Appendix:Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
Below are vocabulary lists for Amerindian languages and proto-languages.
Many of the lists are glossed in Spanish and Portuguese, with several also in French.
[edit]Welcome to Wiktionary's vocabulary lists series. This series aims to have representative word lists for all language families of the world.
- Purpose: As linguistic lexicographical works, the vocabulary lists are designed with historical-comparative linguistics research goals in mind, such as classifying languages, reconstructing proto-languages, and identifying loanwords. Frequency lists and pedagogical resources are not included.
- Glosses: Each list maintains original glosses (definitions, meanings) as found in the original sources. Translated glosses are sometimes added as additional columns if the original glosses are not in English. Translations that are not in the original source are noted in the lists, and do not replace the original glosses. Unlike Swadesh lists and other standardized lexicostatistical word lists, the vocabulary lists here do not consist of lists with predetermined glosses. Instead, the vocabulary lists here can serve as "raw building blocks" for compiling Swadesh lists.
- Content: The lists are typically in the 50-1,000 item range for lexical entries. Definitions are typically concise and focus on basic vocabulary concepts such as numerals, body parts, and natural phenomena.
- Scope: Emphasis is placed on divergent language isolates, families, and branches that would likely be crucial for etymological reconstruction and classification. Proto-languages are included whenever possible. Many of these language groups are sparsely documented and/or extinct. As a result, some of these lists may actually be the only extant documentation of a language or even language group.
- Sources: The word lists are adapted from academic sources published by linguists. Thus, all lists must be properly referenced with adequate notes and metadata. Many of these sources are out of print, with highly limited distribution and accessibility.
- Digitization: As with Wikisource texts, the lists are individually and painstakingly digitized using a variety of methods, such as optical character recognition (OCR), manual typing, and document conversion.
- Encoding: Unicode.
Open-access online lexical databases that are similar in design, content, and research goals include STEDT, MKED, RefLex, Chirila, and Starling.
Navigation template
[edit]- Amerind: Appendix:Proto-Amerind reconstructions (Greenberg & Ruhlen 2007)
- Appendix:Amerindian basic vocabulary (
North America
[edit]Northern North America
[edit]- Eskimo-Aleut: Appendix:Proto-Eskimo reconstructions (Fortescue, et al. 1994)
- Na-Dene (Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit): Appendix:Proto-Na-Dene reconstructions (Nikolaev 2014); Pan-Dene Comparative Lexicon
- Athabaskan: Appendix:Proto-Athabaskan reconstructions (Krauss 1964)
- Tlingit: IDS
- Haida: IDS
- Algonquian: Appendix:Proto-Algonquian reconstructions (Hewson 2017)
- Iroquoian: Appendix:Proto-Iroquoian reconstructions (Julian 2010)
- Siouan: Appendix:Proto-Siouan reconstructions (Rankin, et al. 2015); Comparative Siouan Dictionary
- Caddoan: Appendix:Caddoan word lists (Parks 1979)
- Yuchi: Appendix:Yuchi word list (Crawford 1973)
- Beothuk: Appendix:Beothuk word list (Hewson 1978)
Western North America
[edit]- Penutian
- Tsimshian: IDS
- Chinookan: Appendix:Chinook word list (Boas 1904)
- Takelma: Appendix:Proto-Takelman reconstructions (Shipley 1969)
- Kalapuyan: Appendix:Proto-Kalapuyan reconstructions (Shipley 1970)
- Oregon
- Alsea-Yaquina: Appendix:Alsea word list (Frachtenberg 1920)
- Coosan: Appendix:Coos word list (Frachtenberg 1913)
- Siuslaw: Appendix:Lower Umpqua word list (Frachtenberg 1914)
- Wintuan: Appendix:Proto-Wintun reconstructions (Shepherd 2006)
- Plateau
- Sahaptian: Appendix:Proto-Sahaptian reconstructions (Rude 2012)
- Klamath-Modoc: Appendix:Klamath word list (Barker 1963)
- Molala: Appendix:Molala word list (Pharris 2006)
- Cayuse: Appendix:Cayuse word list (Hale 1846)
- Utian: Appendix:Proto-Utian reconstructions (Callaghan 2014)
- Yokuts: Appendix:Proto-Yokuts reconstructions (Whistler & Golla 1985)
- Maiduan: Appendix:Proto-Maidun reconstructions (Ultan 1964)
- Mosan
- Salishan: Appendix:Proto-Salishan reconstructions (Kuipers 2002)
- Wakashan: Appendix:Proto-Wakashan reconstructions (Fortescue 2007)
- Nuu-chah-nulth: IDS
- Chimakuan: Appendix:Proto-Chimakuan reconstructions (Powell 1974)
- Hokan
- Hokan: Appendix:Proto-Hokan reconstructions (Kaufman 2015)
- Shasta: Appendix:Shasta Swadesh list (Bright & Olmsted 1959)
- Karok: IDS
- Yana: Appendix:Yana Swadesh list (Sapir & Swadesh 1960)
- Palaihnihan: Appendix:Proto-Palaihnihan reconstructions (Olmsted 1964)
- Chimariko: Appendix:Chimariko word list (Dixon 1910)
- Pomoan: Appendix:Proto-Pomo reconstructions (McLendon 1973)
- Esselen: Appendix:Esselen word list (Shaul 2019, 1995)
- Salinan: Appendix:Salinan word lists (Mason 1918; Shaul 2020)
- Chumashan: Appendix:Proto-Chumash reconstructions (Klar 1977)
- Waikuri: Appendix:Waikuri word list (Zamponi 2004)
- Cochimi-Yuman: Appendix:Proto-Yuman reconstructions (Mixco 1978)
- Seri: IDS
- Others
- Yuki-Wappo: Appendix:Proto-Yukian reconstructions (Schlichter 1985)
- Washo: Appendix:Washo word lists (Kroeber 1907)
- Kutenai: Appendix:Kutenai word list (Boas 1918)
[edit]- Kiowa-Tanoan: Appendix:Proto-Kiowa-Tanoan reconstructions (Hale 1967)
- Keresan: Appendix:Proto-Keresan reconstructions (Miller & Davis 1963)
- Zuni: IDS
South Texas and Tamaulipas
[edit]- Coahuilteco: Appendix:Coahuilteco word list (Swanton 1940)
- Comecrudan: Appendix:Comecrudo word list (Swanton 1940)
- Cotoname: Appendix:Cotoname word list (Swanton 1940)
- Karankawa: Appendix:Karankawa word list (Swanton 1940)
- Tonkawa: Appendix:Tonkawa Swadesh list (Hoijer 1949)
- Maratino: Appendix:Maratino word list (Swanton 1940)
- Quinigua: Appendix:Quinigua word list (Gursky 1964, from del Hoyo 1960) [originally in Spanish]
- Naolan: Appendix:Naolan word list (Weitlaner 1948) [in Spanish]
[edit]- Muskogean: Appendix:Proto-Muskogean reconstructions (Booker 1995)
- Adai: Appendix:Adai word list (Grant 1995, from Sibley 1804)
- Atakapa: Appendix:Atakapa Swadesh list (Gatschet & Swanton 1932)
- Natchez: Appendix:Natchez word list (Brinton 1873); Appendix:Natchez Swadesh list (van Tuyl 1979)
- Timucua: Appendix:Timucua word list (Granberry 1993)
- Tunica: (Haas 1953)
[edit]- Otomanguean: Appendix:Proto-Oto-Manguean reconstructions (Kaufman 1983)
- Oto-Pamean: Appendix:Proto-Oto-Pamean reconstructions (Bartholomew 1989)
- Central Otomian: Appendix:Proto-Central Otomian reconstructions (Newman & Weitlaner 1950)
- Otomi: Appendix:Proto-Otomi reconstructions (Newman & Weitlaner 1950)
- Central Otomian: Appendix:Proto-Central Otomian reconstructions (Newman & Weitlaner 1950)
- Popolocan: Appendix:Proto-Popolocan reconstructions (Fernández 1951)
- Mazatecan: Appendix:Proto-Mazatec reconstructions (Kirk 1966)
- Chinantecan: Appendix:Proto-Chinantec reconstructions (Rensch 1989)
- Mixtecan: Appendix:Proto-Mixtec roots (Josserand 1983) [in Spanish]
- Zapotec: Appendix:Proto-Zapotec reconstructions (Benton 1988; Operstein 2012)
- Oto-Pamean: Appendix:Proto-Oto-Pamean reconstructions (Bartholomew 1989)
- Uto-Aztecan: Appendix:Proto-Uto-Aztecan reconstructions (Stubbs 2011)
- Nahuan: Appendix:Proto-Aztecan reconstructions (Davletshin 2012)
- Purépecha (Tarascan): Appendix:Purépecha word list (Chamoreau 2003) [in Spanish]; Appendix:Purepecha Swadesh list
- Cuitlatec: Appendix:Cuitlatec word list (Escalante 1962) [in Spanish]
- Totozoquean: Appendix:Proto-Totozoquean reconstructions (Brown, et al. 2011)
- Totonacan: Appendix:Proto-Totonacan reconstructions (MacKay & Trechsel 2018)
- Mixe-Zoquean: Appendix:Proto-Mixe-Zoquean reconstructions (Wichmann 1995) [in Spanish]
- Chitimacha: (Swadesh 1950); see also Appendix:Proto-Totozoquean reconstructions#Brown et al. (2014): comparisons with Chitimacha (Brown, et al. 2014)
- Tequistlatecan
- Highland Chontal: Appendix:Highland Chontal word list (Waterhouse 1980) [in Spanish]
- Huamelultec: Appendix:Huamelultec word list (O'Connor 2014) [in Spanish]
- Tequistlatec: Appendix:Tequistlatec word list (Angulo & Freeland 1925)
- Huavean: Appendix:Proto-Huave reconstructions (Suárez 1975) [in Spanish]
- Mayan: Appendix:Proto-Mayan reconstructions, Appendix:Proto-Mayan Swadesh list (Kaufman 2017) [in Spanish and English]
- Xincan: Appendix:Xinca word lists (Galvez 1966; Galvez 1967; MacArthur 1966) [in Spanish]
- Jicaquean: Appendix:Proto-Jicaque reconstructions (Campbell 1980)
- Lencan: Appendix:Proto-Lencan reconstructions (Arguedas 1988) [in Spanish]
- Lenca: Appendix:Lenca word list (del Río 2004) [in Spanish]
- Misumalpan: Appendix:Proto-Misumalpan reconstructions (Constenla 1987) [in Spanish]
South America
[edit]- Arawakan: Appendix:Proto-Arawakan reconstructions (Ramirez 2019) [in Portuguese]; (Aikhenvald 2002); (Jolkesky 2016) [in Portuguese]
- Lokono-Guajiro: Appendix:Proto-Lokono-Guajiro reconstructions (Captain 1991)
- Wayuu: Appendix:Wayuu word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Japura-Colombia: Appendix:Proto-Japurá-Colombia reconstructions (Ramirez 2019) [in Portuguese]
- Bolivia: Appendix:Proto-Bolivia reconstructions (Ramirez 2019) [in Portuguese]
- Mamoré-Guaporé: Appendix:Proto-Mamoré-Guaporé reconstructions (Jolkesky 2016) [in Portuguese]
- Mojeño: Appendix:Proto-Mojeño reconstructions (Carvalho & Rose 2018)
- Purus: Appendix:Proto-Purus reconstructions (Carvalho 2020)
- Lokono-Guajiro: Appendix:Proto-Lokono-Guajiro reconstructions (Captain 1991)
- Cariban: Appendix:Proto-Cariban reconstructions (Gildea 2007, 2012)
- Taranoan: Appendix:Proto-Taranoan reconstructions (Meira 2000)
- Chibchan: Appendix:Proto-Chibchan reconstructions (Constenla 1981; Pache 2018)
- Barí: IDS
- Muisca: IDS
- Nutabe: Appendix: Vocabulario Nutabe (Antonio Vázquez De Espinosa)
- Pano–Takanan: Appendix:Proto-Pano-Takanan reconstructions (Girard 1971)
- Panoan: Appendix:Proto-Panoan reconstructions (Oliveira 2014) [originally in Portuguese]
- Tacanan
- Makúan: Appendix:Proto-Makú reconstructions (Martins 2005) [in Portuguese]
- Hupda: Appendix:Hupda word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Tukanoan: Appendix:Proto-Tukanoan reconstructions (Chacon 2013)
- Tupian: Appendix:Proto-Tupian reconstructions (Nikulin 2020 [in Portuguese]; Corrêa-da-Silva 2010 [in Portuguese]; Rodrigues & Cabral 2012; Rodrigues 2007 [in Portuguese]); Tupían Lexical Database (TuLeD)
- Puruborá: Appendix:Puruborá word list (Montserrat 2005) [in Portuguese]
- Ramarama: Appendix:Karo word list (Gabas 1998) [in Portuguese]
- Tuparí: Appendix:Proto-Tupari reconstructions (Nikulin & Andrade 2020; Moore & Vilacy Galucio 1994)
- Mawetí-Guaraní: Appendix:Proto-Maweti-Guarani reconstructions (Meira & Drude 2015); (Corrêa-da-Silva 2013) [in Portuguese]
- Tupí-Guaraní: Appendix:Proto-Tupi-Guarani reconstructions (Nikulin 2020 [in Portuguese]; Mello 2000 [in Portuguese]; Schleicher 1998; Lemle 1971)
- Paraguayan Guaraní: Appendix:Paraguayan Guaraní basic vocabulary (Estigarribia 2020)
- Tupí-Guaraní: Appendix:Proto-Tupi-Guarani reconstructions (Nikulin 2020 [in Portuguese]; Mello 2000 [in Portuguese]; Schleicher 1998; Lemle 1971)
- Arawan: Appendix:Proto-Arawan reconstructions (Dixon 2004)
- Barbacoan: Appendix:Proto-Barbacoan reconstructions (Curnow & Liddicoat 1998)
- Cahuapanan: Appendix:Proto-Cahuapanan reconstructions (Rojas-Berscia & Nikulin 2021); Rojas 2019; Valenzuela 2011 [in Spanish])
- Charruan
- Chaná: Appendix:Chaná word list (Viegas Barros & Jaime 2013) [in Spanish]
- Chipaya–Uru
- Chipaya: IDS
- Chocoan: Appendix:Proto-Choco reconstructions (Constenla & Pena 1981) [in Spanish]
- Cholón: Appendix:Hibito-Cholon word lists (Loukotka 1949) [in French]
- Cholón: Appendix:Cholón word list (Alexander-Bakkerus 2005)
- Guajiboan: Appendix:Proto-Guahiban reconstructions (Christian & Matteson 1972)
- Jirajaran: Appendix:Jirajaran word lists (Oramas 1916) [in Spanish]
- Jivaroan: Appendix:Proto-Shuar reconstructions (Payne 1981) [in Spanish]
- Achuar: Appendix:Achuar word list (O'Hagan 2015)
- Aguaruna: IDS
- Nambikwaran: Appendix:Proto-Nambikwaran reconstructions (Price 1978)
- Qawasqaran: IDS
- Páez: IDS
- Páez: Appendix:Páez word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Timotean: Appendix:Timote word list (Rivet 1927) [in French]
- Tiniguan: Appendix:Tinigua word lists (Castellvi 1940) [in Spanish]; (Bolaños 2023)
- Yanomaman
- Lule-Vilelan: Appendix:Proto-Lule-Vilela reconstructions (Viegas Barros 2006) [in Spanish]
- Vilela: Appendix:Vilela word list (Golluscio & Zamponi 2019) [in Spanish]
- Mascoyan
- Zamucoan
- Ayoreo: IDS
- Chamacoco: Appendix:Chamacoco word list (Ciucci 2013)
- Macro-Jê: Appendix:Proto-Macro-Jê reconstructions (Nikulin 2020) [in Portuguese]
- Jê: Appendix:Proto-Jê reconstructions (Nikulin 2020 [in Portuguese]; Ribeiro & van der Voort 2010; Davis 1966)
- Jabutían: Appendix:Proto-Jabuti reconstructions (Nikulin 2020; Voort 2007) [originally in Portuguese]
- Kamakanan: Appendix:Proto-Kamakã reconstructions (Martins 2007) [in Portuguese]; Appendix:Kamakã word lists (Ramirez 2015)
- Karajá
- Krenákan
- Maxakalían: Appendix:Maxakali word lists (Ramirez 2015) [in Portuguese and English]
- Jeikó: Appendix:Jeikó word list (Martius 1867) [in Latin]
- Ofayé
- Rikbaktsá: Appendix:Rikbaktsa word list (Tremaine 2007) [in Portuguese]
- Karirian
- Dzubukuá: Appendix:Dzubukuá word list (Queiroz 2008) [in Portuguese]
- Purian: Appendix:Proto-Puri reconstructions (Silva Neto 2007) [in Portuguese]
- Bororoan: Appendix:Proto-Bororo reconstructions (Camargos 2013) [in Portuguese]
- Arutani–Sape ?: Appendix:Arutani-Sape Swadesh lists (Migliazza 1978)
- Bora–Witoto ?
- Boran: Appendix:Proto-Bora-Muinane reconstructions (Seifart 2015)
- Bora: Appendix:Bora word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Witotoan: Appendix:Proto-Witotoan reconstructions (Aschmann 1993) [in Spanish and English]
- Witoto: Appendix:Witoto word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Boran: Appendix:Proto-Bora-Muinane reconstructions (Seifart 2015)
- Chimuan ?
- Cañari–Puruhá
- Mochica: Appendix:Mochica word list (Brüning 2004) [in Spanish]
- Quingnam
- Sechura–Catacaoan: Appendix:Sechura-Catacao word lists (Loukotka 1949) [in French]
- Sechura: Appendix:Sechura word lists (Urban 2019)
- Esmeralda–Yaruroan ?
- Esmeralda: Appendix:Esmeralda word list (Jijón y Caamaño 1941) [in Spanish]
- Yaruro: Appendix:Yaruro word list (Mosonyi & García 2000) [in Spanish]; IDS
- Macro-Daha ?: Appendix:Proto-Macro-Daha reconstructions (Jolkesky 2009) [in Portuguese]
- Sáliban
- Sáliba: Appendix:Sáliba word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Piaroa: Appendix:Piaroa word list (González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Tikuna–Yuri
- Ticuna: Appendix:Ticuna word list (Montes 2000, in González 2000) [in Spanish]
- Yuri: Appendix:Yuri word list (Goulard & Montes 2013) [in Spanish]
- Caraballo: Appendix:Caraballo word list (Goulard & Montes 2013) [in Spanish]
- Jotí: IDS
- Andoque ?: Appendix:Andoque Swadesh list (Landaburu 2000, in González 2000)
- Sáliban
- Macro-Otomákoan ?
- Otomacoan: Appendix:Otomacoan word lists (Rosenblat 1936) [in Spanish]
- Harákmbut–Katukinan: Appendix:Harákmbut-Katukina word lists (Adelaar 2000) [in Spanish]
- Trumai: IDS
- Macro-Warpean ?
- Huarpean
- Allentiac: Appendix:Allentiac word list (Canals Frau 1941) [in Spanish]; Allentiac Swadesh list (Spanish Wiktionary)
- Millcayac
- Muran
- Mura: Appendix:Mura word list (Hanke 1950) [in Portuguese]
- Pirahã: Appendix:Pirahã word lists (Ladefoged & Everett 1995); (Heinrichs 1963) [in Portuguese]
- Matanawi: Appendix:Matanawi word list (Nimuendajú 1925) [in Portuguese]
- Huarpean
- Mataco–Guaicuru ?
- Matacoan: Appendix:Proto-Mataguayo reconstructions (Viegas Barros 2002) [in Spanish]
- Guaicuruan: Appendix:Proto-Guaicurú reconstructions (Viegas Barros 2013) [in Spanish]; Ceria & Sandalo (1995)
- Guachí ?: Appendix:Guachi word list (Viegas Barros 2004) [in Spanish]
- Payaguá ?: Appendix:Payagua word lists (Parodi 1880) [in Italian]; (Boggiani 1900) [in Spanish]
- Quechumaran ?: Appendix:Quechumaran Swadesh lists (Cerrón 2000)
- Saparo–Yawan ?
- Zaparoan: Appendix:Proto-Zaparoan reconstructions (Carvalho 2013)
- Iquito: Appendix:Iquito word list (O'Hagan 2015)
- Peba–Yagua: Appendix:Proto-Peba-Yagua reconstructions (Peña 2009)
- Zaparoan: Appendix:Proto-Zaparoan reconstructions (Carvalho 2013)
- Tequiraca–Canichana ?
- Aiwa (Tequiraca): Appendix:Aiwa word lists (Michael & Beier 2012); (Beier & Michael 2023)
- Canichana: Appendix:Canichana word list (Crevels 2012) [in Spanish]
- Wamo–Chapakura ?
- Chapacuran: Appendix:Proto-Chapacuran reconstructions (Angenot 1997) [originally in Portuguese]
- Pacaas Novos: IDS
- Guamo: Appendix:Guamo word list (Anonymous 1778) [in Spanish]
- Chapacuran: Appendix:Proto-Chapacuran reconstructions (Angenot 1997) [originally in Portuguese]
[edit]- Andaquí: Appendix:Andaqui word list (Coronas 1995) [in Spanish]
- Kunza: IDS; Kunza Swadesh list (Spanish Wiktionary)
- Betoi: Appendix:Betoi word list (Zamponi 2003)
- Kamsá: Appendix:Kamsá word list (Huber & Reed 1992) [in Spanish and English]
- Candoshi: Appendix:Candoshi word list (Tuggy 1966) [in Spanish]; Appendix:Proto-Shuar-Candoshi reconstructions (Payne 1981) [in Spanish]
- Chono: Appendix:Chono word list (Samitier 1967) (spurious) [in Spanish]
- Cofán: IDS
- Culle: Appendix:Culli word list (Loukotka 1949) [in French]
- Guató: Appendix:Guató word lists (Postigo 2009; Palácio 1984) [in Portuguese]
- Irantxe: Appendix:Irantxe word lists (Pereira 1960; Monserrat 2010) [in Portuguese]
- Mapudungun: IDS; WOLD; Mapudungun Swadesh list (Spanish Wiktionary)
- Mato Grosso Arára: Appendix:Mato Grosso Arára word lists [in Portuguese]
- Munichi: Appendix:Munichi word list (Gibson 1996) [in Spanish]
- Omurano: Appendix:Omurano word list (O'Hagan 2011); (Tessmann 1930) [in German]
- Otí: Appendix:Oti word list (Quadros 1892; Borba 1908; Nikulin 2020) [in Portuguese]
- Puquina: Appendix:Puquina word list (Aguilo 2000) [in Spanish]
- Ramanos: Appendix:Ramanos word list (Palau & Saiz 1989) [in Spanish]
- Waorani: IDS
- Taushiro: Appendix:Taushiro word list (O'Hagan 2015)
- Urarina: Appendix:Urarina word list (O'Hagan 2015)
- Warao: Appendix:Warao word lists (Arinterol 2000; Ponce 2004) [in Spanish]
- Yagán: IDS; Yagán Swadesh list (Spanish Wiktionary)
- Yurumangui: Appendix:Yurumangui word list (Ortiz 1946, from a 1768 dictionary) [in Spanish]
- Leko: Appendix:Leco word lists (Montaño Aragón 1989) [in Spanish]
- Mure (only a few texts)
- Puinave: Appendix:Puinave word list (Girón 1998) [in Spanish]; IDS
- Katembri–Taruma ?
- Katembri: Appendix:Katembri word lists (Métraux 1951) [in French]; Bandeira (1972) [in Portuguese]
- Taruma: Appendix:Taruma word lists (Loukotka 1949) [in French]; Jolkesky (2016) [in Portuguese]
- Northeast Brazil
- Xukurú: Appendix:Xukurú word lists (Pompeu 1958; Meader 1978; Lapenda 1962) [in Portuguese]; (Loukotka 1949) [in French]
- Natú: Appendix:Natú word list (Pompeu 1958) [in Portuguese]
- Pankararú: Appendix:Pankararú word lists (Pompeu 1958; Meader 1978) [in Portuguese]
- Tuxá: Appendix:Tuxá word lists (Pompeu 1958; Meader 1978) [in Portuguese]
- Atikum (Wamoé): Appendix:Atikum word lists (Pompeu 1958; Meader 1978) [in Portuguese]
- Kambiwá: Appendix:Kambiwá word list (Meader 1978) [in Portuguese]
- Xokó: Appendix:Xokó word lists (Pompeu 1958; Meader 1978) [in Portuguese]
- Yatê (Fulniô): Appendix:Yatê word lists (Nikulin 2020; Sá 2000) [in Portuguese]
- Baenan: Appendix:Baenan word list (Loukotka 1963) [in French]
- Kaimbé: Appendix:Kaimbé word list (Meader 1978) [in Portuguese]
- Tarairiú: Appendix:Tarairiú word list (Souza Santos 2009) [in Portuguese]
- Gamela: Appendix:Gamela word list (Nimuendajú 1937)
- Rondônia
- Aikanã: Appendix:Aikanã Swadesh list (van der Voort 2005)
- Kanoê: Appendix:Kanoê Swadesh list (van der Voort 2005); Appendix:Kanoê word list (Bacelar 2004) [in Portuguese]
- Kwaza: Appendix:Kwaza Swadesh list (van der Voort 2005); Appendix:Kwaza word list (Manso 2013) [in Portuguese]
- Bolivian Amazon
- Cayuvava: IDS
- Chiquitano: Appendix:Chiquitano word list (Santana 2012) [in Portuguese]
- Itonama: IDS
- Movima: IDS
- Yuracaré: Appendix:Yuracaré word list (Ribera, et al. 1991) [in Spanish]
- Chile
- Swadesh list of languages originally spoken in Chile (Spanish Wiktionary)
See also
[edit]External links
[edit]- Online dictionaries and lexicons