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See also: صرب, ضرت, صرت, and ض ر ب


ض ر ب (ḍ r b)
12 terms





ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba) I (non-past يَضْرِبُ (yaḍribu), verbal noun ضَرْب (ḍarb))

  1. to strike, to beat, to hit [with accusative ‘someone/something’ and بِ (bi) ‘with something’; or with بِ (bi) ‘with something’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘on someone/something’; or with accusative ‘someone’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘on something, e.g. a body part’]
    ضَرَبَ رَأْسَهُ بِٱلْجِدَارِ
    ḍaraba raʔsahu bi-l-jidāri
    He hit his head against the wall.
  2. (transitive) to shoot at, to fire at, to bombard
  3. to play [with accusative or عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘an instrument]
  4. to type (on a keyboard or typewriter)
  5. to impose, to inflict [with accusative ‘a tax, a tribute, etc.’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘on someone/something’]
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 3:112:
      ضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الذِّلَّةُ أَيْنَ مَا ثُقِفُوا إِلَّا بِحَبْلٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَحَبْلٍ مِنَ النَّاسِ
      ḍuribat ʕalayhimu ḏ-ḏillatu ʔayna mā ṯuqifū ʔillā biḥablin mina l-lahi waḥablin mina n-nāsi
      Ignominy shall be their portion wheresoever they are found save (where they grasp) a rope from Allah and a rope from men.
      Translation by Marmaduke Pickthall
  6. to leave, to abandon, to turn away from, to forsake [with عَن (ʕan) ‘someone/something’]
  7. to sting (of a scorpion)
  8. to pitch (a tent)
    ضَرَبَ خَيْمَةًḍaraba ḵaymatanto pitch a tent
  9. to coin, to mint, to strike [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘a coin, money’]
  10. to seal, to stamp [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘a piece of writing’]
  11. to erase [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘something written’]
  12. to cast, to throw, to set, to put [with accusative ‘something’, along with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘over something else’ or بَيْنَ (bayna) ‘between two people/things’]
    ضَرَبَ الفَخًّا عَلَى الطَائِرِ
    ḍaraba l-faḵḵan ʕalā ṭ-ṭāʔiri
    he threw the snare over the bird
    ضَرَبَ بَيْنَهُمَا سَدًْاhe set a barrier between (the two of) them
  13. to be long (of the night)
  14. to set or posit as an example or make a simile of, to be proverbial with
    • a. 1338, ابن عبد الحق [ʿabd al-muʾmīn ibn ʿabd al-ḥaqq ṣafīy ad-dīn al-baḡdādīy], مراصد الاطلاع على الأمكنة والبقاع[1]:
      بكَسر أوله، وآخره طاء مهملة: بلدة عامرة مشهورة كثيرة الخيرات، وهى قصبة أرمينية الوسطى، يضرب ببردها فى الشتاء المثل، وبُحَيْرَتُها يُجلَبُ منها السمك الطّرّيخ، [على وزن سكّين] «٣» ، ليس فى غيرها، يُحمَلُ إلى سائرِ البلاد البعيدة، وهى من العجب، فإنها عشرة أشهر لا يوجد فيها حيوان، لا سمك ولا غيره، ثم يَظهر بها السمك مدة شهرين، فيُصاد ويكبس.
      Xlat: A flourishing, famous town, full of amenities, it is a fortress of Central Armenia, and its burd clothing sets an example in winter, and there is Lake Van whence one imports the pearl mullet, to which there is no equal, which is carried to the rest of the towns far away, it’s wonderful, ten months the animal is not found therein, no fish nor anything, then there appears fish for two months, and is caught and pickled.
      Turkish translation in Gök, H. İbrahim (2014) XIII ve XIV. Yüzyıla ait bir coğrafya sözlüğü: Merâsidü’l-ittılâʾ ve Anadolu’ya dair kayıtları[2], Kırıkkale, page 147




  • Maltese: darab
  • English: drub (perhaps)
  • Spanish: adarvar



ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba) I (non-past يَضْرِبُ (yaḍribu), verbal noun ضَرْب (ḍarb) or ضَرَبَان (ḍarabān))

  1. (transitive, arithmetic) to multiply [with accusative ‘something’ and فِي () ‘with something’]
  2. (intransitive) to pulsate, to throb, to beat (of a vein or the heart)
  3. (intransitive) to ache violently, to hurt severely (of a wound or tooth)
  4. (intransitive) to roam, to travel [with فِي () ‘in/through somewhere’]
  5. (intransitive) to migrate (of a bird)
  6. (intransitive) to cruise (of a ship)
  7. (intransitive) to incline, to tend, to shade [with إِلَى (ʔilā) ‘into/towards a specified color’]
    • a. 1248, ابن البيطار [Ibn al-Bayṭār], الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية [De simplicibus medicinis opus magnum]:
      قرنوة: الغافقي: قال قوم أنها الهرنوة والقرنوة أيضاً حشيشة. […] قال أبو حنيفة: هي عشبة يضرب ورقها إلى الحمرة وهي مرة يدبغ بها. وقال أيضاً عن بعضهم: هي خضراء غبراء على ساق لها ثمرة كالسنبلة ومنابتها السهول وهي مرعى. وقال آخر: القرنوة عشبة يطول ورقها كورق الحندقوقا عفصة تستعمل في دباغة الجلود وقيل أنها هذه الحشيشة المعروفة بالأنجبار.
      Aloeswood. Al-Ġāfaqīy: Some say that these seeds of aloe are a herb. […] Abū Ḥanīfa: The tender leaves of this herb tend towards red and this is when they are used for tanning. And some authors said they are dingy towards the foot and have fruits like ears like spikes growing on plains and used for pasturage. Another said: It’s a plant of long leaves like honey lotus the gall of which is used for tanning hides and it has been said it is a herb known as al-anjabār.





ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba) I (non-past يَضْرِبُ (yaḍribu), verbal noun ضِرَاب (ḍirāb))

  1. to mount (a female camel)
  2. (transitive) to mix [with accusative ‘something, e.g. eggs’ and بِ (bi) ‘with something else, e.g. flour’]





ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba) I (non-past يَضْرُبُ (yaḍrubu), verbal noun ?)

  1. to get the better of in beating





ضَرِبَ (ḍariba) I (non-past يَضْرَبُ (yaḍrabu), verbal noun ضَرَب (ḍarab))
ضُرِبَ (ḍuriba) I (passive-only, non-past يُضْرَبُ (yuḍrabu), verbal noun ضَرَب (ḍarab))

  1. to be smitten by hoarfrost or rime





ضَرُبَ (ḍaruba) I (non-past يَضْرُبُ (yaḍrubu), verbal noun ضَرَابَة (ḍarāba))

  1. to give a violent hit, give a sound blow





ضَرَّبَ (ḍarraba) II (non-past يُضَرِّبُ (yuḍarribu), verbal noun تَضْرِيب (taḍrīb))

  1. to beat violently or repeatedly
  2. to mix, mix up
  3. to stir up discord
  4. to sew on a lining or padding
  5. to drink of the milk called ضَرِيب (ḍarīb, milk of several camels in the same bucket)
  6. to get overtaken by the snow (ضَرِيب (ḍarīb, snow, hoarfrost, ice))
  7. to be deep-set (of an eye)





ضَرْب (ḍarbm (plural ضُرُوب (ḍurūb) or أَضْرُب (ʔaḍrub))

  1. verbal noun of ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba, to beat) (form I)
  2. beating, striking, hitting
  3. violence, power
  4. haste, hurry
  5. the playing of musical instruments
  6. minting
  7. (arithmetic) multiplication
  8. make, form, fashion, mold, cast
  9. sort, species
  10. report of a gun
  11. similarity
  12. last foot of the second hemistich







ضَرْب (ḍarb) (masculine plural أَضْرَاب (ʔaḍrāb))

  1. who beats much
  2. brave, bold
  3. active, clever
  4. of a slender make and not fleshy
  5. slight, light
  6. beaten
  7. coined
  8. similar, like





ضَرَب (ḍarabm

  1. verbal noun of ضُرِبَ (ḍuriba) (form I)
  2. verbal noun of ضَرِبَ (ḍariba) (form I)





Hijazi Arabic


Etymology 1


From Arabic ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba).





ضَرَب (ḍarab) I (non-past يِضْرُب (yiḍrub))

  1. to strike, to beat, to hit
  2. (arithmetic) to multiply with
  3. to set or posit as an example or make a simile of, to be proverbial with
Conjugation of ضرب
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m ضربت (ḍarabt) ضربت (ḍarabt) ضرب (ḍarab) ضربنا (ḍarabna) ضربتوا (ḍarabtu) ضربوا (ḍarabu)
f ضربتي (ḍarabti) ضربت (ḍarabat)
non-past m أضرب (ʔaḍrub) تضرب (tiḍrub) يضرب (yiḍrub) نضرب (niḍrub) تضربوا (tiḍrubu) يضربوا (yiḍrubu)
f تضربي (tiḍrubi) تضرب (tiḍrub)
imperative m اضرب (aḍrub) اضربوا (aḍrubu)
f اضربي (aḍrubi)

Etymology 2


From Arabic ضَرَّبَ (ḍarraba).





ضَرَّب (ḍarrab) II (non-past يِضَرِّب (yiḍarrib))

  1. to beat violently or repeatedly
Conjugation of ضرب
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m ضربت (ḍarrabt) ضربت (ḍarrabt) ضرب (ḍarrab) ضربنا (ḍarrabna) ضربتوا (ḍarrabtu) ضربوا (ḍarrabu)
f ضربتي (ḍarrabti) ضربت (ḍarrabat)
non-past m أضرب (ʔaḍarrib) تضرب (tiḍarrib) يضرب (yiḍarrib) نضرب (niḍarrib) تضربوا (tiḍarribu) يضربوا (yiḍarribu)
f تضربي (tiḍarribi) تضرب (tiḍarrib)
imperative m ضرب (ḍarrib) ضربوا (ḍarribu)
f ضربي (ḍarribi)

Etymology 3


From Arabic ضَرْب (ḍarb).





ضرب (ḍarbm (collective, singulative ضَرْب f (ḍarba))

  1. beating, striking, hitting
  2. (arithmetic) multiplication

Moroccan Arabic


Etymology 1


From Arabic ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba).





ضرب (ḍrab) I (non-past يضرَب (yiḍrab) or يضرُب (yiḍrub), verbal noun ضرب (ḍarb) or ضريب (ḍrīb), active participle ضارب (ḍārib), passive participle مضروب (maḍrūb))

  1. to hit, to strike, to beat
    ضرب راسه مع الحيطḍrab rāsu mʕa l-ḥayṭHe hit his head against the wall.
    ضربه خوه على دراعهḍarbu ḵūh ʕla drāʕuHis brother hit him on his arm.
  2. to do or perform an action
    ضربها بجرية.ḍrabha b-jarya.He ran. (literally, “He hit a ran”)
    ضربها بنعسة.ḍrabha b-naʕsa.He slept (literally, “He hit a sleep”)
  3. to travel a distance
    ضرب مسافة على رجليهḍrab masāfa ʕla rajlīhHe walked a long distance on foot.
  4. to play an instrument
    هاد الكومنجي كيعرف يضرب الكمنجة
    hād el-kwamanji kayiʕraf yiḍrab el-kamanja
    This violonist knows how to play the violin.
  5. to multiply
    ضرب خمسة فتلاتة غتعطيك خمسطاش
    ḍrab ḵamsa f-tlāta ḡa-taʕṭīk ḵmasṭāš
    Multiply 3 by 5, you'll get 15.
  6. (slang) to consume (to eat, to drink, to smoke, etc)
    ضرب كسكسو فالغداḍrab ksaksu f-le-ḡdāHe ate couscous at lunch.
    عبد القادر ضرب جوج جوانات قبل لعصر
    ʕabd el-qāder ḍrab jūj jwānāt qbal el-ʕasr
    Abdelkader smoked two joints before the afternoon.
  7. to gain, to profit
    ضرب 20 مليون فهاد البيعة وشرية
    ḍrab ʕašrīn malyūn f-hād l-bayʕa w-šarya
    He gained 20 million in this sale transaction.
  8. to punish, to sentence
    ضربوه ب10 سنين د الحبس
    ḍarbūh b-ʕašr snīn d el-ḥabs
    He was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment.
    ضربه القاضي بغرامة د 10000 درهم على ود التزوير
    ḍarbu l-qāḍi b-ḡarāma d ʕašr ālāf darham ʕla wudd et-tazwīr
    The judge punished him with a 10000 dirham fine for fraud.
  9. to cross out, to remove, to swear off [with على]
    من نهار طلّق، ضرب على العيالات
    Min nhār ṭallaq, ḍrab ʕla le-ʕyālāt
    He swore off women since his divorce.
    ضرب على اللحم حيت قالها ليه الطبيب
    ḍrab ʕla l-lḥam ḥīt qālha līh eṭ-ṭbīb
    He crossed out meat from his diet on the doctor's orders.
    ضرب على خوته بسباب الورت
    ḍrab ʕla ḵūtu be-sbāb el-wart
    He stopped seeing his siblings because of the inheritance.
  10. to fend, to defend, to stand up [with على]
    ديما خاصك تضرب على حقك.
    dīma ḵāṣṣek tiḍrab ʕla ḥaqqek
    You should always stand up for your rights.
    فهاد البلاد خاص الواحد يضرب على راسه.
    f-hād le-blād xāṣṣ el-wāḥed yiḍrab ʕla rāsu
    In this country, one has to fend for oneself.
  11. to catch without being seen
    ضربات عليا الوالدة كنكمي
    ḍarbāt ʕliyya l-wālida kanekmi
    My mother caught me smoking.
  12. to drop by [with لعند]
    ضرب لعندي من بعد الخدمة.
    ḍrab l-ʕandi men baʕd el-ḵadma.
    Drop by my place after you finish work.

Etymology 2


From Arabic ضَرْب (ḍarb).





ضرب (ḍarbm

  1. verbal noun of ضرب (ḍrab)


Persian Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia fa



Borrowed from Arabic ضَرْب (ḍarb).



Classical reading? zarb
Dari reading? zarb
Iranian reading? zarb
Tajik reading? zarb



ضرب (zarb)

  1. tap; blow, stroke
  2. (music)
    1. beat
    2. rhythm
    3. tonbak (a kind of drum)
      Synonym: تمبک (tombak)
  3. (arithmetic) multiplication
  4. minting (of coins)

South Levantine Arabic




From Arabic ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba).


  • IPA(key): /dˤa.rab/, [ˈdˤɑ.rˤɑb]
  • Audio (al-Lidd):(file)



ضرب (ḍarab) I (present بضرب (boḍrob))

  1. to hit, to strike, to beat
    Synonyms: خبط (ḵabaṭ), صدم (ṣadam)


Conjugation of ضرب
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m ضربت (ḍarabt) ضربت (ḍarabt) ضرب (ḍarab) ضربنا (ḍarabna) ضربتو (ḍarabtu) ضربو (ḍarabu)
f ضربتي (ḍarabti) ضربت (ḍarbat)
present m بضرب (baḍrob) بتضرب (btoḍrob) بضرب (boḍrob) منضرب (mnoḍrob) بتضربو (btoḍrobu) بضربو (boḍrobu)
f بتضربي (btoḍrobi) بتضرب (btoḍrob)
subjunctive m أضرب (ʔaḍrob) تضرب (toḍrob) يضرب (yoḍrob) نضرب (noḍrob) تضربو (toḍrobu) يضربو (yoḍrobu)
f تضربي (toḍrobi) تضرب (toḍrob)
imperative m اضرب (oḍrob) اضربو (oḍrobu)
f اضربي (oḍrobi)