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Appendix:Proto-Salishan reconstructions

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Proto-Salishan reconstructions:[1]

Kuipers (2002)

English gloss Proto-Salish Notes
to be outside *ʔacq
to go outside *ʔucq
to roast, bake *ʔacaʔqʷ
to cover with a blanket, dress *ʔic’am
blanket, clothing, covering *s(ʔ)ic’am
to be alive, move the body *ʔal (w. suff. hand: to work)
to gather *ʔul, *ʔuy I
unid. plant. *ʔi/alk
turtle *ʔalasik
to eat *ʔił(t)n
to enter *ʔuł-(t)xʷ
to feed, food; to provide, deliver *ʔu/am, m-
grandchild *ʔimac
to sit; to be at home *ʔamut, *mut
to name, call *ʔumat
magpie *ʔạn (red.)
say what?/something *ʔinwat, *ʔinwa-n-
to eat *ʔup
ten *ʔupan, *pan
tail *s-up-s, *s-up-aʔ
to lift up *ʔapxʷ, *xʷəp
to wipe *ʔap’
to scrape, shave, sweep, rub, pass net through water *ʔi/aq’ʷ
(younger) sibling, cousin *ʔuq’ʷay
to dive *ʔus, *ʔisuʔ
egg; berry *ʔus(-aʔ)
throat, breath, (voice, song) *ʔask’ay’
two *ʔəsal(i/a)
to sleep *ʔit
to follow *ʔaw I
(land-, rock-, snow)slide *ʔaxʷ
to freeze *ʔuxʷ
some, different *ʔi/axʷəl
baby, child *s-ʔixʷal
to throw (away) *ʔi/ax̆ʷ I
to sweep *ʔi/ax̆ʷ II
seine, fishing net *ʔax̆ʷ-ayan
net, (fish)trap *ʔ-ayan
to cough *ʔəx̆ʷu
clam, mussel *ʔáx̆ʷaʔ
to (ex)change, barter, pay; meet *ʔay
crab, crayfish ̈*ʔaʔyx̆, *c’a/uʔyx̆
to call, howl *ʔaʕʷ, *ʔaw
to adze, whittle, carve *cək
mother-in-law *cak
woodtick *ck’aln
rib *ck’ałp
to pull (out), drag *cəkʷ, *cək’ʷ I
to be all there is (left) *cukʷ
straight(en), stiff *cək’ʷ II, *c’ək’ʷ
five *cil (w. suff. *-ak-is(t) hand)
fish, food *ciłn
small; children *ci(m)
eyebrow, eyelash *cəpł
pithouse, cellar *cip(wn)
cover (a cellar) w. dirt *pwan
to be in position, stand; tree *cəq
lie on the back *cq-al-
to dig, stab *ciq
to begin, set out *cəqʷ/*qʷəc
to point, show, display behavior; say, order, think, intend, try, want *cəw, *cu(-t, ł, -n)
fisher (zool.) *cíx-ups
be glad, happy, enjoy *caxʷ
waterfall, mountain stream *cix̆ʷ
blood *cay
to bleed *ciʕʷ
to bleed, red *ci/aqʷ
to reach for, stick out; fringe, stripe *caʕʷ, *caw
loot from raid, game bagged *c’iʔ
fir or pine cone, acorn, nut *s-c’ik’/k
elderberry *c’ikʷ
left side *c’ikʷaʔ
light, bright *c’ak’ʷ
to stand; (a stand of) trees, rushes *c’əl
cricket, grasshopper *c’ạl
shade, shadow; outline, similar; shelter *c’i/al
to hurt, smart; cold; tart, bitter, sour, salty *c’ụ/ạl
shiny, oily, wet *c’ạl(s)
sharp pointed *c’əm
to suck *c’ụ/ạm
bone *s-c’ụ/ạm
disappear, wear away *c’əmx̆
bullhead *s-c’nay’
skunk *s-c’ipəq
cedar root *c’apaʔx̆
to squeeze (shut), pinch *c’ip’
to hit *c’əq’, *cəq’
throw away, discard *c’/cəq’-min
to suck *c’uqʷ
pipe *c’qʷuʔ-(c-)tn
to rattle, hit *c’ə̣s
hail (IS) *s-c’əs-l-us-aʔ
to cut off (esp. limb of animal) *c’əw’
to pull out *c’aw’
salmon sp. *c’wan
osprey, fishhawk *c’ixʷ-c’ixʷ
prickly, stinging; burn, fry; cold *c’ix̆
to resound *c’ay
sapsucker, flicker, woodpecker *c’yaqʷ/*c’qʷay/*c’k’ʷəy
fireweed *c’a/uyx̆
poison, rattlesnake *c’əʕ-tin
to wash, clean *c’aʕʷ/w
sore *c’uʕʷ
humpback salmon *hənəw/y
to yawn *haw
rat *haw’it
to quiet down *hay
to cease, finish *huy, *wiʔ (< *hwəy’)
to play *s-(h)ayas
to go after, follow, chase *kal
to delouse *kalk
hand *kalax
muskrat *kəlaxʷ
to be detached, come off/apart, separate *kəł
to give *kał
three *kaʔłas
to carry (CS on the back) *kəm’
to touch, hold, keep steady; hit *kən
to do; do what? do something; (be) where, how? *ka(n)
salmon (species) *kanaxʷ
spring/silver salmon *kasəw’/kəw’s (inv.)
berry sp. *s-kətuxʷ
relative through marriage (mostly of, to or through female) *kaw I
down, downhill area (beach, lakeshore) *kaw II
far (out on the water/prairie) *kaw III
mother, elder sister *kíx(-aʔ)
grandmother *kay(-aʔ)
to cross, put across e.o. *k’əc’ I
mosquito, gnat, bug *k’əc’ II
near *k’ih, k’i-t
to cut (esp. skin), rip *k’ə̣l
coyote *s-n-k’əl(ap)
treebark *k’əl(-ay’)
to listen to, attend, wait *k’al
to drip; rain, mud *k’ə̣ł
maggot, mite *k’ałuʔ
to grab a handful; squeeze, bite *k’əm
almost, near *k’i/aməl
(cover of) conifer needles (on ground) *k’amu/a(maʔ)
snake *s-k’ínk’ʷu
to clasp (together), encircle, squeeze *k’ənp’
to break, crush, gouge out *k’əpxʷ
to squeeze, pinch *k’ip’
hold by squeezing (w. tongs, clip, under the arm) *c’ip’, *k’ənp’
bad *k’is
neck *k’əspan
nits *(k’ə)st/t’an’
old, decrepit *k’aw I
to go up, ascend *k’i/aw II
cold (season) *k’ay
to dry out, wither *k’ay’
dry *k’ay’-xʷ
(to) name *kʷac, *kʷast
warm *kʷəl
green, yellow *kʷə̣l
to borrow *kʷul
spirit power *kʷəlx
lump, heap *kʷ/qʷəm
to go up/ashore, inland *kʷum
save *kʷum
to take *kʷan
to push together, stuff *kʷ/qʷup
elder *kʷup-i/aʔ
dusk *kʷas
star *kʷusən
eel *kʷutwal/n
groundhog, marmot, whistler *s-kʷ/qʷəy (red.)
squirrel *s-kʷayu
child, offspring *s-kʷuy-aʔ
to chew, SIS to bite *k’ʷaʔ
skin, feather, quill (porcupine) *k’ʷəl’
stomach, belly *k’ʷal
to bend, twist *k’ʷə̣l(c’), *k’ʷə̣c’
to inspect (try out, aim at) *k’ʷan
how many?; several *k’ʷin
straight *k’ʷəp
bar, rod *k’ʷup’
scream, bellow, weep *k’ʷaq’-t
hot, to scorch *k’ʷas
flea *k’ʷət’
mouse *k’ʷat’an
to hollow out; container *k’ʷaxʷ I
rat, mouse *k’ʷaxʷ II
frosty, grizzly *k’ʷəy
to suffer *k’ʷay
mother, aunt *k’ʷuy
good *laʔ
tight, crowded *lu/ac’, *yu/ac’
to tie, bind *lək’
to pluck, pull out *lək’ʷ
to sing *lul
(to make/go into) a hole *ləpəxʷ/x̆ʷ
to bend down (esp. treebranch), bend over, cover; skew *li/ap’
to bury *liq’
to come off (as skin, bark) *ləw/ʕʷ
to snare, catch *law
slime, slimy *lix
to shake, hurry *lạxʷ, *xʷạl
clear, bright, light; intelligence, mind *li/ax̆
fringe *caʕʷ
to laugh *lax̆ʷ/x̆ʷay
loose, free *liʕʷ
to melt, thaw, open up (of ice) *li/aʕʷ
to touch; close by *łaʔ
to sprinkle, spray, splash *łi(-t, -c, -n, -t’, -l)
to stab *łuʔ
worn out *lək/q
to cut, sever *łik’
weasel *łk’am
to lap up, lick up; bail *łu/akʷ/qʷ
to hook up, spike, string (beads), pierce *łik’ʷ
to detach *łim
to eat soup *łum’
soup *s-łum’
to dwindle, go out (of fire); forget *łap
to blink *łip
hang folded (as blanket on clothesline) *łəp’
to (cause to) land somewhere *łaq
to sit down *łáq-ilx
wide, to spread, stretch *łəq’ I
instruction, knowledge *łəq’ II
to go after, look for st. *ƛ’ə
to protrude, come (forth); long *ƛ’ak/q
spotted *ƛ’əkʷ/qʷ
shelter *ƛ’ikʷ
to stop, become motionless; dead, sick *ƛ’i/al
die, dead, motionless, lifeless, sg. *ƛ’lal
to grow, rise *ƛ’uł
to cut, chop; sharp *ƛ’əm
cedarbark basket *ƛ’apat
(to smoke) tobacco *ƛ’aq’ʷ/*q’ʷuƛ’
to win, beat in game *ƛ’əxʷ I
cold (object); numb *ƛ’əxʷ II
fast, quick, swift *ƛ’əx̆
grown up, old *ƛ’ax̆
to go upstream *ƛ’ax̆-ilx
to want, desire; dear, difficult *ƛ’əy’
(river-)canoe *ƛ’ay’/*ƛ’yaʔ
hard (substance) *ƛ’əʕʷ
fish weir *muʔ
blackcap (Rubus leucodermis) *məckʷ
to cheat, trick, lie *məc’
pus, matter *mə̣c’(-ụl) (w. suff. *-qin: brain)
bee, wasp *mə̣c’əp
to cover (with blanket), wrap *məkʷ(uʔ)
to erase *məl
hemlock/balsam tree *mə̣l
(fish)bait *mal(-aʔ)
to cure (as shaman) *mạl
father’s brother *s-mʔal
to dip, sink, flood *mul
to twist, tangle, sprain *mə̣lkʷ/qʷ
to wrap up, collect into a whole; intact, complete *məlk’ʷ
to be aimless, lost; be pacified (child); forget *mal(-q)
naked *malxʷ/x̆ʷ
to rest *mał
woman *s-mułac
salmon; summer *s-mł(ik)
to mix, stir *maƛ’
excrements *mnak
to smoke (tobacco) *manəxʷ
tobacco *s-manəxʷ/x
to swallow, eat one’s fill *məq’
to pile up, lump *məq’ʷ
crane, heron *s-məq’ʷ-aʔ
four *mus I
to feel about, touch *mus II
kidney *mət’ụs
horse clam *mat’ay/*t’amay (IS > snail)
black bear *mix̆ał
a large feline or canine *s-mɣaw
shaman (power) *s-naʔm
one, another, (in derivatives: family, tribe) *nak’ I, *nk’-uʔ
to change, differ *nak’ II
to cut *nik’
one *naqas
blow one’s nose *nis
marrow, fat, oil; wet *nụ/ạs
to run *naw-ilx
wind blows *naw
digging stick *paci/aʔ
leaf *packl
to spill, pour *pəkʷ/qʷ
thin, flat *pal
to scatter, smudge *pi/al
to tip over *pul
mouth, edge *s-pl-ucin
calf of leg, muscle *s-pạl-mn
to pierce *pə̣l’kʷ/*pətkʷ
skunk *s-pəlan
penis *s-pəlq
pierce, pop out *pə̣lxʷ
to put a spell on; to tell *pəlax̆
thick (layer) *pəł, *pł-u/ał
to come, come to an end, come out (of the bush) *puƛ’
time, period *pan
to find, get *pu/an
white, bright *pəq
to scatter; powder *pəq’ʷ/k’ʷ
small animal (bird, bug, worm) *pisaʔ
to boil, bubble *pə̣t
to arrange, line up, splice, spread *pat
to notice, think *pit
right, sufficient, exact, very *put
to spit *pə(tə)x̆ʷ
to blow, breathe, swell *paw, *puh, *pu/axʷ
to comb (out) *pəx/*xəp
to air *pax
faded, stale *pəxʷ
happy, joyful *pəy
bird *s-pyu/aʔ
to prod, knock, drum *pəʕʷ/w
to fart *p’uʔ
to spit *p’əc’
hemp, string, fix with string, sew *p’ac’
glitter, shine *p’ik’
bobcat *p’ək’m
treebark *p’alan’/y’
to overflow *p’ịl
flat; to lie down, pl. *p’i/al
to turn (around, over) *p’əlk’/q’
smoke, fog, steam *p’u/aƛ’
to darken by smoking; smoke color *p’um
green/mountain alder, vine maple, wormwood, juniper, rosebush, etc. *p’u/an
white, bright *p’əq’
to bloom, flower *p’aq’-m
a shrub *p’uqʷay
flat *p’əs
lungs, heart *p’us
to crush, squeeze *p’əsq’ʷ/k’ʷ
to squeeze, press (grasp, push), squirt *p’əy, *p’əh; *p’i-c’
ready, ripe, cooked *p’ayaq
spring (salmon) *qal
person *qal-mixʷ
beaver *s-qəlaw’
offspring *qaʔł/qahł
to wake up, be awake *qił
soft, lukewarm, calm, gentle *qəm I
to ask for st. (esp. to get st. back) *qəm II
to nurse *qam
woman’s breast, milk *s-qam
a lump, ball, cluster *qəmx̆ʷ
to hear *qan
father’s mother, woman’s son’s child *qanaʔ
throat, gullet *qənu/a(xʷ)
breast, brisket *s-qəp-min
spring, summer, spring salmon *(s-)qap(-c/s)
to scratch, tickle *qəs
uncle *qasa/iʔ
(Indian) potato *s-qawc
dog *s-qax̆aʔ
to err, fancy, be drunk, crazy ̽*qayx̆
to remain stuck in st., be wedged into st. *q’aʔ
to intertwine, braid, weave, (embrace, strangle) *q’ac’
to spin, curl, wind/tie around *q’əl
to build a structure, raise a tent; to camp *q’al/y
to steam-cook *q’əl
take a sweatbath *q’əl-ya
sweatbath *s-q’əl-ya
day(light), sky *q’ilt, *q’iyt
round; fence, stockade, corral *q’əlx̆, *q’lax̆
to heal up *q’iƛ’
scar *s-q’iƛ’
to swallow *q’əm
to be joined together, repaired, healed *q’im
firewood *q’əp
(hazel)nut *q’ap’x̆ʷ/xʷ
to be of (too) long duration *q’əs
to hoist up; fishhook; (deriv.) swing(-cradle) *q’i/at’
bone *q’awał (red.)
stiffen, harden, freeze *q’axʷ
to doubt sb.’s power or words *qəy
an ungulate *q’əyiʔək
snail, slug *q’(y)aƛ’an
to stir, move *’qəʕ
water, to drink *qʷuʔ, *ʔuqʷ, *qu/al
to boil (food), cook *qʷəl’
to speak, think *qʷal
to cheat *qʷil
conifer bough *qʷalc
edible tuber, bulb *qʷlawl
wasp (esp. yellowjacket), bee *s-qʷuł
birch *qʷałin
a plant (unid.) *qʷən
mosquito *qʷan(im)
(younger) sibling, nephew, niece; son *qʷəs
bovine *qʷisp/t
animal fat, grease *qʷtał
louse, lice *qʷətíx̆aʔ
blue, green; bruise *qʷay
to burp, belch *q’ʷaʔ
(other) side, half, companion *q’ʷuʔ
fat, stout *q’ʷuc
to wash, launder *q’ʷəc’ I
chipmunk *q’ʷəc’ II
full (CS of water) *q’ʷac’
to scorch, (bum to) ashes, black; roast, ripe(n); berry *q’ʷal/y
crow, raven *q’ʷlaq/q’a
to shorten, pull/reel in *q’ʷam
(hair on) head; skull *q’ʷum I
top, high, pile, lump *q’ʷum II
bundle *(s-)q’ʷsuʔ
skinny *q’ʷx̆ʷ
to smoke (of fire), smoke color *q’ʷax̆/x̆ʷ I
claw, leg, foot, nail *q’ʷax̆/x̆ʷ II
to rock, shake, sway *q’ʷəy
to dance *q’ʷəy-ilx
(young or female) deer *q’ʷay, *qʷal/y, *q’ʷəy-paʔ (red.)
tail *-upaʔ
to be blown along, float with current *suk’ʷ
cedar (bark) *suk’ʷam
to spin, twist *səl(-p)
to smell, sniff *sum’
daughter-in-law *sapn
to hit, club, whip *səp’
to breathe *sup’
come to end *xʷət
to split, crack *səq
to fly, jump; a gallinaceous bird *saq’ʷ
to strip off (skin or treebark) *suq’ʷ
winter, cold wind *sutik
to sniff *si/ạt’
to whisper *səw
to ask *saw
to pour, spill *sixʷ
to recognize, identify, understand, know *suxʷ
to scrape *sax̆
to move (from one place to another) *six̆
friend, relative *səy
parent’s sibling *siʔ
grandparent *si-l(aʔ)
sound of voice(s) *sạy
to flow; wetness, dew *səʕʷ, *səw
to pet, stroke *tac
to be blocked, choked off *təkʷ
perceive *takʷ I
willow/ruffed grouse *takʷ II
to extend, stretch, untie; fathom *tụ/ạl
close relation (friend, husband, relative) *tam
what?, something *s-tam
to exert o.s. *ti/am
mother, aunt *tum-aʔ
dead; sleep, dream *tumn
man, warrior *s-tu/amix
world, nature, earth, river, animal, spirit *tmixʷ
cedar-root rope used for sewing up baskets *s-tinəws
sinew, muscle *tinx
to pound *tup
spider *tupl’
to pin down, touch; obstruct *təq
to buy, sell *taw I
(small and) growing up, child, young person *taw II
to comb one’s hair *təx
to obtain, add to a store *tixʷ
kill game *tixʷ-c’iʔ
tongue *tixʷc
wrong, bitter *tax̆
straight, just, settled *təx̆ʷ
chest *tax̆ʷac
to stoop, to go across *tuy, *tiw (inv.)
to prop up, support *t’ək
to bleed *t’əkʷ
to explode, burst open; slap, strike *t’əkʷ/qʷ
muddy (water) *t’ik’ʷ/q’ʷ
to slice, split, rip *t’əl
numb, tired *t’al
charm, medicine *t’ul
a type of deer *s-t’ul
highbush cranberry *t’əls
to cut *t’əm
(in name of) gooseberry *t’am
to suck *t’um/*tum
fur, animal hair (feathers) *t’amin
ear *t’ani/aʔ
dark *t’əp I
to tip over, fall *t’əp II
berry sp. (CS salalberry) *t’aqaʔ
to cross over; (in derivatives: six) *t’aq’
to bathe, swim *t’əqʷ
to interweave *t’əqʷaʔ
to lick *t’aqʷ
to break *t’aq’ʷ
down feathers *t’uq’ʷ
thimbleberry *s-t’aq’ʷm
skin *s-t’əwin
to ladle *t’ax, *xat’ (inv.)
a plant (cattails, scouring rush) *t’uxʷn, *t’unxʷ (inv.)
