User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-da-t
ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks | :: |
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette | :: |
tab {v} (small flap or strip of material attached to something) | :: lap {c} |
tab {v} (navigational widget in a GUI) | :: fane {c} |
tab {v} (restaurant bill) | :: regning {c} |
tab {v} (credit in a shop or bar) | :: regning {c}, faktura {c} |
table {n} (item of furniture) | :: bord {n} |
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) | :: tabel {c} |
table {n} (collection of arithmetic calculations) | :: tabel {c} |
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) | :: dug {c} |
table football {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball | :: |
table lamp {n} (lamp designed for tables) | :: bordlampe {c} |
table of contents {n} (organized list summarizing book or document) | :: indholdsfortegnelse |
table salt {n} (salt to season food) | :: bordsalt {n} |
table setting {n} (place setting) SEE: place setting | :: |
table soccer {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball | :: |
tablespoon {n} (a large spoon, used for eating food) | :: spiseske {c} |
tablespoon {n} (Australia: a spoon for cooking) | :: grydeske {c} |
tablespoon {n} (a unit of measure) | :: spiseske {c}, spiseskefuld {c} |
tablespoonful {n} (measure of volume) SEE: tablespoon | :: |
tablespoonful {n} (the amount contained in a tablespoon) | :: spiseskefuld {c}, spiseske {c} |
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill | :: |
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) | :: bordtennis {c}, pingpong {c} |
tabletop {n} (horizontal surface of a table) | :: bordplade {c} |
taboo {n} (inhibition or ban) | :: tabu {n} |
tabula rasa {n} (the idea that the mind comes into the world as a blank state) | :: ubeskrevet blad {n} |
tachometer {n} (device for measuring rpm) | :: omdrejningstæller {c} |
tachycardia {n} (rapid resting heart rate) | :: takykardi {c} |
tachyon {n} (hypothetical particle) | :: takyon {n} |
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board | :: |
tack {n} (course of action) | :: kurs {c} |
tack {v} (nautical: to turn the bow through the wind) | :: slå |
tackle {n} (sports: attempt to take control over the ball) | :: tackling {c}, takling {c} |
tackle {n} (nautical: system of ropes and blocks) SEE: block and tackle | :: |
tacky {adj} (slightly sticky) | :: let klæbende |
tacky {adj} (colloquial: of low quality) | :: billig |
tacky {adj} (colloquial: in bad taste) | :: smagløs |
tactics {n} (the employment of forces) | :: taktik {c} |
tactile {adj} (tangible) | :: taktil |
tactile {adj} (of, or relating to the sense of touch) | :: taktil |
tactless {adj} (without tact) | :: taktløs |
tad {n} (a little bit) | :: anelse {c} |
tadpole {n} (toad or frog larva) | :: haletudse {c} |
taffeta {n} (woven fabric) | :: taft {c} {n} |
tag {n} (type of graffiti) | :: tag {c} |
Tagalog {n} (language) | :: tagalog |
tagetes {n} (plant) | :: tagetes {c} |
tagliatelle {n} (flat ribbons of pasta) | :: båndspagetti {c} |
Tahiti {prop} (island) | :: Tahiti |
Tahitian {prop} (language) | :: tahitisk {c} |
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei | :: |
taiga {n} (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) | :: nåleskov |
tail {n} (appendage of an animal) | :: hale {c} |
tailback {n} (a traffic jam) | :: bilkø {c} |
tailboard {n} (tailgate) SEE: tailgate | :: |
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx | :: |
tailfin {n} (fin at the tail of fish) | :: halefinne {c} |
tailfin {n} (fin on the tail of an aircraft) | :: halefinne {c} |
tailgate {n} (hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle) | :: bagsmæk {c}, baglåge {c} |
tailgate {v} (drive dangerously close behind another vehicle) | :: køre uden sikkerhedsafstand |
tailless {adj} (without a tail) | :: haleløs |
tailor {n} (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) | :: skrædder {c}, skrædderske {c} [female] |
tailwind {n} (a wind that blows in the same direction as the course of an aircraft or ship) | :: medvind {c} |
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) | :: Tajmyrhalvøen |
Tainan {prop} (a city in Taiwan) | :: Tainan |
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei | :: |
Taipei {prop} (Taipei) | :: Taipei |
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian country) | :: Taiwan |
Taiwanese {adj} (relating to Taiwan) | :: taiwansk |
Taiwanese {n} (person from Taiwan) | :: taiwaner {c} |
Taiwanese {prop} (language) | :: taiwansk |
Taiwan Strait {prop} (the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan) | :: Taiwanstrædet, Formosastrædet, Fukienstrædet |
Tajik {n} (person) | :: tadsjiker {c} |
Tajik {prop} (language) | :: tadsjikisk {c} |
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) | :: tadsjikisk |
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) | :: Tadsjikistan |
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajik SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) | :: Tadsjikiske SSR {c}, Tadsjikiske Socilistiske Sovjetrepublik {c} |
tajine {n} (stew originally from Morocco) | :: tagine |
take {v} (to get into one's hands or control) | :: tage |
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe | :: |
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate | :: |
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
take apart {v} (disassemble) SEE: disassemble | :: |
take away {v} (to take away) SEE: remove | :: |
take back {v} (retract an earlier statement) | :: tage tilbage |
take back {v} (cause to remember some past event or time) | :: genkalde |
take back {v} (to resume a relationship) | :: genoptage |
take back {v} (to regain possession of something) | :: tage tilbage |
take back {v} (to return something to a vendor for a refund) | :: reklamere, returnere |
take effect {v} (come into force) SEE: come into force | :: |
take from behind {v} (sex position) | :: tage bagfra [slang] |
take into consideration {v} | :: tage hensyn til |
take lightly {v} (approach casually) | :: tage let på, ikke tage på alvor [not take seriously] |
take off {v} (to remove) | :: fjerne, aftage |
take off {v} (to begin flight) | :: afgå |
take off {v} (to quantify) SEE: quantify | :: |
take on {v} (To obtain the services of (a person) in exchange for remuneration; to give someone a job) SEE: employ | :: |
take one's hat off to {v} (to remove one's hat as sign of respect) | :: tage hatten af for |
take one's hat off to {v} (to publicly praise) | :: tage hatten af for |
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide | :: |
takeover {n} (the purchase of a private company) | :: overtagelse {c} |
takeover {n} (the purchase of a public company) | :: opkøb {n} |
takeover {n} (transfer of control) | :: overtagelse {c} |
take part {v} (participate or join) | :: deltage |
take revenge {v} (to avenge; to get back at) | :: hævne |
take seriously {v} (take seriously) | :: tage på alvor |
take the bull by the horns {v} (to deal directly with a matter; to confront a difficulty) | :: tage tyren ved hornene |
take the wrong way {v} (to misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand | :: |
take to heart {v} (to take something seriously) | :: lægge på hjertet |
take turns {v} (do the same thing one after another) | :: skiftes ad |
talcum {n} (powdered and perfumed talc for toilet use) | :: talkum {n} |
tale {n} (type of story) | :: fabel {c}, fortælling {c}, eventyr {n} |
talent {n} (unit of weight and money) | :: talent {n} {c} |
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) | :: talent {n} |
talent {n} (talented person) | :: talent {n} |
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) | :: begavet, talentfuld |
talisman {n} (magical protective charms) | :: talisman {c} |
talk {v} (to communicate by speech) | :: tale, snakke, fortælle |
talk {n} (conversation) | :: samtale {c}, drøftelse {c} |
talk {n} (lecture) | :: foredrag {n}, forelæsning {c} |
talk {n} (major topic of social discussion) | :: snak {c} |
talk {n} | :: snak {c} |
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
talkative {adj} (tending to talk or speak freely or often) | :: snaksom |
talkativeness {n} (the state of being talkative) | :: snaksomhed {c} |
talking book {n} (audiobook) SEE: audiobook | :: |
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
talk page {n} (place on wikis where discussion of a page takes place) | :: diskussionsside {c} |
tall {adj} (of a person) | :: høj |
tall {adj} (of a building) | :: høj |
Tallinn {prop} (Capital of Estonia) | :: Tallinn, Reval (old name) |
tallow {n} (hard animal fat obtained) | :: talg {c} |
Talmud {prop} (collection of Jewish writings) | :: Talmud {c} |
talus {n} (A sloping heap of fragments of rock lying at the foot of a precipice) | :: ur {c} |
tamarisk {n} (shrub of the genus Tamarix) | :: tamarisk {c} |
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum | :: |
tambourine {n} (percussion instrument) | :: tamburin {c} |
Tambov {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Tambov |
tame {adj} (not wild) | :: tam |
tame {v} (to make something tame) | :: tæmme |
Tamil {adj} (of or pertaining to the Tamil people, culture, or language) | :: tamilsk |
Tamilian {n} (a person of Tamil ethnicity) SEE: Tamil | :: |
Tamil Tigers {prop} (guerrilla organization) | :: Tamilske tigere |
tamper {v} (alter by making unauthorized changes) | :: snyde |
Tampere {prop} (city in Finland) | :: Tampere |
tampon {n} (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) | :: tampon {c} |
tan {n} (darkening of skin) | :: solbrændt |
tan {v} (to become tan due to exposure to sun) | :: blive brun |
tan {v} (to turn animal hide into leather) | :: garve |
tandem {n} (bicycle) | :: tandem {c}, tandemcykel {c} |
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue | :: |
Tanganyika {prop} (lake) | :: Tanganyikasøen |
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) | :: Tanganyika |
tangent {n} (in geometry) | :: tangent |
tangent {n} (in trigonometry) | :: tangens |
tangent {n} (nearly unrelated topic) | :: sidespor {n} |
tangerine {n} (fruit) | :: mandarin {c} |
tangible {adj} (touchable, palpable) | :: materiel |
tangible {adj} (possible to be treated as fact) | :: håndgribelig, konkret |
Tangier {prop} (a port city in northern Morocco) | :: Tanger |
Tania {prop} (female given name) | :: Tanja |
tank {n} (closed container for fluids) | :: tank {c}, beholder {c} |
tank {n} (fuel reservoir) | :: tank {c} [vehicle] |
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) | :: kampvogn {c}, tank {c} |
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
tanker {n} (vessel) | :: tankskib {n}, tanker {c} |
tanker {n} (tank truck) | :: tankbil {c}, tankvogn {c} |
tank wagon {n} (vehicle) | :: tankvogn {c} |
tanned {adj} (having a suntan) | :: solbrun |
tanner {n} (person whose occupation is to tan) | :: garver {c} |
tannin {n} (tannic acid) | :: tannin |
tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) | :: tantal |
tantrum {n} (often childish display of bad temper) | :: raserianfald {n}, hysterisk anfald {n}, vredesanfald {n} |
Tanya {prop} (female given name) SEE: Tania | :: |
Tanzania {prop} (United Republic of Tanzania) | :: Tanzania |
Tanzanian {n} (a person from Tanzania or of Tanzanian descent) | :: tanzanianer {c} |
Taoism {n} (Chinese philosophy founded by Lao-tzu) | :: taoisme {c}, daoisme {c} |
Taoism {n} (religion developed from Taoist philosophy) | :: taoisme {c}, daoisme {c} |
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) | :: vandhane {c} |
tap {n} (interception with authority) | :: aflytning {c} |
tape {n} (video or audiocassette tape) | :: bånd {n} |
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
tape measure {n} (graduated ribbon for length measurement) | :: målebånd {n} |
taper {n} (slender wax candle) | :: kærte {c}, vokslys {n} |
tape recorder {n} (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound) | :: båndoptager {c}, kassettebåndoptager {c} |
tapeworm {n} (parasitical worm of the class Cestoda) | :: bendelorm {c} |
tapir {n} (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) | :: tapir |
taproot {n} (long tapering root) | :: pælerod {c} |
tap water {n} (water from a tap) | :: postevand {n} |
tar {n} (substance) | :: tjære {c} |
tar {v} (to coat with tar) | :: tjære |
tarantula {n} (wolf spider of the species Lycosa tarantula) | :: tarantel {c} |
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear | :: |
target {n} (butt or mark to shoot at) | :: mål, skydeskive |
target {v} (to aim something (especially a weapon) at a target) | :: sigte efter, rette mod |
target audience {n} (group of people) | :: målgruppe {c} |
target group {n} (group of people) | :: målgruppe |
target language {n} (language into which a translation is done) | :: målsprog {n} |
tariff {n} (duties imposed) | :: told {c} |
taring {n} (common tern) | :: fjordterne {c} |
tarn {n} (small mountain lake) | :: tjern {n} |
tarot {n} (card game) | :: tarot {n} |
tarragon {n} (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus) | :: estragon {c} |
tarragon {n} (the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus) | :: estragon {c} |
tarry {v} (to delay or be tardy) | :: drøje |
tarry {v} (to linger in expectation of) | :: afvente |
tarry {v} (to stay somewhere temporarily) | :: opholde sig |
tarry {v} (to stay or stop for) | :: holde tilbage |
tarsier {n} (insectivorous primate) | :: spøgelsesabe |
tartan {n} (woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern) | :: tartan {n} {c} |
tartar {n} (hard yellow deposit on the teeth) SEE: dental calculus | :: |
Tartu {prop} (second-largest city in Estonia) | :: Tartu |
Tashkent {prop} (capital of Uzbekistan) | :: Tasjkent |
task {n} (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) | :: opgave, tjans {c}, job {n} |
task {n} (objective) | :: mission {c} |
Tasmania {prop} (Australian state) | :: Tasmanien |
Tasmania {prop} (island comprising majority of state) | :: Tasmanien |
Tasmanian devil {n} (Sarcophilus harrisii) | :: tasmansk djævel {c} |
Tasman Sea {prop} (part of the Pacific Ocean) | :: Tasmanske Hav {n} |
tassel {n} (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads) | :: kvast |
taste {n} (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) | :: smag {c} |
taste {n} (implicit set of preferences) | :: smag {c} |
taste {n} ((figuratively) a small amount of experience) | :: smagsprøve {c} |
taste {n} | :: smag |
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) | :: smage |
taste {v} (to have a taste) | :: smage |
taste {v} (to experience) | :: smage |
taste {v} | :: smage |
tasteless {adj} (having no flavour) | :: smagløs |
tasteless {adj} (lacking refinement) | :: smagløs |
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious | :: |
tat {v} (slang: tattoo) SEE: tattoo | :: |
Tatarstan {prop} (Tatarstan, Russia) | :: Tatarstan |
tatt {n} (tattoo) SEE: tattoo | :: |
tattoo {n} (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) | :: tatovering {c} |
tattoo artist {n} (tattoo artist) | :: tatovør {c} |
tattooer {n} (tattooer) SEE: tattoo artist | :: |
tattoo gun {n} (tattoo machine) SEE: tattoo machine | :: |
tattooist {n} (tattooist) SEE: tattoo artist | :: |
tattoo machine {n} (tattoo machine) | :: tatoveringsmaskine {c} |
tau {n} (Greek letter) | :: tau {n} |
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu {prop} (a hill in New Zealand) | :: Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu |
Taurus {prop} (constellation) | :: Tyren |
Taurus {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Tyren |
Taurus {n} (Someone with a Taurus star sign) | :: tyr {c} |
tawny {adj} (of a light brown to brownish orange colour) | :: gulbrun, gyldenbrun |
tawny owl {n} (Strix aluco) | :: natugle {c} |
tax {n} (money paid to government) | :: skat |
tax {v} (to impose and collect a tax) | :: beskatte |
taxable {adj} (subject to tax) | :: beskatningsbar |
tax authority {n} (government organization responsible for tax collection) | :: skattemyndighed {c} |
tax break {n} (a deduction in tax) | :: skattelettelse {n} |
tax evader {n} (one who avoids paying tax) | :: skattesnyder {c}, skatteundrager {c} |
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) | :: skatteunddragelse |
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) | :: skattely {n} |
taxi {n} (vehicle) | :: taxa {c}, taxi {c}, vogn, hyrevogn |
taxi {v} (move an aircraft) | :: taxie |
taxi driver {n} (person who drives a taxicab) | :: taxachauffør {c}, taxichauffør {c} |
taxiway {n} (road or path on an airport for taxiing) | :: rullevej |
taxman {n} (derogatory term for tax collector) | :: væsenet, skattefar |
taxonomy {n} (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) | :: taksonomi {c} |
taxonomy {n} (classification in a hierarchical system) | :: taksonomi {c}, systematik {c} |
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) | :: skatteyder {c} |
tax reduction {n} (reduction of tax rate) | :: skattesænkning {c} |
tax relief {n} (reduction in tax) | :: skattelettelse {c} |
Taylor polynomial {n} (truncated Taylor series) | :: Taylorpolynomium |
Taylor series {n} (power series of a function calculated from derivatives at a reference point) | :: Taylorrække {c} |
Tbilisi {prop} (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) | :: Tbilisi |
Tchaikovsky {prop} (surname) | :: Tjajkovskij |
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner | :: |
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) | :: te {c} |
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) | :: te {c}, the {c} [former spelling. Still commonly seen.] |
tea {n} (cup of this drink) | :: kop te {c} |
tea {n} (drink made from other plants) | :: te {c} |
teabag {n} (sachet of tea) | :: tebrev {n}, tepose {c} |
teach {v} (to pass on knowledge) | :: undervise, lære |
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
teacher {n} (person who teaches) | :: lærer {m} |
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) | :: lærerinde {f} |
teacher's aide {n} (teaching assistant) SEE: teaching assistant | :: |
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit | :: |
teacher's desk {n} (teacher's desk, see also: desk) | :: kateder {n} |
teacher's pet {n} (student perceived to be favored by the teacher) | :: yndligselev {c} |
teaching assistant {n} (individual who assists a teacher) | :: instruktor {c} |
teacup {n} (cup for drinking tea) | :: tekop {c} |
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) | :: tehus {n} |
teak {n} (tree) | :: teaktræ {n} |
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) | :: vandkoger |
teal {adj} (colour) | :: petroleumsblå |
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief | :: |
tealight {n} (small, typically circular candle encased in thin metal cup) | :: fyrfadslys {n} |
team {n} (set of draught animals) | :: span |
team {n} (group of people) | :: hold {n} |
teammate {n} (one who is on the same team) | :: holdkammerat {c} |
team sport {n} (sport competed between two teams each with two or more players) | :: holdsport {c} |
teamwork {n} (cooperative effort of a team) | :: gruppearbejde {n} |
tea party {n} (semi-formal social gathering) | :: teselskab {n} |
tea party {n} (imaginary meal among children) | :: teselskab {n} |
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) | :: tepotte {c}, tekande {c} |
tear {v} (rend) | :: flå, rive; revne |
tear {n} (hole or break caused by tearing) | :: flænge, rift |
tear {n} (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) | :: tåre {c} |
tearful {adj} (accompanied by tears) | :: tårefyld |
tear gas {n} (chemical compound) | :: tåregas {c} |
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse | :: |
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage | :: |
tease {v} (to poke fun at) | :: drille |
tease {n} (one who teases) | :: drillepind {c} |
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse | :: |
teaspoon {n} (small spoon) | :: teske {c}, teskefuld {c} |
teaspoon {n} (unit of measure) | :: teske {c}, teskefuld {c} |
teaspoonful {n} (unit of capacity) | :: teskefuld {c} |
teat {n} (projection of mammary gland) | :: pat {c}, brøstvårte {c} |
tea towel {n} (cloth for drying dishes and glassware) SEE: dishcloth | :: |
technetium {n} (chemical element) | :: technetium |
technical {adj} (pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts) | :: teknisk |
technical term {n} (word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise) | :: teknisk udtryk {n}, fagudtryk {n}, fagterm {c} |
technician {n} (occupation) | :: tekniker {c} |
technique {n} (practical aspects of a given art) | :: teknik {c} |
techno {n} (style of music) | :: techno |
technocracy {n} (a system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise) | :: teknokrati {n} |
technocrat {n} (advocate of technocracy) | :: teknokrat {c} |
technocratic {adj} (of or relating to a technocrat or technocracy) | :: teknokratisk |
technological {adj} (of, relating to, or involving technology) | :: teknologisk |
technology {n} (the study of or a collection of techniques) | :: teknologi {c}, teknik {c} |
tectonic {adj} ((geology) relating to large-scale movements) | :: tektonisk |
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) | :: bamse {c}, teddybjørn {c} |
tedious {adj} (boring, monotonous) | :: kedelig, trættende, triviel |
tediousness {n} (quality of being tedious) | :: kedsomhed {c} |
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager | :: |
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) | :: -ten [13 to 19] |
teenage {adj} (of an age between 13 and 19) | :: teenage |
teenager {n} (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) | :: teenager {c} |
teens {n} (time of life between 13 and 19 years old) | :: teenageår {c-p} |
teepee {n} (cone-shaped tent) | :: tipi {c} |
teetan {n} (pipit) SEE: pipit | :: |
teething troubles {n} (problems that are expected with any new and untried product, venture, etc.) | :: børnesygdomme {c-p} |
teetotaler {n} (person who completely abstains from alcohol) | :: afholdsmand {c} |
teetotaller {n} (person who completely abstains from alcohol) | :: afholdsmand {c} |
Tegucigalpa {prop} (capital of Honduras) | :: Tegucigalpa |
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran | :: |
Tehran {prop} (capital of Iran) | :: Teheran |
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot | :: |
Tel Aviv {prop} (city in Israel) | :: Tel Aviv |
tele- {prefix} (over a distance) | :: tele- |
telecommuting {n} (practice of using telecommunications technology to work from a remote location) | :: distancearbejde {c} |
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph | :: |
telegram {n} (message sent by telegraph) | :: telegram {n} |
telegraph {n} (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) | :: telegraf {c} |
teleheating {n} (supply of heat from a central source to a group of buildings) | :: fjernvarme {c} |
telemarketer {n} (someone who sells products or services by making unsolicited telephone calls) | :: telefonsælger {c} |
telepath {n} (person with telepathic ability) | :: tankelæser {c} |
telephone {n} (a device used for two-way talking with other people) | :: telefon |
telephone {v} (to call someone) | :: telefonere, telefonere, ringe |
telephone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
telephone booth {n} (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) | :: telefonboks {c} |
telephone box {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
telephone call {n} (connection) | :: telefonsamtale {c}, opringning {c} |
telephone directory {n} (a listing of telephone subscribers) | :: telefonbog {c} |
telephone exchange {n} (equipment) | :: telefoncentral {c} |
telephone exchange {n} (rooms) | :: telefoncentral {c} |
telephone kiosk {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) | :: telefonnummer {n} |
telephony {n} (act of sound transmission via the electromagnetic spectrum) | :: telefoni {c} |
telephoto lens {n} (telephoto lens) | :: teleobjektiv {n}, telelinse {c} |
telescope {n} (optical instrument that magnifies) | :: teleskop {n} |
telescopic sight {n} (aiming device) | :: kikkertsikte {n} |
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show | :: |
television {n} (medium) | :: tv {n}, fjernsyn {n}, television |
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) | :: fjernsyn {n}, tv {n} |
television {n} (program broadcasting) | :: tv {n} |
television channel {n} (a specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) | :: fjernsynskanal {c} |
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) | :: tv-program {n} |
television series {n} (series) SEE: series | :: |
television set {n} (television) SEE: television | :: |
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) | :: TV-program {n} |
telework {n} (telecommuting) SEE: telecommuting | :: |
tell {v} (to pass information) | :: fortælle, sige |
tell {v} (to instruct) | :: tilsige, instruere |
tell {v} (to discern, notice, identify or distinguish) | :: afsige, afgøre |
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate | :: |
teller {n} (person who tells stories) | :: fortæller {c} |
teller {n} (person who counts the votes in an election) | :: stemmetæller {c} [associations, unofficial], valgtilforordnet {c} [official elections] |
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
tell on {v} (to tell someone that someone else has done something wrong) | :: sladre |
telltale {n} (one who divulges private information) | :: sladrehank {c}, sladderhank {c} |
telltale {adj} | :: afslørende, røbende |
Tellurian {n} (inhabitant of the earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
tellurium {n} (chemical element) | :: tellur |
Telugu {prop} (Dravidian language of India) | :: telugu |
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake | :: |
Temminck's stint {n} (Calidris temminckii) | :: temmincksryle |
temper {n} (tendency to be of a certain type of mood) | :: temperament {n} |
temper {n} (state of mind) | :: gemyt {n}, natur {c}, sind {n} |
temperament {n} (a person's normal manner of thinking, behaving or reacting) | :: temperament {n} |
temperament {n} (a tendency to become irritable or angry) | :: temperament {c} |
temperamental {adj} (emotional or moody, inconsistent) | :: temperamentsfuld |
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature | :: |
temperature {n} (a measure of cold or heat) | :: temperatur {c} |
temper tantrum {n} (fit of bad temper) SEE: tantrum | :: |
tempest in a teapot {n} (big fuss made in a small context) | :: storm i et glas vand {c} [storm in a glass of water] |
template {n} (physical object) | :: skabelon {c} |
template {n} (object-oriented programming) | :: skabelon {c} |
temple {n} (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) | :: tempel {c} |
temple {n} (region of skull) | :: tinding {m} |
Temple Mount {prop} (hill of Jerusalem) | :: Tempelbjerget [definitive form] |
tempo {n} (frequency or rate) | :: tempo {n} |
temporal {adj} (of or relating to the material world) | :: verdslig |
temporarily {adv} (for a limited period of time) | :: foreløbigt, midlertidigt |
temporarily {adv} | :: midlertidigt, forbigående |
temporary {adj} (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) | :: midlertidig |
temporary {n} (short-term employee) | :: vikar |
temporary tooth {n} (milk tooth) SEE: milk tooth | :: |
tempt {v} (to provoke someone to do wrong) | :: friste |
tempt {v} (to attract, allure) | :: lokke |
temptation {n} (condition of being tempted) | :: fristelse {c} |
temptation {n} (something attractive, tempting or seductive) | :: fristelse {c} |
temptation {n} | :: fristelse {c} |
tempting {adj} (attractive, appealing, enticing) | :: fristende |
tempus fugit {proverb} (time flies) SEE: time flies | :: |
ten {n} | :: tital {n} , tier {c} |
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) | :: ti |
tenable {adj} (of a theory, argument etc: capable of being maintained or justified; well-founded) | :: holdbar |
tenant {n} (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) | :: lejer {c} |
tenant {n} (one who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant) | :: beboer |
tench {n} (species of freshwater game fish) | :: suder {c} |
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) | :: de ti bud {p} |
tendentious {adj} (biased opinion) | :: tendentiøs |
tender {adj} (sensitive or painful) | :: øm |
tender {adj} (soft and easily chewed) | :: mør |
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) | :: øm |
tender {n} (nautical: ship functioning as mobile base for other ships) | :: forsyningsskib |
tender {n} (means of payment) | :: betalingsmiddel {n} |
tender {n} (law: an offer to buy or sell something) | :: tender |
tender {v} (formal: to offer, give) | :: indgive |
tenderizer {n} (a form of mallet used to beat meat before cooking) | :: kødhammer {c} |
tendon {n} (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) | :: sene {c} |
tendovaginitis {n} (tenosynovitis) SEE: tenosynovitis | :: |
Tenedos {prop} (island) | :: Tenedos |
tenet {n} (an opinion, belief or principle) | :: dogme {n}, princip {n} |
Tennessee {prop} (state) | :: Tennessee |
tennis {n} (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) | :: tennis {c} |
tennis ball {n} (ball for tennis) | :: tennisbold {c} |
tennis court {n} (surface on which tennis is played) | :: tennisbane {c} |
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) | :: tennisspiller {c} |
tennis racket {n} (tennis bat) | :: tennisketsjer {c} |
tenor {n} (musical range) | :: tenor {c} |
tenor {n} (tone) | :: tone {c}, mening {c}, hovedindhold {n}, indhold {n} |
tenosynovitis {n} (inflammation) | :: seneskedehindebetændelse {c} |
tense {n} (verb forms distinguishing time) | :: tempus {n} |
tension {n} (psychological state) | :: spænding {c} |
tension {n} (state of an elastic object) | :: spænding {c} |
tension {n} (voltage) | :: spænding {c} |
tension {v} (to place in tension) | :: spænde, stramme |
tent {n} (portable lodge) | :: telt {n} |
tent {v} (to go camping) | :: telte |
tenth {adj} (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) | :: tiende |
tenth {n} (something in the tenth position) | :: tier {c} |
tenth {n} (a tenth; one of ten equal parts of a whole) | :: tiendedel {c} |
ten thousand {num} (10,000) | :: ti tusind, ti tusinde |
tepid {adj} (lukewarm) | :: lunken |
tepid {adj} (uninterested) | :: lunken |
terbium {n} (chemical element) | :: terbium |
Teresa {prop} (female given name) | :: Therese |
term {n} (limitation, restriction or regulation) | :: klausul {c}, vilkår {n}, forholdningsregel {c} |
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) | :: term {c}, begreb {n}, betegning {c} |
term {n} (relations among people) | :: fod {c} |
term {n} (period of time, time limit) | :: tidsfrist {c}, frist {c}, periode {c} |
term {n} (period in office or prison) | :: mandatperiode {c} |
term {n} (one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation) | :: led {n} |
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite | :: |
terminal {n} (airport building) | :: terminal {c} |
terminal moraine {n} (terminal moraine) | :: endemoræne {c} |
termination {n} (the process of terminating or the state of being terminated) | :: afbrud {n} |
termination {n} (the process of firing an employee) | :: fyring {c} |
terminological {adj} (of, or relating to terminology) | :: terminologisk |
terminological inexactitude {n} (euphemism for lie or falsehood) | :: sandhed med modifikationer {c} |
terminology {n} (the doctrine of terms; a theory of terms or appellations; a treatise on terms, a system of specialized terms) | :: terminologi {c} |
terminology {n} (terms used in any business, art, etc) | :: terminologi {c} |
terminus {n} (end point of a transport system) | :: endestation {c} |
termite {n} (insect) | :: termitter {c} |
term of art {n} (term specific to a particular field) SEE: technical term | :: |
tern {n} (bird of family Sternidae) | :: terne {c} |
Terpsichore {prop} (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) | :: Terpsichore {c} |
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
terrace {n} (platform that extends outwards from a building) | :: terrasse {c} |
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) | :: terraformning |
terra incognita {n} (unknown land) | :: ukendt land {n}, uudforsket land {n} |
terra incognita {n} (unexplored ideas) | :: ukendt land {n}, uudforsket land {n} |
Terran {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
terrapin {n} (small turtle) | :: sumpskildpadde {c} |
terrestrial {adj} (of, relating to, or inhabiting the Earth or its inhabitants) | :: jordisk |
Terrestrial {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
terrible {adv} (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) | :: frygtelig |
territorial {adj} (of, relating to, or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory) | :: territorial |
territorial waters {n} (belt of coastal waters) | :: territorialfarvand {n} |
territory {n} (large tract of land) | :: territorium {n} |
terror {n} (extreme fear) | :: terror {c} |
terrorism {n} (use of terror as a means of coercion) | :: terrorisme {c} |
terrorist {n} (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) | :: terrorist |
tertiary {adj} (of third rank or order) | :: tertiær |
terza rima {n} (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) | :: terzine {c} |
test {n} (challenge, trial) | :: prøve {c}, prøvelse {c}, forsøg {n} |
test {n} (academics: examination) | :: eksamen {c} |
test {n} (product examination) | :: test {c} |
test {v} (to challenge) | :: udfordre |
test {v} (to administer an examination during the academic term) | :: teste |
test {v} (to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions) | :: teste |
testament {n} (document containing a person's will) | :: testamente |
testament {n} (part of the Bible) | :: testamente |
test card {n} (broadcast test signal) | :: prøvebillede |
test drive {n} (trial run in a vehicle) | :: prøvetur {c} |
test-drive {v} (try out a vehicle) | :: prøvekøre |
test-driven development {n} (a software development process) | :: testdrevet udvikling {c} |
testicle {n} (male sex gland) | :: testikel {c} |
testify {v} (to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath) | :: bevidne |
testimonial {n} (statement given under oath) SEE: testimony | :: |
testimony {n} (statement in court) | :: vidnesbyrd {n} |
testimony {n} (witness, evidence proof of some fact) | :: bevis {n} |
testosterone {n} (steroid hormone) | :: testosteron {n} |
test pattern {n} (test card) SEE: test card | :: |
test tube {n} (glass tube) | :: reagensglas {n} |
test tube baby {n} (baby who was conceived by in vitro fertilisation) | :: reagensglasbarn {n} |
tetanus {n} (disease) | :: stivkrampe {c} |
tether {n} (rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement) | :: fortøjring {c}, tøjr {n} |
tetherball {n} (sport) | :: stangtennis {c} |
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral | :: |
tetrahedral {adj} (pertaining to a tetrahedron) | :: tetraedrisk |
tetrahedron {n} (polyhedron) | :: tetraeder {n} |
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} (THC) | :: tetrahydrocannabinol {c} |
tetrameter {n} (a line in a poem having four metrical feet (poetry)) | :: tetrameter |
tetrapod {n} (any vertebrate with four limbs) SEE: quadruped | :: |
Teuton {n} (member of a Germanic tribe) | :: teutoner {c} |
Teuton {n} (German) | :: teutoner {c} [uncommon] |
Teutonic {adj} (relating to the ancient Germanic people) | :: teutonsk, teutonisk |
Teutonic {adj} (having qualities regarded as typical of German people) | :: teutonsk, teutonisk |
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) | :: Tyske Orden |
Teutonism {n} (German idiom) SEE: Germanism | :: |
Texas {prop} (a state of the United States of America) | :: Texas |
text {n} (a written passage) | :: tekst, skrift {n} |
text {n} (a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones) | :: sms {c} |
textbook {n} (formal manual of instruction) | :: lærebog {c} |
textbook {adj} (of or pertaining to textbooks or their styles) | :: skole- |
textbook {adj} (having the typical characteristics of some class of phenomenon) | :: sædvanlig |
text editor {n} (something used to edit text in computers) | :: teksteditor {c} |
text file {n} (plain, human-readable file containing only text) | :: tekstfil {c} |
text message {n} (a brief electronic message) | :: sms {c}, SMS {c}, sms-besked {c}, SMS-besked {c} |
text message {v} (to transmit a text message, see also: send; text message) | :: sms'e, SMS'e |
textual {adj} (of or pertaining to text) | :: skriftlig, tekstuel |
textual criticism {n} (discipline for reconstructing old text forms) | :: tekstkritik {c} |
texture {n} (feel or shape of a surface or substance) | :: tekstur {c} |
Thai {adj} (of or pertaining to Thailand) | :: thailandsk |
Thai {n} (person from Thailand or of Thai origin) | :: thailænder {c} |
Thai {n} (language) | :: thailandsk |
Thailand {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Thailand |
thalassocracy {n} (a state whose power derives from naval supremacy) | :: havvælde {n}, sømagt {c}, søvælde {n}, thalassokrati {n} |
Thalia {prop} (the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry) | :: Thalia |
thallium {n} (chemical element) | :: thallium |
Thames {prop} (river through London) | :: Themsen |
than {prep} (Introduces a comparison) | :: end |
Thanatos {n} (Thanatos, the god of death) | :: Thanatos |
thank {v} (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) | :: takke |
thankful {adj} (showing thanks) | :: taknemmelig |
thankfulness {n} (state of showing thanks) | :: taknemmelighed {c}, taknemlighed |
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) | :: gudskelov |
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) | :: gudskelov |
thankless {adj} (unappreciated) | :: utaknemmelig |
thanks {interj} (used to express appreciation or gratitude) | :: tak |
thanks {n} (expression of gratitude) | :: tak {c} |
thanks a lot {interj} (emphatic thanks) | :: mange tak |
thanks a million {interj} (thanks a great many times) | :: tusind tak |
thanks for your help {phrase} (thanks for your help) | :: tak for hjælpen |
thanks to {prep} (because of) | :: takket være |
thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude) | :: tak |
thank you card {n} (card saying thank you) | :: takkekoret {n} |
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") | :: mange tak, tusind tak |
Tharangambadi {prop} (panchayat town) | :: Tranquebar, Trankebar |
that {conj} (connecting a noun clause) | :: at |
that {conj} | :: at |
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) | :: den {c}, disse {c-p}, det {n}, disse {n-p}, |
that {pron} (that thing) | :: det |
that {pron} (which) | :: der |
that {adv} (to a given extent or degree) | :: så |
that {adv} (to a great extent or degree, very) | :: så |
thatcher {n} (person who installs thatch) | :: tækker {c} |
Thatcherism {prop} (political ideology of Thatcher's governments) | :: thatcherisme {c} |
that is {adv} (in other words) | :: det vil sige, dvs. |
that is it {phrase} ( there is nothing more to the issue) | :: er det alt |
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is | :: |
that ship has sailed {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) | :: det tog er kørt |
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life | :: |
that's what she said {phrase} (retort) | :: det sagde hun også i går |
that train has left the station {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) SEE: that ship has sailed | :: |
the {article} (article) | :: [after noun] -en; [before adjective] den |
the apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) | :: æblet falder ikke langt fra stammen |
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
theater {n} (place or building) | :: teater {n} |
theater {n} (medicine: operating theatre) SEE: operating theatre | :: |
theater of war {n} (the area in which armed conflict takes place) | :: krigsskueplads {c} |
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater | :: |
Thebes {prop} (Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.) | :: Theben |
the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please) | :: må jeg bede om regningen |
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation | :: |
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) | :: terningen er kastet |
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou | :: |
The End {n} (end of a story) | :: slut |
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) | :: målet helliger midlet |
theft {n} (act of stealing property) | :: tyveri {n} |
the grass is always greener on the other side {proverb} (others' circumstances seem more desirable) | :: græsset er altid grønnere på den anden side af hækken, græsset er altid grønnere på den anden side |
The Hague {prop} (Dutch city) | :: Haag |
the icing on the cake {n} (something that intensifies the appreciation of something else) | :: prikken over i'et |
their {determiner} (belonging to them (plural)) | :: deres, sin |
theism {n} (belief in existence of at least one deity) | :: teisme |
theistic {adj} (of or relating to theism) | :: teistisk |
them {pron} (third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb) | :: dem |
theme {n} (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) | :: tema {n} |
theme song {n} (a song accompanying a program) | :: kendingsmelodi |
the more the merrier {proverb} (it is more fun with more people) | :: desto flere, desto sjovere |
then {adj} (being so at that time) | :: daværende |
thence {adv} (from there) | :: deraf følger, deden, derfra |
theocracy {n} (government under the control of a Church) | :: teokrati {c} |
theodolite {n} (instrument) | :: teodolit {c} |
Theodora {prop} (female given name) | :: Theodora |
Theodore {prop} (male given name) | :: Theodor |
theologian {n} (one who studies theology) | :: teolog {c} |
theologist {n} (theologian) SEE: theologian | :: |
theology {n} (study of God, or a god, or gods) | :: Religionsvidenskab |
the one {pron} (the person or thing) | :: den {c}, det {n} |
theorist {n} (someone who constructs theories) | :: teoretiker {c} |
theory {n} (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) | :: teori {c} |
theosophic {adj} (of, or relating to theosophy) | :: teosofisk |
theosophy {n} (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) | :: teosofi |
the pen is mightier than the sword {proverb} (more power can achieved writing than fighting) | :: pennen er mægtigere end sværdet |
the penny drops {phrase} (understanding is reached, one comprehends) | :: der faldt tiøren |
therapist {n} (one who provides therapy) | :: terapeut {c} |
therapy {n} (treatment of disease) | :: terapi {c}, behandling {c} |
there {adv} (in or at that place) | :: der |
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) | :: did, derhen |
there {pron} (expletive subject of verb of existence: "there is") | :: der |
thereafter {adv} (after that) | :: derefter |
thereamong {adv} (among that or those) | :: deriblandt, derimellem |
there are {phrase} | :: der er |
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore | :: |
therefore {adv} (for that or this reason; for that) | :: derfor |
therefore {adv} (consequently; by consequence) | :: derfor |
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) | :: der findes [singular and plural], der er |
there is an exception to every rule {proverb} (every rule has an exception) | :: ingen regel uden undtagelse |
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) | :: intet nyt under solen |
Theresa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Teresa | :: |
there's no accounting for taste {proverb} (people's tastes differ) | :: om smagen kan der ikke diskuteres, de gustibus non est disputandum |
there's no place like home {proverb} (one feels most comfortable at home) | :: ude godt, men hjemme bedst, øst vest, hjemme bedst |
thereto {adv} (translation) | :: dertil |
therewith {adv} (translation) | :: dermed |
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are | :: |
thermal conductivity {n} (measure of the ability to conduct heat) | :: varmeledningsevne {c}, varmekonduktivitet {c}, termisk konduktivitet {c} |
thermodynamic equilibrium {n} (state of equal temperature) | :: termodynamisk ligevægt {f} |
thermodynamics {n} (science of heat-energy conversion) | :: varmelære |
thermometer {n} (apparatus used to measure temperature) | :: termometer {n} |
Thermopylae {prop} (narrow pass in eastern Greece) | :: Thermopylæ |
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) | :: termosfære |
thermostat {n} (device which maintains the desired temperature) | :: termostat {c} |
the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (well-intended acts can lead to disasters) | :: vejen til helvede er brolagt med gode hensigter, vejen til helvede er brolagt med gode intentioner, vejen til helvede er brolagt med gode forsætter |
thesaurus {n} (book of synonyms) | :: begrebsordbog {c}, saggruppeordbog {c}, tesaurus, synonymordbog {c} |
Theseus {prop} (hero) | :: Theseus |
the shoemaker's children go barefoot {proverb} (one often neglects those closest to oneself) | :: smedens hest og skomagerens kone har ofte de dårligste sko (the blacksmith's horse and the shoemaker's wife often have the worst footwear) |
thesis {n} (statement supported by arguments) | :: tesis {c}, tese {c} |
thesis {n} (written essay submitted for a university degree) | :: afhandling {c}, disputats {c} |
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (achieving something is made impossible by frailty) | :: ånden er rede, men kødet er skrøbeligt |
Thessalonians {prop} (books of the Bible) | :: Første Thessalonikerbrev {n}, Andet Thessalonikerbrev {n} |
Thessaloniki {prop} (city in Greece) | :: Thessaloniki |
Thessaly {prop} (region of Greece) | :: Thessalien |
theta {n} (Greek letter) | :: theta {n} |
Thetis {prop} (the mother of Achilles) | :: Thetis |
they {pron} (third-person plural pronoun) | :: de |
thick {adj} (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) | :: tyk |
thick {adj} (heavy in build) | :: tyk |
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) | :: tyk |
thick {adv} (in a thick manner) | :: tykt |
thick as a brick {adj} | :: dum som et bræt ("dumb as a plank"), dum som en skovl ("dumb as a shovel"), dum som en dør ("dumb as a door") |
thick-billed murre {n} (Uria lomvia) | :: polarlomvie |
thicket {n} (copse) | :: krat {n}, buskads {n} |
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer | :: |
thief {n} (one who carries out theft) | :: tyv {c}, [male] tyveknægt |
thigh {n} (upper leg) | :: lår {n} |
thighbone {n} (femur) | :: lårben {n}, lårbensknogle {c} |
