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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-b

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Baal {prop} (deity) :: بعل {m} /baʿl/
Baalbek {prop} (a city in Lebanon) :: بعلبك /baʿlabakk/
Baalbeki {adj} (of or pertaining to Baalbek) :: بعلبكي /baʿlabakkiyy/
baba ganoush {n} (Lebanese dish) :: بابا غنوج {m} /bābā ḡannūj/
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: بابا ياجا {f} /bābā yāgā/, بابا ياجا {f} /bābā yājā/, بابا ياغا {f} /bābā yāgā/, بابا ياغا {f} /bābā yāḡā/
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
Bab el Mandeb {prop} (strait) :: باب المندب /bāb al-mandab/
babirusa {n} (a member of the genus Babyrousa) :: بابيروسة {f} /bābīrūsa/
baboon {n} (primate) :: بابون {m} /bābūn/
babouche {n} (Turkish or oriental slipper) :: بابوش {m} /bābūš/
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
baby {n} (very young human being) :: رضيع {m} /raḍīʿ/
baby {n} (term of endearment) :: [my beloved] حبيبي {m} /ḥabībī/
baby {n} (form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive) :: حبيبي {m} /ḥabībī/ [lit.: "my beloved"; to a man or a woman], عزيزي {m} /ʿazīzī/ [lit.: "my dear"; to a man or a woman]
baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) SEE: stroller ::
baby carriage {n} (cart that is designed for moving a baby around in a lying position) SEE: pram ::
Babylon {prop} (capital of Babylonia) :: بابل {m} /bābilu/
Babylonia {prop} (ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia) :: بابل {f} /bābil/
baby shower {n} (party) :: حفل قدوم المولود المنتظر {m} /ḥafl qudūm al-mawlūd al-muntaẓir/
babysit {v} (To watch or tend someone else's child for a period of time, often for money) :: يجالس
babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: حاضنة {f} /ḥāḍina/, مربية {f} /murabbiya/
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
baby walker {n} (baby walker, see also: walking frame) :: مشاية {f} /maššāya/
baccalaureate {n} (qualification awarded after passing the baccalaureate exam) :: بكالوريوس {m} /bakālūriyūs/
baccalaureate {n} (bachelor's degree) SEE: bachelor's degree ::
Bach {prop} (German composer) :: باخ /bāḵ/
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: أعزب {m} /ʾaʿzab/, عازب {m} /ʿāzib/
bachelor's degree {n} (first or lowest academic degree) :: بكالوريا /bakālōriyā/
bacillus {n} (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) :: عصوية {f} /ʿaṣawiyya/
back {n} (the rear of body) :: ظهر {m} /ẓahr/
back and forth {adv} (from one place to another and back again) :: ذهابا وإيابا /ḏahāban wa-ʾiyāban/
backbite {v} (to make defamatory statements about another) :: اغتاب /iḡtāba/
backbiting {n} (the act of slandering a person without that person's knowledge) :: غيبة {f} /ḡība/
backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: عمود فقري {m} /ʿamūd faqriyy/
backbone {n} (any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure) :: دعامة {f} /diʿāma/
backbone {n} (courage, fortitude, or strength) :: شجاعة /šajāʿa/
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backgammon {n} (board game) :: طاولة {f} /ṭāwila/
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: حقيبة ظهر {f} /ḥaqībat ẓahr/
backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel ::
backward {adj} (undeveloped) :: متخلف {m} /mutaḵallif/
backwardness {n} (state of being backward) :: تخلف {m} /taḵalluf/
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: باكون {m} /bākūn/, بيكون {m} /baykūn/
bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: بكتيريا {f} /baktīriyā/, جرثومة {f} /jurṯūma/
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: جرثومة {f} /jurṯūma/
Bactrian camel {n} (Camelus bactrianus) :: فالج {m} /fālij/, جمل ذو سنامين {m} /jamal ḏū sanāmayn/
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: سيئ /sayyiʾ/
bad {adj} (evil, wicked) :: شرير
bad {adj} :: سيئ /sayyiʾ/
bad {adj} (spoilt, rotten, overripe) SEE: spoilt ::
Badajoz {prop} (province) :: بطليوس /baṭalyaws/
Badajoz {prop} (city) :: بطليوس /baṭalyaws/
bad breath {n} (unpleasant breath) :: بخر {m} /baḵar/
Baden {prop} (former state) :: بادن /bādin/
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: شارة {f} /šāra/
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: غرير {m} /ḡurayr/
badlands {n} (arid terrain with severely eroded sedimentary rocks) :: وعر {m} /waʿr/
bad luck {n} (misfortune) :: سوء الحظ /sūʾu l-ḥaẓẓ/
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: بدمينتون {m} /badmintūn/, تنس الريشة {m} /tenis ar-rīša/
badness {n} (the quality of being bad) :: سوء {m} /sūʾ/
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
bag {n} (flexible container) :: حقيبة {f} /ḥaqība/, جيب {m} /jayb/, كيس {m} {f} /kīs/
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
bagel {n} (toroidal bread roll that is boiled and then baked) :: كعك {m} /kaʿk/
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
Baghdad {prop} (city) :: بغداد {f} /baḡdād/
Baghdadi {n} (person from Baghdad) :: بغدادي {m} /baḡdādiyy/, بغدادية {f} /baḡdādiyya/
Baghdadian {adj} (Baghdadi) SEE: Baghdadi ::
Baghdadian {n} (Baghdadi) SEE: Baghdadi ::
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: مزمار القربة {m} /mizmār al-qirba/, قربة {f} /qirba/
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: باغيت
Bahá'í {adj} (pertaining to Bahá'ís or beliefs held in the Bahá'í Faith) :: بهائي /bahāʾiyy/
Baha {prop} (given name) :: بهاء /bahāʾ/
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: البهاما {f} /al-bahāmā/
Bahá'í Faith {prop} (religion) :: البهائية {f} /al-bahāʾiyya/
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: البحرين {f} /al-baḥrayn/
Bahraini {n} (a person from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent) :: بحريني {m} /baḥrayniyy/, بحرينية {f} /baḥrayniyya/
Bahraini {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bahrain or the Bahraini people) :: بحريني /baḥrayniyy/
baht {n} (unit of currency) :: بات {m} /bāt/
Baikal {prop} (a large lake in Russia) :: بايكال {m} /baykāl/
Baikonur {prop} (city and cosmodrome in Kazakhstan) :: بيكونور {m} /baykunūr/
bailiff {n} (equivalent officers of the court in foreign contexts) :: مأمور {m} /maʾmūr/
bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: طعم /ṭuʿm/
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: خبز /ḵabaza/
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: خباز {m} /ḵabbāz/, فران {m} /farrān/
Baker {prop} (Occupational surname) :: الخباز /al-ḵabbāz/
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: مخبز {m} /maḵbiz/
baking {n} (action in which something is baked) :: خبز {m} /ḵabz/
baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: بقلاوة {f} /baqlāwa/
baksheesh {n} (bribe or tip) :: بقشيش {m} /baqšīš/
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: باكو {f} /bākū/
balaclava {n} (headgear) :: نسيج صوفي
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: بالالايكا {f} /bālālāykā/
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: توازن {m} /tawāzun/
balance {n} (scales) :: ميزان {m} /mīzān/
balance {n} (accounting: list of credits and debits) :: رصيد {m} /raṣīd/
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra ::
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: شرفة {f} /šurfa/
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: أقرع {m} /ʾaqraʿ/
baldmoney {n} (Meum athamanticum) :: مو {m} /mū/, شبت بري {m} /šibitt barriyy/
baldness {n} (condition or state of being (or becoming) bald) :: صلع {m} /ṣalaʿ/
Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) :: جزر البليار {f-p} /juzur al-baliyār/
Bali {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: بالي {m} /bālī/
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: بلقاني {m} /balqānī/
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: بلقنة {f} /balqana/
Balkan Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans) :: شبه جزيرة البلقان {f} /šibh jazīra(t) al-balqān/
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: البلقان {f} /al-balqān/
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: كرة {f} /kura/, كبة {f} /kubba/
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: كرة {f} /kura/
ball {n} (anatomy: ball of a foot) :: ضرة {f} /ḍarra/
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: بالاد {m} /bālād/
ballerina {n} (female ballet dancer) :: باليرينا {f} /bālīrīnā/, راقصة باليه {f} /rāqiṣat bālīh/
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: باليه {m} /bālēh/
ballista {n} (crossbow-like military engine for hurling large missiles) :: عرادة /ʿarrāda/
ballistic vest {n} (bulletproof vest) SEE: bulletproof vest ::
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: بالون {m} /bālōn/
balloon {n} (child’s toy) :: بالون {m} /bālōn/
balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: منطاد {m} /munṭād/
balloonfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
ballpark {adj} (approximate) :: تقريبي {m} /taqriybiyyun/, تقريبية {f} /taqriybiyyatun/, تقديري {m} /taqdiyriyyun/, تقديرية {f} /taqdiyriyyatun/
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: قلم حبر {m} /qalam ḥibr/
ballroom {n} (large room used for dancing) :: مرقص {m} /marqaṣ/
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
balm {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (plant or tree yielding such substance) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (soothing lotion) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (figurative: something soothing) SEE: balsam ::
Balochi {prop} (language) :: بلوشية {f} /balūšiyya/
balsam {n} (soothing ointment) :: بلسم {m} /balsam/
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: بحر البلطيق {m} /baḥr al-balṭīq/
Baltimore {prop} (city in central Maryland, USA) :: بلتمور /baltimōr/
Bamako {prop} (capital of Mali) :: باماكو {f} /bamakū/
bamboo {n} (plant) :: خيزران {m} /ḵayzarān/, خيزران {m} /ḵayzurān/
ban {n} (prohibition) :: حظر {m} /ḥaẓr/, منع {m} /manʿ/
banana {n} (fruit) :: موزة {f} /mawza/, موز {m} /mawz/ [collective]
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: قشر الموز {f} /qišr al-mawz/
banana republic {n} (country) :: جمهورية الموز {f} /jumhūriyyat al-mawzi/
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
band {n} (group of musicians) :: فرقة {f} /firqa/
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: ضمادة {f} /ḍimāda/, عصابة {f} /ʿiṣāba/
bandage {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
band-aid {n} (adhesive bandage) :: ضمادة {f} /ḍimāda/
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} (capital of Brunei) :: بندر سري بكاوان {f} /bandar sirī bikawān/
bandicoot {n} (small Australian marsupial with a long snout) :: بندقوط {m} /bandaqūṭ/
bandit {n} (one who robs others) :: سارق {m} /sāriq/
Bandung {prop} (capital city of West Java Province) :: باندونج {m} /bāndūnj/, باندونج {m} /bandung/
bandura {n} (Ukrainian plucked stringed instrument) :: باندورا
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
Bangalore {prop} (state capital of Karnataka, India) :: بنغالور {m} /banḡalūr/
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: بانكوك {f} /bankok/
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: بنغلاديش {f} /banḡladēš/
Bangladeshi {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh) :: بنغلاديشي /banḡladēšiyy/
Bangui {prop} (capital of the Central African Republic) :: بانغي {m} /bānḡī/
banish {v} (to send someone away and forbid that person from returning) :: طرد /ṭarada/
banister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: درابزون {m} /darābzūn/
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: بانجو {m} /bānjū/, بانجو {m} /bānjū/
Banjul {prop} (capital of the Gambia) :: بانجول {m} /banjūl/
bank {n} (institution) :: مصرف {m} /maṣrif/, بنك {m} /bank/
bank {n} (branch office) :: مصرف {m} /maṣrif/, بنك {m} /bank/
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: ضفة {f} /ḍiffa/
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: حساب مصرفي {m} /ḥisāb maṣrafiyy/
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: مصرفي {m} /maṣrafiyy/, بنكي {m} /bankiyy/
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: بنكنوت {m} /banknūt/
bankrupt {adj} (having been legally declared insolvent) :: مفلس /muflis/
bankruptcy {n} (legally declared or recognised condition of insolvency) :: إفلاس {m} /ʾiflās/
banner {n} (flag) :: راية {f} /rāya/, علم {m} /ʿalam/
banner {n} (advertisement on a web page) :: إعلان {m}
banner {adj} (exceptional; very good) :: ممتاز /mumtāz/
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: وليمة {f} /walīma/, مأدبة {f} /maʾduba/, ضيافة {f} /ḍiyāfa/
banshee {n} (in Irish folklore, a female spirit) :: بانشي {f} /bānšī/
bantustan {n} (territory defined as a homeland for black South Africans) :: بانتوستان {m} /bāntūstān/
baobab {n} (Adansonia digitata) :: باوباب {m} /bāwbāb/
Baotou {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northern China) :: باوتو {m} /bawtū/
Baphomet {prop} (pagan deity) :: باهومت /bāhūmat/
baptise {v} (baptise) SEE: baptize ::
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: معمودية {f} /maʿmūdiyya/; تعميد {m} /taʿmīd/
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: جرن المعمودية /jurnu l-maʿmūdiyya/
baptize {v} (To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism) :: عمد /ʿammad/
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: خانة {f} /ḵāna/, بار {m} /bar/
Barack {prop} (male given name) :: باراك {m} /bārāk/
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: بربادوس {m} /barbādūs/
Barbara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of female given name) :: بربارة {f} /barbāra/
barbarian {adj} (uncivilized) :: همجي /hamajiyy/, متوحش /mutawaḥḥiš/
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) :: همجي {m} /hamajiyy/
barbaric {adj} (uncivilised) :: همجي /hamajiyy/
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian ::
barbarous {adj} (barbaric) SEE: barbaric ::
barbecue {n} (cooking instrument) :: شواء {m} /šiwāʾ/, باربيكيو {m} /barbikyū/
barbecue {v} (to cook food on a barbecue, see also: ) :: شوى /šawā/
barbecue {v} (grill) SEE: grill ::
barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) :: سلك شائك {m} /silk šāʾik/
barbell {n} (wide steel bar with premeasured weights) :: بربل {m} /barbil/
barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: حلاق {m} /ḥallāq/
barber {v} (to cut the hair) :: حلاقة
barberry {n} (Berberis) :: برباريس {m} /barbārīs/, زرشك {m} /zarrašk/
barber shop {n} (business which offers haircuts to men) SEE: barbershop ::
barbershop {n} (barber's shop) :: محل للحلاقة {m} /maḥall lilḥilāqa/
barber surgeon {n} (medical practitioner) :: بلان {m} /ballān/
Barbie {prop} (diminutive of Barbara) :: باربي {f} /bārbī/
Barbie {n} (doll) :: باربي {f} /bārbī/
barbiturate {n} (derivative of barbituric acid that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system) :: باربتيورات {m} /barbtywrat/
Barcelona {prop} (capital of Catalonia) :: برشلونة {f} /baršalūna/
barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: شفرة خيطية {f} /šifra ḵayṭiyya/
bard {n} (fat bacon) :: بردعه
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
barefoot {adj} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: حافي /ḥāfī/, حاف /ḥāfin/ [indefinite]
barefoot {adv} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: حافي القدمين
barefooted {adj} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barefooted {adv} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: بالكاد /bi-l-kād/
barely {adv} (merely) SEE: merely ::
Barents Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: بحر بارنتس {m} /baḥr bārants/
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barfly {n} (person who spends much time in a bar) :: زبون بارات أو حانات الخمر
barium {n} (chemical element) :: باريوم {m} /bāriyum/
bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs)) :: نبح /nabaḥa/, ينبح /yanbaḥ/ [non-past]
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: نباح {m} /nubāḥ/
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: لحاء {m} /liḥāʾ/
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: شعير {m} /šaʿīr/
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
barn {n} (building) :: حظيرة {f} /ḥaẓīra/
Barnabas {prop} (An early Christian) :: برنابا {m} /barnābā/
barnacle {n} (instrument to fix on the nose of a vicious horse) SEE: twitch ::
Barnaul {prop} (city in Russia) :: بارنول {m} /barnawl/
barn swallow {n} (species of swallow) :: خطاف المخازن
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: بارومتر {m} /barumitr/
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: ثكنة {f} /ṯukna/, قشلة {f} /qašla/
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barrator {n} (who vexes others with frequent and needless lawsuits) :: مشاكس {m} /mušākis/
barrel {n} (tube) SEE: tube ::
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: برميل {m} /birmīl/
barrel {n} (metallic tube of a gun) :: ماسورة {f} /māsūra/
barrel bomb {n} :: برميل متفجر /birmīl mutafajjir/
barricade {n} (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) :: متراس {m} /mitrās/
barrier {n} (structure that bars passage) :: حاجز {m} /ḥājiz/
barring {prep} (excepting) :: إلا /ʾilā/
barter {v} (exchange goods or services without involving money) :: قايض
Bartholomew {prop} (the Apostle) :: برثولماوس {m} /barṯūlamāws/
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: بازلت {m} /bāzalt/
base {n} (something from which other things extend) :: أساس {m} /ʾasās/, قاعدة {f} /qāʿida/
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: قاعدة {f} /qāʿida/
base {n} (headquarters) :: قاعدة {f} /qāʿida/, مركز {m} /markaz/
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: قاعدة {f} /qāʿida/
base {n} (geometry: lowest side or face) :: قاعدة {f} /qāʿida/
base {v} (have as its foundation or starting point) :: يبنى على /yubnā ʿalā/, يستند إلى /yastanidu ʾilā/
base {adj} (low) :: منخفض
base {adj} (of inferior quality) :: دنيء
base {adj} (immoral) :: فاسق
base {adj} (vulgar, common) :: شائع
base {n} (bass) SEE: bass ::
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: بيسبول {m} /baysbūl/
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: قبو {m} /qabū/, سرداب {m} /sirdāb/, بدروم {m} /badrūm/, بدرون {m} /badrūn/
Bashar {prop} (name) :: بشار /baššār/
Basheer {prop} (Bashir) SEE: Bashir ::
bashfulness {n} (the quality or property of being bashful) :: خجل {m} /ḵajal/, حياء {m} /ḥayāʾ/
Bashir {prop} (Arabic surname) :: بشير /bašīr/
Bashir {prop} (Arabic male given name) :: بشير /bašīr/
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
Bashkortostan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: باشكورتوستان {m} /baškortostān/
basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: أساسي /ʾasāsiyy/
basically {adv} (in a fundamental or basic manner) :: ببساطة
basic income {n} (basic income) :: راتب أساسي {m}, دخل أساسي {m}
basil {n} (plant) :: ريحان {m} /rayḥān/, حبق {m} /ḥabaq/
basil {n} (herb) :: ريحان {m} /rayḥān/, حبق {m} /ḥabaq/
basin {n} (wide bowl for washing) :: طشت {f} /ṭašt/
basin {n} :: الحوض
basis {n} (underlying condition) :: قاعدة {f} /qāʿida/, أساس {m} /ʾasās/
basket {n} (container) :: سلة {f} /salla/
basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) :: سلة {f} /salla/
basketball {n} (the sport) :: كرة السلة {f} /kurat as-salla/
basketball {n} (the ball used in the sport) :: كرة السلة {f} /kurat as-salla/
basketball player {n} (person who plays basketball) :: لاعب كرة سلة {m} /lāʿib kura(t) salla/
Basque {n} (language) :: الباسك {m} /al-bāsk/, [archaic] البشكنس {f} /al-baškans/
Basra {prop} (city in Iraq) :: البصرة {f} /al-baṣra/
bass {n} (musical instrument) :: غيتار البيس
Basseterre {prop} (capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis) :: باستير {m} /bastir/
bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: زمخر /zamkhir /
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: ابن زنى {m} /ibn zinan/, بنت زنى {f} /bint zinan/, ابنة زنى {f} /ibna(t) zinan/
Bastet {prop} (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility) :: باستيت {f}
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel ::
Bastille {prop} (a prison in France) :: سجن الباستيل {m} /sajn al-bastīl/
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: وطواط {m} /waṭwāṭ/, خفاش {m} /ḵuffāš/, خفدود /ḵufdūd/, خنفوش /ḵanfūš/
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: مضرب {m} /miḍrab/
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bath {n} (tub) :: حمام {m} /ḥammām/, مغسل {m} /muḡsal/
bath {n} (room) :: حمام {m} /ḥammām/, مغتسل {m} /muḡtasal/
bath {n} (act of bathing) :: استحمام {m} /istiḥmām/, اغتسال {m} /iḡtisāl/
Bath {prop} (City in England) :: باث /bāṯ/
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: استحم /istaḥamma/, اغتسل /iḡtasala/
bathhouse {n} (a building with baths for communal use) :: حمام {m} /ḥammām/
bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks ::
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathos {n} (nadir) SEE: nadir ::
bathrobe {n} (terrycloth robe) :: رداء الحمام {m} /ridāʾ al-ḥammām/
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: حمام {m} /ḥammām/
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: بانيو /bānyō/, مغسل {m} /maḡsal/
batik {n} (A method of dyeing fabric) :: باتيك
baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) :: عصا {f} /ʿaṣan/
baton {n} (club of the police) :: هراوة {f} /hirāwa/
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: مدق {m} /midaq/
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: بطارية {f} /baṭṭāriyya/
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: معركة {f} /maʿraka/
battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) :: ساحة حرب {f} /sāḥat ḥarb/, ساحة معركة {f} /sāḥat maʿraka/, معترك {m} /muʿtarak/, مقتتل {m} /muqtatal/
battlefront {n} (line along which opposing armies engage in combat) :: جبهة القتال /jabhat alqital/
battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield ::
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: معركة بريطانيا {f} /maʿraka(t) birīṭāniyā/
baud {n} (A rate defined as the number of signalling events per second) :: باود {m} /bāwd/
Bauhaus {prop} (modernist style) :: باوهاوس
Bavaria {prop} (region) :: بفاريا {m} /bafāriyā/
Bavaria {prop} (kingdom) :: بفاريا {m} /bafāriyā/
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: بافاريا {f} /bāfāriyyā/, بفاريا {m} /bafāriyā/
bay {n} (herb) :: ورق الغار {m-p} /waraq al-ḡār/
bay {n} (body of water) :: خليج {m} /ḵalīj/, شرم {m} /šarm/, خور {m} /ḵūr/, جون {m} /jūn/
bay leaf {n} (herb) :: ورق الغار
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: خليج البنغال {m} /ḵalīj al-banḡāl/
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: حربة {f} /ḥarba/, سونكي {m} /sunkiyy/
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: سوق {m} {f} /sūq/, بازار {m} /bāzār/
BBC {prop} (British Broadcasting Corporation) :: بي بي سي {m} /bī bī sī/
BC {adv} (before Christ) :: ق. م. /q. m./, قبل الميلاد /qabla l-mīlād/ [formally]
be {v} (occupy a place) :: كان /kāna/ [present tense seldom used]
be {v} (occur, take place) :: كان /kāna/ [present tense seldom used]
be {v} (exist) :: كان /kāna/
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: كان /kāna/ [present tense seldom used]
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) :: كان /kāna/ [present tense seldom used; often in place of present tense] هو /huwa/, هي /hiya/
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: كان /kāna/ [present tense seldom used; often in place of present tense] هو /huwa/, هي /hiya/
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) :: كان /kāna/ [present tense seldom used; often in place of present tense] هو /huwa/, هي /hiya/
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: [use passive forms or derived stems with passive meaning]
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: [use present tense or active participle for present progressive], كان /kāna/ + [imperfect indicative for past progressive]
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: استطاع /istaṭāʿa/
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: شاطئ {m} /šāṭiʾ/
beach soccer {n} (variant of soccer) :: كرة قدم شاطئية {f} /kurat qadam šāṭiʾiyya/
beach volleyball {n} (sport) :: كرة طائرة شاطئية /kurat ṭāʾira šāṭiʾiyya/
beacon {n} (signal fire) :: فنار {m} /fanār/
beacon {n} (signaling or guiding mark erected as guide to mariners) :: منار {m} /manār/
bead tree {n} (Melia azedarach) :: أزادرخت /ʾazādarḵat/
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: منقار {m} /minqār/
beam {n} (large piece of timber or iron) :: خشبة {f} /ḵašaba/
beam {n} (ray) :: شعاع {m} /šuʿāʿ/
beam {n} :: شعاع, كمرة
bean {n} (seed) :: فاصوليا {f} /fāṣūliyā/, لوبيا {f} /lūbiyā/
bean {n} (guinea coin) SEE: guinea ::
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {v} (to carry) :: حمل /ḥamala/
bear {v} (to tolerate, to put up with) :: احتمل /iḥtamala/
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: دب {m} /dubb/, دبة {f} /dubba/
bear cub {n} (young bear) :: ديسم {m} /daysam/
beard {n} (facial hair) :: لحية {f} /liḥya/
bearded {adj} (having a beard) :: ملتح /multaḥin/
bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
bear false witness {v} (to give an untrue testimony) :: شهد زورا /šahida zūran/
bear witness {v} (deliver testimony) :: شهد /šahida/
bearwort {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney ::
be ashamed {v} (feel ashamed) :: استحى /istaḥā/
beast {n} (non-human animal) :: وحش {m} /waḥš/
beast {n} (violent/antisocial person) :: متوحش {m}
beast of burden {n} (domesticated animal trained to perform tasks for humans) :: بهيمة {f} /bahīma/
beat {n} (stroke, blow) :: ضربة {f} /ḍarba/
beat {n} (pulsation) :: نبض {m}
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: ضرب /ḍaraba/, دق /daqqa/
beat {v} (to strike or pound repeatedly) :: [e.g., heart] وجف /wajafa/
beat {v} (to win against) :: هزم /hazama/, غلب /ḡalaba/
beat {v} (to mix food) :: يخفق
beaten {adj} (defeated) SEE: defeated ::
beating {n} (action of the verb to beat) :: ضرب {m} /ḍarb/
Beatles {prop} (rock music quartet) :: بيتلز {p} /bītlz/, بيتيلز {p} /bītilz/
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) :: مقياس بوفورت {m} /miqyās bufurt/
beautification {n} (beautifying, making beautiful) :: تجميل {m} /tajmīl/
beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: جميل /jamīl/
beautify {v} (to make beautiful or more beautiful) :: جمل /jammala/
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: جمال {m} /jamāl/, زين {m} /zayn/
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: حسناء {f} /ḥasnāʾ/, جميلة {f} /jamīla/, غانية {f} /ḡāniya/
beauty {n} (beauty quark) SEE: bottom quark ::
beauty contest {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
beauty is in the eye of the beholder {proverb} (people have different ideas of what is beautiful) :: الجمال هو في عين الناظر /al-jamālu huwa fī ʿayni n-nāẓiri/, الجمال مقرون بعين الملاحظ /al-jamālu maqrūn biʿayni l-mulāḥiẓi/
beauty pageant {n} (competition on attractiveness) :: مسابقة الجمال {f} /musābaqat al-jamāl/
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: سمور {m} /sammūr/, قندس {m} /qundus/
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be awake {v} (to not sleep) :: يقظ /yaqiẓa/, يقظ /yaquẓa/
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: ولد /wulida/
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: سمي /summiya/ [passive of سمى]
because {adv} (on account) :: بسبب /bisabab/, لأجل /liʾajli/
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: لأن /liʾanna/
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: بسبب /bisabab/, بحكم /biḥukm/, بهدف /bihadaff/, بفضل /bifaḍl/, عن طريق /ʿann ṭarīq/
become {v} (to begin to be) :: صار /ṣāra/, أصبح /ʾaṣbaḥa/
becoming {n} (The act or process by which something becomes) :: صيرورة {f} /ṣayrūra/
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: سرير {m} /sarīr/, فراش {m} /firāš/
bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) :: قاع {m} /qāʿ/, حوض {m} /ḥawḍ/
bed {n} (garden plot) :: مشارة {f} /mašāra/, حوض {m} /ḥawḍ/, زراعة {f} /zirāʿa/
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) :: بق {m} /baqq/ [collective], بق الفراش {m} /baqq al-firāš/, بقة {f} /baqqa/ (singulative)
bedcover {n} (decorative cover for a bed) SEE: bedspread ::
beddy-bye {n} (bedtime for a toddler) :: نيني /nyny/
bedframe {n} (frame of a bed) SEE: bedstead ::
bedouin {n} (desert-dweller) :: بدوي {m} /badawiyy/, [collective] بدو {m-p} /badw/
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: غرفة نوم {f} /ḡurfat nawm/
bed sheet {n} (sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: شرشف /šaršaf/
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: شرشف {m} /šaršaf/, ملاءات {f-p} /malāʾāt/
bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand ::
bedspread {n} (topmost covering of a bed) :: مقرم {m} /miqram/
bedstead {n} (bed framework) :: هيكل سرير {m} /haykal sarīr/, ملة سرير {f} /mulla(t) sarīr/
bee {n} (insect) :: نحلة {f} /naḥla/, نحل {f} /naḥl/ [collective]
bee {n} (name of the letter B, b) :: بي {m} /bī/ [also often used for P, p causing confusion]
beebread {n} (bee pollen with added honey and bee secretions) :: خبز النحل {m} /ḵubz an-naḥl/
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: مران /murrān/, زان /zān/
bee-eater {n} (bird in the family Meropidae) :: وروار {m} /warwār/
beef {n} (meat) :: لحم بقر {m} /laḥm baqar/
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: خلية {f} /ḵaliyya/, قفير {m} /qafīr/, كوارة {f} /kuwāra/, جبح {m} /jabḥ/, عسالة {m} /ʿassāla/, منحل {m} /manḥal/
beehive {n} (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey) :: خلية {f} /ḵaliyya/, قفير {m} /qafīr/, كوارة {f} /kuwāra/, جبح {m} /jabḥ/, عسالة {m} /ʿassāla/, منحل {m} /manḥal/
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: نحال {m} /naḥḥāl/, عسال {m} /ʿassāl/, جباح {m} /jabbāḥ/
Beelzebub {prop} (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) :: بعل زبوب {m} /baʿl zabūb/, بعلزبول {m} /baʿlzabūl/
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: بيرة {f} /bīra/, جعة {f} /jiʿa/, مزر {m} /mizr/
beer bar {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
beer parlor {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
beer parlour {n} (a bar, selling beers, that has tables) :: صالون البيرة {m} /ṣālūn al-bīra/
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: شمندر {m} /šamandar/
Beethoven {prop} (German surname) :: بيتهوفن /bīthūfan/
beetle {n} (insect) :: خنفساء {f} /ḵunfusāʾ/
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: شمندر أحمر {m} /šamandar ʾaḥmar/, بنجر {m} /banjar/
beey {adj} (reminiscent or containing bees) :: نحلي /naḥliyy/
before {prep} (earlier than) :: قبل /qabla/
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: قبل /qabla/, أمام /ʾamāma/, قدام /quddāma/, بين يدي /bayna yaday/
before {prep} (in front of according to an ordering system) :: قبل /qabla/
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
befriend {v} (make friends) SEE: make friends ::
beg {v} (to request the help of someone, often in the form of money) :: استجدى /istajdā/, سأل /saʾala/
beg {v} (to plead with someone for help) :: تسول /tasawwala/
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: سائل {m} /sāʾil/
beggar {n} (person suffering poverty) :: فقير {m} /faqīr/
begging {n} (the act of one who begs) :: تسول {m} /tasawwul/
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: بدأ /badaʾa/, ابتدأ /ibtadaʾa/
beginner {n} (someone who just recently started) :: مبتدئ {m} /mubtadiʾ/
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: بداية {f} /bidāya/
beginning {n} (that which begins or originates something) :: بداية {f} /bidāya/
beginning {n} (initial portion of some extended thing) :: بداية {f} /bidāya/
behave {v} (to act in a specific manner) :: تصرف /taṣarrafa/
behave {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) :: تصرف /taṣarrafa/
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave ::
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: سلوك {m} /sulūk/, تصرف {m} /taṣarruf/
behavior {n} (way matter or systems behave) :: سلوك /sulūk/
behavior {n} :: سلوك /sulūk/
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: ضرب عنقه /ḍaraba ʿunuqahu/
behemoth {n} (mighty beast in the Book of Job) :: بهيموث {m} /bahīmūṯ/, بهموت {m} /bahamūt/
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: وراء /warāʾa/, خلف /ḵalfa/
behind {prep} (to the back of) :: وراء /warāʾ/, خلف /ḵalfa/
behind {prep} (after, time- or motion-wise) :: وراء /warāʾa/
behind bars {prep} (in jail or prison) :: [calques of Engish] خلف القضبان /ḵalfa l-quḍbān/, وراء القضبان /warāʾa l-quḍbān/
behind the scenes {prep} (in secret; out of public view) :: من وراء الستار /min warāʾa s-sitāri/, وراء الكواليس /warāʾa l-kawālīsi/
behold {v} (to see, to look at) :: هوذا {m} /huwaḏā/
behold {interj} :: ها /hā/
beige {n} (colour) :: بيج /bīj/
beige {adj} (having a slightly yellowish gray colour) :: بيج /bīj/
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: بكين {f} /bikīn/, بكين {f} /pikīn/, پكين {f} /pikīn/ [rare]
being {n} (a living creature) :: كائن {m} /kāʾin/, مخلوق {m} /maḵlūq/
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: كينونة {f} /kaynūna/, كون /kawn/
Beirut {prop} (capital of Lebanon) :: بيروت {f} /bayrūt/
Beiruti {adj} (of or pertaining to Beirut) :: بيروتي /bayrūtiyy/
Beiruti {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Beirut) :: بيروتي {m} /bayrūtiyy/, بيروتية {f} /bayrūtiyya/
bejel {n} (Endemic syphilis) :: بجل {m} /bajal/
Belarus {prop} (country) :: بيلاروسيا {f} /belarūsiyā/, روسيا البيضاء {f} /rūsyā l-bayḍāʾ/, بيلاروس {f} /belarūs/
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: بيلاروسي /bīlārūsiyy/
Belarusian {n} (language) :: بيلاروسي {m} /bilarūsiyy/, بيلاروسية {f} /bilarūsiyya/, لغة بيلاروسية {f} /luḡa bilarūsiyya/
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: بيلاروسي {m} /bilarūsiyy/, بيلاروسية {f} /bilarūsiyya/
be late {v} (arrive late) :: تأخر /taʾaḵḵara/
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: تجشؤ /tajaššuʾa/
Belfast {prop} (capital of Northern Ireland) :: بلفاست {m} /bilfāst/
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: بلجيكي {m} /beljīkiyy/
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: بلجيكي /beljīkiyy/
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgians or Belgian people) :: بلجيكي /beljīkiyy/
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: بلجيكا {f} /beljīkā/
Belgorod {prop} (a city in Russia) :: بيلغورود {m} /bilḡurud/
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: بلغراد {f} /bilḡrād/, بلجراد {f} /bilgrād/ [Egyptian spelling]
belie {v} (to contradict or show to be false) :: كذب /kaḏḏaba/
belief {n} (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) :: اعتقاد {m} /iʿtiqād/
belief {n} (religious faith) :: عقيدة
belief {n} (religious or moral convictions) :: إيمان /ʾīmān/
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: صدق /ṣaddaqa/
believe {v} (to accept as true) :: صدق /ṣaddaqa/
believe {v} (to consider likely) :: ظن /ẓanna/
believe {v} (to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth) :: آمن /ʾāmana/ (present tense: يؤمن /yuʾmin/), صدق /ṣaddaqa/
believe in {v} (ascribe existence to) :: آمن ب /ʾāmana bi-/
believe me {phrase} (be assured) :: صدقني {m-s} /ṣaddiqnī/
believer {n} (person who believes) :: مؤمن {m} /muʾmin/
Believers {prop} (23rd sura of the Qur'an) :: سورة المومنون
belittle {v} (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is) :: صغر /ṣaḡḡara/, احتقر /iḥtaqara/
belittlement {n} (An act of belittling) :: استصغار
Belize {prop} (country) :: بليز {f} /balīz/
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: جرس {m} /jaras/
bell {n} :: جرس (jaras), ناقوس /nāqūs/
belladonna {n} (a plant, Atropa belladonna) SEE: deadly nightshade ::
belles-lettres {n} (light literary compositions valued for their aesthetic properties) :: أدب {m} /ʾadab/
bellicist {n} (warmonger) SEE: warmonger ::
bellows {n} (air blower) :: منفاخ {m} /minfāḵ/
bell pepper {n} (spicy-sweet vegetable) :: فلفل حلو /filfil ḥulw/, فلفل رومي {m} /filfil rūmiyy/
belly {n} (abdomen) :: بطن {m} /baṭn/
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
belly dance {n} (form of dance) :: رقص شرقي {m} /raqṣ šarqiyy/ [oriental dance], رقص بلدي {m} /raqṣ baladiyy/ [national dance]
Belmopan {prop} (Belmopan) :: بلموبان {f} /bilmūbān/
belong {v} (have its proper place) :: انتمى /intamā/
beloved {adj} (loved) :: محبوب {m} /maḥbūb/, محبوبة {f} /maḥbūba/, أحباء {p} /ʾaḥibbāʾ/
beloved {n} (someone who is loved) :: حبيب /ḥabīb/
below {prep} (lower in spatial position than) :: تحت /taḥta/
below {prep} (lower in value than) :: أقل /ʾaqal/
below {prep} (south of) :: جنوبي /janūbiyy/
below {prep} :: (ta-hat) تحت
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: حزام {m} /ḥizām/
ben {n} (ben tree) :: بان {m} /bān/
ben {n} (son of) :: بن {m} /bin/, ابن {m} /ibn/
bench {n} (long seat) :: مقعد {m} /maqʿad/
bench {n} (workbench) SEE: workbench ::
bend {v} (to cause to shape into a curve) :: ثنى /ṯanā/
beneath {adv} (below or underneath) :: تحت /taḥt/
beneath {prep} (below) :: أسفل /ʾasfal/
beneficence {n} (act of philanthropy) :: معروف {m} /maʿrūf/
beneficent {adj} (beneficent) :: رحيم /raḥīm/, محسن /muḥsin/, متصدق /mutaṣaddiq/
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: مفيد /mufīd/
benefit {n} (advantage, help or aid) :: فائدة {f} /fāʾida/, جدوى /jadwā/, منفعة {f} /manfaʿa/
benefit {n} (profit, use) :: فائدة {f} /fāʾida/
benefit of the doubt {n} (a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence) :: يفترض حسن النية
benevolence {n} (disposition to do good) :: النزعة إلى الخير {m} {f}
benevolent {adj} (having a disposition to do good) :: خير /ḵayyir/
Bengal {prop} (region in South Asia) :: البنغال {m} /al-banḡāl/
Bengali {adj} (of or pertaining to Bengal) :: بنغالي /banḡāliyy/
Bengali {n} (person from Bengal) :: بنغالي {m} /banḡāliyy/
Bengali {n} (language) :: بنغالي {m} /binḡāliyy/, البنغالية {f} /al-binḡāliyya/
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) :: بنغازي {m} /binḡāzī/
Benin {prop} (country) :: بنين {m} /banīn/
Benjamin {prop} (the youngest son of Jacob) :: بنيامين {m} /binyāmīn/, بنيامين {m} /banyāmīn/
Benjamin {prop} (male given name) :: بنيامين {m} /binyāmīn/, بنيامين {m} /banyāmīn/
Bentley {n} (British car) :: بنتلي {m} /bintlī/, بنتلي {m} /bentlī/
bento {n} (a Japanese packed lunch) :: بنتو {m} /bintū/, بنتو {m} /bentō/
benumb {v} (make numb) SEE: numb ::
Benxi {prop} (a city of China) :: بينشي {m} /binšī/
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: بنزين {m} /banzīn/
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
benzoin {n} (resinous substance from tree) :: لبان جاوي {m} /lubān jāwiyy/
benzyl {n} (chemical compound) :: بنزيل
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
be oneself {v} (to act naturally) :: كان نفسك {m} /kāna nafsaka/, كان نفسك {f} /kāna nafsaki/
be prepared {phrase} (motto) :: كن مستعدا /kun mustaʿidan/
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
berate {v} (chide vehemently) :: سب /sabba/, شاتم /šātama/, شتم /šatama/, لحا /laḥā/
Berber {n} (Member of northwest African ethnic group) :: أمازيغ {m} /ʾamāzīḡ/, بربري {m} /barbariyy/ [offensive, literally "Barbarian"]
Berber {prop} (a group of closely related languages) :: أمازيغية {f} /ʾamāzīḡiyya/
bergamot {n} (Mentha × piperita) SEE: peppermint ::
be right {v} (be correct in one's judgement or statement about something) :: حق /ḥaqqa/
Bering Sea {prop} (sea) :: بحر برينغ {m} /baḥr barīnḡ/
Bering Strait {prop} (strait between Russia and Alaska) :: بيرنغ {m} /bīrinḡ/
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: بركليوم {m} /birkilyum/
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: برلين {m} /barlīn/
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: جدار برلين {m} /jidār barlīn/
Berlusconi {prop} (surname) :: برلسكوني /barluskūnī/
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: جزر برمودا {f-p} /juzur barmūdā/
Bern {prop} (city) :: برن {m} /bern/, بيرن {m} /bern/, بيرن {m} /bīrn/
berry {n} (small fruit) :: توت {m} /tūt/, حبة {f} /ḥabba/
bersagliere {n} (marksman or rifleman in Italian regiments) :: بيرساغلييري {m-p}
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: بيريليوم {m} /birilyum/
Bes {prop} (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility) :: بس {m}
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
beside {prep} (next to) :: بجانب /bi-jānib/
besides {prep} (other than; except for) :: إلا /ʾillā/, باستثناء /bi-stiṯnāʾ/
besides {adv} (moreover; furthermore) :: علاوة على ذلك /ʿilāwa ʿalā ḏālika/
besiege {v} (to surround with armed forces) :: حاصر
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) :: صمت /ṣamata/, سكت /sakata/
Bessarabia {prop} (region) :: البصعربية /al-biṣaʿrabiyya/
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: (ال /al--/ +) أفضل /ʾafḍal/, (ال /al--/ +) أحسن /ʾaḥsan/
best {adv} (superlative of the adverb well) :: أفضل /ʾafḍal/, أحسن /ʾaḥsan/
best friend {n} (an especially close and trusted friend) :: أفضل صديق {m} /ʾafḍal ṣadīq/, فضلى صديقة {f} /fuḍlā ṣadīqa/
best friend forever {n} (an especially close and trusted friend) :: أفاضل أصدقاء للأبد {m} {p} /ʾafāḍil ʾaṣdiqāʾ lilʾabad/, فضليات صديقات للأبد {f} {p} /fuḍlayāt ṣadiyqāt lilʾabad/
bestiality {n} (sexual activity) :: بهيمية {f} /bahīmiyya/
bestiary {n} (A medieval treatise of animals) :: حيوانات رامزة
bestow {v} (to present a thing as a gift or honour) :: أنعم /ʾanʿama/
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) :: مع أطيب التحيات /maʿa ʾaṭyab at-taḥyāt/
bestride {v} (dominate) SEE: dominate ::
bestseller {n} (book or thing sold in large numbers) :: أكثر رواجا {m} /ʾakṯar rawājan/, أكثر مبيعا {m} /ʾakṯar mabīʿan/
bet {n} (a wager) :: رهان {m} /rihān/, مراهنة {f} /murāhana/
bet {v} (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event) :: راهن /rāhana/
beta {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: بيتا {f} /betā/, بيتا {f} /bītā/
betatron {n} (a form of cyclotron used to accelerate electrons to high speed) :: بيتاترون {m} /betātrūn/
Betelgeuse {prop} (supergiant) :: منكب الجوزاء {m} /mankib al-jawzāʾ/
betel leaf {n} (leaf of the betel) :: تنبول {m} /tunbūl/
betel nut {n} (An egg-shaped seed of the betel palm) :: فوفل {m} /fawfal/
betel palm {n} (Areca catechu, an Asiatic palm) :: فوفل {m} /fawfal/
betel pepper {n} (Piper betle) :: تنبول {m} /tunbūl/
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: بيت لحم {f} /bayt laḥm/
betony {n} (Stachys officinalis) :: قسطران {m} /qasṭarān/
betony {n} (plant of the genus Stachys) SEE: woundwort ::
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: خان /ḵāna/
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
betrothed {n} (fiancé or fiancée) :: خطب, مخطوب {m} /maḵṭūb/, مخطوبة {f} /maḵṭūba/
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: أفضل /ʾafḍal/, أحسن /ʾaḥsan/
better {v} (to improve) :: حسن /ḥassana/
better {v} (to become better) :: تحسن /taḥassana/
better an egg today than a hen tomorrow {proverb} (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) SEE: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush ::
better late than never {adv} (it’s better to do something late, than to never do it at all) :: أن يأتي متأخرا خير من ألا يأتي أبدا /ʾan yaʾtī mutaʾaḵḵiran ḵayr min ʾallā yaʾtī ʾabadan/
betting {n} (act of placing a bet) :: مراهنة {f} /murāhana/
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: بين /bayna/
between a rock and a hard place {prep} (in a difficult and inescapable position) :: بين المطرقة والسندان /bayna l-mitraqa wa s-sindān/ (between the hammer and the anvil)
between a rock and a hard place {prep} (having the choice between two unpleasant options) :: أمام خيارين أحلاهما مر /ʾamāma ḵiyārayni ʾaḥlāhumā murr/ (having two choices the sweeter of which is bitter)
between the hammer and the anvil {prep} (with the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options) :: بين المطرقة والسندان /bayna l-miṭraqati was-sindāni/
between you and me {prep} (in confidence) :: بيني وبينك /baynī wabaynaka/
betwixt {prep} (between, specifically between two things) :: بين /bayn/
beverage {n} (drink) :: شراب {m} /šarāb/
beware {v} (use caution, pay attention (to)) :: حذار /ḥaḏāri/, احذر /iḥḏar/
bewilder {v} (to confuse, disorientate, or puzzle someone) :: يربك, يحير
bewitched {adj} (Under a spell; entranced) :: مسحور /masḥūr/
bey {n} (governor of a Turkish dominion) :: بيه {m} /bīh/, بيك {m} /bīk/, بك {m} /bik/, بك {m} /bek/
Beyblade {n} (spinning top toy) :: بيبليد {m}
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above ::
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond {prep} (further away than) :: أبعد /ʾabʿad/
beyond {prep} (on the far side of) :: أقصى /ʾaqṣā/
beyond {prep} (later than; after) :: بعد /baʿd/
beyond {prep} (greater than) :: فوق /fawq/
beyond {prep} (in addition to) :: فوق /fawqa/
beyond {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
bezoar {n} (mass of undigested matter) :: بازهر
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bhopal {prop} (capital of Madhya Pradesh, India) :: بهوبال {m} /bhūbāl/
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: بوتان {m} /butān/
bias {n} (inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality) :: تحيز {m} /taḥayyuz/
bib {n} (item of clothing for protecting other clothes while eating) :: مريلة /miryala/
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Bible {prop} (Jewish holy book) SEE: Tanakh ::
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: الكتاب المقدس {m} /al-kitāb al-muqaddas/
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: must generally be expressed nominally; كتابي [in context]; توراتي, إنجيلي [both only in Islamic use, not strictly correct]
biceps {n} (any muscle having two heads) :: ذات الرأسين {f} /ḏāt ar-raʾsayn/
biceps {n} (the upper arm, especially the muscles) :: ذات الرأسين العضدية {f} /ḏāt ar-raʾsayn al-ʿaḍudiyya/
Bicol {prop} (language) :: غات البيكول
Bicolano {prop} (Bicol) SEE: Bicol ::
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: دراجة {f} /darrāja/
bicyclist {n} (rider of bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bid {n} (offer at an auction) :: عرض {m} /ʿarḍ/, عطاء {m} /ʿaṭāʾ/
Biden {prop} (surname) :: بايدن /baydan/, بايدن /baydin/
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: بيديت {m} /bidit/, بيديه {m} /bidih/
bier {n} (litter to transport the corpse of a dead person) :: جنازة {f} /janāza/
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: كبير /kabīr/
big {adj} (adult) :: كبير /kabīr/
bigamy {n} (state of having two spouses simultaneously) :: تعدد الأزواج {m} /taʿaddud al-ʾazwāj/ [polyandry], تعدد الزوجات {m} /taʿaddud az-zawjāt/ [polygyny]
Big Bad Wolf {n} (fictional evil wolf) :: ذئب كبير سيئ {m} /ḏiʾb kabīr sayyiʾ/
Big Bang {prop} (cosmic event) :: إنفجار عظيم {m} /ʾinfijār ʿaẓīm/
Big Ben {prop} (the hour bell in London) :: بيج بن {m} /big ben/, بيغ بن {m} /biḡ ben/
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother ::
big eater {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
bigger {adj} (comparative of big) :: أكبر /ʾakbar/
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: بيج ماك {m} /big mak/, بيغ ماك {m} /big mak/, بيغ ماك {m} /biḡ mak/
bigot {n} (one who is narrow-mindedly devoted to their own ideas and groups and intolerant of others) :: متعصب /mutaʿaṣṣib/
big sister {n} (a sibling's older sister) SEE: older sister ::
Bihar {prop} (a state in eastern India) :: بيهار {m} /bīhār/
biker {n} (person who rides a bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: بيكيني {m} /bīkīnī/
bilateral {adj} (having two sides) :: ثنائي /ṯunāʾiyy/
Bilbao {prop} (city of northern Spain) :: بلباو {f} /bilbāw/
bilby {n} (Australian desert marsupial) :: بيلبي كبير
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: صفراء {f} /ṣafrāʾ/
bile duct {n} (structure carrying bile) :: قناة صفراء {f} /qanāt ṣafrāʾ/
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: ثنائي اللغة /ṯunāʾī l-luḡa/
bilingual {adj} (written in two languages) :: ثنائي اللغة /ṯunāʾī l-luḡa/
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: منقار {m} /minqār/
bill {n} (draft of a law) :: لائحة {f} /lāʾiḥa/
bill {n} (invoice) :: فاتورة {f} /fātūra/, حساب {m} /ḥisāb/
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
Bill {prop} (male given name) :: بيل {m} /bīl/, بيل {m} /bil/
billet-doux {n} (love letter) SEE: love letter ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: بلياردو {m} /bilyārdū/
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: مليار {m} /milyār/
billionaire {n} (wealth exceeding one billion (109)) :: ملياردير {m} /milyārdīr/
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William ::
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: تيس {m} /tays/
bind {v} (transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.) :: أسر /ʾasara/, ربط /rabaṭa/
bind {v} (transitive connect) :: ربط /rabaṭa/
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: منظار {m} /minẓār/
binomial nomenclature {n} (The scientific system of naming each species of organism with a Latinized name in two parts) :: تسمية ثنائية {f} /tasmiya ṯunāʾiyya/
binyan {n} (in Semitic languages, a kind of word stem into which vowels and affixes can be slotted) :: وزن {m} /wazn/
bio- {prefix} (life) :: حيوي {m} /ḥayawiyy/
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: كيمياء حيوية {f} /kīmiyāʾ ḥayawiyya/
biodiversity {n} (diversity of flora and fauna) :: تنوع البيولوجي /tanawwuʿ al-biyūlūjiyy/
biography {n} (personal life story) :: سيرة {f} /sīra/, ترجمة الحياة {f} /tarjamatu l-ḥayāti/
biohazard {n} (biological risk) :: خطر بيولوجي
biologic {adj} (biological) SEE: biological ::
biological {n} (of biology) :: بيولوجي
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: أحيائي {m} /ʾaḥyāʾiyy/
biology {n} (study of living matter) :: علم الأحياء {m} /ʿilm al-ʾaḥyāʾ/, بيولوجيا {f} /biyulūjiyā/
biomedicine {n} (a branch of medical science) :: الطب الحيوي /aṭ-ṭibb al-ḥayawiyy/
bioscience {n} (sciences dealing with living organisms) :: علوم الحياة
biotic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms) :: حيوي
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: اضطراب ثنائي القطب
birch {n} (tree) :: بتولا {f} /batūlā/
bird {n} (animal) :: طائر {m} /ṭāʾir/, عصفور {m} /ʿuṣfūr/
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock ::
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
bird of prey {n} (carnivorous bird) :: طير جارح /ṭayr jāriḥ/
birds of a feather flock together {proverb} (people of similar character, etc. tend to associate) :: الطيور على أشكالها تقع /aṭ-ṭuyūru ʿalā ʾaškālihā taqaʿu/ (birds stumble upon their kinds)
birds of the feather flock together {proverb} (birds of a feather flock together) SEE: birds of a feather flock together ::
Birmingham {prop} (city and borough in England) :: برمنغهام {m} /barminghām/
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
Birobidzhan {prop} (city in Russia) :: بيروبيجان {m} /birubijān/
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: ولادة {f} /wilāda/, مولد {m} /mawlid/, ميلاد {m} /mīlād/, تولد {m} /tawallud/
birth {n} (beginning or start; a point of origin) :: ولادة {f} /wilāda/, بداية {f}
birth {v} (to give birth (to)) :: ولد /walada/, وضع /waḍaʿa/
birth certificate {n} (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) :: شهادة ميلاد {f} /šahāda(t) mīlād/
birth control {n} (voluntary control of the number of children conceived) :: تحديد النسل {m} /taḥdīd an-nasl/
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: عيد ميلاد {m} /ʿīdu mīlādin/
birthday cake {n} (a cake made to celebrate a birthday) :: كعكة عيد ميلاد {f} /kaʿkat ʿīd mīlād/
birthday party {n} (a party held to celebrate a birthday) :: حفلة عيد ميلاد {f} /ḥaflat ʿīd mīlād/
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: وحمة {f} /waḥma/
birthplace {n} (location where a person is born) :: مكان الميلاد {m} /makān al-mīlād/, مسقط الرأس {m} /masqaṭ ar-raʾs/
birthwort {n} (Aristolochia) :: زراوند {m} /zarāwand/
biryani {n} (dish of spiced rice) :: برياني {m} /biryānī/
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: بسكويت {m} /baskawīt/
bisector {n} (A line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts) :: منصف {m} /munaṣṣif/, مقسم {m} /muqassim/
bisexual {adj} (hermaphrodite) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
Bishkek {prop} (capital of Kyrgyzstan) :: بشكيك {f} /biškīk/
Bishnupriya Manipuri {prop} (language) :: بيشنوبريا مانيبورية
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: أسقف /ʾusquf/
bishop {n} (chess piece) :: فيل {m} /fīl/
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: بزموث {m} /bizmūṯ/
bison {n} (wild ox, Bison bonasus) :: بيسون {m} /bīsūn/
Bissau {prop} (capital of Guinea-Bissau) :: بيساو {m} /bisaw/
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year ::
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year ::
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bitch {n} (female canine) :: ثعلبة /ṯaʿlaba/ [fox]
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: قضم /qaḍama/
bite {v} (to hold something by clamping one’s teeth) :: عض /ʿaḍḍa/
bite off more than one can chew {v} (To try to do too much) :: يقضم أكثر مما يستطيع مضغه {m} /yaqḍumu ʾakṯar mimmā yastṭīʿu maḍḡahu/
biting {n} (An occurrence of a bite) :: عض /ʿaḍḍ/
biting {adj} (causing a stinging sensation) :: قارس /qāris/
biting {adj} (cutting or incisive) :: لاذع /lāḏiʿ/, جارح /jāriḥ/
biting {adj} (tending to bite) :: لاسع /lāsiʿ/
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: مر /murr/
bitter {adj} (harsh, piercing or stinging) :: أليم /ʾalīm/
bitter {adj} (hateful or hostile) :: مقيت /maqīt/, ممقوت /mamqūt/
bitter cucumber {n} (colocynth) SEE: colocynth ::
bitter melon {n} (plant Momordica charantia) :: قاوون {m} /qāwūn/
bitter melon {n} (fruit of Momordica charantia) :: قاوون {m} /qāwūn/
bitter orange {n} (fruit) :: نارنج {m} /nārinj/
bittersweet {adj} (both bitter and sweet) :: حلو ومر {m} /ḥulw wamurr/, حلوة ومرة {f} /ḥulwa(t) wamurra/
bittersweet {adj} (expressing contrasting emotions of pain and pleasure) :: حلو ومر /ḥulw wamurr/, حلوة ومرة {f} /ḥulwa(t) wamurra/
bitter vetch {n} (Vicia ervilia) :: كرسنة {f} /karsanna/
Bizerte {prop} (city in Tunisia) :: بنزرت
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip ::
blabbermouth {n} (chatterbox) SEE: chatterbox ::
black {v} (to blacken) SEE: blacken ::
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: أسود {m} /ʾaswad/, سوداء {f} /sawdāʾ/, سود {p} /sūd/
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) :: زنجي {m} /zinjiyy/, زنجي {m} /zanjiyy/, أسود {m} /ʾaswad/, حامي {m} /ḥāmiyy/
black {adj} (bad; evil) :: أسود /ʾaswad/
black {n} (colour/color) :: أسود {m} /ʾaswad/
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: زنجي {m} /zinjiyy/, زنجي {m} /zanjiyy/, أسود {m} /ʾaswad/, سوداء {f} /sawdāʾ/
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: عليق {m} /ʿullayq/ [same word as for raspberry], باطس {m} /bāṭus/ [Medieval, rare]
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: توت العليق {m} /tūt al-ʿullayq/ [same word as for a raspberry], باطس {m} /bāṭus/ [Medieval, rare]
BlackBerry {n} (device (transliterations)) :: بلاك بيري {m} /blāk birī/, بلاك بيري {m} /blak berī/
black-bibbed tit {n} (Poecile hypermelaenus) :: قرقف أسود الصدر
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: سبورة {f} /sabūra/, لوح {m} /lawḥ/
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: صندوق أسود {m} /ṣundūq ʾaswad/
black box {n} (theoretical construct or device) :: صندوق أسود {m} /ṣundūq ʾaswad/
black caraway {n} (Nigella sativa, see also: nigella) :: شونيز {m} /šūnīz/, كمون أسود {m} /kammūn ʾaswad/
black caraway {n} (spice) :: شونيز {m} /šūnīz/, حبة سوداء {m} /ḥabbatu sawdāʾu/, كمون أسود {m} /kammūn ʾaswad/, قزح {m} /qizḥ/
black cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher ::
black cat {n} (black-furred cat) :: القطة السوداء
black coffee {n} (coffee served without cream or milk) :: قهوة سوداء {f} /qahwa sawdāʾ/
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: غراب الليل أسود التاج /ḡurāb al-layl ʾaswad at-tāj/
black cumin {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
Black Death {prop} (14th century pandemic outbreak) :: موت أسود {m} /mawt ʾaswad/
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
blacken {v} (make black) :: سود /sawwada/
blacken {v} (become black) :: اسود /iswadda/
black eye {n} (bruised eye) :: عين سوداء {f} /ʿayn sawdāʾ/
black-eyed pea {n} (cowpea plant Vigna unguiculata or Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata) :: لوبياء {f} /lūbiyāʾ/, لوبيا {f} /lūbiyā/, دجر {m} /dijr/
black-eyed pea {n} (cowpea bean, the produce of the aforementioned plant) :: لوبياء {f} /lūbiyāʾ/, لوبيا {f} /lūbiyā/, دجر {m} /dijr/
Black Forest {prop} (German forest and mountain range) :: الغابة السوداء {f} /al-ḡāba(t) as-sawdāʾ/
Black Forest gâteau {n} (type of gâteau originating in the Black Forest region of Germany) :: كعكة البلاك فورست {f} /kaʿkat al-blak fōrist/
blackguard {n} (scoundrel) SEE: scoundrel ::
blackhead {n} (skin blemish) :: بثور سوداء {f-p} /buṯūr sawdāʾ/, رؤوس سوداء {f-p} /ruʾūs sawdāʾ/
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: نورس اسود الرأس /nawras iswadda ar-raʾs/
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: ثقب أسود {m} /ṯuqb ʾaswad/
black ice {n} (invisible film of ice) :: جليد أسود {m} /jalīd ʾaswad/
blacklist {n} (list or set of people or entities to be shunned or banned) :: قائمة سوداء {f} /qāʾima sawdāʾ/
black locust {n} (Robinia pseudoacacia) :: شجرة الجراد {f} /šajaratu l-jarādi/, سنط كاذب {m} /sanṭun kāḏibun/
black magic {n} (magic derived from evil forces) :: سحر أسود {m} /siḥr ʾaswad/
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: ابتزاز {m} /ibtizāz/
blackmail {v} (to extort money) :: ابتزاز /ibtizāza/
black market {n} (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) :: سوق سوداء {f} /sūq sawdāʾ/
blackness {n} (state or quality of being black) :: سواد {m} /sawād/
black nightshade {n} (Solanum nigrum) :: مغد أسود {m} /maḡd ʾaswad/, عنب الذئب {m} /ʿinab aḏ-ḏiʾb/, عنب الثعلب {m} /ʿinab aṯ-ṯaʿlab/
blackout {n} (a temporary loss of consciousness) :: غشية {f} /ḡašya/
blackout {n} (the mandatory blinding of all light) :: تعتيم /taʿtīm/
black pepper {n} (spice) :: فلفل أسود {m} /filfil ʾaswad/
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) :: وحيد القرن الأسود
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: البحر الأسود {m} /al-baḥr al-ʾaswad/
blackseed {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: حداد {m} /ḥaddād/, قين {m} /qayn/
black tea {n} (tea leaves which have been "fermented") :: شاي أسود {m} /šāy ʾaswad/
blackthorn {n} (Prunus spinosa) :: برقوق شائك {m} /barqūq šāʾik/, برقوق السياج {m} /barqūq as-siyāj/, خوخ شائك {m} /ḵawḵ šāʾik/, خوخ السياج {m} /ḵawḵ as-siyāj/, إجاص شائك {m} /ʾijjāṣ šāʾik/, إجاص السياج {m} /ʾijjāṣ as-siyāj/; Andalusi Arabic: أرنيون {m} /ʾaranyūn/
bladder {n} (flexible sac in zoology) :: حويصلة {f} /ḥuwayṣila/
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
bladder cherry {n} (Physalis alkekengi) :: كاكنج {m} /kākinj/
blade {n} (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil) :: شفرة {f} /šafra/
Blagoevgrad {prop} (town in Bulgaria) :: بلاغويفغراد {m} /blaghwyfghrad/
Blagoveshchensk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: بلاغوفيشتشينسك /blaḡufištšinsk/
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: لام /lāma/
blame {n} (censure) SEE: censure ::
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blame {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability ::
blameworthiness {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability ::
blank {adj} (free from writing, printing or marks) :: خال /ḵālin/ [indefinite], الخالي /al-ḵālī/ [definite], فارغ /fāriḡ/
blanket {n} (fabric) :: لحاف {m} /liḥāf/
blaspheme {v} (to speak against God or religious doctrine) :: جدف على /jaddaf ʿalā/
blasphemy {n} (Irreverence toward something sacred) :: تجديف {m} /tajdīf/
blather {v} (to talk rapidly without making much sense) :: بق /baqqa/
blaze {n} (fast-burning fire) :: سعيرا {m} /saʿīrā/
bleach {v} (to treat with bleach) :: بيض /bayyaḍa/
bleach {n} (chemical) :: مادة تبييض {f} /mādda tabyīḍ/
bleed {v} (lose blood) :: نزف /nazafa/
bleeding {n} (the flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel) :: نزيف {m} /nazīf/
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word ::
blender {n} (machine) :: خلاط /ḵallāṭ/
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: بارك /bāraka/
blessed {adj} (having divine aid, or protection, or other blessing) :: مبارك /mubārak/
blessing {n} (divine or supernatural aid or reward) :: بركة {f} /baraka/, نعمة {f} /naʿma/
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: صحة /ṣiḥḥa/ (health), الحمد لله /al-ḥamdu li-llāh/ (praise God), يرحمكم الله /yarḥamkum allāh/ ((may) Allah have mercy on you), يرحمكم /yarḥamkum/ (mercy on you)
bless you {interj} (short for "God bless you") SEE: God bless you ::
Blida {prop} :: البليدة /al-bulayda/
blimp {n} (airship) :: منطاد ذو محرك /munṭād ḏū muḥarrik/
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: أعمى {m} /ʾaʿmā/, عمياء {f} /ʿamyāʾ/, كفيف /kafīf/
blind {v} (make temporarily or permanently blind) :: أعمى /ʾaʿmā/
blind alley {n} (course of inquiry) SEE: impasse ::
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: عمى {m} /ʿaman/
blink {v} (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) :: رمش /ramaša/
blink {n} (The act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again) :: رمشة {f} /ramša/
bliss {n} (perfect happiness) :: نعيم {m} /naʿīm/
blister {n} (bubble on the skin) :: بطباطة {f} /baṭbāṭa/, نفطة {f} /nafṭa/
blitzkrieg {n} (fast military offensive) :: حرب خاطفة {f} /ḥarb ḵāṭifa/
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: عاصفة ثلجية {f} /ʿāṣifa ṯaljiyya/, دمق {m} /damaq/
bloc {n} (group of voters or politicians) :: كتلة {f} /kutla/
bloc {n} (group of countries) :: كتلة {f} /kutla/
block {n} (substantial often approximately cuboid piece) :: طابوقة {f} /ṭābūqa/
block {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement ::
blockade {n} (the isolation of something) :: حصار {m} /ḥiṣār/
block and tackle {n} (system of several pulleys) :: محل {m} /muḥl/, محالة {f} /maḥāla/
blockhouse {n} (a sturdy military fortification, often of concrete, with gunports) :: حصن /ḥiṣn/
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: مدونة إلكترونية {f} /mudawwana ʾiliktrūniyya/, مدونة {f} /mudawwana/, بلوغ {m} /blūḡ/, بلوج {m} /blūg/, بلوق {m} /blūq/
Blois {prop} (city in Centre Region, France) :: بلوة /bluwa/
bloke {n} (man) :: رجل /rajul/
blond {adj} (of a pale golden colour) :: أشقر /ʾašqar/, شقراء {f} /šaqrāʾ/
blond {adj} (having blond hair) :: أشقر {m} /ʾašqar/, شقراء {f} /šaqrāʾ/, شقر {p} /šuqr/
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: دماء {p} /dimāʾ/, دم {m} /dam/
blood {n} :: دماء {p} /dimāʾ/, دم {m} /dam/
bloodbath {n} (indiscriminate killing or slaughter) :: مذبحة {f} /maḏbaḥa/
blood cell {n} (any of the cells normally found in the blood) :: خلية دم {f} /ḵaliyyat dam/, خلية دموية {f} /ḵaliyya damawiyya/
blood clot {n} :: خثرة {f} /ḵuṯra/, جلطة {f} /julṭa/
blood corpuscle {n} (blood cell) SEE: blood cell ::
blood group {n} (blood type) SEE: blood type ::
blood money {n} (money paid to the family of someone killed) SEE: wergeld ::
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: ضغط الدم {m} /ḍaḡṭ ad-damm/
blood relation {n} (person) :: صلة الدم الواحد {f} /ṣilat al-dam al-wāḥid/
blood relative {n} (blood relation) SEE: blood relation ::
bloodshed {n} (shedding or spilling of blood) :: سفك الدماء {m} /safk ad-dimāʾ/, إراقة الدم {f} /ʾirāqat ad-dam/
bloodshed {n} (carnage, destruction of life, slaughter) :: سفك الدماء {m} /safk ad-dimāʾ/
bloodshot {adj} (reddened and inflamed) :: قرمزي /qirmiziyy/
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
blood test {n} (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) :: تحليل الدم {m} /taḥlīl ad-damm/
blood transfusion {n} (taking blood from one and giving it to another individual) :: نقل دم {m} /naql dam/
blood type {n} (blood classification) :: فصيلة دم /faṣīla(t) dam/
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: وعاء دموي {m} /wiʿāʾ damawiyy/
blood work {n} (blood test) SEE: blood test ::
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
blossom {n} (flowers on trees) :: زهرة {f} /zahra/
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: زهر /zahara/
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blotto {n} (reagent used to block protein binding sites for laboratory techniques) :: بلوتو
blouse {n} (an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt) :: بلوزة {f} /balūza/, بلوزة {f} /blūza/
blow {v} (to produce an air current) :: نفخ /nafaḵa/
blow {n} (act of striking or hitting) :: ضربة {f} /ḍarba/
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowfish {n} (any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe) :: أسماك بالون {m} /ʾasmāk bālūn/
blow one's nose {v} (to expel mucus from nose) :: امتخط /imtaḵaṭa/, مخط /maḵaṭa/, تمخط /tamaḵḵaṭa/
bludgeon {n} (short heavy club) :: هراوة {f} /hirāwa/
bludgeon {v} (to club, hit with a bludgeon) :: يهري {m} /yahrī/
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: أزرق {m} /ʾazraq/, زرقاء {f} /zarqāʾ/, زرق {p} /zurq/
blue {n} (colour) :: أزرق /ʾazraq/
blue {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
blue {n} (blue uniform) SEE: blues ::
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
Bluebeard {prop} (the famous fairy tale) :: اللحية الزرقاء {f} /al-liḥya z-zarqāʾ/
bluebird {n} (bird of Sialia) :: عصفور أزرق {m} /ʿuṣfūr ʾazraq/
bluebottle {n} (man-of-war) SEE: man-of-war ::
blue cheese {n} (kind of cheese with bluish mold) :: جبنة زرقاء {f} /jubna zarqāʾ/
blue line {n} (ice hockey: line) :: خط أزرق {m} /ḵaṭṭ ʾazraq/
blueness {n} (quality or characteristic of being blue) :: زرقة {f} /zurqa/
Blue Nile {prop} (One of the two main tributaries of the River Nile) :: النيل الأزرق {m} /an-nīl al-ʾazraq/
blueprint {n} (print produced by this process) :: مخطط {m} /muḵaṭṭaṭ/
blues {n} (musical form) :: بلوز {m} /blūz/, بلوز {m} /balūz/
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: شاشة الموت الزرقاء {f} /šāšat al-mawt az-zarqāʾ/
bluestone {n} (slate) SEE: slate ::
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
blue straggler {n} (unusually hot and blue star) :: نجوم زرقاء شاردة {m}
bluethroat {n} (bird) :: هزار أزرق الزور {m} /hazār ʾazraq az-zawr/, أزرق الحلق {m} /ʾazraq al-ḥalq/
blue tit {n} (Cyanistes caeruleus) :: قرقف أزرق
bluetongue {n} (disease of ruminants) :: مرض اللسان الأزرق {m} /maraḍ al-lisān al-ʾazraq/
Bluetooth {prop} (personal area wireless network) :: بلوتوث {m} /bulūtūṯ/, بلوتوث {m} /blūtūṯ/
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: كليل /kalīl/
Blu-ray {n} (format) :: بلوراي /blūrāy/
Bluto {prop} (the antagonist of Popeye) :: بلوتو {m} /blūtō/
BMW {prop} (colloquial names and pronunciations, apart from the romanised "BMW") :: بي إم دبليو {m} /bī ʾem dabulyū/, بي إم دابليو {m} /bī ʾem dābulyū/
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
boar {n} (male pig) :: خنزير {m} /ḵinzīr/
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: لوحة {f} /lawḥa/, خشبة {f} /ḵašaba/
board {n} (short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.) :: لوحة {f} /lawḥa/, لوح {m} /lawḥ/
board {n} (managing committee) :: مجلس {m} /majlis/
board {v} (to step or climb onto) :: استقل /istaqalla/
boarding pass {n} (a document to board a plane, ship, etc.) :: إذن عبور {m} /ʾiḏn ʿubūr/, بطاقة صعود {f} /biṭāqat ṣuʿūd/, بطاقة صعود الطائرة {f} /biṭāqat ṣuʿūd aṭ-ṭāʾira/, بطاقة المغادرة /biṭāqat al-muḡādara/
boarding school {n} (school which provides board and lodging) :: مدرسة داخلية {f} /madrasa dāḵiliyya/
board of directors {n} (group of people elected by stockholders) :: مجلس إدارة {m} /majlis ʾidāra/
boast {v} (to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself) :: تباهى /tabāhā/
boat {n} (water craft) :: قارب {m} /qārib/, مركب {m} /markab/, زورق {m} /zawraq/
Boaz {prop} (Biblical character) :: بوعز
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float ::
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float ::
bobbin {n} (spool around which wire or thread is coiled) :: بكرة {f} /bakara/
bobcat {n} (North American wild cat) :: وشق أحمر
bobolink {n} (songbird) :: ممراح
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
bodhisattva {n} (bodhisattva) :: بوديساتفا {f} /bodisatvā/
bodily {adj} (relating to the body) :: جسدي /jasadiyy/
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: بدن {m} /badan/, جسم {m} /jism/, جسد {m} /jasad/
body {n} (corpse) :: جثة {f} /juṯṯa/, جيفة {f} /jīfa/
body {n} :: جسم, جسد
bodybuilding {n} (sport of muscle development) :: كمال أجسام {m} /kamāl ʾajsām/
bodyguard {n} (person responsible for protecting an individual) :: حرس خاص {m} /ḥaras ḵāṣṣ/
body odour {n} (unpleasant smell on a perons's body) :: رائحة الجسم {f}
Boeing {prop} (An American aerospace company) :: بوينغ {m} /būyinḡ/
bogatyr {n} (medieval Russian heroic warrior, see also: bahadur) :: بوغاتير {m} /būḡātīr/
Bogdania {prop} (the territory between Transylvania and the Dniester, see also: Moldavia) :: بغدان /buḡdān/
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
Bogotá {prop} (Bogota) SEE: Bogota ::
Bogota {prop} (capital of Colombia) :: بوغوتا {f} /būḡūtā/, بوجوتا {f} /bōgōtā/
bogus {adj} (counterfeit or fake; not genuine) :: زائف /zāʾif/, كاذب /kāḏib/, مزور /muzawwar/
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: بوهيميا {f} /būhīmiyā/
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
bohrium {n} (chemical element) :: بوريوم {m} /buryum/
boil {n} (accumulation of pus) :: دمل {m} /dummal/, خراج {m} /ḵurāj/, ثؤلول {m} /ṯuʾlūl/
boil {v} (heat (a liquid) until it begins to turn into a gas) :: غلى /ḡalā/
boil {v} (cook in boiling water) :: غلى /ḡallā/
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
boiled egg {n} (boiled egg (generic)) :: [singulative] بيضة مسلوقة {f} /bayḍa maslūqa/, [collective] بيض مسلوق {m} /bayḍ maslūq/
boiled egg {n} :: بيضة مسلوقة {f} /bayḍa maslūqa/ (singulative), بيض مسلوق {m} /bayḍ maslūq/ (collective)
boiled sweet {n} (hard sweet) SEE: hard candy ::
boiler {n} (device for heating circulating water) :: غلاية {f} /ḡallāya/
bok choy {n} (Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis) :: كرنب صيني {m} /kurunb ṣīniyy/, بوك تشوي {m} /buk tšuy/
bokeh {n} (subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image) :: بوكيه
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: بوليفيا {f} /būlīfiyā/
Bollywood {prop} (Indian film industry) :: بوليوود {m} /buliwūd/
Bologna {prop} (city) :: بولونيا {f} /būlūnyā/
bolometer {n} (a device for measuring the energy of electromagnetic radiation) :: مقياس الإشعاع الحراري
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: بلشفيك {m} /bulšifīk/, بلشفي {m} /bulšifiyy/
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: مصمال {m} /miṣmāl/
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: قنبلة {f} /qunbula/
bomb {v} (attack with bombs) :: قنبل /qanbala/
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
Bombay {n} (Mumbai) SEE: Mumbai ::
bomber {n} (aircraft) :: قاذفة قنابل {f} /qāḏifat qanābil/
bombing {n} (action of dropping bombs from the air) :: تفجير {m} /tafjīr/, قصف {m} /qaṣf/
bona fide {adj} (done in good faith) :: عن حسن نية
Bonaire {prop} (island) :: بونير /bunir/
Bonapartism {n} (pratices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte) :: بونابرتية {f}
bon appétit {phrase} (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) :: شهية طيبة /šahya(t) ṭayyiba/, بالصحة والعافية /bi-ṣ-ṣiḥḥa(t) wālʿāfiya/, بالهناء والشفاء /bi-l-hanāʾi waš-šifāʾ/
bondsman {n} (someone who signs a bond that states that they have taken responsibility for someone else's obligations) :: وكيل (عام). كفيل {m} /wakeel (aam). kafeel/
bone {n} (material) :: عظم {m} /ʿaẓm/
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) :: عظم {m} /ʿaẓm/, عظمة {f} /ʿaẓma/ [singulative]
bonefolder {n} (A dull-edged hand tool used to fold and crease) :: مطوى {m} /miṭwan/
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: نقي العظم {m} /niqy al-ʿaẓm/, نخاع العظم {m} /nuḵāʿ al-ʿaẓm/, نقي {m} /niqy/
boner {n} (erect penis) :: انتصاب /intiṣāb/
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
Bonn {prop} (a city in Germany) :: بون {m} /bun/
bonnet {n} (type of women's and children's hat) :: [as it was an European dress, there is no counterpart but only approximations] غطاء الرأس {m} /ḡiṭāʾ ar-raʾs/, قلنسوة {f} /qalansuwa/, كلوتة {f} /kallawta/
bonnet {n} (cover over the engine of a motor car) :: غطاء المحرك {m} /ḡiṭāʾ al-muḥarrik/
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum ::
bonsai {v} (a miniaturized tree or plant) :: بونساي {m} /būnsāy/, بونساي {m} /bonsay/
bonus {n} (extra amount of money given as a premium) :: علاوة {f} /ʿilāwa/
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: رحلة سعيدة /riḥla saʿīda/, رحلة موفقة /riḥla muwaffaqa/
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: ثدي {m} /ṯady/
booby trap {n} (antipersonnel device deliberately hidden or disguised as a harmless object) :: شرك {m} /šarak/, فخ {m} /faḵḵ/
booger {n} (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) :: وسخ الأنف {m} /wasaḵ al-ʾanf/
book {n} (ebook) SEE: e-book ::
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: كتاب {m} /kitāb/, سفر {m} /sifr/
book {n} (record of betting) :: سجل /sijil/
book {n} (usually in plural: records of the accounts of a business) :: سجل /sijill/
book {v} (to reserve) :: حجز /ḥajaza/
book {v} (to record the details of an offender) :: يعاقب
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: مكتبة {f} /maktaba/, خزانة الكتب {f} /ḵizānat al-kutub/
bookkeeper {n} (person responsible for keeping records) :: محاسب {m} /muḥāsib/, محاسبة {f} /muḥāsiba/
booklet {n} (small book) :: كتيب {m} /kutayyib/, كراسة /kurrāsa/
Book of Mormon {prop} (one of the sacred works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: كتاب المورمون /kitāb al-mūrmūn/
Book of the Dead {prop} (ancient Egyptian funerary text) :: كتاب الموتى /kitāb al-mawtā/
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: مكتبة {f} /maktaba/
Books of Moses {prop} (five books) :: كتب موسى {m-p} /kutub mūsā/
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
boomerang {n} (flat curved airfoil) :: بوميرانغ, بمرنغ, كيد
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: جزمة {f} /jazma/
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick ::
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
booth {n} (A small stall for the display and sale of goods) :: كشك /kušk/
booth {n} (An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person) :: حجيرة /ḥujayra/, كابينة {f} /kābīna/
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booty {n} (plunder) :: مغانم {m} /maḡānim/
bopomofo {prop} (Zhuyin fuhao) SEE: Zhuyin fuhao ::
borage {n} (Borago officinalis) :: حمحم {m} /ḥimḥim/
borax {n} (crystalline salt) :: بورق {m} /bawraq/
Bordeaux {prop} (a city in France) :: بوردو {f} /burdū/, [archaic] برذال {f} /burḏal/
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: حد {m} /ḥadd/, حدود {m-p} /ḥudūd/
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: حد {m} /ḥadd/, حدود {n-p} /ḥudūd/ [normally used in the plural]
bore {v} (to inspire boredom) :: أمل /ʾamalla/
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: ملل {m} /malall/
boring {adj} (causing boredom) :: ممل /mumill/, مضجر /muḍjir/
Boris {prop} (male given name) :: بوريس {m} /burīs/
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
Borneo {prop} (island) :: بورنيو {m} /būrniyū/
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
boron {n} (chemical element) :: بورون {m} /borun/
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: استعار /istaʿāra/
borrower {n} (one who borrows) :: مستعير {m} /mustaʿīr/, مستعيرة {f} /mustaʿīra/
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword ::
borscht {n} (beetroot soup) :: برش {m} /borš/, برش {m} /borš/
borzoi {n} (breed of dog) :: بورزوي {m} /burzuy/
Bosnia {prop} (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') :: البوسنة /al-būsna/
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: البوسنة والهرسك {f} /al-būsna wa-l-harsak/
Bosnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bosnia) :: بوسني /būsniyy/
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: بوسني {m} /būsniyy/, بوسنية {f} /būsniyya/
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: البوسنية {f} /al-būsniyya/
bosom {n} (chest, breast) :: ثدي {m} /ṯady/
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: مضيق بوسفور {m} /maḍīq busfūr/, البوسفور {m} /al-busfūr/
Bosra {prop} (town in Syria) :: بصرى /buṣrā/, بصرى الشام /buṣrā š-šām/
boss {n} (supervisor) :: رئيس {m} /raʾīs/, مدير {m} /mudīr/
boss {n} (person in charge) :: رئيس {m} /raʾīs/, مدير {m} /mudīr/
Boston {prop} (city in Massachusetts) :: بوسطن {m} /busṭun/
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
bot {n} (a piece of software for doing repetitive tasks) :: بوت {m} /būt/, بوت {m} /bot/, روبوت {m} /robut/, روبوت {m} /rūbut/
botanical garden {n} (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons) :: حديقة نباتية {f} /ḥadīqa nabātiyya/
botanic garden {n} (botanical garden) SEE: botanical garden ::
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: علم النبات {m} /ʿilm an-nabāt/
botfly {n} :: ذبابة الخيل {f}
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: كلا /kilā/
both {conj} (both...and...) :: كل من ... و ... /kullun min ... wa .../
bother {v} (to annoy, disturb) :: زعج /zaʿaja/
bother {interj} (mild expression of annoyance/irritation) :: يزعج /yazʿaj/, يضايق /yuḍāyiq/
botheration {interj} (expression of annoyance) SEE: bother ::
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: بتسوانا {f} /butswānā/
bottle {n} (container) :: زجاجة {f} /zujāja/, قنينة {f} /qinnīna/
bottle {v} (seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption) :: عبأ في زجاجة /ʿabbaʾa fī zujāja/
bottle {v} (feed (an infant) baby formula) :: يرضع بواسطة زجاجة
bottle cap {n} (closure used to seal bottles) :: غطاء زجاجة {m} /ḡiṭāʾ zujāja/, غطاء قارورة {m} /ḡiṭāʾ qārūra/
bottle gourd {n} (calabash) SEE: calabash ::
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: فتاحة {f} /fattāḥa/, فتاحة زجاجات {f} /fattāḥat zujājāt/
bottle shop {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (lowest part) :: قاع {m} /qāʿ/, قعر {m} /qaʿr/
bottom {n} (gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex) :: سالب {m} /sālib/
bottom {n} (physics: bottom quark) SEE: bottom quark ::
bottomless pit {n} (A pit with no visible (infinite) bottom) :: هاوية {f} /hāwiya/
bottomless pit {n} (hell) :: هاوية {f} /hāwiya/
bottom line {n} (summary or result) :: حاصل الأمر {m}
bottom quark {n} (bottom quark) :: كوارك قعري {m} /kuwark qaʿriyy/
bouillabaisse {n} (mixture) SEE: mixture ::
boundary {n} (dividing line or location between two areas) :: حد {m} /ḥadd/
bounty {n} (abundance or wealth) SEE: abundance ::
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity ::
bounty hunter {n} (person who catches criminals in return for a reward) :: صائد الجوائز {m} /ṣāʾidu al-jawāʾiza/
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: باقة {f} /bāqa/
bouquet {n} (scent of wine) :: شذى {m} /šaḏan/, شذا {m} /šaḏan/
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourgeois {adj} (of or relating to the middle class) :: برجوازي /burjuwāziyy/
bourgeois {adj} (conventional, conservative and materialistic) :: برجوازي /burjuwāziyy/
bourgeois {adj} (of or relating to capitalist exploitation) :: برجوازي /burjuwāziyy/
bourgeoisie {n} (class) :: برجوازية {f} /burjuwāziyya/
Bournemouth {prop} (town in Dorset) :: بورنموث /būranmūṯ/
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange ::
boustrophedon {n} (writing that is alternately right-to-left and left-to-right) :: بطرفة /buṭrufa/
bovine spongiform encephalopathy {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: جنون البقر {m} /junūn al-baqar/
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: قوس {m} /qaws/
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: قوس {m} /qaws/
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) :: انشوطة {f} /anšūṭa/
bow {v} (to become bent) :: انحنى /inḥanā/
bow {v} (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) :: انحنى للتحية /inḥanā li-t-taḥiyya/, انحنى /inḥanā/, ركع /rakaʿa/
bow and arrow {n} (weapon) :: الرضوخ والسهم /alrrudukh walssahm/
bowels {n} (intestines) :: معى {m} /miʿan/
bowl {n} (container for food) :: زبدية {f} /zibdiyya/, سلطانية {f} /sulṭāniyya/
bowler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
bowling {n} (a game played by rolling a ball down an alley) :: بولينج {m} /būling/
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer ::
bowstring {n} (string of an archer's bow) :: وتر {m} /watar/
bowtie {n} (necktie shaped like a bow) :: ربطة عنق كفراشة {m} /rabṭat ʿunuq ka-farāša/
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: صندوق {m} /ṣundūq/, علبة {f} /ʿulba/, تابوت {m} /tābūt/
box {n} :: صندوق {m} /ṣundūq/, علبة {f} /ʿulba/, لكمة {f} /lakma/, مقصورة {f} /maqṣūra/
box {v} :: تعليب /taʿlīb/, لكم /lakama/, لاكم /lākama/
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: شمشاد {m} /šamšād/, شمشير {m} /šamšīr/, شمشار {m} /šamšār/, عثق {m} /ʿaṯaq/, بقس {m} /buqs/
box {n} (blow with the fist) :: لكمة {f} /lakma/
box {v} (to strike with the fists) :: لكم /lakama/
boxer {n} (participant in a boxing match) :: ملاكم {m} /mulākim/
Boxer {n} (participant in the Boxer Rebellion) :: ملاكم {m} /mulākam/, ملاكمة {f} /mulākama/
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: ملاكمة {f} /mulākama/
Boxing Day {n} (the day after Christmas: 26 December) :: يوم الصناديق {m} /yawm aṣ-ṣanādīq/, بوكسينج داي {m} /buksing dāy/
boxthorn {n} (plant of the genus Lycium) SEE: wolfberry ::
boy {n} (young male) :: صبي {m} /ṣabiyy/, فتى {m} /fatan/, غلام {m} /ḡulām/
boy {interj} (surprise or pleasure) :: ياه /yāh/
boycott {n} (the act of boycotting) :: مقاطعة {f} /muqāṭaʿa/
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: خليل {m} /ḵalīl/, رفيق {m} /rafīq/
boyfriend {n} (male friend) :: صديق {m} /ṣadīq/, رفيق {m} /rafīq/, زميل {m} /zamīl/
bra {n} (brassiere) :: حمالة صدر {f} /ḥammālat ṣadr/, مشد صدر {m} /mišadd ṣadr/
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces ::
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: سوار {m} /siwār/
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
braces {n} (device for straightening teeth) :: مقوم أسنان {m} /muqawwam ʾasnān/
brachium {n} (upper arm) SEE: upper arm ::
bracket {n} (generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">") :: قوس {m} /qaws/
bracket {n} (round bracket) SEE: round bracket ::
Bradford {prop} (town in West Yorkshire) :: برادفورد {m} /bradfurd/
brag {v} (to boast) :: تباهى /tabāhā/
brag {n} (boast) SEE: boast ::
Bragança {prop} (city in the homonymous district of Portugal) :: براغانزا {f} /brāḡānzā/
brahmin {n} (caste) :: برهمن {m} /birahman/
braid {v} (to intertwine) :: ضفر /ḍaffara/
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) :: جديلة {f} /jadīla/, ضفيرة {f} /ḍafīra/
braid {n} (hairstyle) :: جديلة {f} /jadīla/, ضفيرة {f} /ḍafīra/
brain {n} (organ) :: دماغ {m} /dimāḡ/
brain cancer {n} (cancer of the brain) :: سرطان الدماغ {m} /saraṭān ad-dimāḡ/
brain drain {n} (emigration of educated people) :: هجرة الأدمغة {f} /hijra(t) al-ʾadmiḡa/, هجرة العقول {f} /hijra(t) al-ʿuqūl/
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brain stem {n} (part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum) :: جذع الدماغ /jiḏʿ ad-dimāḡ/
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming ::
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) :: عصف ذهني {m} /ʿaṣaf ḏihniyy/, قدح ذهني {m} /qadaḥ ḏihniyy/
brainwash {v} (to affect one's mind) :: غسل المخ /ḡasala l-muḵḵ/
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) :: غسيل مخ {m} /ḡasīl muḵḵ/
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: فرملة {f} /faramala/, مكبح {m} /mikbaḥ/
brake {v} (to operate brakes) :: فرمل /farmala/, كبح /akabaḥ/
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
bramble {n} (any thorny shrub) SEE: thornbush ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: شرشور جبلي {m} /šuršūr jabaliyy/, عصفور زغاري {m} /ʿuṣfūr zaghary/
bran {n} (outside layer of a grain) :: نخالة {f} /nuḵāla/
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: فرع {m} /farʿ/
brand {n} (a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished) :: ماركة {f} /mārka/
brandish {v} (to move a weapon) :: يلوح (بسلاح) مهددا
brandish {v} (to bear something with ostentatious show) :: تلويح مهدد
Brandon {prop} (Transliterations of the surname) :: براندون /brandun/
brandy {n} (liquor) :: براندي {m} /barandī/, براندي {m} /brandī/, كونياك {m} /kunyāk/, كونياك {m} /kunyak/
Brasília {prop} (The capital of Brazil) :: برازيليا {f} /brāzīliyā/
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: شبه {m} /šabah/
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
brass knuckles {n} (weapon which reinforces the fist) :: منافض مفصل
Bratislava {prop} (The capital of Slovakia) :: براتسلافا {f} /buratislāfā/, براتيسلافا {f} /buratislāfā/
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: شجاع /šujāʿ/, جريء /jarīʾ/, جسور /jasūr/
bravery {n} (being brave) :: شجاعة {f} /šajāʿa/
bravo {interj} (interjection) :: برافو /brāvo/, برافو /berāvo/
bray {v} (to make the cry of a donkey) :: نهق /nahaqa/
brazen bull {n} (ancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death) :: ثور برونزي {m} /ṯawr brūnziyy/
brazier {n} (An upright standing or hanging metal bowl used for holding burning coal) :: مجمرة {f} /majmara/, منقل {m} /minqal/
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: البرازيل {f} /al-barāzīl/
Brazilian {adj} (pertaining to Brazil) :: برازيلي /barāzīliyy/
brazil nut {n} (tree) :: جوز البرازيل {m} /jawz al-barāzīl/
brazil nut {n} (nut) :: جوز البرازيل {m} /jawz al-barāzīl/
Brazzaville {prop} (the capital of the Republic of the Congo) :: برازافيل {m} /brazavil/, برازافيل {m} /berazavil/
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: خبز {m} /ḵubz/
bread {v} (to bread) :: خبز /ḵabaza/
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
breadstick {n} (slender loaf of crisp bread) :: عود الخبز {m} /ʿūd al-ḵubz/
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width ::
breadwinner {n} (primary income-earner in a household) :: معيل {m} /maʿīl/
break {v} (intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces) :: انكسر /inkasara/
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) :: كسر /kasara/
break {n} (rest or pause, usually from work) :: استراحة {f}
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
breakdown {n} (listing or categorization in great detail) :: توزع {m} /tawazzuʿ/
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: إفطار {m} /ʾifṭār/, فطور {m} /faṭūr/
breakfast {v} (to eat the morning meal) :: فطر /faṭara/
breaking news {n} (news that just happened or is happening) :: أخبار هامة /ʾaḵbār hāmma/, خبر عاجل {m} /ḵabar ʿājil/
break one's fast {v} (archaic: to eat breakfast) :: لتناول وجبة الفطور
breakup {n} (breakdown) SEE: breakdown ::
bream {n} (Abramis brama) :: سمك البريم /samak al-brīm/
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: ثدي {m} /ṯady/
breast {n} (chest) :: صدر {m} /ṣadr/
breastbone {n} (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest) :: قص {m} /qaṣṣ/
breast cancer {n} (cancer of the breast) :: سرطان الثدي {m} /saraṭān aṯ-ṯady/
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) :: أرضع /ʾarḍaʿa/
breastfeeding {n} (activity) :: رضاعة طبيعية {f} /raḍāʿa ṭabīʿiyya/
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
breastplate {n} (horse tack) :: لبب {m} /labab/
breaststrap {n} (breastplate) SEE: breastplate ::
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: نفس {m} /nafas/
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: تنفس /tanaffasa/
breathing {n} (act of respiration) :: تنفس {m} /tanafus/, نفس {m} /nafas/
breed {v} (to sexually produce offspring) :: ربى /rabbā/
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breeze {n} (a light, gentle wind) :: نسيم {m} /nasīm/, هواء {m} /hawāʾ/, نسمة {f} /nasama/
breeze {n} (activity that is easy) :: سهل /sahl/, بسيط /basīṭ/
breeze {v} (blow gently) :: نفحت الريح /nafaḥati r-rīḥ/, نفخت الريح /nafaḵati r-rīḥu/
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
Bremen {prop} (city) :: بريمن {m} /brimin/
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw ::
Brest {prop} (a city in Brittany) :: بريست {m} /brīst/, بريست {m} /brest/
Brest {prop} (a city in Belarus) :: بريست {m} /brīst/, بريست {m} /brest/
Breton {n} (the language) :: بريتونية {f} /buritūniyya/
brevity {n} :: إيجاز - إجمال- قصر {f}
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {v} (to make beer) :: خمر /ḵammara/
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
Brexit {prop} (withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU) :: بركزت {m} /birikzit/
Brian {prop} (male given name) :: براين {m}
briar {n} (any thorny plant) SEE: thornbush ::
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: رشوة {f} /rašwa/
bribe {v} (to give a bribe) :: رشا /rašā/
bribery {n} (making of illegal payment to persons in official positions as a means of influencing their decisions) :: رشوة
bribery {n} (giving, offering or accepting bribes) :: رشوة
BRIC {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) :: بريك {m} /brīk/
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: طوبة {f} /ṭūba/, لبنة {f} /labina/, قرميد {m} /qarmīd/, طابوق {m} /ṭābūq/
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: بناء بالقرميد {m} /bannāʾ bi-l-qirmīd/, بناء {m} /bannāʾ/
BRICS {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) :: بريكس {m} /briks/
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: عروس {f} /ʿarūs/
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: عريس {m} /ʿarīs/
bride price {n} (sum paid to the family of the bride) :: صداق {m} /ṣadāq/
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: جسر {m} /jisr/, قنطرة {f} /qanṭara/
bridge {n} (card game) :: بريدج {m} /bridj/
bridgehead {n} (area of ground on the enemy's side of an obstacle) :: رأس جسر /raʾs jisr/
Bridgetown {prop} (capital of Barbados) :: بريدج تاون {m} /bridj tawn/
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: لجام {m} /lijām/
brie {n} (mild French cheese) :: بري {m} /brī/
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: حقيبة {f} /ḥaqība/, محفظة {f} /miḥfaẓa/, شنطة {f} /šanṭa/
briefs {n} (male underwear) :: سروال السنة {m} /sirwāl as-suna/
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: لامع /lāmiʿ/, نير /nayyir/, ساطع /sāṭiʿ/
bright {adj} (intelligent) :: مستنير {m} /mustanīr/
brightness {n} (the quality of being bright) :: سطوع {m} /suṭūʿ/
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: أحضر /ʾaḥḍara/, جاء ب /jāʾa bi-/, آتى /ʾātā/, جلب /jalaba/, أتى ب /ʾatā bi-/
bring owls to Athens {v} (to undertake a pointless venture) SEE: carry coals to Newcastle ::
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
Brisbane {prop} (Capital of Queensland, Australia) :: بريزبين {m} /brīzbin/
briskly {adv} (fast, quickly, swiftly) :: بخفة
Bristol {prop} (city in south-west England) :: بريستول {m} /bristul/
Brit {n} (British person) SEE: Briton ::
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (island, see also: Great Britain; British Isles) :: بريطانيا {f} /birīṭāniyā/
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
Britannica {prop} (Encyclopædia Britannica) :: بريتانيكا /brītānīkā/
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
British {prop} (citizens or inhabitants of Britain) :: بريطاني {m} /biriṭāniyy/, بريطانية {f} /biriṭāniyya/
British {adj} (of Britain) :: بريطاني /biriṭāniyy/
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: كولومبيا البريطانية {f} /kulumbiyā l-biriṭāniyya/
British Empire {prop} (empire) :: الإمبراطورية البريطانية {f} /al-ʾimbarāṭūriyya l-barīṭāniyya/
British English {n} (English language as in Britain, especially in England) :: الإنجليزية البريطانية {f} /al-ʾingilīziyya l-biriṭāniyya/
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: الجزر البريطانية {f-p} /al-juzur al-biriṭāniyya/
British Virgin Islands {prop} (British overseas territory) :: الجزر العذراء البريطانية {f-p} /al-juzur al-ʿaḏrāʾ al-biriṭāniyya/
Briton {n} (inhabitant of Great Britain) :: بريطاني {m} /biriṭānī/, بريطانية {f} /biriṭāniyya/
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: برطانية {f} /barṭāniya/
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
bro {n} (used to address a male) :: أخي {m} /ʾaḵī/
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broadband {n} (high-capacity internet connection) :: نطاق العريض {m} /niṭāq al-ʿarīḍ/, واسع النطاق {m} /wāsiʿ an-niṭāq/
broad bean {n} (Vicia faba) :: فول {m-p} /fūl/, باقلاء {f} /bāqillāʾ/
broadcast {n} (transmission of a radio or television programme) :: تلفزة {f} /talfaza/, إذاعة {f} /ʾiḏāʿa/
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) :: أذاع /ʾaḏāʿa/, بث /baṯṯa/
broadcaster {n} (organisation) :: إذاعة {f} /ʾiḏāʿa/
broadcaster {n} (person) :: مذيع {m} /muḏīʿ/, مذيعة {f} /muḏīʿa/
broadcasting {n} (business or profession of radio and television) :: إذاعة {f} /ʾiḏāʿa/
brocade {n} (fabric) :: إستبرق {m} /ʾistabraq/
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: بركولي {m} /brukūlī/
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: كراسة /kurrāsa/, كتيب {m} /kutayyib/
broke {adj} (lacking money; bankrupt) :: مفلس {m} /muflis/
broken {adj} (fragmented) :: مكسور /maksūr/
broken-down {adj} (no longer in working order) :: معطل {m} /muʿaṭṭal/
broken heart {n} (feeling of grief or loss) :: كسير القلب /kasīru l-qalb/
broken plural {n} (in Arabic and other languages, irregular plural formed by changing the pattern of consonants and vowels) :: جمع تكسير {m} /jamʿ taksīr/, جمع مكسر {m} /jamʿ mukassar/
broker {n} (mediator between a buyer and seller) :: سمسار {m} /simsār/, وسيط {m} /wasīṭ/, دلال {m} /dallāl/
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: بروم {m} /burūm/
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: برونز {m} /brūnz/
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) :: العصر البرونزي {m} /al-ʿaṣr al-bronziyy/
brooch {n} (jewellery with pin) :: بروش {m} /brūš/, بروش {m} /broš/
brook {n} (a small stream) :: غدير {m} /ḡadīr/
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate ::
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: مكنسة {f} /miknasa/, مقشة {f} /miqša/
broom {n} (Fabaceae shrub) :: جولق {m} /jawlaq/
broomcorn millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet ::
broth {n} (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled) :: مرق {m} /maraq/
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: بيت دعارة {m} /bayt daʿāra/, مبغى /mabḡan/, كرخانة {f} /karḵāna/, بيت التسامح {m} /bayt at-tasāmuḥ/
brother {n} (male sibling) :: أخ {m} /ʾaḵ/, شقيق {m} /šaqīq/
brother {n} :: أخ {m} /ʾaḵ/
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: أخوة /ʾuḵuwwa/
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother) :: شقيق زوج {m} /šaqīq zawj/ [husband], شقيق زوجة {m} /šaqīq zawja/ [wife], سلف {m} /silf/
brouhaha {n} (fuss, uproar) :: عجيج، ضجيج، هرج {m}
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
browbeat {v} (to bully in an intimidating way) :: يغشمر {m} /yuḡašmir/
brown {n} (colour) :: بني /bunniyy/, أسمر {m} /ʾasmar/ [hair]
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: أسمر {m} /ʾasmar/, سمراء {f} /samrāʾ/, سمر {p} /sumr/, بني /bunniyy/
brown {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
Brown {prop} (transliterations of the English name "Brown") :: براون /brāwn/
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite ::
Brownian motion {n} (random motion of particles suspended in a fluid) :: حركة براونية {f} /ḥaraka barawniyya/
brownie {n} (small rich cake) :: جنية سمراء صغيرة
brown rat {n} (Rattus norvegicus) :: جرذ أسمر {m} /jurḏ ʾasmar/
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) :: كدمة {f} /kadma/
Brumaire {prop} (the second month of the French Republican Calendar) :: برومير {m} /brūmayr/
brumous {adj} (wintry) SEE: wintry ::
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: بروناي {f} /brūnāy/
brunette {adj} (having brown or black hair) :: امرأة ذات شعر بني أو أسود, سمراء
brunette {n} (a person, especially female, with brown or black hair) :: سمراء {f} /samrāʾ/
brunion {n} (nectarine) SEE: nectarine ::
Bruno {prop} (male given name) :: برونو {m} /brūnū/
Bruno {prop} (surname) :: برونو {m} {f} /brūnū/
bruschetta {n} (Italian toasted bread topped with garlic and tomatoes) :: بروسكيتا {f} /bruskētta/
brush {n} (implement) :: فرشاة {f} /furšāh/
brush {v} (to clean (with a brush)) :: فرش /faraša/
brush one's teeth {v} (to clean one's teeth with a toothbrush) :: نظف الأسنان /naẓẓafa l-ʾasnān /
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: بروكسل {m} /brūksil/
bruxism {n} (habit or practice of grinding the teeth) :: صرير الأسنان
Bryan {prop} (male given name) :: براين {m}
Bryansk {prop} (city in Russia) :: بريانسك {m} /bryānsk/
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: فقاعة {f} /fuqqāʿa/
bubble {n} (someone who has been fooled) SEE: dupe ::
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat ::
bubble level {n} (tool) SEE: spirit level ::
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: بوخارست {f} /buḵarest/
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
buck {n} (male deer, goat, etc.) :: وعل {m} /waʿl/, كبش {m} /kabš/
bucket {n} (container) :: دلو {m} /dalw/, سطل {m} /saṭl/, جردل {m} /jardal/
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: قصر بكنغهام {m} /qaṣr bakinḡham/
buckler {n} (small shield) :: ترس {m} /turs/
buckthorn {n} (plant of the genus Rhamnus) :: سدر {m} /sidr/
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: حنطة سوداء {f} /ḥinṭa sawdāʾ/
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: برعم /burʿum/
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: بودابست {f} /budābist/
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
buddha {n} (enlightened human) :: بوذا {m} /būḏā/
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: بوذا {m} /būḏā/
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: بوذية {f} /būḏiyya/
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) :: بوذي /būḏiyy/
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to a Buddhist, Buddhists) :: بوذي /būḏiyy/
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) :: بوذي {m} /būḏiyy/, بوذية {f} /būḏiyya/
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: ميزانية {f} /mīzāniyya/, موازنة {f} /muwāzana/
budget {n} (itemized summary of intended expenditure) :: ميزانية {f} /mīzāniyya/, موازنة {f} /muwāzana/
Buenos Aires {prop} (capital of Argentina) :: بوينس آيرس {m} /bwīnus ʾāyris/
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: جاموس {m} /jāmūs/, جاموسة {f} /jāmūsa/
buffalo wing {n} (cooked chicken wing in spicy sauce) :: جناح الجاموس {m} /janāḥ al-jāmūs/
buffet {n} (counter or sideboard) :: بوفيه {m} /būfēh/
buffoon {n} (one who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion) :: مهرج {m} /muharrij/
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) :: خطأ {m} /ḵaṭaʾ/
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic ::
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost ::
buggery {n} (anal sex) SEE: anal sex ::
bugle {n} (plant of the genus Ajuga) :: شندقورة {f} /šandgūra/, جعدة {f} /juʿda/
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: بنى /banā/
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: بناء {m} /bannāʾun/
building {n} (act or process of building) :: بناء {f} /bināʾ/
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: مبنى {m} /mabnā/, بناء {f} /bināʾ/, دار {f} /dār/, بناية {f} /bināya/
Bujumbura {prop} (former capital of Burundi) :: بوجمبورا {f} /bujumbūrā/
Bukhara {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) :: بخارى {f} /buḵārā/
bukkake {n} (act of multiple people ejaculating on someone) :: بوكاكيه {m} /bukākīh/
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
bulbourethral gland {n} (bulbourethral gland) :: غدة بصلية إحليلية {f} /ḡudda baṣaliyya ʾiḥlīliyya/
bulbul {n} (bird of the family Pycnonotidae) :: بلبل {m} /bulbul/
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: بلغاريا {f} /bulḡāriyā/, بلغاريا {f} /balḡāryā/
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: بلغاري /bulḡāriyy/
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: بلغاري {m} /bulḡāriyy/, بلغارية {f} /bulḡāriyya/
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: بلغاري {m} /bulḡāriyy/
bulgur {n} (Middle Eastern food) :: برغل {m} /burḡul/
bulky {adj} (large in size, mass, or volume) :: ضخم /ḍaḵm/
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: ثور {m} /ṯawr/
bull {n} (document) :: مرسوم {m} /marsūm/
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
bulldoze {v} (to destroy with a bulldozer) :: جرف /jarrafa/
bulldozer {n} (tractor) :: جرارة {f} /jarrāra/, جرافة {f} /jarrāfa/, بولدوزر {m} /buldūzar/
bullet {n} (projectile) :: رصاصة {f} /raṣāṣa/, رصاص {m} /raṣāṣ/ [collective]
bulletproof vest {n} (garment) :: صدرية ضد الرصاص /ṣadriyya(t) ḍidda r-raṣāṣ/, سترة واقية {f} /sutra(t) wāqiya/
bullet train {n} (Japanese high-speed train) :: شينكانسن {m} /šinkansen/
bullshit {n} (object of frustration) :: هراء /hurāʾ/
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bully {n} (person who is cruel to others) :: مستأسد {m} /mustaʾsid/
bullying {n} (act of intimidating a person) :: إرهاب {m} /ʾirhāb/, تنمر {m} /tanammur/
bulwark {n} (defensive wall or rampart) :: حصن {m} /ḥiṣn/
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: طنانة {f} /ṭannāna/, نحلة {f} /naḥla/
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bumfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
bun {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie ::
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: كعكة {f} /kaʿka/
bunch {n} (a group of similar things) :: حزمة {f}
bunch {n} (an informal body of friends) :: مجموعة {f}
bunch {n} (a considerable amount) :: حزمة {f}
bunch {v} (to gather into a bunch) :: حزم /ḥazama/
bundle {n} (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying) :: إبالة {f} /ʾibāla/, حزمة {f} /ḥuzma/
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
bunk bed {n} (two or more beds fixed on top of one another) :: سرير بطابقين {m} /sarīr biṭābaqayn/
bunkbed {n} (bunk bed) SEE: bunk bed ::
bunker {n} (hardened shelter) :: مخبأ {m} /maḵbaʾ/, قبو {m} /qabw/
bunker {n} (truant) SEE: truant ::
Bunsen burner {n} (small laboratory gas burner) :: موقد بنسن
buoy {n} (moored float) :: شمندورة {f} /šamandūra/, عوامة {f} /ʿawwāma/
buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
burden {n} (heavy load) :: حمل {m} /ḥiml/, عبء {m} /ʿibʾ/
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) :: حمل {m} /ḥiml/, عبء {m} /ʿibʾ/
bureau {n} (office (room)) :: مكتب {m} /maktab/
bureau {n} (desk) :: مكتب {m} /maktab/
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: بيرقراطية {f} /bīruqrāṭiyya/
bureaucrat {n} (An official in a bureaucracy) :: بيروقراطي {m} /bīruqrāṭiyy/
bureau de change {n} (a place where foreign currency can be exchanged) :: صرافة العملات {f} /ṣirāfat al-ʿumlāt/, مكتب صرافة {m} /maktab ṣirāfa/
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: بورغاس
burger {n} (informal: hamburger) :: بورجر {m} /būrgar/
burial {n} (interment) :: دفن {m} /dafn/, تدفين {m} /tadfīn/
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: برقع {m} /burquʿ/
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: بوركينا فاسو {f} /būrkīnā fāsū/
burlesque {n} (variety adult entertainment show) :: عرض مسرحي هزلي {m} /ʿarḍ masraḥiyy hazliyy/
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: بورما {f} /burmā/
Burmese {n} (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent) :: بورمي {m} /burmiyy/, بورمية {f} /burmiyya/
Burmese {prop} (language) :: بورمي {m} /burmiyy/, بورمية {f} /burmiyya/
burn {n} (physical injury) :: حرق {m} /ḥarq/, سفعة {f} /safʿa/
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: أحرق /ʾaḥraqa/, حرق /ḥaraqa/
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: احترق /iḥtaraqa/
burn {n} (vegetable disease) SEE: brand ::
burn {v} (to sunburn) SEE: sunburn ::
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burn one's bridges {v} (burn one's bridges) :: حرق السفن /ḥaraqa s-sufun/, قطع الجسور /qaṭaʿa l-jusūr/, قطع كل علاقات /qaṭaʿa kull ʿalāqāt/
burnoose {n} (a thick hooded cloak) :: برنس {m} /burnus/
burnt {adj} (damaged or injured by fire or heat) :: محروق /maḥrūq/, محترق /muḥtariq/
burn the midnight oil {v} (work through the night) :: أشعل فانوس الليل
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: تجشؤ {m} /tajaššuʾ/
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: تجشأ /tajaššaʾa/
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burrata {n} (cheese similar to creamy mozzarella) :: بوراتا {f} /burrāta/
burrow {n} (a tunnel or hole) :: جحر {m} /juḥr/, سرب {m} /sarab/, دولج {m} /dawlaj/
bursty {adj} (occurring in abrupt bursts) :: متقطع, متدفق {m}
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: بورندي {m} /burundī/, بوروندي {m} /burundī/
bury {v} (inter a corpse in a grave or tomb) :: دفن /dafana/
bury {v} (hide or conceal as if by covering with earth) :: دفن /dafana/
Buryatia {prop} (Buryatia, Russia) :: بورياتيا {f} /buryātyā/
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: حافلة {f} /ḥāfila/, باص {m} /bāṣ/, أتوبيس {m} /ʾotobīs/, أتوبوس {m} /ʾotobūs/
Busan {prop} (Busan, South Korea) :: بوسان {m} /busān/
Buscemi {prop} (city of Sicily) :: [historical] قلعة أبي شامة /qalʿat ʾabī šāma/
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: شجيرة {f} /šajyra/
Bush {prop} (surname) :: بوش /būš/
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: شركة {f} /šarika/
business {n} (occupation, work or trade of a person) :: عمل {m} /ʿamal/, تجارة {f} /tijāra/, مشروع {m} /mašrūʿ/
business {n} (patronage) :: رعاية {n}
business card {n} (small card) :: بطاقة مؤسسة {f} /biṭāqat muʾassasa/
businessman {n} (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) :: رجل أعمال {m} /rajul ʾaʿmāl/, تاجر {m} /tājir/
businessperson {n} (a person in business) :: تاجر {m} /tājir/, تاجرة {f} /tājira/
business trip {n} (business trip) :: رحلة عمل {f} /riḥlat ʿamal/
businesswoman {n} (woman of business) :: تاجرة {f} /tājira/
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) :: محطة حافلات {f} /maḥaṭṭat ḥāfilāt/
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) :: موقف للحافلات {m} /mawqif li-l-ḥāfilāt/, موقف باص {m} /mawqif bāṣ/, محطة باص {f} /maḥaṭṭat bāṣ/
bustard {n} (any of several birds of the family Otididae) :: حبارى {f} /ḥubārā/
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: مشغول /mašḡūl/
busybody {n} (someone who interferes with others) :: فضولي {m} /fuḍūliyy/
but {conj} (rather) :: لكن /lākin/, ولكن /wa-lākin/, بل /bal/
but {conj} (although) :: لكن /lākin/, لكن /lākinna/, ولكن /wa-lākin/, ولكن /wa-lākinna/
but {conj} (except) :: إلا /ʾillā/, سوى /siwan/
but {conj} :: بل /bal/
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: جزار {m} /jazzār/, قصاب {m} /qaṣṣāb/
butcher {n} (a brutal or indiscriminate killer) :: جزار {m} /jazzār/
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butler {n} (manservant having charge of wines and liquors) :: كبير خدم {m} /kabīr ḵadam/
butt {n} (buttocks) :: مؤخرة {f} /muʾaḵḵara/
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: عقب سيجارة /ʿaqb sījāra/
butt chin {n} (cleft chin) SEE: cleft chin ::
butte {n} (hill) :: شاهد صخري
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: زبدة {f} /zubda/
butterbur {n} (herb) :: أرام {m} /ʾarām/
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
buttercup {n} (herb of the genus Ranunculus) :: حوذان {m} /ḥawḏān/
butterfly {n} (insect) :: فراشة {f} /farāša/
butterfly effect {n} (technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory) :: تأثير الفراشة {m} /taʾṯīr al-farāša/
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: مخيض {m} /maḵīḍ/, ممخوض {m} /mamḵūḍ/
buttermilk {n} (cultured buttermilk) :: دوغ {m} /dūḡ/
butter up {v} (to flatter) :: تملق /tamallaqa/
buttfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
buttock {n} (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) :: دبر {m} /dubr/, ردف {m} /ridf/, ردفان {m} /ridfān/, ألية {f} /ʾalya/
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: زر {m} /zirr/
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: زر {m} /zirr/
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: اشترى /ištarā/
buy {n} (purchase) SEE: purchase ::
buyer {n} (person who makes purchases) :: مشتري {m} /muštarī/, مشتر {m} /muštarin/, مشترية {f} /muštariya/
buying {n} (act of making a purchase) :: شراء {m} /širāʾ/, اشتراء {m} /ištirāʾ/
buzz {v} (to make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound) :: طن /ṭanna/
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: حوام {m} /ḥawām/
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
buzzer {n} (device) :: طنان {m} /ṭannān/
by {prep} (near, or next to) :: بجانب /bi-jānib/
by {prep} (not later than) :: عند /ʿinda/, في /fī/
by {prep} (indicates the agent of a passive verb) :: من قبل /min qibal/, بواسطة /bi-wāsiṭa/, ب /bi-/
by {prep} (indicates creator of a work) :: بواسطة /bi-wāsiṭa/, ل /li-/
by {prep} (indicates a means) :: ب /bi-/
by {prep} (with the authority of) :: ب /bi-/
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
by and large {adv} (mostly, generally; with few exceptions) :: على العموم /ʿalā l-ʿamūm/
Byblos {prop} (port city in Lebanon) :: جبيل /jubayl/
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: صدفة /ṣudfatan/
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of ::
by dint of {prep} (by the force of; by means of, see also: by means of) :: بسبب /bisababb/
bye {interj} (short for goodbye, see also: goodbye) :: إلى اللقاء /ʾilā l-liqāʾ/, مع السلامة /maʿa s-salāma/, سلام /salām/
bye-bye {n} (goodbye, see also: bye; goodbye) :: إلى اللقاء /ʾilā l-liqāʾ/, باي باي /bay bay/
by-election {n} (special election) :: انتخابات تكميلية {m-p} /intiḵābāt takmīliyya/
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
by God {adv} (oath) :: والله /wa-llāh/
by God {interj} (surprise) :: والله /wa-llāh/
by means of {prep} (By using) :: بواسطة /bi-wāsiṭa/
byre {n} (a barn, especially one used for keeping cattle) :: حظيرة {f} /ḥaẓīra/, زريبة {f} /zarība/
byte {n} (8-bit unit) :: بايت {m} /bāyt/
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: بالمناسبة /bi-l-munāsaba/, على فكرة /ʿalā fikratin/
by virtue of {prep} (because of) :: على أساس /ʿalā ʾasās/, بفضل /bifaḍl/, بمقتضى /bimuqtḍā/, بسبب /bisababb/, استنادا إلى /istinādan ʾilā/
Byzantine Empire {prop} (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) :: إمبراطورية بيزنطية {f} /ʾimbirāṭuriyya bīzanṭiyya/
Byzantine fault tolerance {n} :: مسألة الجنرال البيزنطي {f} /masʾalatu l-janarāli l-bīzanṭī/
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire ::
Byzantium {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: بيزنطة {f} /bīzanṭa/