to open up, branch out; six *t’əx̆
to cry, holler *wa(ʔ)
cougar *s-waʔ
to pry loose, pick out; tease *wac’
to bark (at) *wu/ah
to burn, shiny, bright *wə̣l, *ʕʷəl
iron, metal *wəlim
to tilt *wal (independent word in Ts only)
canoe *wil
horn, antler *wa/inaʔw
real, true *wənaxʷ
berry sp. *wənaʔx̆
to undo, remove, take apart, open *wiq’
both of a pair, mutual; two *was
high, above *wis
whoʔ, someone *(s-)wat
to pry/lever up; vomit *wat’k/*watk’/*wat’k’
to be visible, revealed, public *way
to hang spread out; steep *xạl, *xal
to bite, gnaw, chop, cut *xil
to scorch, bake *xəƛ’
both (sides) *xəm
other side, alter-ego, enemy *xəm-an(-was)
dry *x/x̆am
to lie flat *xən
rock, stone *s-xanx
to be stretched out, project *xit’
to grow *xaw
trail *xəwal
fore, front, first *xəyt
light of weight *xʷa
to wipe, brush, smooth, clean, bathe *xʷi/ak’ʷ, *xʷikʷ
to pull (out) *xʷuk’ʷ, *xʷukʷ
to dig out, make a hollow, divert water *xʷə̣l
to turn, spin, drill, wrap around, round *xʷul, *xəl
firedrill *xʷul- (i-)kʷup
whirlwind *xʷlakʷ PIS
to be lonesome, pining (for) *xʷəm
to unfold, spread out (as blanket, arms) *xʷap
a night bird *xʷup
owl *xʷiw, xupxup
unhook, untangle *xʷp’
to come to an end, be exhausted, all gone *xʷət
to whistle *xʷiw
to appear *xʷəy
alive, allright, alert *xʷay/l
fly, maggot, worm, ant *xʷ/x̆ʷay-aʔ
sacred, taboo, forbidden, impressive, smart, violent, etc. *x̆aʔ I
parent/child-in-law *x̆aʔ II
ready, completed *x̆əc
complete count; four *x̆əʔuc
wrinkle *x̆ic’
log, stick, wood *x̆əc’(-ay’)
to bet *x̆əc IS
to think, remember, teach *x̆ək
to scratch, crunch *x̆ik’ʷ
to cover w. planks; board covering *x̆əl
puberty, menses *x̆al-u-mix
thus, like, similar *x̆il, *ʔax̆il
to turn, whirl, roll *x̆ələq’/k’
to want; difficult *x̆aƛ’
to cut, bite, gnaw *x̆iƛ’
heavy *x̆əm I
weigh down, grab to hold *x̆i/am
bite *x̆əm II
(paternal) grandfather *x̆apaʔ
to envelop, wedge in *x̆əq
dry *x̆aw
(to make) war *x̆əyl
to break (as stick) *x̆ʷəc’
defecate *x̆ʷu/ic’
dipper (bird) *x̆ʷəc’q’ʷ
round, to roll *x̆ʷələq’ʷ
to break, cut *x̆ʷəƛ’
mountain goat *s-x̆ʷiƛ’ay
to buzz, hum; (red.) hummingbird *x̆ʷən
to grind, rasp; snore *x̆ʷu/aq’ʷ
to foam *x̆ʷus
soapberry *s-x̆ʷus-m
to perish pl., disappear *x̆ʷay
prefix or stem for derivation with somatic suffixes *yə-
to rub, soften by rubbing *yac
fall (as tree) *yik
to roll, turn over; round *yə̣l, *yul, *həyl
to burn *yụ/ạl
watertight basket, woven dish *s-yạlt
to descend, go home from stay in mountains *yaƛ’
to rub *yuƛ’
bird’s nest *yman
driftwood *yan(u)c
to file, whet *yəq’, *ʔiq’
fire(wood) *yəqʷ, *həyqʷ
spark *t’iqʷ
rotten (wood) *yəq’ʷ
to be fed up *yaw, *yəw
to be slow *ʔuy II (inv.)
property, stingy *yəw’kʷ, *yukʷ, *ʔawk’ʷ
to descend, drop *yəxʷ, *ləxʷ
to be acquainted with, used to *yuxʷ
to grind, scratch, scrape *yəʕ, *ʔiʕ
to lose (ability, object, contest) *ʕəl
to cut (as hair) *ʕi/al
to stand upright; tree *ʕ/ɣap
to shrink *ʕis
hot, angry, growl *ʕəy, *ʕi-n
to become weak, tired, faint, sleep *ʕʷal’
to boil, cook *ʕʷəłqʷ, *ʕwəłqʷ
to play, joke, make fun, laugh *ʕʷəy


  1. ^ Kuipers, Aert H. (2002). Salish Etymological Dictionary. Missoula, MT: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana. →ISBN
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní