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Appendix:Proto-Hokan reconstructions

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This appendix contains Proto-Hokan reconstructions by Kaufman (2015).[1]

Note that Hokan is not universally accepted by all linguists. Some linguists consider Hokan to be a linguistic area (Sprachbund) or linkage rather than a a bona fide language family of truly related languages.

Kaufman (2015)




Reconstructions are marked with # since they are preliminary.

Aspirated or glottalized consonants:

  • [?glott/asp]: languages that an etymon survives in do not have aspirated or glottalized consonants
  • [?asp]: languages that an etymon survives in do not have aspirated consonants


NC Northern California Chimariko, Yana, Karuk, Shasta-Okwanchu-Konomihu, Achumawi-Atsugewi
C Central California Coast Salina, Esalen
N Northern languages any of the previous languages and/or Pomo, Washu
SW Southwest Yuman-Cochimi, Seri
TM Texas and Northeast Mexico Pajalat [Coahuilteco], Yeméan-Yué [Comecrudoan-Cotoname]
MA Mesoamerica Chontal, Tol
S Southern languages any of the non-Northern languages

Syllable structure

  • #CV(H)CV*(ː)[CV(ː)](C)
  • #([C(x)]V[H])$C(x/w)V(H)(Y)(C)$(+CV)

Function words

Proto-Hokan English gloss distribution notes see also/other notes
#ZERO ‘third person’ [N/S]
#ha ‘third person pronoun (marker) [N/S]
#mi ~ #ma ‘second person pronoun marker’ [N/S]
#nyi ‘second person singular pronoun marker’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#nya [gen] ~ #nyi [N] ‘first person singular pronoun marker’ [N/S]
#¢cV ‘first person singular pronoun marker’ [N/S] [¢ ~ č]
#Ha ‘first person singular/plural pronoun marker (exclusive?)’ [N/S]
#lye ‘first person singular/plural pronoun marker’ [N/S]
#KV ‘first person plural pronoun marker (inclusive?)’ [N/S]
#qhV ‘second person plural pronoun marker’ (same as #KV?) [N]
#ma free particle, ‘reciprocal; reflexive (+/- possessive)’ [N/S] (< #maky’ ~ #ma(L) ‘back’ and/or #mat ‘body’)
#i ‘this’ [N]
#i ‘first person singular pronoun marker’ [NC]
#sV *demonstrative
#sV ‘first person singular pronoun marker’ [NC+TM]
#sV ‘present tense marker’ [N/S]
#Ti *demonstrative; ‘first person singular/plural pronoun marker’
#ya 1. ‘this; here’ [N/S]
#wa ~ #wi 1. ‘this; here’ [N/S]
#mE ‘this’ [N/S]
#(h)U 1. ‘yon’ [N/S]
#qa ~ #qi ‘weak demonstrative’ [N/S]
#ʔaː- ‘absolutive of intimately possessed noun’ [S]
#ʔaː- ‘substance or mass noun prefix’ [N/S]
#Hiː- ‘body-part prefix’; ‘possessed state of intimately possessed noun’ [N/S]
#kwhi- ‘indefinite third person (+/- possessive)’ [N/S]
#kwhi- ‘absolutive noun prefix’ [N/S]
#kwhi- ‘derivational noun prefix’ [S]
#p’- ‘absolutive(?) noun prefix’; ‘derivational noun prefix’ [N]
#ph(a)- ‘adjective prefix’ [N/S]
#p(a)- ‘adjective prefix’ [N/?S]
#ṭ- ‘proclitic article’; ‘absolutive noun prefix’; ‘derivational noun prefix’ [N]
#ṭ(a)- ‘adjective prefix’ [N]
#ly- ‘proclitic count noun article’ [S]
#ly- absolutive noun prefix [N]
#ly- derivational noun prefix [N]
#l- proclitic mass/plural noun article [S]
#l- absolutive noun prefix
#l- derivational noun prefix [N]
#La ‘*demonstrative’
#La third person singular/plural pronoun marker [N/S]
#č- derivational (?) noun prefix [N/S]
#Ch- derivational noun prefix [N/?S]
#ši- derivational (?) noun prefix [N/S]
#-ly derivational noun suffix [N/S]
#-Na absolutive noun suffix [N] Could be the same as #nya
#nya ‘demonstrativeː location unspecified’ [N/S]
#pA ~ #pi weak demonstrative [S]
#pA ~ #pi definite article [N]
#pA ~ #pi absolutive suffix Kar, Esa
#ta weak demonstrative; third person pronoun marker [N/S]
#ta definite article [N]
#ta absolutive suffix Kar, Esa
#sa ‘yon’ [S]
#si ‘present/future tense’ [N/S]
#hE weak demonstrative; definite article [N]
#hE absolutive suffix Yahi
#-č’i ‘diminutive noun’ [N/S]
#-La ‘diminutive noun’ [N] [?*ly]
#+ʔ0-a ‘female noun’ [NC]
#-yaw ‘verb → noun’ [N]
#-uː ‘verb → noun’ [S]
#-K ‘same subject’ [S]
#-m ‘different subject’ [S]
#+(ʔ)a ‘vocative’ [N/S]
#-ky ‘adjective suffix’ [N/S]
#-aRa ‘noun → adjective’ [NC]
#K ‘plural pronoun marker; noun plural marker’ (mostly postposed) [N/S]
#-š(i) ‘dual and plural of noun/pronoun’ [N]
#-wi ‘dual and plural of noun/pronoun/demonstrative’ [N] [i ~ a]
#-lye ‘plural of noun/adjective/stative’ [N/S]
#n ‘floating pluralizer’ [N/S]
#mina ‘back; behind’ [NC]
#iThi ‘down; bottom’ [N/S]
#=(ʔ)uL ‘down’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#=Ri ‘up’ [N]
#=ča ‘up’ [N/S] [a ~ o] (weak set)
#=ema ‘into’ [NC]
#=ta ‘out’ [NC]
#=low ‘apart, out’ [NC]
#=wV ‘thither, towards there’ [N/S] [w ~ m]
#-uky ‘hither’ [N/S]
#=PiL ‘here and there’ [N] [p ~ p’]
#=KaL ‘into one’s mouth’ [N]
#Ca ‘away’ [N] adv/dir
#sa ‘through’ [N] [s ~ š] adv/dir
#mi(y) ‘to the side’ [N/S] [i ~ a] adv/dir
#ma(L) ‘back; after’ [N/S] [l ~ n] adv/dir (< ‘*back’)
#(i)yow ‘down’ [N/S] adv/dir (#i is *Hiː-)
#ri ‘down’ [N] adv/dir
#=taN ‘down’ [NC] [t ~ ṭ] adv/dir
#=KuLV ‘into’ [NC] [l ~ n] adv/dir
#px̣uLu ‘into the house’ [NC] [l ~ n] or #fuLu adv/dir The former accounts for Chi, Kar. The latter accounts for Yan, Ach, ?Kar. It does not seem feasible to combine all these. Perhaps #xwuLu would account for all of them, but *xw is not known to occur before rounded vowels.
#-lu ‘by means of (instrument)’ [N] [l ~ n] loc case
#-awA ‘from’ [N] [a ~ o] loc case
#-a ‘at’ [N] loc case
#-ly(a) ‘in(to)’ [N/S] loc case
#-ša ‘(with)in’ [N] [a ~ o] loc case
#Ki ‘at’ [N/S] adv/case/prep
#x̣aK’a ‘together’ [N] adv/case
#(i)mE ‘out (from); away (from)’ [N/S] adv/case (#i is *Hiː-)
#aypV ‘away’ [N/S] [?glott/asp] adv/case
#+(i)ma ‘with (instrument and accompaniment)’ [N/S] *adv/case/dir (#i is *Hiː-)
#+yey ‘with, by means of’ [N] *adv/case/dir (?#y1 = *Hiː-)
#+yV ‘in’ [N/S] *adv/case/dir (?#y = *Hiː-)
#Iwi ‘on (top), above’ [N] [i ~ a] adv/case/dir Related to words for ‘*mountain’.
#K’a ‘near’ [N/S] adv/case/dir
#K’a(m) ‘toward, hither’ [N] adv/case/dir
#+an ‘toward’ [N] [n ~ l] *adv/case/dir
#ma ‘thither, there, elsewhere’ [N/S] adv/case/dir
#nya ‘when, while, after’ [N/S] free particle
#(i)ny(i)+ subordinator [N/S]
#Ka- ‘imperative/future’ [N/S] This is related to #Kam free preposed particle ‘future’
#Kam ‘future’ [S] free preposed particle
#Pa- ‘plural (human) object’ [S] [?glott/asp]
#m- ‘plural verb’ [N]
#-iʔi ‘infinitive’ [N/S] [i2 ~ a]
#-ṭA ‘agentive’ [N/S]
#-p ‘passive’ [N/S] [?asp]
#-Tu ‘go and VERB’ [N]
#-iL ‘go and VERB’ [N] [i ~ a]
#-la ‘imperative’ [N/S]
#-i ‘present/imperative’ [N] (= demonstrative #i ‘this/here’)
#-s(i) ‘present/future/same time’ [N/S]
#-xyA ‘future/optative’ [N/S] [xy ~ x̣x]
#-a ‘past/aorist’ [N]
#-aT’ ‘completive’ [N/S]
#-nI ‘remote past’ [N] [?n ~ l]
#-phi ‘hypothetical/if’ [N] [i ~ a] (*ph or *px̣)
#-ta ‘desiderative/polite imperative’ [N/S]
#-lye ‘conditional/would’ [N/S]
#-kyi (function unclearː seems to have many developments; completive/past/preterit is the most common) [N/S]
#+n ‘imperative enclitic’ [N]
#+ma ‘customary’ [N]
#+(a)yu ‘again/repeated/habitual’ [N/S]
#Hipa ‘in the past’ [N] free particle
#m(a)- ‘stative/static (adjective/intransitive)’ [N/S]
#qV- ‘stative/static (intransitive/adjective)’ [N/S]
#sV- ‘transitive (causative) [N/S] (weak set)
#aː- ‘instrumental/causative’ [SW]
#K- ‘instrumental/causative [SW ?+Wsh]
#pa- ‘transitive/active’ [N/S]
#ta= ‘causative’ [N/S] (= tv *’to make, do’)
#Pa= ‘with the mouth’ [N/?S] (< *’to say; shout’).
#kya= ‘by speech’ [N/S] ‘by speech’ (< *’to speak, talk’)
#kya=now ‘to talk; tell’ [N/S]
#qa= ‘by biting/chewing, with teeth/jaws’ [N] [Chi q’]
#¢ca= ‘with the mouth/teeth’ [N/S] [¢ ~ č] (< *‘to bite’)
#px̣u= ‘by blowing’ [N] (< *‘to blow’)
#mi= ~ #ma= ‘with the foot’ [N] (< *‘foot’)
#pew= ‘with the foot’ [N] (< *‘foot’)
#is= ‘with the hand’ [N/S] (< *‘to take, hold, bring’)
#tu= ‘with the hand’ [N] Not derived from any known noun or verb root.
#-aː ‘to do X times’ [SW] numeral → verb
#-(h)i ‘to do X’ [N] noun → verb
#-ni ‘adjectival; durative/intransitive/static’ [N]
#ma ‘*person; who?’ [N/S] See #tama ‘man; people’
#am ~ #aw ‘*something; who?; what?’ [S/?N] (?same as #ma)
#(a)čhi ‘thing; what?’ [N/S]
#Lu ‘where?’ [N/S] [l ~ n] (fairly weak set)
#kya ‘general interrogative’ [N/S]
#kyi ‘general interrogative’ [N]
#Ku ‘general interrogative’ [N] (?= *kyu)
#xya ‘general interrogative’ [N/S] [a ~ o] (fairly weak set)
#-n ‘interrogative suffix (?on verbs)’ [N/S]
#maː ‘negative’ [N/S]
#kyhu(wa) ‘negative’ [N/S]
#(a)x̣u ‘negative’ [N/S]
#sey ‘negative’ [N/S]
#T’V ‘negative’ [N/S] (weak set)
#pa ‘negative’ [NC ?+Yum] [a ~ o]
#Ka ‘perhaps’ [MA]
#+kyh(i) ‘emphasis (especially with pronouns)’ [N]
#+pa ‘emphasis [N/S]
#itá ‘and’ [N]
#(xi)Pu ‘first’ [N/S]
#še ‘one’ [N/S]
#pey ‘one’ [N/S]
#pha ‘one; only; alone’ [N/S]
#ky’a ‘one’ [N]
#(q-)x̣ow(a) ‘two’ [Pom, Esa, Tol]
#haqhu ‘two’ [Ach, Ats, Cho]
#(q-)x̣ow=háqhu ‘two’ [Chi, Sha, Yum] [a ~ o] compound
#x̣a ‘first half of three’ [N] [a ~ o]
#ma ‘second half of three’ [N]
#Xó múky’a ‘three’ [N/S] (?#Xo = *x.a ~ *x.o; ?#ky’a = ‘*one’)
#ap=Xa ‘three’ [S] (#Xa = *x.a ~ *x.o)
#lAP ‘three’ [Coast]
#tow ‘to count [Kar]; four [Yan, EPom]; five [Kar]’ [N]
#em+a ‘five’ [N]
#sUy subtract one [SW]
#laʔ(a)wa ‘little, few’ [MA]
#+kyu ‘a little; just’ [NC]


Proto-Hokan English gloss distribution notes see also/other notes
#aLa ‘person, tribe; husband’ [N]
#aLa ‘to sit, live, stay’ [NC]
#tama ‘man; people’ [N/S] [Pom; s^- noun prefix]
#ewE ‘deer’ [N/S]
#aːʔ ‘deer’ [N]
#ipá ‘deer; ?body’ [N/S] [Pom; š- noun prefix]
#ipów ‘doe; elk’ [N] [?a > o]
#[i/a]pa ‘person; man; husband; kinsman; ?body’
#ipa ‘to be alive; be there’ [S] ?Same as #[i/a]pa ?
#[i/a]px̣a ‘person, people, tribe, race’ [N] The relation of this form to #[i/a]pa ‘person’ cannot at present be explained.
#apí ‘meat’ [MA]
#(h)iː-ši ‘meat, flesh; body’ [N/S]
#(h)iː-ši ‘person, Indian; man, male, husband’ [NC]
#iː-šey ‘skin; blanket’ [N] This may be related to #(h)iː-ši
#[u/i]pa=ši ‘meat, flesh; body’ compound
#(i)maHṭ ‘meat, flesh; body’ [N/S] [?asp]; Yum ‘reflexive’
#Ači ‘center, middle’ [NC]
#i-maK ‘middle’ [S] [?glott/asp]
#(i)maky’ ‘back’ [N/S] Pom ‘reciprocal’
#ma(L) ‘back’ [N]
#mina ‘back; behind’ [NC]
#síly(i) ‘behind, rear’ [N/S]
#aš(i) ‘back’ [N/S] [?š ~ s]
#LiK ‘back’ [S]
#(i-)Suw ‘backbone’ [NC] [w ~ m]
#Tim ‘edge; side’ [NC]
#wesyu ‘horn’ [N] [w ~ m]
#emV ‘horn’ [S]
#i-kwha+yV ‘horn; bird’s topknot, crest’ [N/S]
#al ‘forehead’ [N/S] (Cho -pali)
#uly ‘forehead’ [N/S] (pYum *mpuːly)
#piL ‘forehead’ [N/S] [l ~ n] [?glott/asp]
#iLe ‘forehead; up(wards)’ [N]
#q’ula ‘brains’ [N] [*q’ or *kw’]
#pha ‘brains’ [N/S] (weak set)
#ut’a ‘head; brains’ [N]
#xyaLaw ‘brains; head’ [NC]
#(i-)La(xw) or #(i-)La(x̣u) ‘head’ [N] [l ~ n]
#xwa ‘head’ [S]
#x̣u ‘head; head hair’ [N]
#(ya)x̣u ‘nose’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#fi or #px̣i ‘nose’ [N/S]
#yam ‘nose’ [NC]
#iːLi ‘snot; phlegm; nose; glands in throat; to blow nose’ [N] [l ~ n]
#(i-)La ‘nose; snot’ [N/S] [l ~ n]
#x̣elye(T) ‘hair; head’ [N/S]
#(kwh)aHwaly ‘bark; skin’ [N/S]
#pi ‘to skin; skin’ [N/S]
#i-ʔIy ‘head; hair; fur’ [N/S]
#q’uwow ‘hair’ [N/S]
#to ‘feather’ [NC]
#imI ‘body hair, fur; feather; skin’ [N/S]
#i-má(y) ‘sinew; root; body hair; head hair’ [N/S]
#i-pa (i-)ma(y) ‘sinew’ phrase or compound
#sama ‘root (+ sinew)’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#ači ‘root’ [N] [č ~ čh]
#ašá ‘eye’ [Ach, EsaːN] [*š or *xy]
#wiy ‘eye’ [N/S]
#(e)wíy ‘to look (for, at)’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#[u/i]-0-íw ‘eye; face’ [N/S]
#0-iw=x̣aʔ ‘tears’ [x̣ ~ xy] compound (= *"eye water")
#ʔu ‘to see’ [SW ?+Cho ‘eye’]
#imá ‘to see; look; find’ [N/S]
#ma(s) ‘face; forehead’ [N] [s ~ š; a ~ o]
#iTi ‘to look’ [NC]
#aP ‘to look for’ [NC]
#miC’i ‘to blink’ [NC]
#kweyá ‘to hear’ [N/S]
#Tew ‘ear; to hear’ [N]
#[i/a]-ma-ly(-Ku) ‘ear; to hear’ [ly ~ ny]
#i-sa ‘ear’ [Sha, Ach, SerːN/S]
#i-sa-má ‘ear’ [N/S]
#q’o(y) ‘neck; throat; to swallow’ [N/S]
#ni ‘throat’ [Sal, AchːN]
#ti ‘shoulder’ [N]
#[iː/u]-pu(K) ‘nape; neck; shoulder; arm’
#mi(y)=puK ‘knee; thigh’ [i ~ a] compound
#pha ‘strong’ [NC]
#Pam ‘arm; hands’ [NC] [?asp]
#px̣aL ‘shoulder; arm; knee’ [N/S]
#phuruC’i ‘knee’ [NC]
#moqHo ‘knee’ [N] [qh ~ q’]
#...tul ‘joint; knee’ [N/S] [l ~ n]
#pA¢a ‘knee; leg’ [?asp]
#ax̣ ‘to yawn’ [N/S]
#Tams... ‘to yawn’ [s ~ ¢]
#(a-)ha ‘mouth’ [N/S]
#(a)ha ‘to open mouth; yawn’ [NC]
#(h)aːwa ‘mouth’ [N]
#aphu ‘mouth’ [NC]
#=KaL ‘into one’s mouth’ incorp dir
#pa ‘to shout, holler, call; speak, say’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#Pa= ‘with the mouth’ [N/?S] incorp prepound
#ifu ‘to cry; mourn’ [N]
#wa ‘to cry’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#wo&wo ‘to bark’ [N/S] (?= *’to cry’ + reduplication)
#wa¢ ‘to shout’ [NC]
#x̣a ‘to weep, cry’ [N/S]
#mi ‘to weep, cry, shout’ [N/S]
#qow ‘to shout’ [N/S]
#(aː)si ‘name; to name’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#(o)sí ‘to count’ [S] [s ~ š]
#isí ‘to say’ [N]
#(i)ṭi ‘to say, tell’ [N] [ṭ ~ ṭh]
#áʔi ‘to speak; say’ [N/S]
#iky’a ‘to say; talk’ [N] [a ~ o]
#kwa ‘to talk; say’ [S] [a ~ o]
#Ney ‘to say, tell’ [N/S]
#Ley ‘to speak’ [S]
#kya ‘to speak, talk; by speech’ [N/S] (incorp prepound)
#kya=now ‘to talk; tell’ [N/S]
#ya(ː) ‘to speak; tell’ [N]
#yaN ‘throat’ [N/S]
#CHan ‘to speechify’ [N] [Ch ~ C’]
#Lif ‘lip’ [N/S]
#ipawa ‘tongue’ [NC]
#[i/a]-pály ‘tongue’ [N/S] [ly ~ ny]
#pely ‘to lick’ [ly ~ ny]
#hen ‘to lick’ [NC]
#Pal ‘cheek’ [p ~ p’]
#šuʔ ‘chest; breast’ [N]
#¢co¢’ ‘breast’ [MA]
#šiʔlya ‘breast(s); milk’ [N] [a ~ o]
#i¢hi ‘breast; milk’ [N/S]
#uc/hi ‘breast; milk’ [NC]
#[i/a]¢í(¢) ‘to suck’ [N/S] [¢ ~ č] [?asp; probably *¢h]
#(p)x̣u(y) ‘to whistle’ [N/S]
#x̣u ‘to blow’ [N]
#(i)px̣ú ‘to blow’ [N/S]
#px̣u= ‘by blowing’ [N] incorp prepound
#px̣uš ‘to blow’ [N/S]
#phusuː(l) ‘to blow’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#[U/a]-pis ‘to suck, smoke; tobacco, cigarette, pipe’ [N/S]
#isa ‘to breathe; sigh’ [N] [s ~ š] (weak)
#(a-/?mi-)saːky(=i(T)) ‘rib; lungs’ [N/S]
#paːra+wi ‘ribs’ [N/S]
#ša ‘rib’ [S/?N] [š ~ s]
#i/a-sí ‘to drink’ [N/S] [s ~ š] (Yan, Sha, Ats /c/ due to influence of word for ‘water’ and perhaps also ‘to suck’)
#iméʔ ‘to drink’ [N/S]
#lyuH ‘to drink; sip’ [N/S]
#aː-xyáʔ ‘water’ [N/S]
#i-xyaʔ ‘juice’ [N/S]
#0-iw=x̣aʔ ‘tears’ [N/S] [x̣ ~ xy] compound (= *"eye water")
#Xáʔ+la ‘damp, wet’ [N/S]
#foly ‘wet’ [S]
#yuH ‘to vomit; spit’ [N/S]
#yuHq ‘to vomit’ [N/S]
#qx̣et’ ‘to spit’ [N]
#hay ‘to spit (out)’ [NC]
#i-mí ‘foot; with the foot’ [N/S] (incorp instrument)
#ma(y) ‘foot, footstep, track; with the foot’
#xya-ma ‘foot, footstep, track’ [N]
#miː=wily ‘thigh’ [N/S] [ly ~ ny] compound (= *"foot belly")
#yo=wi(ly) ‘thigh’ [N/S] ?compound (?= *"X belly")
#LaL ‘foot’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#pew ‘foot; with the foot (incorp instrument); to step’ [N/S] [Chi /ph/]
#Ku ‘leg, foot’ [N/S] [*q or *kw]
#sey ‘foot, leg’ [N]
#Pa... ‘hips’ [N]
#(iː-)px̣u(y) ‘fat, grease’ [N/S]
#éya ‘liver’ [S]
#fusi ‘liver’ [N/S]
#č-eya=fusi ‘liver’ [Sha, OkwːNC] compound
#uwa ‘liver’ [AchːNC]
#uwa=fusi ‘liver’ [Ats, KarːNC] compound
#ima ‘liver; heart’ [N]
#maš ‘heart’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#saHmaH ‘heart’ [s ~ š]
#(X)ása(L) ‘heart’ [N/S] [á ~ o; l ~ n]
#i-waHy ~ #yaHy ‘heart’ [N/S] cf. #uwa ‘liver’
#iC-wa(ːy) ‘chest’ [NC] [¢ ~ č]
#Cuqu(N) ‘heart’ [N] [n ~ l]
#(ʔ)qUw(L) ‘belly; guts’ [N/S] [?u ~ a]
#[i/u]qhá ‘belly’ [N]
#(a-)lyafu ‘navel’ [N/S] [ly ~ ny; a1 ~ o]
#i-ʔip ‘navel’ [N/S]
#wily ‘belly; groin’ [N/S]
#miː=wily ‘thigh’ [N/S] compound (= *"foot belly")
#yo=wi(ly) ‘thigh’ [N/S] ?compound (?= *"X belly")
#[I/a]-ṭu ‘belly, stomach; navel; guts’ [N/S]
#PiN ‘belly’ [N]
#(i-)pheṭ ‘to fart; skunk’ [N]
#phIš ‘to fart; skunk’ [N/S]
#phi... ‘to fart’ [NC]
#i-px̣a ‘guts’ [N/S]
#a-px̣a ‘shit’ [N/S]
#waqx̣ ‘to shit’ [N/S]
#(i-)čére(q) ‘(to) shit; dirt(y)’ [N/S] [r ~ l ~ n]
#phily ‘dirty’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#čaq ‘ugly, nasty’ [N/S]
#ala(y) ‘ugly, bad’ [N/S]
#ši ‘(hot like) chile’ [S]
#iky’a(y) ‘bitter, sour’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#kwha ‘bitter’ [N/S]
#(C-)ax̣a ‘gall’ [NC]
#(ky-)ax̣xa ‘bitter’ [N/S]
#qha ‘egg’ [N/S]
#yaqoly ‘ballocks’ [N]
#suly ‘ballock; penis’ [N/S]
#Si ‘penis’ [NC]
#i/a-pEs ‘vagina’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#wi¢ ‘vulva’ [NC] [i ~ a]
#wey ‘vagina’ [N/S]
#wi ‘buttocks’ [N/S]
#pi ‘buttocks’ [S] cf. Paj /piː/ ‘fornication’.
#[i/a]-px̣u ‘buttocks’ [NC]
#mAL ‘sexual organs’ [TM]
#(h)u¢(a) ‘to fuck’ [NC]
#su ‘to piss’ [N/S] [s ~ ¢]
#iHpwa ‘tail’ [N/S]
#[i/a]-p’uL ‘tail’ [N] [l ~ n]
#0-0u ‘to be’ [N/S]
#(a)¢i ‘to be (singular inanimate); sit’ [N] [¢ ~ č] [?asp]
#iːKeL ‘to sit (singular), be’ [N]
#(i)na ‘to sit (animate dual), live, be’ [N]
#Lu ‘to sit (plural), dwell’ [N]
#ču ‘to sit, dwell, lie on ground’ [NC]
#K’uHLA ‘to sit (singular), stay, dwell’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#(a)kya ‘to sit’ [N]
#aH-kya ‘house’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(i/a-)wa ‘to sit’ [N/S]
#a/iː-wá ‘house’ [N/S] (pPom ‘door’ goes here)
#aHma ‘house; to sit, dwell, (be a)live’ [N/?S]
#x̣u(ly) ‘door’ [*x̣ or *h] ‘door’ [MA]
#(a)wá ‘to walk, go, come’ [N/S]
#ahoː ‘to walk, run’ [NC]
#iyá ‘to go’ [N/S]
#ha ‘to go’ [N/S]
#(i)ni ‘to go’ [N/S]
#iʔpa ‘to arrive’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#ifi ‘to come’ [N/S]
#iyúː ‘to come’ [N/S]
#ey ‘to give’ [S]
#awi ‘to give’ [NC] [?i ~ a]
#[a/i]qa ‘to give’ [N/S] [a ~ i]
#(i-)p-áy ‘to carry’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(i)kyi* ‘to carry’ [N/S]
#áHKa ‘to carry in hand/on back’ [N]
#ky’a ‘to carry’ [S] [a ~ o]
#aP(u) ‘to carry’ [N]
#uly ‘to carry a long object’ [N/S]
#Ila ‘to carry’ [NC] See #iL ‘to do with the hand’.
#aL ‘to fetch; go and VERB’ [NC]
#yow ‘to take, get’ [N/S]
#is ‘to take, hold, bring; with the hand’ [N/S] [s ~ š] (incorporated prepound)
#muːT ‘to hand’ [NC]
#[i/a]mu ‘to hold, take, carry’ [NC]
#imí ‘to bring’ [S/?N]
#ma ‘to bring, carry; hold, have’ [N/?S]
#ma ‘to give’ [S] [a ~ o]
#ma(n) ‘hand (arm, elbow, finger)’ [N/S]
#iL ‘(to do with the) hand’ [NC] See #Ila ‘to carry’.
#noly ‘hand; to grasp’ [S]
#i-ta(ly) ‘hand; arm; shoulder’ [*t ~ *ṭ; ly ~ ny]
#ta(n) ‘leaf’ [N]
#i-šály ‘arm; wing; shoulder’ [N/S]
#man ‘to fall’ [N/S]
#me ‘to fall’ [S]
#phey ‘to fall; lie’ [N]
#mi(ː) ‘to lie down’ [N] May be related to #man ‘to fall’.
#(a)Pá(ː) ‘to lie down; put; fall; throw’ [N/S]
#Pat ‘to lie down; sit’ [N/S]
#Poʔ ‘to sleep’ [N/S]
#[a/i]simá ‘to sleep’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#imí ‘to sleep’ [i ~ a]
#wI ‘sleepy(ness)’ [N/S]
#AX ‘(to be) sick; (to feel) pain’ [N]
#Pa ‘to be sick; die’ [N/S]
#Po ‘to die; dead’ [NC]
#puy ~ #piy ‘to die; dead’ [S]
#q’aLa ‘to die; dead’ [Pom, KarːN]
#yum ‘dead’ [NC]
#ma ‘to die; dead’ [N/S]
#maT=Xa ‘to be thirsty’ [SW] ?compound (?< *"to die water")
#[i/a]ma 1.‘to kill’; 2.‘to hunt; fish’
#[i/u]maL ‘to strike, hit’ [NC/?+Sal]
#K’u ‘to kill’ [N/S]
#toLi ‘to strike, beat; kill’ [N] [l ~ n]
#xyáHkwa ‘flint; arrowpoint; knife’ [N/S]
#(a)sáːK’a ‘obsidian (?+ flint)’ [N]
#(aː)K’ow ‘to sever, cut off; chop’ [N] [w ~ m]
#wow ‘to cut’ [NC]
#T’aP ‘to split’ [N/S]
#PIs ‘to cut; split;[i ~ a] kill’ [N] [s ~ š]
#takyh ‘to separate, split, tear’ [N/S]
#C’u ‘to cut, break’ [N]
#qha(w) ‘to break; cut’ [N/S]
#Xaw ‘to break, cut’ [N/S] [weak set]
#X!aw ‘to crush’ [NC] [w ~ m]
#LIw ‘to press, mash; pet, stroke’ [N]
#Law ‘to grind (with pestle)’
#les ‘to smash, grind, crush’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#čha ‘to mash, pound into mush’ [NC]
#pi ‘to pound’ [N/S]
#(a)pIy ‘stone’ [MA]
#[a/i-]píH ‘bone; egg; ballock’ [N/S]
#[i/a]-xyáʔ ‘stone’ [N/S]
#xyáʔ=PI(y) ‘mortar, metate; stone’ [xy ~ x̣x] compound
#i(H)0-a ‘bone’ [N/S]
#a(ː)K ‘bone’ [N/S] [K ~ K’]
#KhÁlye ‘bone’ [S]
#[i/a/u]-laxw ‘nails; claw’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(i-)phiH ‘nail, finger- or toe-’ [N]
#x̣eC’ ‘to scrape with claws; claw’ [N]
#kw’a ‘to scratch’ [N/S]
#xwaly ‘to scratch[; grind, pound] [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(T)aXas ‘to scrape; scratch’ [SW/?+Kar] [s ~ š; a2 ~ i] (?causative prepound pHok *ta=)
#acex̣i ‘to scratch’ [NC] [?asp]
#LaP ‘to slap; hit’ [N/S] [l ~ n]
#Laʔt ‘to mash, scrape, split, crack’ [N] [l ~ n; a ~ o]
#Lam ‘to mash; bedrock mortar’ [N/S]
#čuL ‘to grind (with pestle) [NC] [l ~ n]
#ikya ‘to grind; pestle; pounding basket’ [N/S]
#waː ‘to grind; pound’ [N/S]
#[a/i]ta ‘to grind [*a]; pound [*o]’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#to ‘to remove, take off’ [N] [weak set]
#aš ‘corn gruel’ [S]
#qx̣ar ‘to chip’ [N/S]
#ʔihi ‘to shell acorns’ [NC]
#C’al ‘to break, split, squeeze, wring’ [N/S]
#qaP ‘to split; break with teeth’ [N/S]
#kyat ‘to cut; break; bite’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#qa ‘to bite; by biting, with the teeth’ [N/S] [Chi q’] (incorp prepound)
#¢ca ‘to bite; with the mouth/teeth’ [N/S] [¢ ~ č] (incorp prepound)
#u¢’i ‘to chew’ [NC]
#[í/a]-0-a(w) ‘tooth’ [N/S] [?a ~ o]
#i-ʔ¢ow ‘tooth’ [NC] [¢ ~ č] cf. pTol *wic/ ‘tooth’ < *í7c/ow ?
#ʔ¢owa(ːK) ‘jaw; chin’ [NC] [¢ ~ č]
#qawa ‘jaw; chin’ [N]
#q’usa ‘*jointː elbow; jaw, chin’
#phi ‘to pierce and separate; burst, snap’ [N]
#qiK ‘to jab; nudge, crack’ [N/S]
#ša ‘to move a long object lengthwise; sting, pierce, stab, poke hole’
#sa ‘arrow’ [NC]
#Xa ‘bamboo; reed’ [S]
#Xá=ša ‘arrow; reed’ [S] compound (= *"reed arrow")
#Cu ‘to poke, pierce, spear; spear arrow, needle’ [N/S]
#C’oq ‘to stab’ [N]
#LUmi ‘spear’ [NC]
#ip(H)u ‘to sting; stab; awl’ [NC] [p ~ p’ ~ ph}
#si ‘thorn; to pierce; awl, nail’ [N/S]
#na ‘to hit; kill’; + ‘to stab (Cho)’ [S]
#kya ‘to shoot’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#isL... ‘to shoot’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#pa ‘to hit’; + ‘to break (Cho)’ [N/S]
#(u)Pakyh ‘to hit, strike’ [N/S] [a ~ i]
#PaN ‘pestle, mortar’ [Coast]
#PaK ‘to burst; cut’ [N/S]
#PaT ‘to break, crack; poke; shoot’ [N/S]
#PáL(a) ‘to push, knock; shoot’ [N]
#Pax̣xu ‘bow’ [Coast]
#x̣aky’ ‘bow’ [N/S]
#x̣op’u ‘bow’ [N/S]
#Puʔo ‘to shoot; hunt’ [N]
#(a)ṭ’íK ‘to kill’; + ‘to shoot (Sal)’ [N]
#ṭ’eK ‘to cut’ [Cho] [Sal] ~ #ṭeK’
#ipá ‘tree, stick; arrow; classifier/postpound in tree names’
#i-ʔÍy ‘tree, wood’ [N/S]
#(a-)x̣áy ‘tree’ [N/S]
#=lyI ‘plant/tree postpound’
#axya ‘cottonwood’
#IXa ‘willow’ [SW ?+Cho *ʔeːx ‘wood’] [w]
#a-Hów or #a-Háw ‘fire; (fire)wood; to make a fire’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#iyu ‘to catch fire; fire’ [N]
#ArUy ‘hot’ [N/S]
#lyap’ ‘hot; to burn, start a fire’ [S]
#Tu ‘hot; to be burnt; burn’ [N/S]
#iNi ‘hot; to burn’ [i ~ a]
#(i)pI(K’) ‘to burn; be ripe, cooked’ [N/S]
#ipé ‘day’ [N/S]
#pily ‘(to be) hot, warm; heat; to heat; burn’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#aphey ‘ashes’ [N/S]
#ma ‘to burn’ [N/S] NC +nominalizerː ‘ashes’
#i-ma ‘fire; heat’ [NC]
#ma(H) ‘ripe, cooked; to ripen, be cooked’ [N/S]
#maq’ ‘to roast’ [NC]
#muHt’ ‘to cook; roast’ [N]
#šily ‘to roast’ [SW] [ly ~ ny]
#pha ‘to bake’ [N/S]
#axwa ‘smoke’ [N/S]
#x̣owK ‘coal’ [NC]
#Xuly ‘dry’ [S]
#ky’ar ‘dry’ [N]
#aHma(ṭ’) ‘earth’ [N/S]
#šiqx̣oʔ ‘earth’ [N]
#yax̣ ‘earth; dirt; sand’ [NC] [a ~ o]
#Tap ‘dust, flour’ [NC] [?asp]
#t’a ‘dust, dirt’ [N]
#T’as ‘sand’ [NC] [a ~ i; s ~ ¢]
#poṭ ‘to shatter/scatter; mud; dust’ [N/S]
#alʔa ‘sun’ or ‘asterism’ [N/S]
#q’ara ‘moon’ [N]
#a/i-nya ‘sun; day’ [N/S]
#č’uwaR ‘sun’ [NC]
#(a)mu ‘star’ [N]
#xyamu ‘star’ [N/S] ?compound (?= *xya=mu "water star")
#...ša... ‘star’ [N/S]
#ša ‘clear, shining’ [N/S] See #ma-sa, etc. ‘white’ [N/S]
#íša(X!) ‘sun; day’ [N/S]
#asi ‘sun; day’ [N] [s ~ š]
#ipé ‘day’ [N/S]
#(a)xyaʔ ‘morning, daylight’ [N]
#alayi ‘dawn’ [N/S]
#xyaʔ=alayi ‘to be daylight’ [YanːNC] compound
#(h)aw(a) ‘(to) dawn’ [MA]
#uT ‘to light, shine’ [N]
#mič ‘to shine’ [NC] [i ~ a] [?glott/asp]
#č’aqx ‘shining’ [NC]
#la... ‘to shine; glitter; gleam’ [N/S]
#[a/i]meto ‘(to) thunder; lightning’ [N/S]
#maq’ ‘thunder’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(a)naH ‘to thunder’ [S]
#NuL ‘to thunder’ [NC] [n ~ l]
#xya¢c‘ ‘cold [*a]; winter [*u]’ [N/S] [a ~ o; xy ~ x̣x]
#ásce ‘cold’ [s¢ ~ šč]
#mAtU ‘cold; to freeze’ [N] [t ~ th]
#q’iw ‘cold; to freeze’ [N]
#iyiw ‘snow, ice; cold, cool’ [N/S]
#Tih(e) ‘snow’ [N] [i ~ a]
#pha¢c ‘snow; rain’ [N/S]
#ipáː ‘cloud; rain’ [N/S]
#[a/i]kwhey ‘rain; cloud’ [N/S]
#(i)taky ‘rain’ [NC]
#sa ‘fog’ [N/S]
#¢c’iPu ‘fog’ [N] [?asp]
#K’aw ‘hail’ [N]
#(I)wi ‘mountain; top; on’ [N/S]
#(h)awa ‘mountain; top; on’ [N/S] [a2 ~ o]
#ma ‘to climb, (go) up’ [N]
#emaʔ(y) ‘sky; up; above’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#paL ‘to rise up’ [NC]
#[a/i]pa(ly] ‘top; sky/above’ [N/S]
#tam ‘to arise, get up; above’ [N/S]
#Ki ‘to lift, raise; get up’ [N]
#u¢i¢ ~ i¢u¢ ‘to arise; lift’ [NC] [?asp]
#al ‘to climb’ [N/S]
#K’ah ‘upstream’ [NC]
#ULU ‘downriver’ [NC]
#Taqa ‘relatives’ [NC] [?asp]
#(aː)t’u(n) ‘brother’ [N]
#Péyu ‘brother’ [N/S]
#ʔapho ‘brother’ [NC]
#ča ‘brother’ [NC] [?asp]
#Kaːča ‘elder brother’ [SW]
#aLi ‘brother, male cousin’ [NC]
#wala ‘wife’s brother’ [NC]
#[a/i]či ‘sister’ [N] [?asp]
#pi ‘sister’ [N/S]
#TaL ‘sister’ [S]
#isa ‘elder sister’ [N/S]
#...aq ‘younger sister’ [N/S]
#awa ‘husband; man; person’ [NC]
#ʔay ‘father’ [N/S] [?i ~ a]
#[i/a]Ka ‘father’ [N]
#ičhi ‘father’ [NC] (Yan /ch/, Chi /č/)
#tat(a) ‘father’ [N/S] Symbolic and widespread.
#pa ‘father’ [N/S] Symbolic and widespread.
#mam ‘father’ [TM] Common in Meso-America.
#(aː)Ko(wiʔ) ‘father; male; older male (relative)’ [N/S]
#Kuʔu ‘older female (relative) [N/S]
#(a)ní ‘mother’ [N/S]
#aṭxE ‘mother’ [N]
#+ʔ0-a ‘female’ [N]
#ta ‘mother’ [a ~ o]
#ta ‘woman; female’ [N/S]
#imátV ‘woman; mother; female breast; milk’ [N/S] ?compound. Probably ends in #ta.
#mari ‘woman’ [NC]
#ma ‘mother; breast; milk’ [S] Symbolic and widespread.
#mamO ‘woman; female’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#qe ‘woman’ [S]
#luwA ‘wife’ [N/S] [w ~ m]
#[i/a]Paː(wV) ‘father’s father’ [N/S] See #pa ‘father’
#[a/i]maː(wV) ‘father’s mother’ [N/S] See #ma ‘mother’
#kyaː(wV) ‘mother’s mother’ [N/S]
#kwaː(wV) ‘mother’s father’ [N/S]
#(a)Cu(wV) ‘parent’s mother = grandmother’ [NC]
#taʔ ‘parent’s brother = uncle’ [N] See #tat(a) ‘father’
#ewí ‘father’s brother’ [N/S]
#muta ~ #muC’i ‘parent’s sister = aunt’ [N/S]
#api ‘father’s sister’ [S] See #pi ‘sister’
#šeː ‘mother’s sister’ [N/S] [š ~ s]
#ṭhu ‘mother’s sister’ [N]
#ṭhuL ‘old’ [N]
#wima ‘in-law’ [N]
#-ami- ‘child’s spouse’s parent = co-parent-in-law’ [N]
#maky’u ‘uncle; nephew/niece; parent-in-law’ [N]
#pané ‘large, big’ [S]
#(i)¢a ‘large’ [N]
#ChiL ‘big’ [N/S] (Yan ch; Cho c ~ c’)
#(i)čhu(L) ‘long, tall, far, deep; big’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#K’uly ‘to climb; arise; lift’ [N/S]
#kyoː(y) ‘to grow’ [N/S]
#(a)KU ‘long, tall; big’ [N/S] [?*ky] [k ~ k’]
#kyuly ‘tall, high, deep’ [S]
#Kur ‘far, distant’ [S]
#aqoly ‘long’ [N/S]
#qam ‘big, large; long, tall, far’ [N/S]
#phow ‘far; beyond’ [N]
#pa¢’ ‘wide, broad; far’ [N/S] [a ~ o] [?asp]
#wa ‘long; large’ [NC]
#To ‘long, tall; far’ [S]
#tan ‘many, much’ [NC]
#taK ‘great; plural’ [N/S]
#taː ‘lots; big’ [NC]
#aTaXu ‘many’ [S]
#ṭhay ‘much, many; big’ [N/S]
#Paː-ṭhay singular [N/S] (*pa- adjective prefix)
#pe(L) ~ #pa(ly) ‘much, many, numerous; all’
#ifiʔ ‘to grow’ [N/S] [weak set]
#kyu(m) ‘all’ [N]
#pu ‘all’ [N/S]
#-č’i ‘diminutive suffix’ [N]
#¢chi ‘small’ [S]
#qiC’i ‘little, small’ [N/S]
#isíly ‘narrow; thin; little’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#KuʔSu ‘narrow’ [S]
#ʔur ‘short; small’ [N/S]
#qu ‘small, little, young; son, daughter; baby, infant’ [N/S] [q ~ ky; ky ~ ky’]
#qawi ‘small; baby; child; boy; girl’ [N]
#ala ‘child; small’ [N] [a1 ~ o]
#(u)wa(y) ‘child; offspring’ [S]
#xyaC’(iny) ‘girl’ [N/S]
#x̣ič ‘girl’ [N/S] [?glott/asp]
#pu ‘bear’ [N]
#ima ‘bear’ [N/S] (pPom *l-, Coc t- noun prefixes)
#muxwa ‘badger; porcupine’ [N/S]
#qx̣asč’iB ‘porcupine (quills)’ [NC] Irregular phonology.
#x̣assE ‘otter’ [NC]
#wan ‘weasel’ [NC]
#wI ‘coyote’ [N/S]
#mayč’V ‘coyote’ [N]
#čhi ‘dog’ [N/S]
#(a)pVrax̣ ‘fox’ [KarːNC + Yum]
#haːw ‘fox’ [ChiːNC + Yum] Also found outside Hokan.
#(a)pVrax̣=haːw ‘fox’ [YumːSW] compound
#tu ‘fox’ [N]
#qhuw(a ‘fox; lynx; dog’ [N/S] [n/w])
#nyam ‘bobcat (wild cat); cougar (mountain lion)’ [N/S]
#talom ‘wild cat’ [N]
#xwiyU ‘wild cat’ [MA]
#Kuly ‘jackrabbit’ [N/S] [ly ~ ny]
#he ‘jackrabbit’ [N/S]
#(a)ma ‘rabbit’ [N]
#x̣olyʔa ‘rabbit’ [N/S] [x̣ ~ xy]
#he=ma=x̣olyʔa ‘jackrabbit’ [Chi] compound
#apxar ‘cottontail’ [SW]
#numi ‘rabbit’ [N]
#a¢hey ‘squirrel’ [N/S]
#qali ‘squirrel’ [N]
#wisila ‘chipmunk’ [NC]
#muqiq’ ~ #muq’aq ‘mole; gopher’ [N]
#maL ‘gopher; rock squirrel’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#x̣aLas ‘gopher’ [NC]
#amI ‘gopher; ?coati’ [N/S]
#pEyam ‘agouti; coati’ [MA]
#máqily ‘rat’ [N/S]
#XaBa ‘rat’ [N] Irregular phonology.
#p’usaL ‘mouse’ [s ~ š]
#čem... ‘bat’ [č ~ č’] Also found outside Hokan.
#č’iy ‘bird’ [N/S]
#(a)čuwi ‘bird’ [NC]
#č’ipay ‘eagle; bird’ [S]
#ša ‘eagle’ [N/S]
#awiča ‘golden eagle’ [NC] (Chi č-, Ach l- noun prefixes)
#čupx̣a ‘bald eagle’ [NC]
#emaL ‘bald eagle’ [NC]
#sVkwily ‘hawk’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#čuKču(K) ‘fish hawk’ [NC]
#čiqx̣či(qx̣) ‘fish hawk’ [N] [č ~ č’]
#Liq’Liq’, etc. ‘sparrowhawk’ [l ~ n]
#C(’)Vʔur or #ʔCur ‘hawk; condor’ [N/S]
#huš ‘buzzard’ Widespread and symbolic.
#¢cíHkyuli ‘owl’ [N] Though symbolic may show regular phonology.
#anyá ‘crow; black (Yum)’ [N/S] [ny ~ ly]
#q(x̣)aːq ‘crow’ [N/S] Widespread and symbolic.
#¢c’ewaL ‘bluejay’ [N] [¢’ ~ č’]
#ṭaq’ ‘woodpecker’ [N]
#č’Am ‘woodpecker’ [N]
#č’uratu or #č’urata ‘woodpecker’ [NC] [a2 ~ o]
#KurAT ‘woodpecker’ [NC]
#čiTa ‘magpie’ [NC] [?glott/asp]
#¢c’ikpapka(k) ‘robin’ [NC] Symbolic; may have originally been conventionalized as *c/’ikwakwa, then reshaped. Also found outside Hokan.
#¢c’oːq’ ‘yellowhammer’ [NC] [c/’ ~ č’]
#tiːL ‘killdeer’ [N] [l ~ n] Symbolic and widespread.
#p’uč’i(N) ‘hummingbird’ [NC]
#(l)alaq, etc. ‘goose’ [N/S] Widespread and presumably symbolic.
#taLawax̣ ~ #tawax̣aL ‘crane’ [N]
#q’aṭ’q’aṭ’ ‘crane; duck’ [N] Symbolic.
#qaLa ‘duck’ [NC]
#¢c’aTaTa ‘kingfisher’ [N] Also found outside Hokan.
#šaqáːqa ‘(valley) quail’ [N] Symbolic.
#ṭaKaKa ‘(valley) quail’ [ṭ ~ ṭ’] Symbolic.
#ky’uho ‘(mountain) quail’ [N]
#qx̣úmVli ‘quail’ [Coast] Symbolic.
#Tu ‘turkey’ [S] Forms like this are widespread in Meso-America.
#(wa)ṭaK’ ‘frog’ [N/S] Also found outside Hokan.
#x̣ančif ‘frog’ [NC] Possibly a compound.
#qoto ‘frog; tadpole’ [N] Also found outside Hokan.
#čiwu ‘lizard’ [NC] [w ~ m]
#úyVLV ‘lizard sp.’ [N] Symbolic.
#ep... ‘iguana’ [S]
#Vwi ‘snake’ [SW]
#(q)x̣owa ‘rattlesnake’ [NC]
#mi/aK...i ‘rattlesnake’ [N] Irregular phonology.
#wisi (?~ #(w)usi) ‘rattlesnake; to rattle’ [N/S]
#(q)hap’i ‘turtle’ [N/S] [C/T]
#axya naly ‘turtle; gourd, rattle’ [N/S] phrase/compound
#(a)šwá ‘fish’ [N]
#či ‘fish’ [SW]
#KaL ‘fish; trout; eel’ [N] [k ~ k’]
#TaLi ‘salmon’ [N]
#VsKáK ‘salmon’ [NC] [a ~ o] May be a compound.
#maL ‘salmon trout’ [N] [l ~ n]
#[a/i]č(V)wuːn ‘dog salmon’ [NC] [w ~ m]
#čamU(ly) ‘suckerfish’ [N] [č ~ š]
#Cim ‘whale’ [N] Also found outside Hokan.
#¢car ‘mussel’ [NC] [¢ ~ s]
#čax̣ ‘mussel’ [NC]
#paKa GLOSS? [NC] [a1 ~ o]
#aCho ‘snail’ [MA]
#x̣a(n)ču ‘crawfish’ [NC] May be a compound.
#kwelya ‘*bug sp.’ [MA] [weak semantics]
#č’iwa=ips(iT) ‘ant’ [N]
#lyaP ‘butterfly’ [N/S] [?glott/asp]
#phaLóLo ‘butterfly; bat’ [N] Symbolic.
#apoL ‘cocoon’ [NC] [l ~ n] [?glott/asp]
#¢c’ata ‘grasshopper’ [NC] [?a2 ~ o]
#Cew ‘grasshopper’ [NC]
#K’iʔú ‘yellowjacket’ [NC]
#mum ‘fly’ [N] Also found outside Hokan.
#čuf ‘fly; mosquito’ [NC]
#saʔmUly ‘fly; mosquito’ [N/S]
#silimu ~ #¢’imilu ‘fly; flea’ [NC + SW] Symbolic.
#ime+lya ‘flea; louse’ [N/S] ?+lya = diminutive?
#ʔily ‘louse; flea’ [N/S]
#iK’ey ‘flea; louse’ [N]
#ač’i ‘louse; flea’ [N/S]
#¢c’in ‘tick; louse; nit’ [N/S]
#aHkwi ‘louse’ [N/S]
#pélya ‘worm; flea/louse’ [N/S] ?+lya diminutive?
#(a)pi ‘worm’ [N/S]
#p’éLa ‘slug’ ?+lya diminutive?
#mO... ‘worm; centipede’ [MA]
#amTaB ‘earthworm’ [NC] Irregular phonology.
#phA ‘leaf’ [N/?+Cho]
#ṭ’a(L) ‘leaf’ [N]
#La ‘leaf’ [MA] [a ~ o]
#xyan ‘leaf’ [NC] [xy ~ x̣]
#[i/a]pa ‘flower’ [S] [?asp]
#(a)paq ‘to bloom’ [S] [?asp]
#iso ‘seed; fruit; sperm’ [N/S] Probably has pHok prefix *Hiː-.
#yi¢ ‘seed; fruit’ [SW]
#(a)mu ‘log’ [N] cf. #mu ‘to lie down’.
#yuːw ‘log’ [NC] [w ~ m]
#axya ‘cottonwood’ [N/S]
#sa ‘pine sp.’ [NC]
#(is=)iwi(ly) ‘yellow pine, etc.’ [N/S] [w ~ m; ly ~ ny]
#asu ‘yellow pine, etc.’ [NC] [?a ~ o]
#čHuʔ ‘pine’ [N] [čx̣ ~ č’]
#CHaL ‘digger pine’ [NC]
#ačhow ‘sugar pine’ [NC]
#Pu ‘pine nut’ [N/S]
#kyHo ‘pine nut’ [N/S] [kyx̣ ~ ky’]
#hu ‘pine nut’ [N]
#huː=si ‘pine needle/cone’ [N] compound (= * pine.nut X")
#naqx̣ ‘cedar’ [NC]
#Tah ‘fir’ [NC] [*x̣ or *h]
#(i)Pá ‘juniper’ [NC]
#C’imC’im ‘spruce’ [NC]
#maly ‘acorn’ [N]
#yu ‘acorn; oak’ [N]
#kyhuL ‘white oak’ [N]
#TaK’ ‘black oak’ [NC]
#kwap ‘oak sp.’ [N/S]
#wey ‘oak sp.’ [N]
#wey=yu ‘acorn’ [N] compound (= *"oak.sp acorn")
#p’oːL ‘chokecherry, wild cherry’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#pat(Ku) ‘wild plum’ [NC]
#yOn ‘buckeye’ [NC] Also found outside Hokan.
#p’ašáʔ ‘buckeye’ [N]
#p’aHa ‘pinole’ [S]
#faː¢a ‘manzanita’ [NC]
#paṭtáqx̣ ‘manzanita’ [N/S]
#Baha ‘green manzanita’ [NC] Irregular phonology.
#Pahe ‘pepperwood, peppernut (California laurel)’ [N]
#wa¢ ‘madrone’ [NC] [¢ ~ s]
#IXa ‘willow’ [SW ? + Cho *7eːx ‘wood’] [w]
#wat ‘willow’ [N]
#Pačhu ‘willow’ [NC]
#Pas ‘willow’ [N] [?asp]
#sO ‘clover’ [N]
#paT ‘clover sp.’ [NC]
#xyaCa ‘grass’ [N/S]
#qx̣atsi(r) ‘grass; hay’ [NC] May be a compound.
#maːx̣a ‘white grass’ [NC]
#maːkya ‘grass sp.’ [N] [aː ~ oː]
#K’uhiL ‘nettle’ [NC] [l ~ n]
#x̣any ‘onion’ [N/S]
#šim ‘pigweed; panic grass’ [SW]
#ʔúː+fa or #ʔúː+ha(+pi) and/or #ʔúː+fa+pi ‘tobacco’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(ṭ-)x̣apily ‘cattail, tule’ [N/S] (*t.- noun prefix)
#x̣aL ‘tule’ [N] [a ~ o]
#x̣am ‘squash’ [SW]
#K’aC’i ‘wild grapes’ [NC]
#sely ‘plant sp.’ [SW] [very doubtful]
#so ‘bower, ramada’ [S]
#čaly ‘wild potato’ [N/S]
#san ‘wild potato (edible root)’ [NC] [a ~ o]
#qhawel ‘wild potato; sweet manioc’ [N/S] [*qh or *qx̣]
#ʔaP ‘soaproot’ [N/S]
#(i)ṭát ‘thorn (spear, stinger, quill)’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#(a)súL ‘string’ [N]
#nuly ‘maguey (fiber)’ [MA]
#(a)mály ‘agave; biznaga’ [S]
#(ʔ)uːly ‘cactus sp’ [SW]
#ʔa-ma ‘yucca’ [SW]
#č’aLuK ‘mushroom sp.’ [l ~ n]
#(P-)išiw ‘raw; green; to heal, recover’ [N/S] [?glott/asp] (*pa- or *pha- adjective prefix)
#(xy)ašúy ‘raw, unripe; green/blue; alive’ [N/S]
#(m)ásu ‘green, yellow’ [s ~ š] (*m- adjective prefix)
#masó(L) ‘red, brown’ [N/S]
#K!(i)-ʔíL ‘yellow; ruddy; black’ [N/S] [*q or *kw] [l ~ n]
#lu ‘yellow’ [S]
#ya ‘yellow’ [S]
#ya=lu ‘yellow’ [YemːTM] (= *"yellow yellow")
#px̣UL ‘to paint’ [NC]
#px̣uN ‘red earth’ [NC]
#(a-)xwá(-ṭ‘) ‘blood; red’ [N/S]
#(i-)šiṭ ‘blood’ [NC]
#apx̣ú ‘white’ [N/S]
#ṭha(y) ‘white’ [N/S] (Sal ma- adjective prefix)
#tam ‘white (spot)’ [N]
#it’a(yu) ‘white’ [N] (EPom ph- adjective prefix)
#ma-sa ‘white; white man’ [N/S] [y/n/0] [s ~ š]
#ša ‘clear; shining’ [N/S] Also listed elsewhere
#(a)mU ‘dark; night’ [S]
#Pa ‘night’ [N/S] ([a ~ o] Cho)
#px̣a(wi) ‘night’ [N] [a ~ o]
#[U/i]phaL ‘black’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#nyily ‘black; to write’ [S]
#(x̣)alVm ‘night; pitch dark’ [N]
#x̣UR ‘evening; dark’ [N/S] [l ~ n]
#tu ‘night’ [N]
#we ‘night’ [N]
#Tiy=nya ‘night’ [S] [?asp] compound (= *"X sun/day")
#[y/n/t]ama(-C’i) ‘armpit’ [N/S]
#Ca=kwif ‘to ask’ [S] instrument prepound + root (Cho /kwicuf/ shows metathesis/scrambling)
#maL ‘bad’ [N/S]
#(q)x̣uL ‘bad; to fear; have unpleasant thoughts’ [N]
#(i)yaː ‘(to be) afraid’ [N/S]
#puqha(ly) ‘basket’ [N] [ly ~ ny]
#upu ‘to weave’ [S] [?glott/asp]
#p’uː ‘basket’ [N/S]
#(u)p’ay ‘basket’ [N]
#Lus ‘basket’ [NC]
#siT’iL ‘basket’ [NC]
#x̣anow ‘burden basket’ [NC]
#kw’iny ‘to twist; twirl; twine’ [N/S]
#K’uny ‘crooked; basket’ [N/S]
#ky’OL ‘to bend; be bent’ [NC] This may go with the previous two.
#tu ‘to roll (up/along)’ [N/S]
#iwiL ‘to roll[; twist]’ [N/S] [w ~ m]
#wi(K) ‘to weave’ [NC]
#(i)pi¢‘i ‘to weave’ [N/S]
#CiL ‘to curl; curled up’ [NC]
#a¢’ip ‘to wring’ [NC] [?asp]
#iphowaly ‘beads’ [N]
#pul ‘to boil’ [N/S] [?asp]
#mUl ‘to boil’ [MA]
#Pot ‘to boil’ [N]
#C’o ‘bunch’ [N/S] [weak set]
#pUly ‘clothes’ [MA]
#[a/i]mo(ly) ‘(mountain) sheep; blanket; shirt, dress; cotton’ [N/S]
#šap ‘to close’ [N/S] [?glott/asp]
#č’aK ‘to close’ [N] [?a ~ o]
#apuly ‘to cover’ [N/S]
#aʔLi ‘to cover’ [N/S]
#wuL ‘to crawl’ [N] [w ~ m; l ~ n]
#(a)Ci ‘to creep; crawl’ [NC]
#ima ‘to dance’ [N/S]
#ihE ‘to dance; sing’ [N]
#(eː)xye ‘to sing; song; dance’ [N]
#[U/i]sow ‘to sing’ [S] [s ~ š]
#qx̣oL ‘to dent’ [NC] [*qx̣ or *qh]
#pu ‘to plant; dig; hoe; (digging) stick’ [N/S] [p ~ p’]
#oːpu ‘to dig; hoe’ [N/S] [p ~ p’]
#eːPu ‘edible root’ [N]
#...ap ‘to dig’ [N/S] [?asp] ‘to dig’ [weak set]
#ip’eL ~ #iLep’ ‘to dig’ [N]
#wI ‘to dig’ [NC] (cf. Yan w=eːpu- ‘to dig roots’)
#wasu ‘digging stick’ [N/?+Cho /as.ú7/] [s ~ š]
#ThiN ‘direction’ [NC] [i ~ a]
#xyaHtey ‘to dream’ [N]
#meN ‘to drill; disk[beads]’ [NC]
#ama ‘to eat (drink; taste); food’ [N/S]
#iwa ‘to eat’ [N]
#pi=LI ‘to eat mush with fingers/hands’ [N] [l ~ n; i ~ a]
#Laš ‘food; bread’ [N/S]
#nI ‘(acorn) bread’ [N]
#Sow(iː) ‘acorn bread; acorn cakes; acorn mush’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#šiP ‘(to die[fire];) to douse (fire)’ [N/S] [i ~ a] [?asp]
#axwir ‘fence’ [SW]
#isax̣ay ‘to fish’ [NC] Probably a compound.
#ṭ’el ‘flat’ [N/S]
#liph ‘flat’ [N/S] [i ~ a; l ~ n]
#phil ‘flat’ [N] [i ~ a]
#šaːly ‘to leak’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#Pa ‘to flow’ [N]
#cuw ‘to flow; creek; river’ [NC] [w ~ m]
#panA ‘river’ [MA] [a ~ o]
#LuPu ‘lake’ [N]
#yu ‘to fly’ [N/S]
#Ta ‘to fly’ [NC]
#Kap ‘to jump; fly’ [N/S] [a ~ i] [?glott/asp]
#paK ‘to fill; full’ [N/S] [a ~ o] [?asp]
#[a/i]Pir ‘to fill; full’ [N/S] [?asp]
#PiNiH ‘to fill; full’ [N] [i1 ~ a]
#[a/i]p’uL ‘to fill; full’ [N]
#mati ‘to fill’ [N]
#aːKu(-hi) ‘to gather, pick up (esp. acorns)’ [N]
#yu ‘gathered in a pile’ [NC]
#Tu ‘to harvest’ [MA]
#yisiː ‘good; right (=/ left)’ [N/S] [i1 ~ a]
#C’um ‘good’ [N]
#Xan ‘good; pleasant’ [S]
#XaliK’u ‘happy’ [N/S]
#KiL ‘to be hanging/hung; to hang’ [N] [?asp]
#TaK ‘to hang; droop’ [NC]
#sarey ‘to hate; be angry’ [N/S] [s ~ š]
#¢ciw ‘to fight’ [NC]
#TUː ‘to fight’ [SW]
#fal ‘to fight’ [MA] [a ~ o]
#xwa(y) ‘enemy’ [N/S]
#we ‘to have’ [S]
#mi¢a ‘heavy’ [NC] [i ~ a]
#maL ‘to doubt; hesitate’ [N/S]
#(iː-)mU ‘hole’ [N/S]
#Culy ‘hole’ [N/S] [C ~ S] [weak set]
#oːʔaya ‘hole; cave’ [N/S] Probably a compound.
#TaK ‘hoop’ [NC] [?glott/asp]
#Kowš ‘hump’ [SW]
#samukwir ‘to be jealous; to offer herself in marriage’ [N/S] [s ~ š] Must be a compound.
#áwa ‘to be lacking; miss, be lonely for’ [N]
#asiy+o ‘to laugh’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#Xir+a ‘to laugh’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#CAL ‘to laugh’ [N]
#[a/i]LiK ‘to laugh’ [N]
#ili ‘lazy’ [N/S] [i2 ~ a]
#Kisár+iK ‘left(handed)’ [SW]
#x̣am ‘to forget’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#šam ‘to miss’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#ša ‘to not know’ [N]
#aK’ ‘lost’ [S]
#(a)ta 1. ‘to do; make’;
#hay ‘to do; make’ [N/S] [a ~ o] [h ~ x̣]
#(u)mu ‘to work; try; fix; finish’ [N/S]
#(a-)wir ‘to finish’ [N/S]
#(a)ma ‘to finish’ [N]
#q’a ‘to finish’ [N]
#Pal ‘near’ [l ~ n] [?glott/asp] ‘near’
#maqx̣ ‘near’ [NC] [a ~ o]
#iqir ‘net’ [NC]
#(a)sU ‘net; weir’ [SW]
#PeLa ‘new’ [N/S] [?glott/asp]
#XeniX ‘to make noise’ [SW]
#hiH0-a ‘path; road’ [N]
#(a)nya ‘path; road’ [S]
#šiṭ. ‘pear-shaped’ [N]
#p’ila ‘to play; toy’ [N/S] [p’ ~ p]
#loʔo ‘to play’ [S]
#x̣otal ‘poor’ [N/S]
#yu(N) ‘to pull’ [N]
#Tu(w) ‘to pull, drag out; pluck at’ [N/S] [?glott/asp]
#¢c’aL ‘to put’ [NC]
#TuPi ‘rotten’ [NC] [?glott/asp]
#(a)sa ‘(to be) rotten’ [SW] [s ~ š]
#K’uK ‘rough’ [N]
#aphEl ‘round’ [N/S]
#ʔUr ‘round’ [N/S]
#puL ‘round’ [N] [l ~ n]
#x̣uLu ‘round; kidney’ [N]
#LOL ‘round; kidney’ [N] [l1 ~ n]
#iːKiR ‘round’ [N]
#fas ‘to rub; touch’ [N/S] [a ~ i]
#siri ‘to rub; cricket; cicada’ [N/S] [s ~ ¢]
#q’aL ‘to rub; brush; clean; wash’ [N]
#yuL ‘to rub’ [NC]
#Kany ‘to run (plural subject)’ [N]
#KaL(Vw) ‘to run (plural subject)’ [N/S]
#SU ‘to run’ [N]
#mu ‘to run’ [N]
#yaH ‘quick; fast’ [N]
#puːHes ‘sack’ [NC] Also found outside Hokan.
#wiy ‘to trade; buy; sell’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#(i)lam ‘to sew’ [N/S] [l ~ n]
#ši+yo ‘shade’ [N/S] [i ~ a]
#winy ‘to shake; shiver’ [N/S]
#(i)yu ‘to shake’ [N]
#TaTa ‘to shake’ [N]
#q’UH or #q’uʔwa ‘shamanry; poisoning song’ [N]
#ma(ː)ṭ. ‘poison; sorcery’
#xyaːLu ‘ghost’ [N]
#0-0owP ‘sharp’ [N/S] [weak set]
#šuP ‘sharp’ [NC] [š ~ č]
#(w)ax̣raw ‘sharp’ [w2 ~ m] [weak set] Probably a compound.
#lyu ‘smooth’ [N/S]
#La ‘soft’ [NC] [a ~ o]
#puyKa (~ #puKya) ‘spotted’ [MA]
#KaS ‘to stand’ [N/S]
#yaLiH ‘to stand (animate)’ [N]
#(a)ho ‘to stand’ [N]
#šalaH ‘pitch; sticky’ [N/S]
#x̣awA ‘pitch’ [N]
#pas ‘to stick (to/together)’ [NC] [?glott/asp]
#meše(w) ‘to stink; smell’ [N/S] [š ~ s]
#xwe ‘to (have a) smell’ [S]
#px̣u ‘to swell’ [N/S]
#peT ‘swollen’ [SW] [?glott/asp]
#iThAp ‘thick; fat; puffed up’ [N]
#wir ‘straight’ [N/S] [w ~ m]
#išiP ‘straight; in a line’ [N]
#fu ‘true’ [NC]
#[a/u]sTuK’ ‘(to) sweat’ [NC] Probably a compound.
#K’u ‘to swim’ [N]
#px̣u ‘to swim’ [NC]
#po ‘to swim; bathe’ [N/S]
#¢caN ‘to float; bathe’ [NC]
#yi ‘to teach; learn’ [N]
#[i/u]ya ‘to know; understand’ [N/S]
#(aː)Ki ‘to think; have in mind’ [N]
#af ‘to throw; pull’ [N/S] cf. Sp tirar ‘throw’ = Fr tirer ‘pull’
#fa¢’ ‘to throw’ [N/S]
#su(m) ‘to throw’ [N] [s ~ š]
#T’am ~ #T’ap ‘to throw’ [S] [?asp for #p]
#niH ‘to throw’ [MA]
#(h)oL ‘to throw at; hit’ [N]
#¢ca ‘to tie’ [NC]
#ine ‘to tie’ [NC]
#tiL ‘to touch’ [N] [i ~ a; l ~ n]
#TaHP ‘(to) trap’ [NC] [?glott/asp]
#tay ‘trap’ [N] [?asp]
#EmaC’i ‘to wake up’ [N] This may be a compound.
#qx̣UL ‘to be hungry’ [N]
#K’uN ‘to want, desire’ [N]
#kw’aw ‘to marry; love’ [TM]
#miʔnya ‘tasty; sweet; to like; love’ [N/S] [a ~ i; i ~ a]
#wiH ‘(to be) sweet’ [N/S]
#a0-u ‘sweet’ [SW] cf. Sal /(k)amášu/ ‘sweet’
#(i)si+yV ‘salt’ [N/S]
#(aː-)kyhaʔi ‘salt’ [N]
#ʔčUKpV ‘to wash’ [N] Probably a compound.
#pa ‘to wash’ [N/S]
#paqh ‘to wash’ [N/S] [a ~ o]
#pa¢ ‘to wash clothes’ [MA] [a ~ o]
#[iː/a-]-ya ‘wind’ [N/S]
#wA ‘wind’ [N/S]
#amaṭ‘ ‘year’ [S]
#...ma ‘yesterday’ [S]



See also

Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní