User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-d
d' {prep} [before a vowel or a mute h] | :: apocopic form of de: of |
d' {prep} [colloquial, after a vowel] | :: apocopic form of de: of |
d {letter} | :: letter |
D10 {n} [dice games] | :: d10 |
D12 {n} [dice games] | :: d12 |
D20 {n} [dice games] | :: d20 |
D4 {n} [dice games] | :: d4 |
D6 {n} [dice games] | :: d6 |
D8 {n} [dice games] | :: d8 |
DAB {m} | :: acronym of distributeur automatique de billets |
d'abord {adv} | :: first, at first, right away |
d'abord {adv} | :: primarily |
d'abord {adv} | :: for one thing |
d'abord {adv} | :: Used to add annoyed emphasis, particularly to a refusal |
d'abord {adv} [archaic or regional] | :: Immediately |
d'abord {adv} [Québec] | :: in that case, then, if that is so |
d'abord et avant tout {adv} [pleonasm] | :: first and foremost (primarily; most importantly) |
d'abord que {prep} [archaic or regional] | :: as soon as |
d'abord que {prep} [regional] | :: as long as, since |
d'ac {interj} [colloquial] | :: agreed, alright, OK |
dac {interj} | :: OK!, sure! |
d'acc {interj} [colloquial] | :: agreed, alright, OK |
d'accord {adv} [avec] | :: in agreement |
d'accord {interj} | :: sure!, OK!, of course!, naturally! |
d'acier {adj} [figuratively] | :: of steel, rock solid (extremely resistant) |
dacryocyste {m} [anatomy] | :: dacryocyst |
d'actualité {adj} | :: current, topical |
-dactyle {suffix} | :: -dactyl |
dactyle {m} | :: dactyl (poetical foot of three syllables) |
dactyle {m} | :: cocksfoot |
dactylique {adj} [prosody, poetry] | :: dactylic |
dactylo {mf} | :: typist |
dactylo {mf} [by extension] | :: secretary |
dactylo {f} | :: typing; dactylography |
dactylogramme {m} | :: dactylogram, fingerprint |
dactylographe {mf} [dated] | :: Secretary |
dactylographie {f} | :: typing |
dactylographier {v} | :: to type |
dactylologie {f} | :: dactylology |
dactylologie {f} | :: sign language |
dactyloscopie {f} | :: dactyloscopy |
dada {m} [childish] | :: horse |
dada {m} | :: hobby horse |
dadais {m} | :: clumsy child, awkward youth ; an oaf |
dadaïsme {m} | :: dadaism (cultural movement) |
dadaïste {mf} | :: Dadaist |
dadaïste {adj} | :: Dadaist |
dadyle {f} [organic chemistry] | :: dadyl |
Daech {prop} {m} | :: Daesh (ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State) |
dæmon {m} | :: obsolete form of démon |
dæmoniaque {adj} | :: obsolete form of démoniaque |
dæmoniaque {mf} | :: obsolete form of démoniaque |
d'affilée {adv} | :: in a row; consecutively; on end |
Daghestan {m} | :: Dagestan |
dague {f} [historical] | :: dagger (of the Middle Ages) |
dague {f} [zoology] | :: tusk (of wild boar), spike (of deer) |
daguer {vt} | :: "to stab; (hunt.) to rut" |
daguerréotype {m} [photography] | :: daguerreotype (type of photograph) |
daguerréotype {m} | :: (photography) daguerreotypy (method of producing these photographs) |
daguerréotyper {v} [photography] | :: to daguerreotype |
daguerréotypie {f} [photography] | :: daguerreotypy |
daguet {m} | :: brocket (young stag) |
dahir {m} | :: A decree issued by the king of Morocco |
dahline {f} [organic chemistry] | :: dahlin |
dahoméen {adj} | :: Dahomeyan |
Dahoméen {m} | :: Dahomeyan |
Dahoméenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Dahoméen |
Daigneault {prop} | :: surname |
daigner {v} | :: to deign, condescend |
Daillencourt {prop} | :: surname |
d'ailleurs {adv} | :: See: fr de ailleurs |
d'ailleurs {adv} | :: besides, furthermore, moreover, what’s more |
daim {m} | :: fallow deer |
daim {m} [in general] | :: deer |
daim {m} | :: buck |
daim {m} | :: buckskin, doeskin; suede |
daimyo {m} [historical] | :: daimyo |
daine {f} | :: fallow doe (female deer) |
daiquiri {m} | :: daiquiri |
daïra {f} [Algeria] | :: A subdivision of a wilaya in Algeria |
dais {m} | :: dais |
Dakar {prop} {m} | :: Dakar (capital city) |
dakarois {adj} | :: of or relating to Dakar |
Dakarois {m} | :: person from Dakar |
Dakaroise {f} | :: feminine noun of Dakarois |
dalaï-lama {m} [Buddhism] | :: Dalai Lama |
dalécarlien {m} | :: The Elfdalian language |
Dalencourt {prop} | :: surname |
Dalila {prop} {f} [Biblical character] | :: Delilah (mistress of Samson) |
Dalila {prop} {f} | :: given name |
dalinien {adj} | :: Daliesque |
dallage {m} | :: paving (on the pavement, etc...) |
Dallago {prop} | :: Dallago; surname |
dalle {f} | :: slab, flagstone |
daller {v} | :: to pave with slabs |
dalleux {adj} [slang, chiefly of men, pejorative] | :: on the prowl, eager for sex, sexually frustrated |
dalleux {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: horndog, sexually frustrated man |
dalmate {adj} | :: Dalmatian (of or pertaining to Dalmatia) |
dalmate {m} | :: Dalmatian (extinct language) |
Dalmatie {prop} {f} | :: Dalmatia |
dalmatien {adj} | :: Dalmatian |
dalmatien {m} | :: dalmatian (dog) |
dalmatienne {f} | :: feminine noun of dalmatien |
dalmatique {f} | :: dalmatic |
DALO {m} | :: acronym of droit au logement opposable: redeemable right to housing |
dalot {m} [nautical] | :: scupper |
dalot {m} [bowling] | :: gutter |
daltonien {adj} | :: color blind |
daltonisme {m} | :: daltonism (red-green color blindness) |
daltoniste {mf} | :: daltonist |
dam {m} [obsolete except in phrases] | :: damage |
dam {m} [religion] | :: damnation |
daman {m} | :: hyrax (any species of the order Hyracoidea) |
Damas {prop} | :: Damas (capital city) |
damascène {adj} | :: Damascene |
damascène {mf} | :: damascene (pigeon) |
Damascène {mf} | :: Damascene |
Damascène {prop} {f} | :: Damascene (region) |
damasquin {adj} | :: damascene |
damasquinage {m} | :: damascening |
damasquiner {v} | :: To damascene |
damasquineur {m} | :: "damascener" |
damassé {m} | :: The fabric damassé, which is woven figured like damask |
damasser {v} | :: "to damask, to work damask-like" |
damasseur {m} | :: "damask-weaver, damask-worker" |
damassure {f} | :: "damasking, damask-work" |
dame {f} | :: A lady |
dame {f} | :: A polite form of address for a woman |
dame {f} [chess] | :: queen |
dame {f} [card games] | :: queen |
dame blanche {f} [Belgium] | :: a type of dessert resembling the sundae |
dame d'honneur {f} | :: maid of honor/matron of honor, lady-in-waiting |
damedieu {m} | :: God Almighty |
dame-jeanne {f} | :: demijohn (bottle) |
Dame Nature {f} [figuratively] | :: Mother Nature |
dame patronnesse {f} | :: patroness |
damer {vt} [chess] | :: to queen (transform a pawn into a queen, by advancing it to the opponent's side of the board) |
damer {vt} [checkers] | :: to crown, to king |
damer {vt} | :: to pat down, to pat, pack down |
damer {vt} | :: to groom (snow) |
dameuse {f} | :: snow groomer |
Damien {prop} | :: given name |
damier {m} | :: draughtboard (UK), checkerboard (US) |
damma {m} | :: damma |
damnablement {adv} | :: damnably |
damnation {f} | :: damnation |
damner {v} | :: to damn (to condemn as unfit etc.) |
Damoclès {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Damocles |
damoiseau {m} [archaic] | :: young man |
damoiseau {m} [historical] | :: A young gentleman who was not yet a knight and aspired to be one; young nobleman accompanying his lord or lady to hunt, walk, travel, etc |
damoiseau {m} [ironic, dated] | :: A handsome, charming young male who is courteous and/or amorous to women |
damoiselle {f} [archaic] | :: (noble) lady |
damoiselle {f} [historical] | :: damsel |
d'Amour {prop} | :: d'Amour; surname |
Dampierre-le-Château {prop} | :: Dampierre-le-Château (commune) |
dan {m} | :: dan |
dance {f} | :: dance music |
Dancourt {prop} | :: surname |
dandin {m} | :: buffoon, idiot |
dandinement {m} | :: waddling |
dandiner {v} [colloquial] | :: to waddle (about), to toddle, to dander |
dandysme {m} | :: dandyism |
danegeld {m} | :: Danegeld |
Danemark {prop} {m} | :: Denmark |
Dang {prop} | :: surname |
danger {m} | :: danger |
danger {m} | :: jeopardy (danger of loss, harm, or failure) |
dangereusement {adv} | :: dangerously |
dangereux {adj} | :: dangerous |
dangerosité {f} | :: dangerousness |
danger public {m} [colloquial] | :: danger to the public, danger to everybody, public menace; reckless driver |
Danglars {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Daniel {prop} {m} | :: Daniel (biblical book and prophet) |
Daniel {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Danièle {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Daniel |
Danielle {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Daniel |
Danien {prop} {m} | :: Danian period |
dano- {prefix} | :: Dano- |
danois {m} | :: Danish, the Danish language |
danois {adj} | :: Danish |
Danois {m} | :: Dane, someone from Denmark |
danoise {f} [Quebec] | :: danish [pastry] |
Danoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Danois |
dano-norvégien {adj} | :: Dano-Norwegian |
dano-norvégien {m} | :: Dano-Norwegian |
dans {prep} | :: in (inside) |
dans {prep} | :: in, into (from outside, to inside) |
dans {prep} | :: in, within (a longer period of time) |
dans {prep} | :: out of, from |
dans {prep} [with respect to time] | :: during |
dansant {adj} | :: dancing |
dans ce cas {adv} | :: in that case, if that's the case |
danse {f} | :: dance |
danse du ventre {f} | :: belly dance |
danse macabre {f} [arts] | :: danse macabre |
danser {vit} | :: to dance |
danseur {m} | :: (male) ballet dancer |
danseuse {f} | :: female equivalent of danseur |
dans l'absolu {adv} [colloquial] | :: in absolute terms, per se, in and of itself, as such |
dans la foulée {phrase} | :: while you're at it, at the same time |
dans la foulée {phrase} | :: within the bounds [de=of] |
dans la foulée {phrase} | :: in the wake [de=of] |
dans la foulée {phrase} | :: not outside the bounds of |
dans l'air {adj} [figuratively] | :: in the air, in the wind, in the offing |
dans l'air du temps {adj} | :: in the spirit of the times, in the spirit of the age, in keeping with the times; in fashion |
dans la joie et la bonne humeur {adv} | :: joyfully, cheerfully, merrily |
dans la lune {adj} | :: absent-minded, distracted |
dans l'âme {prep} | :: at bottom, at heart, deep down |
dans la même veine {adv} [figuratively] | :: in the same vein |
dans la merde {prep} [rather vulgar] | :: in trouble, up shit creek, in deep shit |
dans la mesure du possible {adv} | :: as much as possible, insofar as possible, if at all possible, if possible |
dans la mesure où {conj} | :: inasmuch as, insofar as, given that |
dans la poche {adj} [colloquial] | :: in the bag (virtually assured of success) |
dans le besoin {adj} | :: in need, indigent, poor, penniless |
dans le coup {adj} [colloquial] | :: in the loop; fashionable |
dans le courant de {prep} | :: in the course of |
dans le feu de l'action {adv} | :: in the heat of the moment |
dans le même temps {adv} | :: at the same time, at once, in the same breath, simultaneously |
dans le même temps {adv} | :: on the other hand, at the same time, then again |
dans le mille {adv} [colloquial] | :: in the bullseye, right on target |
dans l'ensemble {adv} | :: for the most part, on the whole, by and large, in the main |
dans le passé {adv} | :: in the past |
dans le pétrin {prep} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: in the soup, in a fix, in a pickle, in trouble |
dans le plus simple appareil {adj} | :: in one's birthday suit, naked as a jaybird, in all one's glory |
dans le rouge {adj} [figuratively] | :: in the red, overdrawn |
dans le sac {adj} [colloquial] | :: in the bag (virtually assured of success) |
dans les bras de Morphée {prep} [figuratively] | :: asleep; in the arms of Morpheus |
dans les choux {prep} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: in the soup, in a fix, in a pickle, in trouble |
dans les clous {adv} | :: on a pedestrian crossing |
dans les clous {adv} [figuratively] | :: abiding by the rules |
dans les faits {adv} | :: in practice |
dans les grandes largeurs {adv} [colloquial] | :: completely, thoroughly |
dans les grandes lignes {adv} | :: broadly, broadly speaking, for the most part |
dans les plus brefs délais {adv} | :: as soon as possible |
dans les règles {adv} | :: by the book, according to the rules |
dans les temps {prep} | :: in time, on time, on schedule (within the prescribed time limit) |
dans le temps {adv} | :: in the old days, back in the day, in the past |
dans l'immédiat {adv} [colloquial] | :: right now, at the moment, for the moment, for the time being |
dans sa barbe {adv} | :: under one's breath |
dans son assiette {adj} [idiomatic] | :: at home, at ease |
dans son bon droit {prep} | :: within one's rights |
dans son plus simple appareil {adj} | :: alternative form of dans le plus simple appareil |
dans tes rêves {phrase} [colloquial] | :: in your dreams, you wish! |
dans tous ses états {adj} [colloquial] | :: in a flap, in a state, beside oneself, very agitated |
dans toute sa splendeur {adv} | :: in all one's glory, in all one's splendour |
dans un cas comme dans l'autre {adv} | :: either way |
dans une certaine mesure {adv} | :: up to a point, to some extent, to an extent |
dans un premier temps {adv} | :: first, initially, at first |
dans un second temps {adv} | :: secondly, afterwards, then |
dans un sens {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a way, in a sense |
dantesque {adj} | :: Dantesque (of, pertaining to, or in the style of Dante; characterized by a formal, elevated tone and somber focus) |
Danton {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
dantoniste {mf} | :: Dantonist |
Danube {prop} {m} [geography] | :: Danube (river) |
danubien {adj} | :: Danube (attributive), Danubian |
Dany {prop} | :: given name |
daphné {m} | :: daphne |
Daphné {prop} {f} | :: given name |
daphnéine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: daphnin |
d'aplomb {adj} [of a wall] | :: plumb, perfectly vertical, straight, level |
d'aplomb {adj} [of a person] | :: balanced, steady |
d'aplomb {adj} [of a person, figuratively] | :: right as rain, up and about |
d'apparat {adj} | :: ceremonial; formal; stately |
d'application {adj} | :: that applies in a given case |
d'après {prep} | :: according to (in the opinion of) |
d'après {prep} | :: after, following (a model); correspondingly, in accordance with |
Daquin {prop} | :: a patronymic surname |
darbouka {f} | :: darbuka |
dard {m} [military, obsolete] | :: javelin, spear |
dard {m} | :: sting (of an animal) |
dard {m} | :: prickle, spine (of a plant) |
dard {m} | :: dart (small metal object used in the game of darts) |
dard {m} [slang] | :: cock, dick |
Dardanelles {prop} {fp} | :: Dardanelles |
darder {v} | :: to shoot (an arrow, look etc.) |
darder {v} | :: to point (up or out) |
dare-dare {adv} [colloquial] | :: double-quick |
daredare {adv} | :: alternative form of dare-dare |
Darfour {prop} {m} | :: Darfur |
darija {mf} | :: Darija |
darique {f} | :: daric |
darmstadtium {m} | :: darmstadtium |
daron {m} [slang] | :: old man (father) |
daronne {f} [colloquial, slang] | :: mum, mom |
d'arrache-pied {adv} | :: flat-out |
Darracq {prop} | :: surname |
dartois {m} | :: A kind of sweet pie or pastry |
dartre {f} | :: tetter (or similar skin condition) |
dartreux {adj} | :: herpetic |
darwinien {adj} | :: Darwinian |
darwinisme {m} | :: Darwinism |
darwiniste {adj} | :: Darwinist |
das {m} [slang] | :: AIDS |
dashi {m} | :: dashi |
dasyproctidé {m} | :: dasyproctid |
dasyure {m} | :: dasyure |
database {f} [dated] | :: database |
datagramme {m} | :: Datagram |
datation {f} | :: dating (action of determining the date of something) |
datavisualisation {f} | :: data visualization (statistical graphics) |
dataviz {f} | :: datavisualisation |
datcha {f} | :: dacha |
date {f} | :: date (point in time) |
date {mf} [slang, anglicism] | :: date (romantic meeting) |
date {mf} [slang, anglicism, masculine] | :: date (person you go on a romantic meeting with) |
daté {adj} | :: dated, outdated, out of fashion |
date butoir {f} | :: deadline; cutoff date |
date de naissance {f} | :: birthdate |
date de péremption {f} | :: expiry date; use-by date |
dater {v} | :: to date, to add a date onto something |
dater {v} | :: to date [de from] |
dateur {adj} | :: date-indicating |
datif {m} [grammar] | :: dative, dative case |
datif éthique {m} [grammar] | :: ethical dative |
datiscine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: datiscin |
datolite {f} [mineral] | :: datolite |
datte {f} | :: date (fruit) |
dattier {m} | :: date palm |
daube {f} | :: stew, casserole; daube |
daube {f} [slang] | :: crap; crappiness (something of low quality) |
dauber {v} [dated] | :: to hit; to strike |
dauber {v} [by extension] | :: to insult; to denigrate; to defame |
daubière {f} | :: A traditional terracotta pot resembling a pitcher, with a concave lid, used to cook daube while keeping it moist |
d'aucuns {pron} [literary] | :: certain people, some |
dauphin {m} | :: dolphin |
dauphin {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: dolphin; the animal used as a charge |
dauphin {m} | :: successor, dauphin |
dauphin {m} | :: runner-up |
Dauphin {prop} {m} [geography] | :: Dauphin, a placename |
Dauphin {prop} {m} | :: Dauphin (commune) |
Dauphin {prop} {m} | :: Dauphin (city) |
Dauphin {prop} {m} [aristocracy] | :: Dauphin, the crown prince of France, from his title, dauphin |
dauphin à gros nez {m} | :: synonym of grand dauphin |
dauphin de Chine {m} | :: synonym of baiji |
dauphin du Yangzi {m} | :: synonym of baiji |
dauphine {f} | :: feminine noun of dauphin |
dauphinois {adj} | :: Dauphinois, of or pertaining to Dauphiné |
dauphinois {m} | :: Dauphinois (the dialect) |
daurade {f} | :: alternative form of dorade |
d'autant moins que {conj} | :: all the less ... that, even less so because |
d'autant plus {adv} | :: even more; all the more |
d'autant plus que {conj} | :: all the more reason that, even more so because, especially given that |
d'autant que {conj} | :: because of the fact that, since, as |
d'autre part {adv} | :: besides, additionally, furthermore, what's more |
davantage {adv} | :: more |
d'avec {contraction} | :: from |
d'aventure {adv} [literary] | :: by chance |
David {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: David |
David {prop} {m} | :: given name |
David {prop} {m} | :: surname |
davier {m} [dentistry] | :: forceps |
Davis {prop} | :: surname |
d'avoir {contraction} | :: de + avoir |
Davy {prop} {m} | :: surname derived from David |
Davy {prop} {m} | :: given name of modern usage |
DCA {n} | :: initialism of défense contre les aéronefs |
DDO {prop} | :: initialism of Dollard-des-Ormeaux - a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada |
DDT {m} | :: abbreviation of dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane |
de {prep} | :: of (expresses belonging) |
de {prep} | :: of (used to express property or association) |
de {prep} | :: from (used to indicate origin) |
de {prep} | :: of (indicates an amount) |
de {prep} | :: used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word |
de {prep} | :: from (used to indicate the start of a time or range) |
de {prep} | :: used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive |
de {prep} | :: by (indicates the amount of change) |
de {art} [indefinite] | :: some; any (in questions or negatives) |
de {art} [negative] | :: (pas de) a, an, any |
de {n} | :: abbreviation of dame |
dé- {prefix} | :: used to make antonyms (similar to English prefixes un-, dis-) |
dé {m} | :: die (dice) |
dé {m} | :: diced slice (of meat) |
dé {m} | :: thimble |
dé {m} | :: letter: d |
DEA {m} | :: initialism of diplôme d'études approfondies (a tertiary education degree higher than a master's, but lower than a doctorate) |
DEA {f} | :: abbreviation of diethanolamine |
de A à Z {adv} [idiomatic] | :: from A to Z (comprehensively) |
dé à coudre {m} | :: thimble (a protective cap for the finger) |
dead {v} [slang, anglicism] | :: to succeed (in doing something well, "killing it") |
deader {v} [slang, anglicism] | :: to succeed (in doing something well, "killing it") |
dealer {v} [slang] | :: to deal (drugs) |
dealer {m} [slang] | :: drug dealer |
dealeur {m} | :: drug dealer |
dealeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dealeur |
déambulateur {m} | :: Zimmer frame, walking frame, walker |
déambulation {f} | :: stroll, strolling |
déambuler {v} | :: to stroll, to walk around, to amble |
déamination {f} [chemistry] | :: deamination |
débâcher {v} | :: To remove the tarpaulin or other covering from the load on a lorry |
débâcle {f} | :: debacle |
débâcler {vi} [of ice] | :: to break up |
débâcler {vi} [of a river] | :: to lose the ice on the surface |
débagouler {vt} | :: to vomit, to sick up |
débagouler {vt} [figuratively] | :: to hurl (abuse etc.) |
débâillonner {vt} | :: to ungag |
débâillonner {vt} | :: to uncensor |
déballage {m} | :: unpacking |
déballement {m} | :: unpacking |
déballer {vt} | :: to unpack, unwrap |
déballonner {vr} | :: to chicken out |
débandade {f} | :: stampede, rush |
débandade {f} | :: disarray |
débandement {m} [military] | :: disbandment |
débander {v} | :: to unfasten a bandage, |
débander {v} | :: to remove a blindfold |
débander {v} | :: to loosen, relax (a bow) |
débander {vi} [vulgar] | :: to lose an erection; to go soft |
débanquer {v} | :: To break the bank (at a casino) |
débaptiser {vt} | :: to remove a person from the parish register (expel them from the church) |
débaptiser {vt} | :: to rename |
Debaralle {prop} | :: surname |
débarbouiller {vt} | :: to wash (somebody's face) |
débarbouiller {vp} | :: to wash one's face |
débarbouillette {f} [Quebec] | :: facecloth |
débarcadère {f} | :: landing stage, jetty |
débardage {m} | :: The transportation of logs after being chopped down |
débarder {v} | :: to transport logs |
débardeur {m} | :: docker, longshoreman |
débardeur {m} | :: haulier (of logs etc) |
débardeur {m} | :: A type of carnival character |
débardeur {m} | :: sleeveless T-shirt, tank top |
débardeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of débardeur |
débarquement {m} | :: landing |
débarquement {m} | :: debarkation |
débarquement {m} | :: disembarking |
débarquement {m} | :: disembarkation, disembarkment |
débarquer {vt} | :: to unload (merchandise), land (troops, passengers) |
débarquer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to fire, sack |
débarquer {vi} | :: to disembark |
débarquer {vi} [colloquial] | :: to turn up, arrive (suddenly) |
débarquer {vi} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to realize, to become aware of something |
débarquer {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to get out of a vehicle |
débarras {m} | :: storeroom |
débarras {m} | :: clearing, riddance |
débarrassé {adj} | :: cleared, removed |
débarrasser {vt} | :: to clear (a table, a desk etc.) |
débarrasser {v} [de] | :: to rid, relieve (someone of something) |
débarrasser {vr} [de, .pronominal] | :: to get rid, rid oneself of |
débarrasser {v} [de, .pronominal] | :: to remove, take off (piece of clothing) |
débarrasser le plancher {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to sling one's hook, to buzz off, to beat it |
débarrer {vt} | :: to unbar (remove a bar from) |
de base {adv} [colloquial] | :: originally, initially |
de base {adj} | :: basic |
de bas étage {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: inferior, mediocre, third-rate, low-level, gutter (attributive) |
débat {m} | :: debate |
débâter {v} | :: To unsaddle |
débattable {adj} | :: debatable |
débattre {v} | :: to negotiate |
débattre {v} | :: ( + de / sur) to discuss, debate |
débattre {vr} | :: to struggle |
débauchage {m} | :: poaching |
débauchage {m} | :: laying off (of staff) |
débauche {f} | :: debauchery |
débaucher {v} | :: to make redundant, to lay off |
débaucheur {m} | :: debaucher, seducer |
débaucheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of débaucheur |
débecqueter {v} | :: alternative spelling of débequeter |
débecter {v} [slang] | :: to hurl, to spew (to vomit) |
débequeter {v} [slang] | :: To spew, to puke, to cat (to vomit) |
débet {m} | :: debit |
Debierne {prop} | :: surname |
débile {adj} [obsolete] | :: weak |
débile {adj} | :: dumb, stupid |
débilement {adv} | :: stupidly |
débilement {adv} | :: despicably; lamentably |
débilitant {adj} | :: debilitating |
débilitation {f} | :: debilitation, weakening |
débilité {f} [psychiatry, medicine] | :: debility, retardation |
débilité {f} | :: silliness, stupidity |
débiliter {v} | :: to debilitate |
débillardement {m} [carpentry] | :: cutting diagonally |
débillarder {v} [carpentry] | :: to cut diagonally |
débiner {vt} | :: to denigrate, run down |
débismuthage {m} | :: debismuthization |
débit {m} [of water] | :: flow, rate of flow |
débit {m} [of production] | :: output |
débit {m} [accounting] | :: debit |
débit {m} [hydrology] | :: discharge |
débit {m} [telecommunications] | :: bandwidth, throughput |
débitage {m} | :: chopping up (wood etc) |
débitant {m} | :: producer etc |
débit de tabac {m} | :: tobacconist's (shop that sells tobacco products) |
débiter {vt} | :: to sell continuously |
débiter {vt} | :: to turn out, produce (continuously) |
débiter {vt} [of a speech, sermon, etc.] | :: to recite, deliver |
débiter {vt} | :: to reel off, rattle off |
débiter {vt} | :: to sing quickly and in a lively manner |
débiter {vt} [of news, lies, etc.] | :: to spread |
débiter {vt} [of a material] | :: to cut, cut out (into a desired shape) |
débiter {vt} [of wood] | :: to chop (up), cut up (especially for firewood) |
débiter {vt} | :: to debit |
débiteur {m} [finance] | :: debtor |
débitrice {f} | :: feminine noun of débiteur |
débitumer {v} | :: To debituminize |
débituminiser {v} | :: To debituminize |
déblai {m} | :: clearing and levelling (of land) |
déblai {m} | :: excavation |
déblaiement {m} | :: clearing, clearing away |
déblatérer {v} [colloquial] | :: to rant about |
déblatérer {v} [colloquial] | :: to drivel, blather |
déblayer {v} | :: to clear, to clear away |
déblocage {m} | :: unblocking (action of unblocking something) |
débloquer {vt} | :: to unblock |
débloquer {vt} | :: to unlock (release, make available) |
débloquer {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be out of one's mind |
débobiner {v} | :: to unwind (to wind off), to unspool |
débogage {m} | :: debugging; action of debugging |
déboguer {v} | :: to debug |
débogueur {m} | :: debugger |
déboire {m} [figuratively and literally] | :: unpleasant aftertaste, bad taste |
déboisement {m} | :: deforestation |
déboiser {v} | :: to deforest |
déboîtement {m} | :: dislocation |
déboiter {v} | :: alternative spelling of déboîter |
déboîter {vt} | :: to take apart, disconnect (an assembled object) |
déboîter {vtr} | :: to dislocate |
déboîter {vi} | :: to move out of line |
de bon aloi {adj} [of a currency] | :: of good quality, of genuine worth, wholesome |
de bon aloi {adj} [figuratively] | :: proper, appropriate, in order, suitable |
de bon cœur {adv} | :: with good grace, willingly, cheerfully, gladly |
débonder {vt} | :: to unbung, uncork |
débonder {vt} [figuratively] | :: to pour out (one's heart) |
débonder {vi} [of liquid] | :: to pour out, flood out |
débonder {vr} | :: to become unbunged |
débonder {vr} | :: to lose liquid quickly |
de bon gré {adv} | :: with good grace, willingly, cheerfully, gladly |
de bon matin {adv} | :: early in the morning, bright and early |
débonnaire {adj} | :: kind; gentle, good |
débonnaire {adj} [pejorative] | :: weak-willed; soft |
débonnairement {adv} | :: good-naturedly |
débonnaireté {f} | :: good nature |
de bonne famille {adj} | :: well-born |
de bonne foi {adv} | :: in good faith, in earnest |
de bonne foi {adj} | :: sincere, genuine |
de bonne grâce {adv} | :: with good grace, willingly, cheerfully |
de bonne guerre {adj} | :: fair and square, only fair, deserved, understandable (in an eye for an eye, tit-for-tat sense of justice) |
de bonne heure {adv} | :: in advance; ahead of time |
de bonne heure {adv} | :: early in the morning |
de bon ton {adj} | :: polite, tasteful, civil |
Débora {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Deborah (a judge of Israel) |
Débora {prop} {f} | :: given name; now more often spelled Déborah |
Déborah {prop} {f} | :: given name. The modern English style spelling of biblical Débora |
débordant {adj} | :: overflowing, unbounded |
débordant {adj} | :: exuberant |
débordant {adj} [military] | :: outflanking |
débordé {adj} | :: overworked, snowed under |
débordement {m} | :: flooding |
débordement {m} | :: overflowing, overflow |
débordement {m} | :: overshooting (of weapon) |
débordement {m} [tennis] | :: passing (act of hitting the ball past a player who is at net) |
déborder {v} | :: to overflow (go over the brim) |
déborder {v} [military] | :: to overshoot (shoot too far); to outflank |
débotter {vt} | :: to remove the boots of |
débouchage {m} | :: uncorking |
débouché {m} [economics] | :: market; outlet |
débouché {m} | :: job opportunity |
débouché {m} | :: mouth (of valley) |
débouchement {m} | :: debouchement |
débouchement {m} | :: uncorking |
débouchement {m} | :: unblocking |
déboucher {vt} | :: to unblock; to clear |
déboucher {vt} | :: to uncork (a bottle) |
déboucher {vi} [figuratively] | :: to culminate, to finish |
déboucheur {m} | :: drain cleaner |
déboucler {vt} | :: to unbuckle (a belt) |
déboucler {vt} | :: to undo curls |
débouillir {v} | :: To blanch (textiles) |
débouler {v} | :: to tumble down, fall down |
débouler {v} | :: to turn up, show up, drop in |
déboulonner {vt} | :: to unbolt |
déboulonner {vt} | :: to remove from office; to oust |
débouquement {m} [navigation] | :: narrow channel |
débouquement {m} [navigation] | :: disemboguement |
débouquer {vi} [navigation] | :: to disembogue |
débourbage {m} | :: clarification, settling (of wine) |
débourrage {m} | :: unblocking, unclogging |
débours {m} | :: outlay, outgoings |
déboursement {m} | :: disbursement |
débourser {v} | :: to pay out; disburse, shell out |
déboussolé {adj} | :: disoriented |
déboussoler {vt} | :: to disorientate |
debout {adv} | :: standing, stood up |
debout {adv} | :: awake |
debout {interj} | :: get up! |
de bout en bout {adv} | :: from start to finish, from one end to the other |
débouter {v} [legal] | :: to dismiss |
déboutonner {v} | :: to unbutton |
débraillé {adj} | :: slovenly |
débrailler {vr} | :: to loosen one's clothing |
débranchement {m} | :: unplugging |
débranchement {m} | :: (of an alarm) turning off, switching off |
débrancher {v} | :: to unplug |
débrancher {v} | :: [of an alarm] To turn off, switch off |
débraser {vt} | :: to unsolder |
débrayable {adj} | :: (of part of a mechanism) Able to be disengaged |
débrayage {m} | :: declutching |
débrayage {m} | :: strike (work stoppage as a form of protest) |
débrayer {vi} | :: to declutch; to disengage |
débrayer {vi} | :: to strike (of workers) |
débreaker {v} [tennis] | :: To break back (thus nullifying an opponent's break of service) |
Debrecen {prop} | :: Debrecen |
débridé {adj} | :: unbridled |
débridement {m} | :: unbridling, unharnessing |
débridement {m} | :: lancing |
débrider {v} | :: to unbridle, to unharness |
débrider {v} | :: to jailbreak (a mobile phone) |
débrider {v} | :: to soup up a motor |
débriefer {v} | :: to debrief |
débris {m} | :: debris |
débrocher {v} | :: to unspit |
débrouillard {adj} | :: resourceful, self-reliant, able to cope, crafty, wily |
débrouillard {m} | :: resourceful person, hustler |
débrouillardise {f} | :: resourcefulness, the ability to cope |
débrouiller {v} | :: to disentangle [threads] |
débrouiller {vp} | :: to get by; to manage; to bootstrap |
débroussailler {v} | :: to clear (land of brushwood) |
débroussailler {v} | :: to do the groundwork (on a problem etc.) |
débroussailleuse {f} | :: brushcutter, strimmer, string trimmer |
débrûler {v} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: to reduce |
débrutir {vt} | :: "to clear off the rough; to polish (gems)" |
débrutissement {m} | :: rough-polishing (of gems) |
debte {f} | :: obsolete form of dette |
débucher {vi} [hunting] | :: to start |
débucher {vt} [hunting] | :: to dislodge, to start |
débucher {m} | :: start |
débullage {m} | :: The removal of bubbles from a liquid |
débusquer {v} [hunting] | :: to drive out, smoke out, flush out |
débusquer {v} | :: to track down, sniff out (someone or something hiding or hidden) |
Debussy {prop} | :: surname |
debussyen {adj} | :: Debussyan |
début {m} | :: start, beginning |
débutant {m} | :: debutant, newbie, beginner |
débutant {adj} | :: who is a beginner |
débutante {f} | :: A debutante |
début du fou {m} [chess] | :: bishop's opening |
de but en blanc {adv} | :: very bluntly, point-blank, directly, all of a sudden, suddenly |
débuter {v} | :: to start |
débuter {v} | :: to debut, to make one's debut |
début ouvert {m} [chess] | :: open game |
déc. {n} | :: abbreviation of décembre Dec |
deçà {adv} [obsolete as used alone] | :: over here, on this side |
déca- {prefix} | :: deca- |
déca {m} [colloquial] | :: decaf |
décacheter {vt} | :: to unseal; to open [that which was sealed] |
décadaire {adj} | :: decadal (related to the decades of the Republican calendar) |
décade {f} | :: period of ten days (such as the week in the French Republican Calendar) |
décade {f} | :: decade |
décadence {f} | :: decadence |
décadent {adj} | :: decadent |
décadent {adj} | :: declining |
décadentisme {m} | :: decadence |
décadi {m} [historical] | :: The tenth day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar |
décadrer {v} | :: to unframe |
décaèdre {m} | :: decahedron |
décaféination {f} | :: decaffeination |
décaféiné {adj} | :: decaffeinated |
décaféiné {m} | :: decaffeinated coffee, decaf |
décaféiner {vt} | :: to decaffeinate |
décagonal {adj} | :: decagonal |
décagone {m} | :: decagon |
décagramme {m} | :: decagram / decagramme |
décaillage {m} | :: decurdling (in cheesemaking) |
décaisser {v} | :: to pay out |
décakatal {m} | :: decakatal |
décalage {m} | :: gap, discrepancy |
décalage {m} [astronomy, technology] | :: shift, offset |
décalage {m} | :: time shifting (practice of recording a broadcast for later watching or listening) |
décalage {m} | :: jet lag |
décalage horaire {m} | :: timezone difference |
décalage horaire {m} | :: jet lag |
décalage vers le rouge {m} [physics, astronomy] | :: redshift |
décalaminer {vt} | :: to decoke; to decarbonize |
décalcification {f} | :: decalcification |
décalcifier {v} | :: to decalcify, to remove the calcium from |
décalcomanie {f} | :: decalcomania (the process of transferring designs onto surfaces using decals) |
décalé {adj} | :: surprising |
décaler {v} | :: to unload (a ship) |
décaler {v} | :: to bring forward, put back (a meeting etc.) |
décaler {v} | :: to stagger (a shift) |
décaler {v} [soccer] | :: to set up |
décalogue {m} | :: alternative form of Décalogue |
Décalogue {prop} {m} | :: Decalogue, Ten Commandments |
décalotter {v} | :: to pull back the foreskin |
décalque {m} | :: decal |
décalque {m} | :: decalcomania |
décalquer {vt} | :: to trace, transfer (a design) |
décaméride {f} | :: decameride |
décamètre {m} | :: decametre/decameter |
décamétrique {adj} | :: decametric |
décamper {vi} | :: to decamp |
décamper {vi} | :: to clear off, buzz off, hop it |
décan {m} [astrology] | :: decan, ten days |
décanat {m} | :: deanship (in university) |
décane {m} [organic compound] | :: decane |
décanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: decanoic |
décantation {f} | :: decantation |
décanter {vt} | :: to decant |
décanteur {m} | :: decanter |
décaoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: decaoxide |
décapage {m} | :: scouring, stripping (material from a surface) |
décapant {m} | :: paint stripper |
décapant {adj} | :: stripping |
décapant {adj} | :: caustic |
de cape et d'épée {adj} | :: cloak-and-dagger |
décaper {vt} | :: to scour; to strip [paint, etc., from a surface] |
décapitalisation {f} | :: decapitalization |
décapitaliser {v} | :: to take capital status away from a city; to make a city not a capital anymore |
décapitation {f} | :: decapitation or beheading, the act of decapitating or beheading |
décapiter {vt} | :: to decapitate, to behead |
décapiter {vt} | :: to cut the top off (e.g. a tree) |
décapiteur {m} | :: beheader or decapitator, someone who beheads or decapitates |
décapode {adj} | :: decapod |
décapode {m} | :: decapod |
Décapole {prop} {f} | :: Decapolis |
décapotable {adj} | :: convertible |
décapotable {f} | :: convertible (automobile) |
décapoter {vt} | :: to put down the soft top / hood of a convertible (car) |
décapsidation {f} [virology] | :: decapsidation |
décapsuler {v} | :: to take or remove the lid or top off something, uncap; open the cap of a bottle |
décapsuleur {m} | :: bottle opener |
décapuchonner {v} | :: To remove a hood |
décapuchonner {v} | :: To uncap, unstopper a bottle |
décarbonaté {adj} | :: decarbonated |
décarbonater {v} | :: To decarbonate |
décarboner {v} | :: to lower carbon levels (in prdocution) |
décarbonyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To decarbonylate |
décarboxylase {f} [enzyme] | :: decarboxylase |
décarboxylation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: decarboxylation |
décarboxylé {adj} | :: decarboxylated |
décarboxyler {v} [chemistry] | :: To decarboxylate |
décarburation {f} | :: decarburation, decarbonization |
décarburer {vt} | :: to decarburize, decarbonize |
décarcasser {v} | :: to open up the carcass of an animal or to remove the cover of an object |
décarcasser {vp} [colloquial] | :: to go through much trouble, to bend over backwards |
décastère {m} | :: decastere |
décathlon {m} | :: decathlon |
décathlonien {m} | :: decathlete |
décati {adj} | :: decrepit |
décavé {adj} | :: ruined |
décawatt {m} | :: decawatt |
décéder {v} [formal] | :: to pass away, decease |
de ce fait {adv} | :: consequently, as a result, thereby, because of this |
décelable {adj} | :: detectable |
décelé {adj} | :: discovered, detected |
décelé {adj} | :: revealed, indicated |
déceler {v} | :: to discover, detect |
déceler {v} | :: to reveal, indicate |
décélérateur {adj} | :: decelerating |
décélérateur {m} | :: decelerator |
décélération {f} | :: deceleration |
décélérer {v} | :: to decelerate, to slow down |
décembre {m} | :: December |
décemment {adv} | :: decently |
décemment {adv} | :: reasonably |
décemvir {m} | :: decemvir |
décemvirat {m} | :: decemvirate |
décence {f} | :: decency, seemliness |
décène {m} [organic compound] | :: decene |
décennal {adj} | :: ten-yearly, decennial |
décennie {f} | :: decade, ten-year period |
décent {adj} | :: decent (sufficiently clothed) |
décent {adj} | :: decent (fair, good enough) |
décentralisateur {adj} | :: decentralizing |
décentralisation {f} | :: decentralisation |
décentraliser {v} | :: to decentralise, to decentralize |
décentrement {m} | :: decentering |
décentrer {vt} | :: to move off-centre |
de ce pas {adv} | :: straightaway, at once, forthwith |
déceptif {adj} | :: deceptive |
déception {f} | :: disappointment |
déceptivement {adv} | :: deceptively |
décérébrer {v} | :: to decerebrate |
décerner {v} | :: to award |
décervelage {m} | :: Action of removing the brain. |
décerveler {v} | :: to remove the brain |
décerveler {v} [figuratively] | :: To brainwash |
décès {m} | :: death (act or fact of dying) |
décevant {adj} | :: disappointing |
décevoir {v} | :: to disappoint |
décevoir {v} [archaic] | :: to deceive; to trick |
déchainement {m} | :: outburst |
déchaînement {m} | :: alternative form of déchainement |
déchainer {v} | :: alternative spelling of déchaîner |
déchaîner {v} | :: to unleash |
déchaîner {v} | :: to arouse, rouse |
déchaîner {v} | :: to cause, bring out |
déchaîner {vr} | :: to go wild, to let rip, rage |
déchanter {v} | :: to become disillusioned |
déchaperonner {vt} | :: to unhood |
décharge {f} | :: discharge |
décharge {f} | :: release |
décharge {f} | :: unloading (action of unloading something) |
décharge {f} | :: landfill |
déchargé {adj} | :: unloaded |
déchargé {adj} | :: discharged |
déchargeable {adj} | :: downloadable |
déchargement {m} | :: unloading |
décharger {v} | :: to unload; offload |
décharger {v} | :: to discharge |
décharger {v} | :: to let off (remove the guilt from someone) |
décharger {v} | :: to remove a charge from |
décharger {vr} | :: to offload (ejaculate) |
décharné {adj} | :: emaciated |
décharné {adj} | :: scrawny, gaunt |
décharner {v} | :: to remove the flesh from bones or skin; to deflesh |
décharner {v} | :: to emaciate |
de Charybde en Scylla {prep} | :: between Scylla and Charybdis; between a rock and a hard place; out of the frying pan, into the fire |
déchausser {v} | :: to remove someone's shoes |
déchausser {vr} [se déchausser] | :: to take one's shoes off |
déchaux {adj} [archaic] | :: discalced, discalceate |
dèche {f} [colloquial] | :: the state of being broke |
déchéance {f} | :: decay |
déchéance {f} | :: downfall |
déchet {m} | :: rubbish, trash |
déchet {m} [of a person, slang] | :: a mess, a basket case (especially after having drunk alcohol) |
déchèterie {f} | :: tip (recycling centre) |
déchet radioactif {m} | :: radioactive waste |
déchetterie {f} | :: alternative form of déchèterie |
de cheval {adj} [colloquial] | :: strong |
décheveler {vt} | :: to dishevel |
décheveler {vr} | :: to dishevel one another's hair |
décheviller {vt} | :: to unpeg, to unpin |
déchiffrable {adj} | :: decipherable |
déchiffrage {m} | :: Action of deciphering |
déchiffrement {m} | :: Action of deciphering |
déchiffrer {v} | :: to decipher (all meanings) |
déchiquetage {m} | :: shredding |
déchiqueter {v} | :: to rip up (into small pieces) |
déchiqueter {v} | :: to cut up (into small pieces) |
déchiqueteur {m} | :: shredder |
déchiqueteuse {f} | :: shredder |
déchiqueture {v} | :: slashing, cutting, pinking |
déchirant {adj} | :: heartbreaking, heartrending, heart-splitting, heartwrenching |
déchirant {adj} | :: agonizing |
déchirement {m} | :: act of tearing something to pieces |
déchirer {v} | :: to rip up |
déchirer {v} [figurative] | :: to tear up emotionally |
déchirer {vi} [colloquial, slang] | :: to kick arse, kick ass, kick butt, rock, or rule |
déchireur {m} | :: shredder |
déchirure {f} | :: tear, rip |
déchlorer {v} | :: To dechlorinate |
de choc {adj} [colloquial] | :: shock (relational) |
déchoir {v} [literary] | :: to wane (diminish) |
déchoir {v} [literary] | :: to strip |
de choix {adj} | :: of choice, choice, select, excellent, prominent |
déchoquage {m} [medicine] | :: Emergency antishock treatment |
déchouer {vt} | :: "to get off, to set afloat (a ship that is aground)" |
déchristianisateur {m} | :: dechristianizer |
déchristianisation {f} | :: dechristianization |
déchristianisatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of déchristianisateur |
déchristianiser {v} | :: To dechristianize |
déchu {adj} | :: deposed, dethroned |
déci- {prefix} | :: deci- |
déci {m} [Switzerland] | :: décilitre |
décibel {m} | :: decibel |
décidabilité {f} | :: decidability |
décidable {adj} | :: decidable |
décidément {adv} | :: obviously, really |
décidément {adv} | :: decidedly |
décider {vi} | :: to decide |
décider {vt} | :: to persuade, convince (someone à faire to do) |
décider {vr} | :: to make a decision, to make up one's mind |
décideur {m} [legal] | :: policymaker |
décideuse {f} | :: feminine noun of décideur |
décidu {adj} | :: deciduous |
décidual {adj} | :: decidual |
décigrade {m} | :: decigrade |
décigramme {m} | :: decigram |
décikatal {m} | :: decikatal |
décile {m} [statistics] | :: decile |
décilitre {m} | :: decilitre |
déciller {v} | :: alternative spelling of dessiller |
décillion {m} | :: decillion |
décimal {adj} | :: decimal |
décimalisation {f} | :: decimalisation |
décimaliser {v} | :: to decimalise; to decimalize |
decimalite {adj} | :: having the characteristics of decimals |
décimateur {m} | :: decimator (receiver of tithes) |
décime {f} [historical] | :: A coin valued at one-tenth of a franc minted prior to 1815 |
décime {f} [colloquial] | :: A 10-centime coin, minted up to 1999 and bearing the same value |
décimer {v} | :: to decimate (reduce by one tenth) |
décimer {v} | :: to decimate (massacre, almost wipe out) |
décimètre {m} | :: decimetre (one-tenth of a metre) |
décimétrique {adj} | :: decimetric |
décimilliheure {f} [obsolete] | :: one hundredth of an hour |
de circonstance {adj} | :: appropriate, suitable, suited to the occasion |
décirer {vt} | :: to take the wax off |
déciseconde {f} | :: decisecond (one tenth of a second) |
décisif {adj} | :: decisive |
décision {f} | :: decision |
décisionnel {adj} | :: decisional |
décisivement {adv} | :: decisively |
décistère {m} | :: decistere |
déclamation {f} | :: declamation |
déclamation {f} | :: ranting |
déclamatoire {adj} | :: declamatory |
déclamatoire {adj} | :: ranting |
déclamatoirement {adv} | :: declamatorily |
déclamatoirement {adv} | :: bombastically |
déclamer {v} | :: to declaim, speak out (against) |
déclarable {adj} | :: declarable (for excise duty) |
déclaratif {adj} | :: declarative |
déclaration {f} | :: declaration (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) |
déclaration sur l'honneur {f} [law] | :: sworn statement, signed statement, affidavit |
déclaratoire {adj} | :: declaratory |
déclarer {v} | :: to declare |
déclarer forfait {v} [sports] | :: to forfeit, to withdraw |
déclarer forfait {v} | :: to give up |
déclarer sa flamme {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to declare one's love to someone |
déclassé {adj} [literally] | :: stricken from the classification, no longer listed |
déclassé {adj} | :: outcast, expelled |
déclassé {m} | :: An outcast, reject, pariah |
déclassée {f} | :: feminine noun of déclassé |
déclassement {m} | :: reclassification |
déclassement {m} | :: decommissioning |
déclasser {v} | :: to relegate (demote) |
déclasser {v} | :: to delist (take off a list) |
déclasser {v} | :: to downgrade |
déclassification {f} | :: declassification |
déclassifié {adj} | :: declassified |
déclassifier {v} | :: To declassify |
déclenchement {m} | :: onset |
déclenchement {m} | :: outbreak |
déclenchement {m} | :: triggering (action of causing something) |
déclencher {v} | :: to trigger, to spark, to set off |
déclencher {v} | :: to set off (a device) |
déclencher {v} | :: to take off the latch |
déclencher {vr} [se déclencher] | :: to be under way, to start happening |
déclencheur {m} | :: trigger, spark |
déclencheur {m} | :: release mechanism |
déclencheur {m} [photography] | :: shutter release |
déclencheur {m} [databases] | :: trigger |
décléricalisation {f} | :: declericalisation |
décléricaliser {v} | :: To declericalize |
déclic {m} | :: click |
déclimater {vt} | :: "to accustom to a foreign climate" |
déclin {m} | :: decline |
déclinable {adj} | :: declinable |
déclinaison {f} | :: declination |
déclinant {adj} | :: declining |
déclinateur {m} | :: declinator |
déclinatoire {adj} | :: declinatory |
déclinatoire {m} [legal] | :: declinatory plea, exception |
décliné {adj} | :: declined |
décliner {vi} | :: to weaken, to sicken, to go downhill |
décliner {vt} | :: to enumerate |
décliner {vt} [grammar] | :: to decline |
décliner {vt} | :: to develop a range from a product |
décliner {vp} [sales] | :: to be available (in a variety of forms, models, etc.) |
décliniste {mf} | :: declinist |
déclive {adj} | :: declivous, sloping |
déclive {adj} [surgical] | :: dependent |
déclive {f} | :: slope |
décliver {v} | :: To tilt |
décliver {v} | :: To decline, decrease |
déclivité {f} | :: slope, incline, declivity |
décloisonner {vt} | :: to decompartmentalize |
décloîtrer {vt} | :: "to withdraw from a convent" |
déclore {v} [archaic] | :: to open, reopen (open something which was closed) |
déclouer {vt} | :: to unnail |
déco {f} [colloquial, clipping] | :: decoration |
déco {f} [colloquial] | :: disconnection |
décocher {v} | :: to untick (UK); to uncheck (US) |
décocher {v} [computing] | :: to deselect |
décocher {v} | :: to shoot (with a bow) |
décocher {v} | :: to smack; lash (hit suddenly) |
décocher {v} | :: to lash out (at) |
décoction {f} | :: decoction |
décodage {m} | :: decoding |
décoder {v} | :: to decode |
décodeur {m} | :: decoder |
décoffrage {m} | :: stripping |
décohérence {f} [physics] | :: decoherence |
décohérer {v} | :: To decohere |
décohésion {f} | :: decohesion |
décoiffant {adj} | :: mind-blowing |
décoiffé {adj} | :: messed-up |
décoiffé {adj} | :: dishevelled |
décoiffer {vt} | :: to mess up someone's hair |
décoiffer {vt} | :: to knock someone's hat off |
décoiffer {vt} | :: to take one's breath away (be mindblowing) |
décoincer {vt} | :: to unjam, loosen |
décoincer {vt} | :: to loosen up |
décolérer {v} | :: to calm down |
décollage {m} | :: takeoff, lift-off (e.g. of an aircraft from a surface into the air) |
décollation {f} | :: beheading |
décollement {m} | :: detachment, unsticking |
décoller {vi} | :: To take off (i.e. a plane) |
décoller {vt} | :: unstick |
décoller {vi} | :: To come undone, come unstuck |
décolletage {m} | :: neckline, décolletage |
décolletage {m} [aeronautics] | :: undercutting |
décolletage {m} [agriculture] | :: topping |
décolleté {adj} | :: low-cut (dress etc.) |
décolleté {adj} | :: decapitated |
décolleté {m} | :: cleavage |
décolleté {m} | :: low neckline |
décolleter {v} [of a dress, etc.] | :: to reveal the neck or neckline |
décolléter {v} | :: to uncover the neck or shoulders; show some skin |
décolléter {vt} | :: To cut (clothing) low; to give a low cut |
décolonisation {f} | :: decolonization |
décoloniser {vt} | :: to decolonize |
décolorant {adj} | :: bleaching |
décoloration {f} | :: discolouration |
décoloration {f} | :: fading |
décoloré {adj} | :: bleaching, decolorant |
décolorer {vt} | :: to discolour, fade |
décolorer {vt} | :: to bleach |
décolorisation {f} | :: the removal of the colour from something; decolorisation or bleaching |
décombrer {vt} | :: "to clear away rubbish, to clear rubbish from" |
décombres {mp} | :: rubble, ruins (of a building) |
décommander {vt} | :: to cancel [an order, event, etc.] |
décommander {vt} | :: to put off [until another time] |
décommander {vt} | :: to withdraw [an invitation] |
décommunisation {f} | :: decommunization |
décommuniser {v} | :: To decommunize |
décompilateur {m} [computer science] | :: decompiler |
décompiler {v} [computer science] | :: to decompile |
décompléter {vt} | :: to render incomplete |
décomplexé {adj} | :: uninhibited |
décomplexé {adj} | :: self-assured |
décomposable {adj} | :: decomposable |
décomposé {adj} | :: decomposed |
décomposer {vt} | :: to decompose, to break down [into components] |
décomposer {v} [mathematics] | :: to factorize |
décomposer {vr} [se décomposer, organic matter] | :: to decompose, decay |
décomposer {vr} [se décomposer] | :: to break down [for analysis] |
décomposeur {m} | :: decomposer |
décomposition {f} | :: decomposition |
décompresser {v} | :: to decompress, uncompress |
décompresser {v} | :: to relax, unwind |
décompresseur {m} | :: decompressor |
décompression {f} | :: decompression |
décomprimer {vt} | :: to decompress |
décompte {m} | :: deduction, that which is to be subtracted |
décompte {m} | :: counting, the act or manner of making a count |
décompter {v} | :: to deduct (take one thing from another) |
décompter {v} | :: to pick out |
décompter {v} | :: to scrap |
de comptoir {adj} [pejorative] | :: cracker-barrel |
déconcentration {f} | :: deconcentration |
déconcentration {f} | :: decentralization, devolution |
déconcentration {f} | :: (momentary) loss of concentration |
déconcentré {adj} | :: suffering a loss of concentration |
déconcentrer {vt} | :: to distract |
déconcentrer {vt} | :: to devolve |
déconceptualiser {v} | :: to deconceptualize |
de concert {adv} [figuratively] | :: hand in hand, together, in concert |
déconcertant {adj} | :: disconcerting |
déconcerter {vt} | :: to disconcert |
déconcerter {vt} | :: to baffle, confound, bewilder |
déconditionner {vt} | :: to decondition |
déconfessionnalisation {f} | :: deconfessionalization |
déconfessionnaliser {v} | :: To deconfessionalize |
de confiance {adj} | :: trustworthy, reliable |
déconfinement {m} [physics] | :: deconfinement |
déconfinement {m} | :: easing of lockdown, lifting of lockdown, ceasing of quarantine and return to normal life |
déconfire {v} [archaic] | :: to destroy, annihilate |
déconfire {v} | :: to discombobulate |
déconfit {adj} | :: crestfallen |
déconfiture {f} | :: collapse |
déconfiture {f} | :: defeat |
décongélation {f} | :: thawing, defrosting |
décongelé {adj} | :: defrosted |
décongeler {vt} [of food] | :: to thaw, unfreeze, defrost |
décongestionnant {m} | :: decongestant |
décongestionner {vt} | :: to decongest (relieve congestion in) |
déconnecter {v} | :: to disconnect |
déconner {v} [archaic, vulgar, rare] | :: to pull out, "decunt" (remove one's penis from a vagina) |
déconner {v} [slang] | :: to talk rubbish, talk bollocks, kid, joke |
déconner {v} [slang] | :: to mess up, act up, malfunction |
déconnexion {f} | :: disconnection |
déconnexion {f} | :: logout, sign-out (signout) |
déconseillé {adj} | :: Not recommended |
déconseiller {v} | :: to advise against, to not recommend |
de conserve {adv} [figuratively] | :: hand in hand, hand in glove, together, in concert |
déconsidérer {vt} | :: to discredit |
déconsolidation {f} | :: deconsolidation |
déconstruction {f} | :: deconstruction |
déconstruire {v} | :: to deconstruct, take apart |
décontamination {f} | :: decontamination |
décontaminer {vt} | :: to decontaminate |
décontamineur {m} | :: decontaminant |
décontenancer {v} | :: to disconcert, make uncomfortable, discountenance |
décontracté {adj} | :: relaxed |
décontracté {adj} | :: casual, informal, relaxed |
décontracter {vt} | :: to relax |
décontraction {f} | :: laid-back attitude |
décontraction {f} | :: relaxation (of muscles) |
déconvenue {f} | :: discomfiture, disappointment (caused by failure) |
déconvoluer {v} [maths] | :: To deconvolute |
déconvolution {f} [maths] | :: deconvolution |
décor {m} | :: decor, decoration |
décor {m} [theatre] | :: set, location |
décor {m} | :: scenery, backdrop |
décorateur {m} | :: decorator |
décoratif {adj} | :: decorative |
décoration {f} | :: decoration |
décoration {f} [military] | :: decoration (honor, medal) |
décorativement {adv} | :: decoratively |
décoratrice {f} | :: feminine singular of décorateur |
décorder {v} | :: to unrope (remove from a rope) |
décorer {v} | :: to decorate |
décorner {v} [husbandry] | :: to remove the horns of; to dehorn |
décortiqué {adj} | :: shelled |
décortiqué {adj} | :: decorticated |
décortiquer {v} | :: to decorticate, to peel, to shell (remove a shell, an outer layer from) |
décortiquer {v} [figuratively] | :: to dissect, to analyse, to study |
décorum {m} | :: decorum |
décosaquisation {f} | :: decossackization |
décote {f} | :: discount |
décote {f} | :: tax relief |
découcher {vi} | :: to sleep away from home |
découcher {vi} | :: to stay out all night |
découdre {vt} | :: to unsew, unstitch (remove the stitches from something that is sewn) |
découdre {vi} | :: to do battle |
découler {v} [inanimate] | :: to follow from; to ensue |
de couleur {adj} | :: of color, colored (of skin color other than white) |
découpage {m} | :: cutting (action of to cut) |
découpage {m} | :: decoupage |
découper {v} | :: to cut up, to chop up |
découper {v} | :: to cut out (to remove by cutting) |
découper {v} | :: to zone, to divide up (into areas) |
découper {v} [figuratively] | :: to cast shadow (against a background), to silhouette |
découplage {m} | :: decoupling |
découplement {m} | :: uncoupling |
découplement {m} | :: decoupling |
découpler {vt} | :: to uncouple, decouple |
découpler {vt} | :: to set apart |
découpure {f} | :: indentation |
découpure {f} | :: herald (moth, Scoliopteryx libatrix) |
décourageant {adj} | :: discouraging |
décourageant {adj} | :: depressing |
découragement {m} | :: discouragement |
décourager {vt} | :: to discourage |
décourager {vp} | :: to lose heart, lose faith |
Decourcelle {prop} | :: surname |
décours {m} | :: "decrease; wane (of the moon)" |
décousabilité {f} | :: ability to be unsewed |
décousu {adj} | :: unstitched |
décousu {adj} [figuratively] | :: incoherent, disjointed |
de coutume {adv} [literary] | :: ordinarily, usually |
de coutume {adj} | :: customary, usual |
découvert {adj} | :: discovered |
découvert {adj} | :: uncovered, unprotected, exposed |
découvert {m} | :: overdraft |
découverte {f} | :: discovery |
découvreur {m} | :: discoverer |
découvrir {v} | :: to discover |
découvrir {v} | :: to show, to reveal |
découvrir {v} | :: to leave uncovered, to expose |
découvrir {v} | :: to leave unprotected, to expose |
décrassage {m} | :: cleaning up |
décrassage {m} [sports] | :: warmdown (after exercise) |
décrasser {vt} | :: to clean up, to scrub |
décrasser {vr} | :: to clean up (oneself) |
décrédibiliser {v} | :: discredit |
décréditement {m} | :: discrediting |
décréditer {vt} | :: to discredit, to disgrace, to bring into discredit |
décréditer {vr} | :: to sink into discredit, to lose one's credit or reputation |
décrépir {v} | :: to remove roughcast (from) |
décrépit {adj} | :: decrepit (weakened or worn out) |
décrépitation {f} | :: decrepitation |
décrépiter {v} | :: To decrepitate |
décrépitude {f} | :: decrepitude, decay |
décret {m} [historic] | :: decree (royal, ecclesiastical) |
décret {m} [law] | :: statutory instrument |
décrétale {f} [ecclesiastical] | :: decretal |
décréter {v} | :: to order, decree |
décréter {v} | :: to declare (a state of emergency) |
décrier {v} | :: to decry; to criticize, disparage, censure |
décrire {v} | :: to describe |
décrispation {f} | :: easing of tension |
décrisper {vt} | :: to unclench |
décrochable {adj} | :: unhookable; detachable |
décrochage {m} [aeronautics] | :: stall, loss of lift |
décrochage {m} [Quebec] | :: the action of dropping out of school prematurely |
décrochement {m} | :: setback |
décrochement {m} | :: recess |
décrocher {v} | :: to unhook, remove from a hook |
décrocher {v} | :: to pick up, pick up the phone, start a telephone conversation |
décrocher {v} [aeronautics] | :: To stall |
décrocher {v} | :: to pick up, get one's hands on |
décrocher {v} | :: to withdraw (from drugs, alcohol, etc.) |
décrocher {v} | :: to drop out of school |
décrocher {v} | :: to abandon an interest or activity; to separate oneself from a person, group, idea, identity, etc |
décroisé {adj} | :: uncrossed |
décroisé {adj} [football] | :: to the near post |
décroisé {adj} [tennis] | :: down the line |
décroiser {vt} | :: to uncross |
décroiser {vt} | :: to unfold |
décroissance {f} | :: decrease, decline |
décroissant {adj} | :: descending |
décroissant {m} | :: waning (of the moon) |
décroissement {m} | :: waning (a gradual diminution) |
décroitre {v} | :: alternative form of décroître |
décroître {v} | :: to decrease |
décrotter {vt} | :: to clean the mud off |
décrucifier {vt} | :: to decrucify |
décruer {vt} | :: "(dy.) to scour" |
décrûment {m} | :: (dy.) scouring |
décrusement {m} | :: (dy.) ungumming |
décruser {vt} | :: "(dy.) to ungum" |
décryptage {m} | :: Attempt at decryption while not knowing the key, secret, or password |
décrypté {adj} | :: decrypted |
décryptement {m} | :: synonym of décryptage |
décrypter {v} | :: to decrypt |
déçu {adj} | :: disappointed |
décuirassé {adj} | :: unarmoured |
décuire {vt} | :: to lower the cooking temperature of sugar syrup or jam by stirring in cold water gradually, until it is the correct consistency |
de cujus {m} | :: deceased |
de cujus {m} [legal] | :: testator |
déculotter {v} | :: to remove someone's knickers or underwear |
déculotter {vr} [slang] | :: to fess up |
déculpabiliser {vt} | :: to exonerate |
décuple {adj} | :: tenfold |
décupler {v} [ergative] | :: to render or become ten times bigger |
décuplet {m} [physics] | :: decuplet |
décurie {f} [historical, Ancient Rome, military] | :: decury |
décurion {m} [Ancient Rome, military] | :: decurion (all senses) |
décussation {f} | :: decussation |
décussé {adj} | :: decussate |
décuvage {m} | :: devatting (removal of wine from the fermentation vats) |
décuver {vt} | :: to remove (grapes, wine, etc.) from a vat |
décuver {v} | :: to sober up; to sleep it off (to recover from the effects of self-induced acute alcohol intoxication) |
dédaignable {adj} [in the negative] | :: not to be sneezed at |
dédaigner {v} | :: to scorn, to despise, to disdain |
dédaigneusement {adv} | :: scornfully, disdainfully, contemptuously |
dédaigneux {adj} | :: scornful, disdainful, contemptuous |
dédain {m} | :: contempt, scorn, disdain |
dédale {m} | :: maze |
dedans {adv} | :: towards the inside; inwardly; internally |
dedans {mf} | :: interior, inside (of an object) |
dedans {prep} | :: inside, in, within |
de derrière les fagots {adj} [colloquial] | :: very special, that one has been keeping preciously, that one has been keeping up one's sleeve (with the implication that it is excellent, exquisite) |
de deux {adv} [colloquial] | :: next, secondly, second |
de deux choses l'une {phrase} | :: it's one of those two things; there are two possibilities, there are two possible scenarios; you have two options; you choose(: either ... or) |
dédicace {f} | :: dedication (in a book) |
dédicacé {adj} | :: signed (by) |
dédicacer {vt} | :: to sign, autograph |
dédicataire {mf} | :: dedicatee |
dédicatoire {adj} | :: dedicatory |
dédier {v} | :: to dedicate |
dédire {v} [reflexive] | :: to go back on, retract |
dédit {m} | :: forfeit |
dédommagement {m} | :: compensation |
dédommager {vt} | :: to compensate |
dédommager {vt} | :: to make up for |
dédopé {adj} | :: dedoped |
dédorer {v} | :: to tarnish |
dédouanement {m} | :: customs clearance |
dédouaner {vt} | :: to clear through customs |
dédoublement {m} | :: doubling, duplication |
dédoubler {v} | :: to reunite; to put back together |
dédoubler {v} | :: to separate; to share out |
dédoubler {v} | :: to duplicate |
dédoublonner {v} [computing, colloquial] | :: To remove duplicates from a list |
dédramatiser {vt} | :: to play down |
dédramatiser {vt} | :: to make less dramatic or daunting |
déductibilité {f} | :: deductibility |
déductible {adj} | :: deductible |
déductif {adj} | :: deductive |
déduction {f} | :: deduction |
déduction {f} [logic, epistemology] | :: deduction |
déduire {v} | :: to deduce; to work out |
déduire {v} | :: to deduct |
déduit {adj} | :: deducted |
déesse {f} | :: goddess |
DEET {m} | :: DEET (an insect repellant) |
défâcher {vt} | :: to pacify |
défâcher {vr} | :: to be pacified or pleased again, to cool |
de facto {adj} | :: de facto |
de facto {adv} | :: de facto |
défaillance {f} | :: fainting spell; faintness; dizziness |
défaillance {f} | :: weakness; failure |
défaillance de marché {f} [economics] | :: market failure |
défaillance du marché {f} | :: alternative form of défaillance de marché |
défaillant {adj} | :: faulty (device, system etc.) |
défaillant {adj} | :: failing (health, memory) |
défaillant {adj} | :: fainting (person) |
défaillir {v} | :: to faint, feel faint (de with/from) |
défaillir {v} | :: to weaken, falter, fail (of strength, courage etc.) |
défaire {vt} | :: to take down, take apart, dismantle |
défaire {vt} | :: to undo, unfasten, unwind |
défaire {vt} | :: to break, break up, unmake |
défaire {vt} [literary] | :: to defeat, conquer |
défaire {vr} | :: to come undone, fall apart, disintegrate |
défaire {v} [.pronominal, de] | :: to part with |
défaisance {f} | :: defeasance |
défaiseur {m} | :: agent noun of défaire; undoer |
de fait {adv} | :: de facto (according to actual practice) |
de fait {adv} | :: indeed |
défaite {f} | :: defeat |
défaitisme {m} | :: defeatism |
défaitiste {adj} | :: defeatist |
défaitiste {mf} | :: defeatist |
défalcation {f} | :: deduction (act of deducting), defalcation |
défalquer {vt} | :: to deduct |
défalquer {vt} | :: to recoup |
défanage {m} | :: The killing of the tops of plants such as potatoes before harvesting |
défaner {vt} | :: to kill the tops of plants such as potatoes before harvesting |
défausser {vt} | :: to straighten |
défausser {vp} | :: to discard (in a card game) |
défaut {m} | :: shortcoming |
défaut {m} | :: defect |
défaut {m} | :: default (computing) |
défaveur {f} | :: disfavour |
défavorable {adj} | :: unfavourable, disadvantageous |
défavorablement {adv} | :: unfavorably |
défavorisé {adj} | :: disenfranchised, underprivileged (not represented) |
défavorisé {adj} | :: disadvantaged |
défavorisé {adj} | :: (of a neighbourhood) poor, low-income |
défavoriser {v} | :: to disfavour; put out |
défavoriser {v} | :: to disadvantage, to treat unfairly |
défavoriser {v} | :: to discriminate |
défécation {f} | :: defecation |
défectible {adj} | :: imperfect, incomplete |
défectiblement {adv} | :: imperfectly, incompletely |
défectif {adj} [grammar] | :: defective (with only some tenses) |
défection {f} | :: defection |
défectivement {adv} | :: defectively |
défectivité {f} | :: defectivity |
défectueusement {adv} | :: defectively (in a way that malfunctions) |
défectueux {adj} | :: faulty, defective |
défectuosité {f} | :: defectiveness |
défectuosité {f} | :: defect, fault, imperfection |
défendable {adj} | :: justifiable, defendable, within reason |
défenderesse {f} | :: feminine singular of défendeur |
défendeur {m} [legal] | :: defendant, (the) accused |
défendre {v} | :: to defend |
défendre {v} | :: to forbid |
défendu {adj} | :: forbidden |
défenestrable {adj} | :: defenestrateable, throwable through or from a window |
défenestration {f} | :: defenestration (act of throwing out a window) |
défenestrer {v} | :: to throw out of the window; to defenestrate |
défens {m} | :: A forest in which only the local lord could hunt |
défense {f} | :: defence (action of defending or protecting from attack, danger or injury, or any means for that purpose) |
défense {f} [legal] | :: defence |
défense {f} [sports] | :: defence |
défense {f} | :: prohibition |
défense {f} [nautical] | :: fender |
défense {f} | :: tusk (of animal) |
défenseur {m} | :: defender |
défenseur {m} [ice hockey] | :: defenseman (US), defenceman (Canada) |
défensif {adj} | :: defensive |
défensivement {adv} | :: defensively |
déféquer {v} | :: to defecate |
de fer {adj} [of health, figuratively] | :: excellent |
de fer {adj} [of will, figuratively] | :: strong |
déférence {f} | :: deference |
déférent {adj} | :: deferential |
déférentiel {adj} | :: deferential |
déférer {v} | :: to remand |
déferlant {adj} | :: breaking (waves) |
déferlant {adj} | :: surging |
déferlement {m} [electric current] | :: surge |
déferlement {m} [figuratively] | :: upsurge, surge, barrage |
déferler {vi} [of waves] | :: to break |
déferler {vi} [figurative] | :: to break out, to surge, to rise up, to sweep |
déferler {vt} [nautical] | :: to unfurl (sails) |
déféroxamine {f} [organic compound] | :: deferoxamine |
déferrer {v} | :: to remove iron from |
défervescence {f} | :: defervescence |
défeuillé {adj} | :: defoliated |
défeuiller {v} | :: to defoliate, lose leaves |
défi {m} | :: challenge |
défiance {f} | :: mistrust |
défiant {adj} | :: mistrustful |
défibrillateur {m} | :: defibrillator |
défibrillation {f} | :: defibrillation |
défibriller {v} | :: to defibrillate |
défibriner {vt} | :: to defibrinate |
déficeler {vt} | :: to untwine |
déficience {f} | :: deficiency |
déficient {adj} | :: deficient |
déficient {adj} | :: defective |
déficit {m} [finance] | :: deficit |
déficit {m} [commerce] | :: shortage (in weight) |
déficit {m} | :: deficiency |
déficitaire {adj} | :: loss-making, in the red |
défier {vt} | :: to defy, challenge |
défigurer {v} | :: to disfigure; to deform |
défilable {adj} [computing] | :: scrollable |
défilé {m} | :: parade |
défilé {m} | :: march in protest |
défilé de mode {m} | :: fashion show |
défilement {m} [military] | :: defilement: the use of terrain and fortification to protect a location from enfilading fire |
défilement {m} [technology] | :: unreeling, unwinding |
défilement {m} [technology, film] | :: playing, showing, projection |
défilement {m} [computing] | :: scrolling |
de fil en aiguille {adv} | :: one thing leading to another |
défiler {vi} | :: To parade or march |
défiler {vi} | :: To appear one after the other |
défiler {vi} | :: To unfold; to happen |
défiler {vi} [computing] | :: To scroll |
défiler {vp} | :: To slip away or off |
défiler {vp} | :: To weasel out of something; to cop out |
défiler {vt} | :: To undo thread that has been spun |
défini {adj} | :: defined |
défini {adj} | :: definite |
définir {v} | :: to define |
définissable {adj} | :: definable |
définitif {adj} | :: definitive, conclusive, final |
définitif {adj} | :: permanent |
définition {f} | :: definition |
définitionnel {adj} | :: definitional |
définitivement {adv} | :: definitively, for good, once and for all |
définitoire {adj} | :: definitory, defining |
défiscaliser {v} | :: (of a government) To reduce taxation |
défiscaliser {v} | :: (of a person or company) To reduce or to avoid paying taxes |
déflagrant {adj} | :: deflagrant |
déflagration {f} | :: detonation; explosion |
déflagrer {v} | :: to deflagrate |
déflater {v} [economics] | :: To deflate (cause deflation) |
déflation {f} [economics] | :: deflation |
déflation {f} [geology] | :: wind erosion |
déflationniste {adj} | :: deflationary |
défléchir {vt} | :: to deflect |
déflecteur {m} | :: deflector, baffle |
déflecteur {m} | :: quarterlight (small car window) |
déflegmation {f} | :: dephlegmation |
déflegmer {vt} [chemistry] | :: to dephlegmate |
défleuraison {f} | :: fall of the blossom |
défleurir {vi} | :: to shed blossoms |
défleurir {vt} | :: "to nip or strip off blossoms; to take off the bloom of fruit (by handling it)" |
déflexion {f} | :: deflection |
déflorant {adj} | :: deflowering |
défloration {f} | :: defloration, deflowering |
déflorer {vt} | :: to completely pluck (a flower) |
déflorer {vt} | :: to deflower |
déflorer {vt} | :: to spoil, to impurify (take away purity) |
deflurane {f} | :: desflurane |
défocaliser {vt} | :: to unfocus |
défolier {v} | :: to defoliate |
défoncé {adj} [slang] | :: screwed up, wasted, stoned, high (on drugs) |
défoncer {v} [agriculture] | :: to deep-plough |
défoncer {v} | :: to smash in, smash up, break, break open (destroy violently) |
défoncer {v} | :: to rip, rip apart, tear apart |
défoncer {vt} [of drugs] | :: to fuck up, make high, screw up (intoxicate) |
défoncer {vr} | :: to get high, get pissed |
défoncer {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
défonçeuse {f} | :: router (power tool) |
de fond en comble {adv} [figuratively] | :: from top to bottom, from wall to wall, thoroughly |
de force {adv} | :: by force, forcibly, against someone's will |
déforestation {f} | :: deforestation |
déformable {adj} | :: deformable |
déformant {adj} | :: distorting |
déformateur {m} | :: distorter, corrupter |
déformation {f} | :: deformation |
déformation {f} | :: distortion |
déformation {f} | :: deformity |
déformation {f} [physics] | :: strain |
déformatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of déformateur |
déformé {adj} | :: distorted, out of shape |
déformer {v} | :: distort, twist out of shape, contort (to bring something out of shape) |
déformer {v} | :: distort, pervert |
de fortune {adj} | :: makeshift, temporary, jury-rigged |
défouetter {vt} | :: to untie / unstring (in book-binding) |
défoulement {m} | :: catharsis |
défoulement {m} | :: unwinding |
défouler {vt} | :: to vent; to be a release for |
défouler {vr} | :: to let off steam; unwind |
défouloir {m} | :: stress relief |
défouloir {m} | :: escape valve |
défourner {vt} | :: to remove from an oven; to take out of an oven |
défourrer {v} | :: to remove the fur from |
défragmentation {f} | :: defragmentation |
défragmenter {v} [computing] | :: to defragment |
défraîchi {adj} | :: withered |
défraîchi {adj} | :: tatty, tattered, torn |
défraîchir {vt} | :: to wither (destroy the freshness of) |
défranciser {vt} | :: to unfrenchify |
défrayer {v} | :: to defray (someone's expenses) |
défrayer la chronique {v} [colloquial] | :: to make waves, to hit the headlines, to get oneself talked about, to be much talked about, to be the talk of the town |
défrichage {m} | :: clearance of land (for crops, farms and etc) |
défrichement {m} | :: clearance |
défrichement {m} | :: reclamation |
défricher {v} | :: to clear (land, e.g. for agriculture) |
défricheur {m} | :: land-clearer |
défricheur {m} | :: pioneer |
défriper {vt} | :: to smooth out |
défriser {v} | :: to remove curls (usually from hair) |
défroisser {vt} | :: to iron [clothes] |
défroncement {m} | :: unplaiting, unfolding |
défroncer {vt} | :: to undo gathers, folds, or plaits |
défroncer {vt} | :: to unknit (the brows), to smooth (one's brow) |
défroque {f} | :: cast-offs, rags |
défroqué {adj} | :: defrocked |
défroquer {v} | :: To defrock |
défruiter {vt} | :: to remove fruit |
défuner {vt} [navigation] | :: "to strip (a mast)" |
défunt {adj} [formal] | :: (of a person) late, deceased |
défunt {adj} [formal] | :: (of a place, era etc.) which is dead and gone, bygone |
défunt {adj} [literary] | :: defunct |
défunt {m} [formal] | :: deceased |
dég {adj} [colloquial] | :: disgusted |
dég {adj} [colloquial] | :: disappointed |
dég {adj} [colloquial] | :: disgusting |
dégagé {adj} | :: clear |
dégagé {adj} | :: bare |
dégagé {adj} | :: disengaged |
dégagé {adj} | :: out in the sticks |
dégagement {m} | :: clearance, clearing |
dégagement {m} | :: emission (of gases) |
dégagement {m} | :: disengagement (military) |
dégagement {m} | :: freeing (of prisoners etc) |
dégagement {m} [soccer] | :: clearance |
dégager {v} | :: to free (someone or something) |
dégager {v} [military] | :: to relieve (a town, army, etc.) |
dégager {v} | :: to release (funds) |
dégager {v} | :: to clear (a table, area, nose etc.) |
dégager {v} | :: to give off, emit, radiate |
dégager {v} | :: to draw, bring out (a conclusion, idea etc.) |
dégager {v} [sports] | :: to clear (the ball) |
dégager {vi} [vulgar] | :: to get out of here |
de gaieté de cœur {adv} | :: cheerfully, gladly, happily, lightheartedly |
dégaine {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: unusual appearance |
dégaine {f} [climbing] | :: quickdraw |
dégainer {v} | :: to unsheath |
d'égal à égal {adv} | :: as equals, between equals |
déganter {v} | :: to remove gloves from a hand |
de garde {adj} | :: on guard |
de garde {adj} | :: on call (for work etc.) |
dégarnir {vt} | :: to strip (remove) |
dégarnir {vr} | :: to go bald |
dégât {m} | :: damage |
dégât des eaux {m} [idiomatic, plurale tantum, European French, insurance] | :: water damage |
dégât des eaux {m} [European French, insurance] | :: An incident, such as a burst pipe or overflowing tub, that causes water damage |
dégauchir {vt} | :: to plane [a surface] |
dégausser {v} | :: to degauss |
dégausseur {m} | :: degausser |
dégazage {m} | :: degassing |
dégazage {m} | :: outgassing |
dégazer {vt} | :: to degas |
dégel {m} | :: thaw (action of unfreezing/melting) |
dégel {m} [colloquialism, Canada] | :: spring thaw |
dégeler {v} | :: to defrost; to thaw |
dégénératif {adj} | :: degenerative |
dégénéré {adj} | :: degenerate (all senses) |
dégénérer {v} | :: to degenerate |
dégénérer {vi} | :: to take a turn for the worse, to go south |
dégénérescence {f} | :: degeneration |
dégénérescent {adj} | :: That has become degenerate |
dégeu {adj} | :: alternative form of dégueu |
dégingandé {adj} | :: lanky, gangling, gawky |
dégivrable {adj} | :: defrostable |
dégivrage {m} | :: defrosting |
dégivrage {m} | :: deicing |
dégivrer {vt} | :: to de-ice, defrost |
dégivreur {m} | :: defroster |
dégivreur {m} | :: deicer |
déglaçage {m} | :: deglazing |
déglacer {vt} | :: to de-ice, remove ice from |
déglacer {v} [colloquial] | :: to warm up, defrost (a cold person or animal) |
déglacer {v} [cooking] | :: to deglaze |
déglinguer {v} [slang] | :: to knacker, screw up |
déglinguer {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck, screw |
dégluer {v} | :: to remove birdlime (from) |
déglutination {f} | :: swallowing |
déglutination {f} | :: deglutination |
déglutination {f} | :: detachment |
déglutir {v} | :: to swallow; swallow down (food) |
déglutition {f} | :: deglutition, swallowing |
dégobiller {v} [colloquial] | :: to throw up, puke |
dégoiser {v} | :: to rattle off (speak volubly) |
dégommer {vt} | :: to degum |
dégommer {v} [Switzerland] | :: to leave (a place) |
dégommer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to bump off somebody |
dégonder {vt} | :: to unhinge, to take from its hinge |
dégonder {vr} | :: "to come unhinged, to come off its hinges; to be unhinged (confused)" |
dégonflement {m} | :: deflation |
dégonfler {vt} | :: to deflate |
dégonfler {vr} | :: to deflate, go down |
dégonfler {vr} [slang] | :: to chicken out |
dégor {m} | :: a discharging tube in a distilling vessel |
dégorgement {m} | :: disgorgement |
dégorger {v} [of a liquid or figuratively] | :: to flow into, to spill into |
dégoter {vt} [colloquial] | :: to dig up |
dégotter {v} [colloquial] | :: to dig up |
dégoudronner {vt} | :: to detar |
dégoulinant {adj} | :: dripping |
dégouliner {v} | :: to drip |
dégoupiller {vt} | :: to unpin |
dégourdir {vr} | :: to warm up (one's fingers etc); to stretch (one's legs) |
dégourdir {vt} | :: to teach a thing or two, knock the rough edges off |
dégout {m} | :: alternative form of dégoût |
dégoût {m} | :: disgust |
dégoutamment {adv} | :: disgustingly |
dégoûtamment {adv} | :: disgustingly |
dégoutant {adj} | :: alternative spelling of dégoûtant |
dégoûtant {adj} | :: disgusting |
dégouter {v} | :: alternative spelling of dégoûter |
dégoûter {v} | :: to disgust, to nauseate, to sicken, to turn the stomach of |
dégoûter {vr} | :: to grow disgusted of, to tire of, to grow sick and tired of |
dégoutter {v} | :: to drip |
de grâce {interj} | :: please, pray, for the love of God, for God's sake, I beg you |
dégradable {adj} | :: degradable |
dégradant {adj} | :: degrading |
dégradation {f} | :: degradation |
dégradé {m} | :: color gradient |
dégrader {v} | :: to demote (lower someone's position in an organisation) |
dégrader {v} | :: to degrade (lessen someone's reputation) |
dégrader {v} | :: to deface (vandalise) |
dégrafer {vt} | :: to unclasp, unfasten, unhook (a piece of clothing) |
dégrafer {vp} | :: to unbutton oneself, take one's clothes off |
dégraissage {m} | :: degreasing |
dégraissage {m} | :: dry cleaning |
dégraisser {vt} | :: to degrease |
dégraisser {vt} | :: to remove fat from |
de Grasse {prop} | :: de Grasse; surname |
dégravoyer {vt} [architecture] | :: to bare, to lay bare |
dégrayer {vr} [Quebec] | :: to take off one's outer garments (such as coat, hat or gloves) |
degré {m} | :: degree |
de gré à gré {adv} [law] | :: by mutual agreement, by mutual consent; by private treaty, over-the-counter, out-of-court, amicably |
degré Celsius {m} | :: degree Celsius |
dégréement {m} | :: unrigging |
dégréer {vt} [nautical] | :: to unrig |
degré fléchi {m} [linguistic morphology, Indo-European studies] | :: o-grade |
de gré ou de force {adv} | :: willingly or not, one way or another, by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul |
degré plein {m} [linguistic morphology, Indo-European studies] | :: e-grade, full-grade |
dégressif {adj} | :: decreasing, degressive |
dégrèvement {m} | :: relief (of taxes etc) |
dégrèvement {m} | :: rebate |
dégrever {vt} | :: to unburden |
dégrever {vt} | :: to take a weight off (someone's shoulders) |
degré zéro {m} [linguistic morphology, Indo-European studies] | :: zero-grade, null grade |
dégriffer {vt} | :: to scratch off (a mark) |
dégringolade {f} | :: fall, tumble; collapse |
dégringoler {vi} | :: to tumble, to fall down |
dégringoler {vi} [of numbers] | :: to tumble, to fall (decrease) |
dégringoler {v} | :: to descend quickly (stairs etc.) |
dégriser {v} | :: to sober up |
dégrossage {m} | :: "drawing fine; (wire-drawing) reducing |
dégrosser {vt} | :: "(wire-drawing) to reduce; to draw smaller" |
dégrossir {vt} | :: to rough-hew |
dégrossir {vt} | :: to dress down; tell off |
dégrossissage {m} | :: roughing |
dégrossissage {m} | :: clearing |
dégrouiller {vr} [colloquial] | :: to hurry up; make it snappy |
dégroupage {m} | :: unbundling |
dégrouper {vt} | :: to ungroup; take apart, separate |
déguenillé {adj} | :: ragged, tattered |
déguerpir {vi} | :: to flee, to run off; to scram, skedaddle, scarper |
déguerpir {v} | :: to bug |
de guerre lasse {adv} | :: out of resignation, because one is tired of fighting, resisting or waiting; giving up, throwing in the towel, worn down |
dégueu {adj} [colloquial] | :: bloody disgusting; rank; yucky |
dégueulasse {adj} [slang] | :: bloody disgusting; rank; yucky |
dégueulasse {adj} [Québec, slang] | :: cool, wicked, amazing |
dégueulassement {adv} [colloquial] | :: disgustingly, revoltingly |
dégueulasserie {f} | :: disgusting behaviour |
dégueuler {v} [slang] | :: to chuck up; to spew; to throw up (to vomit) |
dégueulis {m} [colloquial, slang] | :: vomit |
déguignonner {vt} | :: to change ill-luck |
de guingois {prep} [colloquial] | :: awry |
déguisement {m} | :: disguise, costume (outfit worn to hide one's identity) |
déguisement {m} | :: camouflage |
déguisement {m} | :: fancy dress |
déguiser {vt} | :: to disguise (change someone's appearance to make him/her look different) |
déguiser {vt} | :: to disguise (hide something by covering it up) |
dégun {pron} [Provence] | :: nobody |
dégun {m} [Provence, pejorative] | :: nobody, zero (person of little or no importance) |
dégustateur {m} | :: taster |
dégustation {f} | :: tasting, act of tasting or trying out food |
dégustatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of dégustateur |
déguster {v} | :: to try, to taste (food or drink) |
déguster {v} | :: to savor, to relish something |
déguster {v} | :: (popular) to withstand |
déguster {vi} | :: (popular) to suffer |
déhanché {m} | :: Movement of the pelvis making the hips salient |
déhanché {m} | :: (Motorcycling) Technique of tilting the body when taking a curve in a motorcycle race |
déhanché {m} | :: (In particular) Body attitude meant to enhance the silhouette by making the hips stand out |
déhanché {m} | :: (In particular - gymnastics, dance) Movement of the hips and legs |
déhanché {adj} | :: lopsided |
déhanchement {m} | :: lopsidedness |
déhanchement {m} [in the plural] | :: swaying hips |
déhancher {vr} | :: to wiggle one's hips, sway one's hips |
déharnachement {m} | :: unharnessing |
déharnacher {vt} | :: to unharness |
de haute lutte {adv} [literary] | :: after a long, hard-fought struggle, after a fierce battle |
de haute volée {adj} [figuratively] | :: first-rate, first-class, high-level |
de Havilland {prop} | :: surname |
dehors {adv} | :: outside |
dehors {m} | :: outside |
dehors {prep} | :: outside; outside of |
déhouiller {vt} | :: to remove coal from |
déhydratant {adj} | :: dehydrating, drying |
déhydrogénation {f} [chemistry] | :: dehydrogenation |
déicide {adj} | :: deicidal (pertaining to killing a god) |
déicide {m} | :: deicide |
déictique {adj} [grammar] | :: deictic |
déification {f} | :: deification |
déifier {v} | :: to deify |
déifique {adj} | :: deific |
déisme {m} | :: deism |
déiste {adj} | :: deist |
déiste {mf} | :: deist |
déité {f} | :: deity; god |
déjà {adv} | :: already |
déjà {adv} | :: again (following a question) |
déjà {adv} | :: for a start |
déjanté {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy, nutty |
déjanté {adj} [colloquial] | :: eccentric |
déjanter {v} | :: to come off the rim |
déjanter {v} | :: to go crazy; to lose it |
déjà vu {m} | :: alternative form of déjà-vu |
déjà-vu {m} | :: déjà vu |
déjection {f} [medicine] | :: dejection, defecation |
déjeté {adj} | :: lopsided |
déjeté {adj} | :: crooked |
déjeuner {v} [formal] | :: to lunch, to eat lunch, to have lunch |
déjeuner {v} | :: to have breakfast |
déjeuner {m} [France] | :: lunch, luncheon |
déjeuner {m} [outside of France] | :: breakfast |
déjeûner {v} | :: alternative form of déjeuner |
déjeûner {m} | :: alternative form of déjeuner |
déjeuneur {m} | :: A person eating lunch |
déjeuneuse {f} | :: feminine singular of déjeuneur |
déjeusner {v} [archaic] | :: alternative form of déjeuner |
déjoindre {vt} | :: "to disjoin (stone, wood)" |
déjoindre {vr} | :: to become disjoined |
déjouer {v} | :: to foil, to thwart, to frustrate |
de jour {adv} | :: during the day, by day |
déjuger {v} [legal] | :: to reverse a judgement |
de justesse {adv} | :: narrowly, only just; by the skin of one's teeth |
dékoulakisation {f} | :: dekulakization |
dékoulakiser {v} | :: To dekulakize |
de l' {art} | :: Some; the singular prevocalic partitive article |
de la {art} | :: Of the |
de la {art} | :: Some; the feminine partitive article |
delà {adv} | :: beyond (usually used in the phrases au-delà and par-delà) |
délabré {adj} | :: dilapidated (having fallen into a state of disrepair) |
délabrement {m} | :: dilapidation, disrepair |
délabrer {v} | :: to dilapidate (building) |
délacer {v} | :: to unlace (undo laces) |
delacroix {m} [obsolete] | :: A one-hundred French franc note |
Delage {prop} | :: surname |
délai {m} | :: time limit |
délai {m} | :: delay |
délaissé {adj} | :: abandoned, forsaken |
délaissement {m} | :: abandonment, desertion, neglect, dereliction |
délaisser {v} | :: to abandon, to forsake |
délaisser {v} | :: to leave (give up possession of) |
délaiter {v} | :: to skim off buttermilk |
délaminer {v} | :: To delaminate |
de la pire espèce {adj} [pejorative] | :: of the worst kind, of the deepest dye |
délardement {v} [architecture] | :: splay, slope |
délarder {vt} [architecture] | :: to splay |
de la sorte {adv} | :: like that, in this way, in such a manner |
de la sorte {adv} | :: this way (as a consequence) |
délassement {m} | :: relaxation |
délassement {m} | :: recreation |
délasser {vt} | :: to relax, to refresh |
délasser {vr} | :: to relax |
de la tête aux pieds {adv} | :: head to toe |
délateur {m} | :: informer |
délatif {m} [grammar] | :: delative, delative case |
délation {f} | :: informing, tattling |
délatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of délateur |
délatter {vt} | :: to unlath |
de l'autre côté de {prep} | :: across (on the other side of) |
délavage {m} [textiles] | :: the process of fading |
délavé {adj} | :: faded, washed-out |
délaver {v} | :: soak |
délaver {v} | :: fade |
délaver {v} | :: wash out |
de l'avis de {prep} | :: in the opinion of, according to |
délayage {m} | :: thinning, watering down |
délayage {m} | :: padding out |
délayant {adj} | :: That thins the blood |
délayer {vt} | :: to add water to |
délayer {v} | :: to thin (paint) |
délayer {v} | :: to water down (another liquid) |
délayer {v} | :: to pad out (e.g. a speech) |
delco {m} | :: distributor (in an engine) |
de le {art} [Louisiana French, ] | :: alternative form of du, "of the", some |
délectable {adj} | :: delectable, delightful |
délectablement {adv} | :: delectably |
délectation {f} | :: delight, pleasure |
délecter {vt} | :: to relish (to take great pleasure in something) |
délégataire {mf} | :: delegatee |
délégation {f} | :: delegation |
délégation {f} | :: devolvement |
délégiférer {v} | :: to delegislate (repeal legislation) |
délégitimer {v} | :: To delegitimize |
délégué {m} | :: delegate |
délégué de classe {m} | :: class president, class representative, class delegate, class monitor (student representative) |
délégué du personnel {m} | :: staff representative, workers' representative |
déléguée {f} | :: feminine noun of délégué |
déléguer {v} | :: to delegate (to commit a task to someone), depute |
déléguer {v} | :: to devolve |
déléguer {v} | :: to appoint, commission |
de les {art} [Louisiana French, ] | :: alternative form of des, "of the", some |
délestage {m} | :: load shedding |
délestage {m} | :: alternative route (to avoid congestion) |
délester {v} | :: to jettison ballast, remove ballast from (a ship, balloon etc.) |
délester {v} | :: to divert traffic from, reduce congestion on (a road) |
délester {v} [colloquial] | :: to rid of (one's responsibilities) |
délester {vr} [colloquial] | :: to rid of one's responsibilities, to unburden |
délester {v} [colloquial] | :: to relieve (someone of something of value) |
délester {vr} [colloquial] | :: to shell out (money), to cough up |
délétère {adj} [literary] | :: hazardous to health and life; pernicious, nocive, toxic |
délétère {adj} [literary] | :: harmful to situations or relations; injurious, damaging |
délétèrement {adv} | :: deleteriously |
délétion {f} [genetics] | :: deletion |
de leur côté {conj} | :: for their part |
deleuzement {adv} | :: Deleuzianly |
deleuzien {adj} | :: Deleuzian |
DELF {n} | :: acronym of diplôme d'étude de langue française a French-language qualification |
délibérant {adj} | :: deliberative |
délibératif {adj} | :: deliberative |
délibératif {adj} | :: voting (attributive) |
délibération {f} | :: deliberation; contemplation |
délibération {f} | :: deliberation; discussion |
délibération {f} | :: deliberation (decision taken by a governing body) |
délibérativement {adv} | :: deliberatively |
délibéré {adj} | :: deliberate; planned; calculated |
délibérément {adv} | :: deliberately (in a well-planned way) |
délibérer {v} | :: to plan, to prepare |
délibérer {v} | :: to deliberate |
délicat {adj} | :: delicate |
délicatement {adv} | :: delicately |
délicater {vt} | :: "(ant.) to cocker, to fondle, to pamper" |
délicatesse {f} | :: delicacy; delicateness |
délice {m} | :: delight |
délices de Capoue {fp} | :: wallowing in pleasure, voluptuous idleness |
délicieusement {adv} | :: deliciously |
délicieux {adj} | :: delicious |
délicieux {adj} | :: delightful |
délictuel {adj} | :: criminal, condemnable |
délictueux {adj} | :: criminal |
délier {v} | :: to untie, loosen, release |
délierrage {m} | :: removal of ivy (from trees, buildings, etc.) |
délimitation {f} | :: delimitation |
délimitation {f} | :: demarcation |
délimiter {vt} | :: to delimit (make or form the limits or boundaries of) |
délimiter {vt} | :: to outline; delineate |
délinéer {v} | :: to delineate |
délinquance {f} | :: delinquency |
délinquant {m} | :: delinquent |
délinquant {adj} | :: delinquent |
délinquante {f} | :: feminine noun of délinquant |
délinquer {v} [archaic, rare] | :: to commit a crime |
déliquescence {f} | :: deliquescence |
déliquescence {f} | :: corruption, decay |
déliquescent {adj} | :: deliquescent |
déliquescent {adj} | :: decaying |
délirant {adj} | :: delirious |
délire {m} | :: delirium |
délirer {v} | :: to be delirious |
délirer {v} [colloquial] | :: to be out of one's mind |
délit {m} | :: crime, offence |
délitage {m} | :: disintegration |
délit de faciès {m} [pejorative] | :: the crime of looking like a criminal, of having the stereotypical look of a criminal |
délit de fuite {m} [law] | :: hit and run |
délit de sale gueule {m} [vulgar] | :: synonym of délit de faciès |
délit d'initié {m} [law] | :: insider dealing, insider trading |
délit d'opinion {m} | :: thoughtcrime |
délitement {m} | :: synonym of délitage |
déliter {v} | :: to split and crumble (of stratified rock) |
déliter {v} | :: to disintegrate |
délitescence {f} | :: delitescence |
délitescent {adj} | :: delitescent |
délivrable {adj} | :: deliverable |
délivrance {f} | :: deliverance, relief, liberation |
délivrance {f} | :: afterbirth |
délivrer {v} | :: to set free |
délivrer {v} | :: to deliver (a message) |
délivrer {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to deliver a child |
délocalisable {adj} | :: relocatable |
délocalisable {adj} | :: delocalizable |
délocalisation {f} | :: relocation |
délocalisation {f} | :: outsourcing, offshoring |
délocalisation {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: delocalization |
délocalisé {adj} | :: outsourced, offshore |
délocalisé {adj} | :: relocated |
délocalisé {adj} | :: delocalized |
délocaliser {v} | :: relocate |
délocaliser {v} [chemistry, physics] | :: To delocalize |
délogeable {adj} | :: dislodgeable, moveable |
délogement {m} | :: dislodgement |
déloger {vi} | :: to move out (of e.g. a house) |
déloger {vt} | :: to kick out, expel (from e.g. a house) |
déloger {vt} | :: to dislodge |
de loin {prep} | :: from far |
de loin {prep} [idiomatic] | :: by far |
de long en large {adv} | :: back and forth |
de longtemps {adv} [literary] | :: before long |
de longue date {adj} | :: long-standing |
de longue haleine {adj} | :: long-term, lengthy |
de longue main {adv} [literary] | :: for a long time |
déloyal {adj} | :: disloyal |
déloyal {adj} | :: unfair |
déloyalement {adv} | :: disloyally, traitorously |
déloyauté {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: disloyalty |
Delphes {prop} | :: Delphi |
delphinal {adj} | :: Relating to a dauphin (heir to the throne) |
delphinal {adj} | :: Of or from Dauphiné |
delphinarium {m} | :: dolphinarium |
Delphine {prop} | :: given name |
delphinule {f} | :: delphinula (Angaria delphinus) |
delphique {adj} | :: Delphic |
delta {m} | :: delta (Greek letter) |
delta {m} | :: delta (geographical feature) |
deltaèdre {m} [geometry] | :: deltohedron |
deltaïque {adj} | :: deltaic; delta (attributive) |
deltaméthrine {f} | :: deltamethrin |
deltaplane {m} | :: hang glider |
deltiologie {f} | :: deltiology (study and collection of postcards) |
deltoïde {m} [anatomy] | :: deltoid |
deltoïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: deltoid |
deltoïdien {adj} [anatomy] | :: deltoid |
déluge {m} [biblical] | :: the Deluge, the Flood |
déluge {m} [by extension] | :: deluge (large amount of precipitation) |
déluge {m} [figuratively] | :: deluge (an overwhelming amount of something) |
déluré {adj} | :: sharp, smart, resourceful |
déluré {adj} | :: forward |
délustrer {vt} | :: to take off the lustre, the gloss of |
déluter {vt} | :: to unlute |
de luxe {adj} | :: luxurious |
Delvaux {prop} | :: surname |
Delvincourt {prop} | :: surname |
démagnétisation {f} | :: demagnetization |
démagnétiser {vt} | :: to demagnetize |
démagogie {f} [countable] | :: demagogy |
démagogie {f} [uncountable] | :: demagogism |
démagogique {adj} | :: demagogic, demagogical |
démagogiquement {adv} | :: demagogically |
démagogue {mf} | :: demagogue |
démagogue {adj} | :: demagogic |
démailloter {vt} | :: to unswathe; unswaddle |
demain {adv} | :: tomorrow |
de main de maitre {adv} | :: alternative spelling of de main de maître |
de main de maître {adv} | :: masterfully |
demain est un autre jour {proverb} | :: tomorrow is another day |
de mal en pis {phrase} [literary] | :: from bad to worse, worse and worse |
de malheur {adj} [colloquial] | :: pesky, damn, bloody |
démancher {vt} | :: to take off the handle |
démancher {vr} | :: to lose its handle |
démancher {vr} | :: to go wrong |
démancher {vi} [navigation] | :: to get out of the channel |
démancher {v} [music] | :: to shift |
demande {f} | :: request (act of requesting) |
demande {f} [economics] | :: demand |
demande {f} | :: favour, favor |
demande {f} | :: small fine (paid after breaking a rule) |
demander {vi} [followed by à] | :: to ask (a person) |
demander {vt} | :: to request |
demander {vr} | :: to wonder |
demanderesse {f} | :: feminine noun of demandeur |
demander la lune {v} [figuratively] | :: to ask for the moon, to ask the impossible |
demander la parole {v} | :: to ask for the right to speak, to ask for permission to speak, to ask to speak |
demander pardon {v} [à] | :: to ask for someone's forgiveness, to ask someone for forgiveness, to apologise to someone |
demander pardon {v} [à] | :: to beg someone's pardon (to enquire whether one has heard something right) |
demandeur {m} | :: asker or requester (one who asks or requests something) |
demandeur {m} | :: seeker |
demandeur {m} [legal] | :: complainant, plaintiff (one who brings a lawsuit against another) |
demandeur d'asile {m} | :: asylum seeker |
demandeur d'emploi {m} | :: a jobseeker, an unemployed person |
demandeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of demandeur |
demandeuse d'asile {f} | :: feminine singular of demandeur d'asile |
démangeaison {f} | :: itch (on one's skin) |
démanger {vt} | :: to itch, to cause to feel itchy |
démanger {vt} [figuratively] | :: to cause to have the desire to, to cause to itch for action |
de manière générale {adv} | :: generally speaking, generally |
démantèlement {m} | :: disassembly, dismantling |
démanteler {v} | :: to dismantle |
démantibuler {v} | :: to smash to smithereens |
démaquillant {adj} | :: cleansing |
démaquillant {m} | :: makeup remover |
démaquiller {vt} | :: to remove makeup |
de marbre {adj} [figuratively] | :: impassive, cold, unmoved, stony-faced, expressionless |
démarcage {m} | :: alternative form of démarquage |
démarcation {f} | :: demarcation |
démarcation {f} | :: dividing line |
démarchage {m} | :: door-to-door selling |
démarchage {m} | :: canvassing |
démarche {f} | :: gait, walk |
démarche {f} | :: step, procedure, move, intervention |
démarche {f} | :: reasoning |
démarcher {v} | :: To canvass |
démarcheur {m} | :: door-to-door salesman |
démarcheur {m} | :: canvasser |
démarcheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of démarcheur |
démarier {vt} | :: to unmarry |
démarier {vr} | :: to be unmarried |
démarquage {m} | :: marking down |
démarquage {m} | :: plagiarism |
démarqué {adj} | :: reduced, marked down (in price) |
démarquer {vt} | :: to remove a mark or label from |
démarquer {vt} | :: to remove a bookmark from; take out a bookmark |
démarquer {vt} | :: to reduce or mark down (a price) |
démarquer {vt} [sports] | :: to get free from a marker (someone who is marking) |
démarquer {vi} [sports] | :: to lose all the points that have been scored |
démarquer {vr} | :: to distance oneself from |
démarquer {vr} | :: to stand out |
démarrage {m} | :: startup, starting up |
démarrage {m} | :: departure |
démarrer {vt} | :: to start (up) |
démarrer {vi} | :: to get started, to start up |
démarrer {vi} | :: (of car, driver) to drive off, pull away |
démarreur {m} | :: starter motor |
démasquer {v} | :: to remove a mask, to unmask |
démasquer {v} [figuratively] | :: to expose, to uncover (e.g. a secret) |
démâtage {m} | :: unmasting, demasting, dismasting |
démâtement {m} | :: unmasting, demasting, dismasting |
démâter {vt} [nautical] | :: to unmast; to dismast |
dématérialisation {f} | :: dematerialization |
dématérialiser {v} | :: to dematerialize |
de mauvais aloi {adj} [of a currency] | :: of bad quality, of doubtful worth |
de mauvais aloi {adj} [figuratively] | :: improper, inappropriate, unsuitable; unsavoury |
de mauvaise foi {adj} | :: insincere, dishonest, bloody-minded |
de mauvaise grâce {adv} | :: with bad grace, grudgingly, reluctantly, unwillingly |
de mauvais poil {adj} [colloquial] | :: in a bad mood, crabby, ratty, grouchy |
Dembélé {prop} | :: surname |
d'emblée {adv} | :: straightaway, at once |
dème {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] | :: deme |
démêlé {m} | :: dispute, quarrel |
démêlé {m} | :: problem, trouble |
démêler {v} | :: to unmix (separate two or more things that are mixed together), to untangle |
démêler {v} [figuratively] | :: to clarify; to decipher |
démêler le vrai du faux {v} [figuratively] | :: to separate fact from fiction, to separate fact and fiction |
démembrement {m} | :: dismemberment |
démembrer {v} | :: to dismember |
démembrer {v} [figuratively] | :: to diminish; to make smaller |
de même {adv} | :: likewise |
de même que {conj} | :: just like, in the same way as, so too does |
de même que {conj} | :: as well as, as does |
de mémoire {adv} | :: from memory |
de mémoire {adv} | :: if memory serves |
de mémoire d'homme {adv} | :: in living memory |
déménagement {m} | :: move, house move (the event of changing one's residence) |
déménager {vt} | :: to move (an object from a place to another) |
déménager {vi} | :: to move house, to leave a house |
déménager {vi} [slang] | :: to kick ass, to kick butt, to rock, to rule (to be awesome) |
déménager à la cloche de bois {v} | :: to do a moonlight flit, to levant (to move out of a place without telling the owner and without paying one's rent, to disappear with one's possessions); to take French leave, to abscond, to do a runner |
déménageur {m} | :: mover, house mover |
démence {f} | :: dementia |
démener {vp} | :: to convulse, thrash about; to struggle |
démèner {v} | :: obsolete form of démener |
dément {m} | :: One who suffers from dementia, who is insane |
dément {adj} | :: (about a person) Demented, insane, lunatic |
dément {adj} [figuratively, familiar] | :: Which is beyond reason, unbelievable |
démenti {m} | :: denial (claim that a rumour or other statement is not true) |
démentiel {m} | :: insane |
démentielle {f} | :: feminine singular of démentiel |
démentir {v} | :: to contradict, gainsay (someone) |
démentir {v} | :: to deny, refute (rumour etc.) |
démentir {v} | :: to belie (appearances) |
de merde {adj} [vulgar] | :: shit, shitty, crappy, lousy |
de merde {adj} [vulgar] | :: fucking (as an intensifier), pesky, damned, bloody |
démerder {vr} [vulgar] | :: to manage, to get by |
démerder {vr} [vulgar] | :: to figure something out |
démériter {vi} | :: to be unworthy |
démersal {adj} | :: demersal |
de mes couilles {adj} [vulgar] | :: pesky, damned, bloody, fucking (as an intensifier) |
de mes deux {adj} [vulgar] | :: pesky, damned, bloody, fucking (as an intensifier) |
démesure {f} | :: outrageousness, excessiveness |
démesuré {adj} | :: vaulting, huge |
démesurément {adv} | :: disproportionately, excessively; exorbitantly |
Déméter {prop} {f} | :: Demeter |
déméthylation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: demethylation |
déméthyler {v} [chemistry] | :: to demethylate |
Démétrius {prop} {m} | :: Demetrius |
démettre {vt} | :: to dismiss, discharge (from a post) |
démettre {vt} [law] | :: to nonsuit (dismiss on the grounds of a lawsuit being brought without cause) |
démettre {vtr} | :: to dislocate (a bone) |
démettre {vr} | :: to relinquish, leave (a position or post) |
démeubler {v} | :: to remove the furniture from (a room etc.); to unfurnish |
demeurant {m} | :: rest |
demeurant {adj} | :: living |
demeure {f} [dated] | :: delay |
demeure {f} | :: home, domicile, residence |
demeuré {m} | :: person with a mental handicap |
demeuré {m} [colloquial] | :: idiot, stupid person |
demeurer {v} | :: to live, stay |
demeurer {v} [formal] | :: to stay, to remain, to stop for a long time |
demeurer {v} [figuratively] | :: to last, to persist |
demi- {prefix} | :: semi-, demi-, half- |
demi {adj} | :: half |
demi {m} | :: half (fraction) |
demi {m} | :: (used in time) half (half-hour) |
demi {m} [Polynesia, France] | :: a person of multiracial descent, usually a person with French and other non-European origin; mixed-race |
demi {m} | :: a glass of beer of 250 ml volume |
demi-cercle {m} [geometry] | :: semicircle |
demi-clef {f} [nautical] | :: half hitch |
demi de mêlée {m} [rugby] | :: scrum-half |
demi-dieu {m} | :: demigod, in mythological or figurative sense |
demi-douche {f} [juggling] | :: half-shower |
demi d'ouverture {m} [rugby] | :: fly-half |
demi-douzaine {f} | :: half dozen |
demi-droite {f} | :: ray, half-line |
de mieux en mieux {adv} | :: better and better |
demi-finale {f} | :: semi-final |
demi-finaliste {mf} | :: semi-finalist |
demi-frère {m} | :: half-brother |
demi-heure {f} | :: half an hour; thirty minutes |
démilitarisation {f} | :: demilitarization |
démilitariser {vt} | :: to demilitarize |
demi-lune {f} | :: half-moon |
demi-lune {f} [sports] | :: half-pipe |
demilune {f} | :: alternative form of demi-lune |
demi-mesure {f} | :: half-measure, inadequate measure |
demi-molle {f} [colloquial] | :: a semi-on, a semi-hard-on |
demi-mondaine {f} | :: A hedonist, a demimondaine |
demi-monde {m} | :: demimonde |
demi-mot {m} | :: hint, that what is written between the lines |
déminage {m} | :: mine-clearing |
déminer {vt} | :: to remove mines from (to demine) |
déminéralisation {f} | :: demineralization |
déminéralisé {adj} | :: demineralized |
déminéraliser {vt} | :: to demineralize |
démineur {m} [nautical] | :: minesweeper |
démineur {m} [uncountable, computing, video games] | :: minesweeper |
démineur {m} [military] | :: deminer (bomb disposal expert) |
déminuer {v} | :: synonym of diminuer |
demi-pension {f} | :: half board; hotel accommodation with bed, breakfast, and one main meal per day |
demi-plan {m} | :: half-plane |
de mise {adj} | :: proper, appropriate, conventional; required, necessary |
demi-sec {adj} | :: medium dry (sparkling wine) |
demi-soeur {f} | :: nonstandard spelling of demi-sœur |
demi-sœur {f} | :: half sister |
démission {f} | :: resignation |
démission {f} | :: abdication (of responsibilities etc.) |
démissionnaire {mf} | :: resigner (someone who resigns) |
démissionner {vi} | :: to resign |
démissionner {vt} | :: to dismiss, make resign |
demi-tasse {f} | :: demitasse (coffee cup) |
demi-tasse {f} | :: demitasse (serving of coffee in such a cup) |
demi-teinte {f} [literal, of a color] | :: a medium shade, neither particularly light nor particularly dark |
demi-teinte {f} [figurative] | :: something medium, mitigated, nuanced — often used as an adjective with en |
demi-ton {m} [music] | :: semitone (musical interval) |
demi-tour {m} | :: U-turn, about-turn |
démiurge {m} | :: demiurge |
démiurgique {adj} | :: demiurgic |
démiurgiquement {adv} | :: demiurgically |
demi-vie {f} [physics] | :: half-life |
demi-volée {f} [sports] | :: half volley |
démo- {prefix} | :: demo- |
démo {m} | :: demo |
démobilisation {f} | :: demobilization |
démobiliser {v} | :: to demobilise |
démocrate {mf} | :: democrat |
démocrate {adj} | :: democratic |
démocratie {f} | :: democracy |
démocratie participative {f} | :: participatory democracy (political system) |
démocratique {adj} | :: democratic |
démocratiquement {adv} | :: democratically |
démocratisation {f} | :: democratization |
démocratiser {vt} | :: to democratize |
démocratiseur {m} | :: a democratiser |
démocratisme {m} | :: democratism |
démocratiste {adj} | :: democratist |
Démocrite {prop} {m} | :: Democritus |
démodé {adj} | :: old-fashioned; outdated |
démodécique {adj} | :: demodectic |
démoder {vr} | :: to go out of fashion |
démodulateur {m} | :: demodulator |
démoduler {v} | :: to demodulate |
démogéronte {m} | :: demogeron |
démogérontie {f} | :: demogerontia |
démographe {mf} | :: demographer |
démographie {f} | :: demography |
démographique {adj} | :: demographic |
démographiquement {adv} | :: demographically |
de moins en moins {adv} | :: less and less |
demoiselle {f} | :: damsel, maiden |
demoiselle {f} | :: miss |
demoiselle {f} | :: damselfly |
demoiselle d'honneur {f} | :: maid of honour, bridesmaid |
demoiselle en détresse {f} | :: damsel in distress |
démolinguistique {adj} | :: demolinguistic |
démolinguistique {f} | :: demolinguistics |
démolir {v} | :: to demolish |
démolir {v} | :: to wreck, to ruin |
démolir {v} [slang] | :: to shellac |
démolisseur {adj} | :: destructive |
démolisseur {m} | :: wrecker (demolition worker) |
démolition {f} | :: demolition (the action of demolishing or destroying, in particular of buildings or other structures) |
démon {m} | :: demon |
démondialisation {f} | :: deglobalization |
démondialiser {v} | :: To deglobalize |
démone {f} | :: demoness (female demon) |
démonétisation {f} | :: demonetization |
démonétiser {vt} | :: to demonetize |
démoniaque {adj} | :: demonic |
démoniser {v} | :: to demonize |
démoniste {mf} | :: warlock |
démonologue {mf} | :: demonologist |
démonstrateur {m} | :: demonstrator |
démonstratif {adj} | :: demonstrative |
démonstration {f} | :: demonstration (act of showing and explaining) |
démonstration de force {f} | :: a show of force, a show of strength |
démonstrativement {adv} | :: demonstratively |
démonstratrice {f} | :: feminine singular of démonstrateur |
demonstrer {v} | :: archaic spelling of démontrer |
démontable {adj} | :: demountable, dismantlable, that can be taken apart |
démontage {m} | :: taking down; removal |
démonte-pneu {m} | :: tire iron |
démonter {vt} | :: To dismantle, to take down |
démonter {v} | :: to remove, to take off |
démonter {v} | :: to disconcert |
démonter {vt} [colloquial] | :: to run rings around, to chew up, to take apart, to tear apart (a rival team) |
démontrable {adj} | :: demonstrable, provable |
démontrablement {adv} | :: demonstrably |
démontrer {v} | :: to prove, to demonstrate |
démonyme {m} | :: demonym (name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place) |
démoralisant {adj} | :: demoralizing (having a demoralizing effect) |
démoralisateur {adj} | :: demoralizing |
démoralisation {f} | :: demoralization |
démoralisé {adj} | :: demoralized |
démoraliser {v} | :: to render immoral; to immoralize |
démoraliser {v} | :: to demoralize |
démordre {vi} [rare, dated] | :: to let go, release (something held in the teeth) |
démordre {vi} [colloquial, with de] | :: to give up, abandon, renounce (an opinion, plan, etc.) |
Démosthène {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Demosthenes (an Ancient Greek given name, most notably borne by the 5th century BCE politician Demosthenes) |
démotique {adj} | :: demotic |
démotiquement {adv} | :: demotically |
démotivation {f} | :: demotivation |
démotiver {vt} | :: to demotivate |
démouler {vt} | :: to turn out (remove from a mould) |
démoustiquer {vt} | :: to rid of mosquitos |
démultiplication {f} | :: reduction, lowering |
démultiplication {f} | :: gearing down |
démultiplier {v} | :: to lever or multiply |
démultiplier {v} [mechanics] | :: to gear up |
démuni {adj} | :: destitute, penniless |
démunir {v} | :: to deprive of, to divest of |
démunir {vr} [~ de] | :: to leave oneself without, to deprive oneself of |
démurer {v} | :: unwall |
démuseler {vt} | :: to unmuzzle |
démyélinisation {f} | :: demyelination |
démyéliniser {vt} | :: to demyelinate |
démystification {f} | :: demystification |
démystifier {v} | :: to demystify |
démythifier {v} | :: to demystify |
démythifier {v} | :: to reveal |
démythifier {v} | :: to unlock |
d'en {contraction} | :: de + en |
dénaire {adj} [rare] | :: pertaining to the number ten |
de naissance {adv} | :: by birth, by nature, natural-born |
dénantir {vt} | :: to deprive of security |
dénantir {vr} | :: "to give up (securities)" |
dénatalité {f} | :: decline in the birth rate |
dénationalisation {f} | :: denationalization |
dénationaliser {v} | :: to denationalize |
dénatter {v} | :: to disentangle; to remove knots |
dénaturant {m} | :: substance that alters another |
dénaturant {adj} | :: that alters |
dénaturation {f} [biochemistry] | :: denaturing, denaturation |
dénaturé {adj} | :: misrepresented |
dénaturé {adj} | :: denatured |
dénaturer {v} | :: to misrepresent |
dénaturer {v} [biochemistry] | :: To denature |
dénazification {f} | :: denazification |
denché {adj} [heraldry] | :: scalloped (bordered with little semicircles or similar) |
dendrimère {m} [chemistry, maths] | :: dendrimer |
dendritique {adj} | :: dendritic |
dendrochronologie {f} | :: dendrochronology |
dendrochronologique {adj} | :: dendrochronological |
dendrochronologiquement {adv} | :: dendrochronologically |
dendrologie {f} | :: dendrology (the study of trees and other woody plants) |
dénégation {f} | :: denial |
dénégation {f} | :: disclaimer |
déneigement {m} | :: the removal or clearing of snow |
déneiger {v} | :: to remove snow (from) |
Deneuve {prop} | :: surname |
d'enfer {adj} [colloquial] | :: terrific, awesome; helluva |
dengue {f} [pathology] | :: dengue |
déni {m} [legal] | :: denial |
déniaiser {vt} | :: to smarten up (make less stupid or naive) |
déniaiser {vt} | :: to lose one's virginity |
dénicher {v} | :: to scare up |
dénicher {v} | :: to hunt out, to track down |
dénicher {v} [colloquial] | :: to dig out, to unearth |
dénicotinisé {adj} | :: nicotine-free |
Denicourt {prop} | :: surname |
déni de grossesse {m} | :: denial of pregnancy |
denier {m} | :: denier (coin) |
denier {m} [by extension] | :: money |
denier {m} | :: denier (unit of weight) |
dénier {v} | :: to deny |
deniers publics {mp} | :: public money, public funds |
dénigrant {adj} | :: denigrating |
dénigrement {m} | :: denigration |
dénigrer {v} | :: to denigrate (to criticise or defame) |
dénigreur {adj} | :: denigrating |
denim {m} | :: denim |
Denis {prop} {m} | :: given name; originally given in honor of a third century bishop of Paris, the patron saint of France |
Denis {prop} {m} | :: surname based on the given name |
Denise {prop} | :: given name, the feminine form of Denis |
dénitrifiant {adj} | :: denitrifying |
dénivelé {m} | :: height difference, change in height, change in altitude, drop |
dénivelé {adj} | :: on a lower level |
déniveler {vt} | :: to make uneven |
dénivellation {f} | :: difference in altitude, rise and fall |
dénivellation {f} | :: change of altitude/level |
dénivellation {f} | :: level difference |
dénombrabilité {f} | :: countability |
dénombrable {adj} [grammar] | :: countable |
dénombrement {m} | :: counting |
dénombrement {m} | :: enumeration |
dénombrer {v} | :: to count, enumerate |
dénominal {m} [linguistics] | :: denominal |
dénominateur {m} [mathematics] | :: denominator (the number or expression written below the line in a fraction) |
dénominateur commun {m} [mathematics] | :: common denominator |
dénomination {f} | :: denomination (all senses) |
dénommer {vt} | :: to name |
dénoncé {adj} | :: denounced |
dénoncer {vt} | :: To denounce |
dénoncer {vr} | :: To give oneself up |
dénonciateur {adj} | :: denunciatory |
dénonciateur {m} | :: informer |
dénonciateur {m} | :: campaign |
dénonciation {f} | :: denunciation |
Denoncourt {prop} | :: surname |
de nos jours {adv} | :: currently; nowadays |
dénoté {adj} | :: denoted |
dénoter {vt} | :: to denote |
dénouement {m} | :: outcome |
dénouement {m} [theater] | :: dénouement |
dénouer {v} | :: to undo (a knot), to unknot |
dénouer {v} | :: to untangle, to unravel (a situation) |
dénoûment {m} | :: archaic spelling of dénouement |
de nouveau {adv} | :: again; once again |
dénoyage {m} | :: draining, drainage, dewatering |
dénoyauter {vt} | :: to stone, pit (to remove stones or pits from) |
dénoyauteur {m} | :: pitter (device) |
dénoyer {v} | :: to drain, dewater |
denrée {f} [archaic] | :: merchandise, goods |
denrée {f} | :: commodity |
denrée {f} | :: foodstuff |
dense {adj} | :: dense |
densement {adv} | :: densely |
densément {adv} | :: densely |
densification {f} | :: densification |
densifier {v} | :: to densify, to become denser |
densité {f} | :: density |
dent {f} | :: tooth |
dent {f} | :: cog (tooth on a gear) |
dentaire {adj} | :: dental |
dentairement {adv} | :: dentally |
dental {adj} [linguistics] | :: dental |
dentale {f} [linguistics] | :: dental consonant |
dentale {m} | :: any of the tusk shells in the family Dentaliidae |
dent de lait {f} | :: milk tooth (tooth of the first set of teeth) |
dent-de-lion {m} [obsolete, outside, Switzerland] | :: dandelion |
dent de sagesse {f} | :: wisdom tooth |
denté {adj} | :: toothed |
dentelaire {m} [botany] | :: plumbago, leadwort |
dentelé {adj} | :: jagged |
dentelé {adj} [heraldry] | :: indented |
denteler {vt} | :: to indent, to notch, to jag |
dentelle {f} | :: lace |
dentellerie {f} | :: lacemaking, lace industry, lace manufacture, lace business |
dentellier {m} | :: lacemaker |
dentellière {f} | :: female lacemaker |
dentelure {f} | :: serration (of leaf); perforation (of stamp) |
dentelure {f} | :: jagged outline (of mountain etc.) |
dentelure {f} [architecture] | :: serration |
denticité {f} [chemistry] | :: denticity |
dentier {m} | :: denture |
dentifrice {m} | :: toothpaste |
dentine {f} | :: dentin |
dentiste {mf} | :: dentist |
dentisterie {f} | :: dentistry |
dentition {f} | :: dentition |
dento-facial {adj} | :: dentofacial |
d'entrée de jeu {adv} | :: right from the start, from the get-go, straightaway, at the outset |
dents du bonheur {fp} | :: gap between one's upper front teeth, diastema |
dénucléariser {vt} | :: to denuclearize (make nuclear-free) |
dénuder {v} | :: to render nude, to take off (clothing) |
dénuder {v} | :: to remove, to strip off, to expose |
dénué {adj} | :: (~ de) lacking (in), devoid (of) |
dénuement {m} | :: destitution |
dénuer {v} | :: to deprive |
de nuit {adv} | :: at night |
de nuit {adj} | :: night (attributive) |
dénûment {m} | :: alternative form of dénuement |
dénutrition {f} | :: undernourishment |
déo {m} [colloquial] | :: deodorant |
déodorant {m} | :: deodorant (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) |
déodorant {adj} | :: odor-controlling |
déodoriser {vt} | :: alternative form of désodoriser |
déontique {adj} | :: deontic (pertaining to necessity, duty or obligation) |
déontologie {f} | :: code, (professional) ethics |
déontologie {f} [philosophy] | :: deontology |
déontologique {adj} | :: deontological, ethical |
déontologiquement {adv} | :: deontologically, ethically |
dep {m} [verlan] | :: gay; faggot |
dép {m} [Canada] | :: abbreviation of dépanneur |
de pacotille {adj} [pejorative] | :: tacky, ticky-tacky, cheap, shoddy, rubbishy, tin-pot, junk, worthless |
dépannage {m} | :: troubleshooting, fixing, repairing |
dépanner {v} [rare] | :: to fix, repair |
dépanner {v} [colloquial] | :: to help out |
dépanner {v} [colloquial] | :: to tide over |
dépanneur {m} | :: troubleshooter, repairman |
dépanneur {m} [Canada] | :: convenience store |
dépanneuse {f} | :: breakdown lorry, tow truck |
dépaqueter {v} | :: to unpack |
dépareillé {adj} | :: incomplete |
dépareillé {adj} | :: odd |
dépareiller {vt} | :: to unmatch, to spoil the pair of, to render incomplete |
déparer {v} | :: to spoil, put out of place (make something look more ugly) |
déparier {vt} | :: "to take away one (of a pair); to separate (the male and female of certain animals)" |
déparler {v} | :: to speak nastily |
déparler {v} | :: to speak nonsense or gibberish |
déparler {v} | :: to stop talking |
de parole {prep} | :: of one's word |
déparquer {vt} | :: "to let the sheep out of a fold; to unpen" |
départ {m} | :: departure, start |
départager {vt} | :: to shift the balance between two parties of, or break the tie between, decide between |
départager {vt} | :: to divide, separate |
départager {vt} | :: to isolate, separate, determine |
départager {vt} | :: to distinguish, differentiate, or decide between |
départager {vr} [sports] | :: to find a winner, break a (or the) tie |
département {m} | :: department |
département {m} | :: département |
départemental {adj} | :: departmental |
départementalement {adv} | :: departmentally |
départementalisation {f} | :: departmentalization |
départementaliser {v} | :: To departmentalize |
de part en part {adv} | :: from end to end, right through, through and through |
de part et d'autre {prep} | :: on either side (of) |
départir {vr} [se départir de] | :: to divest, dispose of |
départir {vt} [obsolete] | :: to distribute |
départir {vr} [Louisiana French] | :: to depart, to leave |
de passage {adj} | :: passing by |
dépassé {adj} | :: outdated |
dépassement {m} | :: excess, exceeding |
dépassement {m} | :: passing, overtaking |
dépassement {m} | :: overrun |
dépassement {m} | :: overflow |
dépasser {v} | :: to exceed, to surpass, to overtake, to go past |
dépasser l'entendement {v} | :: to be beyond comprehension, to be mind-boggling, to be beyond belief, to beggar belief |
dépasser les bornes {v} [colloquial] | :: to cross the line, to go too far, to overstep the mark, to go beyond the pale, to go off the reservation |
dépassionné {adj} | :: dispassionate, unpassionate |
dépassionner {v} | :: to defuse, take the sting out of |
dépaver {vt} | :: to remove the cobblestones from a road; to unpave, to depave |
dépaysé {adj} | :: disorientated |
dépaysé {adj} | :: homesick |
dépaysement {m} | :: the feeling of not being at home, in a foreign or different place, whether a good or a bad feeling; change of scenery |
dépaysement {m} [obsolete] | :: exile |
dépayser {vt} [dated] | :: to move somebody from their usual country or place |
dépayser {vt} [by extension] | :: to disorient |
dépayser {vt} [figuratively] | :: to give a change of scenery |
dépayser {vp} [figuratively] | :: to change a habit |
dépeçage {m} | :: chopping up |
dépeçage {m} | :: taking apart, break-up |
dépeçage {m} | :: division, separation |
dépeçage {m} | :: breaking-up (of old boats) |
dépeçage {m} [private international law] | :: the joint application of norms from different legal systems |
dépecer {vt} [said of flesh or meat] | :: to chop up |
dépecer {vt} [said of a physical things e.g. vessels] | :: to take apart |
dépecer {vt} [figuratively] | :: to divide up (put into parts) |
dépecer {vt} [figuratively] | :: to pick apart (examine in great detail) |
dépecer {vt} [figuratively] | :: to tear apart (criticise severely) |
dépeceur {m} | :: dismemberer |
dépeceur {m} | :: butcher |
dépeceuse {f} | :: feminine singular of dépeceur |
dépêche {f} | :: dispatch (express private message) |
dépêche {f} | :: telegram |
dépêcher {vt} | :: to send, dispatch (urgently) |
dépêcher {vpr} | :: to haste, to hurry up |
dépeigner {v} | :: to mess up (someone's hair) |
dépeindre {v} | :: to depict, portray |
dépeindre {v} [rare] | :: to depaint (remove paint) |
dépeint {adj} | :: depicted, portrayed |
dépenailler {v} | :: to shred |
dépénaliser {v} | :: To decriminalize |
dépendamment {adv} | :: dependently |
dépendance {f} | :: addiction, dependence (a habit or practice) |
dépendance {f} | :: outbuilding |
dépendance {f} [grammar] | :: dependence |
dépendant {adj} | :: dependent |
dépendant {m} | :: dependent; one who is dependent |
dépendante {f} | :: feminine noun of dépendant |
dépendre {vi} | :: to depend (rely on for support; to be contingent) |
dépendre {vi} | :: to belong (to), be part (of) |
dépendre {vt} | :: to unhang |
dépendre {vt} | :: to remove from a gallows |
dépens {mp} | :: (legal) costs |
dépens {mp} [figuratively] | :: expense |
dépense {f} | :: expense |
dépense {f} | :: expenditure |
dépense {f} | :: spending |
dépenser {v} | :: to spend (money) |
dépensier {adj} | :: spendthrift |
dépensier {m} | :: spendthrift |
déperdition {f} | :: decrease |
déperdition {f} | :: loss, leakage |
dépérir {vi} | :: to fade away, decline, wither (away), go downhill |
dépérissement {m} | :: decline |
dépérissement {m} | :: wasting (away), withering |
dépersonnaliser {v} | :: to depersonalise |
dépersuader {vt} | :: to dissuade |
dépêtrer {vt} | :: to disentangle |
dépeuplement {m} | :: depopulation |
dépeupler {vt} | :: to depopulate |
de peur que {conj} | :: lest, for fear that |
déphasage {m} | :: dephasing |
déphaser {v} | :: To dephase |
déphlogistiqué {adj} | :: dephlogisticated |
déphlogistiquer {vt} | :: to dephlogisticate |
déphosphoration {f} | :: dephosphorization |
déphosphoryler {v} | :: To dephosphorylate |
dépiauter {vt} | :: to skin |
dépiauter {vt} [colloquial] | :: to undress |
dépiauter {vt} [colloquial] | :: to dismantle |
de pied en cap {adv} [rather formal] | :: from head to toe, from top to toe |
de pied ferme {adv} [figuratively] | :: resolutely, standing firm |
dépigmentation {f} | :: depigmentation |
dépilation {f} | :: depilation |
dépiler {v} | :: to depilate |
de pire en pire {adv} [colloquial] | :: worse and worse |
dépistage {m} | :: tracking |
dépistage {m} | :: screening |
dépister {v} | :: to track an animal using its tracks |
dépister {v} | :: to derail |
dépister {v} [medicine, epidemiology] | :: to screen |
dépit {m} | :: scorn |
dépité {adj} | :: vexed |
dépiter {vt} | :: to sadden, upset |
déplacé {adj} | :: inappropriate, uncalled-for |
déplacé {adj} | :: rude, offensive |
déplacement {m} | :: trip, journey |
déplacement {m} | :: movement (act of moving from one place to another) |
déplacement {m} | :: a move (action of moving) |
déplacement {m} | :: displacement |
déplacer {vt} | :: to move |
déplacer {vr} [se déplacer] | :: To go around, to move about |
déplacer {vr} [se déplacer] | :: To come over, to go over to, to make a house call, as to travel to perform some work |
déplacer des montagnes {v} [figuratively] | :: to move mountains |
de plain-pied {adv} | :: on one level |
de plain-pied {adv} | :: walk-in |
de plain-pied {adv} [figuratively] | :: on an equal footing |
de plain-pied {adv} [figuratively] | :: directly, without transition |
déplaire {vi} | :: to be displeasing or disliked |
déplaire {vp} | :: to be ill at ease |
déplaisamment {adv} | :: unpleasantly |
déplaisant {adj} | :: unpleasant |
déplaisir {m} | :: displeasure |
déplanter {v} | :: to deplant |
déplâtrer {v} | :: to remove from plaster |
de plein fouet {adv} | :: With a direct or harsh hit, harshly |
de plein gré {prep} | :: willingly |
déplétion {f} | :: depletion |
dépliant {adj} | :: unfolding (able to unfold) |
dépliant {m} | :: leaflet; flyer |
déplier {v} | :: to unfold (undo the action of folding) |
déplisser {v} | :: to unwrinkle |
déploiement {m} | :: deployment, deploying |
déplorable {adj} | :: lamentable, regrettable |
déplorablement {adv} | :: deplorably |
déplorer {vt} | :: to deplore something, to rue something |
déployer {v} | :: to spread out, to unfold |
déployer {v} [military] | :: to deploy (troops, etc.) |
déplumé {adj} | :: plucked (de-feathered) |
déplumer {vt} | :: to pluck (feathers from a living bird) |
déplumer {vr} | :: to lose feathers |
de plus {phrase} | :: moreover, furthermore |
de plus belle {adv} | :: even more, even harder than before, with even greater intensity |
de plus en plus {adv} | :: more and more (used to express a progressive increase) |
de poche {adj} | :: pocket (attributive) (of a size suitable for putting into a pocket) |
dépoétiser {vt} | :: to depoetize |
de poids {adj} [figuratively] | :: weighty, that carries weight |
de pointe {adj} | :: cutting-edge, state-of-the-art |
dépoitraillé {adj} | :: with shirt/clothes open to the waist; bare-chested |
dépolarisation {f} | :: depolarization |
dépolariser {v} | :: to depolarize |
dépoli {adj} | :: frosted (glass) |
dépolir {v} | :: to unpolish |
dépolitisation {f} | :: depoliticization |
dépolitisé {adj} | :: depoliticized |
dépolitiser {v} | :: to depoliticize, depoliticise |
dépolluant {adj} | :: depolluting |
dépollué {adj} | :: depolluted |
dépolluer {vt} | :: to depollute |
dépollution {f} | :: cleanup of pollution |
dépolymérisation {f} [chemistry] | :: depolymerization |
dépolymériser {v} | :: To depolymerize |
dépopulariser {vt} | :: to render unpopular |
dépopulariser {vr} | :: to become unpopular |
dépopulation {f} | :: depopulation |
d'époque {adj} | :: authentic |
déportation {f} | :: deportation |
déportation {f} | :: internment (in a concentration camp) |
déportement {m} [especially, in plural] | :: a bad way of life |
déportement {m} | :: swerve |
déporter {vt} | :: to deport (expel from a country) |
déporter {vt} | :: to send to a concentration camp |
déporter {vt} | :: to put off course, carry off course |
déporter {vr} [of a vehicle] | :: to swerve |
déporter {vr} | :: to sway, waver |
déposant {m} | :: depositor |
déposant {m} [legal] | :: person who makes a deposition |
déposante {f} | :: feminine singular of déposant |
déposé {adj} [legal] | :: registered, recorded |
déposer {v} | :: to put down (set down), lay down |
déposer {v} | :: to deposit (one material onto another) |
déposer {v} [banking] | :: To deposit (money) |
déposer {v} | :: to depose |
déposer {v} | :: to file (an application); to present (a document) |
déposer les armes {v} | :: to lay down one's arms, to lay down one's weapons |
déposer les armes {v} [figuratively] | :: to give up, to surrender |
dépositaire {mf} [banking] | :: depositary, trustee |
déposition {f} | :: deposition, statement |
déposition {f} | :: evidence, testimony |
déposséder {vt} | :: to dispossess |
dépossession {f} | :: dispossession |
déposter {vt} | :: to drive from a post, to dislodge |
dépôt {m} | :: warehouse, store, depot, depository |
dépôt {m} | :: act of depositing, act of placing |
dépôt {m} | :: deposit (object being deposited) |
dépôt {m} | :: registration, proposal |
dépôt {m} [banking] | :: deposit |
dépôt {m} [geology] | :: deposit |
dépôt de bilan {m} [business] | :: bankruptcy application, liquidation, statement of affairs |
dépoter {v} | :: to unpot |
dépotoir {m} | :: dumping ground, tip, landfill |
dépoudrer {vt} | :: to unpowder |
dépoudrer {vr} | :: to unpowder one's hair |
dépouille {f} | :: skin, hide |
dépouille {f} | :: body |
dépouille {f} [in the plural] | :: remains |
dépouille {f} | :: booty, plunder |
dépouillement {m} | :: stripping; skinning (removal of skin from an animal) |
dépouillement {m} | :: loss; shedding (of leaves from a tree) |
dépouillement {m} | :: stripping; reduction; cutting; snipping; whittling down (removal, at least in part, e.g. of text); act of getting rid |
dépouillement {m} | :: robbing, stealing; pinching |
dépouillement {m} | :: destitution (state of being without) |
dépouillement {m} | :: shedding, disowning (e.g. of personal belongings) |
dépouillement {m} | :: count; vote count; counting of votes |
dépouillement {m} [computing] | :: data reduction |
dépouiller {v} | :: to skin (an animal) |
dépouiller {v} [literary] | :: to rob, despoil |
dépouiller {v} | :: to count (votes); to go through (mail); to peruse, examine in detail |
dépouiller {v} [literary] | :: to strip, denude (of clothes, possessions etc.) |
dépouiller {vp} [literary] | :: to divest oneself of |
dépouiller {vp} | :: (of an animal) to shed its skin |
dépouilles opimes {fp} [Ancient Rome] | :: spolia opima |
dépouilleur {m} | :: stripper (someone who strips e.g. a carcass) |
dépouilleur {m} | :: checker, scrutinizer |
dépouilleur {m} | :: vote counter (someone who counts votes in an election) |
dépourvoir {v} | :: to unequip |
dépourvu {adj} [dépourvu de] | :: without, lacking in, devoid of |
dépourvu {m} [as "au dépourvu"] | :: surprise |
dépoussiérage {m} | :: the act of dusting, vacuum-cleaning |
dépoussiérage {m} [figuratively] | :: the act of updating, making current |
dépoussiérer {v} | :: to dust; to do the dusting |
dépoussiérer {v} [figuratively] | :: to update, to make current |
dépoussiéreur {m} | :: deduster |
dépravation {f} | :: depravity |
dépravé {adj} | :: corrupted, perverted, depraved |
dépraver {vt} | :: to corrupt, pervert, deprave |
déprécation {f} | :: prayer asking for happiness or misfortune to befall others |
déprécation {f} | :: prayer asking for forgiveness for some misdeed or fault |
dépréciatif {adj} | :: depreciatory, depreciative, derogatory, disparaging |
dépréciation {f} | :: depreciation |
déprécier {vt} | :: To depreciate (lower the value of) |
déprécier {vr} | :: To depreciate (lower in value) |
déprédataire {adj} | :: synonym of voleur |
déprédation {f} | :: damage, destruction, depredation |
de prédilection {adj} | :: preferred |
de préférence {adv} | :: preferably, ideally |
dépréfixation {f} | :: stemming (removing a prefix) |
de premier choix {adj} | :: top-class, first-class, first-rate, of prime quality, of finest quality, of choice, choice |
de première {adj} [colloquial] | :: bigtime, total |
de premier ordre {adj} | :: top, top-notch, first-rate, first-class |
de premier plan {adj} | :: major, leading, high-profile, top, first-rate |
déprendre {v} | :: to abandon (especially a person) |
de près {adv} | :: closely |
dépresser {v} | :: To thin out (plants) |
dépresseur {m} [medicine] | :: depressant |
dépressif {adj} | :: depressive |
dépression {f} | :: depression (area that is lower than its surroundings) |
dépression {f} | :: depression (area of low atmospheric pressure) |
dépression {f} | :: depression (mood disorder) |
dépression hivernale {f} | :: seasonal affective disorder (depression associated with lack of natural light in winter) |
dépressionnaire {adj} [meteorology] | :: depression, low pressure (attributive) |
dépressurisation {f} | :: depressurization |
dépressuriser {v} | :: depressurize |
déprêtriser {v} | :: to unfrock a priest |
déprier {vt} | :: to disinvite |
déprimant {adj} | :: depressing, cheerless |
déprimé {adj} | :: depressed, dejected |
de prime abord {adv} | :: at first sight, at first |
déprimer {v} | :: to depress, to deject |
dépris {adj} | :: abandoned |
déprise {f} | :: abandonment |
dépriser {v} | :: to undervalue, depreciate |
dépriser {v} | :: to underestimate (in value) |
dépriser {vr} | :: to underestimate oneself |
dépriver {v} | :: to deprive of |
de proche en proche {adv} | :: gradually, progressively, little by little, bit by bit, step by step, from one object or person to the next |
déprogrammation {f} | :: deprogramming |
déprogrammer {v} [television] | :: to pull (off the air) |
déprotonation {f} [chemistry] | :: deprotonation |
déprotoné {adj} [chemistry] | :: deprotonated |
déprotonisation {f} [chemistry] | :: deprotonation |
dépt {n} | :: abbreviation of département |
dépuceler {v} | :: to deflower, to pop someone's cherry (to take someone's virginity) |
dépucellement {m} [obsolete] | :: deflowering |
depuis {prep} | :: since |
depuis {prep} | :: since, ever since |
depuis {prep} [regarding time] | :: for ~ |
depuis {prep} [regarding time] | :: for the last ~, over the past ~ |
depuis {prep} | :: from |
depuis {adv} [colloquial] | :: ever since |
depuis le temps {adv} [colloquial] | :: after all this time |
depuis lors {adv} | :: since then |
depuis lors {adv} | :: ever since |
depuis que {conj} | :: since, ever since |
depuis toujours {adv} | :: from time immemorial, since the dawn of time, always |
dépulper {vt} | :: to mash to a pulp |
dépuratif {adj} | :: depurative, purgative |
dépuration {f} | :: depuration |
dépurer {vt} [medicine] | :: to purify |
députation {f} | :: deputation |
députation {f} | :: The role of a deputy (in politics) |
député {m} [politics] | :: deputy (delegate) |
député {m} | :: Member of Parliament |
députée {f} | :: feminine noun of député |
députer {vt} [archaic, literary] | :: to deputize |
de quel bois quelqu'un se chauffe {phrase} [colloquial] | :: what someone is made of, what someone is capable of, someone's true mettle |
de quoi {interj} | :: What was that |
de quoi {phrase} | :: What is necessary to |
de quoi {phrase} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: something |
de quoi je me mêle {phrase} [colloquial] | :: that's none of your business! |
der {mf} | :: last |
de race {adj} | :: pedigree, purebred; (of horse) thoroughbred |
déracémiser {v} [chemistry] | :: To deracemize |
déracinable {adj} | :: eradicable |
déracinement {m} | :: uprooting |
déracinement {m} | :: eradication |
déraciner {v} | :: to uproot, to deracinate (a tree) |
déraciner {v} | :: to deracinate (a person) |
dérader {vi} [navigation] | :: to be driven from the anchors and forced out to sea |
déradicaliser {v} | :: deradicalize |
déraidir {vt} | :: to unstiffen, to make pliant, to soften |
déraidir {vr} | :: to grow pliant, soft, supple |
déraillement {m} | :: derailment |
dérailler {vi} | :: to derail, be derailed [all senses] |
dérailler {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be off one's rocker |
dérailleur {m} | :: derailleur (gears) |
déraison {f} | :: unreasonableness |
déraisonnable {adj} | :: unreasonable |
déraisonnablement {adv} | :: foolishly |
déraisonner {v} | :: to talk nonsense |
de rang {adv} | :: in a row |
dérangé {adj} | :: insane |
dérangeant {adj} | :: unsettling |
dérangeant {adj} | :: disruptive |
dérangement {m} | :: disturbance, inconvenience, disruption, trouble, bother |
déranger {v} | :: to bother; to disrupt |
déranger {v} | :: to disarray/disarrange (throw into disorder) |
dérapage {m} | :: skid; action of skidding |
déraper {v} | :: to skid, to slide |
déraper {v} [of an anchor] | :: to drag |
déraper {v} [figurative] | :: to get out of hand, to get out of control |
dératé {adj} [of a greyhound] | :: that has undergone splenectomy to improve its running |
dératé {m} | :: A person who has undergone splenectomy |
dérater {vt} | :: to take out, to extract, the spleen |
dératisable {adj} | :: derattable |
dératisation {f} | :: deratization |
dératiser {v} | :: derat; rid of rats |
dératiseur {m} | :: exterminator (not just of rats) |
derby {m} | :: derby (horse race) |
derby {m} | :: derby (local derby) |
der des ders {f} | :: the war to end all wars (World War One) |
derechef {adv} [literary, dated] | :: once more, anew |
derechef {adv} | :: (more common) immediately |
déréférencer {v} | :: to dereference |
de règle {adj} | :: customary, usual |
déréglé {adj} | :: deranged |
déréglé {adj} | :: wonky |
déréglément {adv} | :: derangedly |
déréglément {adv} | :: wonkily |
dérèglement {m} | :: malfunctioning, breakdown, disorder |
dérèglement {m} [medicine] | :: upset |
déréglementation {f} | :: deregulation |
déréglementer {vt} | :: to deregulate |
déréglementer {vt} | :: to derestrict |
dérèglementer {v} | :: alternative form of déréglementer |
dérégler {v} | :: to disrupt, to disturb |
dérégler {v} | :: to unsettle |
dérégler {v} | :: to put off |
dérégulateur {adj} | :: deregulatory |
dérégulation {f} | :: deregulation |
déréguler {v} | :: to deregulate |
déréliction {f} [literary] | :: dereliction; feeling of solitude, loneliness |
dérembourser {v} | :: to no longer reimburse |
de renom {adj} | :: renowned |
de retour {adj} | :: back |
de rêve {adj} [colloquial] | :: dream; ideal; idealized |
Déricourt {prop} | :: surname |
dérider {vt} | :: to brighten up, cheer up |
de rien {phrase} [after being thanked] | :: you're welcome, it's nothing |
de rien du tout {adj} [colloquial] | :: tiny, paltry, insignificant |
de rigueur {adj} | :: absolutely necessary |
dérision {f} | :: derision |
dérisoire {adj} [of an amount] | :: paltry, trivial |
dérisoire {adj} [of power or strength] | :: hollow, pathetic |
dérisoirement {adv} | :: derisorily, trivially, pathetically |
dérivabilité {f} [maths] | :: derivability |
dérivable {adj} | :: derivable |
dérivatif {adj} [medicine] | :: Causing a derivation (a drawing of humors or fluids from one part of the body to another, to relieve or lessen a morbid process) |
dérivatif {adj} | :: derivative |
dérivatif {m} [medicine] | :: A medicine that causes a derivation |
dérivatif {m} | :: diversion, distraction |
dérivation {f} | :: diversion |
dérivation {f} [linguistics, linguistic morphology, grammar, lexicography] | :: derivation |
dérivation inverse {f} [linguistics] | :: back-formation |
dérivationnel {adj} [linguistics, grammar] | :: derivational |
dérivation régressive {f} [linguistics] | :: back-formation |
dérive {f} | :: drift |
dérive {f} [nautical] | :: centreboard |
dérivé {m} | :: a derivation of any sort |
dérivé {m} [linguistics] | :: a derived term, derivative |
dérivée {f} | :: a derived one of any sort [of feminine grammatical gender] |
dérivée {f} [mathematics] | :: derivative (in analysis: value of a function) |
dériver {vi} | :: to derive (originate from) |
dériver {vi} | :: to drift |
dériver {vt} [mathematics] | :: to derive |
dériver {vt} [of a river] | :: to redirect, to divert |
dériver {vt} [electricity] | :: to shunt |
dériver {vt} | :: to unrivet |
dériveur {m} | :: dinghy (with a centreboard) |
dérivomètre {m} | :: drift meter |
derjavinien {adj} | :: Derzhavinian |
dermabraser {v} [medical] | :: to perform dermabrasion |
dermabrasion {f} [medical] | :: dermabrasion |
dermaptère {m} | :: dermapteran; earwig (any insect of the order Dermaptera) |
dermato {mf} | :: dermatologist |
dermatographie {f} | :: dermatography |
dermatographique {adj} | :: dermatographic |
dermatologie {f} | :: dermatology |
dermatologique {adj} | :: dermatological |
dermatologue {mf} | :: dermatologist |
dermatose {f} [pathology] | :: dermatosis |
derme {m} | :: dermis |
dermique {adj} | :: dermic |
dermique {adj} | :: skin (attributive) |
dermite {f} [pathology] | :: dermatitis |
dermographie {f} | :: dermography |
dermoptère {m} | :: colugo (animal of the order Dermoptera) |
dernier {adj} | :: last |
dernier {adj} | :: latest (most recent) |
dernier {adj} | :: latter |
dernier cri {adj} | :: up-to-date (state of the art) |
dernière demeure {f} [euphemistic] | :: resting place |
dernière ligne droite {f} [figuratively] | :: home stretch, home straight |
dernièrement {adv} | :: recently, lately, of late (in the recent past) |
dernièrement {adv} | :: lastly (in last place) |
dérobade {f} | :: evasion, avoidance |
dérobé {adj} | :: concealed (door, feature etc.) |
dérober {vt} | :: to conceal, screen, shield (à from) |
dérober {vt} | :: to steal (à from) |
dérober {vt} [literary] | :: to turn away (one's head, gaze etc.) |
dérober {vr} | :: to shirk, shy away (à from) |
dérober {vr} | :: to hide (oneself) |
dérober {vr} | :: to slip away (free oneself) |
dérober {vr} | :: to give way (collapse) |
dérober {vr} [horseriding] | :: to refuse |
dérocher {vt} | :: to remove rocks from |
dérogation {f} | :: dispensation |
dérogatoire {adj} | :: derogatory |
déroger {v} | :: to repeal (a law), to break away (from a tradition) |
dérougir {vt} | :: to cause to stop being red |
dérougir {vr} | :: to cease being red, to lose redness |
dérouillage {m} | :: derusting (rust removal) |
dérouillée {f} [colloquial] | :: thrashing, beating |
dérouiller {vt} | :: to remove rust from |
dérouiller {vt} | :: to get back into, dust off |
dérouiller {vr} | :: to lose rust |
dérouiller {vr} [of a skill] | :: to come back |
dérouine {f} [obsolete, Canada] | :: derouine |
déroulant {adj} | :: unrolling, unravelling, unfolding |
déroulant {adj} | :: breaking (of waves) |
déroulement {m} | :: event, occurrence |
dérouler {v} | :: to unroll |
dérouler {v} [of waves] | :: to break |
dérouler {vr} [of events, etc.] | :: to unravel, to unfold |
déroutant {adj} | :: uncanny (strange, mysteriously unsettling) |
déroutant {adj} | :: jinky |
déroute {f} | :: rout, ruin (state of being in ruin) |
dérouter {vt} | :: to reroute, derail (cause to change path) |
dérouter {vt} | :: to set back |
dérouter {vt} [figurative] | :: to disconcert |
Derrida {prop} | :: surname |
Derrida {prop} | :: Jacques Derrida, French philosopher |
derrière {adv} | :: behind |
derrière {m} | :: rear of an object |
derrière {m} | :: bottom, bum, backside |
derrière {prep} | :: behind |
derrière les barreaux {prep} [figuratively] | :: behind bars, in prison |
derviche {m} | :: Dervish |
derviche tourneur {m} | :: One of the Whirling Dervishes |
des {contraction} | :: Contraction of de + les (of the, from the, some) |
dés- {prefix} [variant of dé- before a vowel] | :: dis-, de- |
dès {prep} | :: since, from |
désabonner {v} | :: to unsubscribe |
désabuser {v} | :: to correct, to enlighten |
désabuser {v} | :: to disenchant, to disillusion |
désaccord {m} | :: disagreement |
désaccorder {vr} | :: To disagree |
désaccorder {vt} [music] | :: To cause to be out of tune |
désaccoupler {vt} | :: to unbind, separate |
désaccoutumer {vr} | :: to become unaccustomed to |
de sac et de corde {adj} [dated] | :: villainous, scoundrelly |
désacétylation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: deacetylation |
désacétyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To deacetylate |
désachalander {vt} | :: to take away the customers |
désacidifier {vt} | :: to deacidify |
désacralisation {f} | :: desecration |
désacraliser {vt} | :: to deconsecrate |
désactivable {adj} | :: deactivatable, disableable |
désactiver {v} | :: to deactivate |
désactiver {v} | :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) |
désadhérence {f} | :: cleavage (act of cleaving) |
désaffecté {adj} | :: disused |
désaffecter {v} | :: to decommission |
désaffection {f} | :: disaffection |
désafférentation {f} [biology] | :: deafferentation |
désafférenté {adj} [biology] | :: deafferent |
désaffiliation {f} | :: disaffiliation |
désaffourcher {vt} [navigation] | :: to unmoor or heave up an anchor |
désaffubler {vt} | :: to unmuffle |
désagrafable {adj} | :: unstaplable |
désagrafer {vt} | :: to unstaple |
désagréable {adj} | :: unpleasant; disagreeable |
désagréablement {adv} | :: unpleasantly ; disagreeably |
désagréer {v} [à] | :: |
désagréer {vt} | :: to unrig |
désagrégation {f} | :: disintegration |
désagrégé {adj} | :: disaggregated |
désagrégeant {adj} | :: disaggregating |
désagrégeant {m} | :: disaggregant |
désagréger {vt} | :: to break up or disintegrate |
désagrément {m} | :: annoyance, bother |
désagrément {m} | :: (medical) condition |
désaimantation {f} | :: demagnetization |
désaimanter {v} | :: To demagnetize |
désaimer {v} [rare] | :: to cease to love |
désaisonnalisation {f} | :: deseasonalization |
désaisonnaliser {v} | :: To deseasonalize |
désajuster {vt} | :: to derange, to disturb, to put out of order |
désajuster {vr} | :: to become deranged, disturbed, to get out of order |
désaligner {vt} | :: "to make uneven (ranks of soldiers)" |
désaligner {vr} | :: to fall out of the ranks |
désalinisation {f} | :: desalination |
désaliniser {v} | :: To desalinate |
désallier {vt} | :: "to disunite (allies)" |
désallier {vr} | :: to make an unsuitable match |
désaltérant {adj} | :: thirst-quenching |
désaltérer {vt} | :: to quench the thirst |
désamarrer {v} [nautical] | :: to unmoor |
désambiguïsation {f} | :: Disambiguation |
désambiguïser {v} | :: To disambiguate |
désamianter {vt} | :: to remove asbestos from |
désaminase {f} [enzyme] | :: deaminase |
désamination {f} [organic chemistry] | :: deamination |
désamorçage {m} | :: defusing (of a bomb) |
désamorcer {v} | :: to defuse (e.g. a weapon) |
désamorcer {v} | :: to forestall, to hinder, to prevent something from happening |
désamour {m} | :: unlove (lack, absence, or omission of love) |
désaper {v} | :: to undress |
désapparier {vt} | :: "to separate (birds that have been paired)" |
désappointement {m} [literary] | :: disappointment |
désappointer {v} [obsolete] | :: to dismiss |
désappointer {v} [rare, proscribed, except in, Louisiana French] | :: to disappoint |
désapprendre {v} | :: to unlearn |
désapprobateur {adj} | :: disapproving, censorious |
désapprobation {f} | :: disapproval, disapprobation |
désapprouver {vt} | :: to disapprove (of) |
dès à présent {adv} | :: here and now, right now, as of now, already |
désarbrer {v} [rare] | :: to cut down trees |
désarçonner {v} | :: to unhorse, unseat |
désarçonner {v} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to disconcert, to disarm |
désargenté {adj} | :: impoverished, penniless |
désarmant {adj} | :: disarming |
désarmé {adj} | :: disarmed |
désarmé {adj} | :: weaponless |
désarmement {m} | :: disarmament |
désarmer {v} | :: to disarm |
désarrimer {vt} | :: to shift (move something that had been placed somewhere) |
désarroi {m} | :: disarray (want of array or regular order) |
désarticulation {f} | :: dislocation |
désarticulation {f} | :: disarticulation |
désarticuler {v} [medicine] | :: to dislocate |
désassembler {v} | :: to disassemble (to take to pieces) |
désassembleur {m} | :: disassembler |
désassocier {vt} | :: to disassociate |
désassorti {adj} | :: incomplete, odd |
désassorti {adj} | :: sold out (merchandise) |
désassortir {vt} | :: to spoil the match of, to mismatch |
désastre {m} | :: disaster |
désastre {m} | :: bankruptcy, breakup |
désastreusement {adv} | :: disastrously |
désastreux {adj} | :: disastrous, calamitous |
désavantage {m} | :: drawback, disadvantage, handicap |
désavantager {v} | :: to disadvantage; hinder |
désavantageusement {adv} | :: disadvantageously |
désavantageux {adj} | :: disadvantageous |
désaveu {m} | :: denial, rejection |
désaveugler {vt} | :: to unblind |
désaveugler {vt} | :: to open someone's eyes |
désavouer {v} | :: to take back (something that has been said) |
désavouer {v} | :: to disown |
désavouer {v} | :: to disavow |
désavouer {v} | :: to deny, deny ownership of |
désaxer {v} | :: to unbalance |
désaxer {v} | :: to derail |
Descaves {prop} | :: surname |
desceller {vt} | :: to break the seal of, unseal |
desceller {vt} | :: to free, pull free |
desceller {vr} | :: to come loose |
Descemet {prop} | :: Descemet (surname) |
descendance {f} | :: line of descent |
descendant {m} | :: A descendant; one who is the progeny of someone at any distance of time; e.g. a child; a grandchild, etc |
descendant {adj} | :: (which is) descending |
descendre {vi} | :: to go down |
descendre {vit} | :: to descend |
descendre {vt} | :: to put down; disparage |
descendre {vt} [slang] | :: to kill (someone) |
descendre {vi} | :: to stay (in a hotel or other temporary lodging) |
descente {f} | :: descent (act of going down) |
descente {f} | :: descent (downward slope) |
descente {f} | :: way down |
descente {f} | :: descending |
descente {f} | :: raid (e.g. police raid) |
descente {f} [sports] | :: downhill (an event in skiing or canoeing) |
descente {f} | :: comedown (from a drug), crash |
descente aux enfers {f} | :: harrowing of hell, descent into hell |
descente aux enfers {f} [figuratively] | :: highway to hell, road to hell |
Deschamps {prop} | :: surname |
déscolarisation {f} | :: The normal act of leaving school (to get a job or go to college) |
déscolarisation {f} | :: unschooling |
déscolariser {vi} | :: to leave school |
descripteur {m} | :: descriptor |
descriptif {adj} | :: descriptive |
descriptif {adj} [linguistics] | :: descriptive |
description {f} | :: description |
descriptivisme {m} [linguistics] | :: descriptivism |
desdites {contraction} | :: contraction of de + lesdites |
desdits {contraction} | :: contraction of de + lesdits |
déséchouer {vt} [navigation] | :: to get afloat |
de seconde main {adj} | :: secondhand |
de seconde zone {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: second-rate, second-class, inferior |
de second ordre {adj} [pejorative] | :: second-rate, second-class, inferior; middling, mediocre |
désemballer {vt} | :: to unpack |
désembarquement {m} | :: disembarkment |
désembarquer {v} | :: disembark |
désemboîter {vt} | :: "to disjoint; to put out of socket; to dislocate |
désembouage {m} | :: desludging |
désembouer {v} | :: To desludge |
désembourber {vt} | :: to draw out of the mire |
désembourber {vr} | :: to get out of the mire |
désembourgeoiser {v} | :: to no longer be bourgeois |
désemparé {adj} | :: distraught, at a loss |
désemparé {adj} | :: in distress |
désemparer {v} | :: to disable (a ship) |
désemparer {v} [figurative] | :: to cripple, to damage |
désempeser {vt} | :: to unstarch, to take out the starch |
désempeser {vr} | :: to become unstarched |
désemplir {vt} [rare] | :: to (partially) empty (something that is full up) |
désemplir {vi} | :: to be nearly full (only used in negative constructions) |
désemprisonner {v} | :: to free from prison |
désenchanté {adj} | :: disenchanted |
désenchantement {m} | :: disenchantment |
désenchanter {v} | :: to disenchant (to remove an enchantment from) |
désenclavement {m} | :: opening up (of a geopolitical region) |
désenclaver {v} | :: to disenclave |
désencombrer {v} | :: to unclutter; to declutter; to disencumber |
désendettement {m} | :: debt reduction |
désendetter {v} [economics, finance] | :: To deleverage (reduce debt) |
désenfler {v} | :: to deflate |
désengagement {m} | :: disengagement |
désengager {v} | :: to disengage, withdraw |
désengorgement {m} | :: unclogging |
désengorger {v} | :: to unclog, to unclutter |
désengrener {vt} | :: to throw out of gear |
désenivrement {m} | :: sobering up |
désenivrer {v} | :: to sober up |
désenlaidir {vt} | :: to render less ugly |
désenlaidir {vr} | :: to become less ugly |
désennuyer {vt} | :: to relieve boredom (from) |
désenrhumer {vt} | :: to cure of a cold |
désenrhumer {vr} | :: to cure one's cold |
désenrouer {vt} | :: to cure of hoarseness |
désenrouer {vr} | :: to cure one's hoarseness |
désensabler {vt} | :: to remove sand from |
désensevelir {vt} | :: "to unwrap (a corpse); to exhume" |
désensibiliser {v} | :: to desensitize |
désensorceler {vt} | :: to unbewitch |
désensorcellement {m} | :: unbewitching |
désenterrer {v} [rare] | :: to disinter; to exhume |
désentêter {vt} | :: to cure of obstinacy |
désentêter {vr} | :: to be cured of obstinacy; |
désentrelacer {v} | :: to deinterlace |
désenverguer {vt} | :: "to unbend (sails)" |
désenvoûter {v} | :: to unbewitch, disenchant; to exorcise |
déséquilibre {m} | :: unevenness; imbalance |
déséquilibré {adj} | :: unbalanced |
déséquilibré {m} | :: lunatic |
déséquilibrer {vt} | :: to unbalance |
désert {m} | :: desert |
désert {adj} | :: deserted |
désert alimentaire {m} | :: food desert |
désert du Lout {prop} {m} | :: Lut Desert |
déserter {vt} | :: to desert (a place), abandon |
déserter {vi} [military] | :: to desert |
déserteur {m} [chiefly military] | :: deserter (person who leaves the military without permission) |
déserteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of déserteur |
désertification {f} | :: desertification |
désertifier {v} | :: to desertify |
désertion {f} | :: desertion |
désertique {adj} | :: desert (related to deserts) |
désertique {adj} | :: desert |
désescalader {v} | :: to climb down |
désespéramment {adv} | :: desperately |
désespérance {f} [literary] | :: despair |
désespérant {adj} | :: despairing |
désespérant {adj} | :: hopeless |
désespérant {adj} | :: discouraging, disheartening |
désespéré {adj} [of a person] | :: hopeless |
désespéré {adj} | :: desperate |
désespérément {adv} | :: desperately |
désespérer {vi} | :: to despair (feel hopeless) |
désespoir {m} | :: despair |
désespoir des singes {m} [botany] | :: monkey puzzle, araucaria |
désespoir du singe {m} [botany] | :: monkey puzzle, araucaria |
déseuropéaniser {v} | :: To de-Europeanize |
désexcitation {f} [physics] | :: deexcitation |
désexciter {vt} | :: to deexcite |
des familles {adj} [colloquial, affectionate] | :: good old, nice little, plain old |
des fois que {conj} [colloquial] | :: if, in case |
des goûts et des couleurs, on ne discute pas {proverb} | :: there's no accounting for taste |
déshabillé {adj} | :: Undressed, in a state of undress |
déshabillé {m} | :: Négligée (type of dressing gown) |
déshabiller {v} | :: to undress |
déshabiller {vr} | :: To get undressed |
déshabiller Paul pour habiller Jean {v} | :: synonym of déshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul |
déshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul {v} [figuratively] | :: to rob Peter to pay Paul |
déshabituer {vtp} | :: to rid of a habit |
désharmonieusement {adv} | :: disharmoniously |
désharmonieux {adj} | :: disharmonious |
des hauts et des bas {mp} | :: ups and downs |
désherbant {adj} | :: herbicidal |
désherber {v} | :: to weed (remove weeds from) |
déshérence {f} | :: escheat |
déshérité {adj} | :: disinherited |
déshérité {adj} | :: deprived |
déshériter {vt} | :: to disinherit |
déshériter {vt} [figurative] | :: to handicap, to disadvantage |
désheurer {vt} | :: "(ant.) to disturb one (in one's occupations)" |
désheurer {vr} | :: to disturb one's self (in one's occupations) |
déshonnête {adj} | :: that is contrary to the proprieties, against common decency |
déshonnêtement {adv} | :: dishonestly |
déshonneur {m} | :: dishonor (all meanings) |
déshonorable {adj} | :: dishonorable |
déshonorablement {adv} | :: dishonorably |
déshonorant {adj} | :: dishonourable |
déshonorer {v} | :: to dishonor |
déshumanisation {f} | :: dehumanization |
déshumaniser {vt} | :: to dehumanize |
déshydratase {f} [enzyme] | :: dehydratase |
déshydratation {f} | :: dehydration |
déshydraté {adj} | :: dehydrated |
déshydrater {vt} | :: to dehydrate |
déshydro- {prefix} [organic chemistry] | :: dehydro- |
déshydroascorbate {f} [organic chemistry] | :: dehydroascorbate |
déshydroascorbique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: dehydroascorbic |
déshydrocholestérol {m} [organic compound] | :: dehydrocholesterol |
déshydrogénase {f} [enzyme] | :: dehydrogenase |
déshydrogénation {f} [chemistry] | :: dehydrogenation |
déshydrogéné {adj} | :: dehydrogenated |
déshydrohalogénation {f} [chemistry] | :: dehydrohalogenation |
desiderata {m} | :: desideratum |
design {m} | :: design |
désignation {f} | :: designation |
désignation {f} | :: indication |
désignation {f} | :: connotation |
designer {m} | :: designer |
designer {v} | :: to design |
désigner {v} | :: to designate |
désigner {v} | :: to indicate (symbol, abbreviation, etc.) |
désigner {v} | :: to connote (to signify beyond principal meaning) |
désilage {m} | :: removal from a silo |
désiler {v} | :: To remove from a silo |
désillusion {f} | :: disillusion, disenchantment |
désillusionné {adj} | :: disenchanting |
désillusionner {vt} | :: to disillusion, disenchant, to burst someone's bubble |
désimbloquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to unblock (a mobile phone that has a locked SIM card) |
désincarcérer {v} | :: To extricate |
désincarné {adj} | :: disembodied |
désincarner {v} | :: to disembody or disincarnate |
désincorporer {vt} | :: to disincorporate, to separate, to disunite |
désindustrialisation {f} | :: deindustrialization |
désinence {f} [linguistics] | :: ending, desinence, inflectional suffix |
désinfatuer {vt} | :: to disabuse, to undeceive, to dispel the infatuation of |
désinfatuer {vr} | :: to cease being infatuated |
désinfectant {adj} | :: disinfectant |
désinfectant {m} | :: disinfectant |
désinfecter {v} | :: to disinfect |
désinfecteur {m} | :: disinfector |
désinfection {f} | :: disinfection |
désinformation {f} | :: disinformation, misinformation |
désinformer {v} | :: To misinform, disinform |
désinscrire {v} | :: to unsubscribe |
désinsectiser {v} | :: debug (to remove insects from somewhere) |
désinstallation {f} | :: uninstallation |
désinstaller {v} | :: to uninstall |
désinstalleur {m} [computing] | :: uninstaller |
désintégration {f} | :: disintegration |
désintégré {adj} | :: disintegrated |
désintégrer {v} | :: to disintegrate |
désintéressé {adj} | :: disinterested (impartial) |
désintéressement {m} | :: disinterest, disinterestedness, unselfishness, detachment |
désintéressement {m} | :: buying out (an associate), paying off (a creditor) |
désintéresser {v} | :: give money to (somebody) as a compensation for something |
désintéresser {vr} | :: to lose interest (in), stop being interested in |
désintérêt {m} | :: disinterest |
désintoxication {f} | :: detoxification, detox, rehab |
désintoxiquer {vt} | :: to detoxify (for drugs or alcohol) |
désinvestir {v} [finance] | :: to divest |
désinviter {vt} | :: to recall an invitation |
désinvolte {adj} | :: nonchalant, flippant |
désinvolture {f} | :: casual manner, casualness, flippancy |
désionisé {adj} | :: deionized |
désioniser {v} | :: To deionize |
désir {m} | :: desire |
désirabilité {f} | :: desirability; desirableness |
désirable {adj} | :: wanted |
désirable {adj} | :: desirable |
Désiré {prop} | :: given name |
Désirée {prop} | :: given name; best known for a 19th century French-born queen of Sweden |
désirer {vt} | :: to desire, want |
désireux {adj} | :: desirous |
désistement {m} | :: withdrawal |
désistement {m} | :: cancellation |
désister {vp} | :: to cancel, to withdraw |
Desjardins {prop} | :: surname, particularly common in Quebec |
dès lors {adv} | :: thence, thenceforth |
dès lors {adv} | :: from that moment/time |
dès lors {adv} | :: as a result, therefore |
desman {m} | :: desman |
desmographie {f} [anatomy] | :: desmography |
desmologie {f} [anatomy] | :: desmology |
désobéir {vi} | :: To disobey [+ à a person] |
désobéir {vi} | :: To disobey [+ à rules or instructions] |
désobéissance {f} | :: disobedience |
désobéissance {f} | :: disregard |
désobéissance civile {f} | :: civil disobedience |
désobéissant {adj} | :: disobedient |
désobésifier {v} | :: deobesify |
désobligeamment {adv} | :: disparagingly |
désobligeant {adj} | :: derogatory, disparaging |
désobliger {v} | :: to offend |
désobstruer {v} | :: to deobstruct |
désodorisation {f} | :: deodourization |
désodoriser {vt} | :: to deodorize |
désoeuvré {adj} | :: nonstandard spelling of désœuvré |
désœuvré {adj} | :: idle, aimless |
désœuvrement {m} | :: idleness |
désœuvrer {vt} | :: to deprive of work or of another activity |
désolant {adj} | :: sad |
désolant {adj} | :: distressing |
désolation {f} | :: desolation |
désolé {adj} | :: desolate |
désolé {adj} | :: very sorry, apologetic |
désolé {interj} | :: sorry (an apology) |
désoler {v} | :: to sadden, distress |
désoler {vr} | :: to be upset |
désolidarisation {f} | :: dissociation, disconnection |
désolidariser {v} | :: To dissociate (break up a group) |
désolidariser {v} | :: To dissociate oneself from an idea, course of action etc |
désolvatation {f} | :: desolvation |
de son choix {adj} | :: of one's choosing, of one's choice |
de son état {prep} [rather literary] | :: by trade, by profession |
de son propre chef {adv} | :: of one's own accord, off one's own bat, on one's own initiative, at one's own instigation |
désopilant {adj} | :: funny, hilarious |
désorber {v} | :: to desorb |
désordonné {adj} | :: disorderly, untidy |
désordonnément {adv} | :: disorderly, untidily |
désordre {m} | :: disorder, chaos |
désordre {m} | :: mess |
désorganisation {f} | :: disorganization |
désorganisé {adj} | :: disorganized |
désorganiser {vt} | :: to disorganize |
désorientation {f} | :: disorientation |
désorientation {f} | :: confusion |
désorienter {v} | :: to disorient |
désorienter {v} | :: to bewilder |
désormais {adv} | :: henceforth, from now on |
désorption {f} | :: desorption |
désossé {adj} [cooking] | :: boned, off the bone |
désossé {adj} | :: flabby |
désossé {adj} | :: supple |
désossé {adj} | :: boneless |
désosser {v} | :: to debone |
désosser {v} [figuratively] | :: to dismantle, to take apart |
de souche {adj} | :: pureblooded, native (of many generations standing, of impeccable pedigree) |
désourdir {vt} | :: "(l.u.) to unweave, to unravel" |
désourisation {f} | :: demousing |
désoxyadénosine {f} [organic compound] | :: deoxyadenosine |
désoxydation {f} | :: deoxidation |
désoxyder {v} | :: to deoxidize |
désoxyder {v} [chemistry] | :: To reduce |
désoxygénation {f} [chemistry] | :: deoxygenation |
désoxygéner {v} | :: to deoxidise, to deoxygenate |
désoxyhémoglobine {f} [organic compound] | :: deoxyhemoglobin |
désoxyribofuranose {m} [organic chemistry] | :: deoxyribofuranose |
désoxyribonucléique {adj} | :: deoxyribonucleic |
désoxyribonucleoside {f} | :: deoxyribonucleoside |
désoxyribonucléotide {m} [biochemistry] | :: deoxyribonucleotide |
désoxyribose {m} [carbohydrate] | :: deoxyribose |
des pieds à la tête {adv} [rare] | :: head to toe |
despote {mf} | :: despot |
despote {mf} | :: tyrant |
despotique {adj} | :: despotic |
despotiquement {adv} | :: despotically |
despotisme {m} | :: despotism (government by a singular authority) |
despotisme éclairé {m} | :: enlightened absolutism |
Després {prop} | :: surname |
d'esprit {adj} | :: spiritual |
despumer {v} | :: synonym of écumer |
dès que {conj} | :: once, as soon as |
dès que possible {adv} | :: as soon as possible |
dessacheuse {f} | :: An industrial bag-opener that feeds material into a hopper |
dessaisir {v} [transitive + de] | :: to disseize, dispossess, or deprive |
dessaisir {v} [reflexive + de] | :: to deprive one's self of, to give up |
dessaisissement {m} | :: relinquishment |
dessaisissement {m} | :: divestiture |
dessaisonner {vt} | :: to plough, manure, or sow land unseasonably and contrary to custom |
dessalement {m} | :: desalination |
dessaler {v} | :: to desalt |
dessangler {vt} | :: to ungirth, to loosen the girth |
dessaouler {v} | :: alternative form of dessouler |
desséchant {adj} | :: desiccant, drying |
desséché {adj} | :: dried out, dessicated |
dessèchement {m} | :: drying (out) |
dessécher {vr} | :: to dry out |
dessein {m} [literary] | :: intention; plan; design |
desseller {vt} | :: to unsaddle |
desselle-toi que je te monte {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: prepare for a fight! |
desserrer {vt} | :: to loosen (knot, belt, etc.) |
desserrer {vt} | :: to unclench (teeth); relax (grip); release (brakes) |
desserrer {vt} [typography] | :: to space out |
desserrer {vt} [economics] | :: to ease, relax |
desserrer {vr} | :: to come loose; to slacken |
dessert {m} | :: dessert, pudding |
desserte {f} | :: side table (or the food served on it) |
desserte {f} | :: service |
dessertir {v} | :: to unsocket, to remove (a gem) from its socket on a piece of jewellery |
desservant {m} | :: A vicar, curate etc |
desservante {f} | :: feminine singular of desservant |
desservir {vt} [religion] | :: to serve (be the pastor of a church) |
desservir {vt} [transport] | :: to serve (of a train or bus, to stop at a particular town) |
desservir {vt} | :: to clear, clear away (e.g. a table) |
desservir {v} | :: to do a disservice, to perform ill offices to someone |
dessiccatif {adj} | :: desiccant |
dessiccation {f} | :: desiccation |
dessiller {vt} | :: to open someone's eyes (to) (make them see or understand something) |
dessin {m} | :: drawing |
dessin {m} | :: design (pattern) |
dessin animé {m} [animation] | :: animated cartoon |
dessinateur {m} | :: designer, draughtsman |
dessinateur {m} | :: cartoonist, drawer |
dessinatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of dessinateur |
dessiner {v} | :: to draw, to sketch |
dessiner {v} | :: to draw up, to design |
dessiner {vp} [se dessiner] | :: to take shape, to appear slowly |
dessoler {vt} | :: "(agri.) to unsole (animals); to take off the sole; to change the usual order of the cultivation of land" |
dessouder {v} | :: to unsolder |
dessouder {v} [colloquial] | :: to murder |
dessouler {v} [ergative] | :: to sober up |
dessoûler {v} | :: alternative form of dessouler |
dessous {adv} | :: underneath; beneath |
dessous {m} | :: underside; bottom |
dessous {m} | :: disadvantage |
dessous {m} [in plural] | :: (women's) underwear |
dessous {m} [in plural] | :: hidden agenda |
dessous {prep} | :: under; beneath |
dessous de bras {m} [colloquial] | :: armpit |
dessous-de-bras {m} | :: dress shield |
dessous-de-table {m} | :: bribe |
dessous de verre {m} | :: coaster (for cups) |
dessuintage {m} | :: scouring |
dessus {adv} | :: on |
dessus {adv} | :: on top |
dessus {adv} | :: upstairs |
dessus {adv} | :: over |
dessus {prep} [dated] | :: on, on top of |
dessus {m} | :: upside; top side |
dessus {m} | :: the upper hand; advantage |
dessus du panier {m} | :: the best of the bunch, the pick of the litter, the cream of the crop, the upper crust, the top of the barrel |
DEST {prop} | :: Diplôme d'études supérieures techniques, a diploma formerly awarded in France |
déstabilisateur {adj} | :: destabilizing |
déstabilisation {f} | :: destabilization |
déstabilisé {adj} | :: destabilised |
déstabiliser {v} | :: to destabilise |
déstalinisation {f} | :: destalinization |
déstaliniser {v} | :: to destalinize |
destin {m} | :: destiny, fate |
destinataire {mf} | :: recipient, addressee |
destination {f} | :: destination |
destinée {f} | :: Destiny, fate |
destiner {v} | :: to destine, to fate, to mean for |
destituer {vt} | :: to discharge, to relieve (one from their duty), to depose (someone from the throne) |
destitution {f} | :: discharge, dismissal |
destitution {f} | :: deposition (of a politician etc.) |
déstockage {m} | :: destocking |
déstocké {adj} | :: destocked |
déstocker {v} | :: to destock |
Destour {prop} | :: The political party whose aim was to free Tunisia from French rule |
destourien {adj} | :: Relating to the socialist party in power in Tunisia following independence |
déstresser {vt} | :: To destress |
déstresser {vi} | :: To unwind (reduce one's stress) |
destrier {m} | :: destrier |
Destroismaisons {prop} | :: surname |
destroyer {m} [France, military] | :: destroyer (warship) |
destructeur {adj} | :: destructive |
destructeur {m} | :: destroyer, destructor (that who/which destroys) |
destructeur {m} [object-oriented programming] | :: destructor |
destructif {adj} | :: destructive |
destruction {f} | :: destruction |
déstructuration {f} | :: deconstruction, destructuration |
déstructurer {v} | :: to deconstruct, to dismantle, to take apart |
déstructurer {v} [figuratively] | :: to destructure, to dismantle |
destruxine {f} | :: destruxin |
désucrer {v} | :: To remove the sugar from |
désuet {adj} | :: no longer in use; obsolete |
désuet {adj} | :: out of style or fashion, old-fashioned, passé |
désuétude {f} | :: obsolescence |
désuffixation {f} | :: stemming (removing a suffix) |
de suite {adv} | :: consecutively, in a row |
de suite {adv} [colloquial, proscribed] | :: straightaway, immediately |
désulfhydrase {f} [enzyme] | :: desulfhydrase |
désulfuration {f} [chemistry] | :: desulfuration |
désulfurer {v} [chemistry] | :: to desulfurize |
désumoyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To deSUMOylate |
désunion {f} | :: disunity; act of separating |
désunir {v} | :: to disunite, to separate, to divide |
de surcroît {adv} [rather formal] | :: besides, moreover, furthermore |
détachable {adj} | :: detachable, removable |
détachement {m} | :: detachment |
détacher {vt} | :: to remove spots, stains |
détacher {vt} | :: to detach, unbind or untie |
détacher {vr} | :: to come off (become detached, unbound, untied etc.) |
détacher {vr} | :: to stand out |
détail {m} | :: detail (something small enough to escape casual notice, or a profusion of details) |
détaillant {m} | :: retailer |
détaillante {f} | :: feminine singular of détaillant |
de taille {adj} | :: major, significant, important, big, sizable |
détaillé {adj} | :: detailed, itemized, elaborate |
détailler {v} | :: to detail (to explain in detail) |
détailler {v} | :: to retail |
détaler {vi} | :: to make oneself scarce, to scamper (off or away), to make off |
détalinguer {vi} [navigation] | :: to unbend the cable |
détaper {vt} | :: to take out the tompion (of a cannon) |
détapisser {v} | :: to strip (the wallpaper) |
détartrage {m} | :: descaling, scaling |
détartrant {m} | :: descaler (agent) |
détartrer {v} | :: to descale |
détaxation {f} | :: detaxation |
détaxe {f} | :: removal, reduction or refund of tax |
détaxé {adj} | :: tax-free |
détaxer {vt} | :: to free from tax |
détectable {adj} | :: detectable |
détecter {v} | :: to detect |
détecter {v} | :: to discover, to uncover |
détecteur {m} | :: detector, sensor |
détection {f} | :: detection |
détective {m} | :: detective (police officer who looks for evidence) |
déteindre {vt} | :: to bleach |
déteindre {vr} | :: to lose one's color |
dételer {vt} | :: to unyoke (a bull), unharness (a horse); unhitch, uncouple (a wagon) |
dételer {vi} [colloquial] | :: to knock off, stop working |
de temps à autre {adv} | :: now and then, from time to time |
de temps en temps {adv} | :: from time to time, once in a while |
détendeur {m} | :: regulator |
détendre {vr} | :: to relax |
détendre {v} | :: to loosen, to untighten |
détendre {v} | :: to help relax, to calm |
détendu {adj} | :: relaxed |
détenir {v} [legal] | :: to detain |
détenir {v} | :: to possess, to have, to hold |
détente {f} | :: relaxation, détente |
détente {f} | :: trigger (firearms) |
détente {f} [sports] | :: height to which one is able to jump |
détente {f} [physics] | :: expansion of a gas or a spring |
détenteur {m} [legal] | :: holder |
détenteur {m} | :: holder (of e.g. a record) |
détention {f} [legal] | :: detention |
détention {f} | :: possession, keeping, holding |
détentrice {f} | :: feminine noun of détenteur |
détenu {adj} | :: detained |
détenu {adj} | :: imprisoned, confined |
détenu {adj} | :: retaining |
détenu {m} | :: detainee, prisoner, inmate |
détenue {f} | :: feminine noun of détenu |
déter {adj} [colloquial] | :: diehard, hellbent, determined (resolute, possessing much determination) |
détergent {m} | :: detergent |
déterger {vt} | :: "(med.) to deterge; to absterge, to cleanse" |
détérioration {f} | :: deterioration |
détériorer {v} | :: to deteriorate |
déterminable {adj} | :: determinable |
déterminant {adj} | :: determinant |
déterminant {m} [grammar] | :: determiner |
déterminant {m} [biology] | :: determinant |
déterminant {m} [linear algebra] | :: determinant |
déterminant {m} | :: determinant as a determining factor |
déterminant possessif {m} [grammar] | :: possessive determiner |
déterminatif {adj} [linguistics, grammar] | :: determinative |
détermination {f} | :: determination |
déterminé {adj} | :: determined (resolute, possessing much determination) |
déterminé {adj} | :: precise; exact |
déterminément {adv} | :: determinedly; in a determined way |
déterminer {v} | :: to determine, establish |
déterminisme {m} | :: determinism |
déterministe {adj} | :: deterministic |
déterministe {mf} | :: determinist |
déterministique {adj} | :: deterministic |
déterministiquement {adv} | :: deterministically |
déterrer {v} | :: to dig up |
déterrer {v} | :: to exhume, disinter |
déterrer la hache de guerre {v} [figuratively] | :: to take up the hatchet, to go on the warpath, to be back on the warpath |
détersif {adj} | :: detergent |
détersif {m} | :: detergent |
détestable {adj} | :: detestable, despicable |
détestable {adj} [humorous, colloquial] | :: awful, terrible, very bad at something |
détestablement {adv} | :: detestably |
détestation {f} | :: detestation, abhorrence |
détester {v} | :: to thoroughly dislike; to hate; to detest |
de tête {prep} | :: only with one's mind or memory, with no external aid |
détiarer {vt} | :: to deprive of one's tiara; to discrown |
détirer {v} | :: to stretch (by pulling) |
détiser {vt} | :: "to rake out (the fire); to still, to quell" |
détisser {vt} | :: to unweave |
détonateur {m} | :: detonator |
détonation {f} | :: detonation |
détoner {vi} | :: to detonate |
détonner {v} [music] | :: to sing out of tune |
détonner {vt} | :: to stick out, to stick out like a sore thumb |
détordre {vt} | :: to untwist |
détorquer {vt} | :: to distort, to misrepresent |
détortiller {vt} | :: "to untwist; to unravel" |
détortiller {vr} | :: "to become untwisted; to unravel" |
de toujours {adj} | :: lifelong, very old |
détouper {vt} | :: "to unstop, to take out the bung or stopple; to take the tow out of" |
détoupillonner {vt} | :: "to prune (orange-trees)" |
détour {m} | :: detour |
détour {m} | :: curve |
détour {m} | :: evasion |
détournement {m} | :: rerouting, diversion |
détournement {m} [media] | :: detournement |
détournement {m} | :: hijacking |
détourner {v} | :: to divert |
détourner {v} [figuratively] | :: to distract, to divert (attention) |
détourner {v} | :: to hijack |
détourner {v} | :: to embezzle |
détourner {v} | :: to turn aside, to turn away, to avert (from something) |
détourner {vr} | :: to turn aside, to turn away |
de tous les diables {adj} [colloquial] | :: a hell of a, hellish, huge |
de tous les instants {adj} | :: perpetual, constant, round-the-clock (of surveillance, attention, etc.) |
de tous les temps {prep} | :: of all time, ever, in history |
de tout cœur {adv} [figuratively] | :: with all one's heart, wholeheartedly |
de toute beauté {adj} | :: magnificent, splendid, superb, exquisite, beautiful |
de toute éternité {v} | :: from time immemorial, since the dawn of time |
de toute évidence {adv} | :: evidently, clearly (obviously) |
de toute façon {adv} | :: anyway, anyhow |
de toute manière {adv} | :: anyway, anyhow |
de toutes pièces {adv} [pejorative] | :: from scratch, ex nihilo, entirely, completely |
de toutes ses forces {adv} | :: with all one's might |
de tout poil {adj} [colloquial] | :: of all kinds |
de tout repos {adj} | :: relaxing, restful |
de tout temps {adv} | :: from time immemorial, since the dawn of time |
détoxication {f} | :: detoxification |
détoxification {f} | :: detoxification |
détoxifier {vt} | :: to detoxify |
détoxiquer {v} | :: to detoxify |
détracteur {m} | :: critic, detractor |
détranger {vt} [horticulture] | :: To drive away (insects that injure the plants). |
détraqué {adj} | :: broken, broken down, busted |
détraqué {adj} | :: unsettled |
détraquer {vt} | :: to upset, wreck |
détraquer {vt} | :: to unsettle |
de travers {adv} | :: awry, crookedly, all over the place (in a mess) |
de travers {adv} | :: askance |
détrempe {f} [arts] | :: tempera |
détrempé {adj} | :: sodden |
détrempé {adj} | :: waterlogged |
détremper {vt} | :: to soak |
détremper {vt} | :: to water down |
détresse {f} | :: distress, despair, anguish |
détresser {vt} | :: to unweave, to unplait |
détricotage {m} | :: the act of unravelling a thread |
détricotage {m} [figuratively] | :: the act of backing out on a promise |
détricoter {v} | :: to unravel, to undo (stitches) |
détricoter {v} [figuratively] | :: to back out on, to undo (a decision), to default |
détriment {m} | :: detriment |
détrimentaire {adj} | :: detrimental |
détritique {adj} | :: detrital |
détritivore {adj} | :: detritivorous |
détritivore {m} | :: detritivore |
détritus {m} | :: detritus |
détritus {m} | :: litter (fallen leaves etc) |
Detroit {prop} | :: Detroit; alternative form of Détroit |
Detroit {prop} | :: Detroit (city) |
Detroit {prop} | :: Detroit (river) |
détroit {m} | :: strait (narrow channel of water) |
Détroit {prop} | :: Detroit; Détroit (city) |
Détroit {prop} | :: Detroit; Détroit (river) |
détroit de Béring {m} | :: Bering Strait |
détroit de Gibraltar {m} | :: Strait of Gibraltar |
détroit de Messine {prop} {m} | :: the Strait of Messina |
détromper {vt} | :: to disabuse (with de = of); to undeceive; to disillusion |
détrompeur {m} | :: poka-yoke |
détrôné {adj} | :: dethroned |
détrôner {v} | :: to dethrone |
détrousser {v} | :: to rob someone of what they are wearing or carrying; to mug |
détrousseur {m} | :: agent noun of détrousser; robber, mugger |
détrousseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of détrousseur |
détruire {v} | :: to destroy |
détruire {v} | :: to destruct |
détruire {v} | :: to demolish |
dette {f} | :: debt |
détumescence {f} | :: detumescence |
deuil {m} | :: bereavement |
deuil {m} [uncountable] | :: mourning |
deuil {m} | :: mourning (clothes) |
deuil {m} | :: funeral procession |
de un {adv} [colloquial] | :: first, first up |
deusio {adv} | :: alternative form of deuzio |
deuspi {m} [verlan, back slang] | :: speed |
deutéragoniste {mf} | :: deuteragonist |
deutéré {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: deuterated |
deutérium {m} | :: deuterium |
deutérocanonique {adj} | :: deuterocanonical |
deutéron {m} [physics] | :: deuteron |
Deutéronome {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Deuteronomy |
deutérure {m} | :: deuteride |
deuton {m} [physics] | :: deuteron |
deutoxide {m} [chemistry, archaic] | :: deutoxide |
deutoxyde {m} [chemistry, archaic] | :: deutoxide |
deutschemark {m} | :: Deutsche Mark (former currency unit of Germany) |
deux {num} | :: two |
deux {m} | :: two |
deux {m} [in the plural] | :: twos |
deux avis valent mieux qu'un {phrase} | :: two heads are better than one |
deux cents {m} | :: two hundred |
deux-cents {num} | :: two hundred |
deuxième {adj} | :: second |
deuxième {mf} | :: second |
deuxième base {f} [Europe] | :: alternative form of deuxième but |
deuxième but {m} [baseball] | :: second base |
deuxième but {m} | :: [by ellipsis] second baseman |
deuxième classe {f} | :: second class (the second-most (least, if there are only two) luxurious and expensive class of accommodation on a train, airplane, etc.) |
Deuxième Guerre mondiale {prop} {f} | :: World War II |
deuxièmement {adv} | :: secondly |
deuxième personne {f} | :: second person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience) |
deuxième poteau {m} | :: far post |
deux paires {fp} [poker] | :: two pair |
deux poids, deux mesures {phrase} | :: double standard |
deux poids et deux mesures {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: double standard |
deux points {mp} | :: colon (punctuation mark) |
deux-roues {m} | :: two-wheeler |
Deux-Sèvres {prop} | :: Deux-Sèvres (department) |
deuzio {adv} | :: synonym of deuxièmement |
déva {m} | :: deva |
Devalcourt {prop} | :: surname |
dévaler {vti} | :: to go down, descend |
de valeur {adj} | :: valuable, precious |
dévaliser {vt} | :: to burgle; to rob |
dévalorisation {f} | :: devaluation, depreciation |
dévaloriser {v} | :: to devalorize; to reduce in value |
dévaluation {f} | :: devaluation |
dévaluer {vt} | :: to devalue |
devancer {v} | :: to overtake, to get ahead, to surpass |
devancer {v} | :: to arrive earlier than (someone), to do (something before somebody else), to beat to the punch |
devancer {v} | :: to precede, to be ahead of (something in a list) |
devancer {v} | :: to anticipate, to pre-empt |
devancier {m} | :: precursor |
devancier {m} | :: predecessor |
devancière {f} | :: precursor, predecessor (feminine) |
devant {prep} | :: confronted with, faced with |
devant {prep} | :: in front of, before |
devant {prep} | :: outside |
devant {m} | :: front |
devanture {f} | :: frontage (shop front) |
devanture {f} [by extension] | :: shop window (or the display in it) |
dévastateur {adj} | :: devastating |
dévastation {f} | :: devastation, destruction |
dévasté {adj} | :: devastated, destroyed |
dévaster {v} | :: to devastate, destroy |
Deveaux {prop} | :: surname |
déveine {f} | :: bad luck |
développante {f} [geometry] | :: involute |
développé {adj} | :: developed |
développé couché {m} [weightlifting] | :: bench press |
développement {m} | :: development |
développemental {adj} | :: developmental |
développement durable {m} | :: sustainable development |
développement personnel {m} | :: personal development, self-improvement, self-help |
développer {v} | :: to develop |
développer {v} [computing] | :: to code (an application) |
développeur {m} | :: developer (software programmer) |
développeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of développeur |
développoïde {f} [geometry] | :: developoid |
devenir {m} | :: future |
devenir {v} | :: to become |
devenir {v} [Louisiana French, followed by de] | :: to come from |
devenir chèvre {v} | :: to get worked up, to lose patience |
devenir chèvre {v} | :: to become furious, to become enraged |
déventer {vt} [navigation] | :: to take the wind out (of the sails of a vessel) |
déverbatif {adj} [grammar] | :: deverbative |
déverbatif {m} [grammar] | :: deverbative |
dévergondage {f} | :: shamelessness |
dévergondage {f} | :: extravagance |
dévergondé {adj} | :: shameless |
dévergonder {vp} | :: to break bad, be led astray |
dévergonder {vt} [rare] | :: to debauch, corrupt, pervert |
déverguer {vt} [navigation] | :: to unbend the sails from the yards |
déverminage {m} | :: burn-in |
déverminer {v} [computing] | :: to debug |
déverni {adj} | :: unvarnished |
déverrouillage {m} | :: unlocking |
déverrouiller {vt} | :: to unlock, unbolt, unfasten |
devers {prep} | :: towards |
déversement {m} | :: spillage, discharge |
déverser {vt} | :: to pour, pour out, spill out |
déverser {vr} [with dans] | :: to pour (into), to flow (into) |
déversoir {m} | :: overflow, spillway |
dévêtir {vr} | :: to undress |
dévêtu {adj} | :: undressed |
déviance {f} | :: deviance (variation from expected behavior or form) |
déviance {f} [statistics] | :: anomaly |
déviant {adj} | :: deviant |
déviation {f} [transport] | :: diversion; different route to travel |
déviation {f} [optics, sport] | :: deflection |
déviationniste {adj} | :: deviationist |
déviationniste {mf} | :: deviationist |
dévidage {m} | :: reeling, unwinding, spooling |
dévider {v} | :: to put (string) into a ball |
dévider {v} | :: to unwind, spool, reel |
dévider {v} [figuratively] | :: to recount, to reel off (a story) |
dévidoir {m} | :: reel, spool |
dévier {v} | :: to divert |
dévier {v} | :: to deviate, stray, go off course |
dévier {v} | :: to deflect, parry |
Deville {prop} | :: Deville; surname |
devin {m} | :: forecaster |
devine quoi {phrase} [colloquial] | :: guess what, what do you know |
deviner {v} | :: to guess; to work out, figure out |
deviner {v} | :: to sense, perceive |
devineresse {f} | :: feminine noun of devin |
devinette {f} | :: riddle |
dévirginiser {v} | :: to deflower |
devis {m} | :: quote, estimate |
dévisager {vt} | :: to peer at (someone's face), stare at (the face of) |
devise {f} [heraldry] | :: motto |
devise {f} [finance] | :: assets in foreign currency |
devise {f} [finance, by extension] | :: currency |
deviser {vi} | :: to chat (converse familiarly) |
deviser {vt} | :: to make a quote for a prospective client |
dévissable {adj} | :: unscrewable (capable of being unscrewed) |
dévissage {m} | :: unscrewing |
dévisser {vt} | :: to unscrew, undo |
de visu {adv} | :: with one's own eyes |
dévitalisation {f} | :: root canal surgery |
dévitalisé {adj} | :: devitalized |
dévitaliser {v} | :: to devitalize |
dévitaliser {v} [surgery] | :: to perform root canal surgery |
dévitrification {f} | :: devitrification |
dévitrifier {v} | :: to devitrify |
de vive voix {adv} | :: in person, personally, viva voce |
dévoiement {m} [of a conduit] | :: canting, sloping |
dévoiement {m} | :: the act of leading astray, corruption |
dévoiement {m} | :: runny bowels, diarrhoea |
dévoiler {vt} | :: to unveil (remove a veil from) |
dévoiler {vt} [figuratively] | :: to unveil, to reveal, to disclose |
devoir {m} | :: duty |
devoir {m} | :: exercise, assignment (set for homework) |
devoir {v} | :: must, to have to, should (as a requirement) |
devoir {v} | :: must, to do or have with certainty |
devoir {vt} | :: to owe (money, obligation and etc) |
devoir {vi} [literary, in imperfect subjunctive, with inversion of subject] | :: (even) though it be necessary (+ infinitive) |
devoir {vr} [~ de] | :: to have a duty to |
devoir de mémoire {m} | :: duty of remembrance, duty never to forget, obligation to remember |
devoirs {mp} | :: Homework |
devoir sur table {m} | :: written test |
devoir surveillé {m} | :: test, examination |
devoir une fière chandelle {v} [à] | :: To owe someone one |
dévoisement {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: devoicing |
Devolle {prop} | :: surname |
dévolu {adj} | :: devolved (to) |
dévolu {adj} | :: reserved (for) |
dévolution {f} [legal] | :: devolution (transfer of power) |
dévorant {adj} | :: consuming, devouring |
dévorateur {adj} | :: devouring |
dévorer {v} [literally and figuratively] | :: to devour |
dévorer des yeux {vt} | :: to stare hungrily at, to eye intensely, greedily, to eye up and down; to feast one's eyes on, to devour with one's eyes |
dévorer du regard {vt} | :: to stare hungrily at, to eye intensely, greedily, to eye up and down; to feast one's eyes on, to devour with one's eyes |
dévoreur {m} | :: devourer |
dévoreur {adj} | :: devouring |
Devos {prop} | :: surname |
dévot {adj} | :: devout, godly |
dévotement {adv} | :: devoutly |
dévotieusement {adv} | :: devotionally |
dévotieusement {adv} | :: devoutly |
dévotieusement {adv} | :: devotedly |
dévotion {f} [uncountable] | :: religious devotion |
dévotion {f} [countable] | :: any religious ritual |
dévotionnel {adj} | :: devotional |
dévoué {adj} | :: devoted |
dévouement {m} | :: dedication, commitment (to duty); self-sacrifice |
dévouement {m} | :: devotion, devotedness |
dévouer {vt} | :: to sacrifice, to make sacrifices |
dévouer {vr} | :: to devote, dedicate |
dévoûment {m} | :: alternative spelling of dévouement |
dévoyé {adj} [figurative] | :: astray, perverted, immoral, corrupt (having strayed from what is viewed as moral) |
dévoyé {m} | :: stray, immoral or corrupt person (someone who has strayed from a moral lifestyle) |
dévoyer {v} | :: to mislead, to lead astray |
dévoyer {vp} [figuratively] | :: to go down the wrong path, to turn delinquant, to leave the straight and narrow |
dexaméthasone {f} | :: dexamethasone |
d'exception {adj} | :: exceptional |
dextérité {f} | :: dexterity, skill |
dextrane {m} [carbohydrate] | :: dextran |
dextre {adj} | :: adroit, dextrous |
dextre {adj} [dated] | :: right-handed |
dextre {adj} [heraldry] | :: dexter; right-hand side of the shield |
dextrement {adv} | :: adroitly; dextrously |
dextro- {prefix} | :: dextro- |
dextrochere {m} | :: obsolete spelling of dextrochère |
dextrochère {m} | :: dextrochere |
dextrogyre {adj} [chemistry] | :: dextrogyre |
dextrométhorphane {m} [organic compound] | :: dextromethorphan |
dextrose {m} | :: dextrose (sugar) |
dézinguer {v} | :: To dezinc, to remove a previously-applied zinc coating from a surface |
dézinguer {v} | :: To supplant (remove forcibly) |
dézinguer {v} | :: To demolish (an argument) |
dézinguer {v} | :: To kill, gun down |
dézipper {v} [computing] | :: to unzip |
dézoner {vti} | :: To dezone (remove zoning) |
dézoner {v} [sport] | :: To stray from one's allotted position of the field |
dézoomer {vi} | :: to zoom out |
DGSE {prop} | :: initialism of Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure: a French intelligence agency |
d'habitude {adv} | :: usually |
dhamma {m} | :: dhamma |
d'homme à homme {phrase} | :: man-to-man |
di- {prefix} | :: di- |
dia- {prefix} | :: dia- |
dia {interj} | :: yah!, cry to make (a) working animal(s) etc. advance or turn left |
diabase {f} [geology] | :: diabase |
diabète {m} | :: diabetes |
diabète sucré {m} | :: diabetes mellitus |
diabétique {adj} | :: diabetic |
diabétique {mf} | :: diabetic |
diabétologue {mf} | :: diabetologist |
diable {m} [religion, mythology] | :: devil |
diable {m} [colloquial] | :: rogue, (old) devil |
diable {m} | :: hand truck |
diable {prop} {m} | :: the Devil |
diable {interj} [dated] | :: dash it!, deuce! |
diable de Tasmanie {m} | :: Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) |
diablement {adv} | :: fiendishly, devilishly |
diablerie {f} | :: devilry; the deeds or the domain of the devil |
diablerie {f} | :: witchcraft, diablerie |
diablerie {f} | :: mischief, machination |
diablerie {f} | :: a painting or play about the devil |
diablesse {f} | :: she-devil, demoness |
diableteau {m} | :: A little devil; an imp |
diable vauvert {adv} [idiomatic] | :: a million miles away, to the ends of the earth |
diablotin {m} | :: small devil, imp |
diablotin {m} | :: lively, impish child |
diablotin {m} | :: a certain type of sail |
diabolique {adj} | :: diabolic (relating to the Devil or to devils) |
diaboliquement {adv} | :: diabolically |
diabolisation {f} | :: demonization |
diaboliser {v} | :: to demonise |
diaboliste {mf} | :: devil-worshipper |
diaboliste {adj} | :: devil worship (attributive) |
diaboliste {mf} | :: diaboloist |
diabolo {m} [juggling] | :: diabolo |
diabolo {m} | :: a sort of sugary non-alcoholic drink |
diacaustique {adj} | :: diacaustic |
diacétate {m} [chemistry] | :: diacetate |
diacétyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diacetyl |
diacétylène {m} [organic compound] | :: diacetylene |
diachronie {f} | :: diachrony |
diachronique {adj} | :: diachronic |
diacide {m} [chemistry] | :: diacid |
diaclase {f} [geology] | :: diaclasis |
diacre {m} [Christianity] | :: deacon |
diacritique {adj} | :: diacritical |
diacritique {m} | :: diacritic (special mark) |
diacritique {f} | :: diacritics |
diacritiquement {adv} | :: diacritically |
diacylglycérol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diacylglycerol |
diadème {m} | :: diadem |
diærese {f} | :: obsolete form of diérèse |
diæte {f} | :: obsolete form of diète |
diagenèse {f} [geology] | :: diagenesis |
diagénèse {f} | :: alternative form of diagenèse |
diagenétique {adj} [geology] | :: diagenetic |
diagnose {f} | :: diagnosis |
diagnostic {m} | :: diagnosis |
diagnostiqué {adj} | :: diagnosed |
diagnostiquer {vt} | :: to diagnose (determine the root cause of) |
diagomètre {m} | :: diagometer |
diagonal {adj} | :: diagonal, transverse, oblique |
diagonale {f} | :: diagonal |
diagonalement {adv} | :: diagonally |
diagonalisabilité {f} | :: diagonalizability |
diagonalisable {adj} [maths] | :: diagonalizable |
diagonaliser {v} [maths] | :: To diagonalize |
diagramme {m} | :: diagram |
diagraphe {m} | :: diagraph |
diagraphie {f} | :: diagraphy |
diaire {m} | :: journal |
diaire {m} | :: diary |
dialcool {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diol |
dialdéhyde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: dialdehyde |
dialectal {adj} | :: dialectal |
dialecte {m} [linguistics] | :: language socially subordinate to a regional or national standard language, often historically cognate to the standard, but not a variety of it or in any other sense derived from it |
dialecte {m} [colloquial] | :: dialect |
dialecticien {adj} | :: dialectician |
dialectique {adj} | :: dialectic, dialectical |
dialectiquement {adv} | :: dialectically |
diallèle {m} | :: diallel |
dialogique {adj} | :: dialogic |
dialogiquement {adv} | :: dialogically |
dialogue {m} | :: dialogue |
dialogue de sourds {m} [figuratively] | :: a dialogue where both participants speak past one another, without listening to each other |
dialoguer {v} | :: to dialogue, discuss, negotiate |
dialoguiste {mf} | :: dialogue writer; scriptwriter |
dialysat {m} [medicine] | :: dialysate |
dialyse {f} [chemistry, medicine] | :: dialysis (chemical method) |
dialysé {adj} | :: dialyzed |
dialyser {v} | :: to dialyze |
diamagnétique {adj} | :: diamagnetic |
diamagnétiquement {adv} | :: diamagnetically |
diamagnétisme {m} [physics] | :: diamagnetism |
diamant {m} | :: diamond (gem) |
diamant {m} | :: diamond (shape) |
diamant {m} | :: needle (of a record player) |
diamant {m} [uncountable, printing, dated] | :: excelsior (a small size of type, standardized as 3 point) |
diamanté {adj} | :: adorned with diamonds |
diamanter {v} | :: to diamond (adorn with diamonds) |
diamantifère {adj} | :: diamondiferous |
diamant mandarin {m} | :: zebra finch |
diamétral {adj} [chiefly geometry] | :: diametric |
diamétralement {adv} | :: diametrically |
diamètre {m} | :: diameter |
diamine {f} [chemistry] | :: diamine |
diaminobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: diaminobenzene |
diaminoéthane {m} [organic compound] | :: diaminoethane |
diane {f} [military, now literary] | :: reveille |
Diane {prop} {f} [Roman god] | :: Diana |
Diane {prop} {f} | :: given name |
dianétique {adj} | :: Dianetic |
dianétique {f} | :: Dianetics |
diantre {interj} [archaic] | :: the deuce! |
diantrement {adv} | :: devilishly |
diapason {m} [music, uncountable] | :: range, diapason |
diapason {m} [countable] | :: a tuning fork |
diaphane {adj} [physics or formal] | :: diaphanous, translucent |
diaphane {adj} [of a person or their physical traits] | :: delicate, fragile |
diaphanéité {f} | :: transparency, diaphaneity |
diaphanement {adv} | :: diaphanously |
diaphanomètre {m} | :: diaphanometer |
diaphasique {adj} [linguistics] | :: diaphasic, relating to variation across register |
diaphorèse {f} | :: diaphoresis |
diaphragmatique {adj} | :: diaphragmatic |
diaphragme {m} [anatomy] | :: diaphragm |
diaphragme {m} [photography] | :: diaphragm |
diaphragme {m} | :: diaphragm (contraceptive) |
diaphragmer {v} [photography] | :: to diaphragm |
diaphyse {f} [anatomy] | :: diaphysis |
diapo {f} | :: clipping of diapositive |
diaporama {m} | :: a slideshow |
diapositive {f} [photography] | :: slide (used with a projector for projecting images) |
diapositive {f} [by extension, computing] | :: slide (of a presentation program) |
diapré {adj} | :: multicoloured, variegated |
diaprer {vt} | :: to variegate, diaper; to iridize |
diarchie {f} | :: alternative spelling of dyarchie |
diarrhée {f} | :: diarrhea (medical condition) |
diarrhéique {adj} | :: diarrheal |
diarrhœe {f} | :: obsolete form of diarrhée |
diarthrose {f} [anatomy] | :: diarthrosis |
diaspora {f} | :: diaspora |
diasporamètre {m} | :: diasporameter |
diasporique {adj} | :: diasporic |
diastasique {adj} | :: diastasic |
diastème {m} | :: diastema, gap between teeth |
diastéréoisomère {m} | :: diastereoisomer |
diastéréoisomère {adj} | :: diastereoisomeric |
diastéréomère {m} | :: alternative form of diastéréoisomère |
diastéréotope {adj} [chemistry] | :: diastereotopic |
diastole {f} [physiology] | :: diastole |
diastolique {adj} | :: diastolic |
diathermane {adj} | :: diathermic |
diathermanéité {f} | :: diathermancy |
diathèse {f} [medicine, grammar] | :: diathesis |
diatomée {f} | :: diatom |
diatomicité {f} [chemistry] | :: diatomicity |
diatomique {adj} [chemistry] | :: diatomic |
diaton {m} [music] | :: An interval of two whole tones |
diatonique {adj} [music] | :: diatonic |
diatoniquement {adv} | :: diatonically |
diatribe {f} | :: diatribe (abusive, bitter discourse) |
diazène {m} [chemistry] | :: diazene |
diazépine {f} [organic compound] | :: diazepine |
diazotation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: diazotization |
diazote {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dinitrogen (nitrogen molecule) |
dibrome {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dibromine |
dibromure {m} [chemistry] | :: dibromide |
dicarboxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: dicarboxylic |
dicastère {m} | :: dicastery |
dicétone {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diketone |
dichlore {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dichlorine |
dichlorobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: dichlorobenzene |
dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane {m} [organic compound] | :: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane |
dichlorométhane {m} [organic compound] | :: dichloromethane |
dichlorure {m} [chemistry] | :: dichloride |
dichogamie {f} | :: dichogamy |
dichotomie {f} | :: dichotomy |
dichotomique {adj} | :: dichotomous |
dichotomiquement {adv} | :: dichotomously |
dichroé {adj} | :: synonym of bicolore |
dichroïque {adj} | :: dichroic |
dichroïsme {m} | :: dichroism |
dichromatique {adj} | :: dichromatic |
d'ici peu {adv} | :: soon, shortly, in a moment |
dickensien {adj} | :: Dickensian |
dickinsonien {adj} | :: Dickinsonian |
dico {m} [colloquial] | :: dictionary |
dicotylédone {f} | :: dicotyledon |
dictame {m} [botany] | :: dittany, dictamnus |
dictame {m} [figuratively] | :: balm |
dictaphone {m} | :: dictation machine, dictaphone |
dictateur {m} | :: dictator |
dictatorial {adj} | :: dictatorial |
dictatorialement {adv} | :: dictatorially |
dictatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of dictateur |
dictature {f} | :: dictatorship |
dictature du prolétariat {f} [Marxism] | :: dictatorship of the proletariat |
dictée {f} | :: dictation (the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words) |
dicter {v} | :: to dictate |
dictionnaire {m} | :: dictionary: a list of words, usually arranged alphabetically and presented with definitions or translations |
dictionnaire {m} [computing] | :: dictionary, an associative array |
dictionnairique {adj} [rare] | :: dictionaric |
dicton {m} | :: saying, maxim, proverb, adage |
dictyoptère {m} | :: dictyopteran |
dicyanure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dicyanide |
didacticiel {m} [computing] | :: courseware (educational software) |
didacticiel {m} [computing] | :: tutorial in software |
didactique {adj} | :: didactic (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate) |
didactique {f} | :: didacticism |
didactiquement {adv} | :: didactically |
didascalie {f} [theatre] | :: caption |
Didenheim {prop} | :: Didenheim |
didermique {adj} | :: diderm, didermic |
Diderot {prop} | :: surname |
Diderot {prop} | :: Denis Diderot, French philosopher |
Didier {prop} | :: given name, borne by two early French saints |
didodécaèdre {adj} | :: didodecahedral |
Didon {prop} {f} | :: Dido (legendary foundress and queen of Carthage) |
didrachme {m} | :: didrachma |
didyme {m} | :: didymium |
Didyme {prop} | :: Didymus |
dièdre {m} | :: dihedron |
diégèse {f} | :: diegesis |
diégétique {adj} | :: diegetic |
diélectrique {adj} | :: dielectric |
diélectrique {m} | :: dielectric |
diélectriquement {adv} | :: dielectrically |
diencéphale {m} [anatomy] | :: diencephalon |
diéne {m} [organic compound] | :: diene |
diène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diene |
diénoïque {adj} | :: dienoic |
dieppois {adj} | :: Of or from Dieppe |
Dieppois {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Dieppe |
Dieppoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Dieppois |
diérèse {f} | :: diaeresis (all meanings) |
dièse {m} [music, history] | :: diesis |
dièse {m} [music] | :: sharp |
dièse {m} | :: hash (punctuation mark) |
diesel {m} | :: alternative form of diésel |
diésel {adj} | :: diesel |
diésel {m} | :: diesel |
diéser {v} [music] | :: to sharp |
diète {f} | :: diet (regulation of nutrition) |
diète {f} | :: diet (council or assembly) |
Dietemann {prop} | :: surname |
diététicien {m} | :: dietitian (person who studies or practices dietetics) |
diététicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of diététicien |
diététique {adj} | :: dietetic |
diététiquement {adv} | :: dietetically |
diététiste {mf} [Quebec] | :: dietitian |
diéthion {m} [chemistry] | :: diethion |
diéthoxy {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diethoxy |
diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique {m} [chemistry] | :: lysergic acid diethylamide |
diéthyldithiocarbamate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diethyldithiocarbamate |
diéthyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diethyl |
diéthyléther {m} [organic compound] | :: diethyl ether |
diéthylique {adj} | :: diethyl (attributive) |
diéthylphtalate {m} [organic compound] | :: diethyl phthalate |
dieu {m} | :: A god, male divinity |
Dieu {prop} {m} | :: God |
dieudonnesque {adj} | :: Characteristic of French comedian and political activist Dieudonné |
Dieu le Père {prop} {m} | :: God the Father, Holy Father |
Dieu merci {interj} | :: thank God! thank goodness! |
Dieu soit loué {interj} | :: thank God! thank heavens! thank goodness! |
DIF {m} | :: initialism of droit individuel à la formation |
diffa {f} [Morocco] | :: feast, banquet [especially for a wedding] |
diffamateur {m} | :: libeller, slanderer, defamer |
diffamation {f} | :: defamation |
diffamatoire {adj} | :: defamatory; slanderous |
diffamatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of diffamateur |
diffamer {v} | :: to defame; smear; ruin the name of |
difféomorphe {adj} [maths] | :: diffeomorphic |
difféomorphisme {m} [maths] | :: diffeomorphism |
différance {f} [literary theory, linguistics] | :: différance |
différemment {adv} | :: differently |
différence {f} | :: difference |
différenciable {adj} | :: differentiable |
différenciation {f} | :: differentiation |
différencié {adj} | :: differentiated |
différencier {vt} | :: to differentiate (all senses), distinguish |
différend {m} | :: dispute, difference, debate, disagreement |
différent {adj} | :: different |
différentiable {adj} | :: differentiable |
différentiation {f} | :: differentiation (all senses) |
différentié {adj} [mathematics] | :: differentiated |
différentiel {m} [mathematics] | :: differential |
différentiel {adj} [mathematics] | :: differential |
différentiellement {adv} | :: differentially |
différentier {vt} | :: alternative form of différencier |
différer {v} | :: to differ |
difficile {adj} | :: difficult |
difficile {adj} | :: choosy, fussy, picky |
difficilement {adv} | :: difficultly, with difficulty |
difficulté {f} | :: difficulty |
difficultueusement {adv} | :: problematically |
difficultueux {adj} [of people, dated] | :: peevish, who starts difficulties |
difficultueux {adj} [of things, colloquial, dated] | :: problematic (leading to all sorts of difficulties) |
diffluer {vi} | :: to spread diffusely |
difforme {adj} | :: misshapen, deformed |
difformer {vt} | :: "to deform, to spoil; to deface (coins, money)" |
difformité {f} | :: deformity |
diffracter {vt} | :: to diffract |
diffractif {adj} [physics] | :: diffractive |
diffraction {f} | :: diffraction |
diffractométrie {f} | :: diffractometry |
diffus {adj} | :: diffuse |
diffusément {adv} | :: diffusely |
diffuser {v} | :: to diffuse |
diffuser {v} | :: to broadcast |
diffuseur {m} | :: diffuser |
diffuseur {m} | :: distributor (newspapers) |
diffusible {adj} | :: diffusible |
diffusif {adj} | :: diffusive |
diffusion {f} | :: broadcasting, showing |
diffusion {f} | :: dissemination, diffusion (of culture, knowledge, etc.) |
diffusion {f} | :: circulation (of a news medium) |
diffusion {f} [physics] | :: diffusion |
dificile {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of difficile |
difluor {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: difluorine |
difluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: difluoride |
difonctionnel {adj} | :: difunctional |
digame {adj} | :: digamous |
digamma {m} | :: digamma (Greek letter) |
digastrique {adj} [anatomy] | :: digastric |
digba {m} [nouchi] | :: muscle |
digba {adj} [nouchi] | :: bulky, hench |
digérer {v} [literally and figuratively] | :: to digest |
digérer {v} | :: to come to terms with, to accept |
digeste {m} | :: digest |
digeste {adj} | :: digestible |
digesteur {m} [chemistry] | :: digester |
digestibilité {f} | :: digestibility |
digestible {adj} | :: digestible |
digestif {m} | :: a digestive |
digestif {m} | :: a digestif |
digestion {f} | :: digestion |
digital {adj} | :: of or pertaining to fingers or toes |
digital {adj} | :: digital |
digitale {f} [botany, pharmacy] | :: digitalis |
digitale {f} | :: foxglove |
digitigrade {adj} | :: digitigrade |
digitigrade {m} | :: digitigrade |
diglossie {f} | :: diglossia |
diglycéride {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diglyceride |
digne {adj} | :: worthy |
digne {adj} | :: having dignity; dignified |
digne de ce nom {adj} | :: worth one's salt, decent |
digne de foi {adj} | :: trustworthy; credible |
dignement {adv} | :: worthily, fittingly, with dignity |
dignitaire {m} | :: dignitary |
dignité {f} | :: dignity |
digone {adj} [maths] | :: digonal |
digone {m} [geometry] | :: digon |
digraphie {f} | :: digraphia |
digresser {vt} | :: to digress |
digressif {adj} | :: digressive |
digression {f} | :: digression |
digressivement {adv} | :: digressively |
digue {f} | :: seawall, dyke, breakwater |
diguer {vt} | :: "to dam, to dike; to spur (a horse)" |
digynie {f} [biology] | :: digyny |
diholoside {m} [carbohydrate] | :: disaccharide |
dihydraté {adj} [chemistry] | :: dihydrated |
dihydrique {adj} [chemistry] | :: dihydric |
dihydrobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: dihydrobenzene, cyclohexadiene |
dihydroergocalciférol {m} [organic compound] | :: dihydroergocalciferol |
dihydrogène {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dihydrogen (hydrogen molecule) |
dihydrotestostérone {f} [organic compound] | :: dihydrotestosterone |
dihydroxyacétone {f} [carbohydrate] | :: dihydroxyacetone |
dihydroxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dihydroxide |
dihydrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dihydride |
diiode {m} [inorganic compound] | :: diiodine (the normal I2 molecule) |
diiodométhane {m} [organic compound] | :: diiodomethane |
diiodure {m} [chemistry] | :: diiodide |
Dijon {prop} {m} | :: Dijon (capital city) |
dijonnais {adj} | :: of or from Dijon |
Dijonnais {m} | :: someone of or from Dijon |
Dijonnaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Dijonnais |
diktat {m} | :: diktat |
dilacérer {v} | :: to shred |
dilapidation {f} | :: waste |
dilapidation {f} | :: an embezzlement for one's own profit |
dilapider {vt} | :: to squander, waste, whittle away |
dilatabilité {f} | :: dilatability |
dilatable {adj} | :: dilatable |
dilatateur {adj} | :: dilatative (causing dilation) |
dilatation {f} | :: dilation; act or instance of dilating |
dilaté {adj} | :: dilated |
dilater {vt} | :: to dilate |
dilatoire {adj} | :: dilatory, delaying |
dilatoirement {adv} | :: dilatorily |
dilatomètre {m} | :: dilatometer |
dilatométrie {f} | :: dilatometry |
dilatométrique {adj} | :: dilatometric |
dilemme {m} | :: dilemma |
dilemme cornélien {m} | :: Cornelian dilemma, Cornelian choice |
dilettante {mf} | :: dilettante |
dilettantisme {m} | :: amateurism |
diligemment {adv} | :: diligently |
diligence {f} [uncountable] | :: diligence, conscientiousness |
diligence {f} [uncountable] | :: haste |
diligence {f} [countable] | :: stage-coach, diligence |
diligent {adj} | :: diligent (performing with intense concentration) |
diligenter {v} | :: To expedite |
diluable {adj} | :: dilutable |
dilué {adj} | :: diluted |
diluer {v} | :: to dilute |
dilution {f} | :: dilution |
diluvial {adj} | :: diluvial |
diluvien {adj} | :: diluvial |
dimanche {m} | :: Sunday |
dimanche de Pâques {prop} {m} | :: Easter Sunday |
dimanganèse {m} [inorganic chemistry, in combination] | :: dimanganese |
dîme {f} | :: tithe |
dimension {f} | :: dimension |
dimensionnalité {f} | :: dimensionality |
dimensionnel {adj} | :: dimensional |
dimensionnellement {adv} | :: dimensionally |
dimensionnement {m} | :: sizing, dimensioning |
dimensionner {v} | :: to size, size up |
dîmer {vt} | :: to tithe, to levy tithes |
dimère {adj} | :: dimeric |
dimère {m} | :: dimer |
dimérique {adj} [chemistry] | :: dimeric |
dimérisation {f} [chemistry] | :: dimerization |
dimériser {v} [chemistry] | :: To dimerize / dimerise |
diméthyl {m} [organic chemistry, in combination] | :: dimethyl |
diméthylbutane {m} [organic compound] | :: dimethylbutane |
diméthylcétone {m} [organic compound] | :: acetone |
diméthyle {m} [organic chemistry, in combination] | :: dimethyl |
diméthyléther {m} [organic compound] | :: dimethyl ether |
diméthylformamide {m} [organic compound] | :: dimethylformamide |
diméthylglycine {f} [organic compound] | :: dimethylglycine |
diméthylmercure {m} [organic compound] | :: dimethylmercury |
diméthylpropane {m} [organic compound] | :: dimethylpropane |
diméthylsilanediol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: dimethylsiloxane |
diméthylsulfure {m} [organic compound] | :: dimethylsulfide |
diminuer {v} | :: to diminish |
diminuer {v} | :: to decrease |
diminuteur {m} [maths] | :: subtrahend |
diminutif {adj} | :: diminutive, small in size |
diminutif {m} | :: diminutive (word form expressing smallness) |
diminution {f} | :: diminution, abatement |
diminutivement {adv} | :: diminutively |
Dimitri {prop} | :: given name |
dimorphisme {m} | :: dimorphism |
d'importance {adj} | :: important, significant |
dim up {mp} [colloquial] | :: hold-ups |
dinanderie {f} | :: brassware |
Dinarque {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Dinarchus |
dinatoire {adj} | :: prandial |
dînatoire {adj} | :: alternative form of dinatoire |
dinde {f} | :: turkey-hen (a female turkey) |
dinde {f} [cooking] | :: turkey meat (of a male or a female turkey) |
dindon {m} | :: turkeycock (a male turkey) |
dindon de la farce {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: the sucker, the patsy, the fall guy; the butt of the joke |
dindonneau {m} | :: turkey poult |
diner {v} | :: alternative spelling of dîner |
dîner {v} | :: to dine |
dîner {m} | :: dinner, evening meal |
dîner {m} [Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Congo, Louisiana French] | :: lunch, midday meal |
dînette {f} | :: (children's) tea party |
dineur {m} | :: alternative spelling of dîneur |
dîneur {m} | :: diner; one who dines |
dineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dineur |
dîneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dîneur |
dinghy {m} [nautical] | :: dinghy |
dingo {adj} | :: abbreviation of dingue |
Dingo {prop} {m} | :: Goofy (cartoon character) |
-dingue {suffix} [colloquial] | :: suffix used to form augmentatives |
dingue {adj} [slang] | :: mad, crazy, nuts |
dinguer {v} | :: to ding (hit or strike) |
Dinh {prop} | :: surname |
dinitrobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: dinitrobenzene |
dinitronitramide {m} [inorganic compound] | :: trinitramide |
dinitrophénol {m} [organic compound] | :: dinitrophenol |
dino {m} | :: dino |
dinosaure {m} | :: dinosaur |
dinucléaire {adj} | :: dinuclear |
dinucléotide {m} [biochemistry] | :: dinucleotide |
diocésain {adj} | :: diocesan |
diocèse {m} [Christianity] | :: diocese |
Dioclétien {prop} {m} | :: Diocletian, the Roman emperor |
diode {f} [electronics] | :: diode |
Diodore {prop} {m} | :: Diodorus |
diœcese {m} | :: obsolete form of diocèse |
Diogène {prop} {m} | :: an Ancient Greek given name |
Diogène {prop} {m} | :: in particular, the Ancient Greek Cynic philosopher Diogenes |
diogénite {f} [mineral] | :: diogenite |
dioïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: dioic |
diol {m} [organic compound] | :: diol |
Dion {prop} | :: surname |
dionée {f} | :: Venus flytrap |
Diophante {prop} {m} | :: the Ancient Greek mathematician Diophantus |
diopside {m} [mineral] | :: diopside |
dioptase {f} | :: dioptase |
dioptrique {adj} | :: dioptric |
dioptrique {f} | :: dioptrics |
diorite {f} [rock] | :: diorite |
Dioscures {prop} | :: Dioscuri |
dioside {m} [organic chemistry] | :: disaccharide |
diosmine {f} | :: diosmin |
diot {m} | :: A type of sausage from Savoy |
diotis {m} | :: cottonweed |
Diourbel {prop} | :: Diourbel (city) |
dioxétane {m} [organic compound] | :: dioxetane |
dioxine {f} [organic compound] | :: dioxin |
dioxyde {m} [chemistry] | :: dioxide |
dioxyde de carbone {m} | :: carbon dioxide (CO2) |
dioxygène {m} | :: dioxygen |
dioxygényle {m} [inorganic compound] | :: dioxygenyl |
dipe {m} | :: three-toed jerboa (Dipus sagitta and Stylodipus spp.) |
diphasé {adj} | :: two-phase |
diphénadione {f} [organic compound] | :: diphenadione |
diphénylamine {m} [organic compound] | :: diphenylamine |
diphényle {m} [organic chemistry, in ombination] | :: diphenyl |
Diphile {prop} {m} | :: Diphilus |
diphosgène {m} [organic compound] | :: diphosgene |
diphtérie {f} [pathology] | :: diphtheria |
diphtérique {adj} | :: diphtheritic |
diphthongaison {f} | :: alternative form of diphtongaison |
diphthongue {f} | :: alternative form of diphtongue |
diphtongaison {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: diphthongization |
diphtongue {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: diphthong |
diphtongue {f} [incorrectly] | :: digraph, trigraph |
diphycerque {adj} | :: diphycercal |
diphyodonte {adj} [anatomy] | :: diphyodont |
diphyodonte {m} [biology] | :: diphyodont |
diphyodontie {f} [anatomy] | :: diphyodonty |
dipinto {m} [archaeology, epigraphy] | :: a dipinto |
diploblastique {adj} | :: diploblastic |
diploé {m} [anatomy] | :: diploe |
diploèdre {m} | :: diplohedron |
diploïde {adj} | :: diploid (of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome) |
diplomate {mf} | :: diplomat |
diplomatie {f} | :: diplomacy |
diplomatique {adj} | :: diplomatic |
diplomatiquement {adv} | :: diplomatically |
diplôme {m} | :: degree (academic award) |
diplôme {m} | :: diploma |
diplômé {adj} | :: Having a diploma or a degree |
diplômé {m} | :: Degree-holder, someone who has a degree |
diplômer {vt} | :: To graduate; to attribute a diploma to |
diplopie {f} | :: diplopia |
diplotaxis {m} | :: wall rocket (of the genus Diplotaxis (Brassicaceae)) |
diploure {m} | :: dipluran |
dipneuste {m} | :: lungfish |
dipolaire {adj} [physics] | :: dipolar; dipole (attributive) |
dipôle {m} [physics] | :: dipole |
dipotassique {adj} [chemistry] | :: dipotassium (attributive) |
diptère {m} | :: dipteran |
diptote {adj} | :: diptote |
diptyque {m} [arts] | :: diptych |
diptyque {m} | :: two-part film |
dipyramide {m} [geometry] | :: dipyramid |
dire {v} | :: to say, to tell |
dire {m} | :: saying (that which is said) |
dire {m} | :: belief, opinion |
dire adieu {v} [à] | :: to farewell, to bid farewell, to take one's leave, to say goodbye |
dire adieu {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to kiss goodbye to |
direct {adj} | :: direct |
direct {adv} [colloquial] | :: directly |
directement {adv} | :: directly |
directer {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to run; to direct |
directeur {adj} | :: leading, managing |
directeur {m} | :: director |
directeur {m} | :: school principal |
directeur sportif {m} | :: sports director |
direction {f} | :: (spatial) direction |
direction {f} [figuratively] | :: direction |
direction {f} | :: government |
direction {f} [figuratively] | :: the director of the administration/organisation |
direction {f} | :: (occasional, figurative) the territory administered by a government |
direction assistée {f} | :: power steering |
directionnel {adj} | :: directional (of or pertaining to direction) |
directive {f} | :: directive, general instructions, guideline |
directoire {m} | :: directory |
directoire {m} | :: board of directors |
directorial {adj} | :: directorial, managerial |
directos {adv} [colloquial] | :: directly |
directrice {f} | :: female equivalent of directeur |
dire du mal {v} [colloquial] | :: [de] to speak ill of, to cast aspersions on, to badmouth, to slag off, to backbite, to talk about someone behind their back |
dire que {conj} [colloquial] | :: to think that |
dire quelque chose {v} [idiom] | :: to ring a bell |
dire quelque chose {v} [literal] | :: to say something |
dire quoi {v} [à] | :: [colloquial, Belgium] to keep updated, to keep informed |
dire ses quatre vérités {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to give someone a piece of one's mind; to tell someone some home truths, to say a few choice words to someone |
dirhombicosidodécaèdre {m} | :: dirhombicosidodecahedron |
dirhombidodécaèdre {m} | :: dirhombidodecahedron |
dirigeable {adj} | :: directable |
dirigeable {m} | :: dirigible, blimp |
dirigeant {adj} | :: managing |
dirigeant {m} | :: ruler, leader |
diriger {vt} | :: to run; to direct (be the director of) |
diriger {v} | :: to supervise; to oversee |
diriger {v} | :: to steer (vehicles) |
diriger {v} | :: to aim, to direct |
diriger {v} | :: to direct (a film) |
diriger {vr} [se diriger] | :: To go towards; to head (for) |
dirigisme {m} | :: dirigisme (politico-economic doctrine) |
dirigiste {adj} | :: dirigiste (of or relating to the doctrine of dirigisme) |
dirigiste {mf} | :: dirigiste (advocate of dirigisme) |
dirimant {adj} [law] | :: diriment, nullifying, precluding, prohibitive |
dirlo {m} [colloquial] | :: school principal |
dis- {prefix} | :: dis- |
disassortatif {adj} | :: disassortative |
discal {adj} | :: relating to disk in the spine |
discaler {vi} | :: "(com.) to tare, to diminish" |
discernable {adj} | :: discernible |
discernement {m} | :: (good) judgment |
discerner {v} | :: to discern |
disciforme {adj} | :: disciform |
disciple {m} | :: disciple |
disciplinaire {adj} | :: disciplinary |
disciplinairement {adv} | :: disciplinarily |
discipline {f} | :: discipline, sanction |
discipline {f} | :: discipline, self-control |
discipline {f} | :: discipline, branch |
discipliner {v} | :: to (submit to) discipline, punish |
discipliner {v} | :: to discipline, drill |
discobole {m} | :: discobolus, discus thrower |
discographie {f} [medicine] | :: discography |
discographie {f} | :: discography (complete collection of the releases of a musical act) |
discographique {adj} | :: discographic |
discographiquement {adv} | :: discographically |
discoïde {adj} | :: discoid |
discompte {m} | :: discount |
disconnexe {adj} [topology] | :: disconnected |
discontinu {adj} | :: discontinuous, intermittent |
discontinuer {vi} | :: to discontinue, to cease, to leave off |
discontinuité {f} | :: discontinuity |
disconvenable {adj} | :: inappropriate |
disconvenablement {adv} | :: inappropriately |
disconvenir {v} | :: to disagree |
disconvenir {v} | :: to be inappropriate; to be unsuitable |
discophile {mf} | :: discophile |
discordamment {adv} | :: discordantly |
discordant {adj} | :: discordant, dissonant |
discordant {adj} | :: grating, jarring |
discorde {f} | :: discord |
discorder {v} | :: to discord |
discothèque {f} | :: discotheque (nightclub) |
discoureur {m} | :: babbler; waffler |
discoureuse {f} | :: female equivalent of discoureur |
discourir {vi} | :: to talk, discourse, hold forth |
discours {m} | :: oral presentation; discourse; speech; oration |
discours direct {m} [grammar, narratology] | :: direct speech |
discours indirect {m} [grammar, narratology] | :: reported speech, indirect speech |
discours indirect libre {m} | :: free indirect speech |
discourtois {adj} | :: discourteous |
discourtoisement {adv} | :: discourteously |
discrédit {m} | :: disrepute |
discréditation {f} | :: the process of discrediting |
discréditer {v} | :: to discredit (harm reputation) |
discrépance {f} | :: discrepancy |
discret {adj} | :: discreet |
discret {adj} [mathematics] | :: discrete |
discrètement {adv} | :: discreetly, discretely |
discrétion {f} | :: discretion |
discrétionnaire {adj} | :: discretionary |
discrétionnairement {adv} | :: discretionarily |
discrétisation {f} | :: discretization |
discrétisé {adj} | :: discretized / discretised |
discrétiser {vt} | :: To discretize / discretise |
discrétos {adv} [colloquial] | :: synonym of discrètement |
discriminant {m} [mathematics] | :: discriminant |
discrimination {f} | :: discrimination, distinction |
discrimination positive {f} | :: reverse discrimination, affirmative action |
discriminatoire {adj} | :: discriminatory |
discriminer {v} | :: to discriminate (to differentiate) |
discriminer {v} | :: to discriminate (to treat people based on prejudice) |
disculper {vt} | :: to exonerate |
discursif {adj} | :: discursive |
discursivement {adv} | :: discursively |
discussion {f} | :: conversation, discussion (not contradictory or conflictual) |
discutable {adj} | :: debatable, arguable |
discutablement {adv} | :: disputably; debatably; arguably |
discutailler {vi} | :: to quibble |
discutant {m} | :: discussant; a participant in a formal or academic discussion |
discutante {f} | :: feminine noun of discutant |
discuter {v} | :: to discuss |
discuter {v} | :: to chat |
discuter du sexe des anges {v} [figuratively] | :: to count angels on pinheads |
dis donc {interj} | :: so; listen up |
diséléniure {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: diselenide |
disert {adj} | :: eloquent, forthcoming |
disert {adj} | :: talkative |
disertement {adv} | :: eloquently |
disertement {adv} | :: talkatively |
disette {f} | :: scarcity, shortage, dearth |
disette {f} [specifically] | :: food shortage, famine |
disette {f} [archaic] | :: an old variety of beet |
diseur {m} | :: teller |
diseur {m} | :: monologist; elocutionist |
diseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of diseur |
diseuse de bonne aventure {f} | :: fortuneteller |
disgrâce {f} | :: disgrace |
disgracié {adj} | :: disgraced |
disgracier {vt} | :: to disgrace, to put out of favour |
disgracieusement {adv} | :: displeasingly |
disgracieusement {adv} | :: ungainly |
disgracieux {adj} | :: lacking refinement, displeasing, unsightly, ungainly |
disgréger {vt} | :: "(opt.) (l.u.) to scatter, to separate, to disperse" |
disgression {f} | :: alternative form of digression |
disjoindre {vt} | :: to separate |
disjoindre {vp} | :: to come apart, separate |
disjoint {adj} | :: disjoint, unattached |
disjoncter {v} | :: to fuse, break |
disjoncteur {m} | :: circuit breaker |
disjonctif {adj} | :: disjunctive |
disjonction {f} | :: disjunction |
dislocation {f} [linguistics, grammar] | :: dislocation |
dislocation à droite {f} [linguistics, grammar] | :: right dislocation |
dislocation à gauche {f} [linguistics, grammar] | :: left dislocation |
disloqué {adj} | :: dislocated |
disloquer {vt} | :: to dislocate |
disloquer {vt} | :: to break up, split up, smash up |
dis-moi qui tu fréquentes et je te dirai qui tu es {proverb} | :: Birds of a feather flock together |
dismuter {v} [chemistry] | :: To dismutate |
disneur {m} | :: obsolete spelling of dîneur |
disneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of disneur |
disodique {adj} [chemistry] | :: disodium (attributive) |
disomie {f} [cytology] | :: disomy |
disoufre {m} [inorganic chemistry, in combination] | :: disulfur / disulphur |
dispacheur {m} | :: average adjuster, claims adjuster |
disparaissable {adj} | :: that can be made to disappear |
disparaitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of disparaître |
disparaître {v} | :: to disappear |
disparaître {v} [video games] | :: to despawn |
disparate {adj} | :: disparate; incongruous |
dispareil {adj} | :: uneven; unequal |
disparité {f} | :: disparity |
disparition {f} | :: disappearance |
disparu {m} | :: missing in action person |
disparu {m} [euphemism] | :: dead |
disparu {adj} | :: disappeared |
disparu {adj} | :: extinct |
dispatcher {v} | :: to dispatch |
dispendieusement {adv} | :: expensively |
dispendieux {adj} | :: expensive |
dispensaire {m} | :: dispensary |
dispensateur {m} | :: dispenser, provider |
dispense {f} | :: dispensation |
dispenser {vt} | :: to excuse, exempt (de from) |
dispenser {vt} [literary] | :: to dispense, give out, radiate |
dispenser {vt} | :: to distribute, dispense |
dispenser {vr} | :: to avoid, refrain (de from) |
disperser {v} | :: to scatter; to disperse |
dispersion {f} | :: dispersion |
dispersoïde {m} | :: dispersoid |
displacif {adj} | :: displacive |
dispo {adj} [colloquial] | :: available |
disponibilité {f} | :: availability |
disponible {adj} | :: available (pour for, à to) |
dispos {adj} | :: nimble, active, cheerful, smart |
disposé {adj} | :: organized, placed in a certain fashion, arranged |
disposé {adj} | :: willing, ready to do (something), prepared |
disposer {vt} | :: To organize, to arrange, to distribute in a certain fashion |
disposer {vt} | :: To prepare (something) for an occasion, to incline (someone) towards |
disposer {vp} | :: To prepare oneself for, to be about to |
disposer {vi} | :: To have at one's disposal or available; to have access to |
disposer {vi} | :: To use someone to do one's biddings |
disposer {vi} | :: To leave, to go |
disposer {vi} [legal] | :: To make use of one's right of dismembering, selling or otherwise dispose of a certain owned item |
disposer {vt} [rare] | :: To prepare psychologically |
disposer {vi} [rare] | :: To take measures, to decree |
dispositif {m} | :: arrangement, lay-out |
dispositif {m} | :: measures, expedient, means to an end |
dispositif {m} | :: device, machine, system |
dispositif {m} | :: operation, plan |
dispositif {m} [legal] | :: dispositif |
dispositif intra-utérin {m} | :: intrauterine device (contraceptive device) |
disposition {f} | :: arrangement; layout |
disposition {f} | :: disposal; the ability or authority to use something |
disposition {f} | :: step; arrangement; measure |
disposition {f} | :: disposition; tendency |
disproportionné {adj} | :: disproportionate |
disproportionnellement {adv} | :: disproportionally |
disproportionnément {adv} | :: disproportionately |
disputailler {vi} | :: to dispute about trifles |
dispute {f} | :: dispute |
disputer {vr} | :: to dispute |
disputer {v} | :: to take part in |
disputeur {m} | :: disputer |
disputeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of disputeur |
disquaire {m} | :: record dealer (one who sells music records) |
disqualifier {v} | :: to disqualify |
disque {m} | :: disc (any flat or nearly flat circular object) |
disque {m} [mathematics] | :: disc |
disque {m} [athletics] | :: discus |
disque {m} [music] | :: disk; record |
disque {m} [computing] | :: disk |
disque {m} [anatomy] | :: disc |
disque {m} [mechanics] | :: disk |
disque {m} [astronomy] | :: disk |
disque compact {m} | :: compact disk (CD) |
disque d'accrétion {m} [astronomy] | :: accretion disk |
disque de glace {m} | :: ice circle (revolving floating circular disc of ice) |
disque dur {m} [computing] | :: hard drive (device used for storing large amounts of data) |
disquette {f} | :: floppy disk (flexible disk used for storing digital data) |
disquisition {f} [formal] | :: disquisition |
disrupter {v} [economics] | :: To disrupt an economic model by disruptive innovation |
disruption {f} | :: break; fracture |
dissécation {f} | :: desiccation |
dissection {f} | :: dissection |
dissemblable {adj} | :: dissimilar, unlike |
dissemblablement {adv} | :: dissimilarly |
dissemblance {f} | :: dissemblance |
dissembler {vt} | :: to differ, to be unlike |
dissémination {f} | :: dissemination, scattering, strewing |
dissémination {f} | :: dispersal, proliferation |
disséminé {adj} | :: disseminated, scattered, dispersed |
disséminer {vt} | :: to disseminate, scatter, disperse |
dissension {f} | :: dissension |
dissentiment {m} | :: dissent |
dissentiment {m} | :: disagreement |
disséquer {v} | :: to dissect |
dissertation {f} | :: dissertation, essay |
disserter {vi} | :: to discourse (on) |
dissidence {f} | :: dissent, dissidence |
dissident {adj} | :: dissenting, dissident |
dissident {m} | :: dissident, someone who has dissenting opinion |
dissigne {m} [maths] | :: alternative form of signe |
dissimilaire {adj} | :: dissimilar |
dissimilation {f} [phonology] | :: dissimilation |
dissimiler {v} | :: To dissimilate |
dissimulateur {adj} | :: dissembling |
dissimulateur {m} | :: dissembler |
dissimulation {f} | :: dissimulation |
dissimuler {vt} | :: to hide, to conceal |
dissimuler {vr} | :: to hide |
dissipateur {adj} | :: dissipative |
dissipateur {m} | :: dissipator |
dissipatif {adj} [physics] | :: dissipative |
dissipation {f} | :: clearing, dissipation, disappearance |
dissipé {adj} | :: Diverted from duty by frivolous distractions |
dissiper {v} | :: to dissipate |
dissiper {v} | :: to squander (waste) |
dissiper {v} [literary] | :: To distract (someone) from serious thoughts |
dissociant {adj} | :: dissociative, dissociating |
dissociatif {adj} | :: dissociative |
dissocié {adj} | :: dissociated |
dissocier {v} | :: to dissociate |
dissocier {v} | :: to break up, separate |
dissolu {adj} | :: dissolute, profligate |
dissoluble {adj} | :: dissolvent, which can be dissolved |
dissolument {adv} | :: dissolutely, profligately |
dissolution {f} | :: dissolution |
dissolvant {adj} | :: solvent (able to dissolve) |
dissolvant {m} | :: solvent |
dissonance cognitive {f} [psychology] | :: cognitive dissonance |
dissonant {adj} | :: dissonant |
dissoner {vi} [music] | :: to make a discord, to jar, to be discordant |
dissoudre {v} | :: to dissolve |
dissous {adj} | :: dissolved |
dissuader {v} | :: to dissuade; to put off |
dissuasif {adj} | :: deterrent, dissuasive (serving to deter) |
dissuasion {f} | :: deterrence |
dissymétrie {f} | :: dissymmetry, imperfection |
dissymétrique {adj} | :: asymmetric, dissymmetric |
distal {adj} [anatomy] | :: distal |
distalité {f} | :: distality |
distance {f} | :: distance |
distance de freinage {f} | :: braking distance |
distance focale {f} [photography] | :: focal length |
distance matrimoniale {f} | :: mating distance |
distancer {vt} | :: to distance, outdistance |
distanciation {f} | :: detachment |
distanciation sociale {f} | :: social distancing |
distancier {v} | :: to distance (be detached) |
distant {adj} | :: distant |
distant {adj} | :: aloof |
distendre {vt} | :: to distend |
distendu {adj} | :: distended |
disthène {m} [mineral] | :: kyanite |
distillat {m} | :: distillate |
distillatoire {adj} | :: distillation (attributive) |
distiller {v} | :: to distill |
distinct {adj} | :: distinct |
distinct {adj} | :: discrete |
distinctement {adv} | :: distinctly |
distinctif {adj} | :: distinctive |
distinction {f} | :: distinction (difference, honour) |
distinctivement {adv} | :: distinctively |
distinguabilité {f} | :: distinguishability (the state of being distinguishable) |
distinguable {adj} | :: distinguishable (able, or easily able to be distinguished) |
distinguer {v} | :: to distinguish |
distinguer {vr} | :: to be distinguished |
distique {adj} [botany] | :: distichous (arranged in two rows on each side of an axis) |
distique {adj} [mineralogy] | :: having two rows of facets around each base |
distique {m} | :: distich (couplet, especially one that makes sense on its own) |
distiquement {adv} | :: distichously |
distordre {v} | :: to distort |
distordu {adj} | :: distorted |
distorsion {f} | :: distortion |
distractif {adj} | :: distractive, entertaining, recreational |
distraction {f} | :: distraction |
distraction {f} | :: entertainment |
distraire {v} | :: to distract |
distrait {adj} | :: absent-minded |
distrait {adj} | :: distracted |
distraitement {adv} | :: absent-mindedly |
distrayant {adj} | :: distracting, entertaining |
distribanque {m} | :: cash dispenser, ATM |
distribuer {v} | :: to distribute |
distributeur {m} | :: distributor |
distributeur {m} | :: vending machine |
distributeur {m} | :: ATM |
distributeur {m} | :: dispenser (soap) |
distributeur de billets {m} | :: ATM, cash machine, hole-in-the-wall (automatic teller machine) |
distributif {adj} | :: distributive |
distributif {m} [grammar] | :: distributive, distributive case |
distribution {f} | :: A distribution |
distribution {f} | :: A physical arrangement, spacing |
distributivement {adv} | :: distributively |
distributivité {f} [maths] | :: distributivity |
distributrice {f} | :: distributor (company) |
distributrice {f} [Canada] | :: vending machine |
district {m} | :: district |
disturber {v} [rare] | :: to disturb |
disulfirame {m} | :: disulfiram |
disulfure {m} [chemistry] | :: disulfide / disulphide |
diterpène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: diterpene |
dithiépane {m} [organic compound] | :: dithiepane |
dithiétane {m} [organic compound] | :: dithietane |
dithionique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dithionic |
dithyrambe {m} | :: dithyramb |
dithyrambique {adj} [literature] | :: dithyrambic |
dithyrambique {adj} | :: eulogistic, laudatory |
dition {f} | :: authority (absolute) |
dititane {m} [inorganic chemistry, in combination] | :: dititanium |
DIU {m} | :: initialism of dispositif intra-utérin |
diurèse {f} [medicine] | :: diuresis |
diurétique {adj} | :: diuretic |
diurétique {m} | :: a diuretic |
diurne {adj} | :: diurnal |
diurne {mf} | :: a diurnal creature |
diva {f} | :: A diva |
divagation {f} | :: divagation |
divagation {f} | :: wandering, rambling |
divagation {f} | :: raving |
divaguer {v} | :: to ramble, wander (to move about aimlessly, or on a winding course) |
divaguer {v} [of a path] | :: to wind |
divaguer {v} [of movement] | :: to wander, roam, wander about |
divan {m} | :: Any type of undistinguished couch |
divan {m} | :: A divan in either of the original Turkish senses |
divergence {f} | :: divergence |
divergent {adj} | :: divergent |
diverger {v} | :: to diverge |
divers {adj} | :: various; varying |
diversement {adv} | :: diversely |
divers et varié {adj} | :: many and varied, many and various, various and sundry |
diversification {f} | :: diversification |
diversifier {v} | :: to diversify, broaden |
diversion {f} | :: pastime, diversion, entertainment |
diversité {f} | :: diversity |
diverticule {f} | :: diverticulum |
diverticulose {f} [pathology] | :: diverticulosis |
divertir {v} | :: to amuse; to entertain |
divertir {v} | :: to distract |
divertissant {adj} | :: amusing; enjoyable |
divertissement {m} | :: entertainment |
dividende {m} | :: dividend |
divin {adj} | :: divine, godlike |
divinateur {adj} | :: perspicacious |
divination {f} | :: divination |
divinatoire {adj} | :: divinatory |
divinement {adv} | :: divinely |
divinisation {f} | :: divinization, deification |
diviniser {vt} | :: to deify |
divinité {f} | :: divinity |
divinité {f} | :: godhead |
divisément {adv} | :: separately |
diviser {v} | :: to divide |
diviser {v} [mathematics] | :: to divide |
diviseur {m} [maths] | :: divisor |
diviseur {adj} | :: dividing |
divisibilité {f} | :: divisibility (extent to which something is divisible) |
divisible {adj} | :: divisible |
divisiblement {adv} | :: divisibly |
division {f} | :: division (act or process of dividing) |
division {f} [arithmetic] | :: division |
division {f} [military] | :: division |
division {f} | :: division (subsection) |
divisionnaire {adj} | :: division (attributive) |
divorce {m} | :: divorce |
divorcer {vt} | :: to divorce (to legally dissolve a marriage) |
divorcer {vr} [se divorcer] | :: to get divorced, to divorce one another |
divulgâcher {v} [Quebec] | :: to spoil |
divulgation {f} | :: divulgation |
divulguer {v} | :: to divulge |
dix {num} | :: ten |
dixain {m} | :: alternative form of dizain |
dix-huit {num} | :: eighteen |
dix-huitième {adj} | :: eighteenth |
dix-huitième {mf} | :: eighteenth |
dix-huitièmement {adv} | :: eighteenthly |
dixième {adj} | :: tenth |
dixième {mf} | :: tenth |
dixièmement {adv} | :: tenthly |
dixit {prep} | :: Names the author of a previously quoted statement |
dix-neuf {num} | :: nineteen |
dix-neuvième {adj} | :: nineteenth |
dix-neuvième {mf} | :: nineteenth |
dix-neuvièmement {adv} | :: nineteenthly |
dix-neuvièmiste {mf} | :: A specialist in nineteenth-century culture (especially literature) |
dix-sept {num} | :: seventeen |
dix-septième {adj} | :: seventeenth |
dix-septième {mf} | :: seventeenth |
dix-septièmement {adv} | :: seventeenthly |
dizain {m} | :: decastich |
dizaine {f} | :: about 10 |
dizainier {m} | :: A head of a team of ten people; but especially the head of an administrative district in the Middle Ages |
dizainière {f} | :: feminine singular of dizainier |
dizenier {m} | :: alternative form of dizainier |
dizenière {f} | :: feminine singular of dizenier |
djai {m} [nouchi] | :: gwop, skrilla |
djaïn {adj} | :: Jain |
djaïn {m} | :: Jain |
djaïne {f} | :: feminine noun of djaïn |
djaïnisme {m} | :: Jainism |
djandjou {mf} [nouchi] | :: woman who lets herself be seduced for material gain |
djaouli {adj} [nouchi] | :: okay, adequately provided, having enough, being in a state of agreement |
djaouli {v} [nouchi] | :: to make provisions, to make sure that somebody is adequately prepared |
djebel {m} | :: jebel |
Djeferson {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
djellaba {f} | :: djellaba |
djembé {m} | :: djembe (large drum played with both hands) |
djermakoye {m} | :: djermakoy |
djeule {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of gueule, mouth, opening |
djeune {m} [slang, humorous] | :: alternative form of jeune |
djiadisme {m} | :: alternative form of djihadisme |
Djibouti {prop} | :: Djibouti (country) |
Djibouti {prop} | :: Djibouti (capital city) |
djiboutien {adj} | :: Djiboutian |
Djiboutien {m} | :: a Djiboutian |
Djiboutienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Djiboutien |
djidji {adj} [nouchi] | :: true, real |
djihad {m} | :: jihad |
djihadisme {m} | :: alternative form of jihadisme |
djihadiste {mf} | :: alternative form of jihadiste |
djinn {m} [mythology] | :: jinn, genie |
djo {v} | :: alternative spelling of djô |
djô {vtr} [inconjugable, nouchi] | :: to meet, to encounter |
djoundi {m} | :: djoundi |
d'la {contraction} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: contraction of de la |
dlle {n} | :: abbreviation of demoiselle |
d'main {adv} [colloquial, colloquial] | :: contraction of demain |
DNA {prop} | :: initialism of Dernière Nouvelles d'Alsace |
do {m} [music] | :: do, the note 'C' |
Do {prop} | :: surname |
doberman {mf} | :: Dobermann (type of dog) |
dobermann {m} | :: Dobermann (type of dog) |
Dobrescu {prop} | :: surname |
d'occasion {adj} | :: Used; second hand |
docile {adj} | :: docile |
docilement {adv} | :: docilely |
docilité {f} | :: docility; docileness |
docimasie {f} | :: assaying |
docimastique {adj} | :: docimastic |
docimastiquement {adv} | :: docimastically |
docimologie {f} | :: educational assessment |
docosahexaénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: docosahexaenoic |
docosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: docosanoic |
docosénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: docosenoic |
docte {adj} [literary] | :: learned |
doctement {adv} | :: learnedly |
docteur {m} | :: a doctor (physician) |
docteur {m} | :: a doctor (person who has attained a doctorate), especially a male doctor |
docteure {f} [slang] | :: a female doctor; feminine form of docteur |
docteure {f} [Canada] | :: feminine form of the title docteur: la docteure Tremblay. Abbreviation Dre. |
docteuse {f} [slang] | :: a female doctor; feminine form of docteur |
doctoral {adj} | :: doctoral |
doctoralement {adv} | :: doctorally |
doctorant {m} | :: doctoral student (studying for a PhD etc) |
doctorante {f} | :: feminine noun of doctorant |
doctorat {m} | :: doctorate |
doctoresse {f} [dated] | :: feminine noun of docteur; lady doctor |
doctrinaire {mf} | :: doctrinaire |
doctrinaire {adj} | :: doctrinaire |
doctrinaire {adj} | :: doctrinal |
doctrinairement {adv} | :: doctrinally |
doctrinairement {adv} | :: stubbornly |
doctrinal {adj} | :: doctrinal |
doctrinalement {adv} | :: doctrinally |
doctrine {f} | :: doctrine |
docufiction {f} | :: docudrama (drama that combines elements of documentary and drama) |
document {m} | :: document |
document {m} [computing] | :: file |
documentaire {adj} | :: documentary |
documentaire {m} | :: documentary (production, publication etc.) |
documentaliste {mf} | :: documentalist |
documentariste {mf} | :: documentarian |
documentation {f} | :: documentation (written account) |
documenter {v} | :: to document (to record in documents) |
documenteur {m} | :: mockumentary |
Dodart {prop} | :: surname |
dodéca- {prefix} | :: dodeca- |
dodécadodécaèdre {m} | :: dodecadodecahedron |
dodécaèdre {m} | :: dodecahedron |
dodécaédrique {adj} | :: dodecahedral |
dodécagone {m} [geometry] | :: dodecagon |
dodécahémicosaèdre {m} [geometry] | :: dodecahemicosahedron |
dodécahémidodécaèdre {m} | :: dodecahemidodecahedron |
dodécane {m} [organic compound] | :: dodecane |
Dodécanèse {prop} {m} | :: Dodecanese, island group of Greece |
dodécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: dodecanoic |
dodécanol {m} [organic compound] | :: dodecanol |
dodécaphoniste {mf} | :: dodecaphonist (proponent of dodecaphony) |
dodécicosaèdre {m} [geometry] | :: dodecicosahedron |
dodécicosidodécaèdre {m} | :: dodecicosidodecahedron |
dodécylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: dodecyl |
dodeliner {vt} | :: to cradle, rock (e.g. a baby, in one's arms) |
dodeliner {vt} | :: to sway, shake (e.g. a body part) |
dodiner {v} | :: to shake, swing, rock (gently) |
dodo {m} [child language] | :: Sleep, kip |
dodo {m} | :: A dodo bird |
dodu {adj} | :: chubby, plump |
d'office {adv} | :: ex officio |
d'office {adv} | :: automatically |
dogat {m} | :: dogate |
doge {m} | :: doge |
dogmatique {adj} | :: dogmatic |
dogmatique {m} | :: person who is dogmatic |
dogmatiquement {adv} | :: dogmatically |
dogmatiser {v} | :: to dogmatize |
dogmatisme {m} | :: dogmatism |
dogmatiste {mf} | :: dogmatist |
dogme {m} | :: dogma (an authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) |
dogue {m} | :: mastiff |
doigt {m} | :: finger |
doigt {m} | :: toe |
doigt {m} | :: finger [measurement of a beverage] |
doigt de pied {m} [colloquial] | :: toe (digit of the foot) |
doigt d'honneur {m} | :: one finger salute, the finger (insulting gesture) |
doigté {m} | :: fingering |
doigter {vt} [music] | :: to finger, to put fingerings on a music sheet |
doigter {vt} [sex] | :: to finger, to flick off |
doigter {m} [music] | :: fingering |
doigtier {m} | :: fingerguard (any object used to protect a finger) |
doigtier {m} | :: common foxglove (plant, Digitalis purpurea) |
doigts de fée {mp} [figuratively] | :: deft touch, nimble fingers |
dojo {m} [martial arts] | :: dojo |
dol {m} [law] | :: A fraud (the act), cheating |
doléance {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: grievance; complaint |
dolemment {adv} | :: dolefully |
dolent {adj} [archaic] | :: mournful |
doler {v} | :: to plane (cut with a plane) |
dolichocéphalie {f} | :: dolichocephaly |
doline {f} | :: sinkhole, shakehole |
dollar {m} | :: dollar |
dollar américain {m} | :: American dollar, US dollar |
dollar australien {m} | :: Australian dollar |
dollar canadien {m} | :: Canadian dollar |
dollarisation {f} | :: dollarization (the process of a country adopting the US dollar as its primary currency) |
doloire {f} | :: plane (type of tool) |
doloire {f} | :: doloire (axelike weapon) |
dolomie {f} [geology] | :: dolostone |
dolomite {f} | :: dolomite |
dolomitisé {adj} [geology] | :: dolomitized |
Dolorès {prop} {f} | :: given name |
doloriste {adj} | :: doleful |
dom {m} | :: title of respect given to certain monks and other religious figures |
DOM {m} | :: overseas department |
domaine {m} | :: domain |
domaine {m} | :: zone |
domaine {m} | :: field (of study etc) |
domaine public {m} [law] | :: public domain |
domanial {adj} | :: domanial |
domanialiser {vt} | :: to consolidate several states into one, or unite them to the crown |
domatique {adj} | :: domatic |
Dombey {prop} | :: surname |
dôme {m} [architecture] | :: dome |
Domengeaux {prop} | :: surname |
domestication {f} | :: domestication |
domesticité {f} | :: domesticness; state of being domestic; domesticated |
domestique {adj} | :: domestic |
domestique {mf} | :: servant; maid |
domestique {mf} | :: cleaner, housemaid |
domestiqué {adj} | :: domesticated, tamed |
domestiquement {adv} | :: domestically |
domestiquer {v} | :: to tame (an animal, etc.) |
domicile {m} | :: domicile |
domiciliaire {adj} | :: domiciliary |
domiciliation {f} [law] | :: domiciliation |
domiciliation {f} [finance] | :: standing order |
domicilier {vr} [chiefly se domicilier] | :: to reside, to have as a home |
dominance {f} | :: dominance |
dominant {adj} | :: dominant |
dominante {f} [music] | :: dominant |
dominateur {m} | :: dominator, usually a tyrant or a dictator |
dominateur {m} [sexuality] | :: dominator |
dominateur {adj} | :: dominating, domineering |
domination {f} | :: domination |
dominatrice {f} [sexuality] | :: dominatrix |
dominatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of dominateur |
dominer {v} | :: to dominate |
dominguois {adj} | :: Dominguan |
dominicain {adj} | :: Dominican (relating to the Dominicain Republic) |
Dominicain {m} | :: Dominican (person) |
Dominicaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Dominicain |
dominical {adj} [attributive] | :: Sunday |
dominical {adj} | :: from the Lord (i.e. Jesus Christ) |
dominion {m} | :: dominion |
dominiquais {adj} | :: Dominican (relating to Dominica) |
Dominiquais {m} | :: Dominican (person from Dominica) |
Dominiquaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Dominiquais |
Dominique {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Dominique {prop} {f} | :: given name, corresponding to a feminine form of Dominic |
Dominique {prop} {f} | :: Dominique (island/and/country) |
domino {m} | :: dominoes |
domino {m} [plural] | :: a domino set |
domino {m} [singular] | :: a domino tile |
Domitien {prop} {m} | :: given name |
dommage {m} | :: damage |
dommage {m} | :: injury |
dommage {interj} | :: (what a) shame! what a pity! too bad! |
dommageable {adj} | :: damaging; causing damage |
dommageablement {adv} | :: harmfully |
dommages et intérêts {mp} [legal] | :: damages |
dommages-intérêts {mp} [legal] | :: alternative form of dommages et intérêts |
domoïde {m} [geometry] | :: polygonal pyramid |
domotique {f} | :: domotics (technology in the home) |
domper {v} [Canada, slang] | :: to dump [end a relationship] |
domptable {adj} | :: tamable, subduable, domitable |
domptage {m} | :: taming (action or process of taming) |
dompter {vt} | :: to tame (a wild animal), break in (a horse) |
dompter {vt} | :: to subdue, suppress (rebellion, uprising, emotions etc.) |
dompteur {m} | :: tamer |
dompteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dompteur |
don {m} | :: gift, talent, knack |
don {m} | :: gift (present) |
don {m} | :: donation |
Donaldville {prop} {f} | :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives) |
donaldvillois {adj} | :: Duckburgian, relating to Duckburg (fictional town in the Disney universe) or its people |
Donaldvillois {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Duckburg (fictional town in the Disney universe); a Duckburgian |
Donaldvilloise {f} | :: feminine noun of Donaldvillois |
donateur {m} | :: donator |
donation {f} | :: donation |
donatisme {m} | :: donatism |
donatiste {mf} | :: Donatist |
donatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of donateur |
donc {adv} | :: therefore, consequently; thus |
dondaine {f} | :: quarrel (bolt from a crossbow) |
don de sang {m} | :: blood donation |
donjon {m} | :: donjon, keep |
donnant donnant {phrase} | :: fair's fair, give and take |
donne {f} | :: distribution |
donné {adj} | :: affordable, cheap |
donné {adj} | :: viable, achievable, not difficult |
donnée {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: datum, (item of data) |
données {fp} [rare in the singular] | :: data |
donner {v} | :: to give, to transfer the possession/holding of something to someone else |
donner {v} | :: to donate |
donner {vi} | :: To come across |
donner c'est donner, reprendre c'est voler {proverb} | :: a gift is a gift; giving is giving, taking back is stealing (a gift is irrevocable) |
donner de la confiture à des cochons {v} [figuratively] | :: to cast pearls before swine |
donner de sa personne {v} [figuratively] | :: to give of oneself, not to spare oneself, to go out of one's way to help others |
donner du mou {v} [à] | :: [colloquial, figuratively] to cut someone some slack, to give someone some rope, to give someone more leeway |
donner en mariage {vt} | :: to bestow, to give in marriage, to marry off |
donner en pâture {vt} | :: [à] to serve (someone) up to (someone), to throw (someone) to the lions |
donner et retenir ne vaut {proverb} [law, literary] | :: a gift is a gift; giving is giving, taking back is stealing (a gift is irrevocable) |
donner la parole {v} [à] | :: to give the floor to someone, to call on someone, to give someone a chance to speak |
donner l'assaut {v} | :: to storm, to attack |
donner le bon Dieu sans confession {v} [à] | :: to trust (someone) because of their appearance, because they look like the salt of the earth |
donner le change {v} [hunting, of game] | :: to set a hunter on the wrong track (to escape by directing the hunter's attention to another animal) |
donner le change {v} [à] | :: to deceive someone, to pull the wool over someone's eyes |
donner le jour {v} | :: to give birth |
donner le jour {v} [figuratively] | :: to create, to engender, to bring into existence |
donner le sein {v} [à] | :: to breastfeed, to nurse |
donner le ton {v} [figuratively] | :: to set the tone, to set the pace |
donner l'exemple {v} | :: to set an example |
donner libre cours {v} [à] | :: to give free rein to; to give free expression to; to vent |
donner lieu {v} [à] | :: to give rise to, to lead to, to cause, to bring about |
donner naissance {v} [à] | :: to give birth to |
donner naissance {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to give rise to |
donner raison {v} [à] | :: to prove someone/something right, to bear someone/something out |
donner raison {v} [à] | :: to agree with |
donner sa langue au chat {v} [colloquial] | :: to give up trying to guess something, e.g. the answer to a riddle |
donner sa parole {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to give one's word, to promise (to someone) |
donner suite {v} [à] | :: to follow up (on a case), to pursue, to act on |
donner sur {v} | :: to look out onto (la fenêtre donne sur un jardin - the window looks out onto a garden) |
donner tort {v} [à] | :: [law] to rule against |
donner tort {v} [à] | :: to prove wrong |
donner un coup de balai {v} | :: to sweep the floor |
donner un coup de balai {v} | :: to make a clean sweep |
donner un coup de pied dans la fourmilière {v} [figuratively] | :: to stir up a hornets' nest, to stir things up |
donneur {m} | :: donor |
donneur {m} [card games] | :: dealer |
donneur de leçons {m} [pejorative] | :: someone prone to pontificating, to lecturing and patronizing people |
donneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of donneur |
Don Quichotte {prop} {f} | :: Don Quixote (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) |
dont {pron} | :: of/from whom/which, whose |
dont {pron} [sometimes] | :: by which |
dont {pron} | :: Denotes a part of a set, may be translated as "including" or such as in some situations |
dont acte {phrase} [legal] | :: Used at the end of contracts, agreements, etc., to affirm that the parties and/or relevant officials have formally taken note of the contents |
dont acte {phrase} | :: Take note; heed this; govern yourselves accordingly |
dont acte {phrase} | :: duly noted, duly acknowledged, point taken |
donut {m} | :: doughnut (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) |
donzelle {f} [literary] | :: maiden, damsel |
dopage {m} | :: doping |
dopamine {f} | :: dopamine |
dopaminergique {adj} | :: dopaminergic |
dopant {adj} | :: boosting |
dope {f} [colloquial] | :: illicit drug, narcotic |
dopé {adj} | :: doped |
doper {v} | :: to dope; to do doping |
doper {v} | :: to boost (one's performance by doping) |
d'opérette {adj} [pejorative] | :: amateur, petty |
doping {m} | :: doping (use of drugs to improve athletic performance) |
d'or {adj} [figuratively] | :: golden, gold |
dorade {f} | :: sea bream |
doradille {f} | :: ceterach |
dorage {m} | :: gilt; gilding |
d'ordinaire {adv} [somewhat literary] | :: ordinarily |
dordognais {adj} | :: of or from Dordogne |
Dordognais {m} | :: Someone from Dordogne |
Dordognaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Dordognais |
Dordogne {prop} {f} | :: Dordogne (department) |
Dordogne {prop} {f} | :: Dordogne (river) |
doré {adj} | :: golden |
Doré {prop} | :: surname |
dorénavant {adv} | :: henceforth, from now on, from this day forward |
dorer {v} | :: to gild; to coat something in gold |
dorer {v} | :: to brighten up, to brighten something to give it a golden colour |
dorer {v} [cooking] | :: to brown, to give food a golden colour by adding an egg yolk |
dorer la pilule {v} [figuratively] | :: to gild the pill, to sweeten the pill, to sugar the pill, to sugarcoat it |
d'ores et déjà {adv} | :: right now, already |
doreur {m} | :: gilder (craftsman who works with gold and silver) |
doreuse {f} | :: female equivalent of doreur |
dorien {adj} | :: Dorian |
dorien {m} | :: Doric (dialect of the Ancient Greek language) |
d'origine {adj} | :: original (first in a series or copies/versions) |
dorique {adj} | :: Dorian |
Dorléac {prop} | :: surname |
dorloter {v} | :: to pamper, cosset |
dormance {f} | :: dormancy |
dormant {adj} | :: dormant |
dormant {adj} | :: asleep |
dormeur {m} | :: sleeper (person who sleeps) |
dormeur {adj} | :: that tends to sleep |
dormeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dormeur |
dormir {vi} | :: to sleep |
dormir à poings fermés {v} | :: to sleep like a baby, to sleep the sleep of the just |
dormir comme un bébé {v} [simile] | :: to sleep like a baby |
dormir comme un bienheureux {v} [simile] | :: to sleep like a baby, to sleep the sleep of the just |
dormir comme une souche {v} [figuratively] | :: to sleep like a log |
dormir comme un loir {v} [simile] | :: sleep like a log |
dormir comme un sabot {v} [figuratively] | :: to sleep like a log |
dormir du sommeil du juste {v} | :: to sleep the sleep of the just, to sleep like a baby |
dormir sur ses deux oreilles {v} | :: to sleep soundly, to sleep without a worry, to rest easy |
dormitif {adj} | :: soporific, causing sleep |
dormitif {m} | :: a sedative |
dormition {f} | :: dormition |
dormitique {adj} [Louisiana French, ] | :: tired, fatigued |
Dornach {prop} | :: Dornach (neighbourhood) |
Dornach {prop} | :: Dornach (town) |
Dorothée {prop} | :: given name |
dorsal {adj} | :: dorsal |
dorsalgie {f} [medicine] | :: dorsalgia |
dortoir {m} | :: dormitory |
dorure {f} | :: gilt, gilding |
Dorval {prop} | :: surname |
Dorval {prop} | :: Dorval, a city on the Island of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada |
Dorval {prop} | :: YUL (Trudeau airport) |
dorycnie {f} | :: A variety of pea of the genus Dorycnium |
doryline {m} | :: army ant |
doryphore {m} [biology] | :: Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) |
dos {m} [anatomy] | :: back (of a person) |
dos {m} | :: [in the plural] backs (of persons) |
dos {m} [swimming] | :: backstroke |
dos {m} [book] | :: spine |
dos à dos {adj} | :: back-to-back |
dos à dos {adv} | :: back-to-back |
dos-à-dos {adj} [literally] | :: back to back |
dos-à-dos {m} | :: a move in square dancing in which two dancers face each other, then step forward and left until they have right shoulders adjacent, then move to a position where they are back to back, then move to have left shoulders adjacent, then return to facing each other |
dosage {m} | :: dosage (measured amount of a medication) |
dos crawlé {m} | :: backstroke |
dos d'âne {m} [idiomatic] | :: speed bump; sleeping policeman |
dose {f} | :: proportion |
dose {f} | :: dose |
dosé {adj} | :: dosed, administered |
dosé {adj} | :: dished out |
dose de cheval {f} [colloquial] | :: big dose, strong dose |
doser {v} | :: to dose (administer a dose) |
doser {v} [figuratively] | :: to dish out |
dosette {f} | :: pod, capsule (a sealed, single-serving pack of a product) |
doseur {m} | :: measure |
doseur {m} | :: dosing |
dosimètre {m} | :: dosimeter |
dosimétrie {f} | :: dosimetry |
dosimétrique {adj} | :: dosimetric |
dossard {m} | :: number on the back of a sportsman's shirt |
dossard {m} [Quebec] | :: pinny (colorful overshirt worn over one's clothes, usually to mark one's team during group activities) |
dossier {m} | :: back of furniture, to rest the sitter's back on |
dossier {m} | :: dossier |
dossier {m} [computing] | :: folder |
dossier {m} | :: An organizer to keep papers in, to be stored as a single unit in a filing cabinet, see folder |
dossier {m} [figuratively] | :: case, notably legal |
dostoïevskien {adj} | :: Dostoyevskian |
dot {f} | :: dowry, marriage portion |
dotation {f} | :: allowance |
dotation {f} | :: endowment |
doter {vt} | :: to endow, donate |
doter {vt} | :: to fund |
dotriacontanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: dotriacontanoic |
d'où {adv} | :: from where; whence; from which place or source |
d'où {adv} | :: hence |
d'où {conj} | :: wherefore |
douahou {m} [nouchi] | :: chance |
douaire {m} | :: dower |
douairière {f} | :: dowager |
douane {f} | :: customs (an authority responsible for controlling the flow of goods to and from a country) |
douane {f} | :: customs office |
douanier {adj} | :: customs (attributive) |
douanier {m} | :: customs officer |
Douanier {prop} {m} | :: Henri Rousseau, French painter |
douanière {f} | :: female equivalent of douanier |
douar {m} | :: douar, duar |
doubeurre {f} | :: butternut squash |
doubien {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to the department of Doubs |
doublage {m} | :: dubbing |
doublage {m} [historical] | :: a penalty by which, on completion of a sentence, a prisoner was required to remain at the penal colony as an employee for a further period of time equivalent to the original sentence |
double {adj} | :: double (all senses), two |
double {adj} [music] | :: sixteenth note |
double {m} | :: double (twice the number, amount, etc.) |
double {m} | :: duplicate (an identical copy) |
double {m} [baseball] | :: double |
double-clic {m} [computing] | :: double-click |
double croche {f} [music] | :: sixteenth note |
double emploi {m} | :: unnecessary duplication |
double faute {f} [tennis] | :: double fault |
double-hélice {f} | :: double helix |
double jeu {m} [baseball] | :: double play |
double jeu {m} [espionage] | :: double game, double-dealing |
doublement {adv} | :: doubly |
double menton {m} | :: double chin |
double paire {f} [poker] | :: two pair |
doubler {v} | :: to double, duplicate |
doubler {v} | :: to double-cross |
doubler {v} | :: to overtake, pass |
doubler {v} | :: to dub |
doubler {v} [Belgium] | :: to repeat a school year |
double sens {m} | :: double meaning |
double sens {m} | :: two-way |
double-sens {m} | :: alternative spelling of double sens |
doublet {m} [lexicography] | :: doublet |
doubleur {m} | :: dubber |
doubleur {m} | :: doubler |
doubleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of doubleur |
double vé {m} | :: double-u, letter: w |
double vitrage {m} | :: double glazing |
doublon {m} | :: doublet (pair of two similar or equal things) |
doublon {m} | :: duplicate |
doublon {m} | :: doubloon |
doublure {f} | :: lining |
doublure {f} [theater] | :: understudy |
doublure {f} [cinema] | :: body double, stand-in; stuntman |
Doubs {prop} {m} | :: Doubs (river running through Switzerland and France) |
Doubs {prop} {m} | :: Doubs (department) |
doubte {mf} | :: obsolete form of doute |
doubter {v} | :: obsolete form of douter |
douçâtre {adj} [derogatory] | :: sweetish, sickly |
douceâtre {adj} [derogatory] | :: sweetish, sickly |
doucement {adv} | :: softly |
doucement {adv} | :: quietly |
doucement {adv} | :: gently |
doucereusement {adv} | :: sweetly |
doucereusement {adv} | :: softly |
doucereux {adj} [of a thing] | :: squidgy |
doucereux {adj} [of a person] | :: sweet |
doucereux {adj} | :: soft |
doucereux {adj} | :: sickly sweet |
doucet {adj} [of a person] | :: soft; tender |
doucette {f} | :: A plant used in salads: lamb's lettuce or mâche, Valerianella locusta |
Doucette {prop} | :: surname |
doucettement {adv} | :: softly |
doucettement {adv} | :: tenderly |
douceur {f} | :: softness, tenderness |
douceur {f} | :: sweetness |
douceur de vivre {f} | :: The sweetness of life, the sweetness of living |
Douchanbé {prop} {f} | :: Douchanbé (capital city) |
douche {f} | :: shower |
douche {f} [juggling] | :: shower |
douche dorée {f} [sexuality] | :: golden shower |
douche écossaise {f} | :: a shower which alternates between hot and cold water |
douche écossaise {f} [figuratively] | :: bit of a blow, quite a shock |
douche froide {f} | :: See: fr douche froide |
douche froide {f} [figurative] | :: a let-down, disappointment |
doucher {vt} | :: To shower |
doucher {vr} | :: To take a shower |
douchette {f} | :: A shower head |
douchette {f} | :: A barcode reader |
douchours {adv} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of toujours |
doucir {vt} | :: to polish (looking-glasses) |
doudou {m} | :: any stuffed toy such as a stuffed animal |
doudoune {f} [colloquial] | :: breast, melon |
doudoune {f} [colloquial, clothing] | :: parka, anorak, down jacket |
doudoune {f} [colloquial] | :: soft toy, stuffed animal, plush toy |
doué {adj} | :: talented; gifted |
douelle {f} | :: ditch (small moat around a castle etc) |
douer {v} | :: to endow (someone) (de with) |
Douglas {prop} | :: Douglas (capital city) |
douille {f} | :: socket (electrical socket) |
douille {f} | :: cartridge case (unprofessional; the correct term in the military is étui) |
douille {f} [archaic] | :: money |
douiller {v} | :: to hurt |
douiller {vit} | :: to cough up, stump up, fork out, shell out [money] |
douillet {adj} | :: cosy, snug |
douillet {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: soft, oversensitive to pain |
douillette {f} | :: (quilted) housecoat |
douillettement {adv} | :: cosily, snugly |
doujours {adv} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of toujours |
douleur {f} | :: pain |
douleur {f} | :: distress |
douloir {vr} [obsolete] | :: to suffer |
douloureusement {adv} | :: painfully |
douloureux {adj} | :: painful |
doum {m} [Morocco] | :: gingerbread tree (Hyphaene thebaica); doum palm |
douma {f} | :: duma |
doute {m} | :: doubt |
douter {v} [followed by the preposition de] | :: to doubt |
douter {vp} | :: to suspect, to have an inkling |
douteur {m} | :: doubter; one who doubts |
douteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of douteur |
douteusement {adv} | :: doubtfully |
douteux {adj} | :: doubtful, uncertain, questionable (issue, outcome, date etc.) |
douteux {adj} | :: dubious, questionable (morals, qualities etc.) |
douve {f} | :: moat (defensive ditch) |
douve {f} | :: stave (of a barrel) |
douve {f} | :: fluke (parasitic flatworm) |
Douvres {prop} | :: Douvres (town/and/port) |
doux {adj} | :: sweet |
doux {adj} | :: soft |
doux {adj} | :: mild, gentle |
doux {adj} | :: [of water] fresh, not salty |
doux {adv} | :: gently |
doux-amer {adj} | :: bittersweet (both bitter and sweet) |
doux comme un agneau {adj} [simile] | :: very gentle; meek as a lamb |
doux Jésus {interj} | :: sweet Jesus! |
douzaine {f} | :: (a group of) twelve; dozen |
douzaine {f} | :: about twelve |
douze {num} | :: twelve |
douze coups de minuit {mp} | :: The twelve strokes of midnight |
Douze Grandes Fêtes {prop} {fp} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: Great Feasts |
douzième {adj} | :: twelfth |
douzième {mf} | :: twelfth |
douzièmement {adv} | :: twelfthly |
doxa {f} | :: doxa |
doxastique {adj} | :: doxastic (related to beliefs, convictions) |
doxologie {f} | :: doxology (praise God expression) |
doyen {m} [religion, university] | :: dean |
doyen {m} | :: senior member, doyen |
doyenne {f} | :: The oldest woman |
doyenne {f} | :: A female dean at an educational establishment (Canada) |
doyenné {m} | :: deanship |
doyenné {m} | :: deanery |
doyenné {m} | :: A type of creamy pear |
Doyon {prop} | :: surname |
Dr. {n} | :: abbreviation of docteur |
drac {m} [mythology] | :: A type of mythological creature associated with the dangers of water |
dracena {f} | :: alternative spelling of dracéna |
dracéna {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Dracaena |
drache {f} [Belgium] | :: Heavy rain; downpour |
dracher {v} [Belgium] | :: to pour, rain hard, to chuck it down |
drachme {f} | :: drachma |
drachme {f} | :: dram [unit of weight] |
Dracon {prop} | :: Draco (lawmaker) |
draconien {adj} | :: draconian (related to Draco) |
draconien {adj} | :: draconian (severe, harsh) |
draculine {f} [protein] | :: draculin |
dragage {m} | :: dredging (action of dredging) |
dragée {f} | :: a sweet with almond filling |
dragée {f} | :: a dragée, a sugar-coated pill |
dragée {f} [historical, firearms, uncountable] | :: swan-shot, small-shot, hail-shot |
dragée {f} [slang, countable] | :: a bullet, a dot |
dragéifié {adj} | :: sugar-coated |
drageoir {m} | :: sweet-box, drageoir |
drageon {m} [botany] | :: a sprout growing from a root |
drageonner {vi} | :: to put forth shoots or suckers |
dragoman {m} | :: dragoman |
dragon {m} | :: a dragon, creature or person |
dragon {m} | :: a dragoon |
Dragon {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Draco (a constellation) |
dragon de Komodo {m} | :: Komodo dragon |
dragonne {f} | :: feminine noun of dragon |
dragonne {f} | :: sword knot |
dragonner {vt} | :: "to dragoon; to worry" |
dragonner {vr} | :: to torment one's self |
dragonnier {m} | :: dragon tree |
dragster {m} | :: drag racing |
drague {f} [colloquial] | :: pickup, seduction |
draguer {vt} | :: to dredge (to make a channel wider or deeper) |
draguer {vt} | :: to dredge (to bring something underwater to surface) |
draguer {vt} [colloquial, slang] | :: to chat up (to talk to flirtatiously), to flirt |
dragueur {m} | :: dredger (boat) |
dragueur {m} | :: dredger (person) |
dragueur {m} [colloquial] | :: someone who chats people up, usually regularly |
dragueur de mines {m} | :: minesweeper |
dragueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dragueur |
draille {f} | :: A cable along which a ferry is pulled |
drainage {m} | :: drainage |
drainant {adj} | :: draining |
draine {f} | :: mistle thrush |
drainer {v} | :: to drain |
drainer {v} [figuratively] | :: to drain |
draineur {m} | :: someone who uses machinery in order to drain |
draineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of draineur |
draisienne {f} | :: hobby horse, dandy horse (early bicycle) |
draisine {f} | :: draisine |
drakkar {m} | :: longship (type of Viking vessel) |
dramathérapie {f} | :: drama therapy |
dramatique {adj} | :: dramatic |
dramatiquement {adv} | :: dramatically |
dramatisation {f} | :: dramatization (the act of dramatizing) |
dramatiser {v} | :: to dramatise |
dramaturge {mf} [theater] | :: playwright (writer of plays for the theatre) |
dramaturgie {f} | :: dramaturgy |
dramaturgique {adj} | :: dramaturgic |
drame {m} | :: drama (piece of theatre) |
drame {m} | :: drama (something entertaining or action-packed) |
Drancourt {prop} | :: surname |
dranyen {m} [musical instruments] | :: dramyin |
drap {m} | :: sheet, duvet |
drapeau {m} | :: flag |
drapeau {m} [Louisiana French] | :: diaper |
Drapeau {prop} | :: surname |
drapeau blanc {m} | :: white flag (flag with a white color, used as a symbol of truce or surrender) |
drapeau jaune complet {m} [motorsports] | :: full-course yellow |
draper {v} | :: to drape |
draperie {f} | :: drapery |
drapier {adj} [attributive] | :: clothmaking |
drapier {m} | :: clothmaker |
drapière {f} | :: feminine noun of drapier |
drastique {adj} | :: drastic |
drastiquement {adv} | :: drastically |
dravidien {adj} | :: Dravidian (all meanings) |
drayer {vt} | :: "to flesh (hides)" |
Dre. {prefix} | :: Dr. (prenominal titular prefix for a female doctor); abbreviation of docteure; feminine noun of Dr. |
dreadnought {m} | :: dreadnought (battleship in which most of the firepower is concentrated in large guns that are of the same caliber) |
drelin {interj} | :: brrr, whirr (a whirring sound, such as that of a machine) |
drelin-drelin {interj} | :: ding dong (onomatopoeia for the sound of a doorbell) |
Drenthe {prop} | :: Drenthe |
drépanocytose {f} [pathology] | :: sickle-cell anemia |
Dresde {prop} {f} | :: Dresden |
dressable {adj} [chiefly of an animal] | :: trainable |
dressage {m} | :: training |
dressage {m} | :: dressage |
dresser {vt} | :: to erect, put up |
dresser {vt} | :: to pitch (a tent) |
dresser {vt} | :: to lift, raise |
dresser {vt} | :: to set, lay out |
dresser {vt} | :: to tame [lion etc], break in [horse], to train (an animal) |
dresser {vr} | :: to stand |
dresser l'oreille {v} | :: synonym of tendre l'oreille |
dresseur {m} | :: tamer |
dresseuse {f} | :: tamer, feminine noun of dresseur |
dressing {m} | :: wardrobe |
dressing {m} | :: dressing room (small walk-in room off a bedroom) |
dressoir {m} | :: dresser (furniture) |
drette {adj} [Canada] | :: direct |
drette {adv} [Canada] | :: directly |
Dreyfus {prop} | :: surname |
dreyfusard {adj} [historical] | :: supportive of or sympathetic to Alfred Dreyfus in the Dreyfus affair |
dribble {m} [sports] | :: dribble |
dribbler {vit} [sports] | :: to dribble |
dribbleur {m} [sports] | :: dribbler |
dribbleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dribbleur |
drigaille {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: rubbish, trash |
drigaille {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: scoundrelry, persons without worth |
drill {m} | :: drill (tool) |
driller {v} | :: to drill (to instruct, to train, to coach) |
dring {interj} | :: brrr, whirr (a whirring sound, such as that of a machine) |
dringueille {f} [Belgium] | :: pocket money, allowance |
drink {m} | :: a reception or afterparty where alcohol is served |
drisse {f} | :: halyard |
driver {m} [golf] | :: driver |
driver {v} [golf, except in, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: to drive |
driveur {m} | :: alternative spelling of driver |
drogue {f} | :: drug |
drogue douce {f} | :: soft drug, recreational drug |
drogue dure {f} | :: hard drug |
droguer {vr} [usually, se droguer] | :: to take drugs (intoxicating substances) |
droguerie {f} | :: drugstore (establishment selling medications) |
droguet {m} | :: drugget |
droguiste {m} | :: druggist |
droit {m} | :: right (entitlement) |
droit {m} | :: law (study of law) |
droit {m} [geometry] | :: right angle |
droit {adj} | :: right (on the right-hand side) |
droit {adj} | :: straight (not bent or crooked) |
droit {adj} [geometry] | :: right [of an angle] |
droit {adv} | :: straight, straight on |
droit {adv} | :: upright, straight, not bent or crooked |
droit au but {adv} | :: straight to the point |
droit chemin {m} | :: right track, straight and narrow (path of honesty, virtuous path) |
droit civil {m} [law] | :: civil law |
droit comme un i {adj} [simile] | :: bolt upright, ramrod straight, straight as a ramrod, straight as an arrow |
droit comme un i {adj} [simile, figuratively] | :: self-assured, sure of oneself |
droit commun {m} [law] | :: common law |
droit d'accise {m} | :: excise tax |
droit d'asile {m} | :: right of asylum |
droit d'auteur {m} | :: copyright (right an author has on his creations) |
droit d'auteur {m} | :: royalty (payment for intellectual property) |
droit de l'homme {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: human right |
droit-de-l'hommisme {m} | :: alternative spelling of droits-de-l'hommisme |
droit-de-l'hommiste {m} | :: alternative spelling of droits-de-l'hommiste |
droit de passage {m} | :: wayleave, right of way |
droit de seigneur {m} | :: droit de seigneur |
droit divin {m} [theology] | :: divine law |
droit du travail {m} [law] | :: labour law |
droite {f} [geometry, countable] | :: straight line |
droite {f} [politics, uncountable] | :: the right, right wing |
droite {f} [uncountable] | :: right, right-hand side |
droitement {adv} [archaic] | :: straight; straightly |
droitement {adv} | :: correctly; properly; rightly |
droitier {adj} | :: right-handed |
droitier {adj} | :: right-footed |
droitier {m} | :: a right-handed or right-footed person |
droitière {f} | :: feminine noun of droitier |
droit international {m} | :: international law |
droitisation {f} [politics] | :: A movement (of policies) to the right |
droitiser {v} | :: to move to the right (politically) |
droitiste {adj} [politics] | :: rightist |
droitiste {adj} | :: synonym of droitier |
droitiste {m} [politics] | :: rightist |
droitiste {m} | :: synonym of droitier |
droit pénal {m} | :: criminal law |
droits de l'homme {mp} | :: human rights |
droits-de-l'hommisme {m} [pejorative] | :: human-rightism |
droits-de-l'hommiste {m} [pejorative] | :: human-rightist |
droits des animaux {mp} | :: animal rights |
droits de succession {mp} [law] | :: inheritance tax, estate tax, death duty |
droiture {f} | :: rectitude, uprightness, honesty |
drolatique {adj} | :: humorous |
drôlatique {adj} | :: alternative form of drolatique |
drolatiquement {adv} | :: humorously |
drôle {adj} | :: funny, amusing |
drôle {adj} [sometimes with "de"] | :: strange, weird, bizarre |
drôle de {adj} [colloquial] | :: funny, weird, strange, odd |
drôle de guerre {prop} {f} | :: Phoney War |
drôle d'oiseau {m} [colloquial] | :: strange bird, an unusual person |
drôlement {adv} | :: funnily |
drôlement {adv} | :: loads, tons ["very much so"] |
drôlerie {f} | :: comical quality |
drôlerie {f} [dated] | :: a joke (humorous comment) |
drôlesse {f} [pejorative] | :: an unintelligent woman |
drôlissime {adj} | :: very funny |
drolle {adj} | :: archaic spelling of drôle |
dromadaire {adj} | :: dromedary |
dromadaire {m} | :: dromedary |
-drome {suffix} | :: -drome |
Drôme {prop} {f} | :: Drôme |
drômois {adj} | :: Of or from Drôme |
dromomane {mf} | :: dromomane |
drone {m} | :: drone (unmanned aircraft) |
droniste {mf} | :: dronist |
dronte {m} | :: dodo (bird) |
drop {m} [rugby] | :: drop goal |
droper {vt} [golf] | :: to drop (a golf ball in a position other than it has landed) |
droper {vt} [colloquial] | :: to drop (to forget, cease talking about) |
dropper {vt} [golf] | :: to drop (a golf ball in a position other than it has landed) |
dropper {vt} [colloquial] | :: to drop (to forget, cease talking about) |
droschki {m} | :: "drosky (Russian carriage)" |
droséra {f} | :: drosera (plant) |
drosophile {f} | :: fruit fly (member of genus Drosophila) |
drosser {vt} [nautical] | :: to put off course |
Drouillard {prop} | :: surname |
Drouin {prop} | :: surname of Norman origin |
drousser {vt} | :: to card and oil woollen cloth |
dru {adj} | :: thick |
dru {adj} [of hair] | :: thick |
dru {adv} | :: thickly |
dru {adv} | :: heavily |
druide {m} | :: druid |
druidesse {f} | :: druidess (female druid) |
druidique {adj} | :: druidic |
druidisme {m} | :: druidism |
drummer {mf} | :: drummer |
drupacé {adj} | :: drupaceous |
drupe {f} | :: drupe |
druze {adj} | :: Druze (attributive) |
dryade {f} [Greek mythology] | :: dryad |
dryade {f} [ecology] | :: forest tree, sciaphilous in young state |
DS {n} | :: initialism of directeur sportif |
DSK {prop} | :: Dominique Strauss-Kahn |
dsl {interj} [Internet slang, abbreviation] | :: abbreviation of désolé |
DST {prop} {f} | :: ≈ MI5, CIA |
du {contraction} | :: contraction of de + le (of the) |
du {contraction} | :: contraction of de + le; forms the partitive article |
dû {m} | :: what is owed, money's worth |
dualine {f} | :: dualin |
dualiser {v} | :: to dualize |
dualisme {m} [countable and uncountable, philosophy, religion] | :: dualism |
dualisme {m} [countable and uncountable, politics] | :: dualism |
dualiste {mf} | :: dualist |
dualiste {adj} | :: dualist |
dualistique {adj} | :: dualistic |
dualité {f} [mathematics, physics] | :: duality; twoness |
Dubaï {prop} {m} | :: Dubaï (emirate) |
Dubaï {prop} {m} | :: Dubaï (capital city) |
du balai {interj} [colloquial] | :: hop it! shoo! begone! push off! on your bike! |
Dubay {prop} | :: surname |
Dubé {prop} | :: surname |
dubieux {adj} | :: doubtful, uncertain |
dubitatif {adj} | :: sceptical |
dubitation {f} [literary] | :: dubitation: the action of putting in doubt, or a state of doubt |
dubitation {f} [rhetoric] | :: a figure of speech, a passage in which a writer or speaker expresses or feigns doubt, for example to forestall objections |
dubitativement {adv} | :: doubtingly; with doubts |
Dublin {prop} | :: Dublin (capital city) |
dubnium {m} | :: dubnium |
Dubois {prop} | :: surname |
Dubonnet {prop} | :: A French bittersweet red aperitif (of which a drier white version is also available) |
Dubreuil {prop} | :: surname |
dubstep {m} | :: dubstep |
Dubuisson {prop} | :: surname |
duc {m} | :: duke (nobleman) |
ducal {adj} | :: ducal |
du calme {interj} | :: quiet! calm down! |
ducasse {f} [Belgium, North of France] | :: any festival that takes place one every two years |
Ducasse {prop} | :: surname |
ducat {m} [numismatics] | :: ducat |
duché {m} | :: a duchy |
Duchesne {prop} | :: surname |
duchesse {f} | :: duchess |
du coin {adj} | :: local, from the neighbourhood |
du coup {conj} [colloquial] | :: so, as a result |
ductile {adj} | :: ductile (capable of being pulled or stretched into thin wire) |
ductilité {f} | :: ductility (ability of a material to be drawn out longitudinally to a reduced section without fracture under the action of a tensile force) |
du diable {adj} [colloquial] | :: a hell of a, hellish, huge |
du dimanche {adj} [pejorative] | :: amateur, weekend (attributive) |
dudit {contraction} | :: contraction of de + ledit |
duègne {f} | :: chaperone, duenna |
dueil {m} | :: obsolete spelling of deuil |
duel {adj} | :: dual (having two components) |
duel {m} | :: duel (battle) |
duel {m} [grammar] | :: dual |
duelliste {mf} | :: duelist, duellist |
duettiste {mf} | :: duettist (someone who takes part in a duet) |
duetto {m} [music] | :: a duet |
Dufaux {prop} | :: surname |
du feu de Dieu {adj} [colloquial] | :: terrific, awesome |
du feu de Dieu {adv} [colloquial] | :: extremely well |
duffel coat {m} | :: alternative spelling of duffel-coat |
duffel-coat {m} | :: duffel coat |
duffle-coat {m} | :: alternative spelling of duffel-coat |
du fil à retordre {m} [idiomatic] | :: a hard time, some difficulties |
du fond du cœur {adv} [figuratively] | :: from the bottom of one's heart |
Dufour {prop} | :: Dufour; surname |
Dufrêne {prop} | :: surname |
Dufresne {prop} | :: surname |
dugong {m} | :: dugong |
duire {vt} | :: "(ant.) to suit" |
duite {f} | :: The number of weft threads per unit length (typically per centimetre) of fabric as a measure of fineness |
du jour au lendemain {adv} | :: overnight, very rapidly |
dukasien {adj} | :: Dukasian |
dulcamarine {f} | :: dulcamarin |
dulcification {f} | :: softening (act or process of making softer) |
dulcifier {vt} | :: to soften (make softer) |
dulcinée {f} [poetic] | :: inspiring, beautiful woman |
dulcite {f} | :: dulcite |
dulcose {f} | :: synonym of dulcite |
dulie {f} | :: dulia |
Dumas {prop} | :: surname |
dumasien {adj} | :: Dumasian |
du matin au soir {v} [idiom] | :: all day long; every waking hour |
du même acabit {adj} [figuratively] | :: of that kind, of the same ilk, of the same stripe |
du même tonneau {adj} [pejorative, figuratively] | :: of the same ilk, of the same stripe |
dument {adv} | :: alternative spelling of dûment |
dûment {adv} | :: duly |
Dumitrescu {prop} | :: surname |
du moins {adv} | :: at least |
du moment que {conj} | :: as long as; provided (that) |
Dumont {prop} | :: surname |
Dumoulin {prop} | :: surname |
d'un {contraction} | :: contraction of de + un |
dunaire {adj} | :: dunal |
d'un autre côté {adv} | :: on the other hand |
d'un commun accord {adv} | :: by mutual agreement, by common consent, consensually |
dundee {m} | :: a type of small fishing boat |
dundée {m} | :: alternative form of dundee |
d'une {contraction} | :: de + une |
dune {f} | :: dune |
d'une main de maître {adv} | :: alternative form of de main de maître |
du nerf {interj} | :: go on! give it some welly! put some welly into it! buck up! |
d'une seule traite {adv} | :: synonym of d'une traite |
d'une traite {adv} [colloquial] | :: in one go, without stopping, in one sitting |
dunette {f} [nautical] | :: poop deck |
d'un instant à l'autre {adv} | :: any minute now, any time now, momentarily, imminently, very soon |
d'un iota {adv} | :: Not a bit, not at all |
dunkerque {m} | :: cabinet |
Dunkerque {prop} | :: Dunkerque (city) |
dunkerquois {adj} | :: of or from Dunkirk |
Dunkerquois {m} | :: Someone of or from Dunkirk |
Dunkerquoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Dunkerquois |
d'un moment à l'autre {adv} | :: any minute now, any time now, any moment now, imminently, very soon |
d'un poil {adv} [colloquial] | :: by the skin of one's teeth (barely, closely) |
d'un seul coup {adv} | :: in one fell swoop |
duo {m} | :: duo (combination of two things) |
duo {m} [music] | :: duet (a musical composition for two performers) |
duodécimal {adj} | :: duodecimal |
duodénaire {adj} | :: duodenary |
duodénal {adj} | :: duodenal |
duodénite {f} | :: duodenitis |
duodénum {m} | :: duodenum |
duodi {m} [historical] | :: The second day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar |
Duong {prop} | :: surname |
duopole {m} | :: duopoly |
dupe {f} | :: A person who has been deceived, see dupe |
duper {v} | :: to trick, fool, dupe |
duperie {f} | :: hoax; con; windup |
dupeur {m} | :: duper (person who dupes) |
dupeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of dupeur |
Duplessis {prop} | :: surname |
duplex {m} | :: a link between two points, such as a cable or a wire |
duplex {m} | :: duplex, maisonette (dwelling) |
duplexer {v} | :: to link two points (with cables, wires, etc.) |
duplicata {m} | :: duplicate |
duplicateur {m} | :: duplicator |
duplicateuse {f} | :: feminine noun of duplicateur |
duplication {f} | :: duplication |
duplicatrice {f} [maths] | :: duplicatrix |
duplicature {f} | :: duplicature |
duplicité {f} | :: duplicity (intentional deceptiveness) |
duplicité {f} | :: duality; twoness |
dupliquer {v} | :: to duplicate |
du plus bel effet {adj} | :: striking, stunning; splendid; successful |
Dupont {prop} | :: surname |
Dupré {prop} | :: surname |
Duprée {prop} | :: surname |
du premier coup {adv} | :: first time, first try (on one's first try) |
du propre {m} [ironic] | :: a fine mess |
Dupuis {prop} | :: surname |
duquel {pron} | :: of which, of whom, from which, from whom |
dur {adj} | :: hard, tough (difficult to penetrate) |
dur {adj} | :: hard (not soft) |
dur {adj} | :: hard, tough (not easy, difficult) |
dur {adj} | :: harsh [e.g. harsh conditions] |
dur {adj} [arts] | :: harsh [of a penstroke] |
dur {adv} | :: hard |
dur {m} | :: firmness, solidity |
dur {m} | :: hard case (tough person) |
durabilité {f} | :: durability; sustainability (all meanings) |
durable {adj} | :: durable |
durable {adj} | :: sustainable |
durablement {adv} | :: durably |
duracine {f} | :: A variety of peach with firm flesh |
dur à cuire {adj} | :: (lit. "tough to cook") hard-boiled, tough, badass |
dural {adj} [anatomy] | :: dural |
duralumin {m} | :: duralumin |
duramen {m} | :: heartwood; duramen |
durant {prep} | :: during, while |
durant {postp} | :: on end |
durassien {adj} | :: Durassian |
duratif {adj} [linguistics] | :: durative (expressing continuing action) |
duratif {m} | :: the durative case |
durcir {v} | :: to harden |
durcir {vp} | :: to harden, become more serious |
durcissement {m} [countable and uncountable] | :: hardening |
durcisseur {adj} [literally and figuratively] | :: hardening (causing hardness) |
dur de la feuille {adj} [colloquial] | :: hard of hearing |
dur d'oreille {adj} [colloquial] | :: hard of hearing |
durée {f} | :: duration, period, time taken |
durée de vie {f} | :: lifetime |
durement {adv} | :: sternly, harshly |
durement {adv} | :: with difficulty |
durène {m} [organic compound] | :: durene |
durer {v} | :: to last (for) |
du reste {adv} [literary] | :: furthermore; besides; on top of that |
dureté {f} | :: hardness, especially of water |
dureté {f} | :: harshness |
Durex {prop} [Canada] | :: A brand of adhesive tape |
Durex {prop} [France] | :: A brand of condom |
durian {m} | :: durian |
durillon {m} | :: callus (hardened skin) |
durillonner {vt} | :: "to become hard" |
durillonner {vr} | :: "to grow callous" |
durissime {adj} | :: superhard |
durit {f} | :: alternative form of durite |
durite {f} | :: hose [in a car radiator] |
Durocher {prop} | :: surname |
durophagie {f} [biology] | :: durophagy |
d'usage {adj} | :: customary, usual |
Dussault {prop} | :: surname |
du tac au tac {adv} [colloquial] | :: off the bat |
du tonnerre {adj} [colloquial] | :: terrific, awesome |
du tonnerre {adv} [colloquial] | :: extremely well |
du tout {adv} | :: at all |
du tout {adv} [obsolete] | :: entirely, absolutely |
du tout {interj} [colloquial] | :: not at all |
du tout au tout {adv} | :: completely, radically, entirely, utterly |
duumvir {m} | :: duumvir |
duumvirat {m} [chiefly historical] | :: duumvirate |
Duval {prop} | :: surname |
Duvauchelle {prop} | :: surname |
du vent {interj} [colloquial] | :: hop it! shoo! begone! push off! be off with you! |
duvet {m} [uncountable] | :: down (soft, fine feathers) |
duvet {m} | :: down, fuzz (on face, peach, etc) |
duvet {m} | :: (down-filled) sleeping bag |
duvet {m} | :: duvet, continental quilt |
duvet {m} [Belgium, Switzerland] | :: eiderdown |
duveter {vr} [se duveter, of a bird] | :: to become downy; covered with down |
duveteux {adj} | :: downy (characterized by soft feathers) |
du vivant de {prep} | :: during the lifetime of (someone), in (someone)'s lifetime, when (someone) was alive |
DVD {m} [initialism] | :: DVD |
d'y {contraction} | :: de + y |
dyadique {adj} | :: diadic |
Dylan {prop} | :: given name of Welsh origin, popular in the 1990s |
dynamique {adj} | :: dynamic, energetic |
dynamique {f} [mechanics] | :: dynamics |
dynamiquement {adv} | :: dynamically |
dynamisation {f} | :: dynamization |
dynamiser {v} | :: to dynamize, dynamise (make more dynamic) |
dynamisme {m} | :: dynamism |
dynamitage {m} | :: dynamiting, blasting |
dynamiter {vt} | :: to dynamite (blow up with dynamite) |
dynamiteur {m} | :: dynamiter (person) |
dynamiteur {m} | :: destroyer |
dynamiteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of dynamiteur |
dynamo- {prefix} | :: dynamo- |
dynamoélectrique {adj} [physics] | :: electrodynamic |
dynamomagnétique {adj} [physics] | :: magnetodynamic |
dynamomètre {m} | :: dynamometer |
dynamométrie {f} | :: dynamometry |
dynamométrique {adj} | :: dynamometric |
dynamométriquement {adv} | :: dynamometrically |
dynamoscope {m} | :: dynamoscope |
dynaste {m} | :: petty king, ruler of a smaller state within a greater empire |
dynaste {m} | :: rhinoceros beetle |
dynastie {f} | :: dynasty |
dynastique {adj} | :: dynastic |
dynastiquement {adv} | :: dynastically |
dyne {f} [physics] | :: dyne |
dyonisiaque {adj} | :: Dionysian |
dys- {prefix} | :: bad status |
dys- {prefix} | :: malfunctioning |
dysæsthésie {f} | :: obsolete form of dysesthésie |
dysarthrie {f} [pathology] | :: dysarthria |
dyscalculie {f} | :: dyscalculia |
dyscalculique {mf} | :: dyscalculic |
dyschondroplasie {f} | :: dyschondroplasia |
dyschromatopsie {f} | :: dyschromatopsia |
dyschromie {f} | :: dyschromia |
dyscrasie {f} | :: dyscrasy |
dysembryome {f} | :: dysembryoma |
dysembryoplasie {f} | :: dysembryoplasia |
dysenterie {f} | :: dysentery |
dysentérique {mf} | :: dysenteric |
dysérythropoïèse {f} | :: dyserythropoiesis |
dysérythropoïétique {adj} | :: dyserythropoietic |
dysfibrinogène {m} | :: Anormal fibrinogen of dysfibrinogenemias |
dysfibrinogénémie {f} | :: dysfibrinogenemia |
dysfonction érectile {f} [pathology] | :: erectile dysfunction |
dysfonctionnel {adj} | :: dysfunctional |
dysfonctionnement {m} | :: malfunction |
dysfonctionner {v} | :: To malfunction |
dysgraphie {f} | :: dysgraphia |
dyslatéralité {f} | :: dyslaterality |
dyslexie {f} [pathology] | :: dyslexia (a syndrome, inability of reading) |
dyslexique {adj} | :: dyslexic |
dyslexique {mf} | :: dyslexic person |
dysorthographie {f} | :: dysorthographia |
dyspareunie {f} [medicine] | :: dyspareunia |
dyspepsie {f} | :: dyspepsia |
dysphagie {f} | :: dysphagy; difficulty in swallowing |
dysphasie {f} [pathology] | :: dysphasia |
dysphémisme {m} [rare] | :: dysphemism |
dysphorique {adj} | :: dysphoric |
dysplasie {f} [pathology] | :: dysplasia |
dyspnée {f} | :: dyspnea |
dyspnœe {f} | :: obsolete form of dyspnée |
dysprosium {m} | :: dysprosium |
dysthymie {f} | :: dysthymia |
dysthymique {adj} | :: dysthymic (of or relating to dysthymia) |
dystonique {adj} | :: dystonic |
dystopie {f} | :: dystopia |
dystrophie {f} | :: dystrophy |
dystrophine {f} [protein] | :: dystrophin |
dystrophisation {f} [ecology] | :: dystrophisation |
dysurie {f} [pathology] | :: dysuria |
dzêta {m} | :: alternative spelling of zêta |
dzo {m} | :: dzo |
dzongkha {m} | :: Dzongkha |