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User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-p

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g. {noun} :: year
g. {noun} :: Mr.
g {letter} :: The 11th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by f and followed by h
Gabelj {prop} {m} [regional, colloquial, offensive] :: male Gypsy
Gabeljica {prop} {f} [regional, colloquial, offensive] :: female Gypsy
gablec {m} [regional] :: brunch
Gabon {prop} {m} :: Gabon
gabor {m} :: hideous or disgusting person or thing; eyesore, freak, monstrosity
gabro {m} [geology] :: gabbro
gabula {f} [colloquial] :: trouble
gaće {f} [plurale tantum] :: underpants
gaćice {f} [plurale tantum] :: panties
gaćnik {m} :: waist-string (of drawers or pajama bottoms)
gad {m} :: a repulsive person
gad {m} :: scoundrel
gad {m} :: cad
gad {m} :: asshole
gad {m} :: snake; lizard
gadan {adj} :: ugly, disgusting, repulsive
gadan {adj} :: nasty, unpleasant, mean, vile (of behavior or situation)
gadan {adj} :: bad (of poor quality)
gaditi {vtr impf} :: to disgust, nauseate
gadolinij {m} :: gadolinium
gađati {vt impf} :: to shoot (from a gun)
gađati {vt impf} :: to hit (target)
gađati {vt impf} :: to aim for (target)
gađati {vtr impf} :: to throw at, pelt
gađenje {n} :: disgust (an intense dislike or repugnance)
Gagauzija {prop} :: Gagauzia
gaj {m} :: grove
gajba {f} [regional] :: crate, box (for bottles)
gajba {f} [regional] :: cage
gajba {f} [regional, slang, sports] :: score, point
gajba {f} [slang] :: crib (one's residence; apartment, flat or room)
gajde {fp} [plurale tantum] :: bagpipes
gajeta {f} :: a type of sailboat
gajica {f} :: gajica
Gajiti {vt pf} :: to raise
gakati {vi impf} :: to quack, cackle (of geese)
gakati {vi impf} :: to caw (of crows)
gaknuti {vi pf} :: to quack, cackle (of geese)
gaknuti {vi pf} :: to caw (of crows)
gaktati {vi impf} :: to quack, cackle (of geese)
gaktati {vi impf} :: to caw (of crows)
gal {adj} [dated] :: black, dark [physical attributes]
gal {adj} [dated] :: dark fur
galaksija {f} :: galaxy
galaktika {f} [astronomy] :: galaxy
galama {f} :: fuss, buzz, noise (of human voices)
galamiti {vi impf} :: to clamour, yell, shriek
galantan {adj} :: gallant
galantno {adv} :: gallantly
galantnost {f} [uncountable] :: gallantry
galeb {m} :: seagull
galebica {f} :: seagull (female)
galeblji {adj} [relational] :: seagull; larine
galenit {m} [mineral] :: galena
galerija {f} :: gallery
galge {fp} [Kajkavian, plurale tantum] :: gallows
galica {f} :: chough
Galicija {prop} {f} :: Galicia
galicijski {adj} :: Galician
galij {m} :: gallium
galija {f} :: galley
galon {m} :: gallon [a unit of volume]
galop {m} :: gallop
Galovac {prop} :: Galovac (municipality)
galski {adj} :: Gallic, Gaulish
galski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Gaulish language
galženjak {m} [Kajkavian] :: a hanged man
galjan {m} [slang] :: Negro, nigger
gama {f} :: gamma, the Greek letter Γ, γ
gamad {f} :: vermin
gamad {f} :: scum (people)
Gambija {prop} {f} :: Gambija (country)
Gana {prop} {f} :: Gana (country)
Ganac {prop} {m} :: Ghanaian
ganc {adv} [regional] :: entirely, completely
gandijevac {m} :: follower of Gandhi
gandža {f} [uncountable, slang] :: ganja (marijuana)
Ganeš {prop} {m} :: Ganesh (Hindu deity)
Gang {prop} {m} :: Ganges (river)
gangster {m} :: gangster
gangsterski {adj} [relational] :: gangster
gangsterski {adv} :: as a gangster
gank {m} [Kajkavian] :: passage
gank {m} [Kajkavian] :: hall, hallway, corridor
ganski {adj} :: Ghanaian
ganuti {vt pf} :: to move, touch, affect
ganuti {vt pf} :: to set in motion, move
ganuti {vt pf} :: to touch
ganuti {vr pf} :: to be touched, excited, shaken
ganutljiv {adj} :: moving, touching
ganutljivo {adv} :: movingly, touchingly
ganjak {m} [regional] :: corridor, hallway
ganjati {vt impf} :: to chase, pursue, run after
ganjati {vr impf} :: to run around, chase each other
gao {adj} [dated] :: black, dark (physical attributes)
gao {adj} [dated] :: dark fur
garancija {f} :: guarantee, assurance
garant {m} :: guarantor
garant {m} [colloquial, as an interjection] :: sure, guaranteed
garantirati {v impf pf} :: to guarantee
garantovati {v impf pf} :: to guarantee
garaža {f} :: garage (place to store a car, tools and other miscellaneous items)
garbagologija {f} :: garbagology
garda {f} :: guard (of a sovereign or an army commander)
garderoba {f} :: wardrobe (department in theater; collection of clothing)
garderoba {f} :: cloakroom (room for coats, luggage etc.)
garderoba {f} :: dressing room
garnitura {f} :: garniture
garov {m} :: dark dog
gartroža {f} [Kajkavian] :: rose
gas {m} [chiefly Bosnia, Serbia or colloquial] :: gas (state of matter)
gas {m} :: gas (as fuel for combustion engines)
gas {m} [figuratively] :: acceleration
gas {m} :: gas pedal, accelerator
gasiti {v impf} :: imperfective form of ugasiti
gasnuti {vi pf} [language of literature] :: to extinguish (usually figuratively)
gastarbajter {m} :: guest worker
gaša {f} [regional, nautical] :: bowline
gaša {f} [regional, nautical] :: various other specialized knot meanings
gat {m} :: ditch
gat {m} :: dam
gatara {f} :: fortuneteller
gatati {v impf} :: to predict
gatati {v impf} :: to tell fortune
gaučo {m} :: gaucho
gavez {m} :: comfrey (Symphytum)
gavran {m} :: raven
gaz {m} :: ford, shallow place
gaz {m} :: draft (of a ship)
gaza {f} :: gauze
gazda {m} :: landlord
gazda {m} :: master
gazda {m} :: host
gazda {m} [colloquial] :: boss, bossman, head honcho
gazela {f} :: gazelle
gaziti {vt impf} :: to wade, tramp
gda {adv} [Chakavian, Kajkavian] :: ever, sometimes
gda {conj} [Chakavian, Kajkavian] :: when
gdaj {adv} [Chakavian, Kajkavian] :: ever, sometimes
gdaj {conj} [Chakavian, Kajkavian] :: when
gde {adv} :: where [interrogative]
gde {pron} :: where
gdegde {adv} :: in some places
gdegde {adv} :: here and there
gdegde {adv} :: sometimes
gdekad {adv} :: sometimes
gdi {adv} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: where [interrogative]
gdi {adv} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: where
gdi {pron} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: where
gdje {adv} :: where [interrogative]
gdje {pron} :: where
gdjegdje {adv} :: in some places
gdjegdje {adv} :: here and there
gdjegdje {adv} :: sometimes
gdjekad {adv} :: sometimes
gdo {pron} [Kajkavian, Burgenland Croatian] :: who
gdo {pron} [Kajkavian, Burgenland Croatian] :: any, anyone
gđa {f} :: Mrs (title before woman's name)
gđica {noun} :: Miss, Ms.
gebis {m} [Kajkavian] :: denture
gegati {vr impf} :: to waddle, stagger, sway
gej {m} :: a gay person, homosexual (male)
gej {adj} :: gay (of, relating to or intended for homosexuals)
gejša {f} :: geisha
gelender {m} [regional] :: railing
gemišt {m} [regional] :: white wine with added mineral water
gemišt {m} [regional, pejorative] :: a mixture
genealogija {f} :: genealogy
generacija {f} :: generation
general {m} [military ranks] :: general
generalan {adj} :: general (pertaining to all; not specific or particular)
generalica {f} :: a female general
generirati {v impf pf} :: to generate
genetičar {m} :: geneticist
genetički {adj} :: genetic
genetika {f} :: genetics
genij {m} :: genius
genijalan {adj} :: ingenious, brilliant
genijalno {adv} :: ingeniously, brilliantly
genijalnost {f} :: ingeniousness, brilliance
genitiv {m} :: the genitive case
genitivni {adj} :: genitival
genocid {m} :: genocide
genom {m} :: genome
geografija {f} :: geography
geografski {adj} :: geographic, geographical
geografski {adv} :: geographically
geologija {f} [sciences] :: geology
geometrija {f} :: geometry
geometrijska sredina {f} [mathematics] :: geometric mean
geometrijski {adj} :: geometric
geometrijski red {m} [analysis] :: geometric series
geomorfologija {f} :: geomorphology
geopolitika {f} :: geopolitics
gepard {m} :: cheetah (acinonyx jubatus)
gepek {m} [colloquial] :: luggage
gepek {m} [colloquial] :: trunk (of a car)
geranij {m} [botany, Bosnian, Croatian] :: pelargonium (flower of the genus Pelargonium)
geranijum {m} [botany, Montenegrin, Serbian] :: pelargonium (flower of the genus Pelargonium)
gerijatrija {f} [uncountable] :: geriatrics
gerijatrijski {adj} :: geriatric
gerila {f} :: guerrilla warfare
gerilac {m} :: guerilla fighter
German {prop} {m} :: German (member of a Germanic tribe)
germanij {m} :: germanium
germanizirati {vt impf pf} :: to Germanize
Germanka {f} :: German (member of a Germanic tribe)
germanski {adj} :: Germanic (relating to the Germanic peoples or languages)
gerontofobija {f} :: gerontophobia (fear of aging)
gerontologija {f} :: gerontology
gertašlin {m} [Kajkavian] :: wallet
geslo {n} :: motto, slogan
geslo {n} :: password
geto {m} :: ghetto
getriba {f} [regional, automotive, ] :: transmission (assembly of gears)
getriba {f} [regional, colloquial, ] :: ass, usually woman's
gever {m} [regional] :: rifle
gever {m} [regional] :: prank
gib {m} :: movement (of body or a body part)
gib {m} :: fold
gib {m} :: joint
gibak {adj} :: flexible
gibak {adj} :: yielding
gibak {adj} :: supple
gibanica {f} :: gibanica
gibanje {n} :: movement
gibati {vtr impf} :: to move
gibati {vtr impf} :: to sway, rock, swing
Gibraltar {prop} {m} :: Gibraltar
gibraltarski {adj} :: Gibraltarian
gic {interj} :: Utterance used to summon pigs (for feeding)
gica {f} [hypocoristic] :: piggy, piglet
gigabajt {m} :: gigabyte
gigametar {m} :: gigametre
gigant {m} :: giant
gigantski {adj} :: gigantic
Gilgameš {prop} {m} :: Gilgamesh
giljotina {f} :: guillotine
giljotinirati {v impf pf} :: to guillotine (execute using a guillotine)
gimnastika {f} :: gymnastics
gimnazija {f} :: gymnasium (type of school)
ginekolog {m} :: gynaecologist
ginekologija {f} :: gynaecology
ginekološki {adj} :: gynaecological
ginekološki {adv} :: gynaecologically
gingivitis {m} :: gingivitis
ginko {m} :: ginkgo
ginuti {vi} :: to be killed, perish (usually in a war or an accident)
ginuti {vi} :: to long for, dream of; languish, sigh
gips {m} [uncountable] :: plaster, cast, plaster cast
gips {m} [uncountable] :: gypsum
gitara {f} :: guitar
gitarski {adj} [relational] :: guitar
glacijacija {f} :: glaciation
glacijalan {adj} :: glacial
glačalo {n} :: iron (for pressing clothes)
glačati {v} :: to iron
glad {f} :: hunger
gladak {adj} :: smooth
gladan {adj} :: hungry
gladijator {m} :: gladiator
gladijatorski {adj} :: gladiatorial
gladijatorski {adv} :: gladiatorially
gladiola {f} :: gladiolus
gladiti {vt impf} :: to stroke, pet
gladiti {vt impf} :: to smooth, polish
glagol {m} :: verb
glagolski {adj} :: verbal, relating to verbs
glagolski pridev radni {m} :: present active participle
glagolski pridev trpni {m} :: past passive participle
glagolj {m} [archaic] :: speech
glagoljaš {m} :: a Glagolitic priest, or any historical writer that writes with Glagolitic script
glagoljaški {adj} [relational] :: people who wrote with Glagolitic script
glagoljaški {adv} :: using Glagolitic script or service
glagoljati {v impf} [historical] :: to serve a mass in Old Church Slavonic language
glagoljati {v impf} [archaic] :: to talk, speak, lament
glagoljica {f} [uncountable] :: Glagolitic script
glagoljički {adj} [relational] :: Glagolitic script; Glagolitic
glagoljski {adj} [relational] :: Glagolitic script; Glagolitic
glajd {m} [phonology] :: glide
glamur {m} [uncountable] :: glamour
glanc {m} [regional] :: shine, glare, brilliance
glancati {vt impf} [regional] :: to polish, glance
glancati {vt impf} [figuratively, regional] :: to beautify
glas {m} :: voice
glas {m} :: vote
glas {m} [expressively] :: news
glas {m} [linguistics] :: phone
glasač {m} :: voter
glasačica {f} :: voter (female)
glasan {adj} :: loud, noisy
glasanje {n} :: vote (formalized choice on matters of administration)
glasati {vi impf} :: to vote (+ za (for) + accusative)
glasati {vr impf} :: to sound (especially of an animal or any other kind of living creature)
glasba {f} :: obsolete spelling of glazba
glasina {f} :: rumor
glasiti {vi impf} :: to be worded, say
glasiti {vi impf} :: to sound
glasiti {vi impf} :: to be addressed to
glasnik {m} :: messenger, herald
glasno {adv} :: loudly, aloud
glasnoća {f} [uncountable] :: loudness
glasnogovornica {f} :: spokeswoman (especially of public relations)
glasnogovornik {m} :: spokesman (especially of public relations)
glasnost {f} [uncountable] :: loudness
glasnost {f} [uncountable] :: glasnost
glasonoša {m} :: messenger, herald
glasovati {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to vote (+ za (for) + accusative)
glasovir {m} :: (Croatian) piano
glasovit {adj} :: famous, renowned
glava {f} [anatomy] :: head
glava {f} :: chapter (section of a book)
glava {f} :: head, mind; brains (a source of mental ability and intelligence)
glava {f} :: head, chief, chairman, chairperson (person who leads an organized group)
glavar {m} :: ruler, chief, head
glavat {adj} :: large-headed, having a big head; megacephalic
glavešina {m} :: bigwig, kingpin, figurehead
glavetina {f} :: big, ugly head
glavica {f} :: small head
glavica {f} :: bulb (of onion)
glavica {f} :: top, peak (of something)
glavić {m} [anatomy] :: glans penis
glavni {noun} :: main, chief, principal
glavni {noun} :: fundamental, primary
glavni broj {m} :: cardinal number
glavnica {f} :: principal (of a loan)
glavnica {f} [historical] :: tax paid by unmarried men in Ottoman Empire
glavnina {f} :: bulk, main part (+ genitive)
glavnina {f} [military] :: main force, body
glavobolja {f} :: headache
glavolomka {f} :: a tough nut to crack, a stumper (a difficult puzzle or problem)
glavonožac {m} :: cephalopod
glavonja {m} :: A man with a big head
glavurda {f} :: big, ugly head
glazba {f} [Croatia] :: music
glazben {adj} [Croatia] :: musical (of or relating to music)
glazben {adj} [Croatia] :: musical (gifted or skilled in music)
glazbenica {f} [Croatian] :: musician (female)
glazbenik {m} [Croatian] :: musician
gle {interj} [imperative] :: look, look at
gle {interj} :: lo, behold, lo and behold
gle {interj} [colloquial] :: get a load of, check this out
glečer {m} :: glacier
gleda kao tele u šarena vrata {proverb} :: he looks completely baffled
gledalac {m} :: spectator, viewer
gledalac {m} :: bystander
gledatelj {m} [Croatia] :: viewer
gledatelj {m} [Croatia] :: onlooker, spectator
gledati {vt impf} :: to watch, look, see
gledati {vt impf} :: to try, endeavor (+ da)
gledati {vt impf} :: to take care of, watch
gledati {vr impf} :: to look at oneself
glede {adv} :: (with genitive) as regards, concerning
gledište {n} :: viewpoint, aspect
gležanj {m} :: ankle (joint between foot and leg)
glib {m} :: mud, mire
glibav {adj} :: muddy, slimy
glibok {adj} [Kajkavian] :: deep
glibovit {adj} :: muddy, slimy
glicerin {m} [uncountable] :: glycerine
glih {adj} [Kajkavian] :: similar, alike, same
glih {adv} [Kajkavian] :: exactly
glih {adv} [Kajkavian] :: just
glina {f} :: clay
glinast {adj} :: clayey
glinen {adj} [relational] :: clay; earthen
glinik {m} [archaic] :: aluminium
glinovit {adj} :: clayey
glista {f} :: earthworm
globa {f} :: fine, penalty
globalan {adj} :: global
globalizacija {f} :: globalization
globalno {adv} :: globally
globalnost {f} :: globality
globiti {vt impf} :: to fine
globiti {vt impf} :: to fleece, overcharge
globus {m} :: globe
glodač {m} :: gnawer
glodač {m} :: milling machine operator
glodar {m} :: gnawer
glodar {m} :: rodent
glodati {vt impf} :: to gnaw
glodavac {m} [Croatia] :: rodent
glog {m} :: hawthorn, whitethorn
glogov {adj} [relational] :: hawthorn
glogovik {m} :: hawthorn grove
glogovina {f} :: hawthorn wood
glomazan {adj} :: bulky, heavy, clunky, cumbersome
glomazno {adv} :: bulkily, heavily, clunkily, cumbersomely
glomaznost {f} :: bulkiness, clumsiness, cumbersomeness
glorificirati {vt impf pf} [Croatian] :: to glorify
glorifikacija {f} :: glorification
glosar {m} :: glossary
glotalan {adj} :: glottal
glubina {f} [obsolete] :: depth
gluh {adj} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) deaf
gluhan {m} :: capercaillie
gluhar {m} :: capercaillie
gluhi telefoni {p} :: Chinese whispers
gluhoća {f} [Bosnian, Croatian, uncountable] :: deafness
gluhonijem {adj} [Croatia] :: deaf-mute
glumac {m} :: actor
glumica {f} :: actress
glumiti {vt impf} :: to act (to perform a theatrical role; to play a role)
glumiti {vi impf} :: to feign, pretend, simulate
glup {adj} :: stupid, foolish
glupača {f} :: a stupid woman
glupak {m} [rare] :: stupid person, fool, ignorant
glupan {m} :: idiot, fool, dumbass
glupav {adj} :: stupid
glupost {f} :: stupidity, foolishness, nonsense
glupost {f} [colloquial] :: one's stuff, things, belongings
gluv {adj} :: (Serbian) deaf
gluvi telefoni {mp} :: Chinese whispers
gluvoća {f} [Montenegrin, Serbian, uncountable] :: deafness
gljiva {f} :: mushroom
gljivar {m} :: mushroom gatherer
gmaz {m} :: something that crawls; a crawling animal; crawler, creeper
gmaz {m} [zoology, chiefly Croatia] :: reptile
gmizati {vi impf} :: to crawl, creep
gmizavac {m} :: something that crawls; a crawling animal; crawler, creeper
gmizavac {m} [zoology, chiefly Bosnian, Serbian] :: reptile
gmizavac {m} [pejorative] :: one who has no pride
gnajs {m} :: gneiss
gnev {m} :: wrath, fury, anger
gnevan {adj} :: angry, irate, wrathful
gnevno {adv} :: angrily, irately, wrathfully
gnezdo {n} :: nest
gnijezdo {n} :: nest
gniv {m} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: wrath, anger, fury
gnoj {m} :: manure, dung
gnoj {m} :: fertilizer, compost
gnoj {m} :: pus, suppuration
gnojiti {vt impf} :: to fertilize (soil)
gnojiti {vr impf} :: to fester, suppurate (wound)
gnojivo {n} :: fertilizer
gnosticizam {m} :: Gnosticism
gnus {m} :: a repulsive person
gnus {m} :: scoundrel
gnus {m} :: cad
gnus {m} :: asshole
gnus {m} :: vermin
gnusan {adj} :: loathsome, heinous, hideous (also figuratively)
gnusno {adv} :: loathsomely, hideously, heinously, disgustingly
gnjat {m} :: shank
gnjavator {m} [colloquial] :: bore, pest (one who bores or bugs)
gnječiti {vt impf} :: to squeeze, mash, press, squash
gnjetao {n} [Croatian] :: pheasant
gnjetel {m} [Croatian] :: pheasant
gnjeteo {m} [Croatian] :: pheasant
gnjev {m} :: wrath, fury, anger
gnjevan {adj} :: angry, irate, wrathful
gnjevno {adv} :: angrily, irately, wrathfully
gnjida {f} :: nit (louse egg)
gnjileti {vi impf} :: to rot, decay
gnjilež {m} :: rot, decay
gnjilež {m} [figuratively] :: corruption, decadence
gnjiljeti {vi impf} :: to rot, decay
gnjio {adj} :: rotten, decayed
gnjiti {vi impf} [rare, Croatia] :: to rot, decay
gnjurac {m} :: loon (bird)
gnjurac {m} :: diver
gnjuriti {vi impf} :: to dive (swim under water)
gnjusan {adj} :: alternative form of gnusan
gnjusno {adv} :: alternative form of gnusno
go {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: naked, nude, bare
goblin {m} :: goblin
god {m} :: name day
god {m} :: anniversary, holiday
god {m} :: ring (on a tree)
god {particle} :: generalization particle
godina {f} :: year
godinama {adv} :: for years; in years
godinama {adv} :: in a long time; for a long time
godišnje {adv} :: a year
godišnji {adj} :: annual
godišnjica {f} :: anniversary
goditi {vi impf} :: to please, be good for
gojan {adj} :: alternative form of gojazan
gojazan {adj} :: obese
gojaznost {f} :: obesity
gojenac {m} :: pupil, ward
gojenac {m} :: fattened animal
gojiti {vt impf} :: to fatten, fatten up
gojiti {vr impf} :: to gain weight
Gojko {prop} {m} :: given name
Gojslav {prop} {m} :: given name
gol {adj} [Croatia] :: naked, nude, bare
gol {m} [sports] :: goal
goldun {m} [colloquial] :: condom
golem {adj} :: huge, giant, mammoth
golenjača {f} :: shin
golet {f} :: bare countryside
golf {m} :: golf
golfer {m} :: golfer
golferica {f} :: a female golfer
Golgota {prop} {f} :: Golgotha
golicati {v impf} :: to tickle
golišav {adj} :: scantily dressed, almost nude
golišavac {m} :: scantily dressed person
golišavo {adv} :: in a scantily dressed manner
golišavost {f} :: the state of being scantily dressed
golman {m} [regional] :: goalkeeper
golobrad {adj} :: beardless, without facial hair
gologuz {adj} :: bare-bottomed
gologuz {adj} [pejorative] :: penniless, very poor
gologuz {m} :: a bare-bottomed person
gologuz {m} [pejorative] :: pauper (very poor)
golotinja {f} :: nakedness, nudity
golotinja {f} :: poverty
golotinja {f} :: the poor
golub {m} :: dove, pigeon
golubarnik {m} :: dovecote
golubica {f} :: pigeon (female)
golubica {f} :: dove (female)
golubić {m} :: squab (baby pigeon)
golubinjak {m} :: dovecote
golupka {f} [rare] :: pigeon, dove (female)
goluždravac {m} :: fledgeling, nestling
goljenjača {f} :: shin
gomboca {m} :: dumpling
gomila {f} [archaic] :: heap of stones
gomila {f} [obsolete] :: [by semantic narrowing] heap of stones used as a marker to delineate the borders of a medieval estate
gomila {f} [obsolete] :: [by semantic widening] hill
gomila {f} [archaeology] :: tumulus, barrow, sepulchral cairn
gomila {f} [archaic] :: ruins of a house or city razed so that no stone is left atop any other
gomila {f} [archaic] :: [Dubrovnik] [by metaphor] place containing ruins of houses destroyed by earthquake
gomila {f} [archaic] :: [Dubrovnik] [by metonymy] refuse thrown into the ruins of earthquake-destroyed houses
gomila {f} [archaic] :: [by metonymy] stones thrown at one who is being stoned
gomila {f} [archaic] :: wall of stone built without mortar or lime, especially one by the seashore
gomila {f} [by semantic widening from original sense] :: pile, heap, any disordered multitude of collected inanimate objects, especially formerly animate objects
gomila {f} [by metaphor] :: crowd, mob, throng, host, any disordered collection of living things
gomila {f} [by metaphor] :: multitude of abstract things
gomila {f} [Dalmatian coast] :: place where garbage or dung is collected, dungyard, dunghill
gomila {f} [Dalmatian coast] :: curse used for lazy relatives
gomila {f} :: the people, the popular mass as a whole
gomilati {vi impf} :: to amass, accumulate, hoard
gomilati {vi impf} :: to heap up, pile
gomilati {vr impf} :: to gather, huddle, crowd
gondolijer {m} :: gondolier
gonetati {vt impf} :: to solve (puzzle, problem), seek an answer
gonetati {vt impf} :: to predict, augur, divine
gonič {m} :: driver (of cattle)
gonič {m} :: beater (in a hunt)
gonič {m} :: hound, hunting dog
goniti {vt impf} :: to chase, pursue
goniti {vt impf} :: to prosecute
gonoreja {f} :: gonorrhea
gonjati {v impf} :: to chase in all directions
gora {f} :: mountain
gora {f} [regional, Croatia] :: hill, highland
gora {f} [by extension, Croatia] :: forest, woods (forested hilly area)
gorak {adj} :: bitter
Goran {prop} {m} :: given name
goranin {m} :: highlander, mountaineer
gorčati {vi impf} :: to be or become bitter
gorčati {vi impf} [figuratively] :: to embitter
gorčik {m} [archaic] :: magnesium
gorčina {f} [uncountable] :: bitterness (quality of feeling bitter; acrimony, resentment)
gord {adj} :: proud
gord {adj} :: arrogant
Gordana {prop} {f} :: given name
gordijski {adj} :: Gordian
gordo {adv} :: proudly
gordo {adv} :: arrogantly
gordost {f} [uncountable] :: pride
gordost {f} [uncountable] :: hubris
gordost {f} [uncountable] :: arrogance
gordost {f} [uncountable] :: haughtiness
gordost {f} [uncountable] :: conceitedness
gore {adv} :: up, above
gore {adv} :: worse
gore-dole {adv} :: up and down
gore-dolje {adv} :: up and down
goreti {vi impf} :: to burn
goreti {vi impf} :: to be lighted
goreti {vi impf} :: to blaze, flame
goreti {vi impf} :: to glow [face]
Gorislav {prop} {m} :: given name
goriv {adj} :: inflammable, combustible
gorivo {n} :: fuel (substance consumed to power an engine)
gorjeti {vi impf} :: to burn
gorjeti {vi impf} :: to be lighted
gorjeti {vi impf} :: to blaze, flame
gorjeti {vi impf} :: to glow [face]
gorljiv {adj} :: inflammable
gorljiv {adj} :: ardent, fervent, zealous
gorljivo {adv} :: ardently, zealously, fervently
gorljivost {f} :: passion, fervor, ardor
gornje trokutasta matrica {f} [linear algebra] :: upper triangular matrix
gornji {adj} :: upper, top
gorostas {m} :: giant
gorostasan {adj} :: giant
gorski {adj} [relational] :: mountainous, mountain, hilly
Gorski Karabah {prop} {m} :: Nagorno-Karabakh
Gorski kotar {prop} :: Gorski kotar (geographical region)
gorštak {m} :: highlander, mountaineer
gorštakinja {f} :: highlander, mountaineer (female)
gorušica {f} [Croatia] :: mustard
gorušica {f} :: heartburn
goružda {f} [culinary, regional, rare] :: ladle
gospa {f} :: (language of literature) lady
gospa {f} :: Mrs.
Gospa {prop} {f} :: Lady, as in our Lady; the Virgin Mary
gospar {m} [regional, Dubrovnik] :: mister, sir
Gospod {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Lord
Gospod {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Jesus
gospoda {m} [collective] :: gentlemen
gospodar {m} :: master, lord
gospodar {m} :: voivod
gospodarica {f} :: mistress (a woman who has control over something or someone)
gospodariti {vi impf} :: to rule, govern
gospodarski {adj} [relational] :: master (mistress), lord (lady); masterful, lordly, seigniorial, master's, mistress's, lord's, lady's
gospodarski {adj} [relational] :: economy; economic
gospodarstvenik {m} :: businessman
gospodarstvo {n} :: economy
gospodarstvo {n} :: property, estate (a piece of land with a single owner)
gospodarstvo {n} :: lordship (the state of being a lord)
Gospode Bože {interj} :: Oh my God
Gospode Bože {interj} [literally] :: Lord God
gospodična {f} [regional] :: unmarried woman, Miss
gospodin {m} :: gentleman
gospodin {m} :: mister
gospodin {m} :: Mr.
gospodin {m} :: sir
Gospodnji {adj} [relational] :: Lord (i.e. God); Lord's
gospodstvo {n} :: gentlemanhood, lordship
gospodstvo {n} :: dominion, rule
gospođa {f} :: Mrs.
gospođa {f} :: lady (member of the upper class)
gospođa {f} :: lady of the house
gospođica {f} :: miss (usually young unmarried woman)
gospođica {f} [colloquial] :: spinster, bachelorette (unmarried woman)
gospon {m} [Kajkavian] :: mister
gospoština {f} [uncountable] :: high society, gentlemen (rank/style of, totality of)
gospoština {f} [countable] :: manorial estate
gost {m} :: guest
gostba {f} :: obsolete spelling of gozba
gostionica {f} :: inn
gostionica {f} :: public house
gostionica {f} [archaic] :: hostel
gostioničar {m} :: innkeeper
gostiti {vt impf} :: to treat, entertain, regale (as a guest)
gostiti {vr impf} :: to feast, be a guest, banquet
gostoljubiv {adj} :: hospitable
gostoljubivo {adv} :: hospitably
gostoljubivost {f} [uncountable] :: hospitality
gošća {f} :: guest (female)
Got {prop} {m} :: Goth
gotica {f} :: Gothic (black letter) script
gotički {adj} :: Gothic (of or relating to the architectural style, goth subculture or lifestyle)
gotivan {adj} [regional] :: pleasant
gotivan {adj} [regional] :: likeable
gotov {adj} :: ready, prepared
gotov {adj} :: finished, done, completed
gotovina {f} :: cash (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
gotovo {adv} :: almost, hardly
gotski {adj} :: Gothic
gotski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Gothic language
govedina {f} :: beef
govedo {n} :: cattle (cow, ox, bull, calf)
govedo {n} [pejorative] :: stupid person
goveđi {adj} [relational] :: cow; bovine
goveđi {adj} [relational] :: beef
govno {n} [vulgar] :: shit (solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel)
govno {n} [vulgar, slang] :: nonsense, bullshit
govno {n} [vulgar, slang] :: rubbish, worthless matter
govno {n} [vulgar, slang] :: a contemptible person
govno {n} [vulgar, slang] :: A problem or difficult situation
govor {m} :: speech
govor {m} :: talk, saying
govorancija {f} :: A long boring speech
govoriti {vit impf} :: to speak, talk, converse
govoriti {vit impf} :: to tell, say
govorljiv {adj} :: chatty, talkative, loquacious
govorljivost {f} [uncountable] :: talkativeness
govornik {m} :: orator
govornik {m} :: speaker, talker
govornik {m} :: spokesman
govorništvo {n} :: rhetoric
gozba {f} :: feast
grab {m} :: hornbeam
graba {f} [Kajkavian] :: ditch
grabiti {vt impf} :: to grab, seize
grabiti {vi impf} :: to hurry, speed, scud, rush
grablje {fp} [plurale tantum] :: rake
grabljiv {adj} :: grasping, greedy
grabulje {fp} [plurale tantum] :: rake
graciozan {adj} :: graceful
graciozno {adv} :: gracefully
Gračac {prop} {m} :: Gračac (municipality)
grad {m} :: city, town
grad {m} :: fortress, castle
grad {m} [usually after the proposition u] :: downtown, city centre
grad {m} :: hail
grad {m} [mathematics] :: gradian
grad {m} :: degree (measuring unit in various systems; the more usual and general term is stȅpēn or stȗpanj)
Gradac {prop} :: Gradac (municipality)
gradba {n} [Croatian] :: architecture
grad-država {m} :: city state
gradić {m} :: A small city
gradijent {m} :: gradient
graditelj {m} :: builder, constructor
graditeljica {f} :: builder
graditeljski {adj} [relational] :: builder, constructor, architect
graditeljski {adj} :: architectural, architectonic
graditi {vt impf} :: to build
gradivo {n} :: material, matter (that something is made of or can be made of)
gradnja {f} :: building (act or process)
gradonačelnica {f} :: mayor (female)
gradonačelnik {m} :: mayor
gradski {adj} [relational] :: city, town; municipal
gradski {adj} :: urban
građa {f} :: building material, fabric
građa {f} :: manuscript, documents used as a material for write literary works
građa {f} :: construction, constitution
građanin {m} :: citizen
građanin {m} :: townsman
građanka {f} :: citizen (of a city, female)
građanka {f} :: townswoman (female)
građanski {adj} [relational] :: citizen, civilian; civil, civilian
građanstvo {n} [uncountable] :: citizenry, the civic community
građevina {f} :: edifice, building
građevinac {m} :: civil engineer
građevinar {m} :: civil engineer
građevinar {m} :: builder, constructor (of a building)
građevinarstvo {n} :: civil engineering
građevinarstvo {n} :: construction (The trade of building structures)
građevinski {adj} [relational] :: process of building, constructing
graf {m} [mathematics] :: graph
graf {m} [graph theory] :: graph
grafem {m} :: grapheme
grafija {f} :: type face (orthography)
grafit {m} :: graphite (form of carbon)
grah {m} :: bean
grah {m} :: bean soup
graja {f} :: hubbub, clamor, noise
gram {m} :: gram (unit)
gramatičar {m} :: grammarian
gramatički {adj} [relational] :: grammar
gramatički {adj} :: grammatical (which is in accordance with grammar rules)
gramatički {adv} :: grammatically
gramatika {f} :: grammar
gramofon {m} :: gramophone, phonograph
gramofonska ploča {f} :: vinyl record
gramofonski {adj} [relational] :: gramophone
gramziv {adj} :: greedy, covetous
gramzivac {m} :: greedy person
gramzivo {adv} :: greedily, covetously
gramzivost {f} :: greediness
grana {f} :: branch
grana {f} :: field, branch
granat {m} :: pomegranate
granat {m} :: garnet
granata {f} :: grenade, hand grenade
granata {f} :: shell (projectile fired from a siege mortar or a smoothbore cannon)
grančica {f} :: a small branch; twig
grandiozan {adj} :: grandiose
grandiozno {adv} :: grandiosely
grandioznost {f} :: grandiosity
granica {f} :: border
granica {f} :: boundary, limit
graničan {adj} :: borderline
graničan {adj} [relational] :: [in definite form, as a part of phrase] border
graničar {m} :: border guard (soldier or policeman)
graničar {m} :: frontiersman
graničiti {vi impf} [Croatian, Bosnian] :: to border
graničiti {vi impf} [Croatian, Bosnian] :: to verge on
graničiti {vr impf} [Serbian] :: to border
graničiti {vr impf} [Serbian] :: to verge on
granit {m} :: granite
granulom {m} [pathology] :: granuloma (tumor)
granuti {vi pf} :: to break (dawn)
granuti {vi pf} :: to rise, come up, begin to shine (Sun, spring etc.)
granjavati {vi impf} :: to break (dawn)
granjavati {vi impf} :: to rise, come up, begin to shine (Sun, spring etc.)
granje {n} :: (collectively) branches
grašak {m} :: pea
gravitacija {f} :: gravitation, gravity
gravitacijska interakcija {f} [physics] :: gravitational interaction
gravitacijski {adj} :: gravitational
gravitacijski {adv} :: gravitationally
gravitirati {vi impf} :: to gravitate, tend
grb {m} :: coat of arms
grba {f} :: hump
grbača {f} :: hump, humpback
grbav {adj} :: humpbacked
grbavac {m} :: humpback, hunchback (person)
grč {m} :: cramp
grč {m} :: spasm
Grčka {prop} {f} :: Greece
grčki {adj} :: Greek
grčki {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Greek language
grčki {adv} :: Greekly
grd {adj} [regional] :: ugly
grdan {adj} :: ugly
grdan {adj} :: many, much
Grdislav {prop} {m} :: given name
grditi {vt impf} :: to scold
grdno {adv} :: really, a lot, thoroughly (of something unpleasant or undesirable)
Grdonja {prop} {m} :: given name
grdosija {m} :: giant, colossus (person or thing)
Grdoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
grebati {vtr impf} :: to scrape, scratch
greben {m} :: reef
greben {m} :: crest, range (of a mountain), particularly if steep
greben {m} :: withers (of a horse)
greben {m} [textiles] :: card
grecizam {m} :: Grecism
greda {f} :: beam (large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use)
gregorijanski kalendar {m} :: Gregorian calendar
greh {m} [Ekavian] :: sin
grehovan {adj} [relational] :: sin
grehovan {adj} :: sinful, liable to sin, peccable, transgressive
grejati {vit impf} :: to heat, warm
grejati {vr impf} :: to warm oneself
grejpfrut {m} :: grapefruit
Grenland {prop} {m} :: Greenland
grenlandski {adj} :: Greenlandic
grenlandski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Greenlandic language
grepsti {vtr impf} :: to scrape, scratch
grešan {adj} :: sinful, sinning
grešiti {vi impf} :: to be wrong, make a mistake
grešiti {vi impf} :: to sin
greška {f} :: fault (defect)
greška {f} :: error
greška {f} :: mistake
greškom {adv} :: by mistake
grešnica {f} :: sinner (female)
grešnik {m} :: sinner
grez {adj} [Croatia] :: rough, coarse
grez {adj} [Croatia] :: crude
grgeč {m} :: perch
grib {m} [Kajkavian, obsolete] :: fungus
grib {m} [Kajkavian, obsolete, figurative] :: germ, nidus, nucleus
grib {m} [Montenegro at Lake Skadar] :: seine, a kind of fishing-net
gricnuti {vt pf} :: to nibble once, take a nibble at
grif {m} [Kajkavian] :: grip
grif {m} [Kajkavian] :: handle
grih {m} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: sin
grijati {vit impf} :: to heat, warm
grijati {vr impf} :: to warm oneself
grijeh {m} :: sin
griješan {adj} :: sinful, sinning
griješiti {vi impf} :: to be wrong, make a mistake
griješiti {vi impf} :: to sin
grimasa {f} :: grimace
grimiz {noun} :: scarlet (color)
grimiz {noun} :: scarlet (fabric)
grimizna {adj} :: purpure
Grinič {prop} {m} :: Grinič (area)
grinja {f} :: mite (minute arachnid)
gripa {f} [Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin] :: flu, influenza
gripa {f} [regional, fishing] :: fishing net
gristi {vit impf} :: to bite, gnaw, nibble
gristi {vit impf} :: to corrode, erode, fret eat away at (gradually wear away by rubbing or chemically)
gristi {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to annoy, bother, vex, rankle
gristi {vt impf} [colloquial, by extension] :: to snap at, snarl at, rail at (another person due to annoyance)
gristi {vit impf} [colloquial] :: to snack
griva {f} :: mane (longer hair growth on back of neck of an animal)
griz {m} :: bite
griz {m} :: semolina, grits
griznuti {vt pf} :: to have/take a (quick) bite
griža {f} :: dysentery
griža {f} :: qualms (of conscience)
griža {f} :: rocky or waterless area
grješka {f} [Croatia, Montenegro] :: alternative spelling of greška
grješnik {m} :: (Montenegrin) sinner
Grk {prop} {m} :: A Greek (male person)
Grkinja {prop} {f} :: A Greek (female person)
grkljan {m} :: gullet
grkljan {m} :: larynx
grkljan {m} :: oesophagus
grkljan {m} [anatomy] :: gorge
grle {n} :: fawn
grlica {f} :: turtle dove
grličji {adj} [relational] :: turtle dove
grlić {m} [anatomy] :: throat (narrow opening in a vessel)
grliti {vtr impf} :: to hug
grliti {vt impf} :: to embrace
grlo {n} [anatomy] :: throat
grlo {n} [anatomy] :: front of the neck
grlo {n} :: narrow part of an object, especially if it narrows to an opening; neck
grlo {n} :: defile, narrow pass or gorge
grlo {n} :: single large domestic ungulate; head (of cattle) or single horse
grm {m} :: bush
grmčić {m} :: A little bush
grmečak {m} :: A little bush
grmeljak {m} :: A little bush
grmeti {vi impf} :: to thunder
grmeti {vi impf} :: to roar
grmičak {m} :: A little bush
grmić {m} :: A little bush
grmjeti {vi impf} :: to thunder
grmjeti {vi impf} :: to roar
grmljavina {f} :: thunder
grmljavina {f} :: roar
grmlje {n} [collective] :: bushes, shrubbery
grmolik {adj} :: shaped like a bush, bush-like
grmušak {m} :: A little bush
grnuti {vi pf} :: to swarm, rush (of people)
grnuti {vt pf} :: to rake up, rake together
gro {adv} :: much, a lot
grob {m} :: grave
grobar {m} :: gravedigger
grobje {n} :: obsolete form of groblje
grobje {n} [Kajkavian] :: cemetery
grobje {n} [Kajkavian] :: graveyard
groblje {m} :: cemetery
groblje {m} :: graveyard
grobnica {f} :: tomb
grof {m} :: count
grof {m} :: earl
grofica {f} :: countess
grom {m} :: thunder
gromada {f} :: heap
gromada {f} :: pile
gromada {f} :: mass
gromobran {m} :: lightning rod
groš {m} :: groschen
groš {m} :: pin money
groteskan {adj} :: grotesque
groteskno {adv} :: grotesquely
groza {f} :: horror, terror, dread, shiver
grozan {adj} :: terrible, awful, horrible
grozd {m} :: grapes
grozd {m} :: cluster (of grain-like objects)
Grozdimir {prop} {m} :: given name
groziti {vt impf} :: to threaten, scare
groziti {vr impf} [with genitive] :: to detest, abhor
groziti {vr impf} [with dative] :: to threaten somebody
grozje {n} :: alternative form of grȏžđe
groznica {f} :: fever
groznica {f} :: (Connotative meaning) Anything resembling the state of fever; an ethusiasm for something; a bug
grozno {adv} :: terribly
grozovit {adj} :: terrible, awful, horrible
grožđe {n} :: grape
grst {f} [rare] :: handful
grub {adj} :: rough, coarse
grub {adj} :: rude
gruba {adj} :: harsh
grubijan {m} :: boor, ruffian
grubo {adv} :: roughly
grubo {adv} :: crudely, rudely
grubo {adv} :: coarsely
gruda {f} :: lump, clod
gruda {f} :: snowball
grudi {fp} [anatomy] :: thorax, chest, breast, bosom
grudi {fp} [figuratively] :: heart, soul
grudnjak {m} :: bra, brassiere
grudva {f} :: lump, clod
grudva {f} :: snowball
grumen {m} :: lump, clod
grunt {m} [regional] :: plot of land, lot
gruntati {v impf} [Kajkavian] :: to think over, to ponder
gruntati {v impf} [Kajkavian] :: to devise
grupa {f} :: group
grupnjak {m} :: group sex
grupnjak {m} :: gang bang
grušati {vr impf} :: to clot, curdle, coagulate
Gruzija {prop} {f} :: Georgia (country in Eurasia)
gruzijski {adj} :: Georgian
gruzijski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Georgian language
gruzijski {adv} :: in a Georgian manner, as a Georgian
guba {f} :: mushroom (general term for parasitic, poisonous and inedible species such as death cap)
guba {f} [archaic] :: sponge
guba {f} :: leprosy (contagious disease)
guba {f} [Kajkavian] :: wrinkle, crease, pucker (slight line or fold in a person’s face)
guba {f} [dated, slang, Croatia] :: a contemptible or disagreeable person; asshole, jerk
guba {f} [slang, Croatia] :: an appealing, important or fashionable person or thing or such quality; coolness, chic
guba {adj} [slang, Croatia] :: currently popular or desirable; cool, trendy, fashionable, hip
guba {adj} [slang, Croatia] :: having desirable qualities; excellent, awesome, amazing
gubav {adj} :: leprous
gubec {m} [Kajkavian] :: mouth
gubica {f} :: snout, muzzle
gubica {f} [by extension, slang] :: mug (an ugly face)
gubica {f} [slang] :: mouth, yapper (of an overly talkative person)
gubitak {m} :: loss
gubitak {m} :: waste (of time, energy, money..)
gubiti {vt impf} :: to lose, misplace
gubiti {vt impf} :: to lose (a battle, war, competition, hope, life, consciousness etc.)
gubiti {vi impf} :: to lose (cards, race, elections etc.)
gubiti {vr impf} :: to get lost, disappear
gubitnica {f} :: loser
gubitnik {m} :: loser
gucnuti {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to take a sip (once)
gudalo {n} :: bow, violin bow
gudura {f} :: gorge, ravine
gugut {m} :: cooing
guja {f} [colloquial, language of literature] :: serpent, snake
guja {f} [regional] :: worm, earthworm
guja {f} :: venomous snake in the family Elapidae
guknuti {vi pf} :: to coo (once)
guknuti {vit pf} [figuratively, slang] :: to get talking, break silence (say something that has been kept hidden or undisclosed)
gulaš {m} :: goulash
gulikoža {m} :: usurer, bloodsucker
guliti {vt impf} :: to peel, husk, shell
guliti {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to strip, fleece
guma {f} :: rubber
guma {f} :: tyre / tire
guma {f} :: chewing gum
gumb {m} :: button
gumen {adj} :: rubbery
gumica {f} :: rubber, eraser
gundelj {m} :: cockchafer, May bug
gunđalo {n} :: grumbler, nagger
gunđati {vi impf} :: to mutter, to grumble
gunđati {vi impf} :: to complain, to quibble, to whinge
gungula {f} :: uproar, disturbance
gungula {f} :: confusion, chaos
gungula {f} :: shoving, jostling
gurati {vt impf} :: to push on (roughly), thrust, hustle
gurati {vt impf} :: to shove, nudge, drive
gurati {vt impf} :: to advance, move, progress
gurati {vr impf} :: to push one's way; to push, be pushy (as in a crowd)
gurav {adj} [colloquial] :: humpbacked, hunchbacked
gurav {adj} [colloquial] :: stooped
guriti {vr impf} :: to gradually become stooped or hunched
gurnuti {vt pf} :: to push on (roughly), thrust, hustle
gurnuti {vt pf} :: to shove, nudge, drive
gurnuti {vt pf} :: to advance, move, progress
gurnuti {vr pf} :: to push one's way; to push, be pushy (as in a crowd)
guru {m} :: guru
gusak {m} :: gander
gusar {m} :: pirate, corsair
gusariti {vi impf} :: to pirate (engage in piracy)
gusenica {f} :: caterpillar
gusenica {f} :: caterpillar tread (of a tractor or tank)
gusjenica {f} :: caterpillar
gusjenica {f} :: caterpillar tread (of a tractor or tank)
guska {f} :: goose
gusle {fp} :: gusle
gusnuti {vi impf} :: to become dense or thick
gust {adj} :: dense
gustina {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian): density
gusto {adv} :: densely
gustoća {f} [Croatian] :: density
guša {f} :: goitre
guša {f} :: gullet
guša {f} :: throat
guščad {f} [collective] :: goslings
gušče {n} :: gosling
gušenje {n} :: strangling, choking, suffocating
gušiti {vt impf} :: to choke, strangle
gušiti {vr impf} :: to choke, suffocate
gušt {m} :: pleasure
gušt {m} :: taste
guštati {vt impf} :: to taste
guštati {vi impf} [with u] :: to enjoy (in)
guštati {vi impf} :: to cost
gušter {m} :: lizard
gušterača {f} :: pancreas
gutač {m} :: swallower
gutanje {n} :: deglutition
gutati {vt impf} :: to swallow
gutljaj {m} :: gulp
gutljaj {m} :: swallow
guverner {m} :: governor
guz {m} [vulgar] :: ass; asscheek
guzica {f} :: butt
guž {m} :: non-venmous snake
guž {m} [in plural] :: Colubridae
gužva {f} :: crowd, jam
gužva {f} [colloquial] :: trouble
gužvati {vt impf} :: to crumple, crease, wrinkle
gužvati {vr impf} :: to shove, crowd, push (in a crowd of people)
Gvatemala {prop} {f} :: Gvatemala (country)
gvatemalski {adj} :: Guatemalan
Gvineja {prop} {f} :: Gvineja (country)
Gvineja Bisau {prop} {f} :: Gvineja Bisau (country)
gvozd {m} [Kajkavian, archaic] :: forest
gvozd {m} :: nail, spike of iron
gvozden {adj} :: iron
Gvozden {prop} {m} :: given name
gvožđe {n} :: iron
gvožđe {n} :: fetters, chain
gvožđe {n} :: trap, snare
h {letter} :: The 12th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by g and followed by i
habati {vitr impf} :: to wear out, abrade
haber {m} [regional, Bosnian] :: news
haber {m} [regional, Bosnian] :: message, information
haber {m} [regional, Bosnian] :: sensation, feeling
habitat {m} :: habitat
hadij {m} [geology] :: Hadean
hadron {m} [particle] :: hadron
hadž {m} :: hajj
hadžiluk {m} [Islam] :: hajj
hadžiluk {m} [Christianity] :: pilgrimage
hafnij {m} :: hafnium
Hag {prop} {m} :: Hag (city/administrative capital)
hagiografija {f} :: hagiography
hagiografski {adj} :: hagiographic
hagiografski {adv} :: in a hagiographic manner
hahar {m} [regional] :: bully, roughneck
hahar {m} [regional] :: rascal, urchin, vagrant
hahar {m} [obsolete] :: killer, murderer
haićanski {adj} :: Haitian
haićanski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Haitian language; Haitian Creole
hajati {vi impf} :: to care
hajda {f} :: buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum
hajde {interj} [hortative] :: let's go
hajde {interj} [hortative] :: let's, let us (suggesting an action for oneself and others)
hajde {interj} [imperative] :: go, depart, leave
hajde {interj} [imperative] :: come, come on, c'mon
hajdemo {interj} [hortative] :: let's go
hajdemo {interj} [hortative] :: let's, let us (suggesting an action for oneself and others)
hajdemo {interj} [imperative] :: come, come on, c'mon
Hajderabad {prop} {m} :: Hajderabad (caplc)
hajdmo {interj} :: alternative form of hajdemo
hajduk {m} :: brigand, outlaw
hajduk {m} :: hajduk
hajka {f} :: chase, pursuit, hunt
hajka {f} :: posse
hajklih {adj} :: touchy
hajklih {adj} :: picky
hajklik {adj} :: touchy
hajklik {adj} :: picky
hajmo {interj} :: alternative form of hajdemo
Hajrudin {prop} {m} :: given name
hajvan {m} :: animal
hajvan {m} :: a person who behaves wildly
haker {m} [computing] :: hacker
hakim {m} [regional] :: a wise man
hakim {m} [regional] :: judge
hala {f} :: hall
hala {f} [regional, rare] :: WC, water closet
hala {f} [regional, rare] :: toilet
hala {f} [regional, rare] :: privy
hala {f} [regional, rare, Muslim] :: aunt [maternal or paternal]
hala {f} [regional, nonstandard] :: dragon
halabuka {f} :: noise, hullabaloo, hubbub
halas {m} :: a river fisherman
halhal {m} :: alternative spelling of halhala, meaning bracelet or anklet
halhala {f} :: bracelet
halhala {f} :: anklet
halif {m} :: caliph
halka {f} :: metal ring
halka {f} :: door knocker
halka {f} :: tilting at the ring [game]
halkopirit {m} [mineralogy] :: chalcopyrite
halo {m} [astronomy] :: halo (atmospheric phenomenon)
halo {interj} :: (when answering the telephone) hello
halucinacija {f} :: hallucination
halucinantan {adj} :: hallucinatory
halucinirati {vi impf pf} :: to hallucinate
halucinogen {adj} :: hallucinogenic, hallucinatory
halva {f} :: halva
haljina {f} :: dress
haljina {f} :: robe
ham {m} :: harness
hamajlija {f} :: amulet
hambar {m} :: alternative spelling of ambar
hametice {adv} [regional] :: completely, utterly, thoroughly
han {m} :: inn
handžar {m} :: khanjar
Hanoj {prop} {m} :: Hanoj (capital city)
Hanti-Mansijsk {prop} :: Hanti-Mansijsk (city)
hanuma {f} :: wife
hanuma {f} :: woman, lady
haos {m} [Bosnian, Serbian, uncountable] :: chaos
haploidan {adj} [cytology] :: haploid
haps {m} [dated, chiefly Bosnia] :: prison, confinement, situation of arrest
hapsiti {vt impf} :: to arrest
harač {m} [historical] :: Haraç
harač {m} [pejoratively] :: robbery, plunder
harač {m} [figuratively] :: cost, expense
haramija {m} :: bandit
haramija {m} :: thief
haramija {m} :: robber
haramija {m} :: highwayman
haranga {f} :: harangue
harati {vt impf} :: to pillage, root
harati {vt impf} :: to devastate
harati {vt impf} :: to vandalize
harati {vt impf} :: to rage, ravage, rampage
harati {vt impf} :: to wreak havoc
hardver {m} [uncountable] :: hardware
harem {m} :: harem
harfa {f} :: harp
haringa {f} :: herring
harlekin {m} :: harlequin
harmoničan {adj} :: harmonious
harmonija {f} :: harmony
harmonijska sredina {f} [mathematics] :: harmonic mean
harmonijski {adj} :: harmonic
harmonika {f} :: accordion
harmonikaš {m} :: accordionist
harpija {f} :: harpy
harpija {f} :: harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)
harpun {m} :: harpoon
harpunar {m} :: harpooner
hartija {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia, dated] :: paper
hasen {f} [Kajkavian] :: purpose, benefit, advantage
haskelovski {adj} :: Haskell (of or relating to Haskell)
hasnovitost {f} [Croatia] :: benefit, advantage, use
hassij {m} :: hassium
hastal {m} [dated] :: alternative form of àstāl
hašiš {m} :: hashish
haški {adj} [relational] :: The Hague (Hȃg)
hatar {m} :: region, district, area, land
hatar {m} [transitive] :: area within one's jurisdiction
hauba {f} [automotive] :: hood
hauba {f} [regional] :: hair dryer
haubica {f} :: howitzer
haubički {adj} [relational] :: howitzer
haustor {m} [regional] :: front door
haustor {m} [regional] :: hallway
hava {f} [regional] :: air
havajski {adj} :: Hawaiian
havajski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Hawaiian language
havarija {f} :: accident, crash, wreck (especially shipwreck, emergency, average (i.e. situation caused by damage, breakdown or failure)
havarija {f} :: damage, breakdown, fault, failure, crash
havarija {f} [figuratively] :: misfortune
hazard {m} :: gamble, gambling
hazard {m} :: risk, hazard
hazarder {m} :: hazarder, daredevil
hazarderka {f} :: hazarder, daredevil (female)
hazardni {adj} :: hazardous
hazena {f} [historical, sports] :: a type of women's handball
hazna {f} [regional] :: treasury
hazna {f} [regional] :: cash
haznadar {m} [historical, regional] :: treasurer
hći {f} [Chakavian] :: daughter
hebrejski {adj} :: Hebrew
hebrejski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Hebrew language
hecati {v impf} [Kajkavian] :: to joke
hecati {v impf} [Kajkavian] :: to kid
hećim {m} [regional] :: doctor, physician
hedonist {m} :: hedonist
hedonistički {adj} :: hedonic
hedonistički {adv} :: hedonically
hedonistkinja {f} :: hedonist (female)
hedonizam {m} :: hedonism
hefta {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: week
hegemonija {f} :: hegemony
hej {interj} :: hi (greeting)
hej {interj} :: hey (exclamation, call for attention)
heksadecimalan {adj} :: hexadecimal
heksadecimalni sistem {m} :: hexadecimal system
heksametar {m} :: hexameter
hektar {m} :: hectare (10000 m²)
hektogram {m} :: hectogram
hektopaskal {m} :: hectopascal
helebarda {f} :: halberd
helij {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: helium
helijum {m} :: helium
helikopter {m} :: helicopter (aircraft)
heliocentrizam {m} :: heliocentrism
Helsinki {prop} {m} :: Helsinki (capital city)
heljda {f} :: buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
hematit {m} [mineral] :: hematite
hematologija {f} :: haematology, hematology
hemendeks {m} :: fried, thinly sliced ham and eggs
hemičar {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chemist
hemičarka {f} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: chemist
hemija {f} [Bosnia, Serbia, uncountable] :: chemistry
hemijska olovka {f} [Serbia, Bosnia] :: ballpoint pen
hemijski {adj} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chemical
hemijski spoj {m} [chemistry, Serbia] :: chemical compound
hemikalija {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: chemical
hemofilija {f} :: hemophilia
henoteizam {m} :: henotheism
heraldika {f} :: heraldry
herc {m} :: , hearts in card- and boardgames
herc {m} :: hertz
Herceg-Bosna {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Herzeg-Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hercegovac {prop} {m} :: Herzegovinian
hercegovački {adj} :: Herzegovinian
hercegovački {adv} :: as a Herzegovinian, in a Herzegovinian manner
Hercegovina {prop} {f} :: Hercegovina (the southern <<region>> of <<c/Bosnia and Herzegovina>>)
heretik {m} :: heretic
heretisanje {n} :: greeting
hereza {f} :: heresy
hermetičan {adj} :: hermetic
hermetički {adj} :: hermetic
hermetički {adv} :: hermetically
hermetično {adv} :: hermetically
hermitska matrica {f} :: Hermitian matrix
hernija {f} [pathology] :: hernia
heroin {m} :: heroin
heroina {f} :: heroine
heroizam {m} [uncountable] :: heroism
heroizam {m} [countable] :: heroic deed
heroj {m} :: hero
herojski {adj} :: heroic
herojski {adv} :: heroically
herojstvo {n} [countable] :: heroic deed
herojstvo {n} [uncountable] :: heroism
heširati {vt pf} :: to hash
heterogen {adj} :: heterogeneous
heterogenost {f} :: heterogeneity
heteroseksualnost {f} :: heterosexuality
heterosilabički {adj} :: heterosyllabic
heterozigot {m} :: heterozygote
heterozigotan {adj} :: heterozygous
hetitski {adj} :: Hittite
hetitski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Hittite language
hibernacija {f} :: hibernation
hibrid {m} :: hybrid
hibridan {adj} :: hybrid
hidrat {m} [chemistry] :: hydrate
hidrauličan {adj} :: hydraulic
hidraulički {adj} :: hydraulic
hidraulički {adv} :: hydraulically
hidroksid {m} :: hydroxide
hidropatija {f} :: hydropathy
hidžab {m} :: hijab
hidžra {f} [Islam] :: Hegira, Hijra
hidžra {f} [Islam] :: hegira, hijra
hidžret {m} [Islam] :: Hegira, Hijra
hidžret {m} [Islam] :: emigration, move
higijena {f} [uncountable] :: hygiene
higijeničar {m} :: hygienist
higijeničarka {f} :: hygienist (female)
higijenski {adj} :: hygienic
higrometar {m} :: hygrometer
higroskop {m} :: hygroscope
higroskopan {adj} :: hygroscopic
hihot {m} [Croatia] :: giggle
hihotati {vr impf} :: to giggle
hijacint {m} :: hyacinth
hijat {m} :: hiatus
hijena {f} :: hyena (animal)
hijerarhija {f} :: hierarchy
hijerarhijski {adj} :: hierarchical
hijerarhijski {adv} :: hierarchically
hijeroglif {m} :: hieroglyph
hijeroglifski {adj} :: hieroglyphic
hiljada {f} :: thousand
hiljadarka {f} :: banknote worth thousand of currency units
hiljadu {adv} [with genitive] :: thousand of
Himalaja {prop} {f} :: Himalaya (one mountain in the mountain range)
Himalaja {prop} {f} :: Himalayas (mountain range)
Himalaji {prop} {mp} :: Himalayas
himalajski {adj} :: Himalayan
himba {f} [Croatia, uncountable] :: hypocrisy
himben {adj} [Croatia] :: two-faced, double-faced, hypocritical
himbenik {m} [Croatia] :: hypocrite
himbeno {adv} [Croatia] :: hypocritically
himbenost {f} [Croatia, uncountable] :: hypocrisy
himen {m} :: hymen
himera {f} :: chimera
himna {f} :: hymn
hina {f} [Croatia] :: lie, deceitfulness
hindi {prop} {m} :: Hindi; one of the official languages of India
hinduistički {adj} :: Hinduistic
hinduistički {adv} :: Hinduistically
hinduizam {m} :: Hinduism
hiniti {vt impf} [Croatian] :: to feign, pretend
hiperbola {f} :: hyperbola (geometry)
hiperbola {f} :: hyperbole (rhetoric)
hiperboličan {adj} :: hyperbolic
hiperonim {m} :: hypernym
hiperonimija {f} [semantics] :: hyperonymy
hipi {m} :: hippie, hippy
hipi {adj} :: hippie, hippy
hipik {m} [colloquial] :: hippie
hipnotizer {m} :: hypnotist
hipnoza {f} :: hypnosis
hipodrom {m} :: hippodrome
hipofiza {f} :: hypophysis, pituitary gland
hipohondar {m} :: hypochondriac
hipohondričan {adj} :: hypochondriac
hipokoristik {m} :: hypocoristic
hipokrit {m} :: hypocrite
hipokritski {adj} :: hypocritical
hipokritski {adv} :: hypocritically (as a hypocrite)
hipokrizija {f} [uncountable] :: hypocrisy
hiponim {m} :: hyponym
hiponimija {f} [semantics] :: hyponymy
hipotaksa {f} [grammar] :: hypotaxis
hipoteka {f} :: mortgage
hipotenuza {f} [geometry] :: hypotenuse
hipotetičan {adj} :: hypothetical
hipotetično {adv} :: hypothetically
hipotetičnost {f} [uncountable] :: hypotheticality
hipoteza {f} :: hypothesis
hir {m} :: whim, caprice
hira {f} :: whey
hiragana {f} :: hiragana
Hirošima {prop} {f} :: Hirošima (capital city)
hirovit {adj} :: cranky, capricious, moody
hirovito {adv} :: crankily, capriciously, moodily
hirovitost {f} :: capriciousness, whimsicalness
hispanistika {f} :: Hispanic studies, Spanish studies
histeričan {adj} :: hysterical
histeričnost {f} [uncountable] :: hystericalness
histerija {f} :: hysteria
histerik {m} :: hysteric
historicizam {m} :: historicism
historičar {m} [Croatia] :: historian
historija {f} :: history
historijski {adj} [Croatia] :: historical
historiografija {f} [Croatia, uncountable] :: historiography
hitac {m} :: shot, gunshot, round
hitac {m} [sports] :: shot; throw; kick
hitac {m} :: throw (launching an object into space)
hitan {adj} :: urgent
hitar {adj} :: fast, quick, speedy
hitati {vtr impf} [Kajkavian] :: to throw, to throw out
hititi {vtr pf} [Chakavian, Kajkavian] :: to throw, to throw out
hitlerizam {m} :: Hitlerism
hitlerovski {adj} :: Hitlerian
hitno {adv} :: urgently
hitro {adv} :: fast
hitro {adv} :: hastily
hitro {adv} :: quickly
hitrost {f} :: quickness, fastness, swiftness
hiža {f} [Kajkavian, Chakavian, regional] :: house; home; palace; shepherd's abode
hlače {fp} [Croatian, Bosnian, plurale tantum] :: trousers
hlače {fp} [Croatian, Bosnian, plurale tantum] :: pants
hlad {m} :: shade (darkness where light, particularly sunlight, is blocked)
hladan {adj} :: cold
hladionik {m} :: refrigerator
hladiti {vtr impf} :: to cool
hladno {adv} :: coldly
hladnoća {f} [uncountable] :: coldness
hladnokrvan {adj} :: cold-blooded
hladnokrvno {adv} :: cold-bloodedly
hladnokrvnost {f} [uncountable] :: cold-bloodedness
hladnoratovski {adj} [relational] :: Cold War
hladnoratovski {adv} :: Cold War (as if in a Cold War)
hladnjača {f} :: refrigerator truck
hladnjak {m} :: refrigerator
hladnjak {m} [automotive] :: radiator (device that lowers engine coolant temperature)
hladovina {f} :: shade (darkness where light, particularly sunlight, is blocked)
hladovina {f} :: sinecure, cushy job
hlapiti {vi impf} :: to evaporate
hleb {m} :: bread
hleb {m} :: loaf (of bread)
hleb {m} :: circled shape of bread
hlepčić {m} :: diminutive of hlȅb
hlieb {m} :: obsolete spelling of hljeb
hlor {m} [Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian] :: chlorine
hlorofil {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chlorophyll (green pigment)
hlubina {f} :: obsolete form of dubina
hljeb {m} [Bosnia, Serbia, regional Croatia] :: bread
hljeb {m} :: loaf (of bread)
hljeb {m} :: circled shape of bread
hljepčić {m} :: diminutive of hljȅb
hmelj {m} [uncountable] :: hop (plant)
Hoanguo {prop} {m} :: Huang He
hobi {m} :: hobby (activity done for enjoyment in spare time)
hobist {m} :: hobbyist
hobotnica {f} :: octopus
hod {m} :: walk, gait
hod {m} :: pace
hodač {m} :: walker
hodajući {adj} :: walking
hodati {vi impf} :: to walk, pace
hodati {vi impf} :: to stride
hodati {vi impf} :: to saunter, stroll, amble
hodati {vi impf} [figurative] :: run, work, function (operate or fulfill its purpose satisfactorily)
hoditi {vi impf} :: to walk, pace
hoditi {vi impf} :: to move, head
hodnik {m} :: corridor, hallway
hodočasnik {m} :: pilgrim
hodočašće {n} :: pilgrimage
hodom {adv} :: walking, on foot
hodža {m} [Islam] :: preacher
hodža {m} :: hodja
hohštapler {m} :: adventurer
hohštapler {m} :: impostor
hoj {contraction} [colloquial, Montenegro] :: You want
hokej {m} [uncountable] :: hockey
hokejaš {m} :: hockey player
Holandija {prop} {f} :: Holandija (region)
Holandija {prop} {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: the Netherlands
holandski {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Dutch
holandski {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Dutch language
Holanđanin {prop} {m} :: Dutchman
Holanđanka {prop} {f} :: Dutchwoman
holistički {adj} :: holistic
holistički {adv} :: holistically
holmij {m} :: holmium
holograf {m} :: holograph
holokaust {m} :: holocaust
homar {m} :: spruce
homar {m} [regional] :: bush
homeomorfizam {m} [mathematics] :: homeomorphism
homić {m} [colloquial] :: gay person, homosexual (male)
homilija {f} :: homily
homofon {adj} :: homophonous
homofonija {f} :: homophony
homogen {adj} :: homogeneous
homogeno {adv} :: homogeneously
homogenost {f} [uncountable] :: homogeneity
homograf {m} :: homograph
homogram {m} :: homograph
homologan {adj} :: homologous
homomorfizam {m} [mathematics] :: homomorphism
homonim {m} :: homonym
homoniman {adj} :: homonymous
homonimija {f} [semantics] :: homonymy
homoseksualac {m} :: a gay person, homosexual (male)
homoseksualan {adj} :: homosexual
homoseksualnost {f} :: homosexuality
homozigot {m} :: homozygote
homozigotan {adj} :: homozygous
Honduras {prop} {m} :: Honduras (country)
Hongkong {prop} {m} :: Hongkong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
Hong Kong {prop} {m} :: Hong Kong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
honved {m} :: Hungarian volunteer army
honved {m} :: Hungarian home guard
honved {m} :: Hungarian army
hor {m} :: chorus
hor {m} :: choir
horda {f} :: horde
horizont {m} :: horizon
horizontalan {adj} :: horizontal
horizontalno {adv} :: horizontally
horizontalnost {f} [uncountable] :: horizontality
horizont događaja {m} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
hormon {m} :: hormone
hormonalan {adj} :: hormonal
horoskop {m} :: horoscope
horoskopski {adj} [relational] :: horoscope
horoz {m} :: rooster, cock
hors {m} [slang] :: heroin
hortenzija {f} :: hydrangea
hortikultura {f} :: horticulture
horugva {f} [rare, regional, Croatia] :: flag, banner, standard
Horvat {prop} {m} :: A Croatian surname (the most common surname in Croatia)
hosta {f} [Kajkavian] :: forest
hostesa {f} :: hostess
hotdog {m} :: hot dog
hotel {m} :: hotel
hotelijer {m} :: hotelier, hotel manager
hotelski {adj} [relational] :: hotel
hotentotski {adj} :: Hottentot
hotentotski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Hottentot language
hotienje {n} :: obsolete spelling of hotijenje
hotieti {v} :: obsolete spelling of hotijeti
hotijeti {v impf} [regional, Torlakian] :: alternative form of htjeti
hotimice {adv} :: intentionally, deliberately
hotimičan {adj} :: deliberate, intentional
hotimično {adv} :: deliberately, intentionally
hotjenje {n} [Croatia] :: willingness, willing, determination
hotjenje {n} [Croatia] :: desire, wish
hoverkraft {m} :: hovercraft
hozentreger {m} [regional] :: suspender
hozentreger {m} [regional] :: brace
hrabar {adj} :: bold, courageous, brave
hrabriti {vt impf} :: to encourage, cheer up, embolden
hrabriti {vr impf} :: to take courage, cheer up
hrabro {adv} :: courageously, boldly
hrabrost {f} :: courage
hram {m} :: temple
hram {m} :: shrine
hram {m} :: holy ground
hrana {f} :: food
hranidba {f} :: feeding
hranilac {m} :: feeder
hranilac {m} :: breadwinner
hranitelj {m} :: breadwinner
hranitelj {m} :: provider
hraniteljica {f} :: breadwinner (female)
hraniteljica {f} :: provider (female)
hraniteljka {f} :: breadwinner (female)
hraniteljka {f} :: provider (female)
hraniti {vtr impf} :: to feed
hranjiv {adj} :: nutritious, nourishing
hranjivost {f} :: nutritiousness
hrapav {adj} :: coarse, rough (of surface)
hrapavo {adv} :: coarsely, roughly (with difficulty)
hrapavost {f} :: coarseness, roughness (of surface)
hrast {m} :: oak (tree)
hrastik {m} :: oak forest
hrastov {adj} [relational] :: oak; oak's
hrastovina {f} :: oak wood
hrbat {m} :: spine, backbone
hrbat {m} :: ridge, crest (hill, mountain, wave)
hrbat {m} :: spine (narrow, bound edge of a book)
hrčak {m} :: hamster
hrdati {v impf} :: bite the bark of the trees
hrdati {v impf} [colloquial] :: fill up
hrđati {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to rust
hren {m} :: horseradish
hrenovka {f} [regional, culinary, Croatia] :: hot dog, frankfurter
hrestomatija {f} :: chrestomathy
hrib {m} [archaic] :: hill, hillock
hrid {f} :: cliff
Hrist {prop} {m} :: Christ
Hristos {prop} {m} :: Christ
Hristos se rodi {phrase} [Serbia] :: Merry Christmas (greeting)
Hristos vaskrse {phrase} :: (Serbian) Happy Easter
hrišćanski {adj} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) Christian
hrišćanski {adv} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) Christianly
hrišćanstvo {m} [uncountable, Serbia, Bosnia] :: Christianity, Christendom
hrkač {m} :: snorer
hrkati {vi impf} :: to snore
hrknuti {vi pf} :: to snore
hrom {adj} :: lame, limping (unable to walk properly)
hrom {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chromium
hromo {adv} :: lamely (in the manner of one who is lame)
hromost {f} :: lameness
hroničan {adj} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chronic
hroničar {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chronicler
hronika {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: chronicle
hronologija {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chronology
hronološki {adj} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chronological
hronološki {adv} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) chronologically
hrpa {f} :: heap, pile
Hrs {prop} {m} :: given name
hrskav {adj} :: crunchy, crisp
hrsuz {m} :: thief
hrsuz {m} :: robber
hrsuz {m} :: bandit
hršum {m} :: anger, shouting, vociferation
hrt {m} :: greyhound
hruška {f} :: obsolete form of kruška
hrušt {m} :: cockchafer, May bug
Hrvace {prop} :: Hrvace (municipality)
hrvač {m} :: wrestler
hrvački {adj} :: wrestling
hrvački {adv} :: as a wrestler
Hrvat {m} :: Croat or Croatian (male, male and female or unspecified)
hrvati {vr impf} [sports] :: to wrestle
hrvati {vr impf} :: to struggle (with difficulties)
Hrvatica {f} :: Croat (female person)
Hrvatin {prop} {m} :: given name
Hrvatislav {prop} {m} :: given name
hrvatizirati {v} :: to impose Croatian language or culture
hrvatka {f} :: tie, necktie
Hrvatko {prop} {m} :: given name
Hrvatoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
Hrvatska {prop} {f} :: Croatia
hrvatski {adj} [relational] :: Croats; Croatian
hrvatski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Croatian language
hrvatski {adv} :: in a Croatian manner, as a Croat
hrvatski ovčar {m} :: Croatian Sheepdog
hrvatskosrpski {adj} :: Serbo-Croatian (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language)
hrvatskosrpski {adj} :: Western (Croatian) variant of Serbo-Croatian
hrvatskosrpski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbo-Croatian language
Hrvoje {prop} {m} :: given name
Hrvoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
htenje {n} :: willingness, willing, determination
htenje {n} :: desire, wish
htěnje {n} :: obsolete spelling of htijenje
htěnje {n} :: obsolete spelling of htenje
htěnje {n} :: obsolete spelling of htinje
hteti {vt impf} :: to wish, want, desire
hteti {vi impf} [auxiliary] :: Used to form the future tense; shall, will, going to
hteti {vr impf} [impersonal, colloquial] :: to feel like
htienje {n} :: obsolete spelling of htijenje
htieti {v} :: obsolete spelling of htjeti
htijenje {n} :: willingness, willing, determination
htijenje {n} :: desire, wish
htjeti {vt impf} :: to wish, want, desire
htjeti {vi impf} [auxiliary] :: Used to form the future tense; shall, will, going to
htjeti {vr impf} [impersonal, colloquial] :: to feel like
Huang Ho {prop} {m} :: Huang He
hučan {adj} :: roaring, loud
hud {adj} [rare, archaic, regional] :: angry
hud {adj} [rare, archaic, regional] :: bad
hud {adj} [rare, archaic, regional] :: evil
hudič {m} [Kajkavian] :: devil
huk {m} :: rumble, roar, rumble (indefinite noise or murmur)
huk {m} :: roar (of water falling or flowing)
huk {m} :: whistle (of wind)
huk {m} :: hoot (cry of an owl)
hula {f} :: blasphemy
huligan {m} :: hooligan
huliganski {adj} [relational] :: hooligans
huliganstvo {n} :: hooliganism
hulitelj {m} :: blasphemer
huliti {vi impf} :: to blaspheme
hulnik {m} :: blasphemer
hulja {m} :: scoundrel, rascal, knave
huljenje {n} :: blasphemy
hum {m} :: hillock
hum {m} :: barrow, tumulus (mound of earth raised over a grave)
hum {f} [obsolete] :: arrogance
humak {m} :: barrow, tumulus (mound of earth and stones raised over a grave)
humak {m} :: hillock (covered with grass)
human {adj} :: humane (with regard for the health and well-being of another; compassionate)
humanistički {adj} :: humanistic
humanistički {adv} :: humanistically
humanitaran {adj} :: humanitarian
humanizam {m} :: humanism
humano {adv} :: humanely
humanost {f} [uncountable] :: humaneness
humor {m} [uncountable] :: humor
humoran {adj} :: humorous
humoreska {f} :: lighthearted short story
humoreska {f} :: humoresque (musical composition that is playful in attitude and tone)
humorističan {adj} :: humorous
humoristički {adj} :: humoristic
humoristički {adv} :: humoristically
humorističnost {f} [uncountable] :: humorousness
humus {m} :: humus
hunta {f} :: junta
hunjavica {f} :: (Croatian) cold (illness)
hupser {m} [colloquial] :: speed bump
hurija {f} [Islam] :: houri
hurikan {m} :: hurricane
hurma {f} :: date (fruit)
hurma {f} :: persimmon (fruit)
husar {m} :: hussar
husit {m} :: Hussite
husitski {adj} :: Hussite
huškač {m} :: abettor, agitator, instigator, fomenter
huškalo {n} :: agitator
huškati {vt impf} :: to incite, provoke, instigate
hvala {f} :: praise
hvala {interj} :: thank you!, thanks!
hvala kurcu {interj} [vulgar] :: thank fuck! (lit. thank dick)
hvalevrijedan {adj} :: (Croatian) praiseworthy
hvalisati {vr impf} :: to boast, brag
hvalisav {adj} :: boastful
hvalisavo {adv} :: boastfully
hvališa {m} :: boaster
hvališa {m} :: praiser (of others)
hvaliti {vt impf} :: to praise, commend, laud
hvaliti {vt impf} :: to extol, glorify
hvaliti {vr impf} :: to be proud of, pride oneself upon
hvaliti {vr impf} :: to boast
hvalospev {m} :: eulogy (high praise or recommendation)
hvalospjev {m} :: eulogy (high praise or recommendation)
hvaljenje {n} :: praise
Hvar {prop} {m} :: Hvar
Hvaranin {prop} {m} :: a person from Hvar (the island or city)
hvastav {adj} :: boastful
hvatač {m} :: catcher (one who catches)
hvatati {vt impf} :: to grab, seize, take hold of
hvatati {vt impf} :: to catch
hvatati {vi impf} :: to overcome, trike