thimble {n} (a protective cap for the finger) | :: fingerbøl {n} |
thimble {n} (rings used in a ship's rigging) | :: kovs {c} |
Thimphu {prop} (capital of Bhutan) | :: Thimphu |
thin {adj} (of low viscosity or low specific gravity) | :: tynd |
thin {adj} (scarce) | :: tynd |
thin {v} (to dilute) | :: fortynde |
thing {n} (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) | :: ting {c} |
Thing {n} (public assembly) | :: ting |
thingamabob {n} (placeholder word) | :: dims {c}, dingenot {c}, dippedut {c} |
think {v} (to ponder, to go over in one's head) | :: tænke, reflektere |
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) | :: tænke |
think {v} (to conceive of something or someone) | :: tænke |
think {v} (be of the opinion that) | :: mene, tænke, tro, synes |
think {v} (guess, reckon) | :: mene, tro, antage |
think {v} (consider, judge, regard something as) | :: synes, mene |
thinking cap {n} (metaphorical piece of headgear for solving a problem) | :: tænkehat {c} |
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
think of {v} (think) SEE: think | :: |
think tank {n} (group producing research and recommendations) | :: tænketank {c} |
thin-layer chromatography {n} (thin-layer chromatography) | :: tyndtlagskromatografi {c} |
third {adj} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) | :: tredje |
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) | :: tredjedel {c} |
third {n} (interval) | :: terts {c} |
third estate {n} (caste of commoners in France prior to 1789) | :: tredje stand {c} |
thirdly {adv} (in the third place; third in a row) | :: for det tredje |
third party {n} (someone not directly involved in a transaction.) | :: tredjepart {c} |
third person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement) | :: tredje person |
third person {n} (law: third party) SEE: third party | :: |
Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime) | :: Tredje Rige {n} |
third time's a charm {proverb} | :: tredje gang er lykkens gang, alle gode gange tre |
Third World War {prop} (World War III) SEE: World War III | :: |
thirst {n} (dryness) | :: tørst |
thirst {v} (to be thirsty) | :: tørste |
thirsty {adj} (needing to drink) | :: tørstig |
thirteen {num} (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) | :: tretten |
thirteenth {adj} (ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th) | :: trettende |
thirtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) | :: tredivte |
thirty {num} (cardinal number) | :: tredive, tredve |
thirty-eight {num} (38) | :: otteogtredive, otteogtredve |
thirty-five {num} (35) | :: femogtredive, femogtredve |
thirty-four {num} (34) | :: fireogtredive, fireogtredve |
thirty-nine {num} (39) | :: niogtredive, niogtredve |
thirty-one {num} (31) | :: enogtredive, enogtredve |
thirty pieces of silver {n} (reward given to Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus) | :: tredive sølvpenge {p} |
thirty-seven {num} (37) | :: syvogtredive, syvogtredve |
thirty-six {num} (36) | :: seksogtredive, seksogtredve |
thirty-three {num} (33) | :: treogtredive, treogtredve |
thirty-two {num} (32) | :: toogtredive, toogtredve |
this {determiner} (the (thing) here) | :: denne {c}, dette {n} |
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) | :: dette |
this evening {adv} (during the evening of today) | :: i aften |
this morning {n} (during the morning of today) | :: her til morgen |
thistle {n} (plant) | :: tidsel {c} |
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus | :: |
this year {adv} (during the current year) | :: i år |
thither {adv} (to that place) | :: did, derhen |
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer | :: |
thole {v} (to endure, to put up with) SEE: endure | :: |
thole {n} (ability to bear or endure something) SEE: endurance | :: |
Thomas {prop} (biblical Apostle) | :: Thomas |
Thomas {prop} (given name) | :: Thomas |
thong {n} (G-string) SEE: G-string | :: |
Thor {prop} (thunder god) | :: Thor, Tor |
Thor {prop} (male given name) | :: Thor |
Thora {prop} (female given name) | :: Thora |
thorium {n} (chemical element) | :: thorium |
thorn {n} (sharp protective spine of a plant) | :: torn {c} |
thorn apple {n} (Datura stramonium) SEE: jimsonweed | :: |
thornless {adj} (without thorns) | :: tornløs |
thorp {n} (a hamlet, a village) | :: torp {n} |
those {determiner} (plural of that) | :: de |
thou {pron} (singular nominative form of you) | :: du |
though {adv} (however) | :: dog |
though {conj} (although) | :: dog |
thought {n} (form created in the mind) | :: tanke {c} |
thought {n} (process) | :: tankevirksomhed {c} |
thought experiment {n} (attempt to solve a problem using human imagination) | :: tankeeksperiment {n} |
thought-out {adj} (planned) | :: udtænkt |
thought police {n} (a group that aims to control what other people think) | :: tankepoliti {n} |
thought-world {n} (conceptual universe) | :: begrebsverden {c} |
thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) | :: tusinde, tusind |
thousandth {adj} (ordinal form of 1000, see also: 1000th) | :: tusinde |
thralldom {n} (a state of bondage, slavery, or subjugation to another person) | :: trældom {c} |
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) | :: tråd {c} |
thread of life {n} (metaphor for the lifespan of an individual) | :: livstråd |
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes | :: |
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread | :: |
threat {n} (expression of intent to injure or punish another) | :: trussel {c} |
threaten {v} (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) | :: true |
threatened {adj} (at risk of becoming endangered) | :: truet |
three {num} (cardinal number 3) | :: tre |
three {n} (digit/figure 3) | :: tre |
three-dimensional {adj} (existing in three dimensions) | :: tredimensional |
three-headed {adj} (having three heads) | :: trehovedet |
three-legged {adj} (having three legs) | :: trebenet {c} |
threesome {n} (a group of three people) | :: trio {c} |
threesome {n} (a sexual activity involving three people) | :: trekant {c} |
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy | :: |
thresher {n} (farm machine) | :: tærskeværk {n} |
threshold {n} (bottom-most part of a doorway) | :: tærskel {c}, dørtærskel {c} |
threshold {n} (entrance) | :: tærskel {c} |
threshold {n} (point at which an action is triggered) | :: tærskel {c}, tærskelværdi {c} |
threshold {n} (income at which income tax becomes due) | :: bundgrænse {c} |
thrice {adv} (three times) | :: tre gange |
thrift {n} (characteristic of using a minimum of something) | :: sparsommelighed {c} |
thrift {n} (savings bank) | :: sparekasse {c} |
thrifty {adj} (given to, or evincing, thrift) | :: sparsommelig |
thrip {n} (insect in the order Thysanoptera) SEE: thrips | :: |
thrips {n} (insect of the order Thysanoptera) | :: thrips {c} |
thrive {v} (to increase in bulk or stature) | :: trives |
throat {n} (front part of the neck) | :: hals |
throat {n} (gullet or windpipe) | :: svælg, hals |
throat {n} (narrow opening in a vessel) | :: hals |
thrombocyte {n} (platelet) SEE: platelet | :: |
thrombosis {n} (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) | :: trombose {c} |
thrombus {n} (blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis) | :: blodprop {c} |
throne {n} (ornate seat) | :: trone {c} |
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to | :: |
through {prep} (from one side of an opening to the other) | :: gennem, igennem |
through {prep} (entering, then later exiting) | :: gennem, igennem |
through {prep} (surrounded by (while moving)) | :: gennem, igennem |
through {prep} (by means of) | :: på grund af |
through-composed {adj} (with stanzas set to differing music) | :: gennemkomponeret |
throw {v} (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) | :: kaste |
thrower {n} (someone who or something that throws) | :: kaster {c} |
throw-in {n} (throw of the ball back into play) | :: indkast {n} |
throw in the towel {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) | :: kaste håndklædet i ringen, smide håndklædet i ringen |
throw the baby out with the bathwater {v} ((idiomatic) to discard something valuable) | :: kaste barnet ud med badevandet, smide barnet ud med badevandet |
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
throw up one's hands {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) SEE: throw in the towel | :: |
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through | :: |
thrush {n} (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) | :: drossel {c} |
thrush nightingale {n} (Luscinia luscinia) | :: nattergal {c} |
thrust {n} (an attack with a sword) | :: stød {n} |
thrust {n} (a lunge forward) | :: anfald {n}, fremstød {n} |
thrust {n} ((figurative) primary effort) | :: mål {n} |
thrust {v} (make an advance with force) | :: støde |
thrust {v} (force something upon someone) | :: påtvinge |
thrust {v} (push or drive something with force) | :: skubbe |
thrust {v} (push out or extend rapidly or powerfully) | :: lange ud |
Thucydides {prop} (historian) | :: Thukydid |
thud {n} (the sound of a dull impact) | :: bump |
thulium {n} (chemical element) | :: thulium {n} |
thumb {n} (digit) | :: tommelfinger, tommeltot |
Thumbelina {prop} (a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale) | :: Tommelise {c} |
thumbnail {n} (fingernail on the thumb) | :: tommelfingernegl {c} |
thumbnail {n} (rough sketch) | :: skitse {c} |
thumbnail {n} (small picture) | :: frimærke {n}, miniaturebillede {n} |
thunder {n} (sound caused by lightning) | :: torden {c} |
thundercloud {n} (cloud) | :: tordensky {c} |
thunderstorm {n} (storm with thunder and lightning) | :: tordenvejr {n} |
Thuringia {prop} (state) | :: Thüringen |
Thursday {n} (day of the week) | :: torsdag |
thus {adv} (in this way or manner) | :: dennelunde |
thus {adv} (as a result) | :: således |
thy {determiner} (possessive determiner) | :: din |
thyme {n} (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) | :: timian {c} |
Tiber {prop} (river) | :: Tiberen {c} [definite form] |
Tibet {prop} (region in Inner Asia) | :: Tibet |
Tibet {prop} (shorthand for the Tibet Autonomous Region) | :: Tibet |
Tibetan {adj} (of or pertaining to Tibet) | :: tibetansk |
Tibetan {adj} (of or pertaining to Tibetans) | :: tibetansk |
Tibetan {adj} (of or pertaining to the Tibetan language) | :: tibetansk |
Tibetan {n} (a person) | :: tibetaner {c} |
Tibetan {n} (a language) | :: tibetansk {n} |
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) | :: tibetansk mastiff {c} |
Tibetology {n} (the study of Tibet and its history and culture) | :: tibetologi |
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone | :: |
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone | :: |
tick {n} (arachnid) | :: flåt {c} |
ticket {n} (admission to entertainment) | :: billet {c} |
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) | :: billet {c} |
ticket {n} (traffic citation) | :: bøde {c} |
ticket collector {n} (ticket validity checker) SEE: ticket inspector | :: |
ticket inspector {n} (person who checks passengers have a valid ticket) | :: billetkontrollør {c} |
ticket machine {n} (ticket vending machine) | :: billetautomat {c} |
ticket office {n} (an office where tickets may be purchased) | :: billetkontor |
tickle {v} (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) | :: kilde |
tickler {n} (dram) SEE: dram | :: |
tickler {n} (conundrum) SEE: conundrum | :: |
tickler {n} (reminder) SEE: reminder | :: |
tidal current {n} (flow of water caused by tide) | :: tidevandsstrøm {c} |
tidal energy {n} (energy contained in a tide) | :: tidevandsenergi {c} |
tidal power {n} (tidal energy) SEE: tidal energy | :: |
tidal wave {n} (large and sudden rise and fall in the tide) | :: flodbølge {c} |
tidal wave {n} (tsunami) | :: flodbølge {c}, tsunami |
tidal wave {n} (figurative: sudden, powerful surge) | :: flodbølge {c} |
tiddlywinks {n} (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup) | :: loppespil(l) |
tide {n} (periodic change of sea level) | :: tidevand {n} |
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide | :: |
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide | :: |
tide table {n} (table of high and low tide times) | :: tidevandstabel {c} |
tidy {adj} (arranged neatly) | :: ordentlig, opryddet |
tie {n} (tie score) | :: remis {c} [chess] |
tie {n} (strong connection between people) | :: bånd {n} |
tie {n} (curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch, combining their lengths) | :: bindebue {c} |
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) | :: binde |
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie | :: |
tiepin {n} (a tie tack, a pin or stud used to secure a tie to the shirt) | :: slipsenål {c} |
tier {n} (layer or rank) | :: lag |
Tierra del Fuego {prop} (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) | :: Ildlandet {n} |
tiger {n} (The mammal Panthera tigris) | :: tiger {c} |
tiger cub {n} (young tiger) | :: tigerunge {c} |
tiger's eye {n} (chatoyant gemstone) | :: tigerøje {n} |
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow | :: |
tight {adj} (firmly held together) | :: snæver |
tight-fitting {adj} (snug, skintight) | :: tætsiddende |
tights {n} (women's garment) | :: strømpebukse {c} |
tigress {n} (female tiger) | :: huntiger {c} |
Tigris {prop} (river in Southwest Asia) | :: Tigris |
tilde {n} (diacritical mark) | :: tilde {c} |
tile {n} (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) | :: tegl {c} {n} [roof tile], klinke {c} [floor tile], flise {c} [wall tile] |
tile {v} (to cover with tiles) | :: beklæde med fliser [wall tiles] |
tiled {adj} (covered with tiles) | :: fliselagt |
tiler {n} (a person who sets tile) | :: fliselægger {c} |
till {prep} (until) | :: indtil |
tillage {n} (cultivation of arable land) | :: jordbearbejdning {c} |
till death do us part {adv} (phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment) | :: til døden skiller os ad |
tiller {n} (person) | :: landmand {c} |
tiller {n} (part of the rudder) | :: rorpind {c} |
timber {n} (trees considered as a source of wood) | :: tømmer {c} |
timberline {n} (tree line) SEE: tree line | :: |
timbre {n} (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume) | :: klang {c}, klangfarve {c}, timbre {c} |
Timbuktu {prop} (distant place) | :: Timbuktu, Langtbortistan |
time {v} (to measure time) | :: tage tid |
time {v} (to choose the time for) | :: time [human decision], tidsindstille [of a device] |
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) | :: tid {c} |
time {n} (quantity of availability in time) | :: tid {c} |
time {n} (slang: serving of a prison sentence) | :: afsoningstid |
time {n} (time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc) | :: klokken |
time {n} (instance or occurrence) | :: gang {c} |
time {n} | :: tidspunkt {n} |
time after time {adv} (again and again) | :: gang på gang |
time and again {adv} (often; repeatedly) | :: gang på gang, igen og igen |
time capsule {n} (sealed container) | :: tidskapsel |
time-consuming {adj} (requiring significant amounts of time) | :: tidskrævende, tidsrøvende |
time dilation {n} (slowing of the passage of time at relativistic speeds) | :: tidsforlængelse {c} |
time flies {phrase} (time seems to pass quickly) | :: tiden flyver |
time heals all wounds {proverb} (negative feelings eventually fade away) | :: tiden læger alle sår |
time is money {proverb} (time is money) | :: tid er penge |
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) | :: tidsmaskine |
time management {n} (management of time) | :: tidsledelse {c} |
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time | :: |
time of departure {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to depart) | :: afgangstid {c} |
time of the month {n} (idiomatic, euphemistic: time of menstruation) | :: tid på måneden |
timepoint {n} | :: tidspunkt {n} |
timer {n} (device) | :: nedtællingsur {n}, timer {c} |
time scale {n} (series of events used as a rough measure of duration) | :: tidsskala {c} |
timestamp {n} (date and time of an event) | :: tidsstempel {n} |
timestamp {v} (record date and time of) | :: tidsstemple |
timetable {n} (a structured schedule of events) | :: tidsplan {c}, køreplan {c} |
time travel {n} (hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or future) | :: tidsrejse {c} |
time-traveller {n} (one who engages in time travel) | :: tidsrejsende {c} |
time zone {n} (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) | :: tidszone {c} |
timezone {n} (time zone) SEE: time zone | :: |
timid {adj} (lacking in courage or confidence) | :: frygtsom |
timing is everything {proverb} (consideration of events can influence the outcome) | :: timing er alt |
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor | :: |
Timor Sea {prop} | :: Timorhavet |
timothy {n} (type of grass) | :: engrottehale {c} |
Timothy {prop} (books in the New Testament) | :: Timotheus |
Timothy {prop} (companion of Paul) | :: Timotheus |
Timothy {prop} (male given name) | :: Tim |
timpanum {n} (musical instrument) SEE: kettledrum | :: |
timpanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear | :: |
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
timpanum {n} (hearing organ) SEE: tympanum | :: |
timpanum {n} (ornamental panel) SEE: tympanum | :: |
tin {n} (element) | :: tin {n} |
tin {n} (airtight container) | :: konservesdåse {c} |
tin can {n} (container) | :: konservesdåse {c} |
tinfoil {n} (tinfoil) | :: stanniol {n} {c}, sølvpapir {n} |
tin foil hat {n} (tin foil hat) | :: sølvpapirshat {c} |
tinfoil hat {n} (tinfoil hat) | :: sølvpapirshat {c} |
tinge {n} (small added amount of colour; (by extension) small added amount of some other thing) | :: anstrøg {n} |
tinge {n} (degree of vividness of a colour, see also: hue; shade; tint) | :: nuance {c} |
Tinkerbell {n} (fictional fairy) | :: Klokkeblomst [Disney. Lit. "bellflower"] |
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
tinnitus {n} (perception of nonexistent noise) | :: tinnitus {c} |
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
tin soldier {n} (toy soldier) | :: tinsoldat {c} |
tiny {adj} (very small) | :: bittesmå |
-tion {suffix} (producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb) | :: -tion {c} |
tip {n} (piece of private information) | :: tip {n} |
tip {n} (piece of advice) | :: råd {n} |
tip {v} (inform of a potential clue) | :: underhåndsoplysning {c}, tip {n} |
tipi {n} (teepee) SEE: teepee | :: |
tip of the iceberg {n} (small indication of a larger possibility) | :: toppen av isbjerget |
tipsy {adj} (slightly drunk) | :: let beruset, letpåvirket |
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent | :: |
tiramisu {n} (semifreddo dessert) | :: tiramisu {c}, tiramisu {c} |
Tirana {prop} (capital city of Albania) | :: Tirana |
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre | :: |
tire {v} (to become sleepy) | :: blive trætt |
tire {v} (to make sleepy) | :: trætte |
tired {adj} (in need of rest or sleep) | :: træt |
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up | :: |
tire out {v} (make someone tired) | :: trætte |
Tirzah {prop} (biblical woman) | :: Tirsa |
Tirzah {prop} (biblical place) | :: Tirsa |
tissue {n} (woven fabric) | :: stof |
tissue {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) | :: serviet, (handkerchief) lommetørklæde, (toilet paper) toiletpapir |
tissue {n} (aggregation of cells) | :: væv {n} |
tit {n} (a mammary gland, teat) | :: brystvorte {c} |
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) | :: bryst {n}, pat {c} |
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee | :: |
titanium {n} (chemical element) | :: titan {n} |
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat | :: |
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat | :: |
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth | :: |
tithe {n} (tax paid to the Church) | :: tiende |
Titian {prop} (sixteenth century Italian painter) | :: Tizian {c} |
Titicaca {prop} (lake in the South American Andes) | :: Titicaca-søen |
title {n} (prefix or suffix added to a name) | :: titel {c} |
title {n} (name of a book, etc) | :: titel {c} |
titling {n} (stockfish) SEE: stockfish | :: |
titling {n} (Anthus pratensis) SEE: meadow pipit | :: |
titmouse {n} (Any bird of the family Paridae) | :: mejse {c} |
titration {n} (determination of concentration, by addition of reagent until completion of reaction) | :: titrering {c} |
tittle-tattle {n} (idle gossip) | :: sladder {c} |
titty {n} (kitty) SEE: kitty | :: |
Titus {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Titusbrevet {n} [definite form] |
Titus {prop} (biblical character) | :: Titus |
Titus {prop} (male given name) | :: Titus |
T-junction {n} (junction in the shape of a T) | :: T-kryds {n} |
T-junction {n} (similarly shaped section in a pipe, etc.) | :: T-rør {n} |
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo | :: |
to {particle} (infinitive-marker) | :: at |
to {prep} (in the direction of, and arriving at) | :: til |
to {prep} (used to indicate ratios) | :: til |
to {prep} (used to indicated exponentiation) | :: i [the exponent is in the ordinal form] |
toad {n} (amphibian similar to a frog) | :: tudse {c}, padde {c} |
toadstool {n} (an inedible or poisonous mushroom) | :: paddehat {c} |
to and fro {adv} (back and forth) | :: til og fra, frem og tilbage |
toast {n} (toasted bread) | :: ristet brød {n} |
toast {n} (salutation) | :: skål {c} |
toaster {n} (device for toasting bread) | :: brødrister {c} |
toastmaster {n} (person who proposes toasts, etc.) SEE: master of ceremonies | :: |
tobacco {n} (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) | :: tobak {c} |
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) | :: tobak {c} |
tobacconist {n} (smoker) SEE: smoker | :: |
tobacconist {n} (person who sells tobacco) | :: tobakshandler {c} |
tobacconist {n} (tobacconist's shop) SEE: tobacconist's | :: |
tobacconist's {n} (shop that sells tobacco products) | :: tobaksforetning {c} |
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) | :: pibe {c} |
to be continued {phrase} (continues in next episode) | :: fortsættes |
to be honest {phrase} (frankly) | :: for at være ærlig |
Tobias {prop} (biblical character) | :: Tobias |
Tobias {prop} (male given name) | :: Tobias |
today {adv} (on the current day) | :: i dag, idag [former spelling] |
today {adv} (nowadays) | :: i dag, i vore dage |
today {n} (today (noun)) | :: i dag |
toddler {n} (young human child) | :: småbarn {n} |
to death {prep} (to a great degree) | :: ihjel [literally] |
toe {n} (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) | :: tå {c} |
toe {n} (any equivalent part in an animal) | :: tå {c} |
toe {n} (part of a shoe or sock covering the toe) | :: tå {c} |
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) | :: enhver sin smag, hver sin smag, smag og behag er forskellig |
toenail {n} (the plate covering the end of a toe) | :: tånegl {c} |
to err is human {proverb} (Everybody makes mistakes) | :: det er menneskeligt at fejle |
toffee {n} (uncountable: type of confectionery) | :: flødekaramel {c} |
toffee {n} (countable: individual piece of toffee) | :: flødekaramel {c} |
toffee apple {n} (candy apple) SEE: candy apple | :: |
toga {n} (loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Ancient Rome) | :: toga {c} |
together {adv} (at the same time, in the same place) | :: sammen |
toggle {v} | :: skifte |
Togo {prop} (Togolese Republic) | :: Togo {?} |
Togolese {n} (A person from Togo or of Togolese descent) | :: togoleser {c} |
toilet {n} (personal grooming) | :: toilette {n} |
toilet {n} (dressing room) | :: påklædningsrum {c}, garderobe {c} |
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) | :: toilet {n}, badeværelse {n}, lokum {n}, wc {n} [informal] |
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) | :: toilet {n}, wc {n}, toiletkumme {c} |
toilet bowl {n} (receptacle designed to receive the dejections of humans) | :: toiletkumme {c} |
toilet brush {n} (brush to clean toilet bowl) | :: toiletbørste {c} |
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) | :: toiletpapir {n}, wc-papir {n} |
toilet roll {n} (roll of toilet paper) | :: toiletrulle {c}, wc-rulle {c} |
toilet seat {n} (seat of a toilet) | :: toiletsæde {n} |
toilet training {n} (The act of training a young child to use the toilet) | :: pottetræning {c} |
Tokelau {prop} (a territory of New Zealand in the Pacific) | :: Tokelau |
token {n} (something serving as an expression of something else) | :: tegn, mærke |
token {n} (keepsake or souvenir) | :: minde |
token {n} (piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for money) | :: polet |
Tokyo {prop} (capital of Japan) | :: Tokyo |
told {v} (simple past tense) | :: fortalte |
told {v} (past participle) | :: fortalt |
tolerance {n} (ability to tolerate) | :: tolerance |
tolerance {n} (permitted deviation from standard) | :: tolerance |
tolerant {adj} (tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something) | :: tolerant |
toll {n} (fee for using roads and bridges) | :: bompenge {c-p} |
tollbar {n} | :: bom |
tollgate {n} | :: bom |
toll road {n} (toll road) SEE: turnpike | :: |
tollway {n} (turnpike) SEE: turnpike | :: |
toluene {n} (liquid hydrocarbon) | :: toluen {n} |
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian | :: |
tom {n} (male cat) | :: hankat {c} |
tom {n} (male of other animals) | :: han {c} |
tomato {n} (tomato plant) | :: tomat |
tomato {n} (fruit) | :: tomat {c} |
tomato juice {n} (juice made from tomatoes) | :: tomatjuice {c}, tomatsaft {c} |
tomato purée {n} (concentrated sauce made from tomatoes) | :: tomatpuré {c} |
tomato sauce {n} (pasta sauce) | :: tomatsovs {c} |
tombak {n} (type of goblet drum) | :: tombak {c} |
tombak {n} (brass with zinc content below 28%) | :: tombak |
tomboy {n} (girl who acts as a typical boy would) | :: drengepige |
tombstone {n} (stone on grave) | :: gravsten {c} |
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom | :: |
Tom, Dick and Harry {n} (anybody or everybody; random or unknown people) | :: hvermand, gud og hvermand |
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
tomorrow {adv} (on the day after the present day) | :: i morgen |
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) | :: morgendag {c} |
ton {n} (unit of weight) | :: ton {n} {c} |
tonality {n} (system of seven tones and tonic key) | :: tonalitet {c} |
tone {n} (specific pitch, quality and duration; a note) | :: tone {c} |
tone {n} (character of a sound, especially the timbre of an instrument or voice) | :: klang {c} |
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) | :: tone {c}, tonefald |
tone {n} (manner in which speech or writing is expressed) | :: tone {c}, tonefald |
tone {n} (shade or quality of a colour) | :: farvetone, nuance |
tone {n} (firmness of a muscle or organ) | :: tonus, spændingstilstand |
tone {v} (give a tone to) | :: tone |
tone {v} (change the colour of) | :: tone |
tone {v} (make (something) firmer) | :: forstærke, styrke |
tone {v} (harmonize, especially in colour) | :: harmonisere |
Tonga {prop} (country) | :: Tonga |
Tongan {n} (Austronesian language) | :: tongansk {c} |
tongs {n} (an instrument) | :: tang {c} |
tongue {n} (organ) | :: tunge {c} |
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language | :: |
tongues-speaker {n} (one who speaks in tongues; one who exhibits glossolalia) | :: tungetaler {c} |
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) | :: tungebrækker {c} |
tonic {n} (soda pop) SEE: soda pop | :: |
tonight {adv} (during today's evening) | :: i aften, iaften [former spelling] |
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) | :: i aften [early night], i nat [late night] |
tonight {n} (nighttime today) | :: i aften [early night], i nat [late night] |
tonnage {n} (shipping) | :: tonnage {c} |
tonsil {n} (palatine tonsil) | :: mandel {c} |
tonsillectomy {n} (surgical removal of tonsils) | :: tonsillektomi {c} |
too {adv} (likewise) | :: ligeså, også |
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) | :: for |
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
tool {n} (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) | :: instrument {n}, redskab {n} |
tool {n} (equipment used in a profession) | :: værktøj {n} |
tool {n} (penis) | :: pik {n} |
tool {n} | :: kreatur {n} |
tool {v} (to work on or shape with tools) | :: bearbejde |
tool {v} (to equip with tools) | :: udstyre med maskiner |
toolbox {n} (storage case for tools) | :: verktøjskasse {c} |
toolshed {n} (storage) | :: redskabsskur {n} |
too many balls in the air {n} (too many tasks, responsibilities, or details to cope with or manage successfully) | :: for mange bolde i luften |
too many cooks spoil the broth {proverb} (with too many people a task won't be done very well) | :: for mange kokke fordærver maden |
too much {adv} (excessively) | :: for meget |
toon {n} (town) SEE: town | :: |
to one's knowledge {prep} (to one's knowledge) | :: så vidt jeg ved |
tooth {n} (biological tooth) | :: tand {c} |
tooth {n} (saw tooth) | :: tand {c} |
toothache {n} (ache in a tooth) | :: tandpine {c-p} |
toothbrush {n} (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) | :: tandbørste |
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel | :: |
tooth fairy {n} (a figure of modern myth) | :: tandfe {c} |
toothless {adj} (Having no teeth) | :: tandløs |
toothpaste {n} (paste for cleaning the teeth) | :: tandpasta {c} |
toothpick {n} (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) | :: tandstikker {c} |
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) | :: snurretop {c} |
top {n} (gay sexual slang: gay man who likes to penetrate in sex) | :: aktiv |
topaz {n} (gem) | :: topas {c} |
top-down {adj} (hierarchical system that progresses from a single, large basic unit to multiple, smaller subunits) | :: topstyret |
top hat {n} (cylindrical hat) | :: høj hat {c}, kakkelovnsrør {n} [slang], cylinderhat {c} [rare] |
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread | :: |
topic {n} (subject; theme) | :: emne {n}, tema {n} |
topless {adj} (naked from the waist up) | :: topløs |
top line {n} (revenue) | :: omsætning {c}, toplinje {c} |
topological space {n} (a set with its topology) | :: topologisk rum {n} |
topological space {n} (a set that has a topology) | :: topologisk rum {n} |
topologist {n} (mathematician who specializes in topology) | :: topolog {c} |
topology {n} (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) | :: topologi |
topple {v} (to push, throw over, overturn or overthrow something) | :: vælte, styrte, omstyrte |
topple {v} (to totter and fall, or to lean as if about to do so) | :: vælte |
topsail {n} (sail above the course sail) | :: topsejl {n} |
topside {n} (upper side) SEE: upper side | :: |
topsy-turvy {adj} (backwards or upside down) | :: på hovedet (on the head) |
topsy-turvy {adj} (disorderly, chaotic) | :: kaotisk |
toque {n} (knitted hat) SEE: beanie | :: |
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill | :: |
Torah {prop} (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) | :: Tora {c} |
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight | :: |
torch {n} (stick with flame at one end) | :: fakkel {c} |
torment {n} (extreme pain) | :: smerte |
tornado {n} (violent windstorm) | :: tornado {c}, hvirvelstorm {c} |
Toronto {prop} (city in Canada) | :: Toronto |
torpedo {n} (underwater weapon) | :: torpedo {c} |
torpedo {v} (to send a torpedo) | :: torpedere |
torpedo {v} (to sink a ship with one of more torpedoes) | :: torpedere |
torpedo {v} (to undermine or destroy any endeavor with a stealthy, powerful attack) | :: torpedere |
torque {n} (a rotational or twisting force) | :: kraftmoment {n} |
Torquil {prop} (Male given name from Old Norse) | :: Thorkild, Toke |
torse {n} (heraldry: a twist of cloth or wreath forming the lowest part of the crest) | :: vulst {c}, hjelmvulst {c} |
torso {n} (body excluding the head and limbs) | :: overkrop {c}, torso {c} |
tortoise {n} (land-dwelling reptile) | :: skildpadde {c} |
torture {n} (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) | :: tortur {c} |
torture {v} (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) | :: tortere, torturere |
torture chamber {n} (room equipped for torture) | :: torturkammer {n} |
tosser {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker | :: |
totalitarian {adj} (related to the system of government) | :: totalitær |
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) | :: total krig {c} |
tote {n} (tote bag) | :: pose {c} [lit. “bag”], indkøbspose {c} [lit. “shopping bag”], stofpose {c} [lit. “fabric bag”] |
totem {n} (natural object or living creature that serves as an emblem of a tribe) | :: totem |
totem pole {n} (sculpture) | :: totempæl {c} |
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore | :: |
to the effect {prep} (with the meaning of) | :: i retning af |
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very | :: |
toucan {n} (Ramphastid) | :: tukan {c} |
touch {v} (make physical contact with) | :: røre, berøre |
touch {v} (affect emotionally) | :: røre, bevæge |
touch {n} (act of touching) | :: berøring {c} |
touch wood {v} (to make contact with wood or another material to avert bad luck) SEE: knock on wood | :: |
touch wood {interj} (hopefully; said when touching something wooden) SEE: knock on wood | :: |
tough {v} (endure) SEE: endure | :: |
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn | :: |
tough {adj} (resilient) SEE: resilient | :: |
tough out {v} (endure) SEE: endure | :: |
toupe {n} (hairpiece) SEE: toupee | :: |
toupee {n} (wig) | :: tupé {c} |
tour {n} (journey) | :: tur {c}, rundtur {c} |
Tour de France {prop} (annual long-distance cycling race through France) | :: Tour de France {c} |
Tourette syndrome {n} (disorder characterized by tics) | :: Tourettes syndrom {n}, Gilles de la Tourettes syndrom {n} |
tourism {n} (the act of travelling or sightseeing) | :: turisme |
tourist {n} (someone who travels for pleasure) | :: turist |
tournament {n} ((historical) series of battles) | :: turnering {c} |
tourniquet {n} (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding) | :: årepresse {c} |
tour operator {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency | :: |
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade | :: |
tow {n} (bundle of fibers) | :: blår {n} |
toward {prep} (in the direction of) | :: henimod |
toward {prep} (for the purpose of) | :: henimod |
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward | :: |
towel {n} (cloth used for wiping) | :: håndklæde {n} [of cloth], papir [of paper], serviet [of paper] |
tower {n} (structure) | :: tårn {n} |
tower {n} ((figuratively) any item that is higher than it is wide) | :: tårn {n} |
tower block {n} (tall building) | :: højhus {n} |
tower crane {n} (crane on a metal tower) | :: tårnkran {c} |
Tower of Babel {prop} (tower erected at Babel) | :: Babelstårnet |
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) | :: Tower {c}, Tower of London {c} |
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa | :: |
to wit {adv} (namely, specifically) | :: nemlig |
town {n} (settlement) | :: by |
town centre {n} (main commercial or business area of a town) | :: bycentrum {n} |
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) | :: rådhus {n} |
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall | :: |
townsman {n} (male resident of a town) | :: borger {m} |
toxic {adj} (having a harmful chemical nature) | :: giftig, toksisk |
toxicological {adj} (of or pertaining to toxicology) | :: toksokologisk |
toxicologist {n} (scientist or physician who speciality is toxicology) | :: toksikolog {c} |
toxic waste {n} (waste that can cause death or injury) | :: giftaffald {n} |
toxin {n} (a toxic or poisonous substance) | :: giftstof {n}, toksin {n} |
toy {n} (something to play with) | :: legetøj {n} |
toyshop {n} (shop that sells toys) | :: legetøjsbutik {c} |
traceability {n} (ability to trace a process) | :: sporbarhed {c} |
trace element {n} (chemical element in an organism’s diet) | :: sporstof {n} |
trachea {n} (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi) | :: luftrør |
track {n} (mark left by something that has passed along) | :: spor {n} |
track {n} (mark or impression left by the foot) | :: fodspor {n} |
track {n} (entire lower surface of the foot) | :: fodsål {c} |
track {n} (course; way) | :: bane {c}, pist [wintersport] |
track {n} (path or course laid out for a race or exercise) | :: pist {c} [wintersport], bane {c} |
track {n} (permanent way; the rails) | :: spor {n} [railway] |
track {n} (distance between two opposite wheels) | :: sporbredde {c} |
track {n} (sound stored on a record) | :: nummer {n} |
track {n} (a song or other relatively short piece of music, on a record, separated from others by a short silence) | :: nummer {n} |
track down {v} (to search, hunt) | :: opspore |
tractor {n} (farm vehicle) | :: traktor |
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) | :: traktorfører {c} |
trade {n} (buying and selling) | :: handel, byttehandel |
trade {n} (instance of buying or selling) | :: handel {c} |
trade agreement {n} (agreement on trade) | :: handelsaftale {c} |
trade fair {n} (exhibition for a particular field) | :: messe {c} |
trademark {n} (identification of a company's product) | :: varemærke |
trader {n} (one who earns a living by trading) | :: købmand {c} |
trade route {n} (route used by traders) | :: handelsrute {c} |
trade secret {n} (formula, practice, process, design) | :: forretningshemmelighed {c} |
trade union {n} (organization) | :: fagforening {c} |
tradition {n} (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) | :: tradition {c}, overlevering {c} |
traditional {adj} (of or pertaining to tradition) | :: traditionel |
Traditional Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using traditional characters) | :: traditionelt kinesisk {n} |
traditional Chinese medicine {n} (medical practices of Chinese culture) | :: traditionel kinesisk medicin |
traditionalist {n} (one who adheres to tradition) | :: traditionalist {c} |
traditionalistic {adj} (pertaining to traditionalism) | :: traditionalistisk |
traditionally {adv} (traditional manner) | :: traditionelt |
traductology {n} (translation studies) SEE: translation studies | :: |
traffic {n} (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) | :: trafik {c}, færdsel {c} |
trafficator {n} (blinking light) SEE: indicator | :: |
traffic circle {n} (an intersection with a circular shape and, usually, a central island) | :: rundkørsel {c} |
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) | :: trafikprop {c} |
trafficking {n} (human trafficking) SEE: human trafficking | :: |
trafficking {n} (the distributing of illegal drugs) SEE: drug trafficking | :: |
traffic light {n} (signalling device) | :: lyssignal, lyskurv |
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) | :: færdselstavle {c}, vejskilt {n} |
traffic warden {n} (person who monitors parking) | :: parkeringsvakt {c} |
tragedy {n} (drama or similar work) | :: tragedie {c} |
tragedy {n} (genre of such works, and the art of producing them) | :: tragedie {c} |
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) | :: tragedie {c} |
tragicomic {adj} (related to tragicomedy) | :: tragikomisk |
tragicomical {adj} (related to tragicomedy) SEE: tragicomic | :: |
trail {v} (follow behind) | :: følge |
trail {n} (track followed by a hunter) | :: spor |
trail {n} (graph theory: a walk) | :: tur {c} |
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) | :: anhænger {c} |
train {n} (the elongated back portion of a dress or skirt which drags along the ground) | :: slæb {n} |
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) | :: tog {n} |
train {n} (group of animals, vehicles, or people) | :: optog {n} |
train {n} (series of events or ideas which are interconnected) | :: række {c}, kæde {c} |
train {n} (that which is drawn along) | :: slæb {n} |
train {v} (to practice an ability) | :: øve, træne |
train {v} (to teach a task) | :: træne |
train {v} (to improve one's fitness) | :: træne |
train crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing | :: |
trainee {n} (someone being formally trained in a workplace) | :: praktikant {c} |
trainer {n} | :: træner {c} |
train ferry {n} (ferry for rail vehicles) | :: jernbanefærge {c} |
training {n} (the activity of imparting and acquiring skills) | :: oplæring {c} |
training ship {n} (training ship) | :: skoleskib {n} |
training wheels {n} (pair of small wheels attached to a child's bicycle) | :: støttehjul {n-p} |
train of thought {n} (flow of thinking) | :: tankegang {c} |
train of thoughts {n} (train of thought) SEE: train of thought | :: |
trainset {n} (multiple unit) | :: togsæt {n} |
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station | :: |
train time {n} (the time a train departs or arrives) | :: togtid {c} |
traitor {n} (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) | :: forræder {c} |
traitorous {adj} (characteristic of a traitor) | :: forræderisk |
tram {n} (passenger vehicle) | :: sporvogn {c} |
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram | :: |
tramp {n} (homeless person) | :: vagabund |
tramp {v} (to hitchhike) SEE: hitchhike | :: |
trample {v} ((transitive) to crush something by walking on it) | :: trampe |
trample {v} ((intransitive) to walk heavily and destructively) | :: trampe |
trample {v} ((intransitive) to cause emotional injury as if by trampling) | :: trampe |
trample {n} (the sound of heavy footsteps) | :: trampen {c} |
trampoline {n} (gymnastic and recreational device) | :: trampolin |
tramp trade {n} (shipping activity) | :: trampfart {c} |
tramway {n} (track on which trams run) | :: sporvej {c} |
trance {n} (genre of electronic dance music) | :: trance |
trancelike {adj} (trance-like) SEE: trance-like | :: |
trance-like {adj} (similar to a trance) | :: trancelignende |
tranche {v} (slice) SEE: slice | :: |
tranquil {adj} (free from emotional disturbance) | :: rolig, stille |
tranquil {adj} (calm; without motion or sound) | :: rolig, stille |
tranquillity {n} (the state of being tranquil) | :: stilhed {c}, ro {c} |
tranquillity {n} (the absence of disturbance; peacefulness) | :: stilhed {c}, ro {c} |
transaction {n} (act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiations, plans) | :: forretning {c} |
transaction {n} (deal or business agreement) | :: overenskomst {c} |
transaction {n} (exchange or trade, as of ideas, money, goods, etc.) | :: transaktion {c} |
transaction {n} (finance: transfer of funds into, out of, or from an account) | :: transaktion {c}, postering {c} |
transaction {n} (computing: atomic operation) | :: transaktion {c} |
transaction {n} (finance: economic transaction: a valid currency transfer) | :: transaktion {c} |
Transcaucasian SFSR {prop} (Soviet republic) | :: Transkaukasiske SFSR {c}, Transkaukasiske Socialistiske Føderative Sovjetrepublik {c} |
transclusion {n} (the inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying) | :: transklusion |
transcontinental {adj} (crossing a continent) | :: transkontinental |
transcribe {v} (dictation: to make such conversion from speech to text) | :: transskribere |
transcript {n} (written version of what was said orally) | :: transkription {c} |
transcription {n} (in linguistics) | :: transskription {c} |
trans fatty acid {n} (type of unsaturated fatty acid) | :: transfedtsyre {c} |
transfer {v} (to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another) | :: overføre, forflytte, overdrage |
transfer {v} (to be or become transferred) | :: blive forflyttet, stige om, skifte |
transfer {n} (act) | :: forflyttelse {c}, overflytning {c}, transport {c} |
transfer {n} (instance) | :: flytning {c}, overflytning {c}, transport {c} |
transferable {adj} (able to be transferred) | :: overførbar |
transformation {n} | :: transformation |
transformer {n} (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) | :: transformer {c}, transformator {c} |
transfuge {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter | :: |
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat | :: |
transfusion {n} (medicine: the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another) | :: transfusion {c} |
transgender {n} (a transgender person) | :: transperson {c} |
trans girl {n} (transgender girl) | :: transpige {c} |
transient {adj} (passing or disappearing with time; transitory) | :: overgående |
transient {adj} (remaining for only a brief time) | :: midlertidig |
transient {adj} (Decaying with time, especially exponentially) | :: flyktig |
transient {adj} (occasional; isolated; one-off; individual) | :: engangs- |
transient {n} (something transient) | :: overgang {c} |
transit {n} (astronomy: passage of a celestial body) | :: passage |
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) | :: transitiv |
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) | :: transitivt verbum {n} |
transitory {adj} (lasting only a short time) | :: kortvarig, forbigående, midlertidig |
translate {v} (to change text from one language to another) | :: oversætte |
translate {v} (physics: to subject to translation) | :: forskyde |
translation {n} (act of translating between languages) | :: oversættelse {c} |
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) | :: oversættelse {c} |
translation {n} (math, physics: motion without deformation or rotation) | :: forflyttelse {c} |
translationary {adj} (translation of language) | :: [compounds] oversættelses- |
translation dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides translations between two or more languages) | :: oversættelsesordbog |
translation studies {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) | :: oversættelsesteori {c} |
translatology {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) SEE: translation studies | :: |
translator {n} (someone who translates) | :: oversætter {c}, tolk {c} [interpreter] |
transliteration {n} (product of transliterating) | :: translitteration {c} |
trans man {n} (a transgender or transsexual man) | :: transmand {c}, transfyr {c} |
transmissible {adj} (able to be transmitted) | :: overførbar |
transmissible {adj} (contagious) | :: overførbar |
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy {n} (any fatal, degenerative disease transmitted by prions) | :: overførbare svampeagtige hjernesygdomme {c} |
transmutation {n} (change) SEE: alteration | :: |
transmutation {n} (transformation) SEE: transformation | :: |
Transnistria {prop} (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) | :: Transnistrien |
transparency {n} (quality of being transparent; transparence) | :: gennemsigtighed {c}, transparens {c} |
transparent {adj} (see-through, clear) | :: transparent, gennemsigtig, klar |
transparent {adj} (open, publicly visible) | :: gennemskuelig |
transparent {adj} (obvious) | :: åbenbar, klar, oplagt |
transphobia {n} (fear or hatred of transsexuality or transgenderism) | :: transfobi {c} |
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen | :: |
transplant {v} (uproot and replant (a plant)) | :: omplante, udplante |
transplant {v} (medicine: transfer (tissue/organ)) | :: transplantere |
transplant {n} (medicine: operation) | :: transplantation {c} |
transplant {n} (medicine: organ/tissue transplanted) | :: transplantat {n} |
transport {v} (carry or bear from one place to another) | :: transportere |
transport {v} (historical: deport to a penal colony) | :: deportere |
transport {n} (act of transporting) | :: transport {c} |
transport {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
transport ship {n} (a ship that is used to transport military personnel) | :: transportskib {n} |
transrealism {n} (literary mode) | :: transealisme |
transsexual {adj} (being a transsexual) | :: transseksuel |
transsexualism {n} (transsexuality) SEE: transsexuality | :: |
transsexuality {n} (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual) | :: transseksualisme |
transshipment {n} (The transfer of goods) | :: omlasting {c} |
Transvaal {prop} (region of South Africa) | :: Transvaal |
transverse wave {n} (type of wave) | :: tværbølge {c} |
transvestite {n} (cross-dresser, see also: cross-dresser) | :: transvestit {c} |
trans woman {n} (a transgender or transsexual woman) | :: transkvinde {c} |
Transylvania {prop} (Transylvania) | :: Transsylvanien {c} |
Transylvanian {adj} (related to Transylvania) | :: transylvansk |
trap {n} (bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe to prevent the escape of noxious gases) | :: vandlås {c} |
trapdoor {n} (door set into floor or ceiling) | :: lem {c}, luge {c} |
trapdoor {n} (similar door on a stage) | :: faldlem {c} |
trapeze {n} (trapezium) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapezium {n} (polygon with two parallel sides) | :: trapez {n} |
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with two sides parallel) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with no sides parallel) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trash {n} (things to be discarded) | :: affald {n} |
trash {n} (container) | :: affaldscontainer |
trash {n} (something of poor quality) | :: skrammel |
trash bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag | :: |
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
traumatic {adj} (of, caused by, or causing trauma) | :: traumatisk |
travel {v} (be on a journey) | :: rejse |
travel {n} (act of traveling) | :: rejse {n} |
travel agency {n} (company) | :: rejsebureau {n} |
travel agent {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency | :: |
travelator {n} (moving walkway) SEE: moving walkway | :: |
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller | :: |
traveller {n} (one who travels) | :: rejsende |
travel sickness {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness | :: |
traverse {v} (to travel across, often under difficult conditions) | :: at traversere |
traverse {v} (computing: to visit all parts of; to explore thoroughly) | :: at traversere |
trawler {n} (fishing boat) | :: trawler {c} |
tray {n} (object on which things are carried) | :: bakke {c} |
treacherous {adj} (exhibiting treachery) | :: forræderisk |
treacherous {adj} (unreliable; dangerous) | :: forræderisk |
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason | :: |
treacle {n} (molasses or golden syrup) | :: mørk sirup {c}, melasse {c} |
tread {v} (to step on) | :: træde |
treadmill {n} (piece of indoor sporting equipment) | :: løbebånd {n} |
treadmill {n} (mill worked by persons) | :: trædemølle {c} |
treason {n} (crime of betraying one’s country) | :: forræderi {n}, landsforræderi {n} |
treason {n} (providing aid and comfort to the enemy) | :: kollaboration {c} |
treasure {n} (collection of valuable things) | :: skat {c} |
treasure chest {n} (chest filled with treasure) | :: skattekiste {c} |
treasure hunt {n} (search for a treasure (game or real)) | :: skattejagt {c} |
treasure map {n} (map on which is marked the location of a treasure) | :: skattekort {n} |
treasurer {n} (government official in charge of the Treasury) | :: finansminister {c} |
treasurer {n} (official entrusted with the funds and revenues of an organisation) | :: kasserer {c} |
treasure trail {n} (vertical line of hair) | :: vejviser {c} |
treasury {n} (place where treasure is stored safely) | :: skattekammer {n} |
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) | :: statskasse {c} |
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation | :: |
treatise {n} (systematic discourse on some subject) | :: afhandling |
treatment {n} (process or manner of treating) | :: behandling {c} |
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) | :: behandling {c}, kur {c} |
treatment {n} (preserving or giving particular properties) | :: behandling {c} |
treaty {n} (a binding agreement under international law) | :: traktat {c} |
treble {v} (to multiply by three) | :: tredoble |
trebuchet {n} (trebuchet) | :: blide {c} |
tree {proverb} (large woody plant) | :: træ {n} |
tree {proverb} ((graph theory) graph tree with no cycles) | :: træ {c} |
treeless {adj} (having no trees) | :: træløs |
tree line {n} | :: trægrænse {c} |
tree-line {n} (timberline) SEE: tree line | :: |
tree sparrow {n} (Passer montanus) | :: skovspurv {c} |
treetop {n} (crown or uppermost branches of a tree) | :: trækrone {c} |
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) | :: træstamme {c} |
trefoil {n} (plant) | :: trekløver {c} |
trellis {n} (An outdoor garden frame which can be used to grow vines or other climbing plants) | :: espalier {n} |
trench {n} (military excavation) | :: skyttegrav {c} |
trench warfare {n} (warfare in which opposing sides occupy trenches) | :: skyttegravskrig {c} |
trend {n} (an inclination in a direction) | :: tendens {c}, retning {c}, strømning {c}, trend {c} |
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin | :: |
trespasser {n} (a person who trespasses) | :: uvedkommende |
trial {n} (chance to test something out) | :: test {c} |
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) | :: rettergang {c} |
trial {n} (difficult experience) | :: prøvelse {c} |
trial {adj} (pertaining to a trial or test) | :: test- |
trial {adj} (attempted on a provisional or experimental basis) | :: provisorisk |
trial run {n} (test of suitability or effectiveness) | :: prøvetur {c} |
triangle {n} (polygon) | :: trekant {c} |
triangle {n} (percussion instrument) | :: triangel {c} |
triangular {adj} (shaped like a triangle) | :: trekantet |
triangular {adj} | :: trekantet |
triathlon {n} (athletics event in which contestants compete in swimming, cycling and running) | :: triatlon {c} |
tribe {n} (group of people) | :: stamme {c}, folkestamme {c} |
tribology {n} (science and technology of lubrication) | :: tribologi {c} |
triboluminescence {n} (production of light) | :: triboluminescens {c} |
tributary {n} (stream which flows into a larger one) | :: biflod {c} |
tributary {adj} (subordinate, inferior) SEE: subordinate | :: |
trichotillomania {n} (disorder) | :: trikotillomani |
trick {n} (something designed to fool) | :: trick {n}, knep {n} |
trick {n} (magic trick) | :: trick {n} |
trick {n} (effective, clever or quick way of doing something) | :: trick {n}, fidus {c}, kneb {n} |
trick {n} (winning sequence in cards) | :: stik {n} |
trick {v} (to fool; to cause to believe something untrue) | :: lure, narre |
trick or treat {interj} (extortion) | :: slik eller ballade |
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud | :: |
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) | :: trikolore |
trifle {n} (thing of little importance or worth) | :: småting {c}, bagatel |
trifle {v} (To deal with something as if it were of little importance or worth) | :: lege med |
trifle {v} (To squander or waste) | :: sløse væk |
trigger {n} (finger-operated lever used to fire a gun) | :: udløser {c} |
trigger {n} (similar device used to activate any mechanism) | :: udløser {c} |
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
trigonometric function {n} (a function of an angle) | :: trigonometrisk funktion {c} |
trigonometry {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: trigonometri {c} |
trilingual {adj} (able to read or speak three languages) | :: tresproget |
trilingual {adj} (expressed or written in three languages) | :: tresproget |
trilingualism {n} (the speaking of three languages) | :: tresproglighed {?} |
trillionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than 1012) | :: billionær {c} |
trilogy {n} (collection of three works) | :: trilogi {c} |
trimaran {n} (type of boat) | :: trimaran {c} |
Trinidad and Tobago {prop} (country) | :: Trinidad og Tobago |
trinity {n} (group or set of three people or things) | :: treenighed {c} |
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) | :: treenighed {c} |
trip {n} (journey) | :: rejse {c} |
tripedal {adj} (having three legs) SEE: three-legged | :: |
triple {adj} (made up of three related elements) | :: tredobbelt |
triple {v} (to multiply by three) | :: tredoble |
triple jump {n} (athletics field event) | :: trespring {n} |
Tripoli {prop} (capital of Libya) | :: Tripoli |
triptych {n} (art: a picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges) | :: triptykon {n} |
trip up {v} (cause to fall or stumble) | :: spænde ben |
tripwire {n} (a passive triggering mechanism) | :: snubletråd |
trisection {n} (division of angle into three) | :: tredeling {c} |
triumph {n} (conclusive success; victory; conquest) | :: triumf {c} |
triumph {n} (ceremony performed in honour of a victory) | :: sejrsceremoni {c} |
triumph {n} (any triumphal procession; pompous exhibition etc) | :: triumftog {n} |
triumph {n} (a state of joy or exultation at success) | :: triumf {c} |
triumph {v} (to prevail over rivals) | :: triumfere, sejre |
triumph {v} (to succeed) | :: triumfere, sejre |
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump | :: |
triumphal arch {n} (monumental arch that commemorates a victory) | :: triumfbue {c} |
triumphant {adj} (celebrating victory) | :: triumferende |
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz | :: |
trivial name {n} (a common name for a chemical compound) | :: trivialnavn {n} |
trochaic {adj} (referring to poetry composed of trochees) | :: trokæisk |
trochee {n} (a metrical foot) | :: trokæ {c} |
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse | :: |
Trojan {n} (person from Troy) | :: trojaner {c} |
Trojan {adj} (relating to the city Troy) | :: trojansk |
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) | :: trojansk hest {c} |
Trojan horse {n} (computing: malicious program) | :: trojansk hest {c}, trojaner {c} |
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) | :: trojanske krig {c} |
troll {n} (supernatural being) | :: trold {c} |
troll {n} (person who provokes others) | :: troll {c} |
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) | :: trolleybus |
trombone {n} (a musical instrument in the brass family) | :: basun {c} |
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) | :: Tromsø |
Trondheim {prop} (city in Norway) | :: Trondheim, Trondhjem |
trope {n} (art, literature: something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature) | :: skabelon {c} |
trophy {n} (object rewarding success) | :: trofæ {n} |
trophy {n} (object taken by a hunter or conqueror of their success) | :: trofæ {n} |
trophy wife {n} (young attractive wife who's a status symbol for her husband) | :: trofækone {c} |
tropic {adj} (tropical) SEE: tropical | :: |
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) | :: vendekreds {c} |
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic | :: |
tropical {adj} (dated: metaphorical, figurative) SEE: figurative | :: |
tropical {adj} (of or pertaining to the tropics) | :: tropisk |
tropical {adj} (from or similar to a hot humid climate) | :: tropisk |
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) | :: Krebsens vendekreds {c} |
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) | :: Stenbukkens vendekreds {c} |
tropics {n} (region of the Earth) | :: troperne {c-p} |
tropopause {n} (zone of transition between troposphere and stratosphere) | :: tropopause {c} |
troposphere {n} (lower levels of the atmosphere) | :: troposfære {c} |
trot {n} (toddler) SEE: toddler | :: |
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth | :: |
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) | :: trotskisme |
Trotskyist {n} (a supporter of Trotskyism) SEE: Trotskyite | :: |
Trotskyite {n} (an advocate of the communist doctrines of Leon Trotsky) | :: trotskist {c} |
Trotskyite {adj} (pertaining to Trotskyism) | :: trotskistisk |
troubadour {n} (an itinerant performer of songs) | :: trubadur {c} |
troublemaker {n} (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately) | :: fredsforstyrrer {c}, spektakelmager {c} |
troublesome {adj} (giving trouble) | :: generende |
trough {n} (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) | :: trug |
trough {n} (a long, narrow container open at the top) | :: kar, trug |
trough {n} (short, narrow drainage canal) | :: rende |
trough {n} (a gutter under the eaves of a building) | :: tagrende |
trough {n} (a long, narrow depression between waves or ridges) | :: bølgedal |
trough {n} (a linear atmospheric depression associated with a weather front) | :: lavtryksudløber, trug |
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket | :: |
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants | :: |
trousseau {n} (bridal clothes) | :: brudeudstyr {n} [clothes. Historically also: accessories, household items and cutlery collected by a future bride] |
trout {n} (fish) | :: ørred {c} |
Troy {prop} (an ancient city) | :: Troja |
Tórshavn {prop} (Capital of the Faroe Islands) | :: Thorshavn, Torshavn {c} |
truce {n} (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) | :: våbenhvile {c} |
truce {n} (an agreement between opposed parties) | :: våbenhvile {c} |
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade | :: |
truck {n} (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) | :: lastbil, truck [slang], lastvogn |
truck {v} (drive a truck) | :: køre en lastbil |
truck driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) | :: lastbilchauffør {c} |
trucker {n} (one who drives a truck) SEE: truck driver | :: |
trudge {v} (to walk wearily with heavy, slow steps) | :: traske |
true {adj} (concurring with a given set of facts) | :: sand |
trug {n} (A shallow basket) | :: kurv {c} |
truly yours {phrase} (yours truly) SEE: yours truly | :: |
trump {n} (suit that outranks all others) | :: trumf {c} |
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) | :: trumf {c} |
trump {n} (something that gives one an advantage) | :: trumpf {c}, joker {c} |
trump {v} (to play a trump on a card of another suit) | :: overtrumpfe |
trump {v} (to play a trump, or to take a trick with a trump) | :: trumpfe |
trump {v} (to supersede) | :: overtrumpfe |
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump | :: |
trumpet {n} (brass instrument) | :: trompet {c} |
trumpet {n} (musician playing a trumpet) | :: trompetist |
trumpet {n} (elephant noise) | :: trompetstød |
trumpet {v} (sound loudly) | :: trompetere |
trumpet {v} (play the instrument) | :: spille trompet, trompetere [archaic] |
trumpet {v} (make an elephant call) | :: trompetere |
trumpet {v} (proclaim loudly) | :: forkynde, udbasunere |
trumpeter {n} (person who plays the trumpet) | :: trompetist {c}, trompeter {c} |
Trumpism {prop} (the philosophy and politics espoused by Donald Trump) | :: trumpisme |
Trumpism {n} (characteristic uttering) | :: trumpisme {c} |
truncheon {n} (short club) | :: batong {c} |
trunk {n} (tree trunk) | :: træstamme {c}, stamme {c} |
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) | :: kuffert {c} [suitcase], kiste {c} [chest] |
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) | :: snabel {c} |
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso | :: |
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks | :: |
trunk line {n} (main railway line) | :: stambane {c} |
truss {n} (bandage and belt) | :: brokbind {n} |
trust {n} (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) | :: tillid {c}, tiltro |
trust {v} (to place confidence in) | :: stole på |
trustworthiness {n} (the state or quality of being trustworthy or reliable) | :: troværdighed {c} |
trustworthy {adj} (reliable) | :: troværdig |
truth {n} (state or quality of being true to someone or something) | :: sandhed {c} |
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) | :: sandhed {c} |
truth {n} (true facts) | :: sandhed {c} |
truth {n} | :: sandhed |
truth value {n} (values in logic) | :: sandhedsværdi {c} |
try {v} (to attempt) | :: forsøge, prøve |
try {v} (to make an experiment) | :: forsøge, prøve |
try {v} (to work on something) | :: prøve |
try {v} (to put to test) | :: afprøve |
try {v} (to taste, sample, etc) | :: prøve |
try {v} (to put on trial) | :: afprøve, teste |
try on {v} (to test the look of) | :: prøve på |
Tryphena {prop} (biblical character) | :: Tryfæna |
trypophobia {n} (fear of holes) | :: trypofobi |
try square {n} (tool used to measure if a piece of wood is at a right angle) | :: vinkelhage {c} |
tsar {n} (an emperor) | :: zar {c} |
tsarina {n} (empress or wife of a tsar) | :: zarina |
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina | :: |
T-shaped {adj} (having a shape similar to a capital letter T) | :: T-formet |
T-shirt {n} (type of shirt) | :: T-shirt {c}, t-shirt {c} [unofficial, but common form] |
Tskhinvali {prop} (A city in Georgia) | :: Tskhinvali |
tsp {n} (abbreviation for teaspoon) | :: tsk {c} |
tsunami {n} (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) | :: tsunami {c}, flodbølge {c} |
TTBOMK {adv} (to one's knowledge) | :: så vidt jeg ved |
tub {n} (broad, flat-bottomed vessel) | :: kar {n} |
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub | :: |
tuber {n} (fleshy underground stem) | :: knold |
tuberculosis {n} (infectious disease) | :: tuberkulose {c} |
Tuesday {n} (day of the week) | :: tirsdag |
tufted duck {n} (species of duck) | :: troldand {c} |
tug {v} (to tow by tugboat) | :: bugsere |
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat | :: |
tugboat {n} (small, powerful boat) | :: slæbebåd |
tug of war {n} (game) | :: trækkamp {c} |
Tula {prop} (town in Mexico) | :: Tula |
tulip {n} (plant) | :: tulipan {c} |
tumbledown {adj} (in disrepair, poorly maintained) | :: fallefærdig |
tumble dryer {n} (electrical device) | :: tørretumbler |
tumbler {n} (acrobat) SEE: acrobat | :: |
tumult {n} (noise as made by a crowd) | :: tumult {c}, tummel {c} |
tumult {n} (riot or uprising) | :: oprør {n} |
tumulus {n} (mound of earth) | :: gravhøj {c} |
tuna {n} (fish) | :: tun {c} |
tundra {n} (flat treeless arctic region) | :: tundra {c} |
tune {v} (to adjust (e.g. a mechanical or electrical device) so that it functions optimally) | :: justere |
tuneful {adj} (having or producing a pleasing tune) | :: melodiøs |
tune out {v} (zone out) SEE: zone out | :: |
tune up {v} (adjust engine ) | :: tune |
tungsten {n} (chemical element) | :: wolfram |
tuning fork {n} (fork-shaped object which emits a tone) | :: stemmegaffel {c} |
Tunis {prop} (capital of Tunisia) | :: Tunis |
Tunisia {prop} (Republic of Tunisia) | :: Tunesien |
Tunisian {n} (person from Tunisia) | :: tuneser {c} |
Tunisian {adj} (pertaining to Tunisia) | :: tunesisk |
tunnel {n} (an underground or underwater passage) | :: tunnel {c} |
tunnel vision {n} (restricted field of vision) | :: tunnelsyn {n} |
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck | :: |
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram | :: |
turban {n} (man's head-dress) | :: turban {c} |
turbine {n} (rotary machine) | :: turbine {c} |
turbulence {n} (disturbance in gas, fluid) | :: turbulens {c} |
turbulent {adj} (violently disturbed or agitated) | :: turbulent |
Turin {prop} (city) | :: Torino {c} |
Turk {n} (a person from Turkey) | :: tyrk {c}, tyrker {c} |
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim | :: |
turkey {n} (bird) | :: kalkun {c} |
turkey {n} (stupid person) | :: fjols {n} |
Turkey {prop} (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) | :: Tyrkiet {n} |
turkey vulture {n} (a common North American vulture, Cathartes aura) | :: kalkungrib {c} |
Turkification {n} (Turkification) | :: tyrkificering {c} |
Turkish {n} (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) | :: tyrkisk {n} |
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) | :: tyrkisk |
Turkish bath {n} (establishment) | :: tyrkisk bad {n} |
Turkish delight {n} (confection) | :: turkish delight {c}, tyrkisk delight {c} |
Turkmenistan {prop} (Central Asian country) | :: Turkmenistan |
Turkmen SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) | :: Turkmenske SSR {c}, Turkmenske Socialistiske Sovjetrepublik {c} |
Turks and Caicos Islands {prop} (a British overseas territory in the Caribbean) | :: Turks- og Caicosøerne |
Turku {prop} (A city in Finland) | :: Turku |
turmeric {n} (plant) | :: gurkemeje {c} |
turmeric {n} (spice) | :: gurkemeje {c} |
turn {v} (move around an axis through itself) | :: dreje |
turn {v} (change the direction or orientation of (something)) | :: dreje, vende |
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) | :: dreje |
turn {v} (become) | :: blive, forvandle sig |
turn {v} (rebel) | :: vende sig mod |
turn {v} (shape (something) on a lathe) | :: dreje |
turn {v} (go bad) | :: blive sur |
turn {n} (change of direction or orientation) | :: drejning {c}, bøjning {c} |
turn {n} (movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation) | :: omdrejning {c} |
turn {n} (single loop of a coil) | :: snoning {c} |
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) | :: omgang {c} |
turn {n} (one's chance to make a move in a game) | :: tur {c} |
turn {n} (figure in music) | :: dobbeltslag {n} |
turn {n} (fit or period of giddiness) | :: anfald {n}, ildebefindende {n} |
turn {n} (change in temperament or circumstance) | :: tilbøjelighed {c} |
turn {n} (poker, obsolete: flop) SEE: flop | :: |
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return | :: |
turncoat {n} (a traitor) | :: vendekåbe {c} |
turner {n} (person working a lathe) | :: drejer {c} |
turning point {n} (decisive point) | :: vendepunkt {n} |
turning point {n} ((calculus) maximum or minimum) | :: vendepunkt {n} |
turn into {v} (intransitive: become) | :: forvandle sig til |
turnip {n} (white root of Brassica rapa) | :: majroe {c} |
turnip fly {n} (cabbage fly) SEE: cabbage fly | :: |
turnkey {adj} (ready to use without further assembly) | :: nøglefærdig |
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) | :: slukke |
turn off {v} (rotate a tap or valve to stop outflow) | :: lukke for |
turn of the year {n} (end of one year and beginning of the next) | :: årsskifte {n} |
turn on {v} (to set a flow of fluid or gas running by rotating a tap or valve) | :: tænde for |
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) | :: tænde |
turnout {n} (number of people who attend or participate in an event) | :: valgdeltagelse {c} [elections] |
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer | :: |
turnover {n} (sales transacted) | :: omsætning {c} |
turn over a new leaf {v} (to engage in self-improvement) | :: tage skeen i den anden hånd |
turnpike {n} (toll road) | :: betalingsvej {c} |
turnpike {n} (military: beam with spikes) SEE: cheval de frise | :: |
turnpike {n} (gate or bar set across a road to stop traffic) SEE: tollgate | :: |
turn signal {n} (turn signal) SEE: indicator | :: |
turnstile {n} (rotating mechanical device) | :: drejekors |
turntable {n} (rotating platform for turning locomotives) | :: svingskive {c} |
turn the other cheek {v} (accept injury without revenge) | :: vende den anden kind til |
turn turtle {v} (to fail, go belly up) SEE: fail | :: |
turpentine {n} (volatile essential oil) | :: terpentin {c} |
turquoise {n} (gemstone) | :: turkis {c} |
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) | :: turkis |
turtle {n} (land or marine reptile with a shell) | :: skildpadde {c} |
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove | :: |
turtle dove {n} (bird in the genus Streptopelia) | :: turteldue {c} |
Tuscan {adj} (of or relating to Tuscany or its inhabitants) | :: toskansk |
Tuscany {prop} (region in Italy) | :: Toscana |
tusk {n} (pointed tooth) | :: stødtand {c} |
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough | :: |
tutor {n} (one who teaches another) | :: hjælpelærer {c}, privatlærer {c}, lektiehjælper {c} |
tutoy {v} (tutoyer) SEE: tutoyer | :: |
tutoyer {v} | :: dusse |
tutu {n} (ballet skirt) | :: strutteskørt {n} |
Tuva {prop} (a republic of the Russian Federation) | :: Tuva |
Tuvalu {prop} (country in Oceania) | :: Tuvalu |
Tuvaluan {n} (A person from Tuvalu or of Tuvaluan descent) | :: tuvaler {c} |
tuxedo {n} (formal suit) | :: smoking {c} |
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: Tuzla |
TV {n} (abbreviation for television) | :: tv {n} |
Tver {prop} (city) | :: Tver |
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series | :: |
twaddle {n} (Empty or silly idle talk or writing) | :: vrøvl {c}, vås {n} |
twaddle {v} (To talk or write nonsense) | :: vrøvle, våse |
twat {n} (vulgar slang, vagina) | :: fisse, kusse |
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute | :: |
tweak {n} (a slight adjustment or modification) | :: justering |
tweet {n} (sound) | :: pip {n}, kvidder {n} |
tweet {n} (internet: entry) | :: tweet {n} |
tweet {v} (internet: to post an update to Twitter) | :: tweete |
tweezers {n} (small pincer-like instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects) | :: pincet {c} |
twelfth {adj} (ordinal form of twelve) | :: tolvte |
Twelfth cake {n} (cake eaten on Twelfth Night) SEE: king cake | :: |
twelve {num} (cardinal number 12) | :: tolv |
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth | :: |
twelve-tone technique {n} (system of musical composition) | :: tolvtonemusik |
twentieth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) | :: tyvende |
twenty {num} (cardinal number) | :: tyve |
twenty-eight {num} (number) | :: otteogtyve |
twenty-five {num} (twenty-five) | :: femogtyve |
twenty-four {num} (cardinal number) | :: fireogtyve |
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) | :: niogtyve |
twenty-one {num} (cardinal number) | :: enogtyve |
twenty-one {n} (blackjack card game) | :: enogtyve |
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) | :: syvogtyve |
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) | :: seksogtyve |
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) | :: treogtyve |
twenty-two {num} (twenty-two) | :: toogtyve |
twice {adv} (two times) | :: to gange |
twiddle one's thumbs {v} (to circle one's thumbs around one another) | :: trille tommelfingre |
twiddle one's thumbs {v} (to wait or dawdle) | :: trille tommelfingre |
twig {n} (a small thin branch) | :: kvist {c} |
twilight {n} (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) | :: tusmørke {n}, skumring {c} [after setting of sun only], gry {n}, daggry {c} [before rising of sun only] |
twilight {n} (evening twilight) | :: skumring {c} |
twin {n} (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) | :: tvilling {c} |
twine {n} (strong thread) | :: snor {c}, sejlgarn |
twinkle {v} (to shine with a flickering light; to glimmer) | :: skinne |
twinkle {v} (to be bright with delight) | :: skinne |
twinkle {v} (to bat, blink or wink the eyes) | :: blinke |
twinkle {v} (to flit to and fro) | :: fare |
twin town {n} (sister city) SEE: sister city | :: |
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig | :: |
twisty {adj} (curly) SEE: curly | :: |
twitch {n} ((farriery)) | :: bremse, brems {c} |
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass | :: |
twite {n} (Carduelis flavirostris) | :: bjergirisk {c} |
Twitter {v} (tweet) SEE: tweet | :: |
two {num} (numerical value) | :: to |
two {n} (digit or figure) | :: total {n} |
two beers, please {phrase} (two beers, please) | :: to øl, tak |
two cents {n} (worthless amount) | :: flad femøre {c}, klink {c} |
two-dimensional {adj} (existing in two dimensions) | :: todimensional |
two-edged {adj} (having two cutting edges) | :: tveægget |
two-edged sword {n} (double-edged sword) SEE: double-edged sword | :: |
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian | :: |
two-piece {adj} (comprising two pieces) | :: todelt |
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) | :: to tusind {n}, to tusinde {n} |
two-tone {adj} (having two colours / shades) SEE: bicolour | :: |
two-way {adj} (moving in both directions) | :: tovejs |
-ty {suffix} (-ity) SEE: -ity | :: |
-ty {suffix} (multiples of ten) | :: -ti |
tycoon {n} (wealthy, powerful business person) | :: magnat {c} |
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
tympanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear | :: |
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
tympanum {n} (triangular space between the sides of a pediment) | :: tympanon |
type {n} (blood group) SEE: blood type | :: |
type {n} (grouping based on shared characteristics) | :: type {c} |
typewriter {n} (machine used to print text by pressing keys) | :: skrivemaskine {c} |
typewriter {n} (one who uses a typewriter) | :: maskinskriver {c} |
typhoon {n} (hurricane in the Pacific) | :: tyfon {c} |
typhus {n} (disease) | :: tyfus {c} |
typical {adj} (capturing the overall sense of a thing) | :: typisk |
typist {n} (person who types) | :: maskinskriver {c}, maskinskriverske {c} [female] |
typo {n} (error) | :: tastefejl {c}, trykfejl {c} |
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter | :: |
typographer {n} (person skilled in typography) | :: typograf {c} |
typographical error {n} (typing error) | :: skrivefejl {c}, trykkefejl {c} |
typography {n} (art and technique) | :: typografi {c} |
typology {n} (classification of languages) | :: typologi {c} |
Tyr {prop} (norse god) | :: Tyr |
tyranny {n} (government in which a single ruler has absolute power) | :: tyranni {n} |
tyranny {n} (absolute power, or its use) | :: tyranni {n} |
tyranny {n} (extreme severity or rigour) | :: tyranni {n} |
tyranny of the majority {n} (situation where majority makes selfish decisions) SEE: dictatorship of the majority | :: |
tyrant {n} (absolute ruler) | :: tyran {c} |
tyrant {n} (harsh and cruel ruler) | :: tyran {c} |
tyre {n} (wheel covering) | :: dæk |
Tyrol {prop} (state in the west of Austria) | :: Tyrol |
Tyrol {prop} (region of central Europe) | :: Tyrol |
Tyrolean {n} (someone from Tyrol) | :: tyroler {c} |
Tyrolese {adj} (of or relating to Tyrol) | :: tyrolsk |
Tyrrhenian Sea {prop} (Part of the Mediterranean Sea) | :: Det Tyrrhenske Hav {n}, Tyrrhenske hav {n} |
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Tjumen |