- This module lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
author= benwing2, BandiniRaffaele2
local export = {}
local force_cat = false -- for testing
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local m_strutil = require("Module:string utilities")
local parse_utilities_module = "Module:parse utilities"
local u = require("Module:string/char")
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local ulower = mw.ustring.lower
local uupper = mw.ustring.upper
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local ulen = mw.ustring.len
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("rgn")
local AC = u(0x301)
local GR = u(0x300)
local CFLEX = u(0x302)
local DOTOVER = u(0x0307) -- dot over = ̇ = signal unstressed word
local DOTUNDER = u(0x0323) -- dot under = ̣ = unstressed vowel with quality marker
local LINEUNDER = u(0x0331) -- line under = ̱ = secondary-stressed vowel with quality marker
local DIA = u(0x0308) -- diaeresis = ̈
local TIE = u(0x0361) -- tie = ͡
local SYLDIV = u(0xFFF0) -- used to represent a user-specific syllable divider (.) so we won't change it
local WORDDIV = u(0xFFF1) -- used to represent a user-specific word divider (.) so we won't change it
local TEMP_Z = u(0xFFF2)
local TEMP_S = u(0xFFF3)
local TEMP_H = u(0xFFF4)
local TEMP_X = u(0xFFF5)
local stress = "ˈˌ"
local stress_c = "[" .. stress .. "]"
local quality = AC .. GR
local quality_c = "[" .. quality .. "]"
local accent = stress .. quality .. CFLEX .. DOTOVER .. DOTUNDER .. LINEUNDER
local accent_c = "[" .. accent .. "]"
local glide = "jw"
local liquid = "lr"
local tie = "‿⁀'"
local W = "[" .. glide .. "]"
local W_OR_TIE = "[" .. glide .. tie .. "]"
-- We include both phonemic and spelling forms of vowels and both lowercase and uppercase
-- for flexibility in applying at various stages of the transformation from spelling -> phonemes.
local vowel_not_high = "aeɛoɔøöüAEƐOƆØÖÜ"
local vowel_not_i = vowel_not_high .. "uU"
local vowel_not_u = vowel_not_high .. "iyIY"
local vowel = vowel_not_high .. "iuyIUY"
local V = "[" .. vowel .. "]"
local V_NOT_HIGH = "[" .. vowel_not_high .. "]"
local V_NOT_I = "[" .. vowel_not_i .. "]"
local V_NOT_U = "[" .. vowel_not_u .. "]"
local VW = "[" .. vowel .. "jw]"
local NV = "[^" .. vowel .. "]"
local charsep_not_tie = accent .. "." .. SYLDIV
local charsep_not_tie_c = "[" .. charsep_not_tie .. "]"
local charsep = charsep_not_tie .. tie
local charsep_c = "[" .. charsep .. "]"
local wordsep_not_tie = charsep_not_tie .. " #"
local wordsep = charsep .. " #"
local wordsep_c = "[" .. wordsep .. "]"
local cons_guts = "^" .. vowel .. wordsep .. "_" -- guts of consonant class
local C = "[" .. cons_guts .. "]" -- consonant
local C_NOT_SRZ = "[" .. cons_guts .. "srzSRZ]" -- consonant not including srz
local C_NOT_SIBILANT_OR_R = "[" .. cons_guts .. "rszʃʒʦʣʧʤRSZ" .. TEMP_S .. TEMP_Z .. "]" -- consonant not including r or sibilant
local C_NOT_H = "[" .. cons_guts .. "hH]" -- consonant not including h
local C_OR_EOW_NOT_GLIDE_LIQUID = "[^" .. vowel .. charsep .. " _" .. glide .. liquid .. "]" -- consonant not lrjw, or end of word
local C_OR_TIE = "[^" .. vowel .. wordsep_not_tie .. "_]" -- consonant or tie (‿⁀')
local front = "eɛij"
local front_c = "[" .. front .. "]"
local voiced_C_c = "[bdglmnrvʣʤŋʎɲ]"
local pron_sign = "#!*°"
local pron_sign_c = "[" .. pron_sign .. "]"
local pron_sign_or_punc = pron_sign .. "?|,"
local pron_sign_or_punc_c = "[" .. pron_sign_or_punc .. "]"
local full_affricates = { ["ʦ"] = "t͡s", ["ʣ"] = "d͡z", ["ʧ"] = "t͡ʃ", ["ʤ"] = "d͡ʒ" }
local recognized_suffixes = {
-- -(m)ente, -(m)ento
{"ment([eo])", "mént%1"}, -- must precede -ente/o below
{"ent([eo])", "ènt%1"}, -- must follow -mente/o above
-- verbs
{"izzare", "iddzàre"}, -- must precede -are below
{"izzarsi", "iddzàrsi"}, -- must precede -arsi below
{"([ai])re", "%1" .. GR .. "re"}, -- must follow -izzare above
{"([ai])rsi", "%1" .. GR .. "rsi"}, -- must follow -izzarsi above
-- nouns
{"izzatore", "iddzatóre"}, -- must precede -tore below
{"([st])ore", "%1óre"}, -- must follow -izzatore above
{"izzatrice", "iddzatrìce"}, -- must precede -trice below
{"trice", "trìce"}, -- must follow -izzatrice above
{"izzazione", "iddzatsióne"}, -- must precede -zione below
{"zione", "tsióne"}, -- must precede -one below and follow -izzazione above
{"one", "óne"}, -- must follow -zione above
{"acchio", "àcchio"},
{"acci([ao])", "àcci%1"},
{"([aiu])ggine", "%1" .. GR .. "ggine"},
{"aggio", "àggio"},
{"([ai])gli([ao])", "%1" .. GR .. "gli%2"},
{"ai([ao])", "ài%1"},
{"([ae])nza", "%1" .. GR .. "ntsa"},
{"ario", "àrio"},
{"([st])orio", "%1òrio"},
{"astr([ao])", "àstr%1"},
{"ell([ao])", "èll%1"},
{"etta", "étta"},
-- do not include -etto, both ètto and étto are common
{"ezza", "éttsa"},
{"ficio", "fìcio"},
{"ier([ao])", "ièr%1"},
{"ifero", "ìfero"},
{"ismo", "ìsmo"},
{"ista", "ìsta"},
{"izi([ao])", "ìtsi%1"},
{"logia", "logìa"},
-- do not include -otto, both òtto and ótto are common
{"tudine", "tùdine"},
{"ura", "ùra"},
{"([^aeo])uro", "%1ùro"},
-- adjectives
{"izzante", "iddzànte"}, -- must precede -ante below
{"ante", "ànte"}, -- must follow -izzante above
{"izzando", "iddzàndo"}, -- must precede -ando below
{"([ae])ndo", "%1" .. GR .. "ndo"}, -- must follow -izzando above
{"([ai])bile", "%1" .. GR .. "bile"},
{"ale", "àle"},
{"([aeiou])nico", "%1" .. GR .. "nico"},
{"([ai])stic([ao])", "%1" .. GR .. "stic%2"},
-- exceptions to the following: àbato, àcato, acròbata, àgata, apòstata, àstato, cìato, fégato, omeòpata,
-- sàb(b)ato, others?
{"at([ao])", "àt%1"},
{"([ae])tic([ao])", "%1" .. GR .. "tic%2"},
{"ense", "ènse"},
{"esc([ao])", "ésc%1"},
{"evole", "évole"},
-- FIXME: Systematic exceptions to the following in 3rd plural present tense verb forms
{"ian([ao])", "iàn%1"},
{"iv([ao])", "ìv%1"},
{"oide", "òide"},
{"oso", "óso"},
local unstressed_words = m_table.listToSet {
"il", "lo", "la", "i", "gli", "le", -- definite articles
"un", -- indefinite articles
"mi", "ti", "si", "ci", "vi", "li", -- object pronouns
"me", "te", "se", "ce", "ve", "ne", -- conjunctive object pronouns
"e", "ed", "o", "od", -- conjunctions
"ho", "hai", "ha", -- forms of [[avere]]
"chi", "che", "non", -- misc particles
"di", "del", "dei", -- prepositions
"a", "ad", "al", "ai",
"da", "dal", "dai",
"in", "nel", "nei",
"con", "col", "coi",
"su", "sul", "sui",
"per", "pei",
"tra", "fra",
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
-- version of rsubn() that returns a 2nd argument boolean indicating whether
-- a substitution was made.
local function rsubb(term, foo, bar)
local retval, nsubs = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval, nsubs > 0
-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
while true do
local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
if new_term == term then
return term
term = new_term
-- Apply canonical Unicode decomposition to text, e.g. è → e + ◌̀. But recompose ö and ü so we can treat them as single
-- vowels, and put LINEUNDER/DOTUNDER/DOTOVER after acute/grave (canonical decomposition puts LINEUNDER and DOTUNDER
-- first).
local function decompose(text)
text = mw.ustring.toNFD(text)
text = rsub(text, "." .. DIA, {
["o" .. DIA] = "ö",
["O" .. DIA] = "Ö",
["u" .. DIA] = "ü",
["U" .. DIA] = "Ü",
text = rsub(text, "([" .. LINEUNDER .. DOTUNDER .. DOTOVER .. "])(" .. quality_c .. ")", "%2%1")
return text
-- Canonicalize multiple spaces and remove leading and trailing spaces.
local function canon_spaces(text)
text = rsub(text, "%s+", " ")
text = rsub(text, "^ ", "")
text = rsub(text, " $", "")
return text
-- Split into words. Hyphens separate words but not when used to denote affixes, i.e. hyphens between non-spaces
-- separate words. Return value includes alternating words and separators. Use table.concat(words) to reconstruct
-- the initial text.
local function split_but_rejoin_affixes(text)
if not rfind(text, "[%s%-]") then
return {text}
-- First replace hyphens separating words with a special character. Remaining hyphens denote affixes and don't
-- get split. After splitting, replace the special character with a hyphen again.
local TEMP_HYPH = u(0xFFF0)
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([^%s])%-([^%s])", "%1" .. TEMP_HYPH .. "%2")
local words = m_strutil.capturing_split(text, "([%s" .. TEMP_HYPH .. "]+)")
for i, word in ipairs(words) do
if word == TEMP_HYPH then
words[i] = "-"
return words
local function remove_secondary_stress(text)
local words = split_but_rejoin_affixes(text)
for i, word in ipairs(words) do
if (i % 2) == 1 then -- an actual word, not a separator
-- Remove unstressed quality marks.
word = rsub(word, quality_c .. DOTUNDER, "")
-- Remove secondary stresses. Specifically:
-- (1) Remove secondary stresses marked with LINEUNDER if there's a previously stressed vowel.
-- (2) Otherwise, just remove the LINEUNDER, leaving the accent mark, which will then be removed if there's
-- a following stressed vowel, but left if it's the only stress in the word, as in có̱lle = con le.
-- (In the process, we remove other non-stress marks.)
-- (3) Remove stress mark if there's a following stressed vowel.
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. quality_c .. ".*)" .. quality_c .. LINEUNDER, "%1")
word = rsub(word, "[" .. CFLEX .. DOTOVER .. DOTUNDER .. LINEUNDER .. "]", "")
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, quality_c .. "(.*" .. quality_c .. ")", "%1")
words[i] = word
return table.concat(words)
-- Return true if all words in `term` have vowels. NOTE: `term` on entry must be decomposed using decompose().
local function all_words_have_vowels(term)
local words = split_but_rejoin_affixes(term)
for i, word in ipairs(words) do
if (i % 2) == 1 and not rfind(word, V) then -- an actual word, not a separator; check for a vowel
return false
return true
function export.to_phonemic(text, pagename)
local orig_respelling = text
local words = canonicalize_and_auto_accent(text, pagename)
text = table.concat(words)
local canon_respelling = text
text = ulower(text)
text = rsub(text, CFLEX, "") -- eliminate circumflex over î, etc.
text = rsub(text, "y", "i")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([^ ])'([^ ])", "%1‿%2") -- apostrophe between letters is a tie
text = rsub(text, "(" .. C .. ")'$", "%1‿") -- final apostrophe after a consonant is a tie, e.g. [[anch']]
text = rsub(text, "(" .. C .. ")' ", "%1‿ ") -- final apostrophe in non-utterance-final word is a tie
text = rsub(text, "'", "") -- other apostrophes just get removed, e.g. [['ndragheta]], [[ca']].
-- For now, use a special marker of syntactic gemination at beginning of word; later we will
-- convert to ‿ and remove the space.
text = rsub(text, "%*([ %-])(" .. C .. ")", "%1⁀%2")
if rfind(text, "%*[ %-]") then
error("* for syntactic gemination can only be used when the next word begins with a consonant: " .. canon_respelling)
local words = split_but_rejoin_affixes(text)
for i, word in ipairs(words) do
if (i % 2) == 1 then -- an actual word, not a separator
-- Words marked with an acute or grave (quality marker) not followed by an indicator of secondary stress
-- or non-stress, and not marked with DOTOVER (unstressed word), get primary stress.
if not word:find(DOTOVER) then
word = rsub(word, "(" .. quality_c .. ")([^" .. DOTUNDER .. LINEUNDER .. "])", "%1ˈ%2")
word = rsub(word, "(" .. quality_c .. ")$", "%1ˈ")
-- Apply quality markers: è -> ɛ, ò -> ɔ
word = rsub(word, "[eo]" .. GR, {
["e" .. GR] = "ɛ",
["o" .. GR] = "ɔ",
-- Eliminate quality markers and DOTOVER/DOTUNDER, which have served their purpose.
word = rsub(word, "[" .. quality .. DOTOVER .. DOTUNDER .. "]", "")
-- LINEUNDER means secondary stress.
word = rsub(word, LINEUNDER, "ˌ")
-- Make prefixes unstressed. Primary stress markers become secondary.
if word:find("%-$") then
word = rsub(word, "ˈ", "ˌ")
words[i] = word
text = table.concat(words)
-- Convert hyphens to spaces, to handle [[Austria-Hungria]], [[franco-italiano]], etc.
text = rsub(text, "%-", " ")
-- canonicalize multiple spaces again, which may have been introduced by hyphens
text = canon_spaces(text)
-- put # at word beginning and end and double ## at text/foot boundary beginning/end
text = rsub(text, " | ", "# | #")
text = "##" .. rsub(text, " ", "# #") .. "##"
-- Random consonant substitutions.
text = rsub(text, "%[w%]", "w") -- [w] means /w/ when the spelling is ⟨u⟩, esp. in ⟨ui⟩ sequences. This helps with hyphenation.
text = rsub(text, "%[x%]", TEMP_X) -- [x] means /x/
text = rsub(text, "#ex(" .. V .. ")", "eg[z]%1")
text = text:gsub("x", "ks"):gsub("ck", "k"):gsub("sh", "ʃ")
text = rsub(text, TEMP_X, "x")
text = rsub(text, "%[z%]", TEMP_Z) -- [z] means /z/
text = rsub(text, "%[s%]", TEMP_S) -- [z] means /s/
text = rsub(text, "%[h%]", TEMP_H) -- [h] means /h/
-- ci, gi + vowel
-- Do ci, gi + e, é, è sometimes contain /j/?
text = rsub(text,
"([cg])([cg]?)i(" .. V .. ")", function(c, double, v)
local out_cons
if c == "c" then
out_cons = "ʧ"
out_cons = "ʤ"
if double ~= "" then
if double ~= c then
error("Invalid sequence " .. c .. double .. ".")
out_cons = out_cons .. out_cons
return out_cons .. v
-- Handle gl and gn.
text = rsub(text, "gn", "ɲ")
-- The vast majority of words beginning with gli- have /ɡl/ not /ʎ/ so don't substitute here, although we special-case
-- [[gli]]. Use ʎ exlicitly to get it in [[glielo]] and such.
text = rsub(text, "#gli#", "ʎi")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([^#])gli(" .. V .. ")", "%1ʎ%2")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([^#])gl(‿?i)", "%1ʎ%2")
-- Handle other cases of c, g.
text = rsub(text, "([cg])([cg]?)(h?)(" .. charsep_c .. "*.)", function(first, double, h, after)
-- Don't allow the combinations cg, gc. Or do something else?
if double ~= "" and double ~= first then
error("Invalid sequence " .. first .. double .. ".")
text = rsub(text, "")
-- c, g is soft before e, i.
local cons
if rfind(after, front_c) and not rfind(h, "h") then
if first == "c" then
cons = "ʧ"
cons = "ʤ"
if first == "c" then
cons = "k"
cons = "g"
if double ~= "" then
cons = cons .. cons
return cons .. after
-- sc before e, i is /ʃ/, doubled after a vowel.
text = text:gsub("sʧ", "ʃ")
text = rsub(text, "%[tʃ%]", "ʧ")
text = rsub(text, "%[dʒ%]", "ʤ")
text = rsub(text, "ddz", "ʣʣ")
text = rsub(text, "dz", "ʣ")
text = rsub(text, "tts", "ʦʦ")
text = rsub(text, "ts", "ʦ")
if rfind(text, "z") then
error("z must be respelled (d)dz or (t)ts: " .. canon_respelling)
-- ⟨qu⟩ represents /kw/.
text = text:gsub("qu", "kw")
-- ⟨gu⟩ (unstressed) + vowel represents /gw/.
text = text:gsub("gu(" .. V .. ")", "gw%1")
text = rsub(text, "q", "k") -- [[soqquadro]], [[qatariota]], etc.
-- ⟨â⟩ represents /ə̃ /.
text = text:gsub("â", "ə̃")
-- Assimilate n before labial, including across word boundaries; DiPI marks pronunciations like
-- /ʤanˈpaolo/ for [[Gian Paolo]] as wrong. To prevent this, use _ or h between n and following labial.
text = rsub(text, "n(" .. wordsep_c .. "*[mpb])", "m%1")
-- Remove 'h' before converting vowels to glides; h should not block e.g. ahimè -> aj.mɛ.
text = text:gsub("h", "")
-- Unaccented u or i following a non-high vowel (with or without accent) is a semivowel. Exclude high vowels because
-- 'iu' should be interpreted as /ju/ not /iw/, and 'ii' (as in [[sii]]) and ''uu'' (as in [[duumvirato]]), should
-- remain as vowels. We handle ui specially. By preceding the conversion of glides before vowels, this works
-- correctly in the common sequence 'aiuo' e.g. [[guerraiuola]], [[acquaiuolo]]. Note that ci, gi + vowel, gli, qu
-- must be dealt with beforehand.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V_NOT_HIGH .. accent_c .. "*)([iu])([^" .. accent .. "])", function(v, gl, acc)
return v .. (gl == "i" and "j" or "w") .. acc
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(u" .. accent_c .. "*)i([^" .. accent .. "])", "%1j%2")
-- Unaccented i or u before another vowel is a glide. Separate into i and u cases to avoid converting ii or uu
-- except in the sequences iiV or uuV. Do i first so [[oriuolo]] -> or.jwɔ.lo.
text = rsub(text, "i(" .. V_NOT_I .. ")", "j%1")
text = rsub(text, "u(" .. V_NOT_U .. ")", "w%1")
-- Double consonant followed by end of word (e.g. [[stress]], [[staff]], [[jazz]]), or followed by a consonant
-- other than a glide or liquid (e.g. [[pullman]], [[Uppsala]]), should be reduced to single. Should not affect double
-- consonants between vowels or before glides (e.g. [[occhio]], [[acqua]]) or liquids ([[pubblico]], [[febbraio]]),
-- or words before a tie ([[mezz']], [[tutt']]).
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. C .. ")%1(" .. charsep_not_tie_c .. "*" .. C_OR_EOW_NOT_GLIDE_LIQUID .. ")", "%1%2")
-- Between vowels (including glides), /ʃ ʎ ɲ t͡s d͡z/ are doubled (unless already doubled).
-- Not simply after a vowel; 'z' is not doubled in e.g. [[azteco]].
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. VW .. stress_c .. "?" .. charsep_c .. "*)([ʦʣʃʎɲ])(" .. charsep_c .. "*" .. VW .. ")",
-- Change user-specified . into SYLDIV so we don't shuffle it around when dividing into syllables.
text = rsub(text, "%.", SYLDIV)
-- Divide into syllables.
-- First remove '_', which has served its purpose of preventing context-dependent changes.
-- It should not interfere with syllabification.
text = text:gsub("_", "")
-- Also now convert ⁀ into a copy of the following consonant with the preceding space converted to ⁀
-- (which we will eventually convert to a tie symbol ‿, but for awhile we need to distinguish the two
-- because automatic syllabic gemination in final-stress words happens only in multisyllabic words,
-- and we don't want it to happen in monosyllabic words joined to a previous word by ⁀). We want to do
-- this after all consonants have been converted to IPA (so the correct consonant is geminated)
-- but before syllabification, since e.g. 'va* bène' should be treated as a single word 'va⁀b.bɛne' for
-- syllabification.
text = rsub(text, "# #⁀(‿?)(.)", "⁀%2%2")
-- Divide before the last consonant (possibly followed by a glide). We then move the syllable division marker
-- leftwards over clusters that can form onsets.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V .. accent_c .. "*[‿⁀]?" .. C_OR_TIE .. "-)(" .. C .. W_OR_TIE .. "*" .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
-- Existing hyphenations of [[atlante]], [[Betlemme]], [[genetliaco]], [[betlemita]] all divide as .tl,
-- and none divide as t.l. No examples of -dl- but it should be the same per
text = rsub(text, "([pbfvkgtd][‿⁀]?)%.([lr])", ".%1%2")
-- Italian appears to divide sCV as .sCV e.g. pé.sca for [[pesca]], and similarly for sCh, sCl, sCr. Exceptions are
-- ss, sr, sz and possibly others.
text = rsub(text, "(s[‿⁀]?)%.(" .. C_NOT_SIBILANT_OR_R .. ")", ".%1%2")
-- Several existing hyphenations divide .pn and .ps and Olivetti agrees. We do this after moving across s so that
-- dispnea is divided dis.pnea. Olivetti hasì.a for [[tecnologia]], showing that cn divides as c.n, and
-- clàc.son, fuc.sì.na, ric.siò for [[clacson]], [[fucsina]], [[ricsiò]], showing that cs divides as c.s.
text = rsub(text, "(p[‿⁀]?)%.([ns])", ".%1%2")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V .. accent_c .. "*[‿⁀]?)(" .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
-- User-specified syllable divider should now be treated like regular one.
text = rsub(text, SYLDIV, ".")
text = rsub(text, TEMP_H, "h")
-- Do the following after syllabification so we can distinguish written s from z, e.g. u.sbè.co but uz.bè.co per Olivetti.
-- Single ⟨s⟩ between vowels is /z/.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. VW .. stress_c .. "?" .. charsep_c .. "*)s(" .. charsep_c .. "*" .. VW .. ")", "%1z%2")
-- ⟨s⟩ immediately before a voiced consonant is always /z/
text = rsub(text, "s(" .. charsep_c .. "*" .. voiced_C_c .. ")", "z%1")
text = rsub(text, TEMP_Z, "z")
text = rsub(text, TEMP_S, "s")
-- French/German vowels
text = rsub(text, "ü", "y")
text = rsub(text, "ö", "ø")
text = rsub(text, "g", "ɡ") -- U+0261 LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G
local last_word_self_gemination = rfind(text, "[ʦʣʃʎɲ]" .. stress_c .."*##$") and not
-- In case the user used t͡ʃ explicitly
rfind(text, "t͡ʃ" .. stress_c .."*##$")
local first_word_self_gemination = rfind(text, "^##" .. stress_c .. "*[ʦʣʃʎɲ]")
text = rsub(text, "([ʦʣʧʤ])(" .. charsep_c .. "*%.?)([ʦʣʧʤ]*)", function(affricate1, divider, affricate2)
local full_affricate = full_affricates[affricate1]
if affricate2 ~= "" then
return usub(full_affricate, 1, 1) .. divider .. full_affricate
return full_affricate .. divider
local last_word_ends_in_primary_stressed_vowel = rfind(text, "ˈ##$")
-- Last word is multisyllabic if it has a syllable marker in it. This should not happen across word boundaries
-- (spaces) including ⁀, marking where two words were joined by syntactic gemination.
local last_word_is_multisyllabic = rfind(text, "%.[^ ⁀]*$")
local retval = {
orig_respelling = orig_respelling,
canon_respelling = canon_respelling,
-- Automatic co-gemination (syntactic gemination of the following consonant in a multisyllabic word ending in
-- a stressed vowel)
auto_cogemination = last_word_ends_in_primary_stressed_vowel and last_word_is_multisyllabic,
-- Last word ends in a vowel (an explicit * indicates co-gemination, i.e. syntactic gemination of the
-- following consonant)
last_word_ends_in_vowel = rfind(text, V .. stress_c .. "*" .. "##$"),
-- Last word ends in a consonant (an explicit * indicates self-gemination of this consonant, i.e. the
-- consonant doubles before a following vowel)
last_word_ends_in_consonant = rfind(text, C .. "##$"),
-- Last word ends in a consonant (ts dz ʃ ʎ ɲ) that triggers self-gemination before a following vowel
auto_final_self_gemination = last_word_self_gemination,
-- First word begins in a consonant (ts dz ʃ ʎ ɲ) that triggers self-gemination after a preceding vowel
auto_initial_self_gemination = first_word_self_gemination,
-- Now that ⁀ has served its purpose, convert to a regular tie ‿.
text = rsub(text, "⁀", "‿")
-- Stress marks.
-- Move IPA stress marks to the beginning of the syllable.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([#.])([^#.]*)(" .. stress_c .. ")", "%1%3%2")
-- Suppress syllable mark before IPA stress indicator.
text = rsub(text, "%.(" .. stress_c .. ")", "%1")
-- Make all primary stresses but the last one in a given word be secondary. May be fed by the first rule above.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "ˈ([^ #]+)ˈ", "ˌ%1ˈ")
-- Remove # symbols at word/text boundaries and recompose.
text = rsub(text, "#", "")
text = mw.ustring.toNFC(text)
retval.phonemic = text
return retval
-- For bot usage; {{#invoke:it-pronunciation|to_phonemic_bot|SPELLING}}
function export.to_phonemic_bot(frame)
local iparams = {
[1] = {},
local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams)
return export.to_phonemic(iargs[1], mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text).phonemic
Entry point to construct the arguments to a call to m_IPA.format_IPA_full() and make a call to this function.
This formats one line of pronunciation, potentially including multiple individual pronunciations (representing
differing pronunciations of the same underlying term), potentialy along with attached qualifiers and/or references.
`data` is a table currently containing two fields, as follows:
terms = {{term = RESPELLING, qual = {QUALIFIER, QUALIFIER, ...}, ref = {REFSPEC, REFSPEC, ...}}, ...},
pagename = PAGENAME,
* RESPELLING is a pronunciation respelling of the term in question and may contain initial and/or final specs
indicating the presence, absence and nature of self-gemination and co-gemination along with initial specs
indicating the register of the pronunciation (traditional, careful style, elevated style).
* QUALIFIER is an arbitrary string to be displayed as a qualifier before the pronunciation in question; multiple
qualifiers will be comma-separated. `qual` should always be given as a table even if it's empty.
* REFSPEC is a string of the same format as is passed to {{IPA}}; see the documentation of [[Template:IPA]] for more
info. `ref`, as with `qual`, should always be given as a table even if it's empty.
* PAGENAME is the name of the page, used when an abbreviated spec like '^ò' is given.
The return value is an object with the following structure:
terms = {
{phonemic = PHONEMIC_PRON,
raw = "phonemic" or "phonetic",
auto_cogemination = BOOLEAN,
last_word_ends_in_vowel = BOOLEAN,
last_word_ends_in_consonant = BOOLEAN,
auto_final_self_gemination = BOOLEAN,
auto_initial_self_gemination = BOOLEAN,
orig_respelling = ORIG_RESPELLING,
canon_respelling = CANON_RESPELLING,
prespec = nil or PRESPEC,
pretext = nil or PRETEXT,
postspec = nil or POSTSPEC,
posttext = nil or POSTTEXT,
qualifiers = {QUALIFIER, QUALIFIER, ...},
refs = nil or {{text = TEXT, name = nil or NAME, group = nil or GROUP}, ...},
}, ...
* FORMATTED_IPA_LINE is the output of format_IPA_full(), a string.
* `terms` contains one entry per term in the input object to show_IPA_full().
* PHONEMIC_PRON is the phonemic IPA pronunciation of the respelling passed in, generated by to_phonemic().
* RAW is "phonemic" if the user specified a raw pronunciation using /.../, "phonetic" if using [...]. In such a case,
PHONEMIC_PRON is the user-specified pronunciation without the surrounding slashes or brackets.
* `last_word_ends_in_vowel` and the other boolean properties are documented in the source code of to_phonemic().
* ORIG_RESPELLING is the respelling for which the phonemic IPA pronunciation was generated. This is the same as was
passed in to show_IPA_full(), but stripped of initial and final spec symbols such as *, **, °, °°, #, !, !!.
* CANON_RESPELLING is the canonicalized, Unicode-decomposed version of ORIG_RESPELLING, as output by
canonicalize_and_auto_accent(). This includes expansion of abbreviations such as ^à, suffix application such as
-zione -> tsióne, and other auto-accenting.
* PRESPEC is a string containing the raw symbol(s) added before the phonemic output, currently one or *, **, ° or °°.
These may be explicitly specified by the user or added automatically based on the properties in the `phonemic`
structure described above.
* PRETEXT is the actual text added before the phonemic output, based on the prespec symbols annotated with HTML that
causes a tooltip to be displayed when the cursor hovers over the symbol.
* POSTSPEC is like PRESPEC but contains the raw symbol(s) added after the phonemic output rather than before.
* POSTTEXT is like PRETEXT but based on POSTSPEC.
* `qualifiers` are the actual qualifiers passed to format_IPA_full() for this term. The qualifiers come from the
qualifiers passed in the per-term input and/or qualifiers added based on symbols preceding the respelling such as
#, ! or !!.
* `refs` is either nil or a list of objects describing parsed references, as returned by parse_references() in
function export.show_IPA_full(data)
local final_cogemination = "triggers final cogemination (syntactic gemination of the initial consonant of the following word)"
local final_non_cogemination = "does not trigger final cogemination (syntactic gemination of the initial consonant of the following word)"
local final_self_cogemination = "triggers final self-gemination (syntactic gemination of the final consonant before a vowel)"
local final_non_self_cogemination = "does not trigger final self-gemination (syntactic gemination of the final consonant before a vowel)"
local initial_self_gemination = "triggers initial self-gemination (syntactic gemination of the initial consonant following a vowel)"
local initial_non_cogemination = "blocks initial cogemination (syntactic gemination of the initial consonant when it would normally occur, i.e. following a stressed final vowel)"
local initial_symbol_specs = {
{"**", "optionally " .. initial_self_gemination},
{"*", initial_self_gemination},
{"°°", "optionally " .. initial_non_cogemination},
{"°", initial_non_cogemination},
local final_vowel_symbol_specs = {
{"**", "optionally " .. final_cogemination},
{"*", final_cogemination},
{"°", final_non_cogemination},
local final_consonant_symbol_specs = {
{"**", "optionally " .. final_self_cogemination},
{"*", final_self_cogemination},
{"°", final_non_self_cogemination},
local retval = {terms = {}}
local transcriptions = {}
for _, term in ipairs(data.terms) do
local respelling = term.term
local qualifiers = term.qual
local prespec, actual_respelling, postspec = rmatch(respelling, "^(" .. pron_sign_c .. "*)(.-)([*°]*)$")
respelling = actual_respelling
if prespec:find("!!") then
table.insert(qualifiers, 1, "elevated style")
prespec = prespec:gsub("!!", "")
if prespec:find("!") then
table.insert(qualifiers, 1, "careful style")
prespec = prespec:gsub("!", "")
if prespec:find("#") then
table.insert(qualifiers, 1, "traditional")
prespec = prespec:gsub("#", "")
local pron, pretext, posttext
local raw, raw_type
raw = rmatch(respelling, "^raw:/(.*)/$")
if raw then
raw_type = "phonemic"
raw = rmatch(respelling, "^raw:%[(.*)%]$")
if raw then
raw_type = "phonetic"
if raw then
pron = {
orig_respelling = respelling,
canon_respelling = decompose(respelling),
phonemic = raw,
raw = raw_type,
pron = export.to_phonemic(respelling, data.pagename)
if prespec == "" and pron.auto_initial_self_gemination then
prespec = "*"
if postspec == "" and (pron.auto_cogemination or pron.auto_final_self_gemination) then
postspec = "*"
local function check_symbol_spec(spec, recognized_specs, is_pre)
for _, symbol_spec in ipairs(recognized_specs) do
local symbol, text = unpack(symbol_spec)
if symbol == spec then
local abbr = '<abbr title="' .. text .. '"><sup>' .. symbol .. "</sup></abbr>"
if is_pre then
pretext = abbr
posttext = abbr
error("Unrecognized " .. (is_pre and "initial" or "final") .. " symbol " .. spec)
if prespec ~= "" then
check_symbol_spec(prespec, initial_symbol_specs, true)
if postspec ~= "" then
if pron.last_word_ends_in_vowel then
check_symbol_spec(postspec, final_vowel_symbol_specs, false)
elseif pron.last_word_ends_in_consonant then
check_symbol_spec(postspec, final_consonant_symbol_specs, false)
error("Last word ends in neither vowel nor consonant; final symbol " .. spec .. " not allowed here")
local refs
if #term.ref == 0 then
refs = nil
elseif #term.ref == 1 then
refs = require("Module:references").parse_references(term.ref[1])
refs = {}
for _, refspec in ipairs(term.ref) do
local this_refs = require("Module:references").parse_references(refspec)
for _, this_ref in ipairs(this_refs) do
table.insert(refs, this_ref)
pron.prespec = prespec
pron.pretext = pretext
pron.postspec = postspec
pron.posttext = posttext
pron.qualifiers = qualifiers
pron.refs = refs
table.insert(retval.terms, pron)
table.insert(transcriptions, {
pron = pron.raw == "phonetic" and "[" .. pron.phonemic .. "]" or "/" .. pron.phonemic .. "/",
qualifiers = #qualifiers > 0 and qualifiers or nil,
pretext = pretext,
posttext = posttext,
refs = refs,
retval.formatted = require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = transcriptions }
return retval
-- External entry point for {{it-IPA}}.
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(
-- terms to transcribe
[1] = { list = true },
["qual"] = { list = true, allow_holes = true },
["ref"] = { list = true, allow_holes = true },
["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing
local pagename = args.pagename or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
local respellings = args[1]
if #respellings == 0 then
respellings = {pagename}
local data = {terms = {}, pagename = pagename}
for i, respelling in ipairs(respellings) do
table.insert(data.terms, {term = respelling, qual = {args.qual[i]}, ref = {args.ref[i]}})
local retval_IPA_full = export.show_IPA_full(data)
return retval_IPA_full.formatted
-- Return the number of syllables of a phonemic representation, which should have syllable dividers in it but no
-- hyphens.
local function get_num_syl_from_phonemic(phonemic)
-- Maybe we should just count vowels instead of the below code.
phonemic = rsub(phonemic, "|", " ") -- remove IPA foot boundaries
local words
if not phonemic:find(" ") then
words = {phonemic}
words = m_strutil.capturing_split(phonemic, "( +)")
for i, word in ipairs(words) do
if (i % 2) == 1 then -- an actual word, not a separator
-- IPA stress marks are syllable divisions if between characters; otherwise just remove.
word = rsub(word, "(.)[ˌˈ](.)", "%1.%2")
word = rsub(word, "[ˌˈ]", "")
words[i] = word
-- Convert spaces and word-separating hyphens into syllable divisions.
words[i] = "."
phonemic = table.concat(words)
return ulen(rsub(phonemic, "[^.]", "")) + 1
-- Given the output structure from show_IPA_full, generate a list of rhyme objects. The resulting list can be directly
-- passed in as the `rhymes` field of the data object passed into format_rhymes() in [[Module:rhymes]].
local function generate_rhymes_from_phonemic_output(ipa_full_output, always_rhyme)
local rhymes = {}
for _, termobj in ipairs(ipa_full_output.terms) do
local pronun = termobj.phonemic
local no_rhyme
if always_rhyme then
if termobj.raw == "phonetic" then
error("Can't generate rhyme for raw phonetic output")
no_rhyme = false
local words = split_but_rejoin_affixes(termobj.canon_respelling)
-- Figure out if we should not generate a rhyme for this term.
no_rhyme =
termobj.raw -- raw phonemic or phonetic output given
or #words > 1 -- more than one word
or words[1]:find("%-$") -- a prefix
or words[1]:find("^%-") and ( -- an unstressed suffix:
-- (1): DOTOVER explicitly indicates unstressed suffix
-- (2): DOTUNDER directly after acute or grave indicates unstressed vowel; after discounting
-- such vowels, we see no stressed words.
or not rfind(rsub(words[1], quality_c .. DOTUNDER, ""), quality_c)
if not no_rhyme then
local rhyme_pronun = rsub(rsub(pronun, ".*[ˌˈ]", ""), "^[^aeiouɛɔ]*", ""):gsub(TIE, ""):gsub("%.", "")
if rhyme_pronun ~= "" then
local nsyl = get_num_syl_from_phonemic(pronun)
local saw_rhyme = false
for _, rhyme in ipairs(rhymes) do
if rhyme.rhyme == rhyme_pronun then
-- already saw rhyme
local saw_nsyl = false
for _, this_nsyl in ipairs(rhyme.num_syl) do
if this_nsyl == nsyl then
saw_nsyl = true
if not saw_nsyl then
table.insert(rhyme.num_syl, nsyl)
saw_rhyme = true
if not saw_rhyme then
-- Only show pronunciation qualifiers with rhymes if there's more than one pronunciation given.
-- Otherwise the qualifier is just redundant since it's already specified before the pronunciation
-- and doesn't serve to distinguish rhymes. Also, only set the qualifier for new rhymes; don't
-- combine qualifiers from different pronunciations with the same rhyme. For example, for
-- {{it-pr|scandìnavo,#!scandinàvo}} we want to see
-- Rhymes: -inavo, ''(traditional, careful style)'' -avo
-- but for {{it-pr|quàlche°,#quàlche*}} we do *NOT* want to see ''(traditional)'' by the rhyme -alke,
-- which would be incorrect as the same rhyme applies to both pronunciations and only one of the
-- pronunciations is traditional.
local quals = #ipa_full_output.terms > 1 and termobj.qualifiers and #termobj.qualifiers > 0 and termobj.qualifiers or nil
table.insert(rhymes, {rhyme = rhyme_pronun, qualifiers = quals, num_syl = {nsyl}})
return rhymes
-- Syllabify a single word based on its spelling. The text should be decomposed using decompose() and have extraneous
-- characters (e.g. initial or final *) removed.
local function syllabify_word_from_spelling(text)
-- NOTE: In all of the following, we have to be careful to allow for apostrophes between letters and for capital
-- letters in the middle of words, as in [[anch'io]], [[all'osso]], [[altr'ieri]], [[cardellino dell'Himalaya]],
-- [[UEFA]], etc.
local TEMP_I = u(0xFFF2)
local TEMP_I_CAPS = u(0xFFF3)
local TEMP_U = u(0xFFF4)
local TEMP_U_CAPS = u(0xFFF5)
local TEMP_Y = u(0xFFF6)
local TEMP_Y_CAPS = u(0xFFF7)
local TEMP_G = u(0xFFF8)
local TEMP_G_CAPS = u(0xFFF9)
-- Change user-specified . into SYLDIV so we don't shuffle it around when dividing into syllables.
text = text:gsub("%.", SYLDIV)
-- We propagate underscore this far specifically so we can distinguish g_n ([[wagneriano]]) from gn.
-- g_n should end up as g.n but gn should end up as .gn.
local g_to_temp_g = {["g"] = TEMP_G, ["G"] = TEMP_G_CAPS}
text = rsub(text, "([gG])('?)_('?[nN])", function (g, sep, n) return g_to_temp_g[g] .. sep .. n end)
-- Now remove underscores before any further processing.
text = text:gsub("_", "")
-- i, u, y between vowels -> consonant-like substitutions:
-- With i: [[paranoia]], [[febbraio]], [[abbaiare]], [[aiutare]], etc.
-- With u: [[portauovo]], [[schopenhaueriano]], [[Malaui]], [[oltreuomo]], [[palauano]], [[tauone]], etc.
-- With y: [[ayatollah]], [[coyote]], [[hathayoga]], [[kayak]], [[uruguayano]], etc. [[kefiyyah]] needs special
-- handling.
-- Also with h, as in [[nahuatl]], [[ahia]], etc.
-- With h not dividing diphthongs: [[ahi]], [[ehi]], [[ahimè]], [[ehilà]], [[ohimè]], [[ohilà]], etc.
-- But in the common sequence -Ciuo- ([[figliuolo]], [[begliuomini]], [[giuoco]], [[nocciuola]], [[stacciuolo]],
-- [[oriuolo]], [[guerricciuola]], [[ghiaggiuolo]], etc.), both i and u are glides. In the sequence -quiV-
-- ([[quieto]], [[reliquia]], etc.), both u and i are glides, and probably also in -guiV-, but not in other -CuiV-
-- sequences such as [[buio]], [[abbuiamento]], [[gianduia]], [[cuiusso]], [[alleluia]], etc.). Special cases are
-- French-origin words like [[feuilleton]], [[rousseauiano]], [[gargouille]]; it's unlikely we can handle these
-- correctly automatically.
-- We handle these cases as follows:
-- 1. q+TEMP_U etc. replace sequences of qu and gu with consonant-type codes. This allows us to distinguish
-- -quiV-/-guiV- from other -CuiV-.
-- 2. We convert i in -ViV- sequences to consonant-type TEMP_I, but similarly for u in -VuV- sequences only if the
-- first V isn't i, so -CiuV- remains with two vowels. The syllabification algorithm below will not divide iu
-- or uV unless in each case the first vowel is stressed, so -CiuV- remains in a single syllable.
-- 3. As soon as we convert i to TEMP_I, we undo the u -> TEMP_U change for -quiV-/-guiV-, before u -> TEMP_U in
-- -VuV- sequences.
local u_to_temp_u = {["u"] = TEMP_U, ["U"] = TEMP_U_CAPS}
text = rsub(text, "([qQgG])([uU])('?" .. V .. ")", function(qg, u, v) return qg .. u_to_temp_u[u] .. v end)
local i_to_temp_i = {["i"] = TEMP_I, ["I"] = TEMP_I_CAPS, ["y"] = TEMP_Y, ["Y"] = TEMP_Y_CAPS}
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V .. accent_c .. "*[hH]?)([iIyY])(" .. V .. ")",
function(v1, iy, v2) return v1 .. i_to_temp_i[iy] .. v2 end)
text = text:gsub(TEMP_U, "u")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_U_CAPS, "U")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V_NOT_I .. accent_c .. "*[hH]?)([uU])(" .. V .. ")",
function(v1, u, v2) return v1 .. u_to_temp_u[u] .. v2 end)
-- Divide VCV as V.CV; but don't divide if C == h, e.g. [[ahimè]] should be ahi.mè.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V .. accent_c .. "*'?)(" .. C_NOT_H .. "'?" .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "(" .. V .. accent_c .. "*'?" .. C .. C_OR_TIE .. "*)(" .. C .. "'?" .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
-- Examples in Olivetti like [[hathayoga]], [[telethon]], [[cellophane]], [[skyphos]], [[piranha]], [[bilharziosi]]
-- divide as .Ch. Exceptions are [[wahhabismo]], [[amharico]], [[kinderheim]], [[schopenhaueriano]] but the latter
-- three seem questionable as the pronunciation puts the first consonant in the following syllable and makes the h
-- silent.
text = rsub(text, "(" .. C_NOT_H .. "'?)%.([hH])", ".%1%2")
-- gn represents a single sound so it should not be divided.
text = rsub(text, "([gG])%.([nN])", ".%1%2")
-- Existing hyphenations of [[atlante]], [[Betlemme]], [[genetliaco]], [[betlemita]] all divide as .tl,
-- and none divide as t.l. No examples of -dl- but it should be the same per
text = rsub(text, "([pbfvkcgqtdPBFVKCGQTD]'?)%.([lrLR])", ".%1%2")
-- Italian appears to divide sCV as .sCV e.g. pé.sca for [[pesca]], and similarly for sCh, sCl, sCr. Exceptions are
-- ss, sr, sz and possibly others. We are careful not to move across s in [[massmediale]], [[password]], etc.
text = rsub(text, "([^sS])([sS]'?)%.(" .. C_NOT_SRZ .. ")", "%1.%2%3")
-- Several existing hyphenations divide .pn and .ps and Olivetti agrees. We do this after moving across s so that
-- dispnea is divided dis.pnea. We are careful not to move across p in [[Uppsala]]. Olivetti hasì.a for
-- [[tecnologia]], showing that cn divides as c.n, and clàc.son, fuc.sì.na, ric.siò for [[clacson]], [[fucsina]],
-- [[ricsiò]], showing that cs divides as c.s.
text = rsub(text, "([^pP])([pP]'?)%.([nsNS])", "%1.%2%3")
-- Any aeoö, or stressed iuüy, should be syllabically divided from a following aeoö or stressed iuüy.
-- A stressed vowel might be followed by another accent such as LINEUNDER (which we put after the acute/grave in
-- decompose()).
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([aeoöAEOÖ]" .. accent_c .. "*'?)([hH]?'?[aeoöAEOÖ])", "%1.%2")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([aeoöAEOÖ]" .. accent_c .. "*'?)([hH]?'?" .. V .. quality_c .. ")", "%1.%2")
text = rsub(text, "([iuüyIUÜY]" .. quality_c .. accent_c .. "*'?)([hH]?'?[aeoöAEOÖ])", "%1.%2")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([iuüyIUÜY]" .. quality_c .. accent_c .. "*'?)([hH]?'?" .. V .. quality_c .. ")", "%1.%2")
-- We divide ii as i.i ([[sii]]), but not iy or yi, which should hopefully cause [[kefiyyah]] to be handled
-- correctly as ke.fiy.yah. Only example with Cyi is [[dandyismo]], which may be exceptional.
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([iI]" .. accent_c .. "*'?)([hH]?'?[iI])", "%1.%2")
text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([uüUÜ]" .. accent_c .. "*'?)([hH]?'?[uüUÜ])", "%1.%2")
text = text:gsub(SYLDIV, ".")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_I, "i")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_I_CAPS, "I")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_U, "u")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_U_CAPS, "U")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_Y, "y")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_Y_CAPS, "Y")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_G, "g")
text = text:gsub(TEMP_G_CAPS, "G")
return text
-- Syllabify text based on its spelling. The text should be decomposed using decompose() and have extraneous
-- characters (e.g. initial *) removed.
local function syllabify_from_spelling(text)
-- Convert spaces and word-separating hyphens into syllable divisions.
local words = split_but_rejoin_affixes(text)
for i, word in ipairs(words) do
if (i % 2) == 0 then -- a separator
words[i] = WORDDIV
words[i] = syllabify_word_from_spelling(word)
text = table.concat(words)
-- Convert word divisions into periods, but first into spaces so we can call remove_secondary_stress().
-- We have to call remove_secondary_stress() after syllabification so we correctly syllabify words like
-- bìobibliografìa.
text = text:gsub(WORDDIV, " ")
text = remove_secondary_stress(text)
text = text:gsub(" ", ".")
return text
-- Given the canon_respelling field in the structure output by show_IPA_full(), normalize it into the form that can
-- (a) be passed to syllabify_from_spelling() to produce the syllabification that is used to generate hyphenation
-- output, (b) be further processed to determine whether to generate hyphenation at all (by comparing the
-- further-processed result to the original pagename). NOTE: canon_respelling must be decomposed using decompose().
local function normalize_for_syllabification(respelling)
-- Remove IPA foot boundaries.
respelling = respelling:gsub("|", " ")
respelling = canon_spaces(respelling)
-- Convert respelling conventions back to the original spelling.
respelling = respelling:gsub("ddz", "zz"):gsub("tts", "zz"):gsub("dz", "z"):gsub("ts", "z")
:gsub("Dz", "Z"):gsub("Ts", "Z"):gsub("%[([szh])%]", "%1"):gsub("%[w%]", "u")
:gsub("ʎi", "gli"):gsub("ʎ", "gli")
return respelling
-- Given the output of normalize_for_syllabification() (which should be decomposed using decompose()), see if it
-- matches the page name. If so, we auto-generate hyphenation output based on the respelling.
local function spelling_normalized_for_syllabification_matches_pagename(text, pagename)
pagename = decompose(pagename)
text = remove_secondary_stress(text)
text = text:gsub("_", "")
if text == pagename then
return true
text = text:gsub("%.", "")
if text == pagename then -- e.g. [[Abraàm]], [[piùe]] with non-final accent in the page name
return true
text = remove_non_final_accents(text)
-- Check if the normalized pronunciation is the same as the page name. If a word in the page name is a single
-- syllable, it may or may not have an accent on it, so also remove final monosyllabic accents from the normalized
-- pronunciation when comparing. (Don't remove from both normalized pronunciation and page name because we don't
-- want pronunciation rè to match page name ré or vice versa.)
return text == pagename or remove_final_monosyllabic_accents(text) == pagename
-- Given the output structure from show_IPA_full, generate a list of hyphenation objects. The resulting list can be
-- directly passed in as the `hyphs` field of the data object passed into format_hyphenation() in
-- [[Module:hyphenation]].
local function generate_hyphenation_from_phonemic_output(ipa_full_output, pagename)
local hyphs = {}
for _, termobj in ipairs(ipa_full_output.terms) do
local normtext
-- Figure out if we should not generate a hyphenation for this term.
local no_hyph
if termobj.raw then
no_hyph = true
normtext = normalize_for_syllabification(termobj.canon_respelling)
no_hyph = not all_words_have_vowels(normtext)
or not spelling_normalized_for_syllabification_matches_pagename(normtext, pagename)
if not no_hyph then
local syllabification = syllabify_from_spelling(normtext)
local saw_hyph = false
for _, hyph in ipairs(hyphs) do
if hyph.syllabification == syllabification then
-- already saw hyphenation
saw_hyph = true
if not saw_hyph then
-- Only show pronunciation qualifiers with hyphenations if there's more than one pronunciation given,
-- and only set the qualifier for new hyphenations. See generate_rhymes_from_phonemic_output().
local quals = #ipa_full_output.terms > 1 and termobj.qualifiers and #termobj.qualifiers > 0 and termobj.qualifiers or nil
table.insert(hyphs, {syllabification = syllabification, hyph = rsplit(syllabification, "%."),
qualifiers = quals})
return hyphs
local function parse_rhyme(arg, parse_err)
local put = require(parse_utilities_module)
local retval = {}
local rhyme_segments = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(arg, "<", ">")
local comma_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs(rhyme_segments, "%s*,%s*")
for _, group in ipairs(comma_separated_groups) do
local rhyme_obj = {rhyme = group[1]}
for j = 2, #group - 1, 2 do
if group[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text '" .. group[j + 1] .. "' after modifier")
local modtext = group[j]:match("^<(.*)>$")
if not modtext then
parse_err("Internal error: Rhyme modifier '" .. group[j] .. "' isn't surrounded by angle brackets")
local prefix, arg = modtext:match("^([a-z]+):(.*)$")
if not prefix then
parse_err("Modifier " .. group[j] .. " lacks a prefix, should begin with one of 's:' or 'qual:'")
if prefix == "s" then
local nsyls = rsplit(arg, "%s*,%s*")
for _, nsyl in ipairs(nsyls) do
if not nsyl:find("^[0-9]+$") then
parse_err("Number of syllables '" .. nsyl .. "' in rhyme " ..
table.concat(group) .. " should be numeric")
if not rhyme_obj.num_syl then
rhyme_obj.num_syl = {}
table.insert(rhyme_obj.num_syl, tonumber(nsyl))
elseif prefix == "qual" then
if not rhyme_obj.qualifiers then
rhyme_obj.qualifiers = {}
table.insert(rhyme_obj.qualifiers, arg)
parse_err("Unrecognized prefix '" .. prefix .. "' in modifier " .. group[j]
.. ", should be 's' or 'qual'")
table.insert(retval, rhyme_obj)
return retval
local function parse_hyph(arg, parse_err)
local put = require(parse_utilities_module)
local retval = {}
local hyph_segments = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(arg, "<", ">")
local comma_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs(hyph_segments, "%s*,%s*")
for _, group in ipairs(comma_separated_groups) do
local hyph_obj = {syllabification = group[1], hyph = rsplit(group[1], "%.")}
for j = 2, #group - 1, 2 do
if group[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text '" .. group[j + 1] .. "' after modifier")
local modtext = group[j]:match("^<(.*)>$")
if not modtext then
parse_err("Internal error: Modifier '" .. group[j] .. "' isn't surrounded by angle brackets")
local prefix, arg = modtext:match("^([a-z]+):(.*)$")
if not prefix then
parse_err("Modifier " .. group[j] .. " lacks a prefix, should begin with 'qual:'")
if prefix == "qual" then
if not hyph_obj.qualifiers then
hyph_obj.qualifiers = {}
table.insert(hyph_obj.qualifiers, arg)
parse_err("Unrecognized prefix '" .. prefix .. "' in modifier " .. group[j] .. ", should be 'qual'")
table.insert(retval, hyph_obj)
return retval
local function parse_homophone(arg, parse_err)
local put = require(parse_utilities_module)
local retval = {}
local hmp_segments = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(arg, "<", ">")
local comma_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs(hmp_segments, "%s*,%s*")
for _, group in ipairs(comma_separated_groups) do
local hmp_obj = {term = group[1]}
for j = 2, #group - 1, 2 do
if group[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text '" .. group[j + 1] .. "' after modifier")
local modtext = group[j]:match("^<(.*)>$")
if not modtext then
parse_err("Internal error: Modifier '" .. group[j] .. "' isn't surrounded by angle brackets")
local prefix, arg = modtext:match("^([a-z]+):(.*)$")
if not prefix then
parse_err("Modifier " .. group[j] .. " lacks a prefix, should begin with one of 'qual:', 't:', 'alt:' or 'pos:'")
if prefix == "qual" then
if not hmp_obj.qualifiers then
hmp_obj.qualifiers = {}
table.insert(hmp_obj.qualifiers, arg)
elseif prefix == "t" or prefix == "alt" or prefix == "pos" then
local key = prefix == "t" and "gloss" or prefix
if hmp_obj[key] then
parse_err("Modifier '" .. prefix .. "' specified more than once")
hmp_obj[key] = arg
parse_err("Unrecognized prefix '" .. prefix .. "' in modifier " .. group[j]
.. ", should be 'qual', 't', 'alt' or 'pos'")
table.insert(retval, hmp_obj)
return retval
-- External entry point for {{it-pr}}.
function export.show_pr(frame)
local params = {
[1] = {list = true},
["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing
local parargs = frame:getParent().args
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parargs, params)
local pagename = args.pagename or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
-- Parse the arguments.
local respellings = #args[1] > 0 and args[1] or {"+"}
local parsed_respellings = {}
local put
for i, respelling in ipairs(respellings) do
if respelling:find("<") then
local function parse_err(msg)
error(msg .. ": " .. i .. "= " .. respelling)
if not put then
put = require("Module:parse utilities")
local segments = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(respelling, "<", ">")
local comma_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs(segments, "%s*,%s*")
local parsed = {terms = {}, audio = {}}
for i, group in ipairs(comma_separated_groups) do
local term = {term = group[1], ref = {}, qual = {}}
for j = 2, #group - 1, 2 do
if group[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text '" .. group[j + 1] .. "' after modifier")
local modtext = group[j]:match("^<(.*)>$")
if not modtext then
parse_err("Internal error: Modifier '" .. group[j] .. "' isn't surrounded by angle brackets")
local prefix, arg = modtext:match("^([a-z]+):(.*)$")
if not prefix then
parse_err("Modifier " .. group[j] .. " lacks a prefix, should begin with one of " ..
"'pre:', 'post:', 'ref:', 'bullets:', 'audio:', 'rhyme:', 'hyph:', 'hmp:' or 'qual:'")
if prefix == "ref" or prefix == "qual" then
table.insert(term[prefix], arg)
elseif prefix == "pre" or prefix == "post" or prefix == "bullets" or prefix == "rhyme"
or prefix == "hyph" or prefix == "hmp" or prefix == "audio" then
if i < #comma_separated_groups then
parse_err("Modifier '" .. prefix .. "' should occur after the last comma-separated term")
if prefix == "rhyme" then
local parsed_rhymes = parse_rhyme(arg, parse_err)
if not parsed.rhyme then
parsed.rhyme = parsed_rhymes
for _, parsed_rhyme in ipairs(parsed_rhymes) do
table.insert(parsed.rhyme, parsed_rhyme)
elseif prefix == "hyph" then
local parsed_hyphs = parse_hyph(arg, parse_err)
if not parsed.hyph then
parsed.hyph = parsed_hyphs
for _, parsed_hyph in ipairs(parsed_hyphs) do
table.insert(parsed.hyph, parsed_hyph)
elseif prefix == "hmp" then
local parsed_homophones = parse_homophone(arg, parse_err)
if not parsed.hmp then
parsed.hmp = parsed_homophones
for _, parsed_homophone in ipairs(parsed_homophones) do
table.insert(parsed.hmp, parsed_homophone)
elseif prefix == "audio" then
local file, gloss = arg:match("^(.-)%s*;%s*(.*)$")
file = file or arg
table.insert(, {file = file, gloss = gloss})
if parsed[prefix] then
parse_err("Modifier '" .. prefix .. "' occurs twice, second occurrence " .. group[j])
if prefix == "bullets" then
if not arg:find("^[0-9]+$") then
parse_err("Modifier 'bullets' should have a number as argument")
parsed.bullets = tonumber(arg)
parsed[prefix] = arg
parse_err("Unrecognized prefix '" .. prefix .. "' in modifier " .. group[j]
.. ", should be one of 'pre', 'post', 'ref', 'bullets', 'audio', 'rhyme', 'hyph', 'hmp'"
.. " or 'qual'")
table.insert(parsed.terms, term)
if not parsed.bullets then
parsed.bullets = 1
table.insert(parsed_respellings, parsed)
local terms = {}
for _, term in ipairs(rsplit(respelling, "%s*,%s*")) do
table.insert(terms, {term = term, ref = {}, qual = {}})
table.insert(parsed_respellings, {
terms = terms,
audio = {},
bullets = 1,
-- Loop over individual respellings, processing each.
for _, parsed in ipairs(parsed_respellings) do
-- Generate the phonemic pronunciation.
parsed.ipa_full = export.show_IPA_full {terms = parsed.terms, pagename = pagename}
-- Generate the rhymes.
local rhymes = {}
if not parsed.rhyme or #parsed.rhyme == 0 then
rhymes = generate_rhymes_from_phonemic_output(parsed.ipa_full)
for _, rhyme in ipairs(parsed.rhyme) do
if rhyme.rhyme == "-" then
rhymes = {}
elseif rhyme.rhyme == "+" then
local auto_rhymes = generate_rhymes_from_phonemic_output(parsed.ipa_full, "always rhyme")
for _, auto_rhyme in ipairs(auto_rhymes) do
table.insert(rhymes, auto_rhyme)
-- If user specified the rhyme explicitly but not the number of syllables, get this from the
-- phonemic representation of the terms.
if not rhyme.num_syl then
rhyme.num_syl = {}
for _, term in ipairs(parsed.ipa_full.terms) do
local nsyl = get_num_syl_from_phonemic(term.phonemic)
m_table.insertIfNot(rhyme.num_syl, nsyl)
table.insert(rhymes, rhyme)
parsed.rhyme = rhymes
-- Generate the hyphenations.
local hyphs = {}
if not parsed.hyph or #parsed.hyph == 0 then
hyphs = generate_hyphenation_from_phonemic_output(parsed.ipa_full, pagename)
for _, hyph in ipairs(parsed.hyph) do
if hyph.syllabification == "-" then
hyphs = {}
m_table.insertIfNot(hyphs, hyph)
parsed.hyph = hyphs
-- Generate the homophones.
parsed.hmp = parsed.hmp or {}
-- If all sets of pronunciations have the same rhymes, display them only once at the bottom.
-- Otherwise, display rhymes beneath each set, indented.
local first_rhyme_ret
local all_rhyme_sets_eq = true
for j, parsed in ipairs(parsed_respellings) do
if j == 1 then
first_rhyme_ret = parsed.rhyme
elseif not m_table.deepEquals(first_rhyme_ret, parsed.rhyme) then
all_rhyme_sets_eq = false
-- If all sets of pronunciations have the same hyphenations, display them only once at the bottom.
-- Otherwise, display hyphenations beneath each set, indented.
local first_hyphs
local all_hyph_sets_eq = true
for j, parsed in ipairs(parsed_respellings) do
if j == 1 then
first_hyphs = parsed.hyph
elseif not m_table.deepEquals(first_hyphs, parsed.hyph) then
all_hyph_sets_eq = false
local function format_phonemic(parsed)
local pre = parsed.pre and parsed.pre .. " " or ""
local post = and " " .. or ""
return string.rep("*", parsed.bullets) .. pre .. parsed.ipa_full.formatted .. post
local function format_rhymes(rhymes, num_bullets)
local rhymetext = require("Module:rhymes").format_rhymes { lang = lang, rhymes = rhymes, force_cat = force_cat }
return string.rep("*", num_bullets) .. " " .. rhymetext
local function format_hyphenations(hyphs, num_bullets)
local hyphtext = require("Module:hyphenation").format_hyphenations { lang = lang, hyphs = hyphs }
return string.rep("*", num_bullets) .. " " .. hyphtext
local function format_homophones(hmps, num_bullets)
local hmptext = require("Module:homophones").format_homophones { lang = lang, homophones = hmps }
return string.rep("*", num_bullets) .. " " .. hmptext
local function format_audio(audios, num_bullets)
local ret = {}
for i, audio in ipairs(audios) do
table.insert(ret, string.rep("*", num_bullets) .. " " .. require("Module:audio").format_audio {
lang = lang, file = audio.file, caption = audio.gloss
return table.concat(ret, "\n")
local textparts = {}
local min_num_bullets = 9999
for j, parsed in ipairs(parsed_respellings) do
if parsed.bullets < min_num_bullets then
min_num_bullets = parsed.bullets
if j > 1 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
table.insert(textparts, format_phonemic(parsed))
if > 0 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
-- If only one pronunciation set, add the audio with the same number of bullets, otherwise
-- indent audio by one more bullet.
table.insert(textparts, format_audio(,
#parsed_respellings == 1 and parsed.bullets or parsed.bullets + 1))
if not all_rhyme_sets_eq and #parsed.rhyme > 0 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
table.insert(textparts, format_rhymes(parsed.rhyme, parsed.bullets + 1))
if not all_hyph_sets_eq and #parsed.hyph > 0 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
table.insert(textparts, format_hyphenations(parsed.hyph, parsed.bullets + 1))
if #parsed.hmp > 0 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
-- If only one pronunciation set, add the homophones with the same number of bullets, otherwise
-- indent homophones by one more bullet.
table.insert(textparts, format_homophones(parsed.hmp,
#parsed_respellings == 1 and parsed.bullets or parsed.bullets + 1))
if all_rhyme_sets_eq and #first_rhyme_ret > 0 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
table.insert(textparts, format_rhymes(first_rhyme_ret, min_num_bullets))
if all_hyph_sets_eq and #first_hyphs > 0 then
table.insert(textparts, "\n")
table.insert(textparts, format_hyphenations(first_hyphs, min_num_bullets))
return table.concat(textparts)
return export