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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-r

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Raahe {prop} (town) :: Raahe
rabbet {n} /ˈɹæbɪt/ (channel, groove of recess in e.g. wood) :: huullos
rabbet {v} (cut a rabbet) :: huultaa
rabbet joint {n} (rabbet) SEE: rabbet ::
rabbi {n} /ˈɹæ.baɪ/ (Jewish scholar or teacher) :: rabbiini, rabbi
rabbit {n} /ˈɹæbɪt/ (mammal) :: kaniini, kani
rabbit {n} (fur) :: kaniturkis, kani
rabbit {n} (pacesetter) :: jänis
rabbit {v} (to hunt rabbits) :: olla kanijahdissa
rabbit {v} (to talk incessantly and childishly) :: pälättää, pälpättää
rabbit fever {n} (tularemia) SEE: tularemia ::
rabbit food {n} (food formulated for rabbits) :: kaninruoka
rabbit food {n} (informal, derogatory: salad and vegetables) :: kaninruoka
rabbit hole {n} ((entrance to) a rabbit warren or burrow) :: kaninkolo
rabbit punch {n} (a chopping punch to the back of the neck or head) :: niskalyönti
rabbit's foot {n} (rabbit's foot - a good luck charm) :: kaninkäpälä
rabble {n} /ˈɹæbəl/ (a disorderly crowd) :: väkijoukko, ihmisjoukko
rabble {n} (the mass of common people; the lowest class of people) :: rahvas
rabble rouser {n} ((idiomatic) someone or something that tends to inspire mobs) :: kansankiihottaja
rabid {adj} /ˈɹæbɪd/ (affected with rabies) :: raivotautinen, vesikauhuinen
rabid {adj} (of or pertaining to rabies, or hydrophobia) :: raivotautinen, vesikauhuinen, raivotauti-, vesikauhu-
rabid {adj} (furious; raging; extremely violent) :: raivokas, raivoisa
rabid {adj} (very extreme, unreasonable, or fanatical in opinion; excessively zealous) :: kiihkeä
rabidly {adv} (in a rabid manner) :: raivotautisesti, raivokkaasti, raivoisasti, kiihkeästi
rabies {n} /ˈɹeɪ.biz/ (viral disease) :: vesikauhu, raivotauti
raccoon {n} /ɹæˈkun/ (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) :: pesukarhu
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the genus Procyon) :: pesukarhu
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the subfamily Procyoninae) :: supimainen
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the family Procyonidae) :: puolikarhu
raccoon dog {n} (Nyctereutes procyonoides) :: supikoira
race {n} /ɹeɪs/ (contest) :: kilpailu, kilpa
race {n} (progressive movement toward a goal) :: eteneminen
race {n} (fast moving current of water) :: voimakas virta, koski
race {v} (to take part in a race) :: kilpailla, kisailla
race {v} (to move or drive at high speed) :: kiitää, porhaltaa, rynnätä, syöksyä
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage) :: rotu
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of common, physical characteristics) :: rotu
race {n} (one of the categories from the many subcategorizations of the human species) :: rotu
race {n} (a population geographically separated from others of its species that develops significantly different characteristics; informal for subspecies) :: rotu
race {n} (a breed or strain of domesticated animal) :: rotu
race car {n} (car that goes at very fast speeds) :: kilpa-auto
race card {n} (printed card or pamphlet listing horses to be run in a horse race) :: kilpailuohjelma
race card {n} (the invocation of a person's race in a discussion in order to score points) :: rotukortti
race car driver {n} (person who races in a race car for a living) :: kilpa-autokuljettaja
race hatred {n} (hatred towards an ethnic group) :: rotuviha
racehorse {n} (horse that competes in races) :: kilpahevonen
racemate {n} (racemic mixture) :: raseeminen seos
raceme {n} /ˈɹæsiːm/ (type of inflorescence) :: terttu
racemic {adj} (containing equal amounts of D- and L-stereoisomers) :: raseeminen
racemization {n} (formation of racemate) :: rasemisaatio
racer {n} (racehorse) SEE: racehorse ::
racer {n} /ˈɹeɪsəɹ/ (someone who takes part in a race) :: kilpailija
racer {n} (something used for racing) :: kilpa-auto, kilpa-ajoneuvo, kilpuri
racetrack {n} /ˈɹeɪsˌtɹæk/ (a course over which races are run) :: kilparata
racewalking {n} (sport in which people try to walk as fast as possible) :: kävely, kilpakävely
Rachel {prop} /ˈɹeɪt͡ʃəl/ (younger daughter of Laban) :: Raakel
rachis {n} /ˈɹeɪkɪs/ (main shaft of a compound leaf or head of grain) :: ruoti, keskiranka
rachis {n} (spine) :: ruoto
rachis {n} (central shaft of a feather) :: ruoti, ruoto
rachitis {n} /ɹəˈkʌɪtɪs/ (rickets) :: riisitauti
racial discrimination {n} (type of discrimination) :: rotusyrjintä
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism ::
racism {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪzm̩/ (racial prejudice or discrimination) :: rasismi
racist {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪst/ (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) :: rasisti
racist {adj} (relating to racism) :: rasistinen
rack {n} /ɹæk/ (series of shelves) :: räkki, teline
rack {n} (torture device) :: piinapenkki
rack {n} (frame for hanging objects) :: naulakko
rack {n} (woman's breasts) :: rintavarustus [literally "chest equipment"], rinnat {p}
rack and pinion {n} (mechanism converting rotational motion into linear) :: hammastanko ja hammaspyörä, hammastanko
racket {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (implement) :: maila
racket {n} (loud noise) :: melske, melu, mellastus
rack one's brain {v} (struggle to think of something) :: miettiä päänsä puhki
raclette {n} (dish) :: raclette, rakletti
raclette {n} (cheese) :: raclettejuusto
raconteur {n} /ˌɹæk.ɑnˈtɝ/ (storyteller) :: tarinankertoja
raconteur {v} (To make witty remarks or stories) :: tarinoida
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon ::
racquet {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (an implement with a handle used to hit a ball) :: maila
racy {adj} /ˈɹeɪsi/ (lively and entertaining and typically slightly risque) :: ronski, härski
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
radar {n} /ˈɹeɪdɑː(ɹ)/ (method of detecting distant objects) :: tutka
radar image {n} (image produced using a radar) :: tutkakuva
radar meteorology {n} (application of radar to the study of the atmosphere, and to the observation and prediction of weather) :: tutkameteorologia
radarmeteorology {n} (radar meteorology) SEE: radar meteorology ::
radar reflector {n} (device to reflect radar waves) :: tutkaheijastin
Radde's warbler {n} (Phylloscopus schwarzi) :: siperianuunilintu
radial {adj} /ˈɹeɪdi.əl/ (arranged like rays that radiate from, or converge to a common center) :: säteittäinen, säde-, säteittäis-, säteis-, sädemäinen, radiaali, radiaalinen
radial {adj} (of, or relating to the radius bone) :: värttinäluu-
radial {n} (tire) :: vyörengas
radial engine {n} (type of engine) :: tähtimoottori
radial saw {n} (type of circular saw) :: säteissaha
radian {n} (unit) :: radiaani
radiance {n} /ˈɹeɪdi.əns/ (the quality of being radiant, shining, bright or splendid) :: säteily, säteilevyys
radiance {n} (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source) :: radianssi, säteilytiheys
radiant {adj} /ˈɹeɪdi.ənt/ (radiating light and/or heat) :: säteilevä
radiant {adj} (beaming with vivacity and happiness) :: säteilevä
radiant {n} (point source of radiation) :: säteilylähde
radiate {v} /ˈɹeɪdieɪt/ (to extend from a center) :: säteillä
radiate {v} (to emit rays or waves) :: säteillä
radiate {v} (to come out or proceed in rays) :: säteillä
radiate {v} (to illuminate) :: valaista
radiate {v} (to expose to ionizing radiation) :: säteilyttää, altistaa säteilylle
radiate {v} (to manifest in a glowing manner) :: säteillä
radiate {v} (to spread into new habitats) :: levitä, levittäytyä
radiate {adj} (radiating from a center) :: säteilevä
radiate {adj} (surrounded by rays) :: säteilevä
radiate {adj} (having parts radiating from the center) :: säteittäinen
radiate {adj} (having radial symmetry) :: säteittäinen
radiation {n} /ˌɹeɪ.di.ˈeɪ.ʃən/ (shooting forth of anything from a point or surface) :: säteily
radiation {n} (process of radiating waves or particles) :: säteilytys, säteilyttäminen
radiation {n} (transfer of energy via radiation) :: säteily
radiation {n} (radioactive energy) :: säteily
radiation sickness {n} (illness produced by ionizing radiation) :: säteilysairaus
radiator {n} /ˈɹeɪ.diˌeɪ.tɚ/ (anything which radiates or emits rays) :: säteilijä, radiaattori, säteilylähde
radiator {n} (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air) :: jäähdytin; syylari [colloquial]
radiator {n} (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room) :: lämpöpatteri
radiator {n} (type of antenna) :: säteilijä
radiator plant {n} (plant of the genus Peperomia) :: muorinkukka
radical {adj} /ˈɹædɪkəl/ (pertaining to the root (of a plant)) :: juuri-
radical {adj} (pertaining to the basic or intrinsic nature of something) :: perus-
radical {adj} (thoroughgoing) :: perusteellinen, mullistava, radikaalinen [med.]
radical {adj} (favouring fundamental change) :: radikaali
radical {adj} (linguistics: pertaining to the root of a word) :: radikaalinen
radical {adj} (chemistry: involving free radicals) :: radikaalinen, radikaali-
radical {adj} (mathematics: involving roots) :: juuri-
radical {adj} (slang: excellent) :: huima
radical {n} (person with radical opinions) :: radikaali
radical {n} (historical: 19th-century England) :: radikaali
radical {n} (historical: early 20th-century France) :: radikaali
radical {n} (arithmetic: root (of a number or quantity)) :: juuri
radical {n} (linguistics: any one of the set of consonants that make up a root) :: radikaali
radical {n} (chemistry: group of atoms that take part in reactions as a single unit) :: radikaali
radical {n} (organic chemistry: free radical) :: vapaa radikaali
radicalism {n} (social or political movements that aim at fundamental change in the structure of society) :: radikalismi, äärimmäisyyskanta
radicalize {v} ((transitive) to make radical) :: radikalisoida
radically {adv} (in a radical manner, fundamentally) :: perin pohjin, radikaalisti, täysin
radicand {n} (number or expression whose square root or other root is being considered) :: juurrettava
radicchio {n} /rəˈdi.kio/ (cultivar) :: punasikuri
radio {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ/ (technology) :: radio, radiotekniikka
radio {n} (receiver) :: radio, radiovastaanotin
radio {n} (on-board entertainment system in a car) :: autoradio, radio
radio {n} (transmitter) :: radio, radiolähetin
radio {n} (broadcasting of sound via the Internet) :: verkkoradio
radioactive {adj} /ˌɹeɪdioʊˈæktɪv/ (exhibiting radioactivity) :: radioaktiivinen
radioactive decay {n} (physical process) :: hajoaminen
radioactive fallout {n} (material from a radioactive plume) :: radioaktiivinen laskeuma
radioactive waste {n} (type of waste) :: ydinjäte, radioaktiivinen jäte
radioactivity {n} (emission of ionizing radiation) :: radioaktiivisuus
radioactivity {n} (radiation emitted) :: radioaktiivisuus
radio amateur {n} (person who practises the hobby of amateur radio) :: radioamatööri
radio astronomy {n} (branch of astronomy) :: radioastronomia
radio beacon {n} (beacon that emits radiowave) :: radiomajakka
radio button {n} (preset button on a radio) :: kanavanvalintanäppäin
radio button {n} (selction button in graphical user interface) :: valintanappi
radiocarbon {n} (isotope) :: radiohiili, radioaktiivinen hiili
radiocarbon dating {n} (radiocarbon dating) :: radiohiiliajoitus
radio cassette {n} (radio cassette player) SEE: radio cassette player ::
radio cassette player {n} (device combining radio and cassette player) :: radiokasettisoitin
radiochemistry {n} (chemistry of radioactive substances) :: radiokemia
radiocommunication {n} (means of communication) :: radiokommunikaatio
radio control {n} (use of radio signals to remotely control a device) :: radio-ohjaus
radio-controlled {adj} (controlled remotely using radio signals) :: radio-ohjattava, radio-ohjattu
radio-controlled car {n} (radio-controlled car) :: radio-ohjattava auto
radiodiagnostics {n} (diagnostics by means of X-rays or radiochemical tracers) :: diagnostinen radiologia
radio drama {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ dɹɑmə/ (acoustic performance) :: kuunnelma
radiogram {n} (radiograph) SEE: radiograph ::
radiogram {n} (a message, like a telegram, transmitted by radio) :: radiosanoma
radiogram {n} (device combining radio and gramophone) :: radiogramofoni, radio-levysoitin
radiograph {n} (image produced by radiation) :: röntgenkuva
radiographer {n} (someone who works with radiography) :: röntgenhoitaja [nurse]
radiography {n} (the process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them) :: röntgenkuvaus, radiografia
radioisotope {n} (a radioactive isotope of an element) :: radioisotooppi
radiolarian {n} (marine protozoa) :: säde-eläin
radiologically {adv} (by means of radiology) :: radiologisesti
radiological weapon {n} (bomb that injures or contaminates through radioisotopes) :: radiologinen ase
radiologist {n} /ˌɹeɪ.diːˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (practitioner of radiology) :: röntgenlääkäri, radiologi
radiology {n} (the use of radiation in diagnosis) :: radiologia
radioluminescence {n} (luminescence produced by bombardment with ionizing radiation) :: radioluminesenssi
radiolysis {n} (dissociation due to radiation) :: radiolyysi
radiometer {n} (device that measures radiant energy) :: radiometri
radionuclide {n} (radioactive nuclide) :: radionuklidi
radioprotection {n} (protection against the harmful effects of ionizing radiation) :: säteilysuojaus
radio signal {n} (signal transmitted / received by radio) :: radiosignaali
radio silence {n} /ˈɹeɪ.di.oʊ ˌsaɪ.ləns/ (period of time when all radio transmissions cease) :: radiohiljaisuus
radiosonde {n} (balloon radio) :: radiosondi
radio station {n} (broadcast station emitting an audio signal) :: radioasema
radio-telephone {n} (radiotelephone) SEE: radiotelephone ::
radiotelephone {n} (device) :: radiopuhelin
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device) :: radioteleskooppi
radio wave {n} (electromagnetic radiation) :: radioaallot {p}, radioaalto
radish {n} /ˈɹadɪʃ/ (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus) :: retiisi
radish {n} (edible root) :: retiisi [var. sativus]; retikka [var. niger]
radish {n} (plant of the Raphanus genus) :: retikka
radium {n} /ˈɹeɪ.dɪ.əm/ (chemical element with an atomic number of 88) :: radium
radius {n} /ˈɹeɪ.di.əs/ (bone (human)) :: värttinäluu
radius {n} (line segment) :: säde
radius {n} (length of this line segment) :: säde
radius of curvature {n} (radius of the osculating circle) :: kaarevuussäde
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root ::
radix {n} /ɹeɪ.dɪks/ (linguistics: word from which other words may be derived) :: kantasana
radix {n} (mathematics: number of distinct symbols used to represent numbers) :: kanta
radon {n} /ˈɹeɪdɒn/ (chemical element) :: radon
raffinose {n} (trisaccharide) :: raffinoosi
raffle {n} /ˈɹæfl̩/ (drawing) :: arpajaiset, arvonta
raffle {v} (to award by means of a raffle) :: arpoa
rafflesia {n} /ɹəˈfliː.ʒə/ (plant of the genus Rafflesia) :: raatokukka, rafflesia
raft {n} /ɹæft/ (flat, floating structure) :: lautta
raft {n} (inflatable floating craft) :: lautta, kumilautta
raft {v} (to convey on a raft) :: kuljettaa lautalla
raft {v} (to make into a raft) :: tehdä lautta
raft {v} (to travel by raft) :: kulkea lautalla
raft {n} (large but unspecified number of something) :: roppakaupalla
rafter {n} /ˈɹɑːftə(ɹ)/ (one of a series of sloped beams) :: kattopiiru, piiru
rafting {n} /ˈɹæftɪŋ/ (sport) :: koskenlasku kumilautalla
rag {n} /ɹæɡ/ (piece of cloth) :: rätti, räsy
rag {n} (mean or tattered attire) :: ryysyt {p}, rääsyt {p}
rag {n} (shabby, beggarly fellow) :: ryysyläinen, rääsyläinen
rag {n} (sail, or any piece of canvas) :: rätti
rag {v} (To scold or rail at; to rate; to tease; to torment; to banter) :: naljailla
ragamuffin {n} /ˈɹæɡəˌmʌfɪn/ (dirty, shabbily-clothed child) :: resupekka
ragbag {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge ::
rag doll {n} (a doll made from cloth and rags) :: räsynukke, mollamaija
rage {n} /ɹeɪdʒ/ (a violent anger) :: raivo, vimma
rage {n} (a current fashion or fad) :: villitys
rage {v} (act in an angry manner) :: raivota, riehua
rage {v} (move with great violence) :: raivota, riehua
ragged {adj} /ˈɹæɡɪd/ (rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken) :: rähjäinen
ragged {adj} (broken with rough edges) :: epätasainen, rosoinen
ragged {adj} (wearing tattered clothes) :: rähjäinen, ryysyinen
ragged {adj} (rough; shaggy; rugged) :: epätasainen, rosoinen
raging {adj} /ˈɹeɪdʒɪŋ/ (volatile, very unpredictable) :: äkkipikainen, ennalta-arvaamaton
raging {adj} (in a state of rage) :: raivopäinen, raivostunut
ragman {n} (collector of refuse) :: lumpunkerääjä, lumppuri, rättiläinen
Ragnarok {prop} /ˈɹæɡ.nə.ɹɑk/ (the final battle in Norse mythology) :: ragnarök
ragout {n} /ɹæˈɡuː/ (stew of meat and vegetables mixed together) :: ragoût, raguu, höystö, pata
ragpicker {n} (collector of refuse) :: lumpunkerääjä, lumppuri, rättiläinen
rags to riches {n} (in a biographical context, from poverty to exceptional wealth) :: tuhkimotarina, ryysyistä rikkauksiin
Ragusa {prop} (Dubrovnik) SEE: Dubrovnik ::
ragweed {n} (plant of the genus Ambrosia) :: tuoksukki
ragwort {n} /ˈɹaɡwəːt/ (plant of the genus Senecio) :: villakko
raid {n} /ɹeɪd/ (attack for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering) :: ratsia, rynnäkkö
raider {n} /ˈɹeɪdɚ/ (one who engages in a raid) :: kaappari, ryöstäjä
raider {n} (business: person who takes control of a firm against the will of management) :: valtaaja
raider {n} (person who uncovers evidence of improper behavior) :: ilmiantaja
Raikkonen {prop} :: Räikkönen
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway ::
rail {n} /ɹeɪl/ (horizontal bar; railing) :: kaide
rail {n} (metal bar) :: kisko, ratakisko
rail {v} (to travel by railway) :: matkustaa junalla
rail {v} (to enclose with rails) :: aidata
rail {v} (to range in line) :: järjestää jonoon
rail {n} (small bird in the family Rallidae) :: rantakana
rail {v} (to complain) :: haukkua, hyökätä, [colloquial] vaahdota
railbus {n} (rail vehicle) :: kiskobussi
railcar {n} (any railway carriage) SEE: railroad car ::
railcar {n} (self-propelled railroad vehicle) :: kiskobussi
railgun {n} /ˈɹeɪl.ɡʌn/ (electromagnetic gun) :: raidetykki
railing {n} /ˈɹeɪlɪŋ/ (fence or barrier) :: kaide, rauta-aita
railman {n} (railwayman) SEE: railwayman ::
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway ::
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway ::
railroad car {n} (railroad vehicle) :: rautatievaunu, vaunu
railroad crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
railroad switch {n} (points) SEE: points ::
railroad tie {n} (piece supporting the rails of a railroad) :: ratapölkky
railroad track {n} (track for trains) :: rata, junarata, rautatie
rail transport {n} (transport) :: rautatiekuljetus
railway {n} /ˈɹeɪlˌweɪ/ (track, consisting of parallel rails) :: rata, junarata, rautatie
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) :: rautatie, rautatiet {p}
railwayman {n} (man who works on a railway) :: rautatieläinen
railway station {n} (place where trains stop) :: rautatieasema, juna-asema
railway track {n} (a pair of parallel tracks for trains) :: rata
rail yard {n} (complex of railway lines for storing, repairing and rearranging rolling stock) :: ratapiha
raiment {n} /ˈɹeɪ.mənt/ ((archaic) clothing) :: asu
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) :: sade
rain {n} (any matter falling) :: sade
rain {n} (an instance of particles falling) :: sade
rain {v} (of rain: to fall from the sky) :: sataa
rain {v} (to fall in large quantities) :: sataa, ropista
rain {v} (to issue in large quantities) :: pudotella
rain barrel {n} (barrel used to collect rainwater) SEE: water butt ::
rainbow {n} /ˈɹeɪnboʊ/ (multicoloured arch in the sky) :: sateenkaari
rainbow {n} (prismatic reflection) :: kirjo, spektri
rainbow {n} (assortment, varied multitude) :: kirjo
rainbow {n} (poker: flop containing three different suits) :: sateenkaari
rainbow {adj} (multicoloured) :: monivärinen
rainbow family {n} (family) :: sateenkaariperhe
rainbowfish {n} (colourful freshwater fish) :: sateenkaarikala
rainbow flag {n} (rainbow-striped flag used as a symbol of LGBT pride and social movements) :: sateenkaarilippu
rainbow trout {n} (Oncorhynchus mykiss (countable)) :: kirjolohi, sateenkaarirautu
rain buckets {v} (to rain heavily) SEE: rain cats and dogs ::
rain cats and dogs {v} (to rain very heavily) :: sataa kaatamalla, sataa äkäisiä ämmiä äkeet selässä, sataa kuin saavista kaataen
rain check {n} (any postponement, especially of an offer) :: siirtäminen
rain cloud {n} (cloud from which rain is falling) :: sadepilvi
raincoat {n} /ˈɹeɪnkoʊt/ (waterproof coat) :: sadetakki
raincoat {n} (slang: condom (see also condom)) :: sadetakki
rain dance {n} (ceremonial dance intended to provoke rain) :: sadetanssi
raindrop {n} /ˈɹeɪndɹɑp/ (droplet of rainwater) :: sadepisara
rainfall {n} (amount of rain that falls on a single occasion) :: sademäärä
rainforest {n} (type of forest) :: sademetsä
rain gauge {n} (device to measure rainfall) :: sademittari
rainlessly {adv} (in a rainless way) :: sateettomasti
rain on someone's parade {v} (to disappoint or discourage someone) :: kaataa kylmää vettä jonkun niskaan
rain or shine {adv} (regardless of the circumstances) :: satoi tai paistoi
rain pitchforks {v} (rain cats and dogs) SEE: rain cats and dogs ::
rainstorm {n} (storm characterized by substantial rainfall) :: rankkasade
rainwater {n} (rainfall) SEE: rainfall ::
rainwater {n} (water sourced from rain) :: sadevesi
rainwear {n} (clothing worn as a protection from rain) :: sadeasu
rainy {adj} /ˈɹeɪni/ (abounding with rain) :: sateinen
rainy day {n} (difficult period of need) :: paha päivä [but see pahan päivän varalle]
rainy day {n} (literal usage) :: sadepäivä
rainy season {n} (portion of the year when rainfall amounts are greatest) :: sadekausi
raion {n} (administrative unit) :: piiri, rajoni, piirikunta
raise {v} /ɹeɪz/ (to cause to rise) :: nostaa
raise {v} (to resurrect, to cause to live again) :: nostaa
raise {v} (to collect) :: kerätä
raise {v} (to bring up, to grow) :: kasvattaa
raise {v} (poker term) :: korottaa
raise {v} (to exponentiate) :: korottaa
raise {n} (increase in wages) :: palkankorotus
raise {n} (shoulder excercise) :: nosto
raise {n} (curling term) :: tökkis
raise {n} (poker: a raising bet) :: korotus
raise {n} (pile of stones) :: kivikasa
raised bog {n} :: keidassuo, kohosuo, kermikeidas
raise hell {v} (to cause a disturbance) :: alkaa riehua
raise one's hand {v} (to volunteer by lifting one's hand) :: nostaa kätensä
raise one's voice {v} :: korottaa ääntään
raise the bar {v} (to raise standards) :: nostaa rimaa
raise the roof {v} (cause a commotion) :: pitää meteliä
raise the stakes {v} (up the ante) SEE: up the ante ::
raisin {n} /ˈɹeɪzn̩/ (dried grape) :: rusina
raising {n} /ˈɹeɪzɪŋ/ (elevation) :: nosto, nousu, nostaminen
raising {n} (nurturing; cultivation) :: kasvatus, kasvattaminen
raising {n} (collection or gathering, especially of money) :: keräys, kerääminen
raising {n} (setting up the frame of a building) :: rungon pystyttäminen
raising {n} (embossing sheet metal) :: pakottaminen
raising {n} (recruitment) SEE: recruitment ::
raising agent {n} (leavening agent) SEE: leavening agent ::
rajah {n} /ˈɹɑː.dʒə / (Hindu prince) :: radža
Rajasthan {prop} /ˈɹɑːdʒəstæn/ (a state in western India) :: Rajasthan
Rajasthani {prop} (Rajasthani language) :: radžastani
rakali {n} (Hydromys chrysogaster) :: australianvesirotta
rake {n} /ɹeɪk/ (garden tool) :: harava
rake {v} (to act upon with a rake, or as if with a rake) :: haravoida
rake {v} (to search through (thoroughly)) :: haravoida
rake {n} (a lot, plenty) SEE: plenty ::
raked {adj} /ɹeɪkt/ (sloping) :: kalteva, viettävä
rake together {v} (collect small amounts) SEE: scrape together ::
rakish {adj} /ˈɹeɪkɪʃ/ (dashingly stylish) :: rempseä, rento, railakas
rakish {adj} (like a rake) :: elosteleva
Rakvere {prop} (Town in Estonia) :: Rakvere
rale {n} (abnormal sound made by lungs and heard with a stethoscope) SEE: rales ::
rales {n} /ɹeɪɫs/ (symptom) :: rahina
Raëlian {n} (a member of Raëlism) :: raëlilainen
Raëlism {prop} (religion with liberal sexual views) :: raëlilaisuus
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration ::
rally {n} /ˈɹæ.li/ (public gathering for a cause) :: kansankokous, puhetilaisuus; demonstration: mielenosoitus
rally {n} (motor racing: event) :: ralli
rally {v} (To come into orderly arrangement) :: kokoontua
rally {v} (To collect one's vital powers or forces) :: elpyä, toipua
rally {v} (To recover strength after a decline in prices) :: elpyä, toipua
Ralph {prop} /ɹælf/ (male given name) :: Rauli
ram {n} /ɹæm/ (male sheep) :: pässi
ram {n} (warship that sinks other ships by ramming them) :: puskuri
ram {n} (piston powered by hydraulic pressure) :: hydraulimäntä, juntta
ram {v} (intentionally collide with (a ship)) :: puskea
ram {v} (strike (something) hard) :: iskeä, lyödä, juntata
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram ::
Rama {prop} (avatar of Lakshmi) :: Rama
ramada {n} /ɹəˈmɑːdə/ (arbor or open porch) :: vilpola
Ramadan {prop} /ɹæməˈdɑːn/ (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar) :: ramadan
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll ::
ramble {v} (wander) SEE: wander ::
ramble {n} /ˈɹæmbəl/ (A rambling; an instance of someone talking at length without direction) :: jaarittelu
ramble {v} (to walk for pleasure; to amble or saunter) :: käydä kävelylenkillä
ramble {v} (to talk or write incessantly, unclearly, or incoherently, with many digressions) :: jaaritella
rambler {n} (recreational walker) SEE: hiker ::
rambling {n} /ˈɹæm.blɪŋ/ (meandering talk) :: jaaritus, jaarittelu
rambling {n} (gentle hiking) :: kuljeskelu, samoilu
rambunctious {adj} /ɹæmˈbʌŋ(k)ʃəs/ (boisterous, energetic, noisy, and difficult to control) :: raisu, riehakas, vallaton
rambutan {n} /ɹæmˈbuːtən/ (fruit) :: rambutani
ramekin {n} /ˈɹæm(ɪ)kɪn/ (Small dish for baking in oven) :: annosvuoka
ramen {n} /ɹɑːmən/ (soup noodles of wheat, with various ingredients (Japanese style)) :: ramen-nuudeli
ramie {n} (Boehmeria nivea) :: rami, kiinanruoho
ramie {n} (fibre) :: rami
ramification {n} /ˌɹæməfəˈkeɪʃən/ (branching process) :: haarautuminen
ramification {n} (consequence or development complicating a problem) :: seuraamus, seurannaisvaikutus
ramify {v} /ˈɹæm.ɪ.faɪ/ (to divide into branches) :: haarautua
ramify {v} ((figuratively) to spread or diversify into multiple fields or categories) :: laajeta
Ramism {n} (theories based on the teachings of Peter Ramus) :: ramismi
ramjet {n} (ramjet engine) :: patoputkimoottori, patopainemoottori
rammed earth {n} (construction material) :: maa as in maaseinä [wall made of earth]
ramp {n} /ɹæmp/ (inclined surface) :: luiska, ajoluiska, ramppi
ramp {n} (aviation: mobile staircase) :: liikuteltavat {p} portaat {p}
ramp {n} (skating: construction to do skating tricks) :: ramppi
ramp {v} (behave violently; rage) :: riehua
rampage {n} /ˈɹæmpeɪdʒ/ (a course of violent, frenzied action) :: riehuminen, raivoaminen, myllerrys
rampage {v} (to move about wildly or violently) :: riehua, raivota, ottaa riskejä
rampant {adj} /ˈɹæm.pənt/ (rearing animal) :: takajaloilleen noussut, pystyyn noussut
rampant {adj} (heraldry) :: pystyyn kavahtanut, pystyyn noussut
rampant {adj} (unrestrained) :: rehottava, hillitön, pidäkkeetön
rampant {adj} (rife and menacing) :: rehottava, hillitön
rampart {n} /ˈɹæm.pɑː(ɹ)t/ (defensive ridge of earth) :: suojavalli
rampart {n} (defensive structure; bulwark) :: suojamuuri
rampart {n} (protection against intrusion) :: suojavarustus
rampart {n} (steep bank of a river or gorge) :: jyrkänne
ramrod {n} /ˈɹæmɹɒd/ (device used with early firearms) :: latauspuikko
ramrod {v} (to force) :: painaa, puskea
ramsayite {n} (mineral) SEE: lorenzenite ::
ramshackle {adj} /ˈɹæmˌʃæk.əl/ (in disrepair or disorder) :: ränsistynyt [of building], rähjäinen, rämä [of vehicle]
ramson {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
ramsons {n} (Allium ursinum) :: karhunlaukka
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive ::
rancid {adj} /ˈɹænsɪd/ (being rank in taste or smell) :: eltaantunut, härskiintynyt, härski
rancor {n} /ˈɹæŋ.kɚ/ (the deepest malignity or spite) :: kauna, katkeruus, viha
rancorous {adj} /ˈɹæŋ.kəɹ.əs/ (full of rancor) :: katkeroitunut, kaunaa kantava, kaunainen
random {n} /ˈɹændəm/ (unimportant person) :: tavis
random {adj} (all outcomes being unpredictable) :: satunnainen
random {adj} (mathematics: of or relating to probability distribution) :: satunnainen
random {adj} (computing: pseudorandom) :: satunnainen, näennäissatunnainen
random {adj} (undistinguished, average) :: tavallinen, satunnainen
random {adj} (apropos of nothing) :: satunnainen, asiaankuulumaton, irrallinen
random access {n} (ability to access any element of a sequence without having to seek) :: hajasaanti
random access memory {n} (computer memory that dynamically stores program and data values during operation and in which each byte of memory may be directly accessed) :: hajasaantimuisti
random access memory {n} (the main memory of a computer available for program execution or data storage) :: keskusmuisti
randomise {v} /ˈɹændəmɑɪz/ (arrange randomly; to make random) :: satunnaistaa
randomly {adv} /ˈɹændm̩li/ (in a random way) :: satunnaisesti, sattumanvaraisesti
random number {n} /ˈɹændəm ˈnʌmbə/ (number allotted randomly using a suitable generator) :: satunnaisluku
random number generator {n} (algorithm that generates numbers selected at random) :: satunnaislukugeneraattori
random sample {n} (sample) :: satunnaisotos
random variable {n} (measurable function from a sample space) :: satunnaismuuttuja
random walk {n} (stochastic path) :: satunnaiskulku
range {n} (step of a ladder) SEE: rung ::
range {n} /ɹeɪndʒ/ (line of mountains, buildings etc.) :: vuoristo, vuorijono [mountains]; talojono [buildings]
range {n} (large stove with many hotplates) :: liesi
range {n} (selection, array) :: valikoima [selection]; joukko [array]
range {n} (area for practicing shooting) :: ampumarata
range {n} (area for military training or equipment testing) :: harjoitusalue
range {n} (distance to the object) :: etäisyys, matka
range {n} (maximum reach of capability) :: kantama
range {n} (area of open, often unfenced, grazing land) :: laidun, laidunmaa
range {n} (extent of excursion; reach; scope) :: laajuus
range {n} (math: set of values of a function) :: arvojoukko
range {n} (statistics: difference between largest and smallest observation) :: vaihteluväli
range {n} (baseball: defensive area covered by a player) :: ulottuma
range {n} (music: scale of tones) :: ääniala
range {n} (ecology: area where a species is found) :: levinneisyysalue
range {n} (programming: sequential list of values) :: väli
range {n} (aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree) :: luokka
range {n} (wandering or roving) :: vaeltelu
range {n} (extent which something covers or includes) :: peitto, peittoalue, kantama
range {v} (to rove over or through) :: kulkea jonkin yli, kulkea jonkin läpi
range {v} (to exercise the power of something over something else) :: hallita
range {v} (to bring into a specified position or relationship with something else) :: sijoittaa, asettaa
range {v} (of a variable, to be able to take any of the values in a specified range) :: vaihdella
range {v} (to form a line or a row) :: olla linjassa jonkin kanssa [to range with something]; olla rivissä [to form a row]
range {v} (to be placed in order) :: tulla pannuksi järjestykseen [to be placed in order]; tulla luokitelluksi [to be ranked]
range {v} (to set in a row, or in rows) :: järjestää riviin; järjestää jonoon
range {v} (to place among others in a line, row or order) :: asettaa, sijoittaa; asettua [to range oneself]
range {v} (to be native to, or live in, a certain region) :: olla kotoisin [to be native to]; esiintyä [to live]
range {v} (to sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near) :: purjehtia jonkin suuntaisesti, purjehtia jotakin pitkin
range {v} (to classify) SEE: classify ::
range {v} (to travel over) SEE: roam ::
range {v} (to separate into parts) SEE: sift ::
range anxiety {n} (fear that a vehicle has insufficient range to reach its destination) :: toimintamatka-ahdistus, pelko akun loppumisesta
rangefinder {n} (instrument) :: etäisyysmittari
range hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood ::
range of motion {n} (distance a movable object may travel while attached to another) :: ulottuvuus, liikeala
range pole {n} (Rod or pole marked with alternating red and white bands used by surveyors) :: linjaseiväs
Rangoon {prop} (Yangon) SEE: Yangon ::
rank {adj} /ɹæŋk/ (having a very strong and bad odor) :: löyhkäävä, lemuava, haiseva
rank {n} (row of people or things organized in a grid pattern) :: rivi
rank {n} (position based on a shared property) :: sija, sijoitus, taso, luokka
rank {n} (level of one's position in a class-based society) :: luokka
rank {n} (hierarchical level in an organization) :: arvo; sotilasarvo [military]
rank {n} (level in a taxonomy system) :: taso
rank {n} (maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows) of a matrix) :: aste
rank {n} (chess: one of the horizontal lines of squares) :: rivi
rank {n} (in plural: category of people, such as those who share an occupation) :: rivit {p}
rank {v} (place abreast or in a line) :: järjestää riviin
rank {v} (to have a ranking) :: sijoittaa, sijoittua, rankata [sports only]
rank {v} (assign a suitable place in a class or order) :: luokitella
rank and file {n} (enlisted soldiers) :: rivimiehet {p}; miehistö
rank and file {n} (non-leaders) :: rivimiehet {p}; miehistö [in a police department or similar hierarchic organisation]; rivijäsenet {p} [in an association]
rank-and-filer {n} (member of rank and file) :: rivimies; rivijäsen [in an association]
ranking {adj} /ˈɹænk.ɪŋ/ (having a specified rank) :: arvoinen
ranking {adj} (superior in rank) :: ylempi, ylin
ranking {n} (placement in a list) :: sijoitus
ransack {v} /ˈɹænsæk/ (to loot or pillage) :: ryöstää, rosvota
ransack {v} (to make a thorough search or examination for plunder) :: penkoa, koluta
ransom {n} /ˈɹænsəm/ (money paid for the freeing of a hostage) :: lunnaat {p}, lunnasraha
ransom {v} (to pay a price to set someone free) :: maksaa lunnaat
ransomware {n} (malware) :: kiristysohjelma
rant {v} /ɹænt/ (to speak or shout at length in uncontrollable anger) :: paasata, pauhata, rähjätä
rant {v} (to criticise by ranting) :: paasata, pauhata, rähjätä
rant {n} (criticism) :: vuodatus, palopuhe, kiihotuspuhe
rant {n} (incoherent and emotional articulation) :: paatos, rähinä, kiihko
Ranua {prop} (municipality) :: Ranua
ranunculus {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup ::
rap {n} /ɹæp/ (a sharp blow with something hard) :: kopaus, näpäys
rap {n} (blame) :: syy
rap {v} (to strike something sharply with one's knuckles) :: koputtaa
rap {v} (to speak lyrics in the style of rap music) :: räpätä
rap {n} (rap music) SEE: rap music ::
rapacious {adj} /ɹəˈpeɪ.ʃəs/ (avaricious) :: ahne, saaliinhimoinen
rapakivi {n} (form of granite) :: rapakivi
Rapa Nui {prop} /ˈɹɑpə ˈnui/ (language) :: rapanui
rape {n} /ɹeɪp/ (act of forcing sexual activity) :: raiskaus, [law] väkisinmakaaminen
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse) :: raiskata
rape {v} (cause damage, destruction to a countryside, nature etc) :: raiskata
rape {n} (bunch of fruit) :: terttu
rape culture {n} (rape culture, cultivation of rape, rape cultivation) :: rapsin viljely
rape culture {n} (rape culture) :: raiskauskulttuuri
rape oil {n} (rapeseed oil) SEE: rapeseed oil ::
rapeseed {n} (rapeseed seed) :: rapsi [collectively], rapsinsiemen [individual]
rapeseed {n} (rapeseed plant) :: rapsi
rapeseed oil {n} (vegetable oil) :: rapsiöljy
Raphael {prop} /ˈɹæ.feɪ.ɛl/ (Archangel) :: Rafael
Raphael {prop} (given name) :: Rafael
rapid {adj} /ˈɹæpɪd/ (Very swift or quick) :: nopea, ripeä
rapid {n} (section of river) :: koski
rapid fire pistol {n} (shooting event) :: kuvioammunta
rapidly {adv} /ˈɹæpɪdli/ (with speed) :: nopeasti
rapier {n} /ˈɹeɪpˌɪə(ɹ)/ (slender straight sharply pointed sword) :: rapiiri
rapine {n} /ˈɹæpaɪn/ (seizure of someone's property by force) :: ryöstö
rapine {v} (plunder) :: ryöstää
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
rapist {n} /ˈɹeɪpɪst/ (someone who rapes someone else) :: raiskaaja
rap music {n} (music form) :: rap-musiikki, räppi
rapper {n} (performer of rap music, or one who raps) :: rappari, räppäri
rapport {n} /ɹæˈpɔɹ/ (A relationship of mutual trust and respect) :: hyvä suhde, hyvät välit, yhteisymmärrys
rapprochement {n} /ɹəˈpɹɒʃmɒ̃/ (reestablishment of cordial relations) :: lähentyminen
rapscallion {n} /ɹæpˈskæljən/ (rascal) :: viikari [rascal]; kelmi [scoundrel]
rapt {adj} /ˈɹæpt/ (enthusiatic; ecstatic, elated, happy) :: innoissaan
raptor {n} (bird of prey) SEE: bird of prey ::
rapture {n} /ˈɹæptʃɚ/ (extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement) :: hurmos, hurmio
rapture {n} (gathering up of believers in end times) :: ylöstempaus
Rapture {prop} (prophesied sudden removal of Christian believers) SEE: rapture ::
rapunzel {n} (corn salad) SEE: corn salad ::
Rapunzel {prop} /ɹəˈpʌnzəl/ (a German fairy tale) :: Tähkäpää
Rapunzel {prop} (the main character of that tale) :: Tähkäpää
rara avis {n} (rare or unique person or thing) :: outo lintu
rare {adj} /ɹɛə(ɹ)/ (very uncommon) :: harvinainen
rare {adj} (thin density gas) :: harva
rare {adj} (cooked very lightly) :: verinen, raaka
rare bird {n} (unusual or exceptional person or thing) SEE: rara avis ::
rare earth {n} (naturally occurring oxide of the lanthanide metals) :: maametallimineraali
rare earth element {n} (type of metal) :: harvinainen maametalli
rare earth metal {n} (rare earth element) SEE: rare earth element ::
rare earth mineral {n} (mineral which contains one or more rare earth elements) :: harvinaisia maametalleja sisältävä mineraali
rarefaction {n} (reduction in the density of a material) :: harventaminen, ohentaminen, harventuminen, ohentuminen
rarefy {v} (to make rare etc.) :: harventaa, ohentaa
rarefy {v} (to enlarge without adding new matter) :: harventaa, ohentaa
rarely {adv} /ˈɹɛːli/ (not occurring at a regular interval) :: harvoin
rare spring-sedge {n} (Carex ericetorum) :: kanervisara
rarity {n} /ˈɹɛɹ.ə.ti/ (measure of the scarcity of an object) :: harvinaisuus
rarity {n} (rare object) :: harvinaisuus
Rarotongan {prop} (Cook Islands Maori) SEE: Cook Islands Maori ::
rasagiline {n} (drug) :: rasagiliini
rascal {n} /ˈɹɑːskl̩/ (dishonest person) :: kelmi, ketku
rascal {n} (cheeky person) :: riiviö, ilkiö, hulivili, vintiö, ilkimys
rash {adj} /ɹæʃ/ (hasty) :: hätäinen, varomaton, ajattelematon
rash {n} (of skin) :: ihottuma, ekseema
rash {n} (surge in problems) :: aalto, suma
rasher {n} /ˈɹæʃə(ɹ)/ (a strip of bacon) :: viipale, pekoniviipale
rashly {adv} (in a rash manner) :: hätäisesti, varomattomasti
rasp {n} (coarse file) :: raspi
rasp {n} (sound made by a rasp) :: rahina
rasp {v} (to use a rasp) :: raspata
rasp {v} (to make a noise like that of a rasp) :: rahista
rasp {v} (to work something with a rasp) :: raspata
raspberry {n} /ˈɹæzˌbɛɹi/ (plant) :: vadelma, vadelmapensas
raspberry {n} (fruit) :: vadelma
raspberry {n} (colour) :: vadelmanpunainen
raspberry {adj} (containing or having the flavor/flavour of raspberries) :: vadelmapitoinen [containing]; vadelmanmakuinen [having the flavor of]
raspberry {adj} (the colour) :: vadelmanpunainen
raspberry {n} (noise imitative of a fart) :: päristys
raspberrying {n} (act of picking raspberries) :: vadelmanpoiminta
raspy {adj} (irritable) SEE: irritable ::
raspy {adj} /ˈɹæsp.i/ (rough, raw) :: käheä
rasta {n} (Rastafarian) :: rasta
Rastafarian {n} (an adherent of Rastafarianism) :: rastafari
Rastafarian {adj} (of or relating to Rastafarianism or its adherents) :: rastafarilainen
Rastafarianism {prop} (religion that emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s) :: rastafari
rasterization {n} (process of converting an image into a raster image) :: rasterointi
rat {n} /ɹæt/ (rodent) :: rotta
rat {n} (traitor) :: petturi
rat {n} (scoundrel or villain) :: roisto, lurjus
rat {n} (informer or snitch) :: vasikka
rat {v} (to tell on someone) :: antaa ilmi, kannella
rat-arsed {adj} (extremely drunk) SEE: shitfaced ::
ratchet {n} /ˈɹætʃɪt/ (pawl, click or detent for a ratchet wheel) :: räikkä
ratchet {n} (ratchet wrench) :: hylsyavain
ratchet wrench {n} (A type of wrench) :: hylsyavain
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed ::
rate {n} /ɹeɪt/ (the proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another) :: tahti, suhde, tiheys
rate {n} (the relative speed of change or progress) :: vauhti
rate {n} (the price of a(n individual) thing; cost) :: hinta
rate {n} (a set price or fee determined in relation to a particular scale or standard) :: taksa, yksikköhinta
rate {n} (a wage calculated in relation to a unit of time) :: [per hour] tuntipalkka
rate {n} (any of various taxes, especially those levied by a local authority) :: kunnallisvero
rate {n} (level of quality, rank) :: luokka
rate {v} (assign a particular rank or level) :: arvioida, arvostella
rate {v} (berate) SEE: berate ::
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger ::
rate of climb {n} (rate of increase of altitude) :: nousunopeus
rate of climb indicator {n} (aviation instrument) :: nousunopeusmittari
rate of return {n} (amount of profit) :: tuottoaste
rather {adv} /ˈɹæðɚ/ (preferably) :: mieluummin
rather {adv} (on the contrary) :: pikemminkin, vaan
rather {adv} (more precisely) :: pikemminkin, tarkemmin sanottuna
rather {adv} (somewhat, fairly) :: melko, aika
raticide {n} (rat poison) SEE: rat poison ::
ratification {n} (act or process of ratifying, or the state of being ratified) :: ratifiointi, vahvistaminen
ratification {n} (formal declaration of agreement to a treaty etc) :: ratifiointi, vahvistus
ratify {v} /ˈɹætɪfaɪ/ (give formal consent to) :: vahvistaa, ratifioida
rating {n} /ˈɹeɪtɪŋ/ (status of a seaman) :: luokitus
ratio {n} /ˈɹeɪ.ʃoʊ/ (number representing comparison) :: suhde, suhdeluku
ratio {n} (arithmetics: relative magnitude of two quantities expressed as quotient) :: suhde, suhdeluku
ratio {n} (ratio decidendi) SEE: ratio decidendi ::
ratiocination {n} /ɹætɪˌɒsɪˈneɪʃn̩/ (activity or process of reasoning) :: järkeily
ratiocinative {adj} /ˌɹæʃ.ɪˈɑs.əˌneɪ.tɪv/ (Pertaining to or characterized by ratiocination) :: järkiperäinen
ratio decidendi {n} (legal principle on which judicial decision is based) :: oikeusohje
rational {adj} /ˈɹæʃ(ə)nəl/ (capable of reasoning) :: rationaalinen
rational {adj} (reasonable; not absurd) :: järkevä, järjellinen, järkiperäinen, järkeenkäypä, rationaalinen
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of a number) :: rationaali-
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of an algebraic expression) :: rationaali-
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number ::
rationale {n} /ɹæ.ʃəˈnæl/ (explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons) :: perustelu, perusteet {p}, perussyyt {p}
rationale {n} (justification or rationalization) :: perustelu, perusteet {p}
rationale {n} (liturgical vestment) :: rationaali
rational function {n} (function expressible as the quotient of polynomials) :: rationaalifunktio
rationalise {v} (rationalise) SEE: rationalize ::
rationalism {n} (philosophical theory) :: rationalismi
rationalistic {adj} (relating to rationalism) :: rationalistinen
rationality {n} (quality or state of being rational) :: rationaliteetti, rationaalisuus, järkevyys, järkiperäisyys
rationality {n} (objectivity, thoughtfulness) :: järkevyys, järkiperäisyys
rationalization {n} (process or result of rationalizing) :: rationaalistaminen, järkiperäistäminen, rationalisointi, järkeily, päättely
rationalization {n} (statement of one's motives) :: perustelu
rationalization {n} (reorganization of a company) :: järkeistäminen, rationalisointi, tehostaminen
rationalization {n} (concealment of true motivation) :: rationaalistaminen
rationalization {n} (simplification of a mathematical expression) :: sieventäminen
rationalize {v} (to make something rational) :: järkiperäistää, rationalisoida, järkevöittää
rationalize {v} (to justify negative behaviour) :: rationaalistaa, älyllistää
rationalize {v} (math: to remove radicals) :: rationaalistaa
rationalize {v} (to structure along systematic lines) :: järkeistää, rationalisoida
rationally {adv} (in a rational manner) :: rationaalisesti, järkevästi, järkiperäisesti
rational number {n} (quotient of integers) :: rationaaliluku
rational numbers {n} (set of numbers that can be expressed as a ration of integers) :: rationaaliluvut
ration card {n} (food stamp) SEE: food stamp ::
rationing {n} (controlled distribution of scarce resources) :: säännöstely
ration stamp {n} (food stamp) SEE: food stamp ::
ratio variable {n} (ratio variable) :: suhdeasteikollinen muuttuja
ratite {n} /ˈɹætaɪt/ (bird) :: strutsilintu
rat kangaroo {n} (marsupial of the family Potoroide) :: rottakenguru
rat king {n} (conglomeration of rats with tails joined) :: rottakuningas
ratline {n} (net like ropework of the shrouds) :: väylinki
rat out {v} (to inform authorities (about someone)) :: kieliä, ilmiantaa, vasikoida
rat poison {n} (poison for killing rats, etc.) :: rotanmyrkky
rat race {n} (activity which is hectic, tedious, and congested with participants) :: oravanpyörä
rats {interj} /ɹæts/ (damn, darn) :: hitto
rattan {n} /ɹəˈtæn/ (climbing palm) :: rottinkipalmu
rattan {n} (material) :: rottinki
rat-tat-tat {interj} (sound made by knocking on a door) :: kop kop
rat-tat-tat {interj} (sound of an automatic machine-gun) :: rätätätä
rattle {n} /ˈɹæt.l̩/ (sound) :: kolina, kalina, helinä
rattle {n} (baby’s toy) :: helistin
rattle {n} (musical instrument) :: helistin
rattle {n} (noisy, rapid talk) :: jäkätys, läpätys, räpätys
rattle {n} (noisy, senseless talker) :: jäkättäjä, läpättäjä, räpättäjä
rattle {n} (scolding, sharp rebuke) :: tyrmäys
rattle {n} (zoology: organ that produces a rattling sound) :: kalistin
rattle {v} (to create a sound by shaking) :: kolistella, kalistella, helistää
rattle {v} (to scare, startle, unsettle, or unnerve) :: ravistella, säikäyttää
rattle {v} (to make a rattling noise) :: helistä, kalista, kolista
rattle {n} (death rattle) SEE: death rattle ::
rattle off {v} (list or recite quickly) :: ladella, luetella
rattler {n} (rattlesnake) SEE: rattlesnake ::
rattlesnake {n} (venomous snake) :: kalkkarokäärme
rattlesnake grass {n} (Briza maxima) :: isoräpelö
rattrap {n} (device used to catch rats) :: rotanloukku
Rauma {prop} (Finnish city) :: Rauma
raunchy {adj} /ˈɹɔːntʃi/ (lecherous) :: poikkeava, perverssi
raunchy {adj} (sexually seductive) :: viekoitteleva
raunchy {adj} (very low-class, inferior, inadequate) :: huono, luokaton, kelvoton
raunchy {adj} (with dishonorable, base and vulgar expression) :: öykkärimäinen, moukkamainen
Rautjärvi {prop} (municipality) :: Rautjärvi
ravage {v} /ˈɹævɪdʒ/ (to devastate or destroy something) :: tuhota, hävittää
ravage {v} (to wreak destruction) :: hävittää
ravage {n} (grievous damage or havoc) :: tuho, hävitys
ravage {n} (depredation or devastation) :: tuho, hävitys
rave {n} /ɹeɪv/ (enthusiastic review) :: ylistys
rave {n} (dance party) :: reivit {p}
rave {v} (to speak or write incoherently) :: houria, horista, höpistä, höpöttää
rave {v} (to attend a rave) :: reivata
rave {v} (to talk with unreasonable enthusiasm or excessive passion; followed by about) :: ylistää
ravelin {n} (fortification outside a castle) :: raveliini
raven {n} /ˈɹeɪvən/ (bird) :: korppi, kaarne
raven {adj} (of the color of the raven; jet-black) :: korpinmusta
raven {n} /ˈɹævən/ (rapine; rapacity) :: ryöstö
raven {n} (prey; plunder; food obtained by violence) :: saalis
ravenous {adj} /ˈɹævənəs/ (very hungry) :: sudennälkäinen
ravenous {adj} (eager for prey or gratification) :: ahne
ravine {n} /ɹəˈviːn/ (a deep narrow valley) :: rotko
ravioli {n} (pasta) :: ravioli
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape ::
ravish {v} /ˈɹæ.vɪʃ/ (seize and carry away by violence; snatch by force) :: kaapata
ravishing {adj} (Extremely beautiful) :: ihastuttava, lumoava
raw {adj} /ɹɔ/ (uncooked) :: raaka
raw {adj} (untreated) :: käsittelemätön, raaka
raw {adj} (chafed, exposed of a wound) :: ruhjoutunut
raw {adj} (inexperienced) :: kokematon, vihreä
raw {adj} (crude in quality) :: raaka, karkea
raw {adj} (of data, statistics etc: uncorrected, without analysis) :: raaka
raw {adj} (of weather: unpleasantly damp or cold) :: raaka
raw {adj} (not covered; bare, bald) :: paljas
raw {adv} (without a condom) :: paljaalla, ilman kondomia
raw data {n} (data that have not been analyzed) :: raakadata
rawhide {n} /ˈɹɔhaɪd/ (untanned hide) :: raakatalja
raw material {n} (material in its unprocessed, natural state) :: raaka-aine
raw material {n} (input to an installation which processes it) :: raaka-aine
raw sewage {n} (untreated sewage) :: käsittelemätön jätevesi
rax {v} /ɹæks/ (to stretch after sleep) :: venytellä
rax {v} (to stretch, reach out, hand) :: ojentaa
ray {n} /ɹeɪ/ (beam of light or radiation) :: säde
ray {n} (reinforcing in a fish's fin) :: piikki [bone], ruoto [cartilage]
ray {n} (mathematics: line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point) :: säde, puolisuora
ray {n} (colloquial: tiny amount) :: rahtunen
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) :: rausku
ray-finned {adj} (having lepidotrichia) :: viuhkaeväinen
ray gun {n} (a science fiction energy weapon) :: sädease, sädepyssy, sädepistooli
Raymond {prop} /ˈɹeɪmənd/ (male given name) :: Raimo
Raynaud's disease {n} (Raynaud's disease) :: Raynaud’n oireyhtymä, Raynaud’n tauti
Raynaud's phenomenon {n} (condition of hands and feet) :: valkosormisuus, Raynaud'n ilmiö
ray of light {n} (column of light) :: valonsäde
ray of light {n} (inspiring person) :: ilopilleri
rayon {n} (fiber) :: viskoosi, raion
raze {v} /ɹeɪz/ (to demolish) :: tuhota/hävittää maan tasalle
razor {n} /ˈɹeɪzə/ (shaving knife) :: partaveitsi, partahöylä
razor {n} (shaving instrument) :: partahöylä, parranajokone
razor {n} (tusk of wild boar) :: torahammas
razorbill {n} (a large black and white auk, Alca torda) :: ruokki
razor blade {n} (razor blade) :: partaterä
razor's edge {n} (a dangerous or precarious situation) :: veitsenterä
razor strop {n} (birch bracket) SEE: birch bracket ::
razor strop {n} (leather strop for whetting a razor) :: hiaisin
razor strop {n} (similar spanking instrument) :: remmi
razor wire {n} (a form of security wire) :: nato-piikkilanka, natolanka
razzle-dazzle {n} (glamour) :: glamour, loisto, näyttävyys
R&D {n} (Research and Development) :: T&K
réduit {n} (central or retired work within any other work) :: kavaljeeri
re {n} /ɹeɪ/ (the second note in solfège) :: re
re- {prefix} /ɹiː/ (again) :: jälleen-, uudestaan
reach {v} /ɹiːt͡ʃ/ (to extend, to thrust out) :: kurottaa, kurkottaa, ylettyä; ojentaa [with a held item]
reach {v} (to deliver by stretching out, to hand over) :: ojentaa
reach {v} (to obtain by stretching forth, to extend so as to touch) :: ojentaa, ylettyä
reach {v} (to hit with an arrow, a bullet etc.) :: osua
reach {v} (to extend an action, effort, or influence to) :: ulottaa
reach {v} (to touch by virtue of extent) :: ulottua
reach {v} (to arrive at by effort) :: saapua
reach {v} (to understand; to comprehend) :: käsittää
reach {v} (to stretch out the hand) :: ojentaa
reach {v} (to strain after something; to make efforts) :: venyä
reach {v} (to extend in dimension, time or action, so as to touch, attain to, or be equal to, something) :: yltää, venyä
reach {n} (act of stretching or extending; extension) :: ulottuvuus, kantama
reach {n} (power of stretching out or extending action) :: ulottuvuus
reach {n} (extent; stretch; expanse) :: ulottuvuus
reach {n} (exaggeration) :: kaukaa haettu
reach {n} (boxing: distance a boxer's arm can extend) :: ulottuvuus
reach {n} (extended portion of land or water) :: alue
reach {n} (nautical: point of sail) :: sivutuuli
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up ::
reaching {n} /ˈɹiːtʃɪŋ/ (sailing on a reach) :: purjehdus sivutuulessa, sivutuulipurjehdus
reach out {v} (to extend one's hand) :: ojentaa (kätensä)
reach out {v} (to ask for help) :: pyytää apua
reach out {v} (to make more friends) :: saada uusia ystäviä
reach out {v} (to attempt to initiate communication) :: ottaa yhteyttä johonkin
reactance {n} (opposition to the change in current) :: reaktanssi
reactant {n} (participant at the start of a chemical reaction) :: reaktantti, lähtöaine
reaction {n} /ɹiˈækʃən/ (action in response to an event) :: reaktio, vastavaikutus
reaction {n} (chemical transformation) :: reaktio
reaction {n} (reactionary politics) :: taantumus
reactionary {adj} /ɹiˈækʃən(ə)ɹi/ (opposed to change) :: taantumuksellinen
reactionary {n} (such a person) :: reaktionääri, taantumuksellinen
reactivate {v} (to activate again) :: uudelleenaktivoida
reactive power {n} (imaginary component of the power of an alternating current circuit) :: loisteho
reactor {n} /ɹiˈæktɚ/ (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat) :: reaktori
reactor {n} (a chemical substance which responds to the presence or contact with another substance) :: reaktori
read {v} /ɹid/ (look at and interpret letters or other information) :: lukea
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) :: lukea
read {v} (have the ability to read text or other information) :: lukea
read {v} (to consist of certain text) :: lukea
read {v} (of text, etc., to be interpreted or read in a particular way) :: lukea
read {v} (be able to hear (in a radio communication)) :: kuulla
read {v} (make a study of) :: ̺lukea, opiskella
readability {n} (property of being capable of being read; legibility) :: luettavuus
readability {n} (property of being easy or engaging to read) :: luettavuus
readable {adj} (legible) SEE: legible ::
readable {adj} /ˈɹiːdəbl̩/ (enjoyable to read) :: sujuva
readableness {n} (readability) SEE: readability ::
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) :: lukea rivien välistä
reader {n} /ˈɹidɚ/ (person who reads a publication) :: lukija
reader {n} (lecturer) SEE: lecturer ::
reader {n} (proofreader) SEE: proofreader ::
readership {n} (collected readers of a publication) :: lukijakunta
readily {adv} /ˈɹɛdɪli/ (showing readiness) :: auliisti
readiness {n} (state or degree of being ready) :: valmius
reading {n} /ˈɹiːdɪŋ/ (process of interpreting written language) :: lukeminen
reading {n} (process of interpreting a symbol) :: lukeminen
reading {n} (value indicated by a measuring device) :: lukema
reading {n} (event at which material is read aloud) :: lukutilaisuus, lausunta
reading {n} (interpretation) :: tulkinta
reading {n} (extent of one's reading) :: lukeneisuus
reading {n} (one of several stages a bill passes through) :: lähetekeskustelu [first reading], ensimmäinen käsittely [second reading], toinen käsittely [third reading]
reading {n} (something to read) SEE: reading material ::
reading comprehension {n} (reading comprehension) :: luetun ymmärtäminen
reading glasses {n} (spectacles to deal with the effects of presbyopia) :: lukulasit {p}
reading material {n} (anything produced for reading) :: lukeminen, luettava, lukemisto
reading room {n} (space set aside for reading) :: lukusali
reading room {n} (reference library) SEE: reference library ::
read like a book {v} :: lukea kuin avointa kirjaa
read-only memory {n} (memory chip that stores values but doesn't allow updates) :: lukumuisti
read someone's lips {v} (discern what somebody is saying) :: lukea huulilta
read someone's mind {v} (to guess what someone is thinking) :: lukea jonkun ajatukset
read someone the riot act {v} (scold or berate) :: lukea madonluvut
read-write {adj} (supporting both read and write operations) :: luku/kirjoitus
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash ::
ready {adj} /ˈɹɛdi/ (prepared for immediate action or use) :: valmis
ready {adj} (inclined, apt to happen) :: expressed with 5th infinitive of a verb
ready {adj} (liable at any moment) :: valmis
ready {adj} (not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception) :: nopea, valpas; nopeaälyinen; sanavalmis
ready {adj} (at hand; opportune; convenient) :: käytettävissä oleva, kätevä, näppärä
ready {v} (to make prepared for action) :: valmistaa, valmistella, varustaa
ready-made {adj} (made in advance) :: valmis-
ready-made {n} (ready-made object) :: valmistavara
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
ready-to-wear {adj} (not needing tailoring) :: valmis- [as in valmisvaate]
reagent {n} /ɹi.ˈeɪ.dʒɛnt/ (substance used in chemical reactions) :: reagenssi [chemistry]
real {adj} /ˈɹiːəl/ (true, genuine, not merely nominal) :: todellinen, tosi
real {adj} (genuine, not artificial, counterfeit or fake) :: aito, ehta
real {adj} (genuine, unfeigned, sincere) :: aito, kunnon
real {adj} (that has physical existence) :: todellinen, oikea
real {adj} (economics: having been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation) :: reaali-
real {adj} (mathematics: relating to numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line) :: [reaaliluku] reaali-, reaalinen
real {adj} (law: relating to immovable tangible property) :: [omaisuudesta] kiinteä
real {adj} (absolute, complete, utter) :: oikea, todellinen
real {n} /ɹeɪˈɑl/ (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies) :: real
real {n} /ɹeɪˈɑl/ (a unit of currency used in Brazil) :: real
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number ::
real {adv} (really) SEE: really ::
real analysis {n} (mathematics: a branch dealing with the real numbers and related structures) :: reaalianalyysi
real estate {n} /ˈɹiːl əˌsteɪt/ (property that cannot easily be moved) :: kiinteistö, maaomaisuus
real estate {n} (space used for a particular purpose) :: tila, alue
realgar {n} (mineral) :: realgaari
realism {n} /ɹi.əlɪzm/ (concern for fact or reality) :: realismi
realistic {adj} /ˌɹiːjəˈlɪstɪk/ (expressed or represented as being accurate) :: realistinen, todenmukainen
realistic {adj} (relating to the representation of objects, actions or conditions as they actually are or were) :: realistinen
reality {n} /ɹiˈælɪti/ (state of being actual or real) :: olemassaolo
reality {n} (entirety of all that is real) :: todellisuus
reality {n} (an individual observer's subjective perception) :: todellisuus
reality check {n} (check to make sure something is consistent) :: todellisuustesti, tosielämän testi
reality check {n} (wake-up call) :: herätys
reality principle {n} (mechanism which guides a person in coping with the real world) :: todellisuusperiaate, realiteettiperiaate
reality show {n} (a reality television program) :: tositelevisio-ohjelma
reality television {n} (television genre) :: tositelevisio, tosi-tv
reality testing {n} (technique of reflecting on the real world) :: realiteettitestaus
realization {n} /ˌɹiəlɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act of figuring out or becoming aware) :: tajuaminen, ymmärrys
realization {n} (act of making real) :: toteuttaminen, realisointi
realization {n} (result of an artistic effort) :: toteutus
realize {v} /ˈɹi.ə.laɪz/ (to make real) :: toteuttaa
realize {v} (to become aware of) :: ymmärtää, tajuta, huomata, älytä, hoksata
realize {v} (to convert into actual money) :: realisoida
real life {n} (life outside of a contrived or fantastical environment) :: tosielämä, todellisuus
real life {adj} (not fictional) :: todellinen, tosielämän
real-life {adj} (not fictional) :: todellinen, tosi-, tosielämän [genitive of a noun]
real line {n} (real numbers viewed as a line) :: reaalisuora
reallocate {v} (to change the user or purpose) :: siirtää
really {adv} /ˈɹɪli/ (actually) :: todella
really {adv} (informally, as an intensifier; very, very much) :: tosi, todella, oikeasti
really {interj} (indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information) :: ihanko totta
really {interj} (sarcastic, typically exaggerated question) :: ihanko totta, todellako
really {interj} (indicating affirmation, agreement) :: totta, todellakin
really {interj} (indicating displeasure at another person's behaviour) :: oikeasti
realm {n} /ɹɛlm/ (sphere or influence) :: vaikutuspiiri
realm {n} (domain of an abstraction) :: piiri, alue
realm {n} (territory or state) :: valtakunta, kuningaskunta
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers) :: reaaliluku
real number {n} (floating-point number) SEE: floating-point number ::
real number line {n} (geometric representation of the real number system) SEE: real line ::
real numbers {n} (smallest set) :: reaaliluvut
real part {n} (of complex number) :: reaaliosa
real plane {n} (Cartesian product of two real lines) :: reaalitaso
realpolitik {n} /ɹeɪˈɑlpoʊlɪˌtik/ (pragmatic international government policy) :: reaalipolitiikka
real presence {n} (presence of Christ's body and blood) :: reaalipreesenssi
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
real time {n} /ˈɹiːəl ˈtaɪm/ (time duration) :: tosiaika, reaaliaika
realtime {adj} /ˈɹiːəltaɪm/ (computer term) :: reaaliaikainen
real-time strategy {n} (video game genre characterised by real-time movement of troops) :: reaaliaikainen strategiapeli
realtor {n} /ˈɹi(ə)l.təɹ/ (dealer in real estate) :: kiinteistönvälittäjä
real-valued {adj} (function having only real values) :: reaaliarvoinen
ream {v} /ɹiːm/ (to enlarge a hole) :: avartaa, aarporata
ream {v} (to shape or form, especially using a reamer) :: aarporata
ream {v} (to remove material by reaming) :: aarporata
ream {v} (slang: to yell at or berate) :: vaahdota, keuhkota
ream {v} (slang: to sexually penetrate in a rough and painful way) :: survoa
ream {n} (bundle of paper) :: riisi
ream {n} (abstract large amount) :: kasa, läjä, tukku
reamer {n} /ˈɹi.məɹ/ (tool for boring) :: aarpora
reamer {n} (cooking appliance) :: sitruspuristin
reap {v} /ɹiːp/ (to cut with a sickle) :: niittää
reap {v} ( To receive as a reward) :: saada, korjata
reaper {n} (one who reaps) :: elonkorjaaja
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper ::
reaper {n} (machine used for harvesting) SEE: harvester ::
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reap what one sows {v} (receive justice) :: mitä kylvää, sitä niittää
rear {v} /ɹɪɹ/ (to lift, raise etc. physically) :: nostaa, kohottaa
rear {v} (to set up, construct) :: pystyttää
rear {v} (to bring up to maturity) :: kasvattaa
rear {v} (to breed and raise) :: kasvattaa
rear {v} (to rise on the hind legs) :: nousta takajaloilleen
rear {adj} (being behind, or in the hindmost part) :: taka-
rear {n} (the back or hindmost part) :: takaosa, perä, peräpää
rear {n} (the part of an army or fleet which comes last) :: selusta, takajoukko
rear {n} (the posterior, butt(ocks)- only terms with directional notion) :: peräpää
rear admiral {n} (naval officer below the rank of vice admiral) :: kontra-amiraali
rear admiral (lower half) {n} (equivalent grade in other navies) :: lippueamiraali
rear admiral (upper half) {n} (equivalent grade in other navies) :: kontra-amiraali
rear end {n} (back or hindmost part) :: takapää, peräpää, jälkipää
rear end {n} (buttocks) :: perä
rear-end {v} (of a vehicle, to strike (another vehicle) from behind) :: ajaa perään
rear-end collision {n} :: peräänajo
rearguard {n} /ˈɹɪəɹˌɡɑɹd/ (the rearmost part of a force) :: jälkijoukko
rearguard {n} (soccer: defence) :: puolustus
rearrange {v} (to change the order or arrangement) :: järjestää uudelleen
rearrange someone's face {v} :: pistää naama uusiksi
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) :: taustapeili
rear window {n} (window at the back of a car) :: takaikkuna
reason {n} /ˈɹiːzən/ (that which causes: a cause) :: syy
reason {n} (motive for an action or determination) :: syy
reason {n} (excuse, explanation: thought or consideration offered in support of a determination) :: syy, tekosyy
reason {n} ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking) :: järki, tolkku
reason {n} (something reasonable) :: kohtuus
reason {v} (to deduce by being rational) :: pohtia, järkeillä
reason {v} (to perform a process of deduction or of induction) :: järkeillä
reason {v} (to arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine, debate, discuss) SEE: debate ::
reason {n} (math: ratio, proportion) SEE: ratio ::
reasonable {adj} /ˈɹiː.zən.ə.bəl/ (just; fair; agreeable to reason) :: kunnollinen
reasonable {adj} (inexpensive) :: kohtuullinen
reasonable {adj} (satisfactory) :: sopiva, joltinenkin, järkeenkäypä
reasonable doubt {n} (degree of uncertainty) :: järkevä epäilys
reasonably {adv} /ˈɹiː.zən.ə.bli/ (in accordance with reason) :: järkevästi
reasonably {adv} (not extremely) :: kohtuullisesti, kohtuullisen
reasonably {adv} (fairly) :: oikeudenmukaisesti
reassure {v} /ɹiəˈʃʊɹ/ (to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubt) :: rauhoittaa, tyynnytellä
reassure {v} (to reinsure) :: vakuuttaa
reassuring {adj} /ɹiːəˈʃɔːɹɪŋ/ (that reassures; causing comfort or confidence) :: rauhoittava
reata {n} (lasso) SEE: lasso ::
rebab {n} /ɹɪˈbæb/ (stringed musical instrument) :: rebab
rebar {n} /ˈɹiː.bɑː(ɹ)/ (steel reinforcing bar for concrete) :: harjateräs (bar), raudoitus (grid)
rebarbative {adj} /ɹɪˈbɑɹbətɪv/ (repellent) :: luotaantyöntävä
rebate {n} /ˈɹiːbeɪt/ (A deduction from an amount to be paid; an abatement) :: hinnanalennus
rebate {n} (The return of part of an amount already paid) :: hyvitys, palautus
rebate {v} (To diminish or lessen something) :: vähentää, heikentää
rebate {n} (rabbet) SEE: rabbet ::
rebec {n} /ˈɹiːbɛk/ (stringed instrument) :: rebec
Rebecca {prop} (female given name) :: Rebekka
Rebekah {prop} (sister of Laban and wife to Isaac) :: Rebekka
rebel {n} /ˈɹɛbəl/ (person who resists an established authority) :: kapinallinen, niskoittelija, niskuri
rebel {v} /ɹɪˈbɛl/ (to resist or become defiant towards) :: kapinoida, niskuroida
rebellion {n} /ɹɪˈbɛl.i.ən/ (armed resistance) :: kapina, (aseellinen) vastarinta
rebellion {n} (defiance) :: vastarinta
rebellious {adj} /ɹəˈbɛliəs/ (showing rebellion) :: kapinallinen, kapinoiva
rebirth {n} /ɹiˈbɝθ/ (reincarnation) :: jälleensyntyminen
rebirth {n} (revival, reinvigoration) :: uudestisyntyminen, jälleensyntyminen
rebirth {n} (spiritual renewal) :: uudistuminen, renessanssi, uudestisyntyminen
reboot {n} /ˈɹiːbuːt/ (instance of rebooting) :: uudelleenkäynnistys
reboot {v} (To execute a computer's boot process and reload the operating system) :: uudelleenkäynnistää, käynnistää uudelleen
reborn {adj} (revived or regenerated, especially emotionally or spiritually) :: uudestisyntynyt
reborn {adj} (reincarnated) :: jälleensyntynyt
reborrowing {n} (word taken back from another language) :: takaisinlaina
rebound {n} /ˈɹibaʊnd/ (recoil of an object bouncing off another) :: kimpoaminen, pomppaaminen, pomppu
rebound {n} (return to health) :: toipuminen
rebound {n} (effort to recover from a setback) :: toipuminen
rebound {n} (romantic partner, for the sake of recovery) :: lohdutuspalkinto
rebound {n} (the strike of the ball) :: paluupallo [soccer/football], paluukiekko [ice hockey]
rebound {n} (in basketball) :: levypallo
rebound {v} (To bound or spring back from a force) :: kimmota
rebound {v} (To jump up or get back up again) :: ponnahtaa
rebroadcast {v} (broadcast again) :: uusia
rebuff {n} /ɹɪˈbʌf/ (refusal) :: torjunta
rebuff {v} (refuse) :: torjua
rebuild {v} /ˈɹiːbɪld/ (to build again) :: jälleenrakentaa, rakentaa uudelleen
rebuilding {n} (act of building again) :: jälleenrakennus
rebuke {n} /ɹiˈbjuːk/ (harsh criticism) :: soimaus, ankara kritiikki, haukkuminen
rebuke {v} (to criticise harshly; to reprove) :: moittia, haukkua, sättiä, parjata, läksyttää
rebus {n} /ˈɹiːbəs/ (puzzle) :: kuva-arvoitus
rebus {n} (pictorial suggestion of a person's name) :: kuvakirjoitus
rebuttal {n} /ɹɪˈbʌt̬ᵊl/ (act of refuting something by making a contrary argument) :: vastaväite
recalcitrant {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈkæl.sɪ.tɹənt/ (marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey figures of authority) :: uppiniskainen
recalcitrant {adj} (hard to deal with or operate) :: itsepintainen
recall {v} /ɹɪˈkɔːl/ (to call (someone) back to a specific place, station) :: kutsua takaisin
recall {v} (to remember, recollect) :: muistaa, palauttaa mieleen
recall {v} (to order the return of (faulty product)) :: takaisinkutsua
recall {n} (product recall) :: takaisinveto
recall {v} (to recall) SEE: reproduce ::
recant {v} /ɹəˈkænt/ (to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly) :: vetää takaisin, perua puheensa; muuttaa lausuntoaan [in court]
recapitulate {v} /ɹiːkəˈpɪtʃʊleɪt/ (to summarize or repeat in concise form) :: tehdä yhteenveto, vetää yhteen
recapitulate {v} (to repeat the evolutionary stages of an organism) :: rekapituloida, seurata
recapitulation {n} /ɹiː.kəˌpɪ.tʃəˈleɪ.ʃ(ə)n/ (subsequent enumeration of the major points) :: yhteenveto
recapitulation {n} (music: third major part of a movement in sonata form) :: kertausjakso
receipt {n} /ɹɪˈsiːt/ (act of receiving) :: vastaanotto
receipt {n} (amount received) :: tulot
receipt {n} (written acknowledgement) :: kuitti, kuittaus
receipt {n} (obsolete: recipe) :: resepti
receipt {v} (to give a receipt) :: kuitata, antaa kuitti
receipt {v} (to mark a bill) :: kuitata
receive {v} /ɹɪˈsiːv/ (take what is offered, accept from another) :: saada
receive {v} (take possession of) :: ottaa vastaan, saada
receive {v} (to act as a host for guests) :: ottaa vastaan, vastaanottaa
receive {v} (telecommunications: to detect a signal) :: vastaanottaa, ottaa vastaan
Received Pronunciation {prop} (form of English pronunciation) :: kuningattaren englanti
receiver {n} /ɹəˈsivɚ/ (person who receives) :: vastaanottaja, saaja
receiver {n} (trustee) :: selvitysmies
receiver {n} (person appointed to settle financial affairs) :: pesänhoitaja
receiver {n} (person who accepts stolen goods) :: luukuttaja [slang]
receiver {n} (electronic device) :: vastaanotin
receiver {n} (electronic device that receives and converts signal) :: vastaanotin
receiver {n} (telephone handset) :: kuuloke, luuri
receiver {n} (in American football) :: laitahyökkääjä
receiver {n} (in tennis) :: vastaanottaja
receiver {n} (element of system) :: vastin
receiver {n} (part of a firearm containing the action) :: palautin, runko
receiver {n} (vessel in a compound steam engine) :: välittäjä, resiiveri
receiver {n} (capacious vessel for receiving steam) :: höyrynerotin
receivership {n} (state of being under the control of a receiver) :: selvitystila
receivership {n} (trusteeship in bankruptcy) :: konkurssihallinto
recency {n} (newness) SEE: newness ::
recent {adj} /ˈɹiːsənt/ (having happened a short while ago) :: tuore, äskeinen
recently {adv} /ˈɹiːsəntli/ (in the recent past) :: äskettäin, viime aikoina, hiljattain, taannoin
receptacle {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.tə.kl̩/ (container) :: astia
receptacle {n} (botany: part of flower) :: kukkapohjus
receptacle {n} (electrical: contact device) :: pistorasia
reception {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.ʃn̩/ (act of receiving) :: vastaanotto
reception {n} (electronics: act or ability to receive signals) :: vastaanotto
reception {n} (social engagement) :: vastaanotto
reception {n} (reaction) :: vastaanotto
reception {n} (front desk) :: vastaanotto
reception {n} (adoption of legal phenomena from a different culture) :: vastaanotto
receptionist {n} /ɹɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ (employee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting) :: vastaanottovirkailija, reseptionisti
receptive {adj} /ɹɪˈsɛptɪv/ (ready to receive new ideas or concepts) :: vastaanottavainen, avoin
receptor {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.tə/ (a protein on a cell wall that responds to sensory stimuli) :: reseptori
receptor {n} (any specialized cell or structure that responds to sensory stimuli) :: reseptori
recess {n} /ˈɹiː.sɛs/ (break, pause or vacation) :: tauko [break, pause]; loma [vacation]
recess {n} (inset, hole, space or opening) :: syvennys [inset]; kuoppa [hole]; väli [space btw. two things]; aukko [opening]
recess {n} (time of play) :: välitunti [in school etc.]
recess {n} (withdrawing or retiring; a moving back; retreat) :: vetäytyminen
recess {n} (state of being withdrawn; seclusion; privacy) :: vetäytyminen
recess {n} (place of retirement, retreat, secrecy, or seclusion) :: piilopaikka
recess {n} (secret or abstruse part) :: salaisuus
recess {v} (recede) :: sulautua, upottaa
recess {v} (declare a break) :: pitää tauko
recess {n} (botany, zoology: sinus) SEE: sinus ::
recession {n} /ɹɪˈsɛʃn̩/ (act or instance of receding) :: taantuminen; vetäytyminen
recession {n} (period of reduced economic activity) :: taantuma, laskusuhdanne
recession {n} (ceremonial filing out of clergy and/or choir at the end of a church service) :: ristikulkue, ristisaatto
recession {n} (act of ceding something back) :: takaisinluovutus, takaisin luovuttaminen
recharge {v} (To charge an electric battery) :: ladata
recharge {v} (To reload a gun) :: ladata
rechargeable {adj} (able to be recharged) :: uudelleenladattava
recipe {n} /ˈɹɛs.ɪ.pi/ (instructions for making or preparing food dishes) :: resepti, ruokaresepti
recipient {n} /ɹəˈsɪp.i.ənt/ (one who receives) :: vastaanottaja
recipient {n} (individual receiving donor organs or tissues) :: vastaanottaja
recipient {n} (the portion of an alembic or other still in which the distilled liquid is collected) :: tislekolvi
reciprocal {adj} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹək(ə)l/ (done by each of two people towards the other) :: vastavuoroinen
reciprocal {adj} (done, given, felt, or owed in return) :: päinvastainen
reciprocal {n} (in mathematics) :: käänteisluku
reciprocally {adv} (in a reciprocal manner) :: vastavuoroisesti
reciprocal pronoun {n} (a part of speech) :: resiprookkipronomini
reciprocate {v} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹəˌkeɪt/ (to mutually give and take something; to interchange) :: vaihtaa
reciprocate {v} (to give something in response) :: vastata, antaa vastalahja
reciprocate {v} (to move backwards and forwards, like a piston) :: liikkua edestakaisin, kiertää
reciprocate {v} (to counter, retort or retaliate) :: vastata
reciprocating engine {n} (piston engine) SEE: piston engine ::
reciprocity {n} (the state or quality of being reciprocal) :: vastavuoroisuus
recital {n} (narration) SEE: narration ::
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say ::
recite {v} /ɹɪˈsaɪt/ (to repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text) :: lausua
recite {v} (to list or enumerate something) :: luetella
reckless {adj} /ˈɹɛkləs/ (careless or heedless; headstrong or rash) :: harkitsematon, holtiton
reckless {adj} (indifferent to danger or the consequences) :: huimapäinen, rämäpäinen, uhkarohkea, hurjapäinen, huima, yltiöpäinen
recklessly {adv} (in a reckless manner) :: uhkarohkeasti, rämäpäisesti
recklessly {adv} (with contempt of others) :: edesvastuuttomasti, piittaamattomasti
reckon {v} /ˈɹɛkən/ (to count; to enumerate; to number; also, to compute; to calculate) :: laskea, luetella, räknätä [dialectal]
reckon {v} (to count as in a number, rank, or series; to estimate by rank or quality; to place by estimation) :: lukea, laskea
reckon {v} (to charge, attribute, or adjudge to one, as having a certain quality or value) :: lukea
reckon {v} (colloquial: to conclude, as by an enumeration and balancing of chances; hence, to think; to suppose) :: päättää, arvata, arvuutella
reckon {v} (to make an enumeration or computation; to engage in numbering or computing) :: laskea
reckoning {n} /ˈɹɛkənɪŋ/ (the action of calculating or estimating something) :: laskelmointi
reckoning {n} (an opinion or judgement) :: käsitys, näkemys
reckoning {n} (the working out of consequences or retribution for one's actions) :: tilinteko
reclaim {v} (to recycle) SEE: recycle ::
reclaim {v} (to tame or domesticate a wild animal) SEE: tame ::
reclaim {v} /ˈɹiːkleɪm/ (to return land to a suitable condition) :: kunnostaa
reclaim {v} (to return someone to a proper course of action) :: ojentaa
reclaim {v} (to repossess) :: saada takaisin
recline {v} /ɹɪˈklaɪn/ (to cause to lean back; to bend back) :: panna nojalleen
recline {v} (to put in a resting position) :: panna, asettaa
recline {v} (to lean back) :: nojautua
recline {v} (to put oneself in a resting position) :: käydä pitkäkseen
recliner {n} (hinged chair) :: mekanismituoli
reclothe {v} (to clothe again) :: pukea uudelleen
recluse {n} /ɹɪˈkluːs/ (A person who lives in self-imposed isolation or seclusion from the world, especially for religious purposes; a hermit) :: erakko
reclusive {adj} /ɹɪˈkluːsɪv/ (preferring privacy) :: syrjäänvetäytyvä, eristäytyvä
recognition {n} /ˌɹɛkəɡˈnɪʃən/ (the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized) :: tunnistaminen, tunnistus
recognition {n} (acceptance as valid or true) :: tunnustaminen, tunnustus
recognition {n} (official acceptance of the status of a new government by that of another country) :: tunnustaminen, tunnustus
recognition {n} (honour, favorable note, or attention) :: kunnianosoitus, huomio, tunnustus
recognize {v} /ˈɹɛkəɡnaɪz/ (to match in memory; to know from a previous encounter) :: tunnistaa, tuntea
recognize {v} (to acknowledge the existence or legality of) :: tunnustaa
recognize {v} (to acknowledge as something) :: tunnustaa, tunnistaa
recognize {v} (to realize or discover the nature of something) :: oivaltaa
recognize {v} (to give an award) :: palkita
recoil {n} /ɹɪˈkɔɪl/ (pushback from a fired firearm) :: rekyyli
recoil {v} (to pull back, especially in disgust, horror or astonishment) :: hätkähtää
recoilless rifle {n} (weapon) :: sinko
recollect {v} /ɹɛkəˈlɛkt/ (to recall past events) :: muistella, palauttaa mieleensä
recollection {n} /ɹɛkəˈlɛkʃən/ (act of recalling to the memory) :: muistaminen, muistelu, muisteleminen
recollection {n} (power of recalling ideas to the mind) :: muisti
recollection {n} (that which is called to mind) :: muisto, muistelma, muistikuva, muistelo
recommend {v} /ɹɛkəˈmɛnd/ (to commend to the favorable notice of another) :: suositella, suosittaa
recommend {v} (to suggest or endorse someone as appropriate choice) :: suositella
recommend {v} (to make acceptable; to attract favor to) :: houkutella, olla houkuttava
recommend {v} (to advise, propose) :: suositella, suosittaa
recommend {v} (archaic: to confide to another) :: luovuttaa
recommendation {n} (commendation) SEE: commendation ::
recommendation {n} /ˌɹɛkəmɛnˈdeɪʃən/ (act of recommending) :: suositteleminen
recommendation {n} (that which is recommended) :: suositus
recompense {n} /ˌɹɛkəmˈpɛns/ (that which compensates for a harm done) :: korvaus, vahingonkorvaus
recompense {v} (to reward or repay (someone) for something done, given etc.) :: korvata
recompense {v} (to give compensation) :: korvata
recompensing {adj} /ˈɹɛkəmpɛnsɪŋ/ (rewarding) :: palkitseva
recompensing {n} (act of rewarding) :: palkitseminen
recompilation {n} (act or process of recompiling) :: uudelleenkääntäminen
recon {n} /ˈɹikɑn/ (reconnaissance) :: tiedustelu-
reconcile {v} /ˈɹɛkənsaɪl/ (to restore a friendly relationship) :: sovitella
reconcile {v} (to make things compatible or consistent) :: täsmäyttää
reconcile {v} (to make the net difference in credits and debits of a financial account agree with the balance) :: täsmäyttää
reconciliation {n} /ˌɹɛkənˌsɪlɪˈeɪʃən/ (reestablishment of friendly relations) :: sopiminen, sovinnonteko
reconciliation {n} (Roman Catholic sacrament) :: rippi
reconciliation {n} (accounting process) :: täsmäyttäminen
recondite {adj} /ˈɹɛk(ə)nˌdaɪt/ (difficult to grasp or understand, see also: abstruse; profound) :: vaikeatajuinen, monimutkainen
reconnaissance {n} /ɹɪˈkɒnəsəns/ (act of gathering information) :: tiedustelu
reconnect {v} (connect again or differently) :: yhdistää uudelleen
reconnoiter {v} /ˌɹɛkəˈnɔɪtɚ/ (perform a reconnaissance) :: tiedustella
reconnoitre {v} /ˌɹɛkəˈnɔɪtɚ/ (perform a reconnaissance) :: tiedustella
reconsider {v} (To consider a matter thought already to have been decided) :: harkita uudelleen
reconstruct {v} (to construct again) :: jälleenrakentaa, ennallistaa [to restore], rakentaa uudelleen [to restore], rekonstruoida
reconstruction {n} (something reconstructed or restored) :: rekonstruktio
reconstruction {n} (act of restoring) :: jälleenrakennus, uudelleenrakennus
reconstruction {n} (attempt to understand) :: rekonstruointi
record {n} /ˈɹɛkɔːd/ (information put into a lasting physical medium) :: tallenne
record {n} (phonograph record) :: äänilevy, levy
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item) :: tietue
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement) :: ennätys
record {v} /ɹɨˈkɔːd/ (make a record of) :: tallentaa, taltioida, merkitä
record {v} (make an audio or video recording of) :: tallentaa, nauhoittaa, äänittää, levyttää
record {v} (give legal status to by making an official public record) :: rekisteröidä
record {v} ((intransitive) make audio or video recording) :: levyttää
record chart {n} (Ranking of music by popularity) :: lista
recorder {n} (recording device) :: tallennin, nauhuri
recorder {n} (someone who records) :: levyttäjä, tallentaja, äänittäjä
recorder {n} (judge) :: kihlakunnantuomari
recorder {n} (musical instrument) :: nokkahuilu
recording {n} (reproduction stored in a permanent medium) :: tallenne, taltiointi; äänite, äänitys [audio]; levytys [music]; nauhoite, nauhoitus [video, audio]
recording artist {n} (person who records music for distribution to the public) :: levyttävä artisti
record label {n} (record company) :: levy-yhtiö
record player {n} (analogue electronic device for playing gramophone records, see also: gramophone) :: levysoitin, vinyylisoitin
recount {v} (to tell, narrate) :: kertoa, tilittää
recount {n} (counting again) :: tarkistuslaskenta
recount {v} (to count again) :: laskea uudestaan, kertoa uudelleen
recoup {v} /ɹɪˈkuːp/ (to make back, as an investment) :: saada takaisin, päästä omilleen
recoup {v} (to recover from an error) :: toipua
recoup {v} (to keep back rightfully) :: pidättää
recourse {n} /ɹɪˈkɔːs/ (act of seeking assistance or advice) :: turvautuminen
recover {v} /ɹɪˈkʌvə/ (transitive: to get back, regain) :: saada takaisin
recover {v} (intransitive: to get better, regain health) :: palautua, parantua, tervehtyä
recovery {n} /ɹɪˈkʌvəɹi/ (act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost) :: talteenotto
recovery {n} (return to normal health) :: paraneminen, elpyminen
recovery {n} (return to former status) :: palautuminen, elpyminen
recovery {n} (economics: renewed growth after a slump) :: elpyminen
recovery boiler {n} (boiler for recovering soda) :: soodakattila
recovery boiler {n} (heat recovery boiler) :: lämmöntalteenottokattila
recovery position {n} :: kylkiasento
recreate {v} /ˈɹɛkɹɪeɪt/ (to give new energy) :: virkistää
recreate {v} (to take recreation) :: huvitella, rentoutua
recreate {v} /ɹiːkɹɪˈeɪt/ (create anew) :: luoda uudelleen, herättää henkiin
recreate {v} (to produce again, to recreate) SEE: reproduce ::
recreation {n} /ɹɛkɹiˈeɪʃən/ (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates) :: virkistys, vapaa-ajan toiminta
recreational {adj} (for, or relating to, for recreation) :: ajanvietteellinen, huvi-, viihde-, virkistys-
recreational drug {n} (drug taken for its effect on the mind) :: huume
recreational vehicle {n} (vehicle or trailer) :: matkailuauto [self-propelled]; matkailuvaunu [trailer]
recreation room {n} (room used for a variety of purposes) :: pelihuone
recriminate {v} (to accuse in return) :: esittää vastasyytös
recrimination {n} /ɹiˌkɹɪməˈneɪʃən/ (act of recriminating) :: vastasyytös
recrimination {n} (counter- or mutual accusation) :: (counter) vastasyytös, (mutual) syyttely
rec room {n} (recreation room) SEE: recreation room ::
recruit {n} /ɹɪˈkɹut/ (supply of anything wasted or exhausted; a reinforcement) :: täydennys
recruit {n} (newly enlisted soldier) :: alokas
recruit {n} (hired worker) :: tulokas, rekryytti
recruit {n} (biology: new member of population) :: rekryytti
recruit {v} (to enroll or enlist new members or potential employees) :: rekrytoida, palkata, värvätä
recruit {v} (to supply with new men, as an army) :: täydentää
recruit {v} (to replenish, renew, or reinvigorate by fresh supplies) :: virkistää
recruit {v} (to recuperate; to gain health, flesh, spirits, or the like) :: virkistäytyä
recruiter {n} (one employed to recruit others) :: värvääjä
recruitment {n} (process or art of finding candidates or recruits) :: rekrytointi, värväys
recrystallization {n} (chemistry: purification technique) :: uudelleenkiteyttäminen, uudelleenkiteytys
recrystallization {n} (geology: process in the formation of metamorphic rocks) :: uudelleenkiteytyminen
recrystallization {n} (metallurgy: growth of grain size) :: uudelleenkiteytyminen, rekristallisaatio
recrystallize {v} (to crystallize again) :: uudelleenkiteytyä
rectal {adj} (Of, via or related to the rectum) :: peräsuoli-
rectangle {n} /ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡəl/ (quadrilateral) :: suorakulmio
rectangular {adj} (having a shape like a rectangle) :: suorakulmainen, suorakaiteen muotoinen
rectangular {adj} (having axes that meet each other with right angles) :: suorakulmainen
rectangular coordinates {n} (Cartesian coordinates) SEE: Cartesian coordinates ::
rectified spirit {n} (purified alcohol) :: väkiviina, pirtu
rectifier {n} (something that rectifies) :: oikaisija
rectifier {n} (a device that converts alternating current into direct current) :: tasasuuntaaja
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal ::
rectify {v} /ˈɹɛktəˌfaɪ/ (to restore to its proper condition) :: korjata
rectify {v} (to remedy or fix) :: korjata
rectify {v} (to purify or refine by distillation) :: tislata, puhdistaa
rectify {v} (to correct or amend something) :: oikaista, korjata
rectify {v} (to correct someone who is mistaken) :: korjata
rectify {v} (to convert alternating current into direct current) :: tasasuunnata
rectify {v} (to produce by redistilling with flavourings) :: tislata
rectitude {n} /ˈɹɛk.tə.tuːd/ (straightness; state or quality of having a constant direction) :: suoruus
rectitude {n} (rightness of principle or practice) :: rehtiys, vilpittömyys
rector {n} /ˈɹɛktɚ/ (cleric in charge of a parish) :: kirkkoherra
rector {n} (headmaster) :: rehtori
rectory {n} (residence of Roman Catholic priest) :: pappila
rectum {n} /ˈɹɛktəm/ (terminal part of the large intestine) :: peräsuoli
recumbent {adj} (lying down) :: makaava
recumbent {n} (special type of bicycle) :: nojapyörä
recumbent bicycle {n} (recumbent) SEE: recumbent ::
recuperate {v} /ɹɪˈk(j)uːpəˌɹeɪt/ (recover from illness) :: toipua, parantua
recuperate {v} (recover, especially from an illness) SEE: recover ::
recuperation {n} (convalescence) :: toipuminen
recuperation {n} (Instance of getting something back) :: takaisin saaminen
recur {v} /ɹɪˈkɜː(ɹ)/ (to happen again) :: toistua, uusiutua
recurrence {n} (recourse) SEE: recourse ::
recurrence {n} (a return of symptoms as part of the natural progress of a disease) :: uusiutuma, uusiutuminen
recurrent {adj} (recurring time after time) :: uusiutuva, toistuva
recurring {adj} (happening frequently) :: toistuva
recurring {adj} (math:having a set of digits that is repeated indefinitely) :: jaksollinen
recursion {n} (the act of recurring) :: toisto, uusinta, rekursio
recursion {n} (in mathematics) :: rekursio
recursive {adj} (drawing upon itself) :: itseään toistava
recursive {adj} (mathematics: of an expression, in which each term is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms) :: rekursiivinen
recursive {adj} (computing: of a program or function that calls itself) :: rekursiivinen
recursive {adj} (computing: of a function which can be computed in a finite amount of time) :: rekursiivinen
recursive {adj} (computing: of a set whose characteristic function is recursive) :: rekursiivinen
recursive acronym {n} (an acronym in which the first letter of the first word represented by the acronym is the acronym itself) :: rekursiivinen akronyymi
recursively {adv} ((computers) using recursion) :: rekursiivisesti
recursively enumerable {adj} ((computing theory) of a set, such that there exists a deterministic algorithm which will list all the items in the set and no others) :: rekursiivisesti numeroituva
recursivity {n} (quality of being recursive) :: rekursiivisuus
recurve bow {n} (type of bow) :: vastakaarijousi
recusant {n} /ˈɹɛkjʊzənt/ (one refusing to submit to authority) :: niskoittelija
recuse {v} /ɹɪˈkjuːz/ (To refuse or reject) :: jäävätä
recuse {v} (To refuse to act as a judge; to declare oneself disqualified to act) :: jäävätä itsensä, jääviytyä
recyclable {adj} (able to be recycled) :: kierrätettävä, kierrätyskelpoinen
recyclate {n} /ɹiːˈsaɪkleɪt/ (raw material sent to a waste recycling plant) :: kierrätysmateriaali
recycle {v} /ɹəˈsaɪkəl/ (to break down and reuse component materials) :: kierrättää
recycle {v} (to reuse as a whole) :: kierrättää
recycle bin {n} (container) :: kierrätysastia
recycling {n} (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use) :: kierrätys {n}
red {n} /ɹɛd/ (colour) :: punainen
red {n} (socialist, communist) :: punainen
red {n} (red wine) :: punainen
red {adj} (having red as its colour) :: punainen
red {adj} (of hair: orange-brown) :: punainen
red {adj} (left-wing, socialist or communist) :: punainen
red admiral {n} (butterfly) :: amiraali, amiraaliperhonen
red alder {n} (Alnus rubra) :: punaleppä
red alga {n} (Member of the phylum Rhodophyta) :: punalevä
Red Army {prop} (name of the Soviet army) :: puna-armeija
Red Army Faction {prop} (group) :: Punainen armeijakunta, Baader-Meinhof-ryhmä
Red Army man {n} (the lowest military rank of the Red Army) :: punasotilas
red-backed shrike {n} (medium-sized bird) :: pikkulepinkäinen
red bandfish {n} (Cepola macrophthalma) :: liekkikala
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot ::
red-black tree {n} (binary search tree) :: punamusta puu
red blood cell {n} (haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates) :: punasolu, erytrosyytti
redbone {n} (dog breed) :: punainenpesukarhukoira
redbreast {n} (European robin) SEE: European robin ::
redbreast {n} (American robin) SEE: American robin ::
red-breasted flycatcher {n} (Ficedula parva) :: pikkusieppo
red-breasted merganser {n} (Mergus serrator) :: tukkakoskelo
redbush {n} (both senses) SEE: rooibos ::
red cabbage {n} (a variety of cabbage having red leaves) :: punakaali
red card {n} (sports: card) :: punainen kortti
red card {n} (instructions to vacate an area) :: poistumiskehoitus
red carpet {n} (a strip of red carpet laid for a VIP) :: punainen matto
red carpet {n} (VIP treatment) :: punainen matto
red chokeberry {n} (Photinia pyrifolia) :: puna-aronia
red clover {n} (Trifolium pratense) :: puna-apila
red-cockaded woodpecker {n} (Leuconotopicus borealis) :: pihkatikka
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) :: Punainen Puolikuu
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) :: Punainen Risti
red currant {n} /ˈɹɛdˌkɜɹənt/ (plant) :: punaherukka, punaherukkapensas
red currant {n} (fruit) :: punaherukka, punaviinimarja
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) :: saksanhirvi
Red Delicious {n} (variety of apple) :: Red Delicious -omena
redden {v} /ˈɹɛdn̩/ (to become red) :: punertua, punehtua; punastua [of sb's face, as an emotional reaction]
redden {v} (to make red) :: punata; punastuttaa (cause an emotional reaction on sb's face)
reddish {adj} /ˈɹɛdɪʃ/ (resembling the colour red) :: punertava
reddish {adj} (quite red; red to a certain extent) :: punertava
red dwarf {n} (small star) :: punainen kääpiö
red-eared slider {n} (turtle Trachemys scripta elegans) :: punakorvakilpikonna
redeem {v} /ɹɪˈdiːm/ (to recover ownership of something by paying a sum) :: lunastaa, ostaa takaisin
redeem {v} (to liberate by payment of ransom) :: maksaa lunnaat
redeem {v} (to set free by force) :: vapauttaa
redeem {v} (to save, rescue, recover) :: pelastaa
redeem {v} (to clear, release from debt or blame) :: vapauttaa
redeem {v} (to expiate, atone for) :: sovittaa
redeem {v} (to convert into cash) :: lunastaa
redeem {v} (to repair, restore) :: korjata
redeem {v} (to change for the better, reform) :: uudistaa
redeem {v} (to save from a state of sin) :: lunastaa, vapahtaa, armahtaa, pelastaa
redeem {v} (to restore the reputation, honour of ...) :: palauttaa kunnia
redeem {v} (to reclaim) SEE: reclaim ::
redeemer {n} (one who redeems) :: pelastaja
Redeemer {prop} (Jesus Christ) :: Vapahtaja, Lunastaja
redefine {v} (to give a new or different definition to a word) :: määritellä uudelleen
redefine {v} (to define an area of storage, that has already been defined, in a different manner) :: määritellä uudelleen
redemption {n} /ɹɪˈdɛmpʃən/ (the act of redeeming or something redeemed) :: lunastaminen, lunastus
redemption {n} (the recovery, for a fee, of a pawned article) :: lunastus
redemption {n} (salvation from sin) :: lunastus, pelastus, vapahdus
redemption value {n} /ɹɪdɛmpʃən ˈvæl.juː/ (the price of security repurchase) :: lunastushinta
red envelope {n} (monetary gift) :: punainen kirjekuori
redesign {n} (a plan for making changes to the structure and functions of an artifact) :: uudelleensuunnittelu
redesign {v} (to lay out or plan a new version) :: suunnitella uudelleen
red-eye {n} /ˈɹɛdaɪ/ (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) :: sorva
red flag {n} (a cue, warning, or alert; a sign or signal that something is wrong) :: punainen lippu, varoitusmerkki
red flag {n} (socialist symbol) :: punalippu
red-flanked bluetail {n} (Tarsiger cyanurus) :: sinipyrstö
red-footed falcon {n} (Falco vespertinus) :: punajalkahaukka
red fox {n} (Vulpes vulpes) :: punakettu, kettu
red fox {n} (Celosia argentea) :: kukonharja
red giant {n} (large red star) :: punainen jättiläinen
red grouse {n} (Lagopus lagopus scotica) :: nummiriekko
red guard {n} (member) :: punakaartilainen
red-haired {adj} (having red hair) SEE: redheaded ::
red-handed {adj} (in the act of wrongdoing) :: rysän päältä
redhead {n} /ˈɹɛdˌhɛd/ (red-haired person) :: punapää, punatukka
redhead {n} (Aythya americana) :: amerikanpunasotka
redhead {n} (milkweed Asclepias curassavica) :: punasilkkiyrtti
redhead {n} (Emberiza bruniceps) :: ruskopääsirkku
redhead {n} (Sarcogyps calvus) :: kalmokorppikotka
redhead {n} (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) :: punapäätikka
redheaded {adj} (having red hair) :: punatukkainen
red herring {n} (smoke-cured herring) :: savusilli
red herring {n} (misleading clue) :: harhautus, hämäys
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog ::
red huckleberry {n} (plant) :: punamarjainen pensasmustikka
red imported fire ant {n} (Solenopsis invicta) :: tulimuurahainen
redirect {v} (to give new direction to) :: uudelleenohjata
redirect {v} (instruct to go elsewhere) :: ohjata muualle
redirect {v} (substitute an address or pointer to a new location) :: uudelleenohjata
redirect {n} (substition of an address for another one) :: uudelleenohjaus
redirect {n} (redirection) SEE: redirection ::
redirection {n} /ɹiːdəˈɹɛkʃən/ (setting a new direction) :: suunnanvaihto
redirection {n} (automated process) :: uudelleenohjaus
redistribution {n} /ˌɹiːdɪstɹəˈbjuːʃən/ (act of changing the distribution of resources) :: uudelleenjakaminen
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus) :: isohaarahaukka
red knot {n} (the bird Calidris canutus) :: isosirri
red-legged partridge {n} (red-legged partridge) :: punapyy
red-legged tinamou {n} (Crypturellus erythropus) :: punajalkatinami
red letter day {n} (day of special significance) :: merkkipäivä
red-light district {n} (area of prostitution) :: punaisten lyhtyjen alue
red lynx {n} (bobcat) SEE: bobcat ::
red meat {n} (meat) :: punainen liha
redneck {n} /ˈɹɛdnɛk/ (uneducated, unsophisticated person) :: punaniska, juntti
red-necked grebe {n} (Podiceps grisegena) :: härkälintu
red-necked phalarope {n} (Phalaropus lobatus) :: vesipääsky
red-necked stint {n} (Calidris ruficollis) :: rusokaulasirri
redneckism {n} (the beliefs or behaviours of rednecks) :: junttimaisuus
redness {n} (quality of being red) :: punaisuus
redness {n} (red discoloration) :: punaisuus
rednosed {adj} (having a red nose) :: punanenäinen
redo {v} /ɹiˈdu/ (to do again) :: tehdä uudestaan
red ochre {n} (clay-like material) :: punaokra
redolent {adj} /ˈɹɛd.əl.ənt/ (fragrant or aromatic) :: tuoksuva
redolent {adj} (having a smell) :: tuoksuva, tuoksahtava
redolent {adj} (suggestive or reminiscent) :: muistuttava
redology {n} (study of Dream of the Red Chamber) :: Punaisen huoneen unen tutkimus
red onion {n} (a type of onion with reddish purplish skin) :: punasipuli
redoubt {v} (to dread) SEE: dread ::
redoubt {n} /ɹɪˈdaʊt/ (fortification) :: redutti
redoubtable {adj} (awe-inspiring) :: kunnianarvoisa
redound {v} /ɹɪˈdaʊnd/ (to result in, contribute to) :: kääntyä, muuttua
redound {v} (to come back, accrue upon) :: kääntyä vastaan, iskeä takaisin
redound {v} (to arise or occur in consequence from) :: johtua
red panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens) :: pikkupanda, kultapanda, kissakarhu
red pepper {n} (red colored pepper) :: paprika
red phalarope {n} (Phalaropus fulicarius) :: isovesipääsky
red pine {n} (Pinus resinosa) :: amerikanpunamänty
redpoll {n} (finch) :: urpiainen
red poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy ::
red rag to a bull {n} (something that will enrage another particular person) :: punainen vaate härälle [idiomatic]
red rail {n} (bird of extinct Mauritian species) :: mauritiuksenluhtakana
redraw {v} (to draw again) :: piirtää uudelleen
Red River {prop} (the Red River of Yunnan in southern China and of northern Vietnam) :: Punainenjoki
red river hog {n} (Potamochoerus porcus) :: pensselisika
red-rumped swallow {n} (Cecropis daurica) :: ruostepääsky
red scare {n} (perceived threat from communism and leftist movements) :: kommunismilla pelottelu
red scarf {n} (neckerchief worn by a young pioneer) :: punainen huivi, pioneerihuivi
red scarf {n} (young pioneer) SEE: young pioneer ::
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) :: Punainenmeri
Red Sea Governorate {prop} (governorate of Egypt) :: Punaisenmeren kuvernoraatti
redshank {n} (Old World wading bird) :: viklo
red-shanked douc {n} (colorful Southwest Asian monkey, Pygathrix nemaeus) :: herttua-apina
redshift {n} /ˈɹɛdˌʃɪft/ (change in wavelength) :: punasiirtymä
redskin {n} (an American Indian) :: punanahka
red-spotted purple {n} (white admiral) SEE: white admiral ::
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) :: Punainen tori
red squirrel {n} (Sciurus vulgaris) :: orava
red squirrel {n} (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) :: punaorava
redstart {n} (ground-feeding bird) :: leppälintu
red-tailed hawk {n} (bird of prey) :: amerikanhiirihaukka
red-tailed shrike {n} (Lanius phoenicuroides) :: ruostepäälepinkäinen
red-tailed tropicbird {n} (species of tropicbird) :: valkotropiikkilintu
red tape {n} (excessive bureaucracy) :: paperisota
red tea {n} (black tea) SEE: black tea ::
red tea {n} (beverage made from the rooibos plant) SEE: rooibos ::
red-throated diver {n} (loon) :: kaakkuri
red-throated thrush {n} (Turdus ruficollis) :: punakaularastas
red-throated tit {n} (Melaniparus fringillinus) :: maasaitiainen
red tide {n} (algal bloom) :: punainen vuorovesi
reduce {v} /ɹɪˈduːs/ (to bring down) :: vähentää, supistaa, pienentää, alentaa, laskea
reduce {v} (to lose weight) :: laihtua, keventyä
reduce {v} (to bring to an inferior rank) :: alentaa
reduce {v} (to bring to terms; to humble; to conquer; to subdue; to capture) :: alistaa, kukistaa, nöyryyttää
reduce {v} (to bring to an inferior state or condition) :: huonontaa
reduce {v} (to decrease the liquid in food) :: keittää kokoon
reduce {v} (chemistry: to add electrons to or remove hydrogen) :: pelkistää
reduce {v} (metallurgy: to remove non-metals from metal) :: pelkistää
reduce {v} (math: to simplify a formula) :: sieventää
reduced-fat milk {n} (type of milk) :: kevytmaito
reducer {n} (reducing agent) SEE: reducing agent ::
reducer {n} (something that reduces) :: vähentäjä, heikentäjä
reducer {n} (photography: developing liquid) :: heikenne
reducer {n} (plumbing component) :: supistaja
reducing agent {n} (any substance that reduces, or donates electrons to, another) :: pelkistin
reductant {n} (reducing agent) SEE: reducing agent ::
reductase {n} /ɹɪˈdʌk.teɪz/ (enzyme that chemically reduces its substrate) :: reduktaasi
reduction {n} /ɹɪˈdʌkʃən/ (act, process, or result of reducing) :: vähentäminen
reduction {n} (amount or rate by which something is reduced) :: vähennys, alennus, alentuminen
reduction {n} (chemistry: reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced) :: pelkistys, pelkistyminen
reduction {n} (cooking: process of concentrating a sauce) :: kokoon keittäminen
reduction {n} (math: rewriting an expression) :: sieventäminen, palautus
reductionism {n} (approach of studying complex systems) :: reduktionismi
reductionism {n} ((philosophy) theory holding that complex systems can be reduced to simpler components) :: reduktionismi
reduncine {n} (antelope) :: vesiantilooppi
redundancy {n} /ɹɪˈdʌnd(ə)nsi/ (state of being redundant) :: tarpeettomuus, redundanssi, ylimäärä
redundancy {n} (duplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components) :: päällekkyys, redundanssi
redundancy {n} (duplication of parts of a message to guard against transmission errors) :: redundanssi
redundant {adj} /ɹɪˈdʌn.dənt/ (superfluous) :: liiallinen
redundant {adj} (needlessly wordy) :: llikasanainen
reduplication {n} /ɹɪd(j)uplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of, or an instance of, reduplication ) :: reduplikaatio
reduviid {n} (member of Reduviidae) :: petolude
redux {adj} /ˈɹiːdʌks/ (redone, restored, brought back, or revisited) :: jonkin paluu [the return of sthg]
red valerian {n} (Centranthus ruber) :: punavirma
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) :: punaviini
redwing {n} (Turdus iliacus) :: punakylkirastas
red wolf {n} (Canis rufus) :: punasusi
redwood {n} (the species Sequoia sempervirens) :: punapuu
redye {v} (dye again) :: värjätä uudelleen
reed {n} /ɹiːd/ (grass-like plant) :: kaisla, ruoko
reed {n} (hollow stem) :: ruoko
reed {n} (music: part of mouthpiece) :: ruokokieli, lehdykkä
reed {n} (music: instrument) :: lehdykkäsoitin
reed {n} (material) :: kaisla, ruoko
reed bed {n} (place where reeds grow) :: ruoikko
reed switch {n} (type of electrical switch) :: magneettikytkin
reed warbler {n} (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) :: rytikerttunen
reed warbler {n} (bird of the genus Acrocephalus) :: ruokokerttunen
reedy {adj} /ˈɹiː.di/ (full of reeds) :: kaislikkoinen
reedy {adj} (high and thin) :: kimeä
reef {n} /ɹiːf/ (rocks at or near surface of the water) :: karikko [rocks], särkkä [sand], riutta [coral]
reef {n} (arrangement to reduce the area of a sail) :: reivi
reef {v} (sailing) :: reivata
reef {n} (reef knot) SEE: reef knot ::
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
reefer {n} /ˈɹiːfə/ (someone who reefs) :: reivaaja
reefer {n} (refrigerated trailer or container) :: kylmärekka [trailer]; kylmäkontti [container]
reefer {n} (refrigerator car) :: jäähdytysvaunu
reefer {n} (marijuana cigarette) :: jointti
reefer jacket {n} (type of jacket) SEE: pea coat ::
reef knot {n} (type of knot) :: merimiessolmu, reivisolmu
reek {n} /riːk/ (unpleasant smell) :: löyhkä, lemu
reek {v} (to have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell) :: löyhkätä, lemuta
reel {n} /ɹiːl/ (spool) :: kela
reel {n} (machine for winding yarns) :: rulla
reel {n} (device for a harvesting machine) :: laonnostokela
reel {n} (compilation of film) :: kela
reel {v} (to wind on a reel) :: keriä, kelata, rullata
reel {v} (to spin or revolve repeatedly) :: pyörittää [transitive], pyöriä [intransitive]
reel {v} (to bring or acquire something by spinning or winding something else) :: kelata (auki)
reel {v} (to walk shakily or unsteadily) :: horjua
reel {v} ((reel back) to back off or step away unsteadily and quickly) :: horjahtaa
reel {v} (to make or cause to reel) :: horjuttaa [reel back], pyörittää [spin]
reelect {v} (to elect for a subsequent time) :: valita uudelleen
reelection {n} (the act of being elected after already being elected once) :: uudelleenvalinta
reel mower {n} (lawnmower with a multiblade assembly that rotates about a single horizontal axis) :: kelaruohonleikkuri, kelaleikkuri
reel-to-reel tape recorder {n} (device) :: avokelanauhuri, kelanauhuri
re-encounter {n} (second or subsequent encounter) :: jälleennäkeminen
re-encounter {n} (hostile encounter) :: vihamielinen kohtaaminen
reenter {v} (to enter again) :: palata
reenter {v} ((computing) to enter again) :: syöttää uudelleen
reequip {v} (equip again) :: varustaa uudelleen
re-examine {v} (to examine again) :: tarkastella; tutkia uudelleen
reexport {n} (export of an imported good) :: jälleenvienti
reface {v} (to create a new outer layer) :: pintaremontoida
refactor {v} ((computing) to rewrite existing source code in order to improve its readability, reusability or structure without affecting its meaning or behaviour) :: refaktoroida, muotoilla uudelleen
refactoring {n} (process in which code is refactored) :: refaktorointi, uudelleenmuotoilu
refectory {n} /ɹɪˈfɛkt(ə)ɹi/ (dining-hall) :: ruokala, ruokasali; [monastery] refektorio
refer {v} /ɹɪˈfɝ/ (to direct to a source for help or information) :: ohjata, neuvoa
refer {v} (to submit to an authority figure for consideration) :: ohjata, neuvoa
refer {v} (to direct the attention of) :: ohjata
refer {v} (to allude to (grammar term)) :: viitata
referee {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹiː/ (sport: umpire, judge of a game) :: erotuomari
referee {n} (person who settles a dispute) :: välimies, sovittelija
referee {n} (person who writes a letter of reference) :: suosittelija
referee {n} (expert who judges a manuscript) :: arvioija
referee {v} (to act as a referee) :: tuomita, toimia tuomarina, tuomaroida, sovitella, suositella, arvioida
reference {n} /ˈɹɛf.(ə)ɹəns/ (measurement one can compare to) :: vertausarvo, referenssi
reference {n} (information about a person) :: suositus
reference {n} (academic writing: identification of a source) :: lähdeviittaus, viite, viittaus
reference {n} (academic writing: source) :: lähde
reference {n} (computing: object containing information which refers to data stored elsewhere) :: viite
reference {v} (to refer to) :: viitata
reference {v} (to mention) :: viitata, mainita
reference {v} (to contain the memory address of another value) :: viitata
reference {n} (reference work) SEE: reference work ::
reference book {n} (book providing factual information) :: lähdeteos
reference book {n} (library: book that may not be borrowed) :: käsikirjaston kirja
reference counting {n} (act of making a count) :: viitelaskenta
reference implementation {n} :: mallitoteutus, viitetoteutus
reference library {n} (type of library) :: viitekirjasto
reference work {n} (compendium of information) :: hakuteos
referendum {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹɛndəm/ (direct popular vote) :: kansanäänestys
referendum {n} (action perceived as passing judgment) :: luottamuslauseäänestys
referential {adj} /ɹɛfəˈɹɛnʃəl/ (serving as a reference) :: viitteellinen
referral {n} /ɹɪˈfɝəl/ (act or process of transferring) :: lähete
refill {n} /ˈɹiː.fɪl/ (a filling after the first) :: täyttö, lisätäyttö, santsikuppi, santsikuppi
refill {n} (product containing replacement materials) :: täyttö-, vaihto-
refillable {adj} (capable of being refilled) :: täytettävä, uudelleen täytettävä
refine {v} /ɹɪˈfaɪn/ (to reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy) :: jalostaa, puhdistaa
refine {v} (to purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant, low, and the like; to make elegant or excellent; to polish) :: kehittää, jalostaa
refine {v} (to become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter) :: jalostua
refine {v} (to improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence) :: kehittää, jalostaa
refine {v} (to affect nicety or subtlety in thought or language) :: jalostaa, hioa
refined {adj} /ɹiːfaɪnd/ (freed from vulgarity) :: hienostunut
refined {adj} (cultured, elegant) :: hienostunut
refinement {n} /ɹəˈfaɪnmənt/ (act, or the result of refining; the removal of impurities, or a purified material) :: jalostus, puhdistus, jalostaminen, puhdistaminen
refinement {n} (high-class style; cultivation) :: hienostuneisuus, hienokäytöksisyys, sivistyneisyys
refinery {n} (building used to produce refined products) :: jalostamo
refining {n} (process) SEE: refinement ::
reflation {n} (the act of restoring deflated prices) :: reflaatio
reflect {v} /ɹɪˈflɛkt/ (to bend back from a surface) :: heijastaa
reflect {v} (to be bent back from a surface) :: heijastua, kuvastua
reflect {v} (to mirror, or show the image of something) :: heijastaa, kuvastaa
reflect {v} (to be mirrored) :: heijastua, kuvastua
reflect {v} (to agree with; to closely follow) :: vastata
reflect {v} (to give evidence of someone's or something's character etc.) :: kuvastaa
reflect {v} (to think seriously; to ponder or consider) :: pohtia, pohdiskella, miettiä
reflecting telescope {n} :: peiliteleskooppi
reflection {n} /ɹɪˈflɛkʃən/ (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected) :: heijastuminen, peilaantuminen, peilaus
reflection {n} (property of a propagated wave) :: peilaantuminen
reflection {n} (something that is reflected) :: peilikuva
reflection {n} (careful thought or consideration) :: harkinta
reflection {n} (computing: Process of determining the capabilities of an object at run-time) :: reflektio
reflective {adj} (That reflects, or redirects back to the source) :: heijastava
reflective {adj} (Pondering, especially thinking back on the past) :: mietteliäs
reflector {n} /ɹɪˈflɛktə(ɹ)/ (something that reflects heat, light or sound) :: heijastin
reflector {n} (small reflecting disk on a vehicle) :: heijastin
reflector {n} (reflecting telescope) SEE: reflecting telescope ::
reflector {n} (safety reflector) SEE: safety reflector ::
reflex {n} /ˈɹiːflɛks/ (automatic response) :: refleksi, heijaste
reflexive {adj} /ɹəˈflɛksɪv/ (in grammar) :: refleksiivinen
reflexive {adj} (in mathematics) :: refleksiivinen
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun ::
reflexive {n} (reflexive verb) SEE: reflexive verb ::
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech) :: refleksiivipronomini
reflexive verb {n} (verb with equivalent subject and direct object) :: refleksiiviverbi
reflexology {n} (study of behavior) :: refleksologia
reflexology {n} (form of complementary medicine) :: vyöhyketerapia, refleksologia
reflux {n} /ˈɹiː.flʌks/ (backwards flow of any fluid) :: takaisinvirtaus
reforest {v} (afforest) SEE: afforest ::
reform {n} /ɹɪˈfɔɹm/ (amendment) :: uudistus, reformi
reform {v} (to put into a new and improved form or condition) :: uudistaa
reform {v} (to return to a good state) :: uudistua, parantua
reformation {n} /ˌɹɛfɚˈmeɪʃn̩/ (improvement in the condition of institutions) :: uudistus, reformaatio; uskonpuhdistus [Reformation]
Reformation {prop} (religious movement) :: uskonpuhdistus
reformatory {n} (juvenile institution) SEE: reform school ::
reformer {n} (one who reforms, or who works for reform) :: uudistaja
reformism {n} (Any of several movements that promote reform) :: reformismi, uudistusmielisyys
reform school {n} (institution for juveniles) :: nuorisovankila
refract {v} (to refract) SEE: disperse ::
refract {v} (to change direction) :: taittua
refract {v} (to cause to change direction) :: taittaa
refraction {n} /ɹəˈfɹækʃən/ (bending of any wave) :: taittuminen
refractive index {n} (ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to another medium) :: taitekerroin
refractory {adj} /ɹɪˈfɹæk.təɹ.i/ (obstinate; strongly opposed) :: itsepintainen, itsepäinen, omapäinen
refractory {adj} (not affected by great heat) :: kuumuudenkestävä, tulenkestävä
refractory {adj} (medicine: difficult to heal) :: itsepintainen, refraktorinen, refraktaarinen
refrain {v} /ɹɪˈfɹeɪn/ (to hold back) :: pidätellä, pitää poissa
refrain {v} (to abstain (from)) :: pidättyä [with elative]
refrain {v} (to keep oneself from action) :: pidättäytyä
refrain {n} (burden of song) :: kertosäe
refresh {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɛʃ/ (to renew or revitalize) :: virkistää, piristää, elvyttää
refresh {v} (to become fresh again; to be revitalized) :: virkistyä, piristyä, elpyä
refresh {v} (computing: to reload a document, web page etc.) :: päivittää, ladata uudelleen
refresh {v} (computing: to cause to refresh a display) :: päivittää
refresh {v} (computing: to perform periodic energizing) :: virkistää
refresh {n} (update of a display) :: päivitys
refreshing {adj} /ɹəˈfɹɛʃɪŋ/ (refreshing) :: raikastava
refreshment {n} /ɹɪˈfɹeʃ.mənt/ (The action of refreshing; a means of restoring strength, energy or vigour) :: virkistys, piristys, virkistäminen, piristäminen
refreshment {n} (A light snack or drink) :: virvoke, virvoitusjuoma
refrigerant {n} (substance undergoing phase change) :: kylmäaine
refrigerant {n} (that which makes cool) :: viilentäjä [generally]; kuumelääke [medicine]
refrigerate {v} (freeze) SEE: freeze ::
refrigerate {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɪdʒəɹeɪt/ (keep cool in refrigerator) :: jäähdyttää
refrigerate {v} (cool down) SEE: cool down ::
refrigeration {n} (process of transferring heat from an object in order to cool it) :: jäähdytys, jäähdyttäminen, viilentäminen, kylmentäminen
refrigeration {n} (process of preserving something by cooling) :: kylmäsäilytys
refrigeration {n} (cooling of the body for therapeutic purposes) :: viilentäminen
refrigerator {n} /ɹɪˈfɹɪd͡ʒəˌɹeɪɾɚ/ (appliance) :: jääkaappi
refuge {n} /ˈɹɛfjuːdʒ/ (state of safety, protection or shelter) :: turva, suoja
refuge {n} (place providing safety, protection or shelter) :: turvapaikka, suojapaikka
refuge {n} (something or someone turned to for safety or assistance) :: turva, tuki
refuge {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island ::
refugee {n} /ˈɹɛfjʊdʒiː/ (person seeking political asylum) :: pakolainen
refugee {n} (person seeking economic asylum) :: pakolainen
refugee {n} (person seeking refuge from natural disaster) :: pakolainen
refugee {n} (person granted formal asylum) :: pakolainen
refugee camp {n} (camp built to receive refugees) :: pakolaisleiri
refuge island {n} (raised platform or other protective barrier in the middle of a street) :: liikenteenjakaja
refund {v} /ɹɪˈfʌnd/ (to return (money) to (someone)) :: hyvittää, palautt, maksaa takaisin
refund {n} (amount of money returned) :: hyvitys, takaisinmaksu, palautus, maksupalautus
refurbish {v} /ɹiˈfɝbɪʃ/ (rebuild or replenish) :: kunnostaa, remontoida
refusal {n} /ɹɪˈfjuːzl̩/ (the act of refusing) :: kieltäytyminen, torjuminen
refuse {n} /ˈɹɛfjuːs/ (items or material that have been discarded) :: jäte
refuse {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːz/ ((transitive) decline (request, demand)) :: kieltää
refutability {n} (ability to be refuted) :: kiistettävyys
refutable {adj} (able to be refuted) :: kiistettävä, kiistettävissä oleva
refute {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːt/ (to prove (something) to be false or incorrect) :: osoittaa vääräksi
refute {v} (to deny the truth or correctness of (something)) :: kiistää, kieltää
regain {v} /ɹiːˈɡeɪn/ (to get back, to recover possession of) :: saada takaisin
regal {adj} /ˈɹiːɡəl/ (of or having to do with royalty) :: kuninkaallinen
regal {adj} (befitting a king) :: kuninkaallinen, ruhtinaallinen
regalia {n} /ɹəˈɡeɪl.i.ə/ (royal rights, prerogatives and privileges) :: etuoikeudet {p}, valtaoikeudet {p}
regalia {n} (emblems, symbols or paraphernalia) :: arvonmerkit {p}, regaalit {p}
regalia {n} (decoration or insignia of an office) :: tunnukset {p}
regalia {n} (finery) :: loisto {p}
regard {n} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd/ (concern for another) :: huomiointi
regard {n} (aspect; detail) :: suhde, yksityiskohta, mieli ["siinä mielessä" ]
regard {v} (to hold in esteem) :: arvostaa
regard {v} (to look at; to observe) :: katsoa, katsella
regard {v} (to consider, look upon in a given way) :: pitää jonakin
regard {v} (to take notice of, pay attention to) :: ottaa huomioon, kiinnittää huomiota, huomioida
regard {v} (to face toward) :: olla johonkin päin, olla jonkin puolella
regard {v} (to have to do with) :: koskea
regarding {prep} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdɪŋ/ (concerning) :: suhteen, koskien
regardless {adj} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd.lɪs/ (having no regard) :: piittaamaton, välinpitämätön
regardless {adv} (actioned in a way which shows no consideration) :: siitä huolimatta
regardless {prep} (paying no attention to) :: riippumatta, huolimatta, katsomatta
regardless of {prep} (without attention to) :: välittämättä
regards {n} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdz/ (greeting to pass to another person) :: terveiset {p}
regards {n} (greeting at the end of a letter) :: terveisin {p}
regatta {n} /ɹɪˈɡætə/ (boat race) :: purjehduskilpailu, regatta
regenerate {v} /ɹiːˈdʒɛnəɹeɪt/ (to construct or create anew, especially in an improved manner) :: uudistaa, kierrättää
regenerate {v} (to revitalize, see also: revitalize) :: elvyttää, elävöittää
regenerate {v} (to replace lost or damaged tissue) :: regeneroida
regenerate {v} (to undergo a spiritual rebirth) :: uudistua
Regensburg {prop} (city in Germany) :: Regensburg
regent {n} /ˈɹiːdʒənt/ (one who rules in place of the monarch) :: valtionhoitaja, sijaishallitsija
reggae {n} /ˈɹɛɡeɪ/ (music genre) :: reggae
regicide {n} /ˈɹedʒəsaɪd/ (the killing of a king) :: kuninkaanmurha
regicide {n} (one who kills a king) :: kuninkaansurmaaja
regidor {n} (alderman) SEE: alderman ::
regime {n} /ɹəˈʒiːm/ (mode of rule or management) :: hallintomuoto
regime {n} (form of government) :: hallintojärjestelmä, hallitusmuoto
regime {n} (period of rule) :: hallintokausi, valtakausi
regime {n} (regulated system) :: hallintojärjestelmä, järjestelmä
regime change {n} (overthrow of a government) :: regiimin vaihto
regimen {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪ.mən/ (orderly government; system of order; administration) :: hallintojärjestelmä
regimen {n} (any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation) :: hoito-ohjelma, ohjelma
regiment {n} /ˈɹɛdʒɪmənt/ (army unit) :: rykmentti
Regina {prop} /ɹɪ.ˈdʒaɪ.nə/ (female given name) :: Regina
region {n} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒn̩/ (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) :: alue
region {n} (an administrative subdivision) :: alue
regional {adj} /ˈɹiːdʒənəl/ (pertaining to a specific region) :: alueellinen
regional economics {n} (sub-discipline of economics) :: aluetaloustiede
regionalism {n} (affection) :: nurkkakuntaisuus, regionalismi
regionalize {v} (to divide or organize into regions) :: alueellistaa
regionalize {v} (to administer on regional basis) :: hallita alueellisesti
register {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tə/ (formal recording) :: rekisteri
register {n} (book of such entries) :: rekisteri
register {n} (entry in such a book) :: rekisteröinti
register {n} (act of registering) :: rekisteröinti
register {n} (computing: part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers) :: rekisteri
register {n} (telecommunications: list of received calls) :: loki
register {n} (printing: exact alignment of lines, margins and colors) :: tasapaino
register {n} (music: range of a voice or instrument) :: ääniala, rekisteri
register {n} (linguistics: style of a language used in a particular context) :: rekisteri
register {n} (grille at the outflow of a ventilation duct) :: ritilä
register {v} (to enter in a register) :: merkitä, rekisteröidä
register {v} (to enroll, especially to vote) :: rekisteröidä
register {v} (to record, especially in writing) :: rekisteröidä
register {v} (to express outward signs) :: ilmaista
register {v} (mail: to record officially and handle specially) :: kirjata
register {v} (to place one's name, or have one's name placed in a register) :: rekisteröityä
register {v} (to enroll as a student) :: ilmoittautua
register {v} (to be in proper alignment) :: olla ojennuksessa
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register ::
registered {adj} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tɚd/ (having had one's name added to an official list) :: rekisteröitynyt, rekisteröity
registered {adj} (having a mailed item recorded in a register) :: kirjattu
registered mail {n} (type of mail) :: kirjattu posti
registered trademark {n} (officially registered trademark) :: rekisteröity tavaramerkki
register ton {n} (unit of capacity) :: rekisteritonni
registrar {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪsˌtɹɑɹ/ (official keeper of records) :: rekisteri, rekisteriviranomainen, kirjaamo
registration {n} (the act of signing up or registering for something) :: rekisteröinti
registration {n} (that which registers or makes something official) :: rekisteröinti
registration {n} ((printing) alignment) :: kohdistus
registration {n} (the location where guests register) :: ilmoittautuminen
registree {n} (registered person) :: ilmoittautunut, rekisteröitynyt
registry {n} (building) :: rekisteri
registry {n} (register) :: rekisteri
registry {n} (registration) :: rekisteröinti, rekisteröityminen
registry {n} (database) :: rekisteri
regnal year {n} (year in the reign of a monarch) :: hallitusvuosi
regolith {n} /ˈɹɛɡəlɪθ/ (layer of loose rock that constitutes the surface of most land) :: regoliitti
regosol {n} (soil type) :: peitemaannos
regression {n} /ɹəˈɡɹɛʃən/ (return to a previous state) :: taantuminen, regressio
regression {n} (action of travelling mentally back in time) :: takauma, regressio
regression {n} (psychotherapy: method of healing) :: regressio
regression {n} (statistics: analytic method) :: regressioanalyysi, regressio
regression {n} (statistics: equation) :: regressioyhtälö
regression {n} (medicine: diminishing of a cellular mass) :: regressio
regression to the mean {n} (statistical phenomenon) :: regressio kohti keskiarvoa
regressive assimilation {n} (phonology: sound change process) :: regressiivinen assimilaatio
regret {v} /ɹɪˈɡɹɛt/ (feel sorry about some past thing) :: olla pahoillaan, katua
regret {v} (to feel sorry about anything) :: olla pahoillaan
regret {n} (instance of such an emotion) :: katumus, valittelu, pahoittelu
regretful {adj} (full of regret) :: katuvainen
regretfully {adv} (in a regretful manner) :: valitettavasti
regrettable {adj} (of an event, action, or state, allowing or deserving regret) :: harmillinen
regrettably {adv} (in a manner inspiring or deserving regret) :: valitettavasti
regular {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚ/ (bound by religious rule) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (having a constant pattern) :: säännönmukainen, säännöllinen
regular {adj} (of a polygon: having all sides and corresponding angles equal) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (of a polyhedron: whose faces are all congruent regular polygons) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (demonstrating consistent set of rules) :: säännönmukainen, säännöllinen
regular {adj} (well-behaved, orderly; restrained) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (happening at constant intervals) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (grammar) :: säännöllinen, heikko
regular {adj} (having expected characteristics) :: tavanomainen, normaali
regular {adj} (permanently organised) :: pysyvä
regular {adj} (having bowel movements or menstrual periods in the expected way) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (exemplary; utter, downright) :: tavallinen
regular {adj} (botany, zoology: having all the parts of the same kind alike in size and shape) :: säännöllinen
regular {adj} (snowboarding: riding with the left foot forward) :: tavallinen
regular {adj} (analysis: of a Borel measure, such that every set in its domain is both outer and inner regular) :: säännöllinen
regular {n} (routine visitor) :: vakioasiakas, kanta-asiakas
regular {adj} (crystallography: isometric) SEE: isometric ::
regular coffee {n} (coffee with milk and two sugars) :: kahvi maidolla ja kahdella sokerilla
regular coffee {n} (coffee with cream and sugar) :: kahvi kermalla ja sokerilla
regular coffee {n} (black coffee) :: musta kahvi, kahvi mustana
regular coffee {n} (coffee with caffeine) :: tavallinen kahvi, kahvi
regular coffee {n} (ordinary coffee, as opposed to espresso etc.) :: tavallinen kahvi
regular expression {n} (computing: a concise description of a pattern to be matched) :: säännöllinen lauseke
regularize {v} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚaɪz/ (to make regular) :: säännöllistää
regularly {adv} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚli/ (with constant frequency) :: säännöllisesti
regular polygon {n} (polygon which is both equiangular and equilateral) :: säännöllinen monikulmio
regular script {n} (calligraphic style) :: kaishu
regulate {v} (control) SEE: control ::
regulate {v} /ˈɹɛɡjəleɪt/ (adjust) :: säätää
regulation {n} /ˌɹɛɡjʊˈleɪʃən/ (act or condition) :: sääntely
regulation {n} (law or administrative rule) :: sääntö, ohjesääntö, järjestyssääntö
regulation {n} (EU: self-effecting legislative act) :: asetus
regulator {n} /ɹɛɡ.juː.leɪt.ə/ (device that controls or limits something) :: säädin, regulaattori
regulator {n} (person or group that sets standards of practice) :: valvoja
regulator {n} (a type of gene) :: säätelygeeni
regulatory {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjələtɹi/ (of or pertaining to regulation) :: säätelevä, regulatiivinen, sääntely-
regulatory framework {n} (set of regulations) :: säännösympäristö, sääntely
regurgitate {v} /ɹɪˈɡɝd͡ʒəˌteɪt/ (to throw up) :: oksentaa, antaa ylen
regurgitate {v} (to cough up from gut to feed young chicks) :: oksentaa
regurgitate {v} (to repeat verbatim) :: toistaa sanasta sanaan
rehab {n} /ˈɹiːhæb/ (An act of rehabilitation) :: kuntoutus, kuntouttaminen, vieroitushoito
rehab {n} (An institution for rehabilitation) :: kuntoutusklinikka
rehab {v} (rehabilitate) :: kuntouttaa
rehabilitate {v} /ɹiː(h)əˈbɪlɪteɪt/ (to restore (someone) to their former state, reputation, possessions, status etc.) :: rehabilitoida, palauttaa
rehabilitate {v} (to restore the reputation or image of) :: palauttaa kunnia
rehabilitate {v} (to return to original condition) :: kunnostaa
rehabilitate {v} (to restore or repair) :: kunnostaa
rehabilitate {v} (to restore into society) :: kuntouttaa
rehabilitate {v} (to return to good health after illness) :: kuntouttaa
rehabilitate {v} (to recover) :: kuntoutua, parantua
rehabilitation {n} (process) :: kuntoutus, kuntouttaminen
rehabilitee {n} (one being rehabilitated) :: kuntoutettava
rehearsal {n} /ɹɪˈhɜː(ɹ)səl/ (practicing of performance to test or improve it) :: harjoitus
rehearse {v} /ɹɪˈhɜːs/ (repeat what has already been said) :: toistaa, kerrata
rehearse {v} (practice by repetition or recitation) :: harjoitella
reheat {v} (heat something after it has cooled off) :: lämmittää
reification {n} /ˌɹeɪəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (Consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living) :: konkretisointi
reify {v} /ˈɹiː.ə.faɪ/ (to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing) :: havainnollistaa, tehdä käsinkosketeltavaksi
reign {n} /ɹeɪn/ (The exercise of sovereign power) :: hallituskausi, valta-aika
reign {n} (The period during which a monarch rules) :: hallituskausi, valta-aika
reign {v} (exercise sovereign power) :: hallita
reign of terror {n} (period of brutal intimidation by those in power) :: hirmuvalta
reiki {n} /ˈɹeɪki/ (Japanese form of alternative medicine) :: reiki
reimbursable {adj} (capable of being reimbursed for) :: hyvitettävä, korvattava
reimburse {v} (to compensate with pay or money; especially, to repay money spent on one's behalf) :: hyvittää, korvata
reimbursement {n} /ˌɹiː.ɪmˈbɜːs.mənt/ (compensating someone for an expense.) :: korvaus, takaisinmaksu
rein {n} /ɹeɪn/ (strap or rope) :: ohja, ohjas, suitset
rein {v} (to direct or stop a horse using reins) :: ohjastaa [to direct]; pysäyttää [to stop]
rein {v} (to restrain, control) :: suitsia
reincarnation {n} (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form) :: jälleensyntyminen, reinkarnaatio
reincarnation {n} (idea of such a rebirth) :: sielunvaellusoppi
reincarnation {n} (new, often improved, version) :: uudistuminen, muodonmuutos
reindeer {n} /ˈɹeɪndɪə/ (Rangifer tarandus) :: peura, poro, karibu
reindeer moss {n} (Cladonia rangiferina) :: poronjäkälä
reinforce {v} (to strengthen by addition) :: vahvistaa
reinforce {v} (to emphasize or review) :: vahvistaa
reinforced concrete {n} (building material) :: teräsbetoni
reinforcement {n} (act or state of reinforcing or being reinforced) :: vahvistaminen
reinforcement {n} (thing that reinforces) :: vahvike, lujike
reinforcement {n} (in plural: additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action) :: apuvoimat {p}, vahvistukset {p}
reinforcement {n} (behavioral psychology: process whereby a behavior with desirable consequences comes to be repeated) :: vahvistaminen
rein in {v} (stop or slow a horse) :: pysäyttää, hillitä
rein in {v} (stop or slow something) :: suitsia, hillitä
reinstall {v} (install again) :: asentaa uudelleen
reinstate {v} (To restore to a former position or rank) :: palauttaa virkaan
reinstate {v} (To bring back into use or existence) :: ottaa takaisin käyttöön
reinsurance {n} (insurance purchased by insurance companies) :: jälleenvakuutus
reinterpret {v} (to interpret again) :: uudelleentulkita, tulkita uudelleen
reinterview {v} (to interview again) :: haastatella uudestaan, haastatella uudelleen
reinvent the wheel {v} /ˌɹiːɪnˈvɛnt ðə ˈhwiːl/ (do work unnecessarily) :: keksiä pyörä uudelleen
reinvigorate {v} (to give new energy or strength) :: virkistää
reiterate {v} /ɹiˈɪt.əɹ.eɪt/ (to say or do repeatedly) :: toistaa
reject {v} (to throw away, reject) SEE: discard ::
reject {v} /ɹɪˈdʒɛkt/ (refuse to accept) :: hylätä, torjua
reject {n} (something that is rejected) :: rejekti, hylky
reject {n} (slang: an unpopular person) :: hylkiö
rejoice {v} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɔɪs/ (be happy) :: iloita, riemuita
rejoice {v} (make happy) :: riemastuttaa
rejoiceful {adj} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɔɪs.fəl/ (feeling or showing great rejoice) :: riemuitseva
rejoinder {n} /ɹɪd͡ʒˈɔ͡ɪndɚ/ (reply) :: vastaus
rejuvenate {v} (render young again) :: nuorentaa
rejuvenation {n} (the process of rendering young again) :: nuorentuminen
rekindle {v} (To kindle once again) :: sytyttää uudestaan, saada uudelleen syttymään
relapse {v} /ɹɪˈlæps/ (To fall back again) :: kokea takaisku, langeta (uudestaan)
relapse {v} ((medicine) To recur; to worsen) :: (to recur) uusiutua; (to worsen) paheta, pahentua
relate {v} /ɹɪˈleɪt/ (to give an association) :: tuoda mieleen
relate {v} (to make a connection from something to something else) :: liittää, yhdistää, samaistaa
relate {v} (to have a connection) :: liittyä, yhdistyä, samastua, samaistua
relate {v} (to respond through reaction) :: vastata, reagoida
relate {v} (to identify with, understand) :: ymmärtää, samastua
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate ::
relate {v} (to interact) SEE: interact ::
related {adj} /ɹɪˈleɪtɪd/ (standing in relation or connection) :: liittyvä
related {adj} (being a relative of) :: sukua oleva
relation {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃən/ (way in which two things may be associated) :: suhde
relation {n} (mathematics: set of ordered tuples, a Boolean function of two or more arguments) :: relaatio
relation {n} (set of ordered tuples retrievable by a database) :: relaatio
relation {n} (member of one's family) :: sukulainen, omainen
relation {n} (act of relating a story) :: kertomus
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative ::
relational database {n} (relational database) :: relaatiotietokanta
relational model {n} (database model) :: relaatiomalli
relationship {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/ (connection or association) :: suhde, yhteys
relationship {n} (kinship) :: sukulaisuus, sukulaisuussuhde
relationship {n} (romantic or sexual involvement) :: suhde
relations of production {n} (sum total) :: tuotantosuhteet {p}
relative {adj} /ˈɹɛl.ə.ɾɪv/ (conditional; depending on something else) :: suhteellinen, relatiivinen
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) :: sukulainen
relative atomic mass {n} (ratio) :: suhteellinen atomimassa
relative clause {n} (type of subordinate clause) :: relatiivilause
relative complement {n} (set of elements contained in one set but not another) :: joukkoerotus
relative humidity {n} (amount of water vapor in the air) :: suhteellinen kosteus
relatively {adv} /ˈɹɛl.ə.tʰɪv.li/ (proportionally) :: suhteellisesti, suhteellisen
relatively {adv} (somewhat) SEE: somewhat ::
relatively prime {adj} ((of two or more positive integers) having no factors in common) :: keskenään jaottomia {p}
relatively prime {adj} ((of a positive integer) having no factor in common with...) :: keskenään jaoton ... kanssa
relative pronoun {n} (pronoun that introduces a relative clause) :: relatiivipronomini
relativism {n} (theory that truth and moral values are relative) :: relativismi
relativity {n} /ɹɛləˈtɪvɨti/ (the state of being relative) :: suhteellisuus
relativity {n} (physics principle) :: suhteellisuus
relativize {v} (to make relative to) :: suhteuttaa, suhteellistaa
relax {v} /ɹɪˈlæks/ (to calm down) :: rauhoittaa
relax {v} (to make something loose) :: löysentää, löysätä
relax {v} (to become loose) :: rentoutua, rauhoittua, löystyä
relax {v} (to make something less severe or tense) :: höllentää, löyhentää
relax {v} (to become less severe or tense) :: relata, rentoutua, rauhoittua, löystyä
relax {v} (to make something (such as codes and regulations) more lenient) :: höllentää
relax {v} (to become more lenient) :: höllentyä, hölletä
relax {v} (to relieve (something) from stress) :: rentouttaa
relaxed {adj} /ɹɪˈlækst/ (having an easy-going mood) :: rento
relaxing {adj} (allowing one to relax) :: rentouttava
relay {n} /ˈɹiːleɪ/ (electrical actuator) :: rele
relay {n} (athletics discipline) :: viesti, viestijuoksu
relay {v} (to pass on or transfer (information)) :: välittää, kertoa eteenpäin
relay race {n} (sports contest) :: viestikilpailu, viesti
relay strike {n} (sequential type of strike) :: vuorottelulakko
relearn {v} /ɹiːˈləːn/ :: opetella uudelleen
release {n} /ɹɪˈliːs/ (event of setting free) :: vapautus, vapauttaminen
release {n} (software: distribution of a computer software product) :: julkaisu, julkaiseminen
release {n} (product made recently available) :: uutuus
release {n} (that which is released or let go) :: vapautus
release {n} (biochemistry) :: vapauttaminen
release {v} (to let go (of)) :: irrottaa
release {v} (to make available to the public) :: julkistaa
release {v} (to free or liberate) :: vapauttaa
release {v} (to discharge) :: päästää
relegate {v} /ˈɹɛlɪɡeɪt/ (to exile) :: karkottaa
relegate {v} (to consign) :: alentaa, sijoittaa
relegate {v} (to refer) :: siirtää
relegation {n} (act of being relegated) :: alennus
relent {n} /ɹɪˈlɛnt/ (stop, delay) :: viivästys, pysähdys
relent {v} (become less severe, soften in temper) :: lauhtua, leppyä
relent {v} (slacken, abate) :: laantua
relent {v} (become less rigid, yield) :: pehmetä, taipua
relentless {adj} /ɹɪˈlɛntləs/ (unrelenting or unyielding in severity) :: leppymätön, säälimätön, heltymätön
relentless {adj} (unremitting, steady and persistent) :: periksiantamaton, sinnikäs
relevance {n} (property or state of being relevant, pertinency) :: relevanssi, asiaankuuluvuus
relevancy {n} (relevance) SEE: relevance ::
relevancy {n} /ˈɹɛlɪvənsi/ (the degrees to which a thing is relevant) :: relevanttius, asiaankuuluvuus
relevant {adj} /ˈɹɛləvənt/ (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic) :: oleellinen, relevantti, asiaankuuluva, olennainen
relevantly {adv} (in a relevant manner) :: olennaisesti, oleellisesti, relevantisti
reliability {n} (quality of being reliable) :: luotettavuus
reliable {adj} /ɹɪˈlaɪəbəl/ (fit to be relied on) :: luotettava
reliably {adv} (in a reliable manner) :: luotettavasti
reliance {n} /ɹɪˈlaɪəns/ (The act of relying on someone or something; trust) :: turvautuminen
reliance {n} (The condition of being reliant or dependent) :: riippuvaisuus
reliant {adj} (having reliance on somebody or something) :: riippuvainen
relic {n} /ˈɹɛlɪk/ (that which remains) :: jäännökset {p}
relic {n} (old thing, possibly kept for sentimental reasons) :: muisto, muistoesine
relic {n} (part of a body or an object of religious significance) :: pyhäinjäännös, reliikki
relief {n} /ɹɪˈliːf/ (removal of stress or discomfort) :: helpotus
relief {n} (feeling associated with removal of stress or discomfort) :: helpotus
relief {n} (person who takes over a shift) :: vapauttaja
relief {n} (aid or assistance offered in time of need) :: helpotus, avustus, apu
relief {n} (law: court-ordered compensation, aid, or protection, redress) :: korvaus, hyvitys, helpotus
relief {n} (reduction in tax) :: verohelpotus
relief {n} (type of artwork) :: reliefi, korkokuva, kohokuva
relief {n} (apparent difference in elevation) :: syvyysvaikutelma
relief {n} (difference of elevations on a surface) :: pinnanmuodostus, korkeusero
relief agency {n} (organization) :: avustusjärjestö
relief map {n} (map that shows relief of terrain) :: korkeuskartta
relief pitcher {n} (baseball: replacement pitcher) :: vaihtosyöttäjä
relief printing {n} (printing method) :: kohopaino
relief teacher {n} (supply teacher) SEE: supply teacher ::
relief valve {n} (safety valve that relieves pressure) :: varoventtiili
relieve {v} /ɹɪˈliːv/ (to ease from mental distress) :: vapauttaa, helpottaa
relieve {v} (to give relief from physical pain) :: helpottaa, lievittää
relieve {v} (to alleviate pain, distress, mental discomfort etc.) :: helpottaa, lievittää
relieve {v} (to provide comfort or assistance to someone in need, especially in poverty) :: tukea, avustaa
relieve {v} (to lift up, raise again) :: nostaa pystyyn
relieve {v} (to raise out of danger or from a specified difficulty etc.) :: vapauttaa
relieve {v} (law: to give legal relief) :: vapauttaa
relieve {v} (to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the seige on) :: murtaa saarto
relieve {v} (to release from or of a difficulty, unwanted task, responsibility etc.) :: vapauttaa
relieve {v} (military: to free someone from their post) :: vapauttaa
relieve {v} (to make stand out; to make prominent) :: korostaa
relieve {v} (to defecate or urinate) :: keventää
relieved {adj} /ɹɪˈliːvd/ (alleviated) :: huojentunut
relieve oneself {v} :: käydä tarpeillaan; helpottaa oloaan
religion {n} /ɹɪˈlɪdʒən/ (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) :: uskonto
religionist {n} (religious zealot) :: kiihkouskovainen
religiophobia {n} (Fear of religion or the religious) :: uskontokammo
religious {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈlɪ.d͡ʒəs/ (concerning religion) :: uskonnollinen
religious {adj} (committed to the practice of religion) :: uskonnollinen
religious {adj} (highly dedicated) :: uskollinen, fanaattinen
religious {n} (member of religious order) :: uskova
religious education {n} (teaching of a particular religion) :: uskonnollinen kasvatus
religious education {n} (religious studies) SEE: religious studies ::
religious studies {n} (study of religious beliefs, behaviours and institutions) :: uskontotiede, uskonnontutkimus
relinquish {v} /ɹɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/ (to give up, abandon) :: luovuttaa, luopua
relinquish {v} (to let go, physically release) :: luovuttaa, luopua
reliquary {n} /ˈɹɛlɪkwɛɹi/ (container for religious relics) :: pyhäinjäännöslipas, relikvaario
relish {v} /ˈɹɛ.lɪʃ/ (to taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of) :: herkutella, nautiskella
relish {v} (to take great pleasure in) :: nauttia, nautiskella
relive {v} /ɹiːˈlɪv/ (to come back to life) :: virota
relive {v} (to experience again) :: elää uudelleen, kokea uudelleen, käydä läpi uudelleen
reload {v} (to load (something) again) :: ladata uudelleen
reload {v} (to refresh a copy of a program in memory or of a web page on screen) :: ladata uudelleen
relocate {v} (to move (something) from one place to another) :: siirtää
relocate {v} (to change one's domicile or place of business) :: muuttaa
reluctance {n} /ɹɪˈlʌktəns/ (unwillingness to do something) :: vastahakoisuus, haluttomuus
reluctance {n} (hesitancy in taking some action) :: haluttomuus
reluctance {n} (magnetic resistance) :: reluktanssi
reluctant {adj} /ɹɪˈlʌktənt/ (not wanting to take some action) :: haluton, vastahakoinen
reluctantly {adv} /ɹɪˈlʌktəntli/ (in a reluctant manner) :: vastahakoisesti
rely {v} /ɹɪˈlaɪ/ (rest with confidence) :: luottaa
remain {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪn/ (That which is left; relic; remainder) :: jäänne
remain {n} (State of remaining; stay) :: oleskelu
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw) :: jäädä jäljelle, olla jäljellä
remain {v} (to be left over after a portion is removed) :: jäädä jäljelle, olla jäljellä
remain {v} (to continue unchanged) :: jäädä, pysyä
remain {v} (to continue in a state of being) :: pysyä
remain {n} (That which is left of a being after its life is gone) SEE: remains ::
remainder {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪndə/ (what remains after some has been removed) :: loput, jäännös, jäämä, jäljelle jäänyt, jäänne, jämä [colloquial]
remainder {n} (mathematics: amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor) :: jakojäännös
remainder {n} (mathematics: number left over after a simple subtraction) :: erotus
remainder {n} (items left unsold and subject to reduction in price) :: jäännöserä
remainder {adj} (remaining) :: jäljellä oleva
remaining {adj} /ɹɪˈmeɪnɪŋ/ (which remains) :: jäljelle jäänyt, jäljellä oleva
remains {n} (remains) SEE: wreck ::
remains {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪnz/ (what is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a corpse) :: jäänteet {p}
remains {n} (all that is left of the stock of some things; remnants) :: rippeet {p}, tähteet {p}
remain to be seen {v} (be as yet unknown) :: jäädä nähtäväksi
remake {v} /ɹiːˈmeɪk/ (to make again) :: tehdä uudelleen
remake {n} (new version of something) :: uusi versio, uusintaversio
remake {n} (new version of film) :: uusintaversio, uusi versio, uudelleenfilmatisointi
remap {v} (to assign differently) :: määritellä uudelleen
remap {v} (to map again) :: kartoittaa uudelleen
remark {n} /ɹɪˈmɑɹk/ (act of pointing out; notice or observation) :: huomautus, huomio, havainto
remark {n} (expression of something noticed) :: huomautus
remark {v} (to make a remark or remarks; to comment) :: kommentoida, huomauttaa
remark {v} (to mark in a notable manner; to distinguish clearly) :: osoittaa, huomauttaa
remark {v} (to take notice of, or to observe, mentally) :: huomata, panna merkille
remark {v} (to express in words or writing, as observed or noticed) :: huomauttaa
remarkable {adj} /ɹɪˈmɑɹkəbl̩/ (worthy of being remarked) :: huomattava, merkittävä, huomionarvoinen
remarry {v} /ɹiːˈmæɹi/ (To marry a second or subsequent time) :: mennä uudestaan naimisiin
remaster {v} (to create a new master copy by enhancing sound or picture quality of an older recording) :: remasteroida
rematch {n} /ˈɹiː.mætʃ/ (second contest between the same opponents, a return game) :: uusintaottelu
remediation {n} (action or process to remedy a situation) :: oikaisu, korjaus, parannus
remedy {n} /ˈɹɛmədi/ (something that corrects or counteracts) :: lääke, parannuskeino
remedy {n} (legal means) :: muutoksenhakukeino
remedy {n} (medicine, application, or treatment) :: lääke, parannuskeino, hoito
remedy {v} (To provide or serve as a remedy for) :: parantaa, korjata
remember {v} /ɹɪˈmɛmbɚ/ (to recall from one's memory) :: muistaa
remember {v} (to memorize) :: painaa muistiin
remember {v} ((obsolete) to remind) SEE: remind ::
rememberer {n} (one who remembers) :: muistaja
remembrance {n} /ɹɪ.ˈmɛm.bɹəns/ (act of remembering) :: muisto, muistaminen
remembrance {n} (state of being remembered) :: muisti, muistaminen
remembrance {n} (something remembered) :: muisto, muistikuva
remembrance {n} (that which serves to keep in or bring to mind) :: [memento] muisto, [memorial] muistomerkki, muistiinpano
remembrance {n} (power of remembering) :: muisti
remind {v} /ɹəˈmaɪnd/ (Cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice) :: muistuttaa
reminder {n} (something that reminds) :: muistutus
reminder {n} ((finance) Writing that reminds of open payments) :: muistutus
reminisce {v} /ˌɹɛm.ɨˈnɪs/ (to recall the past in a private moment, often fondly or nostalgically) :: muistella
reminisce {v} (to talk or write about memories of the past, especially pleasant memories) :: muistella
reminiscence {n} (act of remembering) :: muistelu
reminiscence {n} (mental image) :: muistikuva, muistuma, muisto
reminiscent {adj} /ˌɹɛməˈnɪsnt/ (suggestive of an earlier event or times) :: muistuttava, samankaltainen
remission {n} /ɹɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ (pardon of a sin) :: anteeksianto, synninpäästö
remission {n} (lessening of amount due) :: lyhennys, osasuoritus, osamaksu
remission {n} (abatement or lessening of the manifestations of a disease) :: remissio, elpymävaihe, lieveneminen
remission {n} (referral of a case back to another court) :: siirtäminen
remit {v} /ɹiˈmɪt/ (to forgive, pardon) :: antaa anteeksi
remit {v} (to refrain from exacting or enforcing) :: lieventää
remit {v} (to give up, cease doing) :: antaa periksi, lopettaa
remit {v} (to allow to slacken) :: hellittää, höllentää, vähentää
remit {v} (to show a lessening or abatement of a specified quality) :: vähentyä, asettua
remit {v} (to diminish, abate) :: vähentää
remit {v} (to refer for deliberation, judgment, etc.) :: alistaa, siirtää
remit {v} (to send back) :: palauttaa
remit {v} (to give up; to surrender; to resign) :: antaa periksi; antautua; vetäytyä
remit {v} (to restore) :: palauttaa, korvata
remit {v} (to transmit or send) :: lähettää
remit {n} (terms of reference; set of responsibilities) :: vastuualue, toimiala
remit {v} (to postpone) SEE: postpone ::
remittance {n} (A payment to a remote recipient) :: maksuosoitus, rahalähetys, remissi
remix {n} /ˈɹiˌmɪks/ (rearrangement of an older piece of music) :: uudelleenmiksaus, remiksaus, remiksi
remix {n} (piece of music formed by combining existing pieces of music together) :: uudelleenmiksaus, remiksaus, remiksi
remnant {n} /ˈɹɛmnənt/ (small portion remaining of a larger thing or group) :: jäänne, jäännös, jäämä, ripe
remnant {n} (remaining fabric at the end of the bolt) :: jätepala
remnant {n} (unsold end of piece goods) :: jäännöserä
remodel {v} (to change appearance of) :: remontoida, rempata
remorse {n} /ɹɪˈmɔɹs/ (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning) :: katumus, tunnonvaiva
remorseful {adj} /ɹɪˈmɔː(ɹ)sfʊl/ (feeling or filled with remorse) :: katuva, katuvainen
remorseful {adj} (expressing or caused by remorse) :: katuva, katuvainen
remote {adj} /ɹɪˈmoʊt/ (at a distance) :: etäinen, kaukainen, etä-, kauko-
remote {n} (remote control) :: kaukosäädin
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) :: kauko-ohjain, kaukosäädin
remote control {n} (doing something from a distance) :: kauko-ohjaus
remote-controlled {adj} (operated by remote control) :: kauko-ohjattu
remotely {adv} /ɹɪˈmoʊtli/ (at a distance, far away) :: kaukaa, etäältä
remoteness {n} (quality of being remote) :: syrjäisyys
remote sensing {n} (gaining information about an object without coming in direct contact with it) :: etähavainnointi, kaukokartoitus
remote sensing {n} (remote viewing) SEE: remote viewing ::
remote viewing {n} (paranormal ability to gather information from great distances) :: selvänäköisyys
removable {adj} (able to be removed) :: irroitettava
removal {n} /ɹəˈmuːvəl/ (The process of moving, or the fact of being removed) :: poisto, poistaminen
removal {n} (The relocation of a business etc) :: muutto, muuttaminen
removal {n} (The dismissal of someone from office) :: erottaminen
remove {v} (to remove) SEE: delete ::
remove {v} /ɹɪˈmuːv/ (to take away) :: ottaa, poistaa, siirtää
remove {v} (to murder someone) :: tehdä selvää, murhata
remove {v} (to discard, set aside) :: hylätä
remove {v} (to change one's residence) :: muuttaa
REM sleep {n} (stage of sleep during which most brain activity and dreams occur, characterised by rapid eye movement) :: vilkeuni
remuneration {n} /ɹə.mjuː.nə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (something given in exchange for goods or services rendered) :: maksu, vastike, palkkio, korvaus
remuneration {n} (a payment for work done; wages, salary, emolument) :: palkka, palkkio, korvaus
remuneration {n} (a recompense for a loss; compensation) :: korvaus, kompensaatio
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney ::
renaissance {n} (Renaissance) SEE: Renaissance ::
Renaissance {prop} /ˈɹɛnəˌsɑːns/ (14th-century revival) :: renessanssi
Renaissance {prop} (the period) :: renessanssi, renessanssiaika
Renaissance {prop} (any similar revival) :: renessanssi
Renaissance {adj} (relating to the Renaissance) :: renessanssi-, renessanssin
Renaissance {adj} (relating to the style of the Renaissance) :: renessanssityylinen
renal clearance {n} (measure of functioning of kidneys) :: puhdistuma
renal corpuscle {n} (blood-filtering structure) :: munuaiskeränen
renal cortex {n} (outer region of kidney) :: munuaiskuori
rename {v} (to give a new name to) :: nimetä uudelleen, uudelleennimetä
renationalized {adj} (nationalized again) :: uudelleen kansallistettu
rend {v} (to separate into parts with force) :: särkeä, pirstoa; halkaista
rend {v} (to part or tear off forcibly) :: repäistä, riuhtaista, repiä
rend {v} (to be rent or torn) :: revetä, repeytyä, pirstoutua
render {v} /ˈɹɛn.də/ (to cause to become) :: tehdä (jonkinlaiseksi), muuttaa (joksikin)
render {v} (to interpret) :: tulkita
render {v} (to translate) :: kääntää
render {v} (to pass down) :: antaa
render {v} (to make over as a return) :: palauttaa, luovuttaa
render {v} (to give; to give back) :: antaa takaisin
render {v} (to transform digital information in the form received from a repository into a display on a computer screen, or for other presentation to the user) :: hahmontaa, renderöidä, piirtää, kuvantaa
render {v} (cover a wall with a layer of plaster) :: rapata
renderer {n} (computer graphics: a process that generates a visual image) :: renderöijä
rendezvous {n} /ˈɹɑndəˌvu/ (meeting or date) :: tapaaminen
rendezvous {n} (agreement to meet) :: tapaaminen
rendezvous {n} (a place appointed for a meeting) :: tapaamispaikka
rendezvous {v} (meet at an agreed time and place) :: tavata, kohdata
rendition {n} /ɹɛnˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ (interpretation of a musical score) :: esitys, tulkinta
renegade {n} /ˈɹɛnɪˌɡeɪd/ (outlaw or rebel) :: kapinallinen
renege {v} /ɹɪˈn(e)ɪɡ/ (break a promise or commitment) :: rikkoa lupaus, syödä sanansa; pettää
renege {v} (deny, renounce) :: kieltää
renew {v} /ɹɪˈnjuː/ (to make new again) :: uudistaa
renew {v} (to substitute for a new one of the same nature) :: uusia, vaihtaa
renew {v} (to begin again; to recommence) :: toistaa, uusia
renew {v} (to repeat; to go over again) :: toistaa
renew {v} (to make new spiritually; to regenerate) :: uudistaa
renew {v} (to become new, or as new) :: uusiutua, uudistua, elpyä
renew {v} (to extend a period of loan) :: jatkaa
renewable {adj} (Able to be renewed) :: uusintakelpoinen
renewable {adj} (Sustainable) :: uusiutuva
renewable energy {n} :: uusiutuva energia
renewable resource {n} (natural resource) :: uusiutuva luonnonvara
renewal {n} (act of renewing) :: uudistaminen, uusiminen
renewal {n} (offensive action made immediately after a parried one) :: toisto, uusinta
renminbi {n} /ˈɹɛn.mɪn.bi/ (currency in China) :: renminbi
rennase {n} (enzyme) SEE: rennin ::
rennet {n} /ˈɹɛnɪt/ (An enzyme) :: juoksute
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum ::
rennin {n} /ˈɹɛ.nɪn/ (enzyme) :: renniini
renounce {v} /ɹɪˈnaʊns/ (give up) :: luovuttaa, antaa periksi
renounce {v} (decline association with) :: kieltää
renounce {v} (abandon, forsake an action) :: hylätä, luopua
renounce {v} (make renunciation) :: mitätöidä
renounce {v} (surrender a right or trust) :: luopua
renounce {v} (fail to follow suit for not having it) :: sakata
renovate {v} /ˈɹenəveɪt/ (to renew; to revamp) :: peruskorjata, saneerata, remontoida
renovate {v} (to restore to freshness or vigor) :: virkistää
renovation {n} (act or process of renovating) :: saneeraus, peruskorjaus, remontti
renown {n} /ɹɪˈnaʊn/ (Fame or wide recognition) :: maine, kuuluisuus
renowned {adj} /ɹɪˈnaʊnd/ (famous) :: maineikas, kuuluisa, tunnettu, -kuulu
rent {n} /ɹɛnt/ (payment made by a tenant) :: vuokra
rent {n} (payment made for the use of equipment or a service) :: vuokra
rent {v} (to occupy premises in exchange for rent) :: vuokrata, ottaa vuokralle
rent {v} (to grant occupation in return for rent) :: vuokrata
rent {v} (obtain/have temporary possession of an object such as a movie) :: vuokrata
rental {n} /ˈɹɛntəl/ (payment) :: vuokra
rental {n} (business) :: vuokraamo
rental {n} (act) :: vuokraus
rental {adj} (relating to rent) :: vuokra-
rental {adj} (relating to renting) :: vuokra-
rental car {n} (rented car) :: vuokra-auto
rent boy {n} (young male prostitute) :: maksullinen poika
rent control {n} (official regulation of the amount that may be charged for rented property) :: vuokrasäännöstely
rent-controlled {adj} (subject to rent control) :: vuokrasäännelty
rentier {n} /ˈɹɒntɪeɪ/ (individual who receives capital income) :: pääomatulon saaja
rent-seeker {n} (person) :: oman edun tavoittelija
rent-seeking {n} /ɹɛnt siːkɪŋ/ (attempt) :: oman edun tavoittelu, välistäveto, rent seeking
renunciation {n} (the act of rejecting or renouncing something as invalid) :: hylkääminen
renunciation {n} (the resignation of an ecclesiastical office) :: ero, eroaminen
reoffender {n} (repeat offender) SEE: repeat offender ::
reopen {v} ((transitive) to open again) :: avata uudelleen
reorder {v} (order again, give a new order to) :: uudelleenjärjestää
reorganization {n} (act or process) :: uudelleenjärjestely
reorganization {n} (result) :: uudelleenjärjestely
rep {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation ::
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative ::
rep {n} /ɹɛp/ (a type of fabric) :: ripsi
rep {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
repackage {v} (to package again) :: uudelleenpakata, pakata uudelleen
repair {v} /ɹɪˈpɛɚ/ (to restore to good working order) :: korjata, kunnostaa, remontoida
repair {n} (act of repairing something) :: korjaus, korjaaminen
repair {n} (result of repairing something) :: korjaus
repair {n} (act of going to a place) :: käynti, matka
repair {n} (place to which one goes often) :: lempipaikka
repair {v} (to transfer oneself to another place) :: siirtyä
repairer {n} (person who repairs) :: korjaaja
reparation {n} /ˌɹɛpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (payment to undo transgressions) :: korvaus
reparation {n} (renewing or restoring) :: korjaus, korjaaminen
repatriate {v} /ɹiːˈpeɪ.tɹi.eɪt/ (to restore somebody to his or her own country) :: kotiuttaa, palauttaa kotimaahan
repay {v} (pay back) SEE: pay back ::
repayment {n} (act) :: maksaminen, korvaaminen, takaisinmaksu
repayment {n} (that which is repaid) :: maksu, korvaus
repeal {v} /ɹəˈpiːl/ (to cancel) :: kumota
repeat {v} /ɹɪˈpiːt/ (do or say again) :: toistaa
repeatability {n} (property or quality) :: toistettavuus
repeatability {n} (lack of variation) :: toistettavuus
repeatedly {adv} /ɹɪˈpiːtɪdli/ (done several times) :: toistuvasti
repeater {n} (electronics: an electronic device that received a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or power) :: toistin
repeater {n} (a gun that has a store of cartridges and does not need reloading after each shot) :: useastilaukeava ase
repeater {n} (a student repeating a course or class) :: toistaja
repeating {adj} /ɹɪˈpiːtɪŋ/ (repetitive) :: toistuva
repeating {adj} (mathematics) :: toistuva
repeat offender {n} (repeat offender, see also: recidivist) :: uusintarikollinen
repechage {n} /ˌɹɛp.əˈʃɑʒ/ (heat for competitors who have lost in a previous round) :: keräilyerä
repel {v} /ɹɪˈpɛl/ (to turn away) :: torjua
repel {v} (to put off) :: torjua
repel {v} (to ward off) :: torjua, karkottaa
repel {v} (to drive away) :: torjua, karkottaa
repel {v} (physics: to force away) :: hylkiä
repel {v} (to cause repulsion or dislike) :: etoa
repellent {adj} /ɹəˈpɛlənt/ (tending or able to repel) :: vastenmielinen, kuvottava
repellent {adj} (repulsive, inspiring aversion) :: vastenmielinen, kuvottava
repellent {adj} (resistant or impervious to something) :: kestävä, hylkivä, pitävä
repellent {n} (substance used to repel animals) :: hyönteiskarkote, karkote
repent {v} /ɹɪˈpɛnt/ (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do) :: katua
repent {v} (theology: to be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness) :: kääntyä, tehdä parannus
repent {v} (to feel pain on account of, to remember with sorrow) :: surra
repent {v} (to feel sorry for, to regret) :: katua
repent {v} (to cause to have sorrow or regret) :: kaduttaa, surettaa
repentance {n} /ɹɪˈpɛntəns/ (condition of being penitent) :: katumus
repentance {n} (feeling of regret or remorse) :: tunnontuska, tunnonvaiva
repentant {adj} (feeling sorrow for wrongdoing) :: katuva, katuvainen
repercussion {n} /ˌɹi.pɚˈkʌʃ.ən/ (consequence, result of action) :: jälkiseuraus, seuraus
repercussion {n} (music: rapid reiteration of the same sound) :: reperkussio
repertoire {n} /ˈɹɛp.əɹ.twɑɹ/ (list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed) :: repertoaari
repertoire {n} (set of skills possessed by a person; collection of items) :: repertoaari
repetition {n} /ɹɛpəˈtɪʃən/ (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated) :: kertaus, toisto
repetition {n} (act of repeating an exercise motion) :: toisto
repetitious {adj} (characterized by excessive repetition) :: toistuva, toisteinen
repetitive {adj} (happening many times in a similar way) :: toistava, toistuva, itseään toistava
repetitive strain injury {n} (injury to muscles and tendons caused by repetitive use) :: rasitusvamma
rephrase {v} (find a different way to say something) :: muotoilla uudelleen, ilmaista toisin sanoin
replace {v} /ɹɪˈpleɪs/ (to substitute) :: korvata
replacement {n} /ɹɪˈpleɪsmənt/ (a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute) :: [person] sijainen; [of things, never people] korvike, varaosa
replacement {n} (act of replacing) :: vaihtaminen
replenish {v} /ɹɪˈplɛn.ɪʃ/ (to refill) :: täydentää
replete {adj} /ɹɪˈpliːt/ (abounding) :: täynnä
replete {adj} (filled to bursting) :: kylläinen, pullollaan, täynnä
replica {n} /ˈɹɛplɪkə/ (exact copy) :: jäljennös, kopio
replica {n} (smaller-scale model) :: pienoismalli
replicate {v} /ˈɹɛpləˌkeɪt/ (to make a copy of) :: kopioida
reply {v} /ɹɪˈplaɪ/ (to give a written or spoken response) :: vastata
reply {v} (to act or gesture in response) :: vastata
reply {v} (to repeat something back) :: palauttaa
reply {n} (written or spoken response) :: vastaus
reply {n} (something given in reply) :: vastaus
report {v} /ɹɪˈpɔɹt/ (to relate details of) :: selvittää, selostaa, raportoida [formal], kertoa [informal]
report {v} (to repeat, retell, pass on) :: kertoa
report {v} (to notify formally) :: ilmoittaa
report {v} (to be accountable) :: raportoida
report {v} (to write news reports) :: kirjoittaa, raportoida, selostaa
report {v} (military: to appear or present oneself) :: ilmoittautua
report {n} (information describing events) :: selvitys, selostus, raportti
report {n} ((ballistics) the sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion) :: pamaus
reportage {n} /ɹɪˈpɔː(ɹ)tɪdʒ/ (reporting of news, especially by an eyewitness) :: uutisointi, reportaasi
reportage {n} (news or information that has been reported; media coverage) :: uutisointi
report card {n} (grades) :: todistus, (colloquial) tokari
reported speech {n} (a form of speech used to express what another has said) :: epäsuora lainaus
reporter {n} /ɹɪˈpɔɹtɚ/ (journalist) :: toimittaja, reportteri
repose {n} /ɹɪˈpoʊz/ (rest) :: lepo
repose {n} (quietness) :: rauha
repose {n} (period between eruptions of a volcano) :: lepotila
repose in action {n} (willingness to act rather than talk) :: toimintasuuntautuneisuus
repository {n} (a location for storage, often for safety or preservation) :: säilytyspaikka, säilö
repository {n} (storage location for computer files) :: varasto
repository {n} (a burial vault) :: hautaholvi
repository {n} (a person to whom a secret is entrusted) :: luottohenkilö
repossess {v} (To reclaim ownership of property for which payment remains due) :: ulosmitata
repost {n} (the act of posting again, the material thus posted) :: uudelleenpostaus, uusintajulkaisu
reprehensible {adj} (blameworthy) :: moitittava, tuomittava
represent {v} /ɹɛp.ɹɪ.ˈzɛnt/ (to portray by pictorial or plastic art) :: kuvata
represent {v} (to portray by mimicry or action of any kind) :: kuvata
represent {v} (to stand in the place of, act on behalf of) :: edustaa
represent {v} (to serve as a sign or symbol of) :: edustaa
representation {n} /ˌɹɛp.ɹə.zɛn.ˈteɪ.ʃən/ (that which represents something else) :: esitys, representaatio
representation {n} (people who speak on behalf of another in court) :: edustaja [individual]; edustus [collective]
representation {n} (politics: ability to elect a representative) :: edustus, edustusoikeus
representation {n} (mathematics: object that describes an abstract group in terms of linear transformations of vector spaces) :: kuvaus
representation {n} (figure, image or idea that substitutes reality) :: mielikuva
representation {n} (theatrical performance) :: esitys
representationalism {n} (the belief that the conscious perception of the world is actually an internal replica of the world of the mind of the beholder) :: representationalismi
representationalism {n} (realistic representation of the world) :: representationalismi
representations {n} /ˌɹɛp.ɹə.zɛn.ˈteɪ.ʃənz/ (formal statements) :: huomautukset {p}, valitukset {p}
representative {adj} /ˌɹɛpɹɪˈzɛnt(ət)ɪv/ (typical) :: edustava
representative {n} (one who speaks for another) :: edustaja
representative {n} (representative of a constituency) :: edustaja
representative {n} (one that is taken as typical of its class) :: edustaja
representative {n} (member of the House of Representatives) :: edustaja
representative {n} (company agent) :: edustaja
representative democracy {n} (representative democracy) :: edustuksellinen demokratia
representative government {n} (type of government) :: edustuksellinen demokratia
repress {v} /ɹəˈpɹɛs/ (forcefully prevent an upheaval from developing) :: tukahduttaa
repress {v} (to keep back) :: pidättää [+ partitive]
repression {n} (act of repressing) :: tukahdutus, tukahduttaminen, pidättäminen, alustus, sorto
repression {n} (involuntary rejection from consciousness) :: torjunta, repressio
repressive {adj} (serving to repress or suppress; oppressive) :: sortava, sorto-, repressiivinen
reprimand {n} /ˈɹɛpɹɪmɑːnd/ (a severe, formal or official reproof) :: nuhtelu, ojennus
reprimand {v} (to reprove in a formal or official way) :: nuhdella, ojentaa
reprint {n} /ˈɹiːpɹɪnt/ (printed matter that has been published before but is now being released again) :: uusintapainos
reprisal {n} /ɹɪˈpɹaɪzəl/ (retaliation) :: kosto, kostoisku
reprise {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
reprise {n} /ɹɪˈpɹiːz/ ((music) A repetition of a phrase, or a return to an earlier theme) :: toisto
reprise {v} (To repeat or resume an action) :: toistaa, uusia
reproach {n} /ɹɪˈpɹoʊtʃ/ (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism) :: moite
reproach {n} (disgrace or shame) :: häpeä
reproach {v} (to criticize or rebuke someone) :: moittia
reproach {v} (to disgrace, or bring shame upon someone) :: tuottaa häpeää, saattaa häpeään
reproachful {adj} (with reproach) :: moittiva
reproachful {adj} (deserving reproach) :: moitittava
reprobate {adj} /ˈɹɛpɹəbət/ (rejected) :: hylätty
reprobate {adj} (rejected by God) :: hylätty, tuomittu
reprobate {adj} (immoral) :: moraaliton
reprobate {n} (sinful person) :: syntinen
reprobate {n} (individual with low morals) :: heittiö, hulttio
reprobate {v} /ˈɹɛpɹəbeɪt/ (condemn) :: tuomita
reprobate {v} (abandon) :: hylätä
reprobate {v} (refuse) :: kieltää, sivuuttaa
reproduce {v} /ˌɹi.pɹoʊˈdus/ (to produce an image or copy of something) :: toisintaa
reproduce {v} (to generate offspring) :: lisääntyä, jatkaa sukua
reproducibility {n} (quality of being reproducible) :: toistettavuus
reproducibility {n} (closeness of agreement) :: toistettavuus
reproducible {adj} (capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people) :: toistettavissa
reproduction {n} (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically, see also: procreation) :: lisääntyminen, suvun jatkaminen
reproduction {n} (a duplicate) :: kopio, kaksoiskappale
reproductive {adj} (of or relating to reproduction) :: lisääntymis-
reproductive organ {n} (organ used in sexual reproduction) SEE: sex organ ::
reproductive organ {n} (organ for sexual reproduction) :: lisääntymiselin, sukuelin
reprography {n} (the reproduction, reprinting and copying of graphics) :: reprokuvaus
reproof {n} (act or instance of reproving; a rebuke) :: moite
reprove {v} /ɹɪˈpɹuːv/ (to convey one's disapproval of (something)) :: moittia, paheksua
reprove {v} (to rebuke) :: torua, nuhdella
reptile {n} /ˈɹɛp.taɪl/ (a cold-blooded vertebrate) :: matelija
reptilianness {n} /ɹɛpˈtɪli.ənnɪs/ (embodiment of reptile characteristics) :: matelijamaisuus, matelijuus
republic {n} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (a type of state) :: tasavalta
republic {n} (one of the kinds of parts constituting Russia) :: tasavalta
republican {adj} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪkən/ (favoring a republic as form of government, favoring republicanism) :: tasavaltalainen
republican {adj} (of or belonging to a republic) :: tasavaltalainen
republican {n} (someone who favors a republic) :: tasavaltalainen
Republican {adj} (republican) SEE: republican ::
Republican {adj} (pertaining to the Republican Party) :: republikaaninen
Republican {n} (supporter of the Republican Party of the U.S.) :: republikaani
Republican {n} (proponent of united Ireland) :: tasavaltalainen
Republican {n} (supporter of left wing in the Spanish civil war) :: tasavaltalainen
republicanism {n} (republicanism as a form of government) :: tasavaltalaisuus, tasavaltaisuus, republikanismi
Republic of Abkhazia {prop} (official name of Abkhazia) :: Abhasian tasavalta
Republic of Albania {prop} (Official name of Albania) :: Albanian tasavalta
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia) :: Armenian tasavalta
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria) :: Itävallan tasavalta
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan) :: Azerbaidžanin tasavalta
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus) :: Valko-Venäjän tasavalta
Republic of Botswana {prop} (official name of Botswana) :: Botswanan tasavalta
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria) :: Bulgarian tasavalta
Republic of China {prop} (state in East Asia) :: Kiinan kansantasavalta, Taiwan
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia) :: Kroatian tasavalta
Republic of Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (official name of Côte d'Ivoire) :: Norsunluurannikon tasavalta, Côte d’Ivoiren tasavalta
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus) :: Kyproksen tasavalta
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia) :: Viron Tasavalta
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) :: Suomen tasavalta
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary) :: Unkarin tasavalta
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland) :: Islannin tasavalta
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) :: Intian tasavalta
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia) :: Indonesian tasavalta
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq) :: Irakin tasavalta
Republic of Ireland {prop} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk əv ˈaɪə(ɹ)lənd/ (country) :: Irlannin tasavalta
Republic of Karelia {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Karjalan tasavalta
Republic of Korea {prop} (country) :: Korean tasavalta
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia) :: Latvian tasavalta
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania) :: Liettuan tasavalta
Republic of Macedonia {prop} (Republic of Macedonia, see also: Macedonia) :: Makedonian tasavalta
Republic of Madagascar {prop} (official name of Madagascar) :: Madagaskarin tasavalta
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta) :: Maltan tasavalta
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) :: Pohjois-Makedonian tasavalta
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) :: Puolan tasavalta
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia) :: Serbian tasavalta
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore) :: Singaporen tasavalta
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia) :: Slovenian tasavalta
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) :: Etelä-Afrikan tasavalta
Republic of Tajikistan {prop} (official name of Tajikistan) :: Tadžikistanin tasavalta
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) :: Kongon tasavalta
Republic of The Gambia {prop} (official name of Gambia) :: Gambian tasavalta
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Filippiinien tasavalta
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) :: Turkin tasavalta
Republic of Uzbekistan {prop} (official name of Uzbekistan) :: Uzbekistanin tasavalta
repudiate {v} /ɹɪˈpjuː.di.eɪt/ (to reject the truth of, deny) :: kieltää, sanoutua irti
repudiate {v} (to refuse to have anything to do with) :: kieltäytyä olemasta missään tekemisissä, sanoutua irti
repudiate {v} (to refuse to pay a debt) :: kieltäytyä maksamasta
repudiation {n} (refusing) :: torjuminen, kieltäminen
repugnant {adj} /ɹɪˈpʌɡnənt/ (offensive or repulsive; arousing disgust or aversion) :: vastenmielinen, iljettävä, inhottava
repulse {v} /ɹɪˈpʌls/ (to repel or drive back) :: torjua [to repel], karkottaa [to drive back]
repulse {v} (to reject or rebuff) :: torjua
repulse {v} (to cause revulsion) :: inhottaa
repulsive {adj} (tending to rouse aversion or to repulse) :: kuvottava
repulsive {adj} (physics: having the capacity to repel) :: hylkivä
repurchase {v} (to buy back) :: ostaa takaisin
repurchase {n} (act of repurchasing) :: takaisinosto [same object]; jälleenhankinta [similar object]
repurpose {v} /ɹiˈpɝpəs/ (reuse without alteration) :: kierrättää, ottaa parempaan käyttöön
repurpose {v} (alter) :: muuntaa, muuttaa
reputation {n} /ˌɹɛpjʊˈteɪʃən/ (what somebody is known for) :: maine
request {v} /ɹɪˈkwɛst/ (to express the need or desire for) :: pyytää, anoa
request {v} (to ask somebody to do something) :: pyytää, anoa
request {n} (act of requesting) :: pyyntö
request {n} (formal message requesting something) :: pyyntö
requiem {n} /ˈɹɛ.kwi.əm/ (mass to honor and remember a dead person) :: sielunmessu
requiem {n} (musical composition composed for such a mass) :: requiem
requiem {n} (piece of music composed to honor a dead person) :: requiem
requiem shark {n} (member of the Carcharhinidae) :: tiikerihai
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask ::
require {v} /ɹɪˈkwaɪə/ (to demand, call for authoritatively) :: vaatia, perätä
require {v} (to need) :: vaatia, edellyttää
require {v} (to demand of (someone)) :: vaatia, edellyttää
requirement {n} /ɹɪˈkwaɪɹmənt/ (necessity) :: vaatimus
requisition {n} (A formal request for something) :: anomus
requisition {v} (to demand something) :: tilaus
reredos {n} (screen or decoration behind the altar in a church) SEE: retable ::
rerun {n} /ɹiˈɹʌn/ (television program shown after its initial presentation) :: uusinta
resale {n} (the action of selling something previously bought) :: jälleenmyynti
reschedule {v} (to schedule again) :: lykätä, siirtää
rescind {v} /ɹɪˈsɪnd/ (repeal, annul, or declare void) :: kumota, peruuttaa, mitätöidä
rescue {v} /ˈɹɛs.kjuː/ (to save from any danger or violence) :: pelastaa
rescue {v} (to free, liberate from physical restraint) :: vapauttaa
rescue {v} (to remove from exposure to evil/sin) :: pelastaa
rescue {n} (act of rescuing, saving) :: pelastus, pelastaminen
rescue {n} (special airliner flight) :: pelastuslento
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation ::
rescue {n} (rescuee) SEE: rescuee ::
rescuee {n} (someone rescued) :: pelastettu
research {n} /ˈɹi.sɚtʃ/ (inquiry or examination) :: tutkimus
research {n} (piece of research) :: tutkimus, selvitys
research {v} (to examine with continued care) :: tutkia, selvittää
research {v} (to make an investigation into) :: tutkia, selvittää
researcher {n} (one who researches) :: tutkija
reseda {n} (Reseda odorata) SEE: mignonette ::
reseda {n} /ɹɪˈsiːdə/ (plant of the genus Reseda) :: reseda
reseller {n} (company or individual) :: jälleenmyyjä
resemblance {n} /ɹəˈzɛmbləns/ (state of resembling) :: samankaltaisuus, yhdennäköisyys, yhtäläisyys, samanlaisuus
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare ::
resemble {v} /ɹɪˈzɛmb(ə)l/ (to be like or similar to something else) :: muistuttaa
resend {v} (send again) :: uudelleenlähettää, lähettää uudelleen
resend {v} (send back) :: lähettää takaisin
resend {v} (forward something received (especially a message)) :: edelleenlähettää, lähettää edelleen
resent {v} /ɹiˈzɛnt/ (to feel resentment) :: pahastua
resent {v} (to express displeasure or indignation at) :: paheksua
resentful {adj} /ɹɪˈzɛntfəl/ (inclined to resent) :: herkästi pahastuva, herkkähipiäinen
resentful {adj} (full of resentment) :: kaunainen, katkera, närkästynyt, pahoillaan, harmistunut [from strongest to weakest]
resentment {n} /ɹɪˈzɛntmənt/ (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.) :: närkästys, mielipaha
reservation {n} /ˌɹɛzɚˈveɪʃən/ (act of withholding) :: varaaminen
reservation {n} (something withheld) :: pidätys, pidättäminen
reservation {n} (limiting qualification) :: varaus
reservation {n} (tract of land) :: reservaatti
reservation {n} (arrangement by which something is secured in advance) :: varaus
reservation {n} (area that separates opposing traffic lanes) :: keskikaista
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold ::
reserve {n} /ɹɪˈzɝv/ (the act of reserving or keeping back; reservation) :: varaus
reserve {n} (that which is reserved or kept back, as for future use) :: varanto, reservi, varmuusvarasto
reserve {n} (known unexploited natural resource) :: varanto
reserve {n} (restraint of freedom in words or actions) :: varautuneisuus
reserve {n} (tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose) :: -alue
reserve {n} (tract of land reserved for Aboriginal people) :: reservaatti
reserve {n} (military: body of troops in the rear of an army) :: reservi
reserve {n} (finance: funds kept on hand) :: varanto, vararahasto
reserve {n} (sports: reserve player) :: vaihtopelaaja
reserve {v} (to keep back; to retain) :: varata, pidättää
reserve {v} (to keep in store for future or special use) :: varata, varastoida, säästää, panna talteen
reserve {v} (to book in advance) :: varata
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank ::
reserved {adj} /ɹɪˈzɝvd/ (slow to reveal emotion or opinions) :: pidättyväinen, varautunut
reserved {adj} (set aside for a particular person or purpose) :: varattu
reserved word {n} (a word in a programming language that has a fixed meaning) :: varattu sana
reserve price {n} (lowest acceptable price) :: pohjahinta
reservist {n} (a soldier who is assigned as reserved; after training, no longer in full active duty) :: reserviläinen
reservoir {n} /ˈɹɛz.ə(ɹ).vwɑɹ/ (place where anything is kept in store) :: varasto
reservoir {n} (large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply) :: järvi [natural]; tekojärvi, tekoallas, patoallas [artificial]; allas [either]
reset {v} /ɹiːˈsɛt/ (to set back to the initial state) :: palauttaa alkutilaan, resetoida
reset {v} (to set to zero) :: nollata
reset {v} (to adjust again after an initial failure) :: säätää asetusarvoja
reset {n} /ˈɹiː.sɛt/ (an act of resetting to the initial state) :: oletusarvojen palautus
reset {n} (setting to zero) :: nollaus
resettle {v} (to settle in a different place) :: muuttaa, siirtyä
resettle {v} (to force someone to settle in a different place) :: siirtää
resettlement {n} (the transportation of a group of people to a new settlement) :: uudelleenasutus, väestönsiirto
resh {n} /ɹɛʃ/ (Semitic letter) :: reš
reside {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪd/ (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) :: asustaa
residence {n} /ˈɹɛz.ɪ.dəns/ (place where one lives) :: kotipaikka, asuinpaikka
residence {n} (place where a corporation is established) :: kotipaikka
residence {n} (building used as a home) :: koti, kotitalo, asunto, asuinrakennus
residence {n} (student accommodation) :: residenssi
residence permit {n} (right to legally reside in a country) :: oleskelulupa
resident {n} /ˈɹɛzɪd(ə)nt/ (person living at a location or an area) :: asukas
resident {n} (physician receiving specialized medical training) :: erikoistuva lääkäri
residential {adj} (of or pertaining to a place of personal residence) :: asuin-, asumis-, asunto-
residual {adj} /ɹɪˈzɪdʒʊəl/ (concerning a residue) :: jäännös-, jälki-
residual {n} (a remainder left over at the end of some process) :: jäännös
residual {n} (payments made to performers, writers and directors when a recorded broadcast is repeated) :: uusintapalkkio
residual stress {n} (stress that remains in a solid material after the original cause of the stress has been removed) :: jäännösjännitys
residual sum of squares {n} (residual sum of squares) :: jäännösneliösumma
residue {n} /ˈɹɛzɪduː/ (whatever remains) :: jäännös, tähde, ylijäämä, jäämä
residue {n} ((chemistry) substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration) :: jäännös, jäte, jäämä
residue {n} ((law) property or effects remaining in an estate after deduction of debts, charges and bequests) :: kuolinpesän jakamaton nettovarallisuus
residue {n} ((mathematics) form of complex number) :: residy
resign {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪn/ (to give something up or relinquish) :: luovuttaa
resign {v} (quit a job or position) :: erota
resign {v} (to give up) :: luovuttaa
resignation {n} /ɹɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ (act of resigning) :: irtisanoutuminen, ero
resignation {n} (declaration that one resigns) :: eroanomus
resignation {n} (state of uncomplaining acceptance) :: alistuminen
resile {v} /ɹəˈzaɪl/ (to start back; recoil) :: vetäytyä
resile {v} (to spring back; rebound) :: palautua
resilience {n} /ɹə.zɪl.ɪ.əns/ (mental ability) :: toipumiskyky, lannistumattomuus
resilience {n} (physical property of material) :: palautuvuus, kimmoisuus, elastisuus
resilience {n} (ability of a system or company to recover) :: toipumiskyky
resilient {adj} (able to withstand force without cracking; elastic) :: joustava [flexible], sitkeä [tough], tukeva [strong]
resin {n} /ˈɹɛzɪn/ (secretion of plants) :: pihka
resin {n} (viscous liquid of plant origin) :: hartsi
resin {n} (similar synthetic compound) :: hartsi, tekohartsi
resinaceous {adj} (resinous) SEE: resinous ::
resinous {adj} (of or pertaining to resin) :: pihkainen
resist {v} /ɹɪˈzɪst/ (to attempt to counter actions or effects of) :: vastustaa
resist {v} (to withstand actions or effects of) :: kestää, vastustaa
resist {v} (to oppose) :: vastustaa
resist {v} (to be distasteful to) :: etoa
resistance {n} /ɹɪˈzɪstəns/ (act of resisting) :: vastarinta, vastustuskyky
resistance {n} (force that tends to oppose motion) :: vastus
resistance {n} (shortened form of electrical resistance) :: resistanssi, vastus
resistance {n} (underground organization struggling for liberation) :: vastarintaliike
resistance band {n} :: vastusnauha
resistivity {n} (capacity of resistance to electricity) :: ominaisvastus, resistiivisyys
resistor {n} /ɹɪˈzɪstɚ/ (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) :: vastus, resistori
resit {v} (to take an examination second time) :: uusia
resit {n} (examination) :: uusinta
resize {v} (alter the size of something) :: muuttaa kokoa
res judicata {n} (rule) :: oikeusvoimavaikutus
resolute {adj} /ˈɹɛ.zəˌl(j)uːt/ (firm, unyielding, determined) :: päättäväinen, luja, peräänantamaton
resoluteness {n} (state or characteristic of being resolute) :: päättäväisyys
resolution {n} /ˌɹɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (strong will) :: päättäväisyys
resolution {n} (state of being resolute) :: päättäväisyys, lujuus
resolution {n} (statement of intent) :: päätös, lupaus
resolution {n} (act of discerning detail) :: erottelukyky
resolution {n} (computing, photography: degree of fineness of image) :: erottelukyky, resoluutio, tarkkuus
resolution {n} (computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed) :: resoluutio
resolution {n} (computing: process of determining the meaning of a symbol or address) :: tunnistaminen
resolution {n} (math: act or process of solving) :: ratkaisu
resolution {n} (formal statement adopted by an assembly) :: päätöslauselma, resoluutio, kannanotto
resolution {n} (science: separation of the constituent parts) :: erottelu
resolution {n} (science: the degree of fineness of such a separation) :: erottelukyky
resolution {n} (music: progression from dissonance to consonance) :: purkaminen
resolution {n} (moment when the outcome of action is clear) :: ratkaisu
resolve {v} /ɹɪˈzɑlv/ (to find a solution to) :: ratkaista
resolve {v} (to reduce to simple or intelligible notions; to make clear or certain) :: ratkaista, selvittää, selittää
resolve {v} (to make a firm decision) :: päättää
resolve {v} (to come to an agreement) :: ratkaista
resolve {v} (to break down into constituent parts) :: hajottaa
resolve {v} (to cause to perceive or understand, to convince; to assure; to make certain) :: ratkaista; vakuuttaa [to convince], varmistaa (make certain)
resolve {v} (to cause a chord to go from dissonance to consonance) :: purkaa
resolve {v} (to find IP address or entity) :: selvittää IP-osoite
resolve {v} (to melt; to dissolve; to liquefy or soften) :: sulattaa
resolve {v} (to melt; to dissolve; to become liquid) :: sulaa
resolve {v} (to liquefy a gas or vapour) :: nesteyttää
resolve {v} (medicine: to disperse or scatter) :: levitä
resolve {v} (to relax; to lay at ease) :: rentoutua, ottaa rennosti
resolve {n} (will power) :: tahdonvoima
resolve {v} /ɹiˈsɑlv/ (to solve again) :: ratkaista uudelleen
resonance {n} /ˈɹɛzənəns/ (condition of being resonant) :: resonanssi, myötävärähtely
resonance {n} (resonant sound) :: resonanssi
resonate {v} /ˈɹɛz.əˌneɪt/ (to vibrate or sound, especially in response to another vibration) :: värähdellä, värähdellä mukana, resonoida
resonate {v} (to have an effect or impact; to influence; to engender support) :: vaikuttaa, saada vastakaikua , saada kannatusta
resonator {n} (object or system that resonates) :: resonaattori
resonator {n} (hollow cavity) :: resonaattori
resonator {n} (electronic circuit) :: värähtelypiiri
resonator {n} (musical instrument) :: resonaattorikitara
resort {n} /ɹɨˈzɔ(ɹ)t/ (a relaxing environment for people on vacation) :: lomakohde
resort {n} (something or someone turned to for safety) :: turva
resort {v} (to have recourse out of necessity or frustration) :: turvautua
resort {v} (to fall back) :: palautua
resort {v} (to make one's way) :: päästä
resort {v} /ˌɹiːˈsɔ(ɹ)t/ (to repeat a sorting process) :: uudelleenjärjestää, järjestää uudelleen
resounding {adj} /ɹɪˈzaʊn.dɪŋ/ (having a deep, reverberating sound) :: kaikuva, kajahtava
resoundingly {adv} /ɹɪˈzaʊndɪŋli/ (with a loud sound) :: kaikuvasti, kajahtavasti
resoundingly {adv} (emphatically) :: raikuvasti
resource {n} /ˈɹisɔɹs/ (something that one uses to achieve an objective) :: voimavara, resurssi
resource {n} (personal capacity) :: voimavara
resourceful {adj} (capable or clever; able to put available resources to efficient or ingenious use) :: neuvokas, kekseliäs
respect {n} /ɹɪˈspɛkt/ (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) :: kunnioitus
respect {n} (polite greetings) :: kunnioitus
respect {n} (particular aspect of something) :: suhde
respect {v} (to have respect for) :: kunnioittaa
respect {v} (to have regard for the rights of others) :: kunnioittaa
respect {v} (to abide by an agreement) :: kunnioittaa
respectability {n} (quality of being respectable) :: kunnioitettavuus
respectable {adj} /ɹi.ˈspɛk.tə.bl̩/ (deserving respect) :: kunnioitettava
respectable {adj} (decent; satisfactory) :: kelvollinen, kunnollinen
respected {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪd/ (deserving of respect) :: kunnioitettava, arvostettu
respectful {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəl/ (characterized by respect) :: kunnioittava
respectively {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪvli/ (in a relative manner) :: vastaavasti
respiration {n} /ɹɛspɪˈɹeɪʃən/ (breathing) :: hengitys
respiration {n} (process of biological energy extraction) :: soluhengitys
respirator {n} (device to allow breathing) :: hengityssuojain, hengityslaite
respiratory {adj} /ˈɹɛspəɹəˌtɔɹi/ (relating to respiration; breathing) :: hengitys-
respiratory distress {n} (heightened level of carbon dioxide in the blood stream) :: hypoksia
respiratory system {n} (system of organs) :: hengityselimistö, hengityselimet {p}
respiratory tract {n} (air passages of the body) :: hengitystiet {p}
respite {n} /ˈɹɛspɪt/ (brief interval of rest or relief) :: lepotauko
respite care {n} (provision of short-term relief to a person who provides regular care to an individual) :: sijaishoito
resplendent {adj} /ɹɪˈsplɛn.dənt/ (shiny and colourful, and thus pleasing to the eye) :: loistava
responaut {n} (patient who depends on respirator) :: hengityskonepotilas
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return ::
respond {v} /ɹəˈspɒnd/ (to say something in return) :: vastata
respond {v} (to act in return) :: vastata
respond {v} (to correspond) :: vastata
respondeat superior {n} (legal doctrine) :: työnantajan vastuu
respondent {n} (defendant) :: vastaaja
respondent {n} (person replying to a questionnaire) :: vastaaja
response {n} /ɹɪˈspɒns/ (an answer or reply) :: vastaus
response {n} (the act of responding or replying) :: vastaus, vastaaminen
response {n} (a reaction to a stimulus or provocation) :: reaktio, vastaus
response time {n} (time between request and human response) :: vastausaika
response time {n} (time between step change and instrument display update) :: vasteaika
response time {n} (time between request and computer service response) :: vasteaika
responsibility {n} /ɹɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪɾi/ (the state of being responsible) :: vastuu
responsibility {n} (a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is responsible) :: velvollisuus
responsible {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsəbl̩/ (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences) :: vastuussa
responsible {adj} (involving a degree of personal accountability) :: vastuullinen
responsible {adj} (being a primary cause or agent of some event or action) :: vastuussa
responsive {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsɪv/ (answering, replying or responding) :: reagoiva
responsive {adj} (able to receive and respond to external stimuli) :: reagoiva
responsive {adj} (susceptible to the feelings of others) :: herkkä
ressentiment {n} (obsolete: resentment) SEE: resentment ::
ressentiment {n} /ɹɛˌsɒ̃tiˈmɒ̃/ (resentment arising from envy and hatred) :: kauna
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) :: lepo
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation) :: tauko, paussi, lepotauko
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility) :: rauha, tyyneys, rauhallisuus
rest {n} (repose afforded by death) :: lepo
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) :: tauko
rest {n} (symbol indicating a pause in music) :: taukomerkki
rest {n} (physics: absence of motion) :: lepo, lepotila
rest {n} (stick used to support the cue in snooker) :: tuki
rest {n} (object designed to be used to support something else) :: tuki, noja, kannatin, teline, sija, paikka
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) :: levätä, levähtää, huilata, huilia
rest {v} (put into state of rest) :: lepuuttaa
rest {v} (stop working, become inactive) :: levätä
rest {v} (stay, remain, be situated) :: jäädä
rest {v} (transitive: lean or lay (something)) :: nojata, tukea, asettaa nojalleen
rest {v} (intransitive: lie or lean or be supported) :: levätä
rest {v} (US legal) :: vetäytyä
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (remainder) :: loput {p}
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain ::
rest area {n} (rest area along a road) :: levähdysalue
restart {n} /ˈɹiːˌstɑɹt/ (act of restarting) :: uudelleenkäynnistys
restart {v} (To start again) :: aloittaa uudelleen
restart {v} (In computing, to reboot) :: käynnistää uudelleen
rest assured {v} (be sure) :: olla varma
restate {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase ::
restaurant {n} /ˈɹɛs.t(ə)ˌɹɑnt/ (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) :: ravintola
restaurateur {n} /ˌɹɛst(ə)ɹəˈtəː/ (owner of a restaurant) :: ravintoloitsija
rest day {n} (day spent resting) :: lepopäivä
restharrow {n} /ˈɹɛsthaɹəʊ/ (any of various species of small shrubs making up the genius Ononis) :: orakko [Ononis]; rento-orakko [Ononis repens]
resting bitch face {n} (unpleasant look) :: nyrpeä naama
resting place {n} (place where one rests or may rest) :: lepopaikka, leposija
resting place {n} (place where one is buried) :: leposija
resting-place {n} (place where one can rest) SEE: resting place ::
rest in peace {v} (blessing or expression of hope) :: levätä rauhassa
rest in peace {v} (have passed away) :: levätä rauhassa
restitute {v} (To refund) :: korvata
restitution {n} /ˌɹɛstɪˈtuʃən/ (legal: process of compensation for losses) :: korvaaminen
restitution {n} (act of making good or compensating for loss or injury) :: korvaaminen
restitution {n} (return or restoration to a previous condition or position) :: palautuminen, palauttaminen, korjaaminen
restless {adj} /ˈɹɛstlɪs/ (not allowing or affording rest) :: levoton, uneton
restless {adj} (unable to be still or quiet) :: levoton
restless {adj} (not satisfied to be at rest or peace) :: levoton
restless {adj} (deprived of rest or sleep) :: levoton
restlessness {n} (state or condition of being restless) :: rauhattomuus, levottomuus
rest mass {n} (mass of a body when it is not moving) :: lepomassa
rest on one's laurels {v} (rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further) :: levätä laakereillaan
restoration {n} /ɹɛstəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the process of bringing an object back to its original state) :: restaurointi, palauttaminen
restoration {n} (the return of a former monarchy or monarch to power) :: palauttaminen valtaan, valtaanpaluu
restore {v} /ɹɪˈstɔɹ/ (To reestablish, or bring back into existence) :: palauttaa
restore {v} (To bring back to a previous condition or state) :: restauroida, palauttaa, peruskorjata
restore {v} (To give back, or make restitution) :: palauttaa
restrain {v} /ɹɪˈstɹeɪn/ (to control or keep in check) :: hillitä, hallita
restrain {v} (to deprive of liberty) :: kukistaa
restrain {v} (to restrict or limit) :: pidättää, rajoittaa
restrained {adj} (held back, limited, kept in check or under control) :: hillitty
restraining order {n} (An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions) :: lähestymiskielto
restraint {n} /ɹɪˈstɹeɪnt/ (something that restrains, ties, fastens or secures) :: side, pidäke
restraint {n} (control or caution; reserve) :: itsehillintä, maltti, pidättyväisyys, harkinta
restrict {v} /ɹɪˈstɹɪkt/ (to restrain within bounds) :: rajoittaa, pysyä jossakin
restricted {adj} /ɹɪˈstɹɪktɪd/ (limited within bounds) :: rajoitettu, rajattu
restricted {adj} (one of the classifications of the secrecy of an official document) :: salainen
restriction {n} /ɹɪˈstɹɪkʃən/ (act or state) :: rajoittaminen
restriction {n} (regulation or limitation) :: rajoitus, rajoite
restrictive {adj} (confining; limiting) :: rajoittava
restroom {n} (public room containing a toilet) :: WC, [colloquial] vessa
restructuration {n} (restructuring) SEE: restructuring ::
restructuring {n} (alteration of structure) :: rakennemuutos
result {v} /ɹɪˈzʌlt/ (to proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence) :: seurata, olla tuloksena
result {v} (to come out) :: seurata, olla tuloksena
result {n} (that which results) :: tulos
result {n} (fruit, beneficial or tangible effect) :: tulos, vaikutus
result {n} (decision or determination) :: tulos, päätös
result {n} (sports: final score in a game) :: tulos
result {n} (positive or favourable outcome) :: tulos
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae ::
resume {v} /ɹɪˈzjuːm/ (start something again that has been stopped or paused) :: jatkaa, aloittaa uudelleen
resurface {v} (to come once again to the surface) :: nousta pintaan
resurface {v} (to surface once again) :: päälystää uudelleen, pinnoittaa uudelleen
resurgence {n} (An instance of something resurging) :: uusi nousu, elpyminen, uusi tuleminen
resurrect {v} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkt/ (to raise from dead) :: nousta (ylös) kuolleista
resurrection {n} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkʃən/ (the act of arising from the dead) :: ylösnousemus
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus) :: ylösnousemus
resuscitate {v} /ɹɪˈsʌsɪˌteɪt/ (restore consciousness) :: elvyttää
resuscitate {v} (regain consciousness) :: virota, palata tajuihinsa, tulla tajuihinsa
resuscitation {n} (the act of resuscitating) :: elvytys
ret {v} /ɹɛt/ (to soak linen, hemp etc.) :: liottaa
retable {n} (table or shelf behind an altar) :: alttarikaappi
retail {n} /ˈɹiˌteɪl/ (sale of goods directly to the consumer) :: vähittäismyynti, vähittäiskauppa
retail {n} (retail price) :: vähittäismyyntihinta, vähittäishinta
retail {adv} (in retail quantities) :: vähittäin
retail {v} (to sell at retail, or in small quantities directly to customers) :: harjoittaa vähittäiskauppaa
retail {v} (to repeat or circulate (news or rumours) to others.) :: levittää [to many, to anyone who listens], kertoa [to chosen few]
retailer {n} (retail sales company or salesman) :: jälleenmyyjä
retain {v} /ɹɪˈteɪn/ (to keep in possession or use) :: pitää, säilyttää
retain {v} (to keep in one's pay or service) :: pitää palveluksessaan
retain {v} (to hold secure) :: pitää (kiinni)
retain {v} (to hold back a student) :: jättää luokalle
retainer {n} /ɹɪˈteɪn.ə/ (any thing or person that retains) :: pidike, pidäke
retainer {n} (paid servant) :: palvelija
retainer {n} (fee) :: ennakkopalkkio, ennakkomaksu
retainer {n} (dentistry: device) :: hammastuki
retaining wall {n} (structure) :: tukimuuri
retake {n} (an instance of resitting an examination) SEE: resit ::
retaliate {v} (do something harmful to get revenge) :: kostaa, vastata samalla mitalla
retaliation {n} /ɹɪˌtæliˈeɪʃən/ (act of responding violently to an act of harm or perceived injustice) :: kosto, kostoisku
retaliatory {adj} /ɹɪˈtælɪət(ə)ɹɪ/ (relating to or part of a retaliation) :: vasta-, kosto-, hyvitys-
retard {n} /ɹɪˈtɑː(ɹ)d/ (retardation; delay) :: viive, hidaste
retard {n} (a person with mental retardation) :: henkisesti jälkeenjäänyt, jälkeenjäänyt
retard {n} (a stupid person, or one who is slow to learn) :: idiootti, vähä-älyinen, kehari
retard {v} (keep delaying; impede; etc) :: hidastaa, viivyttää, jarruttaa
retard {v} (put off; postpone) :: siirtää tuonnemmaksi, lykätä
retarded {adj} /ɹiˈtɑɹdɪd/ (delayed in development) :: viivästynyt
retarded {adj} (having mental retardation) :: kehitysvammainen, jälkeenjäänyt
retarget {v} (to change targeting) :: kohdistaa uudelleen
retch {v} /ɹɛtʃ/ (to make an effort to vomit) :: kakoa
retell {v} /ɹiˈtɛl/ (to tell again) :: kertoa, kertoa omin sanoin
retention {n} (the act of retaining or something retained) :: säilyttäminen
retention {n} (the act or power of remembering things; memory) :: muistaminen
reterritorialization {n} /ˌɹiːtɛɹɪˌtɔːɹiəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (restructuring) :: reterritorialisaatio
reticent {adj} /ˈɹɛtɪsənt/ (reserved) :: vaitelias, vähäpuheinen
reticle {n} /ˈɹɛtɪkəl/ (a gridwork or lattice of lines set into the eyepiece of optical instruments) :: ristikko
reticular formation {n} (part of brain) :: aivoverkosto
reticulate {adj} (network-like) :: verkkomainen
reticule {n} /ˈɹɛtɪkjuːl/ (bag made of net-like material) :: verkkokassi
reticule {n} (reticle) SEE: reticle ::
reticulocyte {n} (immature red blood cell, having a reticular network of RNA) :: retikulosyytti
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant) :: verkkomaha
Reticulum {prop} (small constellation of the southern summer sky) :: Verkko
retina {n} /ˈɹɛt.ɨ.nə/ (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) :: verkkokalvo, retina
retinoic acid {n} (derivative of vitamin A) :: retinoiinihappo
retinol {n} (the vitamin) :: retinoli
retinue {n} /ˈɹɛtɪn(j)uː/ (group of servants) :: seurue
retinue {n} (comitatus) :: seurue
retinue {n} (service relationship) :: palvelussuhde
retire {v} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (to stop working on a permanent basis) :: jäädä eläkkeelle
retire {v} (to go back or return) :: vetäytyä
retire {v} (to retreat from action or danger) :: vetäytyä
retired {adj} /ɹɪˈtʌɪəd/ (far from civilization, secluded) :: syrjäinen
retired {adj} (having left employment) :: eläkkeellä oleva; eläkeläinen [retired person]
retiree {n} /ɹəˈtaɪ.ə(ɹ)ˌiː/ (someone who has retired from active working) :: eläkeläinen
retirement {n} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ).mənt/ (act of retiring, or the state of being retired) :: eläköityminen, eläkkeelle siirtyminen [act]; eläkepäivät {p}, eläkeläisyys [state]
retirement {n} (place of seclusion or privacy) :: piilopaikka, piilopirtti
retirement community {n} (retirement village) SEE: retirement village ::
retirement home {n} (multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly) :: vanhainkoti
retirement village {n} (residential complex designed for senior citizens) :: eläkeläisten kylä
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return ::
retort {n} /ɹɪˈtɔɹt/ (sharp or witty reply) :: sivallus
retort {v} (To say something sharp or witty in answer to a remark or accusation) :: sivaltaa
retort {n} (flask used for distillation) :: retortti
retract {v} /ɹəˈtɹækt/ (to pull back inside) :: vetää sisään
retract {v} (to take back or withdraw something one has said) :: vetää pois
retractable {adj} /ɹiˈtɹæktɪbəl/ (capable of being retracted) :: sisäänvedettävä
retractile {adj} (that can be retracted) :: sisäänvedettävä
retranslation {n} (translation again or anew) :: uudelleenkääntäminen
retreat {n} /ɹəˈtɹiːt/ (act of pulling back or withdrawing) :: perääntyminen
retreat {n} (quiet place affording privacy) :: turvapaikka, piilopaikka
retreat {n} (period of meditation, prayer, or study) :: vetäytyminen
retreat {v} (to withdraw military forces) :: perääntyä, vetäytyä
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
retreat {v} (retreat) SEE: withdraw ::
retreat {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
retrenchment {n} /ɹɪˈtɹɛn(t)ʃm(ə)nt/ (reduction or curtailment) :: leikkaus
retribution {n} /ˌɹɛtɹɪˈbjuʃən/ (punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance) :: rangaistus
retrieval {n} (act of retrieving) :: nouto, haku
retrieve {v} /ɹɪˈtɹiv/ (to regain or get back something) :: hankkia takaisin, saada takaisin
retrieve {v} (to rescue) :: pelastaa
retrieve {v} (to salvage something) :: pelastaa
retrieve {v} (to remedy or rectify something) :: korjata, pelastaa
retrieve {v} (to remember or recall something) :: muistaa, palauttaa mieleensä
retrieve {v} (to fetch or carry back something) :: noutaa
retrieve {v} (to fetch and bring in game) :: noutaa
retrieve {v} (to fetch and bring in game systematically) :: noutaa
retrieve {v} (to fetch or carry back systematically, notably as a game) :: noutaa
retrieve {v} (to make a difficult ball return) :: pelastaa
retrieve {v} (to remedy the evil consequence of, to repair a loss or damage) :: korjata, pelastaa
retrieve {n} (return of a difficult ball) :: palautus, pelastus
retrieve {n} (retrieval) SEE: retrieval ::
retriever {n} /ɹiˈtɹivəɹ/ (a type of dog) :: noutaja
retro {adj} /ˈɹɛ.tɹoʊ/ (of, or relating to the past, past times, or the way things were) :: retro-, vanhanaikainen
retro {n} (retrorocket) SEE: retrorocket ::
retroactively {adv} /ˌɹɛtɹoʊˈæktɪvli/ (done after the fact) :: takautuvasti
retrocardiac {adj} (located behind the heart) :: sydämentakainen
retrocomputing {n} :: retrotietokoneiden käyttö
retroflex {adj} /ˈɹɛt.ɹəʊ.flɛks/ (bent backwards) :: taaksepäin taipunut
retroflex {adj} (of any of the retroflex pronunciations) :: retrofleksinen
retroflex {n} (any of the retroflex consonants) :: retrofleksi
retrognathism {n} (quality) :: retrognatia
retrograde {adj} /ˈɹɛtɹəˌɡɹeɪd/ (Directed backwards...) :: retrogradinen
retrograde {adj} ((astronomy) In the opposite direction to the orbited body's spin) :: retrogradinen
retrograde {v} (to move backwards, recede, retire, decline, revert) :: vetäytyä
retrograde amnesia {n} (loss of memories from the period leading up to the amnesic episode) :: retrogradinen muistinmenetys
retrogression {n} (decline) :: taantuminen
retrolental {adj} (situated behind the lens) :: mykiöntakainen
retromingency {n} /ˌɹɛtɹəˈmɪnd͡ʒənsi/ (characteristic of urinating backwards) :: taaksepäin virtsaaminen
retromingent {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly ::
retromingent {n} /ɹɛtɹə(ʊ)ˈmɪndʒənt/ (animal that urinates backwards) :: taaksepäin virtsaava eläin
retromingent {adj} (that urinates backwards) :: taaksepäin virtsaava
retronym {n} (A new coinage for an old concept) :: retronyymi
retroperitoneal {adj} (located behind the peritoneum) :: retroperitoneaalinen, vatsakalvontakainen
retropharyngeal {adj} (located behind pharynx) :: nieluntakainen
retroreflector {n} (retroreflective device or surface) :: takaisinheijastin
retrorocket {n} (rocket engine on a larger rocket or spacecraft designed to slow or reverse its motion) :: jarruraketti
retrospect {n} /ˈɹɛtɹoˌspɛkt/ (consideration of past times) :: jälkikäteistarkastelu, katsaus menneeseen
retrosternal {adj} (located behind the sternum) :: rintalastantakainen
retrovirus {n} (virus with a genome consisting of RNA) :: retrovirus
retsina {n} /ɹɛtˈsiːnə/ (Greek wine) :: retsina
retted {adj} (softened by soaking or moistening) :: liotettu [soaked], kostutettu [moistened]
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer ::
return {v} /ɹɪˈtɜːn/ (to come or go back) :: palata
return {v} (to go back in thought, narration, or argument) :: palata
return {v} (to turn back, retreat) :: palata
return {v} (to turn (something) round) :: kääntää ympäri
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner) :: palauttaa
return {v} (to give in requital or recompense; to requite) :: maksaa samalla mitalla
return {v} (tennis: to bat the ball back over the net in response to a serve) :: palauttaa
return {v} (card games: to play a card as a result of another player's lead) :: vastata
return {v} (cricket: to throw a ball back to the wicket-keeper) :: palauttaa
return {v} (to say in reply; to respond) :: vastata
return {v} (computing: to relinquish control to the calling procedure) :: palata
return {v} (computing: to pass back (data) to the calling procedure) :: palauttaa
return {v} (to retort; to throw back) :: vastata
return {v} (to report, or bring back and make known) :: ilmoittaa
return {n} (act of returning) :: paluu
return {n} (return ticket) :: menopaluulippu, edestakainen matkalippu
return {n} (item that is returned) :: palautus, asiakaspalautus
return {n} (formal report, set of tabulated statistics prepared for general information) :: tulos, tulokset {p}, raportti
return {n} (finance: gain or loss from an investment) :: tulos
return {n} (finance: tax return) :: veroilmoitus
return {n} (computing: carriage return character) :: rivinsiirto
return {n} (computing: act of relinquishing control to the calling procedure) :: paluu, palautus
return {n} (computing: return value) :: palautustieto
return {n} (short perpendicular extension of a desk) :: sivupöytä
return {v} (to take something back to a retailer for a refund) SEE: take back ::
return {v} (to put something back where it had been) SEE: put back ::
return gift {n} :: vastalahja
return on investment {n} (benefit gained by an investor from an investment) :: sijoitetun pääoman tuotto
return pass {n} (soccer: a pass back) :: palautussyöttö
return ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again) :: menopaluulippu
return to form {n} (return to a former state of success) :: paluu
return to form {v} (go back to a better state) :: palata
retype {v} (to re-enter text using a keyboard) :: kirjoittaa uudelleen
Reuben {prop} (first son of Jacob) :: Ruuben
Reuleaux triangle {n} (figure consisting of three circular arcs) :: Reuleaux'n kolmio
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) :: jälleenyhdistyminen
reunion {n} (the process or act) :: uudelleen yhdistyminen; jälleennäkeminen
reunion {n} (planned event) :: jälleennäkeminen
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification ::
reunite {v} (to unite again) :: yhdistyä uudelleen
reusable {adj} (able to be used again) :: uudelleenkäytettävä
reuse {n} /ɹiːˈjuːs/ (act of salvaging or restoring a discarded item to yield something usable) :: uusiokäyttö, kierrätys, kierrättäminen
reuse {v} (to use again) :: käyttää uudelleen, kierrättää
Reuven {prop} (given name) SEE: Reuben ::
rev {v} /ɹɛv/ (to increase the speed of a motor) :: revittää, lisätä kierroksia
revamp {v} /ɹiˈvæmp/ (to renovate, revise, improve or renew; to patch) :: parannella, rukata
revanchism {n} /ɹəˈvɑn(t)ʃɪz(ə)m/ (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory) :: revansismi, kostopolitiikka
revanchist {n} (avenger) SEE: avenger ::
revanchist {n} /ɹəˈvɑn(t)ʃɪst/ (revanchist, vengeful person) :: revansisti
revanchist {adj} (advocating a policy of revanche) :: revansistinen
rev counter {n} (rev counter) SEE: tachometer ::
reveal {v} /ɹəˈviːl/ (to uncover) :: paljastaa
revealing {adj} /ɹəˈviːlɪŋ/ (of clothing) :: paljastava
reveille {n} /ˈɹɛ.və.li/ (the sounding of a bugle or drum early in the morning to awaken soldiers) :: herätys, aamusoitto
revel {n} /ˈɹɛv.əl/ (An instance of merry-making; a celebration) :: juhlinta, rellestys
revel {v} (make merry) :: juhlia, rellestää
revelation {n} /ɹɛvəˈleɪʃən/ (the act of revealing or disclosing) :: paljastus
revelation {n} (something dramatically disclosed) :: paljastus
revelation {n} (manifestation of divine truth) :: ilmestys
Revelation {prop} (book of Bible) :: Johanneksen ilmestys, ilmestyskirja
reveller {n} (one who attends revels) :: juhlija
revelry {n} /ˈɹɛvəlɹi/ (joyful merry-making) :: juhlinta, rellestys
revenge {n} /ɹɪˈvɛndʒ/ (retaliatory action) :: kosto
revenge {v} (to take revenge for an action) :: kostaa
revenge is a dish best served cold {proverb} (revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed) :: kosto on parhaimmillaan kylmänä
revenge is sweet {phrase} (said when one is satisfied after taking revenge on oneself) :: kosto on suloinen
revenge porn {n} (explicit media distributed as revenge) :: kostoporno
revengism {n} (tendency to carry out revenge) :: kostonhaluisuus
revenue {n} /ˈɹɛvənjuː/ (income from an investment) :: tuotto
revenue {n} (total income from a given source) :: tulo
revenue {n} (all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.) :: verokertymä, kokonaistulot {p}
revenue {n} (turnover, total sales) :: tulot, liikevaihto, myyntitulo
revenue {n} (net sales) SEE: net sales ::
revenue stamp {n} (stamp to affix as proof that tax due) :: leimamerkki
reverb {n} /ˈɹiˌvɚb/ (electronic effect) :: kaikuefekti
reverberation {n} /ɹiˈvɜː(ɹ)bəɹeɪʃən/ (violent oscillation or vibration) :: värinä
reverberation {n} (echo, or a series of overlapping echos) :: kaiku [echo]; jälkikaiunta, jälkikaiku, kaje [series]
reverberation {n} (reflection of light or heat) :: heijastus
reverberation {n} (evolving series of effects) :: jälkikaiut {p}
reverberatory furnace {n} (form of forge in which the material is melted by radiant heat and convection of hot gasses) :: lieskauuni
revere {v} /ɹə.viːɹ/ (to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion) :: kunnioittaa, kunnioittaa syvästi, arvostaa, arvostaa suuresti, ihailla
revere {v} (to venerate someone or something as an idol) :: ihannoida
reverence {n} /ˈɹɛv.ə.ɹəns/ (veneration; profound awe and respect) :: kunnioitus; jumalanpelko [fear of God]
reverence {n} (act of showing respect) :: kunnioituksen osoitus
reverence {n} (state of being revered) :: kunnioitettavuus
reverence {n} (form of address) :: pyhyys, ylhäisyys
reverence {v} (to show reverence) :: kunnioittaa, osoittaa kunnioitusta
reverend {n} /ˈɹɛvɹənd/ (member of the Christian clergy) :: pappi
Reverend {n} (minister) SEE: reverend ::
reverie {n} /ˈɹɛvəɹi/ (state of dreaming while awake) :: haaveilu, unelmointi
reverie {n} (conceit of imagination) :: päiväuni
revers {n} (lapel, reversed) :: käänne, revääri
reverse {adj} /ɹɪˈvɜːs/ (having the order of its constituents moved backwards) :: käänteinen, päinvastainen
reverse {adj} (causing movement in the opposite direction) :: peruutus-
reverse {n} (opposite of something) :: vastakohta, käänteinen
reverse {n} (reversal) :: kääntyminen, käännös
reverse {n} (setback, misfortune) :: takaisku
reverse {n} (side of a medal, badge, or coin opposite the obverse) :: kääntöpuoli, klaava
reverse {n} (side of something facing away; opposite of front) :: toinen puoli, kääntöpuoli
reverse {n} (gear) :: peruutusvaihde
reverse {v} (to turn something around) :: kääntää ympäri, kääntää
reverse {v} (to turn something inside out or upside down) :: kääntää
reverse {v} (to transpose the positions of two things) :: vaihtaa (+ genitive plural +) paikkaa
reverse {v} (to revoke a law) :: kumota
reverse {v} (to cause a mechanism or vehicle to operate or move in the opposite directions) :: ajaa takaperin
reverse {v} (chemistry: to change the direction of a reaction) :: kääntää
reverse discrimination {n} (advantaging minority groups who have traditionally been discriminated) :: käänteinen syrjintä, positiivinen syrjintä
reverse dowry {n} (bride price) SEE: bride price ::
reverse-engineer {v} (duplicate design) :: takaisinmallintaa, reversata [slang]
reverse-engineer {n} (one who reverse-engineers) :: takaisinmallintaja, reversaaja [slang]
reverse engineering {n} (analyzing the construction and operation of a product in order to manufacture a similar one) :: takaisinmallinnus
reverse engineering {n} (analysis of computer system) :: takaisinmallinnus, reversaus [slang]
reverse-engineering {v} (act of reverse-engineering) :: takaisinmallinnus
reverse mortgage {n} (agreement) :: käänteinen asuntolaina
reverse osmosis {n} (technique) :: käänteisosmoosi
reverse psychology {n} :: käänteispsykologia
reverse transcription {n} (process) :: käänteistranskriptio, käänteiskopiointi
reversible {adj} (able to be reversed) :: kääntyvä, käännettävä
revert {n} /ɹɨˈvɝt/ (one who reverts) :: kääntyjä, palaaja [concrete], käännynnäinen [religious, ideological]
revert {n} (Islamic usage: convert to Islam) :: palaaja
revert {v} (to turn back, or to the contrary; to reverse) :: palata, peruuttaa, kääntyä takaisin
revert {v} (to throw back; to reflect; to reverberate) :: palauttaa
revert {v} (to cause to return to a former condition) :: palauttaa
revert {v} (to return; to come back) :: perääntyä, palata
revert {v} (to return to the possession of) :: palata, palautua
revert {v} (to cause to return to the previous owner) :: palata, palautua
revert {v} (to return to a former practice, condition, belief, etc.) :: palata
revert {v} (biology: to return to an earlier or primitive type or state) :: taantua, palata
revert {v} (to change back, as from a soluble to an insoluble state or the reverse) :: palautua
revert {v} (to return to a previous subject of discourse or thought) :: palata
revert {v} (Muslim usage: to convert to Islam) :: palata
revert {v} (to reply) :: palata [usually with asiaan]
review {n} /ɹɪˈvjuː/ (second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact) :: kertaus
review {n} (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work) :: arvostelu
review {n} (judicial reassessment of a case or an event) :: tarkastelu
review {n} (stage show made up of sketches) :: revyy
review {n} (survey of the available items or material) :: katsaus
review {n} (periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field) :: katsaus
review {n} (military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs) :: tarkastus
review {n} (forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code) :: tarkastus, tutkinta
review {v} (to look broadly over) :: käydä läpi, tarkastella
review {v} (to write a review) :: kirjoittaa arvostelu, arvostella
review {v} (to look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.) :: arvioida, kerrata
reviewer {n} (critic) :: arvostelija, kriitikko
revise {v} /ɹɪˈvaɪ̯z/ (to review, alter and amend, especially of written material) :: tarkistaa [review], arvioida (uudelleen), muuttaa [alter], korjata [amend]
revise {v} (to look over again) :: kerrata, kertailla [in an indifferent manner]
revise {n} (review or a revision) :: arviointi
Revised Romanization of Korean {prop} (Romanization standard for Korean) :: korean uudistettu latinisaatio
reviser {n} (person who verifies quality of translation) :: tarkastaja
revision {n} /riˈvɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (act of revising) :: tarkastus, tarkistus
revisionism {n} /ɹɪˈvɪʒəˌnɪzəm/ (advocacy of a revision of some view) :: revisionismi, uudistusmielisyys
revisionism {n} (form of Marxism) :: revisionismi
revisionist {adj} /ɹɪˈvɪʒənɪst/ (of or pertaining to revisionism) :: revisionistinen
revisionist {n} (proponent of revisionism) :: revisionisti
revitalise {v} (to give new life, energy, activity or success) :: elvyttää
revitalise {v} (to rouse from a state of inactivity or quiescence) :: elvyttää
revive {v} /ɹɪˈvaɪv/ (to recover from a state of neglect) :: elpyä
revive {v} (to return to life, to recover life or strength) :: elpyä
revive {v} (to bring again to life) :: elvyttää
revoke {v} (to cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing) :: peruuttaa
revoke {v} (cardgames: to fail to follow suit when one should) :: pelata väärin
revoke {n} (the act of revoking in a game of cards) :: väärinpeluu
revolt {v} /ɹɪˈvoʊlt/ (to rebel) :: kapinoida
revolt {v} (to greatly repel) :: inhottaa
revolt {n} (act of revolting) :: kapina
revolution {n} /ˌɹɛvəˈl(j)uːʃən/ (political upheaval) :: vallankumous
revolution {n} (removal and replacement of a government) :: vallankumous
revolution {n} (turning of an object around an axis) :: kierros, pyörähdys
revolution {n} (traversal of one body through an orbit around another body) :: kierros
revolution {n} (sudden, vast change in a situation or discipline) :: vallankumous
revolutionarily {adv} :: käänteentekevästi, mullistavasti, vallankumouksellisesti
revolutionary {adj} /ˌɹɛvəˈluʃənɛɹi/ (of or pertaining to a revolution in government) :: vallankumouksellinen
revolutionary {adj} (of or pertaining to a revolutionary, revolutionist) :: vallankumouksellinen
revolutionary {n} (A revolutionist; a person who revolts) :: vallankumouksellinen
revolve {v} /ɹɪˈvɒlv/ (to orbit a central point) :: kiertää
revolve {v} (to turn on an axis) :: pyöriä
revolve {v} (to ponder on) :: pohtia
revolver {n} /ɹɪˈvɒl.vɚ/ (a handgun with revolving chambers) :: revolveri
revolving door {n} (rotating door) :: pyöröovi
revue {n} /ɹəˈvjuː/ (form of theatrical; any entertainment featuring skits, dances, and songs) :: revyy
revulsion {n} /ɹɪˈvʌlʃən/ (abhorrence, a sense of loathing, intense aversion, repugnance, repulsion, horror) :: inho
revulsion {n} (sudden violent feeling of disgust) :: inho
reward {n} /ɹɪˈwɔːd/ (something of value given in return for an act) :: palkkio; löytöpalkkio
reward {n} (prize promised for a certain deed or catch) :: palkkio; tapporaha
reward {n} (result of an action) :: palkkio
reward {v} (give a reward to) :: palkita
reward {v} (recompense) SEE: recompense ::
rewarding {adj} (giving satisfaction) :: palkitseva
rewatch {v} (to watch again) :: katsoa uudelleen
rewatchable {adj} (pleasant to watch more than once) :: uudelleen katsottava
rewild {v} (to return an area to a wilder state) :: villiinnyttää
rewind {v} /ɹiːˈwaɪnd/ (to wind again) :: kelata uudelleen
rewind {v} (wind back) SEE: wind back ::
reword {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase ::
rewrite {v} /ˈɹi.ɹaɪt/ (write again, differently) :: kirjoittaa uudestaan
rewrite {v} (write again, without changing) :: kirjoittaa uudestaan
rewrite history {v} :: kirjoittaa historiaa uudelleen
Reykjavik {prop} /ˈɹɛk.jə.vɪk/ (capital of Iceland) :: Reykjavik
Reynard {prop} (name in European folklore for the red fox) :: Mikko Repolainen
Reynold {prop} (male given name) :: Reino
rhabdomyolysis {n} /ˌɹæb.dəʊ.mʌɪˈɒl.ɪs.ɪs/ (the rapid disintegration of striated muscle tissue accompanied by the excretion of myoglobin in the urine) :: rabdomyolyysi
Rhaeto-Romance {prop} /ˌɹiːtəʊɹə(ʊ)ˈmans/ (a group of related Romance languages) :: retoromaani
rhapsody {n} /ˈɹapsədi/ (ancient Greek epic poem) :: rapsodia
rhea {n} /ˈɹiːə/ (flightless bird) :: nandu
rhebok {n} /ˈɹiː.bɑk/ (Pelea capreolus) :: kaurisantilooppi, vuohiantilooppi
rheme {n} /ɹiːm/ (part of a sentence) :: reema
rhenium {n} /ˈɹiːniəm/ (chemical element) :: renium
rheology {n} (physics of the deformation and flow of matter) :: reologia
rhesus {n} (Macaca mulatta) SEE: rhesus macaque ::
Rhesus factor {n} (RhD-antigen) :: reesustekijä, Rh-tekijä
rhesus macaque {n} (Macaca mulatta) :: reesusapina, bunderi
rhesus monkey {n} (rhesus macaque) :: reesusapina, bunderi
rhetoric {n} /ˈɹɛtəɹɪk/ (art of using language for persuasion) :: puhetaito, retoriikka
rhetoric {n} (meaningless language) :: retoriikka
rhetorical {adj} /ɹɪˈtɔɹɪkəl/ (part of or similar to rhetoric) :: retorinen
rhetorical device {n} (type of phrase) :: tehokeino
rhetorically {adv} (in a rhetorical manner) :: retorisesti
rhetorical question {n} (question posed for dramatic or persuasive effect) :: retorinen kysymys
rhetorical question {n} (question to which no answer is expected) :: retorinen kysymys
rheum {n} /ɹuːm/ (nose discharge) :: räkä [from nose], kuola [from mouth]
rheum {n} (illness) :: flunssa [cold], katarri [catarrh], reumatismi [rheumatism]
rheumatic {adj} /ɹuːˈmætɪk/ (referring to rheumatism) :: reumaattinen, reuma-
rheumatic {n} (person suffering from rheumatism) :: reumaatikko, reumasairas
rheumatically {adv} (in a rheumatic manner) :: reumaattisesti
rheumatic fever {n} (inflammation of joints and heart) :: reumakuume
rheumaticky {adj} /ɹuːˈmætɪki/ (pertaining to rheumatism) :: reumaattinen, reuma-
rheumatics {n} (rheumatism) SEE: rheumatism ::
rheumatism {n} /ˈɹu.məˌtɪz.m̩/ (any painful disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones and nerves) :: reumatismi, reuma
rheumatism {n} (rheumatoid arthritis) :: nivelreuma
rheumatoid arthritis {n} (chronic and progressive disease) :: nivelreuma
rheumatological {adj} (of or pertaining to rheumatology) :: reumatologinen
rheumatologist {n} (doctor) :: reumatologi
rheumatology {n} (branch of medicine) :: reumatologia
rhinarium {n} (tip of mammal's nose) :: kirsu [dogs], nenä
Rhine {prop} /ɹaɪn/ (river that flows through Europe) :: Rein
Rhineland {prop} /ˈɹɑinland/ (land on both sides of the river Rhine) :: Reininmaa
Rhineland-Palatinate {prop} (state) :: Rheinland-Pfalz
rhinencephalon {n} (smell-brain) SEE: smell-brain ::
rhinitis {n} (inflammation) :: nuha
rhinoceros {n} /ɹaɪˈnɑsəɹəs/ (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) :: sarvikuono
rhinology {n} (study of the nose) :: rinologia, nenätautioppi
rhinoplasty {n} (plastic surgery used to improve a person's nose) :: rhinoplastia
rhinotillexomania {n} (compulsive nose-picking) :: nenänkaivuu
rhizobium {n} (bacterium of the genus Rhizobium) :: Rhizobium-bakteeri
rhizoid {n} (rootlike structure) :: juurtumahapsi
rhizoid {adj} (resembling root) :: juurimainen
rhizome {n} /ˈɹaɪzoʊm/ (horizontal underground stem of some plants) :: maavarsi, vaakajuurakko
rhizome {n} (image of thought) :: rihmasto
Rhône {prop} (Rhone) SEE: Rhone ::
rho {n} /ɹoʊ/ (letter of Greek alphabet) :: rhoo
Rhode Island {prop} /ˌɹoʊd ˈaɪ.lənd/ (a state of the United States of America) :: Rhode Island
Rhodes {prop} /ɹoʊdz/ (island) :: Rodos
Rhodes {prop} (capital of the Dodecanese) :: Rodos
Rhodesia {prop} /ɹoʊˈdiːʒə/ (historical name of Zimbabwe) :: Rhodesia
Rhodesian {adj} (from Rhodesia) :: rhodesialainen
Rhodesian {n} (Someone from Rhodesia) :: rhodesialainen
Rhodesian Ridgeback {n} (breed of dog) :: rhodesiankoira
rhodium {n} /ˈɹoʊdiəm/ (chemical element) :: rodium
rhodochrosite {n} (crystalline mineral composed mainly of manganese carbonate) :: rodokrosiitti
rhododendron {n} /ɹoʊdəˈdɛndɹən/ (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) :: alppiruusu
rhododendron {n} (oleander) SEE: oleander ::
rhodonite {n} (A manganese inosilicate mineral) :: rodoniitti
rhombencephalon {n} (hindbrain) SEE: hindbrain ::
rhombicosidodecahedron {n} /ɹɑmbɪˈkoʊsiˌdoʊdɛkəhidɹən/ (Archimedean solid) :: rombi-ikosidodekaedri
rhombohedral {adj} (having three equal axes and oblique angles) :: romboedrinen
rhombus {n} /ˈɹɑːmbəs/ (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) :: neljäkäs
rhonchus {n} /ˈɹɑŋ.kəs/ (sound) :: rohina, rahina, korina
Rhone {prop} (river) :: Rhône
rhubarb {n} /ˈɹuːbɑːb/ (any plant of the genus Rheum) :: raparperi
rhumb {n} /ɹʌm/ (One of the 32 points of the compass (compass points)) :: kompassipiiru
rhumb {n} (A unit of angular measure equal to 1/32 of a circle or 11.25°) :: kompassipiiru
rhumb {n} (A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle) SEE: rhumb line ::
rhumb line {n} (a line cutting all meridians at a constant angle) :: loksodromi, kompassiviiva
rhyme {n} /ɹaɪm/ (verse, poetry) :: riimi
rhyme {n} (word that rhymes with another) :: riimi
rhyme {n} (rhyming; sameness of sound of some parts of words, as ‘the poem exhibits rhyme’) :: riimi, sointu
rhyme {v} (transitive, to rhyme with) :: rimmata
rhyme {v} (reciprocal) :: rimmata
rhyme {v} (put words together) :: riimitellä
rhyme {n} (rime) SEE: rime ::
rhyme or reason {n} (logic or common sense) :: tolkku, syyttä suotta [adverb, without rhyme or reason]
rhyolite {n} (igneous rock) :: ryoliitti
rhythm {n} /ˈɹɪ.ð(ə)m/ (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) :: rytmi, tahti
rhythm {n} (tempo or speed of a beat, song, or repeated event) :: rytmi, tahti
rhythm {n} (flow, repetition or regularity) :: rytmi
rhythm {n} (rhythm section) SEE: rhythm section ::
rhythm and blues {n} (rhythm and blues) :: rhythm and blues
rhythm guitar {n} (guitar that provides rhythm) :: rytmikitara
rhythmic {adj} /ˈɹɪð.mɪk/ (of or relating to rhythm) :: rytmikäs
rhythmic gymnastics {n} (a discipline of gymnastics) :: rytminen voimistelu
rhythmics {n} (study of rhythm) :: rytmiikka
rhythm section {n} (section of a band maintaining the rhythm) :: rytmiryhmä
ria {n} (a coastal inlet formed by the partial submergence of an unglaciated river valley) :: rias
rial {n} (currency in Middle East) :: rial
rib {n} /ɹɪb/ (curved bone) :: kylkiluu
rib {n} (part similar to rib) :: kaari
rib {n} (cut of meat) :: kylki
rib {n} (nautical: part of a ship’s framework) :: kaari
rib {n} (shaping and supporting member in an aircraft wing) :: kaari
rib {n} (architecture: projecting member) :: ruoti
rib {n} (botany: prominent vein in a leaf) :: ruoti
rib {n} (teasing joke) :: härnäys, pottuilu
rib {n} (single strand of hair) :: kiehkura
rib {n} (stalk of celery) :: sellerinvarsi
rib {n} (archaic, literary, humorous: wife woman) :: kylkiluu
rib {v} (to equip with ribs) :: kaarittaa
rib {v} (to tease) :: härnätä, pottuilla
ribald {adj} /ˈɹɪb.əld/ (coarse, lewd, vulgar) :: ruokoton
ribaldry {n} (humorous language or behaviour) :: pelleily
ribauldequin {n} (organ gun) SEE: organ gun ::
ribbed vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) :: ruodeholvi
ribbit {n} (the sound made by a frog or toad) SEE: croak ::
ribbit {v} (make the sound of a frog or toad) SEE: croak ::
ribbon {n} /ˈɹɪbən/ (long, narrow strip of material) :: nauha
ribbon {n} (inked ribbon) :: värinauha
ribbon {n} (toolbar) :: valintanauha
ribbon cable {n} (cable with many parallel wires one next to the other) :: nauhakaapeli
ribbonfish {n} (fish of the genus Trachipterus) :: viikatekala
rib cage {n} (part of skeleton) :: rintakehä
rib cage {n} (cavity created by the ribs) :: rintakehä
riboflavin {n} /ˌraɪboʊˈfleɪvɪn/ (the vitamin B2, riboflavin) :: riboflaviini
ribonucleic acid {n} (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material) :: ribonukleiinihappo
ribonucleotide {n} (nucleotide having ribose as its sugar) :: ribonukleotidi
ribosome {n} /ˈɹaɪbəˌsoʊm/ (organelle) :: ribosomi
rice {n} /ɹaɪs/ (plants) :: riisi, riisikasvi
rice {n} (seeds used as food) :: riisi
Rice Bubbles {prop} (Rice Krispies) SEE: Rice Krispies ::
riceburger {n} (snack food) :: riisipurilainen
rice cake {n} (food item made from puffed rice) :: riisikakku
rice cake {n} (sticky food item made from rice flour) :: riisikakku
rice cooker {n} (kitchen appliance designed to cook rice) :: riisinkeitin
rice cutgrass {n} (Leersia oryzoides) :: hukkariisi
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
rice flour {n} (flour made of rice) :: riisijauho
rice growing {n} (the growing of rice) :: riisinviljely
rice hull {n} (hard protecting covering of a grain of rice) :: riisin kuori
rice husk {n} (rice hull) SEE: rice hull ::
Rice Krispies {prop} /ɹaɪsˈkɹɪs.piz/ (cereal that consists of puffed rice) :: Riisimurot {p}
rice milk {n} (milky liquid from rice) :: riisimaito
rice noodle {n} (noodle made of rice) :: riisinuudeli
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy ::
rice paper {n} (paper made from parts of the rice plant) :: riisipaperi
rice pudding {n} (milk pudding made from rice, milk, sugar and nutmeg) :: riisipuuro
ricer {n} (kitchen utensil) :: perunapuristin
rice rat {n} (rat of the genus Oryzomys) :: riisirotta, riisirattu
rice rat {n} (Oryzomys palustris) :: suoriisirotta, suoriisirattu
rice vinegar {n} (a type of vinegar) :: riisiviinietikka
rice wine {n} (alcoholic drink brewed from rice) :: riisiviini
rich {adj} /ɹɪt͡ʃ/ (having wealth) :: rikas, [negative connotation] äveriäs
Richard {prop} /ˈɹɪtʃ.əd/ (male given name) :: Rikhard, Riku
Richard's pipit {n} (Anthus richardi) :: isokirvinen
richen {v} /ˈɹɪt͡ʃən/ (render rich) :: rikastuttaa
richen {v} (become rich) :: rikastua
rich kid {n} /ˈɹɪt͡ʃ ˌkɪd/ (child or young adult from a wealthy family) :: rikas lapsi, rikas pentu
richness {n} (state or quality of being rich) :: rikkaus
richness {n} (ecology: number of types) :: lajirikkaus
richness {n} (result of being rich) :: rikkaus
Richter scale {prop} (logarithmic scale) :: Richter-asteikko
ricin {n} /ˈɹaɪsɪn/ (poison) :: risiinimyrkky, risiini
rick {n} /ɹɪk/ (stack or pile, of straw, hay etc.) :: auma
rickets {n} /ˈɹɪkəts/ (disorder of infancy) :: riisitauti
rickety {adj} /ˈɹɪk.ɪ.ti/ (not strong because of poor construction or upkeep) :: hutera, kuppainen
rickety {adj} (feeble in the joints, tottering) :: hauras
rickety {adj} (affected with rickets) :: riisitautinen
rickroll {v} /ˈɹɪkˌɹoʊl/ (to rickroll) :: rickrollata
rickshaw {n} /ˈɹɪk.ʃɔː/ (two-wheeled carriage) :: riksa, rikša
ricochet {n} /ˈɹɪkəʃeɪ/ (an instance of ricocheting) :: kimmoke
ricochet {v} (To rebound) :: kimmota
ricotta {n} /ɹɪˈkɑtə/ (Italian whey cheese) :: ricotta
rid {v} /ˈɹɪd/ (to free from a hindrance or annoyance) :: vapauttaa, päästää
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve ::
riddle {n} /ˈɹɪdəl/ (verbal puzzle) :: arvoitus
riddle {v} (to solve, answer, or explicate a riddle or question) :: arvata
riddle {v} (to put something through a riddle or sieve) :: siivilöidä
riddle {v} (to fill with holes like a riddle) :: rei’ittää, puhkoa
riddle {v} (to fill or spread throughout; to pervade) :: vilistä
ride {v} /ɹaɪd/ (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.) :: ratsastaa [on horseback], ajaa [on a vehicle]
ride {v} (to be transported in a vehicle as a passenger) :: ajaa, matkustaa, olla kyydissä
ride {v} (to transport someone in a vehicle) :: ajaa, kuljettaa, antaa kyyti
ride {v} (to sail, float on the water) :: kulkea
ride {v} (to travel lightly and quickly, as on horseback) :: ratsastaa, ajaa
ride {v} (to mount someone to have sex with them) :: panna
ride {v} (colloquial: to criticize or annoy) :: vinoilla, ärsyttää, vittuilla [vulgar]
ride {v} (of clothing: to gradually move up and crease) :: krymppääntyä
ride {v} (to rely, depend) :: riippua
ride {v} (of clothing: to rest on a part of the body) :: roikkua
ride {n} (instance of riding) :: ajelu, ajo; ratsastus [horseride]
ride {n} (informal: vehicle) :: rassi, kärry, kaara, menopeli
ride {n} (amusement) :: laite
ride {n} (lift) :: kyyti
ride {n} (bridleway or similar) :: ratsutie, kärrypolku, kärrytie
ride cymbal {n} (type of cymbal) :: komppipelti
ride height {n} (ground clearance) SEE: ground clearance ::
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber ::
rider {n} /ˈɹaɪ.dəɹ/ (one who rides, see also: cyclist; driver) :: ratsastaja [horse]; ajaja, kuljettaja, moottoripyöräilijä, motoristi [motorcycle]
rider {n} (politics: additional provision annexed to a bill) :: ponsi
rider {n} (amendment to an entertainer's performance contract) :: lisäehdot {p}
rider {n} (additional benefit attached to an insurance contract) :: lisäetu
rider {n} (commercial traveller) :: kauppamatkustaja
rider {n} (first Lenormand card) :: ratsastaja
ride roughshod over {v} (treat roughly or without care; act in a bullying manner) :: polkea, talloa
rideshare {n} (travel arrangement) :: kimppakyyti
ridge {n} /ɹɪdʒ/ (line of intersection) :: harjanne, selkä
ridge {n} (highest point on a roof) :: harja, katonharja
ridge {n} (chain of mountains) :: vuorijono
ridge {n} (chain of hills) :: selkä
ridge {n} (elevation on ocean bottom) :: keskiselänne
ridge beam {n} /ɹɪdʒ biːm/ (top longitudinal beam of a roof) :: harjapalkki
ridgepole {n} /ˈɹɪdʒpəʊl/ (beam supporting rafters) :: kurkihirsi, harjahirsi, harjapuu, harjaorsi
ridibund {adj} /ˈɹɪdəˌbənd/ (easily brought to laughter) :: nauravainen
ridicule {v} /ˈɹɪdɪkjuːl/ (to make fun of someone) :: tehdä naurunalaiseksi, ivata, pilkata
ridicule {n} (derision) :: pilkka, halventaminen, pilkkaaminen, iva, ivailu
ridiculous {adj} /ɹɪˈdɪkjʊləs/ (foolish, absurd) :: naurettava
ridiculously {adv} (in a ridiculous manner) :: naurettavasti
riding crop {n} (horsewhip) :: ratsupiiska, raippa
Riemann surface {n} (manifold) :: Riemannin pinta
riffraff {n} /ˈɹɪfɹæf/ (the rabble) :: roskaväki
rifle {n} /ˈɹaɪfəl/ (firearm with a rifled barrel) :: kivääri
rifled {adj} (having a spiral groove on the inside of a gun barrel) :: rihlattu
rifleman {n} (soldier) :: jääkäri
rifleman {n} (person skilled in the use of a rifle) :: hyvä ampuja
rifleman {n} (Acanthisitta chloris) :: metsävilistäjä
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford ::
rift {n} /ɹɪft/ (chasm or fissure) :: kuilu, halkeama, repeämä
rift {n} (break in the clouds, fog, mist etc.) :: aukko; valopilkku [figuratively]
rig {n} /ɹɪɡ/ (the arrangement of masts etc.) :: takila, riki
rig {n} (special equipment or gear) :: laitteisto
rig {n} (large truck) :: rekka
rig {n} (the special apparatus used for drilling oil wells) :: öljynporaustorni
rig {n} (a costume or outfit) :: asu
rig {n} (computer case) :: tietokonekotelo
rig {v} (to equip and fit a ship) :: takiloida, sumplia, lavastaa
Riga {prop} /ˈɹiːɡə/ (capital of Latvia) :: Riika
rigged {adj} /ɹɪɡd/ (pre-arranged) :: peukaloitu, järjestetty
rigged {adj} (having the rigging up) :: rikattu, takiloitu
right {adj} /ˈɹaɪt/ (straight, not bent) :: suora
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees) :: suora
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) :: suorakulmainen; oikea
right {adj} (appropriate, fit for purpose) :: oikea
right {adj} (healthy, sane, competent, see also: healthy; sane; competent) :: täysi
right {adj} (real; veritable) :: oikea, todellinen
right {adj} (most favourable or convenient; fortunate) :: oikea
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) :: oikea, oikeanpuoleinen
right {adj} (designed to be placed or worn outward) :: oikea
right {adj} (politics: conservative) :: oikeistolainen, oikeisto-
right {adv} (on the right side) :: oikealla
right {adv} (towards the right side) :: oikealle, oikeaan
right {adv} (exactly) :: aivan, ihan
right {adv} (immediately, directly) :: aivan, ihan, suoraan
right {adv} (very, extremely) :: oikein
right {adv} (according to fact or truth) :: oikein, todella
right {adv} (in a correct manner) :: oikein
right {adv} (to a great extent) :: oikein
right {interj} (yes, that is correct; I agree) :: aivan
right {interj} (I have no opinion) :: ihan miten vain, aivan
right {interj} (changing the subject in a discussion) :: aivan
right {interj} (checking agreement) :: eikö niin
right {interj} (adding seriousness or decisiveness before a statement) :: no niin
right {n} (which complies with justice, law or reason) :: oikeus
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) :: oikeus
right {n} (right, not left, side) :: oikea [puoli]
right {n} (right hand) :: oikea
right {n} (right-wing politicians and parties) :: oikeisto
right {v} (to correct) :: korjata
right {v} (to set upright) :: nostaa pystyyn, kääntää oikein päin
right {v} ((intransitive) to return to normal upright position) :: oieta, nousta pystyyn
right {adj} (all right, not requiring assistance) SEE: all right ::
right-about {n} (180-degree turn to the right) :: täyskäännös oikeaan
right angle {n} (angle of 90 degrees) :: suora kulma
right-angled {adj} (having a right angle) :: suorakulmainen
right-angled triangle {n} (right-angled triangle) SEE: right triangle ::
rightard {n} (person of right-wing political views) :: oikeistolainen
right ascension {n} (angular distance) :: rektaskensio
right as rain {adj} (very good; healthy) :: terve kuin pukki (healthy)
right as rain {adj} (correct; factually accurate) :: tosi kuin vesi
right away {adv} (very soon; immediately) :: oikopäätä, pikimmiten, heti, saman tien
right back {n} (a defender who plays on the right) :: oikea puolustaja
right bank {n} (river bank to the right when facing downstream) :: oikea ranta
right bracket {n} (right square bracket character) :: oikea hakasulje
right brain {n} (right cerebral hemisphere) :: oikea aivopuolisko
right-click {v} (to press right-hand button of a mouse) :: napsauttaa hiiren kakkospainiketta
right-click {v} (to activate by pressing right-hand button of a mouse) :: napsauttaa hiiren kakkospainikkeella
right coset {n} (copy of a subgroup) :: oikea sivuluokka
righteous {adj} /ˈɹaɪtʃəs/ (free from sin or guilt) :: synnitön
righteous {adj} (moral and virtuous, to the point of sanctimonious) :: oikeamielinen, vanhurskas
righteous {adj} (justified morally) :: oikeutettu
righteousness {n} /ˈɹaɪt͡ʃəsnəs/ (quality or state of being righteous) :: vanhurskaus
righteousness {n} (righteous act, or righteous quality) :: vanhurskas teko [act]; vanhurskaus [quality]
righteousness {n} (theology: state of being right with God) :: vanhurskaus
right fielder {n} (outfielder) :: oikea koppari
rightful {adj} (by right, by law) :: laillinen
rightfulness {n} (state or quality of being rightful) :: laillisuus
right-handedness {n} (state of being right-handed) :: oikeakätisyys
right-hand man {n} (trusted assistant) :: oikea käsi
right-hand rule {n} (common mnemonic for understanding notation conventions for vectors in three dimensions) :: oikean käden sääntö
right-hand rule {n} (systematic use of right-hand turnings to solve a maze) :: oikean käden sääntö
rightish {adj} (right-wing) SEE: right-wing ::
rightist {n} /ˈɹaɪtɪst/ (supporter of the political right) :: oikeistolainen
rightist {n} (supporter of the rights of a group) :: oikeuksien puolustaja, oikeusaktivisti
rightless {adj} (lacking rights) :: oikeudeton
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
right now {adv} (at this precise moment) :: juuri nyt, välittömästi, nyt heti
right of asylum {n} (right) :: turvapaikkaoikeus
right of sepulchre {n} (doctrine) :: hautarauha
right of way {n} (right to proceed first in traffic) :: etuajo-oikeus
right of way {n} (legal right of passage) :: tieoikeus, käyttöoikeus
right of way {n} (legal easement granted for the construction of a roadway or railway) :: tieoikeus, rataoikeus
right of way {n} (land on which a right of way exists) :: tiealue, rautatiealue
right of way {n} (area modified for passage of a railway) :: rautatiealue
right of way {n} (fencing: priority) :: etuoikeus
right the ship {v} :: oikaista laiva
right to keep and bear arms {n} (the right of individuals to possess weapons and armor) :: aseenkanto-oikeus
right triangle {n} (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles) :: suorakulmainen kolmio
right whale {n} (any of certain baleen whales of the family Balaenidae) :: silovalas [family Balaenidae], grönlanninvalas [genus Balaena], mustavalas [genus Eubalaena]
right wing {n} (political) :: oikeisto
right wing {n} (sport) :: oikea laita
right wing {n} (hockey) :: oikea laitahyökkääjä, oikea laita
right-wing {adj} (resisting political change) :: oikeisto-, oikeistolainen
right-winger {n} (person who belongs to the political right) :: oikeistolainen
right-winger {n} (sports: winger on the right) :: oikean laidan pelaaja
rigid {adj} /ˈɹɪdʒɪd/ (stiff) :: jäykkä, kankea
rigid {adj} (fixed) :: kiinteä
rigid {adj} (rigorous, unbending) :: jäykkä
rigid {adj} (uncompromising) :: peräänantamaton
rigidity {n} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɪdɪti/ (The quality or state of being rigid) :: jäykkyys, kankeus
rigidity {n} (Stiffness of appearance or manner) :: jäykkyys
rigidly {adv} (in a rigid manner) :: jäykästi
rigidness {n} (rigidity) SEE: rigidity ::
rigmarole {n} /ˈɹɪɡməɹoʊl/ (long and complicated procedure) :: ruljanssi
rigor mortis {n} (Temporary stiffness of a body's muscles and joints following death) :: kuolonkankeus
rigorous {adj} /ˈɹɪɡəɹəs/ (showing, causing or favoring rigor) :: ankara [strict]; perinpohjainen, perusteellinen [thorough]
rigorous {adj} (severe; intense) :: ankara
rigour {n} /ˈɹɪɡə(ɹ)/ (a harsh or severe experience) :: ankaruus, tiukkuus
rigour {n} (character of being unyielding or inflexible) :: joustamattomuus
rigour {n} (higher level of difficulty) :: vaikeus
Rijeka {prop} /ɹɪˈjɛkə/ (coastal city in Croatia) :: Rijeka
Riksdag {prop} /ˈɹɪksdɑːɡ/ (Swedish parliament) :: Ruotsin valtiopäivät
rile {v} (to anger, annoy) :: ärsyttää, suututtaa
rile {v} (to incite) :: ärsyttää
rim {n} /ɹɪm/ (edge around something) :: reuna, reunus
rim {n} (wheel rim) :: vanne
rim {v} (form a rim) :: reunustaa
rim {v} (follow the contours) :: reunustaa
rime {n} /ɹaɪm/ (hoar frost) :: huurre
rimmed {adj} (having a rim) :: kehyksellinen
rind {n} /ɹaɪnd/ (hard outer layer of fruit, cheese) :: kuori
rinderpest {n} (disease) :: karjarutto
ring {n} /ɹɪŋ/ (circumscribing object) :: rengas
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) :: sormus
ring {n} (bird band) :: rengas
ring {n} (piece of food in the shape of a ring) :: rengas
ring {n} (place where some sports take place) :: kehä
ring {n} (arena where circus acts take place) :: areena
ring {n} (group of people (for illicit purposes)) :: rinki, rengas
ring {n} (geometry: a planar geometrical figure) :: rengas
ring {n} (astronomy: a formation of various pieces of material orbiting around a planet) :: rengas
ring {v} (to surround or enclose) :: ympäröidä
ring {v} (to make an incision around a tree) :: kaulata
ring {v} (o attach a ring to for identification) :: rengastaa
ring {v} (to surround or fit with a ring, or as if with a ring) :: rengastaa
ring {v} (falconry: to rise in the air spirally) :: kaarrella
ring {n} (resonant sound of a bell, or a sound resembling it) :: sointi
ring {n} (pleasant or correct sound) :: sointi
ring {n} (telephone call) :: soitto, puhelinsoitto
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound) :: soida
ring {v} ((tr.) to make something produce a resonant sound) :: soittaa
ring {v} ((tr.) to produce a sound by ringing) :: soittaa
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound) :: soida; kilistä, piristä
ring {v} (to appear to be) :: kuulostaa
ring {v} (to telephone (someone)) :: soittaa (jollekin)
ring {v} (to resound, reverberate, echo) :: kaikua
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce music with bells) :: soittaa kelloja
ring {v} (to repeat often, loudly, or earnestly) :: toistella [often]; kailottaa [loudly]; vakuutella [earnestly]
ring {n} (algebra: an algebraic structure) :: rengas
ring {n} (burner (e.g. of a stove)) SEE: burner ::
ring a bell {v} (to seem vaguely familiar) :: soittaa kelloa
ring-billed gull {n} (Larus delawarensis) :: rengasnokkalokki
ring binder {n} (folder) :: kierrekansio, rengaskansio
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop ::
ringed plover {n} (Charadrius hiaticula) :: tylli
ringed seal {n} (Pusa hispida) :: norppa
ring false {v} (to seem to be incorrect) :: kuulostaa väärältä
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) :: nimetön
ringing {n} /ˈɹɪŋɪŋ/ (sound) :: pirinä
ringing {n} (quality of being resonant) :: resonointi
ringing {n} (technique used in the study of birds) :: rengastus
ringlet {n} (lock, tress) :: kihara
ringlet {n} (butterfly) :: heinäperhonen
ringmaster {n} (the person who manages the performers in a circus ring) :: tirehtööri, sirkustirehtööri
ringneck dove {n} (Streptopelia risoria) :: barbaarikyyhky
ring-necked parakeet {n} (Psittacula krameri) :: kauluskaija
Ring of Fire {prop} (area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity) :: Tyynenmeren tulirengas
ring off the hook {v} (ring constantly) :: soida jatkuvasti
ring ouzel {n} (Turdus torquatus) :: sepelrastas
ring pull {n} (ring for opening a can or a tin) :: avausrengas
ring road {n} (highway) :: kehätie
rings {n} /ɹɪŋz/ (gymnastics: apparatus) :: renkaat {p}
ringside seat {n} (any vantage point providing an excellent view) :: aitiopaikka
ring species {n} (biological species) :: rengaslaji
ring system {n} (combained structure of rings) :: rengasjärjestelmä
ring theory {n} (branch of mathematics) :: rengasteoria
ringtone {n} (sound made by a telephone when ringing) :: soittoääni
ring true {v} (to seem to be correct) :: kuulostaa uskottavalta
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start ::
ringwoodite {n} (cubic form of olivine) :: ringwoodiitti
ringworm {n} (contagious fungal affliction of the skin) :: silsa
rink {n} /ɹɪŋk/ (sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports) :: jääkenttä, kenttä, [in ice hockey] kaukalo, [in curling] rata
rink {n} (surface for roller skating) :: rullaluistelukenttä, kenttä, rullaluistelurata, skeittirata, skedemesta
rink {n} (team in curling) :: joukkue
rinpoche {n} (a title) :: rinpoche, uudestisyntynyt
rinse {v} /ɹɪns/ (to wash something quickly using water and no soap) :: huuhdella, huuhtoa
rinse {v} (to remove soap from something using water) :: huuhdella, huuhtoa
rinse {n} (the action of rinsing) :: huuhtelu, huuhteleminen, huuhtominen
rinse {n} (hair dye) :: hiusvärjäys
rinse aid {n} (cleaning product said to improve finish of items in dishwashers) :: huuhtelukirkaste
Rio de Janeiro {prop} /ˈɹiːəʊ dɪ ʒəˈnɪəɹəʊ/ (state) :: Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro {prop} (municipality) :: Rio de Janeiro
riot {n} /ˈɹaɪ.ɪt/ (wanton or unrestrained behavior) :: hulina, rähinä
riot {n} (tumultuous disturbance of public peace) :: mellakka
riot {n} (excessive and expensive feasting) :: hulina
riot {v} (to create or take part in a riot) :: mellakoida; hulinoida
rioter {n} (one who riots) :: mellakoitsija, mellakoija
riot police {n} (a unit of police specifically trained to deal with rioting crowds) :: mellakkapoliisi
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart ::
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear ::
rip {v} (to mock) SEE: mock ::
rip {n} /ɹɪp/ (comical, embarrassing, or hypocritical event or action) :: hölmöily
rip {v} (to divide or separate the parts of) :: repiä, repäistä
rip {v} (to rapidly become two parts) :: revetä
rip {v} (to get by, or as if by, cutting or tearing) :: repiä, repäistä
rip {v} (to move quickly and destructively) :: riehua
rip {v} (woodworking: to cut wood along the grain) :: halkaista
rip {v} (to copy data to a device) :: tehdä siirtokopio, ripata, kopioida
rip {v} (to steal, to rip off) :: ryöstää; riisua
rip {v} (to rush headlong) :: rynnätä, rynnistää
rip {v} (to tear up for search or disclosure, or for alteration) :: repiä auki
rip {n} (something unfairly expensive) SEE: rip-off ::
rip {n} (type of tide or current) SEE: rip current ::
riparian {adj} /ɹʌɪˈpɛːɹɪən/ (of or pertaining to a riverbank) :: jokivarren [genitive of noun], jokivarsi-
rip current {n} (strong water flow) :: paluuvirtaus
ripe {adj} /ɹaɪp/ (ready for reaping or gathering, of fruits and seeds) :: kypsä, tuleentunut [of grain]
ripe {adj} (advanced to the state of fitness for use) :: kypsä
ripe {adj} (having attained its full development; mature) :: kypsä, valmis
ripe {adj} (maturated or suppurated, of sores and tumors) :: kypsä
ripe {adj} (ready for action or effect; prepared) :: valmistautunut, valmis
ripe {adj} (like ripened fruit in ruddiness and plumpness) :: täyteläinen
ripe {adj} (having a disagreeable odor) :: tuoksahtava, pahanhajuinen
ripe {n} (fruit or vegetable which has ripened) :: kypsä
ripe {v} (to ripen or mature) :: kypsyä
ripe {adj} (intoxicated) SEE: intoxicated ::
ripen {v} /ˈɹaɪpən/ (to grow ripe) :: kypsyä, tuleentua
ripen {v} (to approach or come to perfection) :: valmistua, kypsyä
ripen {v} (to cause to mature; to make ripe) :: kypsyttää, tuleennuttaa
ripen {v} (to bring to perfection) :: kypsyttää, kypsytellä
ripening {n} (process) :: kypsyminen
rip into {v} (verbally attack) :: soimata, moittia
rip into {v} (start to eat something) :: käydä käsiksi
rip off {v} (to pull off by ripping) :: repiä irti
rip off {v} ((idiom) to steal, cheat or swindle) :: ryöstää, sumuttaa; kusettaa [vulgar]
rip off {v} ((idiom) to charge an exorbitant or unfair rate) :: varastaa
rip off {v} ((idiom) to copy, especially illegally) :: varastaa
rip-off {n} (unfair price or rate) :: kiskurihinta
ripost {n} (fencing: a thrust given in return) :: vastapisto, riposti
ripost {n} (a quick and witty response to a taunt) :: vastaveto
ripost {n} (an answer or reply rapidly uttered) :: vastaveto
riposte {n} /ɹɪˈpəʊst/ ((fencing)) :: vastapisto, riposti
riposte {n} (a quick and usually witty response to a taunt) :: heitto
riposte {n} (an answer or reply, rapidly uttered) :: heitto
ripped {adj} /ɹɪpt/ (torn, either partly or into separate pieces) :: revitty, raadeltu
ripped {adj} (pulled away from forcefully) :: revitty
ripped {adj} (in data storage, transferred to a hard disk from another portable media form) :: [slang] ripattu
ripped {adj} (copied or stolen usu. from an identified source) :: [slang] ripattu
ripper {n} /ˈɹɪpə/ (murderer who kills and often mutilates victims with a blade) :: viiltäjä, ruumiinsilpoja
ripper {n} (software) :: kopioitsin, poimuri, [slang] ripperi
ripple {n} /ˈɹɪp(ə)l/ (moving disturbance or undulation in the surface of a liquid) :: väre, kare, väreily
ripple {n} (sound similar to that of undulating water) :: liplatus
ripple {n} (small oscillation of an otherwise steady signal) :: värinä
ripple {v} (to move like the undulating surface of a body of water) :: väreillä, karehtia
ripsaw {n} (type of saw) :: halkaisusaha
riptide {n} /ˈɹɪp.taɪd/ (strong tidal flow) :: voimakas vuorovesivirtaus
riptide {n} (rip current) SEE: rip current ::
rise {v} /ɹaɪz/ (to move upwards) :: nousta, kohota, kohottautua
rise {v} (of a celestial body: to appear to move from behind the horizon) :: nousta
rise {v} (to assume an upright position after lying down or sitting) :: nousta
rise {v} (to be resurrected) :: nousta
rise {v} (of a quantity, etc: to increase) :: [of a quantity] kasvaa, [of prices] nousta
rise {v} (of a dough, etc: to begin; to develop.) :: nousta
rise {v} (to have its source) :: alkaa
rise {n} (action of moving upwards) :: nousu, nouseminen, kohoaminen
rise {n} (increase (in a quantity, price, etc)) :: lisääntyminen, lisäys [quantity]; nousu [price]
rise {n} (pay rise) SEE: pay rise ::
rise above {v} (to ignore pretty or trivial issues) :: nousta yläpuolelle
risible {adj} /ˈɹɪzɪbəl/ (provoking laughter) :: naurettava, hupaisa, huvittava
rising {n} /ˈɹaɪzɪŋ/ (rebellion) :: kapina, kansannousu
rising {n} (act of rise) :: nousu
rising {adj} (going up) :: nouseva
risk {n} /ɹɪsk/ (possible, usually negative, outcome) :: riski
risk {n} (likelihood of a negative outcome) :: riski
risk {n} (potential (conventionally negative) impact of an event) :: riski
risk {v} (to incur risk to something) :: vaarantaa, riskeerata
risk {v} (to incur risk of something) :: ottaa riski
risk {v} (to incur risk by something) :: ottaa riski
risk appetite {n} (degree of uncertainty) :: riskinottohalu
risk appetite {n} (amount of risk) :: riskinottohalu
risk appetite {n} (amount or type of risk) :: riskinottohalu
risk assessment {n} (overall process of identifying risks) :: riskienarviointi
risk assessment {n} (determination of the potential impact of an individual risk) :: riskinarviointi, riskinmääritys
riskless {adj} (free of risk) :: riskitön
risk management {n} (process of dealing with risk) :: riskienhallinta
risky {adj} /ˈɹɪski/ (dangerous, involving risks) :: vaarallinen, riskaabeli
risotto {n} /ɹɪˈzɑtoʊ/ (food) :: risotto
risqué {adj} /ɹɪsˈkeɪ/ (bordering on the indelicate) :: rivo, säädytön, rietas
Ristijärvi {prop} (municipality) :: Ristijärvi
rite {n} /ɹaɪt/ (ritual) :: riitti
rite of passage {n} (ceremony to celebrate a transition) :: siirtymäriitti
ritual {adj} /ˈɹɪ.tʃu.əl/ (related to a rite) :: rituaalinen
ritual {n} (rite) :: rituaali
ritualism {n} (the belief that it is necessary for rites or repeated sets of actions to be carried out) :: ritualismi
ritualistic {adj} /ˌɹɪt͡ʃuəˈlɪstɪk/ (in the manner of a ritual) :: rituaalinen
ritualistic {adj} (of or relating to habitual behavior) :: rituaalinen, tavanomainen
rival {n} /ˈɹaɪvəl/ (competitor with the same objective) :: kilpailija
rival {v} (to oppose or compete with) :: kilpailla
rivalrous {adj} /ˈɹaɪvəlɹəs/ (having a relationship of rivalry) :: kilpailullinen
rivalrous {adj} (which can be consumed by one person) :: kilpailullinen, niukka, kuluva
rivalry {n} /ˈɹaɪ.vəl.ɹi/ (competition) :: kilpailu
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) :: joki
river {n} (any large flow of a liquid) :: virta
river {n} (poker: last card dealt) :: river
riverbank {n} (sloped side of a river) :: joenpenkka
riverboat {n} (watercraft) :: jokivene
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus ::
riverless {adj} (Without a river or rivers) :: joeton
riverlike {adj} (resembling a river) :: jokimainen
riverside {n} (side of a river) :: jokivarsi
riverside {adj} (by the side of the river) :: jokivarressa
river snail {n} (snail) :: suokotilo
river warbler {n} (Locustella fluviatilis) :: viitasirkkalintu
rivet {n} /ˈɹɪvət/ (cylindrical mechanical fastener) :: niitti
rivet {v} (to attach or fasten parts by using rivets) :: niitata
rivet {v} (to install rivets) :: niitata, niitittää
rivet {v} (to command the attention of spectators) :: naulita
rivulet {n} /ˈɹɪv.jə.lət/ (small brook) :: noro
Riyadh {prop} /ɹiˈjɑːd/ (capital of Saudi Arabia) :: Riad
riyal {n} (currency) :: rial
Rääkkylä {prop} (municipality) :: Rääkkylä
Rāma {prop} /ˈɹɑːmə/ (avatar of Vishnu) :: Rama
RNA {n} (abbreviation of ribonucleic acid) :: RNA (ribonukleiinihappo)
RNA polymerase {n} (enzyme involved in the transcription of RNA) :: RNA-polymeraasi
röntgen {n} /ˈɹɜːnt.ɡən/ (unit of exposure to ionizing radiation) :: röntgen
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach ::
roach {n} /ɹoʊtʃ/ (Rutilus rutilus) :: särki
road {n} /ɹəʊd/ (a way for travel) :: tie
road {n} (a path in life) :: tie
road {n} (nautical: partially sheltered waters) SEE: roadstead ::
roadblock {n} (Something that blocks or obstructs a road) :: tiesulku, este
roadblock {n} (An obstacle or impediment) :: este, hidaste
roadblock {v} (to prevent, hinder) :: estää
road game {n} (athletic contest played in the opposing team's turf) SEE: away game ::
road hog {n} (bad or inconsiderate driver) :: autogangsteri, kaahari
roadholding {n} :: tiellä pysyminen
roadie {n} /ɹəʊdi/ (biker) :: motoristi
roadie {n} (crew for travelling stage production) :: roudari
roadie {n} (beer for the ride) :: matkakalja [beer], matkajuoma [any drink]
road map {n} (a map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation) :: tiekartta
roadmaster {n} (one in charge of a railroad track) :: ratamestari
road rage {n} (behaviour) :: rattiraivo, tieraivo
road rash {n} (injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces) :: asfaltti-ihottuma [colloquial]
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt) :: tiejyrä
roadrunner {n} /ˈɹoʊdˌɹʌnə(ɹ)/ (bird of the Geococcyx genus) :: juoksukäki
road salt {n} (deicing or anti-icing salt) :: maantiesuola
roadside {n} /ˈɹoʊdsaɪd/ (area on either side of a road) :: piennar, tienlaita, tienvarsi
roadside bomb {n} (explosive device) :: tienvarsipommi
roadside thistle {n} (spear thistle) SEE: spear thistle ::
road sign {n} (sign for traffic control or driver information) :: liikennemerkki
roadstead {n} (partly-sheltered anchorage outside a harbour) :: reti, redi
roadtest {n} (driving test) SEE: driving test ::
roadtest {n} (trial or practice run) :: koekäyttö
roadtest {n} (test which assesses the performance of an engine or vehicle) :: koeajo
roadtest {v} (make a trial of) :: koekäyttää
roadtest {v} (test the performance of an engine or vehicle) :: koeajaa
road to Damascus {n} (important point of change or reversal) :: käännekohta
road train {n} (transport concept) :: maantiejuna
road trip {n} (recreational or impromptu excursion) :: ajoretki, autoretki, autoreissu
roadway {n} (way used as road) :: ajoväylä
roadwork {n} (construction or maintenance done to roads) :: tietyö
roadworthiness {n} (property of being roadworthy) :: liikennekelpoisuus
roadworthy {adj} (able to be driven) :: liikennekelpoinen
roam {v} /ɹoʊm/ (wander freely) :: vaellella, kuljeskella, harhailla
roam {v} ((Computing) To use a network or services from different locations or devices) :: vierailla
roaming {n} /ˈɹoʊmɪŋ/ (wandering) :: vaeltelu, harhailu
roaming {n} (using a cell phone outside of its original registering zone) :: verkkovierailu, roaming
roaming {n} (using a network or a service from different locations or devices) :: verkkovierailu, vierailu
roaming {n} (registering a PC and a cycle of {uploading, editing and downloading} from any networked PC) :: etäkäyttö, vierailu
roan {adj} /ɹoʊn/ (having a coat of a dark base color with individual white hairs mixed in) :: päistärikkö
roan {n} (animal) :: päistärikkö
roar {v} /ɹɔɹ/ (to make loud, deep cry of emotion) :: karjaista, ärjäistä, karjahtaa
roar {v} (to laugh in a particularly loud manner) :: ulvoa
roar {v} (of animals, to make a loud deep noise) :: karjua, karjahtaa, karjaista
roar {v} (to make a loud resounding noise) :: jyristä
roar {v} (to proceed vigorously) :: rynnistää
roar {v} (to cry aloud; to proclaim loudly) :: karjua, jyristä
roar {v} (to be boisterous; to be disorderly) :: myrskytä, kuohua
roar {n} (long, loud, deep shout) :: karjaisu, ärjäisy
roar {n} (cry of the lion) :: karjunta
roar {n} (deep cry of the bull) :: mylvintä
roar {n} (loud resounding noise such as sound of a motorbike or a similar engine) :: jyrinä
roar {n} (show of strength or character) :: ärjäisy
roast {v} /ɹoʊst/ (to cook food by heating in an oven or fire) :: paahtaa, pariloida
roast {v} (to process by drying through heat-exposure) :: paahtaa
roast {v} (to admonish someone vigorously) :: grillata
roast {v} (to banter, severely criticize) :: grillata
roast {n} (cut of meat) :: paahtopaisti
roast {n} (meal) :: grilliateria, paisti
roast {n} (degree of roasting) :: paahto
roast {n} (comical event) :: grillaus
roast {adj} (having been cooked by roasting) :: paahdettu
roast beef {n} (Beef cooked by roasting) :: paahtopaisti
roast dinner {n} (hot meal) :: paistiateria
roasted {adj} /ˈɹoʊstɪd/ (cooked by roasting) :: paahdettu
roast pork {n} (Pork cooked by roasting) :: paahdettu porsas, paahtoporsas
rob {v} /ɹɑb/ (to steal from, using violence) :: ryöstää
rob {v} (to deprive of) :: ryöstää
rob {v} (to commit robbery) :: ryöstää
robber {n} /ˈɹɒ.bə(ɹ)/ (one who robs) :: ryöstäjä, ryöväri
robber crab {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab ::
robbery {n} /ˈɹɒbəɹi/ (act or practice of robbing) :: ryöstö [act]; ryöstely [practice]
robbery {n} (attempt of taking the property of another by threat) :: ryöstö
robe {n} /ɹoʊb/ (long, loose outer garment) :: kaapu
Robert {prop} /ˈɹɒb.ət/ (given name) :: Roope
robin {n} /ˈɹɑb.ɪn/ (any bird called robin in English) :: rastas, punarinta, satakieli, rintatasku, metsätasku, sinipyrstö, punatasku, rusorinta, ruostepyrstö, harakkatasku, intiantasku, leppälintu, pensassieppo, sieppo
robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula) :: punarinta
robin {n} (Turdus migratorius) :: punarintarastas
Robin Hood {prop} /ˈɹɑbɪn hʊd/ (legendary outlaw) :: Robin Hood
robocall {n} (automated telemarketing phone call) :: robottipuhelu
robocall {v} (make robocalls) :: soittaa robottipuhelu
robosexuality {n} (sexual attraction to robots) :: roboseksuaalisuus
robot {n} /ˈɹoʊbɑt/ (intelligent mechanical being) :: robotti
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light ::
robotics {n} /ɹoʊˈbɑt.ɪks/ (The science and technology of robots) :: robotiikka
robotization {n} :: robotisaatio
rob Peter to pay Paul {v} (to use resources producing no net gain) :: siirtää rahaa taskusta toiseen
robust {adj} /ɹoʊˈbʌst/ (evincing strength) :: jykevä, vankka, roteva, vahva
robustness {n} (quality of being robust) :: rotevuus
roc {n} /ɹɒk/ (enormous mythical bird in Eastern legend) :: rok
rock {n} /ɹɑk/ (natural mineral aggregate) :: kivi
rock {n} (mass of projecting rock) :: kivi, kallio [from the ground], kari, luoto, kivi [from water]
rock {n} (large stone or boulder) :: kivi, kivenlohkare, lohkare
rock {n} (hill or island without vegetation) :: kallio [hill], luoto [island]
rock {n} (something strong, stable, and dependable) :: kallio
rock {n} (distinctive composition of minerals) :: kivilaji
rock {n} (precious stone or gem) :: kivi
rock {n} (lump of ice) :: jääpala, jäät {p}, jääkuutio
rock {n} (confectionery made from sugar) :: tikkunekku
rock {n} (unintelligent person) :: tollo
rock {v} (move gently back and forth) :: [tr.] keinuttaa, [intr.] keinua
rock {v} (cause to shake or sway violently) :: keikuttaa
rock {v} (sway or tilt violently back and forth) :: keikkua
rock {v} (be washed and panned) :: huuhtoa
rock {v} (disturb the mental or emotional equilibrium) :: ravisuttaa
rock {n} (act of rocking) :: keinunta, keinutus, keikunta, keikutus, ravistelu
rock {n} (style of music) :: rokki, rock
rock {v} (to play, perform, or enjoy rock music) :: rokata
rock {v} (slang: to be very favourable or skilful) :: rulettaa
rock {v} (to thrill or excite) :: panna vauhtia
rock {n} (distaff) SEE: distaff ::
rock along {v} (progress in a smooth fashion) :: edetä hyvin
rock band {n} (rock group) SEE: rock group ::
rock bottom {n} (the very lowest possible level) :: pohja, pohjanoteeraus, kaikkein alin taso, alin mahdollinen taso
rock climbing {n} (sport of scaling rock faces) :: kalliokiipeily
rock crystal {n} (clear quartz) :: vuorikide
rock dove {n} /ɹɒk dʌv/ (Columba livia) :: kalliokyyhky
rocker {n} /ˈɹɒkə(ɹ)/ (curved piece of wood) :: keinutuolin jalka
rocker {n} (Hence, a rocking chair) :: keinutuoli
rocker {n} (Someone passionate about rock music) :: rokkari
rockery {n} /ˈɹɒkəɹi/ (section of a garden made from decorative rocks) :: kivipuutarha
rocket {n} /ˈɹɑkɪt/ (rocket engine) :: rakettimoottori
rocket {n} (military: non-guided missile) :: raketti
rocket {n} (vehicle) :: raketti
rocket {n} (rocket-propelled firework, see also: skyrocket) :: raketti
rocket {n} (figuratively: something that shoots high in the air) :: raketti
rocket {n} (stupid or crazy person) :: höyrypää
rocket {v} (to accelerate) :: ampaista
rocket {v} (to fly vertically) :: nousta pystysuoraan
rocket {v} (to rise or soar rapidly) :: ampaista yläilmoihin
rocket {v} (to carry) :: kuljettaa raketilla
rocket {v} (to attack) :: hyökätä raketein, tehdä rakettihyökkäys
rocket {n} (arugula) SEE: arugula ::
rocket {n} (rocket larkspur) SEE: rocket larkspur ::
rocket engine {n} (reaction engine) :: rakettimoottori
rocket larkspur {n} (Consolida regalis) :: rikkakukonkannus
rocket launcher {n} (device for launching a missile) :: sinko
rocket-propelled grenade {n} (hand-held weapon that fires a small explosive rocket.) :: sinko
rocket salad {n} (rocket, arugula) SEE: arugula ::
rocket salad {n} (salad) :: rucolasalaatti
rocket science {n} (anything overly complex (idiomatic)) :: rakettitiede
rocket scientist {n} (capable of understanding complex things) :: rakettitieteilijä
rock face {n} (expanse of rock) :: kallioseinämä
rockfish {n} (stonefish) SEE: stonefish ::
rockfish {n} (Taurulus bubalis) SEE: long-spined bullhead ::
rockfish {n} /ˈɹɑk.fɪʃ/ (fish of the genus Sebastes) :: Sebastes-suvun laji
rockfish {n} (Morone saxatilis) SEE: striped bass ::
rock garden {n} (rockery) SEE: rockery ::
rock group {n} (musical group specializing in rock music) :: rock-yhtye, rokkibändi
rock hard {adj} (hard like rock) :: kivikova
rock hard {adj} (of muscles) :: kivikova
rockhopper penguin {n} (crested penguin) :: kalliotöyhtöpingviini
rock hound {n} (person who collects rocks) :: kivien keräilijä
rockhounding {n} (activities of a rock hound) :: kivien keräily
Rockies {prop} (Rocky Mountains) SEE: Rocky Mountains ::
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) :: keinutuoli, kiikkutuoli
rocking horse {n} (a child’s toy consisting of a (usually wooden) horse mounted on a rocker or swing) :: keinuhevonen
rocklike {adj} (resembling a rock) :: kivimäinen
rocklike {adj} (resembling rock music) :: rockmainen
rock lobster {n} (spiny lobster) SEE: spiny lobster ::
rock maple {n} (sugar maple) SEE: sugar maple ::
rockmelon {n} (Cucumis melo reticulatus) SEE: cantaloupe ::
rock music {n} (popular music genre) :: rokki
rock paper scissors {n} (popular child's game) :: kivi-sakset-paperi, kivi-paperi-sakset
rock partridge {n} (rock partridge) :: kivikkopyy
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove ::
rock salt {n} (mineral) :: vuorisuola
rock salt {n} (coarsely ground salt) :: karkea suola
rock samphire {prop} (Crithmum maritimum) :: merifenkoli
rockstar {n} (member of a rock band) :: rocktähti
rock the boat {v} (disturb the status quo) :: keikuttaa venettä
rockweed {n} (Fucus vesiculosus) SEE: bladderwrack ::
rockweed {n} (Ascophyllum nodosum) SEE: knotted wrack ::
rockwool {n} (inorganic material, resembling fiber) SEE: mineral wool ::
rocky {adj} /ˈɹʷɒki/ (unstable, easily rocked) :: heiluva
rocky {adj} (figurative: troubled) :: kova
rocky {adj} (full of rocks) :: kivinen, kallioinen
rocky {adj} (like a rock) :: kivikova
rocky {adj} (figurative: not easily impressed) :: kova, kivisydäminen
Rocky Mountains {prop} (mountain range) :: Kalliovuoret
rococo {adj} (old-fashioned) SEE: old-fashioned ::
rococo {n} /ɹəˈkəʊkəʊ/ (style of baroque architecture etc.) :: rokokoo
rococo {adj} (of or relating to the rococo style) :: rokokoo-, rokokootyylinen
rococo {adj} (over-elaborate) :: kruusattu
rod {n} /ɹɑd/ (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) :: tanko
rod {n} (fishing rod or pole) :: vapa
rod {n} (stick or bundle used for punishment) :: vitsa
rod {n} (stick to measure length) :: mittakeppi
rod {n} (connector, part of a machine) :: tanko
rod {n} (part of the retina of the eye) :: sauvasolu
rod {n} (microbiology: rod shaped microorganism) :: sauvabakteeri
rod {n} (stirring rod) :: sekoitussauva
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol ::
rod cell {n} (any of the cylindrical photoreceptor cells in the retina) :: sauvasolu, sauva
rode {n} /ˈɹoʊd/ (The line from the vessel to its anchor) :: ankkuriköysi (rope), ankkurikettinki (chain)
rodent {n} /ˈɹəʊdənt/ (mammal of the order Rodentia) :: jyrsijä
rodman {n} (one who holds a surveying rod) :: keppimies
rod-shaped {adj} (shaped like a rod) :: tankomainen, sauvamainen
rod-shaped {adj} (describing a form of bacterium) :: sauvamainen, sauva-
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer ::
roe {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (eggs of fish) :: mäti
roebuck {n} /ˈɹəʊ.bʌk/ (male roe deer) :: metsäkaurisuros
roe deer {n} /ˈɹəʊˌdɪə/ (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) :: metsäkauris
roentgenium {n} /ɹɛntˈɡɛniəm/ (chemical element) :: röntgenium
rogation {n} /ɹoʊˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (deeply serious and somber prayer or entreaty) :: rukous
roger {interj} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (received) :: selvä
Roger {prop} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (male given name) :: Roger [of foreigners]
roger that {interj} (received) SEE: roger ::
rogue {n} /ˈɹoʊ̯ɡ/ (a scoundrel, rascal or unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person) :: roisto, konna
rogue {n} (a mischievous scamp) :: veijari
rogue {n} (a vagrant) :: kulkuri
rogue state {n} (state or nation acting outside of the accepted international norms and policies) :: roistovaltio
rogue wave {n} (unexpected, dangerously large wave) :: jättiaalto
Rohingya {prop} /rəʊˈhɪŋ.jə/ (language) :: rohinga
Rohingya {n} (Rohingya-speaking people) :: rohinga [person], rohingat {p} [people]
ROI {n} (return on Investment) :: ROI
roil {v} /ɹɔɪl/ (render turbid) :: hämmentää, samentaa
roil {v} (to annoy) :: ärsyttää
role {n} /ɹəʊl/ (character or part) :: rooli, osa
role {n} (the expected behavior of an individual in a society) :: asema, rooli
role {n} (the function or position of something) :: virka, rooli, osa
role model {n} (a person who serves as an example) :: roolimalli, esikuva, malli
roleplay {n} (roleplaying game) SEE: roleplaying game ::
roleplaying game {n} (type of game in which the players assume the role of a character) :: roolipeli
roll {v} /ɹəʊl/ (to cause to revolve) :: pyörittää, kierittää, vierittää
roll {v} (to wrap round on itself) :: pyörittää, rullata, kääriä
roll {v} (to bind or involve by winding) :: kääriä, kietoa, sitoa, taitella
roll {v} (to utter copiously) :: latoa, hokea
roll {v} (to press or level with a roller) :: tasoittaa, levittää, jyrätä [earth], kaulita [dough], valssata [metal]
roll {v} (to move, or cause to be moved, upon rollers or small wheels) :: rullata
roll {v} (to beat with rapid, continuous strokes, as a drum) :: takoa
roll {v} (to rotate on fore-and-aft axis) :: kallistua
roll {v} (to turn over in one's mind) :: pohtia, vatvoa, aprikoida
roll {n} (the act of rolling) :: rullaus, jyrääminen, valssaus, kelaus, kaulinta
roll {n} (a roll in gymnastics) :: kuperkeikka
roll {n} (that which rolls; a roller) :: rulla, [for dough] kaulin
roll {n} (a heavy cylinder used to break clods) :: jyrä
roll {n} (one of a set of revolving cylinders between which metal is pressed) :: valssi
roll {n} (oscillating movement of a vessel from side to side) :: keinuminen
roll {n} (a heavy, reverberatory sound) :: jyrinä, jyminä
roll {n} (the uniform beating of a drum) :: pärinä
roll {n} (the rotation angle about the longitudinal axis) :: kallistuminen
roll {n} (that which is rolled up) :: rulla, kääryle, käärö
roll {n} (a scroll) :: käärö
roll {n} (an official or public document) :: asiakirja, rekisteri
roll {n} (a list of names or an official register of names) :: luettelo
roll {n} (quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form) :: rulla
roll {n} (a cylindrical twist of tobacco) :: rulla
roll {n} (shortened raised biscuit or bread) :: sämpylä, käärö, rulla
rollator {n} (walking frame with wheels) :: rollaattori
rollback {n} (a return to a prior state) :: paluu
rollback {n} (a withdrawal of military forces) :: vetäytyminen
rollback {n} ((computing) an operation to return the database to the previous commit point) :: palautus aiempaan tilaan, palautus, peruutus
roll cage {n} (a protective frame in a vehicle) :: turvakehikko
roll call {n} (reading of a list of names and responses) :: nimenhuuto
roll call {n} (time of day for the event) :: nimenhuuto
rolled oats {n} (oat groats rolled into flat flakes) :: kaurahiutaleet {p}
roller {n} (slang: police) SEE: cop ::
roller {n} /ˈɹəʊlə/ (anything that rolls) :: rulla, pyörittäjä
roller {n} (rotating cylindrical part of a machine) :: tela
roller {n} (cricket: large rolling device) :: jyrä
roller {n} (large, wide, curling wave) :: maininki
roller {n} (tool for applying paint or ink) :: tela
roller {n} (agricultural machine) :: jyrä
roller {n} (bird of the family Coraciidae) :: sininärhi
roller {n} (padded surcingle used on horses) :: vikellysvyö
roller {n} (TV,film: credits) :: lopputekstit {p}
roller {n} (hair roller) SEE: hair roller ::
Roller {n} (nickname for Rolls-Royce car) :: Rolls
roller bearing {n} (type of bearing) :: vierintälaakeri
rollerblade {n} (type of roller skate) :: inline-luistin, rullaluistin
rollerblade {v} (to skate with rollerblades) :: rullaluistella
rollerblader {n} (one who rollerblades) :: rullaluistelija
roller blind {n} (blind for a window) :: rullaverho
roller chain {n} (chain drive used for transmission of mechanical power) :: rullaketju
rollercoaster {n} /ˈɹoʊlɚˌkoʊstɚ/ (amusement ride) :: vuoristorata
roller derby {n} (sport) :: roller derby
roller shutter {n} (shutter consisting of a series of horizontal sections that are hinged together) :: rullakaihdin
roller skate {n} (a boot having small wheels) :: rullaluistin
roller skate {v} (to skate using roller skates) :: rullaluistella
roller skating {n} (skating on roller skates) :: rullaluistelu
rollie {n} (cigarette rolled by hand) SEE: roll up ::
rolling paper {n} (paper for rolling cigarettes) :: sätkäpaperi
rolling pin {n} (food preparation utensil) :: kaulin
rolling resistance {n} (force) :: vierimiskitka
rolling stock {n} (railway vehicles collectively) :: rautatiekalusto, liikkuva kalusto
rolling stock {n} (any railway vehicle) :: rautatiekulkuneuvo
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer ::
roll off the tongue {v} (proceed into oral expression in a manner which is fluent) :: soljua
roll-on {n} (cosmetic product) :: roll-on
roll one's eyes {v} (turn one's eyes upwards) :: pyörittää silmiään
roll out {v} (deploy, release or launch) :: julkistaa
roll out the red carpet {v} (extend the utmost hospitality) :: levittää punainen matto
roll over {v} (to make a rolling motion or turn) :: pyörähtää (ympäri)
roll over {v} (to cause a rolling motion or turn) :: pyöräyttää (ympäri)
roll over {v} (to give in to) :: myöntyä
roll over {v} (to reinvest) :: pyöräyttää
roll over {v} (computing: to move the cursor over) :: vierittää (päälle)
roll over {v} (to increment, especially back to initial value) :: pyörähtää
Rolls-Royce {n} (something that is best of its kind) :: Mersu
roll up {v} (to make something into a cylindrical or fold-like shape) :: kääriä; kääräistä
roll up {v} (to close a car window) :: nostaa
roll up {v} (to make into a bundle) :: kääriä, kääräistä
roll up {v} (to roll the dice) :: heittää noppaa
roll up {v} (to arrive by vehicle) :: ajaa
rollup {n} (food) :: kääryle, rulla
rollup {n} (self-made cigarette) :: sätkä
rollup {n} (that which is rolled up) :: kokonaisuus, yhteenveto
roll-up {adj} (capable of being rolled up) :: rulla-, roll-up-
roll up one's sleeves {v} (roll one's sleeves up) :: kääriä hihat
roll up one's sleeves {v} (prepare to work) :: kääriä hihat
roly-poly {n} /ˌɹəʊlɪˈpəʊli/ (toy that rights itself when pushed over) :: keikkunukke
Rom {n} /ɹoʊm/ (a member of the Romani people) :: mustalainen, romani
Rom {prop} (language) SEE: Romani ::
Rom {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {prop} (the Romani macrolanguage) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {n} (member of the Roma/Romani people) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {prop} (the Romani people) :: romanit
Romagnol {prop} (a Romance language) :: romagna
Romaine lettuce {n} (Lactuca sativa longifolia) :: roomansalaatti
romaji {n} /ˈɹoʊmədʒi/ (romanization of Japanese) :: romaji
Roman {adj} /ˈɹoʊmən/ (of or from Rome) :: roomalainen
Roman {adj} (of or from the Roman Empire) :: roomalainen
Roman {adj} (of Western character set) :: latinalainen
Roman {n} (a native or resident of Rome) :: roomalainen
Roman {n} (a native or inhabitant of the Roman Empire) :: roomalainen
Roman {n} (the Roman script) :: latinalainen aakkosto
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet ::
Roman candle {n} (a type of firework) :: roomalainen kynttilä
Roman Catholic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church) :: katolinen, roomalaiskatolinen
Roman Catholic {n} (person) :: katolinen, roomalaiskatolinen
Roman Catholic Church {prop} (Catholic Church) :: roomalaiskatolinen kirkko
Roman Catholicism {prop} (set of beliefs) :: roomalaiskatolisuus
romance {n} /ɹoʊˈmæns/ (intimate relationship, love affair) :: romanssi
romance {n} (strong obsession or attachment) :: intohimo
romance {n} (idealized love) :: romanttinen rakkaus
romance {n} (mysterious, fascinating quality) :: kiehtova piirre
romance {n} (story or novel dealing with idealized love) :: romanttinen kertomus; rakkausromaani
romance {n} (embellished account) :: romanttinen tarina
romance {n} (story relating to chivalry) :: ritaritarina, ritariballadi
romance {n} (dreamy, imaginative habit of mind) :: haaveellisuus, romanttisuus
romance {n} (music: sentimental ballad) :: romanssi
Romance {adj} (of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin) :: romaaninen
Romance language {n} (language descended from Latin) :: romaaninen kieli
romanechite {n} (mineral) :: romanechiitti
Roman Empire {prop} /ˈɹoʊmən ˈɛmpaɪɚ/ (ancient Latin empire) :: Rooman valtakunta, Rooman imperiumi
Romanesco {n} /ɹoʊ.maˈnɛs.koʊ/ (cultivar of cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. broccolo) :: parsakukkakaali, romanesco
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom ::
Romani {prop} /ˈɹo.mə.ni/ (language) :: romani
Romani {n} (nomadic people) SEE: Roma ::
Romania {prop} /ɹoˈmeɪˌni.ə/ (South-Eastern European country) :: Romania
Romanian {n} /ɹoʊˈmeɪ.ni.ən/ (native of Romania) :: romanialainen
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania) :: romania
Romanianness {n} (quality or state) :: romanialaisuus
Romanicist {n} (Romanicist) :: romanisti
romanise {v} (romanize) SEE: romanize ::
Romanise {v} (romanize) SEE: romanize ::
Romanization {n} (putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet) :: latinisaatio
romanize {v} (to put letters or words into the Latin alphabet) :: latinaistaa
romanize {v} (to bring under authority or influence of Rome) :: roomalaistaa
Roman mile {n} (Roman unit of length) :: roomalainen maili
Romanness {n} (state or quality) :: roomalaisuus
Roman nose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose ::
Roman numeral {n} (numeral represented by letters) :: roomalainen numero
Roman numerals {n} (system of numerals) :: roomalaiset numerot {p}
Roman Rite {prop} (Latin rite) :: latinalainen riitus
Roman road {n} (road built by the Romans) :: roomalainen tie, roomalaistie
Romans {prop} /ˈɹəʊmənz/ (book of the Bible) :: Roomalaiskirje
Romans {prop} (30th sura of the Qur'an) :: Roomalaiskirje
Romansch {n} /ɹə(ʊ)ˈmanʃ/ (the Romance language) :: retoromaani
romantic {adj} /ɹəʊˈmæntɪk/ (fantastic, idealistic) :: romanttinen
romantic {adj} (powerfully sentimental, evocative) :: romanttinen
romantic {adj} (concerned with, or conducive to, romance and love) :: romanttinen
romantic {n} (person with romantic character) :: romantikko
romantic {n} (person who is behaving romantically) :: romantikko
romanticism {n} (romantic quality, spirit or action) :: romantiikka
Romanticism {prop} (artistic and intellectual movement) :: romantiikka
romanticize {v} (to view something in a romantic manner) :: romantisoida
romanticize {v} (to think or act in a romantic manner) :: olla romanttinen
romanticized {adj} (interpreted in idealized fashion) :: romantisoitu
romantic orientation {n} (romantic orientation) :: romanttinen suuntautuminen
Rome {prop} /ɹoʊm/ (city) :: Rooma
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Romeo {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet) :: Romeo
Romeo {prop} (letter R in the ICAO spelling alphabet) :: Risto
Romeo and Juliet {prop} (the tragedy) :: Romeo ja Julia
Rome wasn't built in a day {proverb} (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive) :: ei Roomaakaan päivässä rakennettu, Roomaa ei rakennettu yhdessä päivässä
romp {v} (to play roughly or energetically) :: peuhata, temmeltää, riehua
romp {n} (period of boisterous play) :: peuhaaminen, peuhu, temmellys
romper suit {n} (one-piece garment) SEE: onesie ::
rondeau {n} /ˈɹɒn.dəʊ/ (form of song) :: rondeau
rondel {n} (rondeau) SEE: rondeau ::
rondo {n} /ˈɹɒn.dəʊ/ (musical composition) :: rondo
rondo {n} (dark-skinned hybrid variety of grape) :: rondo
rood {n} /ɹuːd/ (crucifix) :: krusifiksi
roof {n} /ɹuːf/ (the cover at the top of a building) :: katto, ulkokatto, vesikatto
roof {n} (the upper part of a cavity) :: katto, ulkokatto
roofer {n} (craftsman who lays or repairs roofs) :: katontekijä, kattomies
rooflike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a roof) :: kattoa muistuttava, katon tapainen, kattomainen; harjamainen
Roof of the World {prop} (the high mountainous regions in Asia) :: maailman katto
roof over one's head {n} (somewhere to live) :: katto päänsä päällä
roof tile {n} (tile covering a roof) :: kattotiili
rooftop {n} (top surface of a roof) :: ulkokatto, vesikatto
rooibos {n} /ˈɹɔɪ.bɒs/ (shrub) :: rooibos
rooibos {n} (tea) :: rooibos, rooibostee
rooibos tea {n} (rooibos) SEE: rooibos ::
rook {n} /ɹʊk/ (bird) :: mustavaris
rook {n} (chesspiece) :: torni
rook {n} (fortification) :: linnoitus
rookie {adj} (amateur) SEE: amateur ::
rookie {n} /ˈɹʊki/ (a novice) :: aloittelija, noviisi, keltanokka
room {n} /ɹuːm/ (opportunity or scope) :: tila, tilaisuus
room {n} (space) :: tila
room {n} (specific area of space) :: tila
room {n} (sufficient space to do something) :: tila
room {n} (nautical: space between timbers) :: kaariväli
room {n} (division in a building) :: huone, kammio
room {n} (one's bedroom) :: huone, makuuhuone
room {n} (set of rooms inhabited by someone) :: asunto, huoneisto, tilat
room {n} (people in a room) :: huone
room {n} (mining: area for working in a coal mine) :: luola
room {n} (spelunking: portion of a cave wider than a passage) :: huone
room {n} (internet: IRC or chat room) :: huone
room {v} (to reside) :: vuokrata, asua
room and board {n} (place for lodging with daily meals) :: täysihoitola
room divider {n} (screen or piece of furniture) :: tilanjakaja
roomie {n} (informal: roommate) :: kämppäkaveri, kämppis
roommate {n} /ˈɹumˌmeɪt/ (a person with whom one shares a room) :: huonetoveri
roommate {n} (US: with whom one shares an apartment or house) :: asuintoveri; kämppäkaveri [informal]
room service {n} (provision of food and drink to a guest room) :: huonepalvelu
room service {n} (department of a hotel) :: huonepalvelu
room temperature {n} (normal temperature) :: huoneenlämpö
room-temperature {adj} (at a typical indoor temperature) :: huoneenlämpöinen
roomy {adj} (spacious) :: tilava, väljä
roost {n} /ɹuːst/ (place for sleeping birds) :: nukkumapaikka
roost {v} :: nukkua
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet ::
rooster {n} /ˈɹustəɹ/ (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) :: kukko
rooster {n} (powerful person) SEE: big cheese ::
rooster {n} (informant) SEE: informant ::
rooster {n} (violent person) SEE: brawler ::
root {n} /ɹuːt/ (part of a plant) :: juuri, puunjuuri [of a tree]
root {n} (of a tooth) :: juuri, hampaanjuuri
root {n} (part of a hair under the skin) :: juuri, hiusjuuri
root {n} (part of a hair near the skin) :: juuri, hiusjuuri
root {n} (primary source) :: lähde, juuri
root {n} (arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression) :: juuri
root {n} (analysis: zero of a function) :: juuri, nollakohta
root {n} (graph theory: node in a tree that has no parent) :: juuri
root {n} (linguistic morphology: primary lexical unit of a word) :: juuri
root {n} (philology: word from which another word or words are derived) :: juuri, kantasana, kanta
root {n} (computing: user account at the root of the directory structure) :: pääkäyttäjä
root {n} (person who manages accounts on a UNIX system) :: pääkäyttäjä
root {n} (computing: highest directory of a directory structure) :: juurihakemisto, juurikansio
root {v} (to turn up or dig with the snout - as pigs) :: tonkia
root {v} (to seek favour or advancement by servility) :: nöyristellä
root {v} (to rummage, root out) :: tonkia
root {v} (to root out) :: juuria, repiä juurineen
root {v} (coarse slang: to have sexual intercourse) :: köyriä
root {v} (to grow roots) :: juurtua
root {v} (to cause to grow roots) :: juurruttaa
root {v} (cheer) :: kannustaa
root {n} (arithmetic: square root) SEE: square root ::
root {n} (root vegetable) SEE: root vegetable ::
rootball {n} (roots and associated soil) :: juuripaakku
root beer {n} /ˈɹut ˌbɪɹ/ (beverage with sarsaparilla root) :: juuriolut
root canal {n} (hollow part of the root of a tooth) :: juurikanava
root canal {n} (surgical operation on a root canal) :: juurihoito
root cause {n} (initiating cause) :: perussyy
root cellar {v} (a structure built underground or partially underground and used to store vegetables, fruits, and nuts or other foods) :: maakellari, maakuoppa
rooted {adj} /ˈɹuːtɪd/ (having roots, or certain type of roots) :: juurtunut [having roots]; -juurinen [having certain type of roots]
rooted {adj} (fixed in one position) :: jähmettynyt; vakiintunut; juuttunut
rooted {adj} (ingrained, habitual or instinctive, see also: ingrained) :: piintynyt
rooted {adj} (fundamentally connected) :: juurtunut; kiinnittynyt
rooted {adj} ((mathematics) having a root) :: juurellinen
rooted {adj} (in trouble) :: pulassa, liemessä
rooted {adj} (non-functional) :: rikkinäinen [attributive]; rikki [adverbial]
root fly {n} (cabbage fly) SEE: cabbage fly ::
rootlessness {n} (property of being rootless) :: juurettomuus
root mean square {n} (type of average) :: neliöllinen keskiarvo, tehollisarvo
root mean square velocity {n} (root mean square of the velocities of all molecules in a volume of gas) :: keskimääräinen nopeus
root nodule {n} :: juurinystyrä
root parsley {n} (variant radicosum of parsley) :: juuripersilja
rootstock {n} (a healthy plant used as the base for grafting) :: perusrunko
root vegetable {n} (edible root) :: juures
root vole {n} (tundra vole) SEE: tundra vole ::
rope {n} /ɹoʊp/ (thick, strong string) :: köysi
rope {n} (a length of this string) :: köysi
rope bridge {n} (bridge made of rope) :: köysisilta
rope dart {n} (weapon consisting of a dart at the end of a rope) :: sheng biao
rope ladder {n} (flexible ladder) :: köysitikkaat {p}
ropelike {adj} (resembling rope) :: köysimäinen
ropeway {n} (cableway) SEE: cableway ::
roquet {n} (act of hitting one's opponent's ball by own ball) :: krokkaus
roquet {v} (to drive one's opponent's ball by own ball) :: krokata
roriferous {adj} /ɹəʊˈɹɪf.əɹ.əs/ (producing or generating dew) :: utuinen
rorqual {n} /ˈɹɒɹkwəl/ (whale with long skin folds below mouth) :: uurteisvalas
Rorschach test {n} /ˈɹɔɹˌʃæk tɛst/ (method of psychological evaluation that uses subject's interpretations of inkblots) :: Rorschachin testi
rosé {n} /ɹoʊ̯ˈzeɪ̯/ (wine) :: rosee
Rosa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Rose ::
rosacea {n} (chronic condition) :: ruusufinni
rosary {n} /ˈɹoʊzəɹi/ (Catholic prayer beads) :: ruusukko, rukousnauha
rosary {n} (devotion) :: ruusukkorukous
rosasite {n} (mineral) :: rosasiitti
Rosberg {prop} :: Rosberg
rose {n} /ɹoʊz/ (shrub) :: ruusu
rose {n} (flower) :: ruusu
rose {n} (colour) :: ruusunpunainen
rose {adj} (colour) :: ruusunpunainen
Rose {prop} (female given name) :: Roosa, Ruusu
rose apple {n} (Syzygium) :: jambolaani
rose chafer {n} (Cetonia aurata) :: kultakuoriainen
rose-colored glasses {n} (overly optimistic perception of something) :: vaaleanpunaiset silmälasit {p}
rose-coloured {adj} (having pink colour) :: ruusunpunainen
rose-coloured {adj} (cheerfully optimistic) :: ruusunpunainen
rose diamond {n} (type of cut diamond) :: ruusuhiottu timantti, ruusutimantti
rosefinch {n} (bird in the genus Carpodacus) :: punavarpunen
rose garden {n} (garden planted in roses) :: ruusutarha
rose garden {n} (highly desirable situation) :: ruusutarha
rosehip {n} /ˈɹoʊzhɪp/ (the fruit of a rose plant) :: ruusunmarja
rosella {n} /ɹə(ʊ)ˈzɛlə/ (parrot of the genus Platycercus) :: rosella
rose madder {n} (tint) :: krappilakka
rosemary {n} (shrub) :: rosmariini
rose petal {n} /ɹoʊz pɛt(ə)l/ (petal of a rose flower) :: ruusun terälehti
rose quartz {n} (pinkish to reddish-colored quartz) :: ruusukvartsi
Rosetta Stone {prop} (large inscribed stone) :: Rosettan kivi
rosette {n} /ɹoʊˈzɛt/ (ornamental imitation of a rose) :: ruusuke
rosette {n} (architectural ornament) :: ruusuke
rosette {n} (botany: one or more whorls of leaves) :: ruusuke
rosette {n} (botany: type of plant growth) :: ruusuke
rosette {n} (zoology: structure having a flowerlike form) :: ruusuke
rosette {n} (zoology: flowerlike color marking) :: täplä
rosewater {n} (a liquid produced by steeping rose petals in water) :: ruusuvesi
Rosicrucian {n} (member of Rosicrucian Order) :: ruusuristiläinen
Rosicrucian {adj} (related to Rosicrucianism) :: ruusuristiläinen
Rosicrucianism {n} (medieval theology) :: ruusuristiläisyys
rosily {adv} (in a rosy manner) :: ruusuisesti
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin ::
rosin {n} /ˈɹɒ.zən/ (solid form of resin) :: hartsi
Ross's gull {n} (Rhodostethia rosea) :: ruusulokki
roster {n} (schedule) SEE: schedule ::
roster {n} /ˈɹɑstɚ/ (a list of names) :: nimilista; osanottajaluettelo; [sports] pelaajaluettelo, rosteri
Rostov {prop} (Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl oblast, Russia) :: Rostov
Rostov-na-Donu {prop} (a city in Russia) SEE: Rostov-on-Don ::
Rostov-on-Don {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Rostov-na-Donu
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak ::
rostrum {n} /ˈɹɑː.stɹəm/ (dais, pulpit, or similar platform) :: koroke, kateederi [dais]; puhujapönttö [pulpit]
rostrum {n} (projecting prow of a rowed warship) :: keulajuhmuri
rostrum {n} (beak-shaped projection on the head of some insects) :: kärsä
rostrum {n} (zoology: snout of a dolphin) :: nokka, kuono
rosé wine {n} (pink coloured wine) :: roseeviini
rosy starling {n} (Pastor roseus) :: punakottarainen
rot {v} /ɹɒt/ ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition) :: mädäntyä, mädätä
rota {n} /ˈɹəʊ.tə/ (schedule) :: työlista
Rotarian {n} /ɹoʊˈtɛɹ.i.ən/ (member of a Rotary Club) :: rotari
rotary {n} (traffic circle) SEE: traffic circle ::
rotary {adj} /ˈɹoʊtəɹi/ (capable of rotation) :: pyörivä
rotary {n} (club in Rotary movement) :: rotariklubi
rotary phone {n} (rotary dial telephone) :: kiekkopuhelin
rotate {v} /ˈɹoʊteɪt/ (to spin, turn, or revolve) :: pyöriä, pyörittää, kääntyä
rotate {v} (to advance through a sequence; to take turns) :: vuorotella
rotate {v} (to spin, turn, or revolve something) :: kääntää
rotating {adj} (that rotates) :: pyörivä
rotation {n} /ɹoʊˈteɪʃən/ (act of turning around a centre) :: pyöriminen
rotation {n} (single cycle of turning) :: pyörähdys
rotation {n} (regular variation in a sequence) :: kierto
rotation {n} (isometry) :: kierto
rotational energy {n} (kinetic energy) :: pyörimisenergia
rotator cuff {n} (set of four smaller muscles in the shoulder) :: kiertäjäkalvosin
rotavirus {n} /ˈɹəʊtəˌvaɪɹəs/ (any of a group of wheel-shaped viruses) :: rotavirus
rote {n} /ɹoʊt/ (process of committing to memory) :: ulkoa [by rote]
rote {n} (mechanical routine) :: rutiini
rote {n} (roar of the surf) :: (aaltojen) pauhu
rotgut {n} (raw or poor quality alcoholic liquor) :: pontikka
roti {n} /ˈɹoʊti/ (unleavened flatbread) :: roti
rotifer {n} (organism of the phylum Rotifera) :: rataseläin
rotor {n} /ˈɹoʊ.tɚ/ (a rotating part of a mechanical device) :: roottori, pyörijä
rotor {n} (the wing of a helicopter or similar) :: roottori
rotorcraft {n} (aircraft that obtains its lift from rotors) :: roottorikone
rotoscope {n} (animation technique) :: rotoskooppaus
rotten {adj} /ˈɹɑtn̩/ (decayed, gone bad) :: mädäntynyt, mätä
rotten {adj} (mean) :: mädännäinen
Rotterdammer {n} (person from Rotterdam) :: rotterdamilainen
Rottweiler {n} (breed of dog) :: rottweiler
rotula {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout ::
rotunda {n} /ɹoʊˈtʌndə/ (architecture: round building, often with a dome) :: rotunda
rotunda {n} (typography: Gothic typeface based on a 13th-C. rounded script) :: rotunda
rouge {v} /ɹuːʒ/ (apply rouge) :: laittaa poskipunaa
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush ::
rough {adj} /ɹʌf/ (not smooth) :: karhea, rosoinen
rough {adj} (approximate) :: karkea, alustava
rough {adj} (turbulent) :: aallokkoinen, kuoppainen
rough {adj} (difficult) :: kova
rough {adj} (crude, unrefined) :: karkea
rough {adj} (violent) :: kova, karkea, väkivaltainen, kovakourainen
rough {n} (unmowed part of golf-course) :: karheikko, raffi
rough {v} (to create in approximate form) :: luonnostella, hahmotella
rough {v} (ice hockey: to perform roughing) :: olla väkivaltainen
rough {v} (to break in) :: kouluttaa
rough {v} (to render rough) SEE: roughen ::
roughage {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
roughage {n} /ɹʌfɪd͡ʒ/ (rough or coarse material) :: silppu, rouhe
rough around the edges {adj} (in need of refinement) :: hiomaton
rough breathing {n} (Ancient Greek diacritical mark) :: vahva henkäys, spiritus asper
rough collie {n} (breed of dog) :: pitkäkarvainen collie
roughen {v} (to make rough) :: karhentaa
roughen {v} (to become rough) :: karhentua
rough fish {n} (fish regarded as having no value to humans) :: roskakala
rough horsetail {n} (plant) :: kangaskorte
rough-legged buzzard {n} (Buteo lagopus) :: piekana
roughly {adv} /ˈɹʌf.li/ (in a rough manner) :: karkeasti, kovaa, karheasti
roughly {adv} (unevenly) :: karkeasti
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
rough sleeper {n} ((euphemistic) homeless person) :: koditon
rough up {v} (to manhandle or beat up) :: pahoinpidellä, murjoa
roulette {n} (game of chance) :: ruletti
roulette {n} (locus) :: vierintäkäyrä
round {adj} /ˈɹaʊnd/ (circular or cylindrical) :: pyöreä
round {adj} (spherical) :: pyöreä
round {adj} (of corners that lack sharp angles) :: pyöreä, pyöristetty
round {adj} (plump) :: pyöreä, pullea, pulska
round {adj} (complete, not lacking) :: pyöreä, täysi
round {adj} (of a number that has been rounded off) :: pyöreä, pyöristetty
round {adj} (pronounced with the mouth in the shape of an "O") :: pyöreä
round {n} (circular object) :: ympyrä
round {n} (circular or repetitious route) :: kierros
round {n} (outburst) :: aplodit {p} [round of applause]
round {n} (song with each subset starting at a different time) :: kaanon
round {n} (serving) :: kierros, annos
round {n} (single individual portion or dose of medicine) :: annos, kuuri
round {n} (circular paintbrush) :: pyörösivellin
round {n} (individual ammunition shell) :: patruuna, ammus
round {n} (segment of a sport event) :: erä
round {n} (stage of a sports competition) :: kierros, erä
round {n} (golf etc: way around the course) :: kierros
round {n} (rounded relief or cut at an edge) :: pyöristys
round {n} (strip of material with a circular face) :: pyöristys, pyöristyslista
round {n} (hindquarters of a bovine for butchering) :: paisti
round {n} (rung of a ladder) :: askelma
round {v} (to shape into a curve) :: pyöristää
round {v} (to become shaped into a curve) :: pyöristyä
round {v} (to complete, fill out) :: suorittaa, saattaa päätökseen
round {v} (to approximate a number) :: pyöristää, pyöristyä
round {v} (to turn past a boundary) :: kääntyä jonkin ympäri
round {v} (to turn and attack someone) :: koukata
round {v} (baseball: to advance to home plate) :: kiertää
round {v} (to go round, pass, go past) :: kiertää
round {prep} (around) SEE: around ::
round {adv} (around) SEE: around ::
roundabout {adj} (circuitous) :: kiertelevä, epäsuora, kierto-
roundabout {adj} (comprehensive) :: kattava
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island) :: liikenneympyrä, kiertoliittymä
roundabout {n} (children's play apparatus which rotates around a central axis when pushed) :: karuselli
roundabout {n} (fairground carousel) :: karuselli
roundabout {n} (detour) :: kiertotie
round bracket {n} (parenthesis, bracket) :: kaarisulje, kaarisulku
round dance {n} (dance for couples with a revolving motion) :: pyörivä tanssi
round down {v} (to round downwards to the desired accuracy) :: pyöristää alaspäin
rounded {adj} /ˈɹaʊndɪd/ (made into a circle or a sphere) :: pyöristetty, pyöreä
rounded {adj} (pronounced with the lips drawn together) :: pyöreä
roundel {n} /ˈɹaʊn.dəl/ (heraldry: a circular spot; a charge in the form of a small coloured circle) :: ympyrä
roundhead {adj} (of a screw: having a dome-shaped head) :: kupukantainen
roundhead {n} (roundhead screw) :: kupukantaruuvi
Roundhead {n} (English Civil War: nickname) :: keropää
roundhouse {n} (a circular building in which locomotives are housed) :: veturitalli
roundhouse kick {n} :: kiertopotku
rounding {adj} /ˈɹaʊndɪŋ/ (round or nearly round; becoming round; roundish) :: pyöreähkö, pyörenevä
rounding {n} (the act of rounding a mathematical value) :: pyöristys, pyöristäminen
roundish {adj} (somewhat round) :: pyöreähkö
roundleaf bat {n} (bat) :: kaviokuonoyökkö
round of applause {n} (outburst of clapping) :: aplodit {p}
roundoff {n} (roundoff, a gymnastics move) :: arabialainen
roundpole fence {n} (fence) :: riukuaita, pistoaita
round robin {n} (method of dividing labor between subsystems) :: kiertovuorottelu
round table {n} (conference) :: pyöreä pöytä
round the clock {prep} (24 hours per day) SEE: around the clock ::
round-the-clock {adj} (all day long) :: ympärivuorokautinen
round trip {n} (a trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location) :: edestakainen matka, menopaluumatka
round-trip time {n} (time elapsed for a message to somewhere and back) :: kierrosaika, kiertokulkuaika
round up {v} (to collect or gather (something) together) :: koota
round up {v} (to round up a number) :: pyöristää ylöspäin
roundworm {n} (invertebrate of the phylum Nematoda) SEE: nematode ::
rousong {n} (meat floss) :: rousong
rout {n} /ɹaʊt/ (troop or group, especially of a traveling company or throng) :: seurue, joukko, väkijoukko
rout {n} (disorderly crowd) :: väkijoukko, sakki, lauma
rout {n} (state of being disorganized) :: sekasorto
rout {n} (act of defeating and breaking up an army or another opponent) :: lyöminen
rout {n} (legal: disturbance of the peace by persons assembled together) :: meteli
route {n} /ɹuːt/ (course or way traveled) :: reitti
route {n} (passing, course, road) :: reitti
route {n} (way to do something) :: tie, reitti
route {v} (to direct along a particular course) :: ohjata, reitittää
route {v} (internet: to connect two LANs) :: reitittää
route of administration {n} (path by which a drug is taken into the body) :: annostelureitti
router {n} /ˈɹaʊtɚ/ (someone who routes or directs items from one location to another) :: reitittäjä
router {n} (device that directs packets of information) :: reititin
router {n} (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) :: reititin
router {n} (algorithm) :: reititin
router {n} /ˈɹaʊtɚ/ (power tool) :: yläjyrsin
routine {n} /ɹuːˈtiːn/ (course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure) :: rutiini
routine {n} (set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically) :: rutiini
routine {n} (computing: set of instructions designed to perform a specific task) :: rutiini
routine {adj} (according to established procedure) :: rutiininomainen
routine {adj} (regular; habitual) :: rutiininomainen
routine {adj} (ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others) :: rutiininomainen
routined {adj} (regulated by routine) :: rutiininomainen
routing {n} /ˈɹutɪŋ/ (a method of finding paths from origins to destinations in a network such as the Internet) :: reititys
routing {n} /ˈɹaʊtɪŋ/ (cutting a channel in a material such as wood using a router) :: jyrsintä
routinize {v} (to make routine) :: rutinoida
roux {n} /ɹuː/ (mixture of fat (usually butter) and flour used to thicken sauces and stews) :: roux
Rouzhi {n} (Yuezhi) SEE: Yuezhi ::
Rovaniemi {prop} (city) :: Rovaniemi
rove {v} /ɹoʊv/ (to wander about at random) :: kuljeskella
rove beetle {n} (beetle of Staphylinidae) :: lyhytsiipinen
rover {n} /ˈɹəʊvə(ɹ)/ (a vehicle for exploring extraterrestrial bodies) :: mönkijä, kulkija
row {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (line of objects) :: rivi
row {n} (in a table) :: rivi
row {v} /ɹoʊ/ (transitive:to propel over water using oars) :: soutaa
row {n} /ɹaʊ/ (noisy argument) :: riita, rähinä
row {n} (continual loud noise) :: meteli, rähinä
row {v} (intransitive: to argue noisily) :: riidellä
rowable {adj} (capable of being rowed) :: soudettava
rowan {n} /ˈɹaʊ.ən/ (Sorbus aucuparia) :: pihlaja, kotipihlaja
rowan {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Sorbus) :: pihlaja
rowboat {n} (small boat that is rowed) :: soutuvene
rowdy {n} /ˈɹaʊdi/ (boisterous person) :: öykkäri, tappelupukari
rowen {n} :: äpäre
row-equivalence {n} (relation between two matrices of the same size, such that every row of one matrix is a linear combination of the rows of the other matrix, and vice versa) :: riviekvivalenssi
rower {n} /ˈɹəʊ.ə(ɹ)/ (person who rows a boat) :: soutaja
rowhome {n} (house) SEE: rowhouse ::
row house {n} (rowhouse) SEE: rowhouse ::
rowhouse {n} (house) :: rivitaloasunto; rivitalo [as form of housing]
rowing {n} /ˈɹoʊɪŋ/ (action of the verb "to row") :: soutaminen, soutu
rowing {n} (the sport) :: soutu
rowing boat {n} (rowboat) SEE: rowboat ::
rowing machine {n} (exercise machine) :: soutulaite
rowlock {n} /ˈɹʌlək/ (support for an oar) :: hankain, hankaintappi
row vector {n} (matrix with one row that represents a vector) :: vaakavektori, rivivektori
Roxana {prop} (the wife of Alexander the Great) :: Roksane
Roxanne {prop} (female given name) SEE: Roxana ::
royal {adj} /ˈɹɔɪəl/ (of or relating to a monarch or their family) :: kuninkaallinen
royal {n} (royal person) :: kuninkaallinen
royal {n} (standard size of printing paper) :: royal
royal {n} (intended Australian decimal currency) :: royal
royal {n} (fourth tine of an antler's beam) :: royal
royal {n} (nautical: a sail) :: röijeli, röijelipurje
royal {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
royal {n} (old English gold coin) SEE: rial ::
royal antelope {n} (species of antelope) :: kuningasantilooppi
royal assent {n} (method by which a constitutional monarch approves a law) :: kuninkaan hyväksyntä
royal family {n} (family of the ruling sovereign of a country or state) :: kuningasperhe
royal flush {n} (ace-high straight flush) :: kuningasvärisuora
royal jelly {n} (substance secreted by bees) :: kuningatarhyytelö, emomaito
royally {adv} (in a royal manner) :: kuninkaallisesti
royally {adv} (excessively, thoroughly) :: erittäin, hyvin, todella
royal pain {n} (someone angering) :: kiusankappale
royal poinciana {n} (flamboyant) SEE: flamboyant ::
royalty {n} /ˈɹɔɪəlti/ (rank, status, etc. of a monarch) :: kuninkuus
royalty {n} (monarch and their families treated as a group) :: kuningasperhe
royalty {n} (payment for exploiting mineral rights) :: rojalti
royalty {n} (payment made to owner of intellectual property) :: tekijänoikeuskorvaus [for using literal or artistic work]; rojalti [for using a patent, trademark etc.]
RPG {n} (role-playing game) :: rope, roolipeli
Rüppell's warbler {n} (Sylvia ruppeli) :: mustakurkkukerttu
rrp {n} (recommended retail price) :: ovh
rösti {n} /ˈɹɔsti/ (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes) :: röstiperunat, rösti
RSVP {v} (initialism meaning reply please) :: V.P.
rub {n} /ɹʌb/ (act of rubbing) :: hankaus
rub {v} (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) :: hieroa, hinkata
rub {v} (to rub something against (a second thing)) :: hangata
rub {v} (to be rubbed against something) :: hiertää
rub {v} (to spread a substance thinly over; to smear) :: hieroa
rub {v} (to scour; to burnish; to polish; to brighten; to cleanse) :: puunata, hangata
rubber {n} /ˈɹʌbɚ/ (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) :: kumi, kautsu, luonnonkumi, raakakumi
rubber {n} (synthetic materials with the same properties) :: kumi
rubber {n} (condom) :: kumi
rubber {n} (someone or something which rubs) :: hankaaja
rubber {n} (baseball: pad on the pitcher's mound) :: syöttölaatta
rubber {n} (water resistant shoe covers) :: kalossi
rubber {n} (tires) :: kumi, kumit {p}
rubber {adj} (not covered by funds) :: katteeton
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser ::
rubber band {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band ::
rubber bullet {n} :: kumiluoti
rubber duck {n} (toy shaped like a duck) :: kylpyankka, kumiankka
rubber duck {n} (inflatable boat) :: kumivene
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist ::
rubberneck {n} (someone who engages in rubbernecking, or turning and staring, see also: rubbernecker) :: töllistelijä
rubberneck {v} (to watch by craning the neck) :: kurkottaa kaulaansa
rubber plant {n} (Ficus elastica) :: fiikus, kumiviikuna, huonekumipuu
rubber ring {n} (inflatable ring used as an aid to swimming) :: uimarengas
rubber stamp {n} (piece of rubber to make an imprint) :: kumileimasin
rubber stamp {n} (person or body approving things without power to change them) :: kumileimasin
rubber tree {n} (Hevea brasiliensis) :: kumipuu
rubbery {adj} (relating to or resembling rubber) :: kuminen
rubbing {n} /ˈɹʌbɪŋ/ (impression of an embossed or incised surface) :: hankauspiirros
rubbing alcohol {n} (surgical spirit) SEE: surgical spirit ::
rubbing strip {n} (protecting strip) :: törmäyslista
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage ::
rubbish {n} /ˈɹʌbɪʃ/ (items of low quality) :: roska
rubbish {n} (nonsense) :: roska, luikuri, palturi, lööperi, pöty
rubbish {n} (debris or ruins of buildings) :: rauniot {p}, rakennusjäte
rubbish {adj} (exceedingly bad, see also: awful) :: surkea, kurja
rubbish {interj} (used to express that something is exceedingly bad) :: pahus
rubbish {interj} (used to express that what was recently said is nonsense or untrue) :: roskaa
rubbish {v} (to criticize, denigrate, see also: criticize; denigrate) :: haukkua, moittia
rubbish bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag ::
rubbish bin {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
rubbish in, rubbish out {proverb} (garbage in, garbage out) SEE: garbage in, garbage out ::
rubble {n} /ˈɹʌb.əl/ (the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry) :: rauniot
rube {n} /ɹuːb/ (person of rural heritage; a yokel) :: maalainen
rube {n} (pejorative: uninformed, unsophisticated, or unintelligent person) :: juntti
rubella {n} /ɹuːˈbɛlə/ (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract) :: vihurirokko
rubeola {n} (measles) SEE: measles ::
rubidium {n} /ˌɹuːˈbɪd.i.əm/ (element with atomic number 37) :: rubidium
Rubik's cube {n} (cubical mechanical puzzle) :: Rubikin kuutio
ruble {n} /ɹuːbəl/ (Russian monetary unit) :: rupla
rub one's hands together {v} :: hieroa käsiään yhteen
rubric {n} /ˈɹuːbɹɪk/ (heading in a book highlighted in red) :: rubriikki, otsikko
rubric {n} (category or classification) :: kategoria
rubric {n} (established rule or custom, a guideline) :: ohje, ohjeistus
rub salt in the wound {v} (to make an injury feel worse) :: vääntää veistä haavassa
rub someone the wrong way {v} (to bother) :: ärsyttää
ruby {n} /ˈɹuːbi/ (type of gem) :: rubiini
ruby {n} (colour) :: rubiininpunainen
ruby {adj} (of a deep red colour) :: rubiininpunainen
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate ::
rucksack {n} /ˈɹʌkˌsæk/ (a bag carried on the back) :: rinkka, reppu
ruckus {n} /ˈɹʌkəs/ (A noisy disturbance and/or commotion) :: kohu, meteli, metakka
ruckus {n} (A row, fight) :: tappelu, käsirysy
ruckus room {n} (recreation room) SEE: recreation room ::
ruction {n} /ˈɹʌk.ʃən/ (noisy quarrel or fight) :: rähinä
rudbeckia {n} (plant of the genus Rudbeckia) :: päivänhattu
rudder {n} /ˈɹʌdɚ/ (underwater vane used to steer a vessel) :: peräsin, ruori
rudder {n} (control surface of an aircraft) :: peräsin, sivuperäsin
ruddy {adj} /ˈɹʌdi/ (reddish) :: punainen, punakka
ruddy {adj} (a mild intensifier) :: kirottu, hemmetin
ruddy duck {n} (Oxyura jamaicensis) :: kuparisorsa
ruddy shelduck {n} (duck) :: ruostesorsa
ruddy turnstone {n} (Arenaria interpres) :: karikukko
rude {adj} /ɹuːd/ (bad-mannered) :: moukkamainen, töykeä, tyly, karkea, karkeatapainen
rude {adj} (obscene, pornographic, offensive) :: rivo
rude {adj} (tough, robust) :: karkeatekoinen
rude {adj} (undeveloped, unskilled, basic) :: karkea
rudely {adv} /ˈɹuːdli/ (in a rude manner) :: töykeästi
rudeness {n} (property of being rude) :: töykeys, epäkohteliaisuus, karkeakäytöksisyys
rudiment {n} /ˈɹuːdɪmənt/ (fundamental principle or skill) :: alkeet {p}, perusteet
rudiment {n} (sthg. in undeveloped form) :: perusajatus, peruskuvio
rudiment {n} (biology: body part that has no function left) :: surkastuma, rudimentti
rudiment {n} (music: basic drum pattern) :: rudimentti
rudimentary {adj} /ˌɹuːdɪˈmɛntəɹi/ (of or relating to rudiments) :: alkeellinen, alkeis-, perus-, rudimentaarinen, alustava
rudimentary {adj} (basic; minimal) :: puutteellinen [having flaws]; auttava [of language]; alkeellinen, alkeis-
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer {prop} (the red-nosed reindeer) :: Petteri Punakuono
rue {n} /ɹuː/ (repentance, regret) :: katumus
rue {n} (pity, compassion) :: sääli
rue {v} (to repent or regret a past action or event) :: katua
rue {n} (any of various perennial shrubs) :: ruuta; tuoksuruuta [R. graveolens]
rueful {adj} (causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow) :: kaduttava, katuva, katuvainen
rueful {adj} (inspiring pity or compassion) :: surkea, säälittävä
ruff {n} /ɹʌf/ (circular frill or ruffle on a garment) :: myllynkivikaulus, röyhelökaulus
ruff {n} (the bird Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax)) :: suokukko
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump ::
ruff {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) SEE: ruffe ::
ruffe {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) :: kiiski
ruffian {n} /ˈɹʌfi.ən/ (scoundrel, rascal) :: räyhääjä, öykkäri, rettelöijä
ruffle {n} /ˈɹʌfəl/ (strip of fabric) :: röyhelö
ruffle {v} (to curl or flute) :: röyhelöittää
ruffle {v} (to disturb) :: liikuttaa [general]; heilutella, värisyttää [to cause to flutter]; pörröttää [of hair or similar]
rufous {adj} /ˈɹuːfəs/ (colour) :: punertava, punakka
rufous-bellied kookaburra {n} (Dacelo gaudichaud) :: papuannauraja
rufous-bellied tit {n} (Melaniparus rufiventris) :: latvustiainen
rufous-capped antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus ruficapillus) :: punalakkimuura
rufous-winged antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus torquatus) :: brasilianpuumuura
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig ::
rug {n} /ɹʌɡ/ (partial floor covering) :: matto
rug {n} (thick piece of fabric used for warmth) :: viltti, huopa
rug {n} (coarse, heavy frieze) :: karkea friisikangas
rug {n} (rough, woolly, or shaggy dog) :: karvaturri
ruga {n} /ˈɹuːɡə/ (anatomy: crease or wrinkle) :: poimu
rugby {n} /ˈɹʌɡbi/ (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) :: rugby
rugby league {n} (version of rugby football) :: rugby league
rugged {adj} /ˈɹʌɡɪd/ (broken into sharp points) :: rosoinen, epätasainen, karu, kallioinen
rugged {adj} (not neat or regular) :: epätasainen, epäsäännöllinen
rugged {adj} (rough with bristles) :: takkuinen
rugged {adj} (strong, sturdy, well-built) :: roteva
rugged {adj} (harsh, austere) :: karski
rugged {adj} (stormy, turbulent) :: myrskyinen
rugged {adj} (harsh, grating) :: riipivä, raastava
rugged {adj} (sour, surly) :: hapan
rugged {adj} (violent, rude) :: karkea
rugged {adj} (vigorous, robust) :: vankka
ruin {n} /ˈɹu.ɪn/ (remains of destroyed construction) :: raunio
ruin {n} (the state of being a ruin, destroyed or decayed) :: rappio
ruin {n} (something which leads to serious troubles) :: turmio
ruin {v} (to cause the economical ruin of) :: raunioittaa, tuhota, tärvellä, pilata
ruin {v} (to destroy) :: raunioittaa
ruin {v} (to spoil) :: pilata
ruin {v} (to ruin) SEE: wreck ::
Ruism {n} (Confucianism) SEE: Confucianism ::
rule {n} /ɹuːl/ (regulation) :: sääntö, ohje
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) :: säännellä, hallita, johtaa, päättää, hallita, vallita
rule {v} (slang: to excel) :: rulettaa
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler ::
rulebook {n} (a book containing rules) :: sääntökirja
rule of law {n} (the doctrine that no individual is above the law) :: laillisuusperiaate
rule of man {n} (absence of rule of law) :: mielivalta
rule of the road {n} (nautical: regulation concerning safe handling of vessels) :: meriteiden sääntö
rule of three {prop} (mathematical rule) :: kolmen sääntö
rule of thumb {n} (general guideline rather than a strict rule) :: nyrkkisääntö, peukalosääntö
rule out {v} (to cross out) :: yliviivata, hylätä
rule out {v} (to reject from list of possibilities) :: sulkea pois, hylätä
rule out {v} (to make something impossible) :: estää
rule out {v} (to disallow) :: hylätä
ruler {n} /ˈɹulɚ/ (measuring or drawing device) :: viivain, viivoitin
ruler {n} (person who rules or governs) :: hallitsija
rules of the road {n} (rules and regulations) :: liikennesäännöt
rule the roost {v} :: olla kukkona tunkiolla
ruling {adj} /ˈɹuːlɪŋ/ (that rules) :: hallitseva
ruling {n} (an order or a decision on a point of law from someone in authority) :: käsky
ruling class {n} (social class) :: hallitseva luokka
ruling pen {n} (a drawing instrument) :: vetopiirrin
rum {n} /ɹʌm/ (distilled spirit) :: rommi
rum {n} (serving) :: rommi
rum {n} (kind or brand) :: rommi
rumba {n} (dance) :: rumba
rumba {v} (to dance rumba) :: rumbata
rumble {n} /ˈɹʌmb(ə)l/ (low, heavy, continuous sound) :: ryminä, jyrinä, jyry, jytinä, jylinä, jyminä, jymy
rumble {n} (street fight or brawl) :: rähinä, tappelu
rumble {v} (to make a low pitched noise) :: jyristä, jymistä, rymistä; kurista (of stomach)
rumble {v} (to discover deceitful or underhanded behaviour) :: ratsata
rumble {v} (to move while making a rumbling noise) :: jyristellä, rymistellä, rymistää, rymytä
rumble {v} (to fight, brawl) :: rähinöidä, ottaa yhteen
rumen {n} /ˈɹu.mən/ (first stomach of ruminants) :: pötsi
ruminant {adj} /ˈɹuːmɪnənt/ (chewing cud) :: märehtivä
ruminant {n} (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) :: märehtijä
ruminate {v} /ˈɹumɪneɪt/ (to chew cud) :: märehtiä
ruminate {v} (to meditate) :: märehtiä
rumination {n} (act of ruminating) :: märehtiminen, märehdintä
rumination {n} (deep thought) :: pohdiskelu, mietiskely, märehtiminen
rumination {n} (negative cyclic thinking) :: ruminaatio
rumination {n} (eating disorder) :: ruminaatio
rummage {v} /ˈɹʌm.ɪdʒ/ (to search something which contains many items) :: penkoa
rummage {v} (to search something thoroughly and with disregard) :: penkoa, myllätä
rummage {v} (to hastily search for) :: penkoa
rummage sale {n} (informal sale) :: myyjäiset {p}
rummy {n} /ˈɹʌmɪ/ (card game) :: rommi
rumor {n} /ˈɹumɚ/ (statement or claim from no known reliable source) :: huhu
rumor {n} (uncountable: information) :: huhu, kuulopuhe
rumor has it {phrase} (rumour has it) SEE: rumour has it ::
rumor mill {n} (originator or promulgator of gossip) :: huhumylly
rumour has it {phrase} (there is a rumor that...) :: huhu kertoo, huhutaan
rump {n} /ˈɹʌmp/ (the hindquarters of an animal) :: takamus, perä, takapuoli
rump {n} (a cut of meat from the rump) :: paisti
rump {n} (the buttocks) :: takamus, perä, takapuoli, peppu, pakarat {p}
Rumpelstiltskin {prop} (the fairy tale) :: Tittelintuure, Rompanruoja, Hopskukkeli
Rumpelstiltskin {prop} (the fictional dwarf) :: Tittelintuure, Rompanruoja, Hopskukkeli
rumple {v} /ˈɹʌmpəl/ (to make wrinkled) :: rypistää
rumpus room {n} (recreation room) SEE: recreation room ::
run {v} /ɹʌn/ (to move quickly on two feet) :: juosta
run {v} (to move quickly) :: juosta, rientää, rynnätä
run {v} (to move or spread quickly) :: kiertää, olla liikkeellä, juosta
run {v} (to cause to move quickly) :: juoksuttaa, ajaa
run {v} (to be in charge of) :: vetää, vastata [+ elative], hallita, johtaa, pyörittää [colloquial]
run {v} (to flow) :: virrata, juosta
run {v} (to have a liquid flowing from) :: valua
run {v} (to make a liquid flow) :: juoksuttaa, valuttaa
run {v} (to extend in space or through a range) :: ulottua, yltää, kulkea
run {v} (to sail a boat with the wind coming from behind) :: purjehtia myötätuuleen, lenssata
run {v} (to extend in time, to last, to continue) :: kestää [to last], olla myöhässä, myöhästyä [to run late], jatkua [to continue]
run {v} (to make something extend in space) :: vetää
run {v} (of a machine, to be operating normally) :: toimia, käydä, kulkea [of means of transport], pyöriä
run {v} (to make a machine operate) :: käynnistää, käyttää, ajaa, pyörittää
run {v} (to execute or carry out a plan, procedure or program) :: tehdä, ajaa, suorittaa, pyörittää
run {v} (to compete in a race) :: juosta, kilpailla
run {v} (to be a candidate in an election) :: olla ehdolla, pyrkiä
run {v} (to make run in a race or an election) :: kilpailuttaa [in a race], asettaa ehdolle [in an election], asettaa
run {v} (to be presented in the media) :: tulla [of TV and radio], olla [of print]
run {v} (to print or broadcast in the media) :: julkaista [to publish]
run {v} (to leak, spread or bleed in an undesirable fashion) :: värjätä, päästää väriä
run {v} (to become different, usually worse) :: käydä, muuttua, joutua [run into + illative]
run {v} (to go through without stopping) :: ajaa läpi, ajaa ohi
run {v} (to transport someone or something) :: ajaa, viedä
run {v} (to cost a large amount of money) :: maksaa, saada pulittaa, joutua pulittamaan
run {v} (of fish, to migrate for spawning) :: vaeltaa
run {v} (soccer: to carry a football down the field) :: kuljettaa
run {v} (of stitches, to unravel) :: juosta, purkautua
run {v} (to flee away from a danger or towards help) :: juosta karkuun, paeta
run {v} (agriculture: to sort through) :: lajitella
run {v} (to control or have precedence in a card game) :: putsata pöytä
run {v} (juggling: to juggle a pattern continuously) :: pyörittää
run {n} (the act of running) :: juoksu
run {n} (the route taken while running) :: reitti
run {n} (flow of liquid) :: virtaus
run {n} (creek) :: puro
run {n} (amount of something made) :: määrä, kopio [of copies or units]
run {n} (faster than a walk) :: hölkkä, juoksu
run {n} (gallop) :: laukka
run {n} (interval of distance or time) :: aikaväli [of time], etäisyys [of distance]
run {n} (enclosure for animals) :: aitaus
run {n} (unravelled stitches) :: silmäpako
run {n} (a point scored in some games) :: juoksu
run {v} (to smuggle illegal goods) SEE: smuggle ::
run about {v} (to be very busy doing many things) :: touhuta, touhuilla
run aground {v} (to be immobilized by shallow water) :: ajaa karille
run aground {v} (to cause a vessel to run aground) :: ajaa karille
run amok {v} (run amok) :: riehua, olla valtoimenaan
run around {v} (to be very busy) :: touhuta
run around like a chicken with its head cut off {v} (To act in a haphazard or aimless way) :: kuin päätön kana [idiomatic]
run away {v} (to flee by running) :: juosta pakoon
run away {v} (to leave home) :: karata kotoa
runaway {n} /ˈɹʌnəweɪ/ (a person or organization that escapes captivity or restrictions) :: karkulainen, karkuri
runaway {n} (a train that is out of control) :: karannut juna
runaway {n} (an object or process that is out of control) :: karkulainen
runaway {n} (overwhelming victory) :: murskavoitto
runaway {adj} (having run away) :: karannut
runaway {adj} (unchecked; rampant) :: hillitön
runaway {adj} (deserting or revolting against one's group, etc.) :: karkuri-
run away with {v} (to overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm ::
run away with {v} (leave secretly with another person) :: karata
run away with {v} (to steal) :: saada saaliikseen
run away with {v} (be misled) :: erehtyä luulemaan
run away with {v} (to be superior) :: voittaa liput liehuen [idiomatic]
run deep {v} (go deep) SEE: go deep ::
run down {v} (to hit someone with a car or other vehicle and injure or kill them) :: yliajaa
rundown {n} (a rough outline) :: yhteenveto
rundown {n} (baseball: defensive play) :: polttaminen
rune {n} /ɹuːn/ (letter or character) :: riimu, riimukirjain
rune {n} (Finnish or Scandinavian poem) :: runo
rune {n} (mystical letter or mark) :: mystinen merkki
rune {n} (mystical verse or song) :: loitsu
rune {n} (secret or mystery) :: salaisuus
runestone {n} (stone with a runic inscription) :: riimukivi
rung {n} /ɹʌŋ/ (ladder step) :: puola, tikas, poikkipuu, astin
rung {n} (crosspiece between chair legs) :: poikkipuu, piena
runic {adj} /ˈɹuːnɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or written using runes) :: riimu-
run in the family {v} (to be observed in several generations) :: kulkea suvussa, olla suvussa, olla sukuvika, olla sukurasite
Réunion {prop} /ɹiːˈjuːnjən/ (Overseas department of France) :: Réunion
runner {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter ::
runner {n} /ˈɹʌnɚ/ (somebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace) :: juoksija
runner {n} (entrant for a competition; candidate for an election) :: kilpailija [in competition]; ehdokas [in election]
runner {n} (somebody who controls or manages) :: pyörittäjä
runner {n} (person or vessel who runs blockades or engages in smuggling) :: jobbari [person]
runner {n} (anyone sent on an errand or with communications) :: lähetti
runner {n} (slang: quick escape away from a scene) :: hatkat {p}
runner {n} (type of soft-soled shoe) :: juoksukenkä, lenkkitossu, lenkkari
runner {n} (part of an apparatus that moves quickly) :: luisti
runner {n} (mechanical part intended to guide or aid something else to move) :: liukukisko [gliding rail]; [gliding surface] liukupinta; jalas [sledge, rocking chair]; terä [ice skate], kanava [molding]
runner {n} (slang: automobile; a working or driveable automobile) :: menopeli
runner {n} (strip of fabric used to decorate a table) :: kaitaliina
runner {n} (long, narrow carpet for a high traffic area) :: käytävämatto
runner {n} (botany: long stolon) :: rönsy
runner {n} (baseball: player who runs the bases) SEE: baserunner ::
runner bean {n} :: ruusupapu
runner-up {n} /ˌɹʌn.ɚˈʌp/ (the person who finishes second) :: kakkonen, toiseksi tullut, toka [colloquial], perintöprinsessa (in beauty contest)
runniness {n} (state or characteristic of being runny) :: juoksevuus
running {adj} /ˈɹʌnɪŋ/ (moving by running) :: juokseva
running {adj} (present, current) :: kuluva
running {adj} (easy, cursive) :: sujuva
running {adj} (continuous, keeping along step by step) :: jatkuva
running {adj} (botany: extending by slender stem) :: kiipeävä
running {adj} (discharging pus) :: vuotava
running {adj} (discharging snot or mucus) :: vuotava
running {adv} (consecutively) :: peräkkäin
running {n} (the action of the verb to run) :: juoksu, juokseminen
running {n} (sport) :: juoksu
running {n} (quantity of liquid which flows in a certain time) :: juoksutus [regulated]; valuma, virtaama [nonregulated]
running {n} (discharge from a sore) :: vuoto
running back {n} (type of offensive back) :: keskushyökkääjä
running board {n} (step under the car door) :: astinlauta
running dog {n} (lackey) :: kätyri
running gag {n} (running joke) SEE: running joke ::
running in {n} (operation of a new engine for testing) :: sisäänajo
running joke {n} (running joke) :: kestovitsi, vakiovitsi
running meter {n} (length of one meter) :: juoksumetri
running shoes {n} (spiked trainers) :: piikkarit {p}
running shoes {n} (sneakers) :: lenkkitossut {p}
running text {n} (body of text) :: leipäteksti
running the gauntlet {n} (physical punishment by which a person is compelled to run through a double line of soldiers who attempt to strike him as they pass) :: kujanjuoksu
running track {n} (track for running events) :: juoksurata
running water {n} (water from taps) :: juokseva vesi
runny nose {n} (condition of discharge of mucus from the nose) :: vuotava nenä
runoff {n} (portion of precipitation or irrigation which does not infiltrate) :: valunta
runoff {n} (dissolved chemicals, etc, included in such water) :: valunta
runoff {n} (second or further round of an indecisive election) :: toinen vaali, toinen äänestys
run of luck {n} (winning streak) SEE: winning streak ::
run-of-the-mill {adj} (ordinary) :: tavallinen, perus-
runology {n} (study of runes) :: runologia
run out {v} (to use up) :: loppua, käyttää loppuun
run out {v} (to expire, to come to an end) :: päättyä, loppua
run out of steam {v} (to run out of energy or motivation) :: väsähtää
run over {v} (to drive over, causing injury or death) :: ajaa yli, ajaa päälle
run someone ragged {v} (to exhaust) SEE: exhaust ::
runt {n} /ˈɹʌnt/ (the smallest or the weakest animal of a litter or a pack) :: pahnanpohjimmainen
runt {n} (smallest child in the family) :: kuopus
runt {n} (undersized or stunted plant, animal or person) :: pätkä, tynkä [anything]; rääpäle [animal or person]; käppänä [person]
runt {n} (single word that appears as the last line of a paragraph) :: orpo
run the risk {v} :: ottaa riski
run time {n} (time during which a program is executing) :: ajoaika, suoritusaika
run-time {adj} (Of, relating to, or happening during run time) :: ajonaikainen
runtish {adj} (resembling runt, weak) :: kitukasvuinen, heiveröinen
runtishly {adv} (in a runtish manner) :: kituliaasti
runty {adj} (having the characteristics of a runt) :: kitukasvuinen, kitulias
runty {adj} (diminutive) :: pienikokoinen
run-up {n} ((cricket) the approach run of a bowler before delivering the ball) :: vauhdinotto
run-up {n} (the approach run of a highjumper or other athlete in order to gather speed or momentum) :: vauhdinotto
run-up {n} (an increase in the value or amount of something) :: nousu
runway {n} /ˈɹʌnweɪ/ (usual path taken by wild animals) :: kulkureitti
runway {n} (walkway extending from a stage) :: lava, catwalk
runway {n} ((athletics) short track) :: vauhdinottorata
runway {n} ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from) :: kiitotie, kiitorata
runway {n} (stream bed) :: joenpohja
run with scissors {v} (behave recklessly) :: koheltaa
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds {v} (support both sides of an argument) :: istua kahdella tuolilla
Ruokolahti {prop} (municipality) :: Ruokolahti
rupee {n} /ˌɹuːˈpiː/ (monetary currency) :: rupia
rupture {n} /ˈɹʌptʃə/ (burst or split) :: puhkeaminen [burst]; halkeama [split], katkeaminen [break]
rupture {n} (social break) :: välirikko
rupture {n} (break in tissue) :: revähdys
rupture {n} (failure mode) :: venymä
rupture {v} (to burst, break through, or split, as under pressure) :: puhjeta, haljeta, murtua
rural {adj} /ˈɹʊɹəl/ (pertaining to non-urban areas) :: maalaismainen, maalais-
rurality {n} (state of being rural) :: maalaismaisuus
rurality {n} (rural characteristic) :: maalaismaisuus
Ruritanian {adj} /ˌɹʊɹ.ɪˈteɪ.ni.ən/ (used to describe a fictitious and generic foreign government or person) :: vinkuintialainen
Ruritanian {n} (person from the fictional land of Ruritania) :: vinkuintialainen
Rus {prop} /ɹuːs/ (people) :: rusit {p}
Rus {prop} (medieval East Slavic state) :: Rutenia
Rus {prop} (any of the medieval East Slavic principalities) :: Rusj
rusalka {n} (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths) :: rusalka
ruse {n} /ɹuːz/ (action intended to deceive, see also: trick) :: temppu
ruse {n} (guile, trickery) :: juoni
rush {n} /ɹʌʃ/ (plant) :: vihvilä
rush {n} (sudden forward motion) :: ryntäys, syöksy
rush {n} (surge, see also: surge) :: syöksy
rush {n} (haste) :: kiire
rush {n} (rapid, noisy flow) :: rynnistys
rush {n} (military: sudden attack, see also: onslaught) :: rynnäkkö; yllätyshyökkäys [surprise attack]
rush {n} (contact sports: act of running at another player to block or disrupt play) :: estäminen
rush {n} (pleasurable sensation produced by a stimulant) :: huuma, huumaus; [slang] kiksit {p}
rush {v} (to hurry) :: kiiruhtaa, pitää kiirettä, hätäillä, tehdä kiireellä; sännätä [rush into]
rush {v} (to flow or move forward rapidly or noisily) :: rientää, rynnistää [to move rapidly]; kohista, ärjyä [to flow noisily]
rush {v} (to cause to move or act with unusual haste) :: kiirehtiä, hoputtaa
rush {v} (military: to make a swift or sudden attack) :: rynnäköidä
rush {v} (to attack swiftly and without warning to) :: yllättää, tehdä yllätyshyökkäys
rush {v} (to transport or carry quickly) :: kiidättää
rush {v} (croquet: to roquet an object ball to a particular location on the lawn) :: krokata
rush {n} (American football: rusher) SEE: lineman ::
rushed {adj} /ɹʌʃt/ (very busy) :: kiireinen
rushed {adj} (done in haste) :: hätäisesti tehty, kiireessä tehty
rushed {adj} (abounding or covered in rushes) :: vihvilöiden peittämä
rushes {n} /ˈɹʌʃɪz/ (cinematography) :: raakamateriaali
rush hour {n} (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting) :: ruuhka-aika
rusk {n} /ɹʌsk/ (light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven) :: korppu
Russell's paradox {prop} (paradox in set theory) :: Russellin paradoksi
Russia {prop} /ˈɹʌʃə/ (country in Asia and Europe) :: Venäjä
Russian {adj} /ˈɹʌʃ(ə)n/ (of or pertaining to Russia) :: venäläinen
Russian {n} (person from Russia) :: venäläinen
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian) :: venäläinen
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) :: venäjä, venäjän kieli
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll) :: maatuska, matrjoshka
Russian Empire {prop} (state) :: Venäjän keisarikunta
Russian Far East {prop} (Russian region) :: Venäjän Kaukoitä
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) :: Venäjän federaatio
Russianism {n} (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language) :: venäläisperäinen ilmaus [expression], venäläisperäinen sana [word]
Russianist {n} (a person who studies Russian language, culture or history) :: rusisti
Russianness {n} (quality of being Russian) :: venäläisyys
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) :: Venäjän ortodoksinen kirkko
Russian oven {n} (a type of oven) :: uuni
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning) :: venäläinen ruletti
Russian salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad ::
Russian SFSR {prop} (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) :: Venäjän SFNT, VSFNT
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic {prop} (official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union) :: Venäjän Sosialistinen Federatiivinen Neuvostotasavalta
Russian sturgeon {n} (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) :: venäjänsampi
Russian thistle {n} (Kali tragus) :: idänotakilokki
Russicist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Russian language) SEE: Russianist ::
russification {n} (Russification) SEE: Russification ::
Russification {n} (process of making anything Russian) :: venäläistäminen (making), venäläistyminen (becoming)
Russify {v} (to make or become more Russian) :: venäläistää (to make Russian), venäläistyä (to become Russian)
Russki {n} /ˈɹʌs.ki/ (alternative term for Russian (derogatory)) :: ryssä, moskoviitti
Russo- {prefix} (relating to Russia or Russian) :: venäläinen, venäläis-
Russophile {n} (person who loves the culture of Russia) :: moskoviitti [derogatory]
Russophilia {n} (a strong interest in the country, culture, or people of Russia) :: russofilia
Russophobia {n} (the fear of Russia or Russian) :: russofobia, ryssänviha
Russophone {adj} (Russian-speaking) :: venäjänkielinen
Russophone {n} (someone who speaks Russian) :: venäjänkielinen
rust {n} /ɹʌst/ (result of oxidation) :: ruoste
rust {n} (colour) :: ruosteenruskea
rust {n} (plant disease) :: ruoste
rust {v} (to oxidise) :: ruostua
rust {v} (to cause to oxidise) :: ruostuttaa
rustic {adj} /ˈɹʌstɪk/ (country-styled) :: rustiikkinen, maaseutumainen, maalaismainen, talonpoikainen
rustic {adj} (unfinished, roughly finished) :: karkeatekoinen, karkea, kömpelö
rustic {adj} (crude, rough) :: karkea
rustic {n} (person from a rural area) :: maalainen
rustic {n} (noctuoid moth) SEE: noctuoid ::
rustle {n} /ˈɹʌsəl/ (soft crackling sound) :: kahina
rustle {v} (to steal cattle or other livestock) :: varastaa
rustler {n} (cattle thief) :: karjavaras
rustproof {adj} (resistant to rust, oxidation and corrosion) :: ruostumaton
rusty {adj} /ˈɹʌsti/ (affected by rust) :: ruosteinen
rusty {adj} (of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown) :: ruosteenruskea
rusty {adj} (lacking recent experience, out of practice) :: ruosteinen, ruosteessa
rusty nail {n} (cocktail) :: rusty nail
rusty tinamou {n} (Crypturellus brevirostris) :: isohuittitinami
Rusyn {n} (member of a people) :: ruteeni
Rusyn {prop} (East Slavic language) :: ruteeni
rut {n} /ɹʌt/ (sexual desire or oestrus) :: kiima, kiima-aika
rut {v} (To be in the annual rut) :: olla kiimassa
rut {n} (furrow, groove, or track worn in the ground) :: uurre, ura, ajoura
rut {n} (fixed routine, procedure, line of conduct, thought or feeling) :: ura
rut {v} (make a furrow) :: uurtaa
rutabaga {n} /ˈɹutəˌbeɪɡə/ (plant) :: lanttu
rutabaga {n} (edible root) :: lanttu
Ruth {prop} /ɹuːθ/ (book of the Bible) :: Ruut
Ruth {prop} (female given name) :: Ruut
ruthenium {n} /ɹuːˈθiːniəm/ (chemical element) :: rutenium
rutherfordium {n} /ˌɹʌðəɹˈfɔːɹdiəm/ (chemical element) :: rutherfordium
ruthful {adj} /ˈɹuːθ.fʊl/ (causing pity; piteous) :: säälittävä
ruthful {adj} (full of ruth or pity) :: säälivä
ruthless {adj} /ˈɹuːθləs/ (without pity or compassion) :: armoton, säälimätön
ruthlessly {adv} /ˈɹuːθ.ləs.li/ (in a ruthless manner) :: armottomasti
rutile {n} (the most frequent of the three polymorphs of titanium dioxide) :: rutiili
Rutland beauty {n} (species of bindweed) :: karhunköynnös
Rutul {prop} (language) :: rutuli
Rwanda {prop} /ɹuˈɑndə/ (country) :: Ruanda
Rwanda {prop} (language) SEE: Kinyarwanda ::
Rwandan {n} (a person from Rwanda or of Rwandan descent) :: ruandalainen
Rwandan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Rwanda, the Rwandan people or language) :: ruandalainen
rya {n} (Scandinavian woollen rug) :: ryijy
Ryan {prop} /ˈɹaɪən/ (male given name) :: Ryan [of English-speakers]
Ryazan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Rjazan
rye {n} /ɹaɪ/ (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) :: ruis
rye {n} (rye bread) SEE: rye bread ::
rye {n} (ryegrass) SEE: ryegrass ::
rye bread {n} (type of bread) :: ruisleipä
ryegrass {n} :: raiheinä
Ryukyuan {n} /ˈɹjuːkjuːən/ (a native or inhabitant of Ryukyu) :: riukiulainen
Ryukyuan {prop} (language of Ryukyu) :: riukiulainen kieli
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (commonwealth) SEE: commonwealth ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland ::