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From -ott (past-tense suffix) +‎ -ak (third-person plural suffix).






  1. (past-tense suffix) Forms the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugation).
    sóhajt (to sigh) + ‎-ottak → ‎sóhajtottak (they sighed)
    A rossz hír hallatán a szomszédok csak sóhajtottak.Hearing the bad news, the neighbors just sighed.
    javít (to improve) + ‎-ottak → ‎javítottak (they improved on something)
    Sokat javítottak a tavalyi eredményeiken.They improved a lot on their results from last year.
    nyit (to open) + ‎-ottak → ‎nyitottak (they opened)
    Új üzletet nyitottak a városban.They opened a new store in town.

Usage notes

  • (past-tense suffix) Variants:
    -tak is added to most back-vowel verbs
    -tek is added to most front-vowel verbs
    -ttak is added to back-vowel verbs ending in a vowel (, , szí; ó, ; )
    -ttek is added to front-vowel verbs ending in a vowel (, , sző; nyű)
    -ottak is added to back-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or a long vowel + t, or to monosyllables ending in -t (fut, nyit, except lát)
    -ettek is added to unrounded front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or a long vowel + t, or to monosyllables ending in -t (vet)
    -öttek is added to rounded front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or a long vowel + t, or to monosyllables ending in -t (köt, süt, üt)

See also
