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From Proto-Ugric *oćtɜrɜ (sprout, shoot, twig; whip),[1][2] from Proto-Indo-Iranian *HáštraH.


  • IPA(key): [ˈoʃtor]
  • Hyphenation: os‧tor
  • Rhymes: -or




  1. whip (a pliant, flexible instrument used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals)
  2. the vertical rope of a shadoof where the bucket is hung
    Synonym: kútostor
  3. (biology) flagellum (a lash-like appendage that protrudes from the cell body of certain bacterial cells)


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative ostor ostorok
accusative ostort ostorokat
dative ostornak ostoroknak
instrumental ostorral ostorokkal
causal-final ostorért ostorokért
translative ostorrá ostorokká
terminative ostorig ostorokig
essive-formal ostorként ostorokként
inessive ostorban ostorokban
superessive ostoron ostorokon
adessive ostornál ostoroknál
illative ostorba ostorokba
sublative ostorra ostorokra
allative ostorhoz ostorokhoz
elative ostorból ostorokból
delative ostorról ostorokról
ablative ostortól ostoroktól
possessive – singular
ostoré ostoroké
possessive – plural
ostoréi ostorokéi
Possessive forms of ostor
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. ostorom ostoraim
2nd person sing. ostorod ostoraid
3rd person sing. ostora ostorai
1st person plural ostorunk ostoraink
2nd person plural ostorotok ostoraitok
3rd person plural ostoruk ostoraik

Derived terms

Compound words


  1. ^ Entry #658 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
  2. ^ ostor in Zaicz, Gábor (ed.). Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (‘Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN.  (See also its 2nd edition.)

Further reading

  • ostor in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.: ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN