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Appendix:Proto-Jicaque reconstructions

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Proto-Jicaque reconstructions:[1]

Campbell & Oltrogge (1980)

no. English gloss Proto-Jicaque
2 all *pʰɨ(t)
3 always *han-
5 arm, back, shoulder *pʰel
7 arrow *¢imea ?
8 ashes *pʰɨpʰɨh
13 to be *kʼos
16 bed *kʰan
17 belly *-kol
18 big *pɨneh ?
24 black *te(kʰ)
27 blood *kʼas
28 blue *¢u(h)
30 body *pʼɨ(y)
32 bone *kʰele
34 bow (of bow and arrow) *halek
37 to burn *tV-pʷe
38 bush (forest) *hokʼ-la
40 buzzard *mantɨ
45 cloud *mol
46 coal(s) *¢ʰek
51 cougar *pɨkʼa(-he)
59 daughter *(ku)kus
62 deer *pʼɨs
63 to die *pɨʔ ?
65 dog *¢ʰiyo(h)
66 to drink *mɨʔ
67 (to) dry *pʰa
69 ear *pʰa¢ʼ
70 earth, land *(a)ma(h)
71 to eat *la ?
72 egg *pehey
75 excrement *pɨ(y)
78 far *kampa
79 father *(pa)pa(y)
84 fire *kʼawa
85 firewood *wɨ(t)
86 fish *kʰul
89 flea *pel
91 fly *no¢o¢
93 forehead *wala
94 to forget *-pɨʔ
95 four *(y)ulupʰana
97 fruit *wolas
99 to give *-tekʼa
101 good *wɨ(k)
102 grain (cf. maize) *hulup
103 grandmother, female *(mɨ)mɨy
104 to grind *kʰol ?
106 hair *¢ʼil
107 hand *mas ?
108 he, that *hup
109 head *ha(y)pʰuk
110 to hear *pʰak
111 heart *has-
114 horn *¢ʰeme
115 house *wa
117 I *nap ?
119 intestines *¢ʼul
123 knee *tikʼ-
125 to laugh *wiʔ
126 leg *tek
128 lip *lɨp
129 liver *kom
131 long *kampa
132 to look for *pal-
133 louse *tɨtʼ
135 macaw *pʼɨsa(h)
137 male, grandfather *(ko)koy
138 man *yom
140 meat *pis
143 moon *mɨmɨy
144 month *mɨy-pʰini(h)
148 mouth *lala
149 much *pɨlɨk
150 my, mine *na¢aʔ
152 navel *lulu
153 nephew *kelew ?
155 no *ma-
156 nose *mik
157 to nurse *¢oʔ
158 oak *¢ʼolol
159 one *pʰani(h)
164 parrot *kʰuyu(h)
168 red *he(h)
172 round *mul- ?
175 salt *¢olim
177 sandal, shoe *¢ompit
178 scorpion *¢ʰew ?
179 to see *nu(k)
186 skinny *kʰele
187 sky *alpa
188 sleep *han-
190 smoke *mus
192 to snore *-hol-
194 to sow, plant *sin-
195 to speak *wele
196 spider *kolok
201 stone *pe(h)
202 summer *¢ʰikin
203 sun *lo¢ʼak
204 tail *sokʼ
207 there is/are not (Sp.: no hay) *kuwa
210 thorn *ham ?
212 to tie *¢upa-
215 tongue *pelam
216 tooth *wis
217 tree *yo(h)
220 two *matʼɨ
221 uncle *kokʰam ?
224 wasp *petʰel
225 water *sɨ(tʰ)
226 we *-kup
228 white *pʰe(kʰ)
229 wind *lɨpʰɨ(kʰ)
230 woman *kep
233 word *wele
235 worm, caterpillar *¢ʼihih
237 yellow *lu(pʰ)
239 you *hip


  1. ^ Campbell, Lyle and David Oltrogge. 1980. Proto-Tol (Jicaque). International Journal of American Linguistics 46: 205-223.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní