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Appendix:Proto-Uto-Aztecan reconstructions

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Proto-Uto-Aztecan reconstructions:

Stubbs (2011)


The following are Proto-Uto-Aztecan reconstructions from Stubbs (2011).[1]

No. Proto-Uto-Aztecan gloss notes
1a *sami bread, baked/solidified dough or mud
1b *sami adobe, baked/solidified mud
2 *supa- adobe
3 *amu, *(a)muwV agave
3a *amu(wV), *amuwuL - agave
3b *umu(wV) - yucca
4 *maC(C)i, *mahi agave, mescal
5 *kuLu, *kutu mescal, agave
6 *cawi agave
7a *naʼpuL, *noʼpaL prickly pear cactus/fruit
7b *napa alcoholic beverage
7c *napa-mukki drunk, alcohol-smitten
8a *tawan drunk
8b *iwin-ti be drunk
9 *kama drunk
10 *tïku drunk
11 *sikuLi peyote, intoxicat-ed/ing
12 *yay alive one
13 *yoLi live, alive, bear, be born
14 *pï(C)ta/i all
15 *mu'i many
16a *so many
16b *oso more, much, many
17 *yo many
18 *cik every, all
19 *ci very, much
20 *napi all, each
21 *man(n)u all, every
22 *tuCV very
23 *kı̈ski how much, how many
24 *pı̈ko, *piko alone, just, by oneself
25 *(na)-no self
26 *sı̈yı̈L self, (one's) own, alone
27 *pı̈su self
28 *paʼi, paʼa now, then, already
29 *nawa jealous
30 *tı̈hu angry
31 *somaL angry, provoked
32 *kwawa angry
33 *wı̈L, *wı̈t angry
34a *(na)-kuma upset, jealous
34b *na-kamu upset, angry
34c *naŋaN-yaʼi angry-die
35 *sı̈wa jealous
36 *yamu... angry, stingy
37 *puNku, *pukku(C) domestic animal
38 *aCti domestic animal
39 *coCiwa domestic animal
40 *ta(k)wi(n)coko ankle
41 *koci ankle(bone)
42 *nippaha answer
43a *a(ʼ)nı̈N, *aCnı̈N ant
43 *aŋa ant type
44 siku ant
45 *totoni ants
46 *yuka ant
47 *kusinpa, *kuʼusinapa ant
48 *tasiʼa ant
49 *muʼsa, moʼca ant
50 *(ka)Lama ant
51 *tı̈mı̈na antelope
52 *wanci antelope
53 *kuwiya antelope
54 *kwaL(ma) armpit
55 *piNtı̈, *piCtı̈C arrive
56a *kima come
56b *ki come, come to do s.th
57 *haʼsi, *hapsi arrive, reach, catch up to
58 *yı̈pisa come
59 *ya... come
60 *nı̈k come
61 *wic come
62 *tı̈kkaNʼwi arrive, happen, become
63 *huc(a) arrow
64 *suhuma arrow
65 *wiʼnaC flint, arrowhead
66 *takkaN arrowhead
67 *mata ashes, lime
68a *naʼi-piso ashes, fire-dust
68b *nasi ashes
69a *kukuC ashes
69b *kuC-tusiC-pı̈, *kut-ʼasiya, *kut-(C)asiya ashes
69c *kuccaC-, *kuC-taC-pı̈ ashes
70 *tı̈piwa, *tı̈piN ask
71 *tani ask for
72 *tı̈kka, *tı̈Nka ask for
73a *maya ask
73b *(tı̈-)may ask
74 *sı̈ʼwı̈ ask for
75a *-kwo, *ko, *ku at, in, on, while, when
75b *ku-pa-(ko) on
76 *po in, at, while/after
77 *pani, *pana on, on surface of
78 *-pa at, in
79 *-pı̈ at
80 *pı̈-pan on
81 *-akwi on
82 *-kaC at, on
83 *man on, at
84 *-cV, *-ti, *-tı̈ at
85 *asi niece, nephew, relative
86 *maCti, *masti nephew, niece(of woman)
87 *nı̈sa, *nı̈Csa aunt, mother's older sister (mos)
88a *pahwa aunt, father's sister (fs)
88b *paʼpo aunt
89 *soLo aunt, father's older sister
90a *yı̈s aunt (mys)
90b *yicika aunt, mother's younger sister
91 *awaka avocado
92 *ʼopi awl
93 *maLaka spindle
94 *tı̈-pus-ta axe, hatchet
95a *howa back
95b *woʼa, *hoʼo - backbone
95c *hupa back
95d *huta back
95e *wati (at) back (of)
96 *piC back, last
97a *hupiC-na(-Nkwa) back side of
97b *piC-na-Nkwa back side of
98 *tı̈hpo, *tı̈Cpo back, shoulder
99a *komi back, bark
99b *komi pot
100 *ı̈pı̈C bad
101 *tı̈sawa bad, suffer
102 *puʼa bad
103 *atta bad
104 *ʼaLa(La) bad
105 *paLu bad, say bad about
106 *nina bad, useless
107 *hunapı̈ badger
108 *paNtuʼ badger, tejón
109 *kwiLa, *kwita badger
110 *kap, *kapaLi badger
111 *taŋa bag, sack
112 *kawa pocket, bag
113 *tı̈so bag, sack
114a *kuna bag, sack
114b *kana bag, sack
115a *makuta, *makwayʼa, *makuʼi-ta bag, blanket
115b *mulku, *mukla, *makuyʼa wrap
115c *muka carry a bundle, carry on the back (with a mecapal, carrying net)
115d *-mo-, -moka- bag
116 *mutuʼi, *muruʼi blanket
117a *waha, *woha, *waʼwa, *woʼa, *waʼa bark
117b *wahi coyote
118 *hutca, *hoCca, *huCta basket, jar
119 *kopo basket
120 *nı̈haC, *nı̈ʼaC, *nı̈CaC (make) basket
121 *cikku basket
122 *cippat, *cippot basket
123 *cay basket
124 *paCtiʼa bat
125 *soʼo-paCti bat
126 *hoʼnapi bat
127 *nakamı̈Li bat, litː 'ears-run' or 'running ears'
128 *cinaakan bat
129 *pı̈pakaC bat
130 *kwapi beans
131 *muni bean
132 *(tı̈-)poL bean
133 *hunap-wı̈L-ta bear, badger-big
134 *posi bear
135 *paha bear
136 *kwiya bear
137 *mo'oLoy bear
138 *puLi give birth, daughter
139a *tuwaC, *tu'aC to bear, son, child
139b *tuwiC, *tu'iC boy, child
140 *maLa child, offspring
141 *oN(w)a'a, *oN(C)maʼa baby
142a *konı̈ child, offspring
142b *kono cradleboard
143 *pisoʼo- child, boy, children
144 *ciLa hatch out, be born
145 *kuci chils, girl
146 *tana offspring
147 *kwaki baby
148 *mu(N)-comi, *muC-comi mouth-hair
149a *mu-suwi face/mouth-hair
149b *hi-mu-suwi face/mouth-hair
150 *ı̈caʼ-poʼwa whiskers, facial hair (chin hair)
151 *tı̈ʼni-poʼwa facial hair, lit. mouth hair
152 *sı̈hima, *sı̈ʼma beautiful, attractive
153 *ci'ma, *(L)a'cima beautiful
154 *yawa, *yı̈ʼa beautiful
155 *uCyoLi beautiful
156 *tutuLi beautiful
157 *numa good, good-looking
158 *haʼNi beaver
159 *paʼwVN, *pa-wanci beaver
160 *ku(N)ta(N)(pa) bee
161 *pita, *piti bee, wasp
162 *wiCta, *wiʼta wasp
163 *saŋa yellowjacket, stinging one
164 *suka bee, wasp
165 *waʼwa wasp
166 *hupi bumblebee
167 *toŋa, *toNk(w)a bumblebee
168 *piko bee-like flying insect
169 *hoya, *hayo wasp
170 *pı̈wa(t) first, begin
171 *pacaC, *paca'a, *pacu first
172 *yawamin believe
173a *pittiwa believe, be true/real, trustable
173b *tı̈-pitti very, really
174 *paso true, consider true/believe, truly, indeedǃ
175 *mı̈m true, right
176 *wipuLa belt
177 *wikosa belt
178 *natti belt
179 *nakki belt
180 *pakkaC belt
181 *mo belt
182 *şutka belt
183 *ku'u, *kuhu elderberry
184 *kunuki elderberry
185 *kosi, *wosi mulberry
186 *pikwa berry sp
187 *pokoN berries, currants
188 *cami wild cherry
189 *ʼattuC chokecherry
190 *hup, *huʼup berry type
191 *(h)iya- berry type
192 *isawanawa wild grape
193 *paLasi (wild) grapes
194 *ciʼaN wild rose, berry (sp.)
195 *sı̈pi berry tree
196 *capo capote
197 *makwV, *maku wild grape
198 *poso berry of some type
199 *wiʼaN buffalo berry
200 *tı̈wa service berry
201 *iski tree/bush that produces flowers and berries
202 *piʼa, *pipʼV bewitch
203 *sakwo witch, bewitch
204a *wı̈L, *wı̈Lwı̈Lu, *w big, much, many
204b *kwı̈'ı̈Lu big
204c *wı̈L old
204d *wı̈C with long object, instrumental prefix
205 *patawa wide
206 *ʼapa much, big
207 *pa- big
208a *paʼaC, *paʼat bighorn sheep
208b *paʼa living beings
209a *wiCtiki bird
209b *wikici bird
209c *hutti, *huttu bird
210 *cutu, *cuLu-(ka'i), *cuLakaʼi bird, woodpecker
211 *cito meadowlark
212 *uhupsiwi, *uhusiwi bird
213 *ca'i blue bird
214 *tapi bird sp.
215 *wosa bird sp
216 *toL(i) domestic bird
217 *(w)aLo parrot
218 *isa meadowlark
219 *tama-wı̈L mockingbird
220 *yaNpa mockingbird
221 *sayaC mud-hen
222 *hitto meadowlark
223 *suku robin, Turdus migratorius
224 *ʼaŋa (blue)jay, bird sp.
225 *saknoppina swallow
226 *paakoŋa red-winged blackbird
227 *hay pinyon jay
228 *kimaC flicker, yellowhammer
229 *mamaʼkwaʼiya magpie
230 *kı̈ʼ, *kı̈ʼca bite, v.
231 *cipuC, *ciʼpuC bitter
232 *hu... bitter
233 *muhuwa bitter
234 *ciya bitter
235 *cina sour
236 *siʼta sour, bad (tasting)
237a *sikaC, *sı̈kı̈N sour
237b *sı̈hı̈w(kV) sour
238 *co'(o)ko, *copko sour, salty
239 *kı̈sa sour
240a *tuka, *tuku, *tuki fire go out, dark, black, night
240b *cukV - *cuk black
240c *tuhu, *tuu - tuhutı̈pi black rock
241 *tuL charcoal, soot, black
242 *yuʼpa go out (of fire), (get) dark, black
243 *soʼopa black, dark
244a *ha-pı̈t blanket
244b *(hi-)pı̈ta woven mat
245 *pak mat
246 *kı̈maL, *kamaL blanket, wrap (in blanket)
247 *mana/i grass mat
248 *ı̈sı̈(C) blanket
249 *piL... wrap
250a *kwisi-capa wrap, surround
250b *kwisi-ŋoLa wrap around
251 *pikku wrap, entangle
252 *(iʼ-)kwiya wrap, wind around
253a *witta/i wrap, tie
253b *wı̈tta tie
254 *kwiʼaC, *kwitaC wrap, surround
255 *taLuma, *taLumaC blanket, garment
256 *tawa wrap around
257 *tapı̈c bed
258a *ı̈ta/ı̈La blood
258b *ı̈s-, *əs blood
258c *ı̈(N)twa blood
258d *ı̈wi blood
259 *soL, *sor, *sot blood, bleed
260 *paı̈C, *pauC, *paC, *pap blood, bleed
261a *puca blow
261b *puc-ka pant, blow, v
262 *sakwa blue, green
263 *tayawi blue, green
264 *kwato blue
265 *sona, *hoŋa body
266a *sawa boil, apply heat, cause to melt
266b *sawi(y) melt
266c *sawa make tortillas or bread *sawiC-ta bread
267 *saʼaC boil, cook
268a *muLa, *muta boil
268b *muLa, *muna boil
268c *moLo boil, waft upward
269 *nuʼya, *nuʼyo boil
270 *poso boil
271 *kwuʼipV boil
272a *oho, *oCo bone
272b *ohomı̈ bone
273 *cuhmi bone
274 *yuʼLa/i bounce
275 *aCta atlatl, bow
276 *wata bow
277 *pakoti, *pikoti bow, bowstring
278 *kuCta-pi bow
279 *coC-pikki brain, litː head-goo
280 *ku(p)-pisiC brain < head-goo
281 *opawa brain
282 *moʼo-co(ko-ta) brain
283 *atoLV brain
284 *tı̈maL- tortilla, tamale
285 *tasikaLi tortilla
286 *tı̈kkaC-pı̈ bread, food
287 *sani crack, v.
288 *ʼomica break pl. objʼsʼ
289 *kappi break
290 *koppi break
291 *kow tear
292 *muLi break
293 *taCpa(na/i) split
294 *kasi break
295 *piCtaC, *piNtaC break, slice
296 *pihwa break
297 *yoka break apart
298 *siʼu break to pieces
299 *pus break
300 *piCti(C) breast
301 *ciʼi-wa breast
302 *hikwis breathe, spirit, heart
303 *sumaC breathe
304 *papi older brother
305 *paʼti, *paCtiʼi, *pa-ci older sibling
306 *ciʼı̈, *cı̈ʼi older sibling, relative
307 *wan(k)aʼa younger brother
308 *tamiC younger brother
309 *cakkaʼi younger brother
310a *poni younger brother
310b *po(ʼot) younger brother
311 *cipi, *cippiyi younger brother
312 *oNtam, *oNta(N/C) brown
313 *(mu/hu)-saL(awi) brown
314 *koto(pi) brown
315 *kuC(c/t)u buffalo
316 *matta, *maCti tick
317 *pippusi, *wipusa stink beetle
318 *sisko(Nko-) stink beetle
319 *huhuCa stink beetle, stinkbug
320 *kwita-poLV stink beetle/stinkbug
321 *hukku-pı̈-/ʼuʼ-pı̈-ci stink bug
322 *kuʼway, *kupaL bury
323 *hiʼacapa bury, cover, grave
324 *maʼa, *mahi bury
325 *cuʼma bury, cover
326 *yı̈La, *yı̈LCa moth
327 *nakamuLi, *kimuLi butterfly
328 *soso-kimaLa butterfly
329a *paLo, *papaLo butterfly
329b *paLi-, paʼi-(sı̈kwoLi/sı̈poLi) butterfly
330 *...kupı̈pika, *(C)Vkupı̈pika butterfly
331 *tı̈pi-simuCta moth
332 *ata(pa)tapa butterfly
333 *asiNpu(tonki) butterfly
334 *akaL... butterfly
335 *ayattaʼniya butterfly
336 *kupta buttocks
337 *cum buttocks, anus
338 *ata, *ato bottom, buttocks, anus
339a *atapuLi buttocks
339b *tupu(L...) hip, buttocks
340 *pittuhu buttocks
341 *piCto buttocks, hip
342 *nupi buzzard
343 *wiLhukuN buzzard, turkey vulture
344 *yuŋápi buzzard
345 *copiLo buzzard, copilote
346 *kupahı̈ type of buzzard/bird
347 *aLawVka, *ataʼVka vulture
348 *moʼa vulture
349 *naka(w) prickly pear cactus
350 *sacani saguaro cactus
351 *ikwasi fruit, prickly pear
352 *hunupa Yucca mohavensis
353 *muCta cholla cactus
354 *yuŋa cactus fruit
355 *sawaro saguaro cactus
356 *(h)usi thorny plant(s)
357 *iLa prickly pear cactus sp.
358 *packoʼor prickly pear sp.
359 *wicu prickly pear cactus
360 *aki pitahaya
361 *tuci, *tutuci pitahaya, saguaro cactus
362 *(h)aki arroyo, waterway, canyon, valley
363 *tumawa (,tı̈mawa (PYp)) steep slope, cliff
364a *yaway river, canyon
364b *yakuN valley
365 *yı̈ppa valley
366 *tı̈paL(-ka) canyon, valley
367 *huwiC canyon, water way
368 *kom valley, canyon
369 *cawi steep/cliffed canyon
370 *siki slanted (terrain)
371 *paya slope, hillside
372 *hunup canyon
373 *taʼi slope
374 *tı̈(N)kwı̈nı̈tı̈(n) cliff
375 *pan valley
376 *aCk(y)a take care of
377 *piya care for
378 *nukaya care for
379 *kwapiCtu take care of, watch
380 *(na)map take care of
381 *ki bring, take to
382 *pa-ʼiwı̈, *pa-hiwı̈ fetch water
383 *kwaLma put arm around, carry under the arm
384 *koma hug, carry in arms
385 *kopa, *kwapa carry in the arms, hug
386 *yawi, *ya'wi, *yaŋwi carry, grasp
387 *yaw-nı̈ma(k) carry, have
388 *hitapa carry
389 *himaC get, carry pl objʼs
390 *pina bring
391 *pana carry, bring
392 *uʼ..., *uNwa take, carry
393 *tuʼu take
394 *tuku carry on the back
395 *tu, *to, *toha carry, fetch, go get, go to do
396a *kwı̈sı̈C (AMR), *kwı̈sa/i take, carry
396b *kus take
396c *kwisa, *kwiha carrying net
396d *kusa bag, sack
397 *poʼi take s.th away, dispossess
398 *puʼa carry
399 *wayaka, *wika, *wiki take by hand, lead out
400a *cakwa, *cakwi catch, grasp, close (grasp or s.th. else), lock
400b *caʼwi take
400c *caʼpi take
401a *caʼay grasp, hold
401b *caʼʼ-, *caC-, *coʼ- with the hand
402 *cakka catch, hold
403a *nuʼu grab, get, bring
403b *nuŋu hold, carry
404 *nuk carry, take, get
405 *noC carry on back
406 *ma(ma) carry (on shoulders), govern
407 *kucupu carry on back/neck
408 *nawa take away, grab
409a *ma(N)-cuka hand-squeeze
409b *(man)-cuʼu/suʼu squeeze, knead
410 *yawipina knead
411 *pak squeeze
412 *taCci (be) squeeze(d)
413 *wı̈ carry
414 *yuʼa take
415 *ŋı̈ʼa, *ŋı̈ʼi, *ŋı̈ha/i grasp, catch
416 *tı̈m-kani, *tı̈N-kani cave (rock-house)
417 *tı̈m-ki cave (rock house), hole, storage cave
418 *tawin-(tı̈n) cave, hole
419 *(tı̈)-koma cave
420 *tı̈N-so, *tı̈N-poso cave
421 *tı̈N-po-ki cave
422 *waʼaC, *waʼaN juniper or cedar tree
424 *sama- cedar tree
425 *tawi chest
426 *tunu chest
427 *nı̈N-, *nı̈ŋaC, *nı̈NCaC chest
428 *kwaco chest
429 *ciL chile
430a *kapoL, *kapuL ball, sphere
430b *poLa, *puLa, *pot round, spherical
431 *oLa ball
432 *(po)Loʼoma bend, v
433a *takoLa, *takuLa round, (en)circle
433b *cikoLa/i (a)round
433c *ta(C)ko wrap around
434 *kawa(La) crooked, bent
435 *koLi, *koni bend
436 *wakoL round(ed)
437 *nom, *noyom bend
438 *(noC)-koʼmi bend
439 *soʼmi be bent
440 *to bend, fold
441a *maLi twist
441b *mı̈Lı̈, *mı̈tı̈ twist, v
441c *muLu, *mutu, *muLuʼuNkV round
442a *mı̈na to turn
442b *mı̈ntı̈sa/i return, turn over/back
442c *man... turn, change
442d *mana return, turn back
443 *mı̈yı̈ twist, v
444 *caʼi, *cawa twist
445 *ci(C)tuL be circular, rolled up
446 *cı̈nV, *cı̈LV roll
447 *suyuy whirl
448 *kwinu turn around
449a *puni turn (around)
449b *puni turn, look, see
450 *cokwiya head off
451 *(m)ahowi (go)around
452 *kwVtiʼa, *kwita, *kwiʼaC surround, fence
453 *moʼa put in
454 *LuLa(k), *Luya(k) roll, turn, twist
455a *ŋoLa go/turn back
455b *ŋVLiL, *ŋVLVL circle around, head off, catch up to
456 *ŋoya leave, go away, go home
457 *ŋawi coil
458 *siCtuN, *suCtuN claw, nail
458a *siCtuN fingernail
458b *suta fingernail
458c *sutu -
459 *wati claw, finger
460 *hamu go up
461a *tı̈ʼpu climb up
461b *ciCpuhi climb
461c *ciCpiN, *cippiN climb or come out or onto
462 *cawa climb
463 *tı̈cayi climb
464 *tı̈maC, *tı̈mam to close
465a *yı̈Cı̈, *yı̈kı̈, *yı̈ʼı̈ close, v, door(way), n
465b *yawa, *yı̈wa door, hole, opening
466 *ı̈ta, *ı̈C-ta door, close, v
467 *ı̈-ka close
468 *pata cover, close
469 *kuʼpa, *kuCpa close (eyes)
469a - sleep
469b - close the eyes
469c - close
470a *cuʼma/i, *cumma/i close eyes
470b *mucu(C)-ka close eyes
471a *noma cover
471b *nama cover
472 *koLom cover
473 *kı̈na cover
474 *hin cover
475 *tupuka cover
476 *puʼu-(ki) door-(of)-house, hole
477 *wVkkaʼmi, *wV-kkaCmi cover, put blanket over, vt
478a *ikuci cloth
478b *hikuta/i weave, twine thread
479 *cini cotton, cloth/clothing made of cotton
480 *ipuLa skirt
481 *koʼaLi skirt, enaguas, probably originally a general undergarment
482 *wakaLa clothing
483 *atı̈sa clothes
484 *kwasu dress, shirt
485 *nawi apron, skirt
486 *yuLa put on
487 *napa(N) shirt
487 *napan-ta put on shirt
488 *kutun shirt
489 *natoʼon shirt, clothing
490 *paki, *pakati shirt
491a *sipuʼ, *siʼpu, *sikpu shirt, clothing
491b *supı̈ shirt, clothing
492 *ı̈LaC, *ı̈taʼa dress, wear, v
493 *aya put (clothes) on
494 *kı̈c-kı̈mi indigenous Mesomerican garment with hole for neck, shawl, quechquemitl
495 *taʼV shirt, clothing
496 *caL loincloth
497 *kwasi-kwuLa/i loincloth
498 *pit-kanas loincloth, rear-cover
499 *tapaca (put on) loincloth
500a *(pa)-kı̈naC cloud, fog vapor-cover
500b *paki, *pakı̈ fog(gy)
501 *(si)kuma cloud(y)
502 *mosi cloud
503 *tommo cloud, rain
504 *(pa)-hawa fog, steam
505 *kosowaC steam
506 *kwoci, *koci cocoon koswul
507 *caʼı̈ku, *caCCı̈ku cocoon attached to plant
508a *sı̈Cpı̈, *sı̈ʼpı̈, *sı̈ppı̈ cold
508b *sı̈pı̈L, *sı̈ppı̈ cold, windy
508c *sappa, *sı̈ppa freeze, ice
508d *sı̈pı̈ rain
509 *sı̈(N)kopa cold
510 *ı̈tı̈ʼı̈ cold
511a *sı̈ttuʼi cold
511a *sı̈C-tuʼi cold
511b *sı̈ttaʼi freeze
512a *tuʼLa be cold, freeze
512b *tuy freeze
513 *tı̈htu ice
514a *taʼası̈C freeze
514b *pa-taʼası̈C ice, water-freeze
515 *hı̈Ctaʼwı̈ - hı̈caʼwı̈ be cool
516 *icu cold, freeze
517 *maʼai, *mayı̈ color, be the color of, paint
518a *ciyuk comb
518b *cika comb, sweep
518c *hi-cikı̈ sweep
518c *hi-ciki-ta broom
519a *was, *wı̈s comb, sweep
519b *wacipa/u comb, sweep
519c *wı̈n comb
520 *cona, *sona comb, sweep, gather
521 *kwası̈C, *kwasaC cook(ed), ripe(n)
522 *siyo(La) cook
523 *noko roast often meat
524 *saki toast, parch
525 *soka cook
526 *waʼa, *waʼi roast
526 *waʼi meat, i.e., s.th. roasted
527 *tı̈ʼma, *tı̈ʼamaʼa roast, bake (under ashes, under ground), bury
528 *yuma, *yoma copulate
529 *yı̈koC, *yokoC copulate
530 *toC copulate
531 - copulate
531a *nasa -
531b *na... -
531c *naC-tu(?) - *nase copulate
532 *naʼpa, *naCpa join/be together, copulate
533 *naka copulate, cover, close
534 *ahaya(y) copulate
535 *suŋu corn
536 *muLa ear of grain
537 *pus-ka harvest corn
538 *si... put on ears, tender ear of corn
539 *siLo, *soLi ear of corn
540 *(w)oʼna corn cob, olote
541 *ı̈Lo elote
542 *wı̈C sift, winnow
543 *tuʼi-capi corn flour
544 *tomoc corn husk
545 *iku corn
546 *naLo olote
547 *apaLi elote, new/fresh ear of corn
548 *kawi-ta type of corn
549 *yawi, *yowi (ear of) corn
550 *hani, *haLi corn
551 *huma corn meal/flour
552 *oLa/i, *woʼLa shell, degrain (ears of grain), v desgranar
552 *wı̈ra -
553 *pihi cotton
554 *toko cotton
555 *mosa cotton
556a *sohopim cottonwood tree
556b *sapo sycamore tree
557 *poCta, *poCcV cottonwood tree
558 *apa(ka) cottonwood tree
559 *sı̈ŋŋa(C) cottonwood and/or aspen tree
560a *oho, *ohaC cough, v
560b *oka cough
561 *taCsa, *taCsi cough
562 *ka... belch
563 *ko... cough
564a *hı̈kkı̈, *hikhika have hiccoughs
564b *hi(C)na hiccough, vi
564c *hiwaka, *hiʼwVk -
565 *tı̈N count
566 *powa, *puwa count
567 *isaʼa(N)pa coyote
568 *kwana coyote
569 *sı̈naʼa, *sinawa coyote
570 *kayoC coyote, fox
571 *kawosi fox
572a *wanciʼa fox
572b *wacio, Tep, *gasio, *kasi fox
572b *kasio fox
573 *yı̈ppa(C) red fox, Vulpes fulva(?)
574 *yoko-pı̈-ci coyote (the copulater)
575 *kaLop fox
576 *waCNi fox
577 *pa-koCci shrimp
578 *cakaLi crab, shrimp
579 *tı̈kwici crab
580a *koto, *kuta? crane
580b *kaLu sandhill crane
581 *pa-kon heron
582a *kwaso crane, heron
582b *wassa crane, heron
583a *nuyuʼa crawl, as a snake
583b *nuhia, *nuyua snake
584 *citikwa, *ciLikwa to crawl on the belly, like a snake
585 *maN-wapa crawl on all fours
586 *maC-toʼa crawl
587 *kwani-mı̈La crawl
588 *tukaw-capaLa cricket
589 *tı̈pos cricket
590 *nama/i cross over
591 *nakutu cross, pass
592 *wasi to/on the other side of
593 *kuwa other side of, behind
594 *mokoL other side of
595a *panowa, *panu pass, cross
595b *panawia pass, cross
596a *attaC crow
596b *atawı̈-t crow
597 *kakV, *kakawa crow, n, make sound of a crow, vi AMR
598 *kono crow redupl *kokonV
599a *kaLa crow
599b *kwaLasa crow
600 *naCta, *nacca be crowded, tight, not fit, v
601 *ŋattas tight(en)
602 *cukka be crowded, constricted, tight
603a *opsi , *ospV tear, n (AMR)
603b *opowa, *opwa tear(s)
604 *(k)wı̈kı̈, *oʼkı̈, *kwakı̈ (shed) tears
605 *coaka, *cuwaka cry
606 *kwana cry
607 *namoʼi cry
608 *ŋa, *naŋa cry
609 *nata, *naLa cry
610 *yaCkaC to cry, sg
611 *yuʼn cry, play instrument
612 *paka cry, v
613 *otoNwa, *otoNkowa groan
614a *sika, *siki cut hair, clip, mow
614b *cı̈kkaC cut (off, to pieces)
614c *caka cut
615 *tı̈ka, *tı̈kı̈ cut
616 *tı̈kso pierce
617 *pukuL pin on
618 *kaʼa cut (sg flexible obj)
619 *mak, *maʼk chop
620 *katu cut, wound
621 *tonnaC, *toʼna(C) pierce, stab, hit
622a *sowa pierce, prick
622b *soʼa, *soʼi pierce, sew, shoot arrow
623 *puta, *puLa pierce
624 *mina, *muna pierce
625a *wı̈(h)k cut
625b *wu(hu)k pierce
626 *cuk jab, peck, cut
627a *ciha poke, stab
627b *ciLa poke, cut
267c *ciʼ-of SNum, *ciʼ-nVkki stick in/through
628 *(ciC)-kuLa/i, *kutV pierce
629a *ta-pusa pierce
629b *tupusi pierce
630 *saLa chop, split
631 *cappakinʼa- tear, rip, cut
632 *kı̈ta cut (hair, weeds)
633 *nı̈kkaC to dance
634 *tawiya, *tuwiya, *tuya dance
634 *tu(w/v)tui -
635a *yawa/i, *yaCwa/i dance, v
635b *yı̈ʼı̈wa, *yiʼiwa, *yaCwa dance, v
636 *wı̈nima dance, v
637 *tani dance, v
638 *muLawi dance, v
639 *suCkaC, *sukkawi deer
640 *cuʼ deer
641a *masa, *maso deer
641b *masa-pu sacred items
642 *maLi young of deer
643a *tı̈kı̈ya deer
683b *ciki white-tailed deer
644a *kwiNtaC, *kwittaC defecate, v; feces, n
644b *kwittuN buttocks
645 *saʼa defecate, v
646 *si intestines
647 *ci... gall, bile, yellow
648 *poroC (have) diarrhea
649 *aNta have diarrhea
650 *pa-kwiCtaC diarrhea
651 *pakpu diarrhea
652 *hupaʼa have diarrhea
653 *pusi dew, v
654 *(pa)-uci dew, n
655a *mukki die, be sick, smitten
655b *mukki sore
655c *caŋwiC-ka/ki suffer, die, pl *ca-mukki
656 *yaʼay die
657 *tı̈ʼa, *tı̈ya die
658 *kı̈mmaN different
659 *sı̈nu another one, different
660 *sı̈ʼı̈wı̈ different
661 *sum different, apart
662 *atta different
663 *awo(-ŋa) other, different
664 *pata (ex)change
665 *ho(ta) dig
666a *kopa dig
666b *kapa/i (make) hole
667a *waLi dig
667b *Lawa dig
668 *haci dig, scratch
669 *haŋwa dig hole, make hollow
670 *(hi)-kwahi/kwiha dig
671 *cuCna-, *cuʼna- scratch
672 *wika digging stick
673 *poto digging stick
674 *-citu digging stick
675 *tamu faint
676 *siwa/i be dizzy
677 *ŋı̈L be faint, dizzy, drunk
678 *yuyi dizzy, weak, shaky
679 *kwiCnu, *kwiyunu dizzy
680 *puʼay, *puʼaL do
681a *hanni do, make
681b *ʼani, *kani do, cause
682 *yun, *yuŋ do, make
683 *kuʼiyV help
684 *mayaw help, do
685 *niwa, *nı̈wa make
686 *ni... do
687 *iLi, *yaLa(wa), *yaʼa(wa) do, make, finish
688 *(V)caywa/i do, make
689 *kumma create, make
690 *tı̈kaha measure, imitate
691 *yı̈kwi do, make
692 *awa dog
693 *koti dog
694 *woci dog
695 *cu dog
696 *hayowi dove
697 *maka-hayowa/i, *makahowa dove
698a *tukkaC, *tukkaʼ deep AMR
698b *pı̈-tukV, *tukV-pı̈ down, under
698c *patu-t - AMR
698d *tı̈p(a)tu under
698e *pı̈taha under
699 *yuma low
700a *tı̈... below
700b *tı̈p down, earth-ward
701 *tana, *tani down, below
702 *koʼom down, low
703a *ʼuppi dive, sink, go down in *opa
703b *huppa untie, come loose, let down
704a *waʼawa/i slope down
704b *wahawa in, under
705 *wakam, *waŋam down, deep
706 *muiLa be deep, of water
707 *kwuʼp, *kwuʼipo downhill, descend
708 *(pa)kumaLiw dragonfly
709 *mukta/i, *mutta/i dragonfly
710 *piya dragonfly
711 *osa/i, *oswa paint, draw, write
712 *(iC)kwiLo write
713 *poʼoC mark, write, read
714 *tı̈-mukki dream, v
715 *tı̈ʼayaw dream
716 *(tı̈)tı̈ki dream, v
717 *nosi dream, v
718 *napusa dream, v
719a *hiCpV, *hiʼpa, *hiypi, *hippi, *hiʼa drink
719b *pa-ʼi drink (water-drink)
720 *waki dry, shrivel, thin
721 *(ta)-pasa dry
722 *moLV, *mora, *mota dry
723a *(yı̈)-kwa(ta) dry
723b *tasakwa dry season
724 *coLo, *coʼLo wither/arrugarse
725 *tuna shrink
726 *cı̈ka, *cika duck
727 *pı̈cı̈N duck
728 *kan duck
729 *La'a goose
730 *pa-wiLikan duck
731 *-saʼi- duck
732 *nakı̈ goose
733 *somi duck sp
734 *kuta mallard duck
735 *yuka dye
736 *pu dye
737a *kwasa eagle
727b *kwisa eagle
738a *kwaʼa hawk sp
738b *kwaʼawı̈, *kwahawai, *kwaCwV eagle
739a *kwana eagle
739b *kwiʼna, *kwiCna eagle
740 *kwayo, *kwayu small eagle
741 *ʼasa-wı̈L eagle
742 *kisa chicken hawk
743 *kı̈Lı̈, *kı̈tı̈ small kind of hawk
744 *tahawi, *taʼawı̈ hawk
745 *tokwapi, *topapi hawk
746 *nakaʼi marsh hawk
747 *pancaya, *paŋaCca hawk, sp
748 *(pic)-sawa chicken hawk
749 *pik hawk, sp
750 *hop(a)paLi predatory bird sp
751 *hutahi hawk sp
752a *nakka, *naNkapa, *na(N)kasapa ear
752b *nakka, *naNka hear, v
753 *kwiya, *kwiLa earth
754 *wiya mud
755 *yı̈pı̈La earth, dirt
756 *yawa, *yuwa open country, flat land, outside
757a *tı̈paC, *tı̈paL earth
757b *taL, *tı̈paL land, earth
758 *tı̈pi-c white clay
759 *tı̈ma earth
760 *tı̈wa sand, dust
761 *soko, *coka earth, mud
762 *kwi-so mud
763 *cuLV mud
764 *huCkuN dust
765 *pa-sakwinaC mud
766 *sa mud
767 *tuCca, *tuCCa dirt(y)
768 *tı̈s(-na) clay, grimy dirt
769 *muLi dust
770 *papu clay
771 *pisu, *pusi dust
772 *pa-waha/maha grassland
773 *tı̈poN plains, flat land
774 *tohono desert, plain
775 *kwaʼa swallow, eat
776 *koʼa eat
777 *kuCma/i, *kuNma, *kuʼmV chew, nibble
778 *kaNma(C), *kaCma, *kanma taste, have taste or a quality of taste, such as sweet or salty
779 *koki graze, v
780 *kwi food, feed, give food
781 *suwa, *su(C)wi(C), *suCCaC eat up, consume(d), die
782 *tı̈kkaC eat
783a *yı̈ʼı̈ki swallow
783b *yı̈kı̈ taste, finish
784 *ʼaki open mouth, eat, take/put into one's mouth
785 *kwı̈LuC swallow
786 *mı̈Lı̈ swallow
787 *kacakoʼa chew
788 *capa- ridge, edge
789 *hay... edge, shore, end
790 *kı̈ma edge
791a *kuwa sharp, point
791b *kwawi sharp, tree
792 *suwiL edge, shore, border
793 *mayoa shore
794 *kaCtuC, *kaku(n) end, tip
795 *muʼka, *mukka sharp point
796 *muCti, *muCci, *mucci point (of s.th.)
797a *ciC-, *ciC-kuta pierce, poke, (do with) a point, thorn
797b *cikka, *ciNkV thorn(y)
797c *ciCni(C)ki poke, stick in
798 *cuppa point, prick
799 *sipaC point
800 *ŋapaC sharp(en)
801 *yuLa sharp
802 *kawaC sharp
803 *kakwa, *kapp, *kapkwa egg
804 *noʼpa, *noppa, *noCCa, *no(y/k/p/h)V egg
805 *pano egg, testicle
806 *pa-tı̈ testicle, water-rock
807 *taLu egg
808 *tapaC testicle
809 *pı̈yso testicle
810 *cakka-(pusi) testicle
811 *cihico, *ciko, *cicko, *cico elbow
812 *kippu elbow
813 *pa-suCka elk, horse, lit, big-deer
814 *pa-tı̈kı̈ya elk, big-deer
815 *opa strong, foreign, hostile, enemy, fierce, tough, brave (person)
816 *kaytu enemy, opponent
817 *sayo enemy, opponent
818 *tı̈mmu opponent
819 *woho enemy
820 *kı̈ʼiy hate, v
821 *pı̈hı̈(ri) enemy
822 *om dislike
823 *pisoʼa hate
824 *pusi eye
825 *pusi-tusi eyelashes, eyebrows
826a *sı̈CCV, *sı̈po eyebrow
826b *hupaC, *hupaʼ eye
827 *tı̈Lu, *taLu eye, black round thing
828a *kaCma cheek(s), mouth
828b *kaCma(C), *kaŋa, *kana beard, facial hair
829 *pana cheek
830 *hoppı̈ cheek
831 *sopa cheek
832 *pusi-paca face, eye-in
833a *wı̈cı̈, Num, *wı̈ʼi fall, be born, v
833b *wı̈cı̈, Tak, *wı̈yV fall, bend down, sway
834 *cuLiwa fall, pl
835 *yuC fall
836 *maya fall
837 *kuLi fall
838a *(tı̈N)pah(a)iC fall off/down
838b *tı̈pi trip
838c *(su)tupi -
839 *muCta trip, stumble
840 *anni(C) fall
841 *aCCakka, *aCcaCka fall, collapse
842a *mı̈Cka, *mı̈hka far
842b *miyho far
843 *pı̈yan far
844 *wip, *wiCp, *wiʼp, *wiʼi fat
845 *yuhu grease
846 *apu, *(h)apu(ti) father, parent, mother
847 *muwa father
848 *naʼa, *nawa father
849 *owa father
850 *tata father
851 *noʼno male's father
852 *masi father
853 *ı̈kwiya be afraid
854 *makasi fear
855 *maha(-ri)wa fear
856a *sawi(ya) fear, v
856b *sı̈ya afraid
857 *iya-paka fear, v
858 *toya fear, v
859 *hota lose courage
860a *maʼsa feather
860b *hu-maʼsa (arrow-)feather
861 *ʼaŋa, *aCna, *akna(pu), *(k)ana(pu) wing
862 *kasa wing, feather
863 *piwi, *piCV down, feathers
864 *pïyaw feather, fly
865 *coya feather headdress
866 *wakap, *wakac, *waki, *wiki wing, feather
867 *wisiʼa feather, wing
868 *cuna fig/higo
869 *ama fig tree, paper
870 *nato make, finish
871a *cuCpa/i, *cuppa finish, be end of s.th.
871b *copa, *cupa braid, finis weaving
872 *hïmV, *humV end, finish
873 *matïNka finish
874 *maʼaku, *maʼakwV finish
875 *tapa/i finish, end
876 *tama/i finish
877 *cuʼma be gone, disappear from sight
878 *naʼay fire
878 *naʽaya build/light a fire
879a *taha, *taka burn
879b *tahi fire
880 *tax-kwa, taka-kwa? ceremonial official, fire tender
881 *kut fire AMR
881 *kut-tu, *kut-ta make fire AMR
882 *kuCti, *kut-tiʼi? burn, fire-cause
883 *kotto, *kut-tu/ta make fire
884 *kunnaC firewood
885 *mïk/h burn
886 *so burn
887 *paLaw, *pataw to burn
888 *waya, *kwaya burn
889 *pita build a fire
890 *say(pa) burn
891 *cuppa, *cuʼpa fire go out
892 *kicu, *kucu(C) fish
893 *paNkwi, *pakkwi, *paC-kuyu, *paC-kucu fish
894a *(pa-)topa fish
894b *topo fish sp
895 *musi, *muci fish
896 *akai trout, salmon, a good-eating fish
897 *so..., *soʼ, *coC kind of fish
898 *kaLpuC fish sp.
899 *ʼaya fish sp
900 *poʼa fishhook
901a *takka flat
901b *Lakka(pa) flat, smooth
902a *komaL griddle
902b *komaL thin
903 *kapaL flat
904a *pata, *patta flat, spread, ie.e, flatten/smooth, vt
904b *sikki-patta flat
904c *hi-patta flat
904d *patta, *patti bare, smooth
904e *pici naked
904f *pïci, *pVcV, *pat(t)a/i flat, prone, flatten, widen
904g pacu squeeze, smash
905 *tapi flat, smooth
906 *Luma flat(ten)
907a *sïʼaC - bloom
907b *sïwa - flor
907c *siso-ciwa flower
907d *soci flower
908 *hupiN-ka bloom
909 *huya bud, branch
910 *ciʼaN flower
911 *usa wild rose
912 *wiLu play a reed flute
913 *sakwoti, sïkʷoti, *sakwoti, *saboLi, *saipoLi fly, bee
913a *sïʼkwo- bumblebee
913b *saypori fly
914 *tapputi, tïpputi, *tïCpu-ti flea
915a *muwi-, *muCpi fly
915b *aŋi-muwi fly
916 *paʼa-muwa mosquito (long-nose?)
917 *muhu-pa fly
918 *mumu bee
919 *mutaN bee
920 *(mo/wï)-po(ŋa) mosquito
921 *kuʼa worm(y)
922 *mu-kuʼa fly
923 *waho mosquito/zancudo
924 *suLi, *suti mosquito, gnat
925 *sapí mosquito
926a *hiNi, *hi(k/ʼ)ni fly, n
926b *hoŋi run fast, fly
927 *niʼi fly, jump
928a *yasa fly
928b *yaʼa fly
929 *yïtti, *yotti fly, jump *yïtti (sg), yotti (pl)
930 *yu... bounce, trot
931 *pata fly, v
932 *ko foam, suds
933 *coLo(N) wrinkle
934 *c/suwpuLi wrinkle
935 *natipa, *nacpa fold
936 *kïsa, *kïsica, *kïhisa foot, leg
936 *kïsa step on
937 *taLa foot
938a *naNpa, *naCp, *nappa foot
938b *napo foot
938c *nanapuni, *natapuni footprint
939 *kapsi thigh
940 *pïN/nuN/huN-kap- thigh
941 *toŋa knee
941a *tana/taŋa knee
941b *tono/toŋo knee
942 *tamo knee
943 *coko knee, kneel
944 *huNkaC leg
945 *macci, *maCti thigh, upper leg
946a *om lower leg
946b *uma thigh, upper leg
947 *toko thigh
948 **wiCca, *wiCtaC calf of leg, lower leg
949 *tïʼu, *kVyuʼu leg
950 *tosïkkï hoof
951 *Lïpïki kneel, v
952a *sipika lower leg
952b *sapa lower leg, calf
953 *saʼi thigh
954 *ŋayka thigh
955 *tïma calf of leg
956 *kapoc calf of leg
957 *taC-situ hoof, i.e., foot-nail
958 *kopa forehead
958a *kopa face
958b - - before
958c *kopa forehead
958d *kopa head
958e *kowa forehead
959a *koa, *kua edge, cliff
959b *kawa, *kawi forehead
960 *muC-takka forehead
961 *patïʼa forehead
962 *suma forget
963 *kopa forget
964 *cahaL fork(ed)
965 *taka fork
966 *siNk(y)a seperate(d)
967 *tona fork
968 *hanci friend
969 *nima friend, relative
970 *takupi friend
971 *wakatta, *wakaN-ta frog
972 *kwaʼLo, *kwaʼro frog
973 *sikwo tadpole
974 *taci, *taʼaci frog
975 *tïmo frog
976 *piyu from
977 *-yïL from
978 *mana from, on
979a *taka(C) fruit
979b *taka root
980 *tuʼa/i bear fruit, grow
981 *muya fill, be full, overflow
982 *cuya fill
983a *puya full
983b *putca, *put... full
984 *pono, *puna full/fill
985 *(yu)taki fill, store
986 *kopo full from eating
987 *wïCtï, *waCta full from eating
988 *tïppai, *tïmpai full
989 *Lima throw out onto a refuse heap (which loosely piles higher)
990 *sana(k) trash
991 *taNCa trash
992 *cupa, *cuppa gather, close eyes
993 *ciʼa gather
994 *ʼay... pick, take pl objs
995 *yïpanaC autumn
996 *tupu(k) pick, gather
997 *tuka, *tïwïka gather, pick
998 *tïʼwi, *tuʼwi gather seeds, harvest
999 *piʼa pick, gather
1000 *kappiwa degrain grain from ear
1001 *kïtta harvest, v. AMR
1002 *taniku seedbeater
1003 *makaC give
1004 *cïriwa give attention/gifts to
1005 *uttu give
1006 *himi give (perhaps pl. obj's)
1007 *kiʼya, *kiʼa give to s.o.
1008 *mi... give food
1009 *miya go
1010a *mïLa/i run, flow, go, want
1010b *miLV trample, stampede
1011 *sima go
1012a *nïmi walk around, live
1012b *nïma, *nama, *nawa track
1013 *nami race
1014a *tïnna run
1014b *tïnna follow, chase, hunt
1014c *na-tïna, *na-rï(na) run
1015 *nokka/i, *nukka/i run, move
1016a *poʼo run
1016b *poto, poro, poyo run
1017 *yaʼi run, fast
1018 *yapi hurry
1019 *oi-mïra, *oiya-mïra follow-go
1020 *waya, wïya, wïra(ma) walk (out/fast)
1021 *pakay(N), *pakiN walk (away), sg
1022 *yïNka enter (sg/pl?)
1023a *kway, kwaʼi, kwaʼay go (away from speaker?)
1023b *kwi run, pass by
1024 *waʼta run
1025 *hat(t)i go, run
1026 *hVw, *ho, *hu run
1027 *cukkwi fast
1028 *soko-miya walk
1029 *saka go, leave
1030 *ʼatahi hurry
1031 *sot swift, hurry andar, hurry
1032 *sïp(p)i fast
1033 *iʼsiwi -
1034 *nuta, *nuLa run, pl
1035a *nawa, *nawi go, come, move (to another placə
1035b *noi go, come, visit, return
1035c *no (while) going
1036 *caw, *caN good
1037a *ʼayu good
1037b *haʼa-yu be good SP good
1038a *attip-na good
1038b *attï(N)
1039 *kïwa good
1040 *tuʼay good
1041 *mïyïN, *mïCCïN gopher
1042a *tapusa, tïposa, tïposi gopher
1042b *tapusa, tausa, tusa, tosa gopher
1043 *kita groundhog
1044 *kïNpa prairie dog
1045 *kuLu, *koLu father's father, paternal grandfather
1046 *tokoo mother's father, paternal grandfather
1047 *kwaʼa maternal grandfather
1048 *(p)apa maternal grandfather
1049 *poci, *kwoci paternal grandfather
1049b *kwoci, *kwoti paternal grandfather
1050a *kak, *ka grandparent
1050b kaku maternal grandmother
1051 *suʼu maternal grandmother
1052 *huCci paternal grandmother
1053 *muʼa maternal grandmother
1054 *tu mother's mother
1055a *sakat, *sakaC willow
1055b *tï-saka grass
1056 *caʼi grass
1057a *(pa)-samaC, *-samuC grass
1057b *(pa)-soho grass
1058 *(h)usa grass
1059 *huk(w)i grass sp.
1060 *huLaka buckwheat
1061 *sonV, *soŋo grass, straw, blanket
1062 *waʼi ricegrass
1063 *tupi green grass
1064 *masi plant type
1065 *woʼoC grasshopper
1066 *coho, *coʼo grasshopper locust
1067 *attaNkaC grasshopper
1068 *akïsa -
1069 *mata cicada
1070 *kuma, *koma gray, dark color
1071 *asiN gray
1072a *kwïCci gray
1072b *waCci gray
1073 *mïha gray hair
1074 *papoʼo(L) gray, dark color
1075 *pubiC green
1076 *siyo, *siya green
1077 *siwi(C) green growth
1078 *yora green
1079 *pot pound, grind
1080 *piŋa grind
1081 *tusu grind
1082 *maʼta, *maCta grinding stone, mortar
1083 *tïppa mortar (and/or) pestle
1084 *otapa bedrock mortar
1085 *paha mortar
1086 *tuʼa, *tuʼi flour, s.th. ground up
1087 *tuLa pound, grind
1088 *yu crush
1089 *musa/i crush
1090 *sapi pound
1091 *capa smash, grind
1092 *takki mano for metate
1093 *pisa pound
1094 *pacu, *pacVw swelling to go down, deflate, get crushed
1095 *k/ŋamaL crush, grind
1096 *ŋïka/i grind, scrape, rub against
1097 *maki grind
1098 *nakana grow
1099 *yaʼwi grow
1100a *wïLa/i grow
1100b *tïwïL grow
1101 *yama, *tami sprout(ing), grow (thick)
1102 *waLo, *ʼaLo, *haLo guacamaya
1103 *tïha hail
1104 *pa-(N)kom-, *pa-huN-kum hail
1105 *hïkwaC hail body hair
1106a *suwi body hair
1106b suhiː -
1106c *soho, *soo armpit (hair)
1107a *comi, *comya hair
1107b *coni head, hair
1108 *kuppa hair of head, head
1109 *poʼwa, *poCwa, *poLCa hair, fur, hide, skin
1110 *pïʼwa, *piCCï fur, body hair
1111 *woC hair
1112 *yuLV hair, head
1113 *yuwi hair, strand
1114 *païki hair
1115 *nasipa half, middle
1116 *tïpiNa middle
1117 *nap(p)ay half
1118 *taʼa(ko) middle, half
1119 *man, *ma hand
1120 *nohopi, nopi hand, arm
1121 *maʼo hand
1122 *sipwa, *cap(i)wa finger
1123 *na- with/by hand
1124 *toC with the hand, instr. prefix
1125 *piya-moʼo have clumsy hands, drop things
1126 *nawi hang
1127 *cuca bang
1128 *yuLa hang hang, vi
1129 *caʼa/i hang hang up, vt
1130a *cakwïniː - to hang
1130b *wï-kwïni -
1130c *wïway -
1131 *paL hang
1132 *haCCa hang
1133 *waLa suspended
1134 *kwuCCa, *kwuL(V)ta hang
1135 *paw happy, content
1136 *haLay happy
1137 *tïma happy
1138 *puta, *puCtu hard
1139 *takwa, *takawa(?) hard
1140 *kapa hard
1141 *kïttaN hard
1142 *cïʼi hard
1143 *pïwa hard
1144 *kopï hard
1145 *pacawa hard
1146 *namaka hard
1147 *ponamoi hat
1148 *yumuʼ put on hat
1149 *moʼo-kaLi hat (head-house)
1150 *moʼo-pïri hat (head-house)
1151 *kaCcokoC hat
1152 *cappo, *coppo hat
1153 *moʼo head
1154 *ku, *kuʼo with the head, instr. prefix head
1155 *coC-, *coʼʼ- head
1156a *CNum *panpi -
1156b *SNum *paNpïʼni, *paNpïCni pot
1157 *toCci head
1158a *yowa, *towLa cure
1158b *hitowa medicine
1159 *mayiw cure
1160a *puha supernatural power, medicine, healing power
1160b *puha poison
1161 *toŋa cure, administer to
1162 *sakwa/i heal, get better/good again
1163 *kaha/i hear
1164 *kïpu hear
1165 *suna, *suLa heart, inner part, seed
1166 *ʼikwïyawa, *ʼikwïLawa heart
1167 *pihwïC, *pihyïC heart
1168 *pïttï, *pïttiya, *pïttVʼa (be) heavy
1169 *wima heavy
1170 *nïkwï heavy
1171a *tanappiC, *tampiC, *tappiC heel
1171b *taNpi(N)ko heel
1171c *taNpiC, tempʼe- heel
1171d *tanappiCko, *taniko heel
1171e *tïkapo heel
1172a *tamukpi heel
1172b *tïmo heel
1172c *tema/i heel
1173 *aCkwV here
1174 *wa, *waʼa there
1175 *ama(ni) there
1176 *ïʼïci-to hide
1177 *ina hide
1178 *nïŋï hide
1179 *musi hide
1180 *a-ka stealthily
1181 *ʼapi hide, lie down
1182 *hupa, *hupi hip
1183 *kacapawï hip
1184 *ciyam(u), *ciyaC hip
1185 *mos buttocks, hips
1186a *pakkaC, *pakki hit, kill
1186b *pakkaC hurt
1187 *kwippa hit
1188 *coʼna, *coʼni pound, hit
1189 *cakku, *cokko pound, hit
1190a *koy, *koʼ(i)ya fight
1190b *koʼya, *koʼVya, *koʼyi die, pl subj; kill, pl obj.
1191 *na-koʼ(i)y(a) fight, i.e., hit/kill each other
1192 *namu, *naN... fight
1193 *toka hit
1194 *(na-)pitVNkV fight, v
1195 *na-yawi fight
1196 *kappi clap, slap
1197 *toppa hit
1198 *puk hit, bump
1199 *kosaʼa, *koʼsa hit
1200 *poŋa hit, pound
1201 *moʼta hit, hit against
1202 *Lawi flick (with a finger)
1203 *toʼo, *toC hole
1204 *(hoC)-pakka hole
1205 *takuwa concavity, low place where things collect or graviate to place where a lot of s.th. is
1206 *awaC, *aʼawaC horn
1207 *toŋa hot, heat (of) sun/day, shine
1208a *ïtï hot
1208b *utu hot
1209 *suka to heat, be hot (weather)
1210 *yuʼmi, *yuwmi warm
1211 *kuttutu hot
1212a *tuʼi; *ta-tuʼi hot
1212b *tatta hot
1213 *kanni, *kaLi house
1214a *ki house
1214b *ki-tu, *ki-ta build a house
1215 *paʼaki house
1216 *nopiC, *noʼpiC, *noʼopic house
1217 *can house
1218 *maLkocowa hug
1219 *tuʼca, *tuCti hummingbird
1220 *muttanaC hummingbird
1221 *sïʼmoci hummingbird
1222 *sïma-Luku hummingbird
1223 *piti hummingbird
1224 *kwisuwimu be hungry
1225 *hakwa, *hakwi hungry
1226 *wiʼLopa hungry
1227 *tapa hunger/hungry
1228 *coLowa, *coLwa, *cVLVwa be hungry
1229 *ciha hungry
1230 *tïkï hungry
1231 *suma hungry
1232 *sawa fast, v
1233 *ʼamu hunt
1234 *tïppi hunt, follow, track
1235 *tïho, *tï-hoʼa hunt
1236 *tuna herd, chase
1237 *oya follow
1238 *caya follow
1239 *yahi hunt, v
1240 *kuNa, *kumCa, *kuCma husband
1241 *paca put in/meter/encerrar
1242a *pakiC enter
1242b *pakiC stick, go
1243 *ʼïrapa inside
1244a *cutupa, *cuLupa put in, go in
1244b *cuLuLu go in
1245 *mu enter
1246 *-naka in
1247 *wak(w)i/uc enter, pl
1248 *aka-pa among, between
1249 *puCca/i, *puCta jump hop
1250 *wïppuki jump
1251 *takwani -
1252 *coŋa jump
1253 *tuya jump
1254 *cïŋï kick
1255 *taŋa, *taN(k)a kick
1256 *taCkiC- kidney
1257 *sikuC kidney
1258a *puL(n)i, *pusna kidney
1258b *(po)poposoka kidney, liver
1259 *kaLi kidney
1260 *pisaC-piʼoN kidney
1261 *mohomï kidney
1262 *mïCka, *mïkka, *mïa kill
1263 *suwa kiss
1264 *tïʼn-namukki kiss (mouth-meet)
1265 *tïʼn-ta kiss, mouth-do
1266 *pikkaC, *pikkat knife redupl?
1267 *wikiC, *wïkki(C) knife
1268a *payu, *papayu ceremonial staff
1268b *ka-payu, *kapo knife
1268c *papa, *papo rock, cliff
1269 *tawi flint, obsidian
1270 *panomi knife, iron, tool
1271 *kuma tool (for poking/cutting)
1272a *mata, mati know
1272b *maci, *maʼci appear, be visible, known, light
1272c *maʼay, *mahi find
1273 *pïnï learn, become familiar with
1274 *suNpa know
1275 *tïwi learn
1276 *puttuka, *puttuwa, *puttucukwa know
1277 *tusuʼay learn, know
1278 *Loma/Lomi good at, capable, learned, knowing, artful, admirable
1279 *wata remember
1280 *yikaL knowing, able, intelligent
1281 *(h)una know
1282 *ʼati, *ata, *aCti laugh
1283 *naniC laugh redupl?
1284 *sïm laugh
1285 *isama, *iʼisama tease
1286a *ya... laugh
1286b *kiya laugh, play
1287 *kasi smile
1288 *(ka)Lakay tickle
1289 *maka(hu) laugh, tease
1289 *oŋa, *uŋa? (feel/be) lazy
1291 *paLïwa, *paLawa lazy
1292 *nasina, *naCsi- lazy
1293 *mawaha lazy
1294 *sawa leaf
1295 *pisi leaf
1296 *puhi leaf
1297 *naNkapï leaf
1298 *paLa leaf
1299 *kami leave
1300 *piya, *pïʼa leave, save
1301 *yawi-(to) leave
1302 *kisa go out, emerge
1303 *(a)tïwï leave
1304 *toha, *towa/i leave/dejar
1305a *opoti left
1305b *otti-(pa) left (hand)
1305c *otï-wina left
1306a *kwi left (hand)
1306b *koʼi left
1307 *(a)siya(N) left
1308 *ïko-sipa lick
1309 *kwiLya lick
1310 *tïkwaʼa lick
1311 *pini lick
1312 *paL... lick
1313 *isaN, *isaC-tu, *isama-tu lie, v
1314 *is-taka lie, v
1315 *waCNi, *waNCi lie, deceive
1316 *siku tease, deceive
1317a *mani lie, be situated, cover an area (as liquid or mass noun)
1317b *mana, *mani stumble, roll (over), fall over/off/down
1317c *mana put (flat/lying down)
1317c *mani be put, be lie
1318 *hapi lie down
1319 *poʼo, *poʼi be lying down
1320 *kwapi, *kwopi lie down
1321 *Laya lie with legs/feet spread/pointing outward
1322a *pïCtï, *pïtu lie down, be situated at, pl; spend the night, v; house, n
1322b *p(a)iyüC, *pïC- go home
1323 *paykatawi lie on back, face up, boca arriba
1324a *hïʼïpi, *hapa/i get up, vi; lift/pick up, vt
1324b *hakwa, *hakwi lift
1325 *paʼaka be lifted/taken up
1326 *sapa, *sapo light (not heavy)
1327 *pïLok, *pïrok, *paLak? lightning
1328 *aNka-kwissaka, *aNka-kwicciʼi lightning
1329 *tikaL, *tikat flash (of lightning)
1330 *taLamu lightning, v
1331a *kwatta/i red
1331b *kwataʼ, *kwaLak, *kwarak- shake (earth), shine, be noisy,
1332a *pïna like
1332b *pani like
1332c *Vnaʼa like
1332d *-ni like
1333 *tuʼi-(wa) be/seem like
1334 *mana imitate, do like
1335 *waʼa/i like
1336 *wopi limp
1337 *-tu, *piC-tu lame, limp
1338 *wina, *wïna limp, be lame
1339 *cïka, *caka lame, limp
1340a *Luhu(N) lame, limp
1340b *Loʼi lame, limp be in a line
1341 *koppa make lines/strips/stripes
1342 *cakaLi -
1343 *wita/i mark a lines, be (in) a line
1344 *yïpa wildcat
1345a *tukkuC wildcat bobcat
1345b *tukku-wï mountain lion ( moya/i rot, stink
1850 *ayakwi pus
1851 *pakwa pus
1852 *soLa rot, go to waste, throw away
1853 *tïsa order
1854 *hula, *hura send
1855 *nïC, *nïk(pa) chief
1856 *yukami official
1857 *win send
1858 *sawi command
1859 *ti... command(er)
1860 *moNki, *muñi chief
1861 *pohina chief
1862 *nkuyaʼa, *okoya sad
1863 *oʼmana sad, suffering
1864 *sitoka, *siLoka be sad, suffer
1865 *omCa, *oNCa, oña salt
1866 *yakawa apply salt
1867a *siwaN sand
1867b *sïʼï sand
1867c *sa(ta) sand
1868 *(h)oLa, *otta sand
1869 *niʼok speak
1870 *na-wïsa, *na-oca(, nooca) speak
1871 *sawa whisper, v
1872 *hawa talk, v
1873a *awa, *aw tell
1873b *aʼaL tell
1874 *kaʼiti say
1875 *kï, *ki say
1876a. *tïkwi say
1876b. *(yï/ni)kwi say
1877a *tïya say to
1877b *tïni, *tïNV - teach
1877c *tïcu counsel
1877d *tï... tell
1878a *tïwa, *ta(hV)wa say, advise
1878b *(iʼ)tawa tell
1879 *aNpaka-y talk
1880 *umay, *amay say
1881 *...Lapa speak
1882 *tuʼi say, ask
1883 *ya... say
1884 *nakacïLa scorpion
1885 *maCcïL scropion
1886 *suyi scorpion, sting
1887 *saka scorpion
1888 *-paCta-, *-pacca- scorpion
1889 *koLo scorpion
1890 *wVm scorpion
1891 *taska scorpion
1892 *sipa, sippa scrape, shave
1893 *kïLipi shell or shuck corn, v
1894 *(pi)-suma scrape, smooth, skin(an animal), v
1895 *(wïC)-tonoʼoki scrape, pull out
1896 *kwuhV scrape off, degrain (corn)
1897 *waʼwa, *wiʼwa look for
1898 *haL, *hatiwa look for
1899 *pusaka search
1900 *putta search
1901a *rïm look at
1901b *tïm look for
1902 *wakka(-y) search for
1903 *ñani, kani look for
1904 *tïwa find, see
1905 *nï(L), *nïLʼi see
1906 *nï look!
1907 *pica see
1908 *hiwï look, observe
1909 *natka find
1910 *huLa come up, look in/over
1911 *(i)soko look
1912 *taʼuta find
1913 *-yu look at
1914a *mïʼ look!
1914b *mahay, *maʼay(C) see, find
1915 *h^aci look, peek at
1916 *paCci, *paʼci seed
1917 *puCci seed, pit
1918 *ïci-tukai seed
1919 *kai-tukai seed
1920 *tari, *taLi seed
1921 *paha(i) seed
1922a *hïkka shade
1922b *hapa, *hïppa shade
1923 *kis, *kiCsi shade
1924 *taski shade
1925 *hïya rock, shake, swing
1926 *huyu move
1927 *kayaw swing
1928 *wiwi-puku tremble
1928b *wiwiLa shake, swing
1929a *cïL shake
1929b *cïLïLï, *siLaLa shake, rattle
1929c *ciLi jingle, make rattling sound(when moved, shaken)
1930 *cawiLa shake
1931a *yoki shake
1931b *sayuki, *cayu-k shake, fear
1932a *yowa shake
1932b *yuyi, *yuwi shake, be weak, dizzy
1933 *sowa (,*sawa?) shake
1934 *numika shake
1935 *mïyï shake, wriggle
1936 *ñaya move or shake side to side
1937 *ñina, *ñïna shake (earth), rumble and vibrate
1938 *kwaLa shake
1939 *toʼni shake off
1940 *camu shake, rustle, make noise
1941 *yata shake
1942 *capa shake
1943 *tuLipa, *tVLV shake
1944 *pantu shake, bounce
1945 *ñïLïL, *ñïrïr move, move over
1946 *hamana shy
1947a *WNum *nasukwai shame
1947b *CNum *nasuwai, nasuʼai shame
1948 *caʼi - bec ashamed
1949 *tiwa shy, embarrassed
1950 *tukkwi (a)shame(d)
1951 *pinawa ashamed
1952 *(V)nami shield
1953 *tuti sandals
1954 *kaka sandal
1955 *wa(C)ci(kaC) shoe
1956 *wok shoe
1957 *panNca shoe
1958 *moko footwear
1959 *tapa(C)ta footwear
1960 *pïtï footwear
1961 *poca zapatos
1962 *kapu short
1963a *toppo, *topi short
1963b *tappu short
1963c *tïppV short
1964 *capu short
1965 *muCto, *muCti short
1966 *kotapa, *kotapo shoulder
1967a *sïka shoulder, arm, armpit
1967b *sïkuN, *sïkkuN shoulder
1968 *coʼa(C) shoulder
1969 *mato shoulder, n;carry on the shoulder (or in hand), v
1970 *sina(ka) shout
1971 *caNi shout
1972 *cayaw shout
1973 *caʼci shout
1974 *kwuy, *kwoy growl, scold
1975a *waʼaN-ki shout
1975b *waʼa(N)ti-ki whoop
1976 *huki scold
1977 *tokowa crow, (animals) to make their respective noise
1978 *tïwoya, *tïʼoy, *tïʼmo sick(ness)
1979a *kaCma, *kamma hurt
1979b *na-kaCmi, *na-kammi sick
1980a *(mana)-ñakwa side
1980b *-ñako, *ñakwV from
1981 *sap, *sïp side
1982 *kwika sing
1983 *nïʼi sing
1984 *nawa sing
1985 *hupiya sing, song
1986 *pona, *poʼna, *poCna play music, play drum
1987 *ca sing, song
1988 *hawa sing, talk, whisper
1989 *ka sing
1990 *wïwï drum
1991 *tuwu drum, music at festival
1992 *kupahi drum
1993 *cuppa sink, submerge
1994 *sum sink
1995 *(ho-)top sink
1996a *yuppi sink
1996b *yuʼpa/i bend down, go down, move in up and down motion
1997 *muta, *muCta sink
1998 *yuCti dip, soak
1999 *i(C)tak, *iCcaki dip up (liquid)
2000 *ko(ʼ)ti, *koʼci older sister
2001a *pini younger sister
2001b *pïni younger sister
2001c *piʼ, *piC sister
2002 *wakati younger sister
2003 *nam(m)i(C) younger sister
2004 *tïpko, *tïpku relative, perhaps sisterly relationship
2005a *yasa, *yasi sit
2005b *yasipa sit
2006 *katï, *kattï sit
2007a *ho... sit, pl
2007b *howa sit, live
2008 *moci poner sentados, pl.obj
2009 *yukkwi sit, pl
2010 *ʼuLini dwell
2011 *cuʼ squat
2012 *ñaki be or put sitting up, be stuck
2013a *kwici, *kwiʼ(i)ci skin, hide
2013b *kwïtas skin, leather
2014 *cakwa..., *ca-kwata ? skin (an animal), v
2015 *koyo shell
2016 *koCti, *koCta bark, shell, money
2017 *poʼowa shell
2018 *taCca, *taʼci bark, shell
2019a *asiʼa bark, n
2019b *siʼa hull, shell, peel, v
2020 *caLa/i bark, shell
2021 *sawpV shell
2022 *iLi..., Tep *iLida skin
2023 *takasaC tanned skin, leather
2024 *sowi tan skin, v
2025 *sikwa skin (an animal), v
2026 *(pï)-hu skin (an animal), v
2027 *tïpïhï hide, skin
2028 *huppa stink, skunk
2029 *hu(N)ku(m) smell
2030 *po(C)ni skunk
2031 *tïk... - skunk
2032a *tukuN-pa sky, up, above
2032b *tikV(pa), *tik(V)pa ( tïwï-ka) sky, sun-house
2034a *ïppïwi, *ïCpïCi, *pïwi sleep
2034b *ïʼwi sleep
2035 *koci sleep
2036 *kum sleep
2037a *siko(h/ʼ)i slide, slip
2037b *taC-sikohi foot-slip
2037c *siro, *siLo slide, slip
2037d *siʼta - be smooth, slippery
2037e *citaʼ, *ciʼta slip(pery)
2037f *cito slide, slip
2038 *(ta)yuL slide, be smooth, slippery
2039 *kaLu slide
2040 *pïti, *pïci slip, slide
2041 *taCti, *taCci slow(ly)
2042a *upita slow
2042b *pït, *pïL subside, slowly, softly
2043 *a, *a-ka quietly, slowly, stealthily, secretly
2044a *huha, *huʼa stink, break wind
2044b *uʼu break wind
2045 *pun(uha) stink
2046 *kwana smell
2047a *ïkwi, *ukwi smell, vt
2047b *iʼnïkwi smell
2048 *yïʼna smoke tobacco, smoke by sucking
2049a *kwitta/i, *kuhita smoke
2049b *ku-kwita/i, *ku-kwici smoke, dust
2050 *moLa/i smoke, v
2051 *husi smoke tobacco, v
2052 *kummu(C) smoke (meat)
2053 *sïCpV, *sï(L)paC smooth
2054 *yapa smooth
2055 *pahay smooth
2056a *piCka, *piNka smooth, bald
2056b *paNka, *paCVNka smooth
2057 *waLaka snail
2058 *kowa, *koNwa, *koLwa snake
2059 *sayawi, *saya-wa rattlesnake
2060 *sïwï rattlesnake
2061 *samïnï snake
2062 *sinawi snake
2063 *paka(ʼ/w)a red racer snake
2064 *siktaput red?-snake
2065 *tahu snake sp.
2066 *taNoLowa snake sp.
2067 *nïkwiw large legendary snake
2068 *pama snake
2069a *suku snake sp.
2069b *sïkï lizard
2070 *tannaCki sidewinder, rattlesnake sp.
2071a *haʼt(w)isa (> *ha(N)kwisa) sneeze, vi
2071b *haʼkwisaʼi sneeze
2071c *kwic... sneeze
2072a *isotoN-(kV) snore
2072b *osotoN(i) snore
2073a *(i)hotok, *horok snore
2073b *corok, Tep, *sorok snore
2073c *torok snore
2073d *totV snore
2074 *kïpa snow, ice
2075 *nïpa snow
2076 *yuya (*yawya) snow, v/n
2077 *takka snow
2078 *sïk snow
2079 *kwaL soft
2080 *mohi(ka) soft
2081 *hïpï soft
2082 *yoncoC soft
2083 *yuLi soft
2084 *payu, *paLyu soft, gentle
2085 *moʼona(C), *monna, *moCna so-in-law, male in-law
2086 *kwa son-in-law
2087 *sawa, *saʼawa sore
2088 *sipo sore, pain
2089 *ïca(C) (have) wound/sore
2090 *kïsa harm(ed), bad
2091 *takowa (*takawa) injure(d), damage(d), ruin
2092 *muLaw wound
2093 *puLa, *puhuLa blister, boil
2094 *ciʼ(i)wa 'hurtʼ - en agonia, agonizar
2095 *paLawa juice, soup, stew
2096 *hupa(wa) soup, stew
2097 *atoL corn-flour drink, atole
2098 *kwaCtaC gruel, pasty food, atole
2099 *(wa)tona atole
2100 *kuʼuLi gruel, thick mix/mush
2101 *iwa-Li atole
2102 *kitam south
2103 *pitta south
2104 *taCtika south
2105 *toka, *toʼoka, *totoka spider
2106 *tuʼLusi spider
2107 *kukkaC (AMR), *kuyka blackwidow spider
2108 *hupahi spider
2109 *hukkwaN spider
2110 *(w)osoko tarantula
2111 *mari-suka tarantula
2112 *tokoso spider
2113 *tïL-mukki place where spirits of the dead live
2114 *coʼaC spirit
2115 *mukuʼa(C) spirit
2116 *ïnïC-pï-(ci) spirit
2117 *arewa spirit
2118 *tusaC, *tusiC spit, v
2119 *kaCtiC (, *kïciC) spit
2120 *huCtiC - slobber, v
2121 *ciCta, *ciCti-paLawa spit
2122a *cukV spit, v
2122b *to(k/h)opVki spit,vi
2123 *muLa-, *muta, *muCCa-kV spit
2124 *taka spotted
2125 *napuC spotted
2126 *tammaNo spring
2127a *taspa spring
2127b *tasa spring
2128 *(h)ima squash
2129 *noki gourd
2130 *pako gourd for water
2131 *pa-taña squash, pumpkin, lit. water-bag
2132 *wicikoLi dried squash
2133 *soci squash
2134 *kama squash sp
2135 *kuyawi gourd
2136 *pisaLï gourd
2137 *soko squash
2138 *papo squash sp
2139 *kaLi(si) squash sp
2140 *sawaLa gourd
2141 *ayaW, *aLawV squash, gourd
2142 *koñi squirrel
2143a *tïku ground squirrel, mouse
2143b *ciku mouse
2144a *sikka(-wV) chipmunk
2144b *sikkuC squirrel
2145 *tapa... chipmunk
2146 *ciʼmo squirrel
2147 *motoʼo squirrel
2148a *ciCpawi squirrel
2148b *cippi - ground squirrel
2149 *iCkwa, *iNkwa ground squirrel
2150 *woʼta squirrel, chimpmunk
2151 *kwokoci squirrel
2152 *kacaʼi squirrel
2153 *kïmpa ground squirrel
2154 *yuña, *yuñCa squirrel, gopher
2155 *con base, trunk
2156 *co(k/ʼ)i, *cuC-ki trunk, base, stem, stalk
2157 *woʼota trunk, stalk
2158 *wïLï, *wïnï stand
2159 *wïwïLu-ka, Tep gï(g/r)uka stand, pl
2160 *kïk, *kika stand
2161 *kwïtaC, *kwïtï-kki rise, get up, cure
2162 *(a)hakwi stand
2163 *kono stand, pl
2164 *wami stand, pl
2165 *topoʼi stand, pl
2166 *tuC, *tutu stand
2167 *pama get/go up
2168 *tacinuN-pi star
2169a *siʼpo star
2169b *-puwa, *ciʼapuwa, *supuwa star
2169c *puʼ-ci, *puCti star
2169d *suʼu, *suwa star
2170 *coki star
2171 *ciʼa star
2172 *soniya- a consellation
2173 *paʼi be left over
2174 *pinaʼi be left, leave
2175 *tawa leave, remain, wait
2176 *tïhipa stay
2177 *ïka, *ïkï remain, be in a place, let lie
2178a *ïci steal
2178b *ïci-kwa (, *ïtikwa ?) steal
2179 *tïkka steal
2180 *nawa rob
2181 *cupa adhere
2182 *cukoa, *cukwa adhere
2183 *cappa adhere
2184 *paccaʼa/i stick, hang, adhere, fasten to
2185 *upcu stinger
2186 *taña sting
2187 *piCkwi stinger
2188 *poka stomach
2189 *sappu stomach
2190 *topa belly, stomach
2191 *toʼi bone, belly
2192 *kohi stomach
2193 *pun stomach, belly
2194 *yoLi stomach
2195 *kïca waist
2196 *sakoy, *sakwi(C) belly
2197 *cuku stoop, bend over
2198 *pona/i stoop, bend over
2199 *mutuʼu stoop
2200 *Luka stoop
2201 *tum stoop
2202 *poʼo-ta, *poLo bend over, stoop over
2203 *wi(C)ta stop
2204 *saCna stop
2205 *tïyuna keep
2206 *cïLi straight
2207 *yïwi straighten
2208 *tuna straight
2209 *muCkuNta straight
2210 *taʼLa spread, stretch out
2211 *samʼaC spread, v
2212 *pïrak extend, stretch
2213a *wasa/i stretch
2213b *waca/i straight, strecth
2214 *huta/i pull, strecth, pin s.o.
2215 *wupuka strong, strength
2216a huʼa, *huwa strong, hard
2216b *(hi)wïL strong, able
2217 *yuma/i able
2218 *kwamuki brave, unflinching
2219 *sïCï, *sïi strong
2220 *pïNka persist in, continue, bear with, suffer from
2221 *ciʼi suck(le)
2222a *cuʼmi, cuñV suck, sip, kiss
2222b *cuñuC tobacco pipe
2223 *moCV suck
2224 *piʼni suckle, nurse, v
2225 *piCt-cu (, *piCti-cuʼmi) breast-suck
2226 *taCcaC, *tattaC, *taCcaC summer
2227 *tawa-pa summer
2228 *kuwïs summer
2229 *toñiakwa... summer
2230a *tawa, tawV sun, day
2230b *taʼa, *ta- (day) light, sun
2230c *ta-iwa-(Li) become day
2230d *tapa sun, day
2230e *tamV sun, day
2231 *yu sun be at a place
2232 *kuya light, lit
2233 *pacay shine
2234 *pahay - stay up all night
2235a *ciʼaLi sunrise, east, morning
2235b *ta-s:aN, *ta-sïCaC dawn
2236 *sipi east
2237 *toʼay rise, come up/out
2238 *nuL, *naL aclarar el dia
2239 *ʼapka(C), *(pa)-ʼakka(C) sunflower
2240a *sipa sunflower
2240b *sawa sunflower
2241a *yïa, *yVʼaki set or enter (of sun)
2241b *ya(u)kwi set, go in
2242 *tapVika- set (of sun), v
2243a *huLu set (of sun), v
2243b *huLuniko afternoon
2244 *kaLaki set, of sun, v
2245 *taca puca sunset v/n
2246 *kuNa sweat
2247 *takusitoʼi swea
2248 *(hu)pakka sweat
2249 *pa-suLa sweat
2250 *potoC sweat, v
2251 *ïʼwa sweat
2252 *hacLa (, *hatiLa?) sweat onself, v
2253 *musaC sweathouse
2254 *poci sweep
2255 *copa sweep
2256a *wak sweep, comb
2256b *wok brush, sweep
2257 *(hi)paca sweep
2258 *(h)i(h)opi tasty, sweet
2259 *pisa(na), *pisa(L) sweet
2260 *kaka sweet
2261 *nakwV sumac, honey
2262 *mumus-(paLawa) honey, lit. bee-juice
2263 *posa swell
2264 *pakan swell
2265a *pakwita swell
2265b *pahwa swell
2266 *patto- swell
2267 *paha/i swell
2268 *pa-hapi swim, lit. water-lie
2269 *waya swim
2270 *pa-humay swim, lit. water-spread/prone
2271 *kwasi tail, penis
2272 *sati tail
2273 *yïka (have) taste
2274 *tïma, *tïCma taste
2275 *hiwV taste
2276 *tammu, *ta(L)wa sinew, tendon, nerve
2276a *tammu - muscle
2276b *tawa - nervio
2277 *yawi thin
2278 *kana thin, flat
2279 *taki thin
2280a *picawa thin
2280b *caha thin, slender, wrinkled
2281 *(hi)-tapi(ri) - algo, cosa indeterminada
2282 *tiʼita thing
2283a *hini thing
2283b *inahV thing
2284 *ïʼLa think, remember, believe, feel, want
2285 *wïyʼa think
2286 *tïkay think
2287 *summay think about
2288 *tama remember
2289 *natya, *natay plan
2290 *mukuwa-tu think
2291 *mïLy remember
2292 *toño-mukki be thirsty, heat-die
2293a *takuC thirst(y)
2293b *pa-takcï thirsty
2294 *paLa-mukki thirsty
2295 *pappapi(tu) thirsty
2296 *wicaC (AMR), *wiCcaC thorn, awl
2297 *soʼi thorn, pierce
2298 *mana thorn
2299 *aiku thorn
2300 *huʼuC thorn
2301 *cuNa thorn, sticker
2302 *pasa/i throw at
2303 *wina throw down/out, spill, empty
2304 *taC-(k)wina, *taC-kuna throw down/away
2305a *witta/i throw away
2305b *wïtti pour out, spill
2306a *wïkwatti pour
2306b *wïʼwanVta spill
2307 *maʼi... - to throw at
2308 *katti throw
2309a *tapa, *tapi throw, hit
2309b *tïpa throw, hit
2309c *pïpa, *papa throw
2310 *tïkwa hit by striking or throwing
2311 *ñaLaw throw out
2312 *puCka, *poka throw
2313 *woʼo throw
2314 *muʼa/i, *mu(k/h)a shoot (arrow)
2315 *siLa/i spill
2316 *putu throw, scatter
2317 *paCta/i thunder, exploding noise like thunder
2318 sïk beat, throw (with power, furry)
2319a *yuʼri, *yuLi (be) empty
2319b *yuna/i pour
2320 *kïmi(n) go down, fall
2321 *kwaCti shoot
2322 *kuCkwiC, *kukkwiC shoot
2323 *mota throw at, hunt
2324 *cayawa throw out, pour
2325 *...kis empty
2326 *(a)taka-pi empty, fruitless
2327 *sïL shoot, hunt
2328a *taw thunder
2328b *tïʼo- thunder
2328c *toʼom thunder
2328d *taʼña thunder
2329 *(t)unu thunder
2330a *puLa/i tie
2330b *pïna tie
2331a *suma tie
2331b *suC(ti) tie
2332a *tappiCta tie
2332b *tuppa tie(d)
2333 *ñaLiC, *ñaLim entangle(d)
2334 *(caC-)kïna hand-tie
2335 *tama tie
2336 *LoCa/i tired
2337 *siyawi tire
2338 *sota tire, wear out
2339 *maksoni tire, work hard
2340 *mi(N)howi, *mihaC tired
2341 *yuʼma tired, worn out
2342 *yowa suffer
2343 *ʼopa/i tire(some), labor(ious)
2344 *haLi endure, tire of
2345a *musuʼi try but not be able to do
2345b *-mïi, *-mïni, *mïnki be unable, fail (to do s.th)
2346 *Li to, for
2347a *-ki, *-kï to(ward), for, applicative, benefactive, distributive
2347b *-(N)kï person obj, benefactive suffix
2348 *pipaC, *piipat (AMR) tobacco
2349 *pammu, *pahmu, *paCmu tobacco
2350 *pahoN tobacco
2351 *koʼaC, *kwaʼaC tobacco
2352a *aya then, (effective/effecting) now
2352b *aï-pi now
2352c *(h)ï(C)pï also, more, again, now
2353 *cipi today, now
2354 *opaʼa now, right away
2355 *pitï now, soon
2356 *aLopi soon, near
2357 *mikkwa now
2358 *taʼika, *taCika tomorrow
2359 *ima tomorrow
2360 *muCa, *mo... tomorrow
2361 *piʼaLi tomorrow
2362 *kapu tomorrow
2363 *wiCtuku tomorrow
2364 *Lañu tongue
2365 *akoN tongue
2366 *tamaC, *tamaN, *taman tooth
2367 *cara moler
2368 *kumisa top, tuft, crest
2369 *taka,a top, point
2370a *koʼay, *koaiC top
2370b *kwiyV top
2371 *paʼakwi (on) top
2372 *wï(N)ka peak
2373 *katto top, head
2374 *taki, *takki touch
2375 *tam touch
2376 *pikka touch
2377 *masu touch, feel
2378 *cima touch
2379 *rusa, *Lusa rub, touch
2380 *puʼana wipe
2381a *humay, *humaL smear, spread, rub, paint
2381b *maʼa smear on, paint
2382 *tucciʼa wipe
2383a *tikka touch
2383b *tuCka touch
2384 *nama experience, feel like, try, vt
2385a *kïca scratch
2385b *kïskia itch
2386 *ñaska, ñacka be rough, stracth
2387 *saLuki, *suka/i scratch
2388 *ñisi touch, feel cautiously
2389 *kwataʼ smear, daub, plaster
2390 *pihya itch
2391 *makaʼani touch, feel, wipe
2392 *woki track, footprint
2393 *yïki make/follow tracks
2394 *tïʼa/i borrow, lend
2395a *namïki pay, sell
2395b *na-maka distribute, sell, give out
2396 *samsa buy
2397 *wika/i owe
2398 *kowa buy
2399a *tïmï buy
2399b *na-tuwa, *tuʼwa, *rukwa buy
2400 *waLa, *wara sell
2401 *taLi sell
2402 *napi(C)tu trade
2403 *cami turn over, exchange
2404 *cahap(aya) buy, trade
2405 *ñani, *ñina pay
2406 *hïwaC, *hïʼaC trap
2407 *tïʼniyaC trap
2408 *kut-(ta) tree, wood, firewood
2409a *kutawi, *kïlawï gather firewood
2409b *kuʼawi wood, tree, firewood
2410 *kukkwaC (, *kut-kwaC ?) wood
2411 *kuttumu pole of solemn purpose
2412 *kusi wood
2413 *wopiN wood
2414 *tukïnu alder tree, aliso
2415 *(h)ota(N) pole
2416 *uLi ash (tree?), aliso
2417 *cima branch, limb
2418 *waCka rabbit throwing stick, boomerang
2419 *ciwi turkey (sp.)
2420 *topa turkey
2421 *kuyuñV, *kuyuBkV, *kuyuNCV turkey
2422 *ayaC, *ayoC turtle
2423 *kopota turtle
2424 *komikt(ʼ)ïl turtle
2425 *muLi turtle
2426 *yuʼa wet, (water/wet) turtle
2427 *cikw, *ciko twin(s)
2428 *conoʼo twin(s)
2429 *topi twin(s)
2430 *oma twin
2431 *waʼwa twin(s)
2432 *taʼta uncle, usually mother's younger brother (myb) or father's sister's husband (fsh)
2433 *kumu uncle, usually father's older brother (fob)
2434 *mas uncle
2435 *puyu male relative
2436 *hay uncle, father's brother
2437 *puʼta/i become/get loose
2438 *yucaL loose(n)
2439 *kasa get well, loosen
2440 *toma loosen, undo, take from
2441 *tuCpa untie, loosen
2442 *kwu(C)ta, *kwuta untie, loose(n)
2443 *yama up, over, above
2444 *-mo- up(ward)
2445 *ti, *tïiN up
2446a *siʼi, *siʼa urinate, v
2446b *siʼiC-pï urine
2447 *mue female genitalia
2448 *kwita/i vagina
2449 *wïkkaN (, *wïʼaC-kani) vagina (penis-house)
2450 *taʼi female genitalia
2451 *tïpiL vulva
2452 *ciñiC, *siñiN female genitalia
2453 *piso vomit
2454a *yoʼa vomit
2454b *oʼa, *oʼV vomit
2455 *hara, *haLa belch, vomit
2456 *nïnïLa wait
2457a *popica wait
2457b *puwi wait
2457c *puCta/i wait for
2458 *ciya wait
2459 *pusaC (AMR) wake up, open eyes
2460 *tay wake
2461 *nïC wake
2462 *-knowLi, *kori wall
2463a *pana wall
2463b *paya wall, surface
2464 *-pakki wall
2465 *yañi fence, enclosure, roofless wall(s)
2466 *iso dab, make mud wall
2467 *naki want
2468a *suwaC want
2468b *sïwa want
2469a *yaʼa yearn after, cherish
2469b *aya(-)w like, want
2470 *pi'tu, *piCtu want
2471 *pisa like
2472 *ukoL want
2473 *(sun)-taha pity, have compassion for
2474 *(haʼa)-sun-tuʼi want, wish
2475 *sohiwa feel sympathy or compassion for
2476 *pawa like, want
2477 *kwamusa like, long for
2478 *supi like, want
2479 *tinV want, like
2480 *miCta, *miCca wart
2481 *upuLiwa wart
2482a *ciʼa mole, wart
2482b *(tï)-ciʼwa a sore, wart
2483 *tasuku wart
2484 *pa-ko wash
2485a *pa-ksi (, *pa-kasi) be washing, vt
2485b *(na-)pa-kka/i bathe
2486a *ma-pa rub
2486b *ma-pak wash face/hands
2487 *(pa)-caka/i wash
2488 *pa-şama wash
2489 *kaya/i wash
2490a *yupu - wash one's hair
2490b *yukwaCta/i wash hair
2491 *pa-tïki wash
2492 *patupi bathe
2493 *asa/i bathe, wash
2494 *up(p)a bathe
2495a *piʼwa clean
2495b *powa (, *piʼwa) clean, repay
2496 *kawa/i clean, clear
2497 *pa, *paʼwi water
2498 *cuyawi water
2499 *mïma ocean
2500 *paʼiwi carry/fetch water
2501 *paN... water baby, supernatural creature living in water
2502 *pa-waki destroy by water, lit: water-dry
2503 *tonika wave (of water)
2504 *kam water to rise, make wave
2505 *kwïʼLawi, *kwïCtawi weak
2506 *sïsïka weasel
2507a *kwiCta braid, wind around
2507b *kwiNtu wring, squeeze, wash (clothes)
2507c *kwisiC weave, twine, v
2507d *kwaCtoʼi wash, wring (clothes)
2508 *coma sew
2509 *(a)coLCa sew
2510 *uLa sew
2511 *su sew
2512 *siʼaLa/i braid
2513 *tuL weave
2514 *siCtoko braid
2515 *moʼ(t)ï braid, weave
2516 *tï sew
2517 *ñaLa, *ñatCi, *ñataC weave, fasteni tie
2518 *pawa/i wet
2519 *cakkway wet
2520a *papasi wet
2520b *papusi wet
2521 *samï, *samiC be wet, numb(ing), drizzly
2522 *haLa moist
2523 *muwa/i wet
2524 *komona wet
2525 *han-ta, *hiCta, *hin-ta what, something
2526a *tu(ʼu) - thing
2526b *haʼi-tuʼu, *haʼa-tuʼu what, thing
2527 *ma what, which
2528 *ha- interrogative particle
2529 *kïm how
2530a *mi wh-base
2530b *min what kind, how
2531 *ki interrogative
2532 *ina introduces yes-no questions, emphatic, topicalizer
2533 *ma-(ma)-ntV some of
2534 *ha-na-ʼoko when
2535 *hinipa, himpai when
2536a *hïko when
2536b *hïkiyo when
2536c *hak(w)ïro when
2537 *kapaw when
2538a *ha-kam where
2538b *ha-ka - -
2538c *kami - -
2538d *ha-kuni
2538 *kan - who
2539 *haypa, *haypï where
2540 *wïpa, *wïppa whip
2541a *pikuya whistle
2541b *wikuya whistle
2541c *kwiwi whistle
2542 *wisuko whistle
2543a *tosaC white
2543b *tusa white
2544c *sa-ka white
2545 *kwaya white
2546 *tïpa/i white
2547 *cïpa white, clean
2548 *haka, *haki who
2549 *hapï(su) - -
2550 *(C)ïro, Tep *hïrai who
2551 *hamiʼ - -
2552 *sïhï willow
2553 *kana willow
2554a *woat willow
2554b *wata willow
2555 *wasV willow
2556 *kwaC(ku) win
2557 *maʼi-(tu) win
2558 *hïka, *hïkawa, *hïkwa wind, blow
2559 *ciporika whirlwind
2560 *nïka be windy, blow
2561 *? whirlwind
2562a *tommo, *toCmo winter
2562b *tamoʼ winter, year
2563a *pïma, *pïNa with
2563b *piña friend, unite/go with
2564 *cïpa with
2565 *kwan with
2566 *naka with
2567 *waka/i meet
2568a *nawi together with
2568b *nama together with
2569 *cïʼï wolf
2570 *tuʼapa wolf
2571 *okaci (old)woman
2572a *hupi woman, wife
2572b *hïpi woman
2573 *waʼiC woman
2574 *nos-tu old woman
2575a *siwa, *si(ñ)wa, *siwNa female, sister, daughter
2575b *sïʼa girl
2575c *suñs man'a daughter, wife
2575d *soña, *suña, *si(ñ)wa woman, wife
2576 *paCtï (, *paNtï) daughter
2577 *tïhia, *tïkia girl
2578 *tïwï girl
2579 *piCwa wife
2580 *pami girl
2581 *naka young woman
2582 *notïkkwa wife
2583a *mamaʼu woman
2583b *ma(ma)-sakwa-ci older woman
2584 *muk, *mok woman
2585 *tïhima spouse
2586a *nawiC girl
2586b *naʼa- girl, boy
2587a *tïkiL-panawa work, cut
2587b *tïk... work, cut
2587c *tïʼai work
2588 *tupVka work
2589 *timaLa, *tïmaLa work
2590 *paLV, *paLpu(LV) help
2591 *-noca work
2592a *kwici (, *kwit(a)-kowa) worm, feces-snake
2592b *koci - type of earthworm
2593 *woʼa worm
2594 *piʼakïC caterpillar, worm
2595 *paʼa worm
2596a *sipuLi worm
2596b *sipuyu rotten, wormy
2597 *-kuLi worm
2598 *masiwa centipede
2599 *kïsa(ʼapaka) yawn, open (mouth)
2600 *kappï, *kaCpï yawn
2601 *hatawa yawn, v
2602 *tiʼni-akV yawn
2603 *pami year
2604 *yasayawa year
2605a *uhaC (, *ohaC) yellow
2605b *ʼuʼama, *ʼuhama yellow
2606a *saʼwa yellow
2606b *kosawa, *kosawiya yellow
2607 *huʼï yes
2608 *ha yes
2609 *hï... yes
2610 *kï(C)aNwi yesterday
2611 *kïntu yesterday
2612a *tapa(ku) yesterday
2612b *taka(po) yesterday
2613 *yaLuwa yesterday
2614a *pana Yucca whipplei
2614b *pan... yucca
2615 *hunupaC Yucca mohavensis
2616 *hapa yucca
2617 *noni yucca fruit
2618 *sïmaʼ, sïmï one
2619 *sïnu one
2620a *piLï, *paLï, *puLa one, negative
2620b *suC-puLa, *sum-puLa one, first, other, different
2620c *wa-puL different, separate
2621 *na- twice, double
2622a *wakay two, after (see note at seven)
2622b *wokay - two
2623 *omV two
2624 *pakay three
2625 *maCkupa four
2626 *na-wakay four (2 x 2, two two's)
2627 *wattiwi four
2628a *manniki five
2628b *maha five
2628c *na-ma-kwanañ five (my-hands-half)
2628d *makwil five
2629 *cipo five
2630 *na-pakay six
2631 *pa-pakay sic, Takic reduplication of three
2632 *pusani six
2633 *cikwa-sïʼïm - six
2634 *ta(kkwa)ci(k)wi seven
2635 *wo-pusani seven
2636 *wacaʼkVp... seven
2637 *nomiNci seven
2638 *na-pakay-ka-payini seven
2639 *(iC)kicao seven
2640 *wo-sïmï, *wo-sïwï eight
2641 *waka-wattiwi eight
2642 *wo-sa-na-wakay eight, two-times-four
2643 *namiwattïkwi - -
2644 *na-na-wattV eight, two fours
2645 *(nama)kwana(ñax)-pah eight, five-three
2646 *wi-wiko eight
2647 *suwatokomaʼsï(N)wi nine
2648 *pV(c/s)t nine
2649 *ki-maC-kopi nine, another (is) ten
2650 *kwaniki nine
2651 *maC-kopi ten
2652 *pïNku dime, bit
2653 *pïc - all
2654 *sïma ten
2655 *(toko)maʼsï(N)wi ten
2656 *- - -
2657 *- - -
2658 *nï I, me, my
2659a *ʼï you sg
2659b *ʼïm(i) you, pl
2660a *(n)api you sg
2660b *apimV you, pl
2661 *tï, *tïhwa you sg
2662 *(i)tammu we
2663 *yïhwa that, he, she
2664 *pu he, she, it, 3rd sg
2665 *hïwa that one
2666a *hïmV they
2666b *hïwama they
2667a *i- this
2667b *ya this, here
2668 *hu that
2669 *pa, *pï that, 3rd person pronoun
2670a *ma that
2670b *mi that, this
2671 *a- that
2672 *-(i)s(a) time(s)
2673 *-ima (, -im, -m, -mï) plural suffix
2674 *-tï plural suffix
2675 *na- reciprocal/reflexive/passive prefix
2676 *mo- reflexive pronoun
2677 *-wa, *i-wa passive
2678 *-ta non-possessed/absolutive suffix
2679a *-pï non-possessed/absolutive suffix (in Num)
2679b *pï perfective participle
2680 *-pi non-possedded/absolutive suffix
2681 *mik- possession
2682 *-yu nominative suffix
2683 *-a accusative suffix
2684 *-cï, *-cV accusative suffix
2685 *-ku, *kw accusative suffix
2686 *tï- indefinite non-human object
2687 *ta- unspecified subject
2688 *-na, *-ina causative suffix
2689 *-tu'a causative suffix
2690 *-ta cause, make, do, derive verb from noun
2691 *Nu(N) momentaneous verbal suffix
2692 *-ta unspecified subject
2693 *-ka perfect, past
2694 *-va future-unrealized suffix
2695 *mï(L)a future suffix
2696 *-ca frequentative transitive suffix
2697 *wa- perfect or past prefix
2698 *-i, *-y(V) present
2699 *ti, *tï stative or resultative suffix, adjective suffix
2700 *kamï participle suffix on verbs, person who does, is
2701 *-'numpi, *CnuN-pï instrumental suffix
2702 *-i, *-ya person from
2703 *-a/-i vowel alternation on the end of verbs such that


  1. ^ Stubbs, Brian D. 2011. Uto-Aztecan: A comparative vocabulary. Flower Mound, Texas: Shumway Family History Services.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní