User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-o
-o- {interfix} | :: A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning |
o. {n} [plural: o.-ak] | :: abbreviation of oldal also old. |
o. {n} [plural: o.-ok] | :: abbreviation of osztály also oszt. |
o {letter} | :: letter: o |
O {letter} | :: letter: o |
-ó {suffix} [present participle suffix] | :: -ing. Added to a verb to form the present participle |
-ó {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: Added to a shortened form of a noun to derive a diminutive noun |
ó {adj} [archaic] | :: old, ancient (especially used in compound words, such as ókor 'antiquity') |
ó {interj} | :: oh! |
ó {v} | :: [archaic] alternative form of óv, to protect, to guard |
ó {letter} | :: letter: ó |
ó {letter} | :: abbreviation of óra |
Ó {letter} | :: letter: ó |
Ø {suffix} [linguistics] | :: A null morpheme, with several functions: |
Ø {suffix} | :: third-person singular indefinite form of verbs in the indicative and conditional moods (but not in the subjunctive) |
Ø {suffix} | :: an alternative form of the subjunctive/imperative suffix -j in the second-person singular definite short forms of most verbs |
Ø {suffix} | :: the short form of the second-person singular indefinite subjunctive/imperative (more common than the long form ending in -ál/-él) |
Ø {suffix} | :: the nominative singular form of nouns, adjectives, numerals, (present, past, and future) participles, and pronouns |
Ø {suffix} | :: the positive degree of adjectives |
oá {interj} | :: waa (the sound of a baby crying) |
óarany {adj} | :: old gold |
oázik {vi} [of a baby] | :: to cry with the oá (waa) sound |
oázis {n} | :: oasis |
-obb {suffix} [comparative suffix] | :: -er, more |
óbb {adj} | :: comparative of ó |
obeliszk {n} [architecture] | :: obelisk |
óbester {n} [archaic] | :: colonel |
obi {n} [photography, slang] | :: camera lens, photographic lens, objective |
objektív {adj} | :: objective |
objektív {n} [photography] | :: camera lens, photographic lens, objective |
objektívabb {adj} | :: comparative of objektív |
objektívebb {adj} | :: comparative of objektív |
objektivitás {n} | :: objectivity (the state of being objective) |
objektívsapka {n} [photography] | :: lens cap (detachable cap that protects the camera lens) |
objektum {n} | :: object |
objektum {n} [object-oriented programming] | :: object |
oboa {n} | :: oboe |
obskúrus {adj} [literary, pejorative, of a matter] | :: obscure, dubious |
obskúrus {adj} [literary, pejorative, of a person] | :: obscure, doubtful, suspicious (of questionable reputation) |
obszervatórium {n} | :: observatory |
obszidián {n} | :: obsidian |
óceán {n} | :: ocean |
Óceánia {prop} | :: Oceania |
oceanográfia {n} | :: oceanography |
óceánpart {n} | :: ocean shore |
ocelot {n} | :: ocelot |
-ocska {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: -let, -ette |
ócska {adj} [colloquial] | :: old, worthless, trashy |
ócskább {adj} | :: comparative of ócska |
ócskapiac {n} | :: flea market (an outdoor market selling secondhand goods) |
ócskavas {n} | :: scrap iron |
ocsmány {adj} | :: ugly, hideous |
ocsmányabb {adj} | :: comparative of ocsmány |
-od {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your (second-person singular informal, single possession) |
-od {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation) |
-od {suffix} [fraction-forming suffix] | :: Added to a cardinal number to form a fraction. See harmonic variants -d, -ad, -ed, -öd |
-oda {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the place of the action |
oda- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: there, toward there |
oda {adv} | :: there (to that place) |
óda {n} | :: ode |
odaad {vt} | :: to give something (to someone nak) |
odafenn {adv} | :: up there, upstairs (on a higher floor or level) |
odafenn {adv} [literary, rare] | :: upstairs (in heaven, especially with regard to where a deity might be found) |
odafent {adv} | :: synonym of odafenn |
odafigyel {vi} | :: to listen, focus, concentrate (to or on someone or something ra) |
odafigyel {vi} | :: to keep an eye on, pay attention to, look after |
odafönn {adv} [slightly, folksy] | :: synonym of odafenn |
odafönt {adv} [slightly, folksy] | :: synonym of odafenn |
odáig {adv} [of place] | :: as far as that, that far |
odáig {adv} [of time] | :: that long |
odakiált {vt} | :: to hail, shout, yell something (to someone nak) (to call out loudly to someone) |
odaliszk {n} | :: odalisque |
-odalom {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb or a noun to form an abstract noun |
odavág {vt} | :: to throw, fling, hurl, dash something with force to, at, against or towards someone or something (the object is in accusative case, the place or person may require different case endings such as ba, hoz, felé) |
odavág {vt} | :: to hurl a remark at someone ( nak), give someone a piece of one's mind (in an impulse of anger) |
odavág {vi} | :: to hit, strike (with something val) |
odavág {v} | :: to match, fit something |
odavág {vi} | :: to look, glance, to throw a look at someone ( nak, ra) |
odavész {vi} | :: to perish |
oda-vissza {adv} | :: there and back |
oda-vissza {adv} | :: back and forth |
odáz {vt} | :: to postpone, put off, procrastinate |
odébb {adv} | :: farther away |
Odessza {prop} | :: Odessza (oblast) |
Odessza {prop} | :: Odessza (city/administrative center) |
-odik {suffix} | :: [verb-forming suffix] Appended to a noun, adjective, or verb to form a verb |
-odik {suffix} | :: [numeral-forming suffix] -th. Appended to a cardinal number to form an ordinal number |
-ódik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Used to form reflexive or passive intransitive verbs |
ódon {adj} [literary] | :: quaint, antique, ancient, old (evoking the atmosphere of old times in a positive sense) |
ódonabb {adj} | :: comparative of ódon |
odú {n} | :: den, haunt, hole (the home of certain animals) |
Odüsszeusz {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Odysseus, one of the heroes of the Trojan War; king of Ithaca |
-ódzik {suffix} [frequentative-reflexive verb-forming suffix] | :: alternative form of -ózik |
OECD {prop} | :: OECD, initialism of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, in Hungarian Gazdasági Együttműködési és Fejlesztési Szervezet |
offenzíva {n} | :: offensive |
ofszet {n} [printing] | :: offset (the offset printing process, in which ink is carried from a metal plate to a rubber blanket and from there to the printing surface) |
ofszetnyomás {n} [printing] | :: offset printing |
-og {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing a (quickly) repeating or continuous action |
-ogat {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Mostly added to transitive verbs (less frequently to other types of words) to form new verbs denoting repetitive action. It may also change the meaning |
ógörög {adj} | :: Ancient Greek |
ógörög {n} | :: Ancient Greek (all the Greek languages spoken between the Dorian invasion and the fall of the Roman Empire) |
oh {interj} | :: oh! |
óh {interj} | :: oh |
óhaj {n} [literary or formal] | :: wish, desire |
óhajt {vt} [formal] | :: to wish, desire, fancy, long for, yearn for, would like to |
óhajtó {adj} [grammar] | :: optative |
óhatatlan {adj} | :: inevitable, unavoidable |
óhatatlanul {adv} | :: inevitably, unavoidably, bound to |
-ok {suffix} [plural suffix] | :: -s, -es |
-ok {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
ok {n} | :: cause |
ok {n} | :: reason |
-ók {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: Added to a noun or a proper noun to form a diminutive |
okád {vit} [vulgar] | :: to vomit |
okád {vt} | :: to spew, spout (usually fire or smoke out of itself) |
okán {postp} [formal] | :: due to, owing to, on account of, by reason of |
okból {adv} | :: for …… reasons |
oké {interj} | :: OK |
oké {n} | :: OK (endorsement; approval) |
okik {vi} [obsolete, dialectal] | :: to learn one's lesson |
okirat {n} | :: document, deed, paper, instrument (a legal document) |
okít {vt} [archaic] | :: to teach, educate |
okkultizmus {n} | :: occultism |
oklevél {n} [education] | :: diploma, certificate |
oklevél {n} | :: deed, charter (a document issued by some authority) |
okmány {n} | :: document (original or official paper) |
ókor {n} | :: antiquity (historical period preceding the Middle Ages) |
ókori {adj} | :: ancient, from the antiquity, the ancient times |
ókori {adj} | :: classic (of or relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans) |
ókori {n} | :: a person from the ancient world |
okos {adj} | :: smart, bright, clever |
okosabb {adj} | :: comparative of okos |
okosan {adv} | :: sensibly, wisely, intelligently, cleverly |
okosság {n} | :: smartness, smarts, brains |
okosság {n} | :: gadget, gizmo, contraption, thingy |
okostelefon {n} | :: smartphone (a mobile phone with more advanced features and greater computing capacity than a featurephone) |
okoz {vt} | :: to cause |
okozó {adj} | :: causing |
okozó {n} | :: agent, medium, causer |
okt. {n} | :: Oct, Oct. (October) |
oktaéder {n} [geometry] | :: octahedron (a polyhedron with eight faces) |
oktalan {adj} | :: unwise |
oktalanabb {adj} | :: comparative of oktalan |
oktat {vt} | :: to educate, instruct, teach |
oktatás {n} | :: education, instruction |
oktatási {adj} | :: educational |
oktató {adj} | :: training, instructional (of, related to or assisting education) |
oktató {n} [formal] | :: instructor, teacher (especially for extracurricular activities, e.g. driving, swimming, Sunday school etc.) |
oktatói {adj} | :: instruction [attributive], teaching |
oktatóvideó {n} | :: instructional video, training video, video tutorial |
október {n} | :: October |
októberi {adj} | :: October, in October, of October |
okul {vi} | :: to learn something as a lesson from something ( n or ból) |
okulás {n} [singular only] | :: edification, instruction, benefit (the process or fact that someone learns a lesson from something) |
-ol {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-ol {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun to form a verb |
ól {n} | :: sty (for pigs) |
oláh {n} [dated, pejorative] | :: Vlach, Romanian |
olaj {n} | :: oil |
olajat önt a tűzre {v} [idiomatic] | :: to add fuel to the fire (to worsen an already bad situation) |
olajfa {n} | :: olive tree |
olajfestmény {n} | :: oil painting (art of painting with oil paints) |
olajfogyasztás {n} | :: oil consumption |
olajkút {n} | :: oil well |
olajlámpa {n} | :: oil lamp |
olajos {adj} | :: oily (smeared with or containing oil) |
olajosabb {adj} | :: comparative of olajos |
olajoz {vt} | :: to oil (to lubricate with oil) |
olajsav {n} [fatty acid] | :: oleic acid |
olajsütő {n} | :: deep fryer |
olasz {adj} | :: Italian (of, from, or relating to Italy, its people or language) |
olasz {n} | :: Italian (person) |
olasz {n} [singular only] | :: Italian (language) |
Olasz Köztársaság {prop} | :: Italian Republic |
Olaszország {prop} | :: Italy |
olaszországi {adj} | :: Italian |
olcsó {adj} | :: cheap, inexpensive (low in price) |
olcsóbb {adj} | :: comparative of olcsó |
olcsóbban {adv} | :: comparative of olcsón |
olcsó húsnak híg a leve {proverb} | :: you get what you pay for (a cheap merchandise will have cheap quality) |
olcsón {adv} | :: cheaply, for a song, on the cheap (for a low price) |
olcsóság {n} | :: cheapness, inexpensiveness |
old {vt} | :: to solve |
old {vt} | :: to untie |
oldal {n} [geometry] | :: side (a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape) |
oldal {n} [geometry] | :: side, face (a flat surface of a three-dimensional object) |
oldal {n} | :: side (one half [left or right, top or bottom, front or back, etc.] of something or someone) |
oldal {n} | :: side (the portion of the human torso usually covered by the arms when they are not raised; the areas on the left and right between the belly or chest and the back) |
oldal {n} | :: page (one side of a paper leaf on which one has written or printed) |
oldal {n} | :: side (one possible aspect of a concept, person or thing) |
oldal {n} | :: side (a group having a particular allegiance in a conflict or competition) |
oldalág {n} | :: side branch |
oldali {adj} | :: side |
oldalpár {n} [typography] | :: spread (two facing pages in a book, magazine, etc.) |
oldalsó {adj} | :: lateral, side, sidelong (positioned on the side) |
oldalszám {n} | :: page number |
oldalt {adv} | :: at the side (as opposed to being in the middle) |
oldaltávolság {n} [typography] | :: sidebearing (margin of empty space on the left- or right-hand side of a character) |
oldaltörés {n} [typography] | :: page break (point in writing where continuous text starts at the beginning of a new page) |
oldalú {adj} | :: -sided |
oldat {n} | :: solution (liquid mixture) |
oldható {adj} | :: soluble, dissolvable |
oldószer {n} | :: solvent |
oligarcha {n} | :: oligarch |
oligarchia {n} [politics] | :: oligarchy |
olimpia {n} | :: Olympics |
olimpiai {adj} | :: Olympic (of or relating to the Olympic Games) |
olimpiai játékok {n} | :: Olympic Games |
olimpiász {n} | :: Olympiad |
olimpikon {n} | :: participant in the Olympic Games; Olympian |
olíva {n} | :: olive |
olívabogyó {n} | :: olive (fruit) |
olívaolaj {n} | :: olive oil |
Olivér {prop} | :: given name. Cognates to Oliver |
-oll {suffix} [instantaneous suffix, rare] | :: Added to a verb to form a new verb expressing instantaneous action. It is no longer productive in this sense |
-oll {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to an adjective to form a verb meaning "to consider/find/think as". In this sense, it is still productive |
olló {n} | :: scissors (tool used for cutting) |
-olódik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a verb or a nominal to create an intransitive verb |
ólom {n} | :: lead (metal) |
ólomecet {n} | :: lead acetate |
ólomkatona {n} | :: tin soldier (a toy soldier made out of lead) |
ólomszürke {adj} | :: lead-gray, leaden (of a dark gray colour) |
-olt {suffix} [instantaneous suffix, rare] | :: Added to a stem to form a verb denoting instantaneous action |
olt {vt} [of fire] | :: to extinguish, to put out |
olt {vt} [of light] | :: to switch off |
olt {vt} [of thirst] | :: to quench |
olt {vt} [of milk] | :: to curdle |
olt {vt} | :: to slake (lime, compound of calcium) |
olt {vt} [slang] | :: to roast, to criticize, to flame (for fun, maybe only on the speaker's side, maybe both) |
olt {vt} [medicine] | :: to inoculate, to vaccinate (by injection) |
olt {vt} | :: to graft |
Olt {prop} | :: Olt (river) |
Olt {prop} | :: Olt (county) |
oltalmába vesz {vt} | :: to protect someone (to take someone under one's protection) |
oltalmaz {vt} | :: to protect, defend, shield |
oltalmazás {n} | :: protection, safeguarding |
oltalom {n} | :: protection, shelter, safeguard |
oltár {n} | :: altar |
Oltárc {prop} | :: Oltárc (village) |
Olténia {prop} | :: Olténia (historical region) |
oltható {adj} | :: extinguishable, that which can be extinguished, put out, or quenched (in some way or with some material) |
oltható {adj} | :: graftable, that which can be grafted |
oltható {adj} | :: inoculable, that which can be inoculated |
oltó {adj} | :: extinguishing (fire) |
oltó {adj} | :: quenching (thirst) |
oltó {n} | :: rennet (for milk) |
oltógyomor {n} [zoology] | :: abomasum, rennet stomach (the fourth and final stomach compartment in ruminants) |
oltvány {n} | :: scion (a detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting) |
olvad {vi} | :: to melt |
olvadás {n} | :: melting, thaw |
olvadáspont {n} [physics] | :: melting point |
olvadékony {adj} [of materials] | :: fusible (easily melted) |
olvadékony {adj} [figuratively, literary] | :: melting, tender (easily given over to strong emotion) |
olvadt {adj} | :: melted |
olvadtabb {adj} | :: comparative of olvadt |
olvas {vt} | :: to read |
olvasás {n} | :: reading |
olvasási {adj} | :: reading, read |
olvas a sorok között {v} [idiomatic] | :: to read between the lines |
olvasatlan {adj} | :: unread |
olvashatatlan {adj} | :: unreadable |
olvashatatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of olvashatatlan |
olvasható {adj} | :: readable (text, book, etc. that can be read somewhere, in a specific location) |
olvasható {adj} [of handwriting] | :: legible, readable (clear enough to be read) |
olvashatóbb {adj} | :: comparative of olvasható |
olvashatóság {n} | :: legibility, readability (property of being legible or easily readable) |
olvasmány {n} | :: reading, reading material, literature, book (something that is read) |
olvasnivaló {n} | :: books, magazines or anything to read |
olvasó {adj} | :: reading |
olvasó {adj} [folksy] | :: counting (e.g. money) |
olvasó {n} | :: reader (a person who reads) |
olvasó {n} [religion] | :: rosary |
olvasó {n} | :: reading room (a dedicated space in a library, or similar institution of learning, set aside for reading) |
olvasói {adj} | :: of reader, reader's |
olvasólámpa {n} | :: reading lamp |
olvasószemüveg {n} | :: reading glasses |
olvasószerkesztés {n} | :: copy edit |
olvasószerkesztő {n} | :: copy editor |
olvasóterem {n} | :: reading room |
olvasott {adj} [of a person] | :: literate, well-read (well informed and knowledgeable through having read extensively) |
olvasott {adj} | :: popular (read by many) |
olvaszt {vt} | :: to melt (to cause something to melt) |
olvasztómunkás {n} | :: founder, smelter (foundry worker) |
oly {pron} [archaic or literary, except in the accusative and some fixed phrases] | :: such |
olyan {determiner} | :: such a/an, that kind of |
olyan {pron} | :: such a thing, something like that, that kind of thing |
olyankor {adv} | :: on such occasions, at such times |
olyasmi {pron} | :: something like that, something of the sort/kind |
olykor {adv} | :: sometimes |
olykor-olykor {adv} | :: every now and then, once in a blue moon |
-om {suffix} [personal suffix, indefinite conjugation] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of -ik verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-om {suffix} [personal suffix, definite conjugation] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation) |
-om {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: my (first-person singular, single possession) |
ómagyar {adj} [linguistics] | :: Old Hungarian |
ómagyar {n} [linguistics] | :: Old Hungarian (the period between 896-1526 in Hungarian historical linguistics; 896 is the year when Hungarian tribes settled down in the Carpathian Basin) |
ómagyar {n} [linguistics] | :: Old Hungarian (the language of the Old Hungarian period) |
Omán {prop} | :: Omán (country) |
-omány {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the result of the action |
ómega {n} | :: omega (Greek letter) |
omikron {n} | :: omicron (Greek letter) |
ominózus {adj} | :: ominous |
ominózusabb {adj} | :: comparative of ominózus |
omlásveszély {n} | :: danger of crumbling, [as a notice] falling debris |
omlásveszély {n} | :: danger of landslide |
omlett {n} | :: omelette, omelet [US] |
omlik {vi} | :: to collapse, crumble, fall (down), fall in, fall to pieces, crush, tumble (as of ground, plaster, a wall, a building, or a person when shocked or devastated) |
omlik {vi} | :: to fall, hang, flow (as of hair or a stage curtain, as if flowing down) |
omnibusz {n} | :: horse-drawn omnibus |
omnipotens {adj} | :: omnipotent, almighty |
-on {suffix} | :: [case suffix] on. Used to form the superessive case |
-on {suffix} | :: [verb-forming suffix] Added to a stem ― often an onomatopoeia ― to form a verb, normally expressing an instantaneous action |
-on {suffix} | :: [deadjectival adverb suffix] Added to an adjective to create an adverb |
-on {suffix} | :: [personal suffix, chiefly archaic or dialectal] Indefinite third-person singular suffix (currently only in the imperative mood as part of -jon, formerly also occurring in the indicative) |
ón {n} | :: tin (symbol: Sn) |
onánia {n} | :: onanism |
onanizál {vi} | :: to masturbate |
-onc {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a word to form a noun denoting a person |
ondó {n} | :: sperm, semen |
-ong {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a verb denoting repetitive action |
-ónk {suffix} [possessive suffix, archaic, limited usage] | :: our, of us (first-person plural, single possession) |
-onként {suffix} [distributive suffix] | :: Added to a noun |
-onként {suffix} | :: It can express the manner when something happens to each member of a set one by one |
-onként {suffix} | :: It can also express the frequency in time |
online {adj} | :: online |
onnan {adv} | :: from there, from that place |
onomasztika {n} | :: onomastics |
onomatopoétikus {adj} [linguistics] | :: onomatopoeic |
ónos {adj} | :: tinned, tin-covered |
ónos eső {n} | :: freezing rain, ice storm, silver storm |
ont {vt} | :: to pour, to grind out, to churn out |
ont {vt} | :: to shed (blood or tears) |
-onta {suffix} [distributive-temporal suffix] | :: Added to a temporal noun to form an adverb |
Ontario-tó {prop} | :: Lake Ontario |
-ony {suffix} [nominal suffix] | :: Added to words to form a noun |
op. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of opus |
opál {n} | :: opal (a mineral) |
opció {n} | :: option (one of a set of choices that can be made) |
opció {n} [finance, law] | :: the right of first refusal, option (a contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a set strike price; can apply to financial market transactions, or to ordinary transactions for tangible assets such as a residence or automobile) |
opcionális {adj} | :: optional |
opera {n} [music] | :: opera (a theatrical work combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance) |
opera {n} [music] | :: opera, opera house (building designed for the performance of such works) |
operabemutató {n} | :: opera premiere (the first showing of an opera) |
operáció {n} [medicine] | :: operation (a surgical procedure) |
operáció {n} [military] | :: operation (a military campaign) |
operáció {n} [mathematics] | :: operation (a procedure for generating a value from one or more other values) |
operációs {adj} | :: operating |
operációs rendszer {n} [computing] | :: operating system |
operaénekes {n} | :: opera singer (someone who sings opera professionally) |
operaház {n} | :: opera house (a theatre, or similar building, primarily used for staging opera) |
operál {vt} [medicine] | :: to operate (someone) |
operál {vi} [medicine] | :: to operate |
operálható {adj} | :: operable (able to be treated by surgery) |
operatív {adj} | :: operative |
operatívabb {adj} | :: comparative of operatív |
operátor {n} | :: machine operator |
operátor {n} [graphic design] | :: compositor (person whose job is to prepare visual material for printing) |
operátor {n} [computing] | :: operator (symbol that represents a construct in a programming language) |
operatőr {n} | :: cinematographer, director of photography, cameraman |
operatőr {n} [archaic] | :: surgeon |
ópium {n} | :: opium |
oposszum {n} | :: opossum |
opponál {vti} [dated] | :: to oppose something |
opponál {vti} [science] | :: to oppose a thesis as an opponent |
optika {n} [singular only] | :: optics |
optika {n} | :: optic (part of an optical instrument) |
optikai {adj} | :: optical |
optikai csalódás {n} | :: optical illusion |
optikus {n} | :: optician |
optimális {adj} | :: optimal |
optimálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of optimális |
optimalizál {vt} | :: to optimize |
optimalizálás {n} | :: optimization |
optimista {adj} | :: optimistic |
optimista {n} | :: optimist |
optimizmus {n} | :: optimism |
óra {n} | :: clock, watch |
óra {n} | :: hour (unit of time) |
óra {n} | :: o'clock |
óra {n} [education] | :: lesson, class (45-minute block of teaching a school subject) |
óra {n} | :: meter (a device that measures things) |
órabér {n} | :: wages/pay by the hour, hourly rate |
órai {adj} | :: hours (of) |
órai {adj} | :: at (o'clock) |
óralap {n} | :: clock face |
orális {adj} | :: oral (relating to the mouth) |
óramutató {n} | :: hand (pointer of an analog clock) |
óramutató {n} | :: hour hand |
Orán {prop} | :: Orán (city) |
orangután {n} | :: orangutan |
óránként {adv} | :: every hour |
óránkénti {adj} | :: hourly |
órányi {adj} | :: of hour(s), -hour, hour's |
órás {n} | :: horologist |
oratórium {n} [music] | :: oratorio (a musical composition, often based on a religious theme; similar to opera but with no costume, scenery or acting) |
oratórium {n} [religion, archaic] | :: oratory (a private chapel) |
Orbán {prop} | :: given name |
orca {n} [archaic] | :: cheek |
orcátlan {adj} [folksy, archaic] | :: alternative form of arcátlan |
orchidea {n} | :: orchid |
ordas {adj} | :: [colour] dun, fallow |
ordas {adj} | :: [of wine] unfermented |
ordas {adj} | :: harmful, destructive, dangerous |
ordas {n} [literature] | :: wolf |
ordenáré {adj} | :: alternative form of ordináré |
ordenárébb {adj} | :: comparative of ordenáré |
ordináré {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: vulgar, gross, coarse, uncouth |
ordinárébb {adj} | :: comparative of ordináré |
ordít {vi} [of human] | :: to yell, scream |
ordít {vi} [of animal] | :: to howl |
ordít {vt} | :: to yell (to utter something by yelling) |
organikus {adj} | :: organic |
organizál {vt} | :: to organize |
orgazmikus {adj} | :: orgasmic |
orgazmus {n} | :: orgasm |
orgona {n} | :: organ (musical instrument) |
orgona {n} | :: lilac (shrub or flower) |
orgonabokor {n} | :: lilac (shrub) |
orgonafa {n} | :: lilac (shrub) |
orgonavirág {n} | :: lilac (flower) |
orgovány {n} [dialectal] | :: lilac shrub |
óriás {n} | :: giant, colossus (any creature or thing of gigantic size) |
óriás {n} [astronomy] | :: giant (a star that is considerably more luminous than a main sequence star of the same temperature) |
óriás {n} [attributive, also, in compounds] | :: giant, gigantic, huge, colossal, mammoth |
óriásabb {adj} | :: comparative of óriás |
óriás bálna {n} | :: blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) |
óriási {adj} | :: gigantic, huge |
óriási {adj} | :: great (very good; often with irony) |
óriásibb {adj} | :: comparative of óriási |
óriáskígyó {n} | :: python (constricting snake) |
óriáspanda {n} | :: giant panda |
óriásplakát {n} | :: billboard (a very large advertisement along the side of a highway) |
orientáció {n} | :: orientation (the act of orienting) |
orientáció {n} | :: orientation (an inclination, tendency or direction) |
orientális {adj} | :: oriental |
orientalista {n} | :: orientalist (a scholar interested in the Orient) |
orientalisztika {n} [humanities] | :: Oriental studies |
origó {n} [geometry] | :: origin (point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect) |
orkán {n} [weather] | :: high wind, windstorm (wind speed above 100 km/h) |
ormány {n} | :: trunk (nasal organ of an elephant or a mammoth) |
ornitológia {n} | :: ornithology |
ornitológiai {adj} | :: ornithological (of or relating to ornithology) |
ornitológiailag {adv} | :: ornithologically (in terms of ornithology) |
ornitológus {n} | :: ornithologist (a scientist studying birds) |
orom {n} [literary] | :: promontory, summit, peak |
oromzat {n} [architecture] | :: gable (the triangular area of external wall adjacent to two meeting sloped roofs) |
oromzatos {adj} | :: gabled |
orosz {adj} | :: Russian (of or relating to Russia, its people or language) |
orosz {n} | :: Russian (person) |
orosz {n} [singular only] | :: Russian (language) |
oroszlán {n} | :: lion |
Oroszlán {prop} | :: Leo |
oroszlánfóka {n} | :: sea lion |
oroszlánrész {n} [idiomatic] | :: lion's share |
Oroszország {prop} | :: Oroszország (country) |
orosz rulett {n} [idiomatic, games] | :: Russian roulette |
oroz {vt} [literary, archaic] | :: to purloin, to appropriate, to take unlawfully, to steal |
Orpheusz {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Orpheus, a Thracian bard |
orr {n} [anatomy] | :: nose |
orr {n} [anatomy, adjectival usage] | :: nasal, naso- |
orra bukik {v} [idiomatic] | :: to fall over, tumble, stumble, trip, topple over (to land face-down on the ground) |
orrcimpa {n} | :: nosewing |
orrcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: nasal bone (either of two small oblong bones which form, by their junction, "the bridge" of the nose) |
orrgarat {n} [anatomy] | :: nasopharynx (the nasal part of the pharynx, lying behind the nose and above the level of the soft palate) |
orrhossz {n} [horse racing] | :: nose |
orrkagyló {n} [anatomy] | :: nasal concha (any one of the three thin bony plates on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity) |
orrlyuk {n} | :: nostril (either of the two orifices located on the nose) |
orrmelléküreg {n} [anatomy] | :: paranasal sinus |
orrnyereg {n} | :: bridge (the upper bony ridge of the human nose) |
orrsövény {n} [anatomy] | :: nasal septum (a septum in the nose, separating the left and right airways in the nose, dividing the two nostrils) |
orrsövényferdülés {n} [pathology] | :: deviated nasal septum (a common physical disorder of the nose, involving a displacement of the nasal septum) |
orrspray {n} [pharmacology] | :: nasal spray |
orrszarv {n} | :: rhino horn |
orrszarvú {n} | :: rhinoceros, rhino |
orrszíj {n} | :: noseband (the part of a bridle that goes over the nose of an animal, particularly a horse) |
orrú {adj} | :: -nosed, with a …… nose (having a specific kind of nose) |
orrú {adj} | :: -toed, with a …… toe or toes |
orrüreg {n} [anatomy] | :: nasal cavity |
orrvérzés {n} | :: nosebleed, epistaxis |
orsó {n} [spinning] | :: spindle |
orsó {n} | :: spool, reel |
orsó {n} [fishing] | :: spinning reel |
orsó {n} [architecture] | :: newel |
orsó {n} [aviation] | :: roll |
orsócsont {n} [anatomy] | :: radius (the long bone in the forearm, on the side of the thumb) |
Orsolya {prop} | :: given name |
ország {n} | :: country, land |
Országház {prop} | :: The Hungarian parliament building |
országismeret {n} | :: area studies |
országos {adj} | :: national, public, countrywide |
országosan {adv} | :: nationwide, countrywide, nationally |
országszerte {adv} | :: countrywide, nationwide |
országút {n} | :: highway (main public thoroughfare) |
országgyűlés {n} | :: parliament (institution) |
országgyűlési {adj} | :: parliamentary (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament) |
ortodox {adj} | :: orthodox |
ortodox {n} | :: one that is orthodox |
ortopéd {adj} | :: orthopaedic, orthopedic [US] |
ortopéd {adj} [colloquial] | :: shapeless, unshapely |
ortopéd ágy {n} | :: orthopaedic bed, orthopedic bed [US] |
ortopéd cipő {n} | :: orthopaedic shoe (a shoe designed to correct a specific deformity of the foot) |
ortopédia {n} [medicine] | :: orthopaedics, orthopedics [US] |
ortopédia {n} [of a hospital] | :: orthopaedics department |
ortopédiai {adj} | :: orthopaedic, orthopedic [US] |
ortopéd orvos {n} | :: orthopaedist, orthopedist [US] |
ortopéd sebész {n} | :: orthopedist, orthopedic surgeon [US] |
ORTT {prop} | :: initialism of Országos Rádió és Televízió Testület |
orv {adj} [literary, archaic] | :: treacherous, deceitful |
orvlövés {n} | :: snipe (a shot from a concealed place) |
orvos {n} | :: doctor, physician |
orvos {n} [figuratively] | :: healer, remedy |
orvosi {adj} | :: medical |
orvoslás {n} | :: healing, curing, medication |
orvoslás {n} [figuratively] | :: remedy, reparation |
orvosnő {n} | :: doctor (female physician) |
orvosol {vt} [archaic, literary] | :: to heal, cure (to restore to health) |
orvosol {vt} [figuratively, formal, law] | :: to remedy (to provide or serve as a remedy for) |
orvosolatlan {adj} | :: unremedied (not remedied) |
orvosolhatatlan {adj} | :: irremediable |
orvosolható {adj} | :: remediable |
orvosság {n} | :: remedy, medicine |
orvosságos {adj} | :: related to or containing medicine |
orvosságosüveg {n} | :: medicine flask, medicine bottle |
orvostan {n} | :: medicine (field of study) |
orvostanhallgató {n} | :: medical student |
orvostudomány {n} | :: medicine (field of study) |
orvvadász {n} | :: poacher |
orvvadászat {n} | :: poaching (illegal procurement of protected wildlife) |
-os {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an adjective meaning "having something"; sometimes referred to as ornative |
-os {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form a noun, for example an occupation or a collective noun |
-os {suffix} [number-forming suffix] | :: Added to an ordinal number to form a digit or figure, cf. the relevant template |
-os {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a new verb expressing repetitive action. No longer productive in this sense |
OS {n} [computing] | :: abbreviation of operating system |
-ós {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form an adjective expressing the permanent quality originating from the action. Several of the derived adjectives are also used as nouns |
Oscar-díjas {adj} | :: Academy Award-winning |
Oscar-díjas {n} | :: Academy Award-winner (the owner of an Academy Award) |
-oskodik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun or an adjective to create an intransitive verb to express that someone behaves or acts like the base word. The verbs often have a pejorative meaning |
Oslo {prop} | :: Oslo (county/and/municipality/capital city) |
oson {vi} [of a person] | :: to sneak, slip, creep (to move stealthily, careful to not create any noise) |
ostábla {n} [backgammon] | :: backgammon |
ostoba {adj} | :: stupid, foolish |
ostobább {adj} | :: comparative of ostoba |
ostobaság {n} | :: stupidity, silliness, foolishness |
ostobaság {interj} | :: nonsense! rubbish! |
ostor {n} | :: whip (a pliant, flexible instrument used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals) |
ostor {n} | :: the vertical rope of a shadoof where the bucket is hung |
ostor {n} [biology] | :: flagellum (a lash-like appendage that protrudes from the cell body of certain bacterial cells) |
ostrom {n} | :: siege |
ostromállapot {n} | :: state of siege (a state of emergency declared by the government during armed conflict) |
-ostul {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] | :: with, together with, along with. Used to form the sociative case (sometimes also referred to as comitative case), although it is not an actual case from a strictly syntactic point of view |
ostya {n} | :: wafer, waffle (biscuit) |
ostya {n} [Christianity] | :: host (Communion wafer) |
oszcillál {vi} | :: to oscillate (to shake, quiver) |
oszcillál {vi} | :: to oscillate (to swing back and forth) |
oszcillál {vi} | :: to oscillate (to vary above and below a mean value) |
oszd meg és uralkodj {proverb} | :: divide and conquer |
ószer {n} [archaic] | :: flea market |
ószeres {n} [dated] | :: secondhand dealer |
oszét {adj} | :: Ossetian (of or relating to Ossetia, its people, or its language) |
oszét {n} | :: Ossetian (person) |
oszét {n} [singular only] | :: Ossetian (language) |
Oszkár {prop} | :: given name |
oszlik {vi} | :: to be divided |
oszlik {vi} | :: to dissipate |
oszlik {vi} | :: to decompose |
oszló {adj} | :: decomposing, decaying |
oszló {adj} | :: dissipating |
oszló {n} | :: Mostly in the inflected form oszlóban or in the phrase oszlóban van (to be dispersing/lifting/decaying) |
oszlop {n} [architecture] | :: pillar, column |
oszlop {n} [in a table] | :: column |
oszlop {n} [military formation] | :: column |
oszlopfő {n} [architecture] | :: capital (the uppermost part of a column) |
oszloprend {n} [architecture] | :: classical order |
oszmán {adj} | :: Ottoman (of, or relating to the Ottoman Empire or its people) |
oszmán {n} | :: Ottoman (person) |
Oszmán Birodalom {prop} [historical] | :: Ottoman Empire |
oszmán-török {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Ottoman Turkish language |
oszmán-török {n} | :: Ottoman Turkish (language) |
Ószövetség {prop} | :: Old Testament |
oszt {vt} | :: to divide (to separate to parts) |
oszt {vt} | :: to distribute, to dispense, to allocate |
oszt {vt} [arithmetic] | :: to divide (to perform the operation of division) |
oszt {vt} [arithmetic] | :: to divide (to be a divisor of another number) |
oszt {vt} [cards] | :: to deal |
oszt {vt} | :: to share |
oszt {conj} [dialectal] | :: then, so |
osztag {n} | :: squad, detachment, detail (a small unit of tactical military personnel) |
osztalék {n} | :: dividend |
osztály {n} | :: class (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes) |
osztály {n} | :: department, division, ward, unit (subdivision of an organization or a large company or a hospital) |
osztály {n} [sociology, politics] | :: class (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.) |
osztály {n} [education] | :: grade, year (level of pre-collegiate education) |
osztály {n} | :: class (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher) |
osztály {n} | :: classroom (room, often in a school, where classes take place) |
osztály {n} [biology, taxonomy] | :: class (rank in the classification of organisms) |
osztály {n} [travel] | :: class (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation) |
osztály {n} [mathematics] | :: class (collection of sets definable by a shared property) |
osztály {n} [programming] | :: class (set of objects having the same behavior but typically differing in state) |
osztály {n} [archaic, gambling] | :: class (group of drawn tickets in class lottery) |
osztály {n} [archaic] | :: sharing (of plunder, heritage, etc.) |
osztály {n} [archaic] | :: portion, inheritance (part of an estate given or falling to a child or heir) |
osztály {n} [archaic] | :: lot (fate that falls to one by chance) |
osztály {n} [obsolete] | :: feud, discord |
osztályfőnök {n} [education] | :: homeroom teacher (a teacher who is responsible for a group of students belonging to one class in the academic year, takes care of administrative tasks and other non-academic activities) |
osztályos {adj} | :: belonging to a class, form, department |
osztályos {adj} [medicine] | :: ward, floor |
osztályos {n} | :: companion, friend, brethren, neighbour (a fellow human being sharing the same life experience) |
osztálytárs {n} | :: classmate (in school) |
osztályterem {n} [education, formal] | :: classroom (a room, often in a school, where classes take place) |
osztályú {adj} | :: -class (belonging to a certain class) |
osztályvezető {n} | :: head of department |
osztályzat {n} [education] | :: mark, grade [US] |
oszthatatlan {adj} | :: indivisible |
osztható {adj} [mathematics] | :: divisible |
osztható {adj} | :: dividable |
osztják {adj} [dated] | :: Khanty |
osztják {n} [dated] | :: Khanty (person) |
osztják {n} [dated] | :: [singular only] Khanty (language) |
osztó {n} [mathematics] | :: divisor |
osztó {n} [card games] | :: dealer |
osztódás {n} [biology] | :: division (the process of multiplying by division) |
osztódik {vi} [biology] | :: to divide (of a cell, to reproduce by dividing) |
osztódik {vi} | :: to divide, split, break up into multiple parts |
osztott {adj} | :: divided |
osztozik {vi} | :: to share (something ban) |
osztrák {adj} | :: Austrian (of or relating to Austria, its people or language) |
osztrák {n} | :: Austrian (person) |
Osztrák Köztársaság {prop} | :: Republic of Austria |
osztriga {n} | :: oyster (mollusk) |
-ot {suffix} [accusative suffix] | :: Used to form the accusative case |
óta {postp} | :: since |
Ótestamentum {prop} | :: Old Testament |
otkolon {n} [archaic] | :: cologne |
-otok {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-otok {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession) |
otológia {n} | :: otology (the branch of medicine that deals with the ear) |
otromba {adj} | :: clumsy, ungainly |
otromba {adj} | :: boorish, gross |
otrombább {adj} | :: comparative of otromba |
otrombaság {n} | :: clumsiness, unwieldiness |
otrombaság {n} | :: vulgarity, rudeness |
-ott {suffix} [past-participle suffix] | :: -ed, -t (used to form the past participle of a verb) |
-ott {suffix} [past-tense suffix] | :: -ed, -t (used to form the past tense of a verb) |
-ott {suffix} [locative suffix, archaic] | :: in (used to form the locative case) |
ott {adv} [demonstrative] | :: there, over there (on a place at some distance from the speaker) |
-otta {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-otta {suffix} [verbal-participle suffix] | :: Used to form the verbal participle of verbs, always following the agent noun |
-ottad {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-ottak {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations) |
-ották {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-ottál {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations) |
-ottalak {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations) |
-ottam {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations) |
ottani {adj} | :: there, over there |
ottani {n} [plural only] | :: the natives, the people who live there, the people there |
-ottatok {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations) |
-ottátok {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
otthon {n} | :: home (one’s own dwelling place; the house or structure in which one lives; especially the house in which one lives with his family; the habitual abode of one’s family) |
otthon {n} [mostly in compounds] | :: home, hostel, refuge, shelter, asylum (a place of rest or care) |
otthon {adv} | :: at home |
otthoni {adj} | :: home |
otthonos {adj} | :: snug, cosy |
otthonosabb {adj} | :: comparative of otthonos |
otthonról {adv} | :: from home |
Ottó {prop} | :: given name |
ottomán {n} | :: ottoman (furniture) |
Otto-motor {n} | :: four-stroke engine, Otto engine |
-ottuk {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations) |
-ottunk {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations) |
ótvar {n} [diseases] | :: impetigo, ringworm |
ótvaros {adj} [pathology] | :: impetiginous, having ringworm |
óv {vt} | :: to protect, guard |
óv {vt} | :: to caution, warn someone against something |
óv {vi} [law] | :: to make a plea |
ováció {n} | :: ovation |
óva int {vt} | :: to warn, caution (against/away from something: tól) |
ovális {adj} | :: oval (a shape rather like an egg or an ellipse) |
oválisabb {adj} | :: comparative of ovális |
ovális ablak {n} [anatomy] | :: oval window, vestibular window (a membrane-covered opening that leads from the middle ear to the vestibule of the inner ear) |
-ovány {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb (or rarely to a noun) to form a noun indicating the following: |
-ovány {suffix} | :: The result or object of the action |
-ovány {suffix} | :: The outcome or what is produced of the action described in the verb |
óvatos {adj} | :: cautious, careful |
óvatosabb {adj} | :: comparative of óvatos |
óvatosabban {adv} | :: comparative of óvatosan |
óvatosan {adv} | :: cautiously |
óvatoskodik {vi} [pejorative] | :: to be overly careful or cautious (to take excessive precautions even if it is not necessary) |
óvatosság {n} | :: caution (careful attention) |
ovi {n} | :: nursery school (for children ages 3 to 5) |
óvó {adj} | :: protecting, watching |
óvoda {n} | :: kindergarten, preschool, nursery school (for children ages 3 to 6) |
óvodai {adj} | :: nursery, kindergarten |
óvodás {n} | :: preschooler, kindergartner (a child, in Hungary usually between ages 3 and 6, who attends a kindergarten or preschool) |
óvónő {n} | :: kindergarten teacher (a female teacher who has completed a degree in early childhood education and works with children between the ages of 3-6 years in a kindergarten) |
óvszer {n} | :: condom (flexible sleeve) |
oxid {n} [chemistry] | :: oxide |
oxidáció {n} | :: oxidation |
oxidál {vt} | :: to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) |
oxidálódik {v} | :: to oxidize (to become oxidized) |
oxigén {n} | :: oxygen (symbol: O) |
oxigénsátor {n} [medicine] | :: oxygen tent |
-oz {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun to form a verb |
óz {n} | :: esker (a long, narrow, sinuous ridge created by deposits from a stream running beneath a glacier) |
-ozik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun or verb to form a verb |
-ózik {suffix} [frequentative-reflexive verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a new verb with reflexive and often frequentative meaning |
-ózis {suffix} | :: -osis, used to form the names of any functional disorder |
ozmium {n} | :: osmium (chemical element) |
ozmózis {n} [physics] | :: osmosis |
ozmózisnyomás {n} [physics] | :: osmotic pressure |
ózon {n} | :: ozone (symbol: O₃) |
ózonlyuk {n} | :: ozone hole |
ózonréteg {n} | :: ozone layer (a region of the stratosphere) |
-ózus {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: -ous, -ious (added to foreign words to create an adjective) |
-ö- {interfix} | :: A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning |
ö {letter} | :: letter: ö |
Ö {letter} | :: letter: ö |
-ő {suffix} [present participle suffix] | :: -ing. Added to a verb to form the present participle |
-ő {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: Added to a shortened form of a noun to derive a diminutive noun |
ő {pron} [personal] | :: he, she (third-person singular, nominative form) |
ő {letter} | :: letter: ő |
Ő {letter} | :: letter: ő |
őalá {pron} | :: synonym of alá [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őalája {pron} | :: synonym of alája [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őalájuk {pron} | :: synonym of alájuk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őalatta {pron} | :: synonym of alatta [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őalattuk {pron} | :: synonym of alattuk [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őalóla {pron} | :: synonym of alóla [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őalóluk {pron} | :: synonym of alóluk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őáltala {pron} | :: synonym of általa [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őáltaluk {pron} | :: synonym of általuk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbele {pron} | :: synonym of bele [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbelé {pron} | :: synonym of belé [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbeléje {pron} | :: synonym of beléje [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbeléjük {pron} | :: synonym of beléjük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbelőle {pron} | :: synonym of belőle [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbelőlük {pron} | :: synonym of belőlük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbenne {pron} | :: synonym of benne [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őbennük {pron} | :: synonym of bennük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
öblít {vt} | :: to rinse (to wash something quickly using water and no soap) |
öblít {vt} | :: to rinse (to remove soap from something using water) |
öblít {vt} | :: to gargle (to clean a specific body cavity by gargling; almost always throat or mouth) |
öblít {vt} | :: to flush (to cleanse a toilet by introducing a large amount of water) |
öböl {n} | :: gulf, bay |
öcs {n} | :: younger brother |
-öcske {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: -let, -ette |
-öd {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your (second-person singular informal, single possession) |
-öd {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation) |
-öde {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the place of the action |
ödéma {n} | :: oedema [UK], edema [US] |
-ödik {suffix} | :: [verb-forming suffix] Added to a noun, adjective, or verb to form a verb |
-ödik {suffix} | :: [numeral-forming suffix] -th. Added to a cardinal number to form an ordinal number |
-ődik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Used to form reflexive or passive intransitive verbs |
Ödön {prop} | :: given name |
-ődzik {suffix} [frequentative-reflexive verb-forming suffix] | :: alternative form of -őzik |
őelé {pron} | :: synonym of őeléje |
őelébe {pron} | :: synonym of elébe [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őelébük {pron} | :: synonym of elébük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őeléje {pron} | :: synonym of eléje [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őeléjük {pron} | :: synonym of eléjük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őelőle {pron} | :: synonym of előle [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őelőlük {pron} | :: synonym of előlük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őelőtte {pron} | :: synonym of előtte [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őelőttük {pron} | :: synonym of előttük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őérette {pron} | :: synonym of érette [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őérettük {pron} | :: synonym of érettük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őérte {pron} | :: synonym of érte [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őértük {pron} | :: synonym of értük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfele {pron} [dialectal] | :: synonym of fele [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfelé {pron} | :: synonym of felé [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfeléje {pron} | :: synonym of feléje [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfeléjük {pron} | :: synonym of feléjük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfelette {pron} | :: synonym of felette [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfelettük {pron} | :: synonym of felettük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfelőle {pron} | :: synonym of felőle [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őfelőlük {pron} | :: synonym of felőlük [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őfelsége {n} | :: His Majesty |
őfölötte {pron} | :: synonym of fölötte [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őfölöttük {pron} | :: synonym of fölöttük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
-ög {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing a (quickly) repeating or continuous action |
-öget {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Mostly added to transitive verbs (less frequently to other types of words) to form new verbs denoting repetitive action. It may also change the meaning |
őgyeleg {vi} | :: to saunter along (to stroll back and forth at a leisurely pace without any aim or purpose) |
őhelyette {pron} | :: synonym of helyette [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őhelyettük {pron} | :: synonym of helyettük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őhozzá {pron} | :: synonym of hozzá [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őhozzája {pron} [folksy] | :: synonym of hozzája [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őhozzájuk {pron} | :: synonym of hozzájuk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őiránta {pron} | :: synonym of iránta [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őirántuk {pron} | :: synonym of irántuk [with an added emphasis on the person] |
-ök {suffix} [plural suffix] | :: -s, -es |
-ök {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-ők {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: Added to a noun or a proper noun to form a diminutive |
ők {pron} | :: they (nominative form) |
őket {pron} | :: them (as the direct object of a verb) |
öklendezik {vi} | :: to retch |
öklöz {vt} | :: to pummel (to strike with the fists repeatedly) |
öklöz {vi} [boxing] | :: to box (to participate in boxing) |
öklű {adj} | :: -fisted, with …… fist (having some specific type of fist) |
ökológia {n} | :: ecology |
ökológiai {adj} | :: ecological |
ökológus {n} | :: ecologist |
ökonometria {n} | :: econometrics |
ökonómia {n} | :: economy |
ökonómiai {adj} | :: economical |
ökoszisztéma {n} | :: ecosystem |
ököl {n} | :: fist |
ökölharc {n} | :: fistfight |
ökölszabály {n} | :: rule of thumb |
ökölvívás {n} [formal] | :: boxing |
ökölvívó {n} | :: boxer |
ökör {n} | :: ox |
ökörnyál {n} | :: gossamer, spider silk (a fine film or strand of cobwebs, floating in the air or caught on bushes) |
őkörötte {pron} | :: synonym of körötte [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őköröttük {pron} | :: synonym of köröttük [with an added emphasis on the person] |
ökörszem {n} | :: Eurasian wren |
őközötte {pron} | :: synonym of közötte [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őközöttük {pron} | :: synonym of közöttük [with an added emphasis on the person] |
ökumenikus {adj} | :: ecumenical |
-öl {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs ending in -s, -sz, -z, -dz (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-öl {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form a verb |
öl {vt} | :: to kill, slay, murder |
öl {vt} | :: to devote, sacrifice, spend (money, time, energy) on something ( ba) (often disproportionally much or fruitlessly) |
öl {n} | :: lap (of a person) |
öl {n} [archaic, poetic] | :: loins of a woman (euphemism for the pubic region) |
öl {n} | :: fathom (a unit of measure, 1.89648384 m in Hungary) |
öl {n} | :: cord (a unit of measurement for firewood, about 4 m3) |
öleb {n} | :: lapdog |
ölel {vt} | :: to hug, to embrace |
ölelés {n} | :: hug, embrace |
ölelni való {adj} | :: huggable |
ölet {vt} | :: to have someone killed |
ölő {adj} | :: killing |
ölősejt {n} [immunology] | :: killer cell |
-ölt {suffix} [instantaneous suffix, rare] | :: Added to a stem to form a verb denoting instantaneous action |
ölt {vi} | :: to stitch (to form stitches in a material) |
ölt {vt} [of clothing, literary] | :: to don, put on |
ölt {vt} | :: to assume, to take on an appearance, form |
ölt {vt} [of the tongue] | :: to stick out (as a way of mocking) |
öltés {n} | :: stitch (a single pass of a needle in sewing or the loop thus made) |
öltöny {n} | :: suit (a man's matching jacket and trousers to be worn together) |
öltönynadrág {n} | :: suit trousers |
öltönyöstül {adv} | :: in his/her/their suit |
öltözet {n} | :: clothing, attire, dress |
öltözetű {adj} | :: clothed, dressed, clad |
öltözik {vi} | :: to dress, get dressed |
ölyv {n} | :: buzzard |
-öm {suffix} [personal suffix, indefinite conjugation] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of -ik verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-öm {suffix} [personal suffix, definite conjugation] | :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation) |
-öm {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: my (first-person singular, single possession) |
őmellé {pron} | :: synonym of mellé [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmelléje {pron} | :: synonym of melléje [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmelléjük {pron} | :: synonym of melléjük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmellette {pron} | :: synonym of mellette [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmellettük {pron} | :: synonym of mellettük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmellőle {pron} | :: synonym of mellőle [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmellőlük {pron} | :: synonym of mellőlük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmiatta {pron} | :: synonym of miatta [with an added emphasis on the person] |
őmiattuk {pron} | :: synonym of miattuk [with an added emphasis on the person] |
ömleszt {vt} | :: to pour, dump |
ömlik {vi} | :: to gush |
őmögé {pron} | :: synonym of mögé [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmögéje {pron} | :: synonym of mögéje [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmögéjük {pron} | :: synonym of mögéjük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmögötte {pron} | :: synonym of mögötte [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmögöttük {pron} | :: synonym of mögöttük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmögüle {pron} | :: synonym of mögüle [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őmögülük {pron} | :: synonym of mögülük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
-ön {suffix} | :: [case suffix] on. Used to form the superessive case |
-ön {suffix} | :: [personal suffix, chiefly archaic or dialectal] Indefinite third-person singular suffix (currently only in the imperative mood as part of -jön, formerly also occurring in the indicative) |
ön- {prefix} | :: self- |
ön {pron} [personal] | :: you (formal) |
őn {n} | :: asp (fish, Aspius aspius) |
őnála {pron} | :: synonym of nála [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
önálló {adj} | :: independent, self-reliant, self-contained, self-supporting, self-sufficient |
önállóan {adv} | :: independently, by oneself, alone, on one's own (without assistance or help from others) |
önállóbb {adj} | :: comparative of önálló |
önállóság {n} | :: independence, autonomy, self-reliance |
őnáluk {pron} | :: synonym of náluk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
önarckép {n} | :: self-portrait |
-önc {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a word to form a noun denoting a person |
öné {pron} | :: yours (that which belongs to you ― singular, official) |
önéi {pron} | :: yours (those which belong to you ― singular possessor, multiple possessions, official) |
őneki {pron} | :: synonym of neki [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őnéki {pron} | :: synonym of néki [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őnekik {pron} | :: synonym of nekik [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őnékik {pron} | :: synonym of nékik [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
önelégült {adj} | :: self-satisfied, smug, complacent |
önelégültebb {adj} | :: comparative of önelégült |
önelégültség {n} | :: self-satisfaction, smugness |
önéletrajz {n} | :: curriculum vitae (UK), résumé (US) |
önéletrajz {n} | :: autobiography |
önéletrajzi {adj} | :: autobiographical |
önellátás {n} | :: self-sufficiency |
önellentmondás {n} | :: self-contradiction |
önfejű {adj} | :: stubborn, self-willed |
önfejűbb {adj} | :: comparative of önfejű |
önfejűbben {adv} | :: comparative of önfejűen |
önfejűen {adv} | :: wrongheadedly |
-öng {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a verb (or rarely to a noun or adjective) to form a verb denoting repetitive action |
öngól {n} [football] | :: own goal |
öngyilkos {adj} | :: suicidal |
öngyilkos {n} | :: suicide (a person who has intentionally killed him/herself) |
öngyilkos merénylő {n} | :: suicide bomber |
öngyilkosság {n} | :: suicide |
öngyújtó {n} | :: lighter (a small, reusable handheld device for creating fire, especially for lighting cigarettes) |
önismeret {n} [psychology] | :: self-knowledge |
-őnk {suffix} [possessive suffix, archaic, limited usage] | :: our, of us (first-person plural, single possession) |
-önként {suffix} [distributive suffix] | :: Added to a noun |
-önként {suffix} | :: It can express the manner when something happens to each member of a set one by one |
-önként {suffix} | :: It can also express the frequency in time |
önként {adv} | :: voluntarily, willingly |
önkéntes {adj} | :: voluntary |
önkéntes {n} | :: volunteer |
önkielégítés {n} | :: masturbation |
önkiszolgáló {adj} | :: self-serve, self-service |
önkormányzat {n} | :: local government, commune |
önkormányzati {adj} | :: municipal, self-governing |
önmaga {pron} [reflexive pronoun] | :: himself, herself, itself, oneself |
önmagad {pron} | :: yourself (singular) |
önmagam {pron} | :: myself |
önmagatok {pron} | :: yourselves |
önmaguk {pron} | :: themselves |
önmagunk {pron} | :: ourselves |
önmegvalósítás {n} | :: self-realization, self-actualization |
önmérséklet {n} | :: self-restraint |
önológia {n} | :: oenology (the scientific study of wines and winemaking) |
önológiai {adj} | :: oenological (of or pertaining to oenology, the study of wine) |
önológus {n} | :: oenologist (an expert in the science of oenology, the scientific study of wines and winemaking) |
önök {pron} | :: you (formal, plural) |
önöké {pron} | :: yours (that which belongs to you ― plural, official) |
önökéi {pron} | :: yours (those which belong to you all ― plural possessor, multiple possessions, official) |
önreklámozás {n} | :: self-promotion (the act of advancing one's own interests or profile) |
önrendelkezés {n} | :: autonomy, self-determination |
önsajnálat {n} | :: self-pity |
önt {vt} | :: to pour |
önt {vt} | :: to cast (metal) |
-önte {suffix} [distributive-temporal suffix] | :: Added to a temporal noun to form an adverb |
öntet {n} | :: dressing, icing |
öntet {v} | :: to have somebody pour something |
öntő {adj} | :: casting (metal), pouring (liquid) |
öntő {n} | :: foundryman, founder#Etymology_2 (foundry worker) |
öntő {n} | :: foundry |
öntöz {vt} | :: to water (to pour water onto, e.g. plants) |
öntözőcső {n} | :: garden hose, hosepipe |
öntvény {n} [manufacturing] | :: casting (a metal form cast in a mold) |
önuralom {n} | :: self-control, self-command, self-restraint |
önvédelem {n} | :: self-defense |
önzetlen {adj} | :: unselfish, selfless, generous, altruistic |
önzetlenebb {adj} | :: comparative of önzetlen |
önzetlenség {n} | :: unselfishness, selflessness, altruism |
önző {adj} | :: selfish |
önzőbb {adj} | :: comparative of önző |
-öny {suffix} [nominal suffix] | :: Added to a word to form a noun or an adjective |
-őr {suffix} | :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix |
őr {n} | :: guard, watchman, keeper |
őr {n} | :: guardian, protector |
őr {v} | :: [dialectal] alternative form of őröl, to grind, mill, pulverize |
őr {vi} [dialectal] | :: to chat without drinking wine (often used with szárazon) |
őrá {pron} | :: synonym of rá [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őrája {pron} | :: synonym of rája [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őrajta {pron} | :: synonym of rajta [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őrajtuk {pron} | :: synonym of rajtuk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őrájuk {pron} | :: synonym of rájuk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őrangyal {n} | :: guardian angel (angel assigned to protect and guide a person) |
őrangyal {n} | :: guardian angel (person who watches over another) |
őrbódé {n} | :: sentry-box |
ördög {n} | :: devil |
ördöghal {n} | :: anglerfish |
ördögi {adj} | :: demonic, devilish, hellish, satanic, vicious |
ördögibb {adj} | :: comparative of ördögi |
ördögi kör {n} [idiomatic] | :: vicious circle (a situation in which the solution to a problem creates another problem) |
ördöglakat {n} | :: A puzzle with mechanically interlinked pieces. It has many different types such as assembly, disassembly, interlocking, disentanglement, lock, etc. puzzle |
öre {n} | :: öre (the subunit of the official currency of Sweden, the krona) |
őreá {pron} | :: synonym of reá [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őreája {pron} | :: synonym of reája [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őreájuk {pron} | :: synonym of reájuk [with an added emphasis on the person] |
öreg {adj} [of people] | :: old |
öreg {adj} [regional] | :: dense food |
öreg {adj} [dialectal, archaic] | :: great, big, grand |
öreg {n} | :: old person |
öreg {n} [often with possessive suffix, colloquial] | :: one's parents |
öreg {n} [colloquial] | :: the leader of a community |
öregasszony {n} | :: old woman |
öregebb {adj} | :: comparative of öreg |
öregedés {n} | :: aging [US], ageing [UK] (becoming older) |
öregedik {vi} | :: to grow old, age |
öregember {n} | :: old man |
öreglyuk {n} [anatomy] | :: foramen magnum (a large oval opening in the occipital bone of the skull for the passage of the medulla oblongata and its membranes) |
öregség {n} | :: old age |
öregségi {adj} | :: old-age (of, or relating to old age) |
öregszik {vi} | :: alternative form of öregedik |
őrgróf {n} | :: marquis, marquess, margrave (hereditary prince) |
őrgrófné {n} | :: marchioness, marquise, margravine (the wife of a marquess) |
őrgrófság {n} | :: margravate (territory governed by a margrave) |
Őrimagyarósd {prop} | :: Őrimagyarósd (village) |
őriz {vt} | :: to guard, herd, watch, keep safe |
őrizet {n} | :: custody, safety, safeguard |
őrizetbe vesz {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to arrest, detain, put under arrest, take into custody (to seize someone with the authority of the law) |
őrködik {vi} | :: to stand guard, to keep watch (over something/someone: felett or n) |
őrlemény {n} | :: grist (ground grain, the product of milling) |
örmény {adj} | :: Armenian (of or relating to Armenia, its people or language) |
örmény {n} | :: Armenian (person) |
örmény {n} [singular only] | :: Armenian (language) |
Örmény Köztársaság {prop} | :: Republic of Armenia (the official name of Armenia) |
Örményország {prop} | :: Örményország (country) |
őrmester {n} | :: sergeant |
őrnagy {n} | :: major |
őróla {pron} | :: synonym of róla [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őróluk {pron} | :: synonym of róluk [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
örök {adj} | :: eternal |
örök {n} [archaic, literary] | :: inheritance |
örök {n} [in certain phrases, with -be] | :: keeps (not for borrowing but as a gift, once and for all) |
örök {adv} [poetic] | :: always, forever |
örökbe fogad {vt} | :: to adopt (a child) |
örökbefogadás {n} | :: adoption (acceptance of a child of other parents as if he or she were one's own child) |
örökbe fogadó {adj} | :: adoptive (related to the person who adopts a child or a pet) |
örökbe fogadott {adj} | :: adoptive (related to the child or pet that is adopted) |
örökké {adv} | :: forever |
örökkévaló {adj} | :: eternal, everlasting |
örökkévaló {n} [religion] | :: God, Eternal Father |
örökkévalóság {n} | :: eternity (infinite time) |
öröklakás {n} | :: condominium, condo |
örökletes {adj} [genetics] | :: hereditary (trait, disease) |
örököl {vt} | :: to inherit something (from someone tól) |
örökös {adj} | :: eternal, unending |
örökös {adj} | :: perpetual, unceasing |
örökös {adj} | :: hereditary |
örökös {n} | :: heir, inheritor, successor |
örökre {adv} | :: forever (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time) |
örökre lehunyja a szemét {v} | :: to die (to stop living) |
örökség {n} | :: inheritance, bequest |
örökség {n} | :: legacy, heritage |
örökzöld {adj} | :: evergreen (of plants, especially trees, that do not shed their leaves seasonally) |
örökzöld {adj} [figuratively] | :: perennial, enduring, lasting, timeless |
örökzöld {n} | :: evergreen (a tree or shrub that does not shed its leaves or needles seasonally) |
őröl {vt} | :: to grind, mill |
őröl {vt} | :: to pulverize (as a woodworm does to wood) |
őröl {vt} [literary, of emotional pain] | :: to nag, torment, anguish |
őröl {vt} [dialectal] | :: to chitchat, chatter, prattle, babble (too much) |
öröm {n} | :: joy, pleasure |
örömest {adv} [folksy or literary] | :: gladly, willingly, with pleasure |
örömkönny {n} | :: tears of joy |
örömmel {adv} | :: gladly, willingly, with pleasure, with joy |
örömteli {adj} | :: joyful, joyous |
Örs {prop} | :: given name |
őrs {n} [military] | :: sentry, guard (a person or a squad responsible for protecting something, as well as the place where this person or squad resides) |
őrs {n} [military] | :: fireteam (the smallest unit of military organization) |
őrs {n} | :: police station |
őrs {n} [scouting or Communism] | :: troop, patrol |
örül {vi} | :: to be happy, to rejoice (about something: nak) |
őrül {vi} | :: to grow crazy |
őrül {vi} | :: to be mad |
őrület {n} | :: madness, insanity, lunacy |
őrült {adj} | :: mad, crazy |
őrült {n} | :: lunatic (an insane person) |
őrültebb {adj} | :: comparative of őrült |
őrültebben {adv} | :: comparative of őrülten |
őrültekháza {n} | :: madhouse, insane asylum (a house where insane persons are confined) |
őrültekháza {n} [by extension, colloquial, pejorative] | :: madhouse, bedlam (a chaotic place) |
őrülten {adv} | :: madly, extremely, crazily |
örv {n} | :: collar (a coloured ring round the neck of a bird or mammal) |
örv {n} | :: collar (a band or chain around an animal's neck, used to restrain and/or identify it) |
örv {n} [literary, in the phrase …… örve alatt or …… örvén] | :: pretext, guise, excuse, cover, pretence |
örvend {vi} [literary] | :: to rejoice, to be glad (at something nak) |
örvend {vi} | :: to enjoy, have (something favorable) |
örvendek {interj} | :: pleased to meet you, how do you do |
örvény {n} | :: whirlpool, eddy, swirl |
örvény {n} | :: abyss, pit, chasm, gulf |
örvény {n} [figuratively] | :: whirl, turmoil |
örvös {adj} [of animals] | :: ring-necked, verticillate, whorled (having a colored ring around the neck) |
örvös galamb {n} | :: wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) |
-ös {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an adjective meaning "having something, a quality"; sometimes referred to as ornative |
-ös {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an occupation or a collective noun |
-ös {suffix} [number-forming suffix] | :: Added to an ordinal number to form a digit or figure, cf. the relevant template |
-ős {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form an adjective expressing the permanent quality originating from the action. Several of the derived adjectives are also used as nouns |
ős {adj} | :: ancient, very old; mostly used in compounds as a prefix; otherwise poetic |
ős {n} | :: ancestor, forefather |
ősbemutató {n} | :: premiere (the first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment) |
ősember {n} | :: prehistoric man |
őserdő {n} | :: old-growth forest, virgin forest |
őserdő {n} | :: jungle |
ősfaj {n} | :: ancient race |
ősi {adj} | :: ancient (very old) |
ősibb {adj} | :: comparative of ősi |
őskor {n} | :: prehistory |
őskori {adj} | :: prehistoric |
ősközösség {n} | :: primitive community/society |
ősmagyar {adj} [linguistics] | :: Ancient Hungarian, proto-Hungarian |
ősmagyar {n} [linguistics] | :: Ancient Hungarian, proto-Hungarian (the period from 1000 BC to 896 AD in Hungarian historical linguistics; 896 is the year when Hungarian tribes settled down in the Carpathian Basin) |
ősmagyar {n} [linguistics] | :: Ancient Hungarian, proto-Hungarian (the language of the Ancient Hungarian period) |
ősnemzés {n} | :: abiogenesis |
őssejt {n} [cytology] | :: stem cell |
őssejtkutatás {n} | :: stem cell research |
-östül {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] | :: with, together with, along with. Used to form the sociative case (sometimes also referred to as comitative case), although it is not an actual case from a strictly syntactic point of view |
ösvény {n} | :: path (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians, especially in a natural environment) |
ősz {n} | :: autumn |
ősz {adj} [of hair] | :: grey |
őszebb {adj} | :: comparative of ősz |
őszerinte {pron} | :: synonym of szerinte [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őszerintük {pron} | :: synonym of szerintük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őszi {adj} | :: autumnal, autumn, of autumn, fall- |
őszibarack {n} | :: peach |
őszibb {adj} | :: comparative of őszi |
őszies {adj} | :: autumnal |
ősziesebb {adj} | :: comparative of őszies |
őszinte {adj} | :: honest, frank, sincere |
őszintébb {adj} | :: comparative of őszinte |
őszintébben {adv} | :: comparative of őszintén |
őszintén {adv} | :: honestly, frankly, sincerely |
őszinteség {n} | :: candor, honesty, sincerity |
őszönként {adv} | :: every autumn, every fall |
őszönte {adv} | :: every autumn, every fall |
össz- {prefix} | :: full, whole, aggregated, total |
össz- {prefix} | :: joint, collective, simultaneous |
össze- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: together |
össze {adv} | :: together |
összead {vt} | :: to add, to total (to calculate the sum of) |
összead {vt} | :: to add (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition) |
összead {vt} | :: to pool (to contribute to a common fund by donation) |
összead {vt} | :: to wed (to join in matrimony) |
összeadás {n} [arithmetic] | :: addition |
összeadásjel {n} [arithmetic] | :: plus sign, addition sign, plus (the symbol + used to denote the operation of addition) |
összeállít {vt} | :: to assemble, to compile (from a collection) |
összeállítás {n} | :: compilation (the process of compiling together) |
összeállítás {n} | :: compilation (that which is compiled) |
összebarátkozik {vi} | :: to make friends (with someone val) |
összebeszél {vi} | :: to agree (on something ban, with someone vel), to conspire with someone (to secretly concur to one end) |
összebeszél {vt} | :: to talk nonsense |
összecsukható {adj} | :: folding, collapsible |
összecsukható szék {n} | :: folding chair |
összeegyeztet {vt} | :: to compare, to verify, to check something (against something vel) |
összeegyeztet {vt} | :: to harmonize, to reconcile something (with something vel) |
összeegyeztethetetlen {adj} | :: irreconcilable, incompatible, discrepant, contradictory (that which cannot be made to harmonize with another) |
összeesküszik {vi} [pejorative] | :: to conspire together (against someone ellen) (to secretly plot against authority) |
összeesküszik {vi} | :: to go against, to conspire against someone (several unpleasant things to happen at the same time) |
összeesküszik {vi} [colloquial] | :: to wed (to join in matrimony) |
összeesküvés {n} | :: conspiracy (the act of working in secret to obtain some goal) |
összeesküvés-elmélet {n} | :: conspiracy theory |
összeférhetetlen {adj} [of things] | :: incompatible, conflicting (that cannot coexist; not congruous because of differences) |
összeférhetetlen {adj} [of a person] | :: unsociable, quarrelsome, bad-tempered, ill-natured (unwilling to cooperate with others, difficult to get on with others) |
összeférhetetlenség {n} | :: incompatibility |
összeférhetetlenség {n} | :: conflict of interest (ineligibility for a job due to another, existing position that involves a competing interest) |
összeférhetetlenség {n} | :: unsociableness (unwillingness to cooperate with others, difficulty to get on with others) |
összefog {vt} | :: to hold together |
összefog {vi} | :: to join forces, to form a league, to cooperate (for a common cause) |
összefogás {n} | :: collaboration, union (the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal) |
összefut {vi} [of people or animals] | :: to flock together, assemble, gather (to move together from different directions) |
összefut {vi} | :: to run into someone ( val) (to encounter or meet unexpectedly) |
összefut {vi} [colloquial, rare, of cars] | :: to collide |
összefut {vi} | :: to meet, converge (of lines: to approach each other at a point) |
összefut {vt} | :: to run around, go around (to walk through an area, place, region in a hurry) |
összefügg {vi} | :: to relate, to bound up, to be connected (with something val) |
összefüggés {n} | :: connection, correlation, linkage, relationship |
összefüggő {adj} | :: continuous, connected, contiguous |
összefüggő {adj} | :: connected (with something val), related (to something val) |
összeg {n} | :: sum, total (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) |
összeg {n} | :: sum, amount (a quantity of money) |
összegez {vt} | :: to summarize, to sum up, to add up, to total |
összegzés {n} | :: summation, summary, synopsis, epitome |
összegyűjt {vt} | :: to collect, to gather, to assemble |
összegyűlik {vi} | :: to assemble (to gather as a group) |
összegyűlik {vi} | :: to collect, to accumulate, to pile up (to grow or increase in quantity or number, such as money, work) |
összehangol {vt} | :: to harmonize, to coordinate, to align |
összehasonlít {vt} | :: to compare something (with something val) |
összehasonlítás {n} | :: comparison (act of comparing or the state of being compared) |
összehasonlítható {adj} | :: comparable |
összehasonlíthatóbb {adj} | :: comparative of összehasonlítható |
összehasonlító {adj} | :: comparative |
összehív {vt} | :: to summon (to call people together) |
összejövetel {n} | :: party (social gathering) |
összekapcsol {vt} | :: to join, connect, link, concatenate |
összeken {vt} | :: to smear, smudge, bedaub, stain, spot (to stain by smearing with a dirty substance) |
összekever {vt} | :: to mix, blend, scramble (to stir two or more substances together) |
összekever {vt} | :: to confound, confuse, mix up (to be unable to (easily) distinguish) |
összeköt {vt} | :: to concatenate |
összeköt {vt} | :: to bind, to join, to link, to connect |
összekötő {adj} | :: connecting, connective |
összekötő {n} | :: liaison (officer, staff) (a person who maintains communications between two parties or groups) |
összekötő {n} | :: connector |
ősszel {adv} | :: autumn, fall, in the fall, in fall |
összenéz {vi} | :: to exchange glances |
összerak {vt} | :: to assemble (to put together) |
összes {determiner} | :: every (used with definite article and the noun in singular) |
összesen {adv} | :: altogether, total |
összesség {n} | :: totality, entirety, whole |
összességében {adv} | :: on the whole, all things considered, in the main |
összeszed {vt} | :: to gather, to collect, to pick up, to muster |
összeszed {vr} | :: to pull oneself together, to compose oneself |
összeszerel {vt} | :: to assemble, put together, fabricate, construct |
összetartozás {n} | :: togetherness, mutual belonging |
összetartozik {vi} | :: to belong together |
összetétel {n} | :: composition |
összetétel {n} [grammar] | :: compound word |
összetett {adj} | :: complex |
összetettebb {adj} | :: comparative of összetett |
összetett szem {n} [anatomy] | :: compound eye (visual organ consisting of tiny independent photoreception units) |
összevág {vt} | :: to mince, to cut up, to chop up to pieces |
összevág {vt} | :: to cut (in multiple places, to cut all over) |
összevág {vt} [film] | :: to edit, to cut (to slice and rearrange video sequences) |
összevág {vt} | :: to hit/snap/click together (spurs on boots, ankles, heels as a soldier) |
összevág {vt} [colloquial] | :: to throw together (to complete a task hurriedly, without much attention to detail) |
összevág {vi} | :: to square, to match, to fit, to fit in, to go along (of two or more things to agree or conform) (with something val) |
összevet {vt} [somewhat literary] | :: to compare |
összevissza {adj} | :: jumbled, confused, haphazard |
összevissza {adv} | :: haphazardly, higgledy-piggledy, upside down, in a mess |
összevissza {adv} [rare] | :: altogether, on the whole |
összevisszább {adj} | :: comparative of összevissza |
összevisszaság {n} | :: confusion, disorder, chaos |
összezavar {vt} | :: to confuse, to mix up, to obfuscate |
összezsugorít {vt} | :: to shrink (to make smaller) |
összhang {n} [music] | :: harmony |
összhang {n} | :: agreement |
összhangzattan {n} | :: theory of harmony (the academic study of chords, cf. Harmonielehre) |
összjáték {n} | :: teamwork (cooperative effort of a team of people to achieve a common goal) |
összjáték {n} | :: interplay (interaction between different elements) |
összkomfortos {adj} | :: with/having all the modern conveniences, with every modern comfort |
-öszt {suffix} [causative suffix] | :: Added to a verb or a stem to form a transitive verb |
ösztökél {v} | :: to goad (to prod with a goad; to encourage, stimulate, incite or provoke) |
ösztön {n} | :: instinct |
ösztön {n} | :: incentive |
ösztöndíj {n} | :: scholarship (study allowance) |
ösztöndíj {n} | :: fellowship |
ösztöndíjas {adj} | :: scholarship, sponsored |
ösztöndíjas {n} | :: scholar, scholarship/sponsored student |
ösztönös {adj} | :: instinctive |
ösztönösebb {adj} | :: comparative of ösztönös |
ösztönösebben {adv} | :: comparative of ösztönösen |
ösztönösen {adv} | :: instinctively |
ösztönöz {vt} | :: to urge, motivate, stimulate, drive (with ra) |
ösztövér {adj} [literary] | :: lean, lanky, skinny, thin |
ösztövérebb {adj} | :: comparative of ösztövér |
ösztrogén {n} [steroid hormone] | :: oestrogen/œstrogen (UK), estrogen (US) |
öszve- {prefix} [archaic, verbal prefix] | :: together |
öszvér {n} | :: mule, hinny |
-öt {suffix} [accusative suffix] | :: Used to form the accusative case |
öt {num} | :: five |
őt {pron} | :: him, her (as the direct object of a verb) |
öten {adv} | :: the five of us/you/them |
ötéves {adj} | :: five-year-old |
ötéves {adj} | :: five-year |
ötezer {num} | :: five thousand |
ötlet {n} | :: idea (that which comes to mind) |
ötletes {adj} | :: clever, creative, ingenious, resourceful, nimble, witty, original |
ötletesebb {adj} | :: comparative of ötletes |
ötletesség {n} | :: ingenuity, cleverness, inventiveness |
ötletgazdag {adj} | :: inventive, creative (full of new ideas) |
ötletroham {n} | :: brainstorming |
ötnaponként {adv} | :: every five days |
ötödik {num} | :: fifth |
ötödik {num} [education, substantival usage] | :: fifth grade (the period in school that comes after fourth grade and before sixth grade) |
ötödike {n} | :: the fifth (day of a month) |
-ötök {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-ötök {suffix} [possessive suffix] | :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession) |
őtőle {pron} | :: synonym of tőle [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
őtőlük {pron} | :: synonym of tőlük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
ötös {adj} | :: fivefold, quinary, quintuple |
ötös {adj} | :: the number five |
ötös {n} | :: the number five |
ötös {n} [, music] | :: quintet, quintette |
ötszáz {n} | :: five hundred |
ötszög {n} | :: pentagon |
ötször {adv} | :: five times |
ötszörös {adj} | :: fivefold, five-time |
-ött {suffix} [past-participle suffix] | :: -ed, -t (used to form the past participle of a verb) |
-ött {suffix} [past-tense suffix] | :: -ed, -t (used to form the past tense of a verb) |
-ött {suffix} [locative suffix, archaic] | :: in (used to form the locative case) |
-ötte {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-ötte {suffix} [verbal-participle suffix] | :: Used to form the verbal participle of verbs, always following the agent noun |
-ötted {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-öttek {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations) |
-ötték {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-öttél {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations) |
-öttelek {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations) |
-öttem {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations) |
-öttetek {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations) |
-öttétek {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations) |
-öttük {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations) |
-öttünk {suffix} [past tense suffix] | :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations) |
ötven {num} | :: fifty |
ötvenedik {num} | :: fiftieth |
ötvenegy {num} | :: fifty-one |
ötvenegyedik {num} | :: fifty-first |
ötvenes {adj} | :: fifties |
ötvenes {adj} | :: fifty-year-old |
ötvenes {n} | :: a banknote of fifty |
ötvenharmadik {num} | :: fifty-third |
ötvenhárom {num} | :: fifty-three |
ötvenhat {num} | :: fifty-six |
ötvenhatodik {num} | :: fifty-sixth |
ötvenhét {num} | :: fifty-seven |
ötvenhetedik {num} | :: fifty-seventh |
ötvenkettedik {num} | :: fifty-second |
ötvenkettő {num} | :: fifty-two |
ötvenkilenc {num} | :: fifty-nine |
ötvenkilencedik {num} | :: fifty-ninth |
ötvennégy {num} | :: fifty-four |
ötvennegyedik {num} | :: fifty-fourth |
ötvenöt {num} | :: fifty-five |
ötvenötödik {num} | :: fifty-fifth |
ötvennyolc {num} | :: fifty-eight |
ötvennyolcadik {num} | :: fifty-eighth |
ötvös {n} | :: goldsmith |
ötvös {n} | :: silversmith |
ötvözet {n} | :: alloy (metal combined of more elements) |
öv {n} | :: belt |
övé {pron} | :: his, hers, its (that which belongs to him/her/it) |
övéi {pron} | :: his, hers, its (those who or which belong to him/her/it – plural possessions) |
övéik {pron} | :: theirs (those which belongs to them, plural possessions) |
övék {pron} | :: theirs (that which belongs to them) |
ővele {pron} | :: synonym of vele [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
ővéle {pron} | :: synonym of véle [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
ővelük {pron} | :: synonym of velük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
ővélük {pron} | :: synonym of vélük [with an added emphasis on the person.] |
öves {adj} | :: belted (fitted with a belt) |
övez {v} | :: to encircle, to belt, to surround, to enclose |
övezet {n} | :: zone (area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc) |
övtáska {n} | :: fanny pack, bum bag |
-öz {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun to form a verb |
-öz {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Appended to a verb to form a repetitive version of the verb |
őz {n} | :: roe deer (a small deer species of Europe, Asia Minor, and Caspian coastal regions, Capreolus capreolus) |
őzbarna {adj} | :: fawn (colour) |
-özik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun or verb to form a verb |
-őzik {suffix} [frequentative-reflexive verb-forming suffix] | :: Added to a verb to form a new verb with reflexive and often frequentative meaning |
őzik {vi} | :: to umm, to uh (to make a long schwa sound while thinking of the next thing to say) |
őzike {n} | :: fawn |
özvegy {n} | :: widow (woman whose spouse has died) |
özvegy {n} | :: widower (man whose spouse has died) |
özvegyasszony {n} | :: widow (a woman whose spouse has died) |
özvegyember {n} | :: widower (a man whose spouse has died) |
özvegysor {n} [typography] | :: widow (the last line of a paragraph separated from the rest by a page break or column break) |