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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-a

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
# English :: Catalan dictionary extracted from http://en.wiktionary.org/
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 38273 English glosses; 38565 Catalan translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
a- {prefix} (not, without, opposite of) :: a-
a {n} (name of the letter A, a) :: a {f}
Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: Aquisgrà {f}
Aalenian {prop} (subdivision of the Middle Jurassic epoch) :: aalenià {m}
Aalenian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Aalenian epoch) :: aalenià
aardvark {n} (mammal) :: porc formiguer {m}
aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) :: pròteles {m}
Aargau {prop} (canton) :: Argòvia {f}
Aaron {prop} (biblical brother of Moses) :: Aaró
Aaron {prop} (male given name) :: Aaró
abaca {n} (plant) :: abacà {m}
abaca {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp ::
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus ::
abacus {n} ((obsolete) table or tray scattered with sand for calculating or drawing) :: àbac {m}
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations) :: àbac {m}
abacus {n} (uppermost portion of the capital of a column) :: àbac {m}
abacus {n} (board, tray, or table for holding bottles, cups, etc.) :: àbac {m}
abaft {adv} ((nautical) on the aft side) :: a popa
abaka {n} (plant) SEE: abaca ::
abaka {n} (fiber/fibre) SEE: Manila hemp ::
abalone {n} (edible univalve mollusc) :: orella de mar {f}
abandon {v} (to give up control of, surrender) :: abandonar, deixar
abandon {v} (to leave behind or desert; to forsake) :: abandonar
abandon {v} (to cast out, expel, reject) :: abandonar
abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted) :: abandonat
abandonment {n} (act of abandoning) :: abandó {m}
abarognosis {n} (loss of the ability to estimate weight) :: abarognòsia {f}
abarthrosis {n} (diarthrosis) SEE: diarthrosis ::
abase {v} (to lower so as to cause pain or hurt feelings) :: humiliar
abasement {n} (the act of abasing) :: humiliació {f}, degradació {f}
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt ::
abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse) :: escorxador {m}
abbacy {n} (dignity, estate, or jurisdiction of an abbot) :: abadia {f}
abbatial {adj} (belonging to an abbey) :: abacial
abbess {n} (female superior of a nunnery) :: abadessa {f}
abbey {n} (monastery headed by an abbot) :: abadia {f}
abbey {n} (church of a monastery) :: abadia {f}
abbot {n} (superior or head of an abbey or monastery) :: abat
abbreviate {v} (to make shorter) :: abreujar, abreviar
abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) :: abreviatura {f}
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation ::
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet ::
ABC book {n} (primer) SEE: primer ::
abdicate {v} (to surrender or relinquish as sovereign power; to withdraw from filling or exercising) :: abdicar
abdicate {v} (to renounce a throne or other high office) :: abdicar
abdication {n} (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder) :: abdicació {f}
abdomen {n} (belly) :: abdomen {m}, buc {m}, panxa {f}, ventre {m}
abdomen {n} (cavity) :: abdomen {m}, buc {m}
abdominal {adj} (of or pertaining to the abdomen) :: abdominal
abdominal cavity {n} (hollow portion of the torso, containing abdominal organs) :: cavitat abdominal {f}
abduct {v} (to take away) :: raptar
abduct {v} (to draw away from its ordinary position) :: abduir
abduction {n} (law: wrongful carrying off of a human being) :: segrest {m}
abductor {n} (muscle) :: abductor {m}
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
abecedarium {n} (a book used to teach the alphabet) SEE: primer ::
abecedary {n} (the alphabet) :: abecedari {m}, beceroles {f-p}
Abel {prop} (biblical character) :: Abel
Abel {prop} (male given name) :: Abel {m}
Abelard {prop} (male given name) :: Abelard
abelian {adj} (math: of a group) :: abelià, commutatiu
aberrant {adj} (straying from the right way) :: aberrant {m} {f}
aberrant {adj} (deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal) :: aberrant {m} {f}
aberrate {v} (to deviate from; to go astray) :: aberrar
aberration {n} (act of wandering or deviation; abnormality) :: aberració {f}
aberration {n} (partial alienation of reason) :: aberració {f}
abhor {v} (to regard with horror or detestation) :: avorrir
abide {v} (abide by) SEE: abide by ::
abide by {v} (accept a decision or law and act in accordance with it) :: acatar
Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Ivory Coast) :: Abidjan
Abigail {prop} (biblical wife of David) :: Abigail
Abigail {prop} (female given name) :: Abigail
ability {n} (quality or state of being able) :: habilitat {f}, capacitat {f}
abiogenesis {n} (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) :: abiogènesi {f}, autogènesi {f}, generació espontània {f}
abiotic {adj} (Nonliving) :: abiòtic
abiotrophy {n} (premature degeneration) :: abiotròfia {f}
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
abjection {n} (a low or downcast condition) :: abjecció {f}
abjectly {adv} (in an abject fashion; with great shame; desperately) :: abjectament
abjure {v} (to renounce upon oath) :: abjurar
abjure {v} (to renounce with solemnity) :: abjurar
Abkhaz {adj} (of or pertaining to Abkhazia) :: abkhaz
Abkhaz {n} (person from Abkhazia) :: abkhaz {m}
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) :: abkhaz
Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) :: Abkhàzia {f}
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz ::
ablation {n} (amputation) :: ablació {f}
ablative {adj} (applied to one of the cases of the noun in other language) :: ablatiu
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case ::
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) :: ablatiu {m}
ablaze {adj} (on fire) :: rogent, cremant, ardent
ablaze {adj} (in a state of glowing excitement) :: rogent, cremant, ardent
able {adj} (permitted to) :: capaç
able {adj} (skillful) :: capaç
able {adj} (legally qualified) :: competent
-able {suffix} (able to be done) :: -able, -ible
able {adj} (healthy) SEE: healthy ::
able {v} (enable) SEE: enable ::
able-bodied {adj} (having a sound, strong body; physically competent; robust) :: robust
ableism {n} (discrimination against persons with disabilities) :: capacitisme {m}
ably {adv} (with great ability) :: hàbilment
abnegation {n} (denial; renunciation) :: abnegació {f}
abnormal {adj} (not conforming to rule or system) :: anormal
abnormal {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour that deviates from norms) :: anormal
abnormality {n} (state of being abnormal) :: anormalitat {f}
abnormality {n} (something abnormal) :: anormalitat {f}
abnormally {adv} (In an abnormal manner) :: anormalment
abnormalness {n} (abnormality) SEE: abnormality ::
abode {n} (omen) SEE: omen ::
abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) :: abolir, suprimir
abolition {n} (act of abolishing) :: abolició {f}
abolition {n} (abolition of slavery and the slave trade) :: abolició {f}
abolitionism {n} (opinion in favor of the abolition of something) :: abolicionisme {m}
abolitionist {n} (person who favors the abolition) :: abolicionista {m} {f}
abominable {adj} (hateful; detestable; loathsome) :: abominable
abominably {adv} (in an abominable manner) :: abominablement
abominate {v} (to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree) :: abominar
aboriginal {adj} (original; indigenous) :: aborigen
Aboriginal {n} (aboriginal) SEE: aboriginal ::
aborigine {n} (aboriginal inhabitant of a country) :: aborigen {m} {f}
abort {n} (miscarriage) :: avortament {m}
abort {v} (to miscarry) :: avortar
aborted {adj} (brought forth prematurely) :: avortat
abortion {n} (miscarriage) :: avort {m}, avortament {m}
abortion {n} (induced abortion) :: avort {m}, avortament {m}
abortion {n} (act of inducing abortion) :: avort {m}, avortament {m}
abortion {n} (the act of aborting a project, etc) :: avort {m}, avortament {m}
abortive {adj} (causing abortion) :: abortiu {m}, abortiva {f}, avortiu {m}, avortiva {f}
abortive {n} (a medicine) :: abortiu {m}
about {prep} (on the point or verge of) :: a punt de
about {prep} (concerning) :: sobre, de
about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) :: sobre
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) :: damunt
above {adv} (in a higher place) :: dalt
above all {prep} (of prime importance) :: sobretot
Abraham {prop} (prophet in the Old Testament) :: Abraham {m}
Abraham {prop} (male given name) :: Abraham {m}
abrasion {n} (act of abrading) :: abrasió {f}
abrasion {n} (medicine: superficial wound) :: abrasió {f}
abrasive {adj} (producing abrasion; rough) :: abrasiu
abreast {adv} (side by side) :: ensems
abridged {adj} (cut or shortened, especially of a literary work) :: abreujat, resumit
abroad {adv} (in foreign countries) :: a l'estranger
abroad {n} (countries or lands abroad) :: estranger {m}
abrogate {v} (to annul by an authoritative act) :: abrogar
abrogation {n} (act of abrogating) :: abrogació {f}
abrupt {adj} (extremely steep) :: abrupte
abrupt {adj} (without notice) :: abrupte
abrupt {adj} (having sudden transitions from one state to next) :: abrupte
abruptly {adv} (in an abrupt manner) :: abruptament
abruptly {adv} (precipitously) :: precipitadament
Abruzzo {prop} (region of central Italy) :: Abruços {m}
Absalom {prop} (male given name) :: Absaló
abscess {n} (cavity filled with pus) :: abscés {m}
abscissa {n} (first of two coordinates) :: abscissa {f}
abscission {n} (act of cutting off) :: abscisió {f}
abscission {n} (natural separation of a part of a plant) :: abscisió {f}
abscond {v} (to withdraw from) :: fugir, escapar-se, escapolir-se
abscond {v} (to hide (something)) :: abscondir, amagar, ocultar, escondir
absence {n} (state of being away) :: absència {f}
absence {n} (lack; deficiency; non-existence) :: absència {f}
absence {n} (inattention to things present) :: absència {f}
absent {adj} (being away from a place) :: absent
absent {adj} (not existing) :: absent
absent {adj} (inattentive) :: absent
absent {v} (to withhold from being present) :: absentar
absent-minded {adj} (absent in mind) :: distret
absent-mindedly {adv} (preoccupiedly) :: distretament
absinthe {n} (liquor) :: absenta {f}
absinthe {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: donzell {m}
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood ::
absolute {adj} (free from limitations or conditions) :: absolut
absolute {adj} (free from imperfection; complete in itself) :: absolut
absolute {adj} (pure; unmixed) :: absolut
absolute {adj} (fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things) :: absolut
absolute {adj} (grammar: not immediately dependent on the other parts of the sentence) :: absolut
absolutely {adv} (in an absolute manner) :: absolutament
absolute space {n} (physics) :: espai absolut {m}
absolute superlative {n} (absolute superlative) :: superlatiu absolut {m}
absolute time {n} (unchangeable time) :: temps absolut {m}
absolute zero {n} (coldest possible temperature) :: zero absolut {m}
absolution {n} (absolving or setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense) :: absolució {f}
absolution {n} (acquittal, or sentence of a judge declaring an accused person innocent) :: absolució {f}
absolution {n} (exercise of priestly jurisdiction in the sacrament of penance, by which Catholics believe the sins of the truly penitent are forgiven) :: absolució {f}
absolutism {n} (political science: absolute or arbitrary government; despotism) :: absolutisme {m}
absolutist {adj} (of or pertaining to absolutism) :: absolutista {m} {f}
absolutize {v} (to make absolute) :: absolutitzar
absolve {v} (to set free) :: absoldre
absorb {v} (to include so that it no longer has separate existence) :: absorbir
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) :: absorbir
absorb {v} (to consume completely) :: absorbir
absorb {v} (physics: to take up by chemical or physical action) :: absorbir
absorbency {n} (quality of being absorbent) :: absorbència {f}
absorbent {adj} (absorbing) :: absorbent
absorbent {n} (anything which absorbs) :: absorbent {m}
absorptance {n} (absorbed radiation) :: absortància {f}
abstain {v} (refrain from) :: abstenir-se
abstemious {adj} (refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink) :: abstemi
abstemious {adj} (marked by, or spent in, abstinence) :: abstemi
abstention {n} (the act of abstaining) :: abstenció {f}
abstersion {n} (the act of cleaning) :: abstersió {f}
abstersive {adj} (cleansing, purging) :: abstersiu
abstinence {n} (the act or practice of abstaining) :: abstinència {f}
abstinent {adj} (refraining from indulgence) :: abstinent
abstract {n} (an abridgement or summary) :: resum {m}, extracte {m}
abstract {n} (something that concentrates in itself the qualities of something else) :: xifra {f}
abstract {n} (an abstraction) :: abstracció {f}
abstract {adj} (apart from practice or reality; not concrete) :: abstracte
abstract {adj} (difficult to understand) :: abstracte
abstract {adj} (art: free from representational qualities) :: abstracte
abstract algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) :: àlgebra abstracta {f}
abstraction {n} (act of abstracting) :: abstracció {f}
abstractionism {n} (abstract art) :: abstraccionisme {m}
abstractionist {adj} (Related to abstract art) :: abstraccionista {m} {f}
abstractionist {n} (someone who paints or creates abstract art) :: abstraccionista {m} {f}
abstractionistic {adj} (abstractionist) SEE: abstractionist ::
abstract noun {n} (noun that denotes an abstract concept) :: nom abstracte {m}
abstract number {n} (number used without application to things) :: nombre abstracte {m}
absurd {adj} (contrary to reason or propriety) :: absurd
absurdism {n} (absurdity) SEE: absurdity ::
absurdity {n} (the quality of being absurd) :: absurditat {f}
absurdity {n} (an absurd action) :: absurditat {f}, absurd {m}
absurdly {adv} (in an absurd fashion) :: absurdament
absurdly {adv} (to an extreme degree) :: absurdament
Abuja {prop} (The capital city of Nigeria) :: Abuja
abulia {n} (absence of will-power or decisiveness) :: abúlia {f}
abulic {adj} (relating to abulia) :: abúlic
abundance {n} (ample sufficiency) :: abundància {f}
abundant {adj} (fully sufficient; plentiful) :: abundant
abundantly {adv} (in an abundant manner) :: abundantment, abundosament
Abundius {prop} (male given name) :: Abundi
abuse {n} (improper usage) :: abús {m}
abuse {v} (to use improperly) :: abusar
abuse {v} (to rape) :: abusar, violar
abuse {v} (to adulterate) SEE: adulterate ::
abusive {adj} (wrongly used) :: abusiu
abusive {adj} (practicing abuse) :: abusiu
abusively {adv} (in an abusive manner) :: abusivament
Abydos {prop} (ancient city in Egypt) :: Abidos
abysm {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
abyss {n} (hell, bottomless pit) :: abisme {m}
abyss {n} (bottomless or unfathomed depth) :: abisme {m}
abyssal {adj} (belonging to the ocean depths) :: abissal
abyssal plain {n} (expanse of flat ocean floor) :: plana abissal {f}
Abyssinia {prop} (historical name of Ethiopia) :: Abissínia
Abyssinian {adj} (of or pertaining to Abyssinia) :: abissini
Abyssinian {prop} (Amharic) SEE: Amharic ::
acacia {n} (shrub or tree) :: acàcia {f}
acacia tit {n} (Melaniparus thruppi) :: mallerenga de Somàlia {f}
academic {adj} (belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato) :: acadèmic
academic {adj} (belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning) :: acadèmic
academic {n} (Platonist) :: acadèmic {m}
academic {n} (senior member of an academy, college, or university) :: acadèmic {m}
academic {n} (person who attends an academy) :: acadèmic {m}
academically {adv} (in an academic style or way) :: acadèmicament
academician {n} (member of an academy) :: acadèmic
academicism {n} (A tenet of the Academic philosophy.) :: academicisme {m}
academicism {n} (A mannerism or mode peculiar to an academy.) :: academicisme {m}
academicism {n} (art: traditional or orthodox formalism.) :: academicisme {m}
academy {n} (learned society) :: acadèmia {f}
academy {n} (specialized school) :: acadèmia {f}
acajou {n} (wood from trees of Meliaceae family) SEE: mahogany ::
acajou {n} (cashew tree) SEE: cashew ::
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut ::
acalculia {n} (condition of lacking basic mathematical skills) :: acalcúlia {f}
acanthocyte {n} (spur cell) SEE: spur cell ::
acanthosis {n} (abnormal thickening of the stratum spinosum) :: acantosi {f}
acanthus {n} (ornament) :: acant {m}
accelerate {v} (to cause to move faster) :: accelerar
acceleration {n} (act or state) :: acceleració {f}
acceleration {n} (amount) :: acceleració {f}
acceleration {n} ((physics)) :: acceleració {f}
accelerator {n} (one who, or that which, accelerates) :: accelerador {m}
accelerator {n} (device for causing acceleration) :: accelerador {m}
accelerometer {n} (instrument for measuring acceleration) :: acceleròmetre {m}
accent {n} (stronger articulation) :: accent {m}
accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent) :: accent {m}, titlla {f}
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) :: accent {m}
accent {n} (prosody: stress on syllables of a verse) :: accent {m}
accent {v} (to emphasize) :: accentuar
accent {v} (to express the accent of) SEE: accentuate ::
accent {v} (to mark with written accents) SEE: accentuate ::
accent {n} (utterance) SEE: utterance ::
accentuate {v} (to pronounce with an accent) :: accentuar
accentuate {v} (to bring out distinctly) :: accentuar
accentuate {v} (to mark with a written accent) :: accentuar
accept {v} (to receive with consent) :: acceptar
accept {v} (to agree to) :: acceptar
accept {v} (to endure patiently) :: acceptar
accept {v} (to agree to pay) :: acceptar
accept {v} (to receive officially) :: acceptar
acceptability {n} (acceptableness) :: acceptabilitat {f}
acceptable {adj} (capable, worthy or sure of being accepted) :: acceptable
acceptably {adv} (in an acceptable manner) :: acceptablement
acceptor {n} (one who accepts) :: acceptant {m} {f}
access {v} (to gain or obtain access to) :: accedir
accessibility {n} (the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach) :: accessibilitat {f}
accessible {adj} (easy of access or approach) :: accessible
accessible {adj} (of a person, approachable) :: accessible
accessory {adj} (having a supplementary function) :: accessori
accessory {n} (that which belongs to something else deemed the principal, attachment) :: accessori {m}
accessory {n} (clothing accessory) :: accessori {m}
accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences) :: accident {m}
accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage) :: accident {m}
accident {n} (logic: quality or attribute in distinction from substance) :: accident {m}
accident {n} (grammar: property attached to a word) :: accident {m}
accidental {adj} (happening by chance) :: accidental
accidental {n} ((music)) :: accident {m}
accidentally {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) :: accidentalment
accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally ::
acclaim {v} (to shout applause) :: aclamar
acclaim {v} (to declare by acclamations) :: aclamar
acclimate {v} ((transitive, mainly US) to habituate to a climate not native; to acclimatize) :: aclimatar
acclimation {n} (acclimatization) SEE: acclimatization ::
acclimatization {n} (the act of acclimatizing) :: aclimatació {f}
accolade {n} (an expression of approval; praise) :: elogi {m}
accommodation {n} (adjustment of the eye) :: acomodació {f}
accompaniment {n} (music: that which gives support or adds to the background) :: segona {f}, acompanyament {m}
accompaniment {n} (that which accompanies) :: acompanyament {m}
accompany {v} (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition) :: acompanyar
accomplice {n} (associate in the commission of a crime) :: còmplice {m}
accomplice {n} (cooperator) :: còmplice {m} {f}
accordingly {adv} (agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable) :: apropiadament, tal com correspon
according to {prep} (based on statement) :: segons
accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) :: acordió {m}
accordionist {n} (player of the accordion) :: acordionista {m} {f}
accost {v} (to approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request) :: abordar
accost {v} (to speak to first, to address, to greet) :: adreçar-se
accost {v} (to solicit sexually) :: insinuar-se
account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions) :: compte {m}
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit ::
accountability {n} (state of being accountable) :: responsabilitat {f}
accountable {adj} :: responsable
accountably {adv} (in an accountable manner) :: responsablement
accountancy {n} (the profession of accounting) :: comptabilitat {f}
accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) :: comptable {m} {f}
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) :: comptable {m} {f}
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
Accra {prop} (capital of Ghana) :: Accra
accreditation {n} (giving of credentials) :: acreditació {f}
accrescent {adj} (botany) :: acrescent
accretion {n} (act of increasing by natural growth) :: acreció {f}
acculturate {v} (to be changed by acculturation) SEE: acculture ::
acculturation {n} (process by which the culture of an isolated society changes) :: aculturació {f}
acculturation {n} (process by which a person acquires the culture) :: aculturació {f}
acculture {v} (familiarize oneself with a new culture) :: aculturar
accumulate {v} (to pile up) :: acumular
accumulate {v} (to grow in number) :: acumular
accumulation {n} (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated) :: acumulació {f}
accumulation {n} (continuous growth of capital by retention of interest or savings) :: acumulació {f}
accuracy {n} (state of being accurate) :: exactitud {f}, precisió {f}
accurate {adj} (exact or careful conformity to truth) :: exacte, precís
accurately {adv} (exactly, precisely) :: exactament, precisament, acuradament
accusation {n} (act of accusing or charging with a crime) :: acusació {f}
accusation {n} (that of which one is accused) :: acusació {f}
accusation {n} (declaration of fault or blame against another) :: acusació {f}
accusative {adj} (producing accusations; accusatory) :: acusatiu
accusative {adj} (related to accusative case) :: acusatiu
accusative {n} (accusative case) :: acusatiu {m}, cas acusatiu {m}
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative ::
accusatory {adj} (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation) :: acusatori
accuse {v} (attribute blame to someone) :: acusar
accused {n} (defendant) :: acusat {m}, acusada {f}
accustom {v} (to make familiar by use) :: acostumar
accustom {v} (cohabit) SEE: cohabit ::
accustomed {adj} (familiar) :: acostumat
accustomed {adj} (inured to; adapted to existing conditions) :: acostumat
ace {n} (single point or spot on a card or die) :: as {m}
ace {n} (card with a single spot) :: as {m}
ace {n} (die face with a single spot) :: as {m}
ace {n} (tennis: point scored without the opponent hitting the ball) :: punt directe {m}
ace {n} (expert) :: [sports] as {m}
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot) :: as {m}
ace {n} (golf: hole in one) SEE: hole in one ::
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom ::
Aceh {prop} (language) SEE: Acehnese ::
Acehnese {prop} (language) :: atjeh, axinès
-aceous {suffix} (of, relating to, or resembling the thing suffixed) :: -aci
-aceous {suffix} (belonging to a taxonomic family or other group) :: -aci
acerbic {adj} (sour or bitter) :: agre {m}, aspre {m}, acerb {m}
acerbic {adj} (sharp, biting) :: agre {m}, aspre {m}, cruel {m}, acerb {m}
acerola {n} (fruit) :: acerola {f}
acesulfame K {n} (artificial sweetener) :: acesulfam K
acetabulum {n} (Roman Antiquities: Vinegar cup) :: acetàbul {m}
acetabulum {n} (Anatomy: bony cup that receives the head of the femur) :: acetàbul {m}
acetabulum {n} (Anatomy: Cavity in which the leg of an insect is inserted) :: acetàbul {m}
acetabulum {n} (Anatomy: Sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish) :: acetàbul {m}
acetabulum {n} (Anatomy: The large posterior sucker of the leeches) :: acetàbul {m}
acetaldehyde {n} (the organic compound CH3CHO) :: acetaldehid {m}
acetamide {n} (amide of acetic acid) :: acetamida {f}, etanamida
acetate {n} (salt or ester of acetic acid) :: acetat {m}
acetate {n} (transparent overlay sheet) :: transparència {f}
acetic {adj} (pertaining to vinegar) :: acètic
acetic {adj} (pertaining to acetic acid) :: acètic
acetic acid {n} (clear colourless organic acid, CH3COOH) :: àcid acètic {m}
acetify {v} (convert into acid or vinegar) :: acetificar
acetimeter {n} (an instrument) :: acetímetre {m}
acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) :: acetona {f}
acetyl {n} (univalent radical) :: acetil {m}
acetylene {n} (acetylene) :: acetilè {m}
acetylsalicylic acid {n} (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin) :: àcid acetilsalicílic {m}
Achaean {n} (an inhabitant of Achaea) :: aqueu {m}, aquea {f}
Achaean {adj} (Of or relating to Achaea) :: aqueu
acheilia {n} (liplessness) SEE: liplessness ::
achene {n} (small dry fruit) :: aqueni {m}
achievable {adj} (capable of being achieved) :: assolible
achieve {v} (to carry out successfully; to accomplish) :: acomplir
achieve {v} (to obtain, or gain as the result of exertion) :: obtenir, aconseguir
achievement {n} (act of achieving or performing) :: assoliment {m}, consecució {f}
Achilles {prop} (Greek mythical hero) :: Aquil·les {m}
Achilles heel {n} (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation) :: taló d'Aquil·les {m}
Achilles tendon {n} (strong tendon in the calf of the leg) :: tendó d'Aquil·les
achiote {n} (Bixa orellana) SEE: annatto ::
achiote {n} (seed) SEE: annatto ::
achiote {n} (dye) SEE: annatto ::
achoo {interj} (the sound of a sneeze) :: atxim
achromatic {adj} (optics: free from colour) :: acromàtic {m}
achromatic {adj} (containing components to prevent colour-related distortion) :: acromàtic {m}
achromatic {adj} (biology: uncoloured) :: acromàtic {m}
acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) :: àcid
acid {adj} (of or pertaining to an acid) :: àcid
acid {n} (a sour substance) :: àcid {m}
acid {n} (in chemistry) :: àcid {m}
acid {n} (LSD) :: àcid {m}
acidic {adj} (chemistry: having pH less than 7) :: àcid
acidic {adj} (mineralogy: containing a high percentage of silica) :: àcid
acidic {adj} (of or relating to acid) :: àcid
acidifiable {adj} (capable of being acidified) :: acidificable
acidification {n} (the act or process of making something sour (acidifying), or changing into an acid) :: acidificació {f}
acidify {v} (to make something acidic) :: acidificar
acidimeter {n} (instrument) :: acidímetre {m}
acidimetry {n} (measurement of the strength of acids) :: acidimetria {f}
acidity {n} (quality or state of being acid) :: acidesa {f}
acidness {n} (acidity) SEE: acidity ::
acidophilic {adj} (thriving under acidic conditions) :: acidòfil
acidosis {n} (abnormally increased acidity of the blood) :: acidosi {f}
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) :: pluja àcida
acidulate {v} (to make something slightly, or moderately acid) :: acidular
acknowledgment {n} (act of acknowledging) :: reconeixement {m}
acknowledgment {n} (expression of thanks) :: agraïment {m}
acolyte {n} (Catholic church: highest of the minor orders; ordained to carry wine, water and lights at the Mass) :: acòlit {m}
aconite {n} (herb wolfsbane) :: acònit {m}, tora {f}
acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree) :: gla {f}
A Coruña {prop} (city in Galicia) :: la Corunya {f}
acoustic {adj} (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) :: acústic
acoustic {adj} (producing or produced without electrical amplification) :: acústic
acoustic guitar {n} (hollow-body guitar) :: guitarra acústica {f}
acoustics {n} (quality of a space for doing music) :: acústica {f}
acoustics {n} (physics: a science of sounds) :: acústica {f}
acqua alta {n} (regular flooding in Venice) :: acqua alta {f}
acquaintance {n} (person) :: conegut {m}
acquaintanceship {n} (the state of being acquainted) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquaintanceship {n} (acquaintance) SEE: acquaintance ::
acquiescence {n} (silent or passive assent) :: aquiescència {f}, consentiment {m}
acquiescent {adj} (willing to acquiesce) :: aquiescent
acquirable {adj} (capable of being acquired) :: adquirible
acquire {v} (to get) :: adquirir
acquire {v} (to gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own) :: adquirir
acquisition {n} (act or process of acquiring) :: adquisició {f}
acquisition {n} (thing acquired or gained; an acquirement; a gain) :: adquisició {f}
acquisitional {adj} (relating to acquisition) :: adquisitiu
acre {n} (unit of surface area) :: acre {m}
acrimonious {adj} (angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies) :: aspre {m}, aspra {f}, mordaç
acrimony {n} (bitter hatred) :: acrimònia {f}
acrobat {n} (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) :: acròbata {m} {f}, equilibrista {m} {f}
acrobatic {adj} (of or pertaining to an acrobat) :: acrobàtic
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) :: acrobàcia {f}
acrogenous {adj} (increasing by growth from the extremity) :: acrogen
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) :: acromegàlia {f}
acromion {n} (outermost point of the shoulder blade) :: acromi {m}
acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) :: acrònim {m}
acronymization {n} (act of turning a phrase into an acronym) :: acronímia {f}
acropetal {adj} (that develops from the base towards the apex in sequence) :: acròpet
acrophobia {n} (fear of heights) :: acrofòbia {f}
acropolis {n} (promontory of Ancient Greek cities) :: acròpolis {f}
Acropolis {prop} (Athenian Acropolis) :: Acròpolis {f}
across {prep} (from the far side) :: a través de
acrostic {n} (poem or text in which certain letters spell out a name or message) :: acròstic {m}
acrylic {adj} (derived from acrylic acid or acrylonitrile) :: acrílic
acrylic {adj} (containing an acrylic resin) :: acrílic
act {n} (deed) :: acte {m}
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) :: acte {m}
act {v} (to perform a theatrical role) :: actuar
act {v} (to behave in a certain way) :: portar-se, comportar-se
act {v} (to have an effect on) :: actuar
act {v} (to feign) SEE: feign ::
actin {n} (a globular structural protein) :: actina {f}
acting {n} (occupation of an actor) :: actuació {f}
actinide {n} (one of a group of radioactive elements) :: actínid {m}
actinium {n} (chemical element) :: actini {m}
actinometer {n} (measuring device) :: actinòmetre {m}
actinomycosis {n} (infectious disease) :: actinomicosi {f}
action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) :: acció {f}
action {n} (way of motion or functioning) :: acció {f}
action {n} (fast-paced activity) :: acció {f}
action {n} (law: a charge) :: acció {f}
action at a distance {n} :: acció a distància {f}
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb ::
activate {v} (to put into operation) :: activar
activate {v} (to activate a software functionality) SEE: enable ::
activation {n} (making active) :: activació {f}
active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting) :: actiu
actively {adv} (in an active manner) :: activament
actively {adv} (in the active form) :: activament
activism {n} (practice of using action to achieve a result) :: activisme {m}
activist {n} (one who is politically active) :: activista {m} {f}
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist ::
activity {n} (state or quality of being active) :: activitat {f}
activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement) :: activitat {f}
actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) :: actor {m}, actriu {f} [actress]
actress {n} (female actor, see also: actor) :: actriu {f}
Acts {prop} (Book of Acts) SEE: Acts of the Apostles ::
Acts of the Apostles {prop} (fifth book of the New Testament) :: Fets {m-p}, Fets dels Apòstols {m-p}
actual {adj} (existing in act or reality, not just potentially) :: real
actual {adj} (in action at the time being) :: real
actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) :: de fet, en realitat
actuary {n} (maker of insurance calculations) :: actuari {m}
acuity {n} :: percepció {f}
aculeus {n} (prickle growing on the bark) :: aculi {m}
acumen {n} (quickness of perception) :: perspicàcia
acumen {n} (sharp, tapering point) :: acumen {m}
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture ::
acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) :: acupuntura {f}
acute {adj} (intense, sensitive, sharp, see also: intense; sensitive; sharp) :: agut
acute {adj} ((geometry) of an angle: less than 90 degrees) :: agut
acute {adj} ((medicine) of an abnormal condition of recent or sudden onset) :: agut
acute {adj} ((medicine) of a short-lived condition) :: agut
acute {adj} ((orthography) after a letter of the alphabet: having an acute accent) :: agut, tancat
acute angle {n} (angle measuring less than ninety degrees) :: angle agut {m}
acute-angled triangle {n} (acute triangle) SEE: acute triangle ::
acute triangle {n} (triangle all of the angles of which are acute) :: triangle agut {m}
acyclic {adj} (not cyclic) :: acíclic
acyl {n} (any of a class of organic radicals) :: acil {m}
acylation {n} (the process of adding an acyl to a compound) :: acilació {f}
AD {adv} (anno Domini) :: dC
Adam {prop} (first man in Abrahamic religions) :: Adam
Adam {prop} (male given name) :: Adam
Adam's apple {n} (Citrus medica) SEE: citron ::
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) :: nou del coll {f}
adapt {v} (to make suitable) :: adaptar
adapt {v} (to fit by alteration) :: adaptar
adapt {v} (to make by altering) :: adaptar
adapt {v} (to make oneself comfortable to a new thing) :: adaptar-se
adaptability {n} (quality of being adaptable; a quality that renders adaptable) :: adaptabilitat {f}
adaptable {adj} (capable of adapting or of being adapted) :: adaptable
adaptation {n} (process of adapting) :: adaptació {f}
adaptation {n} (change that is made or undergone) :: adaptació {f}
adaptation {n} (evolutionary theory: process of change) :: adaptació {f}
adaptation {n} (evolutionary theory: instance of change) :: adaptació {f}
adaptation {n} (process of adapting an artistic work) :: adaptació {f}
adaptation {n} (artistic work that has been adapted) :: adaptació {f}
adaptative {adj} (adaptive) SEE: adaptive ::
adapter {n} (one who adapts something) :: adaptador {m}
adapter {n} (device to allow compatibility (in general)) :: adaptador {m}
adapter {n} (device allowing plug to fit in an outlet of different type) :: adaptador {m}
adaptive {adj} (of, pertaining to, characterized by or showing adaptation; making or made fit or suitable) :: adaptatiu {m}
add {v} (to append, as a statement) :: afegir
add {v} (to make an addition) :: afegir
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) :: sumar
addedly {adv} (in addition) :: a més
adder {n} (viper) :: escurçó {m}
add fuel to the fire {v} (worsen a conflict) :: afegir llenya al foc
addict {n} (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug) :: addicte {m}
addiction {n} (the state of being addicted) :: addicció {f}
addictive {adj} (tending to cause addiction) :: addictiu
Addis Ababa {prop} (capital of Ethiopia) :: Addis Abeba
addition {n} (act of adding) :: addició {f}
addition {n} (thing added) :: addició {f}
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) :: addició {f}
additional {adj} (Supplemental or added to) :: addicional
additionally {adv} (by way of addition) :: addicionalment
additive {n} (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties) :: additiu {m}
address {n} (direction for letters) :: adreça {f}
address {v} (to refer to a location in computer memory) :: adreçar
adductor {n} (muscle) :: adductor {m}
add up {v} (be reasonable or consistent) SEE: make sense ::
Adelaide {prop} (female given name) :: Adelaida {f}
adenine {n} (base that pairs with thymine or uracil) :: adenina {f}
adenohypophysis {n} (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland) :: adenohipòfisi {f}
adenoid {n} (folds of lymphatic tissue covered by ciliated epithelium) :: adenoide {f}
adenoidal {adj} (pertaining to the adenoids) :: adenoïdal
adenoma {n} (benign tumour) :: adenoma {m}
adequate {adj} (equal to some requirement) :: adequat
adequately {adv} (in an adequate manner) :: adequadament
adequately {adv} (sufficiently) :: adequadament
adhan {n} ((Islam) The call to prayer) :: àdhan {m}
adhere {v} (To stick fast or cleave) :: adherir, adherir-se
adherent {adj} (adhesive) :: adherent, adhesiu
adherent {adj} (that has the quality of clinging) :: adherent {m} {f}
adherent {n} (a person who has membership in some group) :: adherent {m} {f}
adhesion {n} (ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance) :: adhesió {f}
adhesive {adj} (sticky) :: adhesiu
adhesive {adj} (clinging) :: adhesiu
adhesive {n} (substance that provides or promotes adhesion) :: adhesiu {m}
adhesive tape {n} (adhesive tape generally) :: cinta adhesiva {f}
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special ::
adiabatic {adj} (occurring without gain or loss of heat) :: adiabàtic
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adipate {n} (salt or ester of adipic acid) :: adipat {m}
adipic acid {n} (crystalline dicarboxylic acid) :: àcid adípic {m}
adipose {adj} (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat) :: adipós
adipose tissue {n} (tissue) :: teixit adipós {m}
adiposis {n} (accumulation of adipose tissue) :: adiposi {f}
adjacency {n} (the quality of being adjacent, or near enough so as to touch) :: adjacència {f}
adjacent {adj} (lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring) :: adjacent
Adjara {prop} (autonomous republic of Georgia) :: Adjària {f}
adjectival {adj} (functioning as an adjective) :: adjectiu
adjectivally {adv} (as an adjective) :: adjectivament
adjective {n} ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) :: adjectiu {m}
adjective {adj} (incapable of independent function) :: adjectiu
adjective {adj} (of a dye that needs the use of a mordant) :: adjectiu
adjective {adj} (adjectival) SEE: adjectival ::
adjourn {v} (to postpone) :: ajornar, posposar
adjourn {v} (to defer) :: ajornar
adjourn {v} (to end or suspend an event) :: suspendre
adjudicate {v} (to settle a legal case or other dispute) :: adjudicar, jutjar
adjudicate {v} (to act as a judge) :: jutjar
adjust {v} (to modify) :: ajustar
adjustable {adj} (capable of being adjusted) :: ajustable
adjustable spanner {n} (adjustable hand tool) :: clau anglesa {f}
adjustment {n} (result of adjusting, small change) :: ajust {m}, ajustament {m}
adminicle {n} (auxiliary) SEE: auxiliary ::
administer {v} (to cause to take by openly offering or through deceit) :: administrar
administer {v} (to work in an administrative capacity; to supervise) :: administrar
administer {v} (to minister to the sick) :: administrar
administrate {v} (administer) SEE: administer ::
administration {n} (the act of administering) :: administració {f}
administration {n} (the executive part of government) :: administració {f}
administration {n} (the act of administering or tendering something to another) :: administració {f}
administrative {adj} (of or relating to administering or administration) :: administratiu
administratively {adv} (in an administrative manner) :: administrativament
administrator {n} (one who administers affairs) :: administrador {m}, administradora {f}
administrator {n} (law: one to whom the right of administration has been committed) :: administrador {m}, administradora {f}
admirable {adj} (deserving of the highest esteem or admiration) :: admirable
admirably {adv} (in an admirable manner) :: admirablement
admirably {adv} (to an admirable degree) :: admirablement
admiral {n} (naval officer of the highest rank) :: almirall
admiralty {n} (office or jurisdiction) :: almirallat {m}
admiration {n} (adoration; appreciation) :: admiració {f}
admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight) :: admirar
admirer {n} (one who admires) :: admirador {m}, admiradora {f}
admiring {adj} (feeling or showing admiration) :: admirador
admissible {adj} (capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable) :: admissible
admission {n} (the act or practice of admitting) :: admissió
admission {n} (power or permission to enter) :: admissió
admission {n} ((law) acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another) :: admissió
admission {n} (a fact, point, or statement admitted) :: admissió
admonish {v} (warn or notify of a fault; exhort) :: amonestar
adobe {n} (unburnt brick) :: tova {f}
adolescence {n} (period between childhood and maturity) :: adolescència {f}
adolescent {adj} (characteristic of adolescence) :: adolescent
adolescent {n} (a teenager) :: adolescent {m} {f}
Adolf {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph ::
Adolph {prop} (male given name) :: Adolf
Adolphus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adolph ::
Adonis {n} (beautiful man) :: adonis {m}
adopt {v} (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) :: adoptar
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) :: adoptar
adoption {n} (act of adopting, or state of being adopted) :: adopció {f}
adoption {n} (choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so) :: adopció {f}
adoptive {adj} (related through adoption) :: adoptiu
adorable {adj} (befitting of being adored) :: adorable
adorably {adv} (in an adorable manner) :: adorablement
adoration {n} (an act of religious worship) :: adoració {f}
adoration {n} (admiration or esteem) :: adoració {f}
adoration {n} (the act of adoring) :: adoració {f}
adore {v} (worship) :: adorar
adorer {n} (someone who adores) :: adorador {m}
adrenal {n} (noun sense) SEE: adrenal gland ::
adrenal gland {n} (endocrine gland situated above the kidney) :: glàndula suprarenal {f}, glàndula adrenal {f}
adrenaline {n} (the compound epinephrine) :: adrenalina {f}, epinefrina {f}
adrenergic {adj} (containing or releasing adrenaline) :: adrenèrgic
Adrian {prop} (male given name) :: Adrià {m}
Adriatic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Adriatic) :: adriàtic
adrift {adj} (floating at random) :: a la deriva
adroit {adj} (dexterous) SEE: dexterous ::
adsorb {v} (to accumulate on a surface) :: adsorbir
adsorption {n} (process of forming a film on the surface of a solid) :: adsorció {f}
adulation {n} (Flattery; fulsome praise) :: adulació {f}
adult {n} (fully grown human) :: adult {m}, adulta {f}
adult {adj} (fully grown) :: adult
adulter {v} (adulterate) SEE: adulterate ::
adulterate {v} (corrupt) :: adulterar
adulterate {v} (spoil by adding impurities) :: adulterar
adulterate {v} (commit adultery) :: adulterar
adulterer {n} (husband or wife who commits adultery) :: adúlter {m}, adúltera {f}
adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) :: adulteri {m}
advantage {n} (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success) :: avantatge {m}
advantage {n} (superiority; mastery) :: avantatge {m}
advantage {n} (superiority of state, or that which gives it) :: benefici {m}
advantage {n} (the score where one player wins a point after deuce) :: avantatge {m}
advantageous {adj} (being of advantage, see also: beneficial) :: avantatjós
advantageously {adv} (in an advantageous manner) :: avantatjosament
advection {n} (The horizontal movement of a body of atmosphere (or other fluid) along with a concurrent transport of its temperature, humidity etc.) :: advecció {f}
advent {n} (Christianity) SEE: Advent ::
Advent {prop} (coming of the Christ) :: Advent {m}
Advent {prop} (season before Christmas) :: Advent {m}
Advent calendar {n} (calendar used to count down the days of Advent) :: calendari d'advent {m}
adventitious {adj} (from an external source) :: exogen
adventitious {adj} (accidental, additional, appearing casually) :: adventici
adventitious {adj} (genetics, medicine: not congenital) :: aquirit
adventitious {adj} (biology: developing in an unusual place or from an unusual source) :: adventici ectòpic
adventure {n} (encountering of risks) :: aventura {f}
adventure {n} (remarkable occurrence) :: aventura
adventure {n} (that which happens without design) :: aventura {f}
adventurer {n} (one who enjoys adventures) :: aventurer {m}
adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure) :: aventurer
adverb {n} (lexical category) :: adverbi {m}
adverbial {adj} (of or relating to an adverb) :: adverbial
adverbially {adv} (as an adverb) :: adverbialment
adversary {n} (opponent) :: adversari {m}, adversària {f}
adverse {adj} (unfavourable) :: advers
adverse {adj} (contrary, hostile) :: advers
adverse {adj} (opposite) :: advers
adversity {n} (state of being adverse) :: adversitat {f}
adversity {n} (adverse event) :: adversitat {f}
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement ::
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation) :: anunci {m}
advertiser {n} (one who advertises) :: anunciant {m} {f}
advertising {n} (communication) :: publicitat {f}
advertising {n} (industry or profession) :: publicitat {f}
advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) :: consell {m}
advisable {adj} (worthy of being recommended) :: aconsellable
advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) :: aconsellar
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor ::
advisor {n} :: assessor, conseller {m}
advocate {n} (person who argues the case of another) :: advocat {m}
advocate {v} (encourage support for) :: advocar
Adygea {prop} (republic of south-west Russia) :: Adiguèsia {f}
adynaton {n} (form of hyperbole that expresses impossibility) :: adínaton {f}
adytum {n} (innermost sanctuary or shrine in an ancient temple) :: àditon {m}
adze {n} (cutting tool) :: aixa {f}
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea ::
Aegean {adj} (of or relating to the Aegean Sea) :: egeu
Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: Mar Egea
aegis {n} (mythological shield) :: ègida {f}
aegis {n} (guidance, protection) :: ègida {f}
-aemia {suffix} (condition of the blood) :: -èmia {f}
Aeneas {prop} (Trojan hero) :: Enees {m}
Aeneid {prop} (Classic epic poem that tells the story of Aeneas fleeing Troy and settling in Italy.) :: Eneida {f}
aeolian {adj} (of, or relating to the wind) :: eòlic
aeolian {adj} (carried, deposited or eroded by the wind) :: eòlic
Aeolus {prop} (character in Greek mythology) :: Èol {m}
aerial {adj} (taking place in the air) :: aeri
aerial {adj} (ethereal) :: aeri
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) :: antena {f}
aero- {prefix} (air; aircraft) :: aero-
aerobe {n} (organism that can tolerate the presence of oxygen) :: aerobi {m}
aerobic {adj} (living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen) :: aeròbic
aerobic {adj} (involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body) :: aeròbic
aerobic {adj} (of or relating to aerobics) :: aeròbic
aerobiology {n} (study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials) :: aerobiologia {f}
aerodrome {n} (airfield) :: aeròdrom {m}
aerodynamic {adj} (aerodynamic) :: aerodinàmi
aerodynamics {n} (The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) :: aerodinàmica {f}
aerology {n} (branch of meteorology) :: aerologia {f}
aerometer {n} (instrument used to measure mass and density of gases) :: aeròmetre {m}
aeronautics {n} (mechanics and science of aircraft) :: aeronàutica {f}
Aeronian {prop} :: Aeronià
aerophone {n} (musical instrument) :: aeròfon {m}
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane ::
aerosol {n} (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium) :: aerosol {m}
aerosol {n} (physics: colloidal system with gas as dispersal medium) :: aerosol {m}
aerospatial {adj} (of or pertaining to aerospace) :: aeroespacial
aerostat {n} (aircraft) :: aeròstat {m}
aerostatic {adj} (pneumatic) SEE: pneumatic ::
aerostatics {n} (study of gases in equilibrium) :: aerostàtica {f}
aerothorax {n} (pneumothorax) SEE: pneumothorax ::
aerotrain {n} (train that is supported on a cushion of air) :: aerotrèn {m}
Aeschylus {prop} (Greek tragedian) :: Èsquil {m}
Aesculapian snake {n} (a European species of nonvenomous snake, Zamenis longissimus, syn. Coluber longissimus, associated with Aesculapius in Ancient Greek mythology) :: serp d'Esculapi {m}
aesir {n} (Æsir) SEE: Æsir ::
aesthete {n} (someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature) :: esteta {m} {f}
aesthetic {adj} (concerned with beauty) :: estètic
aesthetic {n} (the study of art or beauty) SEE: aesthetics ::
aesthetically {adv} (in an aesthetic manner) :: estèticament
aestheticism {n} (doctrine which holds aesthetics as the highest ideal) :: esteticisme {m}
aesthetics {n} (study or philosophy of beauty) :: estètica {f}
Aether {prop} (Greek primordial deity) :: Èter {m}
aetiology {n} (study of causes or origins) :: etiologia {f}
aeviternity {n} (midpoint between time and eternity) :: eviternitat {f}
afar {adv} (at, to or from a great distance) :: lluny, al lluny, a la llunyania
Afar {prop} (language) :: àfar
affability {n} (state or quality of being affable) :: afabilitat {f}
affair {n} (that which is done or is to be done) :: afer {m}
affect {v} (to influence or alter) :: afectar
affect {n} (psychology: feeling in response to a stimulus) :: afecte {m}
affectable {adj} (able to be affected) :: afectable
affection {n} (act of affecting) :: afecte {m}
affection {n} (feeling of love or strong attachment) :: afecte {m}
affection {n} (morbid symptom) :: afecció {f}
affectionate {adj} (loving) :: afectuós
affectionate {adj} (indicating love) :: afectuós
affectionately {adv} (in an affectionate manner) :: afectuosament
affective {adj} (relating to, resulting from, or influenced by the emotions) :: afectiu
affective {adj} (emotional; emotionally charged) :: afectiu
affidavit {n} (legal, signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement) :: afidàvit {m}
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt ::
affine space {n} (vector space having no origin) :: espai afí {m}
affinity {n} (family relationship through marriage of a relative) :: afinitat {f}
affinity {n} (attraction between atoms) :: afinitat {f}
affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation ::
affirmation {n} (that which is affirmed) :: afirmació {f}
affirmation {n} (autosuggestion) :: autosuggestió {f}
affirmative {adj} (pertaining to truth) :: afirmatiu
affirmative {n} (answer that shows agreement or acceptance) :: afirmativa {f}
affirmatively {adv} (In an affirming manner) :: afirmativament
affix {n} (that which is affixed) :: afix {m}
affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) :: afix {m}
affix {n} (suffix) SEE: suffix ::
afford {v} (to incur, stand, or bear) :: permetre's
afforest {v} (make into a forest) :: aforestar
affray {n} (a sudden assault or quarrel) :: brega {f}
affricate {n} (sound) :: africada {f}
affront {n} (open or intentional offense, slight, or insult) :: afront {m}, ofensa {f}
Afghan {n} (person from Afghanistan) :: afganès {m}, afganesa {f}
Afghan {adj} (pertaining to Afghanistan) :: afganès
Afghan hound {n} (Afghan Hound) SEE: Afghan Hound ::
Afghan Hound {n} (Afghan Hound) :: llebrer afganès {m}
Afghani {n} (citizen or native of Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
Afghani {adj} (relating to Afghanistan) SEE: Afghan ::
Afghanistan {prop} (country) :: l’Afganistan {m}
aflatoxin {n} (poison) :: aflatoxina {f}
afoot {adv} (means of locomotion, walking) :: a peu
afoot {adv} (support of the body, standing) :: dempeus
afoot {adv} (in progress) :: en curs
aforementioned {adj} (previously mentioned) :: abans esmentat, ja esmentat
afraid {adj} (impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive) :: amb por
Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe) :: Àfrica {f}
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans ::
African {adj} (of or pertaining to Africa) :: africà
African {n} (a native of Africa) :: africà {m}, africana {f}
African American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
African-American {n} (A black American) :: afroamericà {m}
African blue tit {n} (Cyanistes teneriffae) :: mallerenga africana {f}
Africanism {n} (Eurocentric representation of Africans) :: africanisme {m}
Afrikaans {prop} (language) :: afrikaans
Afro- {prefix} (African) :: afro-
Afro-American {n} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
Afro-American {adj} (African-American) SEE: African-American ::
after {adv} (behind; later in time; following) :: més tard, després, acabat, en acabat
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) :: després de, acabat de, en acabat de
after {prep} (next in importance or rank) :: després de
after {conj} (Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause) :: després que, acabat que, en acabat que
after all {prep} (in the end; anyway) :: al capdavall
afterbrain {n} (part of brain) :: mielencèfal
afterfeather {n} (downy lower barbs of a feather) :: hiporaquis {m}
afterlife {n} (life after death) :: més enllà {m}, inframón {m}, ultratomba {f}
afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening) :: tarda {f}, vesprada {f}, horabaixa {f}
aftershave {n} (lotion, gel or liquid) :: loció postafaitat {f}
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards ::
afterwards {adv} (at a later or succeeding time) :: després
afterword {n} (appendix) SEE: appendix ::
afterword {n} (postscript) SEE: postscript ::
again {adv} (another time) :: una altra vegada, de nou, un altre cop
against {prep} (in a contrary direction to) :: contra
against {prep} (in front of; before a background) :: davant
against {prep} (in physical contact with) :: contra
against {prep} (in opposition to) :: en contra
against {prep} (in competition with) :: en contra
agamic {adj} (occurring without the union of male and female gametes) :: agàmic
agate {n} (mineral) :: àgata {f}
Agatha {prop} (female given name) :: Àgata {f}, Àgueda {f}
agave {n} (genus) :: atzavara {f}, agave {f}
age {n} (century) SEE: century ::
age {n} (whole duration of a being) :: edat {m}
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) :: edat {f}
age {v} (intransitive: become old) :: envellir
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity ::
ageful {adj} (aged, old) SEE: elderly ::
agency {n} (capacity of acting or of exerting power) :: agència {f}
agency {n} (office of an agent, or relation between a principal and his agent) :: agència {f}
agency {n} (establishment engaged in doing business for another) :: agència {f}
agenda {n} (temporally organized plan) :: agenda {f}
agenda {n} (list of matters to be taken up) :: ordre del dia {m}
agenda {n} (agenda book; notebook for organizing and planning) :: agenda {f}
agent {n} (one who acts in place of another) :: agent {m}
agent {n} (active power or cause) :: agent {m}
agent {n} (grammar: performer of the action in a sentence) :: agent {m}
Agent Orange {prop} (herbicide) :: agent taronja {m}
ages {n} (a long time) :: anys i panys
ageusia {n} (loss of the sense of taste) :: agèusia {f}
agglutination {n} (combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning) :: aglutinació {f}
aggravate {v} (To make worse, or more severe) :: agreujar
aggravate {v} (To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate) :: irritar
aggression {n} (act of initiating hostilities or invasion) :: agressió {f}
aggressive {adj} (tending or disposed to aggress) :: agressiu
aggressively {adv} (in an aggressive manner) :: agressivament
aggressiveness {n} (state or quality being aggressive) :: agressivitat {f}
agha {n} (an honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries) :: agà
aghast {adj} (terrified) :: horroritzat
agile {adj} (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) :: àgil
agilely {adv} (in an agile manner) :: àgilment
agility {n} (quality of being agile) :: agulla {f}, agilitat {f}
aging {n} (the process of becoming older or more mature) :: envelliment {m}
aglet {n} (cover of a shoelace) SEE: aiglet ::
agnate {n} (relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family) :: agnat {m}
agnathan {n} (member of the superclass Agnatha of jawless vertebrates) :: àgnat {m}
Agnes {prop} (female given name) :: Agnès
agnosia {n} (inability to recognize objects) :: agnòsia {f}
agnostic {adj} (of or relating to agnosticism) :: agnòstic
agnostic {n} (one who holds to a form of agnosticism.) :: agnòstic {m}
agnosticism {n} (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) :: agnosticisme {m}
agnotology {n} (promotion of inaccurate or misleading scientific data) :: agnotologia {f}
Agnus Dei {n} (part of the Mass; music to which it is set) :: agnus-dei {m}
Agnus Dei {n} (model or picture of a lamb with a cross) :: agnus-dei {m}
ago {adv} (past; gone by; since) :: fa
agonize {v} (to writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.) :: agonitzar
agora {n} (a marketplace) :: àgora {f}
agoraphobia {n} (fear of open spaces) :: agorafòbia {f}
agoraphobic {adj} (pertaining to agoraphobia) :: agorafòbic
agorism {n} (philosophy that advocates the creation of a voluntaryist society through counter-economics) :: agorisme {m}
agouti {n} (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) :: agutí {m}
agrarian {adj} (relating to the cultivation of land) :: agrari
agree {v} (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) :: acordar
agreeable {adj} (pleasing) :: agradable
agreeable {adj} (willing; ready to agree or consent) :: tractable
agreeably {adv} (in an agreeable manner) :: agradablement
agreed {interj} (interjection that expresses agreement) :: d'acord
agreement {n} (understanding to follow a course of conduct) :: acord {m}, pacte {m}
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view) :: acord {m}
agreement {n} (legally binding contract) :: contracte {m}, conveni {m}, acord {m}
agreement {n} (grammatical agreement) :: concordança {f}
agricultural {adj} (of or pertaining to agriculture) :: agrícola {m} {f}
agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground) :: agricultura {f}
agriculturist {n} (one who practices agriculture, a farmer, a gardener) :: agricultor {m}, agricultora {f}
agriculturist {adj} (of or pertaining to agriculture or agriculturists) :: agrícola
Agrigento {prop} (province and city in Sicily) :: Agrigent {f}
agrimony {n} (plant of the genus Agrimonia) :: agrimònia {f}
agro- {prefix} (agriculture) :: agro-
agronomist {n} (scientist specialized in agronomy) :: agrònom {m}
agronomy {n} (science of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more) :: agronomia {f}
aground {adv} (resting on the bottom) :: encallat
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria ::
ahead {adv} (in or to the front) :: en front de, al davant de
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) :: sida {f}, SIDA {f}
aiglet {n} (tip on a ribbon or cord) :: capçat {m}
ailanthus {n} (any of several deciduous Asiatic trees of the genus Ailanthus) :: ailant {m}
aileron {n} (Hinged part on trailing edge of airplane wing) :: aleró {m}
ailing {adj} (sick) :: malalt
ailuro- {prefix} (prefix meaning “cat”) :: aeluro-, ailuro-
ailurophobia {n} (irrational fear or hatred for cats) :: aelurofòbia {f}, ailurofòbia {f}
aim {v} (to point or direct a missile weapon) :: apuntar
aim {v} (to direct the intention or purpose) :: apuntar
Ainu {prop} (language) :: ainu {m}
aioli {n} (A type of sauce made from garlic, egg, lemon juice and olive oil) :: allioli
air {v} (to bring into contact with the air) :: airejar
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) :: aire
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) :: aire {m}
airbag {n} (protective system in automobiles) :: coixí de seguretat {m}, airbag {m}
air bladder {n} (swim bladder) SEE: swim bladder ::
airborne {adj} (carried by the air) :: transportat per l'aire
airbrush {n} (handheld paint sprayer powered by compressed air) :: aerògraf {m}
air conditioning {n} (the state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner) :: condicionament de l'aire {m}
air conditioning {n} (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners, see also: air conditioner) :: aire condicionat {m}
aircraft {n} (machine capable of atmospheric flight) :: aeronau {f}
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) :: portaavions {m}
airer {n} (clotheshorse) SEE: clotheshorse ::
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing ::
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) :: força aèria {f}
air hostess {n} (female flight attendant) SEE: stewardess ::
airing {n} (exposure to warm or fresh air) :: aireig {m}
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) :: aerolínia {f}
airliner {n} (passenger aircraft) :: avió de línia {m}
airplane {n} (powered aircraft) :: avió {m}
airport {n} (place designated for airplanes) :: aeroport {m}
airship {n} (aircraft) SEE: aircraft ::
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible ::
airtight {adj} (impermeable to air or other gases) :: hermètic
airtight {adj} (having no weak points or flaws) :: hermètic
airway {n} (windpipe) SEE: windpipe ::
airway {n} (trachea) SEE: trachea ::
aisle {n} (wing of a building, notably in a church) :: nau {f}
aisle {n} (clear path through rows of seating) :: passadís {m}, corredor {m}
aitch {n} (name of the letter H, h) :: hac {f}
Ajar {n} (member of an ethnographic group of Georgians) :: adjar {m} {f}
Ajax {prop} (either of two heroes of the Trojan War) :: Àiax {m}
Akan {prop} (Niger-Congo language) :: àkan {m}
Akhenaten {prop} (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) :: Akhenaton
akimbo {adj} (with a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward) :: en gerres
akin {adj} (of the same kind; similar) :: semblant {m} {f}
akinete {n} (a thick-walled, dormant cell found in cyanobacteria and green algae) :: acinet {m}
Akkadian {prop} (Semitic language) :: accadi
alabaster {n} (variety of gypsum) :: alabastre {m}
alabaster {adj} (made of alabaster) :: alabastrí
alabastron {n} (type of vase) :: alabastre {m}
Alan {prop} (male given name) :: Alà
Alan {n} (member of a Sarmatian tribe) :: alà {m}, alana {f}
al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) :: Al-Àndalus
Alania {prop} (medieval kingdom of Alans) :: Alània {f}
alanine {n} (nonessential amino acid; C3H7NO2) :: alanina {f}
Alaric {prop} (king of Visigoths) :: Alaric {m}
Alaric {prop} (male given name) :: Alaric {m}
alarm {n} (summons to arms) :: alarma {f}
alarm {n} (notice of approaching danger) :: alarma {f}
alarm {n} (sudden surprise with fear or terror) :: alarma {f}
alarm {n} (mechanical contrivance for awaking) :: despertador {m}
alarm {v} (to call to arms) :: alarmar
alarm {v} (to give notice (by sound or otherwise) of approaching danger) :: alarmar
alarm {v} (to surprise with apprehension of danger) :: alarmar
alarm {v} (to keep in excitement; to disturb) :: alarmar
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) :: despertador {m}
alarmed {adj} (worried) SEE: worried ::
alarming {adj} (causing alarm) :: alarmant
alarmism {n} (production of needless alarms) :: alarmisme {m}
alarmist {n} (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause) :: alarmista {m} {f}
alas {interj} (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) :: ai las
Alaska {prop} (US state) :: Alaska {f}
Alaskan Malamute {n} (Alaskan Malamute sled dog) :: malamut d'Alaska {m}
alb {n} (a long white robe worn by priests and other ministers) :: alba {f}
albacore {n} (large marine fish) :: bacora {f}
Alban {prop} (male given name) :: Albà
Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe) :: Albània
Albanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Albania) :: albanès; [Valencian] albanés
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) :: albanès {m}, albanesa {f}; [Valencian] albanés {m}, albanesa {f}
Albanian {prop} (language) :: albanès {m}; [Valencian] albanés {m}
Albany {prop} (capital of New York) :: Albany
albatross {n} (seabird) :: albatros {m}
albatross {n} (three under par) :: albatros {m}
albedo {n} (fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body) :: albedo {m}
albedometer {n} (instrument) :: albedòmetre {m}
albeit {conj} (despite its being; although) :: encara que, tanmateix, però
Albert {prop} (male given name) :: Albert
Alberta {prop} (province) :: Alberta {f}
Albin {prop} (male given name) :: Albí
albinism {n} (lack of melanin pigmentation) :: albinisme {m}
albino {adj} (congenitally lacking melanin) :: albí {m}
albino {n} (one congenitally lacking melanin) :: albí {m}
albinoism {n} (albinism) SEE: albinism ::
albite {n} (plagioclase feldspar) :: albita {f}
Albuixech {prop} (Spanish town) :: Albuixec
albumen {n} (white part of an egg) :: albumen {m}, clara {f}
alburn {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak ::
alburnum {n} (sapwood) SEE: sapwood ::
alcazar {n} (Moorish fortress in Spain) :: alcàsser {m}
alchemical {adj} (pertaining to alchemy) :: alquímic
alchemist {n} (one who practices alchemy) :: alquimista {m} {f}
alchemy {n} (ancient chemistry) :: alquímia {f}
alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense) :: alcohol {m}
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) :: alcohol {m}
alcohol abuse {n} (abuse caused by excessive drinking of alcohol) :: abús de l'alcohol {m}
alcoholaemia {n} (presence of alcohol) :: alcoholèmia {f}
alcoholic {n} (a person addicted to alcohol) :: alcohòlic {m}
alcoholic {n} (one who abuses alcohol) :: alcohòlic {m}
alcoholic {adj} (of or pertaining to alcohol) :: alcohòlic
alcoholic {adj} (having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents) :: alcohòlic
alcoholic {adj} (of alcoholism) :: alcohòlic
Alcoholics Anonymous {prop} (proper noun) :: Alcohòlics Anònims
alcoholism {n} (chronic disease) :: alcoholisme {m}
alcoholism {n} (acute alcohol poisoning) :: alcoholisme {m}
alcoholize {v} (infuse or saturate with alcoholic spirit) :: alcoholitzar
alcoholize {v} (subject to the influence of alcohol) :: alcoholitzar
alcoholometer {n} (Specialized form of hydrometer used to measure amount of alcohol in liquid) :: alcoholímetre {m}
aldehyde {n} (organic compound of the general formula R·CHO) :: aldehid {m}
al dente {adj} (firm) :: al dente
alder {n} (any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus) :: vern {m}
aldopentose {n} (a pentose that is also an aldose) :: aldopentosa {f}
aldose {n} (any of a class of monosaccharides) :: aldosa {f}
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander ::
Alemannic {prop} (High German language or dialect group) :: alamànic {m}
Alemannic {adj} (of or relating to the Alemannic language or dialect group) :: alamànic {m}, alamànica {f}
alembic {n} (chemical apparatus) :: alambí
aleph {n} (first letter of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and descendant script) :: àlef {f}
Aleppo {prop} (city in Syria) :: Alep
alert {adj} (attentive) :: vigilant
alert {n} (an alarm) :: alerta {f}
alert {v} (to give warning to) :: alertar
alevin {n} (newly hatched fish) :: aleví {m}
alewife {n} (Alosa pseudoharengus) :: gasparell {m}
Alex {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
Alexander {prop} (male given name) :: Alexandre {m}
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) :: Alexandre el Gran {m}, Alexandre el Magne {m}
Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt) :: Alexandria {f}
Alexandrian {adj} (of or pertaining to Alexandria) :: alexandrí
alexandrine {n} (line of a twelve-syllable poetic meter) :: alexandrí {m}
Alexandroupoli {prop} (city) :: Alexandroúpoli
alexia {n} (word blindness) :: alèxia {f}
Alexis {prop} (male given name) SEE: Alexius ::
Alexius {prop} (male given name) :: Aleix {m}
alfalfa {n} (Medicago sativa) :: alfals {m}
alfiz {n} (moulding around an arch) :: arrabà {m}
alfonsino {n} (deep-sea food fish of the genus Beryx) :: bèrix {m}
Alfonso {prop} (male given name) :: Alfons
Alfred {prop} (Male given name) :: Alfred {m}
alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) :: alga {f}
algal bloom {n} (dense spread of algae) :: flor d'aigua {m}
algebra {n} (system for computation) :: àlgebra {f}
algebraic {adj} (relating to algebra) :: algebraic
algebraic {adj} (containing numbers, letters, and arithmetic operators) :: algebraic
algebraically {adv} (using algebra) :: algèbricament, algebraicament
algebraist {n} (mathematician) :: algebrista {f}
Algeria {prop} (country) :: Algèria {f}
Algerian {n} (person from Algeria) :: algerià {m}
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) :: algerià
Algherese {prop} (Catalan dialect spoken in Alghero) :: alguerès {m}
Alghero {prop} (port town in Sardinia) :: l'Alguer {m}, [popular] Barceloneta {f}
algid {adj} (cold, chilly) :: àlgid
algidity {n} (state of being algid) :: algidesa {f}
Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria) :: Alger {m}
alginic acid {n} (gum) :: àcid algínic {m}
algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure) :: algorisme {m}
algorithmic {adj} (relating to an algorithm) :: algorítmic
alias {n} (another name; an assumed name) :: àlies {m}
alibi {n} (criminal legal defense) :: coartada
Alicante {prop} (city in Spain) :: Alacant
Alice {prop} (female given name) :: Alícia {f}
alien {n} (person, etc. from outside) :: estrany {m}, estranya {f}, foraster {m}, forastera {f}
alien {n} (foreigner) :: foraster {m}, forastera {f}, estrany {m}, estranya {f}
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) :: extraterrestre {m} {f}
alien {adj} (very unfamiliar, strange) :: aliè, [Valencian] alié
alien {adj} (pertaining to extraterrestrial life) :: alienígena, extraterrestre
alienate {v} (to convey or transfer) :: alienar
alienate {v} (to estrange) :: alienar
alienation {n} (the act of alienating) :: alienació {f}
alienation {n} (the state of being alienated) :: alienació {f}
alienation {n} (emotional isolation or dissociation) :: alienació {f}
alienist {n} (psychiatrist) SEE: psychiatrist ::
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist ::
alif {n} (first letter of the Arabic alphabet) :: àlif {f}
alight {v} (to spring down, get down, or descend) :: baixar
aligot {n} (a potato and cheese dish from Auvergne) :: aligot {m}
alimentary {adj} (relating to food or nutrition) :: alimentari
aliphatic {adj} (organic chemistry: having carbon atoms arranged in an open chain) :: alifàtic
alipta {n} (official responsible for training and anointing athletes) :: alipta {m}
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: una mica, poc
alive {adj} (having life) :: viu, vivent
alkali {n} (class of caustic bases) :: àlcali {m}
alkalimeter {n} (device) :: alcalímetre {m}
alkalimetry {n} (process of determining the strength of an alkali) :: alcalimetria {f}
alkaline {adj} (of or relating to an alkali) :: alcalí
alkaline {adj} (having a pH greater than 7) :: alcalí
alkalinity {n} (state of being alkaline) :: alcalinitat {f}
alkalinize {v} (to convert to an alkali) :: alcalinitzar
alkaloid {n} (organic heterocyclic base) :: alcaloide {m}
alkane {n} (acyclic saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2) :: alcà {m}
alkene {n} (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon–carbon double bonds) :: alquè {m}
alkyl {n} (univalent radical of the general formula CnH2n+1) :: alquil
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) :: alquí {m}
all {determiner} (every individual of the given class) :: tot {m}, tota {f}, tots {p}, totes {f-p}
all {adv} :: tot
all {n} (everything possible) :: tot
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone ::
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything ::
Allah {prop} (God, in Islam) :: Al·là
all and sundry {pron} :: propis i estranys
allantoid {adj} (sausage shaped) :: al·lantoide
allantoin {n} (a diureide of glyoxylic acid) :: al·lantoïna {f}
all bark and no bite {adj} (full of big talk) :: moltes bufes i pocs trons, molta fressa i poca endreça
all but {adv} (very nearly) :: quasi, gairebé
all cats are gray at night {proverb} (all cats are grey in the dark) SEE: all cats are grey in the dark ::
all cats are grey in the dark {proverb} (proverb) :: de nit tots els gats són negres
allegate {v} (allege) SEE: allege ::
allege {v} (assert without proof) :: al·legar
alleged {adj} (asserted) :: presumpte
alleged {adj} (supposed) :: presumpte
allegedly {adv} (according to someone's allegation) :: presumptament
allegiance {n} (loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler) :: lleialtat {f}, fidelitat {f}
allegorical {adj} (of, relating to, or containing allegory) :: al·legòric
allegorically {adv} (in an allegorical manner) :: al·legòricament
allegorise {v} (to create an allegory from some event or situation) :: al·legoritzar
allegory {n} (the representation of abstract principles) :: al·legoria {f}
allegory {n} (communication using such representation) :: al·legoria {f}
allegory {n} (symbolic representation) :: al·legoria {f}
allele {n} (variant of a gene) :: al·lel {m}
allelomorph {n} (allele) SEE: allele ::
allelopathy {n} (release by a plant of a toxin to suppress growth of nearby competing plants) :: al·lelopatia {f}
allemande {n} (instrumental dance form) :: alemanda, alemanya
allene {n} (any of a class of hydrocarbons) :: al·lè {m}
allergen {n} (substance) :: al·lergogen {m}, al·lergen {m}
allergic {adj} (pertaining to allergy) :: al·lèrgic
allergic {adj} (having an allergy) :: al·lèrgic
allergology {n} (the study of the causes and treatment of allergies) :: al·lergologia {f}
allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system) :: al·lèrgia {f}
allergy {n} (antipathy) :: al·lèrgia {f}
alleviate {v} (make less severe) :: mitigar, pal·liar
alley {n} (narrow street) :: carreró {m}
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley ::
All Hallows' Day {prop} (All Saints' Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
alliance {n} (state of being allied) :: aliança {f}
alliance {n} (union resembling that of families or states) :: aliança {f}
alliance {n} (persons or parties allied) :: aliança {f}
alliance {n} (treaty between nations) :: aliança {f}
Allier {prop} (département) :: Alier {m}
alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) :: al·ligàtor {m}
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado ::
allis shad {n} (Alosa alosa) :: saboga {f}
alliterate {v} (to exhibit alliteration) :: al·literar
alliteration {n} (the repetition of consonants) :: al·literació {f}
all kidding aside {adv} (idiom, speech act) :: bromes a part
allo- {prefix} (different) :: al·lo-
allo- {prefix} (isomeric) :: al·lo-
allochroite {n} (mineral) :: al·locroïta {f}
allochthonous {adj} (originating in a place other than where it is found) :: al·lòcton {m}
allochthonous {adj} (geology: being far from the place of formation) :: al·lòcton {m}
allodial {adj} (owned freely and clear of any encumbrances) :: alodial
allodium {n} (freehold land or property) :: alou
all of a sudden {adv} (colloquial: suddenly, see also: suddenly) :: de cop, en sec, de sobte, de bursada, d'improvís, tot d'una
all of the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
allogenic {adj} (having an external cause or source) :: al·logen
allogenic {adj} (geology: formed in another location) :: al·logen
allograph {n} (variant form of a letter) :: al·lògraf {m}
allopatric {adj} (geographically isolated) :: allopàtric
allophone {n} (alternative pronunciation for a phoneme) :: al·lòfon {m}
allot {v} (to assign) :: assignar
allotrope {n} (element form of different molecular structure to another form of the same element) :: al·lòtrop {m}
allotropic {adj} (of an element that exhibits allotropy) :: al·lotròpic
allotropical {adj} (allotropic) SEE: allotropic ::
allotropism {n} (elemental property) SEE: allotropy ::
allotropy {n} (having multiple atomic structures) :: al·lotropia {f}
allow {v} (to grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have) :: deixar
alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements) :: aliatge {m}, lliga {f}
all-powerful {adj} (Omnipotent) :: totpoderós
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) :: tots els drets reservats
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) :: tots els camins duen a Roma, tots els camins porten a Roma
All Saints Day {prop} (All Saints Day) SEE: All Saints' Day ::
All Saints' Day {prop} (feast day) :: Tots Sants
All Souls' Day {prop} (Christian feast day) :: Dia dels Difunts {m}, Dia dels Morts {m}, Dia de les Ànimes {m}
all's well that ends well {proverb} (A happy ending makes up for everything that has gone before...) :: tot va bé si acaba bé
all the best {interj} (good luck) :: et desitjo el millor
all the more {adv} (even more) :: encara més
all the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too ::
allude {v} (refer to something indirectly or by suggestion) :: al·ludir
allusion {n} (indirect reference, hint) :: al·lusió {f}
allusive {adj} (containing or making use of allusions) :: al·lusiu
alluvial {adj} (pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream) :: al·luvial
alluvial {n} (deposition of sediment) SEE: alluvium ::
alluvium {n} (deposited material) :: al·luvió {m}
allyl {n} (organic radical) :: al·lil {m}
almadraba {n} (a Mediterranean fishing technique for catching tuna) :: almadrava {f}
alma mater {n} (graduated school) :: alma mater {f}
almanac {n} (book or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year) :: almanac {m}
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Almería {prop} (Spanish city) :: Almeria {f}
almighty {adj} (unlimited in might) :: omnipotent, totpoderós
almogavar {n} (light footsoldier during the Reconquista) :: almogàver {m}
almond {n} (nut) :: ametlla {f}
almond {n} (tree) :: ametller {m}
almond {n} (colour) :: ametlla {f} [rare]
almond paste {n} (paste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities) :: pasta d'ametlla {f}, pasta d'ametla {f}
almond tree {n} (Prunus dulcis) :: ametller {m}
Almoravid {n} :: almoràvit {m}
almost {adv} (very close to) :: gairebé, quasi
alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity) :: almoina {f}
almucantar {n} (small circle on the celestial sphere) :: almucantarat {m}
aloe {n} (plant of the genus Aloe) :: àloe {m}
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
alone {adj} (by oneself) :: sol
alone {adj} (unique) :: sol, únic
alone {adv} (by oneself) :: sol
alone {adv} (without outside help) :: sol, tot sol
alone {adv} (only) :: sol, només
along with {conj} (in addition to) :: juntament amb
alopecia {n} (pathology: deficiency of the hair) :: alopècia {f}
alopecia {n} (medicine: loss of hair) :: alopècia {f}
alopecia {n} (baldness) SEE: baldness ::
a lot {pron} (a large amount) :: molt
a lot {pron} (many things) :: molt
a lot {adv} (very much) :: molt
a lot {adv} (often) :: sovint, freqüentment
alpaca {n} (camelid animal of the Andes) :: alpaca {m}
alpenrose {n} :: neret {m}
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence {prop} (département) :: Alps de l'Alta Provença {m-p}
Alpes-Maritimes {prop} (département) :: Alps Marítims {m-p}
alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α) :: alfa {f}
alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language) :: alfabet {m}, abecedari {m}
alphabetic {adj} (alphabetical) SEE: alphabetical ::
alphabetical {adj} (pertaining to the alphabet) :: alfabètic
alphabetical {adj} (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet) :: alfabètic
alphabetically {adv} (in an alphabetical manner) :: alfabèticament
alphabetically {adv} (arranged in the sequence of the alphabet) :: alfabèticament
alphabetical order {n} (the sequence of a collection of items) :: ordre alfabètic {m}
alphabetize {v} (to arrange alphabetically) :: alfabetitzar
alphagram {n} (letters of a word) :: alfagrama {m}
alpha helix {n} (secondary structure found in many proteins) :: hèlix alfa {f}
alphanumeric {adj} (consisting of letters and numbers) :: alfanumèric
alphanumerical {adj} (alphanumeric) SEE: alphanumeric ::
alpine {adj} (of or relating to mountains) :: alpí {m}
alpine {adj} (of or relating to slalom or downhill skiing) :: alpí {m}
Alpine {adj} (Relating to the Alps) :: alpí
alpine chough {n} (Pyrrhocorax graculus) :: gralla de bec groc {f}
alpine newt {n} (Ichthyosaura alpestris) :: tritó alpí {m}
alpinist {n} (mountain climber) SEE: mountaineer ::
Alps {prop} (a mountain range in Western Europe) :: Alps {m-p}
al-Qaeda {prop} (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) :: Al-Qaida
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem ::
already {adv} (prior to some time) :: ja
already {adv} (so soon) :: ja
already {adv} (used to emphasize impatience or express exasperation) :: ja
Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) :: Alsàcia {f}
Alsatian {adj} (of or relating to Alsace) :: alsacià
Alsatian {n} (person from Alsace) :: alsacià
Alsatian {prop} (language of Alsace) :: alsacià {m}
also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) :: també
also known as {adv} (used to introduce an alternative name) :: altrament dit, també conegut com
Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay ::
Altaic {adj} (pertaining to the group of languages) :: altaic
Altai Republic {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: República de l'Altai {f}
altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) :: altar {m}
altar boy {n} (A boy serving as an acolyte) :: escolà {m}, escolanet {m}
Altay {prop} (mountain range) :: Altai {m}
alter {v} (to change the form or structure of) :: alterar
alteration {n} (the act of altering or making different) :: alteració {f}
alteration {n} (the state of being altered) :: alteració {f}
altered {adj} (having been changed) :: alterat
alternate {v} (to perform by turns) :: alternar
alternate {v} (to happen, succeed, or act by turns) :: alternar
alternating current {n} (electric current that reverses direction periodically) :: corrent altern {m}
alternation of generations {n} (metagenesis) :: alternança de generacions {f}
alternative {adj} (relating to a choice) :: alternatiu
alternative {adj} (other) :: alternatiu
alternatively {adv} (in an alternative way) :: alternativament
alternator {n} (an electric generator which produces alternating current) :: alternador {m}
although {conj} (in spite of the fact that) :: tot i que, malgrat que, encara que
although {conj} (but) :: tot i que, malgrat que
altimeter {n} (an apparatus for measuring altitude) :: altímetre {m}
altitude {n} (absolute height) :: altitud {f}, alçada {f}
altogether {adv} (without exception; wholly; completely) :: totalment, completament
altogether {adv} (on the whole; everything considered) :: en total
altophobia {n} (acrophobia) SEE: acrophobia ::
altruism {n} (policy that benefits others' interests) :: altruisme {m}
altruist {n} (person imbued with altruism) :: altruista {m} {f}
altruistic {adj} (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) :: altruista
alula {n} (bastard wing) SEE: bastard wing ::
alum {n} (chemistry: double sulfate) :: alum {m}
alum {v} (To steep in, or otherwise impregnate with, a solution of alum; to treat with alum.) :: alumenar
aluminium {n} (silvery metal) :: alumini {m}
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium ::
alveolar {adj} (of or relating to the alvelous) :: alveolar
alveolar {adj} (formed with the tongue touching or approaching the ridge behind the upper teeth) :: alveolar
alveolar ridge {n} (ridge that forms the borders of the maxilla and the mandible) :: cresta alveolar {f}
alveolization {n} (the process or result of becoming alveolate) :: alveolització
alveolus {n} (anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity) :: alvèol {m}
alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs) :: alvèol {m}
always {adv} (at all times) :: sempre
always {adv} (constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals) :: sempre
Alzheimer's disease {n} (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) :: malaltia d'Alzheimer {?}
amalgam {n} (alloy) :: amalgama {f}
amalgam {n} (combination) :: amalgama {f}
amanita {n} (mushroom of the genus Amanita) :: amanita {f}
amaranth {n} (herb of the genus Amaranthus) :: amarant {m}
amaranth {n} (purplish-red colour) :: amarant {m}
amaryllis {n} (Amaryllis belladonna) :: amaril·lis
amatory {adj} (of or relating to love, especially sexual love) :: amatori
amaxophobia {n} (fear of riding in a vehicle) :: amaxofòbia {f}
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good ::
amazon {n} (tall, strong, athletic woman) :: amazona {f}
Amazon {n} (Mythological female warrior) :: amazona {f}
Amazon {prop} (river) :: Amazones {m}
Amazon {prop} (used attributively in compounds) :: amazònic
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba ::
ambassador {n} (minister) :: ambaixador {m}
amber {n} (fossil resin) :: ambre {m}
amber {n} (colour) :: ambre {m}
amber {n} (traffic light colour) :: ambre {m}, groc {m}
amber {adj} (of a brownish yellow colour) :: ambrat
amber {n} (ambergris) SEE: ambergris ::
ambergris {n} (waxy substance produced by sperm whales) :: ambre gris {m}
ambidextrous {adj} (having equal ability in both hands) :: ambidextre {m} {f}
ambient {adj} (encompassing on all sides) :: ambient
ambient {n} (Something that surrounds) :: ambient {m}
ambiguity {n} (something liable to more than one interpretation) :: ambigüitat {f}
ambiguous {adj} (open to multiple interpretations) :: ambigu
ambiguous {adj} (vague and unclear) :: ambigu
ambiguously {adv} (in an ambiguous manner) :: ambiguament
ambition {n} (desire) :: ambició {f}
ambition {n} (object of desire) :: ambició {f}
ambition {n} (personal quality) :: ambició {f}
ambitious {adj} (possessing, or controlled by, ambition) :: ambiciós
ambitiously {adv} (in an ambitious manner) :: ambiciosament
ambivalence {n} (coexistence of opposing attitudes) :: ambivalència {f}
ambivalent {adj} (experiencing or expressing opposing feelings) :: ambivalent
amble {n} (an easy gait, especially that of a horse) :: ambladura {f}
amble {v} (of a horse: to move along by using both legs on one side, and then the other) :: amblar
amblyopia {n} (dimness or blurring of the eyesight) :: ambliopia {f}
ambo {n} (raised platform) :: ambó {m}
Ambrose {prop} (male given name) :: Ambròs {m}
ambrosia {n} (food of gods or delicious foods) :: ambrosia {f}
ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle) :: ambulància {f}
ambulatory {adj} (Of, relating to, or adapted to walking) :: ambulatori
ambulatory {adj} (Performed on or involving an ambulatory patient or an outpatient) :: ambulatori
ambulatory {n} (round walkway encircling the altar) :: deambulatori {m}
ambush {n} (attack) :: emboscada {f}
ambush {v} (to attack by ambush; to waylay) :: emboscar
Amelia {prop} (female given name) :: Amèlia {f}
ameliorate {v} (to make better) :: millorar
amelioration {n} (act of making better) :: millora {f}
amen {interj} (expression of strong agreement) :: amén
amend {v} (to make better) :: esmenar
amendment {n} (correction or addition to a law) :: esmena
amendment {n} (that which is added) :: esmena
amenity {n} (pleasantness) :: amenitat {f}
amenity {n} (something that makes life easier or more pleasant) :: comoditat {f}
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience ::
amenorrhoea {n} (lack of a menstrual period) :: amenorrea
amerce {v} (to make an exaction) SEE: punish ::
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine ::
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America ::
American {n} (inhabitant of the Americas) :: americà {m}, americana {f}
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) :: americà {m}
American {prop} (American English, see also: American English) :: anglès americà {m}
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the Americas) :: americà
American {adj} (of or pertaining to a native or citizen of the Americas) :: americà
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) :: estatunidenc, nord-americà
American {adj} (of or pertaining to a native or citizen of the U.S.) :: estatunidenc, nord-americà
American {adj} (of or pertaining to American (the language), American English) :: americà
American badger {n} (Taxidea taxus) :: toixó americà {m}
American bison {n} (mammal) :: bisó americà {m}
American black vulture {n} (black vulture) SEE: black vulture ::
American brook char {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) SEE: brook trout ::
American Bulldog {n} (American Bulldog) :: buldog americà {m}
American eagle {n} (bald eagle) SEE: bald eagle ::
American English {prop} (English of the United States) :: anglès americà {m}, anglès estatunidenc {m}
American football {n} (American football) :: futbol americà {m}
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian ::
Americanisation {n} (assimilation) :: americanització {f}
Americanization {n} (Americanisation) SEE: Americanisation ::
Americanize {v} (to make American) :: americanitzar
American kestrel {n} (species) :: xoriguer americà {m}
American Samoa {prop} (US overseas territory in Oceania) :: Samoa Nord-americana {f}
americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95) :: americi
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian ::
amethyst {n} (gem) :: ametista {f}
amethyst {n} (colour) :: ametista {m}
Amharic {prop} (language) :: amhàric {m}
amiably {adv} (in an amiable manner) :: amablement
amicable {adj} (showing friendliness or goodwill) :: amigable
amicably {adv} (friendly, in an amicable manner) :: amigablement
amide {n} (organic chemistry: derivative of an oxoacid) :: amida {f}
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend ::
amine {n} (organic compound containing an amine functional group) :: amina {f}
amino acid {n} (any organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid) :: aminoàcid {m}
aminocaproic acid {n} (drug) :: àcid aminocaproic {m}
amiodarone {n} (medicine used against arrhythmia) :: amiodarona {f}
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong ::
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little ::
Amman {prop} (the capital of Jordan) :: Amman {m}
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) :: amperímetre {m}, amperòmetre {m}
ammonal {n} (explosive) :: amonal {m}
ammonia {n} (the compound NH3) :: amoníac {m}
ammoniac {adj} (relating to ammonia or possessing its properties) :: amoniacal
ammonite {n} (cephalopod) :: ammonit {m}
ammonium {n} (univalent NH4+ cation) :: amoni {m}
ammonium hydroxide {n} (compound) :: hidròxid d'amoni {m}
ammunition {n} (articles used in charging firearms) :: munició {f}
amnesia {n} (loss of memory) :: amnèsia {f}
amnesty {n} (act of the sovereign power) :: amnistia {f}
amniocentesis {n} (procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid) :: amniocentesi {f}
amnion {n} (a fetal membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals, see also: amniotic sac) :: amni {m}
amnioscopy {n} (examination of a foetus and the amniotic fluid) :: amnioscòpia {f}
amniotic {adj} (pertaining to the amnion) :: àmnic, amniòtic
amniotic fluid {n} (fluid that surrounds a developing embryo or fetus) :: líquid amniòtic {m}
amniotic sac {n} (sac in which foetus develops, see also: amnion) :: sac amniòtic, sac àmnic
amoeba {n} (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) :: ameba {f}
amoebic {adj} (relating to an amoeba) :: amèbic
among {prep} (mingling or intermixing) :: entre
amongst {prep} (Used to denote a mingling or intermixing) :: entre
amoral {adj} (of acts) :: amoral
amoral {adj} (of people) :: amoral
amorality {n} (lack of morality) :: amoralitat {f}
amorous {adj} (inclined to love) :: amorós
amorous {adj} (indicating love or sexual desire) :: amorós
amorous {adj} (of or relating to, or produced by, love) :: amorós
amorously {adv} (in an amorous manner) :: amorosament
amorphous {adj} (lacking a definite form or clear shape) :: amorf
amorphous {adj} (being without definite character or nature) :: amorf
amorphous {adj} (lacking organization or unity) :: amorf
amorphous {adj} (physics: in the non-crystalline state of solid) :: amorf
amortization {n} (process of distributing asset cost) :: amortització {f}
amortize {v} (decrease (debt) in installments) :: amortitzar
Amos {prop} (figure mentioned in the Old Testament) :: Amós
Amos {prop} (book of the Old Testament) :: Amós
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number ::
amount {n} (total or sum of items) :: quantitat {f}
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current ::
ampere {n} (unit of electrical current) :: ampere {m}
ampersand {n} (the symbol &) :: i comercial {f}, et {m}
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
amphetamine {n} (amphetamine) :: amfetamina {f}
amphibian {n} (vertebrate) :: amfibi
amphibious {adj} (capable of functioning on land or in water) :: amfibi
amphibious {adj} (occurring on both land and water) :: amfibi
amphibole {n} (Any of a large group of similar hydrated double silicate minerals) :: amfíbol {m}
amphibologia {n} (ambiguity of grammatical structure) :: amfibologia {f}
amphicoelous {adj} (of vertebrae: having both ends concave) :: amficèlic
amphiprostyle {adj} (having columns at either end but not along the sides) :: amfipròstil {m}
amphisbaena {n} (mythical serpent having a head at each end of its body) :: amfisbena {f}
amphitheatre {n} (an open, outdoor theatre) :: amfiteatre {m}
amphora {n} (type of jar) :: àmfora {f}
amplification {n} (result of amplifying) :: amplificació {f}
amplification {n} (in physics) :: amplificació {f}
amplification {n} (in electronics) :: amplificació {f}
amplification {n} (in genetics) :: amplificació {f}
amplifier {n} (anything that amplifies) :: amplificador {m}
amplifier {n} (appliance or circuit) :: amplificador {m}
amplify {v} (render larger etc.) :: amplificar
amplify {v} (increase amplitude) :: amplificar
amplitude {n} (magnitude) :: amplitud {f}
amplitude {n} (maths: maximum absolute value) :: amplitud {f}
amplitude {n} (physics: maximum absolute value) :: amplitud {f}
amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) :: modulació de amplitud {f}, amplitud modulada {f}
amply {adv} (in an ample manner) :: amplament
amputate {v} (To surgically remove a body part) :: amputar
amputation {n} (surgical removal of a limb) :: amputació {f}
Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands) :: Amsterdam
amulet {n} (protective charm) :: amulet {m}
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) :: Amur
amurca {n} (sediment in olive oil) :: morca {f}
amuse {v} (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner) :: divertir, entretenir, distreure
amusement park {n} (commercially-operated collection of rides, games and other entertainment attractions) :: parc d'atraccions {m}
amusing {adj} (entertaining) :: divertit, entretingut
amygdala {n} (region of the brain) :: amígdala {f}
amyl {n} (pentyl) :: amil {m}
amyl alcohol {n} (any of the isomers of pentanol) :: alcohol amílic {m}
amylase {n} (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) :: amilasa {f}
amyloid {n} (misfolded proteins that disrupt normal organ function) :: amiloide {m}
amyloid {adj} (containing or resembling starch) :: amiloide
amylopectin {n} (insoluble form of starch) :: amilopectina {f}
amylose {n} (soluble form of starch) :: amilosa {f}
amylum {n} (amylum) SEE: starch ::
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {n} (disease) :: esclerosi lateral amiotròfica {f}
-an {suffix} (of or pertaining to) ::
an {article} (indefinite article) :: un, una
Anabaptism {n} (doctrine of Anabaptists) :: anabaptisme {m}
Anabaptist {n} (member of radical wing of Christians during Reformation) :: anabaptista {m} {f}
Anabaptist {adj} (relating to Anabaptism or the Anabaptists during the Protestant Reformation) :: anabaptista
anabiosis {n} (state of suspended animation) :: anabiosi {f}
anabolic {adj} (relating to anabolism) :: anabòlic {m}
anabolism {n} (the constructive metabolism of the body) :: anabolisme {m}
anachronism {n} (chronological mistake) :: anacronisme {m}
anachronism {n} (person or thing which seems to belong to a different time) :: anacronisme {m}
anacoluthon {n} (intentional rhetorical structure) :: anacolut {m}
anaconda {n} (any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes) :: anaconda {f}
anacrusis {n} ((prosody) an unstressed syllable at the start of a verse) :: anacrusi {f}
anacrusis {n} ((music) an unstressed note (or notes) before the first strong beat of a phrase) :: anacrusi {f}
anadiplosis {n} (a rhetorical device) :: anadiplosi {f}
anadromous {adj} (of migratory fish) :: anàdrom
anadromous {adj} (of a fern) :: anàdrom
anaerobe {n} (anaerobic organism) :: anaerobi {m}
anaerobic {adj} (without oxygen) :: anaerobi
anaesthesia {n} (anesthesia) SEE: anesthesia ::
anaesthetist {n} (anaesthetist) SEE: anesthesiologist ::
anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) :: anagrama {m}
anagrammatise {v} (to produce an anagram of) :: anagramatitzar
anal {adj} (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus) :: anal
anal {adj} (of the stage in psychosexual development) :: anal
Analects {prop} (collected sayings of Confucius) :: Analectes {f-p}
analgesia {n} (absence of the sense of pain) :: analgèsia {f}, anàlgia {f}
analgesic {n} (medicine that reduces pain) :: analgèsic {m}
analgesic {adj} (of or relating to analgesia) :: analgèsic
anal gland {n} (anatomy: sebaceous gland near anus in many mammals) :: glàndula anal {f}
anally {adv} (Involving the anus) :: analment
analogic {adj} (analogical) SEE: analogical ::
analogical {adj} :: analògic
analogically {adv} (in an analogical manner) :: analògicament
analogous {adj} (having analogy; corresponding to something else) :: anàleg
analogously {adv} (in an analogous manner) :: anàlogament
analogy {n} (relationship of resemblance or equivalence) :: analogia {f}
analphabet {n} (person who does not know the letters of the alphabet, see also: illiterate) :: analfabet {m}, analfabeta {f}
analphabetism {n} (analphabetism) :: analfabetisme {m}
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) :: sexe anal {m}
analysis {n} (decomposition into components in order to study) :: anàlisi {f}
analysis {n} (in mathematics) :: anàlisi matemàtica {f}
analysis {n} (chemistry: process of breaking down a substance or the result of this process) :: anàlisi {f}
analysis {n} (psychoanalysis) SEE: psychoanalysis ::
analytic {adj} (relating to analysis) :: analític
analytical {adj} (analytic) SEE: analytic ::
analytically {adv} (in an analytical manner) :: analíticament
analytics {n} (application of computer technology, operational research, and statistics to solve problems) :: analítica {f}
analyze {v} (to subject to analysis) :: analitzar
anamorph {n} (asexual reproductive form of certain fungi) :: anamorf {m}
anamorphic {adj} (producing distorted images) :: anamòrfic {m}, anamòrfica {f}
anamorphic {adj} (relating to the gradual lifecycles of certain organisms) :: anamòrfic {m}, anamòrfica {f}
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple ::
anapest {n} (metrical foot) :: anapest {m}
anaphora {n} (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis) :: anàfora {f}
anaphora {n} (linguistics: expression that refers to another expression) :: anàfora {f}
anaphoresis {n} (movement of electrically charged particles) :: anaforesi {f}
anaphoric {adj} (relating to an anaphora) :: anafòric
anaphrodisiac {adj} (antaphrodisiac) SEE: antaphrodisiac ::
anaphrodisiac {n} (antaphrodisiac) SEE: antaphrodisiac ::
anaphylactic shock {n} (severe allergic reaction) :: anafilaxi
anaphylaxis {n} (severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen) :: anafilaxi {f}
anaplasia {n} (reversion of differentiation in cells) :: anaplàsia {f}
anaptyxis {n} (epenthesis of a vowel) :: anaptixi {f}
anarchic {adj} (relating to anarchy) :: anàrquic {m}
anarchic {adj} (chaotic, without law or order) :: anàrquic {m}
anarchical {adj} (anarchic) SEE: anarchic ::
anarchically {adv} (anarchically) :: anàrquicament
anarchism {n} (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) :: anarquisme {m}
anarchist {n} (believer in anarchism) :: anarquista {m} {f}
anarcho- {prefix} (denoting anarchy or anarchism) :: anarco-
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market) :: anarcocapitalisme {m}
anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government) :: anarquia {f}
anarchy {n} (political disorder and confusion) :: anarquia {f}
anastomosis {n} (connection between two channels) :: anastomosi {f}
anastomosis {n} (connection between blood vessels) :: anastomosi {f}
anastomosis {n} (creation of a connection between blood vessels) :: anastomosi {f}
anastrophe {n} (switching in the syntactical order of words) :: anàstrofe {f}
anatase {n} (mineral) :: anatasa {f}
anathematize {v} (to cause to be, or to declare as, an anathema) :: anatematitzar
Anatolia {prop} (peninsula of Western Asia) :: Anatòlia {f}
Anatolian {adj} (of or pertaining to Anatolia or its people, culture, etc.) :: anatòlic
Anatolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Anatolia) :: anatòlic {m}
anatomic {adj} (anatomical) SEE: anatomical ::
anatomical {adj} (Of or relating to anatomy or dissection) :: anatòmic
anatomically {adv} (pertaining to anatomy) :: anatòmicament
anatomy {n} (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) :: anatomia {f}
anatto {n} (coloring and flavoring) SEE: annatto ::
-ance {suffix} (a state) :: -ança {f}
ancestor {n} (one from whom a person is descended) :: avantpassat {m}
ancestral {adj} (pertaining to ancestors) :: ancestral
ancestry {n} (condition as to ancestors) :: llinatge {m}, ascendència {f}
anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) :: àncora {f}
anchor {n} (anchoring gear as a whole) :: àncora {f}
anchor {n} (any instrument serving similar purpose to anchor) :: àncora {f}
anchor {n} (link target in a document) :: enllaç {m}
anchor {v} (to hold an object to a fixed point) :: ancorar
anchorman {n} (TV host) :: presentador {m}
anchovy {n} (small saltwater fish) :: seitó {m}, anxova {f}
ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period) :: antic, vetust
ancient {adj} (existent or occurring in time long past) :: antic
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) :: Antiga Grècia {f}
Ancient Greek {prop} (the Greek language of classical antiquity) :: grec antic {m}
anciently {adv} (in the manner of very long ago) :: antigament
ancillary {adj} (subordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory) :: auxiliar
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) :: i
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) :: i
and {conj} (used to string together sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order) :: i
AND {n} ((logic)) :: AND {f}
Andalusia {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) :: Andalusia {f}
Andalusian {adj} (from or pertaining to Andalusia) :: andalús
Andalusian {n} (someone from Andalusia) :: andalús {m}, andalusa {f}
Andalusian {n} (dialect (or varieties) of Spanish spoken in Andalusia) :: andalús {m}
Andean {adj} (of or pertaining to the Andes mountains) :: andí
Andes {prop} (mountain range in South America) :: Andes {m-p}
andesine {n} (sodium calcium aluminum silicate) :: andesina {f}
andiron {n} (a utensil for supporting wood while burning) :: capfoguer {m}
andorite {n} (mineral) :: andorita {f}
Andorra {prop} (country) :: Andorra {f}
Andorra la Vella {prop} (capital of Andorra) :: Andorra la Vella {f}
Andorran {n} (person from Andorra) :: andorrà {m}, andorrana {f}
Andorran {adj} (pertaining to Andorra) :: andorrà
andragogy {n} (methods used to teach adults) :: andragogia {f}
Andrew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Andreu {m}
Andrew {prop} (male given name) :: Andreu
andro- {prefix} (male) :: andro-
androcentric {adj} (focused on males) :: androcèntric
androcentrism {n} (ideological focus on males) :: androcentrisme {m}
androgen {n} (androgen) :: androgen {m}
androgenic {adj} (androgenic) :: androgènic
androgyne {n} (a person who is androgynous) :: androgin {m}
androgynous {adj} (pertaining to a characteristic that is not definitively of either sex) :: androgin
android {n} (robot with human form) :: androide {m}
Andromeda {prop} (mythical daughter of Cepheus) :: Andròmeda
Andromeda {prop} (constellation) :: Andròmeda
Andromeda {prop} (spiral galaxy) :: Andròmeda
-ane {suffix} (alkanes) :: {m}
anecdotal {adj} (relating to or of the nature of an anecdote) :: anecdòtic
anecdotal {adj} (containing of anecdotes) :: anecdotari
anecdote {n} (short account of an incident) :: anècdota {f}
anecdotic {adj} (anecdotal) SEE: anecdotal ::
anecdotive {adj} (anecdotal) SEE: anecdotal ::
anemia {n} (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) :: anèmia {f}
anemic {adj} (of or pertaining to anemia) :: anèmic
anemo- {prefix} (forms words relating to wind) :: anemo-
anemometer {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) :: anemòmetre {m}
anemone {n} (any plant of genus anemone) :: anemone {f}
anemoscope {n} (an instrument that shows the direction of the wind) :: anemoscopi {m}
anesthesia {n} (loss of bodily sensation) :: anestèsia {f}
anesthesiologist {n} (physician specializing in anesthesiology) :: anestesiòleg {m}
anesthetic {adj} (reducing pain sensitivity) :: anestèsic
anesthetic {n} (a substance for the reduced perception of pain) :: anestèsic {m}
aneurysm {n} (abnormal blood-filled swelling) :: aneurisma
anew {adv} (again) :: de nou, novament
a new broom sweeps clean {proverb} (new management will often make radical changes) :: càntir nou fa l'aigua fresca, escombra nova escombra net
angel {n} (messenger from a deity) :: àngel {m}
Angel {prop} (female given name) SEE: Angela ::
Angela {prop} (female given name) :: Àngela {f}
angel hair {n} (very thin type of pasta) :: cabell d'àngel {m}
angelic {adj} (belonging to, proceeding from, or resembling an angel) :: angèlic, angelical
angelica {n} (plants of genus Angelica) :: angèlica {f}
angelical {adj} (resembling, characteristic of, an angel) SEE: angelic ::
angelically {adv} (in an angelic manner) :: angèlicament
angelology {n} (study of angels) :: angelologia {f}
anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) :: ira {f}, còlera {f}, ràbia {f}, enfat {m}, enuig {m}
anger {v} (to cause such a feeling of antagonism) :: enfadar, enutjar, cabrejar
Angevin {adj} (pertaining to Anjou) :: angeví
Angevin {n} (native of Anjou) :: angeví {m}
angina {n} (infection of the throat) :: angina {f}
angina {n} (angina pectoris) SEE: angina pectoris ::
angina pectoris {n} (intermittent chest pain) :: angina de pit {f}
angiography {n} (medical imaging technique) :: angiografia {f}
angioplasty {n} (widening of a blood vessel) :: angioplàstia {f}
angiosperm {n} (member of plant group) :: angiosperma {f}
angiospermous {adj} (having seeds enclosed in pericarp) SEE: angiosperm ::
angklung {n} (instrument) :: angklung {?}
angle {n} (geometrical figure) :: angle {m}
angle {n} (measure of such a figure) :: angle {m}
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) :: racó {m}, cantonada {f}
angle {n} (change in direction) :: biaix {m}
angle {n} (viewpoint) :: punt de vista {m}, angle {m}
Angle {n} (A member of the ancient Germanic tribe) :: angle {m}
angle bracket {n} (type of bracket) :: clau angular {f}
angler {n} (angler fish) :: rap
Anglia {prop} (region of England) :: Ànglia {f}
Anglian {n} (Angle) SEE: Angle ::
Anglian {adj} (pertaining to the Angles) :: angle
Anglican {adj} (pertaining to the Church of England and related churches) :: anglicà {m}
Anglican {n} (member of an Anglican church) :: anglicà {m}
Anglicanism {n} (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church) :: anglicanisme {m}
anglicise {v} (make English) :: anglicitzar
anglicise {v} (become English) :: anglicitzar
anglicism {n} (word or other feature borrowed from English to another language) :: anglicisme {m}
Anglo- {prefix} (prefix: relating to England, English, or the English) :: anglo-
Anglo-American {adj} (of relating to England and USA) :: angloamericà
Anglocentrism {n} (the practice of viewing the world from English or Anglo-American perspective) :: anglocentrisme {m}
Anglomaniac {n} (one affected with Anglomania) :: anglòman {m}
Anglo-Norman {adj} (pertaining to the Norman rule of England) :: anglonormand
Anglo-Norman {adj} (pertaining to Normans in England after the Norman Conquest) :: anglonormand
Anglo-Norman {n} (Norman who settled in England) :: anglonormand {m}, anglonormanda {f}
Anglo-Norman {prop} (language) :: anglonormand {m}
Anglophilia {n} (the love of the country, culture or people of England) :: anglofília {f}
Anglophobe {n} (person who hates or fears England, its people or anything English) :: anglòfob {m}
Anglophobic {adj} (having an aversion to England or the English) :: anglòfob
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English ::
Anglo-Saxon {n} (member of the Germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century) :: anglosaxó {m}, anglosaxona {f}
Anglo-Saxon {n} (person of English ethnic descent) :: anglosaxó {m}, anglosaxona {f}
Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language) :: anglosaxó
Anglo-Saxon {adj} (related to nations which speak primarily English) :: anglosaxó
Anglo-Saxonism {n} (Anglo-Saxon culture) :: anglosaxonisme {m}
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white ::
Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Angola {f}
Angolan {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Angola or its people) :: angolès
Angolan {n} (person from Angola or of Angolan descent) :: angolès {m}, angolesa {f}
angry {adj} (displaying anger) :: enfadat, enutjat
angst {n} (emotional turmoil) :: angoixa {f}
angstrom {n} (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m) :: àngstrom {m}
anguish {n} (extreme pain) :: angoixa {f}
angular {adj} (relating to or forming an angle; sharp-cornered) :: angular
angularly {adv} (in an angular manner) :: angularment
angular momentum {n} (angular momentum) :: moment angular {m}, moment cinètic {m}
anhedonia {n} (inability to feel pleasure) :: anhedonisme {m}
anhydride {n} (Compound formally derived from another by loss of water molecule) :: anhídrid {m}
anhydrite {n} (saline evaporite) :: anhidrita {f}
anhydrous {adj} (having no water) :: anhidre
aniline {n} (the simplest aromatic amine) :: anilina {f}
animadversion {n} (criticism, a critical remark) :: animadversió {f}
animal {adj} (of animals) :: animal
animal {adj} (unhindered by social codes) :: animal
animal {n} (organism) :: animal {m}
animal {n} (organism other than man) :: animal {m}, bèstia {f}
animal {n} (person who behaves wildly) :: bèstia {f}, animal {m}
animalcule {n} (microscopic animal, protozoan) :: animàlcul {m}
animalize {v} (represent in the form of an animal) :: animalitzar
animal rights activist {n} :: animalista {m} {f}
animate {adj} (that which lives) :: animat {m}
animate {adj} (possessing the quality or ability of motion) :: animat {m}
animate {adj} (dynamic, energetic) :: animat {m}
animate {v} (to impart motion or its appearance) :: animar
animated {adj} (endowed with life) :: animat
animation {n} (causing images to appear to move) :: animació {f}
anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan) :: anime
animism {n} (belief in spirits) :: animisme {m}
animistic {adj} (of or pertaining to animism) :: animista
anion {n} (negatively charged ion) :: anió {m}
anise {n} (plant) :: anís {m}, matafaluga {f}
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel ::
anisogamy {n} (sexual reproduction involving the union or fusion of two dissimilar gametes) :: heterogàmia {f}, anisogàmia {f}
Anjouan {adj} (Angevin) SEE: Angevin ::
Anjouan {n} (Angevin) SEE: Angevin ::
Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey) :: Ankara
ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg) :: turmell {m}
anklebone {n} (the talus) :: astràgal {m}, taba {?}
Ankou {prop} (personification of death in Breton mythology) :: Ankú
ankylose {v} (to cause bony structures to fuse or stiffen as a result of ankylosis) :: anquilosar
ankylosis {n} (the growing together of bones) :: anquilosi {f}
Ann {prop} (female given name) :: Anna {f}, Aina {f}
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
annal {n} (record of a single event or item) :: annals {m-p}
annatto {n} (dye) :: annato {m}
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
annelid {n} (annelid) :: anèl·lid {m}
annex {n} (addition, an extension) :: annex {m}
annex {n} (addition or extension to a building) :: annex {m}
annex {v} (to add something to another, to incorporate into) :: annexar
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation ::
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) :: annexió {f}
annihilate {v} (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) :: anihilar, aniquilar
anniversary {n} (day an exact number of years since an event) :: aniversari {m}
anniversary {n} (wedding anniversary) :: aniversari de noces {m}
announce {v} (give public notice) :: anunciar
announcer {n} (announcer) :: anunciant {m} {f}
annoy {v} (to disturb or irritate) :: molestar
annoyance {n} (that which annoys) :: molèstia {f}
annoying {v} (causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious) :: enutjós, enfadós, fastijós, molest
annual {adj} (happening once a year) :: anual, anyal
annual {n} (annual publication) :: anuari {m}
annually {adv} (once every year) :: anualment
annular {adj} (having the form of a ring) :: anular
annulus {n} (ring-shaped structure) :: anell {m}
annulus {n} (mycology: membranous remnants) :: anell {m}
annunciation {n} (act of annunciating) :: anunciació {f}
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another ::
anode {n} (the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs) :: ànode {m}
anode {n} (the electrode through which current flows into a cell) :: ànode {m}
anodyne {adj} (capable of soothing or eliminating pain) :: anodí
anodyne {adj} (soothing or relaxing) :: anodí
anodyne {adj} (noncontentious, blandly agreeable) :: anodí
anodyne {n} (any medicine or other agent that relieves pain) :: analgèsic
anodyne {n} (a source of relaxation or comfort) :: calmant
anoint {v} (to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance) :: ungir
anomalistic {adj} (irregular) SEE: irregular ::
anomalistic {adj} (anomalous) SEE: anomalous ::
anomalous {adj} (deviating from the normal) :: anòmal
anomalously {adv} (in an anomalous manner) :: anòmalament
anomaly {n} (deviation from norm) :: anomalia {f}
anonymization {n} (act of making anonymous) :: anonimització {f}
anonymize {v} (to render anonymous) :: anonimitzar
anonymous {adj} (wanting a name, not named and determined) :: anònim
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) :: anònim
anonymous {adj} (of unknown name; whose name is withheld) :: anònim
anonymously {adv} (in an anonymous manner) :: anònimament
anorak {n} (heavy weatherproof jacket) :: anorac {m}
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa ::
anorexia {n} (loss of appetite) :: anorèxia {f}
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder) :: anorèxia nerviosa {f}
anorexic {adj} (pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia) :: anorèctic
anorexic {adj} (thin) :: anorèctic
anorexic {n} (someone suffering from anorexia nervosa) :: anorèctic {m}, anorèctica {f}
anorthite {n} (mineral) :: anortita {f}
anorthoclase {n} (group of feldspars) :: anortosa {f}, anortòclasi {f}
anosmia {n} (inability to smell) :: anòsmia {f}
another {determiner} (one more, in addition to a former number) :: un altre
anoxia {n} (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen) :: anòxia {f}
anoxic {adj} (suffering from a reduced supply of oxygen) :: anòxic
anoxygenic {adj} (that does not involve the production of oxygen) :: anoxigènic {m}
answer {n} (response) :: resposta {f}
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) :: respondre
ant {n} (insect) :: formiga {f}
antacid {n} (agent reducing acidity) :: antiàcid {m}
antacid {adj} (counteracting acidity) :: antiàcid {m}, antiàcida {f}
antagonism {n} (strong dislike) :: antagonisme {m}
antagonist {n} (opponent) :: antagonista {m} {f}
antagonist {n} (chemical) :: antagonista {m}
antagonistic {adj} (antagonistic) :: antagonista
Antananarivo {prop} (city) :: Antananarivo {f}
antaphrodisiac {adj} (capable of reducing the sex drive) :: anafrodisíac {m}
antaphrodisiac {n} (substance capable of reducing the sex drive) :: anafrodisíac {m}, anafrodisíaca {f}, antiafrodisíac {m}, antiafrodisíaca {f}
Antarctic {adj} (pertaining to Antarctica) :: antàrtic
Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent) :: Antàrtida {f}
Antarctic Circle {prop} (geographical line) :: cercle polar antàrtic {m}
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) :: Península Antàrtica {f}
anteater {n} (mammal) :: ós formiguer {?}
antebellum {adj} (of a period of time prior to a war) :: d'avantguerra
antebrachium {n} (forearm) SEE: forearm ::
antecedent {n} (any thing that precedes another thing) :: antecedent {m}
antechamber {n} (small room) :: avantcambra {f}, avantsala {f}
antediluvian {adj} (extremely ancient or antiquated; old; prehistoric) :: antediluvià
antediluvian {adj} (extremely dated) :: antediluvià
antediluvian {adj} (pertaining or belonging to the time period prior to a great or destructive flood or deluge) :: antediluvià
antefix {n} (vertical block) :: antefixa {f}
antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae) :: antílop {m}
antenatal {adj} (before birth) :: prenatal
antenna {n} (feeler organ) :: antena {f}
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial ::
antenuptial {adj} (prenuptial) SEE: prenuptial ::
antepenultimate {adj} (two before the last) :: antepenúltim
anterior {adj} (before in place) :: anterior
anterior {adj} (before or earlier in time) :: anterior
anterior {adj} (anatomy: nearer the forward end) :: anterior
anterior auricular muscle {n} (muscle) :: múscul auricular anterior {m}
anterior chamber {n} (space between cornea and iris) :: cambra anterior {f}
anteriority {n} (state of being anterior or preceding in time or in situation) :: anterioritat {f}, prioritat {f}
anteroom {n} (antechamber) SEE: antechamber ::
anthelmintic {adj} (destructive to parasitic intestinal worms) :: antihelmíntic
anthelmintic {n} (drug that causes the expulsion or death of intestinal worms) :: antihelmíntic {m}
anthem {n} (national anthem) :: himne {m}
anthem {n} (hymn of praise or loyalty) :: himne {m}
anther {n} (pollen-bearing part of the stamen) :: antera {f}
antheridium {n} (bryophyte organ producing male gametes) :: anteridi {m}
antherozoid {n} (mobile male reproductive body in the antheridia of cryptogams) :: anterozoide {m}
anthesis {n} (the event of a flower opening) :: antesi {f}, floració {f}
ant-hill {n} (anthill) SEE: anthill ::
anthill {n} (home of ants and termites) :: formiguer {m} (ants), termiter {m} (termites)
anthocyanin {n} (any of many water-soluble red to violet plant pigments) :: antocianina {f}
anthology {n} (collection of literary works) :: antologia {f}
Anthony {prop} (given name) :: Antoni {m}
anthracite {n} (type of coal) :: antracita {f}
anthracnose {n} (any of several fungal plant diseases) :: antracnosi {f}
anthracosis {n} (pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of coal) :: antracosi {f}
anthraquinone {n} (tricyclic quinone) :: antraquinona {f}
anthrax {n} (disease) :: àntrax {m}
anthropo- {prefix} (men; people) :: antropo-
anthropocentric {adj} (giving preference to humans) :: antropocèntric
anthropocentrism {n} (viewpoint) :: antropocentrisme {m}
anthropogenic {adj} (pertaining to the origin of man) :: antropogènic
anthropogenic {adj} (having its origin in the influence of human activity on nature) :: antropogènic
anthropoid {adj} (having characteristics of a human, usually in terms of shape or appearance) :: antropoide
anthropoid {adj} (having characteristics of an ape) :: antropoide
anthropoid {n} (an anthropoid animal) :: antropoide {?}
anthropologic {adj} (anthropological) SEE: anthropological ::
anthropological {adj} (relating to anthropology) :: antropològic
anthropologist {n} (one who is versed in anthropology) :: antropòleg {m}, antropòloga {f}
anthropology {n} (the study of humanity) :: antropologia {f}
anthropometry {n} (science of measuring the human body) :: antropometria {f}
anthropomorphic {adj} (having the form of a person) :: antropomorf, antropomòrfic
anthropomorphic {adj} (given human attributes) :: antropomòrfic
anthropomorphism {n} (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) :: antropomorfisme {m}
anthropophobia {n} (fear of human beings) :: antropofòbia {f}
anthroposophy {n} (spiritual movement) :: antroposofia {f}
anti- {prefix} (against, hostile to) :: anti-
antiabortion {adj} (opposed to the practice of abortion) :: antiavortista {m} {f}
antiabortionist {n} (one who is opposed to the practice and/or legality of abortion) :: antiavortista {m} {f}
antiacid {n} (antacid) SEE: antacid ::
antiaggregation {n} (prevention of the aggregation of platelets) :: antiagregació {f}
anti-aircraft {adj} (intended to attack aircraft) :: antiaeri
anti-aircraft {n} (anti-aircraft artillery) :: antiaeri {m}
antiarrhythmic {adj} (used to treat or prevent arrhythmia) :: antiarítmic {m}, antiarítmica {f}
antiarrhythmic {n} (a drug that treats or prevents arrhythmia) :: antiarítmic {m}
antibacchius {n} (metrical foot consisting of two accented syllables followed by one unaccented syllable) :: antibaqui {m}
antibacterial {adj} (killing or inhibiting bacteria) :: antibacterià
antibacterial {n} (antibacterial drug) :: antibacterià {m}
antibiosis {n} (an association between organisms that is detrimental to one of them) :: antibiosi {f}
antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) :: antibiòtic {m}
antibiotic {adj} (of or relating to antibiotics) :: antibiòtic
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) :: anticòs {m}
antibrachium {n} (antibrachium) SEE: forearm ::
anti-Catalanism {n} (hostility against Catalans) :: anticatalanisme
anticathode {n} (anode) SEE: anode ::
antichresis {n} (agreement by which a debtor gives a creditor the use of real property) :: anticresi {f}
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) :: anticrist {m}
anticipate {v} (to know of something before it manifests) :: anticipar, preveure
anticipatory {adj} (characterized by anticipation) :: anticipant
anticleric {n} (anticlerical) SEE: anticlerical ::
anticlerical {adj} (opposed to political influence of clerics) :: anticlerical {c}
anticlerical {n} (one opposed to political influence of clerics) :: anticlerical {m} {f}
anticlericalism {n} (opposition to political influence of clerics) :: anticlericalisme {m}
anticlimax {n} (break in the final climax) :: anticlímax {m}
anticline {n} (anticlinal fold) :: anticlinal, anticlí
anticlockwise {adj} (in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock) :: en el sentit antihorari
anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise ::
anticoagulant {n} (substance) :: anticoagulant {m}
anticoagulant {adj} (acting as an anticoagulant) :: anticoagulant
anticonstitutional {adj} :: anticonstitucional {m} {f}
anticonstitutionally {adv} (anticonstitutionally) :: anticonstitucionalment
anticorruption {adj} (opposed to or combating corruption) :: anticorrupció
anticyclone {n} (system of winds) :: anticicló {m}
antidemocratic {adj} (opposed to the tenets of democracy) :: antidemocràtic {m}, antidemocràtica {f}
antidepressant {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts depression) :: antidepressiu {m}
antidepressant {adj} (preventing or counteracting depression) :: antidepressiu
antidepression {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidepressive {adj} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidepressive {n} (antidepressant) SEE: antidepressant ::
antidotary {n} (antidote) SEE: antidote ::
antidote {n} (remedy to counteract a poison) :: antídot {m}
antidote {n} (something that counteracts) :: antídot {m}
antiemetic {adj} (that combats nausea and vomiting) :: antiemètic
antiemetic {n} (drug that combats nausea and vomiting) :: antiemètic {m}, antivomitiu {m}
anti-Europeanism {n} :: antieuropeisme {m}
antifascism {n} (opposition to fascism) :: antifeixisme {m}
antifascist {adj} (opposed to fascism) :: antifeixista
antifascist {n} (person opposed to fascism) :: antifeixista {m} {f}
antifascistic {adj} (antifascist) SEE: antifascist ::
antifebrile {adj} (antipyretic) SEE: antipyretic ::
antifebrile {n} (antipyretic) SEE: antipyretic ::
antifeminism {n} (any belief antagonistic to feminism) :: antifeminisme {m}
antifever {adj} (antipyretic) SEE: antipyretic ::
antifungal {adj} (that inhibits the growth of fungi) :: antifúngic
antifungus {adj} (antifungal) SEE: antifungal ::
antigen {n} (substance that induces an immune response) :: antigen {m}
antigenic {adj} (of or relating to an antigen) :: antigènic
Antigua {prop} (island) :: Antigua {f}
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (country) :: Antigua i Barbuda
antihelminth {adj} (anthelmintic) SEE: anthelmintic ::
antihelmintic {adj} (anthelmintic) SEE: anthelmintic ::
antihero {n} (protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner) :: antiheroi {m}
antiheroine {n} (female antihero) :: antiheroïna {f}
antihistamine {n} (drug or substance) :: antihistamínic {m}
antihistaminic {n} (antihistamine) SEE: antihistamine ::
antihydrogen {n} (antimatter equivalent of hydrogen) :: antihidrogen {m}
anti-inflammatory {n} (agent that prevents or counteracts inflammation) :: antiinflamatori {m}
anti-inflammatory {adj} (preventing or counteracting inflammation) :: antiinflamatori
Antillean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Netherlands Antilles) :: antillà
Antillean {n} (person from the Netherlands Antilles) :: antillà {m}
Antilles {prop} (islands) :: Antilles {f-p}
antilog {n} (antilogarithm) SEE: antilogarithm ::
antilogarithm {n} (number of which a given number is the logarithm) :: antilogaritme {m}
antilogue {adj} (of the magnetic pole which is negative when heated and positive when cooled) :: antíleg
antimalarial {adj} (preventing or counteracting malaria) :: antipalúdic
antimatter {n} (matter composed of antiparticles) :: antimatèria {f}
antimicrobe {adj} (antimicrobial) SEE: antimicrobial ::
antimicrobial {adj} (destroying microbes) :: antimicrobià
antimicrobial {n} (agent that destroys microbes) :: antimicrobià {m}
antimicrobic {adj} (antimicrobial) SEE: antimicrobial ::
antimicrobic {n} (antimicrobial) SEE: antimicrobial ::
anti-militarism {n} (a doctrine that opposes war) :: antimilitarisme {m}
antimony {n} (chemical element) :: antimoni {m}
antimycotic {adj} (antifungal) SEE: antifungal ::
antimycotic {n} (antifungal) SEE: antifungal ::
antinationalism {n} (opposition to nationalism) :: antinacionalisme
antineutron {n} (the antiparticle corresponding to a neutron) :: antineutró {m}
antinuclear {adj} (opposed to the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear energy) :: antiatòmic
antinuclear {adj} (serving as protection from nuclear devices) :: antiatòmic
Antioch {prop} (Antioch on the Orontes) :: Antioquia {f}
antioxidant {n} (substance that slows oxidation) :: antioxidant {m}
antioxidant {adj} (acting against oxidation) :: antioxidant
antioxidative {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant ::
antioxygen {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant ::
antioxygenic {adj} (antioxidant) SEE: antioxidant ::
antipaludic {adj} (antimalarial) SEE: antimalarial ::
antiparallel {adj} (parallel of opposite direction) :: antiparal·lel
antiparticle {n} (a subatomic particle) :: antipartícula {f}
antiphlogistic {adj} (counteracting inflammation) :: antiinflamatori
antiphlogistic {n} (plant or remedy that reduces inflammation) :: antiinflamatori {m}
antiphon {n} (devotional piece of music sung responsively) :: antífona {f}
antiphonal {n} (antiphon) SEE: antiphon ::
antiphony {n} (singing by a choir split in two parts or a piece sung in this manner) :: antífona {f}
antiphrasis {n} (use of a word or phrase in a sense not in accord with its literal meaning) :: antífrasi {f}
antipode {n} (something directly opposite) :: antípoda {m}
antipodean {adj} (diametrically opposed) :: antípoda
antipodean {adj} (situated at opposite sides of the Earth) :: antípoda
antipodean {n} (inhabitant of the antipodes) :: antípoda {m} {f}
antiproton {n} (antiparticle of the proton) :: antiprotó {m}
antiptosis {n} (substitution of one grammatical case for another) :: antiptosi {f}
antipyretic {adj} (that reduces fever) :: antipirètic
antipyretic {n} (medication that reduces fever) :: antipirètic {m}
antiquark {n} (the antiparticle of a quark) :: antiquark {m}
antiquated {adj} (old fashioned) :: antiquat
antique {adj} (old; out of date) :: antic, antiquat
antique {n} (old piece) :: antiguitat {f}, antigalla {f}
antique white {n} (colour) :: blanc trencat
antiquity {n} (ancient times) :: antiguitat {f}
antiquity {n} (relic or monument of ancient times) :: antiguitat {f}
antirachitic {adj} (that cures or prevents rickets) :: antiraquític
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) :: antisemita {m} {f}
anti-Semitic {adj} (exhibiting anti-Semitism) :: antisemita, antisemític
antisemitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews) :: antisemitisme {m}
antiseptic {adj} (of or relating to antisepsis) :: antisèptic
antiseptic {adj} (capable of preventing microbial infection) :: antisèptic
antiseptic {adj} (very clean; aseptic) :: antisèptic
antiseptic {adj} (sanitized or bowdlerized) :: antisèptic
antiseptic {n} (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms) :: antisèptic
anti-smoking {adj} (antismoking) SEE: antismoking ::
antismoking {adj} (opposing or prohibiting smoking) :: antitabac
antitank {adj} (designed for attacking tanks or other armored vehicles) :: antitanc {m} {f}
antiterror {adj} (antiterrorist) SEE: antiterrorist ::
antiterrorism {n} (activity aiming at opposing terrorism) :: antiterrorisme {m}
antiterrorist {adj} (counteracting terrorism) :: antiterrorista {m} {f}
antitheft {adj} (preventing from being stolen) :: antirobatori
antitheism {n} (active opposition to theism) :: antiteisme
antithesis {n} (proposition that is opposite to other proposition) :: antítesi {f}
antithetic {adj} (antithetical) SEE: antithetical ::
antithetical {adj} (pertaining to or being an antithesis) :: antitètic
antithetically {adv} (in an antithetic manner) :: antitèticament
antitrust {adj} (opposed to or against the establishment or existence of trusts) :: antimonopolista
antiviral {adj} (medicine) :: antivíric
antiviral {adj} (computing) :: antivirus
antivirus {n} (computing software) :: antivirus {m}
anti-war {adj} (opposed to war) :: antibel·licista {m} {f}
antiwarfare {adj} (anti-war) SEE: anti-war ::
antlion {n} (nocturnal insects) :: formiga lleó {f}
Antonia {prop} (female given name) :: Antònia
Antonio {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
antonomasia {n} (substitution of an epithet or title in place of a proper noun) :: antonomàsia {f}
Antony {prop} (male given name) SEE: Anthony ::
antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning) :: antònim {m}
antonymous {adj} (having an opposite meaning) :: antònim
antonymy {n} (semantic relation between antonyms) :: antonímia {f}
antrum {n} (bodily cavity) :: antre {m}
Antwerp {prop} (province) :: Anvers
Antwerp {prop} (city) :: Anvers
Anubis {prop} (Egyptian god of the dead and tombs) :: Anubis {m}
anuran {n} (amphibian of the order Anura) :: anur {m}
anuria {n} (a condition in which the kidneys do not produce urine) :: anúria {f}
anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract) :: anus {m}
anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing) :: enclusa {f}
anvil {n} (bone in inner ear) :: enclusa {f}
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
anxiety {n} (concern) :: ansietat {f}
anxiety {n} (uneasy or distressing desire) :: ansietat {f}
anxiety {n} (pathological condition) :: ansietat {f}
anxiogenic {adj} (causing anxiety) :: ansiogen {m}
anxious {adj} (full of anxiety) :: ansiós
anxious {adj} (earnestly desirous) :: ansiós
anxiously {adv} (in an anxious manner) :: ansiosament
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
any {determiner} (at least one (kind)) :: algun
any {determiner} (no matter what kind) :: qualsevol {m} {f}, qualssevol {m-p} {f-p}
any {pron} (Any things or persons) :: algun, qualque
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone ::
anyhow {adv} (in any way, in any manner) :: en qualsevol cas, de qualsevol manera, tot i així
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
any longer {adv} (any more) SEE: any more ::
any more {adv} (in negative or interrogative constructions) :: més, per més temps
anyone {pron} (anybody) :: qualsevol, tothom, [questions] algú, [negative] ningú
anyplace {adv} (anywhere) SEE: anywhere ::
anything {pron} (any thing of any kind) :: qualsevol cosa, alguna cosa, quelcom, tot, [in negative sentences] res, re
anything goes {phrase} (there are no rules of restrictions) :: tot s'hi val
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
anyway {adv} (used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement) :: de qualsevol manera, en fi
anywhere {adv} (in or at any location) :: onsevulga
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau ::
aorist {n} (a grammatical aspect) :: aorist {m}
aoristic {adj} (aorist) SEE: aorist ::
aorta {n} (great artery) :: aorta {f}
aortic {adj} (of or concerning the aorta) :: aòrtic
Apache {prop} (Apache language) :: apatxe {m}
Apache {n} (Apache person) :: apatxe {m} {f}
apart {adv} (separately, in regard to space or company) :: a part
apart {adv} (aside; away) :: a part
apart {adv} (apart from) SEE: apart from ::
apart from {prep} (except for) :: a part de
apartheid {v} (policy of racial separation in South Africa) :: apartheid {m}
apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building) :: pis {m}
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (US)) SEE: roommate ::
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (UK)) SEE: flatmate ::
apathetic {adj} (void of feeling) :: apàtic
apathetically {adv} (in an apathetic manner) :: apàticament
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy ::
apathistical {adj} (apathetic) SEE: apathetic ::
apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation) :: apatia {f}
apatite {n} (type of mineral) :: apatita {f}
ape {n} (animal) :: mico {m}
ape {n} (derogatory: person) :: simi {m}, mico {m}, primat {m}
ape {v} (to imitate) :: imitar
Apennines {prop} (mountain range) :: Apenins {m-p}
aper {n} (someone who apes something) SEE: imitator ::
apex {n} (highest point) :: àpex {m}
apex {n} (botany: end of leaf) :: àpex {m}
aphasia {n} (pathological speech disorder) :: afàsia {f}
aphasic {adj} (affected by, or pertaining to, aphasia) :: afàsic
aphelion {n} (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the Sun) :: afeli {m}
apheresis {n} (loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word) :: afèresi {f}
aphonic {adj} (exhibiting aphonia) :: afònic
aphonous {adj} (aphonic) SEE: aphonic ::
aphorism {n} (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought) :: aforisme {m}
aphorismic {adj} (aphoristic) SEE: aphoristic ::
aphoristic {adj} (of, relating to, or containing aphorisms) :: aforístic
aphotic {adj} (having no light, especially no sunlight) :: afòtica
aphrodisiac {adj} (intensifying sexual desire) :: afrodisíac
aphrodisiac {n} (food or drug) :: afrodisíac {m}
Aphrodite {prop} (Greek goddess) :: Afrodita {f}
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease ::
aphtha {n} (oral thrush) :: afta {f}
aphthous {adj} (relating to aphtha) :: aftós
apiarist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiary {n} (a place where bees and hives are kept) :: apiari {m}
apical {adj} (phonetics: produced with the tip of the tongue) :: apical
apicular {adj} (apical) SEE: apical ::
apiculate {adj} (having a short, sharply pointed tip) :: apiculat
apiculated {adj} (apiculate) SEE: apiculate ::
apiculturalist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiculture {n} (beekeeping) SEE: beekeeping ::
apiculturist {n} (beekeeper) SEE: beekeeper ::
apiece {adv} (apiece) :: respectivament, cadascú {m}, cadascuna {f}
apnea {n} (cessation of breathing) :: apnea {f}
apo- {prefix} (away from, or separate) :: apo-
apocalypse {n} (end of the world) :: apocalipsi {m}
apocalypse {n} (cataclysmic event) :: apocalipsi {m}
Apocalypse {prop} (the written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet) :: apocalipsi {m}
Apocalypse {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Apocalipsi {m}
apocalyptic {adj} (of or relating to an apocalypse) :: apocalíptic
apocalyptical {adj} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic ::
apocalypticist {n} (apocalyptic) SEE: apocalyptic ::
apocarpous {adj} (having carpels that are not joined) :: apocàrpic
apocrypha {n} (writing of a doubtful authorship) :: apòcrif {f}
apocryphal {adj} (of doubtful authenticity) :: apòcrif
apocryphally {adv} (In an apocryphal manner) :: apòcrifament
apogee {n} (a point in an orbit around the Earth) :: apogeu {m}
apograph {n} (perfect copy) :: apògraf {m}
Apollo {prop} (the son of Zeus) :: Apol·lo {m}
Apollo {prop} (a very handsome young man) :: apol·lo {m}
Apollo {prop} (a three-man spacecraft) :: Apol·lo {m}
Apollo {prop} (butterfly) :: apol·lo {m}
Apollo {n} (asteroid type) :: Apol·lo {m}
apollonian {adj} (clear, harmonious, and restrained) :: apol·lini
Apollonian {n} (of or relating to the Greek god Apollo) :: apol·lini
apologetic {adj} (having the character of apology) :: apologètic
apologetical {adj} (apologetic) SEE: apologetic ::
apologetically {adv} (in an apologetic manner) :: apologèticament
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologian {n} (apologist) SEE: apologist ::
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize ::
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologist {n} (One who speaks or writes in defense of a faith) :: apologista {m} {f}, apologeta {m}
apologize {v} (to make an apology or defense) :: apologitzar
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) :: apologitzar
apologizingly {adv} (apologetically) SEE: apologetically ::
apologue {n} (a short story with a moral, often involving talking animals or objects) :: apòleg {m}
apology {n} (an expression of regret) :: disculpa {f}
apology {n} (formal justification, defence) :: apologia {f}
aponeurosis {n} (flattened fibrous membrane) :: aponeurosi
apophenia {n} (the perception of connectedness in unrelated phenomena) :: apofènia {f}
apophyllite {n} (mineral) :: apofil·lita {f}
apophysis {n} (outgrowth) :: apòfisi {f}
apoplectic {adj} (of or relating to apoplexy) :: apoplèctic
apoplexy {n} (loss of consciousness) :: apoplexia {f}
apoptosis {n} (death of cells) :: apoptosi {f}
aporophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of poor people) :: aporofòbia {f}
aposematism {n} (adaptation that warns off potential predators) :: aposematisme {m}
apostasy {n} (renunciation of set of beliefs) :: apostasia {f}
apostasy {n} (renunciation of one's religion or faith) :: apostasia {f}
apostate {n} (person who renounces a religion or faith) :: apòstata {m} {f}
apostatic {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate ::
apostatical {adj} (apostate) SEE: apostate ::
apostatize {v} (give up one's position or belief) :: apostatar
apostle {n} (missionary or leader of a mission) :: apòstol {m}
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer ::
Apostle {n} (any of the group of twelve disciples) :: apòstol {m}
apostolic {adj} (pertaining to apostles, or to the apostles) :: apostòlic
apostolical {adj} (apostolic) SEE: apostolic ::
apostolically {adv} (in an apostolic way) :: apostòlicament
apostrophe {n} (the character ’) :: apòstrof {m}
apostrophe {n} (sudden piece of dialogue) :: apòstrofe {m}
apostrophize {v} (to use the apostrophe in writing or speech) :: apostrofar
apostrophize {v} (to add one or more apostrophes to text to indicate missing letters) :: apostrofar
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
apothecium {n} (the ascigerous fructification of lichens) :: apoteci {m}
apothegm {n} (A short witty instructive saying) :: apotegma {m}
apotheosis {n} (best moment or highest point in the development of something) :: culminació
app {n} (small computer application) :: apli {f}
Appalachians {prop} (a mountain range in eastern North America) :: Apalatxes {m-p}
apparatus {n} (firefighting: vehicle for emergency response) SEE: fire engine ::
apparent {adj} (seeming) :: aparent
apparently {adv} (seemingly) :: aparentment
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse ::
appeal {v} (to apply for the removal of a cause to a superior judge or court) :: apel·lar
appeal {v} (to be attractive) :: abellir, agradar
appeal {n} (application for the removal of a cause to a superior judge) :: apel·lació {f}
appeal {n} (power to attract or interest) :: atractiu {m}
appeal {v} (to invoke) SEE: invoke ::
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem ::
appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) :: aparèixer, sortir
appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) :: semblar
appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight) :: aparició
appearance {n} (A thing seen) :: aparició
appearance {n} (Personal presence, form or look) :: aparença
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance ::
appease {v} (to make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify) :: amainar
append {v} (to add as an accessory) :: agregar
appendectomy {n} (surgical procedure) :: apendicectomia {f}
appendiceal {adj} (of or pertaining to the appendix) :: apendicular
appendicectomy {n} (appendectomy) SEE: appendectomy ::
appendicitis {n} (inflamation of the vermiform appendix) :: apendicitis {f}
appendicular {adj} (of or pertaining to the appendix) SEE: appendiceal ::
appendix {n} (text added to the end of a book or an article) :: apèndix
appendix {n} (vermiform appendix) :: apèndix {m}
appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food) :: gana, apetit {m}
appetizing {adj} (that appeals to, or stimulates the appetite) :: apetitós
applaud {v} (to express approval by clapping) :: aplaudir
applaudable {adj} (praiseworthy) SEE: praiseworthy ::
applause {n} (act of applauding) :: aplaudiment {m}
apple {n} (fruit) :: poma {f}
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree ::
apple juice {n} (the juice of apples, often used as a drink) :: suc de poma {m}
apple of someone's eye {n} (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) :: la nina dels ulls {f}
appleringie {n} (southernwood) SEE: southernwood ::
applet {n} (a small program module that runs under the control of a larger application) :: miniaplicació {f}
apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples) :: pomer {m}, pomera {f}
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple ::
appliable {adj} (applicable) SEE: applicable ::
appliableness {n} (applicability) SEE: applicability ::
applicability {n} (relevancy) :: aplicabilitat {f}
applicable {adj} (suitable for application; relevant) :: aplicable
applicableness {n} (applicability) SEE: applicability ::
applicant {n} (one who applies) :: sol·licitant {m} {f}
application {n} (the act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense) :: aplicació {f}
application {n} (the thing applied) :: aplicació {f}
application {n} (the act of applying as a means) :: aplicació {f}
application {n} (a computer program) :: aplicació {f}
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar) :: sol·licitud {f}
applied {adj} (put into practical use) :: aplicat
applied {adj} (concerned with practical problems, rather that theoretical abstractions) :: aplicat
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) :: nomenament {m}
appointment {n} (state of being appointed) :: nomenament {f}
appointment {n} (stipulation; agreement) :: compromís {m}
appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement) :: cita {f}, consulta {f}
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute ::
appraisal {n} (judgement) :: avaluació {f}, valoració {f}
appraisement {n} (appraisal) SEE: appraisal ::
appreciably {adv} (in an appreciable manner) :: apreciablement
appreciate {v} (to be grateful for something) :: agrair
apprehend {v} (to understand; to recognize) :: aprehendre
apprehend {v} (to think, believe, or understand) :: aprehendre
apprehensive {adj} (anticipating something with anxiety or fear) :: aprensiu
apprenticeship {n} (condition of, or the time served by, an apprentice) :: aprenentatge {m}
apprenticeship {n} (system by which a person learning a craft or trade is instructed) :: aprenentatge {m}
appressorium {n} (a bulbous formation produced by parasitic fungi) :: apressori {m}
approach {v} (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) :: aproximar-se
approach {n} (the act of drawing near) :: aproximació {f}, apropament {m}
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach ::
approportionate {v} (proportion) SEE: proportion ::
appropriate {adj} (peculiar, suitable, fit, proper) :: apropiat, adequat
appropriately {adv} (in an appropriate manner) :: apropiadament
approval {n} (permission) :: aprovació {f}
approval {n} (acceptance) :: aprovació {f}
approve {v} (to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial) :: aprovar
approve {v} (to regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of) :: aprovar
approx. {adv} (abbreviation of words equivalent to approximately) :: aprox.
approximate {adj} (Approaching; proximate; nearly resembling) :: aproximat
approximate {adj} (Near correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate;) :: aproximat
approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) :: aproximadament
apricot {n} (fruit) :: albercoc {m}
apricot {n} (tree) :: albercoquer {m}
April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: abril {m}
apéritif {n} (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser) :: aperitiu {m}
apron {n} (clothing) :: davantal {m}
apse {n} (semicircular projection from a building) :: absis {m}
apse {n} (obsolete or dialectal: aspen tree) SEE: aspen ::
apse {n} (case in which the relics were kept) SEE: reliquary ::
Aptian {prop} (subdivision of the Early Cretaceous epoch) :: Aptià
aptly {adv} (in an apt or suitable manner) :: aptament, encertadament
Apuglian {adj} (Apulian) SEE: Apulian ::
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) :: Pulla {f}
Apulian {adj} (of or pertaining to Apulia) :: pullès
Apulian {n} (resident of Apulia) :: pullès {m}, pullesa {f}
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
aquaculture {n} (the cultivation of the aquatic produce) :: aqüicultura {f}
aquafarming {n} (aquaculture) SEE: aquaculture ::
aqua fortis {n} (nitric acid) SEE: nitric acid ::
aquamarine {n} (type of beryl) :: aiguamarina {f}
aquaplaning {n} :: hidroplanatge {m}, aquaplaning {m}
aquaporin {n} (class of proteins) :: aquaporina {f}
Aquarian {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius ::
aquarium {n} (tank for keeping fish) :: aquàrium {m}, aquari {m}
aquarium {n} (public place where live fish are exhibited) :: aquàrium {m}, aquari {m}
Aquarius {prop} (constellation) :: Aquari {m}
Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: Aquari {m}
Aquarius {n} (Someone with a Aquarius star sign) :: aquari {m} {f}
aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) :: aquàtic
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic ::
aquatint {n} (form of etching with acid on a plate) :: aiguatinta {f}
aquatint {n} (etching or print) :: aiguatinta {f}
aqueduct {n} (an artificial channel conveying water) :: aqüeducte {m}
aqueduct {n} (a structure carrying water) :: aqüeducte {m}
aquifer {n} (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) :: aqüífer {m}
aquiline {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles) :: aguilenc, aquilí
aquiline nose {n} (human nose with a hooked, bent shape) :: nas aguilenc {m}
Aquitaine {prop} (region of France) :: Aquitània {f}
ar {n} (name of the letter R, r) :: erra {f}
Ara {prop} (constellation) :: Altar {m}
Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) :: àrab
Arab {n} (Semitic person) :: àrab {m} {f}
Arab {n} (horse) :: àrab {m}
arabesque {n} (ornamental design used in Islamic Art) :: arabesc {m}
Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) :: Aràbia {f}
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary ::
Arabianize {v} (Arabize) SEE: Arabize ::
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) :: mar d'Aràbia {f}, mar Aràbiga {f}
Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) :: àrab, aràbic
Arabic {prop} (language) :: àrab {m}
Arabic numeral {n} (any of the ten symbols from 0 through 9) :: xifra aràbiga {f}
arabinose {n} (aldopentose that occurs most often in polysaccharides) :: arabinosa {f}
Arabism {n} (an idiom characteristic of the Arabic language) :: arabisme {m}
Arabize {v} (to make Arab) :: arabitzar
arable {adj} (suitable for cultivation) :: cultivable
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) :: República Àrab d'Egipte {f}
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) :: Primavera Àrab {f}
arachnid {n} (eight-legged creature) :: aràcnid {m}
arachnidan {n} (arachnid) SEE: arachnid ::
arachnoid {n} (the arachnoid mater) SEE: arachnoid mater ::
arachnoid mater {n} (middle layer of the meninges) :: aracnoide {f}, membrana aracnoide {f}
arachnology {n} (study of the Arachnida) :: aracnologia {f}
arachnophobia {n} (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) :: aracnofòbia {f}
Aragon {prop} (an autonomous community in Spain) :: Aragó {m}
Aragonese {adj} (from Aragon) :: aragonès
Aragonese {n} (a person) :: aragonès {m}, aragonesa {f}
Aragonese {prop} (the language of Aragon) :: aragonès {m}
aragonite {n} (saline evaporate) :: aragonita {f}
Aragon Strip {prop} (Part of Aragon where Catalan is spoken) :: Franja d'Aragó {f}, Franja de Ponent {f}
Aral Sea {prop} (Aral Sea) :: llac d'Aral {m}
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic ::
Aramaean {n} (member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people) :: arameu {m}
Aramaic {prop} (the language) :: arameu {m}
Aramaic {adj} (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) :: arameu
Aranese {prop} (dialect) :: aranès {m}
arbiter {n} (a person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them) :: àrbitre {m}
arbitrarily {adv} (in an arbitrary manner) :: arbitràriament
arbitrariously {adv} (arbitrarily) SEE: arbitrarily ::
arbitrary {adj} (based on individual discretion or judgment) :: arbitrari
arbitrate {v} (to make a judgment on) :: arbitrar
arboreous {adj} (woody) SEE: woody ::
arboreous {adj} (wooded) SEE: wooded ::
arboretum {n} (place of many varieties of tree) :: arborètum
arboriculture {n} (branch of horticulture concerned with the planting and growth of trees) :: arboricultura {f}
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue ::
arbutus {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
arc {n} (geometry: part of a curve) :: arc {m}
arcade {n} (row of arches) :: arcada {f}, porxada {f}
Arcadia {n} (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese) :: Arcàdia
arcane {adj} (understood by only a few; obscure) :: arcà {m}, secret {m}
arcanite {n} (potassium sulfate) :: arcanita {f}
arc-boutant {n} (flying buttress) SEE: flying buttress ::
arccosine {n} (inverse of the cosine function) :: arccosinus {m}
arccotangent {n} (inverse of the cotangent function) :: arccotangent {m}
arch {n} (inverted U shape) :: arc {m}
arch {n} (arrangement of trapezoidal stones) :: arc {m}
arch {n} (architectural element) :: arc {m}
arch {v} (to form into arch) :: arquejar
Archaean {adj} (of eon from 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago) :: arqueà
Archaean {prop} (Archaean eon) :: arqueà {m}
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist ::
archaeologic {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological ::
archaeological {adj} (relating to the science or research of archaeology) :: arqueològic
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) :: arqueòleg {m}
archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains) :: arqueologia {f}
archaeozoology {n} (the study of relationships between humans and animals over time) :: arqueozoologia {f}
archaic {adj} (old-fashioned or antiquated) :: arcaic
archaicism {n} (archaism) SEE: archaism ::
archaism {n} (archaic word, language) :: arcaisme {m}
archaize {v} (To give an archaic quality or character to) :: arcaïtzar
archangel {n} (angel who leads other angels) :: arcàngel {m}
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk ::
archbishop {n} (senior bishop) :: arquebisbe {m}
archbishopdom {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archbishophood {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archbishopric {n} (jurisdiction of an archbishop) :: metròpolis {f}, metròpoli {f}
archbishopship {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archchancellor {n} (chief chancellor) :: arxicanceller {m}
archdeacon {n} (administrative official in a diocese) :: ardiaca {m}, arxidiaca {m}
archdiocese {n} (area administered by an archbishop) :: metròpolis {f}, metròpoli {f}, arxidiòcesi
archducal {adj} (pertaining to archdukes) :: arxiducal
archduchess {n} (daughter or granddaughter of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary) :: arxiduquessa {f}
archduchy {n} (territory of an archduke) :: arxiducat {m}
archduke {n} (rank) :: arxiduc {m}
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis ::
archeological {adj} (archaeological) SEE: archaeological ::
archeologically {adv} (in an archeological manner) :: arqueològicament
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology ::
archeopteryx {n} (ancient bird) :: arqueòpterix
archer {n} (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) :: arquer {m}
archetypal {adj} (Of or pertaining to an archetype) :: arquetípic
archetype {n} (original model of which all other similar concepts, objects, or persons are merely copied, derivative, emulated, or patterned) :: arquetip {m}
archetype {n} (ideal example of something, see also: quintessence) :: arquetip {m}
archetype {n} (character, object, or story based on a known character, object, or story) :: arquetip {m}
archetype {n} (Jungian psychology: universal pattern of thought) :: arquetip {m}
archetypic {adj} (archetypal) SEE: archetypal ::
archetypical {adj} (archetypal) SEE: archetypal ::
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan ::
Archibald {prop} (male given name) :: Arxibald
archiepiscopality {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
archiepiscopate {n} (archbishopric) SEE: archbishopric ::
Archimedean {adj} (of or pertaining to Archimedes) :: arquimedià
archipelago {n} (group of islands) :: arxipèlag {m}
architect {n} (designer of buildings) :: arquitecte {m} {f}
architectonic {adj} (relating to architecture) SEE: architectural ::
architectural {adj} (pertaining to architecture) :: arquitectònic
architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) :: arquitectura {f}
architrave {n} (the lowest part of an entablature) :: arquitrau {m}
archive {n} (place for storing earlier material) :: arxiu {m}
archiver {n} (archivist) SEE: archivist ::
archivist {n} (one who creates, maintains or controls archives) :: arxiver {m}, arxivista {m} {f}
archlute {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: arxillaüt {m}
archly {adv} (in an arch manner) :: maliciosament
archon {n} (chief magistrate) :: arcont {m}
archosaur {n} (any reptile of the taxon Archosauria) :: arcosaure {m}
archosaurian {n} (archosaur) SEE: archosaur ::
archpresbyter {n} (archpriest) SEE: archpriest ::
archpriest {n} (religious title/rank) :: arxipreste {m}
archpriesthood {n} :: arxiprestat {m}
archway {n} (passageway covered by an arch) :: porxo {m}
arcosolium {n} (a tomb in an arched recess in a wall) :: arcosoli {m}
arctation {n} (stenosis) SEE: stenosis ::
Arctic {adj} (Pertaining to the northern polar region of the planet) :: àrtic
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) :: Àrtida {f}, Àrtic {m}
Arctic char {n} (saibling) SEE: saibling ::
Arctic Circle {prop} (one of the five major circles of latitude) :: cercle polar àrtic {m}
arctic hare {n} (Lepus arcticus) :: llebre polar {f}
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) :: Oceà Àrtic {m}
arctic tern {n} (Sterna paradisaea) :: xatrac àrtic {m}
arcuate fasciculus {n} (bundle of axons) :: fascicle arquejat
Ardèche {prop} (French department) :: Ardecha {f}
Ardennes {prop} (département) :: Ardenes {f-p}
ardent {adj} (full or ardour) :: ardent
arduous {adj} (needing or using up much energy) :: ardu
arduous {adj} (hard to climb) :: ardu
are {n} (unit of area) :: àrea {f}
are {v} (be) SEE: be ::
area {n} (maths: measure of extent of a surface) :: àrea {f}
area {n} (particular geographic region) :: àrea {f}
area {n} (soccer: penalty area) SEE: penalty area ::
area code {n} (prefix appended to a telephone number indicating the geographical area) :: prefix d'àrea {m}
arena {n} (an enclosed area, often outdoor) :: arena {f}
arena {n} (a realm in which important events unfold) :: arena {f}
arenarious {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy ::
arenose {adj} (sandy) SEE: sandy ::
areola {n} (circle around the nipple) :: arèola {f}
areola {n} (anatomy: small circular area in general) :: arèola {f}
Areopagus {n} (supreme council in Athens) :: areòpag {m}
Ares {prop} (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera) :: Ares {m}
aretology {n} (part of moral philosophy that deals with virtue) :: aretologia {f}
are your ears burning {phrase} (asked of somebody who was not present but was the topic of discussion) :: no et xiulaven les orelles?
Arezzo {prop} (capital city of Arezzo) :: Arezzo {f}
argent {n} (silver or metal tincture) :: plata {f}, argent {m}
Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic) :: Argentina {f}
argentine {n} (Argentina sphyraena) :: moixó {m}
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina ::
Argentine {adj} (pertaining to Argentina) :: argentí
Argentine {n} (person from Argentina) :: argentí {m}
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
argentite {n} (silver sulfide) :: argentita {f}
arginine {n} (an amino acid) :: arginina
argon {n} (a chemical element) :: argó {m}
Argonaut {prop} (member of the Argo crew) :: Argonauta
argot {n} (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a field) :: argot {m}
arguable {adj} (defensible in an argument) :: arguïble
arguable {adj} (open to argument) :: discutible
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel) :: discutir
argue {v} (transitive: present a viewpoint) :: argumentar, argüir
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
argument {n} (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason) :: argument {m}
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) :: disputa {f}
argument {n} (process of reasoning) :: argumentació {f}
argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function) :: argument {m}
arhythmic {adj} (arrhythmic) SEE: arrhythmic ::
arhythmical {adj} (arrhythmic) SEE: arrhythmic ::
aria {n} (type of musical piece) :: ària {f}
Arian {n} (someone whose star sign is in Aries) SEE: Aries ::
Arian {n} (a kind of Christian who holds Arian ideas) :: arià {m}, arrià {m}
Arian {adj} (pertaining to Arianism) :: arià, arrià
arid {adj} (very dry) :: àrid
Aries {prop} (constellation) :: Àries
Aries {prop} (astrological sign) :: Àries {m}
Aries {n} (Someone with an Aries star sign) :: àries {m} {f}
arigato {interj} (“thank you”, used in the context of, or to evoke, Japanese culture) :: arigató
Ariège {prop} (département) :: Arieja
aril {n} (meat surrounding seed) :: aril {m}
arillus {n} (aril) SEE: aril ::
aristocracy {n} (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class) :: aristocràcia {f}
aristocracy {n} (government by such a class) :: aristocràcia {f}
aristocracy {n} (class of people considered superior to others) :: aristocràcia {f}
aristocrat {n} (one of the aristocracy) :: aristòcrata {m} {f}
aristocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to an aristocracy) :: aristocràtic
aristocratic {adj} (partaking of aristocracy; befitting aristocracy) :: aristocràtic
aristocratical {adj} (aristocratic) SEE: aristocratic ::
aristocratically {adv} (in an aristocratic manner) :: aristocràticament
Aristotelian {n} (disciple of Aristotle) :: aristotèlic
Aristotelian {adj} (of or pertaining to the philosophy taught by Aristotle) :: aristotèlic
arithmetic {n} (mathematics of numbers, etc.) :: aritmètica
arithmetical {adj} (arithmetical) SEE: arithmetic ::
arithmetically {adv} (In an arithmetic / arithmetical manner) :: aritmèticament
ark {n} (Noah's ship) :: arca {f}
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Arkhànguelsk
arm {n} (weapon) :: arma {f}
arm {v} (to supply with armour or weapons) :: armar
arm {n} (baseball: pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) :: braç {m}
armadillo {n} (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) :: armadillo {m}
Armageddon {prop} (site) :: Harmagedon {m}
Armagnac {prop} (region) :: Armanyac {m}
Armagnac {n} (brandy) :: armanyac {m}
armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) :: butaca {f}
armed {adj} (equipped, especially with a weapon) :: armat
armed {adj} (prepared for use) :: armat
armed forces {n} (the military forces of a nation) :: exèrcit {m}, forces armades {m-p}
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police ::
Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country) :: Armènia {f}
Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) :: armeni
Armenian {n} (person) :: armeni {m}, armènia
Armenian {prop} (language) :: armeni {m}
Armenian cucumber {n} (fruit) :: alficòs {m}
Armenian cucumber {n} (plant) :: alficossera {f}, alficòs {m}
armful {n} (amount an arm or arms can hold) :: braçat {m}, braçada {f}
armhole {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
armiger {n} (squire carrying the armour of a knight) :: escuder {m}
armillary sphere {n} (instrument consisting of graduated metal circles) :: esfera armil·lar {f}
armistice {n} (formal agreement to end combat) :: armistici {m}
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) :: arnès {m}, armadura {f}
armored {adj} (clad or equipped with arms or armor) :: blindat
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armour {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) :: arnès {m}, armadura {f}
armoured {adj} (Possessing armour) :: cuirassat {m}, blindat {m}
armoured {adj} (Equipped with armoured vehicles) :: cuirassat {m}, blindat {m}
armpit {n} (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder) :: aixella {f}, axil·la {f}
arm to the teeth {v} (to equip with weapons) :: anar armat fins a les dents
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm ::
arm wrestling {n} (a sport) :: torcebraç {m}
army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) :: exèrcit {m}, host {f}
army {n} (government agency in charge of a state's army) :: exèrcit {m}
army {n} (large group of people working towards the same purpose) :: exèrcit {m}
army {n} (large group of social animals working towards the same purpose) :: exèrcit {m}
army {n} (any multitude) :: exèrcit {m}
arnica {n} (plant of genus Arnica) :: àrnica {f}
Arnold {prop} (male given name) :: Arnau
aromatherapy {n} (type of therapy) :: aromateràpia {f}
aromatic {adj} (fragrant or spicy) :: aromàtic
aromatic {adj} (in organic chemistry) :: aromàtic
around {prep} (defining a circle or closed curve containing) :: al voltant de
around {prep} (following a path) :: passant
arouse {v} (to stimulate feelings) :: provocar
arouse {v} (to sexually stimulate) :: excitar
arouse {v} (to awaken) :: despertar, desvetllar
arpeggio {n} (notes of a chord played individually) :: arpegi {m}
arquebus {n} (firearm) SEE: harquebus ::
arrange {v} (to set up, organise) :: organitzar, planificar, arreglar (informal)
arrange {v} (to put in order) :: arreglar
arrange {v} (music: to adapt an existing composition for presentation) :: arrenjar
arranged marriage {n} (marriage planned by someone else) :: matrimoni concertat {m}, arreglat {m}
arrangement {n} (act of arranging) :: arreglada
arrangement {n} (agreement) :: acord {m}
arrangement {n} (music: adaptation of a piece of music) :: arrangement {m}
array {v} (to clothe, ornament) :: arreglar
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay ::
arrest {n} (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) :: arrest {m}
arrest warrant {n} (document authorizing an arrest) :: crida i cerca {f}, ordre d'arrest {f}
Arretine {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Arezzo, Italy) :: aretí
arrhythmia {n} (irregular heartbeat) :: arítmia {f}
arrhythmic {adj} (without rhythm) :: arítmic
arrhythmic {adj} (suffering from cardiac arrhythmia) :: arítmic
arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived) :: arribada {f}
arrive {v} (to reach) :: arribar
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) :: arribar
arriviste {n} (upstart) SEE: upstart ::
arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) :: arrogància {f}
arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride) :: arrogant
arrogantly {adv} (in an arrogant manner) :: arrogantment
arrow {n} (projectile) :: fletxa {f}, sageta {f}
arrow {n} (symbol) :: fletxa {f}
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass ::
arsenal {n} (stock of weapons) :: arsenal {m}
arsenal {n} (store or supply of anything) :: arsenal
arsenate {n} (salt or ester of arsenic acid) :: arsenat {m}
arsenic {n} (chemical element) :: arsènic {m}
arsenolite {n} (mineral) :: arsenolita {f}
arsine {n} (AsH3) :: arsina {f}
art {n} (human effort) :: art {m}
art {n} :: [in plural only f] art {m} {f}
artefact {n} (artefact) SEE: artifact ::
Artemis {prop} (Greek goddess) :: Àrtemis {f}
Arte Povera {prop} (Italian modern art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s) :: art pobre {m} {f}
arterial {adj} (relating to an artery) :: arterial
arteriography {n} (radiography of an artery) SEE: angiography ::
arteriole {n} (arteriole) :: arteriola {f}
arteriosclerosis {n} (hardening, narrowing or loss of elasticity in arteries or blood vessel) :: arteriosclerosi {f}
arteriosclerotic {adj} (pertaining to arteriosclerosis) :: arterioscleròtic
arteritis {n} (inflammation of artery walls) :: arteritis {f}
artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart) :: artèria {f}
artery {n} (major transit corridor) :: artèria {f}
artesian {adj} (rising to the surface) :: artesià
artesian well {n} (aquifer) :: pou artesià {m}
art gallery {n} (space where works of art are placed on display) :: galeria d'art {f}
art historian {n} (an expert in art history) :: historiador de l'art {m}
arthritic {adj} (affected by arthritis) :: artrític
arthritis {n} (inflammation of a joint) :: artritis {f}
arthro- {prefix} (biology: referring to a joint or meaning articulation) :: artro-
arthropathy {n} (medicine: any of several diseases of a joint) :: artropatia {f}
arthropod {n} (animal of Arthropoda) :: artròpode {m}
arthroscope {n} (a form of endoscope used in arthroscopy) :: artroscopi {m}
arthroscopy {n} (the examination of the interior of a joint (such as the knee) using an arthroscope) :: artroscòpia {f}
Arthur {prop} (male given name) :: Artur
Arthurian {adj} (pertaining to the legend of King Arthur) :: arturià, artúric
artichoke {n} (vegetable) :: carxofera {f} (plant), carxofa (flower)
article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece) :: article {m}
article {n} (part of speech that specifies a noun) :: article {m}
article {n} (section of a legal document) :: article {m}
article {n} (object) SEE: object ::
articulate {adj} (able to bend or hinge at certain points or intervals) :: articulat {m}
articulately {adv} (in an articulate manner) :: articuladament
articulation {n} (joint or collection of joints) :: articulació {f}
artifact {n} (object made or shaped by human hand) :: artefacte {m}
artifact {n} (something viewed as a product of human conception) :: artefacte {m}
artifact {n} (artificial feature) :: artefacte {m}
artifact {n} (archaeological object) :: artefacte {m}
artifice {n} (crafty but underhanded deception) :: artifici {m}
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan ::
artificial {adj} (man-made) :: artificial
artificial {adj} (false, misleading) :: artificial, fals
artificial {adj} (unnatural) :: artificial
artificial insemination {n} (introduction of semen) :: inseminació artificial {f}
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) :: intel·ligència artificial {f}
artificially {adv} (in an artificial manner) :: artificialment
artificial person {n} (legal person) SEE: legal person ::
artificial selection {n} (intervention by humans in the breeding of plants or animals) :: selecció artificial {f}
artillerist {n} (artilleryman) SEE: artilleryman ::
artillery {n} (weapon) :: artilleria {f}
artillery {n} (army unit) :: artilleria {f}
artillery {n} (gunnery (science)) :: artilleria {f}
artilleryman {n} (soldier enlisted in an artillery unit) :: artiller {m}
artinite {n} (mineral) :: artinita {f}
Artinskian {prop} :: Artinskià
artisan {n} (skilled manual worker) :: artesà {m}
artist {n} (person who creates art) :: artista {m} {f}
artist {n} (person who creates art as an occupation) :: artista {m} {f}
artist {n} (skilled person) :: artista {m} {f}
artistic {adv} (having creative skill) :: artístic
artistic {adv} (relating to art or artists) :: artístic
artistic {adv} (aesthetically pleasing) :: artístic
artistical {adj} (artistic) SEE: artistic ::
artistically {adv} (In an artistic manner) :: artísticament
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist ::
art nouveau {n} (Art Nouveau) SEE: Art Nouveau ::
Art Nouveau {prop} (style of art and architecture) :: modernsime {m}
artwise {adv} (artistically) SEE: artistically ::
arugula {n} (herb) :: ruca {f}
arum {n} (flower or plant in the genus Arum) :: aro {m}, sarriasa {f}
Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) :: ari
Aryan {n} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: a white) :: ari
Aryan {n} (rare: a Proto-Indo-European) :: ari
Aryan {adj} (pertaining to the (alleged) Aryan master race) :: ari
Aryan {adj} (used primarily by neo-Nazis: pertaining to the Caucasian race) :: ari
Aryan {adj} (of or pertaining to Indo-European or Aryan peoples, culture, and languages) :: ari
aryl {n} (univalent organic radical derived from an aromatic hydrocarbon) :: aril
as {adv} (to such an extent or degree) :: tan ... com
as {conj} (in the same way that) :: com
as {conj} (varying through time to the same proportion that) :: a mesura que
as {conj} (considering that, because) :: com que, ja que
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) :: com
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that ::
as {conj} (than) SEE: than ::
as {conj} (as if) SEE: as if ::
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example ::
as a matter of fact {prep} (actually) :: de fet, en realitat
asbestos {n} (any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate) :: amiant {m}, asbest {m}
ascend {v} (to fly, to soar) :: ascendir
ascending colon {n} (part of the colon) :: còlon ascendent {m}
ascension {n} (the act of ascending) :: ascensió {f}
Ascension {prop} (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus) SEE: Ascension Day ::
Ascension {prop} (Jesus' rise to heaven) :: Ascensió {f}
Ascension Day {prop} (the fortieth day of Easter) :: Ascensió {f}
ascertain {v} (find out; discover or establish) :: establir, determinar
ascetic {adj} (related to ascetics) :: ascètic
ascetic {n} (devotee to the practice of self-denial) :: asceta {m} {f}
asceticism {n} (the principles and practices of an ascetic) :: ascetisme {m}
ascites {n} (symptom) :: ascites {f}
Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing) :: Asclepi
Ascoli Piceno {prop} :: Ascoli Piceno
ascorbic acid {n} (the white crystalline organic compound, C6H8O6) :: àcid ascòrbic {m}
ASEAN {prop} (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) :: ASEAN, Associació de Nacions del Sud-est Asiàtic
aseptic {adj} (free of microbes) :: asèptic
asepticize {v} (sterilize) SEE: sterilize ::
asexuality {n} (state of not experiencing sexual attraction) :: asexualitat
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) :: que jo sàpiga
as for {prep} (regarding; about) :: quant a, pel que fa a
ash {n} (solid remains of a fire) :: cendra {f}, [Algherese] cendre
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree ::
ashamed {adj} (feeling shame or guilt) :: avergonyit
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) :: Aşgabat
ashlar {n} (a large square stone) :: carreu {m}
ashlar {n} (masonry making use of such blocks) :: carreuada {f}
ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes) :: cendrer {m}
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) :: freixe {m}
Ash Wednesday {n} (the Christian day of penitence 46 days before Easter) :: Dimecres de cendra {m}
ashy tit {n} (Melaniparus cinerascens) :: [[ mallerenga cendrosa]] {f}
Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia) :: Àsia {f}
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) :: Àsia Menor {f}
Asian {n} (person from Asia) :: asiàtic {m}, asiàtica {f}
Asian {adj} (of, relating to or from Asia) :: asiàtic
Asian lion {n} (species of lion that inhabited Asia) :: lleó asiàtic {m}
as if {conj} (as though) :: com si
as if {conj} (in mimicry of) :: com si
as if {interj} (interjection) :: sí clar!
as is {adj} ((of an object) in its present state or condition) :: tal qual
ask {v} (request an answer) :: preguntar, demanar
ask {v} (make a request) :: demanar
ask for {v} (request) :: demanar
aslake {v} (mitigate) SEE: mitigate ::
asleep {adj} (in a state of sleep) :: adormit
asleep {adj} (inattentive) :: adormit
asleep {adj} (numb or prickling) :: adormit
as long as {conj} (if, assuming) :: sempre que
Asmara {prop} (capital of Eritrea) :: Asmara
as much as {conj} (even though; despite the fact that) :: per molt que
asp {n} (aspen) SEE: aspen ::
asparagine {n} (nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3) :: asparagina {f}
asparagus {n} (asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis) :: esparreguera {f}
asparagus {n} (asparagus shoots (food)) :: espàrrec {m}
aspartic {adj} (of or pertaining to aspartic acid) :: aspàrtic
aspectual {adj} (of or pertaining to grammatical aspect) :: aspectual
aspen {n} (tree of genus Populus sect. Populus) :: trèmol {m}
aspergillosis {n} (infection by Aspergillus) :: aspergil·losi {f}
asperse {v} (sprinkle) SEE: sprinkle ::
as per the usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
as per usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
asphalt {n} (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid) :: asfalt {m}
asphodel {n} (plant of the genus Asphodelus) :: asfòdel, porrassa, albó, caramuixa, gamó
asphyxia {n} (condition with extreme decrease of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide) :: asfíxia {f}
aspirant {n} (someone who aspires to high office, etc.) :: aspirant {m} {f}
aspirated h {n} (in the French language usage of the letter h at the start of a word which does not allow liaison with a preceding consonant) :: h aspirada {f}
aspiration {n} (hope or ambition) :: aspiració {f}
aspiration {n} (action of aspirating) :: aspiració {f}
aspiration {n} (burst of air that follows the release of some consonants) :: aspiració {f}
aspire {v} (to hope or dream) :: aspirar
aspirin {n} (analgesic drug) :: aspirina {f}
ass {n} (buttocks) :: cul {m}
Assam {prop} (state in India) :: Assam
Assamese {adj} (of, from or relating to Assam) :: assamès
Assamese {prop} (language) :: assamès {m}
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate ::
assassin {n} (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person) :: assassí {m}
assassin {n} (any ruthless killer) :: assassí {m}
assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) :: assassinar
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination ::
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin ::
assassination {n} (murder for political reasons or personal gain) :: assassinat {m}
assegai {n} (slim hardwood spear or javelin with an iron tip) :: atzagaia {f}
Asselian {prop} :: Asselià
assemble {v} (to put together) :: muntar
assembly {n} (congregation of people) :: assemblea {f}
assembly {n} (legislative body) :: assemblea {f}
assertion {n} (affirmation; statement asserted) :: asserció {f}, afirmació {f}
assertive {adj} (boldly self-assured) :: assertiu
assertiveness {n} (the quality of being self-assured) :: assertivitat {f}
assess {v} (to determine the value of) :: avaluar
assessment {n} :: assessorament
assessor {n} (a specialist who assists the court in determining a matter) :: assessor {m}
asseveration {n} (earnest affirmation) :: asseveració {f}
assfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
assfucker {n} (jerk) SEE: jerk ::
asshole {n} (anus) :: anus {m}
assiduously {adv} (in an assiduous manner) :: assíduament
assimilate {v} (to incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion) :: assimilar
assimilate {v} (to absorb a group of people into a community) :: assimilar
assimilate {v} (to compare something to another similar one) :: assimilar-se
assimilation {n} (act or state) :: assimilació {f}
Assisi {prop} (city) :: Assís
assist {n} (statistical recognition of making a pass) :: assistència {f}
assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) :: assistència {f}
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard ::
assistant {adj} (having a subordinate or auxiliary position) :: auxiliar
assistant {n} (person who assists) :: assistente {m} {f}
assistant professor {n} (teacher) :: professor ajudant {m}
associate {n} (partner) :: associat {m}
associate {v} (to join in or form a league, union, or association) :: associar
associate {v} (to join as a partner, ally, or friend) :: associar
associate {v} (to connect in the mind or imagination) :: associar
association {n} (act of associating) :: associació {f}
association {n} (state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something) :: associació {f}
association {n} (group of persons associated for a common purpose) :: associació {f}
associative {adj} (algebraic property of an operator) :: associatiu
assonance {n} (repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds) :: assonància {f}
as soon as {conj} (immediately after) :: tan bon punt, tot seguit
as soon as possible {adv} (as soon as is possible) :: al més aviat possible, com més aviat millor, tan aviat com es pugui
assortment {n} (collection of varying but related items) :: assortiment {m}
assuage {v} (mitigate, relieve) :: assuavir, alleujar
as such {prep} (being as previously mentioned) :: com a tal
assumption {n} (the act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself) :: assumpció {f}
assumption {n} (taking of a person up into heaven) :: assumpció {f}
assumption {n} (festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven) :: assumpció {f}
assure {v} (to make sure and secure) :: assegurar
assure {v} (to give someone confidence in the trustworthiness of something) :: assegurar
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident ::
Assyrian {n} (a person who resided in the ancient region on the Upper Tigris river) :: assiri {m}, assíria {f}
Assyrian {n} (a citizen of an ancient nation and empire, including the northern half of Mesopotamia) :: assiri {m}, assíria {f}
Assyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient region on the Upper Tigris river) :: assiri
Assyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient nation and empire, including the northern half of Mesopotamia) :: assiri
Astana {prop} (the capital of Kazakhstan) :: Astanà
astatine {n} (the chemical element) :: àstat {m}
asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) :: asterisc {m}
asteroid {n} (astronomy) :: asteroide {m}, planetoide
asteroid belt {prop} (region of the solar system) :: cinturó d'asteroides {m}
asthenosphere {n} (the zone of the Earth's upper mantle, below the lithosphere) :: astenosfera {f}
as the saying goes {phrase} (said as a lead to a proverb or similar) :: com diu la dita
asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease) :: asma {f}
asthmatic {adj} (having the characteristics of asthma) :: asmàtic
astigmatism {n} (disorder of the vision) :: astigmatisme {m}
astonishing {adj} (causing astonishment) :: sorprenent
astonishment {n} (amazement, great surprise) :: estorament {m}, sorpresa {f}
astragalus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone ::
astragalus {n} (herb) SEE: milk-vetch ::
astray {adv} (in a wrong direction) :: desencaminadament
astringent {n} (substance which draws tissue together) :: astringent {m}
astringent {adj} (having the effect of drawing tissue together) :: astringent
astro- {prefix} (celestial bodies) :: astro-
astrobiology {n} (exobiology) :: astrobiologia {f}
astrolabe {n} (astronomical and navigational instrument) :: astrolabi {m}
astrologer {n} (one who studies astrology) :: astròleg {m}
astrological {adj} (pertaining to astrology) :: astrològic
astrological sign {n} (sign that is used as the basis of astrology) :: signe {m}, signe zodiacal {m}
astrologist {n} (astrologer) SEE: astrologer ::
astrology {n} (star divination) :: astrologia {f}
astronaut {n} (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) :: astronauta {m} {f}
astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy) :: astrònom {m}, astrònoma {f}
astronomic {adj} (pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical ::
astronomic {adj} (incredibly large) SEE: astronomical ::
astronomical {adj} (of or relating to astronomy) :: astronòmic
astronomical {adj} (very large) :: astronòmic
astronomically {adv} (relating to astronomy) :: astronòmicament
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) :: unitat astronòmica {f}
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer ::
astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) :: astronomia {f}
astrophysical {adj} (of or pertaining to astrophysics) :: astrofísic
astrophysicist {n} (one who studies astrophysics) :: astrofísic {m}
astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) :: astrofísica {f}
Asturian {adj} (of or pertaining to Asturias in Spain) :: asturià {m}, asturiana {f}
Asturian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Asturian language) :: bable {c}, asturià {m}, asturiana {f}
Asturian {n} (a native of Asturias) :: asturià {m}, asturiana {f}
Asturian {prop} (language) :: bable {m}, asturià {m}
Asturias {prop} (autonomous community and province of Spain) :: Astúries {f-p}
astute {adj} (Quick at seeing how to gain advantage) :: astut
astutely {adv} (in an astute manner) :: astutament
astuteness {n} (quality of being astute) :: astúcia {f}
as usual {adv} (as is usually the case) :: com de costum
as well {adv} (in addition, also) :: també, així com
asylum {n} (place of safety) :: asil {m}
asylum seeker {n} (person who has applied for asylum) :: sol·licitant d'asil {m}
asymmetric {adj} (not symmetric) :: asimètric
asymmetrical {adj} (not symmetrical) :: asimètric
asymmetrically {adv} (in an asymmetric manner) :: asimètricament
asymmetry {n} (lack of symmetry or proportion) :: asimetria {f}
asymptomatic {adj} (not exhibiting any symptoms of disease) :: asimptomàtic
asymptote {n} (a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely) :: asímptota {f}
asymptotic {adj} (pertaining to values or properties approached at infinity) :: asimptòtic
asynchronism {n} (asynchrony) SEE: asynchrony ::
asynchrony {n} (asynchrony) :: asincronisme
asyndeton {n} (rhetoric scheme) :: asíndeton {m}
at {prep} (in or very near a particular place) :: a
at {prep} (indicating time) :: a
at {prep} (denoting a price) :: a
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
at a loss {prep} (below the cost or price of purchase) :: a pèrdua
at a loss for words {prep} (having nothing to say) :: quedar-se sense paraules
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
ataraxia {n} (ataraxia) :: ataràxia {f}
ataraxy {n} (the freedom from mental disturbance; imperturbability, dogged indifference) :: ataràxia {f}
at a time {prep} (simultaneously) :: a la vegada
atavism {n} (reappearance of an ancestral characteristic) :: atavisme {m}
atavistic {adj} (biology: of the recurrence of a trait after an absence of generations) :: atàvic
ataxia {n} (lack of coordination) :: atàxia {f}
at best {prep} (in the most favorable of conditions) :: com a molt, com a màxim
at gunpoint {prep} (under coercion by someone with a firearm) :: a punta de pistola
at hand {prep} (within easy reach; nearby) :: a mà
athanor {n} (furnace or stove designed and used to maintain uniform heat, primarily used by alchemists) :: atanor {m}
atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) :: ateisme {m}
atheist {n} (a person who believes that no deities exist) :: ateu {m}, atea
atheist {n} (a person who rejects belief that any deities exist, whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist) :: ateu {m}
atheist {adj} (relating to atheists) SEE: atheistic ::
atheistic {adj} (relating to atheists) :: ateístic, ateu
Athena {prop} (Greek goddess) :: Atena {f}
Athenian {n} (an inhabitant, resident, or citizen of Athens, Greece) :: atenès {m}, atenesa {f}, atenenc {m}, atenenca {f}
Athenian {adj} (of or pertaining to Athens, Greece) :: atenès, atenenc
Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece) :: Atenes {f}
atherosclerosis {n} (clogging or hardening of blood vessels caused by plaques) :: aterosclerosi {f}
athlete {n} (participant in one of several sporting activities) :: atleta {m} {f}
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports) :: atleta {m} {f}
athlete {n} (exceptionally physically fit person) :: atleta {m} {f}
athletic {adj} (having to do with athletes) :: atlètic
athletic {adj} (physically active) :: atlètic
athletic {adj} (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape) :: atlètic
athletically {adv} (in an athletic manner) :: atlèticament
at home {prep} (In one's place of residence) :: a casa
-ation {suffix} (-ation (suffix)) :: -ació {f}
Atlantean {n} (an inhabitant of the mythical land) :: atlant {m} {f}
Atlantic {adj} (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean) :: atlàntic
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) :: Oceà Atlàntic {m}
Atlantic puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica) :: fraret {m}
Atlantis {prop} (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) :: Atlàntida {f}
at large {prep} (on the loose) :: escàpol
atlas {n} (bound collection of maps) :: atles {m}
atlas {n} (bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc., on any subject) :: atles {m}
atlas {n} ((anatomy) The uppermost vertebra of the neck) :: atles {m}
Atlas {prop} (Greek mythology) :: Atles {m}
Atlas {prop} (a moon of Saturn) :: Atles {m}
Atlasic {adj} :: atlàsic {m}, atlàsica {f}
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) :: almenys, pel cap baix
atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth) :: atmosfera {f}, aerosfera {f}
atmosphere {n} (air in a particular place) :: atmosfera {f}
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) :: atmosfera {f}, ambient {m}
atmosphere {n} (a unit of measurement for pressure) :: atmosfera {f}
atmospheric {adj} (relating to the atmosphere) :: atmosfèric
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) :: com a màxim, pel cap alt, a tot estirar
at night {adv} (during the night) :: de nit, a la nit
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never ::
atoll {n} (island) :: atol {m}
atom {n} (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) :: àtom {m}
atom {n} (historical: theoretical particle of matter) :: àtom {m}
atom {n} (obsolete: small unit of time) :: àtom {m}
atomic {adj} (of, or relating to atoms) :: atòmic
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) :: atòmic
Atomic Age {prop} (era during which nuclear energy was developed) :: Era Atòmica {f}
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) :: bomba atòmica {f}
atomic mass {n} (mass of an atom) :: massa atòmica {f}
atomic nucleus {n} (nucleus of an atom) :: nucli atòmic
atomic number {n} (number of protons) :: nombre atòmic {m}
atomize {v} (to make into a fine spray) :: atomitzar
at once {adv} (at the same time) :: a la vegada
atonement {n} (amends to restore a damaged relationship) :: expiació {f}
atonement {n} (reconciliation of God and mankind) :: redempció {f}
at one stroke {prep} (at once) SEE: at once ::
atopic {adj} (characterised by atopy) :: atòpic
atresia {n} :: atrèsia {f}
atrichia {n} (absence of hair) :: atríquia {f}
atrium {n} (central room in Roman homes) :: atri {m}
atrium {n} (square hall lit from above) :: atri {m}
atrium {n} (one of two upper chambers of the heart) :: aurícula {f}
atrocious {adj} (frightful, evil, cruel, monstrous) :: atroç
atrocious {adj} :: atroç
atrociously {adv} (in an atrocious manner) :: atroçment
atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act) :: atrocitat {f}
atrophy {n} (reduced functionality) :: atròfia {f}
atrophy {v} (wither) :: atrofiar-se
atropine {n} (alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade) :: atropina {f}
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) :: arrova {f}
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
at stake {prep} (at issue, at risk) :: en joc
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury) :: atac {m}
attack {n} (offense of a battle) :: atac {m}
attack {n} (medicine: sudden onset of a disease) :: atac {m}
attack {v} (to apply violent force) :: atacar
attack {v} (to aggressively challenge with words) :: atacar
attacker {n} (someone who attacks) :: atacant {m} {f}
attacker {n} ((soccer)) :: atacant {m}
attacking zone {n} (zone in hockey) :: zona d'atac
attain {v} (to accomplish; to achieve) :: aconseguir
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) :: temptativa {f}, intent {m}
attend {v} (to turn one's consideration to, deal with) :: atendre
attend {v} (to be present at) :: assistir
attendee {n} (a person who is in attendance or in the audience of an event) :: assistent {m} {f}
attention {n} (state of alertness in the standing position) :: atenció {f}
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder {n} (developmental disorder) :: trastorn per dèficit d'atenció amb hiperactivitat {m}, TDAH {m}
attentive {adj} (paying attention) :: atent
attentively {adv} (in an attentive manner) :: atentament
attenuate {v} (To reduce) :: atenuar
attenuate {v} (To weaken) :: atenuar
at the end of the day {prep} (in summary; ultimately) :: al cap i a la fi
at the mercy of {prep} (defenseless against) :: a la mercè de, a mercè de
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most ::
at the same time {prep} (simultaneously, see also: at once; simultaneously) :: alhora
attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) :: golfes {f-p}, àtic {m}
Attic {adj} (related to Athens) :: àtic {m}
Attica {prop} (periphery) :: Àtica
Atticus {prop} (male given name) :: Àtic {m}
attitude {n} (position of the body or way of carrying oneself) :: positura {f}
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) :: actitud {f}
atto- {prefix} (unit of measure) :: atto-
attorney {n} (lawyer) :: advocat
attract {v} (pull without touching) :: atreure
attract {v} (arouse interest) :: atreure
attraction {n} (tendency to attract) :: atracció {f}
attraction {n} (feeling of being attracted) :: atracció {f}
attractive {adj} (having the quality of attracting by inherent force) :: atractiu
attractive {adj} (having the power of charming) :: atractiu
attractive {adj} (pleasing or appealing to the senses) :: atractiu
attractively {adv} (in an attractive manner) :: atractivament
attributable {adj} (capable of being attributed) :: atribuïble
attributive {adj} (of, or being an attributive) :: atributiu
attributive {adj} (having the nature of an attribute) :: atributiu
at will {prep} :: a discreció
atypical {adj} (not conforming to the norm) :: atípic
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
auction {n} (public sales event) :: subhasta {f}
auction {v} (to sell at an auction) :: subhastar
auctioneer {n} (one who conducts an auction) :: subhastador {m}
audacious {adj} (showing willingness to take bold risks) :: audaç
audible {adj} (able to be heard) :: oïble, audible
audience {n} (group of people seeing a performance) :: públic {m}
audio {adj} (focused on audible sound) :: àudio
audio- {prefix} (related to sound) :: audio-
audiobook {n} (audiobook) :: audiollibre {m}
audio guide {n} (form of apparatus) :: audioguia {f}
audiometer {n} (instrument) :: audiòmetre {m}, acúmetre {m}
audiometry {n} (assessment of a person's hearing ability) :: audiometria {f}
audio tour {n} (audio guide) SEE: audio guide ::
audiovisual {adj} (audiovisual) :: audiovisual
audit {n} (examination in general) :: auditoria {f}
auditorium {n} (a large room for public meetings or performances) :: auditori {m}
auditory {adj} (of or pertaining to hearing) :: auditiu
Aug. {prop} (abbreviation of August) :: ag.
auger {n} (carpenter's tool) :: barrina {f}
augite {n} (pyroxene mineral) :: augita {f}
augment {v} (to increase, make larger or supplement) :: augmentar
augment {v} (to become greater) :: augmentar
augment {v} (to slow the tempo or meter) :: augmentar
augment {v} (to increase an interval by a half step) :: augmentar
augmentative {adj} (growing, enlarging, increasing) :: augmentatiu
augmentative {n} (a form of word that expresses large size, intensity, or seniority) :: augmentatiu {m}
August {prop} (male given name) SEE: Augustus ::
August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: agost {m}
Augustine {prop} (male given name) :: Agustí
Augustus {prop} (Roman emperor) :: August {m}
Augustus {prop} (male given name) :: August {m}
aulete {n} (flautist) SEE: flautist ::
aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) :: tia {f}
aunt {n} (affectionate term for an older woman, by means of fictive kin) :: tia {f}
aunt {n} (grandmother) SEE: auntie ::
auntie {n} (Diminutive of aunt) :: tieta
au pair {n} (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) :: au-pair
aura {n} (An invisible force surrounding a living creature.) :: aura {f}
aureola {n} (luminous cloud) :: aurèola {f}
aureole {n} (circle of light or halo around the head of a deity) :: aurèola {f}
au revoir {interj} :: a reveure
auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium ::
auricle {n} (an ear-shaped appendage of the left or right atrium of the heart) :: aurícula {f}
auricle {n} (botany: appendage in the shape of an earlobe) :: aurícula {f}
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
auricular muscle {n} (muscle) :: múscul auricular {m}
auriferous {adj} (containing gold) :: aurífer
Auriga {prop} (constellation) :: Cotxer {m}
aurochs {n} (European bison) SEE: European bison ::
aurochs {n} (Bos primigenius) :: ur {m}
aurora {n} (atmospheric phenomenon) :: aurora {f} polar
aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights ::
auscultate {v} (to practice auscultation) :: auscultar
auscultation {n} (diagnosis by stethoscope or similar auditory device) :: auscultació {f}
auspice {n} (omen) :: auspici {m}
auspicious {adj} (indicating future success) :: propici, favorable
austerely {adv} (in an austere manner) :: austerament
austerity {n} (severity of manners or life) :: austeritat {f}
austerity {n} (policy of deficit-cutting: reduce spending and/or raise taxes) :: austeritat {f}
austral {adj} (Of, relating to, or coming from the south) :: austral
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania ::
Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) :: Austràlia {f}
Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) :: Austràlia {f}
Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) :: australià
Australian {n} (a person from the continent of Australia) :: australià {m}
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) :: australià
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to the country of Australia) :: australià
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to the continent of Australia) :: australià
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to a person (people) of the country of Australia) :: australià
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to a person (people) of the continent of Australia) :: australià
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to a language (languages) of Australia (country or continent); Australian English) :: australià
Australian white ibis {n} (species of wading bird) :: ibis blanc australià
australopith {n} (a member of Australopithecus) :: australopitec {m}
australopithecine {n} (hominid) :: australopitec {m}
australopithecine {adj} (of or pertaining to australopithecines) :: australopitecí {m}
Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: Àustria {f}
Austria-Hungary {prop} (former country in Central Europe) :: Àustria-Hongria {f}
Austrian {adj} (related to Austria) :: austríac
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) :: austríac {m}
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy ::
autarky {n} (state of personal self-sufficiency) :: autarquia {f}
authentic {adj} (of undisputed origin) :: autèntic
authentic {adj} (conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief) :: autèntic
authentically {adv} (in an authentic manner) :: autènticament
authenticate {v} (to render authentic) :: autenticar
authenticate {v} (to prove authentic) :: autenticar
authentication {n} (proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network) :: autenticació {f}
authenticity {n} (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original) :: autenticitat {f}
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer ::
author {n} (originator or creator of a work) :: autor {m}, autora {f}
authoritarian {adj} (of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority) :: autoritari
authoritarian {adj} (characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial) :: autoritari
authoritarian {adj} (tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authority) :: autoritari
authoritarianism {n} (authoritarian form of government) :: autoritarisme {m}
authoritatively {adv} (in an authoritative manner) :: autoritàriament
authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders) :: autoritat {f}
authorization {n} (act of authorizing) :: autorització {f}
authorization {n} (formal sanction, permission or warrant) :: autorització {f}
authorize {v} (to grant power or permission) :: autoritzar
authorized {adj} (explicitly allowed) :: autoritzat
authorship {n} (quality or state of being an author) :: autoria {f}
autism {n} (neurological disorder) :: autisme {m}
autistic {adj} (having or pertaining to autism) :: autista
autistic {n} (person who has autism) :: autista {m} {f}
auto- {prefix} (regarding oneself) :: auto-
autobiographer {n} (one who writes his or her own biography) :: autobiògraf {m}
autobiographic {adj} (autobiographical) SEE: autobiographical ::
autobiographical {adj} (of or relating to person's life) :: autobiogràfic
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) :: autobiografia {f}
autocephalous {adj} (a self-governing church) :: autocèfale
autochthon {n} (earliest inhabitant) :: autòcton {m}
autochthonous {adj} (native to the place where found) :: autòcton
autocracy {n} (form of government) :: autocràcia {f}
autocrat {n} (ruler with absolute power) :: autòcrata {m} {f}
autocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to autocracy or an autocrat) :: autocràtic
autocratically {adv} (in an autocratic manner) :: autocràticament
autocross {n} (A form of motorsport) :: autocròs
autodidact {n} (a self-taught person) :: autodidacte {m}
autoeroticism {n} (practise of stimulating oneself sexually) :: autoerotisme {m}
autoerotism {n} (sexual activity involving oneself) :: autoerotisme {m}
autogamy {n} (self-fertilization) :: autogàmia {f}
autogiro {n} (aircraft with unpowered rotating wings) :: autogir {m}
autograph {n} (signature) :: autògraf {m}
autograph {n} (hand-written manuscript) :: autògraf {m}
autograph {v} (to sign, or write one’s name or signature on a book) :: autografiar
autoharp {n} (instrument) :: cítara d'acords {f}
autoimmune {adj} (of or pertaining to autoimmunity) :: autoimmune
autoimmunity {n} (condition where the immune system attacks the body's own tissues) :: autoimmunitat {f}
autolysis {n} (the destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes) :: autòlisi {f}
automate {v} (to replace or enhance human labor with machines) :: automatitzar
automated teller machine {n} (banking) :: caixer automàtic {m}
automatic {adj} (capable of operating without external control) :: automàtic
automatic {adj} (acting without conscious thought) :: automàtic
automatically {adv} (In an automatic manner) :: automàticament
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
automation {n} (converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system) :: automatització {f}
automatism {n} (acting automatically) :: automatisme {m}
automatize {v} (automate) SEE: automate ::
automobile {n} (passenger vehicle) :: automòbil {m}
automorphism {n} (isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself) :: automorfisme {m}
automotive industry {n} :: automoció {f}
autonomous {adj} (self-governing) :: autònom
autonomous {adj} (acting on one's own) :: autònom
autonomous community {n} (any of the seventeen self-governing first-level political subdivisions of Spain) :: comunitat autònoma {f}
autonomy {n} (self-government) :: autonomia {f}
autonomy {n} (capacity for individual decision) :: autonomy {f}
autophagy {n} (the process of self-digestion) :: autofàgia {f}
autoplasty {n} (process) :: autoplàstia {f}
autopsy {n} (a dissection performed on a cadaver) :: autòpsia {f}
autosuggestion {n} (suggesting thoughts to oneself) :: autosuggestió {f}
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
autotomy {n} (invertebrate self-defense mechanism) :: autotomia {f}
autotroph {n} (organism that can synthesize its food) :: autòtrof {m}
autotrophic {adj} :: autòtrof
autotrophy {n} (synthesis of food from inorganic substances) :: autotròfia {f}
autumn {n} (season) :: tardor {f}
autumn {adj} (autumnal) SEE: autumnal ::
autumnal {adj} (of or relating to autumn) :: autumnal, tardorenc
autumnal equinox {n} (moment) :: equinocci de tardor {m}
autumnal equinox {n} (point) :: equinocci de tardor {m}
autumn equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
Auvergne {prop} (region of France) :: Alvèrnia {f}
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes {prop} (region of France) :: Alvèrnia-Roine-Alps
auxiliary {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
auxiliary {adj} (helping; giving assistance or support) :: auxiliar
auxiliary {adj} (supplementary or subsidiary) :: auxiliar
auxiliary {adj} (relating to an auxiliary verb) :: auxiliar
auxiliary language {n} (auxiliary language) :: llengua auxiliar {f}
auxiliary verb {n} (a helping verb) :: verb auxiliar {m}
availability {n} (the quality of being available) :: disponibilitat {f}
available {adj} (capable of being used) :: disponible
available {adj} (readily obtainable) :: disponible
avalanche {n} (large sliding mass of snow and ice) :: allau
avant-garde {adj} (innovative, pioneering, especially when extremely or obviously so) :: avantguardista
avantgardistic {adj} (innovative, pioneering) SEE: avant-garde ::
Avar {prop} (language) :: àvar
Avar {n} (person) :: àvar {m}
Avar {adj} (of or pertaining to the Avar language or people) :: àvar
avarice {n} (excessive or inordinate desire of gain) :: avarícia {f}, cobdícia {f}
avarice {n} (inordinate desire for some supposed good) :: avarícia {f}, cobdícia {f}, avidesa {f}
avaricious {adj} (actuated by avarice) :: avariciós
avariciously {adv} (in a greedy manner) :: avariciosament
avatar {n} (digital representation of a person or being) :: avatar {m}
Avellino {prop} (town and capital of Avellino) :: Avellino
avenge {v} (to take vengeance for) :: venjar
aventail {n} (adjustable mail protecting the neck) :: collar {m}
aventurine {n} (variety of translucent quartz) :: aventurina {f}
avenue {n} (broad street) :: avinguda {f}
average {n} (arithmetic mean) :: mitjana {f}
Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld ::
aversion {n} (fixed dislike) :: aversió {f}
Avesta {prop} (the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in the Avestan language.) :: Avesta
Avestan {prop} (Old Iranian language) :: avèstic {m}
Avestan {adj} (of or pertaining to Avesta) :: avèstic
Aveyron {prop} (département) :: Avairon {m}
avian {adj} (of birds) :: aviari
avian flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
avian influenza {n} (strain of influenza) :: grip aviària {f}
aviary {n} (confinement for keeping birds) :: aviari {m}
aviation {n} (art or science of flying) :: aviació {f}
aviator {n} (aircraft pilot) :: aviador {m}
Avicenna {prop} (a Persian polymath) :: Avicenna {m}
aviculture {n} (bird breeding) :: avicultura {f}
avidly {adv} (in an avid manner) :: àvidament
Avignon {prop} (city in Provence) :: Avinyó
avocado {n} (fruit) :: alvocat {m}
avocado {n} (tree) :: alvocater {m}
avocet {n} (bird) :: bec d'alena {m}
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number ::
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) :: nombre d'Avogadro {m}, constant d'Avogadro {f}
avoid {v} (to keep away from) :: evitar
avoidable {adj} (capable of being avoided, shunned, or escaped) :: evitable
avow {v} (declare openly) :: confessar
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham ::
await {v} (transitive: to wait for) :: esperar
await {v} (transitive: to expect) :: esperar
await {v} (intransitive, to stay in waiting) :: esperar
awake {adj} (conscious) :: despert, llevat
awake {v} (to gain consciousness) :: llevar-se
awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping) :: despertar
award {n} (decision of arbitrators) :: veredicte {m}
award {n} (trophy or medal) :: premi {m}, trofeu {m}, medalla {f}, guardó {m}
award {v} (to give by judicial determination) :: fallar, decretar, sentenciar
award {v} (to make an award) :: premiar, guardonar
aware {adj} (having knowledge of something) :: conscient
awareness {n} (the state of consciousness) :: consciència {f}
away {adv} (from a place; hence) :: fora
away side {n} (away side) SEE: visiting team ::
away team {n} (visiting team) SEE: visiting team ::
awe {n} (feeling of fear and reverence) :: temor {m}, paüra {f}
awesome {adj} (causing awe or terror) :: esbalaïdor
awesome {adj} (excellent, exciting) :: fantàstic
awful {adj} (very bad) :: horrorós
awful {adj} (causing fear; appalling; terrible) :: horrorós
awful {adj} (inspiring awe) :: horrorós
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
awfully {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
awkward {adj} (lacking dexterity in the use of the hands) :: maldestre {m}
awkward {adj} (lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction) :: retret {m}
awl {n} (pointed instrument) :: alena {f}
awning {n} (a rooflike cover) :: tendal {m}
axe {n} (tool) :: destral {f}, atxa {f}
axe {n} (weapon) :: destral {f}, atxa {f}
axial {adj} (of or pertaining to an axis) :: axial
axial tilt {n} (obliquity) SEE: obliquity ::
axil {n} (angle or point of divergence) :: axil·la {f}
axilla {n} (armpit) :: aixella {f}, axil·la {f}
axillary {adj} (of or pertaining to the axilla) :: axil·lar
axillary {adj} (botany) :: axil·lar
axinite {n} (borosilicate) :: axinita {f}
axiological {adj} (Of or relating to value theory) :: axiològic
axiom {n} (philosophy: supposed self‐evident or necessary truth) :: axioma {m}
axiom {n} (mathematics: fundamental assumption) :: axioma {m}
axiom {n} (established principle in art or science) :: axioma {m}
axiomatic {adj} (self-evident) :: axiomàtic
axiomatic {adj} (relating to axioms) :: axiomàtic
axiomatically {adv} (by the use of axioms) :: axiomàticament
axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line) :: eix {m}
axis {n} (second cervical vertebra) :: axis {m}
axis of symmetry {n} (a line about which a geometric figure is symmetric) :: eix de simetria
axle {n} (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel) :: eix {m}
axolotl {n} (endangered salamander) :: axolot {m}
axon {n} (a nerve fibre) :: àxon {m}, axó {m}
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) :: aiatol·là {m}
aye-aye {n} (nocturnal quadruped) :: ai-ai
Ayers Rock {prop} (Uluru) SEE: Uluru ::
ayin {n} (Semitic letter) :: ain {f}
Aymara {n} (indigenous people of South America) :: aimara {m} {f}
Aymara {prop} (language of South America) :: aimara
azalea {n} (plant) :: azalea {f}
azarole {n} (Crataegus azarolus) :: atzeroler {m}
Azerbaijan {prop} (country) :: Azerbaidjan {m}
Azerbaijani {n} (Azerbaijani person) :: àzeri {m} {f}
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan) :: azerbaidjanès
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
azimuth {n} (arc of the horizon) :: azimut {m}
Azores {prop} (an archipelago and an autonomous region) :: Açores {m-p}
Azrael {prop} (angel of death) :: Azrael {m}
Aztec {n} (a Mexica) :: asteca {m}
Aztec {n} (a Nahua) :: asteca {m}
Aztecan {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Aztecs) :: asteca
azure {n} (blue colour on a coat of arms) :: atzur {m}
azure {n} (colour of the sky) :: atzur {m}
azure {n} (the blue sky) :: atzur {m}
azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured) :: atzur
azure {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
Álava {prop} (province) :: Àlaba
Æsir {prop} (the principal Norse gods) :: asos {m-p}
Ávila {prop} (province of Spain) :: Àvila {f}
Ávila {prop} (city in Spain) :: Àvila {f}