User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-c
ca {adv} (abbreviation of circa) SEE: ca. | :: |
ca. {adv} (abbreviation of circa) | :: ca. |
cab {n} (taxi) SEE: taxi | :: |
cabaret {n} (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub) | :: kabaret {c} |
cabbage {n} (plant) | :: kål {c} |
cabbage {n} (leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable) | :: kål {c} |
cabbage fly {n} (Delia radicum) | :: lille kålflue {c} |
cabbage moth {n} (Pieris rapae) SEE: small white | :: |
cabbage moth {n} (Plutella xylostella) SEE: diamondback moth | :: |
cabbage worm {n} (Pieris rapae) SEE: small white | :: |
cabbage worm {n} (Plutella xylostella) SEE: diamondback moth | :: |
cabin {n} (small dwelling, especially one made of logs) | :: hytte {c} |
cabin {n} (interior of a boat) | :: kahyt {c} |
cabin {n} (passenger area of an airplane) | :: kabine {c} |
cabin {n} (section of passenger plane having same class of service) | :: kabine {c} |
cabin {n} (small room) | :: kammer {n} |
cabin {n} (private office of a professional) | :: kontor {n} |
cabinetmaker {n} (skilled woodworker) | :: snedker {c} |
cable {n} (large wire, rope) | :: kabel {n} |
cable {n} (assembly of wires for electricity) | :: kabel {n} |
cable ferry {n} (cable ferry) | :: kabelfærge {c} |
cable length {n} (one tenth of a nautical mile) | :: kabellængde {c} |
cabotage {n} (transport of goods or passengers in the same country) | :: cabotage {c} |
cabotage {n} (the legal right) | :: cabotage |
Cabo Verde {prop} (Cape Verde) SEE: Cape Verde | :: |
cabriolet {n} (an automobile with a retractable top) | :: cabriolet {c} |
cacao {n} (cacao tree) | :: kakao |
cacao {n} (cocoa bean) | :: kakaobønne {c} |
cachalot {n} (sperm whale) SEE: sperm whale | :: |
cache {n} (computing: fast temporary storage for data) | :: cache {c} |
cachexia {n} (systemic wasting of muscle tissue that accompanies a chronic disease) | :: kakeksi |
cacophonous {adj} (containing or consisting of unpleasant sounds) | :: kakofonisk |
cacophony {n} (mix of discordant sounds; dissonance) | :: kakofoni {c} |
cactus {n} (member of the Cactaceae) | :: kaktus {c} |
cadaver {n} (a dead body) | :: kadaver |
cadence {n} (modulation of the voice) | :: tonegang {c} |
cadence {n} (№ of steps per minute) | :: rytme {c} |
cadence {n} (cycling:№ of revolutions per minute) | :: rytme {c} |
cadence {n} (sung chant) | :: kadence {c} |
cadet {n} (a student at a military school who is training to be an officer) | :: kadet {c} |
cadet {n} (younger son) | :: yngre søn {c} |
cadmium {n} (chemical element) | :: kadmium {?} |
caecum {n} (blind pouch connected to the large intestine) | :: blindtarm {c} |
Caesar {prop} (ancient Roman family name) | :: Cæsar |
Caesar {n} (a title of Roman emperors) | :: cæsar {c} |
Caesarean section {n} (incision in the womb) | :: kejsersnit {n} |
Caesar salad {n} (Caesar salad) | :: cæsarsalat {c} |
caesium {n} (a metallic chemical element) | :: cæsium {?} |
café {n} (coffee shop) | :: café {c}, cafe {c} |
cafe {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
cafeteria {n} (restaurant) | :: cafeteria {n} |
cafeteria {n} (dining area) | :: cafeteria {n} [meals can be purchased], kantine {c} [meals can be purchased], spisesal {c} [schools], frokoststue {c} [companies, no sale of food] |
caffeine {n} (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants) | :: koffein {n} {c} |
cage {n} (enclosure) | :: bur {n} |
Cagliari {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Cagliari |
Cagliari {prop} (capital of Cagliari) | :: Cagliari |
cairn {n} (monument) | :: stendynge {c} |
cairn {n} (landmark) | :: varde {c} |
cairn {n} (terrier) SEE: cairn terrier | :: |
cairn terrier {n} (breed of terrier) | :: cairnterrier {c} |
Cairo {prop} (capital of Egypt) | :: Kairo |
cake {n} (a sweet dessert) | :: kage {c}, lagkage |
cake {n} (a block of solid material) | :: stykke |
calaboose {n} (prison) SEE: prison | :: |
calamari {n} (as mollusk) SEE: squid | :: |
calamus {n} (fistula) SEE: fistula | :: |
calamus {n} (quill) SEE: quill | :: |
calcine {v} (transitive) | :: udgløde |
calcine {v} (intransitive) | :: gløde ud |
calcite {n} (calcium carbonate mineral) | :: calcit {c} |
calcium {n} (chemical element of atomic number 20) | :: kalcium {n}, calcium {n} |
calculate {v} ((transitive) to determine the value or solution of sth.) | :: beregne, kalkulere |
calculation {n} (act or process of calculating) | :: beregning {c}, udregning {c}, kalkulation {c} |
calculation {n} (result of calculating) | :: kalkule {c} |
calculation {n} (reckoning, estimate) | :: berebning {c} |
calculator {n} (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations) | :: lommeregner, regnemaskine {c} |
calculus {n} (deposits on teeth) | :: tandsten {c} |
caldera {n} (geology: a large crater formed by a volcanic explosion) | :: kaldera {c} |
Caleb {prop} (biblical character) | :: Kaleb |
Caledonia {prop} (Latin-based name for Scotland) | :: Kaledonien {f} |
Caledonian {adj} (in or from Caledonia) | :: skotsk |
Caledonian {adj} (in or from New Caledonia) | :: nykaledonisk |
Caledonian {adj} (mountain-forming period) | :: kaledonisk |
Caledonian {n} (inhabitant of Caledonia) | :: skotte {c} |
calendar {n} (system by which time is divided) | :: kalender {c} |
calendar year {n} (time between 1st January and 31st December) | :: kalenderår {n} |
calendar year {n} (time between corresponding dates in adjacent years) | :: år {n} |
calendrical {adj} (of, pertaining to, or used by a calendar system) | :: kalendermæssig |
calf {n} (young cow or bull) | :: kalv {c} |
calf {n} (young deer, elephant, seal or whale (also used of some other animals)) | :: unge {c} [of an elephant, seal or whale], kalv {c} [of other animals, e.g., moose or antelope] |
calf {n} (chunk of ice broken off of a larger glacier, ice shelf, or iceberg) | :: kalv {c} |
calf {n} (anatomy: back of the leg below the knee) | :: læg {c} |
calf {n} (muscle in the back of the leg below the knee) | :: lægmuskel {c} |
Cali {prop} (California) SEE: California | :: |
calibration {n} (act of calibrating) | :: kalibrering {c} |
calibre {n} (Unit of measure of the length of the bore of a weapon) | :: kaliber {c} |
calibre {n} (Figuratively: Capacity or compass of mind) | :: kaliber {c}, format {n} |
California {prop} (US state) | :: Californien |
California condor {n} (Gymnogyps californianus) | :: californisk kondor {c} |
californium {n} (chemical element) | :: californium |
caliginous {adj} (dark, obscure) SEE: dark | :: |
caliper {n} (calipers) SEE: calipers | :: |
caliper {n} (part of a disc brake) | :: caliper {c} |
calipers {n} (device used to measure thickness between two surfaces) | :: skydelære {c} |
caliph {n} (political leader of the Muslim world) | :: kalif {c} |
caliphate {n} (Islamic government) | :: kalifat {n} |
call {n} (telephone conversation) | :: opkald {n}, telefonopkald {n} |
call {v} (to request, summon, or beckon) | :: kalde |
call an ambulance {phrase} (request to call an ambulance) | :: ring efter en ambulance |
call a spade a spade {v} (to speak the truth) | :: kalde en spade for en spade |
callback {n} (product recall) | :: tilbagekaldelse {c} |
call for {v} (to summon) | :: kalde på |
calligraphy {n} (art of writing with decorative strokes) | :: kalligrafi {c} |
calling card {n} (printed card identifying the bearer) SEE: business card | :: |
calling name {n} (nickname) SEE: nickname | :: |
Calliope {prop} (the Muse of eloquence and epic) | :: Kalliope {c} |
calloo {n} (long-tailed duck) SEE: long-tailed duck | :: |
callow {adj} (bald) SEE: bald | :: |
call sign {n} (broadcasting) | :: kaldesignal {n} |
callsign {n} (call sign) SEE: call sign | :: |
call the police {phrase} (call the police) | :: ring efter politiet |
calm {adj} (free from anger and anxiety) | :: rolig |
calm {adj} (free of noise and disturbance) | :: rolig, stille |
calm {adj} ((of water) with few or no waves on the surface) | :: stille |
calm {n} (condition of being unworried and free from anger) | :: ro {c} |
calm {n} (the state with absence of noise and disturbance) | :: ro {c}, stilhed |
calm {n} (period without wind) | :: vindstille |
calm {v} (to make calm) | :: berolige |
calm {v} (to become calm) | :: blive stille, blive rolig |
calm before the storm {n} (peace before a disturbance or crisis) | :: stilhed før stormen |
calm down {v} (To cause to become less excited) | :: berolige |
calmness {n} (the state of being calm; tranquillity; silence) | :: ro {c}, stilhed {c} |
calorie {n} (amount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1 °C) | :: kalorie |
calque {n} (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language) | :: oversættelseslån {n} |
calve {v} (to give birth to a calf) | :: kælve |
calve {v} (to shed a large piece) | :: kælve |
calve {v} (to break off) | :: kælve |
calve {v} (to shed, set loose (a mass of ice)) | :: kælve |
calvous {adj} (lacking most or all of one's hair) SEE: bald | :: |
cam {n} (camera) SEE: camera | :: |
cam {n} (mechanical part) | :: kam |
camaraderie {n} (close friendship in a group of friends) | :: kammerateri {n} |
camaraderie {n} (a spirit of familiarity and closeness) | :: kammerateri {n} |
Cambodia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Cambodja |
Cambodian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cambodia, the Cambodian people, or the Khmer language) | :: cambodjansk , cambodiansk |
Cambodian {n} (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent) | :: cambodjaner {c}, cambodianer {c} |
Cambodian {n} (the language of the Cambodian people) SEE: Khmer | :: |
Cambrian explosion {prop} (the rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla) | :: Kambriske Eksplosion |
Cambrian symbol {n} (literary: vegetable emblematic of Wales) SEE: leek | :: |
camel {n} (beast of burden) | :: kamel {c} |
camellia {n} (plant) | :: kamelia {c} |
camel meat {n} (camel eaten as meat) | :: kamelkød {n} |
camelopard {n} (giraffe) SEE: giraffe | :: |
camel rider {n} (someone who rides a camel) | :: kamelrytter {c} |
camera {n} (still camera) | :: kamera {n} |
camera {n} (movie camera) | :: kamera {n} |
camera flash {n} (a device that produces a short flash of light) SEE: flash | :: |
cameraman {n} (somebody who operates a film or TV camera) | :: kameramand {c} |
Cameroon {prop} (country in Central Africa) | :: Cameroun |
Cameroonian {adj} (pertaining to Cameroon) | :: camerounsk |
Cameroonian {n} (person from Cameroon) | :: camerouner {c} |
Camilla {prop} (female given name) | :: Camilla, Kamilla |
camomile {n} | :: kamille |
camouflage {n} | :: camouflage {c}; sløring {c} |
camouflage {v} (hide, disguise) | :: camouflere; sløre |
camp {n} (outdoor place) | :: lejr {n} |
campaign {n} (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal) | :: kampagne {c}, felttog {n} [military] |
Campania {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Campanien {c} |
campanile {n} (bell tower) | :: kampanile {c} |
campanology {n} (study of bells) | :: campanologi {c} |
camp bed {n} (a cot) | :: feltseng {c} |
campfire {n} (fire at a campground) | :: bål {n} |
camphor {n} (white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone) | :: kamfer {c} |
camping {n} (recreational activity) | :: camping {c} |
camping {n} (act) | :: camping {c} |
campsite {n} (a place where a tent may be or is pitched) | :: campingplads {c}, lejrplads {c} |
camshaft {n} (a shaft fitted with cams) | :: kamaksel |
camwheel {n} (mechanical part) | :: mønsterhjul |
can {v} (to be able) | :: kunne |
can {v} (may) | :: kunne, må |
can {n} (a more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids) | :: dåse {c} |
can {n} (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants) | :: kande, vandkande |
can {n} (a tin-plate canister) | :: dåse {c} |
can {n} (buttocks) | :: balder |
can {v} (to preserve) | :: konservere, henkoge |
can {v} (to discard) | :: smide ud |
can {v} (to shut up) | :: holde mund |
can {v} (to fire or dismiss an employee) | :: afskedige, fyre |
Canaan {prop} (historic region) | :: Kanan |
Canaan Dog {n} (Canaan Dog) | :: Kanaan-hund {c} |
Canada {prop} (country in North America) | :: Canada {n} |
Canada goose {n} (Branta canadensis) | :: canadagås {c} |
Canadian {adj} (of or pertaining to Canada) | :: kanadisk |
Canadian {n} (person from Canada) | :: canadier {c} |
canal {n} (artificial waterway) | :: kanal {c} |
canalise {v} (to convert into a canal) | :: kanalisere |
canalise {v} (to channel the flow) | :: kanalisere |
canapé {n} (a bite size slice open-faced sandwich) | :: kanapé {c} |
canapé {n} (elegant sofa) | :: kanapé {c} |
canard {n} (false or misleading report or story) | :: and |
canary {n} (bird from the Canary Islands) | :: kanariefugl {c} |
canary {n} (colour) | :: kanariegul |
canary {adj} (of a light yellow colour) | :: kanariegul |
Canary Islands {prop} (an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa) | :: De kanariske Øer |
Canberra {prop} (Capital of Australia) | :: Canberra |
cancel {v} (cross out) | :: strege ud, stryge |
cancel {v} (invalidate, annul) | :: annullere, afbestille, aflyse |
cancel {v} (mark to prevent reuse) | :: stemple (cancelling stamps) |
cancel {v} (offset, equalize) | :: ophæve |
cancel {v} (remove a common factor) | :: forkorte |
cancel {n} (cancellation) | :: aflysning, afbestilling, annullering |
cancel {n} (mark cancelling a sharp or flat) | :: ophævningstegn |
cancellation {n} (act of cancelling) | :: annullering {c} |
cancelled {adj} (No longer planned or scheduled) | :: aflyst |
cancer {n} (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation) | :: kræft {c} |
Cancer {prop} (constellation) | :: Krebsen |
Cancer {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Krebsen |
Cancer {n} (Someone with a Cancer star sign) | :: krebs {c} |
cancerogenic {adj} (carcinogenic) SEE: carcinogenic | :: |
cancer stick {n} (humorous: cigarette) | :: kræftpind {c} |
candidate {n} (person running in an election) | :: kandidat {c} |
candidiasis {n} (fungal infection) | :: trøske {c} |
candidly {adv} (frankly) SEE: frankly | :: |
candle {n} (a light source) | :: lys, stearinlys |
candle holder {n} (candle holder) SEE: candlestick | :: |
candlestick {n} (a holder with a socket or spike for a candle) | :: lysestage {c} |
candlewick {n} SEE: candle | :: |
candy {n} (piece of candy) | :: slik |
candy {n} (confection) SEE: confectionery | :: |
candy apple {n} (apple with a hard sugar candy coating) | :: karamelliseret æble {n} |
candy floss {n} (sweet) | :: candyfloss {c} |
cane {n} (sugar cane) SEE: sugar cane | :: |
cane sugar {n} (sugar from the sugar cane plant) | :: rørsukker {n} |
Canis Minor {prop} (small winter constellation of the northern sky) | :: Lille Hund |
can I use your phone {phrase} (can I use your phone?) | :: må jeg bruge din telefon? |
canna {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot | :: |
cannabis {n} (plant) | :: hamp {?}, cannabis {?}, hash {?}, pot {?} |
cannabis {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
canned laughter {n} (previoursly recorded laughter that is edited into the soundtrack of a TV programme) | :: dåselatter {c} |
cannibal {n} (an organism which eats others of its own species) | :: kannibal {c} |
cannibalism {n} (act of eating another of one's own species) | :: kannibalisme {c} |
cannon {n} (artillery piece) | :: kanon |
cannonball {n} (spherical projectile fired from a smoothbore cannon) | :: kanonkugle {c} |
cannon fodder {n} (military forces considered to be expendable) | :: kanonføde {c} |
cannot {v} (cannot, see also: can; not) | :: kan ikke |
canny {adj} (pleasant, nice) SEE: pleasant | :: |
canny {adj} (frugal, thrifty) SEE: frugal | :: |
canoe {n} (small long and narrow boat) | :: kano |
canola {n} (cultivar of rapeseed Brassica napus) SEE: colza | :: |
canon {n} (member of cathedral chapter) | :: kannik {c}, korherre {c} |
canon {n} (fandom: the works considered authoritative regarding a fictional universe) | :: kanon |
canonical form {n} ((linguistics) lemma or dictionary form) SEE: lemma | :: |
can opener {n} (device used to open tin cans) | :: dåseåbner {c} |
can-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
cant {n} (jargon of a particular class or subgroup) | :: jargon {c} |
cant {n} (hypocritical talk) | :: floskler {c} {c-p}, tomme fraser {c} {c-p} |
can't {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot | :: |
cantaloupe {n} (melon) | :: kantalup |
cantankerous {adj} (ill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby) | :: krakilsk, kværulantisk |
can't be bothered {v} (not have enthusiasm) | :: gide ikke |
canteen {n} (small cafeteria or snack bar) | :: kantine |
Canticle of Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
canting arms {n} | :: talende våben {n} |
canton {n} (state of Switzerland) | :: kanton {c} |
Cantonese {n} (language) | :: kantonesisk |
cantor {n} (singer) | :: kantor {c} |
Canute {prop} (Male given name) | :: Knud |
canvas {n} (a type of coarse cloth) | :: lærred {n}, sejldug {c} |
canvas {n} (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint) | :: lærred {n} |
canvass {v} (to campaign) SEE: campaign | :: |
canyon {n} (a valley cut in rock by a river) | :: kløft |
can you help me {phrase} (can you help me?) | :: kan De hjælpe mig? |
can you tell us {phrase} (prefix indicating a polite request) | :: kan du fortælle os |
capacious {adj} (having a lot of space inside) | :: rummelig |
capacitance {n} (property of an element of an electrical circuit) | :: kapacitans {c} |
capacitor {n} (electronic component) | :: kapacitor {c} |
capacity {n} (the ability to hold, receive or absorb) | :: kapacitet {c} |
cape {n} (headland) | :: kap {n} |
cape {n} (garment) | :: kappe {c} |
Cape Canaveral {prop} (cape) | :: Cape Canaveral |
caped {adj} (wearing a cape) | :: kappeklædt |
cape gooseberry {n} (plant) | :: ananaskirsebær {n} |
cape gooseberry {n} (fruit) | :: ananaskirsebær {n} |
Cape Horn {prop} (southernmost headland of Tierra del Fuego) | :: Kap Horn |
Cape of Good Hope {prop} (a cape in southwestern South Africa) | :: Kap Det Gode Håb {c} |
caper {n} (crime) SEE: crime | :: |
caper {n} (capercaillie) SEE: capercaillie | :: |
caper {n} (pickled bud of Capparis spinosa) | :: kapers |
caper {n} (Dutch vessel) SEE: privateer | :: |
capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus) | :: tjur |
Capernaum {prop} (The biblical town) | :: Kapernaum |
Cape Town {prop} (legislative capital of South Africa) | :: Cape Town |
Cape Verde {prop} (country in Western Africa) | :: Kap Verde |
Cape Verdean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cape Verde, its people or their language) | :: kapverdisk |
Cape Verdean {n} (a person from Cape Verde or of Cape Verdean descent) | :: kapverder {c} |
capias {n} (arrest warrant) SEE: arrest warrant | :: |
capillary {n} (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins) | :: kapillær {c} |
capillary action {n} (drawing of a liquid up interstices) | :: hårrørsvirkning {c} |
capital {n} (money and wealth) | :: kapital |
capital {n} (uppermost part of a column) | :: kapitæl {c} |
capital {n} (capital city) SEE: capital city | :: |
capital city {n} (city designated as seat of government) | :: hovedstad |
capital gain {n} (an amount by which the value or the proceeds of the sale of a capital asset by its owner exceed its cost to the owner) | :: kapitalindkomst {c} |
capitalism {n} (socio-economic system based on private property rights) | :: kapitalisme {c} |
capitalist {adj} (supporting or endorsing capitalism) | :: kapitalistisk |
capitalist {n} (supporter of capitalism) | :: kapitalist {c} |
capitalist {n} (owner of capital) | :: kapitalist {c} |
capitalistic {adj} (of or pertaining to capitalism or to capitalists) | :: kapitalistisk |
capital punishment {n} (punishment by death) | :: dødsstraf {c} |
capitation {n} (poll tax) SEE: poll tax | :: |
capitol {n} (Capitoline temple of Jupiter) SEE: Capitol | :: |
capitol {n} (particular capitol buildings) SEE: Capitol | :: |
Capitol {prop} (legislative building in Washington, D.C.) | :: Capitol |
capon {n} (cockerel grown for food) | :: kapun |
Cappadocia {prop} (ancient region) | :: Kappadokien |
capricious {adj} (Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim) | :: uberegnelig, uforudsigbar/uforutsigbar, lunefuld |
Capricorn {prop} (constellation) SEE: Capricornus | :: |
Capricorn {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Stenbukken |
Capricorn {n} (Someone with a Capricorn star sign) | :: stenbuk {c} |
Capricornus {prop} (constellation) | :: Stenbukken |
Capricornus {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Capricorn | :: |
capsicum {n} (plant of the genus Capsicum (only terms covering capsicum in general apply, NOT species-specific)) | :: paprika {c} |
capsicum {n} (fruit of these plants) | :: peberfrugt {c} |
capsicum {n} | :: paprika {?} |
capsicum spray {n} (pepper spray) SEE: pepper spray | :: |
capsize {v} ((intransitive) to overturn) | :: kuldsejle, kæntre |
capstan {n} (cylindrical machine) | :: gangspil {n}, spil {n} |
capstan {n} (part of a tape recorder) | :: kapstanaksel {c} |
capstone {n} (a crowning achievement) | :: krone på værket {c} |
capsule {n} (weasel) SEE: weasel | :: |
capsule {n} (small container containing a dose of medicine) | :: kapsel {c} |
captain {n} (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major) | :: kaptajn |
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of a sea-going vessel) | :: kaptajn {c} |
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of an airliner) | :: kaptajn {c} |
captee {n} (captive) SEE: captive | :: |
captive {n} (a person who has been captured) | :: fange {c} |
captivity {n} (captives) SEE: captive | :: |
capybara {n} (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) | :: kapivar, flodsvin |
car {n} (automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver) | :: bil {c}, automobil {n} {c} |
car {n} (passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train, whether powered or not) | :: vogn {c} |
car {n} (moving, load-carrying component of an elevator) | :: elevatorstol {c} |
car {n} (railway car, railroad carriage) SEE: carriage | :: |
carabid {n} (ground beetle) SEE: ground beetle | :: |
caracal {n} (Caracal caracal) | :: karakal {c} |
Caracalla {prop} (emperor) | :: Caracalla |
Caracas {prop} (capital of Venezuela) | :: Caracas |
carafe {n} (bottle for serving wine, water, or beverages) | :: karaffel {c} |
carambola {n} (fruit) SEE: star fruit | :: |
caramel {n} (confection) | :: karamel {c} |
caramel {n} (a piece of candy) | :: karamel {c} |
caravan {n} (convoy or procession) | :: karavane {f} |
caravan {n} (vehicle) | :: campingvogn {c} |
caravel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) | :: karavel |
caraway {n} (plant) | :: kommen {c} |
caraway {n} (seed/fruit) | :: kommen {c} |
carbamic acid {n} (NH2COOH) | :: karbamidsyre {c} |
carbamide {n} (urea (in organic chemistry)) | :: karbamid {c} |
carbohydrate {n} (organic compounds such as sugar, starch or cellulose) | :: kulhydrat |
car bomb {n} (automobile made into a bomb) | :: bilbombe {c} |
car bomb {n} (explosive device installed in an automobile) | :: bilbombe {c} |
carbon {n} (chemical element) | :: carbon, karbon, kulstof {n} |
carbon {n} (informal: a sheet of carbon paper) | :: kalkerpapir, karbonpapir |
carbon {n} (impure carbon (e.g., coal, charcoal)) | :: kul {n}, koks, trækul, stenkul |
carbonado {v} (to cut or hack) SEE: cut | :: |
carbonado {n} (meat or fish that has been scored and broiled) | :: karbonade |
carbonate {n} (any salt or ester of carbonic acid) | :: karbonat {n} |
carbonated {adj} (containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas (under pressure)) | :: kulsyreholdig, med brus |
carbonated water {n} (water containing carbon dioxide) | :: danskvand {n} {c} |
carbon copy {n} (a copy) | :: gennemslag {n}, gennemslagskopi |
carbon cycle {n} (cycle of carbon) | :: kulstofkredsløb {n}, carbonkredsløb {n} |
carbon dating {n} (radiocarbon dating) | :: karbon 14-datering {c}, kulstof 14-datering {c} |
carbon dioxide {n} (CO₂) | :: kuldioxid |
carbon emissions trading {n} (trading of permits to emit carbon dioxide) | :: CO2-handel {c} [trade], CO2-kvote {c} [the quota itself] |
carbon fiber {n} (filament) | :: kulfiber {c} |
carbon fibre {n} (carbon fibre) SEE: carbon fiber | :: |
carbonic acid {n} (A weak unstable acid, H2CO3) | :: kulsyre {c} |
carbon monoxide {n} (chemical of the formula CO) | :: kulilte {c} |
carbon offset {n} (reduction in carbon dioxide emission) | :: CO₂-kompensation {c} |
carboxyl {n} (carboxyl) | :: syregruppe {c} |
carboxylic {adj} (of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group) | :: carboxyl- |
carboxylic acid {n} (organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group) | :: carboxylsyre |
carboy {n} (demijohn) SEE: demijohn | :: |
carbuncle {n} (precious stone) | :: karfunkel {c} |
carbuncle {n} (abscess) | :: brandbyld {c}, byld {c} |
car carrier {n} (ship) | :: bilskib {n} |
carcass {n} (body of a dead animal) | :: kadaver |
carcass {n} (body of a dead human) SEE: corpse | :: |
carcinogen {n} (substance or agent that can cause cancer) | :: carcinogen |
carcinogenic {adj} (causing or tending to cause cancer) | :: kræftfremkaldende, karcinogen |
card {n} (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.) | :: kort {n} |
card {n} (playing card) SEE: playing card | :: |
card {n} (card game) SEE: card game | :: |
cardamom {n} (E. cardamomum) | :: kardemomme {c} |
cardamom {n} (its seed or seed capsule) | :: kardemomme {c} |
cardboard {n} (material resembling heavy paper) | :: pap, karton |
cardboard box {n} (container) | :: papkasse {c} |
card game {n} (any of very many games played with playing cards) | :: kortspil {n} |
cardiac arrest {n} (cessation of the heartbeat resulting in the loss of effective circulation of the blood) | :: hjertestop {n} |
cardiac muscle {n} (involuntary muscle) | :: hjertemuskel {c} |
cardinal {adj} (of fundamental importance) | :: hoved-, grund- |
cardinal {n} (official of the Catholic Church) | :: kardinal {c} |
cardinal {n} (bird of the genus Cardinalis) | :: kardinal {c} |
cardinal {n} (mulled wine) SEE: mulled wine | :: |
cardinal {n} (cardinal numeral) SEE: cardinal numeral | :: |
cardinality {n} ((set theory)) | :: mægtighed {?}, kardinalitet {c} |
cardinal number {n} (number denoting quantity) | :: kardinaltal {n} |
cardinal number {n} (number used to denote the size of a set) | :: kardinaltal {n} |
cardinal number {n} (cardinal numeral) SEE: cardinal numeral | :: |
cardinal numeral {n} (grammar: word used to represent a cardinal number) | :: kardinaltal {n} |
cardiogram {n} (the visual output an electrocardiograph produces) | :: kardiogram {n} |
cardioid {n} (epicycloid with one cusp) | :: kardioide {c} |
cardiologist {n} (physician) | :: kardiolog {c}, hjertelæge {c} |
cardiomyocyte {n} (cardiac muscle cell) | :: hjertemuskelcelle {c} |
cardiovascular system {n} (circulatory system) SEE: circulatory system | :: |
card key {n} (keycard) SEE: keycard | :: |
cardoon {n} (perennial plant) | :: kardon {c} |
car door {n} (door designed for use on a car) | :: bildør {c} [automobiles], vogndør {c} [trains etc.] |
cards {n} (card game) SEE: card game | :: |
care {n} (close attention, concern or responsibility) | :: forsigtighed {c}, omtanke {c}, omsorg {c} |
care {n} (worry) | :: bekymring {c} |
care {n} (maintenance, upkeep) | :: vedligehold {n} |
care {n} (treatment of those in need) | :: omsorg {c}, pleje {c} |
care {n} (state of being cared for) | :: pleje {c} |
Care Bear {n} (fictional animal) SEE: Care Bears | :: |
Care Bears {prop} (fictional group of multi-colored bear characters) | :: Care Bears |
career {n} (one's calling in life; a person's occupation) | :: karriere {c} |
carefree {adj} (worry free, light hearted, etc.) | :: sorgløs, ubekymret, sorgfri, bekymringsfri, bekymringsløs |
careful {adj} (cautious) | :: forsigtig |
carefully {adv} (in a careful manner) | :: forsigtig |
caregiver {n} (carer) SEE: carer | :: |
care killed the cat {proverb} (curiosity killed the cat) SEE: curiosity killed the cat | :: |
careless {adj} (not giving sufficient attention or thought) | :: skødesløs, uforsigtig, uagtsom, letsindig, lemfældig |
careless {adj} (not concerned or worried) SEE: carefree | :: |
carer {n} (someone who regularly looks after another person) | :: plejer {c}, omsorgsperson {c} |
caress {v} (touch or kiss lovingly) | :: kærtegne |
caretaker {n} (one who takes care of a place or thing) | :: vicevært {c} |
caretaker government {n} (temporary government) | :: forretningsministerium {n} [previous government after an election has been called], overgangsregering {n} [transitory government] |
cargo {n} (freight carried by a ship) | :: gods {n}, fragt |
cargo bike {n} (a bicycle with cargo space) | :: ladcykel, christianiacykel |
cargo ship {n} (ship that carries cargo) | :: lastskib {n} |
Caria {prop} (a historical region in the southwest corner of Asia Minor) | :: Karien |
Caribbean {adj} (pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies) | :: caribisk |
Caribbean {prop} | :: Caribiske Hav |
Caribbean {prop} (countries) | :: Caribien |
Caribbean English {n} (broad term for sum of all Caribbean dialects of English) | :: caribisk-engelsk |
Caribbean Sea {prop} (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere) | :: Det Caribiske Hav |
caricature {n} (pictorial representation of someone for comic effect) | :: karikatur {c} |
caricature {v} (represent in exaggerated manner) | :: karikere |
caricaturist {n} (person who draws caricatures) | :: karikaturtegner {c} |
caries {n} (progressive destruction of bone or tooth by decay) | :: karies {c}, caries {c} |
Carinthia {prop} (state of Austria) | :: Kärnten |
carious {adj} (decayed, rotten) SEE: rotten | :: |
Carl {prop} (male given names cognate to Carl) SEE: Charles | :: |
carnation {n} (flower) | :: nellike |
carnelian {n} (reddish brown chalcedony) | :: karneol {c} |
carnival {n} (festive occasion marked by parades) | :: karneval |
carnivore {n} (meat-eating animal) | :: kødæder, rovdyr {n} |
carnivore {n} (mammal of the order Carnivora) | :: rovdyr {n} |
carol {n} (religious or secular song sung at Christmastime) | :: julesang {c}, julesalme {c} |
Caroline {prop} (female given name) | :: Caroline |
Carolingian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Frankish dynasty) | :: karolingisk |
Carolingian {n} (member of a Frankish noble family) | :: karolinger {c} |
Carolinian {adj} (Carolingian) SEE: Carolingian | :: |
carom billiards {n} (family of billiards games) | :: bob {n} |
carousel {n} (merry-go-round) SEE: merry-go-round | :: |
carp {n} (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae) | :: karpe {c} |
car park {n} (multistorey parking facility) SEE: parking garage | :: |
car part {n} (part for a car) | :: bildel {c} |
carpe diem {proverb} (seize the day) | :: fang dagen |
carpenter {n} (carpentry person) | :: tømrer {c}, tømmermand {c} |
carpenter's square {n} (tool used to measure out right angles) | :: tømrervinkel {c} |
carpentry {n} (trade of cutting and joining timber) | :: tømring {c} |
carpentry {n} (carpenter's workshop) | :: tømrerværksted {n} |
carpet {n} (a fabric used as a floor covering) | :: tæppe {n} |
carpet beetle {n} | :: tæppebille {c} |
carpet shark {n} (ferret) SEE: ferret | :: |
carpet sweeper {n} (mechanical device for cleaning carpets) | :: tæppefejemaskine {c} |
carphone {n} | :: biltelefon {c} |
carrack {n} (ship) | :: karrak |
carriage {n} (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power) | :: hestevogn {c} |
carriage {n} (railroad car) | :: vogn {c}, togvogn {c} |
carriage {n} (manner of standing or walking) | :: holdning {c} |
carriage {n} (part of typewriter) | :: slæde {c} |
carriage bolt {n} | :: bræddebolt {c} |
carrier bag {n} (thin bag) | :: bærepose {c} |
carrier wave {n} (wave that can be modulated to transmit signals) | :: bærebølge |
carrion {n} (dead flesh; carcasses) | :: ådsel {n}, kadaver {n} |
carrion crow {n} (Corvus corone) | :: sortkrage {c} |
carrot {n} (Daucus carota ssp. sativus) | :: gulerod {c} |
carrot {n} (motivational tool) | :: gulerod {c} |
carrot cake {n} (sweet cake) | :: gulerodskage {c} |
carry {v} (to carry) SEE: bear | :: |
carry {v} (to transport by lifting) | :: bære |
carry coals to Newcastle {v} (do something unneeded or redundant) | :: give bagerbørn hvedebrød (give wheat bread to bakers' children) |
carrying capacity {n} (number of people or things that a vehicle can carry) | :: lasteevne {c} |
carrying capacity {n} (number of individuals that an environment can support) | :: bæreevne {c} |
carry on {v} | :: fortsætte |
carry on {v} (to take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it) | :: føre; tage på vej, opføre sig |
carsick {adj} (feeling nauseated due to riding in a vehicle) | :: køresyg |
carsickness {n} (motion sickness due to riding in a vehicle) | :: køresyge |
cart {n} (small, open, wheeled vehicle, see also: wagon) | :: kærre {c} |
carte blanche {n} (unlimited discretionary power to act; unrestricted authority) | :: carte blanche {c} {n} |
carte de visite {n} (business card) SEE: business card | :: |
cartel {n} (group of businesses or nations that collude to fix prices) | :: kartel {n} |
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to Descartes) | :: kartesisk |
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to coordinates based on orthogonal axes) | :: kartesisk |
Carthage {prop} (ancient city in North Africa) | :: Karthago {n} |
Carthaginian {adj} (of or pertaining to Carthage) | :: kartagisk |
Carthaginian {n} (person from Carthage) | :: kartager {c} |
cartilage {n} (dense connective tissue) | :: brusk {c} |
cartoon {n} (humorous drawing or strip) | :: tegneserie {c} |
cartoon {n} (satire of public figures) | :: karikaturtegning {c} |
cartoon {n} (animated cartoon) | :: tegnefilm {c} |
cartoon {n} (diagram in a scientific concept) | :: tegning |
cartouche {n} (in architecture) | :: kartouche {c} |
cartouche {n} (hieroglyphs) | :: kartouche {c} |
cartridge {n} (firearms package) | :: patron {c} |
cartridge {n} (vessel which contains the ink for a computer printer) | :: patron {c} |
cartwheel {n} (wheel of a cart) | :: vognhjul {n} |
cartwheel {n} (gymnastic maneuver) | :: vejrmølle {c} |
carve {v} (to shape to sculptural effect) | :: snitte |
carvel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) SEE: caravel | :: |
car wash {n} (place at which a car is washed, often mechanically) | :: bilvask {c} |
Casablanca {prop} (city) | :: Casablanca |
cascade {n} (waterfall) | :: vandfald {n} |
cascade {n} (sequence of events) | :: kaskade {c} |
case {n} (actual event, situation, or fact) | :: tilfælde {n} |
case {n} (box containing a number of identical items of manufacture) | :: kasse {c} |
case {n} (sheath, covering) | :: hylster |
case {n} (grammatical case) SEE: grammatical case | :: |
casein {n} (protein) | :: kasein {n} |
case law {n} (law developed through court decisions) | :: retspraksis |
cash {n} (money in the form of notes/bills and coins) | :: kontanter {p} |
cashbox {n} (a box for holding cash) | :: pengekasse {c} |
cash cow {n} (something that generates free cash flow) | :: pengemaskine {c}, malkeko {c} |
cash dispenser {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cashew {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut | :: |
cashew nut {n} (the seed of the cashew tree) | :: cashewnød {c} |
cash flow {n} (stream of funds) | :: cashflow {n}, pengestrøm {c} |
cash flow {n} (statement) | :: pengestrømsopgørelse {c} |
cashier {n} (one who works at a till or receives payments) | :: kassedame {c} |
cashier {n} (person in charge of the cash of a business or bank) | :: kasserer {c} |
cash in {v} (to die) SEE: die | :: |
cash machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cashmere {n} (fine, downy wool from beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat) | :: cashmereuld {c} |
cashpoint {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cash register {n} (machine) | :: kasseapparat {n} |
casino {n} (public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling) | :: kasino {n} |
casket {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin | :: |
Caspar {prop} (male given name) | :: Kasper, Jesper |
Caspian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Caspian Sea or the region around it.) | :: kaspisk |
Caspian gull {n} (Larus cachinnans) | :: kaspisk måge |
Caspian Sea {prop} (landlocked sea) | :: Kaspiske Hav {n} |
cassava {n} | :: maniok |
casserole {n} (glass or earthenware dish) | :: kasserolle {c} |
cassette {n} (small flat case containing magnetic tape) | :: kassette {c} |
Cassiopeia {prop} (mythical wife of Cepheus) | :: Kassiopeia |
cast {v} (to throw forcefully) | :: kaste |
cast aspersions {v} (make damaging or spiteful remarks) | :: bagvaske |
caste {n} (hereditary social class) | :: kaste |
caster {n} (wheeled assembly) | :: hjul {n} [office chairs] |
caster {n} (shaker with perforated top) | :: strødåse {c}, saltbøsse {c} [salt shaker], peberbøsse {c} [pepper shaker] |
caster sugar {n} (fine granulated sugar) | :: melis {c}, stødt melis {c}, strøsukker {n} |
Castile soap {n} (type of soap) | :: Castilla sæbe {c} |
Castilian {prop} (Spanish) SEE: Spanish | :: |
Castilian {prop} (standard variety of European Spanish) | :: castiliansk |
cast iron {n} (hard, brittle alloy of iron, carbon, silicon) | :: støbejern {n} |
cast iron {adj} (made of cast iron) | :: støbejerns- |
castle {n} (fortified building) | :: slot {n}, borg {c}, herregård {c} |
castle {v} (chess) | :: rokere |
castle {n} (chess piece) SEE: rook | :: |
castle in the air {n} (desire, idea, or plan unlikely to ever be realized) | :: luftkastel {n} |
castle nut {n} (nut with rounded extensions projecting past the nut's opening) | :: kronemøtrik {c} |
castling {n} (move in chess) | :: rokade {c} |
castor {n} (a pivoting roller) SEE: caster | :: |
castor {n} (container for sprinkling) SEE: caster | :: |
Castor {prop} (Dioscuri) | :: Castor |
cast pearls before swine {v} (cast pearls before swine) | :: kaste perler for svin |
castrate {v} (remove the testicles of) | :: kastrere |
castration {n} (act of removing the testicles) | :: kastrering {c}, kastration {c} |
castration {n} (figurative: removal of power) | :: kastrering {c}, kastration {c} |
Castries {prop} (capital of Saint Lucia) | :: Castries |
cast the first stone {v} (act self-righteously) | :: kaste den første sten |
casual {adj} (informal, relaxed) | :: afslappet |
casualty {n} (person) | :: tilskadekommet {c}, offer {n}; skadestue {c}, traumecenter {n} |
cat {v} (raise anchor to cathead) | :: katte |
cat {v} (vomit) | :: brække sig |
cat {n} (spiteful woman) SEE: bitch | :: |
cat {n} (type of fish) SEE: catfish | :: |
cat {n} (cat-o'-nine-tails) SEE: cat-o'-nine-tails | :: |
cat {n} (domestic species) | :: huskat, kat {c} |
cat {n} (member of the family Felidae) | :: kat {c}, kattedyr {n} |
cat {n} (guy, fellow) | :: fyr |
cat {n} (strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship) | :: kat, ankerkat |
catacomb {n} (underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves) | :: katakombe {c} |
Catalan {n} (person from Catalonia) | :: catalonier {c} |
Catalan {prop} (language of Catalonia) | :: catalansk |
Catalan {adj} (Of or pertaining to Catalonia) | :: catalansk, catalonsk |
catalepsy {n} (catalepsy) | :: katalepsi {c} |
catalogue {n} (a systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.) | :: katalog {n} |
catalogue {n} (a complete list of items) | :: katalog {n} |
catalogue {n} (a list of all the publications in a library) | :: katalog {n} |
catalogue {v} (to put into a catalogue) | :: katalogisere |
catalogue {v} (to make a catalogue of) | :: katalogisere |
catalogue {v} (to add to an existing catalogue) | :: katalogisere |
Catalonia {prop} (autonomous community in Spain) | :: Catalonien {n} |
Catalonian {adj} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan | :: |
Catalonian {n} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan | :: |
catalysis {n} (chemistry: the increase of the rate of a chemical reaction induced by a catalyst) | :: katalyse {c} |
catalyst {n} (substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process) | :: katalysator {c} |
catalyst {n} (catalytic converter) SEE: catalytic converter | :: |
catalytic {adj} (of, or relating to catalysts) | :: katalytisk |
catalytic converter {n} (a chamber which oxidises carbon dioxide from exhaust gases) | :: katalysator {c} |
catamaran {n} (twin-hulled boat) | :: katamaran |
cataplasm {n} (poultice) SEE: poultice | :: |
catapult {n} (device for launching large objects) | :: katapult {c} |
catapult {n} (instance of firing something) | :: katapultering {c} |
catapult {v} (to fire a missile from a catapult) | :: slynge, kaste |
catapult {v} (to fire or launch as if from catapult) | :: slynge, kaste |
catapult {v} (to increase the status rapidly) | :: katapultere |
catapult {v} (to be fired from or as if from a catapult) | :: flyve, fare |
catapult {v} (to have one's status increased rapidly) | :: katapulteres |
cataract {n} (waterfall) | :: vandfald |
catastrophe {n} (any large and disastrous event of great significance) | :: katastrofe {c} |
catastrophe {n} (disaster beyond expectations) | :: katastrofe {c} |
catastrophe theory {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: katastrofeteori {c} |
catch {n} (the act of catching a ball) | :: fangst {c} |
catch {n} (a find, in particular a boyfriend/girlfriend) | :: fangst {c} |
catch {n} (a clasp which stops something from opening) | :: hasp {c} |
catch {n} (a hidden difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation) | :: hage {c} |
catch {n} (that which is captured or caught) | :: fangst {c} |
catch {n} (the game of catching a ball) | :: kaste bold |
catch {v} (to capture or snare) | :: fange |
catch {v} (to intercept an object in the air etc.) | :: fange |
catch {v} (to contract a disease or illness) | :: få |
catch {v} (to perceive and understand) | :: forstå, opfatte, begribe |
catch {v} (to seize an opportunity) | :: gribe |
catch {v} (to reach in time to leave) | :: nå |
catchment area {n} (area from which water drains) SEE: drainage basin | :: |
catchment basin {n} (region) | :: nedbørsfelt {n} |
catchy {adj} (instantly appealing and memorable) | :: fængende, iøjnefaldende [about sth. visual], iørefaldende [of a tune] |
catechism {n} (book summarizing the principles of Christianity) | :: katekismus {n} |
catechist {n} | :: kateket {c} |
categorize {v} (to assign a category) | :: kategorisere |
category {n} (group) | :: kategori {c} |
category {n} (collection in math) | :: kategori {c} |
catenary {n} (power lines above tracks) | :: køreledning {c} |
caterpillar {n} (larva of a butterfly) | :: larve {c}, kålorm {c} |
caterwaul {n} (noisy quarrel, particularly of cats) | :: kattejammer {c} |
catfish {n} (type of fish, see also: sheatfish) | :: malle {c} |
cat flap {n} (small hinged panel cut into a door where a cat can come in) | :: kattelem {c} |
cat-flap {n} (cat flap) SEE: cat flap | :: |
cat food {n} (type of food formulated for the feeding of cats) | :: kattemad {c}, kattefoder {n} |
catharsis {n} (in drama, a release of emotional tension) | :: katarsis |
catharsis {n} (any release of emotional tension) | :: katarsis |
cathedral {n} (big church building) | :: katedral {c} |
cathedral {n} (principal church of a bishop's diocese) | :: domkirke {c}, katedral {c} |
Catherine {prop} (female given name) | :: Katharina |
catheter {n} (small tube inserted into a body cavity) | :: kateter |
cathetus {n} (either of the sides of a right triangle other than its hypotenuse) | :: katete {c} |
Catholic {adj} (of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from the Orthodox church) | :: katolsk |
Catholic {n} (member of a Catholic church) | :: katolik {c} |
Catholic Church {n} (24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome) | :: katolske kirke {c} |
Catholicism {n} (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church) | :: katolicisme {c} |
catholicity {n} (Catholicism) SEE: Catholicism | :: |
catkin {n} (botany: a type of inflorescence) | :: rakle {c}, gæsling {c} |
cat litter {n} (grit used in a cat's toilet tray) SEE: kitty litter | :: |
catmint {n} (catnip) SEE: catnip | :: |
catnip {n} (plant of the genus Nepeta) | :: katteurt |
catnip {n} (specific species which causes intoxication among cats) | :: almindelig katteurt, katteurt |
cat-o'-nine-tails {n} (whip) | :: nihalet kat {c} |
cattle {n} (domesticated bovine animals) | :: kvæg {n} |
cattle {n} (pejorative: people who resemble cattle in behavior or destiny) | :: kvæg {n} |
cattle egret {n} (cattle egret) | :: kohejre {c} |
catty {adj} (spiteful) | :: sladrende |
catwalk {n} (nautical: elevated enclosed passage providing access fore and aft from the bridge) | :: løbebro {c} |
catwalk {n} (narrow elevated stage on which models parade) | :: podie {n} |
Caucasian {adj} (pertaining to the Caucasus region or people) | :: kaukasisk |
Caucasian {adj} (pertaining to the anthropological race) | :: kaukasisk |
Caucasian {n} (native of the Caucasus region) | :: kaukasier {c} |
Caucasian {n} (member of Caucasian race) | :: kaukasier {c} |
Caucasus {prop} (geographic region) | :: Kaukasus |
caucus {n} (a meeting of party members) | :: opstillingsmøde {n} [candidate nomination] |
caucus {n} (a grouping of all members of a legislature representing the same party) | :: parlamentsgruppe {c}, folketingsgruppe {c} [Danish parliament] |
caudal fin {n} (the tailfin of a fish and other aquatic vertebrates) | :: halefinne {c} |
cauliflower {n} (vegetable) | :: blomkål |
cauliflower {n} (edible head of a cauliflower plant) | :: blomkål {c} |
cauliflower ear {n} (swollen and deformed outer ear) | :: blomkålsøre {n} |
caulk {n} (substance for filling and/or sealing) | :: kalfatring |
caulk {v} (to seal joints with caulk) | :: kalfatre |
caulk {n} (caulking) SEE: caulking | :: |
caulking {n} (sealing material) | :: kalfatring |
causate {v} (cause) SEE: cause | :: |
cause {n} (source or reason of an event or action) | :: årsag {c} |
cause {n} (goal, aim, principle) | :: sag {c} |
cause {v} (to set off an event or action) | :: forårsage |
cause {v} (to produce as a result) | :: gør, resultere i |
cause of death {n} (official cause of a human death) | :: dødsårsag {c} |
caustic {adj} (capable of destroying organic tissue) | :: kaustisk , kaustisk, ætsende |
caustic {adj} (severe; satirical; sharp) | :: ætsende, bidende, skarp |
caustic {n} (caustic soda) SEE: caustic soda | :: |
caustic soda {n} (sodium hydroxide) | :: kaustisk soda {c}, ætsnatron {c} {n} |
caution {n} (precept or warning against evil or danger) | :: advarsel {c} |
caution {n} (careful attention, prudence) | :: forsigtighed {c}, varsomhed {c} |
caution {n} (security; guaranty; bail) | :: sikkerhed {c}, garanti {c}, kaution {c} |
caution {v} (to warn) | :: advare |
caution - slippery when wet {phrase} (warning against slippery floor) | :: advarsel - glat gulv |
cautious {adj} (careful) | :: varsom, forsigtig |
cavalcade {n} (company of riders) | :: kavalkade [rare] |
cavalcade {n} (parade) | :: kavalkade |
cavalier {n} (well mannered man; a gentleman) | :: kavaler {c} |
cavalry {n} (military service that fights with riding horses) | :: kavaleri {n} |
cave {n} (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground) | :: hule {c} |
caveat {n} (warning) | :: advarsel |
cave bear {n} (Ursus spelaeus) | :: hulebjørn {c} |
cave in {n} (The act of something collapsing or caving in) | :: sammenstyrtning {c} |
cave in {v} (to collapse inward or downward) | :: falde sammen, styrte sammen |
cave in {v} (to relent, comply, lose willpower, etc.) | :: bryde sammen, kollapse |
cave painting {n} (paintings found in caves, especially prehistoric ones) | :: hulemaleri {n} |
caviar {n} (roe of the sturgeon or other large fish (black caviar)) | :: kaviar {c} |
cavy {n} (guinea pig) SEE: guinea pig | :: |
Cayman Islands {prop} (British territory in the Caribbean) | :: Caymanøerne |
CD player {n} (CD player) | :: CD-afspiller {c}, cd-afspiller {c} |
cease {v} (intransitive) | :: ophøre |
cease {v} (transitive) | :: ophøre |
cease-fire {n} (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose) | :: våbenhvile {c} |
Cecilia {prop} (female given name) | :: Cecilie |
cedar {n} (coniferous tree in genus Cedrus) | :: ceder {c}, cedertræ {n} |
cedar {n} (aromatic wood) | :: ceder {c}, cedertræ {n} |
ceil {n} (ceiling) SEE: ceiling | :: |
ceiling {n} (upper limit of room) | :: loft {n} |
celebrate {v} (extol or honour in a solemn manner) | :: prise |
celebrate {v} (honour by rites, ceremonies, etc.) | :: højtideligholde |
celebrate {v} (to engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event) | :: fejre, feste |
celebration {n} (act or process of showing gratitude, appreciation or remembrance) | :: fejring {c} |
celebration {n} (social gathering for entertainment and fun) | :: fest {c} |
celebrity {n} (famous person) | :: kendt, kendis {c}, celebritet {c}, berømthed {c} |
celery {n} (herb) | :: selleri {?} |
celestial {adj} (relating to heaven (religious)) | :: himmelsk |
celestial sphere {n} (abstract sphere of infinite radius) | :: himmelkugle {c} |
Celine {prop} (female given name) | :: Celina {c} |
cell {n} (room in a prison for containing inmates) | :: celle {c} |
cell {n} (basic unit of a living organism) | :: celle {c} |
cell {n} (biological cavity) | :: celle {c} |
cellar {n} (underground space) | :: kælder {c} |
cell membrane {n} (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell) | :: cellemembran {c} |
cell nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) SEE: nucleus | :: |
cello {n} (musical instrument) | :: cello {c} |
cellophane {n} (the transparent plastic film) | :: cellofan {n} |
cell phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellular {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellular phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellulose {n} (the polysaccharide cellulose) | :: cellulose {c} |
cell wall {n} (thick layer around cells of plants, fungi, and algae) | :: cellevæg {c} |
Celt {prop} (ancient) | :: kelter {c} |
Celt {prop} (modern) | :: kelter {c} |
Celtic {prop} (branch of languages) | :: keltisk |
cembalo {n} (cembalo) SEE: harpsichord | :: |
cement {n} (a powdered substance) | :: cement |
cement {n} (the paste-like substance) | :: cement |
cement {v} (to affix with cement) | :: cementere |
cement {v} (to make permanent) | :: cementere |
cemetery {n} (a place where the dead are buried) SEE: graveyard | :: |
cenotaph {n} (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere) | :: kenotaf {c} |
cenote {n} (deep natural well or sinkhole) | :: ferskvandshul, cenote |
Cenozoic {prop} (geological epoch) | :: kænozoikum, Kænozoikum |
censor {n} (Ancient Roman magistrate) | :: censor {c} |
censor {n} (official responsible for removal of objectionable material or sensitive content) | :: censor {c} |
censor {v} (to review for, and if necessary to remove or suppress, objectionable content) | :: censurere |
censorship {n} (use of state or group power to control freedom of expression) | :: censur {c} |
censurer {n} (censor) SEE: censor | :: |
census {n} (official count of members of a population) | :: folketælling {c} |
centaur {n} (mythical half-man, half-horse) | :: kentaur {c} |
centenary {adj} (of, or pertaining to, or completing a period of 100 years) | :: hundredåret |
centennial {n} (100th anniversary) | :: hundredårsdag |
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle) | :: centrum |
center {n} (point on a line midway between the ends) | :: midte |
centilitre {n} (1/100 of a litre) | :: centiliter {c} |
centimetre {n} (one-hundredth of a metre) | :: centimeter {c} |
centipede {n} (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda) | :: skolopender |
central {adj} | :: central |
Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa) | :: Centralafrikanske Republik |
Central America {prop} (part of North America) | :: Centralamerika, Mellemamerika |
Central Asia {prop} (smaller area of Central Asia) | :: Centralasien |
central bank {n} (the principal monetary authority of a polity) | :: centralbank {c} |
Central Europe {prop} (geographical region in the center of Europe) | :: Mellemeuropa, Centraleuropa |
central heating {n} (heating system) | :: centralvarme {c} |
central nervous system {n} (that part of the nervous system comprising the brain, brainstem and spinal cord) | :: centralnervesystem {n} |
Central Powers {prop} (Germany, Austria-Hungary and their allies during World War I) | :: Centralmagterne {c-p} |
centre {n} (center) SEE: center | :: |
centre {v} (center) SEE: center | :: |
centre circle {n} (the circle in the centre of the pitch in soccer) | :: midtercirkel {c} |
centre of mass {n} (point where the mass can be considered concentrated) | :: massemidtpunkt {n} |
-centric {suffix} (having a specified object at the centre) | :: -centrisk |
centrifuge {n} (device for separation of substances) | :: centrifuge {c} |
centrifuge {v} (to rotate something in a centrifuge in order to separate its constituents) | :: centrifugere |
centripetal force {n} (the force on a rotating or orbiting body in the direction of the centre of rotation) | :: centripetalkraft {c} |
century {n} (100 years) | :: århundred, århundrede {n} |
CEO {n} (chief executive officer) | :: administrerende direktør {c}, CEO {c} |
cep {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
cepe {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
cephalalgia {n} (headache) SEE: headache | :: |
Cepheus {prop} (mythical husband of Cassiopeia) | :: Kefeus |
Cerberus {prop} (mythological three-headed dog) | :: Kerberos |
cereal {n} (type of grass) | :: korn, kornsort |
cereal {n} (grains of such a grass) | :: korn |
cerebellum {n} (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates) | :: lillehjerne |
cerebral {adj} (of, or relating to the brain) | :: cerebral |
cerebral cortex {n} (layer of the brain) | :: hjernebark |
cerebral palsy {n} (group of non-contagious conditions) | :: cerebral parese {c}, spastisk lammelse {c} |
cerebrum {n} (upper part of the brain) | :: storhjerne |
ceremonial {adj} (of, relating to, or used in a ceremony) | :: ceremoniel |
ceremony {n} (ritual with religious significance) | :: ceremoni {c} |
ceremony {n} (official gathering to celebrate) | :: ceremoni {c} |
cerium {n} (chemical element) | :: cerium |
certain {adj} (sure, positive, not doubting) | :: sikker {c}, sikkert {n}, sikre {p} |
certain {determiner} (having been determined but not specified) | :: vis {c}, vist {n}, visse {p} |
certificate {n} (document containing a certified statement) | :: certifikat {n} |
cerumen {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax | :: |
cervical cancer {n} (cancer of the cervix) | :: livmoderhalskræft {c} |
cervix {n} (neck) SEE: neck | :: |
cervix {n} (neck-like part) SEE: neck | :: |
cesarean section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section | :: |
c'est la vie {phrase} (such is life) SEE: such is life | :: |
cf. {v} (compare) | :: jf. |
Chad {prop} (country) | :: Tchad |
chador {n} (a loose robe worn by Muslim women) | :: chador |
chafe {n} (injury or wear caused by friction) | :: gnavesår {n} |
chafe {v} (to excite passion or anger in) | :: stimulere, opildne, provokere |
chafe {v} (to fret and wear by rubbing) | :: slide |
chafe {v} (to rub; to come together so as to wear by rubbing; to wear by friction) | :: slide |
chafe {v} (to be worn by rubbing) | :: opslide |
chafe {v} (to be vexed; to fret; to be irritated) | :: irritere |
chaffinch {n} (bird) | :: bogfinke |
chain {n} (series of interconnected rings or links) | :: kæde {c} |
chain letter {n} (a letter that is mailed successively to different recipients) | :: kædebrev |
chain mail {n} (a flexible defensive armor) | :: ringbrynje {c} |
chain of command {n} (hierarchy in which one rank obeys the one above it) | :: kommandovej {c} |
chainplate {n} (plate on the side of a sailing ship) | :: røstjern |
chain reaction {n} (type of nuclear reaction) | :: kædereaktion {c} |
chain reaction {n} (series of events) | :: kædereaktion {c} |
chainsaw {n} (saw with a power-driven chain) | :: kædesav {c}, motorsav {c} |
chain-smoke {v} (to smoke cigarettes frequently) | :: kæderyge |
chain smoker {n} (one who smokes continuously) | :: kæderyger {c} |
chain smoker {n} (one who habitually smokes a lot) | :: storryger {c}, kæderyger {c} |
chair {n} (furniture) | :: stol {c} |
chair {n} (chairperson) SEE: chairperson | :: |
chairman {n} (person presiding over a meeting) | :: formand {c} |
chairperson {n} (a person who presides over a meeting, a board) | :: formand {c} |
chaise longue {n} (reclining chair with a long seat) | :: chaiselong {c} |
Chaldea {prop} (region in the southern portion of Babylonia) | :: Kaldæa |
Chaldean {adj} (of ancient Babylonia) SEE: Babylonian | :: |
Chaldean {adj} (of Chaldea) | :: kaldæisk |
Chaldean {n} (native of Chaldea) | :: kaldæer {c} |
Chaldean {n} (member of the Chaldean Catholic Church) | :: kaldæer {c} |
chalice {n} (large drinking cup) | :: kalk {c} |
chalk {n} (a soft, white, powdery limestone) | :: kridt {n} |
chalk {n} (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard) | :: kridt {n} |
challenge {n} (that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not) | :: udfordring {c} |
challenge {v} (to invite someone to take part in a competition) | :: udfordre |
challenge {v} (to dare someone) | :: udfordre |
challenging {adj} (difficult; hard to do) | :: udfordrende |
chamber music {n} (chamber music) | :: kammermusik {c} |
chameleon {n} (reptile) | :: kamæleon {c} |
chamois {n} (A goat-like antelope) | :: gemse |
champ {v} (to bite or chew) | :: gnaske |
champagne {n} (sparkling white wine produced in Champagne) | :: champagne {c} |
Champagne {n} (champagne) SEE: champagne | :: |
champagne socialist {n} (false socialist) | :: kystbanesocialist {c}, rødvinssocialist {c} |
champian {n} (field of inquiry or study) SEE: field | :: |
champian {n} (flat expanse of land) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (species of landscape) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (level open countryside) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (battlefield) SEE: battlefield | :: |
champian {n} (agriculture: common land) SEE: common land | :: |
champignon {n} (Agaricus bisporus) | :: champignon {c} |
champion {n} (someone who has been winner in a contest) | :: mester, champion |
champion {adj} (something very positive) | :: mesterlig, førsteklasses |
champion {v} (to advocate) | :: forsvare, forfægte |
championship {n} (competition to determine a champion) | :: mesterskab {n} |
championship {n} (position of champion, or winner) | :: mesterskab {n} |
chance {n} (an opportunity or possibility) | :: chance {c}, mulighed {c} |
chance {n} (random occurrence) | :: mulighed {c}, tilfældighed {c} |
chance {n} (probability of something happening) | :: chance {c}, sandsynlighed {c} |
chance {adj} | :: tilfældigvis {c} |
chance {v} (to try or risk) | :: ta chancen, risikere |
chance {v} (to discover by chance) | :: støde på (ved en tilfældighed) |
chancel {n} (space around the altar in a church) | :: kor {n} |
chancellor {n} (senior secretary or official with administrative or legal duties, sometimes in charge of some area of government) | :: kansler {c} |
chancellor {n} (head of government in some German-speaking countries) | :: kansler {c} |
chandelier {n} (branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling) | :: lysekrone {c} |
change {v} (to become something different) | :: ændre sig, forandre sig |
change {v} (to make something into something different) | :: ændre, forandre |
change {v} (to replace) | :: skifte, udskifte, ombytte |
change {n} (the process of becoming different) | :: ændring {c}, forandring {c} |
change {n} (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination) | :: småpenge {p}, vekselpenge {p} |
change {n} (a replacement) | :: ombytning {c}, udskiftning {c}, skift {n}, omklædning {c} [change of clothes] |
changeling {n} ((Mythology) an infant of a fairy, sprite or troll that the creature has secretly exchanged for a human infant) | :: skifting {c} |
change management {n} (management of personnel transitioning) | :: forandringsproces |
change one's mind {v} (to decide differently than one had decided before) | :: ombestemme sig |
changing room {n} (room in gym etc.) | :: omklædningsrum {n} |
changing room {n} (room in shop) | :: prøverum {n} |
Chang Jiang {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze | :: |
channel {n} (narrow body of water between two land masses) | :: kanal {c} |
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies) | :: kanal {c} |
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) | :: kanal {c} |
channel {v} (direct the flow) | :: kanalisere |
Channel Islands {prop} (group of islands in the English Channel) | :: Kanaløerne {c-p} |
Channel Tunnel {prop} (man-made tunnel) | :: Eurotunnelen |
chanterelle {n} (Cantharellus cibarius) | :: kantarel |
chaos {n} (state of disorder) | :: kaos {n} |
chaos theory {n} (chaos theory) | :: kaosteori {c} |
chaotic {adj} (filled with chaos) | :: kaotisk |
chapel {n} (place of worship) | :: kapel |
chaplain {n} (member of a religious body) | :: kapellan {c} |
chapter {n} (section in a book) | :: kapitel {n} |
char {n} (fish) | :: rødding {c} |
charabanc {n} (a horse-drawn, and then later, motorized omnibus with open sides, and often, no roof) | :: charabanc {c} |
character {n} (being in a story) | :: figur, rolle, person, personage {c} |
character {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: karakter, træk, natur |
character {n} (moral strength) | :: karakter, fasthed, viljestyrke |
character {n} (notable or eccentric person) | :: personlighed |
character {n} (symbol for a sound or a word) | :: tegn |
character {n} ((computing) basic element in a text string) | :: tegn |
characteristic {adj} (being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing) | :: karakteristisk, kendetegnende |
characteristic {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: karakteristik {c} |
charcoal {n} (substance) | :: trækul {n}, kul {n} |
charcoal {n} (charcoal drawing) | :: kultegning {c} |
charcoal drawing {n} (charcoal drawing) SEE: charcoal | :: |
chard {n} (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla) | :: bladbede |
charge {n} (amount of money levied for a service) | :: pris {c}, omkostning {c} |
charge {n} (military: ground attack) | :: angreb {n} |
charge {n} (accusation) | :: beskyldning {c}, søgsmål {n} |
charge {n} (electric charge) | :: ladning {c} |
charge {n} (load or burden) | :: læs {n} |
charge {n} (instruction) | :: anklage {c}, ordre {c} |
charge {v} (to place a burden upon, to assign a duty) | :: belaste, bebyrde |
charge {v} (to assign a duty to) | :: give opgave |
charge {v} (to formally accuse of a crime) | :: sagsøge |
charge {v} (to load equipment with material required for its use) | :: lade |
charge {v} (to cause to take on an electric charge) | :: oplade |
charge {v} (to add energy to) | :: lade |
charge {v} (of a battery or device: to gain energy) | :: lade |
charge {v} (to move forward forcefully) | :: storme |
charge {v} (military: to attack by moving forward quickly) | :: storme |
chargecard {n} (credit card) SEE: credit card | :: |
charger {n} (a device that charges or recharges) | :: akkumulatorlader |
chariot {n} (vehicle used in warfare) | :: stridsvogn {c} |
charity {n} (providing of goods or money) | :: velgørenhed {c} |
charity label {n} (label sold by charities in form of a cinderella stamp) | :: velgørenhedsmærke |
charity stamp {n} (type of postage stamp) SEE: semi-postal stamp | :: |
charivari {n} (cacaphonous noise, hubbub) SEE: cacophony | :: |
charlady {n} (woman who cleans houses and offices) SEE: charwoman | :: |
charlatan {n} (malicious trickster) | :: charlatan {c}, fupmager {c}, snydepels {c}, fidusmager {c}, svindler {c}, platugle {c} |
Charlemagne {prop} (king of the Franks) | :: Karl den Store |
Charles {prop} (given name) | :: Karl, Carl |
Charles' Wain {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) SEE: Big Dipper | :: |
Charlotte {prop} (female given name) | :: Charlotte |
charm {n} (quality of inspiring delight or admiration) | :: charme {c} |
charm {n} (a small trinket on a bracelet or chain) | :: charm {c} |
charm {v} (seduce, entrance or fascinate) | :: charmere |
Charon {prop} (a moon of Pluto) | :: Charon |
Charon {prop} (the ferryman of Hades) | :: Karon |
chart {n} (map) SEE: map | :: |
chart {n} (graph) SEE: graph | :: |
chart {n} (table) SEE: table | :: |
charter {n} (document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc) | :: pagt |
charter member {n} (original member of an organization) SEE: founding member | :: |
charwoman {n} (cleaning lady) | :: rengøringsdame {c} |
chary {adj} (not disposed to give freely) SEE: frugal | :: |
Charybdis {prop} (Greek mythological monster) | :: Charybdis |
chase {n} (hunt) SEE: hunt | :: |
chase {v} (to hunt) SEE: hunt | :: |
chase {n} (action of the verb "to chase") | :: jagt {c}, forfølgelse |
chase {v} (to pursue, to follow at speed) | :: jagte (?) |
chasma {n} (aurora) SEE: aurora | :: |
chassis {n} (base frame of motor vehicle) | :: chassis {n} |
chaste {adj} (modest) SEE: modest | :: |
chasten {v} (discipline) SEE: discipline | :: |
chastise {v} (to punish or scold) | :: tugte |
chastity belt {n} (belt-like garment) | :: kyskhedsbælte {n} |
chasuble {n} (liturgical vestment) | :: messehagel {c} |
chat {v} (be engaged in informal conversation) | :: snakke, sludre |
chat {v} (talk more than a few words) | :: snakke |
chat {v} (exchange messages in real time) | :: chatte |
chat {n} (informal conversation) | :: snak {c}, snakken |
chattel {n} (tangible, movable property) | :: løsøre {c} |
chatter {n} (sound of a magpie) | :: skræppe |
chatter {n} (intermittent noise, as from vibration) | :: hakke, klapre |
chatter {v} (talk idly) | :: plapre, sludre, snakke, hyggesnakke, småsnakke |
chatter {v} (make a chattering noise) | :: klapre |
chauvinism {n} (excessive patriotism) | :: chauvinisme {c} |
chavender {n} (chub) SEE: chub | :: |
cheap {adj} (low and/or reduced in price) | :: billig |
cheap {adj} (of poor quality) | :: tarvelig |
cheap {adj} (of little worth) | :: billig |
cheap {adj} (slang: underhand or unfair in game) | :: billig |
cheaply {adv} (in a cheap manner) | :: billigt |
cheat {v} (violate rules to gain advantage) | :: snyde, svindle, bedrage |
cheat {v} (being unfaithful) | :: være utro, bedrage |
cheat {v} (manage to avoid something) | :: undgå |
cheater {n} (cheat) SEE: cheat | :: |
cheat on {v} (be unfaithful to) | :: bedrage |
Cheboksary {prop} (city) | :: Tjeboksary |
Chechen {n} (A member of the Chechen people) | :: tjetjener {c} |
Chechen {prop} (language) | :: tjetjensk |
Chechen {adj} (of or relating to the Chechen people) | :: tjetjensk |
Chechnya {prop} (republic of Russia) | :: Tjetjenien |
check {n} (chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece) | :: skak {c} |
check {v} (to inspect, examine) | :: kontrollere, tjekke |
check {n} (bank order) SEE: cheque | :: |
checkered {adj} (divided into squares) | :: ternet |
checkers {n} (draughts) SEE: draughts | :: |
check-in {n} (act of checking in) | :: indregistrering {c} |
checkmate {interj} (said when making the conclusive move in chess) | :: skakmat {c} |
checkmate {n} (conclusive victory in a game of chess) | :: skakmat, mat |
checkout divider {n} (plastic bar to separate groceries) | :: skillert |
Cheddar {prop} (Cheddar cheese) SEE: Cheddar cheese | :: |
Cheddar cheese {n} (cheese) | :: Cheddar ost |
cheek {n} (part of face) | :: kind {c} |
cheek {n} (colloquial: buttock) | :: balde {c} |
cheek {n} (colloquial: impudence) | :: frækhed {c}, uforskammethed {c} |
cheeky {adj} (impudent; impertinent) | :: fræk |
cheer {v} (To shout a cheer or cheers) | :: heppe |
cheerful {adj} (happy) | :: fornøjet, munter |
cheerful {adj} (bright) | :: lys, venlig |
cheerleader {n} (person (usually female) who encourages applause) | :: cheerleader {c} |
cheer on {v} (to cheer and support) | :: heppe på |
cheers {interj} (toast when drinking) | :: skål |
cheers {interj} (informal: thank you) | :: tak |
cheese {n} (dairy product) | :: ost {c} |
cheese {n} (countable: any particular variety of cheese) | :: ost {c} |
cheese {interj} (said while being photographed) | :: appelsin |
cheesecake {n} (dessert food) | :: ostekage {c} |
cheesecloth {n} (loosely woven cotton gauze) | :: ostelærred |
cheese knife {n} (knife for cutting cheese) | :: ostekniv {c} |
cheese slicer {n} (instrument for slicing cheese) | :: ostehøvl {c} |
cheesy {adj} (overdramatic, clichéd) | :: cheesy |
cheetah {n} (Acinonyx jubatus) | :: gepard {c} |
chef's knife {n} (kitchen utensil) | :: kokkekniv {c} |
Cheka {prop} (Soviet security organization) | :: Tjeka {c} |
Chelyabinsk {prop} (city) | :: Tjeljabinsk |
chemical {adj} (relating to chemistry) | :: kemisk |
chemical {n} (any specific element or chemical compound) | :: kemikalie {n} |
chemical {n} (an artificial chemical compound) | :: kemikalie {n} |
chemical element {n} (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction) | :: grundstof {n} |
chemist {n} (person working in chemistry) | :: kemiker {c} |
chemist {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
chemist {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist | :: |
chemistry {n} (branch of natural science) | :: kemi {c} |
chemistry {n} (application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance) | :: kemi {c}, kemiske egenskab {c} |
chemistry {n} (mutual attraction between two people) | :: kemi {c} |
chemistry {n} (as modifier: relating to or using chemistry) | :: kemi- |
chemist's {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
cheque {n} (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity) | :: check {c} |
Cherkasy {prop} (city) | :: Tjerkasy |
Cherkessk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Tjerkessk |
Chernigov {prop} (Chernihiv) SEE: Chernihiv | :: |
Chernihiv {prop} (city) | :: Tjernihiv, Tjernigov |
Chernivtsi {prop} (city) | :: Tjernivtsi |
Chernobyl {n} (city in Ukraine) | :: Tjernobyl |
Chernovtsy {prop} (Chernivtsi) SEE: Chernivtsi | :: |
cherry {n} (fruit) | :: kirsebær {n} |
cherry {n} (tree) | :: kirsebærtræ {n} |
cherry {n} (wood) | :: kirsebærtræ {n} |
cherry {n} (color) | :: kirsebærfarvet |
cherry red {adj} (Of a red color) | :: ceriserød |
cherub {n} ((biblical) winged creature attending on God) | :: kerub {c} |
chervil {n} (spice) | :: kørvel |
chess {n} (two-player board game) | :: skak {c} |
chessboard {n} (square board used in the game of chess) | :: skakbræt |
chessman {n} (chess piece) SEE: chess piece | :: |
chess piece {n} (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) | :: skakbrik {c} |
chesspiece {n} (chessman) SEE: chess piece | :: |
chest {n} (strong box) | :: kiste {c} |
chest {n} (thorax) | :: bryst {n} |
chest {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin | :: |
chestnut {n} (nut of the chestnut tree) | :: kastanje {c} |
chestnut {n} (reddish-brown colour) | :: kastanjebrun |
chestnut {adj} (of a deep reddish-brown colour) | :: kastanjebrun |
chestnut {n} (chestnut tree) SEE: chestnut tree | :: |
chestnut tree {n} (tree that bears chestnuts) | :: kastanjetræ |
cheval de frise {n} (obstacle made of wood with spikes) | :: spansk rytter {c} |
chevin {n} (chub) SEE: chub | :: |
chevy {v} (to chase or hunt) SEE: chase | :: |
chew {v} (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing) | :: tygge, gumle |
chewing gum {n} (flavoured preparation for chewing) | :: tyggegummi {n} |
chewy {adj} (having a pliable or springy texture when chewed) | :: sejg |
Cheyenne {prop} (city in Wyoming) | :: Cheyenne |
chez {prep} (at/in the home of) | :: hos |
chic {adj} (elegant, stylish, see also: elegant; stylish) | :: chic, elegant |
chick {n} (young bird) | :: fugleunge, ungfugl |
chick {n} (young chicken) | :: kylling {c} |
chick {n} (young woman) | :: pigebarn, [slang] sild |
chickadee {n} (songbird) | :: mejse {c} |
chicken {n} (bird) | :: kylling {c}, høne {c} |
chicken {n} (meat) | :: kylling {c} |
chicken {n} (coward) | :: bangebuks {c}, kylling {c} |
chicken coop {n} (small building for poultry) SEE: henhouse | :: |
chicken feed {n} (food for poultry) | :: hønsefoder {n}, kyllingefoder {n} |
chicken pox {n} (childhood disease) | :: skoldkopper |
chicken scratch {n} (illegible handwriting) | :: kragetæer {c-p} |
chicken soup {n} (soup with chicken as main ingredient) | :: hønsekødssuppe |
chickling vetch {n} (plant with edible seeds similar to peas) | :: græs-fladbælg |
chickpea {n} (plant) | :: kikært {c} |
chickpea {n} (seed) | :: kikært {c}, kikærter {p} |
chickweed {n} (herb) | :: fuglegræs {n} |
chicory {n} (common chicory (Cichorium intybus)) | :: cikorie |
chief of state {n} (the titular head of a nation) SEE: head of state | :: |
chieftain {n} (A leader of a clan or tribe) | :: høvding {c} |
Chihuahua {prop} (state) | :: Chihuahua |
Chihuahua {prop} (capital city) | :: Chihuahua |
Chihuahua {n} (breed of dog) | :: chihuahua {c} |
Chișinău {prop} (capital city and a municipality of Moldova) | :: Chișinău |
child {n} (a female or male child, a daughter or son) | :: barn {n}, børn {p} |
child {n} (a minor) | :: barn {n}, børn {p} |
child {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth | :: |
child bride {n} (very young bride) | :: barnebrud {c} |
childcare {n} (supervising young children) | :: børnepasning {c} |
child-fucker {n} (contemptible person) SEE: motherfucker | :: |
child-fucker {n} (one who engages in sex with a child) SEE: pedophile | :: |
child groom {n} (very young groom) | :: barnegom {c} |
childhood {n} (state of being a child) | :: barndom {c} |
childhood {n} (time when one is a child) | :: barndom {c}, barndomstid {c} |
child labor {n} (child labor) SEE: child labour | :: |
child labour {n} (work performed by children) | :: børnearbejde {n} |
childless {adj} (not having any children) | :: barnløs |
childlessness {n} (the state of being childless) | :: barnløshed {c} |
child neglect {n} (form of child abuse) | :: omsorgssvigt {c}, omsorgssvigtede børn {c} (neglected children) |
child porn {n} (child pornography) SEE: child pornography | :: |
child pornography {n} (pornographic materials depicting minors) | :: børnepornografi {c}, børneporno {c} |
child prodigy {n} (talented young person) | :: vidunderbarn {n} |
child prostitution {n} (use of a child for sexual activities for profit) | :: børneprostitution {c} |
children's home {n} (public institution for care of children, see also: orphanage) | :: børnehjem {n} |
child soldier {n} (minor who is put to use for military purposes) | :: børnesoldat {c}, barnesoldat {c} |
child support {n} (ongoing obligation for periodic payment) | :: børnebidrag {n} |
chile {n} (chili) SEE: chili | :: |
Chile {prop} (country in South America) | :: Chile |
chili {n} (spicy fresh or dried fruit of capsicum) | :: chili |
chili {n} (chili con carne) SEE: chili con carne | :: |
chili con carne {n} (dish) | :: chili con carne |
chili sin carne {n} (chili sin carne) | :: chili sin carne |
chill {v} (to relax, lie back) | :: chille [slang] |
chilli {n} (chili) SEE: chili | :: |
chilling {adj} (causing mild fear) | :: skræmmende, uhyggelig |
chilly {adj} (cold enough to cause discomfort) | :: kølig |
Chimaera {prop} (fantastical monster) | :: Kimære {c} |
chime {n} (musical instrument) | :: klokke |
chime {v} (to make the sound of a chime) | :: ringe, kime |
chimera {n} (flame-spewing monster, see also: Chimera) | :: kimære {c} |
Chimera {prop} (mythical monster) | :: Kimære |
chimney {n} (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue) | :: skorsten {c}, skorstenspibe {c} |
chimney sweep {n} (occupation) | :: skorstensfejer {c} |
chimpanzee {n} (ape) | :: chimpanse {c} |
chin {n} (bottom of a face) | :: hage {c} |
China {prop} (country in east Asia) | :: Kina |
China {prop} (region corresponding to the People's Republic of China and Taiwan) | :: Kina |
China {prop} (civilization of the Chinese people) | :: Kina |
chinaberry {n} (bead tree) SEE: bead tree | :: |
Chinaman {n} (a man who is Chinese, a Chinese man) | :: kinamand {c}, kineser {c} |
chinchilla {n} (rodent) | :: chinchilla |
Chinese {prop} (any language spoken in China, see also: Literary Chinese; Mandarin; Cantonese; Wu; Min Nan) | :: kinesisk |
Chinese {n} (the people of China) | :: kinesere {p} |
Chinese {n} (person born in China) | :: kineser {c}, kineserinde {c} |
Chinese {n} (Chinese food or meal) | :: kinesisk |
Chinese {adj} (relating to China) | :: kinesisk |
Chinese {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
Chinese cabbage {n} (napa cabbage) SEE: napa cabbage | :: |
Chinese character {n} (CJKV character) | :: kinesisk tegn {n} |
Chinese grapefruit {n} (pomelo) SEE: pomelo | :: |
Chinese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
Chinese lantern {n} (paper lantern) | :: kinesisk lygte {c} |
Chinese parsley {n} (coriander) SEE: coriander | :: |
Chinese river dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
Chinese Taipei {prop} (name under which the post-Chinese-Civil-War ROC participates in international organisations) | :: Kinesisk Taipei |
Chinese white dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
chintz {n} (fabric) | :: chintz {c} |
chin-up {n} (an exercise done for strengthening the arms and back) SEE: pull-up | :: |
chip {n} (token used in gambling) | :: jeton {n} |
chip {n} (fried strip of potato, french fry) | :: pomme frite, pomfrit |
chip {n} (thin, crisp, fried piece of potato or vegetable) | :: chips, fransk kartoffel |
chipmunk {n} (squirrel-like rodent) | :: jordegern {n} |
chiromancy {n} (divination performed by examining the palms) | :: kiromanti {c} |
chirp {n} (birds) | :: pip {n} |
chirp {v} (birds) | :: kvidre, pippe |
chisel {v} (to cheat) SEE: cheat | :: |
chisel {n} (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal) | :: mejsel {c}, stemmejern {n} [wood chisel] |
chisel {v} (to use a chisel) | :: mejsle |
Chita {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Tjita |
chit-chat {n} (gossip; mindless banter) | :: sludder {c} |
chit-chat {v} (to engage in small talk) | :: småsnakke, sludre |
Chittagong {prop} (the city of Chittagong) | :: Chittagong |
chive {n} (plant) | :: purløg {c} |
chive {n} (chives: herb) | :: purløg {n} |
chloride {n} (any salt of hydrochloric acid) | :: klorid {n} |
chlorine {n} (chemical element) | :: klor {?} |
chlorophyll {n} (green pigment) | :: klorofyl, bladgrønt {n} |
chloroplast {n} (photosynthetic organelle) | :: grønkorn {n}, kloroplast {c} |
chocolate {n} (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans) | :: chokolade {c} |
chocolate {n} (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate) | :: chokolade {c} |
chocolate {n} (colour) | :: chokladebrun {c} |
chocolate {adj} (made of or containing chocolate) | :: af choklade |
chocolate {adj} (colour) | :: chokoladebrun |
chocolate bar {n} (of chocolate) | :: chokoladebar {c} |
chocolate cake {n} (cake containing chocolate) | :: chokoladekage {c} |
chocolate egg {n} (Easter treat) SEE: Easter egg | :: |
chocolate milk {n} (milk drink flavored with chocolate) | :: chokolademælk |
choice {n} (option or decision) | :: valg {n} |
choice {n} (selection or preference) | :: valg {n} |
choice {n} (anything that can be chosen) | :: valg {n} |
choice {n} (definite: best or most preferable part) | :: elite, bedste del |
choice {adj} (especially good or preferred) | :: udsøgt |
choir {n} (singing group) | :: kor {n} |
choke {n} (control on a carburetor) | :: choker {c} |
choke {n} (type of hold in wrestling etc.) | :: kvælertag |
choke {n} (constriction at a shotgun barrel) | :: reduceret |
choke a darkie {v} (slang for defecate) | :: lægge en negerarm |
choking {n} (obstruction of the flow of air into the lungs) | :: kvælning {c} |
cholecyst {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder | :: |
cholera {n} (infectious disease) | :: kolera {c} |
chomp {v} (to bite or munch loudly or heavily) | :: gnaske |
choose {v} (to choose) SEE: take | :: |
choose {v} (to pick) | :: vælge, udvælge, foretrække |
choose {v} (to elect) | :: vælge, kåre |
choose {v} (to decide to act in a certain way) | :: foretrække, have lyst, finde for godt |
chop {n} (cut of meat) | :: kotelet {c} |
chop {v} (to cut into pieces) | :: hakke |
chop {v} (to sever with an axe or similar) | :: hugge |
chopper {n} (helicopter (formal translations)) SEE: helicopter | :: |
chopper {n} (axe/ax) SEE: axe | :: |
chopping board {n} (a sturdy board, upon which one chops and prepares food) | :: skærebræt {c} |
chopstick {n} (single eating utensil) | :: spisepind {c} |
chord {n} (combination of three or more notes) | :: akkord |
chord {n} (straight line) | :: korde {c} |
chorea {n} (disease of the nervous system) | :: sanktvejtsdans {c} |
Christ {prop} (title for Jesus of Nazareth) | :: Kristus {c} |
Christa {prop} (female given name) | :: Christa |
Christendom {n} (the Christian world) | :: kristenhed {c}, kristne verden {c} |
Christian {n} (member of the Christian religion) | :: kristen |
Christian {prop} (male given name) | :: Christian |
Christiana {prop} (a female given name) | :: Kristiane |
Christianity {prop} (monotheistic religion) | :: kristendom {c} |
Christianity {prop} (Christendom) SEE: Christendom | :: |
Christiansborg Palace {prop} (government building in Copenhagen) | :: Christiansborg Slot, Christiansborg, borgen [slang] |
Christina {prop} (female given name) | :: Christine |
Christine {prop} (female name) SEE: Christina | :: |
Christmas {prop} (Christian holiday) | :: jul {c} |
Christmas card {n} (greeting card that celebrates Christmas) | :: julekort {n} |
Christmas carol {n} (hymn whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas) | :: julesang {c} |
Christmas Day {n} (the 25th of December) | :: første juledag |
Christmas Eve {prop} (evening before Christmas Day) | :: juleaften {c} |
Christmas Eve {prop} (day before Christmas Day) | :: juleaftensdag {c} |
Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia) | :: Juleøen, Christmas Island |
Christmas light {n} (Christmas lights (plural)) | :: julelys {n} |
Christmas seal {n} (charity label in form of a cinderella stamp) | :: julemærke |
Christmas season {n} (Advent) SEE: Advent | :: |
Christmas stocking {n} (stocking hung up on Christmas Eve to be filled with gifts) | :: julesok {c} |
Christmas tree {n} (tree used during the Christmas holiday season) | :: juletræ {n} |
Christopher {prop} (a male given name) | :: Christoffer |
chromatographic {adj} (of or pertaining to chromatography) | :: kromatografisk |
chromatography {n} (analytical chemistry: technique for separation of components in a mixture) | :: kromatografi {c} |
chromium {n} (chemical element) | :: krom {n} |
chromosomal {adj} (of, or relating to chromosomes) | :: kromosomal |
chromosome {n} (structure in the cell nucleus) | :: kromosom |
Chronicles {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Krønikebøger {m-p} |
chronologic {adj} (chronological) SEE: chronological | :: |
chronological {adj} (in order of time from the earliest to the latest) | :: kronologisk |
chronology {n} (determining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history)) | :: kronologi {c} |
chronology {n} (arrangement into chronological order) | :: kronologi {c}, kronologisk rækkefølge {c} |
chronophagous {adj} (time-consuming) SEE: time-consuming | :: |
Chronos {prop} (personification of time) | :: Chronos |
chrysanthemum {n} (flower) | :: krysantemum {c}, okseøje {c} |
chub {n} (Leuciscus cephalus) | :: døbel |
chubby {n} (erection) SEE: boner | :: |
chuck {v} (to throw carelessly) | :: kaste |
chuck up {v} (to vomit) | :: kaste op |
Chukchi Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) | :: Tjuktjerhavet |
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukchi Peninsula, see also: Chukchi Peninsula) | :: Tjuktjerhalvøen {c} [definite form], Tjukotskij |
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug {prop} (peninsula) | :: Tjukotskij autonome okrug |
Chunnel {prop} (Channel Tunnel) SEE: Channel Tunnel | :: |
chur {interj} (voicing of thanks) SEE: thanks | :: |
church {n} (house of worship) | :: kirke {c} |
church {n} (a religious organization) | :: kirke {c} |
church bell {n} (bell of a church) | :: kirkeklokke {c} |
Church Father {n} (authoritative ancient male Christian author) | :: kirkefader {c} |
churchgoer {n} (one who goes to church) | :: kirkegænger {c} |
Church of England {prop} (established Christian church in England) | :: Den Engelske kirke {c} |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints {prop} (major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement) | :: Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige {c} |
Church of Scotland {prop} (national Presbyterian church of Scotland) | :: Den skotske kirke {c} |
church service {n} (communal worship) | :: gudstjeneste |
churchwarden {n} (lay officer who handles secular affairs of the parish) | :: kirkeværge {c} |
churchyard {n} (patch of land adjoining a church) | :: kirkegård {c} |
churn {n} (vessel for churning) | :: kjerne |
chutney {n} (condiment) | :: chutney {c} |
Chuvashia {prop} (federal subject of Russia) | :: Tjuvasjien |
ciao {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
ciao {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
cicada {n} (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera) | :: cikade |
cicatrice {n} (scar) SEE: scar | :: |
cicatrix {n} (scar that remains after the development of new tissue) SEE: scar | :: |
cider {n} (non-alcoholic still beverage) | :: æblemost |
cider {n} (soft drink) SEE: soft drink | :: |
cigar {n} (tobacco product) | :: cigar {c} |
cigarette {n} (cigarette) | :: cigaret {c} |
cigarette case {n} (small flat case) | :: cigaretetui {n} |
cigarette lighter {n} (lighter) SEE: lighter | :: |
cigarette pants {n} (pants with a snug fit through the legs, ending in a small leg opening) | :: cigaretbukser |
cigarette paper {n} (rolling paper) SEE: rolling paper | :: |
Cilicia {prop} (ancient region) | :: Kilikien |
Cimbric {adj} (relating to the Cimbri tribe) | :: kimbrisk |
Cimbric {prop} (The language of the Cimbri) | :: kimbrisk |
cinder {n} (ember) SEE: ember | :: |
Cinderella {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Askepot |
Cinderella {prop} (main character in this fairy tale) | :: Askepot |
cinema {n} (movie) SEE: movie | :: |
cinema {n} (a film/movie theatre) | :: biograf {c}, bio |
cinematographer {n} (a movie photographer, especially one who is in charge of shooting a movie) | :: filmfotograf {c} |
cinereous vulture {n} (Eurasian black vulture) SEE: Eurasian black vulture | :: |
cinnamic acid {n} (aromatic carboxylic acid obtained from cinnamon) | :: kanelsyre |
cinnamon {n} (spice) | :: kanel {c} |
cinnamon roll {n} (rolled pastry flavored with cinnamon) | :: kanelsnegl {c} |
cipher {n} (obsolete: zero) SEE: zero | :: |
circa {prep} (approximately, about) | :: cirka |
Circe {prop} (enchantress in Greek mythology) | :: Kirke |
circle {n} (geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center) | :: cirkel {c} |
circle {n} (geometry: set of all points in a plane within a radius) | :: cirkel {c} |
circle {n} (curve approximating part or all of a circle) | :: cirkel {c} |
circle {n} (specific group of persons) | :: kreds {c} |
circle {n} (bagginess of skin under eyes) | :: poser under øjnene {p} |
circle {v} (surround) | :: omkredse |
circle {v} (place or mark a circle around) | :: sætte ring om |
circle {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit | :: |
circle {n} (traffic circle or roundabout) SEE: traffic circle | :: |
circular {adj} (in the shape of, or moving in a circle) | :: rund, cirkulær |
circular argument {n} (a type of argument) | :: cirkelslutning {c} |
circular saw {n} (a power saw with a circular cutting blade) | :: rundsav {c} |
circular sector {n} (portion of a circle) | :: cirkeludsnit {n} |
circular segment {n} (circular segment) | :: cirkelafsnit {n} |
circulatory system {n} (parts of an animal body) | :: blodkredsløb {n} |
circumambient {adj} (surrounding) SEE: surrounding | :: |
circumcise {v} (to remove the foreskin from the penis) | :: omskære |
circumcise {v} (to remove the clitoris or labia) | :: omskære |
circumcision {n} (removal of foreskin from penis) | :: omskæring {c}, omskærelse {c} |
circumcision {n} (female circumcision) SEE: female circumcision | :: |
circumference {n} (line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional object) | :: omkreds {c} |
circumference {n} (length of such line) | :: omkreds {c} |
circumflex {n} (circumflex accent) | :: cirkumfleks {c} |
circumscription {n} (electoral district) SEE: electoral district | :: |
circumspect {adj} (carefully aware of all circumstances) | :: varsom, forsigtig |
circumstance {n} (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event) | :: omstændighed {c} |
circumstance {n} (circumlocution; detail) | :: detalje {c}, omstændelighed {c} |
circumstance {n} (condition in regard to worldly estate) | :: kår {n} |
circumvent {v} (to avoid or get around something) | :: omgå |
circumvent {v} (to surround or besiege) | :: omringe |
circus {n} (company that travels) | :: cirkus {n} {c} |
cirque {n} (something in the shape of a circle) SEE: circle | :: |
cirrhosis {n} (chronic disease of the liver) | :: skrumpelever {c} |
CIS {prop} (Commonwealth of Independent States) | :: SNG |
cisgender {adj} (having a gender the same as one's sex) | :: ciskønnet |
cissexual {adj} (having a gender identity which matches one's birth sex) SEE: cisgender | :: |
citation {n} (the act of citing a passage from a book) | :: citation {c}, citering {c} |
citation form {n} (the basic form of a word used as a dictionary headword) SEE: basic form | :: |
citation needed {phrase} (A portion of a wiki needs to be validated by a source.) | :: kilde mangler |
cite {v} (quote) SEE: quote | :: |
cite {n} (citation) SEE: citation | :: |
citizen {n} (legal member of a state) | :: borger {c}, statsborger {c} |
citizen journalism {n} (reporting by amateurs on the scene of an event) | :: borgerjournalistik |
citizenship {n} (state of being a citizen) | :: borgerskab, statsborgerskab |
citric acid {n} (2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, C6H8O7) | :: citronsyre {c} |
citron {n} (fruit) | :: cedrat |
citron {n} (candied rind) | :: sukat {c} |
city {n} (large settlement) | :: by {c} |
city council {n} (town/city governing body) | :: byråd {n} [chartered towns, legally obsolete term], kommunalbestyrelse {c} [municipalities, contemporary legal term] |
city hall {n} (building) | :: rådhus {n} |
city hall {n} (government) | :: rådhus {n} |
civil {adj} (related to people and government office as opposed to military or religion) | :: civil |
civil {adj} (behaving in a reasonable or polite manner) | :: høflig, civiliseret |
civil disobedience {n} (active and non-violent refusal to obey) | :: civil ulydighed {c} |
civilization {n} (organized culture) | :: civilisation {c}, kultur {c} |
civilization {n} (human society) | :: civilisation {c} |
civilization {n} (act or process of civilizing or becoming civilized) | :: civilisering {c} |
civilization {prop} (people of the world considered to have a high standard of behavior) | :: civilisation {c} |
civil law {n} (body of law dealing with private relations) | :: civilret {c} |
civil partnership {n} (arrangement for same-sex couples) | :: registreret partnerskab {n} |
civil rights {n} (rights deserved by all people under all circumstances) | :: borgerlige rettigheder {c-p}, borgerrettigheder {c-p} |
civil servant {n} (government employee) | :: embedsmand {c}, tjenestemand {c} [older officially regulated term] |
civil war {n} (war between factions within a single country) | :: borgerkrig {c} |
Civil War {prop} (civil war) SEE: civil war | :: |
claim {n} (demand of ownership) | :: krav {n} |
claim {n} (new statement of truth made about something) | :: påstand {c} |
claim {v} (to demand ownership of something) | :: gøre krav på |
claim {v} (to state a new fact) | :: påstå |
claimant {n} (party who initiates a lawsuit) SEE: plaintiff | :: |
Claire {prop} (female given name) SEE: Clara | :: |
clairvoyance {n} (the power to perceive objects that are not accessible to the senses) | :: clairvoyance {c}, klarsyn {n}, synskhed {c} |
clairvoyant {adj} (able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses) | :: clairvoyant, synsk |
clairvoyant {adj} (able to foresee the future) | :: clairvoyant, synsk |
clamp down on {v} (to take measures to stop something) | :: slå ned på |
clan {n} (group of relatives with some degree of political organization) | :: klan {c} |
clandestinely {adv} (in a secret, covert manner) | :: hemmelighedsfuld {n}, hemmelig |
clandestinely {adv} (in an illicit way) | :: ureglementeret |
clapboard {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard | :: |
clapper board {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard | :: |
clapperboard {n} (device used in film) | :: klaptræ |
Clara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of the name Clara) | :: Clara |
Clare {n} (Clara) SEE: Clara | :: |
clarinet {n} (woodwind musical instrument) | :: klarinet {c} |
class {n} (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher) | :: klasse {c} |
class {n} (group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year) | :: årgang {c} |
class clown {n} (student who frequently makes jokes) | :: klassens klovn |
classical {adj} (literature etc) | :: klassisk |
classical {adj} (in physics) | :: klassisk |
classical music {n} (music of the classical period) | :: klassisk musik {c} |
classical music {n} (the more serious forms of European and American music) | :: klassisk musik {c} |
classroom {n} (room in a school) | :: klasselokale {n}, klasseværelse {n} |
class struggle {n} (struggle between classes) | :: klassekamp {c} |
clatter {v} (To chatter noisily or rapidly) | :: kagle |
clatter {n} (Noisy talk or chatter) | :: kaglen {c} |
clause {n} (legal: separate part of a contract) | :: klausul {c} |
claustrophobia {n} (fear of closed, tight places) | :: klaustrofobi |
clavichord {n} (early keyboard instrument) | :: klavichord {n} |
clavicle {n} (collar bone) | :: kraveben {n}, nøgleben {n} |
clavicytherium {n} (harpsichord in which the soundboard and strings are mounted vertically facing the player) | :: clavicyterium, clavicytherium |
clavis {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary | :: |
claw {n} (curved horny nail) | :: klo {c} |
claw {n} (pincer of a crustacean) | :: klosaks {c} |
claw {n} (mechanical device for gripping) | :: klo {c} |
claw {v} (scratch or tear at) | :: kradse, rive, kradse |
claw {v} (to use claws to seize, to grip) | :: gribe |
claw {v} (use claws to climb) | :: slå en klo i |
claw hammer {n} (hammer with two prongs) | :: kløftehammer |
clay {n} (mineral substance) | :: ler {n} {c} |
clay {n} (tennis court surface) | :: grus {n} |
clay pigeon {n} (target in sport shooting) | :: lerdue {c} |
clean {adj} (not dirty) | :: ren |
clean {v} ((transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object) | :: rense |
clean {adj} (empty) SEE: empty | :: |
cleanliness {n} (the property of being cleanly) | :: renlighed {c} |
cleanly {adj} (being habitually clean) | :: renlig |
cleanser {n} (detergent) SEE: detergent | :: |
clear {adj} (distinct) SEE: distinct | :: |
clear {adj} (transparent in colour) | :: klar, gennemsigtig |
clear {adj} (bright, not obscured) | :: klar |
clear {adj} (free of obstacles) | :: klar, fri |
clear {adj} (without clouds) | :: klar |
clear {adj} (free of ambiguity or doubt) | :: klar, tydelig |
clear {adj} (free of guilt or suspicion) | :: god |
clear {v} | :: rydde |
clear {v} (to become clear or freed from obstructions) | :: klare op |
clear {v} (to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify) | :: opklare |
clear {v} (to remove from suspicion) | :: rense |
clear {v} (to pass without interference; to miss) | :: gå fri af |
clear {v} (to go through as payment) | :: gennemføre |
clearcutting {n} (forestry practice) | :: renafdrift |
clearly {adv} (in a clear manner) | :: tydelig, evident, indlysende, klart |
clear one's throat {v} (forcibly expulsing air from one's lungs) | :: rømme |
cleavage {n} (separation between breasts) | :: kløft {c}, kavalergang {c} |
cleave {v} (transitive to split or sever) | :: kløve |
cleaver {n} (a squarish knife used for hacking) | :: kødøkse {c} |
clef {n} (musical symbol) | :: nøgle {c} |
cleft {n} (opening made or as if made by splitting) | :: revne {c}, spalte |
cleft lip {n} (harelip) SEE: harelip | :: |
Cleopatra {prop} (a given name of women in the Ptolemy dynasty) | :: Kleopatra |
cleric {n} (clergy member) | :: gejstlig {c} |
clerk {n} (one working with records etc.) | :: kontorassistent {m}, kontorfunktionær {m}, ekspedient {m}, ekspeditrice {m} |
clever {adj} (nimble with hands or body) | :: kvik, rask, snild |
clever {adj} (skillful) | :: smart |
clever {adj} (mentally quick or sharp) | :: klog, smart |
clew {n} (clue) SEE: clue | :: |
click {n} (sound made by a dolphin) | :: klik {n} |
click {v} (transitive: press and release (button on a mouse)) | :: klikke |
clickbait {n} (content aimed at generating advertising revenue) | :: clickbait {c}, kliklokkemad {c} [uncommon], klikmadding {c} [uncommon] |
client {n} (a customer or receiver of services) | :: kunde {c}, klient {c} |
clientele {n} (body of clients who frequent an establishment) | :: klientel {n} |
client service {n} (customer service) SEE: customer service | :: |
cliff {n} (a (near) vertical rock face) | :: klint {c} |
climacterium {n} | :: klimakterium {n}, klimakterie {n} |
climate {n} (long-term atmospheric conditions) | :: klima {n} |
climate {n} (context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation) | :: klima {n} |
climate change {n} (changes in the Earth's climate) | :: klimaændring {c}, klimaforandring {c} |
climatology {n} (science) | :: klimatologi {c} |
climax {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) SEE: orgasm | :: |
climbing frame {n} (playground equipment) SEE: jungle gym | :: |
clinic {n} (medical facility) | :: klinik {c} |
clinical psychology {n} (branch of psychology) | :: klinisk psykologi |
Clio {prop} (the Muse of history and heroic poetry) | :: Klio |
clip {v} (to fasten with a clip) | :: clipse, klipse |
clipper {n} (fast sailing ship) | :: klipper |
clitic {n} (morpheme attached to another word) | :: klitikon {n} |
clitoral hood {n} (fold of skin) | :: klitorisforhud {m} |
clitoris {n} (elongated erectile organ) | :: klitoris {c} |
clit tease {n} (One who sexually arouses) | :: skuffejern {n} [male, vulgar] |
cloakroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
cloakroom {n} (room for coats) | :: garderobe {c} |
clobber {n} (to hit or bash severely) | :: [slang] slå til plukfisk, [slang] hamre ned, [slang] sable ned, banke |
clock {n} (instrument to measure or keep track of time) | :: ur {n} |
clock face {n} (the surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands) | :: urskive {c} |
clock tower {n} (tower having a large clock) | :: klokketårn |
clockwise {adv} (in a circular fashion in the same direction as the hands of an analogue clock) | :: med uret |
clockwisely {adv} (clockwise) SEE: clockwise | :: |
clog {n} (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel) | :: træsko {c} |
cloister {n} (place devoted to religious seclusion) | :: kloster {c} |
close {v} (obstruct (an opening)) | :: lukke |
close {v} (move (a door)) | :: lukke |
close {v} (close (one's eyes)) | :: lukke |
close {v} (put an end to) | :: afslutte |
close {adj} (at a little distance) | :: nær |
close, but no cigar {phrase} (that's almost correct, but not quite) | :: så tæt på og dog så langt fra, lige ved og næsten slår ingen mand af hesten |
closed {adj} (not open) | :: lukket |
closed {adj} (not operating or conducting trade) | :: lukket |
closed {adj} (not public) | :: lukket |
closed syllable {n} (Translations) | :: lukket stavelse {c} |
closeness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity | :: |
closeness {n} (The state of being secretive) | :: lukkethed {c} |
closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
closet {n} (furniture) | :: skab {n} |
closeted {adj} (not open about one's sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or gender identity) | :: skabs- |
closeted {adj} (not open about some aspect of one's psyche) | :: skabs- |
closure {n} (mathematical set) | :: afslutning {c} |
cloth {n} (woven fabric) | :: stof {n} |
cloth {n} (piece of cloth) | :: tøj {n}, klæde {n}, klud {c} |
clothes {n} (apparel) | :: tøj {n}, klæder {p} [formal], beklædning {c} |
clothes-brush {n} (a brush for brushing clothes) | :: klædebørste {c} |
clothesbrush {n} (a brush for brushing clothes with) | :: klædebørste {c} |
clothes don't make the man {proverb} (clothes don't make the man) | :: man skal ikke skue hunden på hårene |
clothesline {n} (rope or cord for drying clothes) | :: tøjsnor {c}, tørresnor {c} |
clothes peg {n} (an object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline) | :: tøjklemme |
clothespin {n} (a clip or fastener) SEE: clothes peg | :: |
clothing {n} (clothes) | :: tøj {n} |
Clotho {prop} (One of the Fates) | :: Klotho |
cloud {n} (visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air) | :: sky {c} |
cloud {n} (mass of dust, steam or smoke) | :: sky {c}, støvsky {c} [mass of dust] |
cloud {n} (anything which makes things foggy or gloomy) | :: sky {c} |
cloud {n} (group of objects suspended above the ground or flying) | :: sky {c} |
cloud {n} (the Internet) | :: sky {c} |
cloudberry {n} (species) | :: multebær |
cloudberry {n} (fruit) | :: multebær {n} |
cloudburst {n} (sudden heavy rainstorm) | :: skybrud {n} |
cloud computing {n} (computing services provided over the Internet) | :: cloudcomputing |
clouded leopard {n} (medium sized arboreal cat) | :: træleopard {c} |
cloudy {adj} (covered with or characterised by clouds) | :: overskyet, skyet |
clove {n} (spice) | :: nellike {c}, kryddernellike {c} |
clove {n} (constitutive bulb of garlic) | :: fed {n} |
clove pink {n} (carnation) SEE: carnation | :: |
clover {n} (plant in genus Trifolium) | :: kløver {c} |
clown {n} (performance artist working in a circus) | :: klovn {c} |
clown {n} (person acting in a silly fashion) | :: klovn {c} |
club {n} (association of members) | :: klub {c} |
club {n} (nightclub) | :: klub {c} |
club {n} (playing card symbol, ♣) | :: kløver {c} |
clubfoot {n} (foot malformation) | :: klumpfod {c} |
clubs {n} (plural of club) SEE: club | :: |
clubs {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣) | :: klør {c} |
clue {n} (information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusion) | :: spor {n}, holdepunkt {n}, fingerpeg {n}, nøgle {c} |
clue {n} (object or marking that may be used in evidence) | :: spor {n} |
cluster {n} (group or bunch of something) | :: klynge {c}, klase {c}, sværm {c} |
cluster {n} (a bunch of grapes) | :: klase {c} |
cluster {n} (group of galaxies or stars) | :: klynge {c} |
cluster {n} (group of consonants) | :: serie {c} |
cluster {n} (group of computers working together) | :: klynge {c} |
cluster {n} (set of bombs or mines) | :: klynge {c} |
cluster {v} (Form into a cluster) | :: flokkes, samle sig i klynge |
cluster bomb {n} (explosive munition) | :: klyngebombe {c} |
clusterfuck {n} (a chaotic situation) | :: kaotisk situation {c} |
clutch {n} (A device to interrupt power transmission) | :: kobling {c} |
clutch {n} (The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission) | :: kobling {c}, koblingspedal {c} |
clutch pedal {n} (pedal modulating the clutch) | :: koblingspedal {c} |
c'mere {contraction} (come) SEE: come | :: |
c'mere {contraction} (here) SEE: here | :: |
co- {prefix} (together, mutually, jointly) | :: sam- |
coach {n} (trainer) | :: træner {c} |
coach driver {n} (driver of a horse-drawn coach) | :: kusk {c} |
coachman {n} (male coach driver) SEE: coach driver | :: |
coachwoman {n} (female coach driver) SEE: coach driver | :: |
coadjutor {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant | :: |
coagulate {v} (become congealed) | :: størkne, koagulere, stivne |
coagulate {v} (cause to congeal) | :: koagulere [rare] |
coagulation {n} (process of forming clots from blood) | :: koagulering {c}, koagulation {c} |
coagulation {n} (similar solidification) | :: koagulering {c}, koagulation {c} |
coal {n} (uncountable: carbon rock) | :: kul {n} |
coal black {adj} (Of a black colour, like that of coal) | :: kulsort |
coalfish {n} (blackish fish) | :: sej {c} |
coalition {n} (group of organizations) | :: koalition {c} |
coal mine {n} (a mine from which coal is mined) | :: kulmine {c} |
coalmine {n} (coal mine) SEE: coal mine | :: |
coal tit {n} (coal tit) | :: sortmejse |
coarse {adj} (containing large particles) | :: grovkornet |
coarse {adj} (of inferior quality) | :: grov |
coarse {adj} (not refined) | :: grov |
coarseness {n} (quality of being coarse) | :: grovhed {c} |
coast {n} (edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay) | :: bred, kyst, strand {c} |
coastal {adj} (relating to the coast) | :: kystnær |
coaster {n} (piece of material used to protect the surface of a table) | :: ølbrik {c}, glasbrik {c}, coaster {c} |
coaster {n} (small tray on wheels) | :: rullebord {n} |
coast guard {n} (enforcer of maritime law) | :: kystvagt {c} |
coastline {n} (the shape of a coast) | :: kystlinje {c} |
coat {n} (outer garment covering the upper torso and arms) | :: frakke {c} |
coat {n} (covering of material, such as paint) | :: lag {n} |
coat {n} (fur or feathers) | :: pels {c} [fur], fjerdragt {c} [feathers], dragt {c} |
coat hanger {n} (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc) | :: bøjle {c} |
coat of arms {n} (hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon) | :: våben {n}, våbenskjold {n}, våbenmærke {n} [the heraldic symbol shown without the shield], skjoldmærke {n} [the heraldic symbol shown without the shield], rigsvåben {n} [when used by a sovereign state], statsvåben {n} [when used by a sovereign state] |
coat stand {n} (pole with pegs) | :: stumtjener {c} |
coatstand {n} (coat stand) SEE: coat stand | :: |
coat-stand {n} (coat stand) SEE: coat stand | :: |
coattail {n} (flap at the back of a coat) | :: frakkeskøde {n} |
coattail {n} (transferred success) | :: slipstrøm {c} |
coax {v} (persuade gradually) | :: lokke, snakke godt for |
coax {v} (manipulate carefully into position) | :: lirke |
coax {adj} (coaxial cable) | :: coaxkabel {n} |
coaxial cable {n} (a transmission line) | :: koaksialkabel {n} |
cob {n} (gull) SEE: gull | :: |
cob {n} (bread roll) SEE: bread roll | :: |
cobalt {n} (chemical element) | :: kobolt |
cobalt blue {n} (colour) | :: koboltblåt {c} |
cobalt blue {adj} (colour) | :: koboltblå |
cobble {n} (cobblestone) SEE: cobblestone | :: |
cobbled {adj} (paved with cobblestones) | :: brolagt |
cobblestone {n} (a rounded stone) | :: brosten {c} |
cobra {n} (venomous snake) | :: kobra {c} |
cobweb {n} (a spider’s web) SEE: spiderweb | :: |
Coca-Cola {prop} (particular carbonated soft drink) | :: Coca-Cola |
cocaine {n} (the narcotic) | :: kokain |
coccyx {n} ((anatomy) final fused vertebrae) | :: haleben {n} |
cock {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick | :: |
cock {n} (any male bird) | :: kok {c}, han {c}, fasankok {c} [male pheasant] |
cock {n} (hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism) | :: hane {c} |
cock {v} (to lift the cock of a firearm) | :: spænde hanen |
cock {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) SEE: rooster | :: |
cockade {n} (a rosette worn in a hat as an office or party badge) | :: kokarde {c} |
cock-a-doodle-doo {interj} (cry of the rooster) | :: kykkeliky, kykliky, kykeliky |
cockatiel {n} (a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest) | :: nymfeparakit {c} |
cockatoo {n} (a bird) | :: kakadue {c} |
cockchafer {n} (beetle of genus Melolontha) | :: oldenborre {c} |
cockerel {n} (young male chicken) | :: hanekylling |
cockeyed {adj} (absurd, silly, or stupid) SEE: absurd | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
cockle {n} (wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle | :: |
cockpit {n} (space for pilot and crew in an aircraft) | :: cockpit {n}, førerkabine {c} |
cockpit {n} (nautical: well, where the helm is) | :: cockpit {n} |
cockpit {n} (enclosure for cockfights) | :: hanekampplads {c} |
cock ring {n} (sex aid) | :: pikring {c}, penisring {c} |
cockroach {n} (type of insect) | :: kakerlak {c} |
cockscomb {n} (fleshy red crest of a rooster) | :: hanekam {c} |
cocktail {n} (alcoholic beverage) | :: cocktail {c} |
cocktail {n} (mixture of other substances) | :: cocktail {c} |
cocktease {n} (One who sexually arouses) | :: narrefisse {c} [female, vulgar] |
cockteaser {n} (cocktease) SEE: cocktease | :: |
cocoa {n} (hot drink) | :: chokolade {c}, kakao {c} |
cocoa {n} (powder) SEE: cocoa powder | :: |
cocoa bean {n} (seed of the cocoa plant) | :: kakaobønne {c} |
cocoa butter {n} (fat from cocoa bean) | :: kakaosmør {n} |
cocoa powder {n} (powder from cocoa solids) | :: kakao {c}, kakaopulver {n} |
coconut {n} (fruit of coco palm) | :: kokosnød {c} |
coconut {n} (shelled seed) | :: kokosnød {c} |
coconut {n} (edible flesh of coconut fruit) | :: kokos {c} |
coconut {n} (coconut palm) SEE: coconut palm | :: |
coconut oil {n} (type of cooking oil extracted from coconuts) | :: kokosolie {c} |
coconut palm {n} (Cocos nucifera) | :: kokospalme {c} |
cocoon {n} (protective case) | :: kokon {c} |
cod {n} (marine fish of the family Gadidae) | :: torsk {m} |
code {n} (body of law) | :: kodeks {c} {n}, kodex {c} {n} |
code {n} (system of principles, rules or regulations) | :: kodeks {c} {n}, kodex {c} {n} |
code {n} (source code) SEE: source code | :: |
codeine {n} (addictive alkaloid narcotic) | :: kodein {n} |
code name {n} (name used to clandestinely identify something) | :: kodenavn |
codfish {n} (cod) SEE: cod | :: |
codomain {n} (target set of a function) | :: dispositionsmængde {c} |
codpiece {n} (part of male dress to cover genitals) | :: skamkapsel {c} |
codswallop {interj} (nonsense) | :: sludder {n}, bavl {n}, vrøvl {n} |
coefficient {n} (algebraic constant) | :: koefficient {c} |
coefficient {n} (measure of some property or characteristic) | :: koefficient {c} |
coeliac disease {n} (auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten) | :: cøliaki |
coercion {n} (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person) | :: tvang |
coetaneous {adj} (contemporary) SEE: contemporary | :: |
coexistence {n} (two or more things existing together) | :: sameksistens {c}, koeksistens {c} |
coffee {n} (beverage) | :: kaffe {c} |
coffee {n} (beans) | :: kaffebønne |
coffee {n} (plant) | :: kaffebusk {c}, kaffetræ {n} |
coffee bar {n} (establishment that sells coffee) SEE: café | :: |
coffee bean {n} (The seed of a tropical plant of the genus Coffea) | :: kaffebønne {c} |
coffee break {n} (a rest period during the business day providing the opportunity to drink coffee) | :: kaffepause {c} |
coffee cup {n} (cup for coffee) | :: kaffekop {c} |
coffeehouse {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
coffeemaker {n} (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee) | :: kaffemaskine {c} |
coffee pot {n} (pot for coffee) | :: kaffekande {c} |
coffee shop {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
coffer {n} (cofferdam) SEE: cofferdam | :: |
cofferdam {n} (temporary watertight structure) | :: cellefangedæmning {c} |
coffin {n} (box in which a dead person is buried) | :: kiste {c}, ligkiste {c} |
coffin nail {n} (slang: cigarette) | :: ligkistesøm {n} |
cogent {adj} (reasonable and convincing; based on evidence) | :: overbevisende |
cogent {adj} (appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning) | :: overbevisende |
cogent {adj} (forcefully persuasive) | :: overbevisende, slagkraftig |
cognac {n} (type of brandy) | :: cognac |
cognition {n} (process of knowing) | :: kognition, erkendelse |
cognitive {adj} (relating to mental functions) | :: kognitiv |
cognitive dissonance {n} (conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistencies between one's beliefs and one's actions or other beliefs) | :: kognitiv dissonans {c} |
cognitive psychology {n} (branch of psychology) | :: kognitionspsykologi |
cohabitant {n} (person who cohabits with another) | :: samlever {c}, sambo {c} |
cohabitation {n} (intimate relationship) | :: papirløst ægteskab {n} |
cohabitation {n} (act of living together) | :: samliv {n} |
coherent {adj} (orderly, logical and consistent) | :: sammenhængende |
cohesion {n} (the state of cohering, or of sticking together) | :: sammenhold [interpersonal], sammenhæng [materials] |
cohesion {n} (the various intermolecular forces that hold solids and liquids together) | :: sammenhængskraft |
cohort {n} (associate) SEE: associate | :: |
cohort {n} (colleague) SEE: colleague | :: |
coif {n} (hairdo) | :: frisure |
coiffure {n} (hairstyle) SEE: hairstyle | :: |
coil {n} (something wound) | :: spiral {c} |
coil {n} (electrical) | :: spole {c} |
coil {v} (wind into regular rings) | :: sno, rulle sammen |
coil {v} (to wind cylindrically or spirally) | :: vinde op |
coil {n} (intra-uterine contraceptive device) SEE: intrauterine device | :: |
Coimbra {prop} (city and municipality in Coimbra, Portugal) | :: Coimbra |
coin {n} ((currency) a piece of currency) | :: mønt {c} |
coin {n} (a token used in a special establishment like a casino) | :: jeton {c} |
coinage {n} (currency) SEE: currency | :: |
coinage {n} (neologism) SEE: neologism | :: |
coincidence {n} (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not) | :: sammenfald {n}, sammentræf {n} |
coinsurance {n} (joint assumption of risk between insurer and insured) | :: selvrisiko |
coitus interruptus {n} (sexual intercourse interrupted by withdrawal of the penis) | :: afbrudt samleje {n}, stå af i Roskilde [slang] |
coke {n} (coal product) | :: koks |
cola {n} (drink) | :: cola {c} |
cola {n} (plant or nut) SEE: kola | :: |
colander {n} (a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta) | :: dørslag {n} |
Colchester {prop} (town in England) | :: Colchester |
Colchis {prop} (ancient region and kingdom) | :: Kolchis |
cold {adj} (having a low temperature) | :: kold |
cold {n} (low temperature) | :: kulde {c} |
cold {n} (illness) | :: forkølelse {c} |
cold-blooded {adj} (having an unregulated body temperature) SEE: ectothermic | :: |
cold day in Hell {n} (an event that will never happen) | :: en kold dag i helvede |
cold fish {n} (unvigorous sexual partner) SEE: dead fish | :: |
cold fusion {n} (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion) | :: kold fusion |
cold sore {n} (small bump on the lips) | :: forkølelsessår {n} |
cold turkey {n} (sudden and complete withdrawal) | :: kold tyrker |
cold war {n} (a period of hostile relations) | :: kold krig {c}, koldkrig {c} |
Cold War {prop} (a period of history from 1945–1991) | :: den kolde krig {n} |
Cold Warrior {n} (participant in the Cold War) | :: koldkriger {c} |
cole {n} (cabbage) SEE: cabbage | :: |
collaborate {v} (to work together on a piece of work) | :: samarbejde |
collaborate {v} (to cooperate treasonably) | :: kollaborere, samarbejde |
collaborative {adj} (of, relating to, or done by collaboration) | :: samarbejdende |
collapsible {adj} (that can be collapsed) | :: sammenklappelig |
collar {n} (fabric garment part fitting around throat) | :: krave {c} |
collar {n} (chain worn around the neck) | :: halskæde {c} [jewellery], kæde {c} [livery collar of an order of chivalry] |
collar {n} (device for restraining animal) | :: halsbånd {n} |
collar {v} (to arrest) SEE: arrest | :: |
collarbone {n} (clavicle) SEE: clavicle | :: |
collared dove {n} (collared dove) | :: tyrkerdue |
collared peccary {n} (mammal) | :: halsbåndnavlesvin |
collared pratincole {n} (Glareola pratincola) | :: rødvinget braksvale |
colleague {n} (fellow member of a profession) | :: kollega {c} |
collect {v} (to gather together) | :: samle |
collect {v} (to get from someone) | :: indkræve |
collect {v} (to accumulate items for a hobby) | :: samle |
collect {v} (to collect payments) | :: rykke |
collection {n} (set of items) | :: samling |
collection {n} (multiple related objects) | :: samling |
collection {n} (activity of collecting) | :: indsamling |
collector {n} (person or thing that collects) | :: samler {c} |
collector {n} (person who is employed to collect payments) | :: indsamler {c} [charity], opkræver {c} [rents and debts], skatteopkræver {c} [taxes] |
college {n} (politics: electoral college) SEE: electoral college | :: |
college town {n} (town or city dominated by its university population) | :: universitetsby {c} |
collide {v} (to impact directly, especially if violent) | :: kollidere |
collie {n} (group of dog breeds) | :: collie {c} |
collision {n} (instance of colliding) | :: kollision {c} |
colloquial {adj} (of oral communication language) | :: dagligsprogs- |
colloquium {n} (academic meeting) | :: kollokvium {n} |
colloquy {n} (conversation, dialogue) | :: kollokvium |
cologne {n} (eau de Cologne) | :: kølnervand {n}, eau de Cologne |
Cologne {prop} (city in Germany) | :: Köln |
Colombia {prop} (country in South America) | :: Colombia |
colon {n} (punctuation mark) | :: kolon {n} |
colon {n} (the last part of the digestive system) | :: tyktarm {c} |
colonel {n} (commissioned office in the armed services) | :: oberst {c} |
colonial {adj} (of or pertaining to a colony) | :: kolonial |
colonial {adj} (of or pertaining to a period when a country or territory was a colony) | :: kolonial |
colonial {adj} (US: of or relating to the original thirteen colonies of the USA) | :: kolonial |
colonialism {n} (colonial domination policy) | :: kolonialisme |
colonist {n} (a founder of a colony) | :: kolonist {c} |
colonizer {n} (colonist) SEE: colonist | :: |
colony {n} (region or governmental unit) | :: koloni {c} |
colophony {n} (rosin) SEE: rosin | :: |
color {n} (spectral composition of visible light) | :: farve |
color {n} (particular set of the visible spectrum) | :: farve |
color {n} (hue as opposed to achromatic colors) | :: farve, farvetone, kulør |
color {n} (human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity) | :: hudfarve |
color {n} (any of the standard dark tinctures used in a coat of arms) | :: farve |
color {adj} (conveying color) | :: farve- |
color {v} (give something color) | :: farve, male |
color {v} (draw using crayons) | :: male |
color {v} (become red through increased blood flow) | :: få kulør, få farve, rødme |
color {v} (affect without completely changing) | :: farve |
Colorado {prop} (US state) | :: Colorado |
Colorado beetle {n} (beetle) | :: coloradobille {c}, kartoffelbille {c} |
color blind {adj} (unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors) | :: farveblind |
color blindness {n} (condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired) | :: farveblindhed {c} |
colored {adj} (having a particular kind of color) | :: farvet |
colored {adj} (colorful) | :: kulørt |
colored {adj} (influenced pervasively but subtly) | :: farvet |
colored {adj} (US: of skin color other than the white, particularly black) | :: farvet |
colored {adj} (South Africa: of neither black nor white skin color) | :: farvet |
colored {n} (colored person) | :: farvet |
colorful {adj} (possessing prominent and varied colors) | :: farverig |
colorful {adj} (interesting, multifaceted) | :: farverig |
colorful {adj} (profane) | :: blomstrende |
Colossians {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Kolossenserbrevet {n} [definite form] |
Colossus of Rhodes {prop} (the statue of Helios) | :: Kolossen på Rhodos {c} |
colostrum {n} (a form of milk) | :: råmælk |
colour television {n} (television in colour) | :: farve-tv {n}, farvefjernsyn {n} |
colour television {n} (a colour television set) | :: farve-tv {n}, farvefjernsyn {n} |
coltsfoot {n} (Tussilago farfara) | :: følfod {c} |
columbine {n} (any plant of the genus Aquilegia) | :: akeleje |
column {n} (upright supporting member) | :: søjle {c} |
colza {n} (cabbage variety) | :: raps {c} |
coma {n} (Deep sleep) | :: koma |
comb {n} (toothed implement for grooming the hair) | :: kam {c} |
comb {v} (to groom the hair with a toothed implement) | :: rede |
combat {n} (a battle; a fight) | :: kamp, slag, slagsmål, træfning |
combatant {n} (person engaged in combat, often armed) | :: kombattant {c} |
combative {adj} (given to fighting) | :: kamplysten, krigerisk |
combat sport {n} (sport that involves man-to-man combat) | :: kampsport {c} |
combinatorics {n} (a branch of mathematics) | :: kombinatorik {c} |
combine {v} (bring two or more things or activities together) | :: kombinere |
combine {v} (have two or more things or properties that function together) | :: forene |
combine {n} (combine harvester) SEE: combine harvester | :: |
combine harvester {n} (combine) | :: mejetærsker {c} |
combust {v} (be consumed by fire) SEE: burn | :: |
combustion {n} (the act or process of burning) | :: forbrænding {c} |
combustion {n} (similar process where two chemicals are combined) | :: forbrænding {c} |
combustion {n} (process wherein a fuel is combined with oxygen) | :: forbrænding {c} |
come {v} (to move nearer) | :: komme |
come {v} (to arrive, to appear) | :: ankomme, komme |
come {v} (to orgasm) | :: komme, ejakulere |
come down {v} (graduate) SEE: graduate | :: |
comedown {n} (after a drug) SEE: crash | :: |
comedown {n} (to lower status, condition or level) | :: nedsættelse {c}, fald {n} |
comedy {n} (dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone) | :: komedie {c} |
comedy duo {n} (comic pairing) SEE: double act | :: |
come from {v} | :: komme fra |
come hell or high water {adv} | :: med djævelens vold og magt (by the devil's violence and might), koste hvad det være (cost what it may) |
come in {v} (to enter) SEE: enter | :: |
come into effect {v} (come into force) SEE: come into force | :: |
come into force {v} (become valid or active) | :: træde i kraft |
come on {interj} (hurry up) | :: kom nu |
come out {v} (to come out of the closet) SEE: come out of the closet | :: |
come out of the closet {v} (to tell others about a secret belief or preference) | :: komme ud af skabet, springe ud |
comestible {adj} (suitable to be eaten; edible) | :: spiselige |
comet {n} (a celestial body, generally with a tail) | :: komet {c} |
come to light {v} (become known) | :: blive afsløret [of a plot, crime, etc.], komme til syne, komme for en dag |
comeuppance {n} (an outcome which is justly deserved) | :: få som fortjent |
come up with {v} (to invent, create) | :: finde på, udtænke |
comfort {n} (contentment, ease) | :: behagelighed {c}, bekvemmelighed {c}, komfort {c} |
comfort {n} (consolation) | :: trøst {c} |
comfort {v} (console) SEE: console | :: |
comfortable {adj} (providing physical comfort and ease) | :: bekvem, behagelig, komfortabel |
comforter {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
comic {adj} (being funny) | :: komisk |
comic {adj} (related to comedy) | :: komisk |
comic {n} (comedian) | :: komiker {c} |
comic {n} (cartoon story) | :: tegneserie {c} |
comic book {n} (book or magazine) | :: tegneserie {c} |
Comintern {prop} (international association of Communist parties) | :: Komintern |
comital {adj} (of or pertaining to a count or earl) | :: grevelig [count], greve- [count] |
comitology {n} (art of resolving issues by committees) | :: komitologi |
comma {n} (punctuation mark ',') | :: komma {n} |
command {n} (order) | :: ordre {c} |
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization) | :: befalingsmand {c} |
Commander Islands {prop} (Russian islands in the Bering Sea) | :: Kommandørøerne |
commemorative {n} (commemorative postage stamp) | :: særfrimærke {n} |
commence {v} (begin, start) | :: begynde |
comment {v} (to comment) SEE: observe | :: |
comment {n} (spoken remark) | :: kommentar {c}, bemærkning {c} |
comment {n} (programming: remark not affecting behavior) | :: kommentar {c} |
comment {v} (to remark) | :: kommentere |
comment {v} (programming: to insert comments) | :: kommentere |
comment out {v} (disable a section of source code) | :: udkommentere |
commerce {n} (large scale trade) | :: handel {c} |
commercial {n} (advertisement in a common media format) | :: reklame {c} |
commercial {adj} (of or pertaining to commerce) | :: handels-, erhvervs-, kommerciel |
commercial at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
commie {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
commission {n} (mission) | :: opgave {c} |
commission {n} (official authority) | :: kommission {c} |
commission {n} (body of officials) | :: kommission {c}, undersøgelseskommission {c} [investigative] |
commission {n} (fee charged) | :: kommission, provision {c} |
commission {v} (send to do something) | :: få til opgave |
commission {v} (order a work of art) | :: bestille |
commission {v} (put into active service) | :: indgå i tjeneste |
commissioner {n} (member of a commission) | :: kommissær |
commissioner {n} (someone commissioned to perform certain duties, see also: assignee) | :: kommissær |
commit {v} (to do (something bad); to perpetrate) | :: begå |
commit suicide {v} (to kill oneself) | :: begå selvmord, tage sig af dage |
committee {n} (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose) | :: komité {c}, komite {c} |
commo {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
commo {n} (communication) SEE: communication | :: |
common {adj} (mutual) | :: fælles |
common {adj} (usual) | :: almindelig, vanlig, sædvanlig |
common {adj} (grammar: of the gender resulting from the coalescence of the masculine and feminine genders) | :: fælleskøn {n} |
common {n} (mutual good) | :: fælles gode {n} |
common {n} (tract of land) | :: fælled {c} |
common alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder | :: |
common blackbird {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: blackbird | :: |
common chickweed {n} (herb) | :: almindelig fuglegræs {c} |
common cockchafer {n} (Melolontha melolontha) | :: almindelig oldenborre {c} |
common cold {n} (mild infection) | :: forkølelse |
common denominator {n} (common denominator in mathematics) | :: fællesnævner |
common eider {n} (sea duck) | :: edderfugl {c} |
common fraction {n} (fraction with two integers) | :: almindelig brøk {c} |
common gender {n} (a grammatical gender) | :: fælleskøn {n} |
Common Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic | :: |
common goldeneye {n} (medium sized sea duck) | :: hvinand {c} |
common good {n} (general interest of the population as a whole) | :: almenvel {n} |
common greenshank {n} (Tringa nebularia) | :: hvidklire |
common gull {n} (Larus canus) | :: stormmåge |
common hepatica {n} (Hepatica nobilis) | :: blå anemone {c} |
common kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) | :: tårnfalk |
common knowledge {n} (that which is known by most people) | :: allemandsviden {c}, almenviden {c} |
common land {n} (land free for anybody to graze their animals on) | :: fælled {c} |
common law {n} (law based on court judgments and opinions) SEE: case law | :: |
common loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver | :: |
common murre {n} (Uria aalge) | :: lomvie {c} |
common noun {n} (noun that denotes any member or all members of a class) | :: appellativ, fællesnavn |
common redshank {n} (Tringa totanus) | :: rødben {c} |
common redstart {n} (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) | :: rødstjert {c} |
commons {n} (a central section of an older town) | :: fælled {c} [shared grazing ground in medieval and early modern villages] |
commons {n} (the mutual good of all) | :: almenvelle {n}, fælles bedste {n}, |
common sandpiper {n} (Actitis hypoleucos) | :: mudderklire {c} |
common sense {n} (ordinary understanding) | :: sund fornuft {c} |
common shrew {n} (Sorex araneus) | :: spidsmus {c}, almindelig spidsmus {c} |
Common Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) SEE: Proto-Slavic | :: |
common snipe {n} (the species Gallinago gallinago) | :: dobbeltbekkasin {n} |
Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (alliance of former Soviet republics) | :: Fællesskabet af Uafhængige Stater, SNG |
common whitefish {n} (Coregonus lavaretus) | :: almindelig helt {c}, helt {c} |
commune {n} (local political division in many European countries) | :: kommune {c} |
communicate {v} (to impart information or knowledge of; to make known, to tell) | :: kommunikere |
communication {n} (act or fact of communicating anything) | :: kommunikation {c} |
communication {n} (concept of exchanging information) | :: kommunikation |
communion {n} (a joining together of minds or spirits) | :: kommunion {c}, nadver {c} |
communion {n} (Holy Communion) SEE: Holy Communion | :: |
communism {n} (philosophy) | :: kommunisme {c} |
communism {n} (society) | :: kommunisme {c} |
communist {adj} (of or relating to communism) | :: kommunistisk |
communist {n} (person who follows a communist philosophy) | :: kommunist {c} |
Communist {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
Communist {adj} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
communist party {n} (political party) | :: kommunistparti {c} |
Communist Party {prop} (communist party) SEE: communist party | :: |
community {n} (group sharing a common understanding) | :: samfund {n}, fællesskab {n} |
community language {n} (unofficial language spoken as a local lingua franca) SEE: lingua franca | :: |
community service {n} (alternative penalty) | :: samfundstjeneste {c} |
community spirit {n} (willingness to do deeds which benefit the community at large) | :: samfundssind {n} |
commutative {adj} (mathematics: such that order of operands does not affect result) | :: kommutativ |
commutativity {n} (mathematics, physics: The state of being commutative.) | :: kommutativitet {c} |
commute {v} (math: to be commutative) | :: kommutere |
commute {v} (to regularly travel to and from work, school etc.) | :: pendle |
Comoros {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) | :: Comorerne {p} |
compact fluorescent lamp {n} (type of fluorescent lamp) | :: sparepære {c}, lavenergipære {c} |
compactification {n} (procedure of enlarging a topological space to make it compact) | :: kompaktifikation {c} |
compactification {n} (topological space enlarged to become compact) | :: kompaktifikation {c} |
companion {n} (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company) | :: ledsager {c} |
company {n} (in legal context, a corporation) | :: virksomhed {c} |
comparable {adj} (similar) SEE: similar | :: |
comparative {adj} (of or relating to comparison) | :: komparativ, sammenlignende |
comparative {adj} (using comparison as a method of study) | :: komparativ |
comparative degree {n} ((grammar)) SEE: comparative | :: |
compare {v} (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another) | :: sammenligne, jævnføre |
compare {v} (to form the three degrees of comparison of) | :: gradbøje |
compare {v} (to be similar) | :: stemme overens |
comparison {n} (act of comparing or the state of being compared) | :: sammenligning {c} |
comparison {n} (ability of adjectives and adverbs to form three degrees) | :: gradbøjning {c} |
compass {n} (instrument to determine cardinal directions) | :: kompas {n} |
compass {n} (pair of compasses) SEE: pair of compasses | :: |
compassion {n} (deep awareness of the suffering of another) | :: medfølelse {c} [sympathy], medlidenhed {c} [pity] |
compass rose {n} (a circle indicating directions) | :: kompasrose |
compatriot {n} (somebody from one's own country) | :: landsmand {c} |
compere {n} (master of ceremonies) SEE: master of ceremonies | :: |
compete {v} (to contend) | :: konkurrere |
competency {n} (ability to perform some task) | :: kompetence {c} |
competency {n} (law: meeting specified qualifications to perform) | :: kompetence {c} |
competency {n} (linguistics: implicit knowledge of a language’s structure) | :: kompetens {c} |
competition {n} (action of competing) | :: konkurrence {c} |
competition {n} (contest for a prize or award) | :: konkurrence {c} |
competitive {adj} (economics: capable of competing successfully) | :: konkurrencedygtig |
compile {v} (assemble from a collection) | :: kompilere |
complaint {n} (grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining) | :: klage {c} |
complete graph {n} (graph) | :: komplet graf {c} |
complex {adj} (in mathematics) | :: kompleks |
complex {n} (problem) SEE: problem | :: |
complexity {n} (That which is complex; intricacy; complication) | :: indviklethed {c}, kompleksitet {c} |
complex number {n} (number of the form a + bi) | :: komplekst tal |
complicate {v} (to combine intricately) | :: komplicere |
compliment {n} (expression of praise, congratulation or respect) | :: kompliment {c} |
compliment {v} (to pay a compliment; to express a favorable opinion) | :: komplimentere |
component {n} (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity) | :: bestanddel {c}, komponent {c} |
composer {n} (one who composes music) | :: komponist {c} |
composite function {n} (function of one or more independent variables) | :: sammensat funktion {c} |
composition {n} (essay) SEE: essay | :: |
composition {n} (general makeup of something) | :: sammensætning {c}, komposition {c} |
composition {n} (mixture or compound) | :: blanding |
compost {n} (decayed remains of organic matter) | :: kompost {c} |
compost {v} (to produce compost) | :: kompostere |
compote {n} (fruit dessert) | :: kompot {c} |
compound {n} (linguistics: word formed by combining other words) SEE: compound word | :: |
compound interest {n} (interest calculated on principal plus any unpaid interest) | :: renters rente {c} |
compound word {n} (word composed of others) | :: sammensat ord {n} |
comprehensible {adj} (able to be comprehended) | :: begribelig, forståelig |
comprehensive {adj} (broadly or completely covering) | :: fyldestgørende, omfattende |
comprehensive school {n} (normal secondary school, accepting pupils of all abilities) | :: enhedsskole {c} |
compress {v} (to abridge) SEE: abridge | :: |
compress {n} (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds) | :: kompres {n} |
compression {n} (the act of compressing) | :: kompression {c}, komprimering {c}, sammenpresning {c} |
compression {n} (the cycle of an internal combustion engine during which the fuel and air mixture is compressed) | :: kompression {c} |
compression ratio {n} (the ratio of the size of compressed data to uncompressed data) | :: kompressionsforhold {n} |
compromise {n} (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions) | :: kompromis {n} |
compulsive behaviour {n} (an action that is performed compulsively without necessarily leading to an actual reward or pleasure) | :: tvangshandling {c} |
compute {v} (to make sense) SEE: make sense | :: |
computer {n} (device) | :: regnemaskine {c}, computer {c}, datamat {c} |
computer game {n} (electronic game) | :: computerspil {n} |
computer program {n} (software) | :: computerprogram |
computer programming {n} (process) | :: programmering |
computer science {n} (study of computers and their architecture) | :: datalogi |
computer scientist {n} (one who studies or practises computer science) | :: datalog |
computing {n} (calculation) SEE: calculation | :: |
comrade {n} (mate, companion, or associate) | :: kammerat {c}, makker {c} |
comrade {n} (companion in battle, fellow soldier) | :: kammerat {c}, krigskammerat {c}, våbenbroder {c}, kampfælle {c}, våbenfælle {c} |
comrade {n} (fellow socialist or communist) | :: kammerat {c} |
comrade {n} (title used in leftist circles) | :: kammerat {c} |
Conakry {prop} (capital of Guinea) | :: Conakry |
con artist {n} (scam operator, conman) | :: svindler {c} |
conceal {v} (to hide something) | :: skjule |
concede {v} (to admit to be true) | :: medgive |
conceive {v} (to understand someone) | :: forstå |
concentric {adj} (having a common center) | :: koncentrisk |
concept {n} (something understood and retained in the mind) | :: begreb {n}, koncept {n} {c} |
concept album {n} (album) | :: konceptalbum {n} |
conceptual {adj} (of, or relating to concepts or mental conception; existing in the imagination) | :: konceptuel |
concern {n} (that which affects one’s welfare or happiness) | :: Bekymring |
concern {n} (the expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person) | :: bekymring {c} |
concern {v} (to be of importance to) | :: vedrøre |
concerning {prep} (regarding) | :: hvad angår, med hensyn til, vedrørende, -mæssig, angående |
concert {n} (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part) | :: koncert {c} |
concertgoer {n} (person who attends a concert) | :: koncertgænger {c} |
concertina {n} (the musical instrument) | :: koncertina {c} |
concise {adj} (brief and precise) | :: koncis |
conclusion {n} (end, final part) | :: konklusion {c}, afslutning {c} |
concord {n} ((grammar) Agreement of words with one another) SEE: agreement | :: |
concordance {n} (agreement) SEE: agreement | :: |
concrete {adj} (particular, perceivable, real) | :: konkret |
concrete {adj} (not abstract) | :: konkret |
concrete {adj} (made of concrete) | :: beton- |
concrete {n} (building material) | :: beton {c} |
concrete {v} (cover with concrete) | :: gøre til en fast masse |
concrete {v} (solidify, become concrete (actual, real)) | :: størkne, blive hård, blive konkret, konkretisere |
concrete noun {n} (noun that denotes a tangible thing) | :: konkret {n} |
concubine {n} (a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife) | :: konkubine {c} |
concubine {n} (mistress) SEE: mistress | :: |
concupiscence {n} (Ardent desire) | :: begær |
condemn {v} (to confer eternal divine punishment upon) | :: fordømme |
condensation {n} (the act or process) | :: kondensation {?} |
condensed matter physicist {n} (person specializing in condensed matter physics) | :: faststoffysiker {c} |
condensed milk {n} (milk that has been reduced to syrup) | :: kondenseret mælk {n} |
condenser {n} (capacitor) SEE: capacitor | :: |
condescending {adj} (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude) | :: nedladende |
condition {n} (logical clause or phrase) | :: bekostning {n}, betingelse |
condition {n} (state of an object) | :: tilstand {c} |
conditional {adj} (limited by a condition) | :: betinget |
conditional {n} (limitation) SEE: limitation | :: |
conditional mood {n} (conditional) SEE: conditional | :: |
conditioner {n} (hair conditioner) SEE: hair conditioner | :: |
conditioner {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener | :: |
conditioning {n} (process of modifying a person's behaviour) | :: betingning |
condom {n} (flexible sleeve worn on the penis) | :: kondom, præservativ |
condominium {n} (building in which each unit is owned by an individual, but the grounds is owned jointly) | :: ejerlejlighed {c} |
condor {n} (California condor) | :: kondor {c} |
condor {n} (Andean condor) | :: kondor |
conduct {v} (lead or guide) | :: føre |
conduction {n} (conveying of heat or electricity through material) | :: konduktion {c}, varmeledning {c}, varmestrøm {c} |
conductor {n} (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble) | :: dirigent {c} |
conductor {n} (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound) | :: leder {c} |
cone {n} (surface of revolution) | :: kegle |
cone {n} (fruit of conifers) | :: kogle |
cone {n} (ice-cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone | :: |
confection {n} (food item) | :: godbid |
confectioner {n} (a manufacturer of or dealer in confections) | :: konditor {c} |
confectioners' sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
confectioners sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
confectionery {n} (sweet foodstuffs (collectively)) | :: slik |
confederacy {n} (an alliance) | :: konføderation {c} |
Confederate States of America {prop} (nation existing from 1861-1865) | :: Amerikas Konfødererede Stater {c-p} |
conference {n} (a meeting of people) | :: konference {c} |
confess {v} (to admit to the truth) | :: bekende, tilstå |
confess {v} (to disclose everything to a Catholic priest) | :: skrifte |
confess {v} (to disclose or reveal) | :: indrømme, tilstå |
confession {n} (open admittance) | :: tilståelse {c} |
confessional {n} (a small room where confession is performed) | :: skriftestol |
confessor {n} (one who confesses faith in Christianity) | :: bekender {c} |
confessor {n} (priest who hears confession) | :: skriftefader {c} |
confetti {n} (small pieces of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions) | :: konfetti {c} {n} |
confidence {n} (quality of trusting) | :: fortrolighed {c} |
confidentiality {n} (something told in confidence) SEE: secret | :: |
confidently {adv} (in a confident manner) | :: sikkert |
confine {v} (incarcerate) SEE: incarcerate | :: |
confine {v} (arrest) SEE: arrest | :: |
confine {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
confine {v} (detain) SEE: detain | :: |
confirm {v} (to confer the confirmation) | :: bekræfte |
confirm {v} (to assure) | :: forvisse, forsikre, bekræfte |
confirmation {n} (indicator) | :: bekræftelse {c} |
confirmation {n} (Christian ceremony or sacrament) | :: konfirmation {c} |
confirmed {adj} (having received the rite of confirmation) | :: konfirmeret |
confiscate {v} (take possession of by authority) | :: konfiskere |
conflate {v} (fuse into a single entity) | :: sammenføje |
conflate {v} (fail to properly distinguish things or keep them separate; mistakenly treat them as equivalent) | :: forveksle |
conflict {n} (clash or disagreement) | :: konflikt {c} |
conflict {n} (incompatibility) | :: konflikt {c} |
conflict {v} (be at odds (with)) | :: være i modstrid med |
conflict {v} (overlap with, as in a schedule) | :: overlappe |
conformity {n} (state of things being similar, or identical) | :: konformitet {c} |
Confucian {adj} (of, pertaining to, or conforming to the teachings of Confucius) | :: konfuciansk |
Confucian {n} (one who follows the teachings of Confucius) | :: konfucianer {c} |
Confucianism {n} (philosophy) | :: konfucianisme {c} |
Confucianist {adj} (Confucian) SEE: Confucian | :: |
Confucianist {n} (Confucian) SEE: Confucian | :: |
Confucius {prop} (Chinese philosopher) | :: Konfutse, Konfucius |
confuse {v} (to puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder somebody) | :: forvirre |
confuse {v} (to mix up / muddle up one thing with another; to mistake one thing for another) | :: forveksle |
confuse {v} (to embarrass) | :: bringe en i forlegenhed |
confused {adj} (chaotic, jumbled or muddled) | :: forvirret |
confusion {n} (lack of clarity or order) | :: forvirring {c}, forvirrelse {c} |
confusion {n} (state of being confused; misunderstanding) | :: forvirring {c}, forvirrelse {c} |
congeal {v} (to change from a liquid to solid state) | :: stivne |
congeal {v} (to coagulate, make curdled or semi-solid as gel or jelly) | :: koagulere |
congenital {adj} (present since birth) | :: medfødt |
congestion {n} (accumulation, buildup) | :: tilstopning {c} |
congestion {n} (excess of traffic) | :: trængsel {c} |
Congo {prop} (country with Brazzaville as capital) | :: Congo, Republikken Congo |
Congo {prop} (country with Kinshasa as capital) | :: Demokratiske Republik Congo |
Congo {prop} (river) | :: Congofloden, Zaïrefloden |
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo | :: |
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo | :: |
Congolese {adj} (people or language of Republic of Congo) | :: congolesisk |
congratulate {v} (to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for) | :: gratulere |
congratulations {interj} (expressing approbation) | :: tillykke |
congress {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
Congress Poland {prop} (Polish state established 1815 and ruled by the Russian tsar) | :: Kongrespolen |
congruence {n} | :: kongruens {c} |
conical {adj} (of or relating to a cone) | :: konisk |
conical {adj} (cone-shaped) | :: konisk |
conical flask {n} (Erlenmeyer flask) SEE: Erlenmeyer flask | :: |
conium {n} (Conium) SEE: hemlock | :: |
conjugation {n} (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs) | :: konjugation {c}, bøjning {c} |
conjugation {n} (act of conjugating a verb) | :: konjugation {c}, verbbøjning {c}, bøjning {c} |
conjugation {n} (conjugated forms of a verb) | :: verbbøjning {c}, konjugation {c} |
conjunction {n} (grammar: word used to join words or phrases) | :: bindeord, konjunktion {c} |
conjurer {n} (one who conjures) | :: tryllekunstner {c} |
conman {n} (A confidence trickster) | :: plattenslager, platugle, bondefanger |
connected {adj} (topology: cannot be partitioned into two nonempty open sets) | :: sammenhængende |
connected {adj} (graph theory: having a path connecting every pair of vertices) | :: sammenhængende |
connected component {n} (maximally connected subset) | :: sammenhængskomponent {c} |
Connecticut {prop} (a state of the United States of America) | :: Connecticut |
connection {n} (act of connecting) | :: forbinding |
connection {n} (established communications or transportation link) | :: forbindelse {c} |
connective tissue {n} (type of tissue) | :: bindevæv {n} |
connexion {n} (connection) SEE: connection | :: |
connotation {n} (suggested or implied meaning) | :: konnotation {c}, medbetydning {c}, bibetydning {c} |
conquer {v} (defeat in combat) | :: erobre, besejre, sejre |
consanguinity {n} (a blood relationship) | :: konsangvinitet |
conscience {n} (moral sense) | :: samvittighed {c} |
conscientious {adj} (thorough, careful, or vigilant) | :: samvittighedsfuld, pligtopfyldende |
conscientiousness {n} (state or characteristic of being conscientious) | :: samvittighedsfuldhed, pligtopfyldendehed |
consciousness {n} (awareness) | :: bevidsthed |
conscription {n} (involuntary labor, especially military service) | :: værnepligt |
consecution {n} (sequence) SEE: sequence | :: |
consecution {n} (succession) SEE: succession | :: |
consecutive {adj} (following, in succession, without interruption) | :: fortløbende |
consecutive {adj} (having some logical sequence) | :: sekventiel |
consecutive {n} (consecutive interpretation) SEE: consecutive interpretation | :: |
consecutive interpretation {n} (type of oral translation) | :: konsekutiv tolkning {c} |
consecutive interpreting {n} (consecutive interpretation) SEE: consecutive interpretation | :: |
consensus {n} (general agreement) | :: konsensus |
consequence {n} (that which follows something on which it depends) | :: konsekvens {c} |
consequence {n} (result of actions, especially unpleasant) | :: konsekvens {c} |
conservation {n} (The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting) | :: bevaring {c} |
conservation of energy {n} (conservation of energy) | :: energibevarelse {c} |
conservation of mass {n} (conservation law) | :: massebevarelse {c} |
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement) | :: konservatisme {n} |
conservative {n} (one who favors the status quo) | :: konservativ |
conservative {adj} (tending to resist change) | :: konservativ |
conservative {adj} (cautious) SEE: cautious | :: |
conservativism {n} (conservatism) SEE: conservatism | :: |
conservator {n} (one who conserves, preserves or protects something) | :: konservator |
conservatory {n} (school of music or drama) | :: konservatorium {n}, musikkonservatorium {n} |
considerate {adj} (thoughtful) | :: forekommende, imødekommende |
consistency {n} (degree of viscosity of something) | :: konsistens {c} |
consistent {adj} (of a regularly occurring, dependable nature) | :: konsistent |
consistent {adj} (compatible, accordant) | :: konsistent |
consistent {adj} (not logically contradictory) | :: konsistent |
consist of {v} (be made up by) | :: bestå af |
console {n} (video games: device dedicated to playing video games) | :: konsol {c} |
consolidate {v} (to make stronger or more solid) | :: befæste |
consonant {n} (sound) | :: konsonant {c} |
consonant {n} (letter) | :: konsonant {c} |
consonant cluster {n} (consonant cluster) | :: konsonantklynge {c} |
consonant gradation {n} (type of apophony found in Finnic and Sami languages) | :: stadieveksling {c} |
consort {n} (spouse of a monarch) | :: gemal {c} [male], gemalinde {c} [female] |
consort {n} (husband, wife, companion or partner) | :: gemal {c} [male], gemalinde {c} [female] |
conspicuous {adj} (obvious or easy to notice) | :: påfaldende |
conspicuous {adj} (noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive) | :: påfaldende, iøjnefaldende |
conspiracy {n} (act of working in secret to obtain some goal) | :: konspiration {c}, sammensværgelse {c} |
conspiracy theorist {n} (one who believes in a conspiracy theory) | :: konspirationsteoretiker {c} |
conspiracy theory {n} (hypothetical speculation) | :: konspirationsteori {c}, sammensværgelsesteori {c} |
constant {n} (that which is permanent or invariable) | :: konstant {c} |
constant {n} (algebra: quantity that remains fixed) | :: konstant {c} |
constant {n} (science: property that does not change) | :: konstant {c} |
Constantine {prop} (male given name) | :: Konstantin |
Constantinople {prop} (Constantinople) | :: Konstantinopel |
Constantinopolitan {adj} (relating to Constantinople) | :: konstantinopolitansk |
Constantinopolitan {n} (native or inhabitant of Constantinople) | :: konstantinopolitaner {c} [male], konstantinopolitanerinde {c} [female; tongue-twister previously used as a test for drunkenness] |
constellation {n} (formation of stars perceived as figure) | :: stjernebillede {c} |
consternation {n} (amazement or horror; terror, combined with amazement; dismay) | :: bestyrtelse {c} |
constipation {n} (state of bowels) | :: forstoppelse {c} |
constituency {n} (district represented by one or more elected officials) | :: valgkreds |
constituency {n} (voters within such a district) SEE: electorate | :: |
constitution {n} (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions) | :: forfatning, grundlov, forfatning, grundlov |
constitution {n} (legal document describing such a formal system) | :: forfatning, grundlov |
constitutional {adj} (relating to the constitution) | :: forfatningsmæssig, konstitutionel |
constitutional {adj} (conforming to the constitution) | :: forfatningsmæssig, konstitutionel |
constitutional law {n} (area of law) | :: statsret {c}, forfatningsret {c}, statsforfatningsret {c} |
constitutional monarchy {n} (monarchy limited by laws and a constitution) | :: konstitutionelt monarki {n} |
constrain {v} (to force; to compel; to oblige) | :: begrænse |
construct {v} (build or form by assembling parts) | :: konstruere, bygge |
construction helmet {n} (hard hat) SEE: hard hat | :: |
construe {v} (to translate) SEE: translate | :: |
consul {n} (official who protects the interests of citizens) | :: konsul {c} |
consulate {n} (the residency of a consul) | :: konsulat {n} |
consulate general {n} (residence, office or jurisdiction of a consul general) | :: generalkonsulat {n} |
consul-general {n} (consular officer who heads a consulate general) | :: generalkonsul {c} |
consult {v} (ask advice) | :: rådspørge |
consultant {n} (person or party that is consulted) | :: konsulent {c} |
consume {v} (use up) | :: forbruge |
consume {v} (eat) | :: indtage |
contact {n} (an act of touching physically) | :: kontakt {?}, forbindelse {?} |
contact {v} (establish communication with) | :: kontakte |
contact lens {n} (thin lens placed directly on the eye) | :: kontaktlinse {c} |
contacts {n} (Plural form of contact) SEE: contact | :: |
contagiousness {n} (state or condition of being contagious) | :: smitsomhed {c} |
contain {v} (to contain) SEE: hold | :: |
contain {v} (To hold inside) | :: indeholde |
container {n} (an item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported) | :: beholder |
containment {n} (state of containing) | :: inddæmning |
containment {n} (policy of checking the expansion of a hostile foreign power) | :: inddæmningspolitik {c} |
contaminate {v} (To introduce impurities or foreign matter) | :: forurene, kontaminere |
contemporary {adj} (from the same time period) | :: samtidig |
contemporary {adj} (modern) | :: moderne, nutids- |
contempt {n} (a feeling or attitude) | :: foragt {c} |
contempt {n} (a state of being despised or dishonored) | :: vanære {c} |
contempt {n} (law: open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority) | :: foragt {c}, foragt for retten, [disrespect of a court of law] |
contempt of court {n} (disrespect of a court of law) | :: foragt for retten |
content {adj} (satisfied) | :: tilfreds |
content {v} (satisfy) | :: stille tilfreds, tilfredsstille |
content {n} (that which is contained) | :: indhold {n} |
contented {adj} (satisfied) SEE: satisfied | :: |
contents {n} (table of contents) SEE: table of contents | :: |
contest {n} (competition, see also: competition) | :: konkurrence {c} |
contest {n} (combat) SEE: combat | :: |
contestant {n} (participant in a contest) | :: konkurrent {c} |
contested {adj} (controversial) SEE: controversial | :: |
continent {n} (each of main land-masses on earth's surface) | :: kontinent |
continental drift {n} (continental drift) | :: kontinentaldrift {c} |
continental quilt {n} (duvet) SEE: duvet | :: |
continental shelf {n} (the area of sea around a land mass) | :: kontinentalsokkel {c} |
continuation {n} (act or state of continuing) | :: fortsættelse {c} |
continuity {n} (lack of interruption) | :: kontinuitet {c} |
continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in time) | :: kontinuerlig |
continuous function {n} (function whose value changes only slightly when its input changes slightly) | :: kontinuert funktion {c} |
continuous function {n} (function from one topological space to another) | :: kontinuert funktion {c} |
continuously {adv} (without pause) | :: kontinuerligt |
contortionist {n} (acrobat) | :: slangemenneske {n} |
contrabass {n} (part or section one octave lower than bass) | :: kontrabas |
contrabass {n} (double bass) SEE: double bass | :: |
contraception {n} (use of a device or procedure) | :: prævention {c} |
contract {n} (agreement that is legally binding) | :: kontrakt, traktat |
contraction {n} (linguistics: process whereby one or more sounds of a free morpheme are lost or reduced) | :: sammentrækning {c} |
contract killer {n} (person who kills for money) SEE: hitman | :: |
contradict {v} (deny the truth of statements made by (a person)) | :: modsige |
contradiction {n} (act of contradicting) | :: modsigelse {c} |
contradiction {n} (statement that contradicts itself) | :: selvmodsigelse {c}, paradoks {n} |
contradictory {adj} (that contradicts something) | :: modstridende |
contrariwise {adv} (on the other hand) SEE: on the other hand | :: |
contrariwise {adv} (on the contrary) SEE: on the contrary | :: |
contrary to {prep} (despite) SEE: despite | :: |
contribute {v} (to give something, that is or becomes part of a larger whole) | :: bidrage |
contribution {n} (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole) | :: bidrag {n} |
contributor {n} (a benefactor; someone who gives to charity or some cause) | :: bidragyder {c}, bidragsyder {c} |
contributor {n} (a person who backs, supports or champions a cause, activity or institution) | :: bidragyder {c}, bidragsyder {c} |
contributor {n} (a person or thing instrumental in the creation or growth of something) | :: bidragyder {c}, bidragsyder {c} |
contributor {n} (a person who contributes articles to a newspaper, magazine etc) | :: bidragyder {c}, bidragsyder {c} |
control {v} (to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of) | :: styre (Do not confuse with kontrollere, which means to check and/or to verify) |
control {n} (authority) | :: kontrol {c} |
control {n} (in an experiment) | :: kontrolgruppe {c} |
control {n} (security mechanism) | :: sikkerhedsmekanisme {c} |
control {n} (emotional restraint) | :: selvbeherskelse {c} |
control {n} | :: kontrol {c} |
controlled chaos {n} (controlled chaos) | :: kontrolleret kaos {n} |
control tower {n} (airport control tower) | :: kontroltårn {n} |
controversial {adj} (arousing controversy) | :: kontroversiel, omstridt |
conundrum {n} (difficult question or riddle) | :: gåde {c}, ordgåde {c} |
conundrum {n} (difficult choice or decision) | :: hovedbrud {n} |
convection {n} (transmission of heat by the circulation of currents) | :: konvektion {c} |
convent {n} (religious community of especially nuns) | :: kloster {n}, nonnekloster {n} [for nuns], munkekloster {n} [for monks] |
convent {n} (building) | :: kloster {n}, nonnekloster {n} [for nuns], munkekloster {n} [for monks] |
conventicle {n} (secret, unauthorized, or illegal religious meeting) | :: konventikel |
convention {n} (meeting or a gathering) | :: konvent {n}, konference {c}, møde {n} |
conversation {n} (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people) | :: konversation {c}, samtale {c} |
conversely {adv} (from another point of view) SEE: on the other hand | :: |
convertible {n} (car whose roof can be removed or folded) | :: cabriolet {c} |
convertible mark {n} (currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: konvertibel mark |
convex {adj} (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle) | :: konveks |
conveyor belt {n} (continuous band moved to transport objects) | :: rullebånd {n} |
conviction {n} (firmly held belief) | :: overbevisning {c} |
cook {n} (person who prepares food) | :: kok |
cook {v} (to prepare (food) for eating) | :: lave mad, kokkerere |
cookbook {n} (book of cooking recipes) | :: kogebog {c} |
cooker {n} (cooking apple) SEE: cooking apple | :: |
cookie {n} (bun) SEE: bun | :: |
cookie {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit) | :: småkage {c}, kiks {c} |
cooking apple {n} (apple primarily used for making pies, crumbles or sauces) | :: madæble {n} |
Cook Islands {prop} (self-governing country in Oceania) | :: Cookøerne |
cool {adj} (having a slightly low temperature) | :: kølig |
cool {adj} (not showing emotion, calm) | :: kold |
cool {adj} (unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical) | :: Kølig |
cool {adj} (colloquial: of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave in any situation) | :: cool, koldblodig |
cool {adj} (colloquial: being considered as "popular" by others) | :: cool |
cool {adj} (colloquial: all right, acceptable) | :: ok, fint |
cool {adj} (colloquial: not upset) | :: rolig |
cooling glasses {n} (sunglasses) SEE: sunglasses | :: |
cooper {n} (craftsman) | :: bødker {c} |
cooperate {v} (to work together) | :: samarbejde |
cooperate {v} (function in harmony, side by side) | :: samspille |
cooperation {n} (act of cooperating or being cooperative) | :: samarbejde {n} |
cooperation {n} (association for mutual benefit) | :: kooperation {c} |
coordinate {n} ((mathematics, cartography) A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure․) | :: koordinat {n} |
coordinate {v} (to synchronize) | :: koordinere |
coordinate system {n} (method of representing points in a space) | :: koordinatsystem {n} |
coordination {n} (the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect) | :: koordination |
coot {n} (bird) | :: blishøne |
cootie {n} (louse) SEE: louse | :: |
cootie {n} (childish: germ or contaminant) | :: drengelus [boys], pigelus [girls] |
co-owner {n} (someone who owns something together with one or more other people) | :: medejer {c} |
cooze {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina | :: |
cooze {n} | :: kusse {c}, fisse {c} |
cop {n} (police officer) | :: panser {c}, strisser {c}, strømer {c} |
Copenhagen {prop} (capital of Denmark) | :: København |
Copenhagen {prop} (former county in Denmark) | :: Københavns Amt |
Copenhagener {n} (someone from Copenhagen) | :: københavner {c} |
Copernicus {prop} (surname of Nicolaus Copernicus) | :: Kopernikus |
copha {n} (coconut fat) | :: kokosfedt, palmin [trademark] |
copper {n} (chemical element Cu) | :: kobber {n} |
coppern {adj} (made of copper) SEE: copper | :: |
copra {n} (dried kernel of coconut) | :: kopra {c} |
Copt {n} (member of the Coptic Church) | :: kopter {c} |
copula {n} (grammar: linking kind of word) | :: kopula {n} |
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) | :: kopulere |
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: cover | :: |
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: make love | :: |
copulate {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex | :: |
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) SEE: bed | :: |
copulation {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
copy {n} (result of copying) | :: kopi {c} |
copy {n} (imitation, sometimes of inferior quality) | :: kopi |
copy {n} (printed edition of a book or magazine) | :: eksemplar {n} |
copy {v} (produce something identical) | :: kopiere |
copy {v} (imitate) | :: efterligne, kopiere |
copy {n} (writing paper of a particular size) SEE: bastard | :: |
copybook {n} (student's exercise book) SEE: exercise book | :: |
copycat {n} (one who imitates or plagiarizes others' work) | :: kopist {c} |
copyright {n} (right to publish) | :: ophavsret {c} |
coquet {v} (act as a flirt or coquet) | :: kokettere |
coral {n} (substance) | :: koral {c} |
coral {n} (colony) | :: koral {c} |
coral island {n} (coral island) | :: koralø {c} |
Coral Sea {prop} (part of the Pacific Ocean) | :: Koralhavet |
cor anglais {n} (woodwind instrument) | :: engelskhorn {n} |
cordon sanitaire {n} (a barrier (physical or administrative) to prevent the spread of disease) | :: cordon sanitaire {c} [historiographic. Eastern Europe in the 1920s.] |
cordon sanitaire {n} (any barrier to the spread of anything deemed undesirable) | :: sikkerhedszone {c}, bufferzone {c}, stødpudezone {c} |
corduroy {n} (heavy fabric with vertical ribs) | :: jernbanefløjl {n} {c}, fløjl {n} {c} |
corf {n} (container used to store live fish underwater) | :: hyttefad {n}, dam {c} |
Corfu {prop} (island) | :: Korfu |
coriander {n} (Coriandrum sativum plant) | :: koriander |
Corinth {prop} (city in Greece) | :: Korinth |
Corinthian {adj} (of or relating to Corinth) | :: korintisk |
Corinthian {adj} (of that classical order) | :: korintisk |
Corinthian {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of Corinth) | :: korinter {c} |
Corinthians {prop} (book in the Bible) | :: Første Korintherbrev {n}, Andet Korintherbrev {n} |
cork {n} (bark of the cork oak) | :: kork {c} |
cork {n} (bottle stopper) | :: prop {c}, korkprop {c} |
cork {v} (to seal with a stopper, especially with cork) | :: proppe |
cork {n} (cork oak) SEE: cork oak | :: |
cork oak {n} (a type of evergreen oak tree, Quercus suber) | :: korkeg {c} |
corkscrew {n} (implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork) | :: proptrækker {c} |
cormorant {n} (seabird) | :: skarv {c}, (great cormorant) storskarv {c}, ålekrage {c} |
corn {n} (grain crop of species Zea mays) SEE: maize | :: |
corn {n} (grain or seed of a cereal crop) | :: korn {n}, kerne {c} |
corn {n} (type of callus) | :: ligtorn {c} |
corn bunting {n} (bird) | :: bomlærke {c} |
corncrake {n} (the bird Crex crex) | :: engsnarre {c}, vagtelkonge {c} |
cornea {n} (layer forming the front of the eye) | :: hornhinde |
cornel {n} (tree) | :: kornel {c} |
corner {n} (point where two converging lines meet) SEE: angle | :: |
corner {n} (space in the angle between converging lines or walls) | :: hjørne {n} |
corner {n} (football: corner kick) SEE: corner kick | :: |
corner flag {n} (flag marking the corner of a playing field) | :: hjørneflag {n} |
corner kick {n} (in soccer) | :: hjørnespark {n} |
cornerstone {n} (ceremonial stone) | :: grundsten |
cornett {n} (wind instrument) | :: zink {c} {n}, sink {c} {n} |
cornetto {n} (cornett) SEE: cornett | :: |
corn flakes {n} (breakfast cereal) | :: cornflakes {p} |
cornflower {n} (Centaurea cyanus) | :: kornblomst {c} |
cornice {n} (decorative element at top of room) | :: stuk {c} {n} |
Cornish {prop} (A Celtic language) | :: kornisk |
cornstarch {n} (very fine starch powder) | :: majsstivelse {c} |
cornucopia {n} (mythical horn endlessly overflowing with food and drink) | :: overflødighedshorn {n} |
cornucopia {n} (hollow horn- or cone-shaped object, filled with edible or useful things) | :: overflødighedshorn {n} |
cornucopia {n} (abundance or plentiful supply) | :: overflod {c} |
corollary {n} (proposition which follows easily) | :: korollar {n} |
coronation {n} (the act or solemnity of crowning) | :: kroning {c} |
coronavirus {n} (member of the family Coronaviridae) | :: coronavirus {c} {n}, corona [informal] |
corporal {n} (military rank) | :: korporal {c} |
corporation {n} (public limited company) | :: aktieselskab {c} |
corporation {n} (paunch) SEE: paunch | :: |
corpse {n} (dead body) | :: lig {n}, kadaver {n} |
corpus {n} (body) SEE: body | :: |
corpus {n} (linguistics: collection of writings) | :: korpus {n} |
correct {adj} (free from error) | :: korrekt, rigtig |
correction fluid {n} (fluid for masking textual errors) | :: rettelak {c}, kvajeblæk {n} [informal] |
correspond {v} (to be equivalent or similar) | :: korrespondere |
correspond {v} (to exchange messages) | :: svare, korrespondere |
correspondence principle {n} (the principle that classical physics is the limit of quantum physics as quantum numbers approach infinity) | :: korrespondensprincippet {n} |
corridor {n} (narrow hall or passage) | :: korridor {c} |
corrugated iron {n} (building material) | :: bølgeblik {n} [any metal] |
corrupt {adj} (in a depraved state) | :: korrupt |
corruption {n} | :: korruption |
corset {n} (woman's garment) | :: korset {n}, snørliv {n} |
Corsica {prop} (island in the Mediterranean) | :: Korsika |
Corsican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Corsica) | :: korsikansk |
Corsican {n} (person from Corsica or of Corsican descent) | :: korsikaner {c} |
Corsican {prop} (language) | :: korsikansk |
corundum {n} (mineral) | :: korund {n} |
corvette {n} (modern warship) | :: korvet |
cos {conj} (because) SEE: because | :: |
cosine formula {n} (law of cosines) SEE: law of cosines | :: |
cosine law {n} (law of cosines) SEE: law of cosines | :: |
cosine rule {n} (law of cosines) SEE: law of cosines | :: |
cosiness {n} (state or quality of being cosy) | :: hygge |
cosmetologist {n} (person who advises people on cosmetics and other beauty treatments) | :: kosmetiker {c} |
cosmodrome {n} (a site for launching spacecraft) | :: rumhavn |
cosmogony {n} (the study of the origin of the universe) | :: kosmogoni {c} |
cosmology {n} (study of the physical universe) | :: kosmologi {c} |
cosmopolitan {n} (cosmopolite) SEE: cosmopolite | :: |
cosmopolite {n} (cosmopolitan person) | :: verdensborger |
cosmos {n} (the universe) | :: kosmos |
Cossack {n} (member of a population) | :: kosak {c} |
cost {v} (to incur a charge, a price) | :: koste |
cost {n} (amount of money spent for a purpose) | :: omkostninger |
costa {n} (rib) SEE: rib | :: |
Costa Rica {prop} (country) | :: Costa Rica |
cost-effective {adj} (return of benefit justifying an investment) | :: kosteffektiv, omkostningseffektiv |
cost-efficient {adj} (cost-effective) SEE: cost-effective | :: |
cost of living {n} (average cost of a standard set of basic necessities of life) | :: leveomkostninger {c-p} |
costume {n} (dress of a particular country, period or people) | :: kostume |
cosy {adj} (affording comfort and warmth) | :: hyggelig |
cot {n} (folding bed) SEE: camp bed | :: |
cottage cheese {n} (cheese curd product) | :: hytteost {c} |
cottage industry {n} (occupation carried out at home) | :: husflid {c} [historical, rural communites] |
cottage industry {n} (small-scale industry) | :: småindustri {c} |
cotter pin {n} (type of pin) SEE: split pin | :: |
cotton {n} (any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium) | :: bomuld |
cotton {n} (fiber) | :: bomuld |
cotton {n} (fabric) | :: bomuld {n} |
cotton {adj} (made of cotton) | :: bomuld |
cotton candy {n} (cotton candy) SEE: candy floss | :: |
cotton gin {n} (machine used for separating cotton fibers from cotton seeds) | :: egreneringsmaskine {c} |
cotton swab {n} (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod) | :: vatpind {c} |
cotton wool {n} (absorbent cotton) | :: vat {n} |
couch {n} (furniture for seating of more than one person) | :: sofa, briks, leje |
couch {v} (lie down (on a couch)) | :: lægge sig |
couch {v} (phrase in a particular style) | :: affatte, udtrykke |
couch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
couch grass {n} (species of grass) | :: kvikgræs {n}, senegræs {n}, kvik {c} |
cougar {n} (Puma concolor) | :: puma {c} |
cough {v} (push air from the lungs) | :: hoste |
cough {v} (make a noise like a cough) | :: hoste |
cough {n} (expulsion of air from the lungs) | :: hoste {c} |
cough {n} (condition) | :: hoste {c} |
cough syrup {n} (liquid used to ease a sore throat) | :: hostesaft {c} |
could I see the menu, please {phrase} (said to ask for a menu) | :: kan jeg se menuen, tak? |
Coulomb repulsion {n} (Coulomb repulsion) | :: Coulomb-frastødning {c} |
Coulomb's law {prop} (the fundamental law of electrostatics) | :: Coulombs lov |
council {n} (committee that leads or governs) | :: råd {n} |
councilman {n} (member of a city council) | :: byrådsmedlem {c}, rådmand {n} [historical. Currently used term for committee chairmen in certain cities], rådsherre {c} [historical] |
Council of Europe {prop} (an international organisation, see also: CoE) | :: Europarådet {n} |
count {v} (to enumerate or determine number) | :: tælle |
count {n} (the act of counting) | :: tælling {c} |
count {n} (the result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set) | :: optælling |
count {n} (a countdown) | :: nedtælling |
count {n} (ruler of a county (male)) | :: greve {c} |
countable {adj} (capable of being counted, having a quantity) | :: tællelig |
countenance {n} (face) | :: ansigt {n}, mine {c} |
countenance {v} (tolerate, support, sanction) | :: billige, støtte, tolerere |
counter {n} (object used in counting) | :: jeton {c}, brik {c} |
counter {n} (table or board on which business is transacted) | :: disk {c}, skranke {c} |
counter {n} (one who counts) | :: tæller {c}, optæller {c} |
counter {n} (telltale) | :: tæller {c} |
counter {n} (kitchen surface for food preparation) | :: køkkenbord {n} |
counter {n} (computing: variable etc. for keeping count) | :: tæller {c} |
counterclockwise {adj} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise | :: |
counterculture {n} (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture, especially to western culture) | :: modkultur {c} |
counterintuitive {adj} (contrary to intuition or common sense) | :: kontraintuitiv |
counterpane {n} (topmost covering of a bed) SEE: bedspread | :: |
counterparty {n} (other party to a financial transaction) | :: modpart {c} |
counterproductive {adj} (more of a hindrance than a help) | :: kontraproduktiv |
counterthreat {n} (threat made in response to an earlier threat) | :: modtrussel {c} |
countess {n} (wife of a count or earl) | :: grevinde {c} |
countless {adj} (too many to count, innumerable) | :: utallig, talløs |
count on {v} (rely upon, trust, or expect) | :: stole (på) |
country {n} (region of land) | :: land {n} |
country {n} (nation state) | :: land {n} |
country bumpkin {n} (unsophisticated person from a rural area) | :: bonderøv {c} |
countryman {n} (somebody from a certain country) | :: landsmand {c}, landsmandinde {c} |
countryman {n} (somebody from one's own country) | :: landsmand {c}, landsmandinde {c} |
county {n} (land ruled by a count or countess) | :: grevskab {n} |
county {n} (administrative region of various countries) | :: amt {n} [US], grevskab {n} [UK] |
coup {n} (coup d'état) SEE: coup d'état | :: |
coup de grâce {n} (final blow) | :: nådestød {n}, dødsstød |
coup d'état {n} (sudden overthrow of a government) | :: statskup {n} |
couple {n} (two partners) | :: par {n} |
coupling {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
courage {n} (quality of a confident character) | :: mod {n}, tapperhed {c} |
courage {n} (ability to do frightening things) | :: mod {n} |
courageous {adj} (brave) SEE: brave | :: |
courageous {adj} (of an action, that requires courage) | :: modig |
courgette {n} (a small marrow/squash) | :: zucchini, courgette, squash |
courier {n} (person who delivers messages) | :: kurer |
Courish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) SEE: Curonian | :: |
Courland {prop} (region in western Latvia) | :: Kurland |
Courlandish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) SEE: Curonian | :: |
course {n} (learning program) | :: kursus {n} |
course {n} (stage of a meal) | :: ret {c} |
course {n} (itinerary of a race) | :: rute {c}, bane {c} |
course {n} (sports: trajectory of a ball etc.) | :: bane {c} |
course {n} (nautical: direction of movement of a vessel) | :: kurs {c} |
course {n} (intended passage of voyage) | :: kurs {c} |
course {n} (lowest square sail in a fully rigged mast, see also: mainsail) | :: undersejl {n} |
course {n} (masonry: row of bricks) | :: skifte {n} |
course {n} | :: forløb {n}, gang {c} |
course {v} (Flow) | :: rulle |
course {v} (Pursue) | :: jage |
course {n} (racecourse) SEE: racecourse | :: |
course {n} (golf course) SEE: golf course | :: |
course {n} (path taken by a flow of water) SEE: watercourse | :: |
court {n} (hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered) | :: domstol {c} |
court {n} (tribunal established for the administration of justice) | :: domstol {c} |
court {n} (place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games) | :: bane {c} |
courthouse {n} (public building housing courts of law) | :: retsbygning |
court jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) | :: nar {c} |
court of appeal {n} (appellate court) SEE: appellate court | :: |
court of last resort {n} (final court of appeal) SEE: supreme court | :: |
court of law {n} (court presided over by a judge) | :: domstol {c} |
court of second instance {n} SEE: appellate court | :: |
courtroom {n} (room where a judge presides) | :: retssal {c} |
courtyard {n} (unroofed walled area) | :: gårdsplads |
cousin {n} (nephew or niece of a parent) | :: fætter {c} [male], kusine {c} [female] |
couturier {n} (fashion house) SEE: fashion house | :: |
covalent bond {n} (bond in which atoms are connected by shared pairs of electrons) | :: kovalent binding {c} |
covenant {n} (binding agreement) | :: pagt |
cover {n} (lid) | :: dæksel {n}, låg {n} |
cover {n} (hiding) | :: gemmested {n} |
cover {n} (front and back of a book or a magazine) | :: omslag {n} |
cover {n} (cover charge) | :: entréafgift {c} |
cover {n} (setting at a restaurant table) | :: kuvert {c} |
cover {n} (military: solid object that provides protection from enemy fire) | :: dækning {c} |
cover {v} (to conceal or protect) | :: dække |
cover {v} (protect by shooting) | :: dække |
cover {v} (copulate (of animals)) | :: bedække |
covert {n} (disguise) SEE: disguise | :: |
cow {n} (female domesticated ox or other bovine) | :: ko {c} |
cow {n} (any domestic bovine regardless of sex or age) | :: ko {c} |
cow {n} (female of various species of mammal) | :: ko {c} [of any bovine and manatees], hun {c} [of whales, seals, elephants, etc.] |
cow {n} (derogatory: despicable woman) | :: ko {c} |
cow {n} (informal: anything annoyingly difficult) | :: lort {c}, bæ {c}, bræk {c} |
cowabunga {interj} (expression of joy) SEE: yes | :: |
coward {n} (a person who lacks courage) | :: bangebuks {c}, kujon {c}, kryster {c} |
cowardice {n} (the lack of courage) | :: fejhed {c} |
cowbane {n} (plant of the genus Cicuta) | :: gifttyde {c} |
cowbell {n} (musical instrument) | :: koklokke {c} |
cowberry {n} (shrub and berry Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry | :: |
cowboy {n} (person who tends cattle) | :: cowboy {c} |
cowherd {n} (a person who herds cattle) | :: kohyrde {c} [archaic] |
cowl {n} (monk's hood or robe) | :: kutte {c} |
cowled {adj} (wearing a cowl) | :: kutteklædt |
cowlick {n} (unruly lock of hair) | :: koslik |
cowmilk {n} (cow's milk) SEE: cow's milk | :: |
coworker {n} (somebody with whom one works) | :: kollega {c}, arbejdskollega {c}, arbejdskammerat {c} |
cowper {n} (cooper) SEE: cooper | :: |
Cowper's fluid {n} (pre-ejaculate) SEE: pre-ejaculate | :: |
cowpie {n} (cow excrement) | :: kokasse {c} |
cow's milk {n} (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow) | :: komælk {c} |
coyote {n} (canine) | :: prærieulv {c}, coyote {c} |
coypu {n} (Myocastor coypus) | :: sumpbæver {c} |
crab {n} (crustacean) | :: krabbe {c} |
crab-eating fox {n} (Cerdocyon thous) | :: krabberæv |
crab louse {n} (insect) | :: fladlus {c} |
crabmeat {n} (meat of a crab) | :: krabbekød {n} |
crack {v} (to form cracks) | :: sprække , revne |
crack {v} (to break apart under pressure) | :: sprække |
crack {v} (to become debilitated by psychological pressure) | :: knække , bryde sammen |
crack {v} (to make a cracking sound) | :: knalde |
crack {v} (to make a crack or cracks in) | :: sprække |
crack {v} (to break open or crush to small pieces) | :: bryde op |
crack {v} (to strike forcefully) | :: tæske |
crack {v} (to open slightly) | :: åbne på klem |
crack {v} (to solve a difficult problem) | :: knække, løse |
crack {v} (to overcome a security system or a component) | :: knække |
crack {v} (to circumvent software restrictions) | :: knække, omgå |
crack {v} (to open a canned beverage etc.) | :: åbne på klem |
crack {v} (to brag, boast) | :: blære sig |
crack {v} (to be ruined or impaired; to fail) | :: gå fallit |
crack {n} (thin space opened in a previously solid material) | :: sprække {c} |
crack {n} (attempt at something) SEE: try | :: |
cracker {n} (northern pintail) SEE: northern pintail | :: |
crackling {n} (crispy pork rind) | :: flæskesvær {c} |
crack of dawn {n} (sunrise) SEE: sunrise | :: |
crack of dawn {n} (crack of dawn) SEE: daybreak | :: |
Cracow {prop} (city) | :: Krakow |
-cracy {suffix} (rule) | :: -krati {n} |
cradle {n} (oscillating bed for a baby) | :: vugge {c} |
cradle {n} (figuratively: place of origin) | :: vugge {c} |
cradle cap {n} (form of seborrheic dermatitis) | :: arp {c} |
cradle song {n} (lullaby) SEE: lullaby | :: |
craft {n} (skilled practice of practical occupation) | :: håndværk {n} |
craft {n} (vehicle designed for navigation) | :: fartøj {n} |
craft {n} | :: håndværker {c} |
craft {v} (to make by hand) | :: håndlavet |
craft {v} (to construct, develop like craftsman) | :: bygge, konstruere |
craft {n} (device; means; art) SEE: device | :: |
Cramer's rule {n} (the explicit formula) | :: Cramers regel {c} |
cranberry {n} (shrub) | :: tranebær {c} |
cranberry {n} (berry) | :: tranebær {n} |
cranberry juice {n} (the unfermented juice of squeezed cranberries) | :: tranebærsaft {c}, tranebærjuice {c} |
crane {n} (bird) | :: trane {c} |
crane {n} (machinery) | :: kran {c} |
cranefly {n} (fly of the suborder Tipulomorpha) | :: stankelben {n} |
cranium {n} (skull) SEE: skull | :: |
crankcase {n} (crankcase) | :: krumtaphus |
crankshaft {n} (rotating shaft that drives a crank) | :: krumtapaksel {c} |
cranky {adj} (grouchy, irritable; easily upset) | :: gnaven |
crap {v} (to defecate) | :: lave pølse [childish], lave lort [vulgar] |
crape {n} (crepe) SEE: crepe | :: |
crappy {adj} (covered in, containing feces) | :: belortet |
crash {n} (loud sound) | :: krash, brag {n} |
crash {n} (vehicle accident) | :: sammenstød {n}, styrt {n}, flystyrt {n}, bilsammenstød {n}, crash {n} [rare] |
crash {n} (computer malfunction) | :: nedbrud {n}, fejl {c} |
crash {n} (comedown of a drug) | :: nedtur {c} |
crash {adj} (quick, fast, intensive) | :: forceret, lyn- |
crash {v} (to collide, fall or come down violently) | :: crashe |
crash {v} (to make informal temporary living arrangments) | :: overnatte |
crash barrier {n} (barrier on the side of a road) | :: autoværn {n} |
crash course {n} (quick, intense course) | :: lynkursus {n} |
crater {n} (astronomy: hemispherical pit) | :: krater {n} |
crawdad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawl {v} (to move along the ground) | :: kravle, krybe |
crawl {n} (swimming stroke) | :: crawl {c} |
crawldad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawler {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant | :: |
crawlfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crayfish {n} (freshwater crustacean resembling lobster) | :: krebs {c} |
crazy {adj} (insane, demented) | :: skør, sindssyg, sindsforvirret, gal, gakgak |
creak {n} (the sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking) | :: knagen {c}, knirken {c} |
cream {n} (oily part of milk) | :: fløde {c} |
cream {n} (colour) | :: cremefarve {c} |
cream {n} (the best part) | :: creme {c} |
cream {n} (product to apply to the skin) | :: creme {c} |
cream {adj} (colour) | :: cremefarvet |
cream {v} (to cream vegetables) | :: purere, røre til creme |
cream-colored courser {n} (Cursorius cursor) | :: ørkenløber |
cream puff {n} (hollow pastry filled with cream or custard) | :: flødebolle {c} |
create {v} (to put into existence) | :: skabe |
create {v} (to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.) | :: skabe, kreere |
create {v} | :: skabe |
creatine {n} (an amino acid) | :: kreatin {n} |
creationist {n} (a proponent or supporter of creationism) | :: kreationist {c} |
creationist {adj} (of or relating to creationism) | :: kreationistisk |
creationistic {adj} (of or pertaining to creationism) | :: kreationistisk |
creative accounting {n} (unorthodox accounting) | :: kreativ bogføring {c} |
creator {n} (one who creates) | :: skaber {c} |
creature {n} (living being) | :: væsen, væsener {p} |
credit {n} (privilege of delayed payment) | :: kredit |
credit card {n} (card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services) | :: kreditkort |
creep {v} (to grow across a surface rather than upwards) | :: krybe |
creep {v} (to move slowly and quietly in a particular direction) | :: krybe, liste |
creep {v} (to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground) SEE: crawl | :: |
cremate {v} (burn to ashes) | :: brænde |
cremate {v} (incinerate a body) | :: kremere |
cremation {n} (burning) | :: kremering {c}, ligbrænding {c} |
