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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-h

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Habacuc {prop} (Habakkuk) SEE: Habakkuk ::
Habakkuk {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Авакумъ
haberdashery {n} (ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher's shop) :: галантерия {f}
haberdashery {n} (a shop selling such goods) :: галантерия {f}
habile {adj} (1. Generally able or adroit; handy) :: умел, изкусен
habiliment {n} (Clothes, especially clothing appropriate for someone's job, status, or to an occasion) :: облекло {n}
habilitate {v} ( To enable one to function in a given manner) :: квалифицирам
habilitate {v} ( To qualify oneself) :: квалифицирам се
habilitate {v} ( to qualify as an instructor or professor) :: хабилитирам се
habilitation {n} (postdoctoral academic qualification required for tenure) :: хабилитация {f}
habit {n} (an action done on a regular basis) :: навик {m}
habit {n} (action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness) :: навик {m}, привичка {f}
habit {n} (long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns) :: монашеско облекло {n}
habit {n} (outward appearance; attire; dress) :: одеяние {n}
habit {n} (The general appearance of a plant) :: хабитус {m}
habit {v} (clothe) :: обличам
habitable {adj} (where humans or other animals can live) :: обитаем
habitat {n} (natural conditions in which a plant or animal lives) :: ареал {m}, естествена среда {f}
habitation {n} (the act of inhabitating) :: обитаване {n}
habitation {n} (a place of abode) :: жилище {n}
habitual {adj} (regular or usual) :: обичаен
habitual {adj} (engaging in some behaviour as a habit) :: обичаен, привичен, свойствен
habitually {adv} (occurring regularly or usually) :: обикновено, обичайно
habituate {v} ( to accustom; to familiarize.) :: свиквам
habituation {n} (act of habituating, or accustoming) :: свикване {n}, приучване
habitude {n} (habit, custom, usage) :: навик {m}, привичка {f}
haboob {n} (violent sandstorm) :: хабуб {m}
hack {v} (to chop or cut down in a rough manner) :: режа, нарязвам, сека {impf}
hack {v} (to cough noisily) :: кашлям
hack {v} (to gain illegal access to a computer network) :: хаквам
hack {v} (to gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account) :: хаквам
hack {v} (ice hockey: to strike an opponent's leg with one's hockey stick) :: подсичам
hack {n} (tool for chopping) :: мотика {f}, кирка {f}
hack {n} (dry cough) :: суха кашлица
hack {n} (figuratively: try, attempt) :: опит {m}
hack {n} (taxicab driver) :: бакшиш
hack {n} (ordinary horse, especially an old, tired one) :: кранта {f}
hackberry {n} (plant) :: копривка {f}
hackberry {n} (Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry ::
hacker {n} (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data) :: хакер {m}
hackle {n} (an instrument with pins) :: чесалка за лен {f}
hackly {adj} (Jagged or rough) :: насечен, назъбен
hackney {n} (carriage for hire or a cab) :: наемна кола {f}
hackney {n} (horse used to ride or drive) :: наемен кон {m}
hackney {adj} (Offered for hire) :: наемен
hackneyed {adj} (repeated too often) :: изтъркан, банален, шаблонен
hacksaw {n} (saw) :: ножовка {f}
Hades {prop} (from Greek mythology) :: Хадес
Hades {prop} (hell) :: ад {m}
haemal {adj} (Pertaining to the blood) :: кръвен
haematology {n} (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs) :: хематология {f}
haemodialysis {n} (hemodialysis) SEE: hemodialysis ::
haemorrhage {n} (hemorrhage) SEE: hemorrhage ::
haemorrhoids {n} (a pathological condition) :: хемороиди {m-p}
Haemus {prop} (king of Thrace) :: Хемус {m}, Хем {m}
hafnium {n} (chemical element) :: хафний {m}
haft {n} (handle) :: дръжка {f}
haft {v} (fit a handle) :: слагам дръжка
haft {n} (mountain pasture) :: планинско пасище {n}
hag {n} (witch, sorceress, enchantress) :: вещица {f}
hag {n} (ugly old woman) :: старица {f}
hag {n} (Myxine glutinosa) :: прилепало {n}
hag {n} (fruit of Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagberry {n} (tree) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagberry {n} (fruit) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagfish {n} (eellike fish of the family Myxinidae) :: прилепало {n}
haggard {adj} (looking exhausted and unwell) :: измъчен, изнурен
haggis {n} (traditional Scottish dish) :: дроб сарма {f}, хагис
haggle {v} (to argue for a better deal) :: пазаря се
haggle {v} (to stick at small matters) :: насичам
Hagia Sophia {prop} (a former basilica, now a museum in Turkey) :: Света София
hagiography {n} (biography of a saint) :: животоописание {n}
Haifa {prop} (a city in northern Israel) :: Хайфа {f}
hail {n} (balls of ice) :: градушка {f}
hail {v} (to fall from the sky, of hail) :: вали град
hail {v} (to greet) :: поздравявам, приветствам
hail {v} (to name, to designate) :: наричам
Hainaut {prop} (province) :: Ено {m}
hair {n} (a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head) :: косъм {m}
hair {n} (the collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals) :: коса {f}
hair {n} (one of the above-mentioned filaments) :: косъм {m}
haircloth {n} (cloth made of the mane or tail hairs of a horse) :: росер {m}
haircut {n} (act of cutting of hair) :: подстригване {n}
haircut {n} (style into which hair is cut) :: прическа {f}
hairdresser {n} (professional for haircutting or hairstyling) :: фризьор {m}, фризьорка {f}, коафьор {m}, коафьорка {f}
hairdresser's {n} (hairdresser’s shop) SEE: hair salon ::
hairdressing salon {n} (hairdressing salon) SEE: hair salon ::
hair dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
hairdryer {n} (electrical appliance for drying hair) :: сешоар {m}
hairiness {n} (the characteristic of being hairy) :: косматост {f}
hairless {adj} (bald) SEE: bald ::
hairless {adj} (destitute of hair) :: неокосмен, без коса
hair oil {n} (A perfumed oil used in dressing the hair) :: брилянтин {m}
hairpin {n} (pin or fastener for the hair) :: фиба {f}, фуркет {m}
hair-raising {adj} (scary) :: ужасяващ
hair salon {n} (workplace of a beautician or barber) :: бръснарница {f}, фризьорски салон {m}
hairstreak {n} (Theclinae) :: синявец {m}
hairstyle {n} (the style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged) :: фризура {f}, прическа {f}
hair-trigger {n} (gun mechanism) :: мек спусък {m}
hairy {adj} (of a person) :: космат
hairy {adj} (of an animal) :: космат
hairy {adj} (of a body part other than the head) :: окосмен
haitch {n} (name of the letter H) SEE: aitch ::
Haiti {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) :: Хаити
hajduk {n} (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans) :: хайдук {m}
hajib {n} (headscarf) SEE: hijab ::
hajj {n} (pilgrimage to Mecca) :: хадж {m}
hajji {n} (one who has participated in a hajj) :: хаджия
haka {n} (group dance of New Zealand's Maori people) :: хака {f}
hake {n} (fish) :: хек {m}
halberd {n} (hand weapon) :: алебарда {f}
halcyon {n} (bird of genus Halcyon) :: синьо рибарче {n}
halcyon {adj} (calm) :: мирен, спокоен
hale {adj} (sound, entire, healthy, robust, not impaired) :: здрав, як
half {adj} (consisting of a half) :: половин
half {adj} (having one parent in common) :: полу
half {adv} (in two equal parts or to an equal degree) :: наполовина
half {n} (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) :: половина {f}
half {n} (math: fraction) :: половина {f}
half {n} (one of three terms in Eton) :: семестър {m}
half {v} (halve) SEE: halve ::
half and half {adv} (in equal parts) :: поравно
halfhearted {adj} (lacking full energy) :: апатичен, равнодушен
half-landing {n} (small landing) :: площадка {f}
half-life {n} (time in physics) :: период на полуразпад {m}
half-line {n} (ray) SEE: ray ::
half-moon {n} (anything shaped like a crescent) :: полумесец {m}
half time {n} (interval between halves) :: полувреме {n}
halfway {adv} (midway) :: на половината път
half-witted {adj} (having a low intelligence) :: малоумен, слабоумен
half-year {n} (period of half a year) :: полугодие {n}
halibut {n} (fish of genus Hippoglossus) :: камбала {f}
Halifax {prop} (city in Nova Scotia, Canada) :: Халифакс {m}
halite {n} (NaCl) :: каменна сол {f}
halitosis {n} (condition of having foul-smelling breath) :: лош дъх {m}
hall {n} (corridor or a hallway) :: вестибюл {m}
hall {n} (meeting room) :: зала {f}
hallelujah {interj} (exclamation to praise God) :: алелуя, алилуя
hallmark {n} (a distinct characteristic) :: белег {m}, критерий {m}
hallmark {n} (an official marking) :: клеймо {n}
hallow {n} (holy person) :: светец {m}
hallow {v} (to sanctify) :: освещавам
Halloween {prop} (October 31st) :: Хелоуин {m}
hallows {n} (plural of hallow) SEE: hallow ::
hall tree {n} (A piece of furniture for hanging hats, coats, etc.) :: закачалка {f}
hallucinate {v} (seem to perceive what is not really present) :: халюцинирам
hallucination {n} (sensory perception of something that does not exist) :: халюцинация {f}
hallucination {n} (act of hallucinating) :: халюциниране {n}
hallway {n} (corridor) SEE: corridor ::
halo {n} (atmospheric phenomenon) :: ареола {f}
halo {n} (luminous disc around the heads of saints) :: ореол {m}
halo {n} (metaphorical aura of glory, veneration or sentiment) :: ореол {m}
halogen {n} (any element of group 17) :: халоген {m}
halt {v} (limp (walk lamely)) SEE: limp ::
halt {v} (to stop either temporarily or permanently) :: спирам, прекъсвам
halt {v} (to cause something to stop) :: спирам
halt {v} (to waver or be hesitant) :: колебая се
halt {n} (cessation) :: спиране {n}
halt {n} (minor railway station) :: спирка {f}
halter {n} (animal's headgear) :: оглавник {m}
halting {adj} (hesitant or broken) :: колеблив, заекващ
halva {n} (confection) :: халва {f}
halve {v} (to reduce to half of original) :: намалявам наполовина
halve {v} (to divide in two equal parts) :: разполовявам
halyard {n} (rope) :: фал {m}
ham {n} (region back of the knee joint) :: бедро {n}
ham {n} (thigh and buttock of any animal slaughtered for meat) :: бут {m}
ham {n} (thigh of a hog cured for food) :: шунка {f}
ham {n} (actor with an exaggerating style) :: позьор {m}
ham {n} (ham radio operator) :: радиолюбител {m}
hamadryad {n} (a woodnymph) :: горска нимфа {f}
hamadryad {n} (The king cobra) :: индийска кобра {f}
hamartia {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Hamburg {prop} (city and state of Germany) :: Хамбург {m}
hamburger {n} (sandwich) :: хамбургер {m}
ham-handed {adj} (Clumsy, heavy, or inept) :: тромав, несръчен
hamlet {n} (small village) :: селце {n}
Hamlet {prop} (the main character of the play Hamlet) :: Хамлет {m}
hammer {n} (tool) :: чук {m}
hammer {n} (part of a firearm) :: ударник {m}, петле {n}
hammer {n} (bone of the middle ear; see also malleus) :: чукче {n}
hammer {n} (piano part) :: чукче {n}
hammer {n} (sports: device) :: чук {m}
hammer {v} (to strike repeatedly) :: чукам
hammer {v} (to shape by beating) :: кова
hammer {v} (sports: to defeat resoundingly) :: разбивам
hammer and sickle {n} (symbol of communism) :: сърп и чук {m} [sickle and hammer]
hammered {adj} (done by hammering) :: кован
hammered {adj} (drunk) :: много пиян
hammerhead {n} (shark) :: акула-чук {f}
hammerkop {n} (Scopus umbretta) :: чукоглава чапла {f}
hammock {n} (swinging couch or bed) :: хамак {m}
hamper {n} (large basket) :: кошница с капак {f}
hamper {v} (to put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle; to ensnare; to inveigle) :: препятствам, затруднявам, преча
hamper {n} (anything which impedes) :: пречка {f}, препятствие {n}
Hampshire {prop} (county in the south of England) :: Хампшър {m}
hamster {n} (small, short-tailed European rodent) :: хомяк {m}, хамстер {m}
hamstring {n} (great tendon) :: колянно сухожилие {n}
hamstring {v} (to disable) :: осакатявам, контузвам
Han {prop} (Chinese ethnicity) :: хан {m} {f}, ханци {p}
Han character {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character ::
hand {v} (to give, pass or transmit with the hand) :: връчвам
hand {n} (part of the fore limb) :: ръка {f}
hand {n} (pointer of an analogue/analog clock) :: стрелка {f}
hand {n} (hand's breadth) :: педя {f}
hand {n} (servant, laborer, workman, trained for special duty; a performer) :: работник {m}
hand {n} (handwriting; style of penmanship) :: почерк {m}
hand {n} (person's autograph or signature) :: подпис {m}
hand {n} (management, domain, control) :: власт {f}, контрол {m}
hand {n} (that which is, or may be, held in a hand at once) :: шепа {f}
hand {n} (set of cards held by a player in a card game) :: ръка {f}
handbag {n} (small bag carried in the hand) :: дамска чанта {f}
handball {n} (team sport) :: хандбал {m}
handball {n} (football offence) :: игра с ръка {f}
handbarrow {n} (frame supported by poles, used for carrying things) :: тарга {f}, носилка {f}
handbill {n} (loose printed sheet) :: позив {m}
handbook {n} (a book of reference) :: справочник {m}, наръчник {m}
handcar {n} (a light railroad car propelled by a hand-operated pumping mechanism) SEE: draisine ::
handcart {n} (a cart designed to be pulled or pushed by hand) :: ръчна количка {f}
handcraft {n} (handicraft) SEE: handicraft ::
handcuff {n} (ring of a locking fetter for the hand) :: белезници {f-p}
handcuff {v} (to apply handcuffs) :: слагам белезници
handcuffs {n} (metal rings for fastening wrists) :: белезници {f-p}
hand fan {n} (hand-held device) :: ветрило {n}
handful {n} (amount held in hand) :: шепа {f}
handful {n} (breadth of hand) :: педя {f}
handgrip {n} (A handle) :: дръжка {f}
handgrip {n} (A handshake) :: ръкостискане {n}
handhold {n} (projection to hold) :: ръкохватка {f}
handicap {n} (something that prevents, hampers, or hinders) :: пречка {f}, спънка {f}
handicap {n} (allowance granted in a race to the competitor) :: аванс {m}
handicap {v} (to encumber) :: преча, спъвам
handicraft {n} (trade requiring skill of hand) :: занаят {m}
handicraft {n} (handicraftsman) :: занаятчия {m}
handily {adv} (In a handy manner) :: сръчно, умело
handiwork {n} (work done by the hands) :: ръкоделие {n}
handkerchief {n} (cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands) :: носна кърпа {f}, кърпичка {f}
handkerchief {n} (cloth to be worn about the neck) :: кърпа за врата {f}
handle {n} (part of an object held in the hand when used or moved) :: дръжка {f}, ръкохватка
handle {n} (part of a door) :: дръжка {f}
handle {n} (nickname) :: обръщение {n}, прякор {m}
handle {v} (touch; feel or hold with the hand) :: пипам, опипвам
handle {v} (take care of with the hands) :: манипулирам
handle {v} (manage, control or direct) :: ръководя
handle {v} (receive and transfer; buy and sell) :: търгувам
handle {v} (be concerned with, make a business of) :: занимавам се с
handlebar {n} (bar for steering) :: велосипедно кормило {n}
handler {n} (one who handles a specified thing) :: дресьор {m}, треньор {m}
handless {adj} (without a hand) :: безрък
handling {n} (touching, controlling, managing with the hands) :: манипулиране {n}
handmade {adj} (made by hand) :: ръчен, изработен на ръка
handout {n} (a worksheet, leaflet or pamphlet given out for a certain use) :: брошура {f}, дипляна {f}
handout {n} (a gift to the poor or needy) :: милостиня {f}
handpicked {v} (picked by hand) :: бран на ръка
handpicked {v} (selected with great care) :: подбран
handrail {n} (rail which can be held) :: перило {n}
handshake {n} (grasping of hands by two people) :: ръкостискане {n}
handsome {adj} (of man: attractive) :: красив
handsome {adj} (generous) :: щедър
handsome {adj} (moderately large) :: значителен
handspring {n} (A somersault made with the assistance of the hands placed upon the ground) :: кълбо напред {n}
handstand {n} (a movement or position in which a person is upside down) :: челна стойка {f}
hands up {interj} (surrender!) :: ръце нагоре!
handwork {n} (handiwork) SEE: handiwork ::
handwriting {n} (characteristic writing of a particular person) :: почерк {m}
handwriting {n} (text written by hand) :: ръкопис {m}
handy {adj} (easy to use) :: полезен {m}, удобен
handy {adj} (within reach) :: под ръка
handy {adj} (dexterous) :: сръчен, изкусен
handyman {n} (man who does odd tasks) :: момче за всичко {n}
hang {v} (to be or remain suspended) :: вися {impf}
hang {v} (to float as if suspended) :: рея се
hang {v} (to hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position) :: накланям {impf}
hang {v} (to cause to be suspended) :: окачвам
hang {v} (to place on a hook) :: окачвам
hang {v} (to execute by suspension from the neck) :: беся {pf}, обесвам {pf}
hangar {n} (a large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept) :: хангар {m}
hangdog {n} (A base, degraded person) :: подлец {m}, обесник {m}
hangdog {adj} (sneaking; ashamed) :: гузен, виновен
hanger {n} (clothes hanger) :: закачалка {f}
hanger {n} (short, curved sword) :: кортик {m}
hanger {n} (hangman) SEE: hangman ::
hanger-on {n} (Someone who hangs on, or sticks) :: натрапник {m}
Hangeul {n} (Korean phonetic script) :: хангъл {m}
hang glider {n} (aircraft) :: делтаплан {m}
hanging {adj} (suspended) :: висящ
hanging {n} (means of execution) :: обесване {n}
hanging {n} (public event at which a person is hanged) :: бесене {n}, обесване {n}
hangman {n} (executioner) :: палач {m}
hangman {n} (game) :: бесеница {f}
hangout {n} (A place for hanging out; an informal meeting-place) :: сборище {n}, свърталище {n}
hangover {n} (illness caused by heavy drinking) :: махмурлук {m}
hank {n} (coil or loop) :: чиле {n}
hank {n} (nautical: ring or shackle to secure staysail) :: бухта {f}
hank {v} (To form into hanks) :: намотавам
hanker {v} (to want) :: жадувам, копнея
hanky-panky {n} (mischievous behaviour, dishonest or shady activity) :: шмекерия {f}
hanky-panky {n} (amorous behaviour, smooching, making out, necking, sexual intercourse or other sexual activity) :: задявка {f}
Hanoi {prop} (capital of Vietnam) :: Ханой {m}
Hanover {prop} (German city) :: Хановер {m}
Hanover {prop} (kingdom) :: Хановер {m}
Hanseong {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanyang {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanzi {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character ::
haphazard {adj} (random, chaotic, incomplete) :: случаен, безсистемен
hapless {adj} (very unlucky; ill-fated) :: злополучен
haply {adv} (perhaps) SEE: perhaps ::
haply {adv} (by accident or luck) :: случайно
happen {v} (to occur) :: случвам се {impf}, ставам {impf}
happening {n} (something that happens) :: събитие {n}, случка {f}
happily {adv} (by good chance, fortunately) :: за щастие
happily {adv} (in a happy manner) :: щастливо
happily {adv} (willingly) :: с удоволствие
happiness {n} (emotion of being happy) :: щастие {n}
happiness {n} (good luck) :: късмет {m}
happy {adj} (contented, joyous) :: щастлив
happy {adj} (fortunate, lucky) :: удачен
happy {adj} (content (to do something); having no objection (to something)) :: доволен
happy {adj} (appropriate, apt, felicitous) :: удачен
happy birthday {interj} (good wishes for a birthday) :: честит рожден ден
happy Easter {phrase} (an expression used during Easter) :: Христос възкресе! [greeting], Наистина възкресе! [reply]
happy New Year {phrase} (Happy New Year) :: Честита Нова година
haptic {adj} (of or relating to the sense of touch) :: осезателен
harangue {n} (impassioned speech) :: публична реч {f}
harangue {n} (tirade) :: тирада {f}
harass {v} (to fatigue or tire) :: измъчвам, тормозя
harass {v} (to annoy; to molest) :: дразня, безпокоя
harassment {n} (persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress) :: тормоз {m}
harassment {n} (deliberate pestering or annoying) :: дразнене {n}
harbinger {n} (that which foretells the coming of something) :: предвестник {m}
harbinger {v} (to announce) :: предвещавам
harbor {n} (place of shelter) :: подслон {m}, убежище {n}
harbor {n} (for ships) :: пристанище {n}, пристан {m}
harbour {n} (harbor) SEE: harbor ::
hard {adj} (resistant to pressure) :: твърд
hard {adj} (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) :: труден
hard {adj} (demanding a lot of effort to endure) :: тежък, труден
hard {adj} (severe) :: тежък, усилен
hard {adj} (of drink: strong) :: силен
hard {adj} (of water, high in dissolved calcium compounds) :: твърд
hard {adv} (with much force or effort (related to act of think)) :: трудно
hard-bitten {adj} (callous and toughened by experience) :: кален, издръжлив
hardboard {n} (high-density chipboard) :: талашит {m}
hard-boiled {adj} (of an egg) :: твърдо сварен
hard-boiled {adj} (callous) :: груб, закоравял
hard coal {n} (anthracite) :: антрацит {m}
hard disk {n} (unit and all the disks within it) :: твърд диск {m}
harden {v} (become hard) :: втвърдявам се
harden {v} (make hard(er)) :: втвърдявам, закалявам
hardened {adj} (unfeeling or lacking emotion due to experience; callous) :: закоравял
hardheaded {adj} (stubborn) :: твърдоглав
hardheaded {adj} (pragmatic) :: практичен
hardihood {n} (boldness) :: смелост {f}, решителност {f}
hardihood {n} (Excessive boldness; foolish daring) :: дързост {f}, наглост {f}
hardly {adv} (barely, only just) :: едвам
hardness {n} (quality of being hard) :: твърдост {f}, издръжливост {f}
hard-on {n} (rigid state of the penis) SEE: erection ::
hard-on {n} (erection of the penis) :: ерекция {f}, надървяне {n}
hard rock {n} (rock music genre) :: хард рок {m}
hard roe {n} (roe) SEE: roe ::
hards {n} (The short coarser fibers of flax or hemp) :: кълчища
hardship {n} (difficulty or trouble) :: трудност {f}, затруднение {n}
hard sign {n} (Cyrillic letter "Ъ/ъ") :: ер голям {m}
hardtack {n} (hard biscuit) :: сухар {m}
hardware {n} (fixtures, equipment, tools and devices) :: железария {f}
hardware {n} (equipment) :: оборудване {n}
hardware {n} (material part of a computer) :: хардуер {m}
hardware {n} (metal implements) :: железария {f}
hard-wearing {adj} (wear-resistant) :: траен, износоустойчив
hard-working {adj} (tending to work with ardour) SEE: hardworking ::
hardworking {adj} (taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly) :: трудолюбив, усърден
hardy {adj} (inured to fatigue or hardships) :: кален, издръжлив
hare {n} (animal) :: заек {m}
harebell {n} (plant) :: камбанка {f}
harebrained {adj} ( featherbrained or scatterbrained) :: вятърничав, лекомислен
harelip {n} (congenital malformation of the upper lip) :: заешка устна {f}
harem {n} (the private part of an Arab household) :: харем {m}
harem {n} :: харем {m}
haricot {n} (common bean) SEE: common bean ::
hark {v} (to listen attentively) :: слушам
harlequin {n} (pantomime fool) :: арлекин {m}, арлекино {m}
harlequin duck {n} (Histrionicus histrionicus) :: каменарка {f}
harlot {n} (a female prostitute) :: блудница {f}, проститутка {f}
harlotry {n} (The trade of a harlot; prostitution.) :: блудство {n}, проституиране {n}
harm {n} (injury; hurt; damage) :: вреда {f}, пакост {f}
harm {n} (that which causes injury, damage, or loss) :: зло {n}
harm {v} (cause damage) :: увреждам
harmful {adj} (likely to be damaging) :: вреден, пакостен
harmless {adj} (incapable of causing harm or danger) :: безвреден, безобиден
harmonic {adj} (pertaining to harmony) :: хармоничен
harmonic {adj} (pleasant to hear) :: хармоничен, мелодичен
harmonic {n} (a component frequency of the signal of a wave, see also: overtone) :: хармонична {f}
harmonize {v} (to bring things into harmony, or to make things compatible) :: хармонизирм
harmony {n} (agreement or accord) :: съгласие {n}, хармония {f}
harmony {n} (pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds) :: хармония {f}, съзвучие {n}
harmony {n} (music: the academic study of chords) :: хармония {f}
harness {n} (restraint or support) :: хамут {m}, сбруя
harness {v} (to place a harness on something) :: запрягам
harnessmaker {n} (A maker of harnesses) :: сарач {m}
harp {n} (musical instrument) :: арфа {f}
harp {v} (to repeatedly mention a subject) :: опявам
harpoon {n} (spearlike weapon) :: харпун {m}
harpoon {v} (to hunt with a harpoon) :: харпунирам
harp seal {n} (a species of seal) :: гренландски тюлен {m}
harpsichord {n} (musical instrument) :: клавесин {m}
harpy {n} (Fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman) :: харпия {f}
harpy eagle {n} (Harpia harpyja) :: орел харпия {m}
harquebus {n} (obsolete matchlock firearm) :: аркебуз {m}
harridan {n} (vicious and scolding woman) :: зла старица {f}, вещица
harrier {n} (birds of prey) :: ястреб блатар {m}
harrier {n} (A kind of dog used to hunt hares) :: гонче {n}, зайчар {m}
harrow {n} (device) :: брана {f}
harrow {v} (drag a harrow over) :: бранувам {impf}
harry {v} (To bother; to trouble) :: безпокоя
harry {v} (To strip; to lay waste) :: опустошавам
Harry {prop} (male given name) :: Хари {m}
harsh {adj} (rough) :: груб, остър
harsh {adj} (severe or cruel) :: рязък, суров
Hartley County {prop} (county) :: Окръг Хартли
hartshorn {n} (the antler of a hart) :: еленов рог
hartshorn {n} (An aqueous solution of ammonia) :: амонячна сода {f}
harum-scarum {adj} (wild, careless, irresponsible) :: безотговорен, лекомислен
Harvard {prop} (name) :: Харвард {m}
harvest {n} (autumn, fall) SEE: autumn ::
harvest {n} (season of gathering the ripened crop) :: жътва {f}
harvest {n} (process of gathering the ripened crop) :: жътва {f}
harvest {n} (yield of harvesting) :: реколта {f}, урожай {m}
harvest {v} (to bring in a harvest; reap) :: жъна, прибирам реколта
harvest {v} (to be occupied bringing in a harvest) :: жъна
harvester {n} (person who gathers the harvest) :: жътвар {m}
harvester {n} (machine that harvests) :: жътварка {f}
harvest mite {n} (harvest mite) :: кърлеж {m}
harvest mouse {n} (Micromys minutus) :: оризищна мишка {f}
Haryana {prop} (state) :: Харяна {f}
hash {n} (chopped food, especially meat and potatoes) :: яхния {f}
hash {n} (confused mess) :: бъркотия {f}
hash {v} (to chop into small pieces) :: кълцам
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan {prop} (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) :: Хашемитското кралство Йордания
hashish {n} (marijuana generally) SEE: cannabis ::
hashish {n} (dried leaves of the Indian hemp plant) :: хашиш {m}
hash mark {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash ::
haslet {n} (internal organs of an animal) :: дреболии {f}, карантия {f}
hasp {n} (a clasp) :: резе {n}, закопчалка {f}
hasp {v} (to shut or fasten with hasp) :: закопчавам
hassium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 108) :: хасий {m}
hassle {n} (trouble, bother, unwanted annoyances or problems) :: неприятност {f}, проблем {m}
hassle {n} (fight or argument) :: спор {m}, караница {f}
hassle {v} (To trouble, to bother, to annoy) :: дразня, безпокоя
hassle {v} (To pick a fight or start an argument) :: карам се, споря
hassock {n} (grass) :: туфа {f}
hasta la vista {phrase} (see you later) SEE: see you later ::
haste {n} (speed, swiftness, dispatch) :: бързина {f}, бързане {n}
hasten {v} (to move in a quick fashion) :: бързам, движа се бързо
hasten {v} (to make someone/something speed up) :: ускорявам
hasten {v} (to cause a scheduled event to happen earlier) :: забързвам
hastily {adv} (in a hasty manner) :: прибързано
hasty {adj} (acting in haste; being too hurried or quick) :: бърз, прибързан
hat {n} (a head covering) :: шапка {f}
hatch {n} (opening for serving food) :: шубер {m}
hatch {v} (to emerge from an egg) :: излюпвам се
hatch {v} (to incubate eggs) :: излюпвам
hatch {v} (to devise) :: измъдрям
hatch {n} (birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time) :: люпило
hatcher {n} (hatching hen) :: квачка {f}
hatchery {n} (a facility where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions) :: инкубатор {m}, люпилня {f}
hatchet {n} (small axe) :: брадвичка {f}, томахавка {f}
hatching {n} (method of shading) :: щриховка {f}
hatching {n} (group which emerge from eggs at the same time) :: люпило {n}
hatching {n} (act of egg hatching) :: мътене {n}, излюпване {n}
hatchway {n} (doorway with hatch) :: люк {m}
hate {v} (to dislike intensely) :: мразя {impf}, ненавиждам {impf}
hate {n} (hatred) SEE: hatred ::
hateful {adj} (evoking hatred) :: омразен, ненавистен
hateful {adj} (dislikable) :: отвратителен
hateful {adj} (full of hate) :: мразещ
hatmaker {n} (someone who makes hats) SEE: hatter ::
hatred {n} (strong aversion) :: омраза {f}, ненавист {f}
hatstand {n} (coat stand) SEE: coat stand ::
hatter {n} (person who makes, sells, or repairs hats) :: шапкар {m}
hat trick {n} (three achievements in a single game or similar) :: хеттрик {m}
hauberk {n} (A coat of mail) :: ризница {f}
haughtiness {n} (the property of being haughty) :: арогантност {f}, надменност {f}, високомерие {n}
haughty {adj} (disdainful, supercilious; in demeanour conveying the assumption of superiority) :: надменен, високомерен, горделив
haul {v} (to transport by drawing or pulling) :: дърпам
haul {v} (to draw or pull something heavy) :: влача, тегля
haul {v} ((figuratively) to drag, pull, tug, see also: drag; pull; tug) :: дърпам
haul {n} (distance over which something is hauled or transported, especially if long) :: буксир {m}
haul {n} (amount of something taken) :: улов {m}
haulage {n} (The act of hauling) :: теглене {n}, влачене {n}, дърпане {n}
haulage {n} (Business of transporting goods) :: превоз {m}, транспортиране {n}
haulm {n} (stems of cultivated plants left after harvesting) :: слама {f}
haulm {n} (an individual plant stem) :: сламка {f}
haunch {n} (area encompassing the upper thigh, hip and buttocks) :: ханш
haunch {n} (loin and leg of a quadruped, especially when used as food) :: бут
haunt {v} (to inhabit, or visit frequently) :: посещавам
haunt {v} (to stalk) :: преследвам
haunt {v} (to live habitually) :: обитавам
haunt {n} (place at which one is regularly found) :: свърталище {n}
haunt {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
haunted {adj} (obsessed) :: обсебен
haunting {adj} (Remaining in the mind) :: натрапчив
Hausa {prop} (language) :: хауса
Havana {prop} (capital of Cuba) :: Хавана {f}
have {v} (to possess) :: имам {impf}
have {v} (must) SEE: have to ::
have a nice day {phrase} (goodbye) :: хубав ден, приятен ден, всичко най-хубаво
haven {n} (harbour) :: малко пристанище {n}
haven {n} (refuge) :: убежище {n}
haven {v} (to put into, or provide with a haven) :: приютявам
have one's eye on {v} (watch) SEE: watch ::
haversack {n} (shoulder bag) :: сухарна торба {f}, мешка {f}
have sex {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: copulate ::
have sex {v} (take part in a sexual act) :: правя секс
have to {v} (obligation) :: трябва да
havoc {n} (devastation) :: опустошение {n}
havoc {n} (mayhem) :: безпорядък {m}
havoc {v} (To cause havoc) :: опустошавам
haw {n} (fruit of hawthorn) :: глогина {f}
Hawaii {prop} (state of the United States) :: Хаваи {p}
Hawaii {prop} :: Хаваи (Khavai) {p}, Хавайски острови (Khavajski ostrovi) {p}
Hawaiian {n} (Hawaiian language) :: хавайски език {m}, хавайски {m}
hawfinch {n} (finch) :: черешарка {f}
hawk {n} (predatory bird of Accipitridae) :: ястреб {m}
hawk {n} (an effort to force up phlegm) :: изкашляне {n}
hawk {v} (to attempt to cough up, to clear the throat) :: изкашлям се
hawker {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
hawk-eyed {adj} (eagle-eyed) SEE: eagle-eyed ::
hawk moth {n} (moth of the family Sphingidae) :: вечерница {f}
hawkmoth {n} (hawk moth) SEE: hawk moth ::
hawkweed {n} (plant of the genus Hieracium) :: миши уши {n-p}
hawse {n} (A hawsehole) :: клюз {m}
hawsehole {n} (nautical: hole for anchor rode) :: клюз {m}
hawthorn {n} (type of shrub) :: глог {m}
hay {n} (grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder) :: сено {n}
hay {v} (to cut green plants for fodder) :: кося и суша трева
haya {n} (beech) SEE: beech ::
hay fever {n} (allergy to pollen) :: сенна треска {f}
hayloft {n} (upper storey of a barn) :: плевня {f}, сеновал {m}
haystack {n} (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay) :: купа {f}, купа сено {f}
hazard {n} (chance) SEE: chance ::
hazard {n} (the chance of suffering harm) :: риск {m}
hazard {n} (peril) :: опасност {f}
hazard {v} (to chance; to take a risk) :: рискувам
hazardous {adj} (risky, dangerous, with the nature of a hazard) :: рискован, опасен
haze {n} (very fine particles suspended in the air) :: мъгла {f}
haze {n} (loss of transparency in a clear solid or liquid) :: мътност {f}
haze {n} (dullness of finish on a highly reflective surface) :: мътност {f}
hazel {n} (tree / shrub) :: леска {f}
hazel {n} (wood) :: лешник {m}
hazel {n} (colour) :: лешник {m}
hazel {adj} (colour) :: лешников
hazel {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut ::
hazelnut {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel ::
hazelnut {n} (fruit) :: лешник {m}, цариградски лешник {m}
hazy {adj} (thick with haze) :: мъглив, замъглен
hazy {adj} (not clear or transparent) :: мътен
hazy {adj} (obscure, confused) :: неясен, смътен
he {pron} (personal pronoun "he") :: той
head {v} (to be in command of) :: ръководя
head {v} (to move in a specified direction) :: отправям се
head {v} (to originate, as a river) :: извирам
head {adj} (foremost in rank or importance) :: челен, преден
head {adj} (placed at the top or the front) :: преден, горен
head {adj} (coming from in front) :: насрещен
head {n} (antler of a deer) SEE: antler ::
head {n} (bow of a vessel) SEE: bow ::
head {n} (headache) SEE: headache ::
head {v} (to behead) SEE: behead ::
head {n} (headland) SEE: headland ::
head {n} (part of the body) :: глава {f}
head {n} (topmost or leading part) :: горница {f}
head {n} (leader, chief, mastermind) :: шеф {m}, ръководител {m}
head {n} (headmaster, headmistress) :: директор {m}
head {n} (clump of seeds, leaves or flowers) :: глава {f}
head {n} (leafy top part of a tree) :: корона {f}
headache {n} (pain or ache in the head) :: главоболие {n}
headache {n} (nuisance or unpleasant problem) :: неприятност {f}
head cheese {n} (terrine) SEE: brawn ::
headed {adj} (having a head with specified characteristics) :: озаглавен
headed {adj} (going in a certain direction) :: тръгнал, отправил се към
header {n} (upper portion of a page layout) :: заглавен ред {m}
header {n} (machine that cuts the heads off of grain) :: хедер {m}
headfast {n} ([nautical] A rope at the bows of a ship used to fasten it to a wharf) :: швартово въже {n}
headfirst {adv} (headlong) SEE: headlong ::
headforemost {adv} (headlong) SEE: headlong ::
headgear {n} (harness that fits on a horse's head) :: оглавник {m}
heading {n} (title) :: заглавие {n}
heading {n} (direction) :: курс {m}, направление {n}
headland {n} (bit of coastal land that juts into the sea) :: нос {m}
headland {n} (unplowed boundary of a field) :: синор {m}, межда {f}
headlight {n} (bright light in front of vehicle) :: фар {m}
headline {n} (heading or title of an article) :: заглавие {n}
headlong {adv} (with the head first or down) :: с главата напред
headlong {adv} (with an unrestrained forward motion) :: стремително
headlong {adv} (in haste, hastily, without deliberation) :: прибързано, необмислено
headlong {adj} (precipitous) :: прибързан
headlong {adj} (plunging downwards head foremost) :: с главата напред
headlong {adj} (rushing forward without restraint) :: стремителен, буен
headlongs {adv} (headlong) SEE: headlong ::
head man {n} (leader of a village) :: вожд {m}
headmaster {n} (the most senior master in a school (male)) :: директор {m}
headmost {adj} (Closest to the front of a group or pack) :: челен
head of state {n} (the chief public representative of a nation) :: държавен глава {m}
head-on {adj} (from the front) :: челен, фронтален
head-on {n} (collision from the front) SEE: head-on collision ::
head-on collision {n} (front end collision involving two vehicles) :: челен удар {m}
head over heels {adv} (tumbling upside down) :: през глава
headphones {n} (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound) :: слушалки {f-p}
headpiece {n} (helmet) SEE: helmet ::
headpiece {n} (something covering the head) SEE: headgear ::
headpiece {n} (head, brain) :: ум {m}, разум {m}
headpiece {n} (decorative page heading) :: винетка {f}
headpiece {n} (headstall) SEE: headstall ::
headquarters {n} (the military installation) :: щаб {m}
headquarters {n} (center of organisation's activity) :: център {m}
headscarf {n} (piece of material worn over the head) :: забрадка {f}
head sea {n} (A sea that meets the head of a vessel) :: насрещно вълнение
headsman {n} (An executioner ) :: палач {m}
heads or tails {n} (heads or tails) :: ези или тура
headstall {n} (part of the bridle that fits over the horse's head) :: оглавник {m}
headstand {n} (the act of standing on one's head) :: челна стойка {f}
headstand {n} (the position of standing on one's head) :: челна стойка {f}
head start {n} (an advantage in starting earlier to gain a favorable position) :: фалстарт
head start {n} (factor conducive to superiority or success) :: преимущество {n}
headstone {n} (tombstone) SEE: tombstone ::
headstrong {adj} (determined to do as one pleases, and not as others want) :: своеволен, вироглав
headway {n} (clearance beneath an object) :: просвет {m}
headway {n} (forward motion, or its rate) :: напредване {n}, прогрес {m}
headway {n} (time or distance interval between the fronts of two vehicles) :: дистанция {f}
headway {n} (progress toward a goal) :: прогрес {m}
headwear {n} (headgear) SEE: headgear ::
heady {adj} (intoxicating or stupefying) :: упоителен, опияняващ
heady {adj} (rash or impetuous) :: стремителен, неудържим
heal {v} (make better) :: лекувам {impf}, церя {impf}
heal {v} (become better) :: зараствам (рана), излекувам се
healer {n} (person who heals) :: лечител {m}
healing {n} (process of regeneration, see also: recovery) :: лечение {n}, излекуване {n}
health {n} (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) :: здраве {n}
health {n} (physical condition) :: здраве {n}
health care {n} (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses) :: здравеопазване {n}
healthcare {n} (health care) SEE: health care ::
healthful {adj} (beneficial to health) :: здравословен
health insurance {n} (insurance against incurring medical expenses among individuals) :: здравна осигуровка {f}
healthy {adj} (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well) :: здрав
healthy {adj} (conducive to health) :: здравословен
healthy {adj} (evincing health) :: здрав
heap {n} (crowd) :: тълпа {f}
heap {n} (pile) :: куп {m}, купчина {f}
heap {n} (great number or large quantity of things) :: маса {f}
heap {n} (colloquial: dilapidated place or vehicle) :: таратайка {f}
heap {v} (to pile in a heap) :: натрупвам
heap {v} (to supply in great quantity) :: отрупвам
hear {v} (to perceive sounds through the ear) :: чувам {impf}
hear {v} (to perceive with the ear) :: чувам {impf}
hear {v} (to listen) :: слушам
hear {v} ( To receive information about; to come to learn of) :: узнавам
hearing {adj} (able to hear) :: чуващ
hearing {n} (sense) :: слух {m}
hearing {n} (legal procedure) :: изслушване {n}
hearing aid {n} (hearing assistance device) :: слухов апарат {m}
hearken {v} (to listen; to attend or give heed to what is uttered) :: слушам, вслушвам се
hearsay {n} (information that was heard by one person about another) :: слух {m}, мълва {f}
hearse {n} (grave, coffin, tomb) :: гроб {m}
hearse {n} (vehicle for transporting dead) :: катафалка {f}
heart {n} (an organ) :: сърце {n}
heart {n} (emotions or kindness) :: чувства {n-p}
heart {n} (a suit of cards) :: купа {f}
heart {n} (centre or core) :: сърцевина {f}, ядро {n}
heartache {n} (very sincere and difficult emotional problems or stress) :: мъка {f}, душевна болка {f}
heart attack {n} (death) SEE: death ::
heart attack {n} (failure) SEE: failure ::
heart attack {n} (acute myocardial infarction) :: инфаркт на миокарда {m}, инфаркт {m}
heartbeat {n} (one pulsation of the heart) :: пулс {m}
heartbeat {n} (the rhythm at which a heart pulsates) :: пулс {m}
heartbreak {n} (anguish) :: силна мъка {f}, скръб {m}
heartbreaking {adj} (That causes great grief, anguish or distress) :: сърцераздирателен
heartbroken {adj} (suffering form grief) :: съкрушен, угнетен
heartburn {n} (pain caused by stomach acid) :: стомашни киселини {f-p}
hearten {v} (to give heart to, to encourage) :: насърчавам, окуражавам
heartening {adj} (cheerfully encouraging) :: насърчителен, окуражителен
heartfelt {adj} (felt or believed deeply and sincerely) :: прочувствен, искрен
hearth {n} (floor of fireplace) :: огнище {n}
hearth {n} (recess) :: камина {f}
heartily {adv} (in a hearty manner) :: искрено, сърдечно
heartiness {n} (The characteristic of being hearty) :: искреност {f}, сърдечност {f}
heartless {adj} (without feeling) :: безсърдечен
hearts {n} :: купа {f}
hearts {n} (plural of "heart") SEE: heart ::
heartsease {n} (a common European wild flower) :: горска теменуга {f}
heartstricken {adj} ( shocked; dismayed) :: покрусен, ужасен
heart to heart {adj} (sincere, serious, or personal) :: интимен, задушевен
heart-warming {adj} (eliciting tenderness and sympathy) :: затрогващ
heartwood {n} (wood) :: сърцевина на дърво {f}
hearty {adj} (proceeding from the heart) :: сърдечен, искрен
hearty {adj} (exhibiting strength) :: силен, енергичен
hearty {adj} (rich, abundant) :: обилен
heat {n} (thermal energy) :: топлина {f}
heat {n} (condition or quality of being hot) :: жега {f}, горещина {f}
heat {n} (attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth) :: лютивост {f}
heat {n} (period of intensity, particularly of emotion) :: разгар {m}
heat {n} (slang: the police) :: ченгета {n-p}
heat {n} (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile) :: разгоненост {f}
heat {n} (preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race) :: предварителни серии {f-p}
heat {n} (hot spell) :: жега {f}
heat {v} (to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space) :: стоплям, нагрявам, нагорещявам
heat {v} (to arouse, to excite (sexually)) :: разгорещявам, възбуждам
heat {n} (heating system) SEE: heating ::
heated {adj} (very agitated, angry or impassioned) :: разгорещен
heated {adj} (made warm or hot) :: затоплен
heater {n} (device that produces and radiates heat) :: нагревател {m}
heater {n} (slang: a gun) :: револвер {m}
heath {n} (type of land) :: пустош {f}
heath {n} (shrub of the family Ericaceae) :: пирен {m}, изтравниче {n}
heathen {adj} (not adhering to an Abrahamic religion) :: езически {m}
heathen {adj} (savage) :: варварски {m}, дивашки
heathen {n} (person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion) :: езичник {m}
heathen {n} (uncultured or uncivilized person) :: невежа
Heather {prop} (female given name) :: Хедър
Heathrow {prop} (airport in England) :: Хийтроу
heating {n} (system) :: отопление {n}
heating {n} (act) :: нагряване, подгряване
heating {adj} (causing heat) :: загряващ, отоплителен
heatproof {adj} :: топлоустойчив
heave {v} (to lift) :: вдигам
heave {v} (to throw) :: хвърлям
heave {v} (to rise and fall) :: вълнувам се, надигам се
heave {v} (to retch) :: повръщам
heave {n} (to rise and fall rhythmically) :: вълнение {n}
heaven {n} (sky) :: небе {n}
heaven {n} (paradise and upper-world) :: рай {n}
Heaven {prop} (All meanings) SEE: heaven ::
heavenly {adj} (pertaining to heaven) :: небесен
heavenly {adj} (pertaining to the kingdom of God; divine) :: божествен
heavenly {adj} (extremely beautiful or pleasurable) :: блажен
heavens {n} (the sky) :: небеса {n-p}
heaver {n} (One who, or that which, heaves or lifts) :: носач {m}, повдигач {m}
heavily {adv} (in a heavy manner) :: тежко
heavily {adv} (in a laboured manner) :: мъчително, с усилия
heaviness {n} (weightiness) :: тежест {f}
heavy {adj} (having great weight) :: тежък {m}
heavy {adj} (serious) :: сериозен
heavy {adj} (of rate of flow: high) :: силен
heavy {adj} (of weather:hot and humid) :: тежък
heavy {adj} (laden to a great extent) :: натоварен
heavy {n} (bad guy) :: злодей {m}
heavy-duty {adj} (designed to withstand hard usage) :: мощен, високопроизводителен
heavy-handed {adj} (clumsy, awkward) :: несръчен, непохватен
heavy-handed {adj} (excessive, overdone) :: прекаляващ
heavy-handed {adj} (extreme, unnecessarily forceful) :: драстичен, жесток
heavy-hearted {adj} (sad, melancholic) :: тъжен, унил, обезсърчен
heavy metal {n} (type of music) :: хеви метъл {m}
heavyset {adj} (corpulent, and sometimes with a squat appearance) :: набит
heavyweight {n} (weight class in boxing and other sports) :: тежка категория {f}
hebdomad {n} (period of seven days) SEE: week ::
hebetude {n} (mental lethargy or dullness) :: слабоумие {n}, летаргия {f}
Hebraic {adj} :: еврейски
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the people) :: евреин {m}, еврейски
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the language) :: иврит {m}
Hebrew {n} (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew) :: иврит {m}
heck {interj} (euphemism of hell) :: по дяволите!
heckle {v} (question harshly in an attempt to reveal weaknesses) :: апострофирам
hectare {n} (unit of surface area) :: хектар {m}
hectic {adj} (of a fever whose intensity fluctuates) :: трескав
hectic {adj} (very busy with activity and confusion) :: възбуден, неспокоен
hecto- {prefix} (hundred) :: хекто-
hectolitre {n} (100 litres) :: хектолитър
hector {v} (to dominate or intimidate) :: тормозя, тероризирам
Hector {prop} (Trojan hero) :: Хектор {m}
hedge {n} (thicket of bushes planted in a row) :: жив плет {m}
hedge {v} (to enclose with hedge) :: ограждам
hedge {v} (to obstruct with hedge) :: преграждам
hedge {v} (to avoid verbal commitment) :: извъртам, усуквам
hedgebill {n} (hedger's tool ) :: градинска ножица {f}
hedge garlic {n} (Alliaria petiolata) SEE: garlic mustard ::
hedgehog {n} (animal) :: таралеж, еж {m} [dated]
hedge sparrow {n} (Prunella modularis) SEE: dunnock ::
heed {n} (attention) :: внимание {n}, предпазливост {f}
heed {v} (to mind) :: обръщам внимание
heed {v} (to pay attention) :: внимавам
heedful {adj} (taking heed) :: внимателен, загрижен
heedful {adj} (mindful) :: внимателен
heedless {adj} (unaware, without noticing) :: небрежен, непредпазлив
hee-haw {n} (cry) :: магарешки рев
heel {n} (anatomy: part of the foot) :: пета {f}
heel {n} (part of shoe) :: ток {m}
heel {n} (rear part of a sock) :: пета {f}
heel {n} (last or lowest part of anything) :: пета {f}
heel {n} (end-piece of a loaf of bread) :: крайче {n}, краешник {m}
heel {n} (architecture: lower end of a timber in a frame) :: пета {f}
heel {v} (To follow at somebody's heels) :: вървя по петите
heel {v} (incline) :: накренявам
hefty {adj} (heavy) :: тежък
hefty {adj} (strong, bulky) :: як, здрав
hefty {adj} (powerfully or heavily built) :: як
hegemony {n} (domination, influence, or authority over another) :: хегемония {f}, господство {n}
he-goat {n} (billy goat) SEE: billy goat ::
heifer {n} (young cow) :: юница {f}
height {n} (distance from bottom to top) :: височина {f}
height {n} (height of a standing person or animal) :: височина {f}, ръст {m}
height {n} (highest point) :: връх {m}
heighten {v} (to make higher) :: повишавам, издигам
heighten {v} (to augment, aggravate, intensify) :: усилвам, повишавам
Heijō {prop} (Pyongyang) SEE: Pyongyang ::
Heilongjiang {prop} (Amur) SEE: Amur ::
Heine {prop} (surname of German-speakers) :: Хайне
heinous {adj} (totally reprehensible) :: отвратителен, гнусен
heir {n} (one who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another) :: наследник {m}
heir {n} (one who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office) :: наследник {m}
heist {n} (a robbery or burglary) :: кражба {f}, грабеж {m}
heist {v} (to steal, rob or hold up something) :: крада, ограбвам
helical {adj} (in the shape of a helix) :: спирален
helicoid {adj} (having the form of a flattened helix) :: спирален
helicoid {n} (minimal surface in form of flattened helix) :: винтова повърхност {f}
helicon {n} (large tuba) :: бас-туба {f}
helicopter {n} (aircraft) :: хеликоптер {m}, вертолет {m}
heliosis {n} (sunstroke) :: слънчев удар {m}
heliotrope {n} (colour) :: светловиолетов
helium {n} (chemical element) :: хелий {m}
helix {n} (curve) :: спирала {f}
helix {n} (of the ear) :: охлюв {m}
hell {prop} (abode for the condemned) :: ад {m}, пъкъл {m}
hellbender {n} (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) :: голям америкнски саламандър {m}
hell-bent {adj} (recklessly determined to do or achieve something) :: заинатен, настървен, готов на всичко
hellcat {n} (A witch) :: вещица {f}
hellcat {n} (A spiteful and violent woman) :: фурия {f}
hellebore {n} (Any species of genus Helleborus) :: кукуряк {m}
Hellenic {adj} (of or relating to the ancient Greek culture and civilization) :: древногръцки
Hellenic {adj} (of or relating to Hellas or the Hellenes) :: елински
Hellenic Republic {prop} (official name of Greece) :: Република Гърция {f}
hellish {adj} (causing pain, discomfort or distress) :: адски, пъклен
hello {interj} (greeting) :: здрасти [familiar], здравей {s} [familiar], здравейте {p} [formal]
hello {interj} (when answering the telephone) :: ало
hello {interj} (is anyone there?) :: ехо?
hellspawn {n} (monster) SEE: monster ::
hellspawn {n} (fiend) SEE: fiend ::
helm {n} (steering apparatus of a ship) :: кормило {n}, щурвал {m}
helm {n} (maritime: member of the crew in charge of steering) :: рулеви {m}
helm {n} (metaphor: position of leadership or control) :: власт {f}, управление {n}
helmet {n} (protective head covering) :: шлем {m}, каска {f}
helminth {n} (parasitic roundworm or flatworm) :: глист {m}
helmsman {n} (person responsible for steering a ship) :: рулеви {m}, кормчия {m}
helot {n} (serf, slave) SEE: slave ::
helot {n} (Spartan serf) :: илот {m}
help {n} (action given to provide assistance) :: помощ {f}
help {n} (person or persons who provides assistance with some task) :: помощник {m}, помощничка {f}
help {n} (textual support of a software application) :: помощ {f}
help {v} (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)) :: помагам {impf}, помогна {pf}
help {v} (intransitive: provide assistance) :: помагам
help {v} (transitive: avoid or prevent) :: избягвам
help {interj} (cry of distress) :: помощ
helper {n} (one who helps) :: помощник {m}, помощничка {f}, помощница {f}, помагач {m}, помагачка {f}
helpful {adj} (furnishing help; giving aid; useful) :: полезен, услужлив, отзивчив
helping {n} (serving) SEE: serving ::
helping verb {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
helpless {adj} (unable to defend oneself) :: безпомощен
helpmate {n} (A wife or spouse.) :: жена {f}, съпруга {f}
Helsinki {prop} (the capital city of Finland) :: Хелзинки {m}
helter-skelter {adv} (in confused, disorderly haste) :: объркано, без ред
helter-skelter {adj} (Carelessly hurried and confused) :: объркан
helter-skelter {n} (confusion or turmoil) :: безпорядък {m}, суматоха {f}
helve {n} (The handle or haft of a tool or weapon) :: дръжка {f}
Helvetian {adj} (from the ancient country of Helvetia) :: швейцарски
Helvetian {n} (someone from ancient country of Helvetia) :: швейцарец {m}
hem {v} (to make a sound like "hem") :: хъмкам
hem {n} (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together) :: подгъв {m}, ръб {m}
hem {n} (rim or margin) :: край {m}, ръб {m}
hem {v} (to make a hem) :: подгъвам, поръбвам
hematogenesis {n} (hematopoiesis) SEE: hematopoiesis ::
hematology {n} (study of blood and related organs) SEE: haematology ::
hematopoiesis {n} (process by which blood cells are produced) :: хемопоеза {f}, хематопоеза {f}, кръвообразуване {n}
hemisphere {n} (half of the celestial sphere) :: полусфера {f}, полукълбо {n}
hemisphere {n} (half of the Earth) :: полукълбо {n}, хемисфера {f}
hemistich {n} (approximate half-line of verse) :: полустишие {n}
hemline {n} (line) :: подгъв {m}
hemline {n} (height) :: дължина на дреха {f}
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Conium) :: бучиниш {m}, мангуна
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Cicuta) SEE: cowbane ::
hemocyte {n} ( Any blood cell) :: кръвна клетка {f}
hemodialysis {n} (extracorporeal dialysis) :: хемодиализа {f}
hemorrhage {n} (release of blood; bleeding) :: кръвоизлив {m}
hemorrhoid {n} (perianal varicosity) :: хемороид {m}
hemorrhoids {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids ::
hemp {n} (Cannabis sativa) :: коноп {m}
hemp {n} (a coarse fibre) :: коноп {m}, кълчища {n-p}
hempen {adj} (made of hemp) :: конопен
hemp-nettle {n} (any weed of the genus Galeopsis in the Lamiaceae family) :: бударица {f}
hemstitch {n} (an embroidery stitch) :: ажур {m}
hen {n} (female chicken) :: кокошка {f}
henbane {n} (Hyoscyamus niger) :: буника {f}, блен {m}, попадийка {f}
hence {adv} (from here) :: оттук
hence {adv} (as a result, therefore) :: следователно
hence {adv} (from this time, from now) :: оттогава
henceforth {adv} (from now on) :: занапред
henceforward {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
henchman {n} (a loyal and trusted follower or subordinate) :: привърженик {m}, последовател {m}
hen harrier {n} (bird) :: полски блатар {m}
hen-hearted {adj} (cowardly; timid) :: страхлив, малодушен
henhouse {n} (house for chickens to live in) :: курник {m}, кокошарник {m}
henna {n} (shrub) :: къна {f}
henna {n} (dye) :: къна {f}
hennery {n} (poultry farm) :: птицеферма {f}
henotheism {n} (belief or worship) :: примотеизъм
hentai {n} (a work of anime that contains sexual art (esp. manga or anime)) :: хентай {m}
hepatic {adj} (relating to the liver) :: чернодробен
hepatica {n} (plant in the genus Hepatica) :: гълъбови очички {m-p}
hepatitis {n} (liver inflammation) :: хепатит {m}
heptagon {n} (polygon with seven sides and seven angles) :: седмоъгълник {m}
heptathlon {n} (athletic contest) :: седмобой {m}
her {determiner} (belonging to) :: неин
her {pron} (she) :: [short form; accusative] я, [dative] и, [long form; accusative] нея, [dative] на нея
herald {n} (a messenger, especially one bringing important news) :: пратеник {m}
herald {n} (a harbinger giving signs of things to come) :: вестител {m}
herald {v} (announce) :: възвестявам
heraldic {adj} (relating to the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: хералдически
heraldry {n} (the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: хералдика {f}
herb {n} (plant used to flavour food) :: зелена подправка {f}
herb {n} (plant used in medicine) :: билка {f}
herb {n} (slang: marijuana) :: трева {f}
herbage {n} (herbs collectively) :: трева {f}, зеленина {f}
herbage {n} (herbaceous plant growth, especially grass) :: трева {f}
herbage {n} (fleshy, often edible, parts of plants) :: паша {f}
herbage {n} (right of pasture) :: право на паша
herbal {adj} (made from or with herbs) :: билков
herbalism {n} ((obsolete) botany) SEE: botany ::
herbarium {n} (collection of dried plants) :: хербарий {m}
herb bennet {n} (The avens) :: омайниче {n}
herbivore {n} (plant-eating organism) :: тревопасно животно {n}
herbivorous {adj} (feeding only on plants) :: тревопасен
herb paris {n} (Paris quadrifolia) :: кръстач {m}, вранско око {n}
herd {n} (a number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper) :: стадо {n}
herd {n} (any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company) :: стадо {n}, [horses] табун {m}
herd {n} (herdsman) :: пастир {m}
herder {n} (one who herds) :: пастир {m}
herd immunity {n} (form of indirect protection against a disease) :: обществен имунитет
herdsman {n} (a person who tends livestock, especially cows and sheep) :: пастир {m}
here {adv} (in, on, or at this place) :: тук, тука
here {adv} (to this place) :: насам, дотук
here {n} (this time, the present situation) :: тук
here {n} :: тук
hereabout {adv} (close, nearby) :: наблизо, тъдява
hereafter {adv} (in time to come) :: после, в бъдеще
hereafter {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
here and there {adv} (from time to time) SEE: from time to time ::
hereat {adv} (at this time) :: сега, в този момент
hereby {adv} (formal phrase) :: с това, по този начин
hereditary {adj} (which is passed on as inheritance) :: наследствен
hereditary {adj} (of a title, honor or right: granted to somebody's descendant after that person's death) :: наследствен
hereditary {adj} (of a disease or trait: passed in the genes) :: наследствен
heredity {n} (hereditary transmission) :: унаследяване {n}, наследственост {f}
Hereford {prop} (the city) :: Херефорд
herein {adv} (within this content or context) :: тук
heresiarch {n} (founder of a heresy) :: ересиарх
heresy {n} (dissension from religious dogma) :: ерес {f}
heretic {n} (someone who believes contrary to fundamentals) :: еретик {m}
heretic {adj} (heretical) SEE: heretical ::
heretical {adj} (of or pertaining to heresy or heretics) :: еретичен
hereto {adv} (so far) SEE: so far ::
hereto {adv} (to here; to this) :: към това
heretofore {adv} (up to the present time) :: досега
hereunder {adv} (translation) :: по-долу
hereupon {adv} (immediately afterward; at this.) :: след това, поради това
herewith {adv} (with this (especially, with this letter or communication)) :: с това, с настоящото
here you are {phrase} (said when handing something over) :: заповядай
heritable {adj} (able to be inherited) :: наследяем
heritage {n} (property) :: наследство {n}
heritage {n} (tradition) :: традиция {f}
heritage interpretation {n} (discipline of explanation) :: интерпретиране на културното и природно наследство
heritor {n} (A person who inherits) :: наследник {m}
hermaphrodite {n} (individual or organism having both male and female gonads) :: хермафродит {m}
hermaphrodite {adj} (having both male and female gonads) :: хермафродитен
hermeneutic {adj} (that explains, interprets, illustrates or elucidates) :: обяснителен, тълкувателен
hermeneutics {n} (art and science of text interpretation) :: херменевтика {f}
hermetic {adj} (pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus) :: херметичен
hermetic {adj} (pertaining to alchemy) :: херметичен
hermetic {adj} (isolated) :: херметичен
hermetic {adj} (hermetically sealed) :: херметичен
hermetically {adv} (hermetically) :: плътно, херметично
hermit {n} (religious recluse; eremite) :: отшелник {m}
hermit {n} (hermit crab) SEE: hermit crab ::
hermit crab {n} (crustacean) :: рак пустинник {m}
hero {n} (person of great bravery) :: герой {m}, героиня {f}, юнак {m}
Herod {prop} (king) :: Ирод {m}
heroic {adj} (of or relating to a hero or heroine) :: геройски
heroic {adj} (of or relating to heroism) :: героичен
heroin {n} (powerful and addictive drug) :: хероин {m}
heroine {n} (female hero) :: героиня {f}
heroism {n} (the qualities characteristic of a hero, the display of them) :: геройство {n}, героизъм {m}
heron {n} (bird) :: чапла {f}
herring {n} (fish in Clupea) :: херинга {f}
herringbone {n} (pattern) :: рибена кост {f}
herringbone {n} (method of climbing on skis) :: рибена кост {f}
herring gull {n} (large seagull) :: гларус {m}
hers {pron} (that which belongs to her) :: неин
hertz {n} (the derived unit of frequency) :: херц {m}
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram {n} (plot of the absolute magnitude of stars) :: диаграма на Херцшпрунг-Ръсел {f}
Herzegovina {prop} (Southern wedge of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Херцеговина {f}
Hesiod {prop} (Greek poet) :: Хезиод
hesitant {adj} (tending to hesitate) :: колеблив, нерешителен
hesitate {v} (to stop or pause respecting decision or action) :: колебая се {impf}, двоумя се {impf}, чудя се {impf}
hesitate {v} (to stammer; to falter in speaking) :: заеквам, заекна
hesitation {n} (act of hesitating) :: колебание {n}, нерешителност {f}
hesitation {n} (faltering in speech) :: заекване {n}
hessian {n} (burlap) SEE: burlap ::
heteroclite {n} (A person who is unconventional) :: анормален {m}
heteroclite {n} ((grammar) An irregularly declined or inflected word) :: неправилен
heterodox {adj} (of or pertaining to creeds, beliefs, or teachings that are different from the norm) :: неправоверен, еретичен
heterodoxy {n} (the quality of being heterodox) :: друговерие {n}
heterodoxy {n} (a heterodox belief, creed, or teaching) :: ерес {m}
heterogeneity {n} (composition of diverse parts) :: хетерогенност {f}, разнородност {f}
heterogeneity {n} (diversity) SEE: diversity ::
heterogeneous {adj} (diverse in kind) :: разнороден
heterogeneous {adj} (chemistry: visibly consisting of different components) :: хетерогенен
heterogenous {adj} (heterogeneous) SEE: heterogeneous ::
hetman {n} (a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries) :: хетман {m}
heuristic {adj} (relating to general strategies or methods for solving problems) :: евристичен
hew {v} (to chop away at; to whittle down; to mow down) :: сека, отсичам
hew {v} (to shape; to form) :: дялам
hewer {n} (one who hews) :: дървосекач {m}, каменоделец {m}
he who laughs last laughs best {proverb} (success is better after you've endured ridicule) :: който се смее последен, се смее най-добре
he who laughs last laughs hardest {proverb} (he who laughs last laughs best) SEE: he who laughs last laughs best ::
hex {v} (to put a hex on) :: омагьосвам
hex {n} (an evil spell or curse) :: магия {f}
hex {n} (a witch) :: вещица {f}
hexagon {n} (A polygon with six sides and six angles) :: шестоъгълник {m}
hexagonal {adj} (geometry: having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon) :: шестоъгълен
hexagonal {adj} (crystallography: having three equal axes crossing at 60° and an unequal one crossing at 90°) :: хексагонален
hexapod {n} (insect) SEE: insect ::
hey {interj} (exclamation to get attention) :: хей
hey {interj} :: zdrasti, здрасти
heyday {n} (a period of success, popularity or power) :: разцвет {m}, апогей {m}
Hezbollah {prop} (Lebanese Shia islamic organisation) :: Хизбула {f}, Хизбуллах {m}
hi {interj} (friendly, informal greeting) :: здрасти, здравей
hiatus {n} (gap in a series) :: празнина {f}
hiatus {n} (interruption, break or pause) :: прекъсване {n}
hiatus {n} (vacation) :: празнина {f}
hibakusha {n} (survivor of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) :: хибакуша {m} {f}
hibernal {adj} (of or pertaining to winter) :: зимен
hibernate {v} (winter sleep) :: зимувам
hibernation {n} (state of inactivity during winter) :: зимуване {n}, зимен сън {m}
Hibernian {adj} (Irish) :: ирландски
Hibernian {n} (An Irish person) :: ирландец {m}
hibiscus {n} (flower) :: хибискус {m}
hic {interj} :: хлъц, хълцук
hiccough {n} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccough {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccup {n} (spasm of the diaphragm) :: хълцане {n}
hiccup {v} (to hiccup) :: хълцам {impf}
hick {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hick {n} (country yokel or hillbilly) :: селяндур {m}
hickey {n} (bruise-like mark) :: смучка {f}
hide {v} ((transitive)) :: крия {impf}, скривам {impf}
hide {v} ((intransitive)) :: крия се {impf}, скривам се {impf}
hide {n} (skin of an animal) :: кожа {f}
hide {n} (covered structure for observing animals) :: гюме {n}
hide and go seek {n} (hide and seek) SEE: hide and seek ::
hide and seek {n} (game) :: криеница {f}
hideaway {n} (a hiding place) :: скривалище {n}, убежище {n}
hidebound {adj} (of an animal, having skin adhering closely to the ribs and back) :: мършав
hidebound {adj} (stubborn, narrow-minded) :: ограничен, тесногръд
hideous {adj} (extremely ugly) :: противен
hiding {n} (A beating or spanking) :: бой {m}, пердах {m}
hidrosis {n} (the formation and excretion of sweat) :: потене {n}, изпотяване {n}
hierarch {n} (one who has high and controlling authority in sacred things) :: йерарх {m}
hierarchy {n} (body of authoritative officials organised by rank) :: йерархия {f}
hierarchy {n} (class of objects) :: йерархия {f}
hieratic {adj} (of or pertaining to priests) :: свещенически, жречески
hieroglyph {n} (element of ideographic writing system) :: йероглиф {m}
hierophant {n} (ancient Greek priest) :: първожрец {m}
hierophany {n} (physical manifestation of the sacred) :: йерофания
high {adj} (elevated; tall) :: висок
high {adj} (of great or large quantity) :: голям
high {adj} (acoustics: of greater frequency) :: висок
high {adj} (slang: stoned) :: надрусан
high {adv} (in or at an elevated position) :: високо
high {adv} (in or at a great value) :: силно
highball {n} (type of cocktail) :: уиски със сода {n}
high bar {n} (horizontal bar) SEE: horizontal bar ::
highboy {n} (double-chest elevated on cabriole legs) :: скрин {m}
highbred {adj} (Of high-quality stock) :: породист
highbred {adj} (Showing good breeding and refined manners) :: възпитан
highbrow {adj} (highly cultured) :: интелектуален
highbrow {n} :: интелектуалец {f}
high-class {adj} (recognized for quality) :: първокласен
highfalutin {adj} ((informal) self-important, pompous; arrogant or egotistical) :: надут, превзет
high-flown {adj} (pretentiously eloquent; highly figurative) :: бомбастичен
high-flown {adj} (lofty, extravagant) :: екстравагантен
high-grade {adj} (of high quality) :: висококачествен, първокласен
high-handed {adj} (using power or authority without proper consideration for the feelings or rights of others) :: деспотичен
high-hat {adj} (disdainful) :: надменен, високомерен
highlander {n} (inhabitant of highlands) :: планинец {m}
Highlander {n} (highlander) SEE: highlander ::
high-level {adj} (of or pertaining to a person of high rank) SEE: high-ranking ::
highlight {n} (especially significant or interesting detail or event) :: основен момент {m}
highlight {v} (to make prominent) :: подчертавам, изтъквам
highlight {v} (to be a highlight of) :: откроявам се
highlight {v} (to mark with a fluorescent marker) :: маркирам
highly {adv} (extremely, greatly, awfully) :: много, силно
high-minded {adj} (refined, cultured, particularly civilized) :: благороден
high-pitched {adj} (having a high pitch) :: висок, пронизителен
high-priced {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
high priest {n} (clergyman) :: първосвещеник {m}, върховен жрец
high-ranking {adj} (at an important, elevated, or exalted level in a hierarchy or organization; high-level) :: високопоставен
high-rise {n} (A tall building) :: многоетажен
high road {n} (main road or highway) SEE: highway ::
high-speed {adj} (operates at greater than normal speed) :: бързоходен, бързодействащ
high-spirited {adj} (energetic) SEE: energetic ::
high street {n} (the main street of any town) :: главна улица {f}
hight {v} (call) SEE: call ::
hight {v} (be called) :: казвам се {impf}, наричам се {impf}
high tide {n} (the natural tide at its highest level) :: прилив {m}
highway {n} (main public road) :: автомагистрала {f}, автострада {f}
highwire walker {n} (acrobat who practices highwire walking) SEE: tightrope walker ::
hijab {n} (headscarf) :: хиджаб {m}
hijack {v} (to seize control of a vehicle) :: отвличам
hijack {n} (instance of hijacking of a vehicle) :: отвличане {n}
hijacking {n} (instance of such an act) SEE: hijack ::
hijacking {n} (act of one who hijacks) :: отвличане {n}
Hijra {n} (Muhammad's departure from Mecca) :: хиджра {f}
hike {n} (a long walk) :: поход {m}, екскурзия {f}
hike {n} (an abrupt increase) :: повишение {n}
hiker {n} (One who hikes, especially frequently) :: турист {m}
hilarious {adj} (very funny; causing great merriment and laughter) :: весел
hilarity {n} (happiness) :: веселие {n}
hilarity {n} (something inducing laughter) :: смешка {f}
hill {n} (elevated location) :: хълм {m}, възвишение {n}
hill {v} (To heap or draw earth around plants) :: загърлям
hillock {n} (small hill) :: хълмче {n}, могилка {f}
hillside {n} (side of a hill) :: склон {m}
hilly {adj} (abounding in hills) :: хълмист
hilt {n} (grip of a sword) :: ефес {m}
him {pron} (he) SEE: he ::
hind {adj} (located at the rear) :: заден
hind {n} (female deer) :: сърна {f}, кошута {f}
hinder {v} (to make difficult to accomplish) :: затруднявам
hinder {v} (to keep back; to delay or impede) :: преча, спъвам
hinder {adj} (of or belonging to that part in the rear) :: заден
hinder {n} (slang: buttocks) :: задник {m}
Hindi {n} (language) :: хинди
Hindi-Urdu {prop} (Hindustani) SEE: Hindustani ::
hindrance {n} (something which hinders) :: пречка {f}, спънка {f}, препятствие {n}
hindsight {n} (rear sight of a firearm) :: прицел {m}
Hinduism {prop} (religion) :: индуизъм {m}
Hindustan {prop} (northern region of India) :: Индостан {m}
Hindustan {prop} (alternative name for India, see also: India) :: Индостан {m}
Hindustani {prop} (language) :: хиндустани {m}, хиндустански {m}
hinge {n} (device for the pivoting of a door) :: панта {f}
hinny {n} (hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey) :: катър {m}
hint {n} (clue) :: подсказка {f}
hint {n} (tacit suggestion) :: намек {m}
hint {n} (tiny amount) :: оттенък {m}
hint {v} (express suggestively) :: намеквам, подмятам
hip {n} (joint) :: бедро {n}, тазобедрена става {f}
hip {n} (the fruit of a rose) :: шипка {f}
hip {adj} (aware, informed, up-to-date, trendy) :: осведомен, информиран
hip bone {n} (bone) :: тазова кост {f}
hip flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) :: плоско шише {n}
hippie {n} (1960s nonconformist) :: хипи {n}
hippodrome {n} (horse racing course) :: хиподрум {m}
hippopotamus {n} (large African mammal) :: хипопотам {m}, речен кон {m}, бегемот {m} [dated]
hiragana {n} (Japanese syllabary) :: хирагана {f}
hircine {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of goats) :: кози
hire {n} (the state of being hired, or having a job; employment) :: наемане {n}
hire {n} (a person who has been hired) :: наемник {m}
hire {v} (to obtain the services of in return for fixed payment) :: наемам
hire {v} (to employ) :: наемам, цаня
hire {v} (to accept employment) :: наемам се
hireling {n} (someone who does a job purely for money) :: наемник {m}
hirsute {adj} (hairy) :: космат
his {determiner} (attributive: belonging to him) :: негов, свой [own, generic]
His Holiness {n} (honorific title) :: Ваше светейшество
hispid {adj} (covered in short, stiff hairs) :: бодлив, четинест
hiss {n} (sound made by a snake, cat, escaping steam, etc.) :: съскане {n}
hiss {n} (animal expression of disapproval) :: освиркване {n}
hiss {v} (to make a hissing sound) :: съскам
histology {n} (study of microscopic structure) :: хистология {f}
historian {n} (writer of history) :: историк {m}
historian {n} (person who studies history) :: историк {m}
historic {adj} (historical) SEE: historical ::
historic {adj} (having significance in history) :: исторически
historical {adj} (pertaining to history) :: исторически
historical present {n} (tense) :: сегашно време в миналото
historic present {n} (tense) SEE: historical present ::
history {n} (aggregate of past events) :: история {f}
history {n} (branch of knowledge that studies the past) :: история {f}
history {n} (set of events involving an entity) :: история {f}
history {n} (record or narrative description of past events) :: летопис {m}
history {n} (computing: record of previous user events) :: история {f}
history {n} (something that no longer exists or is no longer relevant) :: минало {n}
histrionic {adj} (of or relating to actors or acting) :: актьорски
histrionic {adj} (excessively dramatic or emotional) :: театрален
hit {v} (to give a blow) :: улучвам, удрям, бия {impf}
hit {v} (to come into contact with forcefully and suddenly) :: удрям
hit {v} (to manage to touch in the right place) :: удрям, поразявам
hit {v} (to briefly visit) :: навестявам
hit {v} (to encounter a difficulty) :: срещам
hit {n} (blow, punch) :: удар {m}
hit {n} (success, especially in the entertainment industry) :: хит {m}, шлагер {m}
hit {n} (collision of a projectile with the target) :: попадение {n}
hit {n} (computing, Internet: positive result of a search) :: попадение {n}
hit {v} (to hit) SEE: strike ::
hitch {n} (sudden pull) :: дърпане {n}
hitch {n} (knot) :: възел {m}
hitch {n} (connection point for trailer) :: закачване {n}
hitch {n} (problem, delay or source of difficulty) :: спънка {f}
hitch {v} (to pull with a jerk) :: дърпам
hitch {v} (to attach) :: закачвам, зацепвам
hitchhike {v} (to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road) :: пътувам на автостоп
hither {adv} (to here) :: насам
hither {adj} (on this side) :: отсам
hitherto {adv} (up to this time) :: досега
Hitler {prop} (Austrian surname held by Adolf Hitler) :: Хитлер {m}
hive {n} (structure for housing a swarm of honeybees) SEE: beehive ::
hive {n} (bees of one hive) :: рой {m}
hives {n} (medical condition) SEE: urticaria ::
hoar {n} (colour) :: сивобял
hoard {n} (hidden supply) :: запас {m}, съкровище {n}
hoard {v} (to amass) :: събирам, трупам
hoarfrost {n} (frozen dew drops) :: слана {f}, скреж {m}
hoarse {adj} (afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice) :: дрезгав, пресипнал, прегракнал
hoarsen {v} (To make or become hoarse) :: преграквам
hoary {adj} (white or gray with age) :: побелял, посивял
hoatzin {n} (bird, Opisthocomus hoazin) :: хоацин {m}
hoax {v} (to deceive with a hoax) :: измамвам
hoax {n} (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick) :: измама {f}, номер {m}, шега {f}
hob {n} (a cutting tool) :: винторез {m}
hobbit {n} (fictional small humanoid creature) :: хобит {m}
hobble {n} (Short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses) :: букаи {f-p}
hobble {v} (To restrict a horse with hobbles) :: спъвам
hobble {v} (To walk unevenly) :: куцам
hobblebush {n} (Viburnum lantanoides) :: калина {f}
hobbledehoy {n} (an awkward adolescent boy) :: дангалак {m}
hobby {n} (activity done for enjoyment in spare time) :: хоби {n}
hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo) :: сокол орко {m}
hobgoblin {n} (mischievous goblin) :: зъл дух {m}
hobgoblin {n} (source of dread, fear or apprehension) :: плашило {n}
hobnail {n} (short nail with a thick head) :: кабър {m}
hobnob {n} (informal chat) :: бъбрене {n}
hobnob {v} (to drink with) :: черпя се
hobnob {v} (to associate in a friendly manner with) :: дружа, другарувам
hobo {n} (homeless person) :: бездомник {m}
hobo {n} (tramp, vagabond; bum) :: скитник {m}
hobo {n} (migratory worker) :: сезонен работник {m}
hock {v} (leave with a pawnbroker as security) :: залагам
hockey {n} (the sport) :: хокей {m}
hockey puck {n} (puck used in hockey) :: шайба {f}
hocus-pocus {n} (act of trickery or nonsense) :: фокус {m}
hodgepodge {n} (collection of miscellaneous things; a jumble) :: сбирщина {f}, тюрлюгювеч {m}
hoe {n} (agricultural tool) :: мотика {f}
hoe {v} (to use the gardening tool) :: прекопавам
hog {n} (animal of the family Suidae) :: свиня {f}, прасе {n}
hog {n} (greedy person) :: скъперник {m}
hogcote {n} ( A shed for pigs; a sty) :: свинарник {m}
Hogwarts {prop} (fictional school for learning magic) :: Хогуортс
hogwash {n} (nonsense) :: глупости {f-p}
hogwash {n} (scraps fed to pigs) :: помия {f}
hogweed {n} (umbelliferous plant) :: хераклеум {m}
hoist {v} (transitive: to raise; to lift; to elevate) :: вдигам, издигам
hoist {n} (hoisting device) :: елеватор {m}, подемник {m}
hoity-toity {adj} (pompous) :: надменен, префърцунен
Hokkaido {prop} (a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself) :: Хокайдо
hold {v} (to grasp) :: държа {impf}, хващам
hold {v} (to contain) :: съдържам
hold {v} (to keep possession) :: владея
hold {v} (to reserve) :: запазвам
hold {v} (to cause to wait) :: задържам
hold {v} (to detain) :: задържам
hold {v} (to be or remain valid) :: в сила съм
hold {n} (grasp) :: хващане {n}
hold {n} (wrestling grip) :: захват {m}
hold {n} (exercise) :: издръжливост {f}
hold {n} (cargo area) :: трюм {m}
holdback {n} (restraint) :: задръжка {f}, пречка {f}
holder {n} (a thing that holds) :: държач {m}, дръжка {f}
holder {n} (a person who possesses something) :: притежател {m}, приносител {m}
holdfast {n} (Something to or by which an object can be securely fastened) :: скоба {f}, стяга {f}
holding {n} (something that one owns, especially stocks and bonds) :: владене {n}, притежаване {n}
hold-up {n} (a robbery at gunpoint) :: грабеж {m}
hole {n} (pit) SEE: pit ::
hole {n} (hollow in some surface) :: дупка {f}, яма {f}
hole {n} (opening in a solid) :: дупка {f}
hole {n} (weakness, flaw) :: слабост {f}
hole {n} (lack of an electron) :: дупка {f}
hole {n} (security vulnerability) :: пробив {m}
hole {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) :: отвор {m}
hole {n} (place where a prisoner is kept) :: карцер {m}
hole {n} (undesirable place) :: дупка {f}
hole {n} (portion of a game of golf) :: дупка {f}
hole {v} (to make holes) :: пробивам
hole {v} (to cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes) :: издълбавам
hole {v} (to destroy) SEE: destroy ::
holey {adj} (containing holes) :: дупчест
holiday {n} (day on which a festival etc. is traditionally observed) :: празник {m}
holiday {n} (day declared free from work by the government) :: празник {m}
holiday {n} (period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel) :: отпуск {m}
holiday {n} (period during which pupils do not attend school) :: ваканция {f}
holidayer {n} (one who is on holiday) SEE: holiday-maker ::
holiday-maker {n} (somebody on holiday) :: летовник {m}
holiness {n} (state or condition of being holy) :: святост {f}
holland {n} (linen cloth) :: грубо ленено платно {n}
Holland {prop} (region of the Netherlands, see also: Netherlands) :: Холандия {f}
holler {n} (A yell, shout) :: вик {m}
holler {v} (to yell, shout) :: викам силно
hollow {n} (hollow in some surface) SEE: hole ::
hollow {n} (small valley) :: падина {f}
hollow {n} (sunken area) :: вдлъбнатина {f}
hollow {adj} (having an empty space inside) :: кух
hollow {adj} (without substance) :: празен, безсъдържателен
hollow-hearted {adj} (insincere) :: неискрен
hollow victory {n} (Pyrrhic victory) SEE: Pyrrhic victory ::
holly {n} (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex) :: джел {m}, бодлива зеленика {f}
hollyhock {n} (plant) :: ружа {f}
Hollywood {prop} (the American motion picture industry) :: Холивуд {m}
holmium {n} (chemical element) :: холмий {m}
holm oak {n} (evergreen tree, Quercus ilex) :: вечнозелен дъб {m}
Holocaust {prop} (the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany) :: Холокост
Holocaust {prop} :: Холокост {m}
Holodomor {prop} (1932–33 famine in Ukraine) :: Гладомор {m}
holograph {n} (handwritten document) :: саморъчно написан документ {m}
holography {n} (a technique for recording, and then reconstructing, the amplitude and phase distributions of a coherent wave disturbance) :: холография {f}
holster {n} (case for carrying a gun) :: кобур {m}
holus-bolus {adv} (all together, unmodified) :: наведнъж
holy {adj} (dedicated to a religious purpose) :: свят, свещен
holy {adj} (revered in a religion) :: свят
holy {adj} (flawless) :: безупречен
Holy Communion {prop} (Christian sacrament) :: причастие {n}
Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Holy Trinity) SEE: Holy Spirit ::
Holy Grail {prop} (artifact in Christian mythology) :: Свещен Граал
Holy of Holies {prop} (the most sacred place within a sacred building) :: светая светих
Holy Roman Empire {prop} (state) :: Свещена Римска империя {f}
Holy See {prop} (episcopal see of the Catholic Church) :: Свети престол {m}
Holy Spirit {prop} (Christian: aspect of the Holy Trinity) :: Свети Дух {m}
holystone {n} (block of soft sandstone used for scrubbing) :: пемза {f}
Holy Thursday {prop} (Maundy Thursday) SEE: Maundy Thursday ::
Holy Thursday {prop} (Ascension Day) SEE: Ascension Day ::
holy war {n} (primarily religious war) :: свещена война {f}
holy water {n} (water, sanctified) :: светена вода {f}
homage {n} (demonstration of respect) :: почит {f}
homage {v} (to pay reverence to somebody) :: почитам
home {n} (house or structure in which someone lives) :: дом {m}
home {n} (someone’s native land) :: родина {f}
home {adv} (at home) :: у дома
home appliance {n} (household appliance) SEE: household appliance ::
homebody {n} (person who likes to stay home) :: домошар {m}
home country {n} (country where a person was born and raised) :: родина {f}
Homel {prop} (Gomel) SEE: Gomel ::
homeland {n} (country which one regards as home) :: родина {f}
homeland {n} (one's country of birth) :: родина {f}
homelike {adj} (Having the comfortable characteristics of a home.) :: уютен
homely {adj} (physically unattractive) :: грозноват
homely {adj} (characteristic of or belonging to home) :: домашен, уютен
homeopathy {n} (system of treating diseases with very small amounts) :: хомеопатия {f}
homeostasis {n} (ability to stabilize internal environment) :: хомеостаза, хомеостазис
homer {n} (homing pigeon) SEE: homing pigeon ::
Homer {prop} (Ancient Greek poet) :: Омир {m}
Homeric {adj} (resembling or relating to the epic poetry of Homer) :: омировски
home school {n} (boarding school) SEE: boarding school ::
homesick {adj} (missing one's home or family) :: носталгичен
homesickness {n} (missing one's home or family) :: носталгия {f}
homestead {n} (house together with surrounding land and buildings) :: чифлик {m}, ферма {f}
home stretch {n} (final stretch of a race) :: финална права {f}
home stretch {n} (idiomatic: final part of a distance or effort) :: последен етап
homestretch {n} (final stretch of a race track) SEE: home stretch ::
hometown {n} (place of birth or residence) :: роден град {m}
homework {n} (work that is done at home) :: домашна работа {f}
homicidal {adj} (of or pertaining to homicide) :: убийствен
homicide {n} (the killing of one person by another) :: убийство {n}
homicide {n} (a person who kills another) :: убиец {m}
homily {n} (sermon) :: проповед {f}
homily {n} (moralizing lecture) :: поучение {n}, морал {m}
homily {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
homing pigeon {n} (domesticated rock pigeon with strong homing instinct) :: пощенски гълъб {m}
hominy {n} (a food made from hulled maize) :: качамак {m}
homoerotic {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
homogeneity {n} (quality of being homogeneous) :: еднородност {f}, хомогенност {f}
homogeneous {adj} (of the same kind; alike, similar) :: еднороден
homogeneous {adj} (having the same composition throughout) :: еднороден, хомогенен
homoiothermal {adj} ((biology) Maintaining a uniform temperature) :: топлокръвен
homologate {v} (confirm) :: утвърждавам
homologous {adj} (showing a degree of correspondence) :: съответен
homologous {adj} ((biology) corresponding to a similar structure in another life form) :: хомоложен
homologous {adj} ((chemistry) belonging to a series of aliphatic organic compounds) :: хомоложен
homonym {n} (word with the same sound or spelling) :: омоним {m}
homophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals) :: хомофобия {f}
homosexual {adj} (sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex) :: хомосексуален {m}
homosexual {adj} (involving or relating to homosexuals) :: хомосексуален
homosexual {n} (person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex) :: хомосексуалист {m}, гей {m}
homosexuality {n} (sexual orientation) :: хомосексуалност {f}
Honduras {prop} (a country in Central America) :: Хондурас {m}
hone {n} (sharpening stone) :: точило {n}, брус {m}
hone {n} (machine tool) :: хонинг машина {f}
hone {v} (to sharpen with a hone) :: точа
hone {v} (to make more acute, intense or effective) :: наточвам
honest {adj} (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth) :: честен, искрен, правдив
honest {adj} (of a statement: true, fair, unbiased) :: правдив
honest {adj} (in good faith, without malice) :: искрен
honest {adj} (authentic, full) :: истински
honest {adj} (earned or acquired in a fair manner) :: почтен
honestly {adv} (in an honest manner) :: честно
honestly {adv} ((speech act) frankly) :: искрено
honestly {interj} (used to express exasperation or dismay) :: наистина?
honesty {n} (quality of being honest) :: честност {f}, правдивост {f}
honesty {n} (ornamental plant) :: лунария {f}
honey {n} (sweet substance produced by bees) :: мед {m}
honey {n} (term of affection) :: мила {f}
honey {adj} (involving or resembling honey) :: меден
honey badger {n} (Mellivora capensis) :: медояд {m}
honeybadger {n} (honey badger) SEE: honey badger ::
honey bear {n} (kinkajou) SEE: kinkajou ::
honey bee {n} (honey bee) :: медоносна пчела {f}
honeybee {n} (honey bee) SEE: honey bee ::
honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus) :: осояд {m}
honeycomb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) :: пчелна пита {f}, пита {f}
honeycomb stomach {n} (reticulum) SEE: reticulum ::
honeydew {n} (a melon with sweet green flesh) :: медена роса {f}
honeymoon {n} (period of time immediately following a marriage) :: меден месец {m}
honey-mouthed {adj} (eloquent) :: сладкодумен
honeysuckle {n} (plant) :: орлови нокти
honey wine {n} (mead) SEE: mead ::
Hong Kong {prop} (coastal administrative region in south-east China) :: Хонконг {m}, Сянган {m}, Хонг Конг {m}
honk {v} (to honk like a goose) :: крякам
honk {n} (the sound produced by a typical car horn) :: сигнал на кллаксон {m}
honk {n} (the cry of a goose) :: крякане {n}
Honolulu {prop} (the capital of Hawaii) :: Хонолулу {m}
honor {n} (recognition of importance or spiritual value; respect) :: почит {f}
honor {n} (favourable reputation; dignity; sense of self-worth) :: чест {f}
honor {n} (token of praise or respect) :: чест {f}
honor {n} (card games: one of the most valuable cards) :: оньор {m}
honor {n} (university qualification of the highest rank) :: чест {f}
honor {v} (think of, respect highly) :: почитам
honor {v} (to conform to, abide by, act in accordance with) :: следвам
honorable {adj} (worthy of respect) :: уважаем, достопочтен
honorarium {n} (compensation for services) :: хонорар {m}
honorary {adj} (given as an honor) :: почетен
honorific {adj} (showing or conferring honour and respect) :: почтителен
honorificabilitudinitatibus {n} (state of being able to receive honours) :: мога да получа почести {f}
honour {n} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honour {v} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honour killing {n} (murder as a cultural practice) :: убийство на честта {n}
hood {n} (headwear) :: качулка {f}
hood {n} (protective cover) :: капак {m}
hood {n} (soft top) :: гюрук {m}
hood {n} (car engine cover) :: капак {m}
hood {n} (covering of a vent to suck away smoke or fumes) :: розетка {f}
hood {n} (thug) SEE: thug ::
hooded {adj} (having a crest in the neck area) :: качулат
hooded {adj} ((garment) fitted with a hood) :: с качулка
hooded crow {n} (Corvus cornix) :: сива врана {f}
hooded seal {n} (a seal) :: качулат тюлен {m}
hoodiecrow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
hoodlum {n} (a gangster; a hired thug) :: гангстер {m}
hoodlum {n} (a rough or violent youth) :: хулиган {m}
hoof {n} (tip of a toe of ungulates) :: копито {n}
hook {n} (rod bent into a curved shape) :: кука {f}
hook {n} (agricultural implement) :: сърп {m}
hook {n} (loop shaped like a hook under certain letters) :: завъртулка {f}
hook {n} (basketball shot that goes overhead) :: кука {f}
hook {n} (type of boxing punch) :: кроше {n}
hook {n} (bridge, slang: finesse) :: импас {m}
hook {n} (snare, trap) :: капан {m}
hook {v} (to attach a hook) :: закачам с кука
hook {v} (to ensnare someone) :: хващам в капан
hook {v} (to connect) :: свързвам
hook {v} (bridge slang: to finesse) :: правя импас
hook {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
hookah {n} (pipe) :: наргиле {n}
hook and eye {n} (a matched hook and an eye, used for fastening) :: телено копче {n}
hooked {adj} (having a sharp curve at the end; resembling a hook) :: изкривен като кука
hooker {n} (prostitute) SEE: whore ::
hooker {n} (rugby player) :: захващач {m}
hookup {n} (brief sexual relationship) SEE: fling ::
hookup {n} (connection) :: съединение {n}, захващане {n}
hookworm {n} (parasitic worm) :: глист {m}
hooligan {n} (person that causes trouble or violence) :: хулиган {m}
hoop {n} (circular band of metal used to bind a barrel) :: обръч {m}
hoop {n} (circle used for expanding the skirts of ladies' dresses) :: обръч {m}
hooper {n} (One who applies hoop) :: бъчвар {m}
hooper {n} (Olor cygnus) :: див лебед {m}
hoopoe {n} (bird Upupa epops) :: папуняк {m}
hoop skirt {n} (undergarment) :: кринолин {m}
hoot {n} (derisive cry or shout) :: дюдюкане {n}
hoot {n} (cry of an owl) :: ухане {n}
hoot {v} (To cry out or shout in contempt) :: дюдюкам
hoot {v} (To make the cry of an owl) :: ухам
hooter {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick ::
hooter {n} (owl) SEE: owl ::
hooter {n} (horn of a motor vehicle) :: клаксон {m}
hooter {n} (slang: breast) :: цици {f-p}
hoover {v} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
hoover {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
hop {n} (a short jump) :: подскок {m}
hop {v} (jump a short distance) :: подскачам
hop {n} (the plant whose flowers are used in brewing) :: хмел {m}
hope {v} (to want something to happen, with expectation that it might) :: надявам се {impf}
hope {n} (belief that something wished for can happen) :: надежда {f}
hope {n} (person or thing that is a source of hope) :: надежда {f}
hopeful {adj} (feeling hope) :: надяващ се
hopeful {adj} (inspiring hope) :: обнадеждаващ, многообещаващ
hopefulness {n} (property of being hopeful) :: оптимизъм {m}
hopeless {adj} (destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing) :: безнадежден
hopeless {adj} (desperate) SEE: desperate ::
hopeless {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable ::
hopscotch {n} (child's game) :: дама {f}
hop to it {v} (hurry up) SEE: hurry up ::
hora {n} (circle dance) :: хоро
horary {adj} (Pertaining to an hour or hours) :: часов
horary {adj} (Having a duration of just an hour) :: едночасов
horde {n} (wandering troop or gang) :: орда {f}
horde {n} (a large number of people) :: пълчище {n}
hordeolum {n} (infection) SEE: stye ::
horehound {n} (plant of the genus Ballota) :: черна капела {f}
horehound {n} (Marrubium vulgare) :: пчелник {m}
horizon {n} (line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky) :: хоризонт {m}
horizon {n} (a specific layer of soil or strata) :: хоризонт {m}
horizontal {adj} (parallel to the plane of the horizon) :: хоризонтален, водоравен
horizontal bar {n} (horizontally-aligned bar used in gymnastics) :: висилка {f}
hormone {n} (substance produced by the body that effects physiological activity) :: хормон {m}
horn {n} (antler) SEE: antler ::
horn {n} (growth on the heads of certain animals) :: рог {m}
horn {n} (substance) :: рогово вещество {n}
horn {n} (any of several musical wind instruments) :: рог {m}
horn {n} (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle) :: клаксон {m}
horn {n} (informal: generally, any brass wind instrument) :: рог {m}
hornbeam {n} (tree of Carpinus) :: габър
hornbeam {n} (Ostrya carpinifolia) :: воден габър {m}
hornbill {n} (bird) :: птица-носорог {f}
horned {adj} (having horns) :: рогат
horned lark {n} (Eremophila alpestris) :: ушата чучулига
horned melon {n} (plant) :: кивано {m}
hornet {n} (a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown-and-yellow-striped body) :: стършел {m}
hornless {adj} (without horns) :: шут
Horn of Africa {prop} (peninsula in East Africa) :: Африканския рог {m}
horn of plenty {n} (the cornucopia) SEE: cornucopia ::
horny {adj} (hard or bony) :: рогов, мазолест
horny {adj} (having horns) :: рогат
horny {adj} (sexually aroused) :: възбуден, надървен
horrible {n} (terrifying thing) :: филм на ужасите
horrible {adj} (causing horror, terrible) :: ужасен, страшен
horrible {adj} (tremendously bad) :: ужасен
horrific {adj} (causing horror) :: ужасяващ
horrify {v} (to cause to feel extreme apprehension or unease) :: ужасявам, шокирам
horripilation {n} (bristling of the hair, see also: goose bump) :: настръхване {n}
horror {n} (intense distressing fear or repugnance) :: ужас {m}, страх {m}
horror {n} (intense dislike or aversion) :: отвращение {n}
horror {n} (literary genre) :: ужаси {m-p}
horror movie {n} (motion picture which horrifies or frightens) :: филм на ужасите {m}
horse {n} (members of the species Equus ferus) :: кон {m}
horse {n} (gymnastic equipment) :: кон {m}
horse {n} (frame with legs used for support or for holding objects) :: магаре {n}
horse {n} (knight in chess (see also knight)) :: кон {m}
horsebreaking {n} (training of horses) :: обяздване {n}
horse chestnut {n} (tree) :: див кестен {m}, конски кестен {m}
horsecloth {n} (A rug or similar cloth used to cover a horse) :: чул {m}
horsecollar {n} (a bitless headpiece) :: хамут {m}, хомот {m}
horsefeathers {n} (nonsense) :: глупости {f-p}
horsefly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) :: конска муха {f}
horsehair {n} (hair of a horse, from its mane or tail) :: конски косъм {m}
horsehair {n} (fabric made from hair of a horse) :: росер {m}
horseheal {n} (elecampane) SEE: elecampane ::
horse latitudes {n} (warm, dry subtropical bands encircling the globe) :: зони на безветрие {f-p}
horseling {n} (foal) SEE: foal ::
horseling {n} (pony) SEE: pony ::
horseman {n} (man who rides a horse) :: конник {m}, ездач {m}
horseman {n} (soldier on horseback) :: конник {m}, кавалерист {m}
horsemint {n} (Monarda punctata) :: див джоджен {m}
horse mushroom {n} (Agaricus arvensis) :: ливадна печурка {f}
horseplay {n} (rough or rowdy play) :: груба шега {f}, лудория {f}
horsepower {n} (non-metric) :: конска сила {f}
horsepower {n} (metric) :: конска сила {f}
horseradish {n} (plant) :: хрян {m}
horseradish {n} (condiment) :: хрян {m}
horse sense {n} (Common sense) :: здрав разум {m}
horseshoe {n} (metallic shoe of a horse) :: подкова {f}
horseshoe {n} (piece of metal used to play the game horseshoes) :: подкова {f}
horseshoe {v} (to apply horseshoes to a horse) :: подковавам
horseshoe bat {n} (bat of the genus Rhinolophus) :: голям подковонос {m}
horseshoe crab {n} (arthropod) :: мечоопашат рак {m}
horsetail {n} (plant of the order Equisetales) :: хвощ {m}
horsetail {n} (Turkish standard) :: конска опашка {f}
horsy {adj} (of or relating to horses) :: конен, конски
hortative {adj} (urging, exhorting, or encouraging) :: увещателен
hortensia {n} (hydrangea) SEE: hydrangea ::
horticulture {n} (the science of caring for gardens) :: градинарство {n}
hosanna {interj} (liturgical word) :: осанна {f}
hose {n} (flexible tube) :: маркуч {m}, черво {n}
hospice {n} (provision of palliative care for the terminally ill) :: хоспис {m}
hospice {n} (a facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill) :: хоспис {m}
hospitable {adj} (cordial and generous towards guests) :: гостоприемен
hospital {n} (large medical facility) :: болница {f}
hospitalise {v} (hospitalize) SEE: hospitalize ::
hospitality {n} (act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests) :: гостоприемство {n}
hospitalize {v} (to send to a hospital) :: хоспитализирам
host {n} (person who receives or entertains a guest) :: домакин {m}
host {n} (person or organisation responsible for running an event) :: домакин {m}
host {n} (moderator) :: водещ {m}
host {n} (multitude of people arrayed as an army) :: войска {f}
host {n} (large number of items) :: множество {n}
host {n} (consecrated bread) :: нафора {f}
hostage {n} (person given as a pledge or security) :: заложник {m}, заложничка {f}, заложница {f}
hostel {n} (an affordable overnight lodging place) :: хостел {m}
hostel {n} (a temporary refuge for the homeless providing a bed and sometimes food) :: приют {m}
hostess {n} (female host) :: домакиня {f}, хазайка {f}
hostess {n} (female innkeeper) :: ханджийка {f}
hostess {n} (stewardess) :: стюардеса {f}
hostile {adj} (belonging or appropriate to an enemy) :: вражески, неприятелски, враждебен
hostile {adj} (antagonistic) :: враждебен
hostile {n} (an enemy) :: враг {m}
hostility {n} (state of being hostile) :: враждебност {f}
hot {adj} (having a high temperature) :: горещ
hot {adj} (of the weather) :: горещ
hot {adj} (feverish) :: трескав
hot {adj} (spicy) :: лют
hot {adj} (slang: stolen) :: краден
hot {adj} (electrically charged) :: под напрежение
hot {adj} (radioactive) :: радиоактивен
hot air {n} (heated air) :: горещ въздух {m}
hot air {n} (empty, confused or exaggerated talk) :: празни приказки {f-p}
hotbed {n} (low bed of earth covered with glass) :: разсадник {m}
hotbed {n} (place ideal for the growth of something undesirable) :: огнище {n}
hotblooded {adj} (hot-blooded) SEE: hot-blooded ::
hot-blooded {adj} (easily angered or excited; lustful; passionate; excitable) :: буен
hotchpotch {n} (hodgepodge) SEE: hodgepodge ::
hot dog {n} (frankfurter in a bun) :: хот-дог {m}, хот дог {m}
hot dog {n} (sausage) :: кренвирш {m}
hotel {n} (establishment providing accommodation) :: хотел {m}
hotfoot {adv} (Hastily) :: бързо, спешно
hotfoot {v} (To run) :: тичам
hotfoot it {v} (To hasten) :: бързам
hothead {n} (one who reacts quickly and without thinking carefully first) :: луда глава
hotheaded {adj} (pertaining to or characteristic of a hothead; easily excited or angered) :: буен, сприхав
hothouse {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
hothouse {n} (heated greenhouse) :: парник {m}, оранжерия {f}
hothouse {n} (environment that encourages development) :: разсадник {m}
hothouse {n} (heated room for drying greenware) :: сушилня {f}
hot pot {n} (stew of beef or lamb and potatoes) :: задушено месо с картофи
hottie {n} (informal: hot-water bottle) SEE: hot water bottle ::
hot water bottle {n} (a flexible bottle for heat therapy) :: термофор
houbara bustard {n} (Chlamydotis undulata) :: хубара {f}
hound {n} (dog, hunting dog) :: хрътка {f}
hound {v} (to hound) :: измъчвам, тормозя
hound's tongue {n} (Cynoglossum officinale) :: мишина {f}, наумка {f}
houndstooth {n} (fabric pattern) :: пипит {m}
hour {n} (time period of sixty minutes) :: час {m}
hourglass {n} (clock) :: пясъчен часовник {m}
hourglass figure {n} (a human body shape resembling an hourglass) :: тънка талия {f}
houri {n} ((Islam) a nymph in the form of a beautiful virgin) :: хурия {f}
hourly {adj} (that occurs every hour) :: ежечасен
hourly {adv} (at intervals of an hour) :: през час
house {v} (keep within a structure or container) :: помещавам
house {v} (to take shelter) :: подслонявам се
house {n} (bingo) SEE: bingo ::
house {n} (genre of music) SEE: house music ::
house {n} (human abode) :: къща {f}, дом {m}
house {n} (archetypal structure of a human abode) :: къща {f}
house {n} (debating chamber for government politicians) :: камара {f}
house {n} (an establishment, business) :: стопанство {n}
house {n} (dynasty, familiar descendance) :: династия {f}
houseboy {n} (male domestic servant) :: прислужник {m}
household {n} (those living in the same residence) :: домакинство {n}
household {adj} (belonging to same house and family) :: семеен
household {adj} (found in or having its origin in a home) :: домашен
household appliance {n} (machine) :: домакински уред {m}
householder {n} (owner of a house) :: стопанин {m}
householder {n} (head of a household) :: глава на семейство
housekeeper {n} (someone employed to manage or look after a home) :: икономка {f}
housekeeper {n} (someone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household) :: домакиня {f}
housekeeping {n} (chores of maintaining a house as a residence) :: домакинство {n}
houseleek {n} (Sempervivum) :: дебелец {m}, ушно биле {n}
housemaid {n} (female servant attached to the non-servant quarter part of the house) :: прислужница {f}
housemate {n} (someone living in the same house) :: съквартирант {m}
house mouse {n} (mouse of the species Mus musculus) :: домашна мишка {f}
house music {n} (type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum) :: хаус
house of ill fame {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
housetop {n} (The roof of a house) :: покрив {m}
housewife {n} (female head of household) :: домакиня {f}
housing {n} (activity of enclosing or providing residence) :: подслон {m}
housing {n} (residences) :: жилище {n}
housing {n} (container) :: корпус {m}, кожух {m}
hovel {n} (open shed) :: навес {m}
hovel {n} (poor cottage) :: колиба {f}
hover {v} (to float in the air) :: нося се, рея се
hover {v} (to waver, or be uncertain) :: колебая се
hoverboard {n} (levitating board) :: ховърборд {m}
hoverfly {n} (fly in the family Syrphidae) :: цветарка {f}
how {adv} (to what degree) :: колко, как
how {adv} (in what manner) :: колко, как
how {adv} (in what state) :: колко, как
how {adv} (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) :: колко, как
how are you {phrase} (greeting) :: как си? [informal], как сте? [formal or plural]
how come {adv} (why) :: защо, как така
howdy {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
howdy doody {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
however {adv} (nevertheless) :: обаче
however {adv} (to whatever extent or degree) :: все пак
howitzer {n} (a cannon) :: гаубица {f}
howl {n} (protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf) :: вой {m}
howl {n} (prolonged cry of distress or anguish) :: рев {m}
howl {v} (To utter a loud, protracted, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do) :: вия
howl {v} (to utter a sound expressive of pain or distress) :: стена
howl {v} (to utter with outcry) :: рева
howler {n} (animal) :: ревун {m}
how many {determiner} (what number) :: колко
how much {determiner} (what quantity) :: колко
how much {determiner} (what is the cost/price?) :: колко е, колко струва
how much does it cost {phrase} (how much is it?) :: колко е?, колко струва?
how much is it {phrase} (how much does it cost) SEE: how much does it cost ::
how old are you {phrase} (what is your age in years) :: на колко години сте? [formal], на колко години си? [informal]
how's it going {phrase} (how's it going? - informal greetings) :: как си?
Hrodna {prop} (Grodno) SEE: Grodno ::
hryvnia {n} (Ukrainian currency) :: гривна {f}
Hsin-chiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
hub {n} (central part of a wheel) :: главина {f}
hub {n} (point where many routes meet) :: кръстопът {m}
hub {n} (computer networking device) :: хъб {m}
hub {n} (hardened, engraved steel punch) :: пуансон {m}
hubble-bubble {n} (hookah or similar smoking device) :: наргиле {n}
Hubble constant {prop} (number) :: закон на Хъбъл {m}
hubbub {n} (A confused uproar, commotion, tumult or racket.) :: глъчка {f}, врява {f}
hubcap {n} (decorative disk for wheels) :: тас {m}
hubris {n} (excessive pride or arrogance) :: високомерие {n}, арогантност {f}
huchen {n} (Hucho hucho) :: дунавска пъстърва
huckster {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
huckster {n} (somebody who sells things in an aggressive or showy manner) :: търгаш {m}
Hud {prop} (A prophet of Islam; the name of the 11th sura) :: Худ
huddle {n} (dense and disorderly crowd) :: тълпа {f}
huddle {v} (crowd or crouch together) :: струпвам се
hue {n} (color or shade of color; tint; dye) :: нюанс {m}, оттенък {m}
hue {n} (character; aspect) :: нюанс {m}
Hue {prop} (city, province of Vietnam) :: Хюе
Huelva {prop} (city and province in Andalusia, Spain) :: Уелва {f}
huff {v} (to breathe heavily) :: пухтя
hug {n} (affectionate embrace) :: прегръдка {f}
hug {v} (embrace) :: прегръщам {impf}, прегърна {pf}
hug {v} (sail close to a shoreline) :: каботирам
huge {adj} (very large) :: грамаден, огромен
hugely {adv} (hugely) :: извънредно много
hula hoop {n} (toy in the form of a large hoop) :: обръч {m}
hulking {adj} (Large and bulky, heavily built) :: тромав, неповратлив
hull {n} (outer covering of a fruit or seed) :: шушулка {m}
hull {v} (to remove the hull of a fruit or seed; to peel) :: беля, лющя
hull {n} (frame of a ship or plane) :: корпус {m}, фюзелаж {m}
hullabaloo {n} (clamour, commotion, fuss or uproar) :: гюрултия {f}, дандания {f}, калабалък {m}
hum {n} (busy activity) :: бръмчене {n}
hum {v} (to drone like certain insects naturally do in motion) :: бръмча
hum {v} (to produce low sounds which blend continuously) :: мънкам
hum {v} (to smell bad) :: воня
human {adj} (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens) :: човешки
human {adj} (having the nature or attributes of a human being) :: човешки
human being {n} (a human being) SEE: human ::
human being {n} (person) :: човек {m}, хора {p} [plural], люде {p} [plural]
humane {adj} (with regard for the health and well-being of another) :: хуманен, човечен
humane {adj} (Pertaining to branches of learning concerned with human affairs or the humanities) :: хуманитарен
humanism {n} (ethical system) :: хуманизъм {m}
humanitarian {adj} (concerned with people's welfare) :: хуманен, човечен
humanitarian {n} (person with humanitarian concerns) :: хуманист {m}
humanity {n} (human beings as a group) :: човечество {n}
humanity {n} (human condition) :: човечност {f}
humanity {n} (quality of being benevolent) :: хуманност {f}
humanize {v} (to make human) :: очовечавам, цивилизовам
humankind {n} (human race) SEE: mankind ::
humankind {n} (the human race) :: човечество {n}
human race {n} (the human race) SEE: humankind ::
human rights {n} (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed) :: човешки права {n-p}
human shield {n} (civilians placed in or around targets) :: човешки щит {m}
humble {adj} (near the ground) :: прост, непретенциозен
humble {adj} (thinking lowly of oneself) :: смирен, скромен
humble {v} (to bring low, etc.) :: унижавам
humble {v} (to make humble or lowly in mind, etc.) :: смирявам
humbug {n} (hoax, prank or jest) :: измама {f}, шега {f}
humbug {n} (fraud or sham) :: преструвка {f}, измама
humbug {n} (fraudster or cheat) :: измамник, шарлатанин {m}
humdrum {adj} (lacking variety or excitement; dull; boring) :: монотонен {m}, прозаичен, скучен, банален, блудкав, еднообразен
humdrum {n} (The quality of lacking variety or excitement; dullness) :: скучност {f}, монотонност {f}
humectate {v} (To moisten) :: овлажнявам
humectation {n} (A moistening) :: овлажняване {n}
humeral {adj} (of the humerus) :: раменен, на рамото
humerus {n} (bone of the upper arm) :: раменна кост {f}
humid {adj} (slightly wet) :: влажен
humidify {v} ( To increase the humidity in the air.) :: овлажнявам
humidity {n} (dampness, especially that of the air) :: влажност {f}
humidity {n} (amount of water vapour in the air) :: влага {f}
humiliate {v} (to injure a person's dignity and self-respect) :: унижавам
humiliation {n} (the act of humiliating or humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification) :: унижение {n}
humiliation {n} (the state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission) :: унижение {n}
humility {n} (characteristic of being humble) :: смиреност {f}, покорност {f}, смирение {n}, скромност {f}
hummingbird {n} (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae) :: колибри {n}
hummock {n} (small hill) SEE: hillock ::
humorist {n} (writer of humor) :: хуморист {m}
humorous {adj} (full of humor or arousing laughter; funny) :: хумористичен
humorous {adj} (showing humor; witty, jocular) :: смешен, комичен
humour {n} (something funny) :: хумор {m}
humour {n} (mood) :: настроение {n}
humour {v} (to pacify by indulging) :: угаждам
hump {n} (mound of earth) :: хълм {m}
hump {n} (deformity of the human back) :: гърбица {f}
hump {n} (rounded fleshy mass as in camel's back) :: гърбица {f}
hump {n} (slang: act of sexual intercourse) :: съвокупление {n}
hump {n} (bad mood) :: лошо настроение {n}
hump {v} (to bend something into a hump) :: изгърбвам
hump {v} (to carry something, especially with some exertion) :: гърбя
hump {v} (to have sex with) :: съвокуплявам се [tr.]; чукам [intr.]
humpback {n} (humped back) :: гърбица {f}
humpback {n} (humpbacked person) :: гърбушко {m}
humpback {n} (A humpback whale) :: гърбав кит {m}
humpbacked {adj} (having a hump on the back) :: гърбав
humpback whale {n} (Megaptera novaeangliae) :: гърбат кит
Hun {n} (German) SEE: German ::
hunch {n} (hump; protuberance) :: гърбица {f}
hunch {n} (stooped or curled posture) :: изгърбване {n}
hunch {n} (idea, theory) :: предчувствие {n}
hunch {n} (hunk; lump; thick piece) :: буца {f}, комат {m}
hunch {v} (to slouch, stoop) :: прегърбвам се
hunch {v} (to thrust out a hump or protuberance; to crook, as the back) :: извивам
hunchback {n} (one who is stooped or hunched over) SEE: humpback ::
hunchback {n} (deformed upper spinal column) SEE: humpback ::
hunchbacked {adj} (having hunched back) SEE: humpbacked ::
hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) :: сто
hundred {n} (hundred-dollar bill) :: стотачка {f}
hundred {n} (historical: administrative division) :: околия {f}
hundredfold {adj} (Multiplied by a hundred) :: стократен
hundredfold {v} (increase to hundred times as much) :: стократно
hundredth {adj} (ordinal of 100, see also: 100th) :: стотен
hundredweight {n} (measure of weight (some may be only approximately equivalent)) :: центнер {m}
Hungarian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Hungary) :: унгарски
Hungarian {n} (person from Hungary) :: унгарец {m}, унгарка {f}
Hungarian {n} (the language) :: унгарски език {m}
Hungarian hound {n} (hunting dog) :: унгарска хрътка {f}
Hungary {prop} (the country) :: Унгария {f}
hunger {n} (need for food) :: глад {m}
hunger {n} (strong desire) :: жажда {f}
hunger {v} (need food) :: гладувам
hunger {v} (desire) :: жадувам
hungrily {adv} (in a hungry manner) :: лакомо
hungry {adj} (affected by hunger; desirous of food) :: гладен
hungry {adj} (eager, having a desire for something) :: жадуващ
hungry {adj} (Not rich or fertile) :: изтощен
hunk {n} (large piece of something) :: комат {m}
hunker {v} (To crouch or squat close to the ground) :: приклякам
hunt {v} (to chase down prey) :: ловя {impf}, ловувам
hunt {n} (the act of hunting, shooting) :: лов {m}
hunt {n} (organization) :: ловна дружинка
hunter {n} (person who hunts game) :: ловец {m}
hunting {n} (chasing and killing animals for sport or to use its parts) :: лов {m}
hurdle {n} (artificial barrier over which people or horses jump in a race) :: препятствие {n}
hurdle {n} (movable frame of wattled twigs) :: плет {m}
hurdle {v} (to hedge, cover, make, or enclose with hurdles) :: ограждам с плет
hurdy-gurdy {n} (barrel organ) SEE: barrel organ ::
hurl {v} (throw with force) :: хвърлям, мятам
hurl {v} (vomit) :: повръщам
hurricane {n} (weather phenomenon) :: ураган {m}
hurricane {n} (meteorology: a wind scale for quite strong wind) :: ураган {m}
hurry {n} (rushed action) :: бързане
hurry {v} (to do things quickly) :: бързам {impf}
hurry {v} (to speed up the rate) :: избързвам
hurry up {v} (go faster) :: бързам
hurst {n} (a wood or grove) :: горичка {f}
hurt {v} (to be painful) :: боли {impf}
hurt {v} (to cause physical pain and/or injury) :: наранявам, причинявам болка
hurt {v} (to cause emotional pain) :: обиждам
hurt {adj} (wounded, injured) :: ранен
hurt {adj} (pained) :: обиден
hurt {n} (An emotional or psychological pain or bad experience) :: болка {f}
hurtful {adj} (tending to impair or damage) :: вреден
hurtful {adj} (tending to hurt someone's feelings) :: обиден
hurtle {v} (To move rapidly, violently, or without control) :: профучавам
hurtle {v} (To meet with violence or shock) :: сблъсквам се
husband {n} (male partner in marriage) :: мъж {m}, съпруг {m}
husbandly {adj} (Having the characteristics of a husband) :: съпружески
husbandly {adj} (Frugal; economical) :: пестелив, икономичен
husbandry {n} (cultivation of crops and raising of livestock) :: земеделие {n}, селско стопанство {n}
husbandry {n} (prudent management or conservation of resources) :: пестеливост {m}, икономичност {f}
hush {v} (to become quiet) :: млъквам, смълчавам се
hush {v} (to make quiet) :: въдворявам тишина
hush {v} (to soothe) :: утешавам
hush {n} (silence) :: тишина {f}, мълчание {n}
husk {n} (exterior of certain vegetables or fruits) :: люспа {f}, обвивка {f}
husk {n} (any worthless exterior) :: обелка {f}
husk {v} (remove husks from) :: лющя, беля
husky {adj} (hoarse and rough-sounding) :: дрезгав, прегракнал
husky {adj} (burly, thick; fat, overweight) :: як, мощен
husky {n} (Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs) :: хъски {n}
hussy {n} ((obsolete) a housewife or housekeeper) SEE: housewife ::
hussy {n} (a sexually immoral woman) :: уличница {f}
hussy {n} (a cheeky or disrespectful girl; a woman showing inappropriate or improper behaviour) :: нахалница {f}
hustings {n} (campaign) :: предизборна кампания {f}
hustle {v} (to rush or hurry) :: бързам
hustle {v} (to con or deceive) :: мамя
hustle {n} (rush or hurry) :: бързане {n}
hustle and bustle {n} (activity) :: блъсканица {f}
hustler {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
hut {n} (small wooden shed) :: колиба {f}
hut {n} (primitive dwelling) :: колиба {f}
hutch {n} (cage for rabbits) :: клетка {f}
hutch {n} ((mining) A car on low wheels) :: вагонетка {f}
hutong {n} (lane) SEE: lane ::
hutong {n} (alley) SEE: alley ::
hyacinth {n} (plant of the genus Hyacinthus) :: зюмбюл {m}, хиацинт {m}
hyacinth {n} (a gemstone) SEE: jacinth ::
hyaline {adj} (glassy, transparent) :: прозрачен
hyalite {n} (form of opal) :: хиалит {m}
hybrid {n} (biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding) :: кръстоска {f}, хибрид {m}
hybrid {n} (something of mixed origin) :: хибрид {m}
hybrid {n} (car that runs on both fuel and electricity) :: хибрид {m}
hybrid {adj} (consisting of diverse components) :: хибриден
hybridize {v} (to cross-breed) :: кръстосвам, хибридизирам
Hyde Park {prop} (name of a park) :: Хайд Парк {m}
hydra {n} (any of several small freshwater polyps of the genus Hydra and related genera) :: хидра {f}
Hydra {prop} (one of Pluto's moons) :: Хидра
hydrangea {n} (shrub) :: хортензия {f}
hydrate {n} (solid compound containing or linked to water molecules) :: хидрат {m}
hydrate {v} (to absorb water) :: хидратирам
hydraulic {adj} (Having to do with water) :: воден
hydraulic {adj} (Related to hydraulics) :: хидравличен
hydrocarbon {n} (compound of carbon and hydrogen) :: въглеводород {m}
hydrofoil {n} (wing) :: хидрофойл {m}
hydrofoil {n} (vessel) :: хидрофойл {m}
hydrogen {n} (chemical element) :: водород {m}
hydrogen bomb {n} (thermonuclear bomb) :: водородна бомба {f}
hydrologist {n} (one who is skilled in or practises hydrology) :: хидролог {m}, хидроложка {f}
hydropathy {n} (The therapeutic use of water) :: водолечение {n}
hydrophobia {n} (rabies, see also: rabies) :: бяс {m}
hydrophobia {n} (fear of water, see also: aquaphobia) :: хидрофобия {f}
hydrops {n} (accumulation of serous fluid) :: воднянка {f}
hydrous {adj} (containing combined water) :: воден, съдържащ вода
hydroxide {n} (univalent anion) :: хидроксид {m}
hyena {n} (mammal) :: хиена {f}
hygiene {n} (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health) :: хигиена {f}
hygienic {adj} (pertaining to hygiene) :: хигиеничен
hygienically {adv} (in a hygienic manner) :: хигиенично
hygienics {n} (The science of hygiene) :: хигиена {f}
hygrometer {n} (instrument that measures humidity) :: влагомер {m}
hyla {n} (A tree frog) :: дървесна жаба {f}
hylic {n} (person focused on material reality) :: материален
hymen {n} (membrane which occludes the vagina) :: девствена ципа {f}
hymeneal {adj} (pertaining to marriage) :: брачен, сватбен
hymeneal {n} (hymn, song or poem) :: сватбена песен {f}
hymn {n} (a song of praise or worship) :: химн {m}
hyperactive {adj} (having an increased state of activity) :: свръхактивен
hyperbola {n} (geometric curve) :: хипербола {f}
hyperborean {adj} (pertaining to the extreme north of the Earth) :: северен
hyperesthesia {n} (unusual sensitivity) :: свръхчувствителност {f}
hyperlink {n} (link from one electronic document to another) :: хипервръзка {f}, хиперлинк {m}, линк {m}, връзка {f}
hypermetropia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hyperopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hypertension {n} (abnormally high blood pressure) :: високо кръвно налягане
hyphen {n} (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split) :: тире {n}, дефис {m}
hyphenate {v} (to break a word at the end of a line according to the hyphenation rules) :: пренасям дума
hyphenation {n} (inclusion and location of hyphens) :: пренасяне {n}
hypnagogic {adj} (that induces sleep) :: приспивателен
hypnagogic {adj} (that accompanies falling asleep) :: полусънен
Hypnos {prop} (Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep) :: Хипнос {m}
hypnosis {n} (a trancelike state) :: хипноза {f}
hypnotic {adj} (of or relating to hypnosis or hypnotism) :: хипнотичен
hypnotic {adj} (inducing sleep; soporific) :: приспивателен
hypnotic {n} (a soporific substance) :: приспивателно {n}
hypnotise {v} (hypnotise) SEE: hypnotize ::
hypnotize {v} (To induce somebody into a state of hypnosis) :: хипнотизирам
hypo {n} (sodium thiosulphate) :: фиксаж {m}
hypo {n} (a hypodermic syringe) :: спринцовка {f}
hypo {n} (hypothecation) :: ипотекиране {n}
hypochondria {n} (psychological disorder) :: хипохондрия {f}
hypocrisy {n} (claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess) :: лицемерие {n}, двуличие {n}
hypocrite {n} (person practising hypocrisy) :: лицемер {m}
hypocritical {adj} (characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite) :: лицемерен, двуличен
hypodermic {adj} (under the dermis) :: подкожен
hypodermic {n} (a syringe) :: подкожна инжекция {f}
hypopituitarism {n} (decrease in secretion of one or more of the eight hormones normally produced by the pituitary gland) :: хипопитуитаризъм
hypostasis {n} (inherent reality or substance) :: същност {f}, есенция {f}
hypotension {n} (disease of abnormally low blood pressure) :: ниско кръвно налягане
hypotenuse {n} (The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle) :: хипотенуза {f}
hypothalamus {n} (a region of the brain, below the thalamus) :: хипоталамус {m}
hypothecate {v} (pledge as surety) :: ипотекирам
hypothesis {n} (tentative conjecture in science) :: хипотеза {f}
hypothesis {n} (assumption taken to be true) :: предположение {n}
hypothesize {v} (to believe or assert) :: предполагам
hypothetic {adj} (based on hypothesis or theory) :: хипотетичен
hypothetic {adj} (existing as an abstract concept rather than a concrete reality) :: хипотетичен
hypothetical {adj} (based upon a hypothesis) :: хипотетичен
hypotrochoid {n} (geometric curve) :: хипотрохоида
hypoxia {n} (condition in which tissues are deprived of oxygen) :: недостиг на кислород
hyrax {n} (mammal of the order Hyracoidea) :: даман {m}
hyssop {n} (herb of the genus Hyssopus) :: исоп {m}
hysteria {n} (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion) :: истерия {f}
hysteria {n} (medical disorder) :: истерия {f}
hysterical {adj} (arising from hysteria) :: истеричен
hysterical {adj} (prone to having hysterics) :: истеричен