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Appendix:Molala word list

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Molala word list:[1]

Pharris (2006)


Data sources


Data sources used by Pharris (2006):

  • Hale (1846)[2]
  • Gibbs (1851)[3]
  • Curtis (1911)[4]



Reconstituted, phonologized Molalla data by Pharris (2006), as synthesized from Hale (1846), Gibbs (1851), and Curtis (1911):

Gloss Molalla
at =kala
blood ałp
raccoon askana
crow aʔins
tongue aʔpaːws
ash (tree) caqaʔmisint
red caq-caq-way; caq-caq-a-ʔ
bird c’iːc’a
dance! fatat-ki-ʔ
cold fat’-a-ʔ
it is cold fat’-ha-ʔs-m
bow faʔłakt
winter fiːt
smoke (v.) fyeː-n
tobacco fyeː-n-p
moon haːʔł
corpse hanint
feathers; wings haŋ
arm haŋlaqs
sit! hapt-ki-ʔ
grizzly bear haqeːs; nataːm
war ha-s-tku-sint
name hastu(ː)qs
cold wind, north or east wind haymp
wind (n.) heːłt-n-p
wind blows heːłt-tqa-ʔs-t
house hilm
owl huːfn
cloud, sky huːsilp
wood huːt-s
axe, hatchet iːf-ł waʔka- ?
huckleberries iːm
heart ilimp
I ina
love ("it is I who please you (?)") ina=qu maƛqa-ʔs-k
star kaːki
wolf kasuːli
weasel keːtaʔt
thou kiː
it is raining kiːyw-ha-ʔs-m
rain (n.) kiːyw-k-p
lake kilhayp
brave kilqlah-i
s/he is, dwells, is alive ki-s-t
we (plural) kiʔmt
mother kuːkus
young, small kuːs-aŋ-wi
small kuːs-asa
small kuːs-a-ʔ
mountain-lion k’uːyaːwi
distributive kuʔ-ks-i
girl kwan-asa
canoe, boat łaːp
toes ƛak-fay-?
earth; land; country laŋs
twice lap-im
seven lap-pitq-a-ʔ
twenty lap-wicp-a-ʔ
ten laqnan
nine laqnstyaːtqs
blue lat-ilat-way
salmon, Chinook salmon lawaːt
mosquito layqs
face laʔkunwi
head laʔwi
two leːp-kaʔ
ice łeːs
strong ƛif-way
knife ƛqamlay
egg luːls
chest luks
he is running luʔ-n-ha-ʔs-t
elk maːfiʔ
(Douglas ?) fir maːs
rainbow maːtfeːli
leg maːwit
warm mak-a-ʔ
affection ("it pleases him") maƛqa-ʔs-t
three times mat-im
three mat-kaʔ
eight mat-pitq-aʔ
thirty mat-wicp-a-ʔ
boy may-asa
pants mayuq
blackberries misims
black, brown msat-imsat-aʔ
darkness, night muːk-a-ʔ
black muk-imuk-i
fly (n.) mumuːs
blacktail deer musims
bad naːm-way
six naː-pitq-a-ʔ
evening naːtamp
ten naː-wicp-a-ʔ
autumn nałaːma
one naŋa-ʔ
woman, wife naŋiłay
all naŋqay
mallard neːs
flesh; meat neːwit
girl niːma-wi
this one ni-ːw-i
today ni-mpka waːs
that one (anaphoric) nu-ːw-i
great, large nus-a-ʔ
dead nyaːw-n-a-ʔ
ankle-joint paːqł
rib(s) pahils
hail pałaːys
food p’a-sint
good pas-wi
s/he is eating p’aʔst
daughter peːna
snow peːŋ
four times piːpa-m
four piːpa-ʔ
five times pik-im
five pik-kaʔ
my body pił-in
nose piłs
grouse pipqł
camas pis
night pisqay
no piʔ=la
younger pkaːya
warm plaqn-i
stepmother, "aunt" pleːps
s/he is sleeping płiʔst
acorns pluːqum
younger brother pnakha
mother pnan
elder pnayaks
elder brother pneːt
uncle (of woman) pniksim
chin pskałtit
beard pskayns
spotted skunk pslaskasks
beaver psnasins; thamałkin
watch! pstatut-ki-ʔ
son ptaf
father ptat(-asa?)
my father ptat=in
pheasant p’uːsp’as
shoes pulqans
bone pupt
s/he kills him/her pya-ʔs-t
that one qa-ːw-i
you (genitive plural) qam-aŋk
hazel-nuts qamstuːns
turtle, turtle shell qamt
yellow (?), green (?) q’as-q’as-way
black bear qeːłmaŋint
raven qeːq
spider qeːsqs
axe, hatchet q’isthin
white, light qłaːq-a-ʔ
when it gets light qłaːq-a-ʔ; qłaːq-way; qłaːq-s
white qłaːq-i
night-hawk qspiwks
rattlesnake qwaːʔlay
buzzard s(y)eːp
dog saka(ʔ)
elbow sakils
sturgeon saŋhay
mouth similq
oak staŋł
cradle board sukł
steelhead susayns
nails suʔqs
whitetail deer swayʔ
knee syałpupt
bat (animal) sʔatqs
s/he is speaking sʔaw-ha-ʔs-t
rabbit, cottontail taːmn
ear taːps
hair tałimt
it shines tałtitqaʔst
many (much) tam
heavy ashes tanʔwaqs
tanned hide tapusk
coals tapyuqs
wildcat tawint
foot, feet taylaks
cedar taymin
teeth taʔnf
yesterday; tomorrow taʔtm
fire teːc
fingers teː-fay-?
spring teːlimk
mole teːłqaplayʔs
river teːls
shirt teːmi
temple, forehead teːqi
hand teːs
wooden bucket tikay
go! til-a
come! til-a-am
thunder timyeːni
stone, rock tqaʔnt
strawberries t’uːlceːq
eye tuːns
s/he is singing tuŋsa-ʔs-t
medicine-man tweːni
eagle tyaqunt
flint, arrowhead tyu(ː)qs
drink! uq-n-a
water uq-n-s
arrow waːł
sun, day waːs
summer waːsamʔ
noon waːsnat
trout waypalf
fish-spear wayteːms
infant waywi
baby waywi-asa
set on top weːk-ł-a-ʔ
pipe weːpiks
otter weːtneːwit
Indian; people wicp
stand! witaːkiʔ
horse witkwiʔ
man yaːy
husband yałam
overtop yamiʔ
hill; mountain yaŋint
mountain range yaŋint-aːps
basket yaqt
neck yatpupt
near, soon yaʔfa
chief yaʔqaːnt
slave yeːqi
who?, someone ʔa-w-i
dove ʔuːyʔuːy
mountain sheep ʔuŋs


  1. ^ Pharris, Nicholas J. 2006. Winuunsi Tm Talapaas: a grammar of the Molalla language. Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan. 396pp.)
  2. ^ Hale, Horatio. 1846. Ethnography and philology. Philadelphia: Len & Blanchard. Reprinted 1968, Ridgewood, New Jersey: The Gregg Press.
  3. ^ Gibbs, George. 1851. Molale vocabulary. Obtained at Champoeg 1851. Manuscript 995-a-b, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives.
  4. ^ Curtis, Edward S. 1911. The North American Indian, vol. 8. Seattle, Washington: E. S. Curtis.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní