User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-p
p. {n} | :: abbreviation of pont |
p {letter} | :: letter: pé |
p {n} | :: abbreviation of perc |
P {letter} | :: letter: pé |
pá {interj} | :: bye-bye |
pác {n} | :: marinade (seasoned mixture in which food is soaked to prepare it for cooking) |
pác {n} | :: stain (substance used to soak into a surface and color it) |
pác {n} [colloquial] | :: mess, jam, pickle (difficult situation) |
paca {n} [colloquial] | :: inkspot |
paci {n} [childish or endearing] | :: horsy (a child's term or name for a horse) |
páciens {n} | :: patient (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) |
pacifizmus {n} | :: pacifism |
pácol {vt} | :: to marinade, to marinate |
pacsirta {n} | :: lark |
pacsker {n} [slang] | :: flip-flop (footwear) |
pacsuli {n} | :: patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli syn. Pogostemon cablin) |
pacsuli {n} | :: patchouli (perfume) |
pacsuli {n} [pejorative] | :: cheap scent |
pad {n} | :: bench |
pad {n} [education] | :: desk (of students in school, traditionally built together with the seats) |
pad {n} [religion] | :: pew (in a church) |
pad {n} [law] | :: dock (of the defendant, in court), stand (of a witness, in court) |
pad {n} [dialectal] | :: attic, loft |
pádimentum {n} [dialectal, archaic] | :: floor (bottom or lower part of any room) |
padisah {n} [historical] | :: Padishah |
padlás {n} | :: attic |
padlásszoba {n} | :: garret |
padlizsán {n} | :: aubergine, eggplant |
padló {n} | :: floor |
padlódeszka {n} | :: floorboard |
padol {v} [dialectal] | :: to cover with floor |
páfrány {n} | :: fern |
pagoda {n} [architecture] | :: pagoda |
páholy {n} [obsolete] | :: shed |
páholy {n} [theater] | :: box |
páholy {n} [freemasonry] | :: lodge |
pajesz {n} | :: earlock (of orthodox Jews) |
pajesz {n} | :: sideburns |
pajkos {adj} [especially of a child] | :: naughty, playful, impish, mischievous |
pajkos {adj} | :: naughty, risqué (mildly indecent) |
pajta {n} | :: barn, shed (farm building) |
pajtás {n} | :: comrade, companion, pal |
pajtás {n} | :: pioneer (member of a child organization in the soviet bloc) |
pajzs {n} | :: shield |
pajzsmirigy {n} [anatomy] | :: thyroid gland, thyroid (a large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland situated on the front of the neck that produces various hormones) |
pajzsmirigyhormon {n} | :: thyroid hormone (hormone produced by the thyroid gland that are primarily responsible for regulation of metabolism) |
pajzsporc {n} [anatomy] | :: thyroid cartilage (the largest cartilage in the larynx) |
Pakisztán {prop} | :: Pakisztán (country) |
pakisztáni {adj} | :: Pakistani (of, from, or relating to Pakistan or its people) |
pakisztáni {n} | :: Pakistani (a person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent) |
Pakisztáni Iszlám Köztársaság {prop} | :: Islamic Republic of Pakistan (official name of Pakistan) |
pakli {n} | :: pack (a full set of playing cards) |
pakol {vt} [colloquial] | :: to pack, pack up |
Paks {prop} | :: Paks (town) |
paksi {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Paks |
paksi {n} | :: A person from Paks |
paktum {n} | :: pact |
pakura {n} | :: mazut, crude oil, fuel oil |
Pál {prop} | :: given name |
pala {n} | :: slate |
palack {n} | :: bottle (a container, typically made of glass or plastic and having a tapered neck, used primarily for holding liquids) |
palack {n} | :: bottle (the contents of such a container) |
palack {n} | :: tank (a closed container for gases) |
palackoz {vt} | :: to bottle (to seal a gas or liquid, especially wine or other alcohol, into a bottle hermetically for later consumption) |
palackozott {adj} | :: bottled |
palacsinta {n} | :: pancake, crêpe (thin batter cake) |
palakék {adj} | :: slate blue |
palánta {n} [botany] | :: seedling (a young plant grown from seed, ready for replanting) |
palást {n} | :: cloak, mantle, robe, pall, cope (a long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back) |
palást {n} [literary, figuratively] | :: cloak (a blanket-like covering) |
palást {n} [mathematics] | :: lateral surface |
palástol {vt} [literary, figuratively] | :: to hide, cover, disguise, conceal (to try to keep something, usually an unpleasant fact or mood, in secret) |
palaszürke {adj} | :: slate gray, slate grey (of a dark bluish grey colour) |
Palau {prop} | :: Palau (country) |
pálca {n} | :: cane, stick |
pálcika {n} | :: (small) stick |
paleolitikum {n} | :: Paleolithic |
paleontológia {n} | :: paleontology |
palesztin {adj} | :: Palestinian (of or relating to Palestine or the Palestinian people) |
palesztin {n} | :: Palestinian (person) |
Palesztina {prop} | :: Palestine |
paletta {n} | :: palette (a thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours) |
paletta {n} | :: palette (the range of colors in a given work or item or body of work) |
pálfordulás {n} | :: a complete change of mind, about-turn (sudden and total reversal of opinion or attitude) |
pali {n} [slang, used chiefly in its derivatives] | :: mug, dupe, sucker (a person who is easily deceived, tricked or persuaded to do something; a naive person) |
pali {n} [slang, dated] | :: guy, bloke, fellow, chap |
Pali {prop} | :: given name |
palimadár {n} [slang] | :: dupe, fall guy, fish, mug, patsy, pigeon, pushover, sucker, easy mark |
palimpszeszt {n} | :: palimpsest |
pálinka {n} | :: brandy (a traditional Hungarian fruit brandy) |
palládium {n} | :: palladium (symbol: Pd) |
pallos {n} | :: broadsword |
pallos {n} [historical] | :: executioner's sword |
pálma {n} | :: palm, palm tree (a tree of the family Arecaceae) |
pálma {n} [figuratively, literary] | :: palm (the symbol of success, glory, victory) |
Pálma {prop} | :: given name |
Palmüra {prop} | :: Palmyra (an ancient oasis city in the Syrian Desert) |
palota {n} | :: palace |
pálya {n} | :: court, rink, field, pitch (an area of land) |
pálya {n} | :: path, orbit, track (a course of motion) |
pálya {n} | :: profession, career (a person's vocational course) |
pálya {n} | :: course, level (in a video game) |
pályafutás {n} | :: career |
pályakezdő {adj} | :: junior (at the beginning of a career) |
pályakezdő {n} | :: beginner, novice (a usually young person who is at the beginning of a career) |
pályaudvar {n} [transport] | :: station (a ground transportation depot; an urban terminal for a number of trains or buses) |
pályaudvar {n} [transport, more specifically] | :: railway station, railroad station |
pályaválasztás {n} | :: career choice |
pályaválasztási {adj} | :: concerning career choice, vocational or occupational guidance |
pályázat {n} | :: application |
pályázat {n} | :: competition |
pályázati {adj} | :: of or relating to a competition or an application |
pályázik {vi} | :: to go for, to aspire, to try for, to attempt to reach (followed by ra) |
pályázik {vi} | :: to compete for funds, titles, positions |
pályázó {adj} | :: aspiring, competing |
pályázó {n} | :: applicant, aspirant, candidate |
pamut {adj} | :: made of cotton |
pamut {n} | :: cotton |
Pán {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pan |
Panama {prop} | :: Panama (country) |
panamakalap {n} | :: Panama hat |
Panasonic {prop} | :: A multinational electronics corporation in Japan |
panasz {n} | :: complaint, lament, grievance |
panasz {n} | :: moaning, complaining |
panasz {n} [legal] | :: complaint, accusation, charge |
panasz {n} [medicine] | :: complaint, discomfort, condition, trouble, problem |
panaszkodik {vi} | :: to moan, to complain (about someone or something ra or ről, to someone nak) (to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment) |
panaszkönyv {n} | :: complaint book (in a store, the book where customers can write their complaints) |
panaszos {adj} | :: plaintive, mournful, lugubrious (sounding sorrowful, filled with sadness) |
panaszos {n} | :: plaintiff, complainant |
páncél {n} [historical] | :: suit of armour, armour, mail |
páncél {n} [zoology] | :: shell, carapace |
páncél {n} [figuratively, literary] | :: shield (an impenetrable, hard layer) |
páncélautó {n} | :: armoured car, armored car |
páncélszekrény {n} | :: safe, vault (a sturdy, heavy steel cabinet with a special lock for storing valuables) |
panda {n} | :: panda |
pandeizmus {n} | :: pandeism |
pandémia {n} [epidemiology] | :: pandemic (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) |
pandit {n} | :: pundit (a Hindu scholar) |
Pandóra {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora |
Pandóra {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Pandóra szelencéje {n} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora's box |
pandzsábi {adj} | :: Punjabi (of, relating to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language) |
panel {n} | :: panel (a large, prefabricated part of a house, such as a wall, roof) |
panel {n} | :: panel (a prefabricated part of furniture) |
panel {n} | :: panel (instrument panel, such as a dashboard) |
panel {n} | :: panel (a group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc. as on a television or radio broadcast for example) |
panelház {n} | :: panel building (a building built of prefabricated concrete blocks) |
páni {adj} | :: panic (of fear, fright etc.: sudden or overwhelming) |
pánik {n} | :: panic |
pánikol {vi} | :: to panic (to feel overwhelming fear) |
paníroz {vt} | :: to bread, breadcrumb, fry in breadcrumbs |
panoráma {n} | :: view |
panoráma {n} | :: panorama |
panorámakép {n} [photography] | :: panoramic photograph (photograph with a horizontally elongated field of view) |
panorámás {adj} | :: panoramic (with a wide view) |
pánsíp {n} [musical instruments] | :: pan flute, panpipes |
pánszexualitás {n} | :: pansexuality |
pántli {n} [obsolete] | :: ribbon, tape |
pántlika {n} | :: ribbon, tape |
panzió {n} | :: pension, boarding house |
panyókás sakál {n} | :: black-backed jackal |
pap {n} | :: priest (in Catholic terminology) |
papa {n} | :: dad |
papa {n} [dialectal] | :: granddad, grandfather |
pápa {n} | :: pope (head of the Roman Catholic Church) |
Pápa {prop} | :: Pápa (town) |
papagáj {n} | :: parrot (bird) |
pápai {adj} | :: papal |
pápai {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Pápa |
pápai {n} | :: A person from Pápa |
papaja {n} | :: papaya |
pápaság {n} | :: papacy |
papi {adj} | :: ecclesiastical, clerical, priestly (of or relating to priests) |
papi {n} [childish] | :: food |
papi {n} [colloquial, humorous] | :: mushy food |
papi {n} | :: father, pop, dad, daddy, pappy |
papi {n} | :: grandfather, pappy |
papír {n} | :: paper |
papírdoboz {n} | :: paper box |
papírgyártás {n} | :: papermaking |
papírkép {n} [photography] | :: print (a digital or analog photograph that has been printed onto paper) |
papírkosár {n} | :: wastepaper basket, wastebasket (a small open container for discarded paper) |
papírmasé {n} | :: papier-mâché |
papiros {n} [somewhat, archaic] | :: paper |
papírpénz {n} | :: paper money, banknote |
papírpohár {n} | :: paper cup |
papírsárkány {n} | :: toy kite |
papírszelet {n} | :: a slip of paper |
papirusz {n} | :: papyrus (a plant Cyperus papyrus in the sedge family, native to the Nile river valley) |
papirusz {n} | :: papyrus (a material similar to paper made from the papyrus plant) |
papirusz {n} | :: papyrus (a scroll or document written on papyrus) |
papírzacskó {n} | :: paper bag |
papír zsebkendő {n} | :: tissue, kleenex (used as a handkerchief) |
paplan {n} | :: duvet, continental quilt, comforter (a padded cover for a bed) |
papné {n} [rare] | :: the wife of a priest |
papnő {n} | :: priestess |
papol {vi} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: to chatter, jaw away |
papol {vi} [archaic, dialectal] | :: to preach (to give a sermon) |
papol {vt} | :: to lecture, preach (to speak in a pompous, lecturing, self-important manner) |
papolás {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: sermon (a lengthy speech of reproval) |
papolás {n} [dialectal, archaic, religion] | :: sermon (a spoken address on a religious matter) |
paprika {n} | :: paprika [spice] |
paprika {n} | :: pepper, bell pepper [fruit] |
paprikás {adj} [of food] | :: seasoned with paprika |
paprikás {adj} [figuratively, of temper, mood, speech] | :: irritated, snappish, testy, fiery |
paprikás {n} | :: A traditional Hungarian dish, pörkölt with sour cream: a paprika-based meat stew, usually made with chicken or optionally with veal |
paprikásabb {adj} | :: comparative of paprikás |
papság {n} | :: clergy, priesthood |
Pápua Új-Guinea {prop} | :: Pápua Új-Guinea (country) |
papucs {n} | :: slipper |
papucs {n} [colloquial, humorous] | :: henpecked (husband) |
papucsférj {n} | :: henpecked husband |
pár {n} | :: pair, couple |
pár {n} [in the singular, usually with a possessive suffix] | :: partner, spouse |
pár {determiner} | :: some, a few, a couple of |
pár {pron} | :: some, a few, a couple |
para {n} | :: suber, cork |
para {n} [slang] | :: fear |
para {adj} [slang] | :: scary, spooky, sinister, dark |
para {n} [slang] | :: (physical) parameter (height, weight, and age, often asked at the beginning of online dating) |
para {n} | :: para (a subunit of Ottoman currency) |
pára {n} | :: steam, vapor [US], vapour [UK] |
pára {n} | :: breath |
parabola {n} [geometry] | :: parabola |
parádé {n} | :: parade (organized procession) |
paradicsom {n} | :: tomato |
paradicsom {n} | :: paradise |
paradigmaváltás {n} | :: paradigm shift |
paradox {adj} | :: paradoxical (seemingly contradictory but possibly true) |
paradox {adj} [rare] | :: paradoxical, awkward, adverse (contrary to common perception) |
paradoxon {n} | :: paradox |
Paraguay {prop} | :: Paraguay (country) |
paraj {n} [formal] | :: spinach (Spinacia oleracea, an edible plant or its leaves) |
paraj {n} [folksy] | :: a type of weed, especially goosefoot |
paralelogramma {n} [geometry] | :: parallelogram |
paralízis {n} | :: paralysis |
parallaxis {n} | :: parallax (apparent shift in the position of two objects due to a change in observer position) |
parallelepipedon {n} [geometry] | :: parallelepiped |
parallelogramma {n} | :: alternative form of paralelogramma |
paraméter {n} | :: parameter |
páran {adv} | :: a few (of them), some |
parancs {n} | :: order (command) |
parancsikon {n} [computing] | :: shortcut |
parancsnok {n} | :: commander |
parancsol {vt} | :: to order, to command |
parancsolat {n} | :: commandment |
parancsolgat {vi} | :: to order about, keep on giving orders |
parancsolgató {adj} | :: bossy, domineering (tending to give orders to others, especially when unwarranted) |
parancsolgatóbb {adj} | :: comparative of parancsolgató |
paranoia {n} [psychology] | :: paranoia (a psychotic disorder) |
paranoiás {adj} | :: paranoid, paranoiac |
paranoiásabb {adj} | :: comparative of paranoiás |
paranormális {adj} | :: paranormal |
parányi {adj} | :: minute, tiny |
parányibb {adj} | :: comparative of parányi |
parapács {adj} [Székely dialect] | :: smart, clever |
paraplé {n} [archaic, colloquial] | :: umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain) |
paraplé {n} [archaic, rare] | :: parasol (a light umbrella used as protection from the sun) |
parapszichológia {n} | :: parapsychology |
párás {adj} | :: vaporous, steamy, humid |
párásabb {adj} | :: comparative of párás |
paraszt {adj} | :: peasant, rustic |
paraszt {n} | :: peasant |
paraszt {n} [pejorative] | :: boor, yokel |
paraszt {n} [chess] | :: pawn |
parasztcsalád {n} | :: peasant family |
parasztfelkelés {n} | :: peasant revolt/rebellion/uprising |
parasztház {n} | :: peasant house |
paraszti {adj} | :: peasant [attributive usage], of peasants, peasant's |
parasztos {adj} | :: rustic (country-styled or pastoral; rural) |
parasztság {n} | :: peasantry |
parasztság {n} [pejorative] | :: boorishness, rudeness |
parasztvakítás {n} [idiomatic] | :: dog and pony show, falsehood, scam |
páratartalom {n} | :: humidity |
páratlan {adj} | :: odd (not divisible by two) |
páratlan {adj} | :: unmatched, matchless, unrivalled, peerless, unequalled |
páratlan {adj} | :: odd, single, singular (not having a mate) |
paratölgy {n} | :: cork oak (Quercus suber) |
parazita {n} | :: parasite |
paráznaság {n} | :: fornication |
parázs {n} | :: ember |
párbaj {n} | :: duel |
párbajozik {vi} | :: to duel |
párbajtőr {n} [fencing] | :: épée, epee |
párbeszéd {n} | :: conversation, dialogue |
párbeszédjel {n} | :: dash (a typographic symbol - an en dash in Hungarian orthography - to record a conversation in writing; several sentences can follow a single symbol as long as they are spoken by the same speaker) |
parcella {n} | :: parcel (a division of land bought and sold as a unit) |
parciális derivált {n} [mathematics] | :: partial derivative |
parciális differenciálegyenlet {n} [mathematics] | :: partial differential equation |
pardon {interj} | :: pardon!, pardon me!, excuse me!, I beg your pardon!, sorry! |
párduc {n} | :: panther (big cat of genus Panthera) |
párducmacska {n} | :: ocelot |
paréj {n} [folksy] | :: a type of weed, especially goosefoot |
parfé {n} | :: parfait |
parfüm {n} | :: perfume |
parfüméria {n} | :: perfumery (a shop selling perfumes) |
párhuzam {n} | :: parallel, comparison |
párhuzamos {adj} | :: parallel (equally distant from one another at all points) |
párhuzamos {adj} | :: parallel (having the same overall direction) |
párhuzamos {n} [geometry] | :: parallel (one of a set of parallel lines) |
párhuzamosabb {adj} | :: comparative of párhuzamos |
párhuzamosan {adv} | :: parallelly, side by side |
párhuzamosan {adv} | :: in line (with something val), parallel to something |
párhuzamosság {n} | :: parallelism |
pária {n} | :: pariah |
parietális {adj} [anatomy] | :: parietal (of or relating to the wall of a body part, organ or cavity) |
paripa {n} | :: steed |
paripa {n} [obsolete] | :: gelding (a castrated male horse) |
parittya {n} [weaponry] | :: sling (an instrument for throwing stones or other missiles) |
Párizs {prop} | :: Párizs (caplc) |
párizsi {adj} | :: Parisian (of, from, or pertaining to Paris) |
párizsi {n} | :: Parisian (person from Paris) |
párizsi {n} | :: a type of meat sausage similar to bologna or devon |
park {n} | :: park |
párkány {n} [of window] | :: sill |
párkapcsolat {n} | :: relationship (romantic or sexual involvement) |
Parkinson-kór {n} [neurology, diseases] | :: Parkinson's disease |
parkíroz {vi} [dated] | :: to park (to bring to a halt) |
parkíroz {vt} [dated] | :: to landscape, to convert into a park |
parkol {vt} | :: to park (to bring something such as a vehicle to a halt or store in a specified place) |
parkol {vi} [of a vehicle] | :: to be parked |
parkolás {n} | :: parking (the act of temporarily leaving a vehicle in a certain location) |
parkolási {adj} | :: parking [attributive] |
parkoló {adj} | :: parking |
parkoló {n} | :: parking lot |
parkolóház {n} | :: parking garage, car park (a multi-storey building where cars may be parked) |
parkolóhely {n} | :: parking space, parking spot (a space in which a car or other vehicle can be parked) |
parkolóóra {n} | :: parking meter (a device, located by a parking space, that collects payment in exchange for the right to park a vehicle for a specified time) |
parlag {n} | :: fallow (uncultivated land) |
parlament {n} | :: parliament |
parlamentáris {adj} | :: parliamentary |
parlamentárisabb {adj} | :: comparative of parlamentáris |
parlamenter {n} | :: parlimentaire, truce envoy |
parlamenti {adj} | :: parliamentary |
párlat {n} [chemistry] | :: distillate (the liquid that has been condensed from vapour during distillation) |
parmezán {n} | :: parmesan |
párna {n} | :: pillow (a soft cushion used to support the head in bed) |
párnacsata {n} | :: pillow fight (play fight that involves hitting others with pillows) |
párnahuzat {n} | :: pillowcase |
párnás {adj} | :: padded, cushioned (having padding; lined or stuffed with soft material) |
párnás {adj} [figuratively] | :: soft, chubby, fat, padded |
párnásabb {adj} | :: comparative of párnás |
parodizál {vt} | :: to parody |
paróka {n} | :: wig, peruke |
párol {vt} [cooking] | :: to steam, braise, stew (to cook with steam) |
párol {vt} [chemistry] | :: to distill |
paronima {n} [linguistics] | :: near-homophone, [less commonly] paronym |
páros {adj} [arithmetic] | :: even (divisible by two) |
páros {adj} | :: double |
páros {n} | :: duo, couple |
páros {n} [sport] | :: doubles |
párszor {adv} | :: once or twice, a few times |
part {n} | :: shore, coast, bank, beach |
párt {n} | :: party (political group) |
pártatlan {adj} | :: impartial |
pártatlanság {n} | :: impartiality |
pártatlanul {adv} | :: impartially |
pártelnök {n} | :: party president (president of the party) |
pártfogás {n} | :: protection, patronage |
pártfogás {n} | :: support, backing, assistance |
parti {n} [dated] | :: a marriageable person, eligible partner |
parti {n} [gaming] | :: a game of (e.g. cards, chess) |
parti {n} [gaming] | :: party |
parti {n} | :: party (social gathering) |
parti {adj} | :: coastal; waterside, seaside, riverside, lakeside; of, at, by, or related to a coast, a shore, a bank, or a beach |
partifecske {n} | :: sand martin (Riparia riparia) |
partikuláris {adj} | :: particular (pertaining only to a part of something; partial) |
partikuláris {adj} | :: particular (local, valid only in a limited circle) |
partitúra {n} | :: score (a book or set of pages showing all the parts for a musical composition) |
partizán {n} | :: partisan |
partner {n} | :: partner |
partneri {adj} | :: of, or relating to partner |
pártprogram {n} | :: platform (a political stance on a broad set of issues, which are called planks) |
partvonal {n} | :: coastline |
pasa {n} | :: pasha |
pasas {n} [colloquial] | :: fellow, chap, guy |
pasasér {n} [archaic] | :: passenger |
pasasér {n} [archaic] | :: fellow, chap, guy |
pascal {n} | :: pascal (the unit of pressure and stress) |
Pascal {prop} | :: Pascal |
pasi {n} [colloquial] | :: chap, dude, guy |
pasi {n} [colloquial] | :: boyfriend |
pástétom {n} | :: pâté (finely-ground paste of meat, game fish or vegetables) |
paszomány {n} | :: passement, braid, piping sewed on a garment for ornamentation |
paszpartu {n} | :: mat (thick paper or paperboard border used to inset the contents of a frame) |
passzátszél {n} [weather] | :: trade wind |
passzió {n} | :: hobby |
passzív {adj} | :: passive |
passzívabb {adj} | :: comparative of passzív |
passzivitás {n} | :: passivity |
passzol {vi} [_, with hoz] | :: to suit, to match, to go with (to make a successful pairing) |
passzol {vi} | :: to fit (to conform to in size and shape) |
passzol {vi} [figurative] | :: to fit (to be in agreement with) |
passzol {vit} [ball games] | :: to pass (to move the ball to a teammate) |
passzol {vt} [by extension, colloquial] | :: to pass, to hand (to transfer to someone) |
passzol {vi} [games] | :: to pass (to decline to play in one's turn) |
passzol {vit} [by extension, colloquial] | :: to pass on, to skip (to decline doing something, especially answering a question) |
paszternák {n} | :: parsnip |
pasztinák {n} | :: parsnip |
pásztor {n} | :: shepherd |
pásztoróra {n} [literary] | :: lovers' tryst, rendezvous, amorous tête-à-tête |
pasztőröz {vt} | :: to pasteurize (to heat food for the purpose of killing harmful organisms) |
paszuly {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of bab, haricot, common bean, bean (the plant and its crop) |
pata {n} | :: hoof (the tip of a toe of an ungulate such as a horse, ox or deer, strengthened by a thick keratin covering) |
Patagónia {prop} | :: Patagonia (a geographical region in the southern South America, including the southern parts of Chile and Argentina) |
patájú {adj} | :: -hoofed, with a …… hoof or hooves (having a specific kind of hoof or hooves) |
patak {n} | :: stream, brook, runnel, rivulet (a body of running water smaller than a river) |
patak {n} [figuratively, exaggerated, of liquid] | :: stream |
Patak {prop} | :: Patak (village) |
patakaparó {n} | :: hoof pick (a hooked tool, usually of metal, used to clean the hooves of a horse) |
patakocska {n} | :: small stream, brooklet |
patakpart {n} | :: brookside |
patakvíz {n} | :: streamwater, brook water |
patakzik {vi} | :: to stream (to flow as a stream) |
patakzik {vi} [literary, of liquid, especially blood, tears] | :: to flow, stream (to flow in a continuous or steady manner) |
pataszerű {adj} | :: hooflike (resembling a hoof) |
pátens {n} [historical] | :: letters patent (comparable to an edict or a decree) |
pátens {n} [archaic] | :: credentials, letter of credence, charter (a document conferring rights and privileges on a person etc., a license or patent) |
páternoszter {n} [rare] | :: paternoster (the Lord's prayer) |
páternoszter {n} | :: paternoster (a slow, continuously moving lift or elevator) |
patika {n} | :: apothecary (a drugstore) |
patikus {n} | :: apothecary, pharmacist |
patisszon {n} | :: pattypan squash |
patkány {n} [zoology] | :: rat (a medium-sized rodent belonging to the genus Rattus) |
patkány {n} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: rat (a harmful, despicable person) |
patkányméreg {n} | :: rat poison, raticide, rodenticide (poison used to kill rats and other rodents) |
patkó {n} | :: horseshoe (the U-shaped metallic shoe of a horse) |
patkó {n} | :: horseshoe, crescent (sweet pastry in a horseshoe or half moon shape, filled with walnut or poppy seeds) |
patkóbél {n} [anatomy] | :: duodenum (the first part of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum) |
patkol {vt} | :: to shoe (to put horseshoes on a horse) |
patni {n} | :: flap (of a pocket) |
patogén {adj} [pathology] | :: pathogenic (able to cause (harmful) disease) |
patogén {n} [pathology, immunology] | :: pathogen (any organism or substance, especially a microorganism, capable of causing disease) |
patologikus {adj} | :: pathological |
patologikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of patologikus |
patriarchális {adj} | :: patriarchal |
patriarchálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of patriarchális |
patrícius {n} | :: patrician |
patriotizmus {n} | :: patriotism |
patróna {n} [Catholicism] | :: patron saint (female) |
patróna {n} [archaic] | :: a female patron (one who protects or supports) |
patronázs {n} | :: patronage |
patronima {n} | :: patronym (patronymic surname) |
patrónus {n} | :: patron |
pattan {vi} | :: to crack (whip) |
pattan {vi} | :: to spring, jump |
pattanás {n} | :: pimple |
patthelyzet {n} [chess] | :: stalemate |
patthelyzet {n} | :: stalemate, standoff, deadlock (standstill between competing forces without prospect of progress towards resolution) |
pattogatott kukorica {n} | :: popcorn |
Patyomkin-falu {n} | :: Potemkin village |
pauszpapír {n} | :: tracing paper (a translucent paper on which may be traced the design of whatever it is placed on) |
páva {n} | :: peacock (the bird) |
pávakék {adj} | :: peacock blue |
pávián {n} | :: baboon (primate) |
pazar {adj} [literary] | :: luxurious, lavish |
pazarabb {adj} | :: comparative of pazar |
pazarol {vt} | :: to squander, waste |
Pázmány {prop} | :: Péter Pázmány, Hungarian philosopher, theologian, statesman |
pázsit {n} | :: lawn |
pé {n} | :: letter: p |
pech {n} | :: bad luck, misfortune |
peches {adj} | :: unlucky, unfortunate |
Pécs {prop} | :: Pécs (city) |
pecsenye {n} | :: roast (a freshly roasted cut of meat, usually with high fat content) |
pecsenye {n} [figuratively, colloquial, in set phrases] | :: selfishly acquired profit |
pecsét {n} | :: seal (an official pattern) |
pecsét {n} | :: a rubber stamp |
pecsét {n} | :: stain, spot |
pécsi {adj} | :: of or relating to Pécs |
pedagógia {n} | :: pedagogy |
pedagógiai {adj} | :: pedagogical |
pedagógus {n} | :: pedagogue, educator (someone specialized in education as a profession in general) |
pedál {n} | :: pedal (a lever operated by one's foot that is used to control or power a machine or mechanism, such as a bicycle or piano) |
pedig {conj} [after the first clause element, like a clitic] | :: and, while, whereas (expressing addition or mild contrast) |
pedig {conj} [before the first clause element] | :: although, even though, notwithstanding, nevertheless, nonetheless |
pediglen {adv} [archaic] | :: synonym of pedig |
pedikűr {n} | :: pedicure |
pedikűrös {n} | :: pedicurist |
pedikűröz {vit} | :: to pedicure, give somebody a pedicure |
pedikűröztet {vt} | :: to get a pedicure, to have one's toenails and corns treated |
Pégaszosz {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pegasus (winged horse) |
Pegazus {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pegasus (winged horse) |
Pegazus {prop} [astronomy] | :: Pegasus (constellation) |
pehely {n} | :: down, fluff, feather |
pehely {n} | :: flake (snow) |
pehelyfelhő {n} | :: cirrus |
pehelykönnyű {adj} | :: featherlight, light as a feather |
pehelypaplan {n} | :: eiderdown (a quilt stuffed with down) |
pehelysúly {n} | :: featherweight (a weight division in professional boxing) |
pej {adj} | :: bay, chestnut (colour of a horse) |
pejoratív {adj} | :: pejorative, derogatory |
pejoratívabb {adj} | :: comparative of pejoratív |
pék {n} | :: baker (person who bakes and sells bread, etc.) |
Peking {prop} | :: Peking (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pékség {n} | :: bakery (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) |
példa {n} | :: example (something serving to explain or illustrate a rule) |
példa {n} | :: problem (exercise in mathematics or physics education) |
példakép {n} | :: role model, exemplar, hero, paragon, ideal (a person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others) |
példakép {n} | :: model, pattern (something that could be a model for others to follow or imitate) |
példány {n} [of a book or newspaper] | :: copy |
példány {n} | :: specimen |
példány {n} [archaic, literary] | :: ideal, example |
példátlan {adj} | :: unprecedented, unheard-of |
példátlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of példátlan |
példát statuál {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make an example of (to punish someone so as to give a warning to others) |
például {adv} | :: for example, for instance |
példáz {vt} | :: to exemplify (to serve as an example of) |
pele {n} | :: dormouse |
pele {n} [vulgar, slang] | :: erect penis |
pelenka {n} | :: nappy [UK], diaper [US] |
pelikán {n} | :: pelican |
péló {n} [slang] | :: penis |
pelyva {n} | :: chaff |
pendrive {n} [computer hardware] | :: pen drive, flash drive |
pendül {vi} | :: to sound, twang (to produce a sharp vibrating sound) |
penész {n} | :: mold |
penészedik {vi} | :: to mold, mould (to become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold) |
penészes {adj} | :: moldy [US], mouldy [UK] |
penészesebb {adj} | :: comparative of penészes |
peng {vi} | :: to ring, jingle (to give out a loud, resonant sound as when striking together two pieces of metal) |
peng {vi} [of musical instrument] | :: to twang |
penge {adj} [slang] | :: excellent, very good |
penge {n} | :: blade (the sharp cutting edge of a knife, chisel, or other tool, a razor blade/sword) |
pengébb {adj} | :: comparative of penge |
pengő {n} | :: The monetary unit of Hungary from January, 1927 to July, 1946, divided into 100 fillér |
pénisz {n} | :: penis |
penna {n} [archaic] | :: quill pen, pen, quill (a feather used for writing) |
penta- {prefix} | :: penta- |
pentán {n} [organic compound] | :: pentane |
pentaprizma {n} [photography] | :: pentaprism (five-sided prism used in the viewfinder of some cameras) |
péntek {n} | :: Friday |
Péntek {prop} | :: Friday (the companion of Robinson Crusoe in Daniel Defoe's novel) |
péntekenként {adv} | :: every Friday, on Fridays |
pénteki {adj} | :: Friday, of Friday, Friday's |
Pentium {prop} | :: Pentium (CPU chip designed and manufactured by Intel) |
pénz {n} | :: money |
pénzautomata {n} [banking] | :: cash machine, automated teller machine |
pénzbeli {adj} | :: monetary, pecuniary, financial, cash |
pénz beszél, kutya ugat {proverb} | :: money talks |
pénzel {vt} [possibly, derogatory] | :: to fund, finance |
pénzes {adj} | :: monied, moneyed, wealthy, rich (person) |
pénzes {adj} | :: money- |
pénzesebb {adj} | :: comparative of pénzes |
pénzhiány {n} | :: shortage of money, lack of money |
pénzintézet {n} | :: financial institution, bank |
penzió {n} | :: boarding house, pension (a small hotel, especially in continental Europe, which typically offers lodging and certain meals and services) |
penzió {n} [archaic] | :: pension (an annuity paid regularly as benefit to a retired employee) |
pénzmosás {n} | :: money laundering |
pénztár {n} | :: cash desk, checkout (a place in a restaurant, bar, shop, or supermarket, typically containing a cash register, where a customer can pay the bill) |
pénztárca {n} | :: wallet |
pénztárgép {n} | :: cash register |
pénztárgépszalag {n} | :: cash register paper roll |
pénztáros {n} | :: cashier#Noun (one who works at a till or receives payments) |
pénztelen {adj} | :: penniless, cashless, broke, poor, impecunious |
pénztelenség {n} | :: pennilessness (the state of having no money) |
pénztelenségi {adj} | :: pennilessness [attributive usage], of pennilessness |
pénzügy {n} | :: finance |
pénzügyi {adj} | :: financial (related to finances) |
pénzügyileg {adv} | :: financially |
pénzügyminiszter {n} | :: finance minister, minister of finance, Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK) |
pénzügyminisztérium {n} | :: Treasury, ministry of finance, Exchequer (UK) (a government department responsible for the collection, management, and expenditure of the public revenue) |
pénzzé tesz {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to sell something, cash in (to exchange an object for cash) |
pép {n} | :: pulp, mush |
per {n} [law] | :: action, suit, lawsuit |
per {adv} | :: per |
per {adv} [mathematics] | :: divided by |
perc {n} | :: minute (unit of time) |
perc {n} [geometry] | :: minute (a unit of angle) |
perc {n} [anatomy] | :: a segment of a finger |
percen {vi} [rare, of quill pen] | :: to scrape, scratch (to make one small scraping sound) |
percen {vi} [rare, of woodworm] | :: to tick (to make one clicking sound) |
percenként {adv} | :: every minute, each minute, per minute |
percenkénti {adj} | :: per minute (performing, occurring, or taking place every minute) |
perces {adj} | :: -minute, minutes (lasting a certain number of minutes) |
percmutató {n} | :: minute hand |
percnyi {adj} | :: momentary (as much as one minute, lasting for a minute) |
perdít {vt} | :: to spin (to cause to rotate once quickly around its axis) |
perdita {n} [archaic] | :: courtesan, prostitute |
perdül {vi} | :: to spin (to rotate once quickly around its axis) |
perdület {n} [mechanics] | :: angular momentum |
perec {n} | :: pretzel (a toasted bread or cracker usually in the shape of a loose knot) |
perec {n} | :: bracelet, anklet (a band or chain worn around the wrist or ankle as jewelry/jewellery or an ornament) |
pereces {adj} | :: containing pretzels |
pereces {n} | :: A person who sells pretzels |
pereces {n} | :: pretzel stand (a place that sells pretzels) |
pereg {vi} | :: to spin, to roll |
pereg {vi} [of time] | :: to roll, roll by, pass, elapse |
pereg {v} [of drums] | :: to roll, beat |
pereg {v} [electronic switch] | :: to have contact bounce |
perel {vit} | :: to sue, to litigate |
perel {vi} [literary] | :: to quarrel |
perem {n} | :: edge, rim, margin |
pereputty {n} [colloquial] | :: kith and kin |
peres {adj} | :: litigious, disputed |
pereskedik {vi} | :: to litigate (to carry on a lawsuit) |
perfid {adj} [archaic] | :: perfidious |
perforál {vt} | :: to perforate |
perforált {adj} | :: perforated |
perget {vt} [of honey] | :: to extract (to remove honey from honeycombs by centrifugal force using a honey extractor) |
perget {vt} [of a drum] | :: to roll, beat (to beat a drum with rapid, continuous strokes) |
perget {vt} [of a movie] | :: to run, play, be presented |
perget {vt} [linguistics] | :: to roll |
periféria {n} | :: periphery, outskirts (outside boundary, parts or surface) |
periféria {n} [computing] | :: peripheral |
periferiális {adj} | :: peripheral |
periferiálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of periferiális |
periódus {n} | :: period (period of time seen as a single coherent entity) |
periódus {n} [chemistry] | :: period (row in the periodic table of the elements) |
periódus {n} [music] | :: period (two phrases) |
periódusos {adj} | :: periodic |
periódusos rendszer {n} [chemistry] | :: periodic table (chart of the chemical elements by atomic number) |
perje {n} | :: bluegrass, meadow grass (plant of the genus Poa) |
perjel {n} [religion] | :: prior, provost |
perjel {n} [typography, slightly, colloquial] | :: slash, slash mark (the punctuation mark ⟨User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-p/⟩) |
perlekedik {vi} | :: to quarrel, squabble, fight |
perlekedik {vi} [archaic] | :: to sue, litigate (to carry on a lawsuit) |
perm {n} [geology] | :: Permian (the Permian period) |
permutáció {n} [combinatorics] | :: permutation |
peron {n} [transport] | :: platform (structure for waiting for a train) |
perpatvar {n} | :: quarrelling, squabble, wrangle, fracas |
perpatvar {n} [archaic] | :: litigation |
perspektivikus {adj} | :: perspectival, perspective |
perspektivikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of perspektivikus |
persze {adv} | :: of course, naturally |
Perszephoné {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Persephone |
Perszepolisz {prop} | :: Perszepolisz (<<ancient>> ceremonial <<capital>> of the <<empire:Suf/Achaemenid>>, in modern <<c/Iran>>) |
Perszeusz {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Perseus, a Greek mythological hero |
Perszeusz {prop} [constellation] | :: Perseus, a northern constellation |
perszóna {n} [archaic] | :: person |
perszóna {n} [derogatory] | :: wench, female |
perturbáció {n} [physics] | :: perturbation |
Peru {prop} | :: Peru (country) |
perverz {adj} | :: perverted |
perzsa {adj} | :: Persian (of or relating to Persia, its people or language) |
perzsa {n} | :: Persian (person) |
perzsa {n} [singular only] | :: Persian (language) |
perzsa macska {n} | :: Persian (a domestic cat breed) |
Pesavar {prop} | :: Pesavar (city/provincial capital) |
Pest {prop} [historical] | :: One of the originally three separate cities that were united in 1873 to become the Hungarian capital, Budapest |
Pest {prop} | :: Pest (The corresponding part of current-day <<city/Budapest>>, on the eastern side of the Danube.) |
Pest {prop} [colloquial, loosely] | :: ellipsis of Budapest |
Pest {prop} | :: Pest (administrative county), surrounding Budapest, often meant to exclude the capital itself |
pesti {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to the city of Pest |
pesti {n} | :: Someone from the city of Pest |
pestis {n} | :: plague |
pestisjárvány {n} | :: plague epidemic |
pészah {n} | :: Passover (Pesach) |
pesszárium {n} | :: diaphragm, pessary (a barrier method of birth control placed over the cervix) |
pesszimista {n} | :: pessimist |
pesszimizmus {n} | :: pessimism |
pesztra {n} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: nanny (usually a young woman who takes care of other people’s young) |
petárda {n} | :: firecracker |
pete {n} [cytology] | :: ovum |
petefészek {n} [anatomy] | :: ovary (a female reproductive organ, often paired, that produces ova and in mammals secretes the hormones estrogen and progesterone) |
Péter {prop} | :: given name |
Peti {prop} | :: given name |
petíció {n} | :: petition |
Petőfi {prop} | :: Sándor Petőfi, Hungarian poet |
petrezselyem {n} | :: parsley |
Petri-csésze {n} | :: Petri dish (a shallow glass dish, with a loose-fitting cover, used to culture bacteria) |
petróleumlámpa {n} | :: oil lamp |
petty {n} | :: dot, spot, fleck, speck |
pezseg {vi} [of liquid] | :: to sparkle, fizz, fizzle |
pezseg {vi} [of traffic] | :: to swarm, bustle |
pezsgő {adj} | :: bubbling, sparkling |
pezsgő {n} | :: champagne |
pezsgőfürdő {n} | :: hot tub |
pezsgős {adj} | :: of or relating to champagne |
pezsgőspohár {n} | :: champagne glass, flute (a glass specifically used for serving and drinking champagne) |
pézsmatök {n} | :: butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) |
Pf. {n} | :: abbreviation of postafiók |
pfuj {interj} | :: yuck, ew, phew (uttered to indicate disgust) |
PhD {n} | :: Ph.D. |
photoshoppol {vt} | :: to photoshop (digitally edit or alter a picture or photograph) |
pia {n} [slang] | :: booze, drink, grog, liquor |
piac {n} | :: market, marketplace (city square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise) |
piac {n} | :: market (a group of potential customers for one's product; a geographical area where a certain commercial demand exists) |
piacgazdaság {n} | :: market economy |
piaci {adj} | :: of, or relating to market |
piaci részesedés {n} | :: market share |
piackutatás {n} | :: market research |
piacra dob {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to throw on the market, to launch, to release (to make available for purchase) |
piacvezető {adj} | :: market leader |
piacvezető {n} | :: market leader (a brand, product, or firm that dominates the market in sales revenue) |
piál {vti} [slang] | :: to booze, drink (strong liquor) |
piccolo {n} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo |
pici {adj} | :: tiny, minute, diminutive |
pici {n} | :: little one (a child, a little boy or girl) |
picsa {n} [vulgar] | :: Expression of anger, annoyance or discontent |
picsa {n} [vulgar] | :: vagina |
picsa {n} [vulgar, slang] | :: slut, hussy |
picsa {n} [vulgar] | :: annoying or stupid female |
picsába {interj} | :: damn!, shit! |
Pierre {prop} | :: Pierre |
pietizmus {n} | :: pietism |
pigmentáció {n} | :: pigmentation |
pihe {n} | :: down (soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds) |
pihen {vi} | :: to rest |
pihenés {n} | :: relaxation, rest |
pihenj {interj} [military] | :: stand easy, stand at ease |
pihenő {adj} | :: resting |
pihenő {n} | :: rest (a state of quiet and relaxation) |
pihenő {n} | :: landing (level area at the top of a flight of stairs, or connecting one flight with another) |
pika {n} | :: lance |
pikáns {adj} | :: piquant |
pikáns {adj} | :: naughty (risque) |
pikánsabb {adj} | :: comparative of pikáns |
pikk {n} | :: spade (only as a symbol on playing-cards) |
pikkely {n} | :: scale (part of an overlapping arrangement of keratin pieces covering the skin of an animal) |
pikkelyes {adj} | :: scaly (covered or abounding with scales) |
piknik {n} | :: picnic |
pikoló {n} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo |
piktogram {n} | :: pictogram (picture that represents a word or an idea by illustration) |
piláf {n} | :: pilaf |
pilla {n} | :: eyelash |
pillanat {n} | :: instant |
pillanat {n} | :: moment, second |
pillanatfelvétel {n} | :: snapshot (photograph taken quickly or in a moment of opportunity) |
pillanatnyi {adj} | :: momentary (lasting for only a moment) |
pillanatnyi {adj} | :: current (existing or occurring at the moment) |
pillanatnyilag {adv} | :: presently, at the moment, currently, right now |
pillanatragasztó {n} | :: superglue (a strong, fast-acting adhesive) |
pillangó {n} | :: butterfly (a flying insect of the order Lepidoptera) |
pillangó {n} [swimming, colloquial] | :: butterfly, butterfly stroke |
pillangó {n} [euphemistic] | :: woman of the street, woman of the town, lady of the night (a female prostitute) |
pillangó {n} [dialectal] | :: spangle, sequin (a small round piece of sparkling metallic material sewn on to a garment as decoration) |
pillangóhatás {n} | :: butterfly effect (sensitive dependence on initial conditions) |
Pillangókisasszony {prop} | :: Madama Butterfly (an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini) |
pillangóúszás {n} [swimming] | :: butterfly stroke |
pillant {vi} | :: to glance (at something ra) |
pillantás {n} | :: glance |
pille {n} [archaic, poetic] | :: (especially a smaller type of) butterfly |
pille {n} [rare] | :: snowflake |
pilóta {n} | :: pilot (a person who is in charge of the controls of an aircraft) |
pilótafülke {n} | :: cockpit |
pimasz {adj} | :: impudent, insolent, cheeky |
pimasz {n} | :: an impudent person |
pimaszabb {adj} | :: comparative of pimasz |
pimaszkodik {vi} | :: to be impertinent (with someone: val) (to behave insolently in manner and words) |
pimf {adj} | :: petty, minor, insignificant, small-time, pathetic |
pina {n} [vulgar, slang] | :: cunt |
pince {n} | :: basement (a floor of a building below ground level) |
pince {n} | :: cellar (an enclosed underground space, often under a building, used for storage or shelter) |
pince {n} | :: cellar (a wine collection) |
pinceablak {n} | :: cellar window |
pincér {n} | :: waiter (a server in a restaurant or similar) |
pincérnő {n} | :: waitress |
pingál {vt} [folksy or pejorative] | :: to paint, daub |
pingpong {n} [colloquial] | :: ping pong |
pingpongasztal {n} | :: ping pong table |
pingpongháló {n} | :: ping pong net |
pingponglabda {n} | :: ping pong ball |
pingpongozik {vi} | :: to play ping pong |
pingpongütő {n} | :: paddle, ping pong bat |
pingvin {n} | :: penguin |
pinjin {n} | :: pinyin |
pintér {n} [archaic] | :: cooper (a craftsman who makes and repairs barrels and similar wooden vessels such as casks, buckets and tubs) |
pinty {n} | :: finch |
pióca {n} | :: leech |
pionír {n} | :: pioneer (one who goes before) |
pionír {n} [obsolete, military] | :: pioneer |
pionír {n} | :: pioneer (member of a child organization in the soviet bloc) |
pipa {n} | :: pipe (for smoking) |
pipa {n} | :: tick, checkmark |
pipa {adj} [slang] | :: angry, furious |
pipere {n} | :: finery |
pipereasztal {n} | :: toilet table, dressing table, vanity table |
piperkőc {n} | :: dandy |
pír {n} | :: blush |
pirája {n} | :: piranha |
piramis {n} | :: pyramid (ancient construction with a square or rectangular base and four triangular sides) |
piramis {n} [geometry, archaic] | :: pyramid (solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base) |
Pireneusok {prop} [plural only] | :: Pyrenees (the mountain range separating Spain from France) |
Piri {prop} | :: given name |
pirit {n} [mineral] | :: pyrite |
pirít {vt} [of the sun] | :: to burn, tan |
pirít {vt} [of meat] | :: to fry, brown |
pirít {vt} [of bread] | :: to toast |
pirítós {n} | :: toast (toasted bread) |
piro- {prefix} | :: pyro- |
pirománia {n} [clinical psychology] | :: pyromania (uncontrollable urge to start fires) |
pirománia {n} | :: pyromania (obsession with fire) |
piromániás {adj} | :: pyromaniacal |
piromániás {n} | :: pyromaniac (a person suffering from pyromania) |
piromániásabb {adj} | :: comparative of piromániás |
piros {adj} | :: red (often specifically a lighter red than vörös) |
piros {n} | :: red (often specifically a lighter red than vörös) |
pirosabb {adj} | :: comparative of piros |
pirosít {vt} | :: to redden (to make red) |
Piroska {prop} | :: given name |
Piroska {prop} | :: The Hungarian name for the fairy figure 'Little Red Riding Hood' |
pirosodik {vi} | :: to redden (to become red) |
pirotechnikus {n} | :: pyrotechnician |
pirrhuszi győzelem {n} | :: nonstandard form of pirruszi győzelem |
pirruszi győzelem {n} [idiomatic] | :: Pyrrhic victory |
pirul {vi} | :: to blush (to become red in the face due to shyness, shame, excitement, or embarrassment) |
pirul {vi} [cooking] | :: to brown, toast (to become brown during cooking or toasting) |
pirula {n} [slightly informal] | :: pill (a small portion of a drug to be taken orally) |
pisi {n} | :: pee |
pisil {v} [colloquial] | :: to pee |
Pista {prop} | :: given name |
Pisti {prop} | :: given name. Comparable to Steve |
piszkál {vt} | :: to pick, needle |
piszkál {vt} | :: to cavil, tease, provoke |
piszkál {vt} | :: to vex, annoy, badger |
piszkos {adj} | :: dirty |
piszkosabb {adj} | :: comparative of piszkos |
piszkozat {n} | :: draft (an early version of a written work) |
piszmog {vi} [pejorative] | :: to dawdle over, potter about, tinker with (to do something lengthily or with unnecessary meticulousness) |
piszok {n} | :: dirt, filth |
pisztácia {n} | :: pistachio |
pisztoly {n} | :: pistol, handgun |
pisztráng {n} | :: trout (fish) |
Pitagorasz-tétel {n} [mathematics] | :: Pythagorean theorem |
pite {n} | :: pie, tart |
piton {n} | :: python (constricting snake) |
pitvar {n} | :: (front) porch |
pitvar {n} [anatomy] | :: atrium, auricle (one of two upper chambers of the heart) |
pityizál {vi} [colloquial] | :: to tipple, bib (to drink alcohol regularly or habitually, but not to excess) |
pityóka {n} [dialectal, Transylvania] | :: potato |
pitypang {n} | :: dandelion (any of the several species of plant in the genus Taraxacum) |
pitypangsárga {adj} | :: dandelion (of a yellow colour, like that of the flower) |
pixel {n} [computing] | :: pixel (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) |
pizza {n} | :: pizza |
pizzéria {n} | :: pizzeria (a restaurant that bakes and sells pizzas) |
pizsama {n} | :: pyjamas |
pl. {adv} | :: e.g. (for example) |
placc {n} [archaic] | :: vacant lot, field |
placc {n} [slang, proscribed] | :: a highly frequented, usually outdoor public place |
plafon {n} | :: ceiling (top of a room) |
plágium {n} | :: plagiarism |
plakát {n} | :: poster, bill, advertisement (to be posted on a pole or a wall) |
pláne {adv} [colloquial] | :: particularly, especially, above all |
pláne {n} [colloquial] | :: the thing, the point, the big deal, the interesting thing, the main interest in something, unusualness, speciality |
planéta {n} [archaic] | :: planet |
planetárium {n} | :: planetarium |
planetológia {n} | :: planetology, planetary science |
plántál {vt} | :: to plant |
plasztikus {adj} | :: plastic, sculpturesque |
plasztikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of plasztikus |
platform {n} [politics] | :: platform (electoral program) |
platform {n} [computing] | :: platform (a particular type of operating system or environment) |
platform {n} | :: platform (a flat surface) |
platina {n} | :: platinum (metal) |
plátói {adj} | :: platonic |
plátóibb {adj} | :: comparative of plátói |
plátói szerelem {n} | :: platonic love |
Platón {prop} | :: Plato (Greek philosopher) |
platóni {adj} | :: Platonic |
platóni test {n} [geometry] | :: Platonic solid (any one of five polyhedra) |
pláza {n} | :: shopping center, mall |
plazma {n} | :: plasma |
plazmalámpa {n} | :: plasma lamp |
plébánia {n} | :: parish (the community attending a church; the members of the parish) |
plébánia {n} | :: parsonage, vicarage, presbytery, rectory (a house provided by the church for a parson, vicar or rector) |
plébános {n} | :: parish priest, parson, (in the Church of England) rector, vicar |
plebejus {adj} | :: plebeian |
plebejus {n} | :: plebeian |
pléh {n} | :: tin (metallic element) |
pléh {adj} | :: tin (made of tin) |
plenáris {adj} | :: plenary |
plenáris {n} | :: plenary session |
plénum {n} | :: plenum (a legislative meeting (especially of the Communist Party) in which all members are present) |
pleonasztikus {adj} | :: pleonastic |
pleonazmus {n} | :: pleonasm |
pletyka {n} | :: gossip (idle talk) |
pletykafészek {n} | :: gossip (person) |
pletykalap {n} | :: tabloid |
plusz {adj} | :: plus |
plusz {n} | :: surplus, excess |
plusz {n} | :: asset |
plusz {conj} [mathematics] | :: plus |
plusz {conj} [formal] | :: and, in addition |
Plútó {prop} [Roman mythology] | :: Pluto (Roman god) |
Plútó {prop} | :: Pluto (dwarf planet) |
plutónium {n} | :: plutonium (chemical element) |
plüss {adj} | :: plush (of a man-made object: having a soft, fluffy exterior) |
plüss {n} | :: plush (fabric) |
plüssállat {n} | :: stuffed animal |
PM {prop} | :: abbreviation of pénzügyminisztérium |
pneumatikus {adj} | :: pneumatic |
Pó {prop} | :: Po (longest river in Italy) |
pocak {n} [colloquial] | :: potbelly, belly, paunch (a protruding abdomen of a human) |
pocakos {adj} | :: paunchy, potbellied (having a prominent stomach) |
pocakosabb {adj} | :: comparative of pocakos |
pocok {n} | :: vole (a rodent from the subfamily Arvicolinae) |
pocsolya {n} | :: puddle |
podcast {n} [Internet] | :: podcast (audio programme produced on a regular basis, delivered over the Internet) |
pódium {n} | :: platform (a raised stage from which speeches are made and songs are sung) |
poéma {n} | :: poem |
poén {n} | :: punch line (the final part of a joke) |
poén {n} [colloquial] | :: joke (especially a one-liner; something short said or done for amusement), hoax (something intended to trick) |
poén {n} [colloquial] | :: the funny part about something, the beauty of something (whether humorous or simply unexpected) |
poén {n} [gaming] | :: point (a unit of scoring in a card game, billiards, or some other sports) |
poéta {n} | :: poet (person who writes poems) |
pofa {n} [of animals] | :: face, mouth, muzzle, snout (the protruding part of an animal's head which includes the nose, mouth and jaws) |
pofa {n} [of people, derogatory] | :: face, mouth, gob, trap |
pofa {n} [derogatory, figurative] | :: cheek, gall, nerve, audacity, temerity, effrontery |
pofa {n} [colloquial, often used with vág] | :: grimace, facial expression |
pofájú {adj} | :: -mouthed, -muzzled, -snouted, -faced, with a …… mouth/muzzle/snout/face (having a specific kind of mouth, muzzle, snout, or face) |
pofaszíj {n} | :: cheekpiece (part of a horse's bridle) |
pofazacskó {n} [zoology] | :: cheek pouch (a pouch in the cheek of some animals, usually used to carry food) |
pofon {n} | :: slap in the face |
pogácsa {n} | :: a type of small round cake, similar to a kind of scone |
pogány {n} | :: pagan |
pogányság {n} [religion] | :: paganism, heathenism, heathendom |
pogányság {n} [religion] | :: pagandom (collectively, pagans) |
pogrom {n} | :: pogrom (riot aimed at persecution or massacre of a particular ethnic or religious group, usually Jews) |
poggyász {n} | :: luggage, baggage |
pohár {n} | :: glass (a drinking vessel) |
poháralátét {n} | :: coaster (a small piece of material used to protect the surface of a table, upon which one places cups or mugs) |
Poisson-eloszlás {n} [mathematics] | :: Poisson distribution |
pók {n} | :: spider (any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order Araneae, most of which spin webs to catch prey) |
póker {n} | :: poker (game) |
pókerarc {n} | :: poker face |
pókerezik {vi} | :: to play poker |
pókháló {n} | :: cobweb, spider's web |
pokol {n} | :: hell |
pokoli {adj} | :: infernal |
pokolibb {adj} | :: comparative of pokoli |
pokróc {n} | :: blanket (cloth) |
Póla {prop} | :: Póla (city) |
poláris {adj} | :: polar (relating to the North Pole or the South Pole) |
polaroid {n} [photography, attributive] | :: polaroid (instant photographic process) |
polc {n} | :: shelf |
polemikus {adj} | :: polemic |
polgár {n} | :: citizen |
Polgár {prop} | :: Polgár (town) |
polgárháború {n} | :: civil war |
polgári {adj} | :: civil, civic |
polgári {adj} | :: civilian, civil (non-military) |
polgári {n} [archaic] | :: ellipsis of polgári iskola |
polgári {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Polgár |
polgári {n} | :: A person from Polgár |
polgári engedetlenség {n} | :: civil disobedience (a nonviolent form of social protest) |
polgári törvénykönyv {n} [law] | :: civil code (a systematic collection of laws addressing dealings between private parties) |
polgármester {n} | :: mayor |
polgármesteri {adj} | :: mayoral |
polgárosodás {n} | :: embourgeoisement |
polgárság {n} | :: citizenry, inhabitants |
poli- {prefix} | :: poly- |
poliéder {n} [geometry] | :: polyhedron |
poligámia {n} | :: polygamy |
poligon {n} [geometry] | :: polygon (a plane figure bounded by edges that are all straight lines) |
poligráf {n} | :: polygraph (a device to discern if a subject is lying) |
poligráf {n} [dated] | :: polygraph (a mechanical instrument for multiplying copies of a writing) |
polihisztor {n} | :: polyhistor (someone gifted or learned in multiple disciplines) |
polinéz {adj} | :: Polynesian |
Polinézia {prop} | :: Polynesia |
polinom {n} [algebra] | :: polynomial |
polip {n} | :: octopus |
polip {n} | :: polyp |
poliszémia {n} [linguistics] | :: polysemy |
polisztirol {n} [organic chemistry] | :: polystyrene |
politeizmus {n} | :: polytheism |
politika {n} | :: politics |
politika {n} | :: policy (plan or course of action) |
politikai {adj} | :: political |
politikailag {adv} | :: politically |
politikai program {n} [politics] | :: platform (a political stance on a broad set of issues, which are called planks) |
politikus {n} | :: politician |
politizál {vi} | :: to politicize (to discuss politics) |
politizál {vi} | :: to be engaged in politics |
póló {n} [sports] | :: polo |
póló {n} | :: T-shirt |
pólóing {n} | :: polo shirt (a casual top with buttons and a protruding collar) |
polónium {n} | :: polonium (chemical element) |
poloska {n} | :: bedbug |
poloska {n} [colloquial] | :: bug (an electronic intercept device) |
Polühümnia {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Polyhymnia, the Muse of eloquence |
polyák {adj} [archaic] | :: Polish (of or relating to Poland, its people or language) |
polyák {n} [archaic] | :: Pole |
pomádé {n} | :: pomade |
pompa {n} | :: pomp, splendour, luxury, magnificence |
pompás {adj} | :: splendid, magnificent, sumptuous, showy, pompous |
pompásabb {adj} | :: comparative of pompás |
pongyola {adj} | :: sloppy, slapdash, negligent, loose, imprecise |
pongyola {n} | :: gown (loose dress especially for women) |
póni {n} | :: pony |
póniló {n} | :: pony |
pont {adv} | :: exactly, just, precisely |
pont {n} | :: point |
pont {n} | :: dot, full stop, period |
pontatlan {adj} | :: inaccurate, imprecise |
pontatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of pontatlan |
pontatlanság {n} | :: inaccuracy, imprecision |
pontatlanság {n} | :: tardiness, lateness |
pontméret {n} [typography] | :: font size, type size |
pontmutáció {n} [genetics] | :: point mutation |
ponton {n} | :: pontoon, a floating structure supporting a bridge or dock |
ponton {n} [military] | :: pontoon, a flat-bottomed boat used as a support for a temporary bridge |
pontos {adj} | :: punctual, exact, on time |
pontos {adj} | :: precise, accurate |
pontos {adj} [after a numeral] | :: -point (of or with the given number of points or items) |
pontosabb {adj} | :: comparative of pontos |
pontosabban {adv} | :: or rather (introducing a qualification or clarification), more specifically |
pontosabban {adv} | :: comparative of pontosan |
pontosan {adv} | :: punctually, on time |
pontosan {adv} | :: precisely, accurately |
pontosít {vt} | :: to specify, clarify (to state precisely) |
pontosítás {n} | :: clarification, clarifying |
pontosság {n} | :: accuracy (state of being accurate) |
pontosság {n} | :: punctuality (quality of being on time) |
pontosvessző {n} | :: semicolon (punctuation mark) |
pontszám {n} | :: score |
ponty {n} | :: carp (Cyprinus carpio) |
ponyva {n} | :: canvas |
ponyva {n} | :: awning |
ponyva {n} [literature] | :: pulp |
ponyvaregény {n} | :: pulp fiction |
pop {n} [music] | :: pop, pop music |
popó {n} [colloquial, jocular] | :: bum, butt, tush |
popsi {n} [colloquial, jocular, childish] | :: bum, tushie, botty |
populáció {n} | :: population (the people living within a political or geographical boundary) |
populáció {n} [biology] | :: population (a collection of organisms of a particular species living in a given area) |
populáció {n} [astronomy] | :: population (groups of stars classified according to their origin, age, and type) |
populáris {adj} | :: popular (liked by many people) |
popularizál {vt} [dated] | :: to popularize |
populista {adj} | :: populist (of or pertaining to populism) |
populista {n} [politics] | :: populist (a person who advocates populism, a movement against ruling elites who are presumed not to act in the interests of the ordinary citizen) |
populistább {adj} | :: comparative of populista |
popzene {n} | :: pop music |
por {n} | :: dust |
por {n} | :: powder |
por {n} [with a possessive suffix] | :: ashes (human or animal remains after cremation) |
pór {n} [archaic] | :: peasant |
póráz {n} | :: leash (long cord for dogs) |
porbafingó {adj} [colloquial, humorous, sometimes derogatory, of a child] | :: pint-sized, knee-high (small in height because of young age) |
porbafingó {adj} [colloquial, humorous, sometimes derogatory, of an animal] | :: short-legged |
porbafingó {n} [colloquial, humorous, sometimes derogatory] | :: a child of small height (because of young age) |
porbafingó {n} [colloquial, humorous, sometimes derogatory] | :: a short-legged animal (such as a dachshund) |
porbafingó {n} [pejorative] | :: a short person |
porc {n} | :: gristle |
porc {n} [anatomy] | :: cartilage |
porcelán {n} | :: china, porcelain |
porcelánbolt {n} | :: china shop |
porcelánüzlet {n} | :: china shop |
porcica {n} | :: dust bunny |
porcos {adj} | :: cartilaginous, having cartilage, with cartilage (comprising soft cartilage rather than bone) |
porcukor {n} | :: icing sugar [UK], confectioners' sugar, powdered sugar [US] |
póré {n} | :: leek |
póréhagyma {n} | :: leek |
porfészek {n} | :: dusty village/hole |
porhó {n} | :: powder snow, powdery snow |
porlasztó {n} | :: carburetor, carburettor |
pornó {n} | :: porn |
pornófilm {n} | :: porn movie |
pornográf {adj} | :: pornographic |
pornográfabb {adj} | :: comparative of pornográf |
pornográfia {n} | :: pornography |
poronty {n} | :: kid, brat |
poronty {n} | :: brood |
poros {adj} | :: dusty (covered with dust) |
porosabb {adj} | :: comparative of poros |
Poroszország {prop} [historical] | :: Prussia (historic territory of Germany and the Baltic) |
Porsche {prop} | :: Porsche (the German sports car manufacturer) |
Porsche {prop} | :: Porsche (a car of this brand) |
porszerű {adj} | :: dusty, powdery |
porszerűbb {adj} | :: comparative of porszerű |
porszívó {adj} | :: vacuuming, vacuum cleaning |
porszívó {n} | :: vacuum cleaner |
porszívózik {vt} | :: to hoover, vacuum (to clean something with a vacuum cleaner) |
port {n} [computing] | :: port |
porta {n} | :: parcel of land (with a house on it) |
porta {n} | :: hotel reception, reception desk, front desk |
porta {n} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: household, house (one's own home) |
portál {n} | :: shop-front |
portál {n} | :: portal (a grandiose and often lavish entrance) |
portál {n} [Internet] | :: portal (a website that acts as an entrance to other websites on the Internet) |
portás {n} | :: doorkeeper, doorman, porter |
portás {n} | :: receptionist (an employee who works in reception, especially in hotels) |
portéka {n} [regional] | :: merchandise, goods, wares |
portfólió {n} | :: portfolio |
portok {n} [botany] | :: anther (the pollen-bearing part of the stamen of a flower) |
portugál {adj} | :: Portuguese (of or relating to Portugal, its people or language) |
portugál {n} | :: Portuguese (person) |
portugál {n} [singular only] | :: Portuguese (language) |
Portugália {prop} | :: Portugália (country) |
pórul jár {v} [idiomatic] | :: to come to grief (to have a disastrous or unpleasant outcome of a voluntary action) |
pórus {n} | :: pore (a tiny opening in the skin) |
posta {n} | :: mail, post |
posta {n} | :: post office |
postabélyeg {n} | :: postage stamp (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) |
postafiók {n} | :: post office box (a uniquely addressable lockable box located on the premises of a post office) |
postahivatal {n} | :: post office |
postai {adj} | :: postal (relating to the collection, sorting and delivery of mail) |
postakocsi {n} | :: stage-coach |
postaláda {n} | :: mailbox, post box (for postal workers to collect letters from) |
postaláda {n} [colloquial] | :: letterbox (the box where a postal worker delivers letters for a recipient to collect) |
postás {n} | :: mail carrier, mailperson, letter carrier, mailperson, postperson, postman, mailman, mailwoman, postwoman |
postásautó {n} | :: mail truck (a vehicle used by mail carriers to store and deliver mail) |
postáz {vt} | :: to mail, post (to send a letter, parcel, etc. through the mail) |
posvány {n} | :: bog, swamp, morass, moss |
posvány {n} [by extension, literary, pejorative] | :: depravity (moral corruption) |
Poszeidón {prop} [Greek god] | :: Poseidon, the god of the sea |
poszméh {n} | :: bumblebee (species of bee) |
poszt- {prefix} | :: post- (after, later) |
poszter {n} | :: poster (a big picture of a celebrity, landscape, etc. on a piece of paper, to be posted on a wall of a room) |
posztgraduális {adj} | :: postgraduate |
posztkommunista {adj} | :: postcommunist |
posztmodern {adj} | :: postmodern |
posztol {vti} [Internet] | :: to post (to publish a message) |
posztol {vi} [colloquial] | :: to stand guard |
posztpozíció {n} [rare, grammar] | :: postposition |
posztszovjet {adj} | :: post-Soviet (after the dissolution of the Soviet Union) |
posztulátor {n} [Roman Catholicism] | :: postulator (official who makes the case for the beatification or canonization of a proposed saint) |
posztulátum {n} | :: postulate (a basic principle assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted) |
posztulátum {n} [logic] | :: postulate, axiom |
posztulátum {n} | :: postulate (a requirement; a prerequisite) |
pót- {prefix} [noun prefix] | :: spare, additional, supplementary, substitute |
potenciális {adj} | :: potencial |
potenciálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of potenciális |
pótkerék {n} | :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [US] |
pótlás {n} | :: replacement, substitution |
pótlék {n} | :: substitute, replacement (a person or thing that takes the place of another) |
pótlék {n} | :: allowance, pay (money given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose) |
pótmama {n} | :: babysitter |
pótol {vt} | :: to substitute, to replace (something that cannot be used for some reason) |
pótolhatatlan {adj} | :: irreplaceable (that cannot be replaced) |
pótolhatatlan {adj} | :: irrecoverable, irreparable (loss that cannot be made good) |
potroh {n} [zoology] | :: abdomen (of an arthropod) |
pótszög {n} [geometry] | :: complementary angle (a pair of adjacent angles that sum to a right angle) |
potyka {n} [dialectal] | :: carp |
povedál {vit} [colloquial, pejorative, dated] | :: to jaw, talk, gas, jabber |
póz {n} | :: pose |
pozíció {n} | :: position |
pozitív {adj} | :: positive |
pozitívabb {adj} | :: comparative of pozitív |
pozitívan {adv} | :: positively (in positive terms, in a positive manner) |
pozitivista {adj} | :: positivist |
pozitron {n} | :: positron |
pózna {n} | :: pole, post, staff (a long, straight wooden rod normally used in a vertical position) |
Pozsony {prop} | :: Pozsony (capital city) |
pozsonyi {adj} | :: Bratislavan (from, of, or relating to Bratislava) |
pozsonyi {n} | :: Bratislavan (native or inhabitant of Bratislava) |
pöcköl {vt} | :: to flick (to move something away with a quick motion by pulling back the index finger with the thumb and then releasing it so the nail of the index finger flicks the object away) |
pöcs {n} [vulgar] | :: [slang] dick (penis) |
pödröttszarvú kecske {n} | :: markhor, Capra falconeri |
pöfékel {vi} [somewhat, humorous] | :: to puff (to emit smoke in puffs; it can refer to a person while smoking cigarette or pipe, or to something such as a locomotive) |
pöfeteg {n} | :: puffball (any of various fungi that produce a cloud of brown dust-like spores from their mature fruiting bodies) |
pökhendi {adj} | :: presumptuous, brazen, arrogant |
pökhendibb {adj} | :: comparative of pökhendi |
pörgés {n} | :: rotation, spin, spinning, whirling |
pörget {vt} | :: to spin (to rotate quickly, repetitively) |
pörkölt {adj} | :: roasted |
pörkölt {n} | :: A traditional Hungarian dish of diced meat stewed on fried onion and paprika powder |
pörög {vi} | :: to spin (to quickly rotate around its axis) |
pörög a nyelve {v} [idiomatic] | :: to talk very fast, to patter |
pötty {n} | :: alternative form of petty |
Prága {prop} | :: Prága (capital city) |
pragmatikus {adj} | :: pragmatic |
pragmatizmus {n} | :: pragmatism |
praktikus {adj} | :: practical |
praktikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of praktikus |
pránajáma {n} | :: pranayama |
precíz {adj} | :: precise, careful |
precizitás {n} | :: precision |
préda {adj} [archaic, dialectal, of a person] | :: prodigal (who wastes resources extravagantly) |
préda {n} | :: booty, pillage, plunder, prey |
prédikáció {n} [religion] | :: sermon (a spoken address on a religious matter) |
prédikáció {n} [figuratively] | :: sermon (a lengthy speech of reproval) |
prédikál {vit} [religion] | :: to preach (to give a sermon) |
prédikál {vt} [pejorative] | :: to preach, lecture, scold (to give lengthy moral instructions expressing reproach) |
prefektus {n} | :: prefect |
preferál {vt} [colloquial] | :: to prefer |
preferencia {n} | :: preference |
prelúdium {n} [music] | :: prelude |
prém {n} | :: fur |
premier {n} | :: premiere (the first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment) |
prémium {n} | :: premium (a prize or award) |
prémium {n} | :: bonus, premium (a bonus paid in addition to normal payments) |
preparátum {n} | :: dissection (a tissue specimen prepared for study) |
preparátum {n} [chemistry] | :: preparation (a substance, especially a remedy, that is prepared) |
préri {n} | :: prairie |
prérifarkas {n} | :: coyote (Canis latrans) |
prérikutya {n} | :: prairie dog |
prérityúk {n} | :: prairie chicken (either of two species of flightless bird of the genus Tympanuchus, native to the prairies of North America, the greater and lesser prairie chickens) |
prevenció {n} | :: prevention |
preventív {adj} | :: preventive |
preventívebb {adj} | :: comparative of preventív |
prezentáció {n} | :: presentation (the act of presenting) |
prezentáció {n} | :: presentation (a lecture or speech given in front of an audience) |
prezentál {vt} | :: to present |
pribék {n} | :: henchman |
priccsesnadrág {n} [dialectal] | :: breeches, jodhpurs (long pants, wider at the thighs, snug from the calf to the ankle, worn with boots) |
prím {n} [music] | :: prime (the first note or tone of a musical scale) |
prím {n} [music] | :: first violin, primary violin (the lead or primary violin role in an orchestra) |
prím {n} [fencing] | :: prime (the first defensive position) |
prím {n} [mathematics] | :: prime (a prime element of a mathematical structure, particularly a prime number) |
príma {adj} | :: prime, top notch, first class |
príma {adj} [colloquial] | :: excellent, great, superb |
primer {adj} | :: primary |
prímfaktorizáció {n} [mathematics] | :: prime factorization, integer factorization |
primitív {adj} | :: primitive |
primitívebb {adj} | :: comparative of primitív |
prímszám {n} [mathematics] | :: prime number |
princípium {n} | :: principle |
Pripjaty {prop} | :: Pripjaty (city) |
privát {adj} | :: private, personal |
privátabb {adj} | :: comparative of privát |
privatizáció {n} | :: privatisation, privatization |
privatizációs {adj} | :: of privatisation, of privatization |
privatizál {vt} [economics] | :: to privatize (to release government control of a business or industry to private industry) |
privi {adj} [Internet slang] | :: private |
privi {n} [Internet slang] | :: private message (PM), direct message (DM) |
privilégium {n} | :: privilege |
privilegizált {adj} | :: privileged |
prizma {n} [optics] | :: prism (transparent block with triangular ends used to split light) |
prizma {n} | :: safety reflector (reflector intended for pedestrians, runners, bicycles, etc. that reflects light) |
próba {n} | :: test, testing, trial, experiment |
próba {n} | :: sample, specimen |
próba {n} [clothing] | :: fitting, trying on |
próba {n} [theater] | :: rehearsal |
próba {n} [criminal law, in certain phrases] | :: probation, parole |
próbababa {n} | :: mannequin (dummy) |
próbafülke {n} | :: changing room, fitting room |
próbál {vt} | :: to try |
próbálkozás {n} | :: attempt, effort, endeavour, endeavor (a determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal) |
próbálkozik {vi} | :: to attempt, try, keep trying (repeatedly, for a long time) |
próbatétel {n} | :: test, challenge (a difficult task that puts somebody's capability to the test) |
próbatétel {n} | :: trial, ordeal (a difficult experience that puts somebody's mental and emotional endurance to the test) |
probléma {n} | :: problem, difficulty |
problémás {adj} | :: problematic, difficult, troubled, troublesome; (of) problem, (of) trouble (representing a problem or concern; giving trouble or anxiety) |
problematikus {adj} | :: problematic |
problematikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of problematikus |
processzor {n} [computing] | :: processor, microprocessor |
processzoros {adj} [computing] | :: built with or having a named processor (not always translated in English) |
producer {n} | :: producer (one who produces an artistic production) |
produkál {vt} | :: to produce |
produkció {n} | :: production |
produktív {adj} | :: productive |
produktívabb {adj} | :: comparative of produktív |
produktum {n} | :: product |
proeurópai {adj} | :: pro-European (supporting the idea of European integration) |
prof. {n} | :: abbreviation of professzor |
prof {n} [colloquial] | :: professor |
profán {adj} | :: profane |
profanizál {vt} | :: to desecrate, to profane |
prófécia {n} | :: prophecy |
professzionális {adj} | :: professional |
professzor {n} | :: professor (a teacher or faculty member at a college or university) |
professzor {n} | :: professor (of medicine: a physician in a senior management position at a hospital) |
próféta {n} | :: prophet |
prófétanő {n} | :: prophetess |
profi {adj} | :: professional |
profi {n} | :: professional |
profil {n} | :: profile (a side view of a person's head or of an object) |
profil {n} [architecture] | :: profile (a section of any member, made at right angles with its main lines) |
profil {n} [formal] | :: profile (the field of activity of a company, plant, or institution) |
profilaktikus {adj} | :: prophylactic |
profit {n} | :: profit (total income or cash flow minus expenditures) |
profitábilis {adj} [economics] | :: profitable (producing a profit) |
profitábilisabb {adj} | :: comparative of profitábilis |
profitál {vi} | :: to profit, to benefit, to gain (from something: ból) |
prognosztika {n} | :: prognostics, prognosis |
prognózis {n} [medicine] | :: prognosis (forecast of the future course of a disease or disorder, based on medical knowledge) |
prognózis {n} | :: forecast (prediction of the future course or outcome of meteorological, economic or social processes) |
program {n} | :: program (set of activities) |
program {n} [computing] | :: program |
program {n} [politics] | :: platform |
programozás {n} | :: programming |
programozási {adj} | :: programming |
programozó {n} | :: programmer |
progresszív {adj} | :: progressive |
progresszívabb {adj} | :: comparative of progresszív |
progresszívebb {adj} | :: comparative of progresszív |
proinflammatorikus {adj} [biology] | :: proinflammatory (producing or promoting inflammation) |
projekció {n} | :: projection |
projekt {n} | :: project (planned endeavor) |
proklamál {vt} [literary] | :: to proclaim, announce, declare |
prolongál {vt} | :: to prolong |
promenád {n} [dated, rare] | :: promenade |
prométium {n} | :: promethium (chemical element) |
promóció {n} | :: promotion (an advancement in rank or position) |
promóció {n} [marketing] | :: promotion (dissemination of positive information about a product, product line, brand, or company) |
promóciós {adj} | :: promotional |
propagál {vt} | :: to propagate |
propaganda {n} | :: propaganda |
propagandaanyag {n} | :: propaganda material |
propán {n} [organic compound] | :: propane |
prosperál {vi} | :: to prosper |
prosperitás {n} | :: prosperity |
prosti {n} [slang] | :: prostitute |
prostituált {n} | :: prostitute (a person having sex for profit) |
prostitúció {n} | :: prostitution (having sex for profit) |
prosztata {n} [anatomy] | :: prostate |
protaktínium {n} | :: protactinium (chemical element) |
protein {n} | :: protein |
protekcionizmus {n} | :: protectionism |
protektorátus {n} | :: protectorate |
protestáns {n} | :: protestant |
protestáns {adj} | :: protestant |
protestánsabb {adj} | :: comparative of protestáns |
protokoll {n} | :: protocol (an official record of a diplomatic meeting or negotiation) |
protokoll {n} | :: protocol (the official rules and guidelines for heads of state and other dignitaries) |
protokoll {n} | :: protocol (an accepted code of conduct; acceptable behavior in a given situation or group) |
protokoll {n} [computing] | :: protocol (a set of formal rules describing how to transmit or exchange data, especially across a network) |
proton {n} [particle] | :: proton (positively charged subatomic particle) |
provizórium {n} | :: provisional situation |
provokáció {n} | :: provocation |
provokatív {adj} | :: provocative |
provokatívabb {adj} | :: comparative of provokatív |
provokatívabban {adv} | :: comparative of provokatívan |
provokatívan {adv} | :: provocatively |
próza {n} | :: prose (written language not intended as poetry) |
prűd {adj} | :: prudish |
prűdebb {adj} | :: comparative of prűd |
prüdéria {n} | :: prudery (feigned modesty) |
prüdéria {n} | :: prudishness (the condition of easily offended or shocked, especially by sexual matters) |
pszi {n} | :: psi (Greek letter) |
psziché {n} | :: psyche |
pszichedelikus {adj} | :: psychedelic (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.) |
pszichés {adj} | :: psychological, psychic (relating to the psyche or mind, or to mental activity) |
pszichiáter {n} | :: psychiatrist |
pszichiátria {n} | :: psychiatry (branch of medicine dealing with mental illness) |
pszichiátriai {adj} | :: psychiatric |
pszichika {n} [obsolete] | :: psychology |
pszichikai {adj} | :: psychic, psychical |
pszicho- {prefix} | :: psycho- |
pszichoanalitikus {adj} | :: psychoanalytical |
pszichoanalitikus {n} | :: psychoanalyst |
pszichoanalízis {n} | :: psychoanalysis |
pszichogén {adj} | :: psychogenic |
pszichológia {n} | :: psychology |
pszichológiai {adj} | :: psychological |
pszichológus {n} | :: psychologist |
pszichopátia {n} [clinical psychology] | :: psychopathy |
pszichoterapeuta {n} | :: psychotherapist |
pszichoterápia {n} | :: psychotherapy |
Ptk. {n} [law] | :: civil code |
pubertás {n} | :: puberty |
publicista {n} | :: publicist |
publikáció {n} | :: publication (the act of publishing printed or other matter) |
publikáció {n} | :: publication (an issue of printed or other matter, offered for sale or distribution) |
publikál {vt} | :: to publish |
publikum {n} | :: public |
publikus {adj} | :: public |
puccer {n} [military, archaic] | :: batman |
pucér {adj} [colloquial or dialectal] | :: naked, bare |
pucol {vt} | :: to clean, polish |
pucol {vt} | :: to peel (to remove skin) |
pucol {v} [colloquial] | :: to clear off |
puccs {n} | :: coup, coup d'état, putsch |
puff {n} | :: pouf, puff, pouffe (a backless, rounded, cushioned low stool) |
puff {n} [dressmaking] | :: pouf (on the upper part of the sleeves) |
puff {n} | :: puff, powder puff (a pad of soft material used for the application of cosmetic powder to the face) |
puff {interj} | :: bang! pouf! ( representing a sudden sharp noise or crashing sound) |
pufók {adj} [of a human body or body part] | :: chubby, plump |
pufók {adj} [figuratively, of an object] | :: fat, round |
puha {adj} | :: soft (easily giving way under pressure) |
puha {adj} [of cloth or similar material] | :: soft (smooth and flexible; not rough, rugged, or harsh) |
puha {adj} [of a person] | :: soft, impressible, weak (in character) |
puha {adj} [of a person] | :: soft, pampered |
puhább {adj} | :: comparative of puha |
puhafa {n} | :: softwood |
puhafás {adj} | :: with softwood, having softwood |
pukedli {n} | :: curtsey |
pukedlizik {vi} | :: to curtsey |
pulcsi {n} [colloquial] | :: pullover, sweater |
puli {n} | :: Puli (a Hungarian sheepdog with a distinctive thick, corded coat) |
pulóver {n} | :: pullover, sweater |
pulpitus {n} [archaic] | :: platform (raised platform in a church) |
pulpitus {n} [archaic] | :: platform (platform for an orator or public speaker) |
pult {n} | :: desk, counter |
pulzál {vi} | :: to pulsate, throb |
pulzál {vi} [astronomy] | :: to pulsate (of a star: to change its brightness periodically) |
pulzár {n} [astronomy] | :: pulsar |
pulzus {n} [physiology] | :: pulse (regular beat caused by the pumping action of the heart) |
pulzus {n} [colloquial] | :: pulse, artery (the blood vessel in a person's wrist where the pulse is checked) |
pulya {adj} | :: faint, chicken-hearted, cowardly |
pulya {n} [dialectal] | :: child, kid |
pulyább {adj} | :: comparative of pulya |
pulyka {n} | :: turkey (bird) |
pulykakeselyű {n} | :: turkey vulture |
puma {n} | :: puma, cougar (Puma concolor) |
pumpa {n} | :: pump (device for moving liquid or gas) |
pumpál {vt} | :: to pump |
punci {n} [vulgar, slang] | :: pussy (female genitalia) |
puncs {n} | :: punch (alcoholic beverage) |
púp {n} | :: hump, hunch |
pupilla {n} [anatomy] | :: pupil (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) |
pupillatágulat {n} [medicine] | :: mydriasis (the condition of having abnormally large and dilated pupils due to disease or drugs, particularly stimulants such as (meth)amphetamines, cocaine, etc.) |
puplin {n} | :: poplin |
purgatórium {n} [Christianity] | :: Purgatory, purgatory (an intermediate state after death in which some of those ultimately destined for Heaven must first undergo purification prior to entering Heaven.) |
puritanizmus {n} | :: puritanism |
puska {n} | :: rifle, gun |
puska {n} | :: cheat sheet (a sheet of paper containing notes used without permission to assist on a test) |
puskás {adj} | :: with a gun |
puskás {n} | :: gunner, shooter (someone who operates or wears a gun) |
Puskin {prop} | :: Pushkin |
puszi {n} | :: peck (a short kiss) |
puszil {vt} | :: to peck on the cheek (to kiss briefly and casually on the cheek) |
puszta {adj} | :: bare |
puszta {n} | :: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) |
puszta {n} [specifically, often capitalized] | :: Pannonian Steppe |
pusztább {adj} | :: comparative of puszta |
pusztán {adv} | :: merely, solely, purely |
pusztít {vt} | :: to devastate, to ravage, to ruin |
pusztítás {n} | :: devastation |
pusztító {adj} | :: destructive, devastating |
pusztító {n} | :: destructor, destroyer, devastator |
pusztítóbb {adj} | :: comparative of pusztító |
pusztul {vi} | :: to get devastated, to get ruined, to decay |
puttony {n} | :: basket, bucket (a wooden or wickerwork container carried on the back, often used to carry grapes in a vineyard) |
puttonyos {adj} | :: of/with/having a basket, bucket |
puttonyos {adj} | :: the measure indicating the level of sugar and sweetness of tokay, a Hungarian dessert wine |
puttonyos {n} | :: a person carrying a basket on their back |
Putyin {prop} | :: Putin |
pünkösd {n} | :: Pentecost |
pünkösdvasárnap {n} | :: Whitsunday |
püré {n} [cooking] | :: puree (food that has been ground or crushed into a thick liquid) |
pürrhoszi győzelem {n} | :: nonstandard form of pirruszi győzelem |
pürroszi győzelem {n} | :: nonstandard form of pirruszi győzelem |
püspök {n} | :: bishop (church official) |
püspökbot {n} | :: crosier (hooked staff carried by a bishop) |
püspöki {adj} | :: episcopal (related to a bishop) |
püspökség {n} | :: episcopate |
püspökség {n} | :: bishopric, diocese (jurisdiction of a bishop) |
püspöksüveg {n} | :: mitre |