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User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/6000

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  1. लेपन (lepana) (lepana)
    n. the act of smearing, anointing, plastering, spreading on A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c.
    ointment, plaster, mortar (ifc. = smeared or plastered with) Mn. MBh. &c.
    flesh, meat
    m. olibanum, incense
  2. लेश (leśa) (leśa)
    m. a small part or portion, particle, atom, little bit or slight trace of (gen. or comp.
    %{-tas} and %{ena}, Ind. = very slightly or briefly
    %{les3a-s3as}, in small pieces R.) Pra1t. ChUp. MBh. &c.
    smallness, littleness W.
    a partic. division or short space of time (= 2 or 12 Kala1s)
    a kind of song
    (in rhet.) a figure of speech in which a statement is made indirectly (e.g. Ven2is. ii, 4) Sa1h.
    a figure of speech in which what is usually considered as an advantage is represented as a disadvantage and vice versa) Kuval.
    N. of a prince (a son of Su-hotra) VP. %{lezya}, %{leSTavya} &c. see p. 903, col. 1.
  3. लोक (loka) (loka)
    m. (connected with %{roka}
    in the oldest texts %{loka} is generally preceded by %{u}, which accord. to the Padap. = the particle 3. %{u}
    but %{u} may be a prefixed vowel and %{uloka4}, a collateral dialectic form of %{loka}
    accord. to others %{u-loka} is abridged from %{uru-} or %{ava-loka}), free or open space, room, place, scope, free motionBr. A1S3vS3r. (acc. with %{kR} or %{dA} or %{anu-} %{nI}, to make room grant freedom "'
    %{loke} with gen. `" instead of "')
    intermediate space Kaus3.
    a tract, region, district, country, province S3Br.
    the wide space or world (either `" the universe "' or, any division of it "', esp. `" the sky or heaven "'
    3 Lokas are commonly enumerated, viz. heaven, earth, and the atmosphere or lower regions
    sometimes only the first two
    but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds, viz. Bhu1-lloka, the earth
    Bhuvar-lloka "' the space between the earth and sun inhabited by Munis, Siddhas &c.
    Svar-lloka, Indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star
    Mahar-lloka, a region above the polar star and inhabited by Bhr2igo and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds
    Janar-lloka, inhabited by Brahma1's son Sanat-kuma1ra &c.
    Tapar-lloka, inhinhabited by deified Vaira1gins
    Satya-lloka or Brahma-lloka, abode of Brahma1, translation to which exempts from rebirth [906,2]
    elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of re-births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth
    sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned, viz. the 7 above, and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth- A-tala, Vi-ttala, Su-ttala, Rasa1ttala, Tala1ttala, Maha1-ttala, and Pa1ta1la
    cf. RTL. 102 n. 1 IW. 420, 1
    435, 1) AV. &c. &c.
    N. of the number `" seven "' (cf. above) VarBr2S. Sch.
    the earth or world of human beings &c. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{aya4M@loka4H}, this world "'
    %{asau4} or %{pa4ro@loka4H}, that or the other world "'
    loke or %{iha} %{loke}, `" here on earth "', opp. to %{para-tra}, %{para-loke} &c.
    %{kRtsne} %{loke}, `" on the whole earth "')
    (also pl.) the inhabitants of the world, mankind, folk, people (sometimes opp. to `" king "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    (pl.) men (as opp. to `" women "') Vet. Hit.
    a company, community (of ten ifc. to form collectives) Ka1v. Vas. Katha1s. &c.
    ordinary life, worldly affairs, common practice or usage Gr2S. Nir. Mn. &c. (%{loke} either `" in ordinary life "', `" in worldly matters "'
    or, in common language, in popular speech "', as opp. to %{vede}, %{chandasi})
    the faculty of seeing, sight (only in %{ca4kSur-l-} q.v.)
    %{lokAnAM@sAmanI} du. and %{lokAnAM@vratAni} pl.N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr. [Cf. Lat. {lu1sus}, originally, a clearing of a forest "'
    Lith. {lau4kas}, a field.]
  4. लोक्य (lokya) (lokya)
    mf(%{A})n. granting a free sphere of action, bestowing freedom A1s3vGr2.
    diffused over the world, world-wide MBh. (C. %{loukya})
    conducive to the attainment of a better world, heavenly BhP.
    customary, ordinary. correct, right, real, actual S3Br. MBh.
    usual, every-day MBh.
    n. free space or sphere S3Br.
  5. लोग (loga) (loga)
    m. (perhaps connected with 1. %{ruj}) a clod of earth, lump of clay, clod RV. S3Br. (= %{loSTa} Sa1y.)
  6. लोचन (locana) (locana)
    mfn. illuminating, brightening BhP.
    m. N. of an author Cat.
    (%{A} or %{I}) f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Dharmas. 4
    (%{I}) f. a species of plant
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}), organ of sight "', the eye MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of wk.
  7. लोप (lopa) (lopa)
    m. breaking, hurting, injury, destruction, interruption MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    neglect, violation, transgression (of a vow or duty) Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
    robbing, plundering MBh.
    want, deficiency, absence, disappearance S3rS. Ragh.
    (in gram.) dropping, elision (generally as distinguished from the terms %{lup}, %{zlu}, %{luk}, which are only applicable to affixes
    when %{lopa} of an affix takes place, a blank is substituted, which exerts the same influence on the base as the affix itself, but when either %{luk} or %{lup} or %{zlu} of an affix is enjoined, then the affix is not only dropped but it is also inoperative on the base
    thus in the Ist pl. of %{kati}, where %{jas} is said to be elided by %{luk}, the change of the final of the base to Gun2a does not take place i.e. both the affix and its effect on the base are abolished
    moreover, %{lopa} refers only to the last letter of an affix, whereas by %{luk} &c. the dropping of the whole affix is implied) Nir. Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c.
    (%{lo4pA}) f. a partic. bird TS.
    a kind of bird
    = %{lopA-mudrA} below. %{lopaka} &c. see p. 904, col. 3.
  8. लोपामुद्रा (lopāmudrā) (lopāmudrā)
    f. N. of the reputed wife of the sage Agastya (she is said to have been formed by the sage himself and then secretly introduced into the palace of the king of Vidarbha, where she grew up as his daughter
    she asked her husband to acquire immense riches
    so he went to the rich demon Ilvala, and having conquered him, satisfied his wife with his wealth
    she is considered as the authoress of RV. i, 179, 4) RV. MBh. Hariv. &c.
    %{-kavi} m. N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-pati} or %{-sahacara} m. husband of Lopa1-mudra1N. of Agastya
  9. लोभ (lobha) (lobha)
    m. perplexity, confusion (see %{a-l-})
    impatience, eager desire for or longing after (gen. loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    covetousness, cupidity, avarice (personified as a son of Pusht2i or of Dambha and Ma1ya1) ib. %{lobhana} &c. see p. 905, col. 1.
  10. लोभनीय (lobhanīya) (lobhanīya)
    mfn. to be desired or longed for, alluring seductive MBh.
  11. लोमन् (loman) (loman)
    n. (later form of %{roman} q.v.) the hair on the body of men and animals (esp. short hair, wool &c.
    not so properly applicable to the long hair of the head or beard, nor to the mane and tail of animals) RV. &c. &c.
    a tail
    du. (with %{bharad-vAjasya})N. of Sa1man A1rshBr.
  12. लोल (lola) (lola)
    mf(%{A})n. moving hither and thither, shaking, rolling, tossing, dangling, swinging, agitated, unsteady, restless MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    changeable, transient, inconstant, fickle Ka1v. Katha1s.
    desirous, greedy, lustful, (ifc.) eagerly desirous of or longing for (loc. inf. or comp.) Ka1v. Var. &c. [905,2]
    m. the penis Gal.
    N. of a man Ma1rkP.
    (%{A}) f. the tongue
    lightning Prab. (v.l.)
    `" the fickle or changeable one "'N. of the goddess of fortune or Lakshmi1 Pan5car.
    of Da1ksha1yan2i in Utpala7vartaka Cat.
    of the mother of the Daitya Madhu R.
    of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    of two metres Chandom. Col.
    (%{I}) f. (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t. %{lolita} &c. see p.905, cols. 1, 2.
  13. लोह (loha) (loha)
    mfn. (prob. fr. a %{ruh} for a lost %{rudh}, to be red "'
    cf. %{rohi}, %{rohiNa} &c.) red, reddish, copper-coloured S3rS. MBh.
    made of copper S3Br. (Sch.)
    made of iron Kaus3.
    m. n. red metal, copper VS. &c. &c.
    (in later language) iron (either crude or wrought) or steel or gold or any metal
    a weapon
    a fish-hook
    m. the red goat (cf. %{lohA7ja}) Gaut. Mn. Ya1jn5.
    (prob.) a kind of bird Ma1rkP.
    N. of a man g. %{naDA7di}
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
    (%{I}) f. a pot DivyA7v.
    n. any object or vessel made of iron Ka1v.
    aloe wood, Agallochum L.
  14. लोहित (lohita) (lohita)
    1 mf(%{A} or %{lo4hinI})n. (cf. %{rohita}) red, red-coloured, reddish AV. &c. &c.
    made of copper, copper, metal AV. Kaus3.
    m. red (the colour), redness
    a partic. disease of the eyelids, Sarn3gS.
    a kind of precious stone Pan5cat.
    a species of rice Bhpr.
    a sort of bean or lentil
    Dioscorea Purpurea
    Cyprinus Rohita
    a sort of deer
    a snake, serpent
    the planet Mars VarBr2S.
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar. Hariv. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 18)
    of a country MBh.
    of a river (the Brahma-putra) ib.
    of a sea ib. R.
    of a lake Hariv.
    (pl.) of a class of gods under the 12th Manu VP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of one of the 7 tongues of Agni Gr2ihya1s.
    Mimosa Pudica
    a Punar-nava1 with red flowers
    (%{lohinI}) f. a woman with a red-coloured skin or red with anger
    n. any red substance S3Br. ChUp.
    (also m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A}), blood VS. &c. &c. (%{-taM} %{kR}, to shed blood)
    red sanders
    a kind of sandal-wood
    a kind of Agallochum
    an imperfect form of rainbow
    a battle, fight L.
  15. लउकिक (laükika) (laukika)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{loka}) worldly, terrestrial, belonging to or occurring in ordinary life, common, usual, customary, temporal, not sacred (as opp. to %{vaidika}, %{ArSa}, %{zAstrIya} [909,3]
    %{laukiheSu} ind. = %{loke} `" in ordinary or popular speech "', opp. to %{vaidikeSu} Nir.) S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) belonging to the world of(ct. %{brahma-l-})
    m. common or ordinary men (as opp. to `" the learned, initiated "' &c.) S3am2k. Sarvad.
    men familiar with the ways of the world, men of the world Uttarar.
    men in general, people, mankind MBh.
    n. anything occurring in the world, general custom, usage S3ak. Ma1rkP.
    a person's ordinary occupation BhP.
  16. लउगाक्षि (laügākṣi) (laugākṣi)
    m. patr. fr. %{logA7kSa}N. of a teacher and author of a law-book Ka1tyS3r.
  17. लउल्य (laülya) (laulya)
    n. (fr. %{lola}) restlessness, Suar.
    unsteadiness, inconstancy, fickleness Hariv.
    lustfulness, eagerness, greediness, passion, ardent longing for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  18. लउल्यता (laülyatā) (laulyatā)
    f. lustfulness, eager desire BhP.
  19. वंश (vaṃśa) (vaṃśa)
    m. (derivation doubtful) the bamboo cane or any cane (accord. toalso `" sugarcane "' and `" Shorea Robusta "') RV. &c. &c.
    the upper timbers or beams of a house, the rafters or laths fastened to the beams (of a roof
    cf. %{prAcIna-v-}) AV. &c. &c.
    a cross-beam, joist, joint VarBr2S.
    a reed-pipe, flute, fife Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    the back-bone, spine VarBr2S. BhP.
    a hollow or tubular bone BhP. (B.) Sch.
    the upper nasal bone
    the central projecting part of a scimitar or sabre VarBr2S.
    the line of a pedigree or genealogy (from its resemblance to the succession of joints in a bamboo), lineage race, family, stock S3Br. &c. &c. (esp. a noble race, a dynasty of kings, a list of teachers &c.
    cf. Pa1n2. 2-1, 19 Sch.)
    offspring, a son BhP.
    (ifc.) a succession or collection of similar things, assemblage multitude, host (as of chariots, stars &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
    a partic. measure of length (= 10 Hastas) Li1l.
    a partic. musical note S3is3.
    pride, arrogance Va1s.
    N. of Vishn2u(%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras (daughter of Pra1dha1) MBh.
    (%{I}) f. see s.v.
  20. वकार (vakāra) (vakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{va} TPra1t.
    %{-bheda} m. N. of a treatise on the proper spelling of words beginning with %{v} or %{b}.
  21. वक्तृ (vaktṛ) (vaktṛ)
    mfn. one who speaks, a speaker, proclaimer of (Ved. gen.
    Class "' gen. acc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    croaking (said of frogs) Subh.
    speaking sensibly, eloquent
    learned, wise W.
    honest, sincere ib. "'
    loquacious, talkative ib.
    m. a speaker, orator MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an expounder, teacher Sarvad.
  22. वक्तव्य (vaktavya) (vaktavya)
    %{vaktR}, %{vaktra} &c. see p. 912, cols. 1, 2.
  23. वक्त्र (vaktra) (vaktra)
    n. `" organ of speech "', the mouth, face, muzzle, snout, proboscis, jaws, beak &c. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{vaktraM} %{kR}, to open the mouth, gape)
    the point (of an arrow) MBh.
    the spout (of a jug or vessel see %{a-vaktra})
    beginning, commencement Gan2it.
    (in alg.) the initial quantity or first term of a progression Col.
    a metre containing 4 x 8 syllables, Ka1vyad.
    a sort of garment
    the root of Tabernaemontana Coronaria
    m. N. of a king of the Karu1shas MW. (v.l. %{vakra}).
  24. वक्र (vakra) (vakra)
    mf(%{A})n. crooked, curved, bent, tortuous, twisted, wry, oblique AV. &c. &c.
    curled, curly (as hair) AV. &c. &c.
    having an apparently backward motion, retrograde (said of planets) Su1ryas. Var. &c. [911,1]
    (in prosody) long (the form of the long mark being curved)
    crooked in disposition, cunning, fraudulent, dishonest, evasive, ambiguous Kat2hUp. MBh. &c.
    hostile, cruel, malignant, inauspicious Ka1v. Katha1s. Sa1h.
    m. a nose
    the planet Mars VarBr2S.
    the planet Saturn
    a partic. drug (= %{parpaTa})
    N. of Rudra
    of the Asura Ba1n2a
    of a prince of the Karu1shas MBh. (v.l. %{vaktra})
    of a Ra1kshasa R.
    pl. N. of a people VP. (v.l. %{cakra})
    (a1) f. a partic. musical instrument La1t2y.
    (scil. %{gati}) a partic. variation in the course of Mercury VarBr2S.
    n. the winding course of a river, the arm or bend of a stream S3vetUp.
    the apparent retrograde motion of a planet MBh. Hariv. VarBr2S.
    a form of fracture (when a bone is bent or only partially broken) Sus3r.
    w.r. for %{vaktra}.
  25. वक्रतुण्ड (vakratuṇḍa) (vakratuṇḍa)
    mfn. having a curved beak BhP.
    m. a parrot
    N. of Gan2e7s3a (as having an elephant's curved trunk) TA1r.
    %{-gaNa-nAyaka-prakaraNa} n. %{-pUjA-vidhi} m. %{-stavana} n. %{-stotra} n.
    %{-DA7STaka} n. N. of wks.
  26. वक्षु (vakṣu) (vakṣu)
    (prob.) m. the Oxus VarBr2S. (cf. %{vaGkSu}).
  27. वक्षस् (vakṣas) (vakṣas)
    n. sg. and pl. (cf. %{vakSaNa} and %{pakSas}) the breast, bosom, chest RV. &c. &c.
    m. an ox, bullock L.
  28. वक्षोज (vakṣoja) (vakṣoja)
    m. du. `" rising out of the chest "', the female breast, Kav. Sa1h. (%{-ta} f. Bha1ni.)
  29. वङ्ग (vaṅga) (vaṅga)
    m. Bengal proper or the eastern parts of the modern province (pl. its inhabitants) AV.Paris3. MBh. &c.
    N. of a king of the lunar race (son of Di1rgha-tamas or Di1rgha-tapas and Su-deshn2a1, regarded as the common ancestor of the people of Bengal) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    a tree, AitAr.
    a species of tree Hcar. (v.l. %{vaGgaka})
    N. of a mountain Ja1takam.
    m. n. cotton
    Solanum Melongena
    n. tin or lead L.
  30. वचक्नु (vacaknu) (vacaknu)
    mfn. talkative, loquacious, eloquent Un2. iii, 81
    m. a Brahman
    N. of a man, S3airik.
  31. वचन (vacana) (vacana)
    mfn. speaking, a speaker, eloquent RV.
    (ifc.) mentioning, indicating, expressing, meaning Pa1n2. Ka1tySr. Sarvad. (%{-tA} f. %{-tva} n.)
    being pronounced, RPrat. (%{-tva} n.)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the act of speaking, utterance, Sam2khyak.
    pronunciation Pa1n2. Pra1t.
    statement, declaration, express mention AitBr. S3rS. Pa1n2. &c.
    speech, sentence, word Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in gram.) the injunction of a teacher, rule Ka1s3.
    advice, instruction, direction, order, command MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-naM-kR} or %{-ne-sthA} with gen. = to do the bidding of any one, follow a person's advice, obey
    %{-nena} or %{-nAt}, with gen. = in the name of)
    sound, voice, APra1t. Megh. Hit.
    (in gram.) number Pa1n2. Vop. (cf. %{eka-}, %{dvi-}, %{bahu-v-})
    dry ginger L.
  32. वचनीय (vacanīya) (vacanīya)
    mfn. to be spoken or uttered, mentionable Mn. R.
    to be called or named Nir.
    to be spoken about or against, censurable, liable to reproach Hariv.
    n. reproach, censure, blame Ka1lid. Uttarar.
  33. वचस् (vacas) (vacas)
    1 n. (for 2. see p. 914, col. 2) speech, voice, word RV. &c. &c. (%{-casAmpatiH}N. of Br2ihaspati Laghuj.)
    singing, song (of birds) R2itus.
    advice, direction, command, order MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{vacah-kR}, with gen., `" to follow the advice of "'
    %{vacasA@mama}, `" on my advice "')
    an oracular utterance (declarative of some future fate or destiny) VarBr2S.
    a sentence
    (in gram.) number (see %{dvi-v-}).
  34. वज्र (vajra) (vajra)
    m. n. `" the hard or mighty one "', a thunderbolt (esp. that of Indra, said to have been formed out of the bones of the R2ishi Dadhi1ca or Dadhi1ci [q.v.], and shaped like a circular discus, or in later times regarded as having the form of two transverse bolts crossing each other thus x
    sometimes also applied to similar weapons used by various gods or superhuman beings, or to any mythical weapon destructive of spells or charms, also to %{manyu}, `" wrath "' RV. or [with %{apAm}] to a jet of water AV. &c. &c.
    also applied to a thunderbolt in general or to the lightning evolved from the centrifugal energy of the circular ththunderbolt of Indra when launched at a foe
    in Northern Buddhist countries it is shaped like a dumb-bell and called Dorje
    see MWB. 201
    322 &c.) RV. &c. &c.
    a diamond (thought to be as hard as the ththunderbolt or of the same substance with it), ShadvBr. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a kind of talc
    a kind of penance (feeding for a month on only barley prepared with cow's urine)
    sour gruel W.
    m. a form of military array, Mii. MBh. &c. (cf. %{-vyUha})
    a kind of column or pillar VarBr2S.
    a partic. form of the moon ib.
    a partic. Eka1ha, Vtit.
    a kind of hard mortar or cement (%{kalka}) VarBr2S. (cf. %{-lepa})
    N. of the 15th of the 27 Yogas or astronomical divisions of time ib.
    a partic. Soma ceremony Shad2vBr.
    Euphorbia Antiquorum and another species
    N. of a mountain R.
    of an Asura Virac.
    of a son of Aniruddha MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Vilvamitra MBh.
    of a son of Manu Slvarn2a Hariv.
    (with Jainas) of one of the 10 Dala-pu1rvins
    of a R2ishi VarBr2S. (v.l. for va1tsya)
    of a minister of Narendra1ditya Ra1jat.
    of a son of Bhu1ti ib.
    of a heretical king Buddh.
    (%{A}) f. Cocculus Cordifolius
    Euphorbia Antiquorum or TirucalliN. of Durga1, DeviP.
    of a daughter of Vaisvanara VP.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of Euphorbia
    n. denunciation in strong language (compared to thunder) R. Sa1h. Prata1p. (cf. %{vAkya-} and %{vAg-v-})
    a kind of hard iron or steel
    a partic. posture in sitting Cat. (cf. %{vajrA7sana})
    N. of a partic. configurations of the planets and stars (in which favourable planets are situated in the 1st and 7th houses and unfavourable in the 4th and 10th) VarBr2S.
    the blossom of the sesamum or of any plant called Vajra
    Andropogon Muricatus
    = %{bAlaka}, a child, pupil
    mfn. adamantine, hard, impenetrable W.
    shaped like a kind of cross (cf. above), forked, zigzag ib. [Cf. Zd. {vazra}, `" a club. "'] [913,2]
  35. वज्रनाभ (vajranābha) (vajranābha)
    mfn. having a hard nave (said of a wheel &c.) MBh. R.
    m. Kr2ishna's discus MW.
    N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    of a Da1nava Hariv.
    of several princes (a son of Uktha
    of Unni1bha
    of Sthala) Ka1v. Pur.
    %{-bhIya} mfn. relating to the Da1nava Vajra-na1bha, treating of him Hariv.
  36. वज्रसत्त्व (vajrasattva) (vajrasattva)
    m. `" having a soul or heart of adamant "'N. of a Dhya1nibuddha Dharmas. 3
    %{-ttvA7tmikA} f. N. of Vajra. sattva's wife W.
  37. वज्रसूची (vajrasūcī) (vajrasūcī)
    f. a diamond-pointed needle MBh. Hcar.
    N. of an Upanishad ascribed to S3amkara7ca1rya (also %{-cikA} or %{-cy-upaniSad})
    of a wk. by As3va-ghosha.
  38. वज्रोली (vajrolī) (vajrolī)
    f. a partic. position of the fingers Cat.
  39. वञ्चना (vañcanā) (vañcanā)
    f. (see prec.) in comp.
  40. वञ्चित (vañcita) (vañcita)
    mfn. deceived, tricked, imposed upon MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (a1) f. a kind of riddle or enigma Cat.
  41. वट (vaṭa) (vaṭa)
    m. (perhaps Pra1kr2it for %{vRta}, `" surrounded, covered "'
    cf. %{nyag-rodha}) the Banyan or Indian fig. tree (Ficus Indica) MBh. Ka1v. &c. RTL. 337 (also said to be n.)
    a sort of bird BhP.
    a small shell, the Cypraea Moneta or cowry
    a pawn (in chess)
    = %{sAmya}
    N. of a Ti1rtha Vishn2.
    of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    the son of a Vais3ya and a Venuki1(also n. and %{I} f.)
    a string, rope, tie(only %{vaTa} ibc., and %{paJca-v-}, q.v.)
    a small lump, globule &c. = %{vaTaka} S3a1rn3gS.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of tree, Rajan.
    (with %{gA-DhA}) a partic. position in the game of Catur-an3ga or chess
    a little round ball L.
  42. वडब (vaḍaba) (vaḍaba)
    m. (also written %{vaDava4}, %{baDava4}, %{baDaba4}) a male horse resembling a mare (and therefore attracting the staillion) Vait.
    (%{a}) f. see next.
  43. वणिज् (vaṇij) (vaṇij)
    m. (also written %{baNi4j}) a merchant, trader RV. &c. &c.
    the zodiacal sign Libra VarBr2S.
    N. of a partic. Karan2a (q.v.) ib.
    trade, traffic, commerce Gaut. Mn.
  44. वणिज (vaṇija) (vaṇija)
    m. = %{vaNij}, a merchant, trader
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    the zodiacal sign Libra Laghuj.
    N. of a Karan2a (q.v.), VarBIS.
    (%{A}) f. traffic, commerce
  45. वत्स (vatsa) (vatsa)
    m. (prob. originally, `" yearling "', fr. a lost word %{vatas}) a calf, the young of any animal, offspring, child (voc. %{vatsa} often used as a term of endearment = my dear child, my darling) RV. &c. &c.
    a son, boy (see %{bAla-v-})
    a year (see %{tri-v-})
    N. of a descendant of Kan2va RV. Pan5cavBr. S3a1n3khS3r.
    of an A1gneya (author of RV. x, 187) Anukr.
    of a Ka1syapa Katha1s.
    of the step-brother of Maitreya (who passed through fire to prove the falseness of Maitreya's allegation that he was the child of a S3u1dra) Mn. viii, 116 (Sch.) of a son of Pratardana MBh. Hariv.
    of a son of Sena-jit Hariv.
    of a son of Aksha-ma1la1 Cat.
    of a son of Uru-kshepa VP.
    of a son of Soma-s3arman Katha1s.
    of the author of a law-book Cat.
    (with %{carakA7dhvaryu-sUtra-kRt}) of another author ib.
    of a serpent-demon VP.
    N. of a country (whose chief town is Kaus3a1mbi1) Katha1s.
    Nerium Aistidysentericum
    the Kutaja tree
    pl. the descendants of Vatsa A1s3vS3r. (cf. Pa1n2. 2-4, 64 Sch.)
    the inhabitants of the country called Vatsa MBh. Katha1s.
    (%{A}) f. a female calf, little daughter (voc. %{vatse} = my dear child) Ka1lid. Uttarar. Prab.
    m. n. the breast, chest[Cf. {vatsara} and $ for $
    Lat. vetus, {vetus-tus}, {vitulus}
    Germ. {widar}, {Widder}
    Eng. {wether}.]
  46. वत्सर (vatsara) (vatsara)
    m. the fifth year in a cycle of 5 or 6 years, (or) the sixth year in a cycle of 6 years VS. TS. Pa1rGr2.
    a year Mn. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. &c. (also n. MaitrUp. and %{I} f. HParis3.)
    the Year personified Mn. xii, 49 (as a son of Dhruva and Bhrami BhP.
    also applied to Vishnu MBh.)
    N. of a Sa1dhya Hariv. (v.l. %{matsara})
    of a son of Kas3yapa Cat. (v.l. %{vatsAra}).
  47. वत्सल (vatsala) (vatsala)
    mf(%{A})n. child-loving, affectionate towards offspring (%{A} f. with or scil. %{go} or %{dhenu}, a cow longing for her calf) MBh. R. BhP.
    kind, loving, tender, fond of or devoted to (loc. gen. acc. with %{prati}, or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. (with %{rasa}) the tender sentiment in a poem Sa1h.
    a fire fed with grass (i.e. quickly burning away)
    N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    n. = next W.
  48. वद (vada) (vada)
    mfn. speaking, a speaker (only ifc.
    see %{ku-v-}, %{priyaM.v-})
    speaking well or sensibly
    m. N. of the first Veda (with the Magians) Cat.
  49. वदन (vadana) (vadana)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the act of speaking, talking, sounding S3Br. S3rS.
    the mouth, face, countenance MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-naM} %{kR}, to make a face or grimace, %{-nI-bhU}, to become a face)
    the front, point R. Sus3r.
    (in alg.) the first term, initial quantity or term of a progression Col.
    (in geom.) the side opposite to the base, the summit or apex of a triangle A1ryabh.
  50. वदान्य (vadānya) (vadānya)
    mf(%{A})n. bountiful, liberal, munificent, a mmunificent giver MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    eloquent, speaking kindly or agreeably, affable
    m. N. of a R2ishi MBh.
  51. वदितृ (vaditṛ) (vaditṛ)
    mfn. speaking, saying, telling (with acc.) S3is3.
    m. a speaker (with gen.) AitBr. MBh.
  52. वद्य (vadya) (vadya)
    mfn. to be spoken &c. (see %{a-v-} and %{anav})
    N. of the days of the dark lunar fortnight
    n. speech, speaking about, conversing (see %{brahma-v-}, %{satya-v-}).
  53. वध (vadha) (vadha)
    m. one who kills, a slayer, vanquisher, destroyer RV. VS. TS. S3Br.
    a deadly weapon (esp. Indra's thunderbolt) RV. AitBr. S3a1n3khGr2.
    the act of striking or killing, slaughter, murder, death, destruction RV. &c. &c.
    (in law) capital or (more commonly) corporal punishment Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. = %{vadha-bhUmi}, place of execution Caurap., Introd.
    stroke, hurt, injury Nir.
    paralysis Sus3r.
    annihilation, disappearance (of inanimate things) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    frustration, prevention Gaut.
    a defect, imperfection (28 are enumerated) VP.
    multiplication Gan2it.
    a product Bijag.
    N. of a Ra1kshasa VP.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of pot-herb, Convolvulus Repens L.
  54. वधिन् (vadhin) (vadhin)
    mfn. incurring death, killed by (ifc.)
  55. वधू (vadhū) (vadhū)
    f. (fr. %{vadh} = %{vah}
    cf. %{UDhA}) a bride or newly-married woman, young wife spouse any wife or woman RV. &c. &c.
    a daughter-in-law HParis3.
    any younger female relation MBh. R. &c.
    the female of any animal, (esp.) a cow or mare RV. v, 47, 6
    viii 19, 36 (cf. %{vadhU4-mat})
    N. of various plants (Trigonella Corniculata
    Echites Frutescens
    Curcuma Zerumbet) L.
  56. वधूसरा (vadhūsarā) (vadhūsarā)
    f. N. of a river (fabled to have sprung from the weeping eyes of Puloma, wife of Bhr2igu) MBh.
    %{-kRzA7hvayA} f. id. ib.
  57. वध्य (vadhya) (vadhya)
    mfn. (frequently written %{ba4dhya}) to be slain or killed, to be capitally punished, to be corporally chastised (cf. under %{vadha}), sentenced, a criminal AV. &c. &c.
    to be destroyed or annihilated MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. an enemy MW.
    (%{A}) f. see below. [917,1]
  58. वध्यता (vadhyatā) (vadhyatā)
  59. वध्रि (vadhri) (vadhri)
    mfn. `" one whose testicles are cut out, castrated, emasculated, unmanly (opp. to %{vRSan})S3Br.
  60. वन (vana) (vana)
    1 n. (once m. R. v, 50, 2
    for 2. see p. 919, col. 1) a forest, wood, grove, thicket, quantity of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster (but in older language also applied to a single tree) RV. &c. &c.
    plenty, abundance R. Katha1s.
    a foreign or distant land RV. vii, 1, 19 (cf. %{araNya})
    wood, timber RV.
    a wooden vessel or barrel (for the Soma juice) RV. (?)
    a cloud (as the vessel in the sky) ib.
    (prob.) the body of a carriage RV. viii, 34, 18
    water Naigh. i, 12
    a fountain, spring
    abode Nalo7d.
    Cyperus Rotundus VarBr2S.
    = %{razrmi}, a ray of light Naigh. i, 4
    (prob.) longing, earnest desire KenUp.
    m. N. of a son of Us3i1nara BhP.
    of one of the 10 orders of mendicants founded by S3amkara7ca1rya (the members of which affix %{vana} to their names cf. %{rArme7ndra-v-}) W.
    (%{A}) f. the piece of wood used for kindling fire by attrition (= %{araNi} q.v.
    sometimes personified) RV. iii, 13
    (%{I}) f. a wood, forest Sa1h.
  61. वनवासिन् (vanavāsin) (vanavāsin)
    mfn. living in a fforest
    m. a forestdweller, hermit, anchorite Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of various plants or roots (= %{RSabha}, %{muSkaka}, %{varAhI-kanda} &c.)
    a crow
    N. of a country in the Dekhan (also %{-simaNDala}) Inscr.
    %{-sI} f. N. of the chief town of that country ib.
  62. वनस्पति (vanaspati) (vanaspati)
    (%{vanas-}) m. (vanas prob. a form of the gen.
    cf. 2. %{van} and %{ra4ithas-pa4ti}), king of the wood "', foresttree (esp. a large tree bearing fruit apparently without blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack tree &c., but also applied to any tree) RV. &c. &c. [918,2]
    a stem, trunk, beam, timber, post (esp. the sacrificial post) RV. VS. Br.
    `" lord of plants "', the Soma plant ib. Gr2S. BhP.
    the Indian fig-tree
    Bignonia Suaveolens
    an offering made to the sacrificial post S3Br. S3rS.
    anything made of wood (esp. partic. parts of a car or carriage, a wooden drum, a wooden amulet, a block on which criminals are executed, a coffin &c.)VS.
    an ascetic W.
    N. of Vishn2u Vishn2.
    of a son of Ghr2itaprisht2ha BhP.
    du. pestle and mortar RV. i, 28, 6
    f. N. of a Gandharvi1 Ka1ran2d2.
    n. N. of the Varsha ruled by Vanas-pati BhP.
    %{-kAya} m. the whole body or world of plants
    %{-yA7ga} m. and %{-sava} m. N. of partic. sacrificial rites Vait.
  63. वन्द (vanda) (vanda)
    mfn. praising, extolling (see %{deva-vanda4})
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  64. वन्दन (vandana) (vandana)
    m. N. of a R2ishi (who was cast into a well, along with Rebha, by the Asuras, and rescued by the As3vins) RV.
    (%{A}) f. praise, worship, adoration
    (with Buddhists) one of the 7 kinds of Anuttara-pu1ja1 or higbest worship (the other 6 being %{pUjanA}, %{pApa-dezanA}, %{anumodanA}, %{adhyeSaNA}, %{badhi-cittA7tpA7da} and %{pariNamanA}) Dharmas. 1 4
    a mark or symbol impressed on the body (with ashes &c.) Vas. [919,2]
    (%{I}) f. (only L.) reverence
    a drug for resuscitating the dead (= %{jIvAtu})
    begging or thieving (%{yAcana}. or %{mAcala-karman})
    the hip or a species of tree (%{kaTI} or %{vaTI})
    = %{go-rocana}
    n. the act of praising, praise RV.
    reverence (esp. obeisance to a Brahman or superior by touching the feet &c.), worship, adoration Mn. MBh. &c.
    a parasitical plant AV. Bhpr.
    a disease attacking the limbs or joints, cutaneous emption, scrofula (also personified as a demon) RV.
    = %{vadana} L.
  65. वन्दारु (vandāru) (vandāru)
    mfn. praising, celebrating RV. VS.
    respectful, reverential, civil or polite to (comp.) Mcar. Prab. Dhu1rtan.
    m. N. of a man Cat.
    n. praise RV.
  66. वपुस् (vapus) (vapus)
    mfn. having form or a beautiful form, embodied, handsome, wonderful RV.
    n. form, figure, (esp.) a beautiful form or figure, wonderful appearance, beauty (%{va4puSe} ind. for beauty
    %{va4pur@dRza4ye}, a wonder to see) RV. &c. &c.
    nature, essence Mn. v, 96
    x, 9 &c.
    (ifc. f. %{uSI}) the body Mn. MBh. &c.
    f. Beauty personified as a daughter of Daksha and Dharma VP. Ma1rkP.
    N. of an Apsaras VP.
  67. वपुष्मत् (vapuṣmat) (vapuṣmat)
    mfn. having a body, embodied, corporeal Kir.
    having a beautiful form, handsome Mn. MBh. &c.
    containing the word %{vapus} AitBr.
    m. N. of a deity enumerated among the Vis3ve Devah Hariv.
    of a son of Priya-vrata Pur.
    of a R2ishi in the 11th Manv-antara VP.
    of a king of Kun2d2ina ib. (%{atI}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending upon Skanda MBh.
    %{-tA} f. beauty Divya1v.
  68. वमन (vamana) (vamana)
    m. hemp
    pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP.
    (%{I}) f. a leech
    the cotton shrub
    N. of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    n. the act of vomiting or ejecting from the mouth Sus3r.
    emitting, emission Ka1lid.
    `" causing vomiting "', an emetic Katha1s. Sus3r. &c.
    offering oblations to fire
    pain, paining L.
  69. वमितव्य (vamitavya) (vamitavya)
    mfn. to be vomited or ejected from the mouth Kull. on Mn. xi, 160.
  70. वयस् (vayas) (vayas)
    1 n. a web (?) RV. ii, 31, 5. 2 n. (cf. 2. %{vi4}) a bird, any winged animal, the winged tribe (esp. applied to smaller birds) RV. &c. &c. 3 n. ( %{vI}) enjoyment, food, meal, oblation(cf. %{vIti}) [920,3]
    energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, mightVS. (often with %{bRha4t}
    with %{dhA} and dat. or loc. of pers. `" to bestow vigour or might on "')
    vigorous age, youth, prime of life, any period of life, age RV. &c. &c. (%{sarvANi@vayAMsi}, animals of any age
    %{vayasA7nvita} or %{vayasA7tI7ta}, aged. old)
    degree, kind (in %{vayAMsi@pra-brUhi}) S3Br.
  71. वयस्य (vayasya) (vayasya)
    mfn. being of an age or of the same age, contemporary MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a contemporary, associate, companion, friend (often used in familiar address) ib.
    (%{A4}) f. a female friend, a woman's confidante Mr2icch. Katha1s.
    (scil. %{iSTakA}) N. of 19 bricks used for building the sacrificial altar (so called from the word %{vayas} in the formula of consecration) TS. Ka1t2h. Br.
  72. वयुन (vayuna) (vayuna)
    see col. 3. mfn. (rather fr. %{vI} than fr. %{ve}) moving, active, alive S3Br.
    waving, agitated, restless (applied to the sea) TS. MaitrS.
    clear (as an eye) BhP. (cf. %{a-vayuna})
    a path, way (= %{mArga} also fig. either - `" means expedient "', or `" rule, order, custom "')VS. (instr., according to rule "' RV. i, 162, 18)
    distinctness, clearness, brightness RV. ii, 19, 3
    iii, 29, 3 &c. (loc. pl. `" clearly, distinctly "', ii, 34, 4)
    a mark, aim(?) RV. i, 182, 1
    ii, 19, 8 &c.
    knowledge, wisdom BhP.
    a temple Un2. iii, 61 Sch.
    (%{A}) f. a mark, aim, goal(?) RV. iv, 5, 13
    x, 49, 5
    knowledge, wisdom BhP.
    N. of a daughter of Svadha1 BhP.
    m. N. of a son of Kr2is3a7s3va and Dhishan2a1 BhP.
  73. वर (vara) (vara)
    1 m. (fr. 1. %{vR}), `" environing "', `" enclosing "', circumference, space, roomTS. (%{va4ra@A4@pRthivyA4H}, on the wide earth)
    stopping, checking RV. i, 143, 5.
  74. वर (vara) (vara)
    1 m. (fr. 1. %{vR}), `" environing "', `" enclosing "', circumference, space, roomTS. (%{va4ra@A4@pRthivyA4H}, on the wide earth)
    stopping, checking RV. i, 143, 5.
  75. वरक (varaka) (varaka)
    1 m. a cloak
    n. cloth
    the cover or awning of a boat2 m. one who asks a female in marriage S3a1n3khGr2.
    a wish, request, boon MBh.
    N. of a prince VP. (v.l. %{dhanaka} and %{kanaka})
    Phaseolus Trilobus
    a kind of rice
    = %{parpaTa} or %{zara-parNikA} &c. see p. 922, col. 1, and p. 923.
  76. वरक (varaka) (varaka)
    1 m. a cloak
    n. cloth
    the cover or awning of a boat2 m. one who asks a female in marriage S3a1n3khGr2.
    a wish, request, boon MBh.
    N. of a prince VP. (v.l. %{dhanaka} and %{kanaka})
    Phaseolus Trilobus
    a kind of rice
    = %{parpaTa} or %{zara-parNikA} &c. see p. 922, col. 1, and p. 923.
  77. वरण (varaṇa) (varaṇa)
    1 m. a rampart, mound
    a causeway, bridge
    the tree Crataeva Roxburghii (also called %{varuNa} and %{setu}
    it is used it, is medicine and supposed to possess magical virtnes) MaitrS. &c. &c.
    any tree W.
    a camel
    a kind of ornament or decoration on a bow MBh.
    a partic. magical formula recited over weapons R. (%{varuNa} B.)
    N. of Indra
    N. of a country Buddh.
    (pl.) of a town Pa1n2. 4-2, 82 (cf. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-2, 53)
    (%{A}) f. N. of a small river (running past the north of Benares into the Ganges and now called Barna1) Up. Pur.
    n. surrounding, enclosing
    keeping off, prohibiting n. the act of choosing, wishing wooing, choice of a bride Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.
    honouring &c. (%{pUjanA7di})
    m. pl. the sacred texts recited at the choice of a priest A1pS3r. &c. see p. 921, col. 1.
  78. वरद (varada) (varada)
    mf(%{A4})n. granting wishes, conferring a boon, ready to fulfil requests or answer prayers (said of gods and men) AV. S3vetUp. TA1r. &c.
    m. a benefactor W.
    N. of Agni in S3a1ntika Gr2ihya1s.
    fire for burnt offerings of a propitiatory character W.
    N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    of a partic. class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
    of a partic. Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2.
    of one of the 7 Rishis in the 4th Manv-antara VP.
    of a Dhya1ni-buddha W.
    (mostly with %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{dezika}, %{bhaTTAraka} or %{dezdezika@Ac-}) N. of various authors and other men Cat.
    pl. N. of a people R.
    (%{A}) f. a young woman, girl, maiden
    N. of a guardian goddess in the family of Vara-tantu Cat.
    of a Yogini1 Hcat. (cf. %{vara-pradA})
    of various plants, Physalis Flexuosa Bhpr. Npr.
    Polanisia Icosandra
    Helianthus Npr.
    Linum Usitatissimum Bhpr.
    the root of yam ib.
    = %{tri-parNI} Npr.
    N. of a river MBh. Ka1v.
    %{gaNapati-stotra}, %{-gaNe7?za-stotra} n. N. of Stotras
    %{-caturthI} f. N. of the 4th day in the light half of the month Ma1gha Cat. (prob. w.r. for %{varadA-caturthI})
    %{-nAtha}, %{-thA7cArya-sUnu}, %{-nAyaka-sUri} (Cat.), %{-bhaTTa} (V. P, ), %{-mUrti} (Cat.) m. N. of authors
    %{-rAja} m. (also with %{AcArya}, %{colapaNDita}, %{bhaTTa}, %{bhaTTAraka}) N. of various authors and other persons Cat. (%{-ja-campU} f. %{-daNDaka}, %{-paJcAzat} f. %{-maGgala}, %{-mahiSI-stotra} n. %{-mUla} n. %{-zataka} n. %{-su-prabhAta}, %{-stava} m. %{-stotra} n.
    %{-jA7STaka} n. %{-jA7STo7ttara-zata} n. N. of wks.
    %{-jIya} mfn. coming from or relating to or composed by Varada-ra1ja
    n. N. of wk.)
    %{-viSNu-sUri} m. N. of a Commentator Cat.
    %{-hasta} m. the beneficent hand (of a deity or benefactor of any kind) MW.
    %{-das-caturthI} see %{varada-c-} above
    %{-dA-tantra} n. N. of wk.
    %{odA7dhiza-yajvan} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-dA7rka} m. %{-do7paniSad-dIpikA} f. N. of wks.
  79. वरदान (varadāna) (varadāna)
    n. the granting a boon or request MBh. R.
    the giving compensation or reward A1s3vS3r.
    N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh.
    %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. caused by the granting of a request, arising from the bestowal of a favour or boon R.
    %{-nika} mfn. id. ib.
  80. वरनारी (varanārī) (varanārī)
    f. the best woman, a most excellent woman MW.
  81. वराह (varāha) (varāha)
    m. (derivation doubtful) a boar, hog, pig, wild boar RV. &c. &c. (ifc. it denotes, `" superiority, pre-eminence "'
    see g. %{vyAghrA7di})
    a cloud Naigh. i, 10
    a bull Col.
    a ram
    Delphinus Gangeticus
    N. of Vishn2u in his third or boar-incarnation (cf. %{varAhA7vatAra}) TA1r. MBh. &c.
    an array of troops in the form of a boar Mn. vii, 187
    a partic. measure
    Cyperus Rotundus
    yam, manioc-root
    = %{varAha-purANa} and %{-ho7paniSad} (q.v.)
    N. of a Daitya MBh.
    of a Muni ib.
    of various authors (also with %{paNDita} and %{zarman}) Cat.
    abridged fr. %{varAha-mihira} ib. Un2. Sch.
    of the son of a guardian of a temple Ra1jat.
    of a mountain MBh. R.
    of one of the 18 Dvi1pas
    (%{I}) f. a species of Cyperus
    Batatas Edulis L.
  82. वरिष्ठ (variṣṭha) (variṣṭha)
    1 mfn. (superl. of %{uru4} q.v.) widest, broadest, largest, most extensive RV. VS. TBr. R. 2 mf(%{A})n. (superl. of 2. %{vara}) the most excellent or best, most preferable among (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    better than (abl.) Mn. vii, 84
    chief (in a bad sense) = worst, most wicked MBh. xiv, 879
    iii, 12590.
  83. वरुण (varuṇa) (varuṇa)
    m. (once in the TA1r. %{varuNa4}) `" Allenveloping Sky "'N. of an A1ditya (in the Veda commonly the night as Mitra over the day, but often celebrated separately, whereas Mitra is rarely invoked alone
    Varun2a is one of the oldest of the Vedic gods, and is commonly thought to correspond to the $ of the Greeks, although of a more spiritual conception
    he is often regarded as the supreme deity, being then styled `" king of the gods "' or `" king of both gods and men "' or `" king of the universe "'
    no other deity has such grand attributes and functions assigned to him
    he is described as fashioning and upholding heaven and earth, as possessing extraordinary power and wisdom called %{mAyA}, assending his spies or messengers throughout both worlds, as numbering the very winkings of men's eyes, as hating falsehood, as seizing transgressors with his %{pAza} or noose, as inflicting diseases, especially dropsy, as pardoning sin, as the guardian of immortality
    he is also invoked in the Veda together with Indra, and in later Vedic literature together with Agni, with Yama, and with Vishn2u
    in RV. iv, 1, 2, he is even called the brother of Agni
    though not generally regarded in the Veda as a god of the ocean, yet he is often connected with the waters, especially the waters of the atmosphere or firmament, and in one place [RV. vii, 64, 2] is called with Mitra, %{sindhu-pati}, `" lord of the sea or of rivers "'
    hence in the later mythology he became a kind of Neptune, and is there best known in his character of god of the ocean
    in the MBh. Varun2a is said to be a son of Kardama and father of Pushkara, and is also variously represented as one of the Deva-gandharvas, as a Na1ga, as a king of the Nagas, and as an Asura
    he is the regent of the western quarter [cf. %{loka-pAla}] and of the Nakshatra S3atabhishaj [VarBr2S.]
    the Jainas consider Varun2a as a servant of the twentieth Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1) RV. &c. &c. (cf IW. 10
    12 &c.)
    the ocean VarBr2S.
    water Katha1s.
    the sun
    awarder off or dispeller Sa1y. on RV. v, 48, 5
    N. of a partic. magical formula recited over weapons R. (v.l. %{varaNa})
    the tree Crataeva Roxburghii(cf. %{varaNa})
    pl. (prob.) the gods generally AV. iii, 4, 6
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river MBh. &c. see p. 921, col. 2.
  84. वरेण्य (vareṇya) (vareṇya)
    mfn. to be wished for, desirable, excellent, best among (gen.) RV. &c. &c.
    m. a partic. class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
    N. of a son of Bhr2igu MBh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of S3iva's wife
    n. supreme bliss VP.
    saffron L.
  85. वर्ग (varga) (varga)
    (accented only in Nigh.) m. (fr. %{vRj}) one who excludes or removes or averts KaushUp.
    (ifc. f. %{A}) a separate division, class, set, multitude of similar things (animate or inanimate), group, company, family, party, side (mostly ifc. e.g. %{catur-}, %{tri-v-} q.v.
    often pl. for sg.) Ka1tyS3r. Pra1t. &c.
    (esp.) any series or group of words classified together (as %{manuSya-vanas-pati-v-} &c.), or a class or series of consonants in the alphabet (seven such classes being given, viz. %{ka-varga}, `" the class of Guttural letters %{ca-kAra-v-}, or %{ca-v-}, `" the Palatals "' [924,1]
    %{Ta-v-} `" the Cerebrals "'
    %{ta-v-} `" the Dentals "'
    %{pa-v-} `" the Labials "'
    %{ya-v-} `" the Semivowels "'
    %{za-v-} `" the Sibilants "', and the aspirate h cf. %{varga-dvitIya} and %{-prathama}) Pra1t. VarBr2S. Vop.
    everything comprehended under any department or head, everything included under a category, province or sphere of. VarBr2S.
    = %{tri-varga} (q.v.) BhP.
    a section, chapter, division of a book, (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhya1ya in the R2ig-veda (which accord. to the mere mechanical division, contains 8 Ashtakas or 64 Adhyi1yas or 2006 Vargas
    cf. %{maNDala}) and a similar subdivision in the Br2ihad-devata1
    (in alg.) the square of a number Col. (e.g. %{paJca-v-}, square of five cf. %{bhinna-v-})
    = %{bala}, strength Naigh. ii, 9
    N. of a country Buddh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
  86. वर्गिन् (vargin) (vargin)
    mf(%{iNI})n. belonging to a class, devoted to a side or party MBh.
  87. वर्गीय (vargīya) (vargīya)
    mfn. (ifc.) id. ib. (e.g. %{ka-vargIya}, a guttural, %{pa-vargIya}, a palatal Sch.
    cf. %{artha-}, %{mad-v-} &c.)
  88. वर्ग्य (vargya) (vargya)
    mfn. (ifc.) id. Pa1n2. 4-3, 54 (cf. %{mad-v-})
    m. a member of a society, colleague Ma1lati1m.
  89. वर्चस् (varcas) (varcas)
    n. ( %{ruc}) vital power, vigour, energy, activity, (esp.) the illuminating power of fire or the sun i.e. brilliance, lustre, light RV. &c. &c.
    colour R. BhP. [924,2]
    splendour, glory Ka1v. Pur.
    form, figure, shape
    excrement, ordure, feces Ra1jat. Sus3r.
    m. N. of a son of Soma MBh.
    of a son of Su-tejas or Su-ketas ib.
    of Ra1kshava BhP. (Sch.)
  90. वर्ज (varja) (varja)
    mf(%{A})n. (ifc.) free from, devoid of excluding, with the exception of. MBh. BhP.
    m. leaving, leaving out, excepting W.
    (%{am}) see below. &c. see col. 1.
  91. वर्जक (varjaka) (varjaka)
    mfn. (ifc.) shunning, avoiding MBh. Hcat.
    excluding, exclusive of MW.
  92. वर्जन (varjana) (varjana)
    n. excluding avoiding, leaving, abandoning Mn. MBh. &c.
    neglect Pan5car.
    omission A1s3vS3r.
    exception Pa1n2. 1-4, 88 &c.
    hurting, injury L.
  93. वर्जित (varjita) (varjita)
    mfn. excluded, abandoned, avoided MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (with instr. or ifc.) deprived of. wanting, without, with the exception of. Mn. MBh. &c. &c. see p. 924, col. 1.
  94. वर्ज्य (varjya) (varjya)
    mfn. to be excluded or shunned or avoided or given up Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) with the exception of, exclusive of. without MBh. Ma1rkP.
    n. a stage in each lunar mansion during which no business should be begun W.
  95. वर्ण (varṇa) (varṇa)
    m. (or n. g. %{ardharcA7di}, prob. fr. 1. %{vR}
    ifc. f. %{A}) a covering, cloak, mantle
    a cover, lid Ya1jn5. iii, 99
    outward appearance, exterior, form, figure, shape, colour RV. &c. &c.
    colour of the face, (esp.) good colour or complexion, lustre, beauty Mn. MBh. &c.
    colour, tint, dye, pigment (for painting or writing) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    colour = race, species, kind, sort, character, nature, quality, property (applied to persons and things) RV. &c. &c.
    class of men, tribe, order, caste (prob. from contrast of colour between the dark aboriginal tribes and their fair conquerors
    in RV. esp. applied to the A1ryas and the Da1sas
    but more properly applicable to the four principal classes described in Manu's code, viz. Bra1hmans, Kshatriyas, Vais3yas, and Su1dras
    the more modern word for `" caste "' being ja1ti
    cf. IW. 210 n. 1) ib.
    a letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word Br. Pra1t. &c.
    a musical sound or note (also applied to the voice of animals) MBh. R. Pan5cat.
    the order or arrangement of a song or poem W.
    praise, commendation, renown, glory Mr2icch. Kum. Ra1jat.
    (in alg.) an unknown magnitude or quantity
    (in arithm.) the figure, `" one "'
    (accord. to some) a co-efficient
    a kind of measure(cf. %{-tAla})
    a religious observance
    one who wards off, expeller Sa1y. on RV. i, 104, 2
    (%{A}) f. Cajanus Indicus
    n. saffron[Cf. accord. to some, Slav. {vranu8}, `" black "', `" a crow "'
    Lith. {vA7rnas}, `" a crow. "']
  96. वर्णिन् (varṇin) (varṇin)
    mf(%{iNI})n. having a partic. colour, coloured AgP.
    (ifc.) having the colour or appearance of. R.
    belonging to the caste or tribe of (see %{jyeSTha-v-})
    m. a painter
    a writer, scribe
    a person belonging to one of the four castes Ya1jn5. Ka1m.
    a religious student or Brahnia-ca1rin (q.v.) Kum. Katha1s. (cf. Pa1n2. 5-2, 134)
    a partic. plant (?) MBh. xii, 2652
    pl. N. of a partic. sect Va1s., Introd.
    (%{iNI}) f. a woman belonging to one of the higher castes Va1gbh.
    any woman or wife
  97. वर्णिक (varṇika) (varṇika)
    mfn. in %{aika-v-} q.v.
    m. (v.l. for %{vArNika}) a writer, scribe, secretary[925,2]
    (%{ikA}) f. see under %{varNaka}.
  98. वर्णित (varṇita) (varṇita)
    mfn. painted, delineated, described, explained MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    praised, eulogized, extolled W.
    spread MBh.
  99. वर्त (varta) (varta)
    m. (fr. %{vRt}) subsistence, livelihood(mostly ifc.
    see %{andhaka-}, %{kalya-}, %{bahu-}, %{brahma-v-})
    the -urethra, Ksus3. Sch. (v.l. for 1. %{varti}).
  100. वर्तन (vartana) (vartana)
    mfn. (also fr. Caus.) abiding, staying &c. (= %{vartiSNu})
    setting in motion, quickening, causing to live or be (also applied to Vishn2u) Hariv. BhP.
    m. a dwarf.
    (%{A}) f. see under n.
    (%{I}) f. staying, abiding, living, life
    a way, road, path (= %{vartani4}) HParis3.
    `" grinding "' or `" despatching "' (= %{peSaNa} or %{pre4SaNa})
    a spindle or distaff, Lali.
    n. the act of turning or rolling or rolling on or moving forward or about (trans. and intrans.) Nir. Ka1tyS3r. BhP. Car. &c. (also %{A} f. Harav.)
    twisting (a rope)
    staying, abiding in (loc.) Uttarar.
    living on (instr.), livelihood, subsistence, occupation, earnings, wages Ka1v. Ra1jat. Katha1s. Hit.
    commerce, intercourse with (%{saha}) Ka1m.
    proceeding, conduct, behaviour Sa1h.
    (ifc.) application of. Kir.
    a distaff or spindle
    a globe or ball
    an often told word
    a place where a horse rolls
    decoction L.
  101. वर्तमान (vartamāna) (vartamāna)
    mfn. turning, moving, existing, living, abiding &c.
    present Ka1tyS3r.
    (%{A}) f. the terminations of the present tense Ka1t.
    n. presence, the present time Ka1v. BhP.
    (in gram.) the present tense.
  102. वर्तिका (vartikā) (vartikā)
    f. (fr. 1. %{varti}
    cf. under %{vartaka}) a stalk MBh.
    the wick of a lamp Ka1lP. (cf. %{yoga-v-})
    a paint-brush S3ak. (cf. %{citra-v-})
    colour, paint ib. (prob. w.r. for %{varNikA})
    Odina Pinnata
  103. वर्तित (vartita) (vartita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned, rounded (see %{su-v-})
    turned about, rolled (as a wheel) BhP.
    caused to be or exist, brought about, accomplished, prepared MBh. Pan5cat.
    spent, passed (as time or life) MBh. BhP.
  104. वर्तिन् (vartin) (vartin)
    mfn. abiding, staying, resting, living or situated in (mostly comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    (ifc.) being in any position or condition, engaged in, practising, performing MBh. R. &c.
    obeying, executing (an order
    cf. %{nideza-v-})
    conducting one's self, behaving, acting Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) behaving properly towards ib. (cf. %{guru-v-}
    %{guru-vat} = %{gurAv@iva})
    turning, moving, going MW.
    m. the meaning of an affix (= %{pratyayA7rtha}) Pat.
  105. वर्त्मन् (vartman) (vartman)
    n. the track or rut of a wheel, path, road, way, course (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (instr. or loc. ifc. = by way of. along, through, by)
    an edge, border, rim Sus3r.
    an eyelid (as encircling the eye) AV. ChUp. Sus3r.
    basis, foundation, RPrat. (cf. %{dyUta-v-}).
  106. वर्ध (vardha) (vardha)
    1 m. (for 2. see below) cutting, dividing W.
    n. lead(cf. %{vardhra}). 2
  107. वर्धन (vardhana) (vardhana)
    1 n. the act of cutting or cutting off (see %{nAbhi-v-})
    ifc. after a proper N. prob. = `" town "' (cf. %{puNDra-v-}, and Old Persian %{vardana}). &c. see p. 926, col. 1.
  108. वर्धमान (vardhamāna) (vardhamāna)
    and n. N. of a partic. kind of medical treatment in which grains of pepper are given in increasing and decreasing quantity Sus3r. mfn. increasing, growing, thriving, prosperous RV. &c. &c.
    m. Ricinus Communis (so called sweet citron(also %{A} f.)
    a partic. way of joining the hands Cat.
    a partic. attitude in dancing Sam2gi1t.
    a kind of riddle or charade[926,2]
    N. of Vishn2u
    of a mountain and district (also of its town, now called Bardwa1n or Burdwa1n) VarBr2S. Pur.
    of a Gra1ma Ra1jat.
    of various authors and other men Cat.
    of the last of the 24 Arhats or Jinas Jain.
    of the elephant who supports the eastern quarter
    (pl.) of a people Ma1rkP.
    m. or n. a kind of mystical figure or diagram VarBr2S. Lalit.
    a dish or platter of a partic. shape (sometimes used as a lid or cover for water-jars &c.) MBh. Sus3r.
    a house having no entrance on the south side VarBr2S. MatsyaP.
    (%{A}) f. a species of Ga1yatri1 metre RPra1t.
    N. of the town of Bardwaln Vet.
    (%{I}) f. N. of a Comm. written by Vardhama1na
    n. = %{vardhamAnapura} Katha1s. Pan5cat.
    a kind of metre Col.
  109. वर्धित (vardhita) (vardhita)
    1 mfn. cut off
    carved or fashioned (as timber for a building)
    fabricated, built Va1stuv.
    filled, full2 mfn. increased, grown, expanded, augmented, strengthened, promoted, gladdened MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. a kind of dish (?) Mn. iii, 224.
  110. वर्धिन् (vardhin) (vardhin)
    mfn. augmenting, increasing (ifc., always f. %{inI}) MBh. R. &c.
  111. वर्मन् (varman) (varman)
    n. (or m. Siddh.
    fr. 1. %{vR}) `" envelope "', defensive armour, a coat of mail RV. &c. &c.
    a bulwark, shelter, defence, protection ib. (often at the end of the names of Kshatriyas)
    bark, rind VarBr2S.
    N. of partic. preservative formulas and prayers (esp. of the mystic syllable %{hum}) BhP.
  112. वर्ष (varṣa) (varṣa)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{vRS}) raining (ifc. e.g. %{kAma-v-}, raining according to one's wish) BhP.
    m. and (older) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) rain, raining, a shower (either `" of rain "', or fig. `" of flowers, arrows, dust &c. "'
    also applied to seminal effusion) RV. &c. &c.
    (pl.) the rains AV. (cf. %{varSA} f.)
    a cloud
    a year (commonly applied to age) Br. &c. &c. (%{A@varSAt}, for a whole year
    %{varSAt}, after a year
    %{varSeNa} within a year
    %{varSe} every year)
    a day (?) R. vii, 73, 5 (Sch.)
    a division of the earth as separated off by certain mountain ranges (9 such divisions are enumerated, viz. Kuru, Hiran2maya, Ramyaka, Ila7vr2ita, Hari
    Ketu-ma1la1, Bhadra7s3iva. Kimnara, and Bha1rata "'
    sometimes the number given is 7) MBh. Pur. (cf. IW. 420)
    India (= %{bhAratavarSa} and %{jambu-dvIpa})
    m. N. of a grammarian Katha1s.
    (%{A4}) f. see p. 92 7, col. 2.
  113. वर्षवर (varṣavara) (varṣavara)
    m. a eunuch, one employed in the women's apartments, Kad.
  114. वर्षुक (varṣuka) (varṣuka)
    mf(%{A})n. rainy, abounding in rain TS. Br. Bhat2t2.
    raining, causing to rain, pouring out S3is3. (cf. %{ratna-v-})
    m. N. of a man
    pl. his descendants g. %{yaskA7di}.
  115. वल (vala) (vala)
    1 m. `" enclosure "', a cave, cavernBr.
    a cloud Naigh. i, 10
    a beamor pole Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    N. of a demon (brother of Vr2itra, and conquered by Indra
    in later language called %{bala} q.v.)
  116. वलय (valaya) (valaya)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a bracelet, armlet, ring (worn by men and women on the wrist) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (also applied to waves as compared to bracelets)
    a zone, girdle (of a married woman) MW.
    a line (of bees) S3is3.
    a circle, circumference, round enclosure (ifc. often= `" encircled by "') Gol. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    m. a sore throat, inflammation of the larynx Sus3r.
    a kind of circular military array Ka1m.
    a branch MW.
    pl. N. of a people AV.Paris3.
    n. N. of certain round bones Bhpr.
    multitude, swarm Ka1d.
  117. वलि (vali) (vali)
    (cf. %{bali} and %{valI}) f. (once m.) a fold of the skin, wrinkle MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{tri-v-})
    a line or stroke made with fragrant unguents on the person
    the edge of a roof. VP.
    a partic. musical instrument L.
  118. वल्क (valka) (valka)
    1 m. (for 2. see below) = %{vakTri}, a speaker Sam2k. on Br2A1r2Up. (in explaining %{yajJavalka}). 2 m. n. (prob. connected with %{va4} `" to cover "'
    for 1. see above) `" covering "', the bark of a tree TS. &c. &c.
    n. the scales of a fish L.
  119. वल्कल (valkala) (valkala)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the bark of a tree, a garment made of bark (worn by ascetics &c.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    m. = %{valka-rodhra}
    N. of a Daitya BhP. (prob. w.r. for %{balvala})
    pl. N. of a school of the Bahv-r2icas (cf. %{bASkala}) DivyA7v. [928,2]
    (%{A}) f. = %{zilAvalka}, a medicinal substance said to be of cooling and lithonthryptic properties Sus3r.
    n. the bark of Cassia&c. see col. 1.
  120. वल्गु (valgu) (valgu)
    mfn. (Un2. i, 20) handsome, beautiful, lovely, attractive (%{u4} ind. beautifully) RV. &c. &c.
    m. a goat
    N. of one of the four tutelary deities of the Bodhi tree Lalit.
    (prob.) N. of a place g. %{varaNA7di}
    n. an eyelashja m. or
  121. वल्गुक (valguka) (valguka)
    mfn. = %{valgu}, handsome, beautiful
    m. a kind of tree Pan5car.
    n. (only L.) sandal
    a wood
    price (= %{paNa}).
  122. वल्मीक (valmīka) (valmīka)
    m. and n. (g. %{ardharcA7di}) an ant-hill, mole-hill, a hillock or ground thrown up by white ants or by moles (cf. %{vamrI-kUTa}) &c. VS. &c. &c.
    swelling of the neck or of the chest and other parts of the body, elephantiasis Sus3r.
    m. = %{sA7tapo@meghaH} or = %{sUryaH} Megh. Sch.
    N. of the father of Va1llmi1ki BhP.
    the poet Va1lmiki
    n. N. of a place Katha1s.
  123. वल्लभ (vallabha) (vallabha)
    mf(%{A})n. (Un2. iii, 125) beloved above all, desired, dear to (gen. loc., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    dearer than (abl.) Pan5cat. iv, 28
    supreme, superintending
    a favourite, friend, lover, husband Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    a cowherd(prob. w.r. for %{ballava})
    a horse (esp. one with good marks or a favourite horse)
    a kind of Agallochum Gal.
    N. of a son of Bala1ka7s3va MBh.
    of the founder of a Vaishn2ava sect = %{vallabhA7cArya} q.v.)
    of a grammarian and various other writers and teachers (also with %{gaNaka} and %{nyAyA7cArya}) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a beloved female, wife, mistress R. Ka1lid.
    N. of two plants (= %{ativiSa} and %{priyaGgu})
    (%{I}) f. N. of a city in Gujara1t (the capital of a line of kings).
  124. वल्ली (vallī) (vallī)
    (or %{valli} q.v.) f. a creeper, creeping plant (often fig. applied to arms, eyebrows, lightning &c.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a class of medicinal plants (= %{vidArI}, %{sArivA}, %{rajanI}, and %{guDucI}) Sus3r.
    N. of various other plants (esp. = %{aja-modA}, %{kaivartikA}, and %{cavya})
    (only %{I}) N. of the sections of partic. Upanishads(e.g. of the Kat2ha)
    = %{phala-vallI} (q.v.) A1ryabh. Sch.
  125. वश (vaśa) (vaśa)
    1 m. will, wish, desire RV. &c. &c. (also pl. %{va4zAn@a4nu} or %{a4nu@va4za}, `" according to wish or will, at pleasure "')
    authority, power, control, dominion (in AV. personified) ib. (acc. with verbs of going e.g. with %{i}, %{anu-i}, %{gam}, %{A-gam}, %{ya}, %{A-pad}, %{A-sthA} &c., `" to fall into a person's [gen.] power, become subject or give way to "'
    acc. with %{nI}, %{A-nI} and %{pra-yuj}, or loc. with %{kR}, %{labh} or Caus. of %{sthA} or %{saM-sthA}, `" to reduce to subjection, subdue "'
    loc. with %{bhU}, %{vRt}, %{sthA} and %{saM-sthA}, `" to be in a person's [gen.] power "'
    %{vazena}, %{-zAt}, and %{-za-taH}, with gen. or ifc., `" by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to "')
    birth, origin
    a brothel(cf. %{veza})
    Carissa Carandas
    the son of a Vais3ya and a Karan2i1
    N. of a R2ishi preserved by the As3vins RV.
    (with %{azvya}) of the supposed author of RV. viii, 46 (in S3Br. &c. also of this hymn itself)
    = %{vAlmIki} Gal.
    pl. N. of a people AitBr. MBh.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    mf(%{A})n. willing, submissive, obedient, subject to or dependent on (gen.) Katha1s. BhP. Pan5cat.
    free, licentious L.
  126. वशग (vaśaga) (vaśaga)
    mf(%{A})n. being in the power of. subject, obedient, dependent on (gen. or comp.) MBh. &c. &c.
    (ifc.) subjugating Pan5car.
    (%{A}) f. an obedient wife MW.
    %{-tva} n. (ifc.) dependence on BhP.
  127. वशा (vaśā) (vaśā)
    f. (rather fr. %{vAz}, as `" the lowing animal "', than fr. %{vaz}) a cow (esp. barren)Br. Gr2S3rS.
    (with %{a4vI}) a ewe TS. TBr.
    a female elephant Vikr. Katha1s.
    a barren woman Mn. viii, 28
    any woman or wife
    a daughter
    Premna Spinosa and Longifolia[Cf. accord. to some, Lat. {vacca}.]
  128. वशिता (vaśitā) (vaśitā)
    f. subjugation, dominion W.
    the supernatural power of subduing all to one's own will, unbounded power of (comp.
    a Bodhi-sattva is said to have 10 Vas3ita1s, viz. %{Ayur-}, %{citta-}, %{pariSkAra-}, %{dharma-}, %{Rddhi-}, %{janma-}, %{adhimukti-}, %{praNidhAna-}, %{karma-}, and %{jAna-v-} Dharmas. 74) BhP. Buddh.
    subduing by the use of magical means, fascinating, bewitching W.
  129. वशित्व (vaśitva) (vaśitva)
    n. freedom of will, the being one's own master MBh. Hariv. [929,3]
    power or dominion over (loc.) Sarvad.
    the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will Ma1rkP. Pan5car. &c.
    mastery of one's self, self-command Kum. Ma1rkP.
    subduing by magical means, fascinating, bewitching MW.
  130. वशिन् (vaśin) (vaśin)
    mfn. having will or power, having authority, a ruler, lord (`" over "' gen.)Br. &c.
    compliant, obedient VS. TS. Vet.
    master of one's self having the mastery of one's passions MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    void, empty (properly `" at disposal "') Ka1tyS3r.
    m. a ruler see above
    a sage with subdued passions W.
    N. of a son of Kr2iti BhP.
    (%{i4nI}) f. a mistress RV.
    a parasite plant
    Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma
  131. वशीकरण (vaśīkaraṇa) (vaśīkaraṇa)
    n. the act of making subject, subjugating, bewitching (by means of spells &c.), overcoming by charms and incantations &c. (with gen. or ifc.) Pa1rGr2. R. Pan5cat. &c.
  132. वशीकृत (vaśīkṛta) (vaśīkṛta)
    mfn. brought into subjection, subdued MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c.
    bewitched, enchanted, fascinated W.
  133. वश्य (vaśya) (vaśya)
    mfn. to be subjected &c.
    subdued, tamed, humbled
    being under control, obedient to another's will, dutiful, docile, tame, humble, at the disposal of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a dependent, slave MW.
    N. of a son of A1gni1dhra Ma1rkP.
    (%{A}) f. a docile and obedient wife W.
    (%{A}) f. (Cat.) or n. (ib. Prab.) the supernatural power of subjecting to one's own will, any act (such as the repetition of spells) performed with that object VarBr2S. Gr2ihya1s.
    cloves W.
  134. वसति (vasati) (vasati)
    f. staying (esp. `" overnight "'), dwelling, abiding, sojourn S3Br. &c. &c. (%{tisro@vasatIr@uSitvA}, `" having passed three nights "'
    %{vasatiM-kri} or %{grah}, `" to pass the night, take up one's abode in "', with loc.)
    a nest RV.
    a dwelling-place, house, residence, abode or seat of (gen. or comp.) ib. &c. &c.
    a Jaina monastery
    night MBh.
    mfn. (accord. to some) dwelling, abiding (with %{vasAm}), fixing one's residence (?) RV. v, 2, 6.
  135. वसन (vasana) (vasana)
    1 n. (for 2. see col. 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (du. an upper and lower garment) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} = clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by i.e. wholly devoted or attached to e.g. to a doctrine Ka1v. Pur.)
    investment, siege
    a leaf of the cinnamon tree
    (also %{A} f.) an ornament woris by women round the loins L.
  136. वसन (vasana) (vasana)
    1 n. (for 2. see col. 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (du. an upper and lower garment) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} = clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by i.e. wholly devoted or attached to e.g. to a doctrine Ka1v. Pur.)
    investment, siege
    a leaf of the cinnamon tree
    (also %{A} f.) an ornament woris by women round the loins L.
  137. वसन्त (vasanta) (vasanta)
    m. (n. g. %{ardharcA7di}) `" brilliant (season) "', spring (comprising accord. to some, the months Cai1ra and Vaisa1kha or from the middle of March to that of May see %{Rtu}
    often personified and considered as a friend or attendant of Ka1madeva, the god of love) RV. &c. &c.
    a partic. metre (4 times $) Col.
    a partic. time (in music)
    N. of a man Ra1jat.
  138. वसा (vasā) (vasā)
    or (sometimes written %{vazA}) f. `" shining "', `" white "', the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance VS. &c. &c.
  139. वसु (vasu) (vasu)
    1 mf(%{u} or %{vI})n. (for 2. see p. 932, col. 3) excellent, good, beneficent RV. Gr2S3rS.
    N. of the gods (as the `" good or bright ones, esp. of the A1dityas, Maruts, As3vins, Indra, Ushas, Rudra, Va1yu, Vishn2u, S3iva, and Kubera)MBh. R.
    of a partic. class of gods (whose number is usually eight, and whose chief is Indra, later Agni and Vishn2u
    they form one of the nine Gan2as or classes enumerated under Gan2a-devata1 q.v.
    the eight Vasus were originally personifications, like other Vedic deities, of natural phenomena, and are usually mentioned with the other Gan2as common in the Veda, viz. the eleven Rudras and the twelve A1diyas, constituting with them and with Dyaus, Heaven, and Pr2ithivi1, `" Earth "' [or, according to some, with Indra and Praja1-pati, or, according to others, with the two As3vins], the thirty-three gods to which reference is frequently made
    the names of the Vasus, according to the Vishn2u-Pura1n2a, are, 1. A1pa [connected with %{ap} "', `" water "']
    2. Dhruva, `" the Pole-star
    3. Soma, `" the Moon "'
    4. Dhava or Dhara
    5. Anila, `" Wind "'
    6. Anala or Pa1vaka, `" Fire "'
    7. Pratyusha, `" the Dawn "'
    8. Prabha1sa, `" Light "'
    but their names are variously given
    Ahan, `" Day "', being sometimes substituted for 1
    in their relationship to Fire and Light they appear to belong to Vedic rather than Pura1nic mythology) RV. &c. &c.
    a symbolical N. of the number `" eight "' VarBr2S.
    a ray of light Naigh. i, 15
    a partic. ray of light VP.
    = %{jina} S3i1l. (onlythe sun
    the moon
    a rope, thong
    a tree
    N. of two kinds of plant = %{baka} and %{pIta-madgu}
    a lake, pond
    a kind of fish
    the the of the yoke of a plough
    the distance from the elbow to the closed fist)
    N. of a Rishi (with the patr. Bharad-va1ja, author of RV. ix, 80-82, reckoned among the seven sages) Hariv.
    of a son of Manu ib.
    of a son of Utta1na-pa1da ib.
    of a prince of the Cedis also called Upari-cara MBh.
    of a son of I1lina ib.
    of a son of Kus3a and the country called after him RV.
    of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a ib.
    of a son of Vatsara ib.
    of a son of Hiran2ya-retas and the Varsha ruled by him ib.
    of a son of Bhu1tajyotis ib.
    of a son of Naraka ib.
    of a king of Kas3mi1ra Cat. [931,1]
    (%{u}) f. light, radiance
    a partic. drug
    N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of the Vasus (as a class of gods) Hariv. VP.: (%{vI}) f. night Naigh. i, 7
    n. (in Veda gen. %{va4sos}, %{va4svas} and %{va4sunas}
    also pl., exceptionally m.) wealth, goods, riches, property RV. &c. &c. (%{vasoS-pati} m. prob. `" the god of wealth or property "' AV. i, 12 [Paipp. %{asoS-p-}, `" the god of life "']
    %{va4sor-dhA4rA} f. `" stream of wealth "'N. of a partic. libation of Ghr2ita at the Agni-cayana AV. TS. Br. &c.
    of the wife of Agni BhP.
    of the heavenly Gan3ga1 MBh.
    of sacred bathing-place ib.
    of a kind of vessel ib.
    %{-rA-prayoga} m. N. of wk.)
    gold (see %{-varma-dhara})
    a jewel, gem, pearl (see %{-mekhala})
    any valuable or precious object
    (also f.) a partic. drug
    a kind of salt (= %{romaka})
    a horse (?)
    = %{zyAma} L.
  140. वसिष्ठ (vasiṣṭha) (vasiṣṭha)
    mfn. (superl. fr. 1. %{va4su}
    cf. %{va4sIyas} and under 3. %{vas}) most excellent, best, richestBr. ChUp. MBh.
    m. (wrongly written %{vaziSTha}), `" the most wealthy "'N. of a celebrated Vedic R2ishi or sage (owner of the `" cow of plenty "', called Nandini1, offspring of Surabhi, which by gransing all desires made him, as his name implies, master of every %{vasu} or desirable object
    he was the typical representative of Bra1hmanical rank, and the legends of his conflict with Vis3va1-mitra, who raised himself from the kingly or Kshatriya to the Bra1hmanical class, were probably founded on the actual struggles which took place between the Bra1hmans and Kshatriyas
    a great many hymns of the RV. are ascribed to these two great rivals
    those of the seventh Man2d2ala, besides some others, being attributed to Vasisht2ha, while those of the third Man2d2ala are assigned to Vis3va1-mitra
    in one of Vasishtha's hymns he is represented as king Su-da1s "' family priest, an office to which Vis3va1-mitra also aspired
    in another hymn Vasisht2ha claims to have been inspired by Varun2a, and in another [RV. vii, 33, 11] he is called the son of the Apsaras Urvas3i1 by Mitra and Varun2a, whence his patronymic Maitra1varun2i [930,3]
    in Manu i, 35, he is enumerated among the ten Praja1-patis or Patriarchs produced by Manu Sva1yambhuva for the peopling of the universe
    in the MBh. he is mentioned as the family priest of the solar race or family of Ikshva1ku and Ra1ma-candra, and in the Pura1n2as as one of the arrangers of the Vedas in the Dva1para age
    he is, moreover, called the father of Aurva [Hariv.], of the Suka1lins [Mn.], of seven sons [Hariv. Pur.], and the husband of Aksha-ma1la1 or Arundhati1 [MBh.] and of U1rja1 [Pur.]
    other legends make him one of the 7 patriarchal sages regarded as forming the Great Bear in which he represents the star (see %{RSi}) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 361
    402 n. 1 &c.)
    N. of the author of a law-book and other wks. (prob. intended to be ascribed to the Vedic R2ishi above)
    pl. the family of Vasisht2ha RV. S3Br. S3rS. (%{vasiSThasyA7GkuzaH} &c.N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr.)
    N. of an Anuva1ka Pat. on Pa1n2. 4-3, 131 Va1rtt. 2
    n. flesh Gal.
  141. वसुधा (vasudhā) (vasudhā)
    mfn. producing wealth, liberal (%{-tama}, %{-tara} mfn. more or most lliberal) AV. VS. TS.
    (%{A}) f. the earth
    a country, kingdom Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the ground, soil VarBr2S.
    earth (as a material) R.
    N. of Lakshmi1 Vishn2.
    an anapaest Pin3g.
    %{-kharjUrikA} f. a kind of date
    %{--gama} (%{-dhA7g-}) m. the products of the soil VarBr2S.
    %{-tala} n. the surface of the earth the eearth Ka1v. Katha1s.
    the ground, soil VP.
    %{-dhara} mfn. bearing or supporting the %{e-}, (said of Vishn2u) MBh.
    m. a mountain ib. Ka1v.
    a prince, king Sin6ha7s.
    %{-dhava} m. a king, prince ib.
    %{-dhAtri} m. id. Hariv.
    %{--dhipa} (%{-dhA7dhipa} MBh. Ka1v. &c.) or %{-pati} (R. Ra1jat. Inscr.) m. lord of the earth, a king [931,2]
    %{--dhipatya} (%{-dhA7dhip-}) n. kingdom, royalty Sa1ntis3. Inscr.
    %{-nagara} n. the capital of Varun2a in the western ocean MW.
    %{-nAyaka} m. `" earth-leader "', a king Kautukas.
    %{-pati} m. id. Hariv. Ka1lid.
    %{-paripAlaka} m. earth-guardian (N. of Kr2ishn2a) Pan5car.
    %{-reNu} m. earth-dust MBh. Megh.
    %{-vilAsin} m. a king, prince S3ri1kan2t2h.
    %{-suta} m. the planet Mars VarBr2S.
  142. वस्ति (vasti) (vasti)
    1 m. or f. (for 2. see col. 2) the ends or skirt of a cloth (also pl.)2 f. (for 1. see col. 1, for 3. see p. 933, col. 1) abiding, dwelling, staying W.
  143. वस्तु (vastu) (vastu)
    1 f. (for 2. see p. 932, col. 3) becoming light, dawning, morning RV. VS. (gen. %{va4stoH}, in the mmorning
    %{va4stor@vastoH}, every mmorning
    %{va4stor@asyA4H}, this mmorning
    %{pra4ti@va4stoH}, towards mmorning
    dat. %{va4stave} see under 2. %{vas}).
  144. वस्त्र (vastra) (vastra)
    n. (or m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A}) cloth, clothes, garment, raiment, dress, cover RV. &c. &c.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.
    n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree L.
  145. वह (vaha) (vaha)
    mf(%{A})n. (ifc.) carrying, bearing, conveying, bringing, causing, producing, effecting (cf. %{gandha-}, %{dAru-}, %{puNya-v-} &c.)
    flowing through or into or towards (cf. %{para-loka-v-}, %{sarva-loka-v-} &c.)
    bearing along (said of rivers) Hcat.
    bearing (a name) Kull. on Mn. iv, 203 (in a quotation)
    exposing one's self to (heat &c.) MBh.
    m. the act of bearing or conveying (cf. %{dur-}, %{sukha-v-})
    the shoulder of an ox or any draught animal AV. VS. Br. MBh.
    the shoulder-piece of a yoke AV. S3Br.
    a horse
    a male river
    a road, way
    the breathing of a cow
    a weight or measure of four Dron2as
    (%{A}) f. a river, stream in general L.
  146. वहत् (vahat) (vahat)
    f. (prob.) a vessel, ship RV. iii, 7, 4 (Sa1y. `" a stream "').
  147. वहतु (vahatu) (vahatu)
    m. the bridal procession (to the husband's house), nuptial ceremonyAitBr. (pl. the objects constituting a bride's dowry TBr.)
    means of furthering RV. vii, 1, 17 (= %{stotra} and %{zastra} Sa1y.)
    an ox
    a traveller
  148. वहन (vahana) (vahana)
    mfn. bearing, carrying, conveying (see %{rAja-v-})
    n. the act of bearing, carrying, conveying, bringing MBh. Ka1v. VarBr2S.
    the flowing (of water) Nir. vi, 2
    a ship, vessel, boat Katha1s.
    the undermost part of a column, Va1rBr2S.
    a square chariot with a pole L.
  149. वहिन् (vahin) (vahin)
    mfn. bearing the yoke, drawing well TBr. S3rS.
    m. an ox
  150. वह्नि (vahni) (vahni)
    m. any animal that draws or bears along, a draught animal, horse, teamVS. TBr.
    any one who conveys or is borne along (applied to a charioteer or rider, or to various gods, esp. to Agni, Indra, Savitr2i, the Maruts &c.)
    N. of Soma (as `" the flowing or streaming one "') RV. ix, 9, 6 &c.
    the conveyer or bearer of oblations to the gods (esp. said of Agni, `" fire "', or of the three sacrificial fires see %{agni}) RV.
    partic. fire Gr2ihya1s.
    fire (in general or `" the god of fire "') Mn. MBh. &c. (%{vahninA@saM-skR}, to hallow by fire, burn solemnly)
    the fire of digestion VarBr2S.
    N. of the number `" three "' (fr. the three sacred fires)
    N. of various plants (accord. toPlumbago Ceylanica
    Semecarpus Anacardium
    Poa Cynosuroides
    and the citron tree) Sus3r.
    a mystical N. of the letter %{r} Up. [934,1]
    N. of the 8th Kalpa (q.v.) Cat.
    of a Daitya MBh.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of a son of Turvasu ib.
    of a son of Kukura ib.
  151. वह्निमत् (vahnimat) (vahnimat)
    mfn. containing fire, Tarkas
    %{-tva} n. ib.
  152. वाच् (vāc) (vāc)
    f. (fr. %{vac}) speech, voice, talk, language (also of animals), sound (also of inanimate objects as of the stones used for pressing, of a drum &c.) RV. &c. &c. (%{vAcam-R}, %{Ir}, or %{iS}, to raise the voice, utter a sound, cry, call)
    a word, saying, phrase, sentence, statement, asseveration Mn. MBh. &c. (%{vAcaM-vad}, to speak words
    %{vAcaM@vyA-hR}, to utter words
    %{vAcaM-dA} with dat., to address words to
    %{vAcA@satyaM-kR}, to promise verbally in marriage, plight troth)
    Speech personified (in various manners or forms e.g. as Va1c Ambhr2in2i1 in RV. x, 125
    as the voice of the middle sphere in Naigh. and Nir.
    in the Veda she is also represented as created by Praja1-pati and married to him
    in other places she is called the mother of the Vedas and wife of Indra
    in VP. she is the daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas3yapa
    but most frequently she is identified with Bha1rati1 or Sarasvati1, the goddess of speech
    %{vAcaH@sAma} and %{vAco@vratam}N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    %{vAcaH@stomaH}, a partic. Eka7ha S3rS.)
  153. वाक (vāka) (vāka)
    see %{bAka} and p. 936, col. 2.
  154. वाकोवाक्य (vākovākya) (vākovākya)
    n. id. (also N. of partic. Vedic texts) S3Br. ChUp. &c. (cf. IW. 295 n. 1)
  155. वाक्य (vākya) (vākya)
    &c. see p. 936, col. 2. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) speech, saying, assertion, statement, command, words (%{mama@vAkyAt}, in my words, in my name) MBh. &c. &c.
    a declaration (in law), legal evidence Mn.
    an express decldeclaration or statement (opp. to %{liGga}, `" a hint "' or indication) Sarvad.
    betrothment Na1r.
    a sentence, period Ra1matUp. Pa1n2. Va1rtt. &c.
    a mode of expression Cat.
    a periphrastic mode of expression Pa1n2. Sch. Siddh.
    a rule, precept, aphorism MW.
    a disputation MBh.
    (in logic) an argument, syllogism or member of a syllogism
    the singing of birds Hariv.
    (in astron.) the solar process in computations MW.
  156. वाक्यपदीय (vākyapadīya) (vākyapadīya)
    n. N. of a celebrated wk. on the science of grammar by Bhartr2i-hari (divided into Brahma-ka1n2d2a or A1gama-samuccaya, Va1kya-ka1n2d2a, Pada-ka1n2d2a or Praki1rn2aka).
  157. वाग्मिन् (vāgmin) (vāgmin)
    mfn. see below.
  158. वाग्विन् (vāgvin) (vāgvin)
    mfn. eloquent AV.
  159. वाग्विद् (vāgvid) (vāgvid)
    mfn. skilled in speech, eloquent Ka1vya7d. S3is3.
  160. वाङ्मय (vāṅmaya) (vāṅmaya)
    mf(%{I})n. consisting of speech, depending on spspeech, whose essence is spspeech, relating to spspeech (also %{-tva} n.) S3Br. VS. Pra1t. ChUp. &c.
    eloquent, rhetorical W.
    (%{I}) f. the goddess of speech, Sarasvati1
    n. spspeech, language Kum.
    eloquence, rhetoric, manner of spspeech RPra1t. Sa1h. &c.
    %{-devatA} f. the goddess of spspeech Sin6ha7s.
    %{-viveka} m. N. of wk.
    %{-yA7dhikRta-tA} f. the state of presiding over spspeech or eloquence (said of the goddess of spspeech) MW.
  161. वाचक (vācaka) (vācaka)
    mf(%{ikA} [%{akA} w.r.]) n. speaking, saying, telling anything (gen.) Hit. BhP.
    speaking of, treating of, declaring (with gen. or ifc.) Ra1matUp. MBh. &c.
    expressive of, expressing, signifying RPra1t. Ra1matUp. MBh. &c.
    verbal, expressed by words MW.
    m. a speaker, reciter MBh. R. &c.
    a significant sound, word W.
    a messenger ib.
  162. वाचक्नवी (vācaknavī) (vācaknavī)
    f. (fr. %{vacaknu}) N. of a preceptress with the patr. Ga1rgi1 S3Br. Gr2S. AV. Paris3.
  163. वाचन (vācana) (vācana)
    n. the causing to recite S3rS.
    the act of reciting, recitation Ya1jn5. Va1ra1hi1t.
    the act of reading Ba1lar.
    the act of declaring or designating Sa1h.
    (%{A}) f. a lesson, chapter HParis3.
  164. वाचस्पति (vācaspati) (vācaspati)
    (%{vAca4s-}) m. `" lord of voice or speech "'N. of a divine being (presiding over human life which lasts as long as there is voice in the body
    applied to Soma, Vis3va-karman, Praja1-pati, Brahma1 &c., but esp. to Br2ihas-pati, who is lord of eloquence, preceptor of the gods, and regent of the planet Jupiter)&c.
    a master of speech, orator BhP.
    N. of a R2ishi, a lexicographer, a philosopher &c. Sarvad. Un2. Sch. &c.
    %{-kalpa-taru} m. N. of wk.
    %{-govinda} (Cat.), %{-bhaTTA7cArya} m. N. of authors
    %{-mizra} m. N. of various authors (esp. of a philosopher and celebrated lawyer) IW. 92 n. 2
    %{-vallabha} m. a topaz L.
  165. वाचस्पत्य (vācaspatya) (vācaspatya)
    mfn. relating to Va1cas-pati (N. of S3iva) MBh.
    composed by VVa1cas-pati Cat.
    declared by VVa1cas-pati MW.
    n. eloquence S3is3. Hit.
    fine language, eloquent speech, harangue MW.
  166. वाच्य (vācya) (vācya)
    1 Nom. P. %{-yati}, fr. %{vAc} Pa1n2. 1-4, 15 Sch. 2 mfn. to be spoken or said or told or announced or communicated or stated or named or predicated or enumerated or spoken of Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (n. impers. it is to be spoken or said &c.)
    to be addressed or spoken to about anything (acc. or nom. with %{iti}) Mn. Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
    to be directed that (with %{yathA}) MBh.
    to be told about (= still untold) Ka1tyS3r.
    to be expressed or designated or meant expressly by (gen. or comp.) ChUp. S3am2k. Sa1h. &c.
    to be spoken against, blamable, censurable by (gen. or instr.) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    used as a substantive Vop.
    (%{vAcya4}), belonging to the voice &c. VS.
    (%{vAcya4}) m. metron. of the R2ishi Praja1-pati RV.
    n. what may be said against any one or anything, blame, censure, reproach, fault (%{vAcyaM-gam}, to undergo blame) MBh. Ka1v.
    that of which anything is predicated, a substantive Vop.
    a predicate W.
    the voice of a verb (e.g. %{kartari-v-}, the active voice
    %{karmaNi-v-}, the passive voice) ib.
    = %{pratipAdana} L.
  167. वाज (vāja) (vāja)
    m. (fr. %{vaj}
    cf. %{ugra}, %{uj}, %{ojas} &c.) strength, vigour, energy, spirit, speed (esp. of a horse
    also pl.)VS. S3a1n3khS3r. (%{vA4jebhis} ind. mightily, greatly
    cf. %{sahasA})
    a contest, race, conflict, battle, war RV. VS. Gr2S3rS.
    the prize of a race or of battle, booty, gain, reward, any precious or valuable possession, wealth, treasure RV. VS. AV. Pan5cavBr.
    food, sacrificial food (= %{anna} in Nigh. ii, 7 and in most of the Commentators) RV. VS. Br.
    = %{vAja-peya} S3a1n3khS3r.
    (?) a swift or spirited horse, war-horse, steed
    the feathers on a arrow RV.
    a wing
    N. of one of the 3 R2ibhus (pl.= the 3 R2ibhus) RV.
    of the month Caitra VS.
    of a son of Laukya S3a1n3khS3r.
    of a son of Manu Sa1varn2a Hariv.
    of a Muni
    n. (only L.) ghee or clarified butter
    an oblation of rice offered at a S3ra1ddha
    rice or food in general
    an acetous mixture of ground meal and water left to ferment
    a Mantra or prayer concluding a sacrifice.
  168. वाजसनेय (vājasaneya) (vājasaneya)
    &c. see s.v.
  169. वाजसनेयिन् (vājasaneyin) (vājasaneyin)
    m. pl. the school of Va1jasaneya Hariv. (g. %{zaunakA7di})
    mfn. belonging to that school Sa1y.
  170. वाजसनेयिसंहिता (vājasaneyisaṃhitā) (vājasaneyisaṃhitā)
    f. the Sam2hita1 or continuous text of the Va1jasaneyins "' (i.e. of the hymns of the White Yajur-veda ascribed to the R2ishi Ya1jn5avalkya and called %{zukla}, `" white "', to distinguish it from the Black or Dark Yajur-veda, which was the name given to the Taittiri1ya-sam2hita1 [q.v.] of the Yajur-veda, because in this last, the separation between the Mantra and Bra1hman2a portion is obscured, and the two are blended together
    whereas the White Sam2hita1 is clearly distinguished from the Bra1hman2a
    it is divided into 40 Adhya1yas with 303 Anuva1kas, comprising 1975 sections or Kan2d2ika1s: the legend relates that the original Yajus was taught by the R2ishi Vais3ampa1yana to his pupil Ya1jn5avalkya, but the latter having incurred his teacher's anger was made to disgorge all the texts he had learnt, which were then picked up by Vais3ampa1yana's other disciples in the form of partridges [see %{taittirIya-saMhitA}] Ya1jn5avalkya then hymned the Sun, who gratified by his homage, appeared in the form of a %{vAjin} or horse, and consented to give him fresh Yajus texts, which were not known to his former master
    cf. %{vAjin})
    %{-to7paniSad} f. N. of an Upanishad (forming the 40th Adhya1ya of the VS. and also called I1s3a1 or I1s3a1-va1syopanishad q.v.)
  171. वाजिन् (vājin) (vājin)
    mfn. swift, spirited, impetuous, heroic, warlike RV. &c. &c. (with %{ratha} m. a war-chariot
    superl. %{vAji4n-tama})
    strong, manly, procreative, potent RV. TS. Br.
    winged, (ifc.) having any thing for wings BhP.
    feathered (as an arrow) Hariv.
    m. a warrior, hero, man RV. (often applied to gods, esp. to Agni, Indra, the Maruts &c.)
    the steed of a war-chariot ib.
    a horse, stallion Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of the number `" seven "' Gol. (cf. %{azva})
    a bridle
    a bird
    an arrow
    Adhatoda Vasika
    pl. `" the Coursers "', a class of divine beings (prob. the steeds of the gods, but accord. to TBr. Agni, Va1yu and Su1rya) RV. Br. S3rS. (%{vAjinAM@sAma}N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.)
    the school of Va1jasaneya (so called because the Sun in the shape of a horse revealed to Ya1jn5avalkya partic. Yajus verses called %{a-yAtayAmAni} q.v.) VP.
    (%{inI}) f. see below.
  172. वाञ्छा (vāñchā) (vāñchā)
    f. (ifc. f. %{A}) wish, desire, longing for (acc. with %{prati} loc. or gen.
    %{vAJchAM-kR} with loc., `" to desire or long for "') Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat. &c.
    statement, assumption Sarvad.
  173. वाञ्छित (vāñchita) (vāñchita)
    mfn. wished, desired, beloved, longed for MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. wish, desire ib.
    m. (in music) a kind of measure.
  174. वाडब (vāḍaba) (vāḍaba)
    (or %{vADava}) mfn. (fr. %{vaDaba}) coming from a mare (as milk) Sus3r.
    m. a stallion, stud-horse Pa1n2. 6-2, 65 Sch.
    submarine fire (cf. under %{vaDaba} and %{aurva}) Ka1v. Pur.
    a Bra1hman MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{vADabya})
    N. of a grammarian Pat. on Pa1n2. 8-2, 106
    m. or n. the lower world, bell
    n. a stud g. %{khaNDikA7di}
    a partic. Muhu1rta Cat.
    a kind of coitus L.
  175. वाण (vāṇa) (vāṇa)
    1 m. (fr. %{vaN}
    often written %{bANa} q.v.) sounding, a sound Kir. xv, 10
    an arrow (see %{bANa}, p. 727 for comp.) RV. ix, 50, 1
    music (esp. of flutes, harps &c.) RV. i, 85, 10 &c. AV. x, 2, 17 (here written %{bANa4})
    a harp with 100 strings TS. Br. S3rS.
    (%{I}) f. see below
    n. the sound of a partic. little hand-drum L.
  176. वाणी (vāṇī) (vāṇī)
    1 f. sound, voice, music (pl. a choir of musicians or singers) RV. (the %{sapta@vANIs} are referred by the Comms. to the seven metres or to the seven notes of the gamut &c.)
    speech, language, words, diction, (esp.) eloquent speech or fine diction MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a literary production or composition Uttarar. Bha1m.
    praise, laudation MW.
    the goddess of speech, Sarasvati1 R. BrahmaP.
    N. of a metre consisting only of long syllables Ka1vya7d. Sch.
    of a river (accord. to some the Sarasvati1) VP.
  177. वाणिज्य (vāṇijya) (vāṇijya)
    n. (A1past. Gaut. &c.),
  178. वात (vāta) (vāta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 939, col. 3) blown &c.
    (%{vA4ta}) m. wind or the wind-god (pl. also `" the Maruts "', cf. %{vAyu}) RV. &c. &c.
    wind, air Hit.
    wind emitted from the body MBh. iv, 117
    wind or air as one of the humours of the body (also called %{vAyu}, %{mAruta}, %{pavana}, %{anila}, %{samIraNa}) Katha1s. Sus3r. &c.
    morbid affection of the windy humour, flatulence, gout, rheumatism &c. VarBr2S. S3r2in3ga1r.
    N. of a people (see %{vAta-pati} and %{vAtA7dhipa})
    of a Ra1kshasa VP.
    of a son of S3u1ra ib.1 &c. see p. 934, col. 2 &c. 2 mfn. (fr. %{van}) = %{vanita}, solicited, wished for, desired (cf. %{vivasvad-v-})
    attacked, assailed, injured, hurt (cf. 3. %{a-v-} and %{nivAta}). 3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. see pp. 934, 939) dried up (see 1. %{a-vAta4}).
  179. वातापि (vātāpi) (vātāpi)
    mfn. (%{Api} fr. %{A-pyai}) wwind-swelled, fermenting RV. i, 187, 8
    m. (fr. %{Api}, `" frieud, ally "') `" having the wwind as an ally "'N. of an Asura (son of Hra1da
    he is said to have been devoured by the Muni Agastya) MBh. R. &c. (also %{-pin})
    (%{I}) f. N. of a town (also called %{-pi-purI}) Inscr.
    %{-dviS}, %{-sUdana} or %{-han} m. N. of Agastya L.
  180. वातायन (vātāyana) (vātāyana)
    mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) moving in the wwind or air MBh.
    m. `" moving or fleet as wwind "', a horse
    n. `" wwind-passage "', a window, airhole, loop-hole Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    a balcony, portico, terrace on the roof of a house Vcar. Katha1s. &c. (%{-valabhI} VarBr2S. Sch.)
    %{-gata} mfn. gone to or being at a window R.
    %{-cchidra-rajas} or %{-rajas} n. a partic. measure of magnitude (= 7 Trut2is) Lalit.
    %{-stha} mfn. standing or being at the window MW.
  181. वातुल (vātula) (vātula)
    mfn. windy
    affected by wind-disease, gouty, rheumatic W.
    mad, crazy Bhartr2.
    m. N. of certain leguminous plants causing flatulence, (Cicer Arietinum, Panicum Italicum &c.)
    a whirlwind, gale
    n. N. of a Tantra Hcat. (also written %{vAtUla} and %{vAthula}).
  182. वात्स्य (vātsya) (vātsya)
    mfn. treating of Vatsa S3a1n3khS3r.
    m. patr. fr. %{vatsa} g. %{gargA7di}
    N. of an ancient teacher Ka1tyS3r.
    of an astronomer Hcat.: pl. N. of a people MBh.
    (%{I}) f. see above
    n. g. %{pRthv-Adi}.
  183. वात्स्यायन (vātsyāyana) (vātsyāyana)
    m. patr. of %{vAtsya} g. %{zArGgaravA7di} (%{I} f. ib.)
    N. of various authors (esp. of the Ka1ma-su1tras and of the Nya1ya-bha1shya Pan5cat. Va1s., Introd. Cat.
    mf(%{I})n. relating to or composed by Va1tsya1yana Cat.
  184. वाद (vāda) (vāda)
    mfn. (fr. %{vad}) speaking of or about (see %{brahma-v-})
    causing to sound, playing (see %{vINA-v-})
    m. speech, discourse, talk, utterance, statement Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) speaking about, mentioning MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    advice, counsel MBh.
    a thesis, proposition, argument, doctrine Sarvad. Sus3r.
    discussion, controversy, dispute, contest, quarrel Mn. MBh. &c.
    agreement Das3.
    cry, song, note (of a bird) AitBr. [940,1]
    sound, sounding (of a musical instrument) Pan5cat.
    demonstrated conclusion, result W.
    a plaint, accusation ib.
    a reply ib.
    explanation, exposition (of holy texts &c.) MW.
    report, rumour ib.
  185. वादक (vādaka) (vādaka)
    mfn. (fr. Caus. of %{vad}) making a speech, speaking, a speaker MW.
    m. a musician Sam2gi1t.
    a partic. mode of beating a drum ib.
  186. वादन (vādana) (vādana)
    m. a player on any musical instrument, musician R.
    n. = %{-DaNDa} S3rS.
    (ifc. f. %{A}) sound, sounding, playing a musmusical instrinstrument, music Mn. MBh. &c.
  187. वादिन् (vādin) (vādin)
    mfn. saying, discoursing, speaking, talking, speaking or talking about (often ifc. or sometimes with acc. of object), declaring, proclaiming, denoting, designating (or sometimes = designated as, addressed by a title &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. [940,2]
    producing sounds S3a1n3khS3r.
    m. a speaker, asserter, (ifc.) the teacher or propounder, or adherent of any doctrine or theory MaitrUp. S3am2k. Sarvad.
    a disputant MBh. Hariv. &c.
    a plaintiff, accuser, prosecutor (du. plaintiff and defendant) Ya1jn5. Na1r.
    an alchemist Ka1lac.
    a player on any musical instrument, musician (see f.), the leading or key-note W.
    N. of Buddha (as `" the disputant "')
    (%{inI}) f. a female musician R.
    (prob.) N. of a Comm. on the Amara-kos3a.
  188. वाद्य (vādya) (vādya)
    mfn. to be said or spoken or pronounced or uttered AitBr.
    to be sounded or played (as a musical instrument) Cat.
    n. a speech S3Br.
    instrumental music Ma1lav. Katha1s. &c.
    m. or n. a musical instrument R. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
  189. वाद्यमान (vādyamāna) (vādyamāna)
    mfn. (fr. Caus. of %{vad}) being made to speak or sound &c.
    n. instrumental music Hariv.
  190. वान (vāna) (vāna)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 940) blown &c. (cf. %{nir-vANa})
    n. blowing
    a perfume, fragrance
    living ib.
    going, moving, rolling W.
    the rolling of water or of the tide (esp. the high wave in Indian rivers, commonly called `" the Bore "') ib. 2 mfn. (fr. %{vai}
    for 1. see p. 935, col. 3) dried &c.
    n. dry or dried fruit
    a kind of bamboo manna3 n. (fr. %{ve}) the act of weaving or sewing Nya1yam. Sa1y. (reckoned among the 64 Kala1s)
    a mat of straw L.4 m. or n. (?) a hole in the wall of a house[940,3] 5 m. an intelligent man
    N. of Yama6 mf(%{I})n. (fr. 1. %{vana}, p. 917) relating to a wood or to a dwelling in a wood &c. W.
    n. a dense wood Nalo7d.
    a multitude of woods or groves or thickets W. &c. see 3. %{vAna}, p. 940, col. 2. mfn. dried &c. (see 2. %{vAna}, p. 940, col. 2).
  191. वान (vāna) (vāna)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 940) blown &c. (cf. %{nir-vANa})
    n. blowing
    a perfume, fragrance
    living ib.
    going, moving, rolling W.
    the rolling of water or of the tide (esp. the high wave in Indian rivers, commonly called `" the Bore "') ib. 2 mfn. (fr. %{vai}
    for 1. see p. 935, col. 3) dried &c.
    n. dry or dried fruit
    a kind of bamboo manna3 n. (fr. %{ve}) the act of weaving or sewing Nya1yam. Sa1y. (reckoned among the 64 Kala1s)
    a mat of straw L.4 m. or n. (?) a hole in the wall of a house[940,3] 5 m. an intelligent man
    N. of Yama6 mf(%{I})n. (fr. 1. %{vana}, p. 917) relating to a wood or to a dwelling in a wood &c. W.
    n. a dense wood Nalo7d.
    a multitude of woods or groves or thickets W. &c. see 3. %{vAna}, p. 940, col. 2. mfn. dried &c. (see 2. %{vAna}, p. 940, col. 2).
  192. वानर (vānara) (vānara)
    m. (prob. fr. %{vanar}, p. 918) `" forest-animal "', a monkey, ape (ifc. f. %{A}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a kind of incense, Olibanum
    (with %{AcArya}) N. of a writer on medicine Cat.
    (%{I}) f. a female ape MBh. R. Katha1s.
    Carpopogon Pruriens
    mf(%{I})n. belonging to an ape or monkey, mmonkey-like &c. MBh. R.
  193. वानरकेतन (vānaraketana) (vānaraketana)
    m. `" mmonkey-bannered "'N. of Arjuna MBh.
  194. वान्त (vānta) (vānta)
    mfn. (fr. %{vam}) vomited, ejected from the mouth, effused Br. MBh. Pur. (%{e} ind. when one has vvomited)
    dropped Ragh. vii, 6
    one who has vvomited Mn. v, 144
    m. N. of a family of priests Cat.
  195. वाप (vāpa) (vāpa)
    1 m. = 1. %{vAya}, `" weaving "' or `" a weaver "' (see %{tantu-}, %{tantra-}, %{sUtra-v-}).2 m. (fr. 1. %{vap}) the act of shearing or shaving (see %{kRta-v-}). 3 m. (fr. 2. %{vap}) a sower (see %{bIja-v-})
    the act of sowing seed W.
    the act of pouring in or mixing with Nya1yam.
    seed MBh.
    (ifc.) sown with(cf. Pa1n2. 8-4, 11 Sch.)
  196. वाप (vāpa) (vāpa)
    1 m. = 1. %{vAya}, `" weaving "' or `" a weaver "' (see %{tantu-}, %{tantra-}, %{sUtra-v-}).2 m. (fr. 1. %{vap}) the act of shearing or shaving (see %{kRta-v-}). 3 m. (fr. 2. %{vap}) a sower (see %{bIja-v-})
    the act of sowing seed W.
    the act of pouring in or mixing with Nya1yam.
    seed MBh.
    (ifc.) sown with(cf. Pa1n2. 8-4, 11 Sch.)
  197. वापन (vāpana) (vāpana)
    1 n. the act of causing to shave or of shaving Gr2S3rS. 2 n. the act of scattering or sowing Sam2hUp.
  198. वापी (vāpī) (vāpī)
    f. any pond (made by scattering or damming up earth), a large oblong pond, an oblong reservoir of water, tank, pool, lake Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{krIDA-v-})
    a partic. constellation VarBr2S.
  199. वाम (vāma) (vāma)
    1 m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2) the act of vomiting g. %{jvalA7di}
    (%{I}) f. id. Gal.
  200. वाम (vāma) (vāma)
    1 m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2) the act of vomiting g. %{jvalA7di}
    (%{I}) f. id. Gal.
  201. वाम (vāma) (vāma)
    1 m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2) the act of vomiting g. %{jvalA7di}
    (%{I}) f. id. Gal.
  202. वामन (vāmana) (vāmana)
    mf(%{A})n. (of doubtful derivation) dwarfish, small or short in stature, a dwarf VS. &c. &c.
    small, minute, short (also of days) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    bent, inclined HParis3.
    relating to a dwarf or to Vishn2u (cf. below), treating of him Pur.
    descended from the elephant Va1mana (see below) R.
    m. `" the Dwarf "'N. of Vishn2u in his fifth Avata1ra or descent (undertaken to humble the pride of the Daitya Bali [q.v.]
    the germ of the story of this incarnation seems to be contained in the 1st book of the S3Br.
    the later legend is given in R. i, 32, 2)
    N. of a partic. month VarBr2S.
    of S3iva MBh. xiv, 193
    a dwarfish bull MaitrS. TS.
    a goat with partic. marks VarBr2S.
    a person born under a partic. constellation ib.
    = %{kANDa}
    Alangium Hexapetalum
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of a son of Garud2a ib.
    of a son of Hiran2ya-garbha Hariv.
    of one of the 18 attendants of the Sun
    of a Da1nava Hariv.
    of a Muni Cat.
    of a poet (minister under Jaya7pi1d2a) Ra1jat.
    (also with %{bhaTTa}, %{AcArya} &c.) of various other scholars and authors &c. (esp. of one of the authors of the Ka1s3ika1-vr2itti, the other being Jaya7ditya, and of the author of the Ka1vya7lam2ka1ra-vr2itti)
    of the elephant that supports the south (or west) quarter MBh.
    of a mountain MBh.
    (pl.) N. of a people ib. (B. %{ambaSTha})
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras (v.l. %{rAmaNA}) R.
    (%{I}) f. a female dwarf W. [942,1]
    N. of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    a partic. disease of the vagina W. (prob. w.r. for %{vAminI}, q.v. under 1. %{vAmin})
    a sort of woman W.
    a mare MW.
    n. = %{vAmana-purANa} and %{-no7papurANa} (q.v.)
    N. of a place of pilgrimage (called after the dwarf form of Vishn2u) MBh.
  203. वामोरु (vāmoru) (vāmoru)
    or f. (Nom. %{-rUs} S3is3. viii, 24
  204. वायव (vāyava) (vāyava)
    &c. see p. 943, col. 1. mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging to the wind or air, given by or sacred to the god of wind &c. Pa1rGr2. MBh.
    (%{I}) f. (with or scil. %{diz}) the north-west (cf. under %{vAyu}). A1s3vGr2.
  205. वायु (vāyu) (vāyu)
    1 m. (fr. 2. %{vA}) wind, air (as one of the 5 elements
    in MBh. 7 winds are reckoned) RV. &c. &c.
    the god of the wind (often associated with Indra in the R2ig-veda, as Va1ta [q.v.] with Parjanya, but although of equal rank with Indra, not occupying so prominent a position
    in the Purushasu7kta he is said to have sprung form the breath of Purusha, and elsewhere is described as the son-in-law of Tvasht2r2i
    be is said to move in a shining car drawn by a pair of red or purple horses or by several teams consisting of ninety-nine or a hundred or even a thousand horses [cf. %{ni-yu4t}]
    he is often made to occupy the same chariot with Indra, and in conjunction with him honoured with the first draught of the Soma libation
    he is rarely connected with the Maruts, although in i, 134, 4, he is said to have begotten them from the rivers of heaven
    he is regent of the Nakshatra Sva1ti and north-west quarter see %{loka-pAla}) ib.
    breathing, breath VPra1t I1s3Up.
    the wind of the body, a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned, viz. %{prA7Na}, %{apA7na}, %{samAna}, %{udAna}, and %{vyAna}
    or %{nAga}, %{kUrma}, %{kRkara}, %{devadatta}, and %{dhanaM-jaya}) Hariv. Sa1m2khyak. Veda7ntas.
    (in medicine) the windy humour or any morbid affection of it Sus3r.
    the wind as a kind of demon producing madness Ka1d. Vcar. (cf. %{-grasta})
    (in astron.) N. of the fourth Muhu1rta
    a mystical N. of the letter %{ya} Up.
    N. of a Vasu Hariv.
    of a Daitya ib.
    of a king of the Gandharvas VP.
    of a Marut R.
    pl. the Maruts Katha1s. Ma1rkP.2 mfn. (fr. %{vai}) tired, languid RV. vii, 91, 1. 3 mfn. (fr. %{vI}) desirous, covetous, greedy (for food, applied to calves) TS.
    desirable, desired by the appetite RV.
  206. वायवीय (vāyavīya) (vāyavīya)
    mfn. relating to the air or the wind or the god of the wind, windy, aerial Ya1jn5. Sus3r. &c.
  207. वायवीयसंहिता (vāyavīyasaṃhitā) (vāyavīyasaṃhitā)
    f. N. of wks.
  208. वायस (vāyasa) (vāyasa)
    m. (fr. %{vayas}) a bird, (esp.) a large bird RV. i, 164, 52 (cf. Nir. iv, 17)
    a crow Br. MBh. &c.
    a prince of the Vayas g. %{pArzvA7di}
    Agallochum or fragrant aloe
    a house facing the north-east
    (%{I}) f. a female crow Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Hit.
    N. of various plants (accord. toFicus Oppositifolia, Agati Grandiflora = %{kAkatuNDI} and = %{mahA-jyotiSmatI}) Sus3r.
    mf(%{I})n. relating or peculiar to crows MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    consisting of birds Nalo7d.
    containing the word %{vayas} g. %{vimuktA7di}
    n. a multitude of crows Pa1n2. 4-2, 37 Sch.
  209. वार् (vār) (vār)
    n. (said to be fr. 1. %{vR}) water RV. &c. &c. (n. pl. once in BhP. %{vAras}, as if m. or f.
    %{vArAM@nidhiH}, `" receptacle of waters "', the ocean Prab.)
    stagnant water, a pond RV. iv, 19, 4
    viii, 98, 8
    ix, 112, 4
    m. (?) a protector, defender, i, 132, 3
    x, 93, 3. [Cf., accord. to some, Gk. $
    Lat. &285912[943,1] {urina}, {urinari}.]
  210. वार (vāra) (vāra)
    1 m. (earlier form of %{vAla} q.v.) the hair of any animal's tail (esp. of a horse's tail, = $) RV.
    m. n. sg. and pl. a hair-sieve ib.3 m. (fr. 2. %{vR}) choice (see %{vAre-vRta})
    anything chosen or choice or exquisite, goods, treasure RV. (often ifc.
    cf. %{azasta-}, %{Rdhad-}, %{dAti-v-} &c.)
    N. of a poet Cat.
  211. वारण (vāraṇa) (vāraṇa)
    1 mf(%{I})n. warding off, restraining, resisting, opposing MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    all-resisting, invincible (said of the Soma and of Indra's elephant) RV. ix, 1, 9 Hariv. 1700
    relating to prevention Sus3r.
    shy, wild(with %{mRga} accord. to some = elephant RV. viii, 33, 8
    x, 40, 4)
    dangerous RV. Shad2vBr.
    forbidden AitBr.
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) an elephant (from its power of resistance) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an elelephant-hook Das3.
    armour, mail
    a kind of ornament on an arch MBh. iv, 1326
    (%{I}) f. a female elephant
    w.r. for %{vAruNI} HYog.
    n. the act of restraining or keeping back or warding off from (abl.)
    resistance, opposition, obstacle
    impediment, KatyS3r. MBh. &c.
    a means of restraining Bhartr2.
    = %{hari-tAla}
    N. of a place MBh.2 mfn. (fr. %{varaNa}
    for 1. see col. 1) consisting of or made from the wood of the Crataeva Roxburghii S3Br. Kaus3.
  212. वाराह (vārāha) (vārāha)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{varAha}) coming from or belonging to a boar (with %{upAnahau} du. shoes made of pig's leather
    with %{mAMsa} n. pig's flesh) Br. Ya1jn5. &c.
    relating to the Boar form of Vishn2u MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    taught or composed by Vara1ha i.e. Vara1ha-mihira (see comp.)
    m. `" the Boar "' (i.e. Vishn2u in his third incarnation, as a %{varAha} q.v.) MBh. Pan5car. (v.l. %{varAha})
    a banner with the representation of a boar MBh.
    a kind of bulbous plant, Dioscorea (cf. %{-kanda})
    N. of a mountain MBh. Hariv. (v.l. %{varAh})
    pl. N. of a school of the Black Yajur-veda Hcar. A1ryav.
    (%{I}) f. see below
    n. N. of a Sa1man (%{vArAham@uttaram}) A1rshBr.
    of a Ti1rtha MBh.
    = %{varAha-dvIpa} L.
  213. वारि (vāri) (vāri)
    1 n. = %{vAr}, water, rain, fluid, fluidity Mn. MBh. &c.
    a species of Andropogon Bhpr.
    a kind of metre RPra1t. [943,2]2 f. (for 1. see p. 943, col. 1) a place for tying or catching an elephant Va1s. S3is3. (also %{I})
    a rope for tying an elephant Dharmas3. (also %{I})
    a captive, prisoner W.
    a water-pot, pitcher, jar(also %{I})
    N. of Sarasvati1 (the goddess of speech)
  214. वारिज (vārija) (vārija)
    mfn. born or produced in or by wwater
    m. a conch-shell MBh. R.
    any bivalve shell W.
    (perhaps) a lotus MBh. i, 3373 (Ni1lak. `" a fish "')
    n. a lotus Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.
    a kind of pot-herb
    a kind of salt
    %{-jA7kSa} mfn. lotus-eyed, Cit.
    %{-Sa-caritra} n. N. of a ch. of the Brahma7n2d2a-pura1n2a.
  215. वारिधि (vāridhi) (vāridhi)
    m. `" wwater-holder "', the sea, ocean (sometimes four, sometimes seven oceans are enumerated) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    N. of the number four, the fourth Ked.
  216. वारुण (vāruṇa) (vāruṇa)
    mf(%{I4})n. (fr. %{varuNa}) relating or belonging or sacred to or given by Varun2a AV. &c. &c. (in MBh. and R. also said of partic. weapons)
    relating to the sea or to water, marine, oceanic, aquatic MBh. Ka1v. &c. (with %{bhUta} n. an aquatic animal)
    western (cf. under %{varuNa}) AdbhBr. R. VarBr2S.
    relating to Va1run2i i.e. Bhr2igu MBh.
    m. an aquatic animal, fish MBh. xiii, 4142 (perhaps also RV. ii, 38, 8, where %{varuNa} seems to be w.r.)
    patr. of Bhr2igu (cf. %{vAruNi}) MBh.
    (pl.) Varun2a's children or people or warriors Hariv.
    N. of a Dvi1pa (see n.) VP.
    (in astron, ) N. of the 15th Muhu1rta
    (%{I}) f. see below
    n. water
    the Nakshatra S3ata-bhishaj (presided over by Varun2a) MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    n. or m. the west (%{-Ne}, in the west) Pan5car.
    (with %{khaNDa}) N. of one of the 9 divisions of Bha1rata-varsha Gol.
  217. वार्त्त (vārtta) (vārtta)
    mfn. (fr. %{vRtti} and %{vRtta}) having means of subsistence, practising any business or profession
    healthy, well Sarvad.
    ordinary, middling A1s3vGr2.
    worthless, vain Sarvad.
    right, correct (see %{-taraka}) Pat.
    m. N. of a man MBh.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    n. health, welfare Ka1v.
    chaff W.
  218. वार्त्तिक (vārttika) (vārttika)
    mfn. (fr. %{vArttA} and %{vRtti}) skilled in a profession or business (= %{vRttau@sAdhuH} or %{vRttim@adhI7te@veda@vA}) g. %{kathA7di}
    and g. %{ukthA7di}
    relating to news, bringing or conveying intelligence W.
    explanatory, glossarial, containing or relating to a critical gloss or annotation (see n.)
    m. a businessman, trader Katha1s.
    an emissary, envoy MBh.
    one who knows antidotes, conjurer, physician
    the egg-plant
    (%{A}) f. business, trade (ifc. = occupied with, practising) MBh. BhP.
    a sort of quail (prob. w.r. for %{vArtikA} q.v.)
    n. an explanatory or supplementary rule, critical gloss or annotation (added to a grammatical or philosophical Su1tra and defined to be `" the exposition of the meaning, of that which is said, of that which is left unsaid, and of that which is ill or imperfectly said "'
    the term Va1rttika is, however, especially applied to Ka1tya1yana's critical annotations on the aphorisms of Pa1n2ini's grammar, the object of which is to consider whether Pa1n2ini's rules are correct or not, and to improve on them where this may be found to be necessary
    and also to similar works on various matters by Kuma1rila, Sure7s3vara &c.
    cf. %{tantra-v-}, %{zloka-v-})
    a marriage feast L.
  219. वार्द्धक्य (vārddhakya) (vārddhakya)
    n. old age, senility MBh. Ha1sy.
  220. वार्धनी (vārdhanī) (vārdhanī)
    f. a water-jar HParis3. %{vAr-dhi} &c. see under %{vAr}, p. 943, col. 1.
  221. वार्षिक (vārṣika) (vārṣika)
    mf(%{I})n. belonging to the rainy-season, rainy AV. &c. &c. (with %{A4pas} f. pl. rain-water, with %{dhanus} n. a rainbow)
    growing in the rainy season or fit for or suited to it W.
    others `" a river, the water of which lasts the whole year i.e. does not dry up in the hot season "')
    having water only during the rains (as a river) MBh. (cf. %{vArSiko7daka})
    versed in calculating the rainy season g. %{vasantA7di}
    sufficient or lasting for a year Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    yearly, annual Gaut. Pur.
    (ifc. after a numeral) lasting a certain number of years, being so many years old (cf. %{tri-}, %{paJca-v-} &c.) [946,1]
    n. or m. N. of various wks. Cat.
    (%{I}) f. Jasminum Sambac L.
  222. वाल (vāla) (vāla)
    1 m. (later form of 1. %{vAra}
    also written %{bAla} q.v.) the hair of any animal's tail (esp. of a horse's tail), any tail or hair TS. &c. &c.
    bristle Katha1s.
    a hair-sieve VS. S3Br.
    m. n. a kind of Andropogon, VirBr2S. Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. the cocoa-nut
    a kind of jasmine
    Pavonia Odorata
    = %{ziphA}
    N. of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    (%{I}) f. a post, pillar Anup. (= %{medhi} L.)
    a kind of ornament
    a pit, cavern L.
  223. वालिन् (vālin) (vālin)
    m. (also written %{bAlin}) `" haired or tailed "'N. of a Daitya MBh.
    of a monkey (son of Indra and elder brother of the monkey-king Su-gri1va, during whose absence from Kishkindha Va1lin usurped the throne, but when Su-gri1va returned he escaped to R2ishyamu1ka) MBh. R. &c.
    (%{inI}) f. the constellation As3vini1
  224. वालुक (vāluka) (vāluka)
    mfn. (fr. next)
    containing or resembling sand
    made of salt R.
    m. a kind of poison
    (%{I}) f. a sandbank
    Cucumis Utilissimus
    = %{ela-v-}, or %{hari-vAluka}
  225. वाल्मीकि (vālmīki) (vālmīki)
    m. (incorrectly %{vAlmiki}) N. of the celebrated author of the Ra1ma7yan2a (so called, according to some, because when immersed in thought he allowed himself to be overrun with ants like an anthill
    he was no doubt a Bra1hman by birth and closely connected with the kings of Ayodhya1
    he collected the different songs and legendary tales relating to Ra1ma-candra and welded them into one continuous poem, to which later additions may have been made
    he is said to have invented the S3loka metre, and probably the language and style of Indian epic poetry owe their definite form to him
    according to one tradition he began life as a robber, but repenting be took himself to a hermitage on a hill in the district of Banda in Bundelkund, where he eventually received Si1ta1, the wife of Ra1ma, when banished by her husband
    cf. IW. 314
    315 &c.) MBh. R. &c.
    of a son of Garud2a MBh.
    of a grammarian TPra1t.
    of the authors of various wks. (the Yoga-va1sisht2ha, the Adbhuta-ra1ma7yan2a, and the Gan3gasht2aka) Cat.
    (with %{kavi}) of the son of Rudra-man2i Tri-pa1t2hin and author of the Ramale7ndu-praka1s3a ib.
  226. वाल्मीकीय (vālmīkīya) (vālmīkīya)
    mfn. relating to Valmi1ki, composed by him &c. R. Ragh.
  227. वावदूक (vāvadūka) (vāvadūka)
    mfn. (fr. Intens. of %{vad}) talking much, eloquent, garrulous, disputatious MBh. S3am2k.
    m. N. of a man g. %{kurv-Adi}.
  228. वास (vāsa) (vāsa)
    1 m. perfuming, perfume Vikr. Ma1lati1m. Car.
    Gendarussa Vulgaris(also %{A} f.)2 m. (fr. 4. %{vas}) a garment, dress, clothes (m. c. for %{vAsas}) MBh. (cf. %{kRSNavAsa}).
  229. वास (vāsa) (vāsa)
    1 m. perfuming, perfume Vikr. Ma1lati1m. Car.
    Gendarussa Vulgaris(also %{A} f.)2 m. (fr. 4. %{vas}) a garment, dress, clothes (m. c. for %{vAsas}) MBh. (cf. %{kRSNavAsa}).
  230. वास (vāsa) (vāsa)
    1 m. perfuming, perfume Vikr. Ma1lati1m. Car.
    Gendarussa Vulgaris(also %{A} f.)2 m. (fr. 4. %{vas}) a garment, dress, clothes (m. c. for %{vAsas}) MBh. (cf. %{kRSNavAsa}).
  231. वासक (vāsaka) (vāsaka)
    1 m. scent Pan5car.
    (also %{akA} and %{ikA} f.) Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda Vasica VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c.
    mfn. perfuming, fumigating MW. 2 (ifc.) = 2. %{vAsa} clothing, clothes Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (cf. %{azuddha-v-}). 3 mf(%{ikA})n. causing to dwell or inhabit, populating MW.
    (ifc.) abode, habitation Ya1jn5.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a sleeping-room, bed-chamber Katha1s.4 m. (in music) a species of %{dhruvaka} (q.v.) Sam2gi1t. 5 m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP.
  232. वासन (vāsana) (vāsana)
    1 n. the act of perfuming or fumigating, infusing, steeping Gi1t. Sch.
    (%{A}) f. id. S3is3. Sch. 2 n. covering, clothing, garment, dress Ka1v.
    an envelope, box, casket Ya1jn5.3 mfn. belonging to an abode, fit for a dwelling W.
    n. causing to abide or dwell Ba1lar.
    abiding, abode
    a receptacle for water
    a partic. posture (practised by ascetics during abstract meditation, and by others
    described as sitting on the ground with the knees bent and the feet turned backwards) W.
    (%{A}) f. see next.
  233. वासव (vāsava) (vāsava)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. 1. %{vasu}) relating or belonging to the Vasus, derived or descended from them &c. AV. TS. Ka1t2h. A1s3vS3r.
    relating or belonging to (king) Vasu MBh.
    containing the word %{vasu} g. %{vimuktA7di}
    m. N. of Indra (as chief of the Vasus) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a son of (king) Vasu MBh.
    (with %{indrasya}) N. of a Sa1manof a poet Cat.
    m. n. N. of the Nakshatra Dhanisht2ha1 (presided over by the Vasus) Su1ryas.
    (%{I}) f. patr. of the mother of Vya1sa (she was the offspring of the Apsaras Adrika1, who as a fish had swallowed the seed of king Vasu) MBh. BhP.
    Indra's energy Cat.
    (with or scil. %{diz}) Indra's region or quarter, the east Ka1d.
    n. N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging to Indra Ka1d.
  234. वासु (vāsu) (vāsu)
    m. (said to be fr. 5. %{vas}) N. of Vishn2u (is dwelling in all beings) Un2. i, 1 Sch.
    the spirit or soul considered as the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe W. (also Vr2iddhi form of %{vasu} in comp.)
  235. वासस् (vāsas) (vāsas)
    1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) cloth, clothes, dress, a garment (du. an upper and under garment
    cf. %{vAso-yuga}) RV. &c. &c.
    the `" clothing "' or feathers of an arrow MBh. R. &c. (only ifc.
    cf. %{barhiNa-v-})
    a pall MW.
    a screen ib.
    (with %{markaTasya}) a cobweb
    du. (with %{samudrasya}) N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  236. वासिन् (vāsin) (vāsin)
    1 mfn. fragrant
    (%{inI}) f. a Barleria with white flowers2 mfn. having or wearing clothes, (esp. ifc.) clothed or dressed in, wearing AitBr. MBh. &c. 3 mfn. staying, abiding, dwelling, living, inhabiting (often ifc. = living in or among or in a partic. manner or condition) TS. &c. &c.
  237. वासिन् (vāsin) (vāsin)
    1 mfn. fragrant
    (%{inI}) f. a Barleria with white flowers2 mfn. having or wearing clothes, (esp. ifc.) clothed or dressed in, wearing AitBr. MBh. &c. 3 mfn. staying, abiding, dwelling, living, inhabiting (often ifc. = living in or among or in a partic. manner or condition) TS. &c. &c.
  238. वासिष्ठ (vāsiṣṭha) (vāsiṣṭha)
    mf(%{I})n. (also written %{vAziSTha}) relating or belonging to Vasisht2ha, composed or revealed by him (as the 7th Man2d2ala of the R2ig-veda)
    with %{zata} n. the hundred sons of VVasisht2ha AitBr. MBh. R. &c.
    m. a son or descendant of VVasisht2ha (applied as a patr. to various R2ishis) TS. Br. S3rS. &c.
    (%{I}) f. a female descendant of VVasisht2ha Pa1n2. 4-1, 78 Sch.
    N. of a river (= %{go-matI}) MBh.
    (also with %{zAnti}) N. of various wks.
    n. N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    = %{yoga-vAsiSTha} q.v.
    N. of a Ti1rtha MBh.
  239. वासुकि (vāsuki) (vāsuki)
    m. (fr. %{vasuka}) N. of a divine being Gobh. Kaus3.
    of a serpent-king (one of the three chief kings of the Na1gas, the other two being S3esha and Takshaka
    the gods and demons used the serpent Va1suki as a rope for twisting round the mountain Mandara when they churned the ocean RTL. 108, 233) MBh. R. &c.
    of an author Prata1p. Sch.
    of another man Pravar.
  240. वासुदेव (vāsudeva) (vāsudeva)
    see below.
  241. वासुपूज्य (vāsupūjya) (vāsupūjya)
    m. (with Jainas) N. of the 12th Arhat of the present Avasarpini1 (son of Vasu-pu1jya-ra1j) L.
  242. वास्तु (vāstu) (vāstu)
    n. (m. only in BhP.) the site or foundation of a house, site, ground, building or dwellingplace, habitation, homestead, house RV. &c. &c.
    an apartment, chamber VarBr2S.
    m. N. of one of the 8 Vasus BhP.
    of a Ra1kshasa Cat.
    (prob.) f. N. of a river MBh.
    n. the pot-herb Chenopodium Album
    a kind of grain A1pS3r. Sch. (cf. %{-maya}).
  243. वास्तुज (vāstuja) (vāstuja)
    mfn. home-bred MBh.
  244. वास्तोष्पति (vāstoṣpati) (vāstoṣpati)
    m. (fr. %{vAstos} gen. of %{vAstu} + %{p-}) `" house-protector "'N. of a deity who presides over the foundation of a house or homestead (addressed in RV. vii, 54)Pa1rGr2. Mn. BhP.
    N. of Rudra TS.
    of Indra L.
  245. वास्य (vāsya) (vāsya)
    1 mfn. to be (or being) covered or enveloped I1s3Up.
    being worn (see %{prathama-vAsya4}). 2 mfn. to be caused to dwell or settle down VarBr2S. 3 m. or n. (for 1. and 2. see p. 947) = %{vAsI} or %{vAzI}, an axe Ni1lak. on MBh. i, 4605
    v, 5250.
  246. वास्य (vāsya) (vāsya)
    1 mfn. to be (or being) covered or enveloped I1s3Up.
    being worn (see %{prathama-vAsya4}). 2 mfn. to be caused to dwell or settle down VarBr2S. 3 m. or n. (for 1. and 2. see p. 947) = %{vAsI} or %{vAzI}, an axe Ni1lak. on MBh. i, 4605
    v, 5250.
  247. वाह (vāha) (vāha)
    m. carrying on, accomplishing, performing, completion Ka1v.
    describing, narrating Sa1h.
    steadfastness, perseverance Mudr.
    sufficiency, subsistence, livelihood Ra1jat. Kull. mf(%{A})n. (ifc.) bearing, drawing, conveying, carrying Katha1s. BhP.
    flowing BhP.
    undergoing MBh.
    m. the act of drawing &c. MBh. Hit.
    riding, driving S3a1rn3gP.
    flowing, current Katha1s.
    a draught-animal, horse, bull, ass RV. &c. &c.
    any vehicle, carriage, conveyance, car (ifc. = having anything as a vehicle, riding or driving on or in) S3vetUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a bearer, porter, carrier of burdens &c. W.
    air, wind
    a measure of capacity (containing 10 Kumbhas or 2 Prasthas)
    the arm W.
    a figurative N. of the Veda Kuval.
  248. वाहन (vāhana) (vāhana)
    1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of making effort, endeavouring, exertion W.
  249. वाहिक (vāhika) (vāhika)
    m. (fr. %{vAha}) a car or vehicle drawn by oxen
    a large drum
    a carrier DivyA7v.
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
    n. Asa Foetida(in the two last meanings prob. w.r. for %{bAlhika} or %{bAlhIka}).
  250. वाहिन् (vāhin) (vāhin)
    mfn. leading or carrying out, discharging (as a wound) Sus3r. mfn. conveying along, driving along (as a car) MBh.
    (ifc.) drawing R.
    flowing, streaming Hariv. Pur. Katha1s.
    causing to flow, shedding MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    bearing along (said of rivers) ib.
    wafting (said of the wind) ib.
    bringing, causing, producing, effecting Hariv. Katha1s. BhP.
    carrying, bearing, wearing, having, possessing Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    undergoing, performing, practising MBh.
    m. a chariot MBh.
    (%{inI}) f. see next.
  251. विंशति (viṃśati) (viṃśati)
    f. (prob. for %{dvi-dazati}, `" two decades "') twenty, a score (with a noun either in genitive or in apposition, e.g. %{viMzatir@ghaTAnAm}, `" 20 jars "'
    %{viMzatyA4@ha4ribhiH}, `" with 20 horses "') RV. &c. &c.
    a partic. form of military array (= %{vyUha}) MBh. (Ni1lak.)
    m. N. of a son of Ikshva1ku VP. [Cf. Gk. $, $
    Lat. {viginti}.] &288987[953,2]
  252. विंशतितम (viṃśatitama) (viṃśatitama)
    mf(%{I})n. twentieth Pa1n2. 5-2, 56 (with %{bhAga} m. 1/20 Ya1jn5. Sch.)
  253. विकट (vikaṭa) (vikaṭa)
    mfn. (for 2. see s. v.) having no mat, without a mat MW.2 mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (prob. Pra1kr2it for %{vi-kRta} cf. %{ut-}, %{pra-k-} &c.
    for 1. %{vi-kaTa} see p. 949, col. 3) having an unusual size or aspect, horrible, dreadful, monstrous, huge, large, great RV. &c. &c. (%{am} ind. terribly)
    unusually handsome R. Chandom.
    knitted (as brows), frowning Prab.
    obscure, obsolete W.
    m. a kind of plant or fruit
    N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh.
    of one of the attendants of Skanda ib.
    of a Ra1kshasa
    of a mythical person Katha1s.
    of a goose ib. Pan5cat.
    (%{A}) f. a bandy-legged girl (unfit for marriage) A1pGr2.
    N. of the mother of Gautama Buddha
    of a female divinity peculiar to Buddhists W.
    of a Ra1kshasi1 R.
    n. (only L.) white arsenic
    a peculiar attitude in sitting, a boil, tumour
    %{-grAma} m. N. of a village Cat.
    %{-tva} n. (in rhet.) a sound of words reminding of a dance Sa1h.
    %{-nitambA} f. N. of a poetess, Cat
    %{-mUrti} mfn. having a hideous or distorted shape, deformed, ugly MW.
    %{-vadana} m. `" hideous-faced "'N. of an attendant of Durga1 Katha1s.
    %{-varman} m. N. of a king Das3.
    %{-viSANa} or %{-zRGga} m. `" largehorned "', a stag
    %{-TA7kRti} mfn. of dreadful appearance Katha1s.
    %{-TA7kSa} mf(%{I})n. having dreadful eyes Pan5car.
    m. N. of an Asura Katha1s.
    %{-TA7nana} mfn. ugly-faced Katha1s.
    m. N. of a son of Dhr2itara1sht2ra MBh.
    %{-TA7bha} m. `" of terrible appearance "'N. of an Asura Hariv.
  254. विकत्था (vikatthā) (vikatthā)
  255. विकर्तन (vikartana) (vikartana)
    mfn. cutting asunder, dividing Nir.
    m. the sun (prob. as the `" divider of clouds "') Uttarar. Ra1jat.
    a son who has usurped his father's kingdom
    n. the act of cutting asunder or dividing L.
  256. विकल्प (vikalpa) (vikalpa)
    m. (for 2. see under %{vi-klRp}) an intermediate Kalpa, the interval between two Kalpas (q.v.) BhP.
  257. विकसित (vikasita) (vikasita)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 7-2, 54) opened, open, expanded, budded, blown MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-kumude7ndIvarA7lokin} mfn. looking like the expanded white and blue lotus MW.
    %{-nayana-vadana-kamala} mfn. opening (her) lotus-like eyes and mouth Pan5cat.
    %{-vadana} mfn. with opened mouth BhP.
  258. विकार (vikāra) (vikāra)
    m. (for 2. see %{vi-} 1. %{kR}) the syllable %{vi} BhP.
  259. विकारण (vikāraṇa) (vikāraṇa)
    mfn. causeless Pan5cat. (v.l.)
  260. विकारण (vikāraṇa) (vikāraṇa)
    mfn. causeless Pan5cat. (v.l.)
  261. विकारिन् (vikārin) (vikārin)
    mfn. liable to change, changeable, variable VPra1t. MBh. Sus3r.
    undergoing a change, changed into (comp.) Bhag.
    feeling emotion, falling in love Ma1lati1m.
    inconstant, disloyal, rebellious (see %{a-v-})
    altered or changed for the worse, spoiled, corrupted Sus3r.
    producing a change for the worse, corrupting (the mind) Hit.
    m. n. the 33rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    %{-ri-tA} f. (Ka1m.), %{-ritva} n. (Veda7ntas.) change, alteration.
  262. विकार्य (vikārya) (vikārya)
    mfn. to be changed, liable to change Bhag.
    m. N. of Aham2-ka1ra (the sense of individuality) BhP.
  263. विकास (vikāsa) (vikāsa)
    m. expanding, budding, blowing (of flowers) Kum. S3is3.
    opening (of the mouth or eyes) VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
    opening (of the heart), cheerfulness, serenity Das3. S3is3.
    expansion, development, growth S3is3. Pur. Sarvad.
    %{-bhAj} or %{-bhRt} mfn. expanded, blown Ka1v. &c. see above.
  264. विकासिन् (vikāsin) (vikāsin)
    mfn. blossoming, blooming S3is3.
    opened, open (as the eyes or nose) Das3ar. Sa1h.
    open = candid, sincere
    expanding, developing S3is3.
    extensive, great Ka1v. Ka1m.
    (ifc.) rich or abounding in Ra1jat.
    dissolving, relaxing, paralysing Sus3r.
    %{-si-tA} f. expansion, development Sam2k.
    %{-si-nIlo7tpala} Nom. P. %{-lati}, to resemble a blossoming blue lotus-flower Sa1h.
  265. विकुक्षि (vikukṣi) (vikukṣi)
    mfn. having a prominent belly (%{-tva} n.) MBh. Hariv. (also %{-kSika})
    m. N. of a son or grandson of Ikshva1ku ib.
  266. विकुण्ठ (vikuṇṭha) (vikuṇṭha)
    mfn. sharp, keen, penetrating, irresistible BhP.
    very blunt (%{a-v-}, sharp &c.) ib.
    m. N. of Vishn2u MBh. BhP.
    N. of Vishn2u's heaven BhP.
    %{-Thana} m. N. of a son of Hastin MBh.
    (%{A}) f. inward glance, mental concentration
    %{-Thita} mfn. see %{vi-kuNTh}.
  267. विकुण्ठित (vikuṇṭhita) (vikuṇṭhita)
    mfn. ( %{kuNTh}) blunted, obtuse Ragh.
  268. विकृत (vikṛta) (vikṛta)
    mfn. transformed, altered, changed &c.
    (esp.) deformed, disfigured, mutilated, maimed, unnatural, strange, extraordinary Mn. MBh. &c.
    unaccomplished, incomplete RV. ii, 33, 6
    ugly (as a face) MBh.
    estranged, rebellious, disloyal, hostile ib.
    decorated, embellished, set with (comp.) ib.
    (with %{vadha} m.) capital punishment with mutilation Mn. ix, 291
    sick, diseased.
    m. the 24th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    N. of a Praja1-pati R. (v.l. %{vi-krIta} and %{vi-krAnta})
    of a demon (the son of Pari-varta) Ma1rkP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    n. change, alteration Vop.
    disgust, aversion W.
    misshaped offspring, abortion Mn. ix, 247
    untimely silence caused by embarrassment Sa1h. (v.l. %{vi-hRta})
    %{-janana-zAnti-vidhAna} n. N. of a ch. of the Padma-pura1n2a
    %{-tva} n. the state of being changed, transformation S3am2k.
    %{-daMSTra} m. N. of a Vidya1-dhara Katha1s.
    %{-darzana} mfn. changed in appearance MBh. R.
    %{-buddhi} mfn. changed in mind, estranged, made unfriendly or ill-disposed MW.
    %{-rakta} mfn. dyed red, red-stained (as a garment) Bhpr.
    %{-locana} mfn. having troubled eyes MW.
    %{-vadana} mfn. having a distorted face, ugly-faced W.
    %{-veSin} mfn. having an unusual dress BhP.
    %{-tA7kAra} mfn. changed in form or appearance, misshaped, distorted in form MBh.
    %{-tA7kRti} mfn. having a deformed shape or aspect Mn. xi, 52
    %{-tA7kSa} mfn. blind Pa1n2. 6-3, 3 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.
    %{-tA7Gga} mfn. changed in form, having misshaped limbs, deformed W.
    %{-tA7nana} mfn. = %{-ta-vadana} above MBh.
    %{-mUrdhaja} mfn. having a disturbed face and dishevelled hair ib.
    %{-to7dara} m. N. of a Ra1kshasa R.
  269. विकृति (vikṛti) (vikṛti)
    f. change, alteration, modification, variation, changed condition (of body or mind
    acc. with %{gam}, %{yA}, %{vraj}, or %{pra-pad}, to undergo a change, be changed) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    sickness, disease
    perturbation, agitation, emotion MBh. Katha1s. &c.
    alienation, hostility, defection Ka1m. Pan5cat.
    a verse changed in a partic. manner S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    an apparition, phantom, spectre Katha1s.
    any production (ifc. anything made of) MBh. Sus3r.
    (in Sa1m2khya) = 2. %{vi-kAra}
    (in gram.) a derivative Nir.
    formation, growth, development AitBr.
    abortion Sus3r. (v.l. %{vaikRta})
    = %{Dimba}
    = %{pralApa} Harav. Sch.
    N. of a class of metres Pin3g.
    m. N. of a son of Ji1mu1ta VP.
    %{-kaumudI} f. %{-pradIpikA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-mat} mfn. liable to change S3ak.
    indisposed, ill Nalo7d.
    %{-hautra} n. N. of wk.
  270. विक्क (vikka) (vikka)
    m. an elephant twenty years old
  271. विक्रम (vikrama) (vikrama)
    m. (for see %{vi-kram}) the absence of the Krama-pa1t2ha (q.v.) RPra1t.
  272. विक्रय (vikraya) (vikraya)
    &c. see below.
  273. विक्रयक (vikrayaka) (vikrayaka)
    m. a seller MBh. (B. %{-krayika}).
  274. विक्रयिन् (vikrayin) (vikrayin)
    m. a seller, vender Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
  275. विक्रय्य (vikrayya) (vikrayya)
    mfn. to be sold MBh.
  276. विक्रान्त (vikrānta) (vikrānta)
    mfn. stepped beyond, taking wide strides &c.
    courageous, bold, strong, mighty, victorious (with %{dhanuSi}, skilled in archery) MBh.
    m. a warrior
    a lion
    `" passed over "'N. of a kind of Sam2dhi which leaves Visarga unchanged RPra1t.
    N. of a Praja1-pati VP.
    of a son of Kuvalaya7s3va and Mada7lasa1 Ma1rkP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (Cocculus Cordifolius, Clitoria Ternatea, Cissus Pedata &c.)
    n. a step, stride VS. TBr.
    manner of walking, gait MBh. R.
    bold advance, courage, might ib.
    a sham diamond
    a kind of intoxicating drink
    %{-gati} m. a man with a portly gait MW.
    %{-bhIma}N. of a drama
    %{-yodhin} m. an excellent warrior MBh.
    %{-zUdraka}N. of a drama Sarasv.
  277. विक्रीत (vikrīta) (vikrīta)
    mfn. sold Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. N. of a Praja1-pati R. (v.l. %{vi-kRta} and %{vi-krAnta})
    n. sale Mn. viii, 165.
  278. विक्रेतृ (vikretṛ) (vikretṛ)
    m. a seller Ya1jn5. Hariv. &c.
  279. विक्रेतव्य (vikretavya) (vikretavya)
    mfn. to be sold, saleable Campak. Kull.
  280. विक्रेय (vikreya) (vikreya)
    mfn. to be sold, vendible Mn. MBh. &c.
    (prob.) n. selling price Ya1jn5. ii, 246.
  281. विक्लव (viklava) (viklava)
    see under %{vi-klav}.
  282. विखानस (vikhānasa) (vikhānasa)
    m. (prob.) `" one who digs up (scil. roots) "'N. of a Muni S3ak. Sch. (cf. %{vaikhAnasa}).
  283. विगत (vigata) (vigata)
    n. (for 2. see under %{vi-gam}) the flight of birds MW. - 1.
  284. विगलित (vigalita) (vigalita)
    mfn. flowed away, drained off, dried up MBh. Mr2icch. Prab.
    melted away, dissolved Katha1s. Gi1t.
    fallen down or out, slipped out of (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. Pan5cat.
    slackened "', untied (see %{-nIvi})
    dishevelled (see %{-keza})
    passed away, disappeared, vanished Bhartr2. Katha1s.
    come forth MBh.
    %{-keza} mfn. having dishevelled hair W.
    %{-nIvi} mfn. having the knot untied MW.
    %{-bandha} mfn. having the band loosened Vikr.
    %{-lajja} mfn. free from shame, bold Gi1t.
    %{-vasana} mfn. destitute of garments, unclothed ib.
    %{-zuc} mfn. freed from sorrow Megh.
  285. विगाढ (vigāḍha) (vigāḍha)
    mfn. plunged into, entered R. (%{ambhasi@vigADha-mAtre}, `" at the very moment of the water being plunged into "'), one who has entered or plunged into, bathing in (loc.) ib.
    (a weapon) that has deeply penetrated MBh.
    come on, advanced, begun, set in, taken place MBh. R. &c. [957,2]
    flowing copiously W.
    deep, excessive ib.
    %{-manmatha} mfn. one whose passion has become deep or ardent Ragh.
  286. विगृह्य (vigṛhya) (vigṛhya)
    ind. having stretched out or apart &c.
    having warred against or contended with, aggressive, inimical (see comp.)
    %{-gamana} or %{-yAna} n. aggressive movement, hostile advance Das3.
    %{-vAda} m. word-fight, discussion, disputation Gaut.
    %{-sambhASA} f. id. Car.
    %{-hyA7sana} n. `" besieging "' or `" sulkily encamping with "' (instr.) Das3. - 2. mfn. to be (or being) separated or isolated, independent (in the Pada-pa1t2ha) APra1t.
  287. विग्न (vigna) (vigna)
    %{vigra} see under %{vij}. mfn. shaken, agitated, terrified, alarmed Ragh. Katha1s.
  288. विग्रह (vigraha) (vigraha)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-grah}) freed from `" the Seizer "' i.e. Ra1hu (said of the moon) R.
  289. विघात (vighāta) (vighāta)
    m. a stroke, blow with (comp.) VarBr2S.
    breaking off or in pieces ib.
    driving back, warding off MBh. R.
    destruction, ruin Ka1v. Var. Pan5cat.
    removal, prohibition, prevention, interruption, impediment, obstacle MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    failure, want of success Ja1takam.
  290. विघ्न (vighna) (vighna)
    m. a breaker, destroyer MBh.
    (ep. also n.) an obstacle, impediment, hindrance, opposition, prevention, interruption, any difficulty or trouble Kaus3. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    N. of Gane7s3a Up.
    Carissa Carandas
    %{-kara} mfn. causing any obstacle or interruption, opposing, impeding, obstructing Ra1matUp. VarBr2S.
    %{-kartR} mfn. id. MBh. Pan5car.
    %{-kArin} mfn. id. R.
    fearful or terrible to be looked at
    %{-kRt} mfn. = %{-kara} RPra1t. VarBr2S. &c.
    %{-jit} m. `" conqueror of obstacles "'N. of the god Gan2e7s3a (this deity being supposed capable of either causing or removing difficulties and being therefore worshipped at the commencement of all undertakings) Katha1s. [958,1]
    %{-tantrita} mfn. g. %{tArakA7di} (perhaps for %{vighnita} and %{tantrita})
    %{-dhvaMsa} m. the removal of obstacles MW.
    %{-nAyaka} m. `" obstacle-chief "'N. of Gan2e7s3a
    %{-nAzaka} mfn. who or what removes obstacles or difficulties W.
    m. N. of Gan2e7s3a
    %{-nAzana} n. destruction or removal of obobstacles W.
    m. N. of Gan2e7s3a
    %{-pati} m. `" lord of obobstacles "'N. of Gan2Gan2e7s3a Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-pratikriyA} f. counteraction or removal of an impediment Ragh.
    %{-rAj} m. `" obobstacle king "'N. of Gan2e7s3a Can2d2.
    %{-rAja} m. id. Katha1s. Pan5car.
    N. of an author Cat.
    %{-leza} m. a slight obstacle W.
    %{-vat} mfn. having obstacles, obstructed by difficulties or impediments S3ak.
    %{-vighAta} m. removal of obstacles MW.
    %{-vinAyaka} m. `" obstacle remover "'N. of Gan2e7s3a Cat.
    %{-siddhi} f. the settling or removal of obstacles W.
    %{-hantR} m. `" remover or destroyer of obstacles "'N. of Gan2e7s3a Ca1n2.
    %{-hArin} mfn. removing obobstacles MW.
    m. N. of Gan2Gan2e7s3a
    %{-nA7dhipa} m. = %{--ghna-pati} Cat.
    %{-nA7ntaka} m. = %{-ghna-nAzaka} Katha1s.
    %{-ne7za} m. = %{-ghnapati} BhP. Katha1s.
    pl. (with S3aivas) N. of those who have attained a partic. degree of emancipation Hcat.
    %{-kAntA} f. white-blossomed Du1rva1 grass%{-dAna-vidhi} m. N. of wk.
    %{-vAhana} m. `" vehicle of Gan2Gan2e7s3a "', a kind of rat
    %{-ne7zAna} m. = %{-ghnapati}
    %{-kAntA} f. = %{-ghne7za-kAntA}
    %{-ne7zvara} m. = %{-ghna-pati} Katha1s.
    N. of a teacher S3aktir. (%{-kavaca} n. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-sahasra-nAman} n. %{-varA7STo7ttara-zata} n. N. of wks.) &c. see p. 957, col. 3.
  291. विचक्षण (vicakṣaṇa) (vicakṣaṇa)
    mfn. conspicuous, visible, bright, radiant, splendidBr. Gr2S3rS.
    distinct, perceptible Pa1rGr2.
    clear-sighted (lit. and fig.), sagacious, clever, wise, experienced or versed in, familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    m. N. of a preceptor (with the patr. Ta1n2d2ya) VBr.
    (%{A}) f. Tiaridium Indicum
    N. of Brahma1's throne KaushUp.
    N. of a female servant Viddh.
    (%{am}) ind. g. %{gotrA7di}
    %{-canasita-vat} mfn. accompanied by the word %{vicakSaNa}, or %{canasita} Ka1tyS3r.
    %{-tva} n. sagaciousness, cleverness, discernment, judgment, wisdom MBh.
    %{-m-manya} mfn. considering one's self clever or wise Sarvad.
    %{-vat} mfn. connected with the word %{vicakSaNa} AitBr. (cf. %{-NA7nta} La1t2y., %{-No7ttara} Vait.)
  292. विचर्षणि (vicarṣaṇi) (vicarṣaṇi)
    (%{vi4-}) mfn. very active or busy RV. TA1r.
  293. विचार (vicāra) (vicāra)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) mode of acting or proceeding, procedure (also = a single or particular case) S3rS.
    change of place Gobh.
    pondering, deliberation, consideration, reflection, examination, investigation RPra1t. MBh. &c.
    doubt, hesitation R. Katha1s. BhP.
    a probable conjecture Sa1h.
    dispute, discussion W.
    prudence MW.
    %{-kartR} m. one who makes investigation, a judge, investigator W.
    %{-cintAmaNi} m. N. of wk.
    %{-jJa} mfn. knowing how to discriminate or judge, able to decide on the merits of a case, a judge MW.
    %{-driz} mfn. `" employing no spies for eyes "' (see %{cAra}), and `" looking at a matter with consideration "' Naish.
    %{-nirNaya} m. N. of wk.
    %{-para} m. N. of a king, S3in6ha7s.
    %{-bhU} f. a tribunal
    the judgment-seat of Yama (judge of the dead) W.
    %{-maJjarI} f. %{-mAlA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-mUDha} mfn. foolish or mistaken in judgment Ragh. Hit.
    %{-vat} mfn. proceeding with consideration, considerate, prudent S3atr. Ka1v.
    %{-vid} m. (prob.) `" knowing how to discriminate "'N. of S3iva MBh.
    %{-zAstra} n. N. of wk.
    %{-zIla}, disposed to deliberation or reflection, considerate, deliberative MW.
    %{-sudhA7kara} m. %{-dhA7rNava} m. N. of wks. [958,3]
    %{-sthala} n. a place for discussion or investigation, tribunal MW.
    a logical disputation W.
    %{-rA7rka-saMgraha} m. N. of wk.
    %{-rA7rthasamAgama} m. assembly for the sake of trial or judgment, an assembly for investigation or discussion MW.
    %{-ro7kti} f. discriminating speech&c. see under %{vi-car}.
  294. विचारण (vicāraṇa) (vicāraṇa)
    n. (also %{A} f.) consideration, reflexion, discussion, doubt, hesitation MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    changing a place (only n.) Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. distinction, kind Car.
    N. of the Mi1ma1n6sa1 system of philosophy W.
  295. विचार्य (vicārya) (vicārya)
    mfn. to be deliberated or discussed (n. impers.), dubious, doubtful, questionable MBh. Katha1s. &c.
  296. विचित्त (vicitta) (vicitta)
    mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-cit}) unconscious Sus3r.
    not knowing what to do, helpless Hcar.
    %{-tA} f. unconsciousness Sa1h.
  297. विचित्र (vicitra) (vicitra)
    see s.v.
  298. विचेष्टित (viceṣṭita) (viceṣṭita)
    mfn. struggled, striven, exerted &c.
    effected, produced Hit.
    investigated, inquired into W.
    unconsidered, illjudged ib.
    n. motion (of the body), gesture Ka1v. Sus3r.
    action, exertion, conduct, behaviour Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    evil or malicious act, machination W.
  299. विच्छिन्न (vicchinna) (vicchinna)
    mfn. cut or torn or split or cleft or broken asunder &c. AV. Hariv. BhP.
    interrupted, disconnected (%{-tA} f. disconnectedness), incoherent Gr2S. Ka1v. VarBr2S.
    ended, ceased, no longer existing, Ra1jat
    %{-dhUma-prasara} mfn. having the free course of the smoke interrupted Ragh.
    %{-prasara} (%{vicchinnaprasara}) mfn. having its progress interrupted (said of science) Ra1jat.
    %{-bali-karman} mfn. having sacrificial rites interrupted ib.
    %{-madya} mfn. one who has long abstained from spirituous liquor [959,3]
    %{-zara-pAtatva} n. `" distance of an arrow's flight "' i.e. excessive nearness of combatants to each other MBh.
  300. विच्छेद (viccheda) (viccheda)
    m. cutting asunder, cleaving, piercing, breaking, division, separation Ka1v. S3a1h.
    interruption, discontinuance, cessation, end MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    removal, destruction Ra1jat. Katha1s.
    (ifc.) injury to Ka1m.
    distinction, difference (ifc. also `" variety "' i.e. different kinds of) MBh. S3am2k. Sarvad.
    division of a book, section, chapter W.
    space, interval ib.
    caesura, pause in a verse Pin3g. Sch.
  301. विजन (vijana) (vijana)
    mfn. free from people, destitute of men, deserted, solitary, lonely Mn. MBh. &c.
    n. a deserted or solitary place, absence of witnesses (%{e}, rarely %{eSu} ind. in private, in a lonely spot where there are no witnesses
    %{-naM-kR}, to remove all wwitnesses) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-tA} f. solitude Sa1h.
    %{-nI-kR}, to remove all wwitnesses R. Ratna7v. Katha1s.
    %{-nI-kRta} mfn. separated from a (loved) person R.
  302. विजय (vijaya) (vijaya)
    m. contest for victory, victory, conquest, triumph, superiority RV. &c. &c. (fig. applied to `" the sword "' and to `" punishment "' MBh. xii, 6204
    the prize of victory, booty Ka1tyS3r.
    N. of a partic. hour of the day (esp. the 17th, and the hour of Kr2ishn2a's birth accord. to some the 11th Muhu1rta) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    the third month
    the 27th (or first) year of Jupiter's cycle VarBr2S.
    a kind of military array Ka1m.
    a province, district HParis3.
    (in music) a kind of flute Sam2gi1t.
    a kind of measure ib.
    a kind of composition ib.
    a divine car, chariot of the gods (?)
    N. of Yama
    of a son of Jayanta (son of Indra) Hariv.
    of a son of Vasu-deva ib.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of an attendant of Vishn2u ib.
    of an attendant of Padmapa1n2i W.
    of a son of Sva-rocis Ma1rkP.
    of a Muni Hariv.
    of a prince MBh.
    of a son of Dhr2itara1sht2ra (?) ib.
    of a warrior on the side of the Pa1n2d2avas ib.
    of one of the eight councillors of Das3aratha R.
    of Arjuna MBh. BhP.
    of a son of Jaya Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Can5cu or Cun5cu ib.
    of a son of Sam2jaya VP.
    of a son of Su-deva BhP.
    of a son of Puru1ravas ib.
    of a son (or grandson) of Br2ihan-manas Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Yajn5a-s3ri1 Pur.
    of the founder of Buddhist civilisation in Ceylon MW.
    (with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 white Balas and of one of the 5 Anuttaras
    of the 20th Arhat of the future and of the father of the 21st Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    of the attendant of the 8th Arhat of the same
    of a son of Kalki KalkiP.
    of a son of Kalpa Ka1lP.
    of a hare Katha1s.
    of the lance of Rudra (personified) MBh.
    (pl.) of a people MBh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (accord toTerminalia Chebula
    Sesbania Aegyptiaca
    Vitex Negundo
    Rubia Munjista
    Premna Spinosa
    a kind of hemp
    a kind of %{zamI}
    = %{vacA}) VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c.
    of a partic. Tithi or lunar day (the 12th day in the light half of S3ra1van2a i.e. Kr2ishn2a's birthday, the 10th in that of A1s3vina, being a festival in honour of Durga1, and the 7th in that of Bha1drapada, if it falls on a Sunday
    also the 7th night in the Karma-ma1sa) VarBr2S. BhP. &c.
    of a partic. magical formula Bhat2t2.
    N. of Durga1 MBh. Hariv.
    of a female friend of Durga1 Mudr.
    of the wife of Yama
    of another goddess Cat.
    of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
    of the mother of the 2nd Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    of a daughter of Daksha R.
    of the mother of various Su-hotras MBh.
    of Kr2ishn2a's garland MBh.
    of a Kuma1ri1 (i.e. small flag-staff) on Indra's banner VarBr2S.
    of a partic. spear R.
    n. the poisonous root of the plant Vijaya1 Sus3r.
    a royal tent Va1stuv.
    a kind of pavilion ib.
    N. of a sacred district in Kas3mi1ra Katha1s. (cf. %{-kSetra})
    mfn. leading to victory, proclaiming victory MBh.
    victorious, triumphant L.
  303. विजयदशमी (vijayadaśamī) (vijayadaśamī)
    f. the 10th day of the light half of the month A1s3vina, the day of the Das3a-hara1 &c. MW.
    %{-nirNaya} m. N. of wk.
  304. विजयन्त (vijayanta) (vijayanta)
    m. `" victorious "'N. of Indra
    (%{I}) f. N. of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
  305. विजयपुर (vijayapura) (vijayapura)
    n. N. of various towns Col.
    %{-kathA} f. N. of wk.
  306. विजयिन् (vijayin) (vijayin)
    mfn. victorious, triumphant Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    m. (ifc.) a conqueror, subduer Ka1v. Pur.: %{-yi-kSetra} n. N. of a sacred district in Orissa Inscr.
    %{-yI7ndra} m. (with %{yatI7ndra} or %{bhikSu}) m. N. of an author (also %{-svAmin}) Cat.
  307. विजानत् (vijānat) (vijānat)
    mfn. understanding, knowing &c.
    m. a wise man, sage Mn. MBh. &c.
  308. विजिगीषु (vijigīṣu) (vijigīṣu)
    mfn. desirous of victory or conquest, wishing to overcome or surpass (acc. or comp.), emulous, ambitious Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. a warrior, invader, antagonist MBh.
    a disputant, opponent Sarvad.
    %{-tA} f. (Katha1s.), %{-tva} n. (Ka1m.) desire of conquest, emulation, ambition.
  309. विजित (vijita) (vijita)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-ji}) to be apprehended or feared W.
  310. विजेतृ (vijetṛ) (vijetṛ)
    m. a vanquisher, conqueror (also in argument) MBh. Hariv. &c. (with %{purAm}, `" conqueror of towns "'N. of S3iva Kir.)
  311. विज्ञ (vijña) (vijña)
    mfn. knowing, intelligent, wise, clever
    m. a wise man, sage MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. wisdom, skill, cleverness W.
    %{-buddhi} f. Indian spikenard ib.
    %{-rAja} m. a king or chief among sages Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-jJA7bhimAnin} mfn. thinking one's self clever or wise BhP.
  312. विज्ञा (vijñā) (vijñā)
    P. A1. %{-jAnAti}, %{-jAnIte}, to distinguish, discern, observe, investigate, recognize, ascertain, know, understand RV. &c. &c. (with %{na} and inf. `" to know not how to "')
    to have right knowledge, Ka1t2hUp.
    to become wise or learned Mn. iv, 20
    to hear or learn from (gen.) ChUp. MBh.
    to recognize in (loc.) Pan5cat.
    to look upon or regard or consider as (two acc.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    to learn or understand that (two acc. or %{yat}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to explain, declare BhP.: Pass. %{-jJAyate}, to be distinguished or discerned &c.
    (esp. 3. sg., `" it is known or understood "' S3Br.
    `" it is recognized or prescribed "', scil. by authorities Gr2S3rS
    and in gram. %{mA@vi-jJAyi} with preceding nom., `" let this not be considered as "'): Caus. %{-jJapayati}, or %{-jJApayati} (rarely %{-te}
    aor. %{vy-AjijJapat}), to make known, declare, report, communicate S3Br. &c. &c.
    to ask or request anything Hariv.
    to declare or tell that (two acc.) R.
    to apprise, teach, instruct, ask, beg (with acc. of pers.
    and dat. of thing, or with %{artham} ifc., or %{prati} and acc.) S3Br. &c. &c.
    to inform of or about (two acc.) Ra1jat.: Pass. (only Cond. %{vy-ajJApayiSyata}, with v.l. %{-Syat}), to become manifest, appear ChUp. vii, 2, 1: Desid. of Caus. see %{vi-jijJApayiSA} below (cf. also %{vi-jJIpsu}): Desid. %{-jijJAsati}, %{-te}, to wish to understand or know &c. TS. ChUp.
  313. विज्ञान (vijñāna) (vijñāna)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the act of distinguishing or discerning, understanding, comprehending, recognizing, intelligence, knowledge AV. &c. &c.
    skill, proficiency, art Uttamac.
    science, doctrine Sus3r.
    worldly or profane knowledge (opp. to %{jJAna}, `" knknowledge of the true nature of God "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    the faculty of discernment or of right judgment MBh. R. &c.
    the organ of knknowledge (= %{manas}) BhP.
    (ifc.) the understanding of (a particular meaning), regarding as Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 17
    66 &c.
    (with Buddhists) consciousness or thought-faculty (one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas, also considered as one of the 6 elements or Dha1tus, and as one of the 12 links of the chain of causation) Dharmas. 22
    58 (cf. MWB. 102
    %{-kanda} m. N. of a man Cat.
    %{-kAya} m. N. of a Buddhist wk.
    %{-kRtsna} n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kr2itsnas Buddh.
    %{-kevala} mfn. (with S3aivas) an individual soul to which only %{mala} adheres Sarvad.
    %{-kaumudI} f. N. of a female Buddhist Cat.
    %{-ghana4} m. pure knowledge, nothing but intelligence S3Br. Sarvad.
    %{-taraMgiNI} f. N. of wk.
    %{-tA} f. knowledge of (loc.) Ca1n2.
    %{-tArA7valI} f. N. of wk.
    %{-tailagarbha} m. Alangium Decapetalum
    %{-dezana} m. a Buddha
    %{-naukA} f. N. of sev. wks.
    %{-pati} m. a lord of intelligence TUp.
    N. of one who has attained to a partic. degree of emancipation Ba1dar. Sch.
    %{-pAda} m. N. of Vya1sa
    %{-bhaTTAraka} m. %{-bhArata} m. %{-bhikSu} m. N. of scholars Cat.
    %{-bhairava}, %{-vo7ddyota-saMgraha} m. N. of wks.
    %{-ma4ya} mf(%{I})n. consisting of knowledge or intelligence, all knknowledge, full of intellintelligence S3Br. Up. &c.
    %{-ya-koSa} m. the sheath consconsisting of intellintelligence, the intelligent sheath (of the soul accord. to the Veda7nta) or the sheath caused by the understanding being associated with the organs of perception MW.
    %{-mAtRka} m. `" whose mother is knowledge "', a Buddha
    %{-yati} m. = %{-bhikSu} Cat.
    %{-yogin} m. = %{vijJAne7zvara} Col.
    %{-latikA} f. %{-lalita} or %{-ta-tantra} n. N. of wks.
    %{-vat} mfn. endowed with intelligence Up. ChUp. Sch. Katha1s.
    %{-vAda} m. the doctrine (of the Yoga7ca1ras) that only intelligence has reality (not the objects exterior to us) Ba1dar. Sch.
    %{-vAdin} mfn. one who affirms that only intelligence has reality
    m. a Yoga7ca1ra Sarvad. Buddh.
    %{-vinodinI-TIkA} f. %{-vilAsa} m. %{-zAstra} n. %{-zikSA} f. %{saMjJA-prakaraNa} n. N. of wks.
    %{-nA7kala} mfn. = %{-na-kevala} above Sarvad.
    %{-nA7cArya} m. N. of a teacher Cat.
    %{-nA7tman} m. N. of an author ib.
    %{-nA7ntyA7yatana} n. (with Buddhists) N. of a world Buddh.
    %{-nA7mRta} n. N. of Comm.
    %{-nA7zrama} m. = %{-nA7tman} Cat.
    %{-nA7stitva-mAtra-vAdin} mfn. = %{-na-vAdin} Ba1dar. Sch.
    %{-nA7hAra} m. spiritual food as nourishment
    %{-ne7zvara} m. N. of an author Cat. (%{-tantra} n. %{-vArttika}, n. N. of wks.)
    %{-ne7zvarIya} n. a wk. of Vijn5a1ne7s3vara Cat.
    %{-nai9ka-skandha-vAda} m. = %{-na-vAda} above Ba1dar. Sch.
  314. विज्ञापन (vijñāpana) (vijñāpana)
    n. (or %{A} f.) information, communication, address (esp. to a superior), request, entreaty Ka1lid. Mudr. Katha1s.
  315. विज्ञेय (vijñeya) (vijñeya)
    mfn. to be perceived or known, knowable, cognizable S3Br. MBh. &c.
    to be understood or heard or learned Mn. R. VarBr2S.
    to be recognized or considered or regarded as (%{-tva} n.) TPra1t. Up. MBh. &c.
  316. विश् (viś) (viś)
    1 cl. 6. P. (Dha1tup. xxvm, 130) %{visa4ti} (rarely, in later language mostly m. c. also A1. %{vizate} [989,2]
    pf. %{vive4za}, %{vivize} RV. &c. &c. [%{vivezitha}, %{vivezuH} RV.
    %{vivizyAs} ib.
    p. %{-viziva4s} AV.
    %{vivizivas} or %{vivizvas} Pa1n2. 7-2, 68
    %{avivezIs} RV.]
    aor. %{a4vizran}, %{a4vikSmahi}, %{vezIt} RV.
    %{avikSat} Br. &c.
    %{avikSata} Gr.
    Prec. %{vizyAt} ib.
    fut. %{veSTA} MBh.
    %{vekSyati}, %{-te} Br. &c.
    inf. %{veSTum} MBh. &c.
    %{veSTavai} Br.
    %{vizam} RV.
    ind. p. %{-vizya} AV. &c. &c.), to enter, enter in or settle down on, go into (acc. loc., or %{antar} with gen.), pervade RV. &c. &c. (with %{punar} or %{bhUyas}, to re-enter, return, come back)
    to be absorbed into (acc.) Bhag.
    (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S.
    (with %{agnim}, (%{jvalanam} &c.) to enter the fire i.e. ascend the funeral pyre MBh. R. &c.
    (with %{apas}) to sink or be immersed in the water BhP.
    to enter (a house &c.) Hariv.
    to appear (on the stage) R. Ka1m.
    to go home or to rest RV. S3a1n3khBr.
    to sit down upon (acc. or loc.) R. Hariv.
    to resort or betake one's self to (%{agratas}, %{agre}, or acc.) Ragh. Pur.
    to flow into (and, join with,
    applied to rivers and armies) Ra1jat. v, 140
    to flow or redound to, fall to the share of (acc.) Hariv. Ragh. &c.
    to occur to (as a thought, with acc.) R.
    to befall, come to (as death, with acc.) BhP.
    to belong to, exist for (loc.) ib.
    to fall or get into any state or condition (acc.) R. S3a1ntis3.
    to enter upon, undertake, begin R. BhP.
    to mind (any business), attend to (dat.) MBh. xii, 6955 : Caus. %{veza4yati}, %{-te} (aor. %{avIvizat}
    Pass. %{vezyate}), to cause to enter into (acc.) AV.
    to cause to sit down on (loc.) BhP.: Desid. %{vivikSati}, to wish to enter (acc.) BhP.
    (with %{agnim} or %{vahnim}) to wish to enter the fire i.e. to ascend the funeral pyre Katha1s.: Intens. %{vevizyate}, %{veveSTi}, Gr. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {vicus}
    Lith. {ve0sze8ti}
    Slav. &299635[989,2] {vi8si8}
    Goth. {weihs}
    Angl.-Sax. {wi7c}
    Germ, {wi7ch}, {Weich-bild}.]
  317. विष् (viṣ) (viṣ)
    1 cl. 3. P. %{viveSTi} (only RV. cf. Intens.
    here and ep. also cl. 1. P. %{ve4Sati} cf. below
    Subj. %{vive4H}, %{vi4veSaH} RV.
    pf. %{viveSa}, %{viviSuH} ib. [%{a4viveSIH}, iv, 22, 5 &c.]
    aor. %{aviSat}, %{avikSat} Gr.
    Impv. %{viDDhi4} AV.
    fut. %{vekSyati}, %{-te} Br.
    %{veSTA} Gr.
    inf. %{veSTum} Gr.
    %{-vi4Se} RV.
    ind. p. %{viSTvI4} ib.
    %{-vi4Sya} AV.), to be active, act, work, do, perform RV. . S3Br.
    (cl. 1. P. %{ve4Sati} cf. Dha1tup. xvii, 47) to be quick, speed, run, flow (as water) ib.
    to work as a servant serve ib.
    to have done with i.e. overcome, subdue, rule ib.
    (Naigh. ii, 8) to be contained in (acc.), Tattvak.: Caus. %{veSayati}, to clothe BhP.: Intens. (or cl. 3. accord. to Dha1tup. xxv, 13) %{ve4veSTi}, %{veviSTe}, to be active or busy in various ways &c.
    (p. %{ve4viSat}) to consume, eat ib. (cf. Naigh. ii, 8)
    (p. %{ve4viSANa}) aided or supported by (instr.) RV. vii, 18, 15. 2 mfn. consuming (cf. %{jarad-vi4S})
    = %{vyApana}, pervasion3 f. (nom. %{viT}) feces, ordure, excrement, impure excretion, dirt Mn. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. &c. 4 cl. 9. P. %{viSNAti}, to separate, disjoin Dha1tup. xxxi, 54.
  318. विटप (viṭapa) (viṭapa)
    m. (for 2. see below) a keeper of catamites L.
  319. विट्ठल (viṭṭhala) (viṭṭhala)
    m. (also written %{viThala}, %{viThThala}, and %{viDhDhala}) N. of a god worshipped at Pandharpur in the Deccan (he is commonly called Vit2ho-ba1, and stated to be an incarnation of Vishn2u or Kr2ishn2a himself, who is believed to have visited this city and infused a large portion of his essence into a Bra1hman named Pun2d2ari1ka or Pun2d2ali1ka, who had gained a great reputation for filial piety
    his images represent him standing on a brick [cf. 2. %{viD}] with his arms akimbo) RTL. 263
    (also with %{AcArya}, %{dIkSita}, %{bhaTTa} &c.) N. of various authors and teachers (esp. of a grammarian, disparaged by Bhat2t2oji, and of a son of Vallabha7ca1rya and successor to his chair, also called Vit2t2hala-di1kshita or Vit2t2hala-na1tha or Vit2t2hale7s3a or Vit2t2hale7s3vara, said to have been born in 1515) Cat.
  320. विडम्बन (viḍambana) (viḍambana)
    mfn. imitating, representing, acting like BhP.
    n. and (%{A}) f. imitation, copying, representing, playing the part of any one, imposture, disguise (esp. applied to a god assuming human form) Ka1v. Pur. (acc. with %{kR}, to imitate, copy, represent)
    derision, ridiculousness, mockery, scoff, scorn, vexation, mortification MBh. Ka1v. &c. (acc. with %{kR}, to mock, deride)
    disgrace, degradation profanation BhP.
    abuse, misusage VarBr2S.
    disappointing, frustrating MW.
  321. विडम्बिन् (viḍambin) (viḍambin)
    mfn. imitating, copying, bearing a striking resemblance Uttarar. Ka1d.
    mocking, deriding, vying with, surpassing S3is3. Ka1vya7d.
    disgracing, degrading, profaning VarBr2S.
    causing deception or error MW.
  322. विद् (vid) (vid)
    1 cl. 2. P. (Dha1tup. xxiv, 56) %{vetti} (%{vidmahe} Br.
    %{vedati}, %{-te} Up. MBh.
    %{vida4ti}, %{-te} AV. &c.
    %{vindati}, %{-te} MBh. &c.
    Impv. %{vidAM-karotu} Pan5cat. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1, 41]
    1. sg. impf. %{avedam}, 2. sg. %{avet} or %{aves} [Pa1n2. 8-2, 75] RV. &c. &c.
    3. pl. %{avidus} Br. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-4, 109]
    %{avidan} MBh. &c.
    pf. %{ve4da} [often substituted for pr. %{vetti} cf. Pa1n2. 3-4, 83], 3. pl. %{vidu4s} or %{vidre} RV.
    %{viveda} MBh. &c.
    %{vidAMcakA4ra} Br. &c. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1, 38
    accord. to Vop. also %{vidAm-babhUva}]
    aor. %{avedIt} ib.
    %{vidAm-akran} TBr.
    fut. %{veditA4} S3Br.
    %{vettA} MBh. fut. %{vediSyati}, %{-te} Br. Up.
    %{vetsyati}, %{-te} MBh. &c.
    inf. %{ve4ditum}, %{-tos} Br.
    %{vettum} MBh. &c.
    ind. p. %{viditvA4} Br. &c.), to know, understand, perceive, learn, become or be acquainted with, be conscious of, have a correct notion of (with acc., in older, language also with gen.
    with inf. = to know how to) RV. &c. &c. (%{viddhi@yathA}, `" know that "'
    %{vidyAt}, `" one should know "', `" it should be understood "'
    %{ya@evam@veda} [in Br.], `" who knows thus "', who has this knowledge "')
    to know or regard or consider as, take for, declare to be, call (esp. in 3. pl. %{vidus}, with two acc. or with acc. and nom. with %{iti}, e. g. %{taM@sthaviraM@viduH}, `" they consider or call him aged "'
    %{rAjarSir@iti@mAM@viduH}, `" they consider me a Ra1jarshi "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
    to mind, notice, observe, remember (with gen. or acc.)Br.
    to experience, feel (acc. or gen.) RV. &c. &c.
    to wish to know, inquire about (acc.) S3Br. MBh.: Caus. %{veda4yate} (rarely %{-ti}
    aor. %{avIvidat}
    Pass. %{vedyate}), to make known, announce, report, tell S3Br. &c. &c.
    to teach, explain S3a1n3khS3r. Nir.
    to recognize or regard as, take for (two acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to feel, experience S3Br. Mn. &c.: Desid. of Caus. in %{vivedayiSu} q.v.: Desid. %{vividiSati} or %{vivitsati}, to wish to know or learn, inquire about (acc) S3Br. &c. &c.: Intens. %{vevidyate}, %{vevetti} Gr. [Cf. Gk. $ for $, $ for $ = %{veda}
    Lat. {videre}
    &291967[963,2] Slav. {ve8de8ti}
    Goth. {witan}, {wait}
    Germ. {wizzan}, {wissen}
    Angl. Sax. {wa7t}
    Eng. wot.] 3 (originally identical with 1. %{vid}) cl. 6. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxviii, 138) %{vinda4ti}, %{-te} (Ved. also %{vitte4}, %{vide4}
    p. %{vidAna4} or %{vidAna} [q.v.]
    ep. 3. pl. %{vindate} Pot. %{vindyAt}, often = %{vidyAt}
    pf. %{vive4da} [3. pl. %{vividus} Subj. %{vividat}], %{vividva4s}, 3. pl. %{vividre}, %{vidre4} RV. &c. &c.
    p. %{vividva4s} RV.
    %{vividivas} Pa1n2. 7-2, 68
    aor. %{a4vidat}, %{-data} ib. [Ved. Subj. %{vidA4si}, %{-dA4t}
    Pot. %{vide4t}, %{deta} VS. AV. Br.
    3. sg. %{videSTa} AV. ii, 36, 3]
    A1. 1. sg. %{avitsi} RV. Br.
    fut. %{vettA}, %{vediSyati} Gr.
    %{vetsyati}, %{-te} Br. &c.
    inf. %{vide4} RV.
    %{vettum} MBh. &c.
    %{ve4ttave} AV.
    %{-ttavai} [?] and %{-tos} Br.
    ind. p. %{vittvA4} AV. Br.
    %{-vidya} Br. &c.), to find, discover, meet or fall in with, obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess RV. &c. &c. (with %{dizas}, to find out the quarters of she sky MBh.) [965,1]
    to get or procure for (dat.) RV. ChUp.
    to seek out, look for, attend to RV. &c. &c.
    to feel, experience Ca1n2.
    to consider as, take for (two acc.) Ka1v.
    to come upon, befall, seize, visitBr.
    to contrive, accomplish, perform, effect, produce RV. S3Br.
    (A1. m. c. also P.) to take to wife, marry (with or scil. %{bhAryAm}) RV. Mn. MBh. &c.
    to find (a husband), marry (said of a woman) AV. Mn. MBh.
    to obtain (a son, with or scil. %{sutam}) BhP.: Pass. or A1. %{vidya4te} (ep. also %{-ti}
    p. %{vidyamAna} [q.v.]
    aor. %{avedi}), to be found, exist, be RV. &c. &c.
    (esp. in later language) %{vidyate}, `" there is, there exists "', often with %{na}, `" there is not "'
    with %{bhoktum}, `" there is something to eat "'
    followed by a fut., `" is it possible that? "' Pa1n2. 3-3, 146 Sch.
    %{yathA-vide4}, `" as it happens "' i.e. `" as usual "', `" as well as possible "' RV. i, 127, 4 &c.: Caus. %{vedayati}, to cause to find &c. MBh.: Desid. %{vividiSati} or %{vivitsati}, %{-te} Gr. (cf. %{vivitsita}): Intens. %{vevidyate}, %{vevetti} ib. (for p. %{ve4vidat} and %{-dAna} see %{vi-} and %{saMvid}). 4 (ifc.) finding, acquiring, procuring (see %{anna-}, %{azva-}, %{ahar-vid} &c.) 5 cl. 7. A1. (Dha1tup. xxix, 13) %{vintte}, to consider as, take for (two acc.) Bhat2t2.
  323. वितथ (vitatha) (vitatha)
    see s.v.
  324. वितर्क (vitarka) (vitarka)
    m. conjecture, supposition, guess, fancy, imagination, opinion MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    doubt, uncertainty Yogas. Sarvad.
    a dubious or questionable matter Yogas.
    reasoning, deliberation, consideration Ka1v. Sa1h.
    purpose, intention Ja1takam.
    a teacher, instructor in divine knowledge W.
    a partic. class of Yogi1s Ja1takam.
    N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh.
    pl. N. of the five principal sins Ja1takam.
    %{-padavI} f. the path of conjecture or supposition Prab.
    %{-vat} mfn. (speech) containing a cconjecture or ssupposition Das3ar.
  325. वितल (vitala) (vitala)
    n. N. of one of the seven hells A1run2Up. BhP. (cf. %{pAtAla})
    depth of hell Ba1lar.
    %{-loka} m. the world or lower region of Vitala MW. - 1.
  326. वितान (vitāna) (vitāna)
    mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-tan}) `" out of tune "', dejected, sad Ragh. vi, 86
    empty Harav. (also in %{av-} S3is3. iii, 50)
    dull, stupid W.
    wicked, abandoned ib.
    %{-nI-bhUta} mfn. being sad or dejected Ja1takam.
  327. विताल (vitāla) (vitāla)
    mfn. (in music) breaking time Sam2gi1t.
    m. wrong time or measure Nalac.
    (%{I}) f. an instrument for beating time. L.
  328. वितृष्ण (vitṛṣṇa) (vitṛṣṇa)
    mf(%{A})n. id. MBh.
    free from desire, not desirous of (comp.) BhP.
    (%{A}) f. = next BhP. (cf. under %{vi-tRS})
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. freedom from desire, satiety Ka1v.
  329. वित्त (vitta) (vitta)
    see under 1. %{vid} &c. [963,2] 1 mfn. (for 2. see under 3. %{vid}) known, understood (see comp.)
    celebrated, notorious, famous for (comp.) Das3. (cf. Pa1n2. 8-2, 58).3 or mfn. = %{vicArita} L.
  330. विदग्ध (vidagdha) (vidagdha)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-dah}) undigested W. see %{vi-dah} below. mfn. burnt up, consumed S3Br. Kaus3. [965,3]
    inflamed Sus3r.
    cooked by internal heat as by the fire of digestion, digested ib.
    decomposed, corrupted, spoiled, turned sour ib.
    mature (as a tumour) Bhpr.
    tawny or reddish brown (like impure blood)
    clever, shrewd, knowing, sharp, crafty, sly, artful, intriguing MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. tawny (the colour)
    a clever man, scholar, Pan2d2it W.
    a libertine, intriguer ib.
    N. of a teacher of the Va1jasaneyins S3Br.
    (%{A}) f. a sharp or knowing woman W.
    %{-cuDAmaNi} m. N. of an enchanted parrot Katha1s. Vet.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. cleverness, sharpness, skill in (loc.) Ka1v.
    %{-toSiNI} f. N. of an astron. wk.
    %{-parivRddhatA} f. the turning acid and swelling (of food in the stomach) Sus3r.
    %{-pariSad} f. an assembly or company of clever people Bhartr2.
    %{-bodha} m. N. of a grammar (by Ra1ma-candra Mis3ra)
    %{-mAdhava} n. N. of a Na1t2aka or drama (by Ru1pa Go-sva1min, in 7 acts, written A.D. 1549
    it is a dramatic version of the Gi1ta-govinda on the loves of Kr2ishn2a and Ra1dha1)
    %{-mukha-maNDana} n. N. of wk. on enigmas (by the Buddhist Dharmada1sa)
    %{-vacana} mfn. clever or skilful in speech Pan5cat.
    %{-vaidya} m. N. of a medical writer
    %{-dhA7jIrna} n. a partic. form of indigestion Bhpr.
    %{-dhA7lApa} mfn. clever in language, elegant, witty Bhartr2.
  331. विदर्भ (vidarbha) (vidarbha)
    see s. v.
  332. विदार (vidāra) (vidāra)
    %{-raka}, %{-raNa} see under %{vi-dRR}, p. 966, col. 1. m. tearing or rending asunder, cutting, splitting Ka1v. Vop.
    war, battle
    an inundation, overflow
    (%{I}) f. see below
    a swelling in the groin L.
  333. विदारण (vidāraṇa) (vidāraṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. tearing or rending asunder, breaking, splitting, cleaving, piercing, crushing, lacerating MBh. R. &c.
    m. Pterospermum Acerifolium
    a tree or rock in the middle of a stream to which a boat is fastened MW.
    n. the act of tearing asunder &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    hewing down, wasting (of a forest) Inscr.
    opening wide (the mouth) S3am2k.
    repelling, rejecting Katha1s.
    = %{viDamba} or %{-bana}
    (also %{A}) f. war, battle L.
  334. विदिश् (vidiś) (vidiś)
    f. an intermediate point of the compass (as south east) VS. &c. &c.
    mfn. going into different quarters or regions Ka1tyS3r.
    - (%{-dik-}) %{caGga} m. a sort of yellow bird L.
  335. विदित (vidita) (vidita)
    mfn. known, understood, learnt, perceived, known as (nom.) AV. &c. &c. (%{viditam@astu@vaH} or %{astu@vo@viditam}, `" let it be understood by you "', `" know that "')
    promised, agreed
    represented W.
    apprised, informed ib.
    m. a learned man, sage W.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Jaina goddess
    n. information, representation W.
  336. विदिशा (vidiśā) (vidiśā)
    f. an intermediate quarter or region MBh. Hariv.
    N. of a river and the town situated on it (the capital of the district of Dasa7rn2a1 now called Bilsa) MBh. Ka1lid. &c.
    of a town situated on the Vetravati1 Ka1d.
  337. विदुर (vidura) (vidura)
    mfn. knowing, wise, intelligent, skilled in (comp.) Uttamac.
    m. a learned or clever man W.
    an intriguer ib.
    N. of the younger brother of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra and Pa1n2d2u (they were all three sons of Vya1sa, but only the latter two by the two widows of Vicitra-vi1rya
    when Vya1sa wanted a third son, the elder widow sent him one of her slave-girls, dressed in her own clothes, and this girl became the mother of Vidura, who is sometimes called Kshattr2i, as if he were the son of a Kshatriya man and S3u1dra woman Vidura is described as %{sarva-buddhimatAM@varaH} and is one of the wisest characters in the Maha1-bha1rata, always ready with good advice both for his nephews, the Pa1n2d2avas, and for his brother Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. IW. 376
    385 &c.)
  338. विद्वस् (vidvas) (vidvas)
    mf(%{u4SI})n. one who knows, knowing, understanding, learned, intelligent, wise, mindful of, familiar with, skilled in (acc. loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (cf. %{vidvat-tara}, %{vidvat-tama}, %{viduSTara}, %{viduSI8-tara})
    m. a wise man, sage, seer W.
    N. of a Bra1hman Hariv.
  339. विदूर (vidūra) (vidūra)
    see s.v.
  340. विदूषक (vidūṣaka) (vidūṣaka)
    mfn. defiling, disgracing BhP.
    facetious, witty W. [966,1]
    m. a jester, wag, buffoon (esp. in dram.) the jocose companion and confidential friend of the hero of a play (he acts the same confidential part towards the king or hero, that her female companions do towards the heroine
    his business is to excite mirth in person and attire, and to make himself the universal butt
    a curious regulation requires him to be a Bra1hman, or higher in caste than the king himself
    cf. IW. 474) Hariv. Ka1v. Sa1h. &c.
    a libertine, catamite
    N. of a Bra1hman Katha1s.
  341. विदेश (videśa) (videśa)
    see s.v.
  342. विदेह (videha) (videha)
    see s.v.
  343. विद्ध (viddha) (viddha)
    mfn. (p.p. of %{vyadh}) pierced, perforated, penetrated, stabbed, struck, wounded, beaten, torn, hurt, injured AV. &c. &c.
    cleft, split, burst asunder MBh.
    (with %{zUlAyAm}) impaled Katha1s.
    opposed, impeded
    thrown, sent
    stung, incited, set in motion BhP.
    filled or affected or provided or joined or mixed with (instr. or comp.) Hariv. VarBr2S. BhP.
    like, resembling S3rutab.
    m. Echites Scholaris
    n. a wound MW. &c. see p. 966, col. 2.
  344. विद्यमान (vidyamāna) (vidyamāna)
    mfn. (Pass. pr. p.) `" being found "', existent, existing, present, real Pat. Ka1v. Pur. (cf. %{a-vid-}).
  345. विद्या (vidyā) (vidyā)
    f. knowledge (cf. %{kAla-jAta-v-}), science, learning, scholarship, philosophy RV. &c. &c. (according to some there are four Vidya1s or sciences, 1. %{trayI}, the triple Veda
    2. %{AnvIkSikI}, logic and metaphysics
    3. %{daNDa-nIti}, the science of government
    4. %{vArttA}, practical arts, such as agriculture, commerce, medicine &c.
    and Manu vii, 43 adds a fifth, viz. %{Atma-vidyA}, knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth
    according to others, Vidya1 has fourteen divisions, viz. the four Vedas, the six Veda1n3gas, the Pura1n2as, the Mi1ma1n6sa1. Nya1ya, and Dharma or law [964,1]
    or with the four Upa-vedas, eighteen divisions
    others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [= %{kalAs} or arts]
    Knowledge is also personified and identified with Durga1
    she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas)
    any knowledge whether true or false (with Pa1s3upatas) Sarvad.
    a spell, incantation MBh. Ragh. Katha1s.
    magical skill MW.
    a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W.
    Premna Spinosa
    a mystical N. of the letter %{i} Up.
    a small bell(cf. %{vidyAmaNi}). 1.
  346. विद्यापति (vidyāpati) (vidyāpati)
    m. the chief scholar at a court (%{-tva} n.) Ra1jat. Vcar.
    (also %{-ti-svAmin}) N. of various authors or scholars Ka1v. &c.
  347. विद्युत् (vidyut) (vidyut)
    mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-dyut}) devoid of splendour, lustreless- 1.
  348. विद्योत (vidyota) (vidyota)
    mfn. flashing, glittering BhP.
    m. a flash of light, lightning Hariv.
    N. of a son of Dharma and Lamba1 (father of Stanayitnu, the Thunder "') BhP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
  349. विद्विष् (vidviṣ) (vidviṣ)
    1 P. A1. %{-dveSTi}, %{-dviSTe}, to dislike, hate, be hostile to (acc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hariv.
    (A1.) to hate each other mutually, dislike one another AV. Kat2hUp. Gr2S3rS.: Caus. %{-dveSayati}, to cause to dislike, render an enemy, make hostile towards one another Bhat2t2. 2 mfn. hating, hostile, an enemy to (mostly ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  350. विद्विषत् (vidviṣat) (vidviṣat)
    mfn. id. BhP.
  351. विद्विष्ट (vidviṣṭa) (vidviṣṭa)
    mfn. hated, disliked, odious Mn. Ya1jn5. R.
    hostile to (loc.) MBh.
    (ifc.) opposite or contrary R.
    %{-tA} f. hatred, dislike MBh.
  352. विद्वेष (vidveṣa) (vidveṣa)
    m. hatred, dislike, contempt, aversion to (loc. or gen.) AV. &c. &c. (%{-SaM-gam}, to make one's self odious
    %{-SaM-kR}, with loc., to show hostility towards
    %{-SaM-grah}, with loc., to conceive hatred against)
    a magical act or formula used for exciting hatred or enmity (also %{-karman} n.) Cat.
    proud indifference (even for desired objects) Bhar.
    a class of evil demons Hariv.
    %{-vIra} m. N. of a chief of the S3aivas Cat.
  353. विधा (vidhā) (vidhā)
    P. A1. %{-dadhAti}, %{-dhatte}, to distribute, apportion, grant, bestow RV. &c. &c. (with %{kAmam}, to fulfil a wish)
    to furnish, supply, procure (with %{AtmanaH}, `" for one's self "') MBh.
    to spread, diffuse
    to put in order, arrange, dispose, prepare, make readyBr. Up.
    to divide, parcel out S3ukas.
    to ordain, direct, enjoin, settle, appoint Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    to form, create, build, establish, found S3vetUp. MBh. &c.
    to perform, effect, produce, cause, occasion, make, do Mn. MBh. &c. (like %{kR} to be translated variously in connection with various nouns e.g. with %{siMhatvam}, to change into a lion
    with %{saciva-tAm}, to assume the office of a minister
    with %{veSam}, to put on a garment
    with %{vRttim}, to secure a maintenance
    with %{upA7yam}, to devise a means
    with %{mantram}, to hold a consultation
    with %{rAjyam}, to carry on government, rule
    with %{saMdhim}, to conclude peace
    with %{kalaham}, to pick up a quarrel [967,3]
    with %{vairam}, to declare war
    with %{lajjAm}, to display bashfulness
    with %{kolAhalam}, to raise a clamour
    with %{cumbanaM}, to give a kiss)
    to make, render (with two acc.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    to contrive or manage that (%{yathA}) MBh. R.
    to put or lay on or in, direct towards (loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (with %{hRdaye}, to take to heart
    with %{agrataH}, or %{adhaH}, to place before or below)
    to send out, despatch (spies) Mn. vii, 184
    to take trouble with (dat.) Kir. i, 3
    to treat, deal with (acc.) R. ii, 38, 17: Pass. %{-dhIyate}, to be distributed &c.
    to be allotted or intended for (gen.) Mn. ix, 119
    to be accounted, pass for (nom.) ib. iii, 118: Caus. %{-dhApayati}, to cause to put, cause to be laid R.
    cause to put in order or arrange or fix MW.: Desid. %{-dhitsati}, %{-te}, to wish to distribute or bestow BhP.
    to wish to decide or determine or fix or establish S3am2k.
    to wish to find out or devise (a means) BhP.
    to wish to procure or acquire MBh.
    to wish to perform or accomplish anything, intend, purpose MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    to wish to make or render (two acc.) BhP.
  354. विधि (vidhi) (vidhi)
    1 m. (for 2. see p. 968, col. 1) a worshipper, one who does homage AitBr. 2 m. (for 1. see p. 967, col. 2) a rule, formula, injunction, ordinance, statute, precept, law, direction (esp. for the performance of a rite as given in the Bra1hman2a portion of the Veda, which accord. to Sa1y. consists of two parts, 1. Vidhi, `" precepts or commandments "' e.g. %{yajeta}, `" he ought to sacrifice "', %{kuryAt}, `" he ought to perform "'
    2. Artha-va1da, `" explanatory statements "' as to the origin of rites and use of the Mantras, mixed up with legends and illustrations) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 24)
    a grammatical rule or precept Pa1n2. 1-1, 57
    any prescribed act or rite or ceremony Mn. Ka1lid. Pan5cat.
    use, employment, application Car.
    method, manner or way of acting, mode of life, conduct, behaviour Mn. MBh. &c.
    a means, expedient for (dat. loc., or comp.
    %{adhvavidhinA}, by means of i.e. along the road) Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. Hit.
    any act or action, performance, accomplishment, contrivance, work, business (ifc. often pleonastically e.g. %{mathana-vidhi}, the [act of] disturbing) Ya1jn5. S3ak. &c.
    creation (also pl.) Kum. Kir.
    fate, destiny MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the creator Pan5car.
    N. of Brahma1 S3ak. Naish.
    of Vishn2u
    of Agni at the Pra7yas3citta Gr2ihya1s.
    a physiciantime
    fodder, food for elephants or horses
    f. N. of a goddess Cat.
  355. विधर्म (vidharma) (vidharma)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-dhR}) wrong, unjust, unlawful (also %{-maka}) MBh.
    devoid of attributes or qualities (= %{nir-guNa}, said of Kr2ishn2a) ib. (Ni1lak.)
    m. wrong, injustice MBh. VarBr2S. Ma1rkP.
    %{-tas} ind. wrongly, unlawfully MBh.
    %{-stha} mfn. `" abiding in wrong "', unjust ib. - 1.
  356. विधवा (vidhavā) (vidhavā)
    f. (accord. to some fr. %{vi} + %{dhava} see 2. %{dhava4}, p. 513) a husbandless woman, widow (also with %{nArI}, %{yoSit}, %{strI} &c.) RV. &c. &c.
    bereft of a king (a country) R. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. &293125[967,2] {vidua}
    Goth. {widuwo7}
    Germ. {wituwa}, {witewe}, {Witwe}
    Angl. Sax. {wuduwe}, {widewe}
    Eng. {widow}.]
  357. विधातृ (vidhātṛ) (vidhātṛ)
    mf(%{trI})n. distributing. arranging, disposing &c.
    m. a distributer, disposer, arranger, accomplisher, maker, author, creator RV. &c. &c.
    a granter, giver, bestower Kum.
    N. of Brahma1 (as the creator of the world and disposer of men's fate, sometimes in pl. = %{prajA-pati} e.g. S3ak. vii, 30/31
    sometimes Vi-dha1tr2i is mentioned together with Dha1tr2i e.g. MBh. iii, 10419 &c.
    both are supposed to be the sons of Brahma1 [MBh.] or of Bhr2igu [Pur.]
    in VarBr2S. Vidha1tr2i is the regent of the 2nd Tithi, while Brahma1 presides over the first) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Fate or Destiny (personified) Ka1v. Hit.
    N. of Vishn2u BhP.
    of S3iva S3ivag.
    of Ka1ma (god of love)
    of Vis3va-karman MW.
    (%{trI}) f. see below
    %{-bhU} m. `" son of Brahma1 "'N. of Na1rada
    %{-vazAt} ind, from the will of BrBrahma1, through the power of destiny MW.
    %{-tr-Ayus} m. the sunflower L.
  358. विधान (vidhāna) (vidhāna)
    mf(%{I})n. disposing, arranging, regulating Vait.
    acting, performing, possessing, having MW.
    m. N. of a Sa1dhya Hariv.
    n. order, measure, disposition, arrangement, regulation, rule, precept, method, manner RV. &c. &c. (instr. sg. and pl., and %{-tas} ind. according to rule or precept
    %{saMkhyA-vidhAnAt}, according to mathematical method, mathematically
    %{deza-kAla-vidhAnena}, in the right place and at the right time)
    medical prescription or regulation, diet Sus3r.
    fate, destiny MBh. Ka1v.
    taking measures, contriving, managing Mn. MBh. &c.
    a means, expedient Pan5cat.
    setting up (machines) Ya1jn5.
    creating, creation Kum. Ragh.
    performance (esp. of prescribed acts or rites), execution, making, doing, accomplishing Mn. MBh. &c.
    enumeration, statement of particulars Sus3r.
    (in dram.) conflict of different feelings, occasion for joy and sorrow Sa1h. Prata1p.
    (in gram.) affixing, prefixing, taking as an affix &c. W.
    an elephant's fodder &c. S3is3. v, 51 (onlyworship
    act of hostility &c.)
    %{-kalpa} m. %{-khaNDa} m. or n. (?) N. of wks.
    %{-ga} m. `" rulegoer "', a Pan2d2it, teacher
    %{-gumpha} m. N. of wk.
    %{-jJa} mfn. one who knows rules or precepts MBh. Sus3r.
    m. a teacher, Pan2d2it W.
    %{-tilaka} n. %{-pArijAta} m. %{-mAlA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-yukta} mfn. agreeable to rule or precept MBh.
    %{-ratna} n. %{-ratnamAlA} f. %{-rahasya} n. N. of wks.
    %{-saptamI} f. N. of the 7th day in the light half of Ma1gha W.
    %{-sArasaMgraha} m. N. of wk.
    %{-no7kta} mfn. proclaimed or enjoined according to rule or (sacred) precept Bhag.
  359. विधुर (vidhura) (vidhura)
    mf(%{A})n. destitute of a shaft (as a carriage) MBh. vi, 1890 (perhaps `" damaged "' = 2. %{vidhura} see s.v.)
  360. विधूत (vidhūta) (vidhūta)
    mfn. shaken or tossed about &c.
    shaken off, dispelled, removed, discarded, abandoned, relinquished MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    trembling, tremulous W.
    unsteady ib.
    n. the repelling of affection, repugnance Bhar. Das3ar.
    %{-kalmaSa} mfn. having sin dispelled or removed, delivered from sin MW.
    %{-keza} mfn. having hair tossed about or dishevelled Kir.
    %{-nidra} mfn. roused from sleep, awakened Ragh. (v.l. %{vinIta-n-})
    %{-papman} mfn. delivered from evil or sin MBh.
    %{-veza} mfn. shaking one's garment R.
  361. विधेय (vidheya) (vidheya)
    mfn. to be bestowed or procured BhP.
    to be used or employed (%{a-vidh-}) MBh.
    to be (or being) enjoined (as a rule) Pa1rGr2.
    to be stated or settled or established VarBr2S. Ka1m.
    to be performed or practised or done MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to be drawn (as a line) Gol.
    to be kindled (as fire) MBh.
    to be exhibited or displayed or shown or betrayed Ka1v. Ra1jat. Hit.
    docile, compliant, submissive, liable to be ruled or governed or influenced by, subject or obedient to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) subdued or overcome by Ragh. Prab. Ra1jat.
    n. what is to be done, duty, necessity Ra1jat.
    %{-jJa} mfn. knowing what ought to be done Pan5cat.
    %{-tA} f. fitness to be (or `" state of being "') prescribed or enjoined, Pra1yas3c. (opp. to %{niSiddha-tA})
    docility, submission Car.
    %{-tva} n. applicability, usefulness MBh.
    dependency, submission Ra1jat.
    necessity of being established or stated Sa1h.
    %{-pada} n. an object to be accomplished W.
    %{-mArga} m. the seeking to do a necessary act ib.
    %{-vartin} mfn. submissive to another's will, obedient S3is3.
    %{-yA7tman} mfn. having the soul (well) subdued or controlled Bhag. &c. see p. 968, col. 2.
  362. विनत (vinata) (vinata)
    mfn. bent, curved, bent down, bowed, stooping, inclined, sunk down, depressed, deepened (%{am} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. VarBr2S.
    bowing to (gen.) Ghat2.
    humble, modest Bhat2t2. Katha1s.
    dejected, dispirited MW.
    (in gram.) changed into a cerebral letter Pa1n2. Sch. (cf. %{-nAma})
    accentuated in apartic. manner, S3a1y.
    m. a kind of ant Kaus3.
    N. of a son of Su-dyumna VP.
    of a monkey R.
    (perhaps) n. N. of a place situated on the Go-mati R.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    %{-kAya} mfn. one who has the body bent, stooping SaddhP.
    %{-tA} f. inclination TPra1t. Sch.
    %{-tA7nana} mfn. one who has his face bent or cast down, dejected, dispirited MBh.
    %{-ta4zva} m. N. of a son of Su-dyumna Hariv. VP.
    %{-to7dara} mfn. with bending waist, bending at the waist MW.
  363. विनद (vinada) (vinada)
    m. sound, noise R.
    Alstonia Scholaris
    (%{A}) f. a partic. S3akti Pan5car.
    (%{I}) f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. %{vainadI}).
  364. विनय (vinaya) (vinaya)
    1 (said to be artificially formed fr. %{vi}+ %{nR}
    for 2. see under %{vi-nI} Nom. P. %{-yati} (with prefix 3. %{vi}
    ind. p. %{vi-vinayya}) Pa1n2. 1-4, 1 Va1rtt. 7 Pat.
  365. विनाडी (vināḍī) (vināḍī)
    f. a period of 24 seconds (the 60th part of a Na1d2i1 or Indian hour) VarBr2S. Ya1jn5. Sch.
  366. विनाभव (vinābhava) (vinābhava)
    m. the being separated, separation from (abl.) R.
  367. विनायक (vināyaka) (vināyaka)
    &c. see under %{vi-nI}. mf(%{ikA})n. taking away, removing MW.
    m. `" Remover (of obstacles) "'N. of Gan2e7s3a Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. &c.
    a leader, guide MBh. R.
    a Guru or spiritual preceptor
    a Buddha
    N. of Garud2a
    an obstacle, impediment
    = %{anAtha} (?)
    N. of various authors &c. Cat.
    pl. a partic. class of demons Ma1nGr2. MBh. &c.
    N. of partic. formulas recited over weapons R.
    (%{ikA}) f. the wife of Gan2e7s3a or Garud2a
    %{-caturthI} f. the fourth day of the festival in honour of Gan2ea Cat.
    (%{-thI-vrata} n. N. of wk.)
    %{-carita} n. N. of the 73rd ch. of the Kri1d2a1-khan2d2a or 2nd part of the Gan2e7s3a-Pura1n2a.
    %{-dvAdaza-nAma-stotra} n. N. of wk.
    %{-paNDita} m. N. of a poet S3a1rn3gP.
    = %{nanda-paND-} Cat.
    %{-purANa} n. %{-pUjA-vidhi} m. N. of wks.
    %{-bhaTTa} m. N. of various authors Cat.
    %{-bhojana-varNanA} f. %{-mAhAtmya} n. %{-vratakalpa} m. %{-vrata-pUjA} f. %{-zAnti} f. %{-zAnti-paddhati} f. %{zAnti-prayoga} m. %{-zAnti-saMgraha} m. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-sahasra-nAman} n. %{-stava-rAja} m. N. of wks. or chs. from wks.
    %{-snapana-caturthI} f. the fourth day of the Gane7s3a festival (when his image is bathed) Cat.
    %{-kA7vatAra-varNana} n. %{-kA7vir-bhAva} m. %{-ko7tpatti} f. N. of parts of wks.
  368. विनाश (vināśa) (vināśa)
    m. utter loss, annihilation, perdition, destruction, decay, death, removal TPra1t. Up. MBh. &c.
    %{-kRt} mfn. (ifc.) causing destruction of, destroying Ya1jn5.
    %{-dharman} mfn. subject to the law of decay Ragh. viii, 10 (v.l. %{-min}
    but cf. Pa1n2. 5-4, 124)
    %{-sambhava} m. a source of destruction, cause of the subsequent non-existence of a composite body (%{avayavin}) MW.
    %{-hetu} mfn. being the cause of death Sus3r.
    %{-zA7nta} m. `" end (caused by) destruction "', death MBh.
    mfn. ending in death ib.
    %{-zo7nmukha} mfn. ready to perish, fully ripe or mature L.
  369. विनाशिन् (vināśin) (vināśin)
    mfn. perishing, perishable (%{-zi-tva} n.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    under. going transformation W.
    (mostly ifc.) destructive, destroying MBh. Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c.
    (a tale) treating of the destruction of (gen.) MBh.
  370. विनिपात (vinipāta) (vinipāta)
    m. falling down, falling
    a great fall, ruin, loss, calamity Mn. MBh. &c.
    death Hcar.
    frustration Subh.
    failure (see %{a-vin-})
    %{-gata} mfn. fallen into misfortune R.
    %{-pratikriyA} f. (Katha1s.), %{-pratIkAra} m. (Pan5cat.) a remedy against mmisfortune
    %{-zaMsin} mfn. announcing mmisfortune or destruction, portentous W.
  371. विनिमय (vinimaya) (vinimaya)
    m. ( %{me}) exchange, barter (%{ena}, alternately) A1past. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    mutual engagement, reciprocity (see %{kArya-vin-})
    a pledge, deposit, security
    transmutation (of letters) MW.
  372. विनियुक्त (viniyukta) (viniyukta)
    mfn. unyoked, disjoined &c.
    appointed to, destined for (loc.) Sarvad.
    enjoined, commanded MW.
    %{-tA7tman} mfn. one who has his mind fixed on or directed towards Kum.
  373. विनियोग (viniyoga) (viniyoga)
    m. apportionment, distribution, division Nir.
    appointment to (loc.), commission, charge, duty, task, occupation MBh. R. &c. [970,3]
    employment, use, application (esp. of a verse in ritual) TA1r. Hariv. &c.
    relation, correlation VPra1t. Pa1n2. 8-1, 61 &c.
    = %{adhikAra}, `" governing rule "' Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-3, 11
    separation, abandonment W.
    impediment ib.
    %{-mAlA} f. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-satkriyA} f. N. of wks.
  374. विनिर्दिष्ट (vinirdiṣṭa) (vinirdiṣṭa)
    mfn. pointed out &c.
    charged or entrusted with (loc.) R.
  375. विनिर्देश्य (vinirdeśya) (vinirdeśya)
    mfn. to be announced or reported VarBr2S.
  376. विनिर्मित (vinirmita) (vinirmita)
    mfn. formed, created, constructed, built, prepared, made from or fashioned out of (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    laid out (as a garden) Katha1s.
    fixed, appointed, destined to be (nom.) Hariv. Ka1v.
    kept, celebrated, observed (as a feast) R.
  377. विनिश्चय (viniścaya) (viniścaya)
    m. deciding, settling, ascertainment, settled opinion, decision, firm resolve regarding (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{aGga-v-}, the fixing or settling of a horoscope MW.)
    %{-jJa} mfn. knowing the certainty of anything MBh.
  378. विनीत (vinīta) (vinīta)
    mfn. led or taken away, removed &c.
    stretched, extended R.
    tamed, trained, educated, well-behaved, humble, modest Mn. MBh. &c.
    versed in, acquainted or familiar with (loc. or comp.) Ya1jn5. R. &c.
    performed, accomplished MBh.
    one who has subdued his passions
    lovely, handsome W.
    plain, neat (in dress &c.) A.
    m. a trained horse
    a merchant, trader
    N. of a son of Pulastya VP.
    %{-tA}. f. (Ka1m.), %{-tva} n. (Ragh.) modesty, decency, decorum
    %{-datta} or %{-deva} m. N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-prabha} m. N. of a Buddhist scholar
    %{-mati} m. N. of two men Katha1s.
    %{-veSa} m. modest or plain attire S3ak.
    %{-SA7bharaNa} mfn. humble or modest in dress and ornaments Mn. viii, 2
    %{-sattva} mfn. (a grove) containing tame animals Ragh.
    %{-sena} m. N. of a man Buddh.
    %{-tA7tman} mfn. having a well-controlled mind, well-behaved, modest Mn. vii, 39
    %{-tA7zva} m. N. of a man Hcat.
    %{-te7zvara} m. N. of a divine being Buddh.
  379. विनुन्न (vinunna) (vinunna)
    mfn. driven asunder &c.
    stricken, hurt, wounded MBh. [972,2]
  380. विनोद (vinoda) (vinoda)
    m. driving away, removal VarBr2S. Katha1s.
    diversion, sport, pastime, pleasure, playing or amusing one's self with (comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat. &c. (%{-dAya} ind. for pleasure)
    eagerness, vehemence
    a kind of embrace
    a kind of palace
    N. of wk. on music
    %{-kallola} m. %{-maJjari} f. %{-raGga} m. N. of wks.
    %{-rasika} mfn. given or addicted to pleasure Katha1s.
    %{-vat} mfn. amusing, delightful ib.
    %{-sthANa} n. ground (lit. and fig.) for pleasure or enjoyment S3ak.
    %{-dA7rtham} ind. for the sake of sport or plpleasure Katha1s.
    %{-dA7papAdin} mfn. causing plpleasure or delight ib.
  381. विनोदित (vinodita) (vinodita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) driven away, dispelled S3is3. Gi1t.
    diverted, amused, delighted R. Hariv.
    allayed, soothed W.
  382. विन्दु (vindu) (vindu)
    1 mfn. finding, getting, acquiring, procuring Pan5cavBr. (cf. %{go-}, %{loka-v-}). 2 mfn. (fr. 1. %{vid}) knowing, acquainted or familiar with (ifc.) Va1s.
    = %{veditavya}3 %{-duka}, %{-dula}. see %{bindu}.
  383. विन्ध्य (vindhya) (vindhya)
    m. (of doubtful derivation) N. of a low range of hills connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts, and separating Hindu1sta1n proper from the Dekhan (the Vindhya range is reckoned among the seven principal ranges of Bha1rata-varsha [see %{kulagiri}, p. 294, col. 3], and according to Manu ii, 21, forms the Southern limit of Madhya-des3a or the middle region
    according to a legend related in MBh. iii, 8782 &c., the personified Vindhya, jealous of Hima7laya, demanded that the sun should revolve round him in the same way as about Meru, which the sun declining to do, the Vindhya then began to elevate himself that he might bar the progress of both sun and moon
    the gods alarmed, asked the aid of the saint Agastya, who approached the Vindhya and requested that by bending down he would afford him an easy passage to the South country, begging at the same time that he would retain a low position till his return
    this he promised to do, but Agastya never returned, and the Vindhya range consequently never attained the elevation of the Hima7laya) Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of a prince HParis3.
    a hunter
    (%{A}) f. Averrhoa Acida
    small cardamoms L.
  384. विन्ध्यावली (vindhyāvalī) (vindhyāvalī)
    f. N. of the wife of the Asura Bali and mother of Ba1n2a Pur.
    %{-lI-putra} (C.) or %{-suta} (W.) m. N. of the Asura Ba1n2a.
  385. विपक्ष (vipakṣa) (vipakṣa)
    see s.v.
  386. विपण (vipaṇa) (vipaṇa)
    m. (for 2. see %{vi-paN}) low or petty traffic MW.
  387. विपद् (vipad) (vipad)
    A1. %{-padyate}, to fall or burst asunder MBh. xi, 95
    to come between, intervene, prevent, hinder Kaus3.
    to go wrongly, fail, miscarry, come to nought, perish die Shad2vBr. MBh. &c.: Caus. %{pAdayati}, to cause to perish, destroy, kill Ra1jat. f. going wrongly, misfortune, adversity, calamity, failure, ruin, death MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-AkrAnta} and %{-gata} mfn. fallen into misfortune
    %{-uddharaNa} n. %{-uddhAra} m. extrication from misfortune W.
    %{-grasta} mfn. seized by mmisfortune, unfortunate ib.
    %{-dazA} f. a state of mmisfortune, calamitous position MW.
    %{-yukta} mfn. attended with mmisfortune, unfortunate W.
    %{-rahita} mfn. free from mmisfortune, prosperous ib.
  388. विपत्ति (vipatti) (vipatti)
    f. going wrongly, adversity, misfortune, failure, disaster (opp. to %{sam-patti4}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    unfavourableness (of time) Ka1m.
    ruin, destruction, death MBh. R. &c.
    cessation, end MBh. xii, 9140
    agony, torment (= %{yAtanA})
    %{-kara} mfn. causing misfortune or calamity VarBr2S.
    %{-kAla} m. a season of adversity or mmisfortune Pan5cat.
    %{-yukta} mfn. attended with mmisfortune, unfortunate W.
    %{-rahita} mfn. free from misfortune, prosperous, happy ib.
  389. विपन्न (vipanna) (vipanna)
    mfn. gone wrong, failed, miscarried (opp. to %{sam-panna}) MBh.
    afflicted, distressed Hit.
    ruined, destroyed, decayed, dead, gone MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a snake
    %{-kRtya} mfn. (a deity) whose rites have been disturbed or neglected VarBr2S.
    %{-tA} f. misfortune, ruin, destruction VarBr2S. (%{-tAMgataH}, ruined R.)
    %{-dIdhiti} mfn. one whose splendour or glory is gone. Bhartr2.
    %{-deha} mfn. `" having a decomposed body "', dead, defunct Mr2icch. i, 30
    %{-nnA7patyA} f. a woman who has lost her child by abortion MW.
    %{-nnA7rtha} mfn. one whose property or fortune is ruined R. (v.l. %{-nnA7tman}).
  390. विपरीत (viparīta) (viparīta)
    mfn. turned round, reversed, inverted A1s3vS3r. Nir. &c.
    being the reverse of anything, acting in a contrary manner, opposite, contrary to (abl.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    going asunder or in different directions, various, different Kat2hUp.
    perverse, wrong, contrary to rule MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    adverse, inauspicious, unfavourable ib.
    false, untrue Bha1m.
    (%{A}) f. a perverse or unchaste woman
    N. of two metres RPra1t.
    %{-kara} or %{-kartR} mfn. acting in a contrary manner or perversely MW.
    %{-kArin} mfn. id. Gi1t.
    %{-krIDA} f. N. of a ch. of S3a1rn3gP.
    %{-gati} mfn. going backwards or in a reverse direction W.
    f. inverse or reverse motion ib.
    %{-graha-prakaraNa} n. N. of. wk.
    %{-citta} (MBh.), %{-cetas} (R.) mfn. contrary-minded, having a perverted mind or impaired mental faculties
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. contrariety, inversion, counterpart Ka1v. Pan5cat.
    %{-pathyA} f. a kind of metre Col.
    %{-pratyaGgirA} f. N. of a Tantric wk.
    %{-buddhi} (Pan5cat.), %{-bodha} (MW.), %{-mati} (Ya1jn5.), mfn. = %{-citta}
    %{-malla-taila} n. a kind of preparation made of oil Bhpr.
    %{-rata} n. inverted sexual intercourse Caurap.
    %{-lakSaNA} f. ironical description of an object by mentioning its contrary properties MW.
    %{-vat} ind. invertedly R.
    %{-vRtti} mfn. acting or behaving in a contrary manner Ragh.
    %{-tA7khyAnakI} f. `" inverted A1khya1naki "', a kind of metre Col.
    %{-tA7di} n. (with %{vakra}) a kind of metre Ked. [974,2]
    %{-tA7nta} m. (with %{pragAtha}) a kind of metre RPra1t.
    %{-tA7yana} n. a contrary Ayana or progress of the sun from solstice to solstice (%{-gata} mfn. situated in contrary Ayanas) MW.
    %{-to7ttara} n. (with %{pragAtha}) a kind of metre RPra1t.
  391. विपर्यय (viparyaya) (viparyaya)
    mfn. reversed, inverted, perverse, contrary to (gen.) BhP.
    m. turning round, revolution Jyot.
    running off, coming to an end R.
    transposition, change, alteration, inverted order or succession, opposite of. A1s3vS3r. Nir. MBh. &c. (e.g. %{buddhi-v-}, the opposite opinion
    %{svapna-v-}, the opp of sleep, state of being awake
    %{saMdhi-viparyayau}, peace and its opposite i.e. war
    %{viparyaye}, %{-yena} and %{-yAt} ind. in the oppopposite case, other wise)
    exchange, barter (e.g. %{dravya-v-}, exchange of goods, buying and selling, trade) MW.
    change for the worse, reverse of fortune, calamity, misfortune Mn. MBh. &c.
    perverseness R. Katha1s. BhP.
    overthrow, min, loss, destruction (esp. of the world) Ka1v.
    change of opinion Sa1h.
    change of purpose or conduct, enmity, hostility W.
    misapprehension, error, mistake Mn. BhP. Sarvad.
    mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW.
    shunning, avoiding R. vii, 63, 31 (Sch.)
    N. of partic. forms of intermittent fever Sus3r.
  392. विपर्यास (viparyāsa) (viparyāsa)
    m. overturning, overthrow, upsetting (of a car) Gr2S.
    transposition, transportation MBh.
    expiration, lapse (of time) MBh.
    exchange, inversion, change, interchange S3rS. MBh. &c.
    reverse, contrariety, opposition, opposite of (e.g. %{stuti-v-}, the opposite of praise i.e. blame) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    change for the worse, deterioration MBh.
    death R.
    perverseness Ra1jat.
    error, mistake, delusion, imagining what is unreal or false to be real or true Ka1v. Bha1sha1p. Pan5cat.
    %{-so7pamA} f. an inverted comparison (in which the relation between the Upama1na and Upameya is inverted) Ka1vya7d.
  393. विपश्चित् (vipaścit) (vipaścit)
    mfn. inspired, wise, learned, versed in or acquainted with (comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    m. N. of Indra under Manu Sva1rocisha Pur.
    of the Supreme Spirit Sarvad.
    of a Buddha (prob. w.r. for %{vipazyin}) Lalit.
  394. विपश्यन (vipaśyana) (vipaśyana)
    n. (or %{A} f.) right knowledge Buddh.
  395. विपाक (vipāka) (vipāka)
    mf(%{A})n. ripe, mature RV.
    m. cooking, dressing (= %{pacana})
    ripening, maturing (esp. of the fruit of actions), effect, result, consequence (of actions in the present or former births pursuing those who commit them through subsequent existences) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    maturing of food (in the stomach), digestion conversion of food into a state for assimilation MBh. Hariv. Sus3r.
    bad digestion Car.
    any change of form or state Uttarar.
    calamity, distress "', misfortune Ya1jn5. Uttarar.
    withering, fading S3is3.
    `" sweat "' or `" flavour `" (%{sveda} or %{svAda})
    (ibc.) subsequently, afterwards (see comp.)
    %{-kaTuka} mfn. sharp or bitter in its consequences Katha1s.
    %{-kAla} m. the time of ripening or maturing Ra1jat.
    %{-tIvra} mfn. sharp or terrible in consequence of (comp.) BhP.
    %{-dAruNa} mfn. terrible or dangerous in results Prab.
    %{-doSa} m. morbid affection of the digestive powers Sus3r.
    %{-visphUrjathu} m. the consequences (of sins committed in a former birth) compared to a thunder stroke Ragh.
    %{-zruta} n. N. of a sacred book of the Jainas W.
  396. विपाश् (vipāś) (vipāś)
    and see s.v. f. (nom. %{-pAT}) `" fetterless "' (cf. next), the Vipa1s3 or Vipas3a1 river (see below) RV. (ifc. %{-zam} ind. g. %{zarad-Adi})
    (%{-pAT}) %{-chutudrI} f. du. the river VVipas3a1 and S3utudri1 RV. iii, 33, i.
  397. विपाठ (vipāṭha) (vipāṭha)
    m. (cf. %{vi-pATa} under %{vi-paT}) a kind of large arrow (described by Ni1lak. as %{vizAlo@vaizAkhI-mukha-vat}) MBh. R.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a woman Ma1rkP.
  398. विपाश (vipāśa) (vipāśa)
    see s.v.
  399. विपिन (vipina) (vipina)
    n. `" stirring or waving (scil. in the wind) "', a wood, forest, thicket, grove MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a multitude, quantity Ba1lar.
    %{-tilaka} n. a kind of metre Col.
    %{-nau9kas} m. wood-dweller "', an ape, monkey Mcar. &c. see under %{vip}.
  400. विपुल (vipula) (vipula)
    see s.v.
  401. विप्र (vipra) (vipra)
    mf(%{A})n. stirred or excited (inwardly), inspired, wise (said of men and gods, esp. of Agni, Indra, the As3vins, Maruts &c.
    cf. %{paNDita})VS. S3Br. [973,1]
    learned (esp. in theology) TS. S3Br.
    a sage, seer, singer. poet, learned theologian RV. VS. S3Br.
    a Bra1hman (%{A} f. a BrBra7hman woman) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a priest, domestic priest R.
    the moon
    the month Bha1drapada
    Ficus Religiosa
    Acacia Sirissa
    (in prosody) a proceleusmatic Col.
    N. of a son of S3lisht2i VP. (v.l. %{ripra})
    of a son of S3rutam2-jaya (or S3r2itam2-jaya) BhP.
    of a son of Dhruva ib.
    pl. a class of demi-gods (mentioned with the Sa1dhyas, Yakshas and Ra1kshasas) A1s3vGr2.
  402. विप्रतिषेध (vipratiṣedha) (vipratiṣedha)
    m. restraining, keeping in check MBh.
    opposition, contradiction, contrariety, conflict (of two statements) S3rS. S3am2k. &c. (esp. in gram., %{pratiSedhe}, where there is a conflict between two rules Pa1n2. 1-4, 2
    %{-dhena}, in consequence of a conflict of two rules, iv, 1, 170 Va1rtt. 1
    %{pUrva-vipratiSedha}, a conflict of two rules of which the former prohibits the latter, iv, 2, 39 Va1rtt. 1
    %{para-v-}, a conflict of two rules of which the latter prohibits the former, ii, 2, 35 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.)
    prohibition, negation, annulment Nya1yas.
  403. विप्रमाथिन् (vipramāthin) (vipramāthin)
    mfn. ( %{math}) destroying everything, destructive Ka1m.
  404. विप्रयुक्त (viprayukta) (viprayukta)
    mfn. separated or removed or absent from, destitute of, free from, without (instr. or comp.). MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    not being in conjunction with VarBr2S. (v.l. %{-pramukta}).
  405. विप्रलब्ध (vipralabdha) (vipralabdha)
    mfn. insulted, violated &c. MBh.
    (%{A}) f. a female disappointed by her lover's breaking his appointment (one of the incidental characters in a drama) W.
    (%{am}) ind. deceitfully, falsely (in %{a-v-}) BhP.
  406. विप्रलम्भन (vipralambhana) (vipralambhana)
    n. pl. deception, fraud, trick Das3.
  407. विप्लुत (vipluta) (vipluta)
    mfn. drifted apart or asunder, scattered, dispersed &c.
    confused, disordered, gone astray, lost, perished Mn. MBh. &c.
    suffused, dimmed (as the eyes) R.
    agitated, excited, troubled (as speech or reason) MBh.
    broken, violated (as chastity, a vow &c.) Mn. Ya1jn5. BhP.
    vicious, immoral Katha1s.
    committing adultery with (%{saha}) Mn. viii, 377
    (with %{karmaNA}) wrongly treated, mismanaged (in med.) Car.
    (with %{plava}) drawn out of the water, landed (?) Hariv.
    depraved, wicked W.
    contrary, adverse ib.
    inundated, immersed ib.
    %{am} n. springing or bursting asunder Hariv.
    %{-netra} or %{-locana} mfn. having the eyes suffused or bathed (with tears, joy &c.) R. Hariv. BhP.
    %{-bhASin} mf(%{iNI})n. speaking confusedly, stammering, stuttering R.
    %{-yoni} f. (in med.) a partic. painful condition of the %{vagina} Sus3r.
  408. विफल (viphala) (viphala)
    see s.v.
  409. विबोध (vibodha) (vibodha)
    m. (for 2. see ib.) inattention, absence of mind L.
  410. विबोध (vibodha) (vibodha)
    m. (for 2. see ib.) inattention, absence of mind L.
  411. विभक्त (vibhakta) (vibhakta)
    mfn. divided, distributed among (instr.). AV. &c. &c. (%{e} ind. after a partition, Ya1jn. ii, 126)
    one who has received his share Mn. ix, 210
    one who has caused a partition to be made BhP. (Sch.)
    parted, separated by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    separated from i.e. without (instr.) Ya1jn5. iii, 103
    isolated, secluded R.
    distinct, different, various, manifold MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    divided into regular parts, harmonious, symmetrical ib.
    ornamented, decorated Hariv. Katha1s.
    divided (arithmetically) Su1ryas.
    m. N. of Skanda MBh.
    n. isolation, seclusion, solitude Pa1n2. 2-3, 42
    %{-gAtra} mfn. one whose limbs are embellished with (comp.) Hariv.
    %{-ja} m. a son born after the partition of the family property between his parents and brothers Gaut.
    %{-tva} n. manifoldness, variety Va1m. iv, 1, 7 (quot.)
    %{-tA7tman} mfn. divided (in his essence) Ragh. x, 66
    %{-tA7vibhakta-nirNaya} m. N. of wk.
  412. विभक्ति (vibhakti) (vibhakti)
    f. separation, partition, division, distinction, modification Br. Mn. MBh.
    part, portion, share of inheritance &c. W.
    (in gram.) inflection of nouns, declension, an affix of declension, case (accord. to Pa1n2. a termination or inflection either of a case or of the persons of a tense "'
    certain Taddhita affixes which are used like case terminations have also the name Vi-bhakti
    in the Ya1jya1 formulas esp. the cases of %{agni} are so called) TS. Br. &c.
    a partic. division of a Sa1man (= %{bhakti}) S3a1n3khBr. Sch.
    a partic. high number Buddh.
    %{-tattva} n. %{-vivaraNa} n.
    %{-ty-artha-kAraka-prakriyA} f. %{-ty-artha-nirNaya} m. %{-ty-artha-vicAra} m. N. of wks.
  413. विभङ्ग (vibhaṅga) (vibhaṅga)
    m. bending, contraction (esp. of the eyebrows) Ragh. Va1s.
    a furrow, wrinkle MBh. Va1s. Gi1t.
    interruption, stoppage, frustration, disturbance Ka1v. Pur.
    fraud, deception Va1s.
    a wave Va1s.
    breaking, fracture W.
    division ib.
    N. of a class of Buddhist wks. MWB. 64 n. 1.
  414. विभा (vibhā) (vibhā)
    P. %{-bhAti}, to shine or gleam forth, come to light, become visible, appear RV. &c. &c.
    to shine upon, illumineMBh.
    to procure light i.e. to kindle (fire dat.) RV. i, 71, 6
    to shine brightly, glitter, be resplendent or beautiful, strike or catch the eye, excel by (instr.) RV. &c. &c.
    to strike the ear, be heard (as sound) MBh.
    to seem or appear as, look like (nom. with or without %{iva}, or adv. in %{-vat}) RV. &c. &c.
  415. विभव (vibhava) (vibhava)
    &c. see under %{vi-bhU}. mfn. powerful, rich MBh. xiii, 802
    m. being everywhere, omnipresence Kan2.
    development, evolution (with Vaishn2avas `" the evolution of the Supreme Being into secondary forms "') Sarvad.
    power, might, greatness, exalted position, rank, dignity, majesty, dominion R. Ka1lid. VarBr2S. &c. (ifc. with loc., `" one whose power consists in "' Gi1t.)
    influence upon (loc.) S3a1n3khS3r.
    (also pl.) wealth, money, property, fortune MBh. Ka1v. &c.: luxury, anything sumptuary or superfluous Hcar.
    magnanimity, lofty-mindedness W.
    emancipation from existence Inscr. BhP.
    N. of the 2nd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    destruction (of the world) Buddh.
    (in music) a kind of measure
    %{-kSaya} m. loss of fortune or property Ca1n2.
    %{-tas} ind. according to rank or fortune or dignity Ka1lid. Prab.
    %{-mati} f. N. of a princess Ra1jat.
    %{-mada} m. the pride of power MW.
    %{-vat} mfn. possessed of power "', wealthy Mr2icch. [978,3]
  416. विभाज् (vibhāj) (vibhāj)
    mfn. separating, dividing A1past.
  417. विभाग (vibhāga) (vibhāga)
    m. distribution, apportionment RV. AitBr.
    partition of patrimony, law of inheritance (one of the 18 titles or branches of law) Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. (cf. IW. 261)
    a share, portion, section, constituent part of anything Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    division, separation, distinction, difference Nir. Gr2S3rS. &c. (%{ena}, separately, singly, in detail
    cf. also %{yoga-v-})
    disjunction (opp. to %{saM-yoga} and regarded in Nya1ya as one of the 24 Gun2as) IW. 68
    (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction Col.
    N. of S3iva R.
    %{-kalpanA} f. apportioning or allotment of shares or portions W.
    %{-jJa} mfn. (ifc.) knowing the difference between S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. %{-tas} ind. according to a part or share, proportionately Sarvad. W.
    %{-tattva-vicAra} m. N. of wk.
    %{-tva} n. state of separation or distinction Sarvad.
    %{-dharma} m. the law of division, rule of inheritance Mn. i, 115
    %{-pattrikA} f. a deed of partition MW.
    %{-bhAj} mfn. one who shares in a portion of property already distributed (applied esp. to a son by a father and mother of the same tribe, born subsequently to a distribution of property amongst his parents and brethren, in which case he inherits the portion allotted or reserved to the parents) Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.
    %{-bhinna} n. = %{takra}, buttermilk mixed with water
    %{-rekhA} f. partition-line, boundary between (gen.) Ba1lar.
    %{-vat} mfn. divided, separated, distinguished (%{-tA} f.) Sarvad.
    %{-zas} ind. according to a part or share, separately, proportionately Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) according to BhP. [977,3]
    %{-sAra} m. N. of wk.
    %{-ge7cchu} mfn. wishing for a partition or distribution MW.
  418. विभाजित (vibhājita) (vibhājita)
    mfn. caused to be divided, distributed, apportioned, partitioned VarBr2S. Katha1s.
  419. विभाण्डक (vibhāṇḍaka) (vibhāṇḍaka)
    m. N. of Muni MBh. Hariv. R.
    (%{ikA}) f. Senna Obtusa- 1.
  420. विभाव (vibhāva) (vibhāva)
    (for 2. see p. 978, col. 3) and mf(%{arI} see next)n. (voc. %{vi-bhAvas}) id. ib.1. and 2 see above and p. 978, col. 3. 2 m. (for 1. see under %{vi-bhA}) any condition which excites or develops a partic. state of mind or body, any cause of emotion (e.g. the persons and circumstances represented in a drama, as opp. to the %{anu-bhAva} or external signs or effects of emotion) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. (%{-tva} n.)
    a friend, acquaintance
    N. of S3iva Pan5car.
  421. विभाषा (vibhāṣā) (vibhāṣā)
    f. (for 2. see %{vi-bhAS}) a class of Pra1kr2it languages Cat.
    (in music) a partic. Ra1gin2i1 Sam2gi1t.
    (with Buddhists) a great Commentary.
  422. विभीतक (vibhītaka) (vibhītaka)
    see s.v.
  423. विभीषण (vibhīṣaṇa) (vibhīṣaṇa)
    mf(%{A}) n. terrifying, fearful, horrible RV. &c. &c.
    bullying or blustering (as language) MW.
    m. miscarriage, abortion MBh.
    Amphidonax Karka
    N. of a brother of Ra1van2a (his other brothers were Kubera [by a different mother] and Kumbha-karn2a
    both Ra1van2a and Vibhishan2a are said to have propitiated Brahma1 by their penances, so that the god granted them both boons, and the boon chosen by VVibhishan2a was that he should never, even in the greatest calamity, stoop to any mean action
    hence he is represented in the Ra1ma1yan2a as endeavouring to counteract the malice of his brother Ra1van2a, in consequence of which he was so ill-treated by him that, leaving Lan3ka1, he joined Ra1ma, by whom, after the death of Ra1van2a, VVibhishan2a was placed on the throne of Lan3ka1) MBh. Hariv. R. &c.
    of two kings of Kas3mira (the sons of Go-narda and Ra1van2a) Ra1jat. i, 192 &c. (in later times VVibhishan2a appears to have been used as a general N. of the kings of Lan3ka1)
    N. of an author Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh.
    n. the act or a means of terrifying, terror, intimidation MBh.
    N. of the 11th Muhu1rta Cat.
    %{-NA7bhiSeka} m. `" VVibhishan2a's inauguration "'N. of R. v, 91 (accord. to one recension).
  424. विभू (vibhū) (vibhū)
    P. %{-bhavati}, to arise, be developed or manifested, expand, appear RV. TS. Mun2d2Up.
    to suffice, be adequate or equal to or a match for (dat. or acc.) S3Br.
    to pervade, fill Pan5cavBr.
    to be able to or capable of (inf.), Bhp.
    to exist (in %{a-vibhavat}, `" not existing "') Ka1tyS3r.: Caus. %{-bhAvayati}, to cause to arise or appear, develop, manifest, reveal, show forth, display S3a1n3khBr. MBh. &c.
    to pretend, feign Kull. on Mn. viii, 362
    to divide, separate BhP.
    to perceive distinctly, find out, discover, ascertain, know, acknowledge, recognise as (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to regard or consider as, take for (two acc.) Kuval.
    to suppose, fancy, imagine BhP. Pan5car.
    to think, reflect Katha1s. Pan5cat.
    to suppose anything of or about (loc.) BhP.
    to make clear, establish, prove, decide Mn. Ya1jn5.
    to convict, convince Ya1jn5. Das3.: Pass. of Caus. %{-bhAvyate}, to be considered or regarded as, appear, seem (nom.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Desid. see %{-bubhUSA}: Intens. see %{-bobhuvat}. in comp. for
  425. विभूति (vibhūti) (vibhūti)
    mfn. penetrating, pervading Nir.
    abundant, plentiful RV.
    mighty, powerful ib.
    presiding over (gen.) ib. viii, 50, 6
    m. N. of a Sa1dhya Hariv.
    of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh.
    of a king VP.
    f. development, multiplication, expansion, plenty, abundance Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to S3iva, but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. %{aNiman}, the power of becoming as minute as an atom
    %{laghiman}, extreme lightness
    %{prA7pti}, attaining or reaching anything [e.g. the moon with the tip of the finger] [979,1]
    %{prAkAmya}, irresistible will
    %{mahiman}, illimitable bulk
    %{IzitA}, supreme dominion
    %{vazitA}, subjugating by magic
    and %{kAmA7vasAyitA}, the suppressing all desires) ib.
    a partic. S3akti Hcat.
    the might of a king or great lord, sovereign power, greatness Ka1lid. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.
    successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R.
    splendour, glory, magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBr2S.
    fortune, welfare, prosperity Pras3nUp. MBh. &c.
    (also pl.) riches, wealth, opulence Ka1m. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    N. of Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune and welfare) BhP.
    the ashes of cow-dung &c. (with which S3iva is said to smear his body, and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pan5car. Sa1h.
    (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    %{-grahaNa} n. taking up ashes (at the Vais3vadeva ceremony) RTL. 420
    %{-candra} m. N. of an author, Cat
    %{-dvAdazI} f. a Vrata or religious observance on a partic. twelfth day (in honour of Vishn2u) ib.
    %{-dhAraNa-vidhi} m. N. of wk.
    %{-bala} m. N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-mat} mfn. mighty, powerful, superhuman Bhag. BhP.
    smeared with ashes W.
    %{-mAdhava} m. N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP.
    %{-yoga} m. N. of the 6th canto of the S3iva-gi1ta1.
  426. विभूषण (vibhūṣaṇa) (vibhūṣaṇa)
    mfn. adoming R.
    m. N. of Man5ju-s3ri1
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) decoration, ornament MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    splendour, beauty Das3ar.
    %{-kalA} f. a partic. Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-vat} mfn. adorned, decorated Mr2icch.
    %{-no7dbhAsin} mfn. glittering with ornaments Kum.
  427. विभूषित (vibhūṣita) (vibhūṣita)
    mfn. adorned, decorated MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. an ornament, decoration R.
    %{-tA7Gga} mfn. decorated about the body MW.
    %{-tA7laMkArA} f. N. of a Gandharvi1 and of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.
  428. विभ्रम (vibhrama) (vibhrama)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) moving to and fro, rolling or whirling about, restlessness, unsteadiness Ka1v. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.
    violence, excess, intensity, high degree (also pl.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    hurry, rapture, agitation, disturbance, perturbation, confusion, flurry MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    doubt, error, mistake, blunder (with %{daNDasya}, `" erroneous application of punishment "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    illusion, illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. (cf. %{-bhASita})
    beauty, grace Ka1lid. Ma1lati1m.
    feminine coquetry, amorous gestures or action of any kind (esp. play of the eyes), perturbation, flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h.
    caprice, whim MW.
    (%{A}) f. old age
    %{-tantra} n. (= %{-sUtra})
    %{-bhASita} n. pl. language in appearance Subh.
    %{-vatI} f. a girl Harav.
    N. of a female servant Prab.
    %{-sUtra} n. N. of a treatise on grammar (attributed to Hema-candra)
    %{-mA7rka} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
  429. विभ्वन् (vibhvan) (vibhvan)
    mfn. far-reaching, penetrating, pervading. RV.
    m. N. of one of the R2ibhus ib.
    (%{a4n}) mfn. skilful ib.
    m. an artificer ib.
  430. विमति (vimati) (vimati)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{viman}) of different opinion (%{-man} m. difference of opinion, disagreement) g. %{dRDhA7di}
    stupid, silly (%{-tA} f. stupidity, silliness) Bhartr2.
  431. विमनस् (vimanas) (vimanas)
    (%{vi4-}) mfn. having a keen or penetrating mind or understanding, sagacious RV. x, 82, 2. - 2. mfn. destitute of mind, foolish, silly RV. viii, 86, 2
    out of one's mind or senses, discomposed, perplexed, dejected, downcast, heart-broken Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    changed in mind or feeling, averse, hostile R.
    m. N. of the author of a hymn (v.l. for %{vizva-manas} q.v.)
  432. विमर्द (vimarda) (vimarda)
    %{vi-marza} see under %{vimRd} and %{vi-mRz}, p. 981, col. 1. m. crushing, bruising, grinding, pounding, rubbing, friction MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    trampling Ratna7v.
    hostile encounter, conflict, scuffle, fight, war, tumult MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    laying waste, devastation, destruction ib.
    interruption, disturbance Mr2icch. Hit.
    touch, contact Sa1m2khyak.
    refusal, rejection R.
    complete obscuration, total eclipse Su1ryas. VarBr2S.
    weariness, tediousness MW.
    the trituration of perfumes W.
    Cassia Sophora
    N. of a prince Ma1rkP.
    %{-kSama} mfn. patient of being trampled on (in wars or tumults, said of the earth) Uttarar.
    %{-dA7rdha} n. the time from the apparent conjunction to the end of an eclipse W.
    %{-do7ttha} m. fragrance arising from the trituration of perfumes ib.
  433. विमर्दक (vimardaka) (vimardaka)
    mfn. crushing, pounding, destroying Hariv.
    m. the act of pounding, grinding, destroying, Mw.
    rolling ib.
    the trituration of perfumes ib.
    the conjunction of the sun and moon, eclipse ib.
    Cassia Tora
    N. of a man Das3.
  434. विमर्दन (vimardana) (vimardana)
    mfn. pressing, squeezing Sa1h.
    crushing, destroying MBh. R. &c.
    fragrance, perfume Gal.
    N. of a Ra1kshasa R.
    of a prince of the Vidya1dharas Katha1s.
    n. (and %{A} f.) the act of rubbing or grinding, or pounding or crushing Gaut. A1past.
    hostile encounter, fight, battle, war Prab. BhP.
    devastation, destruction MBh.
    the trituration of perfumes W.
    an eclipse ib.
  435. विमल (vimala) (vimala)
    see s.v.
  436. विमातृ (vimātṛ) (vimātṛ)
    f. a stepmother (g. %{zubhrA7di})
    %{-ja} m. a stepmother's son Kull. on Mn. ix, 118.
  437. विमान (vimāna) (vimāna)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-man}) devoid of honour, disgraced BhP. 3 mf(%{I})n. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3
    for 2, under %{vi-man}) measuring out, traversingMBh.
    m. n. a car or chariot of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air
    other descriptions make the Vima1na more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high
    that of Ra1van2a was called %{puSpaka} q.v.
    the %{nau-v-} [Ragh. xvi, 68] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Ra1jat. vii, 446
    the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBr2S.
    a kind of tower (?) R. v, 52, 8
    a grove Ja1takam.
    a ship, boat
    a horse
    n. measure RV.
    extension ib.
    (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body, of medicines and remedies &c.) Car.
    %{-gamana} n. `" going in a car "'N. of a ch. of the Gan2P.
    %{cArin} mfn. travelling in a celestial car MW.
    %{-cyuta} mfn. fallen from a celcelestial car Ra1jat.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. the state or condition of a celcelestial car Ka1v. Katha1s.
    %{-nirvyUha} m. a partic. Samidhi Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-pAla} m. the guardian of a celcelestial car MBh.
    %{-pratima} mfn. resembling a celcelestial car MBh.
    %{-prabhu-tA} f. the ownership of a celcelestial car MW.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the VP.
    %{-yAna} mf(%{A})n. going or driving in a celcelestial car BhP.
    %{-rAja} m. the driver of a celestial car MW.
    %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of wk. on architecture
    %{-vat} ind. like a self-moving car Kir.
    %{-vidyA} f. %{-suddhi-pUjA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-stha} mfn. standing on a celcelestial car MW.
    %{-sthAna} n. N. of awk. on medicine.
  438. विमान (vimāna) (vimāna)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-man}) devoid of honour, disgraced BhP. 3 mf(%{I})n. (for 1. see p. 951, col. 3
    for 2, under %{vi-man}) measuring out, traversingMBh.
    m. n. a car or chariot of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air
    other descriptions make the Vima1na more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high
    that of Ra1van2a was called %{puSpaka} q.v.
    the %{nau-v-} [Ragh. xvi, 68] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Ra1jat. vii, 446
    the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBr2S.
    a kind of tower (?) R. v, 52, 8
    a grove Ja1takam.
    a ship, boat
    a horse
    n. measure RV.
    extension ib.
    (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body, of medicines and remedies &c.) Car.
    %{-gamana} n. `" going in a car "'N. of a ch. of the Gan2P.
    %{cArin} mfn. travelling in a celestial car MW.
    %{-cyuta} mfn. fallen from a celcelestial car Ra1jat.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. the state or condition of a celcelestial car Ka1v. Katha1s.
    %{-nirvyUha} m. a partic. Samidhi Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-pAla} m. the guardian of a celcelestial car MBh.
    %{-pratima} mfn. resembling a celcelestial car MBh.
    %{-prabhu-tA} f. the ownership of a celcelestial car MW.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of a ch. of the VP.
    %{-yAna} mf(%{A})n. going or driving in a celcelestial car BhP.
    %{-rAja} m. the driver of a celestial car MW.
    %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of wk. on architecture
    %{-vat} ind. like a self-moving car Kir.
    %{-vidyA} f. %{-suddhi-pUjA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-stha} mfn. standing on a celcelestial car MW.
    %{-sthAna} n. N. of awk. on medicine.
  439. विमान्य (vimānya) (vimānya)
    mfn. to be dishonoured or offended S3ak.
  440. विमार्ग (vimārga) (vimārga)
    m. (for 2. see %{vi-} 1. %{mRj}) a wrong road, evil course MBh. R. &c.
    mfn. being on a wwrong rroad Ma1rkP.
    %{-ga} (Sus3r.), %{-gAmin} (MW.) mfn. going on a wrong rroad
    %{-dRSTi} mfn. looking in a wrong direction Sus3r.
    %{-prasthita} (S3ak.), %{-stha} (MBh.) mfn. following a wrong road.
  441. विमुक्त (vimukta) (vimukta)
    see under I. %{vi-muc}. mfn. unloosed, unharnessed &c.
    set free, liberated (esp. from mundane existence), freed or delivered or escaped from (abl. instr., or ifc.
    rarely ibc.
    cf. %{-zApa}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    deprived of(instr.) MBh.
    launched (as a ship) R.
    given up, abandoned, relinquished, deserted ib. BhP.
    hurled, thrown MBh.
    emitted or discharged by, flowing from (comp.) Ratna7v.
    shed or bestowed on (loc.) Ra1jat.
    (a snake) which has recently cast its skin MBh. viii, 740
    dispassionate R. iv, 32, 18
    %{-kaNTha} mfn. having the throat or voice unloosed, raising a loud cry (%{am} ind. aloud, at the top of one's voice) Amar.
    %{-keza} mfn. having flowing or dishevelled hair BhP.
    %{-tA} f. loss of (gen.) Ka1m.
    %{-pagraha} mfn. with slackened reins Bhat2t2.
    %{-maunam} ind. breaking silence Katha1s. [980,3]
    %{-zApa} mfn. released from the (consequences) of a curse VP.
    %{-sena} m. N. of a teacher Buddh.
    %{-tA7cArya} m. N. of an author Cat.
  442. विमुक्ति (vimukti) (vimukti)
    f. disjunction (opp. to %{yukti}) AitBr.
    (ifc.) giving up Kum.
    release, deliverance, liberation Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur.
    release from the bonds of existence, final emancipation Kap. VP.
    %{-candra} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.
    %{-patha} m. the way of final emancipation MW.
    %{-mahiman} m. N. of wk.
  443. विमुख (vimukha) (vimukha)
    see s.v.
  444. विमूढ (vimūḍha) (vimūḍha)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-muh}) not foolish
    m. a kind of divine being MW.
  445. विमृष्ट (vimṛṣṭa) (vimṛṣṭa)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see under %{vi-mRz}) rubbed off &c.
    depressed (see below)
    %{rAga} mfn. having the colour refined or purified Kum.
    %{-TA7ntarA7Msa} mfn. having the space between the shoulders a little depressed (%{nyUna} Sch.) S3Br. 2 mfn. (for 1. see under %{vi-mRj}) reflected on, considered, weighed MW.
  446. विमोक्ष (vimokṣa) (vimokṣa)
    m. the being loosened or undone Pa1rGr2. [981,2]
    release, deliverance from (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    liberation of the soul i.e. final emancipation (sometimes 8, sometimes 3 kinds are enumerated cf. Dharmas.59 and 73) S3Br. Bhag. &c.
    letting loose, setting at liberty (a thief) Mn. viii, 3, 16
    giving up, abandoning VPra1t. MBh.
    letting flow, shedding (of tears) MBh.
    gift, bestowal (of wealth) R.
    discharge (of arrows) MBh.
    %{-karA} f. N. of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.
  447. विमोक्षण (vimokṣaṇa) (vimokṣaṇa)
    mfn. liberating from (ifc.) BhP.
    n. untying, loosening VarBr2S.
    liberation, deliverance from (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (also, from an embryo "' MBh. i, 2369
    %{aNDa4'a-v-} "', laying eggs "' Pan5cat.
    %{asRg-v-}, letting blood "' Sus3r.)
    taking off, casting away, Sr2in3ga1r.
    giving up (the ghost) MBh.
    discharging (arrows) R.
  448. विमोह (vimoha) (vimoha)
    m. confusion of the mind, perplexity (also %{mati-v-}) Katha1s. BhP.
    a kind of hell VP.
    %{-da} mfn. causing perplexity, bewildering Katha1s.
  449. विमोहित (vimohita) (vimohita)
    mfn. confused, infatuated, bewitched, beguiled R. Katha1s. &c.
  450. वियत् (viyat) (viyat)
    1 A1. %{-yatate}, to dispose in various rows AV.: Caus. %{-yAtayati}, to place in rows, arrange TS.
    to do penance AV.
    to torment, pain, punish MBh.
  451. वियोग (viyoga) (viyoga)
    m. disjunction, separation (esp. of lovers), loss or absence or want of (instr. with or with out %{saha} abl., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-gaM} %{gam}, to be lost Mr2icch. ix, 34/35)
    giving up, getting rid of, abstention from (comp.) Gaut.
    subtraction Gan2it.
    = %{vi-yuti}, Bi1jag.
    a partic. astrological Yoga Cat.
    %{-tas} ind. (ifc.) from want of, in consequence of any one's absence Katha1s.
    %{-tA} w.r. for %{-gi-tA} (q.v.) Katha1s.
    %{-pura} n. N. of a town ib.
    %{-bAhya} mfn. excluded from separation, not separated MW.
    %{-bhAj} mfn. suffering from sseparated W.
    %{-gA7vasAna} mfn. ending in sseparated (%{-tva} n.) MW.
    %{-gA7vaha} mfn. bringing or causing separation S3a1ntis3.
  452. विरक्त (virakta) (virakta)
    &c. see under %{vi-raJj}. mfn. discoloured, changed in colour Ragh.
    changed in disposition, disaffected, estranged, averse, indifferent to i.e. having no interest in (abl. loc. acc. with %{prati}, or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    become indifferent i.e. arousing no interest Ra1jat.
    impassioned, feeling excessive passion W.
    %{-citta} mfn. disaffected at heart, estranged MW.
    %{-prakRti} mfn. having disaffected subjects Ka1m.
    %{-bhAva} (Pan5cat.), %{-hRdaya} (Katha1s.) mfn. = %{-citta}
    %{-tA7sarvasva} n. N. of wk.
  453. विरचित (viracita) (viracita)
    mfn. constructed, arranged &c. [982,1]
    performed BhP.
    composed, written, Kalid. Pan5cat.
    put together, spoken, uttered (see comp.)
    put on, worn Ragh.
    furnished with (instr.) Megh.
    put in, inlaid, set MW.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a woman Katha1s.
    %{-pada} mfn. (a speech or song &c.) the words of which are artificially composed or arranged, rhythmic, poetic Ka1lid.
    %{-vapus} mfn. one who has his body formed or arranged MW.
    %{-vAc} mfn. one who has composed a speech or who has spoken Ragh.
    %{-to7kti} mfn. id. Katha1s.
  454. विरत (virata) (virata)
    %{vi-rati} &c. see under %{viram} below. mfn. stopped, ceased, ended R. Ka1lid. &c. (n. impers. e.g. %{virataM@vAcA} "', the speech ended "' Katha1s.)
    one who has given up or resigned or ceased or desisted from (abl., loc., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-tva} n. the having come to an end, cessation Sa1h.
    %{-prasaGga} mfn. one who has ceased from being occupied in (loc.) Kum. iii, 47
    %{-tA7zaya} mfn. one whose desires have ceased or who has resigned worldly intentions MW.
  455. विरम (virama) (virama)
    m. cessation, end MBh. BhP.
    sunset S3is3. ix, 11
    (ifc.) desistence or abstention from MBh.
  456. विरमित (viramita) (viramita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to cease, stopped BhP.
  457. विरल (virala) (virala)
    mf(%{A})n. (perhaps from %{vira} = %{vila} for %{bila} + %{la}, `" possessing holes "') having interstices, separated by intervals (whether of space or time), not thick or compact, loose, thin, sparse, wide apart MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    rare, scarcely found, unfrequent, scanty, few Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. (ibc. and %{am} ind. sparsely, rarely, seldom
    %{viralaH} with or without %{ko} "' %{pi}, one here and there)
    n. sour curds (= %{dadhi}) L.
  458. विरस (virasa) (virasa)
    mfn. juiceless, sapless, unseasoned A1past.
    flavourless, tasteless, insipid (lit. and fig.), unpleasant, disagreeable MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    painful MW.
    (ifc.) having no taste for Kull. on Mn. ii, 95
    m. pain MW.
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    (%{am}) ind. unpleasantly Mr2icch.
    %{-tva} n. bad taste, nauseousness Prab. S3a1ntis3.
    %{-sA7nana-tva} (Sus3r.), %{-sA7sya-tva} (S3a1rn3gS.) n. a bad taste in the mouth
    %{-sI-kR} P. %{-karoti}, to affect unpleasantly Va1s.
    %{-sI-bhAva} m. the becoming sapless (said of the earth) Car.
    %{-sI-bhU} P. %{-bhavati}, to become sapless or insipid Ja1takam.
    to be unpleasantly affected Ka1m. - 1.
  459. विरह (viraha) (viraha)
    m. abandonment, desertion, parting, separation (esp. of lovers), absence from (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    lack, want (ifc. = lacking, with the exception of) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    %{-guNita} mfn. increased by separation Megh.
    %{-ja} mfn. arising from sseparation S3ak.
    %{-janita} mfn. id. MW.
    %{-jvara} m. the anguish of sseparation ib.
    %{-virasa} mfn. painful through (the idea of) separation, S3a1ntis3.
    %{-vyApad} mfn. decreased by sseparation Megh.
    %{-zayana} n. a solitary couch or bed Megh.
    %{-hA7dhigama} m. experiencing sseparation ib.
    %{-hA7nala} m. the fire of sseparation ib.
    %{-hA7rta} mfn. pained by sseparation W.
    %{-hA7vasthA} f. state of sseparation MW.
    %{-ho7tkaNThikA} f. (in dram.) a woman who longs after her absent lover or husband Sa1h.
    %{-ho7tsuka} mfn. suffering from sseparation A.
  460. विरहित (virahita) (virahita)
    mfn. abandoned, deserted, solitary, lonely, separated or free from, deprived of (instr. gen., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{At}) ind. with the exception of (gen.) Ka1ran2d2.
  461. विराज् (virāj) (virāj)
    m. (for 2. see s.v.) king of birds BhP.
  462. विराग (virāga) (virāga)
    mf(%{A})n. passionless, without feeling, dispassionate, indifferent (%{sarvatas}, `" to everything "') R. BhP.
    %{-tA} f. indifference to everything, stoicism MBh.
  463. विराट (virāṭa) (virāṭa)
    m. N. of one of the midland or northwest districts of India (perhaps Berar) VarBr2S.
    N. of an ancient king of a particular district in India, (the Pa1n2d2avas being obliged to live in concealment during the thirteenth year of their exile, journeyed to the court of this king and entered his service in various disguises) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    N. of Buddha L.
  464. विराम (virāma) (virāma)
    m. cessation, termination, end S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. &c. (acc. with %{yA} or %{pra-yA}, to come to an end, rest)
    end of a word or sentence, stop, pause (ifc. = ending with), APra1t. Pa1n2. &c.
    end of or caesura with in a Pa1da S3rutab.
    (in gram.), the stop "'N. of a small oblique stroke placed under a consonant to denote that it is quiescent i.e. that it has no vowel inherent or otherwise pronounced after it (this mark is sometimes used in the middle of conjunctions of consonants
    but its proper use, according to native grammarians, is only as a stop at the end of a sentence ending in a consonant)
    desistence, abstention Ka1s3. Vop.
    exhaustion, languor Car.
    N. of Vishn2u MBh.
    of S3iva S3ivag.
    %{-tA} f. cessation, abatement Pan5car.
  465. विराव (virāva) (virāva)
    &c. see under %{vi-ru}. m. crying, clamour, sound, noise, buzzing, humming MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of a horse MBh.
  466. विरुद्ध (viruddha) (viruddha)
    mfn. opposed, hindered, restrained, arrested, kept back R. Ka1lid. &c.
    surrounded, blockaded W.
    forbidden, prohibited Mn. MBh. &c.
    doubtful, uncertain, precarious, dangerous MBh. R.
    hostile, adverse, at variance or at enmity with (instr. gen., or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    unpleasant, disagreeable, odious or hateful to(comp.) R. Katha1s.
    disagreeing (as food) Bhpr.
    contrary, repugnant, contrasted, reverse, inconsistent or incompatible with, excluded from (gen. instr., or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (%{am}) ind. perversely, incongruously MW.
    m. pl. N. of a class of gods under the tenth Manu Pur.
    n. opposition, hostility, repugnance MW.
    (scil. %{rUpaka}) a figure of speech in which an object compared to another object is said to lack its functions and to possess others not properly belonging to it (e.g. `" the moon of thy face does not rise in the sky, but only takes away my life "') Ka1vya7d. ii, 84
    N. of wk. on Nya1ya
    %{-grantha-pUrvapakSa-rahasya} n. %{-grantha-rarhasya} n. N. of wks.
    %{-tA}, f.
    %{-tva} n. hostility, enmity, opposition, contrariety, incompatibility Ra1jat. Pan5cat. Sarvad.
    %{-dhI} mfn. malevolently disposed, malignant Ra1jat.
    %{-pUrva-pakSa-grantha-TIkA} f. %{-pUrva-paksa-} %{granthA7loka}, m. N. of wks.
    %{-prasaGga} m. prohibited or unlawful occupation Ya1jn5.
    %{-bhuj} mfn. eating incompatible or unsuitable food W.
    %{-bhojana} n. incompatible food ib.
    %{-mati-kArin} mfn. suggesting contradictory notions Sa1h.
    %{-ri-tA} f. a figure of speech which (by using ambiguous words) suggests contradictory notions (e.g. %{vidadhAti@galagraham}, `" she gives an embrace "', where the word %{galag-graha} means also `" a disease of the throat "') Sa1h. Kpr.
    %{-mati-kRt} mfn. (= %{-kArin}) Kpr. Prata1p.
    n. (= %{-kAri-tA}) ib.
    %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of a ch. of the PSarv.
    %{-zaMsana} n. malignant or abusive language (= %{gAli})
    %{-sambandhanIya} mfn. (in law) allied or kin in a forbidden degree
    %{-siddhA7nta-granthaTIkA} f. %{-siddhA7nta-grantha-rahasya} n. %{-siddhA7nta-granthA7loka} m. N. of wks.
    %{-ddhA7rtha} mfn. containing a contradiction (%{-tA} f.) Ka1vya7d.
    (%{-tha-dIpika} n. a partic. figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory functions are attributed to one and the same object Ka1vya7d. ii, 109)
    %{-ddhA7caraNa} n. wrong or improper course of conduct MW.
    %{-ddhA7nna} or %{-dhA7zana} n. incompatible or forbidden food Sus3r.
    %{-ddho7kti} f. adverse or contradictory speech, quarrel, dispute
    %{-ddho7pakrama} mfn. (in medicine) applying incompatible remedies (%{-tva} n.) Sus3r.
  467. विरूप (virūpa) (virūpa)
    see s.v.
  468. विरोचन (virocana) (virocana)
    mfn. shining upon, brightening, illuminating MBh.
    m. the sun or the god of the sun (also applied to Vishn2u) MBh. Ra1jat.
    the moon MBh. ix, 2025
    a species of Karan5ja
    a species of Syona1ka
    N. of an Asura (son of Prahra1da or Prahla1da and father of Bali and Manthara1 or Dirgha-jihva1) AV. &c, &c.
    (%{A}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attendant on Skanda MBh.
    of the wife of Tvasht2r2i (and mother of Viraja) BhP.
    n. (?) light, lustre W.
    %{-vadha} m. N. of a ch. of the Gan2P.
    %{-suta} m. `" son of Virocana "' N. of Bali (sovereign of Maha1bali-pura) W.
  469. विरोध (virodha) (virodha)
    m. opposition, hostility, quarrel, strife between (gen., rarely instr., or comp.) or with (instr. with or without %{saha}, or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    hostile contact of inanimate objects (as of planets &c.) VarBr2S.
    (logical) contradiction, contrariety, antithesis, inconsistency, incompatibility Ka1tyS3r. Kan2. [984,1] Kap. &c.
    (ifc.) conflict with, injury of (instr. = at the cost or to the detriment of) Ya1jn5. MBh.
    hindrance, prevention Gaut.
    blockade, siege W.
    adversity, calamity, misfortune Sa1h.
    perversity Katha1s.
    (in rhet.) an apparent contradiction or incongruity (e.g. %{bharato} %{'pi@zatru-ghnaH}) Kpr.
    (in dram.) impediment to the successful progress of a plot W.
    (%{I}) f. fixed rule, ordinance(?) W.
    %{-kAraka} mfn. causing opposition or disagreement, fomenting quarrels MW.
    %{-kRt} mfn. causing dissension or revolt Ya1jn5. Sch.
    m. an enemy MW.
    the 45th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Cat.
    %{-kriyA} f. quarrel, strife Ragh.
    %{-parihAra} m. removal of incompatibility, reconciliation Kull. on Mn. vii, 152
    N. of wk. on Bhakti (by Lakshman2a7ca1rya)
    of another wk. on the reconciliation of the different Vaishn2ava systems (by Varada7ca1rya)
    %{-phala} n. the fruit or result of perverseness Katha1s.
    %{-bhaJjanI} f. N. of a commentary on the Ra1ma1yan2a
    %{-bhAj} mfn. contradictory, opposed to (instr.) Sa1h.
    %{-va4t} mfn. containing a contradiction Ka1vya7d.
    %{-varUthinI} f. %{-varUthinI-nirodha} m. %{-varUthinI-bhaJjinI}, f. %{-vAda} m. N. of wks.
    %{-zamana}. n. making up a quarrel Das3ar.
    %{-dhA7carana} m. (in rhet.) apparent conduct
    %{-dhA7bhA7sa} m. (in rhet.) aparent contradiction, the semblance of opposite qualities Prata1p.
    %{-dhA7laMkAra} m. (in rhet) a figure of speech implying incongruity (cf. under %{vi-rodha}) MW.
    %{-dho7kti} f. dispute, mutual contradiction Pa1n2. 1-3, 50 Sch.
    %{-dho7ddhAra} m. N. of wk.
    %{-dho7pamA} f. (in rhet.) a comparison founded on opposition (e.g. `" the lotus flower and thy face are opposed [as rivals] to each other "' i.e. resemble each other), Ka1vyftd. ii, 33.
  470. विरोधन (virodhana) (virodhana)
    mfn. opposing, fighting MBh.
    n. checking, restraining Nir. vi, 1 (Sch.)
    quarrel, contest, resistance, opposition to (gen.) Ka1m. Katha1s. &c.
    harming, injuring R.
    (in dram.) either `" angry altercation "' (e.g. in S3ak. the dialogue between the king and S3a1rn3garava) Bhar.
    or `" consciousness of the risk of an enterprise "' (e.g. Ven2is, 6, 1) Sa1h.
    incongruity, inconsistency W.
    investing, blockading ib.
  471. विरोधिन् (virodhin) (virodhin)
    %{-grantha} m. N. of wk.
    %{-tA} f. enmity, hatred, strife, quarrel between (comp.) or with (%{saha}) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    obstinacy, restiveness (of a horse) VarBr2S.
    contradictoriness Sa1h.
    %{-tva} n. withdrawal, removal Kap. Sch.
    %{-nirodha} m. %{-puruSa-kAra} m. N. of wks.
    %{-yodha} m. a hostile warrior Ra1jat.
    %{-vicAra} m. N. of wk. mfn. opposing, hindering, preventing, obstructing, excluding, disturbing Gobh. Mn. &c.
    obstructive (see %{a-v-}), besieging, blockading W.
    dispelling, removing S3ak. (v.l.)
    adverse, hostile, inimical (often ifc. = foe or enemy of) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    disagreeing (as food) Bhpr.
    opposed, contradictory, inconsistent Kan2. MBh. Ra1jat.
    rivalling with, equalling Ka1vya7d.
    contentious, quarrelsome W.
    m. N. of the 25th year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    (%{inI}) f. a woman who causes enmity or promotes quarrel (between husband and wife &c.) MW.
    N. of a female demon (daughter of Duh2saha) Ma1rkP.
  472. विरोधित (virodhita) (virodhita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) opposed, contended against or fought with Mr2icch.
    injured, impaired R.
    refused (see %{a-virodhita}).
  473. विलपित (vilapita) (vilapita)
    mfn. wailed, lamented, &c.
    n. lamentation, wailing MBh. R.
  474. विलम्बित (vilambita) (vilambita)
    mfn. hanging down, pendulous Hariv. Ka1v.
    (ifc.) dependent on, closely connected with BhP.
    delayed, retarded, loitering, tardy, slow, measured (in music opp. to %{druta} q.v.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{am}) ind. slowly, tardily ib.
    m. a partic. class of heavy animals
    n. slowness, delay, procrastination (also impers. `" it has been delayed "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-gati} f. `" slow or tardy in motion "'N. of a metre VarBr2S.
    %{-phala} mfn. having the fruit or fulfilment delayed MW.
  475. विलम्बिन् (vilambin) (vilambin)
    mfn. hanging down, pandulous, hanging to or from, leaning against (loc. or comp.) Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c.
    (ifc.) hung with, that from which anything hangs or falls down MBh. Pur.
    tarrying, delaying, slow, reluctant S3ak. (v.l.) Gi1t.
    m. n. the 32nd year in the 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
    (%{-bi}) %{-tA} f. slowness, measuredness L.
  476. विलाप (vilāpa) (vilāpa)
    m. = prec. n. ib.
    %{-kusumA7Jjali} m. N. of a poem. 1.
  477. विलास (vilāsa) (vilāsa)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) shining forth, appearance, manifestation, R2it. Gi1t.
    sport, play, pastime, pleasure, diversion (esp. with women &c.
    but also applied to any playful action or gesture) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-sAya}, `" for sport "')
    coquetry, affectation of coyness, wantonness (a form of feminine gesture considered as indicative of amorous sentiments) Hariv. Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h.
    liveliness, joviality (considered as a masculine virtue) Das3ar. ii, 9
    wantonness, lust Das3ar. Sa1h.
    grace, charm, beauty BhP.
    N. of a gram. wk.
    (with %{AcArya}) of a preceptor Cat.
    n. (and %{A} f.) N. of a metre VarBr2S.
    %{-kAnana} n. a pleasure-grove[985,2]
    %{-kodaNDa} m. N. of the god of love Vcar.
    %{-gRha} n. a plpleasure-house ib.
    %{-cApa} m. (= %{-kodaNDa}) ib.
    %{-dolA} f. a plpleasure-swing Pan5cat.
    %{-dhanvan} m. (= %{-kodaNDa}) Vcar.
    %{-pura} n. N. of a town Katha1s.
    %{-bANa} m. (= %{-kodaNDa}) Vcar.
    %{-bhavana} n. (= %{-gRha}) Ra1jat.
    %{-bhitti} f. a wall (only) in appearance Vcar.
    %{-maNi-darpaNa} m. a mirror set with jewels to play with Ra1jat.
    %{-mandira} n. ( = %{-gRha})
    %{maya} mf(%{I})n. full of grace, charming Vcar.
    %{-mekhalA} f. a toy-girdle (not a real one) Ragh.
    %{-racikA} f. N. of a Suran3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
    %{-vat} mfn. sportive, playful Sa1h.
    (%{atI}) f. a wanton or coquettish woman Ka1lid.
    N. of various women Vas. Ka1d.
    of a drama (quoted in Sa1h.)
    %{-vasati} f. a pleasure resort Katha1s. S3a1rn3gP. (v.l.)
    %{-vAtA7yana} n. a plpleasure-balcony or terrace Vcar.
    %{-vipina} n. a plpleasure-grove Prab.
    %{-vibhavAnasa} (?) mfn. = %{lubdha}
    %{-vihAra} m. a plpleasure-walk, promenading Bhartr2. (v.l.)
    %{-vezman} n. = %{-gRha} Katha1s.
    %{-zayyA} f. a plpleasure-couch ib.
    %{-zIla} m. N. of a king ib.
    %{-sadman} n. = %{-gRha} Vcar.
    %{-svAmin} m. N. of a man Inscr.
    %{-sA7ndra-gAminI} f. N. of a Gandharvi1 Ka1ran2d2.
  478. विलासिन् (vilāsin) (vilāsin)
    mfn. shining, beaming, radiant MBh.
    moving to and fro, fluttering ib.
    wanton, sportive, playful, dallying with or fond of (comp.) R. Ragh. Dhu1rtas.
    coquettish Ragh. Gi1t.
    m. `" sporter "', a lover, husband Kum. Sa1h. (L. also, a sensualist
    a serpent
    the moon
    N. of Kr2ishn2a, of S3iva, and of Ka1ma-deva "')
    (%{inI}) f. a charming or lively or wanton or coquettish woman, wife, mistress (also %{-nikA} Pan5car.
    %{-nI-jana} m. S3is3.)
    a kind of metre VarBr2S.
    N. of a woman Katha1s.
    (%{-si}) %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. wantonness, playfulness, cheerfulness Hariv. Ma1lav. Ra1jat.
  479. विलिप्त (vilipta) (vilipta)
    mf(%{A})n. smeared over, anointed &c.
    (%{A}) f. see p. 952, col. 2
    (%{I4}) f. a cow in a partic. period after calving AV.
  480. विलेप (vilepa) (vilepa)
    m. ointment, unguent (esp. the fragrant uunguent of sandal &c.) BhP.
    anointing, plastering W.
    mortar, plaster ib.
    (%{I}) f. rice-gruel Bhpr. Car.
  481. विलेपन (vilepana) (vilepana)
    n. smearing, anointing (esp. with fragrant oils &c.) VarBr2S. Katha1s. Sus3r. [985,3]
    (ifc. f. %{A}), unguent, ointment, perfume for the person (as saffron, camphor &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a partic. mythical weapon R.
    (%{I}) f. a woman scented with perfumes &c.
    %{-nin} mfn. smeared, anointed (in %{a-vil-}) R.
  482. विलोक (viloka) (viloka)
    (prob.) n. (for 2. see %{vi-lok}) absence of man (%{-stha} mfn. living apart from the world) MBh.
    mfn. apart from the world, solitary W. - 1.
  483. विलोकित (vilokita) (vilokita)
    mfn. looked at, seen, beheld &c.
    m. (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    n. a look, glance S3ak.
    observation, examination Lalit.
  484. विलोचन (vilocana) (vilocana)
    mfn. (for 2. see %{vi-loc}) distorting the eyes MBh.
    m. N. of a poet Va1s., Introd.
    of a mythical person Katha1s.
    of an antelope Hariv.
  485. विलोम (viloma) (viloma)
    see s.v.
  486. विवक्षा (vivakṣā) (vivakṣā)
    f. (fr. Desid. of %{vac}) the wish or desire to speak or declare or teach or express Sam2k. Sarvad. &c.
    meaning, signification, sense, sense of (loc. or comp.) BhP. Pa1n2. Sch. [986,3]
    the (mere) wish or intention to speak, uncertainty, doubt, hesitation (`" as to "' comp.) MBh. R.
    wish, desire W.
    a question MW.
    %{--rtham} (%{-kSA7r-}) ind. (ifc.) in order to point out or lay stress upon Pa1n2. Sch.
    %{-vazAt} ind. according to the meaning (of a speaker or writer) MW.
  487. विवक्षित (vivakṣita) (vivakṣita)
    mfn. wished or intended to be spoken or said, meant, intended MBh. R. S3am2k.
    expressly meant, to be urged, essential (in %{a-viv-}) S3am2k.
    chief, favourite Ka1m.
    literal (not figurative) W.
    n. what is wished or intended to be spoken &c.
    any desired object or aim ib.
    (%{A}) f. meaning, purpose, wish (?) ib.
    %{-tva} n. the being intended or meant to be said Ni1lak.
  488. विवर (vivara) (vivara)
    %{vi-varaNa} &c. see under %{vi-} 1. %{vR}, p. 988.
  489. विवरण (vivaraṇa) (vivaraṇa)
    mfn. the act of uncovering, spreading out, opening, laying bare or open TPra1t. MBh. Sus3r.
    explanation, exposition, interpretation, gloss, comment, translation, interpretation, specification &c. Pur. S3am2k. Sarvad.
    a sentence MW.
    N. of wk. on Veda7nta
    %{-kArikA-bhASya} n. %{-catuHsUtrI} f. %{-tattva-dIpana} n. %{-darpaNa} m. %{-prameya-saMgraha} m. %{-prasthAna} n. %{-bhAva-prakAzikA} f. %{-ratna} n. %{-vraNa} (?) m. %{-saMgraha}, m. %{-sAra-saMgraha}, m.
    %{-NA7panyAsa} m. N. of wks.
  490. विवर्त (vivarta) (vivarta)
    %{vi-vartana} &c. see under %{vi-vRt}, p. 988.
  491. विवर्तन (vivartana) (vivartana)
    mfn. turning round, revolving MBh.
    changing, transfroming Katha1s.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) rolling (of a horse) RV. i, 162, 14
    rolling or tossing about, struggling Ka1v. Katha1s. (also %{A} f. Harav.)
    moving or wandering to and fro Mn. xii, 75
    turning round Sus3r.
    turning, turn, change TBr. Ma1lati1m.
    turning away or back MBh. Ka1lid.
    returning, return Kir.
    a kind of dance (also %{-nRtya} n.) Sam2gi1t.
    transformation RPra1t.
    existing, being, abiding W.
    going round, circumambulating (an altar &c.) ib.
    reverential salutation MW.
    causing to turn or to change, overturning ib.
  492. विवस्वत् (vivasvat) (vivasvat)
    or mfn. shining forth, diffusing light, matutinal (applied to Ushas Agni &c.
  493. विवाह (vivāha) (vivāha)
    m. leading away (of the bride from her father's house), taking a wife, marriage with (instr. with or without %{saha}) AV. &c. &c. (eight kinds of marriage are enumerated in Mn. iii, 21, viz. Bra1hma, Daiva, A1rsha, Pra1ja1patya, A1sura, Ga1ndharva, Ra1kshasa, and Pais3a1ca
    cf. Ya1jn5.)i. i, 58-61 and IW. 190 &c.)
    a partic. wind S3ak. Sch. (prob. w.r. for %{vi-vaha})
    a vehicle (and, marriage "' AitBr. vii, 13
    n. a partic. high number Buddh.
    %{-karman} n. %{-ma-paddhati} f. N. of wks.
    %{-kAma} mfn. desirous of marriage MW.
    %{-kArikA} f. pl. N. of wk.
    %{-kAla} m. the (right) time for mmarriage VarBr2S.
    %{-griha} n. `" mmarriage-house "', the house in which a wedding is celebrated Katha1s.
    %{-caturthika} n. or %{-caturthI-karman} n. N. of wks.
    %{-catuSTaya} n. a quadruple mmarriage, the marrying of four wives MW.
    %{-tattva} (or %{udvAha-t-}) n. %{-tattva-dIpikA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-dIkSA} f. the mmarriage rite, mmarriage ceremony Ragh.
    (%{-kSA-tilaka} m. n. a Tilaka mark made on the forehead during a mmarriage cerceremony MW.
    %{-kSA-vidhi} m. the preparatory rites of mmarriage ib.)
    %{-dvir-Agamanapaddhati} f. N. of wk. (containing rules to be observed on a bride's coming for the second time from her father's to her husband's house)
    %{nepathya} n. a mmarriage-dress Ma1lav.
    %{-paTala} m. n. N. of various wks. (or of that section in an astrological wk. that treats of the times fit for mmarriage)
    %{-paTaha} m. a mmarriage-drum Mr2icch.
    %{-paddhati} f. %{-prakaraNa} n. (and %{-Na-TIkA} f.), %{-prayoga} m. %{-bhUSaNa} n. %{-mela-vANI-vidhi} m. N. of wks.
    %{-yajJa} m. a mmarriage-sacrifice MW.
    %{-ratna} n. N. of wk.
    %{-vidhi} m. the law of mmarriage Mn. ix, 65 (also N. of wk.)
    %{-vRndAvana} n. N. of an astrol. wk. by Kes3ava7rka
    %{-veSa} m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a mmarriage-dress Ragh.
    %{-samaya} m. = %{-kAla} Pan5cat.
    %{-sambandha} m. relation or connection by mmarriage, Pracan2d2.
    %{-siddhA7nterahasya} n. %{-saukhya} n. N. of wks.
    %{-sthAna} n. the place for a mmarriage-ceremony (before a house) A1pGr2. Sch.
    %{-homa} m. = mmarriage-sacrifice
    (%{-ma-vidhi} m. and %{-mo7payuktA@mantrAH} m. pl. N. of wks.)
    %{-hA7gni} m. a mmarriage-fire A1s3vGr2.
    %{-hA7di-kArmaNAm@prayoga} m. N. of wk.
    %{-hA7rtha} m. purpose of mmarriage, a m. suit MW.
    %{-he7cchu} mfn. desirous of mmarriage ib.
    %{-ho7tsava} m. `" marriage feast "'N. of wk. [987,3]
  494. विवाद (vivāda) (vivāda)
    m. (exceptionally n.) a dispute, quarrel, contest between (gen. or comp.) or with (instr. with or without %{saha}, or comp.) or about, regarding (loc. gen. acc. with %{prati}, or comp.) Shad2vBr. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    contest at law, legal dispute, litigation, lawsuit Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. (with %{svAmi-pAlayoH}, disputes between the owner and tender of cattle or between master and servant IW. 261)
    an argument Sarvad.
    `" sound "' or `" command "' Ragh. xviii, 42
    %{-kalpataru} m. N. of wk.
    %{-kaumudI} f. N. of a treatise on disputed points of grammar (by Lila1-man2i)
    %{-candra} m. %{-candrikA} f. %{-cintamaNi} m. %{-tattvadIpa}, m. %{-tANDava} n. (?), %{-nirNaya} m. N. of wks. (cf. IW. 304, 305)
    %{-pada} n. the subject of a dispute or lawsuit Ya1jn5. Sch.
    %{-pariccheda} m. N. of wk.
    %{-bhaGgA7rNava} m. N. of a compendium of civil law by Jagan-na1tha (compiled at the close of the last century)
    %{-bhIru} mfn. afraid of a quarrel or contest Ma1lav.
    %{-ratnA7kara} m. (IW. 305), %{-vAridhi} m. N. of wks. on law
    %{-zamana} n. the allaying or settling of a dispute, pacification Lin3gaP.
    %{-saMvAda-bhU} f. a matter or subject of controversy or discussion BhP.
    %{-sArA7rNava} m. N. of a compendium of law by Sarvo7ru Trivedin (compiled by order of Sir William Jones)
    %{-sindhu} m. %{-setu} m. %{-saukhya} n. N. of wks.
    %{-dA7dhyAsita} mfn. subject to dispute, disputed, discussed Sarvad.
    %{-dA7navasara} m. not an occasion for dispute or contest BhP.
    %{-dA7nugata} mfn. subject to dispute or litigation Ya1jn5. Sch.
    %{-dA7rNava-bhaGga} m. (or %{-bhaJjana} n.) N. of wk. on law (compiled by a number of Pan2d2its) [987,1]
    %{-dA7rNava-setu} m. N. of a legal digest by Ba1n2e7s3vara and others (compiled by order of Warren Hastings)
    %{-dA7rthin} m. `" seeking for litigation, a litigant, prosecutor, plaintiff Ya1jn5. Sch.
    %{-dA7spada} n. the subject of a lawsuit (%{-di-bhUta}) mfn. become the subject of a lawsuit, litigated, contested at law) ib.
  495. विवार (vivāra) (vivāra)
    m. dilation, expansion W.
    (in gram.) open or expanded state of the organs of speech, expansion of the throat in articulation (one of the A1bhyantara-prayatnas or efforts of articulate utterance which take place within the mouth, opp. to %{saM-vAra} q.v.) Pa1n2. 1-1, 9 Sch.
  496. विवास (vivāsa) (vivāsa)
    mfn. without clothes, naked W. - 2. m. pl. (for 3. and 4. see under %{vi-} 4. and 5. %{vas}) v.l. for %{-viMza} below VP.
  497. विविक्त (vivikta) (vivikta)
    %{vi-vikva4s} &c. see belo. mfn. separated, kept apart, distinguished, discriminated Kap. MBh. BhP.
    isolated, alone, solitary Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) alone with i.e. intent upon (e.g. %{cintA-v-}) MBh.
    free from (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Kum.
    pure, clean, neat, trim Mn. MBh. &c.
    clear, distinct Hariv. Ka1m.
    discriminative, judicious ( = %{vi-vekin})
    profound (as judgment or thought) W.
    m. = %{vasu-nandana} or %{vasu-nanda}
    n. separation, solitude, a lonely place (see comp.)
    clearness, purity Ma1rkP.
    %{-ga} mfn. going to a lonely place, seeking solitude Katha1s.
    %{-carita} mfn. faultless in conduct or behaviour BhP.
    %{-cetas} mfn. pure-minded ib.
    %{-tarka} mfn. clear in reasoning MW.
    %{-tA} f. separation, isolation, Ra1jat
    clearness, purity Sus3r.
    being well, good health ib.
    distinction, discrimination
    an empty or free place, loneliness MW.
    %{-tva} n. solitude Mr2icch.
    %{-dRSTi} mfn. clear-sighted BhP.
    %{-nAman} m. N. of one of the 7 sons of Hiran2yaretas and of the Varsha ruled by him ib.
    %{-bhAva} mfn. having a mind separated or abstracted (from other pursuits), intent on any object W.
    %{-varNa} mfn. containing letters or syllables distinctly enunciated MW.
    %{-zaraNa} (BhP.), %{-sevin} (Bhag.) mfn. resorting to or seeking solitude
    %{-ktA7sana} mfn. having a secluded seat, sitting at a sequestered place Mn. ii, 215
    %{-ktI-kRta} mfn. emptied, cleared Katha1s.
    left, deserted Ragh.
  498. विविध (vividha) (vividha)
    see s. v.
  499. विवृत (vivṛta) (vivṛta)
    mfn. uncovered, unconcealed, exposed, naked, bare MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    unhurt, woundless MBh. iv, 2027
    unclosed, open A1s3vGr2. Up. Pra1t. MBh. &c. (also applied to the organs in speaking and to the articulation of partic. sounds, = %{vivRta-prayatno7pe7ta} S3am2k. on ChUp. ii, 22, 5
    superl. %{-tama}, APra1t.)
    extensive, large, wide W.
    (also %{vI-vRta}) unfolded, exposed, revealed, explained, divulged, public, manifest, evident, known MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    opened i.e. presented, offered (as an opportunity) BhP.
    (%{am}) ind. openly, publicly, in the sight of every one MBh.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. disease, an ulcer attended with much pain and heat Sus3r.
    a species of plant ib.
    n. the bare ground MBh. Hariv.
    publicity (loc. `" in public "' or `" straight out "') MBh. iv, 34, 4
    (in gram.) open articulation, approach of the tongue towards the organ of speech but without contact
    %{-tA} f. the being known, publicity (acc. with %{gam}, to become known or public) R.
    %{-dvAra} mfn. `" open-gated "', unchecked, unbounded (sorrow) Kum.
    %{-pauruSa} mfn. one whose prowess is displayed, displaying valour Mn. vii, 102
    %{-bhAva} mfn. open-hearted, candid, sincere, Ma1latim.
    %{-vat} mfn. one who has opened Katha1s.
    %{-snAna} n. bathing publicly Pa1rGr2.
    %{-smayana} n. an open smile (i.e. one in which the mouth is sufficiently open to show the teeth) A1s3vS3r.
    %{-tA7kSa} m. openeyed "', a cock(cf. %{vi-vRttA7kSa})
    %{-tA7nana} mfn. open-mouthed (%{-tva} n.) Ragh.
    %{-tA7sya} mfn. id. MW.
    %{-to7kti} f. open or explicit expression (opp. to %{gUDho7kti}) Kuval.
  500. विवृत्त (vivṛtta) (vivṛtta)
    mfn. turned or twisted round &c.
    whirling round, flying in different directions (as a thunderbolt) RV.
    opened (see comp.)
    uncovered, shown, displayed Lalit.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of eruption Bhpr. (cf. %{vi-vritA})
    %{-daMSTra} mfn. with opened jaws, showing the teeth Hariv. (m. c. for %{vi-vRtad-}
    v.l. %{vi-vriddha-d-}.)
    %{-vadana} mf(%{A})n. bending the eyes R.
    m. a cock(cf. %{vivRtA7kSa})
    %{-ttA7Gga} mfn. distorting the limbs (in agony) R.
    %{-ttA7sya} mfn. open-mouthed (m. c. for %{vivRtA7sya}) Hariv.