:M&A}}

resignator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|resignātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|resignātor}}
# {{inflection of|resignō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|resignō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|resignō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|resignō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

demandator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dēmandātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|dēmandātor}}
# {{inflection of|dēmandō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēmandō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēmandō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēmandō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:demandator]]                                        ===References===
[[pl:demandator]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

caeno: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|caenō}}                     {{la-noun-form|caenō}}
# {{inflection of|caenum||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|caenum||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|caenum||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|caenum||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:caeno]]                               ===References===
                                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

mendum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:mendum]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[pl:mendum]]     [[fr:mendum]]
[[ru:mendum]]     [[mg:mendum]]

iocus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:iocus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:iocus]]      [[cs:iocus]]
[[fr:iocus]]      [[de:iocus]]
[[ko:iocus]]      [[es:iocus]]
[[mg:iocus]]      [[fr:iocus]]
[[ja:iocus]]      [[ko:iocus]]
[[pl:iocus]]      [[mg:iocus]]
[[pt:iocus]]      [[ja:iocus]]
[[ru:iocus]]      [[pl:iocus]]
[[chr:iocus]]     [[pt:iocus]]

adulans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bibax: No change.


πάρευνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[fr:πάρευνος]]   [[el:πάρευνος]]
[[mg:πάρευνος]]   [[fr:πάρευνος]]

Κρεμώνη: No change.


adfor: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                    ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|type=depon|adf|adfāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|type=depon|adf|adfāt}}
[[fr:adfor]]                          ===References===
[[ko:adfor]]                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

contionor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

stipo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:stipo]]      [[br:stipo]]
[[es:stipo]]      [[el:stipo]]
[[eo:stipo]]      [[es:stipo]]
[[fr:stipo]]      [[eo:stipo]]
[[ko:stipo]]      [[fr:stipo]]
[[io:stipo]]      [[ko:stipo]]
[[it:stipo]]      [[io:stipo]]
[[ru:stipo]]      [[it:stipo]]
[[vo:stipo]]      [[ru:stipo]]

fulgerator: No change.



arbustum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:arbustum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ro:arbustum]]   [[de:arbustum]]
[[ru:arbustum]]   [[fr:arbustum]]

Ἀντώνιος: No change.


reconciliatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                      ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|reconciliātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|reconciliātūra}}
# {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|reconciliātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|reconciliātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reconciliātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:NLW}}

ἀληθινός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)lhqino/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)lhqino/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}             * {{R:LBG}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

postes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|postēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|postēs}}
# {{inflection of|postis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|postis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|postis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|postis||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|postis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|postis||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

caeles: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:caeles]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Μαγδαλά: No change.


hospitator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:hospitator]]  [[fr:hospitator]]

effoveo: No change.


fundibula: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fundibula}}                     {{la-noun-form|fundibula}}
# {{inflection of|fundibulum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundibulum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fundibulum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundibulum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fundibulum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fundibulum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:fundibula]]                               ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

νεοδαμώδης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                                                                              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* [*n%3Aentry+group%3D5%3Aentry%3Dneodamw%2Fdhs Liddell-Scott online]  * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                                                                                                                                            * [*n%3Aentry+group%3D5%3Aentry%3Dneodamw%2Fdhs Liddell-Scott online]

matutine: No change.


medicor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:medicor]]    [[fr:medicor]]
[[mg:medicor]]    [[li:medicor]]
[[ru:medicor]]    [[mg:medicor]]

quidem: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]  
                            [[Category:Latin adverbs]]
[[ko:quidem]]               [[fr:quidem]]
[[la:quidem]]               [[ko:quidem]]
[[mg:quidem]]               [[la:quidem]]
[[nl:quidem]]               [[mg:quidem]]
[[pl:quidem]]               [[nl:quidem]]
[[fi:quidem]]               [[pl:quidem]]
[[chr:quidem]]              [[fi:quidem]]

incredibiliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:incredibiliter]]  [[fr:incredibiliter]]

sphragis: No change.


primivirgius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

caurus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====    ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|caur}}  {{la-decl-2nd|caur}}
----                  ===References===
                      * {{R:Peck}}

sextans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Currency]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:sextans]]            [[Category:la:Currency]]

lutea: No change.


aristolochia: No change.


anthrax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:anthrax]]    [[ca:anthrax]]
[[el:anthrax]]    [[et:anthrax]]
[[es:anthrax]]    [[el:anthrax]]
[[eu:anthrax]]    [[es:anthrax]]
[[fr:anthrax]]    [[eu:anthrax]]
[[ko:anthrax]]    [[fr:anthrax]]
[[hy:anthrax]]    [[ko:anthrax]]
[[io:anthrax]]    [[hy:anthrax]]
[[id:anthrax]]    [[io:anthrax]]
[[kn:anthrax]]    [[id:anthrax]]
[[ku:anthrax]]    [[kn:anthrax]]
[[hu:anthrax]]    [[ku:anthrax]]
[[mg:anthrax]]    [[hu:anthrax]]
[[ml:anthrax]]    [[mg:anthrax]]
[[my:anthrax]]    [[ml:anthrax]]
[[nl:anthrax]]    [[my:anthrax]]
[[ps:anthrax]]    [[nl:anthrax]]
[[pl:anthrax]]    [[ps:anthrax]]
[[pt:anthrax]]    [[pl:anthrax]]
[[ru:anthrax]]    [[pt:anthrax]]
[[fi:anthrax]]    [[ru:anthrax]]
[[ta:anthrax]]    [[fi:anthrax]]
[[tr:anthrax]]    [[ta:anthrax]]
[[vi:anthrax]]    [[tr:anthrax]]
[[zh:anthrax]]    [[vi:anthrax]]

cautos: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cautos}}                       {{la-adj-form|cautos}}
# {{inflection of|cautus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

porcinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:porcinus]]   [[fr:porcinus]]
[[ja:porcinus]]   [[mg:porcinus]]

Sardis: No change.


μάρναμαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}

βάλανος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
* LSJ 7th edition   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * LSJ 7th edition

stillae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|stillae}}                   {{la-noun-form|stillae}}
# {{inflection of|stilla||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stilla||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|stilla||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stilla||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|stilla||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stilla||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|stilla||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stilla||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:stillae]]                             ===References===
[[mg:stillae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

pinetum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:pinetum]]            [[ca:pinetum]]
[[et:pinetum]]            [[de:pinetum]]
[[fr:pinetum]]            [[et:pinetum]]
[[ku:pinetum]]            [[fr:pinetum]]
[[ru:pinetum]]            [[ku:pinetum]]
[[sv:pinetum]]            [[ru:pinetum]]
[[zh:pinetum]]            [[sv:pinetum]]

dissutura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dissūtūra}}                       {{la-part-form|dissūtūra}}
# {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|dissūtūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|dissūtūrā}}
# {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissūtūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐποποιία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition
[[fr:ἐποποιία]]    [[el:ἐποποιία]]

loto: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lōtō}}                     {{la-noun-form|lōtō}}
# {{inflection of|lōtus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lōtus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lōtus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lōtus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

molendinum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:molendinum]]  [[fr:molendinum]]
[[ru:molendinum]]  [[mg:molendinum]]

ἐμμενετικός: No change.


imperante: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|imperante}}                     {{la-part-form|imperante}}
# {{inflection of|imperāns||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|imperāns||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|imperāns||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|imperāns||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|imperāns||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|imperāns||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:imperante]]                               ===References===
[[it:imperante]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
----                                           [[it:imperante]]

indeficiens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐπιστολαί: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{head|grc|noun form|head=ἐπῐστολαί|g=f}}     {{head|grc|noun form|head=ἐπῐστολαί|g=f}}
# {{inflection of|ἐπῐστολή||nom|p|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|ἐπῐστολή||nom|p|lang=grc}}
# {{inflection of|ἐπῐστολή||voc|p|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|ἐπῐστολή||voc|p|lang=grc}}
                                              * {{R:Woodhouse}}

gnarus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:gnarus]]     [[el:gnarus]]
[[fr:gnarus]]     [[es:gnarus]]

zabulus: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====     ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd|zābul}}  {{la-decl-2nd|zābul}}
[[de:zabulus]]         ===References===
[[sk:zabulus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

lapidator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

hepar: No change.


carrum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun|carrum||carrī|n|second}}        {{la-noun|carrum||carrī|n|second}}
# {{alternative form of|carrus|lang=la}}  # {{alternative form of|carrus|lang=la}}
[[de:carrum]]                             ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄμμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)/mmos1}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)/mmos1}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}     * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[mg:ἄμμος]]          [[fr:ἄμμος]]
[[ru:ἄμμος]]          [[mg:ἄμμος]]

scatum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                   ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|scatum}}                      {{la-verb-form|scatum}}
# {{inflection of|scateō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scateō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

sacerdos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:sacerdos]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[da:sacerdos]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[de:sacerdos]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[es:sacerdos]]   [[cs:sacerdos]]
[[fr:sacerdos]]   [[da:sacerdos]]
[[ko:sacerdos]]   [[de:sacerdos]]
[[la:sacerdos]]   [[el:sacerdos]]
[[lt:sacerdos]]   [[es:sacerdos]]
[[hu:sacerdos]]   [[fr:sacerdos]]
[[mg:sacerdos]]   [[ko:sacerdos]]
[[nl:sacerdos]]   [[la:sacerdos]]
[[pl:sacerdos]]   [[lt:sacerdos]]
[[pt:sacerdos]]   [[hu:sacerdos]]
[[ru:sacerdos]]   [[mg:sacerdos]]
[[chr:sacerdos]]  [[nl:sacerdos]]

anathemata: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|anathemata}}                  {{la-noun-form|anathemata}}
# {{inflection of|anathema||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anathema||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anathema||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anathema||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anathema||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anathema||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:anathemata]]                            ===References===
[[ca:anathemata]]                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:anathemata]]                            [[ar:anathemata]]
[[mg:anathemata]]                            [[ca:anathemata]]
[[my:anathemata]]                            [[fr:anathemata]]
[[sv:anathemata]]                            [[ku:anathemata]]

sumministrator: No change.


quis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                     * {{R:Sihler 1995}}

pertento: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:pertento]]   [[ko:pertento]]

participes: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|participēs}}                      {{la-adj-form|participēs}}
# {{inflection of|particeps||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|particeps||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|particeps||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|particeps||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|particeps||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|particeps||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|particeps||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|particeps||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|particeps||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|particeps||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|particeps||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|particeps||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

zeta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                      ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{w|Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve}}, ''Latin Grammar'' (3rd ed., 1895), {{gbooks|Qk7foW63cO0C|1|The|Latin|names|for|the|letters|were}}:  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
*: The Latin names for the letters… For Y the sound was used, for Z the Greek name (zēta).                                              * {{w|Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve}}, ''Latin Grammar'' (3rd ed., 1895), {{gbooks|Qk7foW63cO0C|1|The|Latin|names|for|the|letters|were}}:
                                                                                                                                        *: The Latin names for the letters… For Y the sound was used, for Z the Greek name (zēta).
===Etymology 2===                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                        ===Etymology 2===

amplexo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                        ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|amplex|amplexāv|amplexāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|amplex|amplexāv|amplexāt}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

curatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ja:curatus]]    [[fr:curatus]]

applosus: No change.


derectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nundina: No change.


aequivalentia: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                  ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|equivalence}}      * English: {{l|en|equivalence}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|equivalência}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|equivalência}}
                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄγναφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|46}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Strong's|G|46}}

περιπατητικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====    ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}           * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:LBG}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
                      * {{R:LBG}}
[[fr:περιπατητικός]]  [[el:περιπατητικός]]
[[pl:περιπατητικός]]  [[fr:περιπατητικός]]

ἦχος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:LBG}}
[[ru:ἦχος]]         [[ko:ἦχος]]
[[tr:ἦχος]]         [[ru:ἦχος]]

orsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:orsus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

stimulatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|stimulāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|stimulāt}}
[[fr:stimulatus]]         ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

senarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sēnārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|sēnārium}}
# {{inflection of|sēnārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēnārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sēnārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēnārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sēnārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēnārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sēnārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēnārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

repens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praecogito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:praecogito]]  [[ko:praecogito]]

retineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:retineo]]    [[el:retineo]]
[[ko:retineo]]    [[fr:retineo]]
[[pl:retineo]]    [[ko:retineo]]

gravior: No change.


suadus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====    ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|suād}}  {{la-decl-1&2|suād}}
[[fr:suadus]]         ===References===
[[mg:suadus]]         * {{R:L&S}}

percontatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

inconjugus: No change.


homines: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hominēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|hominēs}}
# {{inflection of|homō|||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|homō|||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|homō|||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|homō|||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|homō|||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|homō|||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:homines]]                            ===References===
[[cs:homines]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:homines]]                            [[ca:homines]]
[[ku:homines]]                            [[cs:homines]]
[[chr:homines]]                           [[de:homines]]

piscator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:piscator]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:piscator]]   [[de:piscator]]
[[mg:piscator]]   [[fr:piscator]]
[[pl:piscator]]   [[hu:piscator]]
[[ru:piscator]]   [[mg:piscator]]
[[sv:piscator]]   [[pl:piscator]]
[[zh:piscator]]   [[ru:piscator]]

Θρᾷττα: No change.


λοιπός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

professi: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                           ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|prōfessusī}}                                {{la-part-form|prōfessusī}}
# {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professus|prōfessusus|voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:professi]]                                            ===References===
[[it:professi]]                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

deleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S|deleo}}   * {{R:L&S|deleo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:deleo]]        [[cs:deleo]]
[[el:deleo]]        [[de:deleo]]
[[es:deleo]]        [[el:deleo]]
[[fr:deleo]]        [[es:deleo]]
[[ko:deleo]]        [[fr:deleo]]
[[la:deleo]]        [[ko:deleo]]
[[li:deleo]]        [[la:deleo]]
[[mg:deleo]]        [[li:deleo]]
[[nl:deleo]]        [[mg:deleo]]
[[ja:deleo]]        [[nl:deleo]]
[[pl:deleo]]        [[ja:deleo]]
[[pt:deleo]]        [[pl:deleo]]
[[ru:deleo]]        [[pt:deleo]]
[[fi:deleo]]        [[ru:deleo]]
[[chr:deleo]]       [[fi:deleo]]

renatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|renatum}}                      {{la-part-form|renatum}}
# {{inflection of|renatus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renatus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|renatus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renatus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|renatus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renatus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|renatus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renatus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:renatum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

Σατανᾶς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|4567}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4567}}
[[hu:Σατανᾶς]]           [[hu:Σατανᾶς]]
[[ru:Σατανᾶς]]           [[ru:Σατανᾶς]]

inhabitatus: No change.


septenarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:septenarius]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:septenarius]]  [[fr:septenarius]]

σκληρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                  * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}            * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{R:Century 1911|sclere}}  * {{R:Century 1911|sclere}}
----                         ----

intellecte: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|intellēcte}}                       {{la-part-form|intellēcte}}
# {{inflection of|intellēctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intellēctus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:intellecte]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐπίθετος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}

sebaceus: No change.


contubernium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:contubernium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:contubernium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:contubernium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

supo: No change.


subjunctivus: No change.


oto: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|otō}}                     {{la-noun-form|otō}}
# {{inflection of|otus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|otus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|otus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|otus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

queritatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|queritāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|queritāt}}
                          * {{R:NLW}}

fuca: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|fūcā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|fūcā}}
# {{inflection of|fūcō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fūcō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[io:fuca]]                                           ===References===
[[mg:fuca]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

deperitus: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dēperitus}}                           {{la-verb-form|dēperitus}}
# {{conjugation of|dēpereō||perf|pass|inf|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|dēpereō||perf|pass|inf|lang=la}}
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

derivo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

abstractus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:abstractus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:abstractus]]  [[es:abstractus]]

modialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nemorosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pilae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pīlae}}                   {{la-noun-form|pīlae}}
# {{inflection of|pīla||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīla||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pīla||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīla||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pīla||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīla||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pīla||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīla||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:pilae]]                             ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

persorbeo: No change.


vapor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
==Old French==    
                  ==Old French==

νεκρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3498}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3498}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

impetus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Century 1911|impetus}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                              * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:impetus]]                * {{R:Century 1911|impetus}}
[[et:impetus]]                [[cs:impetus]]
[[el:impetus]]                [[de:impetus]]
[[es:impetus]]                [[et:impetus]]
[[fr:impetus]]                [[el:impetus]]
[[ko:impetus]]                [[es:impetus]]
[[hy:impetus]]                [[fr:impetus]]
[[io:impetus]]                [[ko:impetus]]
[[it:impetus]]                [[hy:impetus]]
[[kn:impetus]]                [[io:impetus]]
[[ku:impetus]]                [[it:impetus]]
[[hu:impetus]]                [[kn:impetus]]
[[mg:impetus]]                [[ku:impetus]]
[[ml:impetus]]                [[hu:impetus]]
[[my:impetus]]                [[mg:impetus]]
[[pl:impetus]]                [[ml:impetus]]
[[ru:impetus]]                [[my:impetus]]
[[sh:impetus]]                [[pl:impetus]]
[[fi:impetus]]                [[ru:impetus]]
[[ta:impetus]]                [[sh:impetus]]
[[te:impetus]]                [[fi:impetus]]
[[vi:impetus]]                [[ta:impetus]]
[[zh:impetus]]                [[te:impetus]]

suppernatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

invincibilis: No change.


crassitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:crassitudo]]  [[fr:crassitudo]]

ξανθός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

calbeus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|calbe}}  {{la-decl-2nd|calbe}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

Aprilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cy:aprilis]]          [[Category:la:Months]]
[[fy:aprilis]]          [[cy:aprilis]]
[[id:aprilis]]          [[fy:aprilis]]
[[lo:aprilis]]          [[id:aprilis]]
[[ln:aprilis]]          [[lo:aprilis]]
[[hu:aprilis]]          [[ln:aprilis]]
[[de:Aprilis]]          [[af:Aprilis]]
[[el:Aprilis]]          [[de:Aprilis]]
[[fr:Aprilis]]          [[el:Aprilis]]
[[ko:Aprilis]]          [[fr:Aprilis]]
[[hr:Aprilis]]          [[ko:Aprilis]]
[[id:Aprilis]]          [[hr:Aprilis]]
[[it:Aprilis]]          [[id:Aprilis]]
[[csb:Aprilis]]         [[it:Aprilis]]
[[la:Aprilis]]          [[csb:Aprilis]]
[[lt:Aprilis]]          [[la:Aprilis]]
[[mg:Aprilis]]          [[lt:Aprilis]]
[[nl:Aprilis]]          [[mg:Aprilis]]
[[ja:Aprilis]]          [[nl:Aprilis]]
[[pl:Aprilis]]          [[ja:Aprilis]]
[[ro:Aprilis]]          [[pl:Aprilis]]
[[ru:Aprilis]]          [[ro:Aprilis]]
[[fi:Aprilis]]          [[ru:Aprilis]]
[[sv:Aprilis]]          [[fi:Aprilis]]
[[tr:Aprilis]]          [[sv:Aprilis]]

ξύλον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|cu/lon1}}                    * {{R:LSJ|cu/lon1}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                       * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}                            * {{R:LBG}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=2|page=1037}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                       * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=2|page=1037}}
[[es:ξύλον]]                           [[el:ξύλον]]
[[fr:ξύλον]]                           [[es:ξύλον]]
[[ko:ξύλον]]                           [[fr:ξύλον]]
[[ka:ξύλον]]                           [[ko:ξύλον]]
[[li:ξύλον]]                           [[ka:ξύλον]]
[[hu:ξύλον]]                           [[li:ξύλον]]
[[mg:ξύλον]]                           [[hu:ξύλον]]
[[pl:ξύλον]]                           [[mg:ξύλον]]
[[pt:ξύλον]]                           [[pl:ξύλον]]
[[ru:ξύλον]]                           [[pt:ξύλον]]

tessella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tabeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:tabeo]]      [[fr:tabeo]]

convertibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:convertibilis]]  [[fr:convertibilis]]

facetus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:facetus]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:facetus]]    [[de:facetus]]
[[mg:facetus]]    [[el:facetus]]
[[pl:facetus]]    [[fr:facetus]]
[[ru:facetus]]    [[mg:facetus]]
[[zh:facetus]]    [[pl:facetus]]

ὑπερβολή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5236}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5236}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ὑπερβολή]]          [[el:ὑπερβολή]]
[[lt:ὑπερβολή]]          [[ko:ὑπερβολή]]
[[ru:ὑπερβολή]]          [[lt:ὑπερβολή]]

psalmicines: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|psalmicinēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|psalmicinēs}}
# {{inflection of|psalmicen||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psalmicen||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|psalmicen||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psalmicen||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|psalmicen||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psalmicen||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

momentanei: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mōmentāneī}}                        {{la-adj-form|mōmentāneī}}
# {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōmentāneus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:momentanei]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

ὀδμή: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[ko:ὀδμή]]         [[ko:ὀδμή]]
[[it:ὀδμή]]         [[it:ὀδμή]]

assicco: No change.


pactitium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pactītium}}                       {{la-adj-form|pactītium}}
# {{inflection of|pactītius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pactītius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pactītius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pactītius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pactītius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pactītius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pactītius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pactītius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

pugillus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|pugill}}  {{la-decl-2nd|pugill}}
[[fr:pugillus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἀκύλλιος: No change.


Iacchus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

allegoricus: No change.


corrigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:corrigo]]    [[ca:corrigo]]
[[ko:corrigo]]    [[fr:corrigo]]
[[mg:corrigo]]    [[ko:corrigo]]
[[ja:corrigo]]    [[mg:corrigo]]
[[ru:corrigo]]    [[ja:corrigo]]
[[chr:corrigo]]   [[ru:corrigo]]

quadratores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|quadrātōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|quadrātōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|quadrātor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quadrātor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quadrātor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quadrātor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quadrātor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quadrātor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

Metellus: No change.


severitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:severitas]]  * {{R:M&A}}

Dialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mediatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|mediāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|mediāt}}
[[fr:mediatus]]         ===References===
[[fi:mediatus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

πλαγκτός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[fr:πλαγκτός]]     [[el:πλαγκτός]]
[[it:πλαγκτός]]     [[fr:πλαγκτός]]
[[th:πλαγκτός]]     [[it:πλαγκτός]]

adverbialis: No change.


Ἀράξης: No change.


zmintha: No change.


deficientia: No change.


acanthyllis: No change.


Χάρης: No change.


coniector: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

satrapa: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====                                       ====Related terms====
* [[satrapia]] / [[satrapea|satrapēa]]                      * [[satrapia]] / [[satrapea|satrapēa]]
[[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]  ===References===
                                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                            [[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]

ruptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:ruptus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:ruptus]]     [[fr:ruptus]]

βλασφημέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|987}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Strong's|G|987}}

Cumae: No change.


mutuum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Adjective====                            ====Adjective====
{{la-adj-form|mūtuum}}                       {{la-adj-form|mūtuum}}
# {{inflection of|mūtuus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtuus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtuus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtuus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtuus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtuus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtuus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtuus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:mutuum]]                                ===References===
[[mg:mutuum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:mutuum]]                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[chr:mutuum]]                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

jactabundus: No change.


hippocampe: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                      ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hippocampe}}                     {{la-noun-form|hippocampe}}
# {{inflection of|hippocampus||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hippocampus||voc|s|lang=la}}
[[zh-min-nan:hippocampe]]                       ===References===
[[ca:hippocampe]]                               * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fr:hippocampe]]                               [[zh-min-nan:hippocampe]]
[[ko:hippocampe]]                               [[ca:hippocampe]]
[[io:hippocampe]]                               [[el:hippocampe]]
[[it:hippocampe]]                               [[fr:hippocampe]]
[[pl:hippocampe]]                               [[ko:hippocampe]]
[[ru:hippocampe]]                               [[io:hippocampe]]
[[fi:hippocampe]]                               [[it:hippocampe]]
[[sv:hippocampe]]                               [[pl:hippocampe]]
[[vi:hippocampe]]                               [[ru:hippocampe]]

nauticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:nauticus]]   [[de:nauticus]]
[[pl:nauticus]]   [[fr:nauticus]]

superpositus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:superpositus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abundans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[pt:abundans]]   [[fr:abundans]]
[[ru:abundans]]   [[pt:abundans]]
[[fi:abundans]]   [[ru:abundans]]
[[sv:abundans]]   [[fi:abundans]]

antenna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

exquisitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:exquisitio]]  [[fr:exquisitio]]
[[ru:exquisitio]]  [[mg:exquisitio]]

incontaminatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:incontaminatus]]  [[fr:incontaminatus]]

ἐκπίνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

serva: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|servā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|servā}}
# {{inflection of|servō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|servō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                          ===References===
                                                       * {{R:L&S}}
----                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                       * {{R:M&A}}
                                                       [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

minitabundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Latinitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S|lătīnĭtas|latinitas}}  * {{R:L&S|lătīnĭtas|latinitas}}
                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

hariolus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:hariolus]]   [[fr:hariolus]]

praedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:praedo]]     [[fr:praedo]]
[[mg:praedo]]     [[ko:praedo]]
[[ru:praedo]]     [[mg:praedo]]
[[chr:praedo]]    [[ru:praedo]]

tardiusculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Xanthus: No change.


μά: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|ma/1}}   * {{R:LSJ|ma/1}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}       * {{R:BDAG}}
                   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[de:μά]]          * {{R:Slater}}
[[el:μά]]          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:μά]]          [[de:μά]]
[[lt:μά]]          [[el:μά]]

fontinalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Iuno: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                                                          ===References===
* CLARKSON, James, ''Indo-European Word Formation: Proceedings from the International Conference'', 2002  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                          * CLARKSON, James, ''Indo-European Word Formation: Proceedings from the International Conference'', 2002
[[fr:Iuno]]                                                                                               [[el:Iuno]]
[[la:Iuno]]                                                                                               [[fr:Iuno]]
[[pl:Iuno]]                                                                                               [[la:Iuno]]
[[ru:Iuno]]                                                                                               [[pl:Iuno]]

apiscor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|apt}}                                                                                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references />                                                                                                             * {{R:Century 1911|apt}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  <references />
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]                                                                                          
                                                                                                                           [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[fr:apiscor]]                                                                                                             [[de:apiscor]]
[[ko:apiscor]]                                                                                                             [[fr:apiscor]]
[[pt:apiscor]]                                                                                                             [[ko:apiscor]]

mucronatus: No change.


contamina: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|contāminā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|contāminā}}
# {{inflection of|contāminō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contāminō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                       ===References===
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

ossa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|ossa}}                     {{la-noun-form|ossa}}
# {{inflection of|ossum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ossum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ossum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ossum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ossum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ossum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                          * {{R:Stillwell}}

fictitia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fictītia}}                        {{la-adj-form|fictītia}}
# {{inflection of|fictītius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fictītius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fictītius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fictītius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fictītius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fictītius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fictītius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fictītius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fictītius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fictītius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|fictītiā}}                        {{la-adj-form|fictītiā}}
# {{inflection of|fictītius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fictītius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

palaga: No change.


Μένανδρος: No change.


quoius: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                   ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb comparative form}}            {{head|la|adverb comparative form}}
# {{comparative of|quoad|POS=adverb|lang=la}}  # {{comparative of|quoad|POS=adverb|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

caballio: No change.


annixus: No change.


molluscus: No change.


cessit: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cessit}}                               {{la-verb-form|cessit}}
# {{inflection of|cēdō||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cēdō||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:cessit]]                                         ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

ebulinus: No change.


plicatrix: No change.


paro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S|paro1|paro1}}  * {{R:L&S|paro1|paro1}}
* {{R:L&S|paro2|paro2}}  * {{R:L&S|paro2|paro2}}
* {{R:L&S|paro3|paro3}}  * {{R:L&S|paro3|paro3}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                     * {{R:M&A}}

Ἕλλη: No change.


interpunctum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                       ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|interpunctum}}                    {{la-verb-form|interpunctum}}
# {{inflection of|interpungō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|interpungō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
[[fr:interpunctum]]                              ===References===
[[nl:interpunctum]]                              * {{R:L&S}}

superinduo: No change.


tametsi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:tametsi]]    [[fr:tametsi]]

semino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:semino]]     [[fr:semino]]
[[io:semino]]     [[ko:semino]]
[[it:semino]]     [[io:semino]]
[[mg:semino]]     [[it:semino]]
[[ru:semino]]     [[mg:semino]]
[[fi:semino]]     [[ru:semino]]
[[tr:semino]]     [[fi:semino]]

βάσκω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
{{R:LSJ}}           {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:LBG}}

πατρίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3968}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3968}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:πατρίς]]            [[de:πατρίς]]
[[fr:πατρίς]]            [[el:πατρίς]]
[[ko:πατρίς]]            [[fr:πατρίς]]
[[lt:πατρίς]]            [[ko:πατρίς]]
[[hu:πατρίς]]            [[lt:πατρίς]]
[[mg:πατρίς]]            [[hu:πατρίς]]

consuo: No change.


Tarentum: No change.


tonsores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|tōnsorēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|tōnsorēs}}
# {{inflection of|tōnsor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tōnsor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tōnsor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tōnsor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tōnsor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tōnsor||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[la:tonsores]]                            ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

gradus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:gradus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:gradus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:gradus]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ko:gradus]]     [[cs:gradus]]
[[io:gradus]]     [[de:gradus]]
[[ku:gradus]]     [[es:gradus]]
[[ky:gradus]]     [[fr:gradus]]
[[la:gradus]]     [[ko:gradus]]
[[mg:gradus]]     [[io:gradus]]
[[uz:gradus]]     [[ku:gradus]]
[[pl:gradus]]     [[ky:gradus]]
[[ru:gradus]]     [[la:gradus]]
[[sh:gradus]]     [[mg:gradus]]
[[fi:gradus]]     [[uz:gradus]]
[[ta:gradus]]     [[pl:gradus]]
[[tt:gradus]]     [[ru:gradus]]
[[vi:gradus]]     [[sh:gradus]]
[[zh:gradus]]     [[fi:gradus]]

matralia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mātrālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|mātrālia}}
# {{inflection of|mātrālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

coepto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:coepto]]     [[cs:coepto]]

perfectissimus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|perfectissim}}  {{la-decl-1&2|perfectissim}}
[[fr:perfectissimus]]         ===References===
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

peragro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:peragro]]    [[fr:peragro]]
[[it:peragro]]    [[ko:peragro]]
[[mg:peragro]]    [[it:peragro]]
[[ru:peragro]]    [[mg:peragro]]

resto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                       {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|rest}}       * English: {{l|en|rest}}
* French: {{l|fr|rester}}      * French: {{l|fr|rester}}
* Italian: {{l|it|restare}}    * Italian: {{l|it|restare}}
{{mid2}}                       {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|restar}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|restar}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|restar}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|restar}}
{{bottom}}                     {{bottom}}
----                           ===References===
                               * {{R:L&S}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}

palam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:palam]]      [[es:palam]]
[[id:palam]]      [[ko:palam]]
[[hu:palam]]      [[id:palam]]
[[mg:palam]]      [[hu:palam]]
[[pl:palam]]      [[mg:palam]]
[[pt:palam]]      [[pl:palam]]
[[zh:palam]]      [[pt:palam]]

acquiesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

felix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:felix]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:felix]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:felix]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[hr:felix]]      [[cs:felix]]
[[hu:felix]]      [[es:felix]]
[[mg:felix]]      [[fr:felix]]
[[nl:felix]]      [[ko:felix]]
[[ja:felix]]      [[hr:felix]]
[[pl:felix]]      [[hu:felix]]
[[ru:felix]]      [[mg:felix]]
[[fi:felix]]      [[nl:felix]]
[[sv:felix]]      [[ja:felix]]
[[chr:felix]]     [[pl:felix]]
[[tr:felix]]      [[ru:felix]]
[[zh:felix]]      [[fi:felix]]

multum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
* Morwood, James. ''A Latin Grammar''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:multum]]                                                                  * Morwood, James. ''A Latin Grammar''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[[es:multum]]                                                                  [[ca:multum]]
[[fr:multum]]                                                                  [[cs:multum]]
[[la:multum]]                                                                  [[es:multum]]
[[mg:multum]]                                                                  [[fr:multum]]
[[ml:multum]]                                                                  [[la:multum]]
[[pl:multum]]                                                                  [[mg:multum]]
[[pt:multum]]                                                                  [[ml:multum]]
[[ru:multum]]                                                                  [[pl:multum]]
[[sk:multum]]                                                                  [[pt:multum]]
[[sv:multum]]                                                                  [[ru:multum]]
[[chr:multum]]                                                                 [[sk:multum]]

africana: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|āfricāna}}                        {{la-adj-form|āfricāna}}
# {{inflection of|āfricānus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āfricānus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āfricānus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āfricānus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āfricānus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āfricānus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āfricānus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āfricānus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āfricānus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āfricānus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|āfricānā}}                        {{la-adj-form|āfricānā}}
# {{inflection of|āfricānus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āfricānus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

synedri: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|synedrī}}                     {{la-noun-form|synedrī}}
# {{inflection of|synedrus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|synedrus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|synedrus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|synedrus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|synedrus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|synedrus||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}

βρῶμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|brw%3dma}}                                * {{R:LSJ|brw%3dma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                   * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1033}}                             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                        * {{R:Strong's|G|1033}}
                                                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα]]  
                                                    [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα]]
[[fr:βρῶμα]]                                        [[el:βρῶμα]]
[[ko:βρῶμα]]                                        [[fr:βρῶμα]]
[[it:βρῶμα]]                                        [[ko:βρῶμα]]
[[hu:βρῶμα]]                                        [[it:βρῶμα]]
[[pl:βρῶμα]]                                        [[hu:βρῶμα]]

δειγματίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1165}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:DGE}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|1165}}

palmo: No change.


Ἀστυάγης: No change.


eloquens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Morwood, James. ''A Latin Grammar''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                               * Morwood, James. ''A Latin Grammar''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[[fr:eloquens]]                                                                [[de:eloquens]]
[[hr:eloquens]]                                                                [[fr:eloquens]]
[[la:eloquens]]                                                                [[hr:eloquens]]
[[ru:eloquens]]                                                                [[la:eloquens]]

oblatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:oblatio]]    [[fr:oblatio]]
[[ru:oblatio]]    [[mg:oblatio]]

zotheca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:zotheca]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ka:zotheca]]    [[cs:zotheca]]
[[nl:zotheca]]    [[fr:zotheca]]
[[chr:zotheca]]   [[ka:zotheca]]

gaudentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                    ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|gaudentēs}}                          {{la-part-form|gaudentēs}}
# {{inflection of|gaudēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gaudēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gaudēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gaudēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gaudēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gaudēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

summotus: No change.


teneo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[de:teneo]]      [[cs:teneo]]
[[el:teneo]]      [[de:teneo]]
[[es:teneo]]      [[el:teneo]]
[[fr:teneo]]      [[es:teneo]]
[[ko:teneo]]      [[fr:teneo]]
[[la:teneo]]      [[ko:teneo]]
[[hu:teneo]]      [[la:teneo]]
[[mg:teneo]]      [[hu:teneo]]
[[fj:teneo]]      [[mg:teneo]]
[[pl:teneo]]      [[fj:teneo]]
[[pt:teneo]]      [[pl:teneo]]
[[ru:teneo]]      [[pt:teneo]]
[[fi:teneo]]      [[ru:teneo]]
[[chr:teneo]]     [[fi:teneo]]

Μαίων: No change.


ἁγιάζω: No change.


tepidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:tepidus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:tepidus]]    [[el:tepidus]]

sexhorarius: No change.


seriose: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:seriose]]    [[no:seriose]]
[[ru:seriose]]    [[pl:seriose]]

murmur: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* French: {{l|fr|murmure}}  * French: {{l|fr|murmure}}
[[ca:murmur]]               ===References===
[[da:murmur]]               * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:murmur]]               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:murmur]]               [[ca:murmur]]
[[ko:murmur]]               [[da:murmur]]
[[hy:murmur]]               [[et:murmur]]
[[io:murmur]]               [[el:murmur]]
[[is:murmur]]               [[fr:murmur]]
[[it:murmur]]               [[ko:murmur]]
[[kn:murmur]]               [[hy:murmur]]
[[ku:murmur]]               [[io:murmur]]
[[li:murmur]]               [[is:murmur]]
[[hu:murmur]]               [[it:murmur]]
[[mg:murmur]]               [[kn:murmur]]
[[ml:murmur]]               [[ku:murmur]]
[[my:murmur]]               [[li:murmur]]
[[nl:murmur]]               [[hu:murmur]]
[[ja:murmur]]               [[mg:murmur]]
[[no:murmur]]               [[ml:murmur]]
[[pl:murmur]]               [[my:murmur]]
[[ro:murmur]]               [[nl:murmur]]
[[sm:murmur]]               [[ja:murmur]]
[[fi:murmur]]               [[no:murmur]]
[[tl:murmur]]               [[pl:murmur]]
[[ta:murmur]]               [[ro:murmur]]
[[te:murmur]]               [[sm:murmur]]
[[chr:murmur]]              [[fi:murmur]]
[[vi:murmur]]               [[tl:murmur]]
[[zh:murmur]]               [[ta:murmur]]

herbesco: No change.


desuefio: No change.


rotundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:rotundus]]   [[de:rotundus]]
[[it:rotundus]]   [[fr:rotundus]]
[[mg:rotundus]]   [[it:rotundus]]
[[uz:rotundus]]   [[mg:rotundus]]
[[ru:rotundus]]   [[uz:rotundus]]
[[tg:rotundus]]   [[ru:rotundus]]
[[chr:rotundus]]  [[tg:rotundus]]
[[tr:rotundus]]   [[chr:rotundus]]
[[zh:rotundus]]   [[tr:rotundus]]

daphnon: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

pollex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                              ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                         {{top2}}
* Catalan: [[polze]]                             * Catalan: [[polze]]
* English: [[pollical]]                          * English: [[pollical]]
* French: [[pouce]], [[poucier]]                 * French: [[pouce]], [[poucier]]
* Italian: [[pollice]]                           * Italian: [[pollice]]
* Occitan: [[poce]]                              * Occitan: [[poce]]
{{mid2}}                                         {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|pólex}}, {{l|pt|pólice}}    * Portuguese: {{l|pt|pólex}}, {{l|pt|pólice}}
* Romansh: [[polesch]], [[polisch]], [[polsch]]  * Romansh: [[polesch]], [[polisch]], [[polsch]]
* Sicilian: [[puseri]]                           * Sicilian: [[puseri]]
* Sardinian: [[pódhiche]]                        * Sardinian: [[pódhiche]]
{{bottom}}                                       {{bottom}}
[[ca:pollex]]                                    ===References===
[[de:pollex]]                                    * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:pollex]]                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[es:pollex]]                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:pollex]]                                    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[io:pollex]]                                    [[ca:pollex]]
[[ku:pollex]]                                    [[de:pollex]]
[[hu:pollex]]                                    [[et:pollex]]
[[mg:pollex]]                                    [[es:pollex]]
[[ja:pollex]]                                    [[fr:pollex]]
[[pl:pollex]]                                    [[ko:pollex]]
[[pt:pollex]]                                    [[io:pollex]]
[[ru:pollex]]                                    [[ku:pollex]]
[[fi:pollex]]                                    [[hu:pollex]]
[[ta:pollex]]                                    [[mg:pollex]]
[[vi:pollex]]                                    [[ja:pollex]]
[[zh:pollex]]                                    [[pl:pollex]]

quisquis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin pronouns]]  
                             [[Category:Latin pronouns]]
[[fr:quisquis]]              [[es:quisquis]]
[[ko:quisquis]]              [[fr:quisquis]]
[[la:quisquis]]              [[ko:quisquis]]
[[mg:quisquis]]              [[la:quisquis]]
[[pl:quisquis]]              [[mg:quisquis]]
[[pt:quisquis]]              [[pl:quisquis]]
[[chr:quisquis]]             [[pt:quisquis]]

δάφνη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

xylocinnamomum: No change.


donati: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dōnātī}}                       {{la-part-form|dōnātī}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:donati]]                                 ===References===
[[it:donati]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

bacis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|bācīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|bācīs}}
# {{inflection of|bāca||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bāca||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bāca||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bāca||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:bacis]]                             ===References===
                                         * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

accidia: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                                                                      ===References===
* Moore, Christopher (2004). In Other Words. New York: Walker Pub. ISBN 0802714447. <!-- generated using ottobib -->  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                      * Moore, Christopher (2004). In Other Words. New York: Walker Pub. ISBN 0802714447. <!-- generated using ottobib -->
[[fr:accidia]]                                                                                                        [[el:accidia]]
[[it:accidia]]                                                                                                        [[fr:accidia]]
[[mg:accidia]]                                                                                                        [[it:accidia]]
[[pl:accidia]]                                                                                                        [[mg:accidia]]
[[ru:accidia]]                                                                                                        [[pl:accidia]]
[[tr:accidia]]                                                                                                        [[ru:accidia]]

vesanio: No change.


λιτή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|lith/}}            * {{R:LSJ|lith/}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Century 1911|litany}}  * {{R:LBG}}
                             * {{R:Century 1911|litany}}
[[ko:λιτή]]                  [[el:λιτή]]
[[nl:λιτή]]                  [[ko:λιτή]]
[[pl:λιτή]]                  [[nl:λιτή]]

solum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:solum]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:solum]]      [[cs:solum]]
[[fr:solum]]      [[el:solum]]
[[id:solum]]      [[es:solum]]
[[kn:solum]]      [[fr:solum]]
[[ku:solum]]      [[id:solum]]
[[la:solum]]      [[kn:solum]]
[[hu:solum]]      [[ku:solum]]
[[mg:solum]]      [[la:solum]]
[[nl:solum]]      [[hu:solum]]
[[pl:solum]]      [[mg:solum]]
[[pt:solum]]      [[nl:solum]]
[[ru:solum]]      [[pl:solum]]
[[fi:solum]]      [[pt:solum]]
[[ta:solum]]      [[ru:solum]]
[[chr:solum]]     [[fi:solum]]
[[zh:solum]]      [[ta:solum]]

copiosior: No change.


obtusio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πάνθηρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:πάνθηρ]]       [[fr:πάνθηρ]]

theristrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

accerso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:accerso]]    [[fr:accerso]]

notae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|nōtae}}                      {{la-part-form|nōtae}}
# {{inflection of|nōtus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōtus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nōtus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōtus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nōtus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōtus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nōtus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōtus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:notae]]                                ===References===
[[cs:notae]]                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:notae]]                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

observo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Λάδη: No change.


proseminator: No change.


cunabula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[is:cunabula]]   [[fr:cunabula]]
[[mg:cunabula]]   [[is:cunabula]]

deiectio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|dēiectiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|dēiectiō}}
[[fr:deiectio]]           ===References===
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

gas: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|gas|gas}}  {{la-decl-3rd|gas|gas}}
----                     ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀμφίβραχυς: No change.


astipulator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:astipulator]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

caucus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====   ====Descendants====
* Greek: [[καύκος]]   * Greek: [[καύκος]]
* Romanian: [[cauc]]  * Romanian: [[cauc]]
[[et:caucus]]         ===References===
[[el:caucus]]         * {{R:L&S}}
[[eo:caucus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:caucus]]         [[et:caucus]]
[[ko:caucus]]         [[el:caucus]]
[[io:caucus]]         [[eo:caucus]]
[[kn:caucus]]         [[fa:caucus]]
[[ku:caucus]]         [[fr:caucus]]
[[mg:caucus]]         [[ko:caucus]]
[[ml:caucus]]         [[io:caucus]]
[[pl:caucus]]         [[kn:caucus]]
[[simple:caucus]]     [[ku:caucus]]
[[fi:caucus]]         [[mg:caucus]]
[[ta:caucus]]         [[ml:caucus]]
[[vi:caucus]]         [[pl:caucus]]
[[zh:caucus]]         [[simple:caucus]]

cibicida: No change.


cirrus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====    ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|cirr}}  {{la-decl-2nd|cirr}}
[[de:cirrus]]         ===References===
[[et:cirrus]]         * {{R:L&S}}
[[el:cirrus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:cirrus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:cirrus]]         * {{R:Peck}}
[[hy:cirrus]]         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:cirrus]]         [[de:cirrus]]
[[hu:cirrus]]         [[et:cirrus]]
[[mg:cirrus]]         [[el:cirrus]]
[[ml:cirrus]]         [[fr:cirrus]]
[[nl:cirrus]]         [[ko:cirrus]]
[[pl:cirrus]]         [[hy:cirrus]]
[[ru:cirrus]]         [[io:cirrus]]
[[fi:cirrus]]         [[ku:cirrus]]
[[ta:cirrus]]         [[hu:cirrus]]
[[vi:cirrus]]         [[mg:cirrus]]
[[zh:cirrus]]         [[ml:cirrus]]

apozymo: No change.


copia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Stillwell}}

amylo: No change.


francus: LATIN: References added.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:NLW}}
[[la:francus]]                 [[co:francus]]
[[mg:francus]]                 [[la:francus]]

planetula: No change.


exim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adbibo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

βατός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[fr:βατός]]      [[el:βατός]]
[[mg:βατός]]      [[fr:βατός]]

serrula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ta:serrula]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

abliguritor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|abligūrītor}}                               {{la-verb-form|abligūrītor}}
# {{inflection of|abligūriō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abligūriō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abligūriō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abligūriō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:abliguritor]]                                         ===References===
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

pedata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pedāta}}                       {{la-part-form|pedāta}}
# {{inflection of|pedātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|pedātā}}                       {{la-part-form|pedātā}}
# {{inflection of|pedātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[co:pedata]]                                 ===References===
[[de:pedata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:pedata]]                                 [[co:pedata]]
[[gl:pedata]]                                 [[de:pedata]]
[[it:pedata]]                                 [[eu:pedata]]
[[mg:pedata]]                                 [[fr:pedata]]
[[ro:pedata]]                                 [[gl:pedata]]
[[fi:pedata]]                                 [[it:pedata]]

radia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|radia}}                     {{la-noun-form|radia}}
# {{inflection of|radium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|radium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|radium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|radium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|radium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|radium||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

obsaepio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nux: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[an:nux]]        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:nux]]        * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:nux]]        [[an:nux]]
[[eu:nux]]        [[da:nux]]
[[fr:nux]]        [[de:nux]]
[[io:nux]]        [[es:nux]]
[[is:nux]]        [[eu:nux]]
[[it:nux]]        [[fr:nux]]
[[la:nux]]        [[io:nux]]
[[mg:nux]]        [[is:nux]]
[[ja:nux]]        [[it:nux]]
[[pl:nux]]        [[la:nux]]
[[ru:nux]]        [[mg:nux]]
[[fi:nux]]        [[ja:nux]]
[[chr:nux]]       [[pl:nux]]
[[tr:nux]]        [[ru:nux]]
[[zh:nux]]        [[fi:nux]]

insimulatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:insimulatio]]  [[mg:insimulatio]]
[[ru:insimulatio]]  [[pl:insimulatio]]

pueritia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pueritia]]   * {{R:NLW}}

liga: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ligā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|ligā}}
# {{inflection of|ligō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ligō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                      * {{R:NLW}}

lucibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:lucibilis]]  [[fr:lucibilis]]

nugator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:nugator]]    [[fr:nugator]]

ἑνδεκασύλλαβος: No change.


feles: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
{{R:L&S}}                {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         <references />
[[el:feles]]             [[de:feles]]
[[fr:feles]]             [[el:feles]]
[[ga:feles]]             [[fr:feles]]
[[it:feles]]             [[ga:feles]]
[[lo:feles]]             [[it:feles]]
[[la:feles]]             [[lo:feles]]
[[lt:feles]]             [[la:feles]]
[[hu:feles]]             [[lt:feles]]
[[mg:feles]]             [[hu:feles]]
[[fj:feles]]             [[mg:feles]]
[[nl:feles]]             [[fj:feles]]
[[ja:feles]]             [[nl:feles]]
[[pl:feles]]             [[ja:feles]]
[[pt:feles]]             [[pl:feles]]
[[ro:feles]]             [[pt:feles]]
[[ru:feles]]             [[ro:feles]]
[[sv:feles]]             [[ru:feles]]
[[th:feles]]             [[sv:feles]]
[[chr:feles]]            [[th:feles]]
[[tr:feles]]             [[chr:feles]]

freno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Batavia: No change.


expedientia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|expedientia}}                    {{la-part-form|expedientia}}
# {{inflection of|expediēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expediēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expediēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expediēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|expediēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|expediēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:expedientia]]                              ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

sannr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|sannur}}       * Icelandic: {{l|is|sannur}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|sann}}           * Swedish: {{l|sv|sann}}
[[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
[[sv:sannr]]                       [[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]

crete: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|crēte}}                       {{la-part-form|crēte}}
# {{inflection of|crētus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crētus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ar:crete]]                                 ===References===
[[et:crete]]                                 * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:crete]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[wa:crete]]                                 [[ar:crete]]
[[zh:crete]]                                 [[et:crete]]

mellitum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mellītum}}                       {{la-adj-form|mellītum}}
# {{inflection of|mellītus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mellītus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[zh:mellitum]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

emolior: No change.


luxuries: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|luxuriēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|luxuriēs}}
# {{inflection of|luxuriō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|luxuriō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[fr:luxuries]]                                          ===References===
[[ku:luxuries]]                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:luxuries]]                                          [[fr:luxuries]]
[[ml:luxuries]]                                          [[ku:luxuries]]
[[my:luxuries]]                                          [[hu:luxuries]]
[[no:luxuries]]                                          [[mg:luxuries]]
[[ru:luxuries]]                                          [[ml:luxuries]]
[[simple:luxuries]]                                      [[my:luxuries]]
[[sv:luxuries]]                                          [[no:luxuries]]
[[ta:luxuries]]                                          [[ru:luxuries]]
[[vi:luxuries]]                                          [[simple:luxuries]]

drekka: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                       ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                  {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|drikke}}                                                                 * Danish: {{l|da|drikke}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|drekka}}                                                                * Faroese: {{l|fo|drekka}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|drekka}}                                                              * Icelandic: {{l|is|drekka}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                  {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|drikke}} {{qualifier|bokmål}}, {{l|nn|drikke}} {{qualifier|nynorsk}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|drikke}} {{qualifier|bokmål}}, {{l|nn|drikke}} {{qualifier|nynorsk}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|dricka}} (Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|drikka}})                             * Swedish: {{l|sv|dricka}} (Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|drikka}})
{{bottom}}                                                                                {{bottom}}
[[da:drekka]]                                                                             ===References===
[[de:drekka]]                                                                             * {{R:Zoega}}
[[es:drekka]]                                                                             [[da:drekka]]
[[eu:drekka]]                                                                             [[de:drekka]]
[[fr:drekka]]                                                                             [[el:drekka]]
[[io:drekka]]                                                                             [[es:drekka]]
[[is:drekka]]                                                                             [[eu:drekka]]
[[lt:drekka]]                                                                             [[fr:drekka]]
[[hu:drekka]]                                                                             [[io:drekka]]
[[mg:drekka]]                                                                             [[is:drekka]]
[[fj:drekka]]                                                                             [[lt:drekka]]
[[nl:drekka]]                                                                             [[hu:drekka]]
[[ja:drekka]]                                                                             [[mg:drekka]]
[[no:drekka]]                                                                             [[fj:drekka]]
[[pl:drekka]]                                                                             [[nl:drekka]]
[[ru:drekka]]                                                                             [[ja:drekka]]
[[sv:drekka]]                                                                             [[no:drekka]]
[[chr:drekka]]                                                                            [[pl:drekka]]

dulcor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:dulcor]]     [[mg:dulcor]]
[[ru:dulcor]]     [[pl:dulcor]]
[[chr:dulcor]]    [[ru:dulcor]]

odiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:odiosus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:odiosus]]    [[cs:odiosus]]
[[ja:odiosus]]    [[fr:odiosus]]

coniectus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

spolia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|spolia}}                     {{la-noun-form|spolia}}
# {{inflection of|spolium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|spolium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|spolium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|spolium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|spolium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|spolium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:spolia]]                               ===References===
[[mg:spolia]]                               * {{R:Peck}}
[[ro:spolia]]                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

sextilia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sextīlia}}                       {{la-adj-form|sextīlia}}
# {{inflection of|sextīlis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sextīlis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sextīlis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sextīlis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sextīlis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sextīlis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

sibilus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>                                                                                                * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[mg:sibilus]]                                                                                               [[fr:sibilus]]

emulsus: No change.


albeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:albeo]]      [[es:albeo]]
[[ja:albeo]]      [[ko:albeo]]

Πλαταιεύς: No change.


porrecte: No change.


venustus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ang:venustus]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

βιός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[pt:βιός]]         [[es:βιός]]

lanositas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

intercurso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|intercursō}}                       {{la-part-form|intercursō}}
# {{inflection of|intercursus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercursus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intercursus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercursus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intercursus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercursus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intercursus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercursus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:intercurso]]                                 ===References===
[[pt:intercurso]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:intercurso]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

γῦρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}       * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:LBG}}
[[ko:γῦρος]]      [[fr:γῦρος]]
[[mg:γῦρος]]      [[ko:γῦρος]]

comperendinatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

collactaneus: No change.


vassallus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                                              ====Descendants====
* Old French: {{l|fro|vassal}}                                                                                   * Old French: {{l|fro|vassal}}
** Old French: {{l|fro|vasselage}}, {{l|fro|vassalage}}, {{l|fro|vassallage}}                                    ** Old French: {{l|fro|vasselage}}, {{l|fro|vassalage}}, {{l|fro|vassallage}}
*** Middle French: {{l|frm|vasselage}}, {{l|frm|vasselaige}}, {{l|frm|vassellage}}                               *** Middle French: {{l|frm|vasselage}}, {{l|frm|vasselaige}}, {{l|frm|vassellage}}
**** French: {{l|fr|vasselage}}                                                                                  **** French: {{l|fr|vasselage}}
*** → Middle English: {{l|enm|vasselage}}, {{l|enm|vassellage}}, {{l|enm|vassallage}}                            *** → Middle English: {{l|enm|vasselage}}, {{l|enm|vassellage}}, {{l|enm|vassallage}}
**** English: {{l|en|vassalage}}                                                                                 **** English: {{l|en|vassalage}}
*** → Italian: {{l|it|vassallaggio}}                                                                             *** → Italian: {{l|it|vassallaggio}}
*** → Old Provençal: {{l|pro|vassalatge}}                                                                        *** → Old Provençal: {{l|pro|vassalatge}}
**** Old Catalan: {{l|roa-oca|vassallatge}}                                                                      **** Old Catalan: {{l|roa-oca|vassallatge}}
***** Catalan: {{l|ca|vassallatge}}                                                                              ***** Catalan: {{l|ca|vassallatge}}
**** Occitan: {{l|oc|vassalatge}}                                                                                **** Occitan: {{l|oc|vassalatge}}
*** → Spanish: {{l|es|vasallaje}}, {{l|es|vasallage}}                                                            *** → Spanish: {{l|es|vasallaje}}, {{l|es|vasallage}}
** Middle French: {{l|frm|vassal}}                                                                               ** Middle French: {{l|frm|vassal}}
*** French: {{l|fr|vassal}}                                                                                      *** French: {{l|fr|vassal}}
**** → Czech: {{l|cs|vazal}}                                                                                     **** → Czech: {{l|cs|vazal}}
**** → Danish: {{l|da|vasal}}                                                                                    **** → Danish: {{l|da|vasal}}
**** → Polish: {{l|pl|wasal}}                                                                                    **** → Polish: {{l|pl|wasal}}
**** → Russian: {{l|ru|васса́л}}; {{l|ru|вассальный}}                                                            **** → Russian: {{l|ru|васса́л}}; {{l|ru|вассальный}}
***** → Armenian: {{l|hy|վասալ}}                                                                                 ***** → Armenian: {{l|hy|վասալ}}
**** → Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|vàzāl}}                                                                            **** → Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|vàzāl}}
** Norman: {{l|nrf|vassa}}                                                                                       ** Norman: {{l|nrf|vassa}}
** → Middle Dutch: {{l|dum|vassael}}, {{l|dum|vasael}}, {{l|dum|vasal}}, {{l|dum|vasseel}}                       ** → Middle Dutch: {{l|dum|vassael}}, {{l|dum|vasael}}, {{l|dum|vasal}}, {{l|dum|vasseel}}
*** Dutch: {{l|nl|vazal}}                                                                                        *** Dutch: {{l|nl|vazal}}
** → Middle English: {{l|enm|vassal}}                                                                            ** → Middle English: {{l|enm|vassal}}
*** Middle English: {{l|en|vassal}}, {{l|en|vasal}}                                                              *** Middle English: {{l|en|vassal}}, {{l|en|vasal}}
** → Middle High German: {{l|gmh|vassal}}                                                                        ** → Middle High German: {{l|gmh|vassal}}
*** German: {{l|gmh|Vassal}}                                                                                     *** German: {{l|gmh|Vassal}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|vasalo}}                                                                                      * Galician: {{l|gl|vasalo}}
* Italian: {{l|it|vassallo}}                                                                                     * Italian: {{l|it|vassallo}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|vassalo}}                                                                                   * Portuguese: {{l|pt|vassalo}}
* Old Provençal:                                                                                                 * Old Provençal:
** Old Catalan: {{l|roa-oca|vassall}}, {{l|roa-oca|uassal}}, {{l|roa-oca|uassall}}, {{l|roa-oca|vasal}}          ** Old Catalan: {{l|roa-oca|vassall}}, {{l|roa-oca|uassal}}, {{l|roa-oca|uassall}}, {{l|roa-oca|vasal}}
*** Catalan: {{l|ca|vassall}}                                                                                    *** Catalan: {{l|ca|vassall}}
** Occitan: {{l|oc|vassal}}                                                                                      ** Occitan: {{l|oc|vassal}}
* Old Spanish: {{l|osp|vasallo}}, {{l|osp|uasallo}}, {{l|osp|uassallo}}, {{l|osp|uasiello}}, {{l|osp|vassallo}}  * Old Spanish: {{l|osp|vasallo}}, {{l|osp|uasallo}}, {{l|osp|uassallo}}, {{l|osp|uasiello}}, {{l|osp|vassallo}}
** Spanish: {{l|es|vasallo}}                                                                                     ** Spanish: {{l|es|vasallo}}
* → Finnish: {{l|fi|vasalli}}, {{l|fi|vasallius}}; {{l|fi|vasallimaa}}; {{l|fi|vasallivaltio}}                   * → Finnish: {{l|fi|vasalli}}, {{l|fi|vasallius}}; {{l|fi|vasallimaa}}; {{l|fi|vasallivaltio}}
* → Irish: {{l|ga|vasáilleach}}                                                                                  * → Irish: {{l|ga|vasáilleach}}
                                                                                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

speciositas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

apte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Ἰταλιώτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{grc-wh-page|1014}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{grc-wh-page|1014}}

polymita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

comprehensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:comprehensio]]  [[mg:comprehensio]]

fetosus: No change.


dilatator: No change.


spicatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:spicatus]]   [[fr:spicatus]]

stater: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

incussus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adsitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|adsit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|adsit}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

λευγαλέος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}

beo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|be|beāv|beāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|be|beāv|beāt}}
----                          ===References===
                              * {{R:L&S}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

stator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                          ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|stātor}}                             {{la-verb-form|stātor}}
# {{conjugation of|stō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|stō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|stō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|stō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
[[et:stator]]                                       ===References===
[[eu:stator]]                                       * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:stator]]                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[io:stator]]                                       * {{R:Peck}}
[[id:stator]]                                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ku:stator]]                                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[nl:stator]]                                       [[et:stator]]
[[pl:stator]]                                       [[eu:stator]]
[[ro:stator]]                                       [[fr:stator]]
[[ru:stator]]                                       [[io:stator]]
[[sh:stator]]                                       [[id:stator]]
[[ta:stator]]                                       [[ku:stator]]
[[tr:stator]]                                       [[mg:stator]]
[[vi:stator]]                                       [[nl:stator]]
[[zh:stator]]                                       [[pl:stator]]

conscisco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

realiter: No change.


ebdomada: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|ebdomad}}  {{la-decl-1st|ebdomad}}
[[it:ebdomada]]          ===References===
[[pl:ebdomada]]          * {{R:du Cange}}

incursio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:incursio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:incursio]]   [[es:incursio]]

lapido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adroganter: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                  ===Adverb===
{{la-adv|adrogant||er}}                       {{la-adv|adrogant||er}}
# {{alternative form of|arroganter|lang=la}}  # {{alternative form of|arroganter|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

arvum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:arvum]]      [[el:arvum]]
[[fy:arvum]]      [[fr:arvum]]
[[mg:arvum]]      [[fy:arvum]]
[[pl:arvum]]      [[mg:arvum]]
[[ru:arvum]]      [[pl:arvum]]

constupeo: No change.


saetiger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κίγκλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[fr:κίγκλος]]    [[el:κίγκλος]]
[[ko:κίγκλος]]    [[fr:κίγκλος]]

porcetra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:porcetra]]   [[de:porcetra]]
[[ru:porcetra]]   [[fr:porcetra]]

cantes: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cantēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|cantēs}}
# {{inflection of|cantō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

acerrime: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                                                                                                                                      ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb superlative form|head=ācerrime}}                                                                                                                 {{head|la|adverb superlative form|head=ācerrime}}
# {{superlative of|ācriter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}                                                                                                                   # {{superlative of|ācriter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}
#* {{Q|la|Julius Caesar|Commentarii de Bello Gallico|5|43|4|quote=sed paene ne respiceret quidem quisquam, ac tum omnes '''acerrime''' fortissimeque pugnarent}}  #* {{Q|la|Julius Caesar|Commentarii de Bello Gallico|5|43|4|quote=sed paene ne respiceret quidem quisquam, ac tum omnes '''acerrime''' fortissimeque pugnarent}}
                                                                                                                                                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

argutor: No change.


discerpo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:discerpo]]   [[es:discerpo]]

acervatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[pl:acervatim]]                                                                                             [[fr:acervatim]]
[[ru:acervatim]]                                                                                             [[pl:acervatim]]

transmuto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

commentarium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                       ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|commentarium}}                    {{la-noun-form|commentarium}}
# {{inflection of|commentarius||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commentarius||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:commentarium]]                              ===References===
[[pl:commentarium]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

calciatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|calciāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|calciāt}}
[[li:calciatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

Μουσεῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}

potissimum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|potissimum}}                       {{la-adj-form|potissimum}}
# {{inflection of|potissimus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potissimus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potissimus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potissimus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potissimus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potissimus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potissimus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potissimus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:potissimum]]                                ===References===
[[mg:potissimum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[sh:potissimum]]                                [[fr:potissimum]]

conceptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====           ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|conceptio|conceptiō}}  * {{l|la|conceptio|conceptiō}}
[[et:conceptus]]                ===References===
[[fr:conceptus]]                * {{R:L&S}}
[[mg:conceptus]]                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:conceptus]]                * {{R:M&A}}
[[ta:conceptus]]                * {{R:NLW}}
[[zh:conceptus]]                [[et:conceptus]]

pisis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pīsīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|pīsīs}}
# {{inflection of|pīsum||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīsum||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pīsum||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pīsum||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[de:pisis]]                              ===References===
[[el:pisis]]                              * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[mg:pisis]]                              [[de:pisis]]
[[pt:pisis]]                              [[el:pisis]]

Ἐρίβοια: No change.


Ὀκταουία: No change.


pustulosus: No change.


dissolutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:dissolutio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:dissolutio]]  [[fr:dissolutio]]

sulco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Γαβριήλ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1043}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1043}}
----                     ----

κέρασος: No change.


cornetum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:cornetum]]   [[fr:cornetum]]

murus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[af:murus]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:murus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[co:murus]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[et:murus]]      [[af:murus]]
[[el:murus]]      [[cs:murus]]
[[es:murus]]      [[co:murus]]
[[fr:murus]]      [[da:murus]]
[[fy:murus]]      [[et:murus]]
[[ko:murus]]      [[el:murus]]
[[id:murus]]      [[es:murus]]
[[it:murus]]      [[fr:murus]]
[[jv:murus]]      [[fy:murus]]
[[ka:murus]]      [[ko:murus]]
[[ku:murus]]      [[id:murus]]
[[la:murus]]      [[it:murus]]
[[hu:murus]]      [[jv:murus]]
[[mg:murus]]      [[ka:murus]]
[[nl:murus]]      [[ku:murus]]
[[pl:murus]]      [[la:murus]]
[[ru:murus]]      [[hu:murus]]
[[fi:murus]]      [[mg:murus]]
[[chr:murus]]     [[nl:murus]]


Τελαμών: No change.


stricto: No change.


cisium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cisium]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:cisium]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

infumo: No change.


aeva: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aeva}}                     {{la-noun-form|aeva}}
# {{inflection of|aevum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aevum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aevum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aevum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aevum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aevum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[eu:aeva]]                               ===References===
[[fr:aeva]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:aeva]]                               [[eu:aeva]]

irrationalis: No change.


nafarr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|nafar}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|nafar}}
[[pl:nafarr]]                ===References===
                             * {{R:Zoega}}

excuso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

δασύτης: No change.


injugis: No change.


gigans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|gigāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd|gigāns}}
[[mg:gigans]]           ===References===
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

auctito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:auctito]]    [[ko:auctito]]

tenens: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
* Spanish: {{l|es|teniente}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|teniente}}
----                          ===References===
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

narcissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|narciss}}   {{la-decl-2nd|narciss}}
[[Category:la:Flowers]]   ===References===
                          * {{R:L&S}}
[[zh-min-nan:narcissus]]  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[et:narcissus]]          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:narcissus]]          * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fa:narcissus]]          * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:narcissus]]          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[hy:narcissus]]          [[Category:la:Flowers]]
[[it:narcissus]]          [[zh-min-nan:narcissus]]
[[ku:narcissus]]          [[et:narcissus]]
[[hu:narcissus]]          [[el:narcissus]]
[[my:narcissus]]          [[fa:narcissus]]
[[pl:narcissus]]          [[fr:narcissus]]
[[ro:narcissus]]          [[ko:narcissus]]
[[simple:narcissus]]      [[hy:narcissus]]
[[fi:narcissus]]          [[io:narcissus]]
[[ta:narcissus]]          [[it:narcissus]]
[[te:narcissus]]          [[ku:narcissus]]
[[vi:narcissus]]          [[hu:narcissus]]
[[zh:narcissus]]          [[my:narcissus]]

dissolute: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:dissolute]]  [[et:dissolute]]
[[fr:dissolute]]  [[el:dissolute]]
[[ko:dissolute]]  [[fr:dissolute]]
[[hy:dissolute]]  [[ko:dissolute]]
[[io:dissolute]]  [[hy:dissolute]]
[[it:dissolute]]  [[io:dissolute]]
[[kn:dissolute]]  [[it:dissolute]]
[[ku:dissolute]]  [[kn:dissolute]]
[[hu:dissolute]]  [[ku:dissolute]]
[[ml:dissolute]]  [[hu:dissolute]]
[[my:dissolute]]  [[ml:dissolute]]
[[pl:dissolute]]  [[my:dissolute]]
[[ru:dissolute]]  [[pl:dissolute]]
[[fi:dissolute]]  [[ru:dissolute]]
[[te:dissolute]]  [[fi:dissolute]]
[[vi:dissolute]]  [[te:dissolute]]
[[zh:dissolute]]  [[vi:dissolute]]

obscene: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aspilates: No change.


deliberatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nexum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:nexum]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[la:nexum]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:nexum]]      [[fr:nexum]]

fagr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                              ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                         {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|fager}}, {{l|da|favr}} (arch.)  * Danish: {{l|da|fager}}, {{l|da|favr}} (arch.)
* Faroese: {{l|fo|fagur}}                        * Faroese: {{l|fo|fagur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|fagur}}                      * Icelandic: {{l|is|fagur}}
{{mid2}}                                         {{mid2}}
* Norwegian (nynorsk): {{l|nn|fager}}            * Norwegian (nynorsk): {{l|nn|fager}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|fager}}                        * Swedish: {{l|sv|fager}}
{{bottom}}                                       {{bottom}}
[[lt:fagr]]                                      ===References===
[[pl:fagr]]                                      * {{R:Zoega}}

cenator: No change.


clueor: No change.


ferox: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ferox]]      [[es:ferox]]
[[ko:ferox]]      [[fr:ferox]]
[[hr:ferox]]      [[ko:ferox]]
[[mg:ferox]]      [[hr:ferox]]
[[nl:ferox]]      [[mg:ferox]]
[[pt:ferox]]      [[nl:ferox]]
[[chr:ferox]]     [[pt:ferox]]
[[zh:ferox]]      [[chr:ferox]]

μάσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:μάσσω]]        [[el:μάσσω]]
[[mg:μάσσω]]        [[fr:μάσσω]]

recte: LATIN: References added.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]  
                            [[Category:Latin adverbs]]
[[cs:recte]]                [[ca:recte]]
[[da:recte]]                [[cs:recte]]
[[el:recte]]                [[da:recte]]
[[es:recte]]                [[el:recte]]
[[fr:recte]]                [[es:recte]]
[[io:recte]]                [[fr:recte]]
[[mg:recte]]                [[io:recte]]
[[no:recte]]                [[mg:recte]]
[[pl:recte]]                [[no:recte]]
[[ro:recte]]                [[pl:recte]]
[[ru:recte]]                [[ro:recte]]
[[chr:recte]]               [[ru:recte]]

acrimoniae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|ācrimōniae}}                   {{la-noun-form|ācrimōniae}}
# {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ācrimōnia||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:acrimoniae]]                             ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

dimotus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dīmōt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dīmōt}}
                       * {{R:L&S}}

praeiudicatus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

accensus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:accensus]]   [[fr:accensus]]
[[ru:accensus]]   [[mg:accensus]]

descriptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:descriptio]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[lt:descriptio]]   [[fr:descriptio]]
[[mg:descriptio]]   [[la:descriptio]]
[[ru:descriptio]]   [[lt:descriptio]]
[[chr:descriptio]]  [[mg:descriptio]]

fascium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fascium}}                   {{la-noun-form|fascium}}
# {{inflection of|fascis||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fascis||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:fascium]]                             ===References===
[[mg:fascium]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

praescribo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:praescribo]]  [[fr:praescribo]]

tribula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

examplexor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

grossa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|grossa}}                        {{la-adj-form|grossa}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|grossā}}                        {{la-adj-form|grossā}}
# {{inflection of|grossus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grossus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

milites: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mīlitēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|mīlitēs}}
# {{inflection of|mīles||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mīles||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mīles||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mīles||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mīles||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mīles||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}

morginn: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ===References===
* [ morginn] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].  * {{R:Zoega}}
* [ morginn] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].                    * [ morginn] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * [ morginn] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].
[[pl:morginn]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [[da:morginn]]

purulentus: No change.


subsannator: No change.


praerogatio: No change.


inopinans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

quaero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S|quaero}}                * {{R:L&S|quaero}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|quæro|pp=1,288–9}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                       * {{R:Gaffiot|quæro|pp=1,288–9}}
* {{R:OLD|1|quaerō|1,533}}        * {{R:M&A}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|quaerere|877}}    * {{R:OLD|1|quaerō|1,533}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|503}}        * {{R:Niermeyer|quaerere|877}}
                                  * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|503}}
[[fr:quaero]]                     [[el:quaero]]
[[ko:quaero]]                     [[fr:quaero]]
[[lt:quaero]]                     [[ko:quaero]]
[[mg:quaero]]                     [[lt:quaero]]
[[ja:quaero]]                     [[mg:quaero]]
[[pl:quaero]]                     [[ja:quaero]]
[[pt:quaero]]                     [[pl:quaero]]
[[ru:quaero]]                     [[pt:quaero]]
[[fi:quaero]]                     [[ru:quaero]]
[[chr:quaero]]                    [[fi:quaero]]

hostis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:hostis]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:hostis]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:hostis]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ko:hostis]]     [[az:hostis]]
[[la:hostis]]     [[cs:hostis]]
[[hu:hostis]]     [[de:hostis]]
[[mg:hostis]]     [[fr:hostis]]
[[pl:hostis]]     [[ko:hostis]]
[[pt:hostis]]     [[la:hostis]]
[[ru:hostis]]     [[hu:hostis]]
[[fi:hostis]]     [[mg:hostis]]
[[chr:hostis]]    [[pl:hostis]]

lotum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lōtum}}                    {{la-noun-form|lōtum}}
# {{inflection of|lōtus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lōtus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:lotum]]                              ===References===
[[lt:lotum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:lotum]]                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

solatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|sōlātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|sōlātūra}}
# {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|sōlātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|sōlātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sōlātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

impresse: No change.


χρόνιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xro/nios}}  * {{R:LSJ|xro/nios}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}     * {{R:Slater}}
                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}

folliculare: No change.


vecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:vecto]]      [[fr:vecto]]
[[ru:vecto]]      [[ko:vecto]]

admistio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:admistio]]   [[mg:admistio]]

ἐκροή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition

bactriana: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bactriāna}}                        {{la-adj-form|bactriāna}}
# {{inflection of|bactriānus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bactriānus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bactriānus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bactriānus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bactriānus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bactriānus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bactriānus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bactriānus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bactriānus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bactriānus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|bactriānā}}                        {{la-adj-form|bactriānā}}
# {{inflection of|bactriānus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bactriānus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

ceratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:ceratus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

condulco: No change.


celsitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ducto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

δουλόω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[lt:δουλόω]]     [[fr:δουλόω]]

ramusculus: No change.


grassans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|grassāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|grassāns}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

holosericus: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                     ===References===
* {{R:L&S|hŏlŏsērĭcus}}              * {{R:L&S|hŏlŏsērĭcus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|hŏlŏsērĭcus|p=751/1}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:du Cange}}                     * {{R:Gaffiot|hŏlŏsērĭcus|p=751/1}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|holosericus|491/1}}  * {{R:Niermeyer|holosericus|491/1}}

feret: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|feret}}                                {{la-verb-form|feret}}
# {{inflection of|ferō||3|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferō||3|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:feret]]                                          ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

obversus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|obvers}}  {{la-decl-1&2|obvers}}
[[fr:obversus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

metor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:metor]]      [[fr:metor]]
[[la:metor]]      [[ko:metor]]
[[mg:metor]]      [[la:metor]]
[[ru:metor]]      [[mg:metor]]

demens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                     ====Descendants====
* French: {{l|fr|dément}}, [[démente]]  * French: {{l|fr|dément}}, [[démente]]
* Italian: {{l|it|demente}}             * Italian: {{l|it|demente}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|demente}}             * Spanish: {{l|es|demente}}
* English: {{l|en|demented}}            * English: {{l|en|demented}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:L&S}}
                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                        * {{R:Peck}}
                                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

linteus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:linteus]]    [[fr:linteus]]

crista: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

hebeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:hebeo]]      [[fr:hebeo]]

iocor: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                                               ====Descendants====
{{top3}}                                                                          {{top3}}
* Aragonese: {{l|an|chugar}}                                                      * Aragonese: {{l|an|chugar}}
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|gioc}}, {{l|rup|giucari}}                                    * Aromanian: {{l|rup|gioc}}, {{l|rup|giucari}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|xugar}}                                                       * Asturian: {{l|ast|xugar}}
* Basque: {{l|eu|joka}}                                                           * Basque: {{l|eu|joka}}
* English: {{l|en|joke}}                                                          * English: {{l|en|joke}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|jugar}}                                                         * Catalan: {{l|ca|jugar}}
* Corsican: {{l|co|ghjucà}}                                                       * Corsican: {{l|co|ghjucà}}
{{mid3}}                                                                          {{mid3}}
* Franco-Provençal: {{l|frp|joyer}}                                               * Franco-Provençal: {{l|frp|joyer}}
* French: {{l|fr|jouer}}, {{l|fr|jongler}}                                        * French: {{l|fr|jouer}}, {{l|fr|jongler}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|zuiâ}}, {{l|fur|ğujâ}}                                        * Friulian: {{l|fur|zuiâ}}, {{l|fur|ğujâ}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|xogar}}                                                        * Galician: {{l|gl|xogar}}
* Italian: {{l|it|giocare}}                                                       * Italian: {{l|it|giocare}}
* Neapolitan: [[jucà]]                                                            * Neapolitan: [[jucà]]
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|jogar}}                                                      * Portuguese: {{l|pt|jogar}}
{{mid3}}                                                                          {{mid3}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|juca}}, {{l|ro|jucare}}                                        * Romanian: {{l|ro|juca}}, {{l|ro|jucare}}
* Romansch: {{l|rm|giugar}}, {{l|rm|giuier}}, {{l|rm|giuver}}, {{l|rm|giovar}}    * Romansch: {{l|rm|giugar}}, {{l|rm|giuier}}, {{l|rm|giuver}}, {{l|rm|giovar}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|giogae}}, {{l|sc|giogai}}, {{l|sc|giogare}}, {{l|sc|zogare}}  * Sardinian: {{l|sc|giogae}}, {{l|sc|giogai}}, {{l|sc|giogare}}, {{l|sc|zogare}}
* Sicilian: {{l|sc|jucari}}, {{l|sc|giucari}}                                     * Sicilian: {{l|sc|jucari}}, {{l|sc|giucari}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|jugar}}                                                         * Spanish: {{l|es|jugar}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|xugar}}, {{l|vec|zugar}}, {{l|vec|xogar}}, {{l|vec|zogar}}    * Venetian: {{l|vec|xugar}}, {{l|vec|zugar}}, {{l|vec|xogar}}, {{l|vec|zogar}}
* Walloon: {{l|wa|djouwer}}                                                       * Walloon: {{l|wa|djouwer}}
{{bottom}}                                                                        {{bottom}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]                                                 ===References===
                                                                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:iocor]]                                                                      [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[mg:iocor]]                                                                      [[es:iocor]]
[[ja:iocor]]                                                                      [[fr:iocor]]
[[pl:iocor]]                                                                      [[ko:iocor]]
[[pt:iocor]]                                                                      [[mg:iocor]]
[[fi:iocor]]                                                                      [[ja:iocor]]
[[sv:iocor]]                                                                      [[pl:iocor]]
[[chr:iocor]]                                                                     [[pt:iocor]]

sacrificatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:sacrificatio]]  [[fr:sacrificatio]]

irretitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πέπλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:πέπλος]]       [[de:πέπλος]]
[[fr:πέπλος]]       [[el:πέπλος]]
[[ko:πέπλος]]       [[fr:πέπλος]]
[[lt:πέπλος]]       [[ko:πέπλος]]
[[mg:πέπλος]]       [[lt:πέπλος]]

Καλλίμαχος: No change.


insignis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:insignis]]        [[ca:insignis]]
[[ko:insignis]]        [[fr:insignis]]

strepitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:strepitus]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[chr:strepitus]]  [[hu:strepitus]]

vastabundus: No change.


πρό: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4253}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4253}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[el:πρό]]               [[cs:πρό]]
[[fr:πρό]]               [[el:πρό]]
[[la:πρό]]               [[fr:πρό]]
[[lt:πρό]]               [[la:πρό]]
[[hu:πρό]]               [[lt:πρό]]

quanto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pardus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Mammals]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:pardus]]            [[Category:la:Mammals]]
[[kn:pardus]]            [[cs:pardus]]
[[lo:pardus]]            [[fr:pardus]]
[[la:pardus]]            [[kn:pardus]]
[[lt:pardus]]            [[lo:pardus]]
[[nl:pardus]]            [[la:pardus]]
[[ja:pardus]]            [[lt:pardus]]
[[pl:pardus]]            [[nl:pardus]]
[[ro:pardus]]            [[ja:pardus]]
[[ru:pardus]]            [[pl:pardus]]

arithmetica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:arithmetica]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:arithmetica]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[pl:arithmetica]]  [[fr:arithmetica]]
[[ru:arithmetica]]  [[io:arithmetica]]
[[sv:arithmetica]]  [[mg:arithmetica]]

suppositus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:suppositus]]  [[es:suppositus]]

abis: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|abīs}}                                 {{la-verb-form|abīs}}
# {{inflection of|abeō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abeō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

litamus: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|litāmus}}                              {{la-verb-form|litāmus}}
# {{inflection of|litō||1|p|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|litō||1|p|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

ebriositas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ebriositas]]  [[de:ebriositas]]

Μενοικεύς: No change.


ἐρείπιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * {{R:Bailly}}

διοίκησις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:διοίκησις]]   [[el:διοίκησις]]
[[pl:διοίκησις]]   [[fr:διοίκησις]]

habilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:habilis]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:habilis]]    [[de:habilis]]
[[pl:habilis]]    [[fr:habilis]]
[[chr:habilis]]   [[mg:habilis]]

duceni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:duceni]]     [[fr:duceni]]
[[tg:duceni]]     [[nl:duceni]]

praecurrentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

raucus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:raucus]]     [[fr:raucus]]
[[chr:raucus]]    [[mg:raucus]]

trunco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adorti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|adortī}}                       {{la-part-form|adortī}}
# {{inflection of|adortus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adortus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adortus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adortus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adortus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adortus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adortus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adortus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

proponenda: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|prōpōnenda}}                       {{la-part-form|prōpōnenda}}
# {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|prōpōnendā}}                       {{la-part-form|prōpōnendā}}
# {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōpōnendus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

tutator: No change.


ἄμορφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)/morfos}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)/morfos}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ru:ἄμορφος]]         [[fr:ἄμορφος]]

ἀμφότερος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}

redemptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:redemptus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

iustitia: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:iustitia]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:iustitia]]   [[cs:iustitia]]
[[ko:iustitia]]   [[es:iustitia]]
[[hr:iustitia]]   [[fr:iustitia]]
[[it:iustitia]]   [[ko:iustitia]]
[[hu:iustitia]]   [[hr:iustitia]]
[[mg:iustitia]]   [[it:iustitia]]
[[pl:iustitia]]   [[hu:iustitia]]
[[pt:iustitia]]   [[mg:iustitia]]
[[ru:iustitia]]   [[pl:iustitia]]
[[sk:iustitia]]   [[pt:iustitia]]

pacata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pācāta}}                       {{la-part-form|pācāta}}
# {{inflection of|pācātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pācātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pācātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pācātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pācātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pācātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pācātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pācātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pācātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pācātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|pācātā}}                       {{la-part-form|pācātā}}
# {{inflection of|pācātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pācātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

decoctus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dēcoct}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dēcoct}}
[[fr:decoctus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

λέων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3023}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3023}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{R:Sihler 1995}}

pero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

adlecti: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|adlēctī}}                       {{la-part-form|adlēctī}}
# {{inflection of|adlēctus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adlēctus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adlēctus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adlēctus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adlēctus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adlēctus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adlēctus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adlēctus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

μέσον: No change.


criticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:criticus]]   [[es:criticus]]
[[nl:criticus]]   [[fr:criticus]]
[[pl:criticus]]   [[nl:criticus]]
[[fi:criticus]]   [[pl:criticus]]
[[tl:criticus]]   [[fi:criticus]]

κάθαρμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

interjectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                      * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Parts of speech]]  
                                 [[Category:la:Parts of speech]]
[[la:interjectio]]               [[fr:interjectio]]
[[mg:interjectio]]               [[la:interjectio]]
[[ru:interjectio]]               [[mg:interjectio]]
[[zh:interjectio]]               [[ru:interjectio]]

Dione: No change.


τροφικός: No change.


anguilla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:anguilla]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:anguilla]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:anguilla]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[es:anguilla]]   [[cs:anguilla]]
[[fr:anguilla]]   [[de:anguilla]]
[[gl:anguilla]]   [[et:anguilla]]
[[ko:anguilla]]   [[el:anguilla]]
[[io:anguilla]]   [[es:anguilla]]
[[it:anguilla]]   [[fr:anguilla]]
[[hu:anguilla]]   [[gl:anguilla]]
[[mg:anguilla]]   [[ko:anguilla]]
[[ja:anguilla]]   [[io:anguilla]]
[[oc:anguilla]]   [[it:anguilla]]
[[pl:anguilla]]   [[hu:anguilla]]
[[ro:anguilla]]   [[mg:anguilla]]
[[ru:anguilla]]   [[ja:anguilla]]
[[sv:anguilla]]   [[oc:anguilla]]
[[tl:anguilla]]   [[pl:anguilla]]
[[chr:anguilla]]  [[ro:anguilla]]
[[zh:anguilla]]   [[ru:anguilla]]

glutinum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:glutinum]]   [[fr:glutinum]]
[[ru:glutinum]]   [[mg:glutinum]]

ἔγκατα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

ἀσωτία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)swti/a}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)swti/a}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}     * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}

temerarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:temerarius]]  [[fr:temerarius]]

helio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hēliō}}                     {{la-noun-form|hēliō}}
# {{inflection of|hēlium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hēlium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|helium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|helium||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

invisibilis: No change.


pluteus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:pluteus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pluteus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:pluteus]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ro:pluteus]]    [[ca:pluteus]]
[[sh:pluteus]]    [[fr:pluteus]]
[[chr:pluteus]]   [[mg:pluteus]]
[[vi:pluteus]]    [[pl:pluteus]]

coniunctio: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                              ====Descendants====
* Russian: {{l|ru|конъю́нкция|tr=kon"júnkcija}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|конъю́нкция|tr=kon"júnkcija}}
[[ast:coniunctio]]                               ===References===
[[co:coniunctio]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[la:coniunctio]]                                [[ast:coniunctio]]
[[hu:coniunctio]]                                [[co:coniunctio]]
[[mg:coniunctio]]                                [[fr:coniunctio]]
[[nl:coniunctio]]                                [[la:coniunctio]]
[[pl:coniunctio]]                                [[hu:coniunctio]]

focaria: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

suppleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:suppleo]]    [[fr:suppleo]]
[[zh:suppleo]]    [[ko:suppleo]]

mule: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun form|head=mūle}}           {{head|la|noun form|head=mūle}}
# {{inflection of|mūlus||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūlus||voc|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

θέρμη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[es:θέρμη]]       [[el:θέρμη]]
[[fa:θέρμη]]       [[es:θέρμη]]
[[ko:θέρμη]]       [[fa:θέρμη]]
[[ja:θέρμη]]       [[ko:θέρμη]]

Στυμφαλίς: No change.


κράσπεδα: No change.


hostilia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|hostīlia}}                       {{la-adj-form|hostīlia}}
# {{inflection of|hostīlis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hostīlis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hostīlis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hostīlis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hostīlis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hostīlis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:hostilia]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

arrepticius: No change.


perpetro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

clausum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:clausum]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:clausum]]    [[fr:clausum]]
[[ru:clausum]]    [[mg:clausum]]

dote: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dōte}}                   {{la-noun-form|dōte}}
# {{inflection of|dōs||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōs||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

εὐδαίμων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:εὐδαίμων]]     [[ko:εὐδαίμων]]

κάρμα: No change.


cautum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cautum}}                       {{la-adj-form|cautum}}
# {{inflection of|cautus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cautus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cautus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cautus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:cautum]]                                ===References===
[[mg:cautum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

Danai: No change.


ianum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|iānum}}                    {{la-noun-form|iānum}}
# {{inflection of|iānus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iānus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

holocaustum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

plaudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:plaudo]]     [[fr:plaudo]]
[[io:plaudo]]     [[ko:plaudo]]
[[it:plaudo]]     [[io:plaudo]]
[[ru:plaudo]]     [[it:plaudo]]

siccum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|siccum}}                       {{la-adj-form|siccum}}
# {{inflection of|siccus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|siccus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|siccus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|siccus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:siccum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:siccum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fi:siccum]]                                [[cs:siccum]]

sevoco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:sevoco]]     [[el:sevoco]]
[[ru:sevoco]]     [[ko:sevoco]]

βραχύτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

consigno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

οἰνοχόος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

immisceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:immisceo]]   [[el:immisceo]]
[[ko:immisceo]]   [[fr:immisceo]]

susceptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fi:susceptus]]  [[fr:susceptus]]

atavia: No change.


palpatio: No change.


oryx: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:oryx]]       * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:oryx]]       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[my:oryx]]       [[et:oryx]]
[[pl:oryx]]       [[fr:oryx]]
[[ro:oryx]]       [[ku:oryx]]
[[ru:oryx]]       [[my:oryx]]
[[ta:oryx]]       [[pl:oryx]]
[[vi:oryx]]       [[ro:oryx]]
[[zh:oryx]]       [[ru:oryx]]

πλοῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
{{C|grc|Nautical}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:LBG}}
[[de:πλοῖον]]       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[es:πλοῖον]]       {{C|grc|Nautical}}
[[lt:πλοῖον]]       [[de:πλοῖον]]
[[hu:πλοῖον]]       [[el:πλοῖον]]
[[tr:πλοῖον]]       [[es:πλοῖον]]

providentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:providentia]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

criso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:criso]]         [[fr:criso]]
[[ru:criso]]         [[ko:criso]]

absolutorium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|absolūtōrium}}                       {{la-adj-form|absolūtōrium}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:absolutorium]]                                ===References===
[[csb:absolutorium]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:absolutorium]]                                [[de:absolutorium]]

fungi: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                         ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|fungī}}                             {{la-verb-form|fungī}}
# {{inflection of|fungor||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fungor||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
[[ar:fungi]]                                       ===References===
[[cs:fungi]]                                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:fungi]]                                       [[ar:fungi]]
[[et:fungi]]                                       [[cs:fungi]]
[[el:fungi]]                                       [[cy:fungi]]
[[fr:fungi]]                                       [[de:fungi]]
[[ko:fungi]]                                       [[et:fungi]]
[[id:fungi]]                                       [[el:fungi]]
[[sw:fungi]]                                       [[fr:fungi]]
[[ku:fungi]]                                       [[ko:fungi]]
[[hu:fungi]]                                       [[id:fungi]]
[[mg:fungi]]                                       [[sw:fungi]]
[[my:fungi]]                                       [[ku:fungi]]
[[nl:fungi]]                                       [[hu:fungi]]
[[ja:fungi]]                                       [[mg:fungi]]
[[pl:fungi]]                                       [[my:fungi]]
[[ro:fungi]]                                       [[nl:fungi]]
[[sh:fungi]]                                       [[ja:fungi]]
[[fi:fungi]]                                       [[pl:fungi]]
[[sv:fungi]]                                       [[ro:fungi]]
[[ta:fungi]]                                       [[sh:fungi]]
[[te:fungi]]                                       [[fi:fungi]]
[[vi:fungi]]                                       [[sv:fungi]]
[[zh:fungi]]                                       [[ta:fungi]]

ductus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ductus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[nl:ductus]]     [[fr:ductus]]
[[pl:ductus]]     [[mg:ductus]]
[[fi:ductus]]     [[nl:ductus]]
[[ta:ductus]]     [[pl:ductus]]
[[vi:ductus]]     [[fi:ductus]]

salva: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|salva}}                        {{la-adj-form|salva}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|salvā}}                        {{la-adj-form|salvā}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

ἀστρολογία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* [[w:LSJ|LSJ]] eighth edition  * {{R:DGE}}
                                * [[w:LSJ|LSJ]] eighth edition
[[ko:ἀστρολογία]]               [[fr:ἀστρολογία]]
[[lt:ἀστρολογία]]               [[ko:ἀστρολογία]]
[[pl:ἀστρολογία]]               [[lt:ἀστρολογία]]

Κολχίς: No change.


apianus: No change.


anguillarum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|anguillārum}} {{g|f}}         {{la-noun-form|anguillārum}} {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|anguilla||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anguilla||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:anguillarum]]                           ===References===
[[fr:anguillarum]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}

murenula: No change.


subitatio: No change.


cauta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cauta}}                     {{la-noun-form|cauta}}
# {{inflection of|cautum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cautum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cautum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cautum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

elongo: No change.


ἴχνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἴχνος]]        [[fr:ἴχνος]]
[[lt:ἴχνος]]        [[ko:ἴχνος]]
[[ru:ἴχνος]]        [[lt:ἴχνος]]

flo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

pinnaculum: No change.


comprehensus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}

dominator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:dominator]]      [[de:dominator]]
[[ko:dominator]]      [[fr:dominator]]
[[ku:dominator]]      [[ko:dominator]]
[[la:dominator]]      [[ku:dominator]]
[[mg:dominator]]      [[la:dominator]]
[[ml:dominator]]      [[mg:dominator]]
[[pl:dominator]]      [[ml:dominator]]
[[ro:dominator]]      [[pl:dominator]]
[[ru:dominator]]      [[ro:dominator]]
[[simple:dominator]]  [[ru:dominator]]
[[sh:dominator]]      [[simple:dominator]]
[[fi:dominator]]      [[sh:dominator]]
[[zh:dominator]]      [[fi:dominator]]

novicio: No change.


insomnietas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

immunis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:immunis]]    [[cs:immunis]]
[[ko:immunis]]    [[fr:immunis]]
[[hr:immunis]]    [[ko:immunis]]
[[hu:immunis]]    [[hr:immunis]]
[[ja:immunis]]    [[hu:immunis]]

ungr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                     {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|ung}}       * Danish: {{l|da|ung}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|ungur}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|ungur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|ungur}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|ungur}}
{{mid2}}                     {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|ung}}    * Norwegian: {{l|no|ung}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|ung}}      * Swedish: {{l|sv|ung}}
{{bottom}}                   {{bottom}}
[[lt:ungr]]                  ===References===
[[ja:ungr]]                  * {{R:Zoega}}
[[sv:ungr]]                  [[lt:ungr]]

molecula: No change.


advocatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:advocatus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:advocatus]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[pl:advocatus]]  [[fr:advocatus]]
[[ru:advocatus]]  [[mg:advocatus]]
[[sh:advocatus]]  [[mt:advocatus]]
[[tr:advocatus]]  [[pl:advocatus]]

venditator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[hu:lator]]      [[fr:lator]]
[[mg:lator]]      [[hu:lator]]
[[sq:lator]]      [[mg:lator]]

Haliartus: No change.


ulterius: No change.


defrutum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
<references/>     * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:defrutum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

θηριακή: No change.


veraciter: No change.


versura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:versura]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[sk:versura]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

alicula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

pectoralis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:pectoralis]]  [[fr:pectoralis]]

mendax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[es:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[am:mendax]]
[[fr:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[es:mendax]]
[[ko:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[fr:mendax]]
[[hr:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[ko:mendax]]
[[mg:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[hr:mendax]]
[[pl:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[mg:mendax]]
[[ru:mendax]]                                                                                                            [[pl:mendax]]
[[chr:mendax]]                                                                                                           [[ru:mendax]]

line: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|line}}                                 {{la-verb-form|line}}
# {{inflection of|linō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|linō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

communiter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

permeatus: No change.


pyramidalis: LATIN: References added.

===References===                       ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot|pȳrămĭdālis|p=1,283/2}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                       * {{R:Gaffiot|pȳrămĭdālis|p=1,283/2}}
[[mg:pyramidalis]]                     [[fr:pyramidalis]]
[[ta:pyramidalis]]                     [[mg:pyramidalis]]

jucundo: No change.


creo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|142f}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                             * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|142f}}

fuliginosus: No change.


comprobo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S|comprŏbo}}  * {{R:L&S|comprŏbo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:comprobo]]       [[fr:comprobo]]
[[ku:comprobo]]       [[ko:comprobo]]
[[mg:comprobo]]       [[ku:comprobo]]
[[ru:comprobo]]       [[mg:comprobo]]

subjecti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|subjectī}}                       {{la-part-form|subjectī}}
# {{inflection of|subjectus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subjectus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subjectus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subjectus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subjectus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subjectus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subjectus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subjectus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:subjecti]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

agito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

ἀθλητής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀθλητής]]     [[el:ἀθλητής]]
[[ko:ἀθλητής]]     [[fr:ἀθλητής]]

inlepide: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|inlepide}}                        {{la-adj-form|inlepide}}
# {{inflection of|inlepidus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inlepidus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

panerum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|panerum}}                    {{la-noun-form|panerum}}
# {{inflection of|paneros||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paneros||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

ἦλθον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====               ====References====
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=326}}   * {{R:LSJ|e)/rxomai|w=ἔρχομαι}}
* {{R:LSJ|e)/rxomai|w=ἔρχομαι}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                 * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=326}}

pluvium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pluvium}}                       {{la-adj-form|pluvium}}
# {{inflection of|pluvius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pluvius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:pluvium]]                                ===References===
[[ja:pluvium]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

sedilia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sedilia}}                   {{la-noun-form|sedilia}}
# {{inflection of|sedīle||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sedīle||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sedīle||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sedīle||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sedīle||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sedīle||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ta:sedilia]]                             ===References===
[[vi:sedilia]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

Pharao: No change.


vitex: No change.


properatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

divinatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:divinatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:divinatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:divinatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Σελήνη: No change.


procreator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[kn:procreator]]  [[fr:procreator]]
[[ku:procreator]]  [[kn:procreator]]
[[mg:procreator]]  [[ku:procreator]]
[[ml:procreator]]  [[mg:procreator]]
[[ro:procreator]]  [[ml:procreator]]
[[vi:procreator]]  [[ro:procreator]]
[[zh:procreator]]  [[vi:procreator]]

insuete: No change.


πείσομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{head|grc|verb form}}                               {{head|grc|verb form}}
# {{inflection of|πείθω||1|s|fut|mid|ind|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|πείθω||1|s|fut|mid|ind|lang=grc}}
                                                     * {{R:LSJ}}
                                                     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}

cubitalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:cubitalis]]  [[pl:cubitalis]]

castratus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====              ====Descendants====
* French: {{l|fur|châtré}}       * French: {{l|fur|châtré}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|cjastrât}}   * Friulian: {{l|fur|cjastrât}}
* Italian: {{l|it|castrato}}     * Italian: {{l|it|castrato}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|castrado}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|castrado}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|castrado}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|castrado}}
[[fr:castratus]]                 ===References===
[[li:castratus]]                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἀντίκλεια: No change.


caesura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:caesura]]    [[et:caesura]]
[[io:caesura]]    [[fr:caesura]]
[[ku:caesura]]    [[io:caesura]]
[[hu:caesura]]    [[ku:caesura]]
[[mg:caesura]]    [[hu:caesura]]
[[my:caesura]]    [[mg:caesura]]
[[pl:caesura]]    [[my:caesura]]
[[fi:caesura]]    [[pl:caesura]]
[[chr:caesura]]   [[fi:caesura]]
[[tr:caesura]]    [[chr:caesura]]
[[vi:caesura]]    [[tr:caesura]]
[[zh:caesura]]    [[vi:caesura]]

rimosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

cliens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[af:cliens]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:cliens]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[hr:cliens]]     [[af:cliens]]
[[mg:cliens]]     [[de:cliens]]
[[fi:cliens]]     [[fr:cliens]]

dubitator: No change.


ἀγεωμέτρητος: No change.


Iuppiter: LATIN: References added.

====See also====                                         ====See also====
* {{l|la|Diespiter}}                                     * {{l|la|Diespiter}}
* {{l|la|Diovis}}                                        * {{l|la|Diovis}}
{{topics|la|Planets of the Solar System|Roman deities}}  {{topics|la|Planets of the Solar System|Roman deities}}
[[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]                       
[[zh-min-nan:Iuppiter]]                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[cs:Iuppiter]]                                          [[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]
[[el:Iuppiter]]                                          [[zh-min-nan:Iuppiter]]
[[fr:Iuppiter]]                                          [[ca:Iuppiter]]
[[it:Iuppiter]]                                          [[cs:Iuppiter]]
[[la:Iuppiter]]                                          [[de:Iuppiter]]
[[lt:Iuppiter]]                                          [[el:Iuppiter]]
[[pl:Iuppiter]]                                          [[fr:Iuppiter]]
[[ru:Iuppiter]]                                          [[it:Iuppiter]]
[[sv:Iuppiter]]                                          [[la:Iuppiter]]

chorus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[co:chorus]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:chorus]]      * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[et:chorus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:chorus]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fa:chorus]]      [[co:chorus]]
[[fr:chorus]]      [[de:chorus]]
[[ko:chorus]]      [[et:chorus]]
[[hy:chorus]]      [[el:chorus]]
[[io:chorus]]      [[es:chorus]]
[[it:chorus]]      [[fa:chorus]]
[[kn:chorus]]      [[fr:chorus]]
[[ku:chorus]]      [[ko:chorus]]
[[hu:chorus]]      [[hy:chorus]]
[[mg:chorus]]      [[io:chorus]]
[[ml:chorus]]      [[it:chorus]]
[[my:chorus]]      [[kn:chorus]]
[[pl:chorus]]      [[ku:chorus]]
[[pt:chorus]]      [[hu:chorus]]
[[ro:chorus]]      [[mg:chorus]]
[[ru:chorus]]      [[ml:chorus]]
[[sa:chorus]]      [[my:chorus]]
[[simple:chorus]]  [[pl:chorus]]
[[sh:chorus]]      [[pt:chorus]]
[[fi:chorus]]      [[ro:chorus]]
[[sv:chorus]]      [[ru:chorus]]
[[ta:chorus]]      [[sa:chorus]]
[[te:chorus]]      [[simple:chorus]]
[[chr:chorus]]     [[sh:chorus]]
[[tr:chorus]]      [[fi:chorus]]
[[vi:chorus]]      [[sv:chorus]]
[[zh:chorus]]      [[ta:chorus]]

ἀποπλήσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:LBG}}

existimans: No change.


squatina: No change.


erus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:erus]]       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:erus]]       [[fr:erus]]
[[fi:erus]]       [[pl:erus]]

ardentia: No change.


crapulatus: No change.


Μυκάλη: No change.


majus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:majus]]      [[co:majus]]
[[ja:majus]]      [[fr:majus]]
[[uz:majus]]      [[ja:majus]]
[[pt:majus]]      [[uz:majus]]

conlecta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|conlecta}}                       {{la-part-form|conlecta}}
# {{inflection of|conlectus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlectus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlectus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlectus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlectus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlectus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlectus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlectus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conlectus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlectus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|conlectā}}                       {{la-part-form|conlectā}}
# {{inflection of|conlectus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conlectus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

compunctio: No change.


pluvialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

margaritum: No change.


ἔχω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

=====References=====  =====References=====
* {{R:LSJ|e)/xw2}}    * {{R:LSJ|e)/xw2}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                      * {{R:Bailly}}
[[el:ἔχω]]            * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[fr:ἔχω]]            * {{R:Slater}}
[[ko:ἔχω]]            * {{R:Strong's}}
[[lt:ἔχω]]            [[el:ἔχω]]
[[mg:ἔχω]]            [[fr:ἔχω]]
[[ja:ἔχω]]            [[ko:ἔχω]]
[[pt:ἔχω]]            [[it:ἔχω]]
[[ru:ἔχω]]            [[lt:ἔχω]]

βροντή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}          * {{R:Strong's}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}

receptrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

matutini: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|matutini}}                {{la-noun-form|matutini}}
# {{inflection of|mane||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mane||dat|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:matutini]]                          ===References===
[[ja:matutini]]                          * {{R:du Cange}}

feriae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                     * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008|head=fēriae|pages=212-213}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:feriae]]                                   * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:feriae]]                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[da:feriae]]                                   * {{R:De Vaan 2008|head=fēriae|pages=212-213}}
[[el:feriae]]                                   [[ca:feriae]]
[[fr:feriae]]                                   [[cs:feriae]]
[[ko:feriae]]                                   [[da:feriae]]
[[hu:feriae]]                                   [[de:feriae]]
[[mg:feriae]]                                   [[el:feriae]]
[[ja:feriae]]                                   [[fr:feriae]]
[[pl:feriae]]                                   [[ko:feriae]]
[[ru:feriae]]                                   [[hu:feriae]]
[[sk:feriae]]                                   [[mg:feriae]]
[[chr:feriae]]                                  [[ja:feriae]]

manualia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|manuālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|manuālia}}
# {{inflection of|manuālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|manuālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|manuālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|manuālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|manuālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|manuālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[el:manualia]]                                ===References===
[[fr:manualia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

misereo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:misereo]]    [[de:misereo]]
[[ko:misereo]]    [[es:misereo]]

aegyptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|aegypt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|aegypt}}
[[la:aegyptus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:PersEnc}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

suppono: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:suppono]]    [[es:suppono]]
[[ko:suppono]]    [[fr:suppono]]

munditer: No change.


gallo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gallō}}                     {{la-noun-form|gallō}}
# {{inflection of|gallus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

Sappho: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====            ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Sapphicus}}             * {{l|la|Sapphicus}}
[[Category:Latin proper nouns]]  ===References===
                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:Sappho]]                    [[Category:Latin proper nouns]]

palatum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:palatum]]    [[ca:palatum]]
[[id:palatum]]    [[fr:palatum]]
[[mg:palatum]]    [[id:palatum]]
[[pl:palatum]]    [[mg:palatum]]
[[ru:palatum]]    [[pl:palatum]]
[[ta:palatum]]    [[ru:palatum]]
[[zh:palatum]]    [[ta:palatum]]

graphio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|graphiō}}                     {{la-noun-form|graphiō}}
# {{inflection of|graphium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|graphium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|graphium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|graphium||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:graphio]]                               ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

syngraphis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|syngraphīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|syngraphīs}}
# {{inflection of|syngrapha||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syngrapha||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|syngrapha||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syngrapha||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[sk:syngraphis]]                             ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

vivido: No change.


prohibitiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|prohibitiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|prohibitiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|prohibitiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prohibitiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prohibitiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prohibitiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prohibitiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prohibitiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

proscribo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Ὡράτιος: No change.


phasianus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                  ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                             {{top2}}
* English: [[pheasant]]              * English: [[pheasant]]
* French: {{l|fr|faisan}}            * French: {{l|fr|faisan}}
* Italian: {{l|it|fagiano}}          * Italian: {{l|it|fagiano}}
* Norman: {{l|nrf|faîsan}}           * Norman: {{l|nrf|faîsan}}
{{mid2}}                             {{mid2}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|fagianu}}        * Sardinian: {{l|sc|fagianu}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|faisán}}           * Spanish: {{l|es|faisán}}
* Translingual: {{l|mul|Phasianus}}  * Translingual: {{l|mul|Phasianus}}
{{bottom}}                           {{bottom}}
[[Category:la:Birds]]                ===References===
                                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:phasianus]]                     [[Category:la:Birds]]
[[la:phasianus]]                     [[co:phasianus]]
[[lt:phasianus]]                     [[fr:phasianus]]
[[hu:phasianus]]                     [[hr:phasianus]]
[[mg:phasianus]]                     [[la:phasianus]]
[[pl:phasianus]]                     [[lt:phasianus]]
[[ro:phasianus]]                     [[hu:phasianus]]

Ὀδυσσεία: No change.


indusiarius: No change.


mentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Anatomy]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[da:mentum]]            [[Category:la:Anatomy]]
[[es:mentum]]            [[da:mentum]]
[[fr:mentum]]            [[de:mentum]]
[[lo:mentum]]            [[es:mentum]]
[[hu:mentum]]            [[fr:mentum]]
[[mg:mentum]]            [[lo:mentum]]
[[ja:mentum]]            [[hu:mentum]]
[[pl:mentum]]            [[mg:mentum]]
[[pt:mentum]]            [[ja:mentum]]
[[ro:mentum]]            [[pl:mentum]]
[[ru:mentum]]            [[pt:mentum]]
[[sh:mentum]]            [[ro:mentum]]
[[sv:mentum]]            [[ru:mentum]]
[[ta:mentum]]            [[sh:mentum]]
[[chr:mentum]]           [[sv:mentum]]
[[vi:mentum]]            [[ta:mentum]]
[[zh:mentum]]            [[chr:mentum]]

erysisceptrum: No change.


aretalogi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aretālogī}}                     {{la-noun-form|aretālogī}}
# {{inflection of|aretālogus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aretālogus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aretālogus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aretālogus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aretālogus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aretālogus||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

obiectus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

σκάνδαλον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4625}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4625}}
[[el:σκάνδαλον]]         [[el:σκάνδαλον]]
[[fr:σκάνδαλον]]         [[fr:σκάνδαλον]]
[[ko:σκάνδαλον]]         [[ko:σκάνδαλον]]
[[hu:σκάνδαλον]]         [[hu:σκάνδαλον]]
[[mg:σκάνδαλον]]         [[mg:σκάνδαλον]]

Ἥβη: No change.


τοπογραφία: No change.


multiplus: No change.


abiectus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                                                                ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|abiect}}                                                            {{la-decl-1&2|abiect}}
* ''comparative'': '''[[abiectior]]''', ''superlative'': '''[[abiectissimus]]'''  * ''comparative'': '''[[abiectior]]''', ''superlative'': '''[[abiectissimus]]'''
[[de:abiectus]]                                                                   ===References===
[[es:abiectus]]                                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[it:abiectus]]                                                                   [[de:abiectus]]
[[li:abiectus]]                                                                   [[es:abiectus]]

λεπίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|lepi/s}}       * {{R:LSJ|lepi/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3013}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3013}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:λεπίς]]             [[el:λεπίς]]
[[ko:λεπίς]]             [[fr:λεπίς]]
[[mg:λεπίς]]             [[ko:λεπίς]]

fruitio: No change.


transscendo: No change.


instillo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:instillo]]   [[fr:instillo]]
[[it:instillo]]   [[ko:instillo]]
[[ja:instillo]]   [[it:instillo]]
[[ru:instillo]]   [[ja:instillo]]

χλεύη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
{{R:LSJ|xleu/h}}  {{R:LSJ|xleu/h}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[ko:χλεύη]]      [[el:χλεύη]]

relaxo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

inlusio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|inlusiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|inlusiō}}
[[es:inlusio]]           ===References===
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

κέντρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|ke/ntron}}     * {{R:LSJ|ke/ntron}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2759}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2759}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:κέντρον]]           [[el:κέντρον]]
[[ko:κέντρον]]           [[fr:κέντρον]]
[[it:κέντρον]]           [[ko:κέντρον]]
[[mg:κέντρον]]           [[it:κέντρον]]

obtestatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:obtestatio]]  [[fr:obtestatio]]

madeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:madeo]]      [[fr:madeo]]
[[ru:madeo]]      [[ko:madeo]]

inspirate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:inspirate]]  [[es:inspirate]]
[[it:inspirate]]  [[fr:inspirate]]
[[mg:inspirate]]  [[it:inspirate]]

palumbarius: No change.


raptim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

conjecto: No change.


Ἐρυθραί: No change.


Ἴμβρος: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                      * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}               * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}           * {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}

canastrum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cānastum}}                       {{la-adj-form|cānastum}}
# {{inflection of|cānaster||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānaster||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cānaster||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānaster||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cānaster||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānaster||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cānaster||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānaster||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:PersEnc}}

rumina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|rūmina}}                   {{la-noun-form|rūmina}}
# {{inflection of|rūmen||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rūmen||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rūmen||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rūmen||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rūmen||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rūmen||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

adamo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

intercolumnia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                         ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|intercolumnia}}                     {{la-noun-form|intercolumnia}}
# {{inflection of|intercolumnium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercolumnium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intercolumnium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercolumnium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|intercolumnium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intercolumnium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

inimicitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:inimicitia]]  [[cs:inimicitia]]

transitor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|trānsītor}}                              {{la-verb-form|trānsītor}}
# {{conjugation of|trānseō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|trānseō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|trānseō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|trānseō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
[[fr:transitor]]                                        ===References===
[[io:transitor]]                                        * {{R:L&S}}

permagnificus: No change.


relaxatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:relaxatio]]  [[fr:relaxatio]]

postero: No change.


memoror: No change.


lympha: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:lympha]]     [[ca:lympha]]
[[el:lympha]]     [[de:lympha]]
[[fr:lympha]]     [[el:lympha]]
[[mg:lympha]]     [[fr:lympha]]
[[pl:lympha]]     [[mg:lympha]]
[[ru:lympha]]     [[pl:lympha]]
[[ta:lympha]]     [[ru:lympha]]
[[zh:lympha]]     [[ta:lympha]]

Παντακύας: No change.


claviger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S|clāvĭger<sup>1</sup>|claviger1}}  * {{R:L&S|clāvĭger<sup>1</sup>|claviger1}}
* {{R:L&S|clāvĭger<sup>2</sup>|claviger2}}  * {{R:L&S|clāvĭger<sup>2</sup>|claviger2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:claviger]]                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:claviger]]                             [[es:claviger]]
[[ta:claviger]]                             [[ml:claviger]]

deutor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:deutor]]                      [[fr:deutor]]
[[pl:deutor]]                      [[ko:deutor]]

ἀτενίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}

eusebes: No change.


mellea: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mellea}}                        {{la-adj-form|mellea}}
# {{inflection of|melleus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melleus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|melleus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melleus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|melleus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melleus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|melleus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melleus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|melleus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melleus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|melleā}}                        {{la-adj-form|melleā}}
# {{inflection of|melleus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melleus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

excogitatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

μάλιστα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

praecincta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|praecincta}}                       {{la-part-form|praecincta}}
# {{inflection of|praecinctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praecinctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praecinctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praecinctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praecinctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praecinctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praecinctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praecinctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|praecinctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praecinctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|praecinctā}}                       {{la-part-form|praecinctā}}
# {{inflection of|praecinctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praecinctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:praecincta]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

lacrimabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:lacrimabilis]]  [[fr:lacrimabilis]]

distentio: No change.


quintile: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quīntīle}}                        {{la-adj-form|quīntīle}}
# {{inflection of|quīntīlis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntīlis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quīntīlis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntīlis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quīntīlis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntīlis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[et:quintile]]                                 ===References===
[[el:quintile]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:quintile]]                                 [[et:quintile]]
[[fi:quintile]]                                 [[el:quintile]]
[[vi:quintile]]                                 [[fr:quintile]]
[[zh:quintile]]                                 [[io:quintile]]

sortilegus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sortilegus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

prehenso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:prehenso]]   [[ko:prehenso]]

paululo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

depraedatrix: No change.


spissitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

istaec: No change.


disturbator: No change.


edisserto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ēdissertō}}                       {{la-part-form|ēdissertō}}
# {{inflection of|ēdissertus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdissertus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēdissertus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdissertus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēdissertus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdissertus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēdissertus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdissertus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:edisserto]]                                 ===References===
                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
                                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

sextarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sextarius]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Εὐαγόρας: No change.


μᾶλλον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|1=ma=llon}}  * {{R:LSJ|1=ma=llon}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:μᾶλλον]]          [[el:μᾶλλον]]

quinam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

suggerenda: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|suggerenda}}                       {{la-part-form|suggerenda}}
# {{inflection of|suggerendus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suggerendus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suggerendus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suggerendus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suggerendus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suggerendus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suggerendus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suggerendus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suggerendus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suggerendus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|suggerendā}}                       {{la-part-form|suggerendā}}
# {{inflection of|suggerendus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suggerendus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

pampinator: No change.


ἐγκρατής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἐγκρατής]]    [[el:ἐγκρατής]]
[[lt:ἐγκρατής]]    [[fr:ἐγκρατής]]
[[ru:ἐγκρατής]]    [[lt:ἐγκρατής]]

ἑνδέκατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e(nde/katos|w=ἑνδέκᾰτος}}  * {{R:LSJ|e(nde/katos|w=ἑνδέκᾰτος}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE|ενδεκατος|w=ἑνδέκᾰτος}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                    * {{R:DGE|ενδεκατος|w=ἑνδέκᾰτος}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                     * {{R:Strong's}}
                                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:ἑνδέκατος]]                     [[ko:ἑνδέκατος]]
[[pl:ἑνδέκατος]]                     [[lt:ἑνδέκατος]]

siquidem: No change.



ἀφαιρετικός: No change.


Τίγρης: No change.


θρηνῳδία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

allatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|allātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|allātūra}}
# {{inflection of|allātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|allātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|allātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|allātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

inlustro: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                           ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|inlūstr|inlūstrāv|inlūstrāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|inlūstr|inlūstrāv|inlūstrāt}}
[[ko:inlustro]]                              ===References===
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

debitis: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dēbitīs}}                      {{la-part-form|dēbitīs}}
# {{inflection of|dēbitus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēbitus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēbitus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēbitus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēbitus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēbitus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēbitus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēbitus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēbitus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēbitus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēbitus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēbitus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:debitis]]                                ===References===
[[el:debitis]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:debitis]]                                [[cs:debitis]]

aspere: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:aspere]]     [[es:aspere]]
[[pl:aspere]]     [[mg:aspere]]
[[ru:aspere]]     [[pl:aspere]]

salvationes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|salvātiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|salvātiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|salvātiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvātiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salvātiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvātiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salvātiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvātiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:salvationes]]                           ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

γνάθος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|gna/qos}}  * {{R:LSJ|gna/qos}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}          * {{R:LBG}}
                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}

flavidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tatae: No change.


iniuriose: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|iniūriōse}}                        {{la-adj-form|iniūriōse}}
# {{inflection of|iniūriōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iniūriōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

tolero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

tunc: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:la:Time]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[az:tunc]]           [[Category:la:Time]]
[[es:tunc]]           [[az:tunc]]
[[fr:tunc]]           [[cs:tunc]]
[[ko:tunc]]           [[es:tunc]]
[[ku:tunc]]           [[fr:tunc]]
[[la:tunc]]           [[ko:tunc]]
[[hu:tunc]]           [[ku:tunc]]
[[mg:tunc]]           [[la:tunc]]
[[nl:tunc]]           [[hu:tunc]]
[[pl:tunc]]           [[mg:tunc]]
[[pt:tunc]]           [[nl:tunc]]
[[sk:tunc]]           [[pl:tunc]]
[[tr:tunc]]           [[pt:tunc]]

ostrea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[co:ostrea]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ostrea]]     [[co:ostrea]]
[[pl:ostrea]]     [[fr:ostrea]]
[[pt:ostrea]]     [[mg:ostrea]]
[[ru:ostrea]]     [[pl:ostrea]]

syllepsis: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|syllepsis}}  {{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|syllepsis}}
[[et:syllepsis]]                   ===References===
[[fr:syllepsis]]                   * {{R:L&S}}
[[ku:syllepsis]]                   [[et:syllepsis]]
[[nl:syllepsis]]                   [[fr:syllepsis]]
[[tr:syllepsis]]                   [[io:syllepsis]]

attonitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

apertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:apertus]]    [[cs:apertus]]
[[es:apertus]]    [[el:apertus]]
[[fr:apertus]]    [[es:apertus]]
[[li:apertus]]    [[fr:apertus]]
[[mg:apertus]]    [[li:apertus]]
[[pl:apertus]]    [[mg:apertus]]
[[fi:apertus]]    [[pl:apertus]]

Celtae: No change.


δυναστεία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:δυναστεία]]   [[el:δυναστεία]]
[[mg:δυναστεία]]   [[fr:δυναστεία]]
[[nl:δυναστεία]]   [[mg:δυναστεία]]
[[ru:δυναστεία]]   [[nl:δυναστεία]]

pensa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cooperor: No change.


horrifice: No change.


maris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|maris}}                   {{la-noun-form|maris}}
# {{inflection of|mās||gen|s|lang=la}}   # {{inflection of|mās||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mare||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mare||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[ast:maris]]                            ===References===
[[cs:maris]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[co:maris]]                             * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[da:maris]]                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[de:maris]]                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:maris]]                             [[ast:maris]]
[[it:maris]]                             [[cs:maris]]
[[jv:maris]]                             [[co:maris]]
[[la:maris]]                             [[da:maris]]
[[mg:maris]]                             [[de:maris]]
[[ru:maris]]                             [[el:maris]]
[[fi:maris]]                             [[fr:maris]]
[[sv:maris]]                             [[it:maris]]

agglutinator: No change.


nazareus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Nazareth}}    * {{l|la|Nazareth}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

Ὄλυνθος: No change.


refertor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|refertor}}                               {{la-verb-form|refertor}}
# {{inflection of|referō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|referō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|referō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|referō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

cerebellum: No change.


foveo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
[[fr:foveo]]         [[el:foveo]]
[[ko:foveo]]         [[fr:foveo]]
[[hr:foveo]]         [[ko:foveo]]
[[pt:foveo]]         [[hr:foveo]]
[[ru:foveo]]         [[pt:foveo]]

inalbeo: No change.


triumphator: No change.


consector: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:consector]]  [[fr:consector]]

oro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:M&A}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin palindromes]]  <references/>
----                            [[Category:Latin palindromes]]

γλαῦξ: No change.


iaculatores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|iaculātōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|iaculātōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|iaculātor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iaculātor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iaculātor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iaculātor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iaculātor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iaculātor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}

trygon: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[mg:trygon]]         [[fr:trygon]]
[[ta:trygon]]         [[mg:trygon]]

Q: No change.


Ὀρσίλοχος: No change.


flumen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:flumen]]       [[roa-rup:flumen]]
[[de:flumen]]       [[cs:flumen]]
[[el:flumen]]       [[de:flumen]]
[[es:flumen]]       [[el:flumen]]
[[eu:flumen]]       [[es:flumen]]
[[fr:flumen]]       [[eu:flumen]]
[[fy:flumen]]       [[fr:flumen]]
[[ko:flumen]]       [[fy:flumen]]
[[io:flumen]]       [[ko:flumen]]
[[kn:flumen]]       [[io:flumen]]
[[ka:flumen]]       [[kn:flumen]]
[[ku:flumen]]       [[ka:flumen]]
[[lo:flumen]]       [[ku:flumen]]
[[la:flumen]]       [[lo:flumen]]
[[lt:flumen]]       [[la:flumen]]
[[li:flumen]]       [[lt:flumen]]
[[hu:flumen]]       [[li:flumen]]
[[mg:flumen]]       [[hu:flumen]]
[[na:flumen]]       [[mg:flumen]]
[[fj:flumen]]       [[na:flumen]]
[[ja:flumen]]       [[fj:flumen]]
[[pl:flumen]]       [[ja:flumen]]
[[pt:flumen]]       [[pl:flumen]]
[[ru:flumen]]       [[pt:flumen]]
[[sv:flumen]]       [[ru:flumen]]
[[chr:flumen]]      [[sv:flumen]]

pressorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|pressōri}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|pressōri}}
[[fr:pressorium]]           ===References===
[[mg:pressorium]]           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:pressorium]]           * {{R:Peck}}

τριάς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|tria/s1}}                                  * {{R:LSJ|tria/s1}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                    * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words prefixed with τρι-]]  
                                                     [[Category:Ancient Greek words prefixed with τρι-]]

multoties: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                      ===Adverb===
{{la-adv|multoties|multoties|-}}  {{la-adv|multoties|multoties|-}}
# [[many]] [[times]]              # [[many]] [[times]]
                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

serius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S|serius|serius1}}    * {{R:L&S|serius|serius1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Century 1911|serious}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                              * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:serius]]                 * {{R:Century 1911|serious}}
[[mg:serius]]                 [[fr:serius]]
[[zh:serius]]                 [[id:serius]]

deformitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:deformitas]]  [[mg:deformitas]]

cymba: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cymba]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:cymba]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Bethlehem: No change.


idololatris: No change.


tractate: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|tractāte}}                               {{la-verb-form|tractāte}}
# {{inflection of|tractō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tractō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[et:tractate]]                                         ===References===
[[fr:tractate]]                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ka:tractate]]                                         [[et:tractate]]
[[ku:tractate]]                                         [[fr:tractate]]
[[ta:tractate]]                                         [[hy:tractate]]
[[vi:tractate]]                                         [[ka:tractate]]

circumsisto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:circumsisto]]  [[fr:circumsisto]]

pandia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
{{C|la|Gems}}     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

rusticum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rūsticum}}                       {{la-adj-form|rūsticum}}
# {{inflection of|rūsticus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rūsticus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:rusticum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:rusticum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

dafna: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:non:Zoega}}  * {{R:Zoega}}
                   * {{R:non:Zoega}}
[[mg:dafna]]       [[li:dafna]]
[[uz:dafna]]       [[mg:dafna]]
[[tr:dafna]]       [[uz:dafna]]

Πόπλιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1023}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1023}}
[[el:Πόπλιος]]          [[el:Πόπλιος]]

anellus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:anellus]]       [[roa-rup:anellus]]
[[fr:anellus]]       [[de:anellus]]
[[it:anellus]]       [[fr:anellus]]
[[ru:anellus]]       [[it:anellus]]

κατουλάς: No change.


refectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

superficialis: No change.


νεφρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3510}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:LBG}}               * {{R:Strong's|G|3510}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}          * {{R:LBG}}
                          * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[da:νεφρός]]             [[cs:νεφρός]]
[[el:νεφρός]]             [[da:νεφρός]]
[[fr:νεφρός]]             [[el:νεφρός]]
[[ko:νεφρός]]             [[fr:νεφρός]]
[[mg:νεφρός]]             [[ko:νεφρός]]
[[ro:νεφρός]]             [[mg:νεφρός]]
[[ru:νεφρός]]             [[ro:νεφρός]]
[[chr:νεφρός]]            [[ru:νεφρός]]
[[tr:νεφρός]]             [[chr:νεφρός]]

insidians: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|īnsidiāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|īnsidiāns}}
                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Februarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Proper noun===        ===Proper noun===
{{head|la|proper noun}}  {{head|la|proper noun}}
# [[February]]           # [[February]]
[[Category:la:Months]]   ===References===
                         * {{R:L&S}}
[[af:Februarius]]        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[de:Februarius]]        [[Category:la:Months]]
[[el:Februarius]]        [[af:Februarius]]
[[fr:Februarius]]        [[an:Februarius]]
[[ko:Februarius]]        [[de:Februarius]]
[[hr:Februarius]]        [[et:Februarius]]
[[id:Februarius]]        [[el:Februarius]]
[[it:Februarius]]        [[fr:Februarius]]
[[csb:Februarius]]       [[ko:Februarius]]
[[la:Februarius]]        [[hr:Februarius]]
[[lt:Februarius]]        [[id:Februarius]]
[[mg:Februarius]]        [[it:Februarius]]
[[nl:Februarius]]        [[csb:Februarius]]
[[ja:Februarius]]        [[la:Februarius]]
[[pl:Februarius]]        [[lt:Februarius]]
[[pt:Februarius]]        [[mg:Februarius]]
[[ro:Februarius]]        [[nl:Februarius]]
[[ru:Februarius]]        [[ja:Februarius]]
[[fi:Februarius]]        [[pl:Februarius]]
[[tr:Februarius]]        [[pt:Februarius]]

prendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

iugatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|iugāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|iugāt}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

xerophagia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:xerophagia]]  [[el:xerophagia]]
[[zh:xerophagia]]  [[fr:xerophagia]]

seni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cineres: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cinerēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|cinerēs}}
# {{inflection of|cinis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cinis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinis||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cinis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cinis||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cineres]]                            ===References===
[[it:cineres]]                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:cineres]]                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[zh:cineres]]                            [[fr:cineres]]

σύλλυσις: No change.


enatator: No change.


dilucidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:dilucidus]]  [[es:dilucidus]]
[[mg:dilucidus]]  [[ko:dilucidus]]

victa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|victa}}                       {{la-part-form|victa}}
# {{inflection of|victus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|victus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|victus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|victus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|victus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|victus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|victus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|victus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|victus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|victus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|victā}}                       {{la-part-form|victā}}
# {{inflection of|victus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|victus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:victa]]                                 ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

bellator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:bellator]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:bellator]]   [[fr:bellator]]
[[pl:bellator]]   [[mg:bellator]]
[[ru:bellator]]   [[nl:bellator]]
[[chr:bellator]]  [[pl:bellator]]

ecqui: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

alacritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

subalbidus: No change.


venabula: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vēnābula}}                     {{la-noun-form|vēnābula}}
# {{inflection of|vēnābulum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnābulum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnābulum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnābulum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnābulum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnābulum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:venabula]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

αὐλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                    ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                           * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}                           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                     * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|836}}                * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                          * {{R:Strong's|G|836}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes}}                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                      * {{R:grc:Beekes}}
[[Category:grc:Musical instruments]]  
                                      [[Category:grc:Musical instruments]]
[[ko:αὐλός]]                          [[fr:αὐλός]]
[[ru:αὐλός]]                          [[ko:αὐλός]]

harenivagus: No change.


canae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cānae}}                       {{la-adj-form|cānae}}
# {{inflection of|cānus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cānus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cānus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cānus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cānus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:canae]]                                ===References===
[[la:canae]]                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

personale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|persōnāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|persōnāle}}
# {{inflection of|persōnālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|persōnālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|persōnālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|persōnālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|persōnālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|persōnālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

detestandus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dētestand}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dētestand}}
                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

hippopotamus: No change.


bubulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:bubulus]]    [[et:bubulus]]
[[fr:bubulus]]    [[el:bubulus]]

maceratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:maceratio]]  [[fr:maceratio]]

statuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Century 1911|statute}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                              * {{R:Century 1911|statute}}
[[fr:statuo]]                 [[el:statuo]]
[[ko:statuo]]                 [[fr:statuo]]
[[io:statuo]]                 [[ko:statuo]]
[[it:statuo]]                 [[io:statuo]]
[[ku:statuo]]                 [[it:statuo]]
[[hu:statuo]]                 [[ku:statuo]]
[[mg:statuo]]                 [[hu:statuo]]
[[pl:statuo]]                 [[mg:statuo]]
[[ru:statuo]]                 [[pl:statuo]]
[[fi:statuo]]                 [[ru:statuo]]
[[tl:statuo]]                 [[fi:statuo]]
[[chr:statuo]]                [[tl:statuo]]

molliculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:molliculus]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

coemo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:coemo]]      [[fr:coemo]]
[[mg:coemo]]      [[ko:coemo]]
[[ru:coemo]]      [[mg:coemo]]


exposcito: No change.


plumae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|plūmae}}                   {{la-noun-form|plūmae}}
# {{inflection of|plūma||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūma||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plūma||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūma||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plūma||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūma||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plūma||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūma||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:plumae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:plumae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:plumae]]                             * {{R:Peck}}

amictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:amictus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:amictus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[nl:amictus]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[chr:amictus]]   [[fr:amictus]]

bacrio: No change.


iunctus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                        ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                   {{top2}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|xuntu}}, {{l|ast|xunta}}               * Asturian: {{l|ast|xuntu}}, {{l|ast|xunta}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|junt}}                                   * Catalan: {{l|ca|junt}}
* English: [[joint]], [[junta]]                            * English: [[joint]], [[junta]]
* Galician: {{l|gl|xunto}}, {{l|gl|xunta}}                 * Galician: {{l|gl|xunto}}, {{l|gl|xunta}}
* French: {{l|fr|joint}}                                   * French: {{l|fr|joint}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|zonte}}                                * Friulian: {{l|fur|zonte}}
* Italian: {{l|it|giunto}}, {{l|it|giunta}}                * Italian: {{l|it|giunto}}, {{l|it|giunta}}
{{mid2}}                                                   {{mid2}}
* Ladin: {{l|lld|jont}}, {{l|lld|jonta}}                   * Ladin: {{l|lld|jont}}, {{l|lld|jonta}}
* Neapolitan: {{l|nap|jonta}}                              * Neapolitan: {{l|nap|jonta}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|jonch}}, {{l|oc|junt}}                   * Occitan: {{l|oc|jonch}}, {{l|oc|junt}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|junto}}                               * Portuguese: {{l|pt|junto}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|junta}}, {{l|es|junto}}, {{l|es|yunto}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|junta}}, {{l|es|junto}}, {{l|es|yunto}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|xonto}}, {{l|vec|xonta}}               * Venetian: {{l|vec|xonto}}, {{l|vec|xonta}}
{{bottom}}                                                 {{bottom}}
[[fr:iunctus]]                                             ===References===
[[fi:iunctus]]                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

rapina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

altis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|altīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|altīs}}
# {{inflection of|altus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:altis]]                                ===References===
[[de:altis]]                                * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:altis]]                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:altis]]                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:altis]]                                [[cs:altis]]
[[ru:altis]]                                [[de:altis]]
[[fi:altis]]                                [[fr:altis]]

condum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|condum}}                    {{la-noun-form|condum}}
# {{inflection of|condus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|condus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

novae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|novae}}                       {{la-adj-form|novae}}
# {{inflection of|novus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|novus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|novus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|novus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|novus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|novus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|novus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|novus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:novae]]                                ===References===
[[ca:novae]]                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[cs:novae]]                                * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[es:novae]]                                [[ar:novae]]
[[fr:novae]]                                [[ca:novae]]
[[ku:novae]]                                [[cs:novae]]
[[la:novae]]                                [[et:novae]]
[[mg:novae]]                                [[es:novae]]
[[ml:novae]]                                [[fr:novae]]
[[my:novae]]                                [[ku:novae]]
[[ja:novae]]                                [[la:novae]]
[[pl:novae]]                                [[mg:novae]]
[[sk:novae]]                                [[ml:novae]]
[[sv:novae]]                                [[my:novae]]
[[ta:novae]]                                [[ja:novae]]
[[vi:novae]]                                [[pl:novae]]

sublimatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sublimatio]]  [[fr:sublimatio]]
[[ru:sublimatio]]  [[mg:sublimatio]]

daedalus: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                       ===References===
* Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary. Berlin: Langenschedit, 1966.  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                       * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[cs:daedalus]]                                                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:daedalus]]                                                        * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[hr:daedalus]]                                                        * Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary. Berlin: Langenschedit, 1966.
[[ta:daedalus]]                                                        [[cs:daedalus]]

iniuriosus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|iniūriōs}}  {{la-decl-1&2|iniūriōs}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Ἰσραηλίτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:Strong's|G|2475}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2475}}
[[hu:Ἰσραηλίτης]]        [[hu:Ἰσραηλίτης]]

abactores: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun form|g=m}}                   {{head|la|noun form|g=m}}
# {{inflection of|abactor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abactor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abactor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abactor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abactor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abactor||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]               ===References===
                                            * {{R:Peck}}
----                                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                            [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

φωνέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|fwne/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|fwne/w}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:φωνέω]]        [[el:φωνέω]]
[[it:φωνέω]]        [[fr:φωνέω]]
[[hu:φωνέω]]        [[it:φωνέω]]
[[mg:φωνέω]]        [[hu:φωνέω]]
[[pl:φωνέω]]        [[mg:φωνέω]]
[[pt:φωνέω]]        [[pl:φωνέω]]

refutatus: No change.


porceo: No change.


ravus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
===Related terms===  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     ===Related terms===

μύστης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                   * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Century 1911|mystery}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                              * {{R:Century 1911|mystery}}
[[fr:μύστης]]                 [[el:μύστης]]
[[ko:μύστης]]                 [[fr:μύστης]]

plumbago: No change.


egens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:egens]]      [[fr:egens]]
[[mg:egens]]      [[ko:egens]]
[[nds:egens]]     [[mg:egens]]
[[sv:egens]]      [[nds:egens]]

sacramentalia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sacrāmentālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|sacrāmentālia}}
# {{inflection of|sacrāmentālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrāmentālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacrāmentālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrāmentālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacrāmentālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrāmentālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

latens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Σύμη: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1026}}         * {{R:Woodhouse|1026}}

canticulum: No change.


ῥαίνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}

abominor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[es:abominor]]                    [[ca:abominor]]
[[fr:abominor]]                    [[es:abominor]]
[[ko:abominor]]                    [[fr:abominor]]
[[it:abominor]]                    [[ko:abominor]]
[[mg:abominor]]                    [[it:abominor]]
[[nl:abominor]]                    [[mg:abominor]]
[[ru:abominor]]                    [[nl:abominor]]
[[fi:abominor]]                    [[ru:abominor]]

ignobiles: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ignōbilēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|ignōbilēs}}
# {{inflection of|ignōbilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ignōbilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ignōbilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ignōbilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ignōbilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ignōbilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ignōbilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ignōbilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ignōbilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ignōbilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ignōbilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ignōbilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:ignobiles]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

iuncea: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|iuncea}}                        {{la-adj-form|iuncea}}
# {{inflection of|iunceus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iunceus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iunceus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iunceus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iunceus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iunceus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iunceus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iunceus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iunceus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iunceus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|iunceā}}                        {{la-adj-form|iunceā}}
# {{inflection of|iunceus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iunceus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

picus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:picus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:picus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:picus]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ku:picus]]      [[cs:picus]]
[[hu:picus]]      [[de:picus]]
[[mg:picus]]      [[et:picus]]
[[pl:picus]]      [[fr:picus]]
[[ro:picus]]      [[ku:picus]]
[[ru:picus]]      [[hu:picus]]

Liber: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S|Līber|Liber3}}  * {{R:L&S|Līber|Liber3}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:Liber]]              [[de:Liber]]
[[gl:Liber]]              [[fr:Liber]]
[[ko:Liber]]              [[gl:Liber]]
[[ka:Liber]]              [[ko:Liber]]
[[la:Liber]]              [[ka:Liber]]
[[sh:Liber]]              [[la:Liber]]
[[zh:Liber]]              [[sh:Liber]]

Ἀλκμαιωνίδης: No change.


pecuniarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pecuniarius]]  * {{R:M&A}}

liquamentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

crambe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:crambe]]     [[eo:crambe]]
[[mg:crambe]]     [[fr:crambe]]
[[pl:crambe]]     [[mg:crambe]]
[[zh:crambe]]     [[pl:crambe]]

salutabundus: No change.


iugator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|iugātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|iugātor}}
# {{inflection of|iugō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iugō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iugō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iugō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

damascena: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|damascena}}                        {{la-adj-form|damascena}}
# {{inflection of|damascenus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|damascenus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|damascenus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|damascenus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|damascenus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|damascenus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|damascenus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|damascenus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|damascenus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|damascenus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|damascenā}}                        {{la-adj-form|damascenā}}
# {{inflection of|damascenus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|damascenus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:damascena]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:damascena]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:damascena]]                                 [[ca:damascena]]

sermocinator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

colis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:colis]]      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[de:colis]]      [[ca:colis]]
[[fr:colis]]      [[cs:colis]]
[[ko:colis]]      [[de:colis]]
[[io:colis]]      [[fr:colis]]
[[it:colis]]      [[ko:colis]]
[[hu:colis]]      [[io:colis]]
[[mg:colis]]      [[it:colis]]
[[pl:colis]]      [[hu:colis]]
[[ro:colis]]      [[mg:colis]]
[[ru:colis]]      [[pl:colis]]
[[fi:colis]]      [[ro:colis]]
[[chr:colis]]     [[ru:colis]]
[[vi:colis]]      [[fi:colis]]
[[zh:colis]]      [[chr:colis]]

κρυπτός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2927}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2927}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[et:κρυπτός]]           [[da:κρυπτός]]
[[el:κρυπτός]]           [[et:κρυπτός]]
[[fr:κρυπτός]]           [[el:κρυπτός]]
[[hu:κρυπτός]]           [[fr:κρυπτός]]
[[mg:κρυπτός]]           [[hu:κρυπτός]]
[[pl:κρυπτός]]           [[mg:κρυπτός]]
[[ru:κρυπτός]]           [[pl:κρυπτός]]

adfecto: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                        ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|adfect|adfectāv|adfectāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|adfect|adfectāv|adfectāt}}
[[fr:adfecto]]                            ===References===
[[ko:adfecto]]                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Ῥῆσος: No change.


mineralia: No change.


portabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mimicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:mimicus]]    [[fr:mimicus]]
[[ja:mimicus]]    [[mg:mimicus]]

auctionarii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|auctiōnāriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|auctiōnāriī}}
# {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auctiōnārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

flammigero: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|flammigerō}}                      {{la-adj-form|flammigerō}}
# {{inflection of|flammiger||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flammiger||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flammiger||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flammiger||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flammiger||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flammiger||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flammiger||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flammiger||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:flammigero]]                               ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}
                                                * {{R:NLW}}

potis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:potis]]      [[el:potis]]
[[fr:potis]]      [[es:potis]]
[[mg:potis]]      [[fr:potis]]
[[fj:potis]]      [[mg:potis]]
[[ru:potis]]      [[fj:potis]]
[[fi:potis]]      [[ru:potis]]
[[chr:potis]]     [[fi:potis]]

frumen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:la:Foods]]    [[Category:la:Anatomy]]

δαιμόνιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|daimo/nion}}  * {{R:LSJ|daimo/nion}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[hu:δαιμόνιον]]        [[el:δαιμόνιον]]

nequitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:nequitia]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ἑλλήνιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}

absum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:absum]]      [[el:absum]]
[[fr:absum]]      [[es:absum]]
[[ko:absum]]      [[fr:absum]]
[[la:absum]]      [[ko:absum]]
[[mg:absum]]      [[la:absum]]
[[nl:absum]]      [[mg:absum]]
[[pl:absum]]      [[nl:absum]]
[[ru:absum]]      [[pl:absum]]
[[fi:absum]]      [[ru:absum]]
[[chr:absum]]     [[fi:absum]]

taciturnitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:taciturnitas]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bigae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

puerpera: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                             ====Descendants====
* Translingual: {{taxlink|Thiodina puerpera|species|noshow=1}}  * Translingual: {{taxlink|Thiodina puerpera|species|noshow=1}}
[[cs:puerpera]]                                                 ===References===
[[de:puerpera]]                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:puerpera]]                                                 [[cs:puerpera]]
[[id:puerpera]]                                                 [[de:puerpera]]
[[it:puerpera]]                                                 [[el:puerpera]]
[[hu:puerpera]]                                                 [[fr:puerpera]]
[[pl:puerpera]]                                                 [[id:puerpera]]
[[ru:puerpera]]                                                 [[it:puerpera]]
[[fi:puerpera]]                                                 [[hu:puerpera]]
[[zh:puerpera]]                                                 [[pl:puerpera]]

propediem: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

hebdomadarius: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====               ====Descendants====
* Catalan: {{l|ca|hebdomadari}}   * Catalan: {{l|ca|hebdomadari}}
* English: {{l|en|hebdomadary}}   * English: {{l|en|hebdomadary}}
* French: {{l|fr|hebdomadier}}    * French: {{l|fr|hebdomadier}}
* Italian: {{l|it|ebdomadario}}   * Italian: {{l|it|ebdomadario}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|hebdomadario}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|hebdomadario}}
[[fr:hebdomadarius]]              ===References===
                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

metitura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|metitūra}}                       {{la-part-form|metitūra}}
# {{inflection of|metitūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|metitūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|metitūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|metitūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|metitūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|metitūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|metitūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|metitūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|metitūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|metitūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|metitūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|metitūrā}}
# {{inflection of|metitūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|metitūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

subnavigo: No change.


amissa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|āmissa}}                       {{la-part-form|āmissa}}
# {{inflection of|āmissus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āmissus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āmissus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āmissus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āmissus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āmissus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āmissus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āmissus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āmissus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āmissus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|āmissā}}                       {{la-part-form|āmissā}}
# {{inflection of|āmissus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āmissus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:amissa]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

coquino: No change.


conductio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:conductio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:conductio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

meline: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|meline}}                        {{la-adj-form|meline}}
# {{inflection of|melinus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melinus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:meline]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

ἐλεαίρω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
{{C|grc|Emotions}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}

σφαῖρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                                                      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|sfai%3Dra%5E}}<!-- do not remove manual transliteration-->  * {{R:LSJ|sfai%3Dra%5E}}<!-- do not remove manual transliteration-->
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[cs:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[cs:σφαῖρα]]
[[da:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[da:σφαῖρα]]
[[es:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[es:σφαῖρα]]
[[fr:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[fr:σφαῖρα]]
[[ko:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[ko:σφαῖρα]]
[[mg:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[mg:σφαῖρα]]
[[nl:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[nl:σφαῖρα]]
[[pl:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[pl:σφαῖρα]]
[[pt:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[pt:σφαῖρα]]
[[ru:σφαῖρα]]                                                         [[ru:σφαῖρα]]

indicium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:indicium]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ku:indicium]]   [[cs:indicium]]
[[mg:indicium]]   [[fr:indicium]]
[[pl:indicium]]   [[ku:indicium]]
[[ru:indicium]]   [[mg:indicium]]
[[fi:indicium]]   [[pl:indicium]]
[[sv:indicium]]   [[ru:indicium]]
[[chr:indicium]]  [[fi:indicium]]

tonstrix: No change.


aduncus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:aduncus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:aduncus]]    [[fr:aduncus]]

attagena: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|attagēn}}  {{la-decl-1st|attagēn}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

forsan: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[io:forsan]]                                                                                                [[fr:forsan]]
[[mg:forsan]]                                                                                                [[io:forsan]]
[[fj:forsan]]                                                                                                [[mg:forsan]]
[[nl:forsan]]                                                                                                [[fj:forsan]]
[[no:forsan]]                                                                                                [[nl:forsan]]
[[fi:forsan]]                                                                                                [[no:forsan]]
[[chr:forsan]]                                                                                               [[fi:forsan]]
[[tr:forsan]]                                                                                                [[chr:forsan]]

incresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:incresco]]   [[ca:incresco]]
[[ko:incresco]]   [[fr:incresco]]
[[la:incresco]]   [[ko:incresco]]

bjartr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                           {{top2}}
* Faroese: [[bjartur]]             * Faroese: [[bjartur]]
* Icelandic: [[bjartur]]           * Icelandic: [[bjartur]]
{{mid2}}                           {{mid2}}
* Norwegian Nynorsk: [[bjart]]     * Norwegian Nynorsk: [[bjart]]
{{bottom}}                         {{bottom}}
[[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
                                   [[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]

cancer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                                                                                                              ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                                                                         {{top2}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|cáncer}}, {{l|ast|cangrexu}} (''through diminutive'')                                                                        * Asturian: {{l|ast|cáncer}}, {{l|ast|cangrexu}} (''through diminutive'')
* Catalan: {{l|ca|càncer}}, {{l|ca|cranc}}, {{l|ca|carranc}}                                                                                     * Catalan: {{l|ca|càncer}}, {{l|ca|cranc}}, {{l|ca|carranc}}
* English: {{l|en|cancer}}                                                                                                                       * English: {{l|en|cancer}}
* French: {{l|fr|cancer}}, {{l|fr|cancre}}, {{l|fr|chancre}}                                                                                     * French: {{l|fr|cancer}}, {{l|fr|cancre}}, {{l|fr|chancre}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|cancar}}, {{l|fur|granç}}                                                                                                    * Friulian: {{l|fur|cancar}}, {{l|fur|granç}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|cangrexo}} (''through diminutive'')                                                                                           * Galician: {{l|gl|cangrexo}} (''through diminutive'')
* Italian: {{l|it|cancro}}, {{l|it|granchio}} (''through dative or diminutive'')                                                                 * Italian: {{l|it|cancro}}, {{l|it|granchio}} (''through dative or diminutive'')
* Norman: {{l|nrf|cancèr}}                                                                                                                       * Norman: {{l|nrf|cancèr}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                                                                         {{mid2}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|càncer}}, {{l|oc|cranc}}                                                                                                       * Occitan: {{l|oc|càncer}}, {{l|oc|cranc}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|chancre}}                                                                                                                  * Old French: {{l|fro|chancre}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|cancro}}, {{l|pt|câncer}}, {{l|pt|caranguejo}} (''through Spanish'')                                                        * Portuguese: {{l|pt|cancro}}, {{l|pt|câncer}}, {{l|pt|caranguejo}} (''through Spanish'')
* Romanian: {{l|ro|cancer}}                                                                                                                      * Romanian: {{l|ro|cancer}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|càncaru}}, {{l|scn|granciu}}, {{l|scn|grancifudduni}}                                                                        * Sicilian: {{l|scn|càncaru}}, {{l|scn|granciu}}, {{l|scn|grancifudduni}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|cáncer}}, {{l|es|cancro}}, {{l|es|cangrejo}} (''through diminutive''), {{l|es|cangro}}, {{l|es|chancro}} (''through French'')  * Spanish: {{l|es|cáncer}}, {{l|es|cancro}}, {{l|es|cangrejo}} (''through diminutive''), {{l|es|cangro}}, {{l|es|chancro}} (''through French'')
* Venetian: {{l|vec|cancaro}}, {{l|vec|granso}}                                                                                                  * Venetian: {{l|vec|cancaro}}, {{l|vec|granso}}
* Walloon : {{l|wa|crantche}}, {{l|wa|cancer}}                                                                                                   * Walloon : {{l|wa|crantche}}, {{l|wa|cancer}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                                                                       {{bottom}}
[[Category:la:Animals]]                                                                                                                          ===References===
[[Category:la:Diseases]]                                                                                                                         * {{R:L&S}}
[[Category:la:Medicine]]                                                                                                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[Category:la:Oncology]]                                                                                                                         * {{R:PersEnc}}
----                                                                                                                                             [[Category:la:Animals]]

Τορκούατος: No change.


aparctias: No change.


adsumpti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|adsūmptī}}                       {{la-part-form|adsūmptī}}
# {{inflection of|adsūmptus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsūmptus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsūmptus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsūmptus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsūmptus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsūmptus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsūmptus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsūmptus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

munitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:munitus]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fi:munitus]]    [[es:munitus]]

quinque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}
[[roa-rup:quinque]]  * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
[[co:quinque]]       [[roa-rup:quinque]]
[[da:quinque]]       [[az:quinque]]
[[de:quinque]]       [[co:quinque]]
[[et:quinque]]       [[da:quinque]]
[[el:quinque]]       [[de:quinque]]
[[es:quinque]]       [[et:quinque]]
[[fr:quinque]]       [[el:quinque]]
[[gl:quinque]]       [[es:quinque]]
[[ko:quinque]]       [[fr:quinque]]
[[hy:quinque]]       [[gl:quinque]]
[[hr:quinque]]       [[ko:quinque]]
[[io:quinque]]       [[hy:quinque]]
[[is:quinque]]       [[hr:quinque]]
[[it:quinque]]       [[io:quinque]]
[[ka:quinque]]       [[is:quinque]]
[[ku:quinque]]       [[it:quinque]]
[[ky:quinque]]       [[ka:quinque]]
[[la:quinque]]       [[ku:quinque]]
[[lt:quinque]]       [[ky:quinque]]
[[mg:quinque]]       [[la:quinque]]
[[ml:quinque]]       [[lt:quinque]]
[[nl:quinque]]       [[mg:quinque]]
[[ja:quinque]]       [[ml:quinque]]
[[uz:quinque]]       [[nl:quinque]]
[[pl:quinque]]       [[ja:quinque]]
[[pt:quinque]]       [[uz:quinque]]
[[ru:quinque]]       [[pl:quinque]]
[[sm:quinque]]       [[pt:quinque]]
[[sr:quinque]]       [[ru:quinque]]
[[fi:quinque]]       [[sm:quinque]]
[[sv:quinque]]       [[sr:quinque]]
[[tt:quinque]]       [[fi:quinque]]
[[th:quinque]]       [[sv:quinque]]
[[chr:quinque]]      [[tt:quinque]]
[[tr:quinque]]       [[th:quinque]]
[[uk:quinque]]       [[chr:quinque]]
[[zh:quinque]]       [[tr:quinque]]

praelectus: No change.


Σικελιώτης: No change.


Nomades: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|Nomadēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|Nomadēs}}
# {{inflection of|Nomas||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Nomas||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Nomas||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Nomas||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Nomas||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Nomas||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:Nomades]]                            ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}

syllogismus: No change.


gibba: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:gibba]]      [[fr:gibba]]
[[ru:gibba]]      [[mg:gibba]]
[[sv:gibba]]      [[ru:gibba]]

hebesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

scorpio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Arthropods]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Weapons]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[es:scorpio]]              [[Category:la:Arthropods]]
[[fa:scorpio]]              [[Category:la:Weapons]]
[[ko:scorpio]]              [[el:scorpio]]
[[ku:scorpio]]              [[es:scorpio]]
[[lo:scorpio]]              [[fa:scorpio]]
[[la:scorpio]]              [[fr:scorpio]]
[[mg:scorpio]]              [[ko:scorpio]]
[[ml:scorpio]]              [[ku:scorpio]]
[[nl:scorpio]]              [[lo:scorpio]]
[[ja:scorpio]]              [[la:scorpio]]
[[pl:scorpio]]              [[mg:scorpio]]
[[ro:scorpio]]              [[ml:scorpio]]
[[ru:scorpio]]              [[nl:scorpio]]
[[ta:scorpio]]              [[ja:scorpio]]
[[te:scorpio]]              [[pl:scorpio]]
[[vi:scorpio]]              [[ro:scorpio]]
[[zh:scorpio]]              [[ru:scorpio]]

summitto: No change.


πρότερος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:πρότερος]]     [[el:πρότερος]]
[[ru:πρότερος]]     [[lt:πρότερος]]
[[chr:πρότερος]]    [[ru:πρότερος]]

remigium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:remigium]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:remigium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ta:remigium]]   [[ko:remigium]]
[[zh:remigium]]   [[pl:remigium]]

ἑπτά: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2033}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2033}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:ἑπτά]]              [[da:ἑπτά]]
[[el:ἑπτά]]              [[de:ἑπτά]]
[[fr:ἑπτά]]              [[el:ἑπτά]]
[[ko:ἑπτά]]              [[fr:ἑπτά]]
[[is:ἑπτά]]              [[ko:ἑπτά]]
[[it:ἑπτά]]              [[is:ἑπτά]]
[[lt:ἑπτά]]              [[it:ἑπτά]]
[[hu:ἑπτά]]              [[lt:ἑπτά]]
[[mg:ἑπτά]]              [[hu:ἑπτά]]
[[nl:ἑπτά]]              [[mg:ἑπτά]]
[[ja:ἑπτά]]              [[nl:ἑπτά]]
[[pl:ἑπτά]]              [[ja:ἑπτά]]
[[pt:ἑπτά]]              [[pl:ἑπτά]]
[[ru:ἑπτά]]              [[pt:ἑπτά]]
[[tr:ἑπτά]]              [[ru:ἑπτά]]

circumspicientia: No change.


ita: No change.


σκέπη: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:σκέπη]]       [[el:σκέπη]]
[[fr:σκέπη]]       [[fr:σκέπη]]
[[ko:σκέπη]]       [[ko:σκέπη]]
[[mg:σκέπη]]       [[mg:σκέπη]]

hinnio: No change.


dialectus: No change.


agger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Platner}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ar:agger]]      * {{R:Platner}}
[[fr:agger]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[la:agger]]      [[ar:agger]]
[[mg:agger]]      [[fr:agger]]
[[pl:agger]]      [[kn:agger]]
[[ru:agger]]      [[la:agger]]
[[ta:agger]]      [[mg:agger]]

pacticius: No change.


necopinans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Γράγχος: No change.


reprendo: No change.


διαλέγομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====    ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|diale/gw}}  * {{R:LSJ|diale/gw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}           * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
----                  ----

Hadrumetum: No change.


exurgo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

manicatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|mānīcāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|mānīcāt}}
                         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

σαρδόνυξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:σαρδόνυξ]]   [[el:σαρδόνυξ]]

spector: No change.


θεόπνευστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|qeo/pneustos}}  * {{R:LSJ|qeo/pneustos}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
                          * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:θεόπνευστος]]        [[el:θεόπνευστος]]

primitiva: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|prīmitīva}}                        {{la-adj-form|prīmitīva}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|prīmitīvā}}                        {{la-adj-form|prīmitīvā}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

tredecennium: No change.


vereor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[es:vereor]]                      [[el:vereor]]
[[fr:vereor]]                      [[es:vereor]]
[[ko:vereor]]                      [[fr:vereor]]
[[la:vereor]]                      [[ko:vereor]]
[[li:vereor]]                      [[la:vereor]]
[[mg:vereor]]                      [[li:vereor]]
[[ro:vereor]]                      [[mg:vereor]]
[[ru:vereor]]                      [[ro:vereor]]
[[fi:vereor]]                      [[ru:vereor]]
[[chr:vereor]]                     [[fi:vereor]]

salientes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Inopus: No change.


antica: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|antīca}}                        {{la-adj-form|antīca}}
# {{inflection of|antīcus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīcus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīcus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīcus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīcus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīcus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīcus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīcus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīcus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīcus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|antīcā}}                        {{la-adj-form|antīcā}}
# {{inflection of|antīcus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīcus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[de:antica]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:antica]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:antica]]                                 [[de:antica]]
[[ja:antica]]                                 [[fr:antica]]

contumelia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:contumelia]]   [[cs:contumelia]]
[[fr:contumelia]]   [[es:contumelia]]
[[ko:contumelia]]   [[fr:contumelia]]
[[it:contumelia]]   [[ko:contumelia]]
[[mg:contumelia]]   [[it:contumelia]]
[[pl:contumelia]]   [[mg:contumelia]]
[[sk:contumelia]]   [[pl:contumelia]]
[[chr:contumelia]]  [[sk:contumelia]]

veredis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|verēdīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|verēdīs}}
# {{inflection of|verēdus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|verēdus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|verēdus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|verēdus||abl|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

νομοθέτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|nomoqe/ths}}  * {{R:LSJ|nomoqe/ths}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

eyrr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|øre}} ''c''       * Danish: {{l|da|øre}} ''c''
* English: {{l|en|ayre}}           * English: {{l|en|ayre}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|oyri}} ''f''     * Faroese: {{l|fo|oyri}} ''f''
* Icelandic: {{l|is|eyri}} ''f''   * Icelandic: {{l|is|eyri}} ''f''
* Scottish Gaelic: {{l|gd|tiurr}}  * Scottish Gaelic: {{l|gd|tiurr}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|ör}}             * Swedish: {{l|sv|ör}}
[[Category:Old Norse nouns]]       ===References===
                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
                                   [[Category:Old Norse nouns]]

perterritus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cadi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cadī}}                     {{la-noun-form|cadī}}
# {{inflection of|cadus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cadus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cadus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cadus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cadus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cadus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

atramentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:atramentum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:atramentum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[kn:atramentum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:atramentum]]   [[fr:atramentum]]
[[ru:atramentum]]   [[io:atramentum]]
[[chr:atramentum]]  [[kn:atramentum]]

turres: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|turrēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|turrēs}}
# {{inflection of|turris||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|turris||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|turris||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|turris||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|turris||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|turris||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[es:turres]]                              ===References===
[[fr:turres]]                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:turres]]                              [[es:turres]]

Πηγαί: No change.


callosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:callosus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

suavitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

connitor: No change.


masculatus: No change.


debens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|dēbēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|dēbēns}}
[[pt:debens]]                ===References===
                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

serene: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|serēne}}                        {{la-adj-form|serēne}}
# {{inflection of|serēnus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serēnus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}

Θεσμοφόρια: No change.


transmeo: No change.


conciliatura: No change.


advecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:advecto]]    [[ko:advecto]]

cyclops: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|cyclōps|cyclōp}}  {{la-decl-3rd|cyclōps|cyclōp}}
[[cs:cyclops]]                  ===References===
[[et:cyclops]]                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:cyclops]]                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:cyclops]]                  [[cs:cyclops]]
[[hu:cyclops]]                  [[et:cyclops]]
[[ml:cyclops]]                  [[fr:cyclops]]
[[pl:cyclops]]                  [[hy:cyclops]]
[[sv:cyclops]]                  [[io:cyclops]]
[[ta:cyclops]]                  [[hu:cyclops]]
[[te:cyclops]]                  [[ml:cyclops]]
[[vi:cyclops]]                  [[pl:cyclops]]

ἐς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Preposition===                                                            ===Preposition===
{{head|grc|preposition form}}                                                {{head|grc|preposition form}}
# {{form of|Epic, Ionic, Aeolic, and poetic Attic form|εἰς||into|lang=grc}}  # {{form of|Epic, Ionic, Aeolic, and poetic Attic form|εἰς||into|lang=grc}}
                                                                             * {{R:LSJ}}
                                                                             * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                                                             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                                                             * {{R:Slater}}
                                                                             * {{R:Woodhouse}}

subjectum: No change.


serum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obliquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:obliquo]]    [[es:obliquo]]
[[ko:obliquo]]    [[fr:obliquo]]
[[io:obliquo]]    [[ko:obliquo]]
[[it:obliquo]]    [[io:obliquo]]
[[mg:obliquo]]    [[it:obliquo]]
[[pl:obliquo]]    [[mg:obliquo]]
[[ru:obliquo]]    [[pl:obliquo]]
[[zh:obliquo]]    [[ru:obliquo]]

lychnis: No change.


milia: LATIN: References added.

====Usage notes====                                                                                                                                                       ====Usage notes====
The plural {{m|la|milia|mīlia|thousands}} behaves as a neuter noun. For more information, see [[Appendix:Latin cardinal numbers#mīlle|Appendix:Latin cardinal numbers]].  The plural {{m|la|milia|mīlia|thousands}} behaves as a neuter noun. For more information, see [[Appendix:Latin cardinal numbers#mīlle|Appendix:Latin cardinal numbers]].
[[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]                                                                                                                                        ===References===
[[Category:Latin pluralia tantum]]                                                                                                                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
----                                                                                                                                                                      [[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]
                                                                                                                                                                          [[Category:Latin pluralia tantum]]

propior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:propior]]    [[fr:propior]]
[[chr:propior]]   [[mg:propior]]

renato: No change.


ὑφαίνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|u(fai/nw}}  * {{R:LSJ|u(fai/nw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                      * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:ὑφαίνω]]         [[el:ὑφαίνω]]
[[lt:ὑφαίνω]]         [[fr:ὑφαίνω]]
[[ru:ὑφαίνω]]         [[lt:ὑφαίνω]]

punio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

diribitores: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|diribitōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|diribitōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|diribitor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diribitor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diribitor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diribitor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|diribitor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diribitor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ἀγνωσία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|56}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|56}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[pl:ἀγνωσία]]         [[fr:ἀγνωσία]]

titulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:titulus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:titulus]]    <references/>
[[mg:titulus]]    [[es:titulus]]
[[ru:titulus]]    [[fr:titulus]]
[[sh:titulus]]    [[ko:titulus]]
[[chr:titulus]]   [[mg:titulus]]

iusso: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|iussō}}                       {{la-part-form|iussō}}
# {{inflection of|iussus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iussus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iussus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iussus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iussus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iussus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iussus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iussus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

vestigator: No change.


coclea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:coclea]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:coclea]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[it:coclea]]     [[ca:coclea]]
[[pl:coclea]]     [[cs:coclea]]
[[ro:coclea]]     [[fr:coclea]]
[[ru:coclea]]     [[it:coclea]]

Ζαβουλών: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|2194}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2194}}
[[hu:Ζαβουλών]]          [[hu:Ζαβουλών]]

lavatorium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                                                                                ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun}}                                                                                          {{head|la|noun}}
# {{label|la|architecture}} A [[washroom]] or [[place]], ''[[particularly]]'' a [[#English|lavatorium]].  # {{label|la|architecture}} A [[washroom]] or [[place]], ''[[particularly]]'' a [[#English|lavatorium]].
[[fr:lavatorium]]                                                                                         ===References===
[[mg:lavatorium]]                                                                                         * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

presbyter: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                               ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                          {{top2}}
* Albanian: {{l|sq|prift}}                                        * Albanian: {{l|sq|prift}}
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|preftu}}                                     * Aromanian: {{l|rup|preftu}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|prevere}}                                       * Catalan: {{l|ca|prevere}}
* Corsican: {{l|co|preti}}                                        * Corsican: {{l|co|preti}}
* Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|priast}}                                     * Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|priast}}
* Emilian: {{l|egl|prît}}                                         * Emilian: {{l|egl|prît}}
* English: {{l|en|presbyter}}, {{l|en|prester}}, {{l|en|priest}}  * English: {{l|en|presbyter}}, {{l|en|prester}}, {{l|en|priest}}
* French: {{l|fr|prêtre}}                                         * French: {{l|fr|prêtre}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|predi}}                                       * Friulian: {{l|fur|predi}}
* Italian: {{l|it|prete}}                                         * Italian: {{l|it|prete}}
{{mid2}}                                                          {{mid2}}
* Neapolitan: [[prevete]], [[preote]]                             * Neapolitan: [[prevete]], [[preote]]
* Occitan: {{l|oc|preire}}, {{l|oc|preveire}}, {{l|oc|prestre}}   * Occitan: {{l|oc|preire}}, {{l|oc|preveire}}, {{l|oc|prestre}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|prestre}}, {{l|fro|provoire}}               * Old French: {{l|fro|prestre}}, {{l|fro|provoire}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|preot}}                                        * Romanian: {{l|ro|preot}}
* Romansch: {{l|rm|prer}}, {{l|rm|prear}}, {{l|rm|preir}}         * Romansch: {{l|rm|prer}}, {{l|rm|prear}}, {{l|rm|preir}}
* Sardinian: [[preide]], [[prede]], [[predi]]                     * Sardinian: [[preide]], [[prede]], [[predi]]
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|prèviti}}                                     * Sicilian: {{l|scn|prèviti}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|preste}}                                        * Spanish: {{l|es|preste}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|prète}}, {{l|vec|prèvede}}, {{l|vec|pre}}     * Venetian: {{l|vec|prète}}, {{l|vec|prèvede}}, {{l|vec|pre}}
{{bottom}}                                                        {{bottom}}
[[de:presbyter]]                                                  ===References===
[[eo:presbyter]]                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:presbyter]]                                                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[hy:presbyter]]                                                  [[de:presbyter]]
[[io:presbyter]]                                                  [[eo:presbyter]]
[[it:presbyter]]                                                  [[fr:presbyter]]
[[ku:presbyter]]                                                  [[ko:presbyter]]
[[mg:presbyter]]                                                  [[hy:presbyter]]
[[pl:presbyter]]                                                  [[io:presbyter]]
[[sv:presbyter]]                                                  [[it:presbyter]]
[[te:presbyter]]                                                  [[ku:presbyter]]
[[vi:presbyter]]                                                  [[mg:presbyter]]
[[zh:presbyter]]                                                  [[pl:presbyter]]

aedes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

monitas: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|monitās}}                      {{la-part-form|monitās}}
# {{inflection of|monitus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|monitus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:monitas]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

alienigenus: No change.


vexillifer: No change.


δοιός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}            * {{R:LSJ|doioi/|w=δοιοί}}
* {{R:LSJ|doioi/|w=δοιοί}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[ko:δοιός]]                [[ko:δοιός]]

antecapio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S|antĕcăpĭo}}              * {{R:L&S|antĕcăpĭo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|antĕcăpĭo|p=132/2}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|antecapiō|138/2}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|antĕcăpĭo|p=132/2}}
                                   * {{R:OLD|1|antecapiō|138/2}}

circumdolo: No change.


terminalia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|terminālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|terminālia}}
# {{inflection of|terminālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|terminālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|terminālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|terminālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|terminālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|terminālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[ta:terminalia]]                                ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

innominatus: No change.


brachiolum: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|brāchiol}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|brāchiol}}
[[ru:brachiolum]]           ===References===
                            * {{R:du Cange}}

pater familias: LATIN: References added.

====Synonyms====           ====Synonyms====
* {{l|la|pater familiae}}  * {{l|la|pater familiae}}
[[de:pater familias]]      ===References===
[[fr:pater familias]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:pater familias]]      
                           [[de:pater familias]]
                           [[fr:pater familias]]
                           [[pl:pater familias]]

Νεκύσιος: No change.


despuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lituro: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|litūrō}}                       {{la-part-form|litūrō}}
# {{inflection of|litūrus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|litūrus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|litūrus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|litūrus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|litūrus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|litūrus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|litūrus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|litūrus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:lituro]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}

valetudinarius: No change.


intimo: No change.


barbanis: No change.


κύαμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}           * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|66}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}     * {{R:Woodhouse|66}}
                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:κύαμος]]         [[el:κύαμος]]
[[ko:κύαμος]]         [[fr:κύαμος]]

ἐφελκυστικός: No change.


λοχέος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* [[w:LSJ|LSJ]]   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * [[w:LSJ|LSJ]]

exporrectus: No change.


monarchia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

acephali: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|acephalī}}                        {{la-adj-form|acephalī}}
# {{inflection of|acephalus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acephalus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acephalus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acephalus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acephalus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acephalus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|acephalus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|acephalus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:acephali]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:acephali]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

eiectio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|ēiectiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|ēiectiō}}
[[fr:eiectio]]           ===References===
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

nitrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:nitrum]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:nitrum]]     [[fr:nitrum]]

Christianus: No change.


complexio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:complexio]]  * {{R:NLW}}

psittaci: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|psittacī}}                     {{la-noun-form|psittacī}}
# {{inflection of|psittacus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psittacus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|psittacus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psittacus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|psittacus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|psittacus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:psittaci]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

niger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Colors]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[Category:en:Composites]]  <references />
----                        [[Category:la:Colors]]

conloquor: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                           ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|type=depon|conloqu|conlocūt}}  {{la-conj-3rd|type=depon|conloqu|conlocūt}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]            ===References===
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ko:conloquor]]                             [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

adsignatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|adsignātiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|adsignātiō}}
[[fr:adsignatio]]           ===References===
                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Peck}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

volo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|687}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                            * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|687}}

purpurarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:purpurarius]]  [[fr:purpurarius]]
[[pl:purpurarius]]  [[mg:purpurarius]]

Νάξος: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1018}}          * {{R:Slater}}
<references/>                   * {{R:Woodhouse|1018}}
[[Category:grc:Islands|Ναξος]]  <references/>
[[el:Νάξος]]                    [[Category:grc:Islands|Ναξος]]

manducatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|mandūcat}}  {{la-decl-1&2|mandūcat}}
[[fr:manducatus]]         ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Nilotis: No change.


cataclysmus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|cataclysm}}  {{la-decl-2nd|cataclysm}}
[[fr:cataclysmus]]         ===References===
[[mg:cataclysmus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

flamen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:flamen]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:flamen]]     <references/>
[[hu:flamen]]     [[et:flamen]]
[[mg:flamen]]     [[fr:flamen]]
[[ta:flamen]]     [[ku:flamen]]
[[te:flamen]]     [[hu:flamen]]
[[chr:flamen]]    [[mg:flamen]]
[[vi:flamen]]     [[ta:flamen]]
[[zh:flamen]]     [[te:flamen]]

colentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|colentēs}}                    {{la-part-form|colentēs}}
# {{inflection of|colēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

vangr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ===References===
* [ vangr] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].  * {{R:Zoega}}
* [ vangr] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].                    * [ vangr] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * [ vangr] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].

canicularis: No change.


intumus: No change.


album: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====              ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|album}}        * English: {{l|en|album}}
* French: {{l|fr|album}}         * French: {{l|fr|album}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|альбо́м|g=m}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|альбо́м|g=m}}
----                             ===References===
                                 * {{R:L&S}}
                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                 * {{R:M&A}}
                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

oppositus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:oppositus]]  [[fr:oppositus]]

hebdomas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:hebdomas]]       [[be:hebdomas]]
[[el:hebdomas]]       [[de:hebdomas]]
[[fr:hebdomas]]       [[el:hebdomas]]
[[ko:hebdomas]]       [[fr:hebdomas]]
[[hr:hebdomas]]       [[ko:hebdomas]]
[[it:hebdomas]]       [[hr:hebdomas]]
[[ku:hebdomas]]       [[it:hebdomas]]
[[lo:hebdomas]]       [[ku:hebdomas]]
[[la:hebdomas]]       [[lo:hebdomas]]
[[lt:hebdomas]]       [[la:hebdomas]]
[[hu:hebdomas]]       [[lt:hebdomas]]
[[mg:hebdomas]]       [[hu:hebdomas]]
[[fj:hebdomas]]       [[mg:hebdomas]]
[[ja:hebdomas]]       [[fj:hebdomas]]
[[pl:hebdomas]]       [[ja:hebdomas]]
[[pt:hebdomas]]       [[pl:hebdomas]]
[[ro:hebdomas]]       [[pt:hebdomas]]
[[ru:hebdomas]]       [[ro:hebdomas]]
[[fi:hebdomas]]       [[ru:hebdomas]]
[[chr:hebdomas]]      [[fi:hebdomas]]

ἀσθενής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|772}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|772}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀσθενής]]          [[el:ἀσθενής]]
[[mg:ἀσθενής]]          [[fr:ἀσθενής]]
[[ru:ἀσθενής]]          [[mg:ἀσθενής]]

tabes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

permissum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:permissum]]  [[fr:permissum]]

disclusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

coepio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:coepio]]     [[de:coepio]]
[[ko:coepio]]     [[fr:coepio]]
[[mg:coepio]]     [[ko:coepio]]
[[pt:coepio]]     [[mg:coepio]]
[[ru:coepio]]     [[pt:coepio]]

attonite: No change.


semote: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|sēmōte}}                       {{la-part-form|sēmōte}}
# {{inflection of|sēmōtus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēmōtus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:semote]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}

Ἀσκληπιός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}
[[fr:Ἀσκληπιός]]        [[el:Ἀσκληπιός]]

opprobro: No change.


lanosus: No change.


διαθετικός: No change.


cyaneae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cȳaneae}}                       {{la-adj-form|cȳaneae}}
# {{inflection of|cȳaneus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cȳaneus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cȳaneus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cȳaneus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cȳaneus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cȳaneus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cȳaneus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cȳaneus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cyaneae]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

tabernaculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:tabernaculum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:tabernaculum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:tabernaculum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:tabernaculum]]   [[de:tabernaculum]]
[[ru:tabernaculum]]   [[fr:tabernaculum]]
[[chr:tabernaculum]]  [[ko:tabernaculum]]

praefator: No change.


castaldus: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                      ===References===
* {{R:Niermeyer|castaldio, castaldius, castaldus et derivata|152/2}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                      * {{R:Niermeyer|castaldio, castaldius, castaldus et derivata|152/2}}

ὀλιγοψυχέω: No change.


taliatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|taliātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|taliātūra}}
# {{inflection of|taliātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taliātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|taliātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taliātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|taliātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taliātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|taliātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taliātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|taliātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taliātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|taliātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|taliātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|taliātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taliātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

nitra: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nitra}}                     {{la-noun-form|nitra}}
# {{inflection of|nitrum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nitrum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nitrum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nitrum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nitrum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nitrum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[es:nitra]]                               ===References===
[[fr:nitra]]                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[io:nitra]]                               [[es:nitra]]
[[it:nitra]]                               [[fr:nitra]]
[[jv:nitra]]                               [[gl:nitra]]
[[ku:nitra]]                               [[io:nitra]]
[[mg:nitra]]                               [[it:nitra]]
[[ro:nitra]]                               [[jv:nitra]]

translativus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:translativus]]  [[ja:translativus]]

miselli: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|misellī}}                        {{la-adj-form|misellī}}
# {{inflection of|misellus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|misellus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|misellus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|misellus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|misellus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|misellus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|misellus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|misellus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[io:miselli]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:miselli]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

emunctorium: No change.


pinso: No change.


episcopales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|episcopālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|episcopālēs}}
# {{inflection of|episcopālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|episcopālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|episcopālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|episcopālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|episcopālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|episcopālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[es:episcopales]]                                ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

Κύκνος: No change.


fauste: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:fauste]]     [[fr:fauste]]

Προμηθεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1023}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1023}}
[[fr:Προμηθεύς]]        [[el:Προμηθεύς]]

lenta: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|lentā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|lentā}}
# {{inflection of|lentō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lentō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

praeligo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:praeligo]]   [[fr:praeligo]]

pudicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:pudicus]]    [[cs:pudicus]]
[[fr:pudicus]]    [[de:pudicus]]

πτύσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4428}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|4428}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:πτύσσω]]            [[el:πτύσσω]]

intimatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|intimāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|intimāt}}
[[fr:intimatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

Σαρδώ: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1024}}          * {{R:Woodhouse|1024}}

adhinnio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:adhinnio]]   [[ko:adhinnio]]

allego: No change.


ἀργυρικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* LSJ 7th edition                                               * {{R:DGE}}
                                                                * LSJ 7th edition
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -ικός|αργυρικος]]  
                                                                [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -ικός|αργυρικος]]

distentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

significatum: No change.


ὑάκινθος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=2|page=1523}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
                                       * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=2|page=1523}}
[[pl:ὑάκινθος]]                        [[el:ὑάκινθος]]

praecipito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Century 1911|precipitate}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                                  * {{R:Century 1911|precipitate}}
[[ko:praecipito]]                 [[fr:praecipito]]
[[ru:praecipito]]                 [[ko:praecipito]]

silfr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====              ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                         {{top2}}
* Faroese: [[silvur]] {{g|n}}    * Faroese: [[silvur]] {{g|n}}
{{mid2}}                         {{mid2}}
* Icelandic: [[silfur]] {{g|n}}  * Icelandic: [[silfur]] {{g|n}}
* Swedish: [[silver]]            * Swedish: [[silver]]
{{bottom}}                       {{bottom}}
[[Category:Old Norse nouns]]     ===References===
                                 * {{R:Zoega}}
[[pl:silfr]]                     [[Category:Old Norse nouns]]

cantor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

χρεία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5532}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5532}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:χρεία]]             [[el:χρεία]]
[[ko:χρεία]]             [[fr:χρεία]]
[[mg:χρεία]]             [[ko:χρεία]]

conjecta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|conjecta}}                       {{la-part-form|conjecta}}
# {{inflection of|conjectus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conjectus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conjectus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conjectus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conjectus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conjectus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conjectus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conjectus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|conjectus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conjectus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|conjectā}}                       {{la-part-form|conjectā}}
# {{inflection of|conjectus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conjectus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:conjecta]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

saevio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:saevio]]     [[el:saevio]]
[[fr:saevio]]     [[es:saevio]]
[[ko:saevio]]     [[fr:saevio]]
[[mg:saevio]]     [[ko:saevio]]
[[ru:saevio]]     [[mg:saevio]]
[[chr:saevio]]    [[ru:saevio]]

τέρθρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
{{R:LSJ}}         {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

sigillaris: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sigillāris}}                              {{la-verb-form|sigillāris}}
# {{inflection of|sigillō||2|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sigillō||2|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

πάσχειν: No change.


ἐκθετικός: No change.


filiola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:filiola]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:filiola]]    [[cs:filiola]]
[[ru:filiola]]    [[fr:filiola]]

professorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

mutis: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mūtīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|mūtīs}}
# {{inflection of|mūtus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

omniscius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lepidium: No change.


Φλῶρος: No change.


maritalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:maritalis]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cepa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|108}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|108}}

ἄπιστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)/pistos}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)/pistos}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:ἄπιστος]]         [[el:ἄπιστος]]
[[ru:ἄπιστος]]         [[lt:ἄπιστος]]

Messias: No change.


dalr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:non:Zoega}}  * {{R:Zoega}}
                   * {{R:non:Zoega}}
[[lt:dalr]]        [[da:dalr]]
[[sv:dalr]]        [[lt:dalr]]

sacrufico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

acetum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                     * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Food and drink]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:acetum]]                   [[Category:la:Food and drink]]
[[ko:acetum]]                   [[cs:acetum]]
[[it:acetum]]                   [[de:acetum]]
[[kn:acetum]]                   [[fr:acetum]]
[[lt:acetum]]                   [[ko:acetum]]
[[hu:acetum]]                   [[it:acetum]]
[[mg:acetum]]                   [[kn:acetum]]
[[ja:acetum]]                   [[lt:acetum]]
[[pl:acetum]]                   [[hu:acetum]]
[[ru:acetum]]                   [[mg:acetum]]
[[ta:acetum]]                   [[ja:acetum]]

prolixitudo: No change.


philosophicus: No change.


τιμάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}

aliquantulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

εὔξεινος: No change.


Τάτιος: No change.


requiro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:requiro]]    [[el:requiro]]
[[fr:requiro]]    [[es:requiro]]
[[ko:requiro]]    [[fr:requiro]]
[[mg:requiro]]    [[ko:requiro]]
[[ja:requiro]]    [[mg:requiro]]
[[chr:requiro]]   [[ja:requiro]]

arrabo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|arrabō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|arrabō}}
[[fr:arrabo]]           ===References===
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

pugnax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pugnax]]     [[es:pugnax]]
[[sv:pugnax]]     [[fr:pugnax]]

collaborator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|collabōrātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|collabōrātor}}
# {{inflection of|collabōrō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collabōrō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collabōrō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collabōrō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[et:collaborator]]                                        ===References===
[[el:collaborator]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:collaborator]]                                        [[et:collaborator]]
[[hy:collaborator]]                                        [[el:collaborator]]
[[kn:collaborator]]                                        [[fr:collaborator]]
[[ku:collaborator]]                                        [[ko:collaborator]]
[[hu:collaborator]]                                        [[hy:collaborator]]
[[mg:collaborator]]                                        [[kn:collaborator]]
[[ml:collaborator]]                                        [[ku:collaborator]]
[[my:collaborator]]                                        [[hu:collaborator]]
[[nl:collaborator]]                                        [[mg:collaborator]]
[[pl:collaborator]]                                        [[ml:collaborator]]
[[ru:collaborator]]                                        [[my:collaborator]]
[[fi:collaborator]]                                        [[nl:collaborator]]
[[sv:collaborator]]                                        [[pl:collaborator]]
[[ta:collaborator]]                                        [[ru:collaborator]]
[[vi:collaborator]]                                        [[fi:collaborator]]
[[zh:collaborator]]                                        [[sv:collaborator]]

miscella: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|miscella}}                        {{la-adj-form|miscella}}
# {{inflection of|miscellus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miscellus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|miscellus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miscellus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|miscellus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miscellus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|miscellus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miscellus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|miscellus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miscellus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|miscellā}}                        {{la-adj-form|miscellā}}
# {{inflection of|miscellus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miscellus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[zh:miscella]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

conculcatio: No change.


Abanteus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====             ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Abantiades|Abantiadēs}}  * {{l|la|Abantiades|Abantiadēs}}
* {{l|la|Abantias}}               * {{l|la|Abantias}}
* {{l|la|Abantius}}               * {{l|la|Abantius}}
* {{l|la|Abas}}                   * {{l|la|Abas}}
[[fr:Abanteus]]                   ===References===
[[it:Abanteus]]                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:Abanteus]]                   [[fr:Abanteus]]

huc: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

terebro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:terebro]]    [[fr:terebro]]
[[mg:terebro]]    [[ko:terebro]]
[[ru:terebro]]    [[mg:terebro]]

torvitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Μαύσωλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}

subjugalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κείρω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2751}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|2751}}
[[fr:κείρω]]             [[el:κείρω]]
[[it:κείρω]]             [[fr:κείρω]]
[[mg:κείρω]]             [[it:κείρω]]
[[ru:κείρω]]             [[mg:κείρω]]

latericius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:latericius]]   [[de:latericius]]
[[chr:latericius]]  [[mg:latericius]]

sepes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sepes]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

reflagito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praelongus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

accelerantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|accelerantia}}                    {{la-part-form|accelerantia}}
# {{inflection of|accelerāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accelerāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accelerāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accelerāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accelerāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accelerāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

admirator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:admirator]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:admirator]]  [[de:admirator]]
[[hu:admirator]]  [[fr:admirator]]
[[mg:admirator]]  [[li:admirator]]
[[pl:admirator]]  [[hu:admirator]]
[[ro:admirator]]  [[mg:admirator]]
[[ru:admirator]]  [[pl:admirator]]
[[sh:admirator]]  [[ro:admirator]]

σχιστός: No change.


spisse: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|spisse}}                        {{la-adj-form|spisse}}
# {{inflection of|spissus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|spissus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

praeputium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:praeputium]]  [[fr:praeputium]]
[[pl:praeputium]]  [[hu:praeputium]]
[[ru:praeputium]]  [[pl:praeputium]]

inflammatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:inflammatio]]  [[fr:inflammatio]]
[[ru:inflammatio]]  [[mg:inflammatio]]

injurus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀτελείωτος: No change.


divinator: No change.


καθαρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2513}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2513}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Φλιοῦς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

pensor: No change.


κόσμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2889}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2889}}
<references/>            * {{R:Woodhouse}}

asciatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|asciāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|asciāt}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

τῆλε: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:τῆλε]]         [[el:τῆλε]]
[[ko:τῆλε]]         [[fr:τῆλε]]
[[it:τῆλε]]         [[ko:τῆλε]]
[[mg:τῆλε]]         [[it:τῆλε]]
[[ru:τῆλε]]         [[mg:τῆλε]]

assignifico: No change.


succino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

celse: No change.


salitura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|salītūra}}                       {{la-part-form|salītūra}}
# {{inflection of|salītūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salītūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salītūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salītūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salītūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salītūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salītūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salītūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salītūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salītūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|salītūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|salītūrā}}
# {{inflection of|salītūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salītūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:salitura]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

sanguinolentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:sanguinolentus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

increpo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

diditus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dīdit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dīdit}}
[[fr:diditus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}

applicatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:applicatio]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:applicatio]]  [[fr:applicatio]]

commordeo: No change.


cenito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:cenito]]     [[ko:cenito]]

impaenitens: No change.


scia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:scia]]       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:scia]]       [[ca:scia]]
[[gl:scia]]       [[de:scia]]
[[it:scia]]       [[fr:scia]]
[[hu:scia]]       [[gl:scia]]
[[mg:scia]]       [[it:scia]]
[[nl:scia]]       [[hu:scia]]
[[pl:scia]]       [[mg:scia]]
[[ro:scia]]       [[nl:scia]]
[[chr:scia]]      [[pl:scia]]

datis: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|datīs}}                      {{la-part-form|datīs}}
# {{inflection of|datus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
[[de:datis]]                                ===References===
[[el:datis]]                                * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:datis]]                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[ku:datis]]                                * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fi:datis]]                                [[de:datis]]

loca: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|loca}}                     {{la-noun-form|loca}}
# {{inflection of|locus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|locus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|locus||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|locus||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|locus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|locus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀδευκής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

aliqui: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:aliqui]]     [[es:aliqui]]
[[io:aliqui]]     [[fr:aliqui]]
[[it:aliqui]]     [[io:aliqui]]
[[la:aliqui]]     [[it:aliqui]]
[[mg:aliqui]]     [[la:aliqui]]
[[fj:aliqui]]     [[mg:aliqui]]
[[pl:aliqui]]     [[fj:aliqui]]
[[chr:aliqui]]    [[pl:aliqui]]
[[tr:aliqui]]     [[chr:aliqui]]
[[zh:aliqui]]     [[tr:aliqui]]

activitas: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                        ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                   {{top2}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|actividá}}                             * Asturian: {{l|ast|actividá}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|activitat}}                              * Catalan: {{l|ca|activitat}}
* English: [[activity]]                                    * English: [[activity]]
* French: {{l|fr|activité}}                                * French: {{l|fr|activité}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|actividade}}                            * Galician: {{l|gl|actividade}}
{{mid2}}                                                   {{mid2}}
* Italian: {{l|it|attività}}                               * Italian: {{l|it|attività}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|atividade}}                           * Portuguese: {{l|pt|atividade}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|activitate}}                            * Romanian: {{l|ro|activitate}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|акти́вность|g=f|sc=Cyrl|tr=aktívnost'}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|акти́вность|g=f|sc=Cyrl|tr=aktívnost'}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|actividad}}                              * Spanish: {{l|es|actividad}}
{{bottom}}                                                 {{bottom}}
[[fr:activitas]]                                           ===References===
[[mg:activitas]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

correum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|correum}}                    {{la-noun-form|correum}}
# {{inflection of|correus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|correus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:correum]]                              ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

placentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:placentia]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Stillwell}}

tragelaphus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nervose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adjective forms]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin adjective forms]]
[[it:nervose]]                      [[fr:nervose]]
[[pl:nervose]]                      [[it:nervose]]
[[ru:nervose]]                      [[pl:nervose]]

coni: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cōnī}}                     {{la-noun-form|cōnī}}
# {{inflection of|cōnus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

macies: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:macies]]     [[mg:macies]]

skipan: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                          ===References===
* Entry [ "''skipan''"] on page 375 in: Geir T. Zoëga "''A Concise Dictionary of Old Islandic''", Oxford at the Claredon Press (1910).  * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                          * Entry [ "''skipan''"] on page 375 in: Geir T. Zoëga "''A Concise Dictionary of Old Islandic''", Oxford at the Claredon Press (1910).

frictio: No change.


adficio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                     ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd-IO|adfic|adfēc|adfect}}  {{la-conj-3rd-IO|adfic|adfēc|adfect}}
[[fr:adficio]]                         ===References===
[[ko:adficio]]                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[pl:adficio]]                         [[fr:adficio]]

lanius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:lanius]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:lanius]]     [[et:lanius]]
[[fj:lanius]]     [[fr:lanius]]
[[pl:lanius]]     [[mg:lanius]]
[[ru:lanius]]     [[fj:lanius]]
[[chr:lanius]]    [[pl:lanius]]


disquisitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:disquisitio]]  [[mg:disquisitio]]

ἴσχω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[fr:ἴσχω]]       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                  * {{R:Slater}}

ambitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:ambitio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:ambitio]]    [[ca:ambitio]]
[[mg:ambitio]]    [[fr:ambitio]]
[[nl:ambitio]]    [[ko:ambitio]]
[[pl:ambitio]]    [[mg:ambitio]]
[[pt:ambitio]]    [[nl:ambitio]]
[[ru:ambitio]]    [[pl:ambitio]]
[[fi:ambitio]]    [[pt:ambitio]]

tauris: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|taurīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|taurīs}}
# {{inflection of|taurus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taurus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|taurus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|taurus||abl|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

praescitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|praescīt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|praescīt}}
                          * {{R:L&S}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

regaliolus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

inclusura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|inclūsūra}}                       {{la-part-form|inclūsūra}}
# {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|inclūsūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|inclūsūrā}}
# {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūsūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

turpo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:turpo]]      [[fr:turpo]]
[[mg:turpo]]      [[ko:turpo]]
[[ru:turpo]]      [[mg:turpo]]

cavares: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cavārēs}}                              {{la-verb-form|cavārēs}}
# {{inflection of|cavō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cavō||2|s|impf|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

tonitrus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>     * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:tonitrus]]   [[eu:tonitrus]]
[[lo:tonitrus]]   [[fr:tonitrus]]
[[lt:tonitrus]]   [[lo:tonitrus]]
[[mg:tonitrus]]   [[lt:tonitrus]]
[[chr:tonitrus]]  [[mg:tonitrus]]

abluo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

crocito: No change.


gramen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Plants]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                    [[Category:la:Plants]]

Michaelium: No change.


tortilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

reprehenso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tamen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:Sihler 1995}}

monachus: No change.


χωλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:χωλός]]        [[el:χωλός]]
[[lt:χωλός]]        [[fr:χωλός]]
[[mg:χωλός]]        [[lt:χωλός]]
[[chr:χωλός]]       [[mg:χωλός]]

arata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|arāta}}                       {{la-part-form|arāta}}
# {{inflection of|arātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|arātā}}                       {{la-part-form|arātā}}
# {{inflection of|arātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:arata]]                                 ===References===
[[it:arata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Φρύνιχος: No change.


lectuarius: No change.


inextricabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pumilus: No change.


tincta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:tincta]]     * {{R:M&A}}

partior: LATIN: References added.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[es:partior]]                     [[el:partior]]
[[fr:partior]]                     [[es:partior]]
[[ko:partior]]                     [[fr:partior]]
[[mg:partior]]                     [[ko:partior]]
[[pl:partior]]                     [[mg:partior]]
[[chr:partior]]                    [[pl:partior]]

Μηριόνης: No change.


remigro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:remigro]]    [[ko:remigro]]

limen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

adolesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:adolesco]]   [[fr:adolesco]]
[[mg:adolesco]]   [[ko:adolesco]]
[[pl:adolesco]]   [[mg:adolesco]]
[[ru:adolesco]]   [[pl:adolesco]]
[[chr:adolesco]]  [[ru:adolesco]]

infusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:infusus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

inclusi: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|inclūsī}}                                 {{la-verb-form|inclūsī}}
# {{inflection of|inclūdō||1|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inclūdō||1|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[de:inclusi]]                                           ===References===
[[fr:inclusi]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:inclusi]]                                           [[de:inclusi]]
[[ja:inclusi]]                                           [[fr:inclusi]]

spumabundus: No change.


olfactoriolum: No change.


caeco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:caeco]]      [[ca:caeco]]
[[fr:caeco]]      [[cs:caeco]]
[[ko:caeco]]      [[fr:caeco]]
[[mg:caeco]]      [[ko:caeco]]
[[ru:caeco]]      [[mg:caeco]]
[[fi:caeco]]      [[ru:caeco]]

ἀδάμας: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                              ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                   * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                   * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                             * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                   * {{R:LBG}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=I|page=19}}           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{R:sh:Skok1971|adàmanat|vol=I|pages=8–9}}  * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=I|page=19}}
                                              * {{R:sh:Skok1971|adàmanat|vol=I|pages=8–9}}
[[it:ἀδάμας]]                                 [[fr:ἀδάμας]]
[[mg:ἀδάμας]]                                 [[it:ἀδάμας]]
[[ru:ἀδάμας]]                                 [[mg:ἀδάμας]]

exsertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

flaccentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|flaccentia}}                    {{la-part-form|flaccentia}}
# {{inflection of|flaccēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flaccēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flaccēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flaccēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flaccēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flaccēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

hephaestitis: No change.


alii: No change.


illusus: No change.


reprobatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:reprobatio]]  [[fr:reprobatio]]
[[ru:reprobatio]]  [[mg:reprobatio]]

mentula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S|mentula}}  * {{R:L&S|mentula}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:mentula]]       [[fr:mentula]]
[[pl:mentula]]       [[it:mentula]]
[[fi:mentula]]       [[pl:mentula]]
[[ta:mentula]]       [[fi:mentula]]

attentator: No change.


violentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ellum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fartum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fartum}}                       {{la-adj-form|fartum}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:fartum]]                                ===References===
[[pt:fartum]]                                * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:fartum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

antepono: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:antepono]]   [[el:antepono]]
[[ko:antepono]]   [[fr:antepono]]
[[la:antepono]]   [[ko:antepono]]

polychronia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|polychronia}}                        {{la-adj-form|polychronia}}
# {{inflection of|polychronius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polychronius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polychronius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polychronius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polychronius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polychronius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polychronius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polychronius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polychronius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polychronius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|polychroniā}}                        {{la-adj-form|polychroniā}}
# {{inflection of|polychronius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polychronius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

violator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:violator]]   [[ar:violator]]
[[ko:violator]]   [[fr:violator]]
[[it:violator]]   [[ko:violator]]
[[ku:violator]]   [[it:violator]]
[[ml:violator]]   [[ku:violator]]
[[nl:violator]]   [[ml:violator]]
[[pl:violator]]   [[nl:violator]]
[[ro:violator]]   [[pl:violator]]
[[ru:violator]]   [[ro:violator]]
[[fi:violator]]   [[ru:violator]]
[[ta:violator]]   [[fi:violator]]
[[te:violator]]   [[ta:violator]]
[[vi:violator]]   [[te:violator]]
[[zh:violator]]   [[vi:violator]]

exporto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

proselytus: No change.


olearis: No change.


Ἰάων: No change.


transmontani: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|trānsmontānī}}                        {{la-adj-form|trānsmontānī}}
# {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trānsmontānus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

politici: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|polīticī}}                        {{la-adj-form|polīticī}}
# {{inflection of|polīticus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polīticus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polīticus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polīticus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polīticus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polīticus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polīticus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polīticus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:politici]]                                 ===References===
[[it:politici]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[sh:politici]]                                 [[fr:politici]]
[[fi:politici]]                                 [[it:politici]]
[[sv:politici]]                                 [[nl:politici]]

alicubi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:alicubi]]    [[la:alicubi]]
[[no:alicubi]]    [[mg:alicubi]]
[[pl:alicubi]]    [[no:alicubi]]
[[ru:alicubi]]    [[pl:alicubi]]
[[chr:alicubi]]   [[ru:alicubi]]

irroro: No change.


manicae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:manicae]]    [[fr:manicae]]

cretula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

refrigescentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|refrīgēscēntia}}                    {{la-part-form|refrīgēscēntia}}
# {{inflection of|refrīgēscēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refrīgēscēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|refrīgēscēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refrīgēscēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|refrīgēscēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refrīgēscēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:L&S}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

hebetatio: No change.


protestatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:protestatio]]  [[fr:protestatio]]
[[ru:protestatio]]  [[mg:protestatio]]

francis: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|francīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|francīs}}
# {{inflection of|francus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|francus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|francus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|francus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|francus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|francus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|francus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|francus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|francus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|francus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|francus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|francus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

subsessae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|subsessae}}                      {{la-part-form|subsessae}}
# {{inflection of|subsessus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subsessus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subsessus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subsessus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subsessus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subsessus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subsessus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subsessus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

vulgus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]
[[cs:vulgus]]                       [[ca:vulgus]]
[[de:vulgus]]                       [[cs:vulgus]]
[[es:vulgus]]                       [[de:vulgus]]
[[fr:vulgus]]                       [[es:vulgus]]
[[ko:vulgus]]                       [[fr:vulgus]]
[[ka:vulgus]]                       [[ko:vulgus]]
[[ku:vulgus]]                       [[ka:vulgus]]
[[la:vulgus]]                       [[ku:vulgus]]
[[mg:vulgus]]                       [[la:vulgus]]
[[pl:vulgus]]                       [[mg:vulgus]]
[[ru:vulgus]]                       [[pl:vulgus]]
[[sk:vulgus]]                       [[ru:vulgus]]
[[sv:vulgus]]                       [[sk:vulgus]]
[[chr:vulgus]]                      [[sv:vulgus]]
[[zh:vulgus]]                       [[chr:vulgus]]

pupilla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:pupilla]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:pupilla]]    [[ca:pupilla]]
[[fr:pupilla]]    [[de:pupilla]]
[[ko:pupilla]]    [[el:pupilla]]
[[io:pupilla]]    [[fr:pupilla]]
[[it:pupilla]]    [[ko:pupilla]]
[[hu:pupilla]]    [[io:pupilla]]
[[mg:pupilla]]    [[it:pupilla]]
[[nl:pupilla]]    [[hu:pupilla]]
[[pl:pupilla]]    [[mg:pupilla]]
[[ru:pupilla]]    [[nl:pupilla]]
[[fi:pupilla]]    [[pl:pupilla]]
[[chr:pupilla]]   [[ru:pupilla]]
[[tr:pupilla]]    [[fi:pupilla]]
[[zh:pupilla]]    [[chr:pupilla]]

bucino: No change.


sempiternitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

concludo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:concludo]]   [[fr:concludo]]
[[it:concludo]]   [[ko:concludo]]
[[mg:concludo]]   [[it:concludo]]

conlectus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|conlect}}  {{la-decl-1&2|conlect}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ἐκκλησία: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                  * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}            * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1577}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|1577}}
{{C|grc|Places of worship}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[bs:ἐκκλησία]]              {{C|grc|Places of worship}}
[[es:ἐκκλησία]]              [[bs:ἐκκλησία]]
[[fr:ἐκκλησία]]              [[de:ἐκκλησία]]
[[ko:ἐκκλησία]]              [[es:ἐκκλησία]]
[[it:ἐκκλησία]]              [[fr:ἐκκλησία]]
[[ka:ἐκκλησία]]              [[ko:ἐκκλησία]]
[[lt:ἐκκλησία]]              [[it:ἐκκλησία]]
[[hu:ἐκκλησία]]              [[ka:ἐκκλησία]]
[[mg:ἐκκλησία]]              [[lt:ἐκκλησία]]
[[pl:ἐκκλησία]]              [[hu:ἐκκλησία]]
[[ru:ἐκκλησία]]              [[mg:ἐκκλησία]]
[[tr:ἐκκλησία]]              [[pl:ἐκκλησία]]

pinguamen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

artificialis: No change.


eyrir: No change.


solator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

insignitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Argo: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Peck}}      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Peck}}
----              ----

periodus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[la:periodus]]   [[fr:periodus]]
[[mg:periodus]]   [[la:periodus]]

αἱρέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:αἱρέω]]        [[el:αἱρέω]]
[[it:αἱρέω]]        [[fr:αἱρέω]]
[[lt:αἱρέω]]        [[it:αἱρέω]]
[[mg:αἱρέω]]        [[lt:αἱρέω]]
[[ru:αἱρέω]]        [[mg:αἱρέω]]

flaccide: No change.


Ἔρυξ: No change.


provoco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

biocolyta: No change.


dextrae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
'''dextrae''' {{g|f}}                      '''dextrae''' {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|dextra||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dextra||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dextra||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dextra||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dextra||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dextra||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dextra||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dextra||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin adjective forms]]         ===References===
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:dextrae]]                             [[Category:Latin adjective forms]]
[[fr:dextrae]]                             [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

fiducia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:fiducia]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:fiducia]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:fiducia]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[io:fiducia]]    [[de:fiducia]]
[[id:fiducia]]    [[es:fiducia]]
[[it:fiducia]]    [[fr:fiducia]]
[[ka:fiducia]]    [[ko:fiducia]]
[[hu:fiducia]]    [[io:fiducia]]
[[mg:fiducia]]    [[id:fiducia]]
[[oc:fiducia]]    [[it:fiducia]]
[[pl:fiducia]]    [[ka:fiducia]]
[[ro:fiducia]]    [[hu:fiducia]]
[[ru:fiducia]]    [[mg:fiducia]]
[[fi:fiducia]]    [[oc:fiducia]]
[[tl:fiducia]]    [[pl:fiducia]]
[[th:fiducia]]    [[ro:fiducia]]
[[chr:fiducia]]   [[ru:fiducia]]
[[zh:fiducia]]    [[fi:fiducia]]

αὐτοεπιθυμία: No change.


tepor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:tepor]]      [[da:tepor]]
[[ta:tepor]]      [[fr:tepor]]

circumpono: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ἴφιτος: No change.


rubeum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rubeum}}                       {{la-adj-form|rubeum}}
# {{inflection of|rubeus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rubeus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:rubeum]]                                ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

irrefragabilis: No change.


verso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|verse}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:Century 1911|verse}}

exsultim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πτέρνη: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[ko:πτέρνη]]       [[ko:πτέρνη]]

ammonitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ammonit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ammonit}}
[[ja:ammonitus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

adita: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|aditā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|aditā}}
# {{inflection of|aditō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aditō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

xanthos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Stillwell}}

malignus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:malignus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:malignus]]   [[fr:malignus]]

sagacitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:sagacitas]]   [[mg:sagacitas]]
[[chr:sagacitas]]  [[ja:sagacitas]]

libatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:libatio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:libatio]]    * {{R:Peck}}

Ἱστιαῖος: No change.


Ἱππομέδων: No change.


communis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:communis]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:communis]]   [[az:communis]]
[[de:communis]]   [[ca:communis]]
[[es:communis]]   [[cs:communis]]
[[fr:communis]]   [[de:communis]]
[[ko:communis]]   [[es:communis]]
[[hr:communis]]   [[fr:communis]]
[[la:communis]]   [[ko:communis]]
[[mg:communis]]   [[hr:communis]]
[[pl:communis]]   [[la:communis]]
[[ru:communis]]   [[mg:communis]]
[[fi:communis]]   [[pl:communis]]

humus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>                                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]  
                                                            [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]

mansuetudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:mansuetudo]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:mansuetudo]]  [[cs:mansuetudo]]

περισπασμός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                           * {{R:Bailly}}
[[Category:grc:Ancient Greek diacritics]]  
                                           [[Category:grc:Ancient Greek diacritics]]

ὀμφαλός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ὀμφαλός]]      [[da:ὀμφαλός]]
[[fr:ὀμφαλός]]      [[el:ὀμφαλός]]
[[ko:ὀμφαλός]]      [[fr:ὀμφαλός]]
[[mg:ὀμφαλός]]      [[ko:ὀμφαλός]]
[[ru:ὀμφαλός]]      [[mg:ὀμφαλός]]

rasilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-2E|rāsil}}  {{la-decl-3rd-2E|rāsil}}
[[fr:rasilis]]            ===References===
[[ky:rasilis]]            * {{R:L&S}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

fantasia: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

dedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

axioma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

deambulo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

phosphorus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|fosforo}}        * Italian: {{l|it|fosforo}}
[[Category:la:Chemical elements]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[az:phosphorus]]                  [[Category:la:Chemical elements]]
[[cs:phosphorus]]                  [[ast:phosphorus]]
[[cy:phosphorus]]                  [[az:phosphorus]]
[[da:phosphorus]]                  [[ca:phosphorus]]
[[de:phosphorus]]                  [[cs:phosphorus]]
[[et:phosphorus]]                  [[cy:phosphorus]]
[[el:phosphorus]]                  [[da:phosphorus]]
[[eu:phosphorus]]                  [[de:phosphorus]]
[[fr:phosphorus]]                  [[et:phosphorus]]
[[ko:phosphorus]]                  [[el:phosphorus]]
[[hy:phosphorus]]                  [[eu:phosphorus]]
[[io:phosphorus]]                  [[fr:phosphorus]]
[[kn:phosphorus]]                  [[ko:phosphorus]]
[[kk:phosphorus]]                  [[hy:phosphorus]]
[[la:phosphorus]]                  [[io:phosphorus]]
[[lt:phosphorus]]                  [[kn:phosphorus]]
[[hu:phosphorus]]                  [[kk:phosphorus]]
[[mg:phosphorus]]                  [[la:phosphorus]]
[[ml:phosphorus]]                  [[lt:phosphorus]]
[[nl:phosphorus]]                  [[hu:phosphorus]]
[[ja:phosphorus]]                  [[mg:phosphorus]]
[[uz:phosphorus]]                  [[ml:phosphorus]]
[[pl:phosphorus]]                  [[nl:phosphorus]]
[[pt:phosphorus]]                  [[ja:phosphorus]]
[[ro:phosphorus]]                  [[uz:phosphorus]]
[[ru:phosphorus]]                  [[pl:phosphorus]]
[[simple:phosphorus]]              [[pt:phosphorus]]
[[sk:phosphorus]]                  [[ro:phosphorus]]
[[fi:phosphorus]]                  [[ru:phosphorus]]
[[sv:phosphorus]]                  [[simple:phosphorus]]
[[ta:phosphorus]]                  [[sk:phosphorus]]
[[te:phosphorus]]                  [[fi:phosphorus]]
[[tg:phosphorus]]                  [[sv:phosphorus]]
[[vi:phosphorus]]                  [[ta:phosphorus]]
[[vo:phosphorus]]                  [[te:phosphorus]]
[[zh:phosphorus]]                  [[tg:phosphorus]]

fronde: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fronde}}                   {{la-noun-form|fronde}}
# {{inflection of|frons||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frons||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

prave: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:prave]]      [[el:prave]]
[[ko:prave]]      [[fr:prave]]
[[it:prave]]      [[ko:prave]]
[[mg:prave]]      [[it:prave]]
[[ja:prave]]      [[mg:prave]]
[[pl:prave]]      [[ja:prave]]
[[ru:prave]]      [[pl:prave]]
[[sh:prave]]      [[ru:prave]]

convertor: No change.


conligatio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|conligātiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|conligātiō}}
[[fr:conligatio]]           ===References===
                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

circina: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|circinā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|circinā}}
# {{inflection of|circinō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|circinō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:circina]]                                           ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

Παλαίμων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}

decussatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|decussāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|decussāt}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

infestor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|īnfestor}}                                {{la-verb-form|īnfestor}}
# {{inflection of|īnfestō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnfestō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:infestor]]                                          ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

nocentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

immoror: No change.


instructio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:instructio]]  [[es:instructio]]
[[mg:instructio]]  [[fr:instructio]]
[[ru:instructio]]  [[mg:instructio]]

transplanto: No change.


Indus: LATIN: References added.

===See also===          ===See also===
* {{l|la|indus}}        * {{l|la|indus}}
[[Category:la:Rivers]]  ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
[[de:Indus]]            [[Category:la:Rivers]]
[[el:Indus]]            [[cs:Indus]]
[[es:Indus]]            [[de:Indus]]
[[fr:Indus]]            [[et:Indus]]
[[gl:Indus]]            [[el:Indus]]
[[lo:Indus]]            [[es:Indus]]
[[hu:Indus]]            [[fr:Indus]]
[[mg:Indus]]            [[gl:Indus]]
[[pl:Indus]]            [[lo:Indus]]
[[ru:Indus]]            [[hu:Indus]]
[[simple:Indus]]        [[mg:Indus]]
[[fi:Indus]]            [[pl:Indus]]
[[sv:Indus]]            [[ru:Indus]]

vociferator: No change.


τρίτον: No change.


efficaciter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

molimentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:molimentum]]  [[fr:molimentum]]
[[ru:molimentum]]  [[mg:molimentum]]

somnis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|somnīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|somnīs}}
# {{inflection of|somnus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|somnus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|somnus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|somnus||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:somnis]]                              ===References===
[[mg:somnis]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

ingestus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ingest}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ingest}}
                        * {{R:L&S}}

auditum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|audītum}}                   {{la-verb-form|audītum}}
# {{inflection of|audiō||supine|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|audiō||supine|lang=la}}
[[es:auditum]]                             ===References===
[[fr:auditum]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

perge: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                                                   ===Verb===
'''[[pergere#Latin|perge]]'''                                                '''[[pergere#Latin|perge]]'''
# {{lb|la|idiomatic}} [[go on]]!, [[proceed]]!, [[press on]]!, [[persist]]!  # {{lb|la|idiomatic}} [[go on]]!, [[proceed]]!, [[press on]]!, [[persist]]!
[[Category:Latin verb forms]]                                                ===References===
                                                                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:perge]]                                                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:perge]]                                                                 * {{R:Stillwell}}
                                                                             [[Category:Latin verb forms]]

pertaedet: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aetherie: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aetherie}}                        {{la-adj-form|aetherie}}
# {{inflection of|aetherius||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aetherius||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

femorale: No change.


lymphatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:lymphatus]]  [[fr:lymphatus]]

Charisius: No change.


percolo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:percolo]]    [[es:percolo]]
[[ko:percolo]]    [[fr:percolo]]
[[pt:percolo]]    [[ko:percolo]]
[[ru:percolo]]    [[pt:percolo]]

appellatus: LATIN: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fi:appellatus]]  [[fr:appellatus]]

vitellina: No change.


satellitium: No change.


Πολυκράτης: No change.


nonnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:nonnus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Gnosus: No change.


probatores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|probātōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|probātōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|probātor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|probātor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|probātor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|probātor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|probātor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|probātor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἀθήνηθεν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

panicia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pānicia}}                     {{la-noun-form|pānicia}}
# {{inflection of|pānicium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pānicium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pānicium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pānicium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pānicium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pānicium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

Δωριεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1009}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1009}}

prodige: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:prodige]]    [[ca:prodige]]
[[el:prodige]]    [[et:prodige]]
[[fr:prodige]]    [[el:prodige]]
[[io:prodige]]    [[fr:prodige]]
[[id:prodige]]    [[io:prodige]]
[[hu:prodige]]    [[id:prodige]]
[[mg:prodige]]    [[hu:prodige]]
[[pl:prodige]]    [[mg:prodige]]
[[ru:prodige]]    [[pl:prodige]]
[[vi:prodige]]    [[ru:prodige]]

lexis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Synonyms====               ====Synonyms====
* [[nomen|nōmen]], [[verbum]]  * [[nomen|nōmen]], [[verbum]]
[[et:lexis]]                   ===References===
[[fr:lexis]]                   * {{R:L&S}}
[[kn:lexis]]                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[my:lexis]]                   * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:lexis]]                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[tr:lexis]]                   [[et:lexis]]
[[vi:lexis]]                   [[fr:lexis]]

definitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cy:definitio]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[pl:definitio]]   [[cy:definitio]]
[[ru:definitio]]   [[fr:definitio]]
[[fi:definitio]]   [[pl:definitio]]
[[chr:definitio]]  [[ru:definitio]]

amabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hr:amabilis]]   [[fr:amabilis]]
[[la:amabilis]]   [[hr:amabilis]]
[[mg:amabilis]]   [[la:amabilis]]
[[ru:amabilis]]   [[mg:amabilis]]

sylvaticus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|sylvātic}}  {{la-decl-1&2|sylvātic}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

aurifodina: No change.


impertita: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|impertīta}}                       {{la-part-form|impertīta}}
# {{inflection of|impertītus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impertītus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impertītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impertītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impertītus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impertītus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impertītus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impertītus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|impertītus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impertītus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|impertītā}}                       {{la-part-form|impertītā}}
# {{inflection of|impertītus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|impertītus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

impariter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

amoebaea: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|amoebaea}}                        {{la-adj-form|amoebaea}}
# {{inflection of|amoebaeus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amoebaeus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amoebaeus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amoebaeus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amoebaeus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amoebaeus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amoebaeus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amoebaeus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amoebaeus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amoebaeus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|amoebaeā}}                        {{la-adj-form|amoebaeā}}
# {{inflection of|amoebaeus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amoebaeus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}

praeditus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S|praedĭtus}}  * {{R:L&S|praedĭtus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}            * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                       * {{R:M&A}}

consilior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:consilior]]                   [[fr:consilior]]
[[mg:consilior]]                   [[ko:consilior]]
[[pl:consilior]]                   [[mg:consilior]]
[[pt:consilior]]                   [[pl:consilior]]

lacteus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:lacteus]]    [[de:lacteus]]
[[fr:lacteus]]    [[el:lacteus]]
[[ky:lacteus]]    [[fr:lacteus]]
[[ru:lacteus]]    [[ky:lacteus]]

hippotoxotae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]  
                                                            [[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]

vigintiviri: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[is:vigintiviri]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

pleo: No change.


Μηδία: No change.


προσκυνέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|proskune/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|proskune/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:προσκυνέω]]        [[es:προσκυνέω]]
[[mg:προσκυνέω]]        [[fr:προσκυνέω]]

characterum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|characterum}}                  {{la-noun-form|characterum}}
# {{inflection of|character||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|character||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:characterum]]                            ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

laetor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:laetor]]     [[es:laetor]]
[[pl:laetor]]     [[ko:laetor]]
[[pt:laetor]]     [[pl:laetor]]
[[ru:laetor]]     [[pt:laetor]]

hastile: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:hastile]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

respiratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:respiratio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:respiratio]]  [[fr:respiratio]]
[[ru:respiratio]]  [[li:respiratio]]

hospitalitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:hospitalitas]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tardor: No change.


dietarium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|diētārium}}                    {{la-noun-form|diētārium}}
# {{inflection of|diētārius||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|diētārius||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

solen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

absono: No change.


insectatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:insectatio]]  [[fr:insectatio]]
[[ru:insectatio]]  [[mg:insectatio]]

πραγματικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pragmatiko%2Fs}}  * {{R:LSJ|pragmatiko%2Fs}}
* {{R:Bailly}}              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                            * {{R:Bailly}}

exorsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐπισυνθετικός: No change.


φρόνησις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|fro/nhsis}}           * {{R:LSJ|fro/nhsis}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Century 1911|phronesis}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                * {{R:Century 1911|phronesis}}
[[fr:φρόνησις]]                 [[el:φρόνησις]]
[[ko:φρόνησις]]                 [[fr:φρόνησις]]
[[sv:φρόνησις]]                 [[ko:φρόνησις]]

iambeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exterior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sepulcrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:la:Burial]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:sepulcrum]]        [[Category:la:Burial]]
[[pl:sepulcrum]]        [[cs:sepulcrum]]
[[ru:sepulcrum]]        [[fr:sepulcrum]]
[[sk:sepulcrum]]        [[mg:sepulcrum]]

cautela: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
* Professor Kidd, et al. ''Collins Gem Latin Dictionary''. HarperCollins Publishers (Glasgow: 2004). ISBN 0-00-470763-X. page 51.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                                   * Professor Kidd, et al. ''Collins Gem Latin Dictionary''. HarperCollins Publishers (Glasgow: 2004). ISBN 0-00-470763-X. page 51.
[[Category:Latin words suffixed with -ela]]                                                                                        
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                                                                                                      [[Category:Latin words suffixed with -ela]]
                                                                                                                                   [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

temperator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:L&S|tempĕrātor}}  * {{R:L&S|tempĕrātor}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:NLW}}
===Etymology 2===       
                        ===Etymology 2===

bello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

virginalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πανοῦργος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3835}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3835}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

tergiversatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:tergiversatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:tergiversatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}

tinniolum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                            ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun}}                      {{head|la|noun}}
# {{altname|tintinnabulum|lang=la}}.  # {{altname|tintinnabulum|lang=la}}.
                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

τριάζω: No change.


illicite: No change.


coccinum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|coccinum}}                       {{la-adj-form|coccinum}}
# {{inflection of|coccinus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coccinus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coccinus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coccinus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coccinus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coccinus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coccinus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coccinus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:coccinum]]                                ===References===
[[ru:coccinum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

hirnea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

succinum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lassi: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lassī}}                        {{la-adj-form|lassī}}
# {{inflection of|lassus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lassus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lassus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lassus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lassus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lassus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lassus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lassus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

alburnum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:alburnum]]   [[fr:alburnum]]
[[io:alburnum]]   [[ko:alburnum]]
[[id:alburnum]]   [[io:alburnum]]
[[ja:alburnum]]   [[id:alburnum]]
[[ru:alburnum]]   [[ja:alburnum]]
[[ta:alburnum]]   [[ru:alburnum]]
[[vi:alburnum]]   [[ta:alburnum]]

Ἀκαρνάν: No change.


μέντοι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|me/n}}    * {{R:LSJ|me/n}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

festinantia: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

ascriptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cuicuimodi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

accenseo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pallidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:pallidus]]         [[co:pallidus]]
[[fr:pallidus]]         [[es:pallidus]]
[[mg:pallidus]]         [[fr:pallidus]]
[[sv:pallidus]]         [[mg:pallidus]]

subreptus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|subrept}}  {{la-decl-1&2|subrept}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

maltha: No change.


lynx: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:lynx]]             [[bg:lynx]]
[[cs:lynx]]             [[ca:lynx]]
[[de:lynx]]             [[cs:lynx]]
[[et:lynx]]             [[de:lynx]]
[[el:lynx]]             [[et:lynx]]
[[eo:lynx]]             [[el:lynx]]
[[eu:lynx]]             [[eo:lynx]]
[[fr:lynx]]             [[eu:lynx]]
[[gl:lynx]]             [[fr:lynx]]
[[ko:lynx]]             [[gl:lynx]]
[[hy:lynx]]             [[ko:lynx]]
[[io:lynx]]             [[hy:lynx]]
[[it:lynx]]             [[io:lynx]]
[[ku:lynx]]             [[it:lynx]]
[[la:lynx]]             [[ku:lynx]]
[[lt:lynx]]             [[la:lynx]]
[[hu:lynx]]             [[lt:lynx]]
[[ml:lynx]]             [[hu:lynx]]
[[my:lynx]]             [[ml:lynx]]
[[nl:lynx]]             [[my:lynx]]
[[ja:lynx]]             [[nl:lynx]]
[[pl:lynx]]             [[ja:lynx]]
[[pt:lynx]]             [[pl:lynx]]
[[ro:lynx]]             [[pt:lynx]]
[[ru:lynx]]             [[ro:lynx]]
[[sk:lynx]]             [[ru:lynx]]
[[fi:lynx]]             [[sk:lynx]]
[[ta:lynx]]             [[fi:lynx]]
[[te:lynx]]             [[ta:lynx]]
[[tr:lynx]]             [[te:lynx]]
[[vi:lynx]]             [[tr:lynx]]
[[zh:lynx]]             [[vi:lynx]]

interficio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====                              ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd-IO|interfic|interfēc|interfect}}  {{la-conj-3rd-IO|interfic|interfēc|interfect}}
[[Category:la:Death]]                           ===References===
                                                * {{R:L&S}}
[[de:interficio]]                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:interficio]]                               [[Category:la:Death]]
[[la:interficio]]                               [[de:interficio]]
[[mg:interficio]]                               [[el:interficio]]
[[pl:interficio]]                               [[fr:interficio]]
[[ru:interficio]]                               [[ko:interficio]]
[[fi:interficio]]                               [[la:interficio]]
[[chr:interficio]]                              [[mg:interficio]]

usus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

augmentatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|augmentāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|augmentāt}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}

baiulus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
* Italian: [[baiulo]], [[baglio]], [[balio]]  * Italian: [[baiulo]], [[baglio]], [[balio]]
* Romanian: [[baieră]]                        * Romanian: [[baieră]]
[[de:baiulus]]                                ===References===
[[mg:baiulus]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}

marinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:marinus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:marinus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:marinus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ru:marinus]]    [[el:marinus]]
[[sv:marinus]]    [[fr:marinus]]

thus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[az:thus]]          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:thus]]          [[az:thus]]
[[da:thus]]          [[zh-min-nan:thus]]
[[et:thus]]          [[ca:thus]]
[[es:thus]]          [[da:thus]]
[[fa:thus]]          [[et:thus]]
[[fr:thus]]          [[es:thus]]
[[ko:thus]]          [[fa:thus]]
[[hy:thus]]          [[fr:thus]]
[[io:thus]]          [[ko:thus]]
[[it:thus]]          [[hy:thus]]
[[kn:thus]]          [[io:thus]]
[[kk:thus]]          [[it:thus]]
[[ku:thus]]          [[kn:thus]]
[[li:thus]]          [[kk:thus]]
[[hu:thus]]          [[ku:thus]]
[[mg:thus]]          [[li:thus]]
[[ml:thus]]          [[hu:thus]]
[[my:thus]]          [[mg:thus]]
[[nl:thus]]          [[ml:thus]]
[[ja:thus]]          [[my:thus]]
[[pl:thus]]          [[nl:thus]]
[[pt:thus]]          [[ja:thus]]
[[ru:thus]]          [[pl:thus]]
[[sm:thus]]          [[pt:thus]]
[[simple:thus]]      [[ru:thus]]
[[fi:thus]]          [[sm:thus]]
[[sv:thus]]          [[simple:thus]]
[[tl:thus]]          [[fi:thus]]
[[ta:thus]]          [[sv:thus]]
[[te:thus]]          [[tl:thus]]
[[chr:thus]]         [[ta:thus]]
[[tr:thus]]          [[te:thus]]
[[vi:thus]]          [[chr:thus]]
[[zh:thus]]          [[tr:thus]]

argute: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hy:argute]]     [[fr:argute]]
[[pl:argute]]     [[hy:argute]]
[[ru:argute]]     [[pl:argute]]
[[ta:argute]]     [[ru:argute]]
[[te:argute]]     [[ta:argute]]
[[vi:argute]]     [[te:argute]]

liciatorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sorores: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sorōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|sorōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|soror||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|soror||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|soror||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|soror||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|soror||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|soror||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:sorores]]                            ===References===
[[de:sorores]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sorores]]                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

commendator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:commendator]]  [[de:commendator]]

antepolleo: No change.


blandimentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:blandimentum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

extractus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:extractus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

melimela: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|melimēla}}                     {{la-noun-form|melimēla}}
# {{inflection of|melimēlum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melimēlum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|melimēlum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melimēlum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|melimēlum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|melimēlum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:melimela]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

marmorata: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|marmorāta}}                       {{la-part-form|marmorāta}}
# {{inflection of|marmorātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marmorātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marmorātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marmorātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marmorātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marmorātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marmorātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marmorātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marmorātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marmorātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|marmorātā}}                       {{la-part-form|marmorātā}}
# {{inflection of|marmorātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marmorātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                 * {{R:Platner}}

νειόθι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|neio/qi^}}                                * {{R:LSJ|neio/qi^}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                      * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -θι]]  
                                                    [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -θι]]

abscedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

paritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[id:paritas]]    [[fr:paritas]]

imbecille: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:imbecille]]   [[az:imbecille]]
[[fr:imbecille]]   [[de:imbecille]]
[[ko:imbecille]]   [[fr:imbecille]]
[[io:imbecille]]   [[ko:imbecille]]
[[it:imbecille]]   [[io:imbecille]]
[[mg:imbecille]]   [[it:imbecille]]
[[pl:imbecille]]   [[mg:imbecille]]
[[sv:imbecille]]   [[pl:imbecille]]
[[chr:imbecille]]  [[sv:imbecille]]
[[zh:imbecille]]   [[chr:imbecille]]

musivarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

advenientia: No change.


crepidatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

literata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|literāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|literāta}}
# {{inflection of|literātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|literātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|literātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|literātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|literātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|literātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|literātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|literātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|literātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|literātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|literātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|literātā}}
# {{inflection of|literātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|literātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:literata]]                                 ===References===
[[es:literata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

dammula: No change.


citerius: No change.


gammarus: No change.


ait: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|āit}}, {{la-verb-form|ait}}           {{la-verb-form|āit}}, {{la-verb-form|ait}}
# {{inflection of|āiō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āiō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āiō||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āiō||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
# it is said (that)                                  # it is said (that)
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:M&A}}

febris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}               * {{R:du Cange}}
<references />            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                          * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:la:Diseases]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[da:febris]]             <references />
[[el:febris]]             [[Category:la:Diseases]]
[[fr:febris]]             [[da:febris]]
[[fy:febris]]             [[de:febris]]
[[ko:febris]]             [[el:febris]]
[[la:febris]]             [[eu:febris]]
[[li:febris]]             [[fr:febris]]
[[mg:febris]]             [[fy:febris]]
[[pl:febris]]             [[ko:febris]]
[[pt:febris]]             [[la:febris]]
[[ru:febris]]             [[li:febris]]
[[fi:febris]]             [[mg:febris]]
[[ta:febris]]             [[pl:febris]]
[[chr:febris]]            [[pt:febris]]
[[zh:febris]]             [[ru:febris]]

cifrae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cifrae}}                   {{la-noun-form|cifrae}}
# {{inflection of|cifra||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cifra||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cifra||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cifra||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cifra||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cifra||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cifra||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cifra||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:cifrae]]                             ===References===
[[mg:cifrae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

ὄφελος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|o)/felos1}}    * {{R:LSJ|o)/felos1}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3786}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3786}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:ὄφελος]]            [[el:ὄφελος]]
[[ko:ὄφελος]]            [[fr:ὄφελος]]

Ianuarius: LATIN: References added.

===Proper noun===        ===Proper noun===
{{head|la|proper noun}}  {{head|la|proper noun}}
# [[January]]            # [[January]]
[[Category:la:Months]]   ===References===
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[de:Ianuarius]]         [[Category:la:Months]]
[[fr:Ianuarius]]         [[af:Ianuarius]]
[[ko:Ianuarius]]         [[de:Ianuarius]]
[[hr:Ianuarius]]         [[et:Ianuarius]]
[[id:Ianuarius]]         [[fr:Ianuarius]]
[[it:Ianuarius]]         [[ko:Ianuarius]]
[[csb:Ianuarius]]        [[hr:Ianuarius]]
[[la:Ianuarius]]         [[id:Ianuarius]]
[[lt:Ianuarius]]         [[it:Ianuarius]]
[[mg:Ianuarius]]         [[csb:Ianuarius]]
[[nl:Ianuarius]]         [[la:Ianuarius]]
[[ja:Ianuarius]]         [[lt:Ianuarius]]
[[no:Ianuarius]]         [[mg:Ianuarius]]
[[pl:Ianuarius]]         [[nl:Ianuarius]]
[[pt:Ianuarius]]         [[ja:Ianuarius]]
[[ru:Ianuarius]]         [[no:Ianuarius]]
[[fi:Ianuarius]]         [[pl:Ianuarius]]
[[sv:Ianuarius]]         [[pt:Ianuarius]]
[[tr:Ianuarius]]         [[ru:Ianuarius]]

rigor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                  * {{R:Century 1911}}

quindecies: No change.


asperges: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|aspergēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|aspergēs}}
# {{inflection of|aspergō||2|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aspergō||2|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[el:asperges]]                                          ===References===
[[es:asperges]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[it:asperges]]                                          [[el:asperges]]
[[ku:asperges]]                                          [[es:asperges]]
[[mg:asperges]]                                          [[fr:asperges]]
[[nl:asperges]]                                          [[it:asperges]]
[[pl:asperges]]                                          [[ku:asperges]]
[[sh:asperges]]                                          [[mg:asperges]]
[[vi:asperges]]                                          [[nl:asperges]]

aliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:aliter]]     [[cs:aliter]]
[[el:aliter]]     [[de:aliter]]
[[fr:aliter]]     [[el:aliter]]
[[ko:aliter]]     [[fr:aliter]]
[[io:aliter]]     [[ko:aliter]]
[[la:aliter]]     [[io:aliter]]
[[hu:aliter]]     [[la:aliter]]
[[pl:aliter]]     [[hu:aliter]]
[[te:aliter]]     [[pl:aliter]]
[[vi:aliter]]     [[te:aliter]]
[[zh:aliter]]     [[vi:aliter]]

Γῆ: No change.


adroges: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|adrogēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|adrogēs}}
# {{inflection of|adrogō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adrogō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[fr:adroges]]                                          ===References===
[[mg:adroges]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

reclusa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|reclūsa}}                       {{la-part-form|reclūsa}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|reclūsā}}                       {{la-part-form|reclūsā}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

laetabundus: No change.


reverentissime: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                       ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|reverentissime}}                        {{la-adj-form|reverentissime}}
# {{inflection of|reverentissimus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reverentissimus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

καναχέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:καναχέω]]      [[el:καναχέω]]

exertus: No change.


πυραμίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:πυραμίς]]     [[el:πυραμίς]]
[[ko:πυραμίς]]     [[fr:πυραμίς]]
[[lt:πυραμίς]]     [[ko:πυραμίς]]
[[mg:πυραμίς]]     [[lt:πυραμίς]]
[[ru:πυραμίς]]     [[mg:πυραμίς]]

perscriptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

chartae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
'''chartae''' {{g|f}}                      '''chartae''' {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|charta||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|charta||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|charta||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|charta||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|charta||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|charta||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|charta||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|charta||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]              ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:chartae]]                             [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[mg:chartae]]                             [[ca:chartae]]

ulcerosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

factum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:factum]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:factum]]     [[ca:factum]]
[[fr:factum]]     [[cs:factum]]
[[ko:factum]]     [[es:factum]]
[[ku:factum]]     [[fr:factum]]
[[la:factum]]     [[ko:factum]]
[[hu:factum]]     [[ku:factum]]
[[mg:factum]]     [[la:factum]]
[[ja:factum]]     [[hu:factum]]
[[pl:factum]]     [[mg:factum]]
[[pt:factum]]     [[ja:factum]]
[[ru:factum]]     [[pl:factum]]
[[fi:factum]]     [[pt:factum]]
[[ta:factum]]     [[ru:factum]]
[[vi:factum]]     [[fi:factum]]
[[zh:factum]]     [[ta:factum]]

pallidulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}

minutal: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:minutal]]    [[fr:minutal]]

Χείρων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}

χρῄζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:χρῄζω]]      [[el:χρῄζω]]

contagium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:contagium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:contagium]]  [[fr:contagium]]
[[ru:contagium]]  [[ku:contagium]]
[[zh:contagium]]  [[mg:contagium]]

meritas: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|meritās}}                      {{la-part-form|meritās}}
# {{inflection of|meritus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|meritus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

naenia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:naenia]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

demolitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:demolitio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:demolitio]]  [[fr:demolitio]]

panaria: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pānāria}}                     {{la-noun-form|pānāria}}
# {{inflection of|pānārium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pānārium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pānārium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pānārium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pānārium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pānārium||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄγραφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

σιωπή: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                ----

perimetrum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|perimetrum}}                    {{la-noun-form|perimetrum}}
# {{inflection of|perimetros||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perimetros||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

disjecto: No change.


alucinor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]                                                                                        
                                                                                                                         [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:alucinor]]                                                                                                          [[fr:alucinor]]

intextus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cancelli: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:cancelli]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:cancelli]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[it:cancelli]]   [[de:cancelli]]
[[mg:cancelli]]   [[es:cancelli]]
[[my:cancelli]]   [[fr:cancelli]]
[[ta:cancelli]]   [[it:cancelli]]

horresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:horresco]]   [[fr:horresco]]
[[mg:horresco]]   [[ko:horresco]]

σχίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4977}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4977}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{grc-Beekes}}
----                     ----

hippeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:hippeus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

reviso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ambages: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

exteriores: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|exteriōrēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|exteriōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|exterior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exterior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exterior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exterior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exterior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exterior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exterior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exterior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exterior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exterior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exterior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exterior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

innovo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

protasis: No change.


buxis: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====  ====Descendants====
* English: [[box]]   * English: [[box]]
* Spanish: [[buje]]  * Spanish: [[buje]]
[[fr:buxis]]         ===References===
[[mg:buxis]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

descendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

trade: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|trāde}}                                 {{la-verb-form|trāde}}
# {{inflection of|trādō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trādō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[ar:trade]]                                           ===References===
[[az:trade]]                                           * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:trade]]                                           [[ar:trade]]
[[de:trade]]                                           [[az:trade]]
[[et:trade]]                                           [[ca:trade]]
[[el:trade]]                                           [[cs:trade]]
[[es:trade]]                                           [[de:trade]]
[[eo:trade]]                                           [[et:trade]]
[[fr:trade]]                                           [[el:trade]]
[[gl:trade]]                                           [[es:trade]]
[[ko:trade]]                                           [[eo:trade]]
[[hy:trade]]                                           [[fr:trade]]
[[hr:trade]]                                           [[gl:trade]]
[[io:trade]]                                           [[ko:trade]]
[[id:trade]]                                           [[hy:trade]]
[[it:trade]]                                           [[hr:trade]]
[[kn:trade]]                                           [[io:trade]]
[[kk:trade]]                                           [[id:trade]]
[[ku:trade]]                                           [[it:trade]]
[[lo:trade]]                                           [[kn:trade]]
[[lv:trade]]                                           [[kk:trade]]
[[lt:trade]]                                           [[ku:trade]]
[[li:trade]]                                           [[lo:trade]]
[[hu:trade]]                                           [[lv:trade]]
[[mg:trade]]                                           [[lt:trade]]
[[ml:trade]]                                           [[li:trade]]
[[my:trade]]                                           [[hu:trade]]
[[nl:trade]]                                           [[mg:trade]]
[[ja:trade]]                                           [[ml:trade]]
[[no:trade]]                                           [[my:trade]]
[[uz:trade]]                                           [[nl:trade]]
[[km:trade]]                                           [[ja:trade]]
[[pl:trade]]                                           [[no:trade]]
[[pt:trade]]                                           [[uz:trade]]
[[ru:trade]]                                           [[km:trade]]
[[simple:trade]]                                       [[pl:trade]]
[[sh:trade]]                                           [[pt:trade]]
[[fi:trade]]                                           [[ru:trade]]
[[sv:trade]]                                           [[simple:trade]]
[[tl:trade]]                                           [[sh:trade]]
[[ta:trade]]                                           [[fi:trade]]
[[te:trade]]                                           [[sv:trade]]
[[chr:trade]]                                          [[tl:trade]]
[[tr:trade]]                                           [[ta:trade]]
[[uk:trade]]                                           [[te:trade]]
[[vi:trade]]                                           [[chr:trade]]
[[zh:trade]]                                           [[tr:trade]]

concubina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

piguus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

coena: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

abercet: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|abercet}}                                {{la-verb-form|abercet}}
# {{conjugation of|aberceō||3|s|pres|act|ind|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|aberceō||3|s|pres|act|ind|lang=la}}
[[li:abercet]]                                          ===References===
                                                        * {{R:L&S}}

effractura: No change.


pulvini: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pulvīnī}}                     {{la-noun-form|pulvīnī}}
# {{inflection of|pulvīnus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulvīnus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulvīnus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulvīnus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulvīnus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulvīnus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:pulvini]]                               ===References===
[[fr:pulvini]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[my:pulvini]]                               [[ca:pulvini]]
[[zh:pulvini]]                               [[fr:pulvini]]

macellarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:macellarius]]   [[de:macellarius]]
[[mg:macellarius]]   [[fr:macellarius]]
[[fj:macellarius]]   [[mg:macellarius]]
[[nl:macellarius]]   [[fj:macellarius]]
[[ru:macellarius]]   [[nl:macellarius]]
[[fi:macellarius]]   [[ru:macellarius]]
[[chr:macellarius]]  [[fi:macellarius]]

syzygia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

epitoma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|epitomā}}                                {{la-verb-form|epitomā}}
# {{conjugation of|epitomō||2|s|pres|act|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|epitomō||2|s|pres|act|imp|lang=la}}
[[cs:epitoma]]                                          ===References===
[[es:epitoma]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:epitoma]]                                          * {{R:NLW}}

dejugis: No change.


Φάρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1021}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                * {{R:Woodhouse|1021}}

deorsus: No change.


bellicum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bellicum}}                       {{la-adj-form|bellicum}}
# {{inflection of|bellicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bellicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:bellicum]]                                ===References===
[[mg:bellicum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:bellicum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

aderro: No change.



κορωνίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}

populi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:populi]]     * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:populi]]     [[cs:populi]]
[[sk:populi]]     [[el:populi]]
[[vi:populi]]     [[fr:populi]]

alectoria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S|ălectŏrĭus|alectorius}}  * {{R:L&S|ălectŏrĭus|alectorius}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:alectoria]]                   [[es:alectoria]]

lacus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[an:lacus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:lacus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[co:lacus]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[et:lacus]]      [[an:lacus]]
[[el:lacus]]      [[az:lacus]]
[[es:lacus]]      [[co:lacus]]
[[eu:lacus]]      [[de:lacus]]
[[fr:lacus]]      [[et:lacus]]
[[ko:lacus]]      [[el:lacus]]
[[hr:lacus]]      [[es:lacus]]
[[it:lacus]]      [[eu:lacus]]
[[ku:lacus]]      [[fr:lacus]]
[[ky:lacus]]      [[ko:lacus]]
[[lo:lacus]]      [[hr:lacus]]
[[la:lacus]]      [[it:lacus]]
[[lt:lacus]]      [[ku:lacus]]
[[hu:lacus]]      [[ky:lacus]]
[[mg:lacus]]      [[lo:lacus]]
[[ja:lacus]]      [[la:lacus]]
[[pl:lacus]]      [[lt:lacus]]
[[pt:lacus]]      [[hu:lacus]]
[[ru:lacus]]      [[mg:lacus]]
[[fi:lacus]]      [[ja:lacus]]
[[sv:lacus]]      [[pl:lacus]]
[[chr:lacus]]     [[pt:lacus]]
[[tr:lacus]]      [[ru:lacus]]
[[ug:lacus]]      [[fi:lacus]]
[[zh:lacus]]      [[sv:lacus]]

recupero: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

ἀσκηθής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes|num=819}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                          * {{grc-Beekes|num=819}}

abambulator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|abambulātor}}                             {{la-verb-form|abambulātor}}
# {{conjugation of|abambulō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|abambulō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|abambulō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|abambulō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
[[li:abambulator]]                                       ===References===
                                                         * {{R:NLW}}

γεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}      * {{R:BDAG}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}
[[ru:γεύω]]       [[el:γεύω]]

steriles: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sterilēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|sterilēs}}
# {{inflection of|sterilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sterilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sterilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sterilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sterilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sterilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sterilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sterilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sterilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sterilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sterilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sterilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[de:steriles]]                                ===References===
[[fr:steriles]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

detractio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:detractio]]  [[fr:detractio]]

fugio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:fugio]]      [[el:fugio]]
[[fr:fugio]]      [[es:fugio]]
[[ko:fugio]]      [[fr:fugio]]
[[la:fugio]]      [[ko:fugio]]
[[mg:fugio]]      [[la:fugio]]
[[nl:fugio]]      [[mg:fugio]]
[[ja:fugio]]      [[nl:fugio]]
[[pl:fugio]]      [[ja:fugio]]
[[pt:fugio]]      [[pl:fugio]]
[[ru:fugio]]      [[pt:fugio]]
[[chr:fugio]]     [[ru:fugio]]

cacophonia: No change.


fugax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fugax]]      [[es:fugax]]
[[mg:fugax]]      [[fr:fugax]]
[[ja:fugax]]      [[mg:fugax]]
[[pl:fugax]]      [[ja:fugax]]

vitricus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:vitricus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:vitricus]]   [[fr:vitricus]]
[[pt:vitricus]]   [[mg:vitricus]]
[[ru:vitricus]]   [[pl:vitricus]]
[[chr:vitricus]]  [[pt:vitricus]]

Μόρσιμος: No change.


superstans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|superstāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|superstāns}}
                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

constructio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:constructio]]  [[ca:constructio]]
[[mg:constructio]]  [[fr:constructio]]
[[ru:constructio]]  [[mg:constructio]]

mollicomus: No change.


emacitas: No change.


μέταλλον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|me/tallon}}  * {{R:LSJ|me/tallon}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:μέταλλον]]        [[el:μέταλλον]]
[[ko:μέταλλον]]        [[fr:μέταλλον]]
[[lt:μέταλλον]]        [[ko:μέταλλον]]
[[hu:μέταλλον]]        [[lt:μέταλλον]]
[[mg:μέταλλον]]        [[hu:μέταλλον]]
[[ru:μέταλλον]]        [[mg:μέταλλον]]

butubatta: No change.


lex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
<references/>                  * {{R:L&S}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
{{catlangname|la|root words}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:lex]]                     * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:lex]]                     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[de:lex]]                     <references/>
[[es:lex]]                     {{catlangname|la|root words}}
[[fr:lex]]                     [[ca:lex]]
[[fy:lex]]                     [[cs:lex]]
[[ko:lex]]                     [[de:lex]]
[[io:lex]]                     [[el:lex]]
[[it:lex]]                     [[es:lex]]
[[ku:lex]]                     [[eu:lex]]
[[la:lex]]                     [[fr:lex]]
[[lt:lex]]                     [[fy:lex]]
[[hu:lex]]                     [[ko:lex]]
[[mg:lex]]                     [[io:lex]]
[[nl:lex]]                     [[it:lex]]
[[ja:lex]]                     [[ku:lex]]
[[pl:lex]]                     [[la:lex]]
[[pt:lex]]                     [[lt:lex]]
[[ru:lex]]                     [[hu:lex]]
[[fi:lex]]                     [[mg:lex]]
[[sv:lex]]                     [[nl:lex]]
[[chr:lex]]                    [[ja:lex]]
[[wo:lex]]                     [[pl:lex]]
[[zh:lex]]                     [[pt:lex]]

quartalium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quartālium}}                      {{la-adj-form|quartālium}}
# {{inflection of|quartālis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quartālis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quartālis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quartālis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quartālis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quartālis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

vada: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|vadā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|vadā}}
# {{inflection of|vadō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vadō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

dormiens: No change.


μείζων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
==Greek==         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                  * {{R:Slater}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}
                  * {{R:LBG}}

εἰνάτερες: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

textilia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|textilia}}                       {{la-adj-form|textilia}}
# {{inflection of|textilis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|textilis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|textilis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|textilis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|textilis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|textilis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

praevise: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|praevīse}}                       {{la-part-form|praevīse}}
# {{inflection of|praevīsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|praevīsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:L&S}}

vadimonium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:vadimonium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:vadimonium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:vadimonium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

prolatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:prolatio]]   [[fr:prolatio]]

Ἀφίδναι: No change.


intonsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

aquigenus: No change.


tegula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                                ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                           {{top2}}
* Albanian: {{l|sq|tjegull}}                                       * Albanian: {{l|sq|tjegull}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|teya}}                                         * Asturian: {{l|ast|teya}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|teula}}                                          * Catalan: {{l|ca|teula}}
* Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|tacla}}                                       * Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|tacla}}
* Dutch: {{l|nl|tegel}}                                            * Dutch: {{l|nl|tegel}}
* English: {{l|en|tegular}}, {{l|en|tile}}                         * English: {{l|en|tegular}}, {{l|en|tile}}
* French: {{l|fr|tuile}}                                           * French: {{l|fr|tuile}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|tecje}}, {{l|fur|tečhe}}                       * Friulian: {{l|fur|tecje}}, {{l|fur|tečhe}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|tella}}                                         * Galician: {{l|gl|tella}}
* German: {{l|de|Ziegel}}                                          * German: {{l|de|Ziegel}}
* German Low German: {{l|nds-de|Tegel}}, {{l|nds-de|Tegelee}}      * German Low German: {{l|nds-de|Tegel}}, {{l|nds-de|Tegelee}}
{{mid2}}                                                           {{mid2}}
* Interlingua: {{l|ia|tegula}}                                     * Interlingua: {{l|ia|tegula}}
* Italian: {{l|it|tegola}}, {{l|it|teglia}}, {{l|it|tegghia}}      * Italian: {{l|it|tegola}}, {{l|it|teglia}}, {{l|it|tegghia}}
* Macedonian: {{l|mk|тегла}}                                       * Macedonian: {{l|mk|тегла}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|teule}}                                          * Occitan: {{l|oc|teule}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|tiule}}                                      * Old French: {{l|fro|tiule}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|telha}}, {{l|pt|tigela}}, {{l|pt|tégula}}     * Portuguese: {{l|pt|telha}}, {{l|pt|tigela}}, {{l|pt|tégula}}
* Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|тегла}}                                   * Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|тегла}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|tiedda}}, {{l|scn|tijedda}}, {{l|scn|tiella}}  * Sicilian: {{l|scn|tiedda}}, {{l|scn|tijedda}}, {{l|scn|tiella}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|teja}}                                           * Spanish: {{l|es|teja}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|técia}}                                        * Venetian: {{l|vec|técia}}
{{bottom}}                                                         {{bottom}}
[[ca:tegula]]                                                      ===References===
[[de:tegula]]                                                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:tegula]]                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:tegula]]                                                      * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:tegula]]                                                      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:tegula]]                                                      [[ca:tegula]]
[[sk:tegula]]                                                      [[de:tegula]]
[[sv:tegula]]                                                      [[fr:tegula]]
[[zh:tegula]]                                                      [[hu:tegula]]

valete: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|valēte}}                                {{la-verb-form|valēte}}
# {{inflection of|valeō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|valeō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀσύνδετος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}

absconditus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|abscondit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|abscondit}}
[[fr:absconditus]]         ===References===
[[mg:absconditus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

mundatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:mundatus]]   [[fr:mundatus]]

admixtio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Γαῖα: No change.


adfabre: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

rosulentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tortor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fabarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fabarius]]   [[el:fabarius]]

χέρσος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:χέρσος]]       [[el:χέρσος]]
[[ko:χέρσος]]       [[fr:χέρσος]]
[[mg:χέρσος]]       [[ko:χέρσος]]
[[pl:χέρσος]]       [[mg:χέρσος]]

desolator: No change.


acclivitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:acclivitas]]  [[mg:acclivitas]]

πληθύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[ko:πληθύς]]       [[el:πληθύς]]

Tenedos: LATIN: References added.

====Derived terms====  ====Derived terms====
* {{l|la|tenedius}}    * {{l|la|tenedius}}
[[la:Tenedos]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}

usta: No change.


latito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:latito]]     [[fr:latito]]
[[it:latito]]     [[ko:latito]]
[[ru:latito]]     [[it:latito]]

mollicia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

haesitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:haesitatio]]  [[fr:haesitatio]]
[[pl:haesitatio]]  [[mg:haesitatio]]
[[ru:haesitatio]]  [[pl:haesitatio]]

perexigue: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Δῶρος: No change.


tener: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

labdacismus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

martyr: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                       {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|martyr}}     * English: {{l|en|martyr}}
* French: {{l|fr|martyr}}      * French: {{l|fr|martyr}}
* Italian: {{l|it|martire}}    * Italian: {{l|it|martire}}
{{mid2}}                       {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|mártir}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|mártir}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|martor}}    * Romanian: {{l|ro|martor}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|mártir}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|mártir}}
{{bottom}}                     {{bottom}}
----                           ===References===
                               * {{R:L&S}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}

dissentior: No change.


luna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====See also====           ====See also====
* {{l|la|noctilūca}}       * {{l|la|noctilūca}}
[[Category:la:Astronomy]]  ===References===
                           * {{R:L&S}}
----                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                           * {{R:M&A}}
                           * {{R:Peck}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                           * {{R:Stillwell}}

brumalia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|brūmālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|brūmālia}}
# {{inflection of|brūmālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|brūmālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|brūmālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|brūmālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|brūmālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|brūmālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:brumalia]]                                ===References===
[[sv:brumalia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

indignatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:indignatio]]  [[fr:indignatio]]
[[ru:indignatio]]  [[mg:indignatio]]

caedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|pages=79-80}}      * {{R:M&A}}
                                        * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|pages=79-80}}
[[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]  
                                        [[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]
[[es:caedo]]                            [[de:caedo]]
[[fr:caedo]]                            [[es:caedo]]
[[ko:caedo]]                            [[fr:caedo]]
[[la:caedo]]                            [[ko:caedo]]
[[mg:caedo]]                            [[la:caedo]]
[[fj:caedo]]                            [[mg:caedo]]
[[nl:caedo]]                            [[fj:caedo]]
[[pl:caedo]]                            [[nl:caedo]]
[[pt:caedo]]                            [[pl:caedo]]
[[ru:caedo]]                            [[pt:caedo]]
[[fi:caedo]]                            [[ru:caedo]]
[[sv:caedo]]                            [[fi:caedo]]
[[chr:caedo]]                           [[sv:caedo]]

leopardi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|leopardī}}                     {{la-noun-form|leopardī}}
# {{inflection of|leopardus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leopardus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leopardus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leopardus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leopardus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leopardus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

opprimo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

astrolabium: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                  ====Descendants====
* Russian: {{l|ru|астроля́бия|g=f|tr=astroljábija}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|астроля́бия|g=f|tr=astroljábija}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

aereus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:aereus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:aereus]]     [[fr:aereus]]
[[pl:aereus]]     [[is:aereus]]
[[pt:aereus]]     [[mg:aereus]]
[[ru:aereus]]     [[pl:aereus]]

quisquiliae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:quisquiliae]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:quisquiliae]]   [[el:quisquiliae]]
[[mg:quisquiliae]]   [[fr:quisquiliae]]
[[chr:quisquiliae]]  [[la:quisquiliae]]

γλαυκῶπις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* Autenrieth        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * Autenrieth
[[ko:γλαυκῶπις]]    [[el:γλαυκῶπις]]

partio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

intibum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|intibum}}                    {{la-noun-form|intibum}}
# {{inflection of|intibus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|intibus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:intibum]]                              ===References===
[[ru:intibum]]                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

venter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>     * {{R:M&A}}

defluo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:defluo]]     [[fr:defluo]]
[[mg:defluo]]     [[ko:defluo]]

excitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

repertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:repertus]]   [[es:repertus]]

Venerivagus: No change.


reliquus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:reliquus]]       * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[ko:reliquus]]       [[cs:reliquus]]
[[mg:reliquus]]       [[fr:reliquus]]
[[pl:reliquus]]       [[ko:reliquus]]

persuadendus: No change.


ἀριστερός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                                       * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]                                                                                                                                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|710}}                                                                                                                            * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* Chantraine, Pierre, "Les noms de la gauche en grec", ''Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres'' 99.3 (1955) 374-377.   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                                                                                                                                  * {{R:Strong's|G|710}}
{{C|grc|Directions}}                                                                                                                              * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                                                                                  * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]
[[mg:ἀριστερός]]                                                                                                                                  * Chantraine, Pierre, "Les noms de la gauche en grec", ''Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres'' 99.3 (1955) 374-377. 

cossus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cossus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:cossus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

comprendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

syrtes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|syrtēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|syrtēs}}
# {{inflection of|syrtis||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syrtis||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|syrtis||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syrtis||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|syrtis||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syrtis||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:syrtes]]                              ===References===
[[ru:syrtes]]                              * {{R:Peck}}

scindens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-1E|scindēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-1E|scindēns}}
                             * {{R:du Cange}}

occursor: No change.


blandus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

superincurvatus: No change.


mancus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:mancus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:mancus]]     [[ca:mancus]]
[[mg:mancus]]     [[co:mancus]]
[[ru:mancus]]     [[fr:mancus]]

Προκύων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * {{R:Bailly}}

longurius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Nicolaus: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====                   ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd|loc=1|num=sg|Nīcolā}}  {{la-decl-2nd|loc=1|num=sg|Nīcolā}}
[[de:Nicolaus]]                      ===References===
[[el:Nicolaus]]                      * {{R:L&S}}
[[it:Nicolaus]]                      [[de:Nicolaus]]
[[sk:Nicolaus]]                      [[el:Nicolaus]]

modicum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|modicum}}                       {{la-adj-form|modicum}}
# {{inflection of|modicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|modicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|modicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|modicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|modicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|modicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|modicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|modicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:modicum]]                                ===References===
[[et:modicum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:modicum]]                                [[cs:modicum]]
[[io:modicum]]                                [[et:modicum]]
[[kn:modicum]]                                [[fr:modicum]]
[[ku:modicum]]                                [[ko:modicum]]
[[mg:modicum]]                                [[io:modicum]]
[[ml:modicum]]                                [[kn:modicum]]
[[my:modicum]]                                [[ku:modicum]]
[[nl:modicum]]                                [[mg:modicum]]
[[pl:modicum]]                                [[ml:modicum]]
[[ru:modicum]]                                [[my:modicum]]
[[te:modicum]]                                [[nl:modicum]]
[[chr:modicum]]                               [[pl:modicum]]
[[vi:modicum]]                                [[ru:modicum]]
[[zh:modicum]]                                [[te:modicum]]

συνείδησις: No change.


exsiccatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐαρινός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|earino/s}}      * {{R:LSJ|earino/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ru:ἐαρινός]]            [[el:ἐαρινός]]

cyprinus: No change.


septifariam: No change.


lucifuga: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ponderatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ponderatio]]  [[fr:ponderatio]]
[[ru:ponderatio]]  [[mg:ponderatio]]

locatus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[li:locatus]]    [[fr:locatus]]
[[fi:locatus]]    [[li:locatus]]

sororius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sororius]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

id: No change.


emporium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Platner}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

succenseo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

neo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Νικόπολις: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|3533}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3533}}
[[el:Νικόπολις]]         [[el:Νικόπολις]]

respectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

eruditio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:eruditio]]   [[fr:eruditio]]
[[ru:eruditio]]   [[mg:eruditio]]

immutatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ir: No change.


esurio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[la:esurio]]     [[ko:esurio]]
[[ja:esurio]]     [[la:esurio]]
[[pt:esurio]]     [[ja:esurio]]
[[ru:esurio]]     [[pt:esurio]]

servantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|servantia}}                    {{la-part-form|servantia}}
# {{inflection of|servāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|servāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|servāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|servāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|servāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|servāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

incogitantia: No change.


ἐρείκη: No change.


quindeciens: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                  ===Adverb===
{{la-adv|quindeciens|quindeciens|-}}          {{la-adv|quindeciens|quindeciens|-}}
# {{alternative form of|quindecies|lang=la}}  # {{alternative form of|quindecies|lang=la}}
[[sv:quindeciens]]                            ===References===
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

configuratio: No change.


contestata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|contestata}}                       {{la-part-form|contestata}}
# {{inflection of|contestatus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contestatus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contestatus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contestatus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contestatus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contestatus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contestatus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contestatus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contestatus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contestatus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|contestatā}}                       {{la-part-form|contestatā}}
# {{inflection of|contestatus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contestatus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:contestata]]                                 ===References===
[[it:contestata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

labellum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:en:Orchids]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:labellum]]          [[Category:en:Orchids]]
[[ku:labellum]]          [[de:labellum]]
[[lt:labellum]]          [[fr:labellum]]
[[hu:labellum]]          [[ku:labellum]]
[[mg:labellum]]          [[lt:labellum]]
[[pl:labellum]]          [[hu:labellum]]
[[ru:labellum]]          [[mg:labellum]]
[[fi:labellum]]          [[pl:labellum]]
[[ta:labellum]]          [[ru:labellum]]
[[vi:labellum]]          [[fi:labellum]]
[[zh:labellum]]          [[ta:labellum]]

incuriosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:incuriosus]]  [[fr:incuriosus]]

rogitatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|rogitāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|rogitāt}}
[[fr:rogitatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

infirmatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:infirmatio]]  [[fr:infirmatio]]
[[ru:infirmatio]]  [[mg:infirmatio]]

πλάσσειν: No change.


obtortus: No change.


pervulgo: No change.


cognata: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:cognata]]    [[ast:cognata]]
[[cs:cognata]]    [[ca:cognata]]
[[de:cognata]]    [[cs:cognata]]
[[fr:cognata]]    [[de:cognata]]
[[ko:cognata]]    [[fr:cognata]]
[[io:cognata]]    [[ko:cognata]]
[[it:cognata]]    [[io:cognata]]
[[hu:cognata]]    [[it:cognata]]
[[mg:cognata]]    [[hu:cognata]]
[[oc:cognata]]    [[mg:cognata]]
[[pl:cognata]]    [[oc:cognata]]
[[ro:cognata]]    [[pl:cognata]]
[[ru:cognata]]    [[ro:cognata]]
[[fi:cognata]]    [[ru:cognata]]
[[tl:cognata]]    [[fi:cognata]]
[[ta:cognata]]    [[tl:cognata]]
[[zh:cognata]]    [[ta:cognata]]

placitis: No change.


loquacitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:loquacitas]]              [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

anularius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[lo:anularius]]  [[fr:anularius]]
[[ru:anularius]]  [[lo:anularius]]

ludis: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|lūdis}}                                {{la-verb-form|lūdis}}
# {{inflection of|lūdō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūdō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[ca:ludis]]                                          ===References===
[[cs:ludis]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:ludis]]                                          [[ca:ludis]]
[[fr:ludis]]                                          [[cs:ludis]]
[[mg:ludis]]                                          [[de:ludis]]
[[ja:ludis]]                                          [[el:ludis]]
[[pl:ludis]]                                          [[fr:ludis]]
[[pt:ludis]]                                          [[mg:ludis]]
[[sv:ludis]]                                          [[ja:ludis]]
[[zh:ludis]]                                          [[pl:ludis]]

Σαΐτης: No change.


olfactorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:olfactorium]]  [[ru:olfactorium]]

irrationabilis: No change.


quantuslibet: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

quadriforis: No change.


Εὔφρων: No change.


praegrandis: No change.


sparsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ja:sparsus]]    [[fr:sparsus]]

annodo: No change.


consanguinitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἔρχομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====              ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=326}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
                                * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=326}}
[[fr:ἔρχομαι]]                  [[cs:ἔρχομαι]]
[[ko:ἔρχομαι]]                  [[fr:ἔρχομαι]]
[[it:ἔρχομαι]]                  [[ko:ἔρχομαι]]
[[lt:ἔρχομαι]]                  [[it:ἔρχομαι]]
[[mg:ἔρχομαι]]                  [[lt:ἔρχομαι]]
[[ru:ἔρχομαι]]                  [[mg:ἔρχομαι]]

sanctiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sanctiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|sanctiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|sanctiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sanctiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sanctiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sanctiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sanctiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sanctiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:sanctiones]]                           ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

periodicus: No change.


filo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
'''fīlō''' {{g|n}}                        '''fīlō''' {{g|n}}
# {{inflection of|fīlum||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīlum||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīlum||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīlum||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]             ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

accubo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:accubo]]     [[fr:accubo]]
[[ku:accubo]]     [[ko:accubo]]
[[ru:accubo]]     [[ku:accubo]]

jussu: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|jussū}}                     {{la-noun-form|jussū}}
# {{inflection of|jussus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jussus||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:jussu]]                               ===References===
[[scn:jussu]]                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

vetulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Elskens, Etienne, compiler. ''Latin Words'', Genealogical Society of Flemish Americans.[]                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
* Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. ''Latin and the development of the Romance languages: The postclassical period, Vulgar Latin'', 2007. []  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                                                                                       * Elskens, Etienne, compiler. ''Latin Words'', Genealogical Society of Flemish Americans.[]
[[de:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                         * Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. ''Latin and the development of the Romance languages: The postclassical period, Vulgar Latin'', 2007. []
[[la:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[de:vetulus]]
[[hu:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[fr:vetulus]]
[[mg:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[la:vetulus]]
[[fj:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[hu:vetulus]]
[[ja:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                         [[mg:vetulus]]
[[chr:vetulus]]                                                                                                                                                                        [[fj:vetulus]]

concredo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

expressus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:expressus]]  [[fr:expressus]]
[[pt:expressus]]  [[ja:expressus]]

fortia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fortia}}                       {{la-adj-form|fortia}}
# {{inflection of|fortis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fortis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fortis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fortis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fortis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fortis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[co:fortia]]                                ===References===
[[fr:fortia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ku:fortia]]                                [[co:fortia]]
[[mg:fortia]]                                [[fr:fortia]]
[[ja:fortia]]                                [[io:fortia]]
[[pl:fortia]]                                [[ku:fortia]]

cassis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S|cassis¹|cassis1}}              * {{R:L&S|cassis¹|cassis1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|1 cassĭs|1_cassis|271/1}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|cassis¹|281/2}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                                         * {{R:Gaffiot|1 cassĭs|1_cassis|271/1}}
[[af:cassis]]                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:cassis]]                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[de:cassis]]                            * {{R:OLD|1|cassis¹|281/2}}
[[fr:cassis]]                            [[af:cassis]]
[[fy:cassis]]                            [[cs:cassis]]
[[gl:cassis]]                            [[de:cassis]]
[[ko:cassis]]                            [[el:cassis]]
[[io:cassis]]                            [[fr:cassis]]
[[nl:cassis]]                            [[fy:cassis]]
[[pl:cassis]]                            [[gl:cassis]]
[[ru:cassis]]                            [[ko:cassis]]
[[fi:cassis]]                            [[io:cassis]]
[[vi:cassis]]                            [[nl:cassis]]
[[zh:cassis]]                            [[pl:cassis]]

ἀροτήρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

aclys: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S|aclys}}             * {{R:L&S|aclys}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|āclys|p=23/2}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|aclys|28/3}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|āclys|p=23/2}}
                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[de:aclys]]                  * {{R:OLD|1|aclys|28/3}}

mistio: No change.


contemplabundus: No change.


ok: OLD NORSE: References added.

=====Descendants=====     =====Descendants=====
{{top2}}                  {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|åg}}     * Danish: {{l|da|åg}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|ok}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|ok}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|ok}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|ok}}
{{mid2}}                  {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|åk}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|åk}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|ok}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|ok}}
{{bottom}}                {{bottom}}
----                      ===References===
                          * {{R:Zoega}}

reaedifico: No change.


adiudico: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* English: [[adjudge]]       * English: [[adjudge]]
* French: [[adjuger]]        * French: [[adjuger]]
* Italian: [[aggiudicare]]   * Italian: [[aggiudicare]]
* Portuguese: [[adjudicar]]  * Portuguese: [[adjudicar]]
[[ko:adiudico]]              ===References===
                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

spontis: No change.


laukr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ===References===
* [ laukr] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].  * {{R:Zoega}}
* [ laukr] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].                    * [ laukr] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * [ laukr] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].

ponderatus: No change.


sestertium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ta:sestertium]]  [[ru:sestertium]]

praecellens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


immissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

illecto: No change.


animo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

frivolus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:frivolus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

gravissime: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gravissime}}                        {{la-adj-form|gravissime}}
# {{inflection of|gravissimus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gravissimus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:gravissime]]                                 ===References===
[[ko:gravissime]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[it:gravissime]]                                 [[fr:gravissime]]

Heraclea: No change.


altero: No change.


letalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:letalis]]         [[de:letalis]]
[[ko:letalis]]         [[fr:letalis]]
[[pl:letalis]]         [[ko:letalis]]

idus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
<references/>                   * {{R:Peck}}
                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[Category:la:Calendar terms]]  <references/>
----                            [[Category:la:Calendar terms]]

vacivitas: No change.


pnigitis: No change.


suppressum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|suppressum}}                      {{la-part-form|suppressum}}
# {{inflection of|suppressus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppressus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suppressus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppressus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suppressus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppressus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suppressus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppressus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:suppressum]]                                ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

cannetum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:cannetum]]   [[fr:cannetum]]

ἐπιείκεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition

tuto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                     ====References====
* {{R:L&S|tūto²|tuto2}}                * {{R:L&S|tūto²|tuto2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|2 tūto|2_tuto|1,617/1}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                            * {{R:Gaffiot|2 tūto|2_tuto|1,617/1}}
* {{R:OLD|1|tūtō²|1,996/2}}            * {{R:M&A}}
                                       * {{R:OLD|1|tūtō²|1,996/2}}
===Etymology 3===                      
                                       ===Etymology 3===

excretus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|excrēt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|excrēt}}
[[fr:excretus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

accanto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|accantō}}                       {{la-part-form|accantō}}
# {{inflection of|accantus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accantus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accantus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accantus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accantus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accantus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accantus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accantus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:L&S}}

aquae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aquae}}                   {{la-noun-form|aquae}}
# {{inflection of|aqua||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aqua||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aqua||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aqua||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aqua||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aqua||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aqua||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aqua||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:aquae]]                             ===References===
[[ca:aquae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:aquae]]                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:aquae]]                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:aquae]]                             * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[ku:aquae]]                             [[ar:aquae]]
[[la:aquae]]                             [[ca:aquae]]
[[mg:aquae]]                             [[cs:aquae]]
[[my:aquae]]                             [[de:aquae]]
[[oc:aquae]]                             [[fr:aquae]]
[[sk:aquae]]                             [[it:aquae]]

inaccessibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

favor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Century 1911|favor}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:M&A}}
----                        * {{R:Century 1911|favor}}

jurato: No change.


abdicatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Professor Kidd, et al. ''Collins Gem Latin Dictionary''. HarperCollins Publishers (Glasgow: 2004). ISBN 0-00-470763-X. page 1.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:abdicatio]]                                                                                                                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:abdicatio]]                                                                                                                  * Professor Kidd, et al. ''Collins Gem Latin Dictionary''. HarperCollins Publishers (Glasgow: 2004). ISBN 0-00-470763-X. page 1.
[[lt:abdicatio]]                                                                                                                  [[de:abdicatio]]
[[mg:abdicatio]]                                                                                                                  [[fr:abdicatio]]
[[pl:abdicatio]]                                                                                                                  [[it:abdicatio]]
[[ru:abdicatio]]                                                                                                                  [[lt:abdicatio]]

συνέδριον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4892}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4892}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:συνέδριον]]         [[el:συνέδριον]]
[[fr:συνέδριον]]         [[fr:συνέδριον]]
[[ko:συνέδριον]]         [[ko:συνέδριον]]
[[hu:συνέδριον]]         [[hu:συνέδριον]]
[[pl:συνέδριον]]         [[pl:συνέδριον]]

abscise: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|abscīse}}                        {{la-adj-form|abscīse}}
# {{inflection of|abscīsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abscīsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[et:abscise]]                                 ===References===
[[fa:abscise]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[ko:abscise]]                                 [[et:abscise]]
[[kn:abscise]]                                 [[fa:abscise]]
[[mg:abscise]]                                 [[fr:abscise]]
[[sv:abscise]]                                 [[ko:abscise]]
[[ta:abscise]]                                 [[kn:abscise]]
[[tg:abscise]]                                 [[mg:abscise]]
[[uk:abscise]]                                 [[sv:abscise]]
[[vi:abscise]]                                 [[ta:abscise]]

obtuse: No change.


λεία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Alcmena: No change.


sicarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:sicarius]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:sicarius]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

medianum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mediānum}}                       {{la-adj-form|mediānum}}
# {{inflection of|mediānus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediānus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:medianum]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ego: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

innoxie: No change.


collido: No change.


αἰπός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                     ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                     * {{R:LSJ|ai)po/s2|w=αἰπός, ή, όν}}
* {{R:LSJ|ai)po/s2|w=αἰπός, ή, όν}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}

vindemiola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

suaviloquens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|suāviloquēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|suāviloquēns}}
[[fr:suaviloquens]]                ===References===
                                   * {{R:L&S}}
                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

aequanimitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:aequanimitas]]  [[de:aequanimitas]]
[[fr:aequanimitas]]  [[es:aequanimitas]]

feramus: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ferāmus}}                              {{la-verb-form|ferāmus}}
# {{inflection of|ferō||1|p|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferō||1|p|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[mg:feramus]]                                        ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

refervens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|refervēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|refervēns}}
                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

prudentes: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|prudentēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|prudentēs}}
# {{inflection of|prudēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prudēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prudēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prudēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prudēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prudēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prudēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prudēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prudēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prudēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prudēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prudēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Ialysus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|Ialiso}}  * Italian: {{l|it|Ialiso}}
[[Category:la:Cities]]      ===References===
                            * {{R:L&S}}

puerile: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|puerīle}}                        {{la-adj-form|puerīle}}
# {{inflection of|puerīlis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|puerīlis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|puerīlis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|puerīlis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|puerīlis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|puerīlis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:puerile]]                                 ===References===
[[et:puerile]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:puerile]]                                 [[de:puerile]]
[[hy:puerile]]                                 [[et:puerile]]
[[io:puerile]]                                 [[fr:puerile]]
[[it:puerile]]                                 [[ko:puerile]]
[[kn:puerile]]                                 [[hy:puerile]]
[[ku:puerile]]                                 [[io:puerile]]
[[hu:puerile]]                                 [[it:puerile]]
[[mg:puerile]]                                 [[kn:puerile]]
[[ml:puerile]]                                 [[ku:puerile]]
[[my:puerile]]                                 [[hu:puerile]]
[[pl:puerile]]                                 [[mg:puerile]]
[[sm:puerile]]                                 [[ml:puerile]]
[[fi:puerile]]                                 [[my:puerile]]
[[sv:puerile]]                                 [[pl:puerile]]
[[te:puerile]]                                 [[sm:puerile]]
[[vi:puerile]]                                 [[fi:puerile]]
[[zh:puerile]]                                 [[sv:puerile]]

χεῖμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xei%3Dma}}      * {{R:LSJ|xei%3Dma}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:χεῖμα]]              [[el:χεῖμα]]
[[ko:χεῖμα]]              [[fr:χεῖμα]]
[[mg:χεῖμα]]              [[ko:χεῖμα]]

Βαΐαι: No change.


dictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:dictus]]            [[cs:dictus]]
[[fr:dictus]]            [[es:dictus]]
[[mg:dictus]]            [[fr:dictus]]
[[ja:dictus]]            [[mg:dictus]]
[[sk:dictus]]            [[ja:dictus]]
[[fi:dictus]]            [[sk:dictus]]

apotheca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:apotheca]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:apotheca]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:apotheca]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[pl:apotheca]]   [[cs:apotheca]]
[[ru:apotheca]]   [[de:apotheca]]

peragito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

rupta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|rupta}}                       {{la-part-form|rupta}}
# {{inflection of|ruptus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruptus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruptus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruptus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruptus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruptus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruptus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruptus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruptus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruptus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|ruptā}}                       {{la-part-form|ruptā}}
# {{inflection of|ruptus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruptus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:rupta]]                                 ===References===
[[ja:rupta]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

persoluta: No change.


constabilio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:constabilio]]  [[ko:constabilio]]

παροξύτονος: No change.


ἐκεῖθι: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

====References====                         ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                * {{R:Cunliffe}}
{{catlangname|grc|demonstrative adverbs}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                                           {{catlangname|grc|demonstrative adverbs}}

conscius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

salitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|salīt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|salīt}}
[[fr:salitus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}

reparatio: No change.


prosperor: No change.


fuga: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:NLW}}

ἰδιώτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2399}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2399}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[el:ἰδιώτης]]           [[cs:ἰδιώτης]]
[[fr:ἰδιώτης]]           [[el:ἰδιώτης]]
[[ko:ἰδιώτης]]           [[fr:ἰδιώτης]]
[[lt:ἰδιώτης]]           [[ko:ἰδιώτης]]
[[mg:ἰδιώτης]]           [[lt:ἰδιώτης]]
[[ru:ἰδιώτης]]           [[mg:ἰδιώτης]]

rapta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|rapta}}                       {{la-part-form|rapta}}
# {{inflection of|raptus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|raptus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|raptus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|raptus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|raptus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|raptus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|raptus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|raptus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|raptus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|raptus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|raptā}}                       {{la-part-form|raptā}}
# {{inflection of|raptus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|raptus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

vociferor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:vociferor]]         [[fr:vociferor]]
[[mg:vociferor]]         [[ko:vociferor]]
[[chr:vociferor]]        [[mg:vociferor]]

idolium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obligationes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|obligātiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|obligātiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|obligātiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|obligātiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|obligātiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|obligātiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|obligātiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|obligātiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

impactus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

trivius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

umbracula: No change.


religiose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:religiose]]  [[fr:religiose]]
[[it:religiose]]  [[io:religiose]]
[[ku:religiose]]  [[it:religiose]]
[[pl:religiose]]  [[ku:religiose]]
[[ru:religiose]]  [[pl:religiose]]
[[vi:religiose]]  [[ru:religiose]]
[[zh:religiose]]  [[vi:religiose]]

nundino: No change.


paludicola: No change.


resigno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

enormis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:enormis]]    * {{R:NLW}}
[[it:enormis]]    [[fr:enormis]]
[[mg:enormis]]    [[hr:enormis]]

hyacinthus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|hyacinth}}  {{la-decl-2nd|hyacinth}}
[[Category:la:Plants]]    ===References===
[[Category:la:Gems]]      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:hyacinthus]]         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

sonorus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|sonoro}}  * Italian: {{l|it|sonoro}}
[[de:sonorus]]              ===References===
[[el:sonorus]]              * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:sonorus]]              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:sonorus]]              [[de:sonorus]]
[[pt:sonorus]]              [[el:sonorus]]

coheres: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:coheres]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:coheres]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:coheres]]    [[de:coheres]]
[[fi:coheres]]    [[fr:coheres]]
[[vi:coheres]]    [[hu:coheres]]

quatenus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

opinatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:opinatus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

superimmineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

κύκνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:κύκνος]]       [[de:κύκνος]]
[[fr:κύκνος]]       [[el:κύκνος]]
[[ko:κύκνος]]       [[fr:κύκνος]]
[[hr:κύκνος]]       [[ko:κύκνος]]
[[lt:κύκνος]]       [[hr:κύκνος]]
[[li:κύκνος]]       [[lt:κύκνος]]
[[pl:κύκνος]]       [[li:κύκνος]]
[[ro:κύκνος]]       [[pl:κύκνος]]
[[ru:κύκνος]]       [[ro:κύκνος]]
[[fi:κύκνος]]       [[ru:κύκνος]]
[[chr:κύκνος]]      [[fi:κύκνος]]
[[tr:κύκνος]]       [[chr:κύκνος]]
[[uk:κύκνος]]       [[tr:κύκνος]]

ramus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                                                       ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                  {{top2}}
* Albanian: {{l|sq|rremb}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}                                         * Albanian: {{l|sq|rremb}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|ram}}                                                                   * Catalan: {{l|ca|ram}}
* Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|ruoma}}                                                              * Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|ruoma}}
* English: {{l|en|ramus}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}, {{l|en|ramiform}} {{qualifier|coined}}  * English: {{l|en|ramus}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}, {{l|en|ramiform}} {{qualifier|coined}}
* French: {{l|fr|rameau}}                                                                 * French: {{l|fr|rameau}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|ram}}                                                                 * Friulian: {{l|fur|ram}}
* Italian: {{l|it|ramo}}                                                                  * Italian: {{l|it|ramo}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|ram}}, {{l|oc|ramèl}}                                                   * Occitan: {{l|oc|ram}}, {{l|oc|ramèl}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                  {{mid2}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|raim}}                                                              * Old French: {{l|fro|raim}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|ramo}}                                                               * Portuguese: {{l|pt|ramo}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|ram}}                                                                  * Romanian: {{l|ro|ram}}
* Romansch: {{l|rm|rom}}, {{l|rm|ram}}                                                    * Romansch: {{l|rm|rom}}, {{l|rm|ram}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|ramu}}                                                                * Sicilian: {{l|scn|ramu}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|ramo}}, {{l|es|rama}}                                                   * Spanish: {{l|es|ramo}}, {{l|es|rama}}
* Walloon: {{l|wa|ramxhyî}}                                                               * Walloon: {{l|wa|ramxhyî}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                {{bottom}}
----                                                                                      ===References===
                                                                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                          * {{R:M&A}}

ciroteca: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|cirotec}}  {{la-decl-1st|cirotec}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

poena: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:poena]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:poena]]      * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:poena]]      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ko:poena]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:poena]]      [[cs:poena]]
[[ja:poena]]      [[de:poena]]
[[pl:poena]]      [[fr:poena]]
[[pt:poena]]      [[ko:poena]]
[[ru:poena]]      [[hr:poena]]
[[sh:poena]]      [[mg:poena]]
[[fi:poena]]      [[ja:poena]]

casse: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|casse}}                        {{la-adj-form|casse}}
# {{inflection of|cassus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cassus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:L&S}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

adnumero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ku:adnumero]]   [[ko:adnumero]]

coquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:coquo]]      [[cs:coquo]]
[[fr:coquo]]      [[el:coquo]]
[[ko:coquo]]      [[fr:coquo]]
[[mg:coquo]]      [[ko:coquo]]
[[pt:coquo]]      [[mg:coquo]]
[[ru:coquo]]      [[pt:coquo]]
[[fi:coquo]]      [[ru:coquo]]

Ῥώμη: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4516}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4516}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:Ῥώμη]]              [[fr:Ῥώμη]]
[[hu:Ῥώμη]]              [[hu:Ῥώμη]]
[[pl:Ῥώμη]]              [[pl:Ῥώμη]]

Stadios: No change.


profluo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:profluo]]    [[fr:profluo]]

βραχυδάκτυλος: No change.


salivarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|salīvārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|salīvārium}}
# {{inflection of|salīvārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salīvārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salīvārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salīvārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salīvārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salīvārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salīvārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salīvārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

psychomantium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

oppido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[cs:oppido]]     [[ca:oppido]]
[[fr:oppido]]     [[cs:oppido]]
[[mg:oppido]]     [[fr:oppido]]
[[sk:oppido]]     [[mg:oppido]]

sari: No change.


phreneticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:phreneticus]]  [[fr:phreneticus]]

udae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                            ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ūdae}}                       {{la-adj-form|ūdae}}
# {{inflection of|ūdus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ūdus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ūdus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ūdus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ūdus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ūdus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ūdus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ūdus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:udae]]                                ===References===
                                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

μεῖδος: No change.


σφωέ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}

presbyterium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:presbyterium]]  [[de:presbyterium]]
[[ru:presbyterium]]  [[fr:presbyterium]]

spiritus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:spiritus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:spiritus]]   [[de:spiritus]]
[[ko:spiritus]]   [[el:spiritus]]
[[id:spiritus]]   [[fr:spiritus]]
[[lt:spiritus]]   [[ko:spiritus]]
[[hu:spiritus]]   [[id:spiritus]]
[[mg:spiritus]]   [[lt:spiritus]]
[[fj:spiritus]]   [[hu:spiritus]]
[[nl:spiritus]]   [[mg:spiritus]]
[[ja:spiritus]]   [[fj:spiritus]]
[[pl:spiritus]]   [[nl:spiritus]]
[[ru:spiritus]]   [[ja:spiritus]]
[[sh:spiritus]]   [[pl:spiritus]]
[[sv:spiritus]]   [[ru:spiritus]]
[[chr:spiritus]]  [[sh:spiritus]]
[[tr:spiritus]]   [[sv:spiritus]]
[[zh:spiritus]]   [[chr:spiritus]]

paeminosus: No change.


celticus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====             ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|Celtic}}      * English: {{l|en|Celtic}}
* French: {{l|fr|celtique}}     * French: {{l|fr|celtique}}
* Italian: {{l|it|celtico}}     * Italian: {{l|it|celtico}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|céltico}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|céltico}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|céltico}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|céltico}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

animans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πίναξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                           * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                     * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4094}}               * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                          * {{R:Strong's|G|4094}}
* {{R:xcl:HAB|պնակ|vol=IV|page=92b}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                      * {{R:xcl:HAB|պնակ|vol=IV|page=92b}}
[[fr:πίναξ]]                          [[el:πίναξ]]
[[ko:πίναξ]]                          [[fr:πίναξ]]
[[it:πίναξ]]                          [[ko:πίναξ]]
[[mg:πίναξ]]                          [[it:πίναξ]]

ἐπιστρέφω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)pistre/fw}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)pistre/fw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                         * {{R:Strong's}}

Chalcis: No change.


exaltatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|exaltāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|exaltāt}}
[[fr:exaltatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἀργῷος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|*)argw/}}  * {{R:LSJ|*)argw/}}
* {{R:DGE}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                     * {{R:DGE}}
                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}

δηλητήρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|D.H.lhth/r}}  * {{R:LSJ|D.H.lhth/r}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}             * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:LBG}}
[[fr:δηλητήρ]]          [[el:δηλητήρ]]
[[ko:δηλητήρ]]          [[fr:δηλητήρ]]
[[mg:δηλητήρ]]          [[ko:δηλητήρ]]
[[pl:δηλητήρ]]          [[mg:δηλητήρ]]

occupo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:occupo]]     [[el:occupo]]
[[ko:occupo]]     [[fr:occupo]]
[[it:occupo]]     [[ko:occupo]]
[[mg:occupo]]     [[it:occupo]]
[[pl:occupo]]     [[mg:occupo]]
[[ru:occupo]]     [[pl:occupo]]

seba: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sēba}}                     {{la-noun-form|sēba}}
# {{inflection of|sēbum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēbum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sēbum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēbum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sēbum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sēbum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

decimo: No change.


alatae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ālātae}}                       {{la-adj-form|ālātae}}
# {{inflection of|ālātus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālātus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ālātus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālātus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ālātus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālātus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ālātus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālātus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:alatae]]                                ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

conservative: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|conservātive}}                        {{la-adj-form|conservātive}}
# {{inflection of|conservātivus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conservātivus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ar:conservative]]                                 ===References===
[[ca:conservative]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:conservative]]                                 [[ar:conservative]]
[[el:conservative]]                                 [[ca:conservative]]
[[es:conservative]]                                 [[de:conservative]]
[[fr:conservative]]                                 [[et:conservative]]
[[ko:conservative]]                                 [[el:conservative]]
[[hy:conservative]]                                 [[es:conservative]]
[[id:conservative]]                                 [[fr:conservative]]
[[it:conservative]]                                 [[ko:conservative]]
[[kn:conservative]]                                 [[hy:conservative]]
[[ku:conservative]]                                 [[id:conservative]]
[[lo:conservative]]                                 [[it:conservative]]
[[hu:conservative]]                                 [[kn:conservative]]
[[mg:conservative]]                                 [[ku:conservative]]
[[ml:conservative]]                                 [[lo:conservative]]
[[my:conservative]]                                 [[hu:conservative]]
[[ja:conservative]]                                 [[mg:conservative]]
[[no:conservative]]                                 [[ml:conservative]]
[[pl:conservative]]                                 [[my:conservative]]
[[ro:conservative]]                                 [[ja:conservative]]
[[ru:conservative]]                                 [[no:conservative]]
[[simple:conservative]]                             [[pl:conservative]]
[[fi:conservative]]                                 [[ro:conservative]]
[[sv:conservative]]                                 [[ru:conservative]]
[[ta:conservative]]                                 [[simple:conservative]]
[[te:conservative]]                                 [[fi:conservative]]
[[th:conservative]]                                 [[sv:conservative]]
[[vi:conservative]]                                 [[ta:conservative]]
[[zh:conservative]]                                 [[te:conservative]]

Bacchis: No change.


tritae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|trītae}}                      {{la-part-form|trītae}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:tritae]]                                ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

episcopatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}

stipendium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ἐπιγραφή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

vilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[fr:vilis]]          [[es:vilis]]
[[hu:vilis]]          [[fr:vilis]]
[[mg:vilis]]          [[hu:vilis]]
[[fj:vilis]]          [[mg:vilis]]
[[ru:vilis]]          [[fj:vilis]]
[[sv:vilis]]          [[ru:vilis]]
[[chr:vilis]]         [[sv:vilis]]

secretio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:secretio]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:secretio]]   [[fr:secretio]]

effrenatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

expulso: No change.


onycha: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|onych}}  {{la-decl-1st|onych}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

dijudicatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dījūdicāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dījūdicāt}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}

dimetior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[fr:dimetior]]                    [[es:dimetior]]
[[ko:dimetior]]                    [[fr:dimetior]]

libidinose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

externo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

convalesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:convalesco]]  [[fr:convalesco]]

χάος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}
                        * {{grc-Beekes}}

sido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Derived terms====               ====Derived terms====
{{der3                              {{der3
|{{l|la|adsīdō}} / {{l|la|assīdō}}  |{{l|la|adsīdō}} / {{l|la|assīdō}}
|{{l|la|circumsīdō}}                |{{l|la|circumsīdō}}
|{{l|la|cōnsīdō}}                   |{{l|la|cōnsīdō}}
|{{l|la|dēsīdō}}                    |{{l|la|dēsīdō}}
|{{l|la|īnsīdō}}                    |{{l|la|īnsīdō}}
|{{l|la|obsīdō}}                    |{{l|la|obsīdō}}
|{{l|la|persīdō}}                   |{{l|la|persīdō}}
|{{l|la|possīdō}}                   |{{l|la|possīdō}}
|{{l|la|resīdō}}                    |{{l|la|resīdō}}
|{{l|la|subsīdō}}                   |{{l|la|subsīdō}}
}}                                  }}
----                                ===References===
                                    * {{R:L&S}}
                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

dextrum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|dextrum}}                      {{la-adj-form|dextrum}}
# {{inflection of|dexter||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dexter||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dexter||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dexter||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dexter||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dexter||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dexter||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dexter||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:dextrum]]                               ===References===
[[fy:dextrum]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

λογεῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

privatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:privatim]]   [[de:privatim]]
[[ru:privatim]]   [[fr:privatim]]
[[sv:privatim]]   [[ru:privatim]]

antidea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

scilicet: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[et:scilicet]]   [[cs:scilicet]]
[[el:scilicet]]   [[et:scilicet]]
[[fr:scilicet]]   [[el:scilicet]]
[[ku:scilicet]]   [[fr:scilicet]]
[[ml:scilicet]]   [[ku:scilicet]]
[[pl:scilicet]]   [[ml:scilicet]]
[[pt:scilicet]]   [[pl:scilicet]]
[[sh:scilicet]]   [[pt:scilicet]]
[[ta:scilicet]]   [[sh:scilicet]]
[[vi:scilicet]]   [[ta:scilicet]]

gutum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gutum}}                    {{la-noun-form|gutum}}
# {{inflection of|gutus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gutus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

olim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:NLW}}
[[cs:olim]]           [[az:olim]]
[[el:olim]]           [[cs:olim]]
[[fr:olim]]           [[el:olim]]
[[ko:olim]]           [[fr:olim]]
[[io:olim]]           [[ko:olim]]
[[ku:olim]]           [[io:olim]]
[[mg:olim]]           [[ku:olim]]
[[nl:olim]]           [[mg:olim]]
[[uz:olim]]           [[nl:olim]]
[[pl:olim]]           [[uz:olim]]
[[ru:olim]]           [[pl:olim]]
[[sh:olim]]           [[ru:olim]]
[[fi:olim]]           [[sh:olim]]
[[ta:olim]]           [[fi:olim]]
[[vi:olim]]           [[ta:olim]]

sagata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sagāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|sagāta}}
# {{inflection of|sagātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sagātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|sagātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|sagātā}}
# {{inflection of|sagātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sagātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

professores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|professōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|professōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|professor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|professor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|professor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|professor||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

insanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:insanus]]    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:insanus]]    [[fr:insanus]]
[[chr:insanus]]   [[ko:insanus]]

Ἄλεος: No change.


θεραπεύειν: No change.


exulcerator: No change.


permonitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|permonit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|permonit}}
                          * {{R:NLW}}

pales: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|pālēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|pālēs}}
# {{inflection of|pālō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pālō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:Peck}}
                                                      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

virecta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|virecta}}                     {{la-noun-form|virecta}}
# {{inflection of|virectum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virectum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virectum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virectum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virectum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virectum||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

castrenses: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|castrensēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|castrensēs}}
# {{inflection of|castrensis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castrensis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|castrensis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castrensis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|castrensis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castrensis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|castrensis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castrensis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|castrensis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castrensis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|castrensis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castrensis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

iurata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|iūrāta}}                       {{la-part-form|iūrāta}}
# {{inflection of|iūrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|iūrātā}}                       {{la-part-form|iūrātā}}
# {{inflection of|iūrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

dominus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|dŏmĭnus}}                 * {{R:L&S|dŏmĭnus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|dŏmĭnus|p=555}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:OLD|1|dominus|571}}           * {{R:Gaffiot|dŏmĭnus|p=555}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|dominus|pp=353–4}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:dominus]]                      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:dominus]]                      * {{R:OLD|1|dominus|571}}
[[da:dominus]]                      * {{R:Niermeyer|dominus|pp=353–4}}
[[et:dominus]]                      [[ca:dominus]]
[[el:dominus]]                      [[cs:dominus]]
[[es:dominus]]                      [[da:dominus]]
[[eu:dominus]]                      [[de:dominus]]
[[fr:dominus]]                      [[et:dominus]]
[[fy:dominus]]                      [[el:dominus]]
[[ko:dominus]]                      [[es:dominus]]
[[it:dominus]]                      [[eu:dominus]]
[[ku:dominus]]                      [[fr:dominus]]
[[la:dominus]]                      [[fy:dominus]]
[[mg:dominus]]                      [[ko:dominus]]
[[fj:dominus]]                      [[it:dominus]]
[[nl:dominus]]                      [[ku:dominus]]
[[ja:dominus]]                      [[la:dominus]]
[[pl:dominus]]                      [[mg:dominus]]
[[pt:dominus]]                      [[fj:dominus]]
[[ro:dominus]]                      [[nl:dominus]]
[[ru:dominus]]                      [[ja:dominus]]
[[sh:dominus]]                      [[pl:dominus]]
[[fi:dominus]]                      [[pt:dominus]]
[[sv:dominus]]                      [[ro:dominus]]
[[chr:dominus]]                     [[ru:dominus]]
[[vi:dominus]]                      [[sh:dominus]]

capitalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:capitalis]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:capitalis]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[hr:capitalis]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

pavio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐπιτέμνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition

ῥιζικός: No change.


ἀβουλία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀβουλία]]     [[el:ἀβουλία]]
[[ru:ἀβουλία]]     [[fr:ἀβουλία]]

perfossus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|perfoss}}  {{la-decl-1&2|perfoss}}
                         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ἵζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:ἵζω]]          [[el:ἵζω]]

pteras: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pterās}}                       {{la-adj-form|pterās}}
# {{inflection of|pterus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pterus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

πετάλη: No change.


mandragoras: No change.


Neptunus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

succisio: No change.


celere: No change.