User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-i
i {n} /aɪ/ (name of the letter I, i) | :: i {f}, i latina {f} |
-i {suffix} | :: -í {m} {f} |
I {pron} (personal pronoun) | :: yo |
I am {interj} (I'm) SEE: I'm | :: |
I am a doctor {phrase} (I am a doctor (a physician)) | :: soy médico |
iamb {n} /ˈaɪəm/ (a metrical foot) | :: yambo {m} |
iambic {adj} /aɪˌæmbɪk/ (consisting of iambs or characterized by their predominance) | :: yámbico |
iambic pentameter {n} (a poetic meter) | :: pentámetro yámbico {m} |
Iamblichus {prop} /aɪˈæmblɪkəs/ (Syrian Neoplatonist philosopher) | :: Jámblico {m} |
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind | :: |
I am English {phrase} (I am English) | :: soy inglés {m}, soy inglesa {f}, yo soy británico {m}, yo soy británica {f} |
I am HIV positive {phrase} (I am HIV positive) | :: soy seropositivo |
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry | :: |
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty | :: |
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired | :: |
I am twenty years old {phrase} (I'm twenty years old) SEE: I'm twenty years old | :: |
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old | :: |
-ian {suffix} /iːən/ (related to) | :: -iano {m}, -iana {f} |
Ian {prop} /ˈiː.ən/ (male given name) | :: Iván {m}, Juan {m} |
Iapetus {prop} /aɪˈæpɪtəs/ (the moon of Saturn) | :: Jápeto |
iatrogenesis {n} /aɪˌætɹoʊˈdʒɛnɪsɪs/ (any adverse effect resulting from medical treatment) | :: iatrogenia {f} |
iatrogenic {adj} /aɪˌætɹəˈdʒɛnɪk/ (induced by physician or medical treatment) | :: iatrogénico |
iatrophobia {n} (fear of doctors) | :: iatrofobia {f} |
-iatry {suffix} | :: -iatría |
Iberia {prop} /aɪˈbɪəɹ.i.ə/ (region south of the Pyrenees) | :: Iberia |
Iberia {prop} (ancient region of Georgia) | :: Iberia caucásica, Iberia del Este, Iberia asiática |
Iberian {adj} (Native to Iberia) | :: ibérico, ibero, íbero |
Iberian {n} (Native of Iberia) | :: ibero {m}, íbero {m} |
Iberian {n} (an extinct language) | :: ibérico {m}, ibero {m}, íbero {m} |
Iberian lynx {n} (Lynx pardinus) | :: lince ibérico |
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) | :: península ibérica {f}, península hispánica {f}, península hespérica {f} |
Iberian Sea {prop} (Balearic Sea) SEE: Balearic Sea | :: |
ibex {n} /ˈaɪbɛks/ (type of wild mountain goat) | :: íbice {m}, ibex {m} |
ibid. {adv} /ˈɪbɪd/ (abbreviation of ibidem) | :: íd. |
ibis {n} /ˈaɪ.bɪs/ (Threskiornithid) | :: ibis {m} |
Ibiza {prop} /ɪˈbiːθə/ (island) | :: Ibiza {f} |
Ibizan {adj} (from or pertaining to Ibiza) | :: ibicenco |
Ibizan {n} (a person from Ibiza) | :: ibicenco {m} |
Ibizan Hound {n} /iˈbizn̩ˌhæʊ̯nd/ (Ibizan Hound) | :: podenco ibicenco {m} |
-ible {suffix} (expressing capacity or worthiness in a passive sense) | :: -able, -ible |
iBook {n} (device) | :: iBook {m} |
IBS {n} (irritable bowel syndrome) SEE: irritable bowel syndrome | :: |
IBSA {prop} (India, Brazil, and South Africa) | :: IBSA {m} |
ibuprofen {n} /ˌaɪ.bjuːˈpɹoʊ.fən/ (pharmaceutical drug) | :: ibuprofeno {m} |
-ic {suffix} (Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic) | :: -ico |
I came, I saw, I conquered {phrase} (used to indicate a total swift victory) | :: vine, vi y vencí |
I can't find my ... {phrase} (I can't find my ...) | :: no puedo encontrar mío ... {m}, no puedo encontrar mía ... {f}, no puedo encontrar míos ... {m-p}, no puedo encontrar mías ... {f-p} |
I can't swim {phrase} (I can't swim) | :: no sé nadar |
ICAO {prop} (International Civil Aviation Organization) | :: OACI {f} (Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional) |
ICAO spelling alphabet {n} (ICAO radiotelephony spelling alphabet) | :: alfabeto radiofónico {m} |
Icarus {prop} /ˈɪkəɹəs/ | :: Ícaro {m} |
ice {v} /aɪs/ (to freeze) | :: congelar |
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond | :: |
ice {n} (water in frozen form) | :: hielo {m} |
ice {n} (frozen dessert) | :: helado {m} |
ice axe {n} (axe used by mountaineers to cut footholds in the ice) | :: piolet {m} |
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear | :: |
iceberg {n} /ˈaɪsbɜːɡ/ (huge mass of floating ice) | :: banquisa {f}, iceberg {m}, témpano de hielo {m}, témpano {m} |
iceberg lettuce {n} (vegetable) | :: lechuga iceberg {f} |
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator | :: |
icebreaker {n} /ˈaɪsˌbɹeɪkəɹ/ (ship designed to break through ice) | :: rompehielos {m} |
ice cap {n} (permanent expanse of ice) | :: campo de hielo {m}, capa de hielo {f} |
ice-cold {adj} /ˈʌɪskəʊld/ (as cold as ice) | :: gélido {m}, helado |
ice core {n} (core sample removed from an ice sheet) | :: testigo de hielo {m} |
ice cream {n} /ˌaɪsˈkɹiːm/ (dessert) | :: helado {m}, [Mexico] nieve, sorbete {m} [El Salvador] |
ice cream {n} (in a cone) | :: cucurucho {m} |
ice cream cone {n} (conical confection for holding ice cream) | :: cucurucho {m} |
ice cream maker {n} (machine used to make homemade ice cream) | :: heladora {f}, heladera {f} |
ice cream parlor {n} (business) | :: heladería {f}, nevería {f} [Mexico] |
ice cube {n} (small piece of ice used for cooling drinks) | :: cubito de hielo {m}, cubo de hielo, hielo {m}, cubito {m} |
ice cube tray {n} (ice tray) SEE: ice tray | :: |
ice dam {n} | :: presa de hielo {f}, barrera de hielo {f} |
iced coffee {n} (beverage) | :: café helado {m} |
iced tea {n} (cold tea) | :: té helado {m} |
ice field {n} (expanse of floating ice) | :: campo de hielo {m}, capa de hielo {f} |
ice floe {n} (floe) SEE: floe | :: |
ice hockey {n} (hockey) | :: hockey sobre hielo {m} |
Iceland {prop} /ˈaɪs.lənd/ (country in Europe) | :: Islandia {f} |
Icelander {n} (person from Iceland or of Icelandic descent) | :: islandés {m}, islandesa {f} |
Iceland gull {n} (Larus glaucoides) | :: gaviota groenlandesa {f} |
Icelandic {n} /aɪsˈlændɪk/ (language) | :: islandés |
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland) | :: islandés |
Icelandic {n} (Icelander) SEE: Icelander | :: |
Icelandic Sheepdog {n} (Icelandic Sheepdog) | :: pastor islandés |
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic | :: |
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic | :: |
ice lolly {n} (frozen juice) | :: polo, paleta {f} |
ice milk {n} (ice cream -like product made of milk) | :: leche helada {f} |
ice over {v} (to become covered in ice) | :: helarse, congelarse |
ice pack {n} (pack of crushed ice) | :: compresa de hielo |
icepick {n} (a pointed tool used for breaking ice) | :: punzón de hielo {m} |
ice pop {n} (frozen juice on a stick) | :: paleta {f} |
ice resurfacer {n} (implement used to renew ice surface) | :: pulidora de hielo {f} |
ice rink {n} (a surface for ice skating) | :: pista de hielo |
ice sheet {n} (broad glacial mass) | :: indlandsis {f}, calota de hielo {f}, capa de hielo {f} |
ice shelf {n} /ˈaɪs ˌʃɛlf/ (thick floating platform of ice) | :: plataforma de hielo flotante {f}, barrera de hielo {f}, meseta de hielo {f} |
ice skate {n} (a light boot, fitted with a blade, used for skating on ice) | :: patín a hielo {m} |
ice-skate {v} (skate on ice) | :: patinar |
ice tray {n} (tray) | :: cubetera {f}, cubetera de hielo {f} |
ice wedge {n} (vertical wedge of subterranean ice) | :: cuña de hielo {f} |
Ichabod {prop} /ˈɪkəbɒd/ (given name) | :: Ichâbod {m} |
ichneumon {n} /ɪkˈnjuːmən/ (Herpestes ichneumon) | :: meloncillo {m} |
ichthyic {adj} /ˈɪkθiːɨk/ (of, pertaining to, or like fish) | :: íctico {m}, íctica {f}, ícticos {m-p}, ícticas {f-p} |
ichthyological {adj} (ichthyological) | :: ictiológico |
ichthyologist {n} (expert in ichthyology) | :: ictiólogo {m} |
ichthyology {n} /ˌɪkθiˈɒlədʒi/ (branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish) | :: ictiología {f} |
ichthyoplankton {n} (ichthyoplankton) | :: ictioplancton {m} |
ichthyosaur {n} /ˈɪkθiəsɔːɹ/ (extinct reptile) | :: ictiosaurio {m} |
ichthyosis {n} /ɪkθɪˈəʊsɪs/ (disease which gives the sufferer dry scaly skin) | :: ictiosis {f} |
icicle {n} /ˈʌɪsəkəl/ (a spear-shape of ice) | :: carámbano {m} |
icing {n} /ˈaɪsɪŋ/ (sweet glaze used for baked goods) | :: suspiro {m} |
icing sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
icon {n} /ˈaɪ.kɑːn/ (image) | :: icono {m}, ícono {m} |
icon {n} (religious painting) | :: icono {m}, ícono {m}; icono {m}, ícono {m} |
icon {n} (small picture, computer icon) | :: icono {m}, ícono {m} |
iconoclasm {n} (belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons) | :: iconoclasia {f}, iconoclastia {f} |
iconoclast {n} /aɪˈkɒnəklæst/ (one who destroys religious images or icons) | :: iconoclasta {m} {f} |
iconoclast {n} (one who opposes orthodoxy and religion) | :: iconoclasta {m} {f} |
iconoclast {n} (one who attacks cherished beliefs) | :: iconoclasta {m} {f} |
iconoclastic {adj} (pertaining to iconoclasm) | :: iconoclasta |
iconodule {n} (person who supports the veneration of religious icons) | :: iconódulo {m} |
iconography {n} (set of symbolic forms) | :: iconografía {f} |
iconological {adj} (of or pertaining to iconology) | :: iconológico |
iconology {n} /aɪkəˈnɒlədʒi/ (the study of icons) | :: iconología {f} |
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons) | :: iconostasio {m} |
icosahedron {n} /ˌaɪkoʊsəˈhiːdɹən/ (a polyhedron) | :: icosaedro {m} |
I could eat a horse {phrase} (I am very hungry) | :: tengo más hambre que el perro de un ciego |
ICU {n} (intensive care unit) | :: UCI {f} |
icy {adj} /ˈaɪsi/ (pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in ice) | :: helado |
icy {adj} (covered with ice) | :: cubierto de hielo |
id {n} /ɪd/ (id) | :: ello {m} |
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card | :: |
Idaho {prop} /ˈaɪdəhəʊ/ (state of the United States) | :: Idaho {m} |
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) | :: carnet de identidad {m}, cédula de identidad {f} [Latin America], credencial {f}, DNI |
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of related compounds) | :: -ido {m} |
-ide {suffix} (binary compound of a nonmetal) | :: -uro {m} |
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of several elements) | :: -ido {m} |
idea {n} /aɪˈdɪɹ/ (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory) | :: idea {f} |
ideal {adj} /aɪˈdɪəl/ (being optimal) | :: ideal |
ideal {adj} (being perfect) | :: ideal |
ideal {adj} (conceptual) | :: ideal |
ideal {adj} | :: ideal |
ideal {n} (perfect standard of beauty, intellect etc.) | :: ideal {m} |
idealism {n} (property of a person of having high ideals that are usually unrealizable) | :: idealismo {m} |
idealism {n} (an approach to philosophical enquiry) | :: idealismo {m} |
idealist {n} (one who adheres to idealism) | :: idealista {m} {f} |
idealist {n} (impractical person) | :: idealista {m} {f} |
idealistic {adj} (of or pertaining to an idealist or to idealism) | :: idealista |
idealization {n} (act or process of idealizing) | :: idealización {f} |
idealize {v} (transitive: to regard something as ideal) | :: idealizar |
idealize {v} (intransitive: to conceive or form an ideal) | :: idealizar |
ideally {adv} /ʌɪˈdɪəli/ (preferably) | :: idealmente |
idealogue {n} (someone who theorizes) | :: ideólogo {m} |
idée fixe {n} /ide fiks/ (idea dominating the mind) | :: piñón fijo {m}, idea fija {f} |
idempotence {n} (quality) | :: idempotencia {f} |
idempotent {adj} /aɪ.dəmˈpoʊ.tənt/ (mathematics: Said of an element of an algebraic structure with a binary operation: that when the element operates on itself, the result is equal to itself) | :: idempotente |
identical {adj} /ɪˈdɛntɪkl̩/ (bearing full likeness) | :: idéntico |
identically {adv} (in an identical manner) | :: idénticamente |
identifiable {adj} (capable of being distinguished and named) | :: identificable |
identification {n} /ɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of identifying, or proving to be the same) | :: identificación |
identifier {n} (formal name used in source code to refer to a variable, function, procedure, package, etc.) | :: identificador {m} |
identify {v} /aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ (to establish the identity of someone or something) | :: identificar |
identify {v} (to equate two or more things) | :: identificar |
identify {v} (to associate oneself with some group) | :: identificarse |
identikit {n} /aɪˈdentəkɪt/ (facial composite) | :: retrato robot {m} [Spain], retrato hablado {m} [Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela], identikit {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay] |
identity {n} /aɪˈdɛntəti/ (the sameness some individuals share to make up the same kind or universal) | :: identidad {f} |
identity {n} (the difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest) | :: identidad {f} |
identity {n} (name or persona) | :: identidad {f} |
identity {n} (knowledge of who one is) | :: identidad {f} |
identity {n} (algebra: element) SEE: identity element | :: |
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card | :: |
identity element {n} (member of a structure) | :: elemento neutro {m} |
identity matrix {n} (diagonal matrix with all diagonal elements equal to 1) | :: matriz identidad {f} |
identity theft {n} (deliberate assumption of another person's identity) | :: hurto de la identidad |
ideogram {n} /ˈɪd.i.oʊ.ɡɹæm/ (symbol) | :: ideograma |
ideograph {n} (ideogram) SEE: ideogram | :: |
ideolog {n} (ideologue) SEE: ideologue | :: |
ideologic {adj} (ideological) SEE: ideological | :: |
ideological {adj} (of or pertaining to an ideology) | :: ideológico |
ideologically {adv} (in an ideological manner; with respect to ideology) | :: ideológicamente |
ideologist {n} (ideologue) SEE: ideologue | :: |
ideologization {n} | :: ideologización {f} |
ideologize {v} | :: ideologizar |
ideologue {n} /ˈaɪ.di.ə.lɑɡ/ (advocate of a particular ideology) | :: ideólogo {m}, ideóloga {f} |
ideology {n} /aɪ.di.ˈɑl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (doctrine, body of ideas) | :: ideología {f} |
ideology {n} (study of the origin and nature of ideas) | :: ideología {f} |
ideophone {n} (sound symbolic word) | :: ideófono |
ides {n} /aɪdz/ (day in the Roman calendar) | :: idus {m} |
idiocy {n} /ˈɪdi.əsi/ (state of being an idiot) | :: idiotez {f} |
idiolect {n} /ˈɪ.di.əʊ̯.lɛkt/ (variant of a language used by a particular individual) | :: idiolecto {m} |
idiom {n} /ˈɪdɪəm/ (language variety) | :: idioma {m} |
idiom {n} (idiomatic expression) | :: idiotismo {m}, idiomatismo {m}, modismo {m} |
idiomatic {adj} /ˌɪdi.əˈmætɪk/ (pertaining or conforming to the mode of expression characteristic of a language) | :: idiomático {m} |
idiomatical {adj} (idiomatical) SEE: idiomatic | :: |
idiomaticity {n} /ˈɪd.i.əʊ.məˈtɪ.si.ti/ (the quality of being idiomatic) | :: idiomaticidad {f} |
idiopathic {adj} /ˌɪdioʊˈpæθɪk/ (disease or condition having no known cause) | :: idiopático |
idiopathy {n} (a disease having no known cause) | :: idiopatía {f} |
idiophone {n} /ˈɪdi.əfoʊn/ (any musical instrument that produces its sound by its own vibration) | :: idiófono {m} |
idiosyncrasy {n} /ˌɪdioʊˈsɪŋkɹəsi/ (way of behaving or thinking) | :: idiosincrasia {f} |
idiosyncrasy {n} (language or behaviour particular to an individual or a group) | :: idiosincrasia {f} |
idiosyncratic {adj} (peculiar to a specific individual) | :: idiosincrásico, idiosincrático |
idiot {n} /ˈɪd.i.(j)ɪt/ (person of low general intelligence) | :: idiota {m} {f} |
idiot {adj} (idiotic) SEE: idiotic | :: |
idiot box {n} (television (pejorative)) | :: caja boba {f}, caja idiota {f} |
idiotic {adj} /ɪd.iˈɑt.ɪk/ (having the quality of idiocy) | :: idiota |
idioticon {n} /ˌɪdɪˈəʊtɪk(ə)n/ (dictionary of a specific dialect) | :: idioticón {m} |
idiotize {v} (make or become stupid) | :: idiotizar, imbecilizar |
idiotypic {adj} (Of or pertaining to an idiotype) | :: idiotípico |
idle {adj} /ˈaɪd(ə)l/ (not turned to appropriate use, not occupied, of time with little activity) | :: desocupado |
idle {adj} (not engaged in any occupation or employment) | :: ocioso |
idle {adj} (averse to work or labor) | :: vagabundo |
idle {v} (to spend in idleness, to waste) | :: flojear |
idle {v} (to lose or spend time doing nothing) | :: vaguear, holgazanear, golfear |
idle hands are the devil's workshop {proverb} (One who is idle will likely come to do evil) | :: cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, mata moscas con el rabo |
idleness {n} /ˈaɪdl̩nəs/ (state of being idle; inactivity) | :: inactividad {f}, holganza {f} |
idleness {n} (state of being indolent) | :: indolencia {f} |
idler {n} (one who spends his or her time in inaction) | :: ocioso {m} |
idler {n} (one who is lazy; a sluggard) | :: holgazán {m}, flojo {m}, remolón, comodón, zángano {m} |
I'd like to kiss you {phrase} (I'd like to kiss you) | :: [informal] me gustaría besarte, [formal] me gustaría besarle |
I'd like to know {phrase} (phrase) | :: me gustaría saber, quisiera saber |
I do {phrase} (traditional phrase said upon acceptance of marriage) | :: sí, acepto |
Ido {prop} /ˈidoʊ/ (artificial language reformed from Esperanto) | :: ido |
idol {n} /ˈaɪd(ə)l/ (representation of anything revered) | :: ídolo {m} |
idol {n} (cultural icon, especially popular person) | :: ídolo |
idolater {n} /ˌaɪˈdɑlətəɹ/ (one who worships idols) | :: idólatra {m} {f} |
idolator {n} (idolater) SEE: idolater | :: |
idolatrous {adj} (partaking in idolatry) | :: idólatra |
idolatrous {adj} (engaging in excessive attachment or reverence) | :: idólatra |
idolatry {n} /aɪˈdɑ.lə.tɹi/ (worship of idols) | :: idolatría {f} |
idolize {v} /ˈaɪdəlaɪz/ (to make an idol of) | :: idolatrar |
idolize {v} (to adore excessively) | :: idolatrar |
idolopeia {n} (rhetorical or literary figure) | :: idolopeya {f} |
idolopoeia {n} (rhetorical figure) | :: idolopeya {f} |
I don't care {phrase} (I don't care) | :: no me importa, [Mexico] me vale, no me interesa, me da igual |
I don't drive {phrase} (I don't drive (a car, a vehicle)) | :: no conduzco [Spain], no manejo [Latin America] |
I don't eat fish {phrase} (I don't eat fish) | :: no como pescado |
I don't eat meat {phrase} (I don't eat meat) | :: no como carne |
I don't eat pork {phrase} (I don't eat pork) | :: no como carne de cerdo |
I don't have all day {phrase} (you want someone to do something faster) | :: no tengo todo el día |
I don't have any money {phrase} (I don't have any money) | :: no tengo dinero |
I don't know {phrase} /ɑɪ̯ ɾoʊ̯(ʔ)t̚ noʊ̯/ (I don’t know) | :: no sé, no lo sé |
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English)) | :: no hablo inglés |
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) | :: no hablo español |
I don't think so {phrase} (I think that what has been said is untrue) | :: pienso que no, creo que no |
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand) | :: no entiendo, no comprendo |
I don't want it {phrase} (I don't want it) | :: no lo quiero |
idose {n} (aldohexose) | :: idosa {f} |
idyll {n} /ˈaɪdɪl/ (poem or short written piece) | :: idilio {m} |
idyll {n} (carefree or lighthearted experience) | :: idilio {m} |
idyllic {adj} /aɪˈdɪlɪk/ (of or pertaining to idylls) | :: idílico |
idyllic {adj} (happy, peaceful, picturescue) | :: idílico |
i.e. {adv} /ˌaɪˈiː/ (that is) | :: es decir, a saber, o sea |
if {conj} /ɪf/ (supposing that) | :: si |
if {conj} (although; used to introduce a concession) | :: si bien |
if {conj} (whether) | :: si |
if {n} (a theoretical condition) | :: hipótesis {f}, suposición {f} |
if and only if {conj} (implies and is implied by) | :: si y sólo si |
if anything {adv} /ɪf ˈɛnɪθɪŋ/ (used to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case) | :: si acaso |
if at first you don't succeed, try try again {proverb} | :: el que la sigue la consigue |
iff {conj} (abbreviation of if and only if) | :: sii |
if I were you {phrase} (advice introduction) | :: si fuera tú, yo que tú |
if looks could kill {phrase} (used to characterize a look of strong hostility) | :: si la mirada matara |
if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle {proverb} (proverb) | :: si mi abuela tuviera ruedas, sería una bicicleta (if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle) |
if not {adv} | :: si no |
if only {conj} (signifies a wish) | :: ojalá, si, si tan solo, si tan siquiera |
if the cap fits, wear it {phrase} (if the cap fits, wear it) SEE: if the shoe fits, wear it | :: |
if the mountain won't come to Muhammad {proverb} (if one cannot get one's own way) | :: si la montaña no viene a Mahoma, Mahoma va a la montaña |
if the shoe fits {phrase} (if the shoe fits, wear it) SEE: if the shoe fits, wear it | :: |
if the shoe fits, wear it {phrase} (idiomatic) | :: el que se pica, ajos come; al que le quepa el sayo; al que le pique, que se rasque; a el que le quede el saco, que se lo ponga, quien se pica, ajos come |
-ify {suffix} /ɪfaɪ/ (to produce verbs meaning to make) | :: -ificar |
if you ask me {phrase} | :: si me apuras |
if you can't beat them, join them {proverb} (if your adversaries are stronger than you, it is better to join their side) | :: si no puedes contra el enemigo, únete a él |
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen {proverb} (If you cannot handle the pressure, you should not remain in a position where you have to deal with it) | :: si no puesdes aguantar el calor, sal de la cocina |
if you know what I mean {phrase} /ɪf ju ˌnoʊ wʌt aɪ ˈmin/ (used to allude to something unsaid or hinted at) | :: si sabes a lo que me refiero, si sabes a qué me refiero |
if you say so {interj} (conveying the speaker does not agree) | :: porque tú lo digas |
if you see what I mean {phrase} (if you know what I mean) SEE: if you know what I mean | :: |
if you will {adv} (conceding a description) | :: por así decirlo |
igloo {n} /ˈɪɡluː/ (Inuit snow house) | :: iglú {m} |
Ignatian {adj} (of Saint Ignatius of Loyola) | :: ignaciano |
Ignatius {prop} /ɪɡˈneɪʃəs/ (male given name) | :: Ignacio |
igneous {adj} /ˈɪɡni.əs/ (pertaining to, having the nature of fire) | :: ígneo |
igneous {adj} (resulting from, or produced by, the action of great heat) | :: ígneo |
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: roca ígnea {f} |
ignifluous {adj} (flowing with fire) | :: ignífluo |
ignis fatuus {n} (will o' the wisp) SEE: will o' the wisp | :: |
ignis fatuus {n} /ˈɪɡnɪs ˈfætjuːəs/ (false hope) | :: fuego fatuo {m} |
ignite {v} /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ (to set fire to, to light) | :: encender, incendiar |
ignition {n} /ɪɡˈnɪʃən/ (initiation of combustion) | :: encendido {m} |
ignition {n} (system for activating combustion in an engine) | :: encendido {m} |
ignoble {adj} /ɪɡˈnəʊbəl/ (not noble; plebeian; common) | :: innoble |
ignoble {adj} (not honorable) | :: innoble |
ignominious {adj} /ɪɡnəˈmɪnɪəs/ (marked by shame or disgrace) | :: ignominioso {m} |
ignominy {n} /ˈɪɡnəˌmɪni/ (great dishonor, shame, or humiliation) | :: ignominia |
ignorable {adj} (that can be ignored) | :: ignorable |
ignoramus {n} /ɪɡnəˈɹeɪməs/ (totally ignorant person) | :: ignaro {m} |
ignorance {n} /ˈɪɡnəɹəns/ (condition of being uninformed or uneducated) | :: ignorancia {f} |
ignorance is bliss {proverb} (Ignorance is bliss) | :: la ignorancia resulta en felicidad, ojos que no ven corazón que no siente, la ignorancia es atrevida, bienaventurado el ignorante |
ignorant {adj} /ˈɪɡnəɹənt/ (characterized by ignorance) | :: ignorante, ignaro |
ignorant {adj} | :: inculto |
ignore {v} /ɪɡˈnɔɹ/ (to deliberately pay no attention to) | :: ignorar, desoír |
ignosticism {n} (a philosophical position) | :: ignosticismo {m} |
iguana {n} /ɪˈɡwɑnə/ (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae) | :: iguana {f} |
iguana {n} (any member of the genus Iguana) | :: iguana {f} |
iguana {n} (a green iguana (Iguana iguana)) | :: iguana {f} |
Iguazu {prop} (river) | :: Iguazú |
Iguazu {prop} (waterfalls) | :: Iguazú |
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike) | :: [informal] te odio, [formal] lo odio a usted, [informal plural] os odio, [formal plural] los odio a ustedes |
I have a cold {phrase} /aɪ hæv ə koʊld/ (I have a cold) | :: estoy resfriado {m}, estoy resfriada {f} |
I have a fever {phrase} (I have a fever) | :: tengo fiebre |
I have a headache {phrase} (I have a headache) | :: me duele la cabeza |
I have AIDS {phrase} (I have AIDS) | :: tengo sida |
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question) | :: tengo una pregunta, tengo una duda |
I have asthma {phrase} (I have asthma) | :: tengo asma |
I have cancer {phrase} (I have cancer) | :: tengo cáncer |
I have diabetes {phrase} (I have diabetes) | :: tengo diabetes |
I have high blood pressure {phrase} (I have high blood pressure) | :: tengo hipertensión, tengo la tensión alta |
I have low blood pressure {phrase} (I have low blood pressure) | :: tengo la tensión baja |
I have no money {phrase} (I have no money) | :: no tengo dinero |
ikebana {n} (Japanese art of flower arrangement) | :: ikebana {f} |
I kid you not {phrase} | :: no bromeo, no es broma |
I know {phrase} (response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made) | :: lo sé |
I know you are but what am I {phrase} (assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party) | :: el burro hablando de orejas, el comal le dijo a la olla, mira quién habla |
ileocecal valve {n} (sphincter muscle valve that separates the small intestine and the large intestine) | :: válvula ileocecal {f} |
ileocolic {adj} (pertaining to the ileum and colon) | :: ileocólico |
ileostomy {n} (surgical operation) | :: ileostomía {f} |
ileum {n} (last division of small intestine) | :: íleon {m} |
ileus {n} (obstruction of the intestines, especially the ileum) | :: íleo {m} |
iliac {adj} (of or pertaining to the ilium) | :: ilíaco, iliaco |
iliac furrow {n} | :: hendiduras ilíacas {f} |
Iliad {prop} /ˈɪliˌæd/ (ancient Greek epic poem about the Trojan War) | :: Ilíada {f} |
I like you {phrase} (I like you) | :: [informal] me gustas, [formal] me gusta, me agradas, me agrada, te quiero [decidedly a step below "I love you"; more like "I desire you"] |
ilio- {prefix} (pertaining to the ilium) | :: ilio- |
iliohypogastric {adj} (of or relating to the ilium and the hypogastrium) | :: iliohipogástrico |
ilioinguinal {adj} (of or relating to the ilium and the groin) | :: ilioinguinal |
iliolumbar {adj} (pertaining to the iliac and lumbar regions) | :: iliolumbar |
iliotibial {adj} (of or pertaining to the ilium and the tibia) | :: iliotibial |
ilium {n} /ˈɪlɪəm/ (bone) | :: ilion {m} |
Ilium {prop} /ˈɪli.əm/ (Troy) | :: Troya {f}, Ilión {m} |
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city)) | :: vivo en Melbourne |
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad | :: |
ill {adj} /ɪl/ (in poor health, suffering from a disease) | :: enfermo, mareado |
ill {adj} (having an urge to vomit) | :: mal, mareado |
ill {adv} (not well) | :: mal |
ill-advised {adj} (carried out without wise counsel) | :: desaconsejado |
illation {n} /ɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (action of concluding or inferring) | :: deducción {f} |
illative case {n} (case used to indicate movement into something) | :: caso ilativo {m} |
ill-bred {adj} (ill-mannered and unrefined) | :: maleducado |
I'll call the police {phrase} (I'll call the police) | :: voy a llamar a la policía, llamaré a la policía |
illegal {adj} /ɪˈli.ɡəl/ (contrary to or forbidden by law) | :: ilegal |
illegal {adj} (prohibited by established rules) | :: ilegal |
illegal {n} (illegal immigrant) | :: ilegal |
illegal combatant {n} (one who engages in combat without meeting the Geneva Convention) | :: combatiente ilegal {m} {f} |
illegality {n} ((law) the state of being illegal) | :: ilegalidad {f} |
illegalization {n} | :: ilegalización {f} |
illegalize {v} /ɪˈliːɡəlʌɪz/ | :: ilegalizar |
illegally {adv} /ɪˈliːɡəli/ (in a manner contrary to the law) | :: ilegalmente |
illegible {adj} /ɪˈlɛd͡ʒəbəl/ (not clear enough to be read) | :: ilegible, indescifrable |
illegitimate {adj} /ɪlɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ (born to unmarried parents) | :: ilegítimo, natural |
ill-fated {adj} (unlucky; doomed) | :: malhadado, empecatado |
ill-gotten gains {n} (money acquired dishonestly) | :: dinero sucio {m} |
illiberal {adj} (restrictive to individual choice and freedom) | :: iliberal |
illiberal {adj} (narrow-minded) | :: intolerante |
illiberalism {n} (principle, state or quality of being illiberal) | :: iliberalismo |
illicit {adj} /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ (lacking licitness) | :: ilícito |
illicit {adj} (unlawful) | :: ilícito |
Illinois {prop} /ˌɪləˈnɔɪ/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Illinois {m} |
ill-intentioned {adj} (malevolent) SEE: malevolent | :: |
illiquid {adj} /ɪˈlɪkwɪd/ (lacking liquidity) | :: ilíquido |
illiquidity {n} /ˌɪlɪˈkwɪdɪti/ (lack of liquidity) | :: iliquidez {f} |
illite {n} (a non-expanding clay mineral) | :: illita {f} |
illiteracy {n} /ɪˈlɪtəɹəsi/ (inability to read and write) | :: analfabetismo {m} |
illiterate {adj} /ɪˈlɪtəɹət/ (unable to read and write) | :: analfabeto, iletrado, ágrafo {m} |
illiterate {adj} | :: analfabeto |
illiterate {n} (an illiterate person) | :: analfabeto {m}, analfabeta {f}, iletrado {m}, iletrada {f} |
ill-mannered {adj} (of or pertaining to having bad manners) | :: descortés, malcriado, incivil, malportado {m} |
illness {n} /ˈɪl.nəs/ (an instance of a disease or poor health) | :: enfermedad |
illness {n} | :: enfermedad {f} |
illogical {adj} (contrary to logic; lacking sense or sound reasoning) | :: ilógico |
illogically {adv} (in an illogical manner) | :: ilógicamente |
illude {v} /ɪˈluːd/ (to delude, fool) | :: iludir |
illuminate {v} /ɪlˈl(j)umɪneɪt/ (to shine light on something) | :: iluminar |
illumination {n} (the act of illuminating, or supplying with light; the state of being illuminated) | :: iluminación {f} |
illumination {n} (festive decoration of houses or buildings with lights) | :: iluminación {f} |
illumination {n} (adornment of books and manuscripts with colored illustrations) | :: ilustración {f} |
illusion {n} /ɪˈl(j)uːʒ(ə)n/ (anything that seems to be something that it is not) | :: ilusión {f} |
illusionist {n} (one who works with illusion) | :: ilusionista {m} {f} |
illusive {adj} (illusory) SEE: illusory | :: |
illusory {adj} /ɪˈluːs(ə)ɹi/ (illusory) | :: ilusorio |
illustrate {v} /ˈɪləstɹeɪt/ (to clarify by giving as an example) | :: ilustrar |
illustrate {v} (to add explanatory or decoratory features) | :: ilustrar |
illustration {n} /ˌɪləˈstɹeɪʃən/ (that which illustrates) | :: ejemplo {m}, ilustración {f}, instrucción {f}, estampa |
illustration {n} (picture designed to decorate) | :: ilustración {f} |
illustrator {n} /ˈɪləˌstɹeɪtəɹ/ (person who draws pictures) | :: ilustrador {m}, ilustradora {f} |
illustrious {adj} /ɪˈlʌs.tɹɪ.əs/ (admired, respected, or well-known) | :: ilustre {m} {f} |
ill will {n} (ill-disposed attitude) | :: inquina |
Illyrian {adj} /ɪˈlɪəɹɪən/ (of or pertaining to Illyria or Illyrians) | :: ilirio |
Illyrian {prop} (Illyrian language) | :: ilirio {m} |
ilmenite {n} (a weakly magnetic dark gray mineral) | :: ilmenita {f} |
I lost my backpack {phrase} (I lost my backpack) | :: perdí mi mochila |
I lost my bag {phrase} (I lost my backpack) SEE: I lost my backpack | :: |
I lost my bag {phrase} (I lost my handbag) SEE: I lost my handbag | :: |
I lost my glasses {phrase} (I lost my glasses) | :: se me perdieron mis gafas |
I lost my handbag {phrase} (I lost my handbag) | :: perdí mi cartera, perdí mi bolso |
I lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) | :: perdí mis llaves |
I lost my wallet {phrase} (I lost my wallet) | :: perdí mi cartera, perdí mi billetera |
I love you {phrase} /aɪ ˈlʌv juː/ (affirmation of affection or deep caring) | :: te adoro [informal singular], te amo [informal singular], os adoro [informal plural], os amo [informal plural], les amo [informal plural], les adoro [informal plural] |
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling) | :: [often romantic] te quiero, [usually romantic] te amo |
I love you {phrase} (platonic expression of inclination or liking) | :: me caes bien, me gustas |
I'm {contraction} /aɪm/ (I am) | :: (yo) soy |
I'm a Buddhist {phrase} (I'm a Buddhist) | :: soy budista |
I'm a Catholic {phrase} (I'm a Catholic) | :: soy católico {m}, soy católica {f} |
I'm a Christian {phrase} (I'm a Christian) | :: soy cristiano {m}, soy cristiana {f} |
I'm afraid not {phrase} (unfortunately, no) | :: me temo que no |
image {n} /ˈɪmɪd͡ʒ/ (graphical representation) | :: imagen {f} |
image {n} (characteristic as perceived by others) | :: imagen {f} |
image processing {n} (information processing for graphical data) | :: procesamiento de imágenes {m} |
imagery {n} (imitation work) SEE: imitation | :: |
imaginable {adj} /ɪˈmadʒɪnəbəl/ (able to be imagined; conceivable) | :: imaginable, concebible |
imaginary {adj} /ɪˈmædʒɪn(ə)ɹi/ (existing in the imagination) | :: imaginario |
imaginary {adj} (non-real part of a complex number) | :: imaginario |
imaginary number {n} (number of the form bi) | :: número imaginario {m} |
imagination {n} /ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən/ (image-making power of the mind) | :: imaginación {f}, magín |
imagination {n} (mental image) | :: imaginación {f} |
imaginative {adj} /ɪˈmæd͡ʒɪnətɪv/ (having a lively imagination) | :: imaginativo |
imagine {v} /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪn/ ((transitive) to form a mental image of something) | :: imaginar |
imagine {v} ((transitive) to assume) | :: imaginar |
I'm agnostic {phrase} (I'm agnostic) | :: soy agnóstico {m}, soy agnóstica {f} |
I'm allergic to aspirin {phrase} (I'm allergic to aspirin) | :: soy alérgico a la aspirina {m}, soy alérgica a la aspirina {f} |
I'm allergic to penicillin {phrase} (I'm allergic to penicillin) | :: soy alérgico a la penicilina {m}, soy alérgica a la penicilina {f} |
imam {n} /ˈiːmɑːm/ (Muslim leader) | :: imán {m} |
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim) | :: soy musulmán {m}, soy musulmana {f} |
I'm an atheist {phrase} (I'm an atheist) | :: soy ateo {m}, soy atea {f} |
I'm a Protestant {phrase} (I'm a Protestant) | :: soy protestante, soy evangélico {m}, soy evangélica {f} |
I'm ashamed {phrase} (I'm ashamed) | :: estoy avergonzado {m}, estoy avergonzada {f} |
I'm a vegetarian {phrase} (I'm a vegetarian) | :: soy vegetariano {m}, soy vegetariana {f} |
imbalance {n} (property of not being in balance) | :: desequilibrio {m}, desajuste {m}, descuadre {m} |
imbalanced {adj} (unbalanced) SEE: unbalanced | :: |
imbecile {n} /ˈɪmbəsɪl/ (person with limited mental capacity) | :: imbécil |
imbecile {n} (fool) | :: imbécil |
imbecility {n} (quality of imbecile, stupid behaviour) | :: imbecilidad {f} |
imbibe {v} /ɪmˈbaɪb/ (drink) | :: beber |
I'm bisexual {phrase} (I'm bisexual) | :: soy bisexual |
I'm bleeding {phrase} (I'm bleeding) | :: estoy sangrando |
I'm blind {phrase} /aɪm ˈblaɪnd/ (I'm blind) | :: soy ciego, no puedo ver |
imbricate {v} (overlap in a regular pattern) | :: imbricar |
imbroglio {n} /ɪmˈbɹəʊljəʊ/ (complicated situation, entanglement) | :: embrollo {m} |
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save | :: |
imburse {v} (to give money to) SEE: fund | :: |
imburse {v} (to pay back money that is owed) SEE: refund | :: |
I'm busy {phrase} (I'm busy) | :: estoy ocupado {m} |
I'm cold {phrase} (I'm cold) | :: tengo frío |
I'm confused {phrase} (I am confused) | :: estoy confudido |
I'm deaf {phrase} /aɪm ˈdɛf/ (I'm deaf) | :: soy sordo {m}, soy sorda {f} |
I'm divorced {phrase} (I'm divorced) | :: estoy divorciado {m}, estoy divorciada {f}, soy divorciado {m}, soy divorciada {f} |
I'm dying {phrase} (I'm dying) | :: me estoy muriendo |
IMF {prop} (International Monetary Fund) | :: FMI {m} |
I'm fine {phrase} (response) | :: estoy bien, yo estoy bien |
I'm fine, thank you {phrase} (expected, polite response to How are you?) | :: estoy bien, gracias, no hay inconveniente |
I'm gay {phrase} (I'm gay) | :: soy gay, soy homosexual |
I'm hot {phrase} (I'm hot) | :: tengo calor |
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) | :: tengo hambre |
imidazole {n} (organic compound) | :: imidazol {m} |
I'm in love with you {phrase} (declaration of romantic feeling) | :: estoy enamorado de ti [male speaker], estoy enamorada de ti [female speaker] |
I miss you {phrase} (I miss you) | :: te echo de menos, te extraño |
imitate {v} /ˈɪmɪteɪt/ (to follow as a model) | :: imitar |
imitation {n} /ɪmɪˈteɪʃən/ (act of imitating) | :: imitación {f} |
imitation {n} (copy) | :: imitación {f} |
imitator {n} (one who imitates another) | :: imitador {m} |
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (ethnic)) | :: soy judío {m}, soy judía {f} |
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (religious)) | :: soy judío {m}, soy judía {f} |
I'm looking for a grocery store {phrase} (I'm looking for a grocery store) | :: estoy buscando la tienda de alimentación |
I'm looking for a job {phrase} (I'm looking for a job) | :: busco trabajo |
I'm lost {phrase} (I'm lost) | :: estoy perdido, me he perdido, estoy perdida {f} |
immaculate {adj} /ɪˈmækjəlɪt/ (having no stain or blemish, spotless, undefiled, clear, pure) | :: inmaculado |
Immaculate Conception {prop} (doctrine) | :: inmaculada concepción {f} |
immanent {adj} /ˈɪmənənt/ (part of something; inherent) | :: inmanente |
Immanuel {prop} (male given name) SEE: Emmanuel | :: |
Immanuel {prop} (figure whose birth is foretold) | :: Emanuel |
Immanuel {prop} (this figure, regarded as Christ) | :: Emanuel |
I'm married {phrase} (I'm married) | :: estoy casado {m}, estoy casada {f} |
immaterial {adj} /ˌɪməˈtɪɹi.əl/ (having no matter or substance) | :: inmaterial |
immateriality {n} (the state of being immaterial) | :: inmaterialidad {f} |
immature {adj} (not fully formed) | :: inmaturo |
immature {adj} (childish) | :: inmaduro |
immaturity {n} /ɪməˈtʃʊɹɪti/ (the state of being immature) | :: inmadurez {f} |
immediacy {n} /ɪˈmiːdi.əsi/ (the quality of being immediate) | :: inmediatez {f} |
immediate {adj} /ɪˈmi.di.ɪt/ (without delay) | :: inmediato |
immediate {adj} (very close) | :: inmediato |
immediately {adv} /ɪˈmiːdi.ətli/ (in an immediate manner) | :: inmediatamente, de inmediato, ya, sin demora, en seguida, acto seguido |
immemorial {adj} /ɪ.məˈmɔːɹi.əl/ (that is beyond memory; ancient) | :: inmemorial |
immense {adj} /ɪˈmɛns/ (huge, gigantic, very large) | :: inmenso |
immensely {adv} /ɪˈmɛnsli/ (hugely; extremely; vastly) | :: inmensamente |
immensity {n} (the state or characteristic of being immense) | :: inmensidad {f} |
immerse {v} /ɪˈmɜː(ɹ)s/ (to put under the surface of a liquid) | :: sumergir |
immerse {v} (to involve deeply) | :: sumergirse |
immersed {adj} (under the surface) | :: sumergido, inmerso |
immersed {adj} (deeply involved) | :: sumergido, inmerso, enfrascado |
immersion {n} /ɪˈmɝʒən/ (the act of immersing or the condition of being immersed) | :: inmersión {f} |
immersion {n} (the total submerging of a person in water as an act of baptism) | :: inmersión {m} |
immigrant {n} /ˈɪmɪɡɹənt/ (person who comes to a country to settle) | :: inmigrante {m} {f} |
immigrant {n} | :: inmigrante |
immigrate {v} /ˈɪmɪɡɹeɪt/ (to move into a foreign country or area) | :: inmigrar |
immigration {n} /ˌɪmɪˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (the act of immigrating) | :: inmigración {f} |
imminence {n} (state or condition of being imminent) | :: inminencia {f} |
imminent {adj} /ˈɪmɪnənt/ (about to happen, occur, or take place very soon) | :: inminente |
imminently {adv} (in an imminent manner) | :: inminentemente |
immiseration {n} /ɪmɪzəˈɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ (process of making miserable or poor) | :: empobrecimiento {m} |
immission {n} /ɪˈmɪʃən/ (act of immitting) | :: inmisión {f} |
immobile {adj} (not mobile) | :: inmóvil |
immobiliser {n} (splint) SEE: splint | :: |
immobility {n} (the quality of not moving) | :: inmovilidad {f} |
immobility {n} (the state or condition of being unable to change one's location, move or be moved) | :: inmovilidad {f} |
immobilization {n} (the act or process of preventing a thing from moving) | :: inmovilización {f} |
immobilize {v} (render motionless) | :: inmovilizar |
immoderate {adj} (not moderate; excessive) | :: desmedido {m}, desmesurado {m} |
immolate {v} /ˈɪm.ə.leɪt/ (kill as sacrifice) | :: inmolar, sacrificar |
immolate {v} (destroy) | :: inmolar |
immolation {n} (act of immolating) | :: inmolación {f} |
immoral {adj} /ɪˈmɒrəl/ (not moral) | :: inmoral |
immoralism {n} /ɪˈmɒɹəˌlɪzəm/ (rejection of moral principles) | :: inmoralismo |
immorality {n} (state or quality of being immoral) | :: inmoralidad {f} |
immorally {adv} (in an immoral manner) | :: inmoralmente |
immortal {adj} /ɪˈmɔɹtəl/ (not susceptible to death) | :: inmortal |
immortal {n} (one that is not susceptible to death) | :: inmortal {m} {f} |
immortalise {v} /ɪ.ˈmɔː(ɹ).tə.ˌlaɪz/ (to give unending life to) | :: inmortalizar |
immortalise {v} (to make eternally famous) | :: inmortalizar |
immortality {n} /ˌɪmɔːɹˈtæləti/ (condition of not being susceptible to death) | :: inmortalidad {f} |
immovable property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate | :: |
immune {adj} /ɪˈmjuːn/ (exempt from inclusion) | :: inmune |
immune {adj} (protected due to innate resistance to pathogens) | :: inmune |
immune {adj} (of or pertaining to the immune system) | :: inmunológico, inmunitario |
immune response {n} (the body's integrated response to antigens) | :: respuesta inmunitaria {f} |
immune system {n} (system that protects the body from foreign material and organisms) | :: sistema inmunitario {m} |
immunity {n} /ɪˈmjuːnəti/ (the quality of being resistant to infection) | :: inmunidad {f} |
immunity {n} (exemption from legal prosecution) | :: inviolabilidad {f} |
immunity {n} (resistance to a specific thing) | :: inmunidad {f} |
immunize {v} (to make someone or something immune to something) | :: inmunizar |
immunize {v} (to inoculate someone, as thus produce immunity from a disease) | :: inmunizar |
immuno- {prefix} (relating to the immune system) | :: inmuno- |
immunoblot {n} (blot analysis) | :: inmunotransferencia {f} |
immunodeficiency {n} /ɪˌmjuːnəʊdɪˈfɪʃənsi/ (A depletion in the body's natural immune system) | :: inmunodeficiencia {f} |
immunoglobulin {n} (glycoprotein protecting the host) | :: inmunoglobulina {f} |
immunohistochemistry {n} (process of finding proteins in cells of a tissue) | :: inmunohistoquímica {f} |
immunological {adj} (of, or relating to immunology) | :: inmunológico |
immunologist {n} (person who studies immunology) | :: inmunólogo {m} {f} |
immunology {n} (branch of medicine) | :: inmunología {f} |
immunosuppressant {n} (an immunosuppressive agent) | :: inmunosupresor {m} |
immure {v} /ɪˈmjʊə(r)/ (to lock up behind walls) | :: encerrar |
immure {v} (to put or bury within a wall) | :: emparedar, encerrar |
immurement {n} (capital punishment by entombing for life) | :: emparedamiento {m} |
immutable {adj} (unable to be changed without exception) | :: inmutable |
I'm mute {phrase} /aɪm ˈmjuːt/ (I'm mute) | :: soy mudo {m}, soy muda {f} |
I'm not interested {phrase} (I'm not interested) | :: no me interesa |
I'm not religious {phrase} (I'm not religious) | :: no soy religioso {m}, no soy religiosa {f}, no soy creyente |
IMO {prep} (in my opinion) | :: en mi opinión |
IMO {prop} (International Maritime Organization) | :: OMI {f} |
imp {n} /ɪmp/ | :: diablillo {m}, bribonzuelo {m} |
impact {n} /ˈɪmpækt/ (the force or energy of a collision of two objects) | :: impacto {m} |
impact {n} (a forced impinging) | :: impacto {m} |
impact {n} (a significant or strong influence) | :: impacto {m}, efecto {m}, consecuencia {f} |
impact crater {n} (crater formed from an impact) | :: cráter de impacto {m}, astroblema {m} |
impact driver {n} (construction tool) | :: atornillador de impacto |
impair {v} /ɪmˈpɛə/ (have a diminishing effect on) | :: deteriorar, empeorar, descomponer |
impaired {adj} (Rendered less effective) | :: alterado, estropeado, aminorado |
impaired {adj} (inebriated, drunk) | :: borracho |
impala {n} /ɪmˈpɑːlə/ (African antelope) | :: impala {m} |
impale {v} /ɪmˈpeɪl/ (put to death by piercing with a pale) | :: empalar |
impalement {n} (act of torturing) | :: empalamiento {m} |
impalpable {adj} (not perceivable) | :: impalpable |
impart {v} /ɪmˈpɑːɹt/ (communicate the knowledge of) | :: impartir |
impartial {adj} /ɪmˈpɑɹ.ʃəl/ (treating all parties, rivals or disputants equally) | :: imparcial |
impartiality {n} (The quality of being impartial; fairness) | :: imparcialidad {f} |
impartially {adv} (in an impartial manner) | :: imparcialmente |
impassable {adj} (incapable of being passed over, crossed, or negotiated) | :: infranqueable |
impasse {n} /ˈæmpɑːs/ (deadlock or stalemate situation) | :: punto muerto {m}, impasse |
impasse {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end | :: |
impassive {adj} /ɪmˈpæsɪv/ (having, or revealing, no emotion) | :: impasible |
impatience {n} /ɪmˈpeɪʃəns/ (quality of being impatient) | :: impaciencia |
impatient {adj} /ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/ (restless and intolerant of delays) | :: impaciente |
impatient {adj} (anxious and eager) | :: impaciente |
impatiently {adv} /ɪmˈpeɪʃəntli/ (without patience) | :: impacientemente |
impeachment {n} /ɪmˈpiːtʃmənt/ (act of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct) | :: impeachment {m}, desafuero {m}, destitución {f}, juicio político {m}, suspensión {f} |
impeccability {n} (the property of being impeccable) | :: impecabilidad {f} |
impeccably {adv} /ɪmˈpɛk.ə.bli/ (in a perfect or flawless manner) | :: impecablemente |
impecunious {adj} /ˌɪm.pəˈkjuː.ni.əs/ (lacking money) | :: menesteroso, inope {m} {f} |
impedance {n} /ɪmˈpiːdn̩s/ (physics, measure of opposition to flow of current) | :: impedancia |
impede {v} /ɪmˈpiːd/ (to get in the way of; to hinder) | :: impedir |
impediment {n} /ɪmˈpɛdɪmənt/ (hindrance; that which impedes progress) | :: estorbo |
impel {v} /ɪmˈpɛl/ (To urge a person; to press on; to incite to action or motion via intrinsic motivation) | :: impeler |
impel {v} (To drive forward; to propel an object) | :: impeler |
impending {adj} /ɪmˈpɛndɪŋ/ (about to happen) | :: inminente |
impenetrability {n} (the characteristic of being impenetrable) | :: impenetrabilidad {f} |
impenetrable {adj} /ɪmˈpɛnətɹəbəl/ (not penetrable) | :: impenetrable |
imperative {adj} /ɪmˈpɛɹ.ə.tɪv/ (essential) | :: imperativo {m} |
imperative {adj} (grammar: of, or relating to the imperative mood) | :: imperativo {m} |
imperative {n} (imperative mood) SEE: imperative mood | :: |
imperatively {adv} (in an imperative manner) | :: imperativamente |
imperative mood {n} (imperative mood) | :: modo imperativo {m} |
imperceptible {adj} (not perceptible) | :: imperceptible |
imperceptibly {adv} (not noticeably) | :: imperceptiblemente |
imperfect {adj} /ɪmˈpɝːfɪkt/ (not perfect) | :: imperfecto |
imperfect {n} (past tense) | :: imperfecto {m} |
imperfect {adj} (unisexual) SEE: unisexual | :: |
imperfection {n} /ɪmpɚˈfɛkʃən/ (state of being imperfect) | :: imperfección {f} |
imperfective aspect {n} (feature of a verb) | :: imperfecto {m} |
imperfectly {adv} (in an imperfect manner) | :: imperfectamente |
imperial {adj} /ɪmˈpɪ.ɹi.əl/ (related to an empire) | :: imperial |
imperialism {n} /ɪmˈpɪ.ɹi.əˌlɪz.m̩/ (the policy of extending power, by force) | :: imperialismo {m} |
imperialist {adj} (of or relating to imperialism) | :: imperialista |
imperialist {n} (advocate of imperialism) | :: imperialista {m} {f} |
imperialistic {adj} /ɪmˌpɪɹi.əˈlɪstɪk/ (of or pertaining to imperialism) | :: imperialista |
imperial shag {n} (South American bird) | :: cormorán imperial {m} |
imperil {v} /ɪmˈpɛɹ əl/ (to put in peril) | :: poner en peligro , amenazar |
imperil {v} (to risk) | :: arriesgar |
imperious {adj} /ɪmˈpɪɹi.əs/ (domineering, overbearing) | :: imperioso |
imperiously {adv} (in an imperious manner) | :: imperiosamente |
imperium {n} (sovereignty) SEE: sovereignty | :: |
imperium {n} (dominion) SEE: dominion | :: |
impermanence {n} (anicca) SEE: anicca | :: |
impermeability {n} /ɪmˌpɝmi.əˈbɪlɪti/ (the quality of being impermeable) | :: impermeabilidad {f} |
impermeable {adj} (impossible to permeate) | :: impermeable |
impermeable {adj} (not allowing passage of liquids) | :: impermeable |
impersonal {adj} /ɪmˈpɝsənəl/ (not representing a person) | :: impersonal |
impersonal {adj} (lacking warmth or emotion) | :: impersonal |
impersonal {adj} (grammar) | :: impersonal |
impersonally {adv} (in an impersonal manner) | :: impersonalmente |
impersonate {v} /ɪmˈpɜːsəneɪt/ (assume identity of) | :: copiar, imitar, suplantar, hacerse pasar por |
impertinent {adj} /ɪm.ˈpɝ.tɨ.nənt/ (insolent, ill-mannered) | :: impertinente, maleducado |
impervious {adj} /ɪmˈpɜːvi.əs/ (unaffected or unable to be affected by something) | :: inmune |
impervious {adj} (preventative of any penetration; impenetrable, impermeable) | :: impenetrable, impermeable |
impervious {adj} (immune to damage or effect) | :: insensible, invulnerable |
impetigo {n} /ɪmpɪˈtaɪɡəʊ/ (contagious bacterial skin disease) | :: impétigo {m} |
impetuosity {n} (The quality of making rash decisions) | :: impetuosidad {f} |
impetuous {adj} /imˈpɛtʃuəs/ (describing one who makes arbitrary decisions) | :: impulsivo, impetuoso |
impetuous {adj} (characterized by sudden and violent force) | :: impetuoso, brutal, brusco, violento |
impetuously {adv} (in an impetuous manner) | :: impetuosamente |
impiety {n} (the state of being impious) | :: impiedad {f} |
impiety {n} (an impious act) | :: impiedad {f} |
impiety {n} (lack of respect for a god or something sacred) | :: impiedad {f} |
impinge {v} /ɪmˈpɪndʒ/ (to make a physical impact on to collide, to crash (upon)) | :: chocar |
impinge {v} (to interfere with) | :: interferir, inmiscuirse |
impinge {v} (to have a (negative) effect upon; to limit) | :: limitar |
impish {adj} /ˈɪmpɪʃ/ (mischievous) | :: pícaro {m}, travieso {m} |
implacable {adj} /ɪmˈplækəb(ə)l/ (not able to be placated or appeased) | :: implacable |
implacable {adj} (impossible to prevent or stop, see also: inexorable; unstoppable) | :: implacable |
implacable {adj} (adamant; immovable, see also: adamant; immovable) | :: implacable, tenaz |
implant {n} /ɪmˈplɑːnt/ (anything surgically implanted in the body) | :: implante {m} |
implantation {n} /ɪmplɑːnˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ | :: implantación {f} |
implement {n} /ˈɪmpləmənt/ (a tool) | :: implemento {m}, herramienta {f}, instrumento {m} |
implement {v} /ˈɪmpləmɛnt/ (bring about) | :: implementar |
implementation {n} (process of moving an idea from concept to reality) | :: puesta en práctica {f} |
implementation {n} (result of implementing something) | :: implementación {f} |
implicate {v} (to intertwine) SEE: intertwine | :: |
implicate {v} /ˈɪmplɪkeɪt/ (to connect or involve) | :: implicar |
implication {n} /ˌɪmpləˈkeɪʃən/ (logical consequence) | :: implicación |
implicature {n} (An implied meaning) | :: implicatura {f} |
implicit {adj} /ɪmˈplɪsɪt/ (implied indirectly) | :: implícito |
implicitly {adv} (in an implicit or implied manner) | :: implícitamente |
implode {v} (to collapse or burst inward violently) | :: implosionar |
implore {v} /ɪmˈplɔɹ/ (to beg for) | :: implorar |
implosion {n} (action of imploding) | :: implosión {f} |
imply {v} /ɪmˈplaɪ/ (to have as a consequence) | :: implicar |
imply {v} (to suggest by a logical inference) | :: implicar |
imply {v} (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement) | :: insinuar |
impolite {adj} /ɪmpəˈlaɪt/ (not polite) | :: maleducado, descortés |
import {n} /ˈɪm.pɔɹt/ (something brought in from a foreign country) | :: importación {f} |
import {n} (practice of importing) | :: importación {f} |
import {n} (significance, importance) | :: importancia {f}, significado {m} |
import {v} (to bring in from a foreign country) | :: importar |
import {v} (to be important) | :: importar |
importance {n} /ɪmˈpɔɹtəns/ (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note) | :: importancia |
important {adj} /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ (having relevant and crucial value) | :: importante |
importantly {adv} (in an important manner) | :: importantemente |
importantness {n} (importance) SEE: importance | :: |
importer {n} (a person or company who imports goods into a country) | :: importador {m} |
importune {v} /ɪmpɔɹˈtuːn/ (to harass with persistent requests) | :: importunar |
importune {v} (to make improper proposals) | :: prostituirse |
impose {v} /ɪmˈpoʊz/ (to establish or apply by authority) | :: imponer |
imposing {adj} /ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ/ (magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, stateliness or dignity) | :: imponente |
imposition {n} /ɪm.pəˈzɪʃən/ (act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like) | :: imposición {f} |
impossibility {n} /ɪmˌpɒsɪˈbɪliti/ (The quality of being impossible) | :: imposibilidad {f} |
impossible {adj} /ɪmˈpɒsɪbəl/ (not able to be done) | :: imposible |
impossible {adj} (very difficult to deal with) | :: insoportable |
impossible {adj} (never happening) | :: imposible |
impossible {n} (an impossibility) | :: imposible {m} |
impossibly {adv} (in an impossible manner) | :: imposiblemente |
impossibly {adv} (to the point of impossibility) | :: imposiblemente |
impossibly {adv} (contrary to what was thought possible) | :: imposiblemente |
impostor {n} /ɪmˈpɑstɚ/ (someone who uses assumed identity) | :: impostor {m}, impostora {f} |
impostorism {n} (impostor syndrome) SEE: impostor syndrome | :: |
impostor syndrome {n} /ɪmˈpɒstə ˈsɪndɹəʊm/ (psychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to internalize accomplishments) | :: síndrome del impostor {f}, síndrome de fraude {f}, fenómeno del impostor {m} |
imposture {n} (The act or conduct of an impostor; deception practiced under a false or assumed character; fraud or imposition; cheating) | :: impostura {f} |
impotence {n} /ˈɪmpətəns/ (powerlessness) | :: impotencia {f} |
impotence {n} (erectile dysfunction) | :: impotencia {f} |
impound {v} /ɪmˈpaʊ̯nd/ (to hold in the custody of a court or its delegate) | :: confiscar |
impoundment {n} (The act of impounding) | :: inmovilización |
impoverish {v} (to make poor) | :: empobrecer |
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor | :: |
impoverished {adj} /ɪmˈpɑvəɹɪʃt/ (Reduced to poverty) | :: empobrecido |
imprecate {v} /ˈɪmpɹəkeɪt/ (to call down by prayer) | :: imprecar |
imprecate {v} (to invoke evil upon) | :: imprecar |
imprecise {adj} /ɪmpɹəˈsaɪs/ (not precise or exact) | :: inconcreto |
impregnable {adj} /ɪmˈpɹɛɡnəbəl/ (too strong to be penetrated) | :: inexpugnable |
impregnable {adj} (capable of being impregnated) | :: fértil [female], impregnable [thing] |
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant) | :: estoy embarazada |
impregnate {v} /ɪmˈpɹɛɡneɪt/ (to cause to become pregnant) | :: fertilizar, inseminar, embarazar, preñar, fecundar, dejar embarazada |
impregnate {v} (to add nutrients) SEE: fertilize | :: |
impregnation {n} /ɪmpɹɛɡˈneɪʃən/ (act of making pregnant) | :: empreñación {f} |
impress {v} /ɪmˈpɹɛs/ ((transitive) affect (someone) strongly and often favourably) | :: impresionar |
impress {v} ((intransitive) make an impression) | :: impresionar [pronominal] |
impress {n} (impression) | :: impresión {f} |
impress {n} (something impressed) | :: impresión {f} |
impressed {adj} /ɪmˈpɹɛst/ (strongly affected, especially favourably) | :: impresionado {m}, impresionada {f} |
impression {n} /ɪmˈpɹɛʃən/ (overall effect of something) | :: impresión {f} |
impressionable {adj} (easily influenced) | :: impresionable |
impressionism {n} (movement in art) | :: impresionismo {m} |
impressive {adj} /ɪmˈpɹɛsɪv/ (making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress) | :: impresionante |
impressive {adj} (capable of being impressed) | :: impresionable |
impressive {adj} (appealing) | :: halagüeño {m} |
impressive {adj} | :: impresionante |
impressively {adv} (in an impressive manner) | :: impresionantemente |
imprimatur {n} /ˌɪm.pɹɪˈmɑ.tɚ/ (official license to publish) | :: imprimátur {m} |
imprison {v} /ɪmˈpɹɪzən/ (put in prison) | :: encarcelar, aprisionar |
imprisonment {n} /ɪmˈpɹɪzn̩.mənt/ (confinement) | :: encarcelamiento {m}, encarcelación {f}, aprisionamiento {m}, cautiverio {m}, cautividad {f} |
improbability {n} (unlikelihood) | :: improbabilidad {f} |
improbable {adj} /ɪmˈpɹɑbəbl̩/ (not likely to be true) | :: improbable, inverosímil |
improbable {adj} (not likely to happen) | :: improbable |
improbably {adv} (in an improbable manner) | :: improbablemente |
impromptu {adj} /ɪmˈpɹɑmpt(j)u/ (improvised) | :: improvisado |
impromptu {n} (short composition) | :: impromptu {m} |
impromptu {n} (any composition, musical or otherwise, that is created on the spot without preparation) | :: impromptu {m} |
improvable {adj} (capable of being improved) | :: mejorable |
improve {v} /ɪmˈpɹuːv/ (to make something better) | :: mejorar, perfeccionar |
improve {v} (to become better) | :: mejorar |
improved {adj} /ɪmˈpɹuːvd/ (that has been made better) | :: mejorado |
improvement {n} /ɪmˈpɹuːvmənt/ (act of improving) | :: mejora {f}, mejoramiento {m}, enmienda {f}, mejoría {f} |
improve on {v} | :: enmendar la plana |
improvisation {n} (that which is improvised; an impromptu) | :: improvisación |
improvise {v} /ˈɪmpɹəvaɪz/ (to make something up as one goes on) | :: improvisar |
improvised {adj} (created by improvisation) | :: improvisado |
improvised explosive device {n} (explosive weapon, see also: IED) | :: bomba caminera {f} |
imprudence {n} /ɪmˈpɹuːdn̩s/ (quality or state of being imprudent) | :: imprudencia {f} |
imprudence {n} (imprudent act) | :: imprudencia {f} |
imprudent {adj} /ɪmˈpɹudənt/ (not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper) | :: imprudente |
imprudently {adv} (without prudence) | :: imprudentemente |
impudence {n} /ˈɪmpjədəns/ (quality of being impudent) | :: impudencia {f}, descaro {m}, desenvoltura |
impudent {adj} /ˈɪmpjədənt/ (Not showing due respect; impertinent; bold-faced) | :: insolente, descarado, fresco [colloquial], impertinente |
impudently {adv} (shamelessly) SEE: shamelessly | :: |
impugn {v} /ɪmˈpjuːn/ (To assault, attack) | :: arremeter, vilipendiar |
impugn {v} (question the validity of) | :: impugnar |
impulse {n} /ˈɪmpʌls/ (sudden force that impels) | :: impulso {m} |
impulse {n} (wish) | :: capricho {m} |
impulse {n} ((physics) integral force over time) | :: impulso {m} |
impulse response {n} (output from a brief input signal) | :: respuesta impulsiva {f}, respuesta a un impulso {f} |
impulsive {adj} /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ (having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent) | :: impulsivo |
impulsive {adj} | :: impulsivo |
impulsiveness {n} (the quality of being impulsive) | :: impulsividad {f} |
impulsivity {n} (impulsivity) | :: impulsividad {f} |
impunity {n} /ɪmˈpjuːnɪti/ (exemption from punishment) | :: impunidad {f} |
impure {adj} (impure) | :: impuro {m} |
impurely {adv} (in an impure manner) | :: impuramente |
impure s {n} (a /s/ followed by another consonant) | :: s impura {f}, s líquida {f} |
impurity {n} /ɪmˈpjɝɪti/ (a component or additive that renders something else impure) | :: impureza |
impurity {n} | :: impureza {f} |
imputable {adj} (capable of being imputed) | :: imputable {m} {f} |
imputation {n} /ˌɪm.pjʊˈteɪ.ʃən/ (act of imputing) | :: imputación {f} |
impute {v} /ɪmˈpjuːt/ | :: imputar |
I'm scared {phrase} (I'm scared) | :: tengo miedo |
I'm sick {phrase} (I'm sick/ill) | :: estoy enfermo {m}, estoy enferma {f} |
I'm single {phrase} (I'm single) | :: estoy soltero {m}, estoy soltera {f} |
I'm sorry {phrase} (I'm sorry) | :: lo siento |
I'm straight {phrase} (I'm straight) | :: soy heterosexual |
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink) | :: tengo sed |
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep)) | :: estoy cansado {m}, estoy cansada {f} |
I'm twenty years old {phrase} (I am twenty years old) | :: tengo veinte años (de edad) |
I must go {phrase} (I must go) | :: tengo que irme |
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old) | :: tengo ... año(s), tengo ... año(s) de edad, tengo ... tacos [Spain, colloquial], tengo ... primaveras [Spain, colloquial], tengo ... abriles [Spain, colloquial] |
in {adv} /ɪn/ (moving to the interior) | :: hacia adentro |
in {adv} | :: dentro, adentro |
in {adj} (in fashion, popular) | :: de moda |
in- {prefix} (reversal of meaning) | :: in- |
-in' {suffix} (-ing) SEE: -ing | :: |
in {prep} (contained by) | :: en, dentro de |
in {prep} (surrounded by) | :: dentro de, adentro de |
in {prep} (part, member of) | :: en |
in {prep} (after a period of time) | :: en |
in {prep} (indicating language, script, or tone) | :: en [language] |
inability {n} /ˌɪnəˈbɪlɪti/ (lack of the ability to do something; incapability) | :: incapacidad {f} |
inacceptable {adj} (unacceptable) SEE: unacceptable | :: |
inaccessibility {n} (quality or state of being inaccessible) | :: inaccesibilidad {f} |
inaccessible {adj} (not able to be accessed; out of reach; inconvenient) | :: inaccesible |
inaccuracy {n} | :: inexactitud {f} |
inaccurate {adj} /ɪnˈæ.kjʊ.ɹət/ (not accurate) | :: inexacto |
inaction {n} /ɪnˈækʃən/ (want of action or activity) | :: inacción {f} |
inactive {adj} /ɪnˈæktɪv/ (not active, temporarily or permanently) | :: inactivo |
inactivity {n} (quality of being inactive) | :: ociosidad {f}, inactividad {f} |
in addition {adv} (also; as well) | :: además, también, por añadidura |
inadequate {adj} /ɪnˈædəkwɪt/ (Not adequate) | :: inadecuado |
inadequately {adv} (in an inadequate manner) | :: inadecuadamente |
inadmissibility {n} (the state of being inadmissible) | :: inadmisibilidad {f} |
inadmissible {adj} (Not admissible) | :: inadmisible |
in advance {prep} (in advance) SEE: beforehand | :: |
inadvertent {adj} /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtn̩t/ (not intentional) | :: involuntario |
inadvertently {adv} (unintentionally) | :: sin querer |
inadvisable {adj} (not advisable) | :: desaconsejable {m} {f} |
in a flash {prep} (very quickly) | :: en un segundo, en un santiamén |
in agreement {prep} (thinking the same way) | :: de acuerdo, conforme |
in agreement {prep} (confirming) | :: de acuerdo, conforme |
in a jiffy {prep} (very quickly; without delay) | :: en un santiamén, en un periquete, en un pispás |
inalienable {adj} /ɪˈneɪ.li.ə.nə.bəl/ (incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another; not alienable) | :: inalienable |
in a minute {prep} (very soon) | :: ¡Va! {m} {m-p} {f} {f-p} |
inane {adj} /ɪˈneɪn/ (purposeless; pointless) | :: inane |
inanimate {adj} /ɪnˈænɪmət/ (not mobile) | :: inanimado |
inanimate {adj} (not alive) | :: inanimado |
inanition {n} /ɪnəˈnɪʃən/ (state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition) | :: inanición {f} |
inanity {n} /ɪˈnænɪti/ (property of being inane) | :: inanidad {f} |
in a nutshell {adv} (in summary) | :: en resumen, en pocas palabras |
in any case {adv} (at any rate) | :: en cualquier caso, de todos modos, en todo caso, de todas maneras, de todas formas, pase lo que pase |
in a pig's eye {prep} (very unlikely, probably never) | :: el día que las vacas vuelen |
in a pinch {prep} (in a difficult situation) | :: en un apuro |
inapplicable {adj} (not applicable) | :: inaplicable |
inappropriate {adj} /ˌɪnəˈpɹoʊpɹi.ət/ (not appropriate or suitable) | :: inapropiado |
in a row {prep} (successively) | :: seguidos, consecutivos |
inasmuch as {conj} (since) | :: supuesto que, ya que, en tanto |
inasmuch as {conj} (to the extent that) | :: en tanto y en cuanto |
inattention {n} (want of attention) | :: inatención {f} |
inattention {n} (failure of courtesy) | :: descortesía {f} |
inattentive {adj} /ˌɪn.ə.ˈtɛn.tɪv/ (not paying attention) | :: desatento |
inaudible {adj} (unable to be heard) | :: inaudible |
inaugural {adj} (of inauguration) | :: inaugural |
inaugural {adj} (marking a beginning) | :: inaugural |
inaugural {n} (formal speech) | :: discurso inaugural {m} |
inaugurate {v} /ɪˈnɔːɡjʊɹeɪt/ (to induct into office) | :: investir |
inaugurate {v} (to dedicate ceremoniously) | :: inaugurar |
inauguration {n} /ɪnɔːɡ(j)ʊˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of inaugurating) | :: investidura {f} |
inauguration {n} (formal beginning) | :: inauguración {f} |
inbalance {n} (imbalance) SEE: imbalance | :: |
in bed {prep} (lying on one's bed) | :: en cama |
in bed {prep} (in terms of sexual prowess) | :: en la cama |
in between {prep} (between) | :: entre |
in black and white {prep} (explicitly) | :: negro sobre blanco |
in black and white {prep} (using shades of gray) | :: en blanco y negro |
inborn {adj} /ˈɪn.bɔɹn/ (Innate, possessed by an organism at birth) | :: innato |
inbox {n} /ˈɪnbɑks/ (electronic folder) | :: buzón de entrada {m} |
inbreeding {n} (breeding between members of small population) | :: endogamia {f} |
in broad daylight {prep} (in ample natural illumination) | :: a la luz del día |
in broad daylight {prep} (in blatant and visible manner) | :: a plena luz del día |
Inca {n} /ˈɪŋkə/ (member of the group of Quechuan peoples) | :: inca {m} {f} |
Inca Empire {prop} (pre-Columbian emire) | :: Imperio incaico {m} |
incalculable {adj} (very great or numerous) | :: incalculable |
incalculable {adj} (impossible to calculate) | :: incalculable |
incalculably {adv} (in an incalculable manner) | :: incalculablemente |
Incan {adj} | :: incaico, incásico |
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb | :: |
incandescent {adj} /ˌɪn.kænˈdɛs.ənt/ (emitting light as result of heating) | :: incandescente, candente |
incandescent {adj} (shining brightly) | :: reluciente, irradiante, deslumbrante |
incandescent {adj} (showing intense emotion) | :: resplandesciente, rebosante |
incandescent lamp {n} (a type of lamp) | :: lámpara incandescente, bombilla incandescente |
incapable {adj} /ɪnˈkeɪpəbl̩/ (not being capable) | :: incapaz |
incapacity {n} /ˌɪnkəˈpæsɪti/ (lack of a capacity) | :: incapacidad {f} |
incarcerate {v} /ɪnˈkɑɹ.səˌɹeɪt/ (to lock away in prison) | :: encarcelar |
incarceration {n} (act of confining, or the state of being confined; imprisonment) | :: encarcelación {f}, encarcelamiento {m} |
incarnate {adj} (flesh-colored) SEE: crimson | :: |
incarnation {n} (incarnate being or form) | :: encarnación {f} |
incarnation {n} | :: encarnación {f} |
in case {conj} /ɪn ˈkeɪs/ (Because event X might occur) | :: por si acaso |
in case of {prep} (in the event of) | :: por si acaso |
incendiary {n} (one who maliciously sets fires) SEE: arsonist | :: |
incense {n} /ˈɪnsɛns/ (A perfume often used in the rites of various religions) | :: incienso {m}, sahumerio {m}, sahumo {m} |
incentive {n} /ɪnˈsɛntɪv/ (something that motivates) | :: incentivo {m}, aliciente |
incentive {n} (cash bonus) | :: incentivo {m} |
inception {n} /ɪnˈsɛpʃən/ (the creation or beginning of something) | :: comienzo, inicio {m} |
incessant {adj} /ɪnˈsɛs.ənt/ (without pause or stop; not ending) | :: incesante |
incessantly {adv} /ɪnˈsɛs.ə (in a manner without pause or stop) | :: incesantemente, sin cesar |
incest {n} /ˈɪnsɛst/ (sexual relations between close relatives) | :: incesto {m} |
incestuous {adj} (pertaining to or engaging in incest) | :: incestuoso |
inch {n} /ɪntʃ/ (unit of length) | :: pulgada {f} |
in charge {adj} (having responsibility) | :: encargado, responsable, a cargo |
inchoate {adj} /ɪnˈkoʊət/ (not fully formed) | :: embrional {m}, incipiente |
inchoate {adj} (chaotic, incoherent) | :: caótico; incoherente |
incident {n} /ˈɪn.sɪ.dənt/ (event or occurrence) | :: incidente {m} |
incidental {adj} /ɪnsɪˈdɛ.ɾ̃əl/ (loosely associated; existing as a byproduct, tangent, or accident; being a likely consequence) | :: incidental |
incidental {adj} (occurring by chance) | :: fortuito {m} |
incidentally {adv} (in an incidental manner) | :: incidentalmente |
incidentally {adv} (without looking for sth/sb) | :: casualmente |
incidentally {adv} (by the way) | :: por cierto, a propósito |
incidental music {n} (music played as background) | :: música incidental {f} |
incinerate {v} (destroy by burning) | :: incinerar |
incinerator {n} (furnace that burns refuse) | :: incineradora {f} |
incipient {adj} /ɪnˈsɪp.i.ənt/ (beginning, starting) | :: incipiente |
incision {n} /ɪnˈsɪʒən/ (cut) | :: incisión {f} |
incisive {adj} /ɪnˈsaɪsɪv/ (quickly proceeding to judgment) | :: incisivo |
incisor {n} /ɪnˈsaɪzəɹ/ (tooth) | :: diente incisivo {m}, incisivo {m} |
incite {v} /ɪnˈsaɪt/ (to rouse, stir up or excite) | :: incitar, concitar |
incitement {n} /ɪnˈsaɪt.mənt/ (a call to act; encouragement to act, often in an illegal fashion) | :: incitación {f} |
incivil {adj} /ɪnˈsɪv.ɪl/ (Want of courtesy) | :: incivil |
incivil {adj} (Want of civilization) | :: salvaje, bárbaro |
incivility {n} /ɪnsɪˈvɪlɪti/ (state of being uncivil; lack of courtesy; rudeness in manner) | :: incivilidad {f} |
inclement {adj} /ɪnˈklɛm.ənt/ (stormy) | :: inclemente, destemplado {m}, desapacible, tempestuoso {m}, borrascoso {m} |
inclement {adj} (merciless) | :: inclemente |
inclination {n} /ɪn.klɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ | :: inclinación {f} |
inclined {adj} /ɪnˈklaɪnd/ (having a tendency, preference, likelihood, or disposition) | :: propenso |
inclined plane {n} (simple machine) | :: plano inclinado {m} |
include {v} /ɪnˈkluːd/ (to bring into as a part or member) | :: incluir |
include {v} (to contain, as part of a whole) | :: incluir |
include {v} | :: incluir |
including {prep} /ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ/ (Such as, among which) | :: incluido, inclusive |
inclusion {n} /ɪnˈkluːʒən/ (defect in precious stone) | :: inclusión {f} |
inclusion {n} (aggregate of stainable substances) | :: inclusión |
inclusive {adj} /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ (including (almost) everything within its scope) | :: inclusivo |
inclusive {adj} (including the extremes as well as the area between) | :: inclusive |
incoherence {n} /ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪəɹəns/ (quality of being incoherent) | :: incoherencia {f} |
incoherence {n} (something incoherent) | :: incoherencia {f} |
incoherent {adj} (lacking coherence, inconsistent) | :: incoherente, inconexo {m}, deshilvanado {m}, descosido {m} |
incoherently {adv} (in an incoherent manner) | :: incoherentemente |
in cold blood {prep} (in a ruthless and unfeeling manner) | :: a sangre fría |
incombustible {adj} /ˌɪŋkəmˈbʌstɪbəl/ (not flammable) | :: incombustible |
income {n} /ˈɪnˌkʌm/ (money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others) | :: ingresos {m}, renta {f} |
income statement {n} (financial statement of net income) | :: estado de resultados {m} |
incoming {adj} (coming in) | :: entrante |
incoming {adj} (succeeding to an office) | :: entrante |
in common {prep} (shared with others) | :: en común |
incomparable {adj} /ɪŋˈkɒmp(ə)rəbəl/ (beyond comparison) | :: incomparable, inigualable |
incomparable {adj} (not able to be compared) SEE: uncomparable | :: |
incompatibility {n} /ˌɪnkəmˌpætɪˈbɪlɪti/ (the quality or state of being incompatible) | :: incompatibilidad {f} |
incompatible {adj} /ˌɪŋkəmˈpætɪbəl/ (impossible to coexist; irreconcilable) | :: incompatible, malavenido {m} |
incompetence {n} (inability to perform) | :: incompetencia |
incompetent {adj} (unskilled, lacking normally expected degree of ability) | :: incompetente |
incomplete {adj} /ɪn.kəm.ˈpliːt/ (not complete) | :: incompleto |
incompletely {adv} (in an incomplete manner) | :: incompletamente |
incompleteness {n} (incomplete state or condition) | :: incompletitud, incompletud |
incomprehensible {adj} /ˌɪnkɑmpɹəˈhɛnsɪbəl/ (impossible or very difficult to understand) | :: incomprensible |
incomprehensibly {adv} (in an incomprehensible manner) | :: incomprensiblemente |
inconceivable {adj} /ɪŋ.kən.ˈsiː.və.bɫ̩/ (unable to be conceived, unbelievable) | :: inconcebible |
inconducive {adj} (unconducive) SEE: unconducive | :: |
in confidence {prep} (confidentially) | :: en confianza |
incongruous {adj} /ɪŋˈkɑŋ.ɡɹu.əs/ (not matching) | :: incongruente |
incongruously {adv} (in an incongruous manner) | :: incongruentemente, de manera incongruente |
inconsiderate {adj} /ˌɪnkənˈsɪdəɹɪt/ (not considerate of others) | :: desconsiderado, inconsiderado |
inconsistency {n} /ˌɪnkənˈsɪst(ə)nsi/ (state of being inconsistent) | :: inconsistencia {f} |
inconsistent {adj} /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ (not consistent) | :: inconsistente, inconsecuente |
inconsolable {adj} (Not consolable) | :: inconsolable, desconsolado |
inconspicuous {adj} /ˌɪn.kənˈspɪk.ju.əs/ (not prominent or easily noticeable) | :: disimulado, desapercibido, discreto |
inconstancy {n} (lack of constancy) | :: inconstancia {f} |
incontinence {n} /ɪnˈkɒntɪnəns/ (lack of self-restraint) | :: incontinencia {f} |
incontinence {n} (inability to restrain discharge) | :: incontinencia {f} |
incontrovertible {adj} /ˌɪŋ.kɒn.tɹəˈvɜː.təbl̩/ (not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed; closed to questioning) | :: impepinable |
incontrovertibly {adv} /ˌɪnˌkɑn.tɹəˈvɝ.tə.bli/ (in incontrovertible manner) | :: indisputablemente |
inconvenience {n} /ɪnkənˈviːnɪəns/ (something inconvenient or bothering) | :: inconveniencia {f}, desconveniencia {f} |
inconvenience {v} (to bother or discomfort) | :: incomodar, importunar |
inconvenient {adj} (not convenient) | :: incómodo, inconveniente |
incorporate {v} /ɪŋˈkɔɹpɚeɪt/ (include as a part or ingredient) | :: incorporar |
incorporation {n} /ɪŋ.kɔɹpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (Act of incorporating) | :: incorporación {f} |
incorporeal {adj} /ɪŋkɔː(ɹ)ˈpɔːɹiəl/ (having no material form or physical substance) | :: incorpóreo |
incorrect {adj} /ˌɪnkəˈɹɛkt/ (erroneous) | :: incorrecto |
incorrectly {adv} (in an incorrect manner) | :: incorrectamente |
incorrigible {adj} /ɪnˈkɒɹɨdʒɨb(ə)l/ (defective and materially impossible to correct or set aright) | :: incorregible |
incorrigible {adj} (incurably depraved) | :: empecatado |
incorrigible {adj} (impervious to correction by punishment or pain) | :: incorregible |
incorrigible {adj} (determined, unalterable) | :: incorregible |
incorrigible {adj} (unmanageable) SEE: unmanageable | :: |
increasable {adj} (able to be increased) | :: incrementable |
increase {v} /ɪnˈkɹiːs/ (become larger) | :: aumentar, acrecentar, incrementar [pronominal] |
increase {v} (make larger) | :: aumentar, subir, incrementar |
increase {n} (increased amount) | :: incremento [mathematics], aumento {m} |
increase {n} (act of becoming larger) | :: aumento {m} |
increasing {adj} /ɪnˈkɹiːsɪŋ/ (on the increase) | :: creciente |
increasingly {adv} (increasing in amount or intensity) | :: cada vez más |
incredibility {n} | :: inverosimilitud {f} |
incredible {adj} /ɪŋˈkɹɛdəbəl/ (too implausible to be credible) | :: increíble |
incredible {adj} (amazing) | :: increíble |
incredible {adj} (marvellous) | :: maravilloso, increíble |
incredibly {adv} /ɪŋˈkɹɛdɪbli/ (In an incredible manner) | :: increíblemente |
incredibly {adv} (To a great extent; extremely) | :: increíblemente |
incredulity {n} /ˌɪnkɹɪˈdjuːlɪti/ (unwillingness to believe; doubt about the truth of something) | :: incredulidad {f} |
incredulity {n} (religious disbelief) | :: incredulidad {f} |
incredulous {adj} /ɪnˈkɹɛdjʊləs/ (Skeptical, disbelieving) | :: incrédulo |
incredulousness {n} (incredulity) SEE: incredulity | :: |
incruental {adj} (bloodless) SEE: bloodless | :: |
incruental {adj} /ˌɪŋkɹuːˈɛntəl/ | :: incruento |
incubate {v} /ˈɪŋkjʊbeɪt/ (To brood, raise, or maintain eggs, organisms, or living tissue) | :: incubar |
incubation {n} (sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young) | :: incubación {f} |
incubation {n} (development of a disease from its causes, or its period of incubation) | :: incubación |
incubator {n} /ɪn.kjuːˈbeɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby) | :: incubadora {f} |
incubator {n} (apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs) | :: incubadora {f} |
incubator {n} (support program for entrepreneurial companies) | :: incubadora {f} |
incubus {n} /ˈɪŋ.kjʊ.bəs/ (an evil spirit) | :: íncubo {m} |
incubus {n} (a nightmare) | :: pesadilla {f} |
incubus {n} (oppressive thing or person; a burden) | :: cruz {f}, carga {f} |
inculcate {v} /ˈɪn.kʌl.keɪt/ (teach by repeated instruction) | :: inculcar |
inculcate {v} (to induce understanding or a particular sentiment in a person or persons) | :: inculcar {m} |
incumbency {n} (obligation or duty) | :: incumbencia {f}, responsabilidad {f} |
incumbency {n} (tenure) | :: cargo {m}, mandato {m}, beneficio {m} [religion], titularidad {f} |
incumbency {n} (benefice, lucrative position or possession) | :: beneficio {m} |
incumbent {adj} /ɪnˈkʌmbənt/ (imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to one's office) | :: obligatorio, competente |
incumbent {adj} (being the current holder of an office) | :: titular |
incumbent {n} (current holder of an office) | :: titular |
incunabulum {n} /ˌɪn.kjʊˈnæb.jʊ.ləm/ (book, sheet or image) | :: incunable {m} |
incur {v} /ɪnˈkɝ/ (to expose oneself to something inconvenient) | :: incurrir |
incurable {adj} /ˌɪnˈkjʊɹəbl/ (unable to be cured) | :: incurable |
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil | :: |
indebted {adj} /ɪnˈdɛtɪd/ (obligated to someone) | :: endeudado |
indebtedness {n} /ɪnˈdɛtɪdnəs/ (state of being in debt) | :: endeudamiento {m} |
indebtedness {n} (state of owing due to gratitude) | :: endeudamiento {m} |
indecent exposure {n} (the intentional exposure of the genitals or female nipples in public) | :: exhibición impúdica {f} |
indecision {n} /ɪndɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n/ (inability to decide on a course of action) | :: indecisión {f}, irresolución {f} |
indecisive {adj} /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (not decisive) | :: indeciso, irresoluto, vacilante, inseguro, titubeante |
indecisive {adj} (inconclusive or uncertain) | :: incierto |
indecisiveness {n} (condition of being indecisive) SEE: indecision | :: |
indeed {adv} /ɪnˈdiːd/ (modal: truly; in fact; actually) | :: de hecho, realmente, efectivamente, verdaderamente, en realidad, de veras, sin duda, en verdad, en efecto |
indeed {adv} (degree: in fact) | :: de hecho, realmente, efectivamente, verdaderamente |
indeed {interj} (indication of agreement) | :: claro, por supuesto, desde luego, efectivamente, de veras, en efecto, en verdad, sin duda, de hecho |
indefatigable {adj} /ˌɪndɪˈfætɪɡəbl/ (extremely persistent and untiring) | :: incansable, infatigable |
indefinite {adj} /ɪnˈdɛfɪnɪt/ ((linguistics) designating an unspecified or unidentified person or thing) | :: indefinido {m} |
indefinite article {n} (word preceding a noun to indicate any member of the class of objects) | :: artículo indefinido {m}, artículo indeterminado |
indefinite integral {n} (antiderivative) | :: integral indefinida {f} |
indefinitely {adv} (Forever) | :: indefinidamente |
indefinite pronoun {n} (Pronoun not specifying the identity of its referent) | :: pronombre indeterminado {m} |
indelible {adj} /ɪnˈdɛləbl/ (difficult to delete, remove or wash away) | :: indeleble |
indelible {adj} (incapable of being canceled or forgotten) | :: indeleble |
indemnification {n} ((law) indemnity) SEE: indemnity | :: |
indemnify {v} /ɪnˈdɛm.nɪ.faɪ/ (To save harmless; to secure against loss or damage; to insure) | :: asegurar |
indemnify {v} (To make restitution or compensation for) | :: indemnizar |
indemnity {n} /ɪnˈdɛmnɪti/ (repayment) | :: indemnización {f} |
indemnity {n} (insurance: principle) | :: indemnidad {f} |
indent {v} /ˈɪndɛnt/ (typography: to begin a line or lines at a greater or less distance from the margin) | :: sangrar |
indentation {n} (act of beginning a line at a distance from the flush line) | :: sangría {f} |
indentation {n} (a division unit of a piece of law) | :: guion {m} |
indenture {n} /ɪnˈdɛn.ʃɝ/ (contract) | :: contrato {m} |
indentured servant {n} (debt bondage worker) | :: trabajador no remunerado {m} |
independence {n} /ɪndɪˈpɛndəns/ (state or quality of being independent) | :: independencia {f} |
independence {n} (state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood) | :: independencia {f} |
Independence Day {n} (annual celebration) | :: Día de la Independencia {m} |
Independence Day {prop} (holiday) | :: Día de la Independencia {m} |
independent {adj} /ɪndɪˈpɛndənt/ (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free) | :: independiente |
independent {adj} (not aligned with any political party) | :: independiente |
independent clause {n} (grammar: clause that can stand alone) SEE: main clause | :: |
independentism {n} | :: independentismo {m} |
independentist {n} /ɪndəˈpɛndəntɪst/ | :: independentista {m} {f} |
independently {adv} /ɪndɪˈpɛndəntli/ (in an independent manner) | :: independientemente |
independent variable {n} (independent variable) | :: variable independiente {f} |
indescribable {adj} /ɪndɪˈskɹaɪbəbl̩/ (impossible, or very difficult to describe) | :: indescriptible |
indescribably {adv} (in an indescribable manner) | :: indescriptiblemente |
indestructible {adj} (not destructible) | :: indestructible |
in detail {adv} (with all particulars) | :: en detalle, con detenimiento |
indeterminacy principle {prop} (uncertainty principle) SEE: uncertainty principle | :: |
indeterminate {adj} /ɪndɪˈtɜː(ɹ)mɪnət/ (not accurately determined) | :: indeterminado |
index {n} /ˈɪndɛks/ (alphabetical listing of items) | :: índice {m} |
index {v} (to arrange an index) | :: indizar, indexar |
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
index {v} (to take stock) SEE: inventory | :: |
index {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue | :: |
index {n} (typography: symbol resembling a pointing hand, used to direct attention) SEE: manicule | :: |
indexation {n} | :: indización {f} |
index card {n} (piece of heavy paper stock used to record information to be stored in an index) | :: ficha {f} |
index case {n} (first documented patient in a disease epidemic) | :: caso índice {m}, paciente cero {m} {f} |
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
India {prop} /ˈɪndi.ə/ (the country) | :: India {f} |
India ink {n} (ink) | :: tinta china {f} |
Indian {adj} /ˈɪndɪən/ (of or pertaining to India) | :: indio, hindú |
Indian {adj} (of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) | :: indígena, indio |
Indian {n} (a person from India) | :: indio {m}, india {f}, hindú {m} {f} |
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) | :: indio, indio americano {m}, india americana {f}, amerindio {m}, amerindia {f}, indígena {m} {f} |
Indiana {prop} /ˌɪndiˈænə/ (US state) | :: Indiana {f} |
Indianapolis {prop} /ɪndiəˈnæpəlɪs/ (capital of the State of Indiana, USA) | :: Indianápolis {f} |
Indian black-lored tit {n} (Machlolophus aplonotus) | :: carbonero carigualdo indio {m} |
Indian fig {n} (prickly pear) SEE: prickly pear | :: |
Indian myna {n} | :: miná común |
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica) | :: océano Índico {m}, Índico {m} |
Indian rhinoceros {n} (Rhinoceros unicornis) | :: rinoceronte indio |
Indian summer {n} /ˈɪn.dɪ.ən ˈsʌ.mə(ɹ)/ | :: veranillo de San Martín {m} [northern hemisphere]; veranillo de San Juan {m} [southern hemisphere] |
Indic {prop} (the Indic language group) SEE: Indo-Aryan | :: |
indicate {v} /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ (to point out; to discover; to direct to a knowledge of; to show; to make known) | :: indicar |
indicate {v} (to show or manifest by symptoms) | :: indicar |
indicate {v} (to signal in a vehicle the desire to turn right or left) | :: señalizar [Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador] |
indication {n} /ɪndɪˈkeɪʃən/ (that which serves to indicate or point out) | :: indicación {f} |
indicative {n} /ɪnˈdɪk.ə.tɪv/ (the indicative mood) | :: indicativo |
indicator {n} /ˈɪn.dɪ.ˌkeɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (turn signal) | :: indicador {m} |
indict {v} /ˌɪnˈdaɪt/ (to accuse of wrongdoing) | :: acusar, denunciar |
indict {v} (to make a formal accusation or indictment) | :: inculpar |
indiction {n} /ɪnˈdɪkʃən/ (cycle of fifteen years) | :: indicción {f} |
indictment {n} /ɪnˈdaɪt.mənt/ (criminal accusation) | :: formulación de cargos |
indictment {n} (accusation) | :: acusación |
Indies {prop} (West Indies) SEE: West Indies | :: |
Indies {prop} (East Indies) SEE: East Indies | :: |
indifference {n} /ɪnˈdɪf.ɹəns/ (the state of being indifferent) | :: indiferencia {f} |
indifferent {adj} /ɪnˈdɪf.ɹənt/ (not caring) | :: indiferente |
indifferently {adv} (in an indifferent manner) | :: indiferentemente |
indigenist {adj} | :: indigenista |
indigenist {n} | :: indigenista |
indigenous {adj} /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ (born or engendered in, native to a land or region) | :: indígena, autóctono, nativo |
indigenous {adj} (innate, inborn) | :: innato, congénito |
indigent {adj} /ˈɪndɪd͡ʒənt/ (poor; destitute) | :: indigente |
indigent {n} (a person in need or in poverty) | :: indigente {m} {f} |
indigestible {adj} (difficult or impossible to digest) | :: indigesto, indigerible |
indigestion {n} (condition caused by eating too quickly) | :: indigestión |
indign {adj} (disgraceful) SEE: disgraceful | :: |
indignant {adj} /ɪnˈdɪɡ.nənt/ (angry, infuriated, mad, resentful) | :: indignado |
indignation {n} /ˌɪn.dɪɡ.ˈneɪ.ʃən/ (anger aroused by some perceived offense or injustice) | :: indignación {f} |
indignation {n} (self-righteous anger or disgust) | :: indignación {f} |
indignation {n} | :: indignación {f} |
indignity {n} /ɪnˈdɪɡ.nə.ti/ (degradation, debasement or humiliation) | :: indignidad {f} |
indignity {n} (an affront to one's dignity or pride) | :: indignidad {f}, ofensa {f}, afrenta {f} |
indignity {n} | :: indignidad {f} |
indigo {n} /ˈɪndɪˌɡoʊ/ (colour) | :: índigo {m}, añil {m}, turquí {m} |
indigo {n} (dye) | :: índigo {m}, añil {m} |
indigo {adj} (colour) | :: índigo, añil |
indigo bunting {n} (Passerina cyanea) | :: azulejo {m} |
indirect {adj} /ˌɪndaɪˈɹɛkt/ (not direct) | :: indirecto |
indirectly {adv} /ˌɪndɪˈɹɛktli/ (in an indirect manner) | :: indirectamente |
indirect object {n} (grammatical term) | :: complemento indirecto {m} |
indirect speech {n} (reported speech) SEE: reported speech | :: |
indiscreet {adj} (not discreet; wanting in discretion) | :: indiscreto, imprudente |
indiscretion {n} (Want of discretion) | :: indiscreción {f} |
indiscriminate {adj} /ɪn.dɪsˈkɹɪm.ɪn.ət/ (Without care or making distinctions, thoughtless) | :: indiscriminado, desconsiderado |
indispensable {adj} /ɪndɪˈspɛnsəbəl/ (not dispensable) | :: indispensable |
indispensable {adj} (not subject to exemption) | :: indispensable |
indispensable {adj} (absolutely necessary) | :: imprescindible, indispensable |
indisposition {n} /ɪnˌdɪspəˈzɪʃən/ (mild illness) | :: achaque {m} |
indisputable {adj} (not disputable) | :: indisputable, inobjetable |
indisputably {adv} (in a manner that is incapable of being disputed) | :: indiscutiblemente |
indissolubility {n} | :: indisolubilidad {f} |
indissoluble {adj} (indestructable) | :: indisoluble |
indistinct {adj} /ˌɪndɪsˈtɪŋkt/ (not clearly defined) | :: indistinto |
indistinctly {adv} (in an indistinct manner) | :: indistintamente |
indistinguishable {adj} (not distinguishable) | :: indistinguible |
indium {n} /ˈɪndi.əm/ (metallic chemical element) | :: indio {m} |
individual {n} /ˌɪndɪˈvɪd͡ʒu.əl/ (person considered alone) | :: individuo {m} |
individual {n} (element belonging to a population) | :: individuo |
individual {adj} (relating to a single person or thing) | :: individual |
individual {adj} (intended for a single person) | :: individual |
individualism {n} (tendency for a person to act without reference to others) | :: individualismo {m} |
individualism {n} (moral stance) | :: individualismo {m} |
individualist {n} (someone who believes in individualism as sociopolitical system) | :: individualista {m} {f} |
individualist {n} (someone who does as they wish) | :: individualista {m} {f} |
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person | :: |
individuality {n} /ˌɪndɪvɪd͡ʒuˈælɪti/ (characteristic of being individual) | :: individualidad {f} |
individualization {n} (act of individualizing) | :: individualización {f} |
individually {adv} (separately, independently) | :: individualmente |
individualness {n} (individuality) SEE: individuality | :: |
individual pursuit {n} (Cycling discipline) | :: persecución individual {f} |
indivisibility {n} (state incapable of being divided) | :: indivisibilidad |
indivisibility {n} (indivisible factor or object) | :: indivisibilidad |
indivisible {adj} /ˌɪndɪˈvɪzɪbəl/ (incapable of being divided) | :: indivisible |
Indo- {prefix} (Relating to India or Indian) | :: indo- |
Indo-Aryan {prop} (family of languages) | :: indo-ario {m} |
Indochina {prop} /ˌɪndoʊ̯ˈt͡ʃaɪ̯nə/ (part of Southeast Asia) | :: Indochina {f} |
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach | :: |
indoctrinate {v} (teach with a biased or one-sided ideology) | :: adoctrinar |
indoctrination {n} (act of indoctrinating) | :: adoctrinamiento {m} |
Indo-European {adj} /ˌɪndəʊˌjʊəɹəˈpiːən/ (of or relating to languages originally spoken in Europe and Western Asia) | :: indoeuropeo {m} |
Indo-European studies {n} (academic discipline) | :: indoeuropeística {f} |
indolent {adj} /ˈɪn.dəl.ənt/ (habitually lazy) | :: indolente |
indolent {adj} (medicine: causing little or no physical pain) | :: indolente |
indolent {adj} (medicine: healing slowly) | :: indolente |
indomethacin {n} (drug) | :: indometacina {f} |
indomitability {n} /ɪn.dɒmɪtəbl̩.ɪ.ti/ (The quality of being indomitable) | :: indomitibilidad {f} |
indomitable {adj} /ɪnˈdɒmɪtəbl̩/ (incapable of being subdued, overcome, or vanquished) | :: indomable {m} {f} |
Indonesia {prop} /ˌɪndə(ʊ)ˈniːʒə/ (country) | :: Indonesia {f} |
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia) | :: indonesio |
Indonesian {n} (person) | :: indonesio {m}, indonesia {f} |
Indonesian {n} (language) | :: indonesio {m} |
in doubt {adv} (unclear as to what to do) | :: en cuestión |
Indra {prop} (Hindu god) | :: Indra {m} |
indri {n} /ˈɪndɹi/ (Indri indri) | :: indri {m} |
in droves {prep} (in spades) SEE: in spades | :: |
Induan {prop} | :: Induense |
indubitable {adj} /ɪnˈdubɪtəbəl/ (not dubitable) | :: indudable |
induce {v} /ɪnˈduːs/ (to cause; persuade; force) | :: inducir |
induce {v} ((physics) To cause or produce (electric current or a magnetic state)) | :: inducir |
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion | :: |
inducible {adj} | :: inducible |
induct {v} /ɪnˈdʌkt/ (to introduce into) | :: iniciar |
induction {n} /ɪnˈdʌkʃən/ (the development of a feature from part of a formerly homogenous field of cells) | :: inducción |
inductive {adj} /ɪnˈdʌktɪv/ (logical induction) | :: inductivo |
inductive reasoning {n} (the process of making inferences based upon observed patterns) | :: razonamiento inductivo {m} |
indulge {v} /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ (to yield to a temptation) | :: ceder, sucumbir |
indulge {v} (to satisfy the wishes or whims of) | :: mimar, consentir |
indulgence {n} /ɪnˈdʌld͡ʒəns/ (pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory) | :: indulgencia {f} |
indulgent {adj} /ɪnˈdʌldʒənt/ (prone to indulge) | :: indulgente |
induration {n} (hardness) SEE: hardness | :: |
induration {n} (process of becoming hard) SEE: hardening | :: |
Indus {prop} /ˈɪndəs/ (the river) | :: Indo {m} |
Indus {prop} (constellation) | :: Indus |
industrial {adj} /ɪnˈdʌstɹɪəl/ (of or relating to industry) | :: industrial, fabril |
industrial espionage {n} (use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage) | :: espionaje industrial {m} |
industrialism {n} (socio-economic system) | :: industrialismo {m} |
industrialist {n} (person involved in the ownership or management of an industrial enterprise) | :: industrialista {m} |
industrialization {n} (process of social and economic change) | :: industrialización {f} |
industrialize {v} (to develop industry) | :: industrializar |
industrial park {n} (an area zoned and planned for the purpose of industrial development) | :: polígono industrial {m} |
Industrial Revolution {prop} (major technological change in the late 18th and early 19th century) | :: Revolución Industrial {f} |
industrious {adj} /ɪnˈdʌstɹi.əs/ (hard-working and persistent) | :: aplicado, trabajador, laborioso, empeñoso, afanoso, industrioso, diligente |
industriously {adv} (industrious manner) | :: industriosamente |
industry {n} /ˈɪndəstɹi/ (businesses of the same type) | :: industria {f} |
industry {n} (businesses that produce goods) | :: industria {f} |
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant | :: |
-ine {suffix} /-aɪn/ (used to form names of chemical substances) | :: -ina {f} |
in earnest {adj} (sincere; determined; truthful) | :: sincero {m} |
in earnest {adv} (seriously; sincerely, in a significant manner) | :: sinceramente |
inebriate {v} (to cause to be drunk; to intoxicate) | :: embriagar |
inebriated {adj} /ɪˈniː.bɹi.eɪ.tɪd/ (behaving as though affected by alcohol) | :: ebrio {m}, borracho {m}, escabiado {m}, escabio {m} [Latin America, colloquial] |
inebriation {n} (state or characteristic of drunkenness) | :: embriaguez {f}, ebriedad {f} |
inedible {adj} (not edible; not appropriate, worthy, or safe to eat) | :: incomestible |
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something)) | :: necesito ... |
I need a guide {phrase} (I need a guide (a person who guides)) | :: necesito un guía |
I need a guide {phrase} (I need a guide (a written guide)) | :: necesito una guía |
I need to vomit {phrase} /aɪ nid tu ˈvɑmit/ (I need to vomit) | :: tengo que vomitar |
ineffable {adj} /ˌɪnˈɛf.ə.bəl/ (beyond expression) | :: inefable |
ineffective {adj} (not having the desired effect; ineffectual) | :: ineficaz, inoperante |
ineffectiveness {n} (condition of being ineffective) | :: ineficacia {f}, inefectividad {f}, inoperancia {f}, infructuosidad {f} |
ineffectual {adj} (weak, indecisive) | :: inoperante |
in effigy {adj} (symbolizing) | :: efigie |
inelastic {adj} /ˌɪnəˈlæstɪk/ (lacking elasticity) | :: inelástico |
inelegant {adj} /ɪnˈɛlɪɡənt/ (not elegant) | :: inelegante |
ineligibility {n} (state or quality of being ineligible) | :: inelegibilidad |
ineligible {adj} (not eligible; forbidden to do something) | :: inelegible |
ineluctably {adv} (inescapable) SEE: inescapable | :: |
inept {adj} /ɪnˈɛpt/ (not able to do something) | :: inepto, incapaz |
ineptitude {n} (the quality of being inept) | :: ineptitud {f} |
inequality {n} /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒlɪti/ (unfair, not equal, state) | :: desigualdad {f} |
inequality {n} (statement that one quantity is less (or greater) than another) | :: inecuación {f} |
inequation {n} (a statement that two expressions are not the same) SEE: inequality | :: |
ineradicable {adj} (incapable of being eradicated) | :: inerradicable |
inert {adj} /ɪnˈɝt/ (unable to move or act) | :: inerte |
inert {adj} (sluggish or lethargic) | :: inerte |
inert {adj} (in chemistry, not readily reacting with other elements or compounds) | :: inerte |
inert gas {n} (noble gas) SEE: noble gas | :: |
inert gas {n} (non-reactive gas) | :: gas inerte {m} |
inertia {n} /ɪnˈɝ.ʃə/ (in physics) | :: inercia {f} |
inertia {n} (unwillingness to take action) | :: inercia {f} |
inertness {n} (sluggishness) | :: inercia {f} |
inertness {n} (inertia) | :: inercia {f} |
inertness {n} (chemically unreactive) | :: inercia química {f} |
inescapable {adj} (impossible (unable) to avoid or escape) | :: inevitable |
inescapably {adv} (in an inescapable manner) | :: inevitablemente |
in essence {prep} (essentially) SEE: essentially | :: |
inessive {adj} (of or relating to the inessive case) | :: inesivo {m} |
inessive {n} (inessive case) | :: caso inesivo {m} |
inessive case {n} (case used to indicate location inside something) SEE: inessive | :: |
inevitability {n} (the condition of being inevitable) | :: inevitabilidad |
inevitable {adj} /ɪnˈɛvɪtəbəl/ (impossible to avoid or prevent) | :: inevitable |
inevitably {adv} /ɪˈnɛvɪtəbli/ (in a manner that this impossible to avoid) | :: inevitablemente, indefectiblemente |
inexact {adj} (imperfectly conforming) | :: inexacto |
inexcusable {adj} (not excusable) | :: inexcusable |
inexcusably {adv} (in an inexcusable manner) | :: inexcusablemente |
inexhaustible {adj} (impossible to exhaust) | :: inagotable |
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent | :: |
inexorable {adj} /ɪnˈɛksɔɹəbəl/ (impossible to prevent or stop, see also: inevitable) | :: inexorable |
inexorable {adj} (unable to be persuaded, see also: relentless) | :: inexorable |
inexorably {adv} /ɪnˈɛk.sə.ɹə.bli/ (in an inexorable manner; relentlessly) | :: inexorablemente, despiadadamente, inevitablemente, ineluctablemente |
inexpensive {adj} (low in price) | :: barato, económico |
inexperience {n} (lack of experience) | :: inexperiencia {f}, bisoñez {f} |
inexperienced {adj} /ɪnəkˈspɪəɹi.ənst/ (not experienced) | :: inexperto |
inexplicable {adj} /ˌɪn.ɪkˈsplɪ.kə.bl̩/ (impossible to explain) | :: inexplicable |
inexplicably {adv} (in an inexplicable manner) | :: inexplicablemente |
inexpressible {adj} (unable to be expressed) | :: inexpresable |
inexpressive {adj} (expressionless) SEE: expressionless | :: |
inexpugnable {adj} (impregnable, unconquerable) | :: inexpugnable |
inextinguishable {adj} (incapable of being extinguished) | :: inextinguible, inapagable |
in fact {prep} (actually, in truth) | :: de hecho |
infallibility {n} (the ability to never make a mistake) | :: infalibilidad {f} |
infallible {adj} /ɪnˈfæ.lə.bəl/ (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy) | :: infalible |
infallibly {adv} (in an infallible manner) | :: infaliblemente |
infamous {adj} /ˈɪnfəməs/ (having a bad reputation) | :: infame |
infamously {adv} (in an infamous manner) | :: infamemente |
infamy {n} /ˈɪnfəmi/ (the state of being infamous) | :: infamia {f} |
infant {n} /ˈɪn.fənt/ (very young human being) | :: nene {m}, infante {m} |
infanta {n} /ɪnˈfantə/ (Spanish daughter of a king) | :: infanta {f} |
infante {n} (son of the king of Spain or Portugal) | :: infante {m} |
infanteer {n} (soldier) SEE: infantryman | :: |
infant formula {n} (food simulating human milk) | :: leche maternizada {f}, leche de fórmula {f}, leche infantil {f} |
infanticidal {adj} | :: infanticida {m} {f} |
infanticide {n} /ɪnˈfæntɪsaɪd/ (the murder of an infant) | :: infanticidio {m} |
infanticide {n} (the murder of one's child) | :: filicidio {m} |
infanticide {n} (a person who has killed a child) | :: infanticida {m} {f} |
infantilization {n} | :: infantilización {f} |
infantilize {v} /ɪn.ˈfæn.tɪ.laɪz/ (to reduce to the state of an infant) | :: infantilizar |
infantilize {v} (to treat like a child) | :: infantilizar |
infant mortality {n} (death of children under one year old) | :: mortalidad infantil {f} |
infantry {n} /ˈɪnfəntɹi/ (soldiers who fight on foot) | :: infantería {f} |
infantry {n} (the part of an army consisting of infantry soldiers) | :: infantería {f} |
infantry {n} (regiment of infantry) | :: regimiento de infantería {m}, tercio {m} |
infantry fighting vehicle {n} (an armoured combat vehicle designed to carry infantry) | :: vehículo de combate de infantería |
infantryman {n} (soldier who fights on foot) | :: infante {m} |
infarct {n} /ɪnˈfɑrkt/ (area of dead tissue) | :: infarto |
infarction {n} (infarct) SEE: infarct | :: |
in fashion {adj} (fashionable) SEE: fashionable | :: |
infatuate {v} /ɪnˈfætjuˌ(w)eɪt/ (To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment) | :: embrujar, encantar, infatuar |
infatuated {adj} | :: encalabrinado |
infatuation {n} (The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates) | :: pasión {f} |
infatuation {n} (An unreasoning love or attraction) | :: encaprichamiento {m} |
in favor of {prep} (in support of) | :: a favor de |
infeasible {adj} (not feasible) | :: imposible, no factible |
infect {v} /ɪnˈfɛkt/ (to bring into contact with a substance that causes illness) | :: infectar, contagiar |
infect {v} (to make somebody enthusiastic about one's own passion) | :: contagiar, alborotar |
infected {adj} (having an infection) | :: infectado |
infection {n} /ɪnˈfɛkʃən/ (the process of infecting) | :: infección |
infection {n} (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host) | :: infección {f} |
infectious {adj} (transmitted between persons as illness) | :: infeccioso |
infectious {adj} (able to infect others) | :: infeccioso, contagioso |
infectiousness {n} (state or condition of being infectious) | :: infectividad {f} |
infelicitous {adj} /ˌɪn.fəˈlɪs.ɪ.təs/ (unhappy or unfortunate) | :: infortunado, desventurado, desgraciado, infeliz, desdichado |
infelicitous {adj} (inappropriate or awkward; not well said, expressed, or done) | :: torpe, impropio, aciago, inadecuado |
infer {v} /ɪnˈfɝ/ (to introduce as a reasoned conclusion) | :: inferir |
infer {v} (to lead to as a consequence) | :: inferir |
infer {v} | :: argüir, inferir |
inference {n} /ˈɪn.fə.ɹəns/ (act or process of inferring by deduction or induction) | :: inferencia, ilación |
inferior {adj} /ɪnˈfɪ(ə)ɹiɚ/ (of lower quality) | :: inferior |
inferior {adj} (of lower rank) | :: inferior |
inferior {adj} (located below) | :: inferior |
inferior {n} (person of lower status (noun)) | :: inferior |
inferiority {n} (quality of being inferior) | :: inferioridad {f} |
inferiority complex {n} (a sense of inferiority) | :: complejo de inferioridad {m} |
inferior oblique {n} (muscle) | :: oblicuo inferior {m}, músculo oblicuo inferior {m} |
inferior rectus {n} (muscle) | :: recto inferior {m}, músculo recto inferior {m} |
inferior vena cava {n} (large vein) | :: vena cava inferior {f} |
infernal {adj} /ɪnˈfəɹnəl/ | :: infernal |
inferno {n} /ɪnˈfɝnoʊ/ (place or situation resembling Hell) | :: infierno {m} |
infero- {prefix} (inferior) | :: infero- |
inferolateral {adj} (both inferior and lateral) | :: inferolateral |
inferomedial {adj} (both inferior and medial) | :: inferomedial |
infertile {adj} (not fertile) | :: estéril, infértil |
infertility {n} (inability to conceive - people and animals) | :: esterilidad {f} |
infertility {n} | :: infertilidad {f} |
infestation {n} /ɪnfɛsˈteɪʃən/ (presence of a large number of pest organisms in an area) | :: infestación {f} |
infidel {n} /ˈɪn.fə.dl̩/ (non-believer) | :: infiel {m} {f}, descreído {m}, impío {m} |
infidelity {n} /ˌɪnfɪˈdɛlɪti/ (unfaithfulness in marriage or other moral obligation) | :: infidelidad {f} |
infidelity {n} (lack of religious belief) | :: infidelidad {f} |
infield fly rule {n} (baseball) | :: regla de infield fly {f} |
infiltrate {v} /ˈɪnfəltɹeɪt/ (to surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access) | :: infiltrarse |
infiltrate {v} (to cause a fluid to pass through a substance by filtration) | :: infiltrar |
infiltration {n} (act or process of infiltrating) | :: filtración {f} |
infiltration {n} (substance) | :: filtración {f} |
infiltration {n} (entering secretly) | :: infiltración {f} |
infimum {n} /ɪnˈfiːməm/ (element of a set) | :: ínfimo, elemento ínfimo |
infinite {adj} /ˈɪnfɪnɪt/ (boundless, endless) | :: infinito |
infinite {adj} | :: infinito |
infinitely {adv} /ˈɪnfɪnɪtli/ (endlessly) | :: infinitamente |
infinitesimal calculus {n} (Differential calculus and integral calculus considered together as a single subject) | :: cálculo infinitesimal {m} |
infinitism {n} (view) | :: infinitismo {m} |
infinitive {n} /ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪv/ (uninflected verb form) | :: infinitivo {m} |
infinity {n} /ɪnˈfɪnɪti/ (endlessness, unlimitedness, absence of end or limit) | :: infinidad {f} |
infinity {n} (a number that has an infinite, uncountable numerical value) | :: infinito {m} |
infinity {n} (a number which is very large compared to some characteristic number) | :: infinidad {f} |
infinity {n} (the symbol ∞) | :: infinito {m} |
infirm {adj} /ɪnˈfɝm/ (weak; feeble) | :: enfermizo, endeble |
infirm {adj} (insecure) | :: inseguro |
infirmary {n} /ɪnˈfɝməɹi/ (place where sick or injured people are cared for, especially a small hospital) | :: enfermería {f} |
infirmity {n} (feebleness) | :: enfermedad {f} |
in fits and starts {prep} | :: a trompicones, a trancas y barrancas |
infix {n} /ˈɪnfɪks/ (morpheme inserted into word) | :: interfijo {m}, infijo {m} |
inflamed {adj} /ɪnˈfleɪmd/ (affected by inflammation) | :: inflamado |
inflammable {adj} /ɪnˈflæməbəl/ (capable of burning, see also: flammable) | :: inflamable, combustible |
inflammation {n} /ɪnfləˈmeɪʃən/ (act of inflaming, kindling, or setting on fire; also, the state of being inflamed) | :: inflamación {f} |
inflammation {n} (medical condition) | :: inflamación {f} |
inflammatory {adj} (relating to, causing or caused by inflammation) | :: inflamatorio |
inflate {v} /ɪnˈfleɪt/ (to enlarge the volume occupied by an object) | :: inflar, hinchar |
inflate {v} | :: inflar |
inflated {adj} (filled with air) | :: hinchado, inflado |
inflated {adj} (expanded) | :: aumentado, inflado |
inflated {adj} (at higher cost) | :: inflado |
inflated {adj} (pompous) | :: hinchado, inflado, pomposo |
inflation {n} /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ (expansion or increase in size) | :: inflación {f} |
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living) | :: inflación {f} |
inflect {v} /ɪnˈflɛkt/ (music: change tone or pitch) | :: modular |
inflect {v} (grammar: vary the form of a word) | :: conjugar [of a verb], declinar [of a noun] |
inflection {n} /ɪnˈflɛkʃən/ (change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function) | :: flexión {f} |
inflection {n} (change in pitch or tone of voice) | :: inflexión {f} |
inflection {n} (turning away from a straight course) | :: inflexión |
inflection {n} | :: punto de inflexión |
inflectional {adj} (pertaining to a point of inflection of a curve) | :: flectivo |
inflexibility {n} (quality of being inflexible) | :: inflexibilidad {f} |
inflexible {adj} /ɪnˈflɛksəbl̩/ (stiff, rigid) | :: inflexible |
inflexible {adj} (obstinate, stubborn) | :: inflexible |
inflexibly {adv} (in an inflexible manner) | :: inflexiblemente |
inflict {v} /ɪnˈflɪkt/ (thrust upon, impose) | :: infligir |
infliction {n} /ɪnˈflɪkʃən/ (The act of inflicting or something inflicted; an imposition) | :: inflicción {m} |
infliximab {n} (monoclonal antibody) | :: infliximab {m} |
inflorescence {n} /ˌɪnfləˈɹɛsəns/ (flower cluster) | :: inflorescencia {f} |
influence {n} /ˈɪn.flu.əns/ (power to affect, control or manipulate) | :: influencia {f} |
influence {n} (action exerted by a person or thing with power to cause change) | :: influencia {f} |
influence {n} (person or thing exerting such power or action) | :: influencia {f} |
influence {v} (transitive: to exert an influence upon) | :: influir, influenciar |
influence {v} (intransitive: to exert influence) | :: influir |
influence {n} (action of flowing in; influx) SEE: influx | :: |
influence peddling {n} (type of corruption) | :: tráfico de influencias {m} |
influencer {n} (That which influences) | :: influidor {m}, influidora {f}, influente {m} {f} |
influential {adj} /ɪnfluˈɛnʃəl/ (having considerable influence) | :: influyente |
influenza {n} /ˌɪn.flu.ˈɛn.zə/ (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs) | :: gripe {f}, [Colombia, Mexico] gripa {f}, influenza {f} |
influx {n} /ˈɪnˌflʌks/ (inward flow) | :: entrada {f}, influjo {m} |
infomercial {n} (program-length television commercial) | :: infomercial {m}, teletienda {f} |
in for a penny, in for a pound {proverb} /ɪn fɔɹ ə ˈpɛ.ni ɪn fɔɹ ə paʊnd/ (Expressing recognition that one must, having started something, see it through to its end, rather than stopping short thereof) | :: de perdidos al río |
in force {prep} (applicable) | :: en vigor, vigente |
inform {v} /ɪnˈfɔɹm/ (to communicate knowledge to another/others (transitive)) | :: informar, enterar, reportar |
inform {v} (to act as an informer, denounce) | :: delatar |
inform {v} (instruct) SEE: instruct | :: |
informal {adj} /ɪnˈfɔɹm(ə)l/ (not formal or ceremonious) | :: informal |
informal {adj} (not in accord with the usual regulations) | :: informal |
informal {adj} (language: reflecting everyday, non-ceremonious usage) | :: familiar |
informality {n} (condition of being informal) | :: informalidad {f} |
informally {adv} (in an informal manner) | :: informalmente |
in forma pauperis {adv} (as a pauper) | :: por causa de pobreza |
informatic {adj} (of or pertaining to information science) | :: informático |
informatics {n} (branch of information science) | :: informática {f} |
information {n} /ˌɪnfəɹˈmeɪʃən/ (communicable knowledge) | :: información {f} |
information science {n} (science) | :: ciencias de la información {f} |
information security {n} (protection of information and information systems) | :: seguridad de la información {f} |
information society {n} (society where information is a significant activity) | :: sociedad de la información {f} |
information technology {n} (the practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications) | :: tecnología de la información {f} |
information theory {n} (branch of applied mathematics) | :: teoría de la información {f} |
information warfare {n} (use of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent) | :: guerra de la información {f}, infoguerra {f} |
informatisation {n} (computerization) SEE: computerization | :: |
informative {adj} /ɪnˈfɔɹmətɪv/ (providing useful or interesting information) | :: informativo |
informed {adj} /ɪnˈfɔɹmd/ (instructed; having knowledge of a fact or area of education) | :: informado |
informer {n} (one who informs) | :: informador {m} {f}, informador {m}, informadora {f} |
infowar {n} (information warfare) SEE: information warfare | :: |
infra- {prefix} (below, beneath, inferior) | :: infra- |
infraorbital {adj} (below the orbit) | :: infraorbitario |
infrapatellar {adj} (below the kneecap) | :: infrarrotuliano |
infrarealism {n} (literary movement) | :: infrarrealismo |
infrared {n} /ɪnfɹəˈɹɛd/ (infrared radiation) | :: infrarrojo |
infrared {adj} (having the wavelength in the infrared) | :: infrarrojo |
infrasound {n} (low-frequency sound waves) | :: infrasonido {m} |
infraspinatus {n} (muscle) | :: infraespinoso {m} |
infrastructure {n} /ˈɪnfɹəˌstɹʌk(t)ʃɚ/ (underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system) | :: infraestructura {f} |
infrastructure {n} (basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society) | :: infraestructura {f} |
infratemporal {adj} (below the temple or temporal bone) | :: infratemporal |
infrequent {adj} (Not frequent; not happening frequently) | :: infrecuente |
infringe {v} /ɪnˈfɹɪndʒ/ (to break or violate a treaty, a law, a right etc.) | :: infringir |
infringement {n} /ɪnˈfɹɪndʒmənt/ (violation) | :: infracción {f}, vulneración {f} |
in front of {prep} (at or near the front part of) | :: en frente de, delante de |
in front of {prep} (in the presence of someone) | :: delante de, ante |
in front of {prep} (located before (something else)) | :: en frente de, delante de |
in front of one's nose {prep} (plain; clearly apparent; obvious) | :: delante de la nariz |
infundibulopelvic {adj} (of or pertaining to the infundibulum and the pelvis) | :: infundibulopelviano |
infundibulum {n} (a funnel-shaped cavity or organ) | :: infundíbulo {m} |
infuriate {v} /ɪnˈfjʊəɹɪət/ (to make furious or mad with anger) | :: enfurecer |
infuriating {adj} (Extremely annoying, frustrating or irritating) | :: exasperante {m} {f} |
infusion {n} /ɪnˈfjuːʒən/ (a product consisting of a liquid which has had other ingredients steeped in it to extract useful qualities) | :: infusión {f} |
infusion {n} (act of installing a quality into a person) | :: infusión {f} |
-ing {suffix} /in/ (to form present participles) | :: -ando [verbs ending in -ar], -iendo, -yendo [verbs ending in -er and -ir] |
in general {adv} (generally) SEE: generally | :: |
ingeniosity {n} (quality of being ingenious) | :: ingeniosidad {f} |
ingenious {adj} /ɪnˈdʒiːnjəs/ (displaying genius or brilliance; tending to invent) | :: ingenioso |
ingenious {adj} | :: ingenioso |
ingenuity {n} /ˌɪndʒəˈn(j)uːəti/ (ability to come up with solutions to difficult problems) | :: ingenio {m} |
ingenuous {adj} /ɪnˈdʒɛn.ju.əs/ (Naive and trusting) | :: inocente {m}, ingenuo |
ingest {v} /ɪnˈdʒɛst/ (to take into, or as into, the stomach or alimentary canal) | :: ingerir |
ingestion {n} /ɪnˈdʒɛstʃən/ (the action of ingesting) | :: ingestión {f} |
in good hands {prep} (under guidance) | :: en buenas manos |
ingot {n} /ˈɪŋɡət/ (solid block of more or less pure metal) | :: lingote {m} |
Ingram {prop} /ˈɪŋɡɹəm/ (male given name) | :: Enguerrán |
ingrate {n} /ˈɪnɡɹeɪt/ (an ungrateful person) | :: ingrato {m}, ingrata {f} |
ingrate {adj} (ungrateful) SEE: ungrateful | :: |
ingratiate {v} /ɪnˈɡɹeɪ.ʃi.eɪt/ (get someone's favor, especially through flattery) | :: congraciarse |
ingratitude {n} /ɪnˈɡɹætɪtud/ (thanklessness) | :: ingratitud {f} |
ingredient {n} /ɪnˈɡɹiːdi.ənt/ (substance present in a mixture) | :: ingrediente {m} |
ingress {n} (act of entering) | :: entrada {f}, ingreso {m} |
ingress {n} (door or other means of entering) | :: entrada {f}, ingreso {m} |
inguinal {adj} /ˈɪŋɡwɪnəl/ (of or pertaining to the groin) | :: inguinal |
inguinodynia {n} (A pain in the groin, typically appearing after a hernia operation.) | :: inguinodinia {f} |
Ingush {n} (A member of the Ingush people) | :: ingusetio {m} |
Ingush {prop} (Nakh dialect spoken by the Ingush) | :: ingusetio {m} |
Ingush {adj} (of or pertaining to the Ingush) | :: inguestio |
Ingushetia {prop} /ɪŋɡʊˈʃɛtiə/ (federal subject of Russia) | :: Ingushetia {f}, Ingusetia {f} |
Ingvaeonic {prop} (language group) | :: ingaevónico {m} |
inhabit {v} /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ | :: habitar |
inhabitant {n} /ɪnˈhæ.bɪ.tənt/ (someone or thing who lives in a place) | :: habitante, residente {m}, lugareño {m} |
inhabited {adj} /ɪnˈhæbɪtɪd/ (having inhabitants) | :: habitado |
inhalation {n} /ˌɪnhəˈleɪʃən/ (the act of inhaling) | :: inhalación {f} |
inhale {v} /ɪnˈheɪl/ (to draw air into the lungs) | :: inhalar, alentar |
inhale {v} (to draw something into the nose or lungs) | :: aspirar, inhalar, inspirar |
inharmonicity {n} (music) | :: inarmonía |
in heat {prep} (on heat) SEE: on heat | :: |
inhere {v} /ɪnˈhɪə/ (To be inherent; to be an essential or intrinsic part of; to be fixed or permanently incorporated with something) | :: ser inherente |
inherent {adj} /ɪnˈhɪəɹənt/ (natural part or consequence) | :: inherente |
inherently {adv} /ɪnˈhɛɹəntli/ (inherently, innately) | :: inherentemente |
inherit {v} /ɪnˈhɛɹɪt/ (to take possession of as a right) | :: heredar |
inherit {v} (to receive property or a title by legal succession etc.) | :: heredar |
inherit {v} (to receive a characteristic by genetic transmission) | :: heredar |
inheritable {adj} (able to be inherited) | :: heredable |
inheritance {n} /ɪnˈhɛɹətəns/ (passing of title) | :: herencia {f} |
inheritance {n} (that which a person is entitled to inherit) | :: herencia {f} |
inheritance tax {n} (tax on the property of the deceased) | :: impuesto sucesorio |
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir | :: |
inhibit {v} /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ (to hold in or hold back; to restrain) | :: inhibir, frustrar, coartar |
inhibition {n} (Act of inhibiting) | :: inhibición {f} |
inhibition {n} (State of being inhibited) | :: inhibición {f} |
inhibition {n} (Stopping or retarding a chemical reaction) | :: inhibición |
inhibitive {adj} (that inhibits) | :: inhibitorio |
inhibitor {n} (substance slowing a reaction) | :: inhibidor |
inhibitory {adj} (that inhibits) | :: inhibidor {m} |
inhospitable {adj} /ˌɪnhɒsˈpɪtəbəl/ (Not offering shelter) | :: inhóspito |
inhospitality {n} (lack of hospitality) | :: inhospitalidad {f} |
inhuman {adj} /ɪnˈhjuːmən/ (of or pertaining to inhumanity) | :: inhumano |
inhumane {adj} (cruel and savage, not humane) | :: inhumano, inhumana |
inhumanity {n} (lack of compassion) | :: crueldad {f} |
inhumanity {n} (inhuman act) | :: crueldad {f} |
inhumation {n} /ɪn.hjuːˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (The act of burial) | :: inhumación {f} [archeological], entierro {m} |
inimical {adj} /ɪˈnɪmɪkəl/ (harmful) | :: nocivo |
inimical {adj} (hostile) | :: hostil |
iniquitous {adj} /ɪˈnɪkwɨtəs/ (sinful) | :: pecaminoso, inicuo |
iniquitous {adj} (morally objectionable) | :: injusto, inicuo |
iniquity {n} /ɪnˈɪkwɪti/ (deviation from what is right, see also: sin; wickedness) | :: iniquidad {f} |
iniquity {n} (act of great injustice or unfairness) | :: iniquidad {f} |
initial {adj} /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ (chronologically first) | :: inicial |
initial {adj} | :: inicial |
initial {n} (first letters of a person's name as a unit) | :: iniciales {f-p} |
initialism {n} (term pronounced letter by letter) | :: sigla |
initialize {v} (to assign an initial value to a variable) | :: inicializar |
initially {adv} /ɪˈnɪʃəli/ (at the beginning) | :: inicialmente, al principio, en un principio, al comienzo, al inicio |
initial public offering {n} (first offering to members of the public of stock in a company) | :: oferta pública de venta {f} |
initiation {n} /ɪ.nɪ.ʃi.ˈeɪ.ʃən/ (act of initiating) | :: inicio {m} |
initiation {n} (form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society) | :: iniciación {f} |
initiative {n} /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ (a new development; a fresh approach to something; a new way of dealing with a problem) | :: iniciativa {f} |
initiative {n} | :: iniciativa {f} |
initiatory {adj} (initial, inaugural) | :: iniciativo {m}, iniciático {m} |
inject {v} /ɪnˈdʒɛkt/ (to administer an injection to) | :: inyectar |
injectable {adj} (capable of being injected) | :: inyectable |
injectable {n} (a drug which is designed to be injected) | :: inyectable {m} |
injection {n} /ɪn.ˈdʒɛk.ʃən/ (medicine: something injected) | :: inyección {f} |
injective {adj} /ɪnˈdʒɛktɪv/ (inverse-deterministic) | :: inyectivo |
injector {n} /ɪnˈdʒɛktɚ/ (device used to inject) | :: inyector {m} |
in-joke {n} /ˈɪnˌd͡ʒəʊk/ (piece of humour understood only by a group of people) | :: chiste privado |
injunction {n} /ɪnˈdʒʌnk.ʃən/ (an official writ) | :: requerimiento, medidas cautelares |
injure {v} /ˈɪndʒɚ/ (to wound or cause physical harm) | :: herir |
injure {v} | :: lastimar |
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound | :: |
injury {n} /ˈɪn.dʒə.ɹi/ (damage or violation) | :: herida {f}, lesión {f}, lastimadura {f} |
injustice {n} /ɪnˈdʒʌs.tɪs/ (absence of justice) | :: injusticia {f} |
ink {n} /ɪŋk/ (coloured fluid used for writing) | :: tinta {f} |
ink {n} (dark fluid ejected by squid etc) | :: tinta {f} |
ink {v} (apply ink) | :: entintar |
ink {v} (sign a document) | :: firmar |
ink {v} (apply a tattoo) | :: tatuar |
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell | :: |
inkhorn {n} /ˈɪŋkˌhɔː(ɹ)n/ (as adjective, of vocabulary: pedantic) | :: pedante, rebuscado |
in kind {adv} (with goods or services) | :: en especie |
in-kind {adj} (consisting of goods or commodities) | :: en especie |
inkjet printer {n} (device that prints using droplets of ink) | :: impresora de chorro de tinta {f}, impresora de inyección de tinta {f} |
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire | :: |
ink-pad {n} (piece of absorbent material, soaked with ink used for rubber stamps) | :: tampón |
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell | :: |
inkstand {n} (Small tray containin pens and an inkwell) | :: escribanía |
inkwell {n} (container for ink) | :: tintero {m} |
Inland Sea {prop} (body of water) | :: Mar Interior |
in-law {n} (relative by marriage) | :: relativo (político) {m}, familia política {f} |
in-law {n} (parent-in-law of one's child) | :: consuegro |
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law | :: |
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law | :: |
-in-law {suffix} (related through marriage) | :: político |
inlay {n} /ɪnˈleɪ/ (material placed within another material as decoration.) | :: incrustación {f} |
in layman's terms {prep} (phrased simply) | :: en cristiano, en términos simples, en lenguaje llano, en términos de andar por casa, para legos en materia, para profanos en materia, en román paladino |
inlet {n} (body of water let into a coast) | :: ensenada {f} |
inlet {n} (a passage into something) | :: entrada {f}, acceso {m} |
in lieu {adv} /ɪn.luː/ (instead (of); in place (of)) | :: en lugar de, en vez de |
in lieu of {prep} (instead; in place of; as a substitute for) | :: en vez de |
in light of {prep} (given, considering) | :: en vista de |
in-line skate {n} (roller skate with all wheels aligned) SEE: rollerblade | :: |
in living memory {prep} (within extant people's recorded history) | :: que se recuerda |
in love {prep} (of a person or persons: enamored) | :: enamorado de |
in love {prep} (very fond (of an idea, etc.)) | :: encantado de |
inmate {n} (one confined to institution, such as a prison) | :: internado {m}, interno {m}, preso {m}, recluso {m}, presidiario {m}, reo {m}, convicto {m}, detenido {m} |
inmate {n} (one who occupies a dwelling-house) | :: residente {m} {f} |
in memoriam {adv} /ɪn məˈmɔɹi.əm/ (in memory of) | :: en memoria de, en recuerdo de |
in my humble opinion {prep} (used to introduce or qualify a statement) | :: en mi humilde opinión |
in my opinion {prep} (according to me) | :: en mi opinión |
inn {n} /ɪn/ (lodging) | :: posada {f}, venta {f} [archaic] |
inn {n} (tavern) SEE: tavern | :: |
innate {adj} /ɪˈneɪt/ (inborn) | :: innato |
inner {adj} /ˈɪnɚ/ (being or occurring inside) | :: interior |
inner {adj} (inside or closer to the inside of the body) | :: interno, interior |
inner {adj} (relating to the mind or spirit) | :: interior |
inner {n} (inner part) | :: interior {m} |
inner child {n} (childlike aspect of a person's psyche) | :: puer aeternus |
inner core {n} (innermost part of the Earth) | :: núcleo interno {m} |
inner ear {n} (anatomy) | :: oído {m}, oído interno {m} |
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China) | :: Mongolia Interior {f} |
inner planet {n} (planet of the Solar System with an orbit between the asteroid belt and sun) | :: planeta interno {m} |
inner tube {n} (inflatable rubber tube) | :: cámara {f} |
innervation {n} (activity) | :: inervación {f} |
innkeeper {n} /ˈɪnkiːpəɹ/ (person responsible for the running of an inn) | :: posadero {m}, posadera {f}, ventero {m}, ventera {f} |
innocence {n} /ˈɪnəsn̩s/ (absence of responsibility for a crime) | :: inocencia {f} |
innocent {adj} /ˈɪnəsn̩t/ (pure, free from sin, untainted) | :: inocente |
innocent {adj} (not legally responsible for a wrongful act) | :: inocente |
innocent {adj} | :: inocente |
innocently {adv} /ˈɪnəsəntli/ (in an innocent manner) | :: inocentemente |
innocuous {adj} /ɪˈnɑkjuəs/ (harmless) | :: inocuo |
innocuous {adj} (inoffensive) | :: inofensivo |
innominate {adj} (having no name; anonymous) | :: innominado |
innominate bone {n} (hip bone) SEE: hip bone | :: |
in no time {prep} (very soon) | :: en cero coma |
innovate {v} /ˈɪnəveɪt/ (to introduce something new) | :: innovar |
innovation {n} /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ (act of innovating) | :: innovación {f} |
innovation {n} (something new) | :: innovación {f} |
innovation {n} | :: innovación {f} |
innovative {adj} /ˈɪn.əˌveɪɾɪv/ (characterized by the creation of new ideas or things) | :: innovador, innovativo, novedoso {m}, pionero {m} |
innovator {n} (someone who innovates) | :: innovador {m} |
innuendo {n} /ˌɪnjuˈɛndəʊ/ (A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing, an implication or insinuation) | :: insinuación {f}, indirecta {f} |
innumerable {adj} (not capable of being counted) SEE: countless | :: |
inoculate {v} /ɪˈnɑːkjuleɪt/ (to provide immunity) | :: inocular |
inoculation {n} /ɪˌnɑkjəˈleɪʃən/ (introduction of substance into the body to produce immunity) | :: vacunación {m} |
inoculation {n} | :: vacunación {m} |
inoffensive {adj} (not offensive) | :: inofensivo |
inoffensive {adj} (harmless) | :: inofensivo |
in on {adj} (Part of or privy to) | :: parte de |
in one go {adv} | :: de un tirón, de una sentada, de una tirada |
in one's altitudes {prep} (be drunk) | :: mamado, arando, borracho, pegado los tragos |
in one's book {prep} (in one's opinion) SEE: in one's opinion | :: |
in one's element {prep} (in a suitable environment) | :: como pez en el agua, como en casa, en su elemento, en su salsa |
in one's opinion {prep} (according to one's thinking) | :: según mi opinión |
in one's own right {prep} (as a consequence of one's own skill, qualification or state) | :: por sí mismo, por sus propios méritos, por derecho propio |
in one's right mind {adj} (sane) | :: en su sano juicio, en sus cabales |
in operation {prep} (operating) | :: en operación |
inoperative {adj} (not working or functioning) | :: inoperante |
in order {adv} (in sequence) | :: en orden |
in order {adv} (for the purpose of) SEE: in order to | :: |
in order for {phrase} (to indicate a possible consequence of an event or action) | :: para que |
in order that {conj} (so that) | :: de manera que |
in order to {phrase} (as a means of achieving the specified aim) | :: a fin de, para, a |
inorganic {adj} (relating to a compound that does not contain carbon) | :: inorgánico |
inorganic chemistry {n} (chemistry of elements and non-carbon containing compounds) | :: química inorgánica {f} |
inosilicate {n} (type of silicate) | :: inosilicato {m} |
in other words {prep} (stated or interpreted another way) | :: en otras palabras, o sea |
inoxidizable {adj} (cannot be readily oxidized) | :: inoxidable |
in parallel {prep} (connected side by side, instead of in series) | :: en paralelo |
in particular {adv} (especially, individually or specifically) | :: en particular, sobre todo |
in passing {prep} (incidentally) | :: de pasada |
inpatient {n} (A patient whose treatment needs at least one night's residence in a hospital) | :: paciente {m} |
in person {prep} (actually present) | :: en persona |
in personam {adj} (law) | :: contra la persona |
in place of {prep} (in place of) | :: en lugar de |
in practice {prep} (really, in effect) | :: en la práctica |
in principle {prep} (with regard to fundamentals) | :: en principio |
in principle {prep} (according to theory) | :: en principio, en teoría |
in private {prep} (privately) | :: en privado |
in progress {prep} (underway) SEE: underway | :: |
in public {prep} (in view of other people) | :: en público |
input {n} /ˈɪnpʊt/ (something fed into a process) | :: insumo {m}, entrada {f} |
input {v} (to enter data) | :: introducir |
input method {n} (program that facilitates the input of foreign scripts) | :: método de entrada {m} |
in question {adj} (under consideration or discussion) | :: en cuestión |
in question {adj} (in doubt, under dispute) | :: en tela de juicio |
inquietude {n} (the condition of being restless, uneasy or nervous) | :: inquietud {f} |
inquiline {n} /ˈɪŋkwɪlaɪn/ (animal that lives commensally in the dwelling place of another species) | :: inquilino {m} |
inquinate {v} /ˈɪnkwɪneɪt/ (to pollute or make dirty) | :: contaminar |
inquire {v} /ɪnˈkwaɪɹ/ (to ask about something) | :: investigar, informarse |
inquiry {n} /ɪnˈkwaɪəɹi/ (the act of inquiring) | :: inquisición {f}, indagatoria {f}, pesquisa |
Inquisition {prop} (tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church) | :: Inquisición {f} |
inquisitive {adj} /ɪŋˈkwɪzətɪv/ (eager to acquire knowledge) | :: inquisitivo |
inquisitive {adj} (too curious; overly interested; nosy) | :: inquisitivo, curioso |
inquisitor {n} (interrogator, questioner) | :: inquisidor {m} |
inquisitor {n} (official of the Inquisition) | :: inquisidor {m} |
in recent memory {prep} (in living memory) SEE: in living memory | :: |
in respect of {prep} (pertaining to) | :: en cuanto a |
insalubrious {adj} /ɪnsəˈluːbɹɪəs/ (unhealthful) | :: insalubre |
ins and outs {n} (the details or fine points) | :: entresijos, entretelas |
insane {adj} /ɪnˈseɪn/ (exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind) | :: enfermo mental, loco {m}, demente, enajenado {m}, alienado {m}, perturbado {m}, desequilibrado {m}, chiflado {m} [colloquial], chalado {m} [colloquial], ido {m}, vesánico {m}, desquiciado {m}, sonado {m}, trastornado {m}, pirado {m} |
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
insanity {n} /ɪnˈsænɪti/ (state of being insane) | :: locura {f}, insania, vesania |
insatiable {adj} (not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased) | :: insaciable |
insatiate {adj} (that is not satiated) SEE: insatiable | :: |
inscribe {v} /ɪnˈskɹaɪb/ (to write or cut words onto something) | :: inscribir |
inscription {n} /ɪnˈskɹɪpʃən/ (carved text) | :: inscripción {f} |
inscription {n} (dedication in a book) | :: dedicatoria {f} |
inscrutable {adj} /ˌɪnˈskɹuːtəbl/ (difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret) | :: inescrutable, impenetrable, incomprensible, insondable |
inseam {n} /ˈɪnsiːm/ (The seam of a trouser) | :: entrepierna {f}, entrecostura {f} |
in secret {prep} (secretly) SEE: secretly | :: |
insect {n} /ˈɪnsɛkt/ (arthropod of class Insecta) | :: insecto {m} |
insect {n} (colloquial: any small arthropod) | :: bicho {m} |
insectarium {n} (insectarium) | :: insectario {m} |
insect hotel {n} (manmade structure to house insects) | :: hotel para insectos {m} |
insecticide {n} (A substance used to kill insects) | :: insecticida {f} |
insectivore {n} /ɪnˈsɛktəˌvɔɹ/ (insect eating animal) | :: insectívoro {m} |
insectivorous {adj} /ˌɪnsɛkˈtɪv(ə)ɹəs/ (feeding on insects) | :: insectívoro |
insect screen {n} (window screen) SEE: window screen | :: |
insecure {adj} (not secure) | :: inseguro |
insecure {adj} (not comfortable in certain situations) | :: inseguro |
inseminate {v} (to disperse or plant seds) SEE: sow | :: |
inseminate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate | :: |
insemination {n} (act of making pregnant) | :: inseminación {f} |
insensate {adj} /ɪnˈsɛn.sət/ (having no sensation or consciousness) | :: inconsciente |
insensate {adj} (senseless; foolish; irrational) | :: absurdo |
insensate {adj} (unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive) | :: inhumano |
insensate {adj} (medicine, physiology: not responsive) | :: indiferente |
insensible {adj} /ɪnˈsɛn.sɪ.bl̩/ (unable to be perceived by the sense) | :: insensible |
insensible {adj} (incapable of emotional feeling) | :: insensible |
insensitive {adj} /ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv/ (not having normal physical feeling) | :: insensible |
insensitive {adj} (not having normal emotional feelings, cold, tactless, undiplomatic) | :: insensible |
insensitively {adv} (in an insensitive manner) | :: insensiblemente |
insensitivity {n} (condition of being insensitive) | :: insensibilidad {f} |
inseparable {adj} /in.ˈsɛ.p(ə).ɹə.bl/ (unable to be separated) | :: inseparable |
inseparably {adv} (in an inseparable manner) | :: inseparablemente |
in series {prep} (connected in a chain, instead of in parallel) | :: en serie |
insert {v} /ɪnˈsɜːt/ (put in between or into) | :: insertar, meter |
insertion {n} /ɪnˈsɝʃən/ (act of inserting, or something inserted) | :: inserción |
insertion {n} (addition of a nucleotide to a chromosome) | :: inserción |
inset {n} /ˈɪnsɛt/ (smaller thing set into a larger thing) | :: inserto |
inset {n} (anything inserted) | :: inserto |
inset {n} (small piece of material used to strengthen a garment) | :: refuerzo {m}, parche |
inshallah {interj} /ˌɪnʃˈɑ.lə/ (God willing (Islam)) | :: inshalá, ojalá |
inshore {adj} (close to shore) | :: acostado |
inside {n} /ˈɪnsaɪd/ (interior or inner part) | :: interior {m} |
inside {adv} (within the interior) | :: dentro |
inside {adv} (towards the interior) | :: adentro |
inside {prep} (within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference) | :: dentro de |
inside joke {n} (joke understood by certain people) | :: broma privada {f}, chiste interno {m}, broma local |
inside out {adv} /ˌɪnsaɪdˈaʊt/ (with the inside turned to be on the outside) | :: al revés, del revés |
inside out {adv} (of knowledge: thoroughly) | :: de cabo a rabo, como la palma de mi mano |
insider {n} /ɪnˈsaɪdɚ/ (person who has special knowledge) | :: insider {m} |
insidious {adj} /ɪnˈsɪdi.əs/ (producing serious harm in a stealthy, often gradual, manner) | :: insidioso |
insidious {adj} (intending to entrap) | :: insidioso |
insidious {adj} (treacherous) SEE: treacherous | :: |
insight {n} /ˈɪnsaɪt/ (sight of the interior; deep view; introspections) | :: introspección {f} |
insight {n} (power of acute observation and deduction) | :: perspicacia {f}, agudeza {f}, deducción {f} |
insight {n} (intuitive apprehension of the inner nature of things) | :: introspección {f} |
insightful {adj} /ɪnˈsaɪt.f(ə)l/ (possessing insight) | :: perspicaz |
insignia {n} /ɪnˈsɪɡ.ni.ə/ (a patch or other object that indicates rank or membership) | :: insignia {f} |
insignia {n} (symbol or token of power, status, or offic) | :: distintivo {m} |
insignificance {n} (quality of being insignificant) | :: insignificancia {f}, intrascendencia {f} |
insignificant {adj} /ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ (not significant; not important) | :: insignificante, oscuro, desestimable |
in silence {prep} (without making a noise) | :: en silencio |
insincere {adj} (not sincere) | :: falso, no sincero |
insinuate {v} /ɪnˈsɪnjueɪt/ (make way for by subtle means) | :: insinuar |
insinuate {v} (hint at (something)) | :: insinuar |
insinuation {n} /ɪnˌsɪnjuˈeɪʃən/ (act of gaining favor, affection, or influence, by gentle or artful means) | :: insinuación {f} |
insinuation {n} (a suggestion or intimation by distant allusion) | :: insinuación |
insipid {adj} /ɪnˈsɪp.ɪd/ (unappetizingly flavorless) | :: insípido |
insipid {adj} (flat; lacking character or definition) | :: insulso, soso |
insipid {adj} (cloyingly sentimental) | :: cursi |
insipidity {n} (condition of being insipid) | :: insipidez {f}, desazón {f} |
insipidly {adv} (in an insipid manner) | :: insípidamente |
insipidness {n} (lack of distinctive, appealing, or energetic character) | :: insipidez {f}, desazón {f} |
insist {v} /ɪnˈsɪst/ (to hold up a claim emphatically) | :: insistir, empeñarse |
insistence {n} (state of being insistent) | :: insistencia {f} |
insistence {n} (urgent demand) | :: insistencia {f} |
insistently {adv} (in an insistent manner) | :: insistentemente, encarecidamente |
insofar as {conj} /ɪn.soʊˈfɑɹəz/ (to the extent that) | :: en la medida en que, en tanto en cuanto |
insolation {n} (medicine: sunstroke) SEE: sunstroke | :: |
insolation {n} (sun's radiant energy per unit area) | :: insolación {f} |
insolation {n} (exposure to the rays of the sun) | :: insolación {f} |
insole {n} /ˈɪnsoʊl/ (inside sole of footwear) | :: plantilla {f}, palmilla {f} |
insolence {n} /ˈɪnsələns/ (Arrogant conduct; insulting, bold behaviour or attitude) | :: insolencia {f} |
insolency {n} (quality of being insolent) | :: insolencia {f} |
insolency {n} (act of insolence) | :: insolencia {f} |
insolent {adj} /ˈɪnsə.lənt/ (insulting in manner or words) | :: insolente |
insolently {adv} (in an insolent manner) | :: insolentemente |
insoluble {adj} (not soluble; that cannot be dissolved) | :: insoluble |
insolvable {adj} (impossible to solve) | :: insoluble |
insolvency {n} /ɪnˈsɒlvn̩si/ (the condition of being insolvent) | :: insolvencia {f} |
insolvent {adj} (Unable to pay) | :: insolvente |
insomnia {n} /ɪnˈsɒmniə/ (sleeping disorder) | :: insomnio {m} |
insomniac {adj} (suffering from or pertaining to insomnia) | :: insomne |
in spades {prep} /ɪn ˈspeɪds/ (to excess) | :: a raudales, a mansalva, a porrillo [colloquial], a punta pala [Spain, colloquial], a patadas |
inspect {v} /ɪnˈspɛkt/ (examine critically, scrutinize) | :: inspeccionar |
inspect {v} (view and examine officially) | :: inspeccionar, pasar revista |
inspection {n} /ɪnˈspɛkʃən/ (the act of examining something, often closely) | :: inspección {f} |
inspection {n} | :: inspección {f} |
inspector {n} /ɪnˈspɛktɚ/ (person employed to inspect something) | :: inspector {m} |
inspiration {n} /ɪnspɨˈɹeɪʃən/ (physiology: drawing of air) | :: inspiración {f} |
inspiration {n} (supernatural divine influence) | :: inspiración {f} |
inspiration {n} (stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions) | :: inspiración {f} |
inspirator {n} (inspirer) SEE: inspirer | :: |
inspire {v} (to inhale) SEE: inhale | :: |
inspire {v} /ɪn.ˈspaɪɹ/ (to infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence) | :: inspirar, infundir |
inspire {v} | :: inspirar |
inspirer {n} (someone who inspires) | :: inspirador {m}, inspiradora {f} |
inspiring {adj} /ɪn.ˈspaɪ(ə)ɹɪŋ/ (providing inspiration; encouraging; stimulating) | :: inspirador {m}, inspirativo {m} |
in spite of {prep} (despite) | :: a pesar de, pese a |
instability {n} (quality of being unstable) | :: inestabilidad {f} |
instability {n} (physical state) | :: inestabilidad {f} |
install {v} /ɪnˈstɔːl/ (set something up for use) | :: instalar |
installation {n} /ɪnstəˈleɪʃən/ (act of installing) | :: instalación {f} |
installation {n} (something installed) | :: instalación {f} |
installer {n} (person who installs) | :: instalador {m}, instaladora {f} |
installer {n} (program that installs software and prepares it for use) | :: instalador {m} |
installment {n} /ɪnˈstɔːlmənt/ (finance: portion of debt) | :: cuota {f} |
installment {n} (media: part of a serial) | :: episodio {m} |
installment {n} (act of installing; installation) | :: instalación {f} |
instalment {n} (installment) SEE: installment | :: |
instance {n} /ˈɪnstəns/ (case occurring, a case offered as an exemplification, an example) | :: caso {m}, ejemplo {m} |
instance {n} (recurring occasion, case) | :: caso {m}, ocasión {f} |
instance {n} (in computing) | :: instancia {f} |
instant {n} /ˈɪnstənt/ (period of time) | :: instante {m} |
instant {n} (point in time) | :: momento {m} |
instantaneous {adj} /ɪnstənˈteɪni.əs/ (occurring, arising, or functioning without any delay; happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time) | :: instantáneo |
instantaneously {adv} (Without any delay) | :: instantáneamente |
instant coffee {n} /ˌɪnstənt ˈkɒfi/ (beverage) | :: café instantáneo {m} |
instantly {adv} /ˈɪnstəntli/ (at once) | :: al instante, al hilo, al tiro, instantáneamente |
instant message {n} (message conveyed through an instant messaging program) | :: mensaje instantáneo {m} |
instant messaging {n} (form of realtime communication) | :: mensajería instantánea {f} |
instant messenger {n} (application which allows instant text communication) | :: mensajería instantánea {f} |
instant noodle {n} (a mass of precooked noodles) | :: fideos instantáneos {m-p} |
instanton {n} (A solution to the Yang-Mills field theory equation) | :: instantón |
instar {n} /ˈɪnstɑɹ/ (stage in the development of arthropods) | :: estadio |
instead {adv} /ɪnˈstɛd/ (in the place of (it)) | :: en vez de, en lugar de |
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than) | :: en lugar de, en vez de |
instep {n} (top of the foot between the toes and the ankle) | :: empeine |
instigation {n} (act of instigating) | :: instigación {f} |
instigator {n} /ˈɪnstɪɡeɪtə/ (person who intentionally instigates something) | :: instigador {m}, incitador {m} |
instill {v} /ɪnˈstɪl/ (to cause a quality to become part of someone's nature) | :: inculcar |
instill {v} (to pour in drop by drop) | :: instilar |
instinct {n} /ˈɪn.stɪŋkt/ (natural or inherent impulse or behaviour) | :: instinto {m} |
instinctive {adj} /ɪnˈstɪŋktɪv/ (related to or prompted by instinct) | :: instintivo |
instinctive {adj} (driven by impulse, spontaneous and without thinking) | :: instintivo |
instinctively {adv} /ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli/ (innately, by instinct, without being taught) | :: instintivamente |
institute {n} /ˈɪnstɪt(j)uːt/ (organization founded to promote a cause) | :: instituto {m} |
institute {n} (college) | :: instituto {n} |
institute {v} (to begin or initiate something) | :: instituir |
institution {n} /ˌɪnstɪˈtuːʃən/ (established organisation) | :: institución {f} |
institutional {adj} (rudimentary) SEE: rudimentary | :: |
institutional {adj} /ˌɪnstɪˈtjuʃənəl/ (of pertaining to or characteristic of an institution) | :: institucional |
institutional {adj} | :: institucional |
institutionalization {n} /ˌɪnstɪˌtjuːʃnəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (the process of establishing a practice as a norm ) | :: institucionalización {f} |
institutionalize {v} /ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənəˌlaɪz/ (to establish as a normal practice) | :: institucionalizar |
instruct {v} /ˌɪnˈstɹʌkt/ (teach, give instruction) | :: instruir |
instruction {n} /ɪnˈstɹʌkʃən/ (that which instructs, or with which one is instructed) | :: instrucción |
instructive {adj} /ɪnˈstɹʌktɪv/ (Conveying knowledge, information or instruction) | :: informativo, instructivo, aleccionador |
instructive case {n} (case used to indicate means) | :: caso instructivo {m} |
instructor {n} (one who instructs; a teacher) | :: instructor {m}, instructora {f} |
instrument {n} /ˈɪnstɹəmənt/ (musical device) | :: instrumento {m} |
instrument {n} (tool) | :: instrumento {m}, herramienta {f} |
instrument {n} (legal document) | :: instrumento {m} |
instrument {n} (person used as a mere tool) | :: instrumento {m} |
instrumental {adj} /ɪnstɹəˈmɛntəl/ (of musical instrument) | :: instrumental |
instrumental {adj} (pertaining to the instrumental case) | :: instrumental |
instrumental {n} (instrumental case) SEE: instrumental case | :: |
instrumental case {n} (case to express agency or means) | :: caso instrumental {m}, instrumental {m} |
instrumentalisation {n} | :: instrumentalización {f} |
instrumentalist {n} (one who plays a musical instrument) | :: instrumentista {m} {f} |
instrumentalize {v} (make into an instrument for achieving a goal) | :: instrumentalizar |
insubordination {n} (quality of being insubordinate) | :: insubordinación {f} |
insubstantial {adj} | :: hueco, insustancial, vacío |
insubstantiality {n} (the state or quality of being insubstantial) | :: oquedad {f} [of speech or talk] |
insufferable {adj} /ɪnˈsʌfɚəbəl/ (not sufferable) | :: insufrible |
insufficiency {n} (the lack of sufficiency; a shortage or inadequacy) | :: insuficiencia {f} |
insufficient {adj} /ɪnsəˈfɪʃənt/ (Not sufficient) | :: insuficiente |
insufficiently {adv} (not sufficiently) | :: insuficientemente |
insufflation {n} | :: insuflación {f} |
insular {adj} /ˈɪnsəlɚ/ (of, pertaining to, or resembling an island or islands) | :: insular {m} {f} |
insular {adj} (situated on an island) | :: insular {m} {f} |
insularism {n} (insular behavior) | :: insularismo |
insulating tape {n} (electrical tape) SEE: electrical tape | :: |
insulation {n} /ˌɪnsəˈleɪʃən/ (The act of insulating) | :: insolación {f} |
insulation {n} | :: aislamiento {m} |
insulator {n} /ˈɪn.sjə.leɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (substance) | :: aislante |
insulin {n} /ˈɪnsəlɪn/ (polypeptide hormone) | :: insulina {f} |
insult {v} /ɪnˈsʌlt/ (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone)) | :: insultar |
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude) | :: insulto {m}, ofensa {f}, improperio |
insult {n} (something that causes offence) | :: insulto {m}, ofensa {f} |
insulting {adj} /ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ/ (containing insult, or having the intention of insulting) | :: afrentoso |
insultive {adj} (insulting) SEE: insulting | :: |
insurance {n} /ɪn.ˈʃʊɹ.əns/ (indemnity) | :: seguro {m} |
insurance {n} (business) | :: seguro {m} |
insurance {n} (insurance policy) SEE: insurance policy | :: |
insurance company {n} (company that provides insurance policies) | :: compañía de seguros {f} |
insurance contract {n} (insurance policy) SEE: insurance policy | :: |
insurance policy {n} (document) | :: póliza aseguradora {f} |
insure {v} /ɪnˈʃʊɚ/ (to provide for compensation if some risk occurs) | :: asegurar |
insurgent {adj} /ɪnˈsəɹdʒənt/ (rebellious) | :: insurgente |
insurgent {n} (rebel) | :: insurgente {m} {f} |
insurmountable {adj} (incapable of being passed over) | :: insalvable, insuperable |
insurrection {n} /ˌɪnsəˈɹɛkʃən/ (mutiny or rebellion) | :: insurrección {f} |
intact {adj} /ɪnˈtækt/ (untouched) | :: intacto |
intake {n} /ˈɪnteɪk/ (act of taking in) | :: toma, ingestión |
intake manifold {n} (part of an engine that supplies the fuel/air mixture to the cylinder) | :: colector de admisión {m} |
intangible {adj} /ɪnˈtændʒəbəl/ (incapable of being perceived) | :: intangible |
intangible cultural heritage {n} (traditions recognized by UNESCO) | :: Patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la Humanidad |
integer {n} /ˈɪn.tɪ.d͡ʒə(ɹ)/ (a number that is not a fraction) | :: entero |
integrable {adj} (able to be integrated) | :: integrable |
integral {adj} /ˈɪntəɡɹəl/ (math: of, pertaining to, or being an integer) | :: entero |
integral {n} (limit of sums) | :: integral {f} |
integral {n} (antiderivative) SEE: antiderivative | :: |
integral calculus {n} (calculus of areas and volumes) | :: cálculo integral {m} |
integral domain {n} (nonzero commutative ring in which the product of nonzero elements is nonzero) | :: dominio de integridad {m} |
integrand {n} (function that is to be integrated) | :: integrando {m} |
integrated {adj} (composed and coordinated to form a whole) | :: integrado |
integrated circuit {n} (thin chip) | :: circuito integrado {m} |
integration {n} /ɪntəˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (act or process of making whole or entire) | :: integración {f} |
integration {n} (process of fitting into a community) | :: integración {f} |
integration {n} (in mathematics) | :: integración {f} |
integrin {n} (protein functioning as receptor) | :: integrina |
integrity {n} /ɪnˈtɛɡɹəti/ (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code) | :: integridad |
integument {n} /ɪnˈtɛɡ.jʊ.mənt/ (outer protective covering of body) | :: integumento {m} |
integumentary {adj} (relating to integuments) | :: integumentario |
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence | :: |
intellect {n} /ˈɪntəlɛkt/ (The faculty of knowing and reasoning; understanding) | :: intelecto {m} |
intellectual {adj} (spiritual) SEE: spiritual | :: |
intellectual {adj} /ˌɪntəˈlɛk(t)ʃʊəl/ (belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental or cognitive) | :: intelectual |
intellectually {adv} (in an intellectual manner) | :: intelectualmente |
intellectual property {n} (product of someone's intellect) | :: propiedad intelectual {f} |
intelligence {n} /ɪnˈtɛl.ɪ.d͡ʒəns/ (capacity of mind) | :: inteligencia {f} |
intelligence agency {n} (governmental agency devoted to information gathering) | :: servicio de inteligencia {m} |
intelligence quotient {n} (IQ score) | :: cociente de inteligencia |
intelligent {adj} /ɪnˈtɛlɪd͡ʒənt/ (of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright) | :: inteligente |
intelligent {adj} (well thought-out, well considered) | :: inteligente |
intelligent {adj} (characterized by thoughtful interaction) | :: inteligente |
intelligent design {prop} (intelligent design / Intelligent Design) | :: diseño inteligente {m} |
intelligently {adv} (cleverly) | :: inteligentemente |
intelligentsia {n} /ɪntɛlɪˈd͡ʒɛntsɪə/ (intellectual élite) | :: intelligentsia {f}, inteliguentsia {f}, inteligencia {f} |
intelligibility {n} (intelligible) | :: inteligibilidad {f} |
intelligibility {n} (understandability of speech) | :: inteligibilidad {f} |
intelligible {adj} /ɪnˈtɛlədʒəbl̩/ (capable of being understood) | :: inteligible |
intelligibly {adv} (in an intelligible manner) | :: inteligiblemente |
intempestivity {n} /ɪntɛmpɛˈstɪvɪtɪ/ (unseasonability; untimeliness) | :: intempestividad |
intend {v} /ɪnˈtɛnd/ (to fix the mind upon a goal) | :: pretender |
intend {v} (to be intent upon) | :: intentar |
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé | :: |
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée | :: |
intended {adj} /ɪnˈtɛndɪd/ (planned) | :: planeado |
intense {adj} /ɪnˈtɛns/ (strained; tightly drawn) | :: intenso |
intense {adj} (extreme in degree) | :: intenso |
intensely {adv} /ɪnˈtɛnsli/ (in an intense manner) | :: intensamente |
intensely {adv} (to an intense degree) | :: intensamente |
intensify {v} (to render more intense) | :: intensificar |
intensity {n} /ɪnˈtɛnsɪti/ (quality of being intense) | :: intensidad {f} |
intensive {adj} /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/ (thorough, to a great degree, with intensity) | :: intensivo |
intensive {adj} (demanding, requiring a great amount) | :: intensivo |
intensive {adj} (highly concentrated) | :: intensivo |
intensive {adj} (related to the need to manage life-threatening conditions by means of sophisticated life support and monitoring) | :: intensivo |
intensive care unit {n} (hospital ward for critically ill patients) | :: unidad de cuidados intensivos {f} |
intensively {adv} (in an intensive way) | :: intensivamente |
intent {n} /ɪnˈtɛnt/ (a purpose; something that is intended) | :: intención {f}, intento {m}, propósito {m} |
intent {adj} (firmly fixed or concentrated) | :: concentrado |
intention {v} (intend) SEE: intend | :: |
intention {n} /ɪnˈtɛnʃən/ (course intended to follow) | :: intención {f} |
intention {n} (the goal or purpose behind a specific action) | :: intención {f} |
intentional {adj} (intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily) | :: intencional |
intentionally {adv} (intentional manner, on purpose) | :: intencionalmente |
intently {adv} /ɪnˈtɛntli/ (in a focused manner) | :: atentamente |
inter- {prefix} /ɪntɚ/ (among, between) | :: inter- |
inter {v} /ɪnˈtɝ/ (bury in a grave) | :: enterrar |
interact {v} /ɪntəɹˈækt/ (act upon each other) | :: interactuar |
interaction {n} /ˌɪntəɹˈækʃən/ (situation or occurrence in which two or more objects or events act upon one another) | :: interacción {f} |
interactive {adj} /ɪntɚˈæktɪv/ (acting with each other) | :: interactivo |
interactive {adj} (responding to the user) | :: interactivo |
interactivity {n} /ɪntəɹækˈtɪvɪti/ (quality of being interactive) | :: interactividad {f} |
inter alia {adv} (among other things) | :: entre otros {m} |
intercalary {adj} /ˌɪnt.ɚˈkæl.ɚ.i/ (of a time period, inserted between others) | :: intercalado |
intercardinal direction {n} (compass direction) | :: punto colateral {m} |
intercept {v} /ɪntɚˈsɛpt/ (to gain possession of) | :: interceptar, interrumpir |
intercession {n} (a prayer to God on behalf of another person) | :: intercesión {f} |
intercessor {n} /ˈɪntə(ɹ)ˌsɛsə(ɹ)/ (one who intercedes) | :: intercesor {m} |
interchange {v} /ɪntɚˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (to switch) | :: intercambiar, reemplazar |
interchange {v} (to swap) | :: intercambiar, reemplazar |
interchange {n} (act of interchanging) | :: intercambio {m}, intercambios {p} |
interchange {n} (rail transport: connection btw two or more lines, services or modes of transport) | :: transbordo {m}, transbordos {p} |
interchangeable {adj} /ɪntɚˈtʃeɪndʒəbl̩/ (freely substitutable) | :: intercambiable |
intercity {adj} (that connects cities one with another) | :: interurbano |
intercom {n} (an electronic communication system) | :: portero automático {m}, telefonillo {m}, intercomunicador {m}, citófono {m} |
intercomprehension {n} (mutual comprehension) | :: intercomprensión |
interconnection {n} (Connecting renewable-energy systems to the power grid) | :: interconexión {f} |
intercontinental {adj} /ˌɪn.tə.kɒn.tɪˈnɛn.təl/ (between two or more continents) | :: intercontinental |
intercostobrachial {adj} (of or relating to a group of intercostal nerves) | :: intercostobraquial |
intercourse {n} /ˈɪn.tɚˌkɔɹs/ (communication, conversation) | :: conversación |
intercourse {n} (sexual intercourse) | :: coito {m}, acto sexual {m}, relación sexual |
intercultural {adj} (between different cultures) | :: intercultural |
intercuneiform {adj} (between the cuneiform bones) | :: intercuneiforme |
interdental {adj} (pertaining to the space between the teeth) | :: interdental |
interdental {adj} (phonetics: pronounced with the tongue between the top and bottom teeth) | :: interdental |
interdependence {n} (being interdependent) | :: interdependencia {f} |
interdependent {adj} (Mutually dependent) | :: interdependiente |
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition | :: |
interdisciplinary {adj} (of or pertaining to multiple distinct academic disciplines or fields of study) | :: interdisciplinario, interdisciplinar |
interest {n} /ˈɪntəɹɪst/ (finance: price of credit) | :: interés {m} |
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone) | :: interés {m} |
interest {n} (attention that is given to or received from someone or something) | :: interés {m} |
interest {n} (involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking) | :: interés {m} |
interest {v} (to attract attention or concern) | :: interesar |
interested {adj} /ˈɪntɹəstɪd/ (having or showing interest) | :: interesado |
interestedly {adv} (in an interested manner) | :: interesadamente |
interest group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group | :: |
interesting {adj} /ˈɪntəɹəstɪŋ/ (arousing or holding the attention) | :: interesante |
interestingly {adv} (in an interesting way) | :: interesantemente |
interest rate {n} (percentage of money charged for its use per some period) | :: interés {m}, tasa de interés {f}, tipo de interés {m}, tipo {m} |
interface {n} /ˈɪntɚˌfeɪs/ (point of interconnection between entities) | :: interfaz {f} |
interface {n} (chemistry, physics: thin layer or boundary between different substances, or phases of a single substance) | :: interfase {f} |
interface {n} (computing: point of interconnection between systems or subsystems) | :: interfaz {f} |
interface {n} (computing: connection between a user and a machine) | :: interfaz {f} |
interface {n} (computing, object-oriented: connection between parts of software) | :: interfaz {f} |
interface {n} (computing, object-oriented: piece of code defining a set of operations that other code must implement) | :: interfaz {f} |
interfere {v} /ˌɪntɚˈfɪɹ/ (be correlated with each other when overlapped or superposed) | :: interferir |
interfere {v} | :: impedir |
interference {n} /ˌɪntəɹˈfiɹɨns/ (act of interfering with something, or something that interferes) | :: injerencia {f}, interferencia {f}, intromisión {f} |
interference {n} (effect caused by the superposition of two systems of waves) | :: interferencia {f} |
interference {n} | :: injerencia {f} |
interferometer {n} (instrument) | :: interferómetro {m} |
interferon {n} (any of a group of glycoproteins, that prevent viral replication in infected cells) | :: interferón {m} |
interfix {n} (an empty morph inserted between two morphemes) | :: interfijo {m} |
interfluve {n} (the region of higher land between two connected river valleys) | :: interfluvio {m} |
intergalactic {adj} (occurring between galaxies) | :: intergaláctico |
intergenerational {adj} (between or across generations) | :: intergeneracional {m} {f} |
intergluteal cleft {n} (groove between the buttocks) SEE: gluteal cleft | :: |
intergovernmental {adj} (of, relating to, or involving two or more governments) | :: intergubernamental |
interhemispheric {adj} (between hemispheres) | :: interhemisférico |
interim {adj} /ˈɪntəɹɪm/ (temporary) | :: interino |
interim {n} (a transitional or temporary period between other events) | :: ínterin {m} |
interior {adj} /ɪnˈtɪɹiɚ/ (having to do with the inner part of something) | :: interior |
interior {adj} (having to do with the inland parts of a country) | :: interior |
interior {n} (the inside of an enclosed structure) | :: interior {m} |
interior {n} | :: interior {m} |
interjection {n} /ˌɪn.tɚˈdʒɛk.ʃən/ (exclamation or filled pause in grammar) | :: interjección {f} |
interlace {v} /ˈin.tɚ.leɪs/ (to cross one with another) | :: entrelazar |
interlace {v} (to cross one another as if woven together) | :: entrelazar |
Interlaken {prop} (town in Switzerland) | :: Interlaken {m} |
interlanguage {n} (lingua franca) SEE: lingua franca | :: |
interlanguage {n} (creole) SEE: creole | :: |
interlanguage {n} (pidgin) SEE: pidgin | :: |
interleave {v} (to insert (pages, which are normally blank) between the pages of a book) | :: interfoliar |
Interlingua {prop} /ˈɪntə(ɹ)ˌlɪŋɡwə/ (interlanguage based on Romance languages) | :: interlingua {f} |
interlobular {adj} (between lobules) | :: interlobular |
interlock {v} (To fit or clasp together securely) | :: bloqueo {m}, traba {f} |
interlocking {n} (arrangement of signal apparatus) | :: trabazón |
interlocutor {n} /ˌɪntəɹˈlɑkjətəɹ/ (A person who takes part in dialogue or conversation) | :: interlocutor {m} |
interloper {n} /ˌɪɾ̃ɚˈloʊ̯pɚ/ (one who interferes) | :: intruso, entremetido {m} |
interlude {n} (entertainment between the acts of a play) | :: interludio {m} |
interlude {n} (short piece put between the parts of a longer composition) | :: interludio {m} |
intermarriage {n} (mixed marriage) SEE: mixed marriage | :: |
intermediary {n} (an agent acting as a mediator between sides that may disagree) | :: intermediario |
intermediate {adj} /ɪntə(ɹ)ˈmidi.ət/ (being between two extremes, or in the middle of a range) | :: intermedio |
intermediate {n} (an intermediary) | :: intermediario {m} |
intermediate {v} (to mediate, to be an intermediate) | :: intermediar |
interment {n} (The act of burying a dead body; burial) | :: entierro {m} |
intermesenteric {adj} (within the mesentery) | :: intermesentérico |
interminable {adj} /ɪnˈtɜː(ɹ).mɪn.ə.bəl/ (existing or occurring without interruption or end) | :: interminable |
interminate {adj} (interminable) SEE: interminable | :: |
interminated {adj} (interminable) SEE: interminable | :: |
intermingle {v} (to mix together) | :: entreverar |
intermingle {v} (to become mixed together) | :: entremezclar |
intermission {n} /ɪntɚˈmɪʃən/ (break between performances or sessions) | :: intermisión {f}, intermedio {m} |
intermittent {adj} /ˌɪntɚˈmɪtn̩t/ (stopping and starting at intervals) | :: intermitente |
intermodal {adj} (Relating to more than one mode of transport) | :: intermodal |
intern {v} /ɪnˈtɝn/ (to work as an intern (intransitive)) | :: pasante {m} |
intern {n} /ˈɪntɝn/ (student or recent graduate who works in order to gain experience in their chosen field) | :: pasante {m} {f}, practicante {m} {f}, persona en prácticas {f}, interno {m}, becario {m} |
internal {adj} /ɪnˈtɝnəl/ (inside of something) | :: interno {m} |
internal {adj} (within the body) | :: interno, interno |
internal {adj} (concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state etc.) | :: interior, interno |
internal {adj} | :: interno |
internal combustion {n} (process where fuel is burned within an engine) | :: combustión interna {f} |
internal combustion engine {n} (a piston or a rotary heat engine) | :: motor de combustión interna {m} |
internalize {v} /ɪnˈtɝnəlaɪz/ (make something internal) | :: interiorizar |
internalized homophobia {n} (homophobia against oneself) | :: homofobia interiorizada {f}, homofobia internalizada {f} |
internally {adv} /ɪnˈtɝnəli/ (In an internal manner) | :: internamente, interiormente |
internally {adv} (With regard to internal affairs) | :: internamente |
internally displaced person {n} (someone who is forced to flee home but remains within his or her country's borders) | :: desplazado interno {m} |
internal organ {n} (an organ that is entirely within the confines of the body) | :: órgano interno {m} |
internal refugee {n} (internally displaced person) SEE: internally displaced person | :: |
international {adj} /ˌɪntɚˈnæʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations) | :: internacional |
international {n} (transnational organization) | :: internacional {f} |
international airport {n} (airport that accepts international flights) | :: aeropuerto internacional {m} |
international auxiliary language {n} (language) | :: lengua auxiliar internacional {f} |
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court) | :: Corte Internacional de Justicia {m} |
International Date Line {prop} (line on the Earth's surface) | :: línea internacional de cambio de fecha {f} |
Internationale {prop} /ˌɪn.tɚˌnæ.ʃənˈæl/ (proletarian song) | :: la Internacional {f} |
internationalise {v} (to make international) SEE: internationalize | :: |
internationalism {n} (cooperation between nations) | :: internacionalismo {m} |
internationalist {adj} (about internationalism) | :: internacionalista |
internationalist {n} (advocate of internationalism) | :: internacionalista {m} {f} |
internationalization {n} /ɪntəˌnæʃ(ə)n(ə)ləˈzeɪʃən/ (conversion of something to make it international) | :: internacionalización {f} |
internationalization {n} (software: act of making something suitable for international markets) | :: internacionalización |
internationalize {v} (to make something international) | :: internacionalizar |
International Klein Blue {prop} (deep blue hue achieved through ultramarine pigment and a binder) | :: Azul Klein {m}, International Klein Blue {m} |
international law {n} (set of rules applied to the relations between nations) | :: derecho internacional {m} |
internationally {adv} (in an international manner) | :: internacionalmente |
International Maritime Organization {prop} | :: Organización Marítima Internacional {f} |
International Monetary Fund {prop} (International Monetary Fund) | :: Fondo Monetario Internacional {m} |
international organisation {n} (organisation established by treaty) | :: organismo internacional |
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} /ˌɪntɚˈnæʃ(ə)n(ə)l fəˈnɛtɪk ˈælfəˌbɛt/ (standardized symbols for speech) | :: Alfabeto Fonético Internacional {m} |
international relations {n} (study of relationships among countries) | :: relaciones Internacionales |
International System of Units {prop} (standard set of basic units of measurement) | :: Sistema Internacional de Unidades {m} |
International Telecommunication Union {prop} (United Nations agency) | :: Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones {f} |
internaut {n} (internaut) | :: cibernauta {m} {f} |
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet | :: |
Internet {prop} /ˈɪntɚˌnɛt/ (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers) | :: internet {m} {f}, red {f} |
Internet cafe {n} (place where one can use a computer with Internet) | :: cibercafé {m}, café Internet {m} |
Internet Protocol {n} (one of the computer networking protocols) | :: protocolo de Internet {m} |
internode {n} (a section of the stem between two nodes) | :: entrenudo {m}, internodio {m} |
internship {n} /ˈɪntɝnʃɪp/ (job taken by a student) | :: pasantía {f}, práctica {f}, prácticas {p} {f} |
interoperability {n} /ˌɪntəɹɒpəɹəˈbɪləti/ (military) | :: interoperabilidad {f} |
interoperability {n} (computing) | :: interoperabilidad {f} |
interosseous {adj} (between bones) | :: interóseo |
interpeduncular {adj} (between peduncules) | :: interpeduncular |
interpersonal {adj} (between persons) | :: interpersonal |
interplanetary {adj} (existing or occurring between between planets) | :: interplanetario |
interplea {n} | :: petición {f}, autorización {f} |
interpleader {n} | :: peticionario {f}, solicitante {m} |
interpolate {v} /ɪn.ˈtɜɹ.pə.ˌleɪt/ (to introduce something, such as words, between other things, such as other words) | :: interpolar |
interpolate {v} (to estimate the value of a function) | :: interpolar |
interpolation {n} /ɪnˌtɜː(ɹ)pəˈleɪʃən/ (math, science: process of estimating the value of a function) | :: interpolación {f} |
interpose {v} /ˌɪn.təˈpəʊz/ (to insert something (or oneself) between other things) | :: interponer, intercalar, mediar |
interpose {v} (to interrupt a conversation by introducing a different subject or making a comment) | :: interrumpir |
interpose {v} (to intervene in a dispute, or in a conversation) | :: interponerse, meterse en, lanzarse a la pelea |
interpose {v} | :: intercalado |
interposition {n} (the act of interposing, or the state of being interposed) | :: interposición {f} |
interpret {v} /ɪnˈtɝ.pɹɪt/ (to explain or tell the meaning of) | :: explicar, exponer, interpretar |
interpret {v} (to apprehend and represent by means of art) | :: interpretar |
interpret {v} (to act as an interpreter) | :: interpretar |
interpretable {adj} (capable of being interpreted) | :: interpretable |
interpretation {n} /ɪntɚpɹəˈteɪʃən/ (act of interpreting) | :: interpretación {f} |
interpretation {n} (sense given by an interpreter) | :: interpretación {f} |
interpretation {n} (the discipline of translating a spoken language) | :: interpretación {f} |
interpretation {n} | :: apreciación {f} |
interpretation {n} (heritage interpretation) SEE: heritage interpretation | :: |
interpreter {n} /ɪnˈtɜːpɹɪtə/ (one who interprets speech) | :: intérprete {m} {f}, trujamán, truchimán |
interpreter {n} (computer program) | :: intérprete {m} |
interpupillary {adj} (between the pupils of the eyes) | :: interpupilar |
interregional {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or connecting two or more regions) | :: interregional |
interregnum {n} /ˌɪntəɹˈɹɛɡnəm/ (period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of another sovereign) | :: interregno {m} |
interrobang {n} /ɪnˈtɛ.ɹəʊˌbæŋ/ (the punctuation mark ‽) | :: interrobang {m}, exclarrogativo {m} |
interrogate {v} (to question or quiz) | :: interrogar |
interrogation {n} /ɪnˌteɹ.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (act of interrogating or questioning) | :: interrogatorio {m} |
interrogation {n} (question put; an inquiry) | :: interrogación {f} |
interrogation {n} (point, mark, or sign) | :: signo de interrogación {m} |
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark | :: |
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark | :: |
interrogative {adj} /ˌɪn.təˈɹɒ.ɡə.tɪv/ (asking or denoting a question) | :: interrogativo |
interrogative {n} (a word implying interrogation) | :: interrogativo {m} |
interrogatively {adv} (in an interrogative manner) | :: interrogativamente |
interrogative pronoun {n} (pronoun used in a question) | :: pronombre interrogativo {m} |
interrogator {n} (one who interrogates, a questioner) | :: interrogador {m} |
interrupt {v} /ˌɪntəˈɹʌpt/ (to disturb or halt an ongoing process or action) | :: interrumpir |
interrupt {n} (An event that causes a computer to temporarily cease) | :: interrupción {f} |
interrupter {n} (One who or that which interrupts) | :: interrumpidor {m} |
interrupter {n} (A device for opening and closing an electrical circuit) | :: interruptor {m} |
interruption {n} /ˌɪntəˈɹʌpʃən/ (the act of interrupting, or the state of being interrupted) | :: interrupción {f} |
interruption {n} (a time interval during which there is a cessation of something) | :: paréntesis {m}, interrupción {f} |
intersect {v} /ɪntɚˈsɛkt/ (to cross each other; to cut each other) | :: intersecar |
intersection {n} /ˈɪntəɹˌsɛkʃən/ (junction of two or more paths, etc) | :: cruce {m} |
intersection {n} (in geometry) | :: intersección {f} |
intersection {n} (in set theory) | :: intersección {f} |
intersectionality {n} /ɪntəˌsɛkʃəˈnælɪti/ (sociological methodology) | :: interseccionalidad {f} |
intersex {n} (condition) SEE: intersexuality | :: |
intersex {n} /ˈɪntɚsɛks/ (individual) | :: intersexual {m} {f} |
intersex {adj} (having an intersex condition) | :: intersexual |
intersexual {adj} (biology: having both male and female characteristics) | :: intersexual |
intersexuality {n} (the state of having physical features of both sexes) | :: intersexualidad {f} |
Interslavic {adj} /ˌɪntɚˈslɑːvɪk/ (between Slavs or Slavic nations) | :: intereslavo |
Interslavic {prop} (auxiliary Slavic language) | :: intereslavo {m} |
interspecific {adj} /ˌɪntəspəˈsɪfɪk/ (occurring among members of different species) | :: interespecífico |
intersperse {v} /ɪntə(ɹ)ˈspɜː(ɹ)s/ (to mix two things irregularly) | :: intercalar, entremezclar, interspersar |
intersperse {v} (to insert something into other things) | :: intercalar, interspersar |
interspersed {adj} (placed at intervals amongst other things) | :: entreverado |
interstate {adv} /ˈɪntɚˌsteɪt/ (of, or relating to two or more states) | :: interestatal |
interstate {n} (U.S. freeway) | :: interestatal {f} |
interstellar {adj} (between stars) | :: interestelar |
interstellar {adj} (among stars) | :: interestelar |
interstice {n} /ɪnˈtɚ.stɪs/ (small opening or space) | :: intersticio {m} |
interstice {n} | :: intersticio {m} |
interstitial {adj} /ɪntəɹˈstɪʃəl/ (of, relating to, or situated in an interstice) | :: intersticial {m} {f} |
interstitial {n} (interstitial discontinuity in a crystal) | :: intersticial |
intertextuality {n} (the idea that a given text is a response to what has already been written) | :: intertextualidad {f} |
interthalamic {adj} (between the two parts of the thalamus) | :: intertalámico |
intertidal {adj} (pertaining to shore between high and low tide mark) | :: intermareal |
intertubercular {adj} (between tubercles) | :: intertubercular |
intertwine {v} (To twine something together) | :: entretejer, entrelazar |
intertwine {v} (To become twined together) | :: entretejerse, entrelazarse |
interuniversity {adj} (existing or taking place between universities) | :: interuniversitario |
interval {n} (intermission) SEE: intermission | :: |
interval {n} /ˈɪntɚvəl/ (period of time) | :: intervalo {m} |
interval {n} (sports:half time) SEE: half time | :: |
intervene {v} (to come between, or to be between, persons or things) | :: intervenir |
intervention {n} /ɪntɚˈvɛnʃən/ (act of intervening) | :: intervención |
intervention {n} (medical procedure) | :: intervención |
interventionism {n} (political practice) | :: intervencionismo {m} |
interventionist {adj} | :: intervencionista {m} {f} |
interventionist {n} | :: intervencionista {m} {f} |
interventive {adj} /ɪntɚvɛntəv/ (intervening) | :: intervencionista |
interventricular {adj} (between the ventricles of the heart) | :: interventricular |
intervertebral {adj} (between the vertebrae) | :: intervertebral |
intervertebral disc {n} (disc between the vertebra in the spine) | :: disco intervertebral {m} |
interview {n} /ˈɪntɚvjuː/ (conversation with journalist etc.) | :: entrevista {f} |
interview {n} (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant) | :: entrevista {f} |
interview {v} (to have an interview) | :: entrevistar |
interview {v} (To be interviewed) | :: ser entrevistado |
interviewee {n} (Someone being interviewed) | :: entrevistado {m}, entrevistada {f} |
interviewer {n} /ˈɪntɚvjuɚ/ (one who interviews) | :: entrevistador {m}, entrevistadora {f} |
intervillous space {n} (space between the placental villi) | :: espacio intervelloso {m} |
interwar {adj} (relating to the time between two wars) | :: periodo de entreguerras {f} [noun] |
interweave {v} /ɪntəɹˈwiːv/ (to combine through weaving) | :: entretejer, entrelazar |
intestate {adj} /ɪnˈtɛsteɪt/ (without a valid will) | :: abintestato |
intestinal {adj} (relating to the intestines) | :: intestinal |
intestinal obstruction {n} (bowel obstruction) SEE: bowel obstruction | :: |
intestine {n} /ɪnˈtɛstɪn/ (alimentary canal) | :: intestino {m}, tripa {f} |
intestine {n} (subdivision of the alimentary canal) | :: intestino, intestinos {m} |
in the act {prep} (in the process of doing something) | :: con las manos en la masa |
in the blink of an eye {prep} (immediately, instantaneously) | :: en un abrir y cerrar de ojos |
in the buff {prep} (nude) | :: en pelotas |
in the closet {prep} /ɪn ðə ˈklɑzɪt/ (not open about one's sexuality) | :: enclosetado {m}, en el closet [Lat. Am], en el armario [Spain], closetero {m} [Mexico] |
in the dark {prep} (without information) | :: en la inopia |
in the end {prep} (eventually, finally) | :: al fin, finalmente, al cabo, a la postre |
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if | :: |
in the event of {prep} (in case of) SEE: in case of | :: |
in the first place {prep} /ɪn ðə ˈfɜːst pleɪs/ (to begin with) | :: en primer lugar, para empezar, de entrada |
in the flesh {prep} (with one's own body and presence) | :: en carne y hueso, en persona |
in the future {prep} (at a future time) | :: en el futuro, en lo sucesivo |
in the future {prep} (from now on) SEE: from now on | :: |
in the know {prep} (informed, aware) | :: informado, al loro [colloquial], en el ajo [colloquial], al tanto, en la pomada [colloquial] |
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king {proverb} (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king) | :: en el reino de los ciegos, el tuerto es el rey |
in the least {prep} (at all) SEE: at all | :: |
in the light of {prep} (in light of) SEE: in light of | :: |
in the long run {prep} (eventually) | :: a largo plazo, a la larga |
in the long term {prep} (eventually) SEE: in the long run | :: |
in the making {prep} (in the process of being made) | :: en proceso, en ciernes |
in the meantime {prep} (meanwhile) SEE: meanwhile | :: |
in the nick of time {prep} (at the last possible moment) | :: en el último momento |
in the swim {prep} (actively participating in the flow of events) | :: en la movida, en la brecha |
in the throes of {prep} (busily involved in an important activity) | :: en pleno, inmerso en, sumido en |
in the twinkling of an eye {prep} (immediately, instantaneously) SEE: in the blink of an eye | :: |
in the wake of {prep} (following) | :: como consecuencia de |
in the wink of an eye {adv} (in the blink of an eye) SEE: in the blink of an eye | :: |
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement | :: |
inthronize {v} (to enthrone) SEE: enthrone | :: |
intifada {n} (intifada) | :: intifada {f} |
intimacy {n} /ˈɪn.tɪ.mə.si/ (feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) | :: intimidad |
intimate {adj} /ˈɪn.tɪ.mət/ (closely acquainted; familiar) | :: íntimo |
intimate {adj} (personal, private) | :: íntimo |
intimately {adv} /ˈɪntɪmətli/ (in an intimate manner) | :: íntimamente |
in time {prep} (at or before the time assigned) | :: a tiempo |
in time {prep} (sufficiently early (for something)) | :: a tiempo |
in time {prep} (as time passes) | :: con el pasar del tiempo |
in time {prep} (in rhythm) | :: al compás |
in time {prep} (at the same rhythm as (with someone/something)) | :: al compás |
in time {prep} ((music) in the correct tempo) | :: al paso |
intimidate {v} /ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪt/ (to make timid or fearful) | :: intimidar, amedrentar |
intinction {n} (the act of steeping or soaking the bread in the wine) | :: intinción {f} |
into {prep} /ˈɪn.tu/ (producing, becoming) | :: en |
intolerable {adj} /ɪnˈtɑləɹəbl̩/ (not tolerable) | :: intolerable |
intolerable {adj} (extremely offensive) | :: de juzgado de guardia |
intolerably {adv} (in an intolerable manner) | :: intolerablemente |
intolerance {n} (the state of being intolerant) | :: intolerancia {f} |
intolerance {n} (extreme sensitivity to a food or drug; allergy) | :: intolerancia {f} |
intolerant {adj} (unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear) | :: intolerante |
intolerant {adj} (not tolerant; close-minded about new or different ideas) | :: intolerante |
intonation {n} /ɪntɵˈneɪʃən/ (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking) | :: entonación {f} |
in total {prep} (including all aspects of something) | :: en total |
in toto {adv} (in total) | :: por completo, íntegramente |
in touch {prep} (in contact, or in communication) | :: en contacto |
intoxicant {n} (intoxicating agent) | :: intoxicante {m} |
intoxicate {v} /ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪt/ (To stupefy by doping with chemical substances such as alcohol) | :: intoxicar, emborrachar |
intoxicated {adj} (stupefied by alcohol) | :: borracho, escabiado, escabio [Latin America, colloquial] |
intoxicated {adj} (stupefied by any chemical substance) | :: escabio [Latin America, colloquial] |
intra- {prefix} (prefix signifying inside, within, interior, during) | :: intra- |
intracellular {adj} (within a cell) | :: intracelular |
intractability {n} ((of people) the state of being intractable) | :: intratabilidad {f} |
intractability {n} ((of things) the state of being intractable) | :: intratabilidad {f} |
intractable {adj} (not tractable) | :: inmanejable {m} {f} |
intractable {adj} (stubborn) | :: obstinado {m} |
intractable {adj} (medicine: difficult to treat) | :: intratable {m} |
intraday {adj} (occurring during a single day) | :: intradía |
intrahepatic {adj} /ˌɪntɹəhəˈpætɪk/ (within the liver) | :: intrahepático |
intramuscular {adj} (inside a muscle) | :: intramuscular |
intranet {n} /ˈɪntɹəˌnɛt/ (private computer network that uses the protocols of the Internet) | :: intranet {f} |
intransigence {n} (intransigence) | :: intransigencia {f} |
intransigent {adj} /ɪnˈtɹæn.sə.d͡ʒənt/ (unwilling to compromise or moderate a position) | :: intransigente |
intransigent {n} (intransigent person) | :: intransigente |
intransitive {adj} /ɪnˈtɹænsətɪv/ (of a verb, not taking a direct object) | :: intransitivo |
intransitively {adv} (in an intransitive manner) | :: intransitivamente |
intransitive verb {n} /ɪnˌtɹænsətɪv ˈvɜːb/ (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter) | :: verbo intransitivo {m} |
intraosseous {adj} | :: intraóseo |
intrasexual {adj} (intrasexual) | :: intrasexual |
intraspecific {adj} (Occurring among members of the same species) | :: intraespecífico |
intrathecal {adj} (delivered into the spinal canal) | :: intratecal |
intrauterine device {n} (contraceptive device) | :: dispositivo intrauterino {m}, DIU {m} |
intravenous {adj} /ɪntɹəˈviːnəs/ (inside the veins) | :: intravenoso, endovenoso |
intravenous {n} (a dose of medicine administered from a drip, down through a hollow needle inserted into a patient's vein) | :: suero |
intrepid {adj} /ɪnˈtɹɛpɪd/ (fearless) | :: intrépido, denodado |
intricacy {n} (that which is intricate or involved) | :: vericuetos {m-p}, entresijos {m-p}, laberinto {m} |
intricate {adj} /ˈɪn.tɹɪ.kət/ (having a great deal of fine detail or complexity) | :: intrincado {m} |
intrigue {n} /ˈɪntɹiːɡ/ (plot or scheme) | :: intriga {f} |
intrigue {n} (The plot of a play) | :: argumento {m} |
intrigue {v} (to plan) | :: intrigar |
intrigue {v} (to arouse interest) | :: intrigar |
intriguing {adj} /ɪnˈtɹiːɡɪŋ/ (causing a desire to know more) | :: curioso, fascinante, intrigante |
intrinsic {adj} /ɪn.ˈtɹɪn.zɪk/ (inherent) | :: intrínseco |
intrinsic {adj} (situated or produced inside an organ) | :: intrínseco |
intrinsically {adv} (in an intrinsic manner, internally, essentially) | :: intrínsecamente |
intrinsic motivation {n} (The incentive to do something based on the expected enjoyment of the activity itself) | :: motivación intrínseca {f} |
intro {n} /ˈɪntɹoʊ/ (short form of introduction) | :: intro |
introduce {v} /ˌɪntɹəˈdus/ (to cause someone to be acquainted) | :: presentar |
introduce {v} (to and make something or someone known by formal announcement or recommendation) | :: presentar |
introduce {v} (to add something to a system, a mixture, or a container) | :: introducir |
introduce {v} (to bring into practice) | :: introducir |
introduction {n} /ɪntɹəˈdʌkʃən/ (act or process of introducing) | :: introducción {f} |
introduction {n} (means of presenting one person to another) | :: presentación {f} |
introduction {n} (initial section of a book or article which introduces subject material) | :: introducción |
introductory {adj} /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri/ (introducing) | :: introductorio |
intron {n} /ˈɪntɹɒn/ (genetics: portion of a split gene that is included in pre-RNA transcripts but is removed during RNA processing) | :: intrón |
introspection {n} /ɪntɹəˈspɛkʃən/ (the act or process of self-examination) | :: introspección |
introspective {adj} /ɪntɹoʊˈspɛktɪv/ (examining one's own perceptions and sensory experiences) | :: introspectivo |
introspectively {adv} (in an introspective manner) | :: introspectivamente |
introvert {n} /ˈɪntɹəvɜː(ɹ)t/ (one who focuses primarily on their own mind, feelings, or affairs) | :: introvertido {m} |
introverted {adj} (psychology: Of or characteristic of an introvert) | :: introvertido |
intrude {v} /ɪnˈtɹuːd/ (to enter without welcome; to encroach) | :: meterse |
intruder {n} /ənˈtɹudɚ/ (someone who intrudes) | :: intruso {m}, intrusa {f} |
intrusion {n} /ɪnˈtɹuːʒən/ (forcible entry) | :: intrusión {f} |
intrusive {adj} /ɪnˈtɹuːsɪv/ (tending to intrude) | :: intruso |
intubate {v} (to insert a tube into) | :: intubar |
intubation {n} (introduction of a tube into an organ to keep it open) | :: intubación {f} |
intuit {v} /ɪnˈtjuːɪt/ (to know intuitively) | :: intuir |
intuition {n} /ɪntuwˈɪʃɨn/ (immediate cognition without the use of rational processes) | :: intuición {f} |
intuition {n} (perceptive insight gained by the use of this faculty) | :: intuición {f} |
intuitionism {n} (approach to mathematics which avoids proof by contradiction) | :: intuicionismo {m} |
intuitive {adj} /ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv/ (automatic, without requiring conscious thought) | :: intuitivo |
in turn {prep} (having a relationship sequentially comparable to one just mentioned) | :: a su vez |
in two shakes {adv} (very quickly) | :: en menos que canta un gallo, en un dos por tres, en volandas |
Inuktitut {prop} /ɪˈnʊktɪtʊt/ (language) | :: inuktitut {m} |
inulin {n} (polysaccharide found in the roots and tubers of certain plants) | :: inulina {f} |
inundate {v} /ˈɪn.ən.deɪt/ (to cover with large amounts of water) | :: inundar |
inundate {v} (to overwhelm) | :: inundar |
inundation {n} (act of inundating) | :: inundación {f} |
inure {v} /ɪˈnjʊɹ/ (to cause to become accustomed to something unpleasant by prolonged exposure) | :: acostumbrar, habituar, avezar |
invade {v} /ɪnˈveɪd/ (to move into) | :: invadir |
invade {v} (to enter by force in order to conquer) | :: invadir |
invade {v} (to infest or overrun) | :: invadir |
invader {n} /ɪn.ˈveɪ.də(ɹ)/ (one who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder) | :: invasor {m}, invasora {f} |
invaginate {v} (to fold up into a pouch-like structure) | :: invaginar |
invaginate {v} (to turn or fold inwardly) | :: invaginarse |
in vain {adv} (without success) | :: en vano, en balde, inútilmente |
in vain {adv} (disrespectful manner) | :: a la ligera |
invalid {adj} /ɪnˈvæl.ɪd/ (not valid) | :: inválido |
invalid {n} /ˈɪn.və.lɪd/ (sick person) | :: inválido {m} |
invalidate {v} /ˌɪnˈvæl.ɪ.deɪt/ (to make invalid) | :: invalidar |
invalidity {n} (the state of being invalid; lack of validity) | :: invalidez {f} |
invaluable {adj} (of great value) | :: invalorable |
invariably {adv} /ɪnˈvɛɹ.i.ə.bli/ (always) | :: invariablemente |
invasion {n} /ɪnˈveɪʒən/ (military action) | :: invasión {f} |
invasive {adj} /ɪnˈveɪsɪv/ (of a plant or animal) | :: invasivo |
invasive {adj} (in medicine) | :: invasivo |
invasive {adj} (intruding on one's privacy) | :: invasivo |
inveigh {v} /ɪnˈveɪ/ (to complain loudly, to give voice to one's censure or criticism against (formerly also with on, at, upon)) | :: vituperar, despotricar, denostar, lanzar invectivas (contra) |
inveigle {v} /ɪnˈveɪ.ɡəl/ (convert, convince, or win over with flattery or wiles) | :: engatusar |
inveigle {v} (obtain through guile or cunning) | :: timar |
invent {v} /ɪnˈvɛnt/ (design a new process or mechanism) | :: inventar |
invent {v} (create something fictional) | :: inventar |
invent {v} | :: inventar |
invented {adj} (imaginary) SEE: imaginary | :: |
invented {adj} /ɪnˈvɛntɪd/ (fictional, made up) | :: inventado |
invention {n} /ɪnˈvɛnʃən/ (something invented) | :: invención {f}, invento {m} |
invention {n} (capacity to invent) | :: invención {f} |
inventive {adj} /ɪnˈvɛntɪv/ | :: inventivo |
inventor {n} /ɪnˈvɛntɚ/ (one who invents) | :: inventor {m}, inventora {f}, inventriz {f} |
inventorize {v} (to make an inventory of) SEE: inventory | :: |
inventory {n} /ˈɪn.vənˌtɔ.ɹi/ (stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business) | :: inventario {m} |
inventory {n} (detailed list of all of the items on hand) | :: inventario {m} |
inventory {n} (process of producing or updating such a list) | :: inventario {m} |
inventory {v} (to take stock of the resources or items on hand; to produce an inventory) | :: inventariar |
inventress {n} (inventrix) SEE: inventrix | :: |
inventrix {n} /ɪnˈvɛntɹɪks/ (a female that invents) | :: inventora {f} |
Inverness {prop} (city in Scotland) | :: Inverness |
inverse {adj} /ɪnˈvɝs/ (opposite in effect or nature) | :: inverso {m} |
inverse {adj} ((mathematics) having the properties of an inverse) | :: inverso {m} |
inverse function {n} (function that reverses the mapping action of a given function) | :: función recíproca {f}, función inversa {f} |
inversely {adv} (in an inverse manner) | :: inversamente |
inverse matrix {n} (linear algebra) | :: matriz inversa {f} |
inversion {n} /ɪnˈvɝʒən/ (deviation from standard word order by putting the predicate before the subject, in questions with auxiliary verbs and for the purpose of emphasis) | :: inversión {f} |
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual | :: |
invert {v} /ɪnˈvɝt/ (turn upside down or inside out) | :: invertir |
invertebrate {n} (animal without backbone) | :: invertebrado {m} |
invertebrate {adj} (lacking backbone) | :: invertebrado |
invertible {adj} ((mathematics) which has an inverse) | :: invertible |
invest {v} /ɪnˈvɛst/ (to commit resources in the hope of financial gain) | :: invertir |
invest {v} (to spend money, time, effort into sthg) | :: invertir |
invest {v} (to ceremonially install into office) | :: investir |
invest {v} (to formally give power) | :: investir |
invest {v} (to lay siege to) | :: sitiar |
invest {v} (to make investments) | :: invertir |
invest {v} (to clothe or wrap with garments) SEE: clothe | :: |
investigate {v} /ɪn.ˈves.tɪ.ɡeɪ̯t/ (to inquire into, study) | :: investigar, pesquisar, indagar |
investigate {v} (to examine) | :: examinar, investigar, indagar |
investigate {v} (to conduct an inquiry or examination) | :: pesquisar, investigar |
investigation {n} /ɪnˌvɛstəˈɡeɪʃən/ (the act of investigating) | :: investigación {f} |
investigator {n} (one who investigates) | :: investigador {m}, investigadora {f} |
investment {n} /ɪnˈvɛstmənt/ (act of investing) | :: inversión {f} |
investment {n} (placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use) | :: inversión {f} |
investment {n} (act of surrounding) | :: cerco {m} |
investment bank {n} (financial institution) | :: banco de inversiones {m} |
investment fund {n} (type of fund) | :: fondo de inversión {m} |
investment strategy {n} (set of rules) | :: estrategia de inversión |
investor {n} /ɪnˈvɛstɚ/ (person who invests money in order to make a profit) | :: [Latin America] inversionista {m}, [Argentina, Spain] inversor {m} |
inveterate {adj} (malignant) SEE: malignant | :: |
inveterate {adj} /ɪnˈvɛtəɹɪt/ (whose habits are firmly established) | :: empedernido {m}, incorregible |
inveterated {adj} (no longer fresh) | :: inveterado |
in view of {prep} (considering) | :: en vista de |
invincibility {n} (state or quality of being invincible) | :: invencibilidad {f} |
invincible {adj} /ɪnˈvɪns.ɪbl̩/ (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill) | :: invencible {m} {f} |
invincible {n} (someone who cannot be defeated, destroyed or killed) | :: invencible |
in vino veritas {proverb} (in wine, there is truth) SEE: in wine, there is truth | :: |
inviolable {adj} /ɪnˈvaɪələbl̩/ (not violable; not to be infringed) | :: inviolable |
inviolate {adj} /ɪnˈvaɪ.ə.lət/ | :: inviolado |
invisibility {n} (the state of being invisible) | :: invisibilidad {f} |
invisible {adj} /ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l/ (unable to be seen) | :: invisible |
Invisible Pink Unicorn {prop} (unicorn goddess) | :: Unicornio rosa invisible |
invisibly {adv} (in a way that can not be seen) | :: invisiblemente |
invitation {n} /ɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ (act of inviting) | :: invitación {f} |
invitation {n} (document or spoken words conveying the message by which one is invited) | :: invitación {f} |
invite {v} /ɪnˈvaɪt/ (ask for the presence or participation of someone) | :: invitar, convidar |
invite {n} /ˈɪnvaɪt/ ((informal) invitation) | :: invitación {f} |
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage | :: |
in vitro {adj} (adjective: in an artificial environment outside the living organism) | :: in vitro |
in vitro fertilization {n} ((medicine) the fertilization of an egg by sperm outside of a woman's body) | :: fecundación in vitro {f} |
invoice {n} /ˈɪnˌvɔɪs/ (bill) | :: albarán {m}, factura {f} |
invoice {v} (to bill) | :: facturar |
invoke {v} /ɪnˈvoʊk/ (conjure up by incantation) | :: invocar |
invoke {v} | :: invocar |
involucre {n} (conspicuous bract) | :: involucro {m} |
involuntarily {adv} /ɪnˌvɑlənˈtɛɹɪli/ (in an involuntary manner) | :: involuntariamente |
involuntary {adj} /ɪnˈvɑl.ənˌtɛ.ɹi/ (without intention; unintentional) | :: involuntario |
involuntary {adj} (not voluntary or willing) | :: involuntario |
involve {v} /ɪnˈvɒlv/ (To roll) | :: envolver |
involve {v} (To connect with something) | :: envolverse con |
involved {adj} (complicated) SEE: complicated | :: |
involved {adj} /ɪnˈvɑlvd/ (associated with others, be or be made a participant) | :: involucrado {m} |
invulnerability {n} (The state of being invulnerable) | :: invulnerabilidad {f} |
invulnerable {adj} (incapable of being wounded) | :: invulnerable |
inward {adj} /ˈɪnwəd/ (on inside) | :: interior |
inward {adv} (toward the inside) | :: adentro |
inwards {adv} /ˈɪnwɚdz/ (towards the inside) | :: adentro |
in wine, there is truth {proverb} (one tells the truth under the influence of alcohol) | :: en el vino está la verdad |
in your dreams {phrase} (in your dreams) | :: ni en sueños |
in-your-face {adj} (aggressively or blatantly confrontational) | :: frentera {f} |
Io {prop} /ˈaɪoʊ/ (mythology) | :: Ío |
Io {prop} (moon of Jupiter) | :: Ío |
iodate {n} (anion or salt) | :: yodato {m} |
iodide {n} /ˈɑɪ.ə.ˌdɑɪd/ (binary compound) | :: yoduro {m} |
iodine {n} /ˈaɪ.əˌdaɪn, -dɪn, -diːn/ (element) | :: yodo {m} |
iodize {v} (to treat with iodine) | :: yodurar |
ion {n} /ˈaɪ.ɑn/ (atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge) | :: ion {m}, ión {m} |
Ionia {prop} ((historical) Ancient Greek settlement in Asia Minor) | :: Jonia |
Ionian Islands {prop} (a group of islands in the Ionian Sea) | :: Islas Jónicas |
Ionian mode {n} (musical mode) | :: modo jónico {m} |
Ionian Sea {prop} (European sea) | :: Mar Jónico |
ionic {adj} /aɪˈɒnɪk/ (of, relating to, or containing ions) | :: iónico |
Ionic {adj} (of or relating to Ionia or the Ionians) | :: jónico |
ionization {n} /ˌaɪənɪˈzeɪʃən/ (any process that leads to dissociation) | :: ionización {f} |
ionize {v} /ˈaɪ.ə.naɪz/ (to dissociate atoms or molecules into electrically charged species) | :: ionizar |
ionizing {adj} (capable of producing ions) | :: ionizante |
ionizing radiation {n} (high-energy radiation that is capable of causing ionization in substances) | :: radiación ionizante {f} |
ionosphere {n} (part of Earth's atmosphere) | :: ionosfera {f} |
iota {n} /aɪˈoʊtə/ (small quantity) | :: poco |
iotation {n} /aɪoʊˈteɪʃən/ (process occurring in Slavic languages or elsewhere) | :: iotización {f}, yodización {f} |
IOU {n} (informal promissory note that is not a negotiable instrument) | :: pagaré {m} |
Iowa {prop} /ˈaɪəwə/ (A state in Midwestern US) | :: Iowa {f} |
IPA {prop} /ˌaɪ.piːˈeɪ/ (International Phonetic Alphabet) | :: AFI |
IP address {n} (number assigned to each computer's network interface) | :: dirección IP {f} |
Iphigenia {prop} /ˌɪfɪdʒɪˈnaɪə/ (Greek mythological figure) | :: Ifigenia {f} |
iPhone {n} /ˈaɪˌfoʊ̯n/ (device) | :: iPhone {m} |
iPod {n} (device) | :: iPod {m} |
ipsative {adj} /ˈɪpsətɪv/ (denoting a measure that forces an individual to choose among multiple desirable options) | :: ipsativo |
ipso facto {adv} /ˌɪpsəʊ ˈfæktəʊ/ (By that fact) | :: ipso facto |
IQ {n} (abbreviation of intelligence quotient) | :: CI {m} (Coeficiente Intelectual) |
Iquitos {prop} (city) | :: Iquitos |
Iraklion {prop} (The capital city of Crete) | :: Heraclión {f} |
Iran {prop} /ɪˈɹɑːn/ (country in Western Asia) | :: Irán {m} |
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia | :: |
Irani {adj} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian | :: |
Irani {n} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian | :: |
Iranian {n} /ɪˈɹeɪni.ən/ (person from Iran or of Iranian descent) | :: iraní, iraniano {m}, iraniana {f} |
Iranian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Iran, the people or Iranian languages) | :: iraní |
Iraq {prop} /ɪˈɹæk/ (country) | :: Irak {m} |
Iraqi {n} (person from Iraq) | :: iraquí |
Iraqi {adj} (from or pertaining to Iraq) | :: iraquí |
irascibility {n} (proneness to anger) | :: irascibilidad {f}, iracundia {f} |
irascible {adj} /ɪˈɹæs.ɪ.bəl/ (prone to anger) | :: irascible, colérico, mañoso [Latin America], iracundo {m} |
irate {adj} /aɪˈɹeɪt/ (extremely angry) | :: encolerizado |
ire {n} /aɪɹ/ (great anger) | :: ira {f} |
Ireland {prop} /ˈäɪɚɫɪ̈nd/ (island) | :: Irlanda {f} |
Ireland {prop} (country, see also: Republic of Ireland) | :: Irlanda |
Irene {prop} /aɪˈɹiːn/ (female given name) | :: Irene {f} |
iridescence {n} (The condition or state of being iridescent; exhibition of colors like those of the rainbow; a prismatic play of color) | :: iridiscencia {f} |
iridescent {adj} /ɪ.ɹɪˈdɛs.ənt/ (producing lustrous colors) | :: iridiscente, irisado {m} |
iridescent {adj} (brilliant, lustrous, or colorful) | :: iridiscente |
iridium {n} /ɪˈɹɪdiəm/ (chemical element) | :: iridio {m} |
Iriomote tit {n} (Sittiparus olivaceus) | :: carbonero de Iriomote {m} |
iris {n} /ˈaɪɹɪs/ (plant of the genus Iris) | :: lirio {m} |
iris {n} (part of the eye) | :: iris {m} |
iris dilator muscle {n} (muscle) | :: músculo dilatador del iris {m} |
Irish {n} /ˈaɪɹɪʃ/ (the language) | :: irlandés {m} |
Irish {n} (the people) | :: irlandeses {m-p} |
Irish {adj} (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people) | :: irlandés |
Irish {adj} (pertaining to the language) | :: irlandés |
Irish coffee {n} (coffee with a dash of whiskey, topped with whipped cream) | :: café irlandés {m} |
Irishman {n} (man from Ireland) | :: irlandés {m} |
Irish moss {n} (edible seaweed) | :: musgo de Irlanda {m} |
Irish Sea {prop} (a sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland) | :: Mar Irlandés {m} |
Irish setter {n} /ˈaɪɹɪʃ ˈsɛt.ə/ (a breed of gun dog) | :: setter irlandés {m} |
Irish wolfhound {n} (sighthound) | :: lobero irlandés {m} |
Irishwoman {n} (woman from Ireland) | :: irlandesa {f} |
iritis {n} (inflammation of the iris) | :: iritis {f} |
irk {v} /ɝk/ (to irritate; annoy; bother) | :: fastidiar |
irksome {adj} /ˈɚksəm/ (disagreeable or troublesome by reason of long continuance or repetition; bothersome; annoying; irritating; wearisome; tedious) | :: fastidioso, enfadoso |
Irkutsk {prop} /iɹˈkʊtsk/ (city in Siberia) | :: Irkutsk {m} |
iron {adj} /ˈaɪən/ (made of iron) | :: férreo |
iron {v} (to pass an iron over clothing) | :: planchar |
iron {n} (shackles) SEE: shackles | :: |
iron {n} (chemical element Fe) | :: hierro {m} |
iron {n} (for pressing clothes) | :: plancha {f} |
iron {n} (type of golf club) | :: hierro {m} |
Iron Age {prop} /ˈʌɪən eɪdʒ/ (archaeology) | :: Edad del Hierro {f} |
Iron Age {prop} | :: Edad de Hierro {m} |
ironclad {n} (armor-plated warship) | :: nave acorazada, acorazado |
Iron Curtain {prop} (the dividing line between western Europe and the Soviet controlled regions) | :: Cortina de Hierro {f}, Telón de Acero {m} |
iron fist {n} (ruthless control) | :: mano dura {f}, puño de hierro, ordeno y mando |
ironic {adj} /aɪˈɹɒn.ɪk/ (characterized by irony) | :: irónico |
ironically {adv} (In an ironic manner) | :: irónicamente |
ironing {n} (act of pressing clothes with an iron) | :: acción de planchar |
ironing board {n} (a long board on which one can iron) | :: tabla de planchar {f}, mesa de planchar {f}, burro de planchar {m} [Mexico], planchador {m} |
ironing board {n} (a flat-chested woman) | :: tabla de planchar {f} |
ironlike {adj} | :: férreo |
iron lung {n} (a pneumonic device for assisted breathing) | :: pulmón de acero {m}, ventilador de presión negativa {m} |
iron maiden {n} (torture device) | :: doncella de hierro {f} |
ironmonger {n} /ˈaɪə(ɹ)nˌmʌŋɡə(ɹ)/ (retailer in iron goods and hardware) | :: quinquillero {m}, ferretero {m} |
iron ore {n} (ore containing iron) | :: mineral de hierro {m} |
iron out {v} (to remove with an iron) | :: planchar |
iron oxide {n} (compound) | :: óxido de hierro {m} |
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith | :: |
irony {n} /ˈaɪ.ɹə.ni/ (statement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally) | :: ironía {f} |
irony {n} (condition contrary to expectations) | :: ironía {f} |
Iroquois {n} (hairdo) SEE: Mohawk | :: |
Iroquois {n} /ˈɪɹ.ə.kwɔɪ/ (a person belonging to an Iroquois tribe) | :: iroqués |
irrational {adj} /ɪˈɹæʃ.(ə.)nəl/ (unfounded or nonsensical) | :: irracional |
irrationalism {n} (philosophical movement) | :: irracionalismo {m} |
irrationalist {n} (follower of irrationalism) | :: irracionalista {m} {f} |
irrationality {n} (want of reason) | :: irracionalidad |
irrationally {adv} (in an irrational manner) | :: irracionalmente |
irrational number {n} (real number that is not rational) | :: número irracional {m} |
Irrawaddy {prop} /ˈɪɹəˌwɑdi/ (river that flows through Burma) | :: Irawadi |
irreconcilable {adj} (unable to be reconciled; opposed; uncompromising) | :: irreconciliable {m} {f} |
irrecoverable {adj} (irremediable) SEE: irremediable | :: |
irredentism {n} /ɪɹɪˈdɛntɪzəm/ (an annexation doctrine) | :: irredentismo {m} |
irrefragable {adj} /ɪˈɹɛfɹəɡəb(ə)l/ (indisputable, clearly right) | :: irrefragrable |
irrefutable {adj} /ˌɪɹɪˈfjuːtəbl/ (undeniable, unable to be disproved) | :: irrefutable, irrebatible |
irregardless {adj} (irrespective, regardless) SEE: irrespective | :: |
irregular {adj} /ɪˈɹɛɡjəlɚ/ (non-standard) | :: irregular |
irregular {adj} (in grammar, applied to verbs) | :: irregular |
irregular galaxy {n} (galaxy which has no spiral and is not elliptical) | :: galaxia irregular |
irregularity {n} /ɪ.ˌrɛ.ɡjə.ˈlæ.rə.ti/ (instance being irregular) | :: irregularidad {f} |
irregularity {n} (state or condition of being irregular) | :: irregularidad {f} |
irregularity {n} (object or event that is not regular) | :: irregularidad {f} |
irregularly {adv} /ɪˈɹɛɡjʊləli/ (in an irregular manner; without rule, method, or order) | :: irregularmente |
irregular verb {n} (verb that does not follow the normal rules for its conjugation) | :: verbo irregular {m} |
irrelevance {n} (lack of relationship with the topic at hand, lack of importance) | :: irrelevancia {f} |
irrelevant {adj} (not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected) | :: irrelevante |
irreligion {n} /ɪɹɪˈlɪdʒən/ (state of being irreligious) | :: irreligión {f} |
irreligious {adj} /ˌɪɹɪˈlɪdʒəs/ (contrary to religious beliefs and practices) | :: irreligioso |
irreligious {adj} (rejecting religion consciously) | :: irreligioso |
irreligious {adj} (having no relation to religion) | :: irreligioso |
irremediable {adj} (unable to be remedied) | :: irremediable |
irremediably {adv} (in an irremediable way) | :: irremediablemente |
irreparable {adj} /ɪˈɹɛp(ə)ɹəbəl/ (that is unable to be repaired) | :: irreparable |
irreparably {adv} (such that it cannot be repaired) | :: irreparablemente |
irreplaceable {adj} (that cannot be replaced) | :: irreemplazable, insustituible |
irreplicable {adj} (incapable of being replicated) | :: irreplicable |
irrepressible {adj} (not containable or controllable) | :: irreprimible, irrefrenable |
irresistible {adj} /ˌɪɹɪˈzɪstəbl̩/ (not able to be resisted) | :: irresistible |
irresistibly {adv} (in an irresistible manner) | :: irresistiblemente |
irresolute {adj} | :: indeciso |
irrespective {adj} (regardless) | :: sin considerar, independiente de |
irresponsibility {n} (character or state of being irresponsible) | :: irresponsabilidad {f} |
irresponsible {adj} /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl/ (not responsible; not subject to responsibility) | :: irresponsable |
irresponsible {adj} (lacking a sense of responsibility) | :: irresponsable |
irresponsibly {adv} /ˌɪ.ɹɪ.ˈspɒn.sə.bli/ (in an irresponsible manner) | :: irresponsablemente |
irreverent {adj} (lacking respect or seriousness) | :: irreverente |
irreverent {adj} (courageous, straightforward, having mass appeal, but likely to offend) | :: irrespetuoso {m} |
irreversible {adj} (incapable of being reversed) | :: irreversible |
irrevocable {adj} /ɪˈɹɛvəkəb(ə)l/ (unable to be retracted or reversed) | :: irrevocable |
irrigate {v} /ˈɪɹəˌɡeɪt/ (to supply farmland with water) | :: irrigar |
irrigate {v} (to clean a wound with a fluid) | :: irrigar |
irrigation {n} /ˌɪɹəˈɡeɪʃən/ (The act or process of irrigating) | :: riego {m}, irrigación {f}, hello |
irritability {n} /ˌɪɹɪtəˈbɪlɪti/ (state or quality of being irritable) | :: irritabilidad {f} |
irritable {adj} /ˈɪɹɪtəbl/ (capable of being irritated) | :: irritable |
irritable {adj} (easily exasperated or excited) | :: irritable |
irritable bowel syndrome {n} (functional disorder of the large intestine) | :: síndrome del intestino irritable {m} |
irritate {v} /ˈɪɹɪteɪt/ (to cause or induce displeasure or irritation) | :: irritar, enviscar |
irritating {adj} (causing irritation, annoyance or pain) | :: irritante |
irritation {n} /ˌɪɹɪˈteɪʃən/ (the act of irritating) | :: irritación {f} |
irruption {n} (action of irrupting) | :: irrupción {f} |
IS {prop} (Islamic State, abbreviation, see also: Islamic State) | :: EI {m} |
Isaac {prop} /ˈaɪzək/ (son of Abraham and Sarah) | :: Isaac {m} |
Isaac {prop} (male given name) | :: Isaac |
Isabel {prop} /ˈɪzəbɛl/ (female given name) | :: Isabel |
Isabella {prop} (female given name) SEE: Isabel | :: |
Isaiah {prop} /aɪ.ˈzeɪ.ə/ (book of the Bible) | :: Isaías |
Isaiah {prop} (prophet) | :: Isaías {m} |
Isaiah {prop} (male given name) | :: Isaías {m} |
is anyone here a doctor {phrase} (is anyone here a doctor?) | :: ¿hay aquí algún médico? |
ISBN {n} (International Standard Book Number) | :: Número Estándar Internacional de Libros {m}, Número Internacional Normalizado del Libro {m} |
ischemia {n} /ɪˈskiːmi.ə/ (local anemia) | :: isquemia {f} |
ischemic {adj} /ɪˈskiːmɪk/ (characteristic of, or accompanied by ischemia) | :: isquémico |
Ischia {prop} (island) | :: Isquia {f} |
ischial tuberosity {n} (pelvic bone) | :: tuberosidad isquiática {f} |
ischiatic nerve {n} (sciatic nerve) SEE: sciatic nerve | :: |
ischio- {prefix} /ˌɪskɪəʊ/ (ischium) | :: isquio- |
ischiocavernosal {adj} (of or pertaining to the ischiocavernosus) | :: isquiocavernoso |
ischiopubic {adj} (of or pertaining to the ischium and pubis) | :: isquiopubiano |
ischium {n} /ˈɪskɪəm/ (the lowest of three bones of the pelvis) | :: isquion {m} |
-ise {suffix} (-ize) SEE: -ize | :: |
I see {phrase} | :: ya veo |
isentropic {adj} (having a constant entropy) | :: isentrópico |
Isernia {prop} (town) | :: Isernia |
Isfahan {prop} (third largest city of Iran) | :: Isfahán, Ispahán |
-ish {suffix} /ɪʃ/ (appended to words) | :: -ico, -iento |
-ish {suffix} (appended to adjectives) | :: -ento, -oso |
-ish {suffix} (appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions) | :: -és {m}, -esa {m} |
Ishmael {prop} (eldest son of Abraham) | :: Ismael {m} |
Ishmael {prop} (male given name) | :: Ismael {m} |
Isidora {prop} (female given name) | :: Isidora |
Isidore {prop} (male given name) | :: Isidoro, Isidro |
isinglass {n} /ˈaɪzɪŋɡlɑːs/ (gelatine obtained from fish) | :: cola de pescado {f}, colapez {f} |
Isis {prop} /ˈiaɪsəs/ (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility) | :: Isis {f} |
Isis {prop} (asteroid) | :: Isis {f} |
is it going to rain {phrase} (is it going to rain) | :: ¿va a llover? |
is it just me {phrase} | :: soy yo o |
is it safe here {phrase} (is it safe here?) | :: ¿es esto seguro? |
Islam {prop} /ɪsˈlɑːm/ (religion) | :: islamismo {m}, islam {m} |
Islamabad {prop} /ɪzˈlɑːməˌbɑːd/ (the capital of Pakistan) | :: Islamabad |
Islamic {adj} /ɪsˈlɑːmɪk/ (Adjectival form of Islam) | :: islámico {m} |
Islamic fundamentalism {n} (movement towards Islamic conservatism) | :: fundamentalismo islámico {m} |
Islamicize {v} (Islamize) SEE: Islamize | :: |
Islamic Republic of Iran {prop} (full, official name of Iran) | :: República Islámica de Irán {f} |
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) | :: República Islámica del Pakistán {f} |
Islamic State {prop} (jihadist group, see also: IS) | :: Estado Islámico {m} |
Islamic State {prop} (proclaimed caliphate) | :: Estado Islámico {m} |
Islamism {n} /ˈɪzləmɪz(ə)m/ (Islamic fundamentalism) | :: islamismo {m} |
Islamization {n} (the conversion of a society to Islam) | :: islamización {f} |
Islamize {v} (convert to Islam) | :: islamizar |
Islamize {v} (make conform to Islamic law) | :: islamizar |
Islamophobe {n} (a person who fears or hates Islam and Muslims) | :: islamófobo {m}, islamófoba {f}, islamofóbico {m}, islamofóbica {f} |
Islamophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims) | :: islamofobia {f} |
island {n} /ˈaɪ̯lənd/ (area of land completely surrounded by water) | :: isla {f}, ínsula {f} |
islander {n} /ˈaɪləndɚ/ (person who lives on an island) | :: isleño {m}, isleña {f} |
island state {n} (state consisting of one or more islands) | :: estado insular {m} |
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island | :: |
Isle of Man {prop} /ˌaɪl ə(v) ˈmæn/ (island) | :: la isla de Man {f} |
Isle of Wight {prop} /ˌaɪl ə(v) ˈwaɪt/ (island and county off the south coast of England) | :: isla de Wight {f} |
islet {n} /ˈaɪ.lət/ (small island) | :: islote {m}, isleta {f}, mejana {f} |
-ism {suffix} /ɪzəm/ (a principle, belief or movement) | :: -ismo {m} |
isn't {v} /ˈɪzənt/ (is not) | :: no es |
isn't it so {phrase} (isn't it so?) | :: ¿no?, ¿a que sí? |
iso- {prefix} /aɪsoʊ-/ (equal) | :: iso- |
isoazimuthal {n} (locus of points on the earth's surface) | :: isoazimutal línea {m} |
isobutane {n} (a hydrocarbon: C4H10) | :: metilpropano {m}, isobutano {m} |
isochromosome {n} (abnormal chromosome) | :: isocromosoma {m} |
isoform {n} | :: isoforma |
isogloss {n} /ˈaɪsə(ʊ̆)ɡlɒs/ (line indicating geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature) | :: isoglosa {f} |
isogonic {adj} (having equal angles) | :: isógono |
isolate {v} /ˈaɪsəleɪt/ (transitive: to set apart or cut off from others) | :: aislar |
isolate {v} | :: aislar |
isolate {n} (something that has been isolated) | :: aislante {m} |
isolated {adj} /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ (in isolation) | :: aislado |
isolation {n} /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/ (state of being isolated) | :: aislamiento {m} |
isolation {n} (act of isolating) | :: aislamiento {m} |
isolationism {n} /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃəˌnɪzəm/ (policy of non-interaction) | :: aislacionismo {m} |
isolationist {adj} (relating to, or supporting, isolationism) | :: aislacionista |
isolationist {n} (one who advocates or supports isolationism) | :: aislacionista {m} {f} |
isolation transformer {n} (transformer galvanically isolating from the source) | :: transformador de aislamiento {m}, transformador aislante {m}, transformador aislador |
isoleucine {n} /ˌaɪ.səˈluː.siːn/ (essential amino acid; C6H13NO2) | :: isoleucina {f} |
isomer {n} /ˈaɪ.sə.mɚ/ (chemistry: compounds) | :: isómero |
isometry {n} (A function) | :: isometría {f} |
isomorphic {adj} /ˌaɪ.soʊˈmɔɹ.fɪk/ ((mathematics) related by an isomorphism) | :: isomorfo |
isomorphism {n} (the similarity in form of organisms of different ancestry) | :: isomorfismo {m} |
isomorphism {n} (bidirectionally structure-preserving bijection) | :: isomorfismo {m} |
isoniazid {n} /ˌaɪsəʊˈnaɪəzɪd/ (medication) | :: isoniacida {f}, isoniazida {f} |
isopod {n} (crustacean of the order Isopoda) | :: isópodo {m} |
isoprene {n} /ˈaɪsəˌpɹin/ (isoprene) | :: isopreno {m} |
isopropoxide {n} (univalent anion) | :: isopropóxido {m} |
isosceles {adj} /aɪˈsɒsəliːz/ (having two sides of equal length, used especially of an isosceles triangle) | :: isósceles |
isotone {n} (Any of a number of nuclides of different elements) | :: isótono {m} |
isotonic {adj} /ˌɑɪ.sə.ˈtɑː.nɪk/ (having the same osmotic pressure) | :: isotónico |
isotope {n} /ˈaɪ.sə.toʊp/ (atoms of the same element having a different number of neutrons) | :: isótopo {m} |
isotropic {adj} (having properties which are equivalent in all directions) | :: isotrópico |
ispaghula {n} (a Plantago plant of laxative seeds) SEE: psyllium | :: |
Israel {prop} /ˈɪzɹeɪəl/ (the state) | :: Israel {m} |
Israel {prop} (Biblical: name given to Jacob) | :: Israel {m} |
Israeli {n} /ɪzˈɹeɪli/ (person from Israel or of Israeli descent) | :: israelí {m} {f} |
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people) | :: israelí |
Israelite {n} /ˈɪzɹi.əlˌaɪt/ (native or inhabitant of Israel) | :: israelita {m} {f} |
Israelite {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient nation(s) of Israel, their inhabitants, or to the descendants of the patriarch Jacob) | :: israelita {m} {f} |
Issachar {prop} (ninth son of Jacob) | :: Isacar, Issachâr |
ISSN {n} (International Standard Serial Number) | :: Número Internacional Normalizado de Publicaciones Seriadas {m} |
issue {n} /ˈɪsjuː/ (act of flowing out) | :: flujo |
issue {n} (act of sending out) | :: emisión, envío |
issue {n} (small incision etc. to drain excess bodily fluid) | :: incisión |
issue {n} (something flowing or sent out) | :: emisión, envío |
issue {n} (legal term for offspring) | :: herederos, descendencia, progenie |
issue {n} (contested point in a dispute or debate) | :: cuestión {f} |
issue {n} (problem or concern) | :: problema, preocupación |
issue {v} (to flow out; to proceed from) | :: emitir; proceder, crecer, recibir, lucrar, natar, manar |
issue {v} (to extend into) | :: extender |
issue {v} (to turn out) | :: resultar |
issue {v} (to deliver for use) | :: entregar |
issue {v} (to deliver by authority) | :: entregar |
-ist {suffix} /-ɪst/ (One who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory) | :: -ista {m} {f} |
-ist {suffix} (A person who uses something) | :: -isto {m}, -ista {f} |
-ista {suffix} (follower) SEE: -ist | :: |
Istanbul {prop} (largest city of Turkey and last capital of Ottoman Empire) | :: Estambul {m} |
Istanbulite {n} (person from Istanbul) | :: estambulita |
is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me {phrase} | :: ¿Es eso una pistola en tu bolsillo, o estás feliz de verme? |
is that so {phrase} (really) | :: ¿de veras?, ¿en serio? |
is there any problem {phrase} (is there any problem?) | :: ¿algún problema? |
isthmus {n} /ˈɪs.məs/ (narrow strip of land) | :: istmo {m} |
Isthmus Nahuatl {prop} | :: náhuatl del Istmo, mexicano del Istmo |
Isthmus Zapotec {prop} (variety of Zapotec spoken in Oaxaca) | :: zapoteco del Istmo |
Istria {prop} (peninsula in the Adriatic) | :: Istria |
Istriot {prop} (Romance language spoken in western Istria) | :: istriano {m} |
Istro-Romanian {prop} (language) | :: idioma istrorrumano {m}, istrorrumano {m} |
it {pron} /ɪt/ (subject — inanimate thing) | :: ello, él, ella, eso, lo (often not translated) |
it {pron} (object) | :: le, la, lo, ello, eso |
it {pron} (subject of impersonal statement) | :: Not used in Spanish |
it {pron} (impersonal pronoun, used without referent) | :: Not used in Spanish |
it {pron} (impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder) | :: Not used in Spanish |
IT {n} (information technology) SEE: information technology | :: |
Italian {adj} /ɪˈtæljən/ (of or pertaining to Italy) | :: italiano |
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy) | :: italiano {m}, italiana {f} |
Italian {n} (language) | :: italiano {m} |
Italianate {adj} (Italian in style or character) | :: italianizante |
Italian honeysuckle {n} (Lonicera caprifolium) | :: madreselva de los jardines {f} |
Italianism {n} | :: italianismo {m} |
Italianization {prop} /ɪˌtæljənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (process of forced assimilation into the Italian culture) | :: italianización {f} |
Italianize {v} /ɪˈtæljəˌnaɪz/ (transitive) | :: italianizar |
Italianize {v} (intransitive) | :: italianizarse |
Italianness {n} (quality of being Italian) | :: italianidad {f} |
Italian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) | :: península Apenina {f} |
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy) | :: República Italiana {f} |
italic {adj} /ɪˈtælɪk/ (having a slant to the right) | :: cursivo |
italic {n} (typeface whose letters slant to the right) | :: cursiva {f}, itálica {f}, letra bastardilla {f} |
Italic {adj} /ɪˈtalɪk/ (of or relating to the Italian peninsula) | :: itálico {m} |
italics {n} (italic) SEE: italic | :: |
Italo- {prefix} (relating to Italy or Italian) | :: italo- |
Italophile {n} | :: italianófilo {m}, italianófila {f} |
Italophone {adj} (Italian-speaking) | :: italófono |
Italophone {n} (Italian speaker) | :: italófono {m}, italófona {f}, italohablante {m} {f}, italoparlante {m} {f} |
Italy {prop} /ˈɪtəli/ (European country) | :: Italia {f} |
it can't be helped {phrase} (it is inevitable) | :: no hay más remedio |
itch {n} /ɪt͡ʃ/ (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch) | :: picazón {f}, escozor {m}, picor {m}, comezón {m}, prurito [medicine] |
itch {n} (a desire) | :: prurito {m} |
itch {v} (to feel the need to scratch) | :: picar |
itchy {adj} /ˈɪtʃi/ (having or creating an itch) | :: que pica {m} {f}, pruriginoso |
it depends {phrase} (it depends) | :: depende |
it doesn't matter {phrase} (it doesn't matter) | :: no importa, da igual, no pasa nada |
-ite {suffix} /-aɪt/ (a follower or adherent of a specified person) | :: -ita |
-ite {suffix} (part of the body or part of an organ of the body) | :: -ita |
-ite {suffix} (used to form names of minerals and rocks) | :: -ita [minerals], -ito [rocks] |
-ite {suffix} (a native or resident of a specified place) | :: -ita |
-ite {suffix} (a salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ous) | :: -ito |
I tell a lie {phrase} (I am mistaken) | :: miento |
item {n} /ˈaɪ̯ɾəm/ (distinct physical object) | :: artículo, insumo, elemento, producto, ítem |
itemize {v} (to state in items) | :: especificar, desglosar, pormenorizar |
item of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment | :: |
iterative {adj} /ˈɪtəɹətɪv/ (of a procedure that involves repetition) | :: iterativo |
iterative {adj} ((grammar) frequentative) | :: iterativo |
iterative aspect {n} (subclass of imperfective verbs) | :: frecuentativo {m} |
Ithaca {prop} /ˈɪθəkə/ (island) | :: Ítaca {f} |
I think so {phrase} (I think so) | :: creo que sí, pienso que sí |
I think therefore I am {phrase} (philosophical proof of existence) | :: pienso, luego existo, pienso, por lo tanto, existo |
ithyphallic {adj} /ˌɪθɪˈfælɪk/ (of or pertaining to the erect phallus) | :: itifálico {m} |
itinerant {adj} /aɪˈtɪnɚənt/ (travelling from place to place) | :: itinerante |
itinerant worker {n} (worker moving from one temporary job to another) | :: itinerante {m} {f}, trabajador migratorio {m} |
itinerary {n} /aɪˈtɪnəɹɛɹi/ (route or proposed route of a journey) | :: itinerario |
-itis {suffix} /-ˈaɪtɪs/ (suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation) | :: -itis {f} |
-itis {suffix} (suffix denoting fictitious afflictions or diseases) | :: -itis {f} |
it never rains but it pours {proverb} (unfortunate events occur in quantity) | :: las desgracias nunca vienen solas (misfortunes never come alone), cuando llueve, diluvia (when it rains, it pours), llueve sobre mojado (it rains on the wet), si no quieres caldo, taza y media (if you do not want broth, a bowl and a half), llueve sobre mojado, a perro flaco, todo son pulgas, ¿No querías caldo? ¡Pues toma dos tazas!, si no quieres caldo, taza y media |
I told you so {phrase} (told you so!) | :: ya te lo dije |
it's {contraction} /ɪts/ (it is) | :: es |
it's {contraction} (it has) | :: ha |
its {determiner} /ɪts/ (belonging to it) | :: su {s}, sus {p} |
its {pron} (that which belongs to it) | :: suyo |
it's about time {interj} /ɪts əˈbaʊt taɪm/ (expression of impatience) | :: ya va siendo hora |
it's all good {phrase} (used to express unconcern) SEE: no worries | :: |
it's all Greek to me {phrase} /ɪts ˌɔːl ˈɡɹiːk tə ˌmiː/ (I don't understand any of this) | :: me suena a chino (sounds like Chinese to me), esto es chino para mí (this is Chinese for me), esto está como en chino (this stands like Chinese), no entiendo ni jota (I don't understand even one J), no entiendo ni papa (I don't understand even one potato) |
it's an emergency {phrase} (it's an emergency) | :: es una emergencia |
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
it's a small world {phrase} (phrase used when meeting an acquaintance or personal connection in an unexpected place or context) | :: el mundo es un pañuelo (the world is a handkerchief) |
it's cold outside {phrase} (it's cold outside (weather)) | :: afuera hace frío |
itself {pron} /ɪtˈsɛlf/ ((reflexive) it) | :: se, solo, a si mismo, por si mismo |
itself {pron} ((emphatic) it) | :: sí mismo, mismo |
it's not what you know but who you know {proverb} | :: quien a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija |
it's not you, it's me {phrase} (phrase) | :: no eres tú, soy yo |
it's raining {phrase} (it's raining) | :: está lloviendo, llueve |
it's the thought that counts {proverb} (when giving someone a present or doing a favour for someone, the kindness is more important than any other consideration) | :: la intención es lo que cuenta |
it's too expensive {phrase} (it's too expensive) | :: es demasiado caro |
it takes all kinds to make a world {proverb} (Diversity is essential) | :: de todo hay en la viña del Señor |
it takes one to know one {proverb} (an insult which is true about both the sender and the receiver) | :: piensa el ladrón que todos son de su condición |
-itude {suffix} (suffix) | :: -itud {f} |
it was delicious {phrase} (phrase said to compliment a meal after eating it) | :: fue delicioso, estuvo delicioso |
-ity {suffix} /ɪti/ (Used to form nouns from adjectives.) | :: -idad {f}, -edad {f}, -dad {f} |
Itzcoatl {prop} (the name of the 4th ruler of Tenochtitlan) | :: Itzcóatl |
IUD {n} (intrauterine device) | :: DIU {m} |
Ivan {prop} /ˈaɪ.vən/ (male given name) | :: Iván {m} |
Ivanovich {prop} /ɪˈvɑːnəvɪt͡ʃ/ (patronymic) | :: Ivánovich {m} |
Ivanovo {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Ivánovo {m} |
-ive {suffix} /ɪv/ (adjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to) | :: -ivo {m}, -iva {f} |
I've {contraction} /aɪv/ (I have) | :: yo tengo |
I've been raped {phrase} (I've been raped) | :: me han violado |
I've been robbed {phrase} (I've been robbed) | :: me han robado |
I've been shot {phrase} (I've been shot) | :: me han disparado, me dieron un balazo, me pegaron un tiro |
I've burned myself {phrase} (I've burned myself) | :: me quemé, me he quemado |
I've burnt myself {phrase} (I've burned myself) SEE: I've burned myself | :: |
I've lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) SEE: I lost my keys | :: |
Ivorian {n} (a person from Côte d'Ivoire or of Ivorian descent) | :: marfileño {m}, marfileña {f} |
Ivorian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Côte d'Ivoire) | :: marfileño |
ivory {n} /ˈaɪvəɹi/ (material) | :: marfil {m} |
ivory {n} (colour) | :: ebúrneo {?} |
ivory {adj} (made of ivory) | :: de marfil, ebúrneo {m} |
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire | :: |
ivory gull {n} (Pagophila eburnea) | :: gaviota marfileña {f} |
ivory tower {n} /ˈaɪvəɹi ˈtaʊɚ/ (overly-academic perspective) | :: torre de marfil {f} |
ivy {n} /ˈaɪvi/ (plant) | :: hiedra {f} |
I want to go to the toilet {phrase} (I want to go to the toilet) | :: quiero ir al baño |
I want to know {phrase} (I want to know) | :: quiero saber |
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (year)) | :: yo nací en ..., nací en ... |
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (place name)) | :: yo nací en ..., nací en ... |
I wish {phrase} (I would very much like that to be so) | :: ojalá, si, si tan solo, si tan siquiera |
Iwo Jima {prop} (an island in Japan) | :: Iōtō |
Ixcuintepec {prop} (town) | :: Ixcuintepec |
Ixcuintepec {prop} (municipality) | :: Ixcuintepec |
Ixion {prop} /ɪkˈsaɪ.ən/ (king of Lapiths) | :: Ixión |
Ixion {prop} (a Kuiper Belt object) | :: Ixión |
Ixmiquilpan {prop} (city) | :: Ixmiquilpan |
Ixmiquilpan {prop} (municipality) | :: Ixmiquilpan |
-ization {suffix} /-ˈaɪzeɪʃən/ (act, process, or result of doing something) | :: -ización |
-ize {suffix} /-aɪz/ (suffix used to form verbs) | :: -izar |
Izhevsk {prop} (capital of Udmurtia) | :: Izhevsk {m} |
Izmir {prop} /ˈɪzmɪə/ (city) | :: Esmirna |
Île-de-France {prop} (region) | :: Isla de Francia {f} |