Appendix:Timucua word list

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Timucua word list:[1]

Granberry (1993)

Gloss Timucua
abandon hani
abandon oneself to pleasure epesoha
abhor napura, putu, femiti, haraca
able, to be ane, hela, lehe, mo, yate, iso, nahi, he-
abominable equentequa
about cabichi, naba, nahela, qela
about to nahomo
above abo, yuba, ofue
absence hela
absolution chale
absolve chale, balu
abstain hani
abundance yame
abundantly bicota, otorota
accompany uru, quitulu
accomplish palu, isa, picha, pichi
accuse man
acid hiqitima
acorn tucu, aha
add chica, yame, punu, pira, nayame
administer yate, malu
admiration quo, colahayo, quale
admonish isi
adore ete
adorn oneself quanu, nahulu
adultery huta, pata
advance, in ecoya
advantage nahio
adversary iri
advice orobo
advocate ebe, ara
adze pesola, pulu
affable cume
affection niho
affirm mo, isi, yano, hibatelaqeno
afflict tuquita
afflicted hachinara
affront lea, yuchi
aforesaid quene, yemo
after qere, ocho, ofue
after, to be napirala
afternoon fori, ilaqi
afterwards ofue, hiqui, quenele
again acu
against emo
age, to yoloquala
agent sono
agree isi, man
agreeable man, sa, isaco, hachihiati
ah! a, ae, ae, cha
alas! see ah!
alive balu
all tooma, achico, acu, amiro, atimo, ico, inemi, mirica, ocora
alligator itori
all together into
alone yaha, isimi, maha
along with uquale
already lenaqe, aqio
also tacu, natela
altar altari
although hanima, hacu, intichiqe, tacu
always maha, chiqe, nanemi
ancestors iqui
ancient atafi, pacha, nariba, iqui
and acu, hacu, ieqe, qe, qui, te, yanacu
anew ele
angel angelil
anger polon, chuteo, yurico
angry cato, chuteo, yurico, ica, siso, qili, naquate
animal hachipile
anoint qitu, ibi
another acu, eyo
ant suluquita
anthill suluquita pahama
any acu, maha, mo
anyone hacha
anything hacha, ine, pachiqua
apart abi, haba, chiqeta, namoqua, sacasisota, utata
appear mosi, ene, hura, tarua, leba
apprehension maha
apprentice mochase
approach mi
arise tuqui
arms pisoco, achitilo, hachinoroco
around naba, pari
arrange qebe
arrange the hair quanu
arrive mi, pona, tafarela, nataite
arrive by sea yuque
arrive, not to tuba
arrow atulu
as quimo
as follows quene, nanacu
ascend iqi
ashamed yuchi
ashes api
ask bele, iquito, lapu, tamalo, yechi
ask for lapu
asleep neca
assault utasinino
assembly ocora
assist ebe, hula
associated ocora
at once naquana
attack iri, utasinino, qe
attack, order an (qua
attain mi
attention cume, noro
attention, with noro, melaba
augur ihoto
augment aro
aunt isa, neba, nibe
avenge chiqi, ichiqi
await behe, ibatele
away huri, naba, nuque
away from haba
ax cocho, yahi
bachelor pacano
back yuba
back of yuba, ocho
bad istico, inti, yate, yati
bad things hachinarami
bald calaba, hele
bank basala
baptism chie, ipo
bark (tree) anapie, cupa
basis machi
basket hachi, canasta
bathe ibi, iqe, culafo, samo, suquo
be ano, ea, bahesi, haquentama, ine, fa, le, lenima, leta, nahan, nahela, nahi, hatela, -no, cantela, panta, toto, hana, quanta, mo, moha, monima
be so eyamoheco, fano, quene
be that isote
be, wont to hiba
beans saliqi
bear (animal) ara
bear ino, uqua
beat aboto
beautiful isa, asa, bapi, cachu
beauty isa
because nanacu, quene
become yolo
bed acata
before anta, mucu, pachique
before (position) ecoyo, emo, mucu
beg fete, tamalo, lapu
beget siqi
begin ichito
beginning ichito, qibe
begrudge piqi
behave man
behind ocho, yuba
belch chaqui, moqeti, qere
belief boho
believe boho, cume
below pata
beneath acata
benefit inino, pichi, huru
berry (palmetto) apu
besides ofue, uqua
best tera
better tera
between quimosi
bewitch lpo, oroba, ituhu
beyond ofue
beyond, to go aro, pira, yuba
bile atimucu
billiards (?) torobo
bird chulufi
biscuit bizcocho
bite ichico
bitter melo, hiqiti, cachi, nararaca
black chucu, laca
blackness chucu
black drink casino
blacksmith areca, hiereba
blade pesa
blame yoco
blaspheme mele
bleach nayo
bleat heba
blind helo, naco
blood isi
blow, to ipo, pata
blue lico
boat tico
body oco, una
bolster beqenino
bone yabi
book chara
boot ichiqeche
border tiqi
bore icho, ihoto
born nata, ule, aruqui
borrow fete, hete
both atimo, yo, quene
bow (for arrows) colo
bowman hapetaque, colo
box aye
boy aruqui, alifila, chiri, huru, biro, pequata
brains sili
bread pesolo
break iparu, pala, bichubi
break a law icatu
breast cume, chocolo
brief talaca
brightness caro
bring pona, uquale
broken yame
brother amita, niho, piliqua, yacha, yachi, yuba
brother (elder) ecoya, hiosa, miso, niha
brother-in-law tafi, tasi, yame, iquilo
brow chito
bruise qe
bunch of grapes bihi
burn taca, natoya, quela, tori
burned niho
bury ebacalealeno, tuque, yale
but hacu, nacu, yanacu
butcher shop soba, mahaqua
buy mahaqua
buzzard apohola
by beta
cabin pile
call heba, ma, mo, isi
call upon bele, tamalo
can (be able to) ane, hela, moha, he-
canal ibi
candle amara, taca
candlewood siricale
cannot aneca
canoe tico
capture hibi
carbon chu, taca
care for hoto
carefully soti
careless pacanihino
caress cobo
carpenter areca, aye, ema
carry uquale, ecataqere, ihoco
carry away ichu, nuque, pia
casina casino
cast out narutuqua
cat gato
catch ebeta, uba
catch fish quela
catechism talaca
cause iquimi, chie, isa, iso, mo, so
cease hani, homa
censure mele
ceremony isi
certain leta, mani, quene
certainly 0
change chiqi
channel ibi
charcoal chu, taca
charity hoba, iqilaba, melaba
charm yaba, ipo, ituhu
chaste quo
chastity haba
cherish cobo, homa
chestnut afeta
chicken caya
chief holata, parucusi
child aruqui, qie, ahono, aiman(ta), ebo, piliqua, siqi, oroco, ule
childless (?) ule
chisel icho, ihoto
choir elo
choke ipo
christian christiano
church iglesia, diosi pahama
circle about parifo
citizen hica, chia, maca
city hica
civility cume, chale
clan hasomi
clarity caro
claws qepe
clay iqe
clean qepe, chale, iqe
cleansing chaleca
clear ique, caro, ea, perefo
clear of yala
clearing abara
clearly nela
clearness caro
clod asisi
close to ataro, pacu, eqete
close by eqete, uquale
closely tuluqua
cloth amuna
clothe abi
clothing abi, amuna, amala
coal chale
coal fire taca
cobbler paru
cohabit huta, pata
cold patu, ichicosa
colored curu
combat qili
come! into
come hime, isaco, mi, nalaitema, pona
come afterwards uru
come in eca, echa
come next uru
come out toco
come to die nahomo
come together nata
command ma, mo, utina
commandment man, cube, heba
commit ine, inino
commonly ini bo, namono
companion ocora
compassion cume, melaba, hio, qilabo
compassionate cume, cbahio
compensation hachi
complaint hachinara
complete hani, homa, naho, picha, pita
comply with iqui, picha
compound iso
conceal piqui, chiqe
concern taqua
concerning emo
concert aho
conclude hiqui
concubine nia
condemn calubo
condense tuluqua
condiment tabi
condition sario
confess orobo, yuchi
confession orobo
confessional orobo
confinement eta
confirm coto
conform chala
congregation ocora
conjure itufa, ituhu
conjurer itufa
consecrate chie
consent man, mo, pale
consider areca, cume
consort inihi
consult ene
consume core, pia
contempt, hold in napura
contempt, gesture piri
contend pera(mo), namere
content isaco
contented cume, orabo
contentment orabo
continually tuluqua, pira
contradict (ta)qe
contrary to aiman(ta)
contrition qilabo
convalescence yabi
cook gisano
cook fried cakes quiti
cool hiamiauqa, ichicosa
corn tapola, hola
corn, the first hola
corn crib abo pahama, pile, yache(ba)
corner oto
corner, inside oyo
corral apalu
correct ma
council orobo
counsel areca, cume, orobisti
counselor inihama, anacotirna
count yame
counters iribo
country uti
courage yayi
cousin ama, amita, aruqui, hiosa, niha, qie, yachi
cover cuque, ucu, paca, naquilu
cover(house) naquilu
cover (plants) nacumono
covet cura, cuna, man
cowardly tapa, sipaca
crackle (fire) isi
cranberry (?) yucuta
crane sicuri
crazed echa, isu
crazy mareheba
create areca, chie, siqi
creation areca
creator areca, siqi
criticize sara
crop abara, baca, hola
cross (noun) crusi
cross (verb) abaca, basala
crow (noun) caca
crowd mocoro, tuquita
crucify caco
crush iparu, iqui
cry iqua
cry out yuchi
cunning orobisti
cup ucu
cure ororbo, balu, hiomi, imo
curse choya, hio, quiri, yaba
custom cume
cut cocho, cala, foro
but open pali
cutter cocho
dally equete
damage ate, ine, istico
damsel aquita
dance muqua
dark chucu, laca
daughter amita, ahono, chiri, pacano, piliqua, qie, ule, yuba
daughter-in-law nubo, qiso, tafi, yame
day ela, equela, nabucha
dead nitimu, niroco, nihi, iqui
death nihi
debt ehe
decay upa
decayed iqui
deceased aiman(ta)
deceitf ul orobo
deceive chala
deception chala
deck quanu
declare aho, isi, tolobo
decorate naquilu
deed lnino, ino, iso
deep pata
deer honoso
defeat iqui
defecate paia
defend ebe
delight nacupa, nula, pana, cobo
delight oneself nimi
delightful cachu, chico, isaco
deliver huri, naca
demon hiti
demonstrate ene
deny huri
depreciate man
deprivation hani
depths machi
descend into tapita
descendant aruqui, hasomi
descended from uqua
desecrate maha, mele
desire cume, mani, nacupa, qi, toco
desire to drink neca
despise caqui, chequa, hara, man, napura, noti, talama
despised fara, femiti
dessert core
destroy iqui, yame
devil hiti, miso
devoted cume, hoba
devotion, with melaba, noro
dew iba, ibi
diaphanous yala
die iqui, nihi, tani
dig pulu
diligence eqe, hiri, qiti
diligently qiti, soti, hiri, fere, hapetaqua
diminished tuiuqua
diminution chichi
direct ma
directly tomo
dirt chucu, qisa
disable aneca
disability aneca
disagree haba
disappear hura
discharge ichu
disciple discipulo, mochase, uqua
discontinued isaco
discord cai
disemboweled icho
disgrace chacaba
disgrace, cause quiri
disgust polon
dish plato
dishonor iquiti
disinherit narutuqua
disobey boyoti
disorder, walk in sacasisota
disordered tacuba
disorderly cachhu
dispose qeba(ni)
disposition cume
dispute ica, siso
disrespectful iqibi
distance, at a nahi, colala
distant bio
distribute isaqi
disturb (ta)qe
disturbed choya
disturbed in mind qili
ditch pocha
do areca, chie, ine, ino, isa, iso, inino, mo, quoso, yatacunachicosanco
do quickly qiti
doctor ituhu, orobo, isu
doctrine ituhu
dog efa
doing iso
door ucuchua
double pacu
doubt bayeti
doubt, be in mucu, colahayo
dove obe
downcast enemi, quanimaca, nuba
downward, to face nuba
drag abota, qere, pili
draw abota, qere
draw out abota, qere
drawing nibi
dream hiqi
dress quanu, abi
drink ucu, ibi, mayu
drink, desire to neca
drive away hibi, ichu
drop chola, chota, hocho
drown mofa
drum cane, sula, uli
drunkard boco
drunken, be boco
dumpling chicolata, pilene
dung asurupa
dust api, qisa
dwell hiba
dwelling paha
dyer chucu
each reqe
ear tiqi, metele (of an owl)
earnestly yame
earth uti, iqe, iparu, acatala
easy hiamiqua
eat he, ho, iparu, isotamale
eat, have to cana
eat something by grinding iparu
eat with tabi
eel caraca, sea, iyorona
effect iso, nahe
efficacy iso
eight piqinahu
eject fa
elder ecoya
elevate acoro
embarcation point yuque, cafa
embark yale
embrace tipari, habo, tara
embroil naqi
empty puchu
emulate abo
enamored cachu
encounter nacaqui, caco
end hiqui, hani, homa, ucutu
endow ela
enemy lri
engender paca, siqi
enjoy nacupa, orabo, pana
enjoyment pana
enlighten caro
enough ha, naba, ona, quale, pita
ensign hachinoroco
enter echa, eca
entertain coboso
entirely ebele, coco
entrust naca
envy piqi
equal eca, qua
erase qere
erect ete
escape piqui
especially qibe
esteem ique, inocochie, nabo, naquo, eba, hituqua, quo
eternal nanemi
eternally nanemi
evening ilaqe
every acu, core, reqe, tooma
everywhere paritima, reqe
evil istico, chacaba, yati, iniba, maha
exalt qua
exaltation qua
example orobo
exchange chiqi, ichiqi, toi
excrement ayahibanoma, asurupa
exercise inino
exert oneself abala
exist areca
exorcism ituhu
expect behe
expire nihi
explain tolobo
extinct niroco, nitimu
extinguish timu
extremity huru
eye mucu
eyebrow milisuru
face mucu, nibi
face downward nuba
fail taima, luba, chebe, hani, nahico
fail to reach tuba
faint mayu, nameya
fair bapi, cachu
faith behe, boho
faithful nayuchami, boho, hacha
fall biu, hocho, ete
fall short nahico, tuba
false tacuba
family hasomi
famine cubita
fancy (verb) cayo
far bio, colala
far away huri, haba
farmer hulubo
fast(verb) itori
fat amara, neha
father itc
father-in-law nasi, nubo
fathom pata
fatigue pataqui
fault chebe, iquimi
favor namoqua, ara
fear (exclamation) yo manta!, qe!
fear paloco, neche
fearless nayuchami
feast coboso
feather metele, tilo, cola
feeble maca
feebleness maca
feel cume
feelings yala
female nia
felt yata
fence apalu
ferret chiqua
field eca, pile, abara
fiesta fiesta
fifth marua
fight lea, pera(mo), siso
fight with putisi
figure nibi
file (verb) yari
fill cumo
filth asurupa
filthy bara
find yate
finger ring epalu
finish bara, hiqui, homa, pia, hani, pita
finished atime
fir taca
fire-colored niho
firm tari
first yaha, qibe, mine
firstborn yaha
fish (noun) cuyu
fish (as eaten) natailema
fish (verb) camapata, cuyu, quela
fish basket puye
fishhook yabi
fish trap puye
fish weir acatala, ichali
fit chala
five marua
flagellation aboto
flat queta
flatness ta pa
flea ibi
flee puru, putu
flesh oco, soba
flirt nula
flood huque
floor pecherereca
flower chio
fly arobotairibi, iribo, meya
fly around parifo
foam asisuqua
fog licofaye
food hono, soba
fool nula
foot ichiqi
for beta, habeleta, habema, haleqe, iquimileqe
forbid nahi
force chocorino, eqe, yayi, tari
forehead chito, sili
forenoon uqua
forest aya, huri
forever nanemi
forget paqe
forgive man, paqe
forgiveness man
fort apalu
fortitude yayi
forward ecoyo
four cheqeta
fourth cheqeta
fox habe
fox (male) pufi
fragments tiquire
free huri
freeze cala
frequent fa, icacheti, cayo
friend chico
from ma, toco
frost hutane, patu, torobo, yelo, yunco, epo, atimucu
froth asisuqua
fruit cala
fry quiti
fulfill iqui
gain maha, mo
gall atimucu
gamble hapu
game hapu
garrulous maracai
gate ucuchua
gather hebe
generate ooboqi
generations aruqui
genitals (male) yuchino
gentle cume
gently cume, eani
girl aquita, aruqui, chiri, siqi
give huri, yaru, che, yate, quachi
give nothing nate
give oneself up to nate
give quickly iso
give spontaneously yaru
give up hani
gloomy niho
glorify qua
glorious chico
glory lashio, isaco
gnaw icaputa
go aliho, abo, fa, ho, isaco, mi, nata, osobota, puen
go! into!
go apart ele
go in echa, eca
go in procession yari
go out toco
go quickly isapu
go together nata
go up to iqi
god diosi
godchild qiso
goddaughter quilo, qiso
godfather itora, qiso
godmother quilo, nibira
godson quilo
gold hiyereba, nali
good tera, isa, iniba
good, to speak iquito
goodness iniba
gourd chucu
govern ecoya
governor ecoya, itora
grace chico
graceful isa, tera
gracious sa
granddaughter quilo
grandfather itora
grandmother quilo, nibira
grandson qiso, quilo
grant chico
grape (palmetto) apu
grape bihi
grasp ebeta, huta
grateful quoso
grave-digger ebacalealeno
gravy neha
grease amara, neha, uque
great yayi, inibi, coco, mine, mora, noro, iyeno
grt-grnddaughter quilo
grt-grndfather itora, coesa, nariba
grt-grndmother yache, isa, quilo, nibira
great-grandson qiso, quilo
greens puya
greet hioco
greyhound efa
grief enemi, isticoco, yuchi, qilabo, ube, ufube, uhubi
grieve tuqui, man
grind, with teeth iparu
groan hachinarami
ground (earth) qisa
grow pocha
grudge qili
guard hoto, yale, epe
guardian nahi, yale
guide tomo
guilt iquimi
habitation paha
hair napona
hair of the head puchi
hallow abolo, qua
hand hue
hands, with penani
handsome sa, tera
hang up peqe
hang upon caco
happen iniqe
happy isaco, orabo
hare apichiara
harm ine, caluba
harvest abara, baca
haste bereta
hasten oso
hastily bereta, hapetaqua
hat chiqino
hatch chie
hate putu
hatef ul man
have hami, isote, nahi, ha-
have, not to cana
have to eat cana, nataitema
haze licofaye
he oqe, ma
head chito, cuna
heal aba, ebe, hiomi, hura, orobo
health hima, hiomi
heap together tuqui
hear ocoto, tiqi
heart cume
heat heba, meta, niho
heaven numa, nalimo
heavy yamu
heedless pacanihino
hell ichira, hiti, infierno
help ara, huta, ape, epa
helper ara
hen caya
herb isu, nie, pole
herbalist isu
here ca, catoomohabela
hide piqui, chiqe, pite
highwayman fa
hit eba, nequa
hoe pesola, pulu
hold iribo, man, nahi
hole chua
hollow out pulu
honor aboqua, nabo, iquo, inocochie, quanu, nayele, quo, quoso
hood iqi
hook obo
hope behe, bele
horse caballo
hot metaba, mela
hour abi
hour of nahomo
house paha, anoti, elahiti
how hacha
how many chuca
how often chuca
however nacu
howl bahuru, hachinacachi
human ano
humanity biro
humble oneself polon
humiliate ulechi
humility ulechi
hundred chupi
hunger hono, cubita
hungry hono
hunt qe, bali, emi, iqui
hunter bali, yahati
hurricane huque
hurry hete
husband inihi
husbandman hola
hut pile
I ho, honihe, na
ice torobo, alimucu
idol nibi
if hana, heco, colahayo, na, tacu, una, cono, nacu
ignominiously iquiti
ignorant yaca, chaqueneti, mucu, choco
Ilex vomitoria casino
image nibi
imitate iquente, cumen, ichiqe, naquero, nibi
immediately aqio, naquana, qere, tomo
impediment aneca
important yayi
impress cata, (ta)qe
in eca, masi, paca, oyo, to
in addition to uqua
in company with uru
in the air tola
incite yutusu, tutu
include homa
increase yame
increase beyond ita
incur inino
industry eqeta
ineffective aneca
infatuated with cachu
infidel pira
infinite homa
inflame yutusu
inflamed heart niho
inform ma
in front of emo
injure paloco
innocent qichi
inquire iquito
inside paca, naba, oyo
inspiration cume
instant abiti
instant, in an abiti
institute areca
instruct eca, cume, nahiabo
instruction cume
instrument areca, chie, inoni, iso
insult yuchi, iquiti
intercede ebe
intercessor ara
interior oyo
into echa, to
inundation huque
invisible ene
invoke ituhu
iron hiyereba, yafaraba
irrigate nachiliqui
is there not? toro
it oqe, ma
jest naquero
join eca
joined ocora, horo
joy orabo, halaha, isaco, quo
joy (expression of) hupep ie! quale! a! hachia!
joyous orabo
judge areca, fara, sara, tacuba
judgement sara
jug saro
just nasianele, tacuba, tera
keep yale, ibatele
kettle-drum cane, sula
kill iqui, ilifo, nihi
kind coesa, mo
kindle a fire alata
king rey
kiss obacha
kitchen hono
knave istico
kneel neqero
knife picho, pali, pesa
know isaco, nahiabo, tani, hi, nu, uqua
knowledge man, nahiabo
labor isticoco, areca, lari
laborer hulubo, ulubatari, tari
lack chebe, hiri, intaribala, taima, tuba, hani
ladle quiti
lagoon ibi, camapata
lake ibi, camapata
lament mela
lance ipunu
land uti
language heba
large mine
lascivious huta
last homa, yuque, pira, tooma
late fichi
laugh iqibi, naqi
laundress chara
laurel naliqui, tola
lavatory culafo
law mani, cume
lawless cachu
lazily maca
laziness beni, maca
lazy alobo
leading inibiti
leaf, withered asileco
leak epesoha
lean tapa
learn uqua, talaca
leather hani, naha, to
left eba
left, to be inquenenela
left, what is core
lend hete
lesser piri
letter chara, nioco
lewd beni
lewdoess beni
liberate huri, epa, ibalu
liberator huri
lie (prevaricate) nura
lie with lchu
life balu
light (noun) caro, taca, ea
light (weight) afaba
light a fire alata
lighten mili
lightly afa, inimi
like chumosi, qua, quana, quene, quimo
limited ita
line qele
lineage hasomi, qela
lion hiyaraba, yaraha
liquid ibi
listen ocoto
little chiri, inquenenela, huru, piri, qichi, mora, oroco, ule
little by little eane
live balu, hiba
liver chofa
load quoto, yale, iloco
loan ehe, fete
lock ataro
long lhiriba
long-established maquima
look ene
loosen chula, timoso
lord ano, mine, hami
lose benan, chebe, hocho, hani, melaba
lose in gambling nihi
loss chebe
louse hibe, iqe
love hoba, cume, huba, cachu, man, homa,
lover (male) cayo, biro
low piri, flaco anorimati, chequama,
lower class faramiti, isinihimiti, pataquila, sipaca, tapa, isticoco
loyal cobaqua
loyalty cobaqua
lukewarm yoso, maca, mero
lungs pielno
lust nacupa
lust for here, nacupa
mad mareheba
maid aquita
mail nioco
maize tapola
majestic yabo
majesty yabo
make areca, chie, iso, quoso
make soup quiti
male biro
malice maha
malicious orobo
maliciousness orobo
man biro, ano
manner iso, cume, mo
manure aururpa
many ara, puqua, inibi, inemi
march in file yari
mark qele, nibi
marry hiba, inihi
marsh hocha, yalu, machaba
mass (religious) missa
master ano
master of yayi
mean (unkind) anorimati, chequama, faramiti, isinihimiti, isi, palaquila, sipaca, tapa
mean (verb) mo
measure nahi, pata, pesanoma
meat soba, picho
meat store soba
mediate ebe
mediator ebe
medicine meleni, niye
medicine, to take ipo
medicine man isu, isucu, yaba
meditate mani
meek cane
meet nacaqui, namoyo
melancholy niho
melon meloni
melon field melonipile
melt quela, teyalo
memory cume
menstruate ibi
merciful ebahio, cume, ma, melaba
mercy cume, melaba, qilabo, hima, man
merit yayi, inino, namoqua
message nioco
messenger nioco, chara
midnight fichi
milk iquine
mind cume
mingle chica
miracle hiquo
miraculous hiquo
miraculously hiquo
miserable sipaca, pataquila, isinihimiti, flaco
misfortune chacaba, chequa, fara
mist licofaye
mistress nia
mitigate nalepeti, naeye
mix chica, arae, punu
midday chito, iribo
moccasin ichiqe
mock beni, hio, nibi
moderate hiamiqua, lepeti
mollusk melo
moment a bi
moment, in a abiti
money hiyereba
monk ite
month acu
moon acu
more yayi, toca, toco, inibi, pira
more than beta, yuba
morning pilani, (na)bucha, becha
morning, in the nayo, pilani
mortal iquo
most aco, ebele
mother isa, nia, yanulema, yache, iquine
mother-in-law nasi, nubo
m-i-l of a chief iribo
motive iniqe, uqua
mountain aye
mounted ehenta
mouse nibilil
mouth nipita
move aro
much ara, inibiti, intafayela, coco, ostobota, puqua, yayi
mud iqe
mulch nacume
multiply ita, cato
murky niho
murmur iyobo, mo
nail nachua
name bisa, mo, ma, isi, heba
near eqete, cabichi, qela, nahe, naheba
neat isa
necessities ucutu
neck cuna
need ucutu
needs qe
negate perefo
neglect paca, hani
negligent maca, pacanihino
negligently maca
neighbor mirica, ano
nephew coni, ebo, ano, piliqua, ule
nest chepa
new chale, ele
niece ebo, coni, piliqua, ule
night ilaqe, pilani, nabucha
nine peqecheqeta
no ya, -ti, u
no more ona
noble itora, quo
noon chito, iribo
nose chini
nostrils chini
not ya, -ti
nothing ya, -ti, ine, maha, toro
nothing, to be yati
novice mochase
now aqio, heqe, cache, catoomahabela, leaqe, qete, hito
now then into
oak aha, tucu
oar eba, cori, tola
obedience boyoti, patafi
obey uqua, boyoti, cobo
obligation mo
oblige nahi
obscene coche
obscure lacalaca, niho
observe yale, ocoto
obstinate namoro
obstinately oyo
occasion iniqe, uqua
of -si
offence istico, caluba
offend emo, yati, iquile, yurico, caluba, maha, mucu
offensive iputu
offer tacato, hio
offering hio, taca
oh! a!, ae!, ae!, cha!
oh, if na
oh that inteca, cono, sicono
oil uque
old atafi, yache, iqui, yoloquala, maquima, pacha
old man nariba, yache, (aon) miso
old person nariba
old woman yache
omen yaba
omission hani
omit hani
on account of iquimileqe, ube
on the point of naheme
once yaha
one yaha, mine, ocora, yo
only yaha, isimi, maha
only-begotten isimi
open chaba, ebe, fali, hayaro
open (cut) icho, palino
opening tolo
openly yalabaquana, nelacare
opposite neme
oppress tuqui
or yanacu
ordain areca
order isi, mo, ma
order one’s life cume
ordinarily namono
original sin sulu
orphan piliqua
other eyo, toca
ought man
out huri
out, to come toco
outside haba, huri, uri
overcome faramiti, pataqui
overturn pilu
owe ehe
owl atofa, asacamaco, hitiqire, hororo
own, one’s yaqequa
own (verb) hami, iso, nahi
owner hami
oyster sicali
paddle (noun) eba, tola, cori
paddle (verb) abala
paddle quickly isapu
pagan istico
pain isticoco, uhubi
paint nibi, quanu
painter chara
painting nibi
pale mayu
palm yapi
palmetto yapi
palmetto berry siapu
panther hiyaraba, yaraha
paper chara
pardon chale, nate, chico, man
parent ano
part basala, yo, oco
participate nasaqi
particular naoqua, emo
particularly namoqua, emo
partridge caya
party basala
pass through/by qele, basala, tasoro
passion hachinara
passion (christian) habo, yaba
past nanacu, pira, iqui, yuqua, mete
path eye
patience tari
pay balua, chu, ehe
pay attention cume
pearl qereba
pedigree hasomi
penance balu
penitence balu
people ano
perfect hana
perform a ritual becha
perhaps hana, colahayo
perpetual nanomi
persecution enemi, caqui
persist pera(mo)
person ano
perspiration sile
pertain taqua
petition lapu
picture nibi
pierce icho, ihoto
piety melaba, qilabo, hio
pillow beqenino
pious ebahio, cume, melaba
pit chua
pitch tiqui
pity cume, melaba, qilabo, hio
place tasi, to
place, other yo
plane (flat) queta
plant isu, aso
play mani, orabo, eqete
play a game hapu
please cobo
pleasing isaco
pleasure isaco
plentiful bicota, ocorota
plentifully bicota, ocorota
plumage cola
point out chano
points iribo
poke a fire yutusu
pole aye, ema
polish ique
pollute pesa
pond ibi, tilono
poor paqetosa
port yuque, cafa
portent ene
possess hami, isote, nahi
possessed echa
possessed (demon) isu
possessor hami
post aye, ema, nioco
postman chara
pot uli
pottage oco
pottery uli
pound up huya
pour out toco
poverty paqetosa
power chocori, yayi, utina
powerful aneca, yayi, nahi, noqua, utina
powerless faramiti, sipaca
praise iquo, inocochie, qunau, nabo, quo, quoso, nuba
pray ituhu, tamalo
prayer ituhu
preach heba
preceding mine
precept heba
precious quene
pregnant ebo, eta
prepare areca, beqelo, qeba(ni)
prescribe ma, mo
present (verb) ape, hape
presently aqio
pretty bapi, sa, tera, cachu
prevent aneca
priest ite
prince paracusi
principal inibiti, qibe, mulu
principally heqe, mulu, emo
principle ichito
prior (noun) mine
privates (male) yuchino
proceed toco
process iso
proclaim war iqua
produce pocha
promptly qiti, soti
promptness hiri, qiti
propagation isi
property iso
prostitute femitima, haraca, talama, noti, ubeta
protect pata
protestation tapo
proudly soti
provide qeba(ni), areca, nahio
provoke man, tutu
prune (noun) sibato
publicly nela
publish tolobo
pull up iholo
pulverize huya
pumpkin chucu
punish caluba
punishment hachinara, caluba
pupil uqua
purchase mahaqua
purgatory purgatorio
purge nachiliqui
purify chale, iqe
purpose isamolacoco
put tasi, to
put into echa
put on abi
quagmire hecha
quarrel ica, pera(mo), sare, siso, qili
question yechi
quickly bere, hapetaqua, hete, homo, yari, qiti, marema, ostanu, soli, mi, oso
quickness hiri
rabbit quelo
raft chique
rain huque, ibi, hiba
rainbow ibi
raise ete, acoro
raise the eyes maha
rape nu
rascal orobo
rat nibili
ray of light atulu
reach iquita
reader chara
reason iquimi
reborn eta
receive habo, uqua
recognize nahiabo, man
red pira
redeem huri
refrigerate ichicosa
refuse huri
regale coboso
regard uqua
regenerate balu
regeneration ele
regret man
regulation ibiri
rejoice ora bo, isaco
related eta
relation ano
relationship ano, qela
relative ano, miso
relax chula
relief afati
relieved afati
remain inquenenela, fa, hiba, iribo, nahi
remedy haba, pichi
renew ele
renewal ele
remove alabina
renounce hani
renovation ele
repeat isi
repeatedly tuluqua
repent man
replace ichiqe
represent ene, nibi
require lapu
resident chiama
resin tiqui
resist iqili
respect iquo, inocochie, qua
respector quo
resplendent caro, miya, mili, nahe
responsible iqui
rest isaco, machi, palucu
resting place machi
restore balu, fara, ipulu, canima, tuqui
restrained cumemi
resurrection balu, tuqui
resuscitate balu
retire quela
return pilu, fare, toco, tuqui
return something fari
reveal caro, nahiabo
revenge chiqi, ichiqi
reverence cume, quoso, taca, utiti, nabo, nuba
revive iqi, balu
reward naho
rich talaca
ride ehenta
ridicule hio
right (correct) tomoti
right (direction) fara
ring epalu
ripen bacara, nacume
rise ete, iqi, iribo
river ibi
road eye
rock yobo
rogue orobisti, istico
roguish orobo
roll about tipopili
roof(noun) chito
roof (verb) ucu
rooster caya
root ichaca, mulu
rope amaia, opomo
rosin tiqui
rot lcho, upa
round about pari
row hard eba
row quickly isapu
rub napoti, pale
rudeness beni
ruin pataqui
ruined isinihitimi, sipaca
run abo, hitumo, yoho, isapu, oso, oco, oyo, toco
run into problems oyo
rupture apo
rush hepo
sackcloth amuna
sacred person hio
sacrifice hachi, tacato
sacrament man
sad enemi, istico, quanimaca, cume, niho, isaco
sadden cume
saint chico, santo
sakiva halu
salt api
salutary tera, sa
salute hioco
salvation balu
same yaqequa, qua, quanta, urunu
same manner, in qele
sanctify qua
satisfaction ya, orabo, halaqua, quo, paqe
satisfact., excl. of quale!, a!, hachia!
satisfied isaco, qere
satisfy paqe
save huri, balu, epa, ibalu
savior epa, huri
savor upaha
saw (noun) seqe
say abota, aho, asioqe, isi, mas, siso, tolo, heba, co, ma
saying heba, isi
scabby qepe
scale a fish qeche
scalp napona
scandal fara
scandalize hiquo
scarecrow aye
scatter isaqi, tupi
scorn napura, noti, mani, femiti, haraca
scorpion silibacara
scour ique
scoundrel orobo
scrape qere
sea ibi, moca
seal (verb) chie
seamsttress amuna, chara, paru
search hoto
season ero
second yucha
second to pacano
secretly lapa
seduce huta
see chano, ene
seed asiquita
seek qe
seize huta
seized ebe
self isimi, coco, mache, qena, quana
sell mahaqua
send miso
senile yoloqua
senses sili
sentence ma
sentry box oqo
separate eleta, haba, tupi
sepulcher tuqua
servant ate, cata, pequata, ino, cobo
service ino, quoso
set tasi
set (sun) echa
set up iribo, caqui
settlement hica
seven piqicha
sew paru
shady laca
shake (cooking) quiti
shake out puru
share isaqi
shatter paia
shave cala
she oqe, mine
shed (noun) pile
shed (verb) lpita, toco
shell corn choho, puru
shellfish esa, melo, honosta
shine caro
shining naheleco
ship tico
shoe ichiqe, sapato
shoemaker paru, ichiqe
shop mahaqua
shoulder huqui, ocho
shout iqua
show ela, ene, tolobo
shut maru
sick iqilaba, sipaca, uhubi
sickness iqilaba, qilabo
side basala, oco
side of uquale
side, from side to basala
sierra seqe
sign hachinoroco, qele, nibi
sign of the cross chie, qele
signify isamolo, nibi
silver hiyereba, nayo
similar quene
similar to qua
simile quale
sin intinino, iniheti, iquimi, ine, yati, istico, caluba
since una
sing elo, heba, nabucha, isi
singer elo
single yaha, pacano, maracai
sir mine
sister amita, hiosa, yacha, yachi, yuba, niha, niho, piliqua, poi
sister-in-law tafi, yame, niquisa, tasi
sit hiba
six mareca
skate echaca
skin qechela, pequa
sky numa, napula
slave ate
sleep hiqi, neca
sleep with ichu
sliver quara
slothful maca
slothfulness maca
slowly beni
slowness beni
sly orobisti
small chiri, uru, piri, qichi, ule
smoke (noun) moco
smoke (verb) ipopi, mayu
snake elatubasa, iyola, yoroba
snare uque
sneeze atiqui, nahaqui
snow nayo
snuff up ipelo
so qere, quene, eqe, iniqe, qua, quimo
so, to be manan, nano
so (is that so?) chano?
sod asisi
sodomite poranacu
sodomy yuba
softly eane
soldier soldado
sole yaha, isimi
solely ita
some yaha, maha
something hachi, ine
son chiri, qie, ahono, ule, yuba, pacano, piliqua, biro
song elo
son-in-law nasi, yame, qise, tafi
soon marema, aquio
sorcerer ituhu, isucu, yaba
sorcery yala
sort coesa, mo
soul hiqiti
spade pesola, pulu
spatula quiti
speak heba, ma, mo, isi
speak, not to ate
speak well qere
speech heba, mo
speed bereta
spell (magic) yaba, oroba
spill epesoha
spinster pacano
spirit atichicolo
spirit, evil hiti
spiritual relative hio
spit tufa
spittle halu
splendor caro, naheleco
splinters quara
spoon quiti
sport (verb) ura
spouse hoto, inihi
spot qe
spread isaqi
spy upon paqe
squash (vegetable) chucu
stale atafi
stand ete, iribo
stand up iribo
star chubobo
steal nuque, uquale
steer (verb) foriso
stench upa
step, at each abiti
stepfather ite
stepfather-in-law quisoti
stepmother nibira
stick aye, ema
stir chica, quiti
stir up the fire yutusu
stockade apalu
stone yobo
stop hani, nanibeti
storm aqe, huque
stoe mahaqua
storehouse pile, abopaha
straight tomoti
strangle echa
straw echaca
street eye, paca
strength chocori, eqeta, yayi
stretch pata
strife cai
strike aboto
strong yayi, tari, chocori
strongly chocori
stumble aqui, ita
stumbling tiquemata
subsequent pacana
subsequently qenele
substance inino
succeed in having nataite
successor cobe
succor ara, ebe, yobo
such-&-such po
suddenly hapetaque
suffer hiyo, ino
suffering hachinara, isticoco
sufficient naqua
suggest man
suitable naeyanele
sun ela
supernatural hachitimo
superstitious iqui
supplicate tamalo
surround paliro
suspect caqui
sustain esobo, he, iso, cobo, lari
swamp hocha, machaba, yalu
swan sicuri
swear man, mo, tobo
sweat sile
sweep uri
sweepings asurupa
sweet yururuca
sweetness oso
swiftly afaquana
swim huba, uba
sword-cutler mecalala
symbol hachinoroco
tail api
tailor amuna, paru
take huta
take away nuquo, uqua
take occasion to uqua
take off ipita
take with tabi
taken ebeta
talk mo
tall ihiriba
tamale chicolata pileno
tambourine cane
tar tiqui
taste upaha
teach eca, heba, natori, oho, uqua, isamolo, quachi
teacher quachi
tear (from eyes) ibi, mucu
teat iquine
tell mas, aho, heba, isi, ma, mo
temper muti
tempest napula
temple diosi pahama
tempt aho, hio, cume, tutu
temptation hio, tutu
ten tuma
terminate hiqui
termination hiqui
terrify yoco
terror yoco
thank quoso
that qe, ma, na, oohi, oca, oqe, oca, nano, eca, hami, yo, ca, maca, michu, mice, siqi, hachibono, catoomo
that one hoqe, mistachicaqe, michu, mine
that sort of thing po
the -ma, eca
theft nuque
then quene
there heqe, qe, oqe, ona, ube
these eca
they oqecare
thick from cold tuluqua
thickly tuluqua
thief nuque
thin tapa
thing hachi, apacha, ine, mo
think cume, man, pali
third hapu
this ca, oca, ona, na
thorn obo
thou chi-, hochie, ya-
though hacu
thought man
thoughtless pacanihino
thousand chupi
threaten yaba, nipati
three hapu
throat cuna
through beta
throw abota, fa, ecataqere
throw away ichu
throw down ichu, narutuquasota, nuba, peemo
throw into ecataqere
thunder ibora
thunderbolt numa
thus quene, qere, nano, quehasi, eqe
tickle nula
tie pile
timber aye
time abi, heqe, yuque
time, it is cache
tint naquilu
tired pataquila, sipaca
to emo, quimosi, -no
tobacco ipopi, hinino
together ocora, tuqui, uquale, uru, horo, hoto, pasi
together with uquale
tomato sili
tomb tuqua
tomorrow (na)bucha, nayomoqe, pilani, becha
tongue bali, ituqua, nipita
torch siricale
torment hachinara, isticoco, tuquita
tornado aqe
torpor beni
torture hachinara
touch paqua, tuqui
toward neme, beta, emo, ube
town hica
trade mahaqua
trail eye
transparency ea
transparent ene, yala
transplant iholo
trap uque
travel abo
treat (by magic) oroba, orobo
treatment iso
tree aye
tremble yaru, coyo
tribulation hachinara
tribute hachi
trouble chuteo
true nocomi, ona
true, it is canola, nano
truly quene, nocomi
trust behe, bohe, naque, naca, naquo
truth nocomi
turf asisi
turkey caya
turn pilu
turn about fori
turn over tipopili
turtle caramaba
twin caru
two yucha
ultimately naho
unable aneca, yate
unchaste coche
uncle he, itora, nariba, neba
unclean beni
unction, extreme ibi
under the earth acatala, naba
understand mani, mucu, hituqua, nahiabo
understanding nahiabo, orobo
undertake ipitala
ungrateful boyoti, cuyu
unhonored nabo
uninterruptedly naquana
unite eca, hoto, hula
unite with pata
united ocora, tuqui, yaha
unjustly tacuba
unknown mucu
unlearned nu
unmarried pacano
unwholesome beni
up abo, tola
uproot iholo
upset pilu
upward abo
usage quoso
use chie
useful nahio
utter heba, mo
vacant puchu
vacillate bayeti
vainly maha
vanish taima
variegated nanareqe
vassal cata, pequata
vegetables puya
vehemently soti
venal iquo
venerable quo
venerate iquo, inocochie, qua, nabe, nariba,
veneration quo, qua
venerator quo
vengeance ichiqi
very aco, ebele, yayi, coco, mora, pacha
vexation chuieo, yurico
vexed qere, chuteo
vicar chiqi, ichiqi
vile anorimati, chequama, faramiti,
villain isinihimiti, pataquila, sipaca, istico
village hica
violate nu
viper iyola, yoroba, elatubasa
virgin aquita
virtue chocori, yayi, inino, iso, cume, tera
viscosity ala
visible ene
vision ene
voice cuna
vomit hono, pilu
wager qiruma
waist eta
wait for behe
walk abi, aliho, hebetota,
walk apart itinochiqequana, eleta
walk out toco
walk quickly iso, qiti
walk to and fro tipopili
wander abo
want is, man
wanting ari
war iri, putu
war against putisi
war councilor heba, iri
war cry iqua
war prince paracusi
warm metaba, mela
warmth meta
warrior iri
wash chale, iqa, culafo, nachiliqui, samo
wash one’s hands coreso
wash a wound queta
watch hoto, behe, epe, yale, ibatele
watch, to keep cabichi, nulufo
water ibi
watermelon sandia
wave (water) ibi
way coesa
way, in that quene, quimo
we heca
weak fara, mayu, noqua
weaken chula, mero
weakened sipaca
weakness maca,
weapons achitilo
wearied pataquila
weasel chiqua
weave polo
weaving stick polo
weed isu
weep ube
weigh pesanoma, yamu
weight pesanoma, yereba
well (adverb) tera, balu, nela
well then! hito!
whale uchu
wharf yuque, cafa
what cha, quene, hacha, qe
whatever hacha, qe, quene, reqe
when haleqe, heqe, nahomo, qere
whence cha, hacha
where cha, hacha, qe
which quene, michu
while bete, qere
whip aboto
whistle elo
white nayo
whither cha, hacha
whitish qepe
who quene, chitaco, chonco, michu
wholesome isa
why hacha
wicked anorimati, chequama
wickedness iniba
widow uba
widower uba
wide inihi
will (noun) cume, man, mani
win iqui
wind aca, haca, aqe, ichira
window tilipachua, fali
wine ibi
wine shop mahaqua
winter ichira
wisdom orobo
wise orobo
wish qi, man, cume, iso
witch yaba
with ocora, uquale, uru, quale, quana
with pleasure halaqua
withdraw quela, toco
wither quela
within oyo, naba
without toro, hani, horo, cana
witness yayi
wizard itufa, miso, isucu, yaba
wolf banehe
woman nia
woman, old yache
womb eta
wont hana, colahayo, hiba, fa, narutuquasota
wood aye, ema
woodpecker tinibo
word heba, isi
work ine, inino, iso, ino
workman ulubatari
world uti
worm icho
worship ete
worth mo
worthless sipaca, yati
worthy namoqua, lehe, noti, iso
worthy of being hemosi
would that! iteca!, cono!, sicono!, hero!
wound qele, tasoro, eba, chipa, yube, qe, nacacha
wound with words cato
wrangle namoro, pera(mo)
wretched faramiti, sipaca, flaco
wrinkles yuparala
write chara
writer chara
writhe tipopili
yard (measure) ema
year ero
yellow nali
yes yano, o, hana, canola
yesterday qibo
you chi-, hochie, -ya, -ye
young chiri
youth halifila


  1. ^ Granberry, Julian. (1993). A Grammar and Dictionary of the Timucua Language (3rd ed.). Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. (1st edition 1984).
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní