User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-x
ш {letter} | :: The twenty-sixth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is ша and is similar in sound to English sh. It is preceded by Ч and followed by Щ |
Ш {letter} | :: The twenty-sixth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is ша /ʂa/ and is similar in sound to English sh. It is preceded by Ч and followed by Щ |
-ша {suffix} [feminine] | :: Forms female equivalents of nouns denoting males, or nouns denoting the wife of the male equivalent |
-ша {suffix} [masculine or feminine] | :: Used to make diminutive forms of words, including personal names. When added to personal names, the name is normally truncated, typically down to a single syllable consisting of a consonant + vowel |
ша {interj} [slang] | :: shush!, shhh! (be quiet!) |
ша {interj} [slang] | :: what!? (surprise, indignation, disgust, excitement or just arrogance) (spoken in Odessa, also in multiple other contexts) |
ша {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Ш, ш |
шаабан {noun} | :: Sha'aban |
шабаш {noun} | :: Saturday, observed in Judaism as a day of rest, Sabbath |
шабаш {noun} | :: A meeting of witches, presided over by the devil, Sabbath |
шабаш {noun} | :: Any merry debauched festival |
шабаш {noun} [colloquial] | :: end of the working day, quitting time (also pronounced šabáš) |
шабер {noun} [technical] | :: hand scraper (cutting tool, designed for leveling the surface of metal products by scraping very thin shavings) |
шабёр {noun} [regional] | :: neighbor |
шаблон {noun} | :: template, pattern |
шаблон {noun} | :: stencil |
шаблон {noun} | :: mould |
шаблон {noun} [figuratively] | :: platitude, cliché |
шаверма {noun} [Saint Petersburg] | :: alternative form of шаурма |
шавка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] | :: small dog |
шавка {m anim} {f anim} [figuratively, abuse] | :: cur, insignificant person |
шаг {noun} | :: step |
шаг {noun} | :: pace, stride |
шаг {noun} | :: démarche |
шагать {v impf} | :: to walk, to stride, to step (move on the feet) |
шаг за шагом {adv} | :: step by step |
шагнуть {v pf} | :: to step (move on the feet) |
шагом {adv} | :: at a walk, at a walking pace |
шагом {adv} | :: at a slow pace (not running) |
шагреневая кожа {noun} | :: chagrin, shagreen (type of leather or skin) |
шагреневая кожа {noun} [rare, figurative] | :: chagrin (distress of mind) |
шажок {noun} | :: diminutive of шаг |
шайба {noun} | :: washer (flat disk) |
шайба {noun} | :: hockey puck |
шайка {noun} [historical] | :: saic, a kind of small boat of up to twelve cannons heavily used in the Black Sea, Tisa, Danube and Sava; similar to the ушкуй used in Republic of Novgorod |
шайка {noun} | :: washtub, tub |
шайка {noun} | :: gang of rogues, band of bandits (originally: sea-raiders on saics, like ushkuiniks) |
шайтан {noun} [Islam] | :: shaitan, Satan; devil |
Шайтан {prop} [religion] | :: shaitan, Satan |
шакал {noun} | :: jackal |
шалава {noun} [pejorative] | :: whore, slut |
шалаш {noun} | :: a simple wooden hut |
шалаш {noun} [criminal slang] | :: the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, with a blanket hanging down from the top bunk as a curtain |
шалашка {noun} [colloquial] | :: hovel |
шале {n inan} | :: chalet |
шалеть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to go crazy |
шалить {v impf} | :: to play pranks, to be naughty |
шалить {v impf} | :: to play up, to play tricks |
шалить {v impf} | :: to frolic, to romp |
шаловливый {adj} | :: playful, mischievous, naughty |
шалом {interj} | :: shalom (transliteration of the Jewish greeting or farewell) |
шалость {noun} | :: prank, mischief, monkey business |
шалот {noun} | :: shallot (a vegetable in the onion family) |
Шалтай-Болтай {prop} | :: Humpty Dumpty (fairy tale character) |
шалун {noun} | :: imp, naughty boy (mischievous child) |
шалфей {noun} | :: sage (plant) |
шалфей {noun} | :: salvia |
шаль {noun} | :: shawl (a square piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders) |
шальной {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy, mad |
шальной {adj} | :: stray [bullet, etc.] |
шаляй-валяй {adv} [colloquial] | :: anyhow, somehow, haphazardly, hit-or-miss, hurry-scurry, hugger-mugger, rough-and-ready, slapdash, half-heartedly |
шаман {noun} | :: shaman |
шаманить {v impf} [literally rare] | :: to conjure; to practise witchcraft |
шаманить {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to tinker, to fix something |
шаманить {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to work |
шаманить {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to bring |
Шамбала {prop} | :: Shambhala, a mystical kingdom hidden somewhere beyond the snowpeaks of the Himalayas |
Шамлуг {prop} | :: Шамлуг (village) |
шампанский {adj} | :: champagne |
шампанское {noun} | :: champagne |
шампунь {noun} | :: shampoo |
шампур {noun} | :: skewer (metal or wooden pin used to secure food during cooking) |
шанс {noun} | :: chance, prospect (chance for advancement, progress or profit) |
шансонье {m anim} | :: chansonnier (singer of chansons) |
шантаж {noun} | :: blackmail (payment of money exacted by means of intimidation) |
шантажировать {v impf} | :: to blackmail |
шантажист {noun} | :: blackmailer (someone who blackmails) |
шантрапа {m anim} {f anim} | :: worthless person |
Шанхай {prop} | :: Шанхай (city/and/municipality) |
шанхайский {adj} [relational] | :: Shanghai; Shanghainese |
Шаньдун {prop} | :: Шаньдун (province) |
Шаньси {prop} {f} | :: Шаньси (province) |
шапка {noun} | :: cap, hat |
шапка {noun} | :: heading |
шапка-невидимка {noun} | :: cap of invisibility |
шапка-ушанка {noun} | :: ushanka cap (traditional Russian fur cap with ear flaps) |
шапочка {noun} | :: diminutive of шапка: (small) hat |
шар {noun} | :: ball, solid sphere |
шар {noun} [mathematics] | :: ball (the set of points lying within a given distance from a given point) |
шар {noun} | :: balloon |
шарабан {noun} | :: charabanc (a horse-drawn and then, later, motorized omnibus with open sides and, often, no roof) |
шарада {noun} | :: charade |
шарахаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to dash aside, to shy |
шарахнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to hit, to strike, to land a blow (on), to sock, to paste one |
шарахнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to boom, to shoot with a boom |
шарахнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drink, to gulp down |
шарахнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dash aside, to shy |
шарж {noun} | :: caricature, cartoon |
шариат {noun} [usually, uncountable, Islam] | :: shari'a (Islamic religious law) |
шарик {noun} | :: diminutive of шар: small ball, bead |
шарик {noun} | :: corpuscle [of blood] |
шарик {noun} [plural only, slang] | :: brains, mental ability |
шариковая ручка {noun} | :: ballpoint pen |
шариковый {adj} [relational] | :: small ball, bead |
шарить {v impf} | :: to fumble, to rummage |
шарить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to understand, to have knowledge of, to know something well (about activities) |
шарить {v impf} [slang, computers] | :: to engage in cardsharing |
шарканье {noun} | :: shuffling |
шаркать {v impf} | :: to shuffle |
шаркнуть {v pf} | :: to shuffle |
шарлатан {noun} | :: charlatan, quack |
шарлатанство {noun} | :: charlatanism, charlatanry, quackery |
Шарлотта {prop} | :: given name |
Шарлоттаун {prop} | :: Шарлоттаун (city) |
шарм {noun} | :: charm (quality of inspiring delight or admiration) |
шарманка {noun} | :: barrel organ |
шарманка {noun} [colloquial] | :: repetitious talk |
шарнир {noun} | :: hinge, joint (joint with freedom to rotate) |
шаровары {noun} | :: shalwar (wide trousers, baggy trousers) |
шаровой {adj} [relational] | :: ball, globe; globular, spherical |
шаромыга {m anim} {f anim} [pejorative] | :: crook, swindler, fraud |
шаромыжник {noun} [pejorative] | :: crook, swindler, fraud |
шарпать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to abrade |
шарпать {v impf} [dated] | :: to rob |
шарф {noun} | :: scarf (clothing) |
шарфик {noun} | :: diminutive of шарф |
шасси {n inan} | :: landing gear |
шасси {n inan} | :: chassis |
шастать {v impf} [colloquial, deprecative] | :: to roam, to hang about, to hang around |
шата {noun} [obsolete] | :: a kind of outerwear |
шата {noun} [dialectal] | :: metallic framework of icons |
шатать {vt impf} | :: to sway, to rock, to shake |
шатать {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to sway; to (cause to) stagger, to (cause to) reel |
шататься {vi impf} | :: to sway, to rock, to shake; to stagger, to reel; to be unstable |
шататься {v impf} | :: to lounge, to roam, to loaf about |
шатдаун {noun} [computing] | :: shutdown (action of closing a computer or a program) |
шатен {noun} | :: a man/boy with brown hair |
шатенка {noun} | :: a woman with brown hair |
шатёр {noun} | :: large tent (portable lodge), marquee |
шатёр {noun} [architecture] | :: hipped roof, tented roof |
шаткий {adj} | :: shaky, unsteady, rickety |
шаткий {adj} | :: precarious, wavering, weak, unsteady |
шаткость {noun} | :: shakiness, unsteadiness |
шаткость {noun} | :: precariousness |
шаттл {noun} | :: shuttle, Space Shuttle |
шаттл {noun} | :: STS (Space Transportation System) |
шаурма {noun} | :: shawarma |
шафер {noun} | :: best man, groomsman |
шафран {noun} | :: saffron |
шах {noun} | :: shah |
шах {noun} [chess] | :: check (Russian notation: +) |
шахер-махер {noun} [slang] | :: dishonest deal or trade, machinations, shenanigans |
шах и мат {noun} | :: checkmate, check and mate |
Шахла {prop} | :: given name |
Шахля {prop} | :: given name |
шахматист {noun} | :: chess player |
шахматная доска {noun} | :: chessboard |
шахматный {adj} [relational] | :: chess |
шахматы {noun} | :: chess |
Шахрияр {prop} | :: given name |
шахта {noun} | :: mine, pit (place from which ore is extracted) |
шахта {noun} | :: shaft |
шахтёр {noun} | :: miner, pitman (a person who works in a mine) |
шахтёрский {adj} [relational] | :: miner; miner's, miners' |
шахтный {adj} [relational] | :: mine (underground tunnel for extracting ore) |
шахтный {adj} [relational] | :: shaft, mine shaft |
шахтный {adj} [technical] | :: furnished with a shaft, shafted |
шашия {f} | :: shashiya |
шашка {noun} | :: checker, draughtsman (a piece in a game of checkers/draughts) |
шашка {noun} [plural] | :: checkers/draughts (board game) |
шашка {noun} | :: explosive charge, stick [e.g. of dynamite] |
шашка {noun} [military] | :: smoke grenade |
шашка {noun} [construction] | :: paving block |
шашка {noun} | :: Cossack sabre, Circassian sabre, shashka (a type of guardless, lightly-curved sabre) |
шашка {noun} [military, dated] | :: rider, cavalryman [as a counting unit of military strength] |
шашки {noun} | :: draughts, checkers (game for two players) |
шашлык {noun} | :: shashlik (skewered dish) |
шашни {noun} [colloquial] | :: love affair |
шашни {noun} [colloquial] | :: intrigues, machinations |
шваб {noun} | :: Swabian |
швабра {noun} | :: mop (implement for washing floors) |
швабра {noun} [derogatory] | :: woman, such as seen from an utilitarian point of view |
шваль {noun} [colloquial, pejorative, sometimes, collectively, animate] | :: scum, dregs, despicable person, riffraff, despicable people |
шваль {noun} [colloquial, pejorative, usually, collectively, inanimate] | :: rubbish, useless things |
шваль {noun} [dated] | :: tailor |
швартов {noun} [nautical] | :: mooring line; hawser, (shore) fast |
швартовать {v impf} | :: to moor, to tie down (to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains) |
швед {noun} | :: Swede (Swedish person) |
шведка {noun} | :: Swede (Swedish girl or woman) |
шведский {adj} | :: Swedish |
шведский {noun} | :: Swedish (language) |
швейка {noun} [dated, colloquial] | :: seamstress |
швейная машина {noun} | :: sewing machine |
швейная машинка {noun} | :: sewing machine |
швейный {adj} [relational] | :: sewing |
швейцар {noun} | :: doorman (doorkeeper, usher, porter) |
швейцар {noun} [obsolete] | :: Swiss man |
швейцарец {noun} | :: Swiss (Swiss person) |
Швейцария {prop} | :: Швейцария (country) |
швейцарка {noun} | :: female Swiss (Swiss person) |
швейцарский {adj} | :: Swiss |
швеллер {noun} [construction, mechanical engineering] | :: channel, U-shaped cross section |
швеллер {noun} [music] | :: the unit of a church or concert organ for smooth or abrupt weakening of the sound of one of the веркs? |
швец {noun} [dated] | :: tailor |
Швеция {noun} | :: Швеция (country) |
швея {noun} | :: seamstress |
швырнуть {v pf} | :: to toss, to hurl, to throw, to chuck |
швырнуть {v pf} [by extension] | :: to put things in disorder, to not where they belong (e.g. clothing) |
швырнуть {v pf} | :: to fling (money) |
швырять {v impf} | :: to toss, to hurl, to throw, to chuck |
швырять {v impf} [by extension] | :: to put things in disorder, to not where they belong (e.g. clothing) |
швырять {v impf} | :: to fling (money) |
шевеление {noun} | :: stir, movement |
шевелить {vt impf} | :: to move, to stir, to budge (+ instrumental) |
шевелить мозгами {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to consider, to reflect on, to contemplate |
шевелиться {vi impf} | :: to move, to stir, to budge |
шевелиться {v impf} [figurative] | :: to awaken, to show signs of life |
шевелиться {v impf} [figurative] | :: [thoughts, feelings, etc.] to appear |
шевельнуть {v pf} | :: to move, to stir, to budge |
шевельнуться {v pf} | :: to stir, to move |
шевельнуться {v pf} [figurative] | :: to awaken, to show signs of life |
шевельнуться {v pf} [figurative] | :: [thoughts, feelings, etc.] to appear |
шевелюра {noun} | :: the hair on one's head |
шедевр {noun} | :: masterpiece (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) |
шезлонг {noun} | :: chaise longue |
шезлонг {noun} | :: deck chair, beach chair (a folding chair with a wooden frame) |
шейка {noun} | :: diminutive of шея |
шейка {noun} [figuratively] | :: narrow part of an object |
шейка {noun} [food] | :: neck part of an animal for meat |
шейка {noun} [zoology] | :: tail (for crustacean animals) |
шейный {adj} [relational] | :: neck; cervical |
шейх {noun} | :: sheik, sheikh |
шекель {noun} | :: sheqel, shekel (currency unit in Israel) |
шекспировский {adj} [relational] | :: Shakespeare; Shakespearean |
шелест {noun} | :: rustle |
шелестеть {v impf} | :: to rustle |
шелковистый {adj} | :: silky |
шелковица {noun} | :: mulberry [the tree or the fruit] |
шелковый {adj} [folk poetic] | :: alternative form of шёлковый |
шелкопряд {noun} | :: silkworm |
шелом {noun} [archaic or folk poetic] | :: helmet |
шелохнуть {v pf} | :: to stir |
шелохнуться {v pf} | :: to stir, to move |
шелуха {noun} | :: husk, hull, peel, scale |
шельма {noun} [, colloquial] | :: rascal, rogue, scoundrel |
шельф {noun} [geography] | :: shelf, offshore area |
шенкель {noun} [sports, equestrianism] | :: rider's leg from the knee to the ankle, directed?? (обращённая) to a horse and used to start the movement of the horse or change its tempo or direction |
шенкель {noun} | :: blow to the rump of a horse by the rider's leg |
шеншель {noun} [colloquial] | :: pelt of a chinchilla? |
шепелявить {v impf} | :: to lisp, e.g. to mispronounce sibilants [s] and [z] |
шепнуть {v pf} | :: to whisper |
шепотня {noun} [colloquial] | :: whispering |
шепоток {noun} | :: diminutive of шёпот |
шептать {v impf} | :: to whisper (to talk in a quiet voice) |
шептаться {v impf} | :: to whisper to each other |
шербет {noun} | :: sherbet, sorbet (frozen fruit juice) |
Шереметьево {prop} | :: Sheremetyevo (a famous airport in Moscow, Russia) |
шеренга {noun} | :: rank, row |
шериф {noun} | :: sheriff |
шериф {noun} | :: shrievalty |
шерохий {adj} [dialectal] | :: rough (not smooth), rugged |
шероховатость {noun} | :: roughness, asperity (as of stone) |
шероховатость {noun} | :: rugosity |
шероховатость {noun} | :: seediness |
шероховатость {noun} | :: shagginess |
шероховатый {adj} | :: rough (not smooth), rugged, uneven |
шерстобойня {noun} | :: woollen mill |
шерсть {noun} | :: fur, hair (animal hair or human body hair; contrast волосы and мех) |
шерсть {noun} | :: wool (hair of an animal used to make clothing) |
шерсть {noun} | :: woollen cloth, worsted, wadding |
шерстяной {adj} [relational] | :: wool; woolen, woollen |
шерстяной {adj} | :: wooly |
шершавый {adj} | :: rough, coarse |
шершень {noun} | :: hornet |
шест {noun} | :: pole |
шестая {noun} | :: sixth (one of six equal parts of a whole) |
шествие {noun} | :: procession, demonstration |
-шество {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ство: -hood, -ness, -ity |
шество {noun} [rare] | :: procession |
шествовать {v impf} | :: to walk (slowly with procession) |
шестерёнка {noun} | :: cog, gear wheel |
шестерня {noun} | :: six-in-hand, six horses harnessed together |
шестерня {noun} | :: cogwheel, gear wheel |
шестеро {num} | :: six (in a group together), six of them |
шестёрка {noun} [colloquial] | :: six |
шестёрка {noun} | :: group of six |
шестёрка {noun} [cards] | :: six |
шестёрка {noun} | :: No 6 bus tram, etc |
шестёрка {noun} | :: six-in-hand |
шестёрка {noun} | :: six-oar boat |
шестёрка {noun} [slang] | :: underling, minion |
шестигранный {adj} | :: six-sided, hexagonal |
шестигранный ключ {noun} | :: Allen key (a hex head wrench) |
шестидесятигранник {noun} [geometry] | :: hexecontahedron |
шестидесятилетие {noun} | :: sixty-year period |
шестидесятилетие {noun} | :: sixtieth anniversary, sixtieth birthday |
шестидесятилетний {adj} [relational] | :: sixty-year |
шестидесятилетний {adj} | :: sixty-year-old |
шестидесятник {noun} | :: person of the sixties [especially a Russian liberal intellectual of the 1860's, or a Soviet liberal intellectual of the 1960's, during the "Khrushchev Thaw"] |
шестидесятый {adj} | :: sixtieth |
шестикрылый {adj} | :: six-winged, hexapterous |
шестилетие {noun} | :: six-year period |
шестилетие {noun} | :: sixth anniversary, sixth birthday |
шестилетний {adj} [relational] | :: six-year |
шестилетний {adj} | :: six-year-old |
шестипалый {adj} | :: six-fingered |
шестипалый {adj} | :: six-toed |
шестиструнка {noun} | :: synonym of шестиструнная гитара: six-string guitar |
шестиструнный {adj} | :: six-string (of a guitar) |
шестиугольник {noun} | :: hexagon |
шестнадцатигранник {noun} | :: hexadecahedron |
шестнадцатилетие {noun} | :: sixteen-year period |
шестнадцатилетие {noun} | :: sixteenth anniversary, sixteenth birthday |
шестнадцатилетний {adj} [relational] | :: sixteen-year |
шестнадцатилетний {adj} | :: sixteen-year-old |
шестнадцатиугольник {noun} | :: hexadecagon |
шестнадцатый {adj} | :: sixteenth |
шестнадцать {num} | :: sixteen (16) |
шестнадцатью {adv} | :: 16x, sixteen times as much |
шестой {adj} | :: sixth |
шесть {num} | :: six (6) |
шестьдесят {num} | :: sixty (60) |
шестьдесят восемь {num} | :: sixty-eight (68) |
шестьдесят два {num} | :: sixty-two (62) |
шестьдесят девять {num} | :: sixty-nine (69) |
шестьдесят один {num} | :: sixty-one (61) |
шестьдесят пять {num} | :: sixty-five (65) |
шестьдесят семь {num} | :: sixty-seven (67) |
шестьдесят три {num} | :: sixty-three (63) |
шестьдесят четыре {num} | :: sixty-four (64) |
шестьдесят шесть {num} | :: sixty-six (66) |
шестьсот {num} | :: six hundred (600) |
шестью {adv} | :: 6x, six times as much |
шестьюдесятью {adv} | :: 60x, sixty times as much |
шеф {noun} | :: boss, chief |
шеф {noun} | :: patron, sponsor |
шеф-повар {noun} | :: chef (head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant) |
шефство {noun} | :: patronage, sponsorship |
шея {noun} [anatomy] | :: neck |
шея {noun} [rare] | :: neck (place, reducted in size) |
шёлк {noun} | :: silk (fiber and fabric) |
шёлк {noun} [by extension] | :: clothes made of silk |
шёлк {noun} | :: something soft and pleasant for touching |
шёлковый {adj} [relational] | :: silk; made of silk |
шёлковый {adj} | :: silky, like silk |
шёлковый {adj} [colloquial] | :: meek, obedient |
шёлкопрядильня {noun} | :: silk mill |
шёпот {noun} | :: whisper (the act of speaking in a quiet voice) |
шёпотом {adv} | :: in a whisper |
шёрстка {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of шерсть |
шиацу {f inan} | :: shiatsu |
шибболет {noun} | :: shibboleth (a word, especially seen as a test, to distinguish someone as belonging to a particular nation, class, profession etc) |
шибер {noun} | :: slide valve, gate valve |
шибер {noun} | :: damper [for a camera] |
шибер {noun} | :: scalper? profiteer? |
шибздик {noun} [pejorative, slang] | :: shorty, a short, unattractive man |
шибздик {noun} [pejorative, slang] | :: squirt, a young boy (of short stature) |
-шибить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to hit", "to hurt" |
шибкий {adj} [colloquial] | :: fast, quick |
шибко {adv} [vernacular] | :: fast, quickly |
шибко {adv} [vernacular] | :: hard, much |
шиворот {noun} | :: collar |
шиворот {noun} [colloquial] | :: collar, scruff of the neck |
шиворот-навыворот {adv} | :: topsy-turvy (disorderly, chaotically) |
шиворот-навыворот {adv} | :: inside out |
шизик {noun} [colloquial] | :: schizo |
шизофреник {noun} | :: schizophrenic |
шизофренический {adj} | :: schizophrenic |
шизофрения {noun} [pathology] | :: schizophrenia |
шик {noun} | :: chic, stylishness, ostentatious smartness, good style |
шикарный {adj} | :: chic, smart, splendid, grand, magnificent, stylish (elegant) |
шило {noun} | :: awl |
шилоклювка {noun} | :: avocet (bird) |
шимпанзе {m anim} {f anim} | :: chimpanzee (ape) |
шина {noun} [automotive] | :: tire/tyre |
шина {noun} [medicine] | :: splint |
шина {noun} | :: bus (electrical conductor) |
шинелёнка {noun} [pejorative] | :: diminutive of шинель |
шинелишка {noun} | :: pejorative of шинель |
шинель {noun} [military] | :: uniform overcoat |
шинелька {noun} | :: diminutive of шинель |
шинельная {noun} [historical] | :: coatroom |
шинка {noun} [regional] | :: ham |
шинок {noun} [historical] | :: tavern where spirits are served (in pre-revolutionary Ukraine, Belarus, Poland) |
шинок {noun} [colloquial] | :: bar, pub |
шиншилла {noun} | :: chinchilla (rodent) |
шип {noun} | :: thorn, spine |
шип {noun} | :: stud (small object that protrudes from something) |
шип {noun} | :: cleat (protrusion on the sole of a shoe) |
шип {noun} [construction] | :: tenon, pin |
шип {noun} [engineering] | :: journal (part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings) |
шип {noun} | :: thorn sturgeon, bastard sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris) |
шип {noun} | :: hissing |
шипение {noun} | :: hissing; sizzling; fizzling |
шипеть {v impf} | :: to hiss |
шиповник {noun} | :: dog rose, dogrose (Rosa canina) |
шиповник {noun} | :: rosehip |
шипящий {adj} | :: hissing |
шипящий {adj} [linguistics] | :: sibilant, of hushing sounds in Russian orthography (relating to /ʂ/, /ʐ/, /ɕː/, and /ʑː/) |
Ширак {prop} | :: Shirak (region of Armenia) |
шире {adv} | :: comparative of широкий |
шире {adv} | :: comparative of широко, comparative of широко |
ширина {noun} | :: width, breadth |
ширинка {noun} | :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants) |
ширинка {noun} [antiquated] | :: towel |
ширить {v impf} | :: to widen |
шириться {v impf} | :: to widen |
шириться {v impf} | :: to spread, to expand |
ширма {noun} | :: screen, shield (physical divider) |
широкая публика {noun} | :: the general public |
широкий {adj} | :: wide, broad |
широкий {adj} | :: broad, extensive |
широкий {adj} [short form only] | :: too loose, too wide, loose-fitting [of clothing and shoes] |
широкий {adj} | :: generous |
широко {adv} | :: wide, widely, broadly |
широковещательный {adj} | :: broadcasting |
широковещательный {adj} | :: loud, loud-mouthed; containing large promises; promising |
ширококолейный {adj} [railroads] | :: having a broad gauge |
широкомасштабный {adj} | :: wide-ranging, large-scale |
широкоплечий {adj} | :: broad-shouldered |
широта {noun} | :: breadth, extent, amplitude, broad scope |
широта {noun} [geology, geography] | :: latitude |
широченный {adj} [colloquial] | :: very wide |
ширпотреб {noun} [colloquial] | :: (mass) consumer goods |
шитый белыми нитками {v} [figurative] | :: blatantly obvious, poorly concealed (of a lie, secret, story plot, etc.) |
шить {vt impf} | :: to sew |
шить {vi impf} [only imperfective] | :: to be occupied with sewing, to tailor |
шить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to order (e.g., a dress) |
шить {v impf} [only imperfective] | :: to embroider |
шить {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to nail planking |
шитьё {noun} | :: sewing, needlework |
шифер {noun} | :: slate (rock or tile) |
шифоньер {noun} | :: wardrobe, chiffonier |
шифр {noun} | :: cipher, code |
шифровальщик {noun} | :: encoder, encryptor, cipherer, cryptographer |
шифрование {noun} | :: encryption |
шифровать {v impf} | :: to encrypt, to encode |
шифроваться {v impf} [slang] | :: to hide (especially from the police) |
шифровка {noun} | :: enciphering, encryption |
шифровка {noun} | :: cipher (message) |
шихта {noun} | :: furnace charge |
шиш {noun} | :: rude gesture in which the hand makes a fist and the thumb is stuck between the index and middle fingers, which indicates "nothing for you, nuts to you" |
шишка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} | :: cone, strobilus (fruit of conifers) |
шишка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} | :: bump, bunion |
шишка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [slang, masculine or feminine, animate] | :: boss |
шишковидная железа {noun} | :: pineal gland |
шкала {noun} | :: scale |
шкала Бофорта {noun} | :: Beaufort scale |
шкатулка {noun} | :: casket, (small) box, case, jewel-box |
шкатулочка {noun} | :: diminutive of шкатулка |
шкатулочный {adj} [relational] | :: box |
шкаф {noun} | :: cupboard |
шкаф {noun} | :: wardrobe, closet |
шкаф {noun} | :: locker, cabinet |
шкаф {noun} | :: bookcase, shelves |
шкафчик {noun} | :: diminutive of шкаф: (small) cupboard, wardrobe, cabinet, bookcase; locker |
шквал {noun} | :: squall |
шкет {noun} [colloquial or slang] | :: lad, youth, teenager |
шкив {noun} | :: pulley |
шкив {noun} | :: sheave (wheel having a groove) |
шкипер {noun} [nautical] | :: skipper |
шкирка {noun} [colloquial] | :: collar |
шкода {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [rare, colloquial, regional, Ukraine or Belarus, inanimate] | :: damage, harm; loss |
шкода {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, inanimate] | :: mischief, annoyance, monkey business |
шкода {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, animate] | :: mischief-maker, rascal, trickster, scamp, imp |
школа {noun} | :: school |
школа {noun} | :: schoolhouse |
школа {noun} | :: academy |
школа {noun} | :: university |
школьник {noun} | :: schoolboy |
школьник {noun} | :: young male attending school |
школьница {noun} | :: schoolgirl (girl attending school) |
школьный {adj} [relational] | :: school |
школяр {noun} | :: school student |
шкот {noun} [nautical] | :: guy, guy line, sheet rope (support cable) |
шкотик {noun} | :: diminutive of шкот |
шкоторина {noun} [nautical] | :: border, edge (of a sail, sewed around with a rope) |
шкура {noun} [of animals] | :: skin, pelt, coat |
шкура {noun} [derogatory] | :: bastard, scum |
шкура {noun} [derogatory] | :: whore |
шкурка {noun} | :: diminutive of шкура: skin, fell; rind, peel |
шкурка {noun} [colloquial] | :: sandpaper |
шлагбаум {noun} | :: boom barrier, crossing barrier, rising barrier (structure that bars passage) |
шлак {noun} | :: slag, dross, cinder, scoria |
шлак {noun} | :: (usually plural) bad stuff accumulated in the body |
шлак {noun} [colloquial] | :: something unnecessary or useless |
шлам {noun} | :: sludge (waste from industrial processes, or sediment in a steam boiler) |
шлам {noun} | :: slime, mud, ooze |
шлам {noun} | :: slurry |
шлам {noun} | :: sediment, silt, residue, bottoms |
шлам {noun} | :: tarry residue (in engines) |
шлам {noun} | :: drilling fluid, drilling mud |
шлам {noun} [ceramics] | :: slip |
шлам {noun} | :: powdered product, formed as a precipitate in the electrolysis of certain metals and usually containing noble metals |
шлам {noun} | :: precipitation in the form of fine particles that are released during sedimentation or filtration of a liquid |
шланг {noun} | :: hose |
шлангбалка {noun} | :: hose davit |
шлафрок {noun} [historical] | :: banyan [dressing gown] |
шлейф {noun} | :: train, tail (of a dress) |
шлейф {noun} | :: (trailing) plume (of smoke, gas, pollution) |
шлем {noun} | :: helmet |
шлем {noun} | :: headpiece (as in a horse's) |
шлепок {noun} | :: slap, smack (a blow) |
шлепок {noun} | :: alternative spelling of шлёпок |
шлёп {interj} | :: flop, smack, plop, splash |
шлёпанец {noun} | :: (a single) slipper |
шлёпанцы {noun} | :: slides, thongs, flip-flops (footwear) |
шлёпать {v impf} | :: to slap |
шлёпать {v impf} | :: to spank |
шлёпаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to tumble, to fall with a plop, to plop down |
шлёпнуть {v pf} | :: to slap |
шлёпнуть {v pf} | :: to spank |
шлёпнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to tumble, to fall with a plop, to plop down |
шлиф {noun} [geology, engineering] | :: thin layer |
шлифование {noun} | :: grinding, polishing, filing |
шлифовать {v impf} | :: to grind, to polish, to file |
шлифовка {noun} [metallurgy] | :: grinding, polishing |
шлифовка {noun} | :: polished surface |
шлифовка {noun} | :: tools for grinding/polishing |
шлифующий {adj} | :: abrasive |
шлих {noun} | :: a concentrate of heavy minerals that remain after washing in water natural unconsolidated sediments or rocks crushed specifically for this purpose |
шлиц {noun} [engineering] | :: kerf, spline key, nick, slit, slot, spline |
шлюз {noun} | :: sluice, lock, gateway |
шлюз {noun} | :: airlock |
шлюпка {noun} | :: (ship's) boat, yawl, lifeboat |
шлюха {noun} [highly vulgar, invective] | :: slut, whore, trollop, strumpet, streetwalker |
шлягер {noun} | :: hit (success, especially in the entertainment industry) |
шляпа {noun} | :: hat |
шляпа {noun} | :: milksop |
шляпа {noun} [colloquial] | :: unpleasant, difficult situation |
шляпка {noun} | :: diminutive of шляпа: (small) hat; head (of a nail), cap (of a mushroom) |
шляться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to loaf about, to gad about |
шлях {noun} [historical, Ukraine, Southern Russia] | :: path, steppe road |
шляхта {noun} [historical] | :: szlachta (nobility in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) |
шмат {noun} [low colloquial] | :: piece, bit |
шмель {noun} [zoology] | :: bumblebee |
шмон {noun} [criminal slang] | :: frisk, shakedown, raid, body search, search (a sudden, unexpected checkup or raid, as a police check); frisker (person doing the frisking) |
шмон {noun} | :: a sharp, unpleasant smell |
шмотки {noun} [colloquial] | :: clothes, threads, belongings |
шмыгать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to dart, to dash, to run quickly |
шмыгать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to dart about |
шмыгать {v impf} | :: to sniff noisily |
шмыгнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dart, to dash, to run quickly |
шмыгнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dart about |
шнапс {noun} | :: schnapps |
шнауцер {noun} | :: schnauzer |
шнелка {noun} [Germany] | :: freeway, expressway |
шнелька {noun} [Germany] | :: freeway, expressway |
-шний {suffix} | :: Suffix used to form adjectives from adverbs and prepositions |
шницель {noun} | :: schnitzel (a meat dish) |
шнобель {noun} [slang] | :: schnozzle, conk, honker, schnoz, snoot (human nose) |
шнур {noun} | :: cord (length of twisted strands) |
шнур {noun} | :: (electric) line |
шнурок {noun} | :: thin cord |
шнурок {noun} | :: lace (cord for fastening a shoe or garment) |
шнырить {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: alternative form of шнырять |
шнырять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to snoop around |
шнырять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scurry, to move quickly |
шо {pron} [low colloquial, non-standard, proscribed, Ukraine, South Russia] | :: what, alternative form of что |
шобла {noun} [slang] | :: company, crowd, group, band, gang |
шов {noun} | :: seam |
шов {noun} [medicine] | :: stitch, suture |
шов {noun} | :: joint, junction |
шов {noun} | :: weld, welded joint |
шов {noun} [sewing] | :: stitch |
шовинизм {noun} | :: chauvinism, jingoism (excessive patriotism) |
шовинист {noun} | :: chauvinist |
шовинистский {adj} | :: chauvinist |
-шок {suffix} | :: Suffix added to normally masculine nouns to form diminutives, sometimes with a further change in meaning |
шок {noun} | :: shock |
шокер {noun} | :: shocker (a device for giving electric shocks) |
шокировать {v both} | :: to horrify, to scandalize, to shock |
шоковый {adj} [relational] | :: shock |
шоколад {noun} | :: chocolate |
шоколад {noun} [slang] | :: luxury, success, fortune |
шоколадка {noun} | :: piece of chocolate; a single bar of chocolate |
шоколадный {adj} [relational] | :: chocolate |
шомпол {noun} | :: gunstick, ramrod |
шона {m inan} {m anim} | :: Shona (people) |
шона {m inan} {m anim} | :: Shona (individual) |
шона {m inan} {m anim} | :: Shona (language) |
шопинг {noun} | :: alternative form of шоппинг |
шопотом {adv} | :: alternative spelling of шёпотом |
шоппинг {noun} | :: shopping |
шорня {noun} [colloquial] | :: saddlery (a place of business of a saddler) |
шорох {noun} | :: rustle (soft, crackling sound) |
шорох {noun} [dialectal] | :: rough surface |
шорох {noun} [dialectal] | :: thin broken ice; grease ice, pancake ice |
шорский {adj} | :: Shor |
шорты {noun} | :: shorts (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) |
шоры {noun} | :: blinker (eye shield used for horses) |
шоссе {n inan} | :: highway |
шоссейник {noun} | :: racing bicycle |
шоссейник {noun} | :: racing cyclist |
шоссейный {adj} [relational] | :: highway, road |
шотландец {noun} | :: Scot, Scotsman |
Шотландия {prop} | :: Шотландия (constituent country) |
шотландская овчарка {noun} | :: collie |
шотландский {adj} | :: Scottish, Scotch |
шоу {n inan} | :: show (entertainment) |
шоу-бизнес {noun} | :: show business (the entertainment industry) |
шоувумен {f anim} | :: showwoman |
шоумен {noun} | :: showman |
шоурум {noun} [neologism] | :: showroom |
шофер {noun} [professional or colloquial] | :: chauffeur, driver |
шофёр {noun} | :: chauffeur |
шофёр {noun} | :: driver |
шпага {noun} | :: small sword, epee, foil, rapier |
шпагат {noun} | :: cord, packthread, string, (binder) twine |
шпагат {noun} [gymnastics] | :: split (the acrobatic feat of spreading the legs flat on the floor 180 degrees apart, either sideways to the body or with one leg in front and one behind, thus lowering the torso completely to the floor in an upright position) |
шпажка {noun} | :: diminutive of шпага |
шпажка {noun} | :: a wooden or plastic stick with sharp ends used for eating desserts, often made in the shape of an epee |
шпала {noun} | :: tie, sleeper (railroad tie) |
шпана {noun} [contemptuous, colloquial, jokingly, collectively] | :: little hooligans, little rascals, punks, young petty criminals or trouble-makers |
шпаргалить {v impf} [colloquial, education] | :: to cheat during the exam with a cheat sheet |
шпаргалка {noun} | :: cheat sheet, crib (notes concealed by a student to aid him/her in test or examination) |
шпарить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scald (one's hands, etc.) (to burn with boiling liquid or steam) |
шпарить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pour boiling water over [often specifically in order to kill something, e.g. an insect] |
шпарить {vi impf} [low colloquial, figurative, imperfective only] | :: to do something with hurriedly or with great force, to energy or zeal |
шпаровать {v impf} [dated, colloquial] | :: to apply clay in the cavities of cracked objects |
шпат {noun} [mineralogy] | :: spar |
шпатель {noun} | :: putty knife |
шпатель {noun} | :: spatula (a thin hand tool for handling chemicals or other materials) |
шпахтель {noun} | :: putty knife |
шпенёк {noun} | :: small pin, rod, rivet or stud |
шпик {noun} [colloquial] | :: spy |
шпик {noun} | :: bacon; lard |
шпиль {noun} | :: spire, steeple, spike |
шпилька {noun} | :: hairpin |
шпилька {noun} | :: tack |
шпилька {noun} | :: spike heel, stiletto heel |
шпилька {noun} [engineering] | :: stud, brad |
шпинат {noun} | :: spinach |
шпингалет {noun} [inanimate] | :: bolt, catch, latch, fastener |
шпингалет {noun} [animate, colloquial or slang] | :: lad, youth, teenager |
шпиндель {noun} | :: spindle (of a machine tool) |
шпион {noun} | :: spy |
шпионаж {noun} | :: espionage, spying (act of learning secret information through clandestine means) |
шпионить {v impf} | :: to spy |
шпионка {noun} | :: female spy |
шпиономания {noun} | :: spy mania, spy fever, spy hysteria, spy scare (paranoia about spies, fearmongering about the threat of foreign spies) |
шпионский {adj} [relational] | :: espionage, spy |
шпионский {adj} [relational] | :: spyware |
шпионское ПО {noun} [computing] | :: spyware (harmful software that surreptitiously monitors and reports activity) |
шпиц {noun} [obsolete] | :: spire, steeple |
шпиц {noun} | :: spitz (dog breed) |
Шпицберген {prop} | :: Шпицберген (archipelago) |
шпон {noun} [poligraphy] | :: lead |
шпон {noun} | :: (thin) veneer sheet |
шпора {noun} | :: spur |
шпора {noun} [slang] | :: cheat sheet, crib (from шпаргалка) |
шприц {noun} | :: syringe |
шпулька {noun} | :: spool, bobbin |
шпуля {noun} | :: spool, bobbin |
шрам {noun} | :: scar, cicatrix (a permanent mark on the skin sometimes caused by the healing of a wound) |
шредер {noun} | :: shredder (machine that tears up objects into smaller pieces) |
Шри-Джаяварденепура-Котте {prop} {m inan} | :: Шри-Джаяварденепура-Котте (administrative capital) |
Шри-Ланка {prop} | :: Шри-Ланка (country/and/island) |
шри-ланкийский {adj} | :: Sri Lankan |
шрифт {noun} | :: type, print, script, font |
шт. {m inan} | :: state |
шт. {m inan} | :: staff |
шт. {f inan} | :: item |
штаб {noun} [military] | :: headquarters, staff |
штабель {noun} | :: stack, pile |
штаб-квартира {noun} | :: headquarters |
штабной {adj} [relational, military] | :: staff |
штабной {noun} [military] | :: staff officer |
штабс-капитан {noun} [military, historical] | :: staff-captain (an officer's rank in the infantry, artillery and engineering troops, below lieutenant) |
штакет {noun} | :: slat, plank |
штакет {noun} [slang] | :: joint, spliff |
штакетник {noun} | :: picket fence |
штамм {noun} [biology] | :: strain |
штамп {noun} | :: stamp, rubber stamp, impress |
штамп {noun} | :: die (tool for cutting or shaping material using a press) |
штамп {noun} [figuratively] | :: stock phrase |
штанга {noun} | :: bar, rod, beam, pole (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) |
штанга {noun} | :: weight, barbell |
штанга {noun} [sports] | :: post |
штангенциркуль {noun} | :: (slide) calipers, slide gauge (device used to measure thickness between two surfaces) |
штангист {noun} | :: weightlifter |
штанина {noun} | :: trouser leg |
штанишки {noun} | :: diminutive of штаны: short pants or children's pants |
штаны {noun} [plurale tantum] | :: trousers, pants |
штат {noun} | :: state (a political division, e.g. a US state) |
штат {noun} | :: staff (personnel) |
штатный {adj} | :: staff, personnel |
штатный {adj} | :: staff |
штатный {adj} | :: standard, regular, normal |
штатный {adj} | :: routine, nonemergency |
штатский {adj} | :: civil, civilian |
штатский {noun} | :: civilian |
штатское {noun} | :: civilian clothing |
Штаты {prop} [colloquial] | :: ellipsis of Соединённые Штаты Америки |
штафирка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [inanimate] | :: lining (in boots, cuffs, skirts) |
штафирка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [animate] | :: civilian, civvy |
штекер {noun} | :: jackplug, plug, pin |
штемпель {noun} [printing] | :: stamp, seal |
штемпель {noun} | :: impression made with such a stamp |
штепсель {noun} | :: plug (device for connecting a machine to main power) |
штиблета {noun} [pejorative or facetious] | :: men's shoes |
штиблета {noun} [historical] | :: leggings fastened with buttons |
штиль {noun} [nautical] | :: dead calm |
штиль {noun} | :: obsolete form of стиль |
штифт {noun} [engineering] | :: pin, sprig |
штихель {noun} | :: burin, graver |
шт. Нью-Йорк {prop} {m inan} | :: шт. Нью-Йорк (state) |
шток {noun} [engineering] | :: rod |
шток {noun} | :: (of an anchor) stock |
штокфиш {noun} | :: dried cod |
штольня {noun} | :: gallery, adit (a horizontal or nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine) |
штопать {v impf} | :: to darn (stitch with thread) |
штопор {noun} | :: corkscrew (implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork) |
штопор {noun} [aviation] | :: spin (trajectory) |
штора {noun} | :: curtain, shade |
шторка {noun} | :: diminutive of штора |
шторм {noun} [weather] | :: storm (especially at sea) |
штормовой {adj} [relational] | :: storm |
штормовой {adj} | :: stormy |
штоф {noun} [historical] | :: stoff (liquid measure, 1.2299 litres) |
штоф {noun} | :: damask (fabric) |
штраф {noun} | :: fine, penalty, citation |
штраф {noun} | :: Soviet army penal battalion of World War II |
штрафануть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to impose a fine |
штрафной {adj} [relational] | :: penalty |
штрафной {adj} | :: penal |
штрафной {adj} | :: consisting of penalised soldiers, sportsmen, etc |
штрафной {noun} [animate, military] | :: soldier sent to a penal military battalion |
штрафной {noun} [animate, sports] | :: a player who has been penalized |
штрафной {noun} [inanimate, sports] | :: penalty kick, free throw, etc |
штрафной удар {noun} [football] | :: direct free kick |
штрафовать {v impf} | :: to fine, to penalize |
штрейкбрехер {noun} | :: strikebreaker |
штрек {noun} [mining] | :: drift |
штрих {noun} | :: stroke, hatch, hachures, dash |
штрих {noun} | :: trait, feature, detail |
штрихкод {noun} | :: barcode |
штрудель {noun} | :: strudel |
штудия {noun} | :: scientific research, scientific work, scientific study |
штука {noun} | :: piece, each (in counting items) |
штука {noun} | :: thing |
штука {noun} [colloquial] | :: thousand |
штука {noun} [aviation] | :: Stuka (German Junkers Ju 87 dive bomber) |
штукатурка {noun} | :: stucco, plaster |
штукатурка {noun} | :: plastering |
штукатурка {noun} [colloqial, ironical] | :: heavy make-up, slap |
штуковина {noun} [colloquial] | :: thingamajig, thingumajig, thingummy (something that one does not know the name of) |
штуковина {noun} [colloquial] | :: widget, gadget, gizmo |
штурвал {noun} | :: helm, steering wheel (of a ship or an airplane) |
штурм {noun} | :: storm, storming of something |
штурм {noun} | :: assault (a violent onset or attack) |
штурман {noun} | :: navigator (navigation officer) |
штурмовать {v impf} | :: to storm, to assault, to conquer, to attack |
штурмовая винтовка {noun} | :: assault rifle |
штурмовик {noun} [historical] | :: stormtrooper |
штурмовик {noun} [aviation] | :: attack aircraft, ground-attack aircraft |
штурмовик {noun} [aviation] | :: a pilot of such an aircraft |
штурмовик {noun} [dated] | :: climber, mountaineer [participating in an ascent] |
штурмовой {adj} [relational] | :: assault |
штуф {noun} [mining] | :: a large specimen of ore |
штуф {noun} | :: a lump of high-grade ore |
штуцер {noun} | :: connecting pipe, coupling |
штуцер {noun} [historical, military] | :: muzzle-loading rifle, typically with the shortened length of a carbine |
штуцер {noun} | :: double rifle (double-barrelled hunting rifle) |
штучка {noun} | :: diminutive of штука: (small) thing |
штучка {noun} | :: doodah, doodad; widget |
штучка {noun} [idiomatic colloquial, possibly, pejorative] | :: calling card |
штучный {adj} | :: representing a single piece, not sold by weight [e.g. a garment] |
штучный {adj} | :: manufactured individually, one-of-a-kind, not mass-produced |
штык {noun} | :: bayonet |
штык {noun} [dated] | :: foot soldier, infantryman [as a counting unit of military strength; see also сабля and шашка] |
штык {noun} | :: blade (of a spade) |
штырь {noun} | :: pin, pivot, spike |
шуба {noun} | :: fur coat (for men or women) |
шубка {noun} | :: diminutive of шуба: (small) fur coat |
шуга {noun} | :: shuga (spongy white ice lumps a few centimeters across) |
шулер {noun} | :: rook, cardsharper, sharp, blackleg |
шум {noun} | :: noise, radio static |
шум {noun} | :: sound, murmur |
шум {noun} | :: uproar, din, blare, clamour, hubbub |
шум {noun} | :: whirr |
шум {noun} | :: sensation, stir, bustle |
шумерский {adj} | :: Sumerian |
шуметь {v impf} | :: to make a noise; to be noisy; to rustle (e.g. of leaves) |
шуметь {v impf} | :: to kick up a row, to make a fuss |
шумиха {noun} | :: clamour/clamor, brouhaha, fuss, uproar, racket, ballyhoo, stir |
шумно {adv} | :: noisily (in a noisy manner) |
шумный {adj} | :: loud, noisy |
шумок {noun} | :: diminutive of шум: slight noise |
шунтирование {noun} | :: shunting |
Шура {prop} {m anim} {f anim} | :: given name |
Шура {prop} {m anim} {f anim} | :: given name |
шурин {noun} | :: brother-in-law (wife’s brother) |
шуруп {noun} | :: wood screw (fastener) |
шуршание {noun} | :: rustling, rustle, swishing, swish |
шуршать {v impf} | :: to rustle (to move (something) with a soft crackling sound) |
шустрый {adj} | :: quick, agile |
шустрый {adj} | :: bright, clever |
шут {noun} | :: jester, fool (person in a mediaeval royal court) |
шут {noun} | :: clown, buffoon |
шутить {v impf} | :: to joke, to jest |
шутить {v impf} | :: to trifle, to play (with) |
шутить {v impf} | :: to make fun (of) |
шутка {noun} | :: joke |
шутка {interj} | :: I’m kidding! |
шутки в сторону {adv} [speech act, idiomatic] | :: all kidding aside (used to attempt to make a serious point in a jocular conversation) |
шутливо {adv} | :: jocularly, humorously |
шутливый {adj} | :: jesting, humorous, playful, flippant |
шутник {noun} | :: joker, jester |
шутовской {adj} | :: fool's |
шутовской колпак {noun} | :: fool's cap (a cap, usually brightly coloured with bells and tassels, as worn by a court jester or fool) |
шуточка {noun} | :: diminutive of шутка: joke, jest |
шуточный {adj} | :: comic, facetious |
шуточный {adj} | :: trifling |
шутя {adv} | :: in jest, for fun |
шутя {adv} | :: easily, lightly |
шуфлядка {noun} [regional, chiefly Belarus] | :: drawer |
шухер {noun} [criminal slang] | :: police raid, (house) search |
шухер {noun} [colloquial] | :: turmoil, confusion, noise |
шухер {noun} [colloquial] | :: mess |
шушукаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to whisper to each other |
шуянин {noun} | :: citizen of Shuya |
шхера {noun} | :: skerry |
шхуна {noun} | :: schooner |
ш-ш-ш {interj} | :: shhh!, shh! (quiet!) |
Шэньси {prop} {f} | :: Шэньси (province) |
Шэньчжэнь {prop} | :: Шэньчжэнь (major sub-provincial city) |
щ {letter} | :: The twenty-seventh letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is ща and in modern standard Russian it has approximately the sound of English shh (geminated or double "sh" as in "push ships"), but pronounced further forward in the mouth. It is preceded by Ш and followed by Ъ |
Щ {letter} | :: The twenty-seventh letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is ща /ɕɕa/ and it has approximately the sound of English shh, but pronounced further forward in the mouth. It is preceded by Ш and followed by Ъ |
ща {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Щ, щ |
ща {adv} | :: contraction of сейчас |
щавель {noun} | :: sorrel, dock (plant) |
щадить {v impf} | :: to spare, to have mercy (on) |
щас {adv} [colloquial] | :: contraction of сейчас |
щебень {noun} | :: crushed stone, road metal |
щебень {noun} [geology] | :: detritus |
щебетать {v impf} | :: to twitter, to chirp |
щебетать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to chatter, to prattle |
щеглёнок {noun} | :: goldfinch chick |
щегол {noun} | :: goldfinch (bird) |
щегольнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to flaunt [+ instrumental] |
щегольнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to sport [в + prepositional] |
щеголять {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to dress like a dandy, to wear fancy clothes |
щеголять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to flaunt [+ instrumental] |
щеголять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to sport [в + prepositional] |
щедро {adv} | :: generously |
щедрость {noun} | :: generosity, largess (the trait of being willing to give your money and/or time) |
щедрый {adj} | :: generous (willing to give and share unsparingly) |
щека {noun} | :: cheek |
щека {noun} | :: mouth of animals, jaw |
щека {noun} [figuratively] | :: side, sidepiece, stock, jaw (of a mechanism) |
щеколда {noun} | :: latch, catch, pawl (fastening for a door) |
щекотать {v impf} | :: to tickle, to titillate (touch repeatedly or stroke delicately) |
щекотать {vi impf} | :: to chirp, to twitter [said of nightingales, magpies and certain other birds] |
щекотка {noun} [colloquial] | :: tickling |
щекотка {noun} | :: tickle |
щекотливый {adj} | :: delicate, touchy (requiring great circumspection and tact) |
щекотливый {adj} [colloquial] | :: ticklish |
щекотливый {adj} [dated] | :: extremely scrupulous |
щелкунчик {noun} | :: figure nutcracker |
щелочной {adj} | :: alkaline |
щелчок {noun} | :: flick, fillip |
щелчок {noun} | :: click, snap |
щелчок {noun} | :: slight |
щель {noun} | :: chink, crack; gap, opening |
щель {noun} [anatomy] | :: fissure; cleft |
щемить {v impf} | :: to pinch (to cause pain or discomfort by pressing strongly) |
щемить {v impf} | :: to smart, to ache, to throb |
щемящий {adj} | :: dull, aching [of pain] |
щемящий {adj} | :: excruciating, oppressive, distressing [of a feeling or emotion] |
щенок {noun} | :: puppy |
щенок {noun} | :: (wild animals) cub, whelp |
щенок {noun} [pejorative] | :: snot; son of a bitch |
щеночек {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of щенок: (cute little) puppy |
щенячий {adj} [relational] | :: puppy; puppyish, puppylike |
щепа {noun} [collective] | :: woodchips, kindling wood |
щепетильный {adj} | :: scrupulous, meticulous |
щепетильный {adj} | :: squeamish |
-щепить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form verbs meaning approximately "to chip" |
щепка {noun} | :: chip, sliver |
щепотка {noun} | :: pinch |
щепотка {noun} | :: the first three fingers held together |
щербатый {adj} | :: dented (of surface) |
щербатый {adj} | :: pockmarked |
щербатый {adj} | :: gap-toothed |
щербет {noun} | :: alternative form of шербет |
щербина {noun} | :: indentation; nick (on the surface) |
щербина {noun} | :: gap (on the teeth) |
щербина {noun} | :: pockmark (on the face) |
щетина {noun} | :: bristle; stubble |
щетиниться {v impf} | :: to bristle up |
щетиниться {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to get angry |
щёголь {noun} | :: dandy, fop, beau |
щёголь {noun} | :: spotted redshank, spotshank (Tringa erythropus) |
щёлк {interj} | :: click (sound of a click) |
щёлк {noun} | :: click, snap, fillip |
щёлка {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of щель: (small) slit, crack |
щёлкать {v impf} | :: to click (to make a clicking sound) |
щёлкать {v impf} | :: to crack, to click, to snap, etc. [+ instrumental] (to cause to make such a sound) |
щёлкать {v impf} | :: to flick, to fillip (someone) |
щёлкать {v impf} | :: to crack (nuts) |
щёлкать {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to warble [of a bird] |
щёлкнуть {v pf} | :: to click (to make a clicking sound) |
щёлкнуть {v pf} | :: to crack, to click, to snap, etc. [+ instrumental] (to cause to make such a sound) |
щёлкнуть {v pf} | :: to flick, to fillip (someone) |
щёлкнуть {v pf} | :: to crack (nuts) |
щёлок {noun} [chemistry] | :: lye (a strong caustic alkaline solution of potassium or sodium salts) |
щёлочка {noun} | :: diminutive of щёлка, diminutive of щель |
щёлочно-земельный металл {noun} | :: alkaline earth metal (any element of group II of the periodic table) |
щёлочный {adj} [dated] | :: alternative form of щелочной |
щёлочь {noun} [chemistry] | :: alkali |
щётка {noun} | :: brush |
щётка {noun} | :: fetlock |
щётка для ресниц {noun} | :: eyelash brush |
щёточка {noun} | :: diminutive of щётка |
щёчка {noun} | :: diminutive of щека: (small) cheek |
щи {f inanp} {m inanp} [plural only] | :: shchi |
-щик {suffix} | :: Suffix added to nouns, verbs and sometimes adjectives to form masculine agent nouns: -er, -or |
щиколотка {noun} [anatomy] | :: ankle |
щипать {v impf} | :: to pinch |
щипать {v impf} | :: to pluck |
щипать {vi impf} [also impersonal] | :: to burn, to sting |
щипать {v impf} | :: to nibble |
щипач {noun} [slang] | :: pickpocket |
щипковый {adj} | :: plucked (instrument) |
щипнуть {v pf} | :: to pinch once |
щипнуть {v pf} | :: to pinch off once, to remove (one piece) by pinching |
щипнуть {v pf} | :: to sting once, to burn once, to cause one jolt of pain |
щипцы {noun} | :: tongs, pliers, pincers, nippers |
щипцы {noun} | :: forceps, tweezers |
щипцы {noun} | :: nutcrackers |
щипчики {noun} | :: tweezers |
щирица {noun} | :: amaranth (herb) |
щирый {adj} [regional, Ukraine] | :: sincere; frank, honest |
щит {noun} | :: shield |
щит {noun} | :: sluice-gate |
щит {noun} | :: panel |
щит {noun} | :: tortoise-shell |
щитовая {noun} | :: control room, switchboard room |
щитовидный {adj} | :: thyroid |
щитовидный {adj} | :: peltate |
щиток {noun} | :: diminutive of щит |
щиток {noun} [zoology] | :: clypeus, scute, mail |
щиток {noun} [botany] | :: cyme, corymb |
щиток {noun} [engineering] | :: dashboard |
щиток {noun} [sport] | :: guard |
щиток {noun} [car] | :: visor, mudguard, splash guard |
щука {noun} | :: pike (any freshwater fish of the genus Esox, a relatively large, predatory fish) |
щуп {noun} | :: probe, dipstick |
щупальце {noun} | :: tentacle |
щупать {v impf} | :: to feel, to touch; to grope |
щупать {v impf} | :: to probe |
щуплый {adj} [colloquial] | :: puny, thin and weak |
щурить {vt impf} | :: to squint (one's eye(s)) |
щуриться {v impf} | :: to squint one's eye(s) |
щучий {adj} | :: pike's (the fish) |