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User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-s

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
{suffix} :: Accusative case suffix for feminine nouns ending with -а or -я
у- {prefix} :: away
у- {prefix} :: with a more concrete purpose
у {letter} :: The twenty-first letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is у and it has the sound of English oo in soon. It is preceded by Т and followed by Ф
у {letter} :: Roman letter U, u
у {n inan} :: The Cyrillic letter У, у
у {m inan} :: Wu [language]
у {prep} :: at, by, near
у {prep} :: in the possession of [used to express "to have"]
Уагадугу {prop} {m inan} :: Уагадугу (capital city)
уазик {noun} [colloquial] :: UAZ-brand car
уай {n inan} :: (English letter) Y, y
убавить {v pf} :: to diminish, to lessen, to reduce
убавить {v pf} :: to shorten
убавить {v pf} :: to narrow
убавлять {v impf} :: to diminish, to lessen, to reduce
убавлять {v impf} :: to shorten
убавлять {v impf} :: to narrow
убаюкать {v pf} :: to lull, to rock to sleep
убегать {v impf} :: to run away, to make off, to flee
убегать {v impf} :: to escape
убегать {v impf} :: to boil over (of liquid)
убегающий {adj} :: fleeing
убедительно {adv} :: earnestly
убедительно {adv} :: convincingly
убедительность {noun} :: persuasiveness (capability to persuade)
убедительный {adj} :: convincing, persuasive
убедительный {adj} :: earnest
убедить {v pf} :: to convince
убедить {v pf} :: to persuade, to prevail
убедиться {v pf} :: to be convinced, to receive evidence
убедиться {v pf} :: to make sure, to make certain
убежать {v pf} :: to run away, to make off, to flee
убежать {v pf} :: to escape
убежать {v pf} :: to boil over (of liquid)
убеждать {v impf} :: to convince
убеждать {v impf} :: to persuade
убеждаться {v impf} :: to be convinced, to receive evidence
убеждаться {v impf} :: to make sure, to make certain
убеждение {noun} :: belief, conviction
убеждение {noun} :: persuasion (the act of persuading)
убеждённо {adv} :: with conviction
убеждённость {noun} :: conviction (firmly held belief)
убеждённый {adj} :: convinced [of something]
убеждённый {adj} :: staunch
убежище {noun} :: asylum, refuge, sanctuary (a state of safety, protection or shelter)
уберегать {v impf} :: to safeguard (against), to guard (against), to keep (from), to preserve (from)
уберечь {v pf} :: to safeguard (against), to guard (against), to keep (from), to preserve (from)
убечь {v pf} [dialectal] :: alternative form of убежать
убивать {v impf} :: to kill
убивать {v impf} :: to murder
убивать {v impf} :: to beat (in cards)
убивать {v impf} :: to drive to despair
убивать {v impf} :: to waste
убиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hurt/bruise oneself
убиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to grieve (over)
убиваться {v impf} :: to knock oneself out
убиенный {adj} [dated] :: murdered
убиенный {adj} [dated, figurative] :: ruined, crushed
убиенный {adj} [dated, figurative] :: despairing, depressed
убиенный {noun} [dated] :: murder victim, murderee
убийственный {adj} :: killing
убийственный {adj} :: murderous, deadly
убийство {noun} :: murder (in terms of the action of killing someone)
убийца {m anim} {f anim} :: murderer, murderess
убийца {m anim} {f anim} :: assassin
убирать {v impf} :: to remove, to take away
убирать {v impf} :: to strike (nautical)
убирать {v impf} :: to clean up, to tidy, to tidy up
убирать {v impf} :: to put away
убирать {v impf} :: to clear, to clear up, to clear out
убирать {v impf} :: to deck out
убирать {v impf} :: to decorate
убирать {v impf} :: to take in
убираться {v impf} :: to clean up, to tidy up
убираться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to beat it, to clear off
убитый {adj} :: depressed, crushed, broken-hearted
убитый {adj} :: padded
убитый {noun} :: dead person; killed person, murder victim
убить {v pf} :: to kill
убить {v pf} :: to murder
убить {v pf} :: to beat (in cards)
убить {v pf} :: to drive to despair
убить {v pf} :: to waste
убить одним выстрелом двух зайцев {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to kill two birds with one stone
убиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hurt/bruise oneself
убиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to grieve (over)
убиться {v pf} :: to knock oneself out
ублажать {v impf} :: to indulge, to humour, to please, to gratify, to pamper
ублажить {v pf} :: to indulge, to humour, to please, to gratify, to pamper
ублюдок {noun} :: bastard (person born to unmarried parents)
ублюдок {noun} [vulgar, swear word] :: bastard
убогий {adj} :: wretched, poor, poverty-stricken, squalid, miserable, sordid, beggarly
убогий {adj} :: disabled, crippled
убогий {adj} :: small-minded, petty
убогий {noun} :: pauper
убогий {noun} :: disabled person, cripple
убогость {noun} :: disability, handicap
убогость {noun} :: wretchedness, poverty, squalor
убогость {noun} [figurative] :: mediocrity, insignificance, poverty [e.g. of thought or ideas]
убожество {noun} :: squalor, poverty, wretchedness, beggarliness
убожество {noun} [dated] :: mutilation, disability
убожество {noun} [pejorative, figurative] :: mediocrity, insignificance, poverty [e.g. of thought or ideas]
убой {noun} :: slaughter [of animals]
убой {noun} [archaic] :: murder
убойный {adj} [agriculture] :: for slaughter, [relational] slaughter
убойный {adj} [military] :: destructive
убойный {adj} [colloquial] :: smashing, crushing
убор {noun} [archaic] :: attire, dress
уборка {noun} [agriculture] :: harvest, gathering in
уборка {noun} :: removal, disposal
уборка {noun} :: cleaning, tidying up, doing up
уборная {noun} [theater] :: dressing room
уборная {noun} :: restroom, lavatory
уборщик {noun} :: duster, cleaner (person who dusts or cleans)
уборщица {noun} :: female cleaner, duster, charwoman
убранство {noun} :: decoration, ornamentation
убранство {noun} [archaic] :: attire, dress
убрать {v pf} :: to remove, to take away
убрать {v pf} :: to strike (nautical)
убрать {v pf} :: to clean up, to tidy, to tidy up
убрать {v pf} :: to put away
убрать {v pf} :: to clear, to clear up, to clear out
убрать {v pf} :: to deck out
убрать {v pf} :: to decorate
убрать {v pf} :: to take in
убраться {v pf} :: to clean up, to tidy up
убраться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to beat it, to clear off
убывание {noun} :: decrease, reduction, waning [action or result]
убывание {noun} [colloquial] :: departure, leaving, going away, disappearance [action or result]
убывать {v impf} :: to diminish, to decrease; (water) to become lower, to subside, to go down; (moon) to wane, to be on the wane
убывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to leave
убыль {noun} :: diminution, decrease
убыль {noun} :: subsidence
убыль {noun} [military] :: losses, casualties
убыстрять {v impf} :: to speed up, to hasten transitive
убыток {noun} [finance] :: loss, damage (negative result on balance)
убыточный {adj} :: unprofitable, disadvantageous
убыть {v pf} :: to diminish, to decrease; (water) to become lower, to subside, to go down; (moon) to wane, to be on the wane
убыть {v pf} :: to leave
уважаемый {adj} :: dear, esteemed (a formal way of addressing somebody at the beginning of a letter)
уважаемый {adj} :: respectable
уважать {v impf} :: to admire, to esteem, to have a good opinion of somebody
уважать {v impf} :: to honour, to respect, to treat politely
уважать {v impf} :: to abide by, to comply, to observe, to not violate
уважать {v impf} :: to like, to be fond of
уважение {noun} :: respect, esteem, deference (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit)
уважительно {adv} :: respectfully
уважительно {adv} :: validly
уважительный {adj} :: valid, good
уважительный {adj} :: respectful, deferential
уважить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to consider
уважить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to humor (someone)
уважить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to respect
уважить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to grant, to comply with (a request)
увалень {noun} :: galoot, lubber, bumpkin, lazybones (clumsy or lazy person)
у вас есть аллергия на какие-нибудь лекарства {phrase} :: are you allergic to any medications?
уведомить {v pf} :: to inform, to notify (to give (someone) notice of (something))
уведомление {noun} [formal] :: notice, notification
уведомление {noun} :: return receipt for a certified correspondence
уведомлять {v impf} :: to inform, to notify (to give (someone) notice of (something))
увезти {v pf} :: to take away, to carry away (by vehicle)
увезти {v pf} :: to abduct, to kidnap
увековечивать {v impf} [literary] :: to immortalize (to perpetuate forever in the memory of someone's offspring, especially by praising or glorifying)
увековечивать {v impf} :: to perpetuate, to make eternal and unchangeable [e.g. a custom]
увековечить {v pf} [literary] :: to immortalize (to perpetuate forever in the memory of someone's offspring, especially by praising or glorifying)
увековечить {v pf} :: to perpetuate, to make eternal and unchangeable [e.g. a custom]
увеличение {noun} :: increase (act of becoming or making larger)
увеличение {noun} :: enlargement
увеличивать {v impf} :: to enlarge, to increase
увеличивать {v impf} :: to magnify
увеличиваться {vi impf} :: to increase, to rise, to grow
увеличительное стекло {noun} :: magnifying glass (instrument)
увеличительный {adj} :: magnifying
увеличить {v pf} :: to increase, to enlarge
увеличить {v pf} :: to magnify
увеличиться {vi pf} :: to increase, to rise, to grow
увенчать {v pf} :: to crown (with)
увенчаться {v pf} :: to be crowned
увенчивать {v impf} :: to crown (with)
увенчиваться {v impf} :: to be crowned
уверение {noun} :: assurance
уверенно {adv} :: confidently (in a confident manner)
уверенность {noun} :: firmness, assurance
уверенность {noun} :: certainty
уверенность {noun} :: confidence
уверенный {adj} :: confident, sure, certain [в + prepositional, in/of someone/something; of a person]
уверенный {adj} :: confident, firm, resolute [in general; of a person, step, tone, action, etc.]
уверить {v pf} :: to assure
уверить {v pf} :: to make believe
уверить {v pf} :: to convince, to persuade
увериться {v pf} :: to make sure of, to verify
увериться {v pf} :: to be convinced of, to be confident of
увернуться {v pf} :: to dodge, to evade
уверовать {v pf} [bookish] :: to come to believe
увертюра {noun} [music] :: overture
уверять {v impf} :: to assure
уверять {v impf} :: to make believe
уверять {v impf} :: to convince, to persuade
уверяться {v impf} :: to make sure of, to verify
уверяться {v impf} :: to be convinced of, to be confident of
увеселение {noun} :: amusement, entertainment, fun [action or result]
увеселение {noun} :: theatrical performance, spectacle
увеселить {v pf} :: to entertain, to amuse
увеселять {v impf} :: to entertain, to amuse
увесистый {adj} [colloquial] :: heavy, bulky
увести {v pf} :: to take away, to lead away, to withdraw (troops)
увести {v pf} :: to carry off, to lift
увечить {v impf} :: to maim, to mutilate
увечный {adj} :: crippled, lame, maimed, mutilated
увечье {noun} :: mutilation (act of mutilating or the state of being mutilated)
увешать {v pf} :: to hang (with)
увешивать {v impf} :: to hang (with)
увещать {v impf} :: to urge, to exhort, to admonish
увещевание {noun} [dated] :: exhorting, exhortation (action)
увещевание {noun} :: admonition, exhortation (result)
увещевать {v impf} [dated] :: to urge, to exhort, to admonish
увёртка {noun} :: subterfuge, dodge, evasion, loophole
увёртываться {v impf} :: to dodge, to evade
увивать {v impf} :: to tie
увивать {v impf} :: to entwine
увиваться {v impf} :: to wrap oneself up
увиваться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to hang around (someone)
увиваться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to follow (someone) around (due to sexual interest), to chase after (someone)
увиваться {v impf} [figuratively, imperfective only] :: to court, to woo
увиваться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to wheedle, to fawn upon
увидать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to see
увидеть {v pf} :: to see, to catch sight of, to notice
увидеться {v pf} :: to see each other, to meet
увидимся {interj} :: see you later
увиливать {v impf} :: to evade
увиливать {v impf} :: to shirk, to elude, to weasel out
увильнуть {v pf} :: to evade
увильнуть {v pf} :: to shirk, to elude, to weasel out
увить {v pf} :: to tie
увить {v pf} :: to entwine
увиться {v pf} :: to wrap oneself up
увлажнение {noun} :: moisturization, humidification, hydration
увлажнение {noun} :: moisture
увлажнитель {noun} :: humidifier, moisturizer, humectant
увлажнить {v pf} :: to moisten, to damp, to wet
увлажнять {v impf} :: to moisten, to damp, to wet
увлекательный {adj} :: fascinating, engrossing, enthralling, exciting, intriguing, absorbing
увлекать {v impf} :: to fascinate, to infatuate
увлекать {v impf} :: to carry away
увлекаться {vr impf} :: to take an interest in
увлечение {noun} :: enthusiasm, animation
увлечение {noun} :: hobby, interest
увлечение {noun} :: infatuation, flame, crush (the act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates)
увлечённо {adv} :: enthusiastically
увлечённость {noun} :: enthusiasm
увлечённый {adj} :: enthusiastic, rapt
увлечённый {adj} :: engrossed, absorbed (fully occupied with one's thoughts)
увлечь {v pf} :: to fascinate, to infatuate
увлечь {v pf} :: to carry away
увлечься {v pfr} :: to be carried away with, to take a great interest in
увлечься {v pfr} :: to take a fancy to, to be infatuated with, to fall for
увод {noun} :: withdrawal
увод {noun} :: carrying off, theft, rustling
увод {noun} [professional] :: forward inclined part of chimney
уводить {v impf} :: to take away, to lead away, to withdraw (troops)
уводить {v impf} :: to carry off, to lift
увоз {noun} :: carrying off, theft
увозить {v impf} :: to take away, to carry away (by vehicle)
увозить {v impf} :: to abduct, to kidnap
увозить {v pf} :: [измазать]
уволить {v pf} :: to discharge, to dismiss, to fire, to give the sack
уволиться {v pf} :: to resign, to retire, to quit (work or service)
увольнение {noun} :: discharge, dismissal (act of expelling or letting go)
увольнительный {adj} [relational] :: leave (permission for departure)
увольнять {v impf} :: to discharge, to dismiss, to fire, to sack
увольняться {v impf} :: to resign, to retire, to quit (work or service)
у всех на устах {adv} [figuratively] :: on everyone's lips
увы {interj} :: alas!
увядание {noun} :: withering
увядание {noun} [figurative] :: decline, decay
увядать {v impf} :: to wither, to fade, to waste away [also figuratively]
увядший {adj} :: withered, faded, sere, sapless, flaccid, dead [about flowers, trees, etc.]
увядший {adj} [figuratively] :: lost youth, freshness, beauty; passé
увядший {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: slacken, drooping
увязать {v pf} :: to tie up, to pack up, to strap
увязать {v pf} :: to coordinate (with), to harmonize (with)
увязать {v pf} :: to get the agreement (of)
увязать {v pf} :: to link (to), to make conditional (on)
увязать {v impf} :: to stick (in)
увязать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get bogged down (in)
увязаться {v pf} :: to tie in with, to coordinate with [с + instrumental]
увязаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to follow, to trail [за + instrumental]
увязка {noun} :: tying up, tying together, linking
увязка {noun} [figurative] :: coordination
увязнуть {v pf} :: to stick (in)
увязнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get bogged down (in)
увязывать {v impf} :: to tie up, to pack up, to strap
увязывать {v impf} :: to coordinate (with), to harmonize (with)
увязывать {v impf} :: to get the agreement (of)
увязывать {v impf} :: to link (to), to make conditional (on)
увязываться {v impf} :: to tie in with, to coordinate with [с + instrumental]
увязываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to follow, to trail [за + instrumental]
увянуть {v pf} :: to wither, to shrivel, to fade, to dry up
угадать {v pf} :: to guess (right)
угадывать {v impf} :: to guess (right)
угадываться {v impf} :: to be discernible
Уганда {prop} :: Уганда (country)
угандиец {noun} :: Ugandan (citizen, resident)
угандийский {adj} :: Ugandan
угандский {adj} [relational] :: Uganda; Ugandan
угар {noun} :: carbon monoxide
угар {noun} :: metal loss
угар {noun} :: fumes (from the exhaust pipe)
угар {noun} [figuratively] :: frenzy, craze
угар {noun} [colloquial] :: something very funny
угасание {noun} :: extinction [of a fire]
угасание {noun} [figurative] :: extinction, slow death, fading out
угасать {v impf} :: to go out, to become extinct
угасать {v impf} :: to die away
угаснуть {v pf} :: to go out, to become extinct
угаснуть {v pf} :: to die away
углевод {noun} :: carbohydrate (organic compounds; sugar, starch or cellulose)
углеводород {noun} [chemistry] :: hydrocarbon (compound of carbon and hydrogen)
углеводородный {adj} [relational] :: hydrocarbon
углекислый {adj} [relational, chemistry] :: carbonic acid
углерод {noun} :: carbon
углеродный {adj} [relational] :: carbon
угличанин {noun} :: citizen of Uglich
угловатый {adj} :: angular
угловатый {adj} [figurative, colloquial] :: awkward
угловая скобка {noun} :: angle bracket
угловая шлифовальная машина {noun} :: angle grinder (power tool)
угловое ускорение {noun} :: angular acceleration (rate of change of angular velocity)
угловой {adj} :: angular (relating to or forming an angle; sharp-cornered)
угловой {adj} [relational] :: corner
углубить {v pf} :: to deepen
углубить {v pf} :: to extend, to intensify
углубить {v pf} :: to aggravate
углубиться {v pf} :: to deepen, to become deeper
углубиться {v pf} :: to go deep (into), to get deeper (into), to cut (into)
углубиться {v pf} :: to delve deeply (into), to become absorbed (in), to study in depth
углубиться {v pf} :: to become more profound/acute, to be intensified, to aggravate
углубление {noun} :: deepening
углубление {noun} :: hollow, depression
углубление {noun} [nautical] :: draught
углубление {noun} :: intensification
углублённый {adj} :: deep [in], absorbed [in; of a person]
углублённый {adj} :: deep, in-depth, profound [of a study, etc.]
углублять {v impf} :: to deepen
углублять {v impf} :: to extend, to intensify
углублять {v impf} :: to aggravate
углубляться {v impf} :: to deepen, to become deeper
углубляться {v impf} :: to go deep (into), to get deeper (into), to cut (into)
углубляться {v impf} :: to delve deeply (into), to become absorbed (in), to study in depth
углубляться {v impf} :: to become more profound/acute, to be intensified, to aggravate
углядеть {v pf} :: to find while looking intensely or attentively
углядеть {v pf} :: to save from the danger by watching
угнать {v pf} :: to steal anything that can move by itself (vehicle, vessel, cattle, etc)
угнетатель {noun} :: oppressor
угнетать {v impf} :: to oppress
угнетать {v impf} :: to depress, to dispirit
угнетение {noun} :: oppression (act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed)
угнетение {noun} :: depression, dejection
угнетённый {adj} :: oppressed
угнетённый {adj} :: depressed (experiencing depression) [of a person]
угнетённый {adj} :: depressed (expressing depression) [mood, etc.; usually inanimate]
уговаривать {v impf} :: to persuade, to talk (into), to urge
уговариваться {v impf} :: to agree, to arrange
уговор {noun} :: persuasion, plural remonstrance
уговор {noun} :: agreement, compact, understanding
уговорить {v pf} :: to persuade, to talk (into), to urge
уговориться {v pf} :: to agree, to arrange
угода {noun} :: in expressions only
угодить {v pf} :: to please, to oblige
угодить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get to (some place or situation, unexpectedly) (no imperfective)
угодить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hit (a target)
угодить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bump into/against
угодник {noun} :: pleaser, someone who is always trying to please someone
угодничать {v impf} :: to be obsequious; to fawn (upon), to cringe (to)
угодно {pred} :: it is needed, it is wanted
угодно {particle} :: with pronoun or adverb, meaning "any"
угодный {adj} :: welcome (to), pleasing (to)
угодье {noun} :: ground, land, estate
угождать {v impf} :: to please, to oblige, to play up (to)
угол {noun} :: corner
угол {noun} :: angle
угол атаки {noun} :: angle of attack (angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it)
уголёк {noun} :: diminutive of уголь: coal, ember (glowing piece of coal or wood)
уголовник {noun} :: criminal, especially one who has been sentenced/imprisoned
уголовно-процессуальный {adj} [relational] :: criminal procedure
уголовный {adj} [relational] :: crime; criminal, penal (being against the law)
уголовщина {noun} [colloquial] :: criminals (collectively), crime, criminality
уголок {noun} :: diminutive of угол small corner (part or region)
уголок {noun} :: nook
уголь {noun} :: coal (a black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel)
уголь {noun} :: coal (a piece of coal used for burning)
уголь {noun} :: charcoal (a stick of black carbon material used for drawing)
уголье {noun} [collective, colloquial] :: coals
угольник {noun} :: angle piece, angle instrument, elbow
угольница {noun} :: firepan
угольный {adj} [relational] :: coal
угольный {adj} [relational] :: carbon; carbonic
угольный {adj} :: very dark, coal-black, jet-black
угольный {adj} [relational] :: corner
угольщик {noun} :: collier (person or vessel)
угомонить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to calm
угомониться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to calm down, to become/get quiet
угомонять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to calm
угон {noun} :: driving away
угон {noun} :: capture, captivity
угон {noun} :: stealing, car theft, hijacking, skyjacking
угонщик {noun} :: hijacker, cattle rustler (thief who steals things capable of independent movement)
угонять {v impf} :: to steal anything that can move by itself (vehicle, vessel, cattle, etc)
угораздить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make, to prompt (someone to do something)
угораздить {v pf} [colloquial, sarcastic, impersonal] :: to manage to
угорать {v impf} :: to be poisoned by fumes (such as monoxide or charcoal)
угорать {v impf} [figuratively] :: to lose the ability to think
угорать {v impf} [slang] :: to laugh loudly, to LOL, to be very amused
угорелый {adj} [dated] :: suffered from exposure to fumes
угорелый {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: mad/crazy
угореть {v pf} :: to be poisoned by fumes (such as monoxide or charcoal)
угореть {v pf} [figuratively] :: to lose the ability to think
угореть {v pf} [slang] :: to laugh loudly, to LOL, to be very amused
угорец {noun} [dated or dialectal, Ukraine] :: a Hungarian person
угорь {noun} :: eel
угорь {noun} :: blackhead, comedo, acne, pimple
угостить {v pf} :: to treat (someone to something)
угостить {v pf} :: to entertain (someone)
угоститься {v pf} [colloquial] :: to partake in, to help oneself to [+ instrumental]
уготовать {v pf} [dated] :: alternative form of уготовить
уготовить {v pf} :: to prepare
угощать {v impf} :: to treat (someone, to something)
угощать {v impf} :: to entertain
угощаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to partake in, to help oneself to [+ instrumental]
угощение {noun} :: treat, food, fare, entertainment (with something)
угрин {noun} [archaic] :: a Hungarian person
угрин {noun} [usually, plural, rare in the singular] :: Ugric person
угробить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to kill, to do to death, to give the business
угробить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to throw away, to burn up, to send down the drain
угрожать {v impf} :: to threaten
угрожающе {adv} :: threateningly, menacingly
угрожающий {adj} :: threatening, menacing
угроза {noun} :: threat (expression of intent to injure or punish another)
угроза {noun} :: danger
угрызение {noun} :: (in expression)
угрюмо {adv} :: morosely, sullenly
угрюмо {adv} :: bleakly, forbiddingly
угрюмый {adj} :: sullen, sulky, gloomy, morose (showing a brooding ill humour)
угу {interj} :: uh-huh, yep, yeah (colloquial form of yes)
уд {noun} [dated] :: limb
уд {noun} [dated] :: fishing rod
уд {noun} [dated] :: vessel
уд {noun} :: oud (Arab string instrument)
уд {noun} [school, slang] :: satisfactory grade, C
уда {noun} [dated or regional] :: fishing rod
удав {noun} :: boa constrictor
удаваться {v impf} :: to turn out well, to be a success
удаваться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to succeed
удавить {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to strangle, to suffocate
удавиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to strangle oneself, to hang oneself
удавка {noun} :: running knot, slip-knot, timber-hitch
удавка {noun} :: garrote, any kind of choking weapon
удавленина {noun} [archaic, biblical] :: flesh of a strangled animal
удавливать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to strangle, to suffocate
удавливаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to strangle oneself, to hang oneself
удаление {noun} :: moving off, moving away
удаление {noun} :: sending away
удаление {noun} :: deletion, removal (the act of deleting)
удаление {noun} :: ablation, surgical removal
удалец {noun} [colloquial] :: daredevil; a slashing fellow
удалённость {noun} :: remoteness (quality of being remote)
удалённый {adj} :: remote (not nearby)
удалить {v pf} :: to remove
удалить {v pf} :: to send away, to dismiss
удалить {v pf} :: to delete
удалить {v pf} [rare] :: to put off, to postpone
удалиться {v pf} :: to move away, to retreat, to withdraw, to retire
удалой {adj} :: bold, prow
удаль {noun} :: prowess, boldness
удалять {v impf} :: to remove
удалять {v impf} :: to send away, to dismiss
удалять {v impf} :: to delete
удалять {v impf} [rare] :: to put off, to postpone
удаляться {v impf} :: to move away, to retreat, to withdraw, to retire
удар {noun} :: hit, blow, strike
удар {noun} :: kick, punch, cuff
удар {noun} :: attack, strike
удар {noun} :: apoplexy
ударение {noun} [linguistics] :: accent, stress, emphasis (on a syllable)
ударить {v pf} :: to strike, to knock, to hit, to punch
ударить {v pf} :: to butt, to bump
ударить {v pf} :: to kick
ударить {v pf} :: to set about, to start, to set in
ударить {v pf} :: to attack
удариться {v pf} :: to hit, to strike (against)
удариться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take (to), to plunge (into)
ударник {noun} [music, animate] :: drummer, percussionist
ударник {noun} [inanimate] :: striker, firing pin (inanimate)
ударник {noun} [inanimate] :: plunger (inanimate)
ударник {noun} [historical, animate] :: udarnik, shock worker
ударный {adj} [relational] :: hit, strike, percussion, shock, impact; percussive
ударный {adj} :: accelerated, shock [of work]
ударный {adj} [relational, military] :: shock
ударный {adj} [linguistics] :: stressed
ударный {adj} :: effective, giving a quick result
ударный {adj} :: particularly important, necessary [of business, work, etc.]
ударный инструмент {noun} [music] :: percussion instrument (type of instrument)
удар с воздуха {noun} :: airstrike (attack by military aircraft)
ударять {v impf} :: to hit, to strike
ударяться {v impf} :: to hit, to strike (against)
ударяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take (to), to plunge (into)
удаться {v pf} :: to turn out well, to be a success
удаться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to succeed
удача {noun} :: good luck, success (achievement of one's aim or goal)
удачи {interj} :: good luck!
удачливый {adj} :: lucky, fortunate (of people, having good fortune)
удачливый {adj} :: prosperous
удачливый {adj} :: successful
удачно {adv} :: fortunately, luckily
удачный {adj} :: successful
удачный {adj} :: fortunate
удачный {adj} :: lucky, prosperous
удачный {adj} :: felicitous, happy
удачный {adj} :: fortuitous
удачный {adj} :: chancy
удачный {adj} :: apposite (appropriate, relevant, well-suited)
удачный {adj} :: well-turned
удваивать {v impf} :: to double, to redouble
удваивать {v impf} [linguistics] :: to reduplicate
удвоение {noun} :: doubling, redoubling; duplication; gemination
удвоить {v pf} :: to double, to redouble
удвоить {v pf} [linguistics] :: to reduplicate
удел {noun} [bookish] :: lot, destiny
удел {noun} [historical] :: appanage, independent principality (in mediaeval Russia)
уделить {v pf} :: to allot, to allocate
удельный {adj} [physics] :: specific
удельный {adj} :: per capita, per unit
удельный {adj} [relational, historical] :: appanage (related to an удел)
удельный вес {noun} :: percentage, proportion
удельный вес {noun} [physics] :: specific gravity
уделять {v impf} :: to allot, to allocate
удерж {noun} [colloquial] :: restraint, control
удержание {noun} :: keeping, retention
удержание {noun} [accounting] :: charge, withholding
удержать {v pf} :: to retain, to hold
удержать {v pf} :: to hold back, to keep (from), to withhold
удержать {v pf} :: to suppress
удержать {v pf} :: to deduct, to keep back
удержаться {v pf} :: to keep, to remain
удержаться {v pf} :: to hold one's ground, to hold out
удержаться {v pf} :: to keep (from), to refrain (from)
удерживание {noun} :: holding, retention
удерживание {noun} :: ahold, hold
удерживание {noun} :: refraining
удерживать {v impf} :: to retain, to hold
удерживать {v impf} :: to hold back, to keep (from), to withhold
удерживать {v impf} :: to suppress
удерживать {v impf} :: to deduct, to keep back
удерживаться {v impf} :: to keep, to remain
удерживаться {v impf} :: to hold one's ground, to hold out
удерживаться {v impf} :: to keep (from), to refrain (from)
удешевить {v pf} :: to make cheaper, to reduce the price of, to cheapen
удешевление {noun} :: reduction in price, cheapening
удешевлять {v impf} :: to make cheaper, to reduce the price of, to cheapen
удивительно {adv} :: extremely
удивительно {adv} :: astonishingly, surprisingly
удивительный {adj} :: wonderful, marvelous
удивить {v pf} :: to astonish, to surprise, to amaze
удивиться {v pf} :: to wonder (at), to be surprised, to be amazed
удивление {noun} :: astonishment, amazement, surprise, wonder (feeling that something unexpected has happened)
удивлённо {adv} :: amazedly, surprisedly
удивлённый {adj} :: surprised, amazed [experiencing surprise or amazement; of a person]
удивлённый {adj} :: surprised, amazed [expressing surprise or amazement; of a look, face, tone, etc.]
удивлять {v impf} :: to astonish, to surprise, to amaze
удивляться {v impf} :: to wonder (at), to be surprised, to be amazed
удила {noun} :: bit (metal in horse's mouth)
удилище {noun} :: fishing rod, fishing pole
удильщик {noun} :: angler (person who fishes with a hook and line)
удильщик {noun} :: angler (angler fish)
удирать {v impf} :: to flee, to run for one's life
удить {v impf} :: to angle, to fish
удлинённый {adj} :: elongated, lengthened
удлинитель {noun} :: extension cord (an electrical cord)
удлинить {v pf} :: to lengthen, to make longer, to elongate
удлинить {v pf} :: (term) to prolong, to extend
удлинять {v impf} :: to lengthen, to make longer, to elongate
удлинять {v impf} :: (term) to prolong, to extend
удмурт {noun} :: Udmurt (person)
Удмуртия {prop} :: Удмуртия (republic)
удмуртский {adj} :: Udmurt
удобнее {adv} :: comparative of удобный
удобнее {adv} :: comparative of удобно
удобней {adv} :: comparative of удобный
удобней {adv} :: comparative of удобно
удобно {adv} :: comfortably, snugly
удобно {adv} :: conveniently
удобный {adj} :: comfortable, convenient
удобоваримый {adj} :: digestible (of food and information)
удобрение {noun} :: fertilization (the process of fertilizing)
удобрение {noun} :: fertilizer, manure
удобрить {v pf} :: to fertilize (plants, soil)
удобрить {v pf} [dated, figurative] :: to bring into a good mood
удобрять {v impf} :: to fertilize (plants, soil)
удобрять {v impf} [dated, figurative] :: to bring into a good mood
удобство {noun} :: convenience, amenity (something that makes life easier or more pleasant)
удобство {noun} :: accommodation
удобство {noun} :: commodity
удобство {noun} :: easement
удобство {noun} :: boon
удовлетворение {noun} :: satisfaction
удовлетворённо {adv} :: with satisfaction
удовлетворённость {noun} :: contentment, satisfaction
удовлетворённый {adj} :: happy, satisfied (experiencing happiness or satisfaction) [of a person; + instrumental, with something]
удовлетворённый {adj} :: happy, satisfied (expressing happiness or satisfaction) [look, tone, etc.; inanimate]
удовлетворительный {adj} :: satisfactory
удовлетворить {v pf} :: to satisfy
удовлетворить {v pf} :: to fulfill
удовлетворить {v pf} :: to gratify
удовлетворить {v pf} :: to suffice
удовлетвориться {v pf} :: to content oneself (with)
удовлетворять {v impf} :: to satisfy
удовлетворять {v impf} :: to fulfill
удовлетворять {v impf} :: to gratify
удовлетворять {v impf} :: to suffice
удовлетворяться {v impf} :: to content oneself (with)
удоволить {v pf} [obsolete] :: satisfy
удовольствие {noun} [obsolete] :: satisfaction
удовольствие {noun} :: pleasure
удовольство {noun} [obsolete] :: satisfaction
удовольствовать {v pf} [dated] :: to satisfy
удовольствовать {v pf} [dated] :: to fulfill
удовольствовать {v pf} [dated] :: to gratify
удовольствовать {v pf} [dated] :: to suffice
удовольствоваться {v pf} :: to be content/satisfied (with), to content oneself (with)
удод {noun} :: hoopoe
удон {noun} :: udon
удорожание {noun} :: price increase, appreciation
удорожать {v impf} :: to raise the price of
удорожаться {v pf} :: to increase in price
удорожить {v pf} :: to raise the price of
удорожиться {v pf} :: to increase in price
удостаивать {v impf} :: to confer, to award
удостаивать {v impf} :: to favour, to honour, to vouchsafe, to deign
удостаиваться {v impf} :: to be honoured (with), to be awarded
удостоверение {noun} :: certification, attestation
удостоверение {noun} :: certificate
удостоверение личности {noun} :: ID card, identity card (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer)
удостоверить {v pf} :: to certify, to attest
удостовериться {v pf} :: to ascertain, to make sure, to make certain
удостоверять {v impf} :: to certify, to attest
удостоверяться {v impf} :: to ascertain, to make sure, to make certain
удостоить {v pf} :: to confer, to award
удостоить {v pf} :: to favour, to honour, to vouchsafe, to deign
удостоиться {v pf} :: to be honoured (with), to be awarded
удосуживаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to find time (for), to get around (to), to manage +to)
удосужиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to find time (for), to get around (to), to manage (to)
удочерение {noun} :: adoption (of girls only)
удочерить {v pf} :: to adopt (as a daughter)
удочерять {v impf} :: to adopt (as a daughter)
удочка {noun} :: fishing rod (rod used for angling)
удрать {v pf} :: to flee, to run for one's life
удручать {v impf} :: to distress, to deject, to cause to be depressed, to sadden, to aggrieve
удручать {v impf} :: to wear down, to beat down, to aggravate, to complicate the life of
удручать {v impf} [dated] :: to burden
удручающий {adj} :: burdensome, oppressive
удручить {v pf} :: to distress, to deject, to cause to be depressed, to sadden, to aggrieve
удручить {v pf} :: to wear down, to beat down, to aggravate, to complicate the life of
удручить {v pf} [dated] :: to burden
удушение {noun} :: strangulation, asphyxiation, suffocation, choking
удушливый {adj} :: stifling, stale, stagnant [of air]
удушливый {adj} :: suffocating, asphyxiating, choking
удушливый {adj} :: accompanied by suffocation
удушливый {adj} [figurative] :: depressing, stagnant [of an environment or situation]
удушье {noun} :: asphyxia (condition with extreme decrease of oxygen and increase of carbon dioxide)
у. е. {f inan} [euphemism] :: initialism of условная единица: conventional unit [Soviet Union: prices displayed in these were sold in foreign currency only]
уебан {noun} [vulgar] :: retard, dumbass, fuckwit (stupid person)
уединение {noun} :: solitude, seclusion, retirement; privacy
уединенье {noun} [poetic] :: alternative, old-fashion spelling of уединение
уединённый {adj} :: secluded [of a house, street, tree, etc.]
уединённый {adj} :: solitary
уединить {v pf} :: to seclude, to isolate, to disconnect (to remove from communication with others)
уединиться {v pf} :: to seclude oneself, to go be alone
уединиться {v pf} :: to retreat to a secluded place, to become a hermit
уединять {v impf} :: to seclude, to isolate, to disconnect (to cut off from communication with others)
уединяться {v impf} :: to seclude oneself, to go be alone
уединяться {v impf} :: to retreat to a secluded place, to become a hermit
уезд {noun} [historical] :: uyezd; district (administrative unit in the Russian Empire before 1917)
уезд {noun} :: administrative region of various countries, including Estonia, Lithuania, People's Republic of China, North and South Korea (county) and Japan (district, )
уездный {adj} [relational, historical] :: uyezd, district
уезжать {v impf} :: to go away, to drive off, to leave, to depart (by vehicle)
уехать {v pf} :: to go away, to drive off, to leave, to depart (by conveyance)
уёбище {noun} [vulgar, inanimate] :: something ugly, disgusting or horrible, shit, fuck
уёбище {noun} [vulgar, animate] :: fuckwit, dipshit, shithead, asshole
уёбок {noun} [vulgar] :: fucker, motherfucker, shithead, asshole, dipshit (a contemptible person)
уж {adv} :: already
уж {noun} :: grass snake (Natrix natrix)
ужалить {v pf} [of insects] :: to sting
ужалить {v pf} [of snakes] :: to bite
ужас {noun} :: horror, terror
ужас {noun} :: disaster, mess
ужас {interj} :: it's terrible!
ужасать {v impf} :: to terrify, to horrify, to awe, to appall
ужасаться {v impf} :: to be terrified/horrified
ужасающий {adj} :: terrifying, terrific
ужасающий {adj} :: horrifying
ужасающий {adj} :: horrific, horrid
ужасающий {adj} :: appalling
ужасающий {adj} :: shocking
ужасающий {adj} :: bloodcurdling
ужасающий {adj} :: flagrant
ужасающий {adj} :: spine-chilling
ужасно {adv} :: terribly, horribly
ужасно {adv} [colloquial] :: very, awfully, frightfully
ужасно {pred} :: it is terrible, it is horrible
ужаснуть {v pf} :: to terrify, to horrify, to awe, to appall
ужаснуться {v pf} :: to be terrified/horrified
ужасный {adj} :: terrible, horrible, dreadful, awful
ужастик {noun} [colloquial] :: horror movie
ужать {v pf} :: to compress, to squeeze smaller
ужать {v pf} :: to reduce the size of (e.g. a dress)
ужать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to reduce (a budget, a salary, etc.)
ужать {v pf} :: to cut (grain, etc.) at the root using a scythe or reaper
ужать {v pf} :: to harvest (all of a field)
Ужгород {prop} :: Ужгород (A <<city>> in the <<mountains/Carpathian Mountains>>, the <<administrative centre>> of <<obl/Zakarpattia>> in western <<c/Ukraine>>)
уже {adv} :: already
уже {adv} :: not anymore, no longer (in a negative sentence)
уже {particle} :: emphasises an amount or quantity of something
уже {particle} :: emphasises a certain word or collocation
уже {adv} :: comparative of узкий
уже {adv} :: comparative of узко
ужесточать {v impf} :: to harden, to harshen (conditions, rules, regime, penalties)
ужесточение {noun} :: toughening
ужесточить {v pf} :: to harden, to harshen (conditions, rules, regime, penalties)
уживаться {v impf} :: to get on (with), to get along together (with)
уживаться {v impf} :: to go together (with), to be combined (with), to go hand in hand (with)
ужимать {v impf} :: to compress, to squeeze smaller
ужимать {v impf} :: to reduce the size of (e.g. a dress)
ужимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to reduce (a budget, a salary, etc.)
ужимка {noun} :: grimace (a distortion of the countenance)
ужин {noun} :: supper, late dinner (the evening meal)
ужинать {v impf} :: to dine; to have dinner; to have supper
ужинать {v impf} :: to cut (grain, etc.) at the root using a scythe or reaper
ужинать {v impf} :: to harvest (all of a field)
ужиться {v pf} :: to get on (with), to get along together (with)
ужиться {v pf} :: to go together (with), to be combined (with), to go hand in hand (with)
ужо {adv} [colloquial] :: later, afterwards, later in the day
ужупить {v pf} [regional, archaic] :: (Kaluga) to understand, to comprehend
ужухнуть {v pf} [regional] :: (Perm) to take a turn for the worst; to grow lazy, to slack off
узаконение {noun} :: legalization, legitimization
узаконивать {v impf} :: to legalize, to legitimize
узаконить {v pf} :: to legalize, to legitimate, to legitimatize
узаконять {v impf} :: alternative form of узаконивать
узбек {noun} :: Uzbek (a person)
Узбекистан {prop} :: Узбекистан (country)
Узбекская ССР {prop} :: Узбекская ССР (former republic)
узбекский {adj} :: Uzbek
узбечка {noun} :: Uzbek girl or woman
узгирьё {noun} [regional, archaic] :: ("Arkhangelsk") The shards of a broken mirror
узда {noun} :: bridle (headgear for horse)
уздечка {noun} :: bridle (headgear for horse)
уздечка {noun} [anatomy] :: frenulum, frenum
уздцы {noun} :: bridle
узел {noun} :: knot, bundle
узел {noun} [railroads] :: junction
узел {noun} :: node
узел {noun} :: center, centre, hub
узел {noun} [anatomy] :: ganglion
узел {noun} [nautical] :: knot (unit of speed)
узелок {noun} :: diminutive of узел: (small) knot, nodule
узелок {noun} :: a small parcel, bundle
узенький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of узкий
узкий {adj} :: narrow
узкий {adj} :: tight
узкий {adj} [short form only] :: too narrow, too tight [of clothing and shoes]
узко {adv} :: narrowly (by a narrow margin)
узкоколейный {adj} [relational, railroads] :: narrow gauge
узколобость {noun} :: narrow-mindedness
узколобый {adj} :: narrow-browed, having a narrow forehead
узколобый {adj} [figurative, colloquial] :: narrow-minded
узкопрофессиональный {adj} :: narrowly professional (relating only to a specific profession or occupation)
узловой {adj} [relational] :: junction, transfer
узловой {adj} :: nodal, nodular
узловой {adj} [figurative] :: pivotal, key, main, central
узнаваемый {adj} :: recognizable, familiar
узнавание {noun} :: cognizance, recognition
узнавать {v impf} :: to know, to recognize
узнавать {v impf} :: to learn, to get to know
узнавать {v impf} :: to find out, to inquire
узнавать {v impf} :: to experience
узнать {v pf} :: to recognize
узнать {v pf} :: to get to know
узнать {v pf} :: to learn, to find out, to hear
узник {noun} :: prisoner (also figuratively)
узор {noun} :: pattern, design, tracery
узорчатый {adj} :: patterned
узость {noun} :: narrowness
узреть {v pf} [dated, bookish] :: to see, to behold
узреть {v pf} [dated, bookish] :: to gaze (upon)
узурпатор {noun} :: usurper
узурпирование {noun} :: usurpation
узурпировать {v both} :: to usurp (to seize power)
узус {noun} [legal] :: usage, standard, customary practice
узус {noun} [linguistics] :: generally accepted use of language units
узы {noun} :: bonds, ties
уик-энд {noun} :: weekend
Уильям {prop} :: given name
уй {noun} [obsolete] :: maternal uncle
уйгур {noun} :: Uyghur (a member of a Turkic ethnic group)
уйгурский {adj} :: Uyghur
уйма {noun} [colloquial] :: lots, heaps, a tremendous lot, masses
уйти {v pf} :: to leave, to depart, to go (away) (by foot)
уйти {v pf} :: to escape, to evade
уйти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to resign, to retire
уйти {v pf} :: to be lost
уйти {v pf} :: to fail
уйти {v pf} :: to sink, to plunge
уйти {v pf} :: to be spent
уйти {v pf} [figuratively, poetic] :: to die
уйти по-английски {v pf} [figuratively] :: to take French leave; to take a sudden or unannounced departure, or one taken without permission; to go AWOL
у каждого правила есть исключение {proverb} :: there is an exception to every rule
у каждого свой вкус — кто любит дыню, а кто — арбуз {proverb} :: there's no accounting for taste
указ {noun} :: enactment, ordinance, decree, edict, ukase
указание {noun} :: instruction, direction
указание {noun} :: indication
указанный {adj} :: stated, mentioned, indicated, specified
указатель {noun} :: index, indicator, guide, pointer
указатель {noun} :: cursor
указатель {noun} :: traffic sign
указатель {noun} :: place-name sign (typically указатель населённого пункта)
указательное местоимение {noun} :: demonstrative pronoun (pronoun which replaces a noun)
указательный {adj} :: indicating, indicatory
указательный палец {noun} :: forefinger, index finger
указательный столб {noun} :: signpost (post bearing a sign that gives information on directions)
указать {v pf} :: to show, to indicate
указать {v pf} :: to point
указать {v pf} :: to give instructions, to explain
указка {noun} :: pointer
указка {noun} [colloquial] :: orders, instructions
указывать {v impf} :: to show, to indicate
указывать {v impf} :: to point
указывать {v impf} :: to give instructions, to explain
укалывать {v impf} :: to prick, to sting, to puncture
укалывать {v impf} [figurative] :: to rebuke, to ridicule
укатать {v pf} :: to roll
укатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wear out, to tire out
укатать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to send away
укатить {v pf} :: to roll away
укатить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to leave, to drive off
укатывать {v impf} :: to roll
укатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wear out, to tire out
укатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to send away
укатывать {v impf} :: to roll away
укатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to leave, to drive off
укачивание {noun} :: motion sickness
уклад {noun} :: structure, setup
укладка {noun} :: piling, stacking, packing, stowage
укладка {noun} :: hair setting, hair styling
укладка {noun} :: laying
укладка {noun} :: little chest, little box
укладчик {noun} :: packer, layer
укладчик {noun} [cinematography] :: lip-synched script writer
укладывать {v impf} :: to lay
укладывать {v impf} :: to pack up
укладывать {v impf} :: to stow, to pile, to stack
укладывать {v impf} :: to arrange, to style (in terms of hair)
укладываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pack (up), to be packing (up), to be packing one's things
укладываться {v impf} :: to go (in, into)
укладываться {v impf} :: to keep (within), to confine oneself (to)
укладываться {v impf} :: to lie down
уклейка {noun} :: bleak (small European river fish)
уклон {noun} :: inclination, rake
уклон {noun} :: slope, declivity, gradient
уклон {noun} :: bias
уклон {noun} [politics] :: deviation (heretical belief, especially relative to a prescribed form of Communism)
уклонение {noun} :: evasion, avoidance; dodge
уклонение {noun} :: swerve
уклонение {noun} :: digression
уклонение {noun} :: deviation
уклонение {noun} :: deflexion
уклонизм {noun} [politics] :: deviationism
уклонист {noun} [politics] :: (male) deviationist
уклонистка {noun} [politics] :: female deviationist
уклонить {vt pf} [literary] :: to move aside; to cause to slant
уклониться {v pf} :: to turn aside, to dodge
уклониться {v pf} :: to deviate (from a direction)
уклониться {v pf} :: to avoid, to dodge, to evade, to elude
уклониться {v pf} :: to digress, to wander away
уклончиво {adv} :: evasively
уклончивый {adj} :: evasive
уклонять {vt impf} [literary] :: to move aside; to cause to slant
уклоняться {v impf} :: to turn aside, to dodge
уклоняться {v impf} :: to deviate (from a direction)
уклоняться {v impf} :: to avoid, to dodge, to evade, to elude
уклоняться {v impf} :: to digress, to wander away
уключина {noun} :: rowlock, oarlock
укол {noun} :: prick, pricking
укол {noun} [fencing] :: hit, touch
укол {noun} :: injection, shot
укол {noun} :: piquing remark, provoking remark
уколоть {v pf} :: to prick, to sting, to puncture
уколоть {v pf} [figurative] :: to rebuke, to ridicule
укольчик {noun} :: diminutive of укол
укомплектовать {v pf} :: to complete, to replenish
укомплектовать {v pf} :: to staff, to man, to bring up to strength
укор {noun} :: reproach
укорачивать {v impf} :: to shorten
укоренить {v pf} :: to implant
укорениться {v pf} :: to root itself, to take/strike root
укорениться {v pf} :: to get implanted, to take/strike root
укоренять {v impf} :: to implant
укореняться {v impf} :: to root itself, to take/strike root
укореняться {v impf} :: to get implanted, to take/strike root
укоризна {noun} :: reproachment
укоризненно {adv} :: reproachfully, disapprovingly
укоризненный {adj} :: reproachful, disapproving
укоротить {v pf} :: to shorten
укороченный {noun} :: stub
укорять {v impf} :: to reproach
укорять {v impf} :: to admonish
укр {noun} [slang, pejorative] :: a Ukrainian person
украдкой {adv} :: furtively
украдкой {adv} :: stealthily
Украина {prop} :: Украина (country)
украинец {noun} :: Ukrainian (ethnic/citizen)
украинка {noun} :: Ukrainian woman, Ukrainian girl
украинофобия {noun} :: Ukrainophobia (the fear, hostility or prejudice towards Ukraine or Ukrainians)
Украинская ССР {prop} :: Украинская ССР (former republic)
украинский {noun} :: Ukrainian (language), short for украинский язык
украинский {adj} :: Ukrainian
украсить {v pf} :: to adorn, to embellish, to beautify, to decorate, to ornament
украсть {v pf} :: to steal
украшать {v impf} :: to adorn, to embellish, to beautify, to decorate, to ornament
украшение {noun} :: decoration, ornament, ornamentation
укрепить {v pf} :: to strengthen
укрепить {v pf} :: to consolidate
укрепить {v pf} :: to fasten
укрепиться {v pf} :: to become stronger, to consolidate
укрепиться {v pf} [military] :: to fortify one's position
укрепление {noun} :: strengthening, consolidation, reinforcement
укрепление {noun} :: fortification, stockade
укреплять {v impf} :: to strengthen
укреплять {v impf} :: to consolidate
укреплять {v impf} :: to fasten
укрепляться {v impf} :: to become stronger, to consolidate
укрепляться {v impf} [military] :: to fortify one's position
укромный {adj} :: secluded
укромный {adj} :: comfortable, cozy
укроп {noun} [inanimate] :: dill (Anethum graveolens)
укроп {noun} :: fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
укроп {noun} :: dropwort (Oenanthe aquatica, syn Oenanthe phellandrium)
укроп {noun} :: rock samphire (Crithmum maritimum)
укроп {noun} :: mayweed (Anthemis cotula)
укроп {noun} :: sulphurweed (Peucedanum officinale)
укроп {noun} [animate, pejorative] :: a Ukrainian (member of a side of the war in Donbass since 2014)
Укропия {prop} [slang, pejorative] :: Ukraine
укропный {adj} [relational] :: dill
укропный {adj} [relational] :: fennel
укротимый {adj} :: tameable
укротимый {adj} :: controllable
укротить {v pf} :: to tame
укротить {v pf} :: to subdue, to control, to curb
укрощать {v impf} :: to tame
укрощать {v impf} :: to subdue, to control, to curb
укрупнение {noun} :: enlargement
укрывательство {noun} :: concealment; harboring; cover-up
укрывать {v impf} :: to shelter
укрывать {v impf} :: to conceal
укрываться {v impf} :: to cover/wrap oneself
укрываться {v impf} :: to seek shelter, to find/take shelter/cover, to take cover
укрываться {v impf} :: to escape
укрытие {noun} :: covering, wrapping
укрытие {noun} :: concealment
укрытие {noun} :: cover, shelter
укрыть {v pf} :: to cover
укрыть {v pf} :: to shelter
укрыть {v pf} :: to conceal
укрыться {v pf} :: to cover/wrap oneself
укрыться {v pf} :: to seek shelter, to find/take shelter/cover, to take cover
укрыться {v pf} :: to escape
уксус {noun} :: vinegar
уксусная кислота {noun} :: acetic acid, ethanoic acid
уксусник {noun} :: vinegar cruet (vessel for serving vinegar)
укус {noun} :: bite (act of biting)
укус {noun} :: bite, sting
укусить {v pf} :: to bite
укусить {v pf} :: to sting
укутать {v pf} :: to wrap up, to muffle (up)
укутывать {v impf} :: to wrap up, to muffle (up)
ул. {f inan} :: St., street
улавливать {v impf} :: to detect, to catch, to perceive
улавливать {v impf} :: to locate, to pick up, to receive
улавливать {v impf} :: to catch, to understand
уладить {v pf} :: to settle, to arrange, to fix up, to reconcile, to make up, to patch up
улаживать {v impf} :: to settle, to arrange, to fix up, to reconcile, to make up, to patch up
Улан-Батор {prop} :: Улан-Батор (capital city)
уланбаторский {adj} [relational] :: уланбаторский (capital)
Улан-Удэ {prop} {m inan} :: Улан-Удэ (capital city)
улей {noun} :: hive, beehive
улейный {adj} [relational] :: beehive
улетать {v impf} :: to fly away, to depart (by flying)
улететь {v pf} :: to fly away, to depart (by flying)
улетучивать {vt impf} :: to evaporate, to vaporize, to volatilize
улетучиваться {vi impf} :: to evaporate, to vaporize
улетучиваться {v impf} [figurative] :: to vanish
улетучиваться {v impf} [figurative] :: to scatter in space [of light or sound]
улетучиваться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to be quickly spent or used up
улетучиваться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to leave quickly, to scram
улетучить {vt pf} :: to evaporate, to vaporize, to volatilize
улетучиться {vi pf} :: to evaporate, to vaporize
улетучиться {v pf} [figurative] :: to vanish
улетучиться {v pf} [figurative] :: to scatter in space [of light or sound]
улетучиться {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to be quickly spent or used up
улетучиться {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to leave quickly, to scram
улечься {v pf} :: to lie down
улечься {v pf} :: to settle
улечься {v pf} :: to calm down, to subside
у лжи короткие ноги {proverb} :: a lie has no legs
улизнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip away, to sneak away
улизнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to evade [от + genitive, something unpleasant]
улика {noun} [law] :: evidence, corpus delicti, proof
улитка {noun} :: snail
улитка {noun} [anatomy] :: cochlea
улица {noun} :: street
улицезреть {v pf} [literary, dated or ironic] :: to behold (to see in close proximity)
уличать {v impf} :: to establish the guilt (of)
уличать {v impf} :: to expose
уличить {v pf} :: to establish the guilt (of)
уличить {v pf} :: to expose
уличный {adj} [relational] :: street
улов {noun} :: catch, take (fish)
уловимый {adj} :: tangible
уловимый {adj} :: understandable
уловимый {adj} :: perceptible, noticeable
уловить {v pf} :: to detect, to catch, to perceive
уловить {v pf} :: to locate, to pick up, to receive
уловить {v pf} :: to catch, to understand
уловка {noun} :: ruse, dodge, trick, subterfuge
уложить {v pf} :: to lay
уложить {v pf} :: to pack up
уложить {v pf} :: to stow, to pile, to stack
уложить {v pf} :: (hair) to arrange, to style
уложиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pack (up), to be packing (up), to be packing one's things
уложиться {v pf} :: to go (in, into)
уложиться {v pf} :: to keep (within), to confine oneself (to)
улочка {noun} :: diminutive of улица
Улуру {prop} {m inan} :: Улуру (rock)
улус {noun} :: ulus, uls (various historical or modern Turkic or Mongolian regions)
улучать {v impf} :: to find (time)
улучать {v impf} :: to seize (a moment)
улучить {v pf} :: to find (time)
улучить {v pf} :: to seize (a moment)
улучшать {v impf} :: to improve, to make better, to ameliorate
улучшаться {vi impf} :: to improve, to ameliorate, to take a turn for the better
улучшение {noun} :: improvement
улучшить {v pf} :: to improve, to make better, to ameliorate
улучшиться {vi pf} :: to improve, to ameliorate, to take a turn for the better
улыбаться {v impf} :: to smile
улыбаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to like, to appreciate, to relish
улыбка {noun} :: smile
улыбнуть {v pf} [colloquial, humorous] :: to cheer up
улыбнуть {v pf} [dated, dialectal] :: to deceive, to cheat
улыбнуться {v pf} :: to smile
улыбочка {noun} :: diminutive of улыбка
улыбчивый {adj} [colloquial] :: smiling
ультиматум {noun} :: ultimatum
ультра- {prefix} :: ultra- (excessively, to an extreme)
ультразвук {noun} :: ultrasound (sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing)
ультразвуковой {adj} :: ultrasonic
ультракоротковолновая радиостанция {noun} :: VHF radio
ультрамарин {noun} :: ultramarine (pigment, color)
ультранационализм {noun} :: ultranationalism (extreme nationalism)
ультраправый {adj} [politics] :: ultraright
ультрафиолетовый {adj} :: ultraviolet
Ульяна {prop} :: given name
Ульяновск {prop} :: Ульяновск (city/administrative center); birthplace of Vladimir Lenin
ульяновский {adj} [relational] :: Ulyanovsk (city in Russia)
улюлюканье {noun} [colloquial] :: booing, hooting, mocking
ум {noun} :: mind
ум {noun} :: intellect
ум {noun} :: cleverness, brains, wit
ум {noun} :: reason
умалить {v pf} [dated] :: to reduce, to lessen, to diminish
умалить {v pf} [figurative, literary] :: to reduce the role, to value or significance of
умалить {v pf} [literary] :: to belittle, to humiliate
умалишённый {adj} :: mad, crazy, out of one's mind
умалчивать {v impf} :: to pass over in silence, to hold back, to hush up
умалять {v impf} [dated] :: to reduce, to lessen, to diminish
умалять {v impf} [figurative, literary] :: to reduce the role, the value or significance of
умалять {v impf} [literary] :: to belittle, to humiliate
умаляться {v impf} :: to diminish, to belittle
Умань {prop} :: Умань (city)
умелец {noun} :: skilled craftsman/artisan
умелец {noun} :: jack of all trades
умелец {noun} :: do-it-himself man, do-it-himselfer
умело {adv} :: ably, skillfully (with great ability)
умелый {adj} :: able, skillful, skilled, competent, expert
умение {noun} :: ability (a skill or competence)
уменьшаемое {noun} [arithmetic] :: minuend (number from which another is subtracted)
уменьшать {v impf} :: to diminish, to decrease, to lessen, to reduce, to abate
уменьшаться {v impf} :: to diminish, to decrease
уменьшение {noun} :: reduction (act, process, or result of reducing)
уменьшение {noun} :: diminution
уменьшение {noun} :: lessening
уменьшение {noun} :: mitigation
уменьшительное имя {noun} :: hypocorism (a term of endearment)
уменьшительное слово {noun} :: diminutive (word form expressing smallness)
уменьшительно-ласкательное имя {noun} :: hypocorism (a term of endearment)
уменьшительно-ласкательное слово {noun} :: diminutive (word form expressing smallness)
уменьшительно-ласкательный {adj} :: diminutive (grammar)
уменьшительный {adj} :: diminutive
уменьшить {v pf} :: to diminish, to decrease, to lessen, to reduce, to abate
уменьшиться {vi pf} :: to diminish, to decrease
у меня аллергия на пенициллин {phrase} :: I'm allergic to penicillin
у меня астма {phrase} :: I have asthma
у меня высокое давление {phrase} :: I have high blood pressure
у меня диабет {phrase} :: I have diabetes
у меня есть вопрос {phrase} :: I have a question
у меня нет денег {phrase} :: I have no money
у меня низкое давление {phrase} :: I have low blood pressure
у меня рак {phrase} :: I have cancer
умеренно {adv} :: moderately
умеренность {noun} :: moderation
умеренный {adj} :: moderate (not excessive), temperate, mild
умереть {v pf} :: to die of natural causes
умерить {v pf} :: to diminish, to lessen the force or magnitude of
умертвить {v pf} :: to kill
умертвить {v pf} [figurative] :: to kill, to destroy, to make unfit for habitation or growth
умертвить {v pf} :: to suppress (thoughts, feelings, etc.)
умертвить {v pf} :: to deprive [of hope, joy, etc.]
умерший {noun} :: deceased person
умерщвлять {v impf} :: to kill
умерщвлять {v impf} [figurative] :: to kill, to destroy, to make unfit for habitation or growth
умерщвлять {v impf} :: to suppress (thoughts, feelings, etc.)
умерщвлять {v impf} :: to deprive [of hope, joy, etc.]
умерять {v impf} :: to diminish, to lessen the force or magnitude of
уместить {v pf} :: to find room (for), to make go in, to put in
уместиться {v pf} :: to find/have enough room for oneself
уместиться {v pf} :: to go in, to fit in, to go (into), to fit (into)
уместно {adv} :: pertinently
уместно {adv} :: to the point
уместно {adv} :: apropos (timely, at a good time)
уместность {noun} :: relevance, relevancy
уместность {noun} :: appropriateness
уместность {noun} :: appositeness (the state of being apposite)
уместность {noun} :: propriety
уместность {noun} :: pertinence, pertinency
уместность {noun} :: aptitude
уместный {adj} :: relevant
уместный {adj} :: pertinent, apt, apposite (appropriate, well-suited)
уместный {adj} :: opportune
уместный {adj} :: germane
уместный {adj} :: in place
уместный {adj} :: apropos
уместный {adj} :: right
уместный {adj} :: pat
уместный {adj} :: felicitous
уместный {adj} :: pointful
уместный {adj} :: seasonable
уметь {v impf} :: to be able
уметь {v impf} :: to know how to
умещать {v impf} :: to find room (for), to make go in, to put in
умещаться {v impf} :: to find/have enough room for oneself
умещаться {v impf} :: to go in, to fit in, to go (into), to fit (into)
умиление {noun} :: touching, moving [emotionally]
умиление {noun} :: tender emotion
Умиление {prop} :: Eleousa, Umileniye, Glykophilousa, Mater Amabilis; an iconographic type of sacred image of Mother of God (literally: tenderness)
умиленье {noun} [poetic, obsolete] :: alternative form of умиление
умилить {v pf} :: to touch, to move [emotionally]
умилиться {v pf} :: to be touched [emotionally], to experience tenderness
умилиться {v pf} :: to convey tenderness
умилиться {v pf} [figurative, dated] :: to become kindhearted
умилостивить {v pf} :: to propitiate
умилостивление {noun} :: propitiation, obsecration
умилостивлять {v impf} :: to propitiate
умилять {v impf} :: to touch, to move [emotionally]
умиляться {v impf} :: to be touched [emotionally], to experience tenderness
умиляться {v impf} :: to convey tenderness
умиляться {v impf} [figurative, dated] :: to become kindhearted
умирание {noun} :: dying (process of approaching death)
умирать {v impf} :: to die of natural causes
умирающий {adj} :: dying, moribund
умирающий {noun} :: dying man
умирить {v pf} [dated] :: to pacify, to reconcile
умиротворение {noun} :: appeasement, pacification
умиротворить {v pf} :: to pacify
умиротворить {v pf} :: to appease
умиротворять {v impf} :: to pacify
умиротворять {v impf} :: to appease
умлаут {noun} [orthography, phonology] :: umlaut (diacritical mark or partial assimilation of a vowel)
умляут {noun} [orthography, phonology] :: umlaut (diacritical mark or partial assimilation of a vowel)
умнее {adv} :: comparative of умный
умнее {adv} :: comparative of умно
умнеть {v impf} :: to become wiser
умник {noun} :: know-all
умник {noun} :: smart aleck, smartass
умница {m anim} {f anim} :: clear head
умница {m anim} {f anim} :: clever boy, good boy, clever girl, good girl
умница {m anim} {f anim} :: clever person, wise person, good person
умно {adv} :: cleverly, wisely, sensibly
умно {pred} :: it is wise
умножать {v impf} [mathematics or figurative] :: to multiply
умножаться {vi impf} :: to increase [in number or degree]
умножение {noun} :: increase, augmentation
умножение {noun} [mathematics] :: multiplication (process)
умножить {v pf} [mathematics or figurative] :: to multiply
умножиться {vi pf} :: to increase [in number or degree]
умный {adj} :: clever, smart, intelligent
умозаключение {noun} :: conclusion, deduction
умозаключение {noun} :: inference; reasoning
умозрение {noun} :: speculation
умозрительный {adj} :: speculative
умоисступление {noun} [literary] :: delirium
умолить {v pf} :: to move (+to), to move by entreaties
умолк {noun} :: (in expresions only)
умолкать {v impf} :: (person) to fall/become silent, to lapse into silence
умолкать {v impf} :: (sound, noise) to stop
умолкнуть {v pf} :: (person) to fall/become silent, to lapse into silence
умолкнуть {v pf} :: (sound, noise) to stop
умолчание {noun} :: passing over in silence; failure to mention; reticence; non-disclosure
умолчание {noun} [literary] :: preterition
умолчание {noun} [computing] :: default
умолчать {v pf} :: to pass over in silence, to hold back, to hush up
умолять {v impf} :: to entreat, to beg, to implore
умоляюще {adv} :: pleadingly, imploringly, entreatingly, beseechingly
умоляющий {adj} :: pleading, imploring, suppliant, entreating
умонастроение {noun} [literary] :: mentality, mindset, frame of mind, state of mind
умопомешательство {noun} :: madness, insanity, lunacy
умопомрачение {noun} :: (temporary) insanity, aberration (minor or temporary mental disorder)
умопомрачительный {adj} [colloquial] :: prodigious, breathtaking, astounding, terrific
умора {noun} :: extreme exhaustion, extreme fatigue
умора {noun} [predicative, colloquial] :: side-splitting, awfully funny, a scream
умра {noun} [Islam] :: 'umra (minor Hajj)
ум-разум {noun} :: good sense
умственно {adv} :: mentally (in a mental manner)
умственный {adj} :: intellectual, mental (belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental or cognitive)
умствовать {v impf} [dated] :: to ponder
умствовать {v impf} [colloquial, disapprovingly] :: to philosophise
умудрить {v pf} :: to make wise, to make wiser
умудриться {v pf} :: to become wiser
умудриться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to manage to [+ infinitive], to contrive to; to succeed in doing something difficult; (ironically) to do something that could easily have been avoided
умудрять {v impf} :: to make wise, to make wiser
умудряться {v impf} :: to become wiser
умудряться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to manage to (+ infinitive)
умчать {v pf} :: to whirl away
умчаться {v pf} :: to dash/whirl away, (time) to fly past
умывальник {noun} :: washstand
умывальник {noun} :: wash basin
умывальник {noun} :: lavabo water tank
умывальня {noun} :: washroom
умывать {vt impf} :: to wash
умываться {v impf} :: to wash up (wash one's hands and face)
умысел {noun} :: design, intention
умыслить {v pf} [dated] :: to plan (+to), to intend (+to), to plot (against)
умыть {vt pf} :: to wash
умыться {v pf} :: to wash up (wash one's hands and face)
умышленно {adv} :: deliberately, intentionally
умышленный {adj} :: deliberate, intentional, designed
умышлять {v impf} [dated] :: to plan (+to), to intend (+to), to plot (against)
-ун- {affix} [chemistry] :: -un-
-ун {suffix} :: Suffix appended to verbs to create a masculine noun, normally denoting an actor
унаследовать {v pf} :: to inherit
унаследовать {v pf} :: (with dative) to succeed to
унбибий {noun} :: unbibium
унбиквадий {noun} :: unbiquadium
унбинилий {noun} :: unbinilium
унбипентий {noun} :: unbipentium
унбитрий {noun} :: unbitrium
унбиуний {noun} :: unbiunium
унести {v pf} :: to take away, to take off, to carry (away)
унестись {v pf} :: to leave quickly, to speed off
унестись {v pf} [figurative] :: to fly by [of time]
унестись {v pf} [figurative] :: to be carried back [of thoughts]
уни- {prefix} :: uni- (one)
универ {noun} [colloquial] :: uni (university)
универмаг {noun} :: department store
универсал {noun} [animate] :: jack of all trades, all-round craftsman, factotum
универсал {noun} [animate] :: universalist
универсал {noun} [automotive, inanimate] :: estate car, station wagon
универсал {noun} [historical, legal, inanimate] :: type of legal decree or manifest issued in Poland and Ukraine
универсальность {noun} :: universality
универсальный {adj} :: universal (useful for many purposes)
универсам {noun} :: acronym of универсальный магазин самообслуживания: supermarket
университет {noun} :: university
университетский {adj} [relational] :: university; academic (relating to an academy or other higher institution of learning)
унижать {v impf} :: to humiliate, to abase
унижаться {v impf} :: to humble oneself, to grovel
унижаться {v impf} :: to stoop [до to]
унижение {noun} :: humiliation, abasement
униженный {adj} :: humiliated [experiencing or expressing humiliation]
униженный {adj} :: abject (cast down; rejected; low-lying)
унизительный {adj} :: humiliating, degrading
унизить {v pf} :: to humiliate, to abase
унизиться {v pf} :: to humble oneself, to grovel
унизиться {v pf} :: to stoop [до to]
уникальность {noun} :: uniqueness (state or quality of being unique or one-of-a-kind)
уникальный {adj} :: unique
Уникод {noun} :: Unicode
унимать {v impf} :: to quiet, to calm (baby), to soothe, to make someone stop shouting, crying or behave violently, to stop (bleeding)
униматься {v impf} :: to grow quiet, to quiet down
униматься {v impf} [colloquial] :: to abate, to stop
унисон {noun} [music] :: unison (simultaneous playing of an identical note more than once)
унитаз {noun} :: toilet (ceramic bowl), flush toilet, water closet
унитарный {adj} [mathematics] :: unitary
унификация {noun} :: unification
унификация {noun} :: harmonization
унифицировать {v both} [literary] :: to unify
униформа {noun} :: uniform
униформа {noun} [collective] :: circus staff
уничижительный {adj} :: pejorative (disparaging, belittling or derogatory)
уничтожать {v impf} :: to destroy, to annihilate, to obliterate
уничтожать {v impf} :: to abolish, to do away with
уничтожать {v impf} :: to crush
уничтожаться {v impf} :: to disappear, to go missing
уничтожаться {v impf} :: to cease to exist
уничтожение {noun} :: destruction, annihilation
уничтожение {noun} :: extermination, elimination, eradication
уничтожитель {noun} :: destroyer (someone who destroys)
уничтожить {v pf} :: to destroy, to annihilate, to obliterate, to wipe out, to blot out, to crush
уничтожить {v pf} :: to abolish, to do away with
уничтожить {v pf} :: to crush [morally]
уничтожиться {v pf} :: to disappear, to go missing
уничтожиться {v pf} :: to cease to exist
уния {noun} :: union (of states)
уносить {v impf} :: to take away, to take off, to carry (away)
уноситься {v impf} :: to leave quickly, to speed off
уноситься {v impf} [figurative] :: to fly by [of time]
уноситься {v impf} [figurative] :: to be carried back [of thoughts]
унтер {noun} [historical, colloquial] :: NCO, noncommissioned officer
унтер-офицер {noun} [historical] :: non-commissioned officer; corporal; petty officer
унунбий {noun} :: ununbium
унунгексий {noun} :: ununhexium
унунквадий {noun} :: ununquadium
унуноктий {noun} :: ununoctium
унунпентий {noun} :: ununpentium
унунсептий {noun} :: ununseptium
унунтрий {noun} :: ununtrium
унунэнний {noun} :: ununennium
унция {noun} :: ounce
унывать {v impf} :: to lose heart, to be cast down, to be dejected or depressed
уныло {adv} :: dejectedly, despondently
уныло {adv} :: dismally, cheerlessly
унылый {adj} :: gloomy, depressing, bleak
уныние {noun} :: gloom, melancholy, dismay
уныть {v pf} [dated] :: to lose heart, to be cast down, to be dejected or depressed
унять {v pf} :: to quiet, to calm (baby), to soothe, to make someone stop shouting, crying or behave violently, to stop (bleeding)
уняться {v pf} :: to grow quiet, to quiet down
уняться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to abate, to stop
Уокингема {prop} :: Wokingham
уоки-токи {n inan} :: walkie-talkie (portable radio)
Уолтер Митти {prop} {m anim} :: Walter Mitty
упавший {adj} :: fallen, dropped
упавший {adj} :: sank, declined
упад {noun} :: in expressions only
упадничество {noun} :: decadent sentiments
упадок {noun} :: decline, decay, decadence
упадок {noun} :: collapse, breakdown
упадочный {adj} :: depressive, declining
упаковать {v pf} :: to pack (up)
упаковка {noun} :: (action) packing, wrapping
упаковка {noun} :: (material) wrapping, wrapper, packing, packaging
упаковывать {v impf} :: to pack (up)
упаривать {v impf} :: to soften away by steaming
упаривать {v impf} [slang, euphemistic] :: to murk, to snuff
упарить {v pf} :: to soften away by steaming
упарить {v pf} [slang, euphemistic] :: to murk, to snuff
упасти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to save, to preserve
упасть {v pf} :: to fall, to drop
упасть {v pf} :: to sink, to decline
упасть в обморок {v pf} :: to faint, to swoon (to lose consciousness)
упереть {v pf} :: to rest (against), to set (against), to lean (against)
упереть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to steal, to pilfer, to filch
упереть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lay stress (on)
упереться {v pf} :: to rest (against), to set (against)
упереться {v pf} :: to jib, to balk, to refuse
упереться {v pf} :: to be hampered, to be held back, to hinge (on)
упестрить {v pf} :: to variegate, to diversify, to vary
упестрять {v impf} :: to variegate, to diversify, to vary
упиваться {v impf} :: to get drunk
упиваться {v impf} :: to revel (in), to be intoxicated (by), to feast one's eyes (upon), to gloat (over)
упирать {v impf} :: to rest (against), to set (against), to lean (against)
упирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to steal, to pilfer, to filch
упирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lay stress (on)
упираться {v impf} :: to rest (against), to set (against)
упираться {v impf} :: to jib, to balk, to refuse
упираться {v impf} :: to be hampered, to be held back, to hinge [on]
упитанный {adj} :: plump, well-fed
упитать {v pf} :: to fatten up
упитывать {v impf} :: to fatten up
упиться {v pf} :: to get drunk
уплата {noun} :: payment
уплатить {v pf} :: to pay
уплачивать {v impf} :: to pay
уплотнение {noun} :: compaction, consolidation
уплотнение {noun} :: packing, sealing, gasketing
уплотнение {noun} :: gasket, packing, seal
уплотнение {noun} [medicine] :: infiltration, hardening
уплывать {v impf} :: to swim away
уплывать {v impf} :: to sail away
уплыть {v pf} :: to swim away
уплыть {v pf} :: to sail away
упование {noun} [dated or high-style] :: hope
уповать {v impf} [literary, poetic] :: to hope (for), to set one's hopes (upon) [+ на (object)] [+ acc]
уподобить {v pf} :: to cause to be/become like
уподобить {v pf} :: to liken, to compare
уподобиться {v pf} :: to be or become like [+ dative, someone/something]
уподоблять {v impf} :: to cause to be/become like
уподоблять {v impf} :: to liken, to compare
уподобляться {v impf} :: to be or become like [+ dative, someone/something]
упоение {noun} :: rapture, ecstasy, thrill
упоительный {adj} :: ravishing, entrancing
упокоевать {v impf} [dated, religion] :: to bring peace to (someone), to free (someone) from mental anguish, to cause (someone) to rest in peace
упокоение {noun} [dated, religion] :: causing to rest in peace, freeing from mental anguish
упокоение {noun} [dated, religion] :: burial place
упокоение {noun} [dated, religion] :: repose (stay of someone's soul in a state of complete rest in the afterlife)
упокоить {v pf} [dated, religion] :: to bring peace to (someone), to free (someone) from mental anguish, to cause (someone) to rest in peace
упокой {noun} :: repose, eternal rest [of a soul]
уползать {v impf} :: to crawl away
уползти {v pf} :: to crawl away
уполномоченный {noun} :: authorized representative, agent
уполномочивание {noun} :: authorization (act of authorizing)
уполномочивать {v impf} :: to authorize, to depute
уполномочить {v pf} :: to authorize, to depute
упоминание {noun} :: mention, mentioning; allusion; reference
упоминать {v impf} :: to mention, to refer
упомнить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to remember, to commit to memory
упомнить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to recall
упомянуть {v pf} :: to mention, to refer
упор {noun} :: support, rest (object designed to be used to support something else)
упор {noun} :: stop, prop (e.g. a door stop)
упор {noun} :: stress, emphasis
упор {noun} [music] :: spike (of stringed instruments)
упорно {adv} :: hard
упорно {adv} :: stubbornly
упорный {adj} :: persistent, insistent
упорный {adj} :: stubborn (refusing to move or change one's opinion), resistant
упорный {adj} [relational] :: thrust [of a bearing or block]
упорство {noun} :: persistence, unyieldingness
упорство {noun} :: obstinacy, stubbornness, pertinacity, doggedness
упорствовать {v impf} :: to persist (in), to be stubborn/obstinate/unyielding
упорядочение {noun} :: streamlining, orderliness
упорядочение {noun} [mathematics, informatoics] :: ordering, sorting
упорядочение {noun} :: adjustment
упорядочивать {v impf} :: to set in order, to normalize, to regulate
упорядочить {v pf} :: to set in order, to normalize, to regulate
употребить {v pf} :: to use, to apply
употребление {noun} :: use, usage, application
употреблять {v impf} :: to use, to apply
употребляться {v impf} :: to be used
управа {noun} :: colloq. justice
управа {noun} :: historical board
управдом {noun} :: resident manager, janitor, building superintendent, building supervisor
управиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to manage, to cope (with)
управленец {noun} :: manager, member of administrative staff
управление {noun} :: administration, direction
управление {noun} :: management
управление {noun} :: board
управление {noun} [engineering] :: control
управление {noun} [grammar] :: government
управленческий {adj} [relational] :: management; administrative, managerial
управляемость {noun} :: manageability, controllability, manoeuvrability, dirigibility
управляемый {adj} :: controllable, manageable
управляемый {adj} :: guided
управляемый снаряд {noun} :: guided missile
управляемый фугас {noun} :: roadside bomb (explosive device)
управлять {v impf} :: to govern, to rule
управлять {v impf} :: to control, to manage
управлять {v impf} :: to operate, to run (a machine)
управлять {v impf} :: to drive, to steer (a vehicle)
управлять {v impf} :: [grammar] to conduct
управляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to manage, to cope (with)
управляющий {noun} :: manager, administrator
упражнение {noun} :: exercise
упражнять {v impf} :: to exercise, to train
упражняться {v impf} :: to practice, to exercise
упразднение {noun} :: abolition
упразднить {v pf} :: to abolish, to abrogate
упразднять {v impf} :: to abolish, to abrogate
упрашивать {v impf} :: to entreat, to beg, to beseech
упрекать {v impf} :: to reproach, to upbraid, to blame
упрекнуть {v pf} :: to reproach, to upbraid, to blame
упрёк {noun} :: reproach, reproof, rebuke (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism)
упросить {v pf} :: to entreat, to beg, to beseech, to prevail (upon)
упростить {v pf} :: to simplify
упростить {v pf} :: to oversimplify
упрочение {noun} :: strengthening
упрочение {noun} :: consolidation
упрощать {v impf} :: to simplify
упрощать {v impf} :: to oversimplify
упрощение {noun} :: simplification
упрощённый {adj} :: simplified
упрощённый {adj} :: simplistic, oversimplified
упругий {adj} :: resilient, elastic, bouncy
упругость {noun} :: elasticity, resiliency, resilience
упряжка {noun} :: team, relay (of draught animals)
упряжка {noun} :: harness, gear
упряжь {noun} :: harness (a restraint or support)
упрямец {noun} :: а pigheaded, stubborn person
упрямо {adv} :: obstinately (in an obstinate manner)
упрямство {noun} :: obstinacy, stubbornness
упрямый {adj} :: stubborn (refusing to move or change one's opinion)
упрятать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hide, to take/put away
упрятать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to put away, to condemn (to), to confine (in), to incarcerate (in), to coop up
упрятывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hide, to take/put away
упрятывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to put away, to condemn (to), to confine (in), to incarcerate (in), to coop up
упс {interj} :: oops (acknowledging a minor mistake)
упускать {v impf} :: to let go, to let slip
упускать {v impf} :: to miss, to lose
упускать {v impf} :: to overlook
упустить {v pf} :: to let go, to let slip
упустить {v pf} :: to miss, to lose
упустить {v pf} :: to overlook
упущение {noun} :: omission, lapse, overlook
упырь {noun} :: vampire
упырь {noun} [slang] :: cruel person
ура {interj} :: hoorah, hooray (elated expression of approval, especially as a battle cry)
ура {interj} :: yay (expression of happiness)
уравнение {noun} :: equation
уравнивать {v impf} [also figurative] :: to equalize (weight, size, rights, etc.)
уравнивать {v impf} :: to smooth, to make smooth
уравнивать {v impf} :: to level, to make even or level
уравниловка {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: top-down enforcement of uniformity
уравновесить {v pf} :: to balance, to counterpoise
уравновесить {v pf} :: to counterbalance, to countervail
уравновешенный {adj} :: steady, balanced, even-tempered [of one's temper, of a person]
уравновешивать {v impf} :: to balance, to counterpoise
уравновешивать {v impf} :: to counterbalance, to countervail
уравнять {v pf} [also figurative] :: to equalize (weight, size, rights, etc.)
ураган {noun} [meteorology] :: hurricane
ураган {noun} [meteorology] :: tornado
уразумевать {v impf} :: to comprehend, to understand, to get the hang of
уразуметь {v pf} :: to comprehend, to understand, to get the hang of
Урал {prop} :: Urals (mountain range)
Урал {prop} :: Ural (river)
уральский {adj} [relational] :: Urals
уран {noun} :: uranium (U)
Уран {prop} [astronomy] :: Uranus
Уран {prop} [Greek god] :: Uranus
уранист {noun} :: uranist
Урарту {prop} {n inan} [historical] :: Urartu
урвать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to grab, to snatch
урвать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to procure, to get
урвать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to find (time)
урду {m inan} :: Urdu (language)
урегулирование {noun} :: settlement (the state of being settled)
урегулировать {v pf} :: to settle, to adjust
урезание {noun} :: cutting (e.g. of funds)
урезание {noun} :: retrenchment
урезание {noun} :: abbreviation (act or result of shortening or reducing)
урезать {v pf} :: to cut off
урезать {v pf} :: to cut down, to reduce, to curtail, to skimp
урезать {v impf} :: to cut off
урезать {v impf} :: to cut down, to reduce, to curtail, to skimp
урезывать {v impf} :: to cut off
урезывать {v impf} :: to cut down, to reduce, to curtail, to skimp
урейлит {noun} :: ureilite
урема {noun} [regional] :: small woods and shrubs growing in the low-lying river valleys
уретра {noun} [anatomy] :: urethra
урёма {noun} [regional] :: small woods and shrubs growing in the low-lying river valleys
урка {m anim} {f anim} [slang] :: professional criminal, career criminal, gangster, thug, thief, crook
урка {m anim} {f anim} [slang] :: career convict, inmate
урна {noun} :: urn
урна {noun} :: ballot box
урна {noun} :: refuse bin, litter receptacle, litter bin
уровень {noun} :: level, standard, amount
уровень {noun} :: level, gauge
уровень {noun} :: level, rate, degree
уровень {noun} [tool] :: level, level gauge, spirit level, bubble level
уровень {noun} [video games] :: a level
уровень {noun} [figurative] :: dignity
уровнять {v pf} :: to smooth, to make smooth
уровнять {v pf} :: to level, to make even or level
урод {noun} :: monster
урод {noun} :: ugly creature
уродец {noun} :: diminutive of урод
уродина {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: bag, fright, freak (ugly woman)
уродливый {adj} :: deformed, misshapen
уродливый {adj} :: ugly, hideous (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing)
уродовать {v impf} :: to disfigure, to deform, to mar
уродовать {v impf} :: to mutilate, to maim, to cripple
уродство {noun} :: deformity, abnormality
уродство {noun} :: handicap
уродство {noun} :: ugliness
урожай {noun} :: crop, harvest, yield (yield of harvesting)
урожайность {noun} :: productivity, crop capacity
урожайный {adj} [relational] :: harvest
урожайный {adj} :: rich, bountiful [in terms of harvest; of land or time]
урожайный {adj} :: high-yield [of plants]
урожайный {adj} [colloquial] :: chock-full, plentiful, abundant [на + accusative, of/with]
урождённый {adj} :: née [in Russia before 1917]
урождённый {adj} [colloquial] :: born [leader, poet, etc.]
уроженец {noun} :: native
урок {noun} :: lesson
урок {noun} :: task
урология {noun} :: urology
урон {noun} :: losses, damage
уронить {v pf} :: to drop (something), usually unintentionally
урочить {v impf} [dated] :: to establish the boundaries of
урочить {v impf} [dated] :: to hex, to bewitch, to cast the evil eye on
урочище {noun} [dated] :: natural boundary, natural border [e.g. a mountain chain or river]
урочище {noun} [geography] :: natural landmark [e.g. a copse of trees in an open plain]
Уругвай {prop} :: Уругвай (country)
уругвайский {adj} :: Uruguayan
Урумчи {m inan} :: Урумчи (prefecture-level city/capital)
урчание {noun} :: rumbling
урчание {noun} :: grumble (the sound made by a hungry stomach)
урчать {v impf} :: to grumble (to make a low growling or rumbling stomach noise)
урывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to grab, to snatch
урывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to procure, to get
урывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to find (time)
урывками {adv} [colloquial] :: brokenly, in snatches, intermittently, in fits and starts
урюк {noun} :: whole dried apricots (with the pit)
уряд {noun} [archaic] :: common practices, custom way of something
уряд {noun} [archaic] :: process of serving temporary military or official assignment; brevet
урядник {noun} [historical] :: village constable
ус {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: moustache
ус {noun} :: whisker
ус {noun} :: feeler, antenna
ус {noun} :: tendril, awn
усадить {v pf} :: to make or let someone sit down, to seat
усадить {v pf} :: to ask someone to sit down
усадить {v pf} :: to set (someone to do something)
усадить {v pf} :: to plant (e.g. trees or flowers)
усадьба {noun} :: farmstead
усадьба {noun} :: homestead
усадьба {noun} :: place
усадьба {noun} :: barton
усадьба {noun} :: steading
усадьба {noun} :: hall (a manor house)
усадьба {noun} :: messuage
усадьба {noun} :: toft
усаживать {v impf} :: to make or let someone sit down, to seat
усаживать {v impf} :: to ask someone to sit down
усаживать {v impf} :: to set (someone to do something)
усаживать {v impf} :: to plant (e.g. trees or flowers)
усаживаться {v impf} :: to sit down (comfortably), to take a seat
усатый {adj} :: moustached (having moustache)
усатый {adj} :: having whiskers
усатый {adj} :: having feelers (antennae)
усваивать {v impf} :: to master, to learn
усваивать {v impf} :: to adopt (a habit, a custom)
усваивать {v impf} :: to digest, to assimilate
усвоение {noun} :: assimilation (the metabolic conversion of nutriments)
усвоение {noun} :: digestion
усвоение {noun} :: adoption
усвоить {v pf} :: to master, to learn
усвоить {v pf} :: to adopt (a habit or custom)
усвоить {v pf} :: to digest, to assimilate
усеивать {v impf} :: to dot (with), to strew (with), to litter (with), to pepper (with)
усекать {v impf} :: to cut off, to truncate
усекать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get, to understand
усердие {noun} :: eagerness, zeal
усердие {noun} :: diligence, assiduity
усердно {adv} :: diligently, industriously (in a diligent manner)
усердный {adj} :: eager, zealous
усердный {adj} :: assiduous
усердствовать {v impf} :: to be diligent [в + prepositional, in something]
усердствовать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be excessively zealous or eager
усесться {v pf} :: to sit down (comfortably), to take a seat
усечь {v pf} :: to cut off, to truncate
усечь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get, to understand
усеять {v pf} :: to dot (with), to strew (with), to litter (with), to pepper (with)
усидеть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to remain sitting [after being pushed]
усидеть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to sit still [despite one's desires or intentions]
усидеть {v pf} [perfective only, colloquial] :: to hold on [to a position or job], to remain [in a position or job]
усидеть {v pf} [perfective only, usually in the negative] :: to stay in place, to refrain from leaving
усидеть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to sit at the table and eat or drink (something) [fully or in large quantities]
усидчивый {adj} [dated] :: able to sit (in one place) for a very long time
усидчивый {adj} :: hard-working, diligent
усиживать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to sit at the table and eat or drink (something) [fully or in large quantities]
усик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of ус: little/short moustache or whisker
усик {noun} :: barbel [of fish]
усик {noun} :: feeler, antenna (feeler organ on the head of an insect)
усик {noun} [botany] :: tendril, awn, runner
усиление {noun} :: strengthening; intensification
усиление {noun} :: amplification
усиленно {adv} :: with increased strength or force
усиленный {adj} :: intensified, stronger
усиливать {v impf} :: to strengthen, to reinforce, to amplify
усиливаться {v impf} :: to become stronger, to intensify, to gain strength
усиливаться {v impf} :: to swell, to grow louder
усиливаться {v impf} :: to gather momentum
усиливаться {v impf} :: to deepen
усилие {noun} :: effort, exertion, endeavour
усилитель {noun} :: amplifier
усилитель {noun} :: booster
усилитель {noun} :: enhancer
усилитель {noun} :: magnifier
усилить {v pf} :: to strengthen, to reinforce, to amplify
усилиться {v pf} :: to become stronger, to intensify, to gain strength
усилиться {v pf} :: to swell, to grow louder
усилиться {v pf} :: to gather momentum
усилиться {v pf} :: to deepen
ускользать {v impf} :: to slip off, to slip away
ускользать {v impf} :: to steal (away), to sneak off
ускользать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to escape
ускользнуть {v pf} :: to slip off, to slip away
ускользнуть {v pf} :: to steal (away), to sneak off
ускользнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to escape
ускорение {noun} :: acceleration (act, state)
ускоренный {adj} :: speeded up, faster, (more) rapid
ускоритель {noun} :: accelerator (a device for causing acceleration, anything or anyone that accelerates but not the accelerator pedal)
ускоритель {noun} [chemistry] :: accelerant
ускорить {v pf} :: to hasten, to quicken, to accelerate
ускорить {v pf} :: to expedite, to speed up
ускорить {v pf} :: to precipitate
ускориться {v pf} :: to quicken, to accelerate
ускориться {v pf} :: to move faster, to go faster
ускорять {v impf} :: to hasten, to quicken, to accelerate
ускорять {v impf} :: to expedite, to speed up
ускорять {v impf} :: to precipitate
ускоряться {v impf} :: to quicken, to accelerate
ускоряться {v impf} :: to move faster, to go faster
уславливаться {v impf} :: to arrange (with, with + to), to agree (with on, with + to ), to settle (with, with + to)
услать {v pf} :: to send away
уследить {vt pf} :: to keep sight of, to watch
уследить {v pf} :: to keep one's focus on, to keep track of, to follow [за + instrumental]
уследить {v pf} :: to look out for, to keep an eye on, to keep from harm [за + instrumental]
услеживать {vt impf} :: to keep sight of, to watch
услеживать {v impf} :: to keep one's focus on, to keep track of, to follow [за + instrumental]
услеживать {v impf} :: to look out for, to keep an eye on, to keep from harm [за + instrumental]
условие {noun} :: condition
условие {noun} :: term, stipulation, proviso
условие {noun} :: agreement, contract
условиться {v pf} :: to arrange (with, with + to), to agree (with on, with + to ), to settle (with, with + to)
условленный {adj} :: prearranged [signal, meeting place, etc.]
условленный {adj} :: agreed-upon [amount, etc.]
условливаться {v impf} :: alternative form of уславливаться
условно {adv} :: tentatively, conditionally
условность {noun} :: conditional character, conditionality
условность {noun} :: convention, conventionality
условный {adj} :: conditional [depending upon a condition]
условный {adj} :: conventional [by convention]
условный {adj} :: prearranged [secretly agreed upon beforehand]
условный {adj} :: make-believe [pretend, imaginary, symbolic, notional, nominal]
условный {adj} :: reference [of a standard unit used as a basis for calculation]
усложнение {noun} :: complication, complicating
усложнить {v pf} :: to complicate
усложнить {v pf} :: to perplex
усложниться {v pf} :: to become more complex, to become more complicated
усложниться {v pf} :: to become more difficult [e.g. to implement or maintain]
усложнять {v impf} :: to complicate
усложнять {v impf} :: to perplex
усложняться {v impf} :: to become more complex, to become more complicated
усложняться {v impf} :: to become more difficult [e.g. to implement or maintain]
услуга {noun} :: service, favour, good turn
услуга {noun} :: plural services, attendance
услужение {noun} [dated or low colloquial] :: service [as a servant or maid]
услужение {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: servility, ministering [to someone], pleasing [someone]
услуживать {v impf} :: to do/render a service, to do a good turn
услуживать {v impf} [pejorative] :: to oblige
услужить {v pf} :: to do/render a service, to do a good turn
услужить {v pf} [pejorative] :: to oblige
услужливо {adv} :: helpfully, obligingly
услужливый {adj} :: helpful, obliging
услыхать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to manage to hear
услышать {v pf} :: to hear
услышать {vt pf} :: [colloquial] to smell, to feel
усматривать {v impf} :: to see (in), to perceive (in), to discover (in)
усматривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to look (after), to attend (to), to keep an eye (on)
усмехаться {v impf} :: to grin, to smile, to smirk
усмехнуться {v pf} :: to grin, to smile, to smirk
усмешка {noun} :: ironic smile
усмешка {noun} :: wry grin
усмирить {v pf} :: to pacify
усмотрение {noun} :: discretion, judgement
усмотреть {v pf} :: to see (in), to perceive (in), to discover (in)
усмотреть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to look (after), to attend (to), to keep an eye (on)
уснувший вулкан {noun} :: dormant volcano
уснуть {v pf} :: to fall asleep, to go to sleep
уснуть {v pf} [of fish] :: to die
усобица {noun} [archaic] :: intestine war; feud
усовершенствование {noun} :: improvement, betterment; perfection (action)
усовершенствованный {adj} :: improved, more advanced
усовершенствовать {v pf} :: to enhance, to upgrade, to improve, to refine
усовершенствоваться {v pf} :: to enhance oneself, to upgrade oneself, to improve oneself, to refine oneself
усомниться {v pf} :: to doubt, to feel doubt about (в + prepositional)
усопнуть {v pf} [archaic] :: to die
усопнуть {v pf} [archaic] :: to fall asleep
усопший {adj} [literary or dated] :: deceased
усопший {noun} :: deceased person
усохнуть {v pf} :: to shrivel, to wither, becoming hard
усохнуть {v pf} :: to dry up
усохнуть {vi pf} :: to shrink [as a result of drying]
усохнуть {v pf} :: to shrivel up [from old age]
успеваемость {noun} :: progress [in studies]
успевать {v impf} :: to have time, to find time, to manage, to succeed
успевать {v impf} :: to arrive in time (for), to be in time (for)
успевать {v impf} :: to catch (a train, bus)
успевать {v impf} :: to get on well, to make progress, to advance [in one's studies]
успевать {v impf} :: to keep pace with someone
успение {noun} :: (in Eastern Orthodoxy) Dormition, Assumption
успенский {adj} [relational] :: Assumption, Dormition (Christian festival in honor of the ascent of the Virgin Mary to heaven)
успеть {v pf} :: to have time, to find time
успеть {v pf} :: to manage (to do something), to succeed
успеть {v pf} :: to arrive in time (for), to be in time (for)
успеть {v pf} :: to catch (a train, bus)
успех {noun} :: success, progress
успешно {adv} :: successfully
успешность {noun} :: success, successfulness
успешный {adj} :: successful (resulting in success)
успокаивать {v impf} :: to calm, to quiet, to soothe
успокаивать {v impf} :: to reassure
успокаивать {v impf} :: to assuage, to appease
успокаиваться {v impf} :: to calm down, to quiet down
успокаиваться {v impf} :: to abate
успокаивающий {adj} :: calming
успокаивающий {adj} :: soothing, assuasive
успокаивающий {adj} :: sedative, tranquilizing, tranquillizing
успокаивающий {adj} :: restful
успокаивающий {adj} :: anodyne (soothing or relaxing)
успокаивающий {adj} :: lulling
успокаивающий {adj} :: bland
успокаивающий {adj} :: composing
успокаивающий {adj} :: lenitive
успокаивающий {adj} :: balmy
успокаивающий {adj} :: depressant
успокаивающий {adj} :: demulcent
успокаивающий {adj} :: mollifying
успокоение {noun} :: sedation
успокоение {noun} :: comfort, solace
успокоение {noun} :: anodyne (a source of relaxation or comfort)
успокоение {noun} :: appeasement
успокоение {noun} :: pacification, mollification
успокоение {noun} :: propitiation
успокоение {noun} :: assuagement
успокоение {noun} :: tranquillization, tranquilization
успокоение {noun} :: decrement
успокоительный {adj} :: soothing, calming, sedative
успокоить {v pf} :: to calm, to quiet, to soothe
успокоить {v pf} :: to reassure
успокоить {v pf} :: to assuage, to appease
успокоиться {v pf} :: to calm down, to quiet down
успокоиться {v pf} :: to abate
усраться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to shit one's pants, to shit oneself
усраться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to get frightened, to chicken out
усреднить {v pf} [mathematics] :: to average
усреднить {v pf} [figurative] :: to make average, to bring to an average level [e.g. one's abilities], to bring to common standards or norms
усреднять {v impf} [mathematics] :: to average
усреднять {v impf} [figurative] :: to make average, to bring to an average level [e.g. one's abilities], to bring to common standards or norms
уссаться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to piss one's pants, to piss oneself
уссаться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to become afraid, to chicken out
Уссурийск {prop} :: Уссурийск (city)
уст. {adj} [linguistics] :: obsolete, antiquated
уста {noun} [archaic or poetic] :: mouth, lips
устав {noun} :: regulations, statute, charter, manual
устав {noun} :: ustav
уставать {v impf} :: to get tired
уставить {v pf} :: to set (with), to cover (with)
уставить {v pf} :: to place, to put
уставиться {v pf} :: to find, to have room, to find / to have a place
уставиться {v pf} :: to stare, to fix one's eyes on, to gaze
уставлять {v impf} :: to set (with), to cover (with)
уставлять {v impf} :: to place, to put
уставляться {v impf} :: to find, to have room, to find / to have a place
уставляться {v impf} :: to stare, to fix one's eyes on, to gaze
уставной {adj} :: regulatory, statutory
уставной {adj} :: authorized
уставный {adj} :: alternative form of уставной
устаивать {v impf} [rare] :: to resist, to withstand, to stand up (against)
устало {adv} :: wearily, tiredly (in a weary manner)
усталость {noun} :: weariness, fatigue, languor, lassitude
усталый {adj} :: weary, tired, fatigued
усталь {noun} [poetic, archaic] :: fatigue
устанавливать {v impf} :: to install, to place, to mount
устанавливать {v impf} :: to establish
устанавливать {v impf} :: to determine, to fix, to ascertain
устанавливаться {v impf} :: to be settled, to be formed, to set in
установить {v pf} :: to install, to place, to mount
установить {v pf} :: to establish
установить {v pf} :: to determine, to fix, to ascertain
установиться {v pf} :: to be settled, to be formed, to set in
установка {noun} :: arrangement
установка {noun} :: mounting, installation, mount
установка {noun} :: setting
установка {noun} :: plant, installation, device or apparatus
установка {noun} [figuratively] :: orientation, aim, purpose
установка {noun} :: (plural) directions
установление {noun} :: establishment
установление {noun} :: ascertainment
установленный {adj} :: statutory
установленный {adj} :: fixed, set
устаревать {v impf} :: to become obsolete, to dated, to out-of-date
устаревший {adj} :: obsolete, antiquated, outdated
устарелый {adj} :: antiquated, archaic
устарелый {adj} :: obsolete
устарелый {adj} :: outdated, superannuated
устарелый {adj} :: out-of-date
устарелый {adj} :: musty
устарелый {adj} :: passe
устарелый {adj} :: old-fashioned
устарелый {adj} :: old-hat
устарелый {adj} :: outworn
устарелый {adj} :: behind the times
устарелый {adj} :: geriatric
устареть {v pf} :: to become obsolete, to dated, to out-of-date
устать {v pf} :: to get tired
устелить {v pf} :: alternative form of устлать
устилать {v impf} :: to cover the whole surface of; to carpet, to pave, etc
устилка {m inan} :: floor cover made of straw in a cowshed, etc
устлать {v pf} :: to cover the whole surface of; to carpet, to pave, etc
устно {adv} :: orally (spoken as opposed to written)
устный {adj} :: oral, verbal
устой {noun} :: abutment, pier
устой {noun} [colloquial] :: cream
устой {noun} :: principle, foundation
устойчиво {adv} :: steadily, stably
устойчиво {adv} :: steadfastly
устойчивость {noun} :: steadiness, firmness, stability
устойчивый {adj} :: steady, stable
устойчивый {adj} :: steadfast, resistant to external influence
устойчивый {adj} :: hardy, resistant [of plants or animals]
устойчивый {adj} :: sustainable
усторобиться {v pf} [obsolete] :: to mature (of a man)
устоять {v pf} :: to keep one's balance, to remain on one's feet, to stand one's ground, to stand fast
устоять {v pf} :: to resist, to withstand, to stand up (against)
устояться {v pf} :: to settle, (milk) to cream
устояться {v pf} :: to become well-established, to take (final) shape
устраивать {v impf} :: to arrange, to organize, to establish
устраивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make
устраивать {v impf} :: to settle, to put in order
устраивать {v impf} :: to place, to fix up, to set up
устраивать {v impf} :: to suit, to satisfy, to be convenient
устраиваться {v impf} :: to settle down, to get settled
устраиваться {v impf} :: to turn out right, to get fine, to be OK
устранение {noun} :: elimination, removal, disposal
устранение {noun} :: removal (from power or a position)
устранить {v pf} :: to eliminate
устранить {v pf} :: to remove
устраниться {v pf} :: to disappear, to be eliminated
устраниться {v pf} :: to stop participating, to pull away [от + genitive, from something]
устранять {v impf} :: to eliminate
устранять {v impf} :: to remove
устраняться {v impf} :: to disappear, to be eliminated
устраняться {v impf} :: to stop participating, to pull away [от + genitive, from something]
устрашать {v impf} :: to frighten, to scare, to intimidate
устрашающий {adj} :: awesome (causing awe or terror)
устрашающий {adj} :: deterrent
устрашающий {adj} :: horrendous
устрашающий {adj} :: redoubtable, redoubted
устрашение {noun} :: intimidation
устрашение {noun} :: frightening
устрашение {noun} :: deterrence
устрашить {v pf} :: to frighten, to scare, to intimidate
устремить {v pf} :: to rush
устремить {v pf} :: to turn (to), to direct (at, towards), to fix (on, upon)
устремиться {v pf} :: to rush
устремиться {v pf} :: to be turned (to), to be directed (at, towards), to be fixed (upon)
устремление {noun} :: aspiration; rush
устремлённость {noun} :: aspiration
устремлять {v impf} :: to rush
устремлять {v impf} :: to turn (to), to direct (at, towards), to fix (on, upon)
устремляться {v impf} :: to rush
устремляться {v impf} :: to be turned (to), to be directed (at, towards), to be fixed (upon)
устрица {noun} :: oyster (mollusk)
устричный {adj} [relational] :: oyster
устроение {noun} [literary] :: arranging, putting in order
устроение {noun} [literary] :: arrangement, order
устроение {noun} [literary] :: creation, organization
устроение {noun} [literary] :: placing (a person somewhere)
устроение {noun} [dated] :: structure, device
устроенный {adj} :: organized, well-adjusted, orderly
устроитель {noun} :: organizer
устроить {v pf} :: to arrange, to organize, to establish
устроить {v pf} :: to settle, to set up, to put in order
устроить {v pf} :: to suit, to satisfy
устроиться {v pf} :: to settle down, to get settled
устроиться {v pf} :: to turn out right, to get fine, to be OK
устройство {noun} :: arrangement
устройство {noun} :: establishment
устройство {noun} :: equipment
устройство {noun} :: installation
устройство {noun} :: organization
устройство {noun} :: system
устройство {noun} :: mechanism, device
уступ {noun} :: (in a wall or a rock) ledge, projection, bench, terrace
уступ {noun} [military] :: echelon
уступать {v impf} :: to cede, to let have
уступать {v impf} :: to yield
уступать {v impf} :: to be inferior to (+ dative case)
уступать {v impf} :: to reduce something as part of agreement
уступать {v impf} :: to discount, to abate, to reduce price
уступительный {adj} :: concessive
уступительный {adj} [linguistics] :: expressing contrasting clauses in a sentence
уступить {v pf} :: to cede
уступить {v pf} :: to let have
уступить {v pf} :: to yield
уступить {v pf} :: to be inferior to (+ dative case)
уступить {v pf} :: to sell
уступить {v pf} :: to discount, to abate
уступка {noun} :: concession
уступка {noun} :: discount
уступчивый {adj} :: amenable, conciliatory, compromising
устыдиться {v pf} :: to be ashamed of/to [+ infinitive]
устье {noun} :: mouth, outflow, discharge, issue
устье {noun} :: mouth, estuary (of a river)
устье {noun} :: orifice, opening, aperture
устье {noun} :: mouthpiece
устюжанин {noun} :: citizen of Veliky Ustyug
усугубить {v pf} :: to redouble, to intensify, to increase, to aggravate
усугублять {v impf} :: to redouble, to intensify, to increase, to aggravate
усугубляться {v impf} :: to worsen (of a problem, unfavorable state of anything, crisis)
усы {noun} :: moustache
усы {noun} :: whiskers (of animals)
усыновить {v pf} :: to adopt, to affiliate (to take by choice into relationship as child)
усыновление {noun} :: adoption (act of adopting, or state of being adopted)
усыновлять {v impf} :: to adopt, to affiliate (to take by choice into relationship as child)
усыпать {v pf} :: to strew (with), to bestrew (with)
усыпать {v impf} :: to strew (with), to bestrew (with)
усыпить {v pf} :: to put/lull to sleep
усыпить {v pf} :: to allay (suspicions)
усыпить {v pf} :: to euthanize (an animal)
усыплять {v impf} :: to put/lull to sleep
усыплять {v impf} :: to allay (suspicions)
усыплять {v impf} :: to euthanize (an animal)
усыхать {v impf} :: to shrivel, to wither, becoming hard
усыхать {v impf} :: to dry up
усыхать {vi impf} :: to shrink [as a result of drying]
усыхать {v impf} :: to shrivel up [from old age]
утаивать {v impf} :: to conceal, to keep to oneself, to keep a secret
утаивать {v impf} :: to steal, to appropriate
утаить {v pf} :: to conceal, to keep to oneself, to keep a secret
утаить {v pf} :: to steal, to appropriate
утайка {noun} :: concealment
утаскивать {v impf} :: to drag ppaway]], to carry off, to make away (with)
утаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lead away
утаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make off (with), to steal
утащить {v pf} :: to drag away, to carry off, to make away (with)
утащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lead away
утащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make off (with), to steal
утварь {noun} [collective] :: utensils
утвердительно {adv} :: affirmatively, positively, in the affirmative
утвердительный {adj} :: affirmative (relating to truth)
утвердить {v pf} :: to assert, to argue, to allege, to state
утвердить {v pf} :: to claim
утвердить {v pf} :: to approve
утверждаемый {adj} :: alleged, asserted
утверждать {v impf} :: to assert, to argue, to allege, to state
утверждать {v impf} :: to claim
утверждать {v impf} :: to approve
утверждение {noun} :: strengthening, consolidation
утверждение {noun} :: approval, confirmation, ratification
утверждение {noun} :: assertion, affirmation, statement (declaration or remark)
утекать {v impf} :: to leak, to flow away, to escape [of liquid or gas]
утекать {v impf} :: to fly by, to pass quickly [of time]
утеплить {v pf} :: to insulate
утеплить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wrap in warm clothes
утеплять {v impf} :: to insulate
утеплять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wrap in warm clothes
утереть {v pf} :: to wipe, to dry
утерпеть {v pf} :: to hold oneself back, to restrain oneself
утерять {v pf} :: to lose, to forfeit
утеха {noun} :: fun, amusement
утеха {noun} :: joy, delight
утеха {noun} :: comfort, consolation
утечка {noun} :: leakage
утечка мозгов {noun} :: brain drain
утечь {v pf} :: to leak, to flow away, to escape [of liquid or gas]
утечь {v pf} :: to fly by, to pass quickly [of time]
утешать {v impf} :: to console, to comfort
утешаться {v impf} :: to stop crying, to calm down
утешаться {v impf} :: to comfort oneself, to take comfort [+ instrumental, with/in something]
утешение {noun} :: consolation, comfort, solace
утешительный {adj} :: consolatory, consoling, comforting
утешить {v pf} :: to console, to comfort
утешиться {v pf} :: to stop crying, to calm down
утешиться {v pf} :: to comfort oneself, to take comfort [+ instrumental, with/in something]
утёнок {noun} :: duckling
утёс {noun} :: rock, cliff, crag
утилизация {noun} :: utilization
утилитарный {adj} [philosophy] :: utilitarian
утилитарный {adj} :: useful, utilitarian
утиный {adj} [relational] :: duck
утиный {adj} [colloquial] :: duck-like
утирать {v impf} :: to wipe, to dry
утихать {v impf} :: to quieten down, to calm down
утихнуть {v pf} :: to quiet down, to calm down
утка {noun} :: duck [also as a food]
утка {noun} :: canard
утка {noun} :: bedpan
утка {noun} :: cleat
уткнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bury, to hide
уткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bury oneself (in), to hide (one's face) (in)
уткнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come to rest (upon, against), to be stopped (by), to hit
утконос {noun} :: platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
уток {noun} :: weft, woof
утолить {v pf} :: to quench, to slake (thirst); to satisfy, to appease (hunger); to lull, to soothe, to alleviate (pain)
утолстить {v pf} :: to thicken, to make thicker
утолститься {vi pf} :: to thicken, to become thicker
утолщать {v impf} :: to thicken, to make thicker
утолщаться {vi impf} :: to thicken (intransitive), to get thicker, to swell up
утолять {v impf} :: to quench, to slake (thirst); to satisfy, to appease (hunger); to lull, to soothe, to alleviate (pain)
утомительный {adj} :: wearisome, tedious, tiresome
утомить {v pf} :: to fatigue, to weary, to tire
утомиться {v pf} :: to get tired
утомление {noun} :: fatigue
утомлённый {adj} :: tired [experiencing fatigue; of a person, nerves, etc.]
утомлённый {adj} :: tired [expressing fatigue; of a look, face, tone, etc.; inanimate]
утомлять {v impf} :: to fatigue, to weary, to tire
утомляться {v impf} :: to get tired
утонуть {v pf} :: to sink, to go down, to drown
утонуть {v pf} :: to be lost
утончать {v impf} :: to make (more) subtle
утончать {v impf} :: to refine, to make (more) refined
утончать {v impf} :: to make (more) sophisticated
утончённый {adj} :: refined, subtle
утончить {v pf} :: to make (more) subtle
утончить {v pf} :: to refine, to make (more) refined
утончить {v pf} :: to make (more) sophisticated
утопать {v impf} [often, figuratively] :: to drown (in); to wallow in, to roll in
утопать {v pf} :: to trample by stamping the foot
утопающий {noun} :: person drowning
утопить {vt pf} :: to sink (в into)
утопить {vt pf} :: to drown
утопить {vt pf} [figurative] :: to hide, to drown (something in large quantities of something else)
утопить {vt pf} [figurative] :: to drown (one's sorrows, etc.), to stifle
утопить {v pf} [figurative] :: to defame, to destroy, to ruin (someone)
утопить {v pf} [technical] :: to sink (a nail) so it is flush with the surface
утопиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drown oneself
утопиться {v pf} [dialectal] :: to be melted [of milk, etc.]
утопический {adj} :: utopian
утопия {noun} :: utopia
утопление {noun} :: drowning (action, result, murder method, etc.)
утопленник {noun} :: drowned man
утопленный воздухозаборник {noun} :: flush intake (jet fighters, rockets, etc.)
уточка {noun} :: diminutive of утка: duck, little duck
уточнение {noun} :: more precise / accurate definition; specification, elaboration, qualification
уточнить {v pf} :: to specify, to make more exact/precise
уточнить {v pf} :: to inquire, to clarify by inquiring, to straighten out
уточниться {v pf} :: to become more accurate
уточнять {v impf} :: to specify, to make more exact/precise
уточнять {v impf} :: to inquire, to clarify by inquiring
уточняться {v impf} :: to become more accurate
утра {adv} :: a.m.
утрата {noun} :: loss (something lost)
утратить {v pf} :: to lose
утрачивать {v impf} :: to lose, to forfeit
утренний {adj} :: morning-, of the morning
утренник {noun} :: matinee
утренник {noun} :: predawn frost
утреня {noun} [religion] :: matins
утречко {noun} :: endearing diminutive of утро
утрирование {noun} :: exaggeration, overstatement, hyperbole, distortion
утрировать {v both} :: to exaggerate
утро {noun} :: morning
утроба {noun} :: womb
утроба {noun} :: belly
утром {adv} :: in the morning
утрудить {v pf} :: to trouble, to bother
утруждать {v impf} :: to trouble, to bother
Уттар-Прадеш {prop} :: Uttar Pradesh (state)
утыкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bury, to hide
утыкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to set (with) (needles, sticks)
утыкать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to set (with) (needles, sticks)
утыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bury oneself (in), to hide (one's face) (in)
утыкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come to rest (upon, against), to be stopped (by), to hit
-уть {suffix} :: Combining form used to form verbs meaning approximately "to shoe"
утюг {noun} :: iron (for pressing clothes)
уф {interj} :: phew! (I’m tired!)
уф {interj} :: oof (sound of pain)
Уфа {prop} :: Уфа (caplc)
ух {interj} :: ooh!, gosh!, oof!
уха {noun} :: ukha, a Russian fish soup
ухаб {noun} :: bump (on a road), (plural) pits and bumps
ухажёр {noun} :: admirer, boyfriend, lady's man
ухаживание {noun} :: nursing, tending, caring, looking after (someone or something)
ухаживание {noun} :: courtship, dating, wooing, attentions (act of wooing in love)
ухаживать {v impf} :: to care, to tend, to nurse, to look after
ухаживать {v impf} :: to court, to date
Ухань {prop} :: Ухань (capital city)
ухать {v impf} :: to crash, to bang
ухать {v impf} :: to hoot
ухватить {v pf} :: to catch, to lay hold of, to grasp
ухватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to understand, to catch, to grasp
ухватиться {v pf} :: to catch/lay hold (of), to grasp
ухватиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to snatch (at), to grasp (at)
ухватывать {v impf} :: to catch, to lay hold of, to grasp
ухватывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to understand, to catch, to grasp
ухватываться {v impf} :: to catch/lay hold (of), to grasp
ухватываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to snatch (at), to grasp (at)
ухитриться {v pf} :: to contrive (to), to manage (to)
ухитряться {v impf} :: to contrive (to), to manage (to)
ухищрение {noun} :: trick; gimmick, ruse, wile, stratagem
ухищрение {noun} :: contrivance, device, shift
ухмылка {noun} :: grin, smirk, (sarcastic) smile
ухмыльнуться {v pf} :: to smirk, to grin
ухмыляться {v impf} :: to smirk, to grin
ухнуть {v pf} :: to crash, to bang
ухнуть {v pf} :: to hoot
ухнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squander, to lose at one stroke
ухнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip, to fall
ухнуть {v pf} :: to bang, to slap
ухо {noun} :: ear
ухогорлонос {noun} [colloquial] :: otorhinolaryngologist, literally “ear-throat-nose
уход {noun} :: care (treatment of those in need)
уход {noun} :: escape
уход {noun} :: withdrawal, resignation
уход {noun} [euphemistic] :: death
уходить {v impf} :: to leave, to depart, to go (away) (by foot)
уходить {v impf} :: to escape, to evade
уходить {v impf} :: to resign, to retire
уходить {v impf} :: to be lost
уходить {v impf} :: to fail
уходить {v impf} :: to sink, to plunge
уходить {v impf} :: to be spent
уходить {v pf} [folk colloquial] :: to exhaust, to torment
уходить {v pf} :: to look after, to care for (someone) [usually only used in the past passive participle]
уходящий {adj} :: outgoing
уходящий {adj} :: parting, leaving
ухоженный {adj} :: well-groomed
ухудшать {v impf} :: to deteriorate, to worsen (to make worse)
ухудшаться {v impf} :: to become worse, to deteriorate, to take a turn for the worse
ухудшение {noun} :: worsening, deterioration
ухудшить {vt pf} :: to deteriorate, to worsen (to make worse)
ухудшиться {v pf} :: to become worse, to deteriorate, to take a turn for the worse
уцелевший {noun} :: survivor
уцелеть {v pf} :: to stay whole (intact, unhurt), to survive, to be spared
уцепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to grab
уцепиться {v pf} :: to catch/lay hold (of), to seize (on), to grasp (at)
участвовать {v impf} :: to take part, to participate, to collaborate
участвовать {v impf} :: to have a share
участие {noun} :: participation, collaboration, complicity
участие {noun} :: share, stake
участие {noun} :: sympathy, interest, concern
участить {v pf} :: to do more often
участить {vt pf} :: to accelerate
участиться {v pf} :: to become more frequent
участиться {vi pf} :: to accelerate
участковый {adj} [relational] :: division, district
участковый {noun} :: district police officer (in Russia)
участливо {adv} :: sympathetically, compassionately
участливый {adj} :: sympathetic, compassionate
участник {noun} :: participant, participator
участник {noun} :: user
участник {noun} [sports] :: competitor, member
участница {noun} :: female participant, participator
участница {noun} :: female user
участница {noun} [sports] :: female competitor, member
участнический {adj} :: related to participants (участник)
участок {noun} :: part, section, portion
участок {noun} :: lot, plot, region, district, zone, sector, precinct
участок {noun} :: area
участь {noun} :: fate, destiny, lot
учащать {v impf} :: to do more often
учащать {vt impf} :: to accelerate
учащаться {v impf} :: to become more frequent
учащаться {vi impf} :: to accelerate
учащийся {noun} :: schoolboy, pupil, student
учебник {noun} :: textbook
учебник {noun} :: manual
учебный {adj} :: relating to school or learning, academic, training
учение {noun} :: learning, instruction, training, drill, exercising
учение {noun} :: doctrine
учение {noun} :: apprenticeship
ученик {noun} :: schoolboy, pupil
ученик {noun} :: apprentice, learner
ученик {noun} :: disciple, follower
ученица {noun} :: schoolgirl, pupil
ученица {noun} :: pupil, apprentice
ученица {noun} :: disciple, follower
ученический {adj} [relational] :: student; student's
ученический {adj} :: crude, amateurish
ученичество {noun} :: period spent as a pupil or student
ученичество {noun} :: apprenticeship
ученье {noun} :: alternative form of учение
учесть {v pf} :: to take into account, to take into consideration, to appreciate (to be aware of)
учёба {noun} :: studies, learning
учёба {noun} :: study, training, drill
учёного учить — только портить {proverb} :: don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs
учёность {noun} :: learning, erudition, scholarship
учёный {adj} :: learned, adept, erudite
учёный {adj} :: scientific, academic
учёный {noun} :: scholar, scientist
учёт {noun} :: calculation, stock-taking
учёт {noun} :: registration
учёт {noun} :: taking into account
учётная запись {noun} :: account (an authorization to use a service)
учётный {adj} [relational] :: registration, record
учётный {adj} [relational, finance] :: discount
-учий {suffix} :: Adjective-forming suffix, added to intransitive verbs, indicating being in the state of that verb
училище {noun} :: specialized school, college
училка {noun} [pejorative, colloquial] :: schoolteacher [female]
учинить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make, to commit
учинять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make, to commit
учитель {noun} :: teacher, instructor
учительница {noun} :: female teacher, female instructor
учительская {noun} :: teachers' lounge, staffroom
учительский {adj} [relational] :: teaching, teacher; teacher's, teachers'
учитывать {v impf} :: to take into account, to take into consideration, to appreciate (to be aware of)
учитывая все обстоятельства {adv} :: all things considered (all in all)
учитывая всё {adv} :: all things considered (all in all)
учить {v impf} :: to teach, to instruct
учить {v impf} :: to learn; to study
учить {v impf} :: to memorize by rote
учить {v impf} :: to punish, to beat, to whip
учиться {v impfir} :: [reflexive for учить] to learn, to study
учиться {v impfir} :: [reflexive for учить] to study (at), to learn (from somebody), to be an apprentice (to somebody)
учиться {v impfir} :: [passive for учить] to be taught
учредитель {noun} :: founder
учредительный {adj} :: constituent, constitutive, founding
учредить {v pf} :: to establish, to found, to institute
учреждать {v impf} :: to establish, to found, to institute
учреждение {noun} :: establishment, founding, setting up (the state of being established)
учреждение {noun} :: institution, establishment, office
учтивость {noun} :: politeness (act of being polite)
учтивый {adj} :: civil, courteous, polite, considerate
учуг {noun} :: obstruction build in a river where fish get caught, often of a large and continuous kind that sustains whole populations
учуивать {v impf} :: to smell, to nose out, to sense
учуивать {v impf} :: to sense
учуять {v pf} :: to smell, to nose out, to sense
учуять {v pf} :: to sense
ушанка {noun} :: ushanka (traditional Russian fur cap with ear flaps)
ушастый {adj} [colloquial] :: big-eared
ушастый {adj} :: with ears [of a hat or other headdress]
ушат {noun} :: tub, bucket (broad, flat-bottomed vessel)
ушиб {noun} [medicine] :: contusion, bruise, injury
ушибать {v impf} :: to bruise, to hurt
ушибить {v pf} :: to bruise, to hurt
ушибиться {v pf} :: to bruise oneself, to hurt oneself
ушица {noun} :: diminutive of уха
-ушка {suffix} :: (added to (normally feminine) nouns, forms diminutives, sometimes with a further change in meaning)
-ушка {suffix} :: (added to verbs, forms instruments or tools)
-ушка {suffix} :: (added to adjectives or numerals, forms colloquial nouns with the meaning of a carrier of the adjective's or numeral's properties)
ушкан {noun} [dialectal] :: synonym of заяц: hare
ушко {noun} :: diminutive of ухо; ear
ушко {noun} :: eye (of a needle)
ушлый {adj} [colloquial] :: shrewd, smart, cunning, quirky
ушная раковина {noun} :: auricle, pinna (outer ear)
ушной {adj} [relational] :: ear; aural, auricular
ушу {f inan} {n inan} :: wushu
ущелье {noun} :: gorge, ravine, canyon
ущемить {v pf} :: to pinch
ущемить {v pf} [figurative] :: to pain [morally]
ущемить {v pf} [figurative] :: to infringe, to restrict, to restrain
ущемить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to offend
ущемление {noun} :: pinching, strangulation
ущемление {noun} :: infringement, encroachment (e.g. on rights)
ущемлять {v impf} :: to pinch
ущемлять {v impf} [figurative] :: to pain [morally]
ущемлять {v impf} [figurative] :: to infringe, to restrict, to restrain
ущемлять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to offend
ущерб {noun} :: damage
ущерб {noun} :: wane
ущерблять {v impf} :: to give damage
ущерблять {v impf} :: to limit
ущербность {noun} :: defectiveness, inferiority
ущербный {adj} :: (moon) on the wane, waning
ущербный {adj} :: defective
ущипнуть {vt pf} :: to pinch [with fingers or a beak]
ущипнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pinch off, to remove (a small amount) by pinching
ущипнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hurt [morally or mentally]
ущипывать {vt impf} :: to pinch [with fingers or a beak]
ущипывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pinch off, to remove (a small amount) by pinching
ущипывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hurt [morally or mentally]
Уэлен {prop} :: Уэлен (coastal Yupik <<village>> in <<dist/Chukotsky>>, <<aokr/Chukotka Autonomous Okrug>>, <<c/Russia>>, in eastern <<r/Siberia>>, and the easternmost settlement in Russia)
Уэллингтон {prop} :: Уэллингтон (capital city); alternative spelling of Веллингтон
Уэльс {prop} :: Wales
уэльский {adj} :: Welsh
уют {noun} :: cosiness, comfort
уютно {adv} :: comfortably, cozily
уютно {pred} :: it is comfortable
уютный {adj} :: comfortable, cosy
уязвимость {noun} :: vulnerability (state of being vulnerable)
уязвимый {adj} :: vulnerable
уязвить {v pf} :: to sting, to wound
уязвлять {v impf} :: to sting, to wound
уяснить {v pf} :: to understand, to grasp
уяснять {v impf} :: to understand, to grasp