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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-o

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-o- {interfix} :: -o-
-o {suffix} :: added to a noun or an adjective after apocope, to create a familiar synonym
o {m} :: letter: o
o {symbol} [computing] :: octet (B (byte))
O {n} :: abbreviation of ouest; west
O {letter} :: The fifteenth letter of the French alphabet
ô {particle} :: O (vocative)
OACI {prop} :: initialism of []
OAS {prop} [France] :: initialism of Organisation de lArmée Secrète
oasien {adj} [attributive] :: oasis; oasitic
oasien {m} :: someone who lives in an oasis
oasis {mf} :: oasis
obæré {adj} :: obsolete form of obéré
obamania {f} :: Obamamania (admiration for Barack Obama)
obéance {f} [obsolete] :: Part of the revenue of the cathedral in Lyon
obédience {f} :: persuasion; allegiance
obédience {f} [religion, literary] :: obedience
obéir {vi} :: To obey [+ à a person]
obéir {vi} :: To obey, to follow [+ à a rule or instruction]
obéissamment {adv} :: obediently
obéissance {f} :: obedience
obéissant {adj} :: obedient
obélion {m} [anatomy] :: obelion
obélisque {m} [architecture] :: obelisk (a tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point)
obéré {adj} :: in debt
obérer {vt} [formal] :: to be a burden on
obérer {vt} [formal] :: to be a threat to
obèse {adj} :: obese
obèse {mf} :: an obese person
obésité {f} :: obesity (act or state of being obese)
obfuscation {f} [programming] :: obfuscation
obier {m} :: guelder rose
obiit {m} [heraldry] :: hatchment
obione {f} :: orach or similar plants of the genus Atriplex
obit {m} [archaic] :: death
obituaire {m} :: obituary (register of deaths)
objectal {adj} [psychology, attributive] :: object
objecter {v} :: to object (disagree with something or someone)
objecteur {m} :: objector
objecteur de conscience {m} :: conscientious objector
objectif {adj} :: objective (relating to a material object)
objectif {adj} :: objective; impartial
objectif {m} :: objective, goal, aim
objectif {m} [photography] :: lens; camera lens
objection {f} :: objection (all meanings)
objectivement {adv} :: objectively
objectiver {vt} :: to objectivize
objectivité {f} :: objectivity
objectrice {f} [rare] :: female objector
objet {m} :: (perceptible) thing, object
objet {m} :: in particuliar crafted or manufactured thing
objet {m} :: aim, goal
objet {m} :: mental representation, what is thought
objet {m} :: source or target of feeling
objet {m} [grammar] :: object
objet {m} [object-oriented] :: object
objet {m} [letters and emails] :: subject line
objet direct {m} [grammar] :: direct object
objet indirect {m} [grammar] :: indirect object
objet volant non identifié {m} :: unidentified flying object, UFO
oblat {m} :: oblate
oblatif {adj} [psychology] :: oblative
obligataire {mf} [legal] :: bondholder
obligation {f} :: obligation
obligatoire {adj} :: obligatory; mandatory
obligatoire {adj} :: compulsory
obligatoirement {adv} :: obligatorily, mandatorily
obligeamment {adv} :: obligingly
obligeance {f} :: obligingness
obligeant {adj} :: obliging
obligeant {adj} :: accommodating
obliger {vt} :: to oblige, to require, to compel, to force someone (to do something: [à])
obliger {v} [Louisiana French] :: to help, to aid
obliger {v} [passive] :: [de] to have to
oblique {adj} :: oblique
obliquement {adv} :: at an angle; at a tilt
obliquement {adv} :: obliquely
obliquer {vi} :: to bear, bear off
obliquer {vi} :: to look away (from someone)
obliquité {f} :: obliqueness
obliquité {f} :: obliquity
oblitération {f} :: cancellation (of a postage stamp); postmark
oblitération {f} :: obstruction (of an artery etc)
oblitérer {vt} :: to fade out (memories)
oblitérer {vt} [formal] :: to block, block up, obstruct
oblitérer {vt} :: to cancel (a stamp); stub (a ticket, so that it is no longer valid)
oblong {adj} :: oblong
obnubilation {f} [medicine, obsolete] :: perception of objects as if seen through a cloud, dazzlement, obnubilation
obnubilation {f} [medicine] :: a disorder of consciousness characterised by slowed and obscured thought, obnubilation
obnubilation {f} [in the etymological sense] :: the state of being covered with clouds or fog, obnubilation
obnubiler {vt} :: to cloud, to obscure
obnubiler {vt} :: to obsess, to engross
obnubler {v} [obsolete] :: obnubilate; obscure
obole {f} :: (monetary) offering
obole {f} :: obole (obsolete French money)
obole {f} :: obol (obsolete Greek money)
obreptice {adj} :: obreptitious
obrepticement {adv} :: obreptitiously
obscène {adj} :: obscene
obscènement {adv} :: obscenely (in an obscene way)
obscénité {f} :: obscenity
obscur {adj} :: obscure (dark, faint or indistinct)
obscurantisme {m} :: obscurantism
obscurantiste {mf} :: obscurantist
obscurcir {v} :: to darken (a colour)
obscurcir {v} [figuratively] :: to obscure, to blur
obscurcir {v} [computing] :: to obfuscate
obscurcir {vr} [of sky] :: to darken
obscurcir {vr} :: to become obscure
obscurément {adv} :: darkly
obscurément {adv} :: obscurely
obscurément {adv} :: vaguely
obscurité {f} :: darkness, dark
obscurité {f} :: obscurity, unknown
obsédant {adj} :: haunting
obsédant {adj} :: obsessive
obsédé {adj} :: obsessed
obsédé {m} [by extension] :: person who is obsessed
obsédé {m} [slang] :: stalker, creep (person who stalks for sexual reasons)
obséder {v} :: to obsess
obsèque {f} [rare, archaic] :: funeral
obsèques {fp} :: funeral
obséquieusement {adv} :: obsequiously
obséquieux {adj} :: obsequious
obséquiosité {m} :: obsequiousness
observabilité {f} :: observability
observable {adj} :: observable
observance {f} :: observance
observateur {adj} :: Having the ability to notice things; having power of observation; observant
observateur {m} :: observer
observation {f} :: observation
observationnel {adj} :: observational
observationnellement {adv} :: observationally
observatoire {m} :: observatory
observatrice {f} :: feminine noun of observateur
observer {v} :: to observe, watch
observer {v} :: to note, notice
observer {v} :: to keep, maintain
obsessif {adj} :: obsessive
obsession {f} :: obsession
obsessionnel {adj} :: obsessive
obsessionnellement {adv} :: obsessively
obsidienne {f} :: obsidian (a type of black glass produced by volcanoes)
obsolescence {f} :: obsolescence
obsolescence programmée {f} [manufacturing] :: planned obsolescence
obsolescent {adj} :: obsolescent
obsolète {adj} [computing] :: obsolete, deprecated
obstacle {m} :: obstacle
obstétrical {adj} :: obstetric, obstetrical
obstétricien {m} :: obstetrician
obstétrique {adj} :: obstetric, obstetrical
obstétrique {f} :: obstetrics
obstination {f} :: obstinacy; stubbornness; obstination
obstination {f} [countable] :: an obstinate act
obstiné {adj} :: obstinate, stubborn (adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably)
obstiné {m} :: obstinate person
obstinément {adv} :: obstinately
obstiner {vr} :: to persevere, persist, insist
obstiner {vr} :: be obstinate about something
obstruction {f} :: block (something that prevents passing)
obstruction {f} :: obstruction
obstructionniste {mf} :: obstructionist
obstructionniste {adj} :: obstructionist (attributive)
obstruer {v} :: to block off
obtempérer {vt} :: to obey
obtempérer {vt} :: to comply (with)
obtenir {v} :: to get, to obtain
obtenteur {m} :: obtainer
obtenteur {m} :: plant breeder
obtenteuse {f} :: feminine singular of obtenteur
obtention {f} :: the act of obtaining
obturant {adj} :: sealing
obturateur {m} [photography] :: shutter
obturation {f} :: sealing; closing up
obturation {f} :: blockage
obturation {f} :: a dental filling
obturer {v} :: to seal, close up
obtus {adj} [geometry] :: obtuse
obtus {adj} :: narrow-minded, obtuse
obtus {adj} :: dull, boring, lifeless
obtusangle {adj} :: obtuse-angled (of a triangle)
obtusement {adv} :: obtusely
obtusion {f} :: Obtusion
obus {m} [military] :: shell (cylindrical projectile)
obusier {m} :: howitzer
obusite {f} [dated, World War I] :: shell shock
obvenir {v} [rare, law, defective] :: to happen, to occur
obvie {adj} [literary or philosophy] :: obvious
obvier {v} :: to obviate
occase {f} [colloquial] :: bargain; opportunity
occasion {f} :: occasion, opportunity
occasion {f} :: cause
occasion {f} :: bargain, good deal
occasion {f} :: secondhand or used item
occasionnel {adj} :: occasional; casual
occasionnellement {adv} :: occasionally (from time to time)
occasionnellement {adv} :: occasionally (according to the occasion)
occasionner {v} :: to provoke, to cause
occident {m} :: west (compass point)
occident {m} :: alternative case form of Occident
Occident {prop} {m} :: the West (Western world)
occidental {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west; western
occidentalisation {f} :: westernization (assimilation of the western culture)
occidentaliser {v} :: to westernise
occiput {m} :: occiput
occire {v} [archaic or humorous] :: to slay
occitan {m} :: Occitan (language)
occitan {adj} :: of or pertaining to Occitan (the region or the language)
Occitanie {prop} {f} :: Occitania (historical region)
Occitanie {prop} {f} :: Occitanie, region of France
occitan médiéval {m} :: the Old Occitan language
occlure {v} :: to occlude
occlusif {adj} :: occlusive
occlusion {f} :: occlusion
occlusive {f} [phonology, phonetics] :: plosive, stop
occulte {adj} :: occult
occulte {m} :: occult (supernatural affairs)
occultement {adv} :: occultly
occulter {vt} :: to occult
occultisme {m} :: occult, occultism (supernatural affairs)
occupant {adj} :: occupying
occupant {m} :: occupant
occupation {f} :: occupation (the occupying of a territory; something that one spends one's time on, such as a job or a hobby; act of occupying, of being an occupant)
occupationnel {adj} :: occupational
occupé {adj} :: busy
occupé {adj} :: taken; occupied
occuper {v} :: to occupy, to take up
occuper {v} :: to employ
occuper {vr} [s'occuper] :: to be busy, to keep oneself busy
occuper {vr} [s'occuper de quelqu'un, with de] :: to take care of, to tend to, to deal with someone
occuper après {v} [Louisiana French, ] :: to listen (to)
occurrence {f} :: occurrence
océan {m} :: ocean
océan Arctique {m} :: Arctic Ocean (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole)
océan Atlantique {m} :: Atlantic Ocean (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east)
océanaute {mf} :: oceanaut
Océane {prop} :: given name, popular in the 1990s and the 2000s
Océanie {prop} {f} :: Oceania
océanien {adj} :: Oceanian
océan Indien {m} :: Indian Ocean (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica)
océanique {adj} :: oceanic
océaniste {mf} :: Oceanianist, specialist in the study of Oceania and its peoples
Océanne {prop} :: given name
océanographe {mf} :: oceanographer
océanographie {f} :: oceanography
océanographique {adj} :: oceanographic
océanographiquement {adv} :: oceanographically
océanologie {f} :: oceanology
océanologique {adj} :: oceanological, oceanologic
océanologue {mf} :: oceanologist
océan Pacifique {m} :: Pacific Ocean (the world's largest body of water)
ocellaire {adj} :: ocellar, ocellary
ocelle {m} :: ocellus
ocellé {v} :: ocellated
ocelot {m} :: ocelot
Och {prop} :: Och (city)
-oche {suffix} [slang] :: Used to form nouns or adjectives
-oche {suffix} [rare] :: Used to form nouns from verbs
ochlocratie {f} :: ochlocracy
ochlophilie {f} :: ochlophilia
ochratoxine {f} :: ochratoxin
ocieux {adj} [obsolete] :: idle
Ocon {prop} :: Ocon; surname
ocre {m} :: ochre
ocre {adj} :: ochre
ocrer {v} :: to ochre (cover with ochre)
oct. {n} :: abbreviation of octobre Oct
octabromure {m} [chemistry] :: octabromide
octacosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octacosanoic
octacyclique {adj} :: octacyclic
octadécane {m} [organic compound] :: octadecane
octadécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octadecanoic
octadécatriénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octadecatrienoic
octadécène {m} [organic compound] :: octadecene
octadécénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octadecenoic
octadécènoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octadecenoic
octadécylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octadecylic
octadiène {m} [organic compound] :: octadiene
octaèdre {m} :: octahedron
octaédrique {adj} :: octahedral
octaédrite {f} [mineral] :: octahedrite
octanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: octanoic
octant {m} :: octant (all senses)
octante {num} :: [dialect] eighty
octante-et-un {num} :: [obsolete, outside, Switzerland and other dialects] eighty-one
octante-neuf {num} :: [Switzerland] eighty-nine
octantième {adj} [archaic] :: eightieth
octantième {mf} [archaic] :: eightieth
octasoufre {m} [inorganic compound] :: octasulfur
octateuque {m} :: octateuch
octatomique {adj} [chemistry] :: octatomic
octavien {adj} :: Octavian
octavier {v} :: to octavate
octavon {m} :: octoroon
octavonne {f} :: feminine noun of octavon
octet {m} [computing] :: byte (of eight bits), octet
octidi {m} [historical] :: The eighth day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar
octilliard {m} :: sexdecillion
octo- {prefix} :: octo-
octobre {m} :: October
octogénaire {mf} :: octogenarian
octogonal {adj} :: octagonal
octogone {m} :: octagon
octomère {m} [chemistry] :: octomer
octomériser {v} [chemistry] :: To octomerize
octopode {adj} :: octopod; eight-legged
octopode {mf} :: octopod (creature with eight legs)
octosyllabique {adj} :: octosyllabic
octovalent {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: octavalent
octroi {m} :: grant, granting; concession
octroyer {v} :: to grant
octuor {m} [chiefly music] :: octet
octuple {adj} :: octuple
octupler {v} :: to octuple; to multiply by eight
oculaire {adj} :: ocular (relating to the eye)
oculaire {adj} :: eye (witness)
oculairement {adv} :: ocularly
oculiste {mf} :: oculist, eye doctor
oculogyrie {m} :: oculogyria
oculogyrique {adj} :: oculogyric
ocytocine {f} :: oxytocin
ocytocique {adj} :: Oxytocic
ocytocique {m} :: Oxytocic
odalisque {f} :: odalisque
Odebrecht {prop} :: surname
Odénat {prop} {m} :: Odaenathus
odéon {m} :: odeon (music hall)
Odette {prop} :: given name
odeur {f} :: smell, odour
odieusement {adv} :: horribly; meanly; odiously
odieux {adj} :: obnoxious (very annoying)
odieux {adj} :: odious
odieux {adj} :: unbearable (of person)
Odile {prop} :: given name
Odin {prop} {m} [Norse mythology] :: Odin (god)
odomètre {m} :: odometer
odonate {m} :: odonate
odontoïde {adj} :: odontoid
odontoïde {f} :: odontoid
odontologie {f} :: odontology
odontologiste {mf} :: odontologist
odontomètre {m} :: perforation gauge (device for measuring perforation)
odontothèque {f} [dentistry] :: odontotheca
odorant {adj} :: scented, aromatic
odorat {m} :: smell (sense of smell)
odoriférant {adj} :: odoriferous, fragrant
odyssée {f} :: odyssey
Odyssée {prop} {f} :: Odyssey
œ {symbol} :: Ligature in French spelling, a combination of o and e
Œ {letter} :: Letter used in French, a combination of O and E
OEA {prop} :: initialism of Organisation des États américains
œcologie {f} :: dated form of écologie
œcologique {adj} :: dated form of écologique
œcologiquement {adv} :: rare spelling of écologiquement
œcologiste {mf} :: rare spelling of écologiste
œconomat {m} :: obsolete spelling of économat
œconome {adj} :: obsolete spelling of économe
œconome {m} :: obsolete spelling of économe
œconomiquement {adv} :: obsolete form of économiquement
œconomiser {v} :: obsolete form of économiser
œconomiste {mf} :: obsolete form of économiste
œcoumène {mf} :: alternative form of écoumène
œcuménique {adj} :: œcumenic, ecumenic, ecumenical
œcuméniquement {adv} :: ecumenically
œcuménisme {m} :: ecumenism (philosophy)
œcumenopole {m} :: ecumenopolis
œcumenopolis {f} :: alternative form of œcumenopole
œdémateux {adj} :: oedematous, œdematous, edematous
œdème {m} [pathology] :: edema, oedema
œdipe {m} :: a person adept at solving puzzles
œdipe {m} :: (by extension) a crossword enthusiast, a cruciverbalist
œdipe {m} :: Oedipus complex
Œdipe {prop} :: Oedipus
œdipianiser {v} :: oedipalize, oedipalise
œdipien {adj} :: Oedipal
œdipiennement {adv} :: Oedipally
œdomètre {f} [geology] :: oedometer
oeil {m} :: nonstandard spelling of œil
œil {m} [anatomy, plural yeux] :: eye, organ that is sensitive to light, helping organisms to see
œil {m} :: [plural œils] glyph, rendering of a single character
œil {m} :: [plural œils] eye (of a needle)
œil au beurre noir {m} :: black eye
œil-de-bœuf {m} [architecture] :: bull's eye, oculus
œil de lynx {m} [figuratively] :: eagle eye, sharp vision
œil-de-tigre {m} [mineral] :: tiger's eye
oeillade {f} :: nonstandard spelling of œillade
œillade {f} :: a wink
œillère {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: blinker(s) (for a horse)
oeillet {m} :: nonstandard spelling of œillet
œillet {m} :: eye (of a needle)
œillet {m} :: pink, carnation
œillet {m} :: buttonhole
œillet {m} :: eyelet (in shoe etc.); hole (in belt)
œillet {m} :: grommet
œillet {m} [nautical] :: cringle
œillet de poète {m} :: sweet william (Dianthus barbatus)
œillet des prés {m} :: ragged robin (Silene flos-cuculi, syn. Lychnis flos-cuculi)
œilleton {m} :: eyepiece
œillette {f} :: A type of poppy (Papaver setigerum)
œil pour œil, dent pour dent {phrase} :: eye for an eye (tooth for a tooth)
œkoumène {mf} :: alternative form of écoumène
œnanthal {m} [organic compound] :: enanthal
œnanthique {adj} :: Enanthic; oenanthic; œnanthic
œno- {prefix} :: oeno-
œnochoé {m} :: oenochoe
oenologie {f} :: nonstandard spelling of œnologie
œnologie {f} :: oenology
œnologique {adj} :: oenological
œnologiquement {adv} :: Enologically; oenologically
oenologue {mf} :: nonstandard spelling of œnologue
œnologue {mf} :: enologist
œnomel {m} :: oenomel
œnophile {mf} :: oenophile
œnophobe {mf} :: A person who dislikes wine (strongly)
œnothèque {f} :: wine shop
œnothèque {f} :: wine cellar (collection of wine)
œnothèque {f} :: wine bar
œnotourisme {m} :: wine tourism
œrsted {m} :: oersted
oesophage {m} :: alternative form of œsophage
œsophage {m} :: oesophagus
œsophagectomie {f} [surgery] :: oesophagectomy
œsophagien {adj} :: esophageal
œsophagisme {m} :: Esophagospasm; oesophagospasm; œsophagospasm
œsophagite {f} :: oesophagitis, œsophagitis, esophagitis
œsophagotomie {f} :: Esophagotomy; oesophagotomy; œsophagotomy
œstral {adj} :: oestral; oestrous
oestrogène {m} :: alternative form of œstrogène
œstrogène {m} :: oestrogen
œstrogénique {adj} :: estrogenic, oestrogenic, œstrogenic
œstrone {f} :: estrone
œstroprogestatif {adj} :: oestroprogestative
œstrus {m} :: oestrus, œstrus, estrus
oeuf {m} :: nonstandard spelling of œuf
œuf {m} :: egg
œuf {m} :: egg; ovum
œuf à la coque {m} :: boiled egg (soft-boiled egg)
œuf de Pâques {m} :: Easter egg
œuf miroir {m} :: fried egg
œufs brouillés {mp} :: scrambled eggs
œufs dans l'eau {phrase} :: A mnemonic for e dans l'o
œuf sur le plat {m} :: fried egg, sunny side up
œuf tourné {m} [Quebec] :: over easy egg
oeuvre {f} :: nonstandard spelling of œuvre
œuvre {f} :: work, book, piece
œuvre {f} :: activity, operation
œuvre {f} :: The complete body of an artist's work, or their works in a particular category
œuvre cinématographique {f} :: film, flick, motion picture, movie or picture
œuvre d'art {f} :: work of art (product of the fine arts)
oeuvrer {v} :: nonstandard spelling of œuvrer
œuvrer {v} :: to work
œuvrette {f} :: A short literary or theatrical work
offensant {adj} :: offensive
offensant {adj} :: insulting
offenser {v} :: to offend (to insult, to cause offence)
offenser {v} :: to hurt (physically damage)
offenseur {m} :: offender
offensif {adj} :: offensive
offensive {f} :: An offensive (military attack)
offensivement {adv} :: offensively
offensive terrestre {f} [military] :: ground offensive
offertoire {m} :: offertory
office {m} :: charge, task, mandate
office {m} :: administrative bureau, department
office {m} :: religious service, notably liturgical office
office {m} :: place where a household's table (food and drink)-related services are conducted, especially by domestic staff
office des Grandes Heures {prop} {f} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: Great Hours
office de tourisme {m} :: tourist office
office du tourisme {m} :: alternative form of office de tourisme
officialisation {f} :: officialization
officialiser {v} :: to formalise
officialité {f} :: officiality
officiant {adj} :: officiating
officiel {adj} :: official
officiellement {adv} :: officially
officier {v} :: to officiate
officier {m} :: officer
officière {f} :: officer (female)
officieusement {adv} :: unofficially
officieux {adj} :: unofficial (not official)
officine {f} :: pharmacy, dispensary (especially retail)
offrande {f} [religion] :: offering
offre {f} :: offer (something offered)
offre {f} [economics] :: supply
offre publique d'achat {f} :: takeover bid; tender offer
offreur {m} :: offeror
offrir {v} :: to offer
offrir {v} :: to give as a gift
offrir {vr} :: to buy for oneself
offrir {vr} :: to treat oneself
offrir {vr} :: to open oneself up to (someone)
off-shore {adj} :: alternative form of offshore
offshore {adj} :: offshore, in the sea away from the coast
offshore {adj} :: offshore, in another country
offusquer {vt} :: to offend
offusquer {vp} :: to be offended (de (by)), to take offence (de (at))
oflag {m} :: oflag
Ogawa {prop} :: surname
oghamique {adj} :: oghamic
Oghouzes {prop} :: Oghuz, the Oghuz people
ogival {adj} :: ogival
ogive {f} [architecture] :: diagonal rib, ogive
ogive {f} [military] :: nose cone (of missile)
OGM {m} :: (organisme génétiquement modifié) GMO; [loosely] GM, GM crops
ognon {m} :: post-1990 spelling of oignon
ogre {m} [mythology] :: ogre
ogresse {f} :: ogress; feminine noun of ogre
oh {interj} :: oh
ohé {interj} :: oy; hi; ahoy; yoohoo (used to get someone's attention)
oh là là {interj} :: Expression of surprise
oh là là {interj} :: Expression of sympathy or concern
ohm {m} :: ohm
ohmique {adj} [physics] :: ohmic
ohmmètre {m} :: ohmmeter
oh mon Dieu {interj} :: oh my God!
oh non {interj} :: oh no!
-oïde {suffix} :: -oid
oïdium {m} :: powdery mildew
oie {f} :: goose
oie cendrée {f} :: grey goose
oie des neiges {f} :: snow goose (Chen caerulescens syn. Anser caerulescens)
-oient {suffix} :: obsolete spelling of -aient
oignez vilain, il vous poindra {proverb} :: ellipsis of oignez vilain, il vous poindra ; poignez vilain, il vous oindra
oignez vilain, il vous poindra ; poignez vilain, il vous oindra {proverb} :: if you behave kindly towards a bad person, they will be mean; conversely, if you behave spitefully, they will be kind to you
oignon {m} :: onion (Allium cepa)
oignon {m} :: bulb (of a plant)
oignon {m} [in the plural, colloquial] :: one's own business
oignonière {f} :: onion plantation
oignon vert {m} :: green onion
oignon vert {m} :: spring onion
oignon vert {m} :: scallion
oignon vert {m} :: shallot
oignon vert {m} :: chive
oignon vert {m} [Quebec, slang] :: oignon vert
oïlitan {m} :: langue d'oïl
oïlitan {adj} :: langue d'oïl (attributive)
OIML {prop} {m} [legal, standardisation] :: initialism of w:Organisation internationale de métrologie légale
oindre {v} [dated] :: to anoint
oing {m} [archaic] :: unction
oinj {m} [slang] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
-oïque {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: -oic
-oir {suffix} :: A suffix used on verbs to form masculine words for objects or tools used to do something
-oir {suffix} :: A suffix used on verbs to form masculine words for places where something is done
-oir {suffix} :: A suffix forming infinitives of many verbs
-oire {suffix} :: A suffix used on verbs to form usually feminine words for objects or tools used to do something
-oire {suffix} :: A suffix used on verbs (usually via the Latin supine form) to form masculine or feminine words for places where something is done
-oire {suffix} :: A suffix used to form adjectives matched to nouns ending in -ation (or its variants) and derived from a Latin verb
-ois {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives related to a particular country, region or city, their associated inhabitant names, and the local language or dialect
-oise {suffix} :: used to form feminine nouns referring to female inhabitants of particular countries, regions or cities (along with associated adjectives)
Oise {prop} {f} :: Oise
oiseau {m} :: bird
oiseau de malheur {m} :: bird of ill omen
oiseau de mauvais augure {m} :: bird of ill omen
oiseau de nuit {m} [zoology] :: A nocturnal bird
oiseau de nuit {m} [colloquial] :: A person active at night; a night owl
oiseau de paradis {m} :: bird of paradise (bird)
oiseau de passage {m} :: migratory bird, bird of passage
oiseau de proie {m} :: bird of prey
oiseau matinal {m} :: early bird
oiseau-mouche {m} :: hummingbird (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae)
oiseau rare {m} :: rara avis, rare bird
oiselet {m} [archaic] :: young bird, baby bird, birdlet
oiseleur {m} :: birdcatcher
oiselier {m} :: bird seller; birdseller
oiselle {f} [poetic] :: female bird
oisellerie {f} :: bird-catching
oisellerie {f} :: bird-breeding
oisellerie {f} :: bird-selling (trade, profession)
oisellerie {f} :: birdshop
oisellerie {f} :: aviary
oiseusement {adv} :: pointlessly
oiseusement {adv} :: idly
oiseux {adj} :: pointless
oiseux {adj} :: idle
oisif {adj} :: idle (not engaged in any occupation)
oisillon {m} :: young bird; chick, fledgling, baby bird, little bird
oisivement {adv} :: idly
oisiveté {f} :: idleness (of a person), as in laziness or indolence
oison {m} :: gosling
okay {interj} :: OK (endorsement; approval)
oki {interj} :: ok, okay
okoumé {m} :: Aucoumea klaineana, an African hardwood
okroug {m} :: okrug
-ol {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ol
OL {prop} [soccer] :: initialism of Olympique Lyonnais (a soccer team from the French town of Lyons)
Öland {prop} :: Öland
-ole {suffix} :: added to a noun to form a diminutive, or a depreciative form of that noun
oléacée {f} :: Any plant of the family Oleaceae
oléagineux {adj} :: oleaginous
oléandre {m} :: oleander
oléate {m} [organic chemistry] :: oleate
olécrane {m} [anatomy] :: olecranon
olécrâne {m} [anatomy] :: alternative form of olécrane
olécranien {adj} [anatomy] :: olecranal
olécrânien {adj} [anatomy] :: alternative form of olécranien
oléfine {m} [organic chemistry] :: olefin
oléicole {adj} [attributive] :: olive
oléiculteur {m} :: olivegrower
oléicultrice {f} :: feminine singular of oléiculteur
oléiculture {f} :: olivegrowing
oléine {f} :: olein
oléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: oleic
oléoduc {m} :: pipeline
oléomargarine {f} :: oleomargarine
oléomètre {m} :: oleometer
oléométrie {f} :: oleometry
oléométrique {adj} :: oleometric
oléone {f} :: oleone
oléopneumatique {adj} [of an automotive suspension system] :: Involving oil and air; hydropneumatic
oléorésine {f} :: oleoresin
oléosoluble {adj} :: oil-soluble
Oléron {prop} :: An island in Charente-Maritime department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
oléum {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oleum
oleuropéine {f} [organic compound] :: oleuropein
olfactif {adj} :: olfactory (concerning the sense of smell)
olfaction {f} :: olfaction
oliban {m} [rare] :: incense; frankincense
olibrius {m} :: oddball (ridiculous person)
olifant {m} :: olifant [ivory horn]
oligarchie {f} [politics, philosophy] :: oligarchy
oligarchique {adj} :: oligarchic
oligarchiquement {adv} :: oligarchically
oligarque {m} :: oligarch (a member of an oligarchy)
Oligocène {prop} {m} :: Oligocene period
oligoélément {m} :: trace element
oligoholoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: oligosaccharide
oligolécithe {adj} :: oligolecithal
oligomère {m} [chemistry] :: oligomer
oligomérisation {f} [chemistry] :: oligomerization
oligopole {m} :: oligopoly
oligopolistique {adj} :: oligopolistic
oligoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: oligosaccharide
oligothérapie {f} :: oligotherapy
oligotrique {adj} :: oligotrichous
olim {m} :: The records of judgments rendered by the king's court during the reigns of St. Louis, Philip the Bold, Philip the Fair, Louis the Hutin, and Philip the Long
olisbos {m} :: dildo (artificial phallus)
olivaie {f} :: olive plantation
olivaire {adj} :: olive (attributive)
olivâtre {adj} :: olivey (having a somewhat olive colour)
olive {f} :: olive
oliveraie {f} :: olive orchard
olivète {f} :: alternative form of œillette
olivette {f} :: olive grove
olivette {f} :: small olive
olivette {f} :: small olive tree
olivette {f} :: plum tomato
olivette {f} :: a type of Provençal dance
Olivia {prop} :: given name
olivier {m} :: olive tree
Olivier {prop} {m} :: given name
Olivier {prop} :: surname
olivine {f} :: olivine
olivinique {adj} :: olivinic
olographe {adj} :: holograph
olonetsien {m} :: Livvi, Olonets (dialect of Karelian language)
Olténie {prop} {f} :: Olténie (historical region)
olympe {m} :: A high, majestic place
Olympe {prop} {m} :: Olympus (mountain)
olympiade {f} :: olympiad (period of four years)
olympiade {f} :: Olympiad (Olympic Games)
Olympie {prop} {f} :: The Ancient Greek city Olympia, home of the original Olympics
olympien {adj} :: Olympian
olympique {adj} :: Olympic (of, or pertaining to the Olympic Games)
Olympiques {prop} :: Olympics; ellipsis of Jeux olympiques
olympisme {m} :: olympism
OM {prop} :: initialism of Olympique de Marseille a football team from Marseille
omanais {adj} :: Omani
Omanais {m} :: Omani person
Omanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Omanais
ombelle {f} [botany] :: umbel
ombellifère {adj} :: umbelliferous
ombellifère {f} :: umbellifer
ombilic {m} :: navel (remnant of umbilical cord)
ombilic {m} :: umbilicus
ombilical {adj} :: umbilical
omble {m} :: char (fish)
ombrage {m} :: (leafy) shade
ombrage {m} :: umbrage, offence
ombragé {adj} :: shaded, shady
ombrager {vt} :: to shade
ombrager {vt} :: to overshadow
ombrageusement {adv} :: skittishly
ombrageux {adj} :: umbrageous
ombrageux {adj} [animals, especially horses] :: skittish, shy
ombral {adj} [maths] :: umbral
ombre {f} :: shade, shadow
ombre {f} :: darkness
ombre {f} :: ghost
ombre {m} [Ichthyology] :: A fish of Osteichthyes of the freshwater family Salmonidae, of the genus Thymallus
ombrelle {f} :: parasol
ombrer {v} :: to shade (put into the shade)
ombreusement {adv} :: shadily
ombreux {adj} :: shady
Ombrie {prop} :: Ombrie (region)
ombrien {m} :: Umbrian (language)
ombrien {adj} :: Umbrian
Ombrien {m} :: Umbrian
Ombrienne {f} :: feminine singular of Ombrien
ombudsman {mf} :: An appointed official within an organization whose duty is to investigate complaints against that organization by its customers, taxpayers, and sometimes employees, and often to act as a consultant to improve services and processes
OMC {prop} :: initialism of Organisation mondiale du commerce (WTO (World Trade Organization))
-ome {suffix} :: -oma
oméga {m} :: omega (Greek letter)
omelette {f} :: omelette
Omer {prop} :: given name
omettre {vt} :: to omit
omeyyade {adj} :: Umayyad (attributive)
OMG {n} :: alternative form of OGM
omicron {m} :: omicron (Greek letter)
omission {f} :: omission (act of omitting)
ommatidie {f} :: ommatidium
omni- {prefix} :: prefix meaning everywhere
omni- {prefix} :: prefix meaning all
omnibus {adj} [rail transport, of a train] :: Pertaining to a local (making stops at all stations)
omnibus {m} [dated] :: omnibus, bus (especially, a 19th-century horse-drawn omnibus)
omnidirectionnel {adj} :: omnidirectional
omnipotent {adj} :: omnipotent
omniprésence {f} :: omnipresence
omniprésent {adj} :: omnipresent
omniscience {f} :: omniscience
omniscient {adj} :: omniscient
omnisports {adj} :: multisport
omnium {m} [sport] :: an open (open sports tournament)
omnium {m} [cycling] :: an omnium (a multi-event track cycling race)
omnivore {adj} :: omnivorous
omnivore {m} :: omnivore
ô mon Dieu {interj} :: oh my God!
omoplate {f} [anatomy] :: shoulder blade, scapula
omotique {adj} :: Omotic
omphalectomie {f} [surgery] :: omphalectomy
OMS {prop} {f} :: initialism of Organisation Mondiale de la Santé WHO (World Health Organisation)
-on {suffix} :: Forming diminutives of things, including some animals
-on {suffix} :: Indicating origin or occupation
-on {suffix} [physics and biology] :: -on
on {pron} [indefinite] :: one, people, you, someone (an unspecified individual)
on {pron} [personal, colloquial] :: we
On {prop} :: On (village)
onagre {m} :: onager (mammal)
onagre {m} :: onager (machinery)
onagre {f} :: Oenothera, evening primrose
onanisme {m} :: onanism
onc {adv} [obsolete] :: one day
onc {adv} [obsolete, used with "ne"] :: never
once {f} :: ounce (avoirdupois ounce)
once {f} [figuratively, by extension] :: a little bit
once {f} :: snow leopard
oncial {adj} :: uncial (related to a majuscule style of writing)
oncial {adj} :: calligraphic (written in an artistic style)
oncle {m} :: uncle
oncogène {m} :: oncogene
oncogénicité {f} [pathology] :: oncogenicity
oncogénique {adj} [pathology] :: oncogenic
oncologie {f} [medicine] :: oncology (branch of medicine concerned with tumors and cancers)
oncologique {adj} :: oncologic
oncologue {m} :: oncologist (one who specialises in oncology)
oncoprotéine {f} [protein] :: oncoprotein
oncosphère {f} :: oncosphere
oncotique {adj} [physics] :: oncotic
oncques {adv} [obsolete] :: one day
oncques {adv} [obsolete, used with "ne"] :: never
onction {f} :: unction
onctueusement {adv} :: runnily, unctuously
onctueux {adj} :: runny (unctuous, in liquid form)
onctueux {adj} :: smooth, creamy
onde {f} [technical] :: wave
onde {f} [literary, dated] :: water, especially calm water
ondé {adj} [literary] :: wavy (of hair)
ondé {adj} [heraldry] :: wavy; undy
onde de choc {f} :: shockwave
onde de choc {f} [astronomy] :: bow shock
ondée {f} :: shower (rain)
onde électromagnétique {f} [physics] :: electromagnetic wave
onde gravitationnelle {f} [physics] :: gravitational wave
ondelette {f} :: wavelet
ondin {m} :: merfolk, merman
ondine {f} :: undine; water-sprite
ondine {f} :: mermaid
ondinisme {m} [sexuality] :: urophilia, urolagnia, undinism
ondiniste {adj} :: undinist
ondiniste {mf} :: undinist
ondioline {f} [musical instruments] :: ondioline
on-dit {m} :: hearsay (evidence based on the reports of others rather than on personal knowledge)
ondoiement {m} :: undulation
ondoyer {v} :: to sway, undulate
ondulant {adj} :: undulating, sinuous
ondulant {adj} :: wavelike
ondulation {f} :: undulation
ondulatoire {adj} :: undulatory
ondulatoire {adj} [physics] :: wave (attributive)
onduler {v} :: to wave (wave one's hand)
onduleur {m} :: converter, inverter (of electricity)
onduleusement {adv} :: sinuously
onduleux {adj} :: undulating, sinuous
onduleux {adj} :: billowing
onéreusement {adv} :: onerously
onéreux {adj} :: onerous
Onésime {prop} :: Onesimus
ONG {f} :: initialism of organisation non-gouvernementale = NGO (non-governmental organisation)
ongle {m} :: nail, fingernail
onglerie {f} :: nail bar, nail salon
onglet {m} :: tab (navigational widget in a GUI)
onglet {m} [mechanics] :: fillet fairing joining wing root to fuselage
onglet {m} :: a hanger steak
onguent {m} :: ointment; salve; unguent
ongulé {m} :: ungulate
oniomanie {f} :: oniomania
onirique {adj} [attributive] :: dream
onirique {adj} :: inspired by dreams
onirique {adj} :: dreamlike
onirique {adj} :: oneiric
onirisme {m} [psychology] :: oneirism
onirisme {m} :: dreaminess, dreams; fantasizing
on n'apprend pas à un vieux singe à faire des grimaces {proverb} :: alternative form of ce n'est pas à un vieux singe qu'on apprend à faire des grimaces
on n'a rien sans rien {proverb} :: you don't get something for nothing, there's no such thing as a free lunch
on n'attrape pas des mouches avec du vinaigre {proverb} :: Honey catches more flies than vinegar; you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
on ne fait pas d'omelette sans casser des œufs {proverb} :: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette
on ne peut plus {adv} :: very, extremely, most
on ne saurait faire boire un âne qui n'a pas soif {proverb} :: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
on n'est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même {proverb} :: if you want a thing done well, do it yourself
on ne vit qu'une fois {phrase} :: YOLO
onomastique {adj} :: onomastic
onomastique {f} [linguistics] :: onomastics
onomastiquement {adv} :: onomastically
onomatologie {f} :: onomatology
onomatopée {f} :: onomatopoeia
onomatopéique {adj} :: onomatopoeic
onoporde {m} :: onopordum (Onopordum acanthium)
onopordon {m} :: alternative form of onoporde
onques {adv} [obsolete] :: one day
onques {adv} [obsolete, used with "ne"] :: never
-ons {suffix} :: A suffix denoting the first-person plural present indicative form of a verb
ontarien {adj} :: Ontarian (relating to Ontario)
Ontarien {m} :: Ontarian (someone from Ontario)
Ontarienne {f} :: feminine noun of Ontarien
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (all senses):
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (province)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (village)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (city)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (unincorporated community)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (unincorporated community)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (community)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (county)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (town/hamlet/and/CDP)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (city)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (city)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (populated place)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (populated place)
Ontario {prop} {m} :: Ontario (village)
ontogénéticien {m} :: ontogeneticist
ontogénéticienne {f} :: feminine noun of ontogénéticien
ontogénétique {adj} :: ontogenetic, ontogenic
ontologie {f} [philosophy] :: ontology (the metaphysical study of being)
ontologique {adj} :: ontological
ontologiquement {adv} :: ontologically
ONU {prop} {f} [politics, government] :: initialism of Organisation des Nations Unies = UNO; often used for UN (United Nations)
onusien {adj} :: UN (attributive)
onycho- {prefix} [anatomy] :: onycho- (nail)
onychomycose {f} :: onychomycosis (nail fungus)
-onyme {suffix} :: -onym
onze {num} :: eleven
onzième {adj} :: eleventh
onzième {mf} :: eleventh
onzièmement {adv} :: eleventhly
oocyste {m} :: oocyst
OODA {phrase} [military] :: OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act); initialism of observer, s'orienter, décider, et agir
oogame {adj} :: oogamous
oogamie {f} :: oogamy
oogenèse {f} [biology] :: oogenesis
oolithe {m} [geology] :: oolite
oolithique {adj} [geology] :: oolitic
oologie {f} :: oology
oologique {adj} :: oologic
oophage {adj} :: oophagous
oophagie {f} :: oophagy
oophore {m} :: oophore
oophoridie {f} :: oophoridium
oophorite {f} [pathology] :: oophoritis
oosphère {f} :: oosphere
oosporose {f} :: oosporosis
oothèque {f} :: ootheca
oozoïde {m} :: oozoid
OPA {f} :: takeover bid [UK], tender offer [US]
opacifier {vt} :: to opacify
opacité {f} :: opacity; opaqueness
opale {f} [mineralogy] :: opal
opalin {adj} :: opal (having an opal color)
opaque {adj} :: opaque
opaquement {adv} :: opaquely
open {m} :: open; open tournament
OPEP {prop} {f} :: OPEC; acronym of Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole
opéra {m} [music] :: opera
opérable {adj} :: operable
opéra bouffe {m} :: opera bouffe
opéra comique {m} :: opéra comique
opéra-féerie {m} :: fairy opera
opéraïsme {m} :: workerism
opéraïste {adj} :: workerist
opéraïste {mf} :: workerist
opérande {m} [mathematics, computing] :: operand (quantity to which an operator is applied)
opérant {adj} :: operant
opérateur {m} :: operator (someone who operates)
opérateur {m} [mathematics] :: operator
opératif {adj} :: operative
opération {f} :: operation (method by which a device performs its function)
opération {f} :: Operation (medical operation)
opération de changement de sexe {f} :: sex reassignment surgery
opérationnel {adj} :: operational (all meanings)
opérationnellement {adv} :: operationally
opératique {adj} :: operatic
opératiquement {adv} :: operatically
opératoire {adj} :: operative
opératoire {adj} :: surgical
opératoirement {adv} :: operatively
opératoirement {adv} :: surgically
opératrice {f} :: feminine noun of opérateur
opercule {f} :: operculum
operculé {adj} :: sealed (especially with an operculum)
opérer {vt} :: to operate (on)
opérer {vr} :: to take place
opérette {f} [music] :: operetta, light opera
Ophélie {prop} :: given name
ophicléide {m} :: ophicleide
ophidien {m} :: ophidian
ophidien {adj} :: ophidian
ophiographie {f} :: ophiography
ophiotoxine {f} :: ophiotoxin
ophiure {f} :: ophiuroid, brittle star
ophrys {m} :: bee orchid of the genus Ophrys
ophtalmie {f} :: ophthalmia
ophtalmie égyptienne {f} [disease] :: Egyptian ophthalmia (trachoma)
ophtalmique {adj} :: ophthalmic
ophtalmo {mf} [colloquial] :: optician, ophthalmologist
ophtalmologie {f} :: ophthalmology
ophtalmologique {adj} :: ophthalmological
ophtalmologiste {mf} :: ophthalmologist
ophtalmologue {mf} :: ophthalmologist
opiacé {adj} :: opiate
opiacé {m} :: opiate
opiane {f} :: synonym of narcotine
opianique {adj} :: opianic
opinel {m} :: wood-handled folding knife
opiner {v} :: to opine
opiner du bonnet {v} [literary] :: to nod in agreement, to nod in approval, to approve
opiner du chef {v} [literary] :: to nod in agreement, to nod in approval, to approve
opiniastre {adj} :: obsolete form of opiniâtre
opiniâtre {adj} :: opinionated, stubborn, obstinate (stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent)
opiniâtrement {adv} :: doggedly, persistently
opiniâtrement {adv} :: stubbornly, obstinately
opiniâtreté {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy
opinion {f} :: opinion (thought, estimation)
opinion publique {f} :: public opinion (opinion of the public)
opioïde {m} :: opioid
opiomane {mf} :: opium addict
opiomanie {f} :: opium addiction
opiorphine {f} [organic compound] :: opiorphin
opisthogastrique {adj} [anatomy] :: opisthogastric
opisthographe {adj} :: opisthographic
opisthosome {f} :: opisthosoma
opium {m} :: opium
oponce {m} :: prickly pear
opopanax {m} :: opopanax (all meanings)
opoponax {m} :: alternative spelling of opopanax
opossum {m} :: opossum
opothérapie {f} [medicine] :: organotherapy
opothérapique {adj} :: opotherapeutic
opothérapiquement {adv} :: opotherapeutically, in an opotherapeutic way
opportun {adj} :: opportune, timely
opportun {adj} :: expedient
opportun {adj} :: suitable
opportunément {adv} :: opportunely
opportunisme {m} :: opportunism (the taking of opportunities)
opportuniste {adj} :: opportunistic
opportunité {f} :: a state of opportuneness; fortuity
opportunité {f} [Anglicism, proscribed] :: a favourable occasion, an opportunity
opposant {m} :: opponent (someone to defeat)
opposant {m} :: challenger
opposante {f} :: feminine noun of opposant
opposé {m} :: opposite
opposé {adj} :: opposite
opposer {v} :: to oppose
opposition {f} :: opposition
oppositionnel {adj} :: oppositional
oppressant {adj} :: oppressive
oppresser {vt} :: to oppress
oppresser {vt} :: to squeeze so as to prevent breathing
oppresseur {m} :: oppressor
oppressif {adj} :: oppressive
oppression {f} :: oppression
oppression {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: asthma
oppressivement {adv} :: oppressively
opprimer {v} :: to oppress (to keep down by force)
opprobre {m} :: opprobrium, infamy
opsonique {adj} :: opsonic
optatif {adj} [grammar] :: optative
optativement {adv} :: optatively
opter {v} :: to opt
opticien {m} :: optician, optometrist
opticienne {f} :: feminine noun of opticien
opticité {f} :: opticity
optimal {adj} :: optimal
optimalement {adv} :: optimally
optime {adj} [obsolete, rare] :: great, optimum
optimisation {f} :: optimization
optimisé {adj} :: optimized
optimiser {v} :: to optimize
optimisme {m} :: optimism
optimiste {mf} :: optimist
optimiste {adj} :: optimistic
option {f} :: option
optionnel {adj} :: optional
optionnellement {adv} :: optionally
optique {adj} :: optic, optical
optique {f} [physics] :: optics
optique {f} :: point of view, perspective
optiquement {adv} :: optically
optochine {m} :: optochin
optoélectronique {adj} :: optoelectronic
optoélectronique {f} :: optoelectronics
optogénétique {adj} :: optogenetic
optogénétique {f} :: optogenetics
optronique {adj} :: optronic
optronique {f} :: optronics
opulemment {adv} :: opulently
opulence {f} :: opulence
opulent {adj} :: opulent
opuntia {m} :: opuntia (flower)
opuscule {m} :: opuscule
OQ {n} :: initialism of officier de l'ordre national du Québec
OQLF {prop} [Quebec] :: initialism of Office québécois de la langue française: the Quebec Board of the French Language
oque {f} :: An oka: any of various units of mass formerly used in Turkey, Greece, and Egypt, all being approximately 1¼ kilograms (2¾ pounds)
or {m} :: gold
or {m} [tincture] :: or (yellow in heraldry)
or {adv} [obsolete] :: now, presently
or {conj} :: yet, however, now
oracle {m} :: oracle
orage {m} :: thunderstorm
orage {m} :: storm, upset
orage {m} [literary] :: turmoil, tumult
orage {m} :: A device on an organ, which produces a "thunder" effect, usually by playing a large cluster chord on the pedalboard
orageusement {adv} :: stormily
orageux {adj} :: stormy (weather)
orageux {adj} :: stormy, tumultuous (a situation)
oraison {f} :: oration
oraison {f} :: orison, meditative prayer
oral {adj} :: oral
oral {m} :: an oral exam, a viva, a viva voce
oralement {adv} :: orally
oralisation {f} :: oralization/oralisation
oraliser {v} :: to oralize/oralise
oralité {f} :: orality, the spoken word
oranais {adj} :: Oranese (from or relating to Oran)
Oranais {m} :: Oranese (person from Oran)
Oranaise {f} :: feminine noun of Oranais
orange {f} :: orange (fruit)
orange {m} :: orange (color)
orange {adj} :: orange
Orange {n} :: Orange (town)
orangé {adj} :: orangey
orangeat {m} :: orangeat
oranger {m} :: orange tree
oranger {v} :: to make orange in color
orangeraie {f} :: orange tree orchard
orangerie {f} :: orangery
orange sanguine {f} :: blood orange (Citrus sinensis)
orangiste {adj} :: Orangeism (attributive)
orangiste {mf} :: Orangeman
orang-outan {m} :: orangutan [arboreal anthropoid ape]
orang-outang {m} :: orangutan
orateur {m} :: orator
orateur {m} :: speaker, public speaker
oratoire {m} [religion] :: oratory (room)
oratoire {m} [religion] :: oratory (place of worship)
oratoire {adj} :: oratorical
oratoirement {adv} :: oratorically
oratorien {m} [religion] :: oratorian
oratorien {adj} :: oratorian (relating to an oratory)
oratorio {m} [music] :: oratorio
oratrice {f} :: feminine noun of orateur
orbe {m} [obsolete] :: circle
orbe {m} :: orb (spherical body)
orbe {m} :: globus cruciger
orbiculaire {adj} :: orbicular
orbiculairement {adv} :: orbicularly (in a ring)
orbitaire {adj} [anatomy] :: orbital
orbital {adj} :: orbital
orbitalaire {adj} [physics] :: orbital (of an atom or molecule, attributive)
orbitale {f} [physics] :: orbital (of an atom or molecule)
orbitale antiliante {f} [physics, chemistry] :: antibonding orbital
orbite {f} :: orbit (path of one object around another)
orbite {f} [anatomy] :: eye socket
orbiter {v} :: to orbit (circle another object)
or blanc {m} :: white gold (alloy of gold and another precious metal)
Orcades {prop} {fp} :: Orkney Islands (archipelago)
orcadien {adj} :: Orcadian
Orcadien {m} :: Orcadian
Orcadienne {f} :: feminine noun of Orcadien
orcanète {f} :: alternative form of orcanette
orcanette {f} :: bugloss
orcéine {f} [organic compound] :: orcein
orchestral {adj} :: orchestral
orchestrateur {m} [music] :: orchestrator
orchestration {f} :: orchestration
orchestratrice {f} :: feminine singular of orchestrateur
orchestre {m} :: orchestra, band
orchestre {m} :: stalls (of cinema or theatre)
orchestrer {v} :: to orchestrate
orchidectomie {f} [surgery] :: orchidectomy
orchidée {f} :: orchid
orchite {f} [pathology] :: orchitis
orcine {f} [organic compound] :: orcin
ordalie {f} :: ordalium; ordeal
ordi {m} [colloquial] :: computer; comp, puter
ordinaire {adj} :: ordinary
ordinaire {m} [with the definite article] :: the ordinary, the usual
ordinairement {adv} :: ordinarily; normally
ordinal {adj} :: ordinal
ordinand {m} :: ordinand
ordinariat {m} :: ordinariate
ordinarité {f} [rare] :: ordinariness
ordinarité {f} [maths] :: ordinarity
ordinateur {m} :: A computer, a computing device
ordinateur {m} [archaic, Christianity] :: One who performs an ordination ceremony
ordinateur portable {m} :: laptop computer
ordination {f} :: ordination
ordiphone {m} [rare] :: smartphone
ordonnance {f} [medicine] :: prescription
ordonnance {f} [legal] :: order, decree
ordonnance {f} [legal] :: ordinance
ordonnancement {m} :: arrangement
ordonnancement {m} :: scheduling
ordonnancement {m} [computing] :: sequencing
ordonnancer {v} [finance] :: to authorize
ordonnance restrictive {f} [law] :: restraining order
ordonnateur {m} :: organizer, director (one who gives orders)
ordonné {adj} :: arranged, ordered
ordonné {adj} :: prescribed
ordonnée {f} :: ordinate (y coordinate)
ordonnément {adv} :: in an ordered manner
ordonner {v} :: to arrange, to organise, sort out (put in order)
ordonner {v} :: to prescribe (e.g. medicine)
ordonner {v} :: to prescribe, to order (give an order)
ordonner {v} [religion] :: to ordain
ordre {m} :: order (way in which things are arranged)
ordre {m} :: order (group)
ordre {m} [legal] :: order (calm)
ordre {m} :: region (used in estimations)
ordre {m} :: kind, sort
ordre {m} :: order (tidiness)
ordre {m} :: order (instruction)
ordre {m} [finance] :: order
ordre {m} [taxonomy] :: order
ordre {m} [architecture] :: classical order
ordre de bataille {m} :: order of battle
ordre de grandeur {m} :: order of magnitude
ordre des mots {m} :: word order (order of syntactic constituents)
ordre du Temple {prop} [history] :: the Knights Templar
ordre permanent {m} [finance] :: standing order, direct debit
ordre public {m} :: law and order, public order
ordure {f} :: garbage, refuse
ordure {f} :: dung, animal faeces
ordure {f} [slang] :: obscenity, filthy material
ordure {f} [slang, pejorative] :: a filthy person
ordurer {vi} :: to leave waste, to soil, to defecate
ordurier {adj} :: foul, filthy
orée {f} [literary] :: edge, border
oreillard {adj} :: (especially in combination) eared (having a specified type of ear)
oreillard {m} :: long-eared bat (of genus Plecotus)
oreille {f} :: ear
oreille absolue {f} [music] :: perfect pitch, absolute pitch (the ability to identify a note by name upon hearing it)
oreille de crisse {f} :: oreille de crisse
oreille externe {f} [anatomy] :: outer ear (portion of ear)
oreille interne {f} :: inner ear
oreille moyenne {f} :: middle ear
oreiller {m} :: pillow
oreille relative {f} [music] :: relative pitch
oreillette {f} :: earphone (transducer, earpiece or headphone)
oreillette {f} [anatomy] :: auricle (part of the heart)
oreillette {f} [botany] :: asarabacca, European wild ginger (Asarum europaeum)
oreillette {f} [culinary] :: beignet, fritter
oreillons {mp} :: mumps
oréotrague {m} :: klipspringer
ores {adv} [obsolete except in phrases] :: now
orfèvre {m} :: goldsmith, silversmith
orfèvre en la matière {m} [idiom] :: An expert in the matter; a person with good judgment
orfèvrerie {f} :: gold plate, silver plate
orfèvrerie {f} :: the trade of making such things
orfévri {adj} [archaic] :: wrought, crafted
orfraie {f} :: white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
orfraie {f} :: osprey
orfraie {f} :: bird of ill omen
organe {m} [anatomy] :: organ (any part of the body)
organe {m} :: organ (official publication)
organe {m} :: subsystem [of mechanical parts]
organe {m} :: body [of an organization], organ
organe {m} :: voice
organelle {m} [cytology] :: organelle
organes génitaux {mp} [anatomy] :: genitals, genitalia
organicien {m} [chemistry] :: organic chemist
organicien {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organic chemistry (attributive)
organicisme {m} :: organicism
organiciste {adj} :: organicist
organigramme {m} :: organization chart, organigram (chart of reporting relationships in an organization)
organique {adj} :: organic (all meanings)
organiquement {adv} :: organically
organisateur {m} :: organizer, host
organisation {f} :: organization
Organisation des Nations Unies {prop} {f} :: United Nations Organization
Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord {f} :: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
organisationnel {adj} :: organizational
organisationnellement {adv} :: organizationally
organisation non gouvernementale {f} :: non-governmental organization (organization without government funding)
organisatrice {f} :: feminine noun of organisateur
organiser {v} :: to organise; to plan an event
organiser {v} :: to organise; to put something in a specific order
organiseur {f} :: organizer (hand-held micro-computer)
organisme {m} :: organism (all senses)
organisme {m} :: organisation
organiste {mf} :: organist
organite {m} [cytology] :: organelle
organo- {prefix} :: organo-
organoarsénié {adj} [chemistry] :: organoarsenic
organoboronique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organoboronic
organobromé {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organobromine (attributive)
organocatalyse {f} [organic chemistry] :: organocatalysis
organocatalyseur {m} [organic chemistry] :: organocatalyst
organochloré {adj} :: organochlorinated
organochloré {m} :: organochloride (chlorine substituted organic compound)
organoétain {m} [organic chemistry] :: organotin
organofluoré {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organofluorine (attributive)
organogenèse {f} :: organogenesis
organoiodé {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organoiodine (attributive)
organoleptique {adj} :: organoleptic
organoleptiquement {adv} :: organoleptically
organolithien {m} [organic chemistry] :: organolithium
organomagnésien {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organomagnesium (attributive)
organomercuriel {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organomercurial
organométallique {adj} [chemistry] :: organometallic
organoplombique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organolead
organostannique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organostannic
organozincique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organozinc (attributive)
organza {m} :: organza
orgasme {m} :: orgasm
orgasme multiple {m} :: multiple orgasm
orgasmique {adj} :: orgasmic (of or relating to orgasms)
orgastique {adj} :: orgastic
orge {mf} :: barley
orgeat {m} :: orgeat
orgeat {m} :: a drink made of orgeat syrup, diluted with water
orge perlé {m} :: pearl barley
orgiaque {adj} :: orgiastic
orgiastique {adj} [rare] :: orgiastic
orgie {f} :: orgy (group activity)
orgie {f} :: orgy (group sex)
orgie {f} :: orgy, load, ocean, score (large amount)
orgue {m} [musical instruments] :: organ
orgue de Barbarie {m} :: barrel organ
orgueil {m} :: pride; proudness; haughtiness, arrogance
orgueilleusement {adv} :: proudly; with pride
orgueilleux {adj} :: haughty, proud, arrogant
orgues {fp} [plurale tantum, music] :: organ
orgues {fp} [plurale tantum, geology] :: columns
Orianne {prop} {f} :: given name
oricha {m} :: orisha
oriental {adj} :: Eastern, of the east, of or relating to the Orient especially Asiatic, but most commonly to the Far East
orientalement {adv} :: orientally
orientaliser {v} :: to orientalise
orientalisme {m} :: orientalism
orientaliste {adj} :: orientalist
orientaliste {mf} :: orientalist
orientation {f} :: orientation
orientation sexuelle {f} :: sexual orientation
orienté {adj} :: orientated
orienté {adj} :: guided
orienter {v} :: to orientate
orienter {v} :: to set to north
orienter {v} :: to guide
orienteur {m} :: orienteerer
orienteur {m} :: school counselor
orienteuse {f} :: feminine noun of orienteur
orifice {m} :: an orifice
oriflamme {f} [historical] :: oriflamme
oriflamme {f} :: banner, standard
origami {m} [uncountable] :: origami (the Japanese art of paper folding)
origami {m} [countable] :: origami (piece of art made by folding paper)
origamique {adj} :: origamic (pertaining to origami)
origamiquement {adv} :: origamically (by means of origami)
origan {m} :: oregano (the plant)
origan {m} :: oregano (the herb)
originaire {adj} [followed by "de"] :: originating (from)
originairement {adv} :: originally, at first
original {adj} :: original
original {m} :: an unusual or eccentric person
original {m} :: an original manuscript
originalement {adv} :: originally
originalité {f} :: originality
origine {f} :: origin (start place)
origine {f} :: origin (place of creation)
origine {f} :: start, beginning
origine {f} [mathematics] :: origin
originel {adj} :: original (relating to or going back to the origin)
originellement {adv} :: originally
orignal {m} [Canada] :: moose
Orinda {prop} :: given name
oripeau {m} [archaic] :: shining copper blade
oripeau {m} [in the plural] :: rags
oriya {m} :: Oriya (language)
ORL {adj} :: abbreviation of otorhinolaryngologique (otolaryngological)
ORL {n} :: abbreviation of otorhinolaryngologie: ENT (otolaryngology)
ORL {n} :: abbreviation of otorhinolaryngologiste (otolaryngologist)
orle {m} [heraldiccharge] :: orle, bordure
orle {m} [architecture] :: orle
orléanais {adj} :: someone of or from Orleans
orléanais {adj} :: someone of or from Orléanais
Orléanais {m} :: The region of Orleans
Orléanais {m} :: The duchy of Orleans
Orléanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Orléanais
orléanisme {m} :: Orleanism
orléaniste {mf} :: Orleanist
Orléans {prop} :: Orléans (city)
orme {m} :: elm
ormeau {m} :: abalone (mollusc)
ormeau {m} :: (small) elm
orme de Sibérie {m} :: Siberian elm
ormiau {m} [regional] :: alternative form of ormeau
or mussif {m} :: mosaic gold
orne {m} :: manna ash (Fraxinus ornus)
Orne {prop} :: Orne (department)
Orne {prop} :: Orne (river)
ornement {m} :: show
ornement {m} :: ornament, embellishment
ornement {m} [figuratively] :: jewel
ornemental {adj} :: ornamental
ornementalement {adv} :: ornamentally
ornementation {f} :: ornamentation
ornementation {f} :: ornateness
ornementer {vt} :: to ornement
orner {v} :: to decorate, to adorn
ornière {f} :: rut (groove in a road)
ornière {f} [figurative] :: habit; routine
ornithochorie {f} [biology] :: ornithochory
ornithogale {f} :: star-of-Bethlehem (flowering plant of genus Ornithogalum)
ornithologie {f} :: ornithology
ornithologique {adj} :: ornithological
ornithologiste {mf} :: ornithologist
ornithologue {mf} :: ornithologist
ornithophilie {f} :: ornithophily
ornithopode {m} :: ornithopod
ornithorynque {m} :: platypus
or noir {m} [figuratively] :: black gold, petroleum
orogenèse {f} :: orogenesis
orogénique {adj} :: orogenic
orographie {f} :: orography
orographique {adj} :: orographic
orographiquement {adv} :: orographically
oromo {m} :: Oromo (language)
Oronce {prop} {m} :: given name
oronge {f} :: agaric
Oronte {prop} {m} :: Orontes (river)
orontien {adj} :: Orontian
Orontien {prop} {m} :: given name
oropharyngé {adj} [anatomy] :: oropharyngeal
orotique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: orotic
orpaillage {m} :: placer mining
orpailleur {m} :: gold prospector, gold panner, one who pans for gold
Orphée {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Orpheus
orphelin {m} :: orphan
orphelin {adj} :: orphaned
orphelinat {m} :: orphanage
orphéon {m} [music] :: choral society
orphéonique {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of a choral society
orphéoniste {mf} :: A member of a choral society
orphisme {m} :: Orphism
orphiste {mf} :: Orphist
orque {f} :: killer whale; orca
Orsay {prop} :: a commune in the Essonne department of Île-de-France
ORSEC {prop} :: initialism of organisation de la réponse de sécurité civile: French plans for dealing with disasters and emergencies, specifying the personnel, equipment, and techniques to be used
orteil {m} :: toe
ortho- {prefix} :: right
orthobasique {adj} :: orthorhombic
orthocère {adj} :: orthoceratid (attributive)
orthochromatique {adj} :: orthochromatic
orthocinèse {f} :: alternative form of orthokinèse
orthodentine {f} :: orthodentin
orthodiagraphie {f} :: orthodiagraphy
orthodontie {f} [surgery] :: orthodontics
orthodontiste {mf} :: orthodontist
orthodoxe {adj} :: orthodox
orthodoxe {adj} [religion] :: Orthodox
orthodoxe {mf} :: orthodox (person)
orthodoxement {adv} :: orthodoxly
orthodoxie {f} :: orthodoxy
orthodromie {f} :: orthodromic distance
orthodromique {adj} :: orthodromic
orthoédrique {adj} :: orthoedric
orthoépie {f} [phonetics] :: orthoepy
orthoépique {adj} :: orthoepic
orthogenèse {f} :: orthogenesis
orthogénétique {adj} :: orthogenetic
orthogénie {f} :: family planning
orthognathe {adj} :: orthognathous
orthogonal {adj} :: orthogonal
orthogonalement {adv} :: orthogonally
orthogonalisation {f} [maths] :: orthogonalization
orthogonaliser {v} [maths] :: To orthogonalize
orthogonalité {f} [maths] :: orthogonality
orthogone {adj} :: orthogonal
orthographe {f} :: orthography; spelling
orthographie {f} [architecture] :: orthography, orthographic projection
orthographie {f} [chiefly before 1900] :: obsolete form of orthographe
orthographier {v} :: to spell
orthographieur {m} :: orthographer
orthographieuse {f} :: feminine singular of orthographieur
orthographique {adj} :: orthographic, orthographical
orthographiquement {adv} :: orthographically
orthographiste {m} :: orthographist
orthohydrogène {m} :: orthohydrogen
orthokératologie {f} :: orthokeratology
orthokinèse {f} :: orthokinesis
ortholexie {m} :: good diction
orthologie {f} :: orthology
orthologique {adj} :: orthological
orthomoléculaire {adj} :: orthomolecular
orthomorphie {f} :: synonym of orthopédie
orthonormal {adj} :: orthonormal
orthonormaliser {v} :: To orthonormalize
orthonormé {adj} [maths] :: orthonormal
orthopantomogramme {m} :: orthopantomogram
orthopédie {f} :: orthopaedics
orthopédique {adj} :: orthopedic
orthopédiste {mf} :: orthopaedist
orthophonie {f} :: speech therapy
orthophoniste {mf} :: speech therapist
orthophosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: orthophosphoric
orthophotographie {f} :: orthophoto, orthophotograph
orthophotographie {f} :: orthophotography
orthopnée {f} :: orthopnoea / orthopnea
orthopnoïque {adj} :: orthopnoeic / orthopneic
orthopraxie {f} :: orthopraxy
orthoptère {m} :: orthopteran
orthoptéroïde {m} :: orthopteroid
orthoptie {f} :: orthoptics
orthoptique {adj} :: orthoptic
orthoptiste {mf} :: orthoptist
orthopyroxène {m} [mineral] :: orthopyroxene
orthorexie {f} :: orthorexia
orthorexique {adj} :: orthorexic
orthorhombique {adj} :: orthorhombic
orthorhombiquement {adv} :: orthorhombically
orthorhynque {m} :: Antillean crested hummingbird (Orthorhyncus cristatus)
orthorrhombique {adj} :: alternative form of orthorhombique
orthoscopie {f} :: orthoscopy
orthoscopique {adj} :: orthoscopic
orthose {f} [mineralogy] :: orthoclase
orthosexuel {adj} :: orthosexual
orthosie {f} :: orthosia (moth)
orthosiphon {m} :: orthosiphon
orthospermé {adj} [botany] :: orthospermous
orthostate {m} :: orthostat
orthostatique {adj} :: orthostatic
orthostatisme {m} :: orthostatism
orthosympathique {adj} :: orthosympathetic
orthotopique {adj} :: orthotopic
orthotrope {adj} :: orthotropic
ortie {f} :: nettle
ortolan {m} :: ortolan (small bird)
orvet {m} :: slowworm
Orville {prop} :: A placename
Orville {prop} :: Orville, Indre, France
Orville {prop} :: Orville, Orne, France
Orville {prop} :: A placename
Orville {prop} :: Orville, Côte-d'Or, France; (From the golden coloration found in the local wineries and their golden leafed grape vines)
orwellien {adj} :: Orwellian
oryctérope {m} :: aardvark
oryctognosie {f} [obsolete] :: oryctognosy
oryctologie {f} [obsolete] :: oryctology
oryctologique {adj} [obsolete] :: oryctological
-os {suffix} [slang] :: Slang ending of nouns, adjectives and adverbs; without changing the meaning
os {m} :: bone
oscarisé {adj} :: Oscar-winning
oscariser {vt} :: to award an Oscar to
oscillateur {m} :: oscillator
oscillateur de battement {m} :: beat frequency oscillator
oscillation {f} :: oscillation
oscillatoire {adj} :: oscillatory
osciller {v} :: to oscillate
osciller {v} :: to wobble
oscillo {m} [colloquial] :: oscilloscope
oscillographe {m} :: oscillograph
oscillographie {f} :: oscillography
oscillographique {adj} :: oscillographic
oscilloscope {m} :: oscilloscope
osculateur {adj} [geometry] :: osculating
oscule {m} [biology] :: osculum
-ose {suffix} [pathology] :: -osis, a functional disease or condition
-ose {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ose, a saccharide (simple sugar)
osé {adj} :: daring, risqué
Osée {prop} {m} [bible] :: Hosea
osef {interj} [internet slang, colloquial, vulgar, acronym] :: abbreviation of on s'en fout
oseille {f} :: [botany] sorrel
oseille {f} [colloquial] :: dough, dosh, bread (money)
oser {v} :: to dare
oser {v} [Switzerland] :: to be allowed to
oseraie {f} :: willow orchard
os ethmoïde {m} :: ethmoid bone
os frontal {m} :: frontal bone
os hyoïde {m} :: hyoid bone
oside {m} [carbohydrate] :: saccharide (especially a polymeric one)
osidique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: saccharidic
osier {m} [countable] :: osier (tree)
osier {m} [uncountable] :: wicker
osier {m} [tree] :: willow
-osité {suffix} :: -osity
os lacrymal {m} :: lacrimal bone
Oslo {prop} {f} :: Oslo (county/and/municipality/capital city)
osmanthe {m} :: osmanthus
osmazôme {m} :: osmazome
osmique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: osmic
osmium {m} :: osmium
osmiure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: osmide
osmolalité {f} [chemistry] :: osmolality
osmolarité {f} [chemistry] :: osmolarity
osmorécepteur {m} :: osmoreceptor
osmose {m} :: osmosis
osmotique {adj} :: osmotic
osmotrophie {f} [biology] :: osmotrophy
osmotrophique {adj} [biology] :: osmotrophic
os nasal {m} :: nasal bone
os occipital {m} :: occipital bone
os palatin {m} :: palatine bone
os pariétal {m} :: parietal bone
os pisiforme {m} :: pisiform bone
osque {adj} :: Oscan
osque {m} :: Oscan
Osque {mf} :: Oscan (person)
Osroène {prop} {f} :: Osroene
osroénien {adj} :: Osroenian
ossature {f} :: frame, structure, framework
ossature {f} :: bone structure
osséine {f} [protein] :: ossein
osselet {m} :: small bone; (of the ear) ossicle
osselet {m} :: jack, knucklebone
ossements {mp} :: bones, denuded of flesh
Ossète {mf} :: an Ossetian
Ossétie {prop} {f} :: Ossetia, a Caucasian region, ancestral home of the Ossetic culture
Ossétie du Nord {prop} {f} :: The Russian Caucasian region North Ossetia
Ossétie du Sud {prop} {f} :: The Georgian Caucasian region South Ossetia
Ossétien {m} :: Ossetian
osseusement {adv} :: osseously
osseusement {adv} :: bonily
osseux {adj} :: osseous
osseux {adj} :: bony
ossifier {v} :: to ossify (turn to bone)
osso buco {m} :: osso buco (Italian meat dish)
ossobuco {m} :: alternative spelling of osso buco
os sphénoïde {m} :: sphenoid bone
ossuaire {m} :: ossuary
ost {m} [archaic, literary] :: host, army
ostéide {m} :: osteoid
os temporal {m} :: temporal bone
ostendais {adj} :: Of or from Ostend
Ostende {prop} {m} :: Ostende (city)
ostensible {adj} :: apparent
ostensiblement {adv} :: ostensibly, apparently
ostensiblement {adv} :: conspicuously
ostensoir {m} :: monstrance (ornamental in which the consecrated host is placed for veneration)
ostentation {f} :: ostentation
ostentatoire {adj} :: ostentatious
ostentatoirement {adv} :: ostentatiously
ostéo- {prefix} :: osteo-
ostéoblaste {m} :: osteoblast
ostéocalcine {f} [protein] :: osteocalcin
ostéoclaste {m} [biology] :: osteoclast
ostéocolle {f} :: The coating of lime that builds up on objects suspended in a source of hard water
ostéodystrophie {f} :: osteodystrophy
ostéoformation {f} :: osteoformation
ostéogenèse {f} [physiology] :: osteogenesis
ostéoïde {adj} :: osteoid
ostéoïde {m} :: osteoid
ostéologique {adj} :: osteological
ostéolyse {f} [biology] :: osteolysis
ostéomalacie {f} [pathology] :: osteomalacia
ostéométrique {adj} :: osteometric
ostéomorphologique {adj} :: osteomorphological
ostéomyélite {f} [pathology] :: osteomyelitis
ostéon {m} [anatomy] :: osteon
ostéopathe {mf} :: osteopath
ostéopathie {f} :: osteopathy
ostéopathique {adj} :: osteopathic
ostéoplaste {m} [anatomy] :: osteoplast
ostéoporose {f} [pathology] :: osteoporosis
ostéotomie {f} [anatomy, surgery] :: osteotomy
ostiaire {m} [historical, Ancient Rome or archaic] :: porter, doorman, ostiary
ostie {f} [Quebec, vulgar] :: An expletive and intensifier for all purposes
Ostie {prop} {f} :: Ostia
ostracisation {f} :: ostracization
ostraciser {vt} :: to ostracize
ostracisme {m} :: ostracism
os trapèze {m} [skeleton] :: trapezium
os trapézoïde {m} [skeleton] :: trapezoid bone
ostréicole {adj} [attributive] :: oyster; oyster farming
ostréiculteur {m} :: oyster farmer
ostréiculteuse {f} :: feminine singular of ostréiculteur
ostréiculture {f} :: oyster farming
ostrier {m} :: hop hornbeam (of genus Ostrya)
ostrogoth {m} [colloquial] :: a barbarian, an uncivilized bigot
ostrogothique {adj} :: Ostrogothic
os zygomatique {m} :: zygomatic bone
-ot {suffix} :: A diminutive indicator for certain words, functioning similarly to the more common -et. Used for some names:
Ota {prop} :: surname
otage {mf} :: hostage
Otan {prop} :: alternative form of OTAN
OTAN {prop} {f} :: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
otarie {f} :: sea lion
-ote {suffix} :: suffix indicating provenance
-ote {suffix} :: feminine noun of -ot
-oter {suffix} [colloquial] :: Forming verbs from other verbs, with a diminutive or frequentative sense
ôter {v} :: to take away, remove
ôter {v} :: to take off, remove (clothes, etc.)
ôter {v} :: to remove, cut (text etc.); to take away (in arithmetic)
ôter {v} :: to take (something) away from someone; to deprive
ôter {vp} :: to move oneself, get out of the way
ôter une épine du pied {v} [à] :: [colloquial, figuratively] to get out of a tight spot, to help out of a jam; to take a weight off someone's shoulders; to be a relief
otique {adj} [anatomy] :: otic
otoconie {f} [anatomy] :: otoconium
otographie {f} [anatomy] :: otography
otographique {adj} [anatomy] :: otographic
otolithe {m} [anatomy] :: otolith
otolithique {adj} [anatomy] :: otolithic
otologie {f} :: otology (the branch of medicine that deals with the ear)
otologique {adj} :: otological
oto-rhino-laryngologie {f} [medicine] :: otorhinolaryngology
otorhinolaryngologie {f} [medicine, 1990 spelling reform] :: otorhinolaryngology
oto-rhino-laryngologique {n} [medicine] :: otorhinolaryngological
otorhinolaryngologique {n} [medicine, 1990 spelling reform] :: otorhinolaryngological
oto-rhino-laryngologiste {mf} [medicine] :: otorhinolaryngologist
otorhinolaryngologiste {mf} [medicine, 1990 spelling reform] :: otorhinolaryngologist
Otrante {prop} {m} :: Otrante (town)
Ottawa {prop} :: Ottawa (city)
Ottawa-Hull {prop} :: The National Capital Region (NCR) of Canada; former name of Ottawa-Gatineau
-otte {suffix} :: feminine noun of -ot; forming feminine nouns and adjectives, chiefly with diminutive effect
ottoman {adj} :: Ottoman
ottonien {adj} :: Ottonian
ou {conj} :: or
ou {conj} :: either...or
{adv} :: where (interrogative)
{adv} :: where (relative pronoun)
{adv} :: At that time; when
{adv} [poetic] :: whither
ouaf {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: woof, the sound of a dog's bark
ouagalais {adj} :: From or related to Ouagadougou
ouah {adv} [colloquial] :: yeah, yep, yup
ouah {interj} [colloquial] :: yeah, yep, yup
ouah {interj} [colloquial] :: wow!
ouah {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: woof, the sound of a dog's bark
ouaï {m} [slang, Marseille dialect] :: mess, chaos
ouaiiis {interj} :: whee
ouaille {f} :: ewe
ouaille {f} [in plural] :: flock (of sheep, or the people looked after by a Christian pastor)
ouaille {adv} [colloquial] :: yeah, yep, yup
ouaille {interj} [colloquial] :: yeah, yep, yup
ouaip {interj} :: yep
ouais {interj} [colloquial] :: yeah, yep, yup, yes, affirmative expression
ouais {interj} [colloquial] :: Used to express consent
ouais {interj} [dated] :: wow
ouais {interj} [colloquial] :: whoo (expresses joy)
Oualid {prop} {m} :: given name
ouananiche {f} [Canada] :: a wananish / winninish
oua-oua {interj} :: A representation of a dog's bark
ouaouaron {m} [Canadian, Louisiana French] :: bullfrog
ouate {f} :: cotton wool
ouaté {adj} :: quilted
ouaté {adj} :: muffled
ouate de phoque {interj} [humorous] :: what the hell
ouater {v} :: to cotton-wool (cover with cotton wool)
ouaterie {f} :: wool-making
ouateux {adj} :: woolly, soft like wool
Oubangui {prop} {m} :: Ubangi (river)
ou bien {conj} :: either (... or ...)
oubli {m} :: oversight (omission)
oubliable {adj} :: forgettable
oublie {f} :: wafer
oublie {f} :: (religion) host
oublié {adj} :: forgotten
oublier {v} :: to forget
oublier {v} :: to leave something behind by accident
oubliette {f} :: oubliette
oubliettes de l'histoire {fp} :: trash heap of history, ash heap of history
oublieusement {adv} :: obliviously
oublieux {adj} :: oblivious, forgetful (failing to remember)
ouch {interj} :: interjection expressing a sharp pain: ouch!
ouchanka {f} :: ushanka
oued {m} :: wadi (a valley, gully, or stream-bed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season)
Ouellet {prop} :: surname
Ouellette {prop} :: surname
ouest {m} :: west
Ouest {prop} {m} :: West (Western block, Western Europe)
ouest-asiatique {adj} :: Western Asian
ouest-nord-ouest {m} :: west-northwest (compass point)
ouest-quart-nord-ouest {m} :: west by north (compass point)
ouest-quart-sud-ouest {m} :: north-northwest (compass point)
ouest-sud-ouest {m} :: west-southwest (compass point)
ouf {interj} :: phew!, whew! (expressing relief)
ouf {adj} [slang] :: crazy; nuts
ouf {m} [slang] :: crazy person, nutter
Ouganda {prop} {m} :: Uganda
ougandais {adj} :: Ugandan
Ougandais {m} :: Ugandan (A person from Uganda or of Ugandan descent)
Ougandaise {f} :: feminine noun of Ougandais
ouguiya {m} :: ouguiya (currency of Mauritania)
ouh {interj} :: ooh, ouch
ouh {interj} :: booh, hiss
oui {adv} :: yes
oui {interj} :: yes
ouiche {f} [humorous] :: quiche
oui-da {interj} [archaic] :: yes indeed; in truth, assuredly
ouï-dire {m} :: hearsay
ouïe {f} :: hearing, audition
ouïe {f} :: gill (breathing organ)
ouïe {f} [musical instruments, lutherie] :: f-hole, sound hole
ouïghour {adj} :: Uyghur
ouïghour {m} :: Uyghur (language)
ouïgour {adj} :: alternative spelling of ouïghour
ouïgour {m} :: alternative spelling of ouïghour
Ouïgour {m} :: alternative spelling of Ouïghour
ouillage {m} :: ullage (topping up)
ouille {interj} :: ouch! ow!
ouiller {v} :: to add wine to a barrel to replace evaporated wine
ouiménon {adv} [colloquial] :: kinda
Ouimet {prop} :: surname
ouin {m} :: An expression of sadness (like crying) by making such a sound
ouip {interj} :: informal form of ouipe
ouipe {interj} [colloquial, neologism] :: Yep; yup
ouïr {v} [archaic] :: to hear
ouïr {v} [archaic] :: to listen
ouiski {m} [rare] :: alternative spelling of whisky
ouisqui {m} [rare] :: alternative spelling of whisky
ouisquie {m} [rare] :: alternative spelling of whisky
ouistiti {m} :: marmoset
ouistiti {interj} [photography] :: cheese
oukase {m} :: alternative spelling of ukase
Oulan-Bator {prop} {f} :: Ulan Bator
oule {f} :: cauldron, handleless earthen pot, marmite
oule {f} [geography] :: pothole, water cavity
oule {f} [geography, by extension] :: watercourse that contains such a pothole
oule {f} [by extension] :: town or village located near such a fluvial feature
ouléma {m} [Islam] :: A Muslim scholar
oulipien {adj} :: Of or relating to the Oulipo movement
Oulipo {prop} :: Ouvroir de littérature potentielle (workshop of potential literature): a loose gathering of (mainly) French-speaking writers and mathematicians who seek to create works using constrained writing techniques
OuLiPo {prop} :: alternative spelling of Oulipo
Ouo {prop} :: Ouo (town)
ouolof {m} :: alternative form of wolof
oups {interj} :: oops, whoops
ouragan {m} [weather] :: hurricane
Oural {prop} {m} :: Urals
ouraline {m} :: uranium glass
ouralo-altaïque {adj} :: Ural-Altaic
ouranien {adj} :: uranian
ouranien {adj} :: celestial
ouraque {m} [anatomy] :: urachus
ourdir {vt} :: to warp (set up a weaving frame)
ourdir {vt} [by extension, literary] :: to plot (set up a plan)
ourdophone {adj} :: alternative spelling of ourdouphone
ourdophone {mf} :: alternative spelling of ourdouphone
ourdou {m} :: the Urdu langue
ourdou {adj} :: Urdu (related to the Urdu language)
ourdouphone {adj} :: Urdu-speaking
ourdouphone {mf} :: An Urdu-speaking person
ourler {v} :: to hem
ourlet {m} :: hem
ourlet {m} [anatomy] :: rim, helix
ours {m} :: bear (animal)
ours {m} :: masthead (list of a newspaper's main staff)
ours blanc {m} :: polar bear
ourse {f} :: she-bear (a female bear)
ours en peluche {m} :: teddy bear (a stuffed toy bear)
oursin {m} :: sea urchin
oursinade {f} :: sea urchin meal or festival
ours mal léché {m} [colloquial] :: a roughneck, a gruff person, an ill-mannered person, a surly person
ours noir {m} :: black bear
ourson {m} :: cub; bear cub
oursonne {f} :: feminine noun of ourson
ours polaire {m} :: polar bear
-ouse {suffix} :: Forming feminine nouns of colloquial or slang speech (from other nouns)
ousque {adv} :: alternative form of oùsque
oùsque {adv} :: alternative form of (interrogative or relative)
Oussouriisk {prop} {m} :: Ussuriysk
oustachi {adj} :: Ustaše (attributive)
ouste {interj} :: shoo, begone, hop it!
oustiti {m} :: marmoset
oustiti {interj} [colloquial] :: cheese (used to make someone smile when posing for a photo)
oût {m} :: rare form of août
outaouais {adj} :: Of or from Outaouais
Outaouais {prop} :: Outaouais (region)
outarde {m} :: bustard
outarde {m} :: Canada goose
outardeau {m} :: The young of a bustard
outchitel {m} :: A tutor or teacher who is Russian
outil {m} :: tool (something designed to aid in a task)
outillage {m} :: equipment, tools
outillé {adj} :: equipped
outiller {vt} :: to equip; to tool up
outrage {m} :: offence, insult, contempt
outrage {m} [literary] :: onslaught
outrageant {adj} :: outrageous
outrageant {adj} :: offensive, insulting
outrager {v} :: to offend greatly, insult
outrager {v} :: to outrage
outrageusement {adv} :: outrageously
outrageux {adj} :: outrageous, over-the-top
outrance {f} :: extravagance
outrance {f} :: excess
outrancier {adj} :: outrageous
outrancier {adj} :: outre
outrancièrement {adv} :: outrageously
outre {f} :: goatskin, wine skin, water skin
outre {prep} :: as well as, besides, on top of
outré {adj} :: excessive
outré {adj} :: outrageous
outrecuidamment {adv} :: overweeningly, presumptuously
outrecuidance {f} :: presumptuousness, impertinence
outrecuidant {adj} [literary] :: overweening, presumptuous
outre-Manche {adv} :: across the Channel (i.e., in the UK)
outrément {adv} :: extravagantly
outrément {adv} :: unconventionally
outre-mer {adv} :: overseas
outre-mer {f} :: Collectively, the overseas territories (départements) of France, such as Guadeloupe and Réunion. Also called départements d'outre-mer or France d'outre-mer
outremer {m} :: ultramarine (color)
outremer {adj} :: ultramarine
outre mesure {adv} [literary] :: overly, overmuch, to excess, immoderately, unduly
Outremont {prop} :: Outremont
Outremont {prop} :: Outremont (borough)
Outremont {prop} [historical] :: Outremont (former city)
outrenoir {m} [arts] :: An artistic style involving endless depth of blackness, created by playing with the light reflected off the texture of the paint, and associated with the works of Pierre Soulages
outrepasser {v} :: to go beyond, exceed, overstep
outre que {conj} :: besides that
outrer {vt} :: to exaggerate
outrer {vt} :: to outrage
outre-tombe {m} :: afterlife
outsider {m} :: long shot, dark horse, outsider
ouvert {adj} :: open
ouvert d'esprit {adj} :: open-minded, broad-minded
ouvertement {adv} :: openly; overtly
ouverture {f} :: opening
ouverture {f} [music] :: overture
ouverture d'esprit {f} :: open-mindedness, broad-mindedness
ouvrable {adj} :: working, business (attributive)
ouvrage {m} :: work, labour
ouvrage {m} :: piece of work
ouvrage {m} :: work, oeuvre
ouvrage {m} :: book, volume
ouvragé {adj} :: elaborate (finely wrought)
ouvrage d'art {m} :: civil engineering structure, such as viaduct or tunnel
ouvré {adj} :: working, work (attributive)
ouvre-boîtes {m} :: can-opener, tin-opener
ouvre-bouteille {m} :: bottle opener (literally "open-bottle")
ouvrer {vit} :: to work
ouvreur {m} :: opener
ouvreur {m} :: forerunner
ouvreur {m} :: usher
ouvreur {m} :: a worker in papermaking, charged with drawing out the paste from the vat and spreading it evenly to make a sheet
ouvreur {m} :: a worker in glassmaking
ouvreur {m} :: a worker who fashions textile materials and prepares them for weaving
ouvreuse {f} :: feminine noun of ouvreur
ouvrier {m} :: worker, labourer (manual worker); workman
ouvrier {m} :: operator
ouvrière {f} :: feminine noun of ouvrier (female worker)
ouvrière {f} [zoology] :: worker (bee)
ouvriérisme {m} :: ouvrierism, workerism
ouvriériste {adj} :: ouvrierist, workerist
ouvriériste {mf} :: ouvrierist, workerist
ouvrir {vt} :: to open
ouvrir {vt} :: to begin
ouvrir {vr} [s'ouvrir, of a door, a gate] :: to open (become open)
ouvrir la marche {v} :: to lead the way
ouvrir la marque {v} [sports] :: to break the deadlock (to score the first goal in a match)
ouvrir la voie {v} [à] :: [figuratively] to pave the way for, to blaze the trail for
ouvrir le bal {v} :: open the ball (to begin operations; to set things in motion)
ouvrir le feu {vi} :: to open fire
ouvrir les yeux {v} [sur] :: [colloquial, figuratively] to wake up to (something), to wake up and smell the coffee
ouvrir les yeux {v} [à, ;, sur] :: [colloquial, figuratively] to open someone's eyes to (something)
ouvroir {m} :: workroom, sewing room
ouwarovite {f} :: alternative form of uvarovite
ouzbek {adj} :: Uzbek (of or pertaining to Uzbekistan or its people or culture)
ouzbek {m} :: Uzbek, the Uzbek language
Ouzbek {mf} :: Uzbek (a person)
Ouzbèke {f} :: feminine singular of Ouzbek
Ouzbékistan {prop} {m} :: Uzbekistan
-ouze {suffix} :: Forming feminine nouns of colloquial or slang speech (from other nouns)
ouzo {m} :: ouzo
ovaire {m} :: ovary
ovalaire {adj} :: oval (all senses)
ovale {adj} :: oval
ovale {m} :: oval
ovalène {m} [organic compound] :: ovalene
ovaliser {v} :: To ovalize
ovariectomie {f} [surgery] :: ovariectomy
ovarien {adj} :: ovarian
ovation {f} :: ovation
ovationner {vt} :: to cheer (give an ovation)
overbooker {v} :: to overbook
overdose {f} [medicine] :: overdose
Overijssel {prop} :: Overijssel
Ovide {prop} {m} :: Ovid
oviducte {m} [anatomy] :: oviduct, Fallopian tube
ovin {adj} :: ovine (of or relating to sheep)
ovin {m} :: ovine (a sheep)
ovipare {adj} :: oviparous (egg laying)
ovisme {m} :: ovism
oviste {adj} :: ovist
oviste {mf} :: ovist
ovni {m} [initialism] :: UFO
ovni {m} :: A person or product that is surprising and difficult to classify
OVNI {m} :: alternative form of ovni
ovniologie {f} :: ufology
ovniologue {mf} :: ufologist
ovocyte {m} [cytology] :: oocyte
ovogenèse {f} :: ovogenesis
ovogonie {f} [anatomy] :: ovogonium, oogonium
ovoïde {adj} :: ovoid
ovologie {f} :: ovology
ovologie {f} [by extension] :: embryology
ovologie {f} :: oology
ovotide {m} [biology] :: ootid
ovovitelline {f} [protein] :: ovovitellin
ovulaire {adj} [biology] :: ovular
ovulation {f} :: ovulation
ovule {m} :: ovum
ovuler {v} :: to ovulate
owénisme {m} :: Owenism
oweniste {adj} :: alternative form of owéniste
owéniste {adj} :: Owenist
owéniste {mf} :: Owenist
oxacide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxyacid
oxalate {m} :: oxalate
oxalhydrique {adj} [obsolete, organic chemistry] :: synonym of tartrique
oxalique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: oxalic
oxaloacétate {m} [organic chemistry] :: oxaloacetate
oxaloacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: oxaloacetic
oxalovinique {adj} [obsolete, organic chemistry] :: oxalovinic
oxalurique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: oxaluric
oxamique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: oxamic
oxanion {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxyanion
oxépane {m} [organic compound] :: oxepane
oxépine {m} [organic compound] :: oxepine
oxétane {m} [organic compound] :: oxetane
oxfordien {adj} :: Oxfordian, Oxonian
Oxfordien {m} :: Oxfordian, Oxonian
Oxfordienne {f} :: feminine noun of Oxfordien
oxide {m} :: obsolete spelling of oxyde
oxigène {m} :: obsolete spelling of oxygène
oxirène {m} [organic compound] :: oxirene
oxoacétate {m} [organic chemistry] :: oxoacetate
oxoacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: oxoacetic
oxoacide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxoacid
oxoéthane {m} [organic compound] :: synonym of éthanal
oxophile {adj} [chemistry] :: oxophilic
oxy- {prefix} :: oxy-
oxyacétylénique {adj} :: oxyacetylenic
oxychloration {f} [chemistry] :: oxychlorination
oxychlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxychloric
oxychlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxychloride
oxycodon {m} :: oxycodone
oxydable {adj} :: oxidizable
oxydable {adj} :: liable to rust
oxydant {m} :: oxidant
oxydant {adj} :: oxidant (attributive)
oxydase {f} [enzyme] :: oxidase
oxydatif {adj} [chemistry] :: oxidative
oxydation {f} [chemistry] :: oxidation
oxyde {m} [chemistry] :: oxide
oxyde blanc d'arsenic {m} :: white arsenic oxide, white arsenic
oxyde de carbone {m} :: carbon dioxide
oxyder {v} :: to oxidise
oxyder {vp} :: to oxidise
oxydoréduction {f} [chemistry] :: oxidoreduction, redox reaction
oxydule {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protoxide
oxyfluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxyfluoride
oxygénase {f} [enzyme] :: oxygenase
oxygénateur {m} :: oxygenator
oxygénation {f} :: oxygenation
oxygéné {adj} :: oxygenated
oxygéné {adj} :: bleached (with peroxide)
oxygène {m} :: oxygen
oxygéner {v} :: to oxygenate
oxygénique {adj} :: oxygenic
oxyhémoglobine {f} [biochemistry] :: oxyhemoglobin
oxyhydroxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxyhydroxide
oxymètre {m} :: oximeter
oxymore {m} :: oxymoron (figure of speech)
oxynitrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxynitride
oxysulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxysulfide / oxysulphide
oxytétrafluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: oxytetrafluoride
oxyure {m} :: pinworm
oyant {m} [judicial, legal] :: one who hears a case
-oyer {suffix} :: A suffix used to form some verbs, often with factitive effect
oz {symbol} :: oz
ozaphane {m} :: A form of cellulose acetate used as film stock
ozone {m} :: ozone (O3)
ozoner {v} :: to ozonate
ozoniser {v} :: to ozonize
ozonolyse {f} [chemistry] :: ozonolysis
ozonosphère {f} :: ozonosphere