Appendix:Proto-Wintun reconstructions
Proto-Wintun reconstructions:[1]
Shepherd (2006)
[edit]Gloss | Proto-Wintun |
a while | *yol |
acorn | *ʔi(·) |
acorn sp. | *hu |
acorn sp.: black oak | *ham ?, *pene(·)l |
acorn sp.: white oak | *yok...l- |
acorn bread | *sa·w |
acorn meal | *daq |
acorn soup | *yiwit |
acorns: shelled and dried | *λ’ił- |
action with fire | *bay |
adolescent girl | *lo·y- |
afraid, have fear | *k’ilap-ʔa |
after that | *ʔut’a |
agentive | *-to ? |
ahead (of), before, first | *tu |
air, blow | *x̣os-a ? |
alder | *qalaw |
alienable possessive, third person singular pronouns and kinterms | *-t-n |
alike | *ne·r |
alone | *ney, *hom |
already, old, long ago, former, past demonstrative | *ho- |
andative auxiliary, go | *har-a· |
angelica | *dum |
animate comitative | *-wil |
ankle | *haqa |
ant | *t’edVq |
apply light pressure with hand | *λ’itq- |
apply sharp pointed object | *λ’ut |
approach | *čuk-a |
arched ?, crooked ?, bent | *k’uwi(·)l |
arm | *q’ede |
arm, shoulder | *sala |
armpit | *q’an |
arrange clumped material ? | *bam |
arrive | *hen |
arrow | *no-, *doqo |
ash tree | *ʔirik |
ashes, dust | *pʰuk |
ask | *t’ihi·t-u |
ask to accompany | *xew |
autumn | *qʰaydani |
away | *qʰal, *qʰan |
awl | *č’up |
baby, child, small | *ʔilay |
back of, behind something | *yel |
bad | *duq-ʔa, *č’ep- |
badger | *soč- ? |
bake | *ma·ł-a |
band-tailed pigeon | *xo-...wi- |
bank of rock or soil | *hel |
bare the teeth | *λ’ey-e |
bark (of tree) | *qoq, *qʰapla |
bark (verb) | *noł |
barn owl | *si·k |
barren | *walu |
base | *yay |
basket root | *se·k, *kuhum |
basket sticks from willow | *ton |
basket types | *xok, *k’op-i, *kaw, *k’olom, *tos |
bat | *dehe·la ? |
bathe | *qop |
be, lie | *bey |
be, sit | *boh |
be, do, use (non-distal ?) | *ʔiy |
be, do (distal) | *ʔu |
bear (black) | *č’il |
beard, whiskers (particularly of fish) | *qʰep |
bee-like sound | *łon |
beetle sp. | *toqo ? |
before, ahead, first | *tu |
beg ? promise ? | *duq |
behind, back of | *yel |
belch | *qer-e· |
belt | *tir-i |
bend | *qʰud, *moy, *kuk |
benefactive | *-pa ? |
bent (crooked ? arched ?) | *k’uwi(·)l |
berry sp. | *tʰah |
bet | *dam |
big one(s) | *qom ? |
bird sp. (small) | *č’ereCč’ereC ? |
bite | *ʔey |
bitter | *ʔa·q-ʔa |
black | *č’il-, *sil |
black bear | *č’il |
black oak acorn | *pene(·)l, *ham ? |
blackberry | *ʔim(il) |
blanket | *puq- |
blanket, cover | *sul |
blood | *sa·q |
blow (of person, not the wind) | *pʰu(·)ł |
blow, air | *x̣os-a ? |
blow the nose | *łiniq |
blows to the head | *čił-a |
bluebird, Western | *č’ow |
boat | *nuh |
bobbing movement (slow?) | *hoy(..)oq |
bobcat | *p’a..l..m- |
body, whole | *tʰu(·)n |
body hair ? | *seke· |
body joint | *ʔanaq |
boil | *pʰ̟ot-u, *posolo |
bone | *paq |
bone awl | *č’up |
borrow | *q’oł |
brace | *k’ok |
break | *k’ep, *λ’ab |
break up surface | *tʰoł-i/u |
break with fingers | *q’op-a |
breast, milk | *ʔimit |
breathe | *pʰu(·)r-u |
bring inanimate, animate | *wer |
bring | *hen-me |
brother: older | *labe- |
brother: younger | *ley |
brother-in-law | *łe-·n |
bubble | *łob |
buckeye | *yono ? |
buckskin, hide | *qo(·)la |
bulb sp. | *λ’erew |
bulrush, tule | *λ’op |
bump | *tʰał-, *daq |
burn | *čʰo·l, *čʰo·r |
burn bare | *bil |
burrowing owl | *wik |
bush sp. | *č’ulaq |
butterfly, poppy | *bo·lbolVq |
buzzard | *hu·s |
calf | *č’ur ?, *čʰi·r |
California condor | *mo·loq |
call someone | *čʰiy-a |
cane | *t’u- |
cap-shaped | *bis |
careful ?, reluctant ? | hinu·- |
carry | *du- |
carve | *qʰer |
cattail, flat tule | *pa·tpat |
causative | *-ma |
cave in | *hul, *łim-a |
charcoal | *q’al-i ? |
chest, lungs | *k’eba |
chew | *č’ok-i/u, *t’a- |
chief | *se·qtu |
child | *ku-, *teh, *ʔilay, *łe |
child’s spouse, spouse’s parent, in-law one generation removed | *t’e(·)s |
chin, jaw | *q’aba |
chipmunk | *čʰiqčʰiq- ? |
choke on | *qʰaw-a |
choose | *p’ił-e |
chop | *k’op |
cicada | *yoryor, *holol-č’V·r/d- |
clap | *pʰoq |
claw(s), nail(s) | *k’ahay |
clean | *le·t ? |
clear | *čał-a |
clench, stiff ? | *k’on |
climb, step | *dek |
close eyes | *č’im |
close sides | *wol |
clothe, clothes | *t’ał-a |
cloud | *q’a- ? |
clover, grass | *len |
clover sp. | *tapl- |
coat (verb), coating | *wil |
cocoon rattle | *sokok |
collect | *č’ap |
come | *wer |
comitative (animate) | *-wil |
comitative (inanimate) | *-m |
completive | *-k |
continuative | *-V(·)r |
Cooper’s or marsh hawk ?, hawk sp. | *k’ililuk |
copulate | *sir-i |
core, heart | *č’idik |
cough | *q’uh-i/u |
cover | *mit, *łaq-a |
coyote | *sede |
crack open | *tʰeł, *k’ab |
crane | *wok |
crawl | *las-a |
crawl in, go in | *ʔał-a |
crawling (like a snake), slithering (creature) | *pʰil-i |
crazy, unpleasant emotion | *ho·n |
cricket | *ler, *č’ur |
crooked ?, arched ?, bent | *k’uwi(·)l |
cross (meet), emerge, sprout | *tep-i/u |
cross-sibling | *soh |
crosswise, twice | *ser |
crow | *ʔa·l, *qa·q |
crush | *pał |
cry | *wač-i/u |
cup-type basket | *k’olom |
cut | *qʰed-, *qʰič-a/i/u |
cut notches | *dop-u |
cut off, slice | *qʰop-u |
cut with sharp edge, cut long objects | *pʰil-i |
cut with swinging motion, slice | *hil |
cylinder | *lul |
dam, weir | *paq-i |
dance | *čʰono |
dance house | *łu·t |
dance types | *hesi ?, *to·to ? |
dark | *pur-i |
day, daytime | *san-i |
deer, venison | *no·p |
defecate | *č’en-a· |
definite duration auxiliary | *boh |
deictic (optative meaning?) | *kʰe |
demonstrative and quasi-pronominal third person proximal root | *ʔe- |
demonstrative and quasi-pronominal third person root | *pi-, *pu- |
demonstrative-interrogative root | *he |
desolate | *yo·w |
dew | *pʰon |
dice | *tel |
different, other, away | *qʰal |
dig ? pick up ? | *hap-a |
digging stick | *sen |
dip | *q’ep-, *qum, *dum |
direct to, send after | *yor |
directional locative suffix | *-ti |
dirt (earth) | *q’i(·)r, *q’ilaq |
dirty | *q’o(·)t-ʔa |
dislike | *qʰur |
distribute liquid substance | *č’ir-i |
dive | *nup-u |
dizzy | *x̣ah |
do fast, be fast | *witil(-ʔa) |
do, be, use (non-distal ?) | *ʔiy |
do, be (distal) | *ʔu |
doctor, poison | *yom |
dog | *suku |
dome shape (hard) | *qʰolo |
doorway, entrance | *pes |
dove (mourning) | *puluq |
down | *kʰen |
drag | *qir |
dragonfly | *t’oli |
dream | *yečew |
drill | *sič-i/u |
drink | *bol-a, *tetʰ-i/u |
drink/eat acorn mush | *łup-e/u |
drown | *t’uk-u |
drum | *tiCe· |
dry | *qʰon |
dry (spread to) | *ye- |
dry and stiff | *č’oq |
dual | *-pel |
dubitative, subjunctive | *-m |
dull | *q’i·l |
dull (of senses) | *λ’ik |
dump (granulated solids?) | *tʰak-čʰ-i |
ear | *ma·t |
earth | *q’ilaq, *wilaq, *q’i(·)r |
east | *puy |
eat | *ba· |
eat/drink acorn mush | *łup-e/u |
eat with someone | *tʰil-ʔa |
embers | *xiw |
emerge, sprout, cross (meet) | *tep-i/u |
end point | *wan |
enemy | *yuken |
entrance, doorway | *pes |
esophagus, throat | *peru· |
exclamative | *ʔay, *yo· |
exhaust, wear out | *łet |
eye | *tum |
eyelashes | *tum |
fade away | *lim |
fall | *łah, *dil-i, *t’al-a |
fan, wave, gesture | *liw |
far, travel | *kel- |
fart | *xed-i/u |
fast (be, do) | *witil(-ʔa) |
fat | *hu·m |
father | *tah, *ta-(·)n |
fear | *čʰiri·k-, *k’ilap-ʔa |
fear a loss, suspect | *ha·q-a |
feast | *daw |
feather | *k’alaq |
feathers | *pʰit |
feces | *č’en-i |
feed | *ba· |
fight | *łik-u-p’ur-i |
fill | *par |
fill with liquid | *ʔu·m |
finger, hand | *sem |
finger (verb) | *t’ul |
finish | *λ’aq |
finish off, gone | *ker-u |
fire | *pʰo· |
fire, to light a | *č’ay-a |
first person pronominal root | *ne- |
first person subject | *-da |
first, before, ahead | *tu |
fish sp. | *čʰi·r |
fishbone | *č’us |
fisher ? | *łom |
fit | *λ’ap-u ? |
fix up, straighten up | *moq |
flabby | *law |
flame | *qul |
flame, lightning | *wal-u |
flat | *dal |
flea | *k’ok’o |
flint, arrow, knife, obsidian | *doqo |
float | *pʰo- |
flow | *č’oł- ? |
flowers | *k’ala(·)l, *lul |
fly (verb) | *win |
fly, go up | *tewe |
flying squirrel ? | *q’an-łala ? |
foam | *łos |
fog | *t’umi |
fog, steam | *qʰos |
foliage, leaves | *sala |
follow, track | *may-a· |
food | *ba· |
foot | *may |
forehead | *xin, *tey |
forget | *q’id-u |
former, old, already, long ago, past demonstrative | *ho |
fox | *ha·w |
frog | *wataq |
front | *daw |
frost | *kik-i |
full | *hur, *par |
gall | *sili |
gap | *kalay |
gather, gathering basket | *ʔo·n |
gathering | *ya·pay |
genitive case | *-n ? |
genitive case | *-r |
gesture, fan, wave | *liw |
get, own, have | *ke- |
gig, spear | *łew ? |
girl | *lo·y-, *p’ukuy |
give | *doy-i/u |
glare, reflect | *ʔilʔil |
glide by | *leh |
go | *har-a· |
go in, crawl in | *ʔał-a |
go out, pour out slowly | *p’e·l ? |
go up, fly | *tewe |
going to, intentional future | *-le |
gone, finish off | *ker-u |
good | *čal-a |
goose sp. | *laq |
grab a handful | *q’or |
grandchild | *čʰa(·)y |
grandfather | *ʔapan |
grandmother | *ʔaman |
grapevine | *łoy...m |
grasp in one or both hands | *pʰem ? |
grass (dry?) | *λ’aqa |
grass, green | *č’aro·q(-i) |
gray hair | *čʰa·hay |
great horned owl | *kudu· |
green, grass | *č’aro·q(-i) |
green heron | *qa- |
grind | *qor-i/u |
grind, sharpen by filing | *lor |
grizzly ? | *kuku |
ground | *po·m |
ground, dirt (earth) | *q’i(·)r |
ground squirrel | *λ’et |
growl | *qʰor |
grunt, pant | *x̣oh |
guts, intestines | *pot |
hail | *k’il |
hair (facial or animal) | *č’ekey |
hair: pubic, body hair | *seke· |
hand, finger | *sem |
hang | *low, *č’aq-a· |
happy | *lom, *doq- |
hard, to be | *paq |
hard dome shape | *qʰolo |
hat | *tʰak |
haunt | *holow |
have | *-ʔa |
have, own, get | *ke |
hawk sp.: Cooper’s or marsh hawk ? | *k’ililuk |
hawk sp.: red-tailed ? | *čeqčeq |
hawk sp.: Swainson’s ? | *lik- |
hawk or falcon sp. | *qačit |
head | *pʰoyoq |
headband | *kip- |
hear | *mut-u |
heart | *pʰur-u |
heart, core | *č’idik |
heavy | *yiłma |
help | *her |
hemp, milkweed | *pʰe·ł |
here, toward self | *xun |
heron: great blue | *wok |
heron: green | *qa- |
hiccough | *q’eq-a ? |
hide, buckskin | *qo(·)la |
hill | *bul-i |
hip, thighs | *somVk |
hit | *čʰep |
hold in hand | *sat |
hold pectorally | *ʔimit |
hole | *holoq |
holler | *nił-u |
home | *woq |
hooked strap, strap with hook | *lak-o/u |
horn | *k’il-i |
hortative, let | *-di |
hot | *pil-a· |
hot rock ? | *k’iw |
house | *qewel |
hull | *č’iw |
human classifier ? | *-ta |
hungry, starve | *per-i/u |
hurt | *ʔal- |
hurt, sick, want | *koy-i/u |
husband, man | *wiy |
impaired vision | *qʰas-i·l-ʔa |
imperative or irrealis stem-deriving suffix | *-u |
in horizontally | *ʔel, *-e·l |
in-laws | *win |
in-law one generation removed, spouse’s parent, child’s spouse | *t’e(·)s |
inclined, prone | *qoh |
inclusive person pronominal root | *p’e- |
indefinite duration auxiliary | *bey |
indent | *bit |
indistinct color ? | *qaq |
inhale | *su(·)t |
insect sp. (buzzing) | *homo·- |
insert long things, poke, stick into | *λ’op |
intense visual perception | *k’al |
intensive verb-derivational suffix | *-h |
intentional future, going to | *-le |
intestines, guts | *pot |
irrealis stem-deriving suffix, imperative | *-u |
itch, scratch | *ʔod-i/u |
iterative | *-V·y |
jackrabbit | *k’el |
jaw, chin | *q’aba |
join, perimeter | *kol |
joined, added on to perimeter | *kol-i |
joined, pronged | *non |
jump | *puč- |
juniper | *mon |
keep | *boh |
kick | *č’on |
kill | *λ’o·m-u |
kill deer | *tiwi·t |
kingfisher | *t’arara ? |
kingsnake | *handop- |
kinterm absolutive suffix | *-(·)n |
kinterm locative case | *-t-in ? |
kinterm plural (or human plural) | *-ba |
kinterm prefix | *n(i)- |
knee | *ʔanaq |
knife, arrow, flint, obsidian | *doqo |
knot (tie a) | *p’olo·q |
know | *t’i- |
lack of color | *tal |
larynx | *qʰor |
last, yester- | *le·n |
late | *ʔolhen |
leaf | *dala |
lean against | *tʰoq-čʰ-i/u |
lean meat? | *čʰi·r |
leave | *yal-i/u |
leaves, foliage | *sala |
left, left hand | *tʰaw |
leg | *yir ? |
legs apart | *kan ? |
lest, might, may | *-kʰen |
let, hortative | *-di |
let’s | *-e· |
lick | *nal |
lie, be | *bey |
lie prone | *xoy |
lie, tell a lie | *bal-ʔa |
light | *say-i/u, *tek |
light (source ?) | *sa- |
light a fire | *č’ay-a |
light in weight | *hosop |
lightning, flame | *wal-u |
liquid spreads | *tʰel-a· |
liquid (thick) | *t’ot |
liver | *kʰila |
lizard sp.: Western fence lizard | *č’iwil |
locative, toward, in (horizontally ?) | *-e·l |
locative case | *-in |
log | *waqu· ? |
long ago, already, old, former, past demonstrative | *ho- |
loose | *hoł ? |
loose, thin | *łupuq |
loosen by scratching | *k’eb-i/u |
lose, miss | *yo(·)w |
louse | *pʰer- |
lungs | *qʰoso |
lungs, chest | *k’eba |
magpie | *ʔatʔat |
make | *lel-a/i/u, *mal-i/u |
make sparks | *t’ip |
man | *wi·-ta |
man, husband | *wiy |
manzanita berries | *bolo |
maple | *say |
mash | *pʰit |
may it be | *wile |
may, might, lest | *-kʰen |
meadowlark | *yok |
mediopassive | *-čʰ |
meet | *hen-pa ? |
mental clouding | *q’a(·)q |
mesh | *k’at ? |
middle, center | *wenem |
might, may, lest | *-kʰen |
milk, breast | *ʔimit |
milkweed | *boq |
milkweed, wild hemp | *pʰe·ł |
minnow | *qʰili |
miss | *man-a· |
miss, lose | *yo(·)w |
moldy, muddy | *q’un |
mollusk shell | *łono(·)q |
morning star | *č’at-u |
mortar | *t’ubuq ? |
mortar basket | *kaw |
mosquito | *čosaq |
mother | *neh, *na, *ne-·n |
motion back and forth | *her-u |
mountain | *čʰoł |
mountain lion | *pate |
mountain quail | *čʰolčʰol |
mourning dove | *puluq |
mouse, rat | *č’ube |
mouth | *qo(·)l |
mouth open | *waw |
move | *moroq |
move away | *yo· |
move (fast ? repetitive ?) | *kʰod- |
move in a direction, move toward | *k’o- |
move inclined toward | *k’od-i/u |
move hips ? | *wik |
move light-weight things | *sid |
move stones | *k’ap |
mud | *k’a· |
muddy, moldy | *q’un |
mushroom sp. | *t’ara, *made ? |
mussel, fresh-water | *č’ayi |
nail(s), claw(s) | *k’ahay |
name, real, really | *yet |
nape of neck ? | *toq ? |
narrow-waisted | *č’idok |
navel | *naq |
near | *čok-i |
neck | *dok |
nest | *sunu |
net | *koro, *čʰaq, *t’uy-čʰ-i |
new, now | *po· |
nipple | *p’ur-i |
nit | *č’ubi |
no, not | *ʔelew |
nod | *wuk |
nominalizer | *-s |
nominalizing and neutral mode stem-deriving suffix | *-i |
non-visual sensorial evidential | *mut-her |
north | *way |
nose | *sono |
not, no | *ʔele-w |
nothing (be) | *min-a |
now, new | *po· |
objective case | *-ma |
objective case suffix for kinterms and pronouns | *-t |
obsidian, knife, arrow, flint | *doqo |
old, already, long ago, former, past demonstrative | *ho- |
old man | *k’iy |
old woman | *p’ot |
older brother | *labe- |
older woman | *q’aya |
one | *k’ete·t |
open by scratching or scraping | *xeb |
open mouth | *waw |
optative ?, deictic | *kʰe |
oriole | *sapasapa |
oscillate, vibrate | *lew |
other, away, different | *qʰal |
other ? | *ʔut |
out(side) | *pat |
owl sp.: great horned | *kudu· |
owl sp.: barn owl | *si·k |
owl sp.: burrowing | *wik |
owl sp. | *hi·n |
own, have, get | *ke- |
pack | *sew |
pack tight | *bam |
paddle | *qʰawa ? |
paired objects, suffix marking | *-ma |
pale | *sa·l |
palm | *t’eqel |
pant, grunt | *x̣oh |
parch | *ła·r |
passive | *-her |
past demonstrative, old, already, long ago, former | *ho- |
pay | *ʔeł |
peel off | *č’ub |
pendant | *yaw |
penis | *kul- |
people | *win |
people, person | *-tu(·) |
people of, village | *xerel |
peppergrass | *yodo ? |
perforate | *qʰes |
perimeter, join | *kol |
person | *win |
person, people | *-tu(·) |
pestle | *tʰulu ? |
pestle?, wood ? | *č’us |
pet | *ʔom |
physical injury | *p’od |
pick one at a time | *tey |
pick small things one by one | *x̣ad |
pick up ?, dig ? | *hap-a |
pierce through | *λ’er |
pigeon: band-tailed | *xo-...wi- |
pike | *k’uw- |
pinch | *t’or |
pine | *t’uw |
pine sp. | *sak |
pitch, resin | *čʰek-i |
place a sling | *lom-u |
plant sp. | *łaqa, *qʰala |
plant sp.: low-growing | *baq |
plant sp.: soft, round | *łubuq |
play | *łaqal |
point | *lolo·q-i/u |
poison, doctor | *yom |
poison oak | *p’oqʰom |
poke, stick into, insert long things | *λ’op |
pole | *topolish, *sik |
pond | *kopol |
poorwill | *qo·ltep |
pop | *p’oq ? |
poppy, butterfly | *bo·lbolVq |
porcupine, star | *łara·q ? |
potato | *ʔel-i |
potato sp. | *p’ołoy |
pound | *t’aq-i/u, *p’aq |
pound with flat surface | *pʰet |
pour, spill | *č’u·l-i/u |
pour out slowly, go out | *p’e·l ? |
pour solids | *t’ik-i/u |
press | *pʰat-a |
press tight | *č’it |
promise ? beg ? | *duq |
prone, inclined | *qoh |
pronged, joined | *non |
pronominal plural | *-le |
protruberance | *λ’or- |
protrude, swell | *pʰo- |
protrusion | *bul |
pubic hair | *seke· |
pull | *wik, *qir |
pull off | *sob-čʰ -u- |
pull or throw up | *kip |
pull out | *tʰup-u ? |
pus, full of pus | *buq |
put long object around | *dol |
put on a hat | *tʰak |
put up | *łom-i/u |
quotative root | *ʔu |
raccoon | *čʰika |
rainbow | *sa·q-k’ur- ? |
raise | *hok |
rake (toward self ?) | *qar-čʰ- |
rat, mouse | *č’ube |
rattle | *λ’ał |
rattle (cocoon) | *sokok |
rattle (rustle ?) | *wasasa |
raven | *qaq |
real, really, name | *yet |
realis stem-deriving suffix | *-a, *-e |
reciprocal | *p’ur-i |
red | *tede |
red paint | *q’oba |
red-shafted yellowhammer (flicker) | *č’i- |
referential | *qa |
reflect | *ʔilʔil |
reflexive | *-na |
relational nominal suffix | *-da |
relational locative | *naq |
relatives | *win |
reluctant ?, careful ? | *hinu·- |
remain | *hor-i/u |
remove from body | *λ’uq |
resin, pitch | *čʰek-i |
ribs | *k’uril |
ridge | *luyuq |
right hand | *čal- |
ringing sound | *tiltil |
rip | *čel- |
rip in half | *yeb |
ripe | *noq-i/u |
roadrunner | *tolto- ? |
roar, rumble | *kim-u·r |
roast | *λ’ir |
robe | *naw |
robin | *wisbo- ? |
rock | *son |
rock (small, round), stone | *t’uduy |
rodent sp. | *k’ay |
roe | *pu·p |
roll | *dir, *dibił, *hol ? |
roll, run continuously | *kip(-Vl) |
root, especially basket root | *se·k |
rope | *č’e·k |
rot | *yulyul |
rotten smell, stink | *łal-a |
rough skin | *č’i·k |
rub | *lir, *dih ? |
rumble, roar | *kim-u·r |
run continuously, roll | *kip(-Vl) |
rustle ?, rattle | *wasasa |
sack | *qʰam |
salmon | *nur |
salt | *we(·)ł |
sand | *č’er-i, *tʰapa |
save | *huy |
save for | *laq |
scare someone | *čiri·k-u-ma |
scorpion | *taqa·taqa |
scrabble | *los |
scrape | *k’ar-a, *qʰer |
scrape, scratch | *č’eb-a· |
scratch | *k’or |
scratch, scrape | *č’eb-a· |
scratch body, itch | *ʔod-i/u |
screech owl | *k’opus |
scrub jay | *č’ayi(·)k |
seal (close) | *t’uy |
search for | *tiw |
second person pronominal root | *ma- |
see | *win |
seed | *k’ul, *moy |
seed plant sp. | *k’is, *q’oł ?, *payi·ł |
seek luck | *qʰos-u |
seep out | *p’ur-u |
send | *yi·l-a |
send after, direct to | *yor |
sensory input decreasing ? | *λ’ik |
separate into strands or slices | *k’ih |
sew | *hur-u |
shadow, spirit after leaving body | *łes |
shake | *kepkep |
shake, wake up | *yuq-čʰ- |
shame | *kay-i/u |
sharp (to be) | *t’op |
sharp implement | *k’ir |
sharp point; to sprout | *č’up |
sharpen by filing, grind | *lor |
shave | *q er h |
shell (empty?) | *λ’al |
shell (verb) | *k’ab |
shell of mollusk | *łono(·)q |
shelled and dried acorns | *λ’ił- |
shimmer | *ʔib |
shin | *lur |
shine | *til |
shoe | *t’amu· |
short version of | *molo |
shoulder, arm | *sala |
shrub sp. | *sow |
sick, hurt, want | *koy-i/u |
side | *sel |
sift | *č’iq |
sinew, tendon | *law |
single thing or individual emerges | *tʰuq |
sister | *lay |
sit | *ła· |
sit, be | *boh |
six | *ser-panoł |
skin | *la·s, *qoq |
skin (verb) | *p’ir-čʰ-u |
skin peels off | *č’ob |
skull | *qoq- ? |
skunk (striped) | *qʰo· |
skunkberries, sumac berries | *pʰintus |
slap | *t’aq |
sleep | *xin-a |
slice | *t’eč-a |
slice, cut with swinging motion | *hil |
slice, cut off | *qʰop-u |
slide | *suy-u |
sling | *lom-u |
sling (tie a) | *łar-čʰ-u |
slip | *sil |
slit/split two halves | *t’ač |
slithering (creature), crawling (like a snake) | *pʰil-i |
slurp | *łupu·q-i/u |
small, child | *kusmall, child, baby, *ʔilay |
small (intensive ?) | *ʔin |
smell | *sub-u |
smell rotten, stink | *łal-a |
smoke | *nu·q |
smoke (verb) | *sud-u |
smoke hole | *t’el |
smooth | *wil-i |
snake (verb) | *how |
snake sp. | *how, *hulilVk |
snap | *k’a- |
sneeze | *t’es |
snore | *łon |
snot | *łiniq |
snow | *yo·l |
soft round plant sp. | *łubuq |
sound bee-like | *łon |
sour | *ʔay-...l- |
sour, unripe | *ʔa·w-a |
south | *nor |
spark | *p’ač-a, *t’ip |
sparrowhawk | *ʔi·rʔir |
spear | *saq |
spear, gig | *łew ? |
speech | *č’e(·)we-s |
spider | *kʰerek |
spike | *tob-i |
spill, pour | *č’u·l-i/u |
spin | *xiw |
spirit | *qʰal-tu ? |
spirit after leaving body, shadow | *łes |
spit | *tʰub |
split | *k’ał |
split apart | *t’eb |
split/slit two halves | *t’ač |
split | *q’ot |
spot | *t’ok |
spouse’s parent, child’s spouse, in-law one generation removed | *t’e(·)s |
spread open | *dih |
spread to dry | *ye- |
sprout | *qʰuy ? |
sprout, to; sharp point | *č’up |
sprout, emerge, cross (meet) | *tep-i/u |
squat | *qʰud |
squeak | *k’id |
squeeze | *pit, *p’it |
squint | *ʔay-čʰ- |
squirm | *sis |
squirrel: flying ? | *q’an-łala ? |
stand | *pʰek-a·y-i/u ? |
stand up long things | *toq |
star, porcupine | *łara·q ? |
starve, be hungry | *per-i/u |
stative ? | *-V(·)l |
steam, fog | *qʰos |
Steller’s jay | *woč- |
step, climb | *dek |
stick into, poke, insert long things | *λ’op |
stick into (vertically ?) | *lup |
stick up | *to·l |
sticks | *tok-i ? |
stiff ?, clench | *k’on |
stiff, straighten | *sip-čʰ-u |
sting | *lal-a |
stink, smell rotten | *łal-a |
stinkbug | *xed-i-men |
stone, small round rock | *t’uduy |
stone (white) | *λ’ar |
stoop | *pum, straight, *č’uC-, *kid-i ? |
straighten, make stiff | *sip-čʰ-u |
straighten up, fix up | *moq |
strap with hook, hooked strap | *lak-o/u |
strap, tumpline | *surut |
strike at | *λ’aq-a |
stripe | *qʰop |
striped skunk | *qʰo· |
struggle | *wer |
stuck | *čʰop |
stuff feathers | *wey |
sturgeon | *nes |
subjunctive, dubitative | *-m |
submerge | *lib-čh |
subordinating suffix | *-ta |
subordinating suffix of causal or temporal anteriority | *-ro ? |
suck | *č’uy-u |
sudden escape of water | *het |
suffix forming alienable possessive pronouns | *-o |
sugar | *xurxur |
sugar pine | *sumu |
sumac berries, skunkberries | *pʰintus |
summer | *pohpil ? |
summoned gathering | *ya·pay |
sun to set | *ʔał-a |
sunflower sp. | *qʰolo |
sunshine | *holol |
supernatural | *yoh |
suspect, fear a loss | *ha·q-a |
Swainson’s hawk ? | *lik- |
swallow | *per-i/u |
sweet | *munuq |
swell, protrude | *pʰo- |
swim | *tʰul-e/i/u |
swing | *xiw |
swing arms | *hil-a·y |
tadpole | *ho-...-q |
tail | *sutu |
take/bring something inanimate | *har-m- |
tale, tell a tale | *bo·l-e |
talk | *č’e(·)w |
tall and swaying | *k’eb |
tamarack pine | *mo·r |
tarweed | *t’on |
tear | *k’ur-a· |
tears | *tum |
tell a lie | *bal-ʔa |
tell a tale | *bo·l-e |
tend in indicated direction | *t’er ? |
tendon, sinew | *law |
thick liquid | *t’ot |
thighs, hip | *somVk |
thin, loose | *łupuq |
thing | *soq, *men |
think | *hal |
thorn | *kʰi·l |
three | *pano(·)ł |
throat | *dol, *holhol |
throat, esophagus | *peru· |
through to the last | *nam |
throw | *łey-a |
throw or pull up | *kip |
throw solids | *qʰet-a |
throw water | *łid |
throw water on fire | *qol |
thus | *ʔutickle, *quč-u |
tie | *lak |
tie a knot | *p’olo·q |
tie a sling | *łar-čʰ-u |
tired | *leq-čʰ-u |
toad | *yoho(·)l |
tobacco | *lo(·)l |
today | *po·-sani |
tongue | *tahal |
tooth | *si· |
top | *pan-ti |
toward self, here | *xun |
toward, in (horizontally ?) | *-e·l |
trail | *yeme |
trap (verb) | *q’ap-ma |
trapped | *q’ap-a |
travel, far | *kel |
tree | *čʰo·q, *mi |
trip | *kʰet |
try | *tip |
tule (flat), cattail | *pa·tpat |
tule, bulrush | *λ’op |
tumpline, strap | *surut |
turn into nothing | *min-a |
turn, roll | *dibił |
turtle | *ʔan |
turtle-shell shaped | *mu(·)k-u |
twice, crosswise | *ser |
twins | *čʰur- |
twist | *t’ir |
two | *pan |
unpleasant emotion, crazy | *ho·n |
unripe, sour | *ʔa·w-a |
up | *ʔol |
up-and-down movement | *hak-i |
urine, urinate | *č’u·n-u |
use, do, be (non-distal ?) | *ʔiy |
venison, deer | *no·p |
vibrate, oscillate | *lew |
village, people of | *xerel |
vine sp. | *č’ini·q |
viscous | *p’at |
vision impaired | *qʰas-i·l-ʔa |
vocative | *ye |
vocative suffix | *-k |
vomit | *ʔoq-čʰ -i/u |
vulva | *č’ut |
wade | *č’up-u |
walk | *q’ay-i/u |
walk uncertainly | *čoł- |
want, hurt, sick | *koy-i/u |
warm oneself | *humuq |
wash face, wash up | *tʰa·p |
water | *me(·)m |
water container | *pol |
watersnake ? | *how |
wave, fan, gesture | *liw |
wear out, exhaust | *łet |
weave | *łel-e |
weave, make a net | *ło(·)y |
web, weaving | *łoy |
weir, dam | *paq-i |
west | *nom |
Western bluebird | *č’ow |
Western fence lizard | *č’iwil |
Western meadowlark | *bi·t ? |
wet | *qʰat |
where | *he |
which specific one | *he |
whiskers (particularly of fish), beard | *qʰep |
whisper | *hal-a |
white stone | *λ’ar |
white oak acorn | *yok...l |
whole, body | *tʰu(·)n |
wide | *q’an |
wide (open ?) | *wak |
wife, woman | *p’oq |
wild goose sp. | *laq |
wild grapes | *qʰap |
wild onion | *p’u(·)r |
wildcat | *p’a...l...m |
willow sp. | *moł |
willow sp. or basket sticks from that willow | *ton |
wind, wind blows | *k’ah-i/u |
wing | *q’an |
wink | *ʔay-čʰ - |
winnower | *k’en-i |
winter | *pomsim |
wolf | *hu·- ? |
woman | *p’oqi-ta |
woman, wife | *p’oq |
woman (old) | *p’ot |
woman (older) | *q’aya |
wood ?, pestle ? | *č’us |
woodpecker sp. | *čʰuday, *tarak, *č’uduk |
worm | *λ’uk, *k’es |
worm sp. | *q’učul |
wormwood | *qeti |
wrap | *pil-u |
wrap around | *haw-a·l |
wreck | *pʰ or |
yawn | *ha·sme |
yellowjacket | *k’eč- |
yes | *ho(·) ? |
yester-, the passing of one night ? | *le·n |
young boy | *k’urey |
young girl | *p’ukuy |
young man | *xerit |
younger brother | *ley |
[edit]- ^ Shepherd, Alice (2006). Proto-Wintun. University of California publications in linguistics (Vol. 137). Berkeley: University of California Press.