User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-o
œcumenic {adj} (ecumenical) SEE: ecumenical | :: |
Öland {prop} (island) | :: Öölanti |
o {n} /oʊ/ (name of the letter O, o) | :: oo |
O {particle} /əʊ/ (a vocative particle) | :: oi |
oak {n} /oʊk/ (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) | :: tammi |
oak {n} (wood) | :: tammi |
oak apple {n} (oak gall) SEE: oak gall | :: |
oaken {adj} /əʊk.ən/ (made from the wood of an oak) | :: tamminen, tammipuinen |
oak gall {n} (gall produced by an oak by a wasp larva) | :: tammen äkämä, väriomena |
oaktag {n} (flexible material) | :: kartonki |
oaktag {n} (sheet of that material) | :: kartonki |
oak tree {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) SEE: oak | :: |
oakum {n} /ˈəʊkəm/ (fibrous caulking material) | :: rive |
oakwood {n} (wood populated with oaks) | :: tammimetsä |
oar {n} /ɔɹ/ (implement used to row a boat) | :: airo |
oar {v} (row) SEE: row | :: |
oar blade {n} (flanged portion of an oar) | :: aironlapa |
oarfish {n} (fish of the family Regalecidae) | :: airokala |
oarlock {n} (device to hold oars in place) | :: hankain |
oarsman {n} (man who rows a boat) SEE: rower | :: |
oasis {n} /oʊˈeɪsɪs/ (well surrounded by fertile region) | :: keidas |
oasis {n} (quiet or peaceful place) | :: keidas |
oast {n} /əʊst/ (a kiln for drying tobacco, malt and especially hops) | :: kuivuri, kuivausuuni |
oat {n} /əʊt/ (a widely cultivated cereal grass) | :: kaura |
oat {n} (seeds of the oat) SEE: oats | :: |
oath {n} (curse) SEE: curse | :: |
oath {n} /ˈoʊθ/ (solemn pledge) | :: vala |
oath {n} (affirmed statement) | :: lupaus |
oath {n} (profanity) | :: kirosana |
oath of office {n} | :: virkavala |
oatmeal {n} /ˈoʊtmil/ (meal) | :: kaurapuuro |
oatmeal {n} (breakfast cereal, see also: porridge) | :: kaurapuuro |
oatmeal {n} (colour) | :: kaurapuuronharmaa |
oatmeal {adj} (colour) | :: kaurapuuronharmaa |
oat milk {n} (milky liquid from oats) | :: kauramaito |
oats {n} /ˈoʊts/ (seeds of an oat plant) | :: kaura [as food], kauransiemen [for sowing] |
Ob {prop} (river in Russia) | :: Ob |
Obadiah {prop} /ˌoʊbəˈdaɪə/ (book of the Old Testament) | :: Obadja |
Obama {prop} /oʊˈbɑ.mə/ (surname) | :: Obama |
obcordate {adj} (botany: of a reversed cordate shape) | :: vastaherttamainen |
obeah doctor {n} (one who practices voodoo) | :: voodoo-tohtori |
obedience {n} /ə(ʊ)ˈbiːdɪəns/ (quality of being obedient) | :: kuuliaisuus |
obedient {adj} /oʊˈbidiənt/ (willing to comply with commands) | :: kuuliainen, tottelevainen |
obelisk {n} (A tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point) | :: obeliski |
obese {adj} /oʊˈbis/ (extremely overweight) | :: liikalihava, obeesi |
obesity {n} (act or state of being obese) | :: liikalihavuus, ylipaino |
obey {v} /oʊˈbeɪ/ (to do as ordered by) | :: totella, noudattaa |
obey {v} (to do as one is told) | :: totella |
obfuscate {v} /ˈɑːbfʌskeɪt/ (make dark) | :: varjostaa, pimentää |
obfuscate {v} (make confusing) | :: peittää |
obituary {n} /əˈbɪtjʊəɹɪ/ (brief notice of a person's death, as published in a newspaper) | :: kuolinilmoitus |
obituary {n} (biography of a recently deceased person) | :: muistokirjoitus |
object {n} /ˈɑb.d͡ʒɛkt/ (thing) | :: esine, objekti |
object {n} (in grammar) | :: objekti |
object {n} (person or thing to which an emotion is directed) | :: kohde |
object {n} (in object-oriented programming) | :: olio |
object {v} (disagree with something or someone) | :: vastustaa, väittää vastaan |
object-based {adj} (using entities called objects) | :: oliopohjainen |
object-based programming {n} (programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs) | :: olio-ohjelmointi |
object code {n} (output of a compiler or assembler) | :: objektikoodi |
objection {n} /əbˈdʒɛkʃən/ (statement expressing opposition) | :: vastaväite |
objection {n} (official protest raised in a court of law) | :: vastalause |
objective {adj} /əbˈd͡ʒɛk.tɪv/ (relating to a material object) | :: materiaalinen, esineellinen |
objective {adj} (not influenced by emotions) | :: objektiivinen, hyväksytty, puolueeton |
objective {adj} (based on observed fact) | :: objektiivinen, totuudenmukainen, tosi, todellinen |
objective {adj} (grammar) | :: objektiivinen |
objective {n} (material object) | :: esine, kappale |
objective {n} (goal) | :: tavoite, päämäärä |
objective {n} ((grammar) the objective case) | :: objektiivi |
objective {n} (lens) | :: objektiivi, linssi |
objectivism {n} (doctrine that holds that reality is objective) | :: objektivismi |
objectivism {n} (moral objectivism) SEE: moral objectivism | :: |
object language {n} (lexicography: language of headwords) | :: kohdekieli |
object lesson {n} (lesson taught using an object as a focus) | :: havainto-opetus |
object lesson {n} (example from real life) | :: käytännön esimerkki |
object lesson {n} (anything used as an example which serves to warn others) | :: havainto-opetus |
object-oriented {adj} /ˈɒbdʒɛkt ɔɹɪəntɪd/ (using entities called objects) | :: olioperustainen, oliokeskeinen |
object-oriented language {n} | :: olio-ohjelmointikieli, oliopohjainen ohjelmointikieli |
object-oriented programming {n} (programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs) | :: olio-ohjelmointi |
objet d'art {n} /ˌɒbʒeɪ ˈdɑː(ɹ)/ (work of art) | :: taide-esine |
objet d'art {n} (artwork exhibited) | :: taide-esine |
objurgate {v} (To rebuke or scold strongly) | :: tuomita |
oblast {n} /ˈɒbləst/ (region or province) | :: oblasti, alue |
obligate {v} /ˈɑblɪɡeɪt/ (to bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie) | :: velvoittaa |
obligate {adj} (Absolutely indispensable; essential) | :: obligaatti, välttämätön |
obligation {n} /ɑb.ləˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone) | :: sitoutuminen |
obligation {n} (social, legal, or moral requirement) | :: velvollisuus |
obligation {n} (course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience) | :: velvollisuus |
obligation {n} (legal agreement) | :: sitoumus |
obligatory {adj} /əˈblɪɡətɔɹi/ (binding) | :: velvoittava, sitova, pakollinen (mandatory) |
obliged {adj} /əˈblaɪdʒd/ (Under an obligation to do something for someone) | :: velvollinen |
obliged {adj} (Indebted because of a favor done) | :: kiitollinen |
obligor {n} (party bearing obligation) | :: velvollinen, velvoitettu |
oblique {adj} /əˈbliːk/ (not erect or perpendicular) | :: vino |
oblique {adj} (not straightforward; indirect; obscure; hence, disingenuous; underhand; perverse; sinister) | :: epäsuora, kiero, hämäräperäinen |
oblique angle {n} (any angle that is not a right angle or multiple of right angles) | :: vino kulma |
oblique case {n} (any noun case except the nominative (and vocative)) | :: obliikvisija |
obliquity {n} /əˈblɪkwɪɾi/ (quality of being oblique) | :: vinous |
obliquity {n} ((astronomy) axial tilt) | :: akselin kaltevuus |
obliquity {n} (mental or moral deviation) | :: pahe, kieroutuneisuus |
obliterate {v} /əbˈlɪtəɹeɪt/ (to remove completely, leaving no trace; to wipe out; to destroy) | :: tuhota, hävittää |
obliteration {n} (The total destruction of something) | :: hävittäminen, tuhoaminen |
obliteration {n} (The cancellation, erasure or deletion of something) | :: tuhoaminen |
oblivion {n} /əˈblɪvɪən/ (state of forgetfulness or distraction) | :: hajamielisyys, unohtelu |
oblivion {n} (state of being completely forgotten) | :: unhola, unohdus, unho |
oblivion {n} (state of permanent unconsciousness after death) | :: olemattomuus |
oblivion {n} (a state of nothingness) | :: olemattomuus |
oblivion {n} (figuratively: wasteland; a supernatural realm of waste, like hell) | :: kadotus |
oblivious {adj} /əˈblɪv.i.əs/ (unaware) | :: tietämätön, välinpitämätön |
oblivious {adj} (failing to remember) | :: unohtavainen, muistamaton |
obmutescence {n} (refusal to speak) | :: puhumattomuus, vaikeneminen |
obmutescent {adj} (refusing to speak) | :: puhumaton |
obnoxious {adj} /əbˈnɑkʃəs/ (offensive, very annoying) | :: sietämätön, vastenmielinen, inhottava, ärsyttävä |
obnubilation {n} /ɒbnjuːbɪˈleɪʃən/ (action of darkening or fact of being darkened) | :: pimentäminen |
obnubilation {n} (medicine: obscuration or clouding of the mind or faculties) | :: obskuraatio |
obnubilation {n} (veiling with or concealment in clouds) | :: pilviverho |
oboe {n} /ˈoʊboʊ/ (wind instrument) | :: oboe |
oboe d'amore {n} /ˌoʊboʊ dɑˈmɔɹeɪ/ (instrument of the oboe family) | :: oboe d'amore, lemmenoboe |
oboist {n} (performer on the oboe) | :: oboisti |
obolus {n} (silver coin) | :: oboli |
obscene {adj} /əbˈsiːn/ (offensive to current standards of decency or morality) | :: rivo, säädytön, siveetön |
obscene {adj} (lewd or lustful) | :: himokas, rietas |
obscene {adj} (disgusting or repulsive) | :: kuvottava |
obscene {adj} (beyond all reason) | :: hillitön |
obscene {adj} (liable to deprave or corrupt) | :: heikkoluonteinen, moraaliton |
obscurantism {n} (state of opposition to progress) | :: obskurantismi |
obscurantism {n} (deliberate obscurity or vagueness) | :: epämääräisyys, kiertely |
obscure {adj} /əbˈskjʊə(ɹ)/ (dark, faint or indistinct) | :: hämärä |
obscure {adj} (hidden, out of sight or inconspicuous) | :: huomaamaton, piiloutunut |
obscure {adj} (difficult to understand) | :: hämärä, vaikeaselkoinen |
obscure {v} (to darken, make faint) | :: hämärtää |
obscure {v} (to hide, put out of sight) | :: piilottaa |
obsequious {adj} /əbˈsiːkwi.əs/ (obedient, compliant with someone else's orders) | :: kuuliainen |
obsequious {adj} (fawning, subservient) | :: nöyristelevä, mielistelevä, liehakoiva |
observable {adj} (able to be observed) | :: havaittavissa oleva, havaittava |
observable {adj} (deserving to be observed) | :: huomionarvoinen |
observant {adj} /əbˈzɝvənt/ (Alert and paying close attention) | :: tarkkaavainen |
observation {n} /ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of observing or being observed) | :: havainnointi, havaitseminen [observing]; havaituksi tuleminen [being observed] |
observation {n} (recording an event; the record of such noting) | :: havainto |
observation {n} (remark or comment) | :: huomio, huomautus, kommentti |
observation {n} (judgement) | :: päätelmä, päätös |
observation car {n} (type of railway car) | :: maisemavaunu |
observation deck {n} (area of a tall building) | :: näköalatasanne |
observation post {n} (lookout) | :: tarkkailupiste, näköalapaikka |
observation wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel | :: |
observatory {n} /əbˈzəɹvətɔɹi/ (place where celestial bodies or natural phenomena are observed) | :: observatorio, havaintoasema; tähtitorni [celestial phenomena]; sääasema [weather] |
observatory {n} (lookout) SEE: lookout | :: |
observe {v} /əbˈzɜːv/ (to notice, to watch, see also: notice) | :: havainnoida, observoida |
observe {v} (to follow) | :: noudattaa |
observer {n} /əbˈzɝvɚ/ (one who makes observations, monitors or takes notice) | :: tarkkailija, havainnoija |
observer {n} (one who adheres or follows laws, guidelines, etc.) | :: noudattaja |
observer {n} (person sent to monitor but not to participate) | :: tarkkailija |
observer {n} (entity with limited participation rights) | :: tarkkailija |
observer {n} (aircraft crew member) | :: tähystäjä |
observer {n} (one manning an observation post) | :: tähystäjä |
obsess {v} (to be preoccupied with a single topic or emotion) | :: olla koukussa |
obsess {v} (to dominate the thoughts of someone) | :: hallita, pitää vallassaan |
obsess {v} (to think or talk obsessively about) | :: [to talk] vaahdota, saarnata |
obsessed {adj} /əbˈsɛst/ (fixated on a single topic or emotion) | :: pakkomielteinen |
obsession {n} /əbˈsɛʃən/ (compulsive or irrational preoccupation) | :: pakkomielle |
obsession {n} (unhealthy fixation) | :: riippuvuus, pakkomielle |
obsessive {adj} /əbˈsɛsɪv/ (having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others) | :: pakkomielteinen |
obsessive-compulsive disorder {n} (form of anxiety) | :: pakko-oireinen häiriö |
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder {n} (personality disorder) | :: vaativa persoonallisuus |
obsidian {n} /əbˈsɪd.i.ən/ (a type of black glass produced by volcanoes) | :: obsidiaani, laavalasi |
obsidional {adj} /əbˈsɪdɪənəl/ (pertaining to a siege) | :: piiritys- |
obsolescence {n} /ˌɑb.səˈlɛ.səns/ (state) | :: vanhentuneisuus |
obsolescence {n} (process) | :: vanheneminen, vanhentuminen |
obsolescent {adj} /ɑbsəˈlɛsənt/ (in the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet) | :: vanhentuva |
obsolete {adj} /ɑbsəˈliːt/ (no longer in use) | :: vanhentunut |
obstacle {n} /ˈɒbstəkl̩/ (something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress) | :: este |
obstetrician {n} /ˌɒbstəˈtɹɪʃən/ (a physician who specializes in childbirth) | :: synnytyslääkäri |
obstetrics {n} (care of women during and after pregnancy) | :: synnytysoppi, obstetriikka |
obstinacy {n} /ˈɑbstɪnəsi/ (state of stubbornness) | :: itsepäisyys, itsepintaisuus |
obstinate {adj} /ˈɑb.stə.nət/ (adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably) | :: jääräpäinen, jästipäinen [colloquial] |
obstinate {adj} ((of inanimate things) not easily subdued or removed) | :: sitkeä |
obstruct {v} /əbˈstɹʌkt/ (To block or fill (a passage)) | :: tukkia |
obstruct {v} (To impede, retard, or interfere with) | :: estää |
obstruct {v} (To get in the way of so as to hide from sight) | :: peittää |
obstruction {n} /əbˈstɹʌk.ʃən/ (the act of obstructing) | :: estäminen |
obstruction {n} (that which obstructs or impedes) | :: este, tukkeuma |
obstruction of justice {n} (interference) | :: oikeuden estäminen [not a legal term in Finland] |
obtain {v} /əbˈteɪn/ (to get hold of, acquire) | :: hankkia |
obtain {v} (to hold, possess) | :: pitää hallussaan |
obtain {v} (to be the case, hold true) | :: olla, olla olemassa |
obtainable {adj} (capable of being obtained) | :: saatavilla oleva |
obtrude {v} /əbˈtɹuːd/ (transitive) | :: tyrkyttää, tuputtaa [proffer by force]; pakottaa [impose on]; tunkea [impose into] |
obtrude {v} (intransitive) | :: tunkeutua, tungetella |
obtrude {v} (reflexive) | :: tyrkyttäytyä, tungetella |
obtund {v} /əbˈtənd/ (to dull) | :: hillitä, rajoittaa |
obtuse {adj} /əbˈtjuːs/ (intellectually dull) | :: tylsä, hidasjärkinen, hidasälyinen |
obtuse {adj} (deadened, muffled, muted) | :: vaimea, vaimennettu |
obtuse {adj} (of an angle) | :: tylppä |
obtuse {adj} (botany, zoology: blunt) | :: tylppä |
obtuse {adj} (of a triangle) SEE: obtuse-angled | :: |
obtuse angle {n} (angle that is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees) | :: tylppä kulma |
obtuse-angled {adj} (of a triangle) | :: tylppäkulmainen |
obtuse-angled triangle {n} (obtuse triangle) SEE: obtuse triangle | :: |
obtuse triangle {n} (triangle with an obtuse angle) | :: tylppäkulmainen kolmio |
Ob-Ugric {adj} (a subgroup of languages in the Uralic language family) | :: obinugrilainen |
obviate {v} /ˈɑbviˌeɪt/ (to bypass a requirement) | :: välttää |
obvious {adj} /ˈɑəs/ (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory) | :: ilmeinen, ilmiselvä, itsestäänselvä |
obviously {adv} /ˈɑ(b).vi.ə (in an obvious manner; clearly apparent) | :: ilmeisesti, selvästi, silminnähden |
ocarina {n} /ɑkəˈɹinə/ (musical instrument) | :: okariina |
ocarinist {n} (player of ocarina) | :: okariinansoittaja |
Occam's razor {prop} (both principles) | :: Occamin partaveitsi |
occasion {n} /əˈkeɪʒən/ (favorable opportunity) | :: tilaisuus, mahdollisuus |
occasion {n} (time when something happens) | :: tilaisuus |
occasion {n} (occurrence which brings with it some unlooked-for event; motive, reason) | :: syy, aihe |
occasion {n} (something which causes something else) | :: syy |
occasion {n} (particular happening) | :: [event] tapaus, [cause, reason] syy, [time] kerta, tapaus |
occasion {n} (need) | :: tarve |
occasion {n} (special event or function) | :: tapahtuma, tapaus, tilaisuus |
occasion {n} (reason or excuse; a motive; a persuasion) | :: tarkoitus, tarkoitusperä |
occasion {v} (give occasion to) | :: aiheuttaa, saada aikaan |
occasion {n} (occurrence or incident) SEE: occurrence | :: |
occasional {adj} /əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəl/ (limited to certain occasions; not very often) | :: satunnainen |
occasionally {adv} /əˈkeɪʒənəli/ (from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervals) | :: joskus, välillä, välistä, toisinaan |
occasional table {n} (small table having no particular function) | :: pikkupöytä |
occidental {adj} /ˌɒk.səˈdɛn.təl/ (of the occident:) | :: länsimainen |
occipital bone {n} (bone at the back of the skull) | :: takaraivonluu |
occipital lobe {n} /ˌɑkˈsɪpɪtəl ˌloʊb/ (division of cerebrum) | :: takaraivolohko, oksipitaalilohko |
occiput {n} /ˈɑksɪpʌt/ (back of the head or skull) | :: takaraivo |
Occitan {prop} /ˈɑksɪˌtæn/ (the Romance language) | :: oksitaani |
Occitania {prop} (Occitania) | :: Oksitania |
occluded front {n} (cold front that overtakes a warm front) | :: okluusiorintama, okkluusiorintama |
occlusal {adj} | :: okklusaalinen |
occlusive {n} (plosive) SEE: plosive | :: |
occult {v} /əˈkʌlt/ (to cover) | :: pimentää |
occult {adj} (secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected) | :: piilevä, salainen |
occult {adj} (related to the occult) | :: yliluonnollinen, salattu |
occult {adj} (esoteric) | :: esoteerinen |
occult {n} (supernatural affairs) | :: yliluonnollinen |
occultation {n} /ˌɒkəlˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ (astronomical event) | :: okkultaatio, [of a star] tähdenpeitto |
occultism {n} (study of the supernatural) | :: salatiede, okkultismi, rajatieto |
occultism {n} (belief in occult powers) | :: salatiede, okkultismi |
occultistic {adj} | :: okkultistinen |
occupancy {n} (the act of occupying, the state of being occupied or the state of being an occupant or tenant) | :: haltijuus, vuokralaisuus |
occupant {n} /ˈɒk.jʊ.pənt/ (person who occupies an office or a position) | :: haltija |
occupant {n} (person sitting in a vehicle) | :: matkustaja [passenger]; kuljettaja [driver] |
occupant {n} (owner or tenant) | :: asukas, haltija |
occupation {n} /ɑkjʊˈpeɪʃən/ (activity or task with which one occupies oneself) | :: ammatti, työ, ajanviete |
occupation {n} (act, process or state of possessing a place) | :: omistus |
occupation {n} (control of a country or region by a hostile army) | :: miehitys |
occupational {adj} (of, relating to, or caused by an occupation) | :: ammatillinen, ammatti- |
occupational disease {n} (ailment that occurs as a result of work) | :: työperäinen sairaus, ammattitauti |
occupational health and safety {n} (activity to promote health and safety in workplace) | :: työsuojelu |
occupational safety and health {n} (activity to promote safety in workplace) | :: työsuojelu |
occupational therapist {n} (therapist) | :: työterapeutti |
occupational therapy {n} (therapeutic practice) | :: työterapia |
occupied {adj} /ˈɑkjəpaɪd/ (reserved) | :: varattu |
occupier {n} (one who occupies) | :: miehittäjä |
occupy {v} (to occupy) SEE: consume | :: |
occupy {v} /ˈɑkjəpaɪ/ (to fill (time)) | :: viedä |
occupy {v} (to fill (space)) | :: olla (jollakin) alueella |
occupy {v} (time or space) | :: varata |
occupy {v} (reside in) | :: asuttaa |
occupy {v} (have (taken) control of) | :: vallata, miehittää |
occupy {v} (to use the time or capacity of) | :: pitää kiireisenä [more common to use a causative structure, like "keep someone doing"] |
occupy {v} (hold a position) | :: toimia |
occupy {v} (hold attention of) | :: vangita huomio |
occur {v} /əˈkɝ/ (take place) | :: tapahtua |
occur {v} (present itself) | :: tarjoutua [present itself], sattua, tapahtua [to happen] |
occur {v} (meet or come to the mind) | :: juolahtaa mieleen, tulla mieleen |
occur {v} (be present or found) | :: esiintyä |
occurrence {n} /əˈkɝən(t)s/ (actual instance where a situation arises) | :: sattuma, tapahtuma, tapaus |
OCD {n} (obsessive-compulsive disorder) SEE: obsessive-compulsive disorder | :: |
ocean {n} /ˈoʊ.ʃən/ (one of the large bodies of water) | :: valtameri |
ocean current {n} | :: merivirta |
oceanfront {n} (property adjacent to the ocean) | :: merenrantakiinteistö |
oceanfront {n} (side of such property facing the ocean) | :: meren puoli |
oceangoing {adj} (oceangoing) SEE: ocean-going | :: |
ocean-going {adj} (capable of sailing on the ocean) | :: valtamerikelpoinen, valtameri- |
Oceania {prop} /ˌəʊ.ʃiˈɑː.nɪə/ (geographical region) | :: Oseania |
oceanic trench {n} (depression of the sea floor) | :: syvänmeren hauta |
oceanic whitetip shark {n} (Carcharhinus longimanus) | :: valkopilkkahai |
oceanography {n} /ˌoʊʃəˈnɑɡɹəfi/ (oceanic exploration and study) | :: meritiede, oseanografia |
oceanologist {n} (one who studies oceans) | :: oseanologi |
oceanology {n} (oceanography) SEE: oceanography | :: |
ocean quahog {n} (Arctica islandica) | :: islanninsimpukka |
ocean sunfish {n} (Mola mola) | :: möhkäkala |
ocellus {n} (simple eyes consisting of a single lens) | :: pistesilmä |
ocelot {n} /ˈɑːsəlɑːt/ (feline carnivore) | :: oselotti |
ochlocracy {n} /ɒkˈlɒkɹəsi/ (government by the masses) | :: alhaisovalta |
ochre {n} /ˈoʊkɚ/ (earth pigment) | :: keltamulta, okra |
ochre {n} (yellowish-orange colour) | :: okra, okrankeltainen |
ochre {adj} (having yellow-orange colour) | :: okra, okrankeltainen |
ochre {adj} (in archeology) | :: okrahauta- |
o'clock {adv} /əˈklɑk/ (indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock")) | :: kello yksi, yksi |
o'clock {adv} (the translations below are of "at one o’clock") | :: kello yhdeltä, yhdeltä |
octadecane {n} (isometric alkane C18H38) | :: oktadekaani |
octagenarian {n} (octogenarian) SEE: octogenarian | :: |
octagon {n} /ˈɒktəɡ(ə)n/ (polygon with eight sides and eight angles) | :: kahdeksankulmio |
octahedron {n} (a polyhedron with eight faces) | :: oktaedri |
octal {adj} /ˈɒk.təl/ (concerning numbers expressed in octal or mathematics calculations performed using octal) | :: oktaalinen |
octane {n} /ˈɒk.teɪn/ (isomeric aliphatic hydrocarbons) | :: oktaani |
octane number {n} (measure of the antiknock properties of an automobile fuel) | :: oktaaniluku |
Octans {prop} (a circumpolar constellation) | :: Oktantti |
octant {n} (nautical instrument) | :: oktantti |
octasyllabic {adj} (having eight syllables) | :: kahdeksantavuinen |
octatomic {adj} (having eight atoms in each molecule) | :: kahdeksanatominen |
octatonic {adj} (containing eight notes) | :: oktatoninen |
octave {n} /ˈɑktɪv/ (interval) | :: oktaavi |
octet {n} (byte of eight bits) SEE: byte | :: |
octile {n} (value) | :: oktiili |
octile {n} (subset) | :: oktiili |
octillion {num} /ɒkˈtɪl.iː.ən/ (a thousand trillion trillion, 1027) | :: kvadriljardi |
octillion {num} (a trillion quintillion, 1048, see also: quindecillion) | :: oktiljoona |
October {prop} /ɑkˈtoʊbəɹ/ (tenth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: lokakuu |
octodontid {n} (any of the Octodontidae) | :: torvimyyrä, degu |
octogenarian {adj} (being between 80 and 89, inclusive) | :: kahdeksissakymmenissä oleva, kahdeksankymppinen |
octopus {n} /ˈɑːkt.ə.pʊs/ (mollusc) | :: tursas |
octothorpe {n} (octothorpe) SEE: hash | :: |
octree {n} | :: kahdeksanpuu, kasipuu |
octuple {v} /ɒkˈtuː.pəl/ (multiply by eight) | :: kahdeksankertaistaa |
ocular {adj} (seen by the eye) SEE: visual | :: |
ocular {adj} /ˈɑ.kjə.lɚ/ (of or relating to the eye) | :: silmä- |
ocular {adj} (resembling the eye) | :: silmämäinen |
oculist {n} (optometrist) SEE: optometrist | :: |
oculist {n} (ophthalmologist) SEE: ophthalmologist | :: |
oculomotor nerve {n} (the third of twelve paired cranial nerves) | :: silmän liikehermo |
odd {adj} /ɑd/ (strange) | :: outo, kummallinen, omituinen |
odd {adj} (indivisible by two) | :: pariton |
odd {adj} (left over after others have been grouped) | :: pariton |
odd {adj} (casual, irregular) | :: satunnainen |
odd {adj} (about) | :: noin, suunnilleen |
odd {n} (odd number) SEE: odd number | :: |
odd job {v} (temporary job) | :: pätkätyö, silpputyö |
odd job {v} (task of incidental nature) | :: hanttihomma, hanttityö, aputyö |
odd lot {n} (set of leftover goods) | :: jäännöserä |
oddness {n} (the state or quality of being odd) | :: kummallisuus |
odd number {n} (whole number that is not divisible by two) | :: pariton luku |
odds {n} /ɑdz/ (the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening) | :: todennäköisyys {p} |
odds and ends {n} (miscellaneous things) | :: kama, [colloquial] sälä |
ode {n} /oʊd/ (a short poetical composition) | :: oodi |
Odense {prop} (City in southern Denmark) | :: Odense |
odeon {n} (ancient Greek or Roman building) | :: odeion |
odeon {n} (modern theatre or concert hall) | :: konserttitalo |
Odesa {prop} (Odessa) SEE: Odessa | :: |
Odessa {prop} (Ukrainian city) | :: Odessa |
Odia {prop} (Oriya) SEE: Oriya | :: |
Odin {prop} /oʊdɪn/ (god in Norse mythology) | :: Odin |
odious {adj} /ˈoʊ.di.əs/ (arousing strong dislike) | :: kauhea, inhottava, vihattava, vastenmielinen |
Odisha {prop} (state in India) | :: Odisha |
odometer {n} /oʊˈdɑːmətɚ/ (instrument attached to the wheel) | :: matkamittari |
odometer {n} (wheel used by surveyors) | :: odometri |
odonate {n} (carnivore insect) | :: sudenkorento |
odontocete {n} (toothed whale) SEE: toothed whale | :: |
odontological {adj} (pertaining to odontology) | :: hammaslääketieteellinen |
odontology {n} (study of teeth) | :: odontologia |
odontology {n} (branch of dentistry) | :: hammaslääketiede, odontologia |
odor {n} /ˈoʊ.dɚ/ (any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume) | :: tuoksu, haju |
odor {n} (strong, pervasive quality) | :: ominaispiirre |
odor {n} (esteem, repute) | :: maine |
odoriferous {adj} (having an odor) SEE: odorous | :: |
odorless {adj} /əʊdələs/ (having no odor) | :: hajuton |
odorous {adj} (having distinctive odour) | :: tuoksuva |
odourless {adj} (odourless) SEE: odorless | :: |
odynophagia {n} (pain when swallowing) | :: nielemiskipu |
Odysseus {prop} /əˈdɪsjuːs/ (son of Laertes; Greek leader during the Trojan War) | :: Odysseus |
Odyssey {prop} /ˈɒ.dɨ.si/ (epic poem describing the journey of Odysseus) | :: Odysseia {f} |
OECD {prop} (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) | :: OECD |
oedema {n} (edema) SEE: edema | :: |
Oedipal {adj} /ˈidəpɛl/ (of or relating to the Oedipus complex) | :: oidipaalinen |
Oedipus {prop} /ˈɛdɪpəs/ (son of Laius and Jocasta) | :: Oidipus |
Oedipus complex {n} /ˈɛdəpəs ˈkɒmplɛks/ (Freudian theory) | :: oidipuskompleksi |
oeillade {n} /əːˈjɑːd/ (glance, ogle) | :: silmäys |
oenology {n} /iˈnɑlədʒi/ (scientific study of wines) | :: enologia |
oenophile {n} /iː.nəʊ.faɪl/ (wine-lover) | :: viininrakastaja |
oesophagus {n} /ɪˈsɑfəɡəs/ (the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach) | :: ruokatorvi |
oeuvre {n} /ˈəːvɹə/ (work of art) | :: teos, taideteos |
oeuvre {n} (complete body of works) | :: tuotanto |
of {prep} /ʌv/ ((time) before, to) | :: vaille |
of {prep} (introducing an epithet) | :: -lainen [applied to place name, in all cases but dominion; for dominions, place dominion before name in genitive case] |
of {prep} (containing, comprising or made from) | :: partitive or elative case |
of {prep} (linking class with example of class) | :: genitive case |
of {prep} (introducing subject matter) | :: elative case |
of {prep} (connecting numeral or quantifier with quantified) | :: genitive or partitive case |
of {prep} (possessive genitive: belonging to) | :: genitive case |
of {prep} (objective genitive: connecting noun with object) | :: genitive case |
of {prep} (indicative of age) | :: -vuotias, -kuinen, -viikkoinen, -päiväinen |
of age {prep} (old enough to be considered an adult) | :: täysi-ikäinen |
of a kind {prep} (of the same type) | :: samanlainen, samankaltainen |
of all time {prep} ((informal) ever) | :: ikinä, kaikkien aikojen |
of color {adj} (of a race other than white (euphemistic)) | :: värillinen |
of course {adv} /əv ˈkɔː(ɹ)s/ (naturally) | :: tietysti, tietenkin, totta kai, ilman muuta |
off {adv} /ɔf/ (in a direction away from the speaker or object) | :: pois [away], alas [down], ylös [up], ulos [out] |
off {adv} (into a state of non-operation or non-existence) | :: pois |
off {adj} (inoperative, disabled) | :: pois, poissa, pois päältä |
off {adj} (rotten) | :: pilalla, pilaantunut |
off {prep} (away from a position upon) | :: -sta [elative case], -lta [ablative case] |
off {prep} (detached, separated, excluded or disconnected from) | :: poissa [+ elative or ablative] |
off {prep} (away from a position of attachment or connection to) | :: pois [+ elative or ablative] |
off {prep} (used to indicate the location or direction of one thing relative to another) | :: -sta [elative case], -lta [ablative case] |
off {prep} (used to express location at sea relative to land or mainland) | :: -lta [ablative case] |
off {prep} (removed or subtracted from) | :: pois [+ elative or ablative] |
off {prep} (no longer wanting or taking) | :: poissa [+ elative or ablative; cannot be used in all contexts, else use other phrasing, like "no longer taking meds"] |
off {v} (to kill) | :: nistiä |
off {v} (to switch off) | :: panna pois, pistää pois |
offal {n} (refuse) SEE: refuse | :: |
offal {n} /ˈɔfl̩/ (rejected parts of an animal) | :: teurasjäte |
offal {n} (animal's organs as food) | :: sisäelimet {p} |
offal {n} (carrion) SEE: carrion | :: |
offbeat {adj} (unusual, unconventional, not ordinary) | :: epätavallinen, omituinen, outolintu |
off chance {n} (possibility that is not likely) | :: siinä toivossa |
off course {prep} (not following the planned route) | :: reitiltä sivussa, reitiltä sivuun |
offence {n} (offense) SEE: offense | :: |
offend {v} /əˈfɛnd/ (to hurt the feelings) | :: loukata |
offend {v} (to physically harm, pain) | :: loukata, ärsyttää |
offend {v} (to transgress or violate a law or moral requirement) | :: rikkoa, loukata |
offend {v} (to cause to sin or fall) | :: vietellä, erehdyttää |
offend {v} (to feel or become offended) | :: loukkaantua |
offend {v} (sin) SEE: sin | :: |
offender {n} (a person who commits an offense against the law) | :: syyllinen |
offense {n} /əˈfɛns/ (act of offending against the law) | :: loukkaus |
offense {n} (act of offending against manners) | :: loukkaus |
offense {n} (state of being offended) | :: loukkaantuminen |
offense {n} (strategy and tactics employed when in position to score) | :: hyökkäys |
offense {n} (portion of a team dedicated to scoring) | :: hyökkääjät {p}, hyökkäyspää |
offensive {adj} /ˈɔˌfɛnsɪv/ (causing offense) | :: hyökkäävä, päällekäyvä, loukkaava [hurtful] |
offensive {adj} (team sports: having to do with play directed at scoring) | :: hyökkäävä, hyökkäys- |
offensive {n} (an attack) | :: hyökkäys, offensiivi |
offensive {n} (posture of attack) | :: hyökkäyskanta [in "pysyä hyökkäyskannalla", "stay on the offensive"] |
offensive and defensive alliance {n} (offensive and defensive alliance) | :: hyökkäys- ja puolustusliitto |
offensive tackle {n} (lineman outside guard position in the offensive team) | :: hyökkäävä linjamies, ulompi linjamies |
offensive zone {n} (ice between the opposing team's blue line and their end board) | :: hyökkäysalue |
offer {n} /ˈɔfɚ/ (proposal) | :: tarjous |
offer {n} (something put forth) | :: tarjous |
offer {n} (law: invitation to enter binding contract) | :: tarjous |
offer {v} (propose) | :: ehdottaa, tarjota |
offer {v} (to present something as a gesture of worship) | :: uhrata |
offer {v} (place at disposal) | :: tarjota, asettaa käyttöön |
offering {n} /ˈɔfəɹɪŋ/ (act of offering) | :: tarjoaminen; uhraaminen |
offering {n} (that which has been offered; a sacrifice) | :: tarjous; uhri, uhrilahja |
offering {n} (oblation or presentation made as a religious act) | :: uhraus, uhraaminen |
offering {n} (contribution given at a religious service) | :: kolehti |
offer one's condolences {v} (offer sympathy to someone who has recently experienced the loss of a loved one) | :: esittää osanottonsa |
offeror {n} /ˈɔfəɹɚ/ (one who makes an offer) | :: tarjoaja, ehdottaja |
offeror {n} (one who presents for acceptance or rejection) | :: tarjoaja, ehdottaja |
offertory {n} /ˈɑfəɹˌtɔɹi/ (money offered or donated during a church service) | :: kolehti |
off guard {prep} (unexpectedly or by surprise) | :: yllättävästi, yllättäen |
office {n} /ˈɔfɪs/ (position of responsibility) | :: virka |
office {n} (room(s) or building used for non-manual work) | :: toimisto, virasto, konttori, liikehuoneisto, toimipaikka |
office {n} (major governmental division) | :: virasto, ministeriö |
office {n} (kindness) SEE: good offices | :: |
office building {n} (commercial building containing spaces for offices) | :: toimistotalo, toimistorakennus |
office chair {n} (desk chair used in an office) | :: toimistotuoli, työtuoli |
officeholder {n} (person who holds an office) | :: viranhaltija |
office hours {n} (times when office workers are at their desks) | :: toimistotyöaika, toimistoaika |
office hours {n} (prearranged time when a person is available) | :: vastaanottoaika |
officer {n} /ˈɔfɪsɚ/ (one who has a position of authority in a hierarchical organization) | :: upseeri |
officer {n} (one who holds a public office) | :: virkamies |
officer {n} (agent or servant endowed with the ability to act on initiative) | :: asiamies |
officer {n} (contraction of the term "commissioned officer") | :: upseeri |
officership {n} (position or role) | :: upseerius [role]; upseerinvirka [office, position in the military hierarchy] |
office worker {n} (Someone who works in an office) | :: toimistotyöntekijä |
official {adj} /əˈfɪʃəl/ (of or pertaining to an office or public trust) | :: virallinen |
official {adj} (derived from the proper office) | :: virallinen |
official {adj} (approved by authority) | :: virallinen |
official {adj} (discharging an office or function) | :: virallinen |
official {adj} (relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant) | :: virallinen, virka- |
official {n} (office holder invested with powers and authorities) | :: viranomainen, virkamies [public official], virkailija, toimihenkilö, toimitsija [in general] |
official {n} (person responsible for applying the rules in a competition) | :: toimitsija, tuomari |
official cover {n} (cover which is a position at a governmental agency) | :: virallinen peiterooli |
officialese {n} (bureaucratese) SEE: bureaucratese | :: |
official language {n} (language) | :: virallinen kieli |
officially {adv} /əˈfɪʃəli/ (in an official manner) | :: virallisesti |
officiate {v} /əˈfiʃ.i.eɪt/ (to perform the functions of some office) | :: toimittaa |
officious {adj} (offensively intrusive or interfering) | :: virkaintoinen, tungetteleva |
off-licence {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store | :: |
offline {adj} (of a system, not connected to a larger network) | :: verkon ulkopuolella, offline, offline-tilassa |
off one's own bat {prep} (of one's own accord) SEE: of one's own accord | :: |
off one's rocker {prep} (crazy) | :: olla ruuvi löysällä, olla päästään vialla |
offprint {n} (reproduction of an article) | :: eripainos |
off-ramp {n} (roadway segment) | :: erkanemiskaista |
off-road {adj} (designed for driving on a rugged terrain) | :: maasto-, maastokelpoinen |
off-road {v} (travel in rugged terrain) | :: kulkea maastossa |
off-roader {n} (vehicle designed for driving offroad) | :: maastoajoneuvo |
offscreen {adj} (existing or happening outside the frame of the cinema or television screen) | :: kuvan ulkopuolinen |
off-season {n} (period of slack business) | :: matalasesonki |
offset {n} /ˈɑf.sɛt/ (compensating equivalent) | :: hyvitys, kompensaatio |
offset {n} (countertrade arrangement) | :: kompensaatiokauppa |
offset {n} (time at which something begins) | :: alku, aloitus |
offset {n} (distance by which one thing is out of alignment with another) | :: siirros, poikkeama (linjasta) |
offset {v} (to compensate for something) | :: kompensoida, korvata |
offset {n} (offset printing) SEE: offset printing | :: |
offset printing {n} (offset printing) | :: offsetpaino |
offshoot {n} (that which shoots off from a main stem) | :: sivuverso |
offshoot {n} (that which develops from something else) | :: rönsy, haara |
offshore {adj} /ɒfˈʃɔː(ɹ)/ (moving away from the shore) | :: merelle suuntautuva |
offshore {adj} (located in another country) | :: ulkomaalainen |
offshore {adv} (away from the shore) | :: merellä |
offshore {adv} (at some distance from the shore) | :: rannasta |
offshore {v} (to use foreign labor to substitute for local labor) | :: ulkoistaa ulkomaille |
offside {adj} (in an illegal position ahead of the ball) | :: paitsiossa |
offside {adj} (to the side of a road) | :: tienvarsi-, tienvieri- |
offside {n} (offside play) | :: paitsio |
offside trap {n} (defensive play) | :: paitsioansa |
offspring {n} /ˈɔfspɹɪŋ/ | :: lapsi, jälkeläinen |
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring (only males, only females, both sexes or sex unspecified)) | :: lapset {p}, jälkeläiset {p}, jälkikasvu [collective] |
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring, animal's or plant's progeny) | :: jälkeläiset {p} |
offspring {n} (something produced) | :: aikaansaannos, lapsi |
off the mark {prep} (inaccurate) | :: asian vierestä |
off the rails {prep} (in an abnormal manner) | :: poissa raiteiltaan, ei raiteillaan |
off the top of one's head {prep} (in an extemporaneous manner; without careful thought, preparation, or investigation) | :: juuri nyt, suoralta kädeltä, pikaisesti, äkkiseltään |
off-topic {adj} (not related to the matter being discussed) | :: asiaan kuulumaton, epäasiallinen, asiaton |
off-white {n} (very pale colour that is almost white) | :: luonnonvalkoinen, likaisenvalkoinen, murrettu valkoinen; kimo [of horse] |
off-white {adj} (of a very pale colour that is almost white) | :: luonnonvalkoinen, likaisenvalkoinen, murrettu valkoinen; kimo [of horse] |
offworld {adj} /ɒfˈwɜː(ɹ)ld/ (not on Earth) | :: maapallon ulkopuolinen |
offworld {adv} (away from Earth) | :: maapallon ulkopuolella |
of late {prep} (recently) | :: hiljattain, äskettäin, viime aikoina |
of one mind {prep} (in agreement) | :: yhtä mieltä |
of one's choice {prep} (that one has chosen, or wishes to choose) | :: haluamansa |
of one's own accord {prep} (without being commanded or controlled) | :: vapaaehtoisesti |
of one's word {prep} | :: sanansa mittainen |
of record {prep} (authoritative) SEE: authoritative | :: |
of record {prep} (officially recorded) | :: rekisteröity |
often {adv} /ˈɔf(t)ən/ (frequently, many times) | :: usein |
oftenly {adv} (often) SEE: often | :: |
of the century {prep} (most remarkable) | :: vuosisadan |
of the same stripe {prep} | :: samasta puusta veistetty |
of two minds {prep} (undecided or unsure) | :: kahden vaiheilla |
oganesson {n} /oʊ.ɡəˈnɛsɒn/ (chemical element with atomic number 118) | :: oganesson |
Oghuz {prop} /oʊˈɡuːz/ (Oghuz people) | :: eteläturkkilaiset kansat {p} |
ogive {n} /ˈoʊɡaɪv/ (curve of a cumulative function) | :: summakäyrä |
ogive {n} (Gothic pointed arch) | :: suippokaari |
ogive {n} (nose of a bullet, missle, or rocket) | :: suippokärki |
ogle {v} /ˈoʊɡəl/ (to stare flirtatiously) | :: tuijottaa |
ogle {n} (an impertinent, flirtatious, amorous or covetous stare) | :: tuijotus |
ogonek {n} /ˈoʊɡənɛk/ (diacritical mark) | :: ogonek, häntä |
ogre {n} /ˈoʊ.ɡɚ/ (brutish giant) | :: jättiläinen, jätti |
ogre {n} (brutish man) | :: raakalainen |
ogre {n} (large beast) | :: hirviö |
ogrish {adj} (resembling or pertaining to an ogre) | :: jättiläis- |
oh {interj} /oʊ/ (expression of surprise) | :: oi, oho |
oh {interj} (expression of understanding) | :: ai, aa |
oh dear {interj} (expression of dismay, concern, worry or disapproval) | :: voi ei, voi itku |
Ohio {prop} /oʊˈhaɪoʊ/ (U.S. state) | :: Ohio |
Ohio {prop} (river) | :: Ohio |
ohm {n} /oʊm/ (the derived unit of electrical resistance) | :: ohmi |
ohmage {n} (magnitude of electrical resistance) | :: ohmimäärä |
ohmic {adj} /ˈoʊmɪk/ (of or relating to ohms) | :: ohminen |
Ohm's law {prop} (Ohm's observation) | :: Ohmin laki |
oh my {interj} (good heavens) SEE: good heavens | :: |
oh my God {interj} (excitement or shock) | :: herranjestas, Herran pieksut, Luojan tähden, herranjumala, voi hyvä Luoja |
oh no {interj} (exclamation of alarm or concern) | :: voi ei |
oh well {interj} /ˈəʊ wɛl/ (expression of mild disappointment or resignation) | :: no jaa |
oi {interj} (exclamation to get attention) SEE: hey | :: |
-oid {suffix} /-ɔɪd/ (suffix meaning similar but not the same) | :: -oidi, -mainen |
oil {n} /ɔɪl/ (liquid fat) | :: öljy |
oil {n} (petroleum-based liquid) | :: öljy, raakaöljy, maaöljy |
oil {v} (lubricate with oil) | :: öljytä |
oil {v} (to grease with oil for cooking) | :: voidella, rasvata |
oil beetle {n} (beetle of the genus Meloe) | :: toukohärkä |
oilbird {n} (Steatornis caripensis) | :: rasvakehrääjä |
oil burner {n} (heating device) | :: öljypoltin |
oil cake {n} (solid residue) | :: öljykakku |
oil cake {n} (cake) | :: öljykakku |
oilcan {n} (container) | :: voitelukannu |
oil change {n} (process of changing oil) | :: öljynvaihto |
oilcloth {n} (fabric or cloth) | :: vahakangas |
oiler {n} (oil well) SEE: oil well | :: |
oiler {n} (ship) SEE: oil tanker | :: |
oil field {n} (area under which are reserves of petroleum) | :: öljykenttä |
oiliness {n} (quality of being oily) | :: öljyisyys |
oil lamp {n} (a simple vessel used to produce light) | :: öljylamppu, öljytuikku |
oil mill {n} (mill for crushing oil-bearing seeds) | :: öljymylly |
oil of mirbane {n} (nitrobenzene) | :: mirbanöljy |
oil of vitriol {n} (alternative name for "sulphuric acid") | :: vihtrilliöljy |
oil of wintergreen {n} (aromatic oil) | :: talvikkiöljy |
oil paint {n} (paint) | :: öljyväri, öljymaali |
oil painting {n} (art of painting with oil paints) | :: öljyvärimaalaus, öljymaalaus |
oil palm {n} (tree that produces palm oil) | :: öljypalmu |
oil pipeline {n} (oil pipeline) | :: öljyputki |
oil platform {n} (structure for oil) | :: öljynporauslautta |
oil refinery {n} (industrial process plant) | :: öljynjalostamo |
oil refining {n} (process) | :: öljynjalostus |
oil rig {n} (oil-drilling platform) | :: öljynporauslautta, öljylautta |
oil sand {n} (relatively loose sandstone or porous carbonate rock impregnated with bitumen) | :: öljyhiekka |
oil shale {n} (shale from which hydrocarbons can be produced) | :: öljyliuske |
oilskin {n} /ˈɔɪl.skɪn/ (cloth made from cotton treated to make it waterproof) | :: öljykangas |
oilskin {n} (raincoat made from treated cotton fabric) | :: öljykangastakki |
oilskin {n} (foul-weather gear worn by sailors) | :: purjehdusasu |
oil slick {n} (thin film of oil floating on the surface of water) | :: öljylautta |
oil spill {n} (oil spill) | :: öljyvuoto |
oil spot {n} (a spot consisting of oil) | :: öljyläikkä |
oil stove {n} (a stove for heating or cooking powered by paraffin/kerosene) | :: öljykamiina |
oil tanker {n} (Ship) | :: öljytankkeri |
oil well {n} (hole drilled into the earth from which petroleum is pumped) | :: öljylähde |
oily {adj} /ˈɔɪli/ (relating to oil) | :: öljyinen |
oily {adj} (covered with or containing oil) | :: öljyinen |
oily {adj} (excessively friendly or polite) | :: lipevä |
oink {interj} /ɔɪŋk/ (Representing the sound made by a pig) | :: röh, nöf |
oink {n} (sound made by a pig) | :: röhkäisy |
oink {v} (to oink) | :: röhkiä |
ointment {n} /ˈɔɪnt.mɪnt/ (viscous preparation, usually containing medication) | :: voide |
Ojibwe {prop} /əˈdʒɪbweɪ/ (Ojibwe (language)) | :: ojibwa |
Ojibwe {n} (member of Ojibwe people) | :: ojibwa |
OK {n} /ˌoʊˈkeɪ/ (endorsement; approval) | :: kuittaus, hyväksyntä, OK, okei |
OK {v} (approve) | :: hyväksyä |
OK {v} ((computing) activate the OK button) | :: hyväksyä |
OK {adj} (all right, permitted) | :: OK, okei |
OK {adj} (satisfactory) | :: okei |
OK {adj} (in good health or in a good emotional state) | :: okei |
OK {adv} (OK) | :: hyvin, okei |
OK {interj} (acknowledgement or acceptance) | :: okei, selvä |
OK {interj} (introduction of a sentence in order to draw attention) | :: okei, no iin |
OK {interj} (request in turn-taking) | :: okei, no niin |
okapi {n} /əʊˈkɑːpi/ (Large ruminant mammal) | :: okapi |
okara {n} /əʊˈkɑːɹə/ (food made from soybean pulp) | :: okara |
Okazaki fragment {n} (one of many newly synthesized DNA fragments formed on the lagging template strand during replication) | :: Okazakin fragmentti |
okey-dokey {interj} (variant of OK) | :: oukki-doukki |
Okinawa {prop} (prefecture) | :: Okinawa |
Okinawa {prop} (city) | :: Okinawa |
Okinawan {adj} (of or related to Okinawa) | :: okinawalainen |
Okinawan {n} (a person from Okinawa) | :: okinawalainen |
Okinawan {prop} (Okinawan language) | :: okinawa, okinawan kieli |
Oklahoma {prop} /ˌoʊk.ləˈhoʊ.mə/ (state) | :: Oklahoma |
okonomiyaki {n} (Japanese dish) | :: okonomiyaki |
OKR {n} (objectives and key results) | :: OKR, tavoitteet ja tuotokset {p}, tavoitteet ja avaintulokset {p} |
okra {n} /ˈoʊkɹə/ (edible capsules of A. esculentus) | :: okran kota |
okra {n} (A. esculentus) | :: okra |
okroshka {n} /əˈkɹɔʃkə/ (cold raw vegetable soup) | :: kaljakeitto |
okrug {n} (administrative division) | :: piirikunta |
okta {n} /ˈɒktə/ (one eighth of the area of the celestial dome) | :: kahdeksasosa |
Olaf {prop} /ˈoʊl.əf/ (male given name) | :: Olavi |
old {adj} /ˈoʊld/ (of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time) | :: vanha |
old {adj} (of a living being: having lived for relatively many years) | :: vanha |
old {adj} (former) | :: vanha, entinen |
old {adj} (having existed or lived for the specified time) | :: -vuotias, vanha, ikäinen |
old age {n} (latter part of life) | :: vanhuus |
Old Armenian {prop} (language) | :: muinaisarmenia, klassinen armenia |
old as the hills {adj} (extremely old) | :: vanha kuin taivas |
Old Believer {n} (believer in Orthodoxy as it was before reforms) | :: starovertsi, vanhauskoinen |
old boy {n} (alumnus) SEE: alumnus | :: |
Old Chinese {prop} (Chinese language) | :: muinaiskiina |
Old Church Slavonic {prop} (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language) | :: muinaiskirkkoslaavi |
Old Dutch {prop} (language) | :: muinaishollanti |
Old East Slavic {prop} (language) | :: muinaisvenäjä |
Old English {prop} (ancestor language of modern English) | :: muinaisenglanti |
Old English Sheepdog {n} (a breed of herding dog) | :: vanhaenglanninlammaskoira |
older adult {n} (an old person) SEE: senior citizen | :: |
older brother {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) | :: isoveli |
older sister {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) | :: isosisko |
older than dirt {adj} (old as the hills) SEE: old as the hills | :: |
old fart {n} (pejorative: elderly person) | :: kalkkis, vanha pieru, fossiili |
old-fashioned {adj} /oʊldˈfæʃənd/ (outdated or no longer in vogue) | :: vanhanaikainen |
old-fashioned {adj} (preferring the customs of earlier times) | :: vanhanaikainen |
old fogey {n} (old and over-conservative person) SEE: fogey | :: |
old folks' home {n} (nursing home) SEE: nursing home | :: |
Old French {prop} (French language from 9th to the early 14th century) | :: muinaisranska |
old-growth forest {n} (forest that has attained great age without significant disturbance) | :: aarniometsä |
old guard {n} (old guard) | :: vanha kaarti |
old hand {n} (experienced person at certain activity) | :: vanha tekijä, konkari |
old hat {n} (something very familiar) | :: peruskaura |
old hat {n} (vulva) | :: reva |
Old High German {prop} (Old High German) | :: muinaisyläsaksa |
old lady {n} (informal: elderly woman) | :: vanha rouva [respectfully]; muija, ämmä [less so]; vanhempi naishenkilö [of a stranger] |
old lady {n} (one's mother) | :: äitimuori |
old lady {n} (one's girlfriend, wife or significant other) | :: muija |
Old Low German {prop} (Old Saxon) SEE: Old Saxon | :: |
old maid {n} (periwinkle) SEE: periwinkle | :: |
old maid {n} (elderly unmarried woman) SEE: spinster | :: |
old maid {n} (zinnia) SEE: zinnia | :: |
old maid {n} (card game) | :: mustapekka, Pekka-peli |
old maid {n} (unpaired card) | :: Musta Pekka, Pekka |
Old Maid {n} (card game) | :: Pekka |
Old Maid {n} (card) | :: Pekka |
old man {n} (elderly man) | :: ukko, äijä, jäärä, vanha mies |
old man {n} (father (slang)) | :: faija, isäukko |
old man {n} (slang: husband, significant other) | :: ukko |
old money {n} (families that have been wealthy for generations) | :: vanha raha |
old moon {n} (phase of moon when it is waning) | :: alakuu |
old moon {n} (the moon when it is waning) | :: alakuu |
oldness {n} /əʊldnəs/ (state of being old) | :: vanhuus |
Old Norse {prop} (language of Scandinavia before 1400 CE) | :: muinaisskandinaavi, muinaisnorja |
old people's home {n} (nursing home) SEE: nursing home | :: |
old people's home {n} (retirement village) SEE: retirement village | :: |
Old Persian {prop} (Translations) | :: muinaispersia |
Old Prussian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Old Prussian language or people) | :: muinaispreussilainen |
Old Prussian {prop} (the Old Prussian language) | :: muinaispreussi |
old salt {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog | :: |
Old Saxon {n} (the Old Saxon language) | :: muinaisalasaksa, muinaissaksi |
Old Swedish {prop} (language) | :: muinaisruotsi |
Old Testament {prop} (first half of the Christian Bible) | :: Vanha testamentti |
old-timer {n} (one who has been around for a long time or has a great deal of experience) | :: veteraani |
old town {n} (older historical part of a town or city) | :: vanhakaupunki |
Old West {prop} (western part of the United States) | :: vanha länsi, villi länsi |
old wine in a new bottle {n} (existing concept or institution presented as if new) | :: vanhaa viiniä uudessa pullossa |
old wives' tale {n} (supposed truth that has been passed down by word of mouth) | :: huhupuhe, akkojen puhe |
old wives' tale {n} (rumour, myth or superstition) | :: harhaluulo, akkojen puhe |
old woman {n} (elderly woman) | :: akka |
old woman {n} (person who is always complaining) | :: ämmä |
Old World {prop} (The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia) | :: Vanha Maailma |
Old World flycatcher {n} (passerine bird in Muscicapidae) | :: sieppo |
Old World monkey {n} (primates falling in the superfamily Cercopithecoidea) | :: vanhan maailman häntäapina, häntäapina |
Old World vulture {n} (large scavenging bird) | :: korppikotka |
oleaginous {adj} /ˌoʊ.liˈædʒ.ɪ.nəs/ (oily, greasy) | :: öljyinen |
oleaginous {adj} (falsely or affectedly earnest; persuasively suave) | :: lipevä |
oleander {n} /ˌəʊlɪˈændə/ (A poisonous shrub) | :: oleanteri, oleanteripuu |
oleate {n} (salt or ester) | :: oleaatti |
olecranon {n} /oʊˈlɛkɹəˌnɑn/ (bony process) | :: kyynärlisäke |
oleum {n} (fuming sulfuric acid) | :: sumuava rikkihappo, savuava rikkihappo |
olfaction {n} (the sense of smell) | :: hajuaisti, haistaminen, haju |
olfactory {adj} /oʊlˈfæk.təɹ.i/ (concerning the sense of smell) | :: haju- |
olfactory nerve {n} (1st cranial nerve) | :: hajuhermo |
Olga {prop} (female given name) | :: Oili |
olifant {n} (type of horn) | :: olifantti |
oligarch {n} /ˈoʊlɪˌɡɑɹk/ (a member of an oligarchy) | :: oligarkki |
oligarchic {adj} (of or pertaining to oligarchy) | :: oligarkkinen |
oligarchy {n} /ˈɑːlɪˌɡɑɹki/ (Government by only a few) | :: harvainvalta, oligarkia |
oligarchy {n} (Those who make up an oligarchic government) | :: oligarkit, oligarkia, valtaeliitti |
oligarchy {n} (State ruled by such a government) | :: oligarkia, harvainvalta |
Oligocene {prop} (Oligocene epoch) | :: oligoseenikausi |
oligochaete {n} (worm of the class Oligochaeta) | :: harvasukasmato |
oligodeoxyribonucleotide {n} (oligonucleotide composed of deoxyribose monomers) | :: oligodeoksiribonukleotidi |
oligopoly {n} /ɑlɪˈɡɑpəli/ (economic condition) | :: oligopoli |
oligosaccharide {n} (polysaccharide of low molecular weight) | :: oligosakkaridi |
oligospermia {n} (low volume of semen) | :: oligospermia |
olingo {n} (small procyonid) | :: olingo |
olinguito {n} /oʊlɪŋˈɡitoʊ/ (mammal) | :: olinguito |
olive {n} /ˈɑlɪv/ (fruit) | :: oliivi |
olive {n} (wood) | :: oliivipuu |
olive {n} (colour) | :: oliivinvihreä |
olive {adj} (colour) | :: oliivinvihreä |
olive {n} (olive tree) SEE: olive tree | :: |
olive-backed pipit {n} (Anthus hodgsoni) | :: taigakirvinen |
olive-backed sunbird {n} (Cinnyris jugularis) | :: oliivimedestäjä |
olive branch {n} /ˈɒlɪv bɹɑːntʃ/ (branch of an olive tree as an emblem of peace) | :: oliivinoksa |
olive branch {n} (any symbol of peace) | :: oliivinoksa |
olive branch {n} (branch of an olive tree) | :: oliivinoksa |
olive grove {n} (cluster of olive trees) | :: oliivilehto |
olivenite {n} (mineral) | :: oliveniitti |
olive oil {n} (oil pressed from olives) | :: oliiviöljy |
Oliver {prop} /ˈɑlɪvɚ/ (male given name) | :: Oliver |
olive tree {n} (tree that produces olives) | :: oliivipuu, öljypuu |
Olivia {prop} /oʊˈlɪvi.ə/ (female given name) | :: Olivia |
Olivier salad {n} (traditional Russian salad of boiled vegetables with mayonnaise) | :: italiansalaatti |
olivine {n} /ˈɒlɪviːn/ (family of minerals forming orthorhombic crystals) | :: oliviini |
olla podrida {n} (miscellaneous assortment) SEE: hodgepodge | :: |
olm {n} /əʊlm/ (Proteus anguinus) | :: olmi |
Olmec {n} /ˈoʊlmɛk/ (member of an ancient pre-Columbian people) | :: olmeekki |
-ologist {suffix} (alternative spelling of -logist) | :: -ologi, -tieteilijä |
-ology {suffix} (branch of learning) | :: -ologia |
Olomouc Region {prop} (region in the Czech Republic) | :: Olomoucin lääni |
Olonets {n} (linguistic variety) | :: aunuksenkarjala, livvi |
Olonets {prop} (town) | :: Aunus |
Olympia {prop} (ancient city in Greece) | :: Olympia |
Olympia {prop} (capital of Washington) | :: Olympia |
Olympia {prop} (female given name) | :: Olympia |
Olympiad {n} /əˈlɪmpiæd/ (period of four years) | :: olympiadi |
Olympian {n} /əˈlɪm.pi.ən/ (principal god) | :: olympolainen |
Olympian {n} (from Olympia) | :: olympialainen |
Olympian {n} (athlete) | :: olympiaurheilija |
Olympic {adj} /oʊˈlɪm.pɪk/ (of or pertaining to the Olympic Games) | :: olympialainen, olympia- |
Olympic {adj} (of or pertaining to mountain Olympus) | :: olympolainen |
Olympic diving {n} (Olympic event) | :: uimahyppy |
Olympic flame {n} (symbol) | :: olympiatuli |
Olympic Games {prop} (international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival, see also: Olympics) | :: Olympialaiset, olympiakisat |
Olympic Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) | :: Olympicin niemi |
Olympic Rings {n} (symbol) | :: olympiarenkaat {p} |
Olympics {prop} (sport event, see also: Olympic Games) | :: olympiakisat {p} |
Olympic village {n} (area where participating athletes, as well as officials and trainers, are accommodated during the Olympic Games) | :: olympiakylä |
Olympic Winter Games {prop} (Olympic Winter Games) | :: talviolympialaiset {p} |
Olympus {prop} /əˈlɪmpəs/ (mountain) | :: Olympos |
-oma {suffix} (suffix forming nouns indicating disease or morbidity) | :: -ooma |
-oma {suffix} (suffix forming nouns indicating tumors or masses) | :: -ooma |
Omaha {prop} (Omaha hold 'em) SEE: Omaha hold 'em | :: |
Omaha hold 'em {prop} (variant of poker) | :: Omaha-pokeri |
omalizumab {n} (antibody) | :: omalitsumabi |
Oman {prop} /oʊˈmæn/ (country in the Middle East) | :: Oman |
Omani {n} (person from Oman or of Omani descent) | :: omanilainen |
Omani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Oman, the Omani people or the Omani language) | :: omanilainen |
omasum {n} (the third part of the stomach of a ruminant) | :: satakerta |
ombrotrophic {adj} (pertaining to ombrotrophy) | :: ombrotrofinen |
ombrotrophy {n} (state or condition) | :: ombrotrofia |
ombudsman {n} /ˈɑmbədzmən/ (official who investigates complaints) | :: oikeusasiamies, välimies |
omega {n} /oʊˈmɛɡə/ (letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: oomega |
omega {n} (the end; final or last in a sequence) | :: loppu, O |
omega {n} (angular velocity) SEE: angular velocity | :: |
omega-3 fatty acid {n} (any polyunsaturated fatty acid having a double bond) | :: omega-3-rasvahappo |
omega-6 fatty acid {n} (type of polyunsaturated fatty acid) | :: omega-6-rasvahappo |
omelette {n} /ˈɑm.lət/ (dish made with beaten eggs) | :: munakas, omeletti |
omen {n} /ˈoʊmən/ (something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding) | :: enne |
omen {n} (prophetic significance) | :: enne |
omentum {n} (fold of the peritoneum) | :: vatsapaita |
omertà {n} /oʊˈmɛɹtə/ (code of silence amongst members of the Mafia or other criminal organization) | :: omertà, vaikenemisen laki |
omicron {n} /ˈɑm.ɪ.ˌkɹɑn/ (Greek letter) | :: omikron |
ominous {adj} /ˈɒmɪnəs/ (of or pertaining to an omen or to omens; being or exhibiting an omen) | :: enteellinen |
ominous {adj} (giving indication of a coming ill) | :: pahaenteinen, uhkaava |
ominously {adv} (in an ominous manner) | :: pahaenteisesti, enteellisesti |
omission {n} /oʊˈmɪʃən/ (the act of omitting) | :: sivuuttaminen, välttäminen, väistäminen, pois jättäminen |
omission {n} (the act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do) | :: laiminlyönti |
omission {n} (something deleted or left out) | :: poisto, puute |
omission {n} (something not done or neglected) | :: laiminlyönti |
omit {v} /oʊˈmɪt/ (to leave out or exclude) | :: jättää pois |
omit {v} (to fail to perform) | :: olla tekemättä, jättää tekemättä |
omit {v} (to neglect or take no notice of) | :: ohittaa, jättää huomiotta |
ommatidium {n} /ɒməˈtɪdɪəm/ (substructure of the eye) | :: ommatidi |
omni- {prefix} (all) | :: kaikki- |
omnibus {n} /ˈɒmnɪbəs/ (vehicle) | :: linja-auto |
omnibus {adj} (containing multiple items) | :: kertaus, yhteenveto, kaikki jaksot |
omnifarious {adj} (of all forms) | :: kaikenlainen |
omnipotence {n} (unlimited power) | :: kaikkivoipaisuus |
omnipotent {adj} /ɒmˈnɪpətənt/ (having unlimited power, force or authority) | :: kaikkivoipa, kaikkivaltias |
Omnipotent {prop} (God) | :: Kaikkivaltias |
omnipresence {n} (the ability to be at all places at the same time) | :: omnipresenssi |
omnipresent {adj} /ɒmnɪˈpɹɛzn̩t/ (being everywhere) | :: omnipresentti, kaikkialla läsnä oleva, ubiikki |
omniscience {n} /ɑmˈnɪʃəns/ (capacity to know everything) | :: kaikkitietävyys |
omniscient {adj} /ɒmˈnɪsɪənt/ (having total knowledge) | :: kaikkitietävä |
omnium-gatherum {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge | :: |
omnivore {n} (animal eating both plants and meat) | :: kaikkiruokainen |
omnivorous {adj} (having the ability to eat both animal and vegetable food) | :: kaikkiruokainen |
om nom nom {interj} (sound made while relishing food) | :: nam-nam |
omophorion {n} (vestment) | :: omofori |
omphacite {n} (mineral) | :: omfasiitti |
Omsk {prop} (large city in Russia) | :: Omsk |
on {adj} (in the state of being active, functioning or operating) | :: päällä, -lla, -llä [adessive case] |
on {adj} (destined) | :: [no equivalent translation] olla menoa |
on {adv} (to an operating state) | :: päälle |
on {adv} (continuing an action) | :: edelleen |
on {adv} (along, forwards (continuing an action)) | :: edelleen |
on {adv} (cricket: in, or towards the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs) | :: on-puolella |
on {prep} (positioned at the upper surface of) | :: päällä |
on {prep} (covering) | :: päällä, yllä |
on {prep} (at the date of) | :: -na, -nä [essive case] |
on {prep} (some time during the day of) | :: -na, -nä [essive case] |
on {prep} (dealing with the subject of) | :: -sta, -stä [elative case] |
on {prep} (touching; hanging from) | :: -lla, -llä [adessive case] |
on {prep} (math:having V as both domain and codomain) | :: -lle [allative case]; -lla, -llä [adessive case] |
on {prep} (math:having Vn as domain and V as codomain) | :: -lle [allative case]; -lla, -llä [adessive case] |
on {prep} (because of, or due to something) | :: takia, vuoksi, -sta, -stä [elative case], perusteella, johdosta, seurauksena |
on {prep} (paid for by) | :: [not applicable; different structures used] |
on {prep} (used to indicate means or medium) | :: [use the inessive and adessive cases] |
on account of {prep} (because of, owing to) | :: takia, vuoksi, johdosta |
on a first-name basis {adv} (having enough familiarity with another person to call them by their first name) | :: sinutella [to call by first name] |
onager {n} /ˈɒnədʒə/ (Asiatic wild ass or hemione) | :: onageri, puoliaasi [obsolete] |
onager {n} (military engine) | :: onageri |
on air {prep} (transmitting live) | :: lähetyksessä; lähettää [to be on air]; lähetys käynnissä [when used alone or with olla] |
on all fours {adv} (on hands and knees) | :: nelinkontin, kontallaan |
on and on {adv} (continuously and tediously) | :: aina vain |
onanism {n} /ˈoʊnəˌnɪzəm/ (masturbation) | :: onania |
on average {prep} (as a measure of central tendency) | :: keskimäärin |
on average {prep} (usually) | :: yleensä, tyypillisesti, keskimäärin |
on a whim {prep} (without thinking seriously about the consequences) | :: hetken mielijohteesta |
on base {prep} (baseball) | :: pesällä |
on-base percentage {n} (baseball) | :: pesällepääsyprosentti |
on behalf of {prep} (speaking or acting for) | :: puolesta, nimissä |
on board {adv} (aboard) SEE: aboard | :: |
on board {adj} (on or in a means of transportation) | :: kyydissä |
onboard {adj} /ɑnˈbɔɹd/ (carried or used on or in a vehicle or vessel) | :: laivassa, autossa, junassa [inessive of vehicle or vessel] |
onboard {adj} (being a part of) | :: mukana |
onboard {adv} (on a vehicle) SEE: on board | :: |
on call {prep} (available to be summoned) | :: päivystää |
once {adv} /wʌn(t)s/ (one and only one time) | :: kerran |
once {adv} (formerly) | :: kerran, ennen (vanhaan) |
once {conj} (as soon as) | :: kunhan |
once {adv} (as soon as) SEE: as soon as | :: |
once again {adv} (one more time) | :: jälleen, taas kerran, jälleen kerran, uudelleen, uudestaan, taaskin, kerran vielä |
once and for all {adv} (Finally, permanently, conclusively) | :: lopullisesti |
once bitten, twice shy {proverb} (one is cautious in the future if hurt in the past) | :: Siperia opettaa |
once in a blue moon {adv} /wʌns ɪn ə bluː muːn/ (very rarely) | :: todella harvoin |
once in a while {adv} (occasionally) | :: ajoittain, silloin tällöin |
once more {adv} (one more time) SEE: once again | :: |
once or twice {phrase} (a small, indefinite number of times) | :: pari kertaa |
once upon a time {adv} /ˈwʌns.əˈpɒn.əˈtaɪ̯m/ (traditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales) | :: olipa kerran, olipa kerran kauan sitten |
oncilla {n} /ɒnˈsiː.ə/ (Leopardus tigrinus) | :: onsilla, tiikerikissa |
oncocytoma {n} (benign tumor composed of oncocytes) | :: onkosytooma |
oncogenicity {n} (state or degree) | :: onkogeenisuus |
oncologically {adv} (with regard to oncology) | :: onkologisesti |
oncologist {n} /ɒŋˈkɒlədʒɪst/ (one who specialises in oncology) | :: onkologi, syöpään erikoistunut lääkäri |
oncology {n} /ɒŋˈkɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine) | :: onkologia |
oncoming {n} (approach) | :: lähestyminen |
oncoming {adj} (approaching) | :: lähestyvä; vastaantuleva [from opposite direction] |
on demand {prep} (when needed or required) | :: vaadittaessa, tarvittaessa |
one {pron} /wʌn/ (impersonal pronoun) | :: does not exist, other passive structures used |
one {pron} (indefinite personal pronoun) | :: does not exist, often omitted but e.g. ihminen may be used instead |
one {n} (neutral element in multiplication) | :: ykkönen, yksi |
one {n} (digit or figure) | :: ykkönen |
one {n} (dollar bill) | :: dollarin seteli |
one {adj} (of a period of time) | :: eräänä |
one {adj} (a single, unspecified thing) | :: eräs, yksi |
one {adj} (sole, only) | :: ainoa |
one {adj} (whole, entire) | :: yksi |
one {adj} (in agreement) | :: yhtä mieltä |
one {adj} (the same) | :: yksi |
one {adj} (being a preeminent example) | :: kunnon |
one {adj} (being an unknown person with the specified name) | :: eräs |
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: first | :: |
-one {suffix} (ketone) | :: -oni |
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: number one | :: |
one {num} (cardinal number 1) | :: yksi |
one after another {adv} (in single file) | :: yksi toisensa jälkeen |
one and a half {num} (one and a half) | :: puolitoista |
one another {pron} (idiomatic, reciprocal pronoun) | :: toisensa |
one-armed {adj} (having only one arm) | :: yksikätinen |
one-armed bandit {n} (gaming machine) | :: yksikätinen rosvo |
on earth {prep} (expletive giving emphasis after interrogative word) | :: ihme, kumma |
one brick short of a full load {adj} (not mentally sound; insane) | :: joku ruuvi löysällä |
one by one {adv} (individually) | :: yksitellen |
one-child policy {n} (a policy of population control) | :: yhden lapsen politiikka |
one day {adv} (at unspecified time in the future) | :: jonakin päivänä, lähipäivinä, joskus |
one day {adv} (at unspecified time in the past) | :: eräänä päivänä |
on edge {prep} (tense, nervous with fear) | :: rauhaton, kireä |
one-dimensional {adj} (having length, but no width, height or depth) | :: yksiulotteinen |
one-eyed {adj} (having only a single eye) | :: yksisilmäinen |
one fell swoop {n} (one stroke; one action or event with many results) | :: yhdellä iskulla, kertaheitolla |
Onega {prop} (a lake in Russia) | :: Ääninen, Äänisjärvi |
one good turn deserves another {proverb} (one act of kindness should be paid back by another act of kindness) | :: hyvät teot palkitaan |
one-hit wonder {n} (musical performer) | :: yhden hitin ihme |
one-hit wonder {n} (person or group known for achieving only a single major accomplishment) | :: yhden hitin ihme |
one-horse town {n} (very small town) | :: kyläpahanen |
one hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) SEE: hundred | :: |
one hundred and one {num} (one hundred plus one, see also: one hundred one) | :: satayksi |
one hundred and one {n} (figure 101) | :: satayksi |
one hundred million {num} (number 100,000,000) | :: sata miljoonaa |
one hundred one {num} (101, see also: one hundred and one) | :: satayksi |
one in a million {n} | :: yksi miljoonasta |
oneiric {adj} /oʊ.ˈnaɪ.ɹɪk/ (of or pertaining to dreams) | :: uni-, oneirinen |
oneiric {adj} (resembling a dream; dreamlike) SEE: dreamlike | :: |
oneirocritic {n} /oʊˌnaɪ.ɹəˈkɹɪt.ɪk/ (interpreter of dreams) | :: unien tulkitsija |
oneirocritic {adj} (of the interpretation of dreams) | :: (part of compound) unitulkinta- |
oneirologist {n} (interpreter of dreams) | :: unien tutkija |
oneirology {n} (the study of dreams) | :: oneirologia |
oneiromancy {n} /əˈnaɪɹəˌmænsi/ (divination by the interpretation of dreams) | :: oneiromantia, unien selittäminen |
oneironaut {n} /oʊˈnaɪɹoʊnɔt/ (explorer of dream worlds) | :: unimatkailija |
one-legged {adj} /ˈwʌnˌlɛɡəd/ (having only one leg) | :: yksijalkainen |
one man and his dog {n} (almost nobody; very few people) | :: ani harva |
one-man band {n} (musician who plays several musical instruments) | :: yhden miehen orkesteri |
one-man band {n} (organisation or business run by one person) | :: yhden miehen show |
one man's trash is another man's treasure {proverb} | :: yhden roska on toisen aarre |
one million {num} (cardinal number 1000000) SEE: million | :: |
one moment, please {phrase} (one moment please) | :: hetkinen, olkaa hyvä |
oneness {n} (state of being undivided) | :: ykseys |
one-night stand {n} (theatrical) | :: yksittäisnäytös |
one-night stand {n} (sexual encounter) | :: yhden yön juttu, hoito |
one-night stand {n} (either of the two partners) | :: yhden yön juttu |
one o'clock {n} (the start of the second hour) | :: yksi (see also kello) |
one of a kind {n} (unique specimen) | :: yksittäiskappale, ainoa laatuaan |
one-of-a-kind {n} (one of a kind) SEE: one of a kind | :: |
one-off {adj} (occurring once; one-time) | :: kertakaikkinen, kerta- |
one of these days {adv} (one day) | :: jonakin päivänä, lähipäivinä |
one of those things {n} (unfortunate but unavoidable event) | :: huonoa tuuria |
one's {pron} /wʌnz/ (belonging to one) | :: -nsa, -nsä, -an, -än |
one's bark is worse than one's bite {phrase} (one acts in a threatening way but is relatively harmless) | :: haukkuva koira ei pure |
ones' complement {n} (number) | :: yhden komplementti, 1-komplementti |
ones' complement {n} (convention) | :: yhden komplementti |
one's days are numbered {phrase} (some period of time is coming to an end) | :: päivät ovat luetut |
oneself {pron} /wʌnˈsɛlf/ | :: itsensä |
one's heart in one's mouth {n} (to be very scared (idiom)) | :: sydän kurkussa |
one-shot {adj} (occurring only once) | :: ainutkertainen |
one-sided {adj} (partial or biased in favour of one faction) | :: puolueellinen |
one-sided {adj} (with one competitor dominant over the other) | :: yksipuolinen |
one-sided {adj} (out of proportion or lopsided) | :: yksipuolinen, toispuolinen |
one-sided {adj} (having only one side) | :: yksipuolinen |
one-sidedness {n} (state of being one-sidedness) | :: puolueellisuus, yksipuolisuus |
onesie {n} /ˈwʌn.zi/ (baby garment) | :: potkupuku |
onesie {n} (adult jumpsuit) | :: haalari |
one's lips are sealed {phrase} (I won't tell anyone) | :: huuleni ovat sinetöidyt |
one-stop shop {n} (the only place or institution one needs) | :: palvelupiste |
one swallow does not a summer make {proverb} (one instance of an event does not necessarily indicate a trend) | :: ei yksi pääsky kesää tee |
one third {num} | :: kolmasosa |
one thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) SEE: thousand | :: |
one-time {adj} (of or pertaining to a specific time in the past) | :: entinen |
one-time {adj} (occurring only on one occasion) | :: ainutkertainen |
one too many {n} ((idiomatic) one or more servings too many of alcohol) | :: yhden juoman liikaa |
one-track mind {n} (obsessed mind) | :: putkiaivo |
one up {v} (do something slightly better than a competitor) | :: pistää paremmaksi |
on everyone's lips {prep} | :: kaikkien huulilla |
one-way {adj} (allowing movement in only one direction) | :: yksisuuntainen |
one-way {adj} (allowing travel in only one direction) | :: yksisuuntainen |
one-way mirror {n} (mirror that is transparent on one side) | :: puoliläpäisevä peili |
one way or another {adv} (somehow, but certainly) | :: tavalla tai toisella |
one-way street {n} (road in which traffic is only allowed to proceed in one direction) | :: yksisuuntainen katu |
one-way ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back) | :: menolippu, yksisuuntainen lippu |
on fire {prep} (being burned by fire) | :: tulessa |
on foot {prep} (walking, jogging, running) | :: jalan, jalkaisin |
ongoing {adj} (continuing, permanent) | :: jatkuva |
ongoing {adj} (presently or currently happening; being in progress) | :: meneillään oleva |
ongoing {n} (something that is going on) | :: tapahtuma |
on hand {prep} (available) | :: käytettävissä, saatavilla, käsillä |
on heat {prep} (in estrus) | :: kiimassa |
on hold {prep} (on reserve) | :: varattuna, varalla |
on ice {prep} /ɒn ˈaɪs/ (not being used; temporarily unavailable or suspended) | :: jäissä, jäihin |
on ice {prep} (performed by ice skaters as an ice show) | :: jäällä, jää- |
onigiri {n} (Japanese rice ball) | :: onigiri |
oniomania {n} /əʊnɪə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/ (abnormal impulse to buy things) | :: ostohimo, ostosriippuvuus |
oniomaniac {n} /ˌəʊniəʊˈmeɪniæk/ (sufferer of oniomania) | :: ostosriippuvainen |
onion {n} /ˈʌnjən/ (Allium cepa) | :: keltasipuli, sipuli |
onion {n} (bulb) | :: sipuli |
onion {n} (genus) | :: sipulit {p}, laukat {p} |
onion dome {n} (onion-shaped dome) | :: sipulikupoli |
onion fly {n} (Delia antiqua) | :: sipulikärpänen |
onion grass {n} (Allium vineale) | :: hietalaukka |
onion grass {n} (plant of the genus Melica) | :: helmikkä |
onion ring {n} (food) | :: sipulirengas |
onion seed {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella | :: |
onion smut {n} (disease) | :: sipulinnoki |
onion smut {n} (fungus) | :: sipulinnoki |
oniony {adj} (resembling onion) | :: sipulinen; sipulin makuinen [tasting like onion]; sipulin tuoksuinen [smelling like onion] |
on its merits {prep} (considering vital points) | :: omien ansioiden perusteella |
online {adj} /ˈɒnˌlaɪn/ (connected to a network) | :: verkossa, online [computer]; seinässä [small electric appliance], verkossa [electric machinery]; kytkettynä [coupled, generally] |
online {adj} (available over the Internet) | :: verkko- |
online {adj} (connected to the Internet) | :: verkossa, netissä |
online {adj} (available on a computer system) | :: online |
online {adj} (of a system that is active) | :: päällä [power]; toiminnassa [factory etc.] |
online {adv} (performed over Internet) | :: verkossa, verkko-, online- |
online banking {n} (e-banking) SEE: e-banking | :: |
onlooker {n} (spectator, bystander) SEE: spectator | :: |
only {adj} /ˈoʊ (alone in a category) | :: ainoa, ainut |
only {adj} (without sibling) | :: ainoa |
only {adj} (singularly superior; the best) | :: ainutlaatuinen |
only {adv} (without others or anything further; exclusively) | :: vain, ainoastaan |
only {adv} (no more than) | :: edes, vain |
only {adv} (as recently as) | :: vasta, juuri, vain |
only {conj} (but) | :: mutta, jos, sillä ehdolla, että |
only {conj} (however) | :: mutta |
only {conj} (except) | :: mutta, paitsi että |
only {n} (only child) SEE: only child | :: |
only child {n} (person who has no siblings) | :: ainokainen, ainoa lapsi |
only daughter {n} (sole female child) | :: ainoa tytär |
only if {conj} (not unless) | :: vain, jos |
only son {n} (sole male child) | :: ainoa poika |
on no account {prep} (under no circumstances) SEE: under no circumstances | :: |
on offer {prep} (for sale at a reduced price) | :: tarjouksessa |
on offer {prep} (available to take) | :: tarjolla |
onomasiologically {adv} (in an onomasiological manner or context) | :: nimitysopillisesti, onomasiologisesti |
onomasiologist {n} | :: onomasiologi |
onomasiology {n} (branch of lexicology) | :: nimitysoppi, onomasiologia |
onomastics {n} /ˌɑː.noʊˈmæs.tɪks/ (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names) | :: nimistöntutkimus |
onomatopoeia {n} /ˌɑnəˌmætəˈpiːə/ (property of a word of sounding like what it represents) | :: onomatopoeettisuus, onomatopoesia |
onomatopoeia {n} (word that sounds like what it represents) | :: onomatopoeettinen sana |
onomatopoeic {adj} /ˌɒnəmætəˈpiːɪk/ (of or relating to onomatopoeia) | :: onomatopoeettinen |
onomatopoeic {adj} (having the property of onomatopoeia) | :: onomatopoeettinen |
onomatopoetic {adj} (concerning onomatopoeia) SEE: onomatopoeic | :: |
on one's conscience {prep} | :: omallatunnollaan |
on one's deathbed {prep} (close to death (idiomatic)) | :: kuolinvuoteellaan |
on one's feet {prep} (standing up) | :: jalkeilla |
on one's feet {prep} (healthy) | :: jalkeilla |
on one's feet {prep} (in satisfactory condition) | :: jaloillaan |
on one's guard {prep} (to be vigilant) | :: varuillaan |
on one's high horse {prep} (self-righteous) | :: hyveellinen |
on one's knees {adj} (At the mercy of someone) | :: polvillaan |
on one's last legs {prep} (about to die) | :: haudan partaalla |
on one's own {prep} (alone; by oneself; without the companionship or assistance of others) | :: omillaan, itse, omatoimisesti, itsekseen |
on one's own account {prep} (at one's own risk) SEE: at one's own risk | :: |
on one's toes {prep} (attentive, active, busy) | :: varpaillaan |
on purpose {prep} (purposely, with intention) | :: tarkoituksella, tahallisesti, tahallaan, tarkoituksellisesti |
on-ramp {n} (roadway segment) | :: liittymiskaista |
onrush {n} /ˈɒnˌɹʌʃ/ (forceful rush) | :: ryntäys, rynnistys, rynnäkkö |
onrush {n} (aggressive assault) | :: päällekarkaus |
onrush {v} (rush forcefully) | :: rynnätä, rynnistää, rynnäköidä |
onrush {v} (assault aggressively) | :: käydä kimppuun |
on sale {prep} (available for purchase) | :: myytävänä, myynnissä |
on sale {prep} (available for purchase at reduced prices) | :: tarjouksessa |
on second thought {prep} (then again) SEE: then again | :: |
onsen {n} (a Japanese hot spring; a Japanese-style resort hotel at a hot spring) | :: onsen |
onset {n} /ˈɔnˌsɛt/ (rushing or setting upon) | :: hyökkäys |
onset {n} (medicine: initial phase of a disease or condition) | :: puhkeaminen |
onset {n} (phonology: initial portion of a syllable) | :: aluke |
onset {n} (acoustics: beginning of a musical note) | :: aluke |
on site {prep} (at a job site) | :: asiakkaan tiloissa; asennuspaikalla, työmaalla |
onslaught {n} /ˈɒnslɔːt/ (fierce attack) | :: hyökkäys, päällekarkaus, rynnäkkö |
onslaught {n} (large quantity of people or things resembling an attack) | :: ryntäys |
onslaughter {n} (onslaught) SEE: onslaught | :: |
on someone's mind {prep} (preoccupying someone) | :: olla jonkun mielessä |
Ontario {prop} /ˌɑn.ˈtɛə.ɹi.oʊ/ (Lake between Ontario province and New York State, see also: Lake Ontario) | :: Ontariojärvi |
Ontario {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) | :: Ontario |
on television {prep} (broadcast through television) | :: televisiossa |
on the air {prep} (in the process of recording or broadcasting) SEE: on air | :: |
on the air {prep} (being broadcast) | :: ohjelmistossa |
on the back burner {prep} (not immediate) | :: hautumassa, hyllyllä |
on the brink of {prep} (very near to) | :: partaalla |
on the cheap {prep} (too economically) | :: halvalla |
on the contrary {prep} (opposite) | :: päinvastoin, kun taas, pikemminkin, toisin, sitä vastoin |
on the double {prep} (rapidly or immediately) | :: tuplavauhtia |
on the edge of one's seat {prep} (in suspense) | :: jännityksessä |
on the face of it {prep} (as far as can be seen or determined) | :: päällisin puolin, ensi katsomalta, ulkonaisesti, pintapuolisesti |
on the fly {adv} ((baseball, of the ball) Without a bounce) | :: lennosta |
on the fly {adv} ((idiomatic) spontaneously or extemporaneously) | :: lennosta |
on the game {adj} (working as a prostitute (euphemism)) | :: alalla |
on the go {prep} (actively traveling) | :: menossa, liikkeellä |
on the go {prep} (started) | :: työn alla |
on the hoof {prep} (whilst standing) | :: seisten, seisaaltaan |
on the hoof {prep} (informal: without proper thought or preparation) | :: lonkalta, näppituntumalla, hatusta |
on the line {prep} (on the telephone) | :: linjalla |
on the line {prep} (sports:on a line marked on field or court) | :: viivalla, linjalla |
on the loose {prep} (not in captivity) | :: valloillaan, karkuteillä, vapaalla jalalla |
on the nail {prep} | :: välittömästi, hetimmiten |
on the one hand {prep} (from one point of view) | :: yhtäältä |
on the other hand {prep} (from another point of view) | :: toisaalta |
on the point of {prep} (very near to) | :: -pisteessä, fifth infinitive of the verb, see: tekemäisillään |
on the right track {prep} | :: oikeilla raiteilla, oikeilla jäljillä |
on the rocks {prep} (poured over ice) | :: jäillä |
on the rocks {prep} (in a bad state) | :: kivillä, karilla |
on the ropes {adj} (leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring, as when exhausted and nearing defeat or collapse) | :: köysissä, nojaamassa köysiin |
on the ropes {adj} (showing signs of imminent failure or collapse) | :: pulassa, toivottamassa jamassa |
on the run {prep} (fleeing) | :: vapaalla jalalla, karkuteillä |
on the safe side {prep} (on the safe side) | :: varmuuden vuoksi |
on the same wavelength {prep} (in rapport) | :: samalla aaltopituudella |
on the sly {adv} (slyly, in an inconspicuous manner, so as not to be seen; secretly; stealthily) | :: vaivihkaa, salaa |
on the spot {prep} (at the very moment) | :: siinä paikassa, saman tien |
on the spot {prep} (having to answer or decide without warning) | :: tiukille |
on the spot {prep} (in the right place at the moment) | :: paikalla, paikan päällä |
on the street {prep} (without a home) | :: kadulla, pihalla, kartanolla |
on the tip of one's tongue {prep} (known but not quite remembered) | :: kielen päällä |
on the verge of {prep} (almost at the beginning) | :: vähällä; see also: tekemäisillään |
on the warpath {prep} (very angry or upset) | :: sotajalalla |
on the way {prep} (coming) | :: tulossa, tiedossa |
on the way {adv} (whilst travelling) | :: matkalla |
on the whole {prep} (for the most part) | :: kokonaisuutena |
on the wrong track {prep} | :: väärillä raiteilla |
on thin ice {adv} (at risk) | :: heikolla jäällä |
on this side of {prep} (on this side of) | :: tällä puolen |
on time {adv} (punctually) | :: ajallaan, ajassa |
on time {adv} (by installments) | :: vähittäismaksulla |
on time {adv} (by running out of time) | :: ajalla |
on tiptoe {prep} (moving carefully) | :: varpaisillaan |
onto {prep} /ˈɑn.tu/ (upon; on top of) | :: -lle [allative case]; [+ genitive] päälle |
onto {adj} (surjective) SEE: surjective | :: |
ontogenesis {n} (arising or development of an individual organism) | :: yksilönkehitys, ontogeneesi |
ontogeny {n} /ɒnˈtɒdʒəni/ (development of an individual organism) | :: yksilönkehitys, ontogenia |
ontologically {adv} (ontological manner) | :: ontologisesti |
ontology {n} /ɒnˈtɒləd͡ʒi/ (study of being) | :: ontologia |
ontology {n} (system model in computer science) | :: ontologia |
on top of {prep} (in addition) | :: lisäksi, päälle |
on top of {prep} (informed and in control, up to speed) | :: hallinnassa, vauhdissa |
on top of {prep} (atop) SEE: atop | :: |
on trend {adj} (having characteristics which conform to current fashion trends) | :: trendikäs |
onus probandi {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) SEE: burden of proof | :: |
onward {adv} /ˈɒnwəd/ (In a forward direction) | :: eteenpäin, [archaic] eespäin |
onycha {n} (the operculum of certain gastropods used formerly as a drug) | :: suitsutuskynsi [biblical], kotilonkuori [biblical] |
onychogryphosis {n} (hypertrophy of the nails) | :: onykogryfoosi |
onychomycosis {n} /ˌɒnɪkəʊmaɪˈkəʊsɪs/ (fungal infection of nail) | :: kynsisieni |
onychosis {n} | :: onykoosi |
on your mark, get set, go {phrase} (three-command start of racing) | :: paikoillanne, valmiina, nyt [has different variations] |
on your marks {interj} (Interjection used to start a race, followed by "Get set, go!" or "Set, go!".) | :: paikoillanne |
onyx {n} /ˈɒnɪks/ (a banded variety of chalcedony) | :: onyksi |
oocyte {n} /ˈoʊ.oʊ.saɪt/ (cell that develops into egg or ovum) | :: ovosyytti, oosyytti |
oofless {adj} (poor) SEE: poor | :: |
oogenesis {n} | :: oogeneesi |
ooh {interj} /uː/ (expressing surprise) | :: oho, oo, ooh |
ooh {interj} (expressing awe) | :: oho, oo, ooh |
ooh {interj} (imitating ghost) | :: huu, böö |
ooh {interj} (expressing affection) | :: ooh, oo |
ooid {n} (seafloor grain) | :: ooliitti |
ooid {adj} (egg-shaped) | :: munanmuotoinen |
oolite {n} /ˈəʊəlʌɪt/ (geology: rock of spherical grains) | :: ooliittinen mineraali |
oolite {n} (ooid or olith) | :: ooliitti |
oolith {n} /ˈəʊəlɪθ/ (spherical granule of mineral material) | :: ooliitti |
oology {n} /əʊˈɒlədʒi/ (study of birds' eggs) | :: oologia |
oolong {n} (oolong tea) SEE: oolong tea | :: |
oolong tea {n} (type of tea) | :: oolong-tee |
Oompa Loompa {n} /ˈuːmpə ˈluːmpə/ | :: Umppa-Lumppa |
oophorectomy {n} /ˌəʊəfəˈɹɛktəmi/ (surgical removal of ovaries) | :: ooforektomia |
oophoritis {n} (inflammation of the ovaries) | :: ooforiitti |
oops {interj} /uːps/ (acknowledging a minor mistake) | :: ups, oho, hups, upsista, hupsis, hupsista |
oops {interj} (used sarcastically to acknowledge a major mistake) | :: ups, oho |
oops {v} (to blunder) SEE: blunder | :: |
Oort Cloud {prop} (cloud of comets in the Solar System) | :: Oortin pilvi |
ootheca {n} /əʊəˈθiːkə/ (egg case of orthopteroid insects) | :: munapussi, munasäkki |
ooze {v} /uːz/ (to secrete or slowly leak) | :: erittää [secrete], tihkua [slowly leak] |
ooze {v} (to give off a sense of (something)) | :: huokua, uhkua |
OP {n} ((internet) original poster) | :: AP |
opacity {n} /oʊˈpæsɪtiː/ (state of being opaque; blocking light) | :: läpikuultamattomuus, läpinäkymättömyys |
opacity {n} (measure of relative opaqueness) | :: läpikuultamattomuus, läpinäkymättömyys |
opal {n} /ˈoʊpəl/ (a mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity) | :: opaali |
opalescent {adj} /oʊpəlɛsənt/ (exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an opal) | :: opaalinhohtoinen, opaalinen |
opal glass {n} (opaque glass) | :: opaalilasi |
opaline {n} (resembling opal in its iridescence) | :: opaliini |
opalize {v} (to convert into form of opal or chalcedony) | :: kivettyä |
opalize {v} (to make opalescent) | :: opalisoida [transitive], opalisoitua [intransitive] |
opaque {adj} /oʊˈpeɪk/ (hindering light to pass through) | :: läpinäkymätön, läpikuultamaton |
op art {n} (genre of abstract art) | :: op-taide |
op-ed {n} /ˈɒpˌɛd/ (newspaper page containing signed articles) | :: mielipidesivu |
op-ed {adj} (containing signed articles) | :: mielipide- |
open {adj} /ˈoʊ.pən/ (not closed) | :: avoin, avonainen, auki [adverb] |
open {adj} (prepared to conduct business) | :: avoinna, auki [adverbs] |
open {adj} (receptive) | :: avoin |
open {adj} (public) | :: avoin |
open {adj} (candid) | :: avoin |
open {adj} (math: having a free variable) | :: avoin |
open {adj} (computing: in current use) | :: avoin |
open {adj} (business: not fulfilled) | :: avoin |
open {adj} (music: without any fingers pressing the string against the fingerboard) | :: avoin |
open {v} (to make something accessible) | :: avata |
open {v} (to bring up (a topic)) | :: avata |
open {v} (to make accessible to customers) | :: avata |
open {v} (to start (a campaign)) | :: aloittaa |
open {v} (to become open) | :: aueta, avautua |
open {v} (to begin conducting business) | :: aueta |
open {v} (poker: to bet before any other player) | :: avata |
open {v} (poker: to reveal one's hand) | :: näyttää |
open {v} (computing: to load into memory) | :: avata |
open {n} (open space) | :: aukea |
open {n} (public knowledge; (to bring into) the open) | :: julkisuus |
open {n} (broken wire) | :: katkos |
open {n} (sports event) | :: avoimet |
open air {n} (the outside) | :: ulkoilma |
open-air {adj} (taking place outdoors) | :: ulko-, ulkoilma- |
open-air museum {n} (outdoor museum) | :: ulkomuseo, ulkoilmamuseo |
openbill {n} /ˈəʊpn̩.bɪl/ (bird of the genus Anastomus) | :: rakonokka |
open book {n} (thing easily interpreted) | :: avoin kirja |
open book {n} (person naively honest or open) | :: avoin kirja |
open book {n} (mathematics) SEE: open book decomposition | :: |
open-book {adj} (referring to certain exams) | :: aineisto-, see aineistokoe |
open book decomposition {n} (manifold decomposition) | :: avoin kirja |
open cluster {n} (large spherical star cluster) | :: avoin tähtijoukko |
open day {n} (casual event where an institution is open for inspection by anyone interested) | :: avoimet ovet {p} |
open-ended {adj} (unrestricted by definite limits) | :: toistaiseksi voimassa oleva [contract etc.], avoin, vapaa |
open-ended {adj} (adaptable to change) | :: avoin |
open-ended {adj} (permitting unstructured response) | :: avoin, vapaasti vastattava |
open-ended contract {n} | :: vakituinen sopimus, vakinainen sopimus |
open ended straight draw {n} (poker: four cards to a straight, open in both ends) | :: avoin neljän suora |
opener {n} (bottle opener) SEE: bottle opener | :: |
opener {n} /ˈəʊpənə/ (device that opens something) | :: avaaja |
opener {n} (player who starts the betting) | :: pelinavaaja |
opener {n} (openers: cards of sufficient value to enable a player to open the betting) | :: avauskortti |
opener {n} (first act in a variety show) | :: avausnumero |
opener {n} (batsman who normally plays in the first two positions of an innings) | :: pelinavaaja |
opener {n} (first in a series of events) | :: avaus |
opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
open-eyed {adj} (alert and vigilant) | :: avokatseinen |
open fire {v} (to begin firing at something or someone) | :: avata tuli |
open fire {n} (uncovered fire) | :: avotuli |
open-hearted {adj} (frank) | :: avosydäminen |
open-hearted {adj} (generous and kind) | :: hyväsydäminen |
open-hearted {adj} (emotionally receptive) | :: sydämellinen |
open-heartedly {adv} (frankly, honestly and sincerely) | :: avomielisesti, avosydämin |
open-heartedly {adv} (kindly and generously) | :: hyväsydämisesti |
open-heartedly {adv} (receptively) | :: sydämellisesti |
open-heartedness {n} (frankness; candor and sincerity) | :: avomielisyys, avosydämisyys |
open-heartedness {n} (generosity and kindness) | :: hyväsydämisyys |
open-heartedness {n} (receptivity) | :: sydämellisyys |
open-heart surgery {n} | :: avosydänleikkaus |
open house {n} (house open to callers) | :: avointen ovien talo |
open house {n} (event at home open to many) | :: avoimet ovet |
open house {n} (event where a facility or institution is open to the public for inspection or tour) | :: avoimet ovet, avointen ovien päivä |
open house {n} ([chiefly US, Australian] time when a house for sale is open for inspection) | :: näyttö, asuntonäyttö |
open house {n} ([US] casual school event to which the school invites parents or guardians) | :: vanhempaintilaisuus |
opening {n} /ˈoʊ.pənɪŋ/ (act or instance of making or becoming open) | :: avaaminen, avautuminen |
opening {n} (something that is open) | :: aukko, reikä, kolo, rako |
opening {n} (act or instance of beginning) | :: avaus, aloitus |
opening {n} (beginning) | :: alku |
opening {n} (first performance of a show or play by a particular troupe) | :: ensi-ilta |
opening {n} (initial period an art gallery or museum is first opened) | :: avajaiset {p} |
opening {n} (first few bars of a musical composition) | :: alku, avaus |
opening {n} (first few moves in a game of chess) | :: avaus |
opening {n} (vacant position, in an array) | :: aukko, tyhjä paikka |
opening {n} (time available in a schedule) | :: aukko |
opening {n} (unoccupied employment position) | :: avoin paikka |
opening {n} (opportunity) | :: paikka, tilaisuus, mahdollisuus |
opening argument {n} (statement) | :: avauspuheenvuoro |
opening batsman {n} (first batsman) | :: avauslyöjä |
opening ceremony {n} (ceremony to mark the official opening of a building or event) | :: avajaiset, avajaisseremonia |
opening credits {n} (credits shown at the beginning) | :: alkutekstit {p} |
opening hours {n} (the regular times of day when a shop is open) | :: aukioloaika |
opening of an envelope {n} (event) | :: kissanristiäiset |
opening speech {n} (statement made at the beginning) | :: avauspuhe |
opening statement {n} (statement) | :: avauspuheenvuoro |
opening time {n} (time) | :: avaamisaika, aukeamisaika |
open letter {n} (published letter) | :: avoin kirje |
openly {adv} /ˈoʊpənli/ (in an open manner, visibly, not covertly) | :: avoimesti, julkisesti |
open market {n} (competitive market where buyers and sellers can operate without restrictions) | :: avoin markkina |
open marriage {n} (type of marital relationship) | :: avoin avioliitto |
open-mid {adj} (open-mid) | :: puoliväljä |
open-minded {adj} (willing to consider new ideas) | :: ennakkoluuloton, avaramielinen |
open-mindedness {n} (characteristic) | :: ennakkoluulottomuus, avaramielisyys |
open-mouthed {adj} (talkative) | :: löyhäsuinen, hölösuinen, avosuinen |
open-mouthed {adj} (with the mouth open) | :: avosuinen |
open-mouthed {adj} (gaping in surprise etc.) | :: avosuinen |
openness {n} (accommodating attitude or opinion) | :: avoimuus |
openness {n} (degree to this attitude is exhibited) | :: avoimuus |
openness {n} (lack of secrecy, transparency) | :: avoimuus, läpinäkyvyys |
openness {n} (computing: degree of accessibility) | :: avoimuus |
openness {n} (systems theory: degree to which exchange occurs) | :: avoimuus |
open one's big mouth {v} (speak when it would be better to stay silent) | :: avata suuri suunsa |
open one's legs {v} | :: levittää jalkansa |
open-pit mine {n} (mine with an open pit or burrow) | :: avolouhos |
open relationship {n} (the relationship with possible additional relationships) | :: avoin suhde |
open sandwich {n} (slice of bread with toppings) | :: voileipä |
open sea {n} (part of the sea) | :: avomeri, aava, aava meri, selkämeri, ulappa, ulkomeri |
open sesame {phrase} (open up) | :: seesam aukene |
open sesame {n} (successful means of achieving a result) | :: taikasana, [archaic] seesam |
open source {n} (practice) | :: avoin lähdekoodi |
open source {n} (software) | :: avoin lähdekoodi |
open source {v} (the practice of providing open source code for a product) | :: avata lähdekoodi |
open source {v} (open-source software in general) | :: avata lähdekoodi |
open syllable {n} (open syllable) | :: avotavu |
open the ball {v} (begin operations) | :: pistää pyörät pyörimään, aloittaa |
open water {n} (expanse of open sea) | :: avovesi, ulappa, selkä |
open water {n} (unobstructed water surface) | :: avovesi |
open water {n} (water not covered by ice) | :: avovesi |
openwork {n} /ˈoʊpənwɝk/ (metalwork or needlework having decorative openings) | :: reikätyö |
opera {n} /ˈɑ.pəɹ.ə/ (theatrical work) | :: ooppera |
opera {n} (score) | :: ooppera |
opera {n} (building) | :: oopperatalo |
operability {n} (extent of being operable) | :: toimivuus |
opera glass {n} (opera glasses) SEE: opera glasses | :: |
opera glasses {n} (small binoculars) | :: teatterikiikari |
opera house {n} (theatre for opera) | :: oopperatalo |
operand {n} /ˈɑpəˌɹænd/ (quantity to which an operator is applied) | :: operandi, laskettava |
operant conditioning {n} (a technique of behavior modification) | :: operantti ehdollistaminen |
opera singer {n} (someone who sings opera professionally) | :: oopperalaulaja |
operate {v} /ˈɒpəɹeɪt/ (to perform a work or labour) | :: tehdä, toimia, suorittaa |
operate {v} (to produce a physical effect) | :: toimia, tehota |
operate {v} (to produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power) | :: vaikuttaa |
operate {v} (medicine) | :: leikata, operoida |
operate {v} (to deal in stocks) | :: operoida |
operate {v} (to produce, as an effect; to cause) | :: aiheuttaa |
operate {v} (to operate a machine) | :: käyttää |
operating room {n} (room in a hospital used for performing surgical operations) | :: leikkaussali |
operating room table {n} (operating table) SEE: operating table | :: |
operating system {n} /ˈɒpəˌɹeɪtɪŋ ˌsɪstəm/ (software which controls computer) | :: käyttöjärjestelmä |
operating table {n} (table on which a patient lies during a surgical operation) | :: leikkauspöytä |
operating theatre {n} (room in a hospital used for performing surgery) | :: leikkaussali |
operating time {n} (time interval between input/request for service and completion of task) | :: käyttöaika, toiminta-aika |
operation {n} /ˌɑpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (method by which a device performs its function) | :: toiminta |
operation {n} (method or practice by which actions are done) | :: toiminta |
operation {n} (surgical procedure) | :: leikkaus, operaatio |
operation {n} (procedure for generating a value from one or more other values) | :: laskutoimitus, operaatio |
operation {n} (military campaign) | :: operaatio |
operational {adj} (of or relating to operations, especially military operations) | :: operatiivinen |
operational {adj} (functioning and ready for use) | :: toimiva, toimintakuntoinen, toimintakykyinen |
operational {adj} (effective or operative) | :: toimiva |
operational {adj} (determined by means of practical measures) | :: käytännöllinen |
operationalism {n} (philosophy) | :: operationalismi |
operations research {n} (application of scientific methods and techniques to problems of decision making) | :: operaatioanalyysi |
operative {adj} (effectual) | :: vaikuttava |
operative {adj} (functional) | :: toimiva |
operative {n} (employee with some particular function or skill) | :: asiamies |
operative {n} (participant in an operation) | :: toimija |
operator {n} /ˈɑpəˌɹeɪɾɚ/ (one who operates) | :: toimija, operaattori; käyttäjä, koneenkäyttäjä [machine operator], kuljettaja [lit. driver]; liikennöitsijä [transportation] |
operator {n} (telecommunications operator) | :: operaattori, teleoperaattori; keskuksenhoitaja, vaihteenhoitaja |
operator {n} (mathematical operator) | :: operaattori |
operator {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers | :: |
operculum {n} ((zoology) covering flap in animals) | :: kiduskansi [in fish] |
operetta {n} (lighter version of opera) | :: operetti |
ophicleide {n} | :: ofikleidi |
ophidian {n} /oʊˈfɪdi.ən/ (one of the Serpentes) | :: käärme |
ophidian {adj} (of or pertaining to Serpentes) | :: käärmemäinen |
ophiology {n} (the study of snakes) | :: käärmeoppi |
Ophiuchus {prop} /ˌoʊfiˈjukəs/ (zodiacal constellation of the northern summer) | :: Käärmeenkantaja |
ophthalmia {n} /ɒfˈθælmiə/ (ophthalmitis) | :: oftalmia |
ophthalmitis {n} (severe conjunctivitis) | :: silmätulehdus |
ophthalmologically {adv} (with reference to ophthalmology) | :: silmätautiopillisesti, oftalmologisesti |
ophthalmologist {n} /ˌɒf.θælˈmɒ.lə.dʒɪst/ (eye specialist) | :: silmälääkäri |
ophthalmology {n} /ˌɒfθəlˈmɒlədʒi/ (eye medicine) | :: silmätautioppi, oftalmologia |
ophthalmoscope {n} (instrument for examining the interior of the eye) | :: silmäntähystin, oftalmoskooppi |
opiate {n} /ˈəʊpi.ət/ (drug, hormone or other substance derived from or related to opium) | :: opiaatti |
opine {v} /ə(ʊ)ˈpaɪn/ (to have or express an opinion) | :: esittää mielipiteenään [express], olla jotakin mieltä [have], nähdä |
opine {v} (to state as an opinion) | :: esittää mielipiteenään |
opinion {n} /əˈpɪnjən/ (thought a person has formed about a topic) | :: mielipide, näkemys |
opinion {n} (EU: A judicial opinion by an Advocate General delivered to the European Court of Justice) | :: ratkaisuehdotus |
opinion {v} (opine) SEE: opine | :: |
opinionated {adj} (holding very strong opinions) | :: kärkevä, jyrkkä |
opinionated {adj} (obstinately holding to one's opinion) | :: itsepäinen, besserwisser |
opinionmaker {n} | :: mielipidevaikuttaja |
opinion poll {n} (poll) | :: mielipidekysely, mielipidemittaus |
opioid {n} /ˈəʊpiɔɪd/ (substance that has effects similar to opium) | :: opioidi |
opioid {n} (natural substance) | :: opioidi |
opioid {n} (synthetic compound) | :: opioidi |
opium {n} /ˈoʊpi.əm/ (drug from opium poppy) | :: oopiumi |
opium {n} (anything that numbs or stupefies) | :: oopiumi |
opium poppy {n} (Papaver somniferum) | :: oopiumiunikko |
Opium War {prop} (First Opium War or the Second Opium War) | :: oopiumisota |
opopanax {n} /əˈpɒpənaks/ (gum from the root of Opopanax chironium or what is equal) | :: opoponaksi |
opossum {n} /əˈpɑsəm/ (marsupial of the Didelphidae) | :: opossumi |
opponent {n} /ɒpəʊnənt/ (one who opposes another) | :: vastustaja |
opponent {n} (one who opposes another physically) | :: vastustaja |
opponent {n} (one who opposes another in words) | :: vastustaja, vastaväittäjä, opponentti [examiner in a thesis defense] |
opponent {n} (one who objects to a policy, etc.) | :: vastustaja, vastaehdokas [opposing candidate] |
opportunely {adv} /ˌɑ.pɚˈ (in a manner suitable for some particular purpose) | :: sopivasti, sattuvasti |
opportunely {adv} (in a manner convenient or advantageous at some particular time) | :: sopivasti, sattuvasti |
opportunism {n} (the taking of opportunities) | :: opportunismi |
opportunist {n} (someone who takes advantage of any opportunity) | :: opportunisti |
opportunity {n} /ˌɒp.əˈtjuː.nɪ.tɪ/ (chance for advancement, progress or profit) | :: tilaisuus, mahdollisuus |
opportunity {n} (favorable circumstance or occasion) | :: tilaisuus |
opportunity cost {n} (cost of something in terms of an opportunity forgone) | :: vaihtoehtoiskustannus |
oppose {v} /əˈpoʊz/ (to attempt to stop the progression of; to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc.) | :: vastustaa |
oppose {v} (to object to) | :: vastustaa |
opposed {adj} /əˈpoʊzd/ (acting in opposition; opposing) | :: vastustava |
opposed {adj} (being, of having an opponent; not unopposed) | :: vastustettu |
opposite {adj} /ˈɑp(ə)sɪt/ (located directly across from) | :: vastapäinen |
opposite {adj} (facing the other way) | :: vastakkainen |
opposite {adj} (of complementary or mutually exclusive things) | :: vastakkainen |
opposite {n} (contrary thing) | :: vastakohta |
opposite {n} (opponent) | :: vastustaja, vastaväittäjä, opponentti |
opposite {n} (antonym) | :: antonyymi, vastakohta |
opposite {adv} (in an opposite position) | :: vastapäätä |
opposite {prep} (across from) | :: vastapäätä |
opposite {prep} (in a complementary role to) | :: vastanäyttelijänä [noun usage, see fi entry] |
opposite angle {n} (either of the angles directly opposite to each other when two lines intersect in a plane) SEE: vertical angle | :: |
opposite sex {n} (the other gender to which one is referring) | :: vastakkainen sukupuoli |
opposition {n} /ɑpəˈzɪʃn̩/ (action of opposing; being in conflict) | :: vastustus, vastarinta [action]; oppositioasema, vastaisuus [being] |
opposition {n} (opposite or contrasting position) | :: vastapuoli [opposing party]; vastakkainen mielipide [contrasting opinion] |
opposition {n} (astronomy) | :: oppositio |
opposition {n} (politics: party or movement opposed to government) | :: oppositio |
opposition {n} (legal: proceeding to prevent registration of a trademark or patent) | :: kiistäminen |
opposition {n} (chess) | :: oppositio |
oppositionist {n} (a person who opposes; especially a member of an official opposition) | :: vastustaja |
oppress {v} /əˈpɹɛs/ (keep down by unjust force) | :: sortaa, alistaa |
oppress {v} (to make sad or gloomy) | :: painaa + genitive + mieltä, ahdistaa, masentaa |
oppressed {adj} /əˈpɹɛst/ (Subject to oppression) | :: sorrettu |
oppression {n} /əˈpɹɛʃən/ (act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed) | :: sorto |
oppression {n} (exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner) | :: sortaminen |
oppressive {adj} /əˈpɹɛs.ɪv/ (burdensome or difficult to bear) | :: raskas |
oppressive {adj} (tyrannical or exercising unjust power) | :: sortava, sorto- |
oppressive {adj} (overpowering or overwhelming) | :: tukahduttava |
oppressive {adj} (weather: hot and humid) | :: painostava |
oppressor {n} (someone who oppresses others) | :: sortaja |
op shop {n} (thrift shop) SEE: thrift shop | :: |
opt {v} /ɒpt/ (to choose) | :: päättää, valita |
optative {n} /ˈɒptətɪv/ (optative) | :: optatiivi |
optical {adj} /ˈɒptɪkəl/ (designed to assist or enhance sight) | :: optinen |
optical {adj} (relating to visible light) | :: optinen |
optical {adj} (incorporating light-sensitive devices) | :: optinen |
optical character recognition {n} (electronic identification and digital encoding of characters) | :: tekstintunnistus |
optical disc {n} (data storage medium) | :: optinen levy |
optical fibre {n} (fibre used for transmitting light) | :: valokuitu |
optical illusion {n} (image that is visually deceptive or misleading) | :: optinen harha, näköharha |
optically active {adj} (exhibiting optical activity) | :: optisesti aktiivinen |
optical telescope {n} (instrument which provides a magnified view of distant objects) | :: optinen teleskooppi |
optic chiasm {n} (part of the brain) | :: näköhermoristi |
optician {n} (a person who makes or sells lenses, spectacles) | :: optikko |
optic nerve {n} (nerve) | :: näköhermo |
optics {n} /ˈɒptɪks/ (physics of light and vision) | :: optiikka, valo-oppi |
optimal {adj} /ˈɑptɪməl/ (the best) | :: optimaalinen |
optimism {n} /ˈɑptɪmɪzəm/ (a tendency to expect the best) | :: optimismi |
optimism {n} (the doctrine that this world is the best of all possible worlds) | :: optimismi |
optimism {n} (the belief that good will eventually triumph over evil) | :: optimismi |
optimist {n} /ˈɑptɪmɪst/ (a person who expects a favourable outcome) | :: optimisti |
optimist {n} (a small centre-board sailing dinghy) | :: optimistijolla |
optimistic {adj} /ˌɑptɪˈmɪstɪk/ (expecting a good outcome) | :: optimistinen |
optimistic {adj} (computing) | :: optimistinen |
optimization {n} (the design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense) | :: optimointi |
optimize {v} /ˈɑptɪmaɪz/ (to make (something) optimal) | :: optimoida |
optimize {v} (to make (something) more efficient) | :: optimoida, tehostaa |
optimize {v} (to become optimal) | :: optimoida |
option {n} /ˈɑpʃən/ (one of the choices that can be made) | :: vaihtoehto |
option {n} (freedom or right to choose) | :: valinnanvapaus |
option {n} (financial product) | :: optio |
option {n} (one of the choices that can be made by a user) | :: vaihtoehto, valinta |
optional {adj} (not compulsory) | :: valinnainen |
option button {n} (radio button) SEE: radio button | :: |
optometric {adj} (of or pertaining to optometry) | :: optometrinen |
optometrist {n} /ɑpˈtɑmətɹɪst/ (person trained in examining and testing the eyes for defects) | :: optometristi |
optometry {n} (art and science of vision and eye care) | :: optometria |
opt out {v} (To choose not to participate in something) | :: jättää väliin, jättäytyä pois |
opulence {n} (wealth) | :: vauraus |
opulence {n} (abundance) | :: ylenpalttisuus |
opulent {adj} (luxuriant) | :: ylellinen |
opulent {adj} (rich) | :: vauras, tuhlaileva |
opuntia {n} (Genus of flower) | :: opuntia |
opus {n} (a work of music or set of works with a specified rank) | :: opus |
opus {n} (a work, especially of art) | :: teos |
or {conj} /ɔɹ/ (conjunction) | :: tai [inclusive in question clauses]; vai [exclusive, only in question clauses] |
or {n} (gold or yellow tincture) | :: kulta |
or {adj} (of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms) | :: kultainen |
OR {n} (logic: (noun sense)) | :: TAI |
orach {n} (saltbush) SEE: saltbush | :: |
oracle {n} /ˈɔɹəkəl/ (shrine to prophetic deity) | :: oraakkeli |
oracle bone {n} (piece of turtle shell or bone used for divination) | :: oraakkeliluu |
oracle bone script {n} (incised ancient Chinese characters found on oracle bones) | :: oraakkeliluukirjoitus |
oracle machine {n} (theoretical machine) | :: oraakkelikone |
oracular {adj} /ɔˈɹæk.ju.lɚ/ (of or relating to an oracle) | :: oraakkelimainen |
oracular {adj} (prophetic, foretelling the future) | :: oraakkelimainen |
oracular {adj} (ambiguous, hard to interpret) | :: oraakkelimainen |
oracularly {adv} (in an oracular manner) | :: oraakkelimaisesti |
oral {adj} /ˈɔɹəl/ (relating to the mouth) | :: suu-, suun, oraalinen |
oral {adj} (spoken) | :: suullinen |
oral candidiasis {n} (condition) | :: sammas |
oral cavity {n} (medical term for the mouth) | :: suuontelo |
oral gratification {n} (Freudian psychology: satisfaction felt in infancy when the need for mother's breast is fulfilled) | :: oraalinen mielihyvä |
oral history {n} (collection and study of orally transferred historical information) | :: suullinen historia |
oral history {n} (oral tradition) SEE: oral tradition | :: |
oral hygiene {n} (keeping the mouth clean) | :: suuhygienia |
oral lore {n} (oral tradition) SEE: oral tradition | :: |
orally {adv} /ˈɔːɹəli/ (by mouth) | :: suun kautta |
orally {adv} (spoken) | :: suullisesti |
oral sex {n} (stimulation of the genitals using the mouth) | :: suuseksi, oraaliseksi |
oral stage {n} | :: oraalivaihe |
oral test {n} (oral test at a regular class in primary or secondary school) | :: suullinen koe, suullinen |
oral tradition {n} (cultural material transmitted orally from one generation to another) | :: suullinen perinne |
orange {n} /ˈɑɹɪ̈nd͡ʒ/ (tree) | :: appelsiinipuu |
orange {n} (fruit) | :: appelsiini |
orange {n} (colour) | :: oranssi |
orange {adj} (having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree) | :: oranssi |
Orange {prop} (Orange River) SEE: Orange River | :: |
orangeade {n} /ˈɒ.ɹɪn.ˌdʒeɪd/ (orange-flavored soft drink) | :: appelsiinijuoma; appelsiinilimonadi [soda] |
orangeade {n} (soda water and orange juice) | :: appelsiinisooda |
orange blossom {n} (white flower of the orange tree) | :: appelsiininkukka |
Orange Free State {prop} (former province of South Africa) | :: Oranjen vapaavaltio |
Orange GGN {n} (orange azo dye) | :: oranssi GGN, lisäaine E111 |
orange juice {n} (juice of squeezed oranges) | :: appelsiinimehu, appelsiinitäysmehu |
Orange-Nassau {prop} (royal house or family of the Netherlands) | :: Orania-Nassau-suku |
Orange-Nassau {prop} (Principality of Orange-Nassau) | :: Orania-Nassau |
orangeness {n} (quality) | :: oranssisuus, oranssius |
Orange Order {prop} (organization) | :: oranialaisveljeskunta |
Orange River {prop} (longest river in South Africa) | :: Oranjejoki |
orange tree {n} | :: appelsiinipuu |
orangutan {n} /əˈɹæŋ.əˌtæn/ (arboreal anthropoid ape) | :: oranki |
orant {n} (image) | :: adorantti |
orate {v} /ˈɔɹ.eɪt/ (to speak formally; to give a speech) | :: puhua, pitää puhe |
orate {v} (to speak passionately; to preach) | :: saarnata, paasata |
oration {n} /ɔɹˈeɪʃən/ (formal speech) | :: juhlapuhe |
orator {n} /ˈɒ.ɹə.tə(ɹ)/ (someone who orates or delivers an oration) | :: puhuja |
oratory {n} (eloquence) SEE: eloquence | :: |
oratory {n} /ˈɔ.ɹə.tɔ.ɹi/ (art of public speaking) | :: puhetaito |
orature {n} (small room or chapel used for prayer and worship, or for private study) SEE: oratory | :: |
orb {n} (period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body) SEE: year | :: |
orb {n} (circle) SEE: circle | :: |
orb {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit | :: |
orb {n} /oɹb/ (spherical body) | :: pallo |
orb {n} (mythology: transparent sphere carrying the heavenly bodies) | :: sfääri |
orb {n} (poetic: a revolving circular body; a wheel) | :: pyörä |
orb {n} (sphere of action) | :: ympyrät {p} |
orb {n} (monarch's ceremonial sphere) SEE: globus cruciger | :: |
orbicular {adj} /ɔɹˈbɪk.ju.lɚ/ (circular or spherical in shape) | :: kehämäinen |
orbit {n} /ˈɔː(ɹ)bɪt/ (path of one object around another) | :: kiertorata, rata |
orbit {n} (sphere of influence) | :: vaikutuspiiri |
orbit {n} (course of usual progression) | :: reitti |
orbit {n} (wave-like function) | :: orbitaali |
orbit {v} (circle another object) | :: kiertää |
orbit {v} (move around the general vicinity of) | :: ympäröidä |
orbit {v} (place an object into an orbit) | :: viedä radalleen |
orbit {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket | :: |
orbital cavity {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket | :: |
orbiton {n} (quasiparticle) | :: orbitoni |
orc {n} /ɔɹk/ (evil monstrous humanoid creature) | :: örkki |
orc {n} (Orcinus orca) SEE: orca | :: |
orca {n} /ˈɔɹkə/ (Orcinus orca) | :: miekkavalas |
orchard {n} /ˈɔː.tʃəd/ (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees) | :: hedelmätarha, hedelmäpuutarha |
orchard {n} (the trees in an orchard) | :: hedelmäpuut |
orchestra {n} /ˈɔɹkəstɹə/ (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments) | :: orkesteri |
orchestra {n} (semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in Ancient theatres) | :: orkestra, orkesteri |
orchestra {n} (the area in a theatre or concert hall where the musicians sit) | :: orkesterimonttu |
orchestral {adj} /ˌɔɹˈkɛstɹəl/ (relating to an orchestra) | :: orkestraalinen |
orchestrate {v} /ˈɔɹ.kəstˌɹeɪt/ (to arrange or score music for performance by an orchestra) | :: soitintaa |
orchestrate {v} (to compose or arrange orchestral music for a dramatic performance) | :: säveltää [to compose], sovittaa [to arrange] |
orchestrate {v} (to arrange or direct diverse elements to achieve a desired effect) | :: järjestää, organisoida |
orchestration {n} (arrangement of music for an orchestra) | :: orkesterisovitus, soitinnus, orkestraatio, orkestrointi |
orchestration {n} (composition that has been orchestrated) | :: orkesterisovitus, orkestraatio |
orchestration {n} (control of diverse elements) | :: orkestrointi |
orchid {n} /ˈɔɹ.kɪd/ (plant) | :: kämmekkä, orkidea |
orchidology {n} (study of orchids) | :: orkideologia |
orchiectomy {n} (removal of testicles) | :: orkidektomia |
ordeal {n} /ɔɹˈdil/ (a painful or trying experience) | :: koettelemus |
order {n} /ˈɔɹdɚ/ (arrangement, disposition) | :: järjestys |
order {n} (good arrangement) | :: järjestys |
order {n} (command) | :: käsky, komento |
order {n} (request for some product or service) | :: tilaus |
order {n} (religious group) | :: veljeskunta, lahko |
order {n} (society of knights) | :: ritarikunta |
order {n} (awarded decoration) | :: kunniamerkki |
order {n} (biology: taxonomical classification) | :: lahko |
order {n} (a rank; a row; a grade; esp. a rank or class in society; a distinct character, kind, or sort) | :: taso |
order {n} (cricket: sequence in which a side’s batsmen bat) | :: lyöntijärjestys |
order {n} (electronics: power of polynomial function in a circuit’s block) | :: aste |
order {n} (chemistry: a number of a chemical reaction) | :: kertaluku |
order {n} (graph theory: number of vertices in a graph) | :: aste |
order {n} (partially ordered set) | :: osittain järjestetty joukko |
order {n} (relation on a partially ordered set) | :: järjestysrelaatio, järjestys |
order {n} (highest exponent in a polynomial) | :: aste |
order {v} (to set in (any) order) | :: järjestää |
order {v} (to set in (a good) order) | :: järjestää |
order {v} (to issue a command) | :: käskeä, määrätä |
order {v} (to request some product or service) | :: tilata |
order book {n} | :: tilauskirja |
ordered pair {n} (in set theory) | :: järjestetty pari |
orderly {adj} /ˈɔɹdɚli/ (neat; tidy; possessing order) | :: järjestynyt |
orderly {n} (hospital attendant given a variety of non-medical duties) | :: sairaala-apulainen |
orderly {n} (soldier who carries out minor tasks for a superior officer) | :: sotilaspalvelija |
Order of Australia {prop} (order of chivalry) | :: Australian ritarikunta |
order of business {n} (task which needs to be completed) | :: tehtävä |
order of business {n} (sequence in which tasks need to be completed) | :: suoritusjärjestys, työjärjestys, työohjelma |
order of knighthood {n} (order) | :: ritarikunta |
order of magnitude {n} (class of scale) | :: suuruusluokka, kertaluokka |
order of operations {n} (a sequence) | :: laskujärjestys |
order of succession {n} (formula of succession) | :: perimysjärjestys, kruununperimysjärjestys |
order type {n} (characteristic of being a member of an equivalence class of ordered sets) | :: järjestystyyppi |
ordinal {adj} /ˈɔːɹd.nəl/ (indicating position in a numerical sequence) | :: ordinaalinen |
ordinal {adj} (taxonomy: of or relating to orders) | :: lahkon, lahko- |
ordinal {n} (ordinal number, see also: ordinal number) | :: ordinaali, ordinaalilukusana [word]; ordinaaliluku [number], järjestysluku |
ordinal {n} (book) | :: ordinaali |
ordinal direction {n} (intercardinal direction) SEE: intercardinal direction | :: |
ordinal number {n} (grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence) | :: järjestyslukusana, ordinaalilukusana |
ordinal number {n} (arithmetic: number used to denote position in a sequence) | :: järjestysluku, ordinaaliluku |
ordinal number {n} (generalized kind of number to denote the length of a well-order on a set) | :: ordinaali |
ordinal variable {n} (variable) | :: järjestysasteikollinen muuttuja |
ordinary {n} /ˈɔɹdɪnɛɹi/ (standard geometric design in heraldics) | :: airutkuvio |
ordinary {adj} (normal, routine) | :: tavallinen |
ordinary differential equation {n} (equation) | :: tavallinen differentiaaliyhtälö |
ordinary seaman {n} (lowest grade of seaman) | :: puolimatruusi |
ordinate {n} /ˈɔːɹ.dənɪt/ (y coordinate; second of two coordinates) | :: ordinaatta |
ordnance {n} /ˈɔɹdnəns/ (military equipment) | :: taisteluväline; sotamateriaali, sotatarvike |
ordnance {n} (arms and ammunition) | :: ampumatarvikkeet |
ordnance {n} (artillery) | :: tykistö |
Ordovician {prop} (Ordovician period) | :: ordoviikkikausi |
ordure {n} (dirt, filth) SEE: dirt | :: |
ore {n} /ɔɹ/ (rock that contains materials that can be economically extracted and processed) | :: malmi |
oregano {n} /ɒɹɪˈɡɑːnəʊ/ (plant) | :: mäkimeirami |
oregano {n} (leaves used to flavour food) | :: oregano |
Oregon {prop} /ˈɔɹɪɡən/ (northwestern state of the United States of America) | :: Oregon |
Oregon grape {n} (Mahonia aquifolium) | :: mahonia |
or else {phrase} (as an alternative) | :: tai muuten |
Orenburg {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Orenburg |
Oresund {prop} /ˈɜːsʊnd/ (strait) | :: Juutinrauma |
Oresund Bridge {prop} /ˌɜːsʊnd ˈbɹɪdʒ/ (bridge) | :: Juutinrauman silta |
orfe {n} (Leuciscus idus) SEE: ide | :: |
organ {n} /ˈɔɹ.ɡən/ (part of an organism) | :: elin |
organ {n} (body of an organization) | :: toimielin, elin |
organ {n} (musical instrument) | :: urut {p} |
organ {n} (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication) | :: äänenkannattaja |
organ {n} (species of cactus) | :: urkupillikaktus [taxonomic name also used] |
organ {n} (words derived from "organ" and meaning "penis") | :: elin |
organ donation {n} (donating one's organ) | :: elintenluovutus, elimenluovutus |
organ donor {n} (person from whom an organ is removed) | :: elimenluovuttaja, elintenluovuttaja |
organelle {n} /ˌɔɹ.ɡənˈɛl/ (a membrane bound compartment found within cells) | :: soluelin |
organ gun {n} (firearm) | :: tuiskupyssy, urkupyssy |
organ harvesting {n} (removal of human organs) | :: elinsiirtotoiminta |
organic {adj} /ɔɹˈɡænɪk/ (pertaining to, or derived from living organisms) | :: orgaaninen, eloperäinen |
organic {adj} (pertaining to an organ) | :: elimellinen, elin- |
organic {adj} (chemistry: relating to the compounds of carbon) | :: orgaaninen |
organic {adj} (of food and food products: grown without agrichemicals) | :: luomu-, luonnonmukainen |
organic {n} (organic compound) SEE: organic compound | :: |
organic chemistry {n} (chemistry of carbon containing compounds) | :: orgaaninen kemia |
organic compound {n} (carbon containing covalent compound) | :: orgaaninen yhdiste |
organic farming {n} (approach to farming based on biological methods) | :: luomuviljely |
organic intellectual {n} (member of a social class) | :: orgaaninen intellektuelli |
organic matter {n} (organic matter) | :: orgaaninen aine, eloperäinen aine |
organigram {n} (representation of a structure or organization) | :: organisaatiokaavio |
organise {v} (organize) SEE: organize | :: |
organised {adj} (organized) SEE: organized | :: |
organism {n} /ˈɔɹ.ɡən.ɪ.zəm/ (living thing) | :: eliö, organismi |
organism {n} (any complex thing with properties normally associated with living things.) | :: organismi |
organist {n} (musician who plays the organ) | :: urkuri |
organization {n} /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (quality of being organized) | :: järjestäytyminen, organisoituminen; järjestys |
organization {n} (the way in which something is organized) | :: rakenne, jäsentely |
organization {n} (group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules) | :: järjestö, organisaatio |
organization {n} (group of people consciously cooperating) | :: järjestö |
organizational {adj} (of an organization) | :: organisatorinen, organisaatio-, järjestelmällinen, järjestelmä- |
organizational {adj} (relating to the action of organizing something) | :: organisointi-, organisatorinen |
organizational crime {n} (type of white-collar crime) | :: organisaatiorikollisuus [phenomenon], organisaatiorikos [act] |
organization chart {n} (chart of reporting relationships in an organization) | :: organisaatiokaavio |
organize {v} /ˈɔɹɡənaɪz/ (to arrange in working order) | :: järjestää, järjestellä |
organize {v} (to constitute in parts, each having a special function; to systematize) | :: järjestää, systematisoida |
organize {v} (to furnish with organs; to give organic structure to; to endow with capacity for functions of life) | :: järjestää, organisoida |
organized {adj} /ˈɔɹɡənaɪzd/ (characterised by efficient organization) | :: järjestelmällinen |
organized crime {n} (criminal organizations seen as a whole) | :: järjestäytynyt rikollisuus |
organized crime {n} (crimes carried out by these organizations) | :: järjestäytynyt rikollisuus |
organized religion {n} (religion) | :: järjestäytynyt uskonto |
organizer {n} /ˈɔɹɡənaɪzɚ/ (person arranging public events) | :: järjestäjä, organisoija, organisaattori, puuhamies |
organizer {n} (hand-held micro-computer) | :: kämmentietokone |
organochlorine {n} (chlorine substituted organic compound) | :: orgaaninen klooriyhdiste |
organ of state {n} (primary division of state's sovereignty) | :: valtiomahti |
organoleptic {adj} (of or pertaining to sensory properties of a particular substance) | :: aistinvarainen |
organoleptically {adv} (in organoleptic manner) | :: aistinvaraisesti |
organology {n} (the study of the organs of plants and animals) | :: organologia |
organomercury {adj} (of an organic compound, containing a carbon to mercury bond) | :: organoelohopea- |
organ stop {n} (knob) | :: rekisteritappi |
organ stop {n} (timbre) | :: äänenväri |
organ system {n} (group of organs) | :: elimistö |
organ transplant {n} (surgical operation) | :: elimensiirto |
orgasm {n} /ˈɔɹ.ɡæz.əm/ (the peak of sexual pleasure) | :: orgasmi |
orgasm {v} (to have an orgasm) | :: saada orgasmi |
orgasm {n} (orgasm) SEE: climax | :: |
OR gate {n} (a physical Boolean device) | :: OR-portti, TAI-portti |
orgulous {adj} /ˈɔɹɡjələs/ (proud, haughty) | :: ylpeä, koppava |
orgulous {adj} (ostentatious, showy) | :: komea, näyttävä |
orgulous {adj} (swollen, augmented, excessive) | :: paisunut, koppava |
orgulous {adj} (threatening, dangerous) | :: uhkaava |
orgy {n} /ˈɔː.dʒi/ (sexual group activity) | :: orgiat {p}, ryhmäseksi |
orgy {n} (excessive activity) | :: orgiat {p}, mässäily |
Orient {prop} /ˈɔː.ɹɪ.ənt/ (countries of Asia) | :: orientti |
Oriental {adj} /ɔːɹiˈɛntl̩/ (of or relating to the Orient or Asia, especially the Far East) | :: itämainen, orientaalinen |
Oriental {n} (person) | :: itämaalainen |
oriental pratincole {n} (Glareola maldivarum) | :: aasianpääskykahlaaja |
Oriental Republic of Uruguay {prop} (official name of Uruguay) | :: Uruguayn itäinen tasavalta |
oriental turtle dove {n} (species of pigeon) | :: idänturturikyyhky |
orientation {n} /ˌɔɹiɛnˈteɪʃən/ (the act of orienting) | :: suuntaaminen |
orientation {n} (position relative to compass bearings) | :: suunta |
orientation {n} (an inclination, tendency or direction) | :: taipumus, suuntaus |
orientation {n} (ability to orient) | :: suunnistus |
orientation {n} (introduction to a new environment) | :: perehdytys |
orientation {n} (adjustment to a new environment) | :: sopeutuminen |
orientation {n} (the direction of print across the page) | :: suunta |
orientation {n} ((analysis, differential geometry)) | :: orientaatio |
orientation {n} ((analytic geometry, topology)) | :: orientaatio |
oriented {adj} (having a specific orientation) | :: sävyttynyt, -painotteinen |
orienteer {n} (someone who takes part in the sport of orienteering) | :: suunnistaja |
orienteer {v} (to race across unfamiliar countryside using a map and compass) | :: suunnistaa |
orienteering {n} (racing across unfamiliar place using a map and compass) | :: suunnistus |
orifice {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) SEE: hole | :: |
orifice {n} (mouth or aperture, as of a tube, pipe) | :: aukko, reikä |
origami {n} /ˌɔɹəˈɡɑmi/ (the Japanese art of paper folding) | :: origami |
origanum {n} (plant of the genus Origanum) | :: meirami |
origin {n} /ˈɒɹ.ɪ.dʒɪn/ (beginning of something) | :: alkuperä |
origin {n} (source of a river, information, goods, etc.) | :: lähteet {p} [of a river], alkuperä [of information etc.] |
origin {n} (point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect) | :: origo, nollapiste |
origin {n} (ancestry) | :: syntyperä |
original {adj} /əˈɹɪdʒɪnəl/ (first in a series) | :: alkuperäinen, ensimmäinen |
original {adj} (newly created) | :: tuore, alkuperäinen |
original {adj} (fresh, different) | :: tuore, omaperäinen, originelli, omintakeinen |
original {adj} (pioneering) | :: alkuperäinen, ensimmäinen |
original {adj} (having as its origin) | :: peräisin |
original {n} (object from which all later copies and variations are derived) | :: alkuperäiskappale, originaali |
original {n} (person with a unique and interesting personality and/or creative talent) | :: ainutlaatuinen ihminen, originelli persoona |
original {n} (archaism for an eccentric) SEE: eccentric | :: |
originality {n} /əˌɹɪdʒɪˈnælɪti/ (the quality of being original or novel) | :: omaperäisyys, omintakeisuus, omaleimaisuus |
original sin {n} (Adam's disobedience) | :: perisynti |
original sin {n} (state of sinfulness in each human) | :: perisynti |
origin story {n} (account of how a fictional character or characters became a protagonist or antagonist) | :: alkuperätarina |
Orimattila {prop} (town) | :: Orimattila |
O-ring {n} (circular gasket) | :: o-rengas |
Orinoco {prop} /ˌoʊɹɪˈnoʊkoʊ/ (river) | :: Orinoco |
oriole {n} /ˈɔːriːoʊl/ (any of the various colourful passerine birds) | :: kuhankeittäjä [Oriolidae], turpiaali [Icteridae] |
Orion {prop} /əˈɹaɪən/ (constellation) | :: Orion, Väinämöisen Viikate, kalevanmiekka |
Orion Nebula {prop} (A nebula below Orion's Belt) | :: Orionin sumu |
Orion's Belt {prop} (bright asterism) | :: Orionin vyö |
Orivesi {prop} (municipality) | :: Orivesi |
Oriya {prop} (language) | :: orija |
Orkney Islands {prop} (group of islands) | :: Orkneysaaret {p} |
orlistat {n} (drug designed to treat obesity) | :: orlistaatti |
orlop {n} (ship) | :: alakansi |
orlop deck {n} (lowest deck) | :: köysikansi, alakansi |
ornament {n} /ˈɔɹnəmənt/ (element of decoration) | :: koriste, koriste-esine, ornamentti |
ornament {n} (Christmas tree decoration) | :: joulukuusen koriste |
ornament {n} (musical flourish) | :: hele, ornamentiikka |
ornament {v} (to decorate) | :: somistaa, koristella |
ornament {v} (to add to) | :: koristella |
ornamental {adj} /ˌɔɹnəˈmɛntl/ (serving to ornament) | :: koristeellinen |
ornamental {n} (plant serving to ornament) | :: koristeellinen |
ornate {adj} /ɔɹˈneɪt/ (elaborately ornamented, often to excess) | :: koristeellinen, koristeltu |
ornate {adj} (flashy, flowery or showy) | :: pramea |
ornithological {adj} (of or pertaining to ornithology) | :: lintutieteellinen, ornitologinen |
ornithologist {n} (expert in ornithology) | :: lintutieteilijä, ornitologi |
ornithology {n} (scientific study of birds) | :: lintutiede, ornitologia |
ornithopter {n} /ˈɔɹ.nɪˌθɑp.tɚ/ (aircraft that flaps its wings) | :: ornitopteri, siipilyöntilentokone |
Oromo {prop} /ˈɒrəmoʊ/ (language) | :: oromo |
Orontes {prop} /ɔːˈɹɒntiːz/ (river in Western Asia) | :: Orontes |
orosomucoid {n} (acidoglycoprotein found in blood plasma) | :: orosomukoidi |
orotic acid {n} (pyrimidine carboxylic acid) | :: oroottihappo |
orphan {n} /ˈɔːfən/ (person whose (parent or) parents have died) | :: orpo |
orphan {n} (young animal with no mother) | :: orpo |
orphan {n} (anything unsupported) | :: orpo |
orphan {n} (single line of type at the bottom of page) | :: orporivi |
orphan {n} (computing: unreferenced object) | :: orpo |
orphanage {n} /ˈɔː(ɹ)fənɪd͡ʒ/ (a residential institution for the care and protection of orphans) | :: orpokoti; lastenkoti |
orphanarium {n} (orphanage) SEE: orphanage | :: |
orphan drug {n} | :: orpolääke |
orphanhood {n} (orphanhood) | :: orpous |
Orpheus {prop} /ˈɔɹfi.əs/ (the musician who searched for Eurydice) | :: Orfeus |
orrery {n} /ˈɒ.ɹə.ɹi/ (clockwork model) | :: orraario, aurinkokuntamalli |
or so {phrase} (roughly, appoximately) | :: suunnilleen, noin |
or something {phrase} (or something like that) | :: tai jotain |
ort {n} /ɔːɹt/ (a scrap of leftover) | :: tähde |
orthite {n} | :: ortiitti |
orthocenter {n} | :: ortokeskus, korkeusjanojen leikkauspiste |
orthoclase {n} (potassium aluminum silicate) | :: ortoklaasi |
orthodontics {n} (correcting misalignment of teeth) | :: oikomishoito, hampaiden oionta |
orthodox {adj} /ˈɔːɹθədɑks/ (conforming to accepted, established, or traditional doctrines of a given faith, religion, or ideology) | :: ortodoksinen, ortodoksi-, puhdasoppinen |
orthodox {adj} (adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted) | :: ortodoksinen, perinteinen, puhdasoppinen |
Orthodox {adj} (of the Orthodox Churches) | :: ortodoksinen |
Orthodox {adj} (of Orthodox Judaism) | :: ortodoksinen, ortodoksijuutalainen |
Orthodox Church {n} (the Eastern body of Christendom) | :: ortodoksinen kirkko |
orthodoxia {n} (correct praise) | :: ortodoksia |
Orthodox Judaism {prop} (Traditional Rabbinic branch of Judaism) | :: ortodoksijuutalaisuus |
orthodoxly {adv} /ˈɔːθədɒksli/ (in a correct or proper way) | :: oikeaoppisesti |
orthodoxly {adv} (religion: according to doctrine) | :: oikeaoppisesti |
orthodoxy {n} /ˈɔːɹθədɑːksi/ (correctness in doctrine and belief) | :: puhdasoppisuus, ortodoksisuus |
orthodoxy {n} (the beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church) SEE: Orthodoxy | :: |
Orthodoxy {prop} /ˈɔːɹθədɑːksi/ (the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations) | :: ortodoksisuus [Eastern Orthodoxy], ortodoksijuutalaisuus [Orthodox Judaism] |
orthoepy {n} /ˈɔɹθoʊˌɛpi/ (study of pronunciation) | :: ortoepia |
orthoepy {n} (customary pronunciation) | :: oikea ääntäminen |
orthogonal {adj} /ɔɹˈθɑɡənəl/ (of right angles) | :: ortogonaalinen, suorakulmainen |
orthogonal {adj} (mathematical term) | :: ortogonaalinen |
orthogonal {adj} (statistically independent) | :: tilastollisesti riippumaton |
orthogonal {adj} (software: able to be treated separately) | :: riippumaton |
orthogonality {n} (the property of being orthogonal) | :: kohtisuoruus |
orthograph {n} /ˈɔː(ɹ)θəɡɹæf/ (orthographic projection) | :: ortografinen projektio |
orthographic {adj} /ˌɔːɹθəˈɡɹæfɪk/ (projection of maps) | :: ortografinen |
orthographic {adj} (relating to orthography) | :: ortografinen |
orthographically {adv} (in an orthographical manner) | :: ortografisesti |
orthography {n} /ɔɹˈθɑɡ.ɹə.fi/ (study of correct spelling) | :: ortografia, oikeinkirjoitusoppi |
orthography {n} (aspect of language study) | :: ortografia, oikeinkirjoitusoppi |
orthography {n} (method of representing a language by written symbols) | :: oikeinkirjoitus, oikeinkirjoitusjärjestelmä |
orthonormal {adj} | :: ortonormaali |
orthonormalize {v} (make a set of vectors orthogonal and normalized) | :: ortonormalisoida |
orthopedia {n} (orthopedics) SEE: orthopedics | :: |
orthopedics {n} (medicine: a branch of medicine) | :: ortopedia |
orthophoto {n} (geometrically corrected aerial photograph) | :: ortokuva |
orthopyroxene {n} /ˌɔːθə(ʊ)paɪˈɹɒksiːn/ (a pyroxene with orthorhombic crystals) | :: ortopyrokseeni |
orthorexia {n} (obsession with healthy food) | :: ortoreksia |
orthorexic {adj} (having the obsession for healthy food) | :: ortorektinen |
orthorexic {n} (person suffering from orthorexia) | :: ortorektikko |
orthorhombic {adj} (having three unequal axes at right angles) | :: rombinen, ortorombinen |
orthosilicate {n} (mineral) | :: nesosilikaatti |
orthosilicic acid {n} (Si(OH)4) | :: ortopiihappo |
orthostatic {adj} (relating to upright posture) | :: ortostaattinen, pysty |
orthostatic {adj} (archeology: relating to a orthostat) | :: ortostaattinen |
ortolan {n} /ˈɔɹ.tə.læn/ (a small bird eaten as a delicacy) | :: peltosirkku |
Orwell {prop} /ˈɔːɹwel/ (surname) | :: Orwell |
or words to that effect {phrase} (used to indicate a paraphrase) | :: tai jotakin vastaavaa |
Oryol {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Orjol |
oryx {n} (antelope) | :: keihäsantilooppi |
os {n} /ɑs/ (medical term for bone) | :: os |
os {n} (external end of the cervix) | :: kohdunnapukka |
Osaka {prop} /oʊˈsɑ.kə/ (city in Honshū, Japan) | :: Osaka |
Oscan {prop} /ˈɑːskən/ (Language) | :: oski |
Oscar {prop} /ˈɑs.kɚ/ (male given name) | :: Oskari |
Oscar {prop} (the letter "O") | :: Otto |
OSCE {prop} (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) | :: Etyj, ETYJ |
oscillate {v} /ˈɑsɪleɪt/ (to swing back and forth, especially if with a regular rhythm) | :: värähdellä, heilua, oskilloida |
oscillator {n} (an electronic circuit used to generate a continuous output waveform) | :: oskillaattori |
oscillogram {n} (record produced by oscillograph) | :: oskillogrammi |
oscillograph {n} (oscilloscope) SEE: oscilloscope | :: |
oscilloscope {n} /əˈsɪl.ɪ.skəʊp/ (electronic measuring instrument) | :: oskilloskooppi |
osculum {n} (main opening in a sponge) | :: hylkyaukko |
osier {n} /ˈoʊʒəɹ/ (plant) | :: koripaju |
osier {n} (twig) | :: koripaju |
Osiris {prop} /oʊˈsaɪɹɪs/ (Egyptian god of the dead and of the underworld) | :: Osiris |
-osis {suffix} (suffix for functional disorders) | :: -oosi |
Oslo {prop} /ˈɒzləʊ/ (Oslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway)) | :: Oslo |
Osloite {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Oslo) | :: oslolainen |
osmanthus {n} (plant) | :: osmanthus |
osmeriform {adj} (of the order Osmeriformes) | :: kuoreensukuinen |
osmium {n} /ˈɒzmiəm/ (chemical element) | :: osmium |
osmoregulation {n} (homeostatic regulation of osmotic pressure) | :: osmoregulaatio |
osmosis {n} (movement of molecules) | :: osmoosi |
osmosis {n} (picking up knowledge accidentally) | :: samalla [adverb: through osmosis] |
osmotic {adj} (of or relating to osmosis) | :: osmoottinen |
osmotic pressure {n} (hydrostatic pressure) | :: osmoottinen paine |
Osmussaar {prop} (Island in northwest Estonia) | :: Osmussaari |
osprey {n} /ˈɑspɹi/ (bird of prey) | :: sääksi, kalasääski |
osseous {adj} (relating to bone) | :: luu- [consisting of bone tissue], luinen [made of bone] |
osseous tissue {n} (structural and supportive connective tissue) | :: luukudos |
Ossetia {prop} /əˈsɛtiə/ (region in the Caucasus) | :: Ossetia |
Ossetian {adj} /ɑːˈseti.ən/ (pertaining to Ossetia) | :: ossetialainen, osseetti- |
Ossetian {n} (member of the people) | :: osseetti |
Ossetian {prop} (language) | :: osseetti |
Ossian {prop} (male given name) | :: Ossian |
ossicle {n} /ˈɒsɪkəl/ (small bone in the ear; auditory ossicle) | :: kuuloluu |
ossification {n} (process by which bone is formed) | :: luutuminen |
ossification {n} (calcification of tissue) | :: luutuminen; luuduttaminen, luudutus [causing to ossify]; luutuma [mass] |
ossification {n} (process of becoming set mentally) | :: luutuminen |
ossified {adj} (of ideas or attitudes, inflexible, old-fashioned) | :: kangistunut |
ossify {v} /ˈɑ.sə.faɪ/ (to transform into bone) | :: luutua [intransitive], luuduttaa [transitive] |
ossify {v} (to become inflexible in habits or opinions) | :: luutua [intransitive], luuduttaa [transitive] |
ossify {v} (to grow formulaic and permanent) | :: vakiintua [intransitive], vakiinnuttaa [transitive] |
ossify {v} (to calcify) SEE: calcify | :: |
osso buco {n} /ˌɑsoʊ ˈbukoʊ/ (Italian meat dish) | :: osso buco |
ossuary {n} (a place where the dead are buried) | :: ossuaari, luuhuone |
ostensible {adj} /ɑˈstɛns.ɪ.bəl/ (meant for open display; apparent) | :: näennäinen |
ostensible {adj} (appearing as such; professed, supposed) | :: näennäinen |
ostensibly {adv} /ɑːˈstɛn.sə.bli/ (ostensibly) | :: näennäisesti |
ostentation {n} /ˌɒstənˈteɪʃən/ (display of excessive show in an attempt to impress others) | :: näytös, näytelmä |
ostentation {n} (show or spectacle) | :: näytös |
ostentatious {adj} /ˌɒs.tɛnˈteɪ.ʃəs/ (of ostentation) | :: ylitsevuotava, liiallinen, mahtaileva, pramea |
ostentatious {adj} (intended to attract notice) | :: huomiotaherättävä, provokatiivinen |
ostentatious {adj} (of tawdry display) | :: mauton, pramea, kitsahtava |
osteoblast {n} (cell) | :: luunemosolu |
osteochondrosis {n} /ˌɒstiːəʊkɒnˈdɹəʊsɪs/ (family of orthopedic diseases) | :: osteokondroosi, Scheuermannin tauti |
osteoclast {n} (cell) | :: luunsyöjäsolu |
osteocyte {n} (mature bone cell) | :: luusolu |
osteological {adj} (of or relating to osteology) | :: osteologinen |
osteologist {n} (specialist in osteology) | :: osteologi |
osteology {n} (study of bones) | :: osteologia, luututkimus, luututkimus |
osteology {n} (bone structure of a particular individual or species) | :: luusto |
osteolysis {n} (dissolution of bone tissue) | :: osteolyysi, luun liukeneminen |
osteomalacia {n} (medicine: a softening of adult bones due to inadequate mineralization) | :: osteomalasia |
osteopath {n} (medicine: a healthcare practitioner who practices osteopathy by manipulating the skeleton and muscles) | :: osteopaatti |
osteopetrosis {n} (hereditary disorder) | :: osteopetroosi |
osteophyte {n} /ˈɑstioʊˌfaɪt/ (abnormal growth of bone) | :: osteofyytti, luupiikki |
osteoporosis {n} (bone disease) | :: osteoporoosi, luukato |
ostinato {n} /ɒstɪˈnɑtoʊ/ (music: figure that is repeated over and over) | :: ostinato |
ostmark {n} (currency) | :: Itä-Saksan markka, itämarkka |
ostomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: avanteen teko |
ostomy {n} (exit point) | :: avanne |
ostracism {n} /ˈɒstɹəsɪz(ə)m/ (in ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote) | :: ostrakismos, ostrakismi |
ostracism {n} (banishment, exclusion from community) | :: eristäminen |
ostracize {v} /ˈɒstɹəsaɪz/ (to exclude a person from a community or from society by not communicating with them or by refusing to acknowledge their presence) | :: eristää |
Ostrava {prop} (city in the Czech Republic) | :: Ostrava |
ostrich {n} /ˈɔs.tɹɪt͡ʃ/ (large flightless bird) | :: strutsi |
ostrich politics {n} (evasive style of politics) | :: strutsipolitiikka |
Ostrobothnia {prop} (region in Finland) | :: Pohjanmaa |
Ostrobothnia {prop} (historical province) | :: Pohjanmaa |
Ostrobothnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Ostrobothnia) | :: pohjalainen |
Ostrobothnian {n} (native or inhabitant of Ostrobothnia) | :: pohjalainen |
Ostrogoth {n} (member of a tribe of Eastern Goths) | :: ostrogootti |
osumilite {n} (mineral) | :: osumiliitti |
otaku {n} /oʊˈtɑku/ (one with an obsessive interest in something such as anime or manga) | :: otaku |
otalgia {n} (earache) SEE: earache | :: |
other {adj} /ˈʌðə(ɹ)/ (not the one previously referred to) | :: toinen, muu |
other {adj} (contrary to) | :: muu |
other {n} (an other one) | :: toinen |
other {determiner} (not the one referred to) | :: toinen |
other {adv} (apart from) | :: lukuun ottamatta |
othering {n} /ˈʌðəɹɪŋ/ (process of perceiving or portraying someone or something as essentially alien or different) | :: toiseuttaminen |
others {n} /ˈʌðəz/ (other people) | :: toiset, muut |
others {n} (those remaining after something has been excluded) | :: toiset, muut, loput |
other side {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife | :: |
other side of the coin {n} (opposite aspect) | :: kolikon kääntöpuoli |
other than {prep} (except; besides) | :: paitsi |
otherwise {adv} /ˈʌð.əˌwaɪz/ (differently, in another way) | :: toisin |
otherwise {adv} (under different circumstances) | :: muutoin, muuten |
otherwise {adv} (in all other respects) | :: muutoin, muuten |
otherwise {adj} (other than supposed) | :: toisin |
otherwise {adv} (or else) SEE: or else | :: |
other woman {n} (woman who is romantically involved with a man already in a committed relationship) | :: toinen nainen |
-otic {suffix} | :: -oottinen |
otic bone {n} /ˈɘʊtɪk bəʊn/ (bone inside the ear) | :: kuuloluu |
otitis {n} /oʊˈtaɪ.tɪs/ (inflammation of the ear) | :: korvatulehdus |
otitis media {n} (inflammation of the middle ear) | :: välikorvantulehdus |
otolaryngologist {n} (otorhinolaryngologist) SEE: otorhinolaryngologist | :: |
otolaryngology {n} /ˌəʊtə(ʊ)ˌlæɹɪŋˈɡɒlədʒi/ (medical study of the ear, nose and throat) | :: korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautioppi |
otolith {n} (small particle in the inner ear) | :: tasapainokivi, otoliitti |
otologist {n} /əʊˈtɒlədʒɪst/ (doctor specializing in otology) | :: korvalääkäri |
otology {n} /oʊˈtɑlədʒi/ (the branch of medicine that deals with the ear) | :: otologia |
otorhinolaryngologist {n} /ˌɑtoˌɹajnoˌlæɹɪŋˈɡɑlədʒɪst/ (medical doctor of ear, nose and throat) | :: korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautilääkäri, otorinolaryngologi |
otorhinolaryngology {n} (otolaryngology) SEE: otolaryngology | :: |
Ottawa {prop} /ˈɒtəwə/ (capital of Canada) | :: Ottawa |
Ottawan {n} (native or inhabitant of Ottawa) | :: ottawalainen |
Ottawan {adj} (of or relating to the city of Ottawa) | :: ottawalainen |
otter {n} /ˈɑtɚ/ (mammal) | :: saukko |
otter {n} (slender hairy man) | :: apina |
Otterhound {n} (dog of a particular breed of scent hound) | :: saukkokoira |
Otto {prop} /ˈɑtoʊ/ (male given name) | :: Otto |
ottoman {n} /ˈɑtəmən/ (sofa, see also: sofa) | :: ottomaani |
ottoman {n} (low stool) | :: ottomaani, rahi, jalkarahi |
ottoman {n} (fabric) | :: ottomaani |
Ottoman {n} /ˈɑtəmən/ (Turk from the period of Ottoman Empire) | :: ottomaani, osmani |
Ottoman {adj} (of the Islamic empire of Turkey) | :: ottomaanien, osmanien [genitives of noun]; ottomaaninen |
Ottoman Empire {prop} /ˈɒtəmən ˈɛmpaɪə/ (Turkish empire) | :: Osmanien valtakunta, Ottomaanien valtakunta |
ottrelite {n} (form of chloritoid) | :: ottreliitti |
Ouagadougou {prop} /ˈwɑːɡəˈduːɡuː/ (capital of Burkina Faso) | :: Ouagadougou |
ouch {interj} /ˈaʊtʃ/ (expression of one's own physical pain) | :: ai, au, auts, auh!, aijai, auh |
ouch {interj} (expression in sympathy at another’s pain) | :: auts, auh, oi voi, oijoi, voi voi |
ouch {interj} (reply to an insult) | :: auts, auh |
ouchie {n} (owie) SEE: owie | :: |
oud {n} /uːd/ (Arabic plucked string instrument) | :: ud |
ought {v} /ɔt/ (indicating duty or obligation) | :: pitää, tulla, kuulua |
ought {v} (indicating advisability or prudence) | :: pitää |
ought {v} (indicating desirability) | :: pitää |
ought {v} (indicating likelihood or probability) | :: pitää in conditional |
Ouija {n} /ˈwiːdʒə/ (a board with letters of the alphabet and "yes" and "no") | :: ouija, Ouija-lauta |
Oulu {prop} (city in Finland) | :: Oulu |
ounce {n} /aʊns/ (28.3495 g) | :: unssi |
our {determiner} /ɑː(ɹ)/ (belonging to us) | :: meidän ...mme, -mme, meidän |
Our Lady {prop} (Virgin Mary) | :: Neitsyt Maria |
Our Lady of Sorrows {prop} (the Virgin Mary in reference to her sorrows) | :: tuskien Äiti |
ouroboric {adj} /ɔɹəˈbɔɹɪk/ (self-referring, self-reflexive, self-consuming; recursive) | :: rekursiivinen, kehämäinen |
ouroboros {n} /uːˈrɒbəˌrɒs/ (a serpent, dragon or worm who eats its own tail) | :: ouroboros |
ours {pron} /ˈaʊɚz/ (that which belongs to us) | :: meidän |
ourselves {pron} /aʊɚˈsɛlvz/ (reflexive: us) | :: itsemme |
ourselves {pron} (emphatic: we) | :: itse |
-ous {suffix} /əs/ (suffix to form adjectives) | :: -inen |
oust {v} /aʊst/ (to expel; to remove) | :: poistaa, heittää ulos |
out {adv} /aʊt/ (away from the inside or the centre) | :: [elative case], ulos, pois |
out {adv} (away from one's usual place or not indoors) | :: poissa, ei paikalla, ulkona [away from one's usual place]; ulkona [not indoors] |
out {adv} (away from, at a distance) | :: poissa, kaukana |
out {adv} (into a state of non-operation or non-existence) | :: pois, pois päältä [lights, radio etc.; not used of fire, see verb sammuttaa] |
out {adv} (to the end) | :: loppuun, loppuun asti |
out {adv} (intensifier, emphasizer) | :: täysin, ihan |
out {prep} (away from the inside) | :: ulkopuolella, ulos |
out {prep} | :: ablative case (-lta, -ltä) or elative case (-sta, -stä) |
out {n} (means of exit) | :: ulospääsytie |
out {n} (removal from play in baseball) | :: palo |
out {v} (to reveal to be gay, bisexual, or transgender) | :: paljastaa |
out {v} (to reveal as having a certain secret) | :: paljastaa |
out {v} (to reveal (a secret)) | :: paljastaa |
out {adj} (released, available for purchase) | :: julkaistu, ilmestynyt, myynnissä |
out {adj} (cricket, baseball: disqualified from playing further in an inning) | :: palanut |
out {adj} (openly acknowledging that one is queer or genderqueer) | :: avoimesti homoseksuaalinen [gay], ulkona kaapista |
outage {n} /ˈaʊtɪd͡ʒ/ (suspension of operation) | :: katkos |
outargue {v} /aʊtˈɑːɡjuː/ (argue better than) | :: väitellä paremmin kuin, voittaa väittelyssä |
outboard {n} (vessel) | :: perämoottorivene |
outboard {n} (outboard motor) SEE: outboard motor | :: |
outboard motor {n} (engine fitted over the transom of a boat) | :: perämoottori, ulkolaitamoottori |
outbound {adj} (leaving or departing) | :: lähtevä |
outbox {n} /ˈaʊtbɒks/ (box) | :: lähtevät-laatikko |
outbox {n} (electronic folder) | :: lähetetyt-kansio |
outbox {v} (to box better than) | :: nyrkkeillä paremmin kuin, voittaa nyrkkeilyssä |
outbreak {n} /ˈaʊtbɹeɪk/ (an eruption, sudden appearance) | :: purkaus, puhkeaminen |
outbreak {n} (a sudden increase) | :: aalto |
outbreak {n} (an outburst or sudden eruption, especially violent) | :: purkaus, puhkeaminen |
outbuilding {n} /ˈaʊtˌbɪl.dɪŋ/ (separate building associated with a main building) | :: ulkorakennus |
outcast {n} /ˈaʊtkɑːst/ (one that has been excluded from a society or system, a pariah) | :: hylkiö |
outcaste {n} /ˈaʊtkɑːst/ (one who does not belong to a caste) | :: kastiton |
outcaste {v} (to expel from a caste) | :: erottaa kastista |
outcome {n} /ˈaʊtkʌm/ (result) | :: tulos |
outcrop {n} /ˈaʊt.kɹɑp/ (piece of land that stands out) | :: kieleke; niemeke |
outcrop {n} (coming out of bedrock or of an unconsolidated deposit to the surface of the ground) | :: paljastuma; kallio (bedrock), hietikko (sand), somerikko (moraine), kivikko (stones) |
outcrop {n} (part of a rock formation that appears at the surface) | :: kallio |
outdated {adj} /aʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ (out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated) | :: vanhentunut, vanhanaikainen |
outdegree {n} (number of outward edges) | :: lähtöaste |
outdo {v} /aʊtˈdu/ (to go beyond) | :: päihittää |
outdoor {adj} /ˌaʊtˈdɔː/ (situated in the open air) | :: ulko-, ulkoilma- |
outdoors {adv} (in the open air) | :: ulos, ulkona, ulkoilmassa |
outdoors {n} (environment outside of enclosed structures) | :: luonto, ulkoilmaelämä |
outer {adj} /ˈaʊtɚ/ (outside) | :: ulko- |
outer {adj} (farther from the center) | :: ulommainen, ulko-, reuna- |
outer class {n} (programming: class that contains an inner class) | :: ulkoluokka |
outer ear {n} (portion of ear) | :: ulkokorva |
Outer Hebrides {prop} /ˌaʊtə ˈhebɹɪdiːz/ (archipelago of the Hebrides) | :: Ulko-Hebridit |
Outer Mongolia {prop} (East Asian region) | :: Ulko-Mongolia |
outermost {adj} /ˈaʊtɚmoʊst/ (farthest outside) | :: ulommainen, laitimmainen |
outer planet {n} (planet of the Solar System with an orbit beyond the asteroid belt) | :: ulkoplaneetta |
outer space {n} /ˌaʊtɚ ˈspeɪs/ (region) | :: ulkoavaruus |
outfield {n} (baseball) | :: takakenttä |
outfield {n} (cricket) | :: takakenttä |
outfielder {n} (a player that plays in the outfield) | :: koppari |
outfit {n} /ˈaʊtfɪt/ (set of clothing) | :: vaatekerta, puku, asu |
outfit {n} (gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose) | :: varusteet {p} |
outfit {n} (cohesive group of people; a unit) | :: yksikkö |
outfit {n} (business or firm) | :: liike |
outfit {n} (sports team) | :: joukkue |
outfit {v} (to provide with) | :: varustaa |
outflank {v} (to maneuver around and behind) | :: koukata |
outflow {n} (Process of flowing out) | :: ulosvirtaus |
outfox {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart | :: |
outgassing {n} (slow release of gas) | :: kaasun purkautuminen |
outgoing {adj} /aʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ/ | :: seurallinen |
outgoing {adj} (going out, on its way out) | :: lähtevä |
outgoing {adj} (being replaced in office) | :: eroava |
outgrow {v} /ˌɑʊtˈɡɹoʊ/ (to become too big or mature for some object, practice, condition, belief, etc) | :: kasvaa ulos, kasvaa pois |
outgrow {v} (to grow faster or taller than someone or something else) | :: kasvaa nopeammin, kasvaa isommaksi |
outguess {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart | :: |
outhouse {n} (outdoor toilet, see also: shithouse; latrine; toilet) | :: ulkokäymälä; ulkovessa, ulkohuussi, huussi, huusi, puucee [informal]; pikkula, pihan perä [euphemistic] |
outhouse {n} (outbuilding) SEE: outbuilding | :: |
out lap {n} (a qualifying lap on which one exited the pits) | :: ulostulokierros |
outlast {v} /ˌaʊtˈlæst/ (to live longer than) | :: kestää kauemmin kuin |
outlaw {n} (a fugitive from the law) | :: lainsuojaton |
outlaw {n} (person without legal rights) | :: lainsuojaton |
outlaw {n} (wild horse) | :: villihevonen |
outlaw {v} (to declare illegal) | :: julistaa laittomaksi, kieltää |
outlay {n} /ˈaʊtleɪ/ (the spending of money, or an expenditure) | :: kulut {p}, menot {p}, kustannukset {p} |
outlay {v} (to spend, or distribute money) | :: käyttää |
outlet {n} /ˈaʊtlɛt/ (vent) | :: luukku, aukko |
outlet {n} (river) | :: laskujoki |
outlet {n} (shop) | :: liike |
outlet {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket | :: |
outline {n} /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ (line marking the boundary of an object figure) | :: ääriviiva |
outline {n} (outer shape of an object or figure) | :: ääriviiva |
outline {n} (sketch or drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading) | :: ääriviivapiirros |
outline {n} (general description of some subject) | :: yleiskuvaus |
outline {n} (statement summarizing the important points of a text) | :: yhteenveto |
outline {n} (preliminary plan of a project) | :: hahmotelma, suuntaviivat {p} |
outline {n} ((film industry) a prose telling of a story intended to be turned into a screenplay) | :: juoni |
outline {v} (to draw an outline of something) | :: hahmotella |
outline {v} (to summarize something) | :: vetää yhteen |
outliner {n} /ˈaʊtlʌɪnə/ | :: jäsennin, outliner |
outlook {n} /ˈaʊtˌlʊk/ (place from which something can be viewed) | :: näköalapaikka |
outlook {n} (view from such a place) | :: näköala, näkymä |
outlook {n} (attitude, point of view) | :: näkemys |
outlook {n} (expectation for the future) | :: tulevaisuudenkuva, tulevaisuudennäkymät {p}, näkymät {p}, näkymä |
out loud {adv} (aloud) | :: ääneen |
outmost {adj} (farthest outside) | :: uloimmainen |
out of {prep} /ˈaʊt əv/ (from the inside to the outside of) | :: ulos, ulkona |
out of {prep} (with the motivation of) | :: -sta/-stä |
out-of-band {adj} (telecommunications: outside of a defined telecommunications frequency band) | :: kaistan ulkopuolinen |
out-of-band {adj} (telecommunications: on a different channel, or by a different method) | :: kaistan ulkopuolinen |
out-of-band {adj} (computer security: via a method other than the primary means of accessing the software) | :: kaistan ulkopuolinen |
out-of-body experience {n} (experience in which one feels outside one's body) | :: ruumiista irtautumisen kokemus, kehostapoistumiskokemus |
out of bounds {n} (sideline) SEE: sideline | :: |
out of bounds {prep} (which one is prohibited to enter) | :: kielletty |
out of bounds {prep} (beyond the bounds of civility or morality) | :: asiaton |
out of bounds {prep} (outside the area of play) | :: ulkona [of being outside]; ulos [of going outside] |
out of breath {prep} (breathing with difficulty) | :: hengästynyt |
out of business {adj} (no longer in business) | :: lakkautettu, jonka toiminta on lopetettu |
out of context {adv} (without context that is needed for understanding) | :: irrallaan asiayhteydestä, asian vierestä |
out-of-court {adj} (without resorting to formal legal action) | :: sovinto-, see sovintoratkaisu |
out of date {prep} (too old to be used) | :: vanhentunut |
out of date {prep} (not conforming to current fashion) | :: epämuodikas, vanhanaikainen |
out of fashion {prep} (unfashionable) | :: poissa muodista |
out of it {prep} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
out of it {prep} (not participating in some trend) | :: ulkopuolinen |
out of line {prep} (inappropriate) | :: sopimaton |
out of luck {prep} (experiencing a temporary misfortune) | :: huono tuuri |
out of nowhere {prep} (unexpectedly or unexplicably) | :: kuin tyhjästä, puun takaa, puskista |
out of one's depth {adj} (in water so deep that one cannot stand and may be at risk of drowning) | :: liian syvissä vesissä |
out of one's league {prep} (in a situation in which one is mismatched with one or more others) | :: eri sarjassa |
out of one's league {prep} (in a situation which one is poorly prepared to handle) | :: heikolla jäällä |
out of one's league {prep} (too good or too expensive) | :: liian hieno |
out of one's mind {adj} (insane) | :: järjiltään |
out of one's mind {adj} (distressed) | :: sekaisin |
out of one's own pocket {prep} (using one's own funds) | :: omasta taskustaan |
out of order {prep} (not functioning properly) | :: rikki, epäkunnossa |
out of order {prep} (inappropriate or unsuitable) | :: sopimaton, tahditon |
out of order {prep} (out of normal sequence) | :: epäjärjestyksessä |
out of print {prep} (not available from the publisher) | :: loppuunmyyty (sold out), ei saatavilla (not available) |
out of proportion {prep} | :: kohtuuton, suhteeton |
out of reach {prep} (beyond the distance of an outstretched hand or arm) | :: ulottumattomissa |
out of sight {adj} (not accessible to view) | :: piilossa, näkymättömissä, poissa näkyvistä |
out of sight {adj} (in hiding) | :: piilossa, näkymättömissä, poissa näkyvistä |
out of sight {adj} (superb) | :: sanoinkuvaamaton, mahtava |
out of sight, out of mind {proverb} (something not nearby is forgotten) | :: poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä |
out of step {prep} (rhythmic movement opposed to that of others) | :: epätahdissa |
out of step {prep} (not matching or in agreement) | :: eronnut, omaperäinen |
out of the blue {prep} /aʊt ɒv ðə bluː/ (unexpectedly) | :: yllättäen, kuin salama kirkkaalta taivaalta |
out of the box {prep} /aʊt əv ðə bɑːks/ ((idiom) immediately, without intervention from the customer) | :: käyttövalmiina |
out of the corner of one's eye {prep} (look sideways) | :: syrjäsilmällä |
out of the corner of one's eye {prep} (look with suspicion) | :: syrjäsilmällä |
out of the frying pan, into the fire {prep} (get from an already bad situation to a worse one) | :: ojasta allikkoon (out of a ditch, into a puddle) |
out of the question {adj} (not remotely possible) | :: ei tule kysymykseen |
out of the way {prep} (remote) | :: syrjäinen |
out of the woods {prep} (out of peril) | :: kuivilla, selvillä vesillä |
out of thin air {adv} (from non-existent resource) | :: tyhjästä |
out of this world {adj} (wonderful) | :: aivan muusta maailmasta |
out of touch {adj} (no longer maintaining contact) | :: ei yhteydessä, erossa |
out of touch {adj} (no longer conversant with sth) | :: irrallaan, tietämätön |
out of touch {adj} (out of touch with reality) | :: irrallaan todellisuudesta, muissa maailmoissa |
out of tune {prep} (not in correct musical pitch) | :: epävireinen, epäpuhdas, falski |
out of work {prep} (unemployed) SEE: unemployed | :: |
Outokumpu {prop} (municipality) | :: Outokumpu |
out on a limb {phrase} | :: use ottaa riski |
out on one's ear {adj} (fired, dismissed) | :: heittää pellolle, ajaa pellolle, erottaa |
out on the tiles {prep} (out for a night on the town) | :: juhlimassa, kaupungilla |
outpatient {n} (patient) | :: poliklinikkapotilas, avohoidon potilas, avohoitopotilas |
outpope the Pope {v} (to act more authentic) | :: olla paavillisempi kuin paavi itse |
outpost {n} /ˈaʊtˌpoʊst/ (A military post) | :: etuvartio, etuvartioasema |
outpost {n} (The troops themselves) | :: etuvartio |
output {n} /ˈaʊtpʊt/ (production; quantity produced, created, or completed) | :: tuotanto |
output {n} (data sent out of the computer) | :: tuloste |
output {v} (produce or create) | :: tuottaa |
output {v} (send data to out of a computer) | :: tulostaa |
outré {adj} /uˈtɹeɪ/ (very unconventional) | :: omintakeinen, omituinen, poikkeuksellinen, outo, äärimmäinen |
outrage {n} /ˈaʊt.ɹeɪd͡ʒ/ (atrocity) | :: hirmuteko |
outrage {n} (anger) | :: raivo |
outrageous {adj} /aʊtˈɹeɪdʒəs/ (shocking) | :: järkyttävä |
outreach {n} /ˈaʊtɹiːtʃ/ (act) | :: ojentaminen |
outreach {n} (extent) | :: ulottuvuus |
outreach {n} (practice) | :: kenttätyö |
outreach {v} (to reach further than) | :: ulottua pidemmälle |
outreach {v} (to surpass or exceed) | :: ylittää |
outreach {v} (to provide charitable or religious services) | :: tehdä kenttätyötä |
outreach {v} (to go too far) SEE: go too far | :: |
outright {adv} /aʊtˈɹaɪt/ (wholly) | :: täysin, kokonaan, kokonaisuudessaan |
outright {adv} (openly) | :: suoraan, avoimesti |
outright {adv} (at once) | :: välittömästi, heti |
outright {adv} (with no outstanding conditions) | :: ehdottomasti |
outright {adj} (total or complete) | :: selvä |
outright {adj} (having no outstanding conditions) | :: selvä |
outright {v} (to release a player outright) | :: päästää, vapauttaa |
outsell {v} /ɑʊtˈsɛl/ (to sell more than) | :: myydä enemmän |
outside {n} /ˈaʊtsaɪd/ (outer surface) | :: ulkopuoli |
outside {n} (the space beyond some limit or boundary) | :: ulkopuoli |
outside {adj} (pertaining to the outer surface or boundary) | :: ulkopuolinen, ulkoinen |
outside {adj} (pertaining to beyond the outer boundary) | :: ulkopuolinen, ulkoinen |
outside {adv} (in or to the outside) | :: ulos, ulkona |
outside {adv} (outdoors) | :: ulkona [where], ulos [where to] |
outside {prep} (on the outside of) | :: ulkopuolella |
outsider {n} /ˌaʊtˈsaɪdəɹ/ (someone excluded) | :: ulkopuolinen, vieras |
outsider {n} (a newcomer) | :: tulokas |
outsider {n} (a long shot) | :: musta hevonen |
outside the box {prep} (beyond convention) | :: uudella tavalla; ennakkoluulottomasti, luovasti |
outside world {n} (rest of the world outside of some closed environment) | :: ulkomaailma |
outskirt {n} /ˈaʊtskɝt/ (periphery) | :: laitakaupunginosa |
outskirts {n} (the edges or areas around a city or town) | :: laitakaupunki, esikaupunki, laitamat |
outsmart {v} (beat in a competition of wits) | :: olla ovelampi, päihittää oveluudessa |
outsource {v} /ˈaʊtˌsɔɹs/ (transfer of business to a third party) | :: ulkoistaa |
outsourcing {n} (transfer business) | :: ulkoistaminen |
outspoken {adj} (speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, or boldly; vocal) | :: suorapuheinen, suorasanainen |
outstanding {adj} (standing out from others) | :: huomattava, silmäänpistävä, esiinpistävä, merkittävä |
outstanding {adj} (distinguished from others by its superiority) | :: erinomainen |
outstanding {adj} (owed as a debt) | :: maksamaton |
outstretched {adj} /aʊtˈstɹɛt͡ʃt/ (extended or stretched out) | :: ojossa, ojolla, ojollaan |
out there {adj} (extreme, crazy, nutty, loony) | :: hullu |
out there {prep} (outside of one's comfort zone) | :: haastaa itseään [to put oneself out there] |
outward {adj} /ˈaʊt.wɚd/ (outer; located towards the outside) | :: ulompi |
outward {adv} (toward the outside; away from the centre) | :: ulospäin |
outwinter {v} (to keep outdoors) | :: pitää ulkona |
outwit {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart | :: |
ouzo {n} /ˈuːzəʊ/ (drink) | :: ouzo |
ouzo {n} (glass of ouzo) | :: ouzo |
oval {n} /ˈoʊvəl/ (shape like an egg or ellipse) | :: ovaali, soikio |
oval {adj} (oval-shaped) | :: soikea |
ovalish {adj} (approximately oval) | :: ovaalimainen |
ovalness {n} (quality) | :: soikeus |
Oval Office {prop} (office of the President of the United States) | :: Oval Office |
ovarian follicle {n} (cellular aggregation) | :: munarakkula |
ovary {n} /ˈoʊvəɹi/ (female organ) | :: munasarja |
ovary {n} (botanical organ) | :: sikiäin |
ovate {adj} /ˈoʊveɪt/ (botany, of leaves: broadest near the base) | :: puikea |
ovate {adj} (shaped like an egg) SEE: egg-shaped | :: |
ovation {n} /ə(ʊ)ˈveɪʃn/ (prolonged enthusiastic applause) | :: suosionosoitukset |
oven {n} /ˈʌ.vn̩/ (chamber used for baking or heating) | :: uuni |
ovenbird {n} (Seiurus auricapilla) | :: tulipääkerttuli |
oven glove {n} (glove designed to carry hot oven trays) | :: patakinnas |
ovenless {adj} (without an oven) | :: uuniton |
oven mitt {n} (oven glove) SEE: oven glove | :: |
over {adj} /ˈoʊ.vɚ/ (ended) | :: lopussa, ohi |
over {adv} (thoroughly, completely) | :: läpi |
over {adv} (from upright to horizontal position) | :: nurin, kumoon, ympäri |
over {adv} (horizontally; from one place to another) | :: sivulle, sivuun |
over {adv} (from one position or state to another) | :: allative case, tänne, tuonne, sinne |
over {adv} (overnight) | :: yötä |
over {adv} (again) | :: uudestaan, uudelleen |
over {n} (surplus) | :: ylijäämä |
over {prep} (physical positioning: on top of; above) | :: päällä, yllä, yläpuolella, yli |
over {prep} (physical positioning: across or spanning) | :: yli; aikana [spanning, timewise] |
over {prep} (physical positioning: in such a way as to cover) | :: päällä; -lla, -llä [adessive case] |
over {prep} (physical positioning: from one position to another over an obstacle) | :: yli, ylitse |
over {prep} (by comparison: more than; to a greater degree) | :: enemmän kuin |
over {prep} (by comparison: beyond, past, exceeding) | :: yli, ylitse; olla ylittänyt [to be over] |
over {prep} (by comparison: as compared to) | :: suhteessa |
over {prep} (math: divided by) | :: jaettuna, per |
over {prep} (finish with, done with) | :: yli, ohi |
over {prep} (while using, consuming) | :: -lla, -llä [adessive case]; ohessa |
over {prep} (concerning or regarding) | :: -sta, -stä [elative case]; koskien |
over {prep} (above, in spite of, notwithstanding) | :: huolimatta [in spite of]; -sta, -stä [elative case in the sense "above"] |
over {interj} (end of sentence in radio communication) | :: kuuntelen ("listening") |
overachievement {n} (greater than anticipated achievement) | :: ylisuoritus |
overactive {adj} (excessively active) | :: yliaktiivinen |
overall {adj} /ˌəʊvəɹˈɔːl/ (all-encompassing) | :: kokonais- [stem of kokonainen, in compounds], kokonaisvaltainen, kaikenkattava |
overall {adv} (generally) | :: kaiken kaikkiaan, ylipäänsä |
overall {n} (protective garment worn over clothing) | :: haalarit {p} |
overalls {n} /ˈoʊvəɹɔːlz/ (loose fitting garment worn over regular clothes to protect them) | :: haalari, haalarit {p}, työhaalarit {p} |
overalls {n} (loose fitting pair of pants with a bib) | :: haalarit {p}, haalarihousut {p} |
overanalyze {v} (to analyze too much) | :: ylianalysoida |
over and over {adv} (repeatedly) | :: yhä uudelleen |
overarch {v} (to form an arch over something) | :: kaartua yli |
overawe {v} /oʊvɚˈɔ/ (to restrain, subdue, or control by awe; to cow) | :: pelotella |
overbearing {adj} (overly bossy or domineering) | :: määräilevä, komenteleva |
overbite {n} (malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones) | :: yläpurenta |
overbuild {v} (to perform excessive construction) | :: liikarakentaa; rakentaa päälle |
overcast {adj} /ˈoʊvɚ.kæst/ (covered with clouds; overshadowed; darkened) | :: pilvinen, synkkä |
overcast {adj} (meteorological term) | :: pilvinen |
overcast {adj} (in a state of depression; gloomy; melancholy) | :: synkkä |
overcast {v} (to cover with cloud; to overshadow; to darken) | :: peittää pilveen |
overcast {v} (to be or become cloudy) | :: olla pilvistä (to be cloudy), pilvistyä (to become cloudy) |
overcautious {adj} (excessively cautious) | :: ylivarovainen |
overcharge {v} (to charge more than correct amount) | :: kiskoa |
overclean {v} (to clean too much) | :: ylipuhdistaa |
overcoat {n} /ˈəʊvəkəʊt/ (garment) | :: päällystakki, palttoo |
overcome {v} /ˌoʊvəɹˈkʌm/ (to surmount, get the better of) | :: voittaa, peitota [surmount]; pitää jotakin vallassaan [prevail over]; peittää [overcome smell or taste] |
overcome {v} (to win or prevail in some sort of battle, contest, etc.) | :: voittaa |
overcome {v} (to overflow; to surcharge) | :: valua yli |
overcompensate {v} (to provide with excessive pay or reward) | :: maksaa liikaa |
overconfident {adj} /ˌəʊvə(ɹ)ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ (too confident) | :: itsevarma, liian itsevarma |
overconfident {adj} (presumptuous, cocksure, rude, disrespectful) | :: itsevarma |
overcook {v} (cook for too long) | :: ylikypsentää |
overcooked {adj} (cooked for too long) | :: ylikypsä |
overcrowding {n} (having more occupants than can be accommodated) | :: ruuhka, tungos, ylikansoitus |
overdecorate {v} (to decorate excessively) | :: koristaa liikaa, ylikoristaa, ylikoristella |
overdetermined {adj} (of linear equations) | :: ylimäärätty |
overdo {v} /ˌoʊ.vəɹˈdu/ (to do too much of something) | :: liioitella |
overdosage {n} (taking pharmaceutical drug in excess) | :: yliannostus |
overdose {n} (excessive and dangerous dose of a drug) | :: yliannos |
overdose {v} (to dose excessively) | :: ottaa liikaa |
overdraft {n} /ˈoʊvɚdɹæft/ (act of overdrawing a bank account) | :: tilinylitys |
overdraft {n} (amount overdrawn) | :: tilinylitys |
overdraft {n} (maximum amount that may be overdrawn) | :: luottoraja |
overdramatic {adj} (dramatic to excess) | :: ylidramaattinen |
overdraught {n} (overdraft) SEE: overdraft | :: |
overdress {v} (to wear too elaborate or formal clothes) | :: ylipukeutua |
overdrive {n} (gear on an automobile) | :: ylivaihde |
overdrive {n} (state of heightened activity) | :: ylikierrokset |
overdue {adj} /ˌoʊ.vəɹˈdu/ (Late; especially, past a deadline or too late to fulfill a need) | :: myöhässä oleva, myöhästynyt; erääntynyt [of a payment] |
overdue abortion {n} (missed abortion) SEE: missed abortion | :: |
overeat {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈit/ (eat too much) | :: ylensyödä |
overeducated {adj} (having received too much education) | :: ylikoulutettu |
overembellish {v} (to embellish excessively) | :: koristaa liikaa, ylikoristaa, ylikoristella |
overemphasize {v} (place too much emphasis on) | :: ylikorostaa |
overestimate {v} (to judge too highly) | :: yliarvioida |
overestimated {v} (overrated) SEE: overrated | :: |
overfill {v} (to fill beyond capacity) | :: ylitäyttää |
overfill {n} (instance of overfilling) | :: ylitäyttö |
overfishing {n} (excessive fishing) | :: liikakalastus, ylikalastus |
overfit {v} (statistics: to use a statistical model that has too many parameters) | :: ylisovittaa |
overfitting {n} (action) | :: ylisovittaminen |
overflow {n} /ˈəʊvəˌfləʊ/ (spillage) | :: ylivuoto |
overflow {v} (to fill beyond the limits of) | :: ylitäyttää |
overflow {v} (computing: to exceed the available numeric range) | :: ylittää rajoitus |
overgraze {v} (to graze land excessively, to the detriment of the land and its vegetation) | :: ylilaiduntaa |
overgraze {v} (to allow animals to graze excessively) | :: ylilaiduntaa |
overgrazing {n} (excessive grazing to an extent that the land is damaged) | :: ylilaidunnus, ylilaiduntaminen |
overgrown {adj} (having large numbers of plants which have become too big) | :: umpeenkasvanut |
overhand knot {n} (knot) | :: umpisolmu |
overhaul {n} /ˈəʊvəˌhɔːl/ (a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision) | :: huolto, korjaus, kunnostus |
overhaul {v} (to modernize, repair, renovate, or revise completely) | :: huoltaa, kunnostaa |
overhaul {v} (to pass, overtake, or travel past) | :: ohittaa |
overhead {adj} /ˈəʊvəˌhɛd/ (located above) | :: yläpuolinen, yläpuolella oleva, pään päällä oleva (over the head) |
overhead {n} (expense of a business not directly assigned to goods or services provided) | :: {p} kiinteät kustannukset |
overhead {adv} (above one's head) | :: yläpuolella, pään päällä, taivaalla (in the sky) |
overhead fan {n} (ceiling fan) SEE: ceiling fan | :: |
overhead press {n} (the arms weightlifting vertically over the head) | :: pystypunnerrus |
overhead projector {n} (projector that projects an image over the heads of the viewers onto a screen) | :: piirtoheitin |
overhear {v} /oʊ.vɚˈhɪɚ/ (To hear something that wasn't meant for one's ears) | :: kuulla sattumalta, kuulla vahingossa, sattua kuulemaan |
overheat {v} (overheat) SEE: burn | :: |
overheat {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈhit/ (to heat excessively) | :: ylikuumentaa, ylilämmittää |
overheat {v} (to become excessively hot) | :: ylikuumeta, ylikuumentua |
overheat {n} (condition) | :: ylikuumeneminen, ylilämpö |
over here {adv} (in this place) | :: täällä |
overindulge {v} (indulge to excess) | :: hemmotella pilalle, pilata |
overindulgence {n} (act of overindulging) | :: ylenpalttisuus, hillitömyys; mässäily, ylensyönti [regarding food] |
overjoyed {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈdʒɔɪd/ (very happy) | :: ikionnellinen |
overkill {n} /ˈoʊvɚˌkɪl/ (an unnecessary excess of something (idiomatic)) | :: liika, liioittelu |
overland {adj} (by or across land) | :: maa- |
overland {adv} (over, across or by land) | :: maitse, maate pitkin |
overlap {v} /ˌəʊvəˈlæp/ (to extend over and partly cover something) | :: limittyä, olla osittain päällekkäinen |
overlapping {adj} | :: päällekkäinen, limittäinen |
overlapping {n} (the situation in which things overlap) | :: limittäisyys |
overlay {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈleɪ/ (to lay, or spread, something over or across; to cover) | :: päällystää |
overlay {v} (to smother with a close covering, or by lying upon) | :: tukahduttaa |
overlay {v} (to put an overlay on) | :: peittää |
overlay {n} (printing: piece of paper) | :: peitepaperi |
overlay {v} (overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm | :: |
overload {v} (to load excessively) | :: ylikuormittaa, ylikuormata |
overload {v} (to provide too much power to a circuit) | :: ylikuormittaa |
overload {v} (to create different functions for the same name) | :: kuormittaa |
overload {v} (to fail due to excessive load) | :: ylikuormittua |
overload {n} (excessive load) | :: ylikuorma, ylikuormitus |
overloaded {adj} (of a name, used for more than one variable or procedure) | :: kuormitettu |
overloading {n} /ˈoʊ.vɚloʊ.diŋ/ (type of polymorphism) | :: kuormittaminen, ylikuormitus |
overloading {n} (transport) | :: ylikuormitus |
overlook {n} /ˈoʊvəɹ.lʊk/ (vista or point) | :: näköalapaikka |
overlook {v} (to fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it) | :: katsoa läpi sormien, jättää huomaamatta |
overlook {v} (to supervise; to watch over) | :: valvoa |
overlook {v} | :: katsoa ylhäältä |
overly {adv} (to an excessive degree) | :: liian, yli- |
overmorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow | :: |
overmorrow {n} (day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow | :: |
over my dead body {prep} (absolutely not) | :: vain kuolleen ruumiini yli, vain minun kuolleen ruumiini yli, vain minun ruumiini yli |
overnight {adv} (throughout the night) | :: yön yli |
overnight {adv} (during a single night) | :: yhdessä yössä |
overnight {adv} (in a very short amount of time) | :: yhdessä yössä |
overnight {adj} (during a single night) | :: öinen |
overnight {v} (stay overnight) | :: yöpyä |
overnight {n} (overnight stay) | :: yöpyminen |
overnighter {n} (one who overnights) | :: yöpyjä |
overnighter {n} (something that serves overnight travel) | :: yö-: yölento [flight], yöjuna [train] |
overnighter {n} (stay or event) | :: yö-: yökylä [visiting a friend], yöretki [night trip] |
overnourished {adj} (overweight) SEE: overweight | :: |
overnourished {adj} /ˈəʊvənʌɹɪʃt/ (excessively nourished) | :: yliravittu |
overnourishment {n} (excessive nourishment) | :: yliravitsemus |
overnutrition {n} /ˌəʊvə(ɹ)njuːˈtɹɪʃən/ (malnutrition in which nutrients are oversupplied) | :: yliravitsemus |
overpaid {v} /oʊ.vɚ.peɪd/ (past of 'to overpay') | :: ylipalkattu |
overpass {n} (A section of a road or path that crosses over an obstacle, especially another road, railway, etc) | :: ylikäytävä, ylikulkusilta, ylikulku |
overpay {v} /oʊ.vɚ.peɪ/ (to pay too much) | :: maksaa liikaa |
overpopulated {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈpɑpjə(ˌ)leɪtɪd/ (having a higher population than can be sustained) | :: ylikansoitettu |
overpopulation {n} /ˌoʊvɚˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for the occupants) | :: ylikansoitus, liikakansoitus |
overpower {v} (overpower) SEE: compel | :: |
overpower {v} /oʊ.vɚˈpaʊ̯.ɚ/ (subdue someone by superior force) | :: kukistaa |
overpower {v} (excel or exceed in power) | :: olla liian voimakas |
overpower {v} (render imperceptible by means of greater strength) | :: jättää varjoonsa; peittää alleen [of taste] |
overpraise {v} /ˌəʊvə(ɹ)ˈpɹeɪz/ (praise to an excessive degree) | :: ylimainostaa |
overpressure {n} (excess or markedly elevated pressure) | :: ylipaine |
overpressurization {n} (excessive pressurization) | :: ylipaineistus |
overprice {v} (to give a commodity an excessive price) | :: ylihinnoitella |
overpriced {adj} (priced higher than what it is really worth) | :: ylihintainen |
overprotection {n} /ˌoʊvɚpɹəˈtɛkʃən/ (act of overprotecting) | :: ylisuojelu |
overprotective {adj} /ˌoʊvɚpɹəˈtɛktɪv/ (excessively protective) | :: ylisuojeleva |
overrate {v} /ˌəʊvəˈɹeɪt/ (to esteem too highly) | :: yliarvostaa |
overrated {adj} (rated too highly) | :: yliarvostettu |
overreact {v} /ˌoʊ.vəɹ.ɹiˈækt/ (react too much or too intensely) | :: ylireagoida, tehdä ylilyönti |
overreaction {n} (reaction deemed excessive) | :: ylilyönti |
overrepresent {v} | :: olla yliedustettuna, yliedustaa |
overrepresentation {n} (the condition of being overrepresented) | :: yliedustus |
overrepresented {adj} | :: yliedustettu |
override {v} /oʊ.vəɹˈɹaɪd/ (to ride across or beyond something) | :: ratsastaa poikki, ratsastaa yli |
override {v} (to ride a horse too hard) | :: ratsastaa liian kovaa, ratsastaa väsyksiin |
override {v} (to counteract the normal operation of something) | :: kumota |
override {v} ((software) To define a new behaviour of a method) | :: syrjäyttää |
override {n} (A royalty) | :: rojalti |
overripe {adj} (excessively ripe; spoiled; gone bad) | :: ylikypsä |
overromanticize {v} (to romanticize too much) | :: yliromantisoida |
overrule {v} /ˌəʊvə(ɹ)ˈɹuːl/ (to rule over) | :: hallita |
overrule {v} (to decide against) | :: hylätä |
overrule {v} (to nullify a previous ruling) | :: kumota, mitätöidä |
overrule {v} (to dismiss or throw out a protest at a court) | :: hylätä |
overseas {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈsiːz/ (abroad) | :: ulkomainen |
overseas {adj} (across a sea) | :: merentakainen |
overseas {adv} (abroad) | :: ulkomailla, ulkomaille |
overseas {adv} (across a sea) | :: merten takana, merten taakse |
overseas Chinese {n} (Huaqiao) | :: ulkokiinalainen |
oversee {v} /əʊvə(ɹ)siː/ (to survey, look at something in a wide angle) | :: katsoa, valvoa |
oversee {v} (to supervise, guide, review or direct the actions of a person or group) | :: valvoa, johtaa |
oversee {v} (to inspect, examine) | :: tarkastella, katsoa, tutkia |
oversee {v} (to see secretly or unintentionally) | :: nähdä, tarkkailla, kytätä |
overseer {n} /ˈəʊvəˌsiːə(ɹ)/ (one who oversees) | :: työnjohtaja, valvoja |
overshadow {v} /ˌoʊ.vɚˈʃæd.oʊ/ (to cast a shadow over something) | :: varjostaa |
overshadow {v} (to dominate something and make it seem insignificant) | :: jättää varjoonsa |
overshoe {n} /ˈoʊvəɹˌʃuː/ (protective shoe) | :: kalossi |
overshorten {v} /ˌoʊ.vɚˈʃɔɹ.tən/ (to shorten too much) | :: lyhentää liikaa |
oversight {n} (overview) SEE: overview | :: |
oversleep {v} /ˈəʊvəɹˌsliːp/ (to sleep for longer than planned) | :: nukkua pommiin |
overspeed {v} /ˌoʊvərˈspid/ (to travel excessively fast) | :: ajaa ylinopeutta |
overspeed {v} (to operate a machine too fast) | :: käyttää ylikierroksilla |
overspeed {n} (speed that exceeds reasonable or permitted rate) | :: ylinopeus |
oversplit {n} (split in which the angle formed by the legs exceeds 180 degrees) | :: ylispagaatti |
overstate {v} /ˌoʊ.vɚˈsteɪt/ (to exaggerate; to state or claim too much) | :: liioitella |
overstay {v} (remain present after the agreed or appropriate time) | :: ylittää aikansa |
oversteer {n} | :: yliohjautuvuus |
oversteer {v} | :: yliohjautua |
overt {adj} /ə(ʊ)ˈvɜːt/ (open and not concealed or secret) | :: avoin, peittelemätön, julkinen |
overtake {v} /oʊvɚˈteɪk/ (to pass a more slowly moving object) | :: ohittaa |
overtake {v} (to catch up with, but not pass) | :: saavuttaa, saada kiinni |
overtake {v} (economics: to become greater than something else) | :: kasvaa suuremmaksi kuin, ohittaa |
overtake {v} (to occur unexpectedly take by surprise; surprise and overcome) | :: yllättää [take by surprise]; muuttaa [surprise and overcome] |
over-the-counter {adj} (pharmacy: not requiring a prescription) | :: reseptivapaa |
over-the-counter {adj} (direct interaction between two parties without an intermediary) | :: suora- |
over-the-counter drug {n} (medicine) | :: reseptivapaa lääke |
over the moon {prep} (delighted, thrilled) | :: onnensa kukkuloilla |
over there {adv} (in that place) | :: tuolla |
over the top {adj} (beyond normal, expected, or reasonable limits; excessive; exaggerated) | :: yliampuva |
overthrow {v} /əʊvəˈθɹəʊ/ (to bring about the downfall of) | :: kaataa |
over time {prep} (with respect to the passage of time) | :: ajan saatossa |
over time {prep} (gradually, as time passes) | :: ajan saatossa, ajan mittaan |
overtime {n} /ˈoʊvɚˌtaɪm/ (worktime) | :: ylityö |
overtime {n} (pay for overtime work) | :: ylityökorvaus |
overtime {n} (extra period in sports) | :: jatkoaika |
overtime ban {n} (refusal to work overtime) | :: ylityökielto |
overtone {n} /ˈoʊvɚtoʊn/ (harmonic) | :: yläsävel |
overtone singing {n} (type of singing) | :: kurkkulaulu |
overture {n} /ˈoʊvəɹtʃəɹ/ (approach) | :: avaus, tunnustelu |
overture {n} (musical introduction) | :: alkusoitto |
overturn {v} (to turn over, capsize) | :: kumota, kaataa, kaataa ympäri |
overturn {v} (to overthrow) | :: kumota, kaataa |
overturn {v} (legal: to reverse, overrule) | :: kumota |
overuse {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈjuːz/ (To use too much of) | :: käyttää liikaa |
overuse {n} (excessive use) | :: liikakäyttö |
overvalue {v} (to assign an excessive value to something) | :: yliarvostaa |
overview {n} /ˈəʊvə(ɹ)ˌvjuː/ (brief summary, as of a book or a presentation) | :: yleiskatsaus, yleiskuva |
overweight {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈweɪt/ (of a person, heavier than is healthy) | :: ylipainoinen |
overweight {adj} (of a vehicle, weighing more than is allowed) | :: ylipainoinen |
overweight {n} (excess of weight) | :: ylipaino |
overwhelm {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈʍɛlm/ (engulf, surge over) | :: hukuttaa |
overwhelm {v} (to overpower, crush) | :: murskata |
overwhelm {v} (overpower emotionally) | :: täyttyä |
overwhelming {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈ(h)wɛlmɪŋ/ (overpowering) | :: musertava |
overwinter {v} (to spend the winter (in a particular place)) | :: talvehtia |
overwrought {adj} /əʊ.vəˈɹɔːt/ (in a state of excessive nervousness, excitement, or anger) | :: kiihtynyt, hermostunut |
Ovid {prop} /ˈɒvɪd/ (Roman poet) | :: Ovidius |
oviduct {n} (duct through which an ovum passes) | :: munanjohdin |
oviform {adj} (egg-shaped) SEE: egg-shaped | :: |
oviparous {adj} /oʊˈvɪpəɹəs/ (egg laying) | :: muniva, ovipaarinen |
ovipositor {n} /əʊvɪˈpɒzɪtə/ (tubular organ for laying eggs) | :: munanasetin |
ovoid {adj} (shaped like an oval) | :: munanmuotoinen, ovoidi |
ovoid {n} (something oval in shape) | :: ovoidi, muna |
ovoid {adj} (egg-shaped) SEE: egg-shaped | :: |
ovovegetarian {adj} /ovo vɛd͡ʒɪˈtɛɹi.ən/ (variant of vegetarian) | :: ovovegetaristi |
ovoviviparity {n} (condition of being ovoviviparous) | :: ovovivipaarisuus |
ovoviviparous {adj} /ˌoʊvoʊvɪˈvɪpəɹəs/ (pertaining to animals whose eggs hatch inside their body) | :: ovovivipaarinen |
ovulate {v} (produce eggs or ova) | :: ovuloida |
ovulation {n} /ɑvjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (release of an ovum from the ovary) | :: ovulaatio |
ovule {n} (botany: structure that develops into a seed) | :: siemenaihe |
ovule {n} (zoology: immature ovum) | :: oosyytti, ovosyytti |
ovum {n} /ˈoʊ.vəm/ (gamete) | :: munasolu |
owe {v} /oʊ/ (to be under an obligation) | :: olla velkaa |
owe {v} (to be in debt) | :: olla velkaa, olla veloissa |
ower {n} (person who owes money) | :: velallinen |
owie {n} /ˈaʊwiː/ (minor injury) | :: pipi |
owing to {prep} (because of) | :: ansiosta, johdosta, takia, vuoksi |
owl {n} /aʊl/ (bird) | :: pöllö; pöllölintu [zoology] |
owlet moth {n} (moth of family Noctuidae) | :: yökkönen |
own {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
own {adj} /ˈoʊn/ (belonging to (determiner)) | :: oma |
own {v} (have rightful possession of) | :: omistaa |
own {v} (acknowledge responsibility for) | :: tunnustaa |
owner {n} /ˈoʊnɚ/ (one who owns) | :: omistaja |
ownerless {adj} (having no owner) | :: omistajaton |
ownership {n} (legal status) | :: omistus, omistaminen |
own goal {n} (goal scored by player against their own team) | :: oma maali |
own goal {n} (blunder that damages one's own prospects) | :: oma maali |
ox {n} /ˈɑks/ (an adult castrated male of cattle) | :: härkä |
ox {n} (any bovine animal used as a beast of burden) | :: härkä, nauta |
oxalate {n} /ˈɒksəleɪt/ (salt or ester of oxalic acid) | :: oksalaatti |
oxalic acid {n} (the dicarboxylic acid (ethandioic acid)) | :: oksaalihappo |
oxalis {n} (any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Oxalis) | :: käenkaali |
oxbow lake {n} (crescent-shaped lake) | :: juolua, makkarajärvi |
oxcart {n} (cart drawn by ox) | :: härkäkärryt {p} |
oxeye {n} (daisy-like flower) | :: päivänkakkara |
oxeye {n} (Anthemis arvensis) | :: peltosauramo |
oxeye {n} (plant of the genus Buphthalmum) | :: häränkukka |
oxeye {n} (titmouse) SEE: titmouse | :: |
oxeye {n} (dunlin) SEE: dunlin | :: |
oxeye {n} (Boops boops) SEE: bogue | :: |
oxeye daisy {n} (flower) | :: päivänkakkara |
Oxford {prop} /ˈɒksfəd/ (city) | :: Oxford |
Oxford {n} (dictionary) | :: Oxfordin sanakirja |
Oxford {n} (type of shoe) SEE: Oxford shoe | :: |
Oxfordian {n} (native or resident of Oxford) | :: oxfordilainen |
Oxfordian {n} (believer) | :: oxfordilainen |
Oxfordian {prop} (geologic age) | :: Oxford-kausi |
Oxfordian {adj} (of or pertaining to Oxford) | :: oxfordilainen |
Oxfordian {adj} (denoting to a certain theory) | :: oxfordilainen |
Oxfordian {adj} (relating to or denoting a geologic age) | :: Oxford-kautinen |
Oxford shoe {n} (style of shoe) | :: Oxford-kenkä |
oxhide {n} (hide) | :: häräntalja |
oxhide {n} (leather) | :: härännahka |
oxidanium {n} (hydronium) SEE: hydronium | :: |
oxidant {n} (oxidizing agent) | :: oksidantti |
oxidase {n} (oxidase enzyme) | :: oksidaasi |
oxidation {n} (combination of a substance with oxygen) | :: hapettuminen |
oxidation {n} (chemical reaction) | :: hapetus |
oxidation number {n} (chemistry) | :: hapetusluku |
oxidation state {n} (the state of an atom having a particular oxidation number) | :: hapetusaste |
oxide {n} /ˈɒksaɪd/ (binary compound of oxygen) | :: oksidi |
oxidising agent {n} (oxidising agent) SEE: oxidizing agent | :: |
oxidization {n} (oxidation) SEE: oxidation | :: |
oxidize {v} /ˈɒksɪdaɪz/ (to combine with oxygen) | :: hapettaa |
oxidize {v} (to increase the valence) | :: hapettaa |
oxidize {v} (to coat something with an oxide) | :: hapettaa |
oxidize {v} (to become oxidized) | :: hapettua |
oxidizer {n} (oxidizing agent) | :: hapetin |
oxidizing agent {n} (any substance that oxidizes, or receives electrons from, another) | :: hapetin, hapete |
oxidoreductase {n} (enzyme that catalyzes redox reactions) | :: oksidoreduktaasi |
oximetry {n} (measurement) | :: oksimetria |
oxisol {n} (soil type) | :: rautamaannos |
oxlip {n} (plant) | :: etelänkevätesikko |
oxolinic acid {n} | :: oksoliinihappo |
oxonium {n} (univalent oxygen cation) | :: oksonium |
oxpecker {n} (Buphagus) | :: loisnokkeli |
oxtail {n} (meat from the tail of a cow) | :: häränhäntä |
oxyacid {n} (an acid containing oxygen) | :: happihappo |
oxychloride {n} (compound of oxygen and chlorine) | :: oksikloridi |
oxycodone {n} (powerful opioid analgesic) | :: oksikodoni |
oxygen {n} /ˈɒksɪdʒən/ (chemical element) | :: happi |
oxygen {n} (molecular oxygen) | :: happi |
oxygen {n} (atom of oxygen) | :: happiatomi |
oxygenless {adj} (Lacking oxygen) | :: hapeton |
oxygen mask {n} (mask through with oxygen may be breathed) | :: happinaamari |
oxygen tank {n} (cyllinder holding oxygen) | :: happisäiliö |
oxygen tent {n} (canopy within which air having a higher than normal supply of oxygen can be administered to a patient) | :: happiteltta |
oxygen therapy {n} (therapeutic administration of oxygen) | :: happihoito |
oxymel {n} /ˈɒksɪmɛl/ | :: hapanhunaja, oxymel |
oxymetholone {n} (anabolic steroid) | :: oksimetoloni |
oxymoron {n} /ˌɑksiˈmɔɹɑn/ (figure of speech) | :: oksymoron |
oxymoron {n} (contradiction in terms) SEE: contradiction in terms | :: |
oxytocin {n} /ɑksiˈtoʊsɪn/ (hormone) | :: oksytosiini |
oyster {n} /ˈɔɪ.stə(ɹ)/ (mollusk, see also: clam; mollusc; mussel) | :: osteri |
oyster {n} (food) | :: osteri |
oyster {n} (colour) | :: osterinharmaa |
oyster {n} (person who keeps secrets) | :: muuri |
oystercatcher {n} /ˈɔɪstə.ˌkætʃə/ (bird) | :: meriharakka |
oyster farm {n} (place where oysters are raised) | :: osteriviljelmä |
oyster mushroom {n} (Pleurotus ostreatus) | :: osterivinokas |
oyster mushroom {n} (mushroom of the genus Pleurotus) | :: osterivinokas |
oyster plant {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) SEE: black salsify | :: |
oyster plant {n} (Acanthus mollis) SEE: bear's breech | :: |
oyster plant {n} (Tragopogon porrifolius) | :: kaurajuuri |
oyster plant {n} (Tradescantia spathacea) | :: taskujuoru |
oyster plant {n} (Mertensia maritima) SEE: sea bluebell | :: |
oyster sauce {n} (sauce from oysters) | :: osterikastike |
oy vey {interj} /ɔɪ̯ veɪ̯/ (oh dear) | :: voi ei |
ozone {n} /ˈoʊzoʊn/ (O3) | :: otsoni |
ozone-friendly {adj} (not containing ozone destructing substances) | :: otsoniystävällinen |
ozone hole {n} (region of the stratosphere over Antarctica that is depleted of ozone in the local spring) | :: otsonireikä, otsoniaukko |
ozone layer {n} (a region of the stratosphere) | :: otsonikerros |
ozone therapy {n} (treatment) | :: otsoniterapia |
ozonization {n} (reaction or treatment) | :: otsonointi |
Øresund {prop} (strait) SEE: Oresund | :: |