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User:Sobreira/PIE Roberts-Pastor

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Roberts, Edward A., Pastor, Bárbara (1997) Diccionario etimológico indoeuropeo de la lengua española [Etymological dictionary of the Spanish language] (Alianza Diccionarios) (in Spanish), Madrid: Alianza Editorial, →ISBN


  • Title: Diccionario etimológico indoeuropeo de la lengua española
  • Authors: Edward A Roberts & Bárbara Pastor
  • Publisher: Alianza Editorial
  • Collection: Alianza Diccionarios
  • Year: 1996, 2 reimpres. 1997
  • ISBN: 9788420652528
  • Diacritics used: <ʷʰ₁₂₃l̥r̥m̥n̥āēīōūə>
  • Parts:
    • PIE: 1-198
    • Index by family: 199-284
    • Index by ES: 385-360

The book uses <ə> (actually looks like <∂>, or a sort of eth without stroke, confusingly looking as a minuscule <δ>). I suppose it a sort of aspirated or laryngeal, as it is collated between <e> and <k>, but I don't know better yet until further investigation. I suppose too that it is sometimes wrong in the transcription, because some words mark the superscript <ʷ> after the ending hyphen of the root (cf. ) and not even one <ḱ> or even <k̂> or <h> with subindexed number is used. Internal hyphens are also used within the root (namely: dl̥k-u-, ghebh-el-, ghel-unā-, ghos-ti-, kaə-id-, nekʷ-t-, nō-men-, oi-no-, ombh-ro-, (s)kʷal-o-, (s)poi-mo-, wī-ro-, wl̥p-ē-). Parentheses are also used (cf. dhē(i)-). Not all of them are roots (namely: eg, eghs, en, epi, kom, ne, uper, upo).

I place the homonym numbers outside the link.

nr. page root meaning ES translation of meaning EN updated wikt
1 1 ag- conducir to drive, to lead Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂eǵ-
2 2 agro- campo field Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂éǵros
3 2 agʷhno- cordero lamb Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂egʷnós
4 3 ai- dar, repartir to give Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
5 3 aidh- quemar to burn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
6 3 aig- cabra goat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
7 4 aios- metal metal Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
8 4 aiw- fuerza vital, vida, eternidad power of life, life, eternity Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂ey-
9 4 ak- agudo, afilado sharp, acute Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
10 6 aks- eje axis Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
11 6 akʷa- agua water Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
12 6 al-1 mas allá next world Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
13 7 al-2 andar, vagar to walk, to wander Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
14 8 al-3 crecer, alimentar to grow, to feed Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
15 8 albho- blanco white Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
16 8 alek- protegerse de to protect oneself from Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
17 8 ambhi- alrededor around Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
18 9 ambhō- ambos both Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
19 9 āmer- día day Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
20 9 amma- madre (voz familiar) mom Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
21 9 andh- flor flower Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
22 9 anə- respirar to breath Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
23 10 angelos- mensajero messager Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
24 10 angh- estrecho, doloroso narrow, painful Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
25 10 angʷhi- serpiente, culebra snake Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
26 10 ank- doblar, torcer to bend, to twist Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
27 11 ant- frente, delante ahead/front/forehead Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
28 11 ap- coger, alcanzar to catch, to reach Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
29 12 apo- lejos, fuera far, outside Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
30 12 ar- colocar, ajustar to place, to adjust Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
31 13 arə- arar to plough Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
32 14 arek- guardar, contener to save, to contain Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
33 14 arg- brillar; metal blanco (de la plata) to shine; white metal (silver) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
34 14 as- arder to burn (to be burning itself) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
35 14 at- ir (período que se va, año) to go (time gone, year) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
36 15 āter- fuego fire Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
37 15 atta- padre (voz familiar) dad Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
38 15 au-1 fuera, lejos de outside, far from Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
39 15 au-2 percibir to perceive Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
40 15 aug- aumentar to raise/augment Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
41 15 aulo- agujero, cavidad hole, cavity Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
42 16 awi- pájaro bird Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
43 17 baba- (onomat.) (onomat.) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
44 17 badyo- amarillo, castaño yellow, brown Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
45 17 bak- bastón usado como soporte clutch used for support Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
46 18 bamb- hincharse to swell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
47 18 bel- fuerte strong Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
48 18 beu-1 hinchar to swell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
49 18 beu-2 (onomat.) (onomat.) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
50 19 bhā-1 brillar, resplandecer to shine Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
51 19 bhā-2 hablar to speak Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
52 20 bhabhā- alubia, haba bean (legume) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
53 20 bhag- repartir, compartir to distribute, to share Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
54 20 bhar- punta, aguja point (acute), needle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
55 21 bhardhā- barba (assoc. hacha) beard (assoc. ax) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
56 21 bhares- cebada bartley? (gramineae) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
57 21 bhasko- faja, haz, manojo bunch, handful Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
58 21 bhāt- batir, golpear to beat, to hit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
59 22 bhedh- cavar, escarbar to dig Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
60 22 bheg- romper to break Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
61 22 bhegʷ- huir to flee Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
62 22 bheid- separar, rajar to separate, to slay? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
63 22 bheidh- persuadir to persuade Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
64 23 bhel-1 brillar to shine Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
65 24 bhel-2 hinchar (ref. objetos redondos y masculinidad) to swell (ref. round objects and masculinity) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
66 24 bhelg- tablón, viga board, bean (architect.) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
67 25 bhendh- atar to tie Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
68 25 bhengh- grueso, gordo thick, fat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
69 25 bher-1 llevar to carry, to bear, to take with oneself Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
70 26 bher-2 cortar, perforar to cut, bore Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
71 26 bher-3 brillante, marrón shining, brown Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
72 26 bherdh- cortar; tabla cut; board Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
73 27 bhergh- alto (mont.) high (for mounts) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
74 27 bhes-1 frotar rub Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
75 27 bhes-2 respirar to breath Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
76 27 bheudh- ser consciente de, saber to be aware of, to know Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
77 28 bheuə- ser, existir, crecer to be, to exist, to grow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
78 28 bheug-1 huir to flee Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
79 29 bheug-2 disfrutar to enjoy Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
80 29 bheug-3 doblar, curvar to bend, to twist Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
81 29 bhlag- golpear, pegar to hit, to beat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
82 29 bhlē-1 aullar, dar alaridos to owl Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
83 29 bhlē-2 soplar to blow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
84 29 bhleu- hinchar, rebosar to swell, to upfill/outfill? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
85 29 bhrag- oler to smell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
86 30 bhrāter- hermano brother Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
87 30 bhreg- romper to break Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
88 30 bhrēi- cortar, romper to cut, to break Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
89 30 bhrekʷ- atestar, llenar to crowd, to fill Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
90 30 bhrem- sobresalir; espiga, punta to outstand; foxtail, point/nail Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
91 31 bhreu- hervir, quemar to boil, to burn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
92 31 bhrūg- productos agrícolas; disfrutar agric. produce; enjoy Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
93 31 bhudh- base, fondo base, bottom Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
94 31 bhugo- animal macho male animal Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
95 32 dā- dividir (contrac. de daə-) to divide/split (contraction of daə-) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
96 32 dail- dividir to divide/split Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
97 32 daiwer- hermano del marido husband's brother Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
98 32 dakru- lágrima eye tear Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
99 33 de- demostrativo que sirve de base
de prepos. y advbs.
[demonstrative used as base
for prepositions and adverbs]
100 33 dē- atar to tie Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
101 33 deik- mostrar, pronunciar solemnemente to show, to announce solemnly Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
102 34 deiw- brillar (con otros derivados: cielo, dios, etc.) to shine (with other derivatives: sky, god, etc.) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
103 34 dek-1 tomar, aceptar to take, to accept Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
104 35 dek-2 fleco, mechón de pelo, cola de caballo fringe, hairbunch, horsetail Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
105 35 dekm̥- diez number ten Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
106 36 del-1 largo large, long Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
107 36 del-2 alisar, pulir, cortar to flatten, to polish, to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
108 37 demə-1 casa home/house Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
109 37 demə-2 forzar, constreñir strength, to thicken/crowd/squeeze Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
110 37 denk- morder to bite Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
111 37 dens- denso, grueso dense, thick, fat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
112 37 dent- diente tooth Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
113 38 deph- estampar to stamp, to press or to bump against Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
114 38 der-1 correr, avanzar, marchar to run, to advance, to march Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
115 38 der-2 pelar, rajar, despellejar to peel, to slit? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
116 38 derə- trabajar to work Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
117 38 dergh- coger, agarrar to take, to grab/hold Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
118 39 derk- ver to see Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
119 39 deru- estar firme, sólido (ref. madera, árbol, etc.) to be firm, solid (ref. wood, tree, etc.) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
120 39 deu-1 carecer, desear to lack, to wish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
121 39 deu-2 hacer, manifestar to do, to manifest Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
122 40 deuə- largo (en duración) long (in duration) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
123 40 deuk- conducir, llevar to conduct/lead, to take Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
124 40 dhabh- colocar juntamente to place together Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
125 40 dhal- florecer flourish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
126 40 dhē- poner, arreglar to put, to arrange Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
127 42 dhegʷh- quemar, calentar to burn, to heat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
128 42 dhē(i)- chupar, amamantar to suck, breastfeed Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
129 42 dheiə- ver, mirar to see, to look Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
130 42 dheigh- formar, modelar to form, model Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
131 43 dhembh- enterrar to bury Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
132 43 dhen- correr, fluír to run, to flow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
133 43 dher-1 ensuciar; oscuridad to dirt; darkness Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
134 43 dher-2 sostener, guardar to sustain, to guard Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
135 43 dhers- aventurarse, atreverse to dare Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
136 43 dhēs- (voces que expresan conceptos religiosos) (v. for expressing religious concepts) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
137 44 dheu- subir en una nube
(ref. al vapor, humo, polvo, etc.);
respirar; y adjetivos referidos a colores
to raise in a cloud
(ref. steam, smoke, dust, etc.);
breath; adj. ref. to colours
138 44 dheub- profundo, hueco deep, hollow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
139 44 dheubh- cuña, tapón, taco wedge, stopper, calce? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
140 44 dhghem- tierra earth Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
141 45 dhghū- pez fish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
142 45 dhgʷhei- morir, perecer to die, to perish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
143 45 dhīgʷ- pegar, fijar to stick/glue, to fix Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
144 45 dhragh- arrastrar to tow/drag Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
145 45 dhregh- correr to run Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
146 45 dhreu- caer, verter, escurrir to fall, to pour, to drain Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
147 45 dhūno- lugar fortificado fortress Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
148 46 dhwenə- desaparecer, morir to disappear, to die Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
149 46 dhwer- puerta door Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
150 46 dl̥k-u- dulce sweet Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
151 46 dn̥ghū- lengua tongue Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
152 46 dō- dar to give Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
153 47 drem- dormir to sleep Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
154 47 dreug- secar (raíz germánica) to dry (Germanic root) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
155 47 dus- malo, difícil bad, difficult Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/dus-
156 47 dwei- terror terror Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
157 47 dwo- dos number two Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
158 49 ed- comer, morder to eat, to bite Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
159 49 eg yo I/me Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
160 49 eg- carecer to lack Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
161 49 eghs fuera outside Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
162 50 egni- fuego fire Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
163 50 ei- ir to go Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
164 51 eik- ser dueño de, poseer to own, to possess Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂eyḱ-
165 51 eis- pasión passion Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
166 51 ekwo- caballo horse Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
167 51 el-1 codo, antebrazo elbow, forearm? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
168 52 el-2 ir to go Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
169 52 elkos- herida, llaga wound, blister/ulceration? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
170 52 em- tomar, distribuir to take, to distribute Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
171 52 en en in Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
172 53 engʷ- ingle, órgano interno groin, internal organ Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
173 53 epi cerca de, en, contra beside, in, against Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
174 54 er- poner en movimiento to set in motion Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
175 54 erə- separar to separate/split Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
176 54 ers-1 estar en movimiento to be in motion Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
177 54 ers-2 estar mojado to be wet Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
178 54 es- ser to be Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
179 54 esu- bueno good Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
180 55 eu-1 vestir to dress Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
181 55 eu-2 vacío hollow, emptyness Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
182 55 euədh- ubre cow udder Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
183 55 euk- acostumbrarse to get used to Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
184 55 eus- quemar to burn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
185 56 gar- llamar, gritar to call, to cry/shout Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
186 56 gel-1 masa compacta, viscosidad, adherencia compact mass, viscosity, adherency Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
187 56 gel-2 frío; congelar cold; to freeze Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/gel-
188 56 gembh- morder; diente to bite; tooth Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
189 57 gemə- casarse to marry Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
190 57 gen- dar a luz, parir to give birth Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
191 58 genu-1 rodilla; ángulo knee; angle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
192 58 genu-2 barbilla, mandíbula chin, jaw Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
193 58 ger-1 reunir to reunite/join Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
194 58 ger-2 curvado, torcido
(hipotética base indoeuropea
para una variedad de palabras germánicas
con inicial kr-)
curved, twisted
(hypothetical base of PIE for
a variety of Germanic words starting
with kr-)
195 59 gerbh- rascar, arañar to scratch, to grasp? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
196 59 gerə-1 envejecer to grow/get old Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
197 59 gerə-2 gritar con sonido ronco; la grulla to shout/cry with rough voice; heron? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
198 60 geus- degustar, probar to taste, to try/prove?? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
199 60 ghabh- dar, recibir to give, to receive Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
200 60 ghabholo- horcadura, rama de árbol split, tree branch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
201 60 ghaido- cabra goat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
202 60 ghais- adherir, dudar to adhere/stick, to doubt/hesitate? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
203 60 ghaiso- palo, lanza, garrote stick, spear, bat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
204 60 ghasto- vara, palo stick, ? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
205 60 ghē-1 liberar, dejar ir; ser liberado to liberate/free, to let go, to release; to be released/freed Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
206 61 ghē-2 estar abierto; bostezar to be open; to yawn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
207 61 ghebh-el- cabeza; gablete head; ? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
208 61 ghei- invierno winter Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
209 62 ghel- brillar; bilis, hiel to shine; ?, ? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
210 62 gheləd- granizo rainstone? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
211 62 ghel-unā- mandíbula jaw Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
212 62 ghend- coger, agarrar to take, to grab/hold Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
213 63 ghengh- marchar, andar to march, to walk Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
214 63 gher-1 cercar; coger, agarrar to round; to take, to grab/hold Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
215 63 gher-2 brillar; gris to shine; gray/grey Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
216 63 gher-3 rascar, arañar to scratch, to grasp? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
217 63 gher-4 gustar, querer, desear to like, to love, to wish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
218 63 gherə- tripa, intestino guts, intestines Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
219 64 ghess- erizar, poner tieso to stiff Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
220 64 gheslo- base hipotética para
palabras que significan 'mil'
[hypothetical base for
words meaning 'thousand']
221 64 ghesor- mano hand Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
222 65 gheu- derramar to pour Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
223 65 ghēu- bostezar, estar abierto to yawn, to be open Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
224 65 ghos-ti- extranjero, huésped stranger/foreigner, guest Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
225 66 ghrebh- cavar to dig Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
226 66 ghredh- andar, marchar to walk, to march Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
227 66 ghrem- ira, desazón wrath, upsetness? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
228 66 ghrendh- hacer crujir, frotar to make screek?, to rub Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
229 66 ghrēu- triturar, refregar to mash/mill, ? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
230 67 ghwer- fiera wild animal Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
231 67 gleubh- cortar, hender [sic] to cut, to slay? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
232 67 glī- ratón mouce Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
233 67 gnō- conocer to know Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
234 68 gras- devorar, tragar to devour, to swallow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
235 68 gʷā- ir a, llegar to go to, to arrive in Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
236 68 gʷei- vivir to live Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
237 69 gʷel- tragar to swallow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
238 69 gʷelbh- vientre belly Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
239 69 gʷelə- lanzar to throw Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
240 70 gʷen- mujer woman Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/gʷen-
241 70 gʷerə-1 pesado heavy Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
242 70 gʷerə-2 alabar (en voz alta) to praise/glorify (aloud) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
243 70 gʷerə-3 tragar to swallow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
244 71 gʷhen- pelear, luchar to fight Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
245 71 gʷher- calentar to heat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
246 71 gʷhī- hilo, filamento thread, yarn, filament Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
247 72 gʷhren- pensar to think Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
248 72 gʷou- buey ox Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
249 73 kā- gustar, desear to like, to wish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
250 73 kad- caer to fall Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
251 73 kād- tristeza, ansia sadness, anxiety Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
252 73 kaə-id- cortar, hendir [sic] to cut, to slay? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
253 73 kakka- defecar to poop/shit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
254 74 kal- copa cup Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
255 74 kamer- doblar, curvar; bóveda to bend, to curve; dome Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
256 74 kan- cantar to sing Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
257 74 kand- brillar to shine Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
258 75 kap- tomar, coger to take, to grab/hold Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
259 75 kapro- macho cabrío male goat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
260 75 kaput- cabeza head Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
261 76 kar- duro, fuerte tough, strong Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
262 76 kars- cardar ? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
263 77 kau- cortar, golpear to cut, to hit/beat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
264 77 kaul- tallo, tronco stem/stalk, trunk Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
265 77 ked- ceder to ceede/yield Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
266 77 keg- gancho, diente hook, tooth Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
267 77 kei-1 yacer; cama; querido, amado to lie/lay; bed; loved, lover Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
268 77 kei-2 poner en movimiento to set in motion Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
269 78 kekʷ- excremento poop/shit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
270 78 kel-1 cortar, batir to cut, to mix/stir Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
271 78 kel-2 cubrir, proteger to cover, to protect Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
272 79 kel-3 conducir, poner en rápido movimiento to drive/lead, to set in motion quickly (or in quick motion) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
273 79 kel-4 prominente; cumbre preeminent/outstanding; summit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
274 79 kel-5 engañar, burlar to deceive, to tease Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
275 79 kelə-1 caliente hot Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
276 79 kelə-2 gritar to shout/cry Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
277 80 kelp- coger, empuñar to take, to hold (an arm/weapon) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
278 80 ken-1 estar activo to be active Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
279 80 ken-2 fresco, nuevo, joven fresh, new, young Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
280 80 ken-3 vacío empty/hollow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
281 80 keni- polvo, ceniza dust, ash Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
282 81 kenk- ceñir, rodear to surround Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
283 81 kent- pinchar, punzar to pin Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
284 81 ker-1 cuerno, cabeza horn, head Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
285 82 ker-2 base de palabras que expresan ruidos
y diversas clases de pájaros
[base for words expressing noises
and some classes of birds]
286 82 ker-3 crecer to grow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
287 83 ker-4 calor, fuego heat, fire Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
288 83 kerd- corazón heart Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
289 83 kerə- mezclar, confundir to mix, to confuse/mess Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
290 83 kerp- recoger, cortar to (re)collect/gather, to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/kerp-
291 84 kers- correr to run Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
292 84 kert- entrelazar to weave/entangle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
293 84 kes- cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
294 85 keu- base de palabras que significan 'atar', 'rodear' [base for words expressing 'to tie', 'surround'] Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
295 85 kēu- quemar to burn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
296 86 keuə-1 prestar atención, percibir to pay attention, to perceive Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
297 86 keuə-2 hinchar; agujero to swell; hole Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
298 86 klei- inclinarse to lean Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
299 87 kleng- curvar, torcer to curve, to twist Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
300 87 klep- robar to rob/steal Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/klep-
301 87 kleu-1 lavar, limpiar to wash, to clean Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
302 87 kleu-2 gancho, clavija hook, screw&bolt? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
303 87 kl̥əwo- calvo bald Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
304 87 klou- doblar, torcer to bend, to twist Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
305 87 kneigʷh- apoyarse en to lean on Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
306 87 koksā- parte del cuerpo part of the body Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
307 88 koli- goma, cola gum, glue Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
308 88 kom junto, cerca, con near, close to, with Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
309 88 konk- colgar to hang Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
310 88 konk(h)o- molusco, concha mollusc, shell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
311 88 koro- guerra, armada; albergue war, navy; hostel Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ker-
312 88 krāu- ocultar to hide Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
313 88 kreuə- carne cruda raw meat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
314 89 kreus- empezar a congelarse; costra to start freezing; outlayer? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
315 89 ksero- seco dry Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
316 89 ku- base hipotética de palabras que significan
espacios vacíos u objetos redondos
[hypothetical base for
words meaning empty spaces or round objects]
317 89 kʷei- hacer, construir to do/make, to build Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
318 89 kʷek- aparecer, ver to appear/show up, to see Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
319 89 kʷel-1 revolver, mover alrededor to mix/stir, to move around Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/kʷel-
320 90 kʷel-2 lejos (en espacio y tiempo) far (in space and time) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
321 90 kʷent(h)- sufrir to suffer Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
322 91 kʷēp- cocer; mover violentamente to boil; to move violently Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
323 91 kʷer- hacer to do/make Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/kʷer-
324 91 kwes- palpitar, resollar to beat (the heart), to breath (hardly) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
325 91 kwēt- sacudir, agitar to shake Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
326 91 kʷetwer- cuatro number four Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
327 92 kʷo- raíz de pronombres relativos e interrogativos [root for relative and interrogative pronouns] Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/kʷos
328 92 kwon- perro dog Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
329 92 kʷr̥mi- gusano, gorgojo worm, weevil Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
330 93 lā- onomat. [sic] [onomat.] Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
331 93 lab- lamer, saborear to lick, to taste Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
332 93 lādh- estar escondido to be hidden Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
333 93 laiwo- izquierdo left (not right) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
334 93 laku- depósito de agua, lago, mar water pool, lake, sea Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
335 93 lāp- iluminar, quemar to lit, to burn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
336 94 las- estar ansioso to be anxious Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
337 94 lau- ganancia, provecho benefit, avail Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
338 94 lē- dejar ir, aflojar to let go, to release Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
339 94 leb-1 base de diferentes derivados
que significan 'colgar sobre algo'
[base for some derivatives
meaning 'hang on something']
340 94 leb-2 labio lip Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/leb-
341 94 leg- recoger, recolectar
(y derivados que significan 'hablar')
to (re)collect/gather
(and derivatives meaning 'to speak')
342 95 legh- estar echado; sedimento to be laying; sediment Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
343 95 legʷh- ligero, de poco peso light, of low/small weight Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
344 95 lei- viscoso, pegajoso sticky Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
345 95 lēi- fluir, manar to flow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
346 95 leid- jugar to play Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
347 96 leig- atar to tie Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
348 96 leigh- lamer to lick Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
349 96 leikʷ- dejar to let Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
350 96 leip- pegarse, adherirse; grasa to stick/glue; fat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
351 96 leis- surco, vestigio, huella groove, vestige, print Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
352 96 lēk- cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
353 97 lem- espíritus nocturnos night spirits Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
354 97 lep-1 pelar to peel Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
355 97 lep-2 estar plano; palma to be plain; hand palm Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
356 97 leu-1 soltar, dividir, desatar to release, to divide, to untie Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
357 97 leu-2 suciedad; ensuciar dirt; to dirt Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
358 97 leubh- amar, desear to love, to wish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
359 97 leu(ə)- lavar to wash Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
360 98 leug-1 girar, doblar to turn, to bend Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
361 98 leug-2 romper to break Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
362 98 leuk- luz, esplendor light, splendour Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
363 99 mā-1 bueno (y derivados que
significan 'en un momento propicio')
good (and derivatives that
mean 'in an adequate moment')
364 99 mā-2 madre (raíz imitativa de la voz infantil,
que se encuentra en casi todas las lenguas,
muchas veces en forma reduplicada)
mother (root mimicking the children speech,
found in almost all languages,
many times in reduplicated form)
365 99 mā-3 húmedo moist, humid Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
366 99 mad- mojado; gotear wet; to pour/drip Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
367 99 mag- amasar; amoldar to ?; to shape? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
368 100 magh- tener poder to have power Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
369 100 mai-1 cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
370 100 mai-2 ensuciar; manchar to dirt Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
371 100 māk- largo; delgado large/long; thin Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
372 100 man-1 hombre man Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
373 101 man-2 mano hand Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
374 101 mari- mujer joven young woman Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
375 101 marko- caballo horse Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
376 101 mat- azadón, palo hoe Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
377 102 māter- madre (el sufijo -ter-
de la raíz indica parentesco)
mother (suffix -ter-
of the root denotes kinship)
378 102 mazdo- mástil (de navío) mast (of ship) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
379 102 me- me (pronombre, en primera persona singular) me (pronoun, 1st person singular) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
380 102 mē- medir to measure Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
381 102 med- medir, tomar medidas apropiadas to measure, to take adequate measures Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/med-
382 103 medhu- miel, meloja honey, honey washes Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
383 103 medhyo- medio middle/medium Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
384 103 meg- grande great/grand Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
385 103 mei-1 cambiar; mover; ir
(y derivados que se refieren
al intercambio de bienes
y servicios dentro de una sociedad
controlada por la ley o la costumbre)
to change; to move; to go<gr>(and derivates referring to
the exchange of goods
and services within a society
controlled by law or habit)
386 104 mei-2 pequeño small/little Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
387 104 mei-3 arreglar; construir cercas o fortificaciones to arrange; to build fences or fortresses Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
388 105 mei-4 atar, ligar to tie, to link Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
389 105 meik- mezclar to mix Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
390 105 mel-1 suave (y derivados que se refieren
a diferentes materias de textura suave)
sweet (and derivates referring to
different materials with soft texture)
391 105 mel-2 de color oscuro of dark colour Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
392 106 mel-3 fuerte, grande strong, great/grand Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
393 106 mel-4 moler, majar (y derivadas
que se refieren a substancias
desmenuzadas o molidas, princ. la harina)
to mill, to smach/mash/grind/thresh (and derivates
referring to substances
shredded or milled, mainly flour)
394 106 melit- miel honey Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
395 106 mēms- carne meat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
396 107 men-1 pensar (y derivados que
se refieren a estados de la mente)
to think (and derivates
referring to states of mind)
397 108 men-2 proyectar; ascender to project; to rise Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
398 108 men-3 quedarse to stay Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
399 108 mendh- masticar to munch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
400 108 meng- bruñir, pulir to polish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
401 108 mer-1 parpadear; oscilar; vacilar to blink; to oscillate/sway/swing; to vacilate/hesitate Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
402 109 mer-2 causar daño; borrar to bring/cause sorrow/pain; to erase/delete Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
403 109 mer-3 morir to die Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/mer-
404 109 mer-4 atar; ligar to tie; to link Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
405 109 merg- frontera, linde border/frontier, limit/shore Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
406 109 mers- incomodar; perturbar to incomodate/bother; to perturbate Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
407 109 meuə- apartar to separate from Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
408 109 meug- viscoso, resbaladizo sticky, slippery Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
409 110 mezg- sumergir to submerge Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
410 110 mō- hacer un esfuerzo to make an effort Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
411 110 molko- bolso de cuero leather bag Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
412 110 mori- mar; cuerpo de agua sea; body of water Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
413 110 morwi- hormiga ant Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
414 110 mreghu- corto short Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
415 110 mu-1 sonido hecho con los labios cerrados sound made with closed lips Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
416 111 mu-2 mosquito, mosca mosquito, fly Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
417 111 mūs- ratón; músculo (<la semejanza
de sus movimientos a los de un ratón)
mouse; muscle (<the likeness
of their movements with the ones of a mouse)
418 112 nana- palabra cariñosa para arrullar; nodriza term of endearment to craddle; wet nurse Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
419 112 nas- nariz nose Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
420 112 nāu- barco ship/boat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
421 112 n̥der- debajo under Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
422 112 ne no no Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ne
423 113 nebh- nube cloud Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
424 113 ned- atar, ligar to tie, to link Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
425 113 nei- brillar; relucir; excitarse to shine; to be excited Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
426 113 nek- muerte death Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
427 114 nekʷ-t- noche night Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
428 114 nem- asignar, señalar; tomar to assign, to point; to take Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/nem-
429 114 nepot- nieto; sobrino grandson; nephew Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
430 114 ner-1 abajo; a la izquierda;
con una orientación al este; norte
down; to the left;
with orientation to the East; North
431 114 ner-2 fuerza vital; hombre vital power; man Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
432 114 nes-1 regresar sano y salvo to come back alive and kicking/safe and sound Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
433 115 nes-2 nosotros we Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
434 115 neu- hacer señas con la cabeza to nod with the head Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
435 115 neud- hacer uso de, disfrutar to make use of, to enjoy Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
436 115 newn- nueve number nine Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
437 115 newo- nuevo new Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
438 115 nobh- ombligo; abolladura navel; blister/bump Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₃nebʰ-, Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₃nobʰilos
439 116 nogh- uña, garra nail, claw Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
440 116 nogʷ- desnudo naked Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
441 116 nō-men- nombre name Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
442 116 nōt- nalga, posadera buttock/buttom/rear/bottom Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
443 117 od-1 oler to smell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
444 117 od-2 odiar to hate Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
445 117 oi-no- uno, único number one, unique/only Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
446 117 oktō(u)- ocho number eight Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
447 117 okʷ- ver to see Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
448 118 om- crudo, amargo raw, bitter Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
449 118 ombh-ro- lluvia rain Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
450 118 omeso- hombro shoulder Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
451 119 op-1 trabajar; producir en abundancia to work; to produce abundantly Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
452 119 op-2 escoger to choose Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
453 119 orbh- alejar; separar to move away; to separate Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
454 119 orghi- testículo teste/testicle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
455 119 ōs- boca mouth Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
456 120 osth- hueso bone Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
457 120 ous- oreja; oído ear; inner ear Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
458 121 pā- proteger; nutrir to protect; to nourish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
459 121 pak- fijar, atar; asegurar to fix/join ,to tie; to assure Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
460 122 pan- tejido clothe/fabric Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
461 122 pap- pezón; hinchar to swell; nipple Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
462 122 paus- dejar, abandonar to leave, to abandon Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
463 122 ped- pie foot Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ped-
464 124 peg- pecho chest Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
465 124 pei- ser gordo, hinchado to be fat, to be swollen Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
466 124 peig-/peik- cortar; marcar to cut; to mark Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
467 124 peis- aplastar to mash/smash Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
468 124 peku- riqueza; bienes muebles richness; movable goods Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
469 124 pekʷ- cocer; madurar to boil/cook; to ripe Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/pekʷ-
470 125 pel-1 polvo; harina dust; flour Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
471 125 pel-2 pálido pale Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
472 125 pel-3 plegar, doblar (prob. alarg. de *plek-) to bend (probably lenghtening of *plek-) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/pel-
473 126 pel-4 piel; pellejo skin; fur/hide Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/pel-
474 126 pel-5 impeler; empujar to force to; to push Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
475 126 pelə-1 llenar (y derivados que
significan 'abundancia' y 'multitud')
to fill (and derivates
meaning 'abundancy/plentiness' and 'crowd')
476 127 pelə-2 llano; extender to extend; flat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
477 127 penkʷe- cinco number five Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
478 128 pent- andar, pisar to walk, to step/trip Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/pent-
479 128 per-1 base de preposiciones, de adverbios
y prefijos, con los significados 'por', 'enfrente de', 'primero',
'contra', 'a través de', 'alrededor', etc.
[base for prepositions, adverbs
and prefixes, with the meanings 'by', 'in front of', 'first',
'against', 'through', 'around', etc.]
480 130 per-2 conducir, llevar to drive/lead, to take Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/per-
481 131 per-3 intentar, arriesgar to try, to risk Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/per-
482 131 per-4 golpear; pegar to hit; to beat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/per-
483 131 per-5 vender; traficar to sell; to trade Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/per-
484 131 per(ə)-1 producir; procurar to produce/bring; to try Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
485 132 per(ə)-2 asignar; otorgar to assign; to give Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
486 132 pet- precipitarse, volar to precipitate/fall, to fly Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
487 133 petə- extender; desplegar to extend; to unfold Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
488 133 peu- cortar, golpear to cut, to hit/beat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
489 134 peu(ə)- purificar; limpiar to purify; to clean Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
490 134 peug- punzar, golpear to pin, to hit/beat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
491 134 pəter- padre father Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
492 134 pipp- piar (onomat.) to tweet (onomat.) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
493 135 plak-1 ser plano to be flat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
494 135 plak-2 pegar; golpear to beat; to hit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
495 135 plat- extender, esparcir to extend, to scatter Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
496 136 plek- trenzar, plegar to plait/braid, to fold/bend Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
497 136 pleu- fluir, manar to flow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
498 137 pleus- arrancar, pluma to pull out/away, feather Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
499 137 pneu- respirar to breath Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
500 137 pō(i)- beber to drink Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
501 137 pōl- tocar, sentir, sacudir to touch, to sense, to shake Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
502 138 poti- poderoso; señor powerful; lord Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
503 138 pōu- poco; pequeño few; small/little Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
504 139 prek- suplicar, rogar to beg/supplicate, to preach/pray Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
505 139 preus- congelar, quemar to freeze, to burn Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
506 139 pster- estornudar to sneeze Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
507 139 pū-1 soplar, hinchar to blow, to swell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
508 139 pū-2 pudrir to rot Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
509 140 pūr- fuego fire Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
510 141 rē- dotar, otorgar to dow, to give Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
511 141 rēd- rascar; raspar; roer to scratch; to grate; to gnaw/corrode Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
512 141 reg-1 mover en linea recta; conducir to move in straight line; to lead/drive Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
513 142 reg-2 teñir to dye Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
514 143 rei-1 rasgar, cortar to tear, to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
515 143 rei-2 fluir, correr to flow, to run Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
516 143 reidh- montar to ride Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
517 143 rep- arrebatar to rob/steal/snatch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
518 144 ret- correr, rodar to run, to roll Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
519 144 reu- rugir to roar Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
520 144 reudh- rojizo, rubicundo reddish, blushy Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
521 145 reuə- abrir, espacio to open, space Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
522 145 reup- arrebatar to rob/steal/snatch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
523 146 r̥tko- oso bear Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
524 146 ruk- tejido, hilo clothe/fabric, yarn/thread Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
525 147 sā- satisfacer to satisfy/fulfill Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
526 147 sāg- buscar to search/seek/look for Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
527 147 sak- santificar to sanctify Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
528 148 sal- sal salt Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
529 148 saus- seco dry Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
530 148 sāwel- sol sun Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
531 149 sē-1 sembrar to seed Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
532 149 sē-2 largo, tarde large/long; late or evening¿ Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
533 149 sē-3 atar, ligar to tie, to link Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
534 149 sed- sentarse to sit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/sed-
535 151 segh- sostener to sustain Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
536 151 seib- vaciar; gotear to empty; to pour/drip Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
537 151 seikʷ- fluir to flow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
538 151 sek- cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/sek-
539 152 sekʷ-1 seguir to follow/continue/keep on Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/sekʷ-
540 152 sekʷ-2 decir, pronunciar to say, to pronounce Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
541 152 sel-1 estancia humana human room Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
542 153 sel-2 de buen humor; favorecer in a good mood; favourable Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
543 153 sel-3 saltar to jump Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
544 153 selk- tirar de; arrastrar to pull of; to tow/drag Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
545 154 sem- uno number one Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/sem-
546 155 sēmi- mitad half Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
547 155 sen- viejo old Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
548 155 sent- tomar una dirección, dirigirse a to take a direction, to head to Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/sent-
549 155 septm̥- siete number seven Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
550 156 ser-1 proteger to protect Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
551 156 ser-2 alinear to align Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
552 156 serk- remendar, completar to mend, to complete Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
553 156 serp-1 hoz, gancho sickle, hook Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
554 156 serp-2 arrastrarse to crawl Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
555 156 seuə- tomar líquido to take (a) liquid Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
556 157 skamb- doblar, encorvar to bend, to curve Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
557 157 skand- brincar, trepar to jump, to climb/tread Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
558 157 skeəi- brillar débilmente to shine faintly/weakly Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
559 158 skei- cortar, rajar to cut, to slay? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
560 158 skel-1 secar, marchitar to dry, to wilt Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
561 158 skel-2 cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
562 159 skel-3 encorvado, torcido curved, twisted Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
563 159 skeng- torcido twisted Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
564 159 skep- cortar, raspar, rajar to cut, to grate, to slay? Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
565 160 sker-1 cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
566 161 sker-2 doblar, encorvar to bend, to curve Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
567 161 sker-3 estiércol, excremento manure/dung, shit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
568 161 skerbh- doblar, encorvar to bend, to curve Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
569 162 (s)keu- cubrir, esconder to cover, to hide Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
570 162 skeud- disparar, tirar to shoot, to throw Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
571 162 skreu- cortar; instrumento para cortar to cut; tool to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
572 162 skrīb- cortar, separar, distinguir to cut, to separate/split, to distinguish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
573 162 (s)kʷal-o- pez grande big fish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
574 163 (s)lagʷ- agarrar, coger to grab, to catch/take Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
575 163 slēg- ser flojo, lánguido to be loose/weak, languid, to languish Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
576 163 slengʷh- deslizar, lanzar to slide, to throw Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
577 163 (s)mer-1 recordar to remember/remind Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/(s)mer-
578 164 (s)mer-2 compartir to share Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
579 164 (s)neəu- tendón, nervio tendon, nerve Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
580 164 sol- entero whole/entire Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
581 164 spē- prosperar, expandirse to prospere/flourish, to expand Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
582 165 spei- puntiagudo acute/sharp Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
583 165 spek- observar to observe Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
584 166 spel- rajar, desprender to slay?, to drop/release/detach Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
585 166 spelgh- bazo spleen Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
586 166 (s)pen- estirar, hilar to stretch, to string together Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
587 166 sper- esparcir, sembrar to scatter, to seed Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
588 167 (s)poi-mo- espuma foam Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
589 167 spyeu- escupir to spit Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
590 167 sreu- fluir to flow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
591 167 stā- estar en pie to stand up Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
592 169 stag- gotear, filtrarse to drip, to filter/leak Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
593 169 stāk- estar fijo en pie to stand up still Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
594 169 stebh- poste; apoyar, aguantar pole; to lean, to support Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
595 169 steg- palo; poste stick; pole Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
596 170 (s)teg- cubrir to cover Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/(s)teg-
597 170 stei- piedra; solidificar stone; to solidify Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
598 170 steig- picar; puntiagudo to itch or dig¿; acute/sharp Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
599 171 steigh- andar a pasos largos to walk with long steps Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
600 171 steip- apretar, comprimir to squeeze, to compress Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
601 171 stel- poner; colocar to put; to place Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/stel-
602 172 (s)tenə- NOT GIVEN (tronar) to thunder Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
603 172 ster-1 tieso, rígido stiff Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
604 172 ster-2 extenderse to extend Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
605 173 ster-3 estrella star Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
606 173 (s)teu- empujar, golpear to push, to hit/beat Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
607 173 (s)teuə- condensar, agruparse to condensate, to group/join Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
608 173 streb(h)- enrollar, dar vueltas to roll, to spin Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
609 174 strei- sisear; silbar to murmur/whisper; to whistle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
610 174 streig- frotar; restregar; apretar to rub; to scrub; to squeeze Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
611 174 strenk- estrecho, angosto narrow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
612 174 su- bien; bueno well; good Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
613 175 swād- dulce; agradable sweet; agreeable/enjoyable/pleasant/pleasing Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
614 175 (s)wāgh- resonar to resound Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
615 175 s(w)e- pronombre de tercera persona y reflexivo [reflexive and 3rd person pronoun] Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
616 176 sweid- brillar to shine Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
617 176 s(w)eks- seis number six Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
618 176 swep- dormir to sleep Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/swep-
619 176 swer- zumbar, susurrar to hum, to whisper Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/swer-
620 176 swesor- hermana sister Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
621 176 syū- ligar, coser to link, to sew Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
622 177 tā- derretir, disolver to melt, to dissolve Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
623 177 tag- tocar, manipular to touch, to handle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
624 177 tāg- poner en orden to tidy! Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
625 178 teks- tejer; fabricar to knit/weave; to manufacture Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
626 178 tel- suelo, piso, tabla floor/ground, flat, board Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
627 178 telə- levantar; sostener, pesar to rise; to sustain, to weight Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
628 179 tem- cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
629 179 temə- oscuro dark Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
630 179 temp- estirar to stretch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
631 179 ten- tender, estirar to hang, to stretch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ten-
632 180 terə-1 frotar; girar (con derivados
que se refieren a la acción de
torcer, taladrar, perforar; y derivados
que se refieren a la acción de
moler el grano para quitar la cáscara,
a la trilla, sea por el pisoteo del buey o por
la acción de desgranar con un mayal)
to rub; to spin (with derivates
referring to the action of
twisting, drilling, boring; and derivates
referring to the action of
milling the grain to remove the shell,
to threshing, either by ox tripping or by
the action of a thresh)
633 180 terə-2 cruzar; pasar por to cross; to pass by Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
634 181 ters- secar to dry Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ters-
635 182 teuə- hincharse to swell Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
636 182 tragh- tirar, arrastrar, mover to throw, to drag, to move Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
637 182 treb- morada, vivienda dwelling, home Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
638 183 trei- tres number three Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
639 183 trep- volver; girar to come back; to spin Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
640 184 twer- girar, rodar to spin, to roll Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
641 184 twerk- cortar to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
642 185 udero- abdomen, útero abdomen, uterus/womb Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
643 185 uper sobre; encima de over; on Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
644 185 upo debajo de under Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/upo
645 187 wadh-1 prenda; dar en prenda garment; to give as bail/endorsement Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
646 187 wadh-2 ir to go Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
647 187 wal- ser fuerte to be strong Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
648 187 wē- soplar to blow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
649 187 wed- agua; mojado water; wet Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/wed-
650 188 weg- ser fuerte, vívido to be strong, alive Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
651 188 wegh- ir, transportar en un vehículo to go, to transport/carry in a vehicle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
652 189 wegʷ- húmedo wet, humid Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
653 189 wei- doblar, torcer to bend, to twist Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
654 189 weid- ver to see Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
655 190 weidh- dividir; separar to divide/split; to separate Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
656 190 weik- clan clann, tribe Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/weyḱ-
657 190 weip- volver; girar to turn back; to spin Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
658 191 wekʷ- hablar to speak Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/wekʷ-
659 191 wel-1 desear; querer to wish; to want Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
660 191 wel-2 volver, enrollar to turn back; to roll Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/wel-
661 192 wel-3 desgarrar; cortar to rip/tear; to cut Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
662 192 welə- golpear; herir to hit/beat; to hurt/wound Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
663 192 wemə- vomitar to vomit/puke/throw off Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
664 192 wen- desear, esforzarse to wish, to strive Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
665 192 wer-1 mancha que sobresale patch outstanding Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
666 193 wer-2 doblar, volver to bend, to turn back Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
667 194 wer-3 percibir, guardarse de to perceive, to stay away from Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/wer-
668 194 wer-4 cubrir to cover Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
669 194 wer-5 hablar to speak Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
670 194 werg- hacer to do/make Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
671 195 wers- confundir, mezclar to confound/mess, to mix Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
672 195 wet- año year Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/wet-
673 195 wī-ro- hombre man Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
674 195 wleik- fluir to flow Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
675 195 wl̥kʷo- lobo wolf Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
676 196 wl̥p-ē- zorro fox Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
677 196 wrād- rama; raíz branch; root Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
678 196 wrōdh- crecer hacia arriba to grow up Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
679 197 yē- tirar, lanzar to throw, to launch/fetch Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
680 197 yes- hervir, espumar to boil, to foam Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/yes-
681 197 yeug- juntar to join Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
682 197 yewes- ley law Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
683 197 yōs- ceñir to fasten/adjust/surround/encircle Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/
684 197 yu- you (2nd person) Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/

nr. page root meaning ES translation of meaning EN updated wikt derived t. and descendants
1 1 ag- conducir to drive, to lead Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂eǵ-
  1. ἄγω (ágō);
  2. agō;
  3. + suf. *ag-ro- > ἄγρα (ágra);
  4. + suf. *ag-ti- > ἄξιος (áxios);
  5. + suf. *ag-men- > agmen;
  6. + suf. *ag-to- > Celtic *amb(i)-ag-to-
2 2 agro- campo field Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂éǵros
  1. αγρός (agrós);
  2. ager;
  3. *akraz;
3 2 agʷhno- cordero lamb Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂egʷnós
  1. ἀμνός (amnós)
  2. agnus
