Appendix:Lower Umpqua word list

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Lower Umpqua (Siuslaw) word list from Frachtenberg (1914):[1]

Frachtenberg (1914)

Lower Umpqua English gloss
ayaq- see a'q-
awīhîn- to lose
a´hī dung
amîna´haᵘt tsxayū noon
amîna´haᵘt qa'xī´sî midnight
amha- to be willing
a´mhta'tx in the middle
ata´s only, merely, simply
anax- see anx-
a´ntî rainbow
ants that, those
ants when, if (see nàts)
anx- to give up, to let loose, to leave alone
anxī- to sing
as- see aᵘs-
asūt- to put on
aswît`ī´ blanket, cover
a´ckǃaɬî dubitative particle
ats when, if, at that time
a´tsa thus, for that reason
atsī´tc thus, in that manner
ᵃkᵘha´n exhortative particle
a´lˑdū also, likewise
aɬᵃq one
a´ɬᵃqxaᵘt nine
āq- to take off
āq- to run away
āʟ now
āʟū- to pulverize
aⁱ´sxa also, too, likewise
aⁱtc- to trade
aⁱq- to leave
aⁱqtcîtcū´nî (the) left
aⁱxwî´yū addition
aⁱlaɬ then, afterwards
aᵘs- to sleep, to dream
aᵘtc wa´as Kalapuya language
aᵘtcī'yūs locative form of aᵘtcīʼsî
aᵘ´tcīsî camas
înqǃa´ī, încǃa´aⁱ̄ river, creek
îɬqūtmī´ locative form of îɬqwaᵃʼtEm
îɬqwaᵃ´tᴇm root, alder-tree
īɬq- to dig
ī´ɬqust up-rooted
ī´ʟǃūst broken (see yūʟǃ-)
yᴇkū´s locative form of yaᵋkᵘs
yaū´wa red huckleberries
yaw- to pick, to gather, to obtain
ya`k black goose
yaᵋkᵘs sea-lion
yaqu`- to look, to watch, to see
yax- to see, to look
ya´xaᵘ̄ number
yaxn- to watch
yaɬq- īɬq-
yaɬqa´aᵘ̄ hole
yā´tsa a long time
yā´tsac ᶫa´ᵃⁱ after a while, long after wards
yākǃ- small
yāᵃ´xa a great deal, much
yāᵃ´xaⁱ much, many
yîkt big, large
yîktǃa´ntxū tchmiɬq thumb
yîqǃaᵘ- to split
yîxī´ⁱ quantity
yîxum to look out, to watch
yoqu`- see yaquʽ-
yuw see yaw-
yuhaⁱ̄´tc day before yesterday
yuxᵘ´ too, too much
yūp- to scare
yů´sîn beard
yū´qǃat tsī´tīxa half-moon (literally, split moon)
yūʟǃ- to break
yaᵘ̄´xa fern-roots
yaᵘ̄´xaᵘs locative form of yaᵘ̄ʼxa
ᵘɬ then, so, and, nevertheless, still, but, for
uma´ɬī discriminative form of uʼmɬī
u´mɬī thunder
ū´ɬtī snow
aᵘ̄ interjection
aᵘ̄´twa tight
waa- to say, to speak, to talk, to tell
wa´as language, word, speech
wa` again, once more
wàn now, finally, at last
wasʟsī- to be angry, to be mad
wàtc who, whoever
wax- to give
wā´ntwîts to snow
wā´nwîts long ago
wāqun- to throw up dirt (of mole)
wap eel-basket
wa' even, although, in spite of the fact
wî´nakī work
wînkī- to work
wînx- to be afraid, to fear
wî´cwîc buffalo
wîtsǃū´we food
wîkîsā´t handkerchief
wîɬtc- to send
wīya´aⁱ̄ smoke-hole
wī´yū still, yet
wī´mîtc rat
wī´`taya island
wīnūⁱ- to be willing
wītsîn- to camp, to stay over night
wīɬū- to agree, to affirm
wīʟ- the water is low
wī´ʟaⁱ̄ low tide
wusī- to feel sleepy
haya´mūt discriminative form of haⁱʼmūt
haya´na discriminative form of haⁱʼna
hayā´tît widow, widower
haū- to be ready, to make, to quit, to end, to finish, to become
ha´ūs easy
hawā´tsît new
hamī´`tcī whale
hamītcū´ locative form of hamīʼʽtcī
hamūᵋm pigeon
hamts- to dip out, to scoop out
hamx- to tie
hant`- to call by name
hanᵏnītǃ- to believe, to trust
hanī´s Alsea
ha´nhan indeed, verily, sure enough
hankǃ kind of, like
haskᵘ- to be outside, to getoutI
hatca´t long, tall
hatc´- to ask, to inquire
hakᵘ- to throw, to fall
ha´kwī mussels
haɬ- to shout
haɬî´ɬqwun loon
haɬkǃ, hāɬkǃ story, tradition
hā´nîk heart, mind, opinion
haⁱ garters
haⁱm all
haⁱ´mūt different
haⁱ´`nī vest
haⁱ´tsī nothing but, only
haⁱq shore, away from the shore; (as verb) to go ashore
haⁱ´qmas alongside of, near, close by
haᵘwī´yū shaft
haᵘwī´s beyond
hi´yût a silent person
hînᵋkǃ- to rain
hîlˑa´xwa salt
hī´aⁱ̄ clouds
hīms clams
hī´tū windpipe
hītū´s locative form of hītc
hītū´tc locative form of hītc
hīn- to take along, to bring
hī´nakǃ' right away
hī´nîxʟîs lame
hīs good, pretty, beautiful
hī´sa well, straight
hī´sⁱtcū´nî (the) right
hī´catca a little while
hīts- to put on
hītsî´s locative form of hītsīʼⁱ
hītsī´ⁱ house, dwelling
hītc man, person, people, Indian
hīqᵘ wildcat
hī´qūⁱ hair
hīqǃ- to begin, to start, to commence
hī´qǃa dentalia shells, money
hīxt wild
hⁱyan- see hīn-
hⁱyats- see hīts-
hⁱyàtc discriminative form of hītc
hⁱya´qᵘ discriminative form of hīqᵘ
hyu´wax old
hō´nīsî dusk
hūya- (?) to change
hūⁿn- to be foggy, to be dark
hūtc- to play, to have fun
hūtcaⁱ̄´ fun, game
hūtcū´ᵘ fun, game
hūtcū´ʷⁱ fun, game
hū´qats frog
hūcᵘ- to bark
hūⁱ- to be lost
haᵘ̄ yes, all right
hwu´nhwun black
būkwa´ct bull
pᴇna´s discriminative form of pEnîʼs
pᴇnî´s skunk
pᴇsa´x spear
pekᵘ- see pakᵘ-
pᴇkūⁱ´ shinny stick
pᴇkū´ᵘ shinny player, shinny game
pᴇkū´ʷⁱ shinny player, shinny game
pᴇɬī´tc ahead, in front, first
paaᵘ̄´ʷⁱ sand-beach
pᵃā´yîm red fox
payana´ts bat
pahū´ʷⁱ codfish
paqaᵘ´ūx morning star
pakᵘ-, pakū- to play shinny ball
pax- to shut (one's eye)
pa´ltpa shoulder
pa´ɬquts discriminative form of pîʼɬquts
paʟn-, paaⁱʟn to hunt
pā´nū well, spring (Lower Umpqua term)
pā´nqa medicine-man, doctor
pā´kwī shinny stick
pāᵃ´last spotted, grey
pā´lˑū well, spring (Siuslaw term)
pîna´k garden
pînî´ɬt sharp
pînq- to dance a medicine-dance
pî´nqaⁱ̄ medicine-dance
pînq- to raise
pîsnī´ⁱ a boil
pîctcī´ⁱ tattoo-marks
pîlk mat
pî´ɬquts raccoon
pīū- to be noisy, to make a noise
pīūɬ- to catch fish
pī´sîp fish-hawk
pī´ctcᴇm summer
pī´`tsîs ocean, sea, west
pītc- to go over
pī´tcî wave
pōqᵘ revolver, gun
pᵘū´tcîn halibut
pukᵘ- see pakᵘ-
pu´qwe grampus; porpoise
pū´puhū´nîkǃ owl
pūna´puna´ mole
pū´ktīcī grizzly-bear
pū´ɬkna to speak
psīx soup
pk`ī´tī lake
pxuc- to fly, to scatter
pkūⁱ´pxūⁱ sorrel, yellow
pɬanyaⁱ see pɬn-
pɬn- to be sick, to be sorry
pɬnast a sick person
pɬnī´sî sickness, cough
pǃīʸᵘxū´n kinnikinnik-berries
pǃī´hūtsǃ house-mouse
pǃīc cat
mᴱyōᵋkᵘs in the beginning, at first
mᴇtcī´tc to one side, crooked
mᴇkct fat
mᴇkɬī mother-in-law
mᴇqǃyū´ᵘ a dance, dancer
ma´ī kidney
mahaⁱ´tʼī north wind
mat- to make dams, to dam up
man- to take care of, to watch
matc- to be in a horizontal position
ma´tcū bed
maqǃ- to dance
maxtc horn, antlers
maɬtc- to burn
ma´ɬtcū chimney, stove
mᵃā´tī chief, captain, leader
mā´tī dam
mātǃī´ elder brother
mā´qᵘʟ crow
mîtà father
mîta´yūs locative form of mîtà
mîtīyū´ᵘ the art of making dams
mîtku- to have pity on
mîtqunī´qᵘ raven
mîtǃa´skʼîn step-father
mînnī´ blaze
mîntc when, time
mînqǃ- to buy in exchange for
mînxu- to lighten
mî´n'xwī lightning
mîsa´yūs locative form of mîsīʼaⁱ̄
mîsī´aⁱ̄ elder sister
mîctca´yūs locative form of mîctcīʼⁱ
mîctcī´ⁱ younger sister
mî´ckʼlaⁱ̄ a bad thing, a monster; vulva
mî´tcmîtc grouse
mîxt fat
mîlt claw
mîɬà mother
mîɬa´yūs locative form of mîɬà
mîɬaskʼî´lˑmä step-mother
Mī´sûn proper name
mīkᵘ- to cut
mī´kǃla bad, ugly
mīx- to swim
mīɬtx finger-nail
maⁱ̄´qǃᵘ white-headed eagle; rattle-snake
mⁱya´kla discriminative form of mīʼkǃa
mō´luptsînī´sla coyote
mᵘū´skᵘ younger brother
mᵘqwaʟ locative form of māʼqᵘʟ
mū´aᵘs white goose
mūn(i) son-in-law
mū´smūs cow (Chinook jargon)
mūᵘsku´lˑmä step-brother
mū´kwa oak
mū´lˑu breech-cloth belt
tᴇ this, these
tᴇmàʽ exhortative particle
tᴇmū- to gather, to assemble, to come together
tᴇmū´ʷⁱ assembly, gathering, crowd
tᴇ´mnīʟ gopher
tᴇ´mkǃwîlˑä mullet
tᴇ´mxut half
tekǃā´kʟ trap
tᴇʽq something; relative
tᴇʽqaᵘ´na locative form of tEʽq
tᴇqyū´ᵘ frame
tᴇx dubitative article
tᴇxᵃm strong
tᴇxya´ locative form of taʼxaⁱ̄
tᴇxmîlˑa´mî discriminative form of tExmîʼlˑmä
tᴇxmū´nî the strong one, male being, man
tᴇxmᵘwa´nî discriminative form of tExmūʼnî
ta´wî louse
tahā´nîk quiver
ta´ʽmî Siletz
tâ´knîs scalp
Taqa´ya proper name
taqn- to be full, to be satiated
taqh̄´wî brother-in-law
ta´xtᴇm body
ta´xaⁱ̄ huckleberries
ta´hīts after a while, later on
tāᵃk this here
tā´maxt brother-in-law
tā´qan locative form of tEʽq
tāqaⁱ´na locative form of tEʽq
tā´qnîs full, crowded
tāᵃ´xa sole of foot
tā´la money (Chinook jargon)
taⁱ-, tī- to live, to sit
taⁱ´yū hip
taᵘ´wᴇx horse
te´mxan daughter-in-law
tîpu- to be stiff
tî´mwa together
tîmsqaya´t bitter, sour
tînt ripe
tîtcnō´tcī swallow
tîʟ a while
tīyū´ʷⁱ inhabitant, settler
tīū´ts there
tī´taⁱ̄ chair, saddle
tīn- to ripen
tīnɬ niece, step-daughter
tī´tcnî forehead
tīk here
taⁱk here
tᵒwatc- se tūʽtc-
to´xᵘs ceiling
tuktenī´uk black-bird
tu´ktuk deaf
tū, tūa´ that one
tū´aⁱt such, that kind
tūha-, tǃūha- to buy, to sell
tūhatcaᵋmū store
tūtī´m over there
tūʽn- to invite
tuʽtc- to spear
tūqa´tmᴇ over there, across
tūqya´aᵘ̄ up-stream
tkunt shag
tkūm- to close, to shut, to dam up
tkūma´aⁱ̄ door
tkwam- see tkūm-
tkwāᵃtsī pencil, ink, mark
tkwīʽ- to bury, to cover with dirt
tqatī´yat dear, expensive
tqaʟ- to be warm
tqā´wî roof
tqā´tī hook
tqaᵘ´wī up-stream
tqu´nī smoke
tqᵘnʟ- to urinate
tqūnī- to smoke (intransitive
tqūɬ- to shout
tquⁱ- to boil by means of rocks
tqʷû´nɬîs yellow (Siuslaw term)
tqluts paint
tqǃaᵘ´wī ceiling
txaⁱnᵋ tracks, path, road
txū just, merely, simply
tʼîx tooth
tʼū´nîxyū pocket
tʼxuɬī´t straight
tǃᴇmxu- to cut into two
tǃᴇmɬ- to close, to shut
tǃāmc infant, child
tǃāʽt nephew, step-son
tǃātlā´ᵃc wren
tǃāᵃ´sîtslî maternal uncle
tǃāx- to try, to attempt
tǃîlmîs child (Siuslaw term)
tǃī brown bear
tǃīyaⁱ´ discriminative form of tǃī
tǃī´wax new, fresh
tǃī´wīst sunset
tǃī´sa greasy, fat
tǃⁱyasⁱ̄yū´ʷⁱ grease, blubber
tʽa´ntūqǃwī moccasins, shoes
tʽī´tî pestle
tʽǃa´lˑtʽǃalˑ tongue
interrogative particle
na´han I
namᵏɬ my
na´mᶟɬı̄taᵘxûn our two (exclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄tı̂n my
na´mᶟɬı̄tı̂ns our two (inclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄tı̂nxan our (exclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄tⁱnɬ our (inclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄n my
na´mᶟɬı̄ns our two (inclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄nxan our (exclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄nɬ our (inclusive)
na´mᶟɬı̄xûn our two (exclusive)
nans we two (inclusive)
na´nxan we (exclusive)
nanɬ we (inclusive)
nàts if, when
nàtc to me, on me, for me, with me
na´tcaᵘxûn to us two (exclusive)
na´tcᶟns to us two (inclusive)
na´tcᶟnxan to us (exclusive)
na´tcⁱnɬ to us (inclusive)
naqu- to be cold
nā´waq crab
nakū-...haⁱ to be sorry
nākwayat- to be poor, to be down-hearted
nāɬ- to start out, to start again
naᵘ´xûn we two (exclusive)
nı̂´ctca particle
nı̂ctcamaⁱ´natʼa differently
nı̂ctcanū´wı̄sı̂ year
nı̂´ctcı̂m because
nı̂ctcı̂maᵋmū custom, fashion, manner, event
nı̂ctcı̂nū- spring, fall arrives
nı̂´ctcı̄ particle
nı̂ctcı̄´tc in what manner, what, anything, for what reason
nı̂ts- to stiffen
nı̄ctx particle
nı̄´ctxan particle
nı̄´ctca particle
nı̄´kǃa alone
nı̄´qǃū age, year
nı̄´xamɬı̄tı̂nx thy
nı´xamɬı̄tı̂ts your two
nı̄´xamɬı̄tᶟtcı̂ your
nı̄´xamɬı̄nx thy
nı̄´xamɬı̄ts your two
nı̄´xamɬı̄tcı̂ your
nı̄xᵃts thou
nı̄´xats you two
nı̄´xatsᶟtcı̂ ye
nı̄xᵃtc to thee, on thee, for thee, with thee
nı̄´xatcᶟts to you two
nı̄´xatcᶟtcı̂ to you
nı̄ʟ meat
nō´qma mud
ⁱn´kǃⁱnkǃ soft
sᶟà he, she, it, that one
sᶟanx they, these
sᶟàs he, she, it, that one (discriminative form)
sᶟa´tsa thus, in that manner, for that reason
sᶟatsı̄´tc thus, in that manner
sᶟaⁱt such, that kind
sᶟaⁱtū´ locative form of s³aⁱt
sᶟaⁱ´na locative form of s³à
sᶟaⁱna´mɬ his, her, its
sᶟaⁱna´mɬtc his, her, its
sᶟaⁱna´mɬtcʷax their two
sᶟaⁱna´mɬtcⁱnx their
sᶟaⁱ´nanx to them
sᶟaⁱ´naᵘx to them two
sᶟaᵘx they two
sᴇxaᵘ̄´ locative form of sīʼxaⁱ̄
sı̂´äma parting of the hair
sı̂ma´xᵘ landing-place
sı̂ma´xᵘs locative form of sîmaʼxᵘ
sı̂´naᵘwı̂ grouse
sı̂nqǃ- to be hungry
sı̂nxı̄- to want, to like, to desire
sı̂´skuk blue
sı̂xnı̄´tx jealous
sı̄ʽ- to grow (intransitive)
sı̄ʽya´aᵘ̄ growth
sı̄´yukᵘ murderer
sı̄´pı̄ scraper
sı̄´xaˡ̄ canoe, boat
sı̄ʟǃ- to swim
sowaˡ´xwa throat
sᵘūtǃ pain
sᵘkwı̄´tc very, exceedingly
sūtǃ- to throw
sūn- to dive
sūqᵘ- to join
swaɬ grizzly bear
swāɬ discriminative form of swaɬ
sʰā´ya hı̄tc murderer
sʰaⁱt big, old
sʰū´qǃwı̂ neck
smūtʼ- to end, to finish
staq- to kick
stı̄m there
stı̄mk there
skū´qɬnı̂s green, blue
skūⁱxᵘ- to cut off
skwaʽ- to be in vertical position, to stand
skwı̂´lʟa salmon-basket
skwı̄´ⁱ curlew
skwı̄´nkwı̂ girdle
sqans skin, body
sqā´tᴇm from there
sqaˡ̄k there
sqū´ma pelican
sqūmā´ discriminative form of sqūʼma
sʟōxᵘ- to descend, to slide down
cā´ya penis
Cāyucʟa´a native name of the Siuslaw tribe and river
ciwı̄´wu tᴇxmū´nyᴇmɬ widow
ciwı̄´wu qasʟı̄´waɬᴇm widower
ciwı̄´wu qı̄ūtcᴇ´mɬ widower
cı̂nı̄´ʟtxū upper lip
cı̂ntc- to move in a circle
cı̂´ntcata in a circle
cı̂nxı̄- to think
cı̂lˑx- to move, to shake
cı̄tx- to flop
cı̄´nᵃx three
cı̄´nax qtā´max eight
cⁱyatx see cı̄tx-
cuqwa´an roast
cᵘxᵘ- to drive away
cū´kwa sugar (English loan-word)
ckōʽtc hill, mountain
ckǃ'ān mink
cqaw- to stir, to roll
cqaxtc dog (Siuslaw term)
tsᴇhaᵘ´ya grass
tsᴇhaᵘ´yaⁱ̈s locative form of tsEhaᵘ´ya
tsᵃā´nı̂kᵘ yellow-hammer
tsamı̂´tsᴇm chin
tsan when, if
tsa´sqı̂n discriminative form of tsı̂'sqan
tsaxᵘ slave
tsalı̄´swalˑı̄ hail, beads(?)
tsāna´xʟ crane, heron
tsā´nxaⁱts yesterday
tsāᵃᵋkǃı̄ts ant
tse´taha ankle
tsı̂yı̂´ktsı̂yı̂´k wagon (Chinook jargon)
tsı̂m always
tsı̂ma´st any kind of a place
tsı̂mı̂´lˑa muskrat
tsı̂´muqwı̂ back
tsı̂mnı̄´ʟ snail
tsı̂´mqma some people, neighbor,relative
tsı̂tı̄´ⁱ sand-beach
tsı̂tı̄yū´s locative form of tsō´tı̄
tsı̂´nᴇxma half
tsı̂nax- see tsı̂nx-
tsı̂´nı̂xt half
tsı̂nı̄´ⁱ back
Tsı̂nı̄´ʟtsı̂nı̄´ʟ proper name (Chinook "muskrat")
tsı̂nō´kwa vein, artery
tsı̂nqǃ- to be poor
tsı̂nqǃt poor
tsı̂nx- to scorch
tsı̂´sqan deer
tsı̂ʟt thick
tsı̄t-....haⁱ to be glad
tsı̄´tı̄xa moon, month
tsı̄kᵘ foot
tsı̄´kwı̂ leggings, petticoat
tsı̄´kǃya very, very much
tsī´qtax robin
tsīla´lî woodcock, (D) vulture, (B) king-fisher
tsīʟǃ to shoot
tsīʟǃī arrow
tsyā´mū paint
tso´akwe neck
tsō´tī waves, breakers
tsunnī´ox back of the head
tsūn fishing-basket
tsūⁱs rotten
tswa´sî frost
tsmīqn- to steal
tsmī´xʷun- chipmunk
Tsnaʟī´amīʟa proper name
tsnā´wî bone
tsxayū´ʷⁱ day, sky, weather, sun
tsxayᵘwa´wî discriminative form of tsxayū´ʷⁱ
tsxayūwînt daybreak (see tsxaⁱ-)
tsxan- to comb one's hair
tsxa´nwî a comb
tsxaⁱ- to shine
tsxaⁱs space between knuckles
tsxuna´pʟī discriminative form of tsxu´npʟı̄
tsxu´npʟī coyote
tsla´we bone (Siuslaw term)
tcᵃā´tîs willow
tcaītcī´tc somewhere, anywhere
tca´ptcī water-lizard
tcaᵃn- to lean back, to lie on back
tcanhat- to hit with a club
tcaq- to spear
tcaxu-, tcaxū- to go back, to go home
tcā where, somewhere, anywhere
tcā´ʽtîtc woodpecker
tcāᵃxānᵋ flower
tcālō´x navel
tcaᵘkʼ- to raise, to hold up one's head
tciä´ʟ infant
tcîyäʽ´tcîn leg above knee
tcîmtca´mî axe
tcîn- to wait
tcînᴇkī´ⁱ knuckle, wrist, ankle
tcîna´taᵘ discriminative form of tcı̂´ntaᵘ
tcînū- to pack, to carry by means of forehead-strap
tcînt which one, whoever, whatever, how much, how many
tcî´ntaᵘ whichever, whatever
tcîxnī´nᴇ raccoon
tcī water
tcīyū´sîn tobacco
tcī´wa locative form of tcı̄
tcī´haⁱtc one-sided, crooked
tcīman- to watch
tcī´tît fire-drill
tcītʼ- the wind blows
tcī´t`ī wind
tcīn- to go back
tcīstx hazel-wood
tcī´tcʟnî post, wall
tcīk where
tcī´kǃyacʟǃaᵃⁱ sometimes, some time, afterwards
tcī´xun bladder
tcīʟ hand
tcu´xᵘs vulva
tcū exhortative particle
tcmā´nī cousin
tcmī´ɬqᵘ finger
tcmīɬqū´ʷⁱ ring
Tcqu´yaɬ proper name
tsʼîʽ- to kill
tsʼîms own, self
tsʼîlˑmū´t friend
tsʼū´xtīts early in the morning
tsʼîc- ... haⁱ to disbelieve
Tcʼukūkq´ proper name
tsǃa´xan stomach
Tsǃa´līlˑa Umpqua River
tsǃaɬn pitch
tsǃī´nᴇhī thread
tsǃī´nyūxa bee, wasp
tsǃyānx skunk-cabbage
tsǃⁱyū´snî eyebrow
tsǃu´xpî sinew
tsǃūᵘm star
tsǃū´xwī spoon
tsǃxatʼā´tʼ blackberries
tcǃatǃu- to look on
tcǃhacᵘ- to be glad
tchaᵘc- see tc!hacᵘ-
tcǃhūtc- to break (transitive)
kᴱā´nī bucket
kᴱat how many
kamʟ grandmother
kapō´ coat (borrowed from the French through the medium of Chinookiarg-on)
katī´ emphatic particle
katī´xtî emphatic particle
kast- to wake up, to get up
kala´ntc berry-basket
kāpq pupil of the eye
kaᵘ´wîl fish-basket
kaᵘxᵘ wood
kîmūʟ- to hit, to strike (with fist)
kî´tǃwî scales
kîc´tkîn humming-bird
kî´kʽīt heavy
kiluwa´ʟ young marl, young woman, virgin, boy
kîɬ particle denoting surprise
kītū- to weigh
kīxᴱs ten
kīxᴱs kī´xestîm hundred
kīʼkaⁱ̄ hoe
kōpx eye
kō´tan horse
kᵘ perhaps, maybe
kᵘsîn- to whistle
kᵘtsa´ paper, book (see kūts-)
kᵘtsū´ʷⁱ saliva
kū´mîtǃ spider
kūʽn- to lower one's head, to bend down
kūʽn- to beat (in games)
kū´cū hog (borrowedfrom the French through the medium of Chinook jargon)
kūts- to paint, to write
kūtsa´yᴇm hītsī´ⁱ post-office
kū´tsî mamma
kū´ʽtcîyū sea-otter
kū´ɬa parent-in-law
kaᵘ̄s- to follow
kūⁱ no, not
kūⁱ yā´tsac ʟǃa´ᵃⁱ after a while, not long afterwards
kūⁱ xyalˑx pretty nearly, almost
kmū´kū pipe-stem
knaʽ- to lean against
ksa´mī fish-hook
kcîkyū´ʷⁱ wall
kɬī´nū ladder
kɬʟaⁱ´ a light
kwaʰᵘn- see kūʽn-
kⁱwas- see kaᵘ̄s-
kwîyū´cnayatc caterpillar
kwîna´cîn gall
kwîne´tʽo palate
kwî´sī rafter
kwîtsoma´t twins
kwī´was discriminative form of k!wı̄´yōs
kwīn tidewater weeds
kwīnī´ntxū throat (evidently related to Coos k!wı̂nts)
kwīs- to wake up, to be awake
kwī´ʽku white pelican
kwīɬ- to die out, to extinguish (of fire)
kʼama´s brush
kʼa´pî liver (of fish)
kʼqwe´ne rump
kǃᴱū´pî mosquito
kǃᴱ´ʟū to-morrow
kǃaʽ- to invite
kǃa´yak eagle
kǃap- to be dry (of water)
kǃa´paⁱ̄ dry condition of water, low tide
kǃanî´ckǃ cup
kǃa´lˑapū navel
kǃā´yakǃɬ eagle
kǃāla´pîcīwa butterfly
kǃālatū´ᵘ fair, festival
kǃāɬū- to be tired
kǃîn- to hear, to understand
kǃî´nhackwun dress
kǃēx, kǃīx each, every
kǃî´ntckwîs crooked
kǃînkʽî- to go and look for
kǃīx- to disppear
kǃⁱyax discriminative form of k!ēx
kǃōᵒxwî gnat
kǃu´mᴇɬī bridle
kǃūxᵘ- to cut
kǃūˣwīn- ice appears
kǃūˣwī´nī ice
kǃūɬ to scare
kǃⁱsā´t to-day
kǃwī´act proud
kǃwī´yōs dog (Coos loan-word)
qaa- to be inside, to enter
Qa´a`tc proper name
qayᵘna´ts locative form of qayū´ʷⁱnts
qayū´ʷⁱnts stone, rock
qayū´tc discriminative form of qı̄´ūtc
qa´wîntī on both sides, mutually
qamî´ʟîs head (Siuslaw term)
qat- to hook
qa´taⁱ shark
qa´tīmx six
qa´tītc across the river
qatx-, qātx- to cry, to weep
qanîstcī´tc downwards
qanī´naɬ knife
qa´nnî face
qantc where
qanᴱx soot
qa´sqas stiff, hard
qasʟī´ū husband
qatcū- to drink
qa´ʽtcūx water-carrier
qatcn- to start, to go
qa´kwīx ear (evidently related to qaqūʽn-)
qaqūʽn- to hear, to listen
qaqwaʽn- see qaqūʽn-
qaxan- down, below
qa´xī chicken-hawk
qaxûn- up, above, high,loud
qalī´naɬ knife
qa´lnî face (Siuslaw term)
qa´lxa bread
qalˑtc knife (small)
qaʟx- to count
qā´wī blood
qā'mîn fisher
qātk from here, hence
qāqaⁱ̄´ shirt
qā´xat fish-net
qaⁱ- to tie, to fasten
qaⁱu´tc mouth of the river, bay
qaⁱwa´aᵘ̈ down the river, mouth of the river
qaⁱhan- far
qaⁱt mortar
qa'n- deep
qaⁱnū- to get tired waiting, to wait in vain
qaⁱx- it is dark; (as nouns) darkness, night
qaⁱxī´sî darkness, night
qaⁱxq- east
qaⁱ´xqax a Kalapuya Indian
qaⁱɬ exhortative particle
qaᵘqaᵘ´nî trinket-basket
qaᵘx high, up, on top, above
qaᵘ´xax mᵃā´tī god
qaᵘ´xûn high, up, above, loud; sky
qaᵘɬī´ū bark
qē´sʟîq brain
qîya´yaq dog-salmon
qîna´xʷus armpits
qīū- to pass
qīū´nᴇm winter
qī´ūtc woman, wife
qīūtcîlˑa´mî discriminative form of qı̄ūtcı̂´lˑmä
qīūtcū´nî woman, female being
qīūtcᵘwa´nî discriminative form of qı̄ūtcū´nı̂
qo´mî belly
qō´mîn quahog
qōcᴱx black swan
qō´qōq white swan
qōqᵘ knee
qō´xᵘm out in the water, offshore
qō´xmⁱs locative form of qō´xᵛm
qōʟī´sî milk
qᵘhā´qwî broom
qunʽ- to open (door)
qⁿnā´ᵃx feathers
qᵘnā´ᵃx eggs, acorn
qᵘnā´ᵃx ɬqaⁱ´ʽtū hazel-wood
qᵘnîtī´ⁱ perforation in the ear
qᵘcîltᵘ- to neigh
qᵘcī´ct thin
qᵘtsînī´ⁱ a cut
qᵘlaⁱ´ʟqᵘlaⁱ´ʟ otter
qᵘʟîmī´t locative form of qᵘʟı̄´mt
qᵘʟî´mtc dull
qᵘʟî´mtcⁱns dull
quᵘʟī´mt anus
qu'ʟquʟ white
qᵘʟǃī´ⁱtc otter
qᵘʟǃⁱya´tc discriminative form of qᵘʟ!ı̄´ⁱtc
qūⁱ-, qū´ī, qō´ī- south
qūⁱtʼ- to dream
Qū´ītc native name for Umpqua tribe and river
qūʽn- to pour
qpa´yax an Alsea Indian
qpaⁱ- north
qna´we intestines
qnūʽ- to find
qsī´î pigeon-hawk
qtsî´nqtsîn blue, green
qtsī inside
qtsī´ⁱ head-louse
qlaʽ- to get even with, to even up
qʟī´ʽqaⁱ west wind
qʟōw- high tide
qʟō´waⁱ- high tide
qwa´yū tongs
qwaʽn- see qūʽn-
qwaxtc- to go into the water, to enter a boat, to go down to the river
qwîyā´nu fly
qwīmts potatoes
qwoa´txaⁱ̄ discriminative form of qwo´txaⁱ̄
qwo´txaⁱ̄ beaver
qwuhī´nîhî trousers
qwunaxī´ⁱ cheek
qǃᴇxaᵘyū´ʷⁱ salmon season
qǃa´īɬ pitch
qǃaī´nîkᵘ oysters
qǃa´tctī cedar
qǃa´xaᵘxt wolf
qǃa´lᵃx flour
qǃā´ʽpī liver
qǃā´xaᵘxt discriminative form of q!a´xaᵘxt
qǃaⁱ´sîntī elder sister
qǃaᵘɬtǃ flea
qǃīma´ts sweat-house
qǃaⁱ̄ rat
qǃᵘya´ʽtîs lazy
qǃᵘyā´qǃᵘxēⁱ mirror, window, glass
qǃᵘhā´ɬtᴇx ashes
qǃᵘhī´nî anus
qǃᵘcī´n robin
qǃūnī´ⁱ salal-berries
qǃuⁱp- to twinkle
qǃnî´swa bluejay
qǃwa´ax grave
qǃwīn- to tie hair in a knot
qǃwī´nî knot (in hair)
qǃwulˑī´s trout
qᵃā´ʟa qǃa´lax bread
xᵃā´ʟa ɬqǃā´nū buckskin
xaū- to die
xayū´sʟ term of relationship
xa´pnî knee-cap
xamʟ- to wash
xatk- to fall backwards, to tumble flat
xaɬn- to ascend, to climb up
xā´tsǃū two
xā´tsǃū qtā´max seven
xā´tsǃūn four
xāɬtǃ red squirrel
xāʟ- to miss
xāʟǃ- to make, to do, to fix
xaⁱ´tsᴇm woman's basket
xaⁱtc-, xatc- to roast
xaⁱtca´aᵘ̄ a roast
xaᵘw- to come out (of water),to appear on the surface
xîyaⁱ- (?) to take away, to catch
xîp- to split wood
xînt- to be in motion, to start, to go
xîntm- to travel
xîlˑycī- to work
xîlˑxcyū´ᵘ work, the art of working
xyalˑx almost, pretty nearly
xuwīs- to want
xumc- to be in sight, to approach
xumʟ- to cut
xunh- to bet
xu´nhaⁱ̄ stake, bet
xu´sxus naked
xūn- to snore
xūsᵘ- to take off
xnīʷn- to do, to accomplish
xwa´tsî corpse, a dead man
xwa´xuʟ foam
xwā´ka head
xwākī- locative form of xwā´ka
xwīʟǃ- to return, to come back
xwu´tcnî tail
lam- to drink
laᵋmutcyaᵘx a drunkard
laqᵘ- to boil
la᷄m whiskey (see lam-)
lîmī´tx drunk (see lam-)
loqᵘ- see laqᵘ-,
lˑᴇpʼî´s rope
lˑî´mtās leggings
ɬawat- to gamble
ɬa´watyaᵘx a gambler
ɬakᵘ- to take, to get, to obtain, to fetch, to seize
ɬaquwa´ herring
ɬa´qɬaq board
ɬān- see ɬn-
ɬaⁱ´qat feather
ɬî´pxan niece, cousin
ɬîma´ɬîm blind
lîmî´ɬtcî matches
ɬîmn- to be behind
ɬîmnī´tc behind, second
ɬînqǃ- to be warm
ɬīyax- a little while
ɬīp nephew
ɬīmī´skʼîn grandson
ɬītǃ- to eat
ɬī´tǃaⁱ̄ food, provisions
ɬīn name
ɬī´tcᴱt cougar
ɬī´xtsnīsî small-pox
ɬⁱyatǃ- see ɬītǃ-
ɬi'ya´tcⁱt discriminative form of ɬīʼtc³t
ɬokᵘ- see ɬakᵘ-
ɬū´ptcî silver-side salmon
ɬʰūnt orphan
ɬpaaⁱ´qwa hand
ɬpa´aᵘt shoulder
ɬpä´än wings
ɬpî´nat birds, duck
ɬpū´qwî feathers
ɬtᴇkō´n grand-daughter
ɬtᴇkᵒwa´n discriminative form of ɬtEkōʼn
ɬtʼī´aⁱ̄ fish, salmon
ɬn- to call, to interpret
ɬna´wa toe
ɬnawîtʼūʷⁱ wealth, riches
ɬnàt always, continually
ɬnaᵘ´ʷⁱ rich, chief
ɬnū outside, outdoors
ɬnɬ- to interpret, to explain
ɬtsāⁿkǃ spur
ɬtcîn- to call (Siuslaw term)
ɬtcī´xa rattlesnake
ɬkîmaᵋaⁱ̄ seal
ɬkunī´hat arm, elbow
ɬkwa´ʽwîskʼîn posthumous child
ɬkwa´nî pipe (see ɬkwun-)
ɬkwa´nuqᵘ hat (Siuslaw term)
ɬkwî´'ɬowī bull-frog
ɬkwun- to smoke (transitive)
ɬkwuna´atsū living coals
ɬkǃa- to open one's mouth
ɬkǃanū´kᵘ screech-owl
ɬkǃanᵘwa´kᵘ discriminative form of ɬkǃanūʼkᵘ
ɬkǃī´aⁱ̄ mouth of the river
ɬkǃī´haᵘ̄ mouth of the river
ɬqatūwīyū´s locative form of ɬqaⁱʼʽtū
ɬqaq- to break wind
ɬqa´qa the breaking of wind
ɬqalˑōa´mî discriminative form of ɬqalˑōʼma
ɬqalˑō´mä sea-gull
ɬqaⁱ´ʽtū log, tree, stick
ɬqēta´ hip, rib
ɬqu´nwî knot
ɬqū´wa breast of man
ɬqǃā´nū skin, hide
ɬqǃā´sī eel
ʟaa´ mouth
ʟaaya´ locative form of ʟaaʼ
ʟan twig
ʟa´ʽnîs brain
ʟāpq- to joing
ʟîpʟ grandfather
ʟî´mstī raw
ʟîmstī´s locative form of ʟîʼmtsī
ʟîmî´stīst a green place, a place that does not burn
ʟîmna´ʽq elk
ʟîmqa right away, quickly, soon
ʟīya´aᵘ fire
ʟīū- to come, to approach, to arrive; (as adverb) near
ʟīha- to pass by, to pass out
ʟīpʼa´nū spring
ʟīʽt sturgeon
ʟᵒw- to fall sideways
ʟonätcî´lˑma girl
ʟōᵋʟ to hit, to strike
ʟōᵋʟ particle
ʟᵒwa´sî nose
ʟū'xwītc salmon-berries
ʟwīt- to paddle
ʟpāᵃn wings
ʟpīkᵘ hand
ʟnɬ- to fan
ʟkǃē´ɬnî a light
ʟqī´ta proper name
ʟqut red
ʟxaa- to be inside, to enter
ʟxa´yîmʟ soap
ʟxaū- to answer
ʟxaū´ spear, pole
ʟxat- to run, to fly
ʟxatū´ʷⁱ race
ʟxaⁱp- off to one side
ʟxaⁱ´pîs five
ʟxaᵘ´yax the other; friend
ʟxaᵘyaxaᵘ̄´nî another one
ʟxaᵘ´hīnᴇ locative form of ʟxaūʼ
ʟxaᵘs- to jump
ʟxī´yatc apart
ʟxūⁱ- to dry
ʟxū´is dried, dry
ʟxūya´st dried, dead (of timber)
ʟxū´cyuxa grasshopper; jumping mouse
ʟxmū´kū bowstring
ʟǃa´ᵃⁱ universe, world, region, place, country, earth; they, many, people; great
ʟǃayū´s locative form of ʟǃaʼᵃⁱ
ʟǃaᵋs- to laugh
ʟǃāqt wet
ʟǃīp leaf
ʟǃīm- to paint
ʟǃī´ʽnī floor
ʟǃīxū- to cook
ʟǃīxtǃ paddle
ʟǃⁱyaxaᵘ´wî boiled
ʟǃōn- to tell, to relate, to announce
ʟǃōx- to send
ʟǃōᵘx salmon-berries
ʟǃᵒwax- see ʟ'ōx-
ʟǃwaᵃn- see ʟǃōn-
ʟǃwaxaⁱ̄´m alder
ʟǃwīᵋp auger
ʟǃmāk- small
ʟǃmî´kcū flounder
ʟǃmīx- to jump
ʟǃnūwa´tît deep
ʟǃntī´ʽtcīsî crawfish
ʟǃxaᵘyats- to escape
ʟǃxī´tî hammer
ʟǃxᵘ- to know
ʟǃxᵘwaxᵘ- see ʟǃxᵘ-
ʟǃxwī´mîʟ whip
ʟǃxmaⁱ- to kill
ʟǃxmī- see ʟǃxmaⁱ-
ʟǃxmī´tī bow
ʟǃxmūxᵘ- to dip
-ᴇm v. intransitive imperative
-ᴇm n. relative case
-ᴇm nominalizing
-ᴇmɬ n. relative case
-ᴇmts v. indirect object of first and second persons
-a n. locative case
-a n. modal
-aaᵘ v. future passive
-awax v. intentional
-aᵘītî v. denotes possessive interrelations for the intentional tense
-aʷūn v. intentional
-aᵋmū nominalizing
-atam v. future passive
-aʽtū numeral
-atǃī v. frequentative
-ax nominal
-axûn v. we two, us two
-aⁱ verbalizing
-aux v. they two, them two
-aᵘxûn see -axûn
-îlˑmä n. augmentative
-îskʼîn n. diminutive
v. future passive
n. possessive
-īwî nomivalizing
-īʷyūn v. exhortative with the direct object of the third person
-īmᴇ v. passive suffix for verbs requiring a double object
-īmts v. imperative with indirect object of the first person
-īta n. adverbial
-ītîn n. my
-ītîns n. our two (inclusive)
-ītînx n. thy
-ītînxan n. our (exclusive)
-ītînɬ n. our (inclusive)
-ītîts n. your two
-ītîtcî n. your
-ītîxûn n. our two (exclusive)
-ītī n. possessive
-ītx v. indicates that object forms an inseperable part of the subject
-ītx v. frequentative
-ītʼax v. distributive
-īn v. reciprocal
-īn n. my
-īnī v. exhortative with the direct object of the third person
-īns n. our two (inclusive)
-īnx n. thy
-īnxan n. our (exclusive)
-īnɬ n. our (inclusive)
-īs v. transitive imperative
-īs v. durative
-īsî nominalizing
-īsītî v. denotes possessive interrelations for the durative tense
-īsūʽnᴇ see -īsūtn-
-īsūtn- v. durative passive
-īts v. imperative with the direct object of the first person
-īts n. your two
-ītsmᴇ v. exhortative expressing separable possessive interrelations between object and subject
-ītc n.v., modal
-ītcî n. your
-īx n. local
-īxa v. terminative
-īxûn n. our two (exclusive)
-īxmî v. intransitive exhortative
-īɬ v. imperative denoting that the object is possessed by a third person
-īɬ v. negative
-īɬ n. agency noun
-īɬts v. imperative denoting that the object is possessed by a first person
-aⁱ̄ see
-aⁱ̄tîn see -ītîn
-aⁱ̄tī see - ītī
-aⁱ̄tx see -ītx
-aⁱ̄nx see -īnx
-aⁱ̄s see -īs
-aⁱ̄ts see -īts
-aⁱ̄tc see -ītc
-aⁱ̄x see īx
-aⁱ̄ɬ see -īɬ
-ya n. local
-yax v. past
-yax see -īx
-yaxaⁱ̄tî v. denotes possessive interrelations for the past tense
-yaᵘx n. agency noun
-yūʷⁱ nominalizing
-yūn v. exhortative with the direct object of the third person
-yūx v. imperative with the indirect object of the third person
-ux see -aᵘx
-ūᵘ, -ūʷⁱ v. plural
n. local of rest
-ū, -ūʷⁱ nominal
suffixed particle
-ūmᴇ v. passive suffix for verbe requiring a double object
-ūtn v. passive
-ūnî nominalizing
-ūs v. durative
-ūs n. locative case
-ūsn v. durative passive
-ūts v. direct object of first and second persons
-ūtsm v. denotes that object is possessed by the subject but seperable from it
-ūx v. indirect object of third person
-ūɬ v. indicates that object is possessed by a third person
-ūɬtx v. passive suffix denoting possessive interrelations of the subject
-ūɬts v. expresses an object possessed by a first or second person
-ūⁱ verbalizing
-aᵘ̄ see
-aᵘ̄mᴇ see -ūmE
-aᵘ̄tn see -ūtn
-aᵘ̄n see -ūn
-aᵘ̄ʽnᴇ see -ūʽnE
-aᵘ̄nî see -ūnî
-aᵘ̄ts see -ūts
-aᵘ̄tsm see -ūtsm
-aᵘ̄x see -ūx
-aᵘ̄ɬ see -ūɬ
-ʷax see -aᵘx
-wî nominalizing
m- prefix of relationship
-m verbal
-myax verbal
-muxᵘ v. reciprocal
-t v. present
-t v. auxiliary
-t adjectival
-tîm numeral
-tīta n. adverbial
-tyaʽtū numeral
-tūx v. future
-tx v. indicates that the object forms an inseparable part of the subject
-tx v. plural
-tʼūᵘ, -tʼūʷⁱ n. qualitative
-tǃ n. agency noun
-tǃwî n. agency noun
-n v. I, me
-n v. reciprocal
-nᴇ n. local
-ʽna n. modal
-naw(a) v. reciprocal
-ns v. we two, us two (inclusive)
-nx v. thou, thee
-nx v. they, them
-nxan v. we, us (exclusive)
-nɬ v. we, us (inclusive)
-s v. auxiliary
-st v. inchoative
-ts v. ye two, you two
-tsx v. imperative expressing inseparable possessive interrelations between object and subject
*-tc general adverbial
-tc n. his, her, its
-tc n. local of motion
-tcaᵘx n. their two
-tcᴱnx n. their
-tcî n. ye, you
-tcʷax see -tcaᵘx
-tcxᵘ see -tcaᵘx
-tcʼ v. tentative
-k n. adverbial
q- discriminative prefix
-xam v. present passive
-xamyax v. past passive
-xamɬtx v. passive denoting possessive interrelations of the subject
*-xan nominal
-xûn v. we two (exclusive)
v. exhortative
-ʟǃ v. transitivizing


  1. ^ Frachtenberg, Leo J. (1914). Lower Umpqua texts and notes on the Kusan dialects. Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology (Vol. 4, pp. 141–150). (Reprinted 1969, New York: AMS Press).
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní