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A crash barrier
crash barrier (plural crash barriers )
( chiefly British ) A strengthened barrier installed on the sides of a (usually major) road to keep vehicles on the carriageway and reduce the risk and/or impact of crashes .
barrier on the side of a road
Danish: autoværn n
Dutch: vangrail (nl) m or f
Faroese: bilverja f , vegstokkur m
Finnish: reunakaide , suojakaide , turvakaide ; (one preventing head-on collisions ) keskikaide
French: glissière de sécurité (fr) f , rail de sécurité (fr) m , barrière de sécurité (fr) f
German: Leitplanke (de) f , Schutzplanke (de) f , Leitschiene (de) f ( Austria )
Italian: guardrail (it) m , barriera di protezione f , barriera protettiva f , barriera di sicurezza f , barriera stradale f , barriera di contenimento f , guardavia (it) m or f ( rare ) , sicurvia (it) m or f ( rare ) , guardastrada (it) m or f ( rare ) , guidovia (it) m or f ( Switzerland, rare )
Polish: bariera energochłonna f
Spanish: guardarraíl m , quitamiedos (es) m , quitavidas m ( peyorative ) , bionda f , guardavía m ( rare )
Swedish: vägräcke (sv) c