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Etymology 1.1

و ض ع (w ḍ ʕ)
12 terms


  • IPA(key): /wa.dˤa.ʕa/
  • Audio:(file)



وَضَعَ (waḍaʕa) I (non-past يَضَعُ (yaḍaʕu), verbal noun وَضْع (waḍʕ) or مَوْضَع (mawḍaʕ) or مَوْضِع (mawḍiʕ))

  1. (transitive) to put; to lay; to place; to set; to position; to install; to implant
    وَضَعْتُ يَدَيَّ عَلَى أُذْنَيَّ فَمَا سَمِعْتُ قَوْلَهُ.
    waḍaʕtu yadayya ʕalā ʔuḏnayya fa-mā samiʕtu qawlahu.
    I put my hands over my ears and did not hear what he said.
  2. (transitive) to lump, to group; to put together
    Synonyms: جَمَعَ (jamaʕa), رَثَدَ (raṯada)
    1. (transitive, of a female) to lay and cluster (eggs) in a nest
  3. (transitive) to store away, to stow away, to deposit; to put down, to lay down
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 94:2:
      وَوَضَعْنَا عَنْكَ وِزْرَكَ.
      wa-waḍaʕnā ʕanka wizraka.
      And We put down from you your burden.
    Synonym: خَزَّنَ (ḵazzana, to store)
  4. (transitive) to stop holding or using (a tool or an instrument, such as a weapon), to put away or down, to lay down; to put aside
    1. (transitive) to cancel (a law, a regulation, and so on), to abrogate; to set aside
      Synonyms: أَلْغَى (ʔalḡā, to cancel), أَبْطَلَ (ʔabṭala, to nullify; to invalidate), نَسَخَ (nasaḵa, to abrogate; to supersede)
    2. (transitive) to remove (clothes); to put off or down, to lay off or down, to doff; to take off
      Synonym: خَلَعَ (ḵalaʕa, to take off (clothes or accessories))
    3. (transitive, of a female) to give birth to (a baby), to deliver, to bear
      Synonym: وَلَدَ (walada, to give birth to, to mother)
  5. (transitive) to posit (a law, a regulation, and so on); to impose; to set down, to lay down
    Synonyms: كَتَبَ (kataba, to prescribe), شَرَعَ (šaraʕa, to command)
    1. (transitive) to posit (an explanation, a theory, and so on); to propose, to set forth; to put down
  6. (transitive) to add
    Synonym: أَضَافَ (ʔaḍāfa)
    1. (transitive) to interpose (something, as in a text or a literature, especially falsely), to insert; to interpolate; to put in
      Synonyms: اِخْتَلَقَ (iḵtalaqa, to make up, to invent), اِفْتَرَى (iftarā, to forge)
  7. (transitive, rare) to see or treat as lowly, to demean
    Synonym: أَذَلَّ (ʔaḏalla)

Etymology 1.2






وَضْع (waḍʕm (plural أَوْضَاع (ʔawḍāʕ))

  1. verbal noun of وَضَعَ (waḍaʕa) (form I)
  2. putting down, putting, setting
  3. humiliation, deposition
  4. parturition
  5. miscarriage
  6. creating, inventing, composing
  7. position, site
  8. situation
  9. attitude, behavior, manners
  10. proceeding, way of acting
  11. case
  12. plan, intention
  13. external form, figure, shape
  14. institute, establishment
  15. literary composition, work
  16. subtraction, abatement
    وَضْعًا وَقَوْلًاwaḍʕan wa-qawlanin deeds and words
  • Azerbaijani: vəz
  • Ottoman Turkish: وضع (vaz)
  • Persian: وضع (vaz')

Hijazi Arabic




From Arabic وَضْع (waḍʕ).





وضع (waḍʕm (plural أوضاع (ʔawḍāʕ))

  1. situation





Borrowed from Arabic وَضْع (waḍʕ).



Classical reading? waz'
Dari reading? waz'
Iranian reading? vaz'
Tajik reading? vazʾ


Dari وضع
Iranian Persian
Tajik вазъ

وَضع (vaz') (plural اُوضاع (owzâ') or وَضع‌ها (vaz'-hâ))

  1. condition, situation, state
    Synonyms: وضعیت (vaz'iyat), حال (hâl)
  2. manner, way of acting
    • c. 1760, محمد یوسف خان [Muḥammad Yūsuf Khān], translated by Hannah Lord Archambault, in "Geographies of Influence: Two Afghan Military Households in 17th and 18th Century South India" (2018, PhD), تاریخ فتحیه [Tārikh-i Fatḥiya]‎[3]:
      وَ این تُرکتاز خان دَر دَکَّن مُتَوَلِّد شُده، خود را با وَضعِ مَرَتهه‌ها ساخته، دَر لِباس و خَوراک و مُخالِطَت با مَرَتهه‌ها قِسمی مُواقَفَت داشت که سَرِ مو اَز وَضعِ آنها با این تَفاوَت مَحسوس نِمی‌کَردَند. وَ دَر رَویه جَنگ نیز مِثلِ مَرَتهه‌ها بود.
      va in torktâz xân dar dakkan motavalled šode, xod-râ bâ vaz'-e marathe-hâ sâxte, dar lebâs o xorâk o moxâletat bâ marathe-hâ qesm-i movâqafat dâšt ke sar-e mu az vaz'-e ânhâ bâ in tafâvat mahsus ne-mi-kardand. va dar raviye-ye jang niz mesl-e marathe-hâ bud.
      And this Turktāz Khān [was] born in the Deccan and presented himself in the manner of the Marathas. In [his] clothing and food and conversation their they had such a degree of similarity that not a hair from their heads could be distinguished. In style of warfare also he was like the Marathas.
  3. enactment
    Synonym: تصویب (tasvib)
  4. subtraction, deduction

South Levantine Arabic




From Arabic وَضْع (waḍʕ).





وضع (waḍʕm (plural أوضاع (ʔawḍāʕ))

  1. situation, position





Borrowed from Classical Persian وَضْع (waz'), from Arabic وَضْع (waḍʕ). First attested in c. 1611 as Middle Hindi وضع (vẓ').[1]





وَضْع (vaz'f (Hindi spelling वज़ा)

  1. making; devising; forming; invention
  2. shape; appearance
  3. manner; mode
  4. style; order; manner
  5. type; kind; form
  6. delivery; produce (ie. a child)
  7. custom (ie. a tradition)


Declension of وضع
singular plural
direct وَضْع (vaz') وَضْعیں (vaz'ẽ)
oblique وَضْع (vaz') وَضْعوں (vaz'õ)
vocative وَضْع (vaz') وَضْعو (vaz'o)


  1. ^ وضع”, in اُردُو لُغَت (urdū luġat) (in Urdu), Ministry of Education: Government of Pakistan, 2017.

Further reading