crematorium {n} (place where dead bodies are cremated) | :: krematorium {n}, krematorie {n} |
crematory {n} (crematorium) SEE: crematorium | :: |
creme de la creme {n} (crème de la crème) SEE: crème de la crème | :: |
creolistics {n} (study of creoles) | :: kreolistik {c} |
crepe {n} (very thin pancake) | :: pandekage {c} |
crescent {n} (figure of the moon) | :: halvmåne {c} |
crescent {n} (curved pastry) | :: horn {n} |
crescent moon {n} (the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter) | :: halvmåne {c} |
crescent spanner {n} (adjustable spanner) SEE: adjustable spanner | :: |
Crete {prop} (island) | :: Kreta |
crew {n} (group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment) | :: mandskab {c}, besætning {c} |
cricket {n} (insect) | :: fårekylling {c} |
crime {n} (specific act committed in violation of the law) | :: forbrydelse {c} |
crime {n} (practice or habit of committing crimes) | :: kriminalitet {c} |
Crimea {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula) | :: Krim |
crime against humanity {n} (a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against a body of people) | :: forbrydelse mod menneskeheden {c} |
Crimean {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea | :: |
Crimean {prop} (Crimean peninsula) SEE: Crimean peninsula | :: |
Crimean peninsula {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimea) | :: Krimhalvøen [definite] |
Crimean Tatar {n} (Crimean Tatar (a Turkic language)) | :: krimtatarsk {n}, krimtatarisk |
crime doesn't pay {proverb} (if you a commit a crime you will most likely be punished for it) | :: forbrydelse betaler sig ikke |
crime scene {n} (location of a crime) | :: gerningssted {n}, åsted {n} |
criminal {n} (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law) | :: kriminel, forbryder {c} |
criminal code {n} (document which compiles a particular jurisdiction's criminal law) | :: straffelov {c} |
criminal law {n} (area of law) | :: strafferet {c} |
criminal offence {n} (crime) SEE: crime | :: |
criminal record {n} (a record of past crimes) | :: straffeattest {c} [official term], generalieblad {n} [record for a prisoner's conduct], synderegister {n} [humorous] |
criminological {adj} (of or pertaining to criminology) | :: kriminologisk |
criminology {n} (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour) | :: kriminologi {c} |
crimson {v} (blush) SEE: blush | :: |
crimson tide {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation | :: |
cripple {n} (person who has severe impairment in physical abilities) | :: krøbling |
crippled {adj} (having a physical impediment) | :: forkrøblet |
crisis {n} (crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point) | :: vendepunkt {n}, krise {c} |
crisis {n} (unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs) | :: krise {c} |
crisis {n} (sudden change in the course of a disease) | :: vendepunkt {n}, krise {c} |
crisis {n} (traumatic or stressful change in a person's life) | :: krise {c} |
crisis {n} (point in a drama at which a conflict reaches a peak before being resolved) | :: krise {c} |
crisp {n} (thin slice of potato) SEE: potato crisp | :: |
crispbread {n} (Nordic-style flat dry bread) | :: knækbrød |
crispy {adj} (having a crisp texture) | :: sprød, knasende |
criterion {n} (standard for comparison and judgment) | :: kriterium {n} |
critic {n} (one who criticizes; a person who finds fault) | :: kritiker {c} |
critical mass {n} (the number of people needed to trigger a phenomenon) | :: kritisk masse {c} |
criticism {n} (act of criticising) | :: kritik {c}, dadel {c} |
crème de la crème {n} (best of the best) | :: creme de la creme {c} |
croak {n} (the cry of a frog or toad) | :: kvæk {n} |
croak {v} (to make a croak) | :: skrige |
croak {v} (of a frog, to make its cry) | :: kvække |
Croat {n} (language) SEE: Croatian | :: |
Croatia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Kroatien |
Croatian {adj} (of or pertaining to Croatia) | :: kroatisk |
Croatian {n} (person of Croatia) | :: kroat {c}, kroater {c} |
Croatian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: kroatisk |
crocodile {n} (reptile) | :: krokodille {c} |
crocodile tear {n} (tear shed falsely) | :: krokodilletåre {c} |
crocodile tear {n} (display of tears that is forced or false) | :: krokodilletårer {c-p} |
Croesus {prop} (king of Lydia) | :: Krøsus |
croft {n} (cave or cavern) SEE: cave | :: |
croissant {n} (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent) | :: croissant |
crop {n} (plant grown for any economic purpose) | :: afgrøde {c} |
crop {n} (part of bird's or animal’s alimentary tract) | :: kro {c} [referring to birds] |
crop milk {n} (“milk” from a bird’s crop) | :: kromælk {c}, duemælk {c} |
crosier {n} (staff of a bishop or abbot) | :: bispestav |
cross {n} (geometrical figure) | :: kryds {n} |
cross {n} (in heraldry) | :: kors {n} |
cross {n} (wooden post with a perpendicular beam, used for crucifixion) | :: kors {n} |
cross {n} (definite: the cross on which Christ was crucified) | :: korset {n} |
cross {v} (make or form a cross) | :: krydse |
cross {v} (go from one side of something to the other) | :: krydse [including marking a cheque] |
cross {v} (make the sign of the cross over oneself) | :: korse sig, gøre korsets tegn {n} |
cross {v} (biology: to cross-fertilize or crossbreed) | :: krydse |
cross {prep} (across) SEE: across | :: |
cross- {prefix} (indicating a direction (across)) | :: tvær- |
crossbill {n} (finch of the genus Loxia) | :: korsnæb |
cross-border {adj} (taking place across a border) | :: grænseoverskridende |
crossbow {n} (mechanised weapon based on the bow) | :: armbrøst {c} |
crosscut {n} (shortcut) SEE: shortcut | :: |
crossfire {n} (lines of fire) | :: krydsild {c} |
crosshatch {v} (to mark or fill with a crosshatch pattern) | :: skravere |
cross-party {adj} (pertaining to two or more political parties) | :: tværpolitisk |
cross product {n} (vector product) SEE: vector product | :: |
crossroad {n} (crossroads) SEE: crossroads | :: |
crossroads {n} (intersection) | :: vejkryds {n} |
crossroads {n} (decisive turning point) | :: korsvej {c}, skillevej {c} |
cross swords {v} (to fight with someone) SEE: duel | :: |
cross-tie {n} (sleeper) SEE: railroad tie | :: |
cross to bear {n} (a problem, or unpleasant or painful situation or person) | :: kors at bære |
cross to take up {n} (cross to bear) SEE: cross to bear | :: |
crossword {n} (word puzzle) | :: krydsordsopgave, kryds-og-tværsopgave |
crossword puzzle {n} (crossword) SEE: crossword | :: |
crotch {n} (area where something forks) | :: forgrening {c}, vejgaffel {c} [fork in a road] |
crotch {n} (area of a person’s body) | :: skridt {n} |
crotchet {n} (musical note) | :: fjerdedelsnode {c} |
croup {v} (to croak) SEE: croak | :: |
crow {n} (any bird of the genus Corvus) | :: krage {c} |
crowbar {n} (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart) | :: koben {n}, brækjern {n} |
crowberry {n} (the genus Empetrum) | :: revling |
crowberry {n} (the species Empetrum nigrum) | :: almindelig revling, revling |
crowd {n} (group of people) | :: flok {c}, mængde {c}, folkehav {c}, folkemængde {c} |
crowd {n} (group of things) | :: mængde {c} |
crowd {n} (the “lower orders” of people) | :: masse {c}, folkmasse {c} |
crowdfunding {n} (pooling of money for a common goal) | :: crowdfunding |
crown {n} (royal headdress) | :: krone {c} |
crown {n} (representation of such a headdress) | :: krone {c} |
crown {n} (topmost part of the head) | :: isse {c} |
crowning {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation | :: |
crown jewels {n} (jewelry) | :: kronjuveler {c-p} |
crownment {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation | :: |
crown prince {n} (next king) | :: kronprins {c}, tronfølger {c} |
crown prince {n} (next emperor) | :: kronprins {c}, tronfølger {c} |
crown princess {n} (the heiress apparent to the throne in a monarchy) | :: kronprinsesse |
crêpe {n} (crepe) SEE: crepe | :: |
crucial {adj} (extremely important) | :: afgørende |
crucian {n} (species of freshwater game fish) SEE: crucian carp | :: |
crucian carp {n} (Carassius carassius) | :: karusse |
crucible {n} (cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment) | :: smeltedigel {c} |
crucible {n} (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted) | :: smeltedigel {c} |
crucible {n} (difficult and trying experience) | :: ildprøve {c} |
crucifix {n} (object) | :: krucifiks |
crucifixion {n} (execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross) | :: korsfæstelse {c} |
crucifixion {n} (death of Christ on cross) | :: korsfæstelse {c}, Kristi korsfæstelse {c} |
crucify {v} (to execute a person by nailing to a crucifix) | :: korsfæstet |
crude {n} (crude oil) SEE: crude oil | :: |
crude oil {n} (unrefined oil) | :: råolie {c} |
cruel {adj} (that intentionally causes pain and suffering) | :: grusom |
cruelty {n} (indifference to suffering) | :: grusomhed {c} |
cruise {n} (sea voyage) | :: krydstogt {n}, sørejse {c} |
cruise missile {n} (winged missile) | :: krydsermissil {n} |
cruise ship {n} (passenger ship) | :: krydstogtskib {n} |
crumb {n} (small piece of biscuit, cake, etc) | :: krumme {c} |
crumble {v} (to fall apart) | :: forvitre, smuldre, hensmuldre |
crumble {v} (to render into crumbs) | :: smuldre |
crusade {n} (military expedition) | :: korstog {n} |
crusade {n} (grand concerted effort) | :: korstog {n} |
Crusade {n} (campaigns by Christian forces to the Holy Land) | :: korstog {n} |
crusader {n} (fighter in the medieval crusades) | :: korsfarer {c} |
crush {n} (violent collision or compression; crash; destruction; ruin) | :: sammenstød {n} |
crush {n} (crowd control barrier) | :: barrikade {c} |
crush {n} (love or infatuation or its object (often short-lived or unrequited)) | :: forelskelse {c} |
crush {v} (to press or bruise between two hard bodies) | :: sammenpresse |
crush {v} (to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding) | :: finknuse |
crush {v} (to overwhelm by pressure or weight) | :: sammentrykke |
crush {v} (to oppress or burden grievously) | :: knuse |
crush {v} (to overcome completely) | :: knuse |
crush {v} (to be or become broken down or in) | :: knuse |
crushed {adj} (pulverised) | :: knust |
crushing {adj} (that crushes) | :: knusende |
crutch {n} (crotch) SEE: crotch | :: |
crutch {n} (device to assist in motion as a cane) | :: krykke {c} |
crux {n} ((heraldry) cross on a coat of arms) SEE: cross | :: |
Crux {prop} (constellation) | :: Sydkorset |
cry {v} (intransitive: to weep) | :: græde |
cry {v} (intransitive: to shout, scream, yell) | :: råbe, skrige |
cry {v} (transitive: to shout, to scream (words)) | :: udbryde, bekendtgøre |
cry {n} (shedding of tears) | :: gråd {c}, klage {c} |
cry {n} (shout or scream) | :: råb {c}, skrig {c} |
cry {n} (words shouted or screamed) | :: udbrud {n}, udråb {n} |
crying {n} (Action of the verb cry) | :: gråd {c} |
cryolite {n} (mineral) | :: kryolit {c} |
cry over spilt milk {v} (to worry about unfortunate events which have already happened) | :: græde over spildt mælk |
crypto- {prefix} | :: krypto- |
cryptography {n} (discipline concerned with communication security) | :: kryptografi |
crypto-Judaism {n} (crypto-Judaism) | :: kryptojødedom {c}, kryptojudaisme {c} |
cryptology {n} (practice) | :: kryptologi |
crystal {n} (array of atoms) | :: krystal {n} |
crystalize {v} (crystallize) SEE: crystallize | :: |
crystallize {v} (to make something form into crystals) | :: krystallisere |
crystallize {v} (to assume a crystalline form) | :: krystallisere, udkrystallisere, krystallisere sig [mostly in figurative sense] |
crystallize {v} (to give a precise form) | :: krystallisere |
crystallize {v} (take a definite form) | :: krystallisere, krystallisere sig, udkrystallisere |
crystallize {v} (to coat with crystals) | :: krystallisere, [coat with sugar] kandisere |
crystal set {n} (an early kind of radio receiver) | :: krystalapparat {n}, krystalmodtager {c} |
cry wolf {v} (raise a false alarm) | :: råbe ulven kommer |
C-section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section | :: |
C-sharp {n} (C♯ - a musical note) | :: cis |
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (the Ivory Coast) | :: Elfenbenskysten |
Cuba {prop} (country and largest island in Caribbean) | :: Cuba |
cubbyhole {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment | :: |
cubby house {n} (Wendy house) SEE: Wendy house | :: |
cube {n} (geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces) | :: kubus |
cubic centimetre {n} (a unit of volume) | :: kubikcentimeter [symbol: cm³] |
cubic meter {n} (cubic metre) SEE: cubic metre | :: |
cubic metre {n} (unit of volume) | :: kubikmeter {c} |
cubism {n} (An artistic movement characterized by the depiction of natural forms as geometric structures of planes) | :: kubisme {c} |
cubit {n} (unit of length) | :: alen {c} |
cuboid {n} (rectangular parallelepiped) | :: kasse {c} |
cuckold {n} (man married to an unfaithful wife) | :: hanrej {c} |
cuckoo {n} (the bird) | :: gøg {c} |
cuckoo clock {n} (clock) | :: kukur {n} |
cucullated {adj} (having a hood) SEE: hooded | :: |
cucumber {n} (plant) | :: agurk {c} |
cucumber {n} (edible fruit) | :: agurk {c} |
cud {n} (food chewed for a second time by ruminants) | :: drøv {n} |
cuddle {v} (embrace, lie together snugly) | :: kæle, knuse |
cuddle {v} (cradle in one's arms) | :: putte |
cuff {n} (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist) | :: manchet {c} |
cuff {v} (to handcuff) SEE: handcuff | :: |
cufflink {n} (button used to hold a sleeve cuff together) | :: manchetknap {c} |
cuisine {n} (characteristic style of preparing food) | :: køkken {n} |
cul-de-sac {n} (blind alley) SEE: dead end | :: |
culinary {adj} (relating to the practice of cookery or the activity of cooking) | :: kulinarisk |
culinary art {n} (cuisine) SEE: cuisine | :: |
cult {n} (a sect) | :: kult, sekt |
cult {n} (devotion to a saint) | :: kult {c} |
cult {adj} (of or relating to a cult) | :: kult- |
cult {adj} (enjoyed by a small, loyal group) | :: kult- |
cult film {n} (film with a group of dedicated fans) | :: kultfilm {c} |
cult following {n} (group of dedicated fans) | :: kultstatus |
cultivate {v} (grow plants, notably crops) | :: dyrke |
cultivate {v} (nurture) | :: pleje |
cult of personality {n} (situation of being falsely idolized) | :: personkult {c}, personlighedskult {c} |
cultural {adj} (pertaining to culture) | :: kulturel |
cultural imperialism {n} (cultural imperialism) | :: kulturimperialisme {c} |
Cultural Revolution {prop} (Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) | :: kulturrevolution {c} |
Cultural Revolution {prop} (any Cultural Revolution) | :: kulturrevolution {c} |
culture {n} (arts, customs and habits) | :: kultur |
culture {n} (the beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people's way of life) | :: kultur {c} |
culture shock {n} (state of anxious confusion) | :: kulturchok |
culver {n} (Columba palumbus) SEE: wood pigeon | :: |
cum {n} (slang: semen) | :: sperm {c}, sæd {c} |
cum {v} (slang: have an orgasm; ejaculate) | :: ejakulere |
cumin {n} (plant Cuminum cyminum) | :: kommen, spidskommen |
cumin {n} (its seed used as spice) | :: spidskommen |
cuneiform {n} (ancient writing system) | :: kileskrift {c} |
cunnilingus {n} (oral stimulation of female genitals) | :: cunnilingus {c} |
cunning folk {n} (professional or semi-professional practitioner of magic) | :: kloge folk {n-p}, klog mand {c}, klog kone {c} |
cunt {n} (genitalia) | :: kusse {c}, fisse {c} |
cunt {n} (unpleasant or objectionable person) | :: fisse {c} [female only], møgso [female only] |
cup {n} (drinking vessel) | :: kop {c} |
cup {n} (trophy) | :: pokal {c} |
cup {n} (contest) | :: cup {c} |
cup {n} (part of bra) | :: skål {c} |
cupbearer {n} (one who ceremonially fills and hands out the cups in which a drink is served) | :: mundskænk {c} |
cupboard {n} (enclosed storage) | :: skab {n} |
cur {n} (inferior dog) | :: køter {c} |
cur {n} (detestable person) | :: sjover {c} |
Curaçao {prop} (Island) | :: Curaçao |
curb {n} (concrete along the edge of a road) SEE: kerb | :: |
curd cheese {n} (cottage cheese) SEE: cottage cheese | :: |
curfew {n} (a regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time) | :: udgangsforbud {n} |
curfew {n} (the time when such restriction begins) | :: spærretid {c} |
curfew {n} (evening bell) | :: aftenklokke {c} |
Curie temperature {n} (the temperature at which the magnetism of a substance changes) | :: curietemperatur {c}, curiepunkt {n} |
curiosity {n} (inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) | :: nysgerrighed {c} |
curiosity killed the cat {proverb} (undue curiosity is dangerous) | :: nysgerrighed slog smedens kat ihjel |
curious {adj} (tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate, see also: inquisitive) | :: nysgerrig |
curious {adj} (leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual) | :: kuriøs, besynderlig, mærkværdig |
curium {n} (chemical element) | :: curium {n} |
curl {n} (lock of curling hair) | :: lok |
curlew sandpiper {n} (Calidris ferruginea) | :: krumnæbbet ryle |
curly {adj} (having curls) | :: krøllet |
curly bracket {n} (either of the two characters: “{” and “}”) | :: tuborgklamme {c}, tuborgparentes {c}, krøllet parentes {c}, akkolade {c}, tuborg {c} |
Curonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) | :: kurisk |
currant {n} (fruit of the genus Ribes) | :: solbær, ribs {n} |
currency {n} (money or other item used to facilitate transactions) | :: valuta {c} |
current {n} (time rate of flow of electric charge) | :: strømstyrke {c}, strøm {c} |
current {adj} (existing or occurring at the moment) | :: aktuel, nuværende |
current affairs {n} (current events) SEE: current events | :: |
current events {n} (news items) | :: aktuelle begivenheder |
currently {adv} (at this moment) | :: i øjeblikket |
curriculum {n} (set of courses and coursework) | :: pensum {n} |
curry {n} (curry powder) SEE: curry powder | :: |
curry powder {n} (mixture of spices) | :: karry {c} |
curse {n} (supernatural detriment) | :: forbandelse {c} |
curse {n} (vulgar epithet) | :: bandeord {n} |
curse {v} (to place a curse upon) | :: forbande |
cursed {adj} (having some sort of divine harm) | :: forbandet |
curse like a pagan {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper | :: |
curse word {n} (vulgarity) SEE: swear word | :: |
cursing {n} (act of one who curse) | :: banderi {n} |
curtail {v} (shorten or abridge) | :: forkorte |
curtail {v} (limit or restrict) | :: begrænse |
curtain {n} (piece of cloth covering a window) | :: gardin {n} |
curtain {n} (piece of cloth in a theater) | :: tæppe {n} |
curtsey {n} (small bow of knees and lowered body, usually by a female) | :: kniks {n} [small bow], nej {n} [greater bow, rare], nejning {c} [obsolete] |
curtsey {v} (to make a curtsey) | :: neje |
curve {n} (geometry: one-dimensional figure) | :: kurve {c} |
curve {n} (informal: usually in plural: attractive features of a woman or informal: attractive shape of a woman's body) | :: kurver {p} |
curvy {adj} (buxom) SEE: buxom | :: |
cushion {n} (soft material in cloth bag) | :: pude {c}, hynde {c} |
cushion {n} (absorbent or protective item) | :: bande {c} |
cushion {n} (in cue sports) | :: bande {c} |
cushion {v} (provide cushion) | :: polstre |
cushion {v} (absorb impact) | :: afbøde |
cusk {n} (cod-like fish) | :: brosme |
cuspidor {n} (spittoon) SEE: spittoon | :: |
cuss {v} (to use cursing) | :: bande |
custodian {n} (A person entrusted with the custody or care) | :: formynder {c} [archaic], værge {c} |
custom {n} (frequent repetition of the same act) | :: skik, sædvane |
custom {n} (long-established practice) | :: hævd {c} |
customer {n} (one who purchases or receives a product or service) | :: kunde {c} |
customer care {n} | :: kundepleje |
customer service {n} (act of providing services) | :: kundeservice {c} |
customer service {n} (department) | :: kundeservice {c} |
customer support {n} (provision of service) | :: kundeservice {c} |
custom house {n} (official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit) | :: told {c} |
customize {v} (alter according to preferences) | :: skræddersy, specialbygge |
customs {n} (the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods) | :: told {c} |
customs {n} (custom house) SEE: custom house | :: |
customs value {n} (value of an item for the purposes of customs) | :: toldværdi {c} |
cut {v} (to perform an incision) | :: skære, snitte |
cut {v} (to divide with a sharp instrument) | :: udskære |
cut {v} (to separate from prior association) | :: udelukke |
cut {v} (to enter a queue in a wrong place) | :: snyde |
cut {v} (to reduce) | :: skære, beskære, nedsætte |
cut {v} (to form or shape by cutting) | :: slibe [gems], tilskære, tilhugge |
cut {v} (to intersect dividing into half) | :: skære, krydse |
cut {v} (in cricket, to make the ball spin sideways) | :: snitte |
cut {v} (colloquial, not to attend a class) | :: pjække fra |
cut {adj} (having been cut) | :: skåret |
cut {adj} (of a gem, carved into a shape) | :: slebet |
cut {n} (act of cutting) | :: hug {n} |
cut {n} (result of cutting) | :: snit {n} |
cut {n} (opening resulting from cutting) | :: snitsår {n}, skramme {c} |
cut {n} (act of dividing a deck of playing cards) | :: aftagning {c} |
cut {n} (manner or style a garment is fashioned in) | :: snit {n}, mode {c} |
cut {n} (slab of meat) | :: udskæring {c}, stykke {n} |
cut {n} (skein of yarn) SEE: skein | :: |
cute {adj} (having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals) | :: nuttet, sød |
cutler {n} (One whose business is making or dealing in cutlery) | :: knivsmed {c} |
cutlery {n} (eating and serving utensils) | :: bestik |
cutlet {n} (slice of meat) | :: schnitzel {c} [thin slice of veal or pork], kotelet {c} [thicker slice of pork than the schnitzel] |
cutlet {n} (meat chop) | :: kotelet {c} |
cutter {n} (single-masted sailing ship type) | :: kutter {c} |
cutter {n} (ship's boat) | :: chalup {c} |
cutter {n} (slang: person who cuts him or herself) | :: cutter {c} |
cutting {n} (action of the verb to cut) | :: beskæring {c} |
cutting {n} (newspaper clipping) | :: udklip {n} |
cutting {n} (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant) | :: stikling {c} |
cutting board {n} (chopping board) SEE: chopping board | :: |
cutting edge {n} (sharp edge of the blade) | :: æg {c} |
cutting edge {n} (forefront, or position of greatest advancement in some field) | :: forkant {c}, første klasse |
cuttlefish {n} (any of various squidlike mollusks) | :: blæksprutte {c} |
cyanide {n} (chemistry: any compound containing the CN group) | :: cyanid |
cyanosis {n} (discolouration of the skin) | :: cyanose {c} |
cyberbullying {n} (bullying online) | :: digital mobning {c}, cyberchikane {c} |
Cyclades {prop} (island chain) | :: Kykladerne {c-p} |
cycle {n} (complete rotation) | :: cyklus, kredsløb |
cycle {n} (program on a washing machine etc.) | :: (vaske)-program |
cycle {v} (to ride a cycle) | :: cykle, køre på cykel |
cycle {v} (to turn power off and back on) | :: tænde for/slå til (turn on), slukke for/slå fra (turn off) |
cycle {n} (imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens) SEE: celestial sphere | :: |
cycle path {n} (path segregated for bicycles) SEE: bicycle path | :: |
cycling {n} (The sport of riding and racing bicycles) | :: cykling {c} |
cyclist {n} (person who rides a cycle) | :: cyklist {c} |
cyclone {n} (rotating system of winds) | :: orkan |
cyclone {n} (South Pacific and Indian Ocean weather phenomenon) | :: cyklon {c} |
cyclothymia {n} (chronic mental disturbance characterized by mood swings and depression) | :: cyklotymi |
Cygnus {prop} (constellation) | :: Svanen {n} |
cylinder {n} (geometry: surface) | :: cylinder {c} |
cylinder {n} (geometry: solid) | :: cylinder {c} |
cylinder {n} (any cylindrical object) | :: cylinder {c} |
cylinder {n} (cavity or chamber) | :: cylinder {c} |
cylinder {n} (container) | :: cylinder {c} |
cylindrical {adj} (shaped like a cylinder) | :: cylindrisk |
cyma {n} (botany: cyme) SEE: cyme | :: |
cyme {n} (botany: a centrifugal or definite inflorescence, esp. compound inflorescences of this type forming a more or less flat head) | :: kvast |
cymose {adj} (botany: having a flower cluster with stems ending in a flower that opens before those below it) | :: kvastagtig, cymøs |
cynic {n} (A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness) | :: kyniker {c} |
cynic {n} (A person whose outlook is scornfully negative) | :: kyniker {c} |
cynical {adj} (of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness) | :: kynisk |
cynicism {n} (skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude) | :: kynisme {c} |
cynophobia {n} (an irrational fear or hatred of dogs or other canines) | :: kynofobi {c} |
Cypriot {n} (Person from Cyprus) | :: cypriot {c} |
Cypriot {adj} (Of, from or relating to Cyprus) | :: cypriotisk |
Cyprus {prop} (country) | :: Cypern |
cyst {n} (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ) | :: cyste {c} |
cysteine {n} (nonessential amino acid) | :: cystein |
cytoskeleton {n} | :: cytoskelet |
Czech {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language) | :: tjekkisk |
Czech {n} (person) | :: tjekke {c}, tjekker {c} |
Czech {n} (language) | :: tjekkisk |
Czech hedgehog {n} (antitank obstacle) | :: panserkryds {n}, tjekkisk pindsvin {n}, spansk rytter {c} [common name but technically incorrect] |
Czechia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Tjekkiet {n} |
Czechoslovak {n} (inhabitant) | :: tjekkoslovak {c} |
Czechoslovak {adj} (pertaining to) | :: tjekkoslovakisk |
Czechoslovakia {prop} (former country in Central Europe) | :: Tjekkoslovakiet {n} |
Czecho-Slovakia {prop} (dated form of Czechoslovakia) | :: Tjekko-Slovakiet |
Czechoslovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Czechoslovakia) | :: tjekkoslovakisk |
Czechoslovakian {n} (person from Czechoslovakia) | :: tjekkoslovak {c} |
Czech Republic {prop} (country in Central Europe) | :: Den Tjekkiske Republik {c}, Tjekkiet {n} |