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User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-h

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
h {letter} :: the letter h
h {noun} [common, not restricted to scientific usage] :: hour
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Haft
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Haftung
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Halt
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Handel
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Handschrift
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Haus
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Heck
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Heft
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Heim
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Heimat
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Heizung
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Helligkeit
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hengst
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hitze
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Höhe
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hoheit
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Holz
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Horn
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hornist
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hort
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hotel
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hub
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hunt
H. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hundert
H {letter} :: The eighth letter of the German alphabet
H {n} [music] :: B
{interj} :: huh? uh? (expresses that one has not understood a statement)
Haack {prop} :: surname
Haag {prop} {n} :: Haag (municipality)
Haag {prop} {n} :: Haag (municipality)
Haar {n} :: hair
haarähnlich {adj} :: hairlike
Haaransatz {m} :: the hairline (on the head)
haarartig {adj} :: hairlike
Haarausfall {m} :: alopecia, hair loss
Haarband {n} :: hairband, snood
haaren {v} :: To moult
haaren {v} :: To lose one’s hair
Haaresbreite {f} [colloquial] :: whisker (very small distance between two things)
Haarfarbe {f} :: hair color
haargenau {adj} :: Very exact
haarig {adj} :: hairy
Haar in der Suppe {n} [idiomatic] :: fly in the ointment [literally: hair in the soup]
Haarkleid {n} :: coat of hair
haarklein {adv} :: to a hair, in great detail
Haarknoten {m} :: chignon, bun, topknot
Haarmücke {f} :: A fly belonging to family Bibionidae; a March fly
Haarnadelkurve {f} :: hairpin
Haarnetz {n} :: hairnet
Haarrauch {m} :: synonym of Höhenrauch
Haarschnitt {m} :: haircut
Haarshampoo {n} :: shampoo (product for washing hair)
Haarspalter {m} :: pettifogger, nitpicker
Haarspalterei {f} :: hair-splitting
Haarspray {n} :: hair spray
haarsträubend {adj} :: hair-raising
Haarteil {n} :: hairpiece (tuft of false hair used to make one's hair look more luxuriant)
Haarteil {n} [loosely] :: toupee
Haarverlust {m} :: hair loss
Haarwachstum {n} :: hair growth
Haarwaschmittel {n} :: shampoo (for washing the hair)
Haarwurzel {f} :: hair root, root of a hair
Haas {prop} :: surname
Haastadler {m} :: Haast's eagle
Habakuk {prop} {m} [religion] :: Habakkuk
Habe {f} :: belongings, possession
haben {v} [auxiliary, with a past participle] :: to have (forms the perfect and past perfect tense)
haben {vt} :: to have; to own (to possess, have ownership of; to possess a certain characteristic)
haben {vt} :: to have; to hold (to contain within itself/oneself)
haben {vt} :: to have, get (to obtain, acquire)
haben {vt} :: to get (to receive)
haben {vt} :: to have (to be scheduled to attend)
haben {vt} :: to have (to be afflicted with, suffer from)
haben {vt} [of units of measure] :: to contain, be composed of, equal
haben {v} [impersonal, dialectal, with es] :: there be, there is, there are
haben {vr} [colloquial] :: to make a fuss
haben {v} [colloquial, with es and mit] :: to be occupied with, to like
Haben {n} :: credit
Habenichts {m} :: have-not
haben können {v} :: See: de haben können
haben können {v} [idiomatic] :: to be able to stand or endure something
haben können {v} [idiomatic] :: to tolerate something (e.g. food)
habens {contraction} :: contraction of haben es
haben Sie Allergien gegen irgendwelche Medikamente {phrase} :: are you allergic to any medications?
Haber {m} [obsolete, dialectal, obsolete] :: oat
Haberer {m} [Austria, colloquial] :: friend, close companion
Haberkorn {prop} :: surname
Habgier {f} :: greed
habgierig {adj} :: greedy
habhaft {adj} :: hearty
habhaft {adj} :: [in habhaft werden] obtained
Habicht {m} :: northern goshawk
häbig {adj} :: good-natured
Habit {m} :: religious habit
habitabel {adj} :: habitable
Habitat {n} :: habitat
habituell {adj} :: habitual
Habitus {m} :: habitus, disposition, bearing
hablich {adj} [obsolete] :: proprietary
hablich {adj} [obsolete] :: adept, proficient
hablich {adj} [Swiss] :: wealthy, rich
Haböd {prop} {n} :: A small town in lower Bavaria
hab's {contraction} :: habe es
habs {contraction} [by the German spelling reform of 1996] :: alternative spelling of hab's
Habsburg {prop} {f} :: the Habsburg castle in Aargau (northern Switzerland)
Habseligkeit {f} [usually, in plural] :: belonging
Habsucht {f} :: greed
Habtachtstellung {f} [military] :: attention
habts {contraction} :: contraction of habt es
Habub {m} :: haboob
Hab und Gut {np} :: belongings, possessions
hach {interj} :: expresses musing or nostalgia
hach {interj} :: signals the end of a conservation, typically when nobody has spoken for a short while
Hacienda {f} :: hacienda (ranch)
Hack {n} :: minced meat, ground meat
Hackbraten {m} :: meatloaf
Hackbrett {n} :: hammered dulcimer (musical instrument)
hacke {adv} [slang] :: very drunk
Hacke {f} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: heel (of the foot)
Hacke {f} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: the back of the shoe, which is around the heel (including or excluding the sole, for which alone Absatz is used)
Hacke {f} :: hoe
hackedicht {adj} :: very drunk, fucked (drunk), completely sloshed, legless
hacken {v} :: to chop, to hack
hacken {v} [colloquial] :: to be choppy, to not work properly, to not run smoothly
hacken {v} :: to hack (illegally gain access to an electronic network or device)
Hackenporsche {m} [dated, jocular] :: bundle buggy
Hackepeter {m} :: minced meat
Hacker {m} [computing] :: Hacker (male or of unspecified sex) (someone who gains unauthorized access to a computer, web site, or file)
Hackerberg {prop} {n} :: Hackerberg (municipality)
Hackfleisch {n} :: minced meat
Hackfleisch {n} [figurative, colloquial] :: the victim of a beating or a harsh reprehension
Hackfleischverordnung {f} [literally] :: ground meat directive, a regulation concerning the professional processing, labeling and storage of ground meat
Hackfresse {f} [vulgar] :: very derisive term for a person that is perceived as ugly, comparable to shitface
Hackordnung {f} :: pecking order
Häcksel {n} {m} [agriculture] :: chaff, chopped straw
Häcksler {m} :: chipper, shredder
Hadaikum {prop} :: the Hadean
Hader {m} :: dispute, quarrel
hadern {v} :: to bicker, quarrel, struggle (with)
hadern {v} :: to be dissatisfied (with)
hadernhaltig {adj} [of paper] :: containing cotton linters
Hades {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hades (god)
Hades {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Hades (underworld)
Hadith {m} [Islam] :: hadith
Hadres {prop} {n} :: Hadres (municipality)
Hadron {n} :: hadron
Haerle {prop} :: surname
Hafen {m} :: harbour/harbor; port; haven
Hafen {m} [regional, Southern Germany] :: pot
Hafenanlage {f} :: harbor installation (US), harbour installation (Commonwealth)
hafenaus {adv} :: out of the or a harbor
Hafenbecken {n} :: harbour basin (Commonwealth), harbor basin (US)
Hafenbecken {n} :: dock
hafenein {adv} :: into the or a harbor
Hafenmeister {m} [nautical] :: harbormaster, port master, havener [archaic] (male or of unspecified sex)
Hafenmeisterin {f} :: harbormistress, harbormaster (female)
Hafenstadt {f} :: port (town or city with either a dock or harbour)
Hafer {m} :: oats
Haferbrei {m} :: oatmeal, porridge
Haferflocke {f} :: porridge oats
Hafergrütze {f} :: groat(s), oat groat(s)
Hafergrützensuppe {f} :: oat groat soup; soup, the basic ingredients of which are oat groats and water or milk
Häferl {n} [Austrian] :: Diminutive form of Häfn; cup
Hafermehl {n} :: oatmeal
Hafermilch {f} :: oat milk
Haferpflaume {f} :: Prunus domestica ssp. insititia var. juliana
Haff {n} :: a bay or lagoon behind a spit
Hafling {prop} {n} :: Hafling (municipality)
Häfn {m} [Austrian] :: pot
Häfn {m} [Austrian] :: prison
Hafnerbach {prop} {n} :: Hafnerbach (municipality)
Hafnium {n} :: hafnium
Hafniumverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: hafnium compound
-haft {suffix} :: an adjectival suffix
Haft {f} :: custody, imprisonment
haftbar {adj} :: liable
haftbar machen {v} :: to hold liable
Haftbefehl {m} [legal] :: arrest warrant
haften {v} :: to stick
haften {v} :: to be liable
haftfähig {adj} :: liable
Häftling {m} :: prison inmate
Haftpflicht {f} [law] :: liability
Haftpflichtversicherung {f} :: liability insurance
Haftschale {f} [rare] :: contact lens
Haftstrafe {f} :: prison sentence, imprisonment
Haftung {f} :: liability
Haftung {f} :: adhesion
Haftungsausschluss {m} :: exclusion of liability
Haftungsausschluß {noun} :: obsolete spelling of Haftungsausschluss
Haftungseigenschaft {f} :: adhesion property/characteristic
Hag {m} [archaic or regional] :: hedge; haw; enclosure
Hag {m} [archaic or regional] :: grove; woods; small forest
Hagebuche {f} :: synonym of Hainbuche
Hagebutte {f} :: rose hip, fruit of a rose plant, especially of Rosa canina
Hagedorn {m} :: hawthorn
Hagel {m} [also, figuratively] :: hail
Hagel {m} [historical, firearms] :: small-shot, hail-shot
Hagelkorn {n} [weather] :: hailstone
Hagelkorn {n} [medicine] :: chalazion
hageln {vi} [impersonal, weather] :: to hail
Hagelschauer {m} [meteorology] :: hailstorm
Hagelwetter {n} :: hailstorm
Hagen {prop} {n} :: Hagen (city)
Hagen {prop} {n} :: surname
Hagen {prop} {n} :: given name
Hagenbrunn {prop} {n} :: Hagenbrunn (municipality)
hager {adj} :: gaunt
Hagiografie {f} :: hagiography
Häher {m} :: jay (bird)
Hahn {m} :: cock, rooster
Hahn {m} :: stopcock, tap, spigot, faucet
Hahn {prop} {mf} :: surname originating as a nickname
Hähnchen {n} :: diminutive of Hahn (“cock, rooster”)
Hähnchen {n} :: chicken (meat)
Hahnenfuss {m} :: alternative spelling of Hahnenfuß
Hahnenfuß {m} :: buttercup (herb of the genus Ranunculus)
Hahnenkamm {m} :: cockscomb (fleshy red crest of a rooster)
Hahnenkampf {m} :: cockfight, cockfighting
Hahnenschrei {m} :: cockcrow
Hahnrei {m} [dated or jocular] :: cuckold (man with an unfaithful wife)
Hai {m} :: shark
Haidershofen {prop} {n} :: Haidershofen (municipality)
Haidinger {prop} :: surname
Haifisch {m} :: shark
Haifischflossensuppe {f} :: shark fin soup
Haiku {n} {m} :: haiku (Japanese poem of a specific form: 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables)
Haiku {n} {m} :: haiku (poem in any language of the same form)
Hain {m} [chiefly literary, poetic] :: grove; woods; small forest
Hainbuche {f} :: hornbeam
Hainfeld {prop} {n} :: Hainfeld (municipality)
Hainfeld {prop} {n} :: Hainfeld (municipality)
Haithabu {n} [historical] :: Hedeby
Haiti {prop} {n} :: Haiti (country)
Haitianer {m} :: Haitian (man from Haiti)
Haitianerin {f} :: Haitian (woman from Haiti)
haitianisch {adj} :: Haitian (pertaining to the country, people, or language)
Häkchen {n} :: diminutive of Haken
Häkchen {n} :: checkmark
Häkchen {n} :: generic term for a diacritic mark, e.g. a hacek, cedilla, etc
hakelig {adj} :: jerky, juddery
häkeln {v} :: to crochet
haken {v} :: to hook (to attach a hook; catch with a hook; insert in a way reminiscent of a hook)
haken {v} [hockey] :: to hook (trip or block another player with one’s hockey stick)
haken {v} :: to stick, get stuck, get caught
haken {v} [figurative] :: to be an obstacle or difficulty
Haken {m} :: hook
Haken {m} :: catch, hitch (a concealed difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation)
Haken {m} :: checkmark
Hakenkreuz {n} :: fylfot, swastika
Halali {noun} :: the ritual end of a hunt by horse
Halali {noun} :: the signal blown on the horn marking the end of a hunt by horse
halb- {prefix} :: half-, semi-
halb {adj} :: half, halfway
halb {adv} :: a half-hour before, thirty minutes before [used with the number of the following hour]
halbautomatisch {adj} :: semiautomatic
halbblind {adj} :: purblind
Halbblut {n} :: half-breed, half-caste, half-blood
Halbbruder {m} :: half brother
Halbdoppellaut {m} [rare, dated] :: an umlaut; ä, ö or ü
Halbe {f} [Southern Germany] :: half-litre of beer
Halbebene {f} :: half-plane
halbe Miete {f} [idiomatic] :: half the battle, half of the story
halben {postp} [obsolete, except in compounds] :: for the sake of, because of
Halbenrain {prop} {n} :: Halbenrain (municipality)
-halber {suffix} :: Creates adverbs that give a reason or purpose
halber {postp} :: for the sake of
halbfertig {adj} :: half-finished
halbfett {adj} [typography] :: semibold
Halbfinale {n} :: semifinal
Halbfingerhandschuh {m} :: half-fingered glove
halbflüssig {adj} :: semiliquid, semifluid
halbgefüllt {adj} :: half-full
Halbgerade {f} :: ray, half-line
Halbgotisch {f} [typography] :: rotunda
Halbgott {m} :: demigod
Halbgott {m} :: in the phrase "Halbgott in weiß": an ironic way to describe a physician, especially an arrogant one
halbherzig {adj} :: halfhearted
halbieren {v} :: To halve, to cut in half, to bisect
Halbierer {m} :: agent noun of halbieren
Halbierer {m} :: one who or that which halves something
halbimmergrün {adj} [botany] :: semideciduous
Halbinsel {f} :: peninsula
Halbjahr {n} :: half year, half of the year
halbjährig {adj} :: semiannual, half-yearly
halbjährlich {adj} :: biannual, semi-annual
Halbjude {m} :: half-Jew
Halbkreis {m} :: semicircle (half of a circle)
Halbkugel {f} :: hemisphere, half of any sphere
halbleer {adj} :: half empty
halbleitend {adj} :: semiconducting
Halbleiter {m} :: semiconductor
Halbleiteranwendung {f} :: semiconductor application
Halbleiterbauelement {n} :: semiconductor device
Halbleitereigenschaft {f} :: semiconductor property/characteristic
Halbleiterherstellung {f} :: semiconductor manufacturing
Halbleiterindustrie {f} :: semiconductor industry
Halbleitertechnik {f} :: semiconductor technology
Halbmetall {n} :: semimetal, metaloid
Halbmetallcharakter {m} :: semimetal/metalloid character
halbmetallisch {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: semimetallic
Halbmonatsschrift {f} :: Fortnightly; a publication issued fortnightly
Halbmond {m} :: half-moon, crescent
halbnackt {adj} :: half-naked, seminude
halboffen {adj} :: half-open
halboffiziell {adj} :: semi-official
Halbpension {f} [tourism] :: half-board
halbquantitativ {adj} :: semiquantitative
Halbsatz {m} :: partial sentence
Halbschlaf {m} :: doze (The state of being half asleep.)
Halbschwester {f} :: half sister
halbseiden {adj} :: Partially silken
halbseiden {adj} :: doubtful, questionable, iffy, shady, seedy
halbseiden {adj} [obsolete] :: homosexual
halbseitig {adj} :: half-page
halbstaatlich {adj} :: semipublic
halbstark {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: rowdy
Halbstarker {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: teenager, yob
Halbstufenpotential {n} [physics] :: halfwave potential
halbstündig {adj} :: half-hourly
halbstündlich {adj} :: half-hourly
halbtägig {adj} :: half-day
halbtäglich {adj} :: alternative form of halbtägig
Halbton {m} [music] :: halftone
halbtrocken {adj} :: semi-sweet, medium sweet (typically, of wine)
Halbturn {prop} {n} :: Halbturn (municipality)
halbverklungen {adj} :: Partially faded
Halbvokal {m} [phonology] :: semivowel
halb voll {adj} :: half-full
halbvoll {adj} :: half-full
Halbwahrheit {f} :: half-truth
Halbwaise {f} :: half orphan
halbwegs {adv} :: halfway
halbwegs {adv} :: reasonable, partly, partway
Halbwelt {f} [somewhat, derogatory] :: demimonde (group having little respect or reputation)
Halbwertszeit {f} :: half-life
Halbwertzeit {f} :: alternative form of Halbwertszeit
Halbwissen {n} [deprecative] :: superficial knowledge, especially that of an autodidact who overestimates their own proficiency
halbwollen {adj} :: half-woolen
halbwüchsig {adj} :: adolescent, half-grown
Halbzeit {f} [sports] :: half (one of two equally long periods of a match)
Halbzeit {f} [sports] :: half time (the interval between these periods)
Halbzeug {n} :: semi-finished or pre-production product
Halbzwetsche {f} :: Prunus domestica subsp. intermedia [the plant is dated]
Halde {f} [mining] :: spoil heap (heap formed from discarded material)
Halde {f} :: hill or its slope
Hälfte {f} :: half; fifty percent of something
Hälfte {f} :: half, share; any of two correlating pieces, whatever the size
Hälfte {f} [chiefly colloquial] :: middle; the virtual line where two equal halves meet
Halfter {m} {n} [equestrianism] :: halter
Halfter {f} [weapons] :: holster
Halid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: halide
Halikarnassos {prop} {m} :: Halikarnassos (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Caria>> in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
Halit {m} [mineral] :: halite
Hall {m} :: echo, resonance, reverberation
Halle {f} :: hall
Halle {prop} {n} :: Halle, a city in Saxony-Anhalt near the river Saale, Germany
Halle {prop} {n} :: any of several other cities with the same name
Hallein {prop} {n} :: Hallein (municipality)
halleluja {interj} :: hallelujah
Halleluja {n} :: hallelujah
hallen {v} :: to echo
Hallenbad {n} :: indoor public swimming pool
Halle-Neustadt {prop} {f} [East German] :: An autonomous German city established in 1967; defunct in 1990
Hallenhaus {n} :: hall house
Hallig {f} :: Hallig (one of a number of German North Sea islands liable to flooding)
Hallimasch {m} :: honey fungus, armillaria
hallisch {adj} :: city hall (attributive)
Halljahr {n} :: Jubilee
hallo {interj} :: hello (a general greeting used when meeting somebody)
Hallo {n} :: hello
hallöchen {interj} :: hello there
Hallodri {m} [Austria, South Germany, colloquial, derogatory, ] :: careless unreliable person
Hallo-Welt-Programm {n} [programming] :: a Hello World (program)
Halloysit {m} [mineral] :: halloysite
Hallraum {m} [room] :: echo chamber
Hallstatt {prop} {n} :: Hallstatt (municipality)
Halluzination {f} :: hallucination (sensory perception of something that does not exist)
halluzinieren {v} :: to hallucinate (to seem to perceive things which are not really present)
halluzinogen {adj} :: hallucinogenic
Halluzinogen {n} :: hallucinogen (that which causes hallucinations)
Hallwang {prop} {n} :: Hallwang (municipality)
Halm {m} :: stalk
Halma {n} :: halma
Halma {n} :: Chinese checkers (board game)
Hälmchen {n} :: diminutive of Halm
Halo {m} :: halo (circular band of coloured light, visible around the Sun or Moon etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere)
Halogen {n} :: halogen (any element of group 7)
Halogenatom {n} :: halogen atom
Halogenglühlampe {f} :: halogen lamp
halogenhaltig {adj} [chemistry] :: halogenated
Halogenid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: halide
halogenieren {v} [chemistry] :: To halogenate
halogeniert {v} :: past participle of halogenieren
halogeniert {adj} [chemistry] :: halogenated
Halogenierung {f} [chemistry] :: halogenation
Halogenkohlenwasserstoff {m} [organic chemistry] :: halocarbon
Halogensauerstoffsäure {f} :: halogen oxyacid
Halogenverbindung {f} [chemistry] :: halogen compound
Halogenwasserstoff {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen halide
Halogenwasserstoffsäure {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrohalic acid
Halon {n} [organic chemistry] :: halon
haloniert {adj} :: haloed
Haloperoxidase {f} [enzyme] :: haloperoxidase
Halophyt {m} :: halophyte
Hals {m} :: neck
Hals {m} :: throat
Halsabschneider {m} :: cutthroat
halsabschneiderisch {adj} :: cutthroat
Halsband {n} :: a band of fabric, leather, or solid material worn around the neck: a collar, necklet, necklace
Halsband {n} [rare or dated] :: a necklace in the form of a chain
Halsbandaffäre {f} :: an affair involving a necklace, in particular:
Halsbandaffäre {f} :: the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, an 18th-century scandal at the royal court of France
Halsbandaffäre {f} [Islam] :: an affair, known in Arabic as حادِثةُ الإفْك, in which, according to Sunni traditions, Aisha, one of Muhammad’s wives, was accused of adultery, but was later exonerated by divine revelation
Halsbandschnäpper {m} :: the collared flycatcher (bird in the flycatcher family, Ficedula albicollis)
halsbrecherisch {adj} :: breakneck
halsbrecherischer {adj} :: comparative of halsbrecherisch
Hälschen {n} :: diminutive of Hals
Halseisen {n} :: iron collar, jougs
halsen {v} [nautical] :: to jib (shift or swing round, as a sail, boom, yard, etc.)
Halsentzündung {f} :: sore throat
Halskette {f} :: necklace
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde {f} [medicine] :: otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology
Halsregion {f} :: neck region
Halsschlagader {f} :: carotid, carotid artery
Halsschmerz {m} :: sore throat
halsstarrig {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate, stiff-necked
Halsstarrigkeit {f} :: stubbornness
Halstuch {n} :: neckerchief
Hals über Kopf {adv} [idiom] :: head over heels
Hals- und Beinbruch {interj} [idiomatic] :: break a leg
halt {interj} :: stop!, wait!
halt {adv} [colloquial, modal particle] :: Indicating that something is generally known, or cannot be changed, or the like; often untranslatable; so, just, simply, indeed
Halt {m} :: hold; adhesion
Halt {m} :: foothold; grip
Halt {m} :: support
Halt {m} :: stop (e.g. of a train)
Halt {m} :: halt; cessation
haltbar {adj} :: durable, lasting
haltbar {adj} :: tenable
Haltbarkeit {f} :: durability
Haltbarkeit {f} :: stability
Haltbarkeit {f} :: shelf life (maximum time a material can be stored under specific conditions)
halten {vt} :: to hold
halten {vt} :: to stop; to halt; to hold back
halten {vt} :: to support; to hold up
halten {vt} :: to keep; to maintain; to hold
halten {vt} [of animals] :: to keep
halten {vi} :: to hold; to keep; to stay
halten {vi} :: to stop
halten {vt} [with preposition für] :: to consider, to regard
halten {vr} [with preposition: an] :: to adhere (to)
halten {v} [with preposition: von] :: expresses a positive or negative opinion depending on quantity
Haltepunkt {m} :: stop
Haltepunkt {m} [computing] :: breakpoint
Haltepunkt {m} [transportation] :: bus stop
Haltepunkt {m} [transportation, railways] :: small station
Halter {m} :: holder, owner
Halter {m} :: holder, mount, retainer, bracket
Haltestelle {f} :: stop (place to get on and off line buses or trams)
-haltig {suffix} :: -ferous, -iferous (containing a specified substance, especially metal)
haltig {adj} :: alternative form of erzhaltig
haltlos {adj} :: untenable
haltlos {adj} [of a person or character] :: unstable
haltmachen {v} :: to halt
Haltung {f} :: attitude
Haltung {f} :: posture
Haltung {f} :: husbandry (also see Tierhaltung)
Haltung {f} [military] :: attention
Halunke {m} :: rascal
Halunke {m} :: scoundrel
Halve Hahn {m} [regional, in the Rhineland] :: a cheese sandwich, cut in half
Halver {prop} {n} :: Halver (town) in the Sauerland
Häm {n} [biochemistry] :: haem / heme
Hämatit {m} [mineral] :: haematite / hematite
Hämatologie {f} :: haematology, hematology
Hämatom {n} [medicine] :: hematoma
Hamburg {prop} {n} :: Hamburg (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>)
Hamburg {prop} {n} :: Hamburg (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name)
Hamburger {adj} :: pertaining to Hamburg
Hamburger {m} :: Hamburger (person)
Hamburger {m} :: hamburger (food)
hamburgern {v} :: to speak with a Hamburg accent
Hamburger Schule {prop} {f} [music genre] :: "Hamburg school", a musical current originating in Hamburg, Germany during the 1980s and early 1990s encompassing elements from punk, grunge and experimental pop
Hamburger Sie {n} :: Semi-formal form of address using the pronoun Sie together with a person's first name
Häme {f} :: ridicule; scorn; spite; gloating; schadenfreude
Hamen {m} [agriculture] :: yoke [for draft animals]
Hamen {m} [fishing] :: stake-net, draw-net, gillnet [a quadrangular fishing net which is kept open by a frame or diagonal poles, and is left in the water for only a short time]
Hamen {m} [fishing] :: fishhook made of tin or brass
Hämerythrin {n} [biochemistry] :: haemerythrin / hemerythrin
hämisch {adj} :: malicious, spiteful, hateful, derisive, gleeful
Hamm {prop} :: surname with an etymology similar to that of English Hamm
Hamm {prop} :: Hamm (city)
Hämmchen {n} [regional, Rhineland, cooking] :: pork knuckle
Hammel {m} :: wether (castrated ram)
Hammel {m} :: mutton (sheepflesh, sheepmeat)
Hammel {m} :: jackass (person)
Hammelfleisch {n} :: mutton
Hammer {m} :: hammer, mallet
Hammer {m} [colloquial] :: sensation
Hammer {m} [sports] :: a hard shot, slam
Hammer {m} [colloquial] :: (with sein) to be awesome
hämmerbar {adj} :: malleable
hämmerbar {adj} :: ductile
Hämmerchen {n} :: diminutive of Hammer
Hammerhai {m} :: hammerhead shark
hammerhart {adj} :: Very hard, difficult
hammermäßig {adj} :: awesome
hämmern {v} :: to hammer
Hammer und Sichel {noun} :: hammer and sickle
Hammerwerfen {n} :: hammer throw
Hammerwurf {m} :: hammer throw
Hämochromatose {f} [pathology] :: haemochromatosis / hemochromatosis
Hämocyanin {n} :: hemocyanin
Hämodialyse {f} :: haemodialysis
Hämoglobin {n} :: hemoglobin (the iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen)
Hämolymphe {f} [zoology] :: hemolymph (a circulating fluid in the bodies of some invertebrates)
Hämolyse {f} :: hemolysis
hämolytisch {adj} :: haemolytic
hämorrhagisch {adj} :: haemorrhagic
Hämosiderin {n} [biochemistry] :: haemosiderin / hemosiderin
Hampel {prop} :: surname
Hampelmann {m} :: jumping-jack (toy)
Hampelmann {m} [by extension] :: person who is weak of will and easily influenced: pushover, puppet
Hampelmann {m} [by extension] :: hyperactive person; spaz
Hampelmann {m} :: jumping-jack (exercise)
hampeln {v} :: to jump about
hampeln {v} :: to fidget
Hamster {m} :: hamster
Hamsterkauf {m} :: panicked purchase in order to hoard provisions
hamstern {v} :: to hoard
han {v} [archaic or dialectal] :: alternative form of haben
Hanau {prop} {n} :: Hanau (town)
hanbalitisch {adj} [Islam] :: Hanbali, Hanbalite
Hand {f} :: hand
Handarbeit {f} :: manual work
Handball {m} :: handball (team sport; ball used in team sport)
Handballspiel {n} :: handball
Handballspiel {n} :: handball match, handball game
Handballspieler {m} :: handballer, handball player (male or of unspecified sex)
Handballspielerin {f} [sports] :: female handballer, female handball player
Handbremse {f} :: handbrake
Handbremshebel {m} :: handbrake (lever)
Handbuch {n} :: handbook, manual
Händchen {n} :: diminutive of Hand
Händedruck {m} :: handshake
Hände hoch {interj} :: hands up
Handel {m} :: deal
Handel {m} :: trade, trading
Händel {p} [obsolete] :: fighting, quarreling
Händel {prop} {mf} :: surname derived from a pet form of Hans, from Johannes (John)
handeln {vi} :: to act; to take action
handeln {vi} :: to negotiate; to bargain; to haggle
handeln {vi} [_, with mit] :: to trade in; to deal; to sell
handeln {vt} [stock exchange and the like] :: to trade
handeln {vt} [figurative] :: to tip as; to take into consideration as being
handeln {vi} [with von, of a person, formal, literary] :: to discuss; to deal with; to write or speak about
handeln {vi} [with von, of a text, film, etc.] :: to be about; to deal with
handeln {vr} [impersonal, with um] :: to be
handeln {vt} [colloquial] :: to handle something; to control; to deal with in an organised fashion
Handeln {n} :: action, behaviour
händeln {vt} [colloquial, uncommon] :: alternative spelling of handeln
Handelsblatt {n} :: trade journal
Handelsdefizit {n} :: trade deficit
handelseinig {adj} :: in agreement
Handelsform {f} :: commercial form
Handelskammer {f} :: chamber of commerce
Handelsmarine {f} :: merchant navy (civilian naval fleet)
Handelsname {m} :: brand, tradename
handelsüblich {adj} :: customary
handelsüblich {adj} :: commercial
Handenberg {prop} {n} :: Handenberg (municipality)
händeringend {adj} :: urgent, desperate
Hände schütteln {v} :: to shake hands
Händeschütteln {n} :: handshaking
handfest {adj} :: tangible, solid
handfest {adj} :: handy
handfest {adj} :: strong
Handfeuerwaffe {f} :: a gun that can be carried and operated using just the hands, like a pistol or a rifle
Handfläche {f} [anatomy] :: palm (inner, concave part of hand)
handgeführt {adj} :: handheld
handgeführt {adj} :: hand-guided
Handgelenk {n} :: wrist
Handgemenge {n} :: brawl, scuffle
Handgepäck {n} :: carry-on, hand luggage
handgeschrieben {adj} :: handwritten
Handgranate {f} :: hand grenade
handgreiflich {adj} :: violent
handgreiflich {adj} :: blatant, palpable
Handhabe {f} :: handle
handhaben {v} :: To handle, wield, manipulate
handhaben {v} :: To manage, control, operate
handhaben {v} [obsolete, law] :: to protect someone; to enforce their rights
Handhabung {f} :: handling, manipulation
Hand in Hand {adv} [idiomatic] :: hand in hand
händisch {adj} [especially computing jargon, southern Germany, Austria] :: manually, by hand
Handkamera {f} :: handheld camera
Handkuss {m} :: hand-kiss
Handlanger {m} :: a handyman
Handlanger {m} [politics] :: a henchman
Handlauf {m} :: hand railing
Händlein {n} :: diminutive of Hand
Händler {m} :: trader, merchant
Händlerin {f} :: (female) merchant or trader
Handlesen {n} :: palm reading, palmistry
handlich {adj} :: handy
Handlichkeit {f} :: handiness
Handlung {f} :: plot (e.g. of a play)
Handlung {f} :: deed (result of an act)
Handlung {f} :: action, act
handlungsfähig {adj} :: capacitated
Handlungsstrang {m} :: (literature, theatre) plot line, strand (of the plot)
handlungsunfähig {adj} :: incapacitated
handlungsutilitaristisch {adj} :: utilitarian
Handlungsweise {f} :: course of action
Handnagel {m} [very, rare] :: fingernail
Handpuppe {f} :: hand puppet
handsam {adj} :: synonym of handlich
Handschelle {f} :: handcuff
Handschellen {f} :: handcuffs
Handschellen {f} :: shackles
Handschlag {m} :: handshake
Handschrift {f} :: handwriting
Handschrift {f} :: manuscript
handschriftlich {adj} :: handwritten
Handschuh {m} :: glove
Handschuh {m} :: mitten, mitt
Handschuh {m} :: gauntlet
Handschuhfach {n} [automotive] :: glove compartment, glove box
Handspiel {n} :: handball (offence of touching the ball with the hands)
Handstand {m} :: handstand (a movement or position in which a person is upside down)
Handtäschchen {n} :: diminutive of Handtasche
Handtasche {f} :: handbag, [US] purse
handtellergroß {adj} :: palm-size
Handtuch {n} :: towel (cloth used for wiping)
Hand und Fuß haben {v} [idiom] :: to make sense
handverlesen {adj} :: handpicked
Handvoll {f} :: handful
Handvoll {f} :: fistful
handwarm {adj} :: lukewarm
Handwerk {n} :: labour, especially of a manual type
Handwerk {n} :: trade (skilled practice)
Handwerk {n} :: something made by hand, handcraft
Handwerker {m} :: craftsman (male or of unspecified sex)
Handwerker {m} :: contractor (male or of unspecified sex)
handwerklich {adj} :: artisanal
Handwerksberuf {m} :: skilled trade (of a craftsman)
Handwerksbetrieb {m} :: craft business, craftsman's business
Handwerkskunst {f} :: craftsmanship
Handwerksmeister {m} :: master craftsman
Handwörterbuch {n} :: “small” dictionary, concise dictionary
Handy {n} [mobile phones] :: mobile phone, mobile, cell phone, phone (portable, wireless telephone)
handyfrei {adj} :: mobile-free
Handynummer {f} :: mobile number; mobile phone number
Handyspiel {n} :: mobile game
Handyvertrag {m} :: a mobile phone contract, plan
handzahm {adj} [literally or figuratively] :: handtame
hanebüchen {adj} :: absurd; ludicrous; incongruous
hanebüchen {adj} :: outrageous; scandalous
Hanf {m} :: hemp
Hanf {prop} {mf} :: surname
hanfen {adj} :: hempen
Hänfling {m} :: linnet
Hänfling {m} :: a small and thin person
Hang {m} :: slope, hill, hillside
Hang {m} :: inclination; propensity; bias; a disposition, or liability towards something/someone
Hangar {m} :: hangar
Hängebauchschwein {n} :: potbellied pig
Hängebrücke {f} :: suspension bridge
hangeln {v} :: to brachiate
Hängematte {f} :: hammock
hangen {vi} [Switzerland] :: to hang
hangen {vt} [Switzerland] :: to hang
hängen {vi} :: to hang; to be suspended
hängen {vi} :: to be attached to; to be fond of; to be devoted to; to cling to
hängen {vi} [somewhat, colloquial] :: to depend on
hängen {vt} [colloquial, otherwise proscribed] :: to hang something; to suspend
hängen {vt} :: to hang something; to suspend
hängen {vt} :: to hang someone; to execute by hanging
hängen {vr} :: to hang on to; to follow
Hanna {prop} :: Hannah [biblical character]
Hanna {prop} :: Anna [biblical prophetess]
Hanna {prop} :: given name (and sometimes spelled Hannah)
Hannah {prop} :: given name of biblical origin, variant spelling of Hanna
Hanne {prop} {f} :: given name, a short form of Johanne
Hannebachit {m} [mineral] :: hannebachite
Hannelore {prop} :: given name
Hannersdorf {prop} {n} :: Hannersdorf (municipality)
Hannersdorf {prop} {n} [historical] :: Jindřišská, Czechia
Hannes {prop} :: given name, short form of Johannes
Hanno {prop} :: given name, a diminutive of Johann or Johannes
Hannover {prop} {n} :: Hanover, a former province of Prussia, now part of Lower Saxony, Germany
Hannover {prop} {n} :: Hanover, capital of Lower Saxony, Germany
Hanns {prop} :: given name
Hanoi {prop} {n} :: Hanoi (capital city)
Hans {prop} :: given name, a medieval shortened form of Johannes (John)
Hänschen {prop} {n} :: given name, diminutive of Hans
Hans Dampf in allen Gassen {noun} [idiom] :: jack of all trades
Hanse {f} [historic] :: a kind of commercial, and sometimes military, confederation of cities in the later Middle Ages; in particular the Hanseatic League of northern Germany
Hanse {f} [by analogy] :: any similar confederation based first and foremost on commercial interests
Hanseat {m} [historical] :: a Hanseatic merchant
Hanseat {m} :: a native or inhabitant of a Hanseatic city
Hanseat {m} :: a crisp, flat, round cookie, covered half with white icing and half with reddish icing
hanseatisch {adj} :: Hanseatic
Hänsel {prop} :: A nickname for a man named Hans or Johannes
Hänsel {prop} :: Hansel, the boy in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel
Hänselei {f} :: teasing
hänseln {v} :: to tease
hänseln {v} [obsolete] :: to initiate
Hansestadt {f} [history] :: Hanseatic city
Hansgeorg {prop} :: given name
Hans-Georg {prop} :: alternative spelling of Hansgeorg
hansisch {adj} :: Hanseatic
Hanswurst {m} :: Hanswurst
Hantel {f} [weightlifting] :: dumbbell (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar)
hantelförmig {adj} :: dumbbell-shaped
hantieren {v} :: to handle; to tamper
hantierend {adj} :: plying
hantiert {v} :: past participle of hantieren
hantig {adj} :: bitter, rough
Hanzi {n} :: Hanzi
hapax legomenon {n} :: alternative case form of Hapax Legomenon
Hapaxlegomenon {n} :: alternative form of Hapax Legomenon
Hapax Legomenon {n} :: hapax legomenon (a word occurring only once in a given corpus)
Hapax Legomenon {n} :: A concept, an idea of a genius
hapern {v} [impersonal] :: to be scarce, insufficient, stagnant, problematic
Haplologie {f} :: haplology
haplologisch {adj} :: haplologic
Häppchen {n} :: diminutive of Happen
häppchenweise {adj} :: piecemeal
häppchenweise {adv} :: bit by bit, in small bits, in a piecemeal fashion
Happen {m} :: morsel
Happen {m} :: snack
happig {adj} :: steep; insolently expensive
happig {adj} :: unacceptable; insolent
Happs {m} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: bite of food
happy {adj} [colloquial, chiefly predicative] :: glad; satisfied; momentarily happy
Happy End {n} :: happy ending
Hapsburg {prop} {f} [rare] :: alternative spelling of Habsburg
haptisch {adj} :: haptic (relating to the sense of touch)
Harakiri {n} :: hara-kiri
Harald {prop} :: given name borrowed from Scandinavia
Haratin {m} [rare] :: Haratin
Härchen {n} :: diminutive of Haar
Hard {prop} {n} :: Hard (municipality)
Hardenne {prop} [Luxembourgish] :: Ardennes; alternative form of Ardennen
Hardenne {prop} :: surname
Hardliner {m} :: hard-liner (person who takes a firm, uncompromising position)
Hardt {prop} {n} :: Hardt (municipality)
Hardt {prop} {n} :: Hardt (municipality)
Hardware {f} [computing] :: hardware
Hardwarebeschleunigung {f} :: hardware acceleration
Hardwarebeschreibungssprache {f} [electronics] :: hardware description language
Hardwareentwickler {m} [programming] :: hardware developer
Hardwareentwicklerin {f} [programming] :: female hardware developer
Harem {m} :: harem
hären {adj} [attributive, archaic] :: made of hair
Häresie {f} :: heresy
Häretiker {m} [Christianity] :: heretic (male or of unspecified sex)
Häretikerin {f} [Christianity] :: heretic
häretisch {adj} :: heretic, heretical
Harfe {f} [musical instruments] :: harp
Harfenspieler {m} [music] :: harp player, harpist [male or of unspecified sex]
Harfenspielerin {f} [music] :: harp player, harpist (female)
Hargelsberg {prop} {n} :: Hargelsberg (municipality)
Haringsee {prop} {n} :: Haringsee (municipality)
Harke {f} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: rake
Härling {m} [archaic] :: star grass, Hypoxis gen. et spp
Harm {m} [dated] :: harm
Harmannsdorf {prop} {n} :: Harmannsdorf (municipality)
härmen {vtr} :: to worry
harmlos {adj} :: harmless
harmlos {adj} :: innocuous
harmlos {adj} :: inoffensive
harmloser {adj} :: comparative of harmlos
harmlosesten {adj} :: superlative of harmlos
Harmlosigkeit {f} :: harmlessness, innocence
Harmlosigkeit {f} :: inoffensiveness
Harmonie {f} :: harmony
harmonieren {vi} :: to harmonize
harmonisch {adj} :: harmonic, harmonious
harmonisieren {vt} :: to harmonize
Harmonisierung {f} :: harmonization
Harmonium {n} :: harmonium
Harn {m} [formal] :: urine
Harnblase {f} :: urinary bladder
Harndrang {m} :: desire to urinate
harnen {v} [very, formal] :: to urinate
Harnisch {m} :: armour of a medieval knight
Harn lassen {v} [formal, medicine] :: to pass urine
Harnröhre {f} [anatomy] :: urethra
Harnsäure {f} [organic compound] :: uric acid
Harnsäurebildung {f} :: uric acid formation
Harnstein {m} :: (medical) urinary stone, urolith, urinary calculus
Harnstoff {m} [organic compound] :: urea
harntreibend {adj} :: diuretic
Harnverhalt {m} :: ischury, urinary retention
Harpune {f} :: harpoon
Harpyie {f} :: (mythology) harpy
Harpyie {f} :: a bird, the harpy eagle or American harpy eagle
Harpyie {f} :: a butterfly native to southern Chile
harren {v} :: to await
Harrer {prop} :: surname
Harri {prop} :: given name
Harry {prop} :: given name borrowed from English
harsch {adj} :: rough, harsh
harsch {adv} :: harshly
harschen {v} :: to freeze over
harschen {v} :: to form a crust over
hart {adj} :: hard
hart {adj} :: severe, harsh
hart {adv} :: hard
hart {adv} :: sharply, roughly, severely
hart {adv} :: close (an [+ dative] to)
hart auf hart kommen {v} [idiom] :: worst comes to worst
härtbar {adj} :: hardenable
härtbar {adj} :: temperable
Härtbarkeit {f} :: hardenability
Härtbarkeit {f} :: temperability
Hartberg {prop} {n} :: Hartberg (municipality)
Härte {f} :: hardness
Härte {f} :: toughness
Härtefall {noun} :: hardship clause
härten {v} :: to solidify, harden, become hard
härten {v} :: to set, harden, make hard
härter {adj} :: comparative of hart
harter Gaumen {m} :: hard palate
härtesten {adj} :: superlative of hart
Härtewert {m} :: hardness (numerical value)
hartgesotten {adj} :: hard-boiled, hardened, unscrupulous
hartherzig {adj} :: hardhearted
Hartholz {n} :: hardwood
Härtigkeit {f} :: hardness
Hartkäse {m} :: hard cheese (literal meaning)
Hartkirchen {prop} {n} :: Hartkirchen (municipality)
Hartlot {n} :: (hard) solder (for brazing)
Hartlöten {n} :: brazing (hard-soldering)
Hartmetall {n} :: carbide, but especially tungsten carbide
Hartmut {prop} :: given name; name of a prince in the Gudrun Lied
hartnäckig {adj} :: obstinate, stubborn
hartnäckig {adj} [figurative] :: indelible
Hartung {m} [poetic] :: January
Härtung {f} :: hardening
Härtung {f} :: tempering
hartversilbert {adj} :: hard silverplated
Hartweizen {m} :: durum wheat
hartzen {v} [colloquial, Germany] :: to live off welfare [i.e. Hartz IV]
hartzen {v} [colloquial, derogatory] :: to be lazy
Hartzinn {n} :: pewter
Haruspex {m} :: haruspex
Harz {n} :: resin
Harz {prop} {m} :: Harz
harzig {adj} :: resinous
harzig {adj} [Switzerland, otherwise regional] :: challenging, lengthy
harzig {adj} [Switzerland, otherwise regional] :: slow-moving, sluggish
Hasardeur {m} :: gambler
Hasch {n} :: hashish
Haschee {n} :: hash
haschen {v} [dated] :: to catch
haschen {v} :: to consume hashish
Häschen {n} [zoology] :: leveret
Häschen {n} :: bunny
Häschen {n} :: sweetheart, sweetie
Häschen {n} [slang] :: bimbo
haschieren {v} [cooking] :: to hash
Haschisch {m} {n} :: hashish
Hase {m} :: hare (animal of either sex)
Hase {m} [constellation] :: the constellation Lepus
Hase {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hasel {mf} :: hazel
Hasel {m} :: dace (fish)
Häselgehr {prop} {n} :: Häselgehr (municipality)
Haselhuhn {n} :: hazel grouse
Haselmaus {f} :: hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)
Haselnuss {f} :: hazelnut
Haselnuß {f} :: alternative spelling of Haselnuss
Haselstrauch {m} [tree, shrub] :: hazel
Hasenfuss {m} :: alternative spelling of Hasenfuß
Hasenfuß {m} :: coward
hasenfüssig {adj} :: alternative spelling of hasenfüßig
hasenfüßig {adj} :: yellow-bellied, cowardly
Hasenfüssigkeit {f} :: alternative spelling of Hasenfüßigkeit
Hasenfüßigkeit {f} :: cowardice
Hasenjunges {n} [Austria] :: Pieces of hare meat too small for a roast; i.e. the lower legs, head, neck, heart, kidneys and liver
Hasenjunges {n} :: leveret
Hasenscharte {f} :: harelip, cleft lip
Hashtag {n} [internet] :: hashtag
Häslein {n} :: diminutive of Hase
Haspe {f} :: hinge
Haspel {f} {m} :: reel (device for a harvesting machine)
Haspel {f} {m} :: bobbin
Haspel {f} {m} :: windlass
haspeln {v} :: to reel
Hass {m} :: hatred, hate
Haß {m} :: alternative spelling of Hass
Hasse {f} [Vienna] :: Burenwurst
hassen {vt} :: to hate
hassen {vi} [ethology] :: to mob
Hasser {m} :: hater
hasserfüllt {adj} :: hateful, hate-filled
Hassium {n} :: hassium
Hasskriminalität {f} [crime] :: hate crime
hässlich {adj} :: ugly
häßlich {adj} :: obsolete spelling of hässlich
hässlicher {adj} :: comparative of hässlich
hässliches Entlein {phrase} :: ugly duckling [an ugly young person expected to turn beautiful]
Hassliebe {f} :: love-hate relationship
Hassrede {f} :: hate speech
Hast {f} [uncountable, chiefly literary] :: haste
hast du Allergien gegen irgendwelche Medikamente {phrase} :: are you allergic to any medications?
hasten {v} :: to hurry, to rush
hastig {adj} :: hasty
hasts {contraction} :: contraction of hast es
hats {contraction} :: contraction of hat es
Hatschek {m} {n} :: háček (diacritic mark)
hätscheln {v} :: to fondle, feel up
hätscheln {v} :: to pamper
hatschi {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: achoo (the sound of a sneeze)
hatschi {interj} [colloquial] :: bless you; gesundheit (used a response to someone’s sneezing, also sometimes one’s own)
Hatten {prop} {n} :: Hatten (municipality)
Hatting {prop} {n} :: Hatting (municipality)
Hattrick {m} [football] :: a hat trick; a player’s scoring three goals in one match; as distinct from English usage, the goals are often required to be consecutive, i.e. with no other player of either team scoring in between (see below)
Hatz {f} :: hunt, chase (hunting)
hatzi {interj} :: alternative form of hatschi
Häubchen {n} :: diminutive of Haube
Haube {f} :: bonnet, cap
Haube {f} :: hood
Haube {f} :: bonnet, reticulum, the second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
Haubenmeise {f} :: crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus)
Haubennetzspinne {f} :: cobweb spider
Haubenpinguin {m} :: royal penguin
Haubentaucher {m} :: great crested grebe
Haubitze {f} :: howitzer
Hauch {m} :: breath from the mouth
Hauch {m} :: whisper; sough
Hauch {m} :: aspiration
Hauch {m} :: waft (of air)
Hauch {m} :: mist (on something)
Hauch {m} :: hint or whiff (of something)
hauchdünn {adj} :: razor-thin; sheer
hauchen {v} :: to whisper
hauchen {v} :: to aspirate
Hauchlaut {m} [linguistics, phonetics] :: voiceless glottal fricative; the sound denoted by /h/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet
Haudegen {m} :: a daredevil
Haudegen {m} :: a go-getter
Haudegen {m} :: a foolhardy warrior
Haue {f} [colloquial] :: spanking
hauen {v} [literary] :: to thrust, slash (with a weapon)
hauen {vt} :: to cut, hew
hauen {v} [colloquial] :: to hit, beat, bang, whack
hauen {vr} [colloquial] :: to fling oneself
hauen {v} [regional] :: to chop, chop down
Hauer {m} :: hewer, miner
Hauer {m} :: the small, sharp tusk of a wild boar or similar animal
Hauerit {m} [mineral] :: hauerite
Häufchen {n} :: diminutive of Haufen
Häufchen {n} [euphemistic slang] :: excrement
Haufe {m} [dated] :: alternative form of Haufen
Haufen {m} :: heap, hive, pile
Haufen {m} :: crowd, lot, group
Haufen {m} :: dog feces
häufen {v} :: To heap (up), to pile up
häufen {v} :: To amass, accumulate, aggregate
häufen {vr} :: to pile up, to accrete
häufen {v} [childish] :: to poop, defecate
häufend {adj} :: heaping
haufenweise {adv} :: in heaps, in piles, heaps of, piles of
haufenweise {adv} :: by the score, in large numbers, abundance of, plenty of
häufig {adj} :: frequent
häufig {adj} :: common
häufig {adv} :: frequently, often
häufig {adv} :: in common, at once, together
häufiger {adj} :: comparative of häufig
Häufigkeit {f} :: frequency (rate of occurrence of anything; property of occurring often rather than infrequently)
häufigsten {adj} :: superlative of häufig
Häuflein {n} :: diminutive of Haufen
Haufschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
Häufung {f} :: accumulation
Häufung {f} :: aggregation, agglomeration
Haugschlag {prop} {n} :: Haugschlag (municipality)
Haugsdorf {prop} {n} :: Haugsdorf (municipality)
Hauhechel {f} :: restharrow, any plant of the genus Ononis
Haunoldstein {prop} {n} :: Haunoldstein (municipality)
haupt- {prefix} :: head, chief, main, principal
Haupt {n} [dated, elevated, poetic] :: head (body part)
Haupt {n} [dated] :: head; leader; chief
Haupt {n} [heraldiccharge] :: chief
Haupt {n} [in compounds] :: see haupt-
Häupt {n} [obsolete] :: alternative form of Haupt
hauptamtlich {adj} :: full-time (as one's main occupation)
Hauptanliegen {n} :: main concern (matter of concern)
Hauptanteil {m} :: majority, lion's share
Hauptanwendungsgebiet {n} :: main area of application
Hauptärgernis {n} :: pet peeve
Hauptartikel {m} :: lead story (in a newspaper)
Hauptbahnhof {m} :: main train station
Hauptbedeutung {f} :: principal meaning, primary meaning
hauptberuflich {adj} :: fulltime (occupation)
Hauptbestandteil {m} :: basis (main ingredient or component)
Hauptbetonungszeichen {n} [typography] :: primary stress, primary accent (a mark)
Hauptbuch {n} [accounting] :: ledger
Hauptburg {f} :: main castle
Hauptdeck {n} :: main deck
Haupteingang {m} :: main entrance of a building
Hauptfaktor {m} :: main / chief factor
Hauptfeld {n} [sports] :: main group of competitors in a race, e.g. of cycling or long-distance running; peloton
Hauptfeld {m} [military slang] :: clipping of Hauptfeldwebel
Hauptfigur {f} :: protagonist (main character in a literary work or drama)
Hauptgang {m} :: main course
Hauptgegenstand {m} :: main theme, topic
Hauptgegenstand {m} [Austria] :: major (main area of study)
Hauptgericht {n} :: main dish, main course, entree (American English)
Hauptgrund {m} :: main / chief reason
Hauptgruppe {f} [chemistry] :: main group (of the periodic table)
Hauptgruppenelement {n} [chemistry] :: main group element
Hauptgruppennachbar {m} [chemistry] :: main group neighbour (in the periodic table)
Haupthaar {n} [formal] :: headhair
Haupthimmelsrichtung {f} :: cardinal point (cardinal point)
Hauptinhalt {m} :: main content; gist
Hauptkomponente {f} :: main / chief component
Häuptling {m} :: chief (leader or co-leader of a tribe)
Häuptling {m} [humorous] :: leader of some other kind
Häuptling {m} [obsolete] :: patriarch (leader of a family)
Häuptling {m} [obsolete] :: high member of the Frisian nobility
Hauptlinie {f} :: main line
Hauptmann {m} [military ranks] :: captain (male [also female] or of unspecified sex; cf. Herr / Frau Hauptmann)
Hauptmelodie {f} [music] :: main melody
Hauptplatine {f} [computing] :: mainboard, motherboard
Hauptproduzent {m} :: main producer (of a material)
Hauptprozessor {m} [computing] :: central processing unit, CPU
Hauptpunkt {m} :: main point, key point, main issue
Hauptquartier {n} [military] :: headquarters
Hauptquelle {f} :: main / primary source
Hauptrede {f} :: main speech, keynote speech
Hauptredner {m} :: main speaker, keynote speaker
Hauptreihe {f} [astronomy] :: main sequence
Hauptreihenstern {m} [astronomy] :: main-sequence star
Hauptrolle {f} :: lead (starring role in a drama)
Hauptsache {f} :: main thing, most important thing
Hauptsache {f} [legal] :: main issue
hauptsächlich {adj} :: main
hauptsächlich {adv} :: mainly, primarily
Hauptsatz {m} [grammar] :: main clause (a clause that can stand alone syntactically)
Hauptsatz {m} [mathematics] :: fundamental theorem
Hauptschlagader {f} :: aorta
Hauptschriftleiter {m} [media, dated] :: editor in chief
Hauptschule {f} :: a type of basic secondary school in Germany that follows elementary school but does not qualify for higher university education
Hauptseite {f} :: main page, home page
Hauptsitz {m} :: headquarters, head office
Hauptspeise {f} :: main dish
Hauptspiegel {m} :: primary mirror (of a telescope)
Hauptstadt {f} :: capital (capital city)
Hauptstrasse {f} :: alternative spelling of Hauptstraße
Hauptstraße {f} :: main street
Hauptsturmführer {m} :: a former military rank in the SS and SA in Nazi Germany, equal to a "Hauptmann" (captain) in the regular Wehrmacht
Hauptteil {m} :: principal part
Hauptthema {n} :: main topic, central theme
Hauptton {m} [linguistics] :: primary stress
Hauptverdächtiger {m} :: prime suspect
Hauptverkehrszeit {f} :: rush hour
Hauptversammlung {f} :: annual general meeting
Hauptwort {n} [grammar] :: noun (sensu stricto), substantive
Hauptwurzel {f} :: main root, primary root
Hauptzeuge {m} :: principal witness, key witness, star witness
Hauptzeugin {f} :: female principal witness, key witness, star witness
Hauptzug {m} :: principal characteristic
Hauptzutat {f} :: main ingredient
hau ruck {interj} :: heave ho!
Haus {n} :: house
Haus {n} :: home (in various phrases)
Haus {n} :: theatre
Haus {prop} {n} :: Haus (municipality)
Hausagentur {f} :: house agency
Hausaltar {m} [dated] :: family altar
Hausammer {f} :: house bunting (bird)
Hausandacht {f} :: family worship, family prayer
Hausangestellte {f} :: female domestic worker
Hausangestellter {m} :: domestic worker
Hausanschluss {m} :: house connection
Hausanteil {m} :: houseshare
Hausanzug {m} :: leisure suit
Hausapotheke {f} :: medicine cabinet, medicine chest
Hausarbeit {f} :: housework, chore
Hausarbeit {f} :: homework
Hausarme {f} :: deserving poor (female)
Hausarmer {m} :: deserving poor
Hausarrest {m} :: house arrest
Hausarrest {m} :: grounding [child punishment]
hausartig {adj} :: house-like
Hausarznei {f} :: domestic remedy
Hausarzt {m} :: family doctor, GP (male or of unspecified sex)
Hausärztin {f} :: family doctor (female)
Hausaufgabe {f} :: homework assignment
Hausautor {m} :: in-house writer
Hausautorin {f} :: female in-house writer
hausbacken {adj} [dated, of bread] :: homemade; baked at home
hausbacken {adj} [pejorative, of a person, usually a woman] :: dowdy; unattractive; homely [US]
hausbackener {adj} :: comparative of hausbacken
hausbackensten {adj} :: superlative of hausbacken
Hausball {m} :: dinner dance, private ball
Hausbank {f} :: main bank, primary bank
Hausbank {f} :: garden bench (especially one placed against the wall of a house)
Hausbar {f} :: cocktail cabinet, home bar
Hausbau {m} :: house construction
Hausbedarf {m} :: domestic use, household use
Hausbedarf {m} [colloquial] :: in private (not in public)
Hausbedienstete {f} :: female domestic worker
Hausbediensteter {m} [rare, dated] :: domestic worker
Hausbeleuchtung {f} :: home lighting
Hausbesetzer {m} :: squatter (male or of unspecified sex)
Hausbesetzerin {f} :: squatter (female)
Hausbesetzung {f} :: squatting (occupation of a house without permission)
Hausbesetzung {f} :: squat (house that has been occupied without permission)
Hausbrunn {prop} {n} :: Hausbrunn (municipality)
Hausbrunn {prop} {n} :: Úsobrno, Czechia
Häuschen {n} :: small house
Hauschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hauschildt {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hausdurchsuchung {f} :: house-search
hauseigen {adj} :: in house, housemade
Hauseinfahrt {f} :: driveway to a house
Hauseinfahrt {f} [Austria] :: entrance to a house, entrance hall
Hauseingang {m} :: entrance, house entrance, building entrance
Häusel {n} :: diminutive of Haus
hausen {v} [colloquial, humorous or derogatory] :: to dwell, to reside
hausen {v} [colloquial, derogatory] :: to rage, to rampage
Hausen {m} :: Huso, genus of sturgeon
Hausente {f} :: domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos dom.)
Hauser {m} [regional, southern Germany, Austria] :: housekeeper; business leader
Hauser {prop} {mf} :: surname
Häusern {prop} {n} :: Häusern (municipality)
Hausflur {m} :: corridor; landing
hausförmig {adj} :: house shaped
Hausfrau {f} :: housewife
Hausfriede {m} :: domestic peace
Hausfriedensbruch {m} [legal] :: trespass (premeditated unallowed presence on a property)
Hausgast {m} :: houseguest
hausgebacken {adj} :: homemade; baked at home
hausgebacken {adj} [pejorative, of a person, usually a woman] :: dowdy; unattractive
hausgemacht {adj} :: homemade, home-made
hausgesessen {adj} :: resident (living in his own, separate home)
Haushalt {m} :: household (collectively, all the persons who live in a given home)
Haushalt {m} [finance, politics] :: budget (itemized summary of intended expenditure and expected revenue)
Haushalt {m} :: housework (domestic chores)
Haushalt {m} [biology] :: balance [between the production and consumption of a biochemical]
haushaltlich {adj} :: domestic
haushaltlich {adj} :: budgetary
haushaltlich {adv} :: budgetarily
Haushaltsänderung {f} :: budgetary change, budget amendment
Haushaltsausschuss {m} :: budget committee
Haushaltsausschuß {noun} :: obsolete spelling of Haushaltsausschuss
Haushaltsgegenstand {m} [especially, in plural] :: household item(s) / object(s)
Haushaltsgerät {n} :: household appliance
haushaltspolitisch {adj} :: fiscal
haushaltspolitisch {adj} :: budgetary
Haushaltsware {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: household items, household goods
Haushaltswarenhändler {m} :: hardware dealer (male or of unspecified sex)
Haushaltswarenhändlerin {f} :: hardware dealer (female)
Hausherr {m} :: head of the household
Hausherr {m} [sports] :: host
Hausherr {m} :: landlord
haushoch {adj} :: considerable, very great
Haushund {m} :: pet dog
hausieren {v} :: to peddle, hawk [from door to door]
Hausierer {m} :: door-to-door salesman
Hausinstallation {f} :: domestic electrical wiring
hausintern {adj} :: in house
Hauskaninchen {n} :: domestic rabbit, pet rabbit, tame rabbit
Hauskatze {f} :: house cat, domestic cat
Hauskirchen {prop} {n} :: Hauskirchen (municipality)
Häus'l {n} :: diminutive of Haus
Häusl {n} :: diminutive of Haus
Häusle {n} :: diminutive of Haus
Häuslein {n} :: diminutive of Haus
Hausleiten {prop} {n} :: Hausleiten (municipality)
häuslich {adj} :: domestic, homely, household
häuslich {adj} :: domesticated
hauslos {adj} [uncommon] :: homeless
Hausmann {m} :: househusband, house husband
Hausmannstätten {prop} {n} :: Hausmannstätten (municipality)
Hausmaus {f} :: house mouse
Hausmeister {m} :: caretaker or janitor (male or of unspecified sex) (someone who repairs and potentially cleans a building)
Hausmusik {f} :: domestic music (music played at private homes or at social gatherings without public access)
Hausnummer {f} :: house number
Hausnummer {f} :: ballpark figure
Hausparty {f} :: house party
Hausrotschwanz {m} :: black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
Hauß {n} :: obsolete form of Haus
Hauß {n} :: obsolete form of Haus
Hausschaf {n} :: domestic sheep
Hausschuh {m} :: slipper (a low shoe that can be slipped on and off easily and is usually worn indoors)
Hausschwein {n} :: domestic pig
Hausse {f} [stock market] :: bull market
haussen {adv} :: alternative spelling of haußen
Häussinger {prop} :: surname
Hausspinne {f} :: house spider (genus Tegenaria)
Hausspinne {f} :: (regionally) daddy longlegs
Haussuchung {f} [dated] :: house-search
Haustafel {f} [Christianity] :: The proper domestic or household order in the Christian home. It implies the highly practical nature of the instructions: an individual's "haustafel duties" are not related to abstract beliefs they are expected to hold to, but rather to specific actions they are expected to perform
Haustier {n} :: A pet, in the sense of a companion animal
Haustrauung {f} :: house wedding
Haustür {f} :: front door
Haustür {f} :: doorstep, threshold
Haustürschlüssel {m} :: front door key
Haus und Hof {noun} :: "house and home"; [all possessions, including real estate]
Hausverbot {n} :: ban on entering the house or premises
Hausverstand {m} [Austria] :: common sense
Hauswesen {n} :: housekeeping, household maintenance
Hauswirt {m} :: landlord
Haut {f} :: skin, hide of a person, animal or (part of a) plant
Haut {f} [by extension, metonymy] :: a creature, especially a person
Haut {f} :: skin (membrane found on the surface of an object, like a sausage)
Hautarzt {m} :: dermatologist (male or of unspecified sex) (one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology)
Hautärztin {f} :: dermatologist (female) (one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology)
Hautausschlag {m} :: rash
Hautausschlag {m} :: eczema
Häutchen {n} :: membrane (separating tissue)
Häutchen {n} :: diminutive of Haut
häuten {vt} :: to skin
häuten {vr} :: to moult skin
hauteng {adj} :: skintight
Hautentzündung {f} [disease] :: skin inflammation, dermatitis
Hautfarbe {f} :: skin color; complexion
Hautfarbe {f} :: a color similar to the average skin color of White people in central and northern Europe, often found in colored pencils
hautfarben {adj} :: skin-coloured
Hautfett {n} :: sebum
hautfreundlich {adj} :: skin-friendly (does not harm the skin)
Hautgout {m} :: haut gout
Hautkontakt {m} :: skin contact
Hautkrankheit {f} [pathology] :: skin disease, dermatosis
Hautkrebs {m} :: skin cancer
Häutlein {n} :: diminutive of Haut
hautnah {adj} :: very close
hautschonend {adj} :: gentle on the skin
Hautschuppe {f} :: dandruff
Hautschutz {m} :: skin protection
Häutung {f} :: skinning
Häutung {f} :: moulting
hautverträglich {adj} :: hypoallergenic
Haüyn {m} [mineral] :: hauyne, haüyne, hauynite
Hávamál {prop} :: Hávamál
Havana-Katze {f} :: Havana Brown (cat)
Havanna {prop} {n} :: Havanna (capital city)
Havarie {f} :: accident, emergency (most often of a ship); shipwreck
havariert {adj} [nautical] :: damaged by an accident
Hävecker {prop} :: surname
Havel {prop} {f} :: Havel (river in Berlin Germany)
Hawaii {prop} {n} :: Hawaii (island)
Hawaii {prop} {n} :: Hawaii (state)
hawaiianisch {adj} :: Hawaiian
Hawaiianisch {prop} {n} :: Hawaiian (Hawaiian language)
hawaiisch {adj} :: Hawaiian
Hawara {m} [rare] :: alternative form of Haberer, representing an Austrian German pronunciation.
Haydn {prop} {mf} :: surname, notably of Joseph Haydn, an 18th century Austrian composer
Hb. {noun} [music] :: abbreviation of Hoboe
HB {noun} [Switzerland] :: abbreviation of Hauptbahnhof
Hbf. {noun} :: abbreviation of Hauptbahnhof
Hbf {noun} :: abbreviation of Hauptbahnhof
H-Bombe {f} :: Short for Wasserstoffbombe (hydrogen bomb)
hd. {adj} :: abbreviation of hochdeutsch
Hdt. {num} :: abbreviation of Hundert
Hdt. {prop} :: abbreviation of Herodot, Herodotos, Herodotus
H-dur {noun} :: alternative spelling of H-Dur
H-Dur {n} :: B major (the major key with B as its tonic)
Headhunter {m} [business, recruiting] :: headhunter
Heap {m} [computing] :: heap
Heard und McDonaldinseln {prop} {p} :: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
heavy {adj} [predicative, colloquial, probably slightly dated] :: heavy; intense; serious; shocking (extraordinary, especially in a bad way)
Hebamme {f} :: midwife (accoucheuse)
Hebel {m} :: operating lever, hand gear
Hebel {m} [mechanics] :: lever
Hebel {m} [sport] :: lever hold
Hebel {m} [finance] :: leverage
Hebel {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hebelarm {m} :: lever arm
Hebelwirkung {f} [finance, physics] :: leverage
heben {vt} :: to lift; to raise
heben {vt} :: to heave; to hoist
heben {vr} :: to rise; to lift
Hebopfer {n} [biblical] :: heave offering
Hebräer {m} :: historic: Hebrew (People)
hebräisch {adj} :: Hebrew
Hebräisch {prop} {n} :: Hebrew (language)
Hebräisch {prop} {n} :: Hebrew (alphabet)
Hebraistik {f} :: Hebrew studies (academic study of Hebrew language and literature)
Hebriden {prop} {p} :: Hebriden (archipelago)
Hebung {f} :: lifting, elevation
Hebung {f} [geology] :: crustal thickening
Hebung {f} [linguistics] :: palatalization, fronting
Hebung {f} [poetry] :: arsis
hecheln {v} :: to pant or breathe fast and loudly through one’s mouth (much like dogs do when hot or short of breath)
hecheln {v} :: to hackle
hecheln {v} [figurative] :: to heckle; to slag off
hecheln {v} [archaic] :: to hit; to beat
hecheln {v} [obsolete] :: to copulate with; to fuck
Hecht {m} :: pike (fish)
Hecht {m} [with adjective, especially toll] :: a bloke, a guy, especially an admired, self-confident, or arrogant one
Hechtbarbe {f} :: mangar, a fish (Luciobarbus esocinus)
Heck {n} :: stern (of a ship)
Heck {n} :: tail (of an aeroplane)
Heck {n} :: back (of a car)
Heck {prop} {mf} :: surname
Heckantrieb {m} :: rear-wheel drive
Hecke {f} :: hedge
hecken {v} :: to hatch (devise)
hecken {v} [of small animals] :: to give birth to a large number of young
Hecken {prop} {n} :: Hecken (municipality)
Hecken {prop} {n} :: A commune in the Haut-Rhin department of Alsace
Heckenkirsche {f} :: honeysuckle
Heckenschere {f} :: hedge cutters, hedge shears, hedge trimmer, hedge clippers
Heckenschütze {m} :: sniper
Heckklappe {f} :: tailgate (car)
Heckscheibe {f} :: rear window
Heckschraube {f} :: screw propeller
Heckschraube {f} :: stern thruster
Hedonik {f} [rare] :: hedonism
hedonisch {adj} :: hedonic
Hedonismus {m} :: hedonism
Hedonist {m} :: hedonist
hedonistisch {adj} :: hedonistic
Hedwig {prop} {f} :: given name, borne by a 12th/13th century Silesian saint
Heer {n} :: army (ground forces)
Heeresamt {n} :: department (especially within a ministry of defense) or other governmental agency in charge of a nation's army (as opposed to Luftwaffe = air force, Kriegsmarine = navy etc.)
Heeresgruppe {f} [military] :: army group
Heerrauch {m} :: synonym of Höhenrauch
Heerschar {f} :: army, host
Heerzug {m} [military] :: train
Heerzug {m} [dated, military] :: campaign
Hefe {f} :: yeast
Hefe {n} [colloquial] :: clipping of Hefeweizen; hefeweizen
Hefepilz {m} :: yeast (type of fungus)
Hefeteig {m} :: yeast dough
Hefeweizen {n} :: hefeweizen (unfiltered type of wheat beer)
Heft {n} :: notebook, writing booklet, cahier, composition book (book in which notes or memoranda are written)
Heft {n} :: notepad, writing pad (pad of paper on which one jots down notes)
Heft {n} :: exercise book (booklet for students, containing problems and exercises, or blank pages for writing answers)
Heft {n} :: number, issue (single edition of a periodical publication)
Heft {n} :: magazine (non-academic periodical publication)
Heft {n} :: comic (magazine that uses sequences of drawings to tell a story or series of stories)
Heft {n} [literary, historical, specialist or regional, widely obsolete] :: haft; handle (of a weapon or certain tools)
Heftchen {n} [often, derogatory] :: pamphlet, especially one with lowbrow or sensationalistic content (e.g. comic strips, crime fiction, pornography)
Heftchen {n} :: diminutive of Heft
heften {v} :: to fasten
heften {v} :: to tack
heften {v} :: to stick
Hefter {m} :: binder, file, a plastic or cardboard piece with prongs for hole-punched papers
Hefter {m} :: stapler
heftig {adj} :: fierce, heavy, vehement, severe, violent
heftiger {adj} :: comparative of heftig
Heftigkeit {f} :: fierceness, vehemence
heftigsten {adj} :: superlative of heftig
Heftpflaster {n} :: band-aid, adhesive bandage, [UK] sticking plaster
hegelianisch {adj} :: Hegelian
hegelsch {adj} :: Hegelian
Hegelsch {adj} :: Hegelian
hegemonial {adj} :: hegemonic
Hegemonie {f} :: hegemony
hegemonisch {adj} :: hegemonic
hegen {v} :: to cherish
hegen {v} :: to harbor, to have, to hold (e.g., doubts, a grudge, grievances)
Hegen {noun} :: nurture
hegen und pflegen {v} :: to care for deeply
hegen und pflegen {v} :: to maintain well
Hehl {m} {n} [obsolete] :: secret
hehlen {vt} [archaic] :: to hide, to conceal, to hele
hehlen {vt} [accusative or + mit] :: to transactionally buy or otherwise obtain goods for oneself or somebody else or effectuate or aid the turnover of a good which before has been obtained by criminal offence against the assets of someone
Hehler {m} :: agent noun of hehlen; receiver and usually peddler of stolen goods; fence
Hehlerei {f} :: handling (criminal offence)
Hehn {prop} :: surname
hehr {adj} :: sublime; noble
hehr {adj} :: holy
Hehrrauch {m} :: synonym of Höhenrauch
Heia {f} [childish] :: bed or sleep; beddy-bye
heichen {vt} :: to choke; gasp for breath
Heide {f} :: heath, heathland
Heide {f} [East German dialects] :: woodland, forest
Heide {prop} {f} :: surname
Heide {m} :: heathen, pagan, Gentile / gentile (male or of unspecified sex)
Heide {prop} {f} :: given name, pet form of Adelheid
Heide {prop} {n} :: Heide (municipality)
Heidekraut {f} :: heather
Heidelbeere {f} :: bilberry, blueberry, huckleberry, whortleberry, hurtleberry
Heidelberger {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Heidelberg
Heidelerche {f} :: woodlark (Lullula arborea)
Heidemarie {prop} :: given name, combination of Heide and Marie
Heidenangst {f} :: great fear
Heidengeld {n} :: large amount of money; mint
Heidenlärm {m} :: very annoying noise
Heidenreichstein {prop} {n} :: Heidenreichstein (municipality)
Heidenrespekt {m} :: extreme respect
Heidenspaß {m} :: extreme fun
Heidentum {n} :: paganism
Heiderauch {m} :: synonym of Höhenrauch
Heidi {prop} :: given name
Heidin {f} :: heathen, pagan, Gentile / gentile (female)
heidnisch {adj} :: heathen, pagan
Heiermann {m} [money, colloquial, dated] :: A five-Deutschmark coin
Heiermann {prop} {mf} :: surname
Heike {prop} {f} :: given name, a Low German and West Frisian form of Heinrike, feminine of Heinrich ( =Henry)
heikel {adj} :: delicate (requiring careful handling)
heikel {adj} :: picky (of a person with regard to food)
Heiko {prop} :: given name, a Low German and West Frisian form of Heinrich
heil {adj} :: whole; intact; unhurt; safe
heil {adj} [in combination with certain nouns] :: sheltered; innocent; ideal
Heil {n} :: health, salvation, well-being, happiness, a state of intactness and prosperity
Heil {n} [religion] :: salvation, well-being in the afterlife
Heiland {m} :: savior
Heilanstalt {f} [healthcare] :: sanatorium
heilbar {adj} :: curable
heilbringend {adj} :: beneficial
Heilbronn {prop} :: Heilbronn (city)
Heilbronn {prop} :: surname
Heilbutt {m} :: halibut (fish of genus Hippoglossus)
heile {adj} :: alternative form of heil
heilen {v} :: to heal
heilend {adj} :: healing, curing
heilend {adj} :: curative
Heiler {m} :: agent noun of heilen
heilfroh {adj} :: deeply glad (often implying relief)
heilfroh {adj} [casual use] :: satisfied; glad
heilig {adj} :: holy
heilig {adj} :: sacred
Heiligabend {prop} {m} :: Christmas Eve (day before Christmas Day)
Heilige {f} :: female saint
Heilige {f} [colloquial] :: virtuous, honest woman
heiligen {vt} :: To hallow; to make holy
heiligen {vt} :: To regard or respect as holy
Heiligenberg {prop} {n} :: Heiligenberg (municipality)
Heiligenberg {prop} {n} :: Heiligenberg (municipality)
Heiligenberg {prop} {n} :: Heiligenberg (commune)
Heiligenbrunn {prop} {n} :: Heiligenbrunn (municipality)
Heiligenkreuz {prop} {n} :: Heiligenkreuz (municipality)
Heiligenschein {m} :: aureola, aureole
Heiliger {m} :: saint (male or of unspecified sex)
Heiliger {m} [colloquial] :: virtuous, honest man
Heiliger Geist {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
Heiliger Gral {m} :: Holy Grail
Heiliger Stuhl {prop} {m} :: Holy See (episcopal see of the Roman Catholic Church)
Heiliger Vater {prop} :: Holy Father (pope)
Heilige Schrift {f} :: Holy Scripture
Heiliges Römisches Reich {prop} {n} :: Holy Roman Empire
Heiligkeit {f} :: holiness, holyness
heiligsprechen {v} [Roman Catholicism] :: to canonize (declare someone a saint, thereby recommending their veneration to the whole Church)
Heiligtum {n} :: sacred site; sanctuary; shrine
Heiligtum {n} :: sacred, venerated object
Heilkraut {n} :: medicinal herb
Heilkunde {f} [chiefly in compounds] :: medicine, medical science
heillos {adj} :: hopeless
Heilmittel {n} :: remedy (a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease)
Heilpflanze {f} :: medicinal plant
heilsam {adj} :: wholesome
heilsam {adj} [dated] :: salubrious
Heilsarmee {prop} {f} :: Salvation Army (a Protestant Christian church and an international charitable organisation structured in a quasi-military fashion)
Heilsgeschichte {f} :: Heilsgeschichte
Heilung {f} :: healing
Heilwasser {n} :: curative water(s)
heim {adv} :: home; always as a direction, thus never in the sense of at home
Heim {n} :: home
Heim {n} :: hostel
Heim {n} :: asylum
Heimat {f} [of a person] :: home; homeland
Heimat {f} [figurative, of things] :: home; homeland; place where something originated or where it is deep-rooted
Heimatfilm {m} [film] :: Heimatfilm, homeland film
Heimatland {n} :: homeland, home country
heimatlos {adj} :: without a homeland; stateless
Heimatschutz {m} :: homeland security
Heimatschutz {m} :: an earlier form of Umweltschutz ("protection of the environment")
Heimatschutzministerium {prop} {n} :: (United States) Department of Homeland Security
Heimatstadt {f} :: hometown
heimatvertrieben {adj} :: forced to leave one's homeland
Heimatvertriebener {m} :: someone forced to leave their homeland
Heimatvertriebener {m} :: a German expelled from their home after the Second World War
heimbringen {vt} :: to bring home
Heimchen {n} :: house cricket
Heimcomputer {m} [computer hardware] :: home computer
heimelig {adj} :: cosy
heimfahren {v} :: to drive home
Heimfahrt {f} :: journey home
heimführen {v} :: to lead home
heimführen {v} [formal, dated] :: to marry
heimgehen {v} :: to go home
heimgekehrt {v} :: past participle of heimkehren
heimgekommen {v} :: past participle of heimkommen
heimholen {v} :: to fetch and bring home
heimisch {adj} :: domestic (internal to a specific nation or region)
heimisch {adj} :: homely (characteristic of or belonging to the home; domestic)
Heimkehr {f} :: homecoming
heimkehren {v} :: to return home
Heimkind {n} :: child in a children's home
heimkommen {v} :: to come home
heimlich {adj} :: secret, clandestine (done or kept in secret)
Heimlichkeit {f} :: secrecy, furtiveness
Heimlichkeit {f} :: secret
Heimlichtuerei {f} :: secrecy
heimlichtun {v} :: to be secretive
Heimmannschaft {f} :: home team, home side
Heimschuh {prop} {n} :: Heimschuh (municipality)
Heimspiel {n} [sports] :: home game
Heimstatt {f} [formal] :: homeland
heimsuchen {v} :: to haunt, to afflict
Heimsuchung {f} :: blow, stroke of fate, scourge (negative event, trouble)
Heimsuchung {f} [dated] :: visit
Heimsuchung {f} [religion] :: visitation
Heimtextilien {p} :: home textiles, household textiles
Heimtier {n} :: An animal from an animal shelter
Heimtier {n} :: A formal term for a pet, as opposed to a farm animal or a wild animal. In 1986 this definition of the term became a law in article 1 of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, German: Europäische Übereinkommen zum Schutz von Heimtieren
heimtückisch {adj} :: treacherous, perfidious
heimtückisch {adj} :: insidious
heimtückisch {adj} :: malicious
heimtückisch {adv} :: treacherously
heimtückisch {adv} :: insidiously
heimtückisch {adv} :: maliciously
heimwärts {adv} :: homewards
Heimweg {m} :: way home
Heimweh {n} :: homesickness
Heimwerker {m} :: Handyman
Heimwerkergerät {n} :: do-it-yourself tool, do-it-yourself appliance
heimzahlen {v} :: to pay back
heinacht {adv} [obsolete] :: alternative form of heint
Heine {prop} :: given name; rarely used today
Heine {prop} :: surname, notably of Heinrich Heine
Heiner {prop} :: given name, a short form of Heinrich (Henry)
Heiner {prop} :: surname
Heinfels {prop} {n} :: Heinfels (municipality)
Heini {m} :: scatterbrained, stupid person; nut
Heini {prop} :: given name
Heinrich {prop} {m} :: given name
Heinrich {prop} {m} :: surname derived from the given name
heint {adv} [obsolete] :: tonight
Heinz {prop} :: given name, a popular diminutive of Heinrich
Heirat {f} :: marrying; marriage; wedding (the act of marrying; the contracting of a marriage)
heiraten {vi} :: to marry; to get married
heiraten {vt} :: to marry someone; to take someone as one's spouse
Heirath {f} :: obsolete spelling of Heirat
heirathen {v} :: obsolete spelling of heiraten
Heiratsantrag {m} :: proposal of marriage
Heiratsgut {n} [Austria, otherwise dated] :: dowry
Heiratsschwindler {m} :: marriage swindler
Heiratsurkunde {f} :: marriage certificate
Heiratsvermittler {m} :: marriage broker, matchmaker
heisa {interj} :: hooray
heischen {vt} [dated, formal] :: to request, to ask, to bespeak
heischen {vt} [dated, formal] :: to beg, to implore
Heisenberg {prop} :: surname
Heisenbergsche Unschärferelation {noun} :: Heisenberg uncertainty principle
heiser {adj} :: hoarse
heiss {adj} :: alternative spelling of heiß
heiß {adj} :: hot (having a high temperature)
heiß {adj} [of animals, otherwise colloquial] :: hot; horny (sexually aroused)
heißblütig {adj} :: hotblooded, hot-blooded
heissen {v} :: alternative spelling of heißen
heißen {vi} :: to have a name; to be named; to be called; but implying that one “owns” this name, not necessarily that one goes by it
heißen {vit} :: to mean; to have a meaning
heißen {v} [impersonal] :: to say, to be said; to go, run (like)
heißen {vt} [archaic except in fixed expressions] :: to call (someone something)
heißen {vt} [archaic] :: to order, to direct, to call to do something
heißes Eisen {n} [idiom] :: hot potato
heißgeliebt {adj} :: passionate
Heißhunger {m} :: munchies, craving (for food)
Heißklebepistole {f} :: hot glue gun
Heißluftballon {m} :: hot air balloon
heißmachen {v} :: to make hot
heißmachen {v} :: to arouse
Heißzeit {f} :: "hot age"; period of unusually hot temperatures
Heister {m} [horticulture] :: young foliage tree
Heister {m} [regional] :: beech
-heit {suffix} :: Converts an adjective into a noun and usually denotes an abstract quality of the adjectival root. It is often equivalent to the English suffixes -ness, -th, -ty:
-heit {suffix} :: Converts concrete nouns into abstract nouns:
heiter {adj} :: cheerful
heiter {adj} :: fair (weather)
Heiterkeit {f} :: happiness, cheer, cheerfulness, joy
Heiterwang {prop} {n} :: Heiterwang (municipality)
heizbar {adj} :: heatable
Heizdraht {m} :: heating wire (especially in a thermionic valve)
Heizelement {n} :: heating element
heizen {v} :: to heat
Heizer {m} :: stoker, fireman (male or of unspecified sex)
Heizgewölbe {n} :: heating-vault, any cavity that has a technical use of passing heat
Heizkörper {m} :: radiator
Heizleiter {m} :: heating element (electrical conductor with a high resistance)
Heizleiterlegierung {f} :: heating-conductor alloy
Heizlüfter {m} :: electric fire or space heater with a fan; fan heater
Heizöl {n} :: heating oil
Heizspirale {f} :: heating coil / element
Heizstrahler {m} :: any heater using radiant heating, such as an electric fire without a fan
Heizung {f} :: heating (a system that raises the temperature of a room or building)
Hekatombe {f} :: hecatomb
Hektar {n} :: hectare
Hektik {f} :: hecticness, bustle
hektisch {adj} :: hectic
hekto- {prefix} :: hecto-
Hektoliter {n} {m} :: hectoliter, hectolitre
Hektometer {m} :: hectometer, hectometre
Hektopascal {n} :: hectopascal
Hektor {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hector
Held {m} :: hero
Held {m} :: protagonist
Heldenberg {prop} {n} :: Heldenberg (municipality)
heldenhaft {adj} :: heroic
Heldenmut {m} :: heroism
Heldentat {f} :: heroic deed
Heldentenor {noun} [literally] :: hero and tenor; A singer with a deep, strong voice that spans the range between baritone and tenor
Heldentod {m} :: heroic death
Heldentum {n} :: heroism
Heldin {f} :: heroine
heldisch {adj} :: heroic
Helena {prop} :: given name
Helene {prop} :: given name
helfen {v} :: to help (someone); to assist; to aid [+ dative]
Helfenberg {prop} {n} :: Helfenberg (municipality)
Helfer {m} :: agent noun of helfen
Helfershelfer {m} :: accessory; accomplice (to a crime)
Helga {prop} :: given name borrowed from Scandinavia, ultimately from Old Norse Helga
Helge {prop} :: given name
Helge {prop} :: given name
Helge {m} :: alternative form of Helling
Helgoland {prop} {n} :: Heligoland (German island in the North Sea)
Helgoländer {m} :: A person from, or residing in, Heligoland
Helgoländer {adj} :: from, of, or pertaining to Heligoland
Helibert {prop} {m} :: given name
Helikopter {m} :: helicopter
Helikopterrotor {m} :: helicopter rotor
Heliometer {n} :: heliometer
Helios {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Helios
Heliostat {m} :: heliostat
heliozentrisch {adj} :: heliocentric
Heliozentrismus {m} :: heliocentrism
Helium {n} :: helium; the chemical element and lighest noble gas with the atomic number 2
Heliumatom {n} :: helium atom
Heliumballon {m} :: helium balloon
Heliumbrennen {n} :: helium burning
heliumgekühlt {adj} :: (liquid) helium-cooled
Heliumhydrid {n} :: helium hydride (ion)
Heliumisotop {n} :: helium isotope
Heliumkern {m} :: helium nucleus
Helix {f} :: helix
hell {adj} :: clear, bright, light
Hella {prop} :: given name
hellblau {adj} :: light blue
Hellblau {n} :: bright blue
hellbraun {adj} :: light brown, tan
Hellbraun {n} :: light brown
Helldunkelmalerei {f} [painting, photography] :: chiaroscuro
helle {adj} :: bright
Helle {n} {f} :: pale lager
Helle {f} :: brightness
Hellebarde {f} :: halberd
hellen {v} [poetic] :: to brighten
Hellene {m} :: Hellene (person)
hellenisch {adj} :: Hellenic
Hellenische Republik {prop} {f} :: Hellenic Republic (official name of Greece)
hellenistisch {adj} :: Hellenistic
hellenophil {adj} :: Hellenophile
Heller {m} :: heller
hellfarben {adj} :: brightly coloured
hellgelb {adj} :: bright / light yellow
Hellgelb {n} :: bright yellow
hellgoldgelb {adj} :: bright golden-yellow
hellgrau {adj} :: light gray
Hellgrau {n} :: light gray
hellgrün {adj} :: bright green
Hellgrün {n} :: light green
hellgrüner {adj} :: comparative of hellgrün
hellgrünsten {adj} :: superlative of hellgrün
hellhäutig {adj} :: light-skinned
hellhörig {adj} [of walls, apartments, etc.] :: poorly soundproofed, having thin walls
hellhörig {adj} [mainly in certain idioms, see derived terms] :: alert
hellhörig {adj} [dated] :: having a keen ear, clairaudient
Helligkeit {f} :: brightness
Helling {f} [nautical] :: slipway
helllicht {adj} [chiefly attributive] :: bright (with daylight; of the sky or a time of day)
Hellmonsödt {prop} {n} :: Hellmonsödt (municipality)
hellorange {adj} :: bright/light orange
hellrosa {adj} :: light / bright pink
hellrot {adj} :: bright red; scarlet
Hellrot {n} :: bright red, scarlet
hellrötlich {adj} :: light reddish
hellsehen {v} :: to be clairvoyant
Hellsehen {n} :: clairvoyance
Hellseher {m} :: clairvoyant
Hellseherei {f} :: clairvoyance
hellseherisch {adj} :: clairvoyant
hellsichtig {adj} [of a person] :: clairvoyant
Hellstern {noun} [literally] :: "bright star"
Hellstern {noun} [Christianity] :: The Christian faith
hellt {v} :: past participle of hellen
hellviolett {adj} :: light violet; lilac
hellwach {adj} :: wide awake
Hellwege {prop} :: A village in Rottenburg, Lower Saxony
hellweiß {adj} :: having a bright white color
Helm {m} :: helmet
Helm {m} :: helm roof
Helm {m} [heraldry] :: helmet, as shown above a coat of arms
Helmholtz {prop} :: surname
Helmina {prop} :: given name, short for Wilhelmina
Helmine {prop} :: given name, short for Wilhelmine
Helmut {prop} :: given name popular during the first half of the 20th century
Helmuth {prop} {m} :: given name
Helsinki {prop} {n} :: Helsinki (capital city)
helvetisch {adj} :: Helvetian, Swiss
Helvetismus {m} :: Helvetism
Hemd {n} :: shirt, the term excludes t-shirts
Hemdchen {n} :: diminutive of Hemd
Hemdknopf {m} :: shirt button
Hemdlein {n} :: diminutive of Hemd
hemdsärmelig {adj} :: shirt-sleeved
hemdsärmelig {adj} :: casual
Hemimorphit {m} [mineral] :: hemimorphite
Hemisphäre {f} :: hemisphere
hemizygot {adj} :: hemizygous, hemizygotic
hemmen {v} :: to check
hemmen {v} :: to hamper
hemmend {adj} :: inhibitory, retardant
hemmend {adj} :: repressive
Hemmnis {n} :: hindrance; obstruction
Hemmnis {n} [golf] :: hazard
Hemmschuh {m} [railroading] :: break block (a transportable device used to slow down or stop moving railway cars)
Hemmschuh {m} [colloquial] :: chock, wheel chock, scotch
Hemmschuh {m} [by extension] :: hindrance
Hemmschwelle {f} :: [moral] inhibition
Hemmung {f} [psychology] :: inhibition
Hemmung {f} :: scruple
Hemmung {f} :: hindrance, hindering
Hemmung {f} :: escapement of a timepiece
hemmungslos {adj} :: unrestrained
Hemmungslosigkeit {f} :: lack of restraint
Hendiadyoin {m} [rhetoric] :: hendiadys
Hendrik {prop} :: given name
Hengsberg {prop} {n} :: Hengsberg (municipality)
Hengst {m} :: stallion (male horse)
Hengst {m} :: stallion (virile and sexually potent man)
Hengstmann {prop} :: surname
Hengstmann {m} [archaic] :: groom (person who cares for horses)
Henkel {m} :: handle
henken {vt} [dated or archaic] :: to hang; to execute by hanging
Henker {m} :: hangman, an executioner, particularly for dry executions
Henna {n} {f} :: henna
Henne {f} :: hen (female chicken)
Hennegau {prop} :: Hennegau (province)
Hennersdorf {prop} {n} :: Hennersdorf (municipality)
Hennin {m} {n} :: hennin
Henny {prop} :: given name derived from Henriette and Johanna
Henny {prop} :: given name derived from Heinrich and Johannes
Henotheismus {m} :: henotheism (religion: belief in one ("main") deity without denying the existence of other deities)
Henry {prop} {m} :: given name borrowed from English
Hentai {m} {n} {f} :: hentai (anime, manga)
heparinisieren {v} :: To heparinize
heparinisiert {v} :: past participle of heparinisieren
heparinisiert {adj} :: heparinized
hepatisch {adj} :: hepatic
Hepatitis {f} :: hepatitis
hepatotoxisch {adj} :: hepatotoxic
Heppenheim {prop} {n} :: Heppenheim (city)
Heptafluoroniobat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: heptafluoroniobate
Heptahydrat {n} [chemistry] :: heptahydrate
Heptamolybdat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: heptamolybdate
Heptan {n} [organic compound] :: heptane
Heptasulfid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: heptasulfide
Heptoxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: heptoxide
her- {prefix} :: Adverbial and separable verbal prefix that indicates a movement
her {adv} :: hither, to this place, to here, to me/us
her {adv} :: ago
Hera {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Hera
herab- {prefix} :: down-
herab {adv} :: down, downwards (to the own location downwards)
herabblicken {v} :: to look downwards
herabblicken {v} :: to look down [feel superior to]
herabfliegen {vi} :: To fly down
herabgeflogen {v} :: past participle of herabfliegen
herabgesetzt {v} :: past participle of herabsetzen
herablassen {v} [literally] :: to let down
herablassen {vi} :: to condescend
herablassend {adj} :: condescending (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude)
Herablassung {f} :: condescension (patronizing attitude or behavior)
herabrieseln {v} [formal] :: to trickle down
herabsetzen {v} :: to reduce (price etc.)
herabsetzen {v} :: to belittle (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is)
herabsetzend {adj} :: disparaging, pejorative
Herabsetzung {f} :: decrease, reduction, lowering
Herabsetzung {f} :: disparagement, belittling
Herabsetzung {f} :: depreciation
herabsteigen {vt} [a mountain] :: to descend
herabstufen {v} :: to downgrade
herabstufen {v} :: to degrade
Herabstufung {f} :: downgrading, downgrade
Herabstufung {f} :: demotion
herabwürdigen {v} :: to disparage, to vilify
Heraklit {prop} {m} :: Heraclitus
Heraldik {f} :: heraldry (the profession of devising and blazoning arms)
heraldisch {adj} :: heraldic
heran- {prefix} :: A prefix
heran {adv} :: near, close to, over to (to the direction of the speaker or an object)
heranbrechen {v} [of the sea or waves] :: to surge, break
heranbrechen {v} [Swiss] :: to start, commence
heranführen {vt} :: to lead someone or something to
heranführen {vt} :: to (slowly) introduce so. to
herangeführt {v} :: past participle of heranführen
herangehen {v} :: to approach
Herangehensweise {f} :: approach [to a situation]
herangekommen {v} :: past participle of herankommen
herangewachsen {v} :: past participle of heranwachsen
herangewachsen {adj} :: grown, adult, grown-up, full-grown
herangezogen {v} :: past participle of heranziehen
herangezogen {adj} :: used
herangezogen {adj} :: consulted
herankommen {v} :: to approach, to come close
herannahen {v} :: to approach
heranreichen {vt} :: to reach
herantreten {v} :: to approach [+ an (object)]
heranwachsen {v} :: to grow up
heranwachsend {adj} :: adolescent
Heranwachsende {f} :: adolescent [female]
Heranwachsender {m} :: adolescent [male or unspecified]
herauf- {prefix} :: A prefix, conveying a movement on something
herauf {adv} :: up, upwards (to the own location upwards)
heraufbeschwören {v} :: to provoke [an event]
heraufbeschwören {v} :: to conjure up
herauffahren {v} :: to drive up [towards the speaker]
herauffahren {v} :: to start up, boot up
heraufgesetzt {v} :: past participle of heraufsetzen
heraufkommen {v} :: to come up
heraufkommen {v} :: to emerge
heraufsetzen {v} :: To raise prices
heraufstufen {v} :: to upgrade, to raise
heraufstufen {v} :: to promote
Heraufstufung {f} :: upgrading, upgrade
Heraufstufung {f} :: promotion
heraus- {prefix} :: A prefix, conveying a movement out of something
heraus {adv} :: out of (in the direction of the speaker)
herausbekommen {v} :: to figure out
herausbringen {v} :: To release or bring out
herausfinden {v} :: to find out
herausfinden {v} :: to figure out
Herausforderer {m} :: challenger, contender
Herausforderer {m} [politics] :: opponent
Herausforderin {f} :: challenger, contender (female)
Herausforderin {f} :: opponent (female opposing candidate in an election)
herausfordern {v} :: To challenge
herausfordern {v} :: To defy
herausfordern {v} :: To provoke
Herausforderung {f} :: challenge (that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not)
Herausforderung {f} :: challenge (i.e., competition)
herausgeben {vt} :: To release, to publish
Herausgeber {m} :: editor; publisher (sexless, of unspecified sex, male and/or female)
Herausgeberin {f} :: feminine noun of Herausgeber
herausgebracht {v} :: past participle of herausbringen - released, brought out
herausgefordert {v} :: past participle of herausfordern
herausgefordert {adj} :: challenged
herausgefordert {adj} :: defied
herausgefunden {v} :: past participle of herausfinden - found, found out
herausgegeben {v} :: past participle of herausgeben
herausgegeben {adj} :: released
herausgegeben {adj} :: published
herausgehen {v} :: to go out [when speaker is outside]
herausgelöst {v} :: past participle of herauslösen
herausgeprustet {v} :: past participle of herausprusten
herausgestellt {v} :: past participle of herausstellen
herausgestellt {adj} :: exposed
herausgreifen {v} :: to single out
herausheben {v} [literally, also, metaphorically] :: to lift out, to upheave
herausheben {v} :: to make a wee bit more visible by adding distinguishing marks or features to, to bring out, to accentuate
herausholen {vt} :: to get out, to fetch out
herauskommen {v} :: to come out
herauskriegen {v} :: to work out, suss out
herauslösen {v} [chemistry] :: to dissolve out
herauslösen {v} :: to separate from
herausnehmen {v} :: to take out
herausplatzen {v} :: to blurt [with preposition: mit]
herausprusten {v} :: to burst out with something while laughing out and snorting
herausragen {v} :: to protrude, to stick out
herausragen {v} :: to stand out
herausragend {adj} :: outstanding
herausragend {adj} :: prominent, jutting
herausreden {v} :: to explain away, to make excuses
herausreißen {v} :: to tear out
herausschaffen {v} [colloquial] :: to manage to get out
herausschauen {v} :: to look out, to be looking out [e.g. of a window]
herausschauen {v} :: to peek out
herausschmeißen {v} :: to kick out
herausschneiden {vt} :: to cut out
herausschreiben {v} :: to write out [i.e. of a work]
herausschreien {v} :: to shout out
herausstellen {v} :: To emphasize, underline
herausstellen {v} :: To showcase
herausstellen {vr} :: To come to light
herausstreichen {v} :: to highlight, underline
herausziehen {vt} :: to pull out (aus of)
herauszoomen {v} :: to zoom out
herb {adj} [of food and drink, e.g. beer] :: slightly bitter or sharp to the taste, often in a pleasant way; tart (but not in the sense of “sour”)
herb {adj} [figurative, chiefly of events or deeds] :: harsh; hard
Herbarium {n} :: herbarium
herbei {adv} :: hither, here, to here, to this place
herbeieilen {vi} :: to come running
herbeiführen {v} :: to precipitate, cause, induce
Herbeiführung {f} :: induction (bringing about)
herbeigeeilt {v} :: past participle of herbeieilen
herbeigeführt {adj} :: induced, brought about
herbeigezogen {v} :: past participle of herbeiziehen
herbeigezogen {adj} [not comparable] :: used, applied
herbeigezogen {adj} [comparable, colloquial] :: far-fetched (shorthand of an den Haaren herbeigezogen)
herbeikommen {v} :: to approach, come near
herbeilocken {v} :: to lure, attract [to here]
herbeischaffen {vt} :: to procure, fetch
herbeiziehen {v} :: to attract (sth.)
herbeiziehen {v} :: to use (sth.)
Herberge {f} :: hostel, inn (accommodation for travellers, often serving breakfast and cold supper, but typically no hot food)
Herberge {f} :: home, shelter, place to sleep
Herbert {prop} {m} :: given name
Herbizid {n} :: herbicide
herbringen {v} :: to bring [to the speaker]
Herbst {m} :: autumn, fall
Herbst {prop} {mf} :: surname
Herbstanfang {m} :: beginning of fall, beginning of autumn, early fall, early autumn
herbsten {vi} [impersonal] :: to become autumn
herbsten {vt} [regional, colloquial] :: to harvest (ripe grapes for wine)
Herbstende {n} :: end of autumn, end of fall
Herbstende {n} :: late autumn, late fall
herbstfarben {adj} :: autumnal (in colour)
Herbstgrasmilbe {f} :: harvest mite
Herbstlaub {n} [collective] :: autumn leaves, autumn foliage, fall foliage
herbstlich {adj} :: autumn, autumnal
Herbstmond {m} :: harvest moon
Herbstmond {m} [dated] :: September
Herbstsonne {f} :: autumn sun
Herbststurm {m} :: autumn storm
Herbsttrompete {f} :: black chanterelle (mushroom)
Herbstvollmond {m} :: harvest moon (the first full moon of autumn by a tropical year)
Herbstvollmond {m} :: harvest moon (the full moon nearest the autumn equinox)
Herbstwald {m} :: autumn forest
Herbstwetter {n} :: autumn weather
Herbstwind {m} :: autumn wind
Herd {m} :: cooker; stove
Herd {m} [by restriction] :: hob; cooktop
Herd {m} [dated] :: fireplace, hearth
Herd {m} [figuratively] :: the household as the traditional workplace of women
Herde {f} :: herd
Herdenimmunität {f} :: herd immunity
Herder {prop} :: surname
Herdfeuer {n} :: hearth, or more literally: the fire therein (particularly as a place around which the family gathers)
Herdplatte {f} :: stovetop
Herdprämie {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: a bonus to remain at home
hereditär {adj} :: hereditary
herein- {prefix} :: A verbal prefix indicating movement inwards towards the speaker
herein {adv} :: in (in the direction of the speaker)
hereinfallen {v} :: to fall for something/somebody
hereingehen {v} :: to go in [when speaker is inside]
hereingekommen {adj} :: arrived, received
hereingekommen {v} :: past participle of hereinkommen
hereinkommen {v} :: to come in
hereinlassen {v} :: to let in
hereinlegen {v} [colloquial] :: to trick
hereinlegen {v} [literal] :: to lay down inside
hereinrufen {v} :: to call in
hereinstecken {vt} :: to insert
herfallen {v} :: to attack suddenly [+ über (object)]
hergeben {vt} :: to hand over [towards speaker]
hergegangen {v} :: past participle of hergehen
hergehen {vi} :: to follow, to be going with
hergehen {vi} [Southern Germany, Austria] :: to come
hergehen {v} [impersonal, slang] :: to happen
hergehen {vi} [idiomatic] :: to turn active
hergehört {v} :: past participle of herhören
hergekommen {v} :: past participle of herkommen
hergeleitet {v} :: past participle of herleiten
hergeleitet {adj} :: derived
hergeleitet {adj} :: deduced
hergerührt {v} :: past participle of herrühren
hergestellt {adj} :: produced, made, manufactured
herhalten {vt} :: to serve as
herholen {v} :: to fetch
herhören {v} :: to listen
Heribert {prop} {m} :: given name
Hering {m} :: herring
Hering {m} :: tent peg
heringsähnlich {adj} :: herringlike
Heringsfischer {m} :: herring fisherman, herringer
herkommen {v} :: to come over, come here (towards the speaker)
herkommen {v} :: to come from
herkömmlich {adj} :: conventional, traditional
Herkules {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hercules
Herkules {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Hercules
Herkunft {f} :: origin, source
Herkunft {f} :: descent (lineage or hereditary derivation)
Herkunft {f} :: etymology (origin of a word)
Herkunftsbezeichnung {f} :: designation of origin
Herkunftsland {n} :: country of origin
Herkunftsort {m} :: place / point of origin
herlangen {v} :: to hand [to the speaker]
herlaufen {v} :: to come running
herlaufen {v} :: to run with someone, run (ahead/behind etc. someone)
herleiten {v} :: To deduce
herleiten {v} :: To derive
Herling {m} :: unripe grape from a late-season lateral shoot of the vine
hermachen {v} [colloquial] :: to seem impressive
Hermann {prop} {m} :: given name
Hermann {prop} {m} :: surname derived from the given name
Hermannstadt {prop} :: Hermannstadt (capital city)
Hermannstadt {prop} :: Hermannstadt (village/and/municipality)
Hermaphrodit {m} [medicine, formal, literary] :: hermaphrodite (individual or organism having both male and female gonads)
Hermelin {n} :: ermine [Mustela erminea]
Hermelin {n} [heraldry] :: ermine
Hermelin {m} :: ermine (white fur of the ermine)
Hermelin {m} :: Trichosea ludifica (moth of the Noctuidae family)
Hermeneutik {f} :: hermeneutics
hermeneutisch {adj} [humanities] :: hermeneutic, hermeneutical
Hermes {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hermes
hermetisch {adj} :: hermetic
Hermina {prop} :: given name, a Latinate variant of Hermine
Hermine {prop} :: given name
hermitesch {adj} [maths] :: Hermitian
Hermitesch {adj} [maths] :: Hermitian
hernach {adv} :: afterwards
Herne {prop} :: Herne (city)
Hernstein {prop} {n} :: Hernstein (municipality)
hero {adv} [archaic] :: alternative form of her
Heroin {n} :: heroin
heroisch {adj} :: heroic
Herold {m} :: herald
Heros {m} [mythology] :: hero
Herostrat {prop} {m} :: Herostratus
Herostrat {m} :: Someone who commits a crime in order to achieve herostratic fame
Herpes {m} :: herpes
herpetologisch {adj} :: herpetological
Herr {m} :: man, gentleman (polite term)
Herr {m} :: sir (title of respect)
Herr {m} :: Mr., mister, sir
Herr {m} :: gentleman
Herr {m} :: master, lord (generally denotes that somebody has control over something, either in a generic or in a regal sense)
Herr {m} :: lowest title of the former German nobility
Herr {m} :: Lord, God
HErr {prop} {m} :: Typographical variant of Herr, particularly in German translations of the Bible
HERR {prop} {m} :: Typographical variant of Herr, particularly in German translations of the Bible
Herrchen {n} :: master, owner [of a dog]
Herr der Heerscharen {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Lord of Hosts; Lord Sabaoth (the almighty God, particularly in the context of the Old Testament)
Herrenbesuch {m} :: visit by a man
Herrengedeck {n} [humorously] :: a glass of beer served with a shot of a spirit, most often Korn (liquor)
Herrenhaus {n} :: manor house
herrenlos {adj} :: abandoned, unclaimed: not evidently belonging to anyone
Herrenmoral {f} [philosophy] :: master morality; morality of the strong-willed
Herrenrasse {f} [Nazism] :: master race
Herrentag {m} :: Father's Day
Herrentag {m} :: Lord's Day
Herrentoilette {f} :: men's toilet, men's restroom
Herrenuhr {f} :: man's watch
Herrenvolk {n} :: master race
Herrenvolk {n} :: (obsolete) The term for the class of General Officers in the Prussian and German armies (c.1870-1945)
Herrgott {m} [Christianity] :: Lord, God
Herrgott {m} [Southern Germany, Austria] :: crucifix (statue of Jesus on the cross)
Herrgott {interj} :: good Lord, damn
Herrgott noch mal {interj} :: damn it all, goddammit
herrichten {v} :: to arrange
herrichten {v} :: to prepare
herrichten {v} :: to decorate
herrichten {v} :: to renovate
Herrin {f} :: lady
herrisch {adj} :: bossy, authoritarian
herrje {interj} :: geez
herrklären {v} [slang, neologism] :: to mansplain
Herrlein {n} :: diminutive of Herr
herrlich {adj} :: Fantastic; marvelous; wonderful; splendid; glorious; lovely
herrlicher {adj} :: comparative of herrlich
Herrlichkeit {f} :: glory, splendour
herrlichsten {adj} :: superlative of herrlich
Herrnbaumgarten {prop} {n} :: Herrnbaumgarten (municipality)
Herrnhuter {m} :: Herrnhuter (male or of unspecified sex)
Herrschaft {f} :: lordship, reign, rule, dominion
Herrschaft {f} :: feudal district: fiefdom, feudal manor, seigniory
Herrschaft {f} [in the plural, obsolete or ironic] :: ladies and gentlemen (used to courtly address an audience)
Herrschaftssprache {f} :: language of the ruling class
herrschen {v} :: to rule, to reign, to have dominion
herrschen {v} :: to prevail, to dominate
herrschend {adj} :: prevalent, prevailing
herrschend {adj} :: dominant, ruling, reigning
Herrscher {m} :: agent noun of herrschen; ruler, monarch, sovereign
Herrscherpersönlichkeit {f} :: (important) ruler
Herrscherrolle {f} :: domineering role
herrschsüchtig {adj} :: domineering
herrühren {v} :: To spring, stem, arise or issue (from)
Herr werden {v} [used with genitive] :: to master, to get under control
hersagen {vt} :: to recite
herstellbar {adj} :: producible, manufacturable, contrivable
herstellen {v} :: to produce, manufacture
herstellen {v} :: to establish, make, install, connect
Hersteller {m} :: manufacturer
Herstellerin {f} :: feminine noun of Hersteller
Herstellung {f} :: production (act of producing)
Herstellungskosten {p} :: production costs
Herstellungsprozess {m} :: manufacturing process
Herstellungsverfahren {n} :: manufacturing process
Herta {prop} :: given name
Hertha {prop} :: given name popular at the turn of the 20th century
Hertz {n} :: hertz
Hertz {n} :: obsolete spelling of Herz
Hertz {prop} :: surname
hertzlich {adj} :: obsolete spelling of herzlich
Hertzog {m} :: obsolete spelling of Herzog
herüber {adv} :: over here
herum- {prefix} :: Denoting aimless action
herum {adv} :: about, around. Schaue um dich herum. - Look around you
herumballern {v} :: to shoot in all directions
herumbewegen {vtr} :: to move around
herumdoktern {v} :: to tinker
herumdrehen {vt} :: to turn, to turn around, to reverse
herumdrehen {vir} :: to wheel around, to turn around, to turn over
herumfahren {v} :: to drive around something
herumfahren {v} [colloquial] :: to cruise (to drive around aimlessly)
herumfahren {v} [colloquial] :: to chauffeur (to transport someone in a motor vehicle)
herumfahren {v} [colloquial] :: to stroke, swipe (to make quick, aimless movements)
herumfliegen {v} :: to fly around
herumfragen {v} :: to ask around
herumführen {vt} :: to show around
Herumgeeiere {n} [colloquial] :: tortuous maneuvering
herumgeflogen {v} :: past participle of herumfliegen
herumgehen {v} :: to walk around, walk about
herumgehen {v} :: to go around, circulate
herumgestanden {v} :: past participle of herumstehen
herumgetrieben {v} :: past participle of herumtreiben
herumgewirbelt {v} :: past participle of herumwirbeln
herumlaufen {vi} :: to wander
herumlaufen {vi} :: to run around
herumquasseln {v} :: to chitchat
herumschleppen {v} [colloquial] :: to drag/lug around
herumsitzen {v} :: to sit around; spend time sitting idly
herumspinnen {v} :: to spin around
herumspinnen {v} :: to act strange
herumsprechen {vr} :: to travel, to get around, to get out [news, gossip, rumours, etc.]
herumspringen {v} :: to jump around
herumstehen {v} :: To stand around
herumstehen {v} :: To mingle
herumtreiben {vr} :: to run around, to hang around, to roam the streets
herumwirbeln {vi} :: to swirl, to twirl, to whirl around
herumwirbeln {vt} :: to twirl, to rotate rapidly, to spin around
herumwuseln {v} [colloquial] :: to move about in a disorganized fashion
herumzupfen {v} :: to pluck about, to pick at here and there
herunter- {prefix} :: A prefix; down-(?). [towards the speaker]
herunter {adv} :: down, downwards (to the own location downwards)
herunterfahren {vit} :: to drive down [towards the speaker]
herunterfahren {v} :: to shut down
herunterfallen {v} :: to fall down
heruntergekommen {adj} :: decayed, dilapidated, run-down
heruntergekommen {v} :: past participle of herunterkommen
heruntergeladen {v} :: past participle of herunterladen
heruntergelassen {v} :: past participle of herunterlassen
heruntergesetzt {v} :: past participle of heruntersetzen - lowered, marked-down (of a price)
herunterkommen {v} :: to come down, to descend
herunterkommen {v} :: to decay
Herunterkühlen {n} :: cooling down
herunterkurbeln {v} :: to crank down
herunterladen {v} [computing] :: to download (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one)
herunterlassen {v} :: to lower, to drop
herunterrutschen {v} :: to slide down [towards speaker]
heruntersetzen {v} :: to reduce (price etc.)
heruntersetzen {v} :: to belittle (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is)
herunterspielen {v} :: to downplay, belittle
herunterstoßen {v} :: to shove down
herunterstufen {v} :: to downgrade
herunterstufen {v} :: to degrade
Herunterstufung {f} :: downgrading
Herunterstufung {f} :: demotion
herunterwärts {adv} :: downwards [towards speaker]
herunterziehen {vt} :: to pull down [towards speaker]
hervor- {prefix} :: A prefix
hervor {adv} :: forth (in the direction of the speaker)
hervorbrechen {v} :: to burst through
hervorbringen {v} :: to bring forth
hervorgegangen {v} :: past participle of hervorgehen
hervorgehen {v} :: To result; to follow (logically)
hervorgehen {v} :: To arise (from)
hervorgerufen {v} :: past participle of hervorrufen - caused
hervorgerufen {adj} :: evoked, provoked, generated
hervorheben {v} :: to emphasize, highlight
hervorragen {vt} :: to protrude, to stick out [towards the speaker]
hervorragen {vi} :: to stand out [to the speaker]
hervorragend {adj} :: outstanding, superb
hervorragend {adj} :: paramount, eminent
hervorrufen {v} :: to arouse, to evoke, to induce, to cause, to bring about
hervorsehen {v} :: to show (of an object)
hervorsehen {v} :: to look out (of a person)
hervorstechen {v} :: to stick out
Herwarth {prop} {mf} :: surname
Herwarth {prop} {mf} :: given name
Herz {n} :: heart
Herz {n} [card games] :: hearts
Herz {n} :: sweetheart, darling
herzallerliebst {adj} :: Greatly beloved
Herzanfall {m} [cardiology, pathology] :: heart attack
Herzass {n} :: ace of hearts
Herzblut {n} :: lifeblood
Herzblut {n} [figuratively] :: passion; heart and soul
Herzbube {m} :: jack of hearts, knave of hearts (playing card)
Herzchen {n} :: diminutive of Herz, particularly a little symbol in the form of
Herzchen {n} [derogatory] :: naive, gullible person
Herzchen {n} [sometimes, derogatory] :: sweetie pie
Herzdame {f} :: queen of hearts (playing card)
Herzdame {f} :: beloved (female), sweetheart
Herzegowina {prop} {n} :: Herzegovina
herzegowinisch {adj} :: Herzegovinian (related to Herzegovina)
Herzeleid {n} [dated] :: heartbreak
herzen {v} :: to hug, embrace
herzen {v} :: to caress
Herzensgüte {f} :: kindheartedness
Herzenslust {f} :: heart's desire
herzerfreuend {adj} :: heartfelt; heartwarming
herzerfrischend {adj} :: heartwarming
herzerquickend {adj} :: heartwarming
herzförmig {adj} :: heart-shaped (in the shape of a stylized heart)
herzhaft {adj} :: hearty, savory, savoury
herziehen {v} [auxiliary sein] :: to move here
herziehen {v} [auxiliary haben] :: to drag
herziehen {v} [auxiliary haben or sein, with über] :: to badmouth
herzig {adj} [chiefly south Germany or Switzerland] :: sweet (having a pleasing disposition); cute
Herzinfarkt {m} :: myocardial infarction (necrosis of heart muscle), heart attack
Herzinsuffizienz {f} :: heart failure
Herzklappe {f} :: heart valve
Herzklopfen {n} :: heart palpitations
Herzklopfen {n} :: excitement
Herzkönig {m} :: king of hearts
Herzkrankheit {f} [pathology] :: heart disease
Herzlein {n} :: diminutive of Herz
herzlich {adj} :: warm, warmhearted, friendly, affectionate, cordial
herzlich {adj} :: hearty
herzlos {adj} :: heartless, unfeeling
herzlos {adj} [zoology] :: acardiac
Herzlosigkeit {f} :: heartlessness
Herzlosigkeit {f} [zoology] :: acardia
Herzmuskel {m} :: cardiac muscle
Herzmuskelgewebe {n} :: cardiac muscle tissue
Herzog {m} :: duke
Herzogenburg {prop} {n} :: Herzogenburg (municipality)
Herzogin {f} :: duchess
Herzogsdorf {prop} {n} :: Herzogsdorf (municipality)
Herzogtum {n} :: a country ruled by a duke: duchy
Herzrhythmus {m} :: cardiac rhythm
Herzrhythmusstörung {f} :: cardiac arrhythmia/dysrhythmia
Herzschlag {m} :: heartbeat
Herzschlag {m} [dated] :: heart attack
Herzschrittmacher {m} :: pacemaker
Herzstillstand {m} [pathology] :: cardiac arrest
Herzstück {n} :: centerpiece
Herztod {m} :: cardiac death
Herzversagen {n} :: heart failure
Herzzehn {f} :: ten of hearts (playing card)
herzzerreißend {adj} :: heartrending, heartbreaking
Hesekiel {prop} :: Ezekiel [biblical character]
Hesekiel {prop} :: the book of Ezekiel
Hesperien {n} :: Hesperia (western land)
Hess {noun} :: alternative spelling of Heß
Hesse {m} :: A man born in or residing in the state of Hesse; a Hessian
Hesse {prop} [Hessian] :: Hesse
Hesse {prop} :: surname for an inhabitant of Hesse
Hessen {prop} {n} :: Hesse
hessisch {adj} :: Hessian
Hete {m} [colloquial, slightly derogatory] :: A person with a heterosexual orientation; breeder
Hete {f} :: feminine noun of Hete
hetero- {prefix} :: hetero- (other; different)
Heteroaromat {m} [organic chemistry] :: heteroaromatic compound
Heteroatom {n} [chemistry] :: heteroatom
heterocyclisch {adj} [chemistry] :: heterocyclic
Heterocyclus {n} [chemistry] :: heterocycle
heterocyklisch {adj} :: alternative form of heterocyclisch
Heteroelement {n} [chemistry] :: heteroelement
heterogen {adj} [also grammar] :: heterogeneous
Heterogenität {f} :: heterogeneity
heteroklitisch {adj} :: heteroclitic
heteronom {adv} :: heteronomous
Heteronomie {f} :: heteronomy
Heteropolysäure {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: heteropoly acid
Heterosexualität {f} :: heterosexuality
heterosexuell {adj} :: heterosexual
Heterosexuelle {f} :: heterosexual (female)
Heterosexueller {m} :: heterosexual (male or of unspecified sex)
heterotroph {adj} :: heterotrophic
heterotyp {adj} :: heterotypic
heterozygot {adj} :: heterozygous
Heterozygot {n} :: heterozygote
heth. {adj} :: abbreviation of hethitisch
Hethiter {m} :: Hittite (a man from the Hittite people)
Hethiterin {f} :: Hittite (a woman from the Hittite people)
hethitisch {adj} :: Hittite (related to the Hittites, their country or their language)
Hethitisch {n} :: Hittite (the Hittite language)
Hethitologie {f} :: Hittitology
Hetze {f} :: hurry, rush
Hetze {f} :: hunt, chase
Hetze {f} :: hate speech
hetzen {vt} :: to chase; to pursue
hetzen {v} [auf] :: to sic, to set upon (of dogs etc.)
hetzen {vi} [_, with gegen] :: to agitate
hetzen {vi} [colloquial, also used reflexive] :: to be in a hurry, to hustle
Hetzer {m} :: agitator, instigator, rabble rouser
Hetzjagd {f} :: persistence hunting
Heu {n} :: hay
Heu {n} [colloquial] :: plentiful money
Heu {n} [slang] :: marijuana
Heuchelei {f} :: hypocrisy
heucheln {v} :: to feign (friendship, morality, etc.); to be hypocritical
Heuchler {m} :: hypocrite (male or of unspecified sex) (person practising hypocrisy)
Heuchlerin {f} :: feminine noun of Heuchler
heuchlerisch {adj} :: hypocritical, duplicitous
heuen {v} :: to make hay
heuer {adv} :: [regional, southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland] this year
Heuer {f} [nautical] :: pay (of a seaman)
Heuerling {m} :: hireling [someone who works for hire]
heuern {v} [nautical, colloquial otherwise] :: to hire
Heuert {prop} {m} [archaic] :: July (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar)
Heugabel {f} :: fork; pitchfork; hayfork
Heugraben {prop} {n} :: Heugraben (municipality)
Heuhaufen {m} :: haystack
heulen {v} :: to howl, to whine (make a loud, usually high-pitched sound)
heulen {v} [sometimes, colloquial or pejorative] :: to weep, to cry [see usage notes]
Heulen {n} :: crying; yelling
Heulen und Zähneklappern {noun} [idiomatic] :: wailing and gnashing of teeth
Heuler {m} :: agent noun of heulen
Heuler {m} :: a baby seal left by its mother
Heuler {m} :: a type of firecracker
Heuler {prop} {mf} :: surname
Heulsuse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: cry-baby, crybaby
Heumann {prop} :: surname
Heumonat {m} [dated] :: July
Heupferd {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of Heuschrecke
heurig {adj} :: this year's, occurring this year
heuristisch {adj} :: heuristic
Heuschnupfen {m} :: hay fever
Heuschober {m} :: haystack
Heuschrecke {f} :: grasshopper; locust
Heuschrecke {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: an investor who buys enterprises or properties and deals with them in a way that harms the local population
Heuschrecke {f} [especially East Germany, historical] :: an investor from West Germany who did this in the former GDR, exploiting the chaos following German reunification
Heuschreckenkapitalismus {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: vulture capitalism
heut {adv} [colloquial or poetic] :: alternative form of heute
heute {adv} :: today
Heute {n} :: today
heutig {adj} :: today's (of the day of today)
heutig {adj} :: contemporary; present-day (of the present age)
heutigentags {adv} :: nowadays
heutzutage {adv} :: nowadays, these days (in the present era; in the world as it is today)
Heuwagen {m} :: haywagon
Hexacarbonyl {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexacarbonyl
Hexachlorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexachloride
Hexachloroplatinat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexachloroplatinate
Hexacyanoferrat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexacyanoferrate (ferrocyanide or ferricyanide)
hexadezimal {adj} :: hexadecimal
Hexadezimalzahl {f} [computing, mathematics] :: hexadecimal number
Hexaeder {n} {m} [geometry] :: hexahedron
Hexaederstumpf {m} :: truncated cube, truncated hexahedron
Hexafluorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexafluoride
Hexafluorophosphat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexafluorophosphate
Hexafluorosilicat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexafluorosilicate
Hexagesimalsystem {n} :: sexagesimal, sexagenary, base 60
Hexagon {n} :: hexagon
hexagonal {adj} :: hexagonal
Hexahydrat {n} [chemistry] :: hexahydrate
hexakisoktaedrisch {adj} :: hexoctahedral, hexakisoctahedral
hexameren {adj} :: hexameric
Hexameter {m} :: hexameter
Hexan {n} [organic compound] :: hexane
Hexe {f} :: witch
hexen {v} :: to perform witchcraft, cast a spell/spells
hexen {v} :: to work miracles
Hexenjagd {f} :: witch-hunt
Hexenkessel {m} :: a witch's cauldron
Hexenkessel {m} [metaphorical] :: boiling pot, boiling point, lions' den, uproar
Hexenküche {f} :: literally, witches' kitchen (room containing the cauldron)
Hexenküche {f} :: witches' or wizard's cuisine (things which might be cooked up in a cauldron)
Hexenküche {f} :: witches' cauldron
Hexenkunst {f} :: witchcraft
Hexenprozess {m} [Middle Ages] :: witch trial
Hexenring {m} :: fairy ring
Hexensabbat {m} :: Sabbath, witches' Sabbath
Hexensabbat {m} [figurative] :: bedlam, pandemonium
Hexenschuss {m} :: lumbago
Hexer {m} :: warlock
Hexerei {f} :: witchcraft; sorcery
Heyde {f} :: obsolete spelling of Heide
Heyde {m} :: obsolete spelling of Heide
heydnisch {adj} :: obsolete spelling of heidnisch
heylen {v} :: obsolete spelling of heilen
heylig {adj} :: obsolete spelling of heilig
Heylung {f} :: obsolete spelling of Heilung
heyß {adj} :: obsolete form of heiß
heyßen {v} :: obsolete spelling of heißen
hibbelig {adj} :: fidgety; jittery
Hibiskus {m} :: hibiscus
Hickhack {n} :: squabbling
hicksen {v} :: to hiccup
Hidschab {m} :: hijab
hie {adv} [archaic] :: alternative form of hier
Hieb {m} :: blow
hiebfest {adj} :: blow-resistant
hieb- und stichfest {adj} :: watertight
Hiebwaffe {f} :: striking weapon
hienieden {adv} [dated, now, only poetic or jocular] :: down here
hienieden {adv} [dated, in particular] :: down here on earth, in this world (not up in heaven)
hier {adv} [location] :: here; in this place; refers to an environment one is currently in, or to something within reach
hier {adv} [location] :: there; right there; in that place; refers to something that is considered nearby, or can be seen and pointed at
hier {adv} [abstract] :: here (within this context)
hier {adv} :: used with the definite article or the determiner dieser (this, that) to express proximity (“this”)
hier {interj} [colloquial] :: Used for emphasis or to call for attention, often when changing the subject
Hier {n} [abstract] :: here, this place
hieran {adv} :: here; at this place
hieran {adv} :: here; to this place
Hierarchie {f} :: hierarchy (body of ruling officials)
hierarchisch {adj} :: hierarchical
hieratisch {adj} :: hieratic
hierauf {adv} :: (on) here, on this
hierauf {adv} [figurative] :: after this, hereupon
hieraus {adv} :: herefrom
hieraus {adv} :: thereof
hierbei {adv} :: hereby
hierdurch {adv} :: hereby, thus
hierein {adv} :: herein
hierfür {adv} :: for this (purpose), therefor
hiergegen {adv} :: against here or this
hierher {adv} :: to here, here (to this place), hither
hierherum {adv} :: around here
hierhin {adv} :: to here (to this place)
hierin {adv} :: alternative form of herein
hiermit {adv} :: hereby (formal phrase)
hiernach {adv} :: according to this (just mentioned thing), in accordance with this
hiernach {adv} :: per this; according to this
hiernach {adv} :: after this, subsequent to this
hiernächst {adv} :: next to this
hiernechst {adv} :: obsolete spelling of hiernächst
hiernieden {adv} :: obsolete spelling of hienieden
Hieroglyphe {f} :: hieroglyph
Hieroglyphenschrift {f} :: hieroglyphic writing system
hieroglyphisch {adj} :: hieroglyphic
hierokratisch {adj} :: hierocratic
Hieronymus {prop} {m} :: Jerome; Hieronymus
hierselbst {adv} [dated] :: right here
hier und da {adv} :: here and there
hier und da {adv} [often followed by mal] :: from time to time
hiervon {adv} :: hence, from this
hierwärts {adv} :: towards here
hierzu {adv} :: hereto
hierzulande {adv} :: in this country
hiesig {adj} :: local
hie und da {adv} [literary, otherwise dated] :: alternative form of hier und da
hieven {v} :: to heave (lift and move something with great difficulty)
hieven {v} [nautical, construction] :: to heave (pull up with a rope)
Higgs-Boson {n} [physics, atomic] :: Higgs boson
Highlight {n} :: climax, culmination
Highlight {n} :: highlight only in the sense of significant part of event or period of time
High Snobiety {f} [sometimes pejorative] :: high society, posh people, especially those with snobbish attitudes
High-Snobiety {f} :: alternative form of High Snobiety
Hightech {f} {n} :: high tech
Hijab {m} :: alternative spelling of Hidschab
Hilbertraum {m} :: Hilbert space
Hilda {prop} :: given name
Hilde {prop} :: given name
Hildebrand {prop} :: given name
Hildebrand {prop} :: surname derived from the given name, Hildebrand
Hildebrandt {prop} :: given name, a less common spelling of Hildebrand
Hildebrandt {prop} :: surname derived from the given name
Hildebrant {prop} :: given name, a less common spelling of Hildebrand
Hildebrant {prop} :: surname derived from the given name
Hildegard {prop} :: given name used since Middle Ages, best known for the 12th-century saint Hildegard of Bingen
Hildesheim {prop} {n} :: Hildesheim (city)
Hilfe {f} :: help
hilflos {adj} :: helpless
hilflos {adv} :: helplessly
Hilflosigkeit {f} :: helplessness
hilfreich {adj} :: useful, helpful
hilfsbedürftig {adj} :: needy
hilfsbereit {adj} :: helpful
Hilfsgut {n} [usually, in the plural] :: aid
Hilfskellner {m} :: assistant waiter; busboy (waiter who clears tables and assists in serving, but does not take orders etc.)
Hilfsmittel {n} :: (auxiliary) device, implement, aid, tool, jig, resource, accessory, assistive equipment, adjuvant
Hilfsorganisation {f} :: aid agency
Hilfssprache {f} :: auxiliary language
Hilfsverb {n} [grammar, broad sense] :: auxiliary verb, helping verb (including modal verb)
Hilfsverb {n} [grammar, narrow sense] :: auxiliary verb, helping verb (excluding modal verb)
Hilfswilliger {m} :: voluntary assistant
Hilfswilliger {m} [historical, Nazi] :: Hiwi; foreign collaborator in the Wehrmacht or the SS
Hilfswort {n} [grammar] :: auxiliary verb
Hilfswort {n} [linguistics] :: function word
Hilfszeitwort {n} [grammar] :: auxiliary verb
Himalaja {prop} {m} :: Himalaja (mountain range)
Himalaya {prop} {m} :: Himalaya (mountain range)
Himbeere {f} :: raspberry
himbeerfarben {adj} :: raspberry-coloured
Himberg {prop} {n} :: Himberg (municipality)
Himmel {m} :: sky
Himmel {m} :: heaven
Himmel {m} [bed] :: canopy
Himmel {m} [automotive] :: headliner (interior fabric covering the roof of a vehicle)
himmelan {adv} [poetic] :: heavenwards, towards heaven
himmelangst {adj} :: scared stiff
Himmelberg {prop} {n} :: Himmelberg (municipality)
Himmelbett {n} :: canopy bed
himmelblau {adj} :: sky blue
Himmelblau {n} :: sky blue
Himmelfahrt {f} [religion] :: ascension
Himmelfahrt {f} [holiday] :: Short for Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day)
Himmelfahrt {f} [religion] :: assumption
Himmelfahrtskommando {n} [military] :: suicide mission
himmelhoch {adj} :: sky-high, sky high
Himmelreich {n} [Christianity] :: Kingdom of Heaven
Himmelreich {n} [rare] :: clipping of schlesisches Himmelreich
Himmelsachse {f} :: celestial axis
Himmelsäquator {m} [astronomy] :: celestial equator
Himmelsbläue {f} :: blue of the sky, azure
himmelschreiend {adj} :: appalling, outrageous
Himmelskönigin {f} :: (Catholicism), singular only: Queen of Heaven, title for the Blessed Virgin Mary; Regina Coeli
Himmelskönigin {f} :: (mythology) a goddess of heaven
Himmelskörper {m} :: celestial body, heavenly body
Himmelskunde {f} :: astronomy
Himmelslicht {n} :: light in or from the sky
Himmelslicht {n} :: skylight (diffuse sky radiation)
Himmelsreich {n} :: alternative form of Himmelreich; [Christianity] Kingdom of Heaven
Himmelsrichtung {f} :: compass point
Himmelsschreiben {n} :: skywriting, in general
Himmelsschreiber {m} :: skywriter (male or of unspecified sex)
Himmelsschreiberin {f} :: skywriter (female)
Himmelsschrift {f} :: skywriting, specifically the writing
Himmelstürmer {m} :: utopian, idealist
Himmelszelt {n} [poetic] :: welkin, heaven
Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen {idiom} :: to move heaven and earth
himmelwärts {adv} :: skywards
himmelweit {adj} [colloquial] :: enormous
himmlisch {adj} :: celestial, heavenly
himmlisch {adj} :: divine
hin- {prefix} :: Adverbial and separable verbal prefix that indicates a movement
hin {adv} :: (to) there; thither [archaic]
hin {adj} [only predicative, colloquial] :: on the fritz (out of order)
Hin {n} [historical, former Egyptian or Hebrew unit of measure] :: hin
hinab- {prefix} :: A prefix; down-(?). [away from the speaker]
hinab {adv} :: down, downwards (from the own location downwards)
hinabklettern {v} :: to climb down [away from speaker]
hinabsteigen {v} :: to descend, go down [away from speaker]
hinarbeiten {vt} :: to work towards
hinauf- {prefix} :: A prefix, conveying a movement upwards (toward the top)
hinauf {adv} :: up; upward; upwards (from the own location upwards)
hinaufgehen {v} :: to climb, to go up
hinaufschauen {v} [regional] :: to look up to/at
hinaufwollen {v} :: to want to go up, come up, etc
hinaus- {prefix} :: A prefix, conveying a movement out of something
hinaus {adv} :: out (away from the speaker)
hinausgegangen {v} :: past participle of hinausgehen
hinausgehen {v} :: to go out
hinausgehen {v} [of a window etc.] :: to look, to face
hinausgelehnt {v} :: past participle of hinauslehnen
hinausgeragt {v} :: past participle of hinausragen
hinausgeschoben {v} :: past participle of hinausschieben
hinauskommen {v} :: to come out
hinauslehnen {vr} :: to lean out
hinausragen {v} :: To project or jut out
hinausragen {v} :: To tower over
hinausschiebbar {adj} :: deferrable
hinausschieben {v} :: to postpone
hinauswerfen {v} :: to throw out, eject
hinauszögern {v} :: to delay
hinbekommen {vt} [colloquial] :: to manage, to succeed with
Hinblick {m} :: regard, view
Hinde {f} :: doe, hind
hinderlich {adj} :: hampering, in the way
hindern {v} :: to impede
hindern {v} :: to prevent
Hindernis {n} :: obstacle
Hindi {n} :: The Hindi language
Hindi {m} :: A Hindi-speaking person
Hinduismus {m} :: Hinduism
hindurch {adv} :: through, throughout
hindurchgehen {v} :: to go through
hinein- {prefix} :: A prefix, conveying a movement into something
hinein {adv} :: in (away from the speaker)
hineinblättern {v} :: to browse
hineinblicken {v} :: to look in
hineinbringen {v} :: to take in
hineinbringen {v} [colloquial] :: to get in
hineingegangen {v} :: past participle of hineingehen
hineingehen {v} :: to go in, to go inside
hineingezogen {adj} :: drawn into; pulled into
hineingezoomt {v} :: past participle of hineinzoomen
hineininterpretieren {vt} :: to interpret in meaning that doesn't exist
hineinkommen {v} :: to come in [when the speaker is inside]
hineinmischen {vr} :: to interfere, to intervene
hineinmischen {vt} :: to mix into, to blend into
hineinmusen {v} :: to mix into, to add as a mush
hineinspielen {v} :: to come into play, to have a part to play (in [+ acc] in)
hineinwollen {v} :: to want to enter
hineinziehen {v} [auxiliary: haben] :: to pull in
hineinziehen {v} [auxiliary: haben] :: to embroil
hineinziehen {v} [auxiliary: sein] :: to move in
hineinzoomen {v} :: to zoom in
hinfahren {v} :: to drive (to), to travel (to)
hinfallen {v} :: to fall down
hinfällig {adj} :: decrepit, frail
hinfällig {adj} :: obsolete
hinfällig {adj} :: invalid
hinfort {adv} [elevated] :: henceforth, from now on
hinfort {adv} [elevated] :: away
Hingabe {f} :: devotion
Hingabe {f} :: dedication, commitment
hingeben {vt} :: to hand over [away from speaker]
hingeben {vt} :: to sacrifice
hingeben {vr} :: to devote
hingegen {adv} :: on the other hand
hingegen {adv} :: however, but
hingehalten {v} :: past participle of hinhalten
hingehen {v} :: to go (there)
hingehen {v} :: (of time) to pass
hingehen, wo der Pfeffer wächst {v} [idiom] :: to go jump in the lake
hingehören {vt} :: to belong [somewhere]
hingekriegt {v} :: past participle of hinkriegen
hingelegt {v} :: past participle of hinlegen
hingenommen {v} :: past participle of hinnehmen
hingenommen {adj} :: accepted, tolerated
hingerissen {v} :: past participle of hinreißen
hingerissen {adj} :: rapt, spellbound, entranced, bowled over
hingestellt {v} :: past participle of hinstellen
hinhalten {v} :: to hold out [with the hand etc.]
hinhalten {v} :: to stall (employ delaying tactics against)
hinhauen {vt} [auxiliary verb: haben] :: to hit hard at a point
hinhauen {vt} [auxiliary verb: haben] :: to toss something at a point
hinhauen {vi} [auxiliary verb: haben] :: to hurry up
hinhauen {vi} [auxiliary verb: haben] :: to go well; to proceed fine
hinhauen {vi} [auxiliary verb: sein] :: to fall violently
hinhauen {vr} [auxiliary verb: haben] :: to hit the hay; to hit the sack; to sleep
Hinkelstein {m} :: menhir
hinken {v} :: to limp, to hobble (walk with difficulty due to injury)
hinknieen {v} :: alternative spelling of hinknien
hinknieend {adj} :: kneeling down
hinknien {vir} :: to kneel down
hinkommen {v} :: to go or travel somewhere and arrive [can refer to the journey, the arrival, or both]
hinkommen {v} [figurative, chiefly with wo] :: to arrive at a situation [usually implying some negative condition]
hinkommen {v} [with mit] :: to manage, make do
hinkommen {v} :: to be roughly right; to make sense
hinkriegen {vt} [colloquial] :: to manage, to succeed with
Hinkunft {f} [archaic, if not lofty or Upper German] :: future
hinkünftig {adj} [archaic, if not lofty or Upper German] :: future (in use from now on)
hinlänglich {adj} [formal] :: sufficient, adequate
hinlegen {v} :: to put down, lay down
hinlegen {vr} :: to lie down
hinmorden {v} :: to massacre
hinnehmbar {adj} :: acceptable, tolerable
hinnehmen {v} :: To accept
hinnehmen {v} :: To take
hin oder her {interj} :: or not, disregard, aside; expressing the will to ignore the nature/status of something or someone
hinreichend {adj} :: sufficient, adequate, enough
hinreichend {adj} :: ample
hinreichend {adv} :: sufficiently, adequately
hinreißen {v} :: to enrapture
hinreißend {adj} :: gorgeous
Hinrich {prop} :: given name, a Low German variant of Heinrich (Henry)
Hinrichsen {prop} :: surname
hinrichten {v} [to kill as punishment] :: to execute
Hinrichtung {f} :: execution (the act of putting to death)
hinrücken {v} :: to move away [from speaker]
hinsehen {v} :: to look [at]
hinsetzen {vr} :: to sit down
hinsetzen {vt} :: to put, place [in a given position]
Hinsicht {f} :: regard, aspect, respect, viewpoint
Hinsicht {f} :: concern
hinsichtlich {prep} :: regarding, concerning, with regard to
hinstarren {v} [with preposition zu] :: to stare at
hinstarren {v} [followed by vor sich] :: to stare into space
hinstellen {vt} :: to put down
hinstellen {vt} :: to describe
hinstellen {vr} :: to stand; to park
hinsterben {v} [formal] :: to die
hinstrecken {v} :: to stretch out, to hold out
hinstrecken {vr} :: to loll
hinstrecken {vr} :: to extend, to take (time)
hintan- {prefix} :: farther rearwards
hintanlegen {v} [rare] :: to put back, to order into a posterior position
hintansetzen {v} :: to put back, to order into a posterior position
hintanstellen {v} :: to put back, to order into a posterior position
Hintanstellung {f} :: putting back
hinten {adv} :: behind; in the back
hinten {adv} [chiefly colloquial] :: over (there); yonder (unspecified locative for something at some distance)
hintendrein {adv} [regional] :: behind
hinter- {prefix} :: after-
hinter- {prefix} :: back-
hinter {prep} [with accusative or dative] :: behind, after
hinter {prep} [with accusative or dative] :: after (in pursuit of)
hinter {prep} [with accusative or dative] :: beyond (further away than)
Hinterbänkler {m} [politics] :: backbencher
Hinterbänklerin {f} :: feminine noun of Hinterbänkler
Hinterbrühl {prop} {n} :: Hinterbrühl (municipality)
Hinterdeck {n} :: afterdeck (of a ship or boat)
hinter den Kulissen {prep} [idiom, theater, film, also, figuratively] :: behind the scenes
hintereinander {adv} :: consecutively
hintereinander {adv} :: in tandem, in succession, one after another
Hinterende {n} :: back (the part of something that goes last)
hinterer {adj} [attributive only] :: back, hind
hinterfotzig {adj} :: malicious, insidious, sneaky
hinterfotzig {adj} :: common, low, vulgar, mean
hinterfotzig {adv} :: backwards
hinterfotzig {adv} :: from behind
hinterfotzig {adv} :: secretly, insidiously, stealthily
Hinterfotzigkeit {f} :: underhandedness, deviousness
hinterfragen {v} :: to question
Hintergaumen {m} :: soft palate, velum
Hintergedanke {m} :: ulterior motive
Hintergedanke {m} :: hidden agenda
hintergehen {vt} [with accusative] :: to deceive, to betray, to cheat, to hoodwink
hinter Gittern {prep} :: behind bars
Hintergrund {m} :: background
Hinterhalt {m} :: ambush
hinterhältig {adj} :: sneaky, underhand
hinterhältig {adj} :: treacherous
Hinterhand {f} [card games] :: hand that goes last
Hinterhand {f} [anatomy] :: hindquarters
Hinterhaus {n} :: annex at the back of a house
hinterher- {prefix} :: A prefix;
hinterher {adv} :: behind
hinterher {adv} :: afterwards
hinterherspionieren {v} [with dative] :: to spy on
hinterhertelefonieren {v} [with dative] :: to try and get information by phone
hinterhertelefonieren {v} [with dative] :: to try and reach by phone
hinterherwerfen {v} :: to throw after
Hinterhof {m} :: backyard
Hinterhornbach {prop} {n} :: Hinterhornbach (municipality)
Hinterindien {prop} {n} :: Hinterindien (peninsula); Indochina
Hinterkopf {m} :: occiput
Hinterland {n} :: hinterland
hinterlassen {v} :: to leave
hinterlassen {v} :: to leave behind
hinterlassen {v} :: to bequeath
Hinterlassenschaft {f} [formal] :: bequest; legacy (property left for inheritance)
Hinterlassenschaft {f} [often, in the plural] :: heritage (artefacts or sometimes cultural creations left for posterity)
Hinterlassenschaft {f} [often, in the plural, colloquial] :: something left behind and not cleared away, such as bottles and glasses after a party
Hinterlassenschaft {f} [colloquial, euphemism] :: feces
hinterlegen {v} :: to deposit
hinterlegt {v} :: past participle of hinterlegen
Hinterlist {f} :: deceitfulness
Hinterlist {f} :: insidiousness
Hinterlist {f} :: trap
hinterlistig {adj} :: insidious, treacherous
Hinterlistigkeit {f} [no plural] :: The state of deceitfulness, insidiousness
Hinterlistigkeit {f} [with plural] :: An act of deceitfulness, insidiousness
hinterm {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of hinter dem
Hintermann {m} :: mastermind
hintern {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of hinter den
Hintern {m} [slightly, colloquial] :: The backside, bottom, butt, booty, hinder
Hinternvoll {noun} :: a fully punished backside, i.e. a severe spanking
Hinterreifen {m} :: rear tire, rear tyre
hinters {contraction} :: behind the, to the rear of the
Hintersass {m} [historical] :: villein
Hintersass {m} [Swiss] :: noncitizen resident
hinter schwedischen Gardinen {adv} :: in prison, in jail, behind bars
hinters Licht führen {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: pull the wool over somebody's eyes
Hinterstoder {prop} {n} :: Hinterstoder (municipality)
Hinterstube {f} :: backroom
Hinterteil {n} :: behind, hindquarter, butt
hintertreiben {v} :: to foil; thwart (prevent from being accomplished)
hintertrieben {v} :: past participle of hintertreiben
Hintertür {f} :: back door
Hintertürchen {n} :: diminutive of Hintertür
Hintertürchen {n} :: loophole (method of escape)
hinter verschlossenen Türen {phrase} :: behind closed doors
hinter vorgehaltener Hand {phrase} :: off the record
Hinterwäldler {m} :: backwoodsman, bumpkin, bushie (bushy) [Australia, colloquial], chawbacon [archaic], hick, hillbilly, redneck (male or of unspecified sex)
hinterwäldlerisch {adj} :: hillbilly, backwoods (attributive)
hinterziehen {v} :: to evade (taxation)
Hinterziehung {f} [of tax] :: evasion
Hinterzimmer {n} :: backroom
hinterzogen {v} :: past participle of hinterziehen
hinüber {adv} :: across, over, there (towards a different side)
hinüber {adv} [colloquial, figuratively] :: dead; spoiled, gone off; utterly broken, out of order
hin und her {adv} :: back and forth, to and fro
Hin und Her {n} :: back and forth
hin- und hergerissen {adj} [predicative] :: torn (uable to decide, in a state of reduced abstract unity or coherence)
hin und wieder {adv} :: now and then
hinunter- {prefix} :: A prefix; down-(?). [away from the speaker]
hinunter {adv} :: down, downwards (from the own location downwards)
hinunterdrücken {v} :: to press down
hinunterklettern {v} :: to climb down [away from speaker]
hinunterrutschen {v} :: to slide down [away from speaker]
hinunterschlucken {v} :: to swallow
hinunterspülen {v} :: to wash/flush down
hinunterziehen {vt} :: to pull down [away from speaker]
hinweg- {prefix} :: A verbal prefix indicating movement away from the speaker
hinweg {adv} :: away
hinweg {adv} :: over, across
hinwegfegen {v} [also, idiom] :: to sweep away
hinweggeschaut {v} :: past participle of hinwegschauen
hinweggesehen {v} :: past participle of hinwegsehen
hinwegraffen {vt} :: to kill (to cause a sudden death)
hinwegschauen {v} :: synonym of hinwegsehen
hinwegsehen {v} :: to look over
hinwegsehen {v} [figuratively] :: to overlook, to ignore
hinwegtäuschen {v} :: [transitive, with proposition über] to belie
Hinweis {m} :: hint; pointer; an act or thing which makes someone aware of something
hinweisen {v} :: to portend (to signify)
hinweisen {v} :: to point out
hinwerfen {v} :: to throw [away from speaker]
hinwollen {v} :: to want to go there
Hinz {prop} :: given name, a pet form of Heinrich
Hinzenbach {prop} {n} :: Hinzenbach (municipality)
hinziehend {adj} :: protractive
hinzu- {prefix} :: A prefix
hinzu {adv} :: in addition, besides
hinzubekommen {vt} :: to get in addition
hinzufügen {v} :: to add
Hinzufügung {f} :: addition
hinzukommen {v} :: to be added
Hinz und Kunz {noun} [idiom] :: Tom, Dick and Harry
Hiob {prop} {m} :: Job (biblical character)
Hiobsbotschaft {f} :: Job's news, bad news
Hippach {prop} {n} :: Hippach (municipality)
Hippe {f} :: billhook
Hippe {f} :: a goat
Hippe {f} [regional, pejorative] :: a cantankerous woman
hipp, hipp, hurra {interj} :: hip hip hooray!
Hippie {m} :: hippie, hippy
Hippokrates {prop} :: Hippocrates
hippokratisch {adj} :: Hippocratic
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie {f} :: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Hiragana {n} :: hiragana (Japanese syllabary)
Hirm {prop} {n} :: Hirm (municipality)
Hirn {n} [countable] :: brain (organ)
Hirn {n} [uncountable] :: brain (meat)
Hirnaktivität {f} :: brain activity
Hirnanhangdrüse {f} :: pituitary gland
Hirnblutung {f} :: cranial hemorrhage
hirnen {v} [Switzerland] :: to think
Hirngespinst {n} :: chimera, fantasy
Hirngespinst {n} :: pipe dream
Hirnhaut {f} :: meninges
Hirnhautentzündung {f} :: meningitis
Hirnkoralle {f} :: brain coral
hirnlos {adj} :: brainless, witless, mindless
Hirnschädel {f} :: cranium, braincase
Hirnschale {f} :: braincase (the part of the skull containing the brain)
Hirnstamm {m} :: brain stem
Hirntod {m} :: brain death
hirntot {adj} :: brain-dead
hirnverbrannt {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy, harebrained
Hirnzelle {f} :: brain cell
Hirsch {m} :: deer
Hirschbach {prop} {n} :: Hirschbach (municipality)
Hirschbach {prop} {n} :: Hirschbach (municipality)
Hirschfliege {f} :: Lipoptena cervi, the deer ked
Hirschhornsalz {n} :: salt of hartshorn, baker's ammonia
Hirschkäfer {m} :: stag-beetle (Lucanus cervus)
Hirschkuh {f} :: doe, hind
hirschledern {adj} :: deerskin (attributive)
Hirschzecke {f} :: deer tick
Hirse {f} :: millet
Hirsutismus {m} :: hirsutism
Hirt {m} :: alternative form of Hirte
Hirte {m} :: herdsman, herder, shepherd, stockman, pastoralist (male or of unspecified sex)
Hirtenberg {prop} {n} :: Hirtenberg (municipality)
Hirtenhund {m} :: shepherd dog, sheepdog
Hirtin {f} :: shepherdess, shepherd (female) (a person who tends sheep or other animals)
Hirzel {prop} :: Hirzel (small town)
His {noun} [music] :: B-sharp
Hisbollah {prop} {f} [with definite article] :: Hezbollah (Lebanese Shiite political organisation)
Hispanistik {f} :: Hispanic studies, Spanish studies
hissen {vt} [a flag or sail] :: to hoist
Histologie {f} :: histology
histologisch {adj} :: histological
Historie {f} :: history (historical narrative)
Historiker {m} :: historian (writer of history; a chronicler)
Historikerin {f} :: female historian (female writer of history; a female chronicler)
Historiolinguistik {f} :: historical linguistics
historisch {adj} :: historical, historic
historisch {adv} :: historically
Historische Sprachwissenschaft {f} :: historical linguistics
Historismus {m} :: historism
Historismus {m} :: historicism
Historizität {f} :: historicity
Hit {m} :: hit (A success, especially in the entertainment industry.)
Hit {m} [slang] :: hit (A dose of an illegal or addictive drug.)
Hit {m} [computing, Internet] :: hit
Hitler {prop} :: surname
Hitler {prop} :: Adolf Hitler
Hitlergruß {m} :: Hitler salute
hitlerisch {adj} :: Hitlerish
Hitlersch {adj} :: Hitlerian
Hitlersee {prop} {m} :: Hitlersee (the former name, from 1934 to 1945, of Szczedrzyk, a <<village>> in <<c/Poland>>)
Hitliste {f} :: list of hits
Hittisau {prop} {n} :: Hittisau (municipality)
Hitze {f} :: heat
hitzebeständig {adj} :: refractory
hitzebeständig {adj} :: heat-resistant
hitzebeständig {adj} :: fireproof
Hitzebeständigkeit {f} :: heat resistance
Hitzeentwicklung {f} :: heat generation
hitzefrei {adj} :: Excused from school because of excessively high temperatures
Hitzeindex {m} [meteorology] :: heat index
Hitzendorf {prop} {n} :: Hitzendorf (municipality)
Hitzeschild {n} [space science] :: heat shield
Hitzewelle {f} [weather] :: heatwave, hot spell
Hitzfeld {prop} :: surname
hitzig {adj} :: heated
hitzig {adj} :: quick-tempered
Hitzkopf {m} :: hothead
hitzköpfig {adj} :: hotheaded
Hitzköpfigkeit {f} :: hotheadedness
Hiwi {m} [pejorative, colloquial] :: unskilled worker, grunt, hand, drudge
hl. {adj} :: abbreviation of heilig (plural heilige)
H-Milch {noun} :: UHT milk
Hn. {noun} [music] :: abbreviation of Horn
HNO {noun} :: initialism of Hals-Nasen-Ohren
Hoatzin {m} :: hoatzin
Hobbessch {adj} :: Hobbesian
Hobbit {m} :: hobbit
Hobby {n} :: a hobby (activity)
hobbymäßig {adj} :: amateurish (in the manner of a hobby)
Hobbymusiker {m} :: hobby musician (male or of unspecified sex)
Hobel {m} :: anything that abrades a surface, such as – particularly – a plane, a grater or slicer, a spokeshave, a safety razor
Hobelkäse {m} :: Swiss cheese variety
hobeln {v} :: to plane
hobeln {v} :: to slice
Hobl {prop} {n} :: surname
hoch- {prefix} :: A prefix, equivalent high or up
hoch {adj} :: high, tall
hoch {adj} :: large, big, heavy
hoch {adj} :: grand, important
hoch {adj} [mathematics] :: to the power of
hoch {adv} :: up, upwards
hoch {adv} [colloquial, figurative] :: northwards
Hoch {n} :: high, anticyclone
hochachtungsvoll {adj} [dated] :: yours sincerely, yours faithfully
hochaktuell {adj} :: Very up-to-date
hochalpin {adj} :: high-alpine
Hochaltar {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: high altar
hocharbeiten {vr} :: to work one’s way up
hochauflösend {adj} :: high-resolution
hochbeamen {v} [science fiction] :: to beam up
hochbeansprucht {adj} :: highly stressed
hochbeglückt {adj} :: overjoyed (very happy)
hochbetagt {adj} :: aged (very old)
Hochburg {f} :: fortress located on top of a hill or mountain
Hochburg {f} [figurative] :: stronghold, heartland (a place or region where a certain ideology, religion etc. is held by a great majority of the population or with great conviction)
Hochchinesisch {n} [language] :: Standard Chinese
hochdekoriert {adj} :: highly-decorated
hochdeutsch {adj} :: High German
Hochdeutsch {n} [common usage] :: Standard High German, High German (including the colloquial; antonym of dialect)
Hochdeutsch {n} [linguistics] :: High German
hochdosiert {adj} :: high-dosage
hochdramatisch {adj} :: highly dramatic
Hochdruck {m} :: high pressure
Hochdruck {m} :: letterpress (printing)
Hochdruckgebiet {n} [meteorology] :: high pressure area
Hochebene {f} :: a plain that is higher as the surrounding area; plateau, tableland
hochelegant {adj} :: highly elegant
hochempfindlich {adj} :: highly sensitive
hochempfindlich {adj} [photography] :: high-speed (film)
hochenergetisch {adj} :: high-energy
hochentzündlich {adj} :: highly inflammable / flammable
hochexplosiv {adj} :: high explosive (attributive)
hochfahren {v} :: to drive upwards/northwards
hochfahren {v} [computing] :: to boot
hochfahren {v} :: to become upset
Hochfahrt {f} :: alternative form of Hoffart
hochfest {adj} :: high-strength
Hochfilzen {prop} {n} :: Hochfilzen (municipality)
hochfliegen {vi} :: To fly up
hochfliegen {vi} :: To be hurled up
Hochformat {n} [printing] :: upright format, portrait format
Hochfrequenz {f} :: high frequency
hochgeachtet {adj} :: highly respected
Hochgebirge {n} :: high mountains
hochgeboren {adj} :: high-born
hochgeborn {adj} :: obsolete spelling of hochgeboren
hochgefährlich {adj} :: highly dangerous
hochgeflogen {v} :: past participle of hochfliegen
Hochgefühl {n} :: elation, exhilaration
hochgehen {vi} [auxiliary verb: sein] :: to go high; to ascend
hochgeladen {v} :: past participle of hochladen
hochgelegen {adj} :: high-altitude
hochgelobt {adj} :: highly praised, highly commended
hochgenommen {v} :: past participle of hochnehmen
hochgerechnet {v} :: past participle of hochrechnen
hochgeschleudert {v} :: past participle of hochschleudern
hochgeschleudert {adj} :: thrown up [as a stone]
Hochgeschwindigkeitszug {m} :: high-speed train
hochgestellt {adj} :: superscript (attributive)
hochgestellt {adj} :: raised
hochgestellt {adj} :: high-ranking
hochgiftig {adj} :: highly toxic / poisonous
hochgradig {adj} :: intense
hochhackig {adj} :: high-heeled
hochhalten {vt} [literally] :: to hold up; to raise (move to and keep in a high position)
hochhalten {vt} [literally and figurative] :: to keep up (prevent from sinking)
hochhalten {vt} [figurative] :: to uphold; to honour; to be proud of
hochhalten {vti} [colloquial, football] :: to juggle the ball in the air; to play keepy uppy
Hochhaus {n} :: skyscraper, high-rise building (very tall building with a large number of floors)
hochheben {v} :: to lift, raise
hochheilig {adj} :: very holy, sacrosanct
hochherzig {adj} :: magnanimous, generous, noble
hochintelligent {adj} :: highly intelligent
hochinteressant {adj} :: fascinating (very interesting)
hochkant {adj} :: upended
hochkant {adv} :: upright, on end
hochklassig {adj} :: high-class
hochkochen {v} [of emotions] :: to run high, to boil
Hochkomma {n} :: apostrophe
hochkommen {v} :: to come up [socially or physically]
hochkompliziert {adj} :: highly complex
hochkonzentriert {adj} :: highly-concentrated
hochkrempeln {vt} :: to roll up
Hochkultur {f} :: high culture
Hochkultur {f} :: advanced civilization
hochladen {v} :: to upload (to transfer data)
Hochland {n} :: highlands
Hochland-Ameisenwürger {m} :: upland antshrike
Hochleistung {f} :: high performance
hochleistungsfähig {adj} :: heavy-duty
hochleistungsfähiger {adj} :: comparative of hochleistungsfähig
hochleistungsfähigsten {adj} :: superlative of hochleistungsfähig
Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie {f} :: high-performance liquid chromatography
Hochleistungskeramik {f} :: high-performance ceramic
Hochleistungskunststoff {m} :: high-performance plastics
Hochleistungswerkstoff {m} :: high-performance material
Hochleithen {prop} {n} :: Hochleithen (municipality)
Hochmittelalter {n} [history] :: High Middle Ages
hochmittelalterlich {adj} :: High Medieval (relating to the High Middle Ages)
hochmodern {adj} :: ultramodern
hochmögend {adj} :: powerful, influential
hochmolekular {adj} [chemistry] :: macromolecular; high-molecular weight
Hochmoor {n} :: moor, high rainfall zone in the highlands
Hochmut {m} :: arrogance, hubris
hochmütig {adj} :: arrogant
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall {proverb} :: pride comes before a fall
hochnäsig {adj} :: snooty, stuck-up, haughty
hochnäsig {adj} :: supercilious, arrogant
hochnehmen {v} :: to take upstairs; to take to an elevated place
hochnehmen {v} :: to lift (something) up, especially momentarily, in order to see what is under it or put something beneath it
hochnehmen {v} :: to lift up (a child) in order to carry it
hochnehmen {v} [idiomatic] :: to tease; to wind up; to have on; to tell somebody something untrue in order to provoke an amusing reaction
hochnehmen {v} [idiomatic, law enforcement] :: to crack down on; to round up; to arrest, especially after a period of observation
Hochofen {m} :: furnace (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc)
Hochofenprozess {m} :: blast furnace process
Hochparkett {n} [theater] :: Upper part of the stalls; parterre, parquet circle
Hochparterre {n} :: raised first floor [US], raised ground floor [UK]
hochprozentig {adj} :: high-percentage
Hochrad {n} :: penny farthing
hochreaktiv {adj} :: highly reactive
hochrechnen {v} :: to project
Hochrechnung {f} :: projection, forecast
hochrein {adj} :: high-purity (attributive)
Hochrhein {prop} {m} :: High Rhine
hochrheinisch {adj} :: of or pertaining to the High Rhine (Hochrhein)
hochrot {adj} :: bright red, like a very intense blush
Hochsauerland {prop} :: A district (properly Hochsauerlandkreis) in North Rhine-Westphalia
Hochschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
hochschlafen {vr} :: to ascend to a higher professional position by having sexual relations with somebody, e.g. one’s boss; to sleep one's way up
hochschleudern {v} :: to throw up, to fling or hurl up high
hochschmelzend {adj} :: refractory (having a high melting point)
Hochschule {f} :: college; university; graduate school; institute; academy (edcuational institution for advanced studies, usually academic, but also arts, etc.)
Hochschulzugangsberechtigung {f} :: eligibility for university admission
hochschwanger {adj} :: very pregnant; in the late stages of pregnancy
Hochsitz {m} :: raised hide; deer stand; machan; hunting blind, raised blind, high seat (covered structure for observing animals)
Hochsommer {m} :: midsummer (the middle of summer)
Hochspannung {f} [electricity] :: high tension, high voltage
Hochspannung {f} [figuratively] :: high tension
Hochspannungsleitung {f} :: high-voltage transmission line
hochspielen {vt} [idiom] :: to play up
Hochsprache {f} [sociolinguistics] :: standard language
Hochsprache {f} [programming] :: high-level language, HLL
hochsprachlich {adj} :: literary; standard (of language)
Hochspringer {m} :: high jumper
Hochspringerin {f} :: female high jumper
Hochsprung {m} :: high jump
höchst {adv} :: extremely
Höchst {prop} :: Any of several towns in the German-speaking area
Höchst {prop} :: A district of Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
Höchst {prop} :: Höchst (village)
Höchst {prop} :: Höchst (village)
hochstabil {adj} :: highly-stable
Hochstapelei {f} :: confidence game, imposture
hochstapeln {vt} :: to pile up high
hochstapeln {v} :: to act as an impostor
Hochstapler {m} :: conman, con man, impostor
Höchstbietender {noun} :: The highest bidder, who offers the best price
hochstehend {adj} :: superior
hochsteigen {v} :: to soar, to ascend
höchsten {adj} :: superlative of hoch
höchstens {adv} :: at most
Höchstgeschwindigkeit {f} :: speed limit
Höchstgeschwindigkeit {f} :: maximum speed
Höchstmenge {f} :: maximum amount / quantity
höchstpersönlich {adv} :: in person
höchstrein {adj} :: extremely pure
höchstselbst {pron} :: personally; one's (my, your, his, her, etc.) very self
Höchststand {m} :: peak (highest level)
hochstufen {v} :: to promote, upgrade [i.e. to a higher level]
Hochstufung {f} :: upgrading, upgrade
Hochstufung {f} :: promotion
Hochstuhl {m} :: highchair
Höchstwert {m} [maths] :: maximum (value)
Hochtechnologie {f} :: high technology
hochtechnologisch {adj} :: high-tech
Hochtemperaturkunststoff {m} :: high-temperature plastics
Hochtemperaturmodifikation {f} :: high-temperature modification
Hochtemperaturreaktor {m} :: high-temperature reactor
Hochtemperatursupraleiter {m} :: high-temperature superconductor
Hochtöner {m} :: tweeter (high-frequency loudspeaker)
hochtourig {adj} :: high-speed
hochtoxisch {adj} :: highly toxic
hochtrabend {adj} :: pompous, pretentious, highfalutin
Hochvakuum {n} :: high vacuum
hochverehrt {adj} :: highly-esteemed
Hochverrat {m} :: high treason
hochverräterisch {adj} :: high treason (attributive), highly-treasonable
hochverschuldet {adj} :: highly-indebted (heavily in debt)
hochwarmfest {adj} :: high-temperature resistant
Hochwasser {n} :: a very high water level in any body of water; high tide; high water; in the case of a river often, but not necessarily, implying flooding
Hochweg {m} :: main street
hochwertig {adj} :: high-cost, high-grade, valuable, high-class, high-value, high-quality, worthy, premium, upmarket
hochwertig {adj} [chemistry] :: Having a high valency
hochwertiger {adj} :: comparative of hochwertig
hochwertigsten {adj} :: superlative of hochwertig
Hochwolkersdorf {prop} {n} :: Hochwolkersdorf (municipality)
Hochwürden {m} [Christianity] :: Reverend
Hochzeit {f} :: wedding, marriage (a ceremony in which people are married and/or a celebration thereof)
Hochzeit {f} [card games, in Doppelkopf] :: Both queens of clubs; used in a player’s announcement that they were dealt both queens of clubs and that the first player to win a non-trump trick will join their side
Hochzeit {f} :: heyday, height
hochzeitlich {adj} :: nuptial, bridal
Hochzeitskleid {n} :: wedding dress, wedding gown
Hochzeitskleidchen {n} :: diminutive of Hochzeitskleid
Hochzeitsreise {f} :: honeymoon
Hochzeitstag {m} :: wedding day
Hochzeitstorte {f} :: wedding cake
Hocke {f} :: squat, crouch (position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet)
hocken {v} :: to squat; to crouch; to sit in a huddled position
hocken {v} [regional, chiefly southern] :: to sit (in general)
Hocker {m} :: stool
Hocker {m} :: taboret
Hocker {m} :: a guest who remains in his seat all the time
Hocker {prop} {mf} :: surname
Höcker {m} :: hump
Höckerschwan {m} :: mute swan (Cygnus olor)
Hockey {n} :: hockey (family of sports)
Hockey {n} [out of context usually] :: field hockey
Hockeyschläger {m} :: hockey stick
Hode {mf} :: testicle
Hoden {m} [anatomy] :: testicle
Hodensack {m} [anatomy] :: scrotum
Hoechst {prop} :: alternative spelling of Höchst
Hof {m} :: yard, court, courtyard (open area by a house or enclosed by houses)
Hof {m} :: court (residence and entourage of a nobleman)
Hof {m} :: farmyard (central area of a farm, excluding the fields)
Hof {m} [by extension] :: farm, agricultural enterprise
Hof {prop} {n} :: Hof (city)
Hofbräu {prop} [literally] :: "court brew" (i.e. the Bavarian royal court), a brand of beer from Munich associated with the Oktoberfest and the Hofbräuhaus
Höfchen {n} :: diminutive of Hof; a small yard, court, courtyard
Hofeingang {m} :: yard entrance, courtyard entrance
Höfen {prop} {n} :: Höfen (municipality)
Hoffart {f} [archaic] :: haughtiness, self-importance
hoffärtig {adj} :: arrogant, haughty
hoffen {v} :: to hope
hoffentlich {adv} :: hopefully [it is hoped that]
Hoffmann {prop} :: surname
Hoffnung {f} :: hope, the belief or expectation that something wished for can or will really happen
Hoffnung {f} [inanimate] :: hope, the actual thing wished for
Hoffnung {f} [animate] :: hope, a person or thing that is a source of hope
hoffnungslos {adj} :: hopeless
hoffnungsloser {adj} :: comparative of hoffnungslos
hoffnungslosesten {adj} :: superlative of hoffnungslos
Hoffnungslosigkeit {f} :: hopelessness
Hoffnungsschimmer {m} :: flicker of hope
Hoffnungsträger {m} :: beacon of hope, rising star
hoffnungsvoll {adj} :: hopeful
Hof halten {v} :: to hold court
hofieren {vt} :: to court
höfisch {adj} :: courtly
Hofjude {m} [historical] :: Court Jew (prominent or wealthy Jew attached to a court by special privilege, generally in relation to periods before Jewish emancipation)
Hofkammer {prop} [historical] :: The Exchequer or Bureau of Finance of the later Austrian Empire
Höflein {prop} {n} :: Höflein (municipality)
Höfler {prop} :: surname
höflich {adj} :: polite (well-mannered)
Höflichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: courtesy, politeness, courtliness (the state of being polite)
Höflichkeit {f} [countable] :: courtesy, politeness (an act of politeness)
Höfling {m} :: courtier
Hofmann {prop} :: surname
Hofnarr {m} :: fool, (court) jester
Hofrat {m} [historical] :: The Aulic Council of the Austrian Empire
Hofrat {m} [historical] :: Councilors of the Aulic Council
Hofrath {m} :: obsolete spelling of Hofrat
Hofschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hoftag {m} :: court-day
Höhe {f} :: height
Hoheit {f} [nobility, title] :: Highness
Hoheit {f} :: sovereignty
hoheitlich {adj} :: sovereign
hoheitlich {adj} :: royal, majestic, regal
Hoheitsgebiet {n} :: territory, sovereign territory
Hoheitsgewalt {f} :: sovereign jurisdiction
Hoheitszeichen {n} :: national emblem
Hoheitszeichen {n} [in plural] :: insignia
Höhenangst {f} :: vertigo, acrophobia
Hohenberg {prop} {n} :: Hohenberg (municipality)
Hoheneich {prop} {n} :: Hoheneich (municipality)
Hohenems {prop} {n} :: Hohenems (municipality)
höhenkrank {adj} :: suffering from altitude sickness
Höhenkrankheit {f} :: altitude sickness
Höhenlage {f} :: altitude (height above sea-level)
Höhenmesser {m} :: altimeter
Höhenmeter {m} :: vertical meter
Höhenmeter {m} :: elevation gain
Höhenrauch {m} :: a yellowish dry haze, dust haze or dry fog of fine smoke or other particulates resulting from something like the burning of peat bogs (in northern Germany) or grasslands (in Africa), or a volcanic eruption
Hohenruppersdorf {prop} {n} :: Hohenruppersdorf (municipality)
Hohentauern {prop} {n} :: Hohentauern (municipality)
Hohenthurn {prop} {n} :: Hohenthurn (municipality)
Höhen und Tiefen {p} [idiomatic] :: ups and downs
Höhenunterschied {m} :: drop (difference in altitude)
höhenverstellbar {adj} :: height-adjustable
Hohenweiler {prop} {n} :: Hohenweiler (municipality)
Hohenzell {prop} {n} :: Hohenzell (municipality)
Hohepriester {m} :: high priest
Höhepunkt {m} :: highlight; climax; high; high point
Höhepunkt {m} :: orgasm, climax
höher {adj} :: comparative of hoch
höhere Gewalt {f} :: Used other than as an idiom, compare hoch, Gewalt
höhere Gewalt {f} [law] :: force majeure; act of God (an event for which someone cannot be held responsible because it was out of their capacity to influence or foresee it)
höherstufen {v} :: to promote, upgrade [i.e. to a higher level]
höherwertig {adj} :: superior (high-order, high-value)
hohe See {f} :: high seas
hohe Stirn {f} [idiomatic] :: a receded hairline due to male pattern baldness
hohe Stirn {f} [also] :: a forehead that happens to be long or high
Hohes Venn {prop} {n} :: High Fens (boggy region in eastern Belgium and western Germany)
hohl {adj} :: hollow
hohl {adj} :: concave; cupped
hohl {adj} [colloquial] :: dense; daft (stupid, usually only of people)
Höhle {f} :: cave
Höhle {f} :: cavity (of the body)
Höhle des Löwen {f} :: lion's den
Höhlenbewohner {m} :: cave dweller
Höhlenbewohnerin {f} :: A female cave dweller
Höhlenforscher {m} :: a scientist who is studying and/or exploring caves, speleologist/spelaeologist
Höhlenforschung {f} :: speleology
Höhlenkunde {f} :: speleology
Höhlenlöwe {m} :: cave lion [Panthera leo spelaea]
Höhlenmalerei {f} :: cave painting
Höhlenmensch {m} :: caveman
Hohlkathodenlampe {f} :: hollow-cathode lamp
Hohlkörper {m} :: hollow object
Hohlkugel {f} :: hollow sphere or ball
Hohlleiter {m} :: waveguide
Hohlmaß {n} :: (liquid) measuring cup
Hohlraum {m} :: cavity
Hohlraum {m} :: void, hollow
Hohlraumresonator {n} :: cavity resonator
Hohltier {n} [zoology, dated] :: coelenterate (any simple aquatic animal formerly considered to belong to the phylum Coelenterata)
Hohlweg {m} :: holloway
Hohlzahn {m} :: hemp-nettle
Hohlzylinder {m} :: hollow cylinder
Hohmeyer {prop} :: surname
Hohn {m} :: mockery; scorn; derision
höhnen {v} :: to mock
Höhnhart {prop} {n} :: Höhnhart (municipality)
höhnisch {adj} :: scornful, sneering
hohnlachen {v} :: to laugh mockingly
hoi {interj} [Southern Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, South Tyrol] :: hi! an informal greeting acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence
hökern {vi} :: to trade
Hokuspokus {m} :: hocus-pocus
hold {adj} [archaic, poetic] :: friendly, comely, graceful
Hölder {prop} :: surname
Holding {f} :: holding company
holen {vt} :: to (go) get, to fetch (to go somewhere and take something)
holen {vt} [always with reflexive dative, colloquial] :: to get (to acquire, buy)
Holger {prop} :: given name
holistisch {adj} :: holistic
Hollabrunn {prop} {n} :: Hollabrunn (municipality)
Holland {prop} {n} :: Holland (the two provinces)
Holland {prop} {n} [somewhat, colloquial] :: Netherlands (the country)
Holländer {m} :: person from Holland (a region in the Netherlands)
Holländer {m} [somewhat, colloquial] :: a Dutch person (from any region)
Holländer {m} :: clipping of Papierholländer; Hollander beater
holländisch {adj} :: Hollandish, of Holland (region)
holländisch {adj} [somewhat, colloquial] :: Dutch, of the Netherlands (country)
Holländisch {n} :: Dutch (the Dutch language)
Holland ist offen {phrase} [regional, Rhineland] :: Said of a situation where rules are no longer respected or where there is no control, such that everyone does what benefits them or takes what they want
Hölle {f} :: hell
Holleman {prop} :: surname
Höllenfahrt {f} [mythology] :: harrowing of hell
Höllenfahrt {f} [figurative] :: harrowing of hell
Höllenfeuer {n} :: hellfire
Höllenlärm {m} :: very loud noise
Hollenthon {prop} {n} :: Hollenthon (municipality)
höllisch {adj} :: infernal, hellish
höllisch {adv} [colloquial] :: like hell, damn
Holm {m} :: rail, bar (on which to hold on to)
Holm {m} [regional, northern Germany] :: small island
Holmium {n} :: holmium
Holocaust {prop} {m} [historical] :: the Holocaust
Holocaust {m} :: a holocaust
Holocaustreligion {f} [pejorative, chiefly right-wing politics] :: Holocaust religion; a way of societal dealing with the Holocaust that is considered exaggerated, irrational, and pseudoreligious; chiefly of Germany and Austria, sometimes also of Israel and world Jewry
holografisch {adj} :: holographic
Hologramm {n} :: hologram
holomorph {adj} [mathematics] :: holomorphic
holozän {adj} :: Holocene
Holozän {prop} {n} :: Holocene
holperig {adj} :: bumpy, jolty
holpern {v} :: to jolt, to bump, to rumble
Holpern {n} :: jolt, rumble
holprig {adj} :: bumpy (rough; jumpy)
holpriger {adj} :: comparative of holprig
holprigsten {adj} :: superlative of holprig
Holster {n} [weaponry] :: holster
Holunder {m} :: elder (plant)
Holunderbeere {f} :: elderberry (fruit)
Holunderblüte {f} :: elderflower, elder blossom (The blossom of the elderberry, often specifically the European species Sambucus nigra.)
Holunderbusch {m} :: elder bush (A small tree or shrub, often specifically the European species Sambucus nigra.)
Holz {n} [uncountable] :: wood (material)
Holz {n} [countable] :: a particular kind of wood
Holz {n} [countable] :: a piece of wood, usually small
Holz {n} [countable, literary] :: grove; woods; small forest
Holzbesteck {n} :: wooden cutlery
Holzblasinstrument {n} :: woodwind instrument
Holzbrett {n} :: wooden board
Hölzchen {n} :: match (device to make fire)
Hölzchen {n} :: diminutive of Holz
Holzdeckel {m} :: wooden cover
Holzdübel {m} :: peg
hölzern {adj} :: wooden, ligneous
hölzern {adj} :: awkward
Holzfäller {f} :: lumberjack
Holzfäller {f} :: woodchopper
Holzfäller {f} :: tree feller
holzfarben {adj} :: having the color of wood, wood-colored
holzfarbig {adj} :: having the color of wood, wood-colored
Holzfass {n} :: wooden barrel
Holzfaß {m} :: alternative spelling of Holzfass
holzfrei {adj} :: woodfree
Holzgabel {f} :: wooden fork
Holzgau {prop} {n} :: Holzgau (municipality)
Holzgerüst {n} :: wooden scaffolding, timber scaffolding
holzhaltig {adj} :: Containing wood, especially wood pulp
Holzhauer {m} :: woodcutter
Holzhaus {n} :: wooden house
Holzhäuschen {n} :: diminutive of Holzhaus
Holzhausen {prop} {n} :: surname
Holzhausen {prop} {n} :: Holzhausen (municipality)
holzig {adj} :: woody (non-herbaceous)
Holz in den Wald tragen {v} :: to carry coals to Newcastle; to bring owls to Athens (do something redundant and pointles)
Holzkirch {prop} {n} :: Holzkirch (town)
Holzkirch {prop} {n} :: Kościelnik
Holzkirche {f} :: wooden church
Holzkirchen {prop} {n} :: A municipality in Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany
Holzkirchen {prop} {n} :: A municipality in Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
Holzkitt {m} :: plastic wood
Holzklotz {m} :: wooden block, wooden log
Holzkohle {f} :: charcoal
Holzlöffel {m} :: wooden spoon
Holzlöffelchen {n} :: diminutive of Holzlöffel
Holzmesser {n} :: wooden knife
Holznagel {m} :: a wooden nail
Holznagel {prop} :: surname
Holzplatz {m} :: woodyard
Holzquirl {m} :: wooden beater
Holzscheit {n} :: log (splitted log used as firewood)
holzschlifffrei {adj} :: Free of wood pulp
Holzschnitt {m} :: woodcut
Holzschraube {f} :: wooden screw
Holzschutz {m} :: wood preservation
Holzschutzmittel {n} :: wood preservative
Holzstück {n} :: a piece of wood
Holztaube {f} :: culver
Holztisch {m} :: wooden table
Holztreppe {f} :: wooden staircase
Holz vor der Hütte {noun} [idiomatic] :: (large) breasts
Holzweg {m} :: woodway
Holzwirtschaft {f} :: wood economy
Holzwurm {m} :: woodworm
hom. {adj} :: abbreviation of homerisch
Homeoffice {n} [countable] :: home office (place at home for telecommuting)
Homeoffice {n} [uncountable] :: (the practice of) telecommuting
Homepage {f} :: homepage
Homer {prop} {m} :: Homer
homerisch {adj} :: Homeric (of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek father of poetry, Homer)
homerisch {adj} :: Homeric (represented by Homer or originating in his works)
homerisch {adj} :: Homeric (characteristic of Homer or his style)
Homiletik {f} :: homiletics
homiletisch {adj} :: homiletic
Hommage {f} :: homage
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (same)
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (of or pertaining to homosexuality)
Homo {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: homosexual, gay
Homocaust {prop} {m} [rare] :: Homocaust
homocyclisch {adj} :: homocyclic
Homocystein {n} [organic compound] :: homocysteine
Homodimer {n} [chemistry] :: homodimer
Homoehe {f} [colloquial] :: same-sex marriage
homoerotisch {adj} :: homoerotic
homogen {adj} :: homogeneous (having the same composition throughout)
homogenisieren {v} :: To homogenize
homogenisiert {v} :: past participle of homogenisieren - homogenized
Homogenisierung {f} :: homogenization
Homogenität {f} :: homogeneity (quality of being homogeneous)
Homograph {m} :: homograph
homoiohydrisch {adj} [ecology, of plants] :: homoiohydric
homolog {adj} :: homologous (all senses)
Homolog {n} [chemistry] :: homologue (member of a homologous series)
Homomorphismus {m} :: homomorphism (notion in mathematics)
homonom {adj} :: homonomic, homonomous
homonuklear {adj} :: homonuclear
Homonym {n} [semantics] :: homonym (word with the same sound and spelling as another but different meaning)
homöo- {prefix} :: homeo-
homöomorph {adj} :: homeomorphic
Homöopath {m} :: homeopath (male or of unspecified sex)
Homöopathie {f} :: homeopathy
Homöopathin {f} :: homeopath (female)
homöopathisch {adj} :: homeopathic
homöostatisch {adj} :: homeostatic
homophob {adj} :: homophobic
Homophobie {f} :: homophobia
homorgan {adj} :: homorganic
Homosexualität {f} :: homosexuality
homosexuell {adj} :: homosexual
Homosexuelle {f} :: homosexual (female)
Homosexueller {m} :: homosexual (male or of unspecified sex)
Homosphäre {f} :: homosphere
Homotaurocholsäure {f} [organic compound] :: homotaurine
homozygot {adj} :: homozygous
Homs {prop} {n} :: Homs (city)
Homser {m} :: Homsi
Homser {adj} :: Homsi
Homserin {f} :: feminine noun of Homser
honduranisch {adj} :: Honduran
Honduras {prop} {n} :: Honduras (country)
honett {adj} :: honourable
Hongkong {prop} {n} :: Hongkong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
Honig {m} :: honey
Honigbär {m} :: honey bear, kinkajou
Honigbiene {f} :: honeybee
Honigdachs {m} :: honey badger
honigfarben {adj} :: honey-coloured
Honigjäger {m} :: Honey hunter (someone who collects honey from wild bees)
Honigjäger {m} :: “Honey Chaser”: An expression referring to one who pursues “easy” opportunities, but inevitably gets “stung” by the unanticipated, but predictable consequences of their actions
Honigkuchen {m} :: gingerbread [esp. sweetened with honey]
Honigkuchenpferd {n} :: gingerbread horse
honigsüß {adj} :: honey-sweet
Honigtopf {m} :: honey pot
Honigtopf {m} [computer security] :: trap, honey pot
Honigtopfameise {f} :: honeypot ant, honey ant
Honigwein {m} :: mead
Honk {m} [colloquial] :: moron (stupid person)
Hönne {prop} {f} :: a branch of the river Ruhr
Honorar {n} :: honorarium
Honorar {n} :: royalty payment
honorig {adj} :: honorable, noble
honorig {adj} :: generous
Hoodie {m} [clothing] :: hoodie
Hook {m} [regional, Westphalia, chiefly in toponyms] :: a small cluster of farms, often no more than three to five
Hooligan {m} :: hooligan
Hopfen {m} :: hop (Humulus lupulus)
Hopfen und Malz ist verloren {v} :: all hope is lost, it's a waste
hoppeln {v} :: to hop; to scuttle (describing, in particular, the movement of the hare)
hoppla {interj} :: oops, upsadaisy
hopsen {v} :: to hop; to lollop; to dance awkwardly
hörbar {adj} :: audible
Hörbeispiel {n} :: audio clip, audio example, audio sample, audio excerpt, sound bite
Hörbich {prop} {n} :: Hörbich (municipality)
Hörbranz {prop} {n} :: Hörbranz (municipality)
Hörbuch {n} :: audiobook (audio-book, audio book), talking book
horchen {v} :: to hark; to listen closely; to try to hear, especially a weak sound
Horchposten {m} :: listening post
Horde {f} :: horde
hordenweise {adv} :: in hordes
hören {vti} :: to hear (to perceive sounds (or a sound) through the ear)
hören {vt} :: to listen to, pay attention to (to give (someone) one's attention)
hören {vt} [of a lecture] :: to attend, to go to, to sit in on
hören {vt} [of a radio signal] :: to get, to receive
hören {vi} :: to listen (to pay attention to a sound or speech; to accept advice or obey instruction)
hören {vi} :: to hear (to receive information; to come to learn)
hören {vi} :: to hear (to be contacted (by))
Hören {n} :: hearing
hörend {adj} :: hearing (able to hear)
Hörensagen {n} :: hearsay; report; that which one has heard from others
hörenswert {adj} :: worth hearing
Hörer {m} :: agent noun of hören
Hörer {m} :: listener
Hörer {m} :: receiver (radio/TV/telephone)
Hörfunk {m} [dated] :: radio
hörig {adj} :: submissive; devout; dependent (especially emotionally and/or sexually, but also in other contexts)
hörig {adj} [historic] :: serf; serfish; in the state of serfdom (of a farmer who serves on a superior’s land and cannot leave)
Hörigkeit {f} :: serfdom
Hörigkeit {f} [hence] :: dependence
Horitschon {prop} {n} :: Horitschon (municipality)
Horizont {m} :: horizon
horizontal {adj} :: horizontal
Hormon {n} :: hormone
hormonhaltig {adj} :: Containing hormones
Hormonspiegel {m} :: hormone level
Horn {n} :: horn (musical instrument)
Horn {n} :: horn (projection, of an animal, altar, etc.)
Horn {n} :: cornet
Horn {n} [anatomy] :: cranial parietal bones
Horn {n} :: horn (substance from which animal horns are made)
Horn {prop} {mf} :: surname
Horn {prop} {n} :: Horn (municipality)
Horn {prop} {n} :: Horn (municipality)
Horn {prop} {n} :: Horn (municipality)
Hornblende {f} [mineral] :: hornblende
Hornburg {prop} :: Hornburg (town)
Hornburg {prop} :: surname derived from the town
Hörnchen {n} :: diminutive of Horn
Hörnchen {n} [often Milchhörnchen] :: a German pastry, shaped like a croissant
Hörnchen {n} :: squirrel (in the broad sense, member of the family Sciuridae)
Hornerz {n} [mineral] :: horn silver
Hornfels {m} :: hornfels
Hornhaut {f} :: callus, horny skin
Hornhaut {f} :: cornea
Hornisse {f} :: hornet
Hörnlein {n} :: diminutive of Horn
Hornmoos {n} :: hornwort
Hornstein {m} :: chert
Hornstein {prop} {n} :: surname
Hornstein {prop} {n} :: Hornstein (municipality)
Hornung {m} [poetic or, archaic] :: February
Horoskop {n} :: horoscope
horrend {adj} :: horrendous
Hörrohr {n} :: ear trumpet
Horror {m} :: horror
Horrorfilm {m} :: horror film
Hörsaal {m} :: lecture auditorium, lecture hall, lecture room
Hörsching {prop} {n} :: Hörsching (municipality)
Hörspiel {n} :: radio drama, radio play
Horst {m} :: the nest of a bird of prey, an eyrie
Horst {m} [literary] :: bush; thicket; small forest
Horst {m} [short for Fliegerhorst] :: military airport; air force base
Horst {m} [geology] :: horst
Horst {prop} {m} :: given name
Horst {m} [colloquial, youth slang] :: loser; nerd; idiot
Hort {m} [literary] :: shelter, refuge, haven
Hort {m} [poetic, otherwise obsolete] :: hoard, treasure
Hort {m} [short for Kinderhort] :: after-school nursery; kind of childcare commonly attached to primary schools in German-speaking Europe
horten {v} :: to hoard
Horus {prop} {m} :: Horus
Hörvermögen {n} [sense used to perceive sound or its degree of functioning] :: hearing
Hörverstehen {n} :: listening comprehension
Hörverstehen {n} :: auding
Hörweite {f} :: earshot (hearing distance)
Höschen {n} :: diminutive of Hose
Höschen {n} :: panties, knickers (women’s underwear); (rarely also:) briefs (men’s underwear)
Höschenwindel {f} :: diaper, nappy
Hose {f} :: trousers
Hosea {prop} [biblical] :: Hosea (prophet)
Hosenbandorden {m} :: Order of the Garter (British order of knighthood)
Hosenbein {n} :: trouser leg
Hosenbund {m} :: trouser waistband
Hosengürtel {m} :: trouser belt
Hosentasche {f} :: trouser pocket, pants pocket
Hosenträger {m} :: suspender, brace
hosianna {interj} :: hosanna
Hosianna {n} :: hosanna
Höslein {n} :: diminutive of Hose
Hospital {n} [literary, dated] :: alternative form of Spital
Hospitation {f} :: hospitation (visit)
Hospiz {n} :: hospice; home for the terminally ill
Hospiz {n} :: private hotel run in accordance with Christian principles
Hostie {f} :: host (consecrated wafer)
Hosting {n} [internet] :: hosting
Hotdog {m} {n} [food] :: An American-style hot dog
Hot Dog {m} {n} :: alternative form of Hotdog
Hotel {n} :: hotel
Hotelgast {m} :: hotel guest
Hotelier {m} :: hotelier
Hotkey {m} :: hotkey
Hotpants {p} :: hot pants
Hot Pants {p} :: alternative spelling of Hotpants
Hotspot {m} [planetology, geology] :: hot spot
Hottentotte {m} :: Hottentot
Hottentottenente {f} :: Hottentot teal
House {noun} :: house music, house
Hoyer {prop} :: surname
Hoyerswerda {prop} :: Hoyerswerda (independent city)
HP {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of Hochparterre
HQ {noun} :: initialism of Hauptquartier
Hr. {noun} :: abbreviation of Herr
Hrsg. {m} :: abbreviation of Herausgeber
Hs. {noun} :: abbreviation of Handschrift; manuscript
Hs. {noun} :: abbreviation of Halbsatz; partial sentence
hu {interj} :: an exclamation of feeling cold
{interj} :: directed at a horse: move on!, go faster! - giddyup
hüa {interj} :: [directed at a horse:] move on!, go faster! - giddyup
Huawei {prop} {n} :: Huawei (company)
Hub {m} :: lift, lifting
Hubbel {m} [regional, northern and central Germany] :: a bump on a surface
Hubbel {m} :: [particularly] a speed bump
Hubble-Konstante {f} :: Hubble constant
hüben {adv} :: over here
hüben wie drüben {adv} :: here and there
Huber {prop} :: surname
Hubert {prop} {m} :: given name
Hübnerit {m} [mineral] :: hübnerite
Hubraum {m} :: cubic capacity or cylinder capacity
hübsch {adj} :: pretty, handsome
hübscher {adj} :: comparative of hübsch
Hubschrauber {m} :: helicopter
Hubschraubereinsatz {m} :: helicopter operation, helicopter deployment
Hubschrauberträger {m} :: helicopter carrier
huch {interj} :: Expression of surprise
Huchen {m} :: huchen, Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) (fish)
hucken {vt} :: to carry [i.e. a load]
huckepack {adv} :: carried on someone’s back (particularly another person); piggyback
Huë {prop} :: Hue, in Vietnam (all senses)
Huf {m} :: hoof, the solid toe of an ungulate animal such as of horses and oxen
Huf {m} [colloquial] :: the human foot, mostly used in phrases
Hufe {f} :: Land unit approximately equal to a virgate
Hufeisen {n} :: horseshoe
hufeisenförmig {adj} :: horseshoe-shaped
Huflattich {m} :: coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara (type of plant)
Hufschlag {m} :: hoofbeat
Hufschmied {m} :: blacksmith; farrier (male or of unspecified sex)
Hüftbein {n} [anatomy] :: hip bone
Hüfte {f} [anatomy] :: hip; hips
Hüftgelenk {n} :: hip (joint)
Hüftgelenksprothese {f} :: (artificial) hip replacement
Hüftgold {n} [colloquial] :: love handles
Hüfthalter {m} :: girdle
hüfthoch {adj} :: waist-high
Huftier {n} :: hoofed animal
Hüftknochen {m} :: hip bone
hüftsteif {adj} :: stiff and awkward
Hügel {m} :: hill
Hügelgrab {n} :: tumulus, burial mound, grave mound
hügelig {adj} :: hilly, undulating
Hugenotte {m} :: Huguenot
Hugo {prop} {m} :: given name
Huhn {n} :: hen
Huhn {n} [chiefly in the plural also] :: chicken
Hühnchen {n} :: diminutive of Huhn
Hühnchen {n} :: chicken [meat]
Hühnerauge {n} [callus on the foot] :: corn
Hühnerbraten {m} :: roast chicken
Hühnerfleisch {n} :: chicken (meat)
Hühnergott {m} [regional, especially East German] :: A stone (to be found at the coasts of the Baltic Sea) with generally one, but at times several, naturally formed holes (usually used as amulet, talisman or mascot) being in most cases a flint nodule whose chalk deposits are washed out or weathered; self-bored stone, ≈ adder stone
Hühnerhabicht {m} :: chickenhawk, goshawk
hühnermüde {adj} :: (of soil) polluted with chicken parasites etc
Hühnerschlag {m} :: chicken coop
Hühnerstall {m} :: henhouse (house for chickens to live in)
Hühnersuppe {f} :: chicken soup
Hühnervogel {m} :: landfowl [i.e. of the order Galliformes]
Hühnlein {n} :: diminutive of Huhn
huhu {interj} [colloquial] :: hello
hui {interj} :: an exclamation of pleasant surprise
hulaguidisch {adj} :: Hulaguid
Hula-Hoop-Reifen {m} :: hula hoop (toy in the form of a large hoop)
Huld {f} [dated] :: favor (goodwill; benevolent regard)
Huld {f} [Christianity, dated] :: grace (free and undeserved favour, especially of God; divine assistance in resisting sin)
Hulda {prop} :: Huldah (biblical figure)
Hulda {prop} :: given name popular in the 19th century
huldigen {v} [with dative] :: to pay homage, honour
Huldigung {f} [historical] :: homage (obligation to a feudal lord)
Hülfe {f} [obsolete] :: alternative form of Hilfe
Hulk {m} :: hulk [ship type]
Hüllblatt {n} [botany] :: involucre (Folium involucrale)
Hüllblättchen {n} :: diminutive of Hüllblatt
Hülle {f} :: covering, wrapping
Hülle {f} :: case, sheath
Hülle {f} :: husk (useless, dried-up, worthless exterior)
Hülle {f} :: mantle (anything that covers or conceals something else)
Hülle {f} :: shell (any hollow structure; framework, or exterior structure)
Hülle {f} :: cladding (hard coating, bonded onto the outside of something to add protection)
Hülle {f} [aeronautics] :: envelope (bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship)
Hülle {f} [chemistry] :: shell (set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number)
Hülle {f} [mathematics] :: closure (smallest set that both includes a given subset and possesses some given property)
hüllen {v} [with in] :: to wrap, to drape, to cover
Hüllenelektron {n} [physics, chemistry] :: shell electron
Hülse {f} :: pod
Hülse {f} :: case
Hülse {f} :: holly
Hülsenfrucht {f} :: legume
Hülsenfrüchtler {m} :: legume (plant of the Fabaceae family)
human {adj} :: humane
Humanismus {m} :: humanism
Humanist {m} :: humanist
humanistisch {adj} :: humanistic
humanitär {adj} :: humanitarian
Humanität {f} :: humanity (human condition)
Humanmedizin {f} :: human medicine
Humbert {prop} {m} :: given name
Humboldt-Pinguin {m} :: Humboldt penguin
Humbug {m} [colloquial, slightly, dated] :: nonsense, humbug
Huminstoff {m} :: humus, humic acid
Hummel {f} :: bumblebee
Hummel {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hummelchen {n} :: diminutive of Hummel
Hummer {m} :: lobster
Humor {m} :: humor (something funny)
humoral {adj} :: pertaining to the bodily fluids
humoral {adj} :: pertaining to the transport of substances in the blood or lymph
humoral {adj} :: pertaining to the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters
humorig {adj} :: humorous, amusing, funny
humoristisch {adj} :: humorous
humorlos {adj} :: humorless
humorvoll {adj} :: humorous
humpeln {v} :: to hobble, to limp
Humpen {m} :: tankard (massy container, usually for beer)
Humus {m} :: humus
humusreich {adj} :: humus-rich (of soil)
Hund {m} :: dog, hound
Hund {m} [pejorative] :: scoundrel; dog (mean or morally reprehensible person)
Hund {m} :: board with casters used to transport heavy objects
Hündchen {n} :: doggy, puppy
hundeartig {adj} :: doglike, canine
Hundebiss {m} :: dog bite
Hundeblick {m} :: a facial expression showing innocence and meekness, often in a charming way, arousing pity and affection in those who see it; puppy dog eyes (but possibly with a more positive undertone)
Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht {proverb} :: barking dogs seldom bite
Hundeführer {m} :: dog handler
Hundefutter {n} :: dog food
Hundehalter {m} :: dog owner, dog holder
Hundehütte {f} :: doghouse; kennel (small cabin for a dog, usually of wood, e.g. in a garden)
Hundejahr {n} :: dog year
hundekalt {adj} :: freezing cold
Hundeleben {n} [idiomatic] :: dog's life (miserable, unhappy existence)
Hundeleben {n} [non-idiomatic] :: life of a dog
Hundeleine {f} :: leash for dogs
hundemüde {adj} :: dog-tired
Hundepfeife {f} :: dog whistle
Hundepflaume {f} :: alternative form of Hundspflaume
hundert {num} :: one hundred
Hundert {f} :: the number 100 (hundred)
Hundert {n} :: A unity of hundred things
hunderteins {num} :: one hundred and one
hunderterlei {adj} :: Of many different types
hunderterste {adj} :: hundred-and-first
hundertfach {adj} :: hundredfold
Hundertjahrfeier {f} :: centennial
hundertjährig {adj} :: hundred-year
hundertjährig {adj} :: hundred-year-old
Hundertjähriger Krieg {prop} :: Hundred Years' War
hundertköpfig {adj} :: hundred-headed
hundertköpfig {adj} :: of hundred (people)
hundertmal {adv} :: a hundred times
Hundertmillionstel {n} :: one hundred-millionth (fraction)
hundertpro {adj} :: synonym of hundertprozentig
hundertprozentig {adj} :: hundred-percent
hundertste {ordinal num} :: hundredth
hundertstel {adj} :: hundredth
Hundertstel {m} :: hundredth
hunderttägig {adj} :: of a hundred days
hunderttausend {num} :: one hundred thousand
Hunderttausende {noun} :: hundreds of thousands
hunderttausendste {adj} :: hundred thousandth
Hunderttausendstel {n} :: hundred-thousandth
hundertundzweite {adj} :: hundred-and-second
hundertzweite {adj} :: alternative form of hundertundzweite
Hundesohn {m} [pejorative] :: "son of a dog", similar to but not as intense as Hurensohn; son of a bitch
Hündin {f} :: female dog, bitch, she-dog
Hündin {f} :: short for Wolfshündin, Fuchshündin, etc
Hündin {f} :: slut
hündisch {adj} :: servile, submissive, obsequious, fawning, sycophantic (ready to debase oneself in order to please or flatter someone)
hündisch {adj} [rare] :: doglike, canine
Hündlein {n} :: diminutive of Hund
Hundsfott {m} :: scoundrel
hundsgemein {adj} :: Very mean or common
Hundshai {m} :: school shark (Galeorhinus galeus)
Hundsheim {prop} {n} :: Hundsheim (municipality)
hundsmüde {adj} :: alternative form of hundemüde
Hundspflaume {f} :: bullace, damson Prunus domestica ssp. insititia
Hundsrobbe {f} :: true seal, earless seal
Hundsstern {prop} {m} :: Sirius, Canicula
Hundstage {p} :: dog days
Hüne {m} :: giant, hulk (tall man, typically also muscular)
Hüne {m} [mythology] :: giant
Hunger {m} :: hunger
Hungerhaken {m} [pejorative] :: weak and thin person
Hungerharke {f} :: horse-drawn hay rake
Hungerkünstler {m} :: hunger artist
Hungerleider {m} [derogatory] :: starveling
hungern {v} :: to hunger
Hungersnot {f} :: famine
Hungerstein {m} :: hunger stone
Hungerstreik {m} :: hunger strike
Hungertod {m} :: death by hunger
Hungertuch {n} [Christianity] :: Lenten veil
Hungerwinter {m} :: winter of starvation
hungrig {adj} :: hungry (desirous of food)
hungriger {adj} :: comparative of hungrig
hungrigsten {adj} :: superlative of hungrig
Hunne {m} :: Hun (member of a nomadic tribe, most likely of Turkic origin)
Hunnin {f} :: Hun (female member of a nomadic tribe, most likely of Turkic origin)
hunnisch {adj} :: Hunnic (related to the Huns)
hunnisch {adj} :: Hunnish
Hunnisch {n} :: Hunnic (the language of the Huns)
Hunsrück {prop} {m} :: A low mountain range in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
hunsrückisch {adj} :: Hunsrückisch (attributive)
Hunt {m} [countable] :: minecart
Hupe {f} :: horn, hooter (a sound-emitting device in and for cars)
Hupe {f} :: [slightly vulgar, usually in the plural] hooter, bazonga, poont
hupen {v} :: to sound the horn
Hüpfburg {f} :: bouncing castle
hupfen {v} [colloquial, regional, Southern Germany and Austria] :: alternative form of hüpfen
hüpfen {v} :: to hop
hüpfen {v} [of ball] :: to bounce
hüppen {v} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] :: alternative form of hüpfen
Hürde {f} :: hurdle
Hure {f} [mildly vulgar] :: whore (prostitute) (female)
Hure {f} [vulgar, derogatory] :: whore; slut (sexually unreserved woman); fornicatrix, fornicator (female)
Hurenkind {n} [offensive] :: bastard; illegitimate child (also specifically that of a prostitute, but not necessarily)
Hurenkind {n} [typography] :: widow
Hurensohn {m} [vulgar, pejorative] :: son of a bitch, son of a whore
Hurer {m} :: male prostitute
Hurer {m} :: fornicator
Huri {f} :: houri
Hürm {prop} {n} :: Hürm (municipality)
huronisch {adj} :: Huronian
hurra {interj} :: hooray
Hurra {n} :: hooray
Hurrapatriotismus {m} :: jingoism
Hurrikan {m} :: hurricane (strong windstorm in North and Central America)
Hurriter {m} :: Hurrian (male member of the Hurrian people)
Hurriterin {f} :: Hurrian (female member of the Hurrian people)
hurritisch {adj} :: Hurrian (of or pertaining to the Hurrians)
Hurritisch {n} :: Hurrian (the language of the Hurrians)
Husar {m} :: hussar
huschen {v} :: to scurry
Huso {m} [vulgar] :: short form of Hurensohn ("son of a whore")
Husse {f} :: slipcover, dustcover
Hussit {m} :: Hussite
Hussitismus {m} :: Hussitism
hüsteln {v} :: to cough slightly
husten {v} :: to cough
Husten {m} :: cough
Husten {n} :: cough
Hustensaft {m} :: cough syrup
Huster {m} :: A single instance of coughing
Huster {m} :: One who coughs; a cougher
Hüsterchen {n} :: diminutive of Huster
Hüsterchen {n} :: diminutive of Husten
Hut {m} :: hat [see usage notes]
Hut {m} [of mushrooms] :: head; top
Hut {f} :: protection keeping, care, supervision (often that of a god or other metaphysical being)
Hut {f} [obsolete, surviving only in one idiomatic expression] :: guard, ward
Hut ab {interj} :: used to express appreciation, like hats off, kudos etc
Hütchen {n} :: diminutive of Hut
Hütehund {m} :: herding dog, shepherd dog, stock dog
hüten {vt} :: to watch
hüten {vt} [of animals] :: to herd, to tend
hüten {vr} :: to be wary, to watch out
Hüter {m} :: keeper, guardian
Hüterin {f} :: keeper (female)
Hütlein {n} :: diminutive of Hut
Hutmacher {m} :: hatmaker; hatter, capper, milliner (male or of unspecified sex)
Hutmacher {m} :: the Hatter (often referred to as the Mad Hatter, this term was never used by Carroll), a fictional character in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass
Hüttau {prop} {n} :: Hüttau (municipality)
Hüttchen {n} :: diminutive of Hütte
Hütte {f} :: hut, cabin, shack, cottage (small house, typically built of light materials rather than stone)
Hütte {f} :: metalworks; ironworks (factory that produces metal)
Hüttenkäse {m} :: cottage cheese
Hüttenrauch {m} :: smelter dust (white smoke or dust released during the refining of metals)
Hüttenwerk {n} :: metalworks; ironworks (factory that produces metal)
Hüttenwesen {n} :: metallurgy
Hüttschlag {prop} {n} :: Hüttschlag (municipality)
Hutzel {f} :: dried fruit [esp. prunes, plums]
HWB {noun} [real estate] :: initialism of Heizwärmebedarf (number that categorizes the energy loss of a building)
HWB {noun} [transportation] :: initialism of Hochwaldbahn (a railway line in Trier, Germany)
Hyäne {f} :: hyena (animal)
Hyazinthe {f} :: hyacinth
Hybridauto {n} [technology] :: hybrid car
Hybridbildung {f} [linguistics] :: hybridism
Hybridbildung {f} [linguistics] :: hypercorrect form
hybridisieren {v} :: To hybridize
hybridisiert {v} :: past participle of hybridisieren
hybridisiert {adj} :: hybridized
Hybridisierung {f} :: hybridization
Hybris {f} :: hubris
Hydra {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Hydra (mythical serpent)
Hydrant {m} :: fire hydrant
Hydrat {n} [chemistry] :: hydrate
hydratisiert {v} :: past participle of hydratisieren
hydratisiert {adj} :: hydrated
Hydraulic Fracturing {n} [oil drilling] :: hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulik {f} :: hydraulics
Hydrauliköl {n} :: hydraulic oil
hydraulisch {adj} :: hydraulic
Hydrazin {n} [chemistry] :: hydrazine
Hydrid {n} [chemistry] :: hydride
Hydridion {n} :: hydride ion
Hydridokomplex {m} :: hydrido complex
hydrieren {v} [organic chemistry] :: To hydrogenate
hydrieren {v} :: translation of hydrate in the film "Back to the Future II"
Hydrierkatalysator {m} :: hydrogenation catalyst
hydriert {v} :: past participle of hydrieren
Hydrierung {f} [chemistry] :: hydrogenation
Hydroborierung {f} :: hydroboration
Hydrochemie {f} [chemistry] :: hydrochemistry
Hydrochinon {n} [organic compound] :: hydroquinone
Hydrodesulfurierung {f} [chemistry] :: hydrodesulfurization
Hydroformylierung {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydroformylation
Hydrogenase {f} [enzyme] :: hydrogenase
Hydrogencarbonat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen carbonate, bicarbonate
Hydrogeniumoxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen oxide
Hydrogenolyse {f} [chemistry] :: hydrogenolysis
hydrogentartrat {n} [chemistry] :: hydrogen tartrate, bitartrate
Hydrokultur {f} :: hydroponics
Hydrolase {f} [enzyme] :: hydrolase
Hydrologie {f} :: hydrology
Hydrolyse {f} [chemistry] :: hydrolysis
hydrolysieren {v} [chemistry] :: To hydrolyze / hydrolyse
hydrolysiert {v} :: past participle of hydrolysieren - hydrolyzed / hydrolysed
Hydronym {n} :: hydronym (name of a body of water)
hydrophil {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: hydrophilic (having an affinity for water)
hydrophob {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: hydrophobic (lacking an affinity for water)
hydroponisch {adj} :: hydroponic
Hydrosphäre {f} :: hydrosphere
Hydroxid {n} [chemistry] :: hydroxide
Hydroxidion {n} [chemistry] :: hydroxide ion
Hydroxyaldehyd {n} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxyaldehyde
Hydroxychinolin {n} [organic compound] :: hydroxyquinoline
Hydroxygruppe {f} [chemistry] :: hydroxyl group; hydroxyl
Hydroxyketon {n} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxy ketone
Hydroxylamin {n} [chemistry] :: hydroxylamine
Hydroxylapatit {n} [mineral] :: hydroxylapatite
Hydrozirconierung {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydrozirconation
Hygiene {f} :: hygiene
hygienisch {adj} :: hygienic
hygrisch {adj} :: hygric
Hygrometer {n} [meteorology] :: hygrometer
hygroskopisch {adj} :: hygroscopic
Hymne {f} :: anthem (solemn secular song)
Hymne {f} [possibly dated] :: hymn (religious song)
Hype {m} :: hype
hyper- {prefix} :: prefix
hyperaktiv {adj} :: hyperactive
Hyperaktivität {f} :: hyperactivity
Hyperbaton {n} [rhetoric] :: hyperbaton
Hyperbel {f} :: hyperbole
Hyperbel {f} [mathematics] :: hyperbola
hyperbolisch {adj} [maths] :: hyperbolic
Hyperfeinstruktur {f} [physics] :: hyperfine structure
hypergeometrische Verteilung {f} [probability theory] :: hypergeometric distribution
Hyperglykämie {f} [pathology] :: hyperglycemia
hypergolisch {adj} :: hypergolic
Hyperinflation {f} :: hyperinflation
Hyperkaliämie {f} [pathology] :: hyperkalaemia
Hyperkalzämie {f} [pathology] :: hypercalcemia
hyperkatalektisch {adj} :: hypercatalectic
Hyperkorrektur {f} :: hypercorrection (use of a nonstandard form)
Hyperlink {m} [computing, Internet] :: hyperlink
hypermetropisch {adj} :: hypermetropic
Hypernatriämie {f} [pathology] :: hypernatremia
Hyperonym {n} :: hypernym, umbrella term
Hyperoxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyperoxide
Hyperparathyreoidismus {m} [pathology] :: hyperparathyroidism
hyperpolarisiert {v} :: past participle of hyperpolarisieren
hyperpolarisiert {adj} :: hyperpolarised / hyperpolarized
Hyperquader {m} :: hypercuboid
Hyperraum {m} :: hyperspace
Hyperrechteck {n} :: hyperrectangle
Hyperschall {m} :: hypersonic sound
Hypertextlink {m} [computing, Internet] :: synonym of Hyperlink (hyperlink)
Hyperthermie {f} :: hyperthermia
hypertroph {adj} :: hypertrophic
hyperventilieren {v} :: to hyperventilate
Hyperwürfel {m} :: hypercube
Hyphe {f} [mycology] :: hypha
Hypnos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hypnos
Hypnose {f} :: hypnosis
hypo- {prefix} :: hypo-
hypoäolisch {adj} [music] :: hypoaeolian
hypobromig {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypobromous
Hypobromit {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypobromite
hypochlorig {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochlorous
Hypochlorit {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochlorite
Hypochonder {m} :: hypochondriac (male or of unspecified sex)
Hypochondrie {f} :: hypochondria
hypochondrisch {adj} :: hypochondriac
hypodorisch {adj} [music] :: hypodorian
hypofluorig {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypofluorous
Hypoglykämie {f} [pathology] :: hypoglycemia
hypoionisch {adj} :: hypoionic, hypoosmotic
Hypokaliämie {f} [pathology] :: hypokalaemia
Hypokalzämie {f} [pathology] :: hypocalcemia
hypolokrisch {adj} [music] :: hypolocrian
hypolydisch {adj} [music] :: hypolydian
Hypomanganat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypomanganate
hypomixolydisch {adj} [music] :: hypomixolydian
Hyponatriämie {f} [pathology] :: hyponatremia
Hyponitrit {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyponitrite
Hyponym {n} [linguistics] :: hyponym
Hypophosphit {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypophosphite
hypophrenisch {adj} :: hypophrenic
hypophrygisch {adj} [music] :: hypophrygian
Hypophyse {f} :: pituitary gland, pituitary (endocrine gland)
Hyposensibilisierung {f} :: hyposensitization
Hypostase {f} [philosophy, religion, genetics] :: hypostasis
Hypotenuse {f} :: hypotenuse
Hypothalamus {m} [anatomy] :: hypothalamus
Hypothek {f} :: mortgage
hypothekenbesichert {adj} :: mortgage-backed
Hypothese {f} :: hypothesis
hypothetisch {adj} :: hypothetic, hypothetical
Hypothyreose {f} [pathology] :: hypothyroidism
Hypovitaminose {f} :: hypovitaminosis
Hypoxie {f} :: hypoxia
hypsometrisch {adj} :: hypsometric
Hysterese {f} :: hysteresis
Hysterie {f} :: hysteria
Hysteriker {m} :: hysteric, hysterical person (male or of unspecified sex)
hysterisch {adj} :: hysterical
Hzm. {noun} :: abbreviation of Herzogtum