User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-c
c. {adv} [abbreviation] | :: c. (circa) |
c {letter} /k/ | :: letter |
c {pron} [Internet slang] | :: abbreviation of você |
c {prep} | :: abbreviation of com |
C {letter} | :: letter |
ç {letter} /s/ | :: "c cedilha" (the letter c with a cedilla) |
Ç {letter} | :: A letter used in writing Portuguese, representing /s/ |
ca {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of com a |
ca {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of cá |
CA {f} [electricity] | :: abbreviation of corrente alternada AC |
cá {adv} /ka/ | :: here (in this place) |
cá {adv} | :: hither (to this place) |
cá {adv} | :: here (at this time; at the present situation) |
cá {m} [chiefly Brazil] | :: letter: k (kay) |
cà {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of cá |
câ {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of cá |
cã {m} /kɐ̃/ | :: khan (a ruler over various Turkish, Tatar and Mongol peoples in the Middle Ages) |
cã {m} | :: grey hair |
caá {f} | :: Infusion from yerba mate |
Caaba {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Kaaba |
caama {m} | :: hartebeest (Alcelaphus bucelaphus, an African antelope) |
Caaobi {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Caatiba {prop} | :: Caatiba (municipality) |
caatinga {f} | :: caatinga (sparse, thorny wooded area of northeastern Brazil) |
cabaça {f} /kɐˈβasɐ/ | :: gourd (cultivated plant, used as vegetable or container) |
cabaça {f} | :: calabash |
cabaça {f} | :: bong (for smoking marijuana) |
cabaceira {f} | :: gourd (any of the vines producing fruit with hard rind) |
Cabaceiras do Paraguaçu {prop} | :: Cabaceiras do Paraguaçu (municipality) |
cabaceiro {m} | :: calabash (a vine grown for its fruit) |
cabaço {m} /ka.ˈ | :: gourd (fruit) |
cabaço {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: hymen; hence cherry |
cabaço {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: a virgin person |
cabaço {m} [Brazil, slang, by extension] | :: any inexperienced person or beginner |
cabaço {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: virginity |
cabal {adj} | :: complete |
cabal {adj} | :: rigorous |
cabal {adj} | :: exact |
cabal {adj} | :: satisfactory |
cabala {f} [Judaism] | :: Kabballah (mystical Jewish teachings) |
cabalmente {adv} | :: fully, thoroughly |
cabana {f} | :: cabin, hut, shack |
cabaré {m} | :: cabaret (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub) |
cabaret {m} | :: alternative spelling of cabaré |
cabaz {m} | :: basket (container) |
cabeamento {m} | :: cabling (a collection of cables) |
cabeça {f} [anatomy] /kɐ.ˈβe.sɐ/ | :: head (part of the body) |
cabeça {f} | :: head (topmost, foremost, or leading part) |
cabeça {mf} [colloquial] | :: head (leader, boss) |
cabeçada {f} | :: headbutt (sharp blow) |
cabeça de bagre {mf} [pejorative] | :: airhead, fool (a stupid person) |
cabeça de impressão {f} | :: print head (part of a printer) |
cabeça de merda {mf} | :: See: pt cabeça de merda |
cabeça de merda {mf} | :: See: pt cabeça de merda |
cabeça de merda {mf} [rare, pejorative] | :: shithead (stupid or contemptible person) |
cabeça de ponte {f} [military] | :: bridgehead (area of ground on the enemy’s side of an obstacle) |
cabeça de vento {mf} [pejorative] | :: airhead, fool (a stupid person) |
cabeça-dura {adj} | :: stubborn (refusing to move or change one's opinion) |
cabeçalho {m} [printing, typography] | :: header (upper portion of a page layout) |
cabeçalho {m} [journalism] | :: headline, masthead |
cabeçalho {m} | :: letterhead |
cabeça oca {mf} | :: an empty-headed person |
cabecear {v} [chiefly sports] | :: to head (to strike with the head) |
cabecear {vi} | :: to nod (to gradually fall asleep) |
cabecear {vi} | :: to nod (to incline the head up and down, indicating agreement) |
cabeceira {f} [furniture] /kɐ.bɨˈsɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: headboard (of a bed) |
cabeceira {f} [especially, in plural] | :: source of a river |
Cabeceira Grande {prop} | :: Cabeceira Grande (municipality) |
Cabeceiras de Basto {prop} {f} /kɐβɨˈsɐjɾɐʃ ðɨ ˈβaʃtu/ | :: Cabeceiras de Basto (village/and/municipality) |
cabeço {m} | :: hillock (small hill) |
cabeço {m} | :: a round hilltop or mountaintop |
cabeço {m} | :: heading; header (information at the top of a document, or on an envelope) |
cabeço {m} [nautical] | :: bollard (post to secure mooring lines) |
cabeçudo {adj} | :: having a large head |
cabeçudo {adj} [figurative] | :: stubborn |
cabeçudo {adj} [figurative] | :: stupid |
cabedal {m} | :: leather |
cabedal {m} | :: capital (money) |
cabeleira {f} | :: hair, head of hair (especially long and voluminous) |
cabeleireira {f} | :: feminine noun of cabeleireiro |
cabeleireiro {m} /kɐ.βɨ.lɐj.ˈɾɐj.ɾu/ | :: hairdresser (professional for haircutting or hairstyling) |
cabeleireiro {m} | :: beauty salon |
cabelo {m} /kɐ.ˈβ | :: hair, head of hair |
cabelo {m} | :: hair (a single hair filament) |
caber {v} [em] /kɐ.ˈβeɾ/ | :: to fit (in something, no matter if space or volume is left) |
caber {v} [em] | :: to traverse, pass through or across (a way, path, opening etc. no matter if space is left) |
caber {v} [em] | :: to hold; to be capable of containing |
caber {v} [a] | :: to be responsible for; to be up to somebody |
caber {v} [a] | :: to be allotted to, to be distributed to |
caber como uma luva {v} | :: to fit like a glove |
cabide {m} /kɐ.ˈβi.ðɨ/ | :: coat hanger (device, in the shape of shoulders, used to hang up coats, shirts, etc.) |
cabide de empregos {m} /ka.ˈbi.d͡ʒi d͡ʒi ĩ.ˈpɾe.ɡus/ | :: an organisation that exists primarily to provide useless jobs |
cabidela {f} | :: the offal of birds |
cabido {m} [Roman Catholicism] /kaˈbi.du/ | :: chapter (a council or community of canons) |
Cabília {prop} {f} | :: Kabylia |
cabina {f} | :: cabin |
cabinda {f} | :: Kongo (language) |
cabine {f} | :: alternative form of cabina |
cabine de pilotagem {f} | :: cockpit (the space for pilot and crew in an aircraft) |
cabine telefónica {f} [European orthography] | :: telephone booth (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) |
cabine telefônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cabine telefónica |
cabisbaixo {adj} /ka.biʒ.ˈbaj.ʃu/ | :: having one’s head turned down due to sadness |
cabisbaixo {adj} | :: crestfallen (sad because of a recent disappointment) |
cabível {adj} | :: appropriate |
cabível {adj} | :: admissible |
cabível {adj} | :: fitting |
cablagem {f} | :: cabling, wiring |
cabo {m} [military] /ˈkabu/ | :: rank roughly equivalent to corporal |
cabo {m} [geomorphology] | :: cape (piece of land extending beyond the coast) |
cabo {m} | :: the final steps or moments of an event |
cabo {m} | :: head man (person in charge of an organisation or group) |
cabo {m} | :: cable (strong, large-diameter wire or rope) |
cabo {m} | :: cable (assembly of wires used for electrical power or data circuits) |
cabo {m} [nautical] | :: any rope in a ship except the bell rope and the clock rope |
cabo {m} | :: a long handle, such as a shaft |
Cabo Canaveral {prop} {m} /ˈka.bu ka.ˌˈɾaw/ | :: Cabo Canaveral (cape) |
caboclo {adj} | :: copper-coloured |
caboclo {m} [Brazil] | :: caboclo (person of mixed Indigenous Brazilian and European ancestry) |
Caboclo {m} [Brazil] | :: a South American descended from the indigenous peoples of Brazil |
Caboclo {m} [Brazil] | :: a Brasilian of mixed Caucasian and Native American ancestry; used especially to refer to those living in the Amazon Rain Forest |
caboco {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of caboclo |
cabo coaxial {m} | :: coaxial cable (a type of cable used to transmit high-frequency signals) |
Cabo da Boa Esperança {prop} {m} | :: Cabo da Boa Esperança (cape) |
cabo de guerra {m} | :: tug of war (game) |
Cabo Frio {prop} | :: Cabo Frio (municipality) |
cabotiá {m} /kɐˈbɔt͡ʃɐ/ | :: kabocha |
cabouco {m} | :: alternative form of cavouco |
Cabo Verde {prop} {m} /ˌkaβu ˈveɾðɨ/ | :: Cabo Verde (archipelago/and/country) |
Cabo Verde {prop} {m} | :: Cabo Verde (municipality) |
cabo-verdiano {adj} | :: Cape Verdean (of, from, or relating to Cape Verde) |
cabo-verdiano {m} | :: Cape Verdean (a person from Cape Verde) |
cabo-verdiano {m} [uncountable] | :: Kabuverdianu; Cape Verdean Creole (Portuguese-based creole spoken in Cape Verde) |
cabra {f} /ˈka.βɾɐ/ | :: she-goat; nanny goat (female goat) |
cabra {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: bitch (despicable woman) |
cabra alpina {f} | :: ibex (type of wild mountain goat) |
cabra brava {f} | :: ibex (type of wild mountain goat) |
cabra-cega {f} /ka.βɾɐ.ˈsɛ.ɣɐ/ | :: blind man's buff |
cabra da peste {m} [Northeast Brazil] | :: guy, dude |
Cabral {prop} /ka.ˈbɾaw/ | :: surname |
Cabral {prop} | :: Pedro Álvares Cabral, Portuguese discoverer of Brazil |
Cabrália Paulista {prop} | :: Cabrália Paulista (municipality) |
cabra-montês {f} /ka.βɾɐ.mõ.ˈteʃ/ | :: Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) |
cabra-montês {f} | :: Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) |
cabra-montesa {f} | :: alternative form of cabra-montês |
cabrão {m} | :: augmentative of cabra |
cabrão {m} | :: billy goat (male goat) |
cabrão {m} | :: cuckold (deceived husband or partner) |
cabreiro {m} | :: goatherd (person who tends goats) |
cabrestante {m} [nautical] | :: capstan (vertical cleated drum or cylinder used to hoist heavy weights) |
cabresto {m} | :: halter (animal’s headgear) |
Cabreúva {prop} | :: Cabreúva (municipality) |
cabria {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: chevron |
cabriolé {m} | :: cabriolet (a light two wheeled carriage with a folding top pulled by a single horse) |
cabrita {f} | :: feminine noun of cabrito |
cabrito {m} | :: kid (young goat) |
cabrocha {mf} [Brazil] | :: mulatto |
cabueta {mf} | :: alternative form of cagueta |
Cabul {prop} {f} /ka.ˈbuw/ | :: Cabul (capital city) |
cábula {f} | :: cheat sheet (notes used to assist on a test) |
cabular {v} [colloquial] | :: to not attend a commitment, especially a school class; to skip |
cabuloso {adj} | :: freaky; spooky; awesome |
cabuloso {adj} | :: complicated; difficult to understand |
cabuloso {adj} | :: unlikeable; antipathetic |
cabuloso {adj} | :: monotonous; tiresome; boring |
cabuloso {adj} | :: carrying bad luck; unlucky |
cabum {interj} | :: kaboom (the sound of an explosion) |
cabum {interj} | :: the sound of thunder |
cabúqui {m} | :: alternative spelling of kabuki |
caca {f} [childish or euphemistic] /ˈka.kɐ/ | :: crap; excrement |
caça {f} [uncountable] /ˈka.sɐ/ | :: hunting (chasing animals for game or food) |
caça {f} | :: hunt (a hunting expedition) |
caça {f} [uncountable] | :: game (animals hunted for food) |
caça {m} | :: fighter (military aircraft designed to attack other aircraft) |
caça ao tesouro {f} | :: See: pt caça ao tesouro |
caça ao tesouro {f} | :: treasure hunt (game where people have to find hidden things with the help of clues) |
caça às bruxas {f} | :: See: pt caça às bruxas |
caça às bruxas {f} [figurative] | :: witch-hunt (campaign to punish dissident persons) |
caçada {f} /ka.ˈsa.dɐ/ | :: hunt (hunting expedition) |
caçadeira {f} | :: shotgun (gun that fires several small pellets) |
caçador {m} /ˌˈdoʁ/ | :: hunter; huntsman (one who hunts animals) |
caçador {m} [by extension] | :: hunter (one who searches for something meticulously) |
caçador {m} [military unit] | :: chasseur (soldier equipped for rapid movement) |
caçador {adj} | :: hunting (who hunts) |
Caçador {prop} | :: Caçador (municipality) |
caçadora {f} | :: feminine noun of caçador; huntress |
caçador de recompensas {m} | :: bounty hunter (person who catches criminals in return for a reward) |
caçamba {f} [Brazil] /kɐˈsã.bɐ/ | :: skip (an open-topped rubbish bin) |
caçamba {f} [Brazil] | :: bed (platform of a lorry where the load is hauled) |
caçamba de entulho {f} [Brazil] | :: skip (an open-topped rubbish bin) |
caçanje {m} | :: A Portuguese dialect of Angola |
caçanje {m} | :: Bad-written or bad-spoken Portuguese |
cação-anjo {m} | :: angel shark (a member of the genus Squatina of sharks) |
caçapa {f} [billiards, pool, snooker, Brazil] | :: pocket (net into which balls are struck) |
Caçapava {prop} | :: Caçapava (municipality) |
Caçapava do Sul {prop} | :: Caçapava do Sul (municipality) |
caçar {v} /kɐ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to hunt (chase down prey) |
cacareco {m} /ka.ka.ˈrɛ.ku/ | :: old and worn-out object |
cacareco {m} | :: something without any use or purpose |
cacarejar {vi} | :: to cackle (of a hen, to emit its cry) |
cacarejo {m} | :: cackle (cry of a hen) |
caçarola {f} /ˈɾɔ.la/ | :: pan (flat vessel used for frying) |
caçarola {f} | :: saucepan |
Caçarola {prop} {f} | :: Big Dipper (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) |
caça selvagem {f} [Germanic mythology] | :: Wild Hunt (ghostly hunt that rides across the sky) |
cacatua {f} | :: cockatoo (a bird) |
cacau {m} /kɐˈkaw/ | :: cocoa |
cacau {m} [botany] | :: cacao |
cacaueiro {m} | :: cacao (tree) |
Cacequi {prop} | :: Cacequi (municipality) |
cacete {m} [Portugal, some parts of Southern Brazil] /ka.ˈse.tʃi/ | :: refers to some types of bread, especially French bread |
cacete {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: penis |
cacete {m} | :: bat or stick used to beat someone up |
cacete {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: ass beating (act of beating someone up) |
cacete {interj} [slang, vulgar] | :: Intensifier; demonstrates anger; fuck |
caceteando {v} | :: gerund of cacetear |
cacetear {v} [Brazil] | :: To bore, annoy, harass |
cacetinho {m} [Brazil, Alagoas] | :: A finger-shaped cookie |
cacetinho {m} [possibly, slang, vulgar] | :: diminutive of cacete |
cachaça {f} /kaˈʃasa/ | :: cachaça (a type of Brazilian rum) |
cachaça {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: Generic term for alcoholic beverages |
cachaço {m} | :: boar (male pig) |
cachalote {m} | :: cachalot, sperm whale |
cachar {vt} /kɐˈʃaɾ/ | :: hide |
cachar {vt} | :: cover |
cachê {m} /ka.ˈʃe/ | :: payment for an entertainment performance |
cacheado {adj} | :: curly (having curls) |
cachecol {m} /ka.ʃ(ə)ˈkɔl/ | :: scarf (long garment worn around the neck) |
cacheiro {adj} | :: cunning, crafty, sly |
cacheiro {m} | :: boar (male pig) |
cachimbo {m} /kɐˈʃĩbu/ | :: pipe (smoking tool) |
cachimbo da paz {m} | :: peace pipe |
cachimbo da paz {m} [slang, euphemism] | :: weed, cannabis, marijuana |
cacho {m} [collective] | :: hand (bunch of bananas) |
cacho {m} | :: lock (length of hair) |
cacho {m} [botany] | :: raceme (an inflorescence in which the flowers are arranged along a single central axis) |
cacho {m} [archaic] | :: neck |
cachoeira {f} /ka.ʃo.ˈej.ɾɐ/ | :: waterfall |
Cachoeira {prop} | :: Cachoeira (municipality) |
Cachoeira da Prata {prop} | :: Cachoeira da Prata (municipality) |
Cachoeira de Minas {prop} | :: Cachoeira de Minas (municipality) |
Cachoeira de Pajeú {prop} | :: Cachoeira de Pajeú (municipality) |
Cachoeira do Sul {prop} | :: Cachoeira do Sul (municipality) |
Cachoeira Dourada {prop} | :: Cachoeira Dourada (municipality) |
Cachoeira Paulista {prop} | :: Cachoeira Paulista (municipality) |
Cachoeiras de Macacu {prop} | :: Cachoeiras de Macacu (municipality) |
Cachoeirinha {prop} | :: Cachoeirinha (municipality) |
cachola {f} [colloquial] | :: head |
cachola {f} [colloquial] | :: mind |
cachopa {f} /kɐ.ˈʃɔ.pɐ/ | :: feminine noun of cachopo |
cachopo {m} [Portugal, colloquial] /kɐ.ˈʃo.pu/ | :: kid |
cachopo {m} | :: shoal |
cachopo {m} | :: a dangerous obstacle |
cachorra {f} | :: female dog |
cachorrão {m} | :: augmentative of cachorro |
cachorrão {m} [Brazil, Sorocaba] | :: pão francês |
cachorrês {m} [possibly, childish] | :: dogese (language of dogs) |
cachorrinho {m} | :: diminutive of cachorro |
cachorrinho {m} | :: puppy, pup |
cachorrinho {m} [childish or endearing] | :: dog |
cachorrinho {m} | :: dog paddle |
cachorrinho-da-terra {m} [Brazil, rare] | :: mole cricket (any of the large burrowing crickets of the family Gryllotalpidae) |
cachorro {m} [Portugal] /kɐˈʃo.ʁu/ | :: puppy (a young dog) |
cachorro {m} [Brazil, Madeira, colloquial] | :: dog (of any age) |
cachorro {m} [Brazil, derogatory] | :: A promiscuous man |
cachorro {m} [by extension] | :: An unfaithful man |
cachorro {m} | :: short for cachorro-quente hot dog |
cachorro do mato {m} | :: alternative spelling of cachorro-do-mato |
cachorro-do-mato {m} | :: crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous |
cachorro-do-mato {m} | :: bush dog (a wild canine animal) |
cachorro-quente {m} | :: hot dog |
cacica {f} | :: feminine noun of cacique |
cacifo {m} | :: locker |
cacifo {m} | :: safe |
cacilda {interj} [colloquial] | :: expresses amazement or disappointment |
cacildis {interj} [Brazil, humorous] | :: darn! |
cacimba {f} [Brazil, Angola] | :: well (hole dug to obtain water) |
cacimba {f} [Angola] | :: drizzle |
cacimba {f} [Angola] | :: fog |
cacique {m} [historical] | :: cacique (chieftain) |
cacique {m} [by extension] | :: very powerful person |
Cacique Doble {prop} | :: Cacique Doble (municipality) |
caciquismo {m} | :: The power or influence of a chieftain |
caciquismo {m} [figurative] | :: Interference by a person in a position of authority in something already determined |
caco {m} | :: shard; piece (broken piece) |
caco {m} [by extension] | :: junk |
caco {m} [figuratively] | :: wreck |
caco {m} [colloquial] | :: head |
caço {m} /ˈkasu/ | :: ladle |
caçoada {f} | :: mockery |
caçoar {v} [with de] | :: to laugh at; to mock (make an object of laughter or ridicule) |
cacodemônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: cacodemon (evil spirit) |
cacoete {m} | :: tic (repetitive habit) |
cacoete {m} | :: grimace |
cacófato {m} | :: cacophony (a mix of discordant sounds) |
cacófaton {m} | :: alternative form of cacófato |
cacofonia {f} /kɐ.kɔ.fu.ˈni.ɐ/ | :: cacophony (mix of discordant sounds; dissonance) |
Caconde {prop} | :: Caconde (municipality) |
cacotenia {f} | :: cacotechny |
cacto {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of cato |
cáctus {m} | :: alternative form of cato |
caçula {mf} /kɐ.ˈsu.lɐ/ | :: the youngest sibling; lastborn |
caçula {adj} [of a sibling] | :: the youngest |
Caculé {prop} | :: Caculé (municipality) |
cacunda {f} | :: back |
cacunda {f} | :: hump |
cada {pron} /ˈkɐ.ðɐ/ | :: each (qualifying a singular noun, indicating all examples of the thing so named seen as individual or separate items) |
cada {pron} | :: used as an intensifier |
cadafalso {m} | :: gallows; scaffold (platform for executions) |
cada macaco no seu galho {proverb} | :: Everyone should mind their own business |
cada qual com o seu cada qual {proverb} | :: alternative form of cada qual com seu cada qual |
cada qual com seu cada qual {proverb} | :: to each his own (everyone is entitled to their personal preferences) |
cadarço {m} | :: shoelace |
cadaste {m} [nautical] | :: sternpost (timber or bar at the stern of a vessel) |
cadastramento {m} | :: registration |
cadastramento {m} | :: inventory |
cadastrar {vp} /ka.das.ˈtɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to register, to sign up |
cadastrar {vt} | :: to register (to add [an entry] to a register, log or database) |
cadastro {m} | :: cadastre |
cadastro {m} | :: census |
cadastro {m} | :: criminal record |
cada um {pron} | :: everyone |
cada uma {pron} | :: feminine singular of cada um |
cada uma {interj} | :: Expresses surprise, curiosity, dissatisfaction or anger towards a response, event, or fact. |
Cadaval {prop} {m} /kɐðɐˈvaɫ/ | :: Cadaval (village/and/municipality) |
Cadaval {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
cadáver {m} /kɐˈdavɛχ/ | :: cadaver, corpse |
cadavérico {adj} | :: cadaveric (relating to corpses) |
cadavérico {adj} | :: cadaveric (pale, sickly-looking) |
cada vez {adv} | :: See: pt cada vez |
cada vez {adv} [followed by comparative; can despite the literal meaning also be used for gradual change] | :: increasingly; more and more |
cada vez mais {adv} | :: more and more (progressively more); increasingly |
cada vez mais {adv} | :: See: pt cada vez mais |
cadê {pron} [Brazil, colloquial] /kaˈde/ | :: where is (it)? |
cadeado {m} /kɐ.ˈðja.ðu/ | :: padlock (type of lock) |
cadeado {adj} | :: locked with a padlock |
cadear {v} | :: to padlock (to lock using a padlock) |
cadeia {f} /kɐˈðɐjɐ/ | :: chain (series of interconnected rings or links) |
cadeia {f} | :: prison (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) |
cadeia alimentar {f} [biology] | :: food chain (feeding relationship between species) |
cadeia de caracteres {f} [computing] | :: string (sequence of characters) |
cadeia montanhosa {f} | :: mountain chain (a series of mountain ranges) |
cadeira {f} /kɐ.ˈdɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: chair (item of furniture) |
cadeira de balanço {f} | :: rocking chair (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) |
cadeira de escritório {f} | :: office chair (type of chair with a rotating base and small wheels) |
cadeira de praia {f} | :: folding chair (a light portable chair) |
cadeira de rodas {f} | :: wheelchair |
cadeira eléctrica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cadeira elétrica |
cadeira elétrica {f} | :: electric chair (a device used for performing execution by electrocution) |
cadeirante {mf} | :: wheelchair user (person who uses a wheelchair) |
cadela {f} /kɐˈðɛ.lɐ/ | :: a female dog |
cadela {f} | :: a promiscuous woman; bitch |
cadência {f} /ka.ˈdẽ.sja/ | :: cadence |
cadência {f} | :: rhythm, especially a pleasant one |
cadência {f} | :: any harmonious sequence of sounds similar to rhythm |
cadência {f} [music] | :: trill |
cadência {f} [figuratively] | :: gift, talent |
caderneta {f} | :: a small notebook |
caderneta {f} [banking] | :: bankbook; passbook (booklet used to record bank transactions) |
caderno {m} /kɐ.ˈðɛɾ.nu/ | :: notebook (book in which notes or memoranda are written) |
cadete {mf} /kɐˈðe.tɨ/ | :: cadet (a student at a military school who is training to be an officer) |
cadê você {interj} | :: where are you? |
cadi {m} [Islam] | :: qadi (Sharia judge) |
cadinho {m} | :: crucible, melting pot |
cadinho {m} [colloquial] | :: a small amount; a smidgen |
Cádis {prop} {f} | :: Cádis (city) |
Cádis {prop} {f} | :: Cádis (province) |
cádmio {m} | :: cadmium (chemical element) |
cadozete {m} | :: loach (any of the Old-World freshwater fishes in the family Cobitidae) |
caducando {v} | :: gerund of caducar |
caducar {v} | :: to lapse, expire |
caducar {v} | :: to prescribe |
caducar {v} | :: to wither |
caducidade {f} | :: expiry, expiration |
caducidade {f} | :: decay; decline |
caducidade {f} [legal] | :: lapse; forfeiture |
caducidade {f} | :: senility; old age |
caducidade {f} | :: obsolescence |
caducidade {f} | :: prescription |
caducifólio {adj} [botany] | :: deciduous (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season) |
caduco {adj} /kɐˈðu.ku/ | :: caducous; transient, fleeting |
caduco {adj} | :: expired |
caduco {adj} | :: senile |
Caém {prop} | :: Caém (municipality) |
caes {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cais |
Caetano {prop} {m} /kɐ.iˈtɐ̃.nu/ | :: given name |
Caetanópolis {prop} | :: Caetanópolis (municipality) |
Caetanos {prop} | :: Caetanos (municipality) |
Caeté {prop} | :: Caeté (municipality) |
Caetité {prop} | :: Caetité (municipality) |
cafarnaum {m} | :: bedlam (a place of chaotic uproar, where confusion prevails) |
Cafarnaum {prop} {f} [biblical] | :: Cafarnaum (ancient town) |
Cafarnaum {prop} {f} | :: Cafarnaum (municipality) |
café {m} /kɐˈfɛ/ | :: coffee |
café {m} | :: a café, an establishment selling coffee and other beverages, alcoholic or not, simple meals or snacks, with a facility to consume them on the premises |
café {m} | :: short for café da manhã |
Cafeara {prop} {f} | :: Cafeara (village/and/municipality) |
café-arábica {m} | :: arabica (a species of coffee plant, Coffea arabica) |
café com leite {m} | :: See: pt café com leite |
café com leite {m} | :: greenhorn (inexperienced person) |
café da manhã {m} [Brazil] /ka.ˈfɛ dɐ mɐ.ˈɲɐ̃/ | :: breakfast (first meal of the day) |
café gelado {m} | :: iced coffee (beverage) |
cafeína {f} | :: caffeine (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants) |
café instantâneo {m} | :: instant coffee (granules of concentrated coffee) |
Cafelândia {prop} {f} | :: Cafelândia (town/and/municipality) |
Cafelândia {prop} {f} | :: Cafelândia (town/and/municipality) |
cafelo {m} | :: the first layer of mortar on a wall |
café puro {m} | :: black coffee (coffee served without cream or milk) |
café solúvel {m} | :: instant coffee (granules of concentrated coffee) |
cafetão {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: A pimp, a procurer |
cafeteira {f} | :: coffee pot (pot for coffee) |
cafeteira {f} | :: coffeemaker (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee) |
cafeteria {f} | :: cafeteria (type of restaurant) |
cafetina {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: A madam, a procurer |
cafetinar {vi} | :: to pimp (to act as procurer of prostitutes) |
cafezal {m} | :: coffee plantation |
Cafezal do Sul {prop} | :: Cafezal do Sul (town/and/municipality) |
cafezeiro {m} | :: coffee (plant) |
Caffa {prop} {f} | :: Caffa (the former name of Feodosia, a <<port>> and <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>) |
cáfila {f} [collective] | :: caravan (a group of camels) |
cafofa {n} | :: feminine of cafofo |
cafofo {m} /ka.ˈfo.fu/ | :: pit, hole |
cafofo {m} | :: hideout |
cafofo {m} [historical] | :: place were slaves were kept before being sold |
cafofo {m} [Brazil, affectionate] | :: home, especially a small and modest but cozy habitation |
cafofo {m} [Brazil] | :: swampy land that exhales a bad odor because it contains putrefying organic matter |
cafofo {m} [Brazil] | :: a hole that is used to store illegal objects in prisons |
cafofo {m} [Brazil] | :: a hole serving as a foundation of a building |
cafofo {m} [Brazil] | :: latrine |
cafofo {m} [Angola] | :: someone who does not see well |
cafona {adj} /ka.ˈ | :: tacky (dowdy, shabbily dressed) |
cafoto {m} /ka.ˈfo.tu/ | :: an African bush tree |
cafoto {m} | :: latrine |
cafoto {m} [Minas Gerais] | :: affectionate term for a home; a small and modest but cozy habitation |
cafre {m} | :: Kaffir |
cafta {f} | :: kofta (meatball or meatloaf dish) |
caftan {m} | :: kaftan (long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean) |
cafuné {m} [Brazil] /ˌka.fu.ˈnɛ/ | :: the act of fondling someone's hair |
cafuzo {m} [Brazil] | :: Individual of mixed African and Amerindian ancestry |
cagada {f} [vulgar] | :: shit |
cagada {f} [vulgar] | :: disaster |
cagada {f} [vulgar] | :: accident |
cagada {f} [vulgar] | :: an event of very unlikely good luck |
cágado {adj} /ˈka.ɣɐ.ðu/ | :: slow; lazy |
cágado {m} | :: a freshwater turtle |
cágado {m} [specifically] | :: a chelid (member of the Chelidae family of turtles) |
cágado {m} [by extension, pejorative] | :: a slow or lazy person |
cágado-de-pescoço-comprido {m} | :: Argentine snake-necked turtle (Hydromedusa tectifera) |
cágado-de-pescoço-de-cobra {f} | :: Argentine snake-necked turtle (Hydromedusa tectifera) |
cagador {m} | :: shitter (one who shits) |
cagadora {f} | :: feminine noun of cagador |
cagaita {f} | :: A tropical fruit tree native to South America (Plinia edulis) |
cagaita {f} | :: The fruit of this tree |
cagalhão {m} [vulgar] | :: turd (a piece of excrement) |
cagando e andando {adj} [vulgar slang] | :: not giving a fuck; not giving a shit |
caganeira {f} [vulgar] | :: the shits; diarrhoea (condition characterised by frequent, watery defecation) |
cagão {adj} [vulgar, derogatory, of a person] | :: Who defecates excessively |
cagão {adj} [vulgar, derogatory, of a person] | :: Who lacks courage; chicken; coward; pussy |
cagão {m} [vulgar] | :: excrement, shit |
cagar {vit} [vulgar] | :: to shit; to defecate |
cagar {vi} [vulgar, slang, figurative] | :: to get lucky |
cagar {vp} [vulgar, slang, figurative] | :: to shit oneself (to be very scared) |
cagar {v} [Brazil, vulgar, slang, figurative, with para] | :: not to give a fuck (to really not care) |
cagar {v} [em, .vulgar, .slang] | :: to fuck up; to botch; to screw up (to do something incorrectly) |
cagar e andar {vi} [vulgar, idiom] | :: to have no interest; to be unconcerned; to not care |
caga-regras {adj} [idiom, vulgar] | :: tyrannical, bossy, demanding |
cagar no pau {v} [Brazil, slang, vulgar] | :: To screw up, to screw something |
cagar para {v} [vulgar, usually in the negative] | :: to give a shit (to care) |
cagarra {f} | :: shearwater (Calonectris diomedea, a seabird of the Atlantic and Mediterranean) |
cagarro {m} [ornithology] | :: alternative form of cagarra |
cagarro {m} [regional, Azores] | :: a native of Santa Maria Island |
cagarro {adj} [regional, Azores] | :: of or relating to Santa Maria Island |
cagatório {m} [Brazil, vulgar slang] | :: bog (toilet) |
Cagliari {prop} {f} | :: Cagliari (province/and/city) |
caguei {interj} [Brazil, slang, vulgar] | :: I don't care |
cagueta {mf} [slang] /ka.ˈɡwe.ta/ | :: snitch, informer |
cagüeta {mf} | :: superseded spelling of cagueta |
caguetar {v} /ka.ɡwe.ˈta(ɾ)/ | :: alternative form of alcaguetar |
cagüetar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cagüetar |
cahir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cair |
Caiabu {prop} | :: Caiabu (municipality) |
Caiana {prop} | :: Caiana (municipality) |
caiaque {m} | :: kayak (a type of small boat) |
caiar {v} | :: to whitewash; to lime (to paint a surface with lime and water) |
Caibaté {prop} | :: Caibaté (municipality) |
Caibi {prop} | :: Caibi (municipality) |
cãibra {f} /ˈkɐ̃j̃.bɾɐ/ | :: cramp (painful contraction of a muscle) |
caibro {m} | :: rafter (or similar beam) |
caiçara {f} | :: deadwood |
caiçara {f} | :: fence (made of dead branches etc) |
caiçara {m} | :: hillbilly |
caiçara {m} | :: tramp |
Caiçara {prop} | :: Caiçara (municipality) |
caído {adj} /kɐ.ˈi.ðu/ | :: fallen |
caieira {f} | :: limekiln |
Caieiras {prop} | :: Caieiras (municipality) |
Caiena {prop} {f} | :: Caiena (capital city) |
cai fora {interj} | :: piss off! leave! go away! |
Caim {prop} {m} [religion] /ka.ˈĩ/ | :: Cain (son of Adam and Eve) |
caimão {m} /kaj.ˈmɐ̃w̃/ | :: caiman (any of the small crocodilians of genus Caiman) |
câimbra {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of cãibra |
cãimbra {f} | :: alternative spelling of câimbra |
caimento {m} | :: trim, drape (the way in which fabric falls or hangs) |
caingangue {m} | :: Kaingang (native language spoken in South Brazil) |
caingangue {mf} | :: one of the Kaingang, a native people of South Brazil |
Caio {prop} {m} /ˈkaj.u/ | :: given name |
caiota {f} | :: chayote (fruit) |
caipira {mf} [Brazil] /kaj.ˈpi.ɾɐ/ | :: a hillbilly, yokel, rustic |
caipira {adj} | :: rustic, hillbilly, provincial |
caipiragem {f} | :: attitude of a hillbilly |
caipirão {m} | :: A caipirinha made with Licor Beirão instead of cachaça |
caipirinha {f} /kaj.pi.ˈɾi.ɲɐ/ | :: a traditional Brazilian drink prepared with cachaça, lime juice, sugar and ice |
caipirinha {mf} | :: diminutive of caipira |
caipirosca {f} | :: alternative spelling of caipiroska |
caipiroska {f} | :: caipiroska |
caipirovsca {f} [rare] | :: dated form of caipiroska |
caipirovska {f} [uncommon] | :: dated form of caipiroska |
Caipora {m} | :: A supernatural being in Brazilian folklore |
Caíque {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Cáique {prop} {m} | :: given name |
cair {vi} /kɐ.ˈiɾ/ | :: to fall; to fall down; to drop |
cair {v} [de] | :: to fall from (to fall so it is no longer attached to or on top of something) |
cair {vi} [figurative] | :: to fall; to collapse (to be overthrown, defeated or annulled) |
cair {v} [com, em, .with the adverb bem or mal] | :: to suit (to be appropriate or suitable) |
cair {vi} [with the adverb bem or mal, of food] | :: to go down (to be eaten with or without causing indigestion) |
cair {vi} | :: to decrease (to lower in value or quantity) |
cair {vi} | :: to get disconnected, to be interrupted (of a call or connection) |
cair {vi} [euphemistic] | :: to fall (to die in battle) |
cair {v} [em, .of a subject or question] | :: to be present in a test |
cair a ficha {vi} | :: to click (to make sense suddenly) |
cair aos pedaços {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to fall apart (to be in a dilapidated state) |
cair aos pedaços {v} | :: See: pt cair aos pedaços |
cair como uma luva {v} [simile] | :: to fit like a glove (to be a perfect fit, to be exactly the right size) |
cair da noite {m} | :: nightfall |
cair de amores {v} | :: to fall in love |
cair fora {v} [slang] | :: to piss off; to leave |
cair na estrada {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hit the road |
cair no sono {v} | :: to doze off (to fall asleep, especially unintentionally) |
Cairo {prop} {m} | :: Cairo (capital city) |
cair o cu da bunda {v} [vulgar slang] | :: describes the effect caused by a jaw-dropping revelation |
cairota {adj} | :: Cairene (of or pertaining to Cairo) |
cairota {mf} | :: someone from Cairo, Egypt |
cair por terra {v} [idiom] | :: to fail to succeed; to be defeated; to produce negative results |
Cairu {prop} | :: Cairu (municipality) |
cais {m} /ˈkajʃ/ | :: quay, wharf, pier |
cáiser {m} [historical] | :: Kaiser (German emperor) |
caititu {m} | :: collared peccary (mammal) |
Caiuá {prop} | :: Caiuá (municipality) |
caixa {f} /ˈkaj.ʃɐ/ | :: box |
caixa {f} [musical instrument] | :: ellipsis of caixa de guerra; snare drum (Brazilian percussion instrument used in a samba Bateria) |
caixa {mf} | :: cashier (one who works at a till handling payments) |
caixa-alta {f} [typography] | :: upper case (capital letters, collectively) |
caixa automático {m} [banking] | :: automated teller machine (banking) |
caixa chata {f} [music] | :: snare (type of drum) |
caixa clara {f} [music] | :: snare (type of drum) |
caixa d'água {f} | :: a container for storing water for domestic or municipal use |
caixa de areia {f} | :: sandbox (box with sand for children) |
caixa de câmbio {f} | :: gearbox (part of a car containing the gears) |
caixa de coleta {f} | :: post-office box (box used as collection point for mail) |
caixa de correio {f} | :: mailbox (box into which mail is put) |
caixa de costura {f} | :: housewife (case for materials used in sewing) |
caixa de entrada {f} [computing] | :: inbox (folder containing received messages) |
caixa de guerra {f} [music] | :: snare (type of drum) |
caixa de música {f} | :: music box (box that generates or plays music) |
caixa de Pandora {f} | :: Pandora's box (a source of unforeseen trouble) |
caixa de texto {f} [graphical user interface] | :: text box (widget that accepts textual input) |
caixa económica {f} [European orthography] | :: savings bank (financial institution that focuses on retail banking) |
caixa econômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of caixa económica |
caixa e espiga {f} [woodworking, rare] | :: mortise-and-tenon joint, as a technique |
caixa eletrónico {m} [European orthography, banking] | :: automated teller machine (banking) |
caixa eletrônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of caixa eletrónico |
caixa negra {f} | :: alternative spelling of caixa-negra |
caixa-negra {f} [aviation] | :: black box (recorder in an aircraft) |
caixão {m} /kɐj.ˈʃɐ̃w̃/ | :: coffin |
caixa preta {f} | :: alternative spelling of caixa-preta |
caixa-preta {f} [aviation] | :: black box (recorder in an aircraft) |
caixa registradora {f} | :: cash register (machine that registers transactions) |
caixa torácica {f} [skeleton] | :: rib cage (part of skeleton) |
caixa toráxica {f} | :: alternative form of caixa torácica |
caixeira {f} | :: feminine of caixeiro |
caixeiro {m} | :: clerk |
caixeiro {m} | :: shop assistant, cashier |
caixilho {m} /kaj.ˈʃi.ʎu/ | :: frame |
caixinha {f} | :: diminutive of caixa |
caixote {m} /ka(j).ˈʃɔ.t͡ʃi/ | :: a wooden crate |
cajá {m} | :: yellow mombin (tree) (Spondias mombin) |
cajadada {f} | :: blow with a staff or crook |
cajado {m} /kɐ.ˈʒa.ðu/ | :: staff (long, straight stick) |
cajá-manga {m} | :: ambarella (tree) |
Cajamar {prop} | :: Cajamar (municipality) |
Cajati {prop} | :: Cajati (municipality) |
Cajobi {prop} | :: Cajobi (municipality) |
cajón {m} [musical instrument] /ka.ˈʁõ/ | :: cajón (box-shaped percussion instrument) |
caju {m} /ka.ˈʒu/ | :: cashew (tree) |
caju {m} | :: cashew (apple) |
caju {m} | :: cashew nut |
cajueiro {m} | :: cashew (tree) |
Cajuri {prop} | :: Cajuri (municipality) |
Cajuru {prop} | :: Cajuru (municipality) |
cal {f} /ˈkaɫ/ | :: lime (calcium oxide) |
çalá {f} | :: obsolete spelling of salá |
cala a boca {interj} [rude] | :: shut up! (demanding someone to stop speaking) |
calabouço {m} | :: dungeon (underground prison or vault) |
calabrês {adj} | :: Calabrian (of or from Calabria) |
calabrês {m} | :: Calabrian (inhabitant of Calabria) |
calabrês {m} [uncountable] | :: Calabrian (language) |
calabresa {f} | :: Smoke-cured pork sausage with calabresa pepper |
Calábria {prop} {f} | :: Calábria (peninsula/and/region) |
calábrico {adj} | :: Calabrian (from Calabria) |
calada da noite {f} | :: dead of night (the middle of the night, particularly the period when everything is silent) |
calado {adj} /kɐ.ˈla.ðu/ | :: silent, quiet |
calado {adj} | :: discreet |
calafate {m} | :: caulker |
calafetando {v} | :: gerund of calafetar |
calafetar {v} | :: to caulk |
calafrio {m} /ˌˈfɾi.u/ | :: shiver (the act or result of shivering) |
Calais {prop} {f} /ka.ˈlɛ/ | :: Calais (town) |
calambuco {m} | :: agalloch (soft, aromatic, resinous wood of Aquilaria malaccensis) |
calamidade {f} | :: calamity (event resulting in great loss) |
calamidade {f} | :: calamity (distress that results from some disaster) |
calamitoso {adj} | :: Involving calamity; disastrous; calamitous |
cálamo {m} | :: object made from a reed, such as a pen or arrow |
cálamo {m} | :: sweet flag; calamus (Acorus calamus, a perennial wetland plant with an aromatic medicinal root) |
calandra {f} | :: skylark (small brown passerine bird) |
calandrar {v} | :: to calender (to press between rollers) |
calão {m} /kɐ.ˈlɐ̃w̃/ | :: vulgar slang; argot |
calão {m} | :: jargon (language characteristic of a particular group) |
calão {m} | :: Caló (the language spoken by the Spanish and Portuguese Romani) |
calão {m} | :: an indolent individual |
calão {adj} | :: indolent; lazy |
calão {m} | :: a type of long boat used in the Algarve for fishing tuna |
calão {m} | :: shoulder pole (a pole with a load in each end, carried on one’s shoulder) |
calão {m} | :: a type of fishing net, with floaters in three corners and a sinker in the fourth corner |
calão {m} | :: a tile used to cover the bottom of ditches, to prevent water from being absorbed into the ground |
calão {m} | :: a type of large container for liquids |
calão {m} | :: augmentative of calo |
calar {vp} /kɐ.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to shut up (to stop talking) |
calar {vt} | :: to shut up (to stop someone from talking or something from making noise) |
calar a boca {vi} | :: to shut up |
cala-te, boca {phrase} [idiom] | :: Said when one is making a malicious statement or badmouthing someone |
calau {m} | :: hornbill (bird) |
calaverita {f} [mineral] | :: calaverite |
calça {f} | :: trousers, pants |
calça {f} | :: ring (on a mushroom) |
calçada {f} [Brazil] /kaɫ.ˈsa.ðɐ/ | :: sidewalk, pavement (paved footpath at the side of a road) |
calçada {f} | :: a cobbled street for pedestrian usage |
calçadão {m} | :: promenade (clear, level space used for public walks) |
calçadeira {f} | :: shoehorn |
calçado {adj} /kaɫ.ˈsa.ðu/ | :: Wearing shoes |
calçado {m} | :: footgear, shoes |
calcadoiro {m} | :: alternative form of calcadouro |
calcadouro {m} /ˌkaw.ka.ˈdo(w).ɾo/ | :: threshing floor |
calça-jeans {f} | :: jeans (denim trousers) |
calçamento {m} | :: paving (process, or paved floor) |
calcando {v} | :: gerund of calcar |
calcâneo {m} [skeleton] /kaɫ.ˈkɐ.nju/ | :: calcaneus; heel bone |
calcanhar {m} [anatomy] /kaɫ.kɐ.ˈɲaɾ/ | :: heel (part of the foot) |
calcanhar de Achiles {m} | :: obsolete spelling of calcanhar de Aquiles |
calcanhar de Aquiles {m} | :: Achilles heel (vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation) |
calcanhar-de-Aquiles {m} | :: obsolete spelling of calcanhar de Aquiles |
calção {m} | :: (especially in plural) shorts |
calcar {v} /kaɫ.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to trample, to crush |
calcar {v} | :: to press (grapes, etc.) |
calcar {v} [figuratively] | :: to humiliate, to subjugate |
calcar {vt} | :: to base a work on (a previous one) |
calcar {vt} | :: to copy a work |
calcar {m} [botany] | :: spur |
calcar {m} [zoology] | :: in arthropods, a mobile process similar to a spike |
calcar {m} [zoology] | :: in certain insects, the strongest spur located in the tibia |
calçar {v} /kaɫ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to shoe (to equip with protection) |
calcário {m} [geology] | :: limestone |
calcário {adj} | :: limestone (attributive) |
calcário {adj} | :: calcareous, chalky |
calças {fp} [plurale tantum] /ˈkaɫ.sɐʃ/ | :: pants (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) |
calças à boca de sino {fp} | :: bell-bottoms |
calças à boca-de-sino {fp} | :: obsolete spelling of calças à boca de sino |
calças de ganga {f} [Portugal] | :: jeans (denim trousers) |
calcedônia {f} | :: chalcedony (form of fine-grained quartz) |
cálcico {adj} [chemistry] | :: calcic |
cálcico {adj} | :: calcium [attributive] |
calcificação {f} | :: calcification |
calcificar {v} | :: to calcify |
calcinação {f} | :: calcination |
calcinado {adj} | :: calcined |
calcinando {v} | :: gerund of calcinar |
calcinar {v} | :: to calcine |
calcinha {f} | :: panties (underpants for females) |
calcinha {m} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: an effeminate or easily afraid man |
cálcio {m} /ˈkal.sju/ | :: calcium (chemical element of atomic number 20) |
calcita {f} [mineral] | :: calcite (calcium carbonate mineral) |
calciúria {f} [pathology] | :: calciuria |
calço {m} /ˈ | :: an object used to limit or prevent another object’s movement (such as a doorstop or table leveler), or to position it precisely )(such as shim or prop) |
calço {m} | :: the act of tripping a person by placing one’s leg in front of their feet as they run |
calcogénio {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chalcogen |
calcogênio {m} | :: alternative form of calcogénio |
calcolítico {adj} | :: Eneolithic |
calcopirita {f} [mineral] | :: chalcopyrite |
calculação {f} /kaɫ.ku.lɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: calculation (act or process of calculating) |
calculador {m} | :: calculator (person or thing that performs calculations) |
calculadora {f} /ˈdo.ra/ | :: calculator (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations) |
calculadora {f} | :: female equivalent of calculador |
calcular {v} [mathematics] /kaw.ku.ˈla(ɻ)/ | :: calculate (to determine value) |
calculista {mf} | :: calculator (person who calculates, schemes) |
calculista {mf} | :: calculating person |
cálculo {m} [mathematics, uncountable] /ˈkaw.ku.lo/ | :: calculus (differential calculus and integral calculus considered as a single subject) |
cálculo {m} | :: calculation, computation |
cálculo {m} [medicine] | :: calculus (stony concretion) |
cálculo {m} [poetic] | :: pebble |
cálculo de variações {m} [calculus] | :: calculus of variations (a form of calculus) |
cálculo integral {m} [calculus] | :: integral calculus (calculus of areas and volumes) |
cálculo renal {m} [medicine] | :: kidney stone (calculus in the kidney) |
Calcutá {prop} {f} /ˌkaw.ku.ˈta/ | :: Calcutá (capital city) |
calda {f} /ˈkaɫ.ðɐ/ | :: (especially homemade) syrup |
calda {f} | :: (in the plural) hot springs |
Caldas {prop} | :: Caldas (municipality) |
Caldas da Rainha {prop} {f} /ˈkaɫdɐʒ ðɐ ʁɐˈiɲɐ/ | :: Caldas da Rainha (city/and/municipality) |
caldeira {f} | :: boiler (device for heating circulating water) |
caldeira {f} [vulcanology] | :: caldera (large crater) |
caldeira {f} [nautical] | :: small inlet or bay |
caldeira de recuperação {f} | :: recovery boiler (boiler for recovering soda) |
caldeirão {m} /kaɫðɐjˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: cauldron |
caldeirão {m} [geology] | :: pothole |
caldeirão {m} [figurative] | :: melting pot (place where many divergent things come together) |
Caldeirão Grande {prop} | :: Caldeirão Grande (municipality) |
caldo {m} /ˈkaɫ.du/ | :: broth, stock |
caldo {m} | :: juice |
cale a boca {interj} [rude] | :: shut up! (demanding someone to stop speaking) |
Calebe {prop} {m} /ka.ˈlɛ.bi/ | :: given name |
Calecut {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Calecute |
Calecute {prop} {f} | :: Calecute (city) |
calefação {f} | :: heating (a system that raises the temperature of a room or building) |
caleidoscópio {m} | :: A kaleidoscope |
caleira {f} | :: gutter |
caleira {f} | :: lime pit |
calejado {adj} | :: callous (having calli) |
calejado {adj} [figurative] | :: jaded; hardened (cynically insensitive; made callous by experience) |
calendário {m} /kɐ.lẽ.ˈda.ɾju/ | :: calendar (system by which time is divided) |
calendário {m} | :: calendar (means to determine the date) |
calendário gregoriano {m} | :: Gregorian calendar |
calendário lunar {m} | :: lunar calendar (a calendar that measures the passage of the year according to the phases of the moon) |
calendário solar {m} | :: solar calendar (a calendar based on the movement of the Earth around the Sun) |
calendas {fp} | :: calends (the first day of the Roman month) |
calênder {m} [Islam] | :: calender; qalandar (one of an order of dervishes) |
Calgary {prop} {f} /ˈkaw.ɡa.ɾi/ | :: Calgary (largest city) |
Calgary {prop} {f} | :: Calgary (village) |
calha {f} | :: gutter |
calha {f} | :: channel |
calha {f} | :: rail |
calha {m} | :: chance; coincidence |
calhamaço {m} [colloquial] | :: tome (large book) |
calhambeque {m} /kɐʎɐ̃bˈɛkɨ/ | :: jalopy (old, dilapidated car) |
calhando {v} | :: gerund of calhar |
calhandra {f} | :: alternative form of calandra |
calhar {v} /kɐˈʎaɾ/ | :: to fit into |
calhar {vi} | :: to occur; to happen |
calhar {v} [a] | :: to fall (to occur on a certain date) |
calhar {v} [com, a] | :: to agree with; to match |
calhar {v} [para] | :: to be appropriate; to be convenient |
Calhari {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cagliari |
calhau {m} /kɐˈʎaw/ | :: stone, boulder |
calheta {f} /kɐˈʎetɐ/ | :: a narrow bay |
Calheta {prop} {f} /kɐˈʎetɐ/ | :: Calheta (village/and/municipality) |
Calheta {prop} {f} | :: Calheta (village/and/municipality) |
Calheta {prop} {f} | :: Calheta (town) |
Calheta de São Miguel {prop} | :: Calheta de São Miguel |
calhorda {f} /ka.ʎɔɻ.da/ | :: floozy, scumbag |
calhorda {f} | :: rat, knave, worthless person |
calhorda {f} | :: phoney, clown |
calhorda {f} | :: cheater |
calhorda {f} | :: idiot, moron, loser |
calibração {f} | :: calibration (act of calibrating) |
calibrar {v} | :: to calibrate (to check or adjust by comparison with a standard) |
calibrar {v} [Brazil] | :: to inflate (to fill with gas) |
calibre {m} /kɐˈlibɾɨ/ | :: caliber / calibre (dimension) |
calibre {m} | :: gauge (mathematics, physics) |
cálice {m} /ˈkalisɨ/ | :: cup |
cálice {m} | :: chalice (large drinking cup) |
cálice {m} [botany, anatomy] | :: calyx |
Calicut {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Calecute |
Calicute {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Calecute |
cálido {adj} | :: warm |
cálido {adj} [figurative] | :: sagacious, astute, perspicacious |
cálido {adj} [figurative] | :: passionate, ardent |
caliemia {f} [pathology] | :: calcemia |
califa {m} /kɐˈlifɐ/ | :: caliph (political leader of the Muslim world) |
califado {m} | :: caliphate (Islamic government) |
califasia {f} | :: elocution |
Califórnia {prop} {f} | :: Califórnia (state) |
Califórnia {prop} {f} | :: Califórnia (town/and/municipality) |
californiano {adj} | :: Californian |
californiano {m} | :: Californian |
califórnio {m} | :: californium |
caligem {f} | :: fog |
caligem {f} | :: darkness |
caligrafia {f} /kɐ.li.ɣɾɐ.ˈfi.ɐ/ | :: handwriting |
caligrafia {f} | :: calligraphy, penmanship |
caligráfico {adj} | :: calligraphic |
calígrafo {m} | :: calligrapher (one who practices calligraphy) |
calinada {f} | :: blunder, stupidity |
Calinescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Calíope {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Calliope (muse of eloquence and epic poetry) |
calipígio {adj} | :: callipygian (having beautiful buttocks) |
calípio {m} [Caipira, nonstandard] | :: alternative form of eucalipto |
Calipso {prop} {f} [astronomy] /ka.ˈ | :: Calypso (a moon of Saturn) |
Calipso {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Calypso (a sea nymph) |
caliptra {f} [botany] | :: calyptra (thin, hood-like tissue) |
Calírroe {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Callirrhoë (a naiad) |
calistenia {f} /ka.lis.te.ˈni.a/ | :: calisthenics (gymnastic exercises) |
cálix {m} | :: alternative form of cálice |
calligraphia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of caligrafia |
callo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of calo |
calma {f} /ˈkaɫ.mɐ/ | :: calm |
calma {f} | :: tranquility |
calma {f} [obsolete, literature] | :: heat produced by the sun |
calma aí {interj} | :: wait |
calma aí {interj} | :: calm yourself |
calmaí {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of calma aí |
calma lá {interj} | :: wait |
calma lá {interj} | :: calm yourself |
calmamente {adv} | :: In context of being free from anger or anxiety; calmly; peacefully |
calmante {adj} | :: calming (which makes someone calmer) |
calmante {adj} [psychology, pharmacology] | :: antianxiety; anxiolytic (acting to combat or reduce anxiety) |
calmante {m} [pharmacology] | :: antianxiety (a substance that combats or reduces anxiety) |
calmaria {f} [nautical, meteorology] /kal.mɐˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: calm, lull (period without wind) |
calmaria {f} [by extension] | :: peace and quiet |
calmaria {f} [by extension] | :: slack period |
calmaria antes da tempestade {f} [idiomatic] | :: calm before the storm (peace before a disturbance) |
calmo {adj} /ˈkaɫ.mu/ | :: calm |
calmo {adj} | :: serene |
Calmon {prop} | :: Calmon (municipality) |
calo {m} / | :: callus (hardened area of the skin) |
calo {m} | :: callus (material occurring in bone fractures) |
caló {m} | :: Caló (language spoken by the Spanish and Portuguese Romani) |
caloiro {m} | :: alternative form of calouro |
calombo {m} | :: bump (swelling on the skin) |
calombo {m} | :: bump (protuberance on a level surface.) |
calopsita {f} | :: cockatiel (a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest) |
calor {m} [uncountable, physics] /kɐ.ˈloɾ/ | :: heat |
calor {m} | :: an instance of high temperature |
calor {adj} [Brazil, of weather or climate] | :: hot |
calorão {m} [weather] | :: intense heat |
calorento {adj} /kɐ.lu.ˈɾẽ.tu/ | :: hot (of the weather) |
calorento {adj} | :: sensitive to heat (of a person) |
caloria {f} | :: calorie |
calorímetro {m} [physics] | :: calorimeter (apparatus for measuring heat) |
caloroso {adj} /kɐluˈɾozu/ | :: enthusiastic |
caloroso {adj} | :: heart-warming |
caloso {adj} | :: callous (having calli) |
calota {f} | :: hubcap (decorative disk for wheels) |
calota polar {f} [planetology] | :: polar cap (high-latitude region covered by ice) |
calote {m} | :: scam (fraudulent deal) |
caloteiro {m} | :: swindler (person who swindles, cheats or defrauds) |
calouro {m} [schools, slang] /kaˈlo.ɾu/ | :: freshman (a person in the first year of an institution) |
caluda {interj} | :: quiet! |
calúmnia {f} | :: obsolete form of calúnia |
calúnia {f} | :: slander, calumny (false, malicious statement) |
caluniar {v} | :: to calumniate; to slander (to make hurtful untrue statements) |
Calvados {prop} {m} | :: Calvados (department) |
calvário {m} | :: calvary (representation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ) |
calvário {m} [figuratively] | :: calvary; ordeal (a painful or trying experience) |
calvejante {adj} | :: balding (becoming bald) |
calvice {f} | :: baldness (the state of being bald) |
calvinismo {m} [Christianity] /ˌˈ | :: Calvinism (branch of Protestantism based on the practices of John Calvin) |
calvinista {adj} [Christianity] | :: Calvinist (relating to or adhering to Calvinism) |
calvinista {mf} [Christianity] | :: Calvinist (adherent of Calvinism) |
cal virgem {f} | :: quicklime (lime produced by heating limestone) |
cal viva {f} | :: quicklime (lime produced by heating limestone) |
calvo {adj} | :: bald (having no hair) |
Calypso {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Calipso |
cama {f} /ˈkɐ̃.mɐ/ | :: bed (furniture for sleeping on) |
Camacan {prop} | :: Camacan (municipality) |
Camaçari {prop} | :: Camaçari (municipality) |
Camacho {prop} | :: Camacho (municipality) |
camada {f} /kɐ.ˈma.dɐ/ | :: layer |
camada {f} | :: stratum |
camada de abscisão {f} [botany] | :: abscission layer (layer of cells in a plant which begin the process of abscission) |
camada de ozónio {f} [European orthography, rare] | :: alternative form of camada de ozono |
camada de ozônio {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of camada de ozono |
camada de ozono {f} /kɐ.ˈmɐ.ðɐ ð(j) ɔ.ˈ | :: ozone layer (a region of the stratosphere) |
cama de casal {f} | :: double bed (a bed designed for two adults) |
camal {m} /ka.ˈmaw/ | :: aventail |
camaleão {m} /ˌˈɐ̃õ/ | :: chameleon (reptile) |
Camamu {prop} | :: Camamu (municipality) |
Camanducaia {prop} | :: Camanducaia (municipality) |
camapu {m} | :: cape gooseberry (plant) |
camapu {m} | :: cape gooseberry (fruit) |
Camaquã {prop} | :: Camaquã (municipality) |
camara {f} | :: obsolete spelling of câmara |
câmara {f} /ˈkɐ.mɐ.ɾɐ/ | :: chamber |
câmara {f} | :: council |
câmara {f} [except in Brazil] | :: camera |
câmara alta {f} [government] | :: upper chamber; upper house (part of the parliament in some countries) |
câmara anterior {f} [ophthalmology] | :: anterior chamber (space between the cornea and the iris) |
câmara anterior {f} | :: See: pt câmara anterior |
camarabando {m} | :: cummerbund (type of sash) |
camarada {mf} /ˌka.maˈɾa.dɐ/ | :: bro (a close friend) |
camarada {mf} | :: buddy; pal; mate (a friendly term of address for an unknown person) |
camarada {mf} | :: comrade (term of address used among communists) |
camarada {mf} [usually as camarada de ~] | :: mate; colleague (a person with whom someone lives or works) |
camarada {adj} [of a price] | :: generous; cheap |
camarada {adj} [of a person or act] | :: expectionally friendly or helpful |
camaradagem {f} | :: camaraderie (close friendship) |
camaradaria {f} | :: camaraderie (close friendship) |
câmara de comércio {f} [business] | :: chamber of commerce (community business association) |
câmara de gás {f} | :: gas chamber (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas) |
Câmara de Lobos {prop} {f} /ˈkɐmɐɾɐ ðɨ ˈloβuʃ/ | :: Câmara de Lobos (city/and/municipality) |
câmara de vídeo {f} | :: alternative form of câmera de vídeo |
câmara digital {f} | :: alternative form of câmera digital |
Câmara dos Comuns {prop} {f} [politics] | :: House of Commons (lower house of the British and Canadian parliament) |
Câmara dos Lordes {prop} {f} | :: House of Lords (upper chamber of the British parliament) |
Câmara dos Representantes {prop} {f} | :: House of Representatives (lower house of the parliament) |
câmara escura {f} | :: camera obscura (dark chamber with a small orifice into which an object is projected) |
câmara escura {f} | :: darkroom (a dark room, where photographs are developed) |
câmara fotográfica {f} | :: camera (device for taking still pictures) |
câmara municipal {f} /ˈkɐmɐɾɐ munisiˈpaɫ/ | :: the executive body of a municipality |
câmara municipal {f} | :: city hall |
camarão {m} | :: shrimp (decapod crustacean) |
camarata {f} | :: dormitory |
câmara web {f} [rare] | :: webcam (video camera viewed over a computer network) |
câmara Web {f} | :: alternative spelling of câmara web |
camareira {f} | :: feminine noun of camareiro; chambermaid |
camareiro {m} | :: chamberlain |
Camargo {prop} | :: Camargo (municipality) |
Camargo {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Camarilha dos Quatro {prop} {f} | :: Gang of Four (leftist political faction) |
camarim {m} | :: dressing room (room for changing clothes) |
camarinha {f} | :: bedroom (or similar small room) |
Camarões {prop} {mp} {m} | :: Camarões (country) |
camaronês {adj} | :: Cameroonian (of, from or relating to Cameroon) |
camaronês {m} | :: Cameroonian (person from Cameroon) |
camarote {m} | :: berth; bunk (a built-in bed on board ship) |
camarote {m} | :: balcony (structure overlooking a stage) |
cambada {f} [collective] | :: bunch |
cambada {f} [collective] | :: gang, pack, herd |
cambalacho {m} | :: scam, swindle |
cambaleante {adj} | :: tottering, staggering |
cambalear {vi} | :: to stagger (to move to one side and the other, as if about to fall) |
cambalhota {f} [gymnastics] /kɐ̃.bɐ.ˈʎɔ.tɐ/ | :: roll |
cambalhota {f} [gymnastics] | :: somersault |
cambar {vi} [nautical] | :: to jibe (to perform a jibe) |
Cambará {prop} {f} /ˌkɐ̃.ba.ˈɾa/ | :: Cambará (town/and/municipality) |
Cambará do Sul {prop} | :: Cambará do Sul (municipality) |
Cambé {prop} {f} /kɐ̃.ˈbɛ/ | :: Cambé (city/and/municipality) |
Camberra {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Canberra |
cambiante {adj} | :: changing |
cambiante {adj} | :: indecisive |
cambiante {adj} | :: iridescent (colour) |
cambiar {v} | :: to exchange (to trade or barter) |
cambio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of câmbio |
câmbio {m} /ˈkɐ̃.bi.u/ | :: exchange, swap (act of exchanging or swapping) |
câmbio {m} [uncountable] | :: currency exchange |
câmbio {m} | :: transformation (act of transforming or being transformed) |
câmbio {m} | :: commutation (substitution of one thing for another) |
câmbio {m} | :: transmission (assembly of gears in an motorcar) |
câmbio {m} | :: walkie-talkie (portable, bi-directional radio transceiver) |
câmbio {m} [botany] | :: cambium (layer of cells responsible for secondary growth of roots and stems) |
câmbio {interj} [radio communication] | :: over (end of sentence, ready to receive reply) |
Cambira {prop} /kɐ̃.ˈbi.ɾɐ/ | :: Cambira (village/and/municipality) |
cambista {mf} | :: scalper (one who sells tickets unofficially) |
camboa {f} | :: small, artificial lake near the sea, that traps fish |
Camboja {prop} {m} | :: Camboja (country) |
cambojano {adj} | :: Cambodian (of, from, or pertaining to Cambodia, the Cambodian people, or the Khmer language) |
cambojano {m} | :: Cambodian (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent) |
cambojano {m} [uncountable] | :: Cambodian (language of Cambodia) |
Camboriú {prop} | :: Camboriú (municipality) |
cambota {f} [of a vehicle] | :: crankshaft (a rotating shaft that drives a crank) |
Cambridge {prop} {f} /ˈkẽj̃.bɹid͡ʒ/ | :: Cambridge (city) |
Cambrígia {prop} {f} | :: Cambrígia (city) |
cambucá {m} | :: A tropical fruit tree native to South America (Eugenia dysenterica) |
cambucá {m} | :: The fruit of this tree |
Cambuci {m} | :: A tropical fruit tree native to South America (Campomanesia phaea) |
Cambuci {m} | :: The fruit of this tree |
Cambuci {prop} | :: Cambuci (municipality) |
Cambuí {prop} | :: Cambuí (municipality) |
Cambuquira {prop} | :: Cambuquira (municipality) |
camélia {f} | :: camellia (plant) |
camelo {m} /kɐ.ˈ | :: camel |
camelô {mf} [Brazil] /kameˈlo/ | :: huckster, peddler, hawker (itinerant street vendor) |
camelo bactriano {m} [rare] | :: Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) |
camelódromo {mf} [Brazil] /kameˈlɔ.dɾ | :: a designated location where hucksters can sell their goods legally |
camembert {m} | :: camembert (creamy French cheese) |
câmera {f} | :: camera |
câmera {f} [except in, Brazil] | :: chamber |
câmera de vídeo {f} | :: video camera (device for recording video) |
câmera digital {f} | :: digital camera (electronic camera) |
câmera filmadora {f} | :: camcorder (device that records video and audio) |
câmera fotográfica {f} | :: alternative form of câmara fotográfica |
câmera lenta {f} [cinematography] | :: slow motion (film played at a slower rate than real) |
cameraman {m} | :: cameraman (somebody who operates a film or TV camera) |
câmera web {f} | :: alternative form of câmara web |
câmera Web {f} | :: alternative form of câmara web |
camerlengo {m} [Roman Catholicism] /ˌka.meʁ.ˈlẽ.ɡu/ | :: camerlengo (cardinal who administers the Roman Catholic Church during the interregnum) |
camião {m} [Portugal] /kɐ.ˈmjɐ̃w̃/ | :: lorry, truck |
camião-cisterna {m} [Portugal] | :: tanker (lorry designed to carry liquids) |
camião de lixo {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of caminhão de lixo |
camicase {m} | :: alternative form of kamikaze |
camicase {adj} | :: alternative form of kamikaze |
Camila {prop} {f} /ka.ˈmi.lɐ/ | :: given name |
Caminha {prop} /kɐˈmiɲɐ/ | :: Caminha (village/and/municipality) |
caminhada {f} /kɐ.mi.ˈɲa.dɐ/ | :: walk, hike (trip made by walking) |
caminhante {adj} | :: walking |
caminhante {mf} | :: walker, hiker |
caminhante {mf} | :: passer-by |
caminhão {m} [Brazil] /ˌka.miˈɲɐ̃w̃/ | :: truck; lorry (vehicle designed to carry or haul heavy cargo) |
caminhão {m} | :: truckload (a truck’s cargo) |
caminhão {m} [colloquial] | :: truckload; boatload (a great quantity of something) |
caminhão de lixo {m} [Brazil] | :: dustcart (vehicle for collecting refuse) |
caminhão-tanque {m} [Brazil] | :: tanker (lorry designed to carry liquids) |
caminhar {v} /kɐ.mi.ˈɲa(ʁ)/ | :: to walk (travel a distance by walking) |
caminho {m} /kɐ.ˈmi.ɲu/ | :: path |
caminho {m} | :: way, route |
caminho {m} [by extension] | :: means |
caminhoneta {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of camionete |
caminhonete {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of camionete |
camioneta {f} | :: pick-up truck |
camionete {f} [Portugal] | :: pickup truck |
camionista {mf} [Portugal] | :: truck driver (person employed to drive a truck) |
camisa {f} /kɐ.ˈmi.zɐ/ | :: shirt (light garment worn over the torso) |
camisa {f} | :: chemise; nightgown (garment mainly worn by women for sleeping in) |
camisa {f} | :: coat; hood (protective cover of an object) |
camisa-castanha {m} | :: Brownshirt (a member of the early paramilitary wing of the Nazi party) |
camisa de força {f} [Brazil] | :: straitjacket (garment that prevents arm movement) |
camisa-de-vénus {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of camisa-de-vênus |
camisa-de-vênus {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: condom (flexible sleeve worn on the penis) |
camisa havaiana {f} | :: Hawaiian shirt; aloha shirt (T-shirt with a flowery design) |
camisa-marrom {m} | :: Brownshirt (a member of the early paramilitary wing of the Nazi party) |
camisa-parda {m} | :: Brownshirt (a member of the early paramilitary wing of the Nazi party) |
camisa social {f} | :: dress shirt (formal, collared shirt with buttons) |
camiseta {f} /ˌka.mi.ˈze.tɐ/ | :: T-shirt (lightweight shirt with short sleeves and no buttons or collar) |
camisinha {f} | :: small shirt |
camisinha {f} [colloquial] | :: condom |
camisola {f} [Brazil] /kɐ.mi.ˈzɔ.lɐ/ | :: camisole (short, sleeveless undergarment worn by women) |
camisola {f} [Portugal] | :: sweater, jersey, jumper, pullover |
camisola interior {f} [Portugal] | :: vest [Commonwealth English], undershirt [American English] |
camisolão {m} | :: camisole |
camisolão {m} | :: nightshirt |
Camões {prop} {m} | :: Camões |
camomila {f} /ˈ | :: camomile (the plant or its flower) |
camoniano {adj} /ˈnjɐ.nu/ | :: Of or pertaining to Luís de Camões, a Portuguese authour |
camonismo {m} | :: A word or phrase used by Luís de Camões |
camonismo {m} | :: A study of the works and life of Camões |
campa {f} /ˈkɐ̃.pɐ/ | :: a small bell |
campa {f} | :: handbell |
campa {f} | :: grave |
campa {f} | :: gravestone |
campainha {f} /kɐ̃.pɐ.ˈi.ɲɐ/ | :: bell, handbell |
campainha {f} | :: doorbell |
campainha {f} [colloquial] | :: uvula |
Campala {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kampala |
campanário {m} /kɐ̃.pɐˈna.ɾju/ | :: belfry, bell tower, campanile |
campanário {m} | :: steeple |
Campanário {prop} | :: Campanário (municipality) |
campanha {f} /kɐ̃.ˈpɐ.ɲɐ/ | :: campaign (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal) |
campanha {f} | :: open country (a large expanse of land without trees) |
Campanha {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Campânia |
Campanha {prop} {f} | :: Campanha (municipality) |
Campânia {prop} {f} /kɐ̃.ˈpɐ.ni.ɐ/ | :: Campânia (region) |
campânula {f} | :: bellflower (plant of genus Campanula) |
campânula {f} | :: bell jar (glass in a bell-like shape) |
campeã {f} /ˌkɐ̃.pi.ˈɐ̃/ | :: feminine noun of campeão |
campeão {m} | :: champion |
campeche {m} | :: logwood (Haematoxylum campechianum, a tree of Central America) |
campeira {f} [Brazil] | :: a type of manioc |
campeonato {m} /kɐ̃.pju.ˈna.tu/ | :: championship |
campeonato mundial {m} | :: world cup (competition involving competitors from around the world) |
campesinato {m} | :: peasantry (impoverished rural farm workers) |
campesino {adj} /kɐ̃pɨˈzinu/ | :: rural (relating to non-urban areas) |
campesino {m} | :: countryman (person who lives in a rural area) |
campestre {adj} /kɐ̃.ˈpɛʃ.tɾɨ/ | :: campestral (relating to open fields or uncultivated land) |
campestre {m} | :: clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees) |
Campestre {prop} | :: Campestre (municipality) |
Campestre da Serra {prop} | :: Campestre da Serra (municipality) |
campina {f} | :: meadow, grassland |
campina {f} | :: prairie |
Campina da Lagoa {prop} {f} | :: Campina da Lagoa (municipality) |
Campina das Missões {prop} | :: Campina das Missões (municipality) |
Campina do Monte Alegre {prop} | :: Campina do Monte Alegre (municipality) |
Campina do Simão {prop} {f} | :: Campina do Simão (village/and/municipality) |
Campina Grande do Sul {prop} | :: Campina Grande do Sul (town/and/municipality) |
Campinas {prop} | :: Campinas (municipality) |
Campinas do Sul {prop} | :: Campinas do Sul (municipality) |
Campina Verde {prop} | :: Campina Verde (municipality) |
camping {m} [uncountable] /ˈkɐ̃.pĩ/ | :: camping (activity) |
camping {m} | :: camping spot |
campismo {m} [uncountable] | :: camping (activity) |
campo {m} /ˈkɐ̃.pu/ | :: country; countryside |
campo {m} | :: field (large open area, especially one where crops are grown or sports are played) |
campo {m} | :: field (domain of knowledge or practice) |
campo {m} [physics] | :: field |
Campo Alegre {prop} | :: Campo Alegre (municipality) |
Campo Alegre de Lourdes {prop} | :: Campo Alegre de Lourdes (municipality) |
Campo Azul {prop} | :: Campo Azul (municipality) |
Campo Belo {prop} | :: Campo Belo (municipality) |
Campo Belo do Sul {prop} | :: Campo Belo do Sul (municipality) |
Campo Bom {prop} | :: Campo Bom (municipality) |
Campo Bonito {prop} | :: Campo Bonito (village/and/municipality) |
campo de batalha {m} | :: battlefield (place where a battle occurs) |
campo de concentração {m} | :: concentration camp (camp where large numbers of persons are detained) |
campo de extermínio {m} | :: death camp (facility where people are killed en-masse) |
campo de força {m} [science fiction] | :: force field (a field of energy that prevents passage) |
campo de golfe {m} | :: golf course |
Campo do Meio {prop} | :: Campo do Meio (municipality) |
Campo do Tenente {prop} | :: Campo do Tenente (town/and/municipality) |
Campo Erê {prop} | :: Campo Erê (municipality) |
Campo Florido {prop} | :: Campo Florido (municipality) |
Campo Formoso {prop} | :: Campo Formoso (municipality) |
Campo Grande {prop} | :: Campo Grande (municipality/state capital) |
Campo Largo {prop} | :: Campo Largo (city/and/municipality) |
Campo Limpo Paulista {prop} | :: Campo Limpo Paulista (municipality) |
campo magnético {m} [physics] | :: magnetic field (a field of magnetic force) |
Campo Magro {prop} | :: Campo Magro (town/and/municipality) |
Campo Maior {prop} {f} /ˈkɐ̃pu mɐˈjɔɾ/ | :: Campo Maior (village/and/municipality) |
campo minado {m} | :: See: pt campo minado |
campo minado {m} [idiomatic] | :: minefield (situation where a mistake can have severe consequences) |
Campo Mourão {prop} /ˈkɐ̃.pu mo(w).ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: Campo Mourão (city/and/municipality) |
camponês {m} /ˌkɐ̃.po.ˈne(j)s/ | :: peasant (member of the agriculture low class) |
Campo Novo {prop} | :: Campo Novo (municipality) |
Campos Altos {prop} | :: Campos Altos (municipality) |
Campos Borges {prop} | :: Campos Borges (municipality) |
Campos do Jordão {prop} | :: Campos do Jordão (municipality) |
Campos dos Goytacazes {prop} | :: Campos dos Goytacazes (municipality) |
Campos Gerais {prop} | :: Campos Gerais (municipality) |
Campos Novos {prop} | :: Campos Novos (municipality) |
Campos Novos Paulista {prop} | :: Campos Novos Paulista (municipality) |
campo vetorial {m} [mathematics] | :: vector field (construction) |
Campucheia {prop} {m} | :: Kampuchea (former name for Cambodia) |
campus {m} | :: campus |
câmpus {m} | :: alternative spelling of campus |
camuflagem {f} [uncountable] | :: camouflage (disguise) |
camuflagem {f} | :: camouflage (act of disguising) |
camuflagem {f} | :: clothes, objects and techniques used as camouflage |
camuflar {v} | :: to camouflage (to hide, disguise) |
camundongo {m} [Brazil] /ˌka.mũ.ˈdõ.ɡu/ | :: mouse |
camurça {f} /kɐ.ˈmuɾ.sɐ/ | :: chamois (species of goat) |
camurça {f} | :: suede (type of leather) |
cana {f} [botany] /ˈkɐ.nɐ/ | :: cane, reed (any plant with a fibrous, elongated stalk, such as a sugarcane or bamboo) |
cana {f} [botany] | :: sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum, tropical grass from which sugar is extracted) |
cana {f} [botany] | :: canna (any plant of the genus Canna) |
cana {f} | :: cane (walking stick) |
cana {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: cachaça (Brazilian rum made of sugarcane) |
cana {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: jail; prison |
cana {mf} [Brazil, slang] | :: cop; police officer |
Canaã {prop} {f} | :: Canaã (historical region) |
Canaã {prop} {f} | :: Canaã (municipality) |
canabe {f} | :: alternative form of cânabis |
canábis {f} | :: alternative form of cânabis |
cânabis {f} | :: cannabis (plant) |
canabrás {m} | :: hogweed (an umbelliferous plant of the genus Heracleum) |
canada {f} | :: a blow with a cane |
canada {f} | :: a rural pathway or lane between fields |
canada {f} | :: a former liquid measure of four quartilhos (pints) (especially relating to wine) |
Canadá {prop} {m} /kɐ.nɐ.ˈða/ | :: Canadá (country) |
cana-de-açúcar {f} | :: sugar cane (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar) |
canadense {adj} | :: Canadian |
canadense {mf} [Brazil] | :: Canadian |
canadiana {f} | :: feminine noun of canadiano |
canadiana {f} | :: crutch |
canadiana {f} | :: duffle coat |
canadiano {m} [Portugal] | :: Canadian (person from Canada) |
canado {m} | :: khanate (the realm of a khan) |
cana do leme {f} [nautical] | :: tiller (handle of the rudder) |
canafístula {f} | :: golden shower (Cassia fistula) |
canal {m} /kɐ.ˈnaɫ/ | :: ditch |
canal {m} | :: canal (artificial waterway) |
canal {m} [radio] | :: channel (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies) |
canal {m} [television] | :: television channel |
canal alfa {m} [computer graphics] | :: alpha channel (value indicating level of transparency) |
canal auditivo {m} [anatomy] | :: ear canal (tube running from the outer ear to the eardrum) |
Canal da Mancha {prop} {m} | :: Canal da Mancha (channel) |
canal deferente {m} [anatomy] | :: vas deferens |
Canal de Suez {prop} {m} | :: Canal de Suez (artificial canal) |
Canal do Panamá {prop} {m} | :: Canal do Panamá (artificial canal) |
canaleta {f} | :: gutter (duct or channel beneath the eaves) |
canaleta {f} | :: gutter (groove beside a bowling alley) |
canaleta {f} | :: swale (shallow troughlike depression created to carry water) |
canalha {mf} /kɐ.ˈna.ʎɐ/ | :: scoundrel, villain, blackguard |
canalha {mf} [offensive, vulgar] | :: Term of abuse |
canalhice {f} | :: villainy |
canalização {f} | :: plumbing (system), piping |
canalização {f} | :: canalization |
canalizador {m} | :: something which channels (directs something’s flow) |
canalizador {m} | :: someone who builds canals |
canalizador {m} | :: someone who builds sewage and drainage systems |
canalizando {v} | :: gerund of canalizar |
canalizar {v} | :: to canalize |
canalizar {v} | :: to channel, lead, direct, guide |
cananeia {f} | :: female equivalent of cananeu |
Cananéia {prop} | :: Cananéia (municipality) |
cananeu {adj} /ˌkɐ.nɐ.ˈnew/ | :: Canaanite |
cananeu {m} | :: Canaanite |
canapé {m} | :: canapé (a bite-size slice open-faced sandwich) |
canapé {m} | :: canapé (a type of elegant sofa) |
Canápolis {prop} | :: Canápolis (municipality) |
Canápolis {prop} | :: Canápolis (municipality) |
canaque {mf} /kɐ.ˈna.kɨ/ | :: Kanak (native of New Caledonia) |
canaque {adj} | :: of or related to the Kanak people |
canará {m} | :: Kannada (language) |
Canarana {prop} | :: Canarana (municipality) |
canard {m} [aeronautics] | :: canard (type of aircraft) |
canard {m} [transport, engineering] | :: canard (winglike structure on a vehicle) |
canarês {m} | :: Kannada (language) |
canário {adj} /kɐ.ˈna.ɾju/ | :: Canarian |
canário {m} | :: Canarian (an inhabitant of the Canary islands) |
canário {m} | :: canary [bird] |
Canas {prop} | :: Canas (municipality) |
canastra {f} | :: a large basket |
canastra {f} | :: a type of armadillo |
canastra {f} | :: the card-game canasta |
canastrão {m} | :: augmentative of canastra |
canastrão {m} [pejorative] | :: a bad actor |
canastrão {m} [slang] | :: a big but weak horse |
canastrão {m} [zoology] | :: an individual of a prestigious Brazilian breed of pigs |
canato {m} | :: alternative form of canado |
cânave {m} /ˈkɐ.nɐ.v(ə)/ | :: hemp |
Cana Verde {prop} | :: Cana Verde (municipality) |
canavês {m} /kɐ.nɐ.ˈveʃ/ | :: field of hemp |
canavês {adj} | :: of, or pertaining to, Marco de Canaveses |
canavês {m} | :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Marco de Canaveses |
canavial {m} | :: sugarcane plantation |
Canavieiras {prop} | :: Canavieiras (municipality) |
Canberra {prop} {f} /kɐ̃ˈbeʁa/ | :: Canberra (capital) |
canção {f} /kɐ̃ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: song |
canção de cisne {f} | :: alternative form of canção do cisne |
canção de embalar {f} | :: lullaby (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) |
canção de Natal {f} /kɐ̃.sɐ̃w̃.dɨ.nɐ.ˈtaɫ/ | :: Christmas carol |
canção de ninar {f} | :: lullaby (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) |
canção do cisne {f} [idiomatic] | :: swan song (a final performance) |
cancela {f} | :: gate |
cancelamento {m} | :: cancellation |
cancelar {v} /kɐ̃ɻ)/ | :: to call off (cancel) |
câncer {m} [Brazil] | :: cancer (disease) |
câncer {m} [figurative] | :: a very undesirable, prejudicial or in any other way negative thing |
Câncer {prop} {m} | :: Cancer (constellation) |
Câncer {prop} {m} [Brazil] | :: Cancer (Zodiac sign) |
câncer de pulmão {m} [Brazil] | :: lung cancer (cancer of the lung(s)) |
cancerígeno {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
cancerígeno {adj} [figurative] | :: very undesirable, prejudicial or in any other way negative |
canceroso {adj} [oncology] | :: cancerous (relating to or affected with cancer) |
cancioneiro {m} [collective] /kɐ̃sjuˈnɐjɾu/ | :: songbook (collection of lyrics or songs) |
cançoneta {f} | :: canzonet |
cancro {m} [Portugal] | :: cancer |
cancro do pulmão {m} [Portugal] | :: lung cancer (cancer of the lung(s)) |
candango {m} [Brazil, historical, derogatory] /kɐ̃ˈdɐ̃.ɡu/ | :: a Portuguese person as designated by Africans |
candango {m} [Brazil, historical] | :: one of the builders of Brasília, who came mainly from the Northeast Region, Brazil |
candango {adj} | :: pertaining or relating to Brasília |
Candeal {prop} | :: Candeal (municipality) |
candeeiro {m} /kɐ̃.ˈdjɐj.ɾu/ | :: sconce, lamp, torch |
candeeiro {m} | :: oil lamp (lamp using oil as fuel) |
candeeiro {m} [Portugal] | :: street lamp (large outdoor light used to illuminate a public area) |
candeia {f} /kɐ̃.ˈdɐj.ɐ/ | :: [obsolete] candle (light source with a wick embedded in wax) |
candeia {f} | :: lamp; oil lamp (light source with a wick and an oil container) |
candeia {f} | :: any of several shrubs characterised by resinous, medicinal and tannin-rich bark |
candeia que vai à frente alumia duas vezes {proverb} | :: the first bearer's lamp shines twice as bright |
candeia que vai à frente alumia duas vezes {proverb} | :: expresses gratitude or subservience towards anyone brave enough to venture before others, in order to solve a challenge |
Candeias {prop} | :: Candeias (municipality) |
Candeias {prop} | :: Candeias (municipality) |
candela {f} [physics] | :: candela (unit of measurement of luminous intensity) |
candelabro {m} /kɐ̃dɨˈlaβɾu/ | :: candelabrum, branched candlestick |
candelabro {m} | :: chandelier |
Candelária {prop} {f} [Christianity] | :: Candlemas (Christian feast that commemorates the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple) |
Candelária {prop} {f} | :: Candelária (municipality) |
Candiba {prop} | :: Candiba (municipality) |
cândida {f} | :: candida, thrush (yeast of the genus Candida) |
candidamente {adv} | :: candidly |
candidata {f} | :: female equivalent of candidato |
candidatar {vt} /kɐ̃.d͢͡ʒi.da.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to enrol someone or something as a candidate |
candidatar {vp} | :: to run (to be a candidate in an election) |
candidato {m} /kɐ̃diˈðatu/ | :: candidate |
candidato {m} | :: applicant |
candidatura {f} /kɐ̃.d͡ʒi.da.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: candidacy (the process of becoming a candidate) |
cândido {adj} /ˈkã.d(ʒ)i.du/ | :: candid, white |
cândido {adj} [figuratively] | :: innocent, naive |
Cândido de Abreu {prop} | :: Cândido de Abreu (town/and/municipality) |
Cândido Godói {prop} | :: Cândido Godói (municipality) |
Cândido Mota {prop} | :: Cândido Mota (municipality) |
Cândido Rodrigues {prop} | :: Cândido Rodrigues (municipality) |
Cândido Sales {prop} | :: Cândido Sales (municipality) |
candil {m} /kɐ̃.ˈdiɫ/ | :: a small lantern |
candil {m} [historical] | :: candy (unit of mass) |
Candiota {prop} | :: Candiota (municipality) |
candiru {m} | :: candiru (a small parasitic fish, Vandellia cirrhosa, native to the Amazon river) |
candirú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of candiru |
Candói {prop} {m} /kɐ̃.ˈdɔj/ | :: Candói (river) |
Candói {prop} {m} | :: Candói (town/and/municipality) |
candomblé {m} /ˌkɐ̃.dõ.ˈblɛ/ | :: Candomblé (an Afro-Brazilian religion) |
Candomblé {m} /kɐ̃.dõ.ˈblɛ/ | :: Candomblé |
candonga {f} /kɐ̃.ˈdõ.ɡɐ/ | :: smuggling |
Candoy {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Candói |
candura {f} /kã.ˈdu.ɾa/ | :: whiteness |
candura {f} | :: innocence, purity |
caneca {f} /kɐˈnɛkɐ/ | :: cup, mug |
canela {f} /kɐ.ˈnɛ.lɐ/ | :: cinnamon (spice) |
canela {f} | :: shin |
Canela {prop} | :: Canela (municipality) |
caneleira {f} | :: shinguard (piece of apparel to protect the shin) |
caneleira {f} [uncountable] | :: cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) |
Canelinha {prop} | :: Canelinha (municipality) |
canelite {f} [medicine] | :: shin splint (painful inflammation of muscles in the shins) |
Canes Venatici {prop} {f} [constellation] | :: Canes Venatici (dim spring constellation of the northern sky) |
caneta {f} /kɐˈnetɐ/ | :: pen (writing tool) |
caneta de tinta permanente {f} [Portugal] | :: fountain pen (pen containing a reservoir of ink) |
caneta esferográfica {f} | :: ballpoint pen |
caneta hidrográfica {f} | :: felt-tip pen (pen that holds ink conveyed to a writing surface by a felt nib) |
caneta marca-texto {f} | :: highlighter (pen for highlighting) |
caneta-tinteiro {f} [Brazil] | :: fountain pen (pen containing a reservoir of ink) |
câneve {m} | :: alternative form of cânave |
canfieldita {f} [mineral] | :: canfieldite |
cânfora {f} [organic compound] | :: camphor |
canga {f} | :: yoke (bar place over the shoulders for a person to carry a pair of heavy objects) |
canga {f} | :: yoke (frame for joining oxen by the neck) |
canga {f} | :: pareo a wraparound garment which is also used as a beach towel |
cangaceiro {m} [Brazil] | :: cangaceiro (a bandit from Northeastern Brazil) |
cangaço {m} | :: A form of social banditry in the Northeast Region of Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries |
cangalheiro {m} /kɐ̃.ɡɐ.ˈʎɐj.ɾu/ | :: muleteer |
cangalheiro {m} [Portugal, colloquial, humorously] | :: undertaker |
cangambá {m} | :: skunk |
cangote {m} [Brazil, regional] /kɐ̃ˈɡɔti/ | :: nape |
cangote {m} [by extension] | :: the whole neck |
Canguçu {prop} | :: Canguçu (municipality) |
cangueira {f} | :: callosity |
canguru {m} | :: kangaroo |
canguru perneta {f} [humorous, euphemism, idiom] | :: sexual intercourse |
cânhamo {m} /ˈkɐ.ɲɐ.mu/ | :: hemp (any Cannabis sativa variety used grown for its fibres, oil and seeds) |
canhão {m} /kɐ.ˈɲɐ̃w̃/ | :: cannon (artillery piece) |
canhão {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: ugly woman, hag |
canhão Armstrong {m} [historical] | :: Armstrong gun (a wrought iron breechloading cannon) |
canhão d'água {m} | :: water cannon (device for shooting pressurised water) |
canhão de água {m} | :: alternative form of canhão d'água |
canho {adj} | :: left-handed |
canhonaço {m} | :: cannon shot |
canhoneira {f} [nautical] | :: gunboat (small armed vessel) |
canhoteiro {m} | :: left-hander; southpaw (left-handed person) |
canhoteiro {adj} | :: left-handed (more dexterous with one’s left hand or foot) |
canhoto {adj} /kɐ.ˈɲo.tu/ | :: left-handed (preferring the left hand over the right) |
canhoto {m} [accounting] | :: ledger (collection of accounting entries) |
canhoto {m} | :: left-hander (a person who is left-handed) |
canibal {adj} | :: cannibal |
canibal {m} | :: cannibal |
canibalesco {adj} | :: cannibalistic (tending toward cannibalism) |
canibalismo {m} | :: cannibalism (act of eating another of one's own species) |
caniçado {m} | :: weir (fence to catch fish) |
canicho {m} | :: a small dog |
caniço {m} | :: reed, cane |
caniço {m} | :: fishing rod |
canícula {f} | :: dog days (the days between early July and early September when Sirius rises and sets with the Sun) |
canídeo {m} | :: canid |
canil {m} /kɐ.ˈniw/ | :: kennel (facility at which dogs are reared or boarded) |
canindé {m} [Brazil] | :: A blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) |
canino {adj} | :: canine (pertaining to dogs) |
canino {m} | :: fang (canine tooth) |
cânion {m} | :: canyon (long, narrow, steep valley cut in rock) |
Canis Minor {prop} {f} [constellation] | :: Canis Minor (small winter constellation of the northern sky) |
canistel {m} | :: canistel (fruit) |
Canitar {prop} | :: Canitar (municipality) |
canivete {m} /ˈvɛ.te/ | :: pocketknife, penknife |
canivete suíço {m} | :: Swiss Army knife, penknife |
canja {f} /ˈkɐ̃.ʒɐ/ | :: chicken soup (with rice) |
canja {f} [figuratively] | :: anything that is easy to obtain or accomplish |
canjar {morf} | :: khanjar (Arabian dagger) |
canna {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cana |
Cannes {prop} {f} | :: Cannes (city) |
cano {m} /ˈkɐ.nu/ | :: tube, pipe |
cano {m} | :: channel |
canoa {f} /kɐˈno.ɐ/ | :: canoe (small long and narrow boat) |
canoagem {f} | :: canoeing |
Canoas {prop} | :: Canoas (municipality) |
canoinha {f} | :: small canoe |
Canoinhas {prop} | :: Canoinhas (municipality) |
canoísta {mf} | :: canoer, canoeist |
canola {f} | :: canola |
cânon {m} | :: alternative form of cânone |
cânone {m} | :: canon (generally accepted principle) |
cânone {m} | :: round (song that is sung by groups of people with each subset of people starting at a different time) |
canonicamente {adv} | :: canonically |
canonicato {m} | :: canonry (the office of a canon) |
canonização {f} | :: canonization |
canonizando {v} | :: gerund of canonizar |
canonizar {v} | :: to canonize |
canoro {adj} | :: singing; that sings |
cansaço {m} /kɐ̃.ˈ | :: fatigue, tiredness, weariness |
cansaço {m} | :: weakness |
cansadamente {adv} | :: wearily, tiredly |
cansado {adj} /kɐ̃ˈsaðu/ | :: sleepy, tired |
cansado {adj} | :: fed up, irritated, annoyed, frustrated, disappointed |
Cansanção {prop} | :: Cansanção (municipality) |
cansando {v} | :: gerund of cansar |
cansar {v} /kɐ̃ˈsaɾ/ | :: to tire, weary |
cansativo {adj} | :: Causing fatigue or boredom; tiring; tiresome |
canseira {f} /kɐ̃.ˈse(j).ɾa/ | :: fatigue, tiredness, weariness |
canseira {f} | :: weakness |
canseira {f} | :: hard work |
Cantábria {prop} {f} | :: Cantábria (autonomous community/and/province) |
Cantabrígia {prop} {f} | :: Cantabrígia (city) |
cantada {f} [colloquial] | :: an attempt to seduce someone by flattery |
cantada {f} [colloquial, by extension] | :: an expression usually said to achieve that goal, often by combining comedy and compliment |
cantador {adj} /kɐ̃.tɐ.ðoɾ/ | :: singing |
cantador {m} | :: troubadour |
Cantagalo {prop} | :: Cantagalo (town/and/municipality) |
Cantagalo {prop} | :: Cantagalo (town/and/municipality) |
Cantagalo {prop} | :: Cantagalo (town/and/municipality) |
cantalupo {m} | :: cantaloupe (melon) |
Cantanhede {prop} /kɐ̃tɐˈɲeð(ɨ)/ | :: Cantanhede (city/and/municipality) |
Cantanhede {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
cantão {m} [political subdivision] /kɐ̃.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: canton (state-level subdivision of Switzerland, Luxembourg and Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
cantão {m} [political subdivision] | :: canton (subdivision of an arrondissement in France) |
cantão {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: canton (charge in upper dexter corner of shield) |
cantão {m} /kɐ̃.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of canto |
Cantão {prop} {f} | :: Cantão (caplc) |
cantar {vt} /kɐ̃.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to sing, to say musically |
cantar {vi} | :: to sing (express sounds musically through the voice) |
cantar {vt} | :: to say with rhythm, chant |
cantar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to attempt to seduce by flattery |
cantarela {f} | :: chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) |
cantarelo {m} | :: alternative form of cantarela |
cantaria {f} [architecture] | :: ashlar (large cuboid stone) |
cântaro {m} /ˈkɐ̃.tɐ.ɾu/ | :: cantharus |
cântaro {m} | :: pitcher (vessel) |
cantarolando {v} | :: gerund of cantarolar |
cantarolar {v} | :: to hum |
cantautor {m} | :: singer-songwriter |
cantautora {f} | :: feminine noun of cantautor |
cante {m} [regional] /ˈkɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: alternative form of canto |
cante {m} [music genre, Portugal] | :: genre of traditional music from the Portuguese region of Alentejo, usually performed a cappella by amateur choral groups |
canteiro {m} /kɐ̃.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ | :: stonemason |
canteiro {m} | :: median, central reservation |
canteiro {m} | :: gantry |
canteiro central {m} | :: median, central reservation (the area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic) |
canteiro de obras {m} [construction] | :: building site (location of a building under construction) |
cantharo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cântaro |
cântico {m} /ˈkɐ̃.ti.ku/ | :: canticle |
cântico de Natal {m} | :: Christmas carol |
Cântico dos Cânticos {prop} {m} [biblical] | :: Song of Solomon (book of the Bible) |
cantiga {f} /kɐ̃.ˈti.ɣɐ/ | :: folk song (song handed down by oral tradition) |
cantiga {f} | :: cantiga (mediaeval monophonic song) |
cantiga {f} [by extension] | :: any song |
cantiga {f} [figurative, colloquial] | :: nonsense; story |
cantiga de Natal {f} | :: Christmas carol |
cantiga de roda {f} | :: nursery rhyme |
cântigo {m} | :: dated form of cântico |
cantil {m} | :: canteen (water bottle) |
cantilena {f} [Portugal] | :: synonym of parlenda |
cantina {f} /kɐ̃.ˈti.nɐ/ | :: canteen, cafeteria (a dining area) |
canto {m} /ˈkɐ̃.tu/ | :: singing (the act of using the voice to produce musical sounds) |
canto {m} | :: chant |
canto {m} | :: a bird’s song |
canto {m} [figurative] | :: any pleasant sound |
canto {m} [poetry] | :: canto |
canto {m} | :: corner (space in the angle between converging lines or surfaces) |
canto {m} | :: a remote location |
canto {m} | :: an undetermined or unknown location |
canto {m} [sports] | :: the corner of the goal line and touchline |
canto {m} | :: [architecture] type of stone used in the corners of a building |
cantochão {m} [music] /kɐ̃.tu.ˈʃɐ̃w̃/ | :: plainsong |
canto de cisne {m} [idiomatic] | :: swan song (a final performance) |
canto do cisne {m} | :: alternative form of canto de cisne |
canto gregoriano {m} [music] | :: Gregorian chant (unaccompanied monotonic singing style) |
cantonês {adj} | :: Cantonese (relating to Canton) |
cantonês {adj} | :: Cantonese (relating to the Cantonese people) |
cantonês {adj} | :: Cantonese (relating to the Cantonese language) |
cantonês {m} | :: Cantonese (person from Canton) |
cantonês {m} [uncountable] | :: Cantonese (language) |
cantonesa {f} | :: female equivalent of cantonês |
cantor {m} /kɐ̃ˈtoɾ/ | :: singer (person who sings) |
cantora {f} | :: female equivalent of cantor |
cantoria {f} /kɐ̃.to.ˈɾi.a/ | :: an instance of people singing |
canto tirolês {m} [music] | :: yodelling (technique where the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto) |
Cantuária {prop} {f} /ˌkɐ̃.tu.ˈa.ɾi.ɐ/ | :: Cantuária (city) |
canudo {m} /kɐ.ˈnu.ðu/ | :: drinking straw (small hollow tube through which drink is sucked) |
Canudos {prop} | :: Canudos (municipality) |
Canudos do Vale {prop} | :: Canudos do Vale (municipality) |
Canuto {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Canute (mediaeval king of Denmark) |
caô {m} [slang] /kaˈo/ | :: lie; nonsense talk |
cão {m} /ˈkɐ̃w̃/ | :: dog |
cão {adj} | :: white-haired |
-ção {suffix} /sə̃ʊ/ | :: -tion |
Caobi {prop} {m} | :: given name |
cão chupando manga {m} [slang, idiom] | :: A very ugly person |
cão d'água {m} | :: water dog |
Cão d'água português {m} | :: Portuguese Water Dog |
caodaísmo {m} [religion] | :: Caodaism (a syncretic monotheistic religion founded in the 20th century in Vietnam) |
caodaísta {mf} [religion] | :: Caodaiist (somebody who adheres to Caodaism) |
cão da pradaria {m} | :: alternative spelling of cão-da-pradaria |
cão-da-pradaria {m} | :: prairie dog (burrowing rodent) |
cão de água {m} | :: water dog |
Cão de água português {m} | :: Portuguese Water Dog |
cão de caça {m} | :: hound (dog breed developed for assisting in hunting) |
cão de colo {m} | :: lapdog (a small and tame dog, to be held on one’s lap) |
cão de guarda {m} | :: guard dog; watchdog (dog used to protect a property) |
cão de serviço {m} | :: working dog (type of dog breed) |
cão dos prados {m} | :: alternative spelling of cão-dos-prados |
cão-dos-prados {m} | :: prairie dog (burrowing rodent) |
cão guia {m} | :: alternative spelling of cão-guia |
cão-guia {m} | :: guide dog (dog that is trained to be of assistance to a blind person) |
caolho {adj} | :: one-eyed (having only a single eye) |
Cão Maior {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Canis Major (winter constellation of the northern sky) |
Cão Menor {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Canis Minor (small winter constellation of the northern sky) |
cão pastor {m} | :: herding dog; sheepdog |
cão-pastor {m} | :: alternative spelling of cão pastor |
cão policial {m} | :: police dog (trained dog for police work) |
cão que ladra não morde {proverb} | :: barking dogs seldom bite (people who make big threats usually never carry them out) |
cão que late não morde {proverb} | :: barking dogs seldom bite (people who make big threats usually never carry them out) |
caos {m} /ˈkawʃ/ | :: chaos |
cão selvagem africano {m} | :: African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus, a wild dog of Africa) |
caoticamente {adv} | :: chaotically |
caótico {adj} | :: Filled with chaos; chaotic |
caótico {adj} | :: Extremely disorganized; chaotic; shambolic |
cãozinho {m} /kɐ̃w̃.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: a puppy |
cãozinho {m} | :: a small-sized dog |
cap. {m} | :: abbreviation of capitão |
capa {f} /ˈka.pɐ/ | :: cloak; cape (long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back) |
capa {f} [printing] | :: cover (front and back of a book or magazine) |
capa {f} | :: the front cover or front page of a publication |
capa {f} | :: jacket (protective or insulating cover for an object) |
capa {f} [bullfighting] | :: cape (cloth used by a bullfighter to trick the bull) |
capa {f} [figurative] | :: cloak (a false pretext or appearance) |
capa {f} [geology] | :: a top layer of rock |
capa {f} | :: wrapper (outer layer of a cigar) |
capa {m} [Portugal] | :: kay (name of the Latin letter K, k) |
capa {m} | :: kappa (name of the Greek letter Κ, κ) |
capacete {m} /ˌˈse.tʃi/ | :: helmet (protective head covering) |
capachinho {m} /ˈʃi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of capacho |
capachinho {m} | :: wig (hair worn on the head) |
capacho {m} | :: doormat (coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house) |
capacho {m} [figuratively] | :: doormat (someone that is over-submissive to others’ wishes) |
capacidade {f} /kɐpɐsiˈðaðɨ/ | :: capacity (the ability to hold, receive or absorb) |
capacitador {m} | :: enabler (one who helps something to happen) |
capacitador {adj} | :: which or who enables |
capacitador {adj} | :: which or who teaches someone a skill for a job |
capacitância {f} [physics] /ka.ˌˈtɐ̃.si.a/ | :: capacitance (property of an element of an electrical circuit) |
capacitar {v} /kɐpɐsiˈtaɾ/ | :: to capacitate (to make capable) |
capacitor {m} | :: capacitor |
capacitor de fluxo {m} [science fiction] | :: flux capacitor (device that grants time travel) |
capa de chuva {f} | :: raincoat (waterproof coat) |
Capadócia {prop} {f} | :: Capadócia (historical region/and/province) |
capadócio {adj} | :: Cappadocian |
capadócio {m} | :: Cappadocian |
capadócio {m} [Brazil] | :: charlatan, rascal |
capa dura {f} | :: hardcover (rigid binding for books) |
capa dura {f} | :: hardcover (a book having such cover) |
Capanema {prop} {mf} /ˌˈne.mɐ/ | :: surname |
Capanema {prop} {f} | :: Capanema (town/and/municipality) |
Capanema {prop} {f} | :: Capanema (town/and/municipality) |
capanga {m} | :: thug (a criminal hired to treat others violently or roughly) |
capão {m} /ka.ˈpãw/ | :: a castrated animal |
capão {m} | :: capon (a cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table) |
capão {m} [Brazil] | :: copse; an isolated bunch of trees in an open space |
Capão Alto {prop} | :: Capão Alto (municipality) |
Capão Bonito {prop} | :: Capão Bonito (municipality) |
Capão Bonito do Sul {prop} | :: Capão Bonito do Sul (municipality) |
Capão da Canoa {prop} | :: Capão da Canoa (municipality) |
Capão do Cipó {prop} | :: Capão do Cipó (municipality) |
Capão do Leão {prop} | :: Capão do Leão (municipality) |
capar {v} [colloquial] | :: to castrate (to remove the testicles of) |
Caparaó {prop} | :: Caparaó (municipality) |
capataz {m} [management] | :: foreman |
capatazia {f} | :: A handling charge, such as on items passing through a port |
capaz {adj} /kɐ.ˈpaʃ/ | :: able, capable |
capaz {interj} [Southern and South Brazil] | :: no way! (expresses disbelief) |
capaz {interj} [South Brazil] | :: no problem; don't mention it (polite response to a thank you) |
capcioso {adj} | :: captious, sophistical |
capeáda {v} | :: obsolete spelling of capeada |
capear {v} | :: to cloak; to conceal; to dissimulate; to hide |
Cape Breton {prop} {f} | :: Cape Breton (island) |
capela {f} [religion] /kɐ.ˈpɛ.lɐ/ | :: chapel (small Christian place of worship) |
capela {f} [chemistry] | :: fume hood (a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken) |
Capela de Santana {prop} | :: Capela de Santana (municipality) |
Capela do Alto {prop} | :: Capela do Alto (municipality) |
Capela do Alto Alegre {prop} | :: Capela do Alto Alegre (municipality) |
Capela Nova {prop} | :: Capela Nova (municipality) |
capelão {m} /kɐ.pɨ.ˈlɐ̃w̃/ | :: chaplain, padre |
Capelinha {prop} | :: Capelinha (municipality) |
capella {f} | :: obsolete spelling of capela |
capelo {m} | :: cowl (monk’s hood) |
capelo {m} | :: red hat worn by cardinals, or a galero (hat worn by clergy) |
capelo {m} | :: knit cap worn by nuns or widows |
capelo {m} | :: dossel |
capelo {m} | :: one with a doctorate |
capelo {m} | :: a type of fish |
capenga {adj} [Brasil] | :: lame (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one’s feet or legs) |
capenga {adj} [Brasil] | :: unsteady |
capenga {adj} [Brasil] | :: low-quality, defective or incomplete |
capeta {m} [colloquial] /ka.ˈpe.tɐ/ | :: the Devil; Satan (the supreme evil being) |
capeta {m} [colloquial] | :: devil (creature from Hell) |
capeta {m} | :: devil (wicked or naughty person) |
capetagem {m} [Brazil] /ˈta.ʒẽj̃/ | :: mischief; devilry |
Capetinga {prop} | :: Capetinga (municipality) |
capicua {f} /kɐpiˈkuɐ/ | :: palindromic number, palindrome |
capilar {m} [anatomy] | :: capillary (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins) |
capilar {adj} | :: capillary (of or relating to hair) |
capim {m} [Brazil] /kaˈpĩ/ | :: grass or grass-like plants such as sedge, especially tall, unkempt grass used as pasture |
Capim Branco {prop} | :: Capim Branco (municipality) |
capim-doce {m} | :: any of several species of sweet-tasting grasses |
Capim Grosso {prop} | :: Capim Grosso (municipality) |
capim-limão {m} | :: lemongrass (species of grass of the genus Cymbopogon) |
capinar {vt} [Brazil, Mozambique] | :: to weed (remove weeds from) |
Capinópolis {prop} | :: Capinópolis (municipality) |
capinzal {m} | :: grassland |
Capinzal {prop} {f} | :: Capinzal (municipality) |
capiroto {prop} {m} [colloquial, often humorous] | :: the devil |
capitã {f} | :: female captain |
capitaens {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capitães |
capitaẽs {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capitães |
capitãis {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capitães |
capital {f} /kɐ.pi.ˈtaɫ/ | :: [geopolitics] capital; capital city (place where the seat of a government is located) |
capital {f} | :: [figurative] capital (the most important place associated with something) |
capital {m} | :: [finances] capital (money that can be used to acquire goods and services) |
capital {m} | :: [figurative] anything of prime importance |
capital {adj} | :: capital (of prime importance) |
capital {adj} | :: [legal] capital (involving punishment by death) |
capital {adj} | :: [rare, anatomy] capital (relating to the head) |
capitalismo {m} /ka.pi.ta.ˈ | :: capitalism (socio-economic system based on private property rights) |
capitalista {mf} | :: capitalist (supporter of capitalism) |
capitalista {adj} | :: capitalist (relating to capitalism) |
capitalização {f} | :: capitalization |
capitalizando {v} | :: gerund of capitalizar |
capitalizar {v} | :: to capitalize |
capitam {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capitão |
capitaneando {v} | :: gerund of capitanear |
capitanear {v} | :: to command, captain, govern |
capitania {f} | :: captaincy |
capitânia {f} [nautical] | :: flagship |
capitaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capitão |
capitão {m} [military] /kɐ.pi.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: captain (army officer rank) |
Capitão {prop} | :: Capitão (municipality) |
Capitão Andrade {prop} | :: Capitão Andrade (municipality) |
Capitão Enéas {prop} | :: Capitão Enéas (municipality) |
Capitão Leônidas Marques {prop} | :: Capitão Leônidas Marques (town/and/municipality) |
capitato {m} [skeleton] /ˌka.pi.ˈ | :: capitate bone |
capitel {m} [architecture] | :: capital (uppermost part of a column) |
Capitólio {prop} | :: Capitólio (municipality) |
capitolo {m} | :: obsolete form of capítulo |
capítolo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capítulo |
capitoso {adj} | :: heady, intoxicating |
capitulação {f} | :: capitulation, surrender |
capitulação {f} | :: rendition, rendering |
capitulando {v} | :: gerund of capitular |
capitular {v} | :: to capitulate, surrender |
capitulo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of capítulo |
capítulo {m} /kɐ.ˈ | :: chapter (section in a book) |
capítulo {m} | :: chapter (administrative division of an organization) |
capivara {f} | :: capybara |
Capivari {prop} | :: Capivari (municipality) |
Capivari de Baixo {prop} {f} | :: Capivari de Baixo (municipality) |
Capivari do Sul {prop} | :: Capivari do Sul (municipality) |
capixaba {adj} /ka.pi.ˈʃa.bɐ/ | :: of, from, or relating to Espírito Santo, a state of Brazil |
capixaba {adj} [dated] | :: of, from, or relating to Vitória, the capital of that state |
capixaba {mf} | :: a person from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo |
capixaba {m} [Brazil] | :: a small agricultural property |
capixaba {m} [Ceará] | :: cangaceiro |
capixaba {f} [Brazil, botany] | :: Sebastiana brasiliensis, a plant pertaining to the Euphorbiaceae family |
capô {m} | :: bonnet (cover over the engine of a motor car) |
capoeira {f} /kɐ.puˈɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: henhouse |
capoeira {f} [slang] | :: brothel |
capoeira {f} | :: a martial art developed in Brazil |
capoeiragem {f} | :: a disorderly lifestyle |
capoeirista {mf} /kɐ.pwɐjˈɾis.tɐ/ | :: capoeirista |
caponata {f} | :: caponata (Sicilian dish) |
capota {f} [automotive] | :: hood; soft top (foldable roof of a convertible) |
capotar {v} | :: to overturn (to turn over, capsize) |
capotar {v} [figuratively] | :: to fall asleep suddenly |
capote {m} | :: cloak |
capote {m} [figurative] | :: disguise |
capote {m} [slang] | :: condom |
capotraste {m} [music] | :: capotasto (device placed across the strings) |
cappuccino {m} | :: cappuccino (type of coffee) |
caprichar {v} /ka.pɾi.ˈʃa(r)/ | :: to do something very well; to produce something of good quality |
caprichar {v} | :: to add a good amount of food |
capricho {m} /kɐ.ˈpɾi.ʃu/ | :: caprice, fancy |
capricho {m} | :: raze, rage |
capricho {m} | :: stubbornness, obstinacy |
capricho {m} | :: care; skill |
caprichoso {adj} | :: capricious (impulsive and unpredictable) |
caprichoso {adj} | :: who makes things with care |
caprichoso {adj} | :: who keeps things tidy |
Capricórnio {prop} {m} [constellation] /ˌka.pɾi.ˈkɔʁ.nju/ | :: Capricornus (constellation) |
Capricórnio {prop} {m} [astrology] | :: Capricorn (astrological sign) |
cápsico {m} | :: capsicum (any plant of the genus Capsicum) |
cápsula {f} [pharmacy] | :: capsule (small container containing a dose of medicine) |
cápsula {f} [physiology] | :: capsule (membranous envelope) |
cápsula {f} [botany] | :: capsule (seed-case) |
cápsula {f} [astronautics] | :: capsule (part of spacecraft containing crew’s living space) |
cápsula {f} | :: pod (small vehicle) |
capsulite adesiva {f} [pathology] | :: adhesive capsulitis (disorder in which the shoulder capsule becomes inflamed) |
captação {f} | :: catchment |
captação {f} | :: captation |
captação {f} | :: collection |
captar {v} /kapˈtaɾ/ | :: to capture |
captar {v} | :: to catch |
captar {v} | :: to intercept |
captura {f} | :: capture, seizure |
captura de ecrã {f} [Portugal, computing] | :: screenshot (image of computer screen output) |
captura de tela {f} [Brazil, computing] | :: screenshot (image of computer screen output) |
capturando {v} | :: gerund of capturar |
capturar {v} /kap.tu.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to capture, catch |
capturar {v} | :: to arrest, apprehend |
capturar {v} | :: to seize |
capturar {v} [computing] | :: to make a screen capture |
capucho {m} /kɐ.ˈpu.ʃu/ | :: hood (headwear) |
capucho {m} | :: Capuchin |
caput {m} | :: that which is located above |
caput {m} [law] | :: a title or header of a legal article containing its central idea |
Caputira {prop} | :: Caputira (municipality) |
capuz {m} /kɐ.ˈpuʃ/ | :: hood (headwear) |
caquesseitão {m} /kɐ.kɨ.sɐj.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: A creature mentioned in Fernão Mendes Pinto’s memoir Peregrinação, described as having the size of a large duck, being black, having bat-like wings, a lizard-like tail, a snake-like neck, spikes the length of a quill on its back and a rooster-like spur on the back of its head |
caqui {m} [Brazil] /kaˈki/ | :: persimmon (fruit) |
cáqui {adj} | :: khaki (dust-coloured) |
cáqui {m} | :: khaki (yellowish-brown colour) |
cáqui {m} | :: alternative form of caqui |
caquizeiro {m} | :: persimmon (tree) |
cara {f} /ˈka.ɾɐ/ | :: face |
cara {f} | :: heads (side of coin) |
cara {f} [colloquial] | :: resemblance, appearance (perceived characteristic of a person, object or situation) |
cara {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: man, fellow, guy and any adult male |
cará {m} /kɐˈɾa/ | :: various species of Dioscorea and their edible tubers |
cará {m} [nonstandard] | :: taro (Colocasia esculenta) and its edible tubers |
Caraá {prop} | :: Caraá (municipality) |
cara a cara {adv} | :: vis-à-vis; face to face |
cara a cara {prep} | :: vis-à-vis (opposite) |
carabina {f} /ˌka.ɾa.ˈ | :: carbine (short firearm) |
carabina {f} | :: rifle |
carabina de ar {f} | :: air rifle |
caraca {interj} | :: Expression that indicates astonishment, irritation, disgust or surprise: whoa; wow |
caracal {m} /kɐ.ɾɐ.ˈkaɫ/ | :: caracal (Caracal caracal) |
Caracala {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Caracalla |
Caracalla {prop} {m} | :: Caracalla (name of a Roman emperor) |
caracará {m} | :: alternative form of carcará |
caracas {interj} | :: alternative form of caraca |
Caracas {prop} {f} | :: Caracas (capital city) |
caraças {interj} | :: An expression of irony, admiration or impatience |
Carachi {prop} {f} | :: Carachi (city/provincial capital) |
caracol {m} /ka.ɾa.ˈkɔw/ | :: snail (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) |
caracol {m} | :: curl (a lock of curly hair) |
caracol {m} [anatomy] | :: cochlea (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear) |
caracol de Pascal {m} [geometry] | :: limaçon (plane curve) |
caractecterizando {v} | :: gerund of caracterizar |
caracter {m} | :: alternative form of caractere |
carácter {m} [Portugal] /kɐ.ˈɾak.tɛɾ/ | :: alternative form of caráter |
caractere {m} /ka.ɾak.ˈtɛ.ɾi/ | :: character (basic element in a text string) |
caractere chinês {m} | :: Chinese character (CJKV character) |
característica {f} /ka.ɾak.te.ˈɾis.tʃi.kɐ/ | :: characteristic (all senses) |
característica {f} | :: feature |
característico {adj} | :: characteristic (being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing) |
caracterização {f} /ka.ˌɾak.te.ˌɾˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: characterization (act or process of characterizing) |
caracterizar {v} | :: to characterize |
cara de pau {mf} | :: poker face (impassive facial expression preventing determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand or of bluffing) |
cara de pau {mf} | :: someone who tries to take advantage of others |
cara de pau {mf} | :: someone who openly and shamelessly lies or acts in a deceptive way |
cara-de-pau {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of cara de pau |
cara de um, focinho de outro {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: much of a muchness (indicates little difference between multiple things) |
carago {interj} [Portugal, regional, colloquial] | :: caramba! (exclaims surprise or dismay) |
carago {m} | :: angelfish |
caraguatá {m} | :: the South-American plant Bromelia pinguin |
Caraguatatuba {prop} | :: Caraguatatuba (municipality) |
carai {m} | :: eye dialect of caralho |
carai {interj} | :: eye dialect of caralho |
Caraí {prop} | :: Caraí (municipality) |
Caraíbas {prop} | :: Caraíbas (municipality) |
caralho {m} [slang, vulgar] /kɐˈɾaʎu/ | :: penis; dick; cock |
caralho {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: shit; crap; worthless stuff or thing |
caralho {interj} [slang, vulgar] | :: fuck! |
caramba {interj} [non-vulgar] /kɐ.ˈɾɐ̃.bɐ/ | :: gee, boy, shucks, gosh, golly, geez, jeez, gee whiz, crikey, blimey, heck, whoa, dang, darn (expresses surprise or anger) |
Carambeí {prop} /ka.ˌɾɐ̃.be.ˈi/ | :: Carambeí (town/and/municipality) |
carambola {f} /ka.ɾɐ̃.ˈbɔ.la/ | :: star fruit (fruit) |
caramelo {m} [uncountable] /kɐ.ɾɐ.ˈmɛ.lu/ | :: caramel (confection) |
caramelo {m} | :: candy made of caramel |
caramelo {m} | :: (generalisation) any candy |
caramelo {m} | :: ice, icicle |
caramente {adv} | :: dearly (in a dear manner) |
caramente {adv} | :: expensively (in an expensive manner) |
cara-metade {f} {mf} | :: significant other (romantic partner) |
caraminhola {f} [chiefly in the plural] /ka.ɾa.miˈj̃ɔ.la/ | :: mendacious stories; or impracticable fantasies; foolish products of imagination, chimeras |
caramujo {m} | :: snail (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) |
caramuru {m} | :: moray eel (Muraenidae) |
Caranaíba {prop} | :: Caranaíba (municipality) |
Carandaí {prop} | :: Carandaí (municipality) |
caranga {f} [dated, slang] | :: old car |
carango {m} [colloquial] | :: ride (affectionate term for one’s automobile) |
carango {m} | :: crab louse; pubic louse (Pthirus pubis, a parasitic insect that lives amongst the pubic hairs of humans) |
Carangola {prop} | :: Carangola (municipality) |
caranguejeira {f} [Brazil] /ka.ˌɾɐ̃.ɡe.ˈʒe(j).ɾɐ/ | :: any of several species of large, hairy spiders, such as those in the genus Avicularia and Grammostola |
caranguejo {m} | :: crab |
caranguejo {m} [astronomy, astrology] | :: Cancer (constellation) |
Caranguejo {m} [Portugal] | :: Cancer (zodiac sign) |
caranguejo de Dungeness {m} | :: Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister, an edible crab of the Pacific coast of North America |
caranguejola {f} | :: edible crab (cancer pagurus) |
carão {m} /kɐ.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: reproof, censure, severe reprimand |
carão {m} | :: airs (snobbish attitude) |
carão {m} | :: frown, scowl |
carão {m} | :: core of an apple etc |
caraoque {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of karaokê |
caraoquê {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of karaokê |
cara ou coroa {m} | :: heads or tails (flipping a coin in order to choose between two alternatives) |
carapaça {f} /kɐ.ɾɐ.ˈpa.sɐ/ | :: carapace, shell |
cara-pálida {mf} [used by Indians] | :: paleface (white person) |
carapao {m} | :: obsolete spelling of carapau |
carapau {m} /ˌka.ɾa.ˈpaw/ | :: Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, a fish of the northeast Atlantic) |
carapau {m} [Portugal, Azores] | :: blackspot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo, a fish of the northeastern Atlantic) |
carapau {m} [Brazil] | :: blue runner (Caranx crysos, a fish of the Atlantic) |
carapau {m} [Brazil] | :: horse-eye jack (Caranx latus, a fish of subtropical South Atlantic) |
carapau {m} [Brazil] | :: Atlantic bumper (Chloroscombrus chrysurus, a fish of the Atlantic) |
carapau {m} [Brazil] | :: mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus, a fish found is most oceans) |
carapau {m} [Brazil] | :: round scad (Decapterus punctatus, a fish of the Atlantic) |
carapau {m} [slang] | :: stick (very thin person) |
Carapebus {prop} | :: Carapebus (municipality) |
Carapicuíba {prop} | :: Carapicuíba (municipality) |
cara-pintada {mf} [historical] | :: In Brazil, in 1991–1992, any of the students who painted their faces with the colors of the flag of Brazil and went on protests demanding the impeachment of the president Fernando Collor de Mello |
carapuça {f} | :: a flexible, conical cap |
carará {m} | :: anhinga (Anhinga anhinga, a bird of the Americas) |
caratê {m} /ˌka.ɾa.ˈte/ | :: karate (martial art) |
caráter {m} /kɐ.ˈɾa.tɛɾ/ | :: character |
caráter {m} | :: moral strength; honesty |
caráter {m} | :: distinguishing feature; characteristic |
caraterizando {v} | :: gerund of caraterizar |
caraterizar {v} | :: alternative form of caracterizar |
Caratinga {prop} | :: Caratinga (municipality) |
caravana {f} [collective] /ˌka.ɾa.ˈvɐ.na/ | :: caravan (a convoy or procession of travelers, their vehicles and cargo, and any pack animals) |
caravançará {m} [historical] | :: caravanserai (an inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest) |
caravançará {m} [dated] | :: mess (chaotic arrangement of things) |
caravançarai {m} | :: alternative form of caravançará |
caravancerá {m} | :: rare form of caravançará |
caravela {f} /kɐ.ɾɐ.ˈvɛ.lɐ/ | :: caravel |
caravelão {m} [nautical] | :: fishing boat somewhat similar to a caravel |
caravela-portuguesa {f} | :: Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) |
Caravelas {prop} | :: Caravelas (municipality) |
caravella {f} | :: obsolete spelling of caravela |
Carazinho {prop} | :: Carazinho (municipality) |
carbâmico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: carbamic |
carbeto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: carbide |
carboidrato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: carbohydrate |
carbonático {adj} [geology] | :: carbonatic |
carbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: carbonate |
carboneto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: carbide |
carbónico {adj} [European orthography, chemistry] | :: alternative form of carbônico |
carbônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography, chemistry] | :: carbonic |
carbonila {f} [organic chemistry] | :: carbonyl |
carbonilação {f} [chemistry] | :: carbonylation |
carbonilo {m} | :: carbonyl |
Carbonita {prop} | :: Carbonita (municipality) |
carbonizar {v} | :: to char (to burn something to charcoal) |
carbonizar {v} [by extension] | :: to burn completely |
carbono {m} | :: carbon |
carbono alfa {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alpha carbon (the first carbon atom of an aliphatic chain that is attached to a functional group) |
carbono ativado {m} [chemistry] | :: activated carbon (a very absorbent form of finely-powdered carbon) |
carborano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: carborane |
carboxila {f} [organic chemistry] | :: carboxyl |
carboxílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: carboxylic |
carboxipeptidase {f} [enzyme] | :: carboxypeptidase |
carbúnculo {m} | :: carbuncle (large abscess) |
carbúnculo {m} [pathology] | :: carbuncle (disease) |
carburação {f} | :: carburization |
carburador {m} | :: carburetor (a device in an internal combustion engine) |
carbureto {m} [inorganic compound] | :: carbide |
çarça {f} | :: obsolete spelling of sarça |
carcaça {f} /kɐɾ.ˈka.sɐ/ | :: carcass |
carcaça {f} [Portugal, culinary] | :: loaf |
carcaju {m} | :: wolverine |
carcamano {m} [ethnic slur] | :: Guido (derogatory term for a person of Italian descent) |
carcanhó {m} | :: alternative form of carcanhol |
carcanhol {m} [colloquial, Portugal] /kɐɾkɐˈɲɔɫ/ | :: money |
carcará {m} | :: caracara (any of several South American birds of prey) |
carcás {m} | :: quiver (arrow container) |
cárcere {m} /ˈkaɾ.sɨ.ɾɨ/ | :: jail, prison |
carcereiro {m} | :: jailer / gaoler; warder |
carcereyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of carcereiro |
carcinogenicidade {f} | :: carcinogenicity |
carcinogênico {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
carcinógeno {m} [biology] | :: carcinogen |
carcinoma {m} [oncology] | :: carcinoma (type of malignant tumour) |
Carcóvia {prop} {f} | :: Carcóvia (oblast) |
Carcóvia {prop} {f} | :: Carcóvia (city/administrative center) |
cardamina {f} | :: cuckooflower; lady's smock (Cardamine pratensis, a small flowering plant of Eurasia) |
cardamomo {m} | :: cardamom (plant) |
cardamomo {m} | :: cardamom (spice) |
cardápio {m} [uncountable] /kaɻ.ˈda.pi.o/ | :: menu (details of the food to be served at a banquet) |
cardápio {m} | :: a printed list of dishes offered by a restaurant |
cardar {v} | :: to tease; to card (to disentangle the fibres of fibrous material) |
cardeal {adj} /kɐɾ.ˈdjaɫ/ | :: cardinal (of fundamental importance) |
cardeal {m} | :: (Catholicism) cardinal |
cardeal {m} | :: cardinal (bird) |
Cardeal da Silva {prop} | :: Cardeal da Silva (municipality) |
cárdeo {adj} | :: thistle-coloured |
cardíaco {adj} | :: cardiac |
Cardiff {prop} {f} /kaɾ.ˈði.f(ɨ)/ | :: Cardiff (city/and/county/caplc) |
cardigã {m} | :: alternative spelling of cardigan |
cardigan {m} | :: cardigan (type of sweater) |
cardinal {adj} | :: cardinal (describing a number that indicates quantity) |
cardinal {m} | :: cardinal (number indicating quantity) |
cardinal {m} [typography] | :: hash (the # symbol) |
cardinalidade {f} [mathematics] /ˌkaɻ.d͡ʒi.ˌˈ | :: cardinality (in set theory) |
cardio- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: cardio- |
cardiolipina {f} [organic compound] | :: cardiolipin (any phospholipid having the structure of a bisphosphatidylglycerol present in the muscles of the heart) |
cardióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of cardiólogo |
cardiologia {f} [medicine] | :: cardiology (study of the structure of the heart) |
cardiológico {adj} | :: cardiological |
cardiólogo {m} | :: cardiologist (heart hysician) |
cardioprotector {adj} | :: cardioprotective |
cardioscópio {m} | :: cardioscope (medical apparatus) |
cardiovascular {adj} [anatomy] | :: cardiovascular (relating to the circulatory system) |
cardo {m} | :: thistle (plant) |
cardo de coalho {m} [rare] | :: cardoon (perennial plant) |
cardo hortense {m} [rare] | :: cardoon (perennial plant) |
Cardoso {prop} | :: Cardoso (municipality) |
Cardoso {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Cardoso Moreira {prop} | :: Cardoso Moreira (municipality) |
cardume {m} [collective] /kɐɾˈðumɨ/ | :: school (a group of fish) |
Careaçu {prop} | :: Careaçu (municipality) |
careca {adj} /kɐ.ˈɾɛ.kɐ/ | :: bald (having no hair on the head) |
careca {f} | :: bald patch |
careca {f} | :: a shaved head |
careca {mf} | :: baldie (a bald person) |
careca de {adj} [colloquial] | :: sick and tired of |
carecer {v} [de] /kɐrəˈser/ | :: to lack, to be lacking (in) |
careiro {adj} | :: expensive (of a shop etc rather than the individual goods sold) |
Carélia {prop} {f} | :: Carélia (republic) |
carência {f} | :: lack, shortage |
carência {f} | :: scarcity |
carente {adj} /ka.ˈɾẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: [with de] destitute; in need (of); devoid (of) (lacking something) |
carente {adj} [sometimes, euphemistic] | :: destitute; poor (lacking money) |
carente {adj} | :: [with estar] in need of emotional connection |
carente {adj} | :: [with ser] needy (desiring constant affirmation, lacking in self confidence) |
carestia {f} | :: scarcity; shortage (inadequate amount of something) |
careta {f} | :: grimace, smirk; face |
careta {f} | :: mask |
careta {adj} [slang] | :: straightedge (avoiding drugs) |
careto {m} [regional, Portugal] | :: a masked figure in the Portuguese carnival tradition of Trás-os-Montes |
carga {f} /ˈkaɾ.ɣɐ/ | :: charge (load or burden) |
carga {f} | :: cargo |
carga {f} | :: charge (of a weapon or battery) |
carga {f} | :: electric charge |
carga de profundidade {f} | :: depth charge (bomb designed to detonate at a certain depth underwater) |
cargo {m} /ˈkaɾ.ɣu/ | :: post, occupation, profession |
cargo {m} | :: office; responsibility |
cargo cult {m} | :: cargo cult (Melanesian religion based upon Western manufactured goods) |
cargueiro {adj} | :: designed for transporting cargo |
cargueiro {m} | :: cargo ship (ship that carries cargo) |
cariacu {m} | :: white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus, a deer of the Americas) |
cariátide {f} | :: caryatid (a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element) |
Caríbdis {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Charybdis (Greek mythological monster) |
Caribe {prop} {m} | :: Caribe (marginal sea) |
Caribe {prop} {m} | :: Caribe (archipelago) |
caribenho {adj} | :: Caribbean (pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies) |
caribu {m} | :: caribou (North American reindeer) |
carica {f} /kɐˈrikɐ/ | :: crown cap (type of bottle cap) |
caricato {adj} | :: ridiculous |
caricato {adj} | :: ludicrous |
caricatura {f} /ˌka.ɾi.ka.ˈtu.ɾa/ | :: caricature (pictorial representation of someone for comic effect) |
caricaturista {mf} | :: caricaturist (person who draws caricatures) |
carícia {f} /kɐ.ˈɾi.sjɐ/ | :: caress |
carícia {f} | :: cuddle |
cariciar {v} | :: synonym of acariciar |
caridade {f} [uncountable] /ˌkɐ.ɾi.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: charity (providing of goods or money) |
caridade {f} | :: a charitable act |
caridosamente {adv} | :: charitably |
caridoso {adj} | :: charitable |
caridoso {adj} | :: bountiful |
cárie {f} [dentistry] /ˈka.ɾi.e/ | :: caries (progressive destruction of bone or tooth by decay) |
caril {m} /kɐ.ˈɾiɫ/ | :: curry (sauce or relish flavored with curry powder) |
carimã {m} /ka.ɾi.mɐ̃/ | :: fine manioc flour |
carimã {m} | :: cotton anthracnose |
carimbando {v} | :: gerund of carimbar |
carimbar {v} /kɐ.ɾĩ.ˈbaɾ/ | :: to stamp (give an official marking to, generally by impressing or imprinting a design or symbol) |
carimbar {v} [Brazil, football slang] | :: to kick or hit something very strongly |
carimbo {m} /kɐˈɾĩbu/ | :: (rubber) stamp |
carimbo {m} | :: postmark |
Carinhanha {prop} | :: Carinhanha (municipality) |
carinho {m} /kɐ.ˈɾi.ɲu/ | :: fondness, affection |
carinho {m} | :: endearment |
carinho {m} | :: caress |
carinhosamente {adv} | :: affectionately |
carinhosamente {adv} | :: gently |
carinhoso {adj} | :: affectionate |
carinhoso {adj} | :: gentle |
Carinthia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Caríntia |
Caríntia {prop} {f} | :: Caríntia (state) |
carioca {mf} /ˌka.ɾi.ˈɔ.kɐ/ | :: an inhabitant of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
carioca {m} | :: weak coffee (with added hot water or from a second shot of spent espresso) |
carioca {adj} | :: of, from or relating to the city of Rio de Janeiro |
carioca de limão {m} | :: an infusion prepared with a piece of lemon peel |
carioquinha {n} | :: diminutive of carioca |
carioquinha {n} [Brazil, Ceará] | :: pão francês |
carisma {m} | :: charisma (personal charm or magnetism) |
carismático {adj} | :: charismatic (of, related to, or having charisma) |
caríssimo {adj} | :: superlative of caro |
caritativamente {adv} | :: charitably |
caritativo {adj} | :: charitable |
carité {m} | :: shea (Vitellaria paradoxa, a tree of West Africa) |
cariz {m} | :: aspect |
cariz {m} | :: character, nature |
cariz {m} | :: caraway (plant) |
cariz {m} | :: caraway (seed/fruit) |
Carla {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Carlos |
carlíngio {adj} | :: alternative form of carolíngio |
carlismo {m} | :: Carlism (movement seeking the establishment of a separate line of the Bourbon dynasty on the Spanish throne) |
Carlópolis {prop} {f} /kaʁ.ˈlɔ.po.lis/ | :: Carlópolis (town/and/municipality) |
Carlos {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Carlos Barbosa {prop} | :: Carlos Barbosa (municipality) |
Carlos Chagas {prop} | :: Carlos Chagas (municipality) |
Carlos Gomes {prop} | :: Carlos Gomes (municipality) |
Carlos Magno {prop} {m} | :: Charlemagne (king of the Franks) |
Carlota {prop} {f} | :: given name |
carlovíngio {adj} | :: alternative form of carolíngio |
carma {m} [Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism] | :: karma (the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence) |
carmelita {mf} | :: Carmelite |
Carmésia {prop} | :: Carmésia (municipality) |
carmesim {adj} | :: crimson (having a deep red colour) |
carmesim {m} | :: crimson (deep, slightly bluish red) |
carmim {m} /kɐɾ.ˈmĩ/ | :: carmine (purplish-red pigment made from cochineals) |
carmim {m} [uncountable] | :: carmine (purplish-red colour, resembling that pigment) |
carmim {m} | :: cochineal (Dactylopius coccus, an insect) |
carmim {adj} | :: carmine (of the purplish red colour shade carmine) |
Carmo {prop} | :: Carmo (municipality) |
Carmo da Cachoeira {prop} | :: Carmo da Cachoeira (municipality) |
Carmo da Mata {prop} | :: Carmo da Mata (municipality) |
Carmo de Minas {prop} | :: Carmo de Minas (municipality) |
Carmo do Cajuru {prop} | :: Carmo do Cajuru (municipality) |
Carmo do Paranaíba {prop} | :: Carmo do Paranaíba (municipality) |
Carmo do Rio Claro {prop} | :: Carmo do Rio Claro (municipality) |
Carmópolis de Minas {prop} | :: Carmópolis de Minas (municipality) |
carnagem {f} | :: slaughter (killing of animals for food) |
carnagem {f} | :: carnage (death and destruction) |
carnal {adj} /kɐɾ.ˈnaɫ/ | :: carnal (relating to the physical, especially sexual, appetites) |
carnal {adj} [religion] | :: carnal; earthly; worldly (concerned with human matters) |
carnal {adj} | :: consanguineous (descending from the same ancestor) |
carnalita {f} [mineral] | :: carnallite |
carnaúba {f} | :: carnauba (Copernicia prunifera, a palm tree of South America) |
carnaúba {f} | :: carnauba (wax extracted from the carnauba palm) |
carnaval {m} /kɐɾ.nɐ.ˈvaɫ/ | :: carnival (festive occasion marked by parades) |
carnavalesco {adj} [attributive] | :: carnival |
carne {f} [uncountable] /ˈkaɾ.nɨ/ | :: flesh |
carne {f} | :: meat |
carne {f} | :: pulp; flesh (edible part of fruit/vegetable) |
carne branca {f} [gastronomy] | :: white meat (meat from non-mammals) |
carne de canhão {f} | :: cannon fodder (military forces considered to be expendable) |
Carneirinho {prop} | :: Carneirinho (municipality) |
carneiro {m} /kɐɾ.ˈnɐj.ɾu/ | :: ram (male sheep) |
Carneiro {prop} {m} [zodiac constellations, Portugal] | :: Aries (zodiac sign) |
carne moída {f} [uncountable] | :: mince (finely chopped meat) |
carne vermelha {f} [gastronomy] | :: red meat (meat from mammals) |
carniça {f} /kɐɾˈnisɐ/ | :: carrion |
carniça {f} [games] | :: leapfrog (children's game) |
carniceiro {m} | :: an animal that feeds on carrion |
carniceiro {m} | :: butcher (person who prepares and sells meat) |
carniceiro {m} [figurative] | :: butcher (a brutal killer) |
carniceiro {adj} [of animals] | :: feeding on carrion |
carniceiro {adj} [of people] | :: brutal (viciously violent) |
carnífice {mf} [archaic] /kaʁˈ | :: executioner (person who carries out a capital punishment) |
carnífice {mf} [literary] | :: a cruel and violent person |
carnificina {f} /kɐɾˈsi.nɐ/ | :: massacre, carnage, butchery |
carnívoro {adj} | :: carnivorous |
carnívoro {m} | :: carnivore (meat-eating animal) |
carnotita {f} [mineral] | :: carnotite |
carnudo {adj} [of a person, animal or fruit] | :: fleshy (having a lot of flesh) |
caro {adj} /ˈka.ɾu/ | :: greatly valued; dear; loved; lovable |
caro {adj} | :: of high price; expensive |
caroba {f} | :: bignonia |
caroça {f} /kɐˈɾɔ.sɐ/ | :: the capsule (seed-case) of a flax plant |
caroçama {f} [Brazil, rare] /ka.ɾo.ˈsɐ.ma/ | :: an excessive amount of hard fruit seeds, or of growths (abnormal masses, such as a tumours) |
carocha {f} | :: cockroach (type of insect) |
caroço {m} /kɐ.ˈɾ | :: stone (hard nucleus of drupes) |
caroço {m} [by extension] | :: any hard seed found inside a fruit |
caroço {m} [colloquial] | :: growth (an abnormal mass, such as a tumour) |
caroço {m} | :: an undissolved chunk or pellet; for example, a pellet of dry flour in dough, or of dry dirt in mud |
caroçudo {adj} [of a fruit] /ˌka.ɾo.ˈsu.du/ | :: containing a stone or hard seed |
caroçudo {adj} [of milk] | :: chunky (containing chunks due to spoilage) |
carola {mf} /kaˈɾɔ.la/ | :: someone who tonsures their hair |
carola {mf} | :: assiduous attendant of a church; devotee |
Carolina {prop} {f} /ˌka.ɾo.ˈli.nɐ/ | :: given name |
Carolina do Norte {prop} {f} | :: Carolina do Norte (state) |
Carolina do Sul {prop} {f} | :: Carolina do Sul (state) |
carolíngio {adj} | :: Carolingian |
carona {f} [Brazil] | :: hitchhiking (act of a free transportation in a vehicle) |
carona {f} [Brazil] | :: hitchhiker |
caroneiro {m} | :: hitchhiker (a person who hitchhikes) |
Caronte {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /kɐ.ˈɾõ.tɨ/ | :: Charon (the ferryman of Hades) |
Caronte {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Charon (a moon of Pluto) |
carotenoide {m} [organic chemistry] | :: carotenoid |
carpa {f} | :: carp (any fish of the family Cyprinidae) |
Carpathos {prop} {mp} | :: obsolete spelling of Cárpatos |
Cárpatos {prop} {mp} /ˈkaʁ.pa.tus/ | :: Cárpatos (range) |
carpe diem {proverb} | :: seize the day (enjoy the present) |
carpelo {m} [botany] | :: carpel (structural unit of a pistil) |
carpete {m} /kaɾ.ˈpɛ.tɨ/ | :: carpet (a fabric used as a floor covering) |
carpideira {f} [historical] /kɐɾ.pi.ˈðɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: a professional mourner, a moirologist (a woman paid to grieve at a funeral) |
carpino {m} | :: hornbeam (any of several trees in the genus Carpinus) |
carpintaria {f} [uncountable] | :: carpentry (the trade of cutting and joining timber) |
carpintaria {f} | :: a carpenter’s workshop |
carpinteiro {m} /kaʁpĩˈtejɾu/ | :: carpenter (person who works with carpentry) |
carpir {v} /kɐɾ.ˈpiɾ/ | :: to mourn |
carpir {v} | :: to weep |
carpir {v} | :: to weed (to remove unwanted vegetation from a cultivated area) |
carpo {m} [skeleton] /ˈkaɻ.po/ | :: carpus |
carpo {m} | :: wrist |
carranca {f} /kɐ.ˈʁɐ̃.kɐ/ | :: scowl (facial expression of displeasure) |
Carrancas {prop} | :: Carrancas (municipality) |
carrancudo {adj} | :: sullen; bad-tempered |
carrapato {m} /kɐʁɐˈpatu/ | :: tick (arthropod) |
carrapicho {m} [botany] /kaʁaˈpiʃu/ | :: any plant of the Acanthospermum genus |
carrapicho {m} | :: the seed of that plant |
carrapicho {m} | :: the fruit of that plant |
carrapicho {m} | :: bun, part of the hair lying on the back of the head |
carrapicho {m} | :: shaggy and hard-to-comb hair |
carrapicho {m} [dialectal] | :: whim |
carrapicho {m} | :: Velcro |
carrasco {m} /kɐ.ˈʁaʃ.ku/ | :: holm oak (Quercus ilex, a tree of the Mediterranean) |
carrasco {m} | :: kermes oak (Quercus coccifera, a tree of the western Mediterranean) |
carrasco {m} | :: executioner (person who carries out a capital punishment) |
carrasco {m} [figurative] | :: a cruel person |
Carrazeda de Ansiães {prop} {f} /kɐʁɐˈzeðɐ ðɨ ɐ̃siˈɐ̃jʃ/ | :: Carrazeda de Ansiães (village/and/municipality) |
carreador {m} | :: leader |
carreador {m} | :: driver |
carreando {v} | :: gerund of carrear |
carrear {v} | :: to lead |
carrear {v} | :: to drive |
carreata {f} | :: motorcade (procession of cars) |
carregado {adj} /kɐ.ʁɨ.ˈɣa.ðu/ | :: laden, loaded |
carregador {m} | :: carrier (person) |
carregador {m} | :: charger (electric) |
carregador {m} [computing] | :: loader |
carregadora {f} | :: feminine noun of carregador |
Carregal do Sal {prop} {m} /kɐʁɨˈɣaɫ du saɫ/ | :: Carregal do Sal (village/and/municipality) |
carregamento {m} | :: load, shipment, cargo, freight |
carregamento {m} [computing] | :: uploading |
carregando {v} | :: gerund of carregar |
carregar {v} /kɐ.ʁɨ.ˈɡaɾ/ | :: to carry |
carregar {v} | :: to load (put wares into a vehicle) |
carregar {v} [Portugal, computing] | :: to load (load a software into the primary memory) |
carregar {v} [Portugal, computing] | :: to upload |
carregar {v} | :: to charge (load equipment with material required for its use) |
carregar {v} | :: to fill (a container) |
carreira {f} /kɐ.ˈʁɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: path, trail (particularly one which had to be opened) |
carreira {f} | :: trail left by a moving vehicle |
carreira {f} | :: career (one's profession) |
carreira {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: line (small portion of a powdery drug) |
carreiro {m} /kɐ.ˈʁɐj.ɾu/ | :: pathway |
carreiro {m} | :: shortcut |
carrera {f} | :: eye dialect of carreira |
carreta {f} /kɐˈʁetɐ/ | :: cart (small, open, wheeled vehicle) |
carreta {f} | :: semi-trailer (trailer pulled by a truck) |
carreta {f} [metonymical] | :: big rig; eighteen-wheeler |
carreteiro {m} | :: carter (person who transports a load on an animal-drawn cart) |
carreteiro {m} [Brazil] | :: the driver of a semi-trailer |
carretel {m} | :: spool (spindle of thread) |
carreto {m} | :: carriage |
carreto {m} | :: transportation |
carreto {m} | :: freight |
carreyra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of carreira |
carriça {f} | :: wren (bird of family Troglolytidae) |
carriço {m} | :: sedge (any plant of the genus Carex) |
carril {m} | :: rail (the metal bar that makes the track for a railroad) |
carrilhão {m} /kɐ.ʁi.ˈʎɐ̃w̃/ | :: carillon |
carrinha {f} | :: van (small commercial vehicle) |
carrinho {m} /kɐˈʁiɲu/ | :: cart, trolley |
carrinho de compras {m} | :: trolley; shopping cart |
carrinho de mão {m} | :: wheelbarrow (type of small cart) |
carrinho de supermercado {m} | :: shopping cart (conveyance used to carry items while shopping) |
carro {m} /ˈka.ʁɯ̥̽/ | :: cart (vehicle drawn or pushed by a person or animal) |
carro {m} | :: car; automobile |
carro {m} | :: any “vehicle” which is drawn, such as an elevator, a cable car, or a train wagon |
carro blindado de transporte de pessoal {m} | :: armored personnel carrier (armoured vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat) |
carro-bomba {m} | :: car bomb (automobile made into a bomb) |
carroça {f} /kɐ.ˈʁɔ.sə/ | :: cart (small, open, wheeled vehicle, drawn or pushed by a person or animal) |
carroça {f} [Brazil, pejorative] | :: a slow, old or low-quality car |
carroçaria {f} | :: alternative form of carroceria |
carroceiro {m} | :: wagoner |
carroceria {f} | :: body of a vehicle |
carro-chefe {m} | :: flagship (the most important element) |
carrocinha {f} | :: diminutive of carroça |
carrocinha {f} | :: a vehicle, usually a van, used by pounds (animal control services) |
carrocinha {f} [metonymical] | :: a pound, animal control service |
carro de bombeiro {m} | :: fire engine; fire truck |
carro de bombeiros {m} | :: alternative form of carro de bombeiro |
carro de combate {m} | :: tank (military armoured fighting vehicle) |
carro de combate principal {m} [military] | :: main battle tank |
carro desportivo {m} [Portugal] | :: sports car (automobile designed for high speed) |
carro esportivo {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of carro desportivo |
carro fúnebre {m} | :: hearse (vehicle for transporting a corpse) |
carrossel {m} | :: merry-go-round; carousel |
carruageiro {m} | :: coachman (one who drives a coach) |
carruagem {f} /kɐ.ˈʁwa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: carriage, coach |
carruagem {f} | :: wagon |
carruagem {f} | :: vehicle |
carso {m} [geology] | :: karst (type of land formation) |
carste {m} [geology] | :: karst (type of land formation) |
carta {f} /ˈkaɾ.tɐ/ | :: letter (written message) |
carta {f} | :: chart, map (visual representation of an area) |
carta {f} [card games] | :: playing card (any of the 52 rectangular pieces of card used to play games) |
carta {f} [legal] | :: charter (document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges) |
carta {f} [São Paulo, Portugal] | :: driver's license (an official personal document that permits driving a vehicle) |
carta amorosa {f} | :: love letter (letter about the author's love) |
carta branca {f} | :: See: pt carta branca |
carta branca {f} [idiomatic] | :: carte blanche; free rein (the absence of constraints) |
carta de alforria {f} [historical] | :: a legal document granting freedom to a slave |
carta de baralho {f} | :: playing card (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) |
carta de condução {f} | :: driving licence |
carta de crédito {f} [finance, banking] | :: letter of credit (trade finance document) |
carta de marca {f} | :: letter of marque (official commission authorising someone to seize the property or people of another nation) |
carta geográfica {f} | :: map (visual representation of an area) |
cartaginense {adj} | :: Carthaginian |
cartaginês {m} | :: Carthaginian (person from Carthage) |
cartaginês {adj} | :: Carthaginian |
Cartago {prop} {f} | :: Cartago (ancient city) |
Cartago {prop} {f} | :: Cartago (ancient civilisation) |
carta nas mangas {f} | :: See: pt carta nas mangas |
carta nas mangas {f} [idiomatic] | :: ace up one's sleeve (a surprise advantage of which others are not aware) |
cartão {m} /kɐɾˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: card (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper or plastic) |
cartão {m} | :: cardboard (stiff or heavy paper) |
cartão amarelo {m} [sport] | :: yellow card |
cartão de cidadão {m} [Portugal] | :: a national identity card issued by the Portuguese government to its citizens |
cartão de crédito {m} | :: credit card (plastic card, with a magnetic strip) |
cartão de débito {m} | :: debit card (card taking money directly from the bank account) |
cartão de embarque {f} | :: boarding pass (a document to board a plane, ship, etc.) |
cartão de memória {m} [computing] | :: memory card (a type of small data storage device) |
cartão de ponto {m} | :: timecard (card for tracking work hours) |
cartão de visita {m} | :: business card (a small card with a person’s name and professional information) |
cartão do cidadão {m} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: alternative form of cartão de cidadão |
cartão perfurado {m} | :: punch card (card with have holes or notches used for storing data) |
cartão postal {m} | :: alternative spelling of cartão-postal |
cartão-postal {m} | :: postcard (picture sent over the mail without an envelope) |
cartão-postal {m} [figurative] | :: showplace; landmark; hallmark (an iconic place, monument or feature) |
cartão SIM {m} | :: SIM card (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data) |
cartão vermelho {m} [sport] | :: red card |
cartaxo {m} /kɐɾˈtaʃu/ | :: stonechat (any bird of the genus Saxicola) |
Cartaxo {prop} {m} /kɐɾˈtaʃu/ | :: Cartaxo (city/and/municipality) |
Cartaxo {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
cartaz {m} /kɐɾˈtaʃ/ | :: poster |
cartaz {m} [music] | :: lineup (acts performing at a concert or music festival) |
carteira {f} /kɐɾ.ˈtɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: wallet (small case for keeping money and documents) |
carteira {f} | :: small handbag |
carteira {f} | :: writing desk |
carteira {f} | :: pack; packet (cigarette container) |
carteira {f} | :: feminine noun of carteiro; postwoman |
carteira {f} | :: short for carteira de motorista |
carteira de identidade {f} [Brazil] | :: ID card (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) |
carteira de motorista {f} [Brazil] | :: driver's license (documenting permitting a person to drive) |
carteirista {mf} | :: pickpocket |
carteiro {m} /kɐɾˈtɐjɾu/ | :: postman; mailman |
cartela {f} | :: a tablet containing small doses of a product |
cartela {f} | :: a lottery or bingo ticked |
cartela {f} | :: cartouche (decorative emblem) |
cartela {f} | :: a portable display for cloth or ribbons |
cárter {m} | :: crankcase; sump (metallic cover around an automobile’s crankshaft) |
cartesianismo {m} [philosophy] | :: Cartesianism (the philosophy of René Descartes) |
carthaginense {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cartaginense |
carthaginês {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cartaginês |
carthaginês {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cartaginês |
carthaginez {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cartaginês |
carthaginez {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cartaginês |
Carthago {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cartago |
cartilagem {f} | :: cartilage |
cartilaginoso {adj} | :: cartilaginous |
cartilha {f} /kɐɾ.ˈti.ʎɐ/ | :: primer, spelling book |
cartilha {f} | :: catechism |
cartinha {f} | :: diminutive of carta |
cartografia {f} | :: cartography (the creation of charts and maps) |
cartográfico {adj} | :: cartographic (pertaining to cartography) |
cartógrafo {m} | :: cartographer (one who makes maps or charts) |
cartola {f} | :: top hat (type of cylindrical hat) |
cartolina {f} | :: paperboard (thick paper), card stock |
cartomancia {f} | :: cartomancy (fortune-telling using cards) |
cartomante {mf} /ˌkaɾ.tuˈmɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: fortuneteller |
cartoon {m} | :: alternative form of cartune |
cartório {m} | :: a notary’s office |
cartucho {m} [computing] /kaɻ.ˈtu.ʃo/ | :: cartridge (vessel which contains the ink for a computer printer) |
cartucho {m} | :: (firearms) cartridge |
cártula {f} [architecture] | :: an ornamental figure simulating an open scroll |
cartum {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of cartune |
Cartum {prop} {f} | :: Cartum (capital city) |
cartune {m} /kaɾˈtũ/ | :: cartoon |
cartunista {mf} [comics] | :: cartoonist (creator of cartoons) |
caruja {f} [regional] | :: fog |
caruja {f} [regional] | :: drizzle (very light rain) |
caruma {f} | :: pine needle (leaf of a pine tree) |
caruru-azedo {m} | :: roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa, a shrub grown for its fibre and edible flowers) |
carvalheira {f} /ˌkaɻvaˈʎe(j)ɾa/ | :: English oak (Quercus robur, a tree of Europe) |
carvalho {m} /kɐɾ.ˈva.ʎu/ | :: oak (tree) |
carvalho {m} | :: oak (wood) |
Carvalho {prop} {mf} /kɐɾ.ˈva.ʎu/ | :: surname |
Carvalhópolis {prop} | :: Carvalhópolis (municipality) |
carvalho português {m} | :: alternative spelling of carvalho-português |
carvalho-português {m} | :: Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea, an oak of the western Mediterranean region) |
Carvalhos {prop} | :: Carvalhos (municipality) |
carvão {m} /kɐɾˈvɐ̃w̃/ | :: coal |
carvão {m} | :: charcoal |
carvão animal {m} | :: animal charcoal (fine charcoal prepared by calcining bones) |
carvão ativado {m} [chemistry] | :: activated carbon (a very absorbent form of finely-powdered carbon) |
cas {contraction} [colloquial] /kas/ | :: contraction of com as |
casa {f} /ˈka.zɐ/ | :: house |
casa {f} | :: structure serving as an abode of human beings |
casa {f} | :: building or institution serving as something other than residence, such as a shop |
casa {f} | :: noble family |
casa {f} | :: home (one’s own dwelling place) |
casa {f} [board games] | :: a cell which may be occupied by a piece (such as a square in a chessboard) |
casa {f} | :: a digit position |
Casablanca {prop} {f} | :: Casablanca (city) |
Casa Branca {prop} {f} | :: White House (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) |
Casa Branca {prop} {f} [obsolete] | :: Casa Branca (city) |
Casa Branca {prop} {f} | :: Casa Branca (municipality) |
casaca {f} /kɐˈzakɐ/ | :: dress coat |
casacão {m} | :: overcoat |
casaco {m} /kɐ.ˈza.ku/ | :: coat |
casada {f} | :: a married woman |
casa da árvore {f} | :: treehouse (a house within a tree) |
Casa da Maia {prop} | :: surname |
casa da moeda {f} | :: mint (money-producing building or institution) |
casa de banho {f} [Portugal] /ˈka.zɐ ˈðɨ ˈβɐ.ɲu/ | :: bathroom, toilet |
casa de botão {f} | :: buttonhole (hole for a button) |
casa de câmbio {f} | :: bureau de change (a place where foreign currency can be exchanged) |
casa de campo {f} | :: countryside villa |
casa de chá {f} | :: teahouse (restaurant that sells tea) |
casa de chás {f} | :: alternative form of casa de chá |
casa decimal {f} | :: decimal place |
casa de Deus {f} | :: alternative case form of Casa de Deus |
Casa de Deus {f} | :: tower (tarot card) |
casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau {proverb} | :: alternative form of em casa de ferreiro, o espeto é de pau |
casa de moeda {f} | :: alternative form of casa da moeda |
casa de penhores {f} | :: pawnshop (business premises of a pawnbroker) |
casa de praia {f} | :: beach villa |
casa de repouso {f} | :: nursing home (place of residence for people who require constant nursing care) |
casa de retiro {f} /ˈka.zɐ d͡ʒi ʁe.ˈt͡ʃi.ɾu/ | :: retirement home (multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly) |
casado {adj} /kɐ.ˈza.ðu/ | :: married |
casado {m} | :: a married man |
casa do caralho {prop} {f} [vulgar] | :: bumfuck (a very remote place) |
casadoiro {adj} | :: alternative form of casadouro |
casadouro {adj} | :: nubile (of an age suitable for marriage) |
Casa Grande {prop} | :: Casa Grande (municipality) |
casal {m} /kɐ.ˈzaɫ/ | :: couple, married couple |
casal {m} | :: pair |
casal {m} | :: village, hamlet |
casal {m} | :: farmhouse |
casa lotérica {f} | :: a place where lottery tickets are sold |
casamata {f} [military] | :: bunker (hardened shelter) |
casamata {f} [military] | :: casemate (bombproof chamber as part of fortification) |
casamenteiro {m} | :: matchmaker (someone who finds suitable marriage partners for other people) |
casamento {m} /kɐ.zɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: wedding (marriage ceremony) |
casamento {m} [uncountable] | :: marriage |
casamento arranjado {m} | :: arranged marriage (marriage planned by someone else) |
casamento da raposa {m} | :: sun shower (rain which occurs while the sun is shining, lit. "fox wedding") |
casamento de raposa {m} [South Africa] | :: A sun shower, literally, a "vixen's wedding" |
casamento de rapôsa {m} | :: obsolete spelling of casamento de raposa |
casamento misto {m} | :: mixed marriage (marriage between people of different races, cultures, religions, etc.) |
casa noturna {f} | :: nightclub (establishment that is open late at night) |
Casa Nova {prop} | :: Casa Nova (municipality) |
casa onde não há pão, todos ralham e ninguém tem razão {proverb} [literally] | :: In a house without bread, everyone argues and no one is right |
casar {v} [com] /kɐ.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to marry |
casar {vp} | :: to get married |
casar {vt} | :: to wed someone to (unite two others in wedlock) |
casar {vt} [figuratively] | :: to join, unite |
casarão {m} [irregular] /kɐ.zɐ.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of casa |
casarão {m} [specifically] | :: a big colonial-styled house |
casario {m} /kɐ.zɐ.ˈɾi.u/ | :: terrace (of houses) |
casar no civil {v} | :: To marry, as in a civil marriage |
casbá {f} | :: casbah (the fortress in a city in North Africa or the Middle East) |
casca {f} | :: skin; peel; rind (of fruits or vegetables) |
casca {f} | :: bark (of trees) |
casca {f} | :: shell (of eggs or nuts) |
casca {f} | :: husk |
Casca {prop} | :: Casca (municipality) |
Cascais {prop} /kɐʃˈkajʃ/ | :: Cascais (village/and/municipality) |
cascal {m} | :: bed (area with many clams) |
cascal {m} [archaeology] | :: midden (prehistoric pile of bones and shells) |
cascalho {m} | :: gravel (small fragments of rock) |
cascalho {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: money, cash |
Cascalho Rico {prop} | :: Cascalho Rico (municipality) |
cascata {f} /kɐʃ.ˈka.tɐ/ | :: cascade |
cascata {f} | :: waterfall |
cascata {f} | :: series of events |
cascata {f} [colloquial] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
cascatear {vi} | :: to cascade (to fall as a waterfall) |
cascatear {vt} | :: to cascade (to arrange in a stepped series like a waterfall) |
cascavel {f} /kɐʃ.kɐ.ˈvɛɫ/ | :: rattlesnake |
cascavel {m} | :: jingle bell |
Cascavel {prop} {f} /ˌkas.ka.ˈvɛw/ | :: Cascavel (city/and/municipality) |
casco {m} | :: skull, cranium |
casco {m} [nautical] | :: hull |
casco {m} | :: hoof, tip of a toe of ungulates |
cascudo {m} | :: a punch on the head with the knuckles |
cascudo {m} | :: any of several species of catfish known for their hard skin |
cascudo {adj} | :: having a thick peel |
casebre {m} /kɐ.ˈzɛ.βɾɨ/ | :: shack |
casebre {m} | :: hovel (small house or hut) |
caseiro {adj} /kɐ.ˈzɐj.ɾu/ | :: homemade, home-grown |
caseiro {adj} | :: amateur, not professional |
caseiro {m} | :: cottager (someone who inhabits or takes care of a cottage or similar habitation) |
Caseiros {prop} | :: Caseiros (municipality) |
Casemiro {prop} {m} | :: given name. alternative form of Casimiro |
caseoso {adj} | :: caseous (relating to or resembling cheese) |
caserna {f} /kɐˈzɛɾnɐ/ | :: garrison (post) |
Casimiro {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Casimiro de Abreu {prop} | :: Casimiro de Abreu (municipality) |
casinha {f} | :: diminutive of casa |
casinha {f} | :: cottage |
casinha {f} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: clipping of casa de banho; privy |
casinha de cachorro {f} | :: kennel (shelter for a dog) |
casino {m} [Portugal] /kɐ.ˈ | :: alternative form of cassino |
casmurro {m} | :: curmudgeon (an ill-tempered stubborn person) |
casmurro {adj} | :: stubborn |
caso {conj} /ˈka.zu/ | :: if (introduces a condition) |
caso {m} | :: case |
caso {m} | :: an actual event, situation or fact |
caso {m} | :: piece of work to be done |
caso {m} | :: [science] instance used as a topic of study |
caso {m} | :: [grammar] grammatical case (category that reflects the function performed by a noun phrase) |
caso {m} | :: tale; story; account |
caso {m} | :: affair; love affair (adulterous relationship) |
caso abessivo {m} [grammar] | :: abessive case (case used to express the lack of something) |
caso absolutivo {m} [grammar] | :: absolutive case (case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action) |
caso adessivo {m} [grammar] | :: adessive case (noun case used to indicate adjacent location) |
caso alativo {m} [grammar] | :: allative case (case used to indicate movement onto, or to the adjacency of something) |
caso caritivo {m} [grammar] | :: caritive case (case used to express the lack of something) |
caso comitativo {m} [grammar] | :: comitative case (case used to denote companionship) |
caso contrário {adv} | :: or else; otherwise (as an alternative) |
caso dativo {m} [grammar] | :: dative case (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) |
caso delativo {m} [grammar] | :: delative case (case used to indicate movement from an object) |
caso elativo {m} [grammar] | :: elative case (case used to indicate movement out of something) |
caso ergativo {m} [grammar] | :: ergative case (case used to indicate the agent of a verb) |
caso essivo {m} [grammar] | :: essive case (case used to indicate a temporary state of being) |
caso genitivo {m} [grammar] | :: genitive (inflection pattern) |
caso ilativo {m} [grammar] | :: illative case (case used to indicate movement into something) |
caso inessivo {m} [grammar] | :: inessive case |
caso instrumental {m} [grammar] | :: instrumental case (case to express agency or means) |
caso locativo {m} [grammar] | :: locative case (case used to indicate place, or the place where) |
caso nominativo {m} [grammar] | :: nominative case (case used to indicate the subject) |
caso oblíquo {m} | :: oblique case (any noun case except the nominative) |
caso possessivo {m} [grammar] | :: possessive case (case used to express direct possession) |
casório {m} [colloquial] | :: wedding |
casota {f} /kɐˈzɔtɐ/ | :: doghouse (dog's house) |
caspa {f} /ˈkaʃ.pɐ/ | :: dandruff |
caspacho {m} | :: alternative form of gaspacho |
casquete {m} | :: one of several types of hoods, including one used in the military |
casquilho {m} /kas.ˈki.ʎu/ | :: one who wears excessive adornment |
casquilho {m} | :: a lightbulb's screw |
casquilho {m} [ornithology] | :: a species of aquatic bird |
casquilho {m} [mechanics] | :: a metallic, hollow cylindrical extremity on an automobile's section connecting its wheels |
casquilho {adj} | :: wearing excessive adornment |
casquinar {vi} | :: to snicker (to emit a snicker) |
casquinha {f} | :: diminutive of casca |
casquinha {f} [countable] | :: ice cream (in a cone) |
cassação {f} [law] | :: cassation (the abrogation of a law, someone's specific rights or similar by a higher authority; annulment) |
cassar {vt} | :: to revoke, cancel, invalidate (political rights, etc.) |
cassar {vt} [law] | :: to quash |
cassete {m} /kaˈsɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: cassette |
cassetete {m} /ka.sɨ.ˈtɛ.tɨ/ | :: nightstick; baton; truncheon |
cassetinho {m} [Rio Grande do Sul, Salvador] | :: Refers to some types of bread, especially the pão francês |
Cássia {prop} | :: Cássia (municipality) |
Cássia dos Coqueiros {prop} | :: Cássia dos Coqueiros (municipality) |
cassino {m} [Brazil] /ka.ˈ | :: casino (gambling facility) |
Cassiopeia {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Cassiopeia (wife of Cepheus) |
Cassiopeia {prop} {f} [constellation] | :: Cassiopeia (a constellation of the northern sky) |
Cassiopéia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cassiopeia |
cassiterita {f} [mineral] | :: cassiterite |
cast. {m} | :: abbreviation of castelhano |
casta {f} /ˈkaʃ.tɐ/ | :: bloodline; lineage |
casta {f} | :: breed; race |
casta {f} | :: species |
casta {f} | :: caste (hereditary social classes) |
castanha {f} /kas.ˈtɐ.ɲa/ | :: chestnut |
castanha-da-índia {m} | :: horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum, a large deciduous tree of the Old World) |
castanha-da-índia {m} | :: horse chestnut; conker (the large nutlike seed of the horse chestnut tree) |
castanha de caju {f} | :: cashew, cashew nut |
castanha-de-caju {f} | :: cashew nut (nut) |
castanha-do-pará {f} | :: brazil nut (nut) |
castanha do Pará {f} [proscribed] | :: alternative spelling of castanha-do-pará |
castanheira-da-índia {f} | :: alternative form of castanheiro-da-índia |
Castanheira de Pera {prop} {f} /kɐʃtɐˈɲɐjɾɐ ðɨ ˈpeɾɐ/ | :: Castanheira de Pera (village/and/municipality) |
castanheira-do-pará {m} | :: alternative form of castanheiro-do-pará |
castanheiro {m} | :: chestnut tree (a tree that bears chestnuts) |
castanheiro-da-índia {m} | :: horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum, a large deciduous tree of the Old World) |
castanheiro-do-pará {m} | :: brazil nut (tree) |
castanheiro do Pará {m} | :: alternative spelling of castanheiro-do-pará |
castanho {adj} /kɐʃ.ˈtɐ.ɲu/ | :: chestnut (having a dark brown colour) |
castanho {adj} [of eyes and hair] | :: brown (of any shade) |
castanho {m} | :: chestnut (a dark brown colour) |
castanho {m} | :: chestnut (wood of the chestnut tree) |
castanhola {f} [musical instruments] | :: castanet (a single handheld percussion instrument) |
castão {m} | :: the pommel of a walking stick |
Castela {prop} {f} | :: Castela (historical region/and/mediaeval kingdom) |
Castela e Leão {prop} | :: Castela e Leão (autonomous community) |
Castela-La Mancha {prop} {f} | :: Castela-La Mancha (autonomous community) |
castelão {m} [obsolete] | :: a feudal lord who owns a castle |
castelão {m} | :: castellan (caretaker of a castle) |
castelão {m} [dated] | :: Castilian (native of Castile, Spain) |
castelão {adj} [dated] | :: Castilian (of, from or relating to Castile) |
castelão {m} | :: augmentative of castelo |
castelhanismo {m} | :: Hispanicism (a Spanish language item as it appears in another language) |
castelhano {m} [uncountable] /kɐʃ.tɨ.ˈʎɐ.nu/ | :: Castilian; Spanish (Romance language spoken in Spain and much of Latin America) |
castelhano {m} | :: Castilian (inhabitant of Castile, Spain) |
castelhano {m} [South Brazil] | :: a Uruguayan or Argentine |
castelhano {adj} | :: Castilian (of, from or relating to Castile, Spain) |
castelo {m} /kɐʃ.ˈtɛ.lu/ | :: castle (fortified stronghold) |
Castelo Branco {prop} /kɐʃˈtɛlu ˈβɾɐ̃ku/ | :: Castelo Branco (district) |
Castelo Branco {prop} | :: Castelo Branco (city/and/municipality) |
Castelo Branco {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Castelo-Branco {prop} | :: alternative form of Castelo Branco |
castelo d'água {m} | :: water tower (large, elevated tank of water serving as a municipal reservoir) |
castelo de areia {m} | :: sandcastle (a sculpture made of sand and resembling a miniature castle) |
castelo de cartas {m} | :: house of cards (structure made by laying cards perpendicularly on top of each other) |
castelo de cartas {m} [figurative] | :: house of cards (unstable structure or organisation) |
Castelo de Paiva {prop} /kɐʃˈtɛlu ðɨ ˈpajvɐ/ | :: Castelo de Paiva (village/and/municipality) |
castelo de vento {m} [idiomatic] | :: castle in the air (idea that is unlikely to be ever realised) |
Castelo de Vide {prop} /kɐʃˈtɛlu ðɨ ˈvið(ɨ)/ | :: Castelo de Vide (village/and/municipality) |
castelo no ar {m} [idiomatic] | :: castle in the air (idea that is unlikely to be ever realised) |
castiçal {m} /kɐʃ.ti.ˈsaɫ/ | :: candlestick, candleholder |
castidade {f} /ˌkɐʃ.tɨ.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: chastity (abstaining from sexual intercourse outside of marriage) |
castigado {adj} /ˌkas.t͡ʃi.ˈɡa.du/ | :: punished (having suffered punishment) |
castigado {adj} | :: grounded (confined by one’s parent as punishment) |
castigado {adj} | :: in a bad state due to lack of care |
castigado {adj} | :: Completely corrected; flawless |
castigando {v} | :: gerund of castigar |
castigar {v} /kɐʃ.ti.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to punish, to castigate (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct) |
castigo {m} /kɐʃ.ˈti.ɣu/ | :: punishment (penalty to punish wrongdoing) |
castigo {m} | :: [figurative] something which causes suffering |
castigo {m} | :: grounding (state of being confined by one’s parents, as punishment) |
Castilho {prop} | :: Castilho (municipality) |
Castilla-La Mancha {prop} {f} | :: Castilla-La Mancha (autonomous community) |
casto {adj} /ˈkaʃ.tu/ | :: chaste (abstaining from sexual activity) |
castor {m} | :: beaver |
castor americano {m} | :: American beaver (Castor canadensis, a species of beaver native to North America) |
castor canadense {m} | :: American beaver (Castor canadensis, a species of beaver native to North America) |
castração {f} | :: castration |
castrando {v} | :: gerund of castrar |
castrão {m} | :: wether (castrated buck goat) |
castrar {v} | :: to castrate |
castrejo {adj} [archaeology] /kɐʃ.ˈtɾɐ(j).ʒu/ | :: of or relating to a prehistoric culture which built fortified cities in northwestern Iberia |
Castries {prop} {f} | :: Castries (capital city) |
castro {m} /ˈkaʃ.tɾu/ | :: fort (of Roman or prehistoric origin) |
castro {m} | :: a fortified pre-Roman Iron Age village frequently found in the northwestern regions of the Iberian Peninsula |
Castro {prop} {mf} /ˈkaʃ.tɾu/ | :: surname |
Castro {prop} {f} | :: Castro (city/and/municipality) |
Castro Alves {prop} | :: Castro Alves (municipality) |
Castro Daire {prop} /ˈkaʃtɾu ˈðajɾ(ɨ)/ | :: Castro Daire (village/and/municipality) |
Castro D'Aire {prop} | :: obsolete spelling of Castro Daire |
Castro Marim {prop} /ˈkaʃtɾu mɐˈɾĩ/ | :: Castro Marim (village/and/municipality) |
Castroverde {prop} /ˌkaʃtɾuˈveɾd(ɨ)/ | :: Castroverde (village) |
Castro Verde {prop} /ˈkaʃtɾu ˈveɾd(ɨ)/ | :: Castro Verde (village/and/municipality) |
casual {adj} | :: casual (happening by chance) |
casual {adj} | :: casual (coming without regularity) |
casual {adj} | :: casual (designed for informal or everyday use) |
casualmente {adv} | :: casually (in a casual manner) |
casualmente {adv} | :: by chance (accidentally or unexpectedly) |
casuar {m} | :: cassowary (a large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius) |
casuística {f} | :: casuistry (the process of analysing individuals cases) |
casuístico {adj} | :: casuistic, casuistical |
casula {f} /kɐˈzulɐ/ | :: chasuble |
casulo {m} /kaˈzulʊ/ | :: cocoon (the silky case that protects the chrysalis of insects) |
casulo {m} [figurative, by extension] | :: cocoon (any protective case, real or metaphorical) |
casus belli {m} | :: casus belli |
cat. {m} | :: abbreviation of catalão |
catabolismo {m} [biochemistry] | :: catabolism (destructive metabolism) |
cataclisma {m} | :: cataclysm (sudden, violent event) |
cataclismo {m} | :: alternative form of cataclisma |
catacrese {f} | :: the use of a word from a similar or comparable concept to represent another concept |
catacumba {f} | :: catacomb (underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves) |
catador {m} | :: scavenger (someone who scavenges) |
catafalco {m} /kɐtɐˈfaɫku/ | :: catafalque, catafalco |
catáfilo {m} [botany] | :: cataphyll (a leaf that fulfils protective or storage functions) |
catafracta {f} | :: cataphract (armor for the entire body and often for the horse) |
Cataguases {prop} | :: Cataguases (municipality) |
Catai {prop} {m} [historical] /ka.ˈtaj/ | :: Cathay (historical name of northern China) |
catalão {adj} | :: Catalan |
catalão {m} | :: Catalan (person from Catalonia) |
catalão {m} | :: Catalan (language) |
catalisação {f} | :: catalysis, catalyzation |
catalisador {adj} | :: catalyzing |
catalisador {m} | :: catalyst |
catalisador {m} | :: catalyzer |
catalisador {m} [automotive] | :: catalytic converter (chamber which oxidises carbon dioxide from exhaust gases) |
catalisando {v} | :: gerund of catalisar |
catalisar {v} [chemistry] | :: to catalyze |
catálise {f} | :: catalysis |
catalítico {adj} [chemistry] | :: catalytic (of, or relating to catalysts) |
catalizando {v} | :: gerund of catalizar |
catalizar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of catalisar |
catalogar {v} | :: to catalogue (to put into a catalogue) |
catálogo {m} | :: catalogue (a systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.) |
catálogo telefónico {m} [European orthography] | :: telephone directory (a listing of telephone subscribers) |
catálogo telefônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of catálogo telefónico |
Catalunha {prop} {f} | :: Catalunha (autonomous community) |
catamarã {m} | :: catamaran (twin-hulled boat) |
catamita {m} | :: catamite |
catana {f} | :: katana (type of Japanese curved sword) |
catana {f} | :: machete (a sword-like tool) |
Catanduva {prop} | :: Catanduva (municipality) |
Catanduvas {prop} {f} /ˌka.tɐ̃.ˈdu.vɐs/ | :: Catanduvas (town/and/municipality) |
Catanduvas {prop} {f} | :: Catanduvas (town/and/municipality) |
Catanzaro {prop} {f} | :: Catanzaro (city/and/province) |
cataplana {f} [Portuguese cuisine] /kɐtɐplˈɐnɐ/ | :: cataplana (metal container used to cook seafood) |
cataplana {f} [Portuguese cuisine] | :: cataplana (food cooked or served in a cataplana) |
cataplasma {mf} | :: poultice; cataplasm |
catapora {f} [pathology, Brazil] | :: chickenpox (childhood disease) |
catapúcia {f} [botany] /ka.taˈpu.sja/ | :: any of several plants of the Euphorbia genus, which have purgative seeds |
catapúcia {f} | :: Euphorbia lathyris |
catapúcia {f} [botany] | :: Palma christi |
catapulta {f} /ˌka.ta.ˈpuw.ta/ | :: catapult |
catar {vt} /kɐ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to gather; to glean; to collect (get multiple things) |
catar {vt} | :: to pick up (collect an object, especially from the ground) |
catar {vt} | :: to look for; to search for (try to find something) |
catar {vt} [slang] | :: to pick up (start a short romantic relationship with) |
catar {vt} | :: to clean something by removing defective elements one by one |
catar {m} | :: a train of camels |
catar {m} [very, rare] | :: alternative form of cátaro |
Catar {prop} {m} /kaˈtaɾ/ | :: Catar (country) |
catarata {f} | :: cataract (large waterfall) |
catarata {f} [pathology] | :: cataract (opacity of the lens in the eye) |
catari {adj} | :: Qatari (of, from or relating to Qatar) |
catari {mf} | :: Qatari (person from Qatar) |
catariano {adj} | :: Qatari |
catariano {m} | :: Qatari person |
Catarina {prop} {f} /ˌka.ta.ˈɾi.nɐ/ | :: given name |
Catarina {prop} {f} | :: clipping of Santa Catarina |
catarinense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Santa Catarina |
catarinense {mf} | :: Someone from Santa Catarina |
catar milho {vi} | :: to type on a keyboard in a manner often associated with inexperience, by looking for each key individually and slowly |
catar milho {v} | :: See: pt catar milho |
cátaro {m} | :: Cathar (a member of a mediaeval Christian sect of western Europe) |
catarrho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of catarro |
catarro {m} /ka.ˈta.ʁu/ | :: phlegm (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) |
catarse {f} | :: catharsis |
catártico {adj} | :: cathartic (inducing catharsis) |
Catas Altas {prop} | :: Catas Altas (municipality) |
Catas Altas da Noruega {prop} | :: Catas Altas da Noruega (municipality) |
catástrofe {f} /kɐ.ˈtaʃ.tɾu.fɨ/ | :: catastrophe, disaster |
catastrófico {adj} | :: catastrophic (being a catastrophe) |
catatonia {f} [psychiatry] | :: catatonia (a severe condition characterised by a tendency to remain in a rigid state) |
catatónico {adj} [European orthography, medicine] | :: catatonic (of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia - motionless and unresponsive) |
catatônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of catatónico |
cata-vento {m} | :: weather vane (a device showing the direction of the wind) |
cata-vento {m} | :: windmill; pinwheel (child’s toy) |
cata-vento {m} [Brazil] | :: water-pumping windmill |
catavento {m} | :: weather vane (a device showing the direction of the wind) |
catavento {m} | :: windmill; pinwheel (child’s toy) |
catavento {m} [Brazil] | :: water-pumping windmill |
Catay {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Catai |
catchup {m} [uncountable] | :: ketchup (tomato-vinegar based sauce) |
catechese {f} | :: obsolete spelling of catequese |
catecismo {m} | :: catechism |
catecúmeno {m} | :: catechumen (convert the Christianity prior to baptism) |
catecúmeno {adj} | :: being or relating to a catechumen |
cátedra {f} [academia] /ˈka.te.dɾɐ/ | :: chair; professorship (the office of a full professor, one who is not an associate professor) |
cátedra {f} [ecclesiastical] | :: the seat or office of a member of a high-ranked member of the clergy |
catedral {f} /kɐ.tɨ.ˈðɾaɫ/ | :: cathedral |
categoria {f} | :: category |
categoricamente {adv} | :: categorically (in a categorical manner) |
categoricamente {adv} | :: flatly (in a manner showing complete certainty) |
categórico {adj} | :: categorical (absolute; having no exception) |
categórico {adj} | :: categorical (of, pertaining to, or using categories) |
categorização {f} | :: categorization |
categorizando {v} | :: gerund of categorizar |
categorizar {v} | :: to categorize |
catenina {f} [protein] | :: catenin (any of several proteins that have a role in cell adhesion) |
catequese {f} /ˌka.te.ˈkɛ.ze/ | :: catechesis (religious instruction) |
catequismo {m} | :: alternative form of catecismo |
catequista {mf} [religion] /ka.te.ˈkis.ta/ | :: catechist |
catequizar {v} | :: to catechize |
cateter {m} [medicine] /ˌka.te.ˈtɛʁ/ | :: catheter (small tube inserted into a body cavity) |
catéter {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of cateter |
cateto {m} | :: leg (of a triangle) |
catexe {f} | :: alternative form of catexia |
catexia {f} [psychoanalysis] | :: cathexis (the concentration of libido or emotional energy on a single object or idea) |
Cathai {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Catai |
Catharina {prop} {f} | :: archaic spelling of Catarina |
Cathay {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Catai |
catheter {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cateter |
catholico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of católico |
catholico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of católico |
cathólico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of católico |
cathólico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of católico |
Cátia {prop} {f} /ˈka.t͡ʃjɐ/ | :: given name |
catião {m} [Portugal] | :: cation (a positively charged ion) |
Catiguá {prop} | :: Catiguá (municipality) |
catinga {f} /kɐ.ˈt(ʃ)ĩ.ɡɐ/ | :: funk (foul or unpleasant smell, especially body odour) |
catinga {m} | :: miser, nitpicker |
catinga {adj} | :: stingy, narrow-minded |
catinga {f} | :: alternative form of caatinga |
catinguento {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: reeking; stinky (having a very unpleasant smell) |
cátion {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of catião |
catiônico {adj} [chemistry] | :: cationic |
catita {f} /kɐ.ˈti.tɐ/ | :: short-tailed opossum (any marsupial of the Monodelphis genus) |
catita {adj} | :: pretty (nice-looking) |
cativando {v} | :: gerund of cativar |
cativante {adj} | :: captivating (that captivates) |
cativar {v} /kɐtiˈvaɾ/ | :: to captivate, to charm, to seduce, to attract |
cativar {v} | :: to dominate |
cativar {v} | :: to capture |
cativeiro {m} | :: captivity, bondage |
cativeiro {m} | :: prison |
catividade {f} | :: captivity (state of being captive) |
cativo {m} /kɐ.ˈ | :: captive, prisoner |
cativo {m} | :: slave |
Catmandu {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Katmandu |
cato {m} [Portugal] /ˈka.tu/ | :: cactus |
catódico {adj} | :: cathodic |
catódio {m} [electricity] | :: cathode (electrode through which current flows outward) |
catodo {m} [electricity, Brazil] | :: cathode (electrode through which current flows outward) |
cátodo {m} | :: alternative form of catodo |
Catolândia {prop} | :: Catolândia (municipality) |
catolicismo {m} | :: Catholicism (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church) |
catolicismo {m} | :: Roman Catholicism (faiths, practices and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church) |
católico {adj} | :: Catholic |
católico {m} | :: Catholic |
católico {m} | :: catholicos |
católico romano {adj} | :: Roman Catholic (pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church) |
católico romano {m} | :: Roman Catholic (member of the Roman Catholic Church) |
catorze {num} /kɐ.ˈtoɾ.zɨ/ | :: fourteen |
catorze {m} | :: fourteen |
catota {f} [Northeast Brazil] | :: booger (piece of nose mucus) |
catraca {f} | :: turnstile (rotating mechanical device) |
catraia {f} | :: girl, feminine noun of catraio |
catraio {m} [colloquial] /kɐ.ˈtɾaj.u/ | :: kid, boy |
catre {m} | :: cot (portable or temporary bed) |
Catu {prop} | :: Catu (municipality) |
Catuípe {prop} | :: Catuípe (municipality) |
Catuji {prop} | :: Catuji (municipality) |
Caturama {prop} | :: Caturama (municipality) |
caturra {mf} | :: curmudgeon (an ill-tempered stubborn person) |
caturra {f} | :: cockatiel (a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest) |
caturra {adj} | :: stubborn |
Catuti {prop} | :: Catuti (municipality) |
Cauã {prop} {m} /kaw.ˈɐ̃/ | :: given name |
Cauana {prop} | :: given name |
Cauane {prop} | :: given name |
Caubi {prop} {m} | :: given name |
caubói {m} /ˌkaw.ˈbɔj/ | :: cowboy (person who tends cattle, especially in the American West) |
caubói {m} | :: cowboy (a man who identifies with cowboy culture, including wearing a cowboy hat and being a fan of country and western music) |
Cauby {prop} {m} | :: given name |
caução {f} [legal] | :: bail |
caução {f} | :: guarantee, pledge |
caucasiano {adj} | :: caucasian |
caucasiano {m} | :: caucasian |
caucásico {adj} | :: Caucasian (all senses) |
caucásico {m} | :: Caucasian (all senses) |
Cáucaso {prop} {m} | :: Cáucaso (range/and/traditional region) |
Cáucaso do Norte {prop} {m} | :: Cáucaso do Norte (traditional region) |
caucasoide {mf} | :: Caucasoid (white person) |
Cáucaso Setentrional {prop} {m} | :: Cáucaso Setentrional (traditional region) |
caucionando {v} | :: gerund of caucionar |
caucionar {v} [law] | :: to pay bail [or similar legal guarantee] |
cauda {f} /ˈkaw.ðɐ/ | :: tail (posterior appendage or feathers of some animals) |
cauda {f} | :: tail; tail end (posterior part or appendage of an object) |
cauda {f} [clothing] | :: the part of a dress that is dragged on the floor |
cauda {f} [aviation] | :: tail; empennage (rear structure of an aircraft) |
cauda {f} [astronomy] | :: tail (stream of dust as gases blown from a comet) |
cauda {f} [typography, colloquial] | :: tail; descender (stroke below the baseline of a letter) |
cauda {f} [figurative] | :: consequences |
caudal {adj} [zoology] /kaw.ˈdaw/ | :: caudal (of or relating to the tail) |
caudal {f} | :: caudal vertebra |
caudal {m} | :: torrent (heavy stream or flow) |
caudal {m} [hydrology] | :: discharge (volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time) |
caudal {m} [figuratively] | :: a great amount of volume of something |
caudal {adj} | :: torrential (flowing heavily) |
caudaloso {adj} [weather] | :: torrential |
caudaloso {adj} [figuratively] | :: abundant |
caudelaria {f} | :: stud (ranch where animals, especially horses, are kept for breeding) |
caudilhismo {m} | :: caudillismo (type of government ruled by a caudillo) |
caudilhismo {m} | :: caudilloship (a caudillo’s government) |
caudilho {m} [politics] | :: caudillo (leader, military dictator) |
caudino {adj} | :: Caudine (of or pertaining to the ancient Italian city of Caudium) |
Cauê {prop} {m} /kaw.ˈe/ | :: given name |
caular {v} [Angola] | :: to buy in order to resell afterwards |
caule {m} [botany] | :: stem (above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) |
caulim {m} [mineral] | :: kaolin |
caulinita {f} [mineral] /kawliˈnitɐ/ | :: kaolinite (hydrous aluminosilicate mineral) |
causa {f} /ˈkaw.zɐ/ | :: cause, reason |
causa {f} [law] | :: suit, lawsuit |
causa {f} | :: goal, aim |
causa de pedir {f} [legal] | :: cause of action (condition that entitles suing) |
causador {adj} | :: causing, originating |
causador {m} | :: causer, originator |
causal {adj} | :: causal (of, relating to or being a cause of something) |
causalidade {f} | :: causality |
causar {vt} /kaw.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to cause |
causídico {m} [legal] | :: attorney; lawyer (one who advises or represents others in legal matters) |
causídico {m} | :: champion (someone who fights for a cause) |
causo {m} [Caipira] | :: story, narrative, account |
cáustica {f} [optics, computer graphics] | :: caustic (envelope of reflected or refracted rays of light for a given surface or object) |
cáustica {f} [mathematics] | :: caustic (envelope of reflected or refracted rays for a given curve) |
causticante {adj} | :: burning, searing, caustic |
causticidade {f} | :: causticity (the quality of being caustic) |
cáustico {adj} | :: caustic (capable of destroying organic tissue) |
cáustico {adj} [figurative] | :: caustic (very critical or unpleasant) |
cáustico {m} | :: caustic (substance which burns, corrodes or destroys organic tissue) |
cautchu {m} | :: caoutchouc |
cautela {f} | :: caution (careful attention, prudence) |
cautela {f} | :: share (in a lottery) |
cautelaira {f} | :: female lottery ticket seller; feminine noun of cauteleiro |
cautelar {v} | :: to warn |
cautelarmente {adv} /kaw.te.laʁ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: precautionarily (as a precaution) |
cauteleiro {m} | :: lottery ticket seller |
cautelosamente {adv} | :: warily, carefully, gingerly |
cauteloso {adj} | :: cautious, guarded |
cauteloso {adj} | :: wary |
cauterizar {v} | :: to cauterize (to heal a wound by burning it) |
cava {f} /ˈka.vɐ/ | :: armhole (hole for the arm in clothing) |
cava {f} | :: pit (hole dug in the ground) |
cava {f} | :: short for veia cava |
cavaco {m} | :: chip; splinter (small piece of wood) |
cavaco {m} [colloquial] | :: chat |
Cávado {prop} {m} /ˈka.vɐ.ðu/ | :: Cávado (river) |
cavador {m} | :: digger |
cavaignac {m} | :: alternative form of cavanhaque |
cavala {f} | :: mackerel (edible fish of genus Scomber or Scomberomorus) |
Cavala {prop} {f} | :: Cavala (regional unit) |
Cavala {prop} {f} | :: Cavala (city) |
cavalaria {f} /kɐ.vɐ.lɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: cavalry (military service that fights with riding horses) |
cavalariano {m} [military unit] | :: cavalryman (a soldier in the cavalry) |
cavalariça {f} | :: stable (building for horses) |
cavalariço {m} | :: groom (person who cares for horses) |
cavaleiro {m} [military unit, historical] /kɐvɐˈlɐjɾu/ | :: knight (heavily armoured warrior of the Middle Ages) |
cavaleiro {m} [military unit] | :: cavalryman; cavalier (soldier who serves on a cavalry regiment) |
cavaleiro {m} | :: horseman; horserider (person who rides a horse) |
cavaleiro {m} [nobility] | :: knight (noble ranked below a baron) |
cavaleiro ladrão {m} [historical] | :: robber baron (a feudal lord who charged exorbitant fees on travellers) |
cavalete {m} | :: easel (Upright frame for displaying or supporting something) |
cavalete {m} | :: rack (Graphic arts): A support for a movable cylinder; toothed bar |
cavalete {m} | :: rack: An instrument of torture |
cavalete {m} | :: bridge(Music): A support for a wind instrument |
cavalete {m} | :: trestle (Engineering): A bridge support |
cavaleyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cavaleiro |
cavalgada {f} | :: cavalcade |
cavalgadura {f} | :: a small riding equid, usually a mule or donkey |
cavalgadura {f} [figurative] | :: a stupid and indelicate person |
cavalgar {vi} | :: to ride a horse |
cavalgar {vt} | :: to jump over |
cavalgar {vi} | :: to ride (have sexual intercourse by mounting on a man's penis) |
cavalheiresco {adj} | :: chivalrous (horourable and respectful, especially to women) |
cavalheirismo {m} | :: chivalry; gentlemanliness (courteous behaviour) |
cavalheiro {m} /kɐ.vɐ.ˈʎɐj.ɾu/ | :: gentleman |
cavalheiro {m} | :: cavalier |
cavalicoque {m} | :: nag (weak, small and useless horse) |
cavalinha {f} | :: horsetail (plant) |
cavalinha {f} | :: small mackerel |
cavalinho {m} | :: diminutive of cavalo |
cavalinho-de-deus {m} | :: praying mantis |
cavalleiro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cavaleiro |
cavalleyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cavaleiro |
cavallo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cavalo |
cavalo {mf} /kɐ.ˈ | :: horse (mammal) |
cavalo {mf} [figuratively] | :: a coarse, rude man |
cavalo {mf} [chess] | :: knight |
cavalo {mf} [slang] | :: heroin |
cavalo {mf} [automotive] | :: a unit that measures the power of an engine |
cavalo com alças {m} | :: pommel horse |
cavalo de pau {m} | :: rocking horse (a child’s toy consisting of a (usually wooden) horse mounted on a rocker or swing) |
cavalo de pau {m} | :: a skidding U-turn with a vehicle |
cavalo de Troia {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Trojan horse (wooden horse used by the Greeks to infiltrate Troy) |
cavalo de Troia {m} [by extension] | :: Trojan horse (something which looks innocent placed among the enemy) |
cavalo de Troia {m} [computing] | :: Trojan horse; Trojan (malicious program disguised as legitimate software) |
cavalo de Tróia {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cavalo de Troia |
cavalo de vapor {m} [rare] | :: horsepower (metric) |
cavalo-marinho {m} /kɐɐ.ˈɾi.ɲu/ | :: sea horse |
cavalo-vapor {m} | :: horsepower (non-metric unit of power) |
cavalo-vapor {m} | :: horsepower (metric unit of power) |
cavando {v} | :: gerund of cavar |
cavanhaque {m} | :: goatee (beard at the centre of the chin) |
cavaquinho {m} /kɐ.vɐ.ˈki.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of cavaco |
cavaquinho {m} [musical instrument] | :: cavaquinho (small string instrument of the European guitar family) |
cavar {v} | :: to dig, excavate, burrow, scoop |
cave {m} | :: cellar |
caveira {f} [colloquial] /ka.ˈvɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: skull |
caveirão {m} /ˌˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of caveira |
caveirão {m} [Brazil] | :: an armoured vehicle used by the Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais |
caverna {f} | :: cave |
Caverna de Platão {prop} {f} [philosophy] | :: Plato's Cave (the allegorical cave) |
cavernícola {mf} | :: cave-dweller |
cavernícola {adj} | :: cave-dwelling |
cavernoso {adj} | :: cavernous (resembling a cavern) |
cavernoso {adj} | :: cavernous (having many caverns) |
cávia {f} [zoology] | :: synonym of cobaia |
caviar {m} /ka.ˈvjaɾ/ | :: caviar |
cavidade {f} | :: cavity (hole or hollow depression) |
cavidade {f} | :: cavity (hollow area within the body) |
cavidade pleural {f} [anatomy] | :: pleural cavity (cavity that surrounds the lungs) |
cavitação {f} [fluid dynamics] | :: cavitation (formation of vapour cavities that quickly collapse in a liquid) |
cavocar {v} | :: alternative form of cavoucar |
cavoucar {vti} /kavoˈkaχ/ | :: to make a pit or hole [in] |
cavoucar {vt} [by extension] | :: to poke, to rummage, e.g. cavoucar o nariz (to pick one's nose) |
cavoucar {vi} | :: to dig like an animal (like a dog or armadillo) |
cavouco {m} /ka.ˈvo(w).ko/ | :: a manmade pit (hole in the ground) |
Caxambu {prop} | :: Caxambu (municipality) |
Caxambu do Sul {prop} | :: Caxambu do Sul (municipality) |
Caxemira {prop} {f} | :: Caxemira (traditional region) |
caxemirense {mf} | :: Kashmiri (person from Kashmir) |
caxemirense {adj} | :: Kashmiri (of, from or relating to Kashmir) |
caxemiri {m} | :: Kashmiri (Indo-Aryan language spoken in Kashmir) |
caxemiri {adj} | :: Kashmiri (of from or relating to Kashmiri) |
Caxias do Sul {prop} | :: Caxias do Sul (municipality) |
caxinguelê {m} /ka.ʃĩ.ɡe.ˈle/ | :: Sciurus aestuans (Brazilian squirrel) |
caxingui {m} | :: coypu (Myocastor coypus, a large, semiaquatic rodent of South America) |
caxirola {f} | :: caxirola |
caxumba {f} [pathology] /kɐˈʃũ.bɐ/ | :: mumps (contagious disease) |
Cayro {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Cairo |
cays {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cais |
cayz {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cais |
caza {f} | :: obsolete spelling of casa |
Cazã {prop} | :: Cazã (caplc) |
cazaque {adj} | :: Kazakh (of, from or relating to Kazakhstan) |
cazaque {mf} | :: Kazakh (person from Kazakhstan) |
cazaque {m} | :: Kazakh (language spoken in Kazakhstan) |
Cazaquistão {prop} {m} /ka.zɐ.kiʃ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: Cazaquistão (country) |
CC {m} | :: initialism of cartão de cidadão |
CC {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: BO; body odour |
CD {m} /ˌse.ˈde/ | :: CD (compact-disc: a type optical data storage disc) |
CDC {mf} [internet, initialism] | :: content creator (forum or page editor) |
CDF {mf} [slang, sometimes derogatory, Brazil] | :: nerd (intellectual, skillful person, generally introverted) |
CD player {m} | :: CD player (device that plays audio CDs) |
CDZ {prop} [colloquial, fandom slang, anime, manga] | :: Saint Seiya (a Japanese manga and anime series, originally released in 1986) |
CE {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Ceará (Brazilian state) |
'cê {pron} [poetic] | :: alternative form of cê |
cê {m} /ˈse/ | :: cee (name of the letter C, c) |
cê {pron} [colloquial, Brazil] | :: you (singular, subject) |
ceando {v} | :: gerund of cear |
cear {v} /siˈaɾ/ | :: to have supper |
cear {v} | :: to dine |
Ceará {prop} {m} /ˌse.a.ˈɾa/ | :: Ceará (state) |
cearense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Ceará |
cearense {mf} | :: Someone from Ceará |
cebola {f} /seˈbolɐ/ | :: onion (a monocotyledonous plant of the genus Allium allied to garlic, used as a vegetable and a spice) |
cebolinha {f} /sɨ.βuˈli.ɲɐ/ | :: chive (plant) |
cebolinha verde {f} | :: alternative spelling of cebolinha-verde |
cebolinha-verde {f} | :: spring onion (Allium fistulosum) |
Cebu {prop} {f} | :: Cebu (island/and/province) |
Cebu {prop} {f} | :: Cebu (city/provincial capital) |
cebuano {m} | :: Cebuano (person) |
cebuano {m} | :: Cebuano (language) |
cebuano {adj} | :: Cebuano |
cecal {adj} | :: caecal (of or pertaining to caecum) |
cecear {v} | :: to lisp (to pronounce the sibilant letter /s/ imperfectly) |
cecídia {f} | :: alternative form of cecídio |
cecídio {m} | :: gall (growth found on the surface of plants) |
Cecília {prop} {f} /se.ˈsi.ljɐ/ | :: given name |
Cecílio {prop} {m} /se.ˈ | :: given name |
Cecina {prop} {f} | :: Cecina (town) |
ceco {m} [anatomy] | :: caecum (blind pouch connected to the large intestine) |
cedê {m} | :: alternative spelling of CD |
cedência {f} [legal] | :: cession |
ceder {vt} /se.ˈde(ʁ)/ | :: to cede, to give up, to give away, to hand over, to give own property or rights to others |
ceder {vt} | :: to lend |
ceder {v} [a] | :: to decide against own previous decision or after doubt |
ceder {vi} | :: to surrender at an argumentation, to be convinced after possibly long discussion |
ceder {vi} | :: to fall down, to collapse |
cedilha {f} /sɨ.ˈði.ʎɐ/ | :: cedilla |
cedimento {m} | :: the act of ceding (giving way or giving away) |
cedo {adv} /ˈse.ðu/ | :: early (at a time before expected; sooner than usual) |
cedo {adv} | :: in the morning |
Cedral {prop} | :: Cedral (municipality) |
cedro {m} /ˈsɛ.ðɾu/ | :: cedar (tree) |
cedro {m} | :: cedar (wood) |
Cedro do Abaeté {prop} | :: Cedro do Abaeté (municipality) |
cédula {f} | :: banknote (piece of paper currency) |
cédula {f} | :: document, card |
cê é louco {interj} [Brazil, slang] | :: an exclamation of surprise or amazement |
CEF {prop} {f} | :: acronym of Caixa Econômica Federal |
cefaleia {f} [medicine] | :: headache |
cefaléia {f} | :: alternative form of cefaleia |
cefalópode {m} | :: cephalopod (any mollusc of the class Cephalopoda) |
Cefas {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Cephas (alternative name of the apostle Peter) |
Cefeu {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /se.ˈfew/ | :: Cepheus (husband of Cassiopeia) |
cega {f} /ˈsɛ.ɡɐ/ | :: feminine noun of cego |
cegamente {adv} | :: blindly |
cegamento {m} | :: blinding (act of causing blindness) |
cegante {adj} | :: blinding (which blinds) |
cegar {vt} /sɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to blind, to cause blindness |
cegarrega {f} [musical instrument] | :: rattle (instrument or sound imitating the sound of a cicada) |
cegarrega {f} [by extension] | :: chatty person; chatterbox |
cego {adj} [of a person or animal] /ˈsɛ.ɣu/ | :: blind (unable to see) |
cego {adj} [figurative] | :: blind; blinded (unable to realise the truth) |
cego {adj} [of a blade or bladed instrument] | :: dull (not sharp) |
cego {adj} [figurative] | :: impartial (treating all parties equally) |
cego {m} | :: a blind person |
cegonha {f} /sɨˈɣoɲɐ/ | :: stork (large wading bird) |
cegonha-branca {f} | :: white stork (Ciconia ciconia, large wading bird of the Old World) |
cegueira {f} | :: blindness |
cegueira noturna {f} [ophthalmology] | :: night blindness (the inability to see clearly in faint light) |
cegueta {mf} /se.ˈɡe.ta/ | :: someone who does not see well |
ceguinho {adj} /sɛ.ˈɡi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of cego |
ceguinho {m} | :: diminutive of cego |
CEI {prop} {f} | :: CIS; initialism of Comunidade dos Estados Independentes |
ceia {f} /ˈsɐj.ɐ/ | :: supper, evening meal |
ceifa {f} /ˈsɐj.fɐ/ | :: harvesting |
ceifa {f} [figuratively] | :: devastation, mortality |
ceifador {m} [agriculture] | :: reaper (one who reaps the crop) |
ceifador {m} | :: alternative form of Ceifador, as a common noun |
Ceifador {prop} {m} | :: Grim Reaper (personification of Death) |
ceifar {v} /sɐj.ˈfaɾ/ | :: to reap (to cut with a sickle or scythe) |
ceifeira-debulhadora {f} [Portugal, agriculture] | :: combine harvester (farming machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain) |
ceifeiro {m} [agriculture] | :: reaper (one who reaps the crop) |
Ceilão {prop} {m} | :: Ceylon (former name of Sri Lanka) |
ceis {pron} | :: eye dialect of vocês |
cel {m} [Brazil, Internet slang] | :: mobile phone |
cela {f} /ˈsɛ.lɐ/ | :: cell (small room or compartment) |
cela {f} | :: room in a prison for containing inmates |
cela {f} | :: room of a monastery |
celá {f} | :: obsolete form of salá |
celà {f} | :: obsolete form of salá |
celacanto {m} | :: coelacanth (either of two species of deep-water fish) |
-cele {suffix} [pathology] /ˈsɛ.li/ | :: -cele (forms the names of tumours and hernias) |
celebérrimo {adj} /ˌsɛ.le.ˈbɛ.ʁ | :: superlative of célebre |
Celebes {prop} {fp} | :: Celebes (island) |
celebração {f} | :: celebration (all senses) |
celebrando {v} | :: gerund of celebrar |
celebrar {v} /se.le.ˈbɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to celebrate (all senses) |
célebre {adj} /ˈsɛ.le.bɾi/ | :: celebrated (famous or widely praised for good works) |
celebridade {f} | :: fame, celebrity |
célebro {m} | :: eye dialect of cérebro |
celeiro {m} /sɨ.ˈlɐj.ɾu/ | :: barn |
celeiro {m} | :: granary |
célere {adj} /ˈsɛ.lɨ.ɾɨ/ | :: agile, speedy, fast |
celeridade {f} [poetic or formal] | :: celerity; speed; quickness |
celeridade {f} [oceanography] | :: celerity (speed of individual waves) |
celerípede {adj} | :: who runs swiftly |
celesta {f} [musical instrument] | :: celesta (an idiophone similar to a small piano) |
celeste {adj} /sɨ.ˈlɛʃ.tɨ/ | :: celestial (relating to the sky) |
celeste {adj} [astronomy] | :: celestial (relating to space) |
celeste {adj} [religion] | :: heavenly (relating to heaven) |
celeste {adj} | :: sky blue (of a pale blue colour, like that of the sky on a fine day) |
celestial {adj} [religion] /sɨlɨʃˈtjaɫ/ | :: heavenly (relating to heaven) |
celestina {f} [mineral] | :: celestine (a mineral) |
celestita {f} [mineral] | :: celestine |
celetista {mf} [Brazil] /seleˈtʃistɐ/ | :: A worker, either public or private, whose labor rights and obligations are defined in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) |
celetista {adj} [Brazil] | :: Regulated or defined by the CLT or employed by a CLT-complying contract |
celeuma {f} /sɨ.ˈlew.mɐ/ | :: sea shanty |
celeuma {f} | :: work song |
celeuma {f} | :: racket (loud noise) |
celga {f} | :: alternative form of acelga |
Célia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
celibatário {adj} | :: celibate (unmarried) |
celibatário {m} | :: celibate (person who is not married) |
celibato {m} /sɨ.li.ˈβa.tu/ | :: celibacy (state of being unmarried) |
celibato {m} | :: celibacy (abstaining from sexual relations) |
celibato {adj} | :: celibate; unmarried |
celibato {adj} | :: celibate (abstaining from sexual relations) |
celofane {m} | :: cellophane (transparent plastic film) |
Celorico da Beira {prop} /sɨloˈɾiku ðɐ ˈβɐjɾɐ/ | :: Celorico da Beira (village/and/municipality) |
Celorico de Basto {prop} /sɨloˈɾiku ðɨ ˈβaʃtu/ | :: Celorico de Basto (village/and/municipality) |
célsius {adj} | :: Celsius (metric scale of temperature) |
Celso Ramos {prop} | :: Celso Ramos (municipality) |
celta {adj} | :: Celtic (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts) |
celta {mf} | :: Celt (a member of one of the ancient peoples of Western Europe) |
céltico {adj} /ˈsɛw.t͡ʃi.ko/ | :: Celtic (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts) |
célula {f} [biology] /ˈsɛ.lu.lɐ/ | :: cell |
célula adormecida {f} | :: sleeper cell |
célula branca {f} [hematology, cytology, immunology] | :: white blood cell (type of blood cell involved in immune response) |
célula dendrítica folicular {f} [anatomy] | :: follicular dendritic cell |
célula dormente {f} | :: sleeper cell |
celular {m} [Brazil] /ˈlaʁ/ | :: cellphone, mobile phone (short form of telefone celular) |
celular {adj} [biology] | :: Consisting of biological cells; cellular |
celular {adj} | :: Of or relating to cells; cellular |
célula sanguínea {f} [haematology, cytology] | :: blood cell (any of the cells normally found in the blood) |
célula-tronco {f} [medicine, cytology] | :: stem cell (primal undifferentiated cell) |
célula vermelha {f} [hematology, cytology] | :: red blood cell (blood cell that transports oxygen) |
celuloide {m} | :: celluloid (variety of thermoplastics) |
celulóide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of celuloide |
celulose {f} /ˈlɔ.ze/ | :: cellulose (the polysaccharide cellulose) |
cem {adj} /sɐ̃j̃/ | :: one hundred (100) |
cem {m} | :: a value of one hundred |
cem {m} [uncommon] | :: a figure representing one hundred (such as 100 or C) |
cementita {f} [mineral] | :: cementite |
cemitério {m} /ˌse.mi.ˈtɛ.ɾju/ | :: cemetery; graveyard (place where bodies are buried) |
cemitério {m} [figurative] | :: a place without people |
cem por cento {adv} | :: To a complete extent; one hundred percent; completely; utterly; fully |
cena {f} /ˈse.nɐ/ | :: scene |
cena {f} | :: stage |
cena {f} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: thing |
cenáculo {m} | :: cenacle |
cenário {m} /se.ˈna.ɾi.o/ | :: scenario |
cenário {m} | :: scenery |
cenário {m} | :: set (scenery for a film or play) |
cendrée {adj} [rare, of hair] | :: grey |
cenho {m} | :: scowl (wrinkling of the brows or face) |
cénico {adj} [European orthography] /ˈsɛ.ni.ku/ | :: scenic; theatrical |
cênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: scenic; theatrical |
cenoira {f} /sɨ.ˈnoj.ɾɐ/ | :: alternative form of cenoura |
cenotáfio {m} | :: cenotaph (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere) |
cenoura {f} /sɨ.ˈno(w).ɾɐ/ | :: carrot |
cenoura brava {f} | :: alternative spelling of cenoura-brava |
cenoura-brava {f} | :: parsnip (the plant Pastinaca sativa and its root) |
cenozoico {adj} [geology] | :: Cenozoic (pertaining to the Cenozoic era) |
Cenozoico {prop} {m} [geology] | :: Cenozoic (a geologic era within the Phanerozoic eon) |
cenozóico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cenozoico |
Cenozóico {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Cenozoico |
cenrada {f} /sẽ.ˈʁa.ðɐ/ | :: lye |
censo {m} /ˈsẽ.su/ | :: census (official count of members of a population) |
censor {adj} | :: censoring |
censor {m} [historical] | :: censor (Roman magistrate) |
censor {m} | :: censor (official responsible for removal of objectionable or sensitive content) |
censor {m} | :: censor, censurer (one who censures or condemns) |
censora {f} | :: female equivalent of censor |
censura {f} /sẽˈsuɾɐ/ | :: censure |
censura {f} | :: censorship |
censurador {adj} | :: censoring |
censurador {m} | :: censor, censurer (one who censures or condemns) |
censuradora {f} | :: female equivalent of censurador |
censurar {v} /sẽsuˈɾaɾ/ | :: to censure |
censurar {v} | :: to censor |
centáurea {f} | :: cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) |
centauro {m} /sẽ.ˈtaw.ɾu/ | :: centaur (mythical half horse, half man) |
centavo {m} /sẽ.ˈ | :: cent (a hundredth of several monetary units, including the Brazilian real, the Portuguese escudo, and the Mozambican metical) |
centeio {m} /sẽ.ˈtɐj.u/ | :: rye (grass or its grains as food) |
centelha {f} | :: sparkle |
centelhar {v} | :: to spark (to emit sparks) |
centelhar {v} [figurative] | :: to sparkle; to scintillate (to shine as if throwing off sparks) |
centena {f} | :: hundred |
centena {f} | :: (in plural) lots, many |
centenário {adj} | :: centennial |
centenário {m} | :: centennial |
Centenário {prop} | :: Centenário (municipality) |
Centenário do Sul {prop} | :: Centenário do Sul (town/and/municipality) |
centenas de milhares {n} [usually with no article] | :: hundreds of thousands |
centésimo {ordinal num} | :: one hundredth |
centi- {prefix} | :: centi- (one hundredth) |
centígrado {adj} | :: Celsius (metric scale of temperature) |
centímetro {m} /sẽ.ˈti.mɨ.tɾu/ | :: centimetre |
centímetro cúbico {m} | :: cubic centimetre; cubic centimeter [US] |
cêntimo {m} /ˈsẽ | :: cent |
cêntimo {m} | :: eurocent |
centípede {m} [rare] | :: centipede (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda) |
centípede {adj} | :: having a hundred feet |
centisegundo {m} | :: centisecond (one hundredth of a second) |
cento {adj} [only in compounds] /ˈsẽ.tu/ | :: one hundred |
cento {m} | :: hundred (100 units of something) |
centopeia {f} /ˌsẽ.to.ˈpɛj.a/ | :: centipede (A segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda) |
centopéia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of centopeia |
central {adj} /sẽ.ˈtɾaɫ/ | :: central |
central {f} | :: centre |
central {f} | :: headquarters |
Central {prop} | :: Central (municipality) |
Central de Minas {prop} | :: Central de Minas (municipality) |
central eléctrica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of central elétrica |
central elétrica {f} | :: power station (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) |
Centralina {prop} | :: Centralina (municipality) |
centralismo {m} | :: centralism (a system that centralises) |
centralização {f} | :: centralization |
centralizando {v} | :: gerund of centralizar |
centralizar {v} | :: to centralize |
central telefónica {f} [European orthography, telecommunication] | :: switch (system which allows the interconnection of a calling party’s telephone line with any called party's line) |
central telefônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of central telefónica |
centrando {v} | :: gerund of centrar |
centrar {v} | :: to centre |
centrar {v} | :: to centralize |
-cêntrico {suffix} | :: -centric |
centrifugação {f} | :: centrifugation |
centrifugar {v} | :: to centrifuge |
centrismo {m} | :: centrism |
centrista {adj} | :: centrist |
centrista {mf} | :: centrist |
centro {m} /ˈsẽ.tɾu/ | :: centre (middle of anything) |
centro {m} | :: center (point on a line midway between the ends) |
centro {m} | :: downtown |
centro-africano {adj} | :: Central African (of, from or pertaining to the Central Africa Republic) |
centro-africano {m} | :: Central African (person from the Central African Republic) |
centro-avante {mf} | :: superseded spelling of centroavante |
centroavante {mf} [football] | :: centre forward (most central of the strikers) |
centro comercial {m} | :: mall, shopping centre |
centro de mesa {m} | :: an object used to decorate the centre of a table |
centroide {m} [mathematics, physics] | :: centroid (point at the centre of any shape) |
centrómero {m} [European orthography, genetics] | :: centromere (region of a eukaryotic chromosome where the kinetochore is assembled) |
centrômero {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of centrómero |
centúria {f} | :: century (army) |
centúria {f} | :: century (political division) |
centurião {m} [military unit, Ancient Rome] /ˌsẽ.tu.ˈɾjɐ̃w̃/ | :: centurion (officer in command of a century of soldiers) |
CEO {mf} [business] /ˌsi i ˈow/ | :: CEO; chief executive officer (highest-ranking corporate officer) |
céo {m} | :: superseded spelling of céu |
Ceos {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Coeus (a Greek titan) |
CEP {m} [Brazil] | :: postcode (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) |
CEP {m} | :: Any name of city, state or country, for use in the word game stop |
cepa {f} [microbiology] | :: strain (variant of a virus) |
cepa {f} | :: kind (a type, race or category) |
cepa {f} | :: vine (climbing plant that produces grapes) |
cepa {f} | :: stump (remains of a plant that has been cut off), especially one used to make charcoal |
cepo {m} | :: log (trunk of a tree used as timber) |
cepstro {m} [mathematics, rare] | :: cepstrum (Fourier transform of the logarithm of a spectrum) |
cepstrum {m} | :: alternative form of cepstro |
cepticismo {m} | :: skepticism |
céptico {m} [chiefly Portugal] | :: skeptic (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims) |
céptico {adj} [chiefly Portugal] | :: skeptical (having or expressing doubt) |
ceptro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cetro |
cê que sabe {interj} [Brazil, slang] | :: alternative form of você que sabe |
cera {f} /ˈse.ɾɐ/ | :: wax (oily, water-resistant substance) |
cera de abelha {f} | :: beeswax (wax secreted by bees) |
cera de ouvido {f} | :: earwax (waxy substance secreted by the ear) |
cerâmica {f} | :: ceramics, pottery |
cerâmico {adj} | :: ceramic, pottery |
ceramista {mf} | :: potter (one who makes pots and ceramic wares) |
ceratite {f} | :: keratitis |
ceratocone {m} [pathology] | :: keratoconus (a degenerative disorder of the eye) |
ceratose actínica {f} [medicine] | :: actinic keratosis (lesion on the skin characterised by discoloured, thickened growths of keratin) |
Cérbero {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Cerberus (giant three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades) |
cerca {f} /ˈseɾ.kɐ/ | :: fence (barrier) |
cerca {prep} /ˈsɛɾ.kɐ/ | :: around, approximately (followed by de) |
cerca de {adv} | :: about; approximately |
cercadinho {m} | :: diminutive of cercado |
cercadinho {m} | :: playpen (space for children to play) |
cercando {v} | :: gerund of cercar |
cercanias {fp} | :: neighbourhood |
cercanias {fp} | :: environs, surroundings |
cercanias {fp} | :: proximity |
cercanias {fp} | :: suburb(s) |
cercar {v} | :: to besiege |
cercar {v} | :: to surround |
cercear {vt} | :: to cut by the roots |
cercear {vt} | :: to trim |
cercear {vt} [figuratively] | :: to diminish, to decrease |
cercear {vt} [figuratively] | :: to restrict, to limit |
cercilho {m} | :: a particular form of tonsure worn by some monks |
cerco {m} /ˈser.ku/ | :: siege |
cercopiteco {m} | :: guenon (monkey of the genus Cercopithecus) |
cerda {f} | :: bristle (stiff or coarse hair) |
Cerdenha {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Sardenha |
cereal {m} /sɨ.ˈɾjaɫ/ | :: cereal (type of grass cultivated for edible grains) |
cereal {m} [uncountable] | :: cereal (the grains of such plants) |
cereal {m} | :: breakfast cereal (food processed from grains and eaten with milk) |
cereal matinal {m} | :: breakfast cereal (food made from processed grains) |
cerebelo {m} [neuroanatomy] | :: cerebellum (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates) |
cerebral {adj} /sɨɾɨˈβɾaɫ/ | :: Of, or relating to the brain or cerebral cortex of the brain; cerebral |
cerebralmente morto {adj} [medicine] | :: brain-dead (having irreversible cessation of brain activity) |
cerebrino {adj} | :: cerebral |
cerebrino {adj} | :: imaginative |
cerebrino {adj} | :: fantastic |
cérebro {m} /ˈsɛɾɨβɾu/ | :: brain |
cérebro {m} | :: cerebrum |
cerebrovasculare {adj} | :: cerebrovascular |
cerefolho {m} | :: chervil (herb) |
cerefólio {m} | :: chervil (herb) |
cereja {f} /sɨ.ˈɾɐ(j).ʒɐ/ | :: cherry (fruit) |
cerejeira {f} | :: cherry tree |
céreo {adj} | :: waxen (having the pale smooth characteristics of wax) |
Ceres {prop} {f} [Roman god] /ˈsɛ.ɾis/ | :: Ceres (goddess of agriculture) |
Ceres {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Ceres (dwarf planet in the Solar System) |
cergir {v} | :: alternative form of cerzir |
cérico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ceric |
cerimonia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cerimónia |
cerimónia {f} [European orthography] /sɨ.ɾi.ˈmɔ.njɐ/ | :: ceremony |
cerimónia {f} [European orthography] | :: rite, ritual |
cerimónia {f} [European orthography] | :: solemnization |
cerimônia {f} /se.ɾi.ˈ | :: ceremony (ritual with religious significance) |
cerimónia do chá {f} [European orthography] | :: tea ceremony (Japanese ritual for preparing, serving and drinking green tea) |
cerimônia do chá {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cerimónia do chá |
cerimonial {adj} | :: ceremonial |
cério {m} /ˈsɛ.ɾi.o/ | :: cerium (chemical element) |
cerita {f} [mineral] | :: cerite |
cerne {m} | :: heartwood (wood nearer the heart of a stem) |
cerne {m} | :: kernel (core or essence of an object or system) |
cerne {m} [figurative] | :: main (the most important part of something) |
cernelha {f} | :: withers (place where a draft animal’s shoulder blades meet) |
ceroso {adj} | :: waxen (having the pale smooth characteristics of wax) |
ceroulas {fp} | :: long johns |
Cerqueira César {prop} | :: Cerqueira César (municipality) |
cerquilha {f} /sər.ˈki.ʎɐ/ | :: hash (name of the # symbol) |
Cerquilho {prop} | :: Cerquilho (municipality) |
cerquinho {m} | :: Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea, an oak of the western Mediterranean region) |
cerrado {adj} /sɨ.ˈʁa.ðu/ | :: closed, shut |
cerrado {adj} | :: thick, dense |
cerrado {m} | :: cerrado |
cerrado {m} | :: a region with this biome |
cerrado {m} | :: a biome similar to it, such as scrub |
cerrar {v} /sɨ.ˈʁaɾ/ | :: to close, shut |
cerrar {v} | :: to seal |
Cerrito {prop} | :: Cerrito (municipality) |
cerro {m} | :: little hill |
Cerro Azul {prop} | :: Cerro Azul (town/and/municipality) |
Cerro Branco {prop} | :: Cerro Branco (municipality) |
Cerro Grande {prop} | :: Cerro Grande (municipality) |
Cerro Grande do Sul {prop} | :: Cerro Grande do Sul (municipality) |
Cerro Largo {prop} | :: Cerro Largo (municipality) |
Cerro Negro {prop} | :: Cerro Negro (municipality) |
Certã {prop} | :: obsolete spelling of Sertã |
certame {m} | :: a contest, especially one related to sports |
certame {m} | :: fight, combat |
certame {m} | :: argument, debate (verbal disagreement) |
certame {m} | :: exposition (event showing products to the public) |
certame {m} | :: educative children's game |
certamente {adv} /sɛɾtɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: certainly |
certeiro {adj} | :: well-aimed (of a shot, blow etc.) |
certeiro {adj} [by extension, figurative] | :: accurate; to the point |
certeiro {adj} [by extension, figurative] | :: clever |
certeza {f} [uncountable] /sɨɾ.ˈte.zɐ/ | :: certainty (state of being certain) |
certeza {f} | :: something which is certain |
certeza {interj} | :: are you sure? |
certeza {interj} | :: asserting that something is certainly true; for sure |
certidão {f} | :: certificate |
certidão de nascimento {f} | :: birth certificate (official document certifying the details of a person’s birth) |
certificação {f} | :: certification |
certificando {v} | :: gerund of certificar |
certificar {vt} /ˌseʁ.t͡ʃˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to certify; to attest (to assert as true or meeting a standard) |
certificar {vt} | :: to certify (to give an official certificate to) |
certificar {v} | :: [de, .pronominal] to make sure (to check whether something is true or proper) |
certificar {v} | :: [de, .pronominal] to make sure (to remember to) |
certo {adj} /ˈsɛɾ.tu/ | :: right; correct (not containing errors) |
certo {adj} | :: certain; sure (without doubt) |
certo {adj} | :: precise; accurate |
certo {adj} | :: morally right; just |
certo {adj} | :: inevitable (impossible to avoid or prevent) |
certo {adv} | :: correctly |
certo {adv} | :: surely |
certo {pron} | :: certain (determined but unspecified) |
cerúleo {adj} | :: azure; cerulean; sky-blue |
cerúleo {m} | :: cerulean (sky blue) |
ceruloplasmina {f} [protein] | :: ceruloplasmin |
cerusita {f} [mineral] | :: cerussite |
cerussita {f} | :: alternative form of cerusita |
cerva {f} /ˈsɛʁ.vɐ/ | :: feminine noun of cervo: doe; hind |
cerva {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: short for cerveja |
cerval {m} /sɨɾ.ˈvaɫ/ | :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) |
cerveja {f} /sɨɾ.ˈve.ʒɐ/ | :: beer |
cerveja de raiz {f} | :: root beer (beverage made with sarsaparilla root) |
cerveja de raízes {f} | :: alternative form of cerveja de raiz |
cerveja inglesa {f} | :: See: pt cerveja inglesa |
cerveja inglesa {f} | :: ale (type of liquor) |
cervejaria {f} | :: brewery (company that brews beer) |
cervejaria {f} | :: beer bar, beer parlour, alehouse (pub or bar where beer is sold) |
cervejeiro {m} | :: beer brewer |
cervejeiro {adj} | :: of or relating to the production of beer |
cervical {adj} [anatomy] | :: cervical (relating to the cervix or neck) |
cérvice {f} [anatomy] | :: cervix (lower, narrow portion of the uterus) |
cervicite {f} [pathology] | :: cervicitis |
cervídeo {m} | :: deer (of the family Cervidae) |
cérvix {f} {m} | :: alternative form of cérvice |
cervo {m} /ˈseɾ.vu/ | :: deer |
cerzir {vt} | :: to mend |
césar {m} | :: Caesar (Roman emperor) |
César {prop} {m} /ˈsɛ.zɐɾ/ | :: Caesar (ancient Roman family name) |
César {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Cesareia {prop} {f} [historical] /ˌsɛ.za.ˈɾɛj.ɐ/ | :: Cesareia (ancient city) |
Cesareia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Cesareia (ancient city) |
Cesareia {prop} {f} | :: Cesareia (modern town) |
Cesaréia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cesareia |
cesariana {f} | :: Caesarean section |
Cesário Lange {prop} | :: Cesário Lange (municipality) |
césio {m} | :: caesium |
cespede {m} | :: obsolete spelling of céspede |
céspede {m} [poetic] | :: field (ground covered with grass) |
cessação {f} | :: cessation, surcease |
cessão {f} [legal] | :: assignment, cession; donation |
cessar {vi} /sɨˈsaɾ/ | :: to cease |
cessar-fogo {m} | :: ceasefire (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose) |
cessionário {m} | :: assignee |
cesta {f} /ˈses.ta/ | :: basket |
cesta básica {f} | :: a set of products (including food, cleaning products etc.) that is considered "basic" and given to employees by some companies or governments as a supplement (or alternative to) regular wages |
cesto {m} /ˈseʃ.tu/ | :: basket (container) |
cesto {m} [basketball] | :: basket |
cestódeo {m} | :: cestode (any parasitic tapeworm of the class or infraclass Cestoda) |
cestodíase {f} | :: cestodiasis |
cesura {f} | :: caesura (a pause or interruption) |
cesura {f} [prosody] | :: caesura (using two words to divide a metrical foot) |
cetáceo {m} | :: cetacean (any animal belonging to the order Cetacea) |
ceticismo {m} /se.t͡ʃi.ˈ | :: skepticism (general disposition to doubt) |
cético {m} | :: sceptic (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims) |
cético {adj} | :: sceptical (having or expressing doubt) |
cetim {m} /sɨ.ˈtĩ/ | :: satin (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) |
cetologia {f} | :: whalelore, cetology (study of cetaceans) |
cetona {f} /se.ˈ | :: ketone (organic chemicals with the >CO functional group) |
cetro {m} /ˈsɛ.tɾu/ | :: scepter (ornamental staff) |
céu {m} /ˈsɛw/ | :: sky |
céu {m} | :: heaven |
Céu Azul {prop} | :: Céu Azul (town/and/municipality) |
céu da boca {m} | :: palate (roof of the mouth) |
céu de brigadeiro {m} [Brazil, idiomatic] | :: clear sky |
Ceuta {prop} {f} /ˈsew.tɐ/ | :: Ceuta (autonomous city) |
ceva {f} [agriculture] | :: food used to fatten animals |
ceva {f} [fishing] | :: bait used to draw fish to a general area |
cevada {f} | :: barley (strong cereal of the genus Hordeum, or its grains) |
cevando {v} | :: gerund of cevar |
cevar {v} /sɨ.ˈvaɾ/ | :: to fatten |
cevar {v} | :: to feed |
cevo {m} | :: bait |
cevo {m} | :: meadow |
cf. {v} | :: cf |
CHA {m} [buzzword] | :: "Knowledge, ability and attitude", often cited together as desirable qualities in a work environment |
chá {m} /ˈʃa/ | :: tea plant (Camellia sinensis, a bush whose leaves are used to make tea) |
chá {m} [uncountable] | :: tea (drink made by infusing parts of plants) |
chá {m} | :: a late afternoon meal |
chá {m} [slang] | :: any drug made by infusing substance |
chã {f} /ˈʃɐ̃/ | :: plain |
chá branco {m} | :: white tea (lightly oxidised tea) |
chá-bravo {m} [Madeira] | :: arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia, a medicinal perennial plant) |
chacal {m} | :: jackal |
chacal-dourado {m} | :: golden jackal (Canis aureus) |
chacal prateado {m} [rare] | :: side-striped jackal |
chácara {f} [Brazil] | :: farm, farmstead |
Chácara {prop} | :: Chácara (municipality) |
chachlik {m} | :: shashlik (skewered dish) |
chacina {f} /ʃa.ˈ | :: slaughter; massacre (the killing of a large number of people) |
chacina {f} | :: slaughter (the killing of livestock for food or products) |
chacinando {v} | :: gerund of chacinar |
chacinar {v} | :: to slaughter |
chacinar {v} | :: to massacre |
chacoalhar {v} [Brazil] | :: to shake up and down |
chacra {m} [Hinduism, Ayurveda] | :: chakra (spiritual energy nexuses) |
chacra {f} | :: alternative form of chácara |
chada {f} /ˈʃa.dɐ/ | :: plain |
chada {f} [São Tomé] | :: a camp of fishermen for the catch of the flying fish |
chá da tarde {m} | :: tea (light afternoon meal) |
Chade {prop} {m} | :: Chade (country) |
chá de bebê {m} [Brazil] | :: baby shower (party where a pregnant woman receives gifts for the baby) |
chadiano {adj} | :: Chadian (of, from or relating to Chad) |
chadiano {m} | :: Chadian (person from Chad) |
chador {m} | :: alternative spelling of xador |
chafariz {m} /ʃɐ.fɐ.ˈɾiʃ/ | :: fountain (artificial water feature, often ornamental) |
chafurdar {v} /ʃɐ.fuɾ.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to wallow (in mud); to paddle (walk in shallow water) |
chaga {f} /ˈʃa.ɣɐ/ | :: sore (injured, infected, inflamed, or diseased patch of skin) |
chagatai {m} | :: Chagatai (extinct Turkic language formerly spoken in Central Asia) |
chá gelado {m} | :: iced tea (beverage) |
chaguento {adj} | :: Covered in sores |
chahada {f} [Islam] | :: shahada (Islamic declaration of belief) |
Chaim {prop} {mf} /ʃa.ˈĩ/ | :: surname |
chaise longue {f} /ˈʃɛzɨ ˈlõɡɨ/ | :: chaise longue (reclining chair with a long seat) |
chakra {m} | :: alternative spelling of chacra |
chalé {m} | :: cottage, chalet |
Chalé {prop} | :: Chalé (municipality) |
chaleira {f} /ʃɐ.ˈlɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: kettle; teakettle (vessel for boiling a liquid) |
chaleira {f} | :: clipping of chaleira elétrica |
chalota {f} | :: shallot (vegetable in the onion family) |
chalreta {f} [birds] /ʃaɫˈ.ʀe.tɐ/ | :: bar-tailed godwit |
chalupa {f} [nautical] | :: sloop (single-masted sailboat) |
cham {m} | :: obsolete spelling of chão |
chama {f} /ˈʃɐ.mɐ/ | :: flame (visible part of fire) |
chama {f} [figurative] | :: flame (great zeal or passion) |
chamada {f} /ʃɐ.ˈma.dɐ/ | :: call (telephone conversation) |
chamada {f} | :: dressing-down (reprimand, rebuke, reprehension) |
chamada {f} | :: roll (a list of names or an official register of names) |
chamado {m} /ʃɐ.ˈma.ðu/ | :: calling |
chamador {m} [telephony] | :: caller (person making a telephone call) |
chamaleão {m} | :: obsolete spelling of camaleão |
chamalote {m} | :: camlet (fabric) |
chama-maré {m} | :: fiddler crab (Uca (genus of crab in which males have one oversized claw)) |
chamamento {m} | :: call, summons |
chamar {vt} /ʃɐ.ˈmaɾ/ | :: to call; to summon (to ask someone to come) |
chamar {v} [de] | :: to call (to use as the name of) |
chamar {v} [de] | :: to call (to verbally ascribe someone a quality) |
chamar {vpt} | :: to be called (to have a specific name) |
chamariz {m} | :: decoy, lure |
chamar o hugo {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to shoot the cat, to vomit |
chamar o Hugo {v} | :: alternative spelling of chamar o hugo |
chamarra {f} | :: jacket, coat |
chamativo {adj} | :: flashy, showy |
chamativo {adj} | :: calling, summoning |
chamejar {vi} /ʃɐ.me.ˈʒa(ɾ)/ | :: to flame (burn in flames) |
chamejar {vi} | :: to shine (emit light) |
chamejar {vi} [figuratively] | :: to experience passion (strong emotions) |
chamejar {vt} | :: to expel like flames |
chaminé {f} /ʃɐ.mi.ˈnɛ/ | :: chimney |
chamo-me {phrase} /ˈʃɐ.mu.mɨ/ | :: my name is… |
champagne {m} | :: alternative spelling of champanhe |
champanha {m} /ʃɐ̃.ˈpɐ.ɲɐ/ | :: alternative form of champanhe |
champanhe {m} /ʃɐ̃.ˈpɐ.ɲɨ/ | :: champagne (sparkling wine made in Champagne) |
champanhe {m} [colloquial] | :: sparkling wine (any effervescent wine) |
champignon {m} /ˌʃɐ̃.pi.ˈɲõ/ | :: champignon (Agaricus bisporus, a small, edible mushroom) |
champinhão {m} | :: rare form of champignon |
champinhom {m} | :: rare spelling of champignon |
champô {m} [Portugal] /ʃɐ̃ˈpo/ | :: shampoo |
chamuça {f} [rare] | :: samosa (Indian snack) |
Chamusca {prop} {f} /ʃɐˈmuʃkɐ/ | :: Chamusca (village/and/municipality) |
chamuscando {v} | :: gerund of chamuscar |
chamuscar {v} /ʃɐ.muʃ.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to singe (to burn slightly) |
chamussa {f} | :: alternative form of chamuça |
chan {m} [Internet] | :: chan, imageboard |
chana {f} [geography] | :: savanna (tropical grassland with scattered trees) |
chana {f} [colloquial] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
chanate {m} [Mozambique] | :: mopane (Colophospermum mopane) |
chance {f} /ˈʃɐ̃.sɨ/ | :: Probability |
chance {f} | :: chance, opportunity |
chancela {f} | :: seal |
chancela {f} | :: signature |
chancela {f} | :: rubber stamp |
chancela {f} [figuratively] | :: approval |
chanceler {mf} | :: chancellor (important notary; person in charge of some area of government) |
Chandigarh {prop} {f} | :: Chandigarh (union territory) |
Chandigarh {prop} {f} | :: Chandigarh (capital city) |
chanfana {f} [Portugal, cooking] | :: typical Portuguese dish made with roasted goat meat and red wine |
chanfrar {vt} | :: to chamfer (to cut off the edge into a chamfer) |
chanfro {m} | :: chamfer (obtuse-angled edge) |
chaninho {m} [colloquial] | :: pussy (affectionate term for a cat) |
channer {adj} [Internet slang, nonstandard] | :: a user of chans (imageboards) |
chanson {f} [music genre] | :: chanson (traditional French song) |
chanta {f} [agriculture, archaic] | :: a cutting or sprig planted to grow a new tree |
chanta {f} [regional] | :: paw of an animal |
chantagear {v} | :: to blackmail (to extort by threatening with injury other than bodily harm) |
chantagem {f} /ʃɐ̃.ˈta.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: blackmail |
chantagem {f} | :: planting |
chantagem {f} | :: a tree from the species Plantago major |
chantagem emocional {f} | :: emotional blackmail (psychological misuse of a person’s emotions) |
chantagista {mf} | :: blackmailer (someone who blackmails) |
chantar {vt} | :: to plant |
chantar {v} [em, .informal, .pronominal] | :: to take root |
chantili {m} | :: whipped cream (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) |
chantilly {m} | :: alternative spelling of chantili |
chantre {m} | :: chanter (a priest who sings in a chantry) |
Chanuca {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of Chanucá |
Chanucá {prop} {m} [Judaism] /ˌʁɐ.nu.ˈka/ | :: Hanukkah (holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple) |
Chanuka {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Chanucá |
Chanuká {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Chanucá |
Chanukah {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Chanucá |
chaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of chão |
chão {m} /ʃɐ̃w̃/ | :: ground |
chão {m} | :: floor |
chão {adj} | :: flat, level, even, smooth |
chapa {f} /ˈʃa.pɐ/ | :: plate (flat piece of metal) |
chapa {f} | :: license plate (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle) |
chapa {f} [cooking] | :: a heated metal plate used to cook food |
chapa {f} [colloquial] | :: X-ray (photograph made with X-rays) |
chapa {f} [politics] | :: ticket (two or more people, often in the same party, running together in an election) |
chapa {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: mate; pal; buddy (term of address for a friend) |
chapa {m} [Brazil] | :: a person who helps truck drivers find locations and exchange cargos |
chapa-branca {adj} [pejorative, slang, of a person or organization] | :: blindly serving the interests of the government; manipulated by the government |
chapada {f} | :: tableland (flat region of terrain) |
Chapada {prop} | :: Chapada (municipality) |
Chapada do Norte {prop} | :: Chapada do Norte (municipality) |
Chapada Gaúcha {prop} | :: Chapada Gaúcha (municipality) |
Chapadão do Lageado {prop} | :: Chapadão do Lageado (municipality) |
chapado {adj} [colloquial] | :: exact |
chapado {adj} [colloquial, intensifier] | :: complete |
chapado {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: stoned (high on drugs) |
chapado {adj} [typography] | :: solid |
chapar {v} | :: to cover with metal plates |
chapar {vt} [Brazil, slang] | :: to stone (to intoxicate, especially with narcotics) |
chapata {f} | :: ciabatta |
Chapecó {prop} /ˌʃˈkɔ/ | :: Chapecó (municipality) |
chapecoense {adj} /ʃa.ˌpe.ko.ˈẽ.si/ | :: of, from or relating to the Brazilian city of Chapecó |
chapecoense {mf} | :: a person from Chapecó |
chapeleiro {m} /ʃˈle(j).ɾo/ | :: hatter (person who makes, sells, or repairs hats) |
chapeo {m} | :: obsolete form of chapéu |
chapéu {m} /ʃɐ.ˈpɛw/ | :: hat (head covering) |
chapéu {m} [colloquial] | :: circumflex accent (the diacritic mark ^) |
chapéu chinês {m} | :: Asian conical hat; Asian rice hat; Chinese hat; coolie hat (large conical hat popular in some Asian countries) |
chapéu chinês {m} [loosely] | :: anything shaped like a wide cone |
chapéu coco {m} | :: bowler hat (hard round black felt hat) |
chapéu-coco {m} | :: alternative spelling of chapéu coco |
chapéu côco {m} | :: obsolete spelling of chapéu coco |
chapéu-de-chuva {m} | :: umbrella |
chapeuzinho {m} /ʃa.pɛw.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of chapéu |
chapèuzinho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of chapeuzinho |
Chapeuzinho Vermelho {prop} {f} [European folklore] | :: Little Red Riding Hood (girl who was tricked by a wolf dressed as her grandmother) |
chapim {m} | :: tit (a small passerine bird of the genus Parus) |
chapim azul {m} | :: alternative spelling of chapim-azul |
chapim-azul {m} | :: blue tit (a bird) |
chapim-preto {m} | :: coal tit (Periparus ater, a small bird of Eurasia and northern Africa) |
chapinhar {v} | :: to splash (to agitate liquid), especially by walking over it |
chá preto {m} | :: black tea (tea leaves which have been oxidised) |
character {m} | :: obsolete spelling of caráter |
charácter {m} | :: obsolete spelling of caráter |
characterização {f} | :: obsolete spelling of caracterização |
charada {f} /ʃa.ˈɾa.da/ | :: riddle (verbal puzzle) |
charada {f} [figurative] | :: something hard to understand; a mystery |
charamela {f} [musical instrument] /ʃɐ.ɾɐ.ˈmɛ.lɐ/ | :: shawm |
charca {f} | :: synonym of charco: swamp, marsh |
charca {f} | :: a species of bird |
charco {m} /ˈʃaɾ.ku/ | :: puddle, pool |
charco {m} | :: quagmire |
charge {f} | :: cartoon (satire of public figures) |
chargista {mf} | :: cartoonist (creator of political cartoons) |
charia {f} [Islam] | :: shari'a (Islamic religious law) |
Charia {f} | :: alternative spelling of charia |
charlatânico {adj} [rare] | :: charlatanical (of or like a charlatan) |
charlatão {m} | :: quack; charlatan (false doctor) |
charlatão {m} | :: charlatan; imposter |
charme {m} | :: charm (quality of inspiring delight or admiration) |
charmoso {adj} | :: charming (pleasant, charismatic) |
charneca {f} /ʃɐɾ.ˈnɛ.kɐ/ | :: heathland (tract of scrubland habitats characterised by open, low growing woody vegetation) |
charola {f} [Christianity] | :: a framework for carrying religions images during a procession |
charola {f} [Christianity, architecture] | :: ambulatory (round walkway encircling the altar) |
charque {m} /ˈʃaɾkɨ/ | :: jerky (lean meat cured and preserved by cutting into thin strips and air-drying in the sun) |
Charqueada {prop} | :: Charqueada (municipality) |
Charqueadas {prop} | :: Charqueadas (municipality) |
charquear {v} | :: to jerk (to cure meat by cutting it into strips and drying it) |
charrete {f} /ʃa.ˈʁɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: chariot (carriage used for ceremonial or pleasure purposes) |
charro {adj} | :: rude; rough |
charro {m} [colloquial] | :: joint, a cigarette containing cannabis |
charrua {f} /ʃɐˈ.ʀu.ɐ/ | :: an agricultural instrument similar to a plough |
charrua {adj} | :: pertaining or related to the Charrúa, an indigenous tribe of Uruguay, Southern Brazil and Northeastern Argentina |
Charrua {prop} | :: Charrua (municipality) |
charuto {m} /ʃɐˈɾutu/ | :: cigar |
chassi {m} | :: chassis (base frame of motor vehicle) |
chat {m} [Internet] /ˈʃat͡ʃ(i)/ | :: chat (exchange of text or voice messages in real time) |
chata {f} | :: feminine noun of chato |
chateação {f} | :: annoyance |
chateando {v} | :: gerund of chatear |
chatear {v} /ʃɐ.ˈtjaɾ/ | :: to peeve; synonyms: to upset, pester, annoy, bore |
chatice {f} | :: nuisance |
chatice {f} | :: bore |
chato {adj} /ˈʃa.tu/ | :: flat |
chato {adj} [colloquial] | :: boring |
chato {adj} [colloquial] | :: annoying |
chato {adj} [colloquial] | :: shameful |
chato {adj} [colloquial] | :: disappointing |
chato {m} [colloquial] | :: bore (a boring, uninteresting person) |
chato {m} [colloquial] | :: an annoying person |
chato {m} | :: crab louse (parasitic insect that lives amongst the pubic hairs of humans) |
chato de galocha {m} [familiar] | :: an extremely annoying person |
chau {interj} /ˈʃaw/ | :: alternative form of tchau |
chauvinismo {m} [pejorative] | :: chauvinism (excessive patriotism) |
chauvinismo {m} [pejorative] | :: chauvinism (unwarranted bias) |
chauvinista {adj} [pejorative] | :: chauvinistic (excessively patriotic) |
chauvinista {mf} [pejorative] | :: chauvinist (someone who is excessively patriotic) |
Chavantes {prop} | :: Chavantes (municipality) |
chavão {m} /ʃa.ˈvɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of chave (a large key) |
chavão {m} [cooking] | :: cake mould |
chavão {m} [figuratively] | :: standard, model |
chavão {m} [figuratively] | :: cliché (overused phrase) |
chavasco {adj} | :: badly made; of low quality; botched (of objects) |
chavasco {adj} | :: rude; rough (of people) |
chavasco {m} [Azores] | :: shower |
chave {f} /ˈʃa.vɨ/ | :: key (object that opens and closes a lock) |
chave {f} | :: key (object that is inserted into a device and rotated to activate it) |
chave {f} | :: any of several tools designed to turn screws, bolts, nuts, etc., especially a spanner |
chave {f} [typography] | :: curly bracket (name of the characters { and)} |
chave {f} [figurative] | :: key (crucial step, element or requirement) |
chave {f} [figurative] | :: keys (free access to something) |
chave {f} [computing] | :: key; password |
chave {f} [cryptography] | :: key (a string used to encode or decode text) |
chave {f} [databases] | :: key (value that identifies a row in a table) |
chave {f} [musical instruments] | :: a key of a wind instrument |
chave {f} [musical instruments] | :: tuning lever; tuning wrench; hammer (tool used to tune certain stringed instruments) |
chave {f} | :: winder (key or knob used to wind a clockwork mechanism) |
chave {f} [electricity] | :: the switch of a circuit breaker |
chave {f} [puzzles] | :: the clue to an answer |
chave {f} [sports] | :: group; pool (in a tournament, a set of players or team who play against one another) |
chave {f} [rail transport] | :: the mechanism that activates a switch |
chave {f} [architecture] | :: the keystone of a vault |
chave {f} [music, obsolete] | :: synonym of clave |
chave {adj} | :: key; crucial; indispensable |
chave Allen {f} | :: Allen key, Allen wrench |
chave de braço {f} [martial arts] | :: armlock (wrestling move that hyperrotates the opponent’s arm) |
chave de cadeia {f} [slang] | :: someone who brings trouble to those involved with them |
chave de fenda {f} | :: screwdriver (tool) |
chave de fendas {f} | :: alternative form of chave de fenda |
chave de grifo {f} | :: pipe wrench; monkey wrench (adjustable wrench) |
chave estrangeira {f} [databases] | :: foreign key (column referencing another table) |
chave inglesa {f} | :: adjustable spanner [UK], adjustable wrench [US], adjustable wrench [US], crescent spanner [AU, NZ] |
chaveiro {m} | :: keyring, keychain, keyfob |
chaveiro {m} | :: key holder (a holder for keys for wall) |
chaveiro {m} | :: keyholder, claviger (person in charge of keys for a given location) |
chaveiro {m} | :: locksmith |
chavelha {f} /ʃɐˈve.ʎɐ/ | :: plowbeam, drawbar |
chave mestra {f} | :: alternative spelling of chave-mestra |
chave-mestra {f} | :: skeleton key (a key that opens a range of locks) |
chave-mestra {f} [figurative] | :: anything which creates opportunities |
chávena {f} [Portugal] /ˈʃa.vɨ.nɐ/ | :: cup (especially a teacup) |
chá verde {m} | :: green tea (leaves of the tea plant) |
chá verde {m} | :: green tea (tea made from the leaves of the tea plant) |
Chaves {prop} {f} /ˈʃavɨʃ/ | :: Chaves (city/and/municipality) |
Chaves {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
chave sextavada {f} | :: Allen key (a hex head wrench) |
chaveta {f} | :: linchpin; cotter pin; split pin (a pin to secure something in it axis) |
chaveta {f} [typography, mathematics] | :: brace, curly bracket |
chavismo {m} | :: Chavism |
chavista {adj} | :: Chavista |
chavista {mf} | :: Chavista |
chavoso {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: fashionable, chic |
chazada {f} | :: afternoon tea |
Cheboksary {prop} {f} | :: Cheboksary (city) |
checa {f} | :: female equivalent of checo |
checagem {f} /ʃe.ˈka.ʒẽ/ | :: check; the act of checking |
checape {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of check-up |
checar {v} [Brazil] /ʃe.ˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to check (to inspect, examine) |
Chechénia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of Chechênia |
Chechênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: Chechênia (republic) |
checheno {adj} /ʃe.ˈʃ | :: Chechen |
checheno {m} | :: Chechen (person from Chechnya) |
checheno {m} [uncountable] | :: Chechen [language] |
checksum {m} | :: checksum (number serving to detect error) |
check-up {m} | :: checkup (physical inspection) |
checkup {m} | :: alternative spelling of check-up |
checo {adj} | :: Czech |
checo {m} | :: Czech (person) |
checo {m} | :: Czech (language) |
checo-eslovaco {adj} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of checoslovaco |
checo-eslovaco {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of checoslovaco |
Checo-Eslováquia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of Tchecoslováquia |
checoslovaco {adj} [Portugal, historical] | :: Czechoslovakian (of, from or pertaining to Czechoslovakia) |
checoslovaco {m} [Portugal, historical] | :: Czechoslovakian (person from Czechoslovakia) |
Checoslováquia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Checoslováquia (former country) |
Checo-Slováquia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: rare form of Tchecoslováquia |
cheddar {m} /ˈʃɛ.daʁ/ | :: Cheddar cheese (type of cheese) |
cheerleader {f} /ˌt͡ʃi.eʁ.ˈli.deʁ/ | :: cheerleader (person who encourages a team or entertains the audience) |
cheeseburguer {m} | :: cheeseburger (hamburger sandwich with cheese) |
cheesecake {m} /ʃisˈ | :: cheesecake (type of pie) |
chef {mf} | :: chef (the head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant) |
chefa {f} | :: alternative form of chefe |
chefão {m} /ˌʃɛ.ˈfɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of chefe |
chefão {m} | :: boss (head of an organisation), especially of a criminal one |
chefão {m} [video games] | :: boss (particularly challenging enemy) |
chefatura {f} | :: chiefdom, leadership |
chefe {mf} /ˈʃɛ.f(ɨ)/ | :: chief, head, head man, boss |
chefe {mf} | :: chieftain |
chefe {mf} [heraldiccharge] | :: chief |
chefe {mf} [Brazil, colloquial, used in the vocative] | :: A term of address for someone, typically a waiter |
chefe de estação {m} | :: stationmaster |
chefe de estado {mf} | :: head of state (the chief public representative of a nation) |
chefe de família {mf} | :: Someone who provides for their family |
chefe de justiça {m} [judiciary] | :: chief justice (presiding member of a supreme court in some countries) |
chefete {mf} | :: a boss of low prestige; someone who occupies a leading position but is thought not to deserve or be suitable for it |
chefia {f} /ʃɨˈfiɐ/ | :: chiefdom, leadership, government |
chefiar {v} /ʃˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to oversee (to direct the actions of a person or group) |
chefiar {v} | :: to spearhead (to drive or campaign ardently) |
chefículo {mf} /ʃɛ.ˈ | :: a boss of low prestige; someone who occupies a leading position but is thought not to deserve or be suitable for it |
chegada {f} /ʃɨ.ˈɣa.ðɐ/ | :: arrival (act of arriving or something that has arrived) |
chegada {f} | :: finish line |
chegado {adj} /ʃɨ.ˈɣa.ðu/ | :: near |
chegado {adj} | :: close, intimate |
chegado {adj} | :: arrived |
chegante {mf} | :: arriver (one who arrives) |
chegante {adj} | :: arriving (which is arriving) |
chegar {v} /ʃɨˈɡaɾ/ | :: [a, em] to arrive (at); to reach (to conclude moving to a destination) |
chegar {vi} | :: [of an event or point in time] to arrive (to reach the present time) |
chegar {v} | :: [a, em, até] to reach (to extend to as far as) |
chegar {v} | :: [a] to come to; to reach (to get to the extreme value of) |
chegar {v} | :: [a] to do an action that is considered extreme; even; to reach the point of |
chegar {vi} | :: to suffice (to be enough) |
chegar {v} | :: [de, .impersonal, .transitive, .or] indicates that something should be stopped; to be enough |
chegar {vt} | :: to bring to (to place something next to) |
chegar {vp} | :: to approach (to come nearer) |
chegar {v} | :: [a] to approach (to deal with something in a particular manner) |
chegar ao fim do mês {v} [idiomatic, usually in the negative] | :: to survive for very long |
chegar ao fim do mês {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make ends meet (to get by financially) |
cheguar {v} | :: obsolete form of chegar |
chêi {adj} | :: eye dialect of cheio |
cheia {f} /ˈʃɐj.ɐ/ | :: flood |
cheio {adj} /ˈʃɐj.u/ | :: full, filled, completed |
cheio {adj} | :: covered |
cheio {adj} [figurative] | :: fed up, tired, annoyed |
cheirando {v} | :: gerund of cheirar |
cheirar {vt} /ʃɐj.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to smell (to perceive a smell with the nose) |
cheirar {v} [a] | :: to smell of (have the smell of) |
cheirar {vti} | :: to snort (to use cocaine) |
cheiro {m} /ˈʃɐj.ɾu/ | :: smell (sensation) |
cheiroso {adj} | :: Having a good, pleasant smell; sweet-smelling; fragrant |
Cheliabinsk {prop} {f} | :: Cheliabinsk (oblast) |
Cheliabinsk {prop} {f} | :: Cheliabinsk (city/administrative center) |
Chelm {prop} {f} | :: Chelm (city) |
Chemnitz {prop} {f} | :: Chemnitz (city) |
Chengdu {prop} {f} | :: Chengdu (sub-provincial city/provincial capital) |
Chennai {prop} {f} | :: Chennai (caplc) |
cheo {adj} | :: obsolete form of cheio |
cheque {m} /ˈʃɛ.kɨ/ | :: a cheque |
cheque de viajante {m} | :: traveller's cheque (reprinted cheque for a fixed amount) |
cheque em branco {m} | :: blank check [US], blank cheque [Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK] (a signed cheque with the value left blank) |
cheque-mate {m} | :: alternative spelling of xeque-mate |
cheque-mate {interj} | :: alternative spelling of xeque-mate |
Chéquia {prop} {f} | :: Chéquia (country) |
cherne {m} [Portugal] | :: wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) |
Chernobil {prop} {f} /ˌʃeʁ.no.ˈbiw/ | :: Chernobil (city) |
Chernobyl {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Chernobil |
chernozem {m} | :: chernozem (black-coloured soil containing a high percentage of humus) |
cherokee {mf} | :: Cherokee (member of the Cherokee people) |
cherokee {m} | :: Cherokee (language spoken by the Cherokee people) |
cheroqui {mf} | :: alternative spelling of cherokee |
cheroqui {m} | :: alternative spelling of cherokee |
cheroqui {adj} | :: alternative spelling of cherokee |
cherovia {f} | :: parsnip (the plant Pastinaca sativa) |
cherovia {f} | :: parsnip (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa) |
Cherubim {m} | :: obsolete spelling of querubim |
cheta {f} [colloquial] | :: small coin (small amount of money) |
chetnim {m} [India] | :: chutney (condiment) |
chevá {m} | :: rare form of schwa |
cheyo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cheio |
Chhattisgarh {prop} {m} | :: Chhattisgarh (state) |
chi {m} | :: alternative form of qi |
Chiador {prop} | :: Chiador (municipality) |
Chiapetta {prop} | :: Chiapetta (municipality) |
chiar {v} /ˈʃj.aɾ/ | :: to squeak, to squeal, to screech |
chiar {v} | :: to sizzle, to hiss |
chiar {v} | :: to complain |
chiaroscuro {m} [painting] /ˌkjaɾuʃˈkuɾu/ | :: chiaroscuro (artistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts) |
Chiba {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
chibata {f} /ʃi.ˈba.ta/ | :: cane (a short wooden or bamboo rod or stick used for corporal punishment) |
chibatar {v} | :: to cane (to beat with a cane) |
chibateamento {m} | :: an instance of caning (beating with a cane) |
chibatear {v} | :: alternative form of chibatar |
chibo {m} /ˈʃi.βu/ | :: kid (young goat) |
chibo {m} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: informant |
chiça {interj} [colloquial] | :: blimey!; rubbish! (interjection of displeasure or astonishment) |
Chicago {prop} {f} /ʃi.ˈka.ɡu/ | :: Chicago (large city) |
chicana {f} | :: chicanery (the use of trickery, quibbling, or subterfuge) |
chicanar {v} | :: to use chicanery |
chícharo {m} | :: chickling vetch |
chícharo {m} | :: synonym of feijão-frade |
Chichester {prop} {f} | :: Chichester (town) |
chichi {m} | :: alternative spelling of xixi |
chicho {m} [Portugal] /ˈʃiʃu/ | :: a small piece of meat that will be quickly cooked and eaten |
chicle {m} | :: chicle |
chicle {m} | :: chewing gum |
chicle de goma {m} | :: chewing gum |
chiclete {mf} /ʃi.ˈklɛ.tɨ/ | :: gum (single piece of chewing gum) |
chico {m} [Brazil, regional, slang] | :: ass (the anus) |
chico {m} [Brazil, regional, slang] | :: period (menstruation) |
Chico {prop} {m} /ˈʃi.ku/ | :: given name |
chicória {f} [botany] | :: chicory (Cichorium intybus) |
chicotada {f} /ʃi.ku.ˈta.ðɐ/ | :: a strike with a whip |
chicote {m} /ʃi.ˈkɔ.tɨ/ | :: whip (flexible instrument used to create cracking sounds or for striking) |
chicoteando {v} | :: gerund of chicotear |
chicotear {v} /ʃi.ku.ˈtjaɾ/ | :: to whip (to strike with a whip) |
chiffon {m} | :: chiffon (sheer silk or rayon fabric) |
chifrar {v} | :: to gore (to pierce with the horns) |
chifrar {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to cuckold (to make a cuckold of someone) |
chifre {m} /ˈʃi.fɾɨ/ | :: horn, antler |
Chifre da África {prop} {m} | :: Chifre da África (peninsula) |
chifrudo {m} [derogatory] | :: cuckold (man who has an unfaithful partner) |
chifrudo {m} [euphemistic] | :: the Devil; Satan |
chifrudo {adj} | :: big- or long-horned |
chifrudo {adj} | :: who is a cuckold; who has been cheated by their spouse |
Chihiro {prop} {mf} | :: given name |
Chihiro {prop} {mf} | :: given name |
chihuahua {mf} | :: chihuahua (breed of dog) |
chikungunya {f} | :: chikungunya |
chila {f} [botany] | :: Cucurbita ficifolia (a type of squash) |
chile {m} | :: alternative form of chili |
Chile {prop} {m} /ˈʃ | :: Chile (country) |
chilena {f} | :: female equivalent of chileno |
chilenismo {m} | :: Chileanism (term or linguistic feature specific to Chilean Spanish) |
chileno {adj} | :: Chilean |
chileno {m} | :: Chilean |
chili {m} /ˈt͡ʃ | :: chili pepper (piquant fruit of Capsicum plants, especially the varieties used in Mexican cuisine) |
chili {m} [uncountable] | :: chili (spice made from chili peppers) |
chili {m} [uncountable] | :: chili; chili con carne (dish of meat, beans, tomato sauce and chili) |
chilique {m} [Brazil] | :: a nervous fit |
chilique {m} [Brazil] | :: tantrum (childish display of bad temper) |
chilique {m} [Brazil] | :: a fainting |
chilrear {vi} [of a bird] | :: to chirp |
chilro {m} | :: chirp (of a bird) |
chima {f} [Mozambique] | :: nshima |
chima {f} [South Brazil] | :: clipping of chimarrão |
chimarrão {m} [Brazil] /ˌʃˈhɐ̃w̃/ | :: maté (hot drink made from the Ilex paraguarensis plant) |
chimarrear {vi} [South Brazil] /ʃʁe.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to drink hot maté |
chimarronear {v} | :: rare form of chimarrear |
chimbal {m} | :: alternative form of chimbau |
chimbau {m} [Brazil] | :: hi-hat (pair of cymbals actuated by a pedal) |
chimia {f} [South Brazil] | :: jam (bread spread) |
chimia {f} | :: a type of jam made in South Brazil with the juice and pulp of fruits |
chimico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of químico |
chimico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of químico |
chímico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of químico |
chímico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of químico |
chimíer {f} | :: alternative form of chimia |
chimpanzé {m} /ʃĩ.pɐ̃.ˈzɛ/ | :: chimpanzee |
chimpar {v} /ʃĩˈpaɾ/ | :: to spill the content of a container |
china {f} [Rio Grande do Sul] /ˈʃi.nɐ/ | :: a woman, especially one of Native American descent |
china {mf} [dated or colloquial] | :: Chinaman; Chinese; someone from China |
China {prop} {f} /ˈʃi.nɐ/ | :: China (country) |
China Continental {prop} {f} | :: mainland China (the People’s Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong and Macau) |
China Continental {prop} {f} | :: See: pt China continental |
Chinatown {prop} {f} | :: Chinatown (a Chinese district outside China) |
Chincheu {prop} {f} | :: Chincheu (city) |
chinchila {mf} | :: chinchilla (rodent) |
chinela {f} /ʃi.ˈnɛ.lɐ/ | :: slipper |
chinelo {m} /ʃi.ˈnɛ.lu/ | :: slipper (low shoe usually worn indoors) |
chinelo {m} | :: flip-flop (a sandal, usually of rubber) |
chinelo {m} [vulgar, Brazil] | :: lowlife |
chinelo de dedo {m} | :: flip-flop; thong (sandal, usually of rubber, secured to the foot by two straps) |
Chinen {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
chinês {adj} /ʃi.ˈneʃ/ | :: Chinese |
chinês {m} | :: Chinese person |
chinês {m} [uncountable] | :: Chinese language |
chinês clássico {m} | :: Classical Chinese (Chinese used from 1045 BC to 220 AD) |
chinês simplificado {m} | :: Simplified Chinese (Chinese written using simplified characters) |
chinês tradicional {m} | :: See: pt chinês tradicional |
chinês tradicional {m} | :: Traditional Chinese (Chinese written using traditional characters) |
chinfrim {adj} [slang] /ʃĩˈfɾĩ/ | :: boring, of poor quality, lacking charming, beauty or other positive effect |
chinfrim {m} [slang] | :: noise, clop |
chinglês {m} [rare] | :: Chinglish (English influenced by Chinese) |
chinificação {f} | :: sinicization (process of sinicising) |
chio {m} | :: an acute sound, squeak |
Chipre {prop} {m} /ˈʃi.pɾɨ/ | :: Chipre (island/and/country) |
Chipre do Norte {prop} {m} | :: Chipre do Norte (breakaway country) |
chips {mp} | :: chips (thin-sliced and deep-fried potatoes sold in sealed bags) |
chique {adj} | :: chic (elegant and fashionable) |
chiqueirinho {m} | :: diminutive of chiqueiro |
chiqueirinho {m} | :: playpen (space for children to play) |
chiqueiro {m} /ʃiˈkɐjɾu/ | :: sty, pigsty |
chiquinha {f} | :: pigtail (either of two braids or ponytails on the side of the head) |
chirurgião {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cirurgião |
chirúrgico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cirúrgico |
Chisa {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Chisinau {prop} {f} | :: Chisinau (capital city) |
chispa {f} /ˈʃ | :: spark (small particle of glowing matter) |
chispa {f} | :: a sudden and brief glow |
chispa {f} [figurative] | :: a brief manifestation of emotion |
chispa {interj} | :: go away! |
chispe {m} | :: trotter (the foot of a pig) |
chita {f} /ˈʃi.tɐ/ | :: cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) |
Chita {prop} {f} | :: Chita (city/administrative center) |
Chitãozinho {prop} | :: given name |
Chiumba {prop} /ˈʃjũɱ.bɐ/ | :: Chiumba (watercourse) |
Chiumbi {prop} /ˈʃjũɱ.bɨ/ | :: Chiumbi (village) |
Chiva {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Shiva |
Chiyoko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
choca {m} /ˈʃɔ.kɐ/ | :: bell, cowbell |
chocadeira {f} | :: a brooding hen |
chocadeira {f} | :: incubator (apparatus used to hatch eggs) |
chocadeira {f} | :: hatchery (a facility where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions) |
chocado {adj} /ʃo.ˈka.du/ | :: shocked (surprised, startled, confused or taken aback) |
chocalhada {f} | :: rattle (act of shaking a rattle) |
chocalhar {v} | :: to rattle (to create a sound by shaking something with multiple small parts) |
chocalho {m} /ʃu.ˈka.ʎu/ | :: bell, cowbell (a small bell worn by cows and other animals) |
chocalho {m} [musical instrument] | :: shaker |
chocalho {m} | :: rattle (baby's toy) |
chocalho {m} [zoology] | :: rattle (organ of an animal producing a rattling sound) |
chocante {adj} /ʃo.ˈkɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ | :: astonishing (which astonishes, amazes) |
chocante {adj} | :: shocking (which shocks, causes mental disturbance) |
chocar {vt} /ʃu.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to brood (to keep an egg warm until it hatches) |
chocar {vi} [of an egg] | :: to hatch (to break open when a young animal emerges from it) |
chocar {vi} [of a creature] | :: to hatch (to emerge from its egg) |
chocar {vt} [figurative] | :: to hatch (to ponder an idea slowly and deliberately) |
chocar {vi} [slang] | :: to linger (to spend a long time not moving or doing anything) |
chocar {vi} [colloquial, of a drink] | :: to become foul due to heat |
chocar {vp} | :: to collide (to hit one another violently) |
chocar {v} [em, contra, com, .usually, .pronominal] | :: to collide with; to crash against (to hit violently) |
chocar {vt} | :: to shock (to evoke a very negative emotional response) |
chocar {v} [com, .pronominal] | :: to clash with (not to work well together with) |
chocarreira {f} /ʃo.ka.ˈʁe(j).ɾɐ/ | :: feminine noun of chocarreiro |
choco {m} [zoology] | :: cuttlefish (any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia) |
chocolate {m} /ʃukuˈlatɨ/ | :: chocolate |
chocolate ao leite {m} | :: alternative form of chocolate de leite |
chocolate branco {m} | :: white chocolate (sweet made from cocoa butter) |
chocolate de leite {m} | :: milk chocolate (chocolate with milk powder as an ingredient) |
chocolateiro {m} | :: chocolatier (producer of chocolate) |
chocolate quente {m} | :: hot chocolate (beverage) |
chocólatra {mf} | :: chocoholic (chocolate addict) |
chocotone {m} | :: A dessert based on the panettone, consisting of bread with drops of chocolate instead of fruits |
chocottone {m} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of chocotone |
chofer {m} | :: chauffeur, driver |
choldra {f} [pejorative, collective] /ˈʃɔɫ.drɐ/ | :: herd (a mass of people) |
choldra {f} [jargon] | :: prison |
CHON {n} /ʃõ/ | :: CHON; |
Chongqing {prop} {f} | :: Chongqing (direct-administered municipality/and/city) |
chope {m} [Brazil] /ˈʃopi/ | :: unpasteurized beer |
chope {m} | :: A frozen dessert in a tube, freezepop, ice pop, freezie |
Chopinzinho {prop} {m} /ˌʃo.pĩ.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: Chopinzinho (town/and/municipality) |
chopo {m} | :: obsolete form of choupo |
chop suey {m} | :: chop suey (a Cantonese vegetable dish) |
choque {m} /ˈʃɔ.kɨ/ | :: collision, shock (sudden, heavy impact) |
choque {m} | :: shock (something so surprising that it is stunning) |
choque {m} | :: electric shock (sudden burst of electric energy through something or someone) |
choque {m} [medicine] | :: circulatory shock (inability of the circulatory system to supply enough oxygen to meet tissue requirements) |
choque {m} [military] | :: a collision of troops |
choque anafilático {m} | :: anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction) |
choque cultural {m} | :: culture shock (state of anxious confusion) |
choque elétrico {m} | :: electric shock (shock caused by the flow of electricity through the body) |
choquinha {f} | :: antvireo (any bird in the genus Dysithamnus) |
chor {f} [archaic or dialectal] /ˈʃoɾ/ | :: alternative form of flor |
choramingar {v} | :: to whimper (to cry or sob softly and intermittently) |
chorão {m} /ʃo.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: crybaby (someone who cries readily) |
chorão {m} [music] | :: a player of choro, a genre of Brazilian popular music |
chorão {m} | :: weeping willow, or any willow cultivar characterised by extreme pendulousness |
chorão {m} [Brazil] | :: Casuarina equisetifolia, a she-oak of Southeast Asia and Oceania |
chorão {m} | :: cat's claw (Carpobrotus edulis, a small plant of South Africa) |
chorão {m} | :: red-spectacled amazon (Amazona pretrei, a parrot of southern South America) |
chorão {m} | :: white-bellied seedeater (Sporophila leucoptera, a bird of the Amazon forest) |
chorão {m} | :: variegated tinamou (Crypturellus variegatus, a bird of Brazil) |
chorão {m} | :: any species of catfish capable of emitting a sound similar to crying |
chorão {m} [specifically] | :: Trachycorystes galeatus, a driftwood catfish |
chorão {adj} | :: who is a crybaby |
chorão {adj} [botany] | :: pendulous (having branches that bend downwards) |
chorar {vi} /ʃu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to cry; to weep (to shed tears from the eyes) |
chorar {vt} | :: to cry (to shed a given substance, or number of tears, from the eyes) |
chorar {vti} [by extension] | :: to exude; to seep; to ooze |
chorar {v} [que, .colloquial] | :: to whine (to make petty complaints) |
chorar {vti} [by extension] | :: to haggle (to argue for a better deal) |
chorar {v} [por, .sometimes, .figurative] | :: to show empathy, especially by crying |
chorar {v} [por] | :: to cry over (an adverse occurrence) |
chorar {vi} [colloquial, sports, of a ball] | :: to spend some time almost scoring |
chorar pelo leite derramado {v} | :: alternative form of chorar sobre o leite derramado |
chorar sobre leite derramado {v} | :: alternative form of chorar sobre o leite derramado |
chorar sobre o leite derramado {v} [idiom] | :: to cry over spilt milk (to worry about unfortunate events which have already happened) |
Chorasmia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Corásmia |
chorinho {m} [music genre, uncountable] /ʃuˈriɲu/ | :: synonym of choro |
choro {m} /ˈʃo.ɾu/ | :: crying |
choro {m} | :: cry |
choro {m} | :: wailing |
choro {m} [music genre] | :: choro (Brazilian popular music genre) |
chôro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of choro |
choroso {adj} | :: tearful, weeping |
choroso {adj} | :: mournful |
Chorrochó {prop} | :: Chorrochó (municipality) |
chorume {m} | :: liquid fat that seeps from meat |
chorume {m} [figurative] | :: opulence; wealth |
chorume {m} [figurative] | :: abundance; plenty |
chorume {m} | :: the liquid part of manure |
chorume {m} | :: leachate that accumulates in landfills |
chou {m} | :: rare spelling of show |
chou {adj} | :: rare spelling of show |
choupana {f} /ʃo(w).ˈpɐ.nɐ/ | :: shack, hut, hovel |
choupo {m} /ˈʃo(w).pu/ | :: poplar (tree of the genus Populus) |
choupo branco {m} | :: white poplar; abele (Populus alba, a poplar of Europe) |
choupo-tremedor {m} | :: aspen (tree of genus Populus) |
chouriço {m} | :: chouriço |
chouseira {f} /ʃo(w)ˈzɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: a pasture fenced during the summer |
chousura {f} [obsolete] | :: a pasture fenced during the summer |
chouver {v} [rare] | :: obsolete form of chover |
chovê {v} | :: eye dialect of chover |
chover {vi} [impersonal] /ʃuˈveɾ/ | :: to rain (to fall (drops of water) from the sky) |
chover {vt} [impersonal] | :: to rain (to fall (a given substance or objects) from the sky in great amounts) |
chover {vt} | :: to rain on (to cause to fall in great amounts upon) |
chover {vt} [impersonal, poetic] | :: to fall from the sky (to come or occur in great amounts) |
chover {vt} [poetic] | :: to shower with (to provide with great amounts of) |
chover a cântaros {v} | :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily) |
chover a potes {v} | :: rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily) |
chover canivete {v} [idiomatic, Brazil] | :: to rain pitchforks; to rain cats and dogs (to rain heavily) |
chover canivete {v} [idiomatic, Brazil] | :: for something catastrophic to occur; used in the format “pode chover canivete mas ...” (It could rain pocketknives but ...), “... nem que chova canivete” (... even if pocketknives rain) or similar, to indicate that something else will occur no matter what |
chover canivete {v} [idiomatic, Brazil] | :: used to indicate that something very unlikely happened |
chover canivetes {v} | :: alternative form of chover canivete |
chow mein {m} | :: chow mein (westernised Chinese dish of stir-fried noodles with vegetables and meat or seafood) |
christam {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
christam {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
christaõ {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
christaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
christão {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
christão {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
Christchurch {prop} {f} | :: Christchurch (city) |
Christiano {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Cristiano |
Christo {prop} {m} | :: archaic spelling of Cristo |
Christovam {prop} {m} | :: archaic spelling of Cristóvão |
Christovaõ {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Cristóvão |
Christovão {prop} {m} | :: archaic spelling of Cristóvão |
Christóvão {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of Cristóvão |
chrónica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of crónica |
chuca {f} [Brazil] /ˈʃu.ka/ | :: a small baby bottle |
chuca {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: enema |
chuca {f} [ornithology] | :: Corvus monedula, a species of jay |
chuca {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: an external pocket on a suit |
chuchu {m} | :: chayote (a fruit, Sechium edule) |
chuchuzeiro {m} | :: chayote (plant) |
chuço {m} /ˈʃ | :: pike (weapon) |
chuço {m} | :: any spear-like improvised weapon made in a jail |
chuço {m} [colloquial] | :: umbrella |
chucro {adj} | :: alternative spelling of xucro |
chucrute {m} | :: sauerkraut (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) |
Chuí {prop} | :: Chuí (municipality) |
chuinga {mf} [Angola, Mozambique] /ʃu.ˈĩ.ɡa/ | :: chewing gum |
chuiva {f} [dated, dialectal] /ˈʃuj.vɐ/ | :: alternative form of chuva |
chukchi {m} | :: Chukchi (a language of Siberian) |
Chukotka {prop} {f} | :: Chukotka (peninsula) |
Chukotka {prop} {f} | :: Chukotka (autonomous okrug) |
chulca {f} [Brazil, slang] /ˈʃuw.ka/ | :: an external pocket on a suit |
chulé {m} [colloquial] | :: foot odor |
chulipa {f} [dated, Portugal] /ʃuˈlipɐ/ | :: railway sleeper or tie (piece of timber laid crossways to and supporting the rails of a railroad) |
chulo {m} | :: a term in foul language, coarse, profanity |
chulo {m} [Portugal] | :: pimp (prostitution solicitor) |
chumaço {m} | :: type of cushion |
chumaço {m} | :: textile stuffing for such a cushion |
chumaço {m} | :: swelling, tumor, mass |
chumaço {m} | :: compress; cloth used to apply pressure to wounds |
chumbada {f} [fishing] | :: sinker (weight used in fishing) |
chumbar {vt} | :: to lead (to cover, fill or affect with lead) |
chumbar {vt} [chiefly fishing] | :: to add lead weights to something |
chumbar {vt} [slang] | :: to shoot someone |
chumbar {vt} [slang] | :: to make someone stuporous or lethargic |
chumbar {vt} [colloquial, Portugal] | :: to fail an exam |
chumbinho {m} [fishing] | :: sinker (weight used in fishing) |
chumbo {m} /ˈʃũbu/ | :: lead metal |
chumbo {m} | :: shot, pellet |
chumbo {m} [education, colloquial, Portugal] | :: fail |
chupa-chupa {m} | :: unidentified flying objects associated with the Colares UFO wave |
chupachupa {m} | :: lollipop |
chupada {f} | :: an instance of sucking |
chupador {m} | :: sucker (someone or something that sucks, draws into the mouth) |
chupão {m} | :: hickey (bruise-like mark) |
chupar {vt} | :: to suck (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) |
chupar {vt} | :: to suck (to work the lips and tongue on) |
chupar {v} [slang] | :: to suck off (to give a blowjob) |
chupeta {f} /ʃu.ˈpe.tɐ/ | :: pacifier (for a baby) |
chupeta {f} [vulgar] | :: blowjob (fellatio) |
chupim {m} | :: shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) |
chupim {m} [figurative] | :: opportunist |
chupisco {m} [slang] /ʃu.ˈpis.ku/ | :: blowjob |
chupista {mf} [slang] | :: bloodsucker; parasite (someone who takes advantage of others) |
churras {m} [slang] /ˈʃu.ʁas/ | :: clipping of churrasco ("barbecue") |
churrascaria {f} | :: steakhouse (restaurant specialising in meat) |
churrasco {m} /ʃu.ˈʁas.ku/ | :: churrasco; barbecued meat |
churrasco {m} | :: barbecue (meal or event highlighted by food cooked on a barbecue) |
churrasqueira {m} | :: barbecue (cooking instrument) |
churro {m} /ˈʃu.ʁu/ | :: churro (type of fried pastry) |
chusma {f} [collective] | :: mob (unruly group of people) |
chutar {v} [sports] /ʃu.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to kick a ball |
chutar {v} [Brazil] | :: kick (strike with or raise the foot or leg) |
chutar {v} [Brazil] | :: to take a guess |
chute {m} | :: kick |
chuteira {f} [football] | :: soccer shoe; football boot |
chutney {m} | :: chutney (condiment) |
chuto {m} [Portugal, sports] /ˈʃu.tu/ | :: kick (the act of kicking a ball) |
chuto {m} [colloquial] | :: shot (intravenous injection of drugs) |
chuva {f} /ˈʃu.vɐ/ | :: rain |
chuva ácida {f} | :: acid rain (unusually acidic rain) |
chuvache {adj} [rare] | :: Chuvash (from, or pertaining to Chuvashia) |
Chuváchia {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Tchuváchia |
chuva congelante {f} | :: freezing rain (rain which freezes upon contact with the ground) |
chuva de molhar bobo {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: rain that seems light enough for people to walk around in without getting wet, fooling those who do into getting drenched; alternatively, a rain that falls before those walking around expected it to come |
chuva de molha-tolos {f} | :: alternative form of chuva molha-tolos |
chuva dourada {f} [slang] | :: golden shower (the act of a person urinating on another for sexual gratification) |
chuva dourada {f} | :: See: pt chuva dourada |
chuva molha-tolos {f} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: synonym of chuva de molhar bobo |
chuva negra {f} | :: radioactive fallout (material from a radioactive plume) |
chuva radioativa {f} | :: radioactive fallout (material from a radioactive plume) |
chuvasco {m} | :: downpour; shower |
Chuvashia {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Tchuváchia |
chuvê {v} | :: eye dialect of chover |
chuveirada {f} | :: shower (instance of bathing with a shower), especially one that is done quickly |
chuveiro {m} /ʃu.ˈvɐj.ɾu/ | :: shower (device for bathing) |
chuver {v} | :: eye dialect of chover |
chuvinha {f} | :: diminutive of chuva |
Chuvisca {prop} | :: Chuvisca (municipality) |
chuviscar {v} | :: to drizzle (to rain lightly) |
chuvisco {m} /ʃuˈviʃku/ | :: drizzle |
chuvoso {adj} /ʃu.ˈvo.zu/ | :: rainy |
CI {m} | :: initialism of circuito integrado |
cia. {f} | :: abbreviation of companhia; co. |
cianeto {m} [chemistry] | :: cyanide |
cianídrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydrocyanic |
cianita {f} | :: kyanite (blue neosilicate mineral) |
cianite {f} | :: alternative form of cianita |
ciano- {prefix} | :: cyano- |
ciano {m} | :: cyan (a colour between blue and green) |
ciano {adj} | :: cyan (having a colour between blue and green) |
cíano {m} | :: alternative form of ciano |
cíano {adj} | :: alternative form of ciano |
cianobactéria {f} | :: cyanobacterium |
Cianorte {prop} {f} /ˌsi.ɐ.ˈnɔʁ.t͡ʃi/ | :: Cianorte (town/and/municipality) |
cianureto {m} [chemistry] | :: cyanide |
ciática {f} [neurology, pathology] | :: sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) |
cibe {m} | :: palmyra (Borassus flabelliformis, a palm tree) |
ciber- {prefix} | :: cyber- |
ciberataque {m} | :: cyberattack |
ciberespaço {m} | :: cyberspace (world of information through the Internet) |
ciberguerra {f} | :: cyberwarfare, cyberwar |
cibernauta {mf} | :: internaut |
cibernética {f} | :: cybernetics (science of communication and control) |
cibernética {f} | :: cybernetics (technology related to computers) |
cibernético {adj} | :: cybernetic |
ciborgue {m} | :: cyborg |
cibório {m} [ecclesiastical, architecture] | :: ciborium (covered receptacle for holding the consecrated wafers) |
CIC {m} [historical] | :: A card that was issued in Brazil from 1970 to mid-1980s for natural persons, which was then replaced by the CPF |
CIC {m} [historical] | :: The identification number printed on a CIC card |
cicatriz {f} /si.ka.ˈtɾis/ | :: scar |
cicatrização {f} | :: healing |
cicatrização {f} | :: cicatrization |
cicatrizar {vi} | :: to scar; to cicatrize (of a wound: to heal forming a scar) |
cicatrizar {vt} | :: to cicatrize (to treat or heal a wound by causing a scar to form) |
Cícero {prop} {m} | :: Cicero (Roman statesman and orator) |
Cícero {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Cícero Dantas {prop} | :: Cícero Dantas (municipality) |
cicerone {mf} /ˈɾ | :: cicerone (guide who shows people tourist sights) |
Cicladas {prop} {fp} | :: obsolete form of Cíclades |
Cícladas {prop} {fp} | :: alternative form of Cíclades |
Ciclades {prop} {fp} | :: archaic spelling of Cíclades |
Cíclades {prop} {fp} /ˈsi.kla.d͡ʒis/ | :: Cíclades (archipelago) |
cicládico {adj} | :: Cycladic (of, from or relating to the Cyclades) |
ciclame {m} | :: cyclamen (any plant of the genus Cyclamen) |
cíclame {m} | :: alternative form of ciclame |
ciclano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: cycloalkane |
cíclico {adj} | :: cyclic |
ciclismo {m} | :: cycling |
ciclista {mf} | :: biker; cyclist (a person who rides a bicycle) |
ciclista {adj} | :: cycling |
ciclo- {prefix} | :: cyclo- (relating to or being a circle) |
ciclo- {prefix} | :: cyclo- (relating to or being a cycle) |
ciclo- {prefix} [chemistry] | :: cyclo- (relating to or being a cyclic compound) |
ciclo- {prefix} | :: relating to bicycles |
ciclo {m} /ˈsi.klo/ | :: a series of repeating events |
ciclo {m} | :: cycle (complete rotation) |
ciclo {m} [education] | :: a level of pre-university education |
cicloalcano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: cycloalkane |
ciclo da água {m} | :: water cycle |
ciclo de Otto {m} | :: Otto cycle (basic thermodynamic cycle of the normal four-stroke internal combustion engine) |
ciclo do carbono {m} | :: carbon cycle |
cicloexano {m} [organic compound] | :: cyclohexane |
ciclo hidrológico {m} | :: water cycle |
cicloide {adj} | :: cycloid (resembling a circle) |
cicloide {f} [geometry] | :: cycloid (locus of a point on the circumference of a rolling circle) |
ciclóide {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cicloide |
ciclóide {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cicloide |
ciclo menstrual {m} [physiology] | :: menstrual cycle (recurring cycle of ovulation and menstruation in females) |
ciclomotor {m} | :: moped (lightweid, two-wheeled motor vehicle) |
ciclone {m} /si.ˈ | :: cyclone (rotating system of winds) |
cicloparafina {f} [organic chemistry] | :: cycloalkane |
ciclope {m} /si.ˈklɔ.pe/ | :: cyclops (giant of mythology) |
ciclotáxi {m} | :: pedicab (taxi operated by pedalling) |
ciclotrão {m} [physics] | :: cyclotron |
ciclotron {m} [physics] | :: cyclotron |
cíclotron {m} [Brazil, physics] | :: cyclotron |
ciclovia {f} | :: cycle path |
cicloxigenase {f} [enzyme] | :: cyclooxygenase |
cicuta {f} | :: hemlock (poisonous plant of genus Conium) |
cicutária {f} | :: cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris, a weedy biennial umbellifer) |
-cida {suffix} | :: -cide (killer of) |
cidadam {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cidadão |
cidadania {f} /si.da.dɐ.ˈni.a/ | :: citizenship (state of being a citizen) |
cidadania {f} [collectively] | :: citizenry, i.e. the citizens of a region |
cidadania {f} | :: the exercise of rights and duties attributed to a citizen |
cidadaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cidadão |
cidadão {m} /si.ðɐ.ˈðɐ̃w̃/ | :: citizen |
cidadão {m} | :: member of a State |
cidadão {m} | :: resident of a city |
cidadão {m} [colloquial] | :: individual, person |
cidade {f} /si.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: city |
Cidade de Guatemala {prop} {f} | :: Cidade de Guatemala (capital city) |
Cidade de Ho Chi Minh {prop} {f} | :: Cidade de Ho Chi Minh (city) |
Cidade do Cabo {prop} {f} | :: Cidade do Cabo (legislative capital) |
Cidade do Kansas {prop} {f} | :: Cidade do Kansas (city) |
Cidade do Kuwait {prop} {f} | :: Cidade do Kuwait (capital city) |
Cidade do Maio {prop} | :: Cidade do Maio |
Cidade do México {prop} {f} | :: Cidade do México (capital city) |
Cidade do Panamá {prop} {f} | :: Cidade do Panamá (capital city) |
cidade dormitório {f} | :: bedroom community (residential urban community of a nearby metropolis) |
cidade-dormitório {f} | :: alternative spelling of cidade dormitório |
Cidade dos Ventos {prop} {f} | :: Windy City (nickname of Chicago) |
Cidade do Vaticano {prop} {f} | :: Cidade do Vaticano (city-state) |
cidade-estado {f} /si.ða.ðɨʃ.ˈta.ðu/ | :: city state |
cidade fantasma {f} | :: ghost town (deserted town) |
Cidade Gaúcha {prop} {f} | :: Cidade Gaúcha (town/and/municipality) |
cidadela {f} | :: citadel (a strong fortress that sits high above a city) |
Cidade Velha {prop} {f} | :: Cidade Velha (city) |
cidadezinha {f} /siˌda.d͡ʒiˈzi.ɲɐ/ | :: diminutive of cidade |
-cídio {suffix} | :: -cide (killing of) |
cidra {f} | :: citron (tree) |
cidreira {f} [botany] /si.ˈdɾe(j).ɾɐ/ | :: citron (a small citrus tree, Citrus medica) |
cidreira {f} [botany] | :: lemon balm (a herb, Melissa officinalis) |
Cidreira {prop} | :: Cidreira (municipality) |
cidro {m} | :: citron (tree) |
ciência {f} /ˈsjẽ.sjɐ/ | :: science (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) |
ciência {f} | :: science (particular discipline or branch of learning) |
ciência {f} | :: science, awareness (fact of knowing something) |
ciência da computação {f} | :: computer science |
ciência da informação {f} | :: information science |
ciência da informação {f} | :: informatics |
ciência das religiões {f} /ˈsjẽ.sjɐ dɐʃ ʁɨ.li.ˈʒjõjʃ/ | :: religious studies; the scientific study of religions |
ciência natural {f} | :: natural science (science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world) |
ciência política {f} | :: political science (study of politics) |
ciente {adj} /si.ˈẽ.tʃi/ | :: aware (having knowledge of something) |
cientificamente {adv} | :: scientifically |
cientificismo {m} | :: scientism |
científico {adj} /sjẽˈtifiku/ | :: scientific |
cientista {mf} /sjẽˈtiʃtɐ/ | :: scientist |
cientista da computação {mf} | :: computer scientist (one who studies or practises computer science) |
cientista político {m} | :: political scientist (expert in political science) |
cientologia {f} | :: Scientology (belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard) |
cifra {n} [music] | :: chord |
cifrando {v} | :: gerund of cifrar |
cifraõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cifrão |
cifrão {m} /si.ˈfɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: dollar sign (the symbol $, used to represent the dollar and the peso) |
cifrão {m} | :: a symbol similar to $, but with two vertical strokes, used to represent various currencies of Portuguese speaking countries |
cifrar {v} | :: to cipher, encode, scramble |
cigana {f} | :: hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin, a bird of South America) |
cigano {adj} /si.ˈɡɐ.nu/ | :: Gypsy (relating to Gypsies) |
cigano {m} | :: Gypsy (member of an itinerant people of Europe and the Americas) |
cigano {m} [uncountable] | :: the language of the Gypsies |
cigarra {f} | :: cicada (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera) |
cigarreira {f} | :: cigarette case (a small flat case for holding cigarettes) |
cigarrilha {f} | :: cigarillo (thin cigar wrapped with tobacco leaves) |
cigarro {m} /si.ˈɣa.ʁu/ | :: cigarette |
cigarro eletrônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: electronic cigarette |
cilada {f} | :: trap, ambush |
cilada {f} | :: snare, noose |
cilada {f} | :: pitfall |
cilha {f} /ˈsi.ʎɐ/ | :: girth (band passed under the belly of an animal to hold a saddle in place) |
Cilícia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Cilícia (historical region) |
cilindricidade {f} [rare] | :: cylindricity (quality of being cylindrical) |
cilíndrico {adj} | :: cylindrical (shaped like a cylinder) |
cilindrita {f} [mineral] | :: cylindrite |
cilindro {m} [geometry] | :: cylinder |
cilindro {m} | :: roller |
cilindro de oxigênio {m} | :: oxygen cylinder |
cílio {m} /ˈsi.lju/ | :: eyelash |
cima {f} /ˈsi.mɐ/ | :: top, summit |
cimbre {m} [architecture] | :: formwork (a temporary plank mould used during construction) |
cimeira {f} | :: top (uppermost part) |
cimeira {f} | :: crest of a helm |
cimeira {f} [botany] | :: cyme (flattish or convex flower cluster) |
cimeira {f} [Portugal] | :: summit (gathering of leaders) |
cimentar {vt} | :: to cement (affix with cement) |
cimentar {vt} [figuratively] | :: to cement (make permanent) |
cimento {m} /si.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: cement (powdered substance that develops strong adhesive properties when mixed with water) |
cimento {m} | :: cement (paste-like substance used in construction) |
cimento {m} | :: cement (any material with strong adhesive properties) |
cimério {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Cimmerian (member of the mythical people supposed to inhabit a land of perpetual darkness) |
cimério {m} | :: Cimmerian (one of the Cimmerii, ancient equestrian nomads of Indo-European origin) |
cimério {adj} | :: relating to the Cimmerians |
cimitarra {f} /ˌsi.mɨ.ˈta.ʁɐ/ | :: scimitar (sword) |
cimo {m} | :: top (uppermost part) |
cinabre {m} | :: cinnabar (mineral) |
cinábrio {m} [mineral] | :: cinnabar |
cina-cina {f} | :: palo verde; Jerusalem thorn (Parkinsonia aculeata, a small tree of the Americas) |
cinamomo {m} /sinɐˈmomu/ | :: cinnamon plant |
cinase {f} | :: alternative form of quinase |
cincão {m} | :: five units of currency |
cincerro {m} | :: cowbell (bell worn by cows on the neck) |
Cincinati {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Cincinnati |
Cincinnati {prop} {f} | :: Cincinnati (city) |
cinco {num} /ˈsĩ.ku/ | :: five |
cinco {m} | :: five |
cinco contra um {m} [idiom] | :: male masturbation |
cincoenta {num} | :: obsolete spelling of cinquenta |
cincoenta {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cinquenta |
cinco ks {mp} | :: five Ks (five items of faith worn by Khalsa Sikhs) |
Cinderela {prop} {f} [European folklore] | :: Cinderella |
cindir {v} | :: to split; to divide; to separate |
cindível {adj} | :: fissile |
cinefilia {f} | :: cinephilia (enthusiasm for films) |
cinéfilo {m} | :: cinephile (enthusiast of films and cinema) |
cinéfilo {adj} | :: cinephilic (having a love of films or the cinema) |
cinejornal {m} | :: newsreel (short film containing news or current affairs) |
cinema {m} /siˈne.mɐ/ | :: cinema; movie theater (building where films are shown to an audience) |
cinema {m} [uncountable] | :: cinema (the art or industry of making films) |
cinema {m} | :: cinema (films from a particular place or of a particular style as a group) |
cinemática {f} [physics] | :: kinematics (the branch of mechanics concerned with objects in motion) |
cinemático {adj} [physics] | :: kinematic (relating to motion) |
cinematografia {f} | :: cinematography (the art of making films) |
cinematográfico {adj} | :: cinematographic |
cinematologia {f} | :: cinematology |
cinéreo {adj} | :: cinereous; ashen (resembling ashes, especially in colour) |
cinescópio {m} | :: cathode-ray tube (originally kinescope) |
cinésico {adj} | :: kinesic (of or pertaining to nonverbal behaviour related to movement) |
cinesiologia {f} [medicine] | :: kinesiology (the study of body movement) |
cinesioterapia {f} [medicine] | :: kinesiotherapy (therapeutic application of kinesiology) |
cinestesia {f} [physiology] | :: kinesthesia (perception of the movement of one’s own body) |
cinética {f} [mechanics] | :: kinetics (branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies) |
cinética {f} [chemistry] | :: kinetics (branch of chemistry that is concerned with the rates of chemical reactions) |
cineticamente {adv} | :: kinetically |
cinético {adj} | :: kinetic (relating to motion) |
cinetose {f} [medicine] | :: kinetosis; motion sickness (a feeling of nausea or dizziness when travelling in a vehicle or craft) |
Cinfães {prop} /sĩˈfɐ̃jʃ/ | :: Cinfães (village/and/municipality) |
cingala {m} | :: Sinhalese (a language of Sri Lanka) |
cingalá {m} | :: alternative form of cingala |
cingalês {adj} | :: Sinhalese (of or pertaining to the majority ethnic group of Sri Lanka, their Indo-Aryan language, or their culture) |
cingalês {m} | :: Sinhalese (member of the major ethnic group of Sri Lanka) |
cingalês {m} [uncountable] | :: Sinhalese (a language of Sri Lanka) |
cingalesa {f} | :: female equivalent of cingalês |
Cingapura {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of Singapura, Cingapura (island/and/city-state) |
cingapurense {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of singapurense |
cingapuriano {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of singapuriano |
cingapuriano {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of singapuriano |
cingindo {v} | :: gerund of cingir |
cingir {v} | :: to encircle, girdle |
cingir {v} | :: to connect, unite |
cingir {v} | :: to limit, restrict |
cingulado {adj} [anatomy] | :: cingulate (pertaining to a cingulum) |
cínica {f} | :: female equivalent of cínico |
cinicamente {adv} | :: cynically |
cínico {adj} | :: cynical, cynic (of or relating to cynicism) |
cínico {adj} | :: cynical, cynic (sceptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others) |
cínico {m} | :: a cynic |
cinismo {m} | :: cynicism (skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude) |
cinização {f} | :: sinicization (process of sinicising) |
cinofobia {f} | :: cynophobia |
cinórrodo {m} | :: rosehip (the fruit of a rose plant) |
cinquenta {num} /sĩ.ˈkwẽ.tɐ/ | :: fifty (50) |
cinquenta {m} | :: fifty (an amount of 50) |
cinqüenta {num} | :: superseded spelling of cinquenta |
cinqüenta {m} | :: superseded spelling of cinquenta |
cinta {f} | :: belt (band worn around the waist) |
cinta {f} | :: band (strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together) |
cintar {vt} | :: to belt (to fasten a belt) |
cintar {vt} | :: to band (to fasten with a band) |
cinteiro {m} | :: beltmaker (someone who makes belts) |
cinteiro {m} | :: hatband (band around a hat) |
Cínthia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Cíntia |
Cíntia {prop} {f} /ˈsĩ.t͡ʃjɐ/ | :: given name |
cintilação {f} | :: scintillation |
cintilação {f} | :: sparkle |
cintilador {m} | :: scintillator |
cintilância {f} | :: sheen |
cintilante {adj} | :: scintillating, shiny, bright, brilliant |
cintilar {v} /sĩ.t͡ʃi.ˈla(ɻ)/ | :: to scintillate; to sparkle |
cintilar {v} | :: to shine (to reflect light) |
cinto {m} /ˈsĩ.tu/ | :: belt (band worn around the waist) |
cinto {m} | :: belt; band (any strip used to hold something in position) |
cinto {m} | :: short for cinto de segurança |
cinto de castidade {m} | :: chastity belt (belt-like garment used to prevent sexual intercourse) |
cinto de segurança {m} | :: seat belt; safety belt (a belt hat attaches a person to an immovable object for safety) |
cintura {f} /sĩ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: waist, waistline (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) |
cinturão {m} /sĩtuˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: belt |
cinturão de Kuiper {prop} {m} | :: Kuiper belt (region of space) |
Cinturão de Kuiper {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of cinturão de Kuiper |
cinza {adj} /ˈsĩ.zɐ/ | :: grey |
cinza {f} | :: ash, ashes |
cinza {f} | :: grey (colour) |
cinzas {fp} | :: ash, ashes |
cinzas {fp} | :: cremated remains |
cinzeiro {m} | :: ashtray (receptacle for tobacco ashes) |
cinzeiro {m} | :: ash pan (tray to capture ashes below a grate) |
cinzel {m} | :: chisel (tool consisting of an oblong piece of metal ending in a sharp edge) |
cinzelar {vt} | :: to chisel (to work something with a chisel) |
cinzento {adj} /sĩ.ˈzẽ.tu/ | :: grey (colour) |
cinzento {adj} | :: melancholic |
cio {m} [uncountable] /ˈsi.u/ | :: heat (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile) |
ciolita {f} [inorganic compound] | :: cyolite |
cioso {adj} | :: conscientious, careful, cautious |
cioso {adj} | :: envious, jealous |
cipaio {m} | :: alternative form of sipaio |
cipayo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of sipaio |
cipó {m} /si.ˈpɔ/ | :: liana (climbing, woody vine) |
Cipó {prop} | :: Cipó (municipality) |
cipoal {m} /si.po.ˈaw/ | :: a place with many lianas |
cipoal {m} [figurative] | :: a complicated situation |
cipoama {f} /si.po.ˈɐmɐ/ | :: a jumble of lianas |
cipó amargo {m} | :: See: pt cipó amargo |
cipó amargo {m} | :: a species of liana in the genus Cocculus |
cipó-amargoso {m} | :: Abuta candicans, a species of liana |
cipó-azougue {m} | :: a species of wild gourd in the Apodanthera genus |
cipó-branco {m} | :: a species of climbing vine in the Fridericia genus |
cipó-cabeludo {m} | :: Mikania hirsutissima, a species of liana |
cipó-caboclo {m} | :: Davilla rugosa, a species of liana |
cipó-camarão {m} | :: Bignonia binata, a species of liana |
cipó capador {m} | :: a species of liana in the Echites genus |
cipó-catinga {m} | :: Mikania cordifolia, a species of liana |
cipó-chumbo {m} | :: Cuscuta umbellata, a species of liana |
cipó-cravo {m} | :: Tynanthus elegans, a species of liana used in folk medicine |
cipó-cruz {m} | :: Clematis dioica, a species of liana |
cipó-cururu {m} | :: the name of several species of liana in the Anisolobus subgenus |
cipó-d'água {m} | :: a species of liana in the Amphilophium genus |
cipó-d'alho {m} | :: Mansoa alliacea, a species of liana |
cipó da mata {m} | :: a species of liana in the Thinouia genus |
cipó-de-boi {m} | :: a small whip made of raw hide |
cipó-de-cobra {m} | :: a species of liana in the Aristolochia genus |
cipó-de-cobra {m} | :: Any of several species of plant in family Menispermaceae |
cipó-de-fogo {m} | :: Cissus erosa, a species of liana |
cipó-de-imbé {m} | :: any plant of the Philodendron genus |
cipó-de-leite {m} | :: a species of liana in the Oxypetalum genus |
cipó-de-macaco {m} | :: a species of liana in the Tecoma genus |
cipó-de-morcego {m} | :: Dolichandra unguiculata, a species of liana |
cipó de rego {m} | :: a species of liana in the Fridericia genus |
cipó-de-são-joão {m} | :: Pyrostegia venusta, a species of liana |
cipó-de-sapo {m} | :: Araujia megapotamica, a species of vine |
cipó-escada {m} | :: a species of vine in the Bauhinia genus |
cipó-florão {m} | :: a species of vine in the Bauhinia genus |
cipó-imbé {m} | :: alternative form of cipó-de-imbé |
cipó-jiboia {m} [Amazonian folklore] | :: a boa that camouflages itself as a liana |
cipó-jibóia {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cipó-jiboia |
cipó-mata-cobras {m} | :: Aristolochia cymbifera, a species of liana |
cipó-matador {m} | :: a parasitic plant in the Ficus genus, that withers its host trees |
cipó-mil-homens {m} | :: the common name of liana species in the genus Aristolochia |
cipó-pau {m} | :: a species of liana in the Trigonia genus |
cipó-prata {m} | :: Banisteriopsis argyrophylla, a species of liana |
cipó-preto {m} | :: Hippocratea volubilis, a species of liana |
cipó-quina {m} | :: a species of liana in the Smilax genus |
cipó-suma {m} | :: a species of liana in the Anchietea genus |
Cipotânea {prop} | :: Cipotânea (municipality) |
cipó-timbó {m} | :: any of several species of liana in the genus Serjania |
cipó-titica {m} | :: Heteropsis jenmani, a plant |
cipó-tuíra {m} | :: a species of liana |
cipó-unha-de-boi {m} | :: a species of vine in the Bauhinia genus |
cipó-unha-de-gato {m} | :: Dolichandra unguis-cati, a species of vine |
cipozal {m} /si.po.ˈzaw/ | :: alternative form of cipoal |
cipozão {m} /si.pɔ.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of cipó |
cipozinho {m} /si.pɔ.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of cipó |
cipòzinho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cipozinho |
ciprestal {m} /si.pɾɨʃ.ˈtaɫ/ | :: a field of cypress trees |
cipreste {m} /si.ˈpɾɛʃ.tɨ/ | :: cypress |
cipriota {adj} | :: Cypriot (of, from or relating to Cyprus) |
cipriota {mf} | :: Cypriot (person from Cyprus) |
circatejano {adj} /siɾ.kɐ.tɨ.ˈʒɐ.nu/ | :: located on the banks of the River Tagus |
circense {adj} /siɹ.ˈsẽ.si/ | :: circus [attributive] |
circo {m} | :: circus |
circuito {m} | :: circuit (all senses) |
circuito elétrico {m} | :: electric circuit (paths that can carry an electric current) |
circuito integrado {m} | :: integrated circuit |
circulação {f} /siɾkulɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: circulation (all senses) |
circulação {f} | :: dissemination, transmission |
circulação pulmonar {f} [physiology] | :: pulmonary circulation (blood circulation between the lungs and the heart) |
circulador de ar {m} | :: ventilator (device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or noxious air) |
circulando {v} | :: gerund of circular |
circulante {adj} | :: circulating (moving about freely) |
circular {adj} /siɾ.ku.ˈlaɾ/ | :: circular; round |
circular {adj} | :: running in a loop |
circular {adj} [rhetoric, lexicography] | :: circular (referring back to itself) |
circular {adj} | :: circular (distributed to a large number of people) |
circular {f} | :: circular letter (official communication distributed to interested parties) |
circular {m} | :: circular (shuttle bus that runs in a loop) |
circular {vt} /siɾ.ku.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to circle (to place a circle around) |
circular {vi} | :: to circle (to move around an axis) |
circular {vi} | :: to circulate (to move through a circuit) |
circular {vi} | :: to flow freely |
circular {v} [por] | :: to move about; to walk around |
circular {vt} | :: to circulate; to disseminate; to spread |
circular {vi} | :: to circulate; to be disseminated; to be spread; to go around |
circular {v} [economics] | :: to circulate (to be valid as currency) |
circular {v} [media] | :: to circulate (to be published and distributed) |
circulatório {adj} | :: circulatory |
circulo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of círculo |
círculo {m} /ˈsiɾkulu/ | :: circle |
Círculo Antártico {prop} {m} [geography] | :: Antarctic Circle (one of the five major parallels of latitude) |
Círculo Ártico {prop} {m} [geography] | :: Arctic Circle (one of the five major circles of latitude) |
círculo de Apolônio {m} [Brazilian orthography, geometry] | :: Apollonian circle (two sets of circles such that every circle in the first set intersects every circle in the second) |
círculo eleitoral {m} [politics, Portugal] | :: electoral district (district represented by one or more elected officials) |
círculo vicioso {m} | :: vicious circle |
circum- {prefix} | :: circum- (around) |
circumpolar {adj} | :: circumpolar (located throughout a polar region) |
circumstancia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of circunstância |
circumstância {f} | :: obsolete spelling of circunstância |
circun- {prefix} | :: alternative form of circum- |
circuncidar {v} /siɾkũⁿsiˈdaɾ/ | :: to circumcise |
circuncisão {f} | :: circumcision |
circunciso {adj} | :: circumcised |
circunciso {m} | :: circumcised man |
circundação {f} | :: the act of encircling |
circundante {adj} | :: surrounding |
circundante {adj} | :: circulating |
circundar {vt} | :: to circle; to surround |
circunferência {f} [geometry] /siɾkũfɨˈɾẽsjɐ/ | :: circumference |
circunfixo {m} [grammar] | :: circumfix (affix with a prefixing and a suffixing part) |
circunflexo {adj} /siʁ.cũˈflɛ.ksu/ | :: circumflex; curved, bent |
circunlocução {f} | :: circumlocution (roundabout or indirect way of speaking) |
circunlocução {f} | :: circumlocution (roundabout expression) |
circunloquial {adj} | :: circumlocutionary; roundabout (avoiding getting to the point) |
circunlóquio {m} | :: circumlocution (roundabout or indirect way of speaking) |
circunscrever {v} | :: to circumscribe; to encircle (draw a line around; encircle) |
circunscrever {v} | :: to circumscribe; to restrict (limit narrowly) |
circunscrever {v} [geometry] | :: to circumscribe (draw a circle, sphere, or higher-dimensional ball) |
circunscrição {f} | :: circumscription |
circunscrição eleitoral {f} [politics, Brazil] | :: electoral district (district represented by one or more elected officials) |
circunspecção {f} | :: circumspection |
circunspecto {adj} | :: circumspect |
circunspecto {adj} | :: cautious |
circunspecto {adj} | :: prudent |
circunspeto {adj} | :: circumspect (carefully aware of all circumstances) |
circunstancia {f} /ˌsiʁ.kũs.tɐ̃.ˈsi.ɐ/ | :: obsolete spelling of circunstância |
circunstância {f} /ˌsiʁ.kũs.ˈtɐ̃.sjɐ/ | :: circumstance (a fact or condition that affects an event or situation) |
circunstância {f} [usually, in the plural] | :: condition; state (the way things are at a given moment) |
circunstância {f} [formal] | :: solemnity; formality (the quality of being deeply serious) |
circunstanciado {adj} | :: thorough; detailed |
circunstanciar {vt} /ˌsiʁ.kũs.ˌtɐ̃.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to circumstantiate (to give circumstantial evidence for) |
circunstancias {n} | :: obsolete spelling of circunstâncias |
circunstante {adj} | :: present; in the vicinity |
circunstante {m} | :: onlooker |
circunvagante {adj} | :: that circumambulates (that goes around) |
circunvagar {vt} | :: to circumambulate (to go around) |
circunvagar {vi} | :: to wander aimlessly |
circúnvago {adj} | :: that circumambulates (that goes around) |
circunvizinho {adj} | :: surrounding |
Cirena {prop} {f} | :: Cirena (ancient city) |
Cirenaica {prop} {f} /ˌsi.ɾe.ˈnaj.kɐ/ | :: Cirenaica (traditional region/and/breakaway state) |
Cirene {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Cirena |
cireneu {m} /ˌsi.ɾe.ˈnew/ | :: Cyrenian (person from Cyrene) |
cireneu {adj} | :: Cyrenian (relating to Cyrene) |
Ciríaco {prop} | :: Ciríaco (municipality) |
cirílico {m} /si.ˈɾ | :: Cyrillic (a script or alphabet) |
cirílico {adj} | :: Cyrillic |
cirilização {f} | :: Cyrillization (putting text into the Cyrillic alphabet) |
Cirillo {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Cirilo |
Cirilo {prop} {m} /si.ˈɾ | :: given name |
Ciro {prop} {m} | :: Cyrus (ancient king of Persia) |
Ciro {prop} {m} | :: given name |
cirro {m} [botany] | :: cirrus (tendril) |
cirro {m} [meteorology] | :: cirrus (cloud) |
cirrose {f} | :: Cirrhosis |
cirrótico {adj} | :: cirrhotic (pertaining to or suffering from cirrhosis) |
cirurgia {f} /si.ɾuɾ.ˈʒi.ɐ/ | :: surgery (practice) |
cirurgiã {f} | :: feminine noun of cirurgião |
cirurgia cosmética {f} | :: plastic surgery; cosmetic surgery (surgery to improve appearance) |
cirurgia estética {f} | :: plastic surgery; cosmetic surgery (surgery to improve appearance) |
cirurgião {m} /si.ɾuɾ.ˈʒjɐ̃w̃/ | :: surgeon (doctor who performs surgery) |
cirurgia plástica {f} [surgery] | :: plastic surgery (surgery involving the transfer of tissue) |
cirurgia plástica {f} | :: plastic surgery; cosmetic surgery (surgery to improve appearance) |
cirurgicamente {adv} | :: surgically |
cirúrgico {adj} /si.ˈɾuɻ.ʒi.ko/ | :: surgical (of or relating to surgery) |
cisalhar {v} [physics] | :: to shear (to deform because of shearing forces) |
cisão {f} | :: split, schism, division |
cisar {vt} | :: to cut, to separate |
cisco {m} /ˈsiʃ.ku/ | :: speck (tiny particle) |
cisgénero {adj} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of cisgênero |
cisgênero {adj} [Brazilian orthography, LGBT, of a person, rare] | :: cisgender (having a gender the same as one’s sex) |
Cisjordânia {prop} {f} | :: Cisjordânia (traditional region) |
Cisleitânia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Cisleitânia (historical region) |
Cisleithania {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cisleitânia |
cisma {m} [chiefly religion] /ˈsiz.mɐ/ | :: schism (a split or separation within a group or organisation) |
cisma {f} | :: vice; obsession (a bad habit) |
cisma {f} | :: spite (deep-seated enmity or ill-will towards someone) |
cisma {f} | :: obstinacy; stubbornness (insistence in doing something, especially something that is likely not to work out) |
cismando {v} | :: gerund of cismar |
cismar {vi} /siʒˈmaɾ/ | :: to brood (think much about) |
cismar {vi} | :: to be apprehensive |
cismar na morte da bezerra {v} | :: alternative form of pensar na morte da bezerra |
cismático {adj} [religion] | :: schismatic (relating to or involved in a schism) |
cismático {m} [religion] | :: schismatic (a person involved in a schism) |
cisne {m} /ˈsiʒ.nɨ/ | :: swan |
Cisne {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Cygnus (a summer constellation of the northern sky) |
cisne bravo {m} | :: whooper swan (the swan species Cygnus cygnus) |
cisne-mudo {m} | :: mute swan (Cygnus olor, a swan of Europe and Asia) |
cisne negro {m} | :: alternative spelling of cisne-negro |
cisne-negro {m} | :: black swan (Cygnus atratus) |
cisne-real {m} | :: mute swan (Cygnus olor, a swan of Europe and Asia) |
ciste {m} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of cisto |
cisteína {f} [amino acid] | :: cysteine |
cisterna {f} /siʃ.ˈtɛɾ.nɐ/ | :: cistern |
cístico {adj} [medicine] | :: cystic (of, pertaining to or containing cysts) |
cisto {m} [pathology] /ˈsiʃ.tu/ | :: cyst (morbid sac which develops in an organ) |
cisto {m} | :: cistus; rockrose (any flower of the genus Cistus) |
cistoscopia {f} [medicine] | :: cystoscopy (endoscopy of the urinary bladder) |
citação {f} /sitɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: citation, quote |
citadino {adj} /si.tɐ.ˈð | :: urban (of, from or relating to cities) |
citadino {m} | :: citizen (resident of a city) |
citar {v} /si.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to summon |
citar {v} | :: to cite, quote (refer to a statement that has been made by someone else) |
cítara {f} /ˈsi.tɐ.ɾɐ/ | :: zither (musical instrument) |
citarabina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: cytarabine (a particular drug used in chemotherapy) |
cíthara {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cítara |
Cítia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Cítia (historical region) |
citocina {f} [protein, immunology] | :: cytokine |
citocinese {f} [cytology] | :: cytokinesis |
citocromo {m} [protein] | :: cytochrome (hemeprotein responsible for the generation of ATP) |
citoesqueleto {m} [cytology] | :: cytoskeleton (structure like a skeleton contained within the cytoplasm) |
citofagia {f} | :: cytophagy (the ingestion of cells by phagocytes) |
citogenético {adj} | :: cytogenetic (of or pertaining to cytogenetics) |
citologia {f} [cytology, biology] | :: cytology |
citológico {adj} | :: cytological (relating to cytology) |
citologista {mf} | :: cytologist (scientist who studies the physical characteristics of chromosomes) |
citoplasma {m} [cytology] | :: cytoplasm (contents of a cell excluding the nucleus) |
citoquímica {f} [biochemistry] | :: cytochemistry (the biochemistry of cells) |
citoquímico {adj} [biochemistry] | :: cytochemical (pertaining to cytochemistry) |
citosina {f} [biochemistry] | :: cytosine (a base which appears in DNA) |
citosol {m} [cytology] | :: cytosol (the solution of a cell’s cytoplasm) |
citosólico {adj} | :: cytosolic (of or pertaining to the cytosol) |
citotóxico {adj} | :: cytotoxic (having a toxic effect on cells) |
citrino {m} /siˈtrinu/ | :: any fruit of the genus Citrus |
citrino {m} | :: citrine (variety of quartz) |
citrino {adj} | :: citrine (colour or smell of the lemon) |
citro {m} | :: citrus (any shrub or tree in the genus Citrus, or its fruit) |
ciúme {m} /ˈsju.mɨ/ | :: jealousy |
ciumento {adj} | :: jealous (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) |
ciumento {adj} | :: jealous (protective, guarding; careful in the protection of something one has or appreciates) |
ciumes {mp} | :: envy (resentful desire of something possessed by another) |
cível {adj} /ˈsi.viw/ | :: civil (related to civil law) |
civeta {f} | :: civet (any of several small viverrids that produce a musky secretion) |
cívico {adj} | :: civic |
civil {adj} /si.ˈviɫ/ | :: civil; civilian (not relating to the military or clergy) |
civil {adj} | :: civic (relating to citizens) |
civil {adj} [law] | :: relating to civil law |
civil {adj} | :: occurring between the inhabitants of the same country |
civil {adj} | :: civil (behaving in a reasonable or polite manner) |
civil {mf} | :: civilian, non-combatant (person who is not a member of the military, police or belligerent group) |
civilidade {f} | :: civility (behaviour which conforms to social conventions) |
civilisação {f} | :: obsolete spelling of civilização |
civilização {f} /ɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: civilization |
civilização do Vale do Indo {prop} {f} | :: civilização do Vale do Indo (ancient civilisation) |
civilizado {adj} /ˈza.ðu/ | :: civilised |
civilizado {adj} | :: polite, educated |
civilizador {adj} | :: civilizing |
civilizando {v} | :: gerund of civilizar |
civilizar {v} | :: to civilize |
civilizar {v} | :: to polish |
civil law {f} [law] | :: civil law (legal system contrasting with common law) |
civilmente {adv} | :: civilly |
cizânia {f} | :: weed |
cizânia {f} | :: disharmony |
clã {m} [anthropology] /ˈklɐ̃/ | :: clan (group having common ancestor) |
clã {m} | :: family; clan; gang (an exclusive social group) |
cladódio {m} [botany] | :: cladode (flattened organ) |
clamar {v} [chiefly poetic] | :: to shout |
clamar {v} | :: to protest vehemently |
clamar {v} | :: to implore |
clamar {v} | :: to demand |
clamídia {f} | :: chlamydia (a sexually transmitted disease) |
clamor {m} | :: din (loud noise) |
clamoroso {adj} | :: clamorsome; clamorous (noisy and loud) |
clan {m} | :: alternative spelling of clã |
clandestina {f} | :: female equivalent of clandestino |
clandestino {adj} /klɐ̃dɨʃˈtinu/ | :: clandestine (done or kept in secret) |
clandestino {adj} | :: illicit |
clandestino {m} | :: stowaway |
clandestino {m} | :: illegal immigrant |
claquete {m} [film] | :: clapperboard (device used in film) |
clara {f} /ˈkla.ɾɐ/ | :: The white (of an egg) |
Clara {prop} {f} /ˈkla.ɾɐ/ | :: given name |
claraboia {f} | :: skylight (window, dome, or opening in the roof or ceiling, to admit natural light) |
clarabóia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of claraboia |
claramente {adv} /kla.ɾɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: In context of being known by simple observation; obviously; evidently; clearly |
clarão {m} /klɐ.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: flash |
clarão {m} | :: clarity |
clarão {m} | :: glare (intense, blinding light) |
Claraval {prop} | :: Claraval (municipality) |
clareamento {m} | :: clearing (act or process of making or becoming clear) |
clarear {vi} /kla.ɾi.ˈa(ɾ)/ | :: to lighten (become brighter or clearer) |
clarear {vt} | :: to lighten (to make brighter or clearer) |
clarear {v} [of the weather] | :: to clear up; to stop being stormy, foggy or overcast |
clarear {v} | :: to clear (one’s.throat) |
clarear {v} | :: to clear up; to clarify |
clarear {vi} [of the day or the morning] | :: to break; to arrive |
clareira {f} | :: glade; clearing (open space in the woods) |
clarete {adj} | :: (of wine) clear |
clarete {m} | :: claret (wine) |
clareza {f} | :: clarity |
clareza {f} | :: transparency |
claridade {f} /klɐ.ɾi.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: clarity |
claridade {f} | :: whiteness, lightness |
claridade {f} | :: splendour |
clarificação {f} | :: clarification |
clarificar {vt} /kla.ɾˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to clarify (make something understandable) |
clarim {m} [music] | :: bugle (simple brass instrument) |
clarinete {m} [musical instruments] | :: clarinet (woodwind musical instrument) |
clarinetista {mf} | :: clarinetist |
claríssimo {adj} /kla.ˈɾ | :: superlative of claro |
clarividencia {f} | :: clairvoyance |
clarividência {f} [parapsychology] | :: clairvoyance (the power to perceive objects that are not accessible to the senses) |
clarividente {mf} | :: seer (someone who foretells the future) |
claro {adj} /ˈkla.ɾu/ | :: light (pale in colour) |
claro {adj} | :: bright (luminous; not dark) |
claro {adj} | :: clear (without clouds nor fog) |
claro {adj} | :: clear (free of ambiguity or doubt) |
claro {adj} | :: clear (distinct; sharp; well-marked; easily perceived as a unit) |
claro {adj} [of eyes] | :: blue, green or grey |
claro {adj} | :: evident (obviously true by simple observation) |
claro {m} | :: clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees) |
claro {adv} | :: clearly (without ambiguity) |
claro {interj} | :: of course (indicates enthusiastic agreement) |
Claro dos Poções {prop} | :: Claro dos Poções (municipality) |
claro-escuro {m} [painting] | :: chiaroscuro (the use of exaggerated light contrasts) |
classe {f} /ˈkla.sɨ/ | :: class, kind (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes) |
classe {f} | :: class; elegance |
classe {f} | :: class (a group of students) |
classe {f} | :: class; lesson |
classe {f} | :: classroom |
classe {f} [taxonomy] | :: class |
classe gramatical {f} | :: part of speech (the function a word or phrase performs) |
classe lateral {f} [algebra] | :: coset (a copy of a subgroup multiplied by some element from the parent group) |
classe lateral à direita {f} [algebra, rare] | :: right coset |
classe lateral à esquerda {f} [algebra, rare] | :: left coset |
classe média {f} | :: middle class (a social and economic class lying above the working class and below the upper class) |
classe operária {f} | :: working class (social class doing physical work) |
classe trabalhadora {f} | :: working class (social class doing physical work) |
clássico {adj} /ˈ | :: classic, classical |
classificação {f} /ˌˌfi.ka.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: classification |
classificador {m} | :: classifier (someone who classifies) |
classificador {m} [linguistics] | :: classifier (word or morpheme used to indicate a semantic class) |
classificador {adj} | :: classifying (that classifies) |
classificador numeral {m} [linguistics] | :: measure word (word or morpheme used in combination with a numeral to indicate the count of nouns) |
classificados {mp} | :: classified ads |
classificar {vt} | :: to classify; to sort; to rank; to grade (to divide into classes) |
classificar {v} [em, .pronominal] | :: to place (to earn a given spot in a competition) |
classificar {v} [em, .pronominal] | :: to qualify (to earn a spot in the next round of a competition) |
classudo {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: classy (elegant and fashionable) |
clástico {adj} | :: clastic |
Cláudia {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Cláudio |
claudicante {adj} | :: lame |
Cláudio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Cláudio {prop} {m} | :: Cláudio (municipality) |
claustro {m} /ˈklawʃ.tɾu/ | :: cloister |
claustrófoba {f} | :: feminine noun of claustrófobo |
claustrofobia {f} | :: claustrophobia |
claustrofóbico {adj} [psychology] | :: claustrophobic (suffering from claustrophobia) |
claustrofóbico {m} | :: claustrophobe |
claustrófobo {adj} | :: claustrophobic (suffering from claustrophobia) |
claustrófobo {m} | :: claustrophobe (one who suffers from claustrophobia) |
cláusula {f} [legal] | :: clause (separate part of a contract) |
clausura {f} /klaw.ˈzu.ɾɐ/ | :: clausure, enclosure, claustral confinement |
clausura {f} | :: a cloistered life |
clausura {f} | :: convent |
clava {f} /ˈkla.vɐ/ | :: club [weapon] |
clave {f} [music] | :: clef (symbol) |
clave {f} | :: juggling club |
clave de fá {f} | :: bass (clef sign) |
clave de sol {f} [music] | :: G clef |
clavícula {f} /kla.ˈ | :: collarbone, clavicle |
clearance {m} [medicine] | :: clearance (removal of harmful substances from the blood) |
clematite {f} [botany] | :: clematis (any of the flowering lianas of the genus Clematis) |
clemência {f} | :: clemency; leniency (gentle or kind exercise of power) |
Clemente {prop} {m} /kle.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: given name |
clementina {f} [Portugal] | :: clementine (hybrid between a mandarin and a sweet orange) |
Clementina {prop} | :: Clementina (municipality) |
Cleópatra {prop} {f} | :: Cleopatra (last queen of Egypt) |
Cleópatra {prop} {f} | :: given name |
clepsidra {f} | :: water clock (device for measuring time) |
cleptocracia {f} | :: kleptocracy (corrupt and dishonest government) |
cleptocrata {mf} | :: kleptocrat (corrupt leader) |
cleptomania {f} /ˌklɛˈni.a/ | :: kleptomania (proclivity to steal) |
cleptomaníaco {m} | :: kleptomaniac (one who steals compulsively) |
clerical {adj} /klɨ.ɾi.ˈkaɫ/ | :: clerical (of or relating to the clergy) |
clériga {f} | :: feminine noun of clérigo; clergywoman |
clérigo {m} /ˈklɛ.ɾi.ɣu/ | :: cleric, clergyman |
clero {m} | :: clergy (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services) |
Cleveland {prop} {f} | :: Cleveland (city) |
Clevelândia {prop} {f} /ˌˈlɐ̃.d͡ʒi.ɐ/ | :: Clevelândia (town/and/municipality) |
clicando {v} | :: gerund of clicar |
clicar {vt} [computing] | :: to click with a mouse |
clichê {m} | :: cliché (overused phrase or expression) |
clichê {m} | :: cliché (anything that is overused) |
cliente {mf} /kli.ˈẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: customer, client (one who purchases or receives a product or service) |
clientela {f} | :: clientele (body of clients who frequent an establishment) |
clientelismo {m} [politics] | :: patronage (the practice of granting favours in return for political support) |
clima {m} /ˈkli.mɐ/ | :: climate (long-term manifestations of weather) |
clima {m} [colloquial] | :: mood; atmosphere (as in the situation) |
climatizar {vt} | :: to air-condition |
climatizar {vt} | :: to heat (swimming pool) |
climatologia {f} | :: climatology (science that studies the climate) |
climatologicamente {adv} | :: climatologically |
climatológico {adj} | :: climatological |
climatologista {mf} | :: climatologist (person who studies the climate) |
climatólogo {m} | :: climatologist (person who studies the climate) |
clímax {m} | :: climax |
Clímene {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Clymene (nymph of Greek mythology) |
clínica {f} [healthcare] /ˈɐ/ | :: clinic (small medical facility) |
clínica {f} [uncountable] | :: medicine; healthcare (the practice of treating disease) |
clínica {f} | :: feminine noun of clínico |
clinicamente {adv} | :: clinically |
clínico {adj} /ˈkliniku/ | :: clinical |
clínico {m} | :: clinician |
clínico geral {m} | :: general practitioner (physician who provides primary care; family doctor) |
Clio {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Clio (the Muse of history and heroic poetry) |
clipe {m} | :: paper clip |
clipe {m} | :: music video (motion picture accompanying a song) |
clípeo {m} [entomology] | :: clypeus (front part of an insect’s head or a spider’s cephalothorax) |
clips {m} [colloquial] | :: paper clip |
clique {m} | :: click |
clique duplo {m} [computing] | :: double-click (the action of pushing a mouse button twice in quick succession) |
clister {m} | :: enema (injection of fluid into the rectum) |
clister {m} | :: enema (fluid so injected) |
clítico {m} [linguistics] | :: clitic (morpheme attached to another word) |
clítico {adj} [linguistics] | :: pertaining or related to clitics |
clitóris {m} [anatomy] /kli.ˈtɔ.ɾis/ | :: clitoris (elongated erectile organ) |
clítoris {m} [anatomy] /ˈɾis/ | :: clitoris, clit, button (elongated erectile organ) |
clivagem {f} | :: cleavage (of crystals) |
cloaca {f} [anatomy] | :: cloaca (excretory and genital duct in bird, reptiles and fish) |
clonagem {f} [biology] | :: cloning (production of a cloned embryo) |
clonagem {f} [by extension] | :: cloning (production of an exact copy of an object) |
clonar {v} | :: to clone (to create a clone) |
clone {m} | :: clone (organism produced asexually from a single ancestor) |
clone {m} | :: clone (copy of something already existing) |
clone {m} | :: clone (group of identical cells derived from a single cell) |
cloração {f} | :: chlorination |
cloracne {f} [pathology] | :: chloracne (acne caused by exposure to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons) |
clorado {adj} | :: chlorinated |
clorando {v} | :: gerund of clorar |
clorar {v} | :: to chlorinate |
clorato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chlorate |
cloreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chloride |
cloreto de sódio {m} [inorganic compound] | :: sodium chloride (chemical term for table salt; NaCl) |
clórico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chloric |
clorídrico {adj} [chemistry] | :: hydrochloric |
clorito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chlorite |
cloro {m} | :: chlorine |
cloroáurico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chloroauric |
clorofila {f} | :: chlorophyll |
clorofluorocarboneto {m} [organic chemistry] | :: chlorofluorocarbon |
clorofórmio {m} [organic compound] | :: chloroform |
clorogénico {adj} [European orthography] | :: chlorogenic (of or pertaining to chlorogenic acid) |
clorogênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of ecogénico |
cloroplasto {m} /klo.ɾo.ˈplas.tu/ | :: chloroplast (photosynthetic organelle) |
clorose {f} [medicine] /klu.ˈɾɔ.z(ə)/ | :: chlorosis (yellow-green colouration of the skin) |
clorose {f} [botany] | :: chlorosis (yellowing of plant tissue) |
cloroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chlorous |
close {m} [photography] | :: close-up (photography in which the subject is shown at a large scale) |
close {m} | :: attitude |
close-up {m} [photography] | :: close-up (photography in which the subject is shown at a large scale) |
Clotilde {prop} {f} /klo.ˈt͡ʃiw.d͡ʒi/ | :: given name |
Cloto {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Clotho (one of the Fates) |
CLT {f} [Brazil, acronym] | :: Consolidation of Labor Laws (Consolidation of Labor Laws) |
CLT {f} [by extension] | :: labor laws in general |
clube {m} /ˈklu.βɨ/ | :: club (association of members) |
cluster {m} [music] /ˈklɐs.teʁ/ | :: cluster (chord of three or more notes) |
cluster {m} [computing] | :: cluster (group of computers working concurrently) |
cmg {pron} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of comigo |
CNH {m} | :: A driver's license in Brazil |
cnidário {m} | :: cnidarian (any of various invertebrate animals belonging to the phylum Cnidaria) |
Cnossos {prop} {f} | :: Cnossos (ancient city) |
CNPJ {m} [Brazil] | :: a registry document of a company |
cõ {prep} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of com |
coa {contraction} [obsolete] | :: contraction of com a |
coabitante {mf} | :: coinhabitant (one who dwells with another) |
coabitar {v} /ˌˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to cohabit |
co a breca {interj} | :: alternative form of com a breca |
co'a breca {interj} | :: alternative form of com a breca |
coação {f} /ko̯aˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: coercion (forcing or pressuring someone to do something) |
coação {f} | :: straining, filtering; leaching; percolation |
coacção {f} | :: alternative form of coação |
coactivo {adj} | :: alternative form of coativo |
coadjuvando {v} | :: gerund of coadjuvar |
coadjuvar {v} | :: to assist |
coadjuvar {v} | :: to cooperate with |
coadoção {f} /ˌˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: coadoption (joint adoption) |
coadopção {f} | :: obsolete spelling of coadoção |
coador {m} /kwɐˈðoɾ/ | :: strainer, colander |
coador {m} | :: filter (for coffee) |
coagindo {v} | :: gerund of coagir |
coagir {v} | :: to coerce |
coagulação {f} | :: coagulation |
coagulação {f} | :: clotting |
coagulando {v} | :: gerund of coagular |
coagular {v} | :: to coagulate |
coagular {v} | :: to clot |
coágulo {m} | :: clot |
coágulo {m} | :: curd |
coala {m} | :: koala |
coalescedor {m} | :: coalescer (device used to perform coalescence) |
coalescência {f} | :: coalescence |
coalescer {v} [of separate elements] | :: to coalesce (to join into a single mass) |
coalescer {v} [of a whole or a unit] | :: to coalesce (to form from different elements) |
coalhada {f} | :: a dessert made of curd |
coalhar {v} | :: to coagulate |
coalho {m} | :: curdling, coagulation |
coalho {m} | :: milk curd |
coalho {m} [anatomy] | :: abomasum (fourth stomach compartment of a ruminant) |
coalizão {f} | :: coalition (group of organisations) |
coando {conj} [uncommon] | :: obsolete spelling of quando |
coar {v} /ku.ˈaɾ/ | :: to strain, to filter |
coar {v} | :: to distill |
Coaraci {prop} | :: Coaraci (municipality) |
coarctação {f} [medicine] | :: coarctation; stenosis (abnormal narrowing or stricture in a blood vessel or other tubular organ) |
coas {contraction} [obsolete] | :: contraction of com as |
coassinar {v} | :: to cosign (to sign a document jointly with another person) |
coati {m} | :: alternative form of quati |
coativo {adj} | :: coercive |
coaxar {vi} /kwɐ.ˈʃaɾ/ | :: to ribbit or croak (make the sound of a frog or toad) |
cobaia {f} [zoology] | :: guinea pig (rodent) |
cobaia {f} [figuratively] | :: guinea pig (volunteer for an experiment) |
cobaltita {f} [mineral] | :: cobaltite |
cobalto {m} /ko.ˈ | :: cobalt (element) |
Cobane {prop} {f} | :: dated spelling of Kobane |
cobarde {adj} /ku.ˈβaɾ.ðɨ/ | :: cowardly |
cobarde {mf} | :: coward |
cobardemente {adv} | :: cowardly (in the manner of a coward) |
cobardia {f} | :: alternative form of covardia |
coberto {adj} /ku.ˈβɛɾ.tu/ | :: covered (overlaid with something) |
coberto {adj} | :: covered by blankets |
coberto {adj} [of an area] | :: having a roof above |
coberto {adj} | :: having many things on top |
coberto {adj} [of food] | :: iced (covered with icing) |
coberto {adj} [of a debt] | :: paid |
coberto {adj} [of a cheque] | :: not bounced; not dishonoured; whose account has sufficient funds |
coberto {adj} | :: insured (covered by an insurance policy) |
coberto {adj} [of a farm animal] | :: pregnant |
cobertor {m} /ku.βɨɾˈtoɾ/ | :: blanket, coverlet |
cobertura {f} | :: the act of covering something |
cobertura {f} | :: cover (anything which covers other things) |
cobertura {f} [architecture] | :: penthouse (apartment on the top floor of a building) |
cobertura {f} [banking] | :: funds for redeeming a cheque |
cobertura {f} [communication] | :: news coverage (a media organisation’s account of an occurrence) |
cobertura {f} [military, law enforcement] | :: protection from enemy fire |
cobertura {f} [sports] | :: the act of preventing adversaries from reaching a team |
cobertura {f} [ecology] | :: contents of the topmost layer of soil |
cobertura {f} | :: insurance warranty |
cobertura {f} | :: coverage (the extent to which a television radio or internet signal reaches) |
cobertura {f} [topology] | :: cover (a set of sets whose union contains the given set) |
cobertura {f} | :: icing (sweet covering of baked goods) |
cobertura de risco {f} [finance] | :: hedge (contract or arrangement reducing exposure to risk) |
cobiça {f} /ku.ˈβi.sɐ/ | :: greed, avarice |
cobiça {f} | :: lust |
cobiçado {adj} | :: desirable; popular |
cobiçando {v} | :: gerund of cobiçar |
cobiçar {v} /ku.biˈsaɾ/ | :: to covet |
cobiçar {v} | :: to wish for |
cobiçar {v} | :: to aspire to |
cobra {f} /ˈkɔ.βɾɐ/ | :: snake |
cobra-coral {f} | :: coral snake (snake of the genus Micrurus or Micruroides) |
cobra-de-água-de-colar {f} | :: grass snake (Natrix natrix) |
cobra-de-escada {f} | :: ladder snake Rhinechis scalaris |
cobra de vidro {f} | :: slowworm (Anguis fragilis, a legless Old-World lizard) |
cobra-de-vidro {f} | :: alternative spelling of cobra de vidro |
cobrador {adj} | :: collecting, conducting, receiving |
cobrador {m} | :: collector |
cobrador {m} | :: conductor |
cobrador {m} | :: receiver |
cobra-lisa-austríaca {f} [rare] | :: smooth snake Coronella austriaca |
cobrança {f} | :: collection (process) |
cobrança {f} | :: demand |
cobrando {v} | :: gerund of cobrar |
cobrão {m} [colloquial] | :: shingles (herpes zoster) |
cobrar {v} /ku.ˈβɾaɾ/ | :: to charge (ask for a certain amount of money for something) |
cobrar {v} | :: to demand payment |
cobrar {v} [by extension] | :: to demand that something be done |
cobrar {v} [sports] | :: to take |
cobra-real {f} | :: king cobra Ophiophagus hannah |
cobre {m} /ˈkɔ.βɾɨ/ | :: copper (reddish-brown, malleable metal) |
cobre {m} [colloquial] | :: a small amount of money; little change |
cobreado {adj} | :: copper (having the colour of copper) |
cobrir {v} /ku.ˈβɾiɾ/ | :: to cover (conceal or protect) |
coca {f} | :: coca (cultivated plant of the family Erythroxylaceae) |
coca {f} | :: coca (dried leaf of Erythroxylon coca) |
coca {f} | :: Coke (Coca-Cola) |
coca {f} [uncountable, slang] | :: snow (cocaine) |
coça {f} | :: beating, spanking |
Coca-Cola {prop} {f} | :: Coca-Cola (particular carbonated soft drink) |
cocada {f} | :: coconut ball (confectionery) |
cocaína {f} | :: cocaine |
Cocal do Sul {prop} | :: Cocal do Sul (municipality) |
cocar {m} | :: headdress used by the indigenous American peoples, especially ones used by Brazilian Indians and war bonnets used by Great Plain Indians |
coçar {v} /ku.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to scratch (to rub a surface with a sharp object) |
coçar {v} | :: to itch |
coccídio {m} | :: coccidian (any protozoan of the subclass Coccidia) |
coccidiose {f} [disease] | :: coccidiosis (disease caused by coccidian infection) |
coccígeo {adj} | :: coccygeal |
cóccix {m} [anatomy] /ˈkɔk.sis/ | :: coccyx; tailbone (final vertebra) |
coccyx {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cóccix |
cocegar {vt} | :: to tickle |
cócegas {fp} | :: tickle |
cócegas {fp} [figuratively] | :: desire, temptation |
coceguento {adj} | :: ticklish (sensitive or susceptible to tickling) |
coceira {f} | :: itch, itching |
coche {m} /ˈkɔ.ʃɨ/ | :: coach (wheeled vehicle drawn by horse power) |
cocheira {f} /ku.ˈʃɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: stable (building where animals are lodged) |
cocheira {f} | :: trough (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) |
cocheira {f} | :: feminine noun of cocheiro |
cocheiro {m} /ku.ˈʃɐj.ɾu/ | :: coachman |
Cocheiro {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Auriga (winter constellation of northern sky) |
cochichar {vi} | :: to whisper, to speak in quiet voice |
cochicho {m} /kuˈʃiʃu/ | :: whisper |
cochilando {v} | :: gerund of cochilar |
cochilar {v} | :: to nap, doze, nod off |
Cochinchina {prop} {f} /ku.ʃĩ.ˈʃi.nɐ/ | :: Cochinchina (historical region) |
Cochinchina {prop} {f} | :: Timbuktu (placeholder for a remote, distant, or boring place) |
cochinilha {f} | :: cochineal (insect) |
cocho {m} | :: trough (container for animal feed) |
cochonilha {f} | :: alternative form of cochinilha |
cociente {m} /ko.siˈẽ.ti/ | :: quotient |
cocker spaniel americano {mf} | :: American cocker spaniel (breed of sporting dog) |
cockney {mf} | :: cockney (a native or inhabitant of parts of the East End of London) |
cockney {m} | :: cockney (English dialect of the White lower class of London) |
cóclea {f} [anatomy] | :: cochlea (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear) |
coclear {adj} [anatomy] /kuˈkljaɾ/ | :: cochlear (of or pertaining to the cochlea) |
coco {m} /ˈko.ku/ | :: coconut (fruit of coco palm) |
cocó {f} [childish, Brazil] | :: chicken |
cocó {m} [colloquial, Portugal] | :: poop, excrement |
cocô {m} [Brazil, colloquial or childish] /ko.ˈko/ | :: poo, poop (excrement) |
cocô do cavalo do bandido {m} [derogatory, idiom] | :: a person or a thing that is extremely worthless |
cócoras {fp} | :: squat (position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one’s feet) |
cocoricó {interj} | :: alternative form of cocorocó |
cocorocó {interj} | :: cock-a-doodle-doo (the cry of the rooster) |
Cocos {prop} | :: Cocos (municipality) |
cocota {f} [Brazil, dated] /ko.ˈko.ta/ | :: a young and beautiful girl |
cocota {f} [Portugal, regional] | :: head or nape |
cocotinha {f} | :: diminutive of cocota |
codão {m} [Portugal, biochemistry] | :: codon (sequence of three nucleotides) |
côdea {f} | :: crust (harder outer layer) |
codec {m} [computing] | :: codec (a device or program capable of performing transformations on a data stream or signal) |
codeína {f} | :: codeine |
códex {m} | :: codex |
códice {m} /ˈkɔ.d͡ʒ | :: codex (early manuscript book) |
codicilo {m} [legal] | :: codicil |
codificação {f} [cryptography] | :: encoding (conversion of plain text into a code or cypher) |
codificação {f} [programming] | :: coding (the process of writing source code) |
codificação {f} | :: codification (the process of precisely formulating rules) |
codificador {m} | :: coder |
codificador {m} | :: codifier |
codificando {v} | :: gerund of codificar |
codificar {v} | :: to codify |
codificar {v} | :: to encode |
código {m} /ˈkɔ.ði.ɣu/ | :: code |
código de área {m} [telephony] | :: area code (telephone number prefix indicating the geographical area) |
código de barras {m} | :: barcode (set of machine-readable parallel bars) |
código de endereçamento postal {m} | :: postcode (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) |
código de máquina {m} [programming] | :: machine language (set of instructions for a processor) |
código fonético {m} | :: phonetic alphabet (system using a word to represent each letter) |
código fonte {m} | :: alternative spelling of código-fonte |
código-fonte {m} [programming] | :: source code |
código morse {m} | :: Morse code |
código postal {m} | :: postcode (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) |
codinome {m} [business, espionage, military] | :: code name (name used to clandestinely identify something) |
códon {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of codão |
codorna {f} | :: quail (any of several small species of game bird) |
codorna comum {f} | :: alternative spelling of codorna-comum |
codorna-comum {f} | :: common quail (Coturnix coturnix, a bird) |
codorniz {f} /ko.doɹ.ˈnis/ | :: quail (Any of various small game birds of the family Phasianidae or of the family Odontophoridae) |
codornizão {m} | :: corncrake (Crex crex, a bird of the Old World) |
codorniz comum {f} | :: common quail (Coturnix coturnix, a bird) |
coeficiente {adj} | :: coefficient (cooperating) |
coeficiente {m} [mathematics] | :: coefficient (algebraic constant) |
coeficiente {m} | :: coefficient (measure of some property or characteristic) |
coelha {f} | :: feminine noun of coelho; doe |
coelhinha {f} | :: feminine noun of coelhinho |
coelhinho {m} | :: diminutive of coelho; bunny |
coelhinho da Páscoa {m} | :: Easter Bunny |
coelho {m} /kuˈeʎu/ | :: rabbit |
Coelho {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
coentro {m} /koˈẽtɾu/ | :: coriander, cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) |
coerção {f} | :: coercion (use or threat of force to compel) |
coercitividade {f} | :: coercion |
coercitivo {adj} | :: coercive |
coercivo {adj} | :: coercive |
coercivo {adj} | :: repressive, punishing |
coerência {f} | :: coherence |
coerência {f} | :: consistency |
coerente {adj} | :: coherent (orderly, logical and consistent) |
coerente {adj} [physics, of waves] | :: coherent (having the same direction, wavelength and phase) |
coerentemente {adv} | :: coherently |
coerentismo {m} [philosophy] | :: coherentism (reasoning where the truth of a belief is defined by its coherence with the rest of the believer’s knowledge and experiences) |
coesão {f} | :: cohesion |
coesão {f} | :: coherence |
coeso {adj} | :: cohesive (having cohesion) |
coetâneo {adj} | :: coeval (of the same age) |
coevo {adj} | :: coeval (of the same age) |
coevoluir {v} [evolutionary biology] | :: to coevolve (to evolve, along with another organism, via coevolution) |
coexistência {f} | :: coexistence (the condition of multiple things existing together) |
coexistência pacífica {f} | :: See: pt coexistência pacífica |
coexistência pacífica {f} [politics] | :: peaceful coexistence (mutual non-interference) |
coexistir {v} [com] | :: to coexist (to exist contemporaneously with) |
coexistir {v} [com] | :: to coexist (to exist peacefully with) |
cofator {m} | :: cofactor |
cõfessar {v} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of confessar |
coffinita {f} [mineral] | :: coffinite |
cofiando {v} | :: gerund of cofiar |
cofiar {v} | :: to stroke, smooth (hair, beard etc) |
cofo {m} | :: creel |
cofre {m} | :: safe (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) |
cofrinho {m} | :: diminutive of cofre |
cofrinho {m} | :: piggy bank (a small container to store small saved coins in) |
cofrinho {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: the portion of the butt crack that is visible when a person squats |
cogente {adj} | :: cogent (forcefully persuasive) |
cogitação {f} | :: cogitation, thought, reflection |
cogitar {vt} | :: to cogitate, consider, ponder |
cognato {m} [linguistics] /koɡ.ˈna.tu/ | :: cognate (a word that is etymologically related to another) |
cognato {adj} [linguistics] | :: being a cognate |
cognato {adj} [of a relative] | :: related by blood |
cognição {f} | :: cognition (process of knowing) |
cognitivamente {adv} | :: cognitively |
cognitivo {adj} | :: cognitive (relating to the mental functions that deals with logic) |
cognome {m} | :: cognomen; moniker (nickname or epithet by which someone is identified) |
cognome {m} | :: cognomen (third part of the name of a citizen of ancient Rome) |
cogombro {m} [obsolete] | :: cucumber (the fruit of the cucumber plant, used as a vegetable) |
cogumelo {m} /ku.ɣu.ˈmɛ.lu/ | :: mushroom |
cohomologia {f} [mathematics] | :: cohomology (theory associating a system of quotient groups to each topological space) |
cohorte {f} | :: obsolete spelling of coorte |
coibir {vt} | :: to restrain (to control or keep in check) |
coice {m} /ˈ | :: a kick from a quadruped such as a horse, donkey or camel |
coice {m} | :: a strong kick with the sole or back of the foot |
coice {m} [firearms] | :: recoil (pushback from a fired firearm) |
coice {m} [figurative] | :: a curt, rude response; a snap |
coifa {f} | :: coif (armour) |
coifa {f} | :: hood |
coifa {f} | :: hood (metal covering) |
coiloníquia {f} [pathology] | :: koilonychia |
Coimbra {prop} {f} /ˈkwĩbɾɐ/ | :: Coimbra (district) |
Coimbra {prop} {f} | :: Coimbra (city/and/municipality) |
Coimbra {prop} {f} | :: Coimbra (municipality) |
coincidência {f} | :: coincidence |
coincidentemente {adv} | :: coincidentally |
coincidir {v} | :: to coincide |
coiote {m} /kɔ.ˈjɔ.tɨ/ | :: coyote (canine) |
coiote {m} | :: A smuggler of illegal immigrants across the land border from Mexico into the United States of America |
coiro {m} | :: alternative form of couro |
coisa {f} /ˈkoj.zɐ/ | :: thing (a physical object, entity or situation) |
coisa {f} | :: thingamajig; gizmo, thingy (something whose name is unknown) |
coisa em si {f} | :: alternative spelling of coisa-em-si |
coisa-em-si {f} [philosophy] | :: thing-in-itself |
coisa e tal {phrase} [colloquial] | :: and so on (used when the speaker wants to indicate missing or incomplete information) |
coisar {v} [colloquial, humorous] | :: a placeholder verb used when the speaker doesn't remember a specific verb, and whose meaning can be inferred through context |
coisarada {f} | :: jazz (unspecified things) |
coisa-ruim {m} [euphemistic] | :: dickens, the devil |
coisificar {vt} | :: to reify (to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing) |
coisinha {f} /koj.ˈzi.ɲa/ | :: diminutive of coisa |
coiso {m} | :: alternative form of coisa |
coitadinha {f} | :: feminine noun of coitadinho |
coitadinho {m} | :: poor thing (someone or something to be pitied) |
coitado {adj} /koj.ˈta.ðu/ | :: pitiful, wretched |
coitar {v} [archaic] /koj.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to cause pain |
coitar {v} [archaic] | :: to torment, to distress, to anguish |
coitar {v} [archaic] | :: to make unhappy, to bring misfortune to |
coitar {v} | :: alternative form of acoitar |
coito interrompido {m} | :: coitus interruptus (sexual intercourse interrupted by withdrawal of the penis) |
cola {f} /ˈkɔ.lɐ/ | :: glue, paste (sticky adhesive substance) |
cola {f} | :: adhesive |
cola {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: cheat sheet, a copy of content used to help to complete a school or university test, often illegally |
cola {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: track (of someone or something to be followed) |
cola {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: trail (of someone or something to be followed) |
cola {f} | :: tail [dated] |
cola {f} [botany] | :: kola (tree or fruit) |
colaboração {f} /kulɐbuɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: collaboration |
colaborador {m} | :: collaborator |
colaborando {v} | :: gerund of colaborar |
colaborar {v} | :: to collaborate |
colaborativo {adj} | :: collaborative |
colagem {f} | :: pasting, gluing |
colagem {f} [art] | :: collage |
colagénio {m} [European orthography] | :: collagen |
colagênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of colagénio |
colágeno {m} [biochemistry] | :: collagen (glycoprotein that forms elongated fibres) |
colante {adj} /ku.ˈlɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: adherent; adhesive; which sticks to things |
colante {adj} [of an item of clothing] | :: close-fitting |
colapsar {v} | :: to collapse |
colapso {m} /ko.ˈ | :: collapse (act of collapsing) |
colapso {m} | :: faint (act of losing consciousness) |
colar {m} /kuˈlaɾ/ | :: necklace, chain |
colar {m} | :: (clothing) collar |
colar {v} | :: to glue [to join with glue] |
colar {v} | :: to affix, to attach, to tie together |
colar {v} | :: to invest [to receive a priest's collar] |
colar {v} | :: to settle a bill |
colar {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to approach, to get closer to (someone or somewhere) |
colar {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to use a copy of content to help to complete a school or university test, often illegally |
colar {v} [usually as colar grau] | :: to receive one’s university diploma, especially in a ceremonial manner |
colar {vt} | :: to invest (to ceremonially install someone in some office) |
colarinho {m} /ku.lɐ.ˈɾi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of colar |
colarinho {m} | :: collar (part of an upper garment that fits around the neck) |
colarinho {m} [Brazil] | :: beer froth |
colarinho {m} [architecture] | :: a band placed around a column, just below the chapiter |
colateral {adj} | :: collateral |
colcha {f} /ˈkoɫ.ʃɐ/ | :: quilt (bed covering) |
colchão {m} /koɫˈʃɐ̃w̃/ | :: mattress |
colcheia {f} [music] | :: quaver (an eighth note) |
colchete {m} | :: hook |
colchete {m} [typography] | :: square bracket |
colchoaria {f} | :: mattress shop |
colchoaria {f} | :: mattress factory |
coldre {m} /ˈkɔw.dɾe/ | :: holster (leather case into which a gun fits snugly) |
cole {m} | :: alternative form of cúli |
coleando {v} | :: gerund of colear |
colear {v} | :: to wiggle |
coleção {f} /ku.lɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: collection |
coleção {f} | :: range |
coleção {f} | :: compilation |
colecção {f} | :: alternative form of coleção |
colecionar {v} | :: to collect (to accumulate items as a hobby) |
colectânea {f} | :: obsolete spelling of coletânea |
colectivamente {adv} | :: alternative form of coletivamente |
colectivização {f} | :: alternative spelling of coletivização |
colectivizar {v} | :: alternative spelling of coletivizar |
colectivo {adj} | :: alternative form of coletivo |
colega {mf} /ku.ˈlɛ.ɣɐ/ | :: colleague (fellow member of a profession) |
colega {mf} | :: buddy, friend |
colega de classe {mf} | :: classmate (someone who is or was in the same class) |
colega de quarto {mf} | :: roommate (a person with whom one shares a house) |
colegial {adj} | :: collegiate |
colegial {adj} | :: university (attributive) |
colégio {m} /ku.ˈlɛ.ʒju/ | :: college, school |
colégio {m} | :: campus |
coleira {f} /ku.ˈlɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: leash (long cord for dogs) |
coleira {f} [botany] | :: kola (tree) |
colemanita {f} [mineral] | :: colemanite |
cólera {f} [pathology] /ˈkɔ.lɨ.ɾɐ/ | :: cholera (infectious disease) |
cólera {f} | :: anger; fury; wrath |
colérico {adj} | :: choleric (all senses) |
colérico {adj} | :: indignant |
colesteatoma {m} [pathology] | :: cholesteatoma (a destructive and expanding growth in the middle ear) |
colesterol {m} [biochemistry] /kɔlɨʃt(ɨ)ˈɾɔɫ/ | :: cholesterol |
coleta {f} [bullfighting] /kuˈletɐ/ | :: coleta |
coleta {f} /kuˈlɛtɐ/ | :: collection; the act of collecting |
coletando {v} | :: gerund of coletar |
coletânea {f} | :: collection, anthology |
coletar {v} /ko.le.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to collect, gather |
colete {m} /kuˈle.tɨ/ | :: waistcoat |
colete {m} | :: short for colete à prova de balas |
colete à prova de bala {m} | :: alternative form of colete à prova de balas |
colete à prova de balas {m} | :: bulletproof vest |
colete balístico {m} | :: ballistic vest |
colete de forças {m} [Portugal] | :: straitjacket (garment that prevents arm movement) |
colete salva-vidas {m} | :: life jacket (floating clothing) |
coletivamente {adv} /kuˌlɛtivɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: collectively |
coletivismo {m} | :: collectivism |
coletivização {f} | :: collectivisation (the act of collectivising) |
coletivizar {v} | :: to collectivize |
coletivo {adj} | :: collective |
coletor {m} | :: collector (person or thing that collects) |
coletor {m} | :: manifold (pipe fitting) |
coletor de impostos {m} | :: tax collector (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) |
coletor de lixo {m} [programming] | :: garbage collector (element that reclaims resources which are no longer in use) |
colhão {m} [vulgar, usually plural] /kuˈʎɐ̃w̃/ | :: ball (a testicle) |
colhedeira {f} | :: combine harvester (machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain plants) |
colheita {f} /kuˈʎejtɐ/ | :: harvest,crop |
colheitadeira {f} [Brazil] | :: combine harvester (machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain plants) |
colher {f} /ku.ˈʎɛɾ/ | :: spoon (eating utensil) |
colher {v} /kuˈʎeɾ/ | :: to harvest, get, reap, gather |
colherada {f} | :: spoonful (amount a spoon will hold) |
colherada {f} | :: a blow with a spoon |
colher de café {f} | :: teaspoon (literally a coffeespoon but equivalent to a teaspoon) |
colher de chá {f} | :: teaspoon (a small spoon) |
colher de chá {f} | :: teaspoon (a unit of volumetric measure, one-third of a tablespoon) |
colher de chá {f} [figurative] | :: an opportunity given to someone for little or no effort |
colhér de chá {f} | :: obsolete spelling of colher de chá |
colher de pedreiro {f} | :: trowel (handtool used by masons to hold and spread mortar) |
colher de sobremesa {f} | :: A spoon used for eating cereal etc. Equivalent to an Australian dessertspoon or an American tablespoon |
colher de sopa {f} | :: a spoon the size and shape of an Australian tablespoon, bigger than an American tablespoon but the same shape, unlike a soupspoon but still used for soup |
colhereiro {m} | :: spoonbill (bird) |
colher o que semear {v} [idiomatic] | :: to reap what one sows (receive justice) |
colibri {m} | :: hummingbird |
cólica {f} [pathology] | :: colic (severe pains in the abdomen) |
cólico {adj} [anatomy] | :: colic (relating to the colon) |
colidindo {v} | :: gerund of colidir |
colidir {v} | :: to collide, clash |
colidir {v} | :: to impinge |
coligação {f} [politics] | :: coalition |
coligação {f} | :: alliance |
coligir {v} | :: to gather; to collect (to bring together) |
coligir {v} | :: to collect (to accumulate items as a hobby) |
colina {f} /ku.ˈli.nɐ/ | :: hill (elevated location) |
colina {f} [biochemistry] | :: choline (a hydroxy quaternary ammonium compound) |
Colina {prop} | :: Colina (municipality) |
Colinas {prop} | :: Colinas (municipality) |
Colinas de Golã {prop} {fp} | :: Golan Heights (plateau between Syria and Israel) |
colinoso {adj} [of a landscape] | :: hilly (abounding in hills) |
colírio {n} | :: eyedrops; artificial tears |
colisão {f} | :: collision |
Coliseu {prop} {m} | :: Colosseum (ancient stadium in Rome) |
colite {f} [pathology] | :: colitis (inflammation of the colon) |
collant {m} | :: leotard (skin-tight one piece suit of clothing) |
collante {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of colante |
collapso {m} | :: obsolete spelling of colapso |
collarinho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of colarinho |
collega {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of colega |
collo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of colo |
collocar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of colocar |
Collor {prop} | :: surname |
Collor {prop} | :: Fernando Collor de Mello, the 32nd president of Brazil (1990–1992) |
colmar {v} | :: to thatch (cover with thatch) |
colmatar {vt} | :: to fill |
colmatar {vt} | :: to bridge |
colmatar {vt} [figuratively] | :: to rectify; to correct |
colmeia {f} /koɫ.ˈmɐj.ɐ/ | :: beehive |
colméia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of colmeia |
colmo {m} [uncountable] /ˈkoɫ.mu/ | :: cane (slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo) |
colmo {m} [countable, botany] | :: reed (hollow stem) |
colmo {m} | :: thatch (straw for covering roofs or stacks) |
colo {m} /ˈkɔ.lu/ | :: lap (upper legs of a seated person) |
colo {m} [anatomy] | :: neck; collum (part of body connecting the head and the trunk) |
colo {m} [skeleton] | :: neck (part of a bone that connects its head to its body) |
colo {m} [anatomy] | :: cervix (necklike portion of any part) |
colo {m} | :: gap (mountain or hill pass) |
colo {m} [botany] | :: the channel of an archegonium |
colo {m} | :: alternative form of cólon |
coloblasto {m} | :: colloblast |
colocação {f} | :: placement |
colocação {f} | :: setting |
colocação {f} | :: installation |
colocação {f} | :: collocation |
colocado {adj} /ˈka.ðu/ | :: placed, put |
colocar {vt} /ˈkaɾ/ | :: to place; to put |
colocar {vt} | :: to put [in a situation] |
colocar {vt} | :: to hire; to employ |
colocar {vt} | :: to invest (to commit capital in the hope of financial return) |
colocar {v} [em, entre, .usually, .pronominal] | :: to place (to earn a given spot in a competition’s result) |
colocar {vt} | :: to put forth [a question] |
colocar lenha na fogueira {v} | :: to add fuel to fire |
colocar o carro à frente dos bois {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put the cart before the horse (to have the wrong priorities) |
colocar todos os ovos em uma única cesta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have all one's eggs in one basket (the have invested effort in one area only) |
colocatário {m} [rare] | :: roommate (someone with whom one shares an apartment or house) |
colocolo {m} /ˌkɔ.lo.ˈkɔ.lo/ | :: monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides) |
colocolo {m} | :: colocolo (Leopardus colocolo) |
colofão {m} | :: colophon (final note with information about the author and the manuscript) |
coloide {m} [chemistry] | :: colloid (system in which dispersed insoluble particles are suspended throughout another substance) |
colóide {m} | :: superseded spelling of coloide |
Colômbia {prop} {f} /ko.ˈlõ.bjɐ/ | :: Colômbia (country) |
Colômbia {prop} {f} | :: Colômbia (municipality) |
colombiano {adj} | :: Colombian |
colombiano {m} | :: Colombian |
Colombo {prop} {f} | :: Colombo (the commercial <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Sri Lanka>>) |
Colombo {prop} {m} | :: Columbus |
Colombo {prop} | :: Colombo (town/and/municipality) |
colombofilia {f} | :: alternative form of columbofilia |
cólon {m} | :: colon (digestive system) |
colona {f} | :: feminine noun of colono |
colónia {f} [European orthography] /ku.ˈlɔ.njɐ/ | :: alternative form of colônia |
Colónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Colónia (largest city) |
colônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] /ko.ˈɐ/ | :: colony (region or governmental unit) |
colônia {f} [Brazilian orthography, Brazil] | :: a settlement of immigrants |
colônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: plantation |
colônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: eau de Cologne; cologne (type of perfume) |
Colônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Colónia, Colônia (largest city) |
colonial {adj} [geopolitics] /ko.ˌˈaw/ | :: colonial (relating to colonies: regions ruled by another country) |
colonial {adj} [geopolitics] | :: colonial; colonialistic (relating to colonialism) |
colonial {adj} [chiefly art] | :: colonial (relating to the period when a country was a colony) |
colonial {adj} [Brazil] | :: relating to the culture of rural immigrant settlements |
colonialismo {m} | :: colonialism (colonial domination policy) |
colonialista {adj} | :: colonialist |
colonialista {mf} | :: colonialist |
coloniano {adj} | :: Colognian (of, from or relating to Cologne, Germany) |
coloniano {m} | :: Colognian (person from Cologne, Germany) |
colonista {mf} | :: colonialist (specialist in colonial affairs) |
colonização {f} /kulunizɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: colonization |
colonizador {m} | :: colonist (a founder or member of a colony) |
colonizando {v} | :: gerund of colonizar |
colonizar {v} | :: to colonize |
colono {m} /ko.ˈ | :: colonist (a founder or member of a colony) |
colono {m} [Brazil] | :: an immigrant farmer, especially from an European country |
coloproctologia {f} | :: coloproctology (branch of medicine) |
coloquial {adj} [of language] /ˌˈaw/ | :: colloquial; informal; familiar |
coloquial {adj} | :: of colloquia |
colóquio {m} | :: colloquy (conversation, dialogue) |
colóquio {m} | :: colloquy (formal conference) |
colóquio {m} | :: workshop; colloquium (academic meeting) |
coloração {f} | :: colouring, colouration |
colorado {adj} [Brazil] | :: colored, red |
colorado {adj} [Brazil, soccer] | :: pertaining to, or related to Sport Club Internacional |
colorado {m} [Brazil, soccer] | :: a player or supporter of Sport Club Internacional sports team |
Colorado {prop} {m} | :: Colorado (river) |
Colorado {prop} {m} | :: Colorado (state) |
Colorado {prop} {m} | :: Colorado (town/and/municipality) |
Colorado {prop} {m} | :: Colorado (town/and/municipality) |
coloradoita {f} [mineral] | :: coloradoite |
colorar {v} | :: to color/colour |
colorau {m} /ˈɾaw/ | :: red food dye made from achiote berries or bell peppers |
colorê {interj} | :: One of the words spoken by a person playing the counting-out game of unidunitê |
colorido {adj} /ˈɾi.ðu/ | :: coloured, colourful |
colorido {adj} | :: dyed, tinted, stained |
colorido {m} | :: colour, colouring, hue |
colorir {v} /ˈɾiɾ/ | :: to color, colour |
colorir {v} [by extension] | :: to paint |
colorretal {adj} [anatomy] | :: colorectal |
colossal {adj} /ˌko.lo.ˈsaw/ | :: colossal (extremely large) |
Colossenses {prop} [book of the bible] | :: Colossians (a book of the New Testament) |
colosso {m} | :: colossus (statue of gigantic size) |
colosso {m} | :: any creature or thing of gigantic size |
Colosso de Rodes {prop} {m} | :: Colossus of Rhodes (the statue of Helios) |
colostro {m} [medicine] | :: colostrum (a form of milk) |
Cólquida {prop} {f} | :: Cólquida (historical region/and/ancient kingdom) |
colubrídeo {m} | :: colubrid (any snake of the family Colubridae) |
colubrina {f} | :: culverin (an early type of handgun) |
Colúmbia Britânica {prop} {f} | :: Colúmbia Britânica (province) |
colúmbio {m} | :: columbium |
columbita {f} [mineral] | :: columbite |
columbofilia {f} | :: pigeon fancying |
columna {f} | :: obsolete spelling of coluna |
coluna {f} [architecture] /ku.ˈlu.nɐ/ | :: column; pillar |
coluna {f} [anatomy] | :: spine; backbone |
coluna {f} [military] | :: a military column (a long body of troops) |
coluna {f} [typography] | :: a text column (body of text meant to be read line by line) |
coluna {f} [journalism] | :: a periodical's column (a recurring feature in a periodical, especially an opinion piece) |
coluna {f} [electronics] | :: loudspeaker (electromechanical transducer that converts an electrical signal into audible sound) |
coluna {f} [chess] | :: file |
Coluna {prop} | :: Coluna (municipality) |
colunata {f} | :: colonnade (a series of columns at regular intervals) |
colunável {adj} | :: famous |
colunável {mf} | :: socialite; celebrity |
coluna vertebral {f} [anatomy] | :: vertebral column, backbone |
colusão {f} | :: collusion; conspiracy (secret agreement for an illegal purpose) |
colza {f} | :: colza |
com {prep} /kõ/ | :: with; against |
com {prep} | :: with; alongside; together with (in the company of) |
com {prep} | :: with (as a part or accessory of) |
com {prep} | :: with (in support of) |
com {prep} | :: with; using (by means of) |
com {prep} | :: with (as a consequence of) |
com {prep} | :: with; having |
coma {m} /ˈkomɐ/ | :: coma, state of unconsciousness |
coma {f} | :: abundant hair of the head |
coma {f} | :: mane |
coma {f} [astronomy] | :: comet coma |
com a boca na botija {adv} | :: red-handed (in the act of wrongdoing) |
com a breca {interj} | :: damn! (exclamation of surprise) |
com a cara e a coragem {adv} [idiom, colloquial, emphatic] | :: boldly despite without any favourable conditions, without help of any kind, without means of defence (against disapproval, humiliation, etc.) |
comadre {f} /ku.ˈma.ðɾɨ/ | :: midwife |
comadre {f} | :: The godmother of one's child |
comadre {f} | :: The mother of one's godchild |
comadre {f} | :: A very dear and honoured female friend |
comadre {f} | :: gossip |
comanche {m} | :: Comanche (Native-American language) |
comanche {mf} | :: one of the Comanche (Native-American ethnic group) |
comanda {f} [Brazil] | :: the document in which a client's orders are registered in a restaurant or similar eating shop |
comandante {mf} | :: commander (one who exercises control and direction over a group of persons) |
comandante em chefe {mf} | :: alternative spelling of comandante-em-chefe |
comandante-em-chefe {mf} | :: commander in chief (supreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country) |
comandar {vt} /kumɐ̃ˈdaɾ/ | :: [_, with a subordinate clause] to command; to order (to give a direct order) |
comandar {vt} | :: to command; to lead; to head; to lead (to be in charge of) |
comando {m} /ku.ˈmɐ̃.du/ | :: order; command (task given to someone or something) |
comando {m} | :: command (right, authority or ability to order) |
comando {m} [sports] | :: first place while a competition is underway |
comando {m} [computing] | :: command (directive to a computer program to perform a specific task) |
comando {m} | :: clipping of telecomando; remote control (device used to operate an appliance from a short distance away) |
comando {m} [military] | :: commando (small fighting force trained for quick raids) |
comando {m} [military unit] | :: commando (commando trooper) |
comando {m} [military] | :: a unit headed by a commander |
comando {m} [military] | :: area under the jurisdiction of a commander |
com a pulga atrás da orelha {adj} [idiomatic, of a person] | :: distrustful, suspicious |
com a pulga atrás da orelha {adj} | :: See: pt com a pulga atrás da orelha |
comarca {f} [dated] | :: administrative division or territory, especially one close to boundaries |
comarca {f} [law] | :: a region under the rule of one or more judges or courts |
com a respiração em suspenso {adv} | :: with bated breath (eagerly) |
com a respiração suspensa {adv} | :: with bated breath (eagerly) |
com as mãos a abanar {adv} | :: alternative form of de mãos abanando |
com as mãos abanando {adv} | :: alternative form of de mãos abanando |
comatoso {adj} | :: comatose (of or relating to coma) |
comba {f} [geography] | :: combe; coombe (deep, narrow valley) |
combalir {v} | :: to become debilitated |
combate {m} /kõˈba.t͡ʃi/ | :: combat; fighting; conflict |
combate {m} [military] | :: a battle, especially a short one; skirmish |
combate {m} [martial arts, blood sports] | :: fighting, or a fight, in a sport context |
combate {m} [figuratively] | :: fierce campaigning or effort against something; war |
combatendo {v} | :: gerund of combater |
combatente {adj} /kõbɐˈtẽtɨ/ | :: combatant, fighting |
combatente {mf} | :: combatant, fighter |
combatente do fogo {mf} | :: firefighter |
combatente ilegal {mf} | :: illegal combatant (one who engages in combat without meeting the Geneva Convention) |
combater {v} | :: to fight; to combat |
combatividade {f} | :: combativeness (state of being combative) |
combinação {f} /kõbinɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: combination |
combinado {adj} /kõ.bi.ˈna.ðu/ | :: combined, joined, connected |
combinado {adj} | :: agreed |
combinado {adj} [figurative] | :: rigged (previously planned with the knowledge of multiple parties but not all) |
combinado {m} | :: agreement |
combinado {m} | :: compound |
combinado {m} | :: combo |
combinar {v} /kõ.bi.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to combine |
combinar {v} | :: to set up, to arrange (a meeting) |
combinar {v} | :: to match, to suit, to harmonize (clothes, tastes etc.) |
combinatória {f} [mathematics] | :: combinatorics (a branch of mathematics) |
comboiar {vt} | :: to convoy (to escort a group of vehicles) |
comboio {m} [rail transport, Portugal] /kõ.ˈbɔj.u/ | :: train (line of connected cars or carriages) |
comboio {m} [nautical] | :: convoy |
comboio {m} | :: convoy (group of vehicles) |
combustão {f} | :: combustion |
combustão espontânea {f} [chiefly forteana] | :: spontaneous combustion (combustion without a source of heat) |
combustível {m} | :: fuel |
combustível {adj} | :: combustible |
combustor {m} [Brazil] | :: lamppost |
com certeza {adv} | :: See: pt com certeza |
com certeza {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by all means (emphatic positive answer) |
comdado {m} | :: obsolete spelling of condado |
comde {m} | :: alternative form of conde |
começar {vi} /ku.mɨ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to start; to begin; to commence |
começar {vt} | :: to begin; to start to do |
começar {vt} | :: to start; to initiate (to cause something to begin) |
começar {v} | :: [a, por] to begin [to] |
começar {vi} | :: to begin (to have a first experience) |
começar do zero {v} [idiomatic] | :: to wipe the slate clean (to make a fresh start) |
começo {m} /ku.ˈ | :: beginning; commencement (the process of beginning, starting) |
começo {m} | :: beginning; start (the initial stages of something) |
comêço {m} | :: obsolete spelling of começo |
comédia {f} /ku.ˈmɛ.ðjɐ/ | :: comedy |
comédia de situação {f} | :: situation comedy |
comediante {mf} | :: comedian |
comedido {adj} | :: temperate (moderate in the indulgence of the natural appetites or passions) |
comedimento {m} | :: composure (the ability to remain in stressful situations) |
comediógrafo {m} | :: comedy writer |
comedor {m} | :: eater (one who eats) |
comedouro {m} | :: A place or object where animals eat |
com efeito {adv} [idiom] | :: as expected, predictably |
comemoração {f} | :: commemoration |
comemorando {v} | :: gerund of comemorar |
comemorar {v} /ku.mɨ.mu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to celebrate, commemorate |
comendador {m} | :: commander (capitalised, it is an honorary title) |
Comendador Gomes {prop} | :: Comendador Gomes (municipality) |
Comendador Levy Gasparian {prop} | :: Comendador Levy Gasparian (municipality) |
comendar {v} | :: dated form of encomendar |
comentar {v} /ko.mẽ.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to comment (make a comment) |
comentário {m} /komẽˈtaɾju/ | :: comment, observation, remark |
comentário {m} | :: commentary |
comentário {m} | :: note, annotation |
comentarista {mf} | :: commentator (person who comments professionally) |
comequié {phrase} | :: eye dialect of como é que é |
coméquié {phrase} | :: eye dialect of como é que é |
comer {v} /ku.ˈmeɾ/ | :: to eat |
comer {vi} | :: to consume meals |
comer {vt} | :: to consume a specific food |
comer {v} [de] | :: to eat some of a food |
comer {vt} [chess, board games] | :: to capture (to eliminate a piece from the game) |
comer {vt} | :: to corrode; to eat away, to destroy (to slowly destroy) |
comer {vt} [by extension, colloquial] | :: to use up; to eat up; to consume |
comer {vt} [vulgar] | :: to fuck; to screw (to penetrate sexually) |
comer {vt} [vulgar, by extension] | :: to have any sexual or otherwise libidinous relationship with someone |
comer {m} [colloquial, sometimes proscribed] | :: food; meal |
comer capim pela raiz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to die, to kick the bucket, to bite the dust, to give up the ghost, to go west, to be pushing up daisies |
comercial {m} /kumɨɾˈsjaɫ/ | :: commercial (advertisement in a common media format) |
comercial {adj} | :: commercial |
comercialização {f} | :: commercialization |
comercializando {v} | :: gerund of comercializar |
comercializar {v} /ku.mɨɾˈzaɾ/ | :: to commercialize |
comercializar {v} | :: to market |
comercialmente {adv} | :: commercially |
comerciante {mf} | :: merchant; trader (one who gains a livelihood from trading) |
Comercinho {prop} | :: Comercinho (municipality) |
comércio {m} [uncountable] /ku.ˈmɛɾ.sju/ | :: commerce, trade (exchange) |
comércio {m} | :: a company which engages in commerce |
comer com os olhos {v} | :: to ogle with desire |
comer nas mãos de alguém {v} [idiomatic] | :: to eat out of someone's hand (to be submissive due to fascination) |
comer o chapéu {v} [idiomatic] | :: to eat one's hat (used to express disbelief about a proposition) |
comer o pão que o diabo amassou {v} [idiomatic] | :: to face great difficulties or suffering in one's life, often to obtain something |
comes e bebes {mp} | :: foods and drinks |
comestível {adj} | :: That can be eaten without harm; edible |
comestível {adj} [colloquial] | :: Appearing to be true or real; verisimilar |
comestível {adj} [colloquial] | :: Sexually attractive; sexy |
cometa {m} [astronomy] /ko.ˈme.ta/ | :: comet (celestial body with a “tail” of matter) |
cometendo {v} | :: gerund of cometer |
cometer {v} | :: to commit, practice, undertake |
cometer {v} [archaic] | :: obsolete form of acometer |
cometimento {m} | :: alternative form of acometimento |
cometter {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cometer |
comezinho {adj} | :: good to eat |
comezinho {adj} | :: simple, homely |
comforto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of conforto |
cômica {f} | :: female equivalent of cômico |
comichão {f} /ku.mi.ˈʃãw̃/ | :: itch (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch) |
comichão {f} [figuratively] | :: a strong desire |
comichar {v} | :: to itch (to feel the need to scratch) |
comichoso {adj} | :: itchy (having an itch) |
comício {m} | :: political rally |
comício {m} [historical] | :: comitia (popular legislative assembly in Ancient Rome) |
cómico {adj} [European orthography] | :: comic; funny |
cómico {adj} [European orthography] | :: comic (related to comedy) |
cômico {adj} | :: comical, funny |
cômico {m} | :: comedian |
comida {f} /ku.ˈmi.ðɐ/ | :: food, something edible |
comida {f} | :: meal |
comidinha {f} /ko.mi.ˈd͡ʒi.ɲɐ/ | :: diminutive of comida |
comigo {pron} /ku.ˈmi.ɣu/ | :: prepositional form with com of eu: with me |
comigo-ninguém-pode {mf} /ko.ˈmi.ɡu nĩ.ɡẽj̃ ˈpɔ.d͡ʒi/ | :: dumbcane (Dieffenbachia seguine, a poisonous plant commonly grown as an ornamental) |
comilança {f} | :: the act of eating excessively, often in the context of celebration |
comilança {f} | :: a deceitful and unfair business |
comilão {m} /ku.mi.ˈlɐ̃w̃/ | :: trencherman (person who eats a substantial amount of food) |
cominação {f} [legal] /ko.mi.naˈsɐ̃w̃ / | :: commination |
cominando {v} | :: gerund of cominar |
cominar {v} | :: To comminate |
cominar {v} [legal] | :: To impose punishment for a violation |
cominho {m} | :: cumin (Cuminum cyminum, a plant) |
cominho {m} | :: cumin (cumin seeds used as spice) |
Comintern {prop} {m} [historical] /ˌko.mĩ.ˈtɛʁ.ni/ | :: Comintern (international association of Communist parties) |
comiscar {vt} | :: to nibble (eat with small bites) |
comissão {f} /ku.mi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: commission |
comissão {f} | :: committee |
Comissão da Verdade {prop} {f} | :: Unofficial, shortened name for Comissão Nacional da Verdade |
Comissão Europeia {prop} {f} | :: European Commission (executive branch of the European Union) |
Comissão Européia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Comissão Europeia |
Comissão Nacional da Verdade {prop} {f} | :: A Brazilian commission, founded in 2011, whose purpose is to investigate human rights violations in the country in the period of 1946–1988, including the military dictatorship of 1964–1985 |
comissária de bordo {f} | :: feminine noun of comissário de bordo |
comissária de voo {f} | :: feminine noun of comissário de voo |
comissário {m} /ku.mi.ˈsa.ɾju/ | :: commissioner |
comissário {m} | :: commissar |
comissário de bordo {m} | :: flight attendant (member of the crew of an aeroplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers) |
comissionado {adj} [military] | :: commissioned |
comitativo {adj} [grammar] | :: comitative (indicating accompaniment) |
comitativo {m} [grammar] | :: comitative case (case used to denote companionship) |
comité {m} [Portugal] /ku.mi.ˈtɛ/ | :: committee (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose) |
comitê {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of comité |
comitente {adj} | :: commissioning |
comitente {adj} | :: constituent |
comitiva {f} | :: company, covey; entourage |
comitologia {f} | :: comitology (art of resolving issues by committees) |
comível {adj} | :: edible (able to be safely eaten) |
comível {adj} [slang] | :: fuckable (able to be or worthy of being fucked) |
com licença {phrase} | :: excuse me (request for attention) |
com licença {phrase} | :: excuse me (request to pass) |
commandar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of comandar |
commando {m} | :: obsolete spelling of comando |
commeçar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of começar |
commeço {m} | :: obsolete spelling of começo |
commêço {m} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of começo |
commendador {m} | :: obsolete spelling of comendador |
comment {m} [Internet slang] | :: comment, remark |
commercial {m} | :: obsolete spelling of comercial |
commercial {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of comercial |
commercio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of comércio |
commeter {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cometer |
commetter {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cometer |
common law {f} [legal] | :: common law (legal system) |
commum {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of comum |
communa {f} | :: obsolete spelling of comuna |
communicação {f} | :: obsolete spelling of comunicação |
communicado {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of comunicado |
communicado {m} | :: obsolete spelling of comunicado |
communicar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of comunicar |
communidade {f} | :: obsolete spelling of comunidade |
como {adv} /ˈ | :: how (in what way, manner) |
como {adv} | :: why; how could (for what cause, reason, or purpose), when the action is considered reproachful |
como {adv} | :: such as; like; for example (introduces an example or list of examples) |
como {adv} | :: like; just alike; similarly to |
como {adv} | :: how (indicates surprise, delight or other strong feelings) |
como {conj} | :: but also; as well as (introduces an exceptional characteristic) |
como {conj} | :: like; as (in the same way that; according to what) |
como {conj} | :: [only in the main clause] as; because; since (introduces a reason or motive) |
como {conj} | :: how to; a way of |
como {interj} | :: [interrogative] what? sorry? pardon? (used as a request for someone to repeat something not heard or understood clearly) |
como {prep} | :: as (in the role of) |
Como {prop} {f} | :: Como (city/and/province) |
como assim {phrase} | :: how so? |
comoção {f} /ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: commotion |
comoção {f} | :: concussion |
comoção {f} | :: riot, insurrection |
com o cu na mão {adj} [vulgar] | :: scared shitless |
cómoda {f} [European orthography] /ˈkɔ.mu.ðɐ/ | :: chest of drawers |
cômoda {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cómoda |
comodamente {adv} | :: comfortably |
como de costume {adv} | :: as usual |
comodidade {f} | :: convenience |
comodidade {f} | :: comfort, ease |
comodidade {f} | :: amenity |
comodidade {f} | :: welfare |
como diria Jack o Estripador, vamos por partes {phrase} [humorous] | :: Let's carefully analyze the situation |
Comodo {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Komodo |
cómodo {adj} [European orthography] /ˈkɔ.mu.ðu/ | :: convenient |
cómodo {adj} [European orthography] | :: comfortable |
cómodo {m} [European orthography] | :: convenience |
cómodo {m} [European orthography] | :: employment, occupation |
cómodo {m} [European orthography] | :: accommodation |
cómodo {m} [European orthography] | :: [Brazil] room |
cômodo {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cómodo |
cômodo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cómodo |
comodoro {m} [military, nautical] | :: commodore (a naval officer) |
comodoro {m} [nautical] | :: commodore (president of a yacht club) |
como é em cima, assim é embaixo {phrase} | :: alternative form of como em cima, assim embaixo |
como em cima, assim embaixo {phrase} [occultism] | :: as above, so below (what happens on one level of reality also happens on every other level) |
como é que é {phrase} | :: See: pt como é que é |
como é que é {phrase} | :: excuse me?! what what what?! |
comofas {interj} [Internet slang] | :: how do I do it? |
como já era de esperar {adv} | :: alternative form of como já era de se esperar |
como já era de se esperar {adv} | :: unsurprisingly |
como não {phrase} [rare] | :: yes |
com o passar do tempo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: As time goes on, in the long run |
com o perdão da palavra {phrase} | :: pardon my French (excuse the speaker's swear words or bad language) |
como por exemplo {phrase} | :: such as; e.g. |
como queira {phrase} | :: as you wish (use to comply with a request) |
comoquer {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of como quer |
comorense {adj} | :: Comorian (of, from or relating to the Comoros) |
comorense {mf} | :: Comorian (person from the Comoros) |
comorense {m} | :: Comorian (Bantu language spoken in the Comoros) |
Comores {prop} {fp} | :: Comores (country/and/archipelago) |
como se {conj} | :: as though (as to suggest that) |
como se {conj} | :: as if (ironically denoting something unlikely) |
como se diz {phrase} [formal] | :: How do you say in Portuguese? |
como tas {interj} | :: informal form of como estás |
como te chamas {phrase} /ˈ ˈtɨ ˈʃɐ.mɐʃ/ | :: what is your name? |
com o tempo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: As time goes on, in the long run |
como um elefante em uma loja de cristais {adv} | :: alternative form of como um elefante numa loja de cristais |
como um elefante em uma loja de louças {adv} | :: alternative form of como um elefante numa loja de cristais |
como um elefante numa loja de cristais {adv} [simile, rare] | :: like a bull in a china shop (clumsily, aggressively) |
como um elefante numa loja de louças {adv} | :: alternative form of como um elefante numa loja de cristais |
como vai {phrase} | :: how are you? (a greeting) |
comovedor {adj} | :: moving, touching (that causes someone to feel emotion) |
como veio ao mundo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in one’s birthday suit; nakedness |
comovente {adj} | :: moving, poignant, touching |
comover {v} /ˈveɾ/ | :: to affect, move, touch |
comovido {adj} /ˈvi.ðu/ | :: affected, impressed |
comovido {adj} | :: softened |
comovido {adj} | :: sensitized |
compactar {vt} | :: to compact (make more dense) |
compactar {vt} [computing] | :: to compress (encode information using fewer bits) |
compacto {adj} /kõ.ˈpak.tu/ | :: compact (closely packed) |
compacto {adj} [of a product or good] | :: compact (having all features in a small space) |
compacto {m} | :: a small, single-part audio playing device |
compacto {m} [broadcasting] | :: a short, summarised edition of a programme |
compacto {m} | :: clipping of disco compacto |
compactuar {v} | :: condone; go along with; facilitate |
compadecer {vt} | :: to make someone feel pity |
compadecer {vpi} | :: to feel pity |
compadecer {v} [de, por, .pronominal] | :: to pity; to feel sorry for |
compadecer {v} [com, .pronominal] | :: to conform to (to be compatible with) |
compadecer {vt} | :: to accept; to tolerate (to regard as proper; not to intervene with) |
compadecidamente {adv} | :: compassionately |
compadecido {adj} | :: compassionate |
compadre {m} /kõ.ˈpa.ðɾɨ/ | :: godfather of one’s child; father of one’s godchild |
compadre {m} | :: father of one's child's spouse; co-father-in-law |
compadre {m} | :: [familiar] a close friend; compadre |
compaixão {f} /kõ.paj.ˈʃɐ̃w̃/ | :: compassion |
compaixão {f} | :: pity |
compaixão {f} | :: sympathy |
compaixão {f} | :: empathy |
companha {f} [nautical] /kõ.ˈpɐ.ɲɐ/ | :: crew (especially of a fishing boat); seamanship |
companheira {f} | :: female equivalent of companheiro |
companheira {f} | :: consort, wife, concubine |
companheiro {m} /kõ.pɐ.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ | :: companion, comrade |
companheiro {m} | :: partner |
companheiro de quarto {mf} | :: roommate (a person with whom one shares a room) |
companheyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of companheiro |
companhia {f} /kõ.pɐ.ˈɲi.ɐ/ | :: company, companionship |
companhia {f} | :: company (in legal context, a corporation) |
companhia {f} | :: company (group of individuals) |
companhia {f} [military] | :: company |
comparação {f} /kõpɐɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: comparison (the act of comparing or the state of being compared) |
comparando {v} | :: gerund of comparar |
comparar {v} /kõ.pɐ.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to compare |
comparar {v} | :: to liken |
comparativamente {adv} | :: comparatively |
comparativo {adj} [comparable] /kõpɐɾɐˈtivu/ | :: Of or relating to comparison; comparative |
comparativo {adj} [comparable] | :: Approximated by comparison; comparative; relative |
comparativo {adj} [not comparable, grammar] | :: Showing a relative quality; comparative |
comparativo {m} | :: comparative |
comparável {adj} /kõ.pɐ.ˈɾa.vɛɫ/ | :: similar, comparable (which may be compared (to)) |
comparecendo {v} | :: gerund of comparecer |
comparecer {v} /kõ.pa.ɾe.ˈse(ʁ)/ | :: to attend, appear, turn up |
comparecimento {m} | :: attendance |
comparecimento {m} | :: appearance |
comparsa {mf} [drama] | :: extra, walk-on, spear-carrier, supernumerary |
comparsa {mf} | :: an accomplice in a crime |
comparsa {mf} | :: a friend or partner |
compartilhar {v} /kõ.paʁ.t͡ʃi.ˈʎa(ʁ)/ | :: to share (to give) |
compartimento {m} | :: compartment |
compassivo {adj} | :: compassionate, tender-hearted |
compasso {m} /kõ.ˈ | :: pair of compasses (tool used to draw circles) |
compasso {m} [music] | :: measure (musical designation) |
compasso {m} [figuratively] | :: measure; rule |
compasso {m} [Catholicism] | :: a Portuguese Easter ritual |
compatibilidade {f} | :: compatibility |
compatibilidade {f} | :: consistency |
compatibilismo {m} [philosophy] | :: compatibilism (the doctrine of compatibility between determinism and free will) |
compatível {adj} | :: compatible |
compatrício {m} | :: compatriot (somebody from the same country) |
compatriota {mf} /kõpɐˈtɾjɔtɐ/ | :: compatriot |
compelir {v} | :: to compel |
compelir {v} | :: to force, coerce |
compêndio {m} /kõ.ˈpẽ.dju/ | :: compendium |
compêndio {m} | :: textbook, manual |
compêndio {m} | :: summary |
compenetradamente {adv} | :: convincingly; with conviction |
compenetradamente {adv} | :: concentratedly |
compenetrado {adj} | :: convinced |
compenetrado {adj} | :: focused |
compenetrar {vt} | :: to drive in |
compenetrar {vt} [figuratively] | :: to convince |
compenetrar {v} [.pronominal, de] | :: to convince oneself |
compensação {f} | :: compensation |
compensar {v} /kõ.pẽ.ˈsa(ɻ)/ | :: to pay, pay off, be worthwhile or profitable |
compensar {v} | :: to compensate |
compensatório {adj} | :: compensatory |
compersão {f} [neologism] | :: compersion (the joy of seeing a loved one love another) |
competência {f} /kõpɨˈtẽsjɐ/ | :: competence, competency |
competência {f} [legal] | :: jurisdiction |
competência {f} | :: ability, proficiency |
competente {adj} /kõ.pe.ˈtẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: competent (having sufficient skill, knowledge or qualifications) |
competente {adj} | :: competent (adequate for the purpose) |
competente {adj} [legal] | :: competent (having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue) |
competentemente {adv} | :: competently |
competição {f} /kõpɨtiˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: competition [all senses] |
competidor {m} /kõ.pɨ.ti.ˈðoɾ/ | :: competitor (person against whom one is competing) |
competindo {v} | :: gerund of competir |
competir {v} /kõ.pɨ.ˈtiɾ/ | :: to compete (contend) |
competitividade {f} /kõ.pe.t͡ʃi.t͡ʃˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: competitivity; competitiveness (the state of being competitive) |
competitivo {adj} /kõ.pe.t͡ʃi.ˈt͡ʃ | :: competitive (of, relating to or involving competition) |
competitivo {adj} [of a person] | :: competitive (inclined to compete) |
competitivo {adj} [of a product] | :: competitive; cheap |
compilação {f} /kõpilɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: compilation (act or process of compiling or gathering together from various sources) |
compilação {f} | :: compilation (media composed of materials gathering from other media) |
compilação {f} [computing] | :: compilation (translation of source code into object code by a compiler) |
compilação {f} [computing] | :: binary (the output of a compilation) |
compilado {adj} | :: put together; compiled |
compilado {adj} [computing] | :: in the form of an executable code after undergoing compilation; compiled |
compilador {m} [computing] | :: compiler (computer program that transforms source code into object code) |
compilador {m} | :: compiler (a person who compiles) |
compilar {vt} | :: to compile (to assemble from a collection) |
compilar {v} [computing] | :: to compile (to produce an executable from source code) |
compincha {mf} [Portugal] /kõ.ˈpĩ.ʃɐ/ | :: a friend or partner |
cômpito {m} [dialectal] /ˈkõ.pi.tu/ | :: measure, standard |
cômpito {m} | :: crossroad, intersection |
complacência {f} | :: complaisance |
complacente {adj} | :: complacent |
complacente {adj} | :: compliant |
complementando {v} | :: gerund of complementar |
complementar {adj} | :: complementary |
complementar {v} | :: to complement |
complementaridade {f} | :: complementarity |
complemento {m} [grammar] /kõplɨˈmẽtu/ | :: complement |
complemento direto {m} [grammar] | :: direct object (the noun phrase a verb is directly acting upon) |
completação {f} | :: completion (to act of making complete) |
completamente {adv} /kõ.ˌplɛ.tɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: completely; fully; totally (to a complete extent or degree) |
completamente {adv} | :: [colloquial] completely; extremely; utterly (to a very high extent or degree) |
completamento {m} | :: completion (to act of making complete) |
completar {v} /kõplɨˈtaɾ/ | :: to complete |
completar {v} | :: to supplement |
completidão {f} | :: completeness (state or condition of being complete) |
completo {adj} /kõ.ˈplɛ.tu/ | :: full, complete |
completo {adj} | :: completed |
completude {f} | :: completeness |
complexação {f} [chemistry] | :: complexation |
complexado {adj} | :: (psychologically) traumatized |
complexando {v} | :: gerund of complexar |
complexar {v} [chemistry] /kũ.ple.ˈk(i)sa(ʁ)/ | :: to complex |
complexidade {f} | :: complexity |
complexo {adj} /kõ.ˈplɛ.ksu/ | :: complex; intricate (having a great deal of fine detail or complexity) |
complexo {adj} | :: complex; complicated (not simple or straightforward) |
complexo {adj} [mathematics] | :: complex (of a number, involving the square root of -1) |
complexo {adj} [grammar, of a clause’s subject or object] | :: compound (composed of elements) |
complexo {m} | :: compound (group of buildings situated close together) |
complexo {m} [psychology] | :: complex (mental factors unconsciously associated with a subject) |
complexo de Édipo {m} [psychoanalysis] | :: Oedipus complex (unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex) |
complexo de messias {m} | :: God complex (narcissistic personality disorder) |
complexo de vira-lata {m} [Brazil] | :: "mongrel complex": A term used in Brazil to describe a national inferiority complex, i.e. a belief that the society, culture, people and government of Brazil are inherently inferior |
complexo promotor de anáfase {m} [protein] | :: anaphase-promoting complex (protein complex activated during mitosis to initiate anaphase) |
compliance {m} [business] | :: compliance (the department of a business that ensures government regulations are complied with) |
complicação {f} | :: complication |
complicação {f} | :: intricacy |
complicado {adj} | :: abstract; complex; complicated (difficult or convoluted) |
complicar {vt} | :: to complicate (to combine or associate so as to make intricate or difficult) |
complicar {vi} | :: to become complicated |
complicar {vi} [of a situation, illness or problem] | :: to become serious or grave |
complô {m} | :: plot (secret plan to achieve an end) |
compondo {v} | :: gerund of compor |
componente {mf} /ˌkõ.po.ˈnẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: component (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity) |
compor {vt} /kõ.ˈpoɾ/ | :: to compose |
comporta {f} | :: floodgate |
comportamental {adj} | :: behavioural (of or relating to behaviour) |
comportamentismo {m} | :: behaviourism (approach to psychology focusing on behaviour) |
comportamento {m} /kõ.puɾ.tɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: behaviour (the way matter moves or acts) |
comportando {v} | :: gerund of comportar |
comportar {vp} /kõ.puɾ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to behave (to act in a polite or proper way) |
comportar {v} [como, -intransitive with an adverb, .pronominal] | :: to behave (as) (to act in the specified manner) |
comportar {vt} | :: to take up to; to bear; to admit (to have as its capacity) |
comportar {vt} | :: to contain (to have inside or within itself) |
comportar {vt} | :: to stand; to tolerate; to bear |
composição {f} | :: composition (all senses) |
compósito {adj} [architecture, botany] | :: composite |
compósito {m} | :: composite (material) |
compositor {m} /kõpuziˈtoɾ/ | :: composer (one who composes; an author) |
compositor {m} | :: composer (one who composes music) |
compositora {f} | :: female equivalent of compositor |
compostar {v} | :: to compost (to produce compost) |
compostável {adj} | :: compostable |
composto {adj} | :: compound, composed, composite |
composto {m} | :: compound, composite |
composto de Amadori {m} [organic chemistry] | :: Amadori compound (derivative of aminodeoxysugars formed in food as part of the Maillard reactions) |
composto orgânico {m} [organic chemistry] | :: organic compound (carbon containing covalent compound) |
composto químico {m} [chemistry] | :: compound (substance made by chemical combination of elements) |
compostura {f} [uncountable] /ˌkõ.pos.ˈtu.ɾa/ | :: composure; calmness |
compostura {f} | :: composition (general makeup of something) |
compota {f} /kõ.ˈpɔ.tɐ/ | :: jam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) |
compota {f} | :: compote |
compra {f} /ˈkõ.pɾa/ | :: purchase (that which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent) |
comprado {adj} | :: That has been obtained in exchange for money; bought |
comprador {m} /ˌkõ.pɾa.ˈdoɻ/ | :: buyer (person who makes purchases) |
comprador {m} | :: customer |
compradora {f} | :: female equivalent of comprador |
comprar {v} /kõ.ˈpɾaɾ/ | :: to buy |
comprável {adj} | :: buyable |
com prazer {adv} [idiomatic] | :: with pleasure (willingly, without argument) |
compreender {vt} /kõ.pɾjẽ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to understand; to comprehend |
compreender {vt} | :: to understand; to get (to know how a person feels) |
compreender {vt} | :: to include; to encompass; to comprise |
compreendido {adj} | :: covered, contained, included |
compreendido {adj} | :: understood |
compreensão {f} /kõpɾjẽˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: comprehension, understanding |
compreensão {f} | :: sympathy (for a troublesome situation) |
compreensibilidade {f} | :: understandability (the property of being understandable) |
compreensível {adj} | :: understandable |
compreensivo {adj} | :: understanding (showing compassion) |
compreensivo {adj} | :: understandable (able to be easily understood) |
compreensor {m} | :: comprehender |
compreensora {f} | :: feminine noun of compreensor; comprehender |
comprehender {v} | :: obsolete form of compreender |
comprender {v} | :: obsolete spelling of compreender, now an occasional misspelling |
compressa {f} | :: compress (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds) |
compressão {f} | :: compression |
compressor {m} | :: compressor |
comprido {adj} /kõ.ˈpɾi.ðu/ | :: long (having great length) |
comprido {adj} | :: long; lengthy (having great duration) |
comprido {adj} | :: tall and lean; lanky |
comprimento {m} /kõ.pɾi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: length (measurement of distance) |
comprimido {adj} /ˌkõ.pɾi.ˈ | :: compressed |
comprimido {m} | :: pill (a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally) |
comprimir {v} | :: to compress |
comprobatório {adj} | :: comprobatory |
comprometer {v} /kõ.pɾˈte(ʁ)/ | :: to commit, engage |
comprometimento {m} | :: commitment |
comprometimento {m} | :: commital |
compromisso {m} /kõ.pɾu.ˈ | :: compromise (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions) |
compromisso {m} | :: obligation |
compromisso {m} | :: a scheduled meeting |
compromissório {adj} [legal] | :: arbitration (attributive) |
comproprietário {m} | :: co-owner / coowner |
comprovação {f} | :: proof, substantiation |
comprovação {f} | :: evidence |
comprovação {f} | :: verification |
comprovando {v} | :: gerund of comprovar |
comprovar {v} /kõ.pɾu.ˈvaɾ/ | :: to prove, confirm |
comprovar {v} | :: to demonstrate (that something is true) |
comprovativo {m} | :: receipt; confirmation |
comprovativo {adj} [legal] | :: probative, evidentiary |
compulsando {v} | :: gerund of compulsar |
compulsão {f} | :: compulsion |
compulsar {v} | :: to consult (documents etc) |
compulsar {v} | :: to compel |
compulsivamente {adv} | :: compulsively |
compulsivo {adj} | :: compulsive |
compulsório {adj} | :: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory |
compunção {f} | :: compunction |
compunção {f} | :: remorse |
compungido {adj} | :: compunctious |
compungido {adj} | :: remorseful |
computação {f} | :: computing (the study, field of computers and computer programming) |
computação {f} | :: computation (the act of computing something) |
computação em nuvem {f} [computing] | :: cloud computing (centralised computing services provided over the Internet) |
computação nas nuvens {f} | :: alternative form of computação em nuvem |
computacional {adj} | :: computational (of or relating to computing or computation) |
computador {adj} /kõ(m).pu.tɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: computing (that performs computations) |
computador {m} | :: computer |
computador de mesa {m} | :: desktop computer |
computadorização {f} | :: computerization (the act of computerizing) |
computadorizado {adj} | :: computerized |
computador pessoal {m} | :: personal computer |
computador portátil {m} | :: laptop computer |
computar {v} /ˌkõ.pu.ˈta(ɻ)/ | :: compute (reckon or calculate) |
computar {v} [computing] | :: of a computer, to execute operations |
cômputo {m} [mathematics, countable] | :: calculation (result of calculating) |
cômputo {m} [countable] | :: calculation (reckoning, estimate) |
com quanto {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of conquanto |
com que cara {phrase} [idiom, rhetorical question] | :: How am I supposed to (face someone after I did)...? |
com sigo {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of consigo |
com-sigo {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of consigo |
comsigo {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of consigo |
comtismo {m} [philosophy] | :: Comtism (the positivistic philosophy of Auguste Comte) |
com todas as letras {adv} | :: used when quoting someone to mean exactly, literally |
com tudo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: with total power or will |
com tudo {adv} | :: See: pt com tudo |
comu {f} [Internet slang, 2000s] /ko.ˈmu/ | :: community; group (group and discussion forum within a social network) |
comu {adv} | :: pronunciation spelling of como |
comum {adj} /ku.ˈmũ/ | :: common (usual) |
comum {adj} | :: common (mutual) |
com uma mão na frente e a outra atrás {phrase} [idiom] | :: extremely poor; having no money |
com uma mão nas costas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: hands down (without much effort, easily) |
comum de dois {adj} [grammar, of a word] | :: having both grammatical genders, but invariant (masculine and feminine forms are identical, and are used to refer to men and women, respectively) |
comumente {adv} | :: commonly |
comuna {f} [political subdivision] /ko.ˈmu.nɐ/ | :: commune (municipality-level subdivision in some countries) |
comuna {f} | :: commune (small rural community whose members share ownership of property) |
comuna {f} | :: a group of people who share an ideology and work together |
comuna {mf} [pejorative] | :: commie; red |
comunal {adj} | :: communal |
comungar {vi} [Christianity] | :: to communicate (to take part in the Holy Communion) |
comungar {vt} [Christianity] | :: to communicate (to administer the Holy Communion) |
comunhão {m} | :: communion (all senses) |
comunhão {m} | :: community |
Comunhão Anglicana {prop} {f} | :: Anglican Communion (a worldwide network of churches that are in communion with the Church of England) |
com unhas e dentes {adv} [idiom] | :: tooth and nail [passionately; intensely; at any cost] |
comunicabilidade {f} | :: communicability |
comunicação {f} [uncountable] /ɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: communication (concept of information exchange) |
comunicação {f} | :: notice, warning, notification |
comunicado {adj} /ˈka.ðu/ | :: which has been communicated |
comunicado {m} | :: communiqué (official report or statement) |
comunicar {v} /ˈkaɾ/ | :: to communicate (impart or transmit) |
comunicar {v} | :: to communicate (impart information or knowledge of; to make known) |
comunicar {v} | :: to communicate (express or convey ideas) |
comunicativo {adj} | :: communicative |
comunicável {adj} | :: communicable |
comunicável {adj} | :: expansive, frank |
comunicavelmente {adv} | :: communicably |
comunidade {f} /ˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: community (group sharing a common understanding) |
comunidade {f} | :: community (condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common) |
comunidade {f} [ecology] | :: community (group of organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other) |
comunidade {f} [Brazil, euphemistic] | :: a poor neighbourhood |
Comunidade da Austrália {prop} {f} | :: Comunidade da Austrália (country) |
Comunidade das Nações {prop} {f} | :: Commonwealth of Nations (association of independent states) |
Comunidade de Estados Independentes {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Comunidade dos Estados Independentes |
Comunidade dos Estados Independentes {prop} {f} | :: Commonwealth of Independent States (successor to the Soviet Union) |
Comunidade Valenciana {prop} {f} | :: Comunidade Valenciana (autonomous community) |
comunismo {m} /ˌkɔ.mu.ˈniʒ.mu/ | :: communism (philosophy) |
comunista {adj} /ku.muˈniʃ.tɐ/ | :: communist, Communist |
comunista {adj} | :: communistic |
comunista {mf} | :: communist, Communist |
comunitário {adj} | :: communal (pertaining or belonging to a community) |
comutador {m} [mathematics] | :: commutator (mathematical element, in a group) |
comutador {m} [networking] | :: switch (device that connects multiple wires, allowing them to communicate simultaneously) |
comutando {v} | :: gerund of comutar |
comutar {v} | :: to commute, exchange, replace |
comutativo {adj} [mathematics, of a binary operation] | :: commutative (such that order of operands does not affect result) |
comutativo {adj} [algebra, of an algebraic structure] | :: commutative (having a commutative operation) |
cona {f} [offensive, vulgar] | :: cunt, pussy, snatch or vagina |
Conacri {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Conakry |
Conakry {prop} {f} | :: Conakry (capital city) |
concani {m} | :: Konkani (member of the indigenous people of the Konkan Coast of India) |
concani {m} [uncountable] | :: Konkani (Indo-Aryan language spoken in Konkan) |
Concão {prop} {m} | :: Concão (traditional region) |
concatenação {f} | :: concatenation |
concatenando {v} | :: gerund of concatenar |
concatenar {v} | :: to concatenate |
concavanila {f} [protein] | :: concanavalin |
concavidade {f} | :: concavity |
côncavo {adj} /ˈkõ.kɐ.vu/ | :: concave (curved inward) |
concebendo {v} | :: gerund of conceber |
conceber {v} | :: to conceive (all senses) |
conceber {v} | :: to think (of), imagine |
conceber {v} | :: to explain |
conceber {v} | :: to interpret |
concebido {adj} | :: designed, planned, conceived |
concebível {adj} | :: conceivable (capable of being conceived or imagined) |
conceção {f} [Portugal] /kõ.sɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: alternative form of concepção |
concedendo {v} | :: gerund of conceder |
conceder {v} /kõsɨˈðeɾ/ | :: to grant, concede, allow |
concedido {adj} | :: granted, conceded |
conceição {f} [chiefly archaic] /kõ.sɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: alternative form of concepção |
conceição {f} [Christianity, usually capitalized] | :: Conception (moment when Mary was conceived) |
Conceição {prop} {f} /kõ.sɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: given name |
Conceição da Aparecida {prop} | :: Conceição da Aparecida (municipality) |
Conceição da Barra de Minas {prop} | :: Conceição da Barra de Minas (municipality) |
Conceição da Feira {prop} | :: Conceição da Feira (municipality) |
Conceição das Alagoas {prop} | :: Conceição das Alagoas (municipality) |
Conceição das Pedras {prop} | :: Conceição das Pedras (municipality) |
Conceição de Ipanema {prop} | :: Conceição de Ipanema (municipality) |
Conceição de Macabu {prop} | :: Conceição de Macabu (municipality) |
Conceição do Almeida {prop} | :: Conceição do Almeida (municipality) |
Conceição do Coité {prop} | :: Conceição do Coité (municipality) |
Conceição do Jacuípe {prop} | :: Conceição do Jacuípe (municipality) |
Conceição do Mato Dentro {prop} | :: Conceição do Mato Dentro (municipality) |
Conceição do Pará {prop} | :: Conceição do Pará (municipality) |
Conceição do Rio Verde {prop} | :: Conceição do Rio Verde (municipality) |
Conceição dos Ouros {prop} | :: Conceição dos Ouros (municipality) |
conceito {m} /kõ.ˈsɐj.tu/ | :: concept |
conceituado {adj} | :: respected, esteemed |
conceitual {adj} | :: conceptual |
conceitual {adj} | :: of, or relating to conceptualism |
conceitual {adj} | :: of, or relating to concepts or mental conception; existing in the imagination |
conceituar {v} | :: to judge |
conceituar {v} | :: to conceptualize |
concelho {m} [political subdivision] /kõ.ˈse.ʎu/ | :: county, municipality |
concentração {f} | :: concentration (all senses) |
concentrador {m} | :: concentrator |
concentrando {v} | :: gerund of concentrar |
concentrar {v} /kõ.sẽ.ˈtɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to concentrate |
concentrar {v} | :: to centralize |
concentrar {v} | :: to focus or localize |
concêntrico {adj} | :: concentric |
concepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: conception (all senses) |
concepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: idea |
concernir {vt} | :: to concern (to be of importance to) |
concertação {f} | :: agreement |
concertação {f} | :: conciliation |
concertando {v} | :: gerund of concertar |
concertar {v} | :: to agree |
concertar {v} | :: to arrange |
concertina {f} [musical instruments] | :: concertina |
concerto {m} /kõ.ˈseɻ.to/ | :: concert (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part) |
concessão {f} /kõ.se.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: grant, concession |
concessão {f} | :: award |
concessão {f} | :: franchise |
concessionária {f} | :: agent, concessionaire |
concessionária {f} | :: car dealership |
concha {f} /ˈkõ.ʃɐ/ | :: seashell |
concha {f} | :: the shell of any mollusk |
concha {f} | :: scoop; ladle (specialised spoon for serving) |
conchada {f} | :: scoop (amount held by a scoop) |
Conchal {prop} | :: Conchal (municipality) |
concha nasal {f} [skeleton] | :: nasal concha |
concha nasal inferior {f} [skeleton] | :: inferior nasal concha |
Conchas {prop} | :: Conchas (municipality) |
concierge {mf} | :: concierge (one who attends to the slightest desire of hotel guests) |
conciliação {f} | :: reconciliation (the reestablishment of friendly relations; conciliation or rapprochement) |
conciliar {v} /kõ.ˈsi.lja(ɾ)/ | :: to conciliate |
conciliável {adj} | :: reconcilable |
concílio {m} | :: council (especially a religious one) |
concisamente {adv} | :: concisely |
conciso {adj} /kõ.ˈsi.zo/ | :: concise (brief and precise) |
concitador {m} /kõsitɐˈðoɾ/ | :: One that instigates or stirs up |
concluhir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of concluir |
concluindo {v} | :: gerund of concluir |
concluir {v} /kõ.klu.ˈi(ʁ)/ | :: to complete, conclude, terminate |
conclusão {f} /kõ.klu.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: conclusion |
conclusão {f} [European Union law] | :: opinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case) |
conclusivo {adj} | :: conclusive (pertaining to a conclusion) |
conclusivo {adj} | :: conclusive; decisive (being a conclusion) |
concluyr {v} | :: obsolete spelling of concluir |
concomitante {adj} | :: concomitant; concurrent; simultaneous (happening at the same time) |
concomitantemente {adv} | :: concomitantly (at the same time as) |
concordância {f} /kõ.koʁ.ˈdɐ̃.sjɐ/ | :: agreement (state whereby several parties share a view or opinion) |
concordância {f} [grammar] | :: agreement (the state of different words in a clause having the same value of a grammatical category) |
concordância {f} | :: concordance (index showing the places a word may be found in a work) |
concordante {adj} | :: who or which agrees |
concordante {adj} | :: characterised by agreement, harmony |
concordar {v} [com] /kõ.kuɾ.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to agree with (to have the same opinion as) |
concordar {v} [com] | :: to agree with (to be in favour of a given practice) |
concordar {v} [com, .grammar] | :: to agree with (to have the same number, gender, tense or another category as another word) |
concordar {vi} | :: to agree with one another (to all have the same opinion) |
concordar {v} [com, a, .transitive, .or] | :: to make something be in agreement or accordance with another |
concordar em gênero, número e grau {v} [com, .Brazil, .idiomatic] | :: to completely agree; to agree absolutely |
concorde {adj} /kõ.ˈkɔɻ.de/ | :: concordant (agreeing, correspondent, harmonious) |
concórdia {f} /kõ.ˈkɔɻ.d͡ʒi.a/ | :: concord (a state of agreement; harmony; union) |
Concórdia {prop} | :: Concórdia (municipality) |
concorrência {f} /kõ.ko.ˈʁẽ.sjɐ/ | :: competition, rivalry |
concorrência {f} | :: concurrence |
concorrendo {v} | :: gerund of concorrer |
concorrente {mf} /ˌkõ.ko.ˈhẽ.te/ | :: competitor (person against whom one is competing) |
concorrente {adj} | :: competing |
concorrente {adj} | :: concurrent |
concorrente {adj} [computing] | :: concurrent |
concorrer {v} [a] | :: to run for (to be a candidate in an election for a given post) |
concorrer {v} [a] | :: to have the chance of winning a given prize |
concorrer {v} [com] | :: to compete with (to strive for the same thing) |
concorrer {vi} [obsolete] | :: to concur (to run together) |
concorrer {v} [para, .transitive, .or] | :: to contribute to (to be a factor in the occurrence of) |
concorrer {v} [em] | :: to coexist in, especially in disharmony |
concorrer {v} [com] | :: to concur with; to agree with (to have the same opinion as) |
concretar {v} [construction] | :: to concrete (to cover or fill with concrete) |
concretismo {m} [art] | :: concretism (abstractionist movement) |
concretismo {m} | :: something which is concrete instead of abstract |
concretizando {v} | :: gerund of concretizar |
concretizar {vt} /kõ.kɾɨ.ti.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to concretize, to make real |
concreto {adj} /kõ.ˈkɾɛ.tu/ | :: concrete |
concreto {m} [Brazil] | :: concrete (building material) |
concreto reforçado {m} | :: reinforced concrete (building material) |
concruir {v} | :: obsolete form of concluir |
concruyr {v} | :: obsolete form of concluir |
concubina {f} | :: concubine (a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife) |
concunhada {f} | :: feminine noun of concunhado; co-sister-in-law |
concunhado {m} | :: co-brother-in-law |
concupiscência {f} | :: concupiscence, lust, longing, desire |
concurso {m} | :: competition (contest for a prize or award) |
concurso de beleza {m} | :: beauty pageant (competition on attractiveness) |
concussão {f} | :: concussion (an injury to part of the body, especially the brain) |
condado {m} /kõ.ˈda.du/ | :: county (land ruled by a count or countess) |
condado {m} [political subdivision] | :: county (administrative subdivision used in some countries) |
condão {m} /kõ.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ | :: gift, talent |
condão {m} | :: power, capacity |
conde {m} /ˈkõ.dɨ/ | :: count (the male ruler of a county) |
Conde {prop} | :: Conde (municipality) |
condecoração {f} [military] | :: decoration (act, insignia) |
condecorar {vt} [military] | :: to decorate |
Conde Drácula {prop} {m} | :: Count Dracula (fictional vampire) |
Condeixa-a-Nova {prop} {f} /kõˈdɐjʃa ˈnɔvɐ/ | :: Condeixa-a-Nova (village/and/municipality) |
condemnado {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of condenado |
condemnado {m} | :: obsolete spelling of condenado |
condenação {f} | :: condemnation |
condenação {f} [legal] | :: conviction |
condenado {adj} /ˌkõ.de.ˈ | :: condemned, sentenced, convicted |
condenado {adj} | :: doomed, condemned, damned (ill-fated) |
condenado {adj} | :: damn, blasted, doggone |
condenado {m} | :: convict (person convicted of a crime) |
condenar {v} | :: to condemn, doom |
condenar {v} [law] | :: to convict |
condenar {v} | :: to damn, denounce |
condensação {f} /kõ.dẽ.sɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: condensation (all senses) |
condensado {adj} | :: condensed |
condensado de Bose-Einstein {m} [physics] | :: Bose-Einstein condensate (gaseous superfluid) |
condensador {m} | :: condenser |
condensador {m} | :: capacitor |
condensando {v} | :: gerund of condensar |
condensar {v} | :: to condense |
condensar {v} | :: to pile up |
condescendência {f} | :: condescendence; condescension (courtesy toward inferiors) |
condescendente {adj} | :: accepting of others’ opinions and ideas |
condescendente {adj} | :: condescending (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude) |
condessa {f} | :: countess |
condestável {m} | :: constable (officer of a noble court) |
Condeúba {prop} | :: Condeúba (municipality) |
condevedor {m} | :: codebtor |
condição {f} /kõ.di.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: condition |
condição de Marshall-Lerner {f} [economics] | :: Marshall-Lerner condition |
condição Marshall-Lerner {f} | :: alternative form of condição de Marshall-Lerner |
condicionado {adj} /kõ.d͡ʒi.sjo.ˈna.du/ | :: conditioned (dependent on a condition) |
condicionado {adj} [psychology] | :: conditioned (exhibiting a conditioned reflex) |
condicionado {adj} | :: accustomed (adapted to existing conditions) |
condicionador {m} | :: hair conditioner (cosmetic product) |
condicionador de ar {m} | :: air conditioner |
condicional {adj} /kõ.d͡ʒˈnaw/ | :: conditional (depending on a condition) |
condicional {adj} [grammar, of a conjunction] | :: expressing a condition |
condicional {adj} [legal, of an heir] | :: who must fulfil specified conditions before receiving his part of the inheritance |
condicional {f} [legal] | :: parole (release of a prisoner on the understanding that he checks in regularly and obeys the law) |
condicional {f} [grammar] | :: a conjunction expressing a condition |
condicional {m} [grammar] | :: conditional mood (form of the verb used to signify that something is contingent upon the outcome of something else) |
condicionalmente {adv} | :: conditionally |
condicionamento {m} | :: the act of establishing conditions |
condicionamento {m} | :: conditioning (process of modifying a person or animal’s behaviour) |
condicionamento {m} | :: control of stored products’ temperature and humidity |
condicionamento {m} | :: fitness (quality of being physically fit) |
condicionar {v} | :: to condition (place conditions or limitations upon) |
condicionar {v} | :: to acclimate (to adjust to a new environment) |
condicionar {v} | :: to condition (shape the behaviour of someone to do something) |
condicionar {v} | :: to store a product under controlled levels of temperature and humidity |
condigno {adj} /kõ.ˈd͡ʒiɡ.nu/ | :: decent, adequate |
côndilo {m} [anatomy] | :: condyle (prominence on a bone) |
condimentado {adj} | :: spiced (containing spice) |
condimentar {vt} /kõdimẽˈtaɾ/ | :: to season (to flavour food) |
condimento {m} /kõ.d͡ʒi.ˈmẽ.to/ | :: condiment (something used to enhance flavor) |
condiscípulo {m} | :: schoolmate, schoolfellow |
condizer {v} [com] /kõ.di.ˈzeɾ/ | :: to agree with; to conform with (to be in accordance with expectations) |
condizer {v} [em, a, .with plural or multiple subjects] | :: to agree or conform with (in a given aspect) |
condizer {vi} [with plural or multiple subjects] | :: to agree or conform with one another |
condolência {f} | :: condolence (sympathy for someone’s suffering) |
condomínio {m} [law, Brazil] | :: tenancy in common |
condomínio {m} | :: condominium, strata title, commonhold |
condomínio {m} | :: A fee that each owner pays for common services |
condor {m} | :: condor (American species of vultures) |
Condor {prop} | :: Condor (municipality) |
condrite {f} [pathology] | :: chondritis (inflammation of a cartilage) |
condrítico {adj} | :: chondritic |
condrito {m} | :: chondrite |
condroesternal {adj} [anatomy] | :: chondrosternal |
côndrulo {m} | :: chondrule |
condução {f} /kõ.duˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: leading, driving, conducting |
condução {f} | :: government |
condução aberrante {f} [medical] | :: aberrant conduction (heart condition where the electrical stimulus travels via an abnormal pathway) |
conducente {adj} | :: conducive (tending to bring about some result) |
conductibilidade {f} [physics] | :: conductivity |
conductividade {f} | :: alternative form of condutividade |
conductor {m} | :: obsolete form of condutor |
conduíte {m} | :: conduit (duct or tube into which electrical cables may be pulled) |
conduta {f} /kõ.ˈdu.tɐ/ | :: conduct, behaviour, demeanour, deportment |
condutibilidade {m} | :: conductibility |
condutividade {f} [physics] | :: conductivity |
condutor {m} /ˌkõ.du.ˈtoɾ/ | :: conductor (a person who takes tickets on public transportation) |
condutor {m} | :: someone or something which conducts |
condutor {m} [physics] | :: conductor |
condutora {f} | :: female equivalent of condutor |
conduzido {adj} | :: conducted, transported |
conduzindo {v} | :: gerund of conduzir |
conduzir {v} /ˌkõ.du.ˈziɾ/ | :: to wage (to conduct or carry out) |
conduzir {v} | :: to conduct |
conduzir {v} | :: to drive a vehicle |
cone {m} [geometry, etc.] | :: cone (conical shape) |
cone aluvial {m} [geology] | :: alluvial fan (cone-shaped deposit of alluvium) |
conectar {v} /kunɛˈktaɾ/ | :: to connect (to join two or more pieces) |
conectividade {f} | :: connectivity (the state of being connected) |
conectividade {f} [telecom] | :: connectivity (ability to make a connection between two or more points in a network) |
conectividade {f} [mathematics] | :: connectivity (measure of number of ways that points are connected to each other) |
conectivo {m} [grammar] | :: connective (word used to connect words, clauses and sentences) |
conectivo {m} [logic] | :: connective (function that operates on truth values) |
conectivo {adj} | :: which connects |
conector {m} | :: connector |
cone de dejeção {m} [geology] | :: alluvial fan (cone-shaped deposit of alluvium) |
cone de escória {m} [vulcanology] | :: cinder cone (conical deposit of rock fragments) |
cónego {m} [European orthography, ecclesiastical] | :: canon (member of cathedral chapter) |
cônego {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cónego |
Cônego Marinho {prop} | :: Cônego Marinho (municipality) |
conexão {f} /ku.nɛ.ˈksɐ̃w̃/ | :: connection |
conexo {adj} /koˈnɛ.ksu/ | :: connected, united |
conexo {adj} | :: coherent |
confarreação {f} [Ancient Rome] | :: confarreation (Ancient Roman marriage solemnized with spelt cakes) |
confeção {f} [European orthography] /kõ.fɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: alternative form of confecção |
confecção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: confection (process) |
confecção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: production |
confeccionado {adj} | :: made, prepared |
confeccionado {adj} | :: arranged |
confeccionado {adj} | :: manipulated |
confeccionando {v} | :: gerund of confeccionar |
confeccionar {v} | :: to make, prepare |
confeccionar {v} | :: to arrange |
confeccionar {v} | :: to manipulate |
confederação {f} /kõfɨðɨɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: confederation |
confeição {f} /kõ.fɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: concoction (the preparing of a medicine, food or other substance out of many ingredients) |
confeição {f} [chiefly archaic] | :: alternative form of confecção |
confeitaria {f} | :: confectionery |
confeitaria {f} | :: confectioner's (sweet shop) |
confeiteiro {m} | :: confectioner |
confeito {m} | :: sugar-coated almond etc |
conferência {f} /kõ.fe.ˈɾẽ.sjɐ/ | :: conference |
conferência {f} | :: lecture |
conferência {f} | :: congress |
conferindo {v} | :: gerund of conferir |
conferir {v} /kõ.fe.ˈɾi(ʁ)/ | :: to confer, bestow |
conferir {v} | :: to check (if something is correct) |
confessando {v} | :: gerund of confessar |
confessar {vt} /kõ.fɨ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to confess; to own up to; to admit to (to admit one has done something, especially something bad) |
confessar {vti} | :: [religion] to confess (to disclose one’s sins to a clergyman) |
confessar {vt} | :: [religion] to confess (to hear someone’s confessions) |
confessar {vt} | :: [chiefly religion] to confess; to follow (to have a given religion or set of beliefs) |
confessionário {m} [Roman Catholic church] | :: confessional (a small room where confession is performed) |
confessor {m} [religion] | :: confessor (one who confesses faith in a religion, especially Christianity) |
confessor {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: confessor (priest who hears confession) |
confessório {adj} [legal] | :: confession (attributive) |
confete {m} /kõ.ˈfɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: confetti (small pieces of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions) |
confiabilidade {f} | :: reliability (the quality or degree of being reliable, trustworthy) |
confiador {m} | :: joint guarantor |
confiança {f} /kõ.ˈfjɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: trust, confidence |
confiando {v} | :: gerund of confiar |
confiante {adj} | :: confident (being very sure of or positive about something) |
confiantemente {adv} | :: confidently (in a confident manner) |
confiar {v} /kõ.fi.ˈaɾ/ | :: to confide, entrust |
confiar {v} | :: to rely on |
confiável {adj} | :: faithful, loyal |
confiável {adj} | :: reliable |
confidência {f} /kõ.fi.ˈðẽ.sjɐ/ | :: secret, confidence |
confidência {f} | :: secrecy |
confidencial {adj} | :: confidential, private |
confidente {mf} | :: confidant (a person in whom one can confide or share one’s secrets) |
configuração {f} /ˌkõ.fi.ˌɡu.ɾa.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: configuration (relative disposition) |
configuração {f} [computing] | :: settings |
configurado {adj} | :: configured |
configurar {vt} | :: to configure (to set up or arrange something) |
confim {m} | :: confine; a limit or border |
confinar {vt} /kõ.fiˈnaɾ/ | :: to confine (to restrict; to keep within bounds) |
Confins {prop} | :: Confins (municipality) |
confirmação {f} | :: confirmation |
confirmar {v} /kõ.fiʁ.ˈma(ʁ)/ | :: to confirm, corroborate, affirm |
confirmatório {adj} | :: confirmatory (serving to confirm something) |
confiscação {f} | :: confiscation (the act or process of confiscating something) |
confiscar {vt} | :: to confiscate (to take possession of by force) |
confisco {m} | :: confiscation (the act or process of confiscating something) |
confissão {f} [Christianity] /kõ.fi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: confession |
conflagração {f} | :: conflagration (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire) |
conflicto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of conflito |
conflitar {vi} [with com] | :: to conflict (be at odds (with)) |
conflito {m} /kõ.ˈfli.tu/ | :: conflict; strife; war (clash, often violent, between multiple parties) |
conflito {m} | :: conflict (a state where things operate towards different results due to incompatibility) |
conflito de interesses {m} [legal] | :: conflict of interest |
conflituoso {adj} | :: having or causing conflict; confrontational |
confluência {f} | :: confluence (convergence or combination of forces, people, or things) |
confluência {f} | :: confluence (point where two rivers or streams meet) |
confocal {adj} [optics, mathematics] | :: confocal (having the same foci) |
conformacional {adj} | :: conformational |
conformar {vt} | :: to form, constitute |
conformar {v} | :: to conform (to cause to be in accordance with a set of specifications) |
conformar {vr} [conformar-se com] | :: to be satisfied with, to make do with |
conformar-se {vr} [of things, situations, etc.] | :: to conform (to be in accordance with a set of specifications) |
conformar-se {vr} | :: to deal with (to come to terms with; to overcome any difficulties presented by something) |
conforme {conj} | :: as (varying through time to the same proportion that) |
conforme {adj} | :: conformable (having the same shape) |
conformemente {adv} [manner] | :: accordingly (in accordance with) |
conformidade {f} | :: conformity |
conformidade {f} | :: analogy, resemblance |
conformidade {f} | :: harmony |
conformismo {m} | :: conformism (willingness to conform) |
confortador {m} | :: comforter (person who comforts) |
confortando {v} | :: gerund of confortar |
confortar {v} /kõfuɾˈtaɾ/ | :: to comfort |
confortável {adj} /kõ.fuɾ.ˈta.vɛɫ/ | :: comfortable |
confortavelmente {adv} /ˌkõ.foʁ.ˌta.vew.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: comfortably |
conforto {m} /kõ.ˈfoɾ.tu/ | :: comfort; contentment; ease |
conforto {m} | :: comfort (something relieving suffering or worry) |
confôrto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of conforto |
confrade {m} /kõ.ˈfɾa.d͡ʒi/ | :: a member of a religious order |
confrade {m} [by extension] | :: colleague (fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization) |
confraria {f} /kõ.fɾa.ˈɾi.a/ | :: a religious order formed by laymen |
confraria {f} [by extension] | :: a group of people with a common interest |
confraternização {f} [society] | :: socialising (the act of interacting with other people informally) |
confraternizar {v} | :: to fraternise (to associate with others in a friendly manner) |
confrontar {vt} /kõfrõˈtaɾ/ | :: to confront (to stand or meet facing, especially in competition, hostility or defiance) |
confronto {m} | :: confrontation (a hostile meeting) |
confronto {m} | :: confrontation (a conflict between armed forces) |
confucianismo {m} | :: alternative form of confucionismo |
Confúcio {prop} {m} /kõ.ˈfu.sju/ | :: Confucius (Chinese philosopher) |
confucionismo {m} | :: Confucianism (philosophy and teachings of Confucius) |
confundido {adj} | :: confused |
confundindo {v} | :: gerund of confundir |
confundir {vt} | :: to confuse; to confound (to lead someone into an incorrect conclusion or uncertainty) |
confundir {v} [com, .pronominal] | :: to be confused (by) (to make a mistake (due to)) |
confundir {vt} | :: to mix up; to confuse (to mistake things for one another) |
confundir {v} [com, por] | :: to mistake one thing for another |
confundir {v} [com, .pronominal] | :: to merge; to syncretize (to form a combination from different elements) |
confundir {vt} [obsolete] | :: to confound; to thwart; to frustrate; to foil (to prevent from happening or succeeding) |
confundir o olho do cu com a feira de Borba {v} [Portugal, humorous, vulgar] | :: it is said when someone is changing everything |
confusaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of confusão |
confusão {f} /kõ.fu.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: mess |
confusão {f} | :: misunderstanding |
confusão {f} | :: confusion |
confusão {f} | :: unclearness |
confuso {adj} /kõ.ˈfu.zu/ | :: confused |
confuso {adj} | :: confusing |
congelado {adj} | :: frozen |
congelador {m} | :: freezer (section of a refrigerator) |
congelamento {m} | :: freezing (the act or process of becoming frozen) |
congelar {v} /kõ.ʒɨ.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to freeze |
congénere {adj} [European spelling, biology] /kõ.ˈʒɛ.nɨ.ɾɨ/ | :: congeneric: pertaining to the same genus |
congénere {adj} [European spelling] | :: of the same genre, type, class, species etc.; like, similar, comparable |
congénere {mf} [European spelling] | :: congener, peer, an individual of the same sort |
congênere {adj} [Brazilian spelling, biology] /kõ.ˈʒɾi/ | :: congeneric: pertaining to the same genus |
congênere {adj} [Brazilian spelling] | :: of the same genre, type, class, species etc.; like, similar, comparable |
congênere {mf} [Brazilian spelling] | :: congener, peer, an individual of the same sort |
congénito {adj} [European orthography, genetics, of a trait] | :: congenital (present since birth) |
congênito {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of congénito |
congestão {f} | :: congestion |
congestionado {adj} | :: congested; obstructed |
congestionado {adj} [of traffic] | :: gridlocked (stationary in a gridlock) |
congestionamento {m} | :: traffic jam (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) |
congestionar {v} | :: to jam; to congest (to cause congestion or blockage) |
Congo {prop} {m} | :: Congo (river) |
Congo {prop} {m} | :: clipping of República do Congo |
Congo {prop} {m} | :: clipping of República Democrática do Congo |
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} {m} | :: Congo-Brazzaville (country) |
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} {m} | :: Congo-Kinshasa (country) |
congolês {adj} | :: Congolese (of, from or relating to the Republic of Congo) |
congolês {adj} | :: Congolese (of, from or relating to the Democratic Republic of Congo) |
congolês {m} | :: Congolese (person from the Republic of Congo) |
congolês {m} | :: Congolese (person from the Democratic Republic of Congo) |
Congonhal {prop} | :: Congonhal (municipality) |
Congonhas {prop} | :: Congonhas (municipality) |
Congonhas do Norte {prop} | :: Congonhas do Norte (municipality) |
Congonhinhas {prop} /ˌkõ.ɡo.ˈɲi.ɲɐs/ | :: Congonhinhas (town/and/municipality) |
congraçamento {m} | :: reconciliation |
congraçamento {m} | :: appeasement |
congraçando {v} | :: gerund of congraçar |
congraçar {v} | :: to reconcile |
congraçar {v} | :: to appease |
congratulação {f} | :: congratulation |
congratular {v} /kõ.ɡɾa.tu.ˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to congratulate (to express one’s happiness for someone’s accomplishment) |
congregação {f} /kõ.ɡɾɨ.ɣɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: congregation (all senses) |
congregação {f} | :: gathering |
congregando {v} | :: gerund of congregar |
congregar {v} | :: to gather, congregate |
congressista {mf} /kõɡɾɨˈsiʃtɐ/ | :: congressman (member of a congress) |
congresso {m} /kõ.ˈɡɾɛ.su/ | :: congress (legislative body) |
congresso {m} | :: congress (academic conference) |
congro {m} | :: conger; conger eel (any of the large marine eels of the genus Conger) |
congruência {f} | :: congruence (the quality of agreeing or corresponding) |
congruente {adj} | :: congruent (corresponding in character) |
congruente {adj} [mathematics] | :: congruent (with difference divisible by modulus) |
congruente {adj} [mathematics] | :: congruent (coinciding when superimposed) |
conhaque {m} /kɔ.ˈɲa.kɨ/ | :: cognac (type of brandy) |
conhecedor {adj} /ku.ɲɨ.sɨ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: Who knows; possessor of knowledge; knowing |
conhecer {vt} /ku.ɲɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to know (be acquainted or familiar with) |
conhecer {vt} | :: to meet; to get to know (to become acquainted with) |
conhecer {v} | :: [como, por] to know as (to ascribe to something the title or quality of) |
conhecer {vt} | :: [archaic] to know (have sexual relations with) |
conhecer {v} | :: [de, .legal] to concede (to acknowledge an appeal) |
conhecer como a palma da mão {v} [idiomatic] | :: to know like the back of one's hand (to be intimately or highly knowledgeable about) |
conhecido {adj} /ku.ɲɨ.ˈsi.ðu/ | :: known |
conhecido {adj} | :: well-known, famous |
conhecido {m} | :: acquaintance (person) |
conhecimento {m} /ku.ɲɨ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: knowledge |
conhecimento {m} | :: notion; awareness |
conhecimento {m} | :: consciousness |
conhecimento {m} [in the plural] | :: contacts, acquaintances |
conhecimento é poder {proverb} | :: knowledge is power |
conhecível {adj} | :: knowable (capable of being known) |
conhocer {v} | :: obsolete form of conhecer |
cónica {f} | :: conic, conic section |
cônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cónica |
cónico {adj} [European orthography, geometry] | :: conical (of or relating to a cone) |
cónico {adj} [European orthography] | :: conical (cone-shaped) |
cônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cónico |
conídio {m} [mycology] | :: conidium (asexually produced fungal spore) |
conífera {f} [botany] | :: conifer (cone-bearing seed plant with vascular tissue) |
Conimbriga {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Conímbriga |
Conímbriga {prop} {f} | :: Conímbriga (ancient city/and/archaeological site) |
Conisberga {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Königsberg (former name of Kaliningrado) |
conivência {f} /koniˈvẽɲ̞sjɐ/ | :: knowledge of and consent to wrongdoing, connivance, complicity |
conivente {adj} [chiefly legal] | :: conniving (that connives; who does nothing to prevent a crime) |
conjectura {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of conjetura |
conjectural {adj} | :: conjectural (in the nature of a conjecture) |
conjecturar {v} | :: alternative form of conjeturar |
conjetura {f} [European orthography] | :: conjecture (unproven statement; guess) |
conjeturar {vi} [formal] | :: to conjecture (to venture an unproven idea) |
conjugação {f} | :: conjugation |
conjugador {m} [computing] | :: conjugator |
conjugal {adj} | :: conjugal (of, or relating to marriage, or the relationship of spouses) |
conjugando {v} | :: gerund of conjugar |
conjugar {v} /ˌkõ.ʒu.ˈɡaɾ/ | :: conjugate |
cônjuge {m} {mf} | :: spouse (husband or wife) |
conjunção {f} /ˌkõ.ʒũ.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: conjunction (act of joining or being joined) |
conjunção {f} [grammar] | :: conjunction |
conjuncção {f} | :: obsolete spelling of conjunção |
conjunccional {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of conjuncional |
conjuncto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of conjunto |
conjuncto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of conjunto |
conjuntamente {adv} | :: conjointly, together |
conjuntista {adj} [mathematics] | :: set-theoretic (of, relating to or using set theory) |
conjuntiva {f} [ophthalmology] | :: conjunctiva (membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelid) |
conjuntivite {f} [pathology] | :: conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye’s conjuntiva) |
conjuntivo {adj} | :: conjunctive, subjunctive |
conjuntivo {m} | :: conjunctive, subjunctive |
conjunto {m} /kõ.ˈʒũ.tu/ | :: a group of people |
conjunto {m} | :: collection, a group of objects |
conjunto {m} [music] | :: band |
conjunto {m} [mathematics] | :: set (collection of mathematical objects, often having a common property) |
conjunto {adj} [uncomparable] | :: joined, linked |
conjunto {adj} | :: contiguous |
conjunto {adj} | :: adjoining, nearby |
conjunto {adj} [uncomparable] | :: joint [done by two or more people together] |
conjunto de caracteres {m} [computing] | :: character set (set of characters in a character encoding) |
conjunto de partes {m} | :: See: pt conjunto de partes |
conjunto de partes {m} [set theory] | :: power set (set of all subsets of a set) |
conjuntura {f} | :: conjuncture |
conjuração {f} | :: conspiracy |
conjuração {f} | :: exorcism |
conjurador {m} | :: conjurer (one who conjures) |
conjurando {v} | :: gerund of conjurar |
conjurar {v} | :: to exorcise |
conjurar {v} | :: to conspire |
conluio {m} | :: collusion; conspiracy (secret agreement for an illegal or evil purpose) |
connectar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of conectar |
Connecticut {prop} {m} | :: Connecticut (state) |
connexão {f} | :: superseded spelling of conexão |
connosco {pron} [Portugal, prepositional] /kõ.ˈnoʃ.ku/ | :: alternative form of conosco |
cono {m} [vulgar] | :: cunt, pussy, snatch or vagina |
coño {m} [vulgar, slang, ethnic slur] | :: Spanish person |
conosco {pron} [Brazilian orthography, prepositional] /koˈnosku/ | :: with us |
conotação {f} | :: connotation |
conotar {vt} | :: to connote (to signify beyond principal meaning) |
conotativo {adj} | :: connotative |
conquanto {conj} /ˌkõ.ˈkwɐ̃.tu/ | :: although (in spite of the fact that) |
conquista {f} /kõ.ˈkiʃ.tɐ/ | :: conquest |
conquista {f} | :: achievement |
Conquista {prop} | :: Conquista (municipality) |
conquistador {m} | :: conqueror (someone who conquers) |
conquistador {m} | :: womanizer (habitual seducer of women) |
conquistando {v} | :: gerund of conquistar |
conquistar {v} /kõ.kiʃ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to conquer |
conquistar {v} | :: to acquire by arms; to win in war |
conquistar {v} | :: to earn or achieve something through effort |
conquistar {v} | :: to captivate, to charm, to seduce (to attract the attention of someone) |
Conrado {prop} {m} /kõ.ˈʁa.du/ | :: given name |
consagrado {adj} | :: consecrated, sacred |
consagrado {adj} | :: enshrined |
consagrado {adj} [by extension] | :: eminent, well-established |
consagrando {v} | :: gerund of consagrar |
consagrar {v} /kõsɐˈɣɾaɾ/ | :: to consecrate, sanctify |
consagrar {v} | :: to sacrifice |
consanguíneo {adj} | :: consanguineous |
consanguinidade {f} | :: consanguinity (relationship by blood, descent) |
consangüinidade {f} | :: obsolete spelling of consanguinidade |
consciência {f} /kõʃ.ˈsjẽ.sjɐ/ | :: conscience (moral sense) |
consciência {f} | :: consciousness |
conscienciosamente {adv} | :: conscientiously |
conscienciosamente {adv} | :: scrupulously |
conscienciosidade {f} | :: conscientiousness (state or characteristic of being conscientious) |
consciencioso {adj} | :: conscientious |
consciencioso {adj} | :: scrupulous |
consciente {adj} [medicine] /ˌkõʃ.ˈsjẽ.tɨ/ | :: conscious (not sleeping, fainted or in coma) |
consciente {adj} | :: aware (having knowledge of something) |
consciente {adj} | :: ethical (morally approvable) |
consciente {m} [psychology] | :: the part of the mind one consciously perceives |
conscientemente {adv} | :: With knowledge of relevant facts; consciously; knowingly |
conscientização {f} | :: conscientization |
conscientizar {v} | :: to conscientize, to make aware |
conscrição {f} | :: conscription (involuntary labour, especially military service) |
conscrito {adj} | :: conscript (drafted into an organisation, especially the army) |
conscrito {m} | :: conscript; draftee (someone who was drafted into an organisation, especially the army) |
consecutivamente {adv} | :: consecutively |
consecutivo {adj} | :: consecutive (following, in succession, without interruption) |
conseguindo {v} | :: gerund of conseguir |
conseguinte {adj} /kõ.seˈɡĩ.ti/ | :: Present participle of conseguir |
conseguinte {adj} | :: alternative form of consequente |
conseguintemente {adj} | :: alternative form of consequentemente |
conseguir {v} /kõ.sɨ.ˈɣiɾ/ | :: to get, to obtain |
conseguir {v} | :: to achieve |
conseguir {v} | :: to be able to, can |
conseguível {adj} | :: achievable or acquirable (capable of being achieved or acquired) |
conselheiro {adj} /kõ.sɨ.ˈʎɐj.ɾu/ | :: advisory |
conselheiro {m} | :: advisor, counselor, mentor |
Conselheiro Lafaiete {prop} | :: Conselheiro Lafaiete (municipality) |
Conselheiro Mairinck {prop} | :: Conselheiro Mairinck (town/and/municipality) |
Conselheiro Pena {prop} | :: Conselheiro Pena (municipality) |
conselho {m} /kõ.ˈse.ʎu/ | :: advice |
conselho {m} | :: council |
Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas {prop} {m} | :: UN Security Council (international organ) |
consenso {m} | :: consensus (general agreement) |
consentâneo {adj} [with preposition com] /kõ(w̃).senˈtɜ.ni̯u/ | :: agreeing or according [with]; suited [to] |
consentimento {m} /kõsẽtiˈmẽtu/ | :: consent, permission |
consentimento {m} | :: license |
consentindo {v} | :: gerund of consentir |
consentir {v} /kõsẽˈtiɾ/ | :: to agree to; to allow; to permit |
consentir {v} | :: to consent |
consequência {f} /kõ.sɨ.ˈkwẽ.sjɐ/ | :: consequence |
conseqüência {f} | :: obsolete spelling of consequência |
consequente {adj} | :: consequent, consequential |
conseqüente {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of consequente |
consequentemente {adv} | :: consequently |
consequentemente {adv} | :: therefore, hence |
conseqüentemente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of consequentemente |
consertar {v} /kõ.sɨɾ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to fix, to repair |
conserto {m} /kõ.ˈseʁ.tu/ | :: repair; the act of repairing, fixing, or mending something |
conserto {m} | :: a business specialized in repairing, often of specific sorts of objects |
conserva {f} /kõˈsɛɾvɐ/ | :: preservation (preparation of food so it lasts longer) |
conserva {f} | :: preserved food, such as pickles, jam or canned food |
conserva {f} [archaic] | :: convoy (ships sailing in company) |
conservação {f} | :: conservation |
conservação {f} | :: preservation |
conservador {adj} | :: which conserves, preserves |
conservador {adj} | :: conservative (based on pessimistic assumptions) |
conservador {adj} [politics] | :: conservative (supporting or relating to conservatism) |
conservador {m} | :: conservative (one who favours the status quo) |
conservadorismo {m} [politics] | :: conservatism |
conservando {v} | :: gerund of conservar |
conservar {v} | :: to preserve |
conservar {v} | :: to conserve |
conservatório {m} | :: conservatory, greenhouse |
conservatório {m} | :: conservatoire |
consideração {f} /kõsiðɨɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: consideration |
consideração {f} | :: valuation |
consideração {f} | :: value, importance |
considerar {v} /kõ.si.ðɨ.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to consider |
considerar {v} | :: to think highly of |
considerável {adj} /kõˈɾa.vew/ | :: considerable |
consideravelmente {adv} /kʊ̃sɪdəɾavɛlmɛ̃t/ | :: considerably |
consignação {f} | :: consignment |
consignando {v} | :: gerund of consignar |
consignar {v} | :: to consign |
consignatário {m} | :: consignee |
consignatário {m} | :: cosignatory |
consigo {pron} /kõ.ˈsi.ɣu/ | :: third-person singular reflexive prepositional pronoun with com (with himself; with herself; with itself; with yourself when the pronoun is você) |
consigo {pron} | :: third-person plural reflexive prepositional pronoun with com (with themselves; with yourselves when the pronoun is vocês) |
consigo {pron} | :: impersonal reflexive pronoun with com (with oneself) |
consistência {f} | :: consistency |
consistência {f} | :: solidity |
consistente {adj} | :: consistent (of a regularly occurring, dependable nature) |
consistente {adj} | :: having a firm and elastic consistency |
consistentemente {adv} | :: consistently |
consistindo {v} | :: gerund of consistir - consisting (of) |
consistir {v} /kõ.siʃˈtiɾ/ | :: to consist of |
consoada {f} [often, capitalized] /kõ.ˈswa.ðɐ/ | :: Christmas dinner (meal traditionally eaten at Christmas Eve) |
consoante {f} /kõ.ˈswɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: consonant |
consoante {prep} | :: according to |
consoante composta {f} | :: digraph |
consócio {m} | :: partner |
consócio {m} | :: comrade |
consogra {f} | :: co-mother-in-law (mother of one’s son- or daughter-in-law) |
consogro {m} | :: co-father-in-law (father of one’s son- or daughter-in-law) |
consolação {f} /kõ.su.lɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: consolation |
consolação {f} | :: solace |
Consolação {prop} | :: Consolação (municipality) |
consolador {m} | :: comforter (person who comforts) |
consolador {adj} | :: comforting (serving to comfort, especially emotionally) |
consolando {v} | :: gerund of consolar |
consolar {vt} /kõ.su.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to console, comfort |
consolável {adj} | :: controllable |
console {m} | :: console (device dedicated to playing video games) |
consolidação {f} | :: consolidation |
consolidando {v} | :: gerund of consolidar |
consolidar {v} | :: to consolidate |
consolo {m} /kõ.ˈ | :: consolation, comfort, solace |
consolo {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: dildo |
consonância {f} | :: consonance, harmony, agreement |
consonância {f} [music] | :: harmony |
consonância {f} [poetry] | :: rhyme |
consórcio {m} | :: consortium |
conspícuo {adj} | :: conspicuous (obvious or easy to notice) |
conspiração {f} /kõs.pi.ɾaˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: plot, conspiracy (act of working in secret to obtain some goal) |
conspirador {m} | :: conspirator (person who is part of a conspiracy) |
conspirar {vi} | :: to conspire; to plot (to make secret plans) |
conspurcar {vt} | :: to defile; to befoul (to make impure) |
constança {f} | :: obsolete form of constância |
Constança {prop} {f} /kõʃ.ˈtɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: given name |
Constança {prop} {f} | :: Constança (city) |
Constança {prop} {f} | :: Constança (city) |
constância {f} /kõʃ.ˈtɐ̃.sjɐ/ | :: constancy (the quality of being constant) |
Constância {prop} {f} /kõʃ.ˈtɐ̃.sjɐ/ | :: Constância (village/and/municipality) |
constando {v} | :: gerund of constar |
constante {f} /kõʃ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: constant (that which is permanent or invariable) |
constante {f} [algebra] | :: constant (quantity that remains fixed) |
constante {f} [sciences] | :: constant (property that does not change) |
constante {f} [programming] | :: constant (identifier that is bound to an invariant value) |
constante {adj} | :: constant (unchanged through time or space) |
constante {adj} | :: constant (consistently recurring over time) |
constante {adj} | :: constant (steady in purpose, action) |
constante {adj} | :: which is included somewhere on in something |
constante arbitrária de integração {f} [calculus] | :: constant of integration (constant to be added at the indefinite integral) |
constante de Avogadro {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: Avogadro's number (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure Carbon-12) |
constante de Hubble {f} [astronomy] | :: Hubble constant (rate of expansion of the universe) |
constante de Planck {f} [physics] | :: Planck's constant |
constantemente {adv} /kõʃ.tɐ̃.tɨ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: constantly |
Constantina {prop} {f} | :: Constantina (municipality) |
Constantina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Constantinescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Constantino {prop} {m} /ˌkõs.tɐ̃.ˈt͡ʃ | :: given name |
Constantinopla {prop} {f} | :: Constantinople (former name of Istambul) |
constar {v} [de] /kõs.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to consist of (to be composed of [the given entities]) |
constar {v} [em] | :: to be present (in) |
constar {v} [a, -an indirect objective pronoun, .dated] | :: to be certain, clear or evident (to) |
constatação {f} /kõʃtɐtɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: noting |
constatação {f} | :: investigation, verification |
constatação {f} | :: proof, confirmation |
constatar {vt} | :: to verify |
constelação {f} [astronomy, collective] | :: constellation |
consternação {f} | :: consternation (amazement or horror; terror, combined with amazement; dismay) |
consternado {adj} | :: dismayed (showing consternation) |
consternar {vt} | :: to consternate; to dismay (to cause consternation) |
constipação {f} /kõʃ.ti.pɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: cold (illness) |
constitucional {adj} | :: constitutional (relating to the constitution) |
constitucional {adj} | :: constitutional (conforming to the constitution) |
constitucionalidade {f} | :: constitutionality |
constitucionalismo {n} | :: constitutionalism |
constitucionalista {adj} | :: constitutionalist |
constitucionalista {mf} | :: constitutionalist |
constitucionalmente {adv} | :: constitutionally |
constituição {f} | :: constitution (all senses) |
constituindo {v} | :: gerund of constituir - constituting |
constituinte {adj} | :: constituent |
constituinte {m} | :: constituent, component |
constituir {v} /kõʃ.ti.twiɾ/ | :: to constitute |
constitutivo {adj} | :: constitutive (that forms a constituent part of something) |
constrangedor {adj} | :: awkward (not easily managed or effected; embarrassing) |
constrangendo {v} | :: gerund of constranger |
constranger {v} | :: to embarrass |
constranger {v} | :: to constrain |
constranger {v} | :: to compel, oblige |
constrangimento {m} /kõs.trɐ̃.ʒi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: embarrassment |
construção {f} /kõʃ.tɾu.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: construction, building (act or process of building) |
constructo {m} | :: construct (concept or model) |
construir {v} /kõʃ.tɾu.ˈiɾ/ | :: to build |
construir {v} | :: to construct |
construtivamente {adv} | :: constructively (in a constructive manner) |
construtividade {f} | :: constructiveness (the characteristic of being constructive) |
construtivismo {m} [arts] | :: constructivism (movement in modern art) |
construtivo {adj} | :: constructive (relating to or causing construction) |
construtivo {adj} | :: constructive (meant to be helpful or useful) |
construto {m} | :: alternative form of constructo |
construtor {adj} /kõʃ.tɾu.ˈtoɾ/ | :: construction [attributive] |
construtor {m} | :: builder, constructor |
consubstanciação {f} | :: consubstantiation |
consubstanciando {v} | :: gerund of consubstanciar |
consubstanciar {v} | :: to consubstantiate, consolidate |
consubstanciar {v} | :: to unite intimately |
consuetudinário {adj} [rare] /ˌkõ.su.e.ˌtu.d͡ʒi.ˈna.ɾi.o/ | :: consuetudinal, habitual, usual |
consuetudinário {adj} | :: unwritten (implicit or understood but not formally articulated) |
cônsul {m} /ˈkõ.suɫ/ | :: consul |
consulado {m} /kõ.su.ˈla.ðu/ | :: consulate |
consular {adj} /kõsuˈlaɾ/ | :: consular (pertaining to a consul) |
consulente {m} | :: A a person who consults someone or something |
consulente {m} | :: consultant |
consulente {adj} | :: consulting |
consulesa {f} | :: female equivalent of cônsul |
consulta {f} /kõ.ˈsuw.tɐ/ | :: consultation |
consulta {f} | :: opinion |
consultar {v} /kõ.suw.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to consult (ask advice) |
consultar {v} | :: to check, look up, refer to |
consultor {m} | :: consultant (person or party that is consulted) |
consultoria {f} | :: consultancy (consulting firm) |
consultório {m} /kõ.suɫ.ˈtɔ.ɾju/ | :: office |
consultório {m} | :: clinic |
consultório {m} | :: consulting room |
consumação {f} | :: consummation |
consumando {v} | :: gerund of consumar |
consumar {v} | :: to consummate |
consumidor {m} /kõ.su.mi.ˈdoʁ/ | :: consumer |
consumidora {f} | :: female equivalent of consumidor |
consumindo {v} | :: gerund of consumir |
consumir {v} /kõ.suˈmiɾ/ | :: to consume |
consumismo {m} | :: consumerism |
consumista {adj} | :: consumerist |
consumista {mf} | :: consumerist |
consumível {adj} | :: consumable |
consumo {m} /kõˈsumu/ | :: consumption |
conta {f} [mathematics] /ˈkõ.tɐ/ | :: operation, calculation |
conta {f} | :: account (a registration of someone’s permission to use a service, such as a bank or website) |
conta {f} | :: bead (small perforated object that can be threaded) |
conta {f} | :: bill; check (document that lists values to be paid) |
conta bancária {f} | :: bank account (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) |
contabilidade {f} | :: accountancy |
contabilista {mf} | :: accountant |
conta corrente {f} | :: current account; checking account (bank account from which money can easily be transferred) |
contactar {v} /kõ.tɐk.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to contact (establish communication with) |
contacto {m} [Portugal] /kõ.ˈtak.tu/ | :: contact |
contacto {m} [Portugal] | :: touch |
contacto {m} [Portugal] | :: connection |
contacto imediato {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of contato imediato |
contador {m} | :: accountant (someone who maintains financial matters for a person) |
contador {m} | :: counter (one who counts) |
contadora {f} | :: feminine noun of contador |
contador Geiger {m} | :: Geiger counter (device for measuring radiation) |
contagem {f} /kõˈta.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: count, counting |
contagem {f} | :: score |
Contagem {prop} | :: Contagem (municipality) |
contagem final {f} | :: countdown (backward count to mark the start of an event) |
contagem regressiva {f} | :: countdown (backward count to mark the start of an event) |
contagiante {adj} | :: contagious (of a disease, able to be transmitted to others) |
contagiante {adj} | :: contagious (of a fashion, laughter, etc, easily passed on to others) |
contagiar {vt} | :: to infect (to bring into contact with a substance that causes illness) |
contagiar {vt} [figurative] | :: to infect (to make somebody feel the same way as oneself) |
contágio {m} | :: contagion (transmission of a contagious disease) |
contagiosidade {f} | :: contagiousness (state or condition of being contagious) |
contagioso {adj} | :: contagious (of a disease, able to be transmitted to others) |
conta-gotas {m} | :: dropper (utensil for dispensing a single drop of liquid at a time) |
container {m} | :: alternative spelling of contêiner |
contaminação {f} | :: contamination |
contaminação {f} | :: infection, contagion |
contaminado {adj} | :: contaminated |
contaminador {m} | :: contaminant |
contaminando {v} | :: gerund of contaminar |
contaminante {m} | :: contaminant |
contaminar {v} | :: to contaminate |
contanto {conj} /kõ.ˈtɐ̃.tu/ | :: provided (that) |
contanto que {conj} | :: as long as (if, assuming) |
contar {v} [que] /kõ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to tell that (to convey a given information) |
contar {vt} | :: to tell; to narrate (to relate a story or series of events) |
contar {vt} | :: to count (to determine the quantity of) |
contar {vt} | :: to be [an amount of time] old; to have [an amount of time] of existence |
contar {v} [com] | :: to rely on; to count on |
contar {v} [com] | :: to have at one’s disposal; to have available |
contar {vi} | :: to count; to matter (to be of significance) |
contar com o ovo no cu da galinha {v} [vulgar, idiom] | :: to count one's chickens before they hatched (to count on something before it happens) |
contatando {v} | :: gerund of contatar |
contatar {v} | :: alternative form of contactar |
contato {m} [Brazil] /kõ.ˈta.tu/ | :: contact |
contato {m} [Brazil] | :: touch |
contato {m} [Brazil] | :: connection |
contato imediato {m} | :: close encounter |
contato visual {m} | :: eye contact (action of looking at another human or animal in the eye) |
contável {adj} | :: countable (capable of being counted, having a quantity) |
contável {adj} [mathematics, of a set] | :: countable (having a bijection with a subset of the natural numbers) |
contável {adj} [grammar, of a noun] | :: countable (able to be used in the plural) |
contêiner {m} /kõ.ˈtej.neʁ/ | :: container (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods) |
contemplação {m} | :: the act of beholding (staring with awe) |
contemplação {m} | :: the act of contemplating (considering with attention) |
contemplar {vt} | :: to behold (to look at with awe) |
contemplar {v} | :: to contemplate (think about something in a concentrated manner) |
contemporâneo {adj} | :: contemporary |
contemporâneo {adj} | :: contemporaneous |
contemporâneo {adj} | :: current |
contemporâneo {m} | :: contemporary |
contempto {m} [uncommon] | :: contempt (the feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior) |
contenção {f} | :: contention; struggle |
contenção {f} | :: restrainment (the act of restraining) |
contencioso {adj} | :: contentious |
contencioso {adj} | :: litigious |
contenda {f} | :: contention; struggle |
Contenda {prop} {f} /kõ.ˈtẽ.dɐ/ | :: Contenda (town/and/municipality) |
Contendas do Sincorá {prop} | :: Contendas do Sincorá (municipality) |
contender {vi} | :: to contend (to strive in opposition) |
contendo {v} | :: gerund of conter |
contentamento {m} | :: contentment, satisfaction |
contentar {vt} /kõ.tẽ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to content; to satisfy (to make content) |
contente {adj} /kõ.ˈtẽ.tɨ/ | :: In a state of satisfaction; satisfied |
contentemente {adv} | :: In context of being happy; happily |
contentor {adj} /kõ.tẽ.ˈtoɾ/ | :: containing (which contains something) |
conter {v} /kõ.ˈteɾ/ | :: to contain, hold, carry |
conter {v} | :: to include |
conterrâneo {adj} | :: of the same country |
conterrâneo {m} | :: countryman, compatriot (somebody from one's own country) |
contestação {f} | :: contestation, countercharge |
contestação {f} | :: controversy |
contestado {adj} | :: contested, contradicted |
contestando {v} | :: gerund of contestar |
contestar {v} | :: to challenge, dispute |
contestar {v} | :: to contest |
contestar {v} | :: to contradict |
contestável {adj} | :: contestable (which can be contested) |
conteudo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of conteúdo |
conteúdo {m} /kõˈtjuðu/ | :: content (that which is contained) |
contexto {m} | :: context (circumstances or settings) |
contexto {m} [linguistics] | :: context (text in which a word appears) |
contigo {pron} /kõ.ˈti.ɣu/ | :: with you (singular) |
contiguidade {f} | :: contiguity (state in which objects are physically touching) |
contigüidade {f} | :: obsolete spelling of contiguidade |
contíguo {adj} | :: contiguous |
continental {adj} | :: continental |
continente {m} /kõ.ti.ˈnẽ.tɨ/ | :: continent |
contingência {f} [uncountable] | :: contingency; unpredictability (the quality of being contingent, unpredictable) |
contingência {f} | :: contingency; possibility (something which may or may not happen) |
contingenciamento {m} [finance] /kõ.tĩ.ˈʒẽ.sja.mẽ.tu/ | :: cut |
contingente {adj} | :: contingent |
contingente {m} | :: contingent |
continha {f} | :: diminutive of conta |
contino {adj} [obsolete, poetic] /kõ.ˈ | :: alternative form of contínuo |
continuação {f} | :: continuation, continuance, continuity |
continuação {f} | :: sequel |
continuação analítica {f} [analysis] | :: analytic continuation (extension of an analytic function) |
continuamente {adv} /kõˌtinwɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: continuously (without stopping) |
continuar {v} [com] /kõ.ti.ˈnwaɾ/ | :: to continue; to go on with (not to stop) |
continuar {vt} | :: to continue; to proceed with (to start doing something that had been stopped) |
continuar {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the gerund or with a and a verb in the impersonal infinitive] | :: to continue; to keep; to be still (not to stop doing something) |
continuar {v} [copulative] | :: to continue; to remain (to retain a given quality) |
continuar {vi} [usually, takes an adverb phrase] | :: to extend (to have a given extent) |
continuidade {f} | :: continuity (lack of interruption or disconnection) |
continuidade {f} [mathematics] | :: continuity (characteristic property of a continuous function) |
contínuo {adj} /kõ.ˈti.nwu/ | :: continuous (without break, cessation, or interruption in time) |
continuum {m} | :: continuum (series where neighbouring elements are very similar, but distant elements are very different) |
conto {m} /ˈkõ.tu/ | :: tale, story (account of an asserted fact or circumstance) |
conto {m} [literature] | :: short story (work of fiction shorter than a novel) |
conto {m} | :: count (a quantity counted) |
conto {m} [obsolete] | :: one million reis |
conto {m} [dated, Portugal] | :: a thousand escudos |
conto {m} [Portugal] | :: five euros |
conto {m} [slang, Brazil] | :: real (unit of currency) |
conto {m} | :: the butt of a spear or polearm |
conto de fadas {m} [literature] | :: fairy tale (a fantasy folktale) |
conto de fadas {m} [figurative] | :: fairy tale (a blissful situation or existence) |
conto popular {m} | :: folktale (tale that is part of an oral tradition) |
contorcer {vt} | :: to contort; to writhe; to squirm (to twist violently) |
contorcido {adj} | :: contorted |
contorcionista {mf} | :: contortionist (an acrobat who twists their body) |
contornar {vt} /kõ.tuɾ.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to circumvent, to avoid something in one's path |
contornar {v} | :: to surround a location |
contornar {v} | :: to overcome a problem with or without solving it |
contornar {v} | :: to draw the contour of something |
contorno {m} /kõˈtoɾnu/ | :: contour, outline |
contorno {m} | :: ring road; beltway (highway encircling a city) |
contôrno {m} | :: obsolete spelling of contorno |
contra- {prefix} | :: counter- (in opposition to) |
contra {prep} /ˈkõ.tɾɐ/ | :: against |
contra a corrente {adv} | :: See: pt contra a corrente |
contra a corrente {adv} [idiomatic] | :: against the grain (contrary to what is expected) |
contra-alíseos {mp} | :: antitrade (the wind that blows from west to east above the trade wind) |
contra a maré {adv} | :: See: pt contra a maré |
contra a maré {adv} [idiomatic] | :: against the grain (contrary to what is expected) |
contra-atacar {vi} | :: to counter-attack |
contra-ataque {m} /ˌkõ.tɾɐ.ˈ | :: counter-attack |
contrabaixo {m} /kõtrɐˈbajʃu/ | :: bass guitar (electric stringed instrument similar to an electric guitar) |
contrabaixo {m} [music] | :: double bass (the largest stringed instrument of the violin family) |
contrabalançar {v} | :: to counterbalance |
contrabalancear {vt} | :: to counterbalance (to match in equal, but opposing, effect) |
contrabandear {vi} | :: to smuggle (to import or export illicitly) |
contrabandista {mf} | :: smuggler; contrabandist (one who smuggles things) |
contrabando {m} | :: contraband (goods which are prohibited from being traded, smuggled goods) |
contrabando {m} [uncountable] | :: the practice of smuggling |
contração {f} | :: contraction |
contração {f} | :: shrinkage |
contracapa {f} | :: back cover |
contracatexia {f} [psychology] | :: countercathexis (the suppression or repression of mental energy) |
contraceção {f} [European orthography] /kõ.tɾɐ.sɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: birth control, contraception |
contracenar {v} | :: (an actor) to make a background apparition in a scene |
contracenar {v} | :: [by extension] to make any apparition in a scene |
contracepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of contraceção |
contraceptivo {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: contraceptive |
contraceptivo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: contraceptive |
contracetivo {m} /kõ.tɾɐ.sɛ.ˈ | :: alternative form of contraceptivo |
contracetivo {adj} | :: alternative form of contraceptivo |
contracíclico {adj} [economics] | :: contracyclical (tending to stabilise an unbalanced economy) |
contraciclo {m} | :: countercycle; countercyclicality |
contracto {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of contrato |
contracultura {f} | :: counterculture (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the mainstream culture) |
contradança {f} | :: contra dance, quadrille |
contradição {f} /ˌkõ.tɾa.d͡ʒi.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: contradiction (statement that contradicts itself) |
contradição em termos {f} [rhetoric, logic] | :: contradiction in terms (expression in which the terms contradict one another) |
contradicção {f} | :: obsolete spelling of contradição |
contraditado {adj} | :: contradicted |
contraditado {adj} | :: contested |
contradito {adj} | :: contradicted |
contradito {adj} | :: contested |
contraditoriamente {adv} | :: contradictorily |
contraditório {adj} | :: contradictory (that contradicts something) |
contraditório {adj} | :: contradictory (that is itself a contradiction) |
contradizer {v} | :: to contradict (deny the truth of a statement or statements) |
contraente {m} | :: contractor |
contraespionagem {f} | :: counterespionage (activities to prevent spying) |
contrafação {f} | :: counterfeit; fake (non-genuine article) |
contrafagote {m} [musical instruments] | :: contrabassoon |
contrafase {f} [physics, mathematics] | :: antiphase (a difference in phase (of two waves) of 180°) |
contrafazendo {v} | :: gerund of contrafazer |
contrafazer {v} | :: to counterfeit |
contraforte {m} [architecture] | :: buttress (brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it) |
contraforte {m} | :: buttress (feature jutting out from mountain) |
contraforte {m} | :: buttress (anything that serves to support something else) |
contragolpe {m} | :: counterblow (blow delivered in return of another) |
contragosto {m} | :: aversion, antipathy |
contraindicar {v} [medicine] | :: to contraindicate |
contraindo {v} | :: gerund of contrair |
contrainteligência {f} | :: counterespionage (activities to prevent spying) |
contrair {vpi} | :: to contract (to draw together; to become shorter or narrower) |
contrair {vpt} | :: to contract (to cause to contract) |
contrair {vi} [grammar] | :: to contract (to become shorter by omitting some phonemes) |
contrair {vt} | :: to contract (to acquire an illness) |
contrair {vt} | :: to acquire (to come to have) |
contralto {m} [music] | :: contralto (voice between tenor and mezzo-soprano) |
contralto {m} [music] | :: contralto (singer with this voice) |
contra-mão {f} | :: alternative form of contramão |
contramão {f} [traffic] /ˌkõw.tɾa.ˈmãw/ | :: wrong way, opposite hand, opposite way |
contramão {f} [figurative] | :: an opinion or attitude that is against the common sense |
contramedida {f} | :: countermeasure (any action taken to counteract or correct another) |
contramestra {f} /ˌkõ.tɾa.ˈmɛs.tɾa/ | :: feminine noun of contramestre |
contramestre {m} /kõ.tɾɐ.ˈmɛʃ.tɾɨ/ | :: overseer; supervisor (person with overseeing the work of a person or group) |
contramestre {m} [nautical] | :: petty officer who controls the work of other seamen |
contramestre {m} [nautical] | :: substitute captain |
contra o relógio {adv} [idiomatic] | :: against the clock (in a time-restricted manner) |
contraparte {f} | :: counterpart |
contrapartida {f} | :: counterpart |
contrapesar {vt} | :: to counterbalance (to apply weight or force in order to balance) |
contrapeso {m} | :: counterweight (weight used to balance a load) |
contraponto {m} [music] | :: counterpoint (a melody added to an existing one) |
contrapor {v} | :: to oppose to something |
contrapor {v} | :: to compare one thing with another |
contraposição {f} | :: contraposition |
contraprestação {f} | :: consideration (recompense payment) |
contraprodutivo {adj} | :: counterproductive (intended to help, but being more of a hindrance) |
contraprova {f} [legal] | :: counterevidence, rebuttal |
contra-relógio {m} | :: time trial |
contrariamente {adv} | :: contrarily (in a contrary manner) |
contrariando {v} | :: gerund of contrariar |
contrariar {v} /kõtɾɐˈɾjaɾ/ | :: to counter |
contrariar {v} | :: to counteract |
contrariar {v} | :: to contradict |
contrariar {v} | :: to thwart, frustrate |
contrário {adj} /kõˈtɾaɾju/ | :: contrary, opposite |
contrário {adj} | :: opposed, against |
contrarrevolução {f} | :: counterrevolution (revolution to reverse effects of previous revolution) |
contrastante {adj} | :: contrasting |
contrastar {vt} | :: to contrast (set in opposition in order to show the difference between) |
contraste {m} /kõ.ˈtɾas.tʃi/ | :: contrast |
contratação {f} | :: act of contracting or hiring |
contratado {adj} | :: contracted (having a legal contract) |
contratando {v} | :: gerund of contratar |
contratante {adj} | :: contracting (that makes a legal contract) |
contratante {mf} | :: contractor |
contratar {v} /kõ.tɾɐ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to contract, hire |
contratempo {m} | :: contretemps (unfortunate event) |
contratempo {m} [Brazil] | :: hi-hat (pair of cymbals actuated by a pedal) |
contratenor {m} | :: countertenor (male singing voice higher than the typical male range) |
contraterrorismo {m} [law enforcement, military] | :: antiterrorism; counter-terrorism (activity aiming at opposing terrorism) |
contraterrorista {adj} [law enforcement, military] | :: antiterrorist (counteracting terrorism) |
contrato {m} /kõ.ˈtɾa.tu/ | :: contract |
contra todas as expectativas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: against all odds (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability) |
contrato de experiência {m} | :: probation (period of conditional employment or engagement) |
contratorpedeiro {m} [military] | :: destroyer (type of warship) |
contrato social {m} [philosophy, politics] | :: social contract (implicit agreement among members of a society) |
contrato social {m} [business] | :: articles of association (document that defines the responsibilities of the directors of a company) |
contratual {adj} | :: contractual |
contratualmente {adv} | :: contractually |
contratura {f} [medicine] | :: contracture (abnormal contraction of a muscle) |
contravariância {f} | :: contravariance (reversal of the order of data types acted upon by an operator) |
contravariante {adj} [category theory, of a functor] | :: contravariant (which reverses composition) |
contravenção {f} | :: contravention (act of contravening a rule) |
contravenção {f} [legal] | :: misdemeanor (small crime) |
contraventor {m} | :: offender |
contravigilância {f} | :: countersurveillance (the art of evading surveillance) |
contribuição {f} /kõ.tɾi.βwi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: contribution |
contribuindo {v} | :: gerund of contribuir |
contribuinte {adj} | :: contributory |
contribuinte {mf} | :: contributor (something that or someone who contributes) |
contribuinte {mf} | :: taxpayer, tributary (individual who pays or is required to pay taxes) |
contribuir {v} /kõ.tɾi.bu.ˈi(ʁ)/ | :: to contribute |
contribuir {v} | :: to subscribe |
contrição {f} [chiefly religion] | :: contrition (sincere penitence or remorse) |
contristar {vt} | :: to grieve; to sadden |
contrito {adj} | :: contrite (sincerely penitent) |
controlador {adj} /kõtɾulɐˈdoɾ/ | :: controlling |
controlador {m} [management] | :: controller, comptroller |
controlador de tráfego aéreo {m} | :: air traffic controller (person who maintains safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic) |
controlador lógico programável {m} | :: programmable logic controller (programmable electronic device used in industrial automation) |
controlar {vt} /kõ.tɾo.ˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to control (to determine the behaviour of) |
controlar {vt} | :: to keep under control |
controlar {vt} | :: to govern (to exercise sovereign authority) |
controlar {vtp} [often] | :: to contain (to limit through restraint) |
controlar {vt} | :: to limit (not to allow to go beyond a certain bound) |
controlável {adj} | :: controllable (able to be controlled) |
controlavelmente {adv} | :: controllable |
controle {m} [chiefly Brazil] /kõ.ˈtɾ | :: alternative form of controlo |
controle de natalidade {m} | :: birth control (voluntary control of the number of children conceived) |
controle mental {m} | :: mind control (subverting an individual’s control of his mind) |
controle remoto {m} [chiefly Brazil] | :: alternative form of controlo remoto |
controlo {m} /kõ.ˈtɾ | :: control (influence or authority over something) |
controlo {m} | :: monitoring; inspection; regulation |
controlo {m} | :: the act of preventing something from spreading or increasing |
controlo {m} | :: anything which controls something else |
controlo {m} [specifically] | :: remote control (device used to operate a device from a short distance) |
controlo {m} | :: self-control; composure |
contrôlo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of controlo |
controlo remoto {m} [chiefly Portugal] /kõˈtɾ ʁɨ.ˈmɔ.tu/ | :: remote control |
controvérsia {f} | :: controversy |
controverso {adj} | :: controversial (marked by controversy) |
contudo {adv} /kõ.ˈtu.ðu/ | :: nevertheless (in spite of what preceded) |
contumácia {f} | :: contumacy (stubbornness or disobedience) |
contumaz {adj} /kõ.tu.ˈmas/ | :: obstinate, stubborn, insistent |
contumaz {adj} [law] | :: in contempt of court, contumacious |
contumaz {adj} | :: developing the habit of usually doing something |
contumaz {mf} | :: obstinate, stubborn |
contumaz {mf} [law] | :: contempt of court |
contundente {adj} | :: blunt; bruising; contusing (of an object) |
contundente {adj} [figurative] | :: assertive; striking |
contundente {adj} [figurative] | :: very aggressive |
conturbado {adj} | :: disturbed |
conturbado {adj} | :: troubled |
conturbar {v} | :: to dismay, perturb |
contusão {f} | :: contusion |
convalescença {f} | :: convalescence |
convalescendo {v} | :: gerund of convalescer |
convalescente {adj} | :: convalescent |
convalescente {mf} | :: convalescent |
convalescer {v} | :: to convalesce, recuperate |
convalidação {f} | :: convalidation |
convalidando {v} | :: gerund of convalidar |
convalidar {v} | :: to validate |
convelir {vi} | :: to seize (to have a seizure) |
convenção {f} /kõvẽˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: convention (all senses) |
convenção {f} | :: (formal) assembly |
convenção {f} | :: agreement, contract |
convenção {f} | :: custom (normal practice) |
convencendo {v} | :: gerund of convencer |
convencer {v} /kõ.vẽ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to convince (make someone believe, or feel sure about something) |
convencido {adj} | :: conceited (vain and egotistic) |
convencido {m} | :: a conceited person |
convencional {adj} | :: conventional |
convencional {adj} | :: formal |
convencionalmente {adv} | :: conventionally |
convencionando {v} | :: gerund of convencionar |
convencionar {v} | :: to form a convention |
convencionar {v} [legal] | :: To agree on mutually satisfactory terms |
conveniência {f} | :: convenience |
conveniência {f} | :: expediency |
conveniente {adj} | :: convenient; expedient (quick or easy to use) |
convenientemente {adv} | :: In context of being convenient; favorably; conveniently |
convênio {m} | :: covenant, accord, convention |
convento {m} /kõ.ˈvẽ.tu/ | :: convent (for nuns) |
convento {m} | :: monastery (for monks) |
convergência {f} | :: convergence (all senses) |
convergir {v} | :: to converge (to approach each other) |
conversa {f} [uncountable] /kõ.ˈvɛɾ.sɐ/ | :: conversation; talking |
conversa {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: bullshit; nonsense (untrue statements intended to deceive) |
conversa {f} | :: an instance of conversation |
conversação {f} | :: conversation |
conversador {m} | :: conversationalist |
conversador {adj} | :: talkative |
conversa fiada {f} | :: nonsense (foolish or false statements) |
conversão {f} | :: conversion, transformation |
conversa para boi dormir {f} [idiomatic] | :: tedious conversation |
conversa para boi dormir {f} [idiomatic] | :: nonsense |
conversa pra boi dormir {f} | :: nonstandard spelling of conversa para boi dormir |
conversar {v} /kõ.vɨɾ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to talk |
conversível {adj} | :: convertible |
converso {m} | :: converso |
conversor analógico-digital {m} [electronics] | :: analog-to-digital converter (device that converts analog signal to digital) |
conversor analógico/digital {m} | :: alternative spelling of conversor analógico-digital |
conversor catalítico {m} [automotive] | :: catalytic converter (chamber which oxidises carbon dioxide from exhaust gases) |
convertedor {m} | :: converter |
converter {v} /kõ.veʁ.ˈte(ʁ)/ | :: to convert (all senses); to change |
converter {v} | :: to transform |
convertível {adj} | :: convertible (able to be converted) |
convés {m} [nautical] /kõ.ˈvɛʃ/ | :: deck (floorlike covering on a ship) |
convés de proa {m} | :: foredeck (the part of the deck of a ship or boat that lies forward of the mast) |
convexidade {f} | :: convexity |
convexo {adj} /kõ.ˈvɛ | :: convex (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle) |
convez {m} | :: obsolete spelling of convés |
convicção {f} /kõ.vik.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: conviction |
convidar {v} /kõ.vi.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to invite (ask for the presence or participation of someone) |
convidar para sair {v} [idiomatic] | :: to ask out (to invite someone on a date) |
convincente {adj} | :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence) |
convir {v} | :: to agree |
convir {v} | :: to suit, fit |
convir {v} | :: to be appropriate or convenient |
convite {m} | :: invitation, invite |
convivência {f} | :: cohabitation |
convivência {f} | :: intimacy |
convívio {m} | :: cohabitation |
convívio {m} | :: coexistence |
convívio {m} | :: hangout, social gathering |
convívio {m} [obsolete] | :: banquet |
convocação {f} | :: convocation |
convocação {f} | :: call |
convocação {f} | :: summons |
convocando {v} | :: gerund of convocar |
convocar {v} | :: to convene, convoke |
convocar {v} | :: to summon, muster, assemble |
convolução {f} | :: the process of becoming twisted |
convolução {f} [anatomy] | :: convolution; gyrus (fold on the surface of the brain) |
convoluto {adj} | :: convoluted (having numerous overlapping coils) |
convolvulácea {f} | :: morning glory (any of the flowering plants of family Convolvulaceae) |
convosco {pron} /kõ.ˈvoʃ.ku/ | :: with you (plural) |
convulsão {f} | :: convulsion |
convulsar {vi} | :: to seize (to have a seizure) |
convulsionar {v} | :: to convulse |
convulsionar {v} | :: to have a seizure |
convulsionar-se {vr} | :: to seize (to have a seizure) |
convulsivamente {adv} | :: convulsively |
convulsivo {adj} | :: convulsive (having or producing convulsions) |
cookie {m} [Internet] /ˈ | :: cookie (data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website) |
cookie {m} | :: an American-style cookie (small, flat baked good) |
co-operação {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cooperação |
cooperação {f} /ˌɾa.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: cooperation (act of cooperating or being cooperative) |
Cooperação Económica da Ásia e do Pacífico {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of Cooperação Econômica da Ásia e do Pacífico |
Cooperação Econômica da Ásia e do Pacífico {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography, geopolitics] | :: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (trade agreement) |
cooperante {adj} | :: cooperative (willing to work with other people) |
cooperar {v} | :: to cooperate (work together) |
cooperativa {f} | :: cooperative (company owned partially or wholly by its employees) |
cooperativo {adj} | :: cooperative (willing to work with others) |
cooperativo {adj} | :: cooperative (of or relating to cooperatives) |
cooptar {v} /ko.op.ˈta(ɾ)/ | :: to co-opt |
coordenação {f} | :: coordination |
coordenada {f} | :: coordinate |
coordenadas polares {fp} [mathematics] | :: polar coordinates (coordinates of a point in a plane) |
coordenar {v} | :: to coordinate (to synchronize) |
coordenar {v} | :: to coordinate (to run, to manage) |
coorte {f} [Ancient Rome, military] /kuˈɔɾtɨ/ | :: cohort (tenth part of a legion) |
coorte {f} [statistics] | :: cohort (demographic grouping of people) |
copa {f} /ˈkɔ.pɐ/ | :: cup (sports competition/trophy) |
copa {f} | :: crop (top of a plant) |
copa {f} | :: breakfast room |
copa {f} | :: cup |
copa {f} [in the plural] | :: hearts (cards) |
Copacabana {prop} | :: Copacabana (municipality) |
copaço {m} | :: A big cup or glass |
copa do mundo {f} | :: world cup (competition involving competitors from around the world) |
Copa do Mundo {prop} {f} | :: the World Cup |
copaíba {f} | :: copaiba |
copas {fp} [card games] /ˈkɔ.pas/ | :: hearts (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♥) |
copázio {m} | :: A big cup or glass |
copeiro {m} /ko.ˈpe(j).ɾu/ | :: busser, busboy |
copeiro {m} | :: one who prepares and/or sells sweets and liquor |
copeiro {m} [Brazil] | :: house or kitchen servant; butler |
copeiro {m} | :: a location, such as a kitchen cabinet, where glasses, cups and similar containers are kept |
Copenhaga {prop} {f} | :: Copenhaga (capital city) |
Copenhagem {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Copenhaga |
Copenhagen {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Copenhaga |
Copenhague {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Copenhaga |
Copenhaguem {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Copenhaga |
Copenhaguen {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Copenhaga |
copeque {m} | :: kopek (one-hundredth of a ruble) |
copernício {m} /ˌko.peɻ.ˈ | :: copernicium (chemical element) |
Copérnico {prop} {m} | :: Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish Renaissance mathematician and astronomer) |
copia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cópia |
cópia {f} /ˈkɔ.pjɐ/ | :: copy |
cópia {f} | :: transcript |
cópia {f} | :: replica, reproduction |
cópia carbono {f} | :: carbon copy (copy produced using carbon paper) |
cópia carbono {f} | :: carbon copy (copy of an e-mail sent automatically to another address) |
cópia carbono {f} | :: someone or something that is exactly like someone/something else |
copiador {m} | :: copier (one who makes copies) |
copiadora {f} | :: feminine noun of copiador |
copiadora {f} | :: photocopier (machine which reproduces documents) |
copião {m} [colloquial] | :: copycat (one who imitates others’ work) |
copião {m} [cinematography] | :: rushes; dailies (raw, unedited or lightly edited footage) |
copiar {v} /kuˈpjaɾ/ | :: to copy; to produce something identical |
copiloto {mf} [aviation] | :: copilot (relief or assistant pilot of an aircraft) |
copioso {adj} | :: copious |
copirraite {m} | :: copyright |
copla {f} /ˈkɔ.plɐ/ | :: couplet |
coplanar {adj} | :: coplanar |
copo {m} /ˈkɔ.pu/ | :: glass (vessel from which one drinks) |
copo-de-leite {m} | :: calla lily (any of several flowering plants in the genus Zantedeschia) |
copra {f} | :: copra (dried kernel of coconut) |
coprimo {adj} [mathematics, of positive integers] | :: coprime (having no factors in common) |
coprofilia {f} | :: coprophilia (marked interest in faeces) |
copta {adj} | :: Coptic (of or pertaining to the Coptic people or the Coptic Orthodox Church) |
copta {adj} | :: Coptic (of or pertaining to the Coptic language) |
copta {mf} | :: Copt (member of the Coptic church) |
copta {m} | :: Coptic (language) |
cóptico {adj} | :: Coptic (of or pertaining to the Copts or the Coptic Orthodox Church) |
cóptico {adj} | :: Coptic (of or pertaining to the Coptic language) |
cóptico {m} | :: Coptic (language) |
cópula {f} | :: copula |
cópula {f} | :: coupling |
cópula {f} | :: copulation |
copular {v} | :: to copulate (engage in sexual intercourse) |
copular {v} | :: to bind; to connect |
coque {m} | :: bun (a tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) |
coque {m} | :: coke (solid residue from roasting coal) |
Coqueiral {prop} | :: Coqueiral (municipality) |
coqueiro {m} /ko.ˈke(j).ɾo/ | :: coconut (coconut palm) |
Coqueiro Baixo {prop} | :: Coqueiro Baixo (municipality) |
Coqueiros do Sul {prop} | :: Coqueiros do Sul (municipality) |
coqueluche {f} [disease] | :: whooping cough (a contagious disease) |
coquete {f} /ko.ˈkɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: coquette |
coquetel {m} | :: cocktail (alcoholic beverage) |
coquetel Molotov {m} | :: Molotov cocktail (simple incendiary bomb) |
coquilha {f} | :: jockstrap (supporter worn by men around the genitals during exercise) |
coquinho {m} | :: The queen palm Syagrus romanzoffiana |
cor {f} /koɾ/ | :: colour [Commonwealth English], color [American English] |
cor {m} /ˈkɔɾ/ | :: heart |
coração {m} /ku.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: heart (organ of the body) |
coração {m} [figurative] | :: heart, emotions, kindness, spirit |
coração {m} [figurative] | :: center, core |
coração {f} /kɔ.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: blushing |
coração {f} | :: bleaching |
coração {f} | :: coloration |
Coração de Jesus {prop} | :: Coração de Jesus (municipality) |
Coração de Maria {prop} | :: Coração de Maria (municipality) |
coração mole {m} | :: soft heart (the quality of being easily moved by emotion) |
coração partido {m} | :: broken heart (subjective feeling of grief or loss) |
coraçãozinho {m} /ˌko.ɾa.ˌsɐ̃w̃.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of coração |
coragem {f} /ku.ˈɾa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: courage; boldness; guts (the quality of not being scared easily) |
coragem {f} | :: courage; audacity; insolence (the quality of being insolent) |
corajosamente {adv} | :: bravely |
corajoso {adj} /ku.ɾɐ.ˈʒo.zu/ | :: courageous, brave, bold, intrepid |
coral {m} | :: choir (group of singers) |
coralino {adj} | :: coral (made of coral) |
coralino {adj} | :: coral (yellowish pink in colour) |
corante {m} /ko.ˈɾɐ̃.te/ | :: colourant; dye (pigment used the change the colour of something) |
corante {adj} | :: that which dyes, colours |
corante alimentar {m} | :: food colouring |
corante alimentício {m} | :: food colouring |
Corão {prop} {m} /ko.ˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: Qur'an (Islamic holy book) |
corar {vi} /kɔ.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to blush (redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment) |
corar {v} | :: to bleach |
corar {v} | :: to colour, dye |
Corásmia {prop} {f} | :: Corásmia (historical region) |
corbelha {f} | :: a type of basket arranged artistically with fruits or flowers |
Corbélia {prop} {f} /koʁ.ˈbɛ.li.ɐ/ | :: Corbélia (town/and/municipality) |
corça {f} /ˈkɔɾ.sɐ/ | :: doe (female deer) |
corcel {m} | :: a good and fast steed |
corço {m} | :: roe deer (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) |
corcova {f} | :: hump (rounded fleshy mass, such as on a camel) |
corcunda {f} /koʁˈkũ.dɐ/ | :: hump (deformity of the human back) |
corcunda {mf} | :: humpback (humpbacked person) |
corda {f} /ˈkɔɾ.dɐ/ | :: rope, string |
corda {f} | :: winding mechanism |
corda {f} | :: cord, heartstring |
corda bamba {f} | :: tightrope |
corda de pular {f} | :: skipping rope (rope for play or exercise) |
cordado {adj} [botany, of a leaf] | :: cordate (heart-shaped) |
cordado {m} [zoology] | :: chordate (any member of the phylum Chordata) |
cordame {m} [nautical] | :: rigging (system of ropes, chains, and tackle) |
cordão {m} /kuɾˈðɐ̃w̃/ | :: cord |
cordão {m} | :: cordon |
cordão sanitário {m} | :: cordon sanitaire |
cordão umbilical {m} [anatomy] | :: umbilical cord (cord between foetus and placenta) |
corda tendínea {f} [anatomy] | :: chorda tendinea; heartstring (any of the cord-like tendons in the heart) |
corda vocal {f} [anatomy] | :: vocal cord (membrane fold in the human larynx) |
cor de burro quando foge {f} [humorous] /ˈkoɾ ðɨ ˈβu.ʁu ˈkwɐ̃.du ˈfɔ.ʒɨ/ | :: an indistinct or nameless colour |
cor de burro quando foge {adj} [humorous] | :: having an indistinct or nameless colour |
cor-de-burro-quando-foge {adj} | :: alternative spelling of cor de burro quando foge |
côr de burro quando foge {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cor de burro quando foge |
côr de burro quando foge {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cor de burro quando foge |
cor de cobre {adj} | :: alternative spelling of cor-de-cobre |
cor-de-cobre {adj} | :: copper (having the colour of copper) |
cor de framboesa {adj} | :: raspberry coloured (pinkish red) |
cordeiro {m} /koɻ.ˈde(j).ɾo/ | :: lamb (young sheep) |
Cordeiro {prop} | :: Cordeiro (municipality) |
Cordeiro de Deus {prop} {m} | :: Lamb of God (a title for Jesus that appears in the Gospel of John) |
Cordeirópolis {prop} | :: Cordeirópolis (municipality) |
Cordeiros {prop} | :: Cordeiros (municipality) |
cordel {m} | :: strand (short string) |
cor de laranja {f} | :: alternative spelling of cor-de-laranja |
cor de laranja {adj} | :: alternative spelling of cor-de-laranja |
cor-de-laranja {f} | :: orange (colour) |
cor-de-laranja {adj} | :: orange |
cor de lavanda {adj} | :: lavender-coloured (pale purple) |
cor de linho {adj} | :: flaxen in colour (pale yellow brown) |
cor de rosa {m} | :: alternative form of cor-de-rosa |
cor de rosa {adj} | :: alternative form of cor-de-rosa |
cor-de-rosa {adj} | :: pink |
cor-de-rosa {m} | :: pink (color) |
cordial {adj} | :: cordial (sincere; affectionate) |
cordialidade {f} | :: cordialness (quality of being cordial) |
cordialmente {adv} | :: cordially (in a cordial manner) |
cordierita {f} [mineral] | :: cordierite (a cyclosilicate) |
cordierite {f} | :: alternative form of cordierita |
cordiforme {adj} | :: heart-shaped; cordiform (having the shape of a heart) |
cordilheira {f} /kuɾ.ði.ˈʎɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: mountain range |
Cordilheira Alta {prop} | :: Cordilheira Alta (municipality) |
Cordisburgo {prop} | :: Cordisburgo (municipality) |
Cordislândia {prop} | :: Cordislândia (municipality) |
Córdova {prop} {f} | :: Córdova (province) |
Córdova {prop} {f} | :: Córdova (city/provincial capital) |
Córdova {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
core {m} [computer architecture] /ˈkɔ.ɾi/ | :: core (independent unit in a processor with several such units) |
coreana {f} | :: female equivalent of coreano |
coreano {adj} | :: Korean (relating to the Korean Peninsula) |
coreano {m} | :: Korean (person) |
coreano {m} | :: Korean (language) |
coreia {f} | :: dance, ball |
coreia {f} [pathology] | :: chorea |
Coreia {prop} {f} /ko.ˈɾɛj.ɐ/ | :: Coreia (peninsula) |
Coreia {prop} {f} | :: short for Coreia do Sul |
Coreia {prop} {f} | :: short for Coreia do Norte |
Coréia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Coreia |
Coreia do Norte {prop} {f} | :: Coreia do Norte (country) |
Coréia do Norte {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Coreia do Norte |
Coreia do Sul {prop} {f} | :: Coreia do Sul (country) |
Coréia do Sul {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Coreia do Sul |
coreografia {f} | :: choreography |
coreógrafo {m} | :: choreographer (person who choreographs) |
cores Web {fp} [computing] | :: web colors (complete palette of colors that are displayed on the web and on the computer) |
coreto {m} | :: bandstand (platform for bands to play on) |
Corfu {prop} {f} | :: Corfu (island/and/regional unit) |
Corfu {prop} {f} | :: Corfu (city) |
corgo {m} | :: alternative form of córrego |
Coribe {prop} | :: Coribe (municipality) |
corindo {m} [mineral] | :: corundum (mineral) |
coríndon {m} [mineral] | :: corundum |
coringa {m} | :: alternative spelling of curinga |
corintiano {adj} [Brazil, soccer] /ko.ˌɾĩ.t(ʃ)i.ˈɐ̃.nu/ | :: Pertaining to, or related to Sport Club Corinthians Paulista |
corintiano {m} [Brazil, soccer] | :: A player or supporter of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista sports team, especially the association football (soccer) team |
Corinto {prop} {f} | :: Corinto (city) |
Corinto {prop} {f} | :: Corinto (town/and/municipality) |
cório {m} | :: alternative form of córion |
córion {m} [embryology] | :: chorion (one of the membranes surrounding a foetus) |
Coritiba {prop} {f} | :: archaic spelling of Curitiba |
Corityba {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Curitiba |
coriza {f} [pathology] | :: coryza |
corja {f} [collective] | :: rabble (disorderly crowd) |
cormorão {m} | :: cormorant (seabird) |
cornaca {m} | :: mahout (elephant driver and keeper) |
cornada {f} | :: goring (a wound inflicted by a horn, usually the horn of a bull in the context of bullfighting) |
cornalina {f} [mineral] | :: carnelian (a reddish brown chalcedony) |
córnea {f} [anatomy] | :: cornea (layer forming the front of the eye) |
cornear {vt} | :: to gore (pierce with the horns) |
cornear {vt} [colloquial] | :: to cuckold; to cheat (engage in an extramarital affair) |
corne inglês {m} | :: cor anglais (woodwind instrument) |
Cornélia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Cornélio {prop} {m} /koʁ.ˈnɛ.lju/ | :: given name |
Cornélio Procópio {prop} | :: Cornélio Procópio (town/and/municipality) |
córneo {adj} | :: corneous; horny (hard or bony) |
corneta {f} | :: cornet (musical instrument) |
corneto {m} [anatomy] | :: nasal concha (bony plate in the nasal cavity) |
corneto {m} [musical instrument] | :: cornett (an European trumpet-like instrument) |
córnico {m} | :: Cornish (language) |
cornija {f} [architecture] | :: cornice (element of a building that directs rainwater away from the walls) |
corniso {m} | :: cornel (tree of the genus Cornus) |
corniso {m} | :: cornel (fruit of the cornel tree) |
corno {m} /ˈkoɾnu/ | :: horn (growth on the heads of certain animals) |
corno {m} [vulgar] | :: cuckold |
Corno de África {prop} {m} | :: Corno de África (peninsula) |
cornogodinho {m} | :: rowan (Sorbus aucuparia, a deciduous tree or shrub of Eurasia) |
corno manso {m} | :: mari complaisant (husband who tolerates his wife’s adultery) |
Cornualha {prop} {f} | :: Cornualha (peninsula/and/county) |
cornucópia {f} [Greek mythology] | :: cornucopia (mythical horn endlessly overflowing with food and drink) |
cornucópia {f} | :: cornucopia (abundance or plentiful supply of something) |
cornudo {adj} | :: horned (having horns) |
coro {m} [collective] /ˈko.ɾu/ | :: choir (singing group) |
coro {m} [architecture] | :: choir (part of a church or concert hall where the choir assembles for song) |
coró {m} [Brazil] /ko.ˈɾɔ/ | :: grub (larva of a scarab beetle) |
coroa {f} /ku.ˈɾo.ɐ/ | :: crown (royal, imperial or princely headdress) |
coroa {f} | :: crown (imperial or regal power, or those who wield it) |
coroa {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: crown (as depicted above a coat of arms) |
coroa {f} [dentistry] | :: crown (prosthetic covering for a tooth) |
coroa {f} | :: krone |
coroa {mf} [slang, pejorative, Brazil] | :: an old person |
corôa {f} | :: obsolete spelling of coroa |
coroação {f} | :: coronation (the act of crowning, making king or queen) |
Coroaci {prop} | :: Coroaci (municipality) |
Coroados {prop} | :: Coroados (municipality) |
coroar {v} | :: to crown (place a crown on the head of) |
coroar {v} | :: to crown (formally declare one a king or emperor) |
coroar {v} | :: to crown (declare one a winner) |
coroinha {m} | :: altar boy (boy serving as an acolyte in certain forms of Christianity) |
coroinha {f} | :: diminutive of coroa |
corola {f} [botany] | :: corolla (whorl of a flower) |
corolário {m} [mathematics, logic] | :: corollary (proposition which follows easily) |
Coromandel {prop} | :: Coromandel (municipality) |
coronal {adj} [phonetics] | :: coronal (produced with tip or blade of tongue) |
coronal {m} [phonetics] | :: coronal (consonant produced with tip or blade of tongue) |
coronária {f} [anatomy] | :: coronary artery (artery that runs on the surface of the heart) |
coronariano {adj} [anatomy] /ko.ɾɾi.ˈã.nu/ | :: pertaining or related to coronary arteries |
coronário {adj} | :: coronary (all senses) |
coronavírus {m} [virology] /koˌɾo.naˈvi.ɾus/ | :: coronavirus (a member of the genus Coronavirus) |
coronavírus {m} | :: [in particular] coronavirus; SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus that caused the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic) |
coronel {m} /ˌko.ɾo.ˈnɛw/ | :: colonel (commissioned office in the armed services) |
coronel {m} [Brazil] | :: a politician in rural areas |
coronela {f} | :: female equivalent of coronel |
Coronel Barros {prop} | :: Coronel Barros (municipality) |
Coronel Bicaco {prop} | :: Coronel Bicaco (municipality) |
Coronel Domingos Soares {prop} | :: Coronel Domingos Soares (village/and/municipality) |
Coronel Fabriciano {prop} | :: Coronel Fabriciano (municipality) |
Coronel Freitas {prop} | :: Coronel Freitas (municipality) |
Coronel João Sá {prop} | :: Coronel João Sá (municipality) |
Coronel Macedo {prop} | :: Coronel Macedo (municipality) |
Coronel Martins {prop} | :: Coronel Martins (municipality) |
Coronel Murta {prop} | :: Coronel Murta (municipality) |
Coronel Pacheco {prop} | :: Coronel Pacheco (municipality) |
Coronel Pilar {prop} | :: Coronel Pilar (municipality) |
Coronel Vivida {prop} | :: Coronel Vivida (town/and/municipality) |
Coronel Xavier Chaves {prop} | :: Coronel Xavier Chaves (municipality) |
coronha {f} | :: stock (part of a gun that rests against the shoulder) |
coronógrafo {m} [astronomy] | :: coronagraph (telescope that blocks direct light from a star) |
corpo {m} [anatomy] /ˈkoɾ.pu/ | :: body |
corpo {m} | :: corpse, cadaver |
corpo {m} | :: Any limited amount of matter |
corpo {m} | :: A group of people united by a common objective; corps |
corpo {m} | :: [with tomar] consistency, firmness; strength |
corpo {m} | :: muscle mass |
corpo celeste {m} [astronomy] | :: celestial body, heavenly body |
corpo d'água {m} | :: body of water (large accumulation of water, such as a river, lake or sea) |
corpo de água {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of corpo d'água |
corpo fechado {m} [of a person, chiefly in supernatural or superstitous context] | :: The characteristic of being virtually or completely impervious to any harm |
corpo ordenado {m} [algebra] | :: ordered field (field satisfying the properties of trichotomy, transitivity and preservation of an inequality when the same element is added to both sides) |
corpo ordenado arquimediano {m} [mathematics] | :: Archimedean ordered field (an ordered field which satisfies the axiom of Archimedes) |
corporação {f} | :: corporation |
corporal {adj} /kuɾpuˈɾaɫ/ | :: corporal, carnal |
corporal {m} | :: corporal |
corpóreo {adj} | :: corporeal (having a body) |
corpóreo {adj} | :: bodily (relating to the body) |
corpo vítreo {m} [anatomy] | :: vitreous humour (clear gel that fills the eyeball) |
corpulento {adj} | :: corpulent, stout |
corpus {m} | :: corpus (collection of writings) |
corpúsculo {m} | :: corpuscle (a minute particle) |
corre {m} [Brazil, slang] /ˈkɔʁi/ | :: strife, fight (hard work) |
correção {f} | :: correction |
correção {f} | :: correctness |
correção política {f} | :: political correctness (the practice of being politically correct) |
correcção {f} | :: alternative form of correção |
correctamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of corretamente |
correcto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of correto |
corrector {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of corretor |
corredeira {f} | :: rapid (fast-flowing section of a river) |
corredor {adj} /kuʁɨˈðoɾ/ | :: running |
corredor {m} | :: corridor, gallery, aisle |
corredor {m} | :: runner, jogger |
corredor aéreo {m} [aviation] | :: air corridor (predefined route for aeroplanes) |
corredor de ônibus {m} | :: busway |
córrego {m} /ˈkɔ.ʁe.ɡu/ | :: a brook, stream or creek; a small river |
Córrego Danta {prop} | :: Córrego Danta (municipality) |
Córrego do Bom Jesus {prop} | :: Córrego do Bom Jesus (municipality) |
Córrego Fundo {prop} | :: Córrego Fundo (municipality) |
Córrego Novo {prop} | :: Córrego Novo (municipality) |
correia {f} | :: a thin leather strip used to tie or bind |
correia {f} | :: chain drive (transmission system) |
Correia {prop} {mf} /ku.ˈʁɐj.ɐ/ | :: surname |
Correia Pinto {prop} | :: Correia Pinto (municipality) |
correição {f} | :: swarm (large number of insects), especially of ants |
correio {m} /ku.ˈʁɐj.u/ | :: mail (regular delivery of letters and small parcels) |
correio eletrónico {m} [European orthography, uncountable] | :: e-mail (system of sending messages through the Internet) |
correio eletrónico {m} [European orthography] | :: e-mail (message sent via e-mail) |
correio eletrônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of correio eletrónico |
correio lesma {m} [disphemism] | :: snail mail (postal mail) |
correlação {f} | :: correlation |
correlação {f} [mathematics] | :: intersection |
correlacionando {v} | :: gerund of correlacionar |
correlacionar {v} | :: to correlate |
correlatar {vt} | :: to correlate (to have a correlation with) |
corrente {f} /ku.ˈʁẽ.tɨ/ | :: current; flow |
corrente {f} | :: electrical current |
corrente {f} | :: chain |
corrente {f} | :: tendency |
corrente {f} [Internet] | :: an e-mail or message, usually containing a hoax or urban legend, which persuades the recipient to share it to other people, consequently making it widespread |
corrente {m} | :: the usual |
corrente alterna {f} | :: alternating current |
corrente alternada {f} [electricity] | :: alternating current (current in which the direction of flow of the electrons reverses periodically) |
corrente contínua {f} | :: See: pt corrente contínua |
corrente contínua {f} | :: direct current (electric current in which the electrons flow in one direction) |
Corrente do Golfo {prop} {f} [oceanography] | :: Gulf Stream (warm ocean current in the North Atlantic) |
corrente sanguínea {f} | :: bloodstream (flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal) |
Correntina {prop} | :: Correntina (municipality) |
correntio {adj} /ko.ʁẽˈtiu̯/ | :: that runs (as a river) with ease; that flows with little friction, viscosity or obstruction |
correr {vi} /ku.ˈʁeɾ/ | :: to run (to move quickly on one’s feet) |
correr {v} [de] | :: to run away from; to flee |
correr {vi} [of automobiles or drivers] | :: to speed (to drive too fast) |
correr {vi} | :: to rush; to hurry (to do something hastily) |
correr {vi} | :: to flow (to move in liquid form) |
correr {v} [em, .by extension] | :: to run in the family (to be a characteristic feature of) |
correr {vi} [of time] | :: to elapse; to pass quickly |
correr {v} [que] | :: to be passed around; to spread |
correr {vti} | :: to draw; to slide over a rod or trail |
correr {v} [em, sobre, por] | :: to slide an object over something |
correr {vi} [of a rope or knot] | :: to slide |
correr {vt} | :: to run (a risk or danger) |
correr {v} [em] | :: to participate in a race |
correr {vt} | :: to tour (to make a circuit of a place) |
correr {vi} | :: to go (to proceed in a specified manner) |
correr {vt} | :: to chase off (to make someone or something flee) |
correr atrás {v} | :: See: pt correr atrás |
correr atrás {v} [with de] | :: to run after; to chase |
correr atrás {v} [with de] | :: to run after; to seek |
correspondência {f} /ku.ʁɨʃ.põ.ˈdẽ.sjɐ/ | :: correspondence (all senses) |
correspondendo {v} | :: gerund of corresponder |
correspondente {adj} | :: corresponding (that have a similar relationship) |
correspondente {mf} | :: pen pal (person with whom one communicates using letters) |
correspondentemente {adv} | :: correspondingly |
corresponder {v} /ku.ʁɨʃ.põ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to correspond, match |
corresponder {v} | :: to be proportional |
corresponder {v} | :: to be equivalent (to) |
corresponder {v} | :: to be suitable |
corresponsabilidade {f} | :: co-responsibility, joint responsibility |
corresponsável {n} | :: co-responsible, someone jointly with somebody else |
corretamente {adv} /ku.ʁɛ.tɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: correctly |
corretismo {m} | :: correct procedure or conduct |
corretissimamente {adv} | :: Perfectly correctly |
corretissimo {adj} | :: Perfectly correct |
corretivo {adj} | :: corrective (pertaining to correction) |
corretivo {m} | :: concealer (cosmetic designed to cover blemishes) |
corretivo {m} | :: whiteout (fluid used to cover writing mistakes) |
correto {adj} /ku.ˈʁɛ.tu/ | :: correct |
corretor {m} | :: corrector (something which corrects, fixes) |
corretor {m} | :: broker (mediator between a buyer and seller) |
corretor {m} | :: concealer (cosmetic) |
corretora {f} | :: feminine noun of corretor |
corretor ortográfico {m} | :: spell checker (software application that identifies misspelt words) |
corréu {m} [legal] /ˌko.ˈʁɛw/ | :: codefendant (any of several defendants answering the same charge) |
corricar {v} | :: to walk rapidly; to trot |
corrida {f} /ku.ˈʁi.ðɐ/ | :: run (the act of running) |
corrida {f} [sports] | :: race (an attempt to reach some goal before others) |
corrida {f} | :: a ride on a taxi or other private car |
corrida armamentícia {f} | :: arms race |
corrida armamentista {f} | :: arms race |
corrida de demolição {f} | :: demolition derby (competition in which contestants crash cars) |
corrida de touros {f} | :: bullfighting (performance art in which a matador manipulates and kills a bull) |
corrida de touros {f} | :: bullfight (bullfighting event) |
corridinha {f} | :: diminutive of corrida |
corrigindo {v} | :: gerund of corrigir |
corrigir {v} | :: to correct |
corrimão {m} /ku.ʁi.ˈmɐ̃w̃/ | :: handrail |
corriqueiro {adj} | :: ordinary, commonplace, everyday |
corroboração {f} /kuʁuβuɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: corroboration (the act of corroborating) |
corroboração {f} | :: corroboration (that which corroborates) |
corroborador {m} | :: corroborator (one who corroborates) |
corroborador {adj} | :: corroborating (that corroborates) |
corroborante {adj} | :: corroborative (serving to corroborate) |
corroborar {vt} | :: to corroborate (to confirm or support with additional evidence) |
corroborativo {adj} | :: corroborative (serving to corroborate) |
corroendo {v} | :: gerund of corroer |
corroer {v} | :: to corrode, erode |
corroer {v} | :: to gnaw |
corromper {vt} | :: to corrupt (to change from good to bad) |
corromper {vt} | :: to taint (to contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally) |
corrosão {f} | :: corrosion |
corrupção {f} /kuʁu(p)ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: corruption (all senses) |
corrupção {f} | :: bribery |
corrupio {m} /ku.ʁuˈpi.u/ | :: whirl |
corrupio {m} [by extension] | :: rush |
corruptela {f} [linguistics] /ko.ʁup.ˈtɛ.lɐ/ | :: corruption (debased or nonstandard form of a word) |
corrupto {adj} /kuˈʁu(p)tu/ | :: corrupt (morally degenerate) |
corrupto {m} | :: a corrupt politician |
corsa {interj} [dialect, dated] | :: A mild oath |
corsário {m} | :: pirate; corsair (one who plunders at sea) |
Córsega {prop} {f} | :: Córsega (island/and/region) |
córsico {adj} /ˈkɔɾsiku/ | :: Corsican (of, from or pertaining to Corsica) |
córsico {m} | :: Corsican (person from Corsica) |
córsico {m} | :: Corsican (language) |
corso {adj} | :: Corsican |
corso {m} | :: Corsican (person) |
cortado {adj} /kuɾ.ˈta.ðu/ | :: cut |
cortado {adj} | :: chopped |
cortador {m} | :: cutter (person or device that cuts) |
cortador de grama {m} | :: lawn mower (machine for cutting grass) |
cortador de unha {m} | :: nail clipper (tool for trimming fingernails) |
cortando {v} /kuɾˈtɐ̃du/ | :: gerund of cortar |
cortante {adj} | :: able to cut; sharp (of a blade) |
cortar {vt} /kuɾ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to cut (to split using a sharp instrument) |
cortar {vt} | :: to cut (to trim or fashion nails, hair, grass, or something similar) |
cortar {vt} | :: to fell; to cut down; to chop down (to drop a tree by cutting its trunk) |
cortar {vi} | :: to cut (to be sharp enough to cut) |
cortar {vt} | :: to cut (to remove or reduce a supply or provision) |
cortar {vt} | :: to cross; to cut through (to have its course within) |
cortar {vt} | :: to cross; to intersect (to form an intersection with) |
cortar {vt} [computing] | :: to cut (to erase data such that it is moved to the clipboard) |
cortar {vti} [card games] | :: to divide a recently shuffled deck into two sets |
cortar {vt} | :: to interrupt (to halt an ongoing process) |
cortar {vt} [sports] | :: to intercept (to get the ball while it is being passed) |
cortar {vti} [driving] | :: to overtake and move in front of another vehicle suddenly |
cortar {v} [para] | :: to turn (to rotate and move to a perpendicular direction) |
cortar o mal pela raiz {v} [idiom] | :: to attack or destroy what is causing a problem rather than the problem itself |
cortar o mal pela raiz {v} [idiom] | :: to attack or destroy the nucleus of a problem |
cortar pela raiz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to solve a problem by dealing with the causes instead of just the consequences |
corte {m} /ˈkɔɾ.tɨ/ | :: cut |
corte {m} | :: the act of cutting |
corte {m} | :: visible result of a cut (e.g. a wound or damage to an object) |
corte {m} | :: haircut |
corte {m} [finance] | :: reduction in expenses |
corte {m} | :: cutting edge |
corte {m} [fashion] | :: a particular style or way certain pieces are made |
corte {m} | :: suspension (the act of stopping a habitual activity or the flow of something) |
corte {f} /ˈkoɾ.tɨ/ | :: a court |
corte {f} | :: stable |
côrte {f} | :: obsolete spelling of corte |
corte de cassação {f} [legal] | :: court of cassation (the highest court of appeal in some countries) |
cortejador {m} | :: wooer |
cortejar {vt} | :: to court (to attempt to win someone’s affections) |
cortejar {vt} [zoology] | :: to court (to engage in behaviour leading to mating) |
cortejo {m} /coɹ.ˈte.ʒʊ/ | :: courtship |
cortejo {m} | :: cortege; cortège (procession; suite, retinue, train) |
cortês {adj} /koɹ.ˈte(j)s/ | :: polite; well-mannered |
cortês {adj} | :: courtly (suitable for a royal court) |
cortesã {f} | :: feminine noun of cortesão |
cortesã {f} | :: courtesan (high-status prostitute) |
cortesão {m} | :: courtier (attendant at a royal court) |
cortesia {f} [uncountable] | :: courtesy (polite behaviour) |
cortesia {f} | :: courtesy (polite gesture or remark) |
cortesia {f} | :: a freebie given to a customer |
córtex {m} | :: cortex |
córtex cingulado {m} [anatomy] | :: cingulate cortex (the medial part of the cortex) |
córtex cingulado anterior {m} [anatomy] | :: anterior cingulate cortex (the frontal part of the cingulate cortex) |
cortiça {f} /kuɾˈti.sɐ/ | :: cork (bark of the cork oak) |
cortiça {f} [botany] | :: cork (tissue between the bark and cambium of woody plants) |
cortiço {m} /koʁˈt͡ʃ | :: beehive (nest of bees) |
cortiço {m} | :: tenement (a run-down, low-rent building with multiple tenants) |
cortiço {m} [loosely] | :: shanty town (cluster of impoverished houses) |
cortina {f} /kuɾ.ˈti.nɐ/ | :: curtain (piece of cloth covering a window) |
Cortina de Bambu {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Bamboo Curtain (political barrier between communism and capitalism in Asia) |
cortina de ferro {f} [theatre] | :: iron curtain (barrier between the stage and the auditorium) |
Cortina de Ferro {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Iron Curtain (the dividing line between western Europe and the Soviet controlled regions) |
cortina de fumaça {f} [Brasil] | :: smokescreen (smoke used as a disguise, mask or cover, as of troops in battle) |
cortina de fumaça {f} [Brasil, idiomatic] | :: smokescreen (anything used metaphorically to conceal or distract) |
cortina de fumo {f} [Portugal] | :: smokescreen (smoke used as a disguise, mask or cover, as of troops in battle) |
cortina de fumo {f} [Portugal, idiomatic] | :: smokescreen (anything used metaphorically to conceal or distract) |
cortisona {f} | :: cortisone |
Coruche {prop} {f} /kuˈɾuʃ(ɨ)/ | :: Coruche (village/and/municipality) |
coruchéu {m} /ˌko.ɾu.ˈʃɛw/ | :: spire (pyramidal roof) |
coruja {f} /ku.ˈɾu.ʒɐ/ | :: owl (a bird) |
coruja das neves {f} | :: snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus, a large white owl of the Arctic region) |
coruja-das-torres {f} | :: screech owl (Tyto alba) |
coruja-do-mato {f} | :: tawny owl (Strix aluco) |
corujão {m} | :: eagle owl (large owl of genus Bubo) |
corujinha {f} | :: diminutive of coruja |
corujinha {f} | :: screech owl (Megascops) |
Corumbataí {prop} | :: Corumbataí (municipality) |
Corumbataí do Sul {prop} | :: Corumbataí do Sul (village/and/municipality) |
corundo {m} | :: alternative form of corindo |
Corunha {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of A Corunha |
Corupá {prop} | :: Corupá (municipality) |
corveta {f} /koɻ.ˈve.ta/ | :: corvette (ship) |
corvídeo {m} | :: corvid |
corvino {adj} | :: corvine |
corvo {m} /ˈkoɾ.vu/ | :: crow, raven |
Corvo {prop} {m} /ˈkoɾvu/ | :: Corvo (island/village/and/municipality) |
corvo-marinho {m} | :: shag (sea bird in the family Phalacrocoracidae) |
cos {contraction} [colloquial] /kus/ | :: contraction of com os |
cós {m} | :: waistband, cummerbund |
Cós {prop} {f} | :: Cós (island/and/regional unit) |
co-secante {f} | :: cosecant |
cosendo {v} | :: gerund of coser |
co-seno {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cosseno |
Cosenza {prop} {f} | :: Cosenza (city/and/province) |
coser {v} /ku.ˈzer/ | :: to sew |
Cosme {prop} {m} | :: given name |
cosmética {f} | :: cosmetics (study of cosmetic products) |
cosmético {adj} | :: cosmetic (improving something’s appearance) |
cosmético {m} | :: cosmetic (any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin) |
cosmetologista {mf} | :: cosmetologist (person who advises others on cosmetics and beauty treatments) |
cosmetólogo {m} | :: cosmetologist (person who advises others on cosmetics and beauty treatments) |
cósmico {adj} | :: cosmic (of or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe) |
cosmo {m} | :: cosmos (the universe) |
cosmódromo {m} | :: cosmodrome (a site for launching spacecraft) |
cosmogênese {f} | :: cosmogenesis |
cosmogénico {adj} | :: cosmogenic |
cosmogênico {adj} | :: cosmogenic |
cosmogonia {f} | :: cosmogony |
cosmologia {f} | :: cosmology (study of the physical universe) |
cosmologicamente {adv} | :: cosmologically |
cosmológico {adj} | :: cosmological |
cosmonauta {mf} | :: cosmonaut (an astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one) |
Cosmópolis {prop} | :: Cosmópolis (municipality) |
cosmopolita {mf} | :: cosmopolite (cosmopolitan person) |
cosmopolita {adj} | :: cosmopolitan (affecting the whole world) |
cosmopolita {adj} | :: cosmopolitan (composed of people from all over the world) |
cosmopolitano {adj} | :: cosmopolitan (composed of people from all over the world) |
cosmopolitano {adj} [of a person] | :: cosmopolitan (at ease in any part of the world) |
cosmopolitano {adj} [biology, ecology] | :: cosmopolitan (growing in many parts of the world; widely distributed) |
cosmopolitano {m} | :: cosmopolitan (person at ease in any part of the world) |
cosmoquímica {f} | :: cosmochemistry |
Cosmorama {prop} | :: Cosmorama (municipality) |
cosmos {m} | :: alternative form of cosmo |
cosmos {m} | :: cosmos (herb of the genus Cosmos) |
Cosovo {prop} {m} | :: rare spelling of Kosovo |
cospir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cuspir |
cosplay {mf} | :: cosplay (art of dressing as characters) |
cosplay {mf} | :: cosplay (instance of dressing as a character) |
cossaco {m} | :: Cossack (member of semi-nomadic Eastern European people) |
cossaco {m} | :: Cossack (member of a Cossack military unit) |
cossecante {f} | :: cosecant |
cosseno {m} /ku.ˈ | :: cosine |
cosso {m} | :: alternative form of corso |
costa {f} /ˈkɔʃ.tɐ/ | :: coast (shoreline) |
Costa {prop} {mf} /ˈkɔʃ.tɐ/ | :: Costa; surname |
Costa do Marfim {prop} {f} | :: Costa do Marfim (country) |
costa-marfinense {adj} | :: Ivorian (of, from or relating to Côte d'Ivoire) |
costa-marfinense {mf} | :: Ivorian (a person from Côte d'Ivoire) |
Costa Rica {prop} {f} | :: Costa Rica (country) |
costa-riquenho {adj} | :: Costa Rican (of, from or relating to Costa Rica) |
costa-riquenho {m} | :: Costa Rican (person from Costa Rica) |
costa-riquense {adj} | :: Costa Rican (of, from or relating to Costa Rica) |
costa-riquense {mf} | :: Costa Rican (person from Costa Rica) |
costas {fp} /ˈkɔʃ.tɐʃ/ | :: back (the rear of body) |
costeiro {adj} | :: coastal |
costela {f} | :: rib |
costeleta {f} [Brazil] | :: whisker (part of the beard that grows on the sides of the face) |
costeleta {f} | :: cutlet (slice of meat) |
costeletas {fp} [Brazil] | :: sideburns (facial hair reaching from the top of the head down the side of the face to the side of the chin) |
costovertebral {adj} | :: costovertebral |
costumar {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] /kuʃ.tu.ˈmaɾ/ | :: to be accustomed to, to be used to; usually |
costume {m} /kuʃ.ˈtu.mɨ/ | :: custom; tradition (traditional practice or behavior) |
costume {m} | :: custom; habit (action done on a regular basis) |
costume {m} [law] | :: custom (long-established practice, considered as unwritten law) |
costume {m} | :: outfit; costume (a set of clothes appropriate for a particular activity) |
costura {f} | :: sewing |
costura {f} | :: stitches |
costurar {v} | :: to sew; to stitch (use a needle to pass thread through pieces of fabric) |
costurar {v} | :: to weave (to make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side) |
costureira {f} | :: feminine noun of costureiro |
cota {f} /ˈkɔ.ta/ | :: quota (proportional part or share; share or proportion assigned to each in a division) |
cota {f} | :: an armour coat |
cota {mf} [Angola] | :: elder (respected old person) |
cota {mf} [colloquial] | :: father, mother |
cotação {f} | :: quotation (for contracted work) |
cota de malha {f} | :: chain mail (armour) |
co-tangente {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cotangente |
cotangente {f} [trigonometry] /ko.tɐ̃.ˈʒẽ.tɨ/ | :: cotangent |
cotaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cotão |
cotão {m} /ko.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: lint (fine material made by scraping cotton or linen) |
cotão {m} | :: lint (fuzzy fluff that accumulates in pockets, navels, etc.) |
cotão {m} | :: fine hair found on plants and fruits, such as peach velvet |
cotar {vt} [commerce] | :: to quote (to name the current price) |
Cotegipe {prop} | :: Cotegipe (municipality) |
cotejar {vt} | :: to collate (to examine diverse documents by comparing them) |
Cotia {prop} | :: Cotia (municipality) |
cotiano {m} [demonym] /ko.tʃiˈɐ̃.nu/ | :: Born in or inhabitant of the Brazilian municipality of Cotia |
cotiano {adj} [demonym] | :: Pertaining or related to the Brazilian municipality of Cotia |
cotidiano {adj} | :: alternative form of quotidiano |
cotidiano {m} | :: alternative form of quotidiano |
cotilédone {m} [botany] | :: cotyledon (leaf of the embryo of a seed-bearing plant) |
cotinga {f} | :: cotinga (any of the neotropical passerine birds of the genus Cotinga) |
Cotiporã {prop} | :: Cotiporã (municipality) |
cotista {mf} /ko.ˈtʃis.ta/ | :: shareholder |
cotista {mf} [sometimes pejorative] | :: someone who have acquired a job or educational place with the aid of quotas, especially racial quota |
cotoco {m} | :: stump (remains of a partially amputated limb) |
cotonete {m} /ˈnɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: cotton swab (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod used to clean the inner ear) |
Cotonou {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Cotonu, Cotonou (city) |
Cotonu {prop} {f} | :: Cotonu (capital city) |
cotovelar {v} | :: to elbow (to strike with the elbow) |
cotovelo {m} [anatomy] /ku.tu.ˈ | :: elbow |
cotovia {f} /ku.tu.ˈvi.ɐ/ | :: lark, skylark |
cottage {m} | :: cottage cheese (a cheese curd product) |
cõtudo {adv} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of contudo |
couce {m} | :: alternative form of coice |
coulomb {m} | :: coulomb (unit of electrical charge) |
country {m} /ˈkaw̃.tɾi/ | :: country music |
country alternativo {m} [music genre] | :: alternative country (subgenre of country music influenced by other styles) |
couraça {f} /ko(w).ˈɾa.sɐ/ | :: any piece of armour made of leather |
couraça {f} | :: breastplate |
couraça {f} | :: cuirass |
couraçado {adj} /kow.ɾɐ.ˈsa.ðu/ | :: armoured; hardened |
couraçado {m} [nautical] | :: ironclad; dreadnought (battleship) |
couro {m} [uncountable] /ˈko(w).ɾu/ | :: leather (material produced by tanning animal skin) |
couro {m} | :: hide (skin of an animal) |
couro cabeludo {m} | :: scalp (part of head where the hair grows) |
cousa {f} [dated] /ˈkow.zɐ/ | :: alternative form of coisa |
cousinha {f} | :: dated form of coisinha |
couteiro {m} | :: gamekeeper (person who manages wildlife to be hunted) |
couto {m} /ˈko(w)tu/ | :: reserve (enclosed area of land) |
couto {m} [figurative] | :: shelter |
Couto de Magalhães de Minas {prop} | :: Couto de Magalhães de Minas (municipality) |
couve {f} /ˈko(w).vɨ/ | :: kale (plant) |
couve {f} | :: cabbage (plant) |
couve {f} | :: couves (small truck on horse or rope hauled railway) |
couve chinesa {f} | :: alternative spelling of couve-chinesa |
couve-chinesa {f} | :: bok choy (a Chinese cabbage variety, Brassica rapa chinensis) |
couve-de-bruxelas {f} | :: Brussels sprout |
couve de folhas {f} | :: alternative spelling of couve-de-folhas |
couve-de-folhas {f} | :: kale Brassica oleracea acephala, an edible plant |
couve-flor {f} | :: cauliflower |
couve-lombarda {f} | :: Savoy cabbage (a hardy cabbage with dense, crinkled leaves) |
couve nabiça {f} | :: alternative spelling of couve-nabiça |
couve-nabiça {f} | :: rutabaga (Brassica napus) |
couve-nabo {f} | :: rutabaga |
couve rábano {f} | :: alternative spelling of couve-rábano |
couve-rábano {f} | :: kohlrabi (cabbage variety) |
cova {f} /ˈkɔ.vɐ/ | :: hole, hollow, cavity |
cova {f} | :: cavern |
cova {f} | :: grave |
cova coletiva {f} | :: mass grave (a grave with many corpses) |
côvado {m} | :: cubit (historical unit of length equal to the length of the forearm) |
côvão {m} /ˈkovɐ̃w̃/ | :: fish trap, pot |
covarde {adj} | :: alternative form of cobarde |
covarde {mf} | :: alternative form of cobarde |
covardemente {adv} | :: alternative form of cobardemente |
covardia {f} /ˌko.vaɻ.ˈd͡ʒi.a/ | :: cowardice (the lack of courage) |
covariância {f} [statistics] | :: covariance (statistical measure) |
covariante {adj} [category theory] | :: covariant (which preserves composition) |
coveiro {m} /ku.ˈvɐj.ɾu/ | :: gravedigger (a person employed to dig graves) |
cover {mf} [music] | :: cover version (rerecording of a song by another musician or group) |
covil {m} | :: a lair of wild beasts |
covil {m} | :: a hideout of criminals |
covil {m} | :: a brothel |
Covilhã {prop} {f} /kuviˈʎɐ̃/ | :: Covilhã (city/and/municipality) |
covinha {f} | :: diminutive of cova |
covinha {f} | :: dimple (skin depression at corners of the mouth) |
covo {m} /ˈkɔ.vu/ | :: pot (trap used for fishing crabs and lobsters) |
covo {adj} /ˈ | :: concave |
cowbell {m} [musical instruments] | :: cowbell (a percussion instrument) |
cowboy {m} | :: alternative spelling of caubói |
coxa {f} /ˈko.ʃɐ/ | :: thigh (part of the leg above the knee) |
coxa {f} | :: drumstick (leg of a bird eaten as food) |
coxa {f} [arthropod anatomy] | :: coxa (basal segment of some arthropods’ limbs) |
coxa {mf} | :: clipping of coxa-branca |
coxa {adj} | :: clipping of coxa-branca |
coxeadura {f} | :: limp (an irregular, jerky or awkward gait) |
coxear {vi} | :: to limp |
coxear {vi} | :: to be defective |
coxear {vi} | :: to falter, to hesitate |
coxeio {m} | :: limp (an irregular, jerky or awkward gait) |
coxia {f} | :: gangway |
coxilha {f} | :: a type of grassland field with hills that is common in Southern Brazil and Uruguay |
Coxilha {prop} | :: Coxilha (municipality) |
coxim {m} /ko.ʃĩ/ | :: cushion, pad |
coxinha {f} | :: coxinha |
coxinha {f} | :: diminutive of coxa |
coxinha {mf} [Brazil, neologism, derogatory, left leaning] | :: reactionary person, conservative person |
coxinha {mf} [Brazil, neologism, derogatory, left leaning] | :: basic person, normie, airhead |
coxinha {mf} [Brazil, slang, derogatory] | :: A cop, fed |
coxinha {adj} [Brazil, neologism, derogatory, left leaning] | :: reactionary, conservative |
coxinha {adj} [Brazil, neologism, derogatory, left leaning] | :: basic, uncreative |
coxo {adj} | :: lame (unable to walk properly) |
coxo {adj} [figuratively] | :: incomplete |
coysa {f} | :: obsolete spelling of coisa |
cozer {v} /ku.ˈzeɾ/ | :: to bake |
cozer {v} | :: to cook |
cozido {adj} [cooking] /ko.ˈzi.du/ | :: cooked (that has been prepared by cooking) |
cozido {adj} [oenology] | :: fermented and purified; ready to be drunk |
cozido {m} | :: stew (dish cooked by stewing) |
cozimento {m} | :: cooking (the process of preparing food by using heat) |
cozinha {f} /ku.ˈzi.ɲɐ/ | :: kitchen (room where food is prepared) |
cozinha {f} [gastronomy] | :: cuisine (foods and cooking associated with a particular culture) |
cozinhar {v} /kuziˈɲaɾ/ | :: to cook (food), to bake |
cozinhar {v} | :: to fire (heat (pottery, etc.)) |
cozinhar o galo {v} [Brazil, colloquial, idiomatic] /ku.zi.ˈɲa u ˈɡ | :: not to do anything productive; to fool around |
cozinheira {f} | :: female equivalent of cozinheiro |
cozinheiro {m} /ku.zi.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ | :: cook (a person who prepares food for a living) |
CP {n} [sports] | :: initialism of clube de Portugal |
CPF {m} | :: An identification number of a natural person in Brazil |
CPF {m} | :: A card formerly issued in Brazil with the CPF number |
c.q.d. {interj} | :: QED; abbreviation of como queriamos demonstrar (as we wanted to demonstrate) |
C.Q.D. {phrase} | :: initialism of como queríamos demonstrar QED |
CQD {phrase} | :: alternative spelling of C.Q.D. |
craca {f} [zoology] | :: barnacle (marine crustacean that attaches itself to surfaces) |
craca {f} | :: grime (encrusted filth) |
Cracatoa {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Krakatoa |
crachá {m} | :: badge (card to grant access) |
-cracia {suffix} | :: -cracy |
crack {m} | :: crack (variety of cocaine) |
crack {m} | :: crack (computer program for bypassing license-related and other restrictions) |
crackudo {m} [slang] | :: a crack user |
Cracóvia {prop} {f} | :: Cracóvia (capital city) |
cracudo {m} [regional, Rio de Janeiro] | :: crackhead |
craniano {adj} | :: cranial (of or relating to the cranium) |
craniectomia {f} [surgery] | :: craniectomy |
crânio {m} /ˈkɾɐnju/ | :: skull |
craniometria {f} [medicine] | :: craniometry (measurement of the skull) |
crannog {m} [rare] | :: crannog (artificial island used in prehistoric and medieval Scotland and Ireland) |
crápula {mf} [Brazil, derogatory] /ˈkɾ | :: a despicable person |
crápula {f} | :: recklessness, imprudence |
crápula {f} | :: debauchery; profligacy |
crapuloso {adj} | :: crapulous, crapulent |
craque {mf} | :: skillful person |
craqueamento {m} [organic chemistry] | :: cracking |
craquear {vt} [computing] | :: to crack (to circumvent software restrictions) |
craqueiro {m} | :: crackhead |
crás {adv} [obsolete] /ˈkɾaʃ/ | :: tomorrow |
crás {interj} | :: the sound of something being crushed |
crase {f} /ˈkɾa.zi/ | :: Assimilation of sounds of two identical vowels, throughout the evolution process of a language. For instance, the Old Portuguese word door (pain) has become, with time, the word dor (pain). Compare elisão: elision |
crase {f} [grammar] | :: Name given to the process of the contraction of “a + a”, that is, a merge (assimilation) of the Portuguese preposition “a” [to, for] + the article “a” [the] |
crasso {adj} /ˈkɾ | :: thick |
crasso {adj} | :: dense |
crasso {adj} [figurative] | :: severe, serious |
crassuláceo {adj} [botany] | :: crassulacean (of or pertaining to the family Crassulaceae) |
-crata {suffix} | :: -crat |
cratera {f} [astronomy] /kɾaˈtɛ.ɾɐ/ | :: crater (hemispherical pit) |
cratera {f} [geology] | :: crater (opening of a volcano) |
cratera {f} [colloquial] | :: crater (large pit) |
Crato {prop} {m} /ˈkɾatu/ | :: Crato (village/and/municipality) |
crau {m} [Brazil] | :: crawl (swimming style) |
cravar {v} /kɾa.ˈva(ɹ)/ | :: to stick firmly |
cravar {v} | :: to nail |
cravejado {adj} /kɾɐ.vɨ.ˈʒa.ðu/ | :: nailed |
Cravinhos {prop} | :: Cravinhos (municipality) |
cravista {mf} | :: harpsichordist (one who plays the harpsichord) |
cravo {m} /ˈkɾ | :: horseshoe nail |
cravo {m} | :: a type of nail used to crucify people |
cravo {m} [botany] | :: carnation (a flower, Dianthus caryophyllus) |
cravo {m} [botany] | :: clove (a tree, Syzygium aromaticum, syn. Eugenia aromatica) |
cravo {m} [cooking] | :: unexpanded buds of the clove tree, used as spice |
cravo {m} | :: pimple (inflamed spot on the skin) |
cravo {m} [dermatology] | :: clavus; corn (callous growth on the foot) |
cravo {m} | :: harpsichord (keyboard instrument which produces sound by plucking the strings) |
cravo-da-índia {m} | :: clove (spice) |
Cravolândia {prop} | :: Cravolândia (municipality) |
crawl {m} | :: crawl (swimming stroke) |
creador {m} | :: obsolete form of criador |
cream cheese {m} | :: cream cheese (a type of soft white cheese) |
creatura {f} | :: obsolete form of criatura |
crec {m} [onomatopoeia] | :: crack (sharp sound made when solid material breaks) |
crecer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of crescer |
creche {f} | :: nursery (a place where nursing is carried out) |
credenciador {m} | :: accreditor (person or organisation that provides accreditation) |
credencial {adj} | :: credential (pertaining to authority) |
credencial {f} | :: credential (document of authority) |
credenciamento {m} | :: accreditation; accreditment (the process of giving or earning credentials) |
credenciar {vt} | :: to accredit (to put or bring into credit) |
credenciável {adj} | :: accreditable (able to be accredited) |
credibilidade {f} | :: credibility |
creditando {v} | :: gerund of creditar |
creditar {v} /kɾɨ.ði.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to credit |
crédito {m} /ˈkɾɛ.ði.tu/ | :: credit |
creditório {adj} | :: credit [attributive] |
credo {m} [religion] /ˈkɾɛ.ðu/ | :: creed; credo (a religious belief system) |
credo {interj} | :: ew! (expression of disgust or nausea) |
credo {interj} | :: Jesus! (expression of unpleasant surprise) |
Credo de Niceia {prop} {m} [Christianity, historical] | :: Nicene Creed (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith) |
Credo dos Apóstolos {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Apostles' Creed (statement of Christian belief) |
Credo Niceno {prop} {m} [Christianity, historical] | :: Nicene Creed (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith) |
credor {m} /kɾɛˈðoɾ/ | :: creditor (person or firm to whom debt is owed) |
credulidade {f} /ˌkɾɛðuliˈðaðɨ/ | :: gullibility (quality of being easily deceived) |
crédulo {adj} /ˈkɾɛ | :: gullible (easily deceived) |
cree {mf} | :: one of the Cree, a native people of Canada and Montana |
cree {m} | :: Cree (Algonquian language spoken by the Cree people) |
cremação {f} | :: cremation (burning of a body) |
cremar {vt} | :: to cremate |
cremar {v} | :: to burn to ashes |
cremar {v} | :: to incinerate a body |
crematório {m} | :: crematorium (place where dead bodies are cremated) |
creme {m} [uncountable] /ˈkɾe.mi/ | :: milkfat, cream |
creme {m} [uncountable] | :: any substance of similar texture |
creme {m} | :: an amount or type of the substance |
creme {m} | :: cream (color) |
creme azedo {m} | :: sour cream (cream which has been treated with bacteria) |
creme brulée {m} | :: alternative spelling of crème brûlée |
crème brûlée {m} | :: crème brûlée (dessert) |
creme chantili {m} | :: alternative spelling of creme chantilly |
creme chantilly {m} | :: whipped cream (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) |
creme dental {m} | :: toothpaste (paste for cleaning the teeth) |
creme inglês {m} | :: custard (a type of sweet sauce made from milk and eggs) |
cremoso {adj} | :: creamy |
crença {f} /ˈkɾẽsɐ/ | :: belief |
crença {f} | :: credence |
crente {adj} /ˈkɾẽtɨ/ | :: faithful |
crente {mf} | :: believer |
crente {mf} | :: a religious person |
crente {mf} [Brazil, often, derogatory] | :: a very religious or religiously conservative person, especially a Protestant Christian |
creolina {f} /kɾewˈlinɐ/ | :: creolin |
crepe {m} /ˈkɾɛpe/ | :: crepe, crêpe |
crepitar {v} | :: to crepitate; to crackle |
crepuscular {adj} | :: crepuscular |
crepúsculo {m} /kɾɨ.ˈpuʃ | :: twilight (light before rising, and after the setting, of the sun) |
crer {v} /kɾeɾ/ | :: to believe |
crer que {vt} | :: to feel; to think; to believe |
crescendo {m} [music] /kɾɨʃ.ˈsẽ.du/ | :: crescendo (music to be play gradually more loudly) |
crescente {adj} | :: increasing; growing |
crescente {f} | :: crescent (figure of the crescent moon) |
crescente {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: crescent |
Crescente Fértil {prop} {f} [historiography] | :: Fertile Crescent (Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Levant) |
crescer {vi} /kɾɨʃ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to grow (become bigger or taller) |
crescer {vi} | :: to grow up (to become older) |
crescer {vi} | :: to grow in number or extent |
crescer {vi} | :: to become more important (within a group or context) |
crescer o olho {v} [idiom] | :: to covet (to wish for with eagerness; to desire possession of, often enviously) |
crescimento {m} /kɾɨʃ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: growth (an increase in size, number, value, or strength) |
crestando {v} | :: gerund of crestar |
crestar {v} | :: to sear |
crestar {v} | :: to roast |
crestar {v} | :: to collect honey from a beehive |
Creta {prop} {f} | :: Creta (island/and/region) |
cretáceo {adj} [geology] | :: relating to the Cretaceous period |
cretcheu {mf} [Cape Verde] | :: dear (beloved person) |
cretense {adj} | :: Cretan (of, from or relating to Crete) |
cretense {mf} | :: Cretan (person from Crete) |
cretina {f} | :: female equivalent of cretino |
cretino {adj} [pathology] /kɾe.t͡ | :: suffering from cretinism |
cretino {adj} | :: idiotic; dumb |
cretino {adj} | :: jerk, a douchebag |
cretino {m} [pathology] | :: cretin (one who suffers from cretinism) |
cretino {m} [pejorative] | :: cretin; idiot (person of low intelligence or common sense) |
cretino {m} [pejorative] | :: jerk; douchebag (one with unlikable or obnoxious qualities and behaviour) |
créu {interj} [Brasil, slang] | :: sexual intercourse |
crevassa {f} | :: dated form of crevasse |
crevasse {f} [glaciology] | :: crevasse (a crack or fissure in a glacier or snow field) |
cria {f} /ˈkɾi.ɐ/ | :: young; offspring (a young animal, especially one that still depends on its mother) |
cria {f} [familiar] | :: kid; young'un (a person’s son or daughter) |
cria {f} | :: someone who is raised by a family but is not their biological child; a ward or an adoptee |
cria {f} [agriculture] | :: livestock (farm animals being raised) |
criação {f} /kɾi.ɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: creation |
criação {f} | :: nurse, culture |
criação {f} | :: designing |
criacionismo {m} | :: creationism (any creationary theory or belief system) |
criacionista {mf} | :: creationist (a proponent or supporter of creationism) |
criado {m} | :: servant |
criado-mudo {m} | :: bedside table (small table placed at the head side of a bed) |
criador {m} /kɾi.a.ˈdoɹ/ | :: creator (one who creates) |
criador {m} | :: breeder |
criador {m} | :: herdsman |
Criador {prop} {m} [religion] | :: Creator (title of god) |
criadora {f} /kɾi.a.ˈdo.ɾɐ/ | :: feminine noun of criador |
criança {f} /kɾi.ˈɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: child (young person) |
criançada {f} | :: group of children |
criançada {f} | :: childish joke |
criança de rua {f} | :: street urchin (child living in the streets) |
criancice {f} | :: childishness |
criancinha {f} | :: diminutive of criança |
criar {vt} /kɾi.ˈaɾ/ | :: to create, to put into existence |
criar {vt} | :: to invent |
criar {vt} | :: to raise (a child) |
criar {vt} | :: to breed (animals or plants) |
criatividade {f} | :: creativity (quality or ability to create or invent something) |
criativo {adj} /cɾiˈa.t͡ʃ | :: Having the ability to create; creative |
criativo {adj} | :: Having a lively imagination; imaginative; creative |
criatura {f} /ˌkɾi.ɐ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: creature, beast |
criatura {f} | :: person |
crica {adj} /ˈkɾi.ka/ | :: captious, nitpicky |
crica {f} | :: dry skin of a peach |
crica {f} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
Criciúma {prop} | :: Criciúma (municipality) |
cricri {adj} /kɾi.ˈkɾi/ | :: captious, nitpicky |
cricrilar {vi} | :: to chirp as a cricket |
crime {m} /ˈkɾimɨ/ | :: crime |
crime contra a humanidade {f} [international law] | :: crime against humanity (a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against a body of people) |
crime contra a humanidade {f} [figurative] | :: an inappropriate act or thing |
crime de guerra {m} | :: war crime (offence for violations of the law of war) |
crime de ódio {m} | :: hate crime (crime motivated by hate for a race, gender, religion, etc.) |
crime do colarinho branco {m} | :: white-collar crime (non-violent crime) |
Crimeia {prop} {f} | :: Crimeia (peninsula) |
Criméia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Crimeia |
crime organizado {m} | :: organized crime (criminal organizations as a whole) |
criminal {adj} [legal] /kɾi.mi.ˈnaɫ/ | :: criminal (of or relating to crime or penal law) |
criminalidade {f} | :: crime (practice or habit of committing crimes; criminal acts collectively) |
criminalidade {f} | :: criminality, criminalness (state of being criminal) |
criminalística {f} | :: forensic science (collection of physical evidence and its subsequent analysis) |
criminalizar {vt} | :: to criminalize (make something a crime) |
criminalmente {adv} | :: criminally |
criminologia {f} [legal] | :: the study of criminal law |
criminologia {f} [psychology, sociology] | :: criminology (the study of crime and of the behaviour of criminals) |
criminólogo {m} | :: criminologist (specialist in criminology) |
criminoso {m} /kɾi.mi.ˈno.zu/ | :: criminal (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law) |
criminoso {adj} | :: criminal (relating to crime) |
crina {f} | :: mane (horse) |
crinoide {m} | :: crinoid (any animal of the class Crinoidea) |
Crio {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Crius (a Greek titan) |
crió {f} | :: Female cuckoo |
criogênico {adj} | :: cryogenic |
criolita {f} [mineral] | :: cryolite |
crioprotetor {m} [biology] | :: cryoprotectant (substance that prevents cell damage on freezing) |
crioula {f} | :: feminine noun of crioulo |
crioulo {m} [historical] /ˈkɾjo(w).lu/ | :: criollo (a descendant of European settlers who is born in a colony) |
crioulo {m} [historical] | :: a slave born at the house of his master |
crioulo {m} [historical] | :: a black person born in the Americas |
crioulo {m} | :: Creole (a person of mixed African and European ancestry born in a colony or former colony) |
crioulo {m} [Brazil, dated, usually, offensive] | :: nigger; negro (a person of sub-Saharan African descent) |
crioulo {m} | :: crioulo (a horse breed of South America) |
crioulo {m} [linguistics] | :: creole (a language that arises from the adoption of a pidgin as a first language) |
crioulo {m} [uncountable] | :: Cape Verdean Creole; Crioulo |
crioulo {adj} | :: Creole (of mixed black and European descent) |
crioulo {adj} | :: Creole (pertaining to Creole culture) |
crioulo {adj} [Brazil, dated, usually, offensive] | :: black (of sub-Saharan African descent) |
crioulo {adj} [linguistics] | :: relating to creole languages |
crioulo antilhano {m} | :: Antillean Creole (a French-based creole language spoken in the Caribbean) |
crioulo cabo-verdiano {m} | :: Capeverdean Crioulo (creole language spoken in Cape Verde) |
crioulo haitiano {m} | :: Haitian Creole (creole language spoken in Haiti) |
crioulo jamaicano {m} | :: Jamaican Creole (English-based creole language spoken in Jamaica) |
crioulo macaense {m} | :: Macanese (a Portuguese-based creole spoken in Macao) |
criovulcão {m} [planetology, geology, vulcanology] | :: cryovolcano |
cripta {f} | :: crypt (undergound vault) |
criptídeo {m} /ˌkɾip.ˈt(ʃ)i.d(ʒ)i.u/ | :: cryptid |
criptido {m} /ˌkɾip.ˈt(ʃ) | :: cryptid |
cripto- {prefix} | :: crypto- |
criptoanálise {f} /ˌkɾˈ | :: cryptoanalysis |
criptoanalista {m} /ˌkɾˈlis.ta/ | :: cryptoanalyst |
criptoanarquia {f} | :: cryptoanarchy |
criptoanarquismo {m} | :: crypto-anarchism |
criptoanarquista {adj} | :: crypto-anarchist |
criptoanarquista {mf} | :: crypto-anarchist |
criptobiose {f} /ˌkɾˈɔ.zi/ | :: cryptobiosis |
criptobiótico {f} /ˌkɾˈɔ.t(ʃ)i.ku/ | :: cryptobiotic |
criptococal {adj} [pathology] | :: cryptococcal (of or pertaining to cryptococcus fungi or cryptococcosis) |
criptococose {f} [disease] /ˌkɾˈkɔ.zi/ | :: cryptococcosis (a serious disease caused by the Cryptococcus neoformans fungus) |
criptococótico {adj} [pathology] | :: cryptococcal (of or pertaining to cryptococcus fungi or cryptococcosis) |
criptocomunismo {m} /ˌkɾˈ | :: cryptocommunism |
criptocomunista {adj} /ˌkɾˈnis.ta/ | :: cryptocommunist |
criptocomunista {mf} | :: cryptocommunist |
criptofascismo {f} /ˌkɾˈ | :: crypto-fascism |
criptofascista {adj} /ˌkɾˈsis.ta/ | :: crypto-fascist |
criptofascista {mf} | :: crypto-fascist |
criptofone {m} /ˌkɾˈ | :: cryptophone |
criptoftalmia {f} [medicine] /ˌkɾip.tof.taɫ.ˈmi.a/ | :: cryptophthalmos |
criptoftalmo {f} [medicine] /ˌkɾip.tof.ˈtaɫ.mu/ | :: cryptophthalmos |
criptógama {m} /ˌkɾip.ˈtɔ.ɡɐ.ma/ | :: cryptogam |
criptogâmico {adj} /ˌkɾip.ˈɡɐ.mi.ku/ | :: cryptogamic |
criptografado {adj} | :: encrypted, cryptographed |
criptografar {v} [cryptography] | :: to encode, to encrypt (to convert plaintext into code) |
criptografia {f} [uncountable] /ˌkɾɡɾa.ˈfi.a/ | :: cryptography (discipline concerned with communication security) |
criptografia {f} | :: an encryption technique |
criptógrafo {m} /ˌkɾip.ˈtɔ.ɡɾa.fu/ | :: cryptographer |
criptograma {f} /ˌkɾˈɡɾɐ.ma/ | :: cryptogram |
criptojudaísmo {m} | :: crypto-Judaism |
criptojudeu {m} | :: crypto-Jew |
criptologia {f} /ˌkɾˈʒi.a/ | :: cryptology |
criptologia {f} | :: occultism |
criptológico {adj} /ˌkɾˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ | :: cryptologic |
criptomnésia {f} /ˌkɾˈmnɛ.zja/ | :: cryptomnesia |
criptomnésico {adj} /ˌkɾˈmnɛ.zi.ku/ | :: cryptomnesic |
criptomoeda {f} /kɾˈɛ.da/ | :: cryptocurrency |
crípton {m} [Portugal] | :: krypton |
criptônimo {m} /ˌkɾip.ˈ | :: cryptonym |
criptónio {m} [Portuguese orthography, Portugal] | :: krypton |
criptônio {m} [Brazilian orthography, Brazil] | :: krypton |
criptopórtico {m} [architecture] | :: cryptoporticus |
criptorquia {f} [medicine] /ˌkɾip.toɾ.ˈki.a/ | :: cryptorchidism (the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum) |
criptorquidia {f} [medicine] | :: cryptorchidism (the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum) |
criptoscopia {f} /ˌkɾip.tos.ko.ˈpi.a/ | :: cryptoscopy, fluoroscopy |
criptosporidíase {f} [medicine] | :: cryptosporidiosis |
criptósporo {f} [biology] /ˌkɾip.ˈtɔs.po.ɾu/ | :: cryptospore |
criptossistema {m} /ˌkɾip.sis.ˈ | :: cryptosystem |
criptoxantina {f} /ˌkɾʃã.ˈt(ʃ) | :: cryptoxanthin |
criptozoologia {f} /ˌkɾˈʒi.a/ | :: cryptozoology |
criptozoólogo {m} /ˌkɾˈɔ.lo.ɡu/ | :: cryptozoologist |
críquete {m} [sports] | :: cricket (game) |
crisálida {f} | :: chrysalis (the pupa of a butterfly or moth) |
crisálide {f} | :: alternative form of crisálida |
crisântemo {m} | :: chrysanthemum |
crise {f} /ˈkɾi.zɨ/ | :: crisis |
crise da meia-idade {f} [psychology] | :: mid-life crisis (emotional period of doubt) |
crise dramática {f} [drama] | :: crisis (point in a drama at which a conflict reaches a peak) |
criselefantino {adj} | :: chryselephantine (made of gold and ivory) |
crisma {f} {m} [Christianity] /ˈkɾiz.mɐ/ | :: confirmation (sacrament of sealing one’s adhesion to the doctrine) |
crisma {f} {m} | :: rechristening (a ceremonial change of name or designation) |
crisma {m} [Christianity] | :: chrism (holy oil used in certain ceremonies) |
crisoberilo {m} [mineral] | :: chrysoberyl |
crisofanol {m} [organic compound] | :: chrysophanol (chemical compound found in rhubarb) |
crisófilo {m} [rare] | :: chrysophile (person who loves gold) |
crisografia {f} | :: chrysography (use of gold lettering) |
crisoidina {f} | :: chrysoidine (yellow-orange crystalline dye) |
crisol {m} /kɾiˈzɔɫ/ | :: crucible (cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment) |
crisol {m} | :: crucible (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted) |
crisolaminarina {f} [carbohydrate] | :: chrysolaminarin (storage polysaccharide typically found in photosynthetic heterokonts) |
crisólita {f} | :: alternative form of crisólito |
Crisólita {prop} | :: Crisólita (municipality) |
crisólito {m} | :: peridot; chrysolite (a transparent olive-green form of olivine) |
crisologia {f} [rare] | :: chrysology (branch of political economy relating to the production of wealth) |
crisomelídeo {m} | :: leaf beetle (any of the brightly coloured beetle of the family Chrysomelidae) |
crisopeia {f} | :: chrysopoeia (transmutation into gold) |
Crisópolis {prop} | :: Crisópolis (municipality) |
crisoprásio {m} [mineral] | :: chrysoprase (variety of quartz) |
crisopraso {m} | :: alternative form of crisoprásio |
crisoterapia {f} [medicine] | :: chrysotherapy (therapeutic use of gold) |
crisotila {f} [mineral] | :: chrysotile (a form of serpentine asbestos) |
crispação {f} | :: wrinkle |
crispação {f} [medicine] | :: contraction (of muscles etc.) |
crispação {f} [figuratively] | :: tension |
crispado {adj} /kɾis.ˈpa.du/ | :: creasy; wrinkled |
crispado {adj} [of a facial expression] | :: taut (showing stress or anxiety) |
crispado {m} | :: a taut facial expression |
crispar {vt} /kɾis.ˈpa(ʁ)/ | :: to crease; to wrinkle |
crispar {vp} [of a face] | :: to express stress or anxiety |
Crispim {prop} {m} /kɾis.ˈpĩ/ | :: surname |
Crispim {prop} {m} | :: historical given name |
Crispino {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Crispim |
Crissiumal {prop} | :: Crissiumal (municipality) |
crista {f} /ˈkɾiʃ.tɐ/ | :: crest |
crista {f} | :: ridge |
cristadelfiano {adj} | :: Christadelphian |
cristadelfiano {m} | :: Christadelphian |
crista ectodérmica apical {f} [embryology] | :: apical ectodermal ridge (a formation of ectodermal cells at the distal end of each limb bud) |
Cristais {prop} | :: Cristais (municipality) |
Cristais Paulista {prop} | :: Cristais Paulista (municipality) |
cristal {m} /kɾiʃˈtaɫ/ | :: crystal |
Cristal {prop} | :: Cristal (municipality) |
Cristal do Sul {prop} | :: Cristal do Sul (municipality) |
Cristália {prop} | :: Cristália (municipality) |
cristalinidade {f} | :: crystallinity |
cristalino {adj} | :: crystalline |
cristalização {f} | :: crystallization |
cristalizando {v} | :: gerund of cristalizar |
cristalizar {v} | :: to crystallize |
cristam {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
cristam {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
cristandade {f} /ˌkɾis.tɐ̃.ˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: Christianity |
cristandade {f} | :: Christendom |
cristaõ {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
cristaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cristão |
cristão {adj} /kɾiʃ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: Christian (relating to or following Christianity) |
cristão {m} | :: Christian (believer in Christianity) |
cristão {m} [colloquial] | :: soul (any person) |
Cristescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
cristianismo {m} /ˌkris.t͡ʃjɐ.ˈ | :: Christianity (monotheistic religion) |
cristianismo muscular {m} [Christianity, historical] | :: muscular Christianity (Victorian movement stressing the need for energetic Christian activism and an ideal of vigorous masculinity) |
cristianização {f} | :: Christianization |
cristianizar {v} | :: to Christianise (to convert to Christianity) |
Cristiano {prop} {m} /kɾiʃ.ˈtjɐ.nu/ | :: given name |
Cristiano Otoni {prop} | :: Cristiano Otoni (municipality) |
Cristina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Cristina {prop} {f} | :: Cristina (municipality) |
Cristo {prop} {m} /ˈkɾiʃ.tu/ | :: Christ (the messiah who was named Jesus) |
Cristópolis {prop} | :: Cristópolis (municipality) |
Cristo Redentor {prop} {m} | :: Christ the Redeemer (the Brazilian statue) |
Cristovam {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Cristóvão |
Cristóvam {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Cristóvão |
Cristovão {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Cristóvão |
Cristóvão {prop} {m} /kɾis.ˈtɔ.vɐ̃w̃/ | :: given name |
critério {m} | :: criterion |
critério {m} | :: discretion |
crítica {f} /ˈkɾi.tʃi.kɐ/ | :: criticism |
criticador {m} | :: critic (one who criticises; a person who finds fault) |
criticadora {f} | :: female equivalent of criticador |
criticamente {adv} | :: critically |
criticar {v} /kɾitiˈkaɾ/ | :: to criticize (evaluate) |
criticidade {f} | :: criticality |
criticismo {m} | :: criticism (act of criticising) |
crítico {adj} /ˈkɾi.ti.ku/ | :: Extremely important; critical |
crítico {adj} | :: Inclined to criticize; censorious; exacting; critical |
crítico {adj} | :: Pertaining to, or indicating a crisis or turning point; critical |
crivar {v} | :: to sieve, to sift |
crível {adj} | :: believable (capable of being believed; credible) |
crivo {m} | :: sieve (device to separate larger objects) |
crivo {m} | :: sieve (process that filters out unwanted pieces of input) |
croac {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: ribbit (the sound made by a frog or toad) |
Croácia {prop} {f} /kɾu.ˈa.sjɐ/ | :: Croácia (country) |
croata {adj} /kɾo.ˈa.tɐ/ | :: Croatian (of, from or pertaining to Croatia) |
croata {mf} | :: Croat (person from Croatia) |
croata {m} | :: Croatian (the form of Serbo-Croatian spoken in Croatia) |
crocante {adj} /kɾoˈkɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ | :: crisp, crunchy |
croché {m} | :: alternative form of crochet |
crochê {m} | :: alternative form of crochet |
crochet {m} [sewing] | :: crochet (needlework made by looping thread) |
crochetar {v} [sewing] | :: to crochet (to make crochet) |
croco {m} | :: crocus (plant of genus Crocus) |
crocodilo {m} /kɾo.kuˈð | :: crocodile |
crocoíta {f} [mineral] | :: crocoite |
croissant {m} /ˌkɾo.a.ˈsɐ̃/ | :: croissant (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent) |
crol {m} | :: alternative spelling of crawl |
cromagem {f} | :: chromium plating |
cromar {v} | :: to chrome |
cromar {v} | :: to electroplate |
cromático {adj} | :: chromatic |
cromático {adj} [music] | :: chromatic scale |
cromatina {f} [cytology] | :: chromatin (complex of DNA, RNA and proteins found in cells) |
cromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chromate |
cromatóforo {m} | :: chromatophore |
cromatografia {f} [analytical chemistry] | :: chromatography (technique for separation of components in a mixture) |
cromatografia em camada delgada {f} [analytical chemistry] | :: thin layer chromatography |
crómico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chromic |
crômico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chromic |
crómio {m} | :: chromium (chemical element) |
crômio {m} | :: chromium (metal) |
cromita {f} [mineral] | :: chromite |
cromo- {prefix} | :: chromo- (relating to colour) |
cromo- {prefix} [chemistry] | :: chromo- (relating to chromium) |
cromo {m} | :: chromium |
cromo {m} | :: trading card |
cromodinâmica {f} [physics] | :: chromodynamics |
cromossoma {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of cromossomo |
cromossomático {adj} | :: chromosomal |
cromossómico {adj} | :: chromosomal |
cromossomo {m} [Brazil] | :: chromosome |
cromwelliano {adj} [historical, politics] | :: Cromwellian (of or pertaining to Oliver Cromwell, his ideas or policies) |
cromwelliano {m} [historical, politics] | :: Cromwellian (a partisan of Oliver Cromwell) |
crónica {f} /ˈkɾ | :: chronicle |
crónica {f} [journalism] | :: column, article |
crónica {f} | :: narrative, account |
crônica {f} | :: alternative form of crónica |
cronicamente {adv} | :: chronically |
Crónicas {prop} {fp} [European orthography, biblical] | :: Chronicles (a book of the Bible) |
Crônicas {prop} {fp} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Crónicas |
crónico {adj} | :: chronic |
crônico {adj} | :: chronic |
crono- {prefix} | :: chrono- (relating to time) |
Crono {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Cronos |
cronoamperometria {f} [physics, analytical chemistry] | :: chronoamperometry (technique in which an electric current is measured during the course of a titration) |
cronoamperométrico {adj} | :: chronoamperometric (of, relating to, or produced using chronoamperometry) |
cronobiologia {f} [biology] | :: chronobiology (study of the effects of time on biological systems) |
cronobiológico {adj} | :: chronobiological (pertaining to chronobiology) |
cronobiólogo {m} | :: chronobiologist (person involved in chronobiology) |
cronoespécie {f} | :: chronospecies (species derived from a sequential development pattern on an evolutionary scale) |
cronoestratigrafia {f} [geology] | :: chronostratigraphy (the interpretation of geologic history by means of the determination of the ages and time sequence of rock strata) |
cronoestratigraficamente {adv} | :: chronostratigraphically (in terms of, or by means of, chronostratigraphy) |
cronoestratigráfico {adj} | :: chronostratigraphic (pertaining to or derived using chronostratigraphy) |
cronófago {adj} [rare] | :: chronophagous; time-consuming |
cronófago {m} [rare] | :: someone or something that wastes time; chronophage |
cronofarmacocinética {f} | :: chronopharmacokinetics (the study of how the absorption, metabolism and elimination of drugs relates to the time at which they are administered) |
cronofarmacodinâmica {f} | :: chronopharmacodynamics (the study of how the effects of drugs change based on the time at which they are administered) |
cronofobia {f} | :: chronophobia (fear of the passing of time) |
cronofotografia {f} | :: chronophotography (photographic technique which captures movement in several frames) |
cronografia {f} | :: chronography (description or record of past time) |
cronográfico {adj} | :: chronographic (relating to chronographs) |
cronógrafo {m} | :: chronograph (device which marks or records time or time intervals) |
cronograma {m} | :: timetable, timeline |
cronologia {f} [uncountable] | :: chronology (science of determining the order in which events occurred) |
cronologia {f} | :: timeline (graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events) |
cronologicamente {adv} | :: chronologically (in a chronological manner) |
cronológico {adj} | :: chronological (in order of time from the earliest to the latest) |
cronologista {mf} | :: chronologist (a person skilled in chronology) |
cronologizar {v} | :: to chronologise (to establish an order of events based on the time of their occurrence) |
cronólogo {m} | :: chronologist (a person skilled in chronology) |
cronometrar {v} | :: to time (to measure time) |
cronométrico {adj} | :: chronometric (of or relating to chronometers or to chronometry) |
cronometrista {mf} | :: chronometrist (expert in chronometry) |
cronómetro {m} [Portugal] /kɾuˈnɔmɨtɾu/ | :: chronometer |
cronómetro {m} [Portugal] | :: stopwatch |
cronômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography, Brazil] | :: alternative form of cronómetro |
cronónimo {m} [European orthography, semiotics] | :: chrononym (term expressing a period of time) |
cronônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of cronónimo |
cronopotenciometria {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: chronopotentiometry (form of electroanalysis in which the rate of change of potential at an electrode is measured at constant current) |
Cronos {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Cronus (a titan) |
cronoscópio {m} | :: chronoscope (instrument used to measure very small time interval) |
cronossequência {f} [geology] | :: chronosequence (sequence of different soils) |
cronostratigrafia {f} | :: alternative form of cronoestratigrafia |
cronostratigráfico {adj} | :: alternative form of cronoestratigráfico |
cronoterapêutica {f} [medicine] | :: chronotherapeutics (therapy administered in phase with a person’s biological clock) |
cronoterapia {f} | :: chronotherapy (therapy based on a cyclical schedule) |
cronotipo {m} | :: chronotype (factors that determine if an individual is most alert in the morning or evening) |
cronotópico {adj} | :: chronotopic (pertaining to a specific time and place) |
cronotoxicologia {f} | :: chronotoxicology (study of the interactions between toxic substances and biological rhythms) |
cronotrópico {adj} | :: chronotropic (that affects heart rate) |
cronovisor {m} | :: chronovisor (machine able to see past and future events) |
cronozona {f} [geology] | :: chronozone (group of strata formed during the same chron) |
croosita {f} [mineral] | :: crookesite |
croquete {m} [culinary] /kɾo.ˈkɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: croquette |
croqui {m} | :: sketch |
crossa {f} /ˈkɾɔ.sa/ | :: crosier (staff with a hooked end) |
crossa {f} [by extension] | :: anything shaped like a crosier (elongated and ending in a hook) |
crossa {f} [anatomy] | :: vessel arch |
crosta {f} | :: crust (any solid, hard surface layer; outer layer of bread and pastry) |
crosta {f} [geology] | :: crust (outermost layer of a planet) |
crosta {f} | :: scab (incrustation over a wound) |
crotalídeo {m} | :: pit viper; crotalid (any snake of the subfamily Crotalinae) |
cru {adj} /ˈkɾu/ | :: raw (uncooked, unprocessed) |
crucial {adj} | :: crucial |
crucificação {f} | :: crucifixion (execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross) |
crucificar {v} | :: to crucify (to execute a person by nailing to a crucifix) |
crucifixão {f} | :: crucifixion (execution by being nailed or tied to a cross) |
crucifixo {m} | :: crucifix (ornamental or symbolic sculptural of a cross) |
cruciforme {adj} | :: cruciform (having the shape of a cross) |
Crucilândia {prop} | :: Crucilândia (municipality) |
crudelíssimo {adj} | :: superlative of cruel |
cruel {adj} [of a person or creature] /kɾu.ˈɛɫ/ | :: cruel (that intentionally causes or revels in pain and suffering) |
cruel {adj} [of a situation or occurrence] | :: cruel; harsh; severe |
cruel {adj} [of a doubt or question] | :: distressful |
cruel {adj} [of an occurrence] | :: bloody; violent |
crueldade {f} /kɾuɛɫˈdaðɨ/ | :: cruelty |
cruelíssimo {adj} | :: superlative of cruel |
cruelmente {adv} | :: cruelly |
crueza {f} | :: rawness |
crueza {f} | :: cruelty |
cruis {f} | :: eye dialect of cruz |
cruiz {f} | :: eye dialect of cruz |
crush {m} {mf} [colloquial] /ˈkɾɐʃ/ | :: crush (a love interest) |
crustáceo {adj} | :: crustaceous |
crustáceo {m} | :: crustacean (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea) |
Crux {prop} {f} [constellation] | :: Southern Cross (constellation) |
cruz {f} /ˈkɾuʃ/ | :: cross (geometrical figure) |
cruz {f} | :: cross (the symbol of Christianity) |
cruz {f} | :: cross (device to execute criminals) |
cruz {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: cross (heraldic charge) |
Cruz {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Cruz {prop} {f} [Christianity] | :: True Cross (cross on which Christ was crucified) |
cruza-bico {m} | :: crossbill (finch of the genus Loxia) |
cruzada {f} /kɾu.ˈza.dɐ/ | :: crusade (any of several military expeditions by European Christians against Muslims and Pagan) |
cruzado {m} /kɾu.ˈza.ðu/ | :: cruzado (old monetary unit of Brazil) |
cruzado {m} | :: cruzado (old monetary unit of Portugal) |
cruzado {m} | :: crusader |
cruzado {adj} | :: crossed |
cruzador {m} | :: cruiser (all senses) |
Cruzália {prop} | :: Cruzália (municipality) |
Cruz Alta {prop} | :: Cruz Alta (municipality) |
Cruzaltense {prop} | :: Cruzaltense (municipality) |
cruzamento {m} | :: crossing, intersection (where roads, lines, or tracks cross) |
cruzamento {m} | :: cross |
cruzamento {m} | :: crossroads |
cruzando {v} | :: gerund of cruzar |
cruzar {v} /kɾu.ˈza(ʁ)/ | :: to cross [all senses] |
cruzar {vr} | :: to intersect |
cruzar {vr} | :: to meet (cross paths) |
cruz credo {interj} | :: an exclamation of strong fear or despise |
Cruz das Almas {prop} {f} | :: Cruz das Almas (municipality) |
cruz de Malta {f} | :: Maltese cross (type of cross) |
cruz de Santo André {f} | :: Saint Andrew's cross (X-shaped cross) |
cruzeirense {adj} [Brazil, soccer] | :: Pertaining to, or related to Cruzeiro Esporte Clube |
cruzeirense {mf} [Brazil, soccer] | :: A player or supporter of Cruzeiro Esporte Clube sports team, especially the association football (soccer) team |
cruzeiro {m} | :: a large cross |
cruzeiro {m} | :: cruise (sea voyage) |
cruzeiro {m} | :: cruzeiro (obsolete Brazilian currency) |
Cruzeiro {prop} | :: Cruzeiro (municipality) |
Cruzeiro da Fortaleza {prop} | :: Cruzeiro da Fortaleza (municipality) |
Cruzeiro do Iguaçu {prop} | :: Cruzeiro do Iguaçu (village/and/municipality) |
Cruzeiro do Oeste {prop} | :: Cruzeiro do Oeste (town/and/municipality) |
Cruzeiro do Sul {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Southern Cross (cross-shaped winter constellation of the southern sky) |
Cruzeiro do Sul {prop} | :: Cruzeiro do Sul (town/and/municipality) |
Cruzeiro do Sul {prop} | :: Cruzeiro do Sul (town/and/municipality) |
cruzeta {f} /kɾu.ˈze.tɐ/ | :: diminutive of cruz |
cruzeta {f} | :: a T-shaped ruler used by construction workers to measure right angles |
cruzeta {f} | :: coat hanger (device to hang clothes) |
cruzeta {f} | :: crosshead (metal beam that connects a piston to a connecting rod) |
cruz gamada {f} | :: crux gammata |
cruz gamada {f} | :: swastika |
Cruzília {prop} | :: Cruzília (municipality) |
Cruzinha {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Cruz Machado {prop} | :: Cruz Machado (town/and/municipality) |
Cruzmaltina {prop} {f} /ˌkɾuz.maw.ˈt͡ʃi.nɐ/ | :: Cruzmaltina (village/and/municipality) |
Cruz Vermelha {prop} {f} | :: Red Cross (international humanitarian organisation) |
csarina {f} | :: rare spelling of czarina |
csi {m} | :: xi (Greek letter) |
Ctesifonte {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Ctesifonte (ancient capital) |
ctónico {adj} [European orthography] | :: chthonic (dwelling within or under the earth) |
ctônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of ctónico |
ctónio {adj} [European orthography] | :: chthonic (dwelling within or under the earth) |
ctônio {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of ctónio |
cu {m} [Brazil, vulgar] /ˈku/ | :: arsehole or asshole (anus) |
cu {m} [Portugal, vulgar] | :: ass, arse, butt |
cu {m} [Brazil, vulgar] | :: anything or anyone annoying, boring or somewhat bad |
Cuala Lumpur {prop} {f} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of Kuala Lumpur |
cuando {adv} [uncommon] | :: obsolete spelling of quando |
cuando {conj} [uncommon] | :: obsolete spelling of quando |
cuando {pron} [uncommon] | :: obsolete spelling of quando |
cuatá {m} | :: spider monkey (genus Ateles) |
cuba {f} /ˈkuβɐ/ | :: cask (large barrel for the storage of liquid, especially of alcoholic drinks) |
cuba {f} | :: industrial vat (large tub) |
Cuba {prop} {f} /ˈkuβɐ/ | :: Cuba (island/and/country) |
Cuba {prop} {f} | :: Cuba (village/and/municipality) |
Cuban {prop} {m} | :: Cuban (river) |
cubano {adj} | :: Cuban |
cubano {m} | :: Cuban |
cubar {v} | :: to measure the volume of something in cubic units |
cubar {vt} [arithmetic] | :: to cube (to raise to the third power) |
Cubatão {prop} | :: Cubatão (municipality) |
cubicar {vt} /kuβiˈkaɾ/ | :: to measure the volume of |
cúbico {adj} | :: cube-shaped |
cúbico {adj} [geometry] | :: cubic (forms the names of units of volume) |
cúbico {adj} [algebraic geometry, of a polynomial] | :: cubic (having an indeterminate to the power of 3i) |
cúbico {adj} [crystallography] | :: cubic (having three equal axes and all angles 90°) |
cubículo {m} /ku.ˈβ | :: cubicle |
cubículo {m} | :: cubbyhole |
cubículo {m} | :: cell (in a monastery or prision) |
cubículo {m} [archaic] | :: bedchamber |
cubismo {m} /ku.ˈ | :: cubism (an artistic movement characterized by the depiction of natural forms as geometric structures of planes) |
cubista {adj} | :: cubist |
cubista {mf} | :: cubist |
cúbito {m} [skeleton, Portugal] /ˈ | :: ulna |
cúbito {m} | :: elbow |
cubo {m} [geometry] | :: cube (a regular polyhedron having six identical square faces) |
cubo {m} | :: Any object whose shape is similar to that of a cube |
cubo {m} [mathematics] | :: cube (the third power of a number or mathematical expression) |
cubo de gelo {m} | :: ice cube (small piece of ice used for cooling drinks) |
cuboide {adj} [geometry] /ku.ˈbɔ | :: cube shaped |
cuboide {m} [skeleton] | :: cuboid bone |
cubóide {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of cuboide |
cubóide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cuboide |
cubo mágico {m} | :: Rubik's cube |
cuca {f} [familiar] /ˈku.ka/ | :: head |
cuca {f} [South Brazil] | :: Streuselkuchen (a cake of German origin made of yeast dough covered with sweet crumb topping) |
cuca {m} [humorous] | :: a skilled cook or chef |
Cucanha {prop} {f} [mediaeval folklore] | :: Cucanha (mythological region) |
cuco {m} | :: cuckoo (the bird) |
Cucolândia das Nuvens {prop} {f} | :: cloud-cuckoo-land (hypothetical place with unrealistic or silly people) |
cu de Judas {m} [vulgar] | :: middle of nowhere (very remote place) |
cuduro {m} | :: alternative spelling of kuduro |
cueca {f} [Brazil, Mozambique] /ku.ˈɛ.kɐ/ | :: male underpants; boxer or briefs |
cueca {f} [Portugal] | :: underpants, including panties |
cuecas {f} /ˈkwɛ.kɐʃ/ | :: underpants (underwear) |
cueca virada {f} [South Brazil, usually in the plural] | :: angel wings (pastry shaped into twisted ribbons, deep-fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar) |
cueiro {m} /ˈkwɐj.ɾu/ | :: diaper, nappy |
cúfico {m} | :: Kufic (oldest form of the various Arabic scripts) |
cúfico {adj} | :: Kufic (relating to Kufic) |
cugo {pron} | :: whose |
cuia {f} /ˈkuj.a/ | :: calabash (fruit of calabash vine (Lagenaria siceraria)) |
cuia {f} | :: calabash (utensil traditionally made of the dried shell of a calabash) |
cuia {f} [South Brazil] | :: a vessel, traditionally made from the dried tip of a calabash, used to drink maté |
Cuiabá {prop} /kujaˈba/ | :: Cuiabá (municipality/state capital) |
cui bono {phrase} | :: who benefits? who profits? |
cuíca {f} [Brazil] | :: any of several small opossum species |
cuíca {f} [musical instruments] | :: cuica (Brazilian type of friction drum) |
cuidadinho {m} /kuj.da.ˈd͡ʒi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of cuidado |
cuidado {adj} /kuj.ˈða.ðu/ | :: meditated, thought-out |
cuidado {adj} | :: planned |
cuidado {interj} | :: watch out! |
cuidado {interj} | :: beware! |
cuidado {interj} | :: be careful! |
cuidado {m} | :: care, caution, precaution |
cuidado {m} | :: fear |
cuidadosamente {adv} | :: carefully (in a careful manner) |
cuidadosíssimo {adj} | :: superlative of cuidadoso |
cuidadoso {adj} /kuj.da.ˈdo.zu/ | :: careful; meticulous |
cuidar {vt} [followed by de] /kuj.ˈda(ʁ)/ | :: to take care (of); to look after (to provide care for) |
cuidar {vi} | :: to take care; to be careful |
cuidar {vt} [followed by de] | :: to take care (of); to deal (with); to handle |
cuidar {vt} [followed by de] | :: to mind (to concern oneself with, to pay attention to) |
cuidar da própria vida {v} | :: See: pt cuidar da própria vida |
cuidar da própria vida {v} [idiomatic, usually in the imperative] | :: to mind one’s own business (not to interfere in the affairs of others) |
cuidar de {v} | :: See: pt cuidar de |
cuidar de {v} [slang, euphemistic] | :: To take care of (to kill) |
cuidar-se {vr} | :: to take care (be cautious, careful) |
cuidar-se {vr} [in the imperative] | :: take care (used as a farewell) |
cuieira {f} | :: gourd (any of the vines producing fruit with hard rind) |
cuitello {m} | :: obsolete form of cutelo |
cuitelo {m} [archaic or dialectal] | :: alternative form of cutelo |
cuja {pron} /ˈku.ʒɐ/ | :: feminine singular of cujo |
cujo {pron} /ˈku.ʒu/ | :: whose (of whom) |
culatra {f} | :: breech (part of a firearm behind the chamber) |
culatra {f} [colloquial] | :: buttocks |
cul-de-sac {m} | :: cul-de-sac; blind alley (street that leads nowhere) |
cul-de-sac {m} | :: cul-de-sac (circular area at the end of a dead end street) |
cul-de-sac {m} [figurative] | :: cul-de-sac; dead end; impasse |
cule {m} | :: alternative form of cúli |
cúli {m} | :: coolie (unskilled Asian worker) |
culinária {f} /ˌˈna.ɾi.a/ | :: cuisine (characteristic style of preparing food) |
culminar {v} /kuw.mi.ˈnaʁ/ | :: to culminate |
culpa {f} /ˈkuɫ.pɐ/ | :: fault |
culpabilidade {f} | :: culpability |
culpado {adj} | :: guilty |
culpar {v} /kuw.ˈpa(ʁ)/ | :: to blame |
culpável {adj} | :: guilty |
culpável {adj} | :: culpable, blameworthy |
culposamente {adv} /kuɫˌpozɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: culpably |
culposamente {adv} | :: guiltily |
culposo {adj} | :: unintentionally guilty |
cult {adj} /ˈkuwt͡ʃ/ | :: cult (enjoyed by a small, loyal group) |
cultivação {f} | :: cultivation (art or act of cultivating) |
cultivando {v} | :: gerund of cultivar |
cultivar {v} [agriculture] | :: to cultivate; to grow (plants, etc.) |
cultivo {m} [agriculture] /kuw.ˈt͡ʃ | :: cultivation; culture (the practice of growing plants) |
culto {adj} /ˈkuw.tu/ | :: learned (having much learning) |
culto {m} | :: worship (religious ceremony that expresses devotion) |
culto {m} | :: cult; sect |
culto {m} | :: cult (devotion to a saint) |
culto à carga {m} | :: cargo cult (Melanesian religion based upon Western manufactured goods) |
culto aos ancestrais {m} | :: alternative form of culto dos ancestrais |
culto da carga {m} | :: alternative form of culto à carga |
culto da personalidade {m} | :: alternative form of culto de personalidade |
culto de carga {m} | :: alternative form of culto à carga |
culto de personalidade {m} | :: cult of personality (idolization of a national leader) |
culto dos ancestrais {m} [anthropology, religion] | :: ancestor worship (veneration of the spirits of one’s ancestors) |
cultuação {f} | :: worship (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) |
cultual {adj} | :: of or relating to a cult |
cultuando {v} | :: gerund of cultuar |
cultuar {v} | :: to worship |
-cultura {suffix} /kuɫ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: -culture |
cultura {f} /kuɫ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: culture |
cultura {f} | :: arts, customs and habits that characterise a group of people |
cultura {f} | :: a plant growing practice |
cultura {f} | :: a breeding practice |
cultural {adj} /kuɫtuˈɾaɫ/ | :: Pertaining to culture; cultural |
culturalmente {adv} | :: culturally |
culturismo {m} | :: bodybuilding |
culturista {mf} [bodybuilding] | :: bodybuilder (person who practices bodybuilding) |
cum {prep} [internet slang] | :: eye dialect of com |
cumano {m} [historical] | :: Cuman (member of a nomadic Turkic people of Central Asia) |
cumarina {f} [organic compound] | :: coumarin (aromatic compound) |
cumbuca {f} | :: bowl |
cume {m} /ˈkumɨ/ | :: peak, the highest point of a mountain |
cumeeira {f} | :: ridge (highest point on a roof) |
cumequié {phrase} | :: eye dialect of como é que é |
cuméquié {phrase} | :: eye dialect of como é que é |
cúmplice {mf} [rare] /ˈkũ.pli.sɨ/ | :: cooperator (one who cooperates, aids) |
cúmplice {mf} | :: accomplice (an associate in the commission of a crime) |
cúmplice {adj} | :: being an accomplice; aiding in a crime |
cúmplice {adj} [figurative] | :: revealing guilt |
cumplicidade {f} | :: complicity (the state of being involved in a crime) |
cumpridor {adj} | :: observant |
cumpridor {adj} | :: pious |
cumprimentando {v} | :: gerund of cumprimentar |
cumprimentar {v} | :: to greet, salute |
cumprimentar {v} | :: to compliment |
cumprimento {m} /kũ.pɾi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: compliment |
cumprimento {m} | :: fulfillment |
cumprimento {m} | :: greeting |
cumprindo {v} | :: gerund of cumprir |
cumprir {v} [com] /kũ.ˈprir/ | :: to carry out, to do, to perform |
cumprir {vt} | :: to fulfill |
cumprir {vt} | :: to accomplish |
cumprir {vp} | :: to come true, to be fulfilled |
cumulando {v} | :: gerund of cumular |
cumular {v} | :: alternative form of acumular |
cumulativo {adj} | :: cumulative (incorporating all data up to the present) |
cúmulo {m} /ˈ | :: cumulus |
cúmulo {m} | :: a large white puffy cloud |
cúmulo {m} | :: a mound or heap |
cúmulo {m} [figurative] | :: epitomy; the foremost example of something |
cúmulo-nimbo {m} | :: cumulonimbus (type of cloud) |
cuneiforme {adj} /ˌku.nej.ˈfɔɻ.me/ | :: cuneiform; wedgelike |
cuneiforme {adj} [uncomparable] | :: cuneiform (of the cuneiform script) |
cuneiforme {m} [skeleton] | :: cuneiform bone |
cuneiforme {m} [uncountable] | :: cuneiform script |
cuneta {f} /ku.ˈne.ta/ | :: jackdaw (Coloeus monedula, an European bird) |
cunete {m} | :: anilingus (form of oral sex) |
cunha {f} /ˈku.ɲɐ/ | :: wedge |
cunha {f} [figurative] | :: connections |
Cunha {prop} | :: Cunha (municipality) |
cunhada {f} /kuˈɲaðɐ/ | :: sister-in-law |
cunhado {m} /kuˈɲaðu/ | :: brother-in-law |
cunhagem {f} | :: coining, minting |
Cunha Porã {prop} | :: Cunha Porã (municipality) |
cunhar {v} | :: to coin |
Cunhataí {prop} | :: Cunhataí (municipality) |
cunilíngua {f} | :: cunnilingus (oral stimulation of female genitals) |
cupão {m} [Portugal, finance] | :: coupon (certificate of interest due) |
cupão {m} [Portugal] | :: coupon (ticket giving the holder some entitlement) |
Cuparaque {prop} | :: Cuparaque (municipality) |
cupidez {f} | :: cupidity |
cupidez {f} | :: greed |
cupidez {f} | :: ambition |
Cupido {prop} {m} [Roman god] /ku.ˈpi.ðu/ | :: Cupid (the god of love) |
cupim {m} /ku.ˈpĩ/ | :: termite |
cupincha {mf} [Brazil] /ku.ˈpĩ.ʃɐ/ | :: a friend or partner |
cupinzeiro {m} | :: termitarium (termite colony) |
cup noodles {mp} | :: cup noodles (noodles sold and eaten from waterproof polystyrene cups) |
cupom {m} /ku.ˈpõ/ | :: alternative form of cupão |
cúprico {adj} | :: copper (attributive) |
cúprico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: cupric |
cuproalumínio {m} | :: cuproaluminium |
cuproníquel {m} | :: cupronickel (alloy of copper and nickel) |
cuproso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: cuprous |
cupu-açu {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupuaçu {m} /ku.ˌpu.a.ˈsu/ | :: copoasu (Theobroma grandiflorum, a tree of South America) |
cupuaçu {m} | :: the fruit of the copoasu tree, used to make a confectionery similar to chocolate |
cupu-açú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupuaçú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupú-açú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupuaçuzeiro {m} /ku.ˌpu.a.ˌsu.ˈze(j).ɾu/ | :: copoasu (Theobroma grandiflorum, a tree of South America) |
cupu-assu {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupuassu {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupu-assú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupuassú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cupú-assú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cupuaçu |
cúpula {f} /ˈku.pu.lɐ/ | :: cupola, dome |
Cúpula da Rocha {prop} {f} | :: Cúpula da Rocha (shrine) |
cuque {m} [South Brazil] /ˈku.kə/ | :: Streuselkuchen (a cake of German origin made of yeast dough covered with sweet crumb topping) |
cura {f} | :: cure (a method, device or medication that restores good health) |
cura {f} | :: healing (the process of restoring good health) |
Curaçá {prop} | :: Curaçá (municipality) |
curação {f} /ku.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: cure, healing, recovery |
Curação {prop} /ku.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: Curaçao |
curaçau {m} | :: curaçao (liqueur) |
curador {m} /ˌku.ɾa.ˈdoʁ/ | :: curator (person who manages a collection, especially of a museum) |
curador {m} | :: curator; trustee (person appointed as the guardian of someone else’s estate) |
curador {m} | :: curer; healer (someone who cures, heals) |
curador {adj} | :: healing; curing (which heals, cures) |
curadoria {f} | :: curatorship |
curadoria {f} | :: trusteeship |
curanchim {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: tailbone; coccyx (the final fused vertebrae) |
curandeirismo {m} | :: quackery (the practice of fraudulent medicine) |
curandeirismo {m} | :: the craft of witch doctors |
curandeiro {m} /ˌku.ɾɐ̃.ˈde(j).ɾu/ | :: healer (person who heals) |
curandeiro {m} | :: shaman (practitioner of plant/folk medicines) |
curar {vt} | :: to cure; to heal (restore to health) |
curare {m} | :: curare (a substance containing the alkaloid D-tubocurarine) |
curatelado {adj} | :: under the care of a trustee or guardian |
curativo {m} | :: bandage, medicine or cataplasm placed on a wound |
curativo {adj} | :: curative (having the ability to cure) |
curcuma {f} /kuɾ.ˈku.mɐ/ | :: turmeric (plant) |
curcuma {f} | :: turmeric (spice) |
cúrcuma {f} [Brazil] /ˈkuɾ.ku.mɐ/ | :: alternative form of curcuma |
Curdistão {prop} {m} /ˌkuʁ.d͡ʒis.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: Curdistão (traditional region) |
curdo {m} /ˈkuʁ.du/ | :: Kurd (member of an ethnic group native to a region between Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria) |
curdo {m} | :: [uncountable] Kurdish (an Indo-Iranian language spoken by the Kurds) |
curdo {adj} | :: Kurdish (relating to the Kurds) |
curdo {adj} | :: Kurdish (relating to the Kurdish language) |
cúria {f} [historical] | :: curia |
curiango {m} [Brazil] | :: nightjar (nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae) |
curinga {m} [cards] /ku.ˈɾĩ.ɡɐ/ | :: joker (playing card) |
cúrio {m} | :: curium (chemical element) |
curiosamente {adv} | :: curiously |
curiosidade {f} /ku.ɾju.zi.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: curiosity; inquisitiveness (the tendency to want to investigate things) |
curiosidade {f} | :: curiosity (an interesting object or piece of information) |
curiosidade {f} | :: indiscretion (lack of respect for other’s privacy) |
curioso {adj} /ku.ˈɾjo.zu/ | :: curious; inquisitive (tending to ask questions, investigate or explore) |
curioso {adj} | :: curious; odd; out of the ordinary |
curioso {m} | :: one who is curious, inquisitive |
Curitiba {prop} {f} /kuɾiˈtibɐ/ | :: Curitiba (municipality/state capital) |
Curitibanos {prop} | :: Curitibanos (municipality) |
Curityba {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Curitiba |
Curiúva {prop} {f} /ˌku.ɾi.ˈu.vɐ/ | :: Curiúva (town/and/municipality) |
Curlândia {prop} {f} | :: Curlândia (traditional region) |
curling {m} | :: curling (sport where players slide stones on a sheet of ice) |
curral {m} /kuˈʁaɫ/ | :: corral, pen (enclosure for animals) |
Curral de Dentro {prop} | :: Curral de Dentro (municipality) |
currículo {m} /kuˈʁikulu/ | :: curriculum vitae, résumé (written account of one’s education, accomplishments, etc.) |
currupaco {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: the sound produced by parrots |
curry {m} | :: curry powder (mixture of spices used in Asian cooking) |
curry {m} | :: curry (dish made with curry powder) |
cursar {v} | :: to travel through |
cursar {v} | :: to be enrolled in a course |
cursinho {m} | :: diminutive of curso |
cursinho {m} | :: cram school (specialised school that trains students to meet particular goals) |
cursivo {adj} [of text] | :: handwritten (written with a pen or pencil) |
cursivo {adj} [of text] | :: cursive (having successive letters joined together) |
curso {m} /ˈkuʁ.su/ | :: course (period of learning) |
curso {m} | :: course (path, route) |
curso {m} | :: watercourse |
cursor {m} | :: cursor (part of scientific instruments that indicates a value or position) |
cursor {m} [graphical user interface] | :: cursor (icon representing the position of a pointing device) |
curta {f} {m} /ˈkuɾ.tɐ/ | :: clipping of curta-metragem |
curta-metragem {f} {m} [cinema] | :: short film |
curtição {f} | :: tanning (of leather) |
curtição {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: fun, pleasure |
curtidor {m} | :: tanner (person whose occupation is to tan) |
curtidor {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: enjoyer (someone who enjoys a given thing) |
curtimento {m} | :: tanning, curing (of leather) |
curtindo {v} | :: gerund of curtir |
curtir {v} /kuɾ.ˈtiɾ/ | :: to tan (to change an animal hide into leather) |
curtir {v} | :: to pickle (to store food in a solution) |
curtir {v} [figurative] | :: to be able to suffer through something |
curtir {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to enjoy; to like |
curto {adj} /ˈkuɾ.tu/ | :: short (having a small distance between ends or edges) |
curto {adj} | :: short (of little duration) |
curto-circuitar {vt} | :: to short circuit (cause a short circuit) |
curto-circuitar {vi} | :: to short circuit (to suffer a short circuit) |
curto circuito {m} | :: alternative form of curto-circuito |
curto-circuito {m} | :: short circuit (an unintentional connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit) |
curtose {f} [statistics] | :: kurtosis (measure of tail heaviness of a statistical distribution) |
curtume {m} /kuɾ.ˈtu.mɨ/ | :: tannery |
curtume {m} | :: tanning (of leather) |
Curupira {prop} {m} | :: A male supernatural being in Brazilian folklore, having hair made of fire and feet turned backwards, a protector of forests |
curva {f} /ˈkuɾ.vɐ/ | :: curve (a gentle bend) |
curva {f} | :: curve (a curved line) |
curva de Allen {f} [communication theory] | :: Allen curve (the exponential drop in frequency of communication between engineers as the distance between them increases) |
curvar {vt} /kuɾˈvaɾ/ | :: to bend (shape into a curve) |
curvar {v} [sport] | :: to curve (make a ball cuve or bend in the air) |
curvar-se {v} | :: reflexive of curvar |
curvar-se {vr} | :: to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) |
curvatura {f} | :: curvature (the shape of something curved) |
curvejão {m} | :: the back of a horse’s knee |
Curvelo {prop} | :: Curvelo (municipality) |
curvetear {v} [of a quadruped, especially a horse] | :: to stand on one’s hind legs |
curvetear {v} | :: to move about making small curves |
curvo {adj} /ˈkuɾ.vu/ | :: curved; bent |
cusco {m} | :: nosy |
cuscuz {m} | :: couscous (a pasta of North African origin) |
cuspe {m} /ˈɡus.pi/ | :: spit; saliva |
cuspideira {f} | :: spittoon (receptacle for spit) |
cuspideira {f} [rare] | :: spitting cobra (cobra species capable of spitting venom) |
cuspido {adj} | :: dirty; contaminated |
cuspido e escarrado {phrase} | :: alternative form of esculpido em Carrara |
cuspidor {m} | :: spitter (someone who spits) |
cuspidor {m} | :: spittoon (receptacle for spit) |
cuspir {v} /kuʃ.ˈpiɾ/ | :: to spit (to expel saliva from the mouth) |
cuspir {v} [figuratively] | :: to offend |
cuspir no prato que comeu {v} [idiomatic] | :: to bite the hand that feeds you |
custar {vt} /kuʃ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to cost |
custar {vi} [figuratively] | :: to be difficult |
custar {vi} | :: to be tiresome, exhausting |
custar o olho da cara {vi} [idiomatic, of a product] | :: to cost very much, to be highly expensive |
custar um olho da cara {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cost an arm and a leg (to be very expensive) |
custeando {v} | :: gerund of custear |
custear {v} | :: to defray |
custear {v} | :: to finance, subsidize |
custe o que custar {phrase} | :: at all costs; whatever it takes |
custo {m} /ˈkuʃ.tu/ | :: cost (amount of money, or other valuable things, required for something) |
custo {m} | :: [graph theory] cost (value associated with the traversal of an edge) |
custo {m} | :: [figuratively] difficulty (obstacles that hinder the achievement of a goal) |
custo {m} | :: [figuratively] cost (negative consequence) |
custo de vida {m} | :: cost of living (the average cost of a standard set of basic necessities of life) |
custódia {f} /kuʃ.ˈtɔ.ðjɐ/ | :: custody |
custódia {f} | :: safekeeping |
custódia {f} [Christianity] | :: monstrance |
customização {f} | :: customisation (act of customising) |
customizar {vt} | :: to customize |
custosamente {adv} | :: expensively (in an expensive, costly manner) |
custoso {adj} | :: costly; expensive |
custume {m} | :: obsolete spelling of costume, nowadays an eye dialect or a misspelling |
CUT {prop} {f} | :: The main national trade union center in Brazil, formed in 1983 |
cutâneo {adj} [anatomy] | :: cutaneous, skin (attributive) |
Cutberto {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Cuteberto |
cutcharra {f} [Brazil, slang] /kuˈt͡ʃaχa/ | :: nonsense talk |
cutcharra {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: overly sentimental behavior |
Cuteberto {prop} {m} | :: Cuthbert (Anglo-Saxon saint) |
cutello {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cutelo |
cutelo {m} /ku.ˈtɛ.lu/ | :: cleaver (heavy square knife used by butchers) |
cúter {m} [nautical] | :: cutter (a type of small, single-masted ship) |
Cuthbert {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Cuteberto |
cuti {interj} /ˈku.t͡ʃi/ | :: represents the act of tickling |
cutia {f} | :: agouti (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) |
cutícula {f} | :: cuticle (hardened skin around the nail) |
cuti-cuti {adj} [childish] /ˈku.t͡ʃi ˈku.t͡ʃi/ | :: cute (possessing nice traits that are attributed to infants and cuddly animals) |
cuticuti {adj} | :: alternative spelling of cuti-cuti |
cutucador {m} | :: poker (one who pokes) |
cutucão {m} | :: an instance of poking aggressively |
cutucar {v} | :: to poke (to jab with a pointed object such as a finger or a stick) |
cutucar {v} [colloquial] | :: to poke, to notify (to call the attention of someone, through the internet) |
cutucar a onça com vara curta {v} [Brazil, idiomatic] | :: to do something that can provoke a dangerous reaction |
cutucar o nariz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pick one's nose (to remove mucus from one’s nose with a finger) |
cuya {f} | :: obsolete spelling of cuia |
cuydar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of cuidar |
cuytello {m} [rare] | :: obsolete form of cutelo |
cuytelo {m} [uncommon] | :: obsolete form of cutelo |
cuzão {m} /ku.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of cu |
cuzão {m} [Brazil, vulgar, pejorative] | :: asshole; jerk (an inconsiderate or contemptible person) |
cuzão {m} [Brazil, vulgar] | :: cunt (general word for a person) |
cuzinho {m} | :: diminutive of cu |
cuzona {f} | :: feminine noun of cuzão |
cv {m} | :: abbreviation of cavalo-vapor |
cv {v} [Internet slang] | :: abbreviation of conversar (all forms of the verb) |
cv {f} [Internet slang] | :: abbreviation of conversa |
cybercafé {m} | :: Internet cafe (place where one can use a computer with Internet) |
Cycladas {prop} {fp} | :: obsolete spelling of Cíclades |
Cyclades {prop} {fp} | :: obsolete spelling of Cíclades |
cyclo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of ciclo |
cyclope {m} | :: obsolete spelling of ciclope |
Cynthia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Cíntia |
Cyntia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Cíntia |
cyprestal {m} | :: obsolete spelling of ciprestal |
Cyrena {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cirena |
Cyrenaica {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cirenaica |
Cyrene {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Cirena |
Cyrillo {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Cirilo |
Cyrilo {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Cirilo |
cysto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of cisto |
Czajkowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
czar {m} /ˈtsaɾ/ | :: tsar |
czarado {m} [rare] | :: tsardom (the territory ruled by a tsar) |
czarina {f} | :: tsarina (empress or wife of tsar) |
czarismo {m} | :: tsarism (a system of government ruled by a tsar) |
Czarnecki {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Czarniecki {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Czartoryski